#but I ended up with the harsh and angry language I swear to god
doubletalkingmaeve · 1 year
I want to learn French badly (I studied it in school and didn’t get very far) but my professor says that I should focus on mastering my German before moving onto a new language
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lostinwildflowers · 1 year
Romantic Flight
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Summary: Katsuki is the Chieftain's son, and a lot of pressure is on his shoulders to be the best. He finds comfort in you; as you do in him. He can't bring himself to tell you his feelings until a threat imposes itself on your friendship.
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: Swearing(it's Bakugou), mutual pining, harsh language, best friends to lovers, also kind of idiots to lovers, angst to fluff, also slightly hurt/comfort, happy ending!!!
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I'm so excited to share this fic with y'all! This is the first of 5 HTTYD x MHA fics that I'll be writing over the next while! Please let me know how you liked it! I don't really write for Bakugou that much, so any feedback is appreciated. Much love! -Birch<3
Useful Info:
Naugost - pronounced Nuh-gaw-st (not like August)
Tyr - Named after the Norse God of War
Romantic Flight - by John Powell - The inspiration for this piece!
Part ii. Dragon Island- Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
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This is Naugost. Most of the year, it’s warmer than the fire from an angry Nadder, with winds that will knock most people off of their feet, minus Mrs. Hoster, she’s sturdier than a Gronkle.
This island is so far off the maps that not even migrating dragons could find us. That’s how our village likes it, secluded and safe up in the mountains of Naugost, where we thrive off of the deep valley set in the middle of our island.
At the edge of the valley, set next to the waterfall that nourishes our farmland, is the house of the Chieftain, and his son, Katsuki. The chief is hardly ever around, always leading patrols to protect the edges of our territory, and making sure there is no contact with the outside world.
And his son? Well, Katsuki doesn’t always agree with him. He wants to expand our tribe, so he often sneaks out to explore. His desire to leave and escape made him competitive, and that’s where our story begins.
“Tyr, what the hell are you doing?!” the shout comes, the blonde-haired man’s voice deep and angry. The Monstrous Nightmare he was sitting upon, Tyr, was glaring up at him, smoke drifting from his nostrils in anger with his rider.
“Y/n’s getting away, she’s gonna beat us in this damn race if you don’t get your ass in gear!” Katsuki yells at the dragon, pointing to your disappearing figure over the small hill. The deep ruby-colored dragon growled at Katsuki, but lunged after your Deadly Nadder regardless, rushing forward so fast Katsuki yelped as he flew backward.
He managed to stay on, though, and clung to Tyr’s horns as he glared down at his dragon. Katsuki could hear your whoop and holler as your dragon threw the last sheep into your net, securing your win. Bakugou groans as he flies over the finish line, where you had landed your dragon, Gretta, and was smiling mischievously up at him.
“Shut your damn mouth,” Katsuki grumbles as he lands next to you, “This damn dragon won’t listen to me one damn bit.” A laugh falls from your lips as you pet Gretta on the neck, and you take in the appearance of your someday chieftain-to-be.
His golden locks were long and shaggy, with just a few braids at the base of his neck, one with a charm you had gifted him last year. He wore his flight suit, the deep red tones of his armor and padding matching the deep red set to his eyes, and the under colors of Tyr’s wings.
You blink once to stop your ogling, but a smile regains your lips as you snap back, “Maybe you should actually train your dragon instead of just ordering him around.” There was no malice behind your words, just a twinkle in your eye that you knew would just push Katsuki over the edge.
“You want to fight me?! I’ll whoop your ass right now,” he yelled as he slid down Tyr’s wing and to the ground, but as he marched up to Gretta, Tyr knocked him to the side with his head, the dragon heading straight for your outreached hand.
A soft chuff falls from the dragon’s mouth, and Katsuki frowns at the sight of his dragon being so affectionate toward you. You slide onto the ground as well, petting Tyr on the nose before glancing over at your best friend, who was picking himself up off the ground.
“Doesn’t look like I need to, Katsuki,” you giggle as you offer him your hand, which he rolls his eyes at, but begrudgingly takes your hand, knowing the crowd was watching you two.
You two were the perfect pair- the chieftain’s son and a council woman’s daughter. It was almost like the two of you were made to lead your island, but you both were set on being friends.
Katsuki grunts as you haul him to his feet, giving him a firm clap on the back as you smile and wave at the crowd, who was cheering for the both of you. The blonde was quiet next to you, and at first, you think he was sulking, but when you turn to look at him, he was already looking at you.
He’s looking at the way your (colored) eyes take in the members of your tribe. He’s noticing the way your hair is windswept from the intensity of the race. He sees the kindness in your body language as you wave to your family and friends in the crowd. He sees how beautiful you look.
He knew you were an amazing person, he wouldn’t be friends with anyone less than extraordinary. But he liked the fire to your soul, the sparks that seemed to fly when he was around you. In every way you were electricity and fire, everything he could ever dream of in a woman.
And that’s why he couldn’t tell you his feelings. You were too perfect for him, and he was already lucky enough to have you as a best friend.
“Kats? You okay?” you ask gently as you wave your hand in front of him, his frame freezing when he realized he was caught. He shakes his head back and forth to clear his mind before he nods at you with a frown.
“I can’t believe you beat me. Again,” is all he says as he stalks off, and you roll your eyes at him but follow his figure as he walks off. You give two short whistles over your shoulder, and the two dragons fly off, released from the pressures of the race.
“You’ll get me next time,” you say softer, a gentle smile resting on your lips as you playfully bump your hip into his own, his body not even flinching at your assault.
Then, fast as lightning, he moves.
His right hand comes up to pin both of your wrists above your head, trapping your body flat against a beacon tower. Katsuki’s knee lands between your thighs, parting them open as he leans in close to you.
Your heart slams against the walls of your ribcage, suddenly silent at the close proximity. You can feel heat rushing over your face, and you knew it wasn’t because of the Naugost winds.
“Gotcha,” is all he whispers, his voice deepening a few tones as his eyes drop to your lips and then back. Your mouth is parted open, your (colored) orbs dancing back and forth with his own red ones, panic and nerves running through you.
“Ehm, excuse me?” a soft voice cuts in, and Katsuki releases you slowly, holding your gaze as he takes a step back and spins around.
“What do you want?” his voice is harsh, not soft like how it was with you a few moments ago. You see red hair over Katsuki’s shoulder, and recognition runs through you.
“Kirishima!” you yelp as you slide around Katsuki, lunging toward the tall redhead in a makeshift hug. Kirishima laughs as you jump into his arms, swinging you around once before setting you on the ground.
“Great job out there, Racing Queen,” Kirishima jokes, and Katsuki frowns at the simple nickname. When did you start talking to Kirishima? Katsuki thinks, taking a step back and watching the two of you chat for a moment.
The blonde sees the way your eyes light up when you talk to the burly blacksmith, how excitedly you talk with your hands as you explain how you won. It pissed him off. He hated how at ease you seemed with this other guy, this guy that he didn’t know that well, but knew couldn’t treat you as well as he could.
“Oi, Y/n, I’m leaving,” is all he says, turning on foot before walking away from you. You can see the dejected slope to his shoulders, and you assume he’s upset from his second loss to you at the sheep contest.
Kirishima also watches him go and mumbles, “Kinda feel bad for him, you know? You’ve been him twice in a row now, that’s hard on the chief’s son.” You sigh and shrug, “Yeah, but he’s my best friend, he’ll pout for a bit and then get over it.”
But would he? What was that moment against the beacon tower? He was… different. 
You can’t stop the swirl of thoughts in your head, but you are interrupted when Kirishima rubs at the back of his neck and bashfully starts, “So, I was thinking, we’ve been hanging out for a while now, and I think you’re pretty cool. Would you maybe want to go on a date with me?”
Your body stills at the question. A date? With Kirishima? You blink up at the burly man. Once. Twice, and then it clicks in your head that you need to answer him.
“Sorry!” you blurt out, rubbing at your eyes before glancing in the direction Katsuki left. You put on a bit of a fake smile but reply, “Sorry, I’m a bit tired from my race. I’d say that sounds nice, but I really need to go check on Katsuki right now. I’ll chat with you later? At the Great Hall?”
You don’t miss the way Kirishima’s face drops, and you feel your chest tighten at the crestfallen look on his handsome features. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him- there wasn’t anything you disliked about Kirishima.
He was tall, handsome, and had a great job. He worked hard to provide for himself and his mother and even helped out the other farmers when he had time. Kirishima had one of the best personalities in your tribe, and there were plenty of women lined up to talk to him.
He was sweet, kind, and overall a gentleman. But there was something missing, and you didn’t quite know what it was.
Kirishima wasn’t anything like Katsuki, you reasoned. Katsuki was your best friend, and strong in so many other aspects. He was an incredible fighter, he was very strong, and always protective over the weak. He had empathy but only showed it to those who deserved to see it.
As the chieftain’s son, you knew he bore a pressure on his shoulders, but he did it so well you hardly could notice. Katsuki would make an excellent leader and father someday.
Father? Where’d that come from? You wonder, a soft warmth rushing over your cheeks and a wave of butterflies flooding your belly. You’re brought back to Kirishima in front of you when he shuffles on his feet and nods, “Sounds good, Y/n, I’ll catch up with you later. Great job on your race today!”
You thank him as he turns away, his shoulders also slumping down in defeat. You watch him walk away but glance back to where Katsuki disappeared too.
Little did you know, Katsuki had stopped around the corner, listening to Kirishima ask you out. After the word “date” came out of the redhead’s mouth, Katsuki left. He didn’t want to hear you accept another man’s courtship with him present.
You were his best friend. You were the one he had axe-throwing competitions with. You were the one he raced against to catch the most sheep. Hell, you were even the one to challenge him to see who could catch the biggest fish bare-handed.
You did everything together, so why did you want to choose Kirishima? Katsuki couldn’t help the thoughts from flooding his brain, so he set out to where he knew no one would find him.
Three long whistles fell from his lips as he settled into his saddle on Tyr’s back, the Monstrous Nightmare seemingly having calmed down from the race. The sun was setting over the central ravine of Naugost, and Katsuki knew most people would be setting out for the Great Hall for dinner after the race.
He didn’t really feel like having his loss shoved in his face, so he set out for Brokeback Point, the furthest edge north of the island, where the cliffs were steep and no one dared to rest. Waves crashed against the steep red crags, the roar of the water helping to quiet the racing thoughts in his head.
His thoughts of you. He knew he needed to tell you eventually, but with how happy you seemed with Kirishima, he didn’t think he could ruin it. A sigh falls from his mouth as he rubs at his eyes, and Tyr lays down next to the chieftain’s son, resting his head on Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki huffs once, but keeps his mouth shut, instead rubbing the dragon on his snout and watching the sunset to his west. It was peaceful, being out here alone. It was half the reason why Katsuki didn’t want to become chief.
He enjoyed his freedom, being able to fly off to other islands, and mark all the different kinds of dragons around, and what habitats they liked. He wanted to know if there were people around, and if they were going to be a threat to his home. To you.
It was so much, sometimes, being the chief’s son, and that’s why he found so much solace in you. You understood him better than anyone, you were there for him when he needed a shoulder to lean on.
That’s why he-
No. Katsuki’s crimson eyes flutter shut at the thought, his brow creasing into a frown. He couldn’t think those words about you, not yet at least. Not when you were wrapped up in the arms of another man.
The sound of wings flapping a moment later has his eyes snapping back open. It was the figure of a dragon that was headed straight for him, the sun setting behind the beast, only leaving the figure outlined by its silhouette.
Tyr raises his head but takes a deep breath to smell the air before relaxing his neck back to the ground and shutting his eyes to rest. Katsuki glances at the relaxed state of his dragon at the approaching shape in front of him.
A Nadder. Not just any Nadder. Gretta.
The purple-tinged dragon lands further inland than Katsuki and Tyr, and you slide off of her silently as you walk toward the pair. Katsuki sends a silent prayer to the gods to help him stay calm and normal as you walk up to him, a silent air about you.
“How did you find me,” is all he says. It’s not even worded as a question, it’s more an open-ended statement. Your face is stoic, but you take a step toward him, shrugging your shoulders once.
“I have a Deadly Nadder, remember? One of the best trackers out there. And,” you glance off toward the sunset, where you see a Thunderdrum jump up out of the water and fly off toward a distant island. But you continue, looking him straight in the eye, “You weren’t at dinner, and you didn’t seem okay when Kirishima showed up.”
Katsuki groans and turns away from you before muttering, “I don’t want to hear about that damn redhead.” You’re quiet, calculating a response. You don’t get the chance to say anything, because he pipes back up, “Listen, I know you’re here to tell me about how you accepted his courtship invitation. I’m happy for you.”
Katsuki’s voice was anything but happy though. It was strained, a tension to his voice you’d never heard, and you place a hand on his shoulder to try to get him to face you.
You try, “Kats-” “Just leave it,” he cuts you off and knocks your hand off of his shoulder, “I want you to be happy, even if that means you marry that big dumb blacksmith.” “Katsuki!” you yell, your eyes closing in frustration.
The blonde turns toward you then, shock evident on his features at the heightened sound of your voice. You sigh and take a step forward, facing him shoulder to shoulder.
You grab his right hand with your own, his palm rough and calloused from his training. Katsuki is silent as he watches you, his eyes sharp and waiting, not so different from Tyr’s fiery gaze.
“I didn’t,” you whisper. Katsuki’s red gaze bores into your own (colored) one, but no recognition flashes over his features, so you insist, “I didn’t, you know, accept his offer. I couldn’t.”
“Stop joking,” is all he replies with, moving to tug his hand out of your own, even though it's the last thing he wants to do. “Katsuki Bakugou, shut the hell up and listen to me,” you state firmly, your grip tightening on his large palm.
-Start music-
He freezes at the use of his full name and the curse words, something you never say, and you take the opportunity to thread your fingers through his own. You can feel the intensity of his gaze on you, and you know how tense the moment is just by how still he is.
“I didn’t accept his offer,” you say again, and you shuffle on your feet as you squeeze his hand, “But I didn’t deny it either.” You can see the hope in his eyes start to fade out, the idea of you still wanting Kirishima lingering in his mind.
“Kirishima is nice,” you murmur, “He’s kind, and handsome.” You can feel Katsuki’s body harden at your praise of the redhead, but you continue, “He’s always nice to the dragons when fitting them at the smithery, and he even picks flowers with the village’s little girls.”
Katsuki shuts his eyes and whispers, “Please, Y/n, don’t tell me how much you like another man to my face,” and then they reopen and he finishes, “I don’t think my heart can take it.”
You just give him a smile and bring your intertwined hands up to rest over your heart. You hold his gaze evenly and you push, “Kirishima is great. But he’s not amazing.”
The blonde-haired man swallows thickly, but stays quiet as you mumble, “He’s not the chieftain’s son. He’s not a hardened viking that knows every in and out of our island.”
This catches Katsuki’s attention, and his eyes widen as your voice and words overtake his brain, “He’s not my best friend, he’s not the one who whoops my ass in axe-throwing competitions, and he’s not the one who takes me fishing in the summer.”
The smile is growing on your face, and you suddenly get shy and look down at your boots as you mumble out, “He’s not you, Katsuki.”
You hear your name fall off Katsuki’s lips, but you don’t look up. He says your name louder this time, using his free hand to cup your cheek and tilt your face up to meet his crimson gaze.
“What are you trying to say?” is what he says. He needed to know if you were saying what he thought you were trying to say.
You lean into his touch, somehow both familiar and foreign, there was a softness to this touch you’d never felt, and you gaze into his eyes as you utter, “It’s you, Kats. It’s always been me and you.”
You see his gaze soften, and the weight of you being with another lover is lifted off of his shoulders. He leans into you, his nose brushing against your own as his forehead rests against your own. You can feel a new, intense wave of butterflies rush through your stomach at the intimacy of this touch, one you’d never experienced before with anyone.
Katsuki’s voice comes out deep and gravelly when he asks, “Y/n, how will you have me? Will you have me as your own? Or just as-” “Shut up and kiss me already,” you rush out, pulling him closer to you by his shoulder.
A groan falls from his lips at your demand, but he’s not one to argue as he leans forward, capturing your lips for himself. It’s everything he’d ever imagined and more, different. Your mouth was sweet, the tang of apple cider hanging onto the edges of your mouth.
You were warm against him, soft and pliable in his hands. Katsuki slides his hand from cupping your face to the back of your head, grabbing your neck, and pulling you flush against him. You gasp at the movement, and he takes that opportunity to deepen the kiss, his teeth coming to bite down on your lower lip before swiping his tongue across it as an apology.
The growls and rumbles of your dragons behind you make the two of you pull away, and while you swivel your head to look at the two peeping flying reptiles, Katsuki is left watching you.
When you turn back toward him, you see an intensity to his gaze that makes you lower your eyes, but he tuts and gains your attention before whispering, “Lady Y/n L/n of Island Naugost, will you do me the honors and go on a flight with me?”
You giggle at the cheesiness of his ask, something so out of character for him, but you nod with a wide grin and respond, “Chieftain-to-be Katsuki Bakugou of Island Naugost, I would love to go on a flight with you.”
He smirks down at you, leaning in slowly to press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away, throwing out three short whistles, and bringing Tyr to your sides. He rubs your neck softly before releasing his grip on you, climbing up to sit in Tyr’s saddle before offering you his hand.
“Milady?” he asks, his fingers reaching for your own. You glance toward Gretta before looking back at the blonde waiting for you and you give her two short whistles, and she immediately heads back towards the mainland.
You clasp onto Kastsuki’s hand, and he pulls you up into the saddle behind him, giving you the chance to wrap your arms around his waist. Tyr reaches back to nuzzle your foot, and you smile down at the moody Monstrous Nightmare as you settle into your seat.
“Are you ready?” Katsuki checks in, glancing over his shoulder only to find you resting your chin on the pad of his armor. He feels his heart flutter in his chest at the distant look in your eyes, and turns back straight to hide the pink dusting his cheeks. And it wasn’t from the sunset.
Tyr shuffles to the edge of the cliff, the deep oranges from the sunset glinting in harmony with the deep red of his scales, and in a few large flaps of his wings, the three of you are airborne. Katsuki lets Tyr fly smoothly around several small islands and rocky outposts on the outskirts of the island, the only sound being the pull of air on your clothes, the flapping of wings, and crashing from the water below you.
While flying wasn’t new to you in any sense, there was something so intimate and caring about the way Katsuki flew Tyr around. You could feel the connection between the two of them, and while they disagreed occasionally, like earlier in the day at the race, you knew they had a deep and intricate bond.
You lean forward from where your chin was resting on Katsuki’s shoulder and gently press them against his cheek in a soft kiss. His cheek is warm under your touch, and he turns toward you as you pull away, his eyes catching the shyness in your own (colored) gaze.
“C'mere,” he mumbles, turning so that you could slide up and into his lap. He made sure Tyr was flying smoothly before pulling you around to sit in front of him, with your back to Tyr’s head.
You were facing Katsuki, and with the sun setting behind him, he was gorgeously backlit. His features were hardened, yes, but the soft light helped smooth out his usual frown and scowl. 
He looked down at you and brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear before whispering, “I’m not sure where we go from here, but we go together, alright?” You nod and offer him your hand, “When we get back to the Great Hall, I want us to be together.”
Katsuki cracks a smirk and taking your hand, mutters, “Hell, you can’t get rid of me now, Y/n/n, you’re stuck with me.” You giggle, which quickly becomes a playful scream as Katsuki grabs back onto Tyr’s horns and you are whisked off into the light of the dying sun.
A lifetime of memories of just being friends with Katsuki would remain at the front of your mind, but you were excited to see where this flight would take you. And while your future was uncertain with the tough blonde-haired viking, you knew that he was going to protect you until his last breath.
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6mommymilkers9 · 3 years
I saw the four lords react to s/o being pregnant but how would they react to their child going through a Rebel teenage phase?
The Four Lord's Dealing With Your Rebel Phase Headcannons
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Alcina Dimitrescu
° You were a calm child, so it surprised the Lord when you became a teenager and started to act out. It started with exploring forbidden rooms in the castle, even to touching the Cadou experiments in the basement. Eventually, things started to get out of hand for you.
° Once she learned of your misbehavior, she shut that attitude down, and quickly. She may not be able to change how her other children act, but you she wasn't going to let you act the same. You being a human, this behavior wasn't safe for you, especially in the castle.
° She has never actually yelled in anger towards you, but one day, she screamed her lungs out, finding you breaking an ancient vase of hers. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were even surprised. They were rebels as well, but never had that type of tone given to them.
° She isn't truly angry at you, but at your phase, knowing it wasn't needed. You knew you fucked up when you heard her, hell, you slightly prayed for God to have mercy on you. Thankfully, after yelling, you only had grounded you, leaving Cassandra in charge of you.
° Cassandra was a big help for you to get out of your rebel phase, allowing you to talk or let your anger out. Hell, she even had The Duke make some board games for you and her to play during your punishment. Time went slow, but at least it wasn't painful, thanks to your sister.
° Alcina kept her motherly tone with you for a while, making sure you didn't make any mistakes that could cause harm to you. Eventually, she will soften towards you, pulling you into a soft hug and small words of affection. She did give a good warning for any future behavior.
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Salvatore Moreau
° He deals with his siblings tantrums everyday, he knew this would eventually happen. He may sound dumb, but he was incredibly knowledgeable. He was a doctor after all. Still, he wished this phase wouldn't have hit you. Damn his luck.
° He couldn't do much to stop you, the most he could do was use goo to slow you down or trap you for a few moments, knowing you would break away soon. Not once did he ever yell at you. He didn't have the strength to yell at his only child.
° He always made sure to stop you from doing something stupid, not wanting you to get hurt. The only thing he really didn't care about was you running off the swim late at night. You thought he didn't know of your late night adventures, but he knew immediately what was going on. You were a strong swimmer, he knew you would be fine.
° Eventually, when you would yell at him, him telling you that you couldn't do something, you saw how hurt your father was. He worked his damned best to keep you happy and safe, but this phase really put him on a pedestal. The look he gave you was the same look he would have coming back from a fight with his family.
° This is when you knew you needed to stop. One night, you had knocked on his door, proceeding to have a long talk with Moreau, apologising for your behavior, knowing he was just trying to help you in the end.
° He couldn't help but laugh, just shaking his head at you, ruffling your hair. You, in turn, traded a hug instead, Moreau gladly returning it.
"It's alright, my child. All is forgiven."
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Donna Beneviento
° The early stages were quite easy for the soft spoken woman, helping you with homework, emotional support, the whole package. But, those stages were only easy because she had passed experience.
° What she didn't have experience with, is your rebellion. The loud music, the ignorance you radiated, and the absolute attitude you gave off. Even Angie couldn't understand it.
° She started to become a little harsh, giving you more chores, more things to do. Anything to make you focus and not act out like you had been doing. It became clear that wasn't enough, but she had no clue as to what was next.
° This made Donna question herself and her parenting. What had she done wrong for you to act like you hated her? Did she not try hard enough, or did she try too much, pushing you away? It broke her heart, having her think she failed another child.
° You, in your ignorance, didn't see she was upset. One night, taking off your headphones that were blaring, you heard your mother softly crying, even if it was hard to hear. You knew you hadn't been the best kid, but hearing Donna breakdown, it was the final straw.
° Over the next few weeks, you slowly got better, and Angie saw it. It took Donna a while to notice, but as soon as she did, she wore a small smile that you always saw in pictures. It was the little gestures you did that helped her, and in return, taught you that rebelling wasn't all it was cut out to be.
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Karl Heisenberg
° Karl has always been a child of rebellion. He expected it out of you any day now. When he saw it, oh boy, he saw how much of a dick teenagers could be. Almost made him think about how he acts.
° He let it not bother him for a good while, well, up until you started to mess his equipment in the factory. He had only one rule, and that was to not touch his equipment. When he heard that loud bang, you could swear looks could kill.
° He would drag you away from the main floors of the factory, having you sit down. He never chewed you out like he did that day, getting an earful. You could've sworn he started to speak anything but human language.
° After that, he put you to work immediately. He wasn't one to not teach a lesson. You hauled metal sheets and bolts every single day. For an average Lord, this didn't bother them. But for you, a simple mortal, it was the worst thing for you.
° The labor was absolutely bullshit, or so you thought. After all the sore muscles and tiredness, you vowed to never touch his stuff again. Once the day came, and the punishment was over, you couldn't help but yell out happily, running past your father and into somewhere with an A/C unit and an ice cold pop.
° Karl couldn't help but chuckle, seeing you free from your 'prison'. That pop was earned and he knew it. Being a father was hard, but he was sure that he had it down. He may be a hard ass towards you, but remember, he loves you dearly. Don't make that mistake again. He always has more work for you to do.
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hey bestie i was hoping to request xiao, venti, childe and zhongli where the the reader and the character have just had an argument + the reader needs time to calm down from the argument. omg maybe the reader comes back with a gift to apologise
Ask and ye shall receive <3. I’m the kind of person who needs time to relax and process the situation after an argument. I’m always too worked up (read angry) to kiss and make up straight after an argument.
Pairings; (Separate) Xiao, Venti, Childe, Zhongli x reader
Warning(s); breif mention of a wound, alcoholism, swearing
Keep reading under the cut!
You’re probably being too harsh on the guy
You had just come back from a tough mission with a few more scrapes than you normally come back, a nasty cut in particular situated on your shoulder was what caused the argument to kick off in the first place
In hindsight the argument started from Xiao’s concern of you getting hurt worse but you were too tired from the commission to really read it as concern
But boy now do you feel bad. You both went your separate ways for the evening and in the morning you still haven’t caught sight of your partner. You eventually go around Wangshu Inn and ask if they’ve seen Xiao.
You get told that he’s out for the day, apparently he caught wind of something manifesting in the mountains. So, you suppose that it’s high time to make an apology gift
And what’s a better apology gift than your partners favourite food? Because your arguments are often few and far between you don’t mind making Xiao almond tofu since it’s not something you’ve associated with apologising
Though you’re aware that the sweet snack means nothing if you’re not sincere with your apology. 
So what’s more sincere than sitting at the highest balcony of Wangshu Inn and wait for Xiao. You don’t mind how long it takes for him to come back just as long as you get to apologise
He comes back just after dusk and you pour your apologise profusely and tell him you understand that he was coming from a place of concern
Xiao is a little distant a short while after the apology but soon you’re reassured that he accepts it when he places his hand on the table for you to take hold of
The two of you sit in silence sat hand in hand while Xiao eats his tofu
You watch him eat with a grin on your face, sometimes just watching the Yaksha sit still and do his thing is enough to keep you in a trance for the evening
Maybe you got into an argument because you’re concerned over Venti’s drinking habits, sure he’s an immortal god but doesn’t he worry about his liver?
Sure the argument started because you’re worried about the archon but boy does he make you angry with his non-sensical thought processes
Venti is the kind of guy who wouldn’t let you leave without settling the argument
Even if the happy medium isn’t actually going to bring any change into the questionable drinking habits
But this argument just feels a little different, you’ve had the same conversation form months but nothing seems to change
You’re not even sure if Venti has actually listened to anything you have said to him about it
So you tell him “Do what you want, but you’re sleeping on the sofa tonight” yeah you just resigned him to sofa treatment. As much as you hate it you’re far too heated to just kiss and make up right now
So the night passes and you wake up with the cold space beside you, you’re confused until you remember the previous nights events
Though your unusual silence in the room doesn’t last long, you presume Venti sensed that you’re awake because you hear a knock at your bedroom door, you’re surprised that Venti is actually here and that he hadn’t sulked off to Windrise where you had originally planned to apologise to him
As you open the door you notice your partner stood before you with a bunch of hand picked cecelia's and dandelions and an apologetic look on his face
You’ve never known Venti to speak so fast he apologises profusely for causing you such worry and promises that he’ll try to drink less, he mentions that he doesn’t wish to give up his Friday and Saturday drinking nights but he’s willing to tone it down during the week if it stops you worrying 
You thank him sincerely and find a vase to put the flowers in
You hug Venti and apologise yourself for being such a worry wart and causing such a big argument
“I’m glad I have someone to worry about me, I don’t know what I’d do without you” You can’t help but swoon at his flowery words and grin at him before the two of you start off the day
It’s a bad habit he has, when you try and talk about something serious with him he constantly cracks jokes at the situation. Which in its self isn’t the worse thing in the world, even you crack jokes to lighten the situation but at some points it goes too far
And today is too far, what started off as a disagreement about where you were going to eat lunch ended up in a full scale (mostly one sided) argument in Childes office about how he can’t take things seriously
You, of course, know this to be false. You’ve seen him in action against his foes and bank business but just in this moment when you are so angry about the situation those rational thoughts go out the window
And what does the bastard do? He cracks another fucking joke
“Is this what I am?” you ask finally reaching the catalyst of your temper “A fucking joke?” 
And boy does the exclamation comes to a surprise to him. No matter how frequent your use of curse words you’ve never directed them at him so it catches Childe by even more surprise
“[name] I’m sorry I didn’-” he tries to apologise
“You didn’t fucking what Tartaglia? Want to make me feel like a joke? Cause you’ve been going down that road at every fucking disagreement we have” you cut him off in a fit of rage “Sleep in your own fucking bed tonight” you add before storming out his office
He tried to follow you out the bank before he was stopped by a fatui agent about some urgent debt collection, so he never got to apologise immediately
And that’s how the next couple of days go, you’ve taken most of the time to cool off and avoid anywhere Childe might be hanging about, your plan works better considering said harbinger was out of Liyue Harbour for a couple of days
Though on the third night Childe appears at your door, he doesn’t bring any gifts, just himself. Childe enjoys gifting things to you so he doesn’t want you or him to associate gift giving with apologies. You’re more than thankful for this
Childe apologises before you even have the chance to invite him in and takes your hand and wholeheartedly promises to try and not make jokes when you have a disagreement
You also apologise and agree that, in hindsight, you blew things out of proportion. You reassure him that he’s a hardworking man and that a few out of place jests make everything more bearable to him.
You invite him inside for some tea, your bed isn’t as cold as it was tonight
Disagreements with Zhongli never seem to get any further than that. The archon likes to listen to you vent your frustrations over a cup of herbal tea and usually that calms you down and everything is settled before supper
But every once in a while you’re a little high strung. For instance this time you’re running on a total of 5 hours sleep over the last 4 days. Sleep deprivation could possibly be your middle name at this point 
The only thing you want to do when you get back from your restless trip from Mondstat back home is to just sleep the next few years 
But the sweetie that Zhongli is he quizzes you about your great to horrific trip
Zhongli pulls all the stops he readys some dinner for you and draws a bath when you get back. He even gives you a small lecture about how you’ll feel terrible not washing before going to bed
But with your tired ears, eyes and brain it feels like a personal attack in your entire self “I’ve had it up to here with bloody hillichurls for 4 horrific days, all I want to do is pass the living hell out thank you”
Replace the bloodys with fucks and that’s probably more accurate to what you said
Zhongli is taken a little aback, being an older traditional man it’s unbecoming of anyone to use such sailor language. And thus the male lectures you about it
You take that as about as well as you expect, you don’t respond to him and favour walking out the room, barely getting undressed and collapsing on your shared bed
You wake up the next morning (though when you peek outside it seems like it’s after noon) disorientated. You don’t actually remember coming home the previous day 
Then the memory resurfaces of you yelling at your spouse and regret washes over you
Surely the gift you had prepared for Zhongli would be good enough as repercussions of yesterdays outburst
You see Zhongli in the dining room, to the untrained eye he looks like he’s in a normal mood but to you, you can see his brooding emanating off of him. If you dare point it out Zhongli will deny that he even broods in the first place
He’s the first to greet you without turning around. Rightfully so, he’s still in a mood. So you just profusely apologise for your outburst
You explain that you were running on next to no sleep and while that doesn’t excuse your outburst it certainly explains it. If your spouse so wishes to ask how your trip was you would comply much more now since you’ve had a good sleep behind you. 
You then change the subject to the gift in your hands, some rose tea. Something Zhongli had mentioned when you were courting all that time ago. 
The man sits you on his lap and explains to you about how it was out of place of him to assume you’d be in a talking mood immediately after your travels. You reassure him that under normal circumstances you wouldn’t mind talking about it, you promise that you will do everything in your power to not let the previous night repeat
You then bring out his gift, rose tea, which he had mentioned wanting to taste a little while back, and before long you’re back in the cycle of Zhongli profusely explaining to you some random subject (in this instance rose tea) before you go off to make dinner where you finally share the details of your travels
Hope this is okay! <3 I kind of went a little ham with the Childe and Zhongli one in comparison to the other two hope you don’t mind lmao <3
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Would you be willing to do a HC for Freddy having an SO that’s suffering from insomnia like you did with a few of the other dogs? 🌸
Hey anon! I would be thrilled to do this for you! And thank you so much for the birthday wishes! It was really cool, I had a great time! But yes, I can absolutely write you up Freddy headcanons. I actually was originally going to include him instead of Brown, but I chose to write for the latter. So, all's well that ends well, as Shakespeare said. I hope that these suffice, and don't hesitate to let me know if they weren't satisfactory--I will gladly rewrite to fit your needs :)
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FANDOM: Reservoir Dogs
GENRE: Requested headcanons, slight hurt-comfort, romantic relationship, and gender neutral s/o!
SYNOPSIS: Freddy Newandyke/Mr. Orange is more than willing to help his lover who has insomnia!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Hurt-comfort slightly, physical discomfort, anxiety, and swearing!
Freddy is in between in terms of his sleeping patterns. He’s not a light sleeper but he’s also not necessarily a deep one either. He’s in the happy middle, if that makes any sense. He can have his bad nights, of course, however he usually sleeps pretty well.
You do suffer quite badly from your insomnia, which you keep a secret from him because you don’t want to worry him or be judged. And while you understand that those fears are irrational--Freddy loves you to death no matter what--you can’t help but be hesitant. So you don’t say anything right off the bat. 
Being a cop, Orange has some idea of how to read body language, especially after being in the Reservoir Dogs for so long. He doesn’t like to do it to you being that you are his lover and he respects you. After awhile though, he starts to notice your sleeplessness getting out of hand. Your face says it all, the consistent exhausted expressions, half lidded tired eyes, sudden bursts and declines of energy, moodiness, and an almost lethargic state you’re stuck in. And it does alarm him, he doesn’t understand what’s happening to you.
Pink has been explicit in regards to his insomnia with the other Dogs, particularly Orange and Brown as they are his best friends after all. When Freddy begins to piece together that you’re struggling, he goes straight to Pink for consultation. He questions him about all the symptoms and effects that insomnia has on a person, and is shocked to hear how exactly yours match. That’s when it hits him, making him kick himself for being so clueless. Of course you’re dealing with insomnia, it makes so much sense to him in retrospect.
When he gets home, he confronts you about it albeit rather suddenly. He isn’t harsh nor angry with you, he’s just worried. And you cave finally, telling him everything about your sleeping issues. Freddy listens, cradling you against his chest. A cigarette hangs between his teeth, as he smokes to ease his nerves. 
“ Oh my god, baby. I had no fucking idea, why didn’t you say anything? You know that I only want to help you out.” you nod, apologizing to him for your lack of transparency. He shrugs it off, giving you that boyish grin.
“ Hey, it’s okay. I’m just glad you didn’t bottle it up any further. But we got ourselves some things to figure out now, huh?” 
You both do have some ideas as to how to help your insomnia, and you try them all. You don’t watch any TV an hour or two before bed, hot baths and showers with Freddy ease your muscles and relax you, incense is great aromatherapy ( I SWEAR BY IT ), reading books are good too, and of course, cuddles make everything better! While these routines don’t solve all of your problems completely, they do help you to sleep without as much difficulty. 
Freddy is so generous and calm with the entire situation, he just loves you so much and only wants the best for you. And whatever he can do for you, he is on top of it, and he is there.
I hope that these are good, and again don’t hesitate to tell me if I missed the mark! I don’t mind it at all, it makes me a much better writer after all. Have a great weekend anon and everyone, and thank you all for your continued support! Love y’all!
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Love at fist sight?
Chapter 3
Warren Worthington III x reader
Word count: 1100 words
Warnings: language
prologue chapter 1 chapter 2
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"[...] Mysterious Angel, my mysterious Angel,
So are you the Angel, who's come down here to save me?
Mysterious Angel, my mysterious Angel [...]".
"Magnifico! bebé, I swear you keep getting better with each fight". Roman, the Cage's manager, said enthusiastically. "Where's my cut?". Your response had been cold compared to his cheerful tone, but Roman was a Spanish dick who would use any excuse to place his filthy hands all over anyone he could, You had to be harsh. Even when You had left it quite clear since day one, if he ever dared to touch you, you were going to choke him with his own blood. Roman wasn't stupid. He knew better than to mess with you, yet he kept on with the occasional "compliments" and his useless tricks to spend time with you.
"Maja, you know you must wait 'till closing down. You know how angry Edmundo gets when the kids get their allowance before time, right?". Edmond, the accountant, was bigger of a dick than Roman was. He wasn't a pervert like Roman. Edmond was simply just an ass because he controlled the Cage's finances. The little power from handling all the money made him believe he owned the place. So he would hold back the Champions and Staff's payments for as long as he wanted because, honouring his profession, Edmund was cheap.
"Does it look like I fucking care?". The little patience you had was waring off. "I'm the best asset this shitty place has!". "Now give me my damn money and all the extras from the past week Edmund has conveniently forgotten! Or I swear to God, Roman, I'll find another fucking Cage". "Maja, don't be silly". Roman left out an airy laugh. "Not even you can do such a thing" "We own you, bebé". He said with a naughty grin plastered on his face. You could feel the anger boiling inside of you. How dare he? That stupid twig! You were going to teach him a lesson. No-fucking-body owned you!
The sound of an explosion; The smell of burning cables; A plethora of incoherent screams coming from the audience had shifted your attention from Roman towards the upcoming commotion caused by... The fire?
Oh, no! Not fire, anything but that! You thought.
Everyone believed your mutation was the ability to control one's blood. When it was actually something called hydrokinesis: The ability to control water. And you didn't need a degree in physics to understand "water's biggest threat will always be fire".
Frantically, you started looking for the staff's exit, making your way poorly against the crowd's flow. The smoke wasn't thick enough to make people cough already, but the air was now too hot and too dry for you to handle. Soon after, it began. The coughing, the dizziness, the wheezing and the shortness of breath, all-clear signs from hypoxia. No matter how hard You tried to keep on moving, it was like your legs had been shut down. Was this how it all ended? After all these years? After all the crap you've gone through?
"Unbelievable!". You scolded yourself mentally. "Just when you couldn't get more pathetic, you have to go out like this, Y/N."
And just when the lights were about to go out, you looked up, and oh! Thank God you did!
You couldn't believe your eyes. Right above you, there was a man. No! That was no man. It was an angel! A literal angel was hovering above you expectantly, of what? You didn't know. He was simply staring at you, but why? Was he greeting you into the afterlife? It couldn't be, such a beautiful creature like him must be heavenly sent, and you were well aware there was no place for you there.
So, what was he? Was he a hallucination? A product made from your dying mind to calm you down during your last moments?
It made sense. Part of you thought, to die with him there, your guardian angel keeping you company as your soul abandoned your body, will be bliss. It was far better than any other death scenario you'd ever thought for yourself.
But another part of you, the one who refused to give up just yet acted upon your death wishes. Before you knew it, somehow, your body managed to use the very last piece of strength you had to produce two simple words out of your mouth.
"Hell... Help... Mmm-e".
If it hadn't been for the circumstance which had brought you to be like this: Two bodies pressed together, so close from one another, you could come out as one.
If it hadn't been for the seriousness of the situation You were, barely breathing and feeling like a ragdoll on Warren's hands as you remained unconscious. Warren would have wished to stay this close to You for the rest of his life. But he couldn't. Time was your enemy now. He wasn't sure how much smoke you'd inhaled or if you were breathing still. Either way, he had to get you to an E.R as fast as he could. Every second he wasted was getting You closer to the graveyard.
Problem was hospitals were off-limits for "your kind" for two main reasons:
Unlike humans, mutants anatomy was more complex. In most cases, one's mutation was a crucial factor when attending to the wounds. Let's say you were trying to control the internal bleeding on a mutant whose skin was hard as steel. The lack of knowledge and equipment could make the difference between life or death.
And obviously, racism. Many doctors would refuse treatment to mutants claiming their ethics code stated: "A physician shall be dedicated to providing competent medical service with compassion and respect for human dignity".
Since mutants weren't considered to be humans, it was up to good luck to see if you were going to be aided or not. Good luck and good looks. Children, the elderly, teachers, nuns or any other member of society who seemed "decent" had better chances when asking for professional help than those who didn't. Take a mutant man working as a veterinarian who got bitten by a rabid dog during his morning jog. Even if his ability was something as trivial as glowing in the dark. If he was covered in tattoos or had long hair both nurses and doctors would've turned their back on him. Claiming he was nothing but a ringleader, a good-for-nothing mutant scum, whose injury was caused during a fight or something along those lines.
Warren was well aware of that! He knew if he took you to any hospital, You were going to be judged by your punk-rock looks, by the mess you were, covered in ashes and with half-burnt clothes. And last but not least by who was accompanying you:
"The mutant who attempted to destroy mankind".
In a last-minute decision, Warren flew back. Back to the only place where he knew You could survive. The only place whose doors would always be open for him, no matter how much of a dick he could be.
So off he went, to Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters once again.
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
risk it — jjk | four.
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risk it | four: pretend.
a/n: i think it’s safe to say that yn, jk, and yoongi are all a mess, right? let me know your thoughts, loves! xo
↠ main pairing: tattoo artist!jungkook x salon owner!reader
↠ side ships: namjin, vmin (fwb), hoseok x makeup artist!oc
↠ word count: 2.7k
↠ warnings: some fluff if you squint LOL, angst so much angst, explicit language, jealousy, being drunk, light violence, spitting (but in a non sexual way lmao)
✧ a drunken text ends with you wrapped up in the arms of your ex-boyfriend. aka the man that you dumped two years prior, after he refused to marry you. suddenly, all of the feelings that you’d seemingly had buried come rushing back up to the surface, and you’re not sure how long you can ignore them.
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Nearly ten minutes. 
That’s how long you’d been arguing with Jungkook at the bottom of your stairs. 
You were the world’s most stubborn person, and most (if not all) of your friends would agree with that statement. And you were even worse when you were drunk. 
“For the thousandth time,” you slurred your words together as you spoke, leaning against your ex boyfriend’s side for support as you stood, “I can walk up the damn stairs by myself. You don’t have to carry me. I’m not a baby.” 
He rolled his eyes at you— hard. If he had a dollar for every time you’d caused him to roll his eyes since you’d gotten into his car earlier, he was sure he’d be a millionaire by now. 
“If you can stand up on your own without holding onto my arm, I’ll believe you.” 
And now it was your turn to roll your eyes. Only, when you did, it made your vision fuzzier than it already was. 
“Well if you’d stop spinning the room, maybe I fucking could.” You stuck your tongue out at him, and he dragged his free hand down his face. 
“You know what—“ You were being whisked off of the ground before you could even register what was happening. 
Jungkook had your body thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he treaded up the stairs, and of course you were pounding your fists against his back like a child. 
“Put me down!” You insisted, to which he decided to happily oblige once he’d successfully carried you into your bedroom at the end of the hallway. 
“Absolutely.” He gently tossed you onto your queen sized bed, and you let out an overly dramatic huff as your back hit the mattress. 
“Not what I meant.” You mumbled.
You laid back and rested an arm over your eyes after you’d closed them, but you still felt like you were moving in circles. Nausea quickly set in and you groaned, clutching your stomach with your other hand. 
“Fuck you, this is all your fault.” You snapped at the man that was standing at the foot of your bed, staring at you with a look of both annoyance and concern. 
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook’s voice was laced with sarcasm, “how is this my fault, exactly?” 
“Because if you’d have just shown up tonight, I wouldn’t have tried to drink my feelings away,” you barked out a harsh laugh, a pitiful sound that made Jungkook’s heart drop to the pit of his stomach, “feelings that I shouldn’t even fucking have.” 
He let out a low sigh. Of course he knew your feelings for him were still there, or maybe he at least secretly hoped that they would be. Because after all, his feelings for yours never seemed to go away. No matter how hard he tried to forget you and forget how much love he had for you, it never worked. 
“Of course,” you scoffed, “just stand there all silent and brooding. It’s what you do best.” 
The feeling of being giggly and buzzed was long gone, now you were just an insane amount of nauseous and wanted nothing more than to sleep this state of drunkenness off. You were sad, and you were fighting an internal battle. 
The rational side of you kept screaming for you to tell Jungkook to leave, and you knew that he would without question. Which pissed you off to no end. As badly as you didn’t want to admit it, you wanted him to refuse to leave. You wanted him to fight to stay with you tonight. Hell, you just wanted him to fight for you. 
So, instead of asking him to leave, you asked him a different question instead. 
“Can you find me some clothes to sleep in? I can’t sleep in a mini dress, and if I stand up I’m going to fall, vomit, or both.” 
“Yeah, shorts and a T-shirt okay?” 
You nodded, finally feeling like you’d come back down to earth enough to remove your arm from your face and open up your eyes. 
Jungkook made the short walk from your bed to your dresser, and you couldn’t help but to admire him as he did so. 
He looked good— so good, and you fucking hated it. His hair was longer, just the way you’d always liked it. It was messy from sleep, which somehow made him even more attractive. He’d shown up at the club wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, a hoodie to match, and that damn leather jacket he’d had for years. And in typical Jungkook fashion, he’d worn combat boots to top it all off. He looked like a fucking dream. And maybe it was the alcohol— no, it was definitely the alcohol, you were sure of it, but you desperately wanted to jump his bones. 
As he made his way back over to you, with your newfound sleep attire draped over his arm, a wave of boldness hit you. And you blurted out the question before you could stop yourself. 
“So, you wanna fuck?” 
You don’t know what you were expecting him to say, but you definitely weren’t expecting to hear the sad sounding sigh that made its way out of his mouth. 
“You’re drunk.” He stated the obvious, and you crossed your arms over your chest as you sat up on your bed. 
“So,” he emphasized as he handed the clothes off to you, “I’m not fucking you while you’re drunk.” 
You scoffed, “But I’m asking you to. It’s not like you’re taking advantage of me or anything.” 
“You know me better than that. Now please, just get some sleep.” 
Of course he wanted to. It’d been over two years since he’d last been inside of you, and if you were sober, his answer probably would have been much different. Sure, he’d had hookups, but none of them could compare to how you made him feel. Not even close. 
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, sitting up on your knees to tug off your dress. 
As you did, Jungkook turned around and faced away from you to give you your privacy. 
And of course, you thought he was being ridiculous. 
“Jungkook, you’ve seen me in my underwear before.” 
“I know, but it’s different now.” 
Your eyes narrowed at the back of his head as you tossed the dress onto the floor and replaced it with the old T-shirt. 
“Wouldn’t have to be different if you weren’t so stupid.” You quietly mumbled, pulling the pair of plaid cotton shorts up your legs. 
“Huh?” he prompted, “Couldn’t hear what you said.”
“Nothing,” you sighed, “are you going to hold me, or what?” 
Before Jungkook could respond, your bedroom door was being swung open by a very heated Min Yoongi. 
“Get the fuck out.” He spoke through gritted teeth as he took two steps closer to Jungkook, pointing toward the door with his index finger. 
You watched the scene in front of you unfold as Jungkook, too, took two steps forward— the two of them starting to get dangerously close to one another. 
“If Y/n wants me to leave, I will. But if she doesn’t, I’m not fucking going anywhere.” 
Yoongi clenched his fist at his side, staring daggers through the taller man in front of him. He took one swift stride forward, resulting in the two of them being toe to toe. 
“I swear to God, Jungkook. I’ll throw your ass out of this apartment if you don’t leave in the next sixty seconds. You’ve hurt her enough. I’ll be damned if you’re going to do it again!” 
Jungkook was seething, you could tell by the way he was clenching his jaw. This was about to get ugly, and if you didn’t put a stop to it you were sure to be wiping blood off of the floor and picking up their teeth. 
When you said you’d wanted him to fight for you, you didn’t mean it literally.
“Like I said on the phone, I’d like to see you fucking try you piece of shit!” 
It took a lot to make Jungkook this angry. But somehow— for a reason unknown to you, Yoongi always seemed to push all of the right (wrong?) buttons to piss him off. All Jungkook could see was red, and he was ten seconds or less away from putting your best friend through a wall. You could tell by the way his knuckles were turning white as he formed his tattooed hands into fists. Yeah, it was definitely time for you to step in. 
As you were scrambling off of your bed, still unbalanced from your alcohol induced high, you heard Yoongi spew out a string of insults— followed by a harsh spitting sound. When you looked up, you saw Jungkook wiping saliva off of his cheek with the back of his hand. And you knew it was too late. 
“Jungkook, don’t do it!” You shouted, trying to get to him before he could make a move. 
But you weren’t quick enough. Jungkook had his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders in an instant, shoving him backwards and slamming him into the wall so hard that you were sure there’d be a Yoongi shaped hole in it. 
Jungkook balled his right hand up into a tight fist, ready to swing and forcefully connect it to Yoongi’s jaw. Fortunately, you stood in between them before he could do so, causing him to halt his actions abruptly. 
“Don’t,” you pleaded, the current situation resulting in you slowly sobering up, “please.” 
Your hands found their way onto the sides of his face, your thumbs grazing along the tops of his cheeks. To your surprise, he leaned into your touch and allowed himself to focus only on the way you were rubbing his skin. He hadn’t touched you, or been touched by you, in so long that he was going to take all he could get. 
Yoongi stood up straight behind you, watching the way you seemed to handle Jungkook with such care. It broke his heart to know that you’d never be like that with him. Especially since he was one hundred percent certain he could treat you better than Jungkook (or anyone, for that matter) ever could. You deserved the world, and he wouldn’t hesitate to give it to you. Jungkook didn’t deserve you. He was the dumbest human alive for refusing to marry you. Whereas Yoongi— well, he’d marry you any time, any place, any day of the week without hesitation. 
Maybe if he wasn’t such a chicken, he would’ve confessed his feelings to you by now. Or maybe he would’ve if he wasn’t already certain that his feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated. 
“Do you want him to stay?” Yoongi questioned, despite knowing the answer. 
As much as he loved you, he also respected you. And he also knew that you were an adult and free to make your own decisions, even if he thought they were the wrong ones. He couldn’t stop you from getting hurt again. But he’d be there to hold you while you cried afterwards, and to pick up your broken pieces if you needed him to. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking back at your friend as you rolled your shoulders into a shrug, “I do.” 
“You know where I’ll be if you need me.” 
He shot Jungkook a death glare before glancing at you, and you felt like you could crumble and fall to the ground from the amount of disappointment you saw in his eyes. 
“Yoongs, I—“ The loud slam of the wooden door cut you off, and your lower lip began to quiver. This was all too much, too fast. Alcohol, sleep deprivation, and emotions didn’t seem to mix well. 
At the sight of your trembling lip, Jungkook brought his hand upward to run his thumb along it in an attempt to soothe you and provide you with some form of comfort. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice was soft as he spoke, and you shot him a questioning look. 
“For a lot of things.” He admitted, and you simply gave him a nod. 
“I know. Doesn’t change anything, though.” 
He sighed, “I know.” 
You grabbed hold of his hand with your own, taking just a few seconds to admire the way that your hand seemed to mold perfectly into his— like it was made for him to grasp. He let you lead him to your bed, kicking off his boots and stripping himself of his jacket before lying down beside you. 
“I miss you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, and you didn’t dare face him. 
He closed his eyes, and you could hear him intake a deep breath.
“I’m right here.”
You squeezed your eyes shut tighter, willing the tears that were begging to overflow to stay back. 
“Would it kill you to say that you miss me too?” Despite your efforts to hide your true feelings, your voice cracked and gave you away, “Unless you don’t miss me, then I guess that would make sense.” 
“Look at me.” He ordered, but you shook your head. 
Jungkook rolled over onto his side, scooting closer to close the gap in between your bodies. You could feel the warmth from him beside you, and you could smell his signature warm, inviting cologne that never failed to put you in a trance. 
“You think I don’t miss you?” The question was clearly rhetorical, seeing as how he continued to ramble on, “I miss you so bad that it hurts, it physically hurts. Every bone in my body aches from how badly I miss you.” 
That’s all it took for the tears to finally spill over and onto your cheeks, and you didn’t even try to hide the fact that you were crying. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his own eyes welling up with water, “I didn’t mean to make you cry, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. Maybe I should just leave—“ 
“Go ahead!” You shouted, your tears coming out quicker and stronger now, “leaving is what you do best!”
“I didn’t leave you. You broke up with me.” He didn’t yell. In fact, he spoke calmly. It was rare for him to raise his voice at you, and you could count how many times he’d done so on only one hand. It didn’t matter how badly you seemed to piss him off, or how loud you got with him, he couldn’t bring himself to scream at you. 
“What other fucking choice did I have, Jungkook?” You finally looked at him, and when you did his heart shattered at the pain he saw in your eyes. 
“You deserve better than me. You deserve someone who can give you—“ 
“Everything that you can’t,” you finished his sentence for him with a bite to your voice, “yeah, I’ve heard that before.” 
It was silent for what felt like an eternity. When in reality, it was only about five minutes. And it was Jungkook who finally broke the obvious tension in the air. 
“Let me hold you.” 
You didn’t say anything, only turned your back to him to allow him to spoon you from behind. His strong arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body against his chest, using his free hand to card his fingers through your long hair. 
You melted into his touch, humming as he began to dig his fingernails into your scalp to massage it. 
“Can we just… pretend that everything’s okay between us?” you asked, “For tonight, and then tomorrow we can go back to how it was.” 
He pressed his lips to the back of your head and allowed them to linger there as he nodded, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. 
“Yeah, bug. We can.” 
Your heart swelled at the nickname, short for lovebug, that he’d given you so many years ago, and you cracked the saddest smile you’d ever mustered up in your life. 
“Kook?” You allowed your arm to rest over his, and he took the lead in intertwining your fingers. 
“Did you… cover up my name? The tattoo of it on your chest, I mean.” 
“No,” he didn’t hesitate, “and I have no desire to. Do you regret letting me tattoo you?”
You shook your head, running your thumb along the back of his hand, “No.” 
“You need to go to sleep.” 
“I know,” your eyelids were already beginning to droop, “sing to me?” 
“Of course.” 
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⇠ masterlist ⇢
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possiblypeachy · 4 years
; car keys
― summary: most believed you and sam didn’t like each other-- yourselves included. but, when a mission goes awry, so do the hateful little façades you keep up.
― pairing: sam drake x reader
― word count: 3.5k (ish)
― warnings: swearing, violence (of the normal uncharted standard, i feel)
― A/N: this was a request from a while ago but i think it’s too late to like reply directly to it now so instead i present it to you all like this! there’s nothing better than a bit of mr samuel over here to get me back on the writing scene
my requests are OPEN if any of you are so inclined ;)
― ❊ ― 
“Sam, throw me the car keys!”
Your gaze peered above the desk you’d kicked over, in a way similar to a mole testing the daylight, but when a spray of bullets shattered the glass behind you, you soon pushed yourself closer to the ground. Could today have gotten any worse? You didn’t think so. What was supposed to be a simple pick-up had turned into… this: a horrible tangle of guns, curses in a foreign tongue, and really quite lovely upholstery being destroyed. Maybe if you or Sam had died it could be considered worse but, at this point, you wouldn’t have even been surprised. Honestly, you had no idea if Sam was still alive on the other side of that counter; you couldn’t see his head peeking over the top and nor could you see his obnoxiously striped shirt from this angle. 
So he was still alive. 
“The fucking car keys, Sam!” You let loose a few shots, arm twisted uncomfortably so you didn’t have to come entirely out of cover, and blindly hoped that someone would die so you both could have a breather. Yet, the assault continued, made clear by the sound of an empty clip being thrown to the ground over yonder. There: another curse in a language mostly unknown to you but you’d picked up enough in your time here to know that someone had just called you a ‘bitch’, followed by some far more offensive words that you were half-glad you couldn’t understand. There was no answer from your partner and so, despite your throat being dry and sore from the heat, you shouted again, “Sam? Now is not the time to ignore--”
“I gave them back to you!” You could just hear the irritation in his tone and you clenched your jaw. Stupid bastard. “You don’t have them?”
It was then that he took the opportunity to shuffle around the counter, meeting eyes with you briefly, before gesturing for you to make space for him. You, of course, had no choice in whether or not to do this because he was already lunging into a spot that you hadn’t yet made. You both bumped each other briefly, your shoulder knocking against the desk, before you were able to find a comfortable position-- well, as comfortable as possible with about six very angry armed men behind you.  
Now wonderfully pissed off with your partner, you gave him a brief side glance before shooting again. “You’ve lost them?” 
When he rolled his eyes, his head went with them. “I just told you--”
“Well, you didn’t give them back to me--”
“We were near that— uh— that little fish stall and--” He cut himself short, favouring pulling your head back into cover with a hand over arguing with you. He held you there as you came down from your brief-yet-blinding adrenaline high, ensuring that you didn’t foolishly pop up from behind the desk again like some kind of stupid weasel with a death wish. As soon as you realised this, you batted him away, the look on your face dripping with an underlying loss of pride, and reloaded your gun to avoid eye contact. 
Despite your arguments, the pair of you were loyal to a fault and, while you did break your arm half-because of him once, you were both diligent in your protection of each other. When you thought of Sam Drake, your first reaction was to frown and reel off countless stories of him being an asshole. But, did you want hurt to come to him? No. Did you want to stop working with him? No. Did your heart churn a little bit when you thought of moments like these? Perhaps, though you’d be shot dead before you told anyone. When Sully had pointed out this strange hot-and-cold thing you both seemed to have going on, it was like he’d asked a teenage boy if he had certain magazines underneath his bed; “What? No--”, “Why would you ever think that?”, “That’s disgusting”-- you know, all of those lies. 
“If we don’t have the keys, you’re gonna have to radio Victor.” As he mentioned this, he flinched away from bullets overhead, almost knocking his chin on your shoulder. “I broke my radio when we got split.” 
You accidentally elbowed his collar when you turned to shoot. “You’re such a fucking idiot, Sam.”
“Really?” He feigned hurt when you looked at him next. “No, ‘Oh, Sam, I’m glad you’re not injured?’ Or ‘Sam, I’m relieved we found each other--’”
There was the brief, harsh static of a radio to cut him off and, as you asked “Sully?” down it, your gaze was like an ice burn on his skin. 
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“We’re in a bit of a--” bullets slammed into the other side of the desk, wood chips now littering your hair. God, were you glad this thing was thick.
“Got trouble?”
“Yeah, and Sam lost our car keys--”
“I did not--”
“Figure this out at the bike racks behind school.” There was a certain amusement in Sully’s voice-- you could almost picture his sly little grin on the other side of the radio-- but you couldn’t deny that he was probably right; perhaps in the middle of a hotel lobby, surrounded by furious henchmen, wasn’t the best place to argue out your differences. “What do you guys need me to do?”
Sam, of course, still found time to be a wise-ass. “Sit and listen to our woes, Victor. That’s all that we’d like--”
You hit him in the arm and he winced. Rather than listen to your woes, all Sully heard was another spray of bullets on the other end of the receiver. “You’re nearby, right?”
“Got a cigar and some whiskey in that shady little motel we’re staying in, if that’s what you’re asking.”
At that, the pair of you found yourself huffing out a shared laugh between returning fire to those behind you. There was a pained shout-- that’s one down, at least-- and you pressed on the radio again. “Afraid that whiskey might have to wait, old man; we need you here. Now.”
“Preferablywithacar--” Sam managed to squeeze in before you clipped the radio back onto your belt. A brief look was shared between you both-- something similar to the look you’d give a friend when they did something idiotic-- before you, in unison, peeked over the desk again. 
The assailants were starting to encroach on your little bubble of safety and, for each one that you’d taken out, it seemed like more were filing in. To your back, there were the main doors to the hotel, glass shattered all on the lovely red carpet-- a shame. That would be your exit— if Sully got here fast enough. 
You had to give it to the old man: for how many years he had on him, he wasn’t afraid to get those creaky bones moving. By the time you were settled down, a nice partner, a few kids (if you ever really felt like it), Sully’d probably still be out swindling people and getting shot at. It was his passion, you supposed, but, God, at his age you’d rather be at home with a warm drink and a newspaper than making enemies left, right and—
At that, you could’ve jumped out of your skin. But, rather, you were thrown in the gap between Sam and the desk, his grip tight on your bicep, with very little time to think nor realise what was happening. There was a gunshot, then Sam’s body lifted upwards from beside you. Another gunshot, a sharp groan of pain, and a body falling to the floor. Not Sam’s, you were relieved to see— well, Sully would be more relieved to see it. Probably. Yeah, most definitely. 
You reached up to yank him further into cover, lest he get shot. He did follow the force of your pull, sure, but also now your hand was smearing blood along his shirt. Fresh blood. His blood.
“Holy shit! Sam--”
“In the same fucking arm! I got shot in the--” he cut himself off with a groan, obviously tensing too much in his anger and agitating the bullet lodged into his bicep. 
“Are you alright?” There was certainly a worry in your voice that was genuine-- eyes blown-wide.  
Sam shuffled backwards, leaning his back against the desk, pistol still tight in the grip of his other hand. “Yeah, I’m just dandy, honey.”
You could only describe that sarcasm as ‘sobering’ and the familiarity of the fed-up glint in your eyes made him huff out a laugh. However, you didn’t seem to be finding the same humour in the situation as he was and you unclipped the radio from your belt. “Sully? Where are you?”
Bullets rang out across the room again and, just as Sam went to lean up over the desk and shoot, you pressed him back down with the radio to his chest and a quiet, “Don’t”. Instead, you took to retaliating against the opposition, the overwhelming adrenaline making your aim shaky and your head ache. 
Sam clicked the radio on again. “Victor, buddy,” his voice sounded weak but in an overwhelmingly fake way; you would’ve shot him a chiding look had you not been trying to keep you both alive, “I think I’m bleeding out. I won’t last long. You gotta look after (Name) when I’m--”
A grenade smashed yet more of the window-- but from the outside this time. There was the distant rev of a car and-- you sniffed the air-- could you already smell cigars? You curled yourself over Sam, pulling his head down beneath you so no shrapnel from the explosion gave him the excuse to complain more. 
The blast was deafening and you found one of your eyes watering at the pain of the noise. It seemed to have taken the majority of them out, the panicked shouting of a man with a dead leg the only thing you could hear on the other side of the lobby. Then, there was a loud, slow creaking as if a tree were about to fall or maybe that huge support column in the lobby--
“Holy shit.” 
You began to hoist Sam up, tugging on his good arm to get him to his feet. “Sam-- Sam, we’ve gotta--” your eyes flickered up to the beam and it was splintering at the bottom, the ceiling following its swaying movements, “-- move. Now!”
“I know! I know!” He stumbled forward, almost falling straight into the glass-laced carpet if not for you being a wonderful makeshift pole. “Victor better have some bandages in that car…”
Glass crunching underfoot, the pair of you pushed out to the getaway vehicle-- a car that looked like a rusted 1970s sedan-- loose shots being made behind you in case anyone tried to follow. Now, you were unsure if you trusted the building to stay up more than you trusted this shitty little car to get the three of you away in time but you bit the bullet and began to shovel yourself into the back with Sam-- who you think almost cried when you accidentally pushed near his bullet wound. 
“Step on it, Victor.”
Sully didn’t need much more than that to kick the engine into gear. The exhaust sputtered something out of it, a cloud of black rising behind the car, then the tires began to squeak and you were launched into motion. One hand was on Sam’s chest to keep him from careening through the windscreen and the other was on the back of Sully’s chair to stabilise yourself. 
“Did you bring any bandages or--”
“In the trunk, kiddo.” 
You hummed and leant up over the backseat and, as you flailed your arm around in the back trying to reach the medical supplies, through the tiny rear window you could see the second level of the hotel sliding to the left and destroying the poor little convenience store next door. A shame; you’d gotten a lovely bottle of juice there just before the whole fiasco. 
Sam’s groaning beside you made you snap your head around to look at him, a quiet “oh yeah” from you gearing him up perfectly for one his stupid comments. However, Sully turned a corner a little too vigorously and Sam had to bite his tongue to keep back a groan. Thank God. 
“Don’t cry.” Your tone was mocking and you gave him a smart-assed half-smile as you unravelled the bandages. With more gentleness than either of you would care to admit, you lifted his arm slightly and, when Sam sucked in a breath through his teeth, your hand was light and comforting on his stomach. “Hold it there for me.” He hummed, nodding, and you then went about wrapping his wound up; you’d clean him up properly at the hotel but, for now, you had to make sure that nothing could happen to it— or him— on the way there. 
Damn this country and it’s jagged roads; this car ride was going to be hellish.
Sully threw you the keys to your room-- the smallest of the three, which you were less than happy about-- and you fumbled with the lock for a few moments. “Sam! In here.” You gestured with your head towards the room, holding the door open with a foot while the other half of your body ushered him inside.
“I appreciate the sentiment but I just don’t think my performance would be--”
“Shut up.” As usual, your look was harsh but it made him smile anyway. “I’m gonna clean your arm up.”
He grimaced-- for fair reason. “Surely a medical professional would be better for this?”
You began to rummage through your tiny suitcase for anything that might help with the pain or the cleansing or… anything really. “I’m as close as you’re gonna get to a doctor in this forsaken country.” You could feel his exasperated stare on the back of your head. “You’ll be fine; I took a first aid course.” There was a pause. “Well, I half took it; couldn’t pay for the rest of the lessons.”
“That makes me feel great.” As you turned, your gaze met with his crooked, sarcastic smile. 
“It can’t be any worse than a Shoreline mercenary pulling it out of you.”
He sat down on the edge of your bed and groaned. “Don’t remind me.” 
At that, you finally laughed, crouching down beside him with a few tabs of low-strength painkillers-- it’s better than nothing, right?-- and a damp towel. He lifted his arm for you slightly as you unbandaged him, hoping that the bleeding would’ve subsided a little bit at least. It had, luckily, but it didn’t stop the wound from looking nasty; you hoped to never find out what a bullet felt like.
He winced when you began to clean up the blood, lightly dabbing the area with the towel. He should stay out of commission for a while now to recover but would he? Certainly not; he wouldn’t be the Sam you knew if he did. “You shouldn’t have taken the bullet, Sam.” You idly mentioned, aware that he was injured because of you, to which he made some sort of incredulous noise as if you were being ridiculous.
“That guy would’ve shot you in a far worse place than the arm.” He glanced down at you briefly, trying to gauge what you were feeling, but was simply met with you frowning as you folded the towel to a cleaner section. “Besides, I’ve got a reputation as a hero to upkeep.”
“I’ll hit you in the bad arm--”
“No, no! Don’t!”
A look was shared between you, quiet laughter surrounding you both, before you continued on cleaning his wound. There was a moment of silence, then you said, “Job’ll be less interesting if you have to take time off.”
He inhaled-- sharply. “Was that almost a compliment?” At his wide grin, you found yourself huffing out a laugh, shaking your head. “I’m astounded, honestly. I didn’t know you had a kind bone in your body.”
“You say, as I tenderly clean your wound.” 
He chuckled at that but said nothing more between winces of pain, the sting of you cleaning it now hurting less than the ache of the wound itself. The quiet was comfortable-- something that not many would’ve expected between the two of you-- and Sam leant slightly, unknowingly or not, closer. It seemed as though he was trying to watch you pat at his injury but you would rather do anything than move your gaze away from the task at hand to check, lest you lock eyes with him and he says something about it, lips tugged up at one corner. 
You pursed your lips, deciding whether or not you were satisfied with your work, before leaning over the bed to grab the gauze and bandages. It wouldn’t be your problem to remove the bullet; Sam would have to go to a hospital for that-- you weren’t about to fuck up his arm with a pair of tweezers and a handful of determination. Instead, you were just going to pad it and bandage it a little, maybe offer to help him clean it again later if he was lucky. 
Just as you lined up the gauze and began to carefully wrap the bandage around his arm, Sam moved somewhat and it forced you to stop, shooting him a look of both concern and confusion. He closed his eyes for a moment, during which you furrowed your brows, and when he opened them he said: “I’d do it again, you know?”
“What? Get shot?”
“For you, yeah. I’d do it again.” 
You swallowed and simply continued to bandage him up. God knows how you were supposed to react. You didn’t know what he meant behind his words-- or at least you didn’t want to get any hopes up-- but you would be lying if you couldn’t hear your heart in your ears right now. 
So, you laughed.
It was breathy-- through the nose-- and your brows raised at the same time but you didn’t dare to look up at him. “How much blood did you lose, Sam?”
“Don’t--” he sighed, cutting himself off in favour of rolling his eyes. “Look at me, (Name).” You refused to. Adamantly so. “Please.” There was a pause. Then, you decided that you’d bite the bullet and let your gaze drag from the ever-so-interesting task of bandaging to his face. For a moment, it seemed like he’d lost all ability to speak, mouth open like he was meant to be saying something. Instead, he blinked and rolled his lips inward; it seemed like he was trying to bite a bullet of his own. “I’m… tired of acting like I hate you just to-- to push back--” it appeared that Sam wasn’t as good with words as he always made out but you couldn’t blame him; he was on the verge of saying things you had only thought of-- a guilty daydream that happened on long car rides or a look thrown at him that had shown only a fraction of what you had been thinking about. “To push back whatever the fuck goes on in my mind when I look at you. It’s… ridiculous.”
At that, you laughed quietly, breaking away from his gaze to look down at your hands. When your eyes met his again, he seemed confused. Sam raised a brow, to which you gave a smile. “I didn’t know you were such a wordsmith, Sir Samuel.”
He groaned but that grin of his was unmistakable. “I can’t fuckin’ believe you.” Usually, such a phrase would be said with a bit of growl behind it-- some spite-- but this time it was almost adoring. That in itself made you smile up at him, creating a pause in which you seemed to just be studying his face. You took that moment to grab his chin between your thumb and forefinger, drawing him closer to you until you could--
“Hey, Sam? Do you have a spare lighter? I must’a--” The door opened, revealing Sully who had been hopelessly patting himself down until he laid eyes upon the scene before him. The pair of you scrambled apart, both still too used to acting like you despised each other to be seen within a metre of the other, but Sully had already seen. He had already had time to process. So, there came the expected “Oh ho ho ho!”, to which both you and Sam sighed and let your heads loll backwards. “You wait till I tell Nate about this! He owes me twenty bucks.” 
With that, Sully left the room, a terrible grin on his face, already pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Silence fell over the two of you until Sam finally let his gaze drag back to you and you met him with the same amount of fatigue in your eyes. It was then that you both began to laugh.
“We’re never gonna hear the end of it, are we?”
He pshhh-ed. “No. Of course not.”
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impaladolan · 4 years
Control Freak - Grayson Dolan
summary: after being summoned to the new CEO’s head office, or rather dungeon, there’s an unexpected twist when y/n becomes, what some would say, mouthy with her relatively new boss..
warnings: smut & swearing, the usual :)
tag(s): @joyfuldolann tehe
a/n: i’ve never really done tags, but if you’d like to participate in them— (such as for future series or control-freak/capture parts) leave a comment on any of my posts or even dm me! (only if you want, don’t feel obligated to do so, it’s just for fun :)))) ily! <3 also, sorry if this is crappy.. i’m not the biggest fan of this part, but i really wanted to get something out for you all!
part one
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"I'd like to have a word with you, in my office."
His voice rang in your ears, like a symphony or an orchestra in a small room. So as you slowly walk down the hall, past the secretaries and into his large, barricaded office, you had internally convinced yourself that he's just a guy that's your boss. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
So you thought...
"Ms. Y/L/N." He addresses as soon as you shut the large door and turn around, though his eyes were glued to his large computer. "Sit." He demands, looking towards you for a moment and nodding to the chair sat in front of his huge desk. You hurry to answer his command, seating yourself in the cushiony furniture. You take a quick look around the room, the colors and décor a lot more darker and dungeon-y than Mr. Kidman had it. It almost made you sleepy, until his voice snapped;
"You should be a little less intrusive with your own thoughts, Ms. Y/L/N." He had fully turned, giving you his undivided attention with his brow arched and a signature smirk dotting his plump lips. You felt your cheeks go hot from just his voice, and his snippy, cockiness as well. "How're you to know exactly what I'm thinking, if I may ask Mr. Dolan?" You assertively question, crossing your legs as you furrow your brow with intent. You knew what games he was playing, and you'd play them right back if it meant putting him in his place, questionably.
"It's all about body language, darling. You seem to fidget a lot in my presence, which I notice that you don't do in anyone else's.” He begins, watching as you surely begin to run your hand along the ends of your skirt, something you normally do when you’re nervous. “You're a bit more sassy and less reserved when you're talking to me, and your cheeks seem to turn red when I directly speak to you, do they not?" He now had his large hands settled on the tabletop, fiddling his thumbs back and forth while he pursed his lips in question. He had completely caught you off guard and all the more stunned and almost embarrassed. "Sir.. I don't understand what you—"
"Or the way you dozed off that entire meeting. Tell me, Y/N, what were you daydreaming about, hm? Something work related I suppose?" He was quick to interrupt you, adding a fiery anger, much like Kidman's, to your attitude. "Listen, you cocky fucking asshole. I'm tired of your stupid pestering so if you could just get straight to the point instead of me having to sit here and endure your little go-arounds for another half hour, it'd be greatly appreciated." You violently whisper, standing from your seat with your arms crossed and your lips in a thin line.
You're a very tolerant person, but his continuous egging on was bound to make you burst anyway. But what made you even more extravagantly angered was his hoarse chuckle that began to rumble throughout the room. "Cocky fucking asshole, huh?" He continues his girthy laugh, standing from his seat and slowly strolling around to the front of his desk. You slightly gulp when he towers you with his height, his intensity and nonchalantness at the same time a bit too much to bear. "I'd watch that pretty little mouth of yours, princess, before it gets you into some real trouble." He seats himself on the front edge, examining you head-to-toe with his beading eyes. You grew stiff, not wanting to make a sound or remark in his wavering stare.
Perhaps to keep from getting in trouble, maybe?
"I'd say the same to you, if it weren't for yours being rather large, than little." You incoherently scoff, surprising yourself with your own words. His face contorted from his relaxed look into a more furious looking one. His grip on the ledge of his oak wood desk had tightened, making the tops of his hands whiter and more constructed than they would look relaxed. His indented cheekbones grew more visible and his eyes seemed to darken out of nowhere.
He does look very ravishing when he's angry..
Suddenly, you feel his tight grip on your hips, shoving you back down into the chair without a warning. "Y'know, Kidman told me about you," He began, waltzing away from you and around your chair, undoing his tie in the process. All the while you sat there with wide eyes and a fluttery feeling down near the pit of your stomach. It gave you goosebumps clear down your arms and legs. "He said you were a very independent, hardworking women that's quiet and respectable. But frankly, you've proved him wrong." He sighs as he turns to face you, still sat in the chair, with a sharp and pointed look that gave you the good tinglings. "Well, frankly," You mock his tone, "You've only known me for the minimum of three hours, Mr. Dolan. You're just assuming." You point out, with a ghastly smile.
To that, he loudly slaps his hands on the arms of the chair that you were forcefully sat in, his face becoming of close proximity to yours. "Have anything else to say before I smack that tiny little ass of yours?" He questions with the raise of his brow, sending another one of the flooding shivers down your entire body.
If it wasn't for your lack of correct, impulsive decision making skills, you would have walked away and finished whatever work you had left and hurried home. But instead, you flipped yourself over and laid on the chair, ready for whatever he wanted to do to you.
"Take that fucking skirt off." He deeply orders, taking his blazer off angrily after unclipping his belt buckle. You obey almost immediately, shimming the skirt down your legs and unbuttoning the first couple buttons of your white dress shirt. You firstly feel his fingers softly glide over your asscheek, trailing towards your thong and looping his index finger under the thin fabric. With a tight, forceful pull, he rips it in half and tosses the bunched up silk to the side as you gasp with surprise. You close your eyes as you feel his hand glaze over asscheek once again, readying yourself for what would eventually hurt like hell.
But instead of what potentially would have been a slap, you feel his large hands roughly pull your legs apart, and his cock slam down into your noticeably aroused pussy. You loudly yelp, securing your hands around whatever you could while his settled at the valley of your hips. “Fuck, yes.” He breathlessly groans with his head thrown back and his eyes scrunched with immense pleasure. Your eyes began to water and the beginning of his slow, steady thrusts made your pussy clench with the desire of more. You had your teeth sunk into your bottom lip to keep your sounds and contentment as quiet as possible.
You hadn’t even realized how long it’s been since you’ve had real, carefree sex. You honestly forgot how good and scandalous it felt. Though, you started to remember, even in your hazed state of mind, that it was your new boss standing behind you. But before you could even get a chance to agree or take action from your right state of mind, you felt him lift you up and rush the two of you over to the other side of his spacious desk, his cock still embedded inside you and unmoving.
He lays you on your back, grabbing the opened part of your shirt and ripping it off, his teeth gritted and his brows furrowed as he swiftly unclips your bra and pulls it down your arms. Unlike his slowness before, he began to speed up quickly, barreling into you like he hadn’t done it in years. Which would be true if he hadn’t drunkenly slept with a women he had met at the bar almost a year ago, but he faintly remembers that anyway.
You became used to the pressure that once stretched your walls uncomfortably, but now it felt right. The way he entered you, at a slight angle, made your legs quiver with desire and the yearning for more. And when he touched that certain spot, oh god it made you whine like crazy.
“Fuck—there!” He had you almost screaming, which made him all the more aroused and heightened. He continued his harsh poundings, bringing his hands from your hips and softly up your stomach until they reached your perky breasts. He toyed with your sharpened nipple, grinning at the sensation it brought to you when you arched your back. With the sudden shaking of your legs and the unshielded moans you let loose, he could just tell you were extremely close.
“Don’t you fucking cum yet, Y/N. I’ve hardly fucking started with you.” Grayson then harshly brought his hand down to your soaked clit, rubbing it in quick circles. You weren’t really one to disobey authority, but it seems like getting on Grayson Dolan’s, the CEO of the company Choff, nerves were a bit more fun and exhilarating.
So when you felt the extremely bound knot in your stomach begin to want to unravel— you just let it. You came over his engulfed cock that continued to sink into you as you hardly breathe, the overflowing feeling and sensation that numbed your entire body washing over you. You weren’t given anytime to reassess, because he continued his thrusts, speeding himself up with an anger you’ve never seen before. He picked you up again, slamming you against the wall with one of his hands holding your ass up while the other kept your hands above your head.
“That’s fucking it—”
Though, the two of you were too caught up in each other to realize that someone was at the door, stunned and shocked at the scene playing out..
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Thin Line
Summary: You’re wild and free. She’s strict and trained. You and Natasha are polar opposites and it drives her crazy. Each move you make annoys her to no end. But, there’s a thin line between annoyance and adoration.
Rating: 18+ Violence, Language, Blood, Death, and Smut.
Chapter 9
It all lead to this.
Every harsh word, side glance, and argument lead your team- your family, to this breaking point.
You stand between your love and your friend. Tony’s eyes fixed on the other half of your team’s leadership in front of you, Steve.
Tony couldn’t stress enough how avoidable this all was. He still thinks he can avoid it.
While you had hoped this could’ve been avoided, you know it’s too late. That doesn’t stop Tony from trying though.
“You’ve been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. Rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep,” Tony pauses exasperatedly,“ I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.”
Steve doesn’t budge,“ you did that when you signed.”
If rolling your eyes was apporiate you would do it.
This whole thing stopped being about the Accords the second Barnes popped up. At this point it’s just Steve trying to hold on to the past, which you get, but holding on so tight that he screws with the present and future? It’s a bit much.
“Steve it’s us for crying out loud,” you’re more than fed up with all of this.“ Just turn Barnes over and come with us before some J-SOC guys show up and force you to, cause that won’t be pretty.”
Natasha looks into your eyes and Tony continues to look at Steve.
“Come on.” Tony sighs.
Steve’s silence lasts, before an arrow sails through the air and cuts through Spider-Man’s web.
Tony’s mask comes down and he looks in the direction the arrow came from. Spider-Man is seemingly punched by a ghost, but a man appears, flipping off him.
“What the hell was that?” You and Rhodey ask.
No one is happy about what’s starting.
“Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?”
“I’m coming with you Tony.”
He looks to you, before grabbing the back of your suit, and flying off. Your current teammates call out their targets through the comms.
You hear the fighting in your ear, eyes trained on Clint and Wanda as Tony shoots missiles toward them. Obviously he isn’t trying to blow them up but it still puts you a little more on edge.
Tony lets you go and you roll before jumping into a fighting stance.
“Wanda, I think you hurt Vision and Y/N’s feelings.”
The green eyed girl looks at you, but can’t maintain eye contact,“ you locked me in my room.” She directs to Tony.
“Okay. First, that's an exaggeration.”
“And he did it to protect you.” You add, emphasis on protect.
Wanda’s head tilts, almost in disbelief at your words.
Tony carries on talking,“ hey, Clint.”
“Hey man.”
The two speak for mere seconds, the whole time you look at your best friend. She can’t meet yours eyes and it drives you mad.
If she’s reading your thoughts now she knows how hurt and upset you are.
Having not been paying attention, you’re surprised to be shoved away by red magic, only to see that same magic being used to pull cars on to Tony.
Your eyes widen and you look at Wanda. She stops after Tony’s practically buried.
Their slight distraction give you just enough time to run up on them.
Snapping your batons into a staff, you swing it at Clint’s legs, forcing his back to smack into the ground. Then you wrap the staff around Wanda’s waist, holding her hand behind her back.
“That’s a little excessive don’t you think?” You say, mouth inches from her ear.
“Not at all.” She grunts back, her magic pushing you away and into a car.
Air forces itself from your lungs as your back smacks into the metal and you land face first on the ground.
“Fuck me.” You groan, pushing yourself up and looking to Tony as he gets from under the cars.
You two are flying back to Steve, Tony dropping you once again, and you help Nat up. Smoke billows from the exploded truck.
“Is this part of the plan?” Natasha looks from you to Tony.
He walks closer,“ my plan was to go easy on em.”
“Then let’s switch it up.” You roll your shoulders and rub your hands together.
Steve’s team runs toward the Quinjet, only to be stopped by Vision, who literally draws a line.
He tells them to surrender as your team regroups.
You all stand off for a moment, before walking towards each other. You all pick up the pace and collide.
All your attention is on Wanda. You know she won’t hurt you, not seriously anyway.
Punches are thrown, repulsor beams are shot, arrows fly.
It’s hectic to say the least.
Wanda does her best to keep you and Spider-Man at bay, but two targets makes things difficult.
You’re able to get closer since she’s throwing cars at the young kid.
Not wanting to hurt her either, you sweep your leg into hers. She falls backwards but catches herself.
“Wanda, I’m asking you one last time to stop this.”
She pushes herself up,“ and I’m telling you one last time- no.”
You narrow your eyes and charge at her.
Her magic gives her the upper hand but you’ve trained much longer.
You manage to trade blows with her for a good minute. That is until she wraps your hands in magic and forces your legs from underneath you with that same magic.
When you hit the ground, your head smacks into the concrete, disorienting you briefly.
By the time your sense snap back into place, Wanda is already running toward Natasha and Clint.
A frown forms your eyebrows when Wanda’s magic grabs Natasha’s ankle and she’s thrown away.
Your girlfriend grunts in pain and you run over to her, head pounding.
“Let’s go Pretty Girl, we’ve got friends to stop.”
She accepts your outstretched hand and you pull her up for the second time today.
Looking around, you take in how quickly your team loses the upper hand.
“Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose? I'm open to suggestion.” Tony says.
You and Natasha share a look before going your separate ways again to keep fighting.
“Does my charm and witty sense of humor count?” You ask, eyeing the giant on the airfield.
“Afraid not Y/L/N.”
With mostly everyone handling the biggest situation, you follow after Natasha to Steve and Bucky. Just as Vision phases through the big guy and cuts down a tower.
It nearly stops them, but Wanda catches it just in time.
You pick up speed and tackle her, her focus shifts and she drops the tower.
“Stand down Maximoff.”
She glares at you, chest heaving with each breath.“ I never thought I’d be fighting you.”
Your gaze softens,“ I don’t want this to be happening. You’re my best friend Wan.”
“Still, you let Tony lock me up.”
“I didn’t let-” groaning in frustration, you roll off the girl, resting on the concrete,“ I told you I didn’t know.”
An engine roars and you look up to see the Quinjet taking off, Rhodey chasing after it.
“Do you really think it was worth it?” You look into her eyes.
She doesn’t answer.
Vision flies over and kneels beside Wanda. You get up and walk away before they start talking.
Your eyes follow the action in the sky, and just when you think Rhodey might catch up to them, Falcon appears.
Explosions go off and Rhodey calls for Visions help. A yellow beam shoots past your head and into the sky.
For a moment you can’t make out what’s happening but you watch as Falcon dodges and Vision hits Rhodey instead.
Suddenly he’s plummeting toward the ground. Vision takes off after, Falcon and Tony trying to reach him. But they don’t.
Rhodey crashes into the ground with a cloud of dust and you feel your heart drop.
You listen as closely as possible, hearing Tony ask FRIDAY for vitals. You very very faintly hear the A.I. tell him there’s a heartbeat.
Despite the relief you feel, you know Rhodey’s badly injured.
You’re about to go towards them when you hear the distant rumbling.
Turning around, you see multiple black trucks pull up.
If the logos on them weren’t clear enough, the soldiers pouring out clarified it. J-SOC.
They start rounding everyone up: Clint and the once giant man. By the time you’re standing beside Wanda they’re coming over to get her.
But instead of the normal cuffs they pull out a shock collar.
“Hey what the fuck!” You shove the soldier with the collar away from her, taking a protective stance in front of your best friend.
The other soldiers aim their guns at you and Natasha walks up with T’Challa lingering behind.
“Y/N,” Wanda’s hand finds your arm but you don’t stand down.
“You better put that thing away. She isn’t some goddamn animal. You cuff her like you did everyone else.”
No you don’t want her arrested but let’s face it there are consequences to her actions. But not those consequences.
Natasha steps closer, green eyes bore into yours,“ I would hate to see you get shot.”
“Step away from Maximoff or we will be forced to remove you.” The soldier shouts.
“Oh I’ll move,” you look around Natasha,“ when you put the collar down. And you can bet your ass if you come at me I’m taking half of you down before you can get a shot off.”
Not entirely true, but with the anger and slight fear cursing through your veins you’ll say anything.
Soldiers have run past you to get Sam and are currently bringing him back. As well as medics wheeling Rhodey by.
Tony hesitates beside the scene you’re causing but continues on behind Rhodey.
“Y/N stand down.” Natasha tells you.
Knowing you won’t, Wanda cautiously moves to stand beside you, her hand now on your shoulder.
“It’s okay.” Her voice holds no conviction. She’s scared and angry, but she doesn’t want you to get hurt because of her choices.
“No it’s not Wanda. Not even a little.”
The soldiers close in as Wanda steps away from you, the same one with the collar standing behind Wanda.
“I swear to god if you put that on her-” he does before you even finish and you instantly charge toward him.
A soldier grabs at your arm and you immediately shift your weight and throw him over your shoulder. Another comes at you and you kick into his knee making him fall down. Before a third one can get to you Natasha grabs you.
Her warm body presses into your back, hands gripping your arms.
Not at all wanting to hurt your girlfriend, you stop moving, but anger still rolls off you in waves.
“Calm down.” Natasha whispers into your ear,“ you’re going to make it worse.”
“How could it possibly get worse.” You mutter, stepping out of her hold.
She sighs,“ Y/N-”
Her words catch in her throat when you turn to look at her.
You don’t want to say something you’ll regret, so you don’t speak simply because you’re that angry.
Not just at the Wanda thing, that made you angry but as the severity of everything that happened rushes towards you, you get pissed.
“I need a minute.”
She nods, hand slowly leaving your body, but eyes holding your gaze for a second longer.
That “minute” lasts until your on one of Tony’s jets.
An attendant offers you a hot towel which you decline, only for Natasha to accept one and angle her body towards you.
The silence remains as she wipes the dirt and blood off your face.
You weren’t even aware you had blood on your face.
“You know, as sexy as your angry silence is, its starting to worry me.”
As of late, when you look into Natasha’s eyes there’s something hidden beneath. She’d allow you to see certain emotions but whatever it was, she was hiding it with everything she has.
“I’m fine Tasha.”
“There’s no way you’re fine. Not after all that just happened.”
You chuckle humorlessly,“ of course I’m not but what else am I supposed to say? I can’t even comprehend what the hell just happened and I was actively apart of it. None of that should’ve happened but it’s not like any of us had any other choice right?”
“Tell me what I can do.” She speaks softly.
“I don’t know Nat. I don’t think there’s anything any of us can do.”
A beat of silence.
Unsure of what to say, but not wanting to take your frustrations out on Natasha, you reach up and take the hand she left resting on your cheek.
You press three chaste kisses on her knuckles, before reaching down and pulling her legs into your lap.
“I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m incredibly grateful to have you with me Pretty Girl.”
A gentle smile curves her lips, nothing like the warning smirks and expressionless faces she’s been pulling the last few days.
You stare into those eyes you’ve come to love and in them you find fear, hurt, uncertainty.
You’re hit with how selfish you’ve been with her.
She’s been asking you how you are, reassuring you, but this team is her family even more so than it is yours. While you’ve only been here a couple months, she’s been here since the beginning.
If this hurts you, there’s no doubt it’s hurting her more.
Wrapping an arm around her back, you pull her into your lap. Her arms wrap around your shoulders and her cheek lays against your head.
You tighten your hold on her waist,“ we’re gonna get our family back Nat.”
You don’t see it, but determination sets in those green eyes. She knows everything you don’t.
“I know.” She says, eyes trained outside the jet window.
Tag List: @uglipotata72829 @jumbojamba47 @fayhar @blackwidowromonoff @natasha-danvers​ @shycucumbersandwich​ @natasharomanoffsbitch-x​ @studywithrosie01 @gorgeyhun69 @imnotasuperhero @peggycarter-steverogers @superwholockedbeauty @jenny-song
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
i needed to lose you to love me (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)
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Summary: Bakugo sucks at apologizing, but knows that he owes you one. Big Time.
WARNING: THERE IS SOME MAAAAJOR AAAAANGST AND STRANGER THINGS 3 SPOILERS IN THIS CHAPTER.  LIKE… MAJOR... I might have to actually make an alternate ending... sure I personally think this one has a happy ending too but... have ya’ll HEARD Selena Gomez’s new music video and song? It’s heartbreakingly beautiful but important about self-love so... here ya’ll go! Warning it’s also pretty lengthy... I also alluded to American Horror Story in here too.
Taglist: @i-love-bakugou​, @soseoky​, @random-username-101​
The Long Awaited Part 2 of ‘Dump His Ass’ here: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186316524474/dump-his-ass-bakugou-katsuki-x-reader
And Thank You All Might: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186833600249/thank-you-all-might
If you haven’t seen Stranger Things 3 year and don’t want any spoilers… this one has HUGE spoilers so… read at your own risk…
You promised the world and I fell for it... I put you first and you adored it
It’s been at least a couple of months and yet you found yourself still upset over the newfound sadness that plagued you as you put away an empty glass of water in the sink, sniffling a little bit. Unable to help but let some tears stream down your face as you could only think about what you had lost.
Why did it have to be him?
Yes, he was a huge jerk but he had a good side after all.
It wasn’t just you, many others had to see his nastier sides and witnessed him beat up some innocent people. And many, including yourself had thought there was no way such a jerk could ever have any sort of redeeming qualities, and the only good trait about him was that he was good-looking and badass.
He acted like he was so big and tough and bullied others just to show off his power, but even he had a soft spot that he buried deep down inside.
And you lost him.            
Now all you could do was cry as you grabbed a tissue to wipe your face, not wanting to go to school upset over such a silly thing. Plus, you already embarrassed yourself in class not long ago by crying in front of everyone, so it was time to just get over it…
But you missed him…
“(Y/N)?” You nearly perked up as soon as you heard a familiar voice that belonged to the person you had been avoiding for the past months. Your ex-boyfriend…
Bakugou wasn’t a patient guy, and had been trying to bug you for the past couple of months but you stopped letting him and he had reluctantly put up with your silent treatment and cold shoulders. However, he couldn’t ignore your tears, he fucking HATED seeing you cry and he fucking HATED knowing that he was responsible for them…
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn...
He tried to get close to you, but you never let him, except this time he wasn’t going to let you just push him away. “Oy. What the fuck’s the matter…?” Despite his coarse language there was gentleness as he closed in towards you and looked you in the eyes.
“H-He’s gone…” You didn’t want to really see him, but you decided to just answer his question and his eyes slightly widened, “Who’s gone?” His concern grew when he thought that someone important to you might have died or disappeared.
“B-Billy… Billy’s gone… Hopper’s gone too… a-and so is Alexei…” You wiped your tears away with a napkin and swallowed hard to try and not get so emotional over the beloved characters you grew attached to.
But Bakugou could only blink in befuddlement, only for that to turn into pure and simmering annoyance, “Seriously?! Are you talking about the characters from that show?! I thought someone actually died!” He quickly shouted as you put your hand over your mouth to quell a snicker, as sad as you were over losing Billy, Hopper and Alexei, Bakugou’s anger was so amusing.
Yes you had been rewatching Stranger Things 3 ever since it came out because it was THAT good, you finally watched all of it with your friends and it was the BEST season thus far. Yet, it still didn’t cease to break your heart with the way it concluded this year.
“Yes… I am… oh yeah… Billy’s dead… and Alexei’s a new character that everyone fell in love with, Hopper’s also PROBABLY dead and Eleven… moved away from Hawkins can you believe it…?” With a small smirk you told him everything that you were sad about and you were actually really shocked to see his eyes go wide in the slightest bit of outrage as he yelled.
“Well I wouldn’t have to tell you what happened if you had just sat your ASS DOWN that night and watched it with me.” It was your turn to be harsh as you used a sharper tone that almost scared your ex as he looked at you in shock. He was not used to this side of you at all because you were usually his cheerful if weird and kooky girlfriend.
Bakugou knew you could be tough, but being on the end of it was… scary to witness.
“Now you care about the show?” You chuckled and shook your head when you recalled all of the times when he mocked your taste in shows and repeatedly said that Stranger Things was unoriginal and stupid. Well, actually at first you were okay with it because that was okay and it wasn’t anything personal, but then he started mocking other things that you liked knowing that you liked them and then mocked you for liking them. Why did you put up with all of that?
Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours...
“Because you made me watch it! You’re the idiot that got me invested in that dumb show in the first place!”
“Okay, maybe I was a LITTLE bit pushy but… did it kill you to watch something with me every now and then you jerk?” You had calmed down a little bit, and instead put your hands up just to stop this pointless argument, much to Bakugou’s slight surprise as his scowl had lessened.
“You know what? Nevermind… I’m not going to argue about a freaking show… and I’m not gonna waste yours or my time… I forgot how much you value your time.” Shaking your head, you grabbed your bags to get ready to leave soon. Maybe you were giving Bakugou the guilt trip, but in your defense he called you fat and accused you of being lazy, and you were starting to realize that he didn’t give you a whole ton of respect during your relationship as he insulted things you liked, didn’t spend a lot of time with you, brushed you off when you tried to help him, blew you off at times and again, he called you fat. Something he swore that he would NEVER call you, and he broke that swear.
He treated you like garbage so now, like Max had said, it was time to treat HIM like garbage.
And so far the guilt-trip was working and Bakugou hated that it was. Every time you reminded him of the things he said, this knot in his chest would build and it would make him SO angry and yet so fucking guilty.
“Dammit (Y/N)… will you just listen? I know I said some stupid-shit but-“
Uh-uh, you didn’t want to hear it and you quickly put your fingers in your ears and started to sing, “Lalalalala~! I can’t hear you~! I respond to nothing Katsuki~!” You sang outloud and that just made the already frustrated Bakugou even madder, “CUT THAT OUT! (Y/N) YOU MORON STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING KID!!”
“I’m sorry? But I can’t understand you Katsuki… cuz you’re a human… and I’m a pig, remember? Pigs can’t understand humans… there’s a language barrier. Oink, oink.” Your eyes were wide in fake surprise which REALLY shocked but also REALLY infuriated your ex.
“Do NOT call yourself that! You’re not a pig! Come on I didn’t MEAN what I said all right?!” You couldn’t be serious; you couldn’t have taken his words to heart THAT much could you? He really hoped not, because it just made him regret what he said even more.
However, you weren’t listening to him and just continued to ignore him as you tried to walk away, but Bakugou wasn’t going to let you. He didn’t like this feeling, he didn’t like it at all…
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted 
“Hey! Goddamn it (Y/N) stop ignoring me!” Bakugou wasn’t used to you ignoring him at all, because you always, always gave him your attention, sometimes a little too much but he got used to it. And he liked that...
“Katsuki, you SERIOUSLY hurt me… I’ve told you this… the damage is done… you know I had a hard time growing up because of that… and you and Izuku were the only ones who never called me things like that when everyone else did…” Your voice cracked yet again as you quickly turned away and walked away as fast as you could, not giving Bakugou the chance to try and reach out for you the second he thought you were going to cry again.
Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn
“Argh! (Y/N)!” Bakugou called your name, but his guilt kept him rooted to where he stood as he let you walk off. But his eyes slightly widened when Mina and Yaoyorozu had been around and came just in time to walk with you and give warning glances to Bakugou so he didn’t try to come over to you. Mina even made sure to glare at him as the girls put their hands on your shoulders as the three of you walked away and left your ex alone.
“Dammit…!” He exclaimed to himself with his fists clenched. God he really fucked up; his classmates were giving him the stink-eye and you probably hated him. He couldn’t have that.
Well, Bakugou still really didn’t give a shit about what the others thought about him, but maybe, just maybe he didn’t want you to hate him. Even if it was his own fault. The more he reflected on what he said to you, the worse he felt…
You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah...
You held back a yawn at the last class of the day, resisting the urge to go to sleep when Aizawa droned on and on about something you didn’t really care about. Well, it wasn’t that you were sad or anything, you were totally over everything that went down the last couple of days. Frankly, you had better things to think about and deal with than your dumb ex-boyfriend.
Like the new Zombieland! Now that you watched Stranger Things 3, it was time to get into something new. And you finished Big Mouth season 3 too so… you needed something else to focus on that wasn’t related to your ex or school. You giggled a little bit at the thought, maybe you should have been focused on studying for upcoming tests but at the same time it felt like everyone had been working too hard.
So the minute it was time to go you quickly went over to Izuku to see if you could drag him to the next showing.
“Hey ‘Zuku c’mere I got a plan…” You kinda grabbed his arm, making him jump a bit in surprise as he yelped a little bit. “A-Ah! Oh! H-Hey (Y/N)-chan… s-sure…” You thought he was so cute even though you two had been friends forever and he STILL got nervous whenever you touched him.
However, Bakugo didn’t find it cute AT ALL. Why the hell were you touching Deku?! What the hell were you doing with Deku?!
You didn’t notice this though as you just lulled him away to whisper, “Hey I’m like super hyped for the new Zombieland cuz it’s been getting some pretty good reviews despite the fact that it’s been like 10 years since the last one so… wanna go see it with me? I’m gonna invite some other fun people with me~.” It was a bit of a sudden, spontaneous idea but you thought ‘fuck it’ you wanted to go watch an awesome zombie movie with your friends and get school off your mind for a little bit.
Wasn’t that one of Columbus’s rules after all? Rule 32: Enjoy the little things. Yes you memorized some of the rules, some of them were good rules!
“Zombieland? Oh, that’s right! They made a sequel… sure…! I think that would be kind of nice…” Izuku wasn’t exactly a movie buff like you were but he liked spending time with you and watching movies or TV with you, and he liked the first Zombieland too.
“Great! Give ourselves a goddamn break ya know? I think we’re all kinda stressing out so yeah! Let’s go for it dude!” You gave him a big grin as he couldn’t help but blush quite madly, but he was happy that you seemed a bit happier as of late. Given the drama that occurred after you and Bakugou broke up and the mini depression you went through afterwards that lessened somewhat with the help of him, Shinsou and All-Might.
Did you still get sad? Of course. Depression and a low self-esteem don’t just go away, but your friends had been helping you through that, and you even still talked to All-Might whenever he and Izuku were training together or discussing something together.
“Actually that’s… not a bad idea at all. I suppose we have been a little busy lately...” He took note of what you were planning, and thought that a break could be good for him and his friends. “YEAH! Totally! I’m gonna invite Hitoshi! And Mina, and Tooru, and Denki, Fumikage, Yuga, Tsu, Momo, Eijirou, Hanta…” You listed off a few people you planned to invite since those were the ones you felt oddly closest to. It was a pretty big group but hey they could pay for their own tickets right? Besides the more the merrier!
“I think they’ll really like that (Y/N)-chan.” He thought outloud as the two of you walked out of the place together and headed towards the dorms, unaware that a furious Bakugou overheard EVERYTHING.
You were inviting THOSE losers to see a fucking movie but not him?! What the hell?! Now you were full-on ghosting him?!
That’s what it certainly felt like as he discreetly followed you and the damn nerd back to the dorms and you cheerfully skipped over to your room to get some good clothes on and get your things altogether so you could prepare for the upcoming time-slot at 6. You still had 2 hours but you liked to be ready before then.
And you quickly started to text to your friends. 
‘Hey Toshi, let’s go see Zombieland 2! I hear it’s really good so lets go C it bro!’ 
You texted Shinsou first though since he was the other friend you considered your closest.
‘Sure. Liked the first one, looking forward to this one.’ 
He quickly texted you back and was certainly up for it as you grinned and decided to tease him just a little bit. ‘HOORAY! And it’s a movie made just for you!’
His text was very sarcastic but just as playful as yours as you snickered a little bit before you started sending the other texts to your friends.
‘LET’S GO SEE ZOMBIELAND 2 YA’LL. We need break, let’s go laugh it up at the movies!’
Was the text you sent via group messaging to Mina, Hagakure, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Sero. And you were met with numerous replies.
‘Oooh I’m so excited for the sequel!’
‘Oh yeah! Now that’s an idea (Y/N)! Let’s nut up or shut up!’
‘I will never turn down an offer to see a zombie movie.’
‘Yes~. The first one was amazing, the second will be just as good~.’
‘I did like the first one, I’d like to see the second one too so that sounds like it would be fun (Y/N)-chan.’
‘Oh that comedy horror movie? Sure! The first one you showed me was good!’
‘OH HELL YES! I love that movie! It’s a yes (Y/N)! Thank you! I’m so up for that!’
‘Sure! I freaking loved the first one, dunno how this one’ll do without Bill Murray tho.’
You snickered at someone of their replies, finding many of them cute and funny at the same time. Looks like you had a party to go see this movie with, and you couldn’t be happier. You really needed this, since the past months hadn’t been easy since you were admittedly still getting over Bakugou. And you thought about what All-Might said, how you had to believe that you were beautiful and that you deserved love.
Of course, you still had a hard time believing that because it wasn’t just something you could drill into yourself and expect it to stay there, but at the same time you made sure to keep reminding yourself that and set your inner saboteur at bay. While at the same time, trying to not let what Bakugou told you dictate how you saw yourself.
You loved Bakugou, you really did, but he was mean to you, even though you knew what you were getting into, it ended up hurting you more than you ever thought it would when he just kept saying things that hurt and got into arguments with you whenever you wanted him to just spend a little time with him. He hurt you, and it was something you couldn’t quite just let go of, even though you weren’t exactly upset at him anymore, part of you still was.
And the love you still had for him didn’t leave you, but you kind of hated him too for being such a jerk to you, to Izuku and to Shinsou too for that matter. You hated him and you hated all the terrible things he said to you, because his remarks made you realize that no, you didn’t deserve any of that. Sure, you knew that maybe he really did love you at one point, because he kept trying to apologize so that meant he had to have still loved you right?
Or was it just his pride trying to win you back so he didn’t feel like a loser? You weren’t so sure, but deep down you knew that he did love you and did it because maybe he did feel really bad for what he said.
Dammit you wanted to hate him, but dammit you fucking loved him too. And damn, dammit it wasn’t good for you. You couldn’t just take him back after all of that, but you would at least know that he wasn’t a bad guy, he did have a heart, and that he did love you, and you loved him too…
But you didn’t deserve to have him treat you the way you did either. You loved him, but you were learning how to love yourself too.
You sighed as you got in your clothes and got everything you’d need from your wallet to your purse as you left your room. Making your way to the common room to hang about until it was a good time to leave.
“So Zombieland 2 huh?” Shinsou surprised you by suddenly speaking and popping up right behind you as you let out a shriek and jumped. Dammit he really was like a cat after he started training more. Hell he was so good you didn’t even detect that he was there since he was like a ninja learning how to subdue any obvious aura that you could sense.
“Good God man you’re going to need to start wearing a bell or something!” You whined a little bit as he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at your expense and the light flush on your cheeks.
“But yes… Zombieland 2… Double Tap. What the fuck am I right? I looooves me some zombie movies! Add a little comedy to it and you get one hell of a flick!” However, you went from surprised to cheerful as you happily shook your firsts in giddy anticipation.
“Heh… yeah you got a point. The first one set the bar… might as well see if these guys still got it after 10 years…” He thought outloud as you gave him a nod and a thumbs up. “It was actually my first rated R movie.” Shinsou then decided to share as you perked up a bit with a gasp. “For reals?”
He smiled and nodded as a grin came to your lips, “Nice… that’s a good start to the world of R rated movies. I’ve been watching so many R rated movies at a young age I forgot my first one…” You KINDA bragged but you weren’t lying, you’d gotten into R rated movies at a pretty early age, but Shinsou was actually somewhat impressed as he gave you a smirk.
“Oh yeah? You’re not the only one… I just have a better memory.” And he kinda poked fun at you as you laughed and playfully smacked his shoulder. “I’ll give you that…” Still you decided to own up to that because yes, you didn’t have the best memory unless it came to movie lines, character quirks or memes.
“Well… it’s a good idea, and I’m into it so… I’ll just go put on something that’s… not my uniform.” Shinsou’s smile looked almost coy as he scratched the back of his neck as you smiled back at him, “Take your time, movie don’t start for another hour and a half.” You said as he gave you a polite wave that you happily returned.
Yeah, you couldn’t wait to see the movie now. Especially with Shinsou, Izuku and all the others, they were so great. Shinsou and Izuku were so great… Shinsou was great…
You couldn’t help but think as you made sure you had everything, and some candy you stored away and would sneak into the theaters as you put the treats into the secret pockets of your purse. However, you paused momentarily when you definitely felt someone else’s aura in the room, no one other than Bakugou’s. You knew what his aura felt like, it was always so vibrant, bright and almost hot whenever you came so close as you could always see it flickering and blazing. Only this time, it was subdued, akin to a small candle.
“So you’re going to see that movie huh?” There it was, his low, raspy voice that you had fallen in love as you turned to see him looking so oddly calm. Bakugou wasn’t known for being calm at all, and yet he was here looking strangely cool.
You had to admit, although you kinda wanted to still treat him like garbage you were starting to feel kind of guilty about it too. So you decided to be more civil this time as you smiled, “Let me guess… Denki and Eijirou told you?” You asked politely as he scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Duh. Those two don’t know how to keep their traps shut when they’re excited…”
Maybe you could invite him? You thought, sure he was probably going to turn it down but… no, it probably wasn’t a good idea.
“In their defense, it’s been 10 years since the last one showed. The actors are all kinda old now, and we’re interested to see if they still got that thing ya know? If they can hold a candle to the first one, not sure you remember it but it was hella funny.” You said with a smile, and Bakugou couldn’t help but feel somewhat at ease.
The smile was real and it’s been a LONG time since he’s gotten a smile from you, it almost hurt seeing you smile because he remembered the times when you and him were together, you were always smiling. But this time, you and him weren’t together, and yet you were smiling now. Of course, Bakugou wanted you to be happy, but were you happy without him…? He almost didn’t want that… he wanted to be the one to make you smile because he was never, EVER going to say the stupid shit he said ever again.
“I remember.” He said gently and you were KINDA freaking out, was this even the real Bakugou? You were a little concerned, but you knew you shouldn’t have been since the calm aura was still as orange and red as ever, the red drowning away the orange as you saw a flicker of pink in there. Was that love? Or was that guilt? It had to be guilt. You knew Bakugou at his most vulnerable, and you adored that side of him too, but things have been so awkward between you and him that you didn’t know what to do…
You sighed a little bit and nodded as you moved from the refrigerator to go and sit at the couch, “I always thought you were prettiest like this.” But you stopped before you could sit as you perked up at his sudden comment though, and you looked over at him in shock. Did he just say you were pretty?
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me
A chuckle left you, turning into a snicker as you shook your head and you saw more of your Bakugou when he narrowed his eyes at you in annoyance, “How so…? I’m… not really dressed up.”
“Well that’s why!” He raised his voice a bit, and you honestly smiled because now he was kinda back to being himself and being honest. However, he didn’t want to yell at you anymore or make you feel worse so he calmed himself down, “Just regular clothes, no make-up, messy hair… no fake, colorful shit, just your style.” Okay, now you couldn’t be so sure, but dammit he wasn’t lying, it was all in his aura, his tone, and the way he was moving closer to you.
He really was trying, wasn’t he? You wanted to forgive him, you really did, and you were still trying to but… you weren’t ready for that.
“Heh… you’ve got weird taste in girls Katsuki.” You were still self-deprecating, just like you had been in your relationship, but Bakugou always made you feel better about it, and told you that you WERE beautiful and how you never ceased to turn him on.
Only this time, the words he said to you came back, and the things you told yourself came back and reminded you that no, you couldn’t fall back into his arms. No matter how close he got as he slowly came behind you. “Stop saying shit about yourself like that… you’re beautiful…”
God you loved the warmth that radiated from his powerful physique as his arms came around you, a shudder going down your spine at the familiar feeling. No, no, no you weren’t going to fall back into his arms, dammit… you couldn’t…
It was a pleasurable torture when he put his arms around your plump waist as he caressed your sides, and gave you a gentle kiss to the side of your head. Hoping that you could forgive him as you didn’t resist his advances until you decided…
You wanted to, but knew that you couldn’t right now as you grabbed his hands to pry them off of you, “No Katsuki, no, no…” Shaking your head, you were surprised that you managed to get his hands off you as you heard a low growl resonate in his throat as he gave you a soft glare, but he knew that… he couldn’t do anything because you said ‘no’. And Bakugou was taught very early on by his bitch mom that no meant no…
“Sorry I just… I don’t… I’m not... I can’t do that…” You shook your hand and raised a hand as you averted his gaze and instead you went back to go and maybe get other things from your room, but the truth was you just wanted to escape this awkwardness, it was too much for you. And frankly you were terrified of falling back into his arms again…
This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah...
Bakugou accepted that you said no but he was pissed off as he clenched his fists and trembled with hurt and rage. For a moment he almost thought you were doing this on purpose, and pushing him away for good. Why didn’t you forgive him? He apologized (a lot), he’d been trying so hard to apologize and take back everything he said to you.
Grinding his teeth, and barely holding it in, he angrily marched over to take out a minuscule of this fury on the nearby dishes on the table and shoved them off as they loudly shattered and cracked upon making impact with the floor.
He finally shouted with all the pent-up frustration, his booming voice drowning out the shattering glass as you gasped and backed away in slight shock and fear at his sudden outburst.
This reminded you of something you saw in a movie, he was so pissed and even yelling at you and honestly it did scare you, but Bakugou wouldn’t hurt you. Physically at least, you knew that much, but you weren’t going to back down
“Of COURSE, I’m still kind of pissed off! And for the record I am NOT punishing you, you narcissistic asshole, I’m TRYING to think about how I should forgive you for the things you swore to NEVER call me! Or if I even should forgive you! W-What? You want me to j-ju-ju-just… make out with you like its old times?!” You exclaimed with the same vexation that you had been keeping at bay ever since the two of you broke up, not seeing Bakugou’s narrowing eyes and shaking figure as he seethed when you once again, reminded him of the big mistake he made with you.
“I... I mean I... I can’t even look at your face Katsuki! Without… thinking about and hearing the words you said to me and the expression of anger and disgust on your face when you said that I was just some fat pig who was wasting your time!” Emotion nearly choked you up as you wiped your eyes when tears started to cloud them and you couldn’t see just how aggravated and distressed Bakugo was as he clutched his hair out of frustration.
“I FUCKED UP!! How many times do I have to say that I fucked up?! How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?!” 
Throwing his hands up, he shouted that he had indeed screwed up, louder than before, frustrated with everything, with you, with himself, with the fucking guilt that just started eating away at him again.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah...
“You can say you’re sorry all you want! I just… I can’t ignore the fact that you would stoop so low to say the same things the people YOU protected me from would say to me. Why did you do that?” You had to ask, even though you were still mad as hell.
“ARGH! Dammit! I don’t fucking know! I was pissed off! I had shit I was dealing with and I took it out on you but I shouldn’t have! I admit it!” Bakugou wasn’t denying it anymore, he knew he royally screwed up and that he couldn’t use his anger as an excuse for it, but you still weren’t having it.
“Oh. Oh so that’s what I am huh? Something for you take it all out on? Well your bad temper is not an excuse Katsuki and I’m done listening to you use that as your excuse for almost everything… you can’t even put it aside to think about me or how that must have seriously hurt me. Did you ever even think about how I felt during those times? Did you ever stop to put yourself in my shoes? Did you ever feel awful and useless when you couldn’t make your partner happy? Or... d-did, did you ever dread going to school because people were going to comment about the way you look? Did you go home feeling horrible about yourself because people called you ugly and fat? Did you spend nights crying all by yourself, bored and alone and feeling like you were going to be alone for the rest of your life because everyone else made you feel so worthless? Did you ever feel like maybe it was your own fault? Did you ever think that you had to have been the worst partner ever because it seemed that no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your partner to spend time with you? Did you ever feel like maybe you really were worthless because you felt like you just couldn’t do anything right and then spend every day hating yourself?!” 
You barraged him with all of these questions that broke his heart as he hated the emotions swimming in his furious crimson eyes but that’s not what you were talking about as you glared at him with hurt, darkening red aura barely visibly radiating from you. He couldn’t even say anything because deep down, he knew that he was probably one of those people now after you broke up with him because of what he said…
“I just… god… here’s my real question… why are you such a fucking asshole to me?” That’s the real question you wanted to ask him, and Bakugou couldn’t help but look shocked, confused but even more pissed off than before. He was an asshole to everyone, but you were hellbent on this little spat because of what he said, that was it wasn’t it? You were still mad because of something he said…
“For God’s sake I said I was sorry for what I said all right?! I’ve said it a million goddamn times! I’m SORRY (Y/N)! I didn’t mean what I said to you! I want to take it all back because it was the worst fucking thing I could have ever said to anyone! Especially you!” He shouted his apology, the angry tears threatening to spill but you shook your head at this.
“I’m not talking about what you said, I’m talking about everything! Ever since we got together you’ve still managed to treat me like shit! Even before we got together you still treated me like shit, and yet it got worse when we became a thing! You hardly spent anytime with me, pushed me away when I tried to help you, made fun of what I liked, insulted me and called me other names for what? Cuz I’m a geek like Izuku, cuz I like geeky things and like to watch TV and eat sweets and say dumb puns and hang out with Izuku and Hitoshi, well I’m sick of it Katsuki! I’m fucking sick of it!” 
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me…
You didn’t realize the tears dripping down your chin, or the sudden wave of blue aura that your sadness triggered and emitted from your form and rushed towards anyone in the vicinity as Bakugou cringed as the tears automatically streamed down his face in response to your quirk. Damn your quirk… but he’d be lying if he said that it wasn’t just your quirk making him cry…
Neither of you noticed that some of your classmates Izuku, Shinsou, Kirishima and Hagakure instantly backed away from being seen by you or Bakugou. They heard the screaming, and they were hella uncomfortable as they gasped quietly when your quirk hit them and immediately brought tears to their eyes as Izuku and Kirishima covered their mouths as huge tears well and dripped down their faces and made them quietly cry. Shinsou shut his eyes tightly when he felt your quirk make unwanted tears pool in his eyes as he tried so hard to blink them away but couldn’t stop some from falling. Hagakure on the other hand whimpered and had to keep her mouth shut though the boys couldn’t see anything other than moisture streaming down her invisible face.
She didn’t focus on them though, instead she was just thanking the gods for making her invisible because hearing two people scream at each other was scary…
However, the screaming died down once Bakugou heard you out, and apparently everything else that became clearer to him the more you said it. He knew he wasn’t hardly a good boyfriend, aside from the more intimate times you and he shared but it couldn’t make up the bad times either. Hell, even he knew he was a pretty shitty boyfriend, but now he felt like he’d been a really shitty boyfriend after you finally said all of it. All the shitty things he’d done before and after your relationship…
You sighed, closing your eyes as you looked away from him and didn’t see the look on his face. Remorse, shame and subdued fury all etched throughout his features as he furiously wiped his face to get rid of the tears he couldn’t stop. He wanted to comfort you, but he was the one who hurt you, and now he was hurting too, all of the hurt that he caused you to feel.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it...
“I’m just… I’m going to go now… sorry I just… I have to go…” But you didn’t want to be around him right now, you had a movie to go see with your friends. And the worst part is he was letting you, he wanted to follow you and just keep saying that yes, he was an asshole to you and that he just wants to take it all back so you could forgive him.
Dammit why the fuck wasn’t he moving?! Why the fuck wasn’t he saying anything?! 
All Bakugou could do was stand there, stunned in silence and growling quietly, rubbing at his tearful eyes more harshly as he watched you go. No, he couldn’t just leave it like this, it couldn’t end like this right?
No it wasn’t, he couldn’t just let it end like this, but he couldn’t bother you right now, he knew that much at least no matter how much he just wanted to go with you so he could at least be close to you after spending these past few months alone.
Yet he’d be kind enough to let you go with your friends as you spent the next hour just preparing yourself and drying your tears so you could go to everyone and say that you were okay. But of course, you weren’t okay, they knew that all too well.
Even Shinsou and Izuku held their tongues when they were all leaving with the motley crew of classmates that often didn’t hang together but were nonetheless friendly with each other.
“Ya all right there girl?”
“Is there anything you need (Y/N)?”
“I’m okay… honestly guys.” Kaminari and Kirishima were the first to ask if you were okay. “He didn’t say anything mean again did he?” Kirishima made sure to ask about Bakugou though, sure he was practically his best friend but even he wasn’t standing by him after the things he said to you. What he said was NOT cool, did he give him emotional support? Definitely, he’s the one who even told him that he should apologize to you, but he was sad that it didn’t seem to work.
However, he knew you weren’t obligated to forgive Bakugou, no matter how much everyone wanted to see a happy ending for you both.
“No one would blame you if you didn’t forgive him (Y/N). What he said was pretty cruel given you guys’ history together.” Tsuyu spoke what she thought, but she at least hoped nobody would. Some might have thought you were being unreasonable and unforgiving but Tsuyu wasn’t going to blame you if you didn’t take him back.
“She’s right. Or at least… they shouldn’t blame you. Although… I at least hope the two of you can reach better terms…” Yaoyorozu had a BIT more compassion though and sincerely hoped the best for you both and you couldn’t help but smile because that’s exactly what you wanted to.
While you and Bakugou didn’t have a pleasant conversation, you did want to at least go back to him later and say that it’d be great if you and he could at least be friends.
“I do too Momo… thanks Tsu. Thanks you guys… I’m still working on the forgiveness part but for now… I do want to get on better terms with him at least.” You smiled sadly at your sympathetic friends who all gave their nods and smiles of agreement as they seemed to approve.
“The decision is yours (L/N). There’s no obligation for you to return.”
“Yeah like, if it wasn’t healthy then you shouldn’t go back to it… sure sometimes toxic relationships can be cleansed but… Bakugou’s got his own stuff to work on too.”
Despite their less than stellar grades in school, Tokoyami and Sero were wise in their own ways, as what they said made you feel better and it made a lot of sense. And you appreciated the hell out of them for that.
“That’s right!”
“Uh huh! We’re with you with whatever choice you make too!”
“Of course my friend~.”
And it helped when Mina, Hagakure and Aoyama backed you up by giving the same endless support they had been giving you for months as you couldn’t help but tear up and laugh. “Dammit you guys… thanks… but please… enough with the mushy stuff I don’t wanna get all emotional again…” Your amused tone earned smiles and small laughs from your dear friends as Shinsou and Izuku stood by you.
“Sure… you’ve probably had enough of that huh?” Shinsou knew it’s been an emotional roller coaster for you, and he was certain that you could only handle so much mushy gushiness. “Y-Yeah… but I appreciate it… shows how much ya’ll care about me.” You had to admit that though, you loved how much all of your friends had done so much to help you.
“Anything for you (Y/N)-chan.” Izuku gave you one of his sweet smiles that you found irresistible as you smiled back at him. Something about him always made you feel so cared for; he was a good guy. He and Shinsou were such good guys.
They made you remember to actually love yourself too. They certainly loved you, and the rest of your friends loved you too. And you were starting to love yourself a little bit more too.
“Wait! There’s like 10 of us! How are… are you paying for all of us…?”
You snickered and couldn’t be happier to hear Kaminari’s comical but logical question as it broke the ice and lightened the mood. “Oh actually I also invited Shouto!” And you suddenly announced that, grinning as soon as you saw the dual-haired boy coming your way with a small smile as he watched you wave.
“Hey Shouto~!” You greeted him cheerfully as he joined in with your group.
“Hello (L/N). Hello Midoriya.” He returned the greeting politely, still giving you one of those rare little smiles that you were happy to see.
“Todoroki! (Y/N)-chan invited you too?” Izuku was especially elated to see his friend there, albeit he was surprised since you waited til the last minute to invite the fire and ice user. “Yes. She showed me the first one last week, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I’m interested to see how this second one will go.” Todoroki’s been slowly converted to your way of pop culture as you introduced him to several films like Disney and Marvel, but especially classic old movies like The Breakfast Club, Jennifer’s Body and Zombieland of course.
“Yeah you go bro! That’s my dude!” You were ecstatic that he was willing to come along though, and it showed. “Besides… I was able to take 10000 yen from my old man’s wallet so everything is on me.” His smile turned into a small smirk as you gasped and laughed, clapping your hands happily.
“YES! That’s my Shouto! Rebelling against daddy~!!”
Okay, maybe you kinda gave him that idea since you didn’t have a lot of money yourself, but Todoroki did, and he was more than happy to pay for you and his friends especially since it was so accessible thanks to his bitch father.
“All right~! Let’s go~!!” You exclaimed cheerfully, throwing a fist in the air as you lit up a bright, cheerful pink aura that radiated throughout your friends which made them all perk up a bit as they felt your happiness and were just as excited as you were now.
Kirishima, Mina, Sero and Kaminari were especially excited as they were your more extroverted friends, but everyone was smiling along with you as they gladly followed you to the movie theater to see this long-awaited sequel of the first beloved movie.
Everyone was happy. You were happy too, you were especially happy now despite what happened with you and Bakugou.
The same unfortunately could not be said for Bakugou, who was far from happy, but he was glad that you were at least happy. He just wishes that he could have been happy with you, and that he could make you happy.
But he didn’t make you happy anymore.
“That was fucking INCREDIBLE!!” You exited the theater EXTREMELY happy and almost wishing the movie didn’t end because Zombieland 2 was THAT good a movie and you were SO happy that you got to see it with all your friends. You SWORE you heard Todoroki laugh too, so that was something you were never forgetting.
“I KNOW! HA! Not bad for 10 years later!”
“I freaking loved Madison!”
“I did too! She was the funniest one!”
“Oh yeah, she was pretty much the best part of the movie.”
“Hell yeah! She was really sweet too, I liked her! She was tons of fun!”
Naturally, the Bakusquad (plus Hagakure) was as cheerful as ever as they all loved the movie they just saw, and were extremely happy that they took up your offer today, because it was money well spent. Well, Todoroki’s money but still!
He thought so too, he rather liked the sequel and found it amusing, he actually smiled and tried to not laugh at some of the dumber things that Madison girl said during the movie. “I agree, it was… amusing. I see why you go here often (Y/N).” Todoroki made sure to compliment you though, he wasn’t the best with emotions but he knew you had been kinda unhappy lately so he tried to be kinder to you.
“Thanks Shouto! I know right?! It was AWESOME! I’m SO glad I decided to just come over here~. It gets an A+ from me~.”
“One of the rare moments where the sequel is just as good as the first movie, if not better.” Tokoyami even pointed out something you highly agreed with because it was THAT good. “Exactly! You don’t get that with every movie… sequels tend to suck…”
“The new additions were good ones too, sometimes adding new characters is actually what kills the movie. Not for this one.” And Tsuyu gave her input that almost everyone here agreed with, but couldn’t choose a new favorite.
“My favorite is that Madison girl~. She knew how to dress and be the cute one~.” Aoyama had his favorite, but everyone near unanimously agreed that she was the funniest one. “But she knew how to survive too for all those years.” But Yaoyorozu pointed out that despite Madison being a cliché dumb blonde character that she STILL survived the zombie apocalypse by herself.
“An excellent point Momo! She ain’t that stupid…” You giggled a little bit alongside your best guyfriends Shinsou and Izuku. “No she was actually… oddly smart… kinda like you.” But Shinsou poked a bit of fun at you as you laughed and slapped him on his shoulder playfully. “SHUT UP TOSHI! NO… I’m not that thick I’m smart too!” You exclaimed but cheerfully as he tried his hardest to not snicker or grin at you.
“You are smart (Y/N)-chan… coming here to see this movie was smart, I liked it, I liked it a lot! It was actually better than the first one.” Izuku was the sweetheart though as he gave you a bit of a sweeter compliment, much to Shinsou’s slight annoyance.
“Thank you Izuku~.” You sang-songed cheerfully as you beamed at the blushing boy who instantly turned bashful at your smile, much to MORE of Shinsou’s annoyance. Always trying to be the ball of sunshine that guy…
However, all that mattered is that you were ecstatic and everyone else clearly had a good time and loved the hell out of the movie. And you were smiling again, Shinsou hadn’t seen you smile as much as normal so seeing you smile the way you were was very nice.
You were smiling the entire time you went back to the dorms, just laughing with your friends and re-quoting the funnier lines from the movie and discussing some of the funniest parts until all of you had to go your separate ways and return to your rooms. Especially when other classmates came into view, you didn’t wanna spoil it for anyone after all.
“Hehe… well guys I think I’m just gonna stay up a couple of more hours and go to sleep or at least try to.” You said to your friends as they each smiled and nodded before they all said ‘okay!’ ‘sure’ and ‘that’s a good idea, good night to you (Y/N)’ and you made sure to happily return the polite ‘good night’ back to them.
Now it was just you and Izuku and Shinsou, you were still just happily chatting to them, but that’s when Bakugou decided enough was enough. He heard all of the other idiots just laughing and talking about a movie he hadn’t seen it yet and now some of it was fucking spoiled for him but that’s not what mattered right now. What mattered is that he didn’t like the way he left things with you a couple of hours ago, and now he had to talk to you again.
“I’m telling you, I could totally make Zombie kill of the week if we were in the Zombie apocalypse.” You were trying to brag to Izuku and Shinsou who were just chuckling at your enthusiasm.
“That would require some elaborate way of killing them, some people get really creative with that…”
“Oh yeah? You don’t even know how to use some weapons (Y/N)…”
Izuku had more hope in you, Shinsou was just playing with you though and God Bakugou fucking hated it, especially when you laughed with them.
“Oi. Deku, Eyebags, get the fuck out of here.” Before you could reply Bakugou suddenly made his appearance and immediately told the two guys to get out, “Ah! K-Kacchan I uh…” Izuku knew how jealous Bakugou could get though and his first instinct was to try and reassure him that he wasn’t trying anything with you or anything.
“Beat it you damn nerd!” But Bakugou didn’t wanna hear him and a very scared Izuku quickly rushed out with a very frightened ‘Okay!’ as your smile instantly turned into a frown as he forced your friend out, but Shinsou wasn’t budging at least.
“Get lost Eye-bags, I need to talk to (Y/N). ALONE.” He roughly demanded the brainwasher to leave, but Shinsou had his arms crossed and stood where he was.
“I’ll go when I want to.” He shook his head and refused to leave even though Bakugou was only getting madder when Shinsou dared to tell him ‘no’, but you didn’t want there to be a fight so you raised your hand.
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus...
“It’s okay Hitoshi… you don’t wanna be here… me and Katsuki DO have to talk and I’d rather you not be around to see it so… it’s okay…” You gently convinced him to leave you and your ex be for the time being and although reluctant, Shinsou sighed and complied. He knew you knew what you were doing so he got up to go, not before whispering a ‘see ya later’ as he left and he and Bakugou exchanged glares as he walked away.
You didn’t approve of how he just broke you and your friends up from a fun conversation, but you supposed that this had to be done since you and he didn’t really leave on a good note earlier today, or this morning.
No more fighting. You were done with it, you just wanted to stop fighting with him.
Except… it was easier said than done. The two of you stood in the living room for what felt like forever because none of you could find the words to say and it was beyond uncomfortable. “So… did… Kirishima and Kaminari already spoil the movie for you?” You decided to ask a lighthearted question and Bakugou ALMOST snickered.
“Yes… I’m going to kill those morons…” He didn’t really mean it but he knew how much you enjoyed those two movies and he really, just really wanted to see it with you since he loved seeing the first one with you even though back then he pretended like he thought it was stupid. But no, he liked it, and now some of it was spoiled for him. Maybe he’d go see it with you again since he knew you never minded seeing another movie twice.
“Hehe… well… it was good so… if you ever feel like seeing it, I recommend it.” You said gently with a little smile as Bakugou leered at you.
“What I want… is to just say I’m sorry for… being such a fucking asshole to you, for being the worst fucking boyfriend and… everything… I’m... I’m sorry (Y/N)... I’m so fucking sorry everything, I can’t say how sorry I am...” Bakugou shamefully blushed as he apologized to you because he was never good at doing that. Hell, he very rarely said the word ‘sorry’ at all, but lately he’d been using that more and more when it came to you after he realized just how terrible a boyfriend and friend he had been to you.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah 
You were shocked but also touched that he was doing this for you, you knew how hard it was for him to apologize so you were touched and kind of happy. “Thanks Katsuki… it’s… okay… I think I’ve been mad at you long enough so… it’s okay… we’re okay.” You gave him a smile that actually gave him hope as his eyes slowly widened.
“We are…?” Bakugou asked you somewhat nervously, because he started to see some doubt in your eyes as you sighed, “Yes… we are okay but… not… in the way you think…” His heart was racing, but it wasn’t from excitement because you didn’t look like you were happy.
“Look… Katsuki… I mean you no ill will. I still care about you, and I still love you but… I really, really don’t think you’re a good boyfriend…” You said a little bluntly but made your voice soften as he gasped quietly.
“You’re not a bad person… but you’re not a good boyfriend either… and I don’t really think that I can really return to a relationship like that… sorry…” Sighing heavily you finally did it, you told him that you didn’t want to go back to the relationship but seeing his expression broke your heart.
“I know I wasn’t! But… look just… dammit (Y/N) I’m not going to say any of that shit to you ever again! I won’t fuck up like I did last time I swear!” He sounded desperate, as if he was pleading to you as he moved closer and you fought the tears starting to build in your eyes when he grabbed your hands. He would beg if he had to, he just couldn’t lose you.
“I love you.” 
He said calmly and yet sincerely, out of pure impulse but that’s what he truly meant. He loved you and he just wanted to hear you say the words back to him. He knew you did…
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me...
“See that’s just it… I know you love me… I love you too… but… I thought you loving me was enough, at least… until… you said the things you did… now I know you’re sorry... and I don’t doubt that you do love me but… I started hating myself again when you said those things and it made me realize that... I need to love me too, I need to start loving myself… and I didn’t love myself when I was with you. I let you do that for me, and… I can’t do that anymore. It’s not fair to you, and not good for me.” You loved him, you truly did love him but at the same time you needed to give yourself time before you could go back into a relationship, especially with him.
Bakugou was an extremely flawed person and although he was honest and you believed every word he said, you didn’t think it was a good time to go back to him.
And he knew it, but it didn’t stop the tears from coming but he stubbornly willed them back as he swallowed hard. He tried so hard and he wasn’t giving up yet, but he knew that you didn’t want to get back together with him. Worse, he made you hate yourself for a moment because of what he said and what he had done to you too, so… maybe you were better off without him. He’d rather you love yourself first because you were the best thing he’d ever had.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
“Fine then…” He tried to sound bitter, but he was just miserable and he did understand even if he was really hurt right now and knew that this was nobody’s fault but his. “I don’t fucking deserve you anyway… you’re… too good for me…” Bakugou muttered as he forced back all the emotion until he felt you kiss him suddenly on the cheek, making him gasp a bit.
“It’s okay… we all make mistakes. We’re human, that’s what we do. So… don’t beat yourself up.” You said to reassure him although it didn’t make him feel any better as he pulled you into a sudden, tight hug as you closed your tearful eyes and hugged him back, feeling his tears on your shoulder as your arms tightened around him so you and he could savor each other’s warmth just one more time
Neither of you truly wanted to pull away, it was almost too painful but you knew that it was for the best. You had started learning how to love yourself more, and you had to put yourself first more, and he knew that. And Bakugou also knew that he needed to work on himself too, and maybe he’d be a better boyfriend to you someday.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah..
“Good night Katsuki.” You said quietly to him as you pulled away with misty (E/C) eyes as he glumly looked at you, cupping his cheeks to wipe the tears away from his red eyes.
“Good night (Y/N).” He said as calmly as possible, and refused to cry in front of you (again) as he watched you slowly walk away. The two of you shared a small wave before you turned away, inhaling and exhaling deeply as you walked away for good.
You and Bakugou would at least be friends, and that was good enough for both you and him, even if he did rush over to his room to sob into his bed afterwards now that he had officially lost you. 
He loved you, he still loved you...
You loved him too, you still loved him, but you needed to love yourself too. Even if it meant losing him.
And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us...
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 7
Word Count: 3,616
POV: Sid’s
Warning: Language
Notes: So I literally almost forgot that it was Monday and that I needed to post this next chapter...haha! You guys have to keep me on top of things. It’s been a crazy week and I hope this helps take you guys away from this craziness of life. Happy Reading!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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You didn't like the look of (Y/N)'s high school friend the moment he walked in and saw her. There was something lecherous in his eyes; the way they lingered on her breasts a little too long. You tried to tell yourself that it was just jealousy, that now that you had decided to pursue (Y/N) you looked at every man as competition. But the longer he held onto her hand the worse the feeling became.
 It took everything in your power to remain in your chair when he drug her back to show her the kitchen. Something didn't feel right, yet you remained at the table with the rest of the guys, laughing and joking, while trying not to think about (Y/N) being alone with this Christian fellow. Though when she re-entered the room you'd wished you'd followed your instincts and gone after her. She looked on the verge of tears and she was breathing heavily as if she'd run a marathon. What concerned you most though, was the red mark on her wrist and splash of blood on her hand. You weren't even sure she knew it was there.
 It was easy to tell something had happened, and about half of the guys, including you, were ready to get out of their seats to beat the man to a bloody pulp. But then she'd announced she was leaving and took off before any of you could give it another thought. While the only thing you wanted to do was head back to the kitchen and find Christian, something stopped you. You pulled out your wallet and threw down your credit card. "Here pay for dinner, I'm going after her." You heard the scrape of your chair legs against the hardwood floor, as you pushed back not thinking about anything but getting to (Y/N).
 When you exited the door, you turned right to head back to the hotel, only you didn't see her figure anywhere. She couldn't be that far ahead of you. Cold-blooded fear shot through you, as you wondered if that bastard Christian had anticipated her leaving and grabbed her first. As you turned back around you saw here headed in the opposite direction. Your feet were moving in her direction before you could even think about it. "(Y/N)," you called out, yet she didn't seem to hear you. It took you about ten long strides to catch up with her, and as you did you placed your hand on her shoulder, only to have her flinch at your touch. "(Y/N), it's me. It's Sid."
 She looked up then, and you saw the tears in her eyes. It tore you in two. You opened your arms giving her a choice, and she fell into them. Immediately, you wrapped her up in your embrace while she cried into your chest. Her hands snaked around your waist and you ran your hand up and down her back hoping to soothe her. You rested your cheek in her hair as you whispered a shushing noise. You felt her relax into you within a few minutes, yet you still didn't release her. "(Y/N), you don't have to tell me what happened. I just need to know that he didn't hurt you?"
 Her reply was muffled against you, but you heard her all the same. "I'm ok." She looked up at you then, though her face was covered in tears that she shed. You took your hand and brushed away a few that remained.
 "You're sure?" and before she could nod a yes, you added. "Because if you are, I'm going back in there to beat the shit out of him."
 "I'm fine Sid. You don't need to defend me." She stepped out of your embrace then and it took everything in you not to just grab her and press her close to you again. She gave you a weak smile.
 "Alright, if you're sure, or I can have Geno beat him up." She full-on smiled then, and you saw some life come back into her. A small part of you was thrilled that you were the one to put that light back in her eyes. "Where are you headed? I'll walk you wherever you want to go."
 "I was headed back to the hotel."
 "(Y/N), it's in the other direction." She looked around then, and whispered a soft, 'shit,' before a shiver wracked her body. That's when you realized she didn't have her coat on, though neither did you. Still, you shrugged out of your suit jacket and draped it around her arms. "You're freezing. Let's get you back to the hotel and then I'll go back and grab your coat."
 "We have to go past there anyhow. We can just stop and get it."
 "Fine, but you're not leaving my side. There's no reason for you to see that asshole." While you still had no idea what had happened between her and Christian; there wasn't a doubt in your mind that the man was a complete jerk. You wrapped your arm around her shoulders, mainly because you couldn't help yourself, but also to start the two of you moving so you weren't standing out in the cold. The two of you were silent as you headed back to the restaurant. She tensed under your arm, as you pulled the door open to grab your coats. "I got you." You whispered to her as she entered the building. As the hostess approached, you stepped in front of (Y/N) protecting her from anyone's view as you said, "We were in a bit of hurry when we left and forgot our things."
 "Of course, I'll get them right away." As she left, you noticed (Y/N) went to shrug out of your suit jacket.
 "Leave it, you're freezing."
 "Yeah, but I can't have you getting sick."
 "(Y/N) I'm fine. I play on a frozen surface for a living." You grabbed hold of the lapels, wrapping them tighter around her, as the hostess came back with your coats. "Thank you." As soon as you both had them on, you headed out the door in hopes to avoid (Y/N) seeing Christian.
 It was to no avail though, as you heard his voice when you were midway through the door. "So, I guess you just go for the big-name stars then." He wasn't yelling yet you could still hear a harshness to his tone.
 "Keep walking." You told her. "The man's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve our time."
 You were already out the door when you heard him say. "You're nothing but a little slut." At that you turned around, ready to beat the man to a bloody pulp. Though from the look on his face, someone had gotten there before you.
 "He's not worth it Sid." (Y/N) said pulling on your arm.
 "That's right, hide behind that sugar daddy of yours. I'm sure he'll appreciate it when you spread your legs for him tonight." Jesus, you had no idea what had transpired between (Y/N) and this man but you'd had enough of him talking to her in this manner. Before he could even blink, you had him thrust up against the wall of the building. Your forearm, cutting into this windpipe.
 "Say one more thing about her and it'll be your last. I swear to God." You'd never been so angry in your entire life. Every cell in your body was boiling over at wanting to lay this man out.
 "Sid, please don't. He only wants to make a scene. Don't give him the satisfaction."
 Her soft plea broke through your angry haze, yet before you released him; you gave him a final warning. "Don't ever think of contacting her again or your nose won't be the only thing broken. Do you understand me?"
 He nodded weakly, and you turned back to (Y/N); who grabbed your hand and headed down the street. Silence ensued between the two of you for about a block, as she let you cool down from the heated encounter. "I'm so sorry Sid. I feel like such a fool."
 You stopped dead in your tracks then, causing (Y/N) to halt her progress as well. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Whatever happened is not your fault. That man is a misogynistic pig. I just want to congratulate whatever teammate clocked the man."
 She closed her eyes hard, almost wincing as she said. "That was me."
 A broad grin spread across your face. "Really?"
 When she opened her eyes and saw you, she smiled as well. "Yeah."
 "Maybe you can give me some fighting tips." She giggled then and it was like music to your ears. It helped relieve some of the tension you'd both been feeling.
 "From the looks of it, you don't need any."
 "Eh, I'm just ok." Her hand was still laced with yours as you started back to the hotel and you realized you were going to have to let it go soon. After everything that happened though, you had no desire to do that. As you drew near, you could see some of your teammates waiting in the lobby and knew they'd question the two of you, so when (Y/N) let go; you let her.
 "Are you ok?" Flower asked her, running his hands up and down her arms as if he was checking for injuries.
 "I'm fine."
 "We were afraid, he'd done something to you." He added.
 "Like, can go back and still beat him up; if like you want?" Geno told her.
 "Thanks, Geno, but I already stopped this guy, from doing that." She said, lightly touching your arm; you relished even this small amount of contact. "He's not worth it. I'm just so sorry for ruining the night."
 "God (Y/N), you didn't ruin the night at all," Tanger told her. "We all just feel bad that that asshole treated you the way he did. Putain de trou du cul."
 (Y/N) quirked a brow at Tanger, and while she may have not known what he'd spoken in French; you had to agree that Christian was a fucking asshole. "Well, still I'm sorry for the way the night ended." There was a sadness to her voice and you longed to take her back in your arms and comfort her again. "On that note, I think I'm going to head up to my room. I'll see you all in the morning." You watched her walk down the hall, completely lost in thought for she got on the same elevator you'd be stuck in only hours ago.
 "Did she tell you what happened?" Phil asked, while at the same time Flower said. "Are you sure she's ok?"
 "She swears she's fine, but wouldn't tell me exactly what happened, though I did put some things together." They looked at you expectantly for you to continue. "From what I gathered when he followed us after getting our coats, he basically insinuated that she's the team…" You winced, not even wanting to say the word because it felt like you were disrespecting (Y/N). "Whore."
 "What?" They all said in unison.
 "I know, and I think he made some kind of move on her because of it." Geno looked as though he was ready to punch him in the face. It was a feeling you could totally relate to, so you quickly added. "Though you'd be proud of her; I'm pretty sure she broke his nose, and he's going to be walking funny for a few days."
 "You're kidding me?" Flower questioned, though there was a proud look on his face.
 "No, I'm not."
 "Well good for her. Remind me to stay on her good side." This from Phil before he added. "I need a drink after all this. Anyone want to join me at the bar?" The other three guys agreed.
 "I think I'm going to call it a night." They knew how regimented you were and no one questioned it, as they headed off to the bar. Unlike (Y/N), you took the stairwell in hopes to work off some excess energy. The five flight walk-up was little help to calm down your emotions, maybe if it had been twenty-five, you'd have been sliding the key into your own door, instead of standing outside ready to knock on (Y/N)'s. It wasn't that you didn't believe that she was ok, for she was certainly capable of taking care of herself; you just had an overwhelming need to check on her one more time before you called it a night. Which is why you found yourself knocking on the door without giving it any further thought.
 "Just a second," you heard her yell through the door. It took less than ten seconds for her to open it, yet it felt like millions; though you weren't prepared for her when she did. She stood there, wrapped in the white fluffy hotel robe, hair in a messy bun trying to hard to conceal tears that she was so obviously shedding. "Sid," she sniffled out. "Did you need something?" God, how could she even think about your needs in this state? It was just another reason why you were falling for this woman.
 "No, I just…" You wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in your arms again and just hold her for hours, but you weren't sure if she wanted that as well. "I just wanted to check on you one more time."
 She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. The action making you take notice of the slight swell of her breast peeking out from where the robe overlapped. "I'm okay."
 Always that stoic answer, never dropping the façade for fear that you would think less of her; you were sure. "If you want to talk about it; you know you can talk to me." A wobbly smile made its way to her lips and you longed to see the bright shining one that she'd graced you with earlier in the day.
 She contemplated something for a moment, before moving aside. "Did you want to come in for a minute." You nodded and followed her into her room, taking a moment to look around. Her view, was not nearly as spectacular as yours, as it showed the rooftop of the building next door. As you walked past the bathroom, you saw her makeup laying meticulously out on the counter, as you caught a waft of her perfume and it suddenly filled the air. The dress she'd worn earlier lay on the bed nice and neat as if she was getting ready to fold it up and place it in her suitcase, which was on the luggage rack in the corner. There was no gift basket full of goodies, or extra pillows on the bed. She'd worried about everyone else's needs, but not her own, and at that moment, you realized that you wanted to be the person to take care of her. "Did you want to sit down?" She motioned over to the chair in the corner, and you took a seat. "I'm so sorry about tonight."
 "(Y/N), would you please stop apologizing. It's not your fault."
 She sat on the bed across from you then, closing her eyes and gathering her thoughts. "I know, but still…I'm just embarrassed that I put you all through that." You went to tell her that there was no need for her to be, that if anyone should be ashamed of themselves; it should be Christian, but she kept going. "Maybe you would all be better off if someone else took this over and I quit." She couldn't do that, not when you finally figured out that she was the missing link in your puzzle.
 "(Y/N) how can you say that? Look at all that you've done for me…" belated you added, "and the team. Everything you did for Beau the other night. I know he's grateful for it, and I'm sure his family is as well." She smiled weakly. "Plus, how you've gone out of the way this entire trip to make all of us comfortable. I know it's helping us win games." She cocked her head to the side as if she didn't quite believe that statement. "It's true (Y/N), don't discredit the things that you're doing for us." You scooted to the end of the chair, unconsciously grabbing her hand as you continued. "What if I'm the one who gets hurt tomorrow? I know it's you that I want calling my mom to tell her because I know you'll do it in a way that won't worry her. And you're the one that's probably going to have to remind to take the pain pill because I'm so damn regimented, I'll forget. I know for certain the other guys feel the same way as well. We need you (Y/N)."
 "Anyone can do that Sid. You guys got along just fine before I was here and I'm sure you'll be fine after."
 Tears were running down her cheeks now, and you took your thumb and brushed them away. "God, how can one conversation with an asshole make you feel this way?"
 "Christian just said what everyone else is probably thinking." You stayed silent in hopes that she would tell you his exact words. "I mean do I have to spell it out? I think you remember him calling me a slut, though when I was alone with him, he basically said I was a hired whore for the team." You had an idea that was what the jerk said, but hearing her said the words; your blood boiled.
 "(Y/N), there's not one member of this team that thinks of you that way and you know it. Fuck all the other people and what they think. We all know the truth and anyone that thinks otherwise doesn't deserve the time of day."
 "I know you're right Sid, and I know I shouldn't care what other people think. It's just I don't ever want to be an embarrassment to any of you."
 Your thumb ran back and forth over her knuckles. "The only way that could happen is if you quit now." She looked up at you then, eyes wide at your words. "The guys on this team, we don't give up; not even when we're down seven nothing. We go out there even if there's only a minute left and still try to win. We need you (Y/N), especially as we go into playoffs. None of us are giving up on you; so, I hope you're not giving up on us." You kind of felt like you were putting your captain's hat on in that moment, instead of playing the role of soon to be boyfriend as you really wanted, but you thought that's what she needed in the moment.
 She smiled at you then, one of those big bright and beaming ones. "You're really good at that you know."
 The compliment caused you to blush a little. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
 "Yeah, I think it does." A weight that you didn't know was sitting on your chest suddenly lifted at her words and you found yourself returning the smile that was on her face. That was until she pulled her hands from yours. "Though in all honesty, I probably shouldn't be sneaking out of rooms or…" she trailed off, and her words sort of sunk in before she even said them. "Have you in mine at the moment."
 "I understand." For you truly did, even if you didn't really want to leave. You stood up and she did as well, getting ready to make your way to the door, still aching to take her in your arms, though you knew now was not the time.
 She stopped suddenly and you almost ran into her. Instinctively, you latched on to her hips to steady you both. The feel of her body now burning into your skin and you welcomed it; had to fight the urge not to run your hands along all her curves. She looked in your eyes and you saw that same want and desire you felt for her, there. Though she buried it not seconds later. "Sorry. I almost forgot about your jacket." She hesitated for a brief moment, almost as if she didn't want to leave your touch any more than you wanted her to, but then she moved over to the closet, grabbing the garment. "Oh, maybe I should have it dry cleaned for you."
 You smiled at her willingness to be so helpful. "It's not necessary. I can take care of it."
 "Well thank you for letting me wear it earlier." The two of you were at the door then and you cursed how small the room was, for it meant an end to your evening with her. "And thank you for listening to me…and the pep talk. I really appreciate it."
 "Anytime." You meant that. She could call on you day or night and you would be there. "You know where to find me."
 "That I do." She answered as your hand rested on the doorknob. "Goodnight, Sid."
 "Goodnight, (Y/N)." Grudgingly, you opened the door and stepped into the hallway, giving her one last fleeting look before it closed. Slowly, you made your way to the end of the hall and back to your room. You swear you could still smell her, even once you were ensconced among your own things, and then you realized, her scent, the one that intoxicated you still lingered on your suit coat.  You held it to your face, inhaling her sweet essence. There was no way you were dry cleaning this jacket anytime soon.  
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Pragma(tic) 19: She Almost Murders Someone
Pairing: Persephone!Bucky Barnes x Hades!Reader
Summary: In a world where the old gods never truly died, you must learn to navigate your way through the ups and downs of immortality. And if living forever wasn’t hard enough, an ancient evil is now threatening to break free after centuries of silence. And as if that still wasn’t hard enough for you, now a pesky and infuriatingly handsome god is trying to wedge his way into your life. Gods, work, love, and conflict—what more could a goddess need? [Hades & Persephone AU]
Word Count: 4171
Warnings: Language
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
Previous 18: He Holds Her Close
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It was like looking at an elephant in a glass museum: Brock was completely out of place. 
He belonged in a bedroom, between the too thin sheets with his body flush against yours. He belonged at the other end of the long dining table for stoic meals. He belonged by his river, the soft glow highlighting the blue tint in his flesh and making him ghostly and hauntingly beautiful. He belonged in places of passion and secrecy.
He did not belong in your garden—in your most secret and secure place where you felt most at peace. 
There was a reason you’d never brought him here; a reason it’d never been shared. He didn’t deserve to know about your garden.
But how did he know? How was he here now? How did he know you were here?
You stared at him, your eyes tracing over every single one of his features, and, immediately, you knew that something was wrong. 
He was tense, overly so. He trembled with something you couldn’t identify and his eyes were glowing with anger and confusion. The blue in his skin was more pronounced, causing the veins in his face to look like rivers running beneath his skin. His lips were pulled back in a snarl as he glared at you and Bucky sitting beside each other. His shoulders rose and fell with strained breaths.
“Brock?” you called again, rising to your feet. Your legs were only slightly wobbly—unease left over from the sickness. Gods healed quickly, and while your body was almost back to full operations, you still had a little bit of progress left to make.
Bucky’s hand found your waist to hold you steady, refusing to let you fall. “Careful, (y/n),” he whispered. He looked up at you but didn’t say anything more. However, the message was clear in his eyes. Be careful.
You set your hand on top of his in acknowledgment and turned your gaze back to the naiad. “Brock, are you okay?” Slowly you took shaky steps toward him. They were agonizingly slow, but they were what you could muster on your own. Besides, anything faster and Brock would probably freak. 
He was like an easily startled animal, ready to run or pounce at any given second or at even the slightest of movements. It frightened you.
His fingers curled into fists and he stared at you. “It was supposed to be me,” he whispered, his voice just barely a ghost in the wind.
“What was supposed to be you?” 
“The person that healed you. It was supposed to be me.” His eyes all but glowed with rage as he glared past you at Bucky who had also risen from the bench and was now standing a yard behind you. “You just couldn’t stay away. You couldn’t mind your own damn business. She told you she didn’t love you. She told you to stay away. Why didn’t you listen?” He took a hasty step forward. Now he was maybe two feet in front of you.
“Brock,” you barked, taking another step forward and grabbing onto his arm to both stop him and steady yourself. You were growing impatient now. He wasn’t making any sense. “What’s going on? Slow down and tell us what’s happening.”
“What’s happening is he screwed up everything! Everything!” The laugh that rang out was deranged and maniacal. His eyes were growing wild and angry once more. “It was working, (y/n)! It was going so well! Everything was in place. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be! We were going to be happy!”
You had a sick feeling in your chest now and it refused to go away. “What was working?” You asked the question like you weren’t afraid of the answer, but you couldn’t help but notice the sense of dread that settled on your shoulders. 
“The plan, (y/n)! The goddamn plan!” he growled as he shoved his hand through his hair. “When they told me to poison you, they promised me I could be your hero! They promised that they’d heal you and I could take the credit! They promised me you’d come back to me and that you could be my queen in the new world!”
You stared at him, dumbstruck, and your vision started to cloud with red. “When you poisoned me?” In an instant you had Brock pinned to the wall, your fingers wrapped around his throat. You could only faintly see him through the haze of red. “What. Did. You. Do?” You spat each syllable in his face, venom seeping into your words.
“What I had to!” he choked out. “They told me to poison your food when I nursed you. Not enough to kill you but enough to keep you bedridden. They said it would work!”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to flare up. You’d never seen him so mad in all the time you knew him. He was at your side in an instant, a low and guttural growl seeping through his lips. “You poisoned her?” You didn’t even know that words could be so angry.
Brock glared at him before turning his gaze back to you. At once his eyes softened and grew desperate and pleading. “I did what I had to for us! Pierce said I could have you back and I—”
“Pierce?” you snarled, you grip tightening on his jugular. “What does he have to do with this?” Your head was spinning. While you didn’t quite yet understand what was going on, you weren’t stupid; you knew that somehow they had betrayed you, and you were damned if you weren’t going to find out what had happened.
Brock paled, terrified by the words he had just uttered. You had a feeling that he wasn’t supposed to reveal that little fact just yet or at all.
“Answer me!” You pulled him back a bit and slammed him into the wall, your strength fueled by your newfound rage.
Brock cried out as his head hit the stone behind him, but he spoke, “P-Pierce told me to do it. He said there was a greater plan, and if I helped him become king—”
“Then I would give him what he wanted,” a new voice finished from behind you. 
You dropped Brock and whirled around, your eyes narrowing. “Alexander,” you hissed.
He was standing in your garden, behind Bucky. He’d used your preoccupation with Brock to fly in silently. You could still see his wings retracting into his back. He grinned down at you and spread his arms with an ounce of flamboyancy. “In the flesh.” He looked past you at Brock who had crumpled to the ground and tsked with disappointment. “Oh, Rumlow,” he chided. “Did you really have to go whining to her?”
“I…” Brock lowered his head in shame, unable to meet the man’s eyes. 
Pierce sighed, his head falling back in exasperation. “And not only did you go whining to her, you also let our little plan slip. Well, no matter; it’s almost done now.”
“What plan?” you growled, your hand balling into a fist, ready to strike at any moment.
This did not go unnoticed by Alexander Pierce as he waved his hand at you dismissively. “Put the fists away, (y/n). I’m in no mood to fight you. You’re not my problem anymore.”
“You better explain yourself now, Pierce, or I swear to all things holy that your life will end here and now.”
“Oh, how scary,” he said, obviously mocking you. “You’re weak, (y/n). There’s nothing you could do to hurt me right now. You can barely stand, let alone throw anything even mildly harmful right now.”
You hated how he was right. Even now your legs were wobbling. You were still recovering, in no shape to fight. You bit your tongue as you relaxed your fist, letting your fingers fall open.
Pierce smirked down at you. “There. Now isn’t that better? Hostilities aren’t necessary.”
You continued to sneer at him, and you growled out once more, “Explain yourself.”
He hummed. “I don’t have to. You’re not my queen anymore. But I think I will, just to see your reaction if nothing else. I do love a good realization.” He hummed with a content smile. “But first, why don’t we sit? Standing is oh so tiring.” He took long strides over to one of the benches in your garden and sat.
You did not join him.
You kept your feet planted in the ground as you glared daggers at him. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Brock skirting around the perimeter of the garden to join Pierce. He kept his eyes on the ground, refusing to look up at you or in your general direction.
You could feel Bucky looming behind you, his presence engulfing you like a layer of armor. You didn’t know if that was his magic at work or just him, but it didn’t really matter. He was at your back and was keeping you safe through that. 
Pierce took one look at you and Bucky as you continued to stand and shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He crossed his legs and grinned up at you, thoroughly pleased with himself. 
“You’re seated, now talk, and I might just consider letting you live.”
He scoffed. “You’re in no position to make demands right now. You’re crippled and I have the upper hand because I know things you don’t and have more power than you could ever imagine.” The look he gave you down his nose was patronizing, condescending, rude. His eyes held only malice and disgust as if the very sight of you repulsed him. “You’re not my queen,” he spat, the words jumping off his tongue with a harshness you’d never heard him use. “You haven’t been for a long, long time. The way you rule the Underworld is too soft, too benevolent. Death is not kind—it never has been—but you force it to be. You force it—force me—to be something we are not. And I’m sick of it. You are not fit to rule the Underworld; never have been, and never will. I’ve wanted the throne for centuries—”
“And yet you were never strong enough to take it.” Your arms were crossed and your teeth were bared in a snarl. “You still aren’t. Even with my disabilities right now, I have all of the Olympians behind me, my sisters especially. You could not even dream to challenge the big three.”
“This is true, but, like you, I’m not working alone. That would just be suicide.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t have made a move against you if I didn’t have a guaranteed victory. I had to find allies—powerful ones at that; ones that hated you as much as I did if not more.”
Your heart sank in your chest and your eyes flickered towards the far wall of the Underworld where the cave to Tartarus stood wide open. The dread grew heavier and heavier as you realized who he was talking about. “When I saw you leaving Tartarus… It was no accident that you were there, was it? You were…”
“Talking with my allies, yes.”
And, of course, by “allies,” he meant your father.
You felt the rage bubbling up inside your chest, your mind travelling back to the day where you found Pierce sneaking away from the cave. The bonds holding Kronos in place were tampered with, you knew that now. There was a reason the magic had felt weak when you’d gone in, but you’d been too blind at the time to see it. You began to tremble as you spat, “But you’re not under his control! Both Peggy and I have tested you!”
He roared with laughter. He clutched his stomach as his head fell back, laughing with such enthusiasm that he startled everyone gathered. Brock nearly leaped off the bench beside him in surprise. When Pierce got himself under control again, he wiped at his eyes and let out one last laugh.“My dear, one does not have to be mind-controlled to conduct a mutiny or want to overthrow the monarchy. No, one just has to be fed up enough with how things are currently. And I was.
“Kronos has promised me the throne of the Underworld—a billion souls at my beck and call. All the power and wealth I could imagine at the tips of my fingers. And all I had to do was take you out of the picture.” He laughed. “When I practically fed you the poison, (y/n), I never thought that the plan would work so flawlessly. Kronos told me you were gullible, but I didn’t believe it until I witnessed it that day outside of Tartarus.”
“When you fed me…” And suddenly it dawned on you. “You gave me water to help me calm down, and it—”
“Contained a poison created for me by the plague spirits Nosoi, yes. It takes one hell of a poison to cripple a god, and one of the original three at that.” He snickered jauntily. “Honestly, (y/n), I knew you were a fool, but this was just something else! You used to refuse any food or drink not prepared for you by your spirits You were cynical and slow to trust even me. It’s only been recently that you’ve let your guard down. The god of spring has made you soft, trusting, gullible. I ought to thank him.” He turned his gaze to Bucky, a devilish grin on his lips. “If it wasn’t for you, son, (y/n) here would’ve stayed the uptight bitch she was. You wore her down for me.”
At once you looked over your shoulder at Bucky, and what you saw broke your heart.
Bucky’s face washed white as the words sank into him. His eyes widened with horror. You could see that he truly believed this whole thing to be his fault. His fists clenched tightly and he lowered his head, the blue of his eyes turning stormy. “You son of a bitch,” he muttered under his breath. You could see the restraint he was fighting so hard to maintain. He wanted to lash out, to hit Pierce, to kill him, but you and he both knew that he wasn’t strong enough to fight the god of death.
“Now now, boy. There’s no need for that kind of language. You ought to learn to hold your tongue. Insult the wrong man and you might just find yourself in a body bag.” Pierce sneered at him before turning his attention back to you. “Rumlow here was my little double agent. The poison itself would’ve worn off after a month with your enhanced healing unless it was being reinforced with dose after dose. I knew that, but I also knew that I couldn’t just waltz into your room and feed it to you. You trusted me, but you never trusted me that much. So I had to find someone who made you lower your defenses.
“I found your poor discarded naiad by his river one night, lost and dejected. He told me his story when I asked, going on and on about how you had abandoned him for some minor god when he’d been the one to love you for centuries. I was vaguely aware of your affair with him after seeing him go in and out of your palace as he so pleased, and I knew that he had the trust that I lacked. He was so desperate to get you back that he was willing to do absolutely anything. So I told him what he had to do. I told him that if he would continue to poison you discreetly and help me become king, I would maybe keep you alive for him and he could have you again.”
You tore your gaze from the god and looked at Brock. He still wouldn’t meet your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from staring at him. “Brock,” you whispered, praying that your voice wouldn’t crack, “how could you?”
His betrayal hurt more than you thought it would. Sure you weren’t together anymore, but you had been for so long. At one point in time he’d know every inch of you better than you’d known yourself. You’d trusted him with your life, and even though you didn’t trust nor care for him as much, you’d grown to consider him a friend of sorts once more. 
He reluctantly brought his gaze up and tears welled up in his eyes. “Don’t you see?” he asked, his voice broken and fragile. “I did this for us—so we could be together! I did this because I love you!”
“If there was an ounce of you that loved me, you never would’ve betrayed me.” Your hurt turned to anger once more and you sneered at them, your gaze dripping with animosity. “I ought to smite the both of you where you stand.”
“Yes, but you won’t.” Pierce frowned mockingly and tilted his head to the side. “You don’t have the juice nor the mojo to. You’re still recovering, aren’t you?”
A low growl vibrated in your throat as you held out your hand, mustering every ounce of strength you had to call your weapon into being. Slowly the bident materialized, its cold shaft filling your hand and solidifying into existence. “I have enough power to kill you.”
Pierce’s haughty smirk wavered at the sight of your bident. He knew that it was a weapon that could easily kill a god, and he knew that you could use it well. However, he recovered from his initial unease quickly and regained his confidence. “Maybe, but I still have things I have to do. The titans are mobilizing, they’ve promised me sanctuary. I must take my leave before the battle ensues.” He tutted his tongue in disappointment. “Oh, I do hope you survive the wars, (y/n). It’ll be so satisfying to see the look on your face when you see the changes I make to your— to my new kingdom.” He stood abruptly and his wings spread away from his back. Grabbing hold of the back of Brock’s shirt, he beat his wings against the air—once, twice, three times—until he and the naiad he was holding lifted off. They were in the air before you could make a move, and out of your garden before you could stop them.
“Fucking coward,” you growled, watching the two figures soar away from you towards the entrance to Tartarus.
Bucky’s hand found a home on your shoulder and he gripped you tightly. “(y/n),” he whispered, his voice quivering. “Look.”
You glanced up to see him still as a statue. His eyes were locked on something in the distance. Slowly, you followed his gaze towards the cave to Tartarus where you could see the inside of the cavern illuminated with red. Your heart crawled up into your throat. The shade of red was familiar and haunting, and only one other thing in the world could produce it.
Your heart turned to stone, sinking in your chest and settling deep with dread. “Bucky… You need to go.” 
“No. We’ll face him together. I’m not letting you go alone. You’ll die.”
You turned around to look up at him.
His blue eyes were cold steel. He was set, unwavering. His mind had been made.
For once, you found yourself grateful for his stubbornness. You swallowed heavily. “Alright… Take us to Tartarus.”
You were standing at the mouth of the cave in the blink of an eye, Bucky having teleported you there with his own magic.
Turning to the cave, the red beams were even more brilliant than they had been from afar. They’d separated themselves into two, held several feet off the ground and only inches apart.
You could feel your stomach folding in on itself and, for the first time in millennia, you were scared. You knew who was coming, and no amount of courage was going to prepare you for it. 
The red grew larger and more intense, the color beginning to match the shade your eyes turned when you felt emotions so strong they almost had no name, until a figure finally emerged from the cave and the red found their home in his eyes. His hair matched yours in both hue and texture, his skin the same deathly shade as yours. He stood tall, a full head and then some above you, and his clothes were old and ragged, only adding onto his chilling image. His features were as sharp and clean as if he were cut from stone. His eyes, a red to match and rival yours, were perhaps his most chilling feature because they were yours. It was like staring into a horribly distorted mirror; it always shocked you to see just how much you looked like your father.
Your grip tightened on your weapon and you lifted it off of the ground. Holding it with both ends now, you pointed the impossibly sharp points at him. “I suggest you turn back,” you growled, your voice low and threatening. “You won’t like the consequences that come otherwise.”
Kronos merely grinned at you. His arms spread from his body in a welcoming gesture. “My darling daughter, is this really the kind of welcome you give me after so long apart? I’ve missed our little visits since your ailment took you.”
“Turn back,” you said again. “I won’t ask again. I have no appetite for your little games.”
“And what if I don’t?” His smile was slipping away, being replaced with a sinister snarl. “What if I don’t go back? What if I’m not a compliant little prisoner? What if I said I’ve had enough?”
“Then I would say your time is up.” Your grip tightened on your bident. “I have no qualms about killing you, Father.”
“Maybe not, but you do not have the strength to do so. My underling made sure of that.”
“You’re outnumbered,” you insisted. While Bucky had been silent behind you, you could feel the aura of power surrounding him, enveloping you in a warmth alien to the Underworld. He may not have been the most powerful god there was, but he was there to lend you aide.
Kronos roared with laughter, his red eyes closing as his head rolled back. The sounds of his amusement rang out for the whole Underworld to hear. Impossibly loud and chilling, it muted all else. “My dear child! Surely you cannot be so stupid as to think I would come alone!” He wiped at his eyes and let them settle on you. The red bore into your skull and you couldn’t help but wonder if those subjected to your own fiery stare felt as you did then. “No, I have been busy my dear. It only took a month to break out of my own imprisonment with you out of the picture. My brothers, however, were easier—their bonds not nearly as strong or enhanced. It didn’t take long and now we are all free.”
As if on cue, four figures became visible in the shadows of the cave. All you could see were their silhouettes, but you knew who they were: your uncles Crius, Iapetus, Coeus, and Hyperion. They stood there looming like silent observers, still as statues but more threatening than an approaching storm. 
You didn’t even know what you could think then. Seeing them there, you knew that it was you who was at the disadvantage. Even if Carol and Natasha were on their way (which you highly doubted because you’d never called them), you were still in trouble. Five titans against two gods did not leave the odds in your favor. If they so chose to, they could have probably annihilated you then and there. 
You felt small beneath their gaze, but you would not fold. You inhaled sharply through your nose and straightened. “It does not matter. The offer still stands. Return to Tartarus and I will consider letting you live.”
“I have a counter offer.” His red eyes looked you over and a sickening smile pulled at his lips. “A rematch of sorts. I understand your animosity towards me; I feel some of my own. However, I have just gotten free and I would like to enjoy it for a bit before we—as the kids say—duke it out.” He rolled his shoulders back and hummed. “Gather your forces, (y/n), if you think you’ll be strong enough to defeat me a second time. I’ll be waiting for you where it all went down, just like old times. You have a day before I begin my conquest.” He grinned at you then, the sight chilling and cold as he bared his teeth. And then, just like that, he and his brothers were gone—vanished. 
You and Bucky were left alone, the weight of his words settling over you.
Your father wanted a war. He wanted another Titanomachy. And there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Next 20: She Begs for a Promise
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kustovshik · 4 years
This post is informative in connection with a dispute that one of the parties decided to make absurd. If you don't want to get involved, just skip it. I don't force anyone to look into it or read it.
Kust is in touch. As many people have noticed, there was a small(not small now) conflict between me and a couple of other people, which could have already been eliminated, but was brought to total clowning. Names/nicknames named in this post will not be in order to avoid any negative towards those people. Also, no correspondence will be shown here, although they will be mentioned. If someone asks , I'm ready to go and personally collect all the screenshots of the two conversations, without losing any moments.
As a person in some way responsible for the current situation, I have a desire to illuminate everything from the side of my vision of things.
The conflict conditionally began three days ago. Let's call the person who initially had a small argument with me a certain person "A".
Well. in March. March 24th. We can assume that almost 5 months ago I published a post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/613504425335586816/i-want-to-be-in-fiars-stomach-he-looks-like-a
Many people remember it, I hope. I'll attach an old screenshot here just in case.
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The whole conflict initially started because of the double meaning of the context behind the work itself. The problem, I was told, was the tags. Namely, in the tag highlighted in the screenshot above: ‘safe vore(or is it?)’.
This tag was originally put up there not because I didn't know what type of vore to call it, but specifically so that people themselves would sit and think: what do they want to see in my drawing. Simply put, a drawing with an open context. And it seems like no one has had any problems with it for few months.
That's what person A didn't like. I was told in a very unpleasant way for me personally that the person was very offended by this use of tags. And other problems with how they don't like 'fatal vore'. It was also suggested to me that I don't know about how fatal can be quite a painful experience for some.
I admit. My answer was quite abrupt. I can't deny it, and I won't, because that's the kind of person I am. My language is harsh on words and expressions. Instead of a thousand words and a selection of expressions, I usually tell people everything openly, or I am ready to openly indicate that something is wrong. Also, I fully admit that I have problems controlling my emotions, which makes it difficult for me to establish contact with strangers. I grew up in a different mindset, which is why I have a different view of many things. It's like putting two people who know the same language, but from different parts of the world, next to each other and forcing them to express their position on some moral principles or other things, and then wonder why their answers are different. A very exaggerated and crude comparison, but that how it looks like.
Why did I respond harshly? I am a rather rude person, and I do not like when people come to me in private messages, starting to talk about how bad they are feeling, because of things that can be safely ignored or blocked by them, so that there are no problems.
My first fatal mistake was when I decided to answer to "A". Afterwards, I talked to a couple of my friends and got cold feet. And then I apologized, trying to come to some compromise, adding the tag 'open ending' so that no one would be confused. But it seems that this was not enough, because “A” continued to say how it’s bad from what she found, even if not quite fatal stuff. Refusing to compromise in any way, as I suggested.
After that, we parted with apologies to each other, and neither of us wrote to each other again. I honestly thought it was over.
Now, before I go on to the man who has been driving me mad for the past two days, I will make a pure assumption and try to explain my indignation in a different way...
Out of human interest, I went through the 'safe vore' tag. Noted an interesting feature. Both tags had quite a lot of posts there. Namely, tags are 'safe vore' AND 'fatal vore'. Why did my post cause the problem? Have no idea.
Then another point became incomprehensible to me. How did a person get to this post at all? It would be difficult to find it through search, but you can: there is a lot of content by tag. I flipped the feed down from the second account for a long time and didn't come across my own post.
Then, in my little investigation, I looked into Tumblr's alerts. Likes, reblogs, well, you understand in short. And noticed it.
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This is the first appearance of "A" in my notifications.
Hence, I dare to assume that "A" came across one of the reblogs of this post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/616227708116025344/a-new-player-has-joined-the-game And then "A" went to my blog, along the way ignoring the description specially written for such people at the very top of the blog, and came across my two-meaning post.
But after that, I had a rhetorical question: Why go to the blog of a person who has this written in the description, and hope that there will not be a fatal vore?
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Of course, this theory is based only on my assumptions. But I think this scenario is quite real.
Thus, we can say that I have every right to be angry at the indignation expressed in my direction, because it is not my fault that the person ignored my preferences, scrolled down my blog page and started complaining.
Back to reality.
As you can understand, " A " shared our conversation with their friend, who the next day suddenly came to me with a long message about his position, offering help that was not needed.
Even then, I began to suspect that this person(let's call him "B") was somehow connected with "A". Moreover, the reason for the visit was the same for both of them.
I have already mentioned that I am an irritable and rather rude person. I was already stressed enough by the appearance of "A" and the consequences of my reflections that occurred after what I thought was an end to the conflict. And the repeated mention of the situation has already infuriated me.
I fully admit that I reacted very sharply to the "B" message. I had reasons for this that the other side chose not to consider.
Well. After receiving the message I gave sharp response expressing extreme dissatisfaction, but without insults to "B". Was there passive-aggressive speech? Yes. Were words said that I am not obliged to monitor the health of people who do not concern me? Yes. Do I have the right to think so? Yes. Does this fall under the moral code? It depends on the person's personal worldview.
Yes, I was rude due to the fact that on the second day I was exhausted and angry about this situation. I wanted to end this conflict and repeatedly asked both of them to block me and remain neutral. In addition, I tried to somehow explain that we are people of different mentalities and grew up with different life standards, so in this situation we see this conflict differently. Yes, in a rough way, but I tried to explain it.
I received a ton of direct insults, was accused of narcissism and high self-esteem, as well as refusing to take care of other people's problems. In addition, I received lines like, quote: "...but let me see you talk like you did to me or anyone else simply trying to converse with you over a serious topic and I will not hesitate to have your content and eventually your account removed from this site.".
Isn't this a direct threat?
I understand that passive-aggressive speech itself can offend someone. But you can't call it an insult. Passive-aggression is a hidden way of expressing negative feelings and emotions to a person. This is not an insult. But, Yes, I admit that this is a very harsh and rude way of communicating.
That's just after such an exchange of pleasantries, I snapped. 3 days of unquenchable conflict, when one side refused to listen to the other, at the same time. There were attempts on my part to end the conflict. There was one repeated request to block and disperse, so as not to inflame everything to the point of absurdity.
"Want to stay safe with your own preferences? "Please, God, don't touch me, that's all. Block me already and we will live in peace. "- This was the message of my answers. It's sad, but instead of just ending the conflict, I got the brand of a person with a capitalist mindset, the brand of a bitch-whiner, and other other charms.
And I swear that I was ready to just leave all this and stop responding to such outbursts in my direction, banal blocking "B", if they can’t themselves do it.
As here I get a notification with a post where this person changed my art / tags and basically uploaded the changed image to his blog, hiding behind good intentions. "B" did not receive permission for such actions. Even with an indication of authorship. I am most outraged by such actions at the moment.
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Better look on the two images compared to each other. 
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And after that, everyone wants me to try to understand how bad I was and how poor they are, that from a simple argument that could have ended without even starting, it turned into an absurd clowning with offended people, insults and changing someone else's drawings and whole character reaction. Just a note. Fiar is not so nice, he’s a wild monster leech and he just grumbles about everything as much as he don’t understands why some people willing to let him eat them. He’ll never say something as “I’ll keep you safe”.  
There it is. The comedy of a three days.
This post is for informational purposes only. Namely, how I see this situation.
All I want now is for "B" to delete the post, and for both sides to banal block each other, so that we never meet again.
I refuse to apologize to "B" for their latest act of outraging my drawing by completely distorting the meaning from a neutral drawing to something that only "B" and their friend like. In conclusion I can say, that I do not call myself a good one in that confrontation. I did some terrible mistakes while talking to both of those people. But it’s not only I’m here being on the bad side. People are not black and white. 
After this I’ll not respond to any of the continuation of that conflict anymore. I’m tired of this.
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sithsdoinshit · 4 years
how would the siths speak in their native tongues (like rhythm, tone, etc) vs in basic?
ohn god how do i describe languages
vader: huttese is vader’s go-to when swearing in basic just doesn’t cut it. it has this sort of soft “punch” to it, like you’re spitting out each word. vader holds no sentiment towards it, for obvious reasons, but it has its uses. and yes, he is very aware that most of the other sith can understand huttese profanities.
sidious: basic is the native language of naboo, assuming you’re not a gungan. if he’s feeling particularly spiteful, well...there is ur-kitttât, the sith language. with the way he speaks, it almost feels like it was made for him: hateful snarling and harsh vowels that are most certainly summoning some kind of dark force to end your miserable life.
maul: he picked up mando’a quite easily---it’s a powerful language, but has a certain grace to it. and it is indeed graceful in his voice, perhaps even abnormally so. maul picked up most of it from death watch, informal vocabulary and all, yet manages to speak it with the same poise of a coruscanti.
savage: “paecian” is the language spoken on dathomir, and it’s beautiful in its own right. paecian rolls off the tongue, punctuated by crisp consonants. savage still isn’t the most talkative person, even in his native language, but when he does speak there is a pleasant rhythm to his words. he has a greater vocabulary in paecian, too.
asajj: she does not speak as much paecian as she wishes she could. what little she knows is different than that of the nightbrothers, its sound more drawn out and nasally----the sound of the nightsisters. asajj can swear at you in paecian for sure, but most importantly she can put a curse on you.
dooku: basic is his native language, but he can speak many languages. all of them still have the classic dooku elegance beneath, the rich tone of his voice mixed with painstakingly chosen vocabulary. he does not speak much in languages he does not have a proficient grasp on.
kylo: besides basic, kylo learned a bit of shyriiwook. absolutely determined to destroy his vocal cords speaking it, which is already kind of a given. he sounds about as angry and fanatic as you’d imagine kylo ren imitating a woookie sounds like. it’s almost entirely profanities, too.
nihilus: the only other speaker of ur-kitttât. the same harshness is there, but when it comes from nihilus it feels as though he is gasping for air, each word thrust from him like a dark, desperate wind. it’s painful to speak and painful to listen to...a complete opposite from the sign language he’s learned, which is expressive and downright goofy in his hands.
grievous: at least in his dialect, kaleesh is almost songlike in its sound, with a certain hardness befitting the language of a warrior. grievous sounds like a poet in his natural language; he could be talking about graphically dismembering someone (which he most certainly is) and you wouldn’t be able to tell. 
inquisitor: utapese is like a long, undulating flow of low hissing, seething through pau’an fangs with graceful intent. you can hardly tell it is a language, if not for the movements of the lips and tongue. the inquisitor sounds like a serpent, more animal than sentient, but rest assured he is uttering the most eloquent utapese words possible.
lana: speaks mostly basic as well. she knows enough of other languages to hold conversation and go undercover, though there’s always a hint of empire accent present. extremely formal in her grammar and word choice, just as she is with basic.
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em0uvante · 3 years
Chapter three
I love you all, enjoy.
"remember the sorting hat ceremony bubba?" i ask draco, interrupting his boring lecture. he grunts, ending his sentence.
"asshole, but yeah, i do. what about it?" he mutters the beginning, gradually getting louder.
"i don't know, i just want to go back. i miss it." i huff, laying my head on draco's lap.
"but we still go to this school? what do you mean?" he pets my hair gently, making sure not to pull on it.
"i don't know. i guess i want to go back in time, before everything went in the gutter." my eyes well up with tears which i pat away with my palms.
draco lifts me off his lap into his arms, holding me tightly. i quickly wipe my tears on his clothed shoulder. i sit back up. draco takes my chin in between his index finger and thumb, staring into my eyes. his soft lips meet my cheek, cooling my nerves. i let out a prolonged sigh, eyes closing shut.
"it's over now annie, you're safe know. i'll never leave your side. promise." draco holds out his pinky finger, i take it in mine. our foreheads meet, resting against each other.
"sorry i got your shirt all wet." i sniffle waiting for draco to reply.
"i wasn't gonna say anything because you're sad, but yeah, pretty gross." we share a low chuckle, draco pokes at my side. i squirm myself off his lap, falling to the floor. draco only points his finger and laughs.
"you are so mean! ugh, why do i have to live with you?" i shout from the floor, draco holding out his hand to pick me up.
"well, i have to go to potions, and you need to get yourself to herbology. walking with me or not annie?" he slides his robes on, waiting for an answer.
"yeah, i'll walk with you. but only because you have no other friends." i stick my tongue out at him, face contorting in a confused manner.
"says you! i'm your only friend you prune," he remarks stubbornly. "and for your information, i have blaise, and- um..." draco trails off while i collect my belongings for class. i shake my head at him, chuckling to myself. i hear a subtle knock on the door. my eye rests against the peephole.
"hey mister popular, astoria greena- i mean uh astoria greengrass. she's behind the door, waiting for you."
"oh! i didn't know she was stopping by." he scrambles to ruffle out his hair. my eyes roll to the back of my head out of disgust. astoria greenass has draco wrapped around her finger.
the pair met when they were put together for a potions project last year. he was amazed by her beauty, and fell head over heels in love with her. this is what i assume, of course. they have been inseparable since. i'm not sure why, but i really really hate astoria.
"your hair looks fine bubba." i say, peeking my head out of the bathroom where i was hiding from the devil herself.
"don't call me bubba! astoria is here!" he whisper-shouts, opening the door for astoria. draco's pale complexion lights up when he sees astoria's. i feel a wave of heat flows down my spine. her presence ignites a strong fire inside of me.
astoria is wearing her robe, tie, and her long brown locks are tied with a emerald colored ribbon. i don't know why draco fancies astoria to such extent. although, her lack of personality and gorgeous genes are probably enough for him.
"pepperpup! i missed you so much!" draco engulfs her into a hug, astoria wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"aw i missed you as well babe." she replies, kissing his cheek softly. i notice draco's face turn beet red when her lips touch his upper jaw bone.
"babe? i didn't know you guys were snogging! good thing draco got headgear when he did." i wittily interrupt. their heads whip around towards the couch, huffing at my comment.
"we're no-"
"indeed we are. we have been for a month today." she grins, pulling draco into her arms for the second time today. draco's face goes blank, his eyes glued to my hands. which were fiddling with the snake ring on my left middle finger.
"oh really? that's so cool! i'm thrilled for you both," i manage to mutter out, counting down from fifty in my head to control my growing rage. "anyway, i have to go to class. have a good day you two. i'll see you tomorrow for the quidditch game." i quickly gather my bag and sprint out the door, slamming it behind me.
"are you feeling alright darling? you look, sickly." my friend aera asks. her hand caresses mine in a soothing manner, snapping me back into reality.
"yeah! i'm good. wanna grab something to eat? i'm starving." aera's fingers stop and her face holds an unconvinced look. aera is far too intelligent to believe my lies.
"do you think i'm a bloody imbecile? i insist you tell me what dilemma you are facing this instance." she states, all whilst lacing her shoes to go to dinner.
"no i don't, but there is nothing wrong with me aera. really." she raises her eyebrow quizzically. her alluring eyes stare deeply into my soul, searching for the truth. aera's head slowly turns as the rest of her body goes still.
"fine! draco and astoria are dating but i hate her stupid brat face! ugh, i hate her so much!" i scream, allowing anyone in the common room to hear.
"divulge me in your problems. toni, why do you loathe her to such extent?"
"i literally have no idea. maybe because draco is obsessed with her, and is a dickhead to me when she is around. or because draco calls her pepperpup, god that's so stupid. pepperpup, like she's a fucking dog. i'm sorry, excuse my language, they just make me so angry!" my feelings pour out into the world while i scream my lungs out. aera just stays silent and nods her head, waiting for me to finish.
"thank you for sharing with me. let's head to dinner." she takes my hand in hers and leads me to the great hall, which is jam-packed full of ravenous students.
"can we eat in your dorm? i don't want to sit by him tonight." i ask, hiding my face in the beanie i'm wearing.
"i'm afraid not hun. besides, i have a date tonight. goodbye!" with that, aera is gone like the wind. just like that i'm standing by myself in the middle of the great hall.
i try my best to be discreet while getting my dinner plate. ham, carrots, a bun and some mash are what i grab to eat. after gathering my food, i eat it as fast as possible making sure not to draw attention to myself. i hear blaise call my name, meaning draco was near. i turn my head to the person next to me, pretending to be in a conversation.
as i'm trying to 'converse' with the girl next to me, i feel a harsh tap on my shoulder. i look up to find blaise zabini roughly tapping me, signaling for me to sit with them. them being blaise, pansy, astoria, and draco.
"nettie! come on and sit with us mate! draco won't stop asking for you." he mumbles the last part so only i could hear. i shrug, pick up my plate and walk over to the group. draco's glum expression lights up, his eyes filling with joy.
"nice to see you again antoinette! we were just chatting about the quidditch game tomorrow. ravenclaw versus slytherin! should be a good one." astoria states, her bright smile never dropping. i ball my fist when i hear my full name come out of her mouth.
"don't ever call me antoniette you dumb bitch!" i shout, standing up from my seat. my hand nearly collides with her face, but someone's hand stops it. draco's eyes bore into mine, telling me to calm down. i let my hand fall back to my side, the same angry expression plasters my face.
"i-i'm sorry, i didn't know! i swear!" astoria cries, pansy holding her tightly. the disappointed face on pansy grows.
"if you didn't know, maybe you could have fucking asked! did you not notice the fact that nobody around calls me fucking antoinette!?! jesus christ astoria, are you that fucking stupid!?!" i scream, tears spilling from astoria's eyes. i feel like i could punch a hole into the earth with my one fist.
"oh my god toni, take a rest. you sound fucking crazy." blaise says calmly, only fueling my fire more. i hate that word, hate it. draco knows that. i tilt my head to the side, thinking of all the ways i could kill everyone at this table. draco clears his throat, finally stepping in.
"annie, let's go to our room. i'm growing very sleepy. come on darling." he takes my hand in his, but i pull back from him.
"are you fucking joking? i will tie your brain stem to your shoe laces, you stupid fucking idiot. god, why are you friends with such brain dead morons? call me crazy again zabini, do it. i dare you. come on, little bitch, do it! i'll kill yo-" draco looks at me again, signaling that he needs me to leave with him.
"what, you can't take being called crazy? astoria didn't know any better! what, are you mental?"
"blaise, enough! i can't believe how fucking childish you're being right now. fucking prick." draco shouts at him, blaise flinching at his harsh words. i'm already halfway across the great hall, taking my plate with me. draco runs to catch up with me, not looking behind himself once.
"annie, you okay in there? i'm sorry about what blaise said. it was out of hand." draco knocks on the door gently. three knocks. just like mum. i hate when he does that.
i'm crying when draco started knocking on the bathroom door. i quickly wipe my eyes and let myself out. i sit down on the satin green couch.
"i'm completely fine draco. it was my fault. i'm a horrible monster, just like mother said." i state calmly, grabbing my wand polish. draco shakes his head and sits down next to me.
"don't be like that annie. don't try to hide your feelings from me." he takes the wand polish from my hand. i give my attention to him, which i know is what he wanted.
"she didn't deserve that. i know she didn't mean any harm. she's a real sweetheart. i'm just an asshole." i admit, twirling a piece of hair between my fingers.
"you're not an asshole, annie. you can't control it. i know that, they don't."
"that's beside the point. i'm a bad person. that's the truth and it always fucking will be. astoria did nothing wrong." i get up, pacing around the room.
"she triggered you, whether she meant it or not." draco grumbles, pulling his hair loosely.
"it's fine. it's over now. i'm going back to my room." i get up and head out.
"annie, don't go. we need to talk." he mumbles, standing up from his spot on the couch.
"draco there's nothing to talk about. you and astoria are dating, you didn't tell me, and your friends are douches. goodnight." and with that, i'm out of the door, heading to my own room.
after taking off my school clothes i run a bath for myself. i grab the bath salts i bought from hogsmeade and sprinkle some in. i let the lavender scented salts absorb me completely, taking in the fragrance.
after the water is warm enough, i gently slide into the tub. the water relaxing my tense muscles. a long sigh leaves my mouth as i lather soap onto my body. once i rinse it off, i submerge myself under the water, making my body feel still and peaceful.
peace. something i never get to feel. water is peaceful. so calm and tranquil. maybe if i drown myself, the water will let me be peaceful. that's a good idea. death will make me peaceful. i want it so fucking badly. but i will never will.
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