#but I got a make up egg and a dragon ball super egg
purplebass · 1 year
Biggest highlight of the day is that this morning I finally did something that I dreaded doing for a long time. The second highlight of the day is that I got one more chocolate Easter egg that I'm going to open this Sunday. I wonder which surprise I will get
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longwuzhere · 7 days
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome to another week of My Adventures with Superman! My hunch about the what happened last week was true and things are not going too well for the gang...
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode
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To start things off we meet Kara on Earth! I talked more about her here. Shes's dressed similarly to Android 18 when she, 17, and 16 drive to Goku's house in episode 147 of Dragon Ball Z. While watching the episode I was wondering why does Kara's hair look so familiar? Then it hit me. Kara's got Sakuya Kumashiro's hair from Tenchi in Tokyo!
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Shout out to recent DC characters enjoy ice cream for the first time like Wonder Woman in the live action movie and Justice League animated movie, and the new DC Super Hero Girls cartoon. As a mint chocolate chip ice cream fan, good first choice of ice cream to enjoy!
Perry puts Clark and Lois on a new beat for the Metropolis "Most Eligible Single" contest because Superman was chosen to be one of the five up for that title. Cat Grant self-invites herself to join the duo to figure out who Superman is through his love life. Lois is sweating bullets at this point. At the contest we meet the potential people for winning the title, Hank Henshaw, Chandi Gupta, Byrna Brilyant, and Silver St. Cloud. I talked more about Hank Henshaw here. We see a darker more bigoted side to him this time around. Will we see him get his cyborg body and become Cyborg Superman in this season or season 3? Who knows. Season 3 is confirmed though.
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Dr. Byrna Brilyant is a very deep DC universe cut dating back to 1946, the golden age of comics. Back then Byrna Brilyant was an enemy to Wonder Woman going by the moniker, Blue Snowman.
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Byrna in the 1940s makes her first appearance in Sensation Comics #59 (1946) [W: Joye Hummel, P&I: H.G. Peter], where she was a teacher who's father created this compound called blue ice, after his death, she uses it as a way to extort this town after freezing it over for monetary gain.
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Byrna makes another appearance in 2010 in Power Girl #7 (2010) [W Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti, P&I: Amanda Conner, C: Paul Mounts, L: John J. Hill] where Dr. Mid-Nite and Power Girl are trying to stop Byrna from committing a robbery but the main bad guy, Vartox shoots a seduction musk rifle at Power Girl but the smell knocks out Dr. Mid-Nite and it works on Byrna, but not Power Girl. This all makes more sense if you read the comic.
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Byrna's next appearance post-New 52 was in Superman/Wonder Woman #4 (2014) [W: Charles Soule, P: Paulo Siqueira, I&C: Hi-Fi, L: Carlos M. Mangual] where we see Wonder Woman and Hessia battling the Blue Snowman robots.
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Byrna's latest appearance post-DC Rebirth is in DC: Love is a Battlefield #1 (2021) [W: Crystal Fraiser, P&I: Juan Gedeon, C:Ulises Arreola, L: Marshal Dillion, where Byrna is now gender fluid after interrupting a date between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Good on Wonder Woman for letting them go and hoping the realization there is a word for what Byrna was feeling would make them feel much better. So going forward if we meet Byrna again, I'll be referring to them with they/them pronouns, but if its New 52 continuity and before, Byrna will be referred to with she/her pronouns with the continuities to help clarify the pronoun usages.
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Chadi Gupta is also another deep cut from the DC universe because she's reference to her comic counterpart from Justice League Europe.
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Chandi makes her first appearance in Justice League Europe #47 (1993) [W: Gerard Joes, P: Ron Randall, I: Randy Elliot, C: Gene D'Angelo, L: Willie Schubert] where she's escaping her family and comes across the the JLE and wants to join them. Her energy projection and construct creation powers came in handy for the JLE in issue 50 where she and the rest of the JLE were able to fend off Sonar's attack and that earned her a spot on Justice League Europe as the superhero Maya.
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Silver St. Cloud is probably one of the more prominent characters from the DC universe who showed up in MAwS. She got into the pop culture zeitgeist through the Gotham tv show when it aired.
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Silver St. Cloud makes her first appearance in Detective Comics #470 (1977) [W: Steven Engleheart, P: Walter Simonson, I: Al Milgrom, C: Jerry Serpe, L: Ben Oda] where she meets Bruce Wayne at a party on his yacht. She eventually becomes one of Bruce Wayne's more prominent love interests and one of the few who were suspecting Bruce to be Batman thanks to his constant disappearing.
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She shows up in post-new 52 in the maybe possibly out of cotinuity anthology, Legends of the Dark Knight (2014) digital comics, specifically as a cameo in issue #50, Dr. Quinn's Diagnosis [W: Jim Zub, P&I: Niel Googe, C: Kathryn Layno, L: Saida Temofonte], where Batman is getting psychoanalyzed by Harley Quinn.
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If you want to read a comic with a fun appearance of Silver St. Cloud give Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1 (2017) [W: Tom King, P&I: Lee Weeks, C: Lovern Kindzierski, L: Deron Bennet] a read cuz goddamn is it noir AF and beautifully drawn (a while back DC superheroes crossed over with Looney Tunes characters and its very good. They have also done it with Hanna Barbera characters as well. Give those a read too! They're all fun!)!
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The charity that MAwS Silver mentions was first mentioned in Superman #152 (1967) [W: Bill Finger, P&I: Al Plastino] where Superman is accepting a clock medallion for a charity event. In the comics Silver St. Cloud isn't usually working for charities, shes mostly a Gotham socialite.
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At the event, the MC (who gives off Funky Flashman vibes imo), asked if anyone has questions and the first to jump on that was George Taylor of the Metropolis Star. I talked about the Metropolis Star here, but for George Taylor...
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he actually makes his first appearance here in Action Comics #1 (1938) [W: Jerry Seigel, P&I: Joe Shuster, C: Strauss Engraving Company] where he is the editor-in-chief of the Daily Star.
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In the silver age, George Taylor makes his first appearance in Superman #366 (1981) [W: Bob Eozakis, P: Kurt Schaffenberger, I: Frank Chiaramonte, C: Adrienne Roy, L: John Costanza] where he assigns Perry White on the Superboy scoop to see if he's active in Metropolis. In post-Crisis on Infinite continuity, George makes a cameo appearance in Adventures of Superman #451 (1989) [W,P,&I: Jerry Ordway, C: Glenn Whitmoore, L: Albert DeGuzman] where we see George's office door.
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In the New 52 continuity, George Taylor makes his first appearance in Action Comics #8 (2012) [W: Grant Morrison, P: Rags Morales, I: Rick Bryant, C: Brad Anderson, L: Pat Brosseau] as editor-in-chief for the Daily Star where in the comic he's proud of Clark and encourages him to take the job at the Daily Planet.
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Kara and Jimmy make it into the studio where Lois, Superman, and Cat Grant are and Kara confronts Superman showing off that she's the one in the armor. She is on a two-way radio communications with someone named Primus. Whether that is Brainiac's designation when Kara is on the field or its a different character all together, there is a Primus in the DC universe, not just in the Transformers universe. Btw this isn't Kara's first time siding with an evil faction, she was part of Darkseid's Female Furies in the 2004 Superman/Batman series, specifically in issue #11. You might have also seen it happen in the Superman/Batman: Apocalypse animated movie too.
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Primus aka Pren makes his first appearance in Green Lantern #141 (1981) [W: Marv Wolfman, P&I: Joe Stanton, C: Carl Gafford, L: John Costanza] where he is the leader of the alien group, the Omega Men from the Vega star system. They jump Hal when he and Carol Ferris were on vacation thinking Hal is part of the Citadel, an extraterrestrial empire that is conquering the star system the Omega Men are in.
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Primus/Pren NuParr makes his New 52 first appearance in Deathstroke #9 (2012), but gets a more prominent role in the Omega Man limited series from 2015 [panel from The Omega Men #1 (2015) W: Tom King, P&I: Barnaby Bagenda, C: Romulo Farjardo Jr., L: Pat Brosseau]. In this continuity, the Citadel is now a corporation that was exploiting Krypton's destruction by by selling stabilized planet cores to other worlds. This comes at a cost where the Vega star system is enslaved by them and those who resisted we killed and the survivors formed the Omega Men.
And with that another episodes Easter eggs and references are done! Come back next week to see what episode 6's Easter eggs and references are! In case you missed it:
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
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duhragonball · 6 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch.100
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Yes, Cheelai, we have finally reached the end of the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, but in particular, we've also finally reached the end of the seemingly endless manga adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.
And yeah, this seems like an anticlimactic place to close out the year, but that's kind of how this entire liveblog has been, when you get down to it. I've had fun going through all this stuff, but there's a reason I'm referring to it all as "apocryphal". The Tournament of Power is a lot of fun, and the two DBS feature films are instant classics, but none of it really feels essential to Dragon Ball. From the OAVs to GT to Super, the main theme here is "Hey, remember Dragon Ball? Let's make more of that!" Everything ends up being a sequel or a callback or an easter-eggy kind of deal. And that's not the worst thing that can happen to a franchise, but it's probably fitting that we're closing out on the final chapter of a comic book adaptation of a movie that serves as a sequel to the Android arc that was a continuation of the Red Ribbon Army arc.
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Chapter 100 just retells the last several minutes of the Super Hero movie, and I already went over the film, so let's just concentrate on how the manga depicts it differently. We'll start with Gohan's right arm, which got some heat a few days ago when the previews came out.
I refuse to dogpile on Toyotaro, since he's a far better artist than I'll ever be, and I've genuinely enjoyed his art through this entire read-through, even when the writing has been bad. That said... yeah, Gohan's arm looks kind of weird. Maybe while Gohan was teaching himself the Special Beam Cannon, he learned how to do Piccolo's stretchy arm thing too.
I do think it's pretty dumb how chuds on Twitter will nitpick Toyotaro's art as though the original Dragon Ball manga was some kind of showcase of photorealistic anatomy. I've been a fan of this thing for a quarter-century now, and the key to loving Dragon Ball is to make peace with the fact that it's fundamentally goofy and stupid. Sometimes a guy's arm gets drawn longer than his other arm. Sometimes characters scream so loud that their jaws unhinge like when a snake swallows an egg whole. Bulma wasted a wish on the Dragon Balls to make her ass look hotter, because if she didn't, then Frieza would come back and use the wish to make himself taller. Goku grew his tail back by having a guy tug on his ass with a pair of pliers. This show was always a hot mess, so don't blame Toyotaro. It was like this when he got here.
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Anyway, Cell Max tries to block the Special Beam Cannon like he did in the movie, but Gohan has a harder time punching through, so in this version Goten and Trunks jump in to distract Cell and give Gohan a boost. In the movie, they were still Gotenks until after the fight ended, but in this version the battle must have taken a little longer, since they de-fused a little earlier.
Of course, this is just a way for Toyotaro to show off the Great Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 costumes one more time. It's kind of pointless, because all of the added Goten and Trunks scenes in this arc have been pointless. Also, Trunks' pose looks really awkward here. He looks like he got sawed in half, and both halves are still kind of flying forward in the same direction, but he's no longer connected.
I will say that I'm grateful for this final appearance of X-1 and X-2, because it gives me a chance to critique their outfits one last time. I hate the superhero undies they wear over their tights. They look baggy and puffy for some reason, which make it look like Goten and Trunks are wearing diapers. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite of what the boys were going for.
I mean, the outfits aren't that bad, but what irritates me is how Toyotaro keeps showing them off like this is the coolest thing going on in this story. The designs are presented like they somehow connect all these different things. Goten and Trunks were inspired by Cleangod, and they named their personas after Great Siayaman, and then Dr. Hedo saw them and supposedly based the Gammas' costumes off their look. Except X-1 and X-2 don't actually look anything like Great Saiyaman, or Cleangod, or the Gammas. It's just frustrating.
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Anyway, we get the same bit about cosmetic skin alteration from the movie, except Gotenks has already separated in this version, so Bulma can address Goten and Trunks separately.
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I also like this part after Pan shows off her flying ability. This segued into the credits of the movie, but here we see Gohan calling out for her to stay closer to the ground. It's pretty cute, since it kind of calls back to when Gohan was a timid child way back in the early days of DBZ. Now he's older and braver, but I bet when he sees Pan up so high in the air he thinks about how scared he was whenever he was up really high.
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Meanwhile, some Red Ribbon goons have survived the battle and appear to be slowly getting away. This is nice because I noticed these guys escorting Carmine to safety in one of the previous chapters, and I've always wondered if any of the Red Ribbon guys made it out of the base alive. Pan knocked Carmine out, so it seemed reasonable to assume that he was vaporized during the Cell Max battle. Actually, in the movie, it looked like the entire crater was flattened, but here it looks like the destruction stayed confined to that area.
Anyway, the implication is that Carmine will return to Red Pharmaceutical and try to figure out his next move, but it seems unlikely that he could be much of a threat. Magenta's dead, the base is destroyed, and a bunch of their soldiers either died or deserted in this battle. Remember, even with the base and all those soldiers, Magenta still wasn't ready to make a big move. Dr. Hedo's androids were supposed to be his game-changing weapon, and now Hedo's turned against the Red Ribbon, so what can Carmine possibly do from here?
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We get some additional material of the Goku/Vegeta fight in the movie. In the post-credits scene, they were practically moving in slow-motion and we only got to see the final blow. Here, we see Goku and Vegeta each land one last punch before the one that ends it all. These boys look all rowdy and badass and it's great.
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When Whis finally responds to Bulma's messages, we get this cute shot of everyone sleeping in the back of her aircraft. Gohan talks about taking her to the amusement park, which seems kind of random, but it occurred to me that this might be setting up some filler story for Chapter 101. Like Gohan and Pan go to the amusement park for the day, and Carmine tries to kill them or something to avenge the Red Ribbon Army. That probably wouldn't be a bad idea, although I really don't want that to happen, because it sounds similar to the "Hedo vs. Goten and Trunks" stuff we had in Chapters 88-90. Everyone thinks Toyotaro has been champing at the bit to get done with this arc so he can return to his Black Frieza business, but for all we know he's been enjoying this whole bit, and he'll blow the next six months on filler stories with Goten and Trunks goofing around with Sgt. Nutz.
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Anyway, this is the last page and this was the last little bit of the movie too, so Toyotaro has definitely run out of movie to adapt. Also, Bulma looks really cute on this page, so I wanted to add that to the record.
So that pretty much wraps things up, except for one minor detail. Where's the big twist?
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I ran across this last month when I was checking to see if Chapter 99 would wrap up the arc or not. CBR.com did an article entitled "Dragon Ball Super Chapter 100's 'Unbelievable' Twist to Lead to "'Crazy Developments'" The story stems from comments made by V-Jump editor Victory Uchida, who was hyping DBS chapters 99 and 100 while appearing in an unboxing video for some reason.
The video is in Japanese, so I can't just pull out direct quotes from the man, so maybe this was all some big misunderstanding. Maybe it was a mistranslation, maybe Uchida got confused and was referring to material that wouldn't see print until Chapter 101. Or maybe he was just doing a standard hype job for his publication without thinking about what was actually in the magazine. After all, how can Chapter 100 have an "unbelievable twist" when it's doing a shot-for-shot repeat of a year-old movie?
So I assumed this meant there would be some sort of epilogue scene in the final pages, designed to set up the next arc. Sort of like how the last chapter of the Tournament of Power arc had the scene where the Galactic Patrol kidnaps Majin Buu. But Chapter 100 had no such thing. No Black Frieza, no Cell Max suddenly turning the tables on Gohan to win the movie, no mysterious appearance from Purple Turles or Red Bojack. Not even a lousy cameo from Platinum Cooler.
Does this make Victory Uchida an unreliable source of information? Or has he simply been misunderstood? I feel like his ridiculous yellow wig/hat thing kind of holds the answer to that question.
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Anyway, the ultimate fate of Dragon Ball Super lies in Chapter 101 and beyond, but those stories will be printed in 2024, which means they fall outside the scope of this liveblog. So unless Toei or Shueisha has a new movie or anime coming out in the next eleven days, I'm done. This has been the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. Good night, everybody!
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I think that the events are happening in different timelines. The last TBD update alludes to that
Filler timeline
Canon timeline
first off, the "filler timeline" is called Cookie Run: Kingdom (for legal reasons this is a joke)
the last TBD update was meant to lead into this current update with Schneeball mentioning a dinosaur egg and now we in dino town and honestly it wouldnt make much sense to have an unannounced filler timeline within the story of OvenBreak imo
we know that Potato and Shine Muscat's update spans two years and during Sugar Swan's update Pilot and Whipped Cream travel around the world in more or less 80 days. during which, they meet Mala Sauce and her tribe so that specific meeting happened way before Longan woke up. from the sound of it, that meeting happened before Yam, Milk and Dino-Sour even got there bc thats what got the ball rolling on seeing the dragons.
its not super impossible for some of the events that launched between Longan's awakening and the clash of dragons to take place at the same time, Black Garlic couldve been exploring the school at the same time Rebel was helping out the Yakgwa village. maybe while Coffee Candy was starting her new job, Mocha Ray and Lobster were exploring Wandercrab or Roguefort was going into trial
i also dont wanna confuse "filler" for "non-diegetic"
the fashion week updates (specifically the 2nd one) and the wish camp updates were non-diegetic meaning that they were for audience only and had no true effects on the canon story because why and how would Longan agree to go see shooting stars with a bunch of cookies
that doesnt necessarily mean its a different timeline or that it even happened at a different point in time but just something to celebrate the games anniversary in a meta-storytelling like how the 5th anniversary was
i was confused on when things were happening in correlation to the dragons' stuff because i had thought Longan woke up and everything that followed happened over months at most not actual factual years
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foggymud · 1 year
WELCOME TO "Raw Ingredients" ep.1!! the game show where we take ur fav cookie. And dive deep too figure out what swims beneath the calm waters of the lotus paradise
today we have the newest adition to oven break, thats right the one the only the cutie!POND DINO!! or pondy for short!
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So where to start? Lets see....well for one pondy isn't what they seam,there not a gummy dinosour like the ones we've seen before! They are actualy inspierd by the forget-me-not [or fmn if i ever refer to it again] flower! The name was changed in traslación for what ive heard leading too pond dino to be what we know them as!
Pond dino is also one of the few cookies with the slit eye design! While not exclusive to dragons this trait is ussualy shared among them excluding lychee [wich May play into there potencialy sucubus inspierd design, next ri might be on em ectualy]
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wich further reinforces there relevance to the dragon story! And longan there self says that pondy is the only foil to there plan,more on that laiter.[side note: not all slit eye or slit like eye cookies are in the image showned]
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Another thing worth of note is pondy's shape and body design, as a New born baby dino it makes sense there small stubby and chubby,but a weird thing is that they where born with not only super long "hair" that seams too twist rather then sway as well as a flower that-
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APARANTLY IS EATHER SENTIENT OR APART OF THEM???? Wich all of this leads me too belive this is all apart of there boddy, meaning pondy has 6 limbs [huh kinda make sense why there with lotus now] one set of back and front flippers + the hair flippers.
and finnaly in terms of the design we have pondys color palet! Its quite simple being made out of the face tone, primeraly 2 to 3 shades of blue, some cream yellows for the eyes,flower,and tummy, as well as white for extra detail and purple for the eyes,2th layer of the flower and.....segmentación on the chest?? Im not gonna try to understand why a nonbinary they/its new born lizard that already looks quite femenet needed boob segmentación on there upper body so lets just move on.
As ive not seen the hold story i won't be able to talk much about the lore but looks like there isn't much to cover? They where born from an egg that showed up in a place where "ancient magic once held sway" if i had to guess the lotus palace or the lotus lake its self as it did have quite the amount of magical things besides lotus there self, such as lesser dragons wich while not new as we've seen them all over the place, the little elfs that worked for lotus alongside the hydrangean cookies, and that time longan sent there despicable me looking eye balls there so yeah theres a lot of magic.
And if you remember i did say i was gonna talk about longans "the only foil to my plan" line earlier so lets start with this final segment!, i belive what this line refers to is that there atempts at destroying cookie kind might not be that eficient if life [aka pond] can still emerge from it, they sunk an entierd palace and possibly flooded a hold island and jet a cookie was borned from this destrucción, longan seams to know what this implies as while still a baby pond thretends there hold plan just by existing somhow, maybe will see somthing simmilar to pond in the future, eather other babys from the ananas and pitaya islands [maybe lychee as well idk how bad there island is as the longan break out starts deep below the surface], some kind of figure or presence in history, or maybe a New legend? Who knows!
Side note below if you wanna read
Hi thanks too anyone who reads this far into the post! Even thru my crazy theories and endless rambles y bad grammer, i hope it was understandable to some degree. If you have anything that i may have forgot, got wrong, and even wanna add or share what you think on anything regarding this post feal free to inform me!. Anyways hope this was a ok post at best as i hope to do more like this in the future as it was tons of fun for me even if im not trully sure on how to takle this
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doodle-bun-makes · 10 months
Here's some more about my wip original story "Of Dragons and Unicorns" (prepare for an essay long info dump). Thank you @catkin-morgs for asking about it!
I originally started this idea around 2017 and it was completely different. It was about the princess, still named Sylvia, who was led to a crashed dragon by her horse during a ride. The dragon gives her an egg to take care of, which shocks Sylvia because she didn't think dragons existed. The egg hatches and she has to keep it a secret from this visiting kingdom but little does she know, the kingdom secretly has dragons. There was also a love triangle between the Sylvia, the prince, and this horse breeder that wore a mask for some reason??? I don't know, young me was obsessed with love triangles.
Then sometime around 2021 I decided to revamp the idea. I wanted to make every kingdom have a mythical creature and since I'm a horse girl I made Sylvia's kingdom the unicorn kingdom. She also has a brother who she used to be close to until he married into and became king of the pegasus kingdom. So she's pretty lonely since she's a judgmental introvert and thinks other royal kids are boring; her only friends are the stable keeper and the unicorns he keeps (there isn't a love story between them, the stable keeper is happily married). Sylvia laments about being betrothed to the prince of the dragon kingdom, Crown Prince of Drakes, Eluard. She doesn't know him since they met once when they were around 4-5 years old and when she was 10-ish she tired to reach out to him via letter but she never got one back. So the only things she knows about Eluard are rumors people tell about him, like how he tamed his first dragon at 2 years old and that dragons feared him. But she thinks he's a pompous jerk because the portraits he sends annually depict him as an emotionless and cold. But when the dragon royalty arrive for her debutante ball, she sees that Eluard looks nothing like his portraits (i.e. kind, freckled, tall, more stout than jacked). He's either super formal with her or gets nervous, especially when his brother tries to play match maker to get him and Sylvia closer. That only leads to Eluard getting more distant to Sylvia which makes her think that he was just trying to trick her with a first impression. She resents him up until her debutante ball where the two dance and she freaks out because she does not want to get married. She excuses herself then escapes into the garden. While she's trying to calm herself down, Eluard comes out to check on her. This causes her to go off on him and basically rant about the awful person she thinks he is until she can't breathe. Eluard then asks what he did to make her think all that because he was trying his hardest to abide by her kingdoms customs and she tells him that he showed who he was all the way back when he didn't answer her letter. Lo and behold, Eluard did write her back but his letter got lost in the mail so he thought that he came off too strong in the letter and scared Sylvia off. Sylvia is shocked as her preconceived notions come crashing down around her, so the two of them sit in the garden and get to know each other. Originally, this part ended with the two becoming pen pals and starting to grow a friendship.
That's where I originally stopped writing, but I planned on this story idea to be two books: one taking place in Sylvia's kingdom while the other takes place in Eluard's kingdom. The second one would be about a year later after the two had kept up with one another, where Sylvia would be moving to the dragon kingdom. Since the two of them are more friendly, Eluard shows her around the castle/the towns around the castle and introduces her to a bunch of people and dragons. It becomes clear to her that his people adore him and he adores his people. At a party celebrating her arrival, Eluards estranged twin brother crashes the party to mock his family and meet Sylvia. He eventually gets chased off and Eluard has to sit Sylvia down to explain the whole curse thing to her. She's surprised but accepts that it doesn't change who he is. Then at some point while Eluard and her were out for a scenic ride they get attacked by the brother and his crew of dragons and they steal Sylvia. Sylvia, however, hates the brother more than she fears him and makes his life a living hell until Eluard comes to try to save her. The brother gives her up instantly and idk they live happily ever after. I haven't really thought about the second one too much, those are just some ideas I have for it.
My inspiration for the unicorn kingdom is a usual vague European fantasy world that most fantasy stories take place in. There are a ton of different unicorn species like nocturnal ones aside from the ones that have obviously been selectively bred. For the dragon kingdom, however, I wanted it to be like a fantasy wild west with cowboys and bandits and dragons instead of horses. I got a lot of inspiration for the terrain from a trip to South Dakota because I just fell in love with all the nature and different biomes like the the black hills and badlands. I imagine that the capital would be in a badlands like area where the castle was carved from one of the huge rock formations like this one
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For Eluard's dragon, I wanted him to have a Drake (wingless dragon) because I imagine he has a fear of flying because his twin dropped him once while he was flying (brother's curse gives him dragon wings, Eluard's doesn't). I see him having a huge drake that looks intimidating but is literally his best friend. I envision the drake kinda looking like a bison, but I couldn't make it look the way I wanted to. Here are some sketches I made, but none of them really felt right
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While I'm on the topic of sketches, I have drawn Eluard and Sylvia a few times in the past to help get a good picture of them in my head.
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This was the first drawing I made all the way back in 2021. I knew I wanted Sylvia to have a graceful and elegant look to her to contradict how snippy and blunt she is. Her look doesn't change a whole lot in my drawings since her look is simple yet effective. I kinda want to redesign her to contradict Eluard more, but I haven't had the motivation to work on this story.
Eluard, on the other hand, changes quite a bit through my drawings. At first I didn't really know how I wanted him to look, so I went for a regular modern-ish southern cowboy (he does have an accent). I don't really like this one, he looks too young and not as rowdy as he actually is.
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This is another design for Eluard (far right). I went for more of a bull rider look because he enjoys training and riding rowdy dragons that other people are too scared to ride. He's just a dumb guy who isn't afraid of pain, basically a himbo but book smart. Still didn't have the vibe I wanted, I wanted him a bit chubbier to look more like a strong man instead of a body builder.
The middle character is Eluards brother, Oswald. He's crafty, quiet, and is determined to help his brother woo Sylvia. This leads to him overstepping and trying to rush things, but he means well. He's just an ambitious kid. He didn't give off a cowboy vibe in this version, just kind of like a standard fantasy prince.
The character on the left got cut from the (for now) final version of the story. He's supposed to be a witch in training that knows way too much about flora and herbs. He was going to be Oswald's love interest, but he doesn't really fit in the world anymore and I don't want to force him in.
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This is where I started getting a good idea of what I wanted Eluard to look like. He's a big tall guy that sturdy-looking, like it would take a lot to knock him over. I also leaned more into a western pleasure like style for his formal clothes. In these pictures (besides the one where he's shirtless) I drew them first meeting where he kisses her hand (I really needed to work on my side-profiles). The top two drawings are of Eluard trying to shut his brother up as he says something embarrassing then talking to Sylvia to explain that his brother was talking nonsense. I wanted him to have some unprincely "imperfections" like freckles and a chipped tooth he got after a dragon headbutted him. He also has a bunch of scars from wrestling and handling different dragons.
I also realized I wanted Eluard and his kingdom to have an indigenous American inspiration, specifically from the Lakota tribe since (from my research) they were one of the tribes that used to inhabit the badlands. I still like this idea, but I'm also terrified of accidentally depicting something offensive on accident. Because I can do all the research I possibly can but I can never know everything about the culture since I'm not apart of it. I want to be respectful of Lakota culture and include some sort of indigenous representation since it's a big part of western cowboy media.
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So I really got into drawing Eluard for a while because I just fell in love with his design. I decided to make bolo ties the important piece of clothing much like a crown to help show status based on what was carved inside it. I lost my idea for the royal emblem meant to be carved into Eluard's and Oswald's bolos. Also, I gave Eluard a cane because I also gave him ~hip pain~, he got thrown around by a nasty bucking dragon and ended up injuring his left hip (inspired by my own horseback riding injuries).
I also drew Oswald, I'm still not sure what to do with his design but I was getting close in this one. I didn't draw him a whole lot all in all, but I think he turned out fine. His essential design element to me is the little snake-like dragon around neck that's his companion. He always has the wyrm with him because its his little sidekick and emotional support dragon.
In the other picture where Eluard is shirtless (I realize I have drawn him twice shirtless) I don't know what 2022 me was on but she was really working on drawing dude torsos. I think I was trying to imagine how he'd look muscle wise since he wouldn't not have muscles. He works closely with big dangerous dragons, he needs to be able to hold his own. But I honestly believe that a prince like him wouldn't care to cut his muscles, he needs the fat to help protect his organs. And there's nothing wrong with being a bigger strong guy, not every strong guy has to be defined like a body builder.
Also Sylvia being shy seeing him shirtless lol.
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Again, really obsessed with drawing Eluard. I already felt pretty solid on how Sylvia looked, so I was really focused on getting his characteristics down.
In the upper left corner is Eluard with his curse starting to flair up. He gets scales coming from his pores, claws, and his pupils change shape. He gets really defensive in this state because he's afraid he might hurt someone while he's in it because he knows first hand how dangerous dragons can be.
Speaking of that, in the upper right picture is after a particularly rough fight with a dragon. Eluard isn't phased by pain, at least that's what he wants people to think because he hates it when people worry about him. Idk something about independence i guess.
In the bottom left, Eluard is hugging his drake. I was giving the drake's design another try but gave up. Also emphasizing how close the two are because I imagine dragons don't enjoy hugs and stuff because it can come off as a dominating action.
The bottom right is a little doodle of Eluard defending Sylvia from something. I don't know what, but something.
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This is the first look at Eluard's estranged twin. I wanted him to really lean into the whole dragon thing and use it as an excuse to be wild and not take responsibility for his destructive tantrums. It's kind of cut off but he's saying "Y'know, if I wasn't disowned you'd be betrothed to me."
The Sylvia next to him is her reaction to him. I don't know why I gave her a Padme Amadala looking fit, but there she is. In response to Eluard's twin she said, "Aren't we glad that never happened."
In the bottom right corner there's a little doodle of Eluard and Sylvia dancing. Probably in the garden after Sylvia's meltdown when they hear a song they both like. Just very fun and enjoying each other's presence for the first time without fear of judgment. Also wanted to once again highlight their height difference. Sylvia's like 5'4 and Eluard's around 6'2.
Also another attempt at the bison drake. Literal nightmare fuel, he looks peeled.
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Last but not least, a little comic thing I made about the twin crashing Sylvia's party. I really like the twin's design, but hated drawing all the scales. It's hard to decide where they should end on the skin because I don't want them to cover everything but I want it to kind of act like an armor. Also fun wings, spiky. I had fun drawing this, I like the contrast in how the brothers look at one another. Eluard with fear and surprise while the twin (he still doesn't have a name yet) looks excited. Ooo, the tension!
But, in the end, this is an unfinished idea. I have so many other doodles in notebook margins that I can't find, these were just the big ones. I'm honestly not married to any of the names, the only reason I kept them is because those were the names I used in the original 2017 story. I'm open to any suggestions you may have. And if you made it this far, kudos! I know I wouldn't have lol. If you have any questions or comments about this, please let me know!
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
2022 animated movies ranking
I’ve seen all the animated movies that I wanted to see this year, so here’s my official 2022 ranking.
Lightyear: The more I think about this film, the more plot holes I notice and the more I dislike it. It just feels like such a hollow and near lifeless movie that just completely misses imo. From the plot conveniences/lazy writing and predictable plot, to the worldbuilding that either comes off as minimalist or confusing, to the shallow characters- I just feel no connection at all. I like Sox and Izzy alright, but I reaaaally don’t like Mo. I get he’s supposed to be the Screw-Up of the team who gets better, but he just so annoying. Buzz is also really annoying and not charismatic whatsoever. The twist villain is so stupid, and you can tell that they cared more about the ~symbolism~/theme than the actual character/story regarding the twist. So much of this movie is just dull and frustrating with all it’s missed potential, and I have no desire to watch it again. 4/10
My Father’s Dragon: it’s a cute enough modern fairy tale with really great animation, music and voice acting. I really like the lesson of the story, and I like the small subversions that kept things interesting. The dragon was a bit annoying, but it was still a fun enough experience. 6/10
Wendell & Wild: really cool concept with some interesting characters and good social commentary. Really great soundtrack and absolutely stellar animation. I just wish the story was more fleshed out and the pacing was better, as the third act really does feel rushed, which kinda messes with an otherwise emotional ending. 6.5/10
Turning Red: it’s your average pixar movie tbh. I like the chemistry between the four girls, and I can appreciate the story that the movie is trying to tell/themes it’s trying to focus on. It does a lot of things well enough and there’s nothing I hate, there’s just nothing im super in love with either. I’m glad it exists, it’s just not completely my cup of tea. 6.5/10
Strange World: much better than I was expecting, ngl. The worldbuilding was really interesting, and I ended up getting fairly invested in the movie’s characters and relationships, which weren’t nearly as annoying or cliche as I thought they’d be. I just wish that the dialogue could’ve been more natural in some parts, as there were some exposition and conversation scenes that felt kiiiiinda forced. Some of the jokes are kinda lame too, but it’s never TOO bad thankfully. It’s a cool enough adventure with genuine heart that, again, plays better and hits harder than the lame trailers would make you believe. Also, NO TWIST VILLAIN!! Hallelujah. 7.5/10
DC League of Super Pets: as a DC fan, I can definitely appreciate all the little Easter eggs and poking fun at DC itself. Very hilarious movie when it wants to be. Characters and story was really cute, action was good, I like Supes and Lois just being together with there not being any relationship drama, and Ace’s backstory actually hit me a bit harder than I thought it would. However, the story was pretty predictable, most of the side characters weren’t super fleshed out, and I can’t listen to Lex Luthor in this movie without hearing Mr. Snake, lol. I came for cute pets and superhero shenanigans, and I got what I wanted. 7.5/10
The Bob’s Burgers Movie: definitely a movie made for the fans. Some really great characters moments, even if some beats feel familiar, but man the 3rd act gets DARK. Lots of excitement, good music, really good jokes, fantastic animation and just so much else to enjoy. 8/10
Dragon ball Super Hero: it may be your typical DBZ fare, but it’s still a lot of fun. I love the adorable dynamic between Pan and Piccolo, there’s a ton of awesome action, and I really like the new characters introduced in the film. Zeno Robinson’s VA performance is a highlight, and the film is just a really entertaining time that manages to remain interesting even when the 3rd act just turns into an extended action scene. I’m not a mega-huge DBZ fan, but I like it well enough. I also thought the ending stinger was hilarious, lol. 8/10
Minions 2 the Rise of Gru: my guilty pleasure movie of the year because I’m a sucker for the found family trope. I really like the relationship between Gru and Wild Knuckles, the minions are just as funny and cute as ever, the action is a ton of fun, and despite it being spoiled in the trailers the 3rd act is a real highlight. Lil Gru is adorable, and I just enjoy him being a mischievous and super endearing scrunko (idk if I’m using that word right :P). Sometimes I just need something silly and fun, and this movie hits that itch just right. 8/10
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: This movie absoLUTELY lived up to the first film! All the Sonic stuff was really cool and fun, the wedding stuff was hilarious, I loved all the focus on friendship/family and coming together, the action was really great, and it made me laugh just as much as the first film. It’s the type of movie that makes you feel like a kid again ^v^ Super Sonic is still an amazing scene to watch, and the ending is adorableeee. My only criticism is that sometimes the pacing can feel just a teeeeeny bit off and I wish there was a bit more focus on Tales. Kinda sucks he gets knocked unconscious for like 15mins. Can’t wait for the 3rd movie, I REALLY want Omar Benson Miller (Raph from RotTMNT) to voice Shadow. 8.5/10
Rise of the TMNT Movie: while I agree that the s2 finale was a better conclusion, I thought the movie was still really good. I’m able to forgive some so-so writing and lack of series references just because the emotional moments hit That Hard. The action and animation is as stellar as its always been, I really like Casey Jr., and while it sucks that he got Kraangified for most of the movie, Raph was the highlight of the film for me in that his VA (as well as the VA for the main Kraang) just went SO HARD, their voice acting was so freaking good. Also this movie let Mikey be a mystic badass and I’m happy about that because he deserves it. It does kinda suck that so much of the movie is focused on Leo, and that some bits like Don merging with the Kraang ship were kinda rushed through. Not a perfect film by any means, but there’s enough good to overshadow the bad for me (even if I’m getting reaaaaally tired of all the Leo angst that this movie inspired :/) 8.5/10
Puss in boots 2 - the last wish: HOLY CRAP THIS MOVIE WAS SPECTACULAR!! The animation, lighting and action was just an incredible visual spectacle. The movie also hit me super hard both in terms of how much it made me laugh (there is a LOT of dark humor, omfg) and how much it just hit me right in the feels. (Redacted) AKA the Wolf was one of my favorite parts of the movie. Speaking of which, the themes in this film were really strong, which in turn made Puss’ character arc SO GOOD! The characters in general just all worked off each other well, you fall in love with the main trio so easily and I love that both Dreamworks films this year had a total bastard as the villain. Honestly, it reminded me a lot of the first Shrek film in that there was a ton there for both kids and adults to really enjoy/take a lot away from. My only complaint is a fairly minor one, in that I thought the 1st act was just a bit slow going, though I completely understand why it was paced the way it was. Also, once this movie gets going, IT GETS GOING. 9/10
The Bad Guys: I’m gonna fully admit that I’m probably biased, given my love of found family AND heist movies. But idc, I freaking LOVE THIS MOVIE!! I love the characters and their dynamics, I love the story and themes, I love the great animation and action, I love the humor, I love the emotional beats, I love the music (Good Tonight is SUCH a bop), the twist at the end with Snake’s double-cross was AMAZING - I really could just go on and on. I’ve already watched this movie 3-4 times, and I will happily watch it again ^v^ it’s just a ton of fun, I love it so much. I guess technically PiB is the better movie, but I connect to Bad Guys and it’s characters more, so Bad Guys is my fave of the year ^v^ 9/10
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vewormeet · 2 years
Pregnant inflation game
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I feel fairly sure its something I havent done properly before, and Im pretty pleased with how it looks. So catching them with drawn lines was used instead, as I was still a little obsessed with lasers after Ariana.Īnother thing thats new and a little tricky, is the way her body dips under lava. Obviously I didnt just want to use the exact same game mechanics as suicune, especially as that would involve separate breastbelly expansion. This lead to me having to create a head shaking animation, which had some -interesting results on first attempt (it made her face look like wavy water). Part of his request involved a lot more body movement, which I soon found was essential due to her inability to talk(one would think that would make things easier, but I think I actually prefer writing dialogue, as daunting as it can be). So this here marks my very first dragon animation (assuming vanilla charizard counts despite its typing).ĭigital Media Vector data-super-img data-super-width1024 data-super-height768 data-super-transparenttrue Ordinarily shes a charmeleon, but Starry brought up that this makes her seem like she might be a teenager, raising some unfortunate implications. The character used was Holly, a mute, chubby, kinky charizard with green features. This one was made for, an old friend of mine that finally got around to making himself a DA. Needless to say, I dropped the ball on this one in terms of deadline.īut oh well, its better than nothing, right So here we have another pokemon animation. Id been trying to do an unsaid thing where I upload an animation every month for the rest of the year, as I was sick of taking so long to make huge extravagant animations. Mature Content This content is intended for mature audiences Log in to confirm your age Add to Favourites Comment Interactive Pregnant Holly 867 273 80K ( 18 Today ) By Barn-flakes Watch Mature Published: animation babies baby barny belly bigger birth bump busty charizard charmanders chub chubby click cute draw eggs flash game gravid green growth holly interactive kinky lines mute oliver pregnancy pregnant pudge sequence sexy buizel fire 2015 - 2020 Barn-flakes. Poll Ask the community Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all.ĭA Muro Paint a picture Experiment with DeviantArts own digital drawing tools. Literature Submit your writing Upload stories, poems, character descriptions more.Ĭommission Get paid for your art Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Journal Post a journal Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art.
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hanaflowersofficial · 2 years
I think I saw a post where you say Piccolo births both his and Hana's children. I'm wondering if that would happen 100% of the time with namekian / other couplings or would it ever be possible for a namekian to impregnate their partner? Just curious about your headcanon.
oh! thank you for the ask! :D i'm gonna ramble at you, sorry in advance haha
i dunno how other folks headcanon how nameks handle reproduction, but i mean, in dragon ball king piccolo can just kinda spit 'em up at will, so that's sorta what i base my headcanon on. except i think there's king piccolo's way and then there's the proper namekian way. king piccolo's kids were "mutated", and even piccolo is "mutated" in the sense that he grew to maturity in like 3 years (meanwhile we see dende in the show later who seems to grow at a more "normal" pace so i assume he was hatched correctly)
so yeah i think namekians can just sorta decide to start making an egg and then it happens, and they carry it for a little while and let it form slowly before spitting it out. (i also headcanon that the formation of an egg can be "triggered" through a super deep emotional attachment, specifically like some sort of intimate event between a namek and someone else, doesn't even have to be physical)
but to answer your question (finally, sorry haha) with my headcanon it's not possible for piccolo to get anyone else pregnant. i do have some ideas about namekian physical intimacy, though... like i think nameks as a society/culture are meant to be very warm and loving, and they've got Ways of expressing that warmth and love to each other that have nothing to do with reproduction, just feel-good brain chemicals that promote closeness
ANYWAY god i'm sorry. i have like no outlet for these thoughts, i don't talk to people about dragon ball, i just sit in a cave and mash words into a clay tablet for my own amusement basically - thank you for reading if you made it this far 😂
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Dainty-Fred Weasley x Beauxbatons!Reader
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(GIF credit to @fgweasley​)
Tags: @wand3ringr0s3 @obsessedwithrandomthings-blog
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi!!!! i was wondering if you could do a Fred x beauxbatons!reader during the goblet of fire era and he’s like completely enamored with her and gets super fumbly when she’s around. She’s friends with Fleur and apart of the more popular group so he also gets a bit insecure thinking she wouldn’t like him, but she ends up making a move and they are sad when she has to leave bUT (b u t) turns out she actually transfers to Hogwarts to finish her schooling.’
Characters: Fred Weasley x Beauxbatons!Reader, Fleur Delacour x Beauxbatons!Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Insecurities, feeling left out, mentions of death, lots of fluff
It was agitating to the girls of Hogwarts to see every boy fawn over any Beauxbaton girl that crossed their path...until they saw the students from the Durmstrang Institute. It was no surprise that crushes and friendships were formed as the schools joined together for the Triwizard Tournament. Students were able to see other children their age who they had never met, rather than seeing the same people everyday.
(Y/N) sat with her group of friends as they awaited the announcement of each school’s champion. Fleur had confidently put her name in the Goblet of Fire, whereas (Y/N) couldn’t even face the thought of going through that sort of torture. Prior to this, she had a long conversation with Fleur, making sure her friend knew what she was getting herself into. But Fleur was ecstatic to put herself forward. (Y/N) neither had the courage or skill to even consider doing this sort of challenge.
“He’s staring again!” a friend exclaimed, causing her and the others to giggle as they looked at (Y/N).
She suddenly felt on the spot, until she realised they were talking about someone behind her. Hesitantly peeking over her shoulder. It was the tall boy again, the one with long ginger hair. 
“(Y/N), you should go speak to him!” Fleur nudged her.
She faced forward again.“Because that will go really well. You know I’ll just embarrass myself.”
“For a Beauxbaton, you really don’t uphold the name very well.” a friend joked, the girls breaking out into giggles again.
(Y/N) laughed along, though it was forced. Although it wasn’t meant to be serious, it still hurt. (Y/N) wasn’t as polished as she hoped she would be after so many years at her school. The other girls were flawless. (Y/N) had to repeatedly rehearse their entrance to Hogwarts whereas they all got it almost straight away. It was embarrassing at times. Her marks in every class were very good, she wasn’t a bad student. But if you took one look at her, you wouldn’t think she was from the same school as the girls sat around her. They were her friends, they loved her as any friend would. She just wished their jokes weren’t always about her.
They were shushed as the headmaster of Hogwarts caught everyone’s attention, instructing them to sit down. Everyone did as they were told, silence washing over them. Dumbledore announced that it was time for the champion selection, darkening the room with a flick of his hand. Everyone waited in anticipation as he caught the first piece of parchment thrown out, announcing Viktor Krum the champion for Durmstrang (not so surprising). (Y/N)’s friend group burst into cheers as Fleur was chosen to represent Beauxbatons. (Y/N) clapped vigorously and cheered loudly until she realised her fellow classmates weren’t being as eccentric as her.  Cedric Diggory was last for Hogwarts, and now a buzz of excitement filled the room...until Harry Potter’s name was shot out of the Goblet. 
The longest five minutes of silence followed after Harry reluctantly followed the other champions. Students whispered to each other as soon as he left the hall, wondering how the boy wonder got his name in there, and why the Goblet chose two champions for Hogwarts. They were told to leave, and everyone knew the teachers were worried and unsure.
(Y/N) chatted away to her friends, coming up with theories as to why this happened, as well as discussing how they could help Fleur prepare for the challenges. She was so caught up in conversation, she didn’t notice her admirer walking a few steps behind her, his frame towering way over hers. However, her friends definitely saw this, one of them taking the liberty to step on the back of her shoe, causing the heel to slip off. (Y/N) yelped as she stumbled, the heel buckling underneath her. Although she wasn’t going to fall, two pairs of hands steadied her by catching her shoulders.
“Oh!” she exclaimed as she stood upright.“I’m so sorry I-”
(Y/N) caught sight of her group smirking and raising their eyebrows at her as they disappeared around the corner, along with most of the other students walking by.
“-I really need to get some new shoes.”
“As long as you’re alright. Can’ recommend a good shoe shop though. Cause, you know.”
(Y/N) politely smiled, wondering where he was going with this.
“Because...” Fred was trying to come up with his own answer.“Because I’m a boy...man.”
“It should be alright.” (Y/N) said, reaching down to slide the shoe back on her heel.“Thank you though. That was very kind of you.”
“Oh, y-you’re welcome. So, are you from Beauxbatons? Of course you are, that was stupid of me to ask.”
“Did the obnoxiously blue uniform give it away?” she joked.
“I think they’re lovely. Not in a weird way though! Just...um, they’re just different to our drab colours. Everyone blends into one really.”
“I wouldn’t mind that sometimes.”
“Oh, it’s only...no, sorry, I won’t bore you.”
“You couldn’t bore me!” Fred answered way too quickly.“I’m Fred, Fred Weasley.”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Um, I should probably head back to my friends.”
“Yeah, yeah course. See you later.”
“See you later.”
Both teenagers kept their smiles until they turned away from one other, cringing at how the conversation went. Each thought they had blown it, that the other wouldn’t want to talk to them again (which of course, was the very opposite). It felt silly to (Y/N), but she wanted to know more about him already. He was the first guy to come up to her and actually have a conversation, even if it was awkward. Fred couldn’t believe he had spoken to a Beauxbatons girl, especially one that was friends with Fleur Delacour. He hoped that he would be able to find (Y/N) again away from her friends. Girls were scary when they grouped together.
Unfortunately, Fred and (Y/N) found it difficult to see each other again. (Y/N) was swept up into helping Fleur prepare for the tournament, and Fred was creating more business opportunities with his brother. When (Y/N) first returned to her friends after the interaction with the boy who had been staring at her, she expected them to be waiting with anticipation, ready to throw any questions at her, want to know what happened. But she got nothing. She was slightly disappointed, then felt guilty for wanting attention, when clearly this was Fleur’s day. 
Fred on the other hand was being tormented. The girls thought it sweet he managed to get a few words out, albeit it a bit head on, whereas the boys relentlessly teased him. They would joke it never happened, or if it did, he could surely waltz up to her again and talk to her. Fred wished he never opened his mouth. 
They didn’t speak until after the first task. The pair had stolen glances at each other whenever they could, and (Y/N) couldn’t help doing so whilst the champions faced the dragons, even when Fleur was up. She wanted to talk with him after all four champions made it out alive, but students wanted to go with their representatives to see the golden egg they retrieved. Fred was excited for his friend, though he too was frustrated that his chances (and courage) to speak to (Y/N) again were vanishing.
A few days later, (Y/N) and her group of friends were huddled in the courtyard, gossiping about the upcoming Yule Ball. It was all anyone talked about actually. The faculty found it hilarious and sweet to watch the young students get all flustered over who to ask, how to do it and what to wear, as well as dealing with rejection. 
Fred was shoved forward by George as they saw the group of vultures (girls). He sent a glare back to his twin brother, knowing he had been talking himself up to ask (Y/N) to the ball. He hardly knew her, but it was proving difficult to even have a small chat. His heart was racing as he got closer. What if she said no? Was he being stupid thinking she was interested? Why was he doing this in public and in front of her friends?!
The girls looked up as they saw who was approaching, giggling and cooing at (Y/N). She didn’t take any notice, a genuine smile on her face. That smile dropped when she saw Fred tense up, halting in his steps before quickly turning back around. Her friends burst into laughter, and she sent them a scowl before running after him.
“Fred?” (Y/N) called out as she caught up with him. 
He cautiously faced her.“Uh, yeah, that’s me. You know that’s me, why would I-”
“Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?” 
Fred’s mouth was open in shock, wanting to say yes immediately, but surprised she had been the one to ask.“Y-yes. Yes!”
“Yeah, that’s great.”
The two of them could feel their friends watching with eager eyes.
(Y/N) decided to take matters into her own hands.“Can we...can we maybe go for a walk? Now?”
“Let’s go.” Fred was quick to answer.
They walked in silence, somehow knowing where they were headed without a specific destination. Fred took more of a lead when he thought of a place to go. (Y/N) closely followed, spotting a long bridge built next to a viaduct, the cascading water running underneath it. They made it halfway along the bridge before Fred leaned against a post, looking out to the landscape, (Y/N) standing opposite and following his gaze.
“I was going to ask, you know.” Fred started. 
“What do you mean?” (Y/N) looked at him.
“When I walked over. I was about to ask you when your friends...they um-”
“They’re scary, I know.”
Fred turned to face her.“What?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love them all but sometimes we can look quite intimidating as a group. Well, they do, I don’t.”
“Are you joking? I was terrified to talk to you for the first time!”
“Me? Why?”
Fred didn’t have the confidence to look her in the eye as he spoke.“Because you’re a Beauxbatons girl. I mean, you’re all pretty but compared to the rest of them, you’re gorgeous. And you hold yourself so well, you’re with the popular group, meaning if I did anything wrong, everyone would know within seconds-”
“Fred, are you sure you’ve approached the right girl?”
His head shot up again.“Hm?”
“If someone were to describe me, they wouldn’t use any of those words. I’m an awful representation of my school. It’s a wonder I even made friends, let alone be in the ‘popular’ group. They all think that.”
“Who? Your friends?”
“Yeah. They...I don’t know, sometimes they say these things that I have to laugh off, because it’s not specifically mean, but it still hurts.”
“Well if it’s upsetting you, then it’s mean. Friends aren’t supposed to do that.”
“But they have supported me through a lot. I think they just wish I was more...dainty. I laugh out loud too much, get over excited when something good or fun happens. They rolled their eyes at me once because I used a prank device on them that my cousin got my for Christmas. It was supposed to be funny, but they called me childish.”
“Who doesn’t love a good joke? You really should make some new friends.”
“What’s the point? I’m almost done with school. One more year and then I can make new friends wherever I go next.”
“And where do you want to go?”
“Somewhere where I can have fun and laugh everyday.”
Fred smiled.“I think we have a lot more in common than we thought.”
Fred’s words played on (Y/N)’s mind after their pleasant stroll. Fred had showed her around the castle, or what he could in the small amount of time they had. Both were blushing at times, instantly trying to come up with a conversation starter as soon as a second of silence occurred. Nervous giggles escaped them both at times, hiding their face so the other couldn’t see their blushing cheeks. 
(Y/N) also found herself hanging out with Fred more than her own friends, and she didn’t feel as guilty as she thought she would. It started with one lunch time together, then a full afternoon. Of course she still helped Fleur and tried to have time with her friends, but (Y/N) had another year at school with them, she didn’t know when she could see Fred again. Her group wasn’t too thrilled about that, which (Y/N) could understand; what she couldn’t understand was why her friends weren’t asking anything about Fred. Anytime the others so much as glanced at a boy, they were all over them, shooting out as many questions as possible. (Y/N) secretly felt even worse when none of them discussed what she was wearing to the ball.
Walking at the back of the group, (Y/N) smoothed down her dress, wishing her friends weren’t in such a bad mood with her. Surprisingly, Fleur had been alright with the matter, but (Y/N) supposed that was because she was focusing on the challenges. What if Fred was right? Were the girls secretly being mean to her? Or was that just because he was seeing it from a boy’s point of view? They always had it so much easier.
The girls all turned around to face each other when they reached the doors of the great hall, (Y/N) was relieved when she was involved. Fleur held hands with the girls beside her, everybody copying to form the circle together. 
“This is going to be the best night ever!” Fleur declared, all of them squealing in excitement.“I will see you on the dance floor ladies.”
They all separated, (Y/N) unsure of where to go. She was meeting Fred here, but couldn’t see him, which amused her because of how tall he was, he was hard to miss. Her fingers fiddled together, stopping herself from touching her hair, she had spent far too long on it. Her heart was beating fast, throat feeling choked up as she thought Fred hadn’t shown up. Was this all a joke? He had seemed so genuine. What if her friends had something to do with this? She then felt bad for thinking of them in that way.
(Y/N) heard someone gasp behind her, but didn’t turn around. That would be a nice reaction to have though.
“Um, I’ll say it again.” she realised it was Fred’s voice.“Wow.”
(Y/N) spun around, her dress swirling against the floor, grinning as she saw Fred in his suit. 
“You look so handsome!” she exclaimed before she could think, embarrassingly slapping her hand over her mouth. 
“Oh, thank you. I did think I was going to be the best looking here, but you proved me wrong.” Fred was proud of himself when he didn’t mess up that line.
(Y/N) giggled, looking down at the floor.“I’m very excited for tonight. I’m sorry in advance if I step on your toes.”
They both forgot about any nerves, worries or cares once they entered that hall. None of (Y/N)’s friends approached her the whole evening, proving how she really felt about them. She could see them meeting up at times, or some of the pairing up to gossip. But it never bothered her, because she was with Fred the entire time. His friends were with them too, she felt more free, as if she didn’t have to look over her shoulder to see if she was doing every single thing right. Her shoulders weren’t tensed, her posture was slightly slouched, and she could laugh and sing as loud as she wanted to. 
“It was so hot in there.” (Y/N) breathed out as her and Fred left the ball.
“Bloody hell, that breeze is nice.” Fred said as he took off his bow tie.
Their arms were linked as they walked together, slowly traipsing down the halls. They got their breaths back before talking, letting the sweat on their skin dry. (Y/N)’s cheeks were aching from smiling so much. She glanced down to their arms, feeling confident and sliding her hand down to his, linking their fingers together. The pair caught each other’s eye, laughing at the gesture. They found a small, winding staircase to sit a the bottom of, knowing no one would be using them or passing by. They still held hands, leaning into one another.
“Tonight was...amazing.” (Y/N) beamed.
“I’m glad I could cheer you up.” Fred said.
“I’m glad I’m here for a while. It’s just that...” she ducked her head. 
“I don’t want to leave.”
Fred lowered his head to meet her gaze, tilting her face up to look at him. He tried to hide that his fingers were shaking.“Me neither.”
“I’ve had so much fun with you in the short amount of time we’ve had together. I feel like we’ve really got to know each other.”
“I think that limited time has made us realise we needed to....uh, we need to um-”
“Cherish our moments together?”
“That’s where I was headed, yeah.”
“How cliche.”
“Y-yeah. But, I don’t mind it.”
“No, I don’t. You know, you’re the first boy I’ve ever da-well, I’ve ever hanged out with.”
“Am I living up to your expectations?” Fred really wanted to know, he wasn’t just teasing her.
(Y/N) glanced down at their intertwined hands as she answered.“You’ve exceeded them.”
There was a few moments of silence before Fred spoke.“W-will you, uh, stand with me for the rest of the challenges? Just so we make the most of it?”
(Y/N) didn’t hesitate to answer.“Of course I will!”
Fred was dazzled by her smile. It made him feel happy, he loved being the reason behind it. His instincts took over as they gazed into each other’s eyes, leaning forward too fast as he went in to kiss her; their teeth hit, both yelping as they pulled away. Touching their lips, they checked for any damage before laughing.
“I really messed that up, didn’t I?” Fred admitted.
She shook her head.“You can try again.”
This time, Fred was more cautious. (Y/N) wished he didn’t take so long, though at the same time, she wanted to make sure she was prepared. They still held hands as their lips met, this time more softly before Fred added more pressure. (Y/N) refrained from smiling during the kiss, not wanting to buck teeth again, or bite his lip by accident. It was short, but neither wanted to point that out, worried that the other thought it was enough. However, as they pulled apart, Fred and (Y/N) realised they wanted more. It was sweet how they exchanged kisses, not talking for the next five minutes. This wasn’t what either had expected to occur during the strange and dangerous competition, although it certainly made things more interesting. 
Although (Y/N) loved being beside Fred throughout the rest of her stay, helping him and George with their bets, the Triwizard Tournament ended terribly. The death of a young boy had happened and Voldemort was back. (Y/N) was relieved that Fleur was alive (and the others, she didn’t want anyone hurt), but found herself looking at the bigger picture. Fred had given her more joy than her friend did in a few weeks. She needed to stop feeling guilty, she needed to think what was good for herself. 
“So, this is it then.” Fred sadly said as they stood in the courtyard with all the other students.
They held each other’s hands as they talked.“Yes. Oh, Fred I don’t want to go!”
She flung her arms around him, hugging him close. He immediately held her tighter.“Hey, we can write to each other. And we said about meeting in summer.”
“I know but-”
“Come on (Y/N)!” Fleur called, signalling that they had to go.
“Don’t worry. I’m never going to forget you. And I’ll write everyday.”
“Me too, Fred!”
Unlike most romantic flings, Fred and (Y/N) kept their word to each other. They wrote constantly, sending each other gifts, updating them about their days. When summer came, Fred was upset that (Y/N) couldn’t make it, though tried not to show his disappointment. It wasn’t her fault, there was a lot going on with her family, and he knew how important that was. Everyone noticed the slump he went into, he wasn’t in a mood all of the time, but there were moments they could see the sadness in his eyes. 
Fred sighed as he followed the rest of his family into King’s Cross, preparing himself for another year of school. This was his last year, the really serious one. However, (Y/N) was still on his mind, especially because her letters hadn’t been as detailed as they usually were. He guessed she was also getting ready for her last year. 
He could have sworn he heard (Y/N)’s voice. He looked over his shoulder, still holding onto his trolley, his eyes widening when he saw who was running towards her.
(Y/N) wished her suitcases weren’t so heavy as she pushed it down the platform, her poor parents trying to keep up with her. Once close enough, she forgot about her belongings, so confident that she could just run up and kiss him...until she saw his family. Awkwardly halting, her and Fred chuckled to fill the silence, opting for a simple hug.
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked.
“I transferred here for my last year. I just felt like I should be with people I like and who will support me.”
“That’s amazing!”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It certainly is!”
“I don’t mean to spoil the moment love birds, but we’re going to miss the train at this rate.” George interrupted, a cheeky grin on his face.
Fred rolled his eyes.“He’s right, for once.”
“Come on then! I want you to take me all around Hogwarts once we get there!”
“Don’t you worry, I won’t be leaving your side for the rest of the year.”
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lucky-peoqle · 4 years
unwanted guests | d.m.
pairings: draco malfoy x hufflepuff!reader, somewhat platonic!weasley twins (fred is pretty flirty😁)x hufflepuff!reader, platonic!cedric diggory x reader, and platonic!zacharias smith x reader.
summary: y/n the hufflepuff american student promised her housemates, cedric and zacharias, that she would watch them practice for their next match, she was accompanied by the infamous gryffindors, the weasley twins. as watching her house, she starts hearing whooping and hollering, she soon gets annoyed with the group of slytherins and confronts them.
warnings: some swearing, blood, pansy bodyshames reader
a/n: hello, ive bee super busy with school !! im currently obsessed with hp again :) hope u all enjoy this,, its a bit longer than usual. this is set during goblet of fire !! :) very unedited and kinda rushed :/ sorry
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the temperature was pretty cold on this particular fall day, as the y/h/c hufflepuff sat outside, writing in a journal she kept, looking up to answer her housemate and one of her best friend, cedric diggory's questions.
"so, will you come? zacharias thought it would be a good idea," he said, motioning to the blonde hufflepuff boy who was watching from afar.
"hm? oh, uh, sure! if it makes you two happy," she looked up from her journal, smiling at the brunette, then the blonde.
"great! i'll tell him when we get to lunch."
and with that, the bell rang, making the other people outside with you get up and head inside to the great hall.
the two of you got up, and started making your way to the great hall, colored robes passing you by. "did you ever open up the golden dragon egg?" you said, looking up at him.
"yeah! that reminds me, i have to tell harry about that. thanks," he smiled.
you smiled back, "potter? you're telling him how to open it?"
"why not, y'know. it's the least i could do," he shrugged.
"that's so sweet! i'm glad you two are getting along."
by now you were in the great hall, walking past the gryffindor table to your table, making eye contact with the golden trio and weasley twins as you passed by with your best friend.
you were in the same year as the golden trio, meeting them the first day on the train, them finding you american accent amusing, but they got use to it pretty fast. then they introduced you to ron's twin brothers, fred and george, they were drawn to you instantly, poking fun of your accent from time to time.
last but not least, you met cedric. you met cedric in the common room your second day of hogwarts. you had drifted to sleep, one of you housemates cats curled on your lap, and cedric had woken you, helping you back to bed. ever since then you had been best friends ever since.
you took your sear next to cedric, zacharias smith, another close friend of yours, sat across from the two of you.
"zach! good news, y/n is coming to watch us practice tomorrow," the brunette smiled brightly.
"great! i can't wait to show off to you, maybe it'll make you fall for me instead of that weasley twin," he said jokingly.
"who? fred?" she chuckled, "zach, you're kidding right? freddies just a friend. sure we flirt, but that's what friends do, right?"
"you have a weird interpretation of friendship y/n/n," zach stifled a laugh.
you rolled your eyes, turning your head towards cedric, who was looking at the ravenclaw table, that was standing next to your table. you followed his eyesight that was met with cho chang.
"ced is making googly eyes at his girlfriend again," you laugh, making him turn his attention to you.
"so what? don't act like i didn't see you smiling at fred weasley."
"i smiled at all of them! fred and i don't have feelings for each other," she huffed.
"suree," zacharias said in a sing song voice.
you shook your head, poking your food around your plate, looking across the ravenclaw table to the slytherin table. you saw draco malfoy joking with his friends, his cold grey eyes drifting to meet your warm y/e/c ones. his eyes grew colder once they finally met yours. you softly smiled at him and his eyes grew softer, and he quickly turned his attention back to his group of friends.
'huh, weird,' you thought, turning your attention back to cedric and zacharias.
the day quickly passed, ending like it always does. going into the hufflepuff common room, it being filled with muggle and non-muggle type plants, the warm fireplace going. you made your way up to your dorm you shared with hannah abbott. changing out of your robs and falling asleep quickly.
you woke up, the warm fall sun peeking through the window of your dorm. you looked over at hannah, who had been awake but reading, it was still a bit early so breakfast wouldn't be ready yet. it was saturday after all, so no need to worry about classes.
"morning," you mumbled tiredly to hannah.
"good morning!" she put her book down, "i came back late last night from study with ernie and you were out like a light!"
"yeah, last night was kinda of tiring," you chuckled, sitting up, "why are you up so early anyway?"
"i thought we could go down to the great hall together, we've been so busy and rarely get to talk, why not catch up on our way down there yeah?"
"sure! that sounds lovely," you smile, getting up from your bed.
the two of you got ready for the day, putting on your hufflepuff robes, and made your way down to the common room. only a few people were sat in the common room, a few waving and bidding you good morning as you passed by.
you two walked out of the common room and head up to the great hall. "so how have you been?" hannah asked beside you.
"i've been well! busy with getting cedric through the tournament, y'know..."
"yeah, that must be though."
"it isn't actually! im extremely proud of him, i know he'll win this."
"i really hope he does! finally a hufflepuff getting the recognition they deserve," hannah smiled.
"newt scamander is pretty cool," you smiled, "i take great pride in being as the same house as him."
hannah shrugged, "yeah, very interesting man, he is. isn't loony lovegood related to him?"
"don't call her that, she's very nice. but, i believe so, in some way."
by now, you're in the great hall, making your to your table. you continue to chat till hannah departs from you to sit with susan bones and leanne, who were chatting amongst themselves.
you quickly find cedric, who was chatting with justin finch-fletchley. you sat next to him and started putting food on your plate. he heard you and turned your attention on you.
"good morning y/n/n," he smiled brightly.
"good morning ced, how're you?"
"great! excited for practice today."
you two chatted for the rest of breakfast, by the end of it, you were stuffed. you looked at the slytherin table, remembering the look draco malfoy gave you. you spotted him, he was talking to crabbe, goyle, and pansy, laughing, smiling, he looked happy.
draco turned his head to answer someone's question, while doing so, he caught you staring. you blushed brightly, hesitating before giving you a smile. he returned the gesture with one of his iconic smug smirks.
you looked away, turning your attention to cedric, "practice starts soon, i should get ready. see you out there?"
you nodded with a smile, and he smiled back, getting up and leaving the great hall.
you got up after a bit of thinking, and made your way to your common room to grab your journal and scarf, since it would be chilly out.
once you did so, you made your way back up the stairs, going through corridor to corridor.
you were walking in peaceful silence, until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, and lift you up, spinning you around.
you let out a laugh as the two head headed boys laughed loudly, "fred weasley! put me down!"
"what's the magic word?"
"no, but close enough," he said, dropping you, making you land on your butt.
"ouch! fred! george! what were you thinking?"
"we weren't! so what are you up to?" george chuckled.
"i'm going to watch cedric and zacharias practice," you smile, "wanna come? i wouldn't mind the company."
"sure!" the boys said together.
you're little group of three walked to the quidditch posts, your yellow and black scarf clashing with their red and yellow ones. fred had thrown an arm around you shoulder.
you sat down in the middle of the twins, fred's arm sitting around you. you were right, it was chilly, but it was nice. this was your favorite time of year.
you watched as cedric and zacharias flew around, catching the ball or passing it to another teammate. zacharias caught sight of you, and winked, motioning to the arm around your shoulder. you just stuck your tounge out in response.
the time you spent was fun, until a certain group of slytherins decided to crash the practice. you rolled your eyes as the began to yell and laugh at them, distracting the players.
"ignore them," george said, "they have no brains, nor can they play fair."
you chuckled at that, "you're right on that one."
the four slytherins were still yelling, it was very annoying. fred and george reassuring you to leave them alone and they'll get bored and leave soon.
you kept your temper, watching your house practice. it was going fine, until draco yelled something towards cedric that made your best friend look at him, the ball hitting him right in the face, knocking cedric off his broom.
you gasp as you got up quickly, looking over the railing, watching cedric get up from his spot on the ground, wiping his now bloodied nose.
you turn to malfoy, who was staring in disbelief, but always laughing. pansy parkinson was shrieking out laughter, it hurt your ears. you walk up to the four, george and fred calling out to you to stop.
the four turned towards you, laughing still.
"what do you want, l/n?" draco asked.
"you ass! cedric could have gotten hurt! he's never done anything to you! you distracted him on purpose so that you wouldn't have to face loosing to him in our next quidditch match against slytherin!"
"and so what? it's not like you can stop us from coming up here during their practice," pansy laughed. "you're just a pathetic little hufflepuff, well i wouldn't say little... your robes make you look fat."
you took a step back, you had always been insecure about your weight and body image. you began to tear up. george and fred too far away to hear what was going on. you opened your mouth to defend yourself, but nothing came out except a small squeak.
pansy, crabbe, and goyle all let out shrieks of laughter. you couldn't let them see you cry, so you ran. you heard shouting behind you. draco yelling something, and the twins shouting after you, following you.
you had lost them though, finding yourself in moaning myrtles bathroom. you said down the wall, letting out sob after sob. you sat there crying for a while, until you heard someone come in.
"leave me alone, you're unwanted here." you choke out, looking away from them.
"sorry about what pansy said back there, i told her since the start of third year, you were off limits."
you turn around, seeing the platinum blonde slytherin. "off limits?"
"from us bullying you, she's been jealous of you since."
"jealous? of me? what are you talking about?"
draco took a seat next to you, "i've fancied you for a while, just never had the courage to tell you. i thought you liked one of the weasley twins honestly."
you shook you head, "or were you just too ashamed to tell me since im a pathetic hufflepuff?" you sniffed.
"what? no, no! that's not it, i was just scared. I didn't want to be rejected, i guess."
"the thing back there with cedric, you're an ass for that."
"i know, i didn't mean for him to get knocked off his broom, i deserved to get yelled at."
you sat in comfortable silence for a while, not knowing what to say. pansy's words making their way back into your thoughts.
"pansy was right."
draco laughed, "about?"
"me being fat, my robes look horrible on me."
"don't say that! y/n, you're on of the most beautiful people i've ever seen walk this earth," draco said looking over at you.
"why the sudden urge to tell me about your feelings?"
"because it felt right... like yesterday and this morning, you smiled at me and it felt like it was time," he sighed.
you smiled over at him, and grabbed his hand. he intertwined your fingers and smiled back. he began to lean in, until his lips met yours, fireworks going off. you pulled away, your face bright read.
"who would of thought, me, draco malfoy, slytherin prince, dating a hufflepuff..."
"the world works in crazy ways," you smile, "i'm glad you came looking for me."
"so am i, y/n, so am i."
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asklittlepip · 3 years
Ya know, I wanted to share this thought I’ve had for, well, years now..
People have wanted Goku from the Dragon Ball series in Smash Bros. for, well, forever, despite how impossible that is, as his origins lie in manga. But I thought of a way he could be added, and Nintendo could perform the ultimate act of trolling while doing so.
Scene. Kame House.
Familiar music plays and the regular cast is shown chilling out, as there’s no world-ending threat going on at the moment. They don’t actually have to speak, to keep the trailer costs down, but most of the characters should be present. The more Easter Eggs and nods to the series they can fit in during this short segment, the better. Anyways, Krillin arrives with a sealed envelope, and says that those mailing it insisted on a police escort, due to previous instances of people trying to steal these deliveries, and that’s why he’s on courier duty. The camera, of course, lingers on the envelope in question, and for a brief moment, the red seal and Smash logo is visible..
This is, of course, when fans would be freaking out in real life, thinking Nintendo’s broken their rules on who gets included. Things continue as Krillin is told by whomever (maybe Master Roshi?) that Goku is out training with Vegeta, and he should be nearby.
The next location should remind viewers of the past, bringing up memories of the classic anime, in the same way the ending of Dragon Ball Super did. Goku and Vegeta have a brief fight, which’d be pretty awesome if inconsequential, with some light mockery of each fighter about the other right after. They should use as many signature moves as possible, to make people think even more about how they’d play as fighters. Krillin calls out to Goku and says he thinks he’s got something for him, and hands over the letter. Goku stares at it, puzzled for a moment, and then Vegeta grabs it out of his hands, scolding Kakarot’s poor literacy. And that’s when we hear Goku’s words..
“It’s not for me. It’s.. for her.” *points*
And that is how you get Android 21 into Smash Bros. Ultimate!
The greatest trolling ever, because it kept to Nintendo’s rule of “must have a videogame origin”, which she does, while also sneaking in anime’s most famous martial artist; as an Assist Trophy! And since Dragon Ball FighterZ is on the Switch, it’s completely relevant to the console itself, and this announcement during a Nintendo Direct can be followed up with something for that game too. A little nod to the fact Akira Toriyama has designed Dragon Quest characters would be great.. especially if Goku saw Erdrick and was like.. “You look familiar!”.. <3
Anyways, this is much more off-topic than usual but damn, I’ve had this whole thing in my mind for, well, years now, and as the second Fighter’s Pass winds down, I just had to share how I’d handle this, myself.
Still waitin’ on Shantae and Doomslayer personally; both of whom also have history with Nintendo systems. I wanna Ret 2 Go and Rip and Tear, dammit!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball GT 28
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✨GT Stands for Grim Tidings✨
This is
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This is the one where they get back to Earth.  Pan immediately acts like a bigger shithead than she was when they left, demanding full credit for retrieving all seven Dragon Balls, and getting very testy when anyone tries to thank Goku instead.
Let’s just get this out of the way...
✨Is this episode worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
Yes, it is.  The current score is GT - 0, TRL - 28.
The problem here is that the audience already knows about Baby’s invasion and his “Tuffleization” plan.  The GT crew does not know, and this episode is all about them finding out the hard way.  And yet, this episode is structured in such a way that it presents the Tuffleized Earth like some sort of shocking twist.  Well why would it be?  Baby took control of Goten, Gohan, and Vegeta in no time flat.  Who would be left to stop him?
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So you constantly get scenes like this one, where the corrupted characters wait for the GT crew to leave, and then they do bad guy smirk and talk about Baby-sama. 
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The only ones left appear to be Majin Buu and Mr. Satan.  Satan noticed something was wrong about two months earlier, so he asked Buu to protect him by letting him chill out in one of these gross pods that Super Buu used to use.  As for Buu himself, he recalls that Baby put something inside his body, but he didn’t like the taste, so he enveloped it in his flesh to prevent it from hatching.  As he discusses this, he spits it out. 
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As for the rest of the populace, they’re all controlled, and apparently they know that Mr. Satan isn’t one of them, so a bunch of them have gathered outside his home brandishing sticks.  At one point, Satan steps out of Buu’s body to clobber them, which I don’t understand, because there’s no one left for him to impress.  The mob just gets right back up anyway, indicating that Baby’s eggs have made them physically stronger.
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Trunks goes home, and Baby (still in Vegeta’s body) makes himself look and sound like Vegeta to welcome him back. Then a few minutes later, he changes back to his Tuffleized appearance to make the big reveal.  Why?  Baby also explains the whole egg deal to Trunks, and since Baby had briefly possessed Trunks’ body back in episode 24, that means there’s been one of Baby’s eggs inside Trunks this whole time.  Baby just hasn’t bothered to activate it until now, presumably because he didn’t want to risk tipping off Goku and Pan about his plan. 
Totally Not Mark did a whole review of the GT series on YouTube, and when he got to this part, he seemed very impressed by this part, like it was some brilliant plot twist.  I got to the point where I wondered if I had misremembered something about this, but no.  Baby didn’t pretend to get driven out of Trunks’ body in Episode 24.  He admits that he wasn’t strong enough to control Trunks back then.  But he also explained in Episode 27 that he always lays eggs in anyone he possesses.  So this reveal in Episode 28 is just paying off that idea.  If anyone was wondering if Trunks was already compromised, here’s your answer. But it doesn’t actually matter, because Baby could easily put an egg in Trunks right now if he needed to.  So this is just a little continuity, not a shocking twist. 
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Goku and Pan return home to find the same predicament, but it takes longer for some reason.  Chi-Chi and Pan are making dinner, and they give Goku and Pan a very chilly reception, and finally Goten and Gohan show up and start attacking them.  Goku has no idea what’s going on, until Buu and Mr. Satan show up and explain it all to him.  And that’s how the episode ends.  The whole runtime is devoted to this agonizingly slow reveal of a situation the audience already knows about.  And that’s why it’s worse than “The Roaming Lake”. 
Now, to be fair, they had to clue in the GT crew somehow.  If this wasn’t the way to do it, then what should they have done instead?  Good question.  Let’s take a look at the episode this one is trying to imitate:  Dragon Ball Z 109.
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All right, so that episode starts by showing all the characters behaving normally.  They’re having a party at Roshi’s house, Chi-Chi is upset about Gohan sneaking out to join them, and then she tries to fight Maron for calling her old.  
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Then the Black Water Mist rolls in... Krillin, Gohan, and Maron were spared from its effects, but they also don’t know what happened, so when they come ashore to meet the others, they find...
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...Everyone has changed.  Dramatically.  The others glare at them like wild animals, and Chi-Chi starts trying to murder her own son. 
This episode already gave us a little taste of this earlier on, when a little girl’s eyes turned red and she hissed at the audience, and when Gohan and Icarus noticed all the forest animals were attacking them for no reason.  But it really doesn’t hit home until you see how it changed the characters we know.  It’s like theyve been reduced to primitive beasts, until...
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... Garlic Junior’s henchmen show up to gloat, and all of the infected characters stop what they’re doing and bow down before the henchmen with great reverence.  The bad guys explain how they all serve Garlic Junior now, but that doesn’t do justice to what we’ve just witnessed.  You see how profoundly the characters have changed, and you’re like “What the fuck has Garlic Junior done to them?”
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Now, the point I’m making here isn’t that Baby’s Tuffleization isn’t as dramatic as the Black Water Mist.  I’m saying that the reveal was handled better in DBZ, because we got to experience it along with the heroes. 
We’ve been seeing Goten make this shitty little bad guy smirk for the last two episodes.  We already know what Baby’s power has done to him.  We saw it in Episode 26, and it wasn’t exactly newsworthy then, because everyone Baby possessed on Pital had the same expression.  By the time Goku and Pan find out, it’s ancient history, but this episode insists that we ssslllloooowwllllyyy reveal it all over again, just to get their reaction.  Well, Pan is horrified and Goku is outraged.  What else is there to say?
Looking at those stills from DBZ 109 has ticked me off all over again, because it’s so much more effective.  And it’s all because they covered the whole thing in one episode.  GT tried to drag this out across four.  Let that sink in.  The Baby Saga is widely regarded as the best part of GT.  The Garlic Junior Saga is considered to be the low point of DBZ.  And yet GT’s best is nothing more than a pale copy of Z’s worst, at one-quarter of the speed. 
✨"Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed✨
Oh, but we’re not done tearing  this episode a new one.  No, we have to talk about the Black Star Dragon Balls. 
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 I’ve already explained this, but just to recap: The intergalactic hunt for Dragon Balls was the original premise for GT, but by the third episode, everyone at Toei realized it sucked ass, so they started changing course to the DBZ-Lite formula we have now. The problem is that they couldn’t just handwave the problem posed by the Black Star Dragon Balls.  In Episode 1, Pilaf wished for Goku to be a child again, and then the Balls scatterd across the universe, and according to King Kai the Earth would explode in one year unless they were brought back. 
So that’s why we just now got Goku and the others back to Earth, because they still had to show them getting the last few BS Dragon Balls to close up that plotline.  However, it was also strongly implied that this quest was also about restoring Goku back to his normal adult body.  Pan even brings it up in this episode.  She seems to have believed this whole time that once they returned to Earth, Goku would use the BS Dragon Balls to undo the previous wish.
Except Goku can’t do that, because that would mean scattering the BS Dragon Balls all over again, which would mean another trip into outer space to collect them a second time.  It’s not worth the risk, so Goku’s not going to bother.  Pan is frustrated by this, but she’s about to have a lot of worse things to worry about than being taller than her grandfather. 
The thing is, why does everyone just assume that Goku can only be restored using the Black Star Dragon Balls?  They have another set on Earth, and a third set on Namek.  I get that the BS Dragon Balls are supposed to be more powerful somehow, so maybe Pan’s right, and this is the only way, but no one has even tried to use the regular Dragon Balls to solve their problems.  Some wishes that might have helped:
1) Shenron, please make Goku an adult!
2) Shenron, I wish for you to gather up all of the Black Star Dragon Balls, which have scattered across the universe!
3) Shenron, please tell us where the Black Star Dragon Balls are located.
4) Shenron, is there another way to prevent the Black Star Dragon Balls from destroying the earth?
I’m not saying Regular Shenron would have been able to grant any of these wishes, but the fact that no one even asks is what makes me nuts.  Shenron couldn’t defeat the Saiyans or resurrect Goku a second time, but they still asked anyway, just in case he could. 
But even if Pan’s right, and wishes on the BS Dragon Balls can only be undone by a second wish on the BS Dragon Balls, how does that even make sense?  By that logic, Krillin should have become immortal after Shenron revived him the first time, because only a second wish could cancel the wish to make him alive. 
✨Positivity Page✨
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About the only credit I can give to this episode is for the part where Giru gets totally deconstructed by Baby.  He tries to warn Trunks about impending danger, except “Danger!” is Giru’s catchphrase, so Trunks just assumes Giru is intimidated by Trunks’ dad.  Nice little boy-who-cried-wolf moment for Giru.  The one time there’s actually danger, no one listens to him.
Then he tries to shoot Baby with missiles, and it doesn’t work at all.  Why didn’t he just turn Baby into metal with that doohickey he stole from M2?  Because M2 makes no fucking sense, just like Giru, who was born there. 
Then Baby recognizes Giru as one of Dr. Mu’s henchmen, and blames Giru for ruining all his plans, but he admits that Giru’s interference did put Baby into contact with the Saiyans, allowing him to fulfill his true agenda.  In other words, everything that’s gone wrong here is all Giru’s fault, and he’s a piece of shit.  Baby zaps him, enough to frighten Trunks, but not enough to kill Giru, because this show won’t let me have even one tiny concession.  But at least Giru gets to live with the guilt. 
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
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Smirking at ballsacks.
That’s what Tuffleization’s
All about, Dende.
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koala-otter · 3 years
From @aweirdlookingtree: i mean, the fact that the show never acknowledged that aang is sorta/technically/not really zuko's great grandfather and the gaang finding out could be a really funny quick thing to write
it got away from me!! this was super fun to write, thanks for sending :)
After yet another day of rigorous firebending training, running around on the beach, and generally trying not to get caught, the group collapses into a mostly-teenaged heap in the courtyard of the Fire Lord’s house on Ember Island. The sun hasn’t quite finished its descent below the horizon, and there are hours to go before they all head to their beds, but they can’t quite muster up the energy to joke around, to entertain. Not when they’re one day closer to Sozin’s Comet’s arrival. 
“C’mon, Twinkletoes,” Toph wheedles, sprawled across Zuko’s lap with her finger gracefully sticking out of her nose, “why don’t you show us another one of your fancy dances? Zuko can play the tsungi horn.”
“So sore,” Aang groans at the same time Zuko barks, “No chance.”
They sit in another beat of quiet, the low hum of summer crickets filling in the space between their breathing. 
“Anyone got any stories?” Suki asks eventually. 
“Nope,” Katara says before Sokka can volunteer. 
He huffs. “You didn’t even know which one I was gonna tell!”
“Believe me,” Katara says, holding up a hand, “I don’t need to.”
“Yeah, I’ve had enough of Wing Fun and his blade for a lifetime,” Toph adds. 
Sokka crosses his arms and pouts. Suki reaches out to pat his back in comfort. 
“There was a game we used to play at the Air Temples,” Aang begins thoughtfully. Katara turns to look where he’s spread out next to her, and he smiles up at her in response. “It was for when we were getting to know kids we’d just met. We all went around and said something we thought the others didn’t know about us. It could be fun to play now.”
“I don’t see why not,” Katara says with a smile of her own.
“I’ll go first,” Suki volunteers. 
Time flies, the sun dips and disappears, and the stars come out, as they learn that Suki learned to swim before she was a year old, that Toph once had an obsession with candied hawthorn that ended abruptly with a night spent with her head in a bucket at six, that Aang once saved a dragon’s egg, that Katara once gave Sokka hair loopies at his request—“I know that one, it doesn’t count!” he cries desperately—and that Sokka is ambidextrous. 
“That one really doesn’t count,” Katara argues. “We all knew it already.”
“Tell it to my hair loopies,” Sokka says with a sneer. 
Then it is Zuko’s turn. 
“No,” Suki breathes once he’s done speaking. 
Aang sits in stunned silence. Katara’s hand has come up to cover her mouth. 
“Wait,” Toph begins, “what does that mean?”
“It means—” Sokka can barely contain his glee— “that Aang is Zuko’s great-grandfather!”
“No, it does not!” Katara cries. 
“No, Katara,” Aang says. He places his hand on her wrist, but everyone turns to watch him speak. He shakes his head gravely. “It does.”
Now all of the heads whip around to watch Zuko speak. 
“Just because Avatar Roku was my great-grandfather doesn’t mean you’re my great-grandfather,” he says, his volume already rising. “That doesn’t make any sense!”
The heads spin to catch Aang’s response. 
“I am his reincarnation,” he says in his friendly way. 
“That’s as good as being your great-grandpa,” Toph pipes in. 
“No, it isn’t! I can’t believe this.” Zuko throws his head back in exasperation. “You’re insane.”
“Watch it, young man,” Aang says in his perfect impression of an old geezer. “Remember to respect your elders.”
“You’re twelve,” Zuko says, rising to glare at him. “You’re not my elder.”
“Technically,” Katara says, grinning maliciously, “Aang is a hundred and twelve years old, so he’s everyone’s elder.”
“That checks out,” Suki says with a nod. 
“I hate you all,” Zuko says with a groan. He pushes Toph to get off his lap. “I’m going to bed.”
“But I haven’t excused you.”
Zuko whirls around to face Aang, the young Avatar’s face as placid as if he were deep in meditation. He tilts his head, waiting expectantly even as Zuko’s hands ball into fists. 
“He’s waiting, Zuko,” Sokka baits him, and everyone else can see the restraint just barely keeping Zuko from yelling at him. 
“Right,” Zuko says on an exhale. His hands rise, and he bows before Aang in the Air Nomad style. “Great-grandfather, may this one be excused for the evening?”
Aang makes a show of considering him, his hand rising to rub his chin, as if he had Roku’s long, white beard to stroke. Zuko stays in his bow. Finally, Aang grins. 
“No,” he says cheerfully, and Zuko slides back to his seat to the cheers and laughter of the rest of the group. The exhaustion of the evening long gone, and with everyone gearing up for another round of the game, he smiles despite himself. 
feel free to send me a prompt if you’d like :)
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emile-hides · 3 years
My Hero Pokemon AU
Basic title because I cannot think but I’ve decided I’m just gonna go ahead and rewrite the entire plot of My Hero Academia (current anime) as if it was like... a spin off of the Pokemon Anime? Took place in Pokemon?
Pokemon AU but more than just what Pokemon everyone would have, it’s plot. I’m just not writing it.
This is going to get long and rambley and I have no cool art to pace it out I’m literally rewriting an entire anime plot, but if you’d be so kind as to stick with me that’d be super cool.
So basics are as basics do, Toshinori Yagi is the Pokemon Champion of this world. He’s like the Pokemon Master, he’s more than just a strong battler, he’s also helpful and spends his time growing the bonds between Pokemon and People, making Pokemon more common amongst a world where the idea of keeping a Pokemon for something other than battling was absurd.
There are three ways to get a Pokemon;
The most old fashioned being at 4-6 years old your parent or parental figure will give you an egg from one of their Pokemon, and it’s your job to care for it until it hatches. 
Likewise, a parent or parental figure can also simply pass down a Pokemon from their own team onto a child at age 4 or older. Typically the older Pokemon is more of a guardian for the young trainer than an actual partner
Finally, you can take a Pokemon Personality Test and be gifted a Pokemon by a local professor or even the champion if you reach the right requirements, and pay a kinda hefty fee.
The last option is what Katsuki Bakugou did on his 4th birthday. He was gifted a Cyndaquil. Unlike the usual timid behavior for it’s species, Katsuki’s Cyndaquil was constantly picking fights. The flames on it’s back were always full strength. The two were perfect.
Izuku’s parents were a little more old fashioned. His father is a traveling Pokemon Trainer who’s partner is a Flareon, while his mother’s partner is an Espeon. The two opted to pass an egg from their partners down to Izuku.
He was the only kid in his class who had an egg, and was bullied for it, as he was the only one who couldn’t battle. And of course, the greatest battler of his grade was Katsuki Bakugou, who’s Cyndaquil took out even hand-me down Pokemon.
Still, he believed in the greatness that would hatch from the egg, and cared for it diligently. When his Eevee hatched, the two already shared a closer bond than any other trainer at Izuku’s school.
Eevee, however, was not very strong. He didn’t win any battles at school, and Izuku tended to hesitate as a trainer. Despite his many notes on battling, he could never get the hang of telling Eevee what to do in time. Katsuki loked down at him because of this.
Here’s where I stop being a storyteller for a hot second; The log accident between Katsuki and Izuku is replaced by Katsuki’s Cyndaquil loosing a battle to a wild Pokemon and fainting for the first time. Katsuki wasn’t prepared for this, he didn’t have anything to make Cyndaquil better, and it was actually Izuku and his Eevee who chased off the wild Pokemon and found Oran berries to heal Cyndaquil.
Obviously, neither of them liked that. Because you know. Angy boy has to angy. So Katsuki and his Cyndaquil both hate Izuku and his Eevee for... helping them. Because they don’t need help. They’re strong all on their own. Fuck you Deku.
By middle school Bakugou is still the best battler in his grade and grades above, his Cyndaquil is now a Quilava, soon to be a Typhlosion, and he’s setting his sights on the elite Pokemon Trainers school; UA Highschool.
On the other hand, Midoriya’s Eevee has blatantly refused to evolve any time Midoriya brought it up, and is now more like a house pet than a partner Pokemon. Midoriya has also failed to catch any new Pokemon. He does, however, have notebooks on type advantages, teams, strategy, and move combos. Eevee and Midoriya spend hours researching the perfect next partner to match Eevee. They too want to go to UA.
But that’d be impossible for an unevolved Pokemon as weak as Eevee. And with no other partners to help out it seems like a pipe dream.
Enter All Might, Champion and Pokemon Master. Who’s secret star Pokemon is an unevolved Scorbunny.
In this AU it’s not the act of saving Bakugou from getting his Quilava stolen by a Team LOV Grunt that sparks Toshinori’s drive to train him; But instead, the sync he has with his Pokemon. Both he and Eevee ran into the battle, a loosing battle, against a trainer they could not beat, without saying a word to one another. They both HAD to help. They both HAD to battle.
The connection between Trainer and Pokemon is what really matters, especially when using One for All, which is like a Z-Crystal or Mega Stone. It acts a lot like the Sync moves from Pokemon Masters. The trust between Trainer and Pokemon is gathered and released in an all out attack. It comes with the backlash of draining a Pokemon and Trainer’s life force if used too much. Like a Life Orb in the games, but less number values.
Toshinori and his Scorbunny train Izuku and his Eevee to inherit this power. Any Pokemon can be strong, evolution or not. It’s all about trust and care. A true trainer wins with the Pokemon they like, as Toshinori’s master once taught him.
Okay this post is getting... ridiculously long and we’re barely though episode like 3 when I said I was rewriting the whole plot I meant it. Thankyou to all who have stuck with me thus far, I’ll speed run Class 1-A’s Partner Pokemon real quick for you.
Yuga Ayoama - Carbink he hatched from an egg, he hopes one day to see it evolve into a Diancie
Mina Ashido - Her first Pokemon is her Salazzle she got from a Personality test, but her always out of it’s Pokeball her partner is a Grimer she caught in middle school. She thinks she’s the cutest Pokemon in the world, and likes to dress her up. She also has a Sliggoo who loves hugs.
Tsuyu Asui - Her main Pokemon is her father’s Politoed, though she’s always surrounded by water types. She can be seen cradling Tympol and Poliwag like babies. She also has a Drizzile.
Tenya Iida - Current owner of the family’s Aegishlash after Tensei had the his team stolen and corrupted by Team LOV. Before then his number one Partner was a Shelmet, traded with his brother to evolve into an Accelgor just before the entrance exam for UA.
Ochaco Uraraka - Hatched a Ralts from her parents, upon entering UA it was still a Kirlia. After interning under the Ace Trainer Gunhead it evolved into a Gallade.
Mashirao Ojiro - Specializes in fighting types, his main Pokemon is a Mienshao, though he also has a Mankey and Monferno who are constantly fighting one another, Meinshao, being the oldest, is typically the one to break up these fights. The joke here is his Pokemon have more personality than he does.
Denki Kaminari - Pikachu from a personality test. It’ll evolve into an Alolan Raichu. He also has a Blitzle with Lighting Rod as it’s ability along a Tynamo and a Toxel (Amped) who are both still in training. Very baby.
Ejiro Kirishima - Wants to be a Dragon type gym leader. He has a Druddigon that hated him he caught in middle school, because that’s Crimson Riot’s ace Pokemon. His first Pokemon was his dad’s Gigalith who acts as a dad to his Druddigon.
Koji Koda - His first Pokemon was a Buneary he hatched. It hates him, to this day, it’s best move is Frustration. It wants to be a battler, they only went to UA because it signed up for this school behind his back. He wanted to be a Pokemon Breeder. He also has a Happiny and an Audino.
Rikido Sato - His mom gave him her Pikachu as a starter. It’s currently an Alolan Raichu from the amount of sweets he’s given it. He also has an Alcremie he nursed back to health when it was injured, and a Ribombee.
Mezo Shoji - Has his dad’s Cinccino, an Aipom, and a Grapplot. They’re all very calm and quiet Pokemon, usually just hanging off him in various ways. Cinccino will beat the ass of whoever didn’t clean their dishes in the dorms, though.
Kyoka Jiro - Toxtricity (Low Key) from her dad, and a Mime Jr. that’ll evolve into a Mr. Ryme. She wants to be a strong battler but she also wants to preform in Pokemon Musicals and Contests.
Hanta Sero - Bug type trainer, his two current out of the ball Pokemon are a Caterpie and Sewaddle that are always on his shoulders. His first Pokemon was a Grubbin, currently a Vikavolt. They all know string shot and like to cocoon him whenever possible. On the hunt for a Wurmple next.
Fumikage Tokoyami - His first Pokemon was an Inkay he befriended. Sense evolving into a Malamar it refuses to listen to him, tending to act on it’s own or even hypnotize him to keep him from getting in it’s way. He also seems to attract wild Murkrow whenever he’s outside.
Shoto Todoroki - His Pokemon will get full indepth looks later in the post just know his starter was a Tepig from an egg his dad gave him. The rest of his team are ice types like Weavile and Glalie. He also cares for his mom’s Frosslass and Frosmoth. His room is full of Snom.
Toru Hagakura - Has her mom’s Alolan Ninetails, along with a Kecleon that is almost always invisible. Her Kecleon and Tsyu’s Drizzle are best friends.
Katsuki Bakugo - Obviously his Typholsion which evolved during entrance exams. He also has a Magmortar, a Larvitar he’s training, and a Ferrothorn he has for type coverage.
Izuku Midoriya - We’ll go over the growth of his team in a second, just know for a very long time (around midway though where season 3 is) Eevee was his only Pokemon. Now he has a Breloom as well.
Minoru Mineta - Has a Crogunk from a personality test that poison jabs him everytime he says or does anything pervy like Brock from the Pokemon anime. He also has a Zygarde Core he claims is an extremely rare and very powerful Pokemon.
Momo Yaoyorozu - Magearna is her staple Pokemon, her father bought it for her when she was very little. She also has both a male and female Indeedee.
This is all current as of season 5 teams, so some backstory on where some Pokemon came from may happen later.
That took...longer than expected... Back to plot!
I can’t take too long to talk about the USJ Incident, because it’s not the biggest deal and I’d have to go into pro-hero ie Ace and Veteran Trainer’s Pokemon, along with League of Villain stuff so we’re gonna gloss over this for just a hot second.
Just know LOV is the evil team in this AU. They want to take down the Pokemon League, and AFO wants the OFA gem Toshinori passed down to Izuku.
Sports Festival aka Battle Tournament time:
This is mostly Shoto Todoroki growth and learning.
His father, Enji Todoroki, is an Elite Four member who wants to overthrow the Champion and take his throne. Of course, he never could, so he married rich, Rei Todoroki, and harshly trained his children to be Pokemon Champions.
Shoto’s Tepig, currently a Pignite, is a the direct offspring of Endevor’s Emboar, and he refuses to use it in fear it may evolve and become exactly like his father. Shoto only uses half his team, and distances himself from his one true partner to throw away his father’s legacy.
Pignite, however, demands to battle Izuku and it’s fullest, even when Shoto refuses to allow it.
Izuku is the one to convince him that it’s HIS partner! His FRIEND! That he can trust his Pignite and if he’s too scared to evolve it it doesn’t HAVE to evolve! It’s fine as a Pignite, it fights for YOU Shoto! Put your trust in your partner!
This pushes him to not only use Pignite, but the Pokemon his mother entrusted him with as well, such as her Froslass.
All the meanwhile, Iida discovers his brother, current leader of the Iida Gym, was attacked by Team LOV, his Pokemon were stolen, and he was gravely injured.
Team LOV uses Shadow Pokemon, Pokemon who have closed off their hearts to humans and attack without mercy. Battles end in death, for both the trainer and the Pokemon. Tensei is lucky to still be alive.
All that remains of his trusted team is the family’s Aegishlash, their Grandfather’s first partner, and a trusted Iida family member. Tensei, unable to fully battle without his full team, passes on the Iida family Pokemon to Tenya, along with the promise to one day guard the Gym’s name.
This arc is almost completely without Stain and I genuinely don’t know how to really... incorporate him correctly. His morals are kinda weird to me and getting that to work around Pokemon would be hard. So I’m just making him a Team LOV admin. Sorry Stain, I know you stand for better than this, but I just... Can’t work with it.
Queue Tenya Iida’s bad boy arc, as he goes hunting after Team LOV with plans to shut down the entire organization single-handedly.
Of course this doesn’t work out and he end up in a fight with Team LOV Admin, Stain, who proceeds to kick his teeth in using dirty tactics and shadow Pokemon. This is the most OOC thing that’ll be in this AU I swear I’m so sorry Stain...
During this fight Midoriya starts to really see the backlash of using OFA at it’s limit, as both he and Eevee end up passing out from exhaustion, allowing Stain to get away, landing them both in the hospital.
Grand Torino doesn’t have words to teach Midoriya how to use OFA correctly, he simply gives him an egg and is off on his way. He’ll figure it out, he’s a smart kid.
Izuku spends most of his summer training camp caring for this egg, while everyone else is testing battle match ups, double battles, rotation battles, along with facing against type disadvantages and, of course, catching new team members in the surrounding forest.
Which of course brings us to Team LOV’s attack on the Summer Training Camp, and I’m again going to try and speed run their Pokemon partners, and this time I will be sticking to the Pokemon they have as of the attack on the camp, rather than future teams. Meaning I’m skipping AFO entirely right now. Also Nomu are replaced entirely with Shadow Pokemon.
Tomura Shigaraki (Team Boss) - All of his Pokemon are acquired from AFO, including his main Pokemon, Giratina (Altered Form), Dusknoir, and Golurk. The only Pokemon he has of his own is Banette
Dabi (Team Admin)- His ace is a Charizard constantly in it’s Mega-X form. He also has a Shiny Ponyta, Lampent, and a Shadow Reshiram gifted to him by LOV
Toga (Team Admin)- Her ace is a Ditto that tries to transform into people rather than Pokemon. She treats it like a person and calls it her friend rather than her partner. She also controls shadow versions of The Lake Trio; Uxie, Azelf, and Mespirit
Twice (Team Admin)- His ace is a Zweilous, the two heads are constantly fighting and he’s back and forth on stopping them. He’s not a very competent trainer and tends to give double commands. He’s in charge of a Shadow Kyurem.
Muscular (Team Admin)- Could care less about his bond with his Pokemon, they’re all shadow Pokemon. Machamp, Heracross, Hariyama, and Conkeldurr. He also has a Buzzwole, though it doesn’t seem to be a shadow Pokemon.
Spinner (Grunt)- Scyther, Escavalier, and Shedinja.
Magne (Grunt)- Plusle, Minun, and a Morpeko. Supports Spinner in Double Battles, she’s not a direct fighter.
Mr. Compress (Grunt)- Mr. Mime is is ace, he also as a Mr. Ryme and a Clefairy. They all know Metronome and use it even when he tells them not to.
Mustard (Grunt)- Wheezing, Dustox, Stunky, and Amoongus. Very defensive.
Moonfish (Grunt)- Has too many Unown. Are they even his Pokemon? They just kinda surround him and attack all at once. He does not give them any commands. Is he even alive? He doesn’t seem to move much.
Moonfish, Mustard, and Muscular all get captured, their Pokemon are moved into protective custody, Shadow Pokemon are treated and rehabilitated. And of course, Bakugo is kidnapped by the evil team.
During the raid on Team LOV’s hideout, Ace Trainers, Gym Leaders, and Elite Four members manage to contain all shadow Pokemon and transport them to safer facilities, though with plenty of struggle.
All for One fight happens, and true anime style, Toshinori’s ace, Scorbunny, manages to take down AFO’s Giritina (Origin Form), allowing for his capture. With the cost of revealing to the world the toll OFA has taken on both Toshinori and his partner.
I wish I could find some way to talk about the Dorm episode because it and the first episode of season 4 are easily my favorite episodes. They’re just so cute, and it’d only be cuter with partner Pokemon and growing bonds and all that. Please take this moment to appreciate those episodes.
Moving into the Dorms is about the right time for Izuku’s egg from Grand Tirino to hatch! Surprise! It’s a... Shroomish?? Granted he’s a bit confused at first, but Toshinori helps a bit. He won’t just give him the answer of course. What kind of teacher does that?
Izuku realizes he can’t put too much of OFA’s strain on just his Eevee, he need to lessen the weight on his partner. He talks to Shroomish about it, explain how it works and says if he doesn’t want to battle, he doesn’t have to.
But of course Shroomish wants to battle! It wants great power and to be best friends with Midoriya and Eevee!
Shroomish evolves during license training, which I’m not 100% positive how to translate into this AU... I’m so sorry to both the Provisional License (which has some of the best characters) and Stain for just completely glossing over whatever it is you all do but I just wanna keep going I’ve been writing for 8 hours straight now.
Internships time. I know there’s a lot of really REALLY good characters in this arc. Super cool, full of personality and the ability to go ham wild on their Pokemon teams is diving me wild rn but like the story of this arc is also super wild so I’ll spare y’all my ten page essay on Fatgum’s Pokemon, unless you wanna come into my ask box and ask for that spesifically, I will give it to you.
We’ll just do The big Three and move on:
Mirio Togata - His starter was defenetly a Ghastly, currently a Gengar full of love and laughs. He also has a Togekiss, Gliscor, and a Heracross. They’re all very happy, fun loving Pokemon, who trust eachother and Mirio very closely.
Neijire Hado - She started with a Mareep, now an Ampharos, she’s also currently caring for a Smoochum, and a Vibrava. Her Pokemon are constantly full of energy.
Tamaki Amajiki - He got a Smeargle from his Pokemon Personality test as a starter, much like him his Smeargle is very shy about it’s art, only showing it to Tamaki, Mirio, and Mirio’s Heracross. Her also has a Skrelp who doesn’t like to battle, and a Drifblim he hides behind.
Eri is a little girl currently plagued by Darkrai’s nightmares. Overhaul is using these nightmares to create the serum that turns Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon. His goal is to separate people and Pokemon permanently.
Because of her constant nightmares, Eri is terrified of Pokemon, and is always weary around them, especally if they are bigger than her.
Just like in the main story, Mirio and Izuku run into Eri while on patrol, and immedetly know something’s wrong, but can’t do anything, letting her slip back into the hands of Overhaul.
The Yakuza, in this AU, run the Pokemon Daycare as a front, thus they have a lotta eggs. During the raid of the base, Twice’s Zweilious, evolved into Hydreigeon, finds and gets attached to one such egg. He eventually gifts it to Toga.
During the battles of the raid, Overhaul turns quiet a few Pokemon into Shadow Pokemon, including Nighteyes’ ace, Xatu, who in the rage induced by becoming shadowed, attacks and gravely wounds Nighteye.
Mirio’s team does their best as well, but his team are also stripped of their hearts and bonds. Even so, he keeps fighting. He pushes them to please, keep going, for Eri! So she can know the joy of having her own Pokemon some day, and be free of all this pain!
He manages to keep them fighting until Izuku shows up, though by then he’s taken the brunt of quiet a few of his own Pokemon’s attacks and can no longer stand.
When the dust all settals, the Shadow Pokemon are gathered and slept for their own saftey. Eri’s grandfather, the Yakuza Boss, is still in a coma. In his room police find an egg, a gift meant for Eri, her first Pokemon.
But she’s still too scared of Pokemon to accept it.
School Festival time; Time to go after Jiro’s true passion: Pokemon Preformances!
I have a personal weakness for the Pokemon Musicals from Black and White, and it fits this little section here where they all put on a concert with singing and dancing and the whole idea of Jiro and Denki’s Toxtricitys jamming together on stage is making me soft so like
That’s what happens
And it helps Eri get over her fear of Pokemon. Not entrily all at once, but for a moment, just a moment, all these Pokemon having fun, dancing and singing, wearing cute little clothes just... Makes her so happy! 
That’s the plot thus far, as of anime standards, that’s about where I am and it’s almost all my thoughts. I have a few miscellaneous things to clean up, sense I know quiet a few manga bits, so feel free to stop here if your an Anime causual like me.
Also! If I didn’t include someone’s team and you’d like to know, or you want to judge me on my reasons for giving certain people certain Pokemon, send me an ask. I’ll gladly explain. I have explinations. A lot of them.
Eri’s egg from her grandfather has a Celebi in it, the cure to Shadow Pokemon. I’m not sure when it’ll hatch, but she takes care of it every day.
Mirio actually still has his team! They’re just shadow Pokemon now, so they rarely listen to him and often attack him. He doesn’t particapate in real battles anymore, for fear his Pokemon will hurt someone else, but he still trains and plays with them the best he can! He’s constantly covered in scratches and bites.
Dabi’s charizard was given to him as a Charmander by his dad. His father claimed he wasn’t a good trainer because he cared and cried too much when his Pokemon got hurt, and took the Charmander from him. In this AU, Dabi isn’t believed dead, he just ran away from home after taking his Charmander back.
Team LOV actually made Charizard X, as theories say it’s a man-made mega evolution form and I think that’s cool, and Dabi forced it onto his partner. Charizard ended up nearly killing Dabi with it’s sudden strength.
Kurogiri is a Shadow Marshadow forcibly possessing Oboro Shirakumo, he has no Pokemon of his own, nor does he battle. Shirakumo isn’t dead in this AU, just possessed. Kinda in a coma?
After Twice dies, Toga takes care of his Hydreigeon. The egg he gave her hatches after he’s dead, and it’s a Zorua. She tells it all about Twice, refering to him as the Zorua’s daddy because I just think that’s cute leave me be. Hydreigeon is a VERY good parental Pokemon to Zorua.
With the loss of Muscular, Mr. Compress is promoted to admin and given a Hoopa, which he chooses to confine to it’s smaller, weaker form. It’s the only legendary Pokemon that Team LOV has that isn’t a Shadow Pokemon.
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crazyfox-archives · 3 years
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The Grotto Hall Files
Several entries from the journal I kept during my days living in southern Mie Prefecture regarding the Iwayadō Hall (岩屋堂) in the foothills of Mount Tengura (天狗倉山) in Owase, Mie Prefecture
[Image from Owase’s official twitter account (c.f. source below)]
September 3, 1995
Today I was up in the area around 天狗倉山 [Mount Tengura], and I finally found the elusive 岩屋堂 [Iwayadō Hall], luckily enough. The entrance is small, and one walks up an old stone stepway ducking to avoid the branches of trees. The path widens a bit, and skirts the mountain, and is on the steep side here and there, but it’s a pleasant atmosphere overall. Following the forested path and passing stones on the curving walkway, finally one arrives at the 岩屋堂 [Iwayadō Hall], which true to its name is based around and under a huge rock. At one side is a small graveyard, including a grave to a 平家 [Heike] person (?). On the other side are some unusual miniature shrines, including one to 大海龍王  白蛇明神 [Dragon King of the Great Sea, White Snake Shining Deity].
But the main attraction was the collection of stone statues under the rock, most of whom were 観音菩薩 [Kannon Bodhisattva] and made sometime towards the end of the Kamakura Period [correction: the main image enshrined & hidden dates to this time (1185-1333) but the smaller stone images visible probably date considerably later to the 1600′s or so]. They’re based upon the 33ヶ所 of 観音 [the Western Pilgrimage Circuit of Thirty-three Kannon Temples], and pilgrims would stop here on their way to the first stop in the pilgrimage, down south in the 熊野 [Kumano] region. Also some more recent ones, 地蔵菩薩 [Jizō Bodhisattva] for the souls of the victims of the big tsunami that hit this area in the Edo Period [1707 to be exact].
You could almost feel the worship of countless folks, the history of Buddhism as it spread among everyday people---which, considering I was sweaty & exhausted from the trek, I’m surprised I felt anything.
September 8, 1995
Today at the language lesson with [a friend], I got some good information about last Sunday’s 岩屋堂 [Iwayadō Hall]. For instance, the 白蛇明神 [White Snake Shining Deity]: she wasn’t sure, but often snakes are worshipped as 神 [deities], and especially unusual or large ones are regarded as a good sign. Such snakes or the like are worshipped for the usual kind of thing like prosperity of the household or such. Eggs are the offering. A related sort of folk custom: if you find a discarded snakeskin, put it in your wallet and your money will increase.
On the way is a rock shaped like a turtle staring down people on the path, and some people can’t proceed under this stern (stony?) glare. To be able to pass is a signal that you’re pure. I didn’t even notice, so either I’m really cool or maybe just selectively oblivious.
The graveyard could indeed be the final resting place of Heike refugees, she confirmed.
Inside the main place with the 石仏 [stone statues of Buddhist deities] is a stone called the おもかるいし = 重軽石 [heavy/light stone]. Think of a question in your life, ask it, and try to lift the stone. If you can lift it easily, the answer is yes; if it’s so heavy you can’t lift it, the answer is no. She doesn’t usually go in for such old tales wholesale, but this one’s really mysterious, according to her. For instance. her younger sister asked the rock whether getting married was the right idea a short time before the actual wedding. Pretty risky question, kind of awkward if the stone had turned heavy. Luckily it was light as a feather. 
She knows the place pretty well, because there’s a 命日 [anniversary rite] there every 18th day of the month from around 10:00 AM or so, where goma ceremonies and such are performed. Her neighborhood machi is especially associated in some way.
November 18, 1995
I woke up a bit early and met [my friend’s mother], and we went up to the 岩屋堂 [Iwayadō Hall] together with a friend of hers. [my friend] was busy, and her grandmother had a cold, so they couldn’t make it.
The monk, a smallish guy with a slow & deliberate manner of speech, comes from 新宮 [Shingū] every 18th of the month to perform this 護摩 [goma fire rite] ceremony. On the 護摩木 [goma kindling stick] was written the more elaborate “kanman” 梵字 [Sanskrit syllable] for 不動明王 [Fudō Myōō], not too unexpectedly.
Chanted during the ceremony was the opening stuff, the 般若心經 [Heart Sutra], the 觀音經 [Kannon Sutra], and the धारणी [dhāraṇī] of 不動明王, 観音菩薩, 地蔵菩薩, & 薬師如来 [Fudō Myōō, Kannon Bodhisattva, Jizō Bodhisattva, and Yakushi Buddha]. They chant all of this super fast and then without taking a breath cycle back to the beginning over and over again, making it rather hard to follow along. Here at the 岩屋堂 [Iwayadō Hall] are the 33 観音 [Kannon] and the tsunami 地蔵 [Jizō] so chanting them made sense, but I was a bit fuzzy about the inclusion of the other two. Afterwards, when I asked about this, statues of them were pointed out to me--their non-standard iconography had stumped me, apparently: 不動 [Fudō] with a weird abstract face & 薬師 [Yakushi] with a hood and looking like a normal guy rather than a Buddha.
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During the ceremony, a lady waved the food offerings over the 護摩 [goma] fire, very much as if sending them up to 不動 [Fudō] (presumably?) in remarkably Vedic style right here in Japan 1995. Afterwards these offerings were divided up among the participants as お下がり= o-sagari, leftovers from the 神さん [deities]--they have the same habit as the old man at 有久寺 [Arikuji Temple] of referring to any holy being by this term. 
Also we were treated to おにぎり[rice balls] and なます [daikon radish & carrot salad], quite good at that, which is referred to as お接待 =o-settai or お志し = o-kokorozashi, food given to pilgrims for their support. Which reminds [my friend’s mother] of customs in Shikoku, she mentioned.
Retrospectively now in March 2021 and in conclusion, many thanks to my friend of the time for putting up with my odd topics of discussion and for going out of her way to arrange for my participation in her neighborhood’s monthly rites with my unaccountable interest in mind, and to my friend’s mother and the other ladies of Asahi-machi for allowing me to tag along and treating me to exemplary pilgrim’s fare on a pleasant & informative Saturday morning.
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