#but I headcanon he wears just hiking boots
bishiglomper · 6 months
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Furry?Zellse \o/
If I ever do anything Hazbin-y, dis be the demon form he'll have
Him a bison
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moofuuu · 4 months
The Triple S
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The Triple Threat~☆
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And some headcanons below about these guys!! And I mean all six of them!!
V So a big post if you press past this point!! V
Here's some headcanons and other info I have for my own characters and designs in general to the triple S!! I am very passionate how I represent these guys, and I would like to note that now, before you guys read any further, I AM MYSELF A TRANS MAN!!! I DON'T SPEAK ON MOST PEOPLES BEHALF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT SOME THINGS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF YOU IDFK
Now without further adoo, let's get on with the headcanons and information about the hedgehog's!!!
Sonic Headcanons
He/Him! Bisexual!
24-25 yr old
People say his boobs are growing, and yes I fully agree with that, and yes I do prefer him as a Trans man... but I love the idea of a strong muscle man with Trans scars is so goddamn UGH ♡♡♡
Sonic is getting built, growing some more muscles, and getting stronger with each series and or game!! It's the reason he's getting so big!!
He's also had both surgeries!
Top and bottom scars and also he's way more like the cocky type if you think Archie comics a bit, but of course he cares for his friends!! A whole lot actually and plays around with them too.
Amy gave him those knee and elbow pads to prevent a whole lot more scraping
even though it doesn't help much It still looks nice and it fits him, and the amount of times he slides against the grass and grounds a lot, of course he's gonna rely more on the knee pads a lot.
He wears hiking boots/shoes because they last way more longer than regular running shoes! It's something he prefers and well, the kicks have a lot more "oomf" to them when he does kick with those boots of his.
It takes a lot to take him down!! He's not your average soft man or gentle guy, he's more of your tough brother and he does get emotional!! But it's not usually the way you'd typically think, for he just gets a bit more colder to the shoulder when it's a serious situation with a more cutting edge.
Sonic's a goofball, just like it shows in the Sonic boom series, he loves just fucking around and doing silly things on the side really.
He's still learning a lot and still has that young college boy mentality to be honest.
Also well versed in close combat because of his best friend and rival Knuckles! He learned some moves from him when they met and all!
He has hyperactive ADHD!!
Sonic is a close combat character!! He prefers to fight his enemies as close as he can as he can hit powerful kicks and can throw powerful punches.
His relationship with Shadow is mostly rivalry, and the two butting heads all the time!!! But never actually hanging out casually as Shadow refuses to hang out with him, and Sonic is fine with that; besides, he gets on his nerves intentionally... Never unintentionally, and the two of them know when to take matters seriously. He also thinks Shadow has a thing for someone, but he ain't no gossip-er... though Rouge brings that out of him, and he hates it.
His relationship with Silver is casual rivalry, but he can't even trash talk with him!!! He takes things to literally and doesn't even understand half the words he's saying!!! It's like he's an old man!! But Silver isn't even the oldest of the three!! In fact, the youngest and yet Sonic can never find himself having fun trash talking to the guy, but he is fun to hug though and a great listener...
Shadow Headcanons!
Any pronouns
• [Usually default to he/him though]
30-50 yrs old
He doesn't really know nor really cares to know. Also, the oldest out of the triple S but not the tallest despite his alien genes.
He's in the middle... though mostly fighting close as he uses guns when necessary. Shadow is a close combat and ranged combat mobian, his muscles mostly in his arms as you need to keep your guns steady and able to handle the recoil in guns in general.
He has a bunch of old accessories! Like old patches from old bands, stickers and magnets but he hides those in small containers because he doesn't want to stick the stickers on anything.
It also usually works in the night!! He can't really work during the day as his black fur sticks out like a sore thumb and he also can't really sleep anyways sometimes.. as his nightmares sometimes gets to him.
If he doesn't have anything to do, he'll be pacing around in his office, wanting something to do, someone to talk to or listen to... but he's not about to go bother someone as his colleagues might be busy. Definitely won't go talk to Sonic as he's annoying.
He wears shades!! Mostly because the sun hurts his alien like eyes sometimes on some days where he pulled all nighters and hasn't seen the light of day.
He definitely has some routine going on as he has too stick to it, he's always so strict on himself because if he isn't, they would only end up thinking to much about their past and they're not about to deal with that.
They look great for their age, it only makes sense though as part of his life was in a tube, grown and raised in space.
After crashing into earth after escaping the A.R.K and leaving Maria behind [against his own will], it traveled the world for a bit, for Maria, for it... for itself as it was curious about the world... but eventually, G.U.N. caught up to him and, with the lack of fighting skills, eventually caught.
His shoes are bulky!!! Being made in the 1950s, there's no way his shoes look that sleek, and I will continue drawing them bulky.. also, I'm keeping the rings to how they originally looked in the SA2. Instead of straight-up rings on the hands... some rims are on the rings as they show that the ring inhibitors can come off.
Shadow is known to keep to himself most of the time and is close to his friend Omega and Rouge
He has autism, PTSD, and a bit of auditory hallucinations..
The hivemind is a part of the reason it's still there, but he destroyed that long ago! Yea, he did, but he's still needs to get used to the sounds in his head about needing to renew his own species.
Relationship with Sonic •
Its relationship with Sonic is... rocky, he gets that he's the hero and everything, supposed to keep the world safe, but he won't leave it alone!!! Of course he's better at everything than him!! Fighting! Guns!! He can do it all! But racing!! Gah!! He won't shut up about it! And how he won't shut up about how much shorter he is... but seriously, it seems like each time they're in the same room, Sonic's goal is to annoy him or get on his nerves... which works each time not going to lie.
Relationship with Silver •
For Silver, his relationship with him and all that, despite being the one to almost kill Sonic when meeting and killing him, he learned a lot, and he's glad to have shown the bad things and bad intentions Mephiles was planning. The fact that he doesn't even try and do anything suspicious either is refreshing... The fact that he holds no judgment to anyone too is something new and refreshing too, meeting Silver was like... for once someone doesn't judge him and just listens... he also lost a best friend, which was Blaze. He gets it.. doesn't he..? Why does he feel this way..?
Silver Headcanons!!!
Pansexual | He/They
20-23 yrs old!
Wears a jacket for warmth, a binder for comfort, and pants for comfort plus warmth as well! He wears these rings to keep his own magic in check, and so it's much easier for him to not always focus on the target he's holding.
From the future, but a devastating one... no matter what he did, no matter what he said!! The future never changed, and it was always some wasteland. He needs to check up on it every once in a while, though, to make sure the future is still the future and that he should figure out how or what to defeat their enemies with!! They don't know specifically or much details but with their small Itty bitty skills of detective work from reading books, they will be able to help at some point... right???
Shortest of the three and lacking muscle, but there's a reason for that!
They are mostly ranged fighter as they rely on their telekinesis a lot and can not fight close for the life of them.. can't even use a gun without being scared of it!!
They are well versed in the books, and had read a lot of things, when they read instructions, they can get it not instantly but with a few trials and errors they can actually perfect the thing they're learning. Cooking? Yes! Baking? Yes! Sewing?? Few pokes by accident but yes!!!
Though his build is small, he's actually pretty brave, as he grew up in an apocalyptic world, learning to scavenge and fast with food and water... learning about plants and all!
He infact... hates the cold but wants to see winter snow... he got way too used to Crisis City and its extreme heats!!! His body is cold like a fridge, but... luckily, he has friends that can keep him warm!
He lost his best friend and sister, Blaze; her sacrifice to sealing away the evil that was in the future and now wears red earrings to represent her. Though... the Blaze he met that's from another realm... reminds him too much of his old sister... though she seems a lot more strict with herself than anything.
Learned most of his knowledge in books!! No matter how bad the writing may have been, he would read it... and tries his best to keep an open mind to a lot of things... Blaze (from his timeline and world) had even helped him read and learn some things from the books.
They're indeed the fluffiest
Has albinism!
Got their powers from when they're young, telekinesis is actually quiet rare!![I rarely see anyone use this and just IMO!!! Concludes to being it a rare super power..]
Telekinesis/Psycokenesis is actually quiet rare, how he got it was through an attack, an attempt was made at his life by flames and Blaze wasn't there to help, but luckily his powers activated in time, blowing away all the flames that threatened him.. though now he's scared still
Has Audhd!!
Introverted as you can't just shove someone into a group of people even though they haven't even been around anyone but ONE person all their life!!
Though he does have lots of interest and loves listening in on everyone's conversation.
He thinks out loud to himself
PTSD as well...
Trust issues after Mephiles.
Relationship with Sonic •
His relationship with Sonic was rocky at first, and he hates how he was so mean to Sonic! Trying to kill him and all for the right reasons!! He swears it was for the right reasons!! He almost did it, and he was so glad Amy was there to stop him... though it was hard to understand at first, but lucky for his open-mindedness, he was able to get over it. Finding out Sonic was actually the good guy and learning that he was actually the one he read in all the books about the legendary blue hero and not the so-called "iblis trigger." To meet your idol and the hero, and he's so calm and nice and oh— never mind he's fighting with his friends again... well, at least he's so forgiving and forgetting... but Silver sure as hell ain't, he hasn't even forgiven himself yet for being so mean to him at first. But he keeps trying to do this trash talk??? Sometimes Silver gets it...
Most times, not getting it one bit. Though his charm and skills are very admirable, and they want to learn it someday.
Relationship with Shadow •
He's the reason he even got out of killing the blue hero in the first place and sure was cold-hearted and rude at first.. even kicked him in the head, but that was well deserved, honestly. But seeing through the lies and actually the original form that Mephiles had taken!! And to learn he was actually manipulating Silver!? Agh! It's hard to read someone, but... Shadow just looks like he needs a friend and someone there to show him it's okay to open up at least a bit! That's what Sonic showed him, and that's what Blaze did too!
Silver can't help but look up to Shadow sometimes though, admiring him and his work and how well organized he is! Better than Silvers chaotic schedule that they try to keep too!! But learning that Shadow had a friend and lost them ... Silver can't help but feel closer to him in some way after learning such detail.
v The Triple Threat v
Scourge Headcanons!!
24-26! He/Him
He's the shortest of the three cause, well, he's a hedgehog! He's insecure bout that, but not as much as you think. He is also a big-time flirt and puts up a big tough guy front. Has commitment issues and also hates really keeping up with any friends, especially after how many times he been fucked over.
But that didn't really seem to stop him getting to more other buddies, Venice and Terios, who's actually not as bad as the rest and actually have been on the same level as him
Terios is intimidating and strong, sure, but he Scourge can never get that guy to get angry at him and it's fair, guy seems like he's been through a lot.
Venice just so happens to come from some future, but he said he was sent back to save the past... but surprisingly, the guy just didn't want to and joined Scourge's ruling.
So his new friends are really okay to say the least, they can care less about others as much as him but no matter what Scourge is still some type of Sonic, so of course he has some respect for his two buddies...
Pathetic really as he can't get over his ex Fiona, and everytime he complains about it Venice is there to slap that outta him, he's not about to go through another pathetic crying session.
Scourge wears all this outrageous stuff because of how he has very much a identity crisis every other week, trying to separate himself and his own looks from Sonic, trying to remove the title of "evil sonic" off of him, gets mad each time he's even referred to the name as he screams out "IT'S SCOURGE!!!" Hating how he's always compared to Sonic as well as he's not at all like him!!
His quills are much shorter but well kept, despite the punkish look to him, he's a lot more cleaner than Sonic himself, as he also likes to plan ahead of time too, but can't really read people well like Sonic though..
Has a dead dad
Ain't as built like Sonic
Just as chaotic, if not worse, and evil at that, who cares about who gets hurt??
Other than his two pals.. don't hurt his two pals.
Venice the mink
21-24 | He/him
Despite the looks of it, he's not at all well put together, screaming and yelling at everyone who gets him pissed off, and even dares to make fun of his interests, very closed off as he's always pushing away everyone from him.
Note; as surprising it is, Scourge and Venice are still buddies, though, as their goals in life are really just the same.
Unlike Silver, he doesn't have that pretty privilege that the white hedgehog has, as he always thinks his scar is awful, tanking his insecurities more and how much he hates his looks.. so to combat this, he built his own body to make up the scar he's so insecure about, wrapping what he could in bandages.
He hates seeing Silver and hates how he acts as he sees too much of his younger self in him. He also hates how open they are.
Very much has inner homophobia of himself and has VERY FRAGILE masculinity
Venice would rather get shot in the head before admitting to himself for liking anyone, as he has his feelings locked away deep inside himself so even the smallest fuzziness he feels he would immediately try and push the person away or just be meaner. Self-destruction if you will.
Despite this Terios and Scourge stick by, it's not like they both heard worse and by this point they're starting to learn that Venice's aggressive behavior is also becoming a bit more like aggressive love..
Says lots of death threats to both Scourge and Terios but he can't actually kill Terios, and Scourge, he's why he's okay with being friends with at least a few people.
He hates the other for teasing him so much but it's not like he makes fun of the hedgehog back..
Keeps Scourge alive because Scourge is his kill, no one else's, despite how gay that might sound they're only just friends with benefits and rarely go at it anyways.
His relationship with Terios, he's also somehow less hostile towards the porcupine, but that's because of the power the guy has, and what he's capable of doing.
Terios the porcupine
40 to 50 yrs old
He/him Unlabled.
He's the tallest of the three and is the strongest, waken up too many times and also been resurrected to many times for his own good.
Doesn't like getting into fights much and rather avoid everyone at all costs, but because of Venice and Scourge freeing the guy from his prison, he's tolerant of those two, and ONLY those two.
Full of anarchy baryl, but is weak to the chaos energy from mobius...
He very much has a dad bod and he also just stays out of trouble for the most part because he rather be left alone in nature where no one's there to bug him and actually hurt him... mostly passive and he's also originally a porcupine that was swept off the streets long ago.
A science expirement gone wrong, and left alive for as long as they can... Lucky them, Terios got out, and the island blew. .. well not lucky for them nevermind.
They all said it was for the greater good.. science...
Terios hates technology... not because of his age and non understanding of it...
It's because of how much it terrifies him and actually what the thing is capable of, he's not about to go back and listen to all the humming and buzzing of machines.
Terios sneezes like a dad would, loud and noisy
He rather avoid everyone and everything, not really liking technology or even the city in general.
Has multiple bullet wound scars, but the fur has overgrown them.. but if you touch the body sure can feel them.
He was originally a normal porcupine actually, from the earth instead of space
Not many things can hurt or kill him like his counterpart... he actually died multiple times before but brought back alive each time.
The Triple Threat has a lot more headcanons, but I realize how big this post is getting lol
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yourdeepestfathoms · 28 days
Do you have headcanons for what the members of The Lark like to do during summer
LOTS of time is spent outside
Swimming, hiking, playing games…
I like to imagine they have those wooden canoes that are made from tree trunks
They like to stargaze at night
They also go camping a lot!
Kingsley loudly complains about how hot it is all the time
Cole absolutely fries in the sun, no matter how much sunscreen they put on (or whatever the whimsy version of sunscreen is)
Poor kid once got sun poisoning, and it was awful for them
Perrine isn’t a big fan of the heat. She much prefers the autumn, when it’s cooler
Though, that’s to be expected
I mean, look at those boots she wears
That’s just a mass of fur
You’re gonna burn up in those
(She also looks like she wears the most layers, too)
Perrine does a lot of outdoor work during summer and often overexerts herself
So it’s not surprising for her to finish on the cusp of heat exhaustion
She’s gotten heatstroke once, and it was Quite Scary for everyone involved
Because she stumbled inside, her skin flushed and dried, while super disoriented, but she kept a saying she was fine, she just needed to sit down for a moment
And then when water was given to her, she immediately threw up it back up because it was like poison in her mouth
Anyway! x2
Like in spring, they’ll do a lot of gardening, and that’s a team effort
Clémentine enjoys gardening the most
Kingsley runs around throwing buckets of water on people when they aren’t expecting it
Perrine chased him into a tree after he did this to her
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Hetalia Clothing Headcanons
Germany: On a daily basis, Ludwig will wear sensible, comfortable clothes. There is this stereotype of Germans that they wear a lot of sports clothes, but not gym clothes, more like hiking. By the way, I know a lot of Germans, and the amount of North Face and Jack Wolfskin in their wardrobes is disturbing. Anyway, it makes sense since Germany has three dogs that require long walks. In the office, he likes to keep it simple: a black or dark navy suit, a white shirt, and a tie. But let's not forget that he has a hot Italian boyfriend with a great sense of fashion. Said boyfriend made sure that Ludwig's wardrobe contains well-cut designer suits, a few tight t-shirts, and jeans that do the job. Not that Ludwig wears those things often, but he does indulge Feli from time to time.
Prussia: Gilbert keeps up with trends, maybe not in the sense of wearing all fashionable clothes, but he checks what is popular—and no, he won't admit it to anyone. (Francis knows; I mean, he caught Gil with Vouge Magazine once or twice.) He would rather choose something I would call street fashion mixed with a bit of punk—you know, black, leather, band t-shirts, heavy boots. It sarted as a protest statement during Eastern Germany, but he kind of liked this style, so it stuck. He even tried to get a tatoo. I have this headcanon that tats won't last on a nation; they tend to heal and disappear, so this happened to Gill too. When he is helping Lutz with something official or has a date with Roderich, he knows how to make himself presentable and can be dashing. Secretly, he misses all those elaborate Prussian military uniforms. 
Austria: Roderich likes to play with fashion. He is not as conservative as many think; he just likes to look classy, so street fashion is out of the question. But boy, he can be flamboyant. He has a suit, smoking, or tuxedo for every occasion. All are custom-made. His collection of handkerchiefs for the breast pocket is alarming. He also likes nice coats for every weather and accessories like belts, watches, jewellery, and glasses. He makes exceptions from his usual style only if he is skiing, which he likes a lot but does very rarely. Recently, Gilbert has been making him go on hikes, which required Roderich to acquire a few sports items—still all in maching colours; buying those was a nightmare for Gilbert mostly. 
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Welcome to more Headcanons where I discuss clothing. Because it is fun for me. Today we will talk about Jade Leech and how in my mind he dresses like a serial killer; specifically Patrick Bateman. Just kidding. I will talk about that sort of fashion later. When I make these posts I plan to update them with another version of the character dressing in another way. But, let’s keep it short.
Subtle Punk/Grunge
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Firstly, Jade has been confirmed in many ways to be more muscle than Floyd. So I like to personally picture him in tight fitting tops. His own mental mind game of showing you; “If I wanted to hurt you I would.” But of course image is everything.
I am desperately clinging to the Punk Jade we could have had in canon with piercings and body modifications but also… Going to a prestigious academy… Jade cares a lot about how he is seen by others on campus. The butler trope fits him very well, but what about off campus? I think he does wear subtle punk fashion when he’s out alone on the island. He loves the belts and black boots and how to layer shirts. All while asking some frightened looking cashier about what kind of mushroom spores they sell.
The reasons for the heavier fashion; A) I personally like it. And it’s okay to disagree with me. B) Jade is a merman, and in my mind their ability to regulate temperature isn’t the same as someone on land. So I would like to think that Jade has issues with cold weather. Please see his club wear card.
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I get that camping can be something you need to layer for, but a coat, and a sweatshirt, and a turtleneck, and a wool(?) hat with gloves? He either has horrible circulation or mermen just have issues with cold weather. I think it’s the ladder. Jade also looks good in boots. Being in the Mountain Lovers Club, and even during the Camp event he looks good in boots. Combat boots and kicker boots are also something you usually will see with punk and more ‘aggressive’ forms of alternative fashion. He’s so used to wearing boots when he goes hiking that it feels more natural to wear something like that even on weekends when he’s out and about. Also, the heaviness is like extra weight so he can strengthen his legs. At least that’s what I think. He doesn’t seem like a jeans man but there’s also a lot of things Jade hides about himself. Now for a quick outfit!
Thrifted x DIY
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I think he usually will wear things like this as it gets darker and he hangs out at underground music clubs where it’s mostly rock and alternative music playing. Now, Jade comes from money. Which can make him seem like a ‘poser’ because he is a nepo baby. But Jade also loves doing something and getting results. Like taking care of terrariums and discovering things in the mountains. I don’t think when he dresses like this he focuses on the best brand clothing wise. I think he wants to not stand out so I think he would go for darker colors while still having personality with his outfit. So I also gave him those nasty ass crust-punk jeans because I think he would have a pair he made himself and they probably smell like Fritos. He washes them… Sometimes.
Accessories… I can imagine Jade wearing small ones or thin leather bracelets with beads. But also at a music club, he probably would take time to make kandi to trade with some local emos. Rings would look nice on him. Especially big metal ones with chunky charms so if he gets into a fight, it’s like pseudo brass knuckles. He keeps it classy and clean while still upkeeping how he looks and is perceived. He wants to go all out. Shaved sides of his head and all. But he also fears… Something. I think he has to be seen a certain way for family reasons but also because of how he is seen at school. I think Jade… Lacks confidence to be himself. Even if he says he’s happy being a little weird and having such a pristine self image… Is he really? … It’s all my Headcanons and you don’t have to agree with me. But this is what I think.
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ask-spooky-manor · 10 months
Toby Character Headcanons
So I was tagged with a list of questions for me to answer that I reblogged, and while none of them were sent in my inbox, I still wanted to answer some cause they were really interesting.
Trigger Warning: I do talk about how abuse has affected Toby and how it has left some long lasting scars mentally and emotionally speaking. Not all of the headcanons are like that though, just be cautious. Nothing too in detail but can be uncomfortable
Clothing style
Toby’s style is like mixing grunge with cottagecore (goblincore is what it’s usually called). He likes his knitted sweaters and earthy tones, but at the same time he enjoyes ripped jeans and chunky black boots that can basically double as a weapon.
Eating Habits
Toby has a massive appetite. You will always catch him with a snack in his hands or complaining that he’s hungry despite having eaten a full meal not ten minutes ago. He just really likes food, and people in the house know to give him an extra serving for dinner
Music is more of a passion so tinkering around and making little gadgets is probably his number one hobby. He mainly likes to make things that blow up. Other general hobbies he has are cooking, hiking, uhhhh arson, and drawing
Fighting Style
He’s fully aware that he’s not the strongest or fastest or even has the most endurance, but Toby is extremely clever and crafty. He thinks way outside of the box and relies heavily on all of his odd little gadgets and inventions to surprise an enemy like smoke bombs, traps, loud fire crackers, you name it. He is an unpredictable fighter because you’ll never know what he has up his sleeves, and the surprise is something he will very much use against you. Not to mention that when he’s stuck in a sticky situation, he’s really good at coming up with on the spot plans that will get him out of trouble.
Ways he says I love you
Well, he will just say it. Toby won’t shy away from using the L word on anyone he even mildly likes. Though another way he shows it is through encouraging his loved ones to take care of themselves. He will make sure you eat properly, sleep well, take your meds, etc. Also hugs, Toby is a hugger.
Introvert or Extrovert
Extrovert, which surprised him when he realized it. Toby thought he was introverted for the longest time when in reality he was just dealing with a lot of nasty people who made him feel unsafe. Being alone felt safer, but at the same time it made him miserable because he naturally gains more energy with good people around. Ending up in the manor was the best thing to happen to him because now he has buddies he can spend time with like all the time.
Religious or Non-religious?
Complicated as fuck. He was raised Christian only to kind of despise organized religions as a whole. He would say he’s an atheist if he didn’t live with a literal moon god (Ben), so now he just has a beef with gods in general (Except Ben, they’re chill). Basically he thinks about how if these beings really are all powerful, all kind, all forgiving and omniscient and good then why the fuck did none of them help him? Why did it reach a point where he killed his own father? Why was he never saved? Basically, the idea of there being a higher power gets him in a bitter mood. Best to avoid the subject altogether.
Something he could never forgive.
Toby is generally a forgiving person but the one thing he could never forgive is when someone takes advantage of the kindness he is willing to give. Classmates did it in school as a way to bully him, and his dad would sometimes guilt trip favors out of him (usually to sneak him more beer, which will end up biting Toby in the ass when facing his drunk dad later on). Just the general act of trying to manipulate Toby, knowing they can toy with the heart he wears on his sleeve, is enough for him to want that person dead.
Something that scares him.
For the small, irrational fear; Toby is afraid of the dark. It’s just a childhood fear that he never really got over. It’s fine if he’s with someone but being alone in the dark will put him in fight or flight mode. For the bigger existential shit: dreads the idea of everyone secretly hating him. His own father and peers have created this idea in Toby’s mind that there is nothing good about him. That his own existence is nothing but a burden on others, so there’s always this fear that his friends and even his own boyfriend don’t actually like him and that it’s all a front. He knows that realistically that’s not true, but it’s hard fighting against a toxic mindset that was pushed into his brain at such a young age.
Did he grow up too fast?
No, thankfully. It was Lyra who had to grow up too fast. Connie did her best, she really did, but there have been a lot of times where it was Lyra who had to care for Toby. Especially after really bad nights where their dad thought having one more bottle wouldn’t be a problem. Toby was unlucky enough to have been surrounded by people that were cruel to him, but thanks to Lyra and his mom he at least was able to be a kid from time to time.
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eowynstwin · 1 year
Any Price headcanons please? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Outdoorsy. On leave, Price likes to fish, hike, and generally spend time outside.
He’s also a casual birdwatcher. He doesn’t make trips for it, and he certainly doesn’t know the names of every bird, but he does like to look at them.
His favorite book genres are mysteries and westerns. He has all of Cormac McCarthy’s books, but he HATES Louis L’Amour (all my homies hate Louis L’Amour).
He takes very good care of his facial hair. There’s a certain beard oil he will go miles out of his way to restock if he can’t find it close to home.
His tea of choice is chamomile. He’s got high blood pressure as a result of his job and smoking habit, so he drinks it to chill out.
Shows of choice are Midsomer Murders and Death in Paradise. He doesn’t like slick, modern crime dramas, since they hit too close to home. Quirky little mysteries suit him far more.
Would not miss a single football game for his favorite club (team? hashtag I’m American) if that was an option. He fucking LOVES game day. Doesn’t matter if the weather sucks, he wants to be there.
A very simple cook. He doesn’t bother with complicated dishes unless it’s a special occasion. Tries to eat as balanced of a diet as he can, though, since he’s getting older and he wants to stay in good shape for as long as possible.
Actually dresses pretty well! He doesn’t wear a lot of graphic tees (unless it’s for an aforementioned game) and he thinks trainers look juvenile on grown men. So he’s got a lot of henleys, and usually wears leather boots or casual loafers.
One of his biggest joys in life? Getting to pour drinks for his friends<3
Him and Laswell’s wife always get along swimmingly when they meet up. It drives Kate insane actually. They’ll tease her mercilessly.
On that note, one of the few times John won’t smoke at all is when he’s hanging out with the Laswells, because the missus doesn’t like it.
His men are his family, full stop. He knows about birthdays, partners’ names and jobs, dumb childhood stories. If anyone will remember someone else’s anniversary, it’s gonna be Price.
He keeps thinking about retiring as time goes on. He daydreams about a vegetable garden and birds in his backyard. He knows he’s never going to get it, because he’s never going to quit.
Does a lot of living vicariously through others. He won’t let himself have that garden, but he’ll kick your ass if you don’t give one to yourself if you want one.
In general Price will go out of his way for the people he cares about. He could be just getting out of the hospital and still be totally willing to drive someone across town if need be.
Truly I just want him in my life so bad dear lord why can’t he be real
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Love autumn but don't know which character to choose so prompt 15 but for anyone you think likes and/or has the strongest opinions about autumn please?
I’m with you on the loving autumn! Everything about it makes me so happy! I went with Poe from Blush Blush for this, because we all know this cute little emo-boy has all the feelings about autumn in general and spooky season in particular, so I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Go apple picking V.S. Go on a hay ride
It would really depend, honestly. Is the hayride one of those haunted hayrides? Because if it is, Poe is really picking that option in a heartbeat, as he loves anything like that. But if it’s just a regular old hayride, he’s going to pass. Too peopley and little kiddish and he’d much rather go apple picking, if only because he enjoys eating the apples afterwards.
Scary V.S. Sweet
Scary all the way, one hundred percent. Poe is in love with everything macabre and dark and spooky, from books to movies to just the general aesthetic, no matter what the season is. He really does keep his Halloween spirit all year long.
Sweaters V.S. Boots
Oh fuck, that is like asking him if he’d rather cut off his left arm or his right arm! It’s an impossible choice for him because he’s equally attached to both things. He really can’t live without his boots. They’re comfy and broken in just right and he wears them every day, but he’s also a big fan of sweaters and layers because he tends to get cold easily and almost all his outfits in the autumn features sweaters of various types.
Halloween V.S. Thanksgiving
Duh! It’s Halloween all the way. There’s simply no other holiday worth celebrating, in Poe’s opinion…except maybe his birthday. It’s pretty cool when people remember and celebrate his birthday, though it’s even better if they remember and celebrate his unbirthdays too.
Bake Pie V.S. Bake Cookies
Controversial hot take on Poe’s part?? Pie sucks and isn’t even worthy to be called dessert – it’s just hot mushy fruit on top of usually dry crust. He’s team cookies all the way, particularly gingersnaps or molasses cookies, something slightly spicy on his tongue that pairs well with a hot mug of tea or coffee.
Rain V.S. Fog
Oh, this is another really hard one for him, because he’s a sucker for a great thunder and lightning storm, simply for the ambience and general aesthetic, but he doesn’t drive and the fog is easier to walk in, while still maintaining that great, gloomy aesthetic that he really loves.
Black Cats V.S. Owls
Owls are going to win out, simply because after spending some time as a bird, Poe feels he really needs to support his avian brethren.
Ghosts V.S. Wizards
As if it’s even a contest? While stories with wizards in them can be cool, Poe is more of a horror geek than a fantasy nerd and ghosts win out for him every day, especially if the ghosts in question are creepy and scary or delightfully tragic.
Harry Potter V.S. Halloweentown
Another hot take from Poe? Harry Potter isn’t a Halloween movie. It only had like, one scene that took place at Halloween but other than that, it’s just a fantasy movie. It’s a good fantasy movie, don’t get him wrong, but there’s nothing seasonal about it! Give him something at least related to Halloween, like Halloweentown is, even if the movie is a little juvenile for his liking (or so he says, though he really does enjoy it more than he’d care to admit).
Go Hiking V.S. Sleep in
Poe has troubles sleeping a lot of the time and does have some struggle with insomnia, so he’s going to pick sleeping in just because he needs the extra hours of sleep to catch up on the massive amount of sleep deficit he’s built up over the years.
Cinnamon V.S. Nutmeg
I think he’s leaning more towards nutmeg, though he does generally like both spices. A cinnamon stick in a cup of hot apple cider is great, but he eats more things that have nutmeg in them and it kind of wins because he prefers the smell of it slightly more.
Reading V.S. Writing
What fresh hell is this question??! Poe couldn’t choose. Like, his brain would break even attempting to choose between the two because they’re both necessary to him. He can’t survive without writing, whether it be in his journal or sitting down and trying to compose a new poem. But at the same time, to be a good writer, you must first be a reader and he does tend to read a lot, getting through at least a book a week that isn’t school assigned.
Hot Chocolate V.S. Tea
I think Poe leans more towards tea, especially black teas with added flavourings to them, like a nice London Fog or even just something as simple as a vanilla chai tea. He tends to drink them more towards the evening, when he’s kind of already overloaded on coffee but still wants a nice warm drink.
Live in a Cabin In a Forest V.S. Have it be fall 24/7
Both options really do hold some appeal to him, since becoming a tortured reclusive artist is among his dreams, but he wouldn’t be able to pass up the opportunity to make it fall all the time, because it’s got the best weather in his opinion and that would mean that Halloween would come about more often and he’s very much okay with that.
Candy Apples V.S. Caramel Apples
Neither. He loves apples, but just apples. He doesn’t want added sweetness to them and finds both caramel and candy apples hurt his teeth trying to bite them.
Blankets V.S. Pillows
Pillows. If need be, you can always layer jackets or clothing over you to keep warm but Poe’s tried using his jacket as a pillow once and it really isn’t as comfortable as his actual pillows, which he spent much more on than he would care to admit.
Roasted marshmallows V.S. Roasted Chestnuts
I don’t honestly think Poe has ever had a roasted chestnut, so he’d probably go more for those just to figure out what they taste like, since he’s heard about them in so many songs and such.
Coffee V.S. Apple Cider
Coffee is essential to life. Or at least Poe’s life. As previously mentioned, he really is always a little tired and never gets enough sleep, so caffeine has become a mainstay in his diet and he drinks way more coffee than a person really should.
Red Leaves V.S. Orange Leaves
Poe will think that the blending and juxtaposition of all the different coloured leaves in the fall is really what makes them really stand out and look as beautiful as they do, so he wouldn’t want to pick one or the other.
Braids V.S. Bows
If it’s on someone else, it’s going to be braids, especially if they’ve gone all fancy with their braids. On him? Neither please.
Scented Candles V.S. The Smell of Fresh Baked Goods
I do think that he’s going to go more for scented candles, simply because, no matter if he was full before, the smell of fresh baked goods always makes him instantly hungry again and he doesn’t want to be walking around constantly hungry. He tends to go for more spicy or earthy scents in the candles, like ‘pumpkin pie’ scented candles, cinnamon scented candles, or evergreen or cashmere scented candles.
Carve Pumpkins V.S. Make Pumpkin Pie
Because of his opinions on pies, he’s of course going to want to carve pumpkins. He really works hard to figure out a really scary design and he’ll put a lot of effort into his pumpkin, but someone else has to scoop out the pumpkin guts, because there’s something about the texture of them that makes him a little bit queasy.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes V.S. Chai Tea Lattes
Can he have both? It’s the only time he allows himself to be a basic bitch, when pumpkin spice lattes come out because he does find them really delicious but he’s also such a huge fan of any tea based latte.
Coats V.S. Oversized Sweaters
Poe kind of leans more towards oversized sweaters, but only if the weather allows for it. If the weather is really crisp, he’s wearing both, just to stay warm. He definitely has circulation issues he really should get checked out.
Beanies V.S. Berets
Neither. Despite getting cold easily, Poe will not wear a hat. There’s just something about hats that he really doesn’t like, whether it’s how they look on him or how they feel on his head or how his hair ends up afterwards but there is something. So he just generally avoids wearing any sort of hat. He can more easily see the appeal of an artistically tilted beret though.
Candy Corn V.S. Peanut Butter Cups
Candy corn is just brightly coloured Styrofoam and nobody will ever convince Poe otherwise. It does not taste good…so why can’t he stop eating it? Seriously, if there’s a bowl of it around, he ends up eating it handful after handful, despite complaining about how gross it tastes. It’s a problem.
S'mores V.S. Apple Crisp
I think Cole would lean more towards s’mores, mostly because apple crisp to him is very much the same thing as pie and falls under that same category of just hot, mushy fruit. Overall though, he’s also not a huge fan of s’mores, because of how messy they are to eat and how sticky his hands are afterwards.
Jump In a Pile of Leaves V.S. Swing on a Tire Swing
Swinging on a tire swing is more a summertime thing to Cole, for some reason he can’t fully explain, so it’s no wonder that he’s picking the more autumny feeling option and jumping into those leaf piles…or he is if he’s not the one who has to rake the leaves up in the first place or afterwards.
Corn Maze V.S. Haunted House
Okay, but there are not enough words in the human language to explain just how very, very, VERY much Poe desires to live in a haunted house. It is such a huge dream of his and it would make him so happy to spend any amount of time in any haunted house, even just a touristy one set up for the season, because it’s like living little sneak previews of that dream.
Bob For Apples V.S. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
He’s definitely visiting a pumpkin patch at least once, if not twice, during the autumn because Poe loves jack o’lanterns and, as previously mentioned, he puts a lot of work into churning out some really spooky looking ones.
Whipped Cream on Hot Chocolate V.S. Marshmallows on Hot Chocolate
Neither. I really don’t see Poe as drinking hot chocolate. It’s simply not his hot drink of choice.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
No better way to word this so Imma just say it: as a fellow peets enjoyer, I would enjoy reading your takes on the SFs Gangs feet. So if you ever need a excuse to talk about it… gestures
(Also calling it. Larry is ticklish as fuck down there which makes most of the kinky stuff one may want to do impossible because he already feels phantom tickles when you just wriggle your fingers in that general direction and becomes an absolutely giggly mess instead. Which also has its charm mind you)
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Anon, it is such a pleasure to be reminded that there are persons with impeccable taste, such as yourself, lurking in the fandom and on my blog, and it's even better when said persons encourage me to be as self-indulgent as you have with this ask. Please accept these headcanons that I thought about way more seriously than I probably should have lmao (I did my best to not let my personal preferences influence them, but a few maaay have sipped through the cracks, and so did yours 🙈💓💦)
What are the Gangs Feet like?-
[CW: Grapefruit (though this is 99% sfw), unsanitary, tickling]
-Big feet for his height, greek shape, pronounced metacarpal and ankle bones, arches are a little high.
-Wears shitty off-brand high tops with zero arch support and doesn't seem like the type to own a pumice stone, so there's some callusing on his feet where his shoes rub, but the rest of the skin is relatively soft.
-Typically keeps his nails trimmed purely for comforts sake
-Smell varies from very minimal to strong, depending on whether he's been playing video games or hiking around the woods all day, and whether or not hes had the spoons to change and shower recently.
-Wears soft cotton ankle-length socks (sensory friendly and cushions his very exposed achilles tendons), occasionally with novelty prints. He keeps them on most of the time because his feet get cold easily.
-Sometimes paints his toenails (badly)
-Not ticklish unless you really, really try.
-Hesitant to accept a foot rub, but once you've assured him that you actually want to give him one and he gets used to the feeling, he'll slowly melt into his seat... 🥴
-Blushes if you play footsie with him. 😳
-Big ol flipper feet, roman shape, a little wide, average arches.
-Wears sturdy, ankle length work boots with good support, so there's minimal callus, though the skin is overall a little tough.
-Might forget to trim his nails sometimes, and the smell can get pretty ripe if hes been working real hard all day... 😬
-Wears moisture-wicking, mid-crew length socks with strong elastic because he can't stand the feeling of his socks slipping down and bunching at the toe. He has a bad habit of stripping off his socks when he's lounging and leaving them on the floor.
-Has some moles on his feet (just like he has on the rest of him).
-He's ticklish as hell, so touches have to be predictable, deliberate and firm (unless you want to see him reduced to a giggling, thrashing wreck, in which case, do so at your own risk ⚠)
-Would lean back and 'feel like a king' getting his feet rubbed (once it's clear you're for sure not going to tickle him). 👑
-Taps and shakes his feet if he's sitting still for too long.
-Larger than average, narrow, greek shape, low arches.
-Used to be that kid that always walked around outside barefoot, but her current use of cosmetics and shaved legs suggests a beauty regimen that would keep her feet looking presentable. She periodically uses a pumice stone, regularly moisturizes, keeps her nails trimmed and occasionally uses nail polish (purple, black or clear).
-Wears supportive, cushioned athletic shoes, and thin, no-show socks, generally in solid colors, but may choose to forgo socks altogether.
-Usually smells like her moisturizer or has a pretty mild scent, unless its especially hot out 🌸
-Average ticklishness
-Could be convinced to have her feet rubbed if it was a mutual thing, or she was especially sore and really needed it.
-Will totally do mani-pendis with a friend! 💅✨️
-Average size, egyptian shape, average arches.
-Wears white and grey crew socks and sandals with shorts, so he has a noticeable tan line on his calves. He spends most of his time seated, so they're pretty soft, but the skin can be a little dry in patches.
-Generally keeps his nails tidy, though he can neglect them if he's become hyperfocused on a project, in which case Neil has to remind him to trim them after hes had enough of getting scratched while they're lying in bed togther. 🛌
-Not much of a scent, since the sandals let them breathe.
-Basically impervious to tickling thanks to his parents.
-Will accept the occasional foot rub from Neil, but is more likely to give them, and is pretty good at it, since he's learned a few techniques and pressure points over the years.
-Keeps his socks on most of the time (including during sex) unless it's very hot out. He's just more comfortable that way 🧦
-Smaller than average, square shape, low arches.
-Wears mid-crew socks in various colors, sneakers, and dress shoes. Average amount of callous.
-Trimmed nails and almost no scent (he has to shower every day), but that likely changed when he became more involved in behind-the-scenes cult work, and he became increasingly disheveled as he began neglecting his personal hygiene.
-Ticklish to the point of kicking (and will not hold back) 🤬
-Does not like having his feet touched at all (hes touch averse in general), and you probably could not convince him to give a foot rub to anyone under any circumstances without blackmailing him into it. ❌
-Always has socks on unless he's changing or bathing, even when he's sleeping.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
welp I’m obsessed now, have some more headcanons from my college au
Wow not just Empires this time? Crazy
So the DSMP- it’s funny because no one else really swears, so when one of them (particularly like Q or Tommy) swears they get like a hundred people going “LANGUAGE” and at least four of them flick them in the side of the head
A few of them show promise as far as building goes- Foolish and Sam are both pretty awesome STEAM people
Most of them still don’t know what they’re doing tho lmao
As previously mentioned, the dorm buildings are really funky but I want to talk about them more
So the ESMP (Empire Building) is gorgeous architecture and vaulted ceilings and mural walls done by students; very shmancy, as far as dorms go. And then all the rooms are very different styles- Joel and Pix share a room (bf things✨✨) and it’s an Ancient Greek style, Scott and Sausage have a very colorful place, Lizzie and fWhip’s room is full of plants, aquariums, terrariums, and as many other living things as possible, Katherine and Shelby have lots of witchy magic everywhere and it’s pink and green and purple and black, Gem and Jimmy’s place is an absolute mess of things, but it’s all perfectly organized and put together and Gem’s ceiling is a skylight. Ollie and Joey look right over the coast, but the dorm is mostly ship themed because Ollie pitches a tent on the beach most of the time
I… didn’t really want to talk about the other two I just wanted to do Empires XD
Well a lot could be said about everyone’s fashion sense, because here’s the thing: they’re college students
That means we’ve got some of them absolutely tryharding and the others too lazy to throw on much more than jeans, a partner’s shirt or hoodie, and the nearest pair of Converse
But our tryhards (Tango, I’m looking at you) are out here in full fits and sometimes makeup that they spent a good hour on that morning and like?? Who’s got that kind of energy??
But all of them have to try at least a little bit sometimes, because field projects are a thing and they can’t show up in their pajamas
Example number one: fWhip spends most of his time in a combination of Pix’s sweats, Joel’s hoodies, and Lizzie’s flannels. But when it’s time to climb down into a bigass cavern for three days, it’s a WHOLE other story
We’re talking cargo pants, hiking boots, Mojang Uni T-shirt, full climbing harnesses, and he’s tied the longer front part of his hair into a unicorn horn to keep it out of his face so you can see the freckles all over his cheeks and forehead. We’re not gonna talk about why his partners very suddenly had nosebleeds while waving him off on his trip have fun babe!!
Example two: Bdubs normally wears his fuzzy green bathrobe that looks like moss over a white T-shirt and black jeans, but on days where he was to present projects/ models/ builds, it’s a sweater over a collared shirt and a Uni cap that Etho ALWAYS has to steal just because it’s that tempting to mess with his poor short boyfriend
But ofc there’s always those ones (ahem DREAM) who just don’t put all that much effort in
Niki, Lizzie, Stress, Katherine, Gem, Hannah, and Shelby work at the campus coffee shop (their menu is infused with magic!)
You can order a latte with a shot of confidence if you’ve got a presentation
You can order extra hydration if you have a field trip and need to walk a lot and you don’t want to bring a water bottle
The campus wind sailing team that consists of Puffy, Joey, Ollie, Ren, and Keralis uses the bay for practice while the rest of everyone else has a beach day (it’s a crowded but lovely sight)
Truth or Dare at parties is a fucking nightmare are you kidding me
Do not challenge Dream to obstacle courses. The only one who’s ever beaten him is Grian
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
what shoes the side characters would wear
-> brothers version here
a/n: I swear I'll get back to making 'regular' fics soon, I just did the brothers and I couldn't sleep on the other characters. Again, like the last post, I might roast some shoes and if you like them, that is okay. Also these are just my opinions and headcanons. Please don't take it too seriously, this is just for fun
None of the images are mine, I put them together using an editing app
No content warnings
he mostly owns formal, classic shoes like loafers and oxfords
but shoes he wears in his free time and for fun? not so formal now
diavolo got some yeezys when he was in the human world because he thought they looked cool
he liked them so much that barbatos didn't have the heart to tell him they weren't cute when he was showing them off
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the same shoe in different colors so he can match them to his outfit
that's literally it
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simeon owns shoes that are on the edge of counting as house shoes, but he manages to pull them off really well
the toms are a classic, he likes footwear that is easy to get on and off
I know simeon owns these birkenstock slippers and makes it look good
I get the feeling that simeon is an uggs enjoyer, he owns multiple pairs, one actual inside slipper and one high-top sneaker/oxford looking one, and he's planning on expanding his collection
he loves them because they are soft on the inside
simeon also has multiple formal shoes like oxfords, but only wears them for special occasions
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simeon buys shoes for him like a real parent
so of course, he got him uggs, luke loves them
for more formal occasions, simeon got luke some chelsea boots because they look chique and are in general easier than the 'classic' men's dress shoe
he also has some sneakers because simeon saw on devilbook that they are trendy amoung the youth
luke will steal simeon's slip on shoes for when he needs to be outside briefly
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I have to admit, I think he has 0 style
he owns the king of dad sandals, change my mind
he will wear them with mismatched socks, as in different colors and patterns
he also has grandpa hiking boots, and he wears them with a suit
of course, why wouldn't he own crocs, he is that one person at the pool who wears crocs as anti-slip precaution
the crocs were the last straw for asmo and barbatos, they got him some vans slip ons, since those might actually appeal to solomon, they will feel embarassed when walking in public with their master in crocs, especially asmo
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
can i please request hannibal headcanons where hannibal and will (either together or separate, i don't mind) react to their s/o asking them to help decorate the house for the holidays?
Of course, I hope you like it! :) (I ramble about Will because I /love/ Will. Sorry lol) Also this is pretty brief, I've got so many Christmas themed writings to do x-x Hope it's okay though!
Hannibal | How they'd react to their S/O asking them to help decorate for the holidays
- Would be happy to decorate with you!...Although he'd be very particular about how things are done, at least if it's in his own house. Like, no, he won't stop you and correct what you're doing if he doesn't think it's nice (and will probably just smile lovingly because silly you *tuts*) but the next time you see all the stuff you did it's been slightly rearranged... :^)
- Makes something fancy for you to drink while you decorate together, and will probably have some classical music playing as well (imagine if it's snowing and he's wearing a sweater and *~*)
- Anytime he sees the decorations around his house he'll smile to himself at the sight of it. Happy to decorate with you at any holiday, and would love getting into other Christmas/holiday related activities too!
- Would love if you asked 🥺 Of course he wants to decorate with you??? (The second you ask he's like, hiking through the woods with an ax to find a tree, because why wouldn't he??)
- Will come home with a whole tree on his shoulder and a huge smile because he'd be so proud of himself and excited to decorate with you (Plz I want this for him ok imagine him in a flannel and jacket and gloves and snowy boots and he'd be so happy to be doing something so domestic with someone)
- Cozy crackling logs in the fireplace as you decorate together! All cute and awkward and trying to make you laugh 🥺 and smiling around at seeing his house all cozy and festive while all his dogs are piled around the fire and </3
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luimagines · 3 years
Hi! I have a request, but first i wanna say your writing is absolutely amazing! The length + amount of time you put into these prompts is insanely good. Now! Onto the request, how would the boys react to a reader from a more modern era? Maybe a more modernized hyrule or our current point in time?
Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm happy to see the response even if this blog is still relatively new.
I hope I do your prompt justice.
I probably could have done a headcanon list but I was hit with inspiration.
I also might have given Reader some backstory.
Scenario below the cut! It’s long, take caution.
It was a cool night, but you didn't mind. Your bed was warm, the WiFi was fast and even if it was three AM on a school night, you managed to keep yourself giggling with cat videos and blursed memes until the words and colors merged.
A night well spent.
But it led to questionable decisions.
Even if the shredded cheese in the fridge was beginning to seem a more and more enticing snack, your body was tempted to succumb to slumber.
Until a large purple light encompassed the entirety of your window.
Something was in your backyard.
Aliens. Your tired brain supplies and you sprint to the glass and push away the curtains. Is this it? Is this where I'm kidnapped and never seen or heard from again?
You pull out your phone and open up the camera.
"Pics or it didn't happen." You remind yourself and snap a few before showing your face.
What you see isn't what you're expecting. Instead of a flying saucer in the sky beaming down a laser or a weird pear shaped space craft on top of the grass, there's a single panel of glowing light, swirling with black accents that creeps in a circular motion.
"Cheese and crackers...." You gasp and begin to blatantly stare at it with no regard to whether something may be coming out of it.
You wait and nothing happens.
You wait some more and nothing happens.
You spend an hour watching this portal that has appeared out of nowhere, waiting for something to happen, willing for something to happen. But you get nothing.
The unknown stares right back at you, unblinking and unchanged.
Go through it. A voice tells you. What if there's something on the other side?
"I'm going to die." You gulp and take a deep breath.
Who else gets a chance like this? The voice talks again. This could be a grand step towards a more modern society. A whole new world could be on the other side, waiting, reaching out, calling to humanity!
You think you a see a shadow move behind the portal and out of sight but it’s gone before you can even process it.
"Should I call the police?" You step away from the window, ignoring the thoughts, the voice- you're too tired to know if it's your own any more. What's the plan? How does one go about something like this?
Where’s your sense of adventure? Pack a bag and go! What if it goes away?
That last thought seems to get through to your tired brain and for a reason beyond your understanding, it latches onto it.
Now you’re excited.
You run to the closet and take out your old backpack. It used to be for school but it was fancier since it was the only one you could get. The bag had a replaceable water bag with a plastic straw connected through the back of it and the straps have just worn down enough to where they’re actually comfortable. It doubled as a hiking backpack and came with its own insulated lunch box that clasped on the back of it.
It’ll finally serve its purpose.
You quickly roll up your favorite blanket and strap it in tightly beneath the lunch box. You’re quick to take out two extra outfits and pack them as well as change out of your pajamas.
Ok. What would you need? You don’t know where you’d be going so this has to a catch all kind of deal.
You pack away your swiss army knife first for good measure. A solar powered charger for your phone and an extra pair of socks follow suit even after you’ve picked out the extra clothes.
You take out the water bag and run to fill it all the way to max capacity as you think of any other necessities.
You’d need food. You have a small jar of peanut butter and granola bars that can fit in the lunch box. You can bring your extra water bottle and put in the side pockets of the backpack, and maybe bring some of those powered flavor packets your brother loves so much. You think he has lemonade and some green tea ones.
Those would be great. He won’t mind, hopefully.
You let the bag overfill momentarily before running back to shove it in your bag. with the lid screwed tight.
Next you run to the kitchen, grabbing the first things that you thought of already and begin to look around for more.
You grab an unopened pack of beef jerky, a bag of veggie sticks and a half eaten bag of dried mangos.
During your search you grab the water bottle and fill that too.
You return to your room with your bounty and begin to carefully put everything in the box. With some more deliberation, you run back to the kitchen and make yourself a quick sandwich, eat it, make another one and pack that as well.
You look out side the window and the portal is still there.
The sun is beginning to rise now so you’re trying to go as fast as you can, unless you want to neighbors to think something is going on.
Even if it is.
You’re about to leave but in a stroke of brilliance, you run to pack sunscreen and bug spray as well. You see a small first aid pack that was bought recently for when you would take your family vacation but you reason that it might one of the most important things you’d have if you got hurt.
Into the bag it goes.
You grab your hoodie before you leave the door, wrap it around your waist and pocket your phone, your headphones and your wallet.
You feel immediately under packed when you step outside and see the portal up close.
It’s weirdly triangle shaped, you think and step closer.
You reach your hand out and try to touch it. It feels as if you put your hand through a humidifier but it’s not wet. It’s misty and cold but not necessarily unpleasant.
An idea hits you right before you take your first step through.
You pull up one of the earlier photo’s you took and send it to your friend’s group chat. It showed up in my backyard. I decided to make a bad late night decision and I’m going through. If you never hear from me again, I want you all to fight over my electronics. Winner takes all. Godspeed.
And you step through.
You had first assumed that it would merely take you tot he other side but very quickly realize that you have to walk through it.
The first part still had a little light but with time, it got darker. So dark that you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face.
You kept walking.
As fast as the light disappeared, it came back and you stepped into the light of an open field, right in front of one, two, three, four, nine males that had appeared to be traveling towards you or rather, towards the portal.
The portal disappears in the process.
“Oh so we didn’t have to go through it! We had to gain another member!” One of them yells. “Would have been nice to know before we packed everything up!”
“Ho boy, where am I?” You ask and tighten your grip on your backpack. Why didn’t I bring a weapon?
They all had long tunics and swords on their backs. Old fashioned leather boots and hand bracers were the norm in this group and you realized very quickly that your jeans and t-shirt had wildly missed the memo.
“Dang, I didn’t think I’d walk into a LARP group. Sorry about that.” You sheepishly smile. “I had no idea where the portal was going to take me. But if you would be so kind-”
“Wait, what’s LARP?” One of them speaks up. He was a dirty blond and somewhere in the middle of the group height wise. He wore a white cape like thing with blue designs on the back but you didn’t recognize the symbol.
“Live Action Role Play?” You tilt your head. “It’s why you’re all dressed like that? Right?”
“This is just our clothes.” What appears to be the youngest bounces up to you. “What are you wearing?”
“First I could grab in my closet.” You admit and look down on it. It’s one of your comfiest shirts and best looking pants. You’re a little proud of yourself for finding those in the dark.
“We’re heroes. We’re all named Link.” Cape guy speaks up again. “Is it safe to assume that you’re in the same boat?”
“Heroes?” Your eyebrows furrow together. “I’m not a hero and my name’s not Link.”
You’re quick to tell them your name and you watch as the confusion covers their faces. “My brother’s name is Link though if that helps anything.”
“Oh we needed him!” The youngest groans and it instantly irks you.
“What would you need with a five year old?” You deadpan and cross your arms. 
The information stuns the group.
“The portal showed up in the middle of the night and I’m the one that went through it. I’m pretty sure I was the only awake to even see it. Are you telling me that it was for my little brother?” You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t a little pissed. “My baby brother was supposed to go through it? He was asleep! He’s five. What kind of logic is that?!”
“Well...” The biggest and oldest of them runs a hand over his face. You think he has some cool tattoos and sick scar going across his eye but he looks about as angry as you feel, so you don’t say anything. “It appears the gods truly do not care for the hero’s maturity, only his existence.”
“Ok...What’s with all this hero talk?” You bite back. “What did... Where am I?”
“Hyrule.” The second with cool face tattoos speaks up. He’s got a large fur pelt around his shoulders and you have to tighten your grip against your backpack again to keep from reaching out to touch it.
Even so you feel yourself deadpan even more. “Hyrule? Like the ancient empire? The one that collapsed more than two thousand years ago? That Hyrule?”
You’re inclined to not believe them and write all of them off as crazy... but you also walked through a portal. And your grandma did say that magic existed in the strangest forms.
They all share looks of concern and some begin to murmur quietly amongst themselves but you’re too far gone to even notice.
“Did I time travel?” The idea hits you like a bus and you feel your eyes widen as you stare beyond the group. You quickly take our your phone and unlock it.
No signal.
“Is that a type of Sheikah slate?” Someone asks you.
“I don’t know what that is.” You reply automatically. “Wait, hold on, what year is it?”
“Why don’t you tell us what year you’re from and we can start from there?” The darkest brunette of the group speaks up.
“202x PC” You say robotically, not really processing the world around you anymore.
“That’s...” The blond with a long blue scarf speaks up with a slight hiss. “...Beyond any of our timelines. You see, we all come from different worlds and eras of Hyrule’s history.”
“I don’t think you’re the farthest down anymore, Wild.”
“This would then make them my successor, right?”
“It would make their brother your successor.” Someone amends. “I think they just jumped in his place.”
“Leave my brother alone.” You snap back into the present, pocketing your [hone again. “Ok, you know what, screw it. I don’t know what you’d want my brother for but I’m here now. I’d gladly take his place if it means he gets to stay home!”
“Hey.” A boy with pink hair stalks up to you looking a little more serious than you’d like.
“Nice hair dude, way to defy the gender norms.” You smirk a little before genuinely grinning, hoping to quell the tension. “What product do you use? It looks like Artic Fox but not every place sells their brand.”
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about but what happened to Ganon in your world? How have you been handling it?” He snaps and places his hands on his hips.
“Ganon? Like my old principle? That’s a name I haven’t heard in forever.” You’re confused again. “Last I heard he joined the police force only to be reassigned out of state. I don’t know what’s happening with him. Kinda hope he gets fired though. He’s not a bad guy but he’s not someone you’d want in that kind of position of power, you know.”
“Police force?”
You blinked and look them all over. They look very medieval. “Oh... You don’t have that...”
You begin to think about your history lessons and what they might be familiar with if they’re telling the truth about being from Hyrule.
“Ya’ll got knights?”
Many, almost all of them nod, a few with face of despair already on them before you finish speaking.
“It’s kind of like that. Mixed with a towns guard position... kinda. They enforce laws... at least they’re supposed to but the whole system is flawed and racist and really needs to be dismantled for the abuse of power that they have-”
“Abuse? Of power?” You have their attention again.
“It’s stupid and it won’t really make any sense if I try to explain because I doubt you have anything similar but it’s basically a group of people given the right to treat the public in anyway they like for their own benefit because they have no one telling them that they can’t.” You groan and slowly begin to feel your lack of sleep catch up to you. 
You slowly reach to behind you and sit down on the dirt, looking at all of them. “Mr. Dragmire wasn’t like...Demise or anything but he was a huge jerk. No one liked him. He liked me though. I remember that. I was the envy of the whole school because I somehow got on his good side while everyone else wants to strangle him. I think he was transferred for some misdemeanor or something like that... like he might have been throwing hands with someone he wasn’t supposed to. I never heard all the details. I didn’t really care for it when it happened either. I’m pretty sure he lost that fight though. The dude looked like a blast of wind could have knocked him over let alone someone’s knuckle sandwich.”
“I would love to hear more about this.” The youngest sits next to you with a large grin on his face. His eyes are bright and his body language reminds you of your cousin Zelda. You instantly think they’d get along like a house on fire. “What are your monsters like?”
“Monsters?” You tilt your head. “Be a little more specific bud, it depends on where you’re from.”
“You have that many?!”
“It depends on if you believe they’re real or not.”
“Speaking of monsters, can you fight?” The shortest walks up to you. You like that his tunic is stitched up with multiple colors and designs. It gives it personality, you think. “Do you have a weapon you’re more comfortable with?”
The question throws you off your rhythm and you don’t fight your wince. “What would happen if I say that I do not, in fact, have any sort of weapon on me?”
“I wouldn’t believe you.” Pink guy speaks up again. “That pack is huge, there has to be something in there.”
“It’s food, water and extra clothes my guy.” You lean back against said backpack since it won’t let you lay down with it still on. “Not a lot of space for anything else. I’m pretty good at hand to hand combat though. Karate’s a good way to fight out stress.” 
“Your bag’s not magic?”
“Why the hell would it be magic? ...Are you trying to tell me magic actually exists?” You raise an eyebrow as your eyes begin to close against your will. “I know my grandma said it does but I thought she meant like fairies and shadow demons.. and bigfoot. Can’t forget him, he’s the real MVP... You know...Children’s bedtime stories and stuff like that, it’s not real. But like magic magic? Magic items and the like? Find me Tinkerbell and I’ll show you Neverland, that’s what I say.”
“Are you serious?”
“Second star to the right, straight on till morning.” You respond.
There’s a moment of silence as the group in front of you processes your words. It’s hard to tell their reaction since you’re not looking at them but you no longer have the energy to do anything else.
“Are you falling asleep right now?” It’s the one they called Wild.
“I...” You try to open your eyes. They don’t budge. “I haven’t slept in nearly 20 hours... I think. I might have past 24 hours a while ago actually. Portal showed up at like four in the morning... I had to get up at six and I didn’t sleep at all before then.”
More silence.
“Great another one.” Someone scoffs.
You snort.
“Why did we pack up camp again?”
“No one kill me.” You say right before you lose consciousness. “Please and thank you.”
“They’re doomed.”
“Have some faith Vet. They stepped in for their little brother. That has to mean something?”
“They’re in for a rude awakening, and that’s all I have to say about it.”
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levi-supreme · 3 years
A - Z Headcanons of Mike Zacharias
Characters: Mike Zacharias feat. cameo appearances by Erwin, Levi, and Hange
Genre: Modern!au with tiny references to the snk canon if you can see it
Warnings: Some suggestive content
A/N: Happy Miche Zacharias Week 2021! Here's a special piece in conjunction with @michezachariasweek for my very precious friend Joey @axoxtxhxh!! I had previously written one for Levi, so I hope everyone enjoys this version for Mike. Some of the headcanons can also be found here!
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A: Attention
Mike is very attentive towards things that he is interested in. Once he gets started, it is very hard for him to stop. However, when it comes to other mundane matters such as work, or chores, he finds himself getting distracted often, looking for breaks frequently.
During his years as a student, he would definitely be the student that sits at the back corner of the class, looking outside of the window, and occasionally even dozing off. However, if he gets called to answer questions, he is always able to do so.
B: Behaviour
Mike is sociable, friendly, and good at keeping up with conversations, however, he isn't really a chatterbox. He prefers to be the one listening and giving advice.
He is also very sensible and mature, acting as the voice of reason among his group of friends. He keeps calm even in stressful situations and is able to perform under pressure. However, he will have random occasional outbursts.
C: Career
As a people-person and a great listener, Mike would do well in jobs that revolve around close human interaction. He would do well as a counsellor, a social worker, or a translator.
Mike is also a sporty and active person, and he would enjoy working as a physical education teacher, a fitness instructor, or a swimming coach. He enjoys nurturing and teaching, and takes pride in sharing his knowledge with others.
D: Dating
Mike usually lets his lover plan their dates, but occasionally he would take the lead to plan dates too. Mike doesn't have a favourite dating spot or dating activity, he just follows whatever his lover planned.
Mike enjoys exploring new food joints and eateries, and also places where he can try new outdoor activities. If he found a new eatery, he would do extensive research about that place first, before telling his lover about it, and bringing them there for a lunch date.
E: Energy level
Mike is really easy-going, as such his mood is always calm and collected. He doesn't have random bursts of energy, but gets very excited when doing something he loves.
Mike has no preference for staying home, or going out. He enjoys the comfort of staying at home, and likewise loves going out to meet new people. However, if given the choice, he would prefer to be outdoors, basking under the sun.
F: Fashion
Mike would enjoy wearing plaid shirts, flannels, and long-sleeved jackets. His dressing is also very laid back and chill, choosing to wear loose-fitting shirts and trousers. He likes wearing sandals, boots, and loafers.
Mike also dresses really casually, and will coincidentally have a lot of green in his wardrobe. He does not have a fancy wardrobe, and has clothing that has been with him for many years. Mike would own a trenchcoat that he bought years ago, and it's his one and only favourite that he always wears.
G: Games
Mike would be a casual gamer, occasionally having game nights with Erwin and Levi. He would enjoy playing games like Counter Strike, DotA, Call of Duty, or Fortnite.
He also enjoys playing games like Outlast, Resident Evil, or The Last of Us. He is not fazed by jump scares, thrillers or suspense, but is fuelled by all these elements while playing.
On the other hand, Mike wound enjoy playing indie games like Minecraft, Stardew Alley, or Among Us when he needs to take a break from playing FPS games.
H: Hobbies
Mike loves the outdoors and nature! You can expect to find him waking up early on weekends to hike and catch the sunrise, go on fishing trips, camping trips, and road trips with his friends.
Also, I feel that Mike would enjoy doing puzzle games. Sudoku and crossword puzzles are just some of the things he enjoys. He enjoys playing trivia games too.
Lastly, Mike would enjoy doing hands-on activities, such as building his own things. He likes going to IKEA to buy furniture so that he can assemble his shelves and bookracks on his own. He would also enjoy reading up on cars and learning how to fix his own car. He also offers to do simple car maintenance for his close friends too.
I: Interior
I would imagine Mike's home to be very simple and comfy. His house doesn't have many things, just the necessary that every household needs. He doesn't have many decor items and keeps to the bare minimum. I would imagine Mike to have a few house plants as well.
His room would definitely be a little messy, but he still cleans his house regularly. Mike's room would have a large sofa bed, in front of his television, so that once he feels tired from playing games, he just lies down and can fall asleep.
J: Jealousy
In a relationship, I think Mike would be really easy-going, and he trusts his partner 100%. Therefore, he's not a jealous lover. However, he would be wary of those who want to get closer to his partner and will watch out for those who have other intentions.
He also isn't the type to do things to make his lover angry or jealous. If his lover dislikes him being around a certain colleague, he'll listen to them and avoid that colleague. If his lover wants to check his phone, he'll let them do it as well. Trust is extremely important to Mike, and he would never do anything that would break the trust his lover has for him.
K: Kinks
Mike has a size kink, and he cannot deny it. He loves the feeling of being taller and bigger-sized than his lover, and enjoys the feeling of towering over them with his height. It makes him have the urge to always want to protect his shorter and smaller lover.
On the contrary, Mike would also similarly get extremely aroused if his lover was the taller and bigger one. The tides have turned and he no longer is the 'bigger guy' anymore, and this excites him.
Mike also has a kink for handcuffs, blindfolds, and gags. He likes depriving his lover of their senses, and hearing them become a whiny mess, asking to be released from their restraints.
L: Love language
Mike shows love mainly with words of affirmation, followed closely by gifting. Next in line are quality time, acts of service, and lastly physical touch.
Mike isn't much of a talker, but he always cheers and supports his lover with his words: "That outfit looks amazing", "you're doing really good", "thank you, you're the best". Mike encourages and reassures his lover with his words and mean everything he says.
Mike also is the type to enjoy gifting his lover. He isn't the type to splurge, but the type to buy thoughtful gifts. He buys his lover flowers on random days or makes them a card during special occasions. He's also the type who enjoys making personalised gifts.
M: Marriage
Marriage life appeals to Mike, yet he is also fine without it. To Mike, being married is just a legal obligation, and with or without it, he still loves his lover the same.
If he were to propose, he would definitely get Erwin, Levi, and Hange to help him. Mike would probably end up doing something cheesy like arranging candles into a large heart shape, have a big banner saying 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?', and appear with no less than 99 roses in the bouquet. He would be really nervous, and Erwin had to write his 'proposal script' on placards.
N: Nicknames
Mike would love calling his lover any cute variants of their names, because it is unique. He loves calling his lover like that because it is special, and he loves seeing his lover become embarrassed whenever they hear Mike calling them that nickname.
Growing up, Mike was also on the receiving end of nicknames; probably 'nose', 'giant', or 'weirdo' to name a few. Mike doesn't mind people giving him nicknames, especially if they're his close friends.
O: Outbursts
Mike is usually mild-tempered, and keeps his cool. He's the type who tends to hold his anger, and releases them in short outbursts. He shouts a lot when he's angry, but once he cools down, he goes back to his usual self again.
Mike is generally a quiet person and doesn't talk too much, yet you know he's angry when he stays silent for too long. You also will know he's angry when he continually stares at someone, throwing daggers in their direction, but doesn't approach them.
P: Parenting style
Mike would be the dad who loves bonding and playing with his children. He allows them to get dirty; playing in the mud, catching bugs in the summer, rolling in piles of autumn leaves, digging for seashells at the beach.
Instead of scolding or punishing his children whenever they did something wrong, he would always talk to them and reason it out with them, making sure his children knows what they did wrong.
He'll be the fun dad who makes lame dad jokes to cheer his children up, and the thoughtful dad that all of his children's friends love.
Q: Quirks
Mike would wear earplugs and an eye mask to sleep because he prioritises sleep over everything. Sleeping is his favourite way to recharge, and he loves a good quality sleep.
Mike also enjoys listening to music, as such he spends quite a bit of money on audio equipment like speakers, amplifiers, and a sound bar for his TV.
He dislikes eating citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, or lemons because the acid stings his lips. However, if you offered him a glass of orange juice, Mike would accept it.
R: Romance
Mike isn't the most romantic guy out there, but he is definitely a very thoughtful lover. He is the type who remembers anniversaries and birthdays, so his lover never has to get angry over him forgetting special occasions. He enlists the help of Erwin and Levi to plan for special dates.
Mike also loves making his lover laugh, as such he loves doing things like singing them an exaggerated version of their favourite song by changing the lyrics, surprising them with a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere, or telling them corny jokes.
S: Sweets
Mike doesn't enjoy eating that many sweet treats because they give him a headache. However, he occasionally indulges in cakes, pies, tarts, and other baked goods. Some of his favourite desserts are fruit tarts, cream puffs, crepes, and a nice banana split.
He takes his coffee with just a pump or two of sugar. Mike loves tasting the robustness of the coffee beans, yet the bitterness irks him. His favourite type of coffee would be a latte.
T: Television
Mike's favourite genre of television would definitely be a comedy because he loves having a good laugh. <Brooklyn Nine-Nine> is his absolute favourite, with <How I Met Your Mother> being a close second.
Mike also enjoys watching animated sitcoms or cartoons like <Family Guy>, <Bob's Burgers> or even <Spongebob Squarepants>. He jokes that Levi is Squidward, Hange is Spongebob, he is Patrick, and Erwin is Mr Krabbs.
U: Unwind
Mike's favourite way of unwinding: SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP! His safe haven is his bed which is covered with comfortable quilts and multiple pillows. Mike recharges from sleeping and has to sleep eight hours a day.
Being a lover of nature, Mike also loves unwinding by being one with the outdoors. He'll go out for a run, go for a solo drive, or plan a hike. He always has his camping gear in his car boot, he's always ready for a trip.
V: Vacation
Mike's ideal travel destinations are places good for solo travelling, and lots of hiking; Taiwan, India, Spain, Greece, or New Zealand, just to name a few.
Although Mike dislikes the heat, he loves visiting countries that have a more tropical climate such as The Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, or Malaysia, just to name a few. Every year in April, you will definitely see Mike in Bangkok during Songkran, with Erwin, Levi, and Hange tagging along.
W: Weather
Mike loves the period where spring transitions into summer. It begins to get a little warmer, and the sun shines brighter. Although not a fan of the heat, Mike loves the sun.
Mike is also not a fan of the cold, as he can't spend his time outdoors since everywhere is covered in snow. He dislikes wearing multiple layers during winter, yet he loves playing in the snow. He loves having snowball fights with his friends and makes sure he hits them in the face all the time.
Kisses with Mike are always fun and unexpected. Mike would leave tiny kisses around his lover's neck, cheeks, the back of their hand, the crown of their head. Mike loves to nuzzle his face in his lover's hair, he finds their natural scent the most comforting scent in the entire world.
Mike also loves giving hugs. The hugs from him are always super tight, the kind that leaves you breathless, and makes you crave more. He loves hugging his lover, slowly swaying them both on the spot.
Y: Yearning
Mike would definitely be sad if his lover had to leave for a period of time. He'll be the clingy type of lover who will insist on sending you to wherever you need to go, and he'll remind you to always tell him where you're at.
Mike will also be the type of lover who would have video calls almost daily with his lover. "What are you doing?" "Nothing much, just thinking of you". Even though they may not talk much over the video call, having each other's presence is more than sufficient.
Z: Zodiac
Born on 1 November, Mike is a Scorpio. Scorpios are often misunderstood due to their stoic nature, yet underneath that stern exterior is a heart that is loyal, brave, and honest.
Scorpios are one of the most loyal friends and partners that anyone can ask for. Even during adversity, Scorpios are determined and will do all they can to achieve their goals.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Anniversary Event: Matchup for @katanaski
I match you with... Nanami Kento
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Kento & Ana
As a Cancer and Pisces couple, you harmonize very well. You can help Nanami let go of his rigid attitude and make him feel understood, and he can offer you stability and security in all aspects of life. The two of you share introverted personalities, but while you are more intuitive and spontaneous, Kento is very practical. He provides valuable advice and likes to take control in a caring and loving way. You give each other the loyalty and commitment you need.
I assign your ship the song Silence by Before You Exit
Everybody's looking for a love to start a riot, but every time I look in your eyes, the world gets quiet. I knew I was in love with you when we sat in silence
Some ship headcanons:
The two of you enjoy quiet evenings together. Staying at home, cuddling under a warm blanket while reading something or telling each other about your day, often accompanied by a drink. The hectic and loud world stays outside, and the two of you can recharge again.
You are Kento's safe haven. When he is with you, he can relax and embrace his softer side. It always feels like a little holiday to him to come home to you and kiss you hello, hug you against his chest and let himself get enveloped in your love and warmth.
To Nanami, home isn't a place but a person: You.
The two of you understand each other on a deep level. Both are on the quiet side, reveling in soft activities like reading books or watching the rain from inside your window. Or drinking coffee in a lovely little bakery while you hold hands on the table and watch the people on the street rush by.
The bakery dates are something you do regularly. Kento loves to discover new little bakeries and nice coffee shops all over the city and takes you there to try their coffee, cakes, and bread.
When you are out on your own and stumble upon a nice-looking bakery, you always go inside and buy something for your man, so he has a sweet surprise when he comes home. His face always lifts in a genuinely happy smile when he sees that you thought of him. It's so nice to see those worry lines on his handsome face soften in those moments.
Kento likes to take you on weekend trips to get away from the stress. Just the two of you and a beautiful scenery is all he needs. He feels so at ease when he can go hiking with you, enjoying nature and your loving and peaceful companionship.
On the hiking tours, Nanami looks so hot! Of course, you also find him sexy in his suits and the ties he's wearing for work, always looking so proper and handsome. But on your weekend trips, he has that relaxed aura, and it makes him glow somehow.
He looks so good in his shorts and the casual t-shirt, hiking boots, and a backpack on his broad back that pulls his shirt tightly across his chest, accentuating the movement of his toned pecs with every step. His blonde hair, usually gelled back for work, falls into his face, looking and feeling so soft.
He is such a gorgeous man. But when you tell him that, he waves it off and is like: "You are gorgeous, darling." But you can see the corners of his lips lift in a pleased, happy smile.
Kento is a very caring partner in every aspect of your relationship. He will take care of everyday responsibilities you might forget. And he will also take care of you financially if you let him.
Nanami holds you in his arms every night. No matter how late, he sometimes comes home from work. Even if you are already fast asleep, he will carefully lay down beside you and gently reach out to put a strong arm around you, knowing that it makes you feel safe and loved. And it gives him so much comfort too, to feel your warm body snuggled against his.
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I hope you like your matchup, Ana :) I think daddy Nanami would take such good care of you and be so gentle and loving!!
Thank you so much for your sweet message! I am so happy too that we are friends and grew closer! You are such a sweetheart! Love youuuu!!
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phoenix-reburned · 3 years
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An idea I had for a post good ending Connor, because there's no way he woke up and kept his android clothes. I put my reasoning under the cut because I wasn't sure how long it would be, plus not everyone wants to read that.
The biggest change is the trench coat. There are a few different reasons why I went with it specifically, the first being that it's similar enough to his cyberlife jacket yet different enough that he feels comfortable wearing it (I hardcore headcanon him as autistic, so I imagine that the jacket was a comfort item? I'm not sure of the exact term but my autistic brother has some clothes like that). I also believe that he would have taken inspiration for this whole outfit from various crime media, and since the trench coat is a pretty common choice for detective characters that he ended up using it. Hank probably loves it and might've even given him the idea in the first place, but you know he makes fun of it at every opportunity. Hank probably calls him Sherlock or something like that now.
The main issue with the cyberlife outfit was practicality, so I sought to make this somewhat similar while also having it actually be helpful out in the field. Instead of the nice dress pants and shoes, I gave him some jeans and boots. The boots are based upon my dad's hiking boots, I just felt like they fit Connor.
The shirt. I knew that I couldn't NOT give him a button up, but I didn't want it to stay white. White is a color associated with purity and perfection, and Connor no longer has to be perfect. He's not a machine. So I opted for the blue shirt because blue is definitely Connor's color.
I debated upon whether or not I'd give him a tie since he stopped wearing it at the end, however the tie just really fits him. I don't think he'd wear it all the time though, maybe just while in the office. I also like to think that part of the reason he'd keep the tie was because of the cop he saved on the roof during the opening chapter (the one with Daniel). He keeps it in case an emergency like that ever happens again, and to remind him of his humanity.
While I have seen people draw deviant Connor with Bryan's curlier hair, I just can't see him allowing his hair to become fully 'wild' like that. While I think he might eventually get to that point, he's still learning how to be human. I think that he'd allow his hair to be a little messier, but not fully unleash the curls yet.
And finally, the LED. I think it would take him much longer than most to remove his, think maybe a year at least. But eventually, he'd feel comfortable enough to get rid of it.
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