#but I think most people who cause The Issues also don't follow my tumblr so I'm going to trust you guys
crush3dmary · 8 months
I'm going to do a trial run and enable anon for the next 24 hours. Feel free to ask me anything, though hate and d*scourse will be ignored and blocked.
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problematicbyler · 7 months
an incomplete history of byler sexuality discourse
and how widespread fandom purity culture and homophobia created a flourishing nsfw sub-fandom
some may call me chronically online, but i call myself a fandom historian. i've been a member of some fandom or another since i was about thirteen, and i've always been interested in the rise and fall of fandom discourse. though it's annoying in the moment it's happening, i think it's very interesting and telling to look back at the overall arcs and trends.
so, let's talk about the many times the fandom has cancelled people over byler sexuality, and how each level of "hornygate" has contributed to the growth of the proship/byler smut community.
(i use the term proship in its intended definition, which is to say, not "problematic shipping," but rather being pro-fiction, anti-censorship, and anti-harassment; it is a position of believing the fiction one creates or consumes doesn't reflect a person's real life beliefs or morals.)
i have been a stranger things lover since season 1, a byler shipper since season 2, and an active part of the byler community on tumblr since season 4. i'll mostly be focusing on post-season 4 discourse because that's what i've really been most present for and that was the period that really marked a turning point in the fandom.
seasons 1-3
i wasn't as plugged into fandom discourse back in the day, but the broad strokes of early discourse was mostly thinly veiled homophobia. claiming that it was sexualization to assume will or mike could be queer despite blatant queer coding, implying that analysts were no better than will's bullies to assume his sexuality, etc etc. people were criticized for shipping byler at all because they were so young (but these people naturally had no issue with mileven, so, again, homophobia).
season 4 (may-july 2022)
now, season 4. this is where byler was brought to the attention of a lot more fans, and stranger things' viewership reached wider than ever. the byler fandom on tumblr booms from 4k to 100k over the course of season 4's release.
this brought a lot of new people who have never been in fandoms before, people who never learned don't like don't read or your kink is not my kink and that's okay or ship and let ship.
or, a lot of times, people who had only been in fandoms for celebrities and bands, which tend to have different rules when it comes to shipping and sex, because they're real people. hence a lot of young antis' conflation of character with their actors, but that's a different rant.
so with a rapidly growing fandom, a show ripe for analysis, and the art of media literacy bleeding out on the ground in front of us, the hellscape of the fandom post-season 4 in 2022 followed as such:
august 2022
jo/kendra gate where two extremely popular analysts were called out for "sexualizing" byler while being adults (early to mid 20s). they were dogpiled and harassed because one of them said that will was giving mike "bedroom eyes" (he was) and one of them said mike was checking will out (he was):
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pyshiie and moogate. the proship side of byler twitter rose up and started to divide itself. i'll credit my own joining-the-dark-side to pyshiie and moo, formerly barbjeanisms, who were two popular artists called out respectively for sexualizing byler and generally being proship. similarly, people were called out and criticized for even following or interacting with those accounts after this discourse.
september 2022
hosegate is the most famous across the byler fandom, and it's when some users proposed that the scene in the pizzeria uses phallic imagery to imply mike turns will on (or vice versa) and a lot of people thought that was too sexualized, it caused a divide, and more fanpolicing, etc.
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october 2022
the artist noodlesandtea was harassed for having liked arguably nsfw bakudeku art (they were shirtless, it wasn't explicit) on the same account where they draw characters who are minors. they also drew byler kissing, which was a problem for some? anyone who defended them was also called a pedo, naturally. noodles also got called out for having drawn fanart of the popular e-rated fanfiction....
the unmarked mixtape. a massively popular sequel to a massively popular fic, the red envelope. for a long time, those were the most widely recommended byler fics, but it very soon became taboo to even admit to reading them because the sequel has explicit sex and the first has them making out.
sonnet116 gate is another fic that was beloved and then rapidly turned on by byler twitter because it had implied, fade to black sex scenes. it was about them hooking up but had no smut. and even the non explicit idea of that was offensive and pedophilic of anyone who dared read it. around this time, another fic was called out for having will moaning into a kiss, because writing a teenager moaning was also offensive and pedophilic.
i'm told i (jana / troublebyler gate?) may have influenced a lot of people joining twitter for byler smut after writing illicit affairs and some other smutty oneshots in rapid succession, seeing a lot of byler shippers moving to the proship side of the fandom just to discuss and write byler smut. i also hosted a little fandom gossip column on my curiouscat where a lot of folks confessed to reading or writing smut while pretending to be "normal" in the "main" fandom. it basically revealed/implied that a large amount of popular authors, artists, and accounts were secretly pro byler smut, and that many proshippers were "undercover" in the "main" fandom.
the blocklist era. around this time the "main" fandom also created a "st twt safety" account on twitter which was basically targeted harassment and mass reporting of proshippers. the account does warn of some genuine bad actors sending gore images via dms, being racist, etc. but by far, the majority of it was simply calling out proshippers for sexualizing byler, sharing screenshots they thought were "gross," which only resulted in spreading nsfw content to unintended audiences of minors that likely never would have seen the nsfw accounts otherwise.
november 2022
practice kissing gate is where a handful of popular fic writers were criticized for writing practice kissing fics (such as undertow), and in fact, any amount of byler making out, because adults "fantasizing" about teenagers kissing was "gross."
the proship corner of st twitter continued to grow a lot thanks to so many lovely fan creators, all of whom i couldn't possibly list but who have done a lot for the community! but we continued to get bombarded with endless callout posts and block lists and witch hunting. people were unabashedly policing people's following lists and likes on twitter to call people out for engaging with any questionable users or content. (if you search byler twitter now you can still see the wreckage of so many witch hunts.)
onward through 2023
over time things have mostly calmed down, or at least enough of the folks on "opposing sides" of the fandom have mutually blocked each other to survive. this is likely also influenced by the hiatus leaving the fandom to quiet down, the collapse of twitter-turned-x having many users migrate their fandom content elsewhere, and the mass exodus of many people from the fandom for political reasons. if i had to guess, the ramp-up to season 5 will see all new conflict as more "casual" fans return to the fandom. but who's to say.
which brings us to now:
spicybylerpolls gate, wherein the byler tag on tumblr collectively had to reckon with the fact that people want byler to have sex and it doesn't make them creeps to vote in silly polls about it. people criticized the blog for being overly sexualized and pure fantasy versus more "acceptable" analysis, with many making sweeping moralizing statements about anyone who dared interact with the blog.
this has kicked off tumblr's own sort of horny revolution in encouraging folks to be more open on here, whereas previously we were confined to our corner of twitter.
so in summary:
people over and over again put fan creators on a pedestal just to turn on them when they're "betrayed" when a person's views did not one-to-one line up to theirs.
teens in the fandom especially were "betrayed" by adults in the fandom they thought were "safe" (and i would argue that self proclaimed "safe" adults in fandom are far more dangerous to real life minors than the proship fans who sexualize fictional characters but dont interact with real teens)
most everything has been fueled by widespread ageism at any fan over the age of 18, widespread homophobia and puritanism in regards to exploring queer sexuality or discussing sex at all
so much hate has been over what are essentially "thought crimes", with people watering down serious accusations like pedophilia into a petty insult over disagreements on fiction
and the cycle repeats itself endlessly until things devolve back into witch hunting and policing peoples following and likes etc
the best part to me is that every single cancellation just resulted in more people flooding to the horny side of the fandom to post more freely and without shame. every time a person on twitter posted screenshots of my account to say how "gross" it was (while simultaneously exposing my 18+ nsfw content to their audience of minors) i had a surge in followers. the more the fandom squeezes, the more people slip from its hold.
but that doesn't make the harassment campaigns okay, and it doesn't mean the fandom didn't do massive amounts of harm to real people in an attempt to protect fictional characters.
my hope going forward is that the fandom can coexist as a community where people don't have to like or agree with certain content to treat the people who create it with respect and dignity. and i hope that, while this side of the fandom might grow more on tumblr, we don't have to relive the same old discourses and go through the same cycles we went through on twitter.
and remember kids, the block button is both free and fun.
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lhazaar · 6 months
hey. i'm turning my chair around and sitting in it backwards now because i want to speak specifically to people with ocd. this is a targeted post and is not meant to apply to the userbase of this website at large or to serve as a policy decision.
hi. do you know what scrupulosity means? it is a strong, intense, often painful concern about morality or religion. it's very common for religious people with ocd, actually—the fear that you've sinned, that you will sin, that your thoughts themselves are sinful. you're afraid of being an evil person. every thought and feeling you have is scrutinized to exhaustion in case it's proof that you're evil. this also happens for non-religious people with ocd, it's just that ours will look different; it's often a preoccupation with social justice issues. you care a lot about being a good person, right! most people do. you want to be a good person, you want to be kind to others and to dismantle oppressive systems where you can. i'm making some assumptions here, but they're based on my specific audience base.
so, there's this thing that happens online, especially on tumblr and twitter—not because bluh bluh platforms bad, but because of the ways in which information is propagated on here. people used to tag for these posts sporadically but don't do so as much anymore. you know posts that exhort you, the reader, specifically, to take action? they tell you not to look away, not to bury your head in the sand. they tell you to give and to agitate and to donate time, money, resources.
those posts used to make me intensely, deeply anxious. i don't mean mild agitation, i mean life-ruining, day-occupying panic that seizes your entire body, and thoughts that don't leave your brain. guilt that paralzyes you because you, personally, cannot go kill the politicians responsible. you don't have enough money to do more than donate a few dollars, and sometimes you don't even have that. but because of where you live, because of the fact that you have internet access and you're literate enough to read these posts, you know that you have a level of privilege that most people never will. you're aware of that privilege because you're reasonably in-tune with social justice movements and you've probably spent some time dissecting your own privilege to examine your biases. (that's not a bad thing; i'm not here to condemn that. stay with me, if you can.)
there's a thing that can happen if you've lived with ocd like this for a long time where you become kind of incapable of telling what's addressed to you personally and what isn't. everything feels like a personal exhortation. you have trouble saying no, or knowing when you're overextended, because other people have it worse. how dare you enjoy relative comfort when people are being bombed or drowning in a climate change -induced flood or being crushed to death in a crowd panic. how dare you not be aware of it at all times, always, constantly. how dare you look away. don't look away.
i want to tell you about something i went through, if that's okay. a lot of people who follow me will already know this, but i haven't talked about this aspect of it very much publicly. in 2020, while visiting my partner in southern oregon, we had to evacuate from wildfires twice in under 24 hours. that was a really, really bad fire season, caused and perpetuated by a combination of global climate change and colonialization practices that destroyed traditional indigenous fire management strategies across the west coast of north america. fires stretched from bc to california. we wound up fleeing south, and then had to flee back north again, hemmed in on three sides. i flew back home to bc shortly afterwards, and i have this vivid, awful memory of seeing my home mountain range, the cascades, choked out with smoke from the window of an airplane. the woman in front of me sobbed the entire time until we touched down.
i remember thinking at that time that it was insane the entire world wasn't stopping. what i was experiencing was apocalyptic in scale—the fire we ran from the first time was part of a complex that chewed up entire towns. it wasn't the first fire season, nor the worst for the continent, nor the world. but all i could think in the moment was why aren't we doing anything, this is going to be all of us in a decade, why are people looking away.
if i had gone online and posted that, it would not have been morally wrong of me. there's no ascribing morality to a reaction like that. i mean, if i'd gone to someone who suffered in the years prior in australia or california and told them that ours was So Much Worse, that would have made me an asshole, but i didn't do that. i made some upset facebook posts targeted at the trump voters in my family, but i had no way to express at the time the sort of clawing panic of WHY AREN'T PEOPLE DOING ANYTHING??
the answer to that, which you probably know, is: what would they have done? we were sheltered by friends we evacuated with, but what power did a mutual in new york or wales or singapore have to affect a wildfire in oregon?
so, come back to the present day with me again, if you will. i said above that posts worded like this used to make me really, really anxious. in the span of time after the fire, i developed ptsd, and my ocd ruined my life. i took an extra year to graduate after i'd finished all my coursework because i could not send in the forms required. i was too busy spending 10-16 hours a day rearranging furniture in my room, or lying in bed, full-body tense, until it felt like my teeth would crack from the pressure. i'm medicated now. i'm grateful for it. i have more tolerance for these posts because i've been there. i know the op isn't doing anything wrong, because they're not wrong. why isn't the world stopping to look at a natural disaster, or a genocide? the world should not be like this.
you are not the world. you are someone with a brain that will torture you to death given the chance. you know how learning to reckon with your privileges, whatever they may be, requires you to not try and escape them? you need to be able to hold in your head that yes, you benefit from something that isn't fair; yes, other people should have that benefit, and that they don't is unjust. but you need to, for example, not try and weasel your way out of being white because you're uncomfortable with the guilt that it produces. you need to not go online and say well not ALL americans because you can't sit with the idea of being complicit in american imperialism. if you have ocd, you need to apply that to your own brain, too. you need to apply it to every post that you see. you need to know that people are not speaking directly to you, they are crying out in pain and fear. they are not doing anything wrong. they are scared and hurting.
they do not benefit from you taking on all the guilt of that fear and pain. i am not saying this to absolve you of the guilt. i am saying that you need to be able to exist with that level of guilt without allowing it to paralyze and destroy you. if you can't do that right now, i'm not here to cast judgement on you. blacklist phrases. i had "wildfire" blacklisted for a long time. i'm sure i missed aid posts because of it. the alternative was me being nonfunctional. for a long time, i had donation posts blacklisted across the board, because the way my ocd worked meant that i was neurologically incapable of knowing where my own limits were, and i would give money i did not have. if you need to do that, this is me giving you permission. doing this does not make you evil. it does not make you morally bankrupt. it makes you someone whose brain is trying to fucking kill them, and the world needs you to not let that happen.
this is not a post about how you're exempt from caring about the world if you're mentally ill, it's about how you cannot apply that care to anything useful if you're having massive panic spirals every other day about the guilt that you feel. your guilt should not rule your life. if it does, i say this kindly, but you very likely need medication. i'm sorry if you don't have access to that right now. you cannot think your way out of ocd. you cannot think your way into stopping neural activity. you cannot guilt your way into being a good person; you have to be able to exist with the guilt and not let it rule you in order to do that. nobody benefits from your brain trying to martyr you in the name of solving the world's suffering.
you need to be able to function, free of crushing and paralyzing guilt, before you can help anyone. you are not an effective ally like this just because your brain tells you that it's necessary.
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I tried so hard not to be parasocial about it but this letter thing is fucking me up, man. I've written a few overly flattering letters to evil government officials before myself. but how did someone convince all these reasonable-seeming people (strangers that I do not know) to publicly sign this centrist-ass letter? I understand they probably got Taika Waititi and Jack Black with the everyone can share, peace and love on the planet earth wording, but Jordan Peele? what. how did that happen. it makes no sense to me.
Ok I'm gonna front load my position on the Israel-Palestine conflict before I answer this ask so that no one can accuse me of shit I didn't say. If you want to see what I have to say on the letter itself, scroll to the big font. I'm as anti-zionist as they come I don't think that governments should even exist at all, I consider Israel to be an illegitimate state the same way I consider the country I live in (USA) to be an illegitimate state. I think that if we're going to have countries at all, which we shouldn't, that country should be Palestine and individual Jewish people certainly should be welcome to move there for whatever reason they want, including religious, but that the people who already lived there shouldn't be displaced because of it. And if they wanted me to support Israel on the basis of Jewish people needing somewhere to go after the Holocaust, they should have put Israel in Europe in 1945 instead of in the Arabian Peninsula in 1918. I tend to think the hard core zionists who aren't Jewish are trying to deport diaspora Jewish people somewhere based on the way I have heard other goyim speak about Israel. I am sympathetic to Jewish people who believe this has nuance but ultimately I cannot condone the displacement of Palestinians. That position might lose me followers but really I don't care.
Now that I have gotten that out of the way
(This first paragraph is for everyone who's out of the loop and has only seen the Tumblr posts about this issue, Anon does seem to know what I'm about to say) I do also think this whole thing with the letter is being blown out of proportion a little bit? That's not to say it's a good letter, it does contain language which blames Hamas for the conflict which is the western propaganda line so that countries like the United States and Britain don't have to admit that they caused and are funding this whole operation because they hate brown people. However celebrities are rubes who fall for government propaganda all the fucking time. What the letter itself actually calls for is Biden to facilitate the release of Israeli hostages. I consider this letter to be the vaguely Zionist equivalent of that time all those celebrities got on zoom and sang imagine because COVID was happening. I certainly doubt that the man who produced Get Out and Us supports the genocide and I also question whether the man who directed Reservation Dogs does either. Most likely they were asked "will you sign a letter calling for the release of Israeli hostages?" And they said "well releasing hostages sounds nice."
(this paragraph is for anon) Despite the fact that I think "these 70 celebrities condone Palestinian genocide" is incredibly reductive I would encourage you to see these people as human beings, and more specifically idiot millionaires who are out of touch. I believe that Taika Waititi understands the Maori struggle and generally tries to be a nice liberal but ultimately he is a man who grew up in the 80s with a lot of money who has an interest in keeping that money. His gaff transphobia tweets (which I didn't think were that bad considering he made it in 2013 and wasn't even talking about trans women, but they were still transphobic) and his pearl clutching during the BLM riots made this abundantly clear (both of these incidents are Taika Twitter originals that people have sent me trying to get me to hate him and I saw both of them and was like "that's what I thought you'd say old man"), and the fact that he married Rita "blackfish" Ora. I'm way less plugged in to what Jordan Peele is doing because I've never had an anon send me his call out post but I'm going to assume that the same thing is true of him: he understands the struggle of black people in the United States, despite this moment of basedness I probably politically disagree with him on many many counts. As for Jack Black he donates to autism speaks so he's coming for me and the Palestinians. Although that said so does Gaga and I'm still very much a fan of her.
I've basically had to come to terms with the fact that no celeb that I like the work of agrees with me about politics because all of them are rich and I am a communist. That's not going to stop me from liking their work, it's not going to stop me from bothering some of them at cons when I get the chance. Because again they're just guys. And most guys are idiots. I am an idiot about a lot of things. We don't expect Taika Waititi or Jordan Peele to know about every conflict in the world we expect them to make entertaining and perhaps insightful movies. I am not here because I think Taika agrees with me on all things. I am here because I want to watch a rom com about gay men who murder people, one of whom is just like me for real.
Anyway do your research
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spiralingnoodle · 8 months
Since we're on the train of not clogging the TMA tags with posts about The Magnus Protocol, let's also please stop tagging posts from your RP blogs with the character tags.
Reblog so this reaches more people in the fandom and those who may need to see it can see it.
If you do this, I don't hate you. But please let's be mindful.
I know you want your blogs to be noticed and to get interaction, but tagging every rp post with a main character/fandom tag only clogs said tags with RP posts. Not only that, but many use heavily edited fonts and that, I've been shown, breaks text-to-speech horribly. It makes disabled people's browsing of the tags very difficult because (as said by disabled friend) "every five post, I get a scrambled nonsense audio that takes like 3 minutes to read on the text-to-speech, let alone try to read it by myself with my poor eyesight to figure out if it's and actual fandom post, RP or what".
I hate making these posts because I feel like a bit of an asshole, like, I know most of you aren't doing that to cause trouble or to intentionally clog the tags, but it's difficult to browse non-RP posts when the tag is half-flooded with RP posts. Please stop doing this and remove the main tags from your previous posts (there are ways to mass delete a tag, I think it's ab X-kit thing!).
I've spoken to other people who are also noticing this issue and as a former roleplayer I felt I should speak up.
(Also, please if you know someone who does this, do not send hate to them. This is not a post to incite that. This is just me sharing tumblr RP etiquette from back in the day when I used to RP here in several fandoms. Do tell them, politely, but do not harass or be disrespectful)
Tumblr has no algorithm, and yet half of the posts from character tags I follow are from RP blogs even though I don't follow any nor have liked/reblogged their posts. How? Because these blogs tag their asks, their starters, their IC posts WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER TAGS AND THE MAIN FANDOM TAGS.
As a former tumblr RPer, I'm asking you not to do this. Instead I bring you a suggestion. What can you do instead of tagging your RP posts?
Make a promo post.
Yes! A promotional post of your blog with all the info, you can even add an edit (but please ask for permission if you use someone's art and credit them). Kind of an intro to your blog so people know "ah, I might like following this person's RP" or "cool! I'd like to RP with them!". I did this a lot and it helped enormously! And yes, you may tag these with the main character/fandom tag, but they're ONE post. They won't clog the tags like tagging every single one of your RP/asks.
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smalltestaccount · 4 months
okay i think ive come to the conclusion that i dont really fit in with most other trans women, like personality wise, and thats okay. Like i think recently a lot of trans women, not just on tumblr, have been making me think i have to be kinky and bizarre or something, be blasé about transitioning or gender roles, or even just like be okay with some borderline harassing behavior. Its okay if that is you (except the harassing behavior some of yall need to work on that), but like thats not really me. Acting this way just makes me feel bad. Just ignoring that Im a total straightedge, that im like a 1 on the Kinsey scale now. Ever since i was like 11 my biggest desire is just like being a normal cis girl. I always am happiest embracing basic American femininity, and i only just re-realized this after after it helped me get out of a depressive episode (along with antidepressants and an increased estrogen dose). I don't care if im "enforcing gender roles", because i fucking love female gender roles (in modern American culture) cause they make me feel like not-a-piece-of-shit. Also i don't strictly adhere to many anyways. And i just don't think terfs would have any issues with cis girls who love the color pink, flowers, being boy crazy, and dreaming about being a mother. So like why should I feel like its wrong to like that stuff? I don't think there is anything wrong with it. And you know if you don't have that relationship with gender that is fine, you need to do what makes you happy, that's why feminism exists. I'm just saying I don't want to pretend like my personality is something that really just makes me uncomfortable.
I dont like when people here imply being a trans woman entails being sexual cause like i just want to be normal and that stereotype is harmful, especially to transgender children who are really likley to be targeted for some kind of sexual abuse because theyre trans and being trans is already sexualized more than it needs to be. Adults can navigate that to some extent, but not kids; I couldnt really navigate that when i started transitioning in middle school and im lucky it only stayed online. Trying to even somewhat fit in with tumblrs idea of trans women has made me encounter tranny porn on my dash and whenever i post images of myself I'm followed by gross accounts that just reblog that stuff . A lot of trans women don't hate it, because sex work is very much as part of the trans community. But honestly, seeing trans women be treated in those ways just makes me feel bad for the actresses and sick about myself and very dysphoric.
Im not saying that you cant express kinkiness and hyper-sexuality, because I dont want to dictate how you act any more than i want you to be dictated on how I act. But I also want to encourage thoughfulness in what you say. Saying you, yourself, is kinky and weird, is not that same as saying trans *girls* are kinky and weird. In the same way I'm not going to reblog tradwife content, I don't think its productive to make an "all tgirls be kinky" post. You shouldn't try to paint that image of other trans women.
As its the first day of june I'll just tie it up by saying that not all trans people fit into one personality and if you want to show support its best not to suggest trans women all act a certain way, and please don't think talking about "gock" is a good way to show support. This isn't a "kink at pride" discourse post in the very slightest cause I don't, and never have, given any shits about that, cause I've never been to pride. This is just me talking about how I fit into the trans community.
Im Alexa and I'm going to reblog and post shit i like, not what other people like or expect. That Includes not doing tummy tuesday cause i really only briefly did it out of fomo and peer pressure. And please don't say things about me that you wouldnt say about other women
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astrofiree · 23 days
Somethings Need to Change
I wasn't going to get my hands involved in this. I initially skilled through harkre's post yesterday and thought nothing of it. Until someone brought it to my attention because there was fighting in the comments. Now while I would like to slug it out in the replies. However...that gets messy. So instead I'm going to put everyone's replies into a reblog and credit them. Cause that's what you're supposed to do when there's drama on tumblr. Make it easier on people to read and know what the fuck is going on. Which will be below the cut.
@dutifullylamps: Summary: A bunch of things that hurt my feelings and I didn’t like so now I’m trying to cause other people to not like this person because I still have a middle school mentality and I’m bitter.
So for those who aren't aware, Harkre's whole post was about how he was signaled out and believed to be a godmodder. I've gone through similar things myself all because for whatever stupid reason people do not know how to communicate on WoW when it comes to rp. Despite it being a major unspoken rule in roleplay in general. Something that's followed on forums, on tumblr, and other mediums. Why it's not enforced on WoW is stupid.
Now when you bring it up, you're treated like shit who have never gotten out of that Mean Girl high school mentality like dutifullylamps has demonstrated. So here let me be helpful and show at least some guides to roleplay since the community seems to neglect that part. These will emphasize on communication.
I would like to point out that ironically one of the ways we learn how to communicate effectively is by pretending we're doing a role and we can talk out what we're going to do, which is different from rp. So why rpers can't communicate is kind of ironic when you think about it in adult type scenarios. Something I was skimming over trying to find the sites above.
Except people will try to say "but it ruins the story. It makes it seem too ooc." My brother in christ you do not work for Blizzard. Who the fuck cares? I don't want you to hit my character without my permission. Though to argue I feel bad for Harkre cause Residiuum events are always clusterfucks. I try not to get involved because they are. Usually someone pre-determines what my character is doing. Sometimes people whisper me what I want to do when I'm the middle of writing my response.
Another thing I don't get with Moon Guard is the need for someone coming forward with clear issues with someone else. The communication line has been dropped or there is none because again...for whatever fucking reason, people on Moon Guard or well....WoW in general never learned how to properly communicate or even roleplay. Which is honestly mind boggling to me as someone who has rped on forums, and tumblr for many many years. I learned how to roleplay. I learned how to communicate. I come to Moon Guard and what I knew about rp was eviscerated. But anyway the thing that ultimately annoys me aside from the lack of proper communication is that people will attack the clear victim, gang up on them, and then support the abuser. And it's always the enablers of narcissists. Why is that?
Then again I that's also a tumblr issue as well. It's happened in other fandoms on tumblr so I shouldn't be surprised. Our reaction shouldn't be "oh I'm sorry that happened." We should be angrier about it and demand more action. We are all in a community and it's up to us to make this community better. One where victims are properly heard and the narcissists gets kicked out and running for the hills and not the other way around.
@onetimeblog: Instead of sending every single residuum member screenshots and claiming how I "stole" your idea for a minecraft server (really?) and thrashing and kicking and just making yourself look even worse?
And now for the moment we've been waiting for. I'm going to break this section by section because oddly, Niklos decided to put this in the replies one at a time and not a reblog. But even then I'd still break it down.
Anyway, the thing is Harkre probably couldn't hold it in any longer because he kept seeing you get away with shit constantly. Usually what happens when you're abused by a narcissist so long. You hold it in, think you're the problem. You try to do things one way, which is the right way. However, that doesn't work. And trying to ignore the problem doesn't work.
You constantly see your abuser handling things normally. While you have to duck out of places because they somehow manipulated everyone around you to make it seem like you're the problem. I wonder if this sounds familiar Niklos cause it's something that you have been doing for years. There's evidence of it. You can only sweet talk your way out of a paper bag for so long. And DARVO only goes for so long. After awhile you finally have the courage to speak up about it.
Problem is you got caught again. Though this time you don't get to talk your way out of it.
When you know damn well Agonyn doesn't listen to anyone. He kicks who he pleases and nobody can say persuade him to, or not to, otherwise. You were kicked out of Midnight Repose because according to THEM, you ran into their voice chat and started yelling loudly and when told to stop, you didn't. I know now, the one that I thought was your friend, was actually you on a second account. And I also know that you have been the one -
I'm going to point out I don't know what point leads to where since reading through the replies is a pain in the ass. So forgive me if this looks wonky.
I honestly doubt that. I seem to remember Brady saying that he was blacklisted from every other guild because of your shit. Honestly another deflection. "Oh they can do what they want." That and the "you have no friends, it's just on another account." Is some serious bullshit. You don't know anything. You're just trying to make someone be your scapegoat.
Find some new material. You suck at this.
when I was AFKing in the cemetery and I got your PM bomb and a link out of nowhere about Tyragonfal and I had to pan my camera around to see Tyragonfal walk by, so far away I couldn't even cast on her. WTF? And now I know - you were stealthing after her, on your lv20 trial, while on your paid account you were PMing everyone she walked by as far as your camera can see, in the same way you did to me for weeks. To a point where you pissed enough randoms off you got -
Tyragonfal doesn't have many people who like her. For all you know it could have been some random that has the same information.
This information that your buddy is a notorious sex pest. Yeah. I too have the dark knowledge of knowing that and I received it from someone else. I can't remember who linked me it. I know for a fact it wasn't Harkre. But Tyragonfal has other people that don't like her and would try to track her down and do the one thing most trials do in Stormwind...and no it's not look for erp.
Inform the public that there is a piece of crap in our midst and maybe they will stop playing the game. But sure let's turn Harkre into the scapegoat cause he's the ONLY person outside of Brady to actually say something against you.
So like… don't blame me. Nobody pushed you out, you pushed yourself out. The people reporting to Agonyn? Not me - it's all the people that fought your toon while your wore the Residuum tag only to see you log out after hours of emote combat - of which I wasn't even involved in. I just was told. And when a player told you that they don't want to RP with you anymore? You told him "You are involved whether you like it or not." And now you are hyper fixating on me.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. You're one of the principal people organizing the Residuum events and you're always the stare of every single show. There is NEVER a Residuum event where you're not there. Either as the main star or the supporting actor. Never the extra.
Residuum has to do things exactly as you planned it. For example after the week long attack you had Residuum people at the funeral vigil thing as candles. I thought it was weird when a guildie at the time had to take part in it. Even weirder that they were there again as floating candles. I thought nothing of it.
But it's plainly obvious that you control everything. Much like how you control the Cathedral. Ever thought it's odd on how there's no one else that does their own thing in the Cathedral. Everyone has to tow your line. Gee....I wonder why that is? Maybe because you're a control freak.
I wouldn't put it past you to whisper to Agonyn and tell him to kick Harkre or even complain. You did it with Brady. You did it with the Divine Inquisition. That's your thing and even Irwin said it best. You act as thought the Cathedral is yours. Except it's not yours. It never was.
reported and suspended. So like.. harkre? Find a better hobby at this point. Everything you claim, I have receipts on. And now you just openly outed yourself as the level 1 troll that's been harassing me on two accounts - and I know you have a third account you are happily RPing on as well. Because you just don't hide yourself that well. Why don't you focus on that third, unblemished, untouched character and just enjoy RP -
Oh, bullshit. You have jackshit. You have ZERO receipts. If you did you would have posted them already. That's the thing with narcissists like yourself, Niklos, you talk a lot of hot fucking air. A lot. You bullshit more than a politician. But when it comes down to it, you won't produce shit.
And the best part of it is....there's evidence of you constantly bullshitting.
Even your so called post about Brady's accusations, you came up with no screenshots. No fucking evidence. Give it up, Niklos. You should be the one who should play a different game. You should be the one making a new unblemished character. Maybe start anew on Wyrmrest. You'd be great at it. Best part about it is...
There's no one there that you can abuse. Hell you can move your whole guild there.
Let This Be a Message To ALL Community Leaders:
Your role in a community is to not treat everyone like they're your Barbie.
Your role is to facilitate roleplay in a concise manner that makes it fun for everyone. It is not meant for narcissists.
If you cannot fulfill this role, then maybe it's High fucking time for you to step the fuck down.
I'm sick and fucking tired of narcissists getting away with shit. Getting away with treating people like shit for simply saying no. For standing up for themselves after being doormats.
Moon Guard needs to fucking change and for the better.
Edit: Thanks to @certifiedooc for pulling up the related posts. I added it for clarity.
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beomsl · 3 months
i know this is nobody's business and probably no one even cares in the first place, but i just wanted to use this space to rant a bit cause i need to get it off my chest.
i've been dealing with a lot lately. simple things like college, job, brother issues, friends issues too, money; but also more serious matters like health and loss. my cousin has been sick for a couple of weeks and recently he passed away, which was completely heartbreaking to everyone cause he was my age and it looked like he was just getting better. i'm destroyed, i'm really struggling and on top of that my birthday was just a few days ago and i felt so down. i feel lonely. thankfully i have a beautiful family, but still, i feel very left out, unwanted, unappreciated, unsupported, just so so lonely. i don't even feel well when i come here anymore, and i don't think it's a time where i should be adding more negativity into my life.
this being said, i think i'm going to take an undefined time away from tumblr. i don't want to go back to old habits to suppress my anxiety, and lately anxious is the only way i've been feeling when i open this app. all social media actually, but this one is the one i'm most attached to and people who's been following me for some years now know that cause i always end up coming back, so it really hurts me how sick this place makes me lately :( i won't deactivate cause i don't want to lose the good memories i made here, but honestly, i really would.
sorry for the ranting. i know this is too personal, but i just needed to let it out and after all, this is my blog. thank you to the mutuals that have been nice to me from the start, when i first made this silly blog :') i really love you and you'll be on my heart forever. hopefully, i'll come back later. if not, thank you for all the special moments <3 take care!
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ratwars · 2 months
Housekeeping. Long af, but important if you give a shit about my tagging system or actively use it to filter or regularly search my blog.
When I first started this blog I didn't know wtf I was doing or how to use tumblr. However as someone who loves making things searchable and sortable I quickly fell in love with the tagging system, and started extensively using organizational tags. I quickly settled on a consistent system I have been using ever since.
I used to never talk on here either but eventually decided to do that more but when my follower count was lower (which I miss tbh) it was super obvious when ppl would unfollow me, which tended to happen after personal posting. So I created a -pers tag so ppl could shut me up but still get 24 hr reblogs. Because I did have a queue going for the better part of those 2 years.
My queue ended a couple times in the past 6 months and I haven't had the time or energy to put it back together again. I miss having it. I also have less time and energy to deal with my own tagging system causing me to do most of my reblogs in 2 parts. Drafting things when I see them. Tagging and posting them later sometimes weeks later as my drafts build up. I have been even worse about leaving compliments and comments in tags as well because of this. I am tired and busy but I miss it.
In order to combat my issues and take the burden off of myself that I put on myself, and allow me to hopefully do more of what I enjoy while still sharing lots of rbs with yall, I am doing the following:
I will no longer be consistently tagging individual bsd characters except for a few. Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, and Dazai (because I regularly search them on my own blog). And possibly characters who it is more of a rare treat to rb fanart of them, like Higuchi and Mori. I will no longer be tagging bsd posts that have other bsd tags in them as bsd separately (so the common "bsd fyodor, bsd fanart, bsd, would become bsd fyodor, bsd fanart.)
I will still tag new chapters on chapter release days and the day after, as well as continue to use the bsd spoilers tag for even longer.
For other series that are not bsd, I will only tag the series and no longer tag characters or use a fanart tag separately, with the exception of the dialovers Carla and Yui Komori tags.
I will no longer tag nature.
I will no longer tag quotes.
I will only use the "art" tag for non fandom related art, I will no longer use the illustration (or illlustration) tags.
I will use weirdcore or dreamcore tags but not both on the same post. It is important to me that ppl can still filter these out.
I will use -pers and -vent still, but with absolutely zero further promises that I will tag my own talking consistently. I will still put long or (things that I think would be) super upsetting under cuts like I have in the past. I will probably still delete things regularly.
I will no longer tag me reblogging my own posts as self rb.
I will keep my -whump on main tag, so ppl can filter that still. I will still tag cw eyestrain and cw flashing for accessibility. I will still tag blood and gore if it is intense and I post it here instead of my sideblog but I do not promise consistency.
I will still use my ask and tunes tags, and if I do special queues (like the friday fyo queue) I will tag those. I do plan on using my old queue tag as well or making a new one.
If I have gotten rid of anything that you actively filter please feel free to unfollow me even if we are mutuals. I also don't find it weird for people to visit my blog and interact with me without following me, so if you do feel you need to unfollow me but still want to search your blorbos on my blog, send me asks, or talk in my tags and replies, please do so and of course reblog and spam reblog from me to your heart's content. If you want to unfollow me and we have ever talked in dms before my dms are still open to you then as well. It doesn't bother me at all. This isn't so much of a new thing either in regards to my feelings about that, just a clarification I thought I should explicitly point out rn given the fact more of you might want to bail if you can't hide my bird posting for instance.
I might change or drop any of this if I feel like it. I enjoy being consistent, but I don't like feeling bound to it. And I realized I was which made me want to abandon my blog and start over without the imagined expectations. Instead I am trying this.
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I've been reading your metas. While I do agree with some of your points there is one thing I can't help but strongly disagree on. I think Halsin enjoyers are aware of Halsin's faults, his trauma, his struggles. We don't all think he's "a healthy partner devoid of problems" but I believe in my opinion, that Halsin has the potential to heal, to do better, and maybe this commune can help him and help others, not fully per se but help heal in some way. It's not going to be smooth sailing, there will be bumps along the way, Halsin does need support, there's no denying that. I don't think Halsin enjoyers are naïve to that, we just want to see him happy as well. But reading these metas feels like... there is no hope for Halsin, the children in his care are doomed and I don't think that's the case. It won't be easy but not hopeless, it won't be perfect, there is still room to grow and learn (though I am following a more tav mindset than a dark urge mindset)
Thank you for reading my metas!
It's embarrassing but English isn't my first language, therefore I might not be as clear as I thought.
This said, I've mentioned many times my headcanons are my own. I don't believe Halsin's dream will explode in a great ball of fire but it'll most certainly not be as happy and lighthearted as it is in game. There will be consequences and not all of them will be positive.
Reading your comment, I fail to comprehend the issue.
Isn't it obvious there is no correct way to interpret Halsin's actions? Isn't it evident our perception and understanding are heavily influenced by our own life experiences, our knowledge, our fields of study, work, mental health, etc? Everything I write is inherently subjective.
From my point of view, when you read my metas, it's crystal clear I have a colossal obsession with fatherhood, unhealthy coping mechanisms or even avoidance regarding mental health, and the pain they cause to oneself and loved ones. I relate so intensely to Halsin, thus I'm extremely critical of his choices. You prefer to focus on him partly healing thanks to nine wagons of children. To each their own. I relate to him because his hurt hurts others unintentionally and I want to talk about this.
I also have every right to voice my thoughts, to be upset for dumb reasons and to share my questionable opinions. I haven't done any proper case study of the Halsin-centric fandom. Nevertheless, it's hypocritical to pretend the fandom isn't overwhelmingly focused on a positive analysis of Halsin and his ending, hence your reaction. It's just how fandoms work. Some opinions are overly represented, therefore an echo chamber is created and maintained. It's also very human to yearn for a comforting character who does good, tries his best and succeeds. I find comfort in a character who is hurting, hurts others and, paradoxically, is so very selfless, good-hearted and caring. I'm not saying Halsin is abusive or so foolish he'll doom the world. I've not claimed Halsin won't learn to live with his trauma, won't be happy or won't help people. The commune seems filled with traumatized adults and kids, Halsin is no therapist. Good intentions don't magically lead to solely good outcomes. Some may be fantastic. A few neutral. Others damaging. It's life.
Every content created is not made for you specifically either. If my posts are unpleasant, and I'm aware they can be, please spare yourself and block me.
Last but not least, I am a Halsin enjoyer. He's my favorite character. My tumblr is about Halsin and my Durge. They'll have their well deserved happily ever after. I simply imagine more heartache and pain than you do.
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ikamigami · 5 months
Idk if it'll mean anything coming from me, especially since I'm anonymously sending this, but I followed your blog for a while and I noticed recently that your mental health has begun to spiral the more you interact with the TSAMS fandom.
You might get mad or feel attacked, but I'm saying this out of concern, even if I'm a fellow internet stranger. I see you taking criticisms other people have for the show and interpreting it as a personal attack against you. Yes, this show is important, especially to you, it seems. I know what it feels like to be attached to a character you deeply connect with and get frustrated when their issues are overlooked or not treated seriously. But at the end of the day, it is a show.
I'm not your parent, so it's not like I can control what you do, but the tsams-confessions blog only seems to make you even more upset. I think you should take a step back from everything, block that blog for your own mental health, and allow yourself a moment to breathe. I'm not saying to stop watching tsams, but maybe unfollow the tags on tumblr (I know I had to for my own sake lol) and just enjoy the show alone and with your friends. That's my suggestion
Again, I am sending this out of concern. It doesn't seem like you're enjoying the show anymore, it's only causing you increase distress, especially the more you interact with the fandom. I hope if you do take my advice, you'll be able to return to the fandom space if you wish to do so after some time with a clearer head and be able to enjoy things again. I know you struggle a lot with mental health, and it's likely you don't see what is happening to you.
Take care of yourself. I don't know you, you're just words on my screen, but I still worry for you and hope to see you happy <3
Thank you so much for this beautiful message, dear anon 💗
You're absolutely right that I should distance myself from sams fandom. It helped a lot when I distanced myself from mha (my hero academia) fandom.
I'm taking others' criticism as personal attack mainly because of my paranoia. Whenever someone is saying something negative and it's related to something I was talking about I catch myself on immediately relating this to myself. That people are talking badly about me. I know that it's not the case every time.. but it's hard to not think like that when I see people saying something related to topic about Sun being suicidal.. Topic that I'm mainly talking about..
I just wanted to share my experiences alongside talking about show. I thought that people wouldn't have problem with that. But it turned out that they do.
The thing is that I'm blocked by tsams confessions blog. I'm getting the feedback from one of my friends. They're sharing what is upsetting them.
Which also makes me upset and on top of that there's also the fact that there are others who relate to Sun and his mental issues and they are the ones who are sending anonymous confessions pouring their hearts there saying their frustrations about the fact that others dimiss Sun's problems..
Someone even said that they were also ignored the same way Sun was.. and seeing later that people say that we want Sun to suffer to prove ourselves to be right is awful..
I was talking to one of my friends @magrigano ... They're deactivated now.. They are most definitely depressed themselves.. They often expressed how much they're upset about people not seeing that Sun is depressed.. They also relate to Sun a lot..
I'm worried about them because they deactivated and I don't have any contact with them beside Tumblr..
I'm scared that they took what people are saying to their heart..
I hope that they're fine but it concerns me that they deactivated..
If you or anyone else know @magrigano please check what's happening with them..
They often liked my posts and commented on them.. I think that they felt understood..
I know that this is just a show.. but fans are real people and this fandom treats people who are concerned about Sun (because they relate to Sun and his mental issues) awfully..
They don't seem to realize or maybe they just don't care that they words are hurting real people..
For me these people seem as if they want to be right. They want their headcanons to turn out to be true.
That anon I was talking about last time for example said that just because we're worried about Sun it means that we wishes him to be harmed to prove ourselves right and it's yikes.. but that's not true.. these words are very harmful because this is just assumption made by a stranger.. this person doesn't even know any of us and yet they don't seem to have a problem with making things up..
When it really isn't about who is right or wrong or what is canon and what isn't..
It's about letting others be. Why people can't let others relate to Sun and be worried about him?
I think that people like that anon likes to always be right. They think that they're superior than others. I'm making assumptions now, I know. But this is exactly how this anon comes across with what they're saying.
Because at the end of the day it's more than just angst and headcanons etc. Because people who relate to Sun and his mental issues are real. People who are worried about Sun are real.
Maybe my posts were only fuelling everything more.. but like I said I'm not the one who is sending those confessions about Sun - those ones who seem concerned about him and being upset with how fandom treats Sun's fans..
And it makes me worried.. because it's not only me.. if it was just me I wouldn't be that much upset.. but now one of my friends deactivated and I don't know what's happening with them..
I'm appreciate your concern and kind words, dear anon 💗
I just wish that this fandom wouldn't attack people who struggle with mental issues just because they want to be right.
Also it's important to note that not every person deals with mental issues the same way because everyone is different and also there are a lot more mental issues/disorders beside the more popular one. Let's take depression for example.
People think that when you're depressed it's obvious because you look sad and you sit in dark room and cry a lot.. but that's not true. Many people have atypical depression or they have high functioning depression.
People should learn more about mental health to not harm others with what they say.. or they should just simply not talk about mental health if they don't want to learn more about it..
It's not that people only ignore Sun's mental issues.. because with how they words things it comes off that they're dismissive of mental issues of real people who relate to Sun.. with how they say things carelessly, they hurt real people..
That's why I'm worried. It's not only about me. More people say that they relate to Sun and it hurts them as well..
I just wanted to be a voice for them.. I wanted to help for our struggles to not be ignored..
I think that it'd be enough if people just let us be. If they let us be concerned about Sun. If they let us relate to Sun.
But some people are just awfully mean and don't care if they hurt someone because they are right.
Also it's hard for me to just stop watching the show because it helped me realize so much about myself.. and I want to know how Sun's plot will resolve because I relate to him and because thanks to him and obviously Davis and EC.. I could finally connect the broken pieces of myself.. because when I'm looking at Sun I see a reflection of myself.. He not only deals with similar mental issues to me but he also has the same character/personality. His short temper and sometimes mean comments or his horniness it's all the same.. I just feel like I'm looking at slightly different version of me.. because his life is worse than mine ever was..
I often catch myself on saying that I wouldn't be as nice as Sun in some situations.. or I don't know if I would survive as long as him in his situation..
I think that he's strong but having your issues ignored is awful also if you struggle with depression or any mental disorder that others seem to not see..
Thank you for your advice, dear anon 💗
I think that I'll try to stick to just watching show and talking only to my friends.
I'm still worried about others who relate to Sun especially my friend @magrigano.. I hope that they're alright 🥺
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melonteee · 1 year
Hi i hope you're doing well. I just wanted to complain about something. Am i the only one who isn't annoyed by the way the female characters are drawn in one piece? Like i have been in the fandom for years and i see alot of fans complaining and being like "one piece females are overly sexualized they have weird proportions" and im being like.... okay one piece has a unique art style and alot of different character designs we see the ugly, the pretty and the neutral and thats it. One piece, for me, has one of the best female cast in shounen anime like they're smart, pretty, strong, have dreams and MOST IMPORTANTLY have personalities. I watched alot of anime and sometimes the female characters are either shallow or have their whole personalities about the male protagonist (thank god we don't have this in one piece). So it really makes me sad when i see alot of fans saying that one piece females are sexualized... sorry i would rather have them like this with importance to the story rather than good for nothing characters who are put in unnecessary fanservice (last anime i watched has one of the worst female cast that even the author himself said that he can't write female characters 💀). Sorry it became too long i just have no one to talk about this 😅 in the end i want to tell you that you're one of my favourite content creators, i follow you in twitter and i was surprised when i saw you in tumblr so i'm just happy and wanted to talk a bit ❤
Hello hello!
I understand what you mean because it's less about agreeing with it, and more "Yeah we get it, we KNOW. But there are OTHER things to look at!" which is more so where my frustration comes from with it.
Cause the issue is, yes, they're pretty misogynistic in their portrayal - due to the fact nearly EVERY One Piece girl has the same body. And that's the MAIN problem with why it's frowned upon.
Is it disappointing? Yes. Do I wish it were different? Yes. Are they still fantastic characters and shoot past the majority of mainstream women in fiction in terms of writing? Yeah!
I also do complain in terms of the bodies at times cause I GET IT, but at this point it's been 2 decades of people just saying the same thing. I think it's just as important to focus on the good as well as the bad, you know?
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ruelin024 · 6 months
*apppears in your askbox like the absolute gremlin i am* mmm a few questions heuehhuehehue fav sans? fav ship (if oyu have one, that includes self insert)? and will you ever do ditys and if so, how long do you think?
😖You've been in my inbox for 5+ days, since for some reason, as simple as the questions are, I couldn't seem to pinpoint my favorites.
Like if you asked me my favorite anime, book, etc. My head goes whoosh then my damn brain turns into a smooth mofo.
Sorry if the reply is too long, I dunno if I went off topic, I probably did?
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I love a lot of things… Yes. I would make a list… but then I wouldn’t stop. If I had to settle for one Sans, it’d be OG Classic. The Origin, The Legend, The #1 Tumblr Sexyman, Sans the Skeleton. The other top fav Sans at the top of my list would be Fell, Horror, Lust, and Nightmare, and it goes on.
But to tell yah the truth I am more of a Papyrus Simp, I realize this sometimes whenever I come across any type of OG or AU Papyrus art. It’s a hard choice. My mind and body goes to Sans, but in a way my affection is with both, but mostly Papyrus. I don't know if that makes sense, it feels like two-timing. I should draw more of Papyrus, even out the simping scales. \( ̄︶ ̄*\)
I just love drawings Sans a lot tbh. q(≧▽≦q)
In terms of ships? (I heard the topic of shipping can be complicated or an issue) ... So. Hmm. from what I've self-evaluated to myself. I don't really have a favorite... :D I think? Cause most of the time I choose to neither like nor dislike because love and hate are too strong of an emotion for me to deal with. Disliking things makes me feel tired and I can only handle so much fangirling/boying before my feral emotional levels exceed my capacity to remain conscious. With the amount of words I’ve said so far, I am proving I am a walking contradiction.
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Anyway, I'm a welcome all-type of person, I'm neutral as long as no harm is being done. Meaning I am the type to also dabble in a ton of things. (゜-゜) (´◑ω◐`)
(Either I am what I say I am🤔, or I just haven't known/met the wrong people enough in my life to feel the need/want to make a whole DNI list 😅.)
The first ship I drew was y/n x sans au and I have drawn Error and Blue together for a cute ditys. I've been meaning to attempt drawing more ships, but not at the moment.
One insert ship I'm into at this time, that I can recall at the top of my head is an artist called @/mothiepixie (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) 😆💖
Also! I actually made it to 100 followers last month! I wanted to make a dtiys on such an occasion, but someone did a wrist twist move on me and now I can't exert my fingers or wrist that much, so I'm doing doodles or working on past WIP I've already started on ever so slowly.
I haven't gotten the chance to figure out what I’d draw exactly for a dtiys. If I were to make one now, it’d be at least 2-4 months to maybe a whole year in duration, depends.
Would I make prizes? I'd probably give everyone who participated a simple drawn prize for my first DTIYS (maybe☜(゚ヮ゚☜)), then for the next DTIYSs I would do top 3 or 4-5 five winners. 
Welp, tis my answer you absolute gremlin, handing me the most complicated question which I indeed sure overcomplicated and being in the back of my head for the past few days. 🤣👌💕 Thank you! 😂
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i keep telling myself to quit checking up on KM spaces cause there’s literally nothing but bickering and going out of the way to find things to be mad at but I keep ending up coming back 😓 it’s so hard, I still think about them a lot and I generally enjoy doing so! They make me happy to think about, genuinely. it’s been a force of habit for so long but the vibe with no new content (I try and avoid military updates but they waft into my view every so often and I’m glad they seem to be doing ok at least) is just so nasty it’s just like can’t everyone just relax and be happy knowing they’re together??? Obviously I am the problem here and I need to stop but it’s a struggle….do I need to just go completely cold turkey on bangtan? 😂 is that what you did when you took a long break? It’s not like I don’t have hobbies and a job and stuff, but for a long time they’ve occupied a special nice place where I just think of them and generally enjoy reading people’s thoughts about them, but over the past year especially w the solo stuff it’s just gotten kinda rancid
Hello, anon
I understand you completely. If something has become part of your daily routine, on top of other activities and interests, it's normal to get the urge to check up on it. Cold turkey might not help because it increases the chances of going back to it. I'm going through the same thing nowadays. I'm aware that right now, there's barely any point in keeping up with that part of my interests online. KM have enlisted and despite seeing some military updates, I'm not excitedly/anxiously looking forward to it. Like you, I think it's nice to see that they appear fine, but personally I could live without those updates as well. Consequently, I barely discuss it even on my blog, I don't find it necessary.
Most likely, the upcoming show will be the only relevant content that makes me still keep an eye on them right now and that's because the announcement might drop at any time. By not knowing exactly when, it's enough to keep at least a part of the fandom waiting and participating online. Not a bad strategy, but a frustrating one for us.
Likewise, by still checking up tumblr/twitter, I'm also exposing myself to daily fights, endless debates on relationship dynamics and so on. I find it pointless and I'd say a sign of boredom if this wasn't the modus operandi of the fandom anyway.
I made a vague comment recently, but it is terribly annoying having to read left and right troll anons baiting bloggers who then are bringing receipts to demonstrate that KM are close. Really? We're still doing that in 2024? People are talking in circles to demonstrate something that doesn't need more proving. Twitter is worse because they fight like idiots under the guise of defending. The knights in shining armour fighting for the princesses.
As to solo stans, I don't have an issue with the idea of only liking an artist and that's it. If only that would be the full definition. Anyone acting like not only a fanatic, but writing like some miserable 4chan user is someone I really can't stand. It's slowly becoming standard stan behavior and I see this in other fandoms as well, including those of western artists. It's nasty and embarassing.
When I took a break, I unfollowed almost all KM and JM focused accounts. The ones remaining I muted so I had to go to my following list and check each individually if I wanted to see what was up. My point was to not have any of that on my timeline. I think it worked for a while. Now I'm back to how it was before and I don't know how that happened. I should make some changes again.
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erosjournal · 13 days
hi i have an idea and if yall wanna hear pls do.
so, me and my friend were talking and talked abt what could've made the heros of olympus series better. mind you, we r now high schoolers, we first read the series in middle school, like 6th grade. also, they are aro/ace (ish, still questioning) and i like to write + i love valgrace.
so one of the things we decided would've made it more interesting was if piper and jason never ended up together, like at all. ik im a hardcore valgrace shipper, but my friend isn't and we agreed mutually that this didn't make much sense. their whole relationship was built on false memories and one quest, piper pining over him the whole time. we think that also would've enhanced pipers destiny as an aphrodite kid. an aphrodite kid who never dated in the most "important" part of her life, the main part we follow. an aphrodite kid who couldn't get the boy she'd loved. if she'd never dated, it could've really brought out more of the "aphrodite" part of her identity. i'm bad at explaining, but trust. it makes sense in my head. plus, it could show how she's this aphrodite kid who actually is a lesbian yall. which could've been a rlly interesting aspect, maybe some comphet.
one more thing is that whenever jason talks about piper, as his girlfriend, he comments on her physical aspects. as her platonic friend, he comments on her mind. idk if that makes sense, but when reading it, it felt more like how he'd compliment leo, or frank, or someone who was "just a friend".
plus, it feels weird that all of their friends are dating, maybe it could've caused peer pressure? like how leo felt, always being "7th wheel" (idk i came up with that on the spot)
the next thing was if leo and calypso never fell in love. as said before, im a valgrace shipper and they aren't, but we both thought this was an awkward and toxic relationship. the reason why, i'll get into later, but first i wanna talk about why it could've been better in the series.
we think that it could've been more impactful for calypso's side of the story. yes, i know calypso wasn't a great person in mythology, but we have to think of this from both characters perspectives. this is how my friend put it:
it could've been more impactful for calypso since it would've had an ending that was going against the god's curse of her falling in love with everyone on the island, but they couldn't leave. it would've been more interesting of the one person who did save her, was someone she wasn't in love with. the one person she didn't fall for was the person who actually came back for her.
that would've really made things more interesting for her story.
for leo's side, a (not important, but very hugely stated) part of his character is falling for people as a coping mechanism. idk the quote, but sometime in TLH, he talks about how he falls for people who are impossibly out of his league. ok, maybe this doesn't count as a coping mechanism, but it seems to be. sort of like attachment issues, always on the run since the people who did care about him died/left.
i think that it seems wrong (for rick to write, they could never make me hate you leo... with exceptions) for leo to fall for a girl who was "destined" to fall for him anyways. my poor boy. he'd gone through so much yall :(
and to the point of how caleo is sort of toxic, i haven't read much of toa, but i do find that they both cross boundaries.
for example, calling each other names they don't like. i find it VERY disrespectful for leo to call calypso "mamacita". i don't like her, but all girls deserve respect. she also states how she's told him not to call her that, and by the way he reacts, he knows.
similarly to calypso calling leo "leonidas". i don't have much information on this, but i'll link a tumblr post i read on this.
tumblr post on calypso being her own person (extra, not related to before but some other thing to read)
tumblr post on the name thing (read the whole thing, and check out some of the other reblogs, some are interesting, some are just like "f calypso", so just be careful)
one thing, i think i don't like calypso much, but i will not hate her till 1. i've done more research and 2. have more evidence why. i feel it unfair, and i know many people don't like her. i'm also incredibly biased towards leo, so yeah. but, i will give her the chance till i have more information on the subject.
on that note, i don't like caleo. i quite hate it. but for good reason, from what i've talked about. it was just too forced and toxic, and not good overall. maybe it could've been if it was written different, but i hope u understand where i am coming from. ALSO! I AM NOT A HATER BC I LIKE VALGRACE, IF YOU READ ANY OF THIS YOU'D KNOW THAT. im just saying, caleo could've just stayed platonic. just read it all of this + maybe the other blogs before commenting.
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blamemma · 10 months
I appreciate you just not engaging with some of the more negative aspects of the *discourse*. I've had to stop following people who I otherwise like because of the number of mean digs, not just at DR but other drivers who I don't even really care about...Like this is supposed to be fun, not stressful! This one has been a good reminder to me also that max and daniel have their own relationship in actual real life and if there's an issue, I don't think Max will have any trouble bringing it up--that's one of the things I respect most about him lol
look, i am a reformed hater. i am blocked by half of the lando norris fandom cause i got rude last year (and genuinely fair enough!) , so i am genuinely no angel. but idk i came into this year and was very much just grateful for any daniel content we got and any chance to see him happy and healthy and he was, and that dissipated my haterisms. i've unfollowed quite a few mutuals over the past months because of their outward hate towards daniel, which is a shame, but i log on to tumblr to have fun and look at pretty picture and gif sets and read people's fucked up fun writing !! i dont wish to see hate or actively participate in it anymore !! i am a big proponent of curating ur experience and so if something or someone doesn't bring u joy anymore then get rid of it by unfollowing or blocking !! and yes you've hit the nail on the head with max, they're friendly with each other, i'm sure if max has a massive issue with what daniel has said, they'll discuss it !!
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