#but I wish that wasn’t the case
why did the anime and the fandom reduce uraraka to just being in love with deku??
the recent chapters have truly made me fall in love with her character but im watching the anime and everything is so,, like it’s honestly whiplash
every pivotal moment for her character is because she likes deku. I loved the scene of her jumping to save him and it flashed to her family and her newfound motives. I loved to see her character being more than Deku. I loved that growth and though I was disappointed when it started mentioning Deku, I realized he was important to her growing and who she is as a person. (Although I love the manga for expanding her character past her admiration for him)
And the moment they had together as they fell was genuinely touching,, there was no blushing, no over the top crush, it was real concern and care. I loved it. It made me forget all of the obnoxious belittling of her character and made me realize that they can be together without force. It was so simple and meaningful.
The anime can make jokes that don’t include uraraka blushing! They can write an interaction between these two that shows not tells. Her immediately rushing to calm him down because she knew he lost control. The way she slapped him like how she saved him in the entrance exam and then asked if it hurt. The soft smile on her face when she asked if he was okay. The way she holds him steady as he stumbles to get footing.
It’s all so subtle. And it’s so refreshing after so much insufferable time the anime puts into pointing and screaming Uraraka likes Deku. Gosh it’s such a good moment aaa
But then it went back to cheapening her character and continuing to push her towards this arc of mundanity. She wants to be a hero that helps people!!! LET HER BE THAT!! goodness gracious stop making every single thing she does go back to deku. STOP CIRCLING BACK TO WHERE SHE STARTED ANIME PLEASEEEE
#i also don’t like that it keeps focusing on her things with deku when she is more than that#it’s so frustrating#because I love her#but at the same time they keep reminding me she likes deku every second and it turned me away from her character years back#I love her now but god the problem is still bugging me#and it makes me roll my eyes every time they have a scene together#even if it’s genuine#but I wish that wasn’t the case#because I think these two would be great together (platonically or romantically)#but I just can’t with the poor writing of forcing a relationship that is so one-sided?? or at least not as important to deku#like they need to pick a side with her#either go the heart wants what the heart wants no matter what approach that could tie back to deku and shinsou#or let her let him go like she keeps saying she’s going to#I would like the latter but at least the former would give a coherent understanding of her character and motivations#like why does deku and bakugou and todoroki and iida get to have complex relationships and motives and wants#and explanations and thought and writing put into those while also having time and effort put in#while Uraraka is be in love with deku or be like deku#she is MORE THAN DEKU OH MH FUCKING GOD I CANT WITH THIS SHOW#LET HER BE HER OWN WOMAN AND LET HER THINK FOR HERSELF WHAT IS WITH ALL THE GIRLS THINKING OF WHAT THE BOYS WOULD DO IN THEIR SITUATION#why can’t she have a moment of inspiration and then imbede that into her personal story and ambitions instead of making everything about him#they didn’t make todoroki like this so why did they do this to her#grrrr bark bark#im just upset ig that such an intriguing character that grows to be a person for the people has to have every action because of deku#she is great and I really like the direction her character is going and I wouldn’t mind them being endgame#but as the writing is now#I kinda don’t like this forced romance that could be so nuanced and powerful if it put in the effort and time that I know hori can do#bnha#bnha uraraka#izuocha#bnha critical
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angelnumber27 · 1 month
*he spilled my cup of paint water all over everything idk why I said he spilled watercolors I just woke up girls
I literally walked away for two minutes tops to make coffee and came back to his ass sitting on this water color palette and my painting open after spilling my watercolor water all over it
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Look at that face. He knows he did something wrong hahahha
#I really wish I had a pic of him just sitting on the watercolors bc it was hilarious#like he looked so innocent and cute and I just knew his was was covered in various colors hashahwhwha#but i was more concerned with the toxicity so my immediate reaction was to try to clean his paws the best I could#and research#it won’t cause any skin or gastrointestinal issues so we’re good thankfully#he will be fine don’t worry lmao it’s water based watercolors#gonna watch him close just in case#grabbed him asap and a wash cloth and took him to the sink#but yes to reiterate it’s NOT TOXIC AND HE IS FINE I PROMISE#also thank goodness I grabbed him immediately before he started prancing around on the white carpet bc I would be yelled at for weeks#u have four bloody scratches on my face but there are not rainbow foot prints all over the house and he is safe so I am fine with that#i**#they’re ^#the way cats attack you and think they’re being punished when you’re literally potentially trying to just save their life#or help them#like unhooking their claw from somethin their stuck too#and like I give a fuck about clothes as much as my cat but there’s paint all over my favorite robe too now hahah#legit thiught the red streaks on my face were watercolor hahahaha so I was like oh shit that blood#I’m not mad#after I found out it wasn’t toxic and that he didn’t step all over the wet carpets and that he was okay i laughed for like 15 minutes#I’m still laughing like… y’all ☠️#please excuse my voice I’m a little sick and I sound like a southerner ew#like why do i sound like someone’s Christian Baptist mother offering someone cookies#Queso#my cats#lmao
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evilwizardlyways · 3 months
do y’all ever think about how shit the pjo fandom would be if you didn’t ship percabeth 😭😭
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nico-di-genova · 2 years
Sad Gabriel Headcanons
Because weird shit was going down in Mercury’s house and it needs to be addressed
TW: discussions of SA and CSA
Has felt like an object, and not a person, for most of his life. This stems from Mercury’s treatment of him and the other boys. He’s seen as a errand boy a maid, something for Mercury to speak at but never to. He’s never been valued for his thoughts, only for his looks.
Decorates his apartment as chaotically as possible, with as many brightly colored things as he can find, as a direct contrast to how his room at Mercury’s was. She barely tolerated him keeping his book in his room, and she expected the room to be kept clean at all times. In every shot we see of it, it looks like something out of a catalog. It’s not a bedroom, it’s a glass case Gabriel was kept in.
He was kept isolated for much of his life, and was only allowed to leave Mercury’s house when he become old enough to do jobs for her. I doubt she let him talk to the other boys much, seen in the way he’s so nervous when the little boy in the house helps him unlock the door. Mercury probably worries if they talk to each other, they’ll be able to band together. It’s easier to keep them scared when they’re separate.
Has become hypersexualized as a result of the SA he faced from Mercury, and from other men. Mercury was way too touchy feely with Gabriel and Nathan for my liking, I think she should die immediately. I do think she probably SA’d Gabriel when he was younger, but was always sure to wipe his memory. So he doesn’t remember specifics, but subconsciously he senses it.
Seeks the validation of older men, because Mercury is his only basis for love. This is why he was with Clark. Clark who was 29, and who in one of the few scenes we get with him is openly commenting on Gabriel’s appearance and touching him in public. This ultimately ties back into him feeling like an object. Something to be treasured, but never to be listened to.
The blood witches at the bar are the closest he came to family before Nathan and Annalise. They helped him develop his own style and taught him how to be himself. They’re also the reason he hasn’t been checking in with Mercury. He’s never told them what she’s done to him, but they sensed something was off and did their best to give him a safe place.
Never initiates anything with Nathan, because he doesn’t want him to feel like he did growing up. This is why Nathan kisses him, why it’s Nathan who holds his hand first. Any contact they have is something Nathan has expressly initiated and Gabriel has followed.
The first time Nathan or Annalise ask him if he’s okay with doing something sexually, really and genuinely take his face in their hands and ask him, he cries. Because no one has ever stopped to ask him, and he’s so used to things simply being taken from him.
The first time Nathan expresses how impressed he is with Gabriel’s powers, he has to pause and process it for a minute, because no one has ever commented on his abilities genuinely before. Nathan notices this, and then goes out of his way to comment on anything other than Gabriel’s appearance from that point forward.
As much as he loves his parents, and wishes he could remember them, he’s also a little angry at them. He would never say it out loud, but he hates them a little bit for leaving him with Mercury. He blames them for what she’s done to him, which just makes him feel guilty and upset all over again.
Is constantly plagued with guilt that he couldn’t bring the little boy from episode 8 to wolfhagen with him. He thinks about him all the time, and worries about what Mercury might do to him for helping Gabriel.
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bootay-hole · 23 days
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portia redesign + witw doodles based of a hc i have yayyy
anyways ratty long hair supremacy YIPPEE!! mole and portia like to braid flowers in his hair i thinks <3
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hermaphroditus1124 · 4 months
The fact that we played when we were both little boys on field trips, somehow drawn to each other, unsure why, a shared bond neither of us could articulate let alone grasp in any sort of meaningful way, both of us just starting to grow out our hair out for the first time, running through the rain together, splashing through puddles, playing with fallen sticks we've found along our shared path, seeing each other only a few days a year, yet finding each other nonetheless,
So much has changed, yet we still play, both of our breasts just beginning to develop, puddles turning to buckets of ice, the raindrops still fall, bead down her blisteringly red cheeks, puddles still form, but rather than at our feet, in the small of our backs, under our sore buds, between our thighs, the branches crack on her soft skin as she coos and cries, we still find each other from time to time, though we change so much it all seems to stay the same in the end,
Two spirits, akin, yet strangers, walking the same lonely path, never truly seeing one another, yet finding an understanding in that that haze, finding each other if for nothing else than for one sweet embrace, before we are cast back to walk along, with fallen sticks and pink rain boots.
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oh no…i’m imagining it
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mycotoxin · 6 months
I honestly really hate how much the “critical” label has been tainted. It seems like it’s really just being used as a seemingly more “rational” way of saying you’re -anti something.
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iinryer · 7 months
#said it in the tags of the marjan tk carlos doodle I posted but. feeling very unsure about how i will be engaging w ls moving forward#still very much support most of the cast and I do enjoy this silly show#but it’s difficult coming to terms w the fact that their golden boy is a nationalist and zionist#just so unbelievably disappointing and depressing to see#so unless some personal views make some drastic corrections sometime soon im going to be engaging differently than before#i don’t know what that looks like yet. bc i know there are people who still deserve the love#but it’s frustrating to see. i wish it wasn’t the case but if he wants to make this bed he can lay in it and deal w the concequences#i also apologize for wording this kind of vaguely I just don’t know how to be eloquent about it#but for clarity: im genuinely nauseated by the shit ronen has been posting#and I fucking hope he finds his sense but shit dude.#this isn’t about boohoo an actor I liked has bad views#it’s about having a moral fucking backbone and a shred of dignity and critical thought before spreading genocidal propaganda#to your massive audience#so#anyways#i felt like it was important to at least address my position bc silence is not an option with shit like this#and also it’s been making me feel physically unwell since I first saw it and i think I needed to get it off my chest lol#viva palestine. now and forever. no caveats. no ifs ands or buts#iinryer talk#also sorry for making this an all tags post but this isn’t up for discussion. so.
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awesometothe3rd · 4 months
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Omg!!! Lea Thompson reposted my Caroline And The City themed Funko Pops on her Instagram stories! 😭💕
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rewatching inanimate insanity season two
spoilers!!! vvv
I love analayzing characters facial expressions and Trophy is in season two so of course while he’s there I’m gonna notice his. I think the one time I saw him smile was when he got that picture of Knife. In every single group shot he is frowning. There are several instances where it’ll cut to the grand slams and all of them have neutral/indifferent (or happy) expressions except for Trophy who looks pissed. They said find me a character that’s more angry than Paintbrush and I said I DID.
Soap I love her. She had so many issues to begin with but I really enjoy how she spent her time trying to fix them. Also ‘Theft and Battery’ had me so mad for her because first she gets thrown out of a hot air balloon, and then she’s targeted by the same guy like 3 or 4 times all in the same day. I love Suitcase but I’m not gonna lie and say that Soap calling her out there wasn’t justified. I’ll miss you my gorgeous little freak
Test Tube’s character development. I watched II3 before going back and (re)watching II2 and it’s like. There used to be light in her eyes. She used to be a silly girl who said golly gee and talked about nerd stuff. (Not saying she can’t still be a silly girl who says golly gee and talks about nerd stuff, but her character is a lot more serious in Season 3 than in Season 2.) I think the turning point for her was in the alternate reality episode, mostly because of her and Lightbulb’s interaction. Also, her furiously scribbling out the word ‘secret’ from her board and eventually just destroying the whole thing. She didn’t have a huge change in character, but she went from making nerdy references and science facts to showing real frustration and envy(?) towards the people around her.
This isn’t a huge thing but Nickel literally constantly stepping on people. Like standing on their heads. He does it with Baseball a lot and he (at least once) has done it to Suitcase as well. It could just be a visual gag but I feel like it’s really representative of the way he stepped on people’s feelings as well. He was a huge jerk to Suitcase, and even though Baseball was his friend he did dismiss him and his concerns at times.
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edmundhoward · 15 days
“She was a lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon for several years alongside Anne Boleyn, so she would've witnessed the way Anne held Henry off for so long by pleading her virginity. She watched, and she learned. There is a famous tale of how Jane was picking out items for her wedding to the king, while Anne awaited her execution in the Tower. If true, it would show sprinklings of a cold heart. [...] I wonder if Jane was reminiscing over these events, as she was dying of child-bed fever, and if so, what her thoughts on them were. Did she pray for forgiveness for the part she played? I like to believe that she did, given how spiritual she was known to be.”
abfiles comments writing fanfic fantasising about jane seymour in moments of terrible duress!
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
What kind of microwave fan would you like to see in the world?
hmmmm interesting question 🤔 can’t say i ever looked into the types of microwave fans there are
google was absolutely no help :/ kept showing me images of exhaust vents and “how to’s” for vents when that isn’t what i asked (i think…)
but this little guy is cute so that’s my final answer
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yappingmoxie · 28 days
made a birthday post for my grandma yesterday since no one else remembered it and immediately afterwards my sister made one and really drilled in hard about how she named my newest niece after her. and idk. I’m still upset. I’ve been crying off and on about it because like. I know it wasn’t right but my grandma would tell anyone who listened how I was her favorite grandchild (and tbh I think besides it just being true she did that bc she knew how awful my mom and sister were to me) and would brag on me constantly. and my sister did nothing but talk about how annoying my grandma was and say the worst things about her right before she died. but yet she loved her so much that she forgot her birthday 2 years in a row so I mean clearly she just had to take the name I fought with her over during her first pregnancy. I’m so glad I’ve had my cousin throughout all of this because otherwise I’d feel legitimately insane. She’s been amazing at reminding me how much grandma loved me and helping reinforce that grandma and I DID have an agreement that she wanted ME to name my daughter after her if I ever had one. Everything my sister does though feels so spiteful. Like I love my niece so much and it just sucks that I can’t even spend time with her without being reminded of how much my sister wants to hurt me. I don’t blame the baby though. Like it hurts and makes interacting with her a little difficult but she’s innocent. And the thing is I wouldn’t have even minded if she named her that out of genuine love and respect for my grandma but I know she didn’t. From not letting anyone be with my grandma in the hospital when she died to putting her ashes in my fucking mailbox to telling me that my grandma hated me and I didn’t do enough for her to telling me how awful I was for taking a week off to implying I should’ve been there even tho she lied to me about her being in the hospital to withholding photos she promised me of her to ruining my grandmas house (she lets my 5 year old niece write all over the walls and keeps a million fuckin farm animals like ducks and chickens and turkeys inside when grandma didn’t even let dogs in) to asking the preacher at her funeral to say some pointed remarks about me being no contact with my mom to now using her daughters name as a direct slight against me I can’t help but feel like all she wants to do is weaponize my dead grandma against me without even worrying about how disrespectful she’s being to her as long as it hurts me. I haven’t even tried talking to about my nieces name because after confronting her about my grandmas passing I know it’ll do nothing to actually remedy anything and will just lead to even more explosive fights where I know she’ll just double down on saying things she know will hurt me. And I don’t want to argue about my grandma. I don’t want to use her memory for something disrespectful. It doesn’t feel right and doesn’t feel like honoring her in any way that she’d appreciate. I just want her to be respected. I want her name to be used for something kind and loving instead of spiteful. Because ultimately that’s what she was. My kind and loving grandma. Not a tool to cause arguments and tension. She was always the mediator in the family and I can’t help but think how disappointed she’d be to know her passing has been used in the way it has to further drive a shift in the family.
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beauzos · 2 months
Bro why is Nahyuta so cute and special and wonderful. Every time I see him in SOJ I’m just like 💖💝💓❤️‍🔥 it’s distracting KSNSN
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
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we made it everyone can’t stop crying
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