#but I wrote 1k of this in one dump so who knows
diazsdimples · 27 days
Inspiration Saturday/ Several Sentence Sunday
I started a new wip. No one look at me.
The inspiration from this shamelessly comes the fact that I've been working in labour and delivery for the whole month of May and there's an obstetrician/pediatrician couple here that always see each other in the OR and I instantly thought of Buddie. So please enjoy the first (long) snippet of Doctors AU, featuring Obstetrician!Eddie and Pediatrician!Buck. The rest of the 118 will also feature in the obstetrics/pediatrics field, although roles are yet to be confirmed. I'm not 100% sure about this and a little nervous about sharing it cause sharing words has felt weird lately, so I'm sorry if it's not great!
Tagged for Inspiration Saturday by @inell @hippolotamus (eventually smh) @cal-daisies-and-briars @dangerpronebuddie and @daffi-990 (I will be getting to all your snippets so soon!) Snippet under the cut to save your dash.
Eddie pushes through the doors of the NICU, his chest heaving. He doesn’t do this; he doesn’t let patients get to him. He’s a professional. He performs a surgery, delivers a baby, stitches up the mother and moves on to the next one.
Except today, he can’t.
Eddie strides down the corridor until he’s in the nurses’ station and begins to scour the brightly lit electronic board with all the patient’s names.
He can’t shake the feeling that he’s fucked up, that he should have called it sooner and rushed the mother to surgery the second he’d been asked to see her. She’d been labouring for hours, and she was tiring when they called him in to review her. One look at the monitor by her bed had told him all he’d needed to know – that her and her baby were in distress, and something needed to be done.
But, she’d clutched his hand and begged him to let her try just a bit longer.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath as he tries to rid his mind of the memory of hearing the baby’s heart rate drop on the monitor. Even after being an obstetrician for 10 years, nothing will ever prepare him for the gut-wrenching fear that comes during an emergency. The way you hold your breath and will it to increase, counting in your head as you wonder how much longer you let it go before you dive for the emergency button. He’d done an examination when it was clear the heart rate wasn’t going to recover, to see if there was any chance she could push the baby out, and his heart had sunk into his shoes when he’d felt the umbilical cord before he was even up to his second knuckle.
Taking some deep breaths through his nose, Eddie opens his eyes and scans the board, trying to find the name. It’s possible it’ll be too early – the nurses might not have admitted the baby on the system yet, but the pit in his stomach grows with each passing second that he doesn’t find it.
There’s a noise behind him – someone clearing their throat – and Eddie spins around as a deep, calming voice speaks.
“Hey man, can I help you with something?”
Eddie is instantly taken aback by the man in front of him. He must be new, because Eddie’s certain he’d remember if he’d seen this guy in the OR, and he’s looking at Eddie with concern, his eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes piercing into Eddie’s. He’s tall and muscular – obscenely so for (Eddie assumes) a pediatrician, with dark blond hair that’s been plastered with a criminal amount of hair product. He’s in a pair of delicate pink scrubs, with a white lab coat over the front. There’s a small, rainbow watch hanging from the breast pocket of his coat, and a name badge on his chest, with two tiny feet drawn just beside his name.
Evan Buckley.
“Hey, I’m Dr. Diaz – uh – Eddie,” Eddie says, awkwardly extending a hand towards the man. His grip is firm but warm, and his hands are soft, although Eddie’s not sure exactly why he’s noticing that.
“Dr. Buckley,” the guy replies with a friendly smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Everyone calls me Buck. You looking for someone in particular?”
Eddie turns back to the board with a frown, folding his arms, and Buck sidles up next to him, mirroring his stance. Their shoulders brush, and Eddie notices how the guy is just a couple of inches taller than him. Interesting.
“Yeah I’m – uh – I’m looking for baby McKinnon? Born about an hour ago via emergency caesarean due to cord prolapse and obstructed labour, resuscitated immediately after birth and bought here.”
Buck frowns and pulls out a list from the pocket of his scrubs.
“Is everything okay with the mother?” he asks as he scans his list, “You’re an obstetrician, right?”
“Yeah, she’s fine, pulled through surgery and is in recovery now. Just wanted to check up on the baby – he looked pretty rough.”
Buck lets out a deep sigh next to him and Eddie whips his head around, doing a double take when he sees Buck’s expression.
God, no, please no, let him be okay, let him have survived, he’s just mixed up with someone else.
“I’m sorry, man,” Buck says gently, resting a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “We couldn’t stabilise him. He was so hypoxic and they couldn’t intubate him and we – I’m sorry.”
Eddie must make a noise because the hand on his shoulder tightens. His chest feels tight, like he’s not getting enough air, the world is beginning to spin. He take deep, gulping breaths of air as he tries to regulate himself, but it’s not use.
It’s too close. Too much like Christopher. His son, his perfect, 7-year-old boy, looked just like that kid when he was born. Eddie’s too close to this. He’s gotta get out.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Eddie shakes himself from Buck’s grip, blinking furiously as tears threaten to spill down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve gotta – I need to go,” he says hurriedly, his voice cracking, and he turns on his heel. He doesn’t run from the room, but it’s a close one. He barely even registers Dr. Buckley calling after him as he briskly walks down the corridor, practically throwing his swipe pass at the door, and then he’s in the stairwell before he knows it, drinking in the crisp, cool air as he slides down the wall and comes to a rest on a step.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @neverevan @babybibuck
@aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg
@jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway @exhuastedpigeon @houseofevanbuckley
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @worriedbisexual @thekristen999
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
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lovingksuki · 8 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in her hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am chocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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themandylion · 1 year
2022 Fic Round-Up
Happy New Year! In 2022, I wrote 29 new stories and 85,622 words*. Here’s all the stuff I wrote in 2022!
2019 Fic Round-Up | 2020 Fic Round-Up | 2021 Fic Round-Up
Teen Morphology - 16k, JayTim. Gotham Academy's newest student is smart, funny, hot—and also constantly lying through his teeth about who he is and where he comes from.
Renegades - 11k, JayTim. Sometimes, all it really takes to make the world a brighter place is a good handle on your anger management. A softer version of Tim's search for Bruce in Red Robin.
Deep Destinies - 864, JayTim. Two mers lying in the seagrass, talking about destiny.
Vigilante Life Cycle - 2k, gen. When Jason digs himself out of his grave, there's someone there to help him. Again. (Part 2 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
There Are Many Advantages - 944, JayTim. A marine biologist consults with a terrestrial biologist. (Part 2 of MerMemes.)
Grey Ghosts - 2k, gen. "We guard those that guard our cities and the people in them. We find them when they die and prepare them to live again, as they so often do." (Part 1 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Sharks Are So Smooth - 696, JayTim. T’m is dispensing hot takes on sharks as learned from the internet. (Part 1 of MerMemes.)
Shifting Compromise - 3k, JayTim. Red Hood and Red Robin are trapped in a tricky situation with little to no hope of rescue on the horizon. Luckily, Red Robin has a hidden talent. Jason just wishes he didn't have to be so frickin' good at it. (Part 1 of Fuzzy Business.)
Tiim Travel - 3k, JayTim, Jason&Tim. Red Hood is in a safehouse only Red Robin is supposed to know about. Hard to believe the most logical explanation is time travel.
Unsafe Hobbies - 5k, JayTim. Tim discovers something in his old photos that sheds new light on a case from Jason's time as Robin.
Contraband Catch-All - 4k, JayTim. Officially, no one is supposed to work weekends. Unofficially, sometimes Storage has other ideas. (Part 4 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l.)
The Icing on the— - 1k, JayTim. It would seem that Tim took the Batmobile out for a bit of fun and failed to clean it before turning in for the night.
Shake Apart - 8k, JayTim. Robin keeps insisting on putting himself between Tim and danger. (Part 3 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Pull Together - 4k, gen. Jason does everything Robin needs to do—small acts of kindness mixed with great feats of heroism—as he slowly feels out this new role he's taken on. (Part 4 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
In Danger of Overheating - 3k, DickTim. Dick is not sulking after being confronted with certain truths, and he is definitely handling the unexpected scantily clad catboy in his apartment in an adult manner. Really.
Deer - 238, original work. The language you're raised with heavily influences the way you perceive the world.
In Tandem, Now - 6k, gen. Getting Tim back proves infinitely harder than spiriting him out of the city was. (Part 5 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Fic or Treat - 100-word drabbles done for Halloween: - Lingering (Tim&Cass, and a ghost) - Unreasonable Request (200 words, part 6 of Fuzzy Business) - Haul (JayTim) - Rouge (Red Hood and a goon) - Shared (TimBer) - Tired (JayDami) - Moon (Part 2 of Fuzzy Business) - Sweater (Part 8 of Tales from the House of Mau) - Tradition (Follow up to Shine a Light) - Prudence (Follow up to Three Birds in Flight) - Turning (DickTim)
This Is Not a Hallmark Christmas Movie - 9k, JayTim. Jason makes a project out of DI’s CEO after Tim’s girlfriend dumps him for a Christmas-tree farmer. Not!fic.
*(Technically inaccurate because I also wrote an epic campire/not!fic with Kieran Granola in 2022, but we’re still futzing about editing it. >.> )
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leviathism · 2 years
Howdy do! How would Lucifer from Obey Me react to his s/o surprising him by singing a love song they wrote for him on his birthday?
lucifer x gender neutral reader
You were running out of time.
You had a week until Lucifer’s birthday and you were broke. You only had a few Grimm to your name right now and your heart could not bear to buy Lucifer some cheap trinket in a random rundown Five Grimm and Below Store.
It had to be meaningful, as his gift was to you for your last birthday. You nodded to yourself and thought of anyone who could help you.
In desperate and lonely times, humans usually flocked towards people like them. Similar in any shape or form. So…
Solomon welcomed you with some pasta. You warily took it and stepped inside. Simeon mimicked a dead face, eyes rolling up with his tongue sticking out as he pointed at his own bowl. A clear warning.
“So what do you need help with?” As Solomon lead you to the kitchen, you quickly dumped out half the pasta in the trash. He sat down at the table and you sat down next to him. “Oh, I see you’re hungry! Would you like seconds when you’re done?”
“No thanks.” You smiled at him gratefully, a shiver racking down your spine. “Um, I need help for a present. Is there any impressive magic that could help for a gift?”
“For who? Lucifer?” Simeon asked, swiping your bowl when Solomon glanced at his phone for the date. “His birthday is coming up, right?”
“Well, I have a few ideas,” Solomon started, looking down the hallway, probably towards his room where he kept his spellbooks. “There’s a confetti spell, a spell that makes everything cake flavored, and then an infinite wine spell. He likes wine, doesn’t he?”
“Um…” You frowned. “Can I have all the spells?”
“My prodigy!” Solomon laughed, patting you on the back. “I love to see it. I’ll go get the spells’ instructions.”
He left and came back with three rolled up papers in his arms. He laid them on the table and you took and read over each one.
“…I’ll never learn this in a week!” You groaned and buried your face into your hands. A hand rubbed your back consolingly. You peeked over your shoulder.
“Lucifer still has his love for records, right?” Simeon asked, thoughtfully bringing a hand up to his chin. He must’ve picked that up from Solomon. “He loved music in the Celestial Realm. Maybe you can make a song for him. Or even sing it, I’m sure he’ll love it.”
“You think I can do that in a week?” You asked hopefully.
Simeon’s smile faltered. “Probably not. But I’ll help you with the lyrics. I’m sure some demon around here knows how to play a simple ukelele or guitar. It won’t be a world wide hit type of song, but Lucifer will love it if it came from you.”
You smiled at him. Simeon sure knew how to inspire and reassure someone.
So, the two of you found some demon who could play the guitar. You borrowed Mammon’s guitar for a hefty fee of 1K Grimm, effectively draining you of any money you had left. You practiced every day after school and after you ate dinner, you were always at Purgatory Hall, brainstorming with Simeon to write your song.
You finished the lyrics and perfected your guitar song the day before his birthday. Sure, your guitar sounded a little off and your lyrics were no match to Taylor Swift, but Lucifer would love it.
Lucifer was going to hate it.
You stood outside his door, shaking and trembling in your spot. It had been an eventful day for Lucifer’s birthday and it was just before dinner now. Everyone had given their gifts but you, and yet you couldn’t even lift your arm to knock. You squeezed your eyes shut, taking a deep breath.
“…Are you alright?” Lucifer asked and you jumped. He must’ve opened the door when you had been steadying your breathing.
“Um… No. Yes.” You took another deep breath. “I have a birthday present for you.”
Lucifer’s face broke out into a smile. You couldn’t help but smile back. He stepped back and you took the cue to go into his room. You ushered him to sit on his bed as you messed with your guitar.
You stood in front of him, staring at him.
“Um…” He nodded in encouragement. You had this. “Here it goes.”
You ended up singing Happy Birthday to him. Not at all what you had planned. And of course, since you didn’t plan to sing that, you didn’t know Happy Birthday on the guitar.
You had utterly and entirely made a fool of yourself.
But Lucifer had loved it. Or at least he made it look like he did. He stood up and tugged you closer to kiss your forehead, ignoring the awkward press of the guitar between the two of you.
“Thank you.” He smiled sweetly at you. “I see you’re learning the guitar.”
You nodded, dazed and embarrassed.
“Why don’t we go get something to eat?” He led you out by your arm but at the end of the hallway you broke out of his hold.
“I… have to go return the guitar.” You turned and scurried off, leaving Lucifer alone at the end of the hallway.
You escaped into your room, closing the door firmly behind you. You placed the guitar on your table and dove for your bed.
You sighed into your pillow, depressed. How could you ever recover from this? You turned to face your ceiling, wondering if you could sleep your sadness away.
In the middle of your sleep, your door creaked open. Your eyebrows furrowed but you decided to ignore it in favor of more sleep. But a hand settling on your forehead made your eyes flutter open.
“Are you sick?” Lucifer asked you. His hand slid down to cup your cheek. Your lip almost wobbled. Almost.
“How come your didn’t eat dinner with us?” He lowered his voice to a whisper, sitting on the edge of your bed. You grabbed his arm, clutching at it desperately.
“I wasn’t hungry.”
He seemed unsatisfied with that and sighed. “Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?” You shrugged un helpfully.
“It’s your birthday.” Your voice cracked. His eyebrows furrowed.
He stood up and went to the dresser to change. You turned away to face the wall as he changed, trying to fall asleep again so you didn’t have to talk anymore.
You heard his footsteps come back and you faked being asleep.
He called your name. You buried your face into the pillow. He called it again. You gave in and turned around to see him holding a crumpled piece of paper.
“Is this what you meant to sing to me?” Lucifer asked, reading over the lyrics slowly. You felt your body grow hot with embarrassment. This had to be the most embarrassing time of your life, forget middle school.
“…Yeah, but I chickened out.”
Lucifer smirked lightly at your phrasing but it softened as he continued to read. “You need not to be embarrassed in front of me.”
You shrugged, unable to explain it. He met your eyes over the paper steadily.
“Would it help if I sang it with you?”
You froze. Lucifer singing? In your dreams. “Are you being serious?”
“Of course I am.” He placed the paper on the side table and got into bed with you. He pulled you into his chest, comfortingly rubbing a hand down your back. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t mind. Just no videos.”
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
A/N: I have so many projects to focus on, not least of all the bday bash, and instead of literally of then, I wrote 1K for a new au I'm not sure I'll ever finish – but since it doesn't fit any of the bb categories, I might as well dump it here for ppl's amusement. Uh, enjoy?
In the many years since he had established the Cat Bureau, Baron had become accustomed to a great many oddities arriving through his front door. Haunted dolls, river spirits, and on one memorable occasion, a singing teapot – to recount but a few.
Even so, the bride was a new one.
She stormed through the Bureau doors with enough force to send the mahjong tiles rattling (Muta was winning, but only because Baron hadn't figured out how he was cheating yet) and froze upon seeing the occupants.
She glanced back at the double doors she'd just slammed through, her ears nearly unsettling the veil, back at Baron and Muta, and then finally to the doors again for good measure. "Well," she said, probably to herself, "I suppose that does save me the trip."
Baron rose to his feet, abandoning with some relief the lost mahjong game, and instinctly reached for his top hat. His hands curled around thin air. Ah. Right. He supposed it was a tad late to grab it from the coatstand.
At least he still had his introduction.
"Hello, and welcome to the Cat Bureau–"
"Does your front door often move?"
His normal greeting stuttered. "Move where?" he asked.
The bride opened the door and seemed unusually surprised to see the Sanctuary courtyard on the other side. "You know, just anywhere else." She closed it, then tried again – seemingly for good measure. "It was a church hall door thirty seconds ago."
Ah. She was one of those clients then, picked up by the Sanctuary in a moment of great distress. He tried not to extrapolate any further, given her current, telltale attire.
"I think you'd better sit down, Miss...?"
"It was going to be Mrs Itsuki," the bride grumbled. She took one look at Muta, monopolising the sofa with obviously no intent to budge, and instead perched on an armchair.
Baron took the other seat. "Now, what seems to be the problem?"
"The problem?" the bride echoed. She motioned to herself. "Just look at me, Baron!"
Baron did, assuming that he'd somehow overlooked some glaring dilemma – but no. All he could see was a tabby cat decked out in a stunning bridal dress, even if the veil didn't quite fit around her ears. "Could you perhaps be more specific–"
"I'm a cat."
"As I can see." He finally clocked on to the use of his name, remarkable since she had cut his introduction short. "Have we met before?"
She blinked. "Well, I suppose it has been a good few years since our last encounter. Similar-ish kind of circumstances too," she added with a sheepish half-laugh. "Despite my attempts to change it, my name is still Haru Yoshioka."
It took him a moment to place the name – and then a few more to mentally dig up the case associated with it.
Muta was a second faster to compose a response.
"Chicky? Don't tell me you've gotten yourself hitched again to a cat!"
A blush rose to Haru's cheeks, visible even beneath the fur. "He's strictly human, Muta. Nearly getting married to a cat once is quite enough for me."
"Then what happened to yer?"
"I don't know! One second I'm walking down the aisle," she said, hands thrown up for emphasis, "and the next I start sprouting fur and a tail! I made a run for it, and instead of being dumped in the vestry, I stepped through into here." She slumped where she sat. "I was kind of hoping you'd have an explanation."
"The Sanctuary will often offer a door to those who need our help," Baron said, "although I must confess I have no immediate solution for your dilemma. Are you sure you don't know of its cause?"
"Unless I'm weirdly allergic to organ music, no."
Muta chortled. "Perhaps it's a wedding gift from the Cat Kingdom."
"Not funny."
"Perhaps it wouldn't be unwise to check with the Cat Kingdom," Baron said, before Muta could goad their client any further. He read the wrinkling of Haru's whiskered nose. "The Cat King you knew is enjoying his retirement in a distant corner of the Kingdom; his son, Lune, has since taken the throne."
"Oh. Well, that's okay then. I mean, I did kind of have things planned for today but, well..." She looked down at herself. "They're probably cancelled now."
Upon King Lune being introduced to Haru, he took one look at her dress and feline traits, and his face dropped. It wasn't so much disappointment, as it was the dawning realisation that consequences had just come a-knocking. (Baron was fairly certain he'd seen a similar breed of regret on Muta's face, just after Baron had found the remains of a cake Muta had hidden away and promptly forgotten about.)
"Oh," said the young royal. "I'd rather hoped this wouldn't happen."
"Rather hoped?" Haru echoed in dangerous tones. "So you knew about this?"
King Lune raised his paws in supplication. "Knew is such a strong word. Theorised is more like it."
"I think the lady has a right to know what you've theorised," Baron interceded, before Haru's temper could make an appearance.
"Well, it wasn't my theory," Lune said, once the Bureau and its plus-one had been ushered into a drawing room. "Natori was the one who warned me of it."
"Natori is..." Haru prompted.
"My father's advisor," Lune said.
"Not the short one who smiles a lot?"
"No, that'd be Natoru," and Lune didn't respond to Haru's evident relief. "Natori officially went into retirement when my father did – but since he was also the only one to have a handle on any of the paperwork here, he makes the occasional return trip."
"And what did Natori warn you of?" Baron asked.
Lune didn't reply immediately, instead visibly chewing over his words with an air of deliberateness that had been absent in his princely years. "He explained that the Cat Kingdom is subject to a series of... rules – or forces," he said eventually. "Like the Human Realm obeys such things as time or gravity. The Cat Kingdom has another kind of rule – that of equal exchange."
"Equal exchange?" Muta echoed.
"Favours, debts," Lune clarified. "If a neighbour kitten-sits for you, you look after their ageing parents another day. For the small, everyday things, it mostly works itself out, enough so that most cats don't even notice – the idea of repaying a favour is just ingrained into our culture, that most will naturally fulfil it."
There was a pause as his audience digested this unexpected spat of worldbuilding. Then, from Baron, "And if it were a larger debt?" He glanced to Haru. "Such as saving the life of the kingdom's prince?"
Lune's expression flickered, betraying an exact hitting the nail on the head. "Then something of equal value must be returned. Something like marrying into the royal family the individual had diverted catastrophe from." He studiously didn't meet Haru's eyes as he added, "Attempts to avoid such a repayment might have... consequences."
"So I'm a cat because I didn't marry you," Haru deadpanned. "That feels a little bit like railroading my life choices."
"It's not something we can control!" Lune insisted. "Otherwise I would consider it null in a heartbeat! But the rules of the Cat Kingdom have a penchant for... symmetry, as Natori put it, so when you tried to marry someone other than a cat royal..."
"The Cat Kingdom got pissy," Haru finished.
"That hadn't been the word I'd been thinking of, bit close enough."
Haru's shoulders slumped.
"Cheer up, Chicky," Muta said. "Perhaps he's got a cute cousin."
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madswonders · 3 years
A Lesson In Romance #10: Thoughts
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Tumblr media
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Implied anxiety, Mentions of canon-typical violence
Word Count: 2.5k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, they're paired together on a case.
A/N: I know that the BAU's conference room has big-ass glass windows but just imagine that the blinds are closed for the entirety of this chapter aha. Also this chapter is a doozy... like 1k words longer than usual, so enjoy!
Masterlist | All chapters here!
As Peter Gizzi once described the phenomena of love, "About you there is nothing I wouldn’t want to know / With you nothing is simple yet nothing is simpler."
In high school, your reputation always preceded you. The cynic that never had a boyfriend, much less a drunken one-night stand; a prude who waited over ten dates to have her first kiss; or the "ice queen" who kept her emotions locked up and threw away the key.
If they saw you now, you wondered if they would laugh at how you've changed; because these days, you looked like you were keeping the best secret in the world, one that threatened to burst from your lips every time you smiled.
What you didn’t know, is that you didn't need to be a profiler to see it. From the bubbling laughter and whispered conversations, to the not-so-secret longing glances. You and Spencer disappeared into your own world when you were together, and everybody knew it.
And for the first few weeks, that was enough. You found it easier than usual to ignore the thoughts that lurked in the back of your mind. That is, until you couldn't.
"... I want you and Spencer to work on the geographic profile." Hotch had announced, and you remembered the feeling of your blood running cold.
There were two reasons for this. First was the fact that this case linked twenty homicides across three years to a single unsub. If there was any case that required the two nerdiest members of the BAU to team up, this was it.
Unfortunately, that fact was closely followed by an overwhelming fear — and you wanted to preface this by saying that you were usually a woman of logic and science — but, somehow, you couldn't shake the thought that something bad was going to happen to you and Spencer, and you weren't ready for it.
Leaning against the cool conference room wall, you tapped your toes in an impatient rhythm against the carpeted floor. You were trying to recite what you learned from your PhD; that your mind was jumping to conclusions and that it was normal to be nervous. It was normal to feel this way. You were normal.
"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, jolting you out of your mantra.
You realised your boyfriend had been talking to you for awhile now, but clearly, you weren't listening. You shook your head apologetically.
"Sorry, I was just thinking. Could you say that again?"
"I was just saying, you can start by pinning the names and locations of the victims, and I'll put up the crime scene photos... but are you sure you're okay?" He asked again, this time shooting you those puppy dog eyes that made you weak.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Let's get to work." You said firmly, grabbing the box of push pins. You felt his gaze linger on you for a second, before he began picking up his own stack of pictures.
The first hour sped by quickly as you and Spencer listed out all of the unsub’s possible motives and next victims. At the half hour mark, Hotch dropped in to check on your progress, bringing takeaway coffee and leaving with a rare smile.
At the second hour, the rest of the team returned with some new leads, and unfortunately, new bodies, but nothing that helped solidify the profile any further than what you already had.
At the fifth hour, there was no denying it. The team had hit a wall. While the rest of them were back in the field investigating more leads, you sipped on your second cup of coffee while staring at the evidence board. Spencer paced the room behind you.
"The messy dump sites. The carvings onto the victims' chests. One points to the unsub being disorganised and inexperienced, but the other is a clear, almost narcissistic ritual." The doctor thought aloud.
"Usually that means the unsub is trying to make a statement, but he killed his first ten victims before the police found out, then killed another seven and three right under their noses before going dormant. If he wanted to make a statement, why wouldn't he tip off the police or media sooner?" He grumbled.
"Are we sure it's not a taunt to the local police’s competency? Many of his first victims were found in secluded areas with limited police support." You pointed out, tapping the edge of your cup in thought.
"No, the victimology and locations are too wide spread. A taunt would present a clearer message." He said.
You turned around suddenly, causing him to halt in his steps. "Here's something completely off the wall — but what if the unsub was trying to achieve a specific pattern with his kills?" You said, gesturing with your cup.
Tap, tap-tap, tap, you created the rhythm with your finger.
"That would explain why he isn't acting like a narcissist. Maybe he's suffering a mental condition that compels him to complete a certain pattern, and subsequently, ritual with his kills. Could be rhythmical, musical, numerical..." You explained.
"Numerical. That's it!" Spencer squeaked, rushing to the board with a marker. "I thought these numbers seemed familiar earlier, that's because they make up prime numbers!"
He backed away from the board to reveal what he wrote. The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11. A lightbulb turned on in your head.
"2, 3 and 5 make up the first ten kills. 7 is the next, which he managed to complete perfectly, but something happened to the unsub at 11." Spencer voiced your thoughts.
"He might have been incarcerated, or injured. But we can't rule out the possibility that he might have moved out of town and resumed the pattern elsewhere. So either we can expect 8 more victims here, or the unsub has already moved onto the next number: 13." You quickly finished the train of thought.
"Love, you're a genius!" Spencer rushed over to pick you up by the waist, twirling you as you laughed in relief. But the relief turned to surprise when he kissed you deeply.
God, he was good at this. Even when your feet touched the ground, it felt like you were seeing stars. Though it was only when your lips parted that he had the decency to blush.
"Love?" You breathed.
Spencer's cheeks turned crimson in embarrassment, but he didn't back away. Instead, he leaned forward, bumping your foreheads together gently.
"I didn't know you had that in you, doctor." You teased.
"Well, my mother did school me in classic romance literature from a young age. Not to mention, I happen to be a genius at most things..." You could hear the smile in his voice, and you giggled.
The doctor pulled away then, an adoring smile still plastered across his face. "Are you fee—" He began, but his voice died in his throat as his gaze fixated on something behind you.
"Ooooh, am I interrupting something?" You turned around to see none other than Penelope smiling coyly from the doorway, and the two of you jumped apart.
"N-no, nothing!" Spencer blurted out.
"All fine and dandy here." You added on, blushing furiously.
The tech analyst smiled deviously. "Well, I thought I'd come and check on my two favourite lovebirds. Anything else from the case for me to chew on? Except whatever that was earlier." She teased.
"Actually, there is." You cleared your throat awkwardly, while the good doctor looked like he wanted to melt into the carpet.
"We need you to search up murders in neighbouring cities that match the mutilation by our unsub, then cross-reference the time frame with any new residents. We suspect he might be trying to complete a pattern, and that he may have done it somewhere other than here." You said.
"On it, future-Mrs-Genius. I will get back to you so fast that you won't even have time to get down and dirty." She half-yelled that last bit, heels clicking as she walked back to her office. Before you could even formulate a response, she was gone.
You felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around you from the back. "Now, where were we?" He whispered.
You giggled, leaning back into the doctor's chest while he rocked your bodies side to side. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked.
"Next time someone says it's not as intense in here as it is out there, I'm going to give them a stern talking to." You joked.
"You know what I mean, love." Spencer reiterated gently, the pet name falling from his lips like it was the most natural thing in the world. "If you tell me about it, I can help you. You know I'm always here for you."
You sighed softly, blinking back tears that threatened to spill.
"It's something stupid. I-I'm fine."
He turned you around, brows furrowing in concern when a tear rolled down your cheek. "What's wrong?" He asked, wiping it away tenderly.
"I— I was worried about us working together." You admitted. "And it's not because I don't like working with you, but I just— I just couldn't—"
"Take a deep breath, love. Slowly." He held your shoulders as you breathed in and out, once, twice.
"I've been afraid this whole day — no, for awhile now — that something was going to happen to our relationship." You confessed shakily. "And it's not about our jobs — although I worry about that too — but I'm scared that one day you'll wake up and realise that I'm not worth the trouble."
You looked up at the ceiling, trying to stop the next wave of tears.
"A-and it's only gotten worse because I've never been so h-happy with another person before. Only you've made me feel this way, and I'm t-terrified that I'll lose what we have."
There was a brief silence as Spencer pulled you close to his chest, one hand stroking your hair carefully. You could hear his heart beating fast.
"Do you remember when the team tricked us into sharing a bed?" He whispered, a hint of a smile trickling into his voice. "I think about it every single time we're about to go into the field. Because you said you'd never leave me, and now, whenever we're out there, I know I'm not alone."
He breathed in deeply, your head gently rising and falling together with his chest.
"You've given me someone to come home to, love. What we have, you'll never lose it, okay?" He whispered.
"Baby, I—" Your voice halted. Crap.
"Wait. Baby?" Spencer repeated back to you, a teasing lilt in his voice. Your face flushed, and you unwinded your arms from your boyfriend to cover your face.
"Oh god, can we pretend that didn't just happen?"
"I have an eidetic memory." He pointed out. You let out a watery laugh, knowing when you had lost.
"Alright, alright. But I do have another ide—"
Then, the conference room phone rang. It was Emily. "Hey guys, Garcia managed to narrow down the unsub and we're 10 out, but we'll need some back-up."
"Be there in 15." You replied, while Spencer shot you an amused look, Luckily, he waited for the call to end before saying the next words.
"Let's go, baby." He wiggled his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes and laughed, already strapping on your kevlar. "That's it. You're not driving."
After the major breakthrough in the case — all thanks to Nerd 1 and Nerd 2, as Derek fondly called the two of you — the case managed to wrap up neatly and the BAU found themselves in a rare position. Ready to end the work day, on time.
Not that anybody was packing up to leave just yet, although you wished they would, because Penelope had decided to start enthusiastically retelling how she found the BAU's resident lovebirds in the conference room, unable to keep their hands off each other.
"Last I heard, pet names aren't a crime — and how long were you standing there anyway?" You accused, blushing.
"Firstly, they are. Criminally cute, that is!" Penelope squealed, while the rest were in fits of laughter. "And secondly, you should never underestimate my awesome ninja abilities, because I heard everything that I needed to hear."
"Do I even want to know?" Spencers winced.
"I don't think you do, pretty boy." Derek laughed, clapping the genius on the back.
"Wait, wait, wait. Can we go back to how Spencer's pet name of choice is love?" Emily gasped in laughter.
"You've got to admit it's kind of cute, Emily." JJ smiled.
"Sure. If you're courting Mr. Darcy and attending cotillions."
"C'mon, Prentiss. All that means is that our boy's got style." Derek added to laughter, while Spencer whined in protest.
The door to Hotch's office opened suddenly, both him and Rossi stepping out with expressions of urgency on their faces.
“Sorry to break up the fun, kiddos. But there's been an update to the case.” Rossi announced, following right behind Hotch to the conference room.
The laughs were wiped off everybody's faces as you traded concerned looks. As you filed into the room, Hotch had already begun speaking.
“Another body was found half an hour ago. Same MO, same random victimology, and same kind of dumpsite. And the unsub just told us where to find his copycat.”
“Wait, we never profiled a second unsub.” Derek interjected.
"It doesn't makes sense — the first unsub is a control freak. He didn't like the idea of anybody messing with his sequence. Wouldn't he have done something if he knew somebody else was copying his pattern?" You asked.
"We profiled that he wouldn't be able to deviate from his pattern. What if he had to continue, even when somebody else was committing some of the crimes for him?" Spencer countered.
“Hold on, you said the unsub gave us a location?” Emily asked.
"And a time." Rossi voiced up. “8pm tonight at The Basil. The first unsub claims that's where the copycat finds his next targets."
"How do we know if we can trust him?" Derek asked.
"We don't. But he didn't display any telltale signs of doubt when he told us, and this is the only lead we have." Hotch's frown deepened. You had a feeling he didn't like the idea of this either, but the team didn't have a choice.
"Okay, if we're doing this, he can't know we're onto him," Emily thought aloud, "and we'll need precautions in case it's a trap. That means..."
"Undercover agents... and the bait." Hotch said with finality.
“And who did you have in mind for that?” You piped up, and everyone turned their eyes to you.
“You and Reid.” He stated the obvious.
“B-b-but, I’ve never gone—"
“You’ve more than proven your abilities in the field since you joined us, and having natural chemistry will make it less suspicious to the unsub.”
You opened your mouth, but no words fell from it. Hotch was right. Of course he was right.
As if hearing your thoughts, Spencer took your hand in his and squeezed, and you felt a little calmer already. “Ok, I’ll do it.” You said determinedly, while the doctor echoed your sentiment.
Hotch nodded, beginning to assign roles to the rest of the team while you squeezed your boyfriend's hand tighter, a new mantra forming in your head.
Everything is going to be okay. Everything will be okay.
Tag List:
@blue-space-porgs @nobutalsoyes @lady-loves-a-lot @queen-flower @agentcarterisgay @totalmess191 @sapphic-prentiss @oops-all-ajs @spottedzebrasinpartyhats @mellowalieneggsknight @kenny-0909 || @averyhotchner @amesandpineapples @willowrose99
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Oh I just got hit so hard with Professor!Compress brainrot. Yes I’m still on my college au bullshit okay I know.  But I need to get it out of my head so here ya go:
18+ Minors DNI
Word Count: 1k
Pairing: Professor!Compress x Gender Neutral!reader
Warnings: professor/student dynamics, mild innocence kink, smut, alcohol mention, power dynamic play
He’s teaching in the theater department, or something similarly arts related. One of those weirdly eccentric profs who’s so painfully handsome despite how strange and unreadable he seems in classes.
Professor Sako would absolutely be the type to enjoy having a drink with some of the students he’s closer with, especially if they’re participating in some of the shows he directs or he’s helping advise them on their own thesis work. Genuinely really likes to listen when you info-dump about your favorite playwright/author/artists etc... He just finds it incredibly attractive to have intelligent conversation about your shared interests.
Also it gives him an excuse to see your face all lit up and so excited that your favorite award-winning prof is showing an interest in you.
He gets drunk more off that light of adoration in your eyes than he does the wine.
Atsuhiro will find himself seeking you out in his auditorium classes, calling on you more and more often to come up on stage and help demonstrate—even if this isn’t your major or field of study, even if you’re just here for the easy credit, he’s rapidly starting to view you as a muse of sorts.  
Not just because you’re attractive—god knows you are though—but you have substance. There are complexities to you that make you so fascinating to him and like any good professor, he wants to help you realize them. Bring them to fruition. He sees your potential, that’s all.
Potential to be molded into something perfect for him.
He’ll send you innocent emails, asking you to stop by during his office hours and canceling any other appointments all under the guise of advising your class work. It’s inconsequential if you both end up on the small sofa he keeps that makes the secluded room feel more comfortable, door closed and legs pressed close together as you open up to him about all the creative ventures you’ve thought of but were always too scared to pursue.
There’s no money in art. Why major in a hobby? You have to be a genius to get noticed.  
Atsu is so kind, so understanding, so supportive of you when clearly everyone else in your life has begged you to give up on your dreams.
It doesn’t even matter if he truly believes you posses the skills to succeed. Because he’ll craft them for you, he’d do whatever it takes to make sure that bright, unwavering, absolute adoration never leaves your eyes when you look at him.
He decides then that he has to be the only one you’ll ever look at that way. 
And if he convinces you to audition for the debut of his newest passion product—one he’d started in secret the moment you stumbled through his classroom doors, so lost and begging for him to pull you from the tempest of scrambling student bodies. 
Pleading with your eyes for talented, wonderful Professor Sako to scoop you up and make a masterpiece of you. 
You’ll be a stunning lead, he tells you, and he knows your apprehensive. 
So many other far more qualified students are fighting tooth and nail for the chance to perform under Atsuhiro Sako’s direction, and he understands your anxieties. 
But he doesn’t tell you how completely unfounded they are. Doesn’t tell you that the leading role is you. Was always meant to be you. Because he wrote it for you. No, he wants you to think you got here on your own when the cast list is sent around and you come crying into his office to throw yourself rather unprofessionally into his arms. 
Words of thanks and praise fall so easily from your lips, he just can’t help the smirk that forms on his. 
And it’s the same smirk he wears when he fucks you so sweetly on the prop room couch after rehearsal that first night. You’re so pliant and willing under him, so full of devotion to this man who’s handed you your dreams on a plate. It doesn’t matter that someone might creep back into the theater late and discover you or that the ghost light which illuminates the stage has him thinking that the spirits who come to perform for the empty rows of seats might watch instead. Might become an undead voyeurs to your coupling, might applaud as he pulls gorgeous sounds from you underneath him. 
He’s an actor at heart. 
He has always thrived with an audience. 
It’s delicious, he thinks. And when he tastes you again in his office the week after that, buried between your legs as you lean on his desk--it’s even more divine than he could have imagined. 
He never lets you go after he’s gotten started and sweet, innocent you is swept along for the ride of your life. 
Suddenly you find yourself at his apartment after Friday night rehearsals—he prefers to give you his notes in private, of course. And you just keep forgetting those lovely lines he’s written just for you. 
It’s late into the night but he isn’t going to stop, not until every word is burned into your memory—just like the feeling of his cock mercilessly pumping into you. Script in one hand and your abused nipple in the other, Atsuhiro has you nicely laid up in his bed, legs around his waist as he rolls hips into you while you run scenes with him. His pace is slow enough to keep you just on the edge, thrusting sharply whenever you get a line wrong. He steels himself, remains outwardly unaffected while he fucks you until you’re so incoherent the only words he can wring from those perfect lips are:
Atsuhiro, please, let me cum...
And he does, because you’ve earned it. Been so good for him. 
He tosses the script aside and pounds into your heat and tangles your tongues together and losses himself in that look of worship on your face as you come undone.
And then he’ll do it all over again, because it’s his job to teach you, to perfect you. 
You’re his star and his work of art—his vision come to life. 
Molded carefully for him. 
Only for him. 
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elvish-sky · 3 years
The Grumpiness of Uncles Does Not Outweigh the Drunkenness of Nephews {Fíli x Tullaina}
A.N: Ok, so first of all I’m 15 (almost 16 though!) and I have no clue how alcohol or being drunk works. I also don’t know if cold water sobers you up but I decided for the purposes of this fic it didn’t! Also- I had a total blast writing this. Fili and Tullaina are one of my favorite couples, and I loved these prompts because I just got to have so much fun with them! I hope I wrote Tullaina okay, and I really hope you like this!
Requested by @guardianofrivendell for my 1K celebration: 💜 - 1 and 11 from the general prompt list with Fíli (can be x reader or an AU with Tullaina, whatever you prefer!) 1. "I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 11. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
Summary: Fili gets rather drunk the night the elven delegation arrives. Shenanigans ensue.
Pairing: Fili x Tullaina, mentioned Thorin x Bilbo
Word Count: 1,318, because @guardianofrivendell picks the best prompts so I can’t resist writing longer stuff!
Warnings: Alcohol, Drunken Behavior
The Grumpiness of Uncles Does Not Outweigh the Drunkenness of Nephews {Fíli x Tullaina}
“Fíli! What in Mahal’s name are you doing?”
Tullaina stood in the doorway of the best pub in Erebor, watching her fiancé- the prince of Erebor and heir to the throne- dance along the tabletops.
The issue wasn’t that he was a bad dancer. It wasn’t even the embarrassment this would cause him in the morning (he knew what would happen when he got drunk! It happened every single time). The issue was that, firstly, Fíli had a big meeting in the morning and would not do well hungover, and secondly, the elves were going to be arriving for said meeting any minute (Thorin had grumbled for hours about how Thranduil had “No respect for sleep,” and that “Some of us can’t stay up all night and then look fresh as daisies in the morning.”)
After the fiasco that had happened the last time the elves visited, which had involved Fíli, Kíli, several jugs of ale, and a game of catch, Thorin was determined to keep everything under control for this visit.
“TULLAINA!” Fíli exclaimed, jumping down from the table and drunkenly making his way over to her.
“I love you,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Tullaina giggled for a moment, then shook her head and pushed him away. “Tell me that when you’re sober. Now c’mon. The elves should be here any moment.”
“ELVES! Where?” He crouched into a battle-stance and looked around warily.
Tullaina laughed, grabbing his arm and dragging him out the door. She rounded the corner of the pub, entering the alleyway behind it.
“Did you get it?”
“Yes,” said a figure, stepping forward out of the darkness.
“Kíli!!” Fíli greeted his brother with a wave. “Did you know I Love Tulls? I. Love. Tullaina.”
“Oh, wow. He really is drunk,” Kíli said.
Tullaina nodded. “Yup. Now let’s do this so that we can get to the gates and not have Thorin scold us.”
Kíli nodded, reaching down and grabbing a large bucket. Tullaina knew what was in it- ice cold water.
Tullaina let go of Fíli and backed up. “Ready.”
Kíli hefted the bucket over his head, dumping all the cold water over his brother. Fíli starting shrieking as the cold water rained down over him, jumping and squirming and generally just not looking very pleased as his brother and fiancé both cackled while watching him.
Tullaina waited until Fíli had shaken most of the water off, then approached him. “You at least slightly clear-headed now?”
“Huh? Oh, Tullaina! Kíli, did you know I love Tulls?”
Kíli sighed. “Ok. That didn’t work at all.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” said Tullaina. “We need to figure this out.”
Kíli walked up to his brother, placing a hand on each of Fíli’s shoulders and looking him directly in the eyes.
“Fíli,” he began.
“Yes, hi. It’s me. We’re about to go see Uncle Thorin and Uncle Bilbo, and we’re going to be greeting the elves. You need to act completely normal. Got it?”
Fíli nodded, suddenly looking very serious. “I’ve got it.”
Tullaina and Kíli let out simultaneous sighs of relief, each grabbing one of Fíli’s arms to frog-march him to the front gates.
As they walked, Fíli asked, “Do you think Thranduil will let me touch his ears?”
“No,” Kíli told him.
“Awwwww,” Fíli pouted. “But they’re so pointy. I want to touch them!!!!!”
The next morning, Tullaina sat on the window seat in her bedroom, watching F​​íli blink his eyes open in the spot he’d collapsed last night- spread eagle on her bed.
“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” She asked.
“Tulls?” Fíli shot up to a sitting position, blinking his eyes in confusion.
“You collapsed in here last night because you were very drunk,” she told him. “Anyways, did you know talk in your sleep?”
Fíli looked wary. “I did not know that. May I ask what I said?”
Tullaina giggled. “Let’s see, there may have been a fully formed dream-plan to prank Thranduil’s son for revenge-”
“Did you write it down?”
“I- what?” Tullaina was confused by the sudden interruption.
“Tullaina. Focus. Did you write it down?”
She shook her head, and Fíli’s head sank back in disappointment.
“I remember it, though!”
Fíli’s head shot back up. “Great! We’ll discuss it later. What else did I say?”
“There was also a whole lot of grumbling about ‘the grumpiness of uncles,’ and how ‘ever since Uncle Thorin had married Bilbo he’d gotten supremely worse about manners.’”
Fíli groaned. “I hope I didn’t say anything like that in front of my Uncles!”
Tullaina smirked. “Well, you actually did a whole lot worse.”
Fíli shot out of bed. “What?! What did I do?!”
Tullaina sat back against her pillows with the air of someone who was taking entirely too much delight in telling someone else something.
“Well,” she began. “You started off an abysmal night by commenting on the pointiness of the Elven-Kings ears. In front of the whole elven delegation- and like ninety percent of Erebor.”
Fíli flopped back onto the bed in despair. “I really hate to ask, but… did I touch them?”
“Welllllllll, no.”
He sighed in relief.
“However, you did somehow manage to touch Legolas’s ears. And then Legolas caught a whiff of your breath and commented on how drunk you must have been. And then Thorin… well, let’s just say Thorin was not pleased. Especially not when you started yelling at Legolas.”
“What did I yell at Legolas about?” Fíli looked like he wanted to shrivel up and never be seen again.
The smirk on Tullaina’s face was growing. “You said, and I quote, “C’mon, Leggy!! Bros don’t rat out other bros for being drunk at a diplomatic thingy! And you! I thought you were a bro! How could you?”
“So that’s why I wanted revenge in my dream?” Fíli asked.
Tullaina nodded.
“It’s official,” Fíli declared. “I will never leave this room again.”
“I would say that was a good idea,” Tullaina said. “Except for the fact that as of right now, you are officially late to the ‘crisis management (the crisis being your behavior last night) meeting that Thorin scheduled for this morning. The one that all the elves will be attending.”
Fíli shot into the room where Thorin usually held all important meetings, skidding to a halt in shock as he saw the faces of the people inside.
It was everyone. All the elves, Thorin, Bilbo, even little Frodo! And- was that-
Everyone in the room started laughing.
Fíli stood there in complete bewilderment. “What- what is happening?”
Thorin approached him. “Last night, when you were behaving so ridiculously, we figured out that if dwarven-elven relations could withstand that kind of diplomatic fiasco, we could withstand anything.”
Thranduil stepped forward. “Exactly. However, your Uncle still felt you deserved some punishment for last night. So, your all-too-willing fiancée stepped in.”
Tullaina gave Fíli a little wave.
“So- so I’m not in trouble?”
Thorin laughed. “No. We thought that the fact that everyone, until the end of time, will remember you asking to touch an elf’s ears was enough.”
Fíli was blushing like crazy.
“Fine,” he said. “But my retribution for this will be legendary! They shall mark this day as the day when Fíli, Prince of Erebor, came up with his greatest prank ever!” He spread his arms wide to punctuate the declaration.
And then promptly stopped, holding out his hand. “Now, c’mon, Tulls. I’m hungry. Let’s go to the kitchens.”
As the two left the room, Fíli turned around just long enough to yell one more thing.
“There will still be repercussions for this, never fear! There shall be RE-PER-CUSSIONS!”
The large double doors to the conference room slammed shut in their wake, and everyone in the room could hear them walking down the hallway on the other side, Tullaina giggling as she teased Fíli and him good-naturedly replying.
Everything tag: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
Fíli tag: @laurfilijames @claraofthepen
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ackerfics · 3 years
Hiiii is it okay to request something? I just really love your fics 🥺 I saw that you did song fics, so I was thinking Still Into You by Paramore mixed with Thinking of You by Katy Perry since I legit couldn’t get those out of my head. Also I’m having Mikasa brainrot rn, so maybe a fic about exes getting back together? Where reader is like already in a new relationship with Historia, but they still love Mikasa, and the pining is mutual. Thank you so much 🥺
we sang along to the start of forever  — mikasa ackerman
— mikasa ackerman x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst but it transitioned into fluff in the end so we’re fine :)))
— summary: you still love each other and like puzzle pieces, the two of you thought about trying out the relationship thing again.
— word count: 4.8k
— author’s notes: i’m so sorry this took so long, we have so many backlogs  but i thought that writing would be a great thing to unwind so here it is !! i also made the reader a girl because as soon i started writing, mikasa with a girlfriend just keeps popping in my brain and i can’t help it sjjkjksjs and thank you so much for requesting !!
reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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< you said move on, where do i go
“Hey, there you are.”
A melodic whisper got you out of your daze from looking at your laptop screen. Exams are around the corner and your professors thought that it was the perfect time to dump more work for you. Tomorrow, you have a deadline coming up for a 2k-word essay about a topic that you could care less about, it wasn’t even under your major. Yet here you are, in one of the study areas of your university, trying to squeeze your brain just so you could reach the word count without caring for the outcome of your essay. But it seems like the gods graced your prayers because a small figure with golden blonde hair appeared in front of you, her blue eyes shining under the lights of the study area.
You started dating Historia Reiss not too long ago, it was probably ranging for three months at most. It was quite rocky at first, with you being out of a long-term relationship and Historia balancing out her time between extracurriculars and academics. The long-term relationship that got you all wound up was with a close friend back in high school and it sucked because you were such a good pair together — maybe fate wasn’t by your side that time. The two of you were immature and young but your time together was golden, having known each other way before asking one another out. You promised each other you’d move on and clearly, you did, your eyes finding your current girlfriend sitting in the neighboring study desk, taking out her stationery and color-coordinated notes.
Historia was a sweet person, always patient and caring when it comes to you. You met during a lecture that you two happened to share. She forgot her Apple pencil and luckily, you still had yours in your bag, lending the gadget to the blonde since you already have your laptop perched in front of you. With small smiles, the two of you gradually became friends, sitting next to each other during that lecture. Those small moments grew and later became study meet-ups in cafés or hanging out in one of the university’s libraries. The best thing that connected you two was your personalities, it matched so well that people sometimes thought you knew each other way longer before college. When you noticed Historia showing some signs that she likes you more than a friend, you couldn’t quite believe it at first. It was Historia being so understanding of you that made you say yes to her dates.
And now, here you are.
“Yup, you found me,” you told her, stretching your arms above your head before smiling at your girlfriend.
“Is that essay for Mr. Smith’s class?” Historia asked, leaning over to your side to get a glimpse of your screen. She patted your shoulder at the number of words you wrote. “Wow, you already got past the 1k mark. That’s amazing! Don’t forget to take breaks, though.”
“Of course, Tori,” you smiled. “You, too. I know your exams start four days from now. How is that holding up?”
Historia opened her readings, sighing at the thought of the dreaded season of the student body. “I don’t know if I can answer anything that well. I mean, we’ve been having study dates every day but I get so nervous just thinking about the exams. I know I’m going to be prepared but my anxiety said ‘no’.” She buried her hands through her hair, eyes softening when your face started showing how worried you are for her. “I’ll just think that this will be over a week from now.” Historia reached a hand out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “Hey, why don’t we go to that restaurant just outside of uni for dinner?”
You took her hand in yours, squeezing it affectionately. “I think that’s perfect.”
The two of you proceeded to work on your separate tasks until you both agreed that it’s time for a good dinner. Historia helped you tidy your things up, occasionally smiling softly at you when you yawn. You bid goodbye to some of the students in the study area you know and the two of you went out of the room with joined hands. It was a nice walk around the university, the golden glow of the Sun bathing everything in orange, and making you relax despite the many backlogs still on your to-do list. That was until you saw a familiar figure going out of one of the many buildings of the Business Department. The blonde beside you even recognized the young woman hiding her face behind her scarf, blue eyes darting to you with a worried air.
It also happened that Mikasa Ackerman looked up from adjusting her scarf, her stormy gray eyes meeting with yours by chance.
Her eyes slightly widened at the sight of you, her gaze then dropping to your hands still joined with Historia’s before pursing her lips. Looking up to tangle your eyes again, she rose her hand in a little wave. You reciprocated the gesture weakly, never leaving your stare off her retreating form. You noticed that her shoulders became tense after that little encounter, fists enclosing the straps of her backpack and steps hurrying to get to her apartment that was just a walking distance from the university.
You felt a light squeeze coming from the girl beside you, knocking you out of your reverie.
“Let’s go?” Historia asked, eyes knowingly roaming your face.
“Mm-hmm,” you only hummed, following your girlfriend out of the campus.
You thought there wasn’t anything left but why were you still stuck in a limbo that you couldn’t get out of when you stared into those gray hues haunting your dreams?
< recount the night that i first met your mother
Mikasa had her life figured out. 
Everything was perfect. She has the most amazing people she can call her friends. She has the most supportive parents (and brother, but he can be a little shit sometimes but that’s beside the point). She has the perfect grades that can maintain her standing in the university, earning her great credits from various professors on the campus. She has scored a good apartment with her best friend, Sasha, all equipped with the best rooms and views that she can pay for a reasonable price. She is still a member of the university’s track and field long-distance running team, a regular and a manager at the same time. She also had the most beautiful girl as her lover and confidante, someone she could be herself with (not that her closest friends and brother didn’t see her real personality but being with her lover was a different kind of bliss compared to hanging out with her friends).
Well, had a girlfriend.
Ever since meeting you again earlier that night, suddenly Mikasa’s schedule for the night seems to blur.
It was her turn to cook for dinner but she couldn’t do anything properly. First, she managed to burn her sauteed vegetables, something that she had never done before knowing that this is her favorite go-to dish. Second, she boiled the pasta too long and now they’re too soggy. She nearly threw the pot down the sink but she didn’t want their neighbors to call the cops to their place, she just didn’t want to have a repeat of the first time that happened. (The first time their neighbors called the cops because of them was all Sasha’s fault, it appeared to the brown-haired girl that Mikasa’s cooking is one of the best in the world that she screamed bloody murder in the middle of the night.) Now, the gray-eyed girl had no choice but to start from scratch with the pasta, it was a good thing it was only the pasta though. 
The front door of their apartment opened with a bang while Mikasa tried to concentrate this time. Without looking up, she can see a brown-headed blur dashing towards the kitchen. “Stop right there, Sasha,” she said while stirring the alfredo sauce in the pan. “If you reach for the chicken one more time, I’m going to skin you alive. I don’t have the energy to hold your hungry ass back right now.”
Sasha backed away at the look of her roommate who was ready to commit violence if she steps out of line. “Whoa, who pissed at your day?”
Mikasa blinked, realizing that she might have been unreasonable with her remark. Of course, she wasn’t the only tired one in their apartment right now. Sasha was also struggling with academics and extracurriculars, not to mention, her love life is perfectly stable despite being in a relationship for a year. Not that Mikasa felt slightly jealous but she did everything she could to save their relationship but it still ended on a consensual note. The black-haired girl relaxed her tense posture, sighing deeply to expel the negativity accumulating her mind at the moment (Sasha called them dark forces after Mikasa told her about it, it took everything not to leave the room when the words came out of her friend’s mouth). Turning back on her sauce, Mikasa stated, “I’m sorry, I’m just stressed. You know, with the exams coming up and my track team entering this meet at the end of the month for official records. It’s just,” she sighed, “too much right now.”
“Aw, Mikasa,” Sasha empathized, going around the countertop to wrap her arms around Mikasa. She placed her head against her friend’s, petting the latter’s hair until they became a mess on her head. “I know just the thing to make us feel better. Let’s watch some of those anime movies that Armin recommended while eating dinner. Or anything that you want to watch if you don’t feel like watching anime right now.”
Mikasa smiled a little, resting her head on top of Sasha’s and relishing the comfort her friend gave her. “Thanks, I appreciate it, Sash.”
The moment she shared with Sasha reminded her of when you two were in high school. At that time, Mikasa was one of the star athletes that belonged to the track team. After the rigorous training their coach gave them, Mikasa’s knee started to hurt. This was dismissed by the head coach, saying that this wasn’t serious at all. You witnessed it when she ran more laps than what was written in her training regime to the point that her knee gave out. It was a good thing that her knee only acquired a sprain and a good rest from physical activities for some time will heal it gradually. Mikasa never had anything against it because getting some time off from her club meant that she could spend her free time with you. It was spent staying on her family’s couch, watching movies to pass the time while making small talk about her friends. The reminiscing continued until Sasha helped her prepare the living room for their movie night. She just couldn’t help but associate every little thing with you. You were a great part of her life since middle school.
She missed everything about you.
While the movie played out, her mind went to a time when it was time to introduce Mikasa as your girlfriend to your mother.
It was in the first months of being first-years in university. There was an issued academic break set by the faculties, taking the time to invite Mikasa to your home. You were so excited that that’s all you can talk about while the gray-eyed girl drove you two to your hometown. That was the only thing enjoyable in the entire trip. Everything went into shit when you blurted out that Mikasa has been more than a friend to you ever since high school. The look on your mother’s face was enough for the two of you to tell that this shouldn’t go on as planned.
“So, you’re telling me that Mikasa has been in our home, doing God knows what to you since high school?” Your mother flatly questioned.
The coldness of her tone made you stiffen in your seat. You can see Mikasa from the corner of your eyes trying to calm herself down by rubbing your hand under the table. It couldn’t be helped that your father, the only understanding person in the family, was absent because of his job. This is why your father chose to live separately from your mom, seeing as she was the kind of authoritative parent and wife, always hovering around each of her family members to keep them in line. You now understand why your father left her because God forbid, it was tempting to cut off ties with the person who gave birth to you as she threw degrading words at Mikasa left and right. You furrowed your eyebrows, tightening your hold on your girlfriend’s hand, which was trembling on your lap. The first time you saw her this shaken was when her knee got injured during her track training. Her skin was so pale like that time that you wanted to pull her out of the house and stay at a nearby hotel to get away from your mother’s wrath.
“Mom, please,” you pleaded, tears prickling your eyes.
“No, [Name], don’t you say another word,” she pointedly snapped at you. “I feel like I have become a failure of a mother. I don’t understand why you have a woman as your lover. It’s just not right. I support it but not if it’s with my daughter.”
You abruptly stood up with half-lidded eyes that never strayed from your mother’s similar shaded ones. Your hand still gripped Mikasa’s, your thumb stroking the back of it in a soothing circle that contrasted the indifferent gaze you gave your mother. When you were a child, you understood her sentiments because you’re her only child, the only person left in her life. But when she started badmouthing the little things observed from other people, you started questioning her parenting. You were told that people who love others of the same sex were sinning the word of a divine being but if that’s the case, you’d gladly be condemned to the pits of Hell if it meant protecting Mikasa from your mother’s harsh words. “We’re leaving.”
“What—?” It was Mikasa.
“Come on, Mika. Let’s find some restaurant downtown. This place is becoming stuffy and I don’t want you to suffocate any further.”
“Hey, Mikasa? Are you alright?”
Mikasa jumped, looking around at their apartment’s living room as if she was confused as to why she was there. She slightly shook her head before turning to the concerned brown irises of her roommate. Trying for a convincing smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, Mikasa forced a laugh as she mindlessly twirled the pasta on her plate with a wistful air surrounding her. “Yeah, I think I’m alright. Just saw my ex earlier when I got out of my last lecture for the day. I feel like that’s the reason why I don’t feel like myself today.”
The movie was then forgotten when Sasha positioned her body so that she could give Mikasa her undivided attention. With a serious expression that the gray-eyed young woman didn’t see in a long time, Sasha asked, “That gorgeous beauty?”
A nod was all Mikasa could answer. Gorgeous was an understatement when it comes to imagining you. You’re practically the most beautiful girl Mikasa saw in her lifetime. 
“Damn, it’s been what? Half a year since you guys broke up?”
A nod from Mikasa. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pushing them further into her chest, feeling so small at the moment. “It would have been fine if she’s alone but…”
Sasha’s mouth parted with realization; eyes wide as she stared at her roommate. “Oh,” she breathed. 
Scooting closer to the gray-eyed girl, Sasha wrapped an arm around her shoulder to let the former lean against her side. She always viewed the two of you to be endgame, seeing as you were dating since you were in high school. It sucks that no matter how much the two of you proved that you belong to one another, it just ends inevitably. Sasha even liked you when Mikasa introduced you to her new roommate when you were first-years. You were shining in the brown-eyed girl’s eyes; smile so bright that she couldn’t help but think you’re pretty, hair perfectly mussed by the wind during the ride to the apartment, casual clothing fitting you in the most pleasing way possible, and personality that one could describe as amazing. You even gave her some of your food when the three of you ate out together. (Mikasa always scolded you for giving away your food when you’re barely even eating regularly.) And when you guys broke up, Sasha saw how Mikasa ended up at the lowest point of her life, locking up inside her room and only going out when Sasha’s asleep. It was only recently that Mikasa slowly became herself again.
Now, Mikasa became that closed-off version of herself after the break-up, and Sasha instantly pulled her in for a hug.
The television kept playing the movie they chose to watch, Mikasa’s silent sobs blending with the movie’s dialogue and seeping through the night.
< she kissed my lips, i taste your mouth
You nearly pulled away when you tasted lemon instead of strawberry.
You nearly looked away when you saw azure instead of metallic gray after the kiss.
You felt so bad for thinking of midnight tresses instead of spun gold every time you lay in bed after hours of studying. Guilt bloomed in your whole torso like a giant wad of roses prickling your insides with their thorns, images of Mikasa plaguing your mind a week after you saw her again after six months. And every time you close your eyes to let sleep pull you in their embrace, arms so secure would wrap around your middle in your dreams, the smell of a rose-scented soap enveloping you in a warm cocoon. It was so contrasting to the minty scent you tried so hard to get used to in those three months you were together with Historia. You promised yourself you’d never date someone else after Mikasa but you tried because she told you to find someone who will treat you better than her. As much as you pleaded with your rationality to not follow her advice, Historia was a breath of fresh air.
It was a rainy night the time you and Mikasa broke up. Funny how you always love the rain and yet the one moment tormenting your daydreams occurred in a thunderstorm.
“Mikasa, what are you talking about?”
Your favorite-colored irises couldn’t meet your stare. “I said you deserve to be with someone who can make you glow with happiness.”
“Where is this coming from?”
She only shook her head, short black hair moving along with the movement. “I feel like I’m not giving enough in this relationship. I noticed how happier you look when you hang out with your friends from your department but when you’re with me, you’re mellowed down and so drained that I’m starting to feel like I’ve done something wrong.” Mikasa buried her hands in her hair, elbows placed on her knees, making herself feel smaller in front of you. You stood up from your bed to kneel in front of her, covering her cheeks tenderly with the palms of your hands. Yet she continued, “My mind is telling me these thoughts that I denied a long time ago since we started university.”
“What thoughts, Mika?”
“That our spark had died down for good.”
You searched her face for any sign of a joke but you could only stare at her downturned eyes.
“That I think we should break up for you to be happier with other people.”
“No,” you murmured, tears starting to blur your vision. “Mikasa.”
“I love you so much to see you unhappy with me.”
“I’m never unhappy when I’m with you. Where did you get that idea?”
Mikasa smiled despite her wobbly lips, gingerly placing her lips on your forehead. “I love you, [Name], I hope you’ll find someone bright enough to let you shine even more.”
It hurts just thinking about that but something pinched it even more when you stared at Historia in front of you, Facetiming someone on her phone. You two were celebrating the end of your exams in a café, treats covering the expanse of your table. It was a breather from all the stressful weeks draining your energy and now you feel refreshed. The book you recently bought was snug in your hands, eyes skimming over the words as Historia animatedly talked to her friend, Ymir. Hearing her laugh at something the freckled girl said, you couldn’t help but look up from a paragraph you were engrossed in. Historia looks so happy, cheeks flushed and giggles so clear that she couldn’t even contain them with her small hand. She never looked like this with you and as much as you anticipated the pain brought by the sight, it didn’t come.
Now, you understood what Mikasa felt, only this time you had to let Historia go because she already belonged to someone else.
Historia just said goodbye to her friend and you knew you had to hold on to this chance.
“Hey, Historia, I have a question.”
She sipped her iced tea. “Shoot.”
“You like Ymir, don’t you?”
The silence and flustered reaction that followed was all it took for you to smile.
< no more mistakes ‘cause in your eyes i'd like to stay
Getting out of a four-hour lecture was bliss to Mikasa. She stretched her arms over her head, letting out a deep breath of relief at the thought of spending her weekend without any backlogs. Finally, she can relax without feeling guilty. After all that hell her department professors gave her, she deserved this break.
Mikasa walked down the hallways with a slight spring in her steps, feeling her phone vibrate with a text message in her bag. Stopping by a little bit at the side of the hallway, Mikasa opened the outer compartment of her bag and turned on her phone. A smile instantly overtook her confused expression.
hey, wanna watch a movie tonite?
eren suggested we could unwind after the exams
figured you needed it
you can stay the night here too !!
Her fingers typed out a reply almost giddily.
Let me just text Sasha that I won’t be sleeping in the apartment tonight.
Another message from Armin appeared.
yey !! see you later, Mikasa
At this point, her smile couldn’t be erased on her face.
See you later, Armin.
Then, another message from Armin popped out that made Mikasa laugh a little.
this is eren
mikasa, can u bring dinner PLS
armin and i are too lazy to cook 
plus, you love us 🥺🥺🥺
The gray-eyed girl rolled her eyes, typing out a ‘fine’ before closing her phone. Her brother was sometimes too hard to handle but he can be sweet as well and saying that he needs dinner is just a way for him to say that he misses Mikasa’s cooking. When she looked up, a very familiar blonde and one of Mikasa’s classmates in a general subject came into view in one of the gazebos. Confusion was an understatement while she continued staring at Historia and Ymir laughing as if they were the only ones in the world. It was only a few weeks ago that she saw the blonde girl holding hands with you after a whole day of lectures. Maybe it was because she was staring too long at the couple that Ymir turned in her direction. As the freckled girl recognized the black-haired, stoic girl in one of their general classes, Ymir rose a hand in the air as a greeting. It also didn’t help that Historia looked at where Ymir was waving, with Mikasa tensing at the attention. She hastily waved back before turning in the direction of her car in the parking lot.
Several theories flickered through Mikasa’s head as she pulled out of the parking lot, the department store in their part of the city as her destination. Her mind was still a questioning mess the whole time she roamed the vegetable aisle until she bumped into another shopping cart, the clang of the metal breaking her trance.
“I’m sorry,” she told the person holding the other cart without looking up from her groceries.
“It’s fine.”
Mikasa quickly lifted her head at your voice. She probably looked like an idiot gawking at you in the middle of an aisle. You were dressed in an aquamarine shirt tucked in a pair of black slacks; your hair slung over one of your shoulders but for her, you looked so pretty. She concluded that you also got back from one of your lectures since your bag was placed inside the shopping cart, leaning beside a carton of strawberry milk. At the sight of the beverage, Mikasa’s chest pounded with her loud heartbeat, all the memories of you saying you like the taste of strawberries because of her entering her mind. Even after a full minute of you staring at each other, Mikasa couldn’t bear to look away. You’re so beautiful and she misses you so much.
“I miss you, too, Mikasa,” you murmured with flushed cheeks. “And you look good as usual.”
Mikasa’s face burned with embarrassment, reaching her ears, as she realized that she said her thoughts out loud. She was acting like she was in high school when she came to terms with her feelings for you. “U-Uhm, how are y-you?” Fucking hell, what is she stuttering for? It’s not like she got a below-passing score on one of her majors.
You softly smiled, tucking a stray lock of her behind your ear. “I’m doing fine. I was just thinking of making some homemade dinner tonight.” 
Mikasa nodded, recalling that you got a single apartment. “Me, too, but Eren asked me to make dinner for our movie night with Armin.”
At the mention of the two men, your face brightened. “How are they?”
The gray-eyed young woman reciprocated your smile. “Armin is still reeling Eren from doing anything stupid. You know how that dingbat is.” Your laugh made her day better. She faintly noticed that the two of you started walking side by side, pushing your carts to who knows what section of the department store. “The last time I saw them was before the exam week and we were studying so we didn’t do any catching up. Speaking of exams, how are yours?”
You hummed. “I think I got a passing grade on Parasitology and Microbiology. Those were the only subjects keeping me up for how many nights in a row.” You chuckled at your caffeinated state the previous weeks. “But the others were all papers so I guess I’m fine as of now.”
“Don’t tell me you got yourself palpitations from all the coffee.”
“You know me so well, Mika,” you laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to order coffee every time I go out this time. I don’t want a repeat of that night when I studied for Para. It was worse because I don’t have a roommate. How is Sasha doing, by the way? Still a ball of sunshine, I hope.” You spotted a cereal box you wanted to try so you mindlessly reached out for it but it was on the top shelf. Mikasa noticed your struggles, stopping behind you after chuckling to herself at how adorable you looked to reach the cereal box. You visibly tensed when you felt her front brush against your back, the box of cereal greeting your vision with Mikasa’s hand brushing on yours. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“You’re welcome,” she answered, patting your head before taking her cart and pushing it in the direction of the dairy section. “Yeah, Sasha is still as rowdy as the day you last visited. I threatened her again when she tried eating what I was plating for dinner. It was not a lovely night.” Mikasa paused, looking behind her when you’re not following close. She slightly panicked when she saw you looking down and gripping on the handle of the shopping cart. “[Name]? Are you okay?”
“Mikasa, I’m still into you.” You faced her with a smile. “Will you let me love you with all my heart again?”
Mikasa was speechless, her throat clogging up with overflowing emotions. She let out a delighted light, looking at you with eyes full of love.
“Yes. Will you let me in your heart again, [Name]?”
“Always, Mika.”
Their song of forever played once again and it felt so right that they wondered why they stopped it in the first place.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
tiny house decision
as i wrote up the thing debating whether i should continue, i went to bed thinking, “man i really should just-- build it” and when I woke up and everyone had said “build it” that pretty much solidified it. So. Thanks everyone for the feedback, I think y’all are right-- there’s no certainty that prices will come back down, there’s no good reason not to do it if in any way I can. so i’m gonna.
So-- now I have to start spending money. Ha.
progress report on the foundation:
The foundation is nearly done. I hauled like 800 pounds of rocks for it last time I was here, picked out of the flower garden-- I started by picking up the little piles that had been picked into the aisles between beds-- and then this visit I’ve hauled about 500 pounds of rocks out of the high-tunnel (greenhouse thing), at VegMan’s request-- he’d raked them into the aisles in there and then the apprentices had made a rule that every time they walk out of that place they have to carry some rocks out, so they had a pile down at one end. I picked the aisles for one whole load-- two full milk crates, a full 5-gal bucket, and a full 3-gal pail-- and then came back and collected that pile of rocks into two milk crates, then picked three 3-gallon pail loads into the drywall bucket and the tops of the milk crates, then one final 3-gallon pail load. Hauled that over, dumped it into the foundation site. Then I picked more rocks out of the soil we excavated from the site-- the lower parts of what we dug out were also mostly gravel, and now that’s been rinsed by the rain, so I pulled out all the stones, three or four milk crates of those, and pitched the bigger stones one at a time by hand because the pile’s right there, and then picked a 3gal pail worth of smaller gravel off the far side of the pile and carried it over.
If you add up what I’ve picked, I’ve moved just a little under a ton of rocks into that pile.
The tractor has moved probably ten tons of gravel, and will get a couple more today, is the plan.
I’m also going to try to plant my flax today, which is great and all except I don’t remember where I put the flaxseed I had saved from mice attacking it in the granary and brought inside to the guest room and now it’s not there so clearly my sister tidied it.... to where..... ??? I found one tiny seed packet of it which is not what I want At All so like. Who knows.
And VegMan said he’d make the bed for it, but I don’t know if he finished that yet. BIL and I have to set and level the concrete blocks for the foundation but we don’t have the concrete blocks yet but he has to get the gravel finished first and the site he’d been excavating it from ran dry so he has to find another vein of it up on the chunk of the farm called the “gravel bank” which is called that for obvious reasons.
Anyway I had applied for, and have now had approved, a credit card just for this-- the idea being, I could get one with points to earn cash back on all this dough I gotta spend, and also then every little House expense goes on it and then we pay it off but we have a perfect accounting of everything directly House-related so we know what the project cost.
My secret, that I haven’t explained to most of my RL people, is that I want to have room in this tiny house to set up both my spinning wheel, which is shoved in a corner of my living room and not very accessible, and the floor loom my mother owns that she never used and I want to figure out how to set up and attempt to use. Part of my idea with the design is that I can have the loft for my messy personal business, and then the lower floor is reasonably presentable so I can work and have people come in and work there as well. So, we’ll see how that goes, LOL.
Ugh I’m so relieved just to have made the decision. Now I have a quote for $5k worth of lumber and $1k of roofing, which does not cover quite half of the projected expense of the project and doesn’t include any of the finished kiln-dried stuff for the framing, any of the windows and doors, or any of the insulation. Woo!
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Kaku, Lucci and Jabra - First Meetings and Kiss
Annyong Haseyo!! This was requested by REDFRLegend (Wattpad)
This is my first time writing for these 3 members. I hope its not too OOC. I made these in Modern Universe.
I hope you like it!
Pairings :
Kaku X Reader
Lucci X Reader
Jabra X Reader
Word Count : 5.8K (I promised you, I will do justice for your request)
Warnings : Not Proof read, so please forgive me for any mistakes.
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A/N : I absolutely enjoyed writing for these three. I thought I'd hardly be able to write 500 words but... when I first wrote Kaku I didn't even notice the word count in the beginning. But it reached 1K words and I was shocked. I thought I couldn't beat this count for Lucci and I was definitely sure that I wont be able to write that much for Jabra. But Lucci beat Kaku's word count and it was 1.9K words. I received another shock when Jabra's story word count surpassed these two's. Jabra's was  2.6K words. I was speechless when I noticed that. Now to think of it, I am now in love with these people. I didn't like them because of Robin chan arc. But now... these people stole my heart. Please help me. I can't...
Kaku - 1K
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Warnings : None
A/N : The meeting of this was so weird but the rest of the story is not that weird. Please read it.
You were so excited to watch the new movie which you waited so long to watch. By avoiding many posts and people who spoil everything, you went to the theatre and took the ticket. You were alone and thought that you could spend some quality time with yourself. You wanted to check your makeup so, you went to the restroom. As soon as you walked into the washroom, you saw a man with a long nose staring at you. His eyes were open wide as well as his mouth and his cheeks were flushed pink after seeing you.
'What the!?', you thought as you took a few steps back and then another man came into the restroom. You saw him and then again you looked at the long nose man. Then your legs worked their magic and you ran away. You ran towards the girls restroom which was on the floor above without even caring who was looking at you. You were completely embarrassed to walk into the men's restroom like that.
You looked into the mirror and noticed that your cheeks were also red from the embarrassment. You placed your hands on your face and whined. 'It's okay. Just forget this and watch the movie', you thought and you looked at the mirror again.
After heading to the movie hall with your tickets and popcorn, you sat in your seat and tried to concentrate on the movie. You watched the movie as you ate your popcorn. The movie didn't even finish 30 minutes at least and you noticed how terrible it was. Completely different from the plot you imagined after watching the trailer. Everything about the movie was so bad. Your frown didn't fade away as the scenes kept going.
"Do you hate it too?", whispered the person beside you.
"Omg, its... its totally different from what I expected. I really don't like it", you whispered as you still kept looking at the screen and kept eating popcorn.
"I really had high expectations about this movie. I never thought the plot would go like this", you said and then looked to your side. Then you saw the same long nose person, who you saw in the men's restroom. You blushed and hung your head low as you looked at him. He noticed that you were still upset about it and said, "Its okay. Everyone makes mistakes like that once in a while", he said and you slowly looked at him. He cheeks turned red as you looked at him. He averted his gaze to the movie and said, "Its their fault for not constructing extra washrooms", you chuckled as you heard that. He gave you a side glance and smiled. After more 10 minutes of discussing how the movie was getting annoying you sighed in defeat. "All my money is wasted on this, and now even my time"
He gave you a side glance and asked, "So... if you also feel like that... wanna go and grab a bite?"
Your heart skipped a beat. You didn't expect this but... you really wanted to go. A faint blush was visible on his cheeks as you nodded yes. The two of you went and sat at the restaurant and talked about movies and music. It seemed like your tastes matched and you were really happy to have a new friend.
"I'm Kaku by the way. We kept talking and didn't introduce ourselves", he chuckled and you realised that he was right.
"OMG! I didn't realise that. I'm Y/N" you replied. As you both finished your food, you decided exchanged numbers before you left.
Every day you two kept talking about stuff you both liked and slowly, the conversations turned to daily routines and then meme war at each other. You didn't knew how time passed while you both talked. You both decided to meet again for another movie and this movie was good than the previous one. For some reason you didn't feel awkward with him at all. After the movie you both strolled in the park. You felt so happy beside him. With him the conversation was never dead.
After a few more movie meetings, you were talking to him on the phone as usual.
"So, yeah... I heard there was a new pet café opened and people are loving it. Wanna go on a... date with me?", he asked as your cheeks turned red. You said yes and then you both discussed on the time and place of your meeting. Your heart was beating faster and you couldn't stop this excitement for meeting him. Actually you were even happier for every time you met him. 'This time... it's different. It's a date', you thought as you placed your hands on your cheeks.
The day of your date, you wore the new clothes and applied some makeup then went to the café. He stood from his place as he saw you enter the café. You approached him and he still was still standing without moving an inch. You smiled at him and shook his shoulder. He then blinked and chuckled nervously. Your date was really cute with him blushing as you both played with the animals. After you decided to leave, he took you home as it was dark. He blushed as he linked his hand with yours and with the free hand he gently tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.
He looked into your eyes for permission. You just smiled back at him and nodded. He leaned down as you slowly closed your eyes. Your lips touched with his and you felt so happy at that moment. His hand slowly caressed your cheeks and the other trailed to your waist to pull you even closer. Your hands tugged the back of his shirt as you just tilted your face to deepen the kiss. You both parted for air and looked into each other's eyes. It felt right with him. You were truly happy to be with him and he was feeling the same. You two were falling in love.
Lucci – 1.9K
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Warnings : Mention of alcohol but mostly fluff
A/N : I really loved this story too. Yeah, its a bit awkward but trust me, you will get past it.
The week was completely trash. Not one good thing happened and as if your problems were not enough, your boss dumped so much more work on you and your weekend almost went to waste. As you were so determined to complete your work, you had some free time and went to the new bar. The bar looked so beautiful and neat. People were drinking and singing. You ordered a drink for yourself and were trying to forget the shit week you had.
‘I need to buy new shoes/heels. These are about to get ruined’, you thought as you sipped your drink looking at your shoes/heels. Then suddenly you saw your asshole ex enter into the bar with another person. ‘That Dick, he is already with someone new’, you thought. You really wanted to leave but you didn’t want to seem single if your ex sees you. Your gaze landed on the person beside you, who was minding his own business. He had interesting beard. He was actually cute. You saw that he paid for his drinks and got up.
You stood before him as you blocked his way. He looked confused at your actions. You gulped. He was pretty tall, had sharp eyes and was having a serious expression. You asked him, “Are you leaving?” to which he just gave you a weird look and nodded.
“Good! Let’s go together, please”, you said as you held his hand. If weird and confused could be one expression, he had that. As he was about to protest, you stopped him and said, “Please. Don’t ask anything. I’ll answer your questions. But please come with me”.
He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds to think and then sighed, giving his permission. You linked your arm with his and smiled happily as you made your way out of the bar and YES! Your ex saw you with a guy way too handsome than him. Your ego boost increased X100 with that expression on your ex’s face. You laughed as you walked. Suddenly you felt a tug on your arm and you then noticed that you were dragging that stranger for a while now. You face turned red because of embarrassment. You let go of him and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t notice that I was dragging you along with me. I just wanted to get out of there because of my ex. And I got to leave with a handsome guy like you. You should’ve seen his face”, you said and laughed again thinking about that jerk ex. “So, thank you”, you ended as you looked at him.
He just nodded and left. ‘Huh… it… looked like he didn’t even care’, well to be honest you would’ve been happy if he was interested. ‘Well, its fine. My ex saw me with that handsome guy. It’s all I need’, you hummed to yourself and went to your house.
The next week, you had a new contract from a client and you had to visit the client at his office and talk about the project with your boss.
“So, Rob Lucci is our client and I hope you know that atleast… we should meet him now”, said your boss looking at you. You nodded quickly and followed him behind. Mr. Jabra was a strict man but, he was a good person.
Mr. Jabra led you into Mr. Lucci’s office and you both were waiting for him to come and meet you. Apparently that person Lucci was a very busy man and could only afford this day to talk about the project. As the door swung opened you and Mr. Jabra stood up. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. He was the same person who you met at the bar a few nights prior. He and Mr. Jabra shook hands and then you two sat in your chairs. He sat in front of you two and talked about the project. He seemed like, he didn’t even remember you. So you let that thought go away and started to listen to him. This was the first time you heard him speak. He had a deep voice and was really good. He was very particular and you noted them down just for future references. After the meeting you both thanked him and you followed your boss but as you were about to exit his cabin you fell on your face.
Your boss gasped and asked, “Y/N! are you okay?” with worry. Then you felt an arm on your shoulder. You looked at the owner of the arms, and it was Mr. Lucci. He was beside you. Your face turned red as you saw his handsome features so close. He helped you up and you thanked him. You then noticed that one of your shoe/heel was actually ruined. The client and also the boss noticed that.
“It’s ruined. Wait here. I’ll send my secretary”, Mr Lucci said. You looked at Mr. Jabra and he nodded. Then Mr. Lucci and Mr. Jabra went ahead. You didn’t know why he told you to wait there but you obliged. Then a beautiful lady came where you were waiting. She was wearing delicate specs and had silky blond hair. She had brown paper bag with her.
“Hello! You must be Y/N. I’m Kalifa. Mr. Lucci told me you were here”, she introduced herself and you nodded.
“So, if you don’t mind we only have these here. But, I’m sure you can wear them for temporarily”, she said as she handed me the brown paper bag she held. You looked inside and saw a new pair of shoes.
“Thank you so much!!”, you bowed to her and she left. You took the shoes out and wore them. Coincidentally, when you wore them, they were a perfect fit for you. ‘And then the prince and Cinderella stayed happily ever after’, the sentence suddenly popped into your brain and you chuckled. Then you noticed if someone was watching you. Luckily no one saw you laughing to yourself. You placed your ruined pair into the bag and headed towards the exit. There you saw your boss waiting for you. You quickly dumped your shoes bag in the trash can and headed towards Mr. Jabra.
He smiled widely as he looked at you. “Y/N!! You are here! Lets go”, he said and went towards his car as you followed him. Apparently, the the contract with the company was also made for another project if this was going to be successful. You also were happy that the company was getting more contracts.
As you and your team made the project, you and Mr. Lucci had to meet a few more times. His seriousness was really captivating to you. The passion towards work, really inspired you too. Slowly you found yourself reading about his company and his articles. You really started to like the man and your respect also grew.
After the project completion, luckily everyone liked it and it was a huge success. So, the client company held a party and invited your company too. You all were very happy for your work to be successful. The party was held on the terrace of the building. But there were security to take care of people, if they get too drunk.
You got yourself a second drink and leaned on the wall. Then you saw that Mr. Lucci was leaving the place. You followed him and now you saw that he was heading towards the elevator.
“Hey! Please wait!”, you said and sure he waited for you to come. “Thankyou”, you said as you also got in. He pressed the button for the ground floor.
“Sir, you can at least enjoy in these times. It’s ok to be carefree once in a while”, you said as he turned to look at you. You sipped your drink and continued, “Everyone is really happy and really admire you. If you join them they would be even more happy”, you said and he averted his gaze from you. If you weren’t drunk, you would’ve noticed his cheeks dusted pink.
“Yeah, but… not everyone likes me. Some people find me gloomy. So, I don’t want to let their sprits down”, for once, he talked about himself and not about work.
“NO WAY! Heck, even I too like you. You are so passionate and inspiring”, you being drunk said it casually but he stared at you with his eyes wide open and cheeks completely red. “You sure are serious about your work but you aren’t gloomy. You are really kind. I heard that you even take care and donate for the wildlife sanctuary. I really appreciate and admire that”, you smiled at him and exited the lift. He followed your steps and said, “How… are you going to go? You can’t drive in the state you are in”, he said as he looked at you.
“You looked back at him and replied, “I’ll call a cab”
‘Ofcourse, you’ll call a cab. Why did I even ask the most stupid question’, thought Lucci.
“I think you forgot but, we both met in a bar. I stopped you from leaving and tagged along with you”, you said.
“I remember”, he said making you stop in your tracks. You turned and looked at him. He came closer and stood before you.
“I never forgot you, or that time”, he said as you gulped.
“I thought you weren’t interested in me”, you said as you chuckled.
“I… wasn’t.”
“Ouch! That hurt”, you said as you placed your hands on your heart. He chuckled at your actions and it was the very first time you ever saw him laugh.
“Let me rephrase it, I wasn’t interested at that weird stranger who dragged me to an unknown location”, you were embarrassed at what he said. ‘Of course who would be interested in a person who did that’ your head hung low. But he continued, “But… I remembered the drunk person, who called me handsome. That clumsy person who fell down, the hardworking one, who made the project successful”, he said and he came closer and whispered, “I’m interested to know more about that person”, your face turned red at what he said. Now he was the one who walked first and you followed him. He stopped at his car and said, “Let me drop you”
You obliged and sat in the fancy car. He suddenly leaned closer to you and you closed your eyes. Then you heard a click. You opened what was that sound and saw that he placed your seatbelt. You got embarrassed and he chuckled.
After sometime you reached your house and again he leaned in closer to you. He removed the seatbelt but he stayed still looking into your eyes. You leaned towards him and captured his lips with yours. You placed your hands his raven hair and he placed one of his hand on the back of your neck and the other on your cheek. Your make out session with him lasted for a while then you smiled at him and looked at your lap. He smiled and pecked your cheek. You got out of the car and waved bye to him. He did the same but then he told you to come closer. As you were close to the window of his car, he again pulled you close and kissed you. After that he smiled and left the place. You went to your room and changed your clothes. You plopped on the bed and thought about the kiss you two had. It was so intense and passionate. Little did you know, a new beautiful story really was awaiting for you.
Jabra – 2.6K
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Warnings : Angst, hurt, comfort, TW! sexual harassment 
A/n: The story for writing him came to me and I was so in love. I hope you enjoy it.
You get ready as usual and get on the train to go for work. It was an everyday routine for you. You tended to go early to avoid rush hours. Anyhow, you couldn’t avoid the evening traffic and people, so you at least tried to be early. This was peaceful and quite with just you and a few other people on the train. You had your book in your hand to pass the time while you went to your stop. You then saw a new face get on the train. He was a tall man with different kind of beard.
He sat opposite of you and put on his headphones. He was quiet for a while but suddenly, he started to sing out the song he was listening to. You looked at him and saw that he was really immersed in the song and didn’t realise that he was singing out loudly.
You smiled to yourself at his actions. He wasn’t singing amazingly but, he was singing with his heart and you really admired that. He wasn’t horrible too. Just in between. After one song, he started to sing another song. You stopped reading and listened to him sing. You soon reached your stop and got down. He was still humming and singing. You went to work and started to work, but as you worked, the songs he sang were playing in your head. You shrugged it off and started to work, but the songs still played in your head.
The next day, you saw the same man enter the train. After a few minutes, he started to sing again. You listened to his songs till you reached your stop.
This became a routine to you every day and you never once, didn’t fail to stop listening to his songs. Eventually you started to like his singing and his voice. You didn’t finish that page of your book ever since he started to sing. You once noticed that he was singing the song that you liked too. You jammed to that song inside your head.
One day as he was giving you his free concert, another man got on the train and sat beside you. The new person, told the man before you to stop sing. That man got embarrassed and apologised. He didn’t even hum the entire ride. You came back to your book and noticed that you forgot what the story was so, you had to come back a few pages and read it again. To be honest, you felt bad for the singer. The entire ride was really quiet and… dull. You got down at your stop and looked at the man one last time and headed to your office.
The next day also the singer stayed silent and the new man sat beside you. You didn’t even hear the man hum. He was silent that day too… and the day after… and after… he stopped singing.
One day, you were on the same place as usual and the singing man sat opposite of you. The stranger sat beside you like always. You really didn’t mind but… then you felt his shoulder touching you. You noticed that he was sitting closer to you than before. You carefully moved a bit till your shoulders weren’t touching. But after a few minutes, your shoulders brushed again. You didn’t like how a person was touching you. You moved again and after few minutes you noticed the person touching you again! You gulped and you followed your instincts.
You sat beside the man opposite to you and he noticed you now. He didn’t mind you sitting there until he noticed that the other man also made his way towards you and sat real close to you. Now, you don’t have place to move. You frowned at how that jerk kept doing that. You were about to say something but then you saw that the singing man, stood abruptly and glared at the other man.
“Don’t you have shame? She doesn’t like it. Stop it or else do you want me to break your hand?”, that man clicked his tongue and left the train as soon as the doors opened. You smiled at the singer and said, “Thankyou so much”. To which he just smiled and took his spot.
Things were silent and then he said you, “I… I am sorry, I didn’t notice it first”.
“No, its not your fault”, you replied as you smiled at him. You continued, “I really don’t like the rush hours because of people like this. But I guess, for them, the time really doesn’t affect”.
“I’m sorry to hear that”, he said and you indicated no.
“You aren’t the one who did that. Don’t apologise”, you said as you got up and continued “Its my stop. I’ll go. bye”
He watched your form leave. Just like every day. You didn’t knew. But he also noticed you. But only when you left.
The next day, you sat in your spot and waited. The singer came and sat opposite to you. He smiled at you and you returned the same.
“You know”, you said and he looked at you as he listened carefully. “You sing well. Don’t let that person’s words get to you”
He gasped and his eyes opened wide. His cheeks turned red.
“So, you didn’t knew you were singing out this whole time? You sang from the first day you started to take this train”, you chuckled as you said that.
“Oh noo… I really didn’t knew I was singing every day. I’m sorry I did that. I must have disturbed you”, you whined as he held his head by his hands and placed his elbows on his knees.
“But… I did enjoy the free concert”, you said as he blushed even more.
"Oh god.... it so weird", he said looking at you.
"Why? How is it weird. Many people tend to sing like that", you closed your book and placed your elbows on your knees as you looked at him.
He covered his face and replied, "No... not that...", he sighed and replied, "you saying you liked my singing... its weird. Everyone says I suck at it. But... this is different"
"Owh! So rude... you aren't so bad. They just... need to listen to you more", you told him as you leaned back.
"Tha...thankyou. you are so kind", he said as he smiled. You asked about some of the songs that you liked while he sang and he answered everything to you. Then you got down at your stop and went to office.
The talking about music then changed to movies, then books. He wasn't much of a reader but he heard about the stories and stuff from his other friends and was really interested while you were talking about them.
After some days, you both sat beside each other while you both listened to music while you shared headphones.
You recommend him a few songs and he instantly got hooked on all of them. Exchanged phone numbers made you guys even closer and the meetings on the train while you went to jobs were becoming even more special.
One morning as usual you talked but... he seemed a bit restless.
"What happened? Are you okay?", you asked him as he just stayed silent. He looked down at his shoes and avoided to look at you.
"Jabra, if you wont tell me, I can't know. Tell me if something is bothering you", you said as he straightened his back and looked at you.
"I don't feel so good today... I feel like something bad is going to happen and I just... can't get rid of this feeling", he confessed.
"Oh no! Why? Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. You'll stay safe. I'll pray", you assured him but he shook his head no.
"I'm not... talking about myself.... I'm talking about... you, Y/N", he looked deep into your eyes.
You chuckled and said, "Me? Don't worry. Nothing will happen. I'll be fine", you said assuring him.
He smiled weakly and said, "Yeah... maybe I'm over thinking"
You patted his shoulder and got up. You got out of the train and waved bye to him. But... even if you said you were going to be fine, Jabra just couldn't get the uncertain feeling out of his heart and mind.
That evening, as work piled up, you had to stay late and work a bit more. Jabra messaged you a few times and you replied saying you were fine.
That night at 11 pm you started to go towards the station alone. The streets were a bit too empty and you felt like the traffic would be much better than this. You then got an idea and opened your phone.
'CALL SINGER', Your phone displayed and you hit the green button. He almost immediately picked it up and asked you whether you were okay or not. You giggled and said you were fine.
"So... did you eat?", he asked
"Nope... i actually am leaving the office now-"
"WHAT! NOW! Y/N. I told you the area where you were working isn't safe after dark. Why didn't you listen?", he didn't let you finish and started to worry about you.
"Jabra, listen. My boss gave me work, while I was about to leave. So I had no choice. It's not like I didn't listen to you", you pout as he clicked his tongue.
"Tsk... I really want to talk to that stupid boss of yours. How could he make you stay so late"
"Just let it be... I... just wanted to talk to you", you said as you gulped hearing footsteps... getting closer to you.
"Y/N what happened?", he sensed your distress and asked you.
"I... it might be my imagination but... I thought I could hear... footsteps?", you whispered as you kept walking.
"Y/N... listen to me carefully. Don't turn back. Just keep walking and make use of your senses and don't turn off the phone. Keep it on even if you aren't talking to me", he said.
"I am not able to hear them anymore but... Jabra... I'm scared", you told him the truth.
"Y/N don't be. Don't cry. Put on a brave front. I'm coming", he said as you heard his door closing. He was really coming for you now and this time... you were sure you heard the footsteps again.
You reached the station and noticed that someone was definitely following you. You told jabra and he said to quicken your pace and get on the train. You did as he told you and you heard the footsteps running after you. You ran towards the train and just as you made it in then the doors closed. Then you saw the person who ran after you.
Your eyes widened as you saw his face. He was the same guy who harassed you on the train a few weeks ago.  He had a sinister looking grin on his face as he indicated an indecent hand gesture.
Tears slid down your cheeks as you kept eye contact with him and the train moved forward.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU GET ON THE TRAIN? Y/N PLEASE ANSWER! PLEASE", you noticed that you didn't answer Jabra and he was having a panic attack.
"Jabra... I got on the train but I ... I saw him", you said between sobs.
"Who was it?"
"That pervert from the other day. You also saw him. He looked so sinister Jabra... I can't even explain", you cried as you told him.
His didn't know how to feel. Was he supposed to be relieved that you escaped for now or was he supposed to feel sad that you were crying.
He knew one thing for sure... He was hella angry at that asshole for making you so scared and cry.
After travelling alone for a few minutes and crying on the phone, you then saw that Jabra was waiting on a stop for you. You ran out of the train and hugged him tight as he also held you close. He wasn't going to forgive himself for letting you experience that alone. He was mad at himself for not being there for you, when you needed him the most. He held you as if you were going to disappear if he let you go.
Jabra then dropped you at your home on his bike as you still hugged him. The adrenaline was still making your hands shiver even after you reached your house. You let him stay at your place for that night. But you couldn't sleep for a long time. That experience was terrifying. But as he soothingly caressed your hair, you fell asleep.
He didn’t had a small crush on you. It was already love for him. He wanted to take you out on dates and dinner. Wanted to see you smile. Wanted to come to your house and hug you while you slept… But he didn’t wanted that to happen like this. This was heart breaking for him.
The next day, you took the day off and curled in your blanket. Jabra already left, after leaving a note. You were alone in your house. Then you got a message from Jabra, with a link. You opened it and saw that, a killer and rapist was arrested and sent to jail. Tears rolled down your cheek as you saw that.
Then you pressed the call button and in a few rings, Jabra picked up.
“Y/N! I’m sorry, I had to leave but-”
“Thankyou! Thank you so much”, you didn’t let him finish his sentence and thanked him.
“Don’t cry my dear. It’s okay now. He is in jail and… he will never ever hurt you or anyone else again”, he said as you sniffed.
Actually, after you fell asleep, Jabra left the house and searched for that man. After finding him, he beat him up and handed him over to the police.
You called him over to your place and as he reached the door you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tight. He blushed hard at your sudden hug but still he embraced you. You pulled him into the house and closed the door.
You took his hand and said, “I love you”, his eyes widened at your words. “And don’t mistake it for gratitude or something else. I really liked you from a long time. But the way… you”, your tears returned to you as you continued, “Prioritize me and give importance to me is just… truly beautiful”, you got closer to him and added, “I… love you. Will you go out with me?”
“YES! YES! YES I love you too!” he also exclaimed and hugged you tight. Then you pulled back a bit to see his face then placed your hand on the back of his neck.
“Can I?” you asked him as he turned like a tomato and nodded. You brought him closer to you and kissed him gently. He wiped the tears on your cheek with one of his hand and the other stayed between your shoulder blades. You ran your fingers in his hair as the other caressed his back. Your actions sent shivers up and down his spine. You two broke the kiss for air and looked into each other’s eyes. You pressed your foreheads together and smiled as you pecked his cheek. This felt magical. With him, it was always different and beautiful. You thanked your stars for making him meet you.
OMG!! I am so in love with them now. Please help me. I hope you enjoyed these One shots. Like I promised, they aren't just a few lines or scribbles.  Comment your favourite among these?
Please support me by giving me a Vote/Like, Comment, Reblog/Share. If you love my stories, please follow me!
Thankyou so much for reading!
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fatoujallovv · 3 years
fanfiction writer appreciation: skamverse edition
thank you @yasminaselamrani for starting this lil tag 🥺 i read and write elu so that’s what you’re in for here but i’m sending a kiss on the forehead to any writer or reader of anything for being the best 🥺💛
if you’re a writer:
a fic that you’re really proud of:
i know i’m sitting here while i haven’t even finished the fic but close to you just makes me really happy 🥺 it’s obviously not oscar winning movie adaptation worthy in the slightest but i think it’s turned out to be a really fun story and i’ve enjoyed writing it and messing around with social media 🤪
a fic that you were nervous to post:
my lil mental health oneshots rotten work and not to me, not if it’s you (incredibly original titles i know skfjfj) were literally . an excuse for a cathartic feelings dump via my emotional support projection character monsieur lucas lallemant and i felt like i was being to dramatic or insensitive or portraying things badly (even though it was literally my own experiences adskljg idk don’t ask what i was thinking) or being too personal so i was kind of nervous 🥺 but i got a lovely response and being able to share them was really healing for me so i’m so glad i did it 🥺
a fic you wished got more hits/kudos/comments:
i’m super happy with every bit of response i’ve gotten from my writing 🥺 i love all of my comments so so much and all i want to use this space for is to say thank you guys for being the best 🥺
one of your favorite tropes to write:
i think it’s obvious that it’s childhood best friends because both of my chaptered fics have been that sjdjfjsj but i also love myself some fake dating hence my current best friends fake dating au akdjfj
another ship that you don’t write but you’d like to write:
i wish i could write kieutou but i struggle to relate to kieu my’s perspective to be able to write her from an honest and accurate place bc as much as i adore her she is so so different from me and i feel like i can’t get in her head 🤧🤧
one of your abandoned wip you never wrote but wish you did:
i only ever abandoned one thing and it was gonna be a long oneshot where they met in the laundry room of their dorm and then dumbassery ensued and it was gonna be very silly but then i forgot about it so akdjfj mayhaps i should return to her this summer if i have the time
another writer you would love to collaborate with:
@luxandobscurus @lucasotteli and i have literally. planned to collab before and just never made it happen .... besties let’s get on that summer 2021
i would LOVE to do some sort of sm au or something with a cool unique format with miss @vexedtonightmares the queen of sm and galaxy brain concepts!!!!! i would basically be dead weight but i would be like beyond honored to assist her in making magic with her big beautiful brain
if you’re a reader:
a fic (or more) that you love to reread:
i looooove rereading if i can recognize real by @tawmlinsun (i’m linking part two i think oops) i have said it before but it gives me butterflies every time it is the peeeeerfect lil first kiss/getting together fic omg omg
the reread value of all mixed up by @lucasotteli and online love by @vexedtonightmares !!!!! unmatched !!!!! social media au supremacy lichrally go tos when i need a Laff
tag an author you always love reading:
@clairdelalune i know ur movin away from the fandom queen so soz to bring u into this but everything you’ve ever written makes me happy 🥺🥺 ur style and vibes are so . good and heartwarming
@lumierelovers is just an absolutely gorgeous writer and everything she touches is magical 🥺
recommend a story to your followers:
i will recommend lots 😌 (vaguely in order of length from like 1k to like 100k+)
when you kill the lights (and kiss my eyes) by @blanxkey (zaira i frickin miss u pls write more pure poetry 🤧)
thoughts of you aren’t enough by cgsf on ao3 (i think they might be on tumblr but it didn’t let me tag 😔)
open your heart (and let me know you want me here) by @demaury
save us by @luxandobscurus
last dance by @vexedtonightmares (i linked the chap 2 post bc it has the ao3 link but 😌)
maybe it starts now by @lepetitepeach (first part of the series is linked on ao3 bc i don’t think there’s a ficpost)
tag an author you discovered recently:
@fireflysxx is kinda new to writing and i’m so proud of herrrrrr 🤧🤧🤧 i would like to direct your attention to the fic she wrote for me about eliott basically being grumpy lucas’s personal shopper for the day akdjdh: new style
spread the love!
tag someone who inspires you to write:
@yasminaselamrani you literally never stop like i am so impressed you just always have new stories to tell i admire that so much even if i don’t read wtfock i’m sorry 🤧🤧🤧
tag someone who you’ve admired forever:
i don’t want to bother people and i feel like many of the people i’ve had longstanding Big Admiration for i already tagged or isn’t really here anymore 🥺 so just like . everyone i’ve mentioned i admire so much? that’s cheating but idc
tag your writing support:
@luxandobscurus and @lucasotteli the only ones who care as much about elu in 2021 as me and i don’t feel guilty making them help me with my fics KAJDJDJD and @fireflysxx my biggest cheerleader and self proclaimed number one fan you’re always there wanting to see what i’ve made and it’s so encouraging 🥺💛 also @thenerd10 bc u always leave me the sweetest comments EVER and you literally singlehandedly make posting worth it 🤧🤧💛💓💗💓
ok i’m tagging everyone i mentioned 🥺 and i would tag more people but i haven’t seen a lot of my writer friends around in a while and i don’t want to be bothering anyone so please just do this if you see it and want to!!!
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Bad Days, Good Nights
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Pairing: Cisco Ramon x Female!Reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: Bad days, anxiety
Summary: After an awful day, an unexpected guest shows up to make the night better
A/N: I had a kind of shitty day yesterday, so to make myself feel better I wrote a quick self-indulgent ficlet which also happens to be my first Cisco fic!
Talk about a lousy, no good, awful, terrible day. What should've been a regular workday had gone belly up from the moment you'd stepped foot into S.T.A.R Labs that morning. Everything that could've gone wrong in your department did go wrong and somehow the buck had been passed to you each time, even when you argued otherwise. Then if that wasn't enough, it seemed your family was intent on chewing you out for every little thing and dumping the blame of it all on your shoulders again. 
It was safe to say that by the time you got home, you were exhausted, angry, and about ready to burst into tears. 
So when someone knocked your door an hour after you'd collapsed face-first into the sofa, you nearly ignored it, only curiosity pulling you up and guiding you to look out the peephole. 
Outside stood your friend and colleague, the very man you were meant to be getting dinner with this evening. 
Cringing, you opened the door. "Cisco, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot. I didn't mean-" 
Cisco held up a hand to stop you before your apology rambled on any more. "It's all cool. I heard down the grapevine you weren't having a great day."
"That's an understatement."
"Which is why," Cisco pulled his other hand from behind it back, raising it up to show you the takeout bag he was holding, "I brought Thai."
Just seeing the bag made your stomach rumble. "You're a Saint, Cisco Ramon."
Cisco laughed, stepping in when you moved aside. "I'm gonna guess you haven't eaten today."
"Guilty as charged. Slipped my mind, I guess."
"Know that feel, girl." Cisco set the food down on your coffee table while you collected some utensils before joining him. 
The food really was delicious, and the fact Cisco had thought to bring it did make you happy, yet still, you found yourself only absentmindedly picking at the meal, hungry but unable to get anything down. 
"C'mon, spill it," Cisco coaxed, waving his chopsticks threateningly in your direction. 
"Just can’t shake today I guess,” you sighed, slumping back against the sofa. “This was my dream job and I’ve barely had it six months and now I’m probably gonna get fired on Monday.”
“Hey, no, you’re not. I looked over some of the stuff that went down today and half of it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Experiments fail all the time. The other half wasn’t yours either and it’s bullshit that anyone is trying to blame you.”
You looked up from your food at him. “You think?”
“I know,” Cisco smiled. “And I don’t have much sway or anything, but if, in some bizarre turn of events, the shit does hit the fan, you’ve got me in your corner.”
Returning the smile, you nodded. “It’s good to know I’ve got Dr. Wells’ star pupil in my corner.”
The word was sincere enough to make heat creep across your cheeks. You nudged his shoulder with your own. “At least I’m not a disappointment to someone.”
“You shouldn’t be a disappointment to anyone.”
“Tell that to my family.”
“I will. I get it, families are...complicated, but it’s a crime if they’re disappointed in you. You, who’s smart and funny and beautiful and gets all of my pop culture references.”
“That last one is probably one of the reasons why they are. I should’ve ‘grown out of all that stuff’ by now and started acting like a ‘proper’ young woman.”
Cisco blew a raspberry. “You’re already one of the best women I know. You would be without that big nerdy heart of yours too, but it does make it better.”
“Thank you. For everything you’ve done tonight.”
“I just wanted to make you feel better.”
“You have.”
“Good.” Cisco set his food down so he could wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you in for a hug. Pressing a kiss to your temple, you felt him smile. “The night’s still young. How about we stick on a movie? Do you have Princess Bride?”
“‘Do you have Princess Bride?’ he asks! I’m not a barbarian, of course I do!” You gestured to the wall of movies behind your TV. “Top shelf on the left.”
Cisco left you to put it on, and soon you were devouring the rest of the Thai with it playing. Soon after Cisco left the sofa again and reappeared a few minutes later with two giant bowls of the ice cream he’d found stashed away in your freezer. It was lovely and perfect, and somewhere along the line, you found yourself leaning against Cisco’s chest while he absentmindedly traced patterns along your arm with his fingers. After the day you’d had, it was wonderful.
The credits rolled, but neither of you sought to move. So you stayed like that in quiet happiness. 
“Tonight’s been nice,” you said on a contented sigh.
“I am sorry I missed dinner though. I was really looking forward to it. Are you willing to give our first date a second chance?”
“Course. But, we had dinner, ice cream, and a movie right here. Sounds pretty first date-y to me.”
You chuckled, “Then this must count as one of the crummiest first dates.”
“I’d say it was one of the best.”
You pulled back then to look at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Cisco tucked some hair behind his ear and smiled. “Any time with you is the best time.”
You kissed him. It wasn’t your first, that happened at the S.T.A.R Labs Christmas party when you’d both pretended to be drunker than you were so you could get away with kissing under the mistletoe. It was better than then. Now you both knew just how into it the other was, and Cisco kissed you back with just as much enthusiasm. 
“That was…” 
“Yeah,” Cisco agreed.
You reached up to play with his hair, enjoying the way he leaned into it. "I know it's getting late, but will you stay a little longer? It's nice having you here."
Cisco grinned, leaning in for another quick kiss. "As you wish."
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee! (I’ll love you forever!)
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oikawasbliss · 4 years
dance with me
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feeling alone at prom, good thing for you another person was left alone also.
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⇢ Hi, Can I also request 46 with Kita? If you're not comfortable with writing him can you do it with Suna? Thank u and have a nice day! – @maitenight
⇢ prom!au — kita x reader
⇢ warning: mentioned reader wearing a dress.
⇢ wc: 1k | prompt: “ dance with me ” (the title hehe)
⇢ a/n: probably the longest one i wrote hehe. sorry for taking this so long!! I was abt to make this a royal!au but then realized i'm not good at writing at that kind of concept yet so i redone it as a prom!au . forgive me !!
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you sit down on a vacant seat next to a table with the consumables, while everyone dances and has their romantic moments with their dates.
you? oh you're just quietly eating biscuits that you got from the table beside you. you never wanted to be in this event, the only reason you attended are: your dress. you don't want it to be a waste and not wear it so you just go. two, the food.
no one asked you out as their dates, they were flabbergasted that you actually came and yet none had the chance to ask you out as their partners, bummer. you really want to have one, but for now, you're just a display at the corner.
a display at the corner watching beef happening not so far from where you are, even so you could be able to hear them.
this isn't eavesdropping, you thought while listening to the pair argue.
a handsome lad with white hair and black highlights, the guy's same as your year but cooler. and a pretty woman who you don't care of, but seems like one of the people in your class.
” shinsuke.. i'm so sorry.. goodbye. ” the latter then walks out of the school gym.
” bland. ” you murmured beneath your breath before taking a bite of your biscuit, describing what had just happened. for what it seems like kita shinsuke getting dumped.
you shrugged and murmured once more, ” sucks for him. ” as you were about to eat the last piece of biscuit you took.
he then started walking to where you're sitting, you furrowed your eyes examining the figure getting nearer and nearer. his expression is gloomy, you felt the melancholic air surrounding him. sucks for him, you thought of again. you didn't bother him coming to you, after all you are beside the table with foods.
he just stood there, looking blankly at the stuff on the table, you felt bad for the man but also you wanted more biscuits since those are the only thing keeping you alive in this event.
you hand reached to a tray, grabbing 6 in your whole hand. your eyes widen in happiness, you took a glance at the man once more and caught him immediately looking away.
he just stood there, not even grabbing food or anything, he was a bit distant but he was the nearest person to you so you felt awkward, both of you do.
you didn't want the silence to keep going for you two, it's already making you uncomfy, so you decided to break it by speaking first. “ so.. your date? ”
kita darted his eyes, backing him out of his trance, “ o-oh.. uhm.. yes. ” he hesitated. “i mean, what happened to your date? ”
“ oh that? Let's just say something happened and now I'm alone. ”
without kita getting no food from the table, he walked to the vacant seat beside you, but before he sits he wants to make sure you're okay with it, so he whispers “ may i? ” you turned your dull face at him and slightly nodded, you're a little weary because of someone you don't fully know is sitting beside you, also after eating almost half of the biscuits on the table.
your face opposed him, you're getting uncomfy a second passes, but you didn't want to seem rude to the man, so you just sat there.
“ so, your date? ” kita asked sheepishly, continuing a conversation between the two of you.
“ oh.. well.. i don't have one— ” you replied, ending it with a chuckle of embarrassment. his hues immediately turned to you but you were unaware, considering you are faced the opposite as him. “ —I mean, i wasn't asked out. ”
before kita could speak you added “ I said i wasn't going but i did. ” once more.
you heard his response to your answer and it was just a simple, boring “ ahh.. ”
you also asked the same thing to the other, he let out a slow hum before answering.
“ did she dump you? ”
“ well.. no? i mean.. something urgent to her came up. i said she could go since that's more important than some dumb school event, so she left. ”
you replied the same thing that kita did earlier. “ ahh… ”
another segment of silence filled between the small area, not both of you can even think of a new conversation starter. the two of you are just awkwardly sitting beside each other, you barely even hear the music playing in the background, both of you are just mentally hearing cricket noises.
you looked at the students with stunning fits at the middle of the gym, having their own good time, “ aren't we just… lonely? ” you giggled by the end of your sentence, kita let out a short laugh. “ it is indeed. ”
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some time later you and kita have been talking to each other for almost all the time, coming up with unfunny jokes here and there, introduced to each other also, of course. both of you were comfortable with each other even though you two met the very same night.
kita stood up and faced in front of you.
“ dance with me? ” his open hand slowly facing in front of you. because of this sudden action of his, you found not only what he did, but he himself attractive. your heart starting beating fast like it was in competitive racing. you unawaringly lift both the edge of your lip. you smiled blissfully, laid your hand on his, joyfully saying “ yes. yes you may. ”
a genuine smile plastered on his face. you couldn't describe how attractive his visage was, then again, you couldn't get it off your brain that everything about him became attractive.
he pulled you up and placed both his arms on your waist, wrapping both of your hands around his neck.
“ don't you want to dance in the middle? ” you asked, as the two of you started, slowly moved your feet.
the captain shrugged, “ i do not. i'm not the type of person to be in the spotlight. ”
though you two just met the very same night.
you would never forget how you two made one another, have the best night.
i hope we'd still act like this if ever we'd stumble upon each other again.
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© howluvish 2020. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
hey, everyone! a few days ago i hit 1k followers and i’m so excited to share with you all this news! it’s been six months of writing, posting, and making new friends, and i’ve recognized the results of all of my efforts. thank you to everyone who’s been with me on this journey, even if i met you in march, or just yesterday!
i acknowledge that in the past i’ve been selfish and self-conscious about that number, but everyday i’m grateful that i have a growing number of people who have my back, supporting me, even if it’s through a simple like or even an anonymous ask telling me they really enjoyed a particular work of mine.
and, with everything you do in life, you encounter people who will support you, make your life better, and just know how to help you up when you’ve fallen: friends. that being said, i want to write a letter to all the friends i’ve made on here since i don’t know when i’ll be able to get the next chance to . . .
TRIS , i remember seeing you appear in the comments of almost all of my posts and i just want to thank you personally for always supporting what i have. you don’t realize how much every little comment means to me, really! it always puts a smile on my face to see you comment something and it feels like i’ve accomplished something, so thank you. @tris-does-stuff
HANA , you really don’t know how happy you’ve made me when you told me you were a fan of mine. it just... shocked me? to know that i have people out there that genuinely support what i do? we only really started talking for a couple of days but i feel a strong connection between the two of us (it really may be our matching mbti types, too!) and i’m so glad to be able to call you my friend. you didn’t hear this from me, but i constantly look back at the #anon makes me happy tag and read through those anonymous messages you sent me. i love them (and you) very much! @wansseul
ELLIOT , i know you as one of my biggest supporters for coaches don’t play, and i find that really heartwarming to see that even after, what, two months since i’ve updated, you reblogged it with the tag #thank you for updating! ! i was so happy to see that, and you even proceeded to send in an ask about it afterwards too! i know we don’t really talk often—but i definitely think we should— but i know that you’re so incredibly sweet, especially after i was having that rough slump of mine i think last month. you were so kind to tell me that you’d always be here if i need to talk with someone, so thank you very much. i’m very grateful to have met you! @keiyoomi
JJ , hey, jj!!! i know we haven’t talked in a hot second, but look! i’ve reached 1k followers! i remember you were around during my coaches don’t play days, and that you always sent an ask after almost every update. sometimes i fiind myself looking back at them and smiling, knowing that you were enjoying what i wrote, so thank you very much! i want to say another thank you for being there for me when i was feeling really down in the dumps, and for taking the time out of your day to write me a message on discord. i’m so grateful that you did so, and i hope life treats you well. also! i began reading the great gatsby for school, so we should talk about it sometime hehehe. @kunimwuah
DOVE , aka uvogin anon, dovey lovey, my favorite inbox invader! i . honestly don’t know how we met. like one day u just appeared in my inbox and BAM ! we started talking! and i don’t regret every single thing i send into your inbox (even beany cock) . i always look forward to whenever you send things in my inbox and i really mean it when i say you’re my favorite inbox invader >:) it makes me so happy to see you active on tumblr and to see what you bring me everyday. i am very grateful you’re in my life, and i hope we continue to talk more and more! @fantasiesofdreams
SAL , i remember the first time i talked with you! you liked one of my posts and i was like oh she seems cool, i’m gonna follow her and congratulate her on 400 followers. and soon enough, we started tagging each other in those tag games and later we just grew closer and closer! i’m so happy that we got really close and it always brightens my day to see you on my dash; you never fail to put a smile on my face. thank you so much for being my friend and always being there when i need a good laugh! @sugaanoya
AI , ai, ai love you! i remember following you for your “be my boyfriend” series, and i hope it continues on your new blog (no promises, of course!). i also was there during your blank kita era, and it was honestly something that made me laugh out loud. i’m pretty sure i turned on notifications for you at that point because i was so invested with this drama. you’re just an insanely nice person whose kindness rivals your love for suna (or is it sakusa? your disloyalty, tsk... just kidding!!!). i know that we haven’t talked a whole lot lately but i will be sure to hop in your inbox and stay for a while some time soon. thank you so much for being my friend and i hope you stay happy and healthy! @wiintiier
KAI , aka caca wife! i remember when we started talking on rircus, and at first i didn’t really know who you were, until one fateful night when the conversation about caca happened. at that moment i knew we had similar senses of humor and i remember that i couldn’t stop laughing. it was the caca madness! if i’m being completely honest, i look up to you as a big sister that i’ve never had and i really appreciate you for that, so thank you for being in my life! @lcaita
NAOMI , aka newmie! i remember we first started talking in rircus and i want to thank you for welcoming me so kindly in the server, and especially during the first night we talked, which is when i had a problem and you helped me out immensely. i just want to say thank you for every time that you’ve helped me, talked to me, and made me feel better when i felt less than okay. i’m so glad that i’ve met you and i hope you accomplish great things in your life. @kuraomi
MICKIE , probably one of the only people on discord whose mesages i find myself laughing at a lot. you’re always brightening up the mood wherever you go, and i always find myself looking towards what you have to say today. thanks for that! i also think about that (may i say, really funny) exchange between the two of us on here when you went: “oh god i can’t believe HE’S almost dead ahhh” and i have no idea who you were talking about so i went “omg it’s sero,” and you went on this LONG RANT and it was just so funny to me!!! thanks for always putting a smile on my face. and also! thank you so, so much for suggesting that i get curtain bangs, a decision i really don’t regret! i was afraid i was going to hate them, but i find myself looking in the mirror a lot and thinking: “wow, that is a whole different person.” in a good way! so thank you very much. @tokyoghoose
GERE , aka my ex-wife... sorry about that :( . i never got to say sorry for that but the caca bond runs strong, i hope you understand. i just want you to know how much of a kind person you are, and especially how welcoming you are, too. i was so glad to be welcomed so kindly in your server and it’s become one of my favorites to talk in. i also want you to know, that especially with current times, that things will get better and i’m so glad you’re staying positive with everything going on recently. i love you for you, please remember that!!! @t-amajiki
ISSA , omg, girly pop. hahahaha!!! issa, you’re such a genuine person and i remember meeting you for the first time on rircus. you welcomed me with open arms and you were just the kindest person i met on there. you’re someone who’s just so beautiful inside and out, and the way you’re so large and in charge with your feelings is something i really admire about you. i know we don’t talk so often, but i hope we do. i want to thank you for being my friend, and especially always making me laugh! i love you very much, issa! @indigohitoshi
KYLIE , kylie!!!! the co-founder of our son, iwaizumi hajime. this was literally peak popularity and i knew i was never to get as many notifications as i did in that moment. of everyone i could have shared the account with, i am so glad that i was able to do it with you because we were able to grow closer because of that. now we have this weird inside joke that our son gets mad cooch, and that every day we must think of in another life. where are the daily in another life tiktoks??? of course, our son isn’t the only thing i associate with you. you’re such a kind, hilarious, and genuine person, and to be honest, sometimes i really worry for your wellbeing. get some more sleep, kyl!!! you deserve it. i want you to be grucchi, not tired and wanting to die. thank you so, so much for being my friend, and i am so happy that i met you! @peppermintkiddo
TO, LIKE, EVERYONE FROM RIRCUS , the best people i could ever meet. i’m sorry i couldn’t write an individual letter to all of you, since we haven’t interacted so often for me to pick out one specific memory that i could hold and cherish, but know that every time i come on rircus and talk with you, it is a moment that i will always remember! thank you so much for being my friends and i love you all so, so incredibly much. @kaoyuuuuu @reogou @haikyuu-but-low-iq @yooooooooooomi @samdwich @kenmauwus @shirasusgf @macaronnv @king-kawa
TO EVERYONE THAT CONSTANTLY LIKES, REBLOGS, OR COMMENTS ON MY WORK , you know who you are. i know who you are. i can literally tag you right now. but i think i’ll prefer to keep the anonymity. thank you so much for sharing my work, giving me feedback, and everything. it mean so much to me, especially if there’s a comment attached to the reblog. you make me do a little happy dance!!! i love you so much for what you do and i hope you continue to support me in every way possible!
MEL , hi mel! i’m not very sure if you will read this, but i am so happy that i met you and that we began talking. i remember we began talking after i asked for people to send in memes for that meme war against my sister. i told you i won, right? well, i did. ahhaha anyways, i am very sad that we sort of grew apart and i hope that we can begin talking again soon. you were the highlight of my spring semester. i enjoyed talking with you so much. but i hope that you and your family are currently doing well and that you stay happy and healthy! i miss you very much, melon, thank you for being a part of my life!
RAENAH , hi rae! i think meeting you was a blessing, to be honest. i can’t remember a time when i was utterly annoyed by your presence, nor was i ever mad with you. you are such a kind person with such a pure heart, and during your time on tumblr you really showcased it for everyone to see. you were literally with me from literally the very beginning, during the “my name is...” days, and all i can say is that i am blessed to have met you! thank you so much for lighting up my life, talking to me whenever you made the time, and especially playing minecraft with me. it was so fun, even if it was for a short while. i hope you had as much fun as i had! again, thank you so much for supporting, befriending, and getting to know me because i will never forget you on tumblr dot com. i hope you stay well and make sure you rest often, especially with uni! @a-kaashi
MIYU , where has miyu gone? just kidding. i know you’re there. i hope you read this because i don’t want to tag your new blog. anyways, i just want you to know you make my dash ten times better. it’s literally so boring without you spicing it up, with you talking with anons and your mutuals. i definitely think i should invade your inbox more, what do you think? when i was starting on tumblr, you were a very big inspiration to me and i am very proud of all the works you write. you still are someone i look up to as a writer, because you have such a creative spirit and it makes me so happy you’re able to showcase it for everyone to see. i hope you are staying healthy and well right now, and thank you so much for being my friend!
GIGI , poop. i genuinely miss you very much, but i know that school takes a priority for you. i hope you’re doing well with your classes and that you find the man of your dreams. hopefully it is not the skater boy because you deserve someone as insanely hot as kurapika. no cap. i remember during my chrollo pfp guy craze you were there to deter me away from liking him, but let me just tell you, we’re getting closer tbh. ;) . just kidding, we really aren’t, but we’ve been talking quite a bit. i also want to tell you that you’re someone who’s made me smile with everything you say, and i find myself sometimes typing the way you do. you’re an influence, gigi! please stay happy and healthy and make sure you get lots of rest during your time at school! @gigiwrite
MARS , best for last, am i right? i’m not really sure when i first saw you on my blog, but i remember you’ve been here for a very, very long time. i think it was back in july when we first started talking. you were 🦊 anon, and it made me so happy to read that you felt comfortable enough to reveal yourself! from there, i knew we had a bond from the way we interacted with one another. you’re just such a kind person and you show that to everyone you meet. it’s a quality i wish i had in myself and i really look up to you for your genuinity. sometimes i feel like i don’t thank you enough for how kind you are to me, but just know that with every time i talk i’m always grateful that you’re in my life and that i’ve met you. i know you’re someone i can always lean on and i hope you see me the same. thank you so much for being in my life; you’re someone who means a lot to me. @maru5hka
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1K!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. i am so grateful for each and every one of you; you guys are so hot and sexy. i am so grateful to have met you all, even if it was just a simple “you’re added to the taglist!” or a “thank you so much!” i count it as you being my friend and you interacting with me. you guys aren’t my followers; you’re my friends. thank you so much for being my friend and being here for all of my weird shenanigans i have up my sleeve, whether it be my meme war against my sister, my obsession for blue lock, and my huge crush on chrollo pfp guy. well, here’s to me for being sappy and here’s to many more!
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