#but I’m also not thrilled at the choice to put what feels like some pretty crucial character work for the ongoing narrative
luckthebard · 11 months
Ngl I’ve spent a lot of C3 really hoping we would ever get more specific engagement with Laudna’s years alone. I’d been holding out for some explanations or character work around that in-game. And it’s…I’m gonna go with Mildly Annoying that it now feels like that got ignored/glossed over in the campaign cause they were planning to explore it in the novel. I don’t…love it, I’ll say that.
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hashtag-xolo · 6 months
I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but what’s it like having a dog who needs to wear clothes all/a lot of the time? Do breeders usually train puppies to be good about that—or rescues work with the dogs about it? Or is it more of an as needed thing where some dogs don’t need to wear clothes so much? And I remember hearing that there’s a lot of maintenance for their skin, but what about the fur they do have (the little patches, not necessarily the coated dogs); I’d guess it's not much different than a fully-coated dog just because there isn’t much of it?
Also, I think Nico has the same--but much smaller--harness as one of my family’s dogs. This isn’t relevant, but it is pretty fun seeing a tiny version of it (or something very similar) in the wild.
Honestly the needing to wear clothes frequently is my biggest complaint about hairless xolos 😂 Don't get me wrong, it's fun to have a dog whose look you can so easily customize so drastically! But also, having to swap clothes, make sure your dog is in the right level of clothing for the weather, and whatnot before going out can be a hassle for me and for the dog. Clothing also collects dirt and oil at different rates so the fabric choice you make is really important. For instance, fleece collects dirt like mad so even though it's soft it's really not ideal for xolo clothing because it can cause pimples to form really quickly. Other fabrics aren't as comfortable on the skin and so speaking of that harness, it has a mesh interior that doesn't feel very nice so I prefer he has a shirt between it and his skin to prevent irritation from any chafing. (Keeping it snug helps that but can't prevent it entirely either...) Aside from protecting them from the cold, you also need to make sure that xolos with unpigmented skin have sun protection. That means clothing or sunblock. Plus the expenses of buying said clothes which can be a pretty penny when it comes to quality brands.
But on the flip side, I don't have to worry about a matted coat or spending thirty minutes getting mud off my dog either because bathing him takes five minutes from start to finish (unless the shampoo needs to sit). Nor do I need to spend a lot of money on grooming either. So in the end it's really just picking where you want your time, energy, and money spent.
As far as skin and coat care, the skin care regimen will truly differ from dog to dog. Some xolos have basically no skin problems. Some have really bad skin issues their whole life. Others just get hormonal acne as adolescents and then they clear up. And others still have skin issues caused by diet or environmental factors that will get cleared up by changing whatever is causing them. Tzapo has basically no skin issues and just needed the occasional blackhead or pimple resolved. Nico has more skin problems but he was neglected as a puppy, doesn't have a stellar breeding line like Tzapo did, and he's an adolescent so it's hard to predict if these issues will be a constant problem or if he'll wind up with low maintenance skin. I'm hopeful that he will have less skin issues in time but if not, there are medications and special shampoos to help with dog acne, including some made with salicylic acid just like human acne products 😅 but their hair is really low maintenance especially in the (mostly) hairless variety. I occasionally detangled Tzapo's tail plume but that was it.
I am unsure of the extent that breeders go to desensitizing puppies to clothes but it's definitely something they should do considering many xolos will benefit from it. I think hairless xolos probably are easier to acclimate to clothing if only because it does make them more comfortable. I know that if it's cold Nico is way more thrilled to put his clothes on that when it's warmer. Tzapo was the same.
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sotwk · 6 months
Writers Truth or Dare Ask Game - SotWK Answers
Link to game is HERE,
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I was in 4th grade and my friends and I really wanted to date the Backstreet Boys. We discovered fanfiction was the most fun way to do it. We would write our lil’ self-insert love stories in notebooks that we would pass around and share. 
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Pumped Up Pop. I’m a 90s kid and Pop runs deep in me. 
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t think anything can be considered weird for a writer doing research anymore. But one thing I remember working extra hard on was researching how to pilot a jet for a Marvel action fic. That’s why I admire and commiserate with @scyllas-revenge for her helicopter piloting scene in BLCI. 
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Mix of both. Reader Inserts to make others happy, OC fics to make myself happy. 
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I would write an entire essay explaining this one, but in the SotWK AU, Elvenking Thranduil and Elvenqueen Maereth are metaphorical avatars for the Valar couple Oromë and Vána, and were destined to be such (as they were destined for each other). The qualities they each possess which make them similar to these Valar--Thranduil's strength and skill as a protector/warrior and Maereth's gifts for nurturing and fertility--are what safeguard and sustain Eryn Galen for thousands of years, holding their people fast even against Sauron.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis 
@talesfuzzy is constantly on my notifs since she likes so many of my posts on a daily basis. She also reblogs some of the best Tolkien content, which I often put into my own queue. We don't really talk, but she's like that friendly person you see on your daily commute whose name you might not know but you smile and nod to each other till they've become a comfortingly reliable part of daily life.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I would LOVE a thrilling action fic where Thranduil and all five Thranduilion Princes march into battle at the same time and completely crush the enemy because there is possibly no greater or more fearsome fighting team left in Middle-earth. However, such a plot would violate my own AU’s headcanon, because in Thranduil’s family, there is a hard rule that the Thranduilions can never all be fighting in the same battle at once; Thranduil simply refuses to risk his family that way. 
I would hire/nominate/beg @ass-deep-in-demons to write it. If you’ve read her fic, “Under Our Darkening Skies”, you’ll know she’s the top pick for incredible and cinematic battle scenes. 
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I find myself reusing a lot of the same lines and expressions, especially when describing character emotions and actions. Sometimes I feel my writing is pedestrian and boring, especially compared to many other writers in the Tolkien fandom who have such eloquent, sophisticated styles and brilliant, creative word choices. I'm quite soppy and sentimental too, but that's just my thing. 
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Sadly, I have not had a pet since my early 20s. I had plenty of them growing up, though, including my beloved yellow Lab. Once my kids are old enough to share in pet care duties, we are definitely getting a dog. 
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Talk to me about my Thranduilion Princes, pretty please! (There are many easy ways to be Moots with me, but this is a guarantee and the fastest way!)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I am lucky and grateful to have a solid band of supporters, but I want to grab this chance to send a special shout out to @achromaticerebus. She has been a big supporter of my Thranduilion Princes since she discovered them early on, she comments on ALL my Thranduil/Thranduilion stories, she gushes about them to me and with me, and her enthusiasm just keeps me motivated. She is not herself a writer, and it's so rare to find a friend so willing to just be a reader and supporter, when there's really no way to “pay back” her kindness.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Point out even just one specific detail or line of dialogue and tell me how it made you feel, your thoughts about it, or even ask a follow up question! I am most impressed when a Reader points out an Easter egg or interesting tidbit/headcanon/lore I included. I am over the moon when their comments show they are familiar with my other fics or my SotWK AU as a whole… it means they've really invested in my stuff.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I enjoy being wholly surprised (good surprises, of course), but I don't like being told “a surprise is coming” and having to then think about it or stress out until its arrival. 
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A work-related reminder, which is boring. So I'm gonna answer this question by sharing something I wrote in my “Scratch Dump” document that I use for my headcanon drafting: Inscribed on the blade of the sword was Mirion’s personal oath to his people, written in Silvan: “Until my last breath, I will serve.”
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
It’s probably because I’m fairly new to it (and because I enjoy the song/video), but the concept of internet friends Rickrolling each other as a prank seems so funny and wholesome to me.  
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
I made a separate post answering this HERE.
Thank you to all my awesome friends who jumped in to send me these Asks! This was fun and made me feel good about myself as a writer. Love you guys! 
@lady-of-imladris @erathene @unethicallypleistocene @fishing4stars @Hobbitwrangler @quillofspirit @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @niennawept @malzenn @melpomaenofimladris and that one Anon friend!
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sweepweep · 1 year
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@bonsaa actually asked for me to continue my Kamukura Project ramblings and I’ve never been more thrilled, this gives me a great excuse to continue.
Continuing with the idea of how marvelously fucked up the Project was in the first place: the project was sketchy from the start. For one, I’m pretty sure Hajime’s parents were NOT aware of it at all. If they were, they either would’ve 1: signed Hajime away to it, not giving him a choice. Or 2: disagreed with it and also would’ve not given him the choice. The fact that the chairman ASKED Hajime whether or not he’d come to a decision shows this.
There was also the fact that whatever Hajime signed was a blatant lie. Going into the building after he’d agreed to it, Hajime says that he’ll become someone Chiaki could be proud of, someone with a talent. He was convinced that HE would be coming out of it, same person, same personality, just with a talent. If he was told that he would’ve been erased, he wouldn’t have done it. Why? Because if he came out a different person, the whole “Chiaki can be proud of” thing would be for nothing.
So of course, now we’re at the point and time for the start of the surgeries. Izuru has super strength and super speed. That has to have been given to him while he was still Hajime. Because if they created Izuru with average human abilities, THEN given him speed and strength, Izuru would’ve figured out what he was before the scientists got a chance to use him as intended. Just imagine that. Hajime is told he’ll be going into the first surgery to get a talent. He comes out of it and now has to function in a completely different and strange body. He goes to pick up a fork to eat and accidentally mangles it. That sounds like an exaggeration, but Izuru threw Junko and Mukuro across the room by flicking his wrist. Izuru was “born” with abilities like that so it would’ve been normal to him. Hajime on the other hand, then would’ve had to adapt from what he was used to.
And you can’t just erase someone’s entire existence in one surgery. The scientists and doctors probably cut off all of his contact with the world so that he didn’t have any reminder of who he was. They probably referred to him as Izuru Kamukura throughout the process to condition his mind to respond as if it was his name. On that note, Izuru was described as a “super weapon” and a “tool for hope”. That is objectification. The scientists probably didn’t consider Hajime or Izuru human. I can imagine they referred to him as an object, not only so that Izuru would think of himself as a weapon for Hope’s Peak (sure that was a lot of it), but also to clear their own consciousnesses. It would’ve been a lot easier for them to think about preforming a lobotomy on a non-human object than on a person.
And of course we all saw the room Izuru was kept in. They probably kept Hajime in the same room so that 1: he didn’t have any self-reminders. And 2: so that Izuru would be more likely to consider it his room when he was created. We saw from Chiaki’s death scene that Izuru kept some of Hajime’s feelings, so if Izuru considered that empty box his room, he’d be less likely to want something more habitable, as he’d be used to it.
And when it comes to the surgical procedures themselves, I did a little digging on sedatives. Just going to start off by saying that Hope’s Peak probably didn’t fully sedate him, in hopes of increasing pain tolerance. But what I found, was that many even heavily sedated patients are award of their surroundings. It’s recommended people talk to them because they can hear and comprehend what they are hearing. The only issue being, they can’t respond. Now when working with sedated patients, the doctors will close the patient’s eyes and put something over them. If you look at Hajime just as he’s going into the final surgery, his eyes are not covered. He was probably listening and seeing as the doctors spoke about what they planned on doing. And while it would’ve gotten fuzzy when they started on his brain, sedated patients have spoken about how they remember a lot, but just chalked it up to a vivid hallucination or nightmare. So Izuru would’ve retained a lot of that.
Keeping with the topic of sedation and awareness, we’re going to circle back to the muscle and body modifications Hajime would’ve had to go through. Everyone talks about his main lobotomy scar on his head, but Izuru came out of everything super strong and fast. Post-Neo World Hajime wouldn’t have just had a scar wrapping around his head, but so many along every muscle in his body. Reminder that Izuru took down the SHSL Soldier with a wrist flick. Imagine the modifications that would’ve had to have been done to allow him to do that. Post-Game Hajime would’ve had scars all over his body, accompanied by memories of the slicing done to get them.
Now during the surgery, once Hajime realized that they planned on erasing him, or even when they cut off his contact with everything and everyone he knew, he would’ve tried to fight back. He fought the Ultimate Boxer as a Reserve Course Student. Being even stronger (and knowing that) he wouldn’t have wanted to stick around for long, so why not use his new strength to just fight his way out. The scientists would’ve known about this and put him on a crap ton of mood-changers to keep him remotely cooperative. His food was probably drugged left and right, and that along with the entire project would’ve led to a truck-load of trust issues that would take years to undo.
Thanks for listening to my hyperfixated ramble. I wish I could finish my WIPs with this kind of dedication.
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kris-mage-fics · 1 year
Who do u think is most likely to (possibly) die permanently in SH
Hi anon, I had to give this some thought because in the past I’ve only considered the idea of who could die in Scarlet Hollow so briefly I didn’t have an answer. But now that I’ve let it percolate for a while I have some ideas. Spoilers below, but I’m going to be kinda vague about them. I hope you're okay with a long answer, friend, because that’s what this turned into, lol!
First off I think anyone who dies in the course of the game won’t come back in some way. The two people who can die in Episode 4 do so in such a way that it wouldn’t be possible for them to come back in the flesh. Unless we get another ghost or their spirit inhabiting another body they are gone-gone. Obviously I could be wrong, but given we’ve already dealt with a ghost and people being temporarily puppeted, I believe any death is permanent. And our choices really do matter!
So “most likely” to possibly die I think are Kaneeka, Sybil, and Avery. Kaneeka has a lot of concerning magical girl imagery associated with her character. I’m not familiar with some of it, but I love Madoka Magica, and the Sayaka statue is worrisome when you consider how her character arc ends. Like a lot of fans, I predict that Kaneeka will have some kind of magical girl-like awakening or transformation, and my guess is it has the possibility to end with her dying. And much like Tabitha, Kaneeka takes her family duty seriously even when it’s painful. So I think it’s within the realm of possibility for her to pull some sort of self sacrificing move.
Sybil is very connected to what’s going on, obviously a lot more than she’s letting people know. Which could easily put her in serious danger. Plus it adds Kaneeka and Miles to to Dead Mom’s Club! I know that seems like a joke, but I’m mostly serious. There are a lot of themes in the game about generational trauma and abusive parents. I think Sybil dying, especially if it’s from a choice Kaneeka makes, fits with the themes we’ve already seen in the game. And in light of how Episode 4 can end, that just adds weight to the theory in my opinion.
For Avery, it’s purely because they are way too casual about all the horrors happening! Mx Belle, please don’t say you’d be okay with a ditchling using your body to incubate it’s offspring! Do they even have a self-preservation instinct in the face of supernatural stuff? Because it sure doesn’t look like it from where I’m standing. Avery is reckless and much too willing to get into bad situations just for the thrill of it, so that doesn't bode well for their survival.
Granted, I’m not sure anyone is safe. And I’m concerned about Janey and Pastor Daniel making it to the end of the game. That conversation you can have with Tabitha about how no one in town has two parents is pretty ominous with her reply of basically “Tulip has two parents, for now.” Honestly, I do hope at least the kids are safe, because there is no way I could handle a child dying! (Despite the fact I don’t want children, I’m exceedingly fond of them.) Also, it just doesn’t feel right from the direction Abby and Tony seem to be taking the story.
Thanks for the ask, anon! Ngl, I was a little surprised to see it since there are quite a few SH fans here who are much more known for talking about the game and their theories. But it’s was fun, if a bit morbid, to think about! <3
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littlebeelife · 1 year
Daily J2 Breakdown
Day 6
This interview has my whole heart.
"We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think it’s that remarkable, but it’s definitely special."
Supernatural siblings
WE ARE BROTHERS FOR LIFE, SUPERNATURAL HUNKS JARED PADALECKI AND JENSEN ACKLES TELL T2 Priyanka Roy What Would You Tell Jared And Jensen If You Met Them? Tell [email protected]   Published 19.10.13, 12:00 AM
Through nine seasons, the Winchester brothers — Dean and Sam — have battled demons, busted metaphysical myths and redefined chills and thrills on the small screen. In an email chat, Jared Padalecki (who plays Sam) and Jensen Ackles (who plays Dean) tell t2 about the show (Season 9 currently airs Monday to Thursday at 8pm on AXN) that’s made them a household name across the world.
When you were first approached to play brothers who bust ghosts and hunt down devils, did you ever think that Supernatural would become the show it is today?
Jared Padalecki: We’re one of the longest running shows on television! When I turned 31 (on July 19 this year), I remember thinking, ‘Wow… I’m 31 and this is my ninth season. This is a third of my life!’ It’s pretty amazing. I feel that what we’re doing this season could go on for however long the writers, and the fans, want to keep it going. We’ve opened so many doors and we didn’t close any... we didn’t kill this or stop that, we just left it so that we can do anything. What the writers have chosen to do is so awesome. I want to strangle them because I’m really excited about it — but I’m not allowed to tell you anything more at this stage. My hands are tied.
How does Season 9 carry the drama forward?
Jared: Season Nine is really cool! I’m more excited about shooting this season than any other season of Supernatural. I was really excited when I read the first five scripts and I think they are the best five episodes I’ve ever read, including Season One. As an actor, and as a fan of the show, I’m really excited about it. I am certain that the fans are going to think the storyline is badass this season. And I’m really hoping that they like my choices as an actor when they see what happens.
At the end of last year, Sam was not getting better. Well, this storyline will explain how Sam gets better. Dean says, ‘Hey buddy, stop the trials and you’re not going to die.’ And so Sam does stop the trials, but clearly he does not get better. We know that at some point between then and the second episode of Season Nine, he gets better and you’ll find out why immediately.
How much of Sam is Jared and how much of Dean is Jensen?
Jared: I grew up with Sam — I started the show when I was 22. I even met my wife (Genevieve Cortese who played Ruby) on this show. In fact, now I try to find similarities between the character and my own personality.
Jensen Ackles: The longer we become these characters, go through so much on and off, we get a greater clarity about ourselves. Now I know the clear differences between Dean and me. The only exception being that we look exactly alike!
What’s been the most challenging bit about playing Sam and Dean?
Jensen: I’d say... just I think, the emotional toll that he has sometimes where he doesn’t think that he is of value, that he isn’t equal to the people that he surrounds himself with. He’ll put other people first before himself. He’s very quick to sacrifice himself, and that’s difficult. I think it’s also a noble trade. 
Jared: And I feel Sam is very pensive and he’s very fastidious when he’s trying to get a task done. And Jared’s like that. I read instruction booklets, I really do... when I get something, I can’t buy something and just go like, ‘Oh, I’ll figure it out.’ I read and re-read it and I try and really figure everything out. And I like that... Sam kind of takes that approach. And I guess before I started acting, I was going to be an engineer, and maybe that’s what it comes from, just that kind of break everything down to put it all back together, reverse engineering or whatever. However, sometimes I feel like I wish Sam would make a hard decision.
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Jensen: I wouldn’t call myself superstitious, but I do suspect there’s more between heaven and earth... even hell. I’m open for spiritual experiences, although I haven’t needed any salt yet to ward off evil spirits from my home!
Jared: I firmly believe that things happen for a reason. That may sound melodramatic, but I don’t believe coincidence exists. And I also believe we’re not the only living creatures in this universe.
Which have been your favourite moments on the show so far?
Jensen: My favourite moment is when the brothers made a commitment to each other in the church. This is a commitment that they’re going to check in with each other... that they are going to remain partners and stay on the same track and not be like, ‘You go do this while I go and do that, and we’ll all try to solve the world our own way.’
Is there anything you would want to change about Dean and Sam?
Jared: There’s a term we use, to “man up” — “man up and get the job done”. Sam ends up making a decision, but I don’t think he takes a stand. There’s a small difference, and I wish he’d take a stand sometimes.
You guys have been sharing screen space through nine seasons. What kind of a dynamic do you share off screen?
Jensen: That’s almost impossible to explain. Nine months a year we’re stuck with each other literally 24 hours a day, seven days a week because we’re working on the show. Even doing stuff for ourselves in between isn’t possible. We’re constantly together. And even when we’re not actually working together during the nine months, or the other three months out of the year for that matter, we always find ourselves choosing to hang out and be together. But what I’m saying is, if you compare our relationship with Dean and Sam’s relationship on the show, there is a huge difference. Jared never drives me up the wall.We can talk to each other about anything.
Whenever we’ve fought, it’s been for each other! Like, I’ll do or say something and he will too and the other one might not like it, but in the end we’re doing it to help or protect them and it’s never against him. I think we do have that loyalty and I can honestly say you know, I’d trust my life with this guy and I guess in relevance to Dean for Sam, I would jump in front of a bullet for him any day and never think twice.
Jared: And the best part about Jensen and my relationship is it’s gonna be that way when we’re on the show and not. I mean, unfortunately for him, he’s stuck with me for life now and that’s important. But look, brothers and sisters, for that matter, sometimes fight. Or worse... they can’t get along at all. Between Jensen and me there have never been any issues and I think that’s rather special.
Jensen: We’re best friends, period. He’s my best friend for life. I don’t think it’s that remarkable, but it’s definitely special.
Are you aware that you have a huge fan following in India?
Jared: I was so surprised when I was informed that we have a huge fan following in India. Until recently, I had no idea that the show was even airing in India! It feels so good to know we have fans across the continent.
Jensen: I had no idea either. Jared and I both found out about it together! We are dying to come to India... it would be amazing.
What’s the craziest thing a fan has done for you?
Jared: The people will come up and be like, ‘Oh, my gosh! I saw an episode where this happened and it made me think of this time when I saw this.’ And you’re like: ‘What did you do? Get the salt?’ So the fans are pretty funny. The fans of the show are certainly. They’re not casual fans. People, if they know the show, they know the show, which is nice. It’s wonderful to have such a dedicated audience and a loyal following. It’s become part of the show and we’ve made episodes about our fans. So that’s fun, and they certainly share their stories with us.
Source: telegraphindia.com - October 19th 2013, written by Priyanka Roy
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liloinkoink · 2 years
silly. Would they meet the same way and are there any differences? also is anyone free to draw for this asking for a friend :)
yeah anyone who wants to draw for this can feel free!
this roleswap au started out as a convo in discord server a few weeks ago (contributors i remember being Cherri, L, Ghast, Ilex, Crafty, Celestial, Korre, Lime, Daisy… i’m definitely missing names, but it’s been a bit) and then this week cherri and i (and haunted, tho he’s been very busy) circled back to it and fleshed the whole thing out much more
as for what is the same and what is different…. uh, i’ll put this under a cut, i think.
Ren wasn’t always an adventurer. he still hardly counts himself as one—he’s certainly not taking dangerous quests or anything like that. he has no party, only carries a bow and a knife to hunt food on occasion. if he’d had a choice in the matter, he doubts he’d have even left home.
Ren used to live in a city of a decent size, the sort of place it’s easy to disappear. he was well-liked among his neighbors, but not particularly close to many of them. he ran a little shop enchanting items with small blessings—an incredibly rare magic he sold for a fraction of its commercial worth.
he had made a bit of a name for himself, entirely on accident. the city would have adventurers traveling from two or three towns over to repair their weapons or buff up their armor. he had a little boom in his business and a steady market of quest-takers passing through to improve or repair their gear.
but with the fame his name found its way to the wrong people, and Ren’s shop is discovered by… honestly, Ren isn’t entirely sure what their deal was. they called themselves adventurers, but there was something off about them. they were a lot more cruel than the righteous or the thrill-seeking sorts he’d met already, and that only became more apparent when he closed his shop down for the night and found a few of them still gathered outside.
their terms were pretty simple. they’d heard that enchantments could be gradually improved over time, stacked with more and more magic to create blessings like you wouldn’t believe. so ren could go with them, or be struck down where he stood. he’d enchanted the weapon pressed to his chest just a few hours ago, and he knew better than anyone else how sharp it was.
so he does. he packs a bag of some clothes, which they’re so kind as to let him stop and take. a few mornings later his neighbors realize he’s gone. the city searches and mourns, but most of them not particularly hard.
Ren spends a few weeks following the party around, enchanting weapons and improving gear. he sees up close exactly how cruel they are, and so he starts whispering new magics into the blades.
“this blade will never dull” becomes mixed with “this blade will never break the skin of someone undeserving,” “this blade cannot be raised against someone weaker than its wielder,” “this blade cannot spill the blood of one unarmed,” little blessings to mitigate harm. and soon, every blade that passes through his hands has the same quiet spells. his tampering isn’t noticeable immediately, but they figure it out soon enough. Ren has meddled with the magic somehow, and they’re not happy.
the thing about magic is that it’s very fickle. his spells can stop the adventurers from picking on random citizens, but he isn’t careful enough.
Ren, for all his powerlessness, isn’t weak. he’s lied, gone behind their backs. and he had been given a bow to hunt. he is not undeserving, nor weaker than them, nor unarmed.
so when they turn on him, their rage outpacing his usefulness, all he can do is run
the place Ren runs to is familiar, though not to Ren. he shoves open a heavy door, stumbling over half-dead vines tangled across the floor and into a dark room below the earth. there’s a plaque there explaining what the room is—a tomb to the god remembered only as the deserter, cursed to put down roots.
this, too, is familiar—Ren is desperate, and in his desperation prays to a god no one has thought of in 20 something years.
Cherri has dialogue for the oath, which she’s given me the okay to add, and so i will!
“I bet it gets pretty lonely down here… it looks like no one else has come to see you in years.”
"You and I are in pretty similar situations right now. I don't know what happened to you, but there are people chasing me. They want to trap me and force me to enchant things for them. And I... I can't go back there."
"If I must, I will devote the rest of my life to serving you as a paladin in exchange for my freedom."
slowly, and then all at once, the room comes to life. once-dead vines lurch off the floor and attach themselves to Ren’s wrists, urging him forward. Ren doesn’t have a lot of time to be concerned about seemingly awakening a lost god before he figures out what the god wants—there’s a basin in the center of the room boasting one small plant, still a healthy green even in complete darkness.
it’s pretty difficult not to get the message. Ren takes the little plant, careful not to damage the roots, and he flees
[other major differences are… 1. this god and paladin duo have a bit more difficulty communicating than Lamplight, as flower language is a bit more finicky. 2. unlike Lamplight Ren, Martyn’s power requires upkeep from his paladin to be effective—water, sunlight, good soil. 3. Martyn has a much more physical form, so he can actually interact with Ren even while a plant (he can also feel touch, unlike Lamplight Ren, which means he can also feel pain). 4. Martyn is cursed, and his curse can be broken—he spends much more of this AU with a human-looking body than Lamplight!Ren does. 5. there’s a few more major differences that come to mind, but they’re spoilers for Lamplight]
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loki-who-remains · 11 months
What a ride. So packed but coherent, doesn’t feel too quick or too slow. And the whole episode felt pretty halloweeny, no? Murder mystery, dark hallways, running out of time, maniacs, revenge. So cool. My thoughts are pretty chaotic but anyways
So, the smaller, Loki time loop finally looped, tbh sooner than I anticipated. And the bigger, Timely-HWR timeloop ended with his death. Or maybe it was supposed to end like this? I still don’t buy into the free will, when we know at least part of what’s happening was planned ahead by HWR
Speculation time. BUT from trailers it looks like the TVA will restart after the explosion and they will have to re-run certain things again, maybe altering some of the choices, and that’s how Loki will end up time slipping again. But will it also lead to the resurrection of Miss Minutes?..
I loved how Sylvie channeled viewers’ questions and concerns. Why no one’s ass is on fire? What happens to Timely when and if he helps fix the Loom? Why Loki puts so much faith into Timely, OB and Casey? And I agree with everything she told Mobius, although imo it was aimed at a bigger audience of the whole of the TVA.
I loved that Loki assumes the position of power without acknowledging it, without boasting, out of necessity. I really loved his and Sylvie dialogue in the pie room. I totally can see that they are gods, questioning and challenging each other.
Victor Timely is a star. He’s so chaotic, untrusting and curious at the same time. He looks and feels perfectly out of time. Loved him and his interaction with Casey and OB, and with D-90
Miss Minutes was for all time always creepy, but this time she outcreeped herself if it was even possible. I’m gonna have nightmares, so good job!
Brad who? It’s showbiz. What a guy, huh. No comments, really. And what was his deal with Dox anyway?
And I really love that Loki, Sylvie and Mobius are interconnected they way they are now, and Loki being the mediator. It’s pretty subtle but I’m enjoying it.
Episode 4 really stands out, I’m thrilled! Can’t wait for the next week. It’s been a while since I was excited for anything Marvel
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sitp-recs · 2 years
hi friend! you have the best recs so I wanted to reach out. I feel like this is both a pretty simple request yet somehow also uber specific?? if it's too specific that's totally OK and you can disregard. I'm just having trouble sifting thru matches on AO3 and trust your judgment!
in major need of T-rated (or not-super-smutty M) fics between 5-50k, preferably ones set while the characters are in their 20s (early, mid, and late 20s all work) with plenty of fluff/nothing too heavy emotionally.
anything you can offer would be so appreciated!!
Hi there! This was a bit challenging because I’m more familiar with angst than fluff 😅 I hope these work for you! They’re all T-rated, except for Astolat’s:
The Interest Here by disapparater (9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
honey milk tea by @softlystarstruck (14k)
When Draco runs into Harry at his favorite boba tea shop and gets so flustered he orders the exact same thing, he has no idea how quickly his life is going to change.
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
Heartlines by @sorrybutblog (22k)
Just as Draco Malfoy's life seems to be getting back on track, the magic at Malfoy Manor is spinning out of control. Auror partners Harry Potter and Angelina Johnson are assigned to the case and quickly find that nothing about the situation is obvious.
House Proud by astolat (M, 23k)
His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74 (24k)
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for.
Doing the Lambeth Walk by @blamebrampton (26k)
There are only three traditional choices for the cashed-up hero after victory. Harry Potter is too young to settle down and provide the wizarding world with a happy ending, and has too acute a sense of humour to spiral downwards into a spectacular flame-out. That leaves a life of good works. Choosing to lead it in Muggle Brixton comes with its own set of challenges, including Malfoys in the biscuit aisle.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (29k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Little Red Courgette by @blamebrampton (31k)
When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
Follow the Water by xanthippe74 (38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
I'll Floo Home for Christmas by jadepresley (39k)
The Ministry Christmas party is the biggest event of the year and Harry absolutely does not want to plan it, and he certainly, one hundred percent, does not have a crush on Draco Malfoy.
Witch Weekly's Most Eligible by @gallifrey1sburning (54k)
The first few times, it was kind of funny. After a while, however, it started to get a bit depressing. By the tenth time Harry won Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, it was downright humiliating. But even that wouldn’t have been enough to get him to agree to Pansy Parkinson’s scheme to put him on a wizarding dating show—at least, not without the additions of a tearfully earnest Molly Weasley and one too many glasses of champagne.
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docholligay · 11 months
Ep 9: Shauna
Hello! This is about up to Episode 9 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY episode 9 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the ninth episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
I love all of Shauna’s shit in this.
Shauna stabs Adam not because he lied to her, though she’s not thrilled about that, but because Shauna has such a fear of being found out. Shauna knows that at core, she is a creature. That she can kill, and has killed. That she can dismember, that she can be cold. That she can betray. That she longs to betray. No one can know that, that has to stay Shauna’s secret, and he is at the very precipice of getting close enough to realize, close enough to know, and so I’m not even sure the conscious level of Shauna stabs him, but that second layer of Shauna, simmering just under the surface, the basement of the house where Jackie lives, and accuses Shauna. 
Of course, this is all paired with the fact that Shauna desperately wants to be found out. To be exposed. For her monstrous predator nature to be made known. This is why she’s always so crap at hiding stuff--her shitty spot for the diary, the flight number as the code on the safe, her book club lies to Jeff--She got into Brown, she’s not that fucking stupid. She wants to be found out. She wants to scream that she is dangerous and not to be fucked with, but she can’t, because she has to be this idea she has of Shauna. She is the wolf in sheep’s clothing, and wants everyone to know it, and so she leaves these simple, easy breadcrumbs to be followed. 
It’s teenage Shauna, the wolf inside, that does this. 
And I knew it was going to happen, because I’m not sure what is going on with Adam--I still do not think he was somehow God’s most innocent lamb, though maybe I’m just sticking to my story because I hate being wrong--but whatever is going on with Adam is playing into all those feelings Shauna has not only of people discovering that she is a creature, but on an even simpler level, Adam is Jeff all over again. Adam is Shauna assuring herself that the popular, cute boy wants her, really wants her, not Jackie, not the pretty girls, but SHAUNA, and Adam ruins that with the possibility of having wanted her for manipulative reasons, of having wanted to discover her not because she is dangerous and sexy but because she is PROFITABLE. That’s the big hurt, that he never wanted her. That god forbid, Callie was right. 
It’s a lot going on! It’s a lot of feelings! But they all go back to teenage Shauna’s feelings of inadequacy and that monster under the surface, the one who took immediately to butchering. That’s why we see teenage Shauna take out the knife, because in many ways, she still IS teenage Shauna. Teenage Shauna who isn’t thinking about what they would be doing if they hadn’t crashed because some part of her knows she never ever would have goen to Brown. She never would have confronted Jackie. 
I mean even in fucking killing Adam, which, way to go girl, you’re making choices in your life I guess. They’re these, but they are choices! Even then, when Jeff says, “You murdered someone?” she doesn’t say yes, she says, “I stabbed hm and he died” even in this she cannot let herself be honest about her actions. Sure, she stabbed him and he died, but that was just a series of events, that wasn’t her MURDERING him. They may be the same on paper, but she’s a writer, and any writer knows that connotation is everything. Word choice matters. 
By the way, I absolutely love everything that happens with Shauna and Jeff, not because I was right (though we all know I love that) but because I think it proves so much about how she and Jeff always were perfect for each other, and Jackie was the outlier, not Shauna. When he says, “We’ve always been these people,” that is the most perfect way of summing it up that I could possibly think of. They are both duplicitous, desperate people, who do things in the darkness. It’s who they are, it’s who they’ve always been. 
That being said, I don’t know if I think Shauna deserves Jeff. Jeff was not lying, I don’t think, when he said he didn’t want to have married Jackie, that he loves Shauna. I think that is very clear in all of his actions. His first reaction when she reveals that she killed someone is to take the fall for it. That he refuses to let her take the fall “for something he did” even though Shauna very much was the one who stabbed Adam because he hurt her feelings and got too close.
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bookscandlesnbts · 1 year
"I’m not fully convinced that JK wants to be working this hard tbh. He loves being on stage, but with some of his latest performances, his energy is different. I don’t know how to explain it, but those that can see it, see it.“
Same feeling here. I’ve been disappointed by most of his recent performances - the fact that I don’t vibe with Seven and even less with 3D surely does not help but still, he does not seem to be that much into it imo. The interviews around the singles were a bit boring, but I find the songs boring anyway so I don’t know why I expected more..He did say recently he doesn’t have as much energy as he used to. I think he’s working hard right now, I hope he’s not burning himself out. I just can’t help but wonder if it’s truly what he wanted or if he wants to prove something, to us fans but also to himself. Which is fine but I just hope he’s not pushing himself too much to prove us something, he has already shown how great of an artist he is. His schedule is crazy these days…
Honestly I’m also disappointed, I was expecting him to be credited at least for one song. I hope it was his choices, if he’s happy with how things went then it’s all good but imo it would have been smarter to go for less songs, like a mini album, but more involvement from his part even if minimal.The collabs, the overhype and Scooter involvement killed my curiosity, it’s like those beautiful cakes you see at the baker but then it doesn’t taste much - it’s not like you won’t eat it, but it’s not as good as it looked like it would be… dumb parallel maybe sorry. I’m sure I’ll like some songs but I’m not expecting much.He was lacking inspiration it’s pretty clear now, and it’s not a shame I absolutely don’t blame him, but I guess he felt pressured to release something big but somehow I don’t feel the connection. I just hope he’s doing okay.
The interview that Bang PD did a couple days ago is linked here: https://x.com/daily_jkupdate/status/1712671267667705932?s=46&t=qPnJMLyaHtW8TW1s2gwVIg
Because these are the facts. We aren’t toxic stans for wanting more or wishing this rollout was different. I’m not a toxic stan for wishing that JK wouldn’t have been pressured to do an album at all, because I don’t think he wanted to, and in this interview, Bang PD even said that JK wasn’t sure about releasing an album. But Bang PD let 🛴 get involved and I’m sure he knows JK’s star power and pushed him into doing a couple songs and then an album. And like I mentioned before, I could see the members producing a solo album before MS (besides Jin who had to enlist right away because of his age) as part of their contract. That left JK with no time to fulfill that because he hadn’t come up with any solid songs on his own.
Western interviews are always awkward. For everyone involved. I think JK did a great job persevering considering he was on his own, but I’m sure he wasn’t too thrilled or comfortable doing it. I’m a music lover, so the songs weren’t my cup of tea either. Seven was catchier and the clean version was more tolerable. But yeah, I’m not a toxic stan or a bad JK fan for not being obsessed with Seven or 3D. I’m hoping that I like some of the songs on Golden and that JK connects with them. Because we know he puts his heart and soul into songs that mean something to him. Re: him recording Letter.
I’m not disappointed because I wasn’t expecting it. JK quite literally told us on lives he hadn’t been working on any music. So, considering the fast timeline, I’m not surprised he had nothing still since it comes out in a few weeks. The collabs and the overhype from 🛴 both suck but I’m hoping that we get some solid JK solo tracks too the ones without features.
I also hope he’s doing okay. I empathize with his position. I love him as a human. But I’m not a mindless robot that burns myself out streaming songs I don’t like all in the name of fandom either. Hopefully, I’ll like some of the songs, and I’ll listen to those. Thanks for sharing your opinions.
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krisslegacy · 5 months
not a lot just forever (pt2)
Tumblr media
based on the song by adrianne lenker
“intertwined, sewn together"
characters - theron shan x q'rea kriss (original female barsen'thor)
summary - theron is unsure if he's worthy of the gift q'rea provides him with.
word count - 743
warnings - pregnancy, ptsd, this is pretty tame actually
A/N - this is pretty short but i'm trying to focus on quality no quantity/no beta we die like men please check this out on ao3 also i haven't written in ages this is just a test
part one: https://www.tumblr.com/krisslegacy/749192536160141312/not-a-lot-just-forever
Q’rea couldn’t read minds, but her Force ability allowed her to clearly understand the thoughts that ran through Theron’s head.
In a way, she felt his emotions herself.
Her lower stomach pulsed. She gently rested her left hand over it and delicately, she tapped her fingers against her skin.
Yes, Q’rea thought, your father is worried.
She turned her neck, staring at the back of Theron’s head. His hair had grown out recently, not too long but not as trimmed as he usually kept it. Q’rea actually didn’t mind it.
With her right hand, she reached out to run her fingers through it.
He stirred. “Hm?”
His back muscles rippled as he turned to face her. The soft yellow light they’d left on created godly glow of this skin. And then there were his hazel eyes, the desperate green tones that begged to be caught by her own. Now, they were ridden with exhaustion of a days hard work.
“I can feel your heartbeat,” Q’rea whispered. “I know you can’t feel mine, but-”
Theron laid a hand over her chest. “Now I can.”
She cracked a grin. “I feel it as if we are the same. That means I can feel its worry, too.”
“My weight shouldn’t be yours to bear.” His arm slid underneath Q’rea, wrapping around her torso before pulling her close to him.
“Oh, but sometimes I like that.”
The laughter that followed was music to her ears. It used to be so rare from him, and now she sought it out whenever she could.
Q’rea had always taken it for granted, then. Granted that it could’ve been the last time she’d ever hear it- that is. Sleeping beside him now, feeling the rhythm of his breathing and the warmth he carved out, it got easier to live in the moment with Theron. Though she was eager to have her child, she was more than willing to use the long nine months to grow the already unbreakable bond between her husband and herself.
So much time, so much love. An exhale left her as she fought the pang of fear rising.
Still, she was so afraid of judgment from an Order that was barely putting itself back together.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” Q’rea whispered once more, placing a hand over his pectoral muscle, “don’t hide it from me.”
Their foreheads touched in a manner so silently affectionate.
A surge of anxiety- mixed with acceptance that he had lost on this matter- swept through Q’rea briefly.
“I’ve been thinking about Satele a lot recently. Jace, too.” Theron admits. “My own childhood was a mess, and now that I’m going to provide someone with one…. I’ve just been trying to imagine what it must’ve been like for them. My mother, I mean.”
That’s right, Jace didn’t know about Satele’s pregnancy until Theron was in his mid-twenties. But according to Theron’s own reactions to his father’s presence, he wasn’t too thrilled about Jace attempting to fix something that wasn’t his to fix. He didn’t know- it was simple as that.
“She wasn’t alone. She had Master Zho.”
He nodded. “I know, I just,” he paused, gazing past her, “I feel like I’m cursed in some way. There’s something telling me I can’t do it- that i’ll continue the cycle.”
“No.” Q’rea instinctively shoved her hand over his mouth, not realizing what she’d done before she’d done it. “No more of that kind of talk.”
Theron muffled something unintelligible.
“You are not your mother, nor your father. You’ve made other choices, and you can make different ones now,” she said, lowering her voice from the authoritative one she used. “You’re the love of my life. I love you just the way you are, and you are not cursed.
“You are going to be an excellent father, Theron. There is no one else I would trust more.”
She didn’t feel the salt pooling in her eyes, the gentle drops that slickened her cheeks.
She removed her hand over his mouth, a smile showed apologies.
“You and that stupid diplomatic talk,” Theron grumbled, pulling her close to his chest. “I hate it.”
Q’rea grinned against him. “Diplomacy requires the art of lies. I have never lied to you.”
She curled her arms around him, letting his rhythmic breathing pull her into sleep.
With his wife beside him, Theron never felt safer. And the thoughts that ate at him began to fade into a void of nothingness.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the brilliant @another-whump-sideblog!
We’re thrilled to have you here! Do you mind starting us off with an introduction?
You can call me Cam, my favorite color is green and I have a snowglobe collection!
Let’s get straight to the point! What does whump mean to you? 
To me, whump is any media that focuses on pain (of any kind) and how the characters cope (or don’t cope) with it.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I first got super into whump during a depressive episode. I’m not sure exactly why, but it was comforting. I read pretty much all I could find in the fandoms I was in, and then I just started searching whump in general! I actually don’t remember the first whump fic I read, fanfic or OC, or else I’d shout it out. For quite a while I was reading a lot of whump without interacting at all, out of fear of people realising I was into whump, but eventually I got over that and even started sharing some of my own whump writing!
Do you think your view on whump has changed since you joined? 
I’ve gotten a lot more into OC whump and less into fandom whump as time goes on. I’ve also gotten less afraid of publically liking whump.
Everyone’s favourite question: Favourite whump tropes!
I like pet whump and torture whump a lot. I also like long recovery arcs with imperfect caretakers. And I’m always a big fan of unreliable narrators.
Do you have a favourite piece you've written?
I really like the first chapter of Jane’s Pets. The style is pretty fun and I think it’s a good introduction to the series.
I love the format and second person pov! It’s a really intriguing idea! What does your writing routine usually look like?
I tend to write at complete random, whenever I’ve got a free moment. I write in my phone’s notes app, which is a bad choice but it would take too much work to switch over to something else at this point.
Do you find that some things are easy for you to write? Is there something you struggle with writing? 
I’d like to think I’m pretty good at describing characters’ inner feelings, and I know I’m not great at setting a scene or describing how things look or feel or things like that. I love writing dream sequences because then things can not make sense physically and I can purely focus on the emotion. I also struggle with editing. I tend to edit only very rarely, and usually only after I’ve already posted something. I just known that if I say ‘I can’t post this until I’ve edited it’ I would post things very very rarely lol.
And is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I’m working on the season finale of season two of Jane’s Pets right now! I’ve also been trying to work on describing the world outside of my characters’ heads and not starting every single scene in medias res.
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
Did you hear about the performer who fell through the floor?
It was just a stage they were going through!
I haven’t heard that one before, it’s good! Is there any writing advice you’d like to share?
Just have fun! I guess I don’t really have advice for professional writers, but for those of us here just writing stuff and putting it on the internet for free, there’s no need to get bogged down in what you ‘should’ be doing in your writing. Just do what makes you happy! 
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you.
The first friends I made in the whump community were @whumpyourdamnpears and @whump-in-the-closet! Both are great people who I’m glad I’ve gotten to know!
Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?
Thanks for interviewing me, this was fun!
Thank you so much for joining us , @another-whump-sideblog ! 
And to all you swell folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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izacore · 2 years
Will you do a reading on all of this when you have time? Maybe also on how HL are doing? I’m so fascinated by your readings!
I did a few readings for my friends yesterday!
Harry's feelings about the stunt with the child bride:
eight of pentacles reversed - lack of quality, rushed job, bad reputation, lack of motivation, mediocrity, laziness, low skill, dead-end job, careless about finances, overspending, you need to execute swiftly and with great care if you want to be happy and successful with this outcome, importance of impressing your employer through your diligence, dedication and intelligence
the devil - oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations, feelings of entrapment, emptiness and lack of fulfillment in your life, feeling trapped in job, blaming colleagues, self-sabotage, lust, hedonism, selfish disregard for lover’s feelings, obsession
judgement - self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, purpose, reflection, reckoning.
The Judgement card reminds us that we all will be faced with choices that will have an astounding effect for your entire life. The card brings to mind moments where actions you have taken have changed the course of your path for good. There may have been a moment where there is no looking back. The consequences of those actions eventually will catch up to you, and this card seems to indicate that this is the time. You may have to let go of the past, so you can move forward with your plans to have a new life.
back of the deck: page of cups reversed - emotional vulnerability, immaturity, neglecting inner child, escapism, insecurity, a shy, vulnerable partner, emotionally immature partner, insecurity in romance, troubled person, afraid of reality whether it’s emotional, financial, illness or something else. They find these issues difficult to face, perhaps leading to abuse of alcohol or drugs to escape. It could be an image of you or a loved one who is struggling with self-acceptance.
Welp, I think it's pretty explanatory that he seems "thrilled" about it and spiraling as always (the devil card). We have always known he had those tendencies 🥴 It looks like he just hates it and considers it a poor decision. And if the rumors about him soundchecking Woman are true and he will bring it back now I will take it as a confirmation for this reading. Which also, you know, poses a question, what is the point but alas
Louis' feelings:
ten of swords reversed - survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse, healing from past, putting relationship back together, changed jobs, found less stressful work, no way to avoid this tragedy - it has happened over a long course of events that have been a long time coming. recognition that you have hit rock bottom, an opportunity being presented here to correct what has hurt you, but you must make the effort to climb out yourself. What has happened was terrible, but everyone has a part in the responsibility.
wheel of fortune - change, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune, unexpected events, relationship changes, navigating change with partner, making adjustments, luck in career, opportunities present, adapting to changes at work
two of pentacles - balancing resources, adaptation, resourcefulness, flexibility, stretching resources, inability to provide the energy and time required to make your partner happy. Your partnership should be your main priority, but with all the madness in other areas of your life, you are finding it hard to devote your attention to your loved ones.
back of the deck: ten of pentacles - legacy, roots, family, ancestry, inheritance, windfall, foundations, privilege, affluence, stability, tradition, creating lasting career, stable future
In this case, I feel like I am able to interpret it in two ways, depending on some variables.
1. He could have realized what a fucking poor choice it was, come to terms with the fact that he hit a rock bottom with it and will now try to look for ways to improve his situation without continuing the stunt.
2. If the stunt is to continue, he lost his fucking mind and must be delusional or something 🤣🤣🤣 He truly thinks that this will bring him success and fortune and legacy (or that it's a step towards that legacy), even if in the back of his mind he may be aware that it's really embarrassing. He also seems to be stressed about juggling seeing Harry in the middle of it all (two of pentacles) and spirits are trying to advise him to pay more attention to him - which would confirm Harry spiraling again lmao. But like I said, in some twisted way he thinks it's necessary.
Now is the actual fun part tho, that made me want to fight my cards agshsj bro I'm so fucking confused.
I asked about the general results of this stunt, 4 cards fell out:
five of pentacles reversed - positive changes, recovery from loss, overcoming adversity, forgiveness, feeling welcomed, improved love life, opening yourself to others, friendship at work, end of work hardships, brightness coming into your life, light at the end of the tunnel. The reversed Five of Pentacles means change is coming.
nine of cups - wishes coming true, contentment, satisfaction, success, achievements, recognition, pleasure, appreciating current love life, positivity leading to romance, cheerful romance, satisfying career, recognition and respect at work, avoid being overconfident, a good change that something wonderful will happen in your workplace. It is time for you to push on your stalled project or if you have a something that you desire greatly, there is a possibility that you will finally achieve it. It also holds a positive meaning when it comes to love. Your romantic relationship with someone is destined to reach a new level.
ace of cups reversed - coldness, emptiness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess, you have been enduring emotional instability or pain for some time.
four of cups - apathy, contemplation, feeling disconnected, melancholy, boredom, indifference, discontent, feeling discouraged and unmotivated, You may feel as if there is no solution or way forward in your situation. Life has become stagnant, and nothing seems to make you happy or passionate. You are feeling apathetic - regardless of what happens, whether the day is good or bad, none of it matters to you.
back of the deck: queen of cups - compassion, warmth, kindness, intuition, healer, counsellor, supportive. You may be the emotionally strong rock that serves as an anchor for someone else. The Queen of Cups normally thinks with her heart, instead of her mind. She can lack rationality and common sense, but she can also be intuitive, dreamy and almost psychic at times. The Queen of Cups could be the answer to your problems when a logical approach is not working.
This outcome actually made me so angry because 1. How can this stunt bring good results. 2. It confirms readings my friends did and got the same positive answer agshdj.
If I were to guess, and interpret it the way I'm feeling it, is that the mess it created could actually serve as a wake up call of some sorts for them and will get them to think with their hearts instead of trying to follow the option they were made to believe is the most logical? That they'll realize they're miserable being stuck in those patterns and life simply cannot go on like this? This is just the vibe I'm getting. I'm not sure if I trust it tho as the circus really put me in a very pessimistic mood, but we'll see. Of course, this only works if we assume that they'd want the things we do for them. If they're okay with their situations now, it will strengthen them too and they'll achieve what they wanted with it but in the end they won't feel happy about that.
Anyway I think it's interesting nonetheless and I'm gonna also wait and see what my friends will get in their readings to compare. I'm tired and confused and simply don't know anymore.
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kefalion · 8 months
20 Questions For Writers
I first thought I’d answered these questions, but after reading through more carefully, I saw that this wasn’t the case. @sinvulkt thanks for the tag! Im thrilled to have been one of the people you thought to tag.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24 of them are 5000 words or longer
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Most of it from 2012-2015
I posted my first story in 2012 - on fanfiction.net though, only adding it to ao3 a bit later - and the feedback I got made me write like crazy. Made me decide to study English at university. For me who isn’t from an English speaking country that choice was as much to make my English better as to make my ability to write stories better. How to make any of it fit with a job could come later.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
It used to be Harry Potter. And I owe a lot to the people in that fandom. Now, for reasons many share, I’ve left that behind.
The last couple of years and probably for years to come the answer is Star Wars. I need to get deep into a fandom before the urge to write for it grabs me, so while I’ll enjoy other things too, they’re not likely to become stories.
That’s also the reason I’ve not written much original stuff. I want to know the characters before I write them. When I’m the one who has to create them, I have to write to get to know them and it’s not my favorite thing.
Anyway! Within Star Wars I tend to prefer focusing on the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan. It’s strong and messy and I find it fascinating.
Second to that comes Vader and Luke.
I also adore Cal Kestis from the games about the early years of the Empire.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
These are all going to be Harry Potter fics.
We all have history. Gotta accept it.
Oh, they’re all Harry Potter Crossovers! That used to be my thing. Mainly pairing it with the MCU. Most of these are really old and each time new MCU content comes out, new people find them. And for the first one which is a completed Harry Potter/Loki I think it’s reached the top listing in that pairing and it’s snowballing.
1. Waiting | Soulmate mark AU. Crossover Harry Potter and the MCU. Harry/Loki. Complete. 5k words
This is in my opinion a very simple story. It’s set up and a meet cute. But if people like it, I guess that’s good.
Kudos: 3,222
2. From Russia With Love | Crossover between Harry Potter and the MCU. What if Natasha was Lily and Petunia’s long lost sister and she found out how the Dursleys were treating Harry? Complete. 5k words.
I had a series where I accepted prompts. I wouldn’t have written this without that. Which is why it’s not longer. I wrote until I’d filled the prompt. I do t know why this is so popular either.
Kudos: 1,806
3. Four Golden Lines | Another Harry Potter MCU crossover, Soulmate mark AU with Harry/Loki. Incomplete. 24k words
This I put a whole lot of work into and I’m still fairly pleased with it. I just lost momentum and then interest in the fandoms.
Kudos: 1,723
4. Great Minds Think Alike | This time it’s a Harry Potter and BBC’s Sherlock crossover! 🙃 What if the Horcrux suppressed Harry’s mental abilities and with it gone he’s Sherlock 2.0 and the two of them meet? Incomplete. 7,5k words
Writing clever characters isn’t easy. I didn’t know where else to take it.
Kudos: 1,713
5. A Mess with Capital M | Harry Potter and the MCU. What if Clint and Natasha were Harry’s biological parents? He finds out as a teen and arrives during the battle of New York. Complete. 3k words.
This was also written for my prompt series. I wasn’t passionate about the idea and had nothing more to say about it.
Kudos: 1,365
Let’s also give my top three Star Wars stories some space
24. Disasters Tiring | “Through Force nonsense, an Anakin who has just survived the crash of the fallen hand ends up on Tatooine in time to join Luke on his mission to find Artoo. He hasn't slept for seventy hours and is pretty out of it. When Obi-Wan sees him, he feels pretty out of it too.” Complete. 4,5k words
Based on a tumblr post. I took an idea and slashed it out. Funny little story.
Kudos: 382
27. Crashing Slowly into the Sands of Home | “Vader crashes next to the Lars farm on Tatooine, and the unsuspecting family cares for him. Luke takes a special interest.” Complete. 1,5k words
I saw a prompt for this on Discord and couldn’t let go of it until it was written. Short and sweet
Kudos: 273
28. Don’t Discount Your Sith Father when Searching for a Jedi Master | “Darth Vader follows Luke to Lothal where the young rebel has gone to search for answers on how to be a Jedi. When Luke falls through time, Vader continues to pursue. Through different times, places, and encounters with Jedi, they both learn something about what it means to be a Jedi and what they mean to each other.” Complete. 24k words.
This was a labour of love. I proved to myself that I could write something longer than 5k words and complete it. I think it turned out pretty good.
Kudos: 271
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to be better at it. For short comments I don’t feel like there’s much to say. I appreciate them, but they don’t open up a conversation. For longer comments, especially given shortly after I post I make an effort to respond.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The time that is given us | Harry Potter/Tom Riddle. Time travel. Time loop. Complete. 2k words
It was written for the following prompt: “Write a story about your OTP that has an UNHAPPY ENDING” and boy was it ever unhappy.
Examples of comments:
“Awwwwww, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck”
I still take immense pride in that last one 😆
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh. I’m notorious for not completing my multi chapters. The ending is missing most of the time
And I thrive on angst and humour. And humour is just tragedy from a different point of view
Let’s do with a very lighthearted Obikin story
I can do you | “Famous Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has agreed to consult on the making of a holovid about his life to make sure they do a fair job. During the production, he meets the stunt coordinator, a man named Anakin who shines in the Force and makes Obi-Wan feel out of sorts.” Complete. 5k words
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
It has happened. It’s been a long time though. And it was like one comment at a time not a storm. And it’s been things like “this is so gay.” And I’m like, yes, that was the point.
9. Do you write smut?
I’ve begun to. Mostly I never got to the point of my multi chapter stories where it was relevant. But my first published story is more explicit in hindsight than I realized even though there’s no touching and no one takes off their clothes.
Last year I published my first story where smut what’s the main point. Still plotty though.
Take Care of Yourself, I Wish I Could | “While Obi-Wan and Anakin are alone on a planet during a mission, Anakin goes into a presentation heat. One Obi-Wan will not help him through no matter how much they'd both want it. Not that they know that want is mutual.” Complete. 7k words
10. Do you write crossovers?
As seen in my top 5 kudos list. Yes. I used to. I loved it. It was most of what I read and wrote for many years.
The first Star Wars fics I wrote and trying for are also Harry Potter crossovers. They’re incomplete and gathering electronic dust though.
It is more than likely that I’ll try it again. Just gotta find a story I want to smush together with Star Wars.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Posted to other sites by other people without them asking me: yes. Many times.
Someone claiming to have written my stories: no. Not as far as I’m aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve had offers. People saying they want to translate. But as far as I remember no one delivered. Or might have been one case where the first chapter in a story was translated.
I welcome translations and pod fics etc!
I just want to know where they’re posted so I can read any comments.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not as such. I’ve had some significant collaborations. One which I hope I’ll get to see published soon. But never something where I share the work 50/50 or even 30/70
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Obikin is the winner because od the fact that compared to other pairings I’ve been obsessed with, it has to most canon content to draw from and that makes the relationship richer and more complex than any of the competitors. Because of their shared history, I think it might keep the throne even should I move on to something else.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’ve not felt much for any of my wips lately. Neither the published stories nor the unpublished ones. So most of them deserve the status abandoned. My mood might change and I might want to return though. My mood is liable to change
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I study and analyse the characters in untreated in until I know them and can stay two to their core despite putting them in circumstances that are different from where we know them from. I’ve had many compliments about my characterisation through the years. And it’s the most frequent compliment I get.
Humor too. I think I can be funny. The feedback implies it.
I also think I’m good at setting up tension and delivering an emotional experience.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Following through!
I’m struggling with picking stories that aren’t so long my interest in them will be over long before they are complete.
Endings overall I find a struggle. Most of my ideas are an inciting event and what drives me is that I want to see where that leads. Not knowing the destination means I don’t know how to get there, and I get lost along the way and quit.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I used to do more of it, but I dunno. I find Swedish to be awkward to put into fics, I think this is a remnant how growing up movies and music in English were seen as a lot cooler, and using languages I don’t know makes the perfectionist and linguist in me cringe.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Long before I knew what fandom or fanfic was. Years before I could write even, I had my mum write down stories for me while I drew the pictures (I was 4-5 years old). The two I remember were “sequels” to Disney films. First out Snow White. Second the Little Mermaid.
First fandom I wrote for as a teen who had discovered the phenomenon on the internet: Dragon Age Origins. It was als the first thing I published. I removed it only weeks later though. I understood that copying the game dialogue word for word and adding only a few things myself was something I didn’t like reading at all after the first couple of times and didn’t want others to read my poor attempt of that type of story.
Oldest published story that remains available is Harry Potter
Second oldest is a Harry Potter and BBC Merlin crossover (which I used for a school project and got a top grade on. Weird times. I think writing that many words in English (foreign language) that didn’t suck was the reason. Also, I printed it and bound it as a book myself. That probably helped.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
In a way the Harry Potter Merlin crossover I mentioned above. It’s long (though incomplete). It made me grow so much. I had one commenter who wrote essays to me each chapter and I’m beyond grateful for that. It was the first story I worked with a beta reader on. And it saved me from doing a real school project
Is it the best writing I’ve done? No.
Would I recommend it to you now? Not really no. But yeah. I’m proud of it.
Two Destines | “There are ordinary people, people with great destinies and there is Harry who has two. He is Harry Potter the-boy-who-lived. He is also Prince Harry Pendragon of Camelot, younger brother of the future King Arthur. He grows up in Camelot and he has to conceal his strange powers from everyone until a young man with a destiny of his own arrives.” Incomplete. 74k words.
If fic can mean any story, I have a semi original short story (it draws on the sleeping beauty fairytale) that I wrote for a competition to get published in anthology. It almost made the cut, they said, and sometime, I should make an effort to get it published.
Tag someone
No preassure at all, but I’d you want to take the time to answer, I’d love to see what you have to say @intermundia @treescape @ossidae-passeridae
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ohgodmyeyes · 8 months
thanks for answering my question! 🩷 i would never want to shame people for their kinks even if i don’t understand them (i myself have some strange kinks), and you explained it super well :)
when i say ‘morbid’ and ‘dark’, it’s mostly because all i’ve seen from it is (in the media) real life people having been groomed into it and then they’re stuck being such a heavy weight and it makes them miserable (and also, death feederism). SO i wanted to know if it’s not always like that, that it’s not to be associated with that side of it.
i’m happy to know it’s not always like that, especially as a slightly bigger person myself (and having always been insecure about it), it would break my heart if it’s just a fetishisation of hurting fat people.
so i really appreciated your explanation to know it is not! also, love your fics as well!! and i hope you have a great day 💕
oh wow, thank you for getting back to me! rest assured i didn't feel at all shamed by your question (and i'm thrilled you didn't take offence to my answer).
i actually think you and i largely agree on what constitutes dark & morbid ... because when a relationship based heavily on power dynamics turns abusive or suffers a communication breakdown, the consequences can be pretty catastrophic. no one should ever feel that they "have" to maintain a certain physical attribute to make a relationship work, and dominant partners who encourage real-world dependency have a serious responsibility to uphold. a dom/sub relationship is, functionally, a marriage — with (ideally) all of the obligations and protections that entails.
that being said, i strongly believe that anyone who outright abandons a dependant or disabled partner is a straight-up piece of shit, circumstances notwithstanding. i also think that it shouldn't be as difficult as it currently is for people with mobility issues and health problems to lead dignified lives. it shouldn't matter how or why someone needs that kind of help, just that they get it when they need it.
the most unique, enticing, interesting, damning thing about this kink is that by indulging it, a person has the potential to put themselves in a vulnerable, socially disadvantageous position. i wouldn't recommend anyone without strong financial security, good health insurance, and a strong & tolerant social network engage in feeder/feedee relationship... especially if they're open to it getting as intense as we all know it can get.
again, though, that's good advice for people getting into all kinds of relationships; the only thing that really differentiates feedees from other submissive partners is their high visibility... which kind of also raises the question of whether fat & feeding fetishes would be what they are in the first place outside the context of a fatphobic society. it's kind of like asking what heterosexual marriage would be like in the absence of misogyny: we just can't know; we've never been blessed with the opportunity.
which is, essentially, why i would mostly rather enjoy my feeding kink from a distance/with anakin/through a lens coloured by fantasy. i've joked before that i write these stories so my husband doesn't choke on cake batter, and while that does make me giggle, there's a deep, underlying truth to it: because like i said before, sex and relationships are inexorably connected for me — and loving someone means actually loving them... even if they change physically over time, whether that's by choice or by happenstance.
that means that if i love someone, i'm going to love them exactly the same whether they weigh 100lb or 600lb... thus taking some of the 'edge' off of the feedism stuff, i guess, and mostly relegating it to imaginationland.
i hate that you or me or anyone else has ever had cause to feel insecure about their size; it's a symptom of a really deep sickness that has no place in a functioning society. i can't help the kinds of bodies i'm viscerally attracted to, but that doesn't give me the right to put myself in a position of power over the people who occupy them, especially given the backwards nature of the world we live in. i'm old and i've been all kinds of sizes, and i can confirm that folks are fucking stupid about it — so i more than understand a degree of suspicion directed at anything perceived to be hurting a group of people who frankly don't need any more crap.
i kinda want to say some stuff about death feedism but this answer is already long enough, and that's kind of its own weird thing by itself, not that i haven't fantasized about anakin in that position
honestly, i can't thank you enough for giving me such ample opportunity to share my thoughts, and for being so kind/generous about sharing yours. because at the end of the day i get what you're saying, and it's kind of a relief to know that we seem to agree on what constitutes healthy human interaction.
sometimes i worry about people, but talking to you about this has been really nice — and really heartening, in a way i think i probably needed.
thank you again, stop by any time!! :))
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