#but I’m cooking up something really cute so it cancels out
5h0w1sh · 11 months
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Thinking bout the fact Maria was technically born to die and Shadow was born to live forever.
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onlyrains · 16 days
𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂 thing | 𝓵𝓱𝓼
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relationship is scary; what if your partner is too tall for you to kiss them?
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“morning…?” you greeted confusedly at your boyfriend in your kitchen when you just freshly out of a shower.
“morning—you finished already?” his wide back still facing you, unbothered.
yesterday, he called and said he was gonna take you two to have brunch somewhere. but here he was, busy in your kitchen with sleeves rolled up to his firm elbow.
a chopping sound filled the room as you approached him. “aren’t we going somewhere, hee?”
he dropped his knife and spun quickly. “god, ’m sorry, i forgot to tell you. it's just… i watched some recipe videos last night and i think i’m going to try that out today…” his voice disappeared at the end. “is it okay…?”
you gasped. “seriously?” you were genuinely surprised. he was never show an interest in cooking before and preferred to just take a delivery or going out if you both were feeling it.
so today was the first time and you believed it will be written in history.
you glanced at his scattered groceries on the counter. “it is okay, boo. it's even better that you are one who cooks for me. wow.” you give him a wide smile then cupped his face.
he scratched his head, flustered when his favorite pet name came out. “we still could go if this fail, you know. i’m not sure either,”
you chuckled. “have some trust in yourself, can't you?” you tiptoed, tried to give him a peck on the lips but you kissed his chin instead.
you couldn’t reach his lips. that was a new fact for you too. you just realized he was always crouched down or the one who initiate a kiss. you almost hit your own head, couldn’t believe you missed such a crucial thing in your relationship.
he was laughing his ass off when he saw you pout and refused to see his face by hiding it on his chest, embarrassed.
still chuckling, he hugged you and rubbed your back, assuring. “it's okay, baby. it's cute.” actually, he also just noticed how your height just fell around his chest, not even his neck, not even his shoulder.
how could he not noticed his dear girlfriend is so tiny? well, he knew you were smaller than him, but he didn't know that you were basically tiny? even when he hugged you like now, your figure was completely disappear in his body. how could he not noticed that earlier? oh, maybe because he was too busy control his composure everytime he's around you, right?
“don’t mock me.” you mumbled.
“eh? i’m not? why do i have to mock about it? it's so cute, baby, trust me i love it.”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “i can't. you can be childish—”
“says a child—AW! baby, your pinches is someth—”
“but i’m not a child!” you sulked.
“okay, okay.” he grabbed both of your hands in his. “from now on, i’m going to love you like my own child, baby.” he kissed top of your head ran around the kitchen as you chased him.
he was glad he canceled the plans for brunch at a fancy restaurant he found a few days ago. otherwise, he wouldn’t been able to enjoy this stupid moment with you after a week of non-stop working. he was thankful your laugh could literally heal his mind and soul to stay sane.
the brunch he promised was still happened tho it would be more realistic to call it a lunch. thanks to him for always bring your height up every chance he got. don’t get it wrong tho, it wasn’t a bad thing. he loved it, he really did.
it gave him an instant ego boost whenever he noticed you need to looking up fully when you look into his eyes. even sometimes, it made him thinking about the other thing that might put him in an advantageous position.
you were still sat in your dining table when he suddenly towering you after doing the dishes.
you tilted your head with anticipation. “what?”
“nothing.” a smug smile appeared on his lips.
“still haven't giving up?” you asked then stood up on your chair. now you were the one towering him. “what now?”
he wrapped his arms in your waist. “it's nothing, really.”
you rested your hand on his shoulder and finally pecked his lips in a sudden move. you felt his arms tensed up in your waist.
“baby, that's dangerous, y'know.” he whined, his voice low.
you smirked. maybe you both have a same thought today.
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taglist [open]: @llvrhee
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waldau-archived · 5 months
I cant insert a photo here on your ask but it goes something like
"Do whatever you want!!!" X said out of anger then character Y kissed him gently. "You said do whatever i want, right?"
whatever — choi seungcheol | 1,821 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
this prompt was really cute!!!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is stressed out? and in need of a hug?
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you love the sounds that make the house you share with seungcheol your home.
you love hearing the door creak when you open it at that specific angle. you love the sound of the clock ticking in the living room that seungcheol himself picked out. you love the sound of him walking on the wooden floor of your house, the sound of his glass when it clinks against the marble of the kitchen island, the birds chirping in the evening when you take out time to just relax against him and watch the sun set, and the sound of his quiet snores when he insists he wants to watch you watch your favourite shows, only to end up falling asleep.
there’s none of that here, in this moment.
you take off your shoes and kick them to the side, not bothering to open the cabinet to put them inside because the doors make a particularly loud sound when they snap shut, and you don’t want to risk waking seungcheol up again.
it’s been an odd couple of weeks, with you staying out late because of more work and seungcheol staying in because his workload has been relatively less for the beginning of the new year. him being at home would’ve made you happy if you didn’t have to apologize for cancelling and rescheduling dates, or for being left with energy enough only for a bath and a quick dinner, movie plus cuddling sessions replaced by cuddling in your sleep. if you were lucky to get back home in time, that is.
you stop and listen for a few moments. there’s no sound to be heard. the door to your bedroom is shut, which means that seungcheol must have already gone to sleep.
a little pang of hurt stabs your heart. it’s not like you want him to keep late hours for you, but you’re not exactly doing well in these trying times, and you’d really love to have his voice wash out your worries.
a resounding bang from the kitchen startles you. before you can even think of the worst possible scenario that could’ve just transpired, seungcheol walks out of the kitchen, a rolling pin in one hand and some flour on his hair and his rolled up sleeves. the literal definition of a hot mess.
“hey, baby,” he says, eyes widening when he sees you. “i was expecting you to be back in an hour or two.”
so it’s that bad, huh? it’s become normal for him to expect you to come back even later? you focus on the stains on his clothes instead, and the rolling pin that seems so out of place in his hand. “what exactly are you doing?”
“nothing! well, nothing much. yet. maybe you should stay out of here for a while.”
one thing about seungcheol is that he never keeps secrets. he can’t tell you a white lie to save his life, much less a black lie. “cheol,” you say, frowning, “both of us know you don’t even cook. are you baking? and why’s there flour in your hair?”
“sieving accident,” he mumbles, so quiet that you almost don’t catch it.
“should i be afraid?” you ask, pinching the bridge of your nose. you feel like your tears are a short distance away, and you really, really hope he’s done nothing more. something tells you that isn’t it, however.
“not really!” says seungcheol, but you can read him like glass at this point. the little nervous laugh and the way his nose twitches when he tries spinning facts makes you dread what you’re going to find inside. “maybe you should have a nice bath before you sleep? did you have dinner yet?”
you try to move past him into the kitchen but he blocks the entrance with his broad frame. the one time this isn’t sexy.
“cheol, let me in.”
“not until you tell me the password.”
“there’s a password now? what, something like choi seungcheol is the best?”
he giggles. “close.”
you sigh. “cheol, i’m really not in the mood to play games right now. please tell me what’s going on in there?”
he tries pulling that face, the one with the puppy eyes, where he looks at you so pleadingly that you’re generally ready to fold and do whatever he asks of you, but right now it just doesn’t work on you. the more evasive he is, the more worried you get. before he can react, you duck under his outstretched arms and into the kitchen.
rather, into the mess he’s made of the kitchen.
you’ve heard stories about junhui trying to bake. they sounded absolutely hilarious, and you’ve always wondered how he could mess up so bad that he managed to land waffle batter on the ceiling. especially when he didn’t even own a ladder to try and clean it.
it’s not funny when it’s your house that has some batter on the walls. at least it’s not the ceiling, you think, a bit hysterical, until you see flour on the…everywhere. it’s just everywhere. the counter, near the sink, in front of the oven like it’s a modern day trail of breadcrumbs that hansel and gretel would’ve followed. there’s also baking supplies scattered all over, an extremely huge sheet of baking paper lining a tray that’s sitting next to a bunch of bowls.
it’s a mess, to say the least.
“i’m sorry,” seungcheol says, gently turning you away from the sight of it. he winces when he sees your face. you don’t even know what your face looks like. all you know is that you’re tired, that you need a break, and that the last thing you would have liked to see today was your boyfriend’s face while he was peacefully asleep, and not…this.
you shake your head but no words come out.
“i’m sorry,” seungcheol repeats, setting the rolling pin down on the counter. a comical little cloud of flour rises and settles. what kind of accident even was that? “i was just…trying to bake.”
“cheol, you didn’t even know why we use baking soda till last week!”
“hey!” he says, defensive. “i asked you so i could learn. and i know this isn’t great, but—” his words dry up when he notices where your gaze lies — on the batch of cookies that are burned beyond belief.
you can’t believe your eyes, either. you’re not the biggest baker in the world, but you’ve never burned anything you’ve baked. especially not in your first attempt. maybe you’d have given up the courage to bake again if that had happened, but seungcheol clearly isn’t that bothered by it.
you don’t know if it’s because of how pitiful they look, or how long your day has been, but you feel a lump rise in your throat.
“you never even do this,” you whisper, only focusing on his face and not the mess around you. “why did you think you had to do this today?”
“am i not allowed to try things if i want to?” he asks, crossing his arms.
“it’s not that, cheol,” you say, trying to be as reasonable as possible. “i’d ask you for some help before trying something i’ve never done before. you never, ever do this. only when i ask you to help me. why today?”
“because i wanted to,” he says, almost flippant. “i’ll clean it up before you know it.”
but it’s not about the mess. it’s not about the burnt cookies. it’s not about the way he tried to block you from seeing the state of the kitchen. it’s the finality in his tone. it’s the fact that it’s not a big deal to him because he hasn’t had the day you’ve had.
seungcheol’s eyes widen when he sees your lips tremble. “are you seriously mad at me? for baking?”
“do whatever you want,” you hiss, tired and angry, feeling a single tear slide down your cheek. “i shouldn’t have looked inside.” you turn to walk away before it becomes a full fledged cascade of tears, but you don’t go far because of the hand holding on to your wrist.
“stop,” he says, holding you strong enough that it becomes futile to try and escape.
“let me go, seungcheol,” you say, avoiding his face.
“oh, no,” he breathes out, and the next thing you know is that your face is cradled in his hands and there’s a warm kiss pressed to your forehead. and your nose. and your lips. and it keeps repeating till you push him away, your face in his hands. you can feel the ugly emotions inside you ebbing away slowly, reducing to small embers that prickle the slightest bit.
“what are you doing?” you ask weakly.
“you said do whatever i want, right?” he asks, a smile on his face.
that gets you to break, for some reason. you would’ve forgiven him even if he’d gotten batter on the ceiling, because this — the sight of seungcheol with flour in his otherwise perfect hair, wearing an old shirt and beaming at you even though you’ve snapped at him — kills even those small embers.
you press your face to his chest and let the tears out silently.
seungcheol rubs your back. “hey,” he says softly. “let it out, okay? and i’m sorry about the mess. i meant it when i said i’ll clean—”
“it’s not that,” you whisper. “just…hold me?”
seungcheol complies, and you find yourself swaying in his hold in the silence of your house.
“want to talk to me about it?” he offers when you pull away, feeling slightly better. “i’m—”
“stop apologizing to me, cheol,” you say, laughing a little wetly. “it’s not the kitchen. i’ve just…i’ve been missing you like crazy and i miss just being with you without doing anything. i hate coming home late and seeing you asleep by yourself in our bed. i want…i want things to go back to the way they were.”
“so, a bad week?”
“more than one.”
“but you have me here at the end of every single day, right?” seungcheol says, pushing up the corners of your lips to make you smile. you do smile, but it’s because of the cute grin he has on his face. “we’ll get through it before you know it.”
you sigh. “it sounds good when you say it like that.”
“because i mean it. also, one more thing.”
“please don’t ever call me by my whole name again.”
“only if you mess up the kitchen that bad again.”
“also, why were you baking in the first place?”
“because i wanted to cheer you up,” he says, sheepish, and you want to do nothing more than hold his face and kiss him silly.
“you’re an idiot, baby,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “but you’re my idiot. and i love you.”
seungcheol’s blushing face is quite possibly enough to get you through tomorrow.
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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ethereal-engene · 3 months
Upstairs Neighbor | Jongseong
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pairing: Jay x gn!reader
genre: slice-of-life, non-idol!AU & uni!AU // warnings: cuss words and mentions of food
summary: you confront your upstairs neighbor about something, but things play out a little differently than what you planned for in your head. // word count: 767
note: inspired by this clip & enjoy ✨
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While you’ve never met your upstairs neighbor(s), you know the unit above you is a guy
His sneeze gave it away 💀 (yes it could be heard from the floor below him)
Normally you don’t haven’t run into too many issues with your neighbors, but of course on the night before your exam you run into one
Maybe you could have anticipated it when you heard the dragging of something big across the floor boards as they vibrated onto your ceiling
Nonetheless you paid no attention to it until the first chord of an electric guitar was played
As soon as you heard it, you grabbed your noise canceling headphones, in hopes that it’d lessen the loudness of the continuous guitar playing
While it did help a bit, it was still loud enough for you to grow irritated. Shouldn’t he know that other people live there and be mindful of his surroundings??
However you were still a bit optimistic that he’d stop after maybe 30 minutes but once it hit that 30 minute mark and it didn’t seem like he’d stop anytime soon
How in the fucking hell were you supposed to focus on your studies if all you could focus was the noise bouncing off the walls??
Plus this exam was such a big percentage of your grade. If you failed it, it would have to work so much harder just to get a passing grade for this class
You couldn’t take it anymore and found yourself stomping up the stairs to knocking on his door
“YAH!! Open this door. RIGHT NOW!” You screamed at the door
When the door finally opens, you’re greeted with such a handsome face that you forget what you were going to say
“Did you need something??” An equally irritated look painted on his face and laced in his tone
… silence still fills the space between you two
He fake coughs trying to get your attention
“Oh… uhm yeah! I was just wondering if you could keep your guitar playing down? I’m trying to study for an exam and it’s really hard to focus on anything with it so loud.” You finally reply
“Oh and totally not related but you’re really handsome! Okay bye now” you quickly add on and start speed walking down the stairs
Only you didn’t get that far because he yelled out for you to stop
He walks over to you and stares at you like you’re crazy because why would you not even let him respond first 😭
He won’t tell you this but he thought it was cute and funny that you tried to leave without letting him respond back to your request & compliment
Obliging to his request to stop, he catches up to you and gives you his thanks & he’ll try to keep it down
Of course, he couldn’t leave you without giving you his number on a slip of paper
You know…in case he’s still too loud and maybe for something more than that 😏 (like a date or something hehe)
“Before I forget to mention, you’re cute!” His smile reaches his eyes as he hands the piece of paper
Your face heats up and finally lets go of his hand that was holding the paper
“Thanks, I appreciate it! I’ll see you around!!” Your voice slowly decreases in volume as you descend the stairs
Waving goodbye and he shouts with “No problem and I’d be more than glad if I got to see you again!” All said with hints of hope and flirtatious tone in it✨
100% stops playing guitar the whole night and decides to cook lunch for you
even though he’s just met you but also as an apology for last night
he shows off his collection of guitars to you
Hoping that you won’t find his collection/hobby to be too dorky
Of course, plays a couple songs trying to impress you too 😭 (he’s so cute)
Maybe even learns your favorite song(s) whenever he finally asks you out/to be official
Finds you adorable whenever you try to play a couple of chords… even if they’re so wrong 💀
Gladly walks you to class even if he has to run all the way to the other side of campus for his class (even though you told him to stop doing that when you learn about this)
100% smirks but also gets embarrassed when he learned that you forget what you were going to yell at him about the first time y’all met because of how handsome he was
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This was so much shorter than I intended on but my brain blanked on what else to add 😭 oops but also I like getting straight to point 💀💀
Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this! If you did, please leave me feedback through reblogging it with your thoughts in the tags or commenting it, notes, dms, or asks! They’re all appreciated and make me very happy :))
Take care and signing off
- ash
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luveline · 2 years
After reading your fic with the “you’re cheating on me prank” with James I was thinking how he would react with the “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today” prank.
No pressure btw in writing this but I just thought it would be cute <3
tysm for ur request! james being heartbroken at the prospect of hurting your feelings is my fave thing. 1k fem!reader
It starts as most of your bad ideas do — a video on the internet. Sent to you by a friend, the video shows a man being recorded covertly by their partner, a feminine voice in the background that says, “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today.”
The young man turns in confusion. “What?”
“I think you could’ve been nicer to me,” the feminine voice repeats forlornly. 
“What did I do, babe?”
And so on. It’s harmless and looks fun enough, plus the man in the video tries very hard to give the person recording a cuddle, and you like hugs from James. You reckon he’ll give you one pretty quickly. 
Or he might be totally clueless. Either way. 
“Jamie,” you call out softly, stretched out in his bed. 
You're waiting for the water to warm up for a shower, and he’s trying to fit in one last load of laundry before bed. It’s a normal Sunday night. 
He appears, dark eyes wide with enough affection to make you consider cancelling this whole thing and pulling him in for a kiss. You stay strong. 
“What?” he asks when you don’t say anything, hip propped against the doorway, arms crossing over his chest. “The water should be hot now.”
“I have something I want to say.”
He raised his eyebrows amusedly. “By all means, shortcake.”
You feign nervousness, sitting up off of his pillows. 
He straightens in turn. 
“I think you could’ve been nicer to me today,” you say, meeting his eyes. 
His face flickers, expression changed from curious to unhappy. “What?” he asks. 
“I just… I don’t know. I thought you could’ve been nicer.” Your voice trails into a murmur toward the end. It’s hard to sustain your facade when there’s real heartbreak dawning on his pert features. 
James crosses the short distance from the door to his bed, tossing aside a big throw cushion so he can sit by your hip. He offers his hand to you, palm up. 
You take it without thinking. 
His other hand closes around your wrist. He bracelets your forearm and starts to rub warm lines up and down. 
“Explain it to me,” he says. “I’m not disagreeing with you. Tell me what you mean.”
You search your memory for an example. It isn’t easy to find something, so you dramatise. “This morning,” you say slowly, putting the words together just milliseconds before you say them, “when we were getting ready, you didn't say anything about my choices. Usually you have something to say, and you didn't say anything." He'd been half asleep at the time. Poor boy. "And you didn't help me with the dishes earlier, either." That's true. Sorry, Jamie. 
"I'm sorry," he says, and here's where the boyfriend you'd seen on the video starts spouting excuses. James doesn't do any of that, only pulls your arm closer to his chest looking unhappy. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." 
You're quiet. It's hard to know what to say — the prank hadn't come with a script to follow. 
James leaps to fill the gap. "I really loved what you wore today. I love how you dress. And I'm truly sorry about the dishes, you cooked, you shouldn't have had to do them too. I'm so grateful for all the things you do for me, I swear I won't- I don't take them for granted, shortcake." 
"James," you say awkwardly. 
"M'sorry," he says, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 
You steal your arm from his hands and wrap your arms around him before he can move away. He sighs in relief and reciprocates fiercely, his face pushing eagerly into the crook of your neck. 
You have to hype yourself up to say it, worried you've embarrassed him. "James, I'm so sorry-"
"Don't be." His arms tighten around you. 
"No, I'm sorry, I saw this video on my phone and I thought it would be funny but you're being way too nice about it and-" 
He's a smart boy. James pulls his face back from your neck, hands sliding to grip your hips. "What video?" 
"Pass my phone," you say in defeat. 
James' brows start to lift as the video plays. Understanding plays on his lips, and by the end of the video he's suppressing a smile. 
"You're gonna kill me," he says, fixing you with a half-hearted glare. 
You drop the phone and cradle his pretty face. "I know. You were being too gooey, I couldn't make you stop." 
He smiles at you sweetly. Dark brown eyes, brown skin, he's the handsomest guy you've ever met and you're far from immune to his looks. 
"Is that so…" he murmurs. 
You get your hands behind his ears and drag him down for an apology kiss. "Sorry to trick you," you say. 
His laugh is warm against your lips. "Between you and me, I think I'll get over it. Maybe." He works his hand under your t-shirt to squeeze at the soft dough of your hip. His hands move slowly like he's savouring the touch, fingers spreading and then coming together as he sighs into your mouth. You're thinking maybe you've gotten away with it when he pulls back. 
"I'm still sorry for the dishes- for both. I should've told you how nice you looked this morning, and-" 
"Baby," you say, thumb stroking his jaw, "you didn't have to. You wolf-whistled at me when I was coming down the stairs. And you," — you laugh, practically snort — "called me 'hot stuff' in Tesco's." 
"You looked hot." 
"That old woman didn't think so. She looked scandalised." 
"She should be scandalised. The prettiest girl in the world was right there in the biscuit aisle."
You dissolve into lovesick giggles and tug him down with you, happy when he drops his weight into your chest, arms needling under your back. 
"I'm gonna be so nice," he threatens. 
"I'm gonna be the nicest. You're gonna be sick of it in no time." 
"M'sorry," you say. 
His stubble scratches your collar bone as he gets comfortable. "I love you. I love you." He kisses your throat. "You're beautiful. And you dress like a fox." 
"A fox," you repeat, near giddy. 
"And you won't be doing dishes again." 
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spence-whore · 4 months
Movie Night
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: what request are you the most excited to write? also what would spencer be like during a movie night? I’m just curious
A/N a couple of things before we get to this imagine! One, I’m not sure if you wanted this as an imagine but I thought this would be cute as one, so I’m writing it. Secondly, I’ve been really excited to write all of these tbh. I feel like the ones I have been really excited about though are the ones being inspired by certain songs. I have gotten a few requests for song based ones and it’s just been exciting because it’s been music I love and even some I have never heard of before. So, it’s been a challenge trying to think of my own way to interpret it to Spencer and an imagine! Last thing, this is pretty short but i hope it’s still good.
You and Spencer have known each other since you were in middle school. You were childhood best friends, which eventually turned into high school sweethearts. You moved with Spencer to California, which led to you getting a job with mythical and him working for Smosh. It was like the best of both worlds. The two of you don’t get a lot of time together compared to what you used to get. So, the two of you do movie nights every Wednesday night. You cook some type of food and get a bunch of snacks and sweets. You pile it all together on the living room table. While you’re doing this, Spencer makes a pillow fort on the couch and gets everything set up. Sometimes he will come into the kitchen to attempt to annoy you but he just gets roped into helping you fix something.
Tonight was movie night and the two of you decided on the classic, Napoleon Dynamite, for tonight.
“Spencahhhh” You shout in a fake Italian accent from the kitchen, “Can you come here for a second, my love?”
“If you’re just gonna pull me in here to make me help you make some sticky dessert again, I will actually cry.” Spencer says walking into the kitchen and laughing. “Listen, you remember what happened last time. I had to shower before we got to even start the movie.”
“Oh, whine about it why don’t you.” You say sarcastically, shooting Spencer a glare. “It wasn’t my fault anyways. I was literally just icing cupcakes and you thought it would be funny to smear icing on my face. So, I simply got you back. It was your fault. I just got lonely and didn’t want to be in here alone.”
“Y/N, I was literally like a few steps from you.” Spencer says laughing really loudly. “But hi, I’m sorry I left you all alone. I will stay in here. I’m finished up in there anyways.”
“I’m just putting these cookies on this sheet. Once the pizza is out, I’m going to stick them in there.” You explained, nodding your head towards the oven. “We can just start the movie and eat the pizza til the cookies are done then I’ll grab them.”
The two of you seriously like to go all out with unhealthy foods this night since you try to eat decently healthy every other day of the week. As you finished putting the last of the cookie dough on the sheet, the oven went off and Spencer stood up to grab it for you.
“Please remember to grab the oven mitt this time. We really don’t need a rerun of you burning the shit out of your hand then having to cancel movie night.” You quickly said with a smile on your face.
“Good lord, you’re never going to let that down, are you?” Spencer muttered while sliding on an oven mitt to grab the two small pizzas. “Are you sure you’re always up to doing all of this cooking and baking? I feel like today is really the only free day we get together. We could just always order food from somewheres and go pick up snacks and desserts from the store.” He rambles while walking over to the table to place the pizzas on it.
You shrug your shoulders, keeping your back to Spencer while you walk over to the oven and pop the cookies in. “I always just feel better knowing that everything is home made. I ate fast food so much as a young adult in college.” You turned around to face him. “I made a promise to myself that whenever I got out of college, no matter what, I would make the time to cook something to eat for myself; even if it is something small. Plus, I always like incorporating things you like or haven’t tried yet in the mix. I always like surprising you. You always praise it, so it gives me that drive to want to do it more.”
Spencer just stared at you with a love struck look on his face then walked up to you and yanked you into a hug. “I wasn’t complaining about it and I hope you know that. I mean god, I’m beyond thankful for a partner that loves to cook like this. If we’re being honest? I would probably live off of fast food all throughout the week if it wasn’t for you.” He whispered into your hair then kissed the top of your head.
You just laughed really loudly into his chest, “I’m going to be honest with you, that’s another one of the reasons I do it. Fast food makes anyone feel icky and weak. I like knowing that you can get a good meal and actually feel good throughout the day. I guess it’s like my love language.”
Spencer pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on both sides of your face for a minute just looking at you. “I love you so much and I hope you never forget that.” He gave you a quick peck then nodded towards the kitchen table. “I’ll grab the plates if you cut the pizzas?”
You nodded then grab his face really quickly before he could walk away to give him another kiss. “I love you too goofy ass.”
You walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pizza cutter while Spencer grabbed two plates and walked over to place them on the table while you were cutting the pizzas.
“Oh wait,” You said just remembering. “You’re gonna love me even more. I went and bought more Mountain Dew Kickstarts because I realized you were almost out. I also bought two single ones, one of you and one for me, tonight.” You say with a soft smile on your face.
Spencer aggressively kissed you on the cheek then walked over to the fridge to grab the drinks. “You ready to watch the absolute masterpiece that is Napoleon Dynamite?”
“Spencer, this is like the seventh time we have watched this movie this year and it is May. You would think at this point, I would be tired of it. I’m so excited to watch it.”
Spencer chuckled at you and shook his head, “You’re a dork. I’m taking these drinks into the living room now. Do you need help carrying anything?” He asked turning to look at you.
“Nope, I got it all here bub. Just grab my phone because I set on a timer on it for the cookies.”
You carried the two plates into the living room and could’ve just cried walking in there. Spencer always goes all out with the pillow forts. It looked so big and so comfortable. He always had laid out so many different candies and popcorn in two huge bowls on the living room table. You placed the two plates of pizza on the table and realized he had also went and bought you new flowers to put in your vase, to replace the ones that were starting to wilt.
Spencer looks at you with the most serious look on his face then in Napoleon’s voice says, “Gosh, can we start the movie already?”
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lacelynpage · 1 year
You fall asleep in an odd spot ~ Sherlock Preferences
A/N: HELLO DARLINGS!!!! I’m SO sorry its been so long. Life got really chaotic but I trying to find time to writ more. I have missed you all sooo much. I hope you enjoy what I cooked up for today. See you all again soon hopefully lol.
Being with Sherlock involves a lot of late nights. When you're on a case the two of you can easily stay out till the sun starts to spill over the horizon. Exhaustion is your nearly constant companion. So it is not uncommon for you to fall asleep on the cab ride back to Bakers street. After your head is resting comfortably on his shoulder he will gently intertwine your fingers. Running his thumbs over your knuckles soothingly. It is one of the few truly tender things he does, and it means the world to you.
Sleep isn't always your best friend. Most nights your body would, rather cruelly, keep you awake. Force you to think about your whole life till you spiraled into anxiety. John understood that struggle and would often stay up with you, making tea and sitting with you. It led to some of the deepest and more honest conversations. However, your bodies were still both achingly tired in the morning. So when John came to pick you up on your lunch break for a date one day after a particularly long night. He wasn't surprised to find you sound asleep on your desk. With a gentle touch he woke you up, telling your coworkers you weren't feeling well. The two of you spent the rest of the day together, cuddled up and fast asleep.
Late hours were the norm in your house. Both of you commonly work odd schedules as contacts from around the world update you on various projects. On a bright Sunday morning Mycroft awoke to find you missing from the bed. Assuming you had simply gone to bed later and woken up early he walked down to the kitchen. The sight that greeted him was odd but not unfamiliar. You sat at the small breakfast table in the corner, head resting on the keyboard of your laptop. A few papers and a now very cold cup of coffee to your right. Gently, he woke you and ushered you into bed, calling Athena to cancel all morning meetings. The two of you needed some recovery time.
It was cute really, well Greg thought it was cute at least, that you could never make it through a movie in the cinema. No matter how much you wanted to see the movie, every time you would drift off. Popcorn left to get cold in your lap as your head lulled back. While the end credits rolled he would nudge you awake with the most childish grin on his face, making you groan in frustration. He would always give you a summary on the car ride home, which you appreciated. 
You were not one to let your guard down easily, Jim knew that. No matter how tired you were, sleeping in public wasn't an option. However, there was one exception, the plane to Dublin. Something about flying home relaxed you, made the worries and enemies slip from your mind. Softly you rest your head on Jim's shoulder and let sleep overtake you. He would work quietly, kissing your head whenever you stirred slightly to adjust. These plane rides were often the quietest moments in your life together, you both treasured them.
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Hi there! I wasn’t one of the people to suggest Timerra, but seeing her again reminded me of her really good English VA Dani Chambers, and so I wanted to share another of the Black characters she played that I really love: Molly Blyndeff, the main character from Epithet Erased!
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(Her sister Lorelai is actually my favourite in this series, but because I got to be reminded of Dani Chambers today, I’m making this a two-in-one submission!)
Molly’s family owns a toy store, but ever since her mom died the rest of the family has essentially left her fully in charge of the store, their taxes, cooking, cleaning, etc. She’s heavily overworked and is constantly being forced to be the adult in situations even though she is only 12-years-old. She is heavily neglected by her family and has a hard time telling people “no”. Every adult in her life has failed her on some level to the point she doesn’t even understand how much they were actually supposed to protect her. As a result, she has a very cynical outlook on life. She’s very loyal and protective of her friends to the point that she cares more about them than she cares about herself.
I really love how much the story doesn’t glorify her sacrifices and goes to show just how much stress it’s giving her, leading her to not having a social life at all, but also needing to essentially be the matriarch and breadwinner to a family of overgrown children. This girl deserves the earth, the moon, the stars as well as the nuclear launch codes. She deserves so much more than what life has given her and the series goes on to show her develop self-worth, but also allow her the chance to be a kid again (don’t want to give anything more than that away, cause spoilers).
Now onto Lorelai:
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Lorelai Blyndeff is Molly’s teenage sister, who foists all of her responsibilities onto Molly, not realizing how much it’s straining their relationship. She takes up the villain role in the sequel book.
The characters in this series have powers based on a word that is inscribed onto their souls. Molly’s is “dumb”, which allows her to simplify and nullify other things, which essentially gives her the ability to cancel out other people’s powers. Lorelai’s, however, is “amplify”, which lets her create these dream bubbles that she can slip into in order to live out her fantasies. Since their powers essentially cancel each other out, it regularly becomes Molly’s responsibility to make her sister leave these dream worlds in order to do the most basic of chores, often leading to Molly having to do them anyway.
Since her mother died, she has spent almost all of her time in dream bubbles, playing pretend and having whatever she wants magically appear without any need to work. She also uses them to play the main character in adventures where she gets to defeat the fire-breathing dragon, something I think is a very good demonstration of her trying to find some kind of catharsis by trying to win against what killed her mom (Fire. She died in a fire. There was no dragon).
She’s bratty, incapable of accepting imperfection, and has spent so much time in a world where she gets everything that she wants, that she no longer understands the point of responsibilities nor how much she’s forcing her sister to bear.
One of the reasons I love her so much is that I find her to be an excellent example of a character who uses escapism to get through her day. Her grief leading her to run away from all her problems leads her to being very antagonistic to her little sister, accusing Molly of abandoning her because she’s so busy doing all the work and can no longer have fun indulging in make-believe.
Also! I think she has really cute outfits in the book and I wanted to share them:
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Here’s her as a witch of the forest
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And here’s her as a cute bunny knight waiting to slay a dragon
I love that the series doesn’t shy away from making her antagonistic towards Molly, but also makes her sympathetic in showing how much her playtime is how she tries to avoid thinking about her grief. She’s very much a teenager and even though she’s avoiding the responsibilities foisted upon her and Molly, I feel the story makes it clear that those responsibilities are ultimately their father’s, who is too self-absorbed to act as the adult in any situation.
Another element I really like that I don’t think is talked about enough is how a big reason she doesn’t realize that their home life is neglectful is because the father praises her quite a bit for her creativity and uses her dream worlds for inspiration for new toys. She’s essentially being used as free creative labour without realizing it and the father is giving her unlimited freedom so he has something for his other daughter to sell. (This post isn’t about him though, so back to Lorelai).
She’s dorky, she loves bright colours and her dream worlds are very creative and fun, often reminding me of classic kid’s adventure films (they also remind me a lot of classic save-the-world-with-the-power-of-friendship rpg’s, which leads me to relating to her a lot). She’s boy-crazy in a way that feels like she’s never spoken to a human being before (same, girl, same) and a lot of her story in the novel is trying to impress a boy she just met with a baking competition and the judges trying to make her learn responsibility and how to accept failure. She’s the kind of girl that would marry Shadow The Hedgehog unironically, and I’d be there for the wedding. She’s a very fun character to read, as well as very well acted in the audiobook. She’s the kind of villain you love to hate, but also feel bad for her long before things hit the fan. I’m really hoping we see more of her in future instalments!
Anyway, now that I’ve concluded my rant, I hope you have a great day!
Well hell, you said everything I'd have said! That is deep fr, Lorelai using her dream bubbles as a negative way to cope with her grief via avoidance, and how that poorly affects her and her relationships. Especially with her younger sister Molly who needs her, and is instead forced to carry that weight. Ooooh I love the premise. Tragic siblings is one of those themes that I love and that always break me, because it's like.... You love them and you hate them. You love them because that's your blood and you know what y'all's relationship promised, and you hate them because you feel like they're throwing it away. But you can't bring yourself to fully hate them because... that's your sibling. And how far can it go to break 😭😭😤
And yes, the art style is cute. I know a Dani Chambers lol.
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
boyfriend headcannons - han hyeongjun
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☆彡 EEEEEEKK it’s Jun Han time! :D 🩷
word count: 690 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: YouTube like is safe!!, all caps, (Hyeongjun’s) insecurities mentioned, eating mentioned, I love him, not proofread, lmk if I missed something
← previous member | next member →
obviously, I have a lot to say
here we go
first things first, Hyeongjun shows you how he loves you instead of telling you
there was some radio interview they did one time where the other members said he doesn’t say “I love you much”
so he makes sure to physically show his appreciation for you
what’s that? you were stressed from your workload? Hyeongjun made you dinner and cleaned up your place while you were out
you’re feeling nervous about a big job interview? he got you flowers to wish you good luck
stuff like that
I also feel like someone somewhere said that Hyeongjun is really good with dates?
idk maybe I’m gaslighting myself into thinking that
but he never never forgets anything!
birthdays, anniversaries, important events- he’s there
I also think a lot about the one Knock Down Debate that they did where Hyeongjun yelled at the others because they never pick up their phones when he calls them
so hey, at least he’s good at communication in that aspect
I don’t think Hyeongjun is one for pet names
I literally cannot picture him calling someone a pet name, but I could easily be wrong
if he did I feel like they would be simple
short and sweet stuff
he gets flustered easily if you call him something though!
I feel like it would be really easy to fluster him
STOOOPP imagine Hyeongjun meeting your pets
forget about your family- let this man meet your cat
okay but fr this man is sweating buckets meeting your family
he’s afraid that they would think he’s too quiet or too boring :(
but once they get to know him and once he warms up to them that’s obviously not true!
I mean, come on, look at the way that man can shred on the guitar. there is not a boring bone in his body
he’s a kiss on the cheek typa guy
no big fancy gestures
just something cute, simple, and sweet
he actually doesn’t strike me as a big gesture guy at all?
no wait let me explain
let me cook
not big on PDA, not the best with words, and he wouldn’t feel like his acts of kindness are very big
like, he let you hold on to kkito while he was away for a few days so you wouldn’t miss him- why are you crying?
ugh I wanna squeeze him :(
he will come to you with any sort of problem no matter how big or how small
he trusts you completely
he would literally be your friend first and your boyfriend second
Hyeongjun strikes me as the type to not need affection much, but when he does he’s a little nervous to ask
“Jun, what’s wrong?”
“I need a hug.” :(
you almost don’t hear him but y’all are so close that you can figure it out
you can basically read his mind
I feel like a relationship with Hyeongjun would go slow, and that’s okay!
why mess with perfection 😉
no need to rush first kisses or first I love yous
you’re just having fun together!
“This song played in the restaurant during our first date.”
“This song was stuck in my head right before you kissed me for the first time.”
“This song was-“ STOP IT I can’t do this anymore
ALWAYS makes sure you’re taking care of yourself
making sure you eat meals and get enough rest
he’s so open minded!
I feel like he has strong opinions, but he’s chill with most things?
those two things literally cancel out but whatever
he buys clothes that he also thinks you would like in case you want to steal them 😼
pays very close attention to detail!
no new haircut or nail color goes unnoticed!
he draws little pictures of you in his sketchbook all the time :(
loving Hyeongjun is gentle, calm, and fun- like sitting in the grass on a sunny day
no pressure, no rush, just you two having fun being together 🩷
god I love him so much
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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veryace-ficrecs · 10 months
Zosan Modern Au Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
One Heart [For The Two Of Us] by curlystrawhat - Rated T
“Who are you?” Zoro asked, because he really has never seen this guy in his life and he’s pretty sure neither Koushirou nor Mihawk know him, so why the fuck was this guy leaving flowers on Kuina’s grave? The blonde bit his lip and took his time to answer. Zoro was getting impatient, he opened his mouth to say something, but the blonde beat him to it. “I’m Sanji.” he said, staring right into his eyes, “Kuina gave me her heart.” or Two boys, one heart connecting them, a meeting by chance, a friendship by choice. Falling in love along the way? Well, that just happened all on its own.
To Have and To Hold by eflo - Rated T
Sanji just woke up from surgery to see some guy in his room.
A Trip Down Memory Lane by Kaiisan (orphan_account) - Rated G
Sanji recognises a familiar face on the train. ((AU based off of the cute couple sitting in front of me on the train a few days ago))
Minutiae by LibbyLune - Rated T
Normally Zoro would hate to find a stranger picnicking at his favorite secret photography spot, but there's something special about this blond chef.
In Lieu of Payment by Harubo - Rated T
Sanji spends an afternoon trying not to ogle the mechanic fixing his furnace. He does not succeed.
Just Need this Love Spiral by three_days_late - Rated T
When beloved Hollywood star Sanji came back from Bora Bora after three weeks of being off the grid, no media, no paparazzi, no contact to anyone, the tabloids went insane. The fact that he came back with a husband was the icing on the cake. The fact that no one had ever even heard of this husband before was the cherry on top. The one question on everyone's mind: Why?
Two Left Feet by Harubo - Rated T
Zoro is forced into taking dance lessons for his sister's wedding. It turns out better than he expected.
Love You Better by 8ball - Rated M
“What about you?” The cook had asked. “Any BDSM or anything?” Zoro had stared blankly at Sanji, trying to remember if BDSM was the name of a band. It sounded like a fighting style, maybe related to MMA. “I thought you practiced savate and kickboxing?” Needless to say, he’s blown his cover pretty quickly. And thus, the list.
Point and Click by modeoheim - Rated M
Sanji Black, Executive Chef and owner of Le Tout Bleu, successfully defends his restaurant and its customers from aggressive paparazzi one evening with style. A video of the fight goes viral, though, and one of the celebrities in the center of the whole mess develops quite the intense—and public—crush.
Grounded by Hazel_Athena - Rated T
Sanji stares up at the screen that lists all inbound and outbound flights, his heart catching in his throat when he spots the little flag that says ‘canceled’ next to his own.
Double Play by auspizien - Rated T
After a horrible car accident a year prior, Sanji finds himself wheelchair bound and a little lost. When his sister forces him to go to a baseball game, he really isn't expecting much from it; until a certain green-haired baseball player makes it his mission disrupt all of Sanji's carefully thought out plans.
Zoro's Boyfriend, Who Lives In Canada by donutsandcoffee - Rated G
Everyone knows Zoro has the perfect boyfriend—tall, blonde, and handsome. He cooks Zoro’s bento every day, fights as well as Zoro does, and has the clearest, bluest eyes mankind has ever seen.
Wildcat by Harubo - Rated T
Captain of the soccer team Sanji Black gets recruited to be a replacement kicker on Thousand Sunny High School’s American football team. The problem? An unfortunate crush on star running back, Zoro Roronoa. Oh, and Sanji has no idea how this sport works.
Steady, As She Goes by auspizien - Rated E
Zoro Roronoa is a retired black-ops agent suffering from PTSD; after moving to a small town and getting married in hopes of leaving that life behind him, a chance meeting with a smarmy, blond paramedic changes all of that. Thus ensues a summer of tempestuous desires, heart-wrenching decisions, and unforeseen espionage. [Modern AU. ZoSan. Slow Burn.]
blue by adietxt - Rated T
Zoro doesn’t see it, until he does. One moment everything seems normal — Sanji meeting him at the back of the gym building, passing Zoro his bento before the Kendo club starts like usual — and then Zoro sees it, the way Sanji stands with a weird slouch on his shoulder, his body leaning to the side, like he’s favoring his left. Zoro always thought the slouching was just an act, a way for the stupid Love Cook to look ‘cool’ and impress the girls in their school, but a different thought crosses his mind for a second. A different, terrible thought.
keep playing that song (hey mister dj) by adietxt - Rated G
Usopp isn’t scared. The stranger might be a tall, burly dude with one eye, two large scars, and muscles that could rival a god’s, but Usopp is not scared. Nope. Sure, the guy could probably crush Usopp’s head if he does so much as flex, and the scars seem to indicate that he’s trained in some kind of deadly martial arts, and even without all those things he’s still big enough to be able to beat Usopp up into a pulp through sheer strength, and — Okay, so Usopp might be a little scared.
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raisingcain7433 · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes
Harry: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Valkyrie, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Valkyrie: I refuse to apologize for being weird or off-putting. That’s actually your problem. I’m having a fantastic time!
Harry: WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?! HE COULD HAVE HAD HOPES AND DREAMS, HE COULD HAVE HAD A FAMILY!!! Valkyrie: Harry- Valkyrie: It- it was just an ant-
Valkyrie: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Valkyrie: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Militsa, if you’re out there—
Harry: I wanna be a knight! Valkyrie, a knight: What the fuck do you want this shit for? I kill people, all right? Their blood is on my hands! Every night, when I go to sleep, I see their FUCKING faces staring at me! Their families weep, and I FEEL NOTHING! I’M DEAD INSIDE! Harry: Man, I want some of that in my life!
Valkyrie: Do you want some tea? Fletcher: What are the options? Valkyrie: Yes or no.
Harry: Do you feel any better? Valkyrie: I feel much better now that you here with me. Fletcher walks in Valkyrie: I feel half better.
Fletcher: I’m so excited! Valkyrie: We’re gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy… Fletcher: And have the biggest stomach aches ever! Valkyrie: Yeah!
Fletcher: What do you three have to say for yourself? Nefarian: Skulduggery: Valkyrie: Oops?
Valkyrie: What’s wrong? Harry: I have to write a whole paragraph for school. Valkyrie: That’s not so bad; I write entire books. Harry: Yeah, but this has to be good.
Nefarian: Dude, I will never forgive Craigslist for banning me after I wrote a post seeking a sworn nemesis. Whoever reported that is obviously my nemesis but I was so pissed.
Skulduggery: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation? Fletcher: All the time. Skulduggery: Then you should be used to it by now.
Harry: Last night I found out Valkyrie is a sleep talker. Skulduggery: Oh, really? Harry: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Nefarian: cooking Fletcher: kicks down door Fletcher: grabs knife from Nefarian's hand Fletcher: WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR? Nefarian: Nefarian: What. Harry: He's trying to tell you he wants to cook.
Nefarian: Wow, left handed AND British? You really are an illusion.
Fletcher: How do Valkyrie and Harry usually get out of these messes? Skulduggery: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Nefarian: Help! I’m drowning! Valkyrie: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water! Nefarian: NOT ALL OF US ARE TALL!
Skulduggery: Come on, you need to go to bed. Harry Snuffles says that I can stay up as long as I want. And that you need to die! Skulduggery: … Skulduggery: What the hell, Sirius—
Skulduggery: So what’s the plan? Harry: I don’t know. You’re smart, points at Valkyrie they’re mean, come up with something.
Skulduggery: I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.
Harry: So anyways have y'all seen Skulduggery? Valkyrie: I think they went in Nefarian's room 'studying'. Fletcher: Doubt that. I heard groans there. Meanwhile in Nefarian's room Skulduggery & Nefarian, fighting:
Harry, looking at a selfie of Valkyrie’s: I hate this photo. Valkyrie: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. Harry: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. Valkyrie: Up to kindness.
Nefarian: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Valkyrie: Stands in trash can. Skulduggery: Valkyrie, not again! You're not trash, you're at least recycling!
Valkyrie: Nefarian always accuses me of having a favourite but that’s not true. Valkyrie: I love Harry and all the not-Harrys equally.
Skulduggery, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Fletcher: Nefarian, you need to react when people cry! Nefarian: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Nefarian, shooing Skulduggery away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Nefarian: It smells like henway in here. Skulduggery: Harry: Skulduggery. Harry, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here? Skulduggery: sigh Skulduggery: What's a henway? Nefarian: OH ABOUT TEN POUNDS!
Valkyrie: I think I need a hug… Fletcher: Good thing I'm hug shaped! 45 minutes later Valkyrie: You… you can let go now. Fletcher: No, I absolutely cannot.
Valkyrie: Fletcher won’t wake up, what do I do? Nefarian: Did you try kicking him? Valkyrie: Yes. Nefarian: I’m out of ideas.
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softstraykidshours · 2 years
stray kids fic-mas: day 11
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pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: hyunjin invites you to christmas dinner with the boys, and it's a little chaotic.
length: 1.7k
warnings: slight food mention, christmas mention
ficmas 2022 masterlist
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"hey, everybody!" you say cheerfully as you and hyunjin come through the door, slipping off your snow covered coats and boots. 
“hey, guys!” chan greets you both with a big hug before taking your coats and adding them to the pile haphazardly thrown over a chair. 
“sorry we’re late, i had to have jinnie swing back by my place on the way here, i completely forgot something."
“oh no, you’re totally fine! there’s still at least thirty minutes until minho’s done with the dinner, so you’re basically still early. seungmin’s making drinks in the kitchen, and felix is setting up the switch so feel free to do whatever," chan turns to join the rest of the guys in the living room only to be tackled over the back of the couch by changbin. you and hyunjin share a look and immediately head in the opposite direction towards the kitchen.
“hey, minho! seungmin!” you yell. minho raises a hand in greeting without turning around, focused intently on whatever he’s cooking at the stove. seungmin dries his hands on a towel before crossing the room and pulling you in for a hug.
“i’m so glad you made it! when hyunjin said you might not be able to, i may or may not have considered cancelling myself. there’s no way i was going to be able to handle all this testosterone in such a small space without some sort of backup.”
“oh don’t worry, i’m here and ready to help harass whoever needs it.” hyunjin shoots you a pouty look and you wrap your arms around his waist. “not you of course, loves, i would never dream of harassing you,” you throw seungmin a wink, and you both let out a laugh while hyunjin exaggerates his fake pout. you give him a quick kiss on the shoulder before heading across the kitchen to lean on the counter next to minho.
he has his sleeves rolled up and an apron on while he works, stirring and flipping things in no less than three pans. “whatever you’re making, it smells absolutely delicious.”
“you can count on that,” he states, a confident smirk on his face. 
“oh and min, by the way, i have something for you. well, it’s not exactly for you,” you clarify when he raises his eyebrows in question. “it’s for the cats. i may have found the cutest little pet antlers and just had to get them all matching ones.”
“wait, really?” minho immediately sets down his spatula and turns towards you, excitement alight in his eyes. “i want to see!” you grab the bag you set on the counter and pull out the little antlers, smiling when you see how ecstatic he is. “these are adorable! they're going to look so cute! thank you!” he wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a quick hug before turning back to the stove to continue stirring the food.
“of course! the second i saw them i knew i couldn’t just pass them up. i do, however, fully expect pictures of all my nieces looking like festive little reindeer though.”
“you got it. i wouldn’t dream of denying you their little sweet faces.”
you turn towards seungmin when you hear him call your name from the other side of the kitchen. “do you want a drink? i’m making holiday mocktails and cocktails.”
“oooh, yes please! that sounds delicious, i’ll take anything with cranberry in it.”
“okay! i can bring it out to the living room when i’m done if you want to go hang out with the rest of the guys,” it’s just then that you truly realize no one else is in the kitchen besides seungmin and minho. 
you look around for hyunjin and eventually find him leaning on a wall in the living room. he's laughing while watching jisung count how many marshmallows from his hot cocoa jeongin can fit in his mouth at the same time. “hey jinnie, is anyone going to help minho or...is he just going to make all the food for all of us?”
“i mean you can try and help if you want, but we all know better than to get in the way of minho and his cooking. the only one besides you who has even really set foot in that kitchen today is felix, and that’s just because he was making brownies.”
“felix made his brownies?! oh heck yeah! but wait, you’re telling me minho doing all of the cooking himself?" hyunjin nods in confirmation, and you look back over your shoulder at minho working. "and not only that, but he's doing it in his dorm, which means he also has to do all the cleaning. you all are just mean.”
hyunjin chuckles at your indignation before wrapping his arms around you to pull you to his side. “don’t worry we’ll help him clean up. well, at least some of us will,” he says, shooting a pointed look to where changbin and chan are still wrestling and to where jeongin is starting to choke on his tenth marshmallow. “plus, it's definitely for the best we did it here instead of my dorm. with those idiots around, i think we have a blender and maybe one good pan in our entire place. we don't even have four full sets of silverware. so, unless you want to be eating ramen with your hands as your christmas dinner, this is the best option for everyone.”
"hold up, rewind. did you just say you don't have enough silverware for all of you?”
hyunjin turns to meet your eyes, and you have to stifle a laugh at the haunted expression on his face. "don't even get me started. why do you think we never have dinner at my place?"
you can't help the choked giggle that leaves you over how horrified he is about the whole situation.
"hey! who's playing?" felix hollers from the living room.
"we are!" you shout back as the horrified expression on hyunjin's face somehow gets more dramatic. 
"i'm not sure who this 'we' is you're referring to, but i know for a fact that my sweet, adorable, loving partner who knows everything about me isn't suggesting that i want to play super smash bros." 
"oh come on, drama queen," you manage to say between laughs, grabbing his arm to drag him to the living room. "i didn't mean that you were actually going to play, just that you're going to come hang out and watch me absolutely destroy felix." 
"oh those are some fighting words right there, you're on!" felix shoots back, tossing you a remote before starting the game. 
you do in fact beat felix within an inch of his life in almost every round, only losing once to jisung. felix shouts and protests the entire time, changbin and jisung piping in every now and again until the living room is filled only with the loud, loving sounds of trash talk. 
"hey, when’s the food going to be ready?" changbin asks for the tenth time after you finish your most recent round. 
“it’ll be ready when i’m done!” minho hollers back for the tenth time from the kitchen.
“but i’m hungry!” changbin whines, dramatically flopping backwards onto the couch.
“you’re always hungry. don’t you have a raw chicken breast to gnaw on or something while you wait?” seungmin taunts before quickly dodging the pillow changbin throws at him.
“everybody just chill, dinner will be ready soon," chan enters the room and intervenes at the perfect time, hands on his hips while he stands in the doorway, full dad mode activated. "how about you come help me set up the tables for dinner.”
"okay!" you quickly agree, standing up from the couch, but halting when you feel hyunjin's hand on your arm.
“loves, is it okay if i go take some pictures of the snow falling out the window. i want to use them as references for some winter paintings i’ve been thinking about,” hyunjn whispers quietly to you, wanting to help, but also wanting to snap some photos before the weather changes. 
“of course,” you reply, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “i’ll make jisung help me.”
“wait, why me?” he protests. “you should make someone else do it. i don’t even know how to set up a table, so if you want it to be good, you definitely don’t want me helping.”
you roll your eyes as his poor attempt to avoid work and grab his arm to drag him off the couch.
“oh come on, you’ll do just fine. seungmin! you want to help too?” you call out over your shoulder.
“sure,” he jumps up from his chair and starts following you, but pauses when jeongin comes down the hallway from his room and yells at him.
“seungmin! come help me take pictures of my christmas ootd! i don’t trust any of these fools to get the right angle.”
“oh! sorry, can’t help, duty calls,” seungmin immediately changes gears and starts moving around the room, looking for the best lighting to take pictures in, occasionally interrupting changbin and felix’s game to make them move, so they aren’t in the shot. 
once the tables are set up, you all return to the living room to watch the end of the super smash bros round. everyone ends up cramming onto the same couch, most of them squished together on the seat, while you and hyunjin opt for sitting on the top. jeongin decides the best place to lay is across everyone’s lap, causing a whole slew of jokes from jisung and protests from changbin and felix. the whole situation is completely ridiculous, and you have to wipe tears from your eyes as you laugh harder than you have in a long time.
“dinner’s ready!” minho shouts from the kitchen a few minutes later as he places the last dish on the table. everyone immediately shoots ups from the couch and rushes into the kitchen, shouting at each other as they scramble to get a seat.
the fold up tables you pushed together to make enough space for everyone just barely fit in the room, but it’s still perfect. hyunjin places a soft kiss to your temple, before scooting in next to you and squeezing your hand. a smile crosses your face when you look around at the rowdy group of friends all crammed together and realize this just might be the best christmas ever.
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scarlet-fantasies · 1 year
Hey can u please make "eren taking care of sick/ill" gf headcanons? + I really like ur hc:)
Hi anon!
Thank you so much💗💗 and of course. Sorry this is kinda short and that it took a while. I feel making long hcs can be annoying sometimes so I will try to keep some things more brief.
Taking care of their sick gf
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sfw & nsfw
𝐼𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛 --> 𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
© 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡-𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠 // 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙, 𝑟𝑒𝑢𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. // 2021-𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡.
💊would be upset if you didn’t tell him and try to hide it.
💊he like doesn’t it when you deny that you're sick.
💊“I’m not sick.”
💊“Really, I guess there’s no reason for the tissue box then.”
💊“yeah but I have to blow my nose.”
💊”Aha so you are sick.”
💊“It’s just a cold.”
💊”it’s just a cold.” He’d mock leaving you speechless.
💊”I’m serious.” You’d pout only to have him grin.
💊”in that case you need to rest and someone to look out for you.”
💊“no But you have to go home and go to work tomorrow.”
💊”I’ll cancel, now take a rest and let me get you medicine.”
You constantly remind him not to kiss you.
💊“No Eren, no kisses.” You’d say worriedly.
💊He’d sigh, “I’m not gonna get sick, now let me kiss you”
💊 You pushed his mouth away from your lips with your fingers gentle. “No, I don’t—“ of course he refuses to listen to you and takes your hand away from his mouth only to surprise you with a kiss.
💊Although he’s grown to take less risks with kissing you when you’re sick and he’s learned that the hard way.
💊When you get chills he pulls you close to keep your warm.
💊Or he sits on your bed beside you to warm you up.
💊His hand on the back of your head as you have your face buried into his chest.
💊“You’re going to get sick.”
💊“Shhh, quiet babe, go to sleep.”
💊“But, Eren.”
💊“This flu only attacks weak babies, now sleep.”
💊“I’m not a baby.”
💊“Yes. You. Are.” He’d grin.
💊 He doesn’t like it when you get out of bed
💊 Head kisses when you watch movies
💊 He reads to you and you fall asleep.
💊“So then . . . Y/n, babe? You fell asleep.” He’d smile finding you cute before putting the blanket over you.
💊 He cannot cook to save his life so he’d ask his mom to make you something because he loves you anyways.😊
💊 Although with him telling her that you’re sick she’s going to check on you.
💊“Omg is she okay? That poor girl.”
💊“She’s fine she just has a cold.”
💊 She ends up making a lot of food for you that you even have left overs for a day or so since she knows it’s hard to cook when you’re sick and bc Eren isn’t good at cooking.
💊 When he picks up your medicine at the store he also likes to pick up snacks, some which are your favorite and others which you two can try together.
💊 So you always kinda look forward to it.
💊“Okay I got you your medicine but I also got some snacks.”
💊“You didn’t have too.”
💊“But you would’ve wanted me to.” He’d add making you smile as you pat the spot on your bed next to you.
💊“This is why I love you.” You’d tease.
💊“For food?” He’d raise a brow teasing back.
💊 You’d smile, “No, because you know my needs.” You’d giggle.
💊 He’d give you a smug look leaning in to kiss your head, “Hmm needs? And are there any other needs my girlfriend has tonight?”
💊 You’d laugh, as he turned his back to set up the amount of medicine needed.“Not any that I could think of, but did you have something in mind?” *
💊 He turned to look at you with a smirk before pinning you to the bed, “Plenty.”
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@bi-effing-simp @sofijaeger @lucifugovs @xxghoulishspritexx @sp00ksic0la @keithandlevi-ontheroof @songbirdgardensworld
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
Imagine this scenario:
You promised to go out with all the Brothers & Dateables + Luke (friend date) on St. Valentine’s Day (like in the ongoing Cancelled? Event)
On St. Valentine’s Day, the Brothers stepped out of their room and they saw each other in their best attires.
“Wait, don’t tell me-.”
“You’re going on a date with MC too.”
“But MC’s going on a date with me.”
“No way, I’m their first man.”
“MC, they did it again…”
“Typical move from MC.”
Right when they were wondering what to do with you, they heard the doorbell, the Dateables arrived and their expressions weren’t different from the Brothers, they had come across each other and realized you accepted all of their invitation.
All 11 boys immediately headed to your room, finding you still asleep. You were cute sleeping of course, but they had more important business to talk to you.
After you were woken up, the “slut shaming” began
“MC, you really have the nerve to mess with the most powerful demons in the realm.”
“You were worse of a master than I had thought.”
“Aren’t you naughty, MC?”
“Messing with angels will have consequences, MC.”
“Messing with a powerful sorcerer never has a happy ending, you should know that from old tales, MC.”
And then the orgy began…
Luke was staying at the Purgatory Hall, cooking something.
Michael: *calls using a phone* What’re you doing, little angel?
Luke: I’m cooking for MC. Simeon said MC would need something easy to consume tomorrow.
Michael: Huh, so where’s Simeon?
Luke: He had left with Solomon for the House of Lamentation. A shame, I also want to go play with MC.
Michael: I…see…
Luke: *sigh*
Needless to say, you had a fun day
The HoL on Feb. 15th: ⬇️
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Tags. @sparkbeast20 I want to share this with you hehehe
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leavethesydney · 3 months
Kuroo Tetsurou Will Mess Up Your Plans & Daishou Will Let Him
fluff & bickering, a cute cooking and dinner moment with Kuroo and Daishou where they are reminded why they love each other and want to love each other. there is one smol tiny nsfw sentence :)
It was a few weeks later after their run-in at the airport when Kuroo and Daishou met up for some one-on-one volleyball. This was a refreshing evening where they were reminded of how competitive they get with each other. Daishou did not hesitate to make a multitude of jabs at how rusty Kuroo was despite working for the JVA. This got under Kuroo’s skin. He was more familiar with volleyball than Daishou’s jokes let on. That same evening, not wanting the moment to end, Daishou invited Kuroo to his house for dinner, having nothing prepared. Kuroo had plans that night—an outing with colleagues that he could not cancel.
“I am beginning to think I am irresistible to you, Suguru. Wanting to be a part of my matches, happening to be on my flights, playing volleyball with me… And now dinner?” Kuroo stated tauntingly.
Daishou got defensive and gave Kuroo another nickname: "Kitty Conman." But ultimately, he resigned to him. Yes, Kuroo Tetsurou, he would like to spend more time with you. He would like you to come over so you can have dinner with him. He would like for you to stare into his eyes with your amber ones and run your annoying mouth with stories he really doesn’t (does) care to hear.
It irritated Daishou with how seriously he was taking this dinner. He researched recipes and recollected Kuroo’s favorites from when they dated. He even knew that when cooking, Kuroo was going to want to snack and taste things, so why did he want to cook with him in the first place? Because when Kuroo did it, it was charming and sweet, despite being one of his biggest pet peeves when cooking with others. He had always felt this way about Kuroo’s tendencies. Kuroo was the exception. Kuroo was an exception to many things that disrupted how Daishou operated. After many years, it still rang true. He saw it in the airport when Kuroo laid on his shoulder, when he rushed to invite him to dinner, and when Kuroo arrived two hours ahead of schedule.
Daishou was not ready at all. He was “preparing” ingredients, which meant making a shopping list. As Daishou grabbed his keys to leave for his local grocery store, Kuroo called.
Kuroo, without greeting, said, “Hey, um, so I’m already at your place.”
Flatly, Daishou stated, “We said 7…”
“Yeah,” Kuroo defended, “I was there, Suguru. I gave myself time; I didn’t want to get lost and not find your place and have you think I stood you up.”
“Two hours early? I don’t live in a fucking maze, Kuroo. My complex is literally on a main road,” Daishou sneered.
“Can I come in or not? I mean, it’s just more time to be with each other,” Kuroo ignored Daishou's snippy comment.
Kuroo said this like it was nothing, like catching up with Daishou was not something he yearned for after the volleyball one-on-one they had. Those words sent Daishou’s head spinning in loops.
“I mean, you can join me heading to the grocery. I need to pick up the ingredients for tonight. And, uh, food for my pet snake.”
“Oh, I forgot you had a pet.” Kuroo said, reminded of when he first met Daishou’s snake and it hissed at him, causing him to leap into his boyfriend's arms.
“Tetsu, I’ve had a pet snake all my life… Even when we dated?!”
“I don’t know, didn’t that one die?”
“Oh—a new pet snake,” Kuroo stated ‘smartly.’ “What did you name this one? Deathtrap or Sparkles?”
Daishou rolled his eyes. “Are you coming with me or not?”
“Of course. I’m coming. Are we walking, or do you want a ride in my car?”
Daishou tapped on Kuroo’s car window. “It’s walking distance.”
Kuroo and Daishou went to the grocery store. The whole trip, Daishou followed the list he made exactly. Kuroo did pop some items into the cart that Daishou had not written down.
“So, Mr. Chef, what are we having?” Kuroo said, placing some chips into the cart.
“Well. Let’s see as we make it,” Daishou smiled.
“Suguru making something a surprise… You hate surprises. I think that’s on top of the list of things you hate. I should know. I am somewhere on that list too.”
“You’re not,” he answered. And before Kuroo could say something smart to that, Daishou added, “And I think this could be fun.”
Kuroo dropped the comment he was going to say. This Daishou plot twist made his heart race. Kuroo loved when Daishou went out of character for him. Kuroo learned this was a way to know Daishou did care, paid attention, and knew exactly how to ensnare you to want more. He just nodded, letting the snake capture him once more.
Back at Daishou’s place, they set up in the kitchen. Kuroo was quite entertained by Daishou’s apron collection. He picked one out that was in the back of the drawer. It had the stupidest cooking pun on it- “Licensed to Cook”. It was an apron Mika got for Daishou that he couldn’t bring himself to get rid of. When Daishou saw this tied around Kuroo’s waist, he choked on air.
“Why that one?” Daishou stuttered.
“The pun is hilarious.”
“Could you choose a different one, please?” he said, rolling his eyes.
“No.” Kuroo smirked.
Daishou did not want to bring up Mika right now. Having Kuroo in his apartment already was making him so confused. He didn’t know how to approach his feelings about either of them right now. But despite that, Kuroo Tetsurou was in his apartment, ready to cook a meal with him.
“I am going to prepare and season the fish. I trust you can cut up veggies?” Daishou stated, then asked.
Kuroo smirked. “The apron states I’m liscensed, doesn’t it?”
Daishou rolled his eyes and handed Kuroo a knife safely.
Kuroo eyed the knife. “Is this when I die? Is this why you invited me here?”
Daishou did not entertain the comment. “Shut up. If you yap too much, the fish will be ready before you’ve even thought about cutting a vegetable.”
Kuroo took the knife, but intentionally let his hand linger on Daishou’s.
“If I didn’t yap, who’d disrupt the obvious tension between you and me?” Kuroo stated, not expecting this to bother his ex. However, Daishou’s eyes went wide. This was another breath stolen by Kuroo Tetsurou.
“I—uh—um—bell pepper,” Daishou said dumbly.
Kuroo looked at Daishou, confused. Kuroo was not paying attention at all to the veggies they grabbed at the store. Instead, he nearly tripped over a lady as he was making a pun about onions to Daishou in order to “impress” him.
“Bell… pepper?” Kuroo looked at him to finish his thought.
“Can you start cutting the bell pepper?” Daishou continued.
“Yeah, sure, if that’s what will stop you from drooling over me,” Kuroo taunted.
“I wasn’t—” Daishou was cut off.
Kuroo grabbed a napkin and dabbed near Daishou’s mouth and smirked. Cooking went quite as you would expect between these two. Kuroo started to try to guess what they were eating. Kuroo snuck bites of the veggies he was cutting up. Kuroo peeked over Daishou’s shoulder an insufferable amount of times as he prepared the fish and rice.
“My last guess: teriyaki salmon with cut-up veggies and rice,” Kuroo said as he admired the dishes Daishou plated.
Daishou replied, “It’s not a guess at this point; it’s finished… the meal is in front of you…”
Kuroo rolled his eyes and in a mocking voice impersonated an out-of-character Daishou, “Kuroo, the love and light of my life, you’re correct and so sma—.”
Daishou shoved Kuroo. “If I said that, you would be worried I’d been kidnapped and replaced by a fake me.”
Kuroo and Daishou sat down with their plates in front of them respectfully. They began to eat. Daishou was proud of how the meal turned out and was hoping Kuroo’s didn’t somehow get underseasoned or overcooked. There was no possible way for his to turn out differently, but Daishou really just wanted this evening to be as perfect as it possibly could. Kuroo took a bite and looked delighted. From this, you could tell Daishou’s worries were mere anxiety.
“If you told me your snake ass was going to learn how to cook and be amazing at it—I would have never left you,” Kuroo said after finishing a couple of bites.
“Can you quit making jokes like that,” Daishou snapped.
“Like what?” Kuroo was so unaware of Daishou’s feelings this whole evening. Kuroo is a smart, talented, creative, and empathetic man. But here he was blind where feelings were the most obvious. Daishou finished a bite of his cut veggies.
“About us being together.”
Kuroo’s sat silently for Daishou to continue. Then, there was a silence for a while.
“In the airport, after then. I couldn’t help but—” Daishou fizzled out his statement as Kuroo’s eyes stared into his soul. Daishou wasn’t brave enough for this. All of a sudden, it was anxiety central again. Daishou was seconds from pushing Kuroo out the door and sending him on his way. He was ready to block him on everything again and accept the fact that Tetsu would never be in his life.
“And this is where you tell me to leave and that this was a mistake,” Kuroo read his thoughts. “Daishou, I know you. I am not THAT unaware of how you are. We are going to finish eating. I will let you put on one of your movies I could care less about or one of your vinyls. Really, whatever will calm your anxiety. And I am going to enjoy your company, damn it. I will not let you ruin an evening with me when we finally have made up and have been decent with each other.” And lastly, after a long pause, he finished with, “I miss you.”
Daishou nodded; the cat in front of him still had his tongue. He stood up and followed Kuroo’s plans for the evening and walked into his living room. He waited for Kuroo. He heard water running and a sponge scraping against plates. Kuroo was doing the fucking dishes. Kuroo is like this, Daishou thought. He always is. Fuck Kuroo Tetsurou. He scrolled on Netflix and found something mundane, honestly, for noise. Daishou was not in the mood to concentrate on anything. His mind was preoccupied with the fuckass in his kitchen. Kuroo entered the room. He was about to ask the empty question of what they were watching.
Kuroo and Daishou made out on that couch. They were close to other activities on that couch; hot breaths, loosening Kuroo’s tie, and a yearning moan from Daishou.
Daishou was not ready for this. Kuroo nodded breathlessly, respecting his past partner. Again, however, Kuroo did fall asleep against his ex. Not the shoulder this time, but in Daishou’s arms. Daishou always felt comfort in this feeling. Kuroo could ruin almost any set plan of Daishou’s, and if this was the end result, he would be okay with it. He enjoyed the chaos.
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inkoutsidethelines · 2 years
You know I gotta suggest #9 for Mary/Owen
You picked the whole reason I reblogged that prompt list, bless you <3 So here's Mary and Owen, being all sappy and cute
June, Year 2
The problem with scheduling an early morning hike when he’d been on call for work the night before, was that Owen might actually get called in to work.  He was now operating on about three hours of sleep, and while not seriously injured, he was sore and sporting some bruises, and going on a hike – which had sounded like a wonderful time when he and Mary had planned it – was about the last thing that Owen wanted to do.
Mary would probably be understanding, if he cancelled on her.  It wouldn’t be the first time that being a hero had had a conflict with their relationship, and it wouldn’t be the last either.  But the idea of not seeing Mary seemed worse than going on the hike, so Owen was determined to push through regardless.
The knock on his door came sooner than he expected – was it really time for her to be there already? – and Owen went to answer it.  It was Mary, bright eyed and ready to go, with her hiking boots on, backpack over her shoulders, and hair pulled back in the tiny ponytail she could barely manage.
“You look rough,” Mary said by way of greeting, and the blunt statement startled a laugh out of him.
“Good morning to you too,” Owen said, letting her in.  She leaned up to press a quick kiss to his mouth as she passed him, and Owen was glad he hadn’t cancelled after all.
“I saw the news this morning,” Mary said.  “Looks like you had a long night.  Are you sure you’re still up for this hike?”
“I’ve had worse nights,” Owen said.  “I’ll be fine.”
Mary arched one eyebrow.  “Yeah?  Your socks don’t match, by the way.”
Owen looked down, and sure enough, he’d somehow managed to put on mismatching socks.  He didn’t even remember putting the socks on.
“No one will see that when I’m wearing my boots,” he said, sitting on the couch to get his shoes on.  Mary frowned at him.
“Owen, we can reschedule.  It’s not a problem.”
“We don’t need to reschedule,” Owen said.  “I want to do the hike with you; I can make it.”
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Mary asked.
“A couple hours,” Owen said.  He pulled on the second boot and started lacing it up. 
Mary rested her hands on his shoulders, making him pause and look up at her.  “I would like you to consider for a moment,” she said, “how much Maddie will mock you if you make a mistake on this hike and get yourself hurt because you’re too tired for it.”
Owen considered.  Rolled his lips between his teeth.  Then let his head hang in defeat and slumped back on the couch.  “I want to hang out with you though,” he said.
Mary hummed, glancing around for a moment before settling back on him.  “Have you eaten anything yet?”
“No,” he admitted.
She nodded.  “Okay then.  How about you go take a nap, and I’ll fix something for breakfast.”
Alarm shot through him, though he tried not to show it.  “Oh – you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s fine,” Mary said.  “I’ll make muffins; that’ll take some time, so you’ll get a decent nap in.”
“It’s not that,” Owen said, and maybe, if he hadn’t been so tired, he’d have thought of a better way to phrase his protest.  “I just – I don’t trust you in my kitchen.”
Mary stiffened.  “What do you mean you don’t trust me?  I can cook!”
Owen felt that statement was debatable, but even sleep deprived, he wasn’t dumb enough to say that out loud.  “You melted a pot,” he said.
Her face flushed.  “That was one time.  And I wouldn’t be using a pot to make muffins!” 
“I know,” Owen said, “I just…”
Mary huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away, and Owen abruptly realized she was genuinely upset.
“Fine,” she said, voice tense.  “Whatever.  You go rest, and I’ll buy something.”
Owen stood, and pulled her into a hug.  “Promise you won’t melt my dishes, and you can bake the muffins, if you want.”
Mary stayed tense in his arms.  “If you don’t trust me –“
“I’m choosing to trust you,” Owen said.  There was no muffin pan or mixer worth hurting Mary’s feelings over.  And he did appreciate that she wanted to do something nice for him.
She relaxed against him, tilting her head back to look up at him.  “If it makes you feel better, I don’t plan to touch your stand mixer.”
It actually did, but Owen didn’t want to say that.  “You don’t need it for muffins anyway,” he said instead.
Her mouth tipped up in a smile, and she pushed up on her tiptoes to kiss him again.  “Go, rest,” Mary said.  “I’ll wake you up when it’s ready.”
Owen woke to the feeling of Mary running her fingers through his hair, her voice murmuring, “Time to wake up, sleepyhead.”
His eyes flickered open to see her smiling as she leaned over him.  Butterflies set off in his stomach at the sight; he could get used to waking up like this.  “Hey,” he said, in no rush to get up and put more space between them.
“Hey,” she said, sitting on the side of the bed when she saw he was awake.  “Feeling better?”
“Much,” Owen said.  Definitely more rested, and the soreness had faded some already.  “How long did you let me sleep?”
“About three hours,” Mary said.
“You could have woken me up sooner,” Owen said. 
Mary wrinkled her nose.  “No, you needed your rest…and I stayed busy anyway.”
Busy?  For three hours?  It didn’t take that long to bake a batch of muffins.  He finally paid attention to more than just Mary, and he could smell coffee and something…burnt. The smoke alarm didn’t go off, so maybe it isn’t too bad.
He reached up and tugged her hand out of his hair, pressing a kiss to her palm before letting go so he could sit up.  “Well, I’m ready to eat.”
He wasn’t sure what state he expected to find his kitchen in; so he was pleasantly surprised to discover she’d cleaned up after her cooking attempts, leaving no crumbs on the counter tops, clean dishes stacked neatly in his drying rack.  A dozen muffins were lined on a cooling rack, next to a plate filled with muffin tops. 
Owen glanced Mary’s way, and her cheeks flushed.  “I might’ve burnt the first batch.  But only the bottoms, the tops were still good!”
And she’d gone on to make a second batch that wasn’t burnt at all to make up for the initial mistake.  “The tops are the best part anyway,” Owen said.  She brightened at his comment, and her obvious delight left him breathless.
“I made some yogurt parfaits too,” Mary said, moving to the fridge.  “I hope you didn’t have plans for the berries, but I figured you’d want more than just the muffins.”
“That sounds perfect,” Owen said.  As soon as she’d settled the parfaits on the counter, Owen caught hold of one of her hands and pulled her close and kissed her.  Mary melted into him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.  “Thank you for taking care of me,” Owen said, when they broke the kiss.
She grinned.  “And you thought you couldn’t trust me in your kitchen.”
“I stand corrected,” Owen said, then kissed her again.
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