#dunno man felt like dying today and felt like dying yesterday
5h0w1sh · 11 months
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Thinking bout the fact Maria was technically born to die and Shadow was born to live forever.
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spleentoon · 11 months
Man, I feel like I've been having more Epilogue nights lately than ever for some reason, I call em that cause they make me think of Magolor Epilogue in how during them I feel like a lonely sopping wet cat. Yesterday I had a night I dubbed a "Mistilteinn night" cause I was feeling not great initially but then tackled a problematic paper I had due today and got it done in probably record time, albeit late into the day, and I felt like I was actually accomplishing something and felt sorta good from it and I guess motivated. Kinda guess it wasn't a Mistilteinn night though cause now I'm feeling kinda crappy again and feel a weird sense of impending doom that I think is because of falling behind on an important project for school and learning how to do basically my only job at the moment in a robotics club I'm in. Kinda just, sucks. Feels like if yesterday was a Mistilteinn night then today should be better cause I'd finally be out of the Epilogue, but kinda starting to feel like that was just a boss fight, like I just fought electricky dooter and am nowhere even close to getting out of this rut yet- I've got so much work to do and such little time and motivation to get it done and even non work-related projects that I need to finish but I just haven't been able to and this whole entire schoolyear has just kinda felt like shit and just, I dunno, really sucks, kinda just wanna leave, go away and never return, not in a dying kind of way but just, I don't even know, I don't think I REALLY wanna go away and never return but just, in the past couple of days when I've gotten like this that's one of the thoughts thats made it into my mind. Man, I wish this year would just, start over, 2023 2.0 y'know? All this kinda reminds me of when in online school I started to feel like, well, the only way I can describe it is if monochrome was a feeling. Just, really hope I overcome this Epilogue soon and it doesn't last year-long, cause that would REALLY suck. Y'know?
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johobi · 5 years
4944/12/44 - Jungkook
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Word count: 1100
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: allusions to tentacle sex
More: Dig Deep Masterlist
The night before your wedding to a man you couldn’t find any more repugnant, you seek out the mercantile aid of an unscrupulous space pirate.
Date: 4944/12/44 (AST)
UserID: armsstrong
Hey, Log. Sorry I didn’t write yesterday,  there was so much going on. I don’t know why I’m apologising because you’re just a holopad program, but here I am. 
Yesterday was weird as heck. Today was a little less weird, but only just. I don’t even really know how to start, or what to say. Namjoon always says it’s good for me to reflect, in order to understand my emotions more. But I don’t really think it has any dramatic effect. I think he’s still scared of that time I went a little funny after killing all those people. I’m fine now, I swear. Writing about it back then did help, I guess, even if it didn’t feel like it. I went back to normal, didn’t I? Well, when what happened yesterday happened, it made me feel weird again, but in a different way. So maybe going over it will help. I can’t really talk about stuff like this out loud. I’m not good with words.
A human lady came aboard. Whatever, right? I see all sorts here, not that I interact much with clients. Usually Yoongi and Jin do all that, ‘cause they’re smart and know how to get money out of people. I just fix stuff up. Or kill people, y’know. But I don’t have to do it that often anymore. Anyway, back to the lady. So she came aboard for a transaction, and before I even know what’s going on, Yoongi comes into the mess hall all hey, wanna see something insane? I mean, he didn’t say it like that, he always says things in big language, but you get the gist. I always wanna see cool things, so I said yeah. So did Hobi and Jimin, because they were there too. We go to the guest lounge and this human lady is on the table, hiking up her dress. Then she sees me and makes a noise and covers herself again; covers her face. I don’t really get why, Log, but I think it might have been out of embarrassment. As a species, Iluoli don’t really get embarrassed, so I’m just guessing from all the human drama-vids I’ve watched. She kinda changed colour in the face, too, like a lizard or something. Are humans descended from lizards? 
Anyway, sorry, I keep getting off track. Yoongi reassured her and then she kinda forgot about us being there, I guess, but I swear she kept staring at me. I stared back because, I dunno, I felt weird. In a good way. I wanted to keep looking at her. At her face, at--other places. I don’t even know what those parts of her are called. 
Yoongi is all businesslike at first, you know, typical Yoongi. He’s not a nasty guy, but I do think he needs to take lessons on being more personable from Jimin or something. Anyway, he starts examining the hole between her legs all curious, and so do we, though it’s kinda difficult from where we’re standing. He’s draped all over her, blocking more of her the more he gets into it. But from what I could see, it kinda looked like she had another mouth down there. Or something. I don’t know, I’m just guessing! 
And then he puts his raeli in her. Well, one of them at least. There didn’t look like there was much room. And - oh man. The noises the lady made, Log, it was crazy. She sounded like she was dying, but happy about it. I’ve seen so many people die, but they’ve never been that happy about it. It was weirdly, uh, I don’t know. Good. Nice. I don’t know why. I don’t think I blinked once the entire time. Yoongi became feral or something. The table he had her on kept screeching across the floor while he investigated her. She got happier and happier the deeper he went, and so did he. I’ve never heard noises like that from Yoongi before, either, not even in the heat of battle. And then there was all this white stuff. I haven’t had my first mating since maturing so I don’t know whether it’s supposed to come out in that volume, but Hoseok said it was very unusual indeed. And I trust him, ‘cause he’s the medic and knows us inside out. 
Anyway, that’s how it happened, but now for how I felt: Well, even after writing all that, I still don’t know. The ends of my raeli kinda tingled but I didn’t know what that meant. It didn’t dissipate even hours after. I felt kinda frustrated, and--and wound-up, and I felt like I needed some sort of relief. But from what? I tried to mimic what he did in my bunk, with things in my room, with my own hands, but nothing seemed to work. Thankfully the feeling went away by morning, but then another, more curious feeling emerged.
Whenever the lady looked at me today, my hearts felt funny. Beat in the wrong order, or to the wrong rhythm, or something. I immediately went to Hobi and he told me there was nothing wrong; that I’m just excited by the new arrival. Which is true, I am. I like her very much, and I want to teach her all about how to fix things, and maybe kill things. She said she’d teach me things too. And then I looked into her eyes - we were really close to each other - and my hearts went funny again and I recalled all the vids I’ve watched of humans courting each other. They do this thing with their mouths - kissing, I think they call it. I almost did it, Log. I almost touched her mouth with mine, because all those strange feelings kept mounting and then my raeli started tingling again and--I don’t know. 
But I didn’t.
I didn’t kiss her and I don’t know what to do now. I keep thinking about the deep mouth between her thighs and how much I want to try it for myself. 
I’ll order more vids about human courtship because I think maybe she’s signalling to me that she wants me to court her, and I think I want that too, but I’m not sure. It’s all so new and thrilling. Like, more thrilling than adding to my kill count. Yoongi doesn’t seem to care about her like I do, so I don’t think he’ll mind. Iluoli don’t even remember the names of their mating partners. But I remember hers. _____. Ah, it’s so pretty and delicate and fragile. Like her. I don’t know why I think she’s pretty, but I’ll figure it out. 
Log, I’ll report back with updates.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
he was apologizing
suddenly, she felt a wave of guilt for ever comparing him to her mother. she crawled over to him, filling the gap he created. using one hand to lift his head up, she curled her index finger on the other and gently swiped away the tears she saw. “don’t cry, shuichi! i would be okay with dying if it meant you got to live!” she said a little too cheerfully, not realizing just how gruesome the statement was. she smiled behind her mask before shakily standing up; her low weight and the fact that in the past week she’d only eaten a chocolate bar and some chocolate ice cream, her impulsive action was starting to catch up to her a little. “and don’t leave your wife behind again, that’s mean. she... she just wants to play the piano for you!” she scolded before walking over to kaede, the clicking of her shoes on the tile echoing throughout the room. “i bet you’re reeaaaaally good at piano.” no shit, fumiko, she’s the ultimate pianist.
with a giggle she left the room. her cheerfulness might’ve been a defense mechanism her brain was using to not think about the inevitable. was there even anything to do in this school? she clearly wasn’t inspired to write any music, that’s for sure. who would be in a situation like this? all of a sudden, she was outside. little did she know, a certain robot had been keeping an eye on her, and followed her out with a glass of water and some crackers. she sat in the grass, looking up at the sky behind the cage until her view was obstructed by a pair of LED eyes.
“w-WAAH” she yelled, scooting back and sitting up. she had just blinked and kiibo was staring down at her, it was a little scary! he sat down next to her, groaning like an old man as he did so.
“miss akiyama, this is for you,” he said, handing her the snack, “you’re clearly malnourished, and i heard miu yelling from the dining hall! it isn’t safe to drink that amount of alcohol in your condition!”
“o-oh uh, i didn’t— i didn’t know, sorry...” she held the crackers in one hand and the water in another, wondering how she was going to eat them. fuck it, who cared anymore. he’s just a robot, anyway, she thought (this is the beginning of fumiko’s robophobia arc). placing them on the ground, she took off her mask to eat.
“what happened?” fumiko was barely even listening to the boy next to her, too busy chomping down on the snack he brought. therefore, she hadn’t realized he was referring to her scar and not what happened yesterday.
“mmmmmm..... shuichi got mad or something, i dunno.” she responded. his eyes were as wide as saucers, mouth agape. what? how could he do such a thing, he thought to himself. while she took a sip of water, he thought about her reaction to his aggression the previous morning. he noticed the gauze on her arm and the bruises and, suddenly, it was his duty to monitor this girl at all times. she finished her snacks and he took the trash, putting it into a compartment he had on his body because i don’t feel like writing them walking to the trash can. she put her mask back on and took the hand he reached out to help her up. “..............can i touch your hair?” so you’ll ask kiibo but not shuichi? gotcha. the boy hesitantly nodded with a confused look on his face.
her hand reached out and pet him, “it’s so soft! like a.... like a cat! yeah!” it was times like this when he hated the professor for adding a blush function to his design. “meow for me, kiibo! meeeooooow”
“u-uh.... m-m-meow...?”
“awwwwwww you’re so cute, hehe!” she giggled bringing her hand back down. she got curious and asked him a question, “so... will you still be alive after today? you’re a robot, after all... are you able to die?”
he wanted to get mad at her for her assumption, but he stopped himself, she’s... she’s drunk. “i-i... it depends, really. if i am physically destroyed, yes i would be considered ‘dead’......” he held a finger to his chin as he thought, “my system can also reset back to infancy. it’s happened once before!” she looked at him in awe, and he couldn’t help the little smile that crept up onto his face, he felt a little proud that he impressed her. sighing, he looked at her with a serious expression, “you need to get some rest, miss akiyama.”
“then read me a bedtime story, mr. kiibo!” she laughed, not expecting him to actually pick her up (surprised that he hadn’t struggled) and walk her down to the library. when they got there, it was empty. he picked up a little storybook which had been there for some reason, and gingerly sat on the ground with her in his lap. he was glad she hadn’t made any comments about his armor, he was scared that-
“kiibo, you feel hard.” (BABAHAHDFBHAHD)
“my apologies, are you uncomfortable?”
“no i’m okay- it’s okay.”
he nodded, opening the book and reading it to her. he’d barely finished the second page before he heard her snore quietly, leaning on his chestplate. carefully as to not wake her up, he took her mask off and placed it off to the side before wrapping his arms around her. he wondered what the unfamiliar emotion he felt when he looked down at her sleeping face was, but he didn’t have much time to think about it before he heard the library’s door open.
Shuichi furrowed his brow at her nonchalant, self-sacrificial statement that brought him a mini-cardiac arrest. Was she serious? Maybe it was just drunk people talk? People do say drunk talk is sober thoughts... At least, that's what his uncle told him.
"W- what? N- now hold on— Fumiko-" Wife? Had she really been that intoxicated that quickly? Checking his wrist that had no watch, he swears it's only been a few minutes since she downed that bottle of alcohol.
Kaede seemed just as confused, but instead of voicing her concern, she laughed awkwardly and nodded. "Haha yeah, at least I think I am..." She trailed off as Fumiko left Miu's lab abruptly, before turning her gaze back to Shuichi. "Do you think she's okay...?" Miu scoffed, "No fucking way, after chugging half of my booze? There's no way she's a heavyweight like me!" Miu lied, laughter loud, shrill and painful to Shuichi's ears.
Kaede nervously shuffled to the doors, "A- alright then. Um, Shuichi? We should probably go to the library now." Beckoning him as if he was a dog, she followed Fumiko's cold trail out the doors of the lab, and back into the school, Shuichi following not far behind. Despite the remaining worries for Fumiko's well-being, Shuichi couldn't seem to muster any more confidence to speak up about the girl who had just.
You know, like a coward.
As they made their way into the library, cameras in hand and plan in mind—well, Kaede's mind; Shuichi had been too preoccupied with thoughts of Fumiko, as always. He seemed to always think, think, think about the girl; though he barely ever acted. It was pointless, wasn't it? He was useless.
Walking into the library with his gaze glued to his shoes, he didn't seem to notice the two sitting on the ground, as well as Kaede who seemed stunned to her spot. The gloomy detective only brought his head up as he felt a strong glare burning holes in his head.
As he perked his head up, his eyes widened as he spotted Fumiko in the robot's arms; a sight he certainly hadn't been expecting.
A sight Kaede definitely hadn't been expecting either, had been the large scar gashed across the girl's face. She found her heart beating a little faster in worry as her eyebrows creased; what happened to her? Kaede wondered if it still hurt.
Gulping, his wide eyes focused onto Fumiko. "Is... Is she still—?" K1B0 held his hand up at Shuichi, a look and attitude of pure annoyance. "Assaulter...!" K1B0 accused in a hushed tone as to not wake the girl up, eyes narrowing until either of them could barely see his pupils.
Stopping in his tracks towards the snuggling two, he looked at K1B0 in confusion, unsure if he heard him right. "W- Assaulter? W- wait, me?" Kaede looked confused, "Him?" She couldn't help but wonder what a timid guy like him could do to be considered an assaulter.
"Why are you even in the library in the first place, Shuichi?" The way he had spoken the detective's name had been petty and sassy, it seemed to unnerve Shuichi. "Were you trying to find her? Because I don't think it's a very good idea for her to be with you right now." He wasn't sure what came over him, the almost motherly instinct to protect the girl, hit him faster than his robotic receptors could even process.
"N- no, I..." Thinking back to their growing distance, his expression slightly dropped, "... Y- yeah, you're right." Shuichi submitted and surrendered faster than the speed of light, feeling more pathetic as each second passed him by(as he fucking should, bastard got what he deserved-)—
Before Kaede interrupted, taking the lead for the unreliable boy as usual, "We're here to um, to investigate..! Shuichi is helping us find a way out of here!"
K1B0 probably would've cared more about the fact that they were helping them find a way out of this hellhole, but no. He had a sleeping baby Fumiko in his arms, and so the natural reaction was— He hissed as Kaede spoke in a loud tone, shooting a look at her as if he was saying; 'Are you trying to wake the baby!?'
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Survey #352
my head’s a mess and a half, i can’t think of lyrics to put here so yeah here’s the survey
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? Uh I think it was a pepper in this Healthy Choice dinner bowl I had yesterday. What was your last Facebook notification for? A friend liking this photo I shared of some beautiful, small rock and pebble sculptures of people. What bands have you seen live? Just Alice Cooper. Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She only has one kidney due to the other being taken out because of kidney cancer when I was a kid. Coincidentally, her father was actually born with only one as well. What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? Nothing really comes to mind. What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? SUPER against? I dunno, man. What are your plans later today? I don't know. Yesterday my mother informed me that Jason's mother died, and since then I've been in shock. I was in awful condition yesterday because I absolutely adore(d) her like she was MY family, and once upon a time I thought she would be officially, and I still feel very, very dead. I doubt I'll get anything done today. Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Definitely not exciting... Mom and possibly I are probably bringing Jason's family food for the family get-together they're having (we're not staying for... obvious reasons), but she's unsure because it might be a bit too awkward. I'll stay in the car because I don't want to disrespect Jason's space, but I REALLY want to go through with this. His mom was so important to me, and I don't want to just... do nothing as if she meant just that. I want the family to know I never stopped caring just because there was a breakup. Plus I wanna give Jason his favorite chocolate bar to try to bring him a bit of happiness. I can't imagine what he's feeling, and my instinct of "I need to protect him" absolutely never went away. Who do you talk to the most? My mom. What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Go to bed before 9PM, sometimes even before 8. And my knees pop like a motherfucker. Who is your best guy friend(s)? Girt and Sam. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Neither; instead, I just wish it was clearer. I have extremely dry skin, especially on my arms, so I have little bumps and marks there, as well as little freckles over my body. Having like, porcelain skin would be amaaaazing. If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? Keep it. Look more badass, haha. Have you had an x-ray in the past year? I think so, on my legs. It may have been over a year ago, idr. Do you think your first love still loves you? I don't want to know. I really don't. What is something that is “going right” in your life? *blinks* When did you feel ready to start dating? Seriously, probably late middle school. When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? My snake Venus has never bitten me. Meanwhile, my cat Roman lightly (and sometimes not so lightly...) bites me pretty much every day when I play with him, lol. Where were you the last time you made out? My bed. When was the last time you cried tears of joy? I probably haven't done that since I met Sara irl. How do you type your sad smileys? One of these three: :( or :c or :< Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? No. What was the last soda you drank? Mountain Lightning, a Mtn. Dew ripoff bc we're cheap, lol. What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I don't know. Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah, a cyst removal as well as tubes in my ears. Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Uh no????? Who was the last person to hit on you? That I'm actually aware of, Sara. I'm quite sure nobody has since. What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? I was too weak to even clean the litterbox last night. I just wanted to go to bed. I need to do it today. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? Hm. Maybe that I didn't love Joel? It was just really awkward and I felt awful about the whole situation. What do you put on hot dogs? Ketchup and mustard. Ever fallen in the shower? I've fallen OUT of the shower. I was extremely dizzy and was trying to get out, and I just passed out onto my chin. Broke some molars and got a concussion. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called someone you care about? Probably a bitch or something. Do you think that things will get better? I sure hope so. Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? I guess I kinda have. My WoW friend Lisa and I were talking, and she wasn't feeling well at all when she suddenly disappeared. Coincidentally, her husband got home RIGHT when I messaged her again, wanting to check up on her, and he heard the alert so checked it out. Lisa was knocked out on the couch having some medical emergency with a name I can't remember, and he just thought she was sleeping. Because of seeing the chat, he took her to the hospital when she probably would've died otherwise. She insists I saved her. What’s your favourite book genre? Fantasy. Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? No. Do dogs like you? They definitely seem to. Animals in general honestly do. Would you say that you project an air of authority? Definitely not. Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? No. I've always wanted to, but I was too scared at any opportunity. Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) I just use one. I dry my hair first, then my body. Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? No, but I did see one of them from a plane when I was flying to Sara's. Who do you know that had a baby recently? My high school friend had her daughter Persephone literally a couple days ago. Cute little thing. Do you like Usher’s songs? Oh wow, what a blast from the past. I don't even recall the names of any, but I remember I enjoyed some as a kid. When was the last time you went to a waterpark? Wow, it has been YEARS. Like, not since I was a teen. Have you ever ridden a train? No. What do you eat your French fries with? Ketchup, sometimes. Do you have family problems? Not really. What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Bread, I think. How do you like your grilled cheese? Just a normal 'ole grilled cheese. What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I don’t cook. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Play video games. Have you ever been close to drowning? Yikes, no. Have you ever had a panic attack? Countless. Do you like doing housework? No, who does? Would you ever get implants? Nah. Do you own a robe? No. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? I don't trust people who don't eat pizza crust. What was the last song you listened to? "The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance. It's making me cry, but I really need to. Have any of your family members been to jail? No. None that I know of, anyway. Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? An old friend, yes. Can you remember when you first learned how to read? No. What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? My mental illnesses as a whole. Have you ever had any teeth pulled? No. Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? No, but only because it's not realistic. I don't want to travel. What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I don't care about TV 'til MM resumes, and then absolutely whenever The Edge of Sleep is released. Mark is a key actor in it. How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I couldn’t be. What is your favorite Queen song? Ha, I'm aware this is probably everyone's answer, but "Bohemian Rhapsody" is the bop of all bops. Do you know how to use any foreign currency? No. Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? BEEN kissed, yeah. By Juan. Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? No. When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? Now. What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? It was a group date where we went to this big arcade one night. What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? None. What is the reason you’re still alive? That's a big answer that I'm not in the mood to ramble about. Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Yeah, oops. Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? No. Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) HAHA this was the only lucid dream I've ever had lmfao. Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? I don't remember. How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Like shit. "Virginia's still dead" just bitchslapped me. Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Well yeah. Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Yes, because I really did. Have you ever been threatened before? Yes. Would you date someone with a physical disability? Yeah. Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? Probably. The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Red. Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? My mom. Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? What income? Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? No. Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? No. Are your parents in good health? Not especially. They're both probably unhealthier than the average person. Dad smokes way too much to be healthy, and Mom has a plethora of issues. Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? No; it sounds awful, but I'm very doubtful I could be because I canNOT clean another human being. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? No. Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? They're black Pokemon pants with Pikachu jumping by the logo. Do you have any interesting pillow cases? No. If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My knees. Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Both, but situationally. Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? Only once for prom. They were maroon, like my dress. Wait... or maybe I didn't wear them? Fuck, idr. Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American history is way more fascinating to me.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 09
Warning: swearing (as always), BJ being horny, fire hazard.
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The next day was monday, and every monday night since the girls moved together years ago was movienight. They prepared dinner together, bought a shitton of snacks, sat down on the floor in the living room and watched at least 2 movies. Most of the time they fell asleep during the third one.
So they were all in their kitchen, which had pretty peach-colored walls, a big window framed by curtains with various embroidered wildflowers on them, and olive green / beige french country-style kitchen furniture. Rei was making guacamole - which Sirius made quite a hard activity with all the jumping and whining for a piece of chips or basically anything delicious - while Sofía was talking about her business dinner from last night and Ari was sitting on the countertop, in the middle of the kitchen, eating Nutella out of a jar with a skull-shaped spoon. Minerva was laying beside her on her back, playing with a piece of breadcrust, getting occasional earscratchies.
- So I was like "No go amigo, I couldn't possibly share an exhibition with them" and my manager was like "why?" and I was like "because I'd have to be talkative and cute with them and man I couldn't" and he was like "but they are respected artists in the community" and I was like "yeah but they can't even use photoshop MICHAEL how could I work with people who are sooo past century"? - said Sofía, flipped her hair and took a sip out of her lemonade. - So yeah, he arranged the whole thing and now my coworkers for the next couple exhibitions will be not so known, but rising photographers instead of old people, isn't that awesome? - all of a sudden Minerva lifted her head up, pricked her ears and started to hiss in the entrance's direction.
Beetlejuice just arrived after his hunt for bugs in the winter garden. He was leaning against the entrance archway, and shaked his head in disappointment.
- I can't believe that you still hate me this much, you waste of fur. - the cat hissed harder. - What?!? Two can play this game, if you're not nice, I won't be either! - he pointed at Sirius, who let out one bark, then continued harassing Rei. - Look, even the dog got kinda used to me!
- I wonder what her problem is. - said Sofía while Ari pulled the kitty into her embrace.
- That's the point where you should tell them that "yeah she sees my demon buddy, yeah, we have a spectre, and I can hear him!" - said Beetlejuice in a girlish voice while he stepped closer to Ari. The girl stroked the slightly hissing Minerva, who was now laying on her lap. Ari licked her Nutella-covered spoon clean. Beetlejuice stopped in his movement and his jaw slightly dropped. He started to drool a bit. - Hooooly shit babes, it seems like you know how to turn my software into a hardware!
Ari blushed a bit and tried really hard not to giggle so she started to talk.
- ANYWAY... - that was way louder than she intended, so she cleared her throat - ...what did you do last night, Rei? - knowing exactly what happened to her poor sister (since after she got better, Beetlejuice told her everything), she was just curious if she would talk about the posession of her computer. Rei's ginger hair flew over her face as she turned to Ari and put the guacamole down to the countertop.
- Well you could say I was practicing poetry, since Robert Lewis Stevenson insisted that wine is bottled poetry, but to be honest after streaming I was just drinking and wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up... I'm sure it wasn't an anxiety ridden bitch disgusted by people with a wine problem, serving exactly those whom I disgusted by, but... - she put her hands up in the air - ...here I am! - she giggled as she turned to the fridge.
- So I suppose your "fans" were mean again? - asked Sof. Rei took some cheese out of the fridge, and scoffed while giving a piece to the very excited Sirius.
- Not mean, fuckin nasty. - she shut the fridge and rubbed the bridge of her nose under her glasses. - I mean, some of them spammed my IG DMs with requests of "please send me the bra you wore during today's stream, I saw the strap and I'm hooked", like... Ugh.
- Can't judge a man for wanting some lingerie from a pretty girl, that's my opinion. - said Beetlejuice while he hopped on the counter next to Rei.
- Jesus fuck people are weird... - commented Ari as she got off of the middle countertop. Minerva ran away to upstairs.
- Oh so that's the socially acceptable opinion now? Okay wait... - Beetlejuice cleared his throat and continued in a sarcastic manner, heavily gesturing while doing so. - OH YES PEOPLE ARE AWFUL UGH DISGUSTING EW HOW COULD SOMEONE ASK ANYTHING LIKE THAT EWEWEW. - his voice went back to normal as he looked at Ari, who just hugged Rei. - Was it good and totally believable? - Ari smiled and gave him a thumbs up behind her sister's back. - God I'm good! On the other hand, did I tell you that when I walked into Rei's room yesterday, I almost tripped on a bra? You could say... - he floated next to Ari's ear. The girl could feel his icy breath on her earlobe. - ...it was a booby trap. - Ari shut her eyes and bit her lower lip while smiling widely. - SERIOUSLY HOW ARE YOU NOT LAUGHING YOUR PRETTY ROUND ASS OFF, THAT WAS PHENOMENAL!!! - Ari let Rei go and went to one of the cupboards. Rei poured herself a glass of red wine.
- I don't even know why I'm getting upset by these kinds of shits anymore. I've been doing this job for years, I should be used to creeps. - she shrugged. - Eh, whatever, it felt nice to vent.
- And we're here to listen every time! - shouted Ari, head inside one of the lower cupboards, fistbumping the air. After some rummaging, she lifted her head out. - Hey guys, where did we put the ultimate bathbomb?
- What? - asked Sofía with a tilted head.
- The toaster. Obviously. - BJ slapped his knees as he started laughing.
- Gee, doll, that was good! Your humor is getting worse and worse under my influence and I'm living for it! - he scratched his head. - Wait, is that appropriate for me to say? Or should I say I'm dying for it? Since I'm dead? - he shrugged his shoulders. - I dunno both sound good.
After Sof got the machine out of one of the highest cupboards, Ari started making grilled cheese sandwiches. Beetlejuice floated right next to her and flashed a pretty evil, toothy grin. He wriggled his fingers while looking up at the ceiling lamp, which started to flicker. The girls quickly looked at each other but didn't say a thing. BJ giggled. Ari stuck the toaster's plug into the power outlet, which instantly made it sparkle. One of the sparkles fell on Ari's hand. She quickly got it away with a quiet "ouch", and looked at where Beetlejuice's very uproarious laugh came from. The angry face she made almost made the demon tear up.
- What? You thought I'd never mess with ya, doll? After seeing this face, I'll do it even more often, you angry little toddler you... - and with that, the lights flickered again.
- Am I hallucinating or did ya see that too? - asked Sofi, pointing at the lamp.
- Maybe it's just bad wiring... - said Rei, with a rather nervous chuckle. She didn't sound believable at all. - It's nothing to worry about...
- Oh so you think I'm nothing to worry about?! - said Beetlejuice with annoyement in his voice. - You underestimate me, little one. - he pointed at the chandelier in the living room and the lamp in the kitchen. They both started to shine and flicker in the same rhythm. The girls looked at each other.
- I'm pretty sure that's not bad wiring... I think... - one of the light bulbs in the living room shattered, stopping Ari for a moment. They all ducked as the light bulb in the kitchen exploded. - I THINK THIS HOUSE REALLY IS HAUNTED!!!
- THANK YOU! FINALLY! - shouted Beetlejuice, his eyes and his neon green hair glowing. - I'M FINALLY GETTING THE RECOGNITION I DESERVE!
- IT'S NOT, GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL! - shouted Rei, while trying to help Ari get hold of the angrily barking Sirius.
- It's scientifically proven that they are... - commented Sof.
- Shut up, I'm not superstitious like you two! I mean sure, weird things are happening in the house, like my PC acting strange, or the hairdryer sucking Sofi's hair in, but I'm sure there's a logical explanation!
Beetlejuice grinned like a maniac.
- Oh baby you really want logical explanation? You think there's any logic to ME? Then watch... This! - the demon cracked his fingers and chuckled as he looked at the plugged in toaster. Ari looked at the voice's direction and gasped when she saw what Beetlejuice was doing. The toaster's heating wires were glowing red hot, and an awful stench came from the machine. The smell of burning plastic.
- Who doesn't like a bit of electrical fire? - said Beetlejuice, laughing, looking at the infurious Sof. Ari quickly jumped up and started to go through the drawers quickly. Sof was quicker, she handed her the oven mittens, which Ari put her hands into and lifted the now flaming toaster.
- Okay... Now what? - Rei jumped up in panic too.
- What what?!?
- Where do I put it?!
- I'M NOT A VERY BRIGHT WOMAN, OKAY?!?!?!? - Rei opened up the window and pulled the curtains back.
- THROW IT OUT!!! - Ari quickly threw the machine out of the window, into the birdbath that was under it. The flames started to fade and the girls let out a huge, relieved breath.
- Welp... I may sound like a hypocrite but... After this I think we're haunted. - Sofía and Ari both looked at Rei.
- You said, literally a minute ago, and I quote, that you are not superstitious like us two. - Rei threw her hands up in the air.
- I'm not superstitious! But I'm a... Umm a little bit stitious.
- Do you seriously think this is a right time for Office quotes? - asked Sof, with folded hands and an eyeroll.
- Hey this is how I cope! Toasters don't start spitting flames normally, man! That shit scared the living Hell out of me!
Ari bit her lower lip. A faint idea crossed her mind.
- Ummm... I think we should ask our presence what do they want. - the girls and Beetlejuice both looked at Ari with lifted eyebrows. - Sof, don't you have an Ouija board? We could ask them stuff and maybe help them out. So they won't cause trouble like this again. - Beetlejuice covered his smiling mouth with his hands.
- OHMYGOD BABES THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I never tried playing with those things but...
- Okay let's do it. - stated Rei decidedly. - Sofía! Get your Ouija board. We're adjourning movienight. Let's ask this bitch what the everliving fuck is their problem!
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afandommultiverse · 5 years
Ms. L/N
Pairing: Jax Teller x Reader Summary: Y/n is Abels teacher, Jax and Her come to an agreement to have Abel at her house until someone is free to get him, after so long, something was bound to happen. A/n: Do enjoy and comment!
I looked around my classroom and sighed, It was a huge mess. I began picking up various toys and trash that my kids didn’t pick up or simply forgot about. Once everything was back to the way it was supposed to be, I grabbed my bags and left the room. 
It was 4 by the time I was leaving. As I was walking to my class, I saw a little boy. Abel. He was in my class. What was he still doing here? I walked over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him. 
“What are you still doing her Abel?” I asked he looked up at me with the cutest little eyes. He smiled and said. 
“I’m waiting for Daddy.” I smiled, he really loved his father. He always talked about him. I looked down at my watch. 4:10. 
“Did Daddy say he was going to pick you up.” He went to speak but stopped, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought. 
“I- uh, I dunno,” he said and a sad expression came on his face. I stood up and held my hand out for him. 
“Come on, Abel. I’ll take you home.” 
It wasn’t the first time that I had to take Abel home, I knew who and what his dad was, and knew the rest of his family was the same. I knew they caught up in their other activities, but they really did need to work on a schedule for him. It’s getting colder and colder every day, the poor boy is gonna get sick out there if they keep leaving him. 
I parked my car in a space and got out. I helped Abel out of his seat and made my way to the front door. As I walked through, I heard laughter. I looked towards the group and called out is a name. 
“Mr. Teller!” The laughter stopped and Jax turned around, he looked at me confused and then his eyes widen when he saw Abel. He walked over fast, and before I knew it, Jax was swinging around Abel. I smiled at the scene and watched as Jax let him down and whispered something in his ear. Abel nodded and ran away. 
He faced me and I straightened my shoulders. 
“Mr. Teller, I would like to have a talk with you,” I said with no room for some kind of excuse. He nodded and lead me outside. As the door closed and we were surrounded by quiet. 
“Mr. Teller-” He cut me off, a smile on his face. 
“Please call me Jax,” I smiled and continued. 
“Jax, you really need to work on a schedule for Abel. The poor boy is gonna get sick one of these days and I really don’t want that, I don’t think you want that either.” He looked down guilty. 
“I-I’m sorry, I thought Tara was gonna get him today, I guess I need to work on that.” He looked deeply upset about this and I felt bad. 
“If you’d like, I-I, I can take him home with me until you guys are free to take care of him? I know I just his teacher but, It would be better than staying out in the rain, but I understand if you don’t trust me, especially with what you do for a living.” He went to protest but I stopped him. 
“It’s no secret what you do, just because you haven’t been caught doesn’t mean no one knows.” I smiled and looked at me, an unreadable expression on his face. As looked at me, I took the chance to really look at him. 
Blond hair combed back and brushing his shoulders, bright baby blue eyes, a 5 o'clock shadow beginning to appear. Pink kissable lips. He really hadn’t changed since high school, he just looked a little older. 
“I’ll think about it.” I was knocked out of my trance and looked back into his eyes. I cleared my throat a nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll see you around Mr. T- Jax.” He smiles, I just smiled back. I realized I was just standing them and hurriedly turned around and headed back to my car. 
The next day, I walked into the classroom early. I spread out the lesson for the day and began passing out the work pages and pencils for the children. I heard a knock on the door and turned around. Thinking it was another teacher, I called out. 
“Come in, it’s unlocked.” The door opened and there stood Abel and Jax, with… Tara. I prepared myself and threw on a smile. 
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Teller,” I looked down at Abel and smiled. “Abel.” He smiled and waved happily at me. Tara rolled her eyes, behind Jax of course. She always hated me. Never knew why. 
“I thought about what you said yesterday, and I was wondering if you could take Abel after school today?” I smiled widely, of course. Tara scoffed walked back outside. 
“She wasn't pleased when I said we should let you take care of him.” He explained and nodded my head. 
“Well, as far as I remember, she has always hated me.” He looked at quizzically. I stopped. This entire time did he not remember me?
“Jaz? Do you even remember me?” I asked putting hands on my hips. Abel looked at us, back and forth, an acute confused expression on his small face. 
“Uh, I-I don’t. Am I supposed to?” I looked at him disappointed, crossing my arms. I shook my head and walked over to Abel, picking him up. I placed him on my hip and looked at him, 
“What are we gonna do with this father of yours?” I asked and he shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. 
“Daddy! She went to high school with you!” The realization hits Jax’s face fast and hard. 
“Oh my god, Y/n! I knew that name as familiar!” I laughed and shook my head. 
“You were always very forgetful,” I said and he pulled me into a hug. 
“I feel like such an ass now, Ma probably knew the entire time didn’t she?” He asked with a knowing expression. I nodded.
“Of course she didn’t.” 
The bell for the end of the day and as soon as all the children were gone, I began to pick up. 
“So, when are we leaving?” I looked over to see Abel with his backpack ready and hanging on his shoulders. I smiled. 
“It about an hour, I have some stuff to do and then we can leave okay?” He nodded and set his stuff down, I gave him some paper and crayons.
“Okay, Abel, here’s my home.” I got out of the car. I helped him out of his seat and walked him up to the door. I unlocked the front door and stepped in. I took off my jacket and boots, hanging them up. I helped him when I was done and lead him into the kitchen. 
“Would you like a snack?” He nodded his head and looked around shyly. I chuckled. 
“You can sit down Abel, it okay, just think of the house as yours okay?” He nodded and then sat down at the table. He waited for me to finish his snack. I placed down a cup of hot chocolate and a sugared croissant. It wasn’t exactly healthy, but I knew he could handle his sugar. 
He smiled when I placed the cup and plate down. He began eating immediately and I took this as a chance to get some work done. 
3 Months Later 
I opened the door to my house and sighed. Today had been a long day. Nearly 3 kids threw up in my class, 4 had tantrums, 5 were yelling, screaming, and the others, well they did nothing. 
I set my stuff down and looked through the fridge. I didn’t have Abel today, Gemma picked him up early today. I heard a knock on my door and looked at the wooden thing curiously. 
I walked over and looked through the hole, there I saw a man, tattoos covering his body. Who was he? Must be part of the sons. 
I opened the door a little bit and looked at him,
“Can I help you?” I asked and he smiled, his teeth dirty. 
“I’m here to pick up the kid.” I nodded and threw on a fake smile. 
“Of course, let me get him.” I closed the door and made sure to lock it quietly, I called Abel for an act and then walked down the hallway. 
I quickly took out my phone and dialed Jaxs number. It rung 4 times before he picked up. 
“Hello?” He answered. 
“Jax!” I whisper yelled. 
“Did you send anyone to pick Abel up?” 
“No, he’s here.”
“Then can you tell me whos on my front step, trying to pick him up?” There was a pause. 
“What does he look like?” He questioned, a rush in his voice. 
“Ugly,” I said and he chuckled before stopping, 
“No, like tattoos,” 
“Oh, well then” 
A loud crash rang through my house and I turned around, a hand sticking out of my window. 
“Uh, that doesn’t matter now, he just broke into my fucking house!” I said and ran upstairs, not before grabbing a knife though. 
“Shit!” I heard Jax curse. 
“Jax! If I die because of you, I will fucking hunt your ass!” I yelled and locked my bedroom window. 
“You’re not dying today. Try to get out of the house, I’m on my way now.” The call ended and I ran to my window. I unlocked the top and bottom, but just as I opened the damn thing, the dor busted off the hinges. 
The man ran for me and I tried to get out faster. He grabbed me from behind and threw on the bed. 
“You’re gonna regret that, you little bitch.” He smiled evilly and I went grabbed for the knife. He grabbed my wrists and held them down. I kicked my legs up and hit him in the crotch. I pushed him off of me and ran for the window. I landed on the sec0ndary roof underneath. I rolled down and landed in the bushes. 
I quickly got up and bolted for the street. I yelped when the gun went off. I looked and saw Jax down the street and began to run faster, but not fast enough. I heard the gun go off before the bullet hit me. I screamed and before I could hit the ground, Jax caught me. He lifted his gun and shot 3 times, hitting my attacker. 
“Shit, no no no no.” I looked up at Jax, smiling. 
“I’m so haunting your ass.” He laughed and shook his head. 
“Only you can be shot and still joke around.” He smiled and pulled out a phone. He talked into the phone some more, but everything began to get fuzzy. My vision slowly darkened and my hearing went out. I felt my body go limp before I finally closed my eyes. 
I heard the loud and obnoxious beeping of the machine behind me and knew exactly where I was. St. Thomas. I sighed and looked around the room. There were vases of flowers beside me and a glass of water. I reached out for the glass and took a small sip before setting it back down. As I looked around me, bored, in came Jax, Abel, Gemma, and well a lot of other people too. 
“Hey, Darling, how are you feeling?” He asked and pulled up a chair beside me. Abel hopped up on the bed and sat next to me. 
“Pretty disappointed really,” I said and pulled Abel to my chest, and aching in my back throwing itself around. Jax eyebrows furrowed. 
“Disappointed?” I nodded. 
“Yeah, I don’t get to haunt you!” I said, laughs and giggles ran through the room and I smiled. 
“No, but really, thank you.” 
Everyone had left and now it was just me, a sleeping Abel and Jax. Abel curled into me, his head resting on my arm. I combed through his hair, as he instructed, and smiled at his small snores. 
“He likes you, a lot.” I smiled. Abel has expressed his love for me a lot over time. 
“I know,” I spoke softly. Abel moved a bit when I paused my combing making me smile wider. Jax sighed. I looked up at him concerned. He looked worried, scared even. 
“What’s the wrong Jax?” He sighed and stood, he moved to the bed and sat on the other side of me. He looked out the window beside the bed before looking at me.
“You could have died today,” he stopped, taking a deep breath in, “all because of me.” I scooted up a bit, moving Abel’s head to my lap. I turned Jax to face me again. 
“Hey, don’t say that. It’s not your fault.” I said and looked at him sternly. 
“But it is! If I had never given you Abel, they wouldn’t have thought of you is important. Now you’re involved with us and it can’t be undone!” Jax said, his voice stirring Abel. He looked down at his son. “I could have lost both of you…” 
I looked at Jax sadly. How could he think that? It wasn’t his fault. It’s no ones.
“Jax, if I could go back in time and take back what I said, I wouldn’t. Abel is the best thing that has happened to me. Ever. He is the sweetest little boy, and I’m glad you trust me enough to keep him for a bit. I love that. I love him. I don’t regret what I did, and I think it’s totally a bullet in the back.” Jax looked at me shocked and confused. 
“Why? Why would you want to stay? You could be killed.” I smiled. 
“I know, and I’m fine with that, if it means I can protect this perfect little angel, and still be with you, I would risk my safety.” It quiet for a bit. Jax had turned away. I looked down at Abel for a bit before I felt something pulling my chin up. 
I looked up into Jax's eyes and smiled, he smiled back before leaning down and placing his lips on my own. I kissed back immediately, tingles spreading from my lips throughout my entire body. I pulled back and looked at him before remembering, 
His wife. 
He went to kiss me again but I placed a hand on his chest. 
“What about Tara?” I questioned looking at him holding back the urge to place my own kiss on his lips. 
“She left. Got fed up.” I nodded before kissing him again. I held him closer to me, well as much as I could with the boys head in my lap. I pulled back and scooted to the side, patting the new spot on the bed. Jax maneuvered his body and placed himself next to me, spinning my body against him as I moved Abel. 
As we lay together, I felt Jax kissed my neck softly before we finally drifted off to sleep.
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grimmtnykan · 4 years
The Nykan Situation: Episode 1
     "Hurry up, Grimm!"
    "Ugh...Five more minutes."
    "Do you want to go out and play today, or not?"
    Grimm opened his eyes to see his older brother, Jacob, looking down on him. School was cancelled due to the heavy snowfall. Jacob made a promise to Grimm that they would play in the snow if they had a snow day, and what better day than today? Little Grimm shot out of bed and scurried to his closet to retrieve his winter attire. He made sure he was bundled up to go play out in the cold, wrapped up in a scarf and other necessary clothing items for the cold. Jacob was wearing his signature black trench coat and could see the excitement through his brother's bright blue eyes. The two ventured off into the snow and ran across the street, laughing on the way, the snow falling upon their pink and chubby faces.
    "Wow, it kinda looks dead in the park today. I figured more people would be here." Jacob said as he put his hands into his pockets. Grimm couldn't contain his happiness any longer and just dashed for the park. Grimm was a very happy kid and always found energy inside of him to play with his brother. Jacob was sixteen and spent most of his time in Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Grimm would be going into said school in the next upcoming year. Not only would he get to spend more time with his brother, but he would learn how to harness the powers within magic and go on his own mystical path. Life was good for both of them.
    "Well, if it isn't Jacob Nykan. The freak on the block." said a nearby voice. Jacob and Grimm looked up from playing in the snow to see three people. Jacob's had problems with them before. When he attended a muggle school in his hometown, these three people would always bully him. Jacob wasn't exactly a very extroverted person; in fact, he didn't like human contact at all. Unless it regarded family, he could care less about making friends or even holding a stable relationship. Being introverted in their small town wasn't seen as "normal."
    "Aw, look! He's with his little brother. Just look at how scared he looks!" cackled one of the other boys. The group walked closer to the two siblings and Jacob stepped in front of Grimm. Grimm wasn't very great at handling confrontation. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was afraid of what their intentions consisted of. Would they hurt him or Jacob? Would they harass them? What did these three want?
    "What do you want, Kai? I told you to stay away from me." Jacob said in a stern tone.
    "You got another thing coming if you think I'd obey someone like you. I take orders from no one, Nykan!" said Kai, a silver headed boy. He rubbed his hands together as he looked at Grimm. "That's a nice, red scarf you got there. Red is my favorite color." he spat.
    "Bet it's pretty valuable." snickered Everett, the tallest one in the group. Jacob tried to shove Grimm behind him, but Everett stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.
    "Be a nice thing to have, ain't it?" said Darren, an orange headed, dark skinned boy. He looked at Kai as he cracked his knuckles. Darren and Everett grabbed Jacob and held him back. Kai, on the other hand, grabbed Grimm by his scarf. Grimm could feel himself choking and tried slapping at Kai's hand to make him stop. Tears flooded his eyes and he gasped for air, panicking. Jacob thrashed all around with Darren and Everett.
    "Y-You can't have it! My mom made it for me and it's mine to keep!" squealed Grimm. He tried to stand his ground. He thought that perhaps they'd leave them alone if he showed any sign of courage. Kai cackled as he slowly lifted Grimm off the ground, tightening the scarf around his neck. Jacob loosened the grip that Darren and Everett had against him and he launched himself at Kai. The two wrestled with each other, Jacob's clothes being ripped in the process. Grimm got up from the snow and ran behind a tree, hiding. His legs felt weak, his mind raced, and his heart was beating right out of his chest. Grimm peeked his head from behind the tree. Jacob laid on the ground, not moving. The three bullies kicked and cursed at him. They saw Grimm and began to make their way towards him.
    "Don't go near him..." Jacob said under his breath. The three bullies stopped in their tracks and began to panic when they felt their bodies being lifted in the air. Jacob was raising his arm up in the air as he got up and struggled to stand. Grimm stared in shock. What was going on? Jacob's eyes began to glow eerie green.
    "You can bother me as much as you want...Yet, when you mess with my family, that is where I draw the line!" Jacob spat. He clasped his hand into a fist and the three bullies howled in pain. Green swirls of light wrapped around their bodies slowly, and as the light reached higher, their bodies would disappear. They were being vaporized. Eventually, the light secluded their screams and person. Everything fell silent, Grimm feeling confused and scared. He wondered what he had just witnessed. Jacob walked towards him and got on one knee.
    "J-Jacob...What did you do?!" he whimpered.
    "I did what I had to do in order to protect you. Listen, Grimm...We are both destined for greatness, and with people like in our way, we need to take them down. Let's keep today between us. Do you understand?" Grimm stared at his brother. He didn't understand what was going on at all, but he trusted Jacob.
    "...I understand." the two made their way back home in silence. They had enough playing in the snow today.
    Grimm opened his deep, blue eyes to only see a clear sky and shade from the tree he lay under, blocking out the sun. The two strands of hair slightly blew in the wind to give him a better view of his sights. The young man sat up and scratched his head. Grimm was in average shape for a boy his age, seventeen. His hair was a light shade of brown, buzzed all around each side, with a couple bothersome strands resting over his forehead. He had a light stubble across his jawline and chin. He spoke with a southern accent that originated from the depths of Tennessee in the states, but faded slightly over time due to being in a different environment for so long. Of course, he would go back home every summer to his caretaker, Duke Kelling. Duke was a family friend of Grimm's parents who passed away in a house fire when he was eleven, which was the same night Jacob disappeared.
    "I fell asleep again, damn. Madam Hooch'll want an explanation." he said to himself. He got up and dusted himself off and walked up the trail that led to the training grounds. He was lucky, he got to his class just in time. As we walked over to the rack of brooms to grab one, he felt a presence developing towards him.
    "Hey Grimm!" said a familiar voice. Cesily Eurodite. Cesily is a Norwegian sixth year Gryffindor with hair red as a brick and thick as a shrub. She fixed her glasses as she smiled upon her friend. "How are you? You look dead."
    "I actually just woke up. I skipped potions class last period because I honestly just hate that class. Professor Snape is really a pain. Same for that student teacher, Shiro." Grimm replied to Cesily's remark, grabbing a broom and patting Grimm on the back.
    "Well, year six is almost over. It's been exhausting and trust me, as soon as this year is over, we'll go to Hogsmeade and drink ourselves silly with butter beer and do...I dunno, maybe watch Full House on repeat."
    "We do that everyday already, Cy."
    "And we'll do it again!" she chuckled. Grimm used to hate the idea of summer. Not only because it can be ridiculously hot, but because of how he would leave hearing the rumors about him from the past. When word got around about his well known brother disappearing and his family dying, people suspected Grimm to be behind it.
"He is working with he who must not be named!"
"He died discovering a cursed vault!"
"He is on the run from The Ministry of Magic!"
    People to this day still speak about it. It doesn't help that Grimm brought attention upon himself after discovering an ice knight in a cursed vault and slaying it, helping organize campaigns and activities for the school, excelling in courageous based classes, and the constant rivalry he causes between Gryffindor and Slytherin. He has done and accomplished a lot in the past years he has been at Hogwarts, yet he felt there was so much more he could do and discover, such as finding Jacob. There is still so much to do, yet so little time.
    "Hopefully this summer won't be a pain." said Grimm as he hopped on his broom.
    Evelyn, Seraphina, and Tay were hanging out in Hogsmeade. The three of them didn't have class for the rest of the day, so they decided to head to town and screw around. They were currently at The Three Broomsticks enjoying a hot meal and butter beer. Evelyn was dazed, staring out the window and thinking.
    "What're you thinking about?" Tay asked. Tay Guinvere is a sixth year Ravenclaw who was quite determined for high marks and obsessed with tea. Her hair was a dark brown and fluffy as can be, though being short to her shoulders. "You look bored."
    "Yeah, what's wrong?" Seraphina asked. Seraphina Steinhaur is a Gryffindor in her sixth year. Her skin is pale like her white, snowy hair. Her eyes, amber like peanut brittle. Unlike her two friends, she was more outspoken and loud.
    "Oh nothing. I'm just thinking of something that happened yesterday. It isn't important" Evelyn replied. Evelyn Fawley is a Hufflepuff in her sixth year. She has woven blonde hair with emerald green eyes. Freckles danced upon her rosy nose and cheeks. She was quite popular, and not just because she is a part of the sacred pureblood family but because of her charisma and charm. People often labeled her as nice and outgoing, but she wasn't so sure if she could identify with that statement.
    "I bet it's boys." Seraphina teased.
    "Too bad we can't do that because we're le--" Tay was cut off.
   "It's not about that, stop trying to expose me." Evelyn took a sip of her butterbeer. "I said something to Grimm and I think he hates me now."
    "You told him that he looks like a wannabe trucker?" Tay chuckled as she chugged her butterbeer.
   "No. Not yet anyway. We have to save that for another time." replied Evelyn.
    "Well then what's the big deal? You're not exactly a mean person. You're a Hufflepuff! There's no way you could be mean." said Seraphina. Tay looked at her and for a moment and then back at her butterbeer.
    "Well...I said something to him a few days ago and I think he's mad at me." Evelyn admitted. "We were both looking through the journal we found in Filch's office that belonged to Jacob, trying to decipher what it said. It was written in this...weird language of some sort. No one we knew could translate it and the library had absolutely nothing to help us. Things got tense later that night."
    Grimm groaned loudly and threw the journal down. Inside of it appeared to be scribbles and exotic shapes combined together. That was the only thing in the notebook, this foreign writing. He began to grow frustrated.
    "What the hell does this say?! Why would he write his journal in such an awkward manner?" Grimm picked the journal back up and began to study the board he put up in Jacob's room, full of notes and other items that included information about their evidence.
    "Grimm, can I say something?" Evelyn said as she put down a book. He looked over at her. "Isn't it possible that perhaps, he doesn't want to be found?" Grimm stared at her.
     "And why would he want that?"
     "I don't know. Maybe something serious did happen and it caused him to go into hiding. I just know that sometimes, people just want to be left alone." Evelyn replied. Grimm looked over at the door.
     "So far we've hardly gotten anywhere with this investigation. We are lucky to even have a ghost or centaur mention him to us, and we're in year six! We've been looking for him since year one. I'll help you in any way I can, but...I think we're getting nowhere once again--"
    Before Evelyn could finish, Grimm turned around and stormed out of his room and into the night. He didn't come back for a couple of days. He hasn't even spoken to Evelyn since then. Nor looked at her. Let alone anyone in all of Hogwarts.
    "That wasn't cool." Tay blurted out. "I understand he cares for his brother, but he doesn't have to treat you like that."
    "I can somewhat understand his reaction. If my only form of close family went missing with no explanation, I'd be concerned and worried too. I'd try to find them. We all have found evidence regarding Jacob's disappearance. Maybe he feels that he's too close to the matter." Seraphina pitched in.
    "I don't care how close we are, I just...want him to stop being mad at me. What should I do?" Evelyn asked.
    "Apologize?" Seraphina suggested. "Perhaps you could give him some sort of treat."
    "Nah, that's lame." blurted Tay.
    "You have a better idea?" Seraphina barked.
    "No, but it sounds corny." replied Tay.
    "It's better than nothing. Maybe it will bring us both some closure." said Evelyn.
    "I'm sure it will, even if you bring him a food based treat. You can stab him to death and offer him a sweet roll as an apology and he'd forgive you." said Tay. The three girls laughed and joked for the rest of their visit at The Three Broomsticks. An hour had gone by and Evelyn noticed Grimm sitting in the courtyard reading a book. She approached him with careful steps, hoping to not distract him too obnoxiously.
    "Hey Grimm!" said Evelyn cheerfully as she walked up to him. Grimm lifted his head up.
    "Oh, hey. What're you doing here?"
    "I just wanted to ask you if you could maybe hang out tonight? I don't have any plans and I was hoping you didn't either." replied Evelyn.
    "Tsk, well you kinda came at the wrong time. It's Friday and every Friday, Cesily and I binge Full House Well, technically she makes me binge it with her, but it's better than studying." said Grimm. Evelyn's expression went blank for a minute. Was he just saying this because he was upset with her?
    "Oh, okay. Maybe another time then." she said before she could turn to walk away.
    "Hey, maybe you could join us?" said Grimm.
    "Grimm." she clasped her hands. "I am a Hufflepuff. I cannot just enter the Gryffindor common room."
    "...I never said it was in the common room." said Grimm as he smiled.
   "Oh. Then where are you watching the movie?" Evelyn asked.
    "I can't say. Just meet me on the training grounds around 7:00 pm." Grimm closed his book. "I need to get to transfiguration class. I'll see you around?"
    "S-Sure! See you until then." Evelyn said as he walked away. She wanted to apologize and say something else to him then and there, but words refused to climb up her vocals and escape. As of lately, it nearly felt impossible to speak to Grimm. Was it because he was disassociating himself from everyone, or was it her own fault for feeling that she was at fault for the little things she has said, done, and thought? Either way, she felt trapped in this communication based wall. She sat down on the same bench he was once sitting at, and just began to think, and imagine herself in a more confident aura. Later that night, Evelyn dressed out of her robes and wore only a casual outfit. She sat outside in the cool breeze as the sun began to sun. It looked as if the fallen wizards and witches were painting the sky. Oranges, yellows, pinks, and even blues flooded the sky like a hurricane. It was absolutely mesmerizing. The freckled blonde wished she could enjoy this sight for all of eternity. Scotland certainly did have a wondrous atmosphere, and golden hour was its peak.
    "Hey." said a familiar voice. It was Grimm. Evelyn turned her head around and stood up from the soft, green grass and greeted him.
    "Follow me." he said with a blank stare.
    She followed close behind him, occasionally looking at the horizon. Grimm only wore a black shirt, cargo shorts, and black tennis shoes. Why was he wearing black on such a warm day? That's a fashion curse, Evelyn thought. His face was unreadable. She stopped eyeing him for a minute only to see they were headed into a small patch of woods. Ahead of them was a short, but thick tree with what appeared to be a tree house at the top. Grimm grabbed the latter and began to climb up on it to enter the small home. Evelyn climbed up after him and viewed the room. There were bean bag chairs, rugs, curtains over windows, cans and bottles of soda and water, some clothes laying about, blankets, and a television with a DVD player.
    "Wow, full on man cave, huh?" said Evelyn, jokingly.
    "Yeah. We built it a while back. The second years and above were being rude to us as first years, so we first year Gryffindor's built this with the help of Hagrid. We come here when we need to." Grimm said with a smile. "There wasn't a lot of us. So it was just me, Ben, Rowan, Cesily, and Seraphina. But... Now it's just the girls and I."
   Evelyn eyed at him with a sombering look. She sympathized with him. During the first half of sixth year, Rowan Khanna had died by the hands of Patricia Rakepick. Grimm, Merula Snyde, and Ben Copper were battling the traitorous witch in the forbidden forest and she had casted one of the unforgivable curses at Ben. The killing curse, Avada Kedavra. But Rowan had followed them in a desperate attempt to protect them, to which he did. But he ended up dying as a sacrifice, pushing Ben out of the way before he could be struck by the evil curse. It put a massive effect on Grimm and everyone around Hogwarts. Due to the massive wave of sheer anger and melancholy, Grimm and Ben had a falling out. They haven't spoken since Rowan's death. Evelyn lifted her head and changed the subject to a more happy matter.
    "Wait, there are no outlets. How does the TV work?" Evelyn asked.
    "We use Accio. Electricity is expensive. Good thing we can use magic. It's not like we'll get in trouble either since we're still on the campus." Grimm said.
    "Smart. So, where is everyone?" asked Evelyn.
    "They'll be here later. They went to fetch some snacks for tonight." Grimm answered. He sat down in a red bean bag chair.
    "Hey, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Evelyn said as she sat down on one of the rugs. Grimm looked over at her.
    "I...I'm sorry for what I said a few days ago. I know how this investigation means to you. I hope I didn't make you too angry." she stated in a sad tone. Evelyn looked up at him. "You looked pretty upset when you stormed off." Grimm sighed and looked at her.
    "I'll be honest, I wanted to protest, but I heard something. I heard a familiar voice, it felt haunting, yet calming. I ran out to investigate it and was frustrated when I couldn't see or find anything." Grimm explained.
    "Whose voice was it?" Evelyn asked. Grimm looked down and choked on his words, wiping his forehead.
    "It was Jacob's."
    "What?" Evelyn asked, wide eyed.
    "I heard Jacob calling my name. It became more intense, more profound. Each minute I got closer, he got louder. That's why I haven't spoken to you or hardly anyone. It's... All I can think about. It gives me chills." Grimm's voice grew shaky and quiet. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just--" Before Grimm could finish, the trap door opened and up came Cesily, Tay, and Seraphina.
    "Oops, did we interrupt something?" Taryn teased. Cesily and Seraphina followed up with a chuckle.
    "Uh, no. Then again, a notice would've been nice." Grimm sneered.
    "Yeah, yeah. So Evelyn, you're joining us for binge night?" Cesily asked.
    "I suppose so. I've never done anything like this before. Or at least it has been a very long time since I have. I also had no idea Tay and Sera would be joining us." Evelyn stated as she glared at the two. They just smiled at her and stuck their tongues out.
    "Well, why are we still chatting? Let's start the show already before I fall asleep." Seraphina said impatiently. Cesily used Accio to start the television. It has been almost an hour since they watched the first season. Grimm noticed how everyone except for him seemed to be so in depth with the show. It was as if they were hypnotized. Why wasn't he the same way? He had been waiting for tonight all week; but, when he finally got the chance, it felt less exciting. As he thought to himself, he began to wonder if he would feel the same way if he would ever discover the whereabouts of his brother. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light.
    "What was that?" Tay asked in a worried tone.
    "Was it lightning?" Seraphina said as she sat up and looked around.
    Evelyn sat up and poked her head out of the window to see a bright light hanging in the sky, directly above Hogwarts. It got brighter and bigger, combusting and causing the Earth to quake terribly. The group hollered and began to panic. Grimm fell out of the window and landed on his side. He croaked in pain, his vision growing blurry. He could have sworn his ribs were broken. All he could hear the faint voices of his peers call his name as his hearing went from clear and precise to silent and dead. He closed his eyes and he saw nothing but darkness.
    "Grimm... Grimm..." said a quiet voice. Grimm couldn't answer. He could hear and see in this vision, but he couldn't speak. It was as if he was in some sort of paralysis. "I've risen, Grimm. The time is now!" the voice roared.
    Grimm's eyes shot open and he saw the four girls beside him, helping him up. The earthquake turned into a chaotic storm. Rain poured down immensely. Thunder and lightning cracked and ran throughout the sky like it was a horse race. Wind pushed down on everyone, like a pressure weight.
    "Protego!" Cesily yelled as she waved her wand. A large shield of blue grew around the group and they made their way back to Hogwarts. It only took a few minutes, but they eventually made it back in time before the storm worsened. Students gathered around in the main hall. Some students were conversing with each other; other students were in a panic about the situation.
    "What's going on?" Seraphina asked.
    "It appears as if there is some sort of birthday party going on, Miss Steinhauer." said professor Snape. "There's a storm happening and it's causing destruction and chaos. What else could it be?"
    "Guys, please put me down..." Grimm said meekly. He felt his legs fall beneath him and he fell onto his dirty palms, suddenly dry heaving. His eyes were bloodshot as he turned on his back, shaking. He felt hot, boiling, and his skin was flaring a red tint. Grimm's fingers dug into the cement floor.
    "Grimm!" Evelyn exclaimed as he fell.
    "GUUUUUUUUUURRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAAAAAAAAHHAGGGGHHH!" Grimm howled in pain. His body twisted and turned awkwardly, crunching and popping being heard all throughout his body. Wizards and witches turned their heads to the commotion and rushed over, only to be forced back by the staff.
    "What in the world is going on here?!" shouted one of the professors as they made their way through the crowd to get to the scene.
    "It's Nykan!" replied professor Hooch.
    The Professors that were there at the scene, which consisted of Flitwick, McGonagall, and Hooch. They gathered around to calm down Grimm.
    "Don't touch him." boomed a voice as it approached the scene in purple and golden robes.
    "STOP THE P A I N!" Grimm screamed. His voice sounded deep and ragged. His ears grew to a pointed arrow head-like shape. His deep blue ocean eyes transitioned into a cyan blue full of electricity, with his pupils turning into slits. He arched his back in pain, immediately punching the ground as an instant reaction. His fist slamming into the ground, causing it to crack and creating a pothole. His clothes began to shred as his body began to stretch, growing from a scrawny teenage boy, to the body of a boulder.. His muscles grew and his veins popped out. This made Grimm begin to cry in anguish. The pain was so surreal. It felt as if he was being impaled by his own spine. To him, this sensation felt as if rocks, pins, and needles were having a race in his body. In the middle of his chest, a bright blue X began to appear. As soon as the light disappeared, the symbol looked like nothing more than a large scar. Grimm stopped freaking out almost immediately and just relaxed onto the floor, panting heavily. The young boy's face was drenched in sweat, tears, mucus, and saliva. Everyone stared at the restless student, jaws dropped at this extraordinary change.
    "The race of Apoth." mumbled the once booming voice. It belonged to the one and only, headmaster Dumbledore.
    "Sir?" Hooch asked.
    "The birth of a lost race. Apothians." Albus Dumbledore stepped closer and got onto one knee, cleaning Grimm's face with a handkerchief and sitting him up.
    "The race of Apoth is a long lost collective race of mortals who would be granted powers from higher deities, particularly Norse gods. The race disappeared mysteriously over 5 centuries ago. Not much is known of their race, except the formation of their symbol that is upon their chest. It forms when they have officially been gifted the powers from the deities. That is, if they are seen as worthy." said Dumbledore.
    "But why Grimm? What is even going on?" Cesily asked. Truly, no one had any idea what was going on. Their classmate had just gone through what seemed like an ultimately traumatizing event and for what reason? And what was with the mention of gods? Hardly no one in the wizarding world believed in such a concept.
     "The Savior's weren't the ones to give him this beauty." said a voice from outside of the grand window. Everyone turned their heads to see the windows suddenly shatter. A bright light poured in, and appeared a tall, fit man. He had coal black hair, pale skin, and wore a jeweled, black robe. He lifted his head to reveal his bright green eyes, and wore half of a white masquerade mask that rested upon the right side of his face.
    "I did." said Jacob Harlis Nykan.
     "Jacob?" mumbled Grimm. His eyes widened as he wheezed. Dumbledore patted his back to relax him.
    "Hello, Grimm. I hear you've been searching for me." Jacob said as he walked towards his younger brother.
     "Only for six years." Grimm replied as he attempted to stand up, but McGonagall and Flitwick stopped him.
    "How did you get here? Zoro banished you!" Dumbledore stated.
    "I figured you'd know that question already, professor." Jacob replied sternly. "I've come for you, Grimm. I've gifted you with 10% of the power the Lost have given me. Eventually, you can become immortal like me, and we'll become gods. We can rule the world! We can avenge our parents. We can have what we have ever wanted! It's your destiny, Grimm! Remember when we were young and I said this to you on the playground? You and I can be one, once again!" said Jacob, as he reached out his hand. Grimm stared at him, confused. Why was Jacob going on about world domination? He had so many questions, but he didn't know where to start.
    "W-wait... You disappear for six years, and ask me to help you rule the world? You've been here for hardly a minute! You could have at least bought me dinner first!" Grimm said as he struggled to stand.
    "All I ever wanted was to see us become a family again. That's all I ever wanted... even ma and pa." Grimm said, his voice cracking.
    "We can, Grimm. Yet, you'd have to agree to rule beside me and bring this cruel world to its knees! We need to show this godforsaken planet that the respect for the gods has been lost, and we as new gods deserve to be worshipped. We deserve the happiness and glory we dreamt about as children." Jacob said.
    "I don't want that! That would require me harming those for something I want, and that's not how I roll. You can do what you want, but I won't participate in any of it. Just listen to yourself, Jacob!"
    Everyone silenced.
    "Stand down, and come home with us. With me, brother." Grimm said as he slowly approached his sibling.
    "It seems I've made a mistake. I expected better of you, Grimm. You've disappointed me." Jacob snarled. "You really are pathetic!"
    Jacob yelled as he raised his arm and swung it to the side, casting a large wave of green energy to hit Grimm with. Grimm gasped and jumped towards the side. The blast of energy destroyed the main hall's entrance, causing it to explode and create an immaculate hole in its presence. Grimm staggered upward and looked at his brother. Before the professors could cast their wands, Jacob jumped towards Grimm and grabbed him by his throat, punching him in the air and straight through the roof. Jacob launched himself after him, opening his hands and spewing what appeared to be like green lightning from them. He eventually reached up to Grimm before he could fall back down. Jacob grabbed what remained of his shirt and turned him over, back facing the ground.
    "Elektrisk slag!" Jacob shouted before the blasts of electricity pushed Grimm down into the ground, creating an impact crater. Grimm could feel himself fading in and out of consciousness, his breath becoming short and rapid. Jacob flew down to face him.
    "Tragic. Here you are, a part of a long lost race, and you don't even know how to use your powers. You don't even know how to summon your own våpen. That is something every Apoth knows instantly after transformation. Your instincts should have blocked my attacks." Jacob spat as he kicked Grimm in the face.
    "You always were weak, Grimm. I can remember the first time you dealt with that group of bullies. I had to deal with them for you. In the end I ended up killing them. I turned their bodies into dust. And you know what you did? Cry, like a pathetic waste of space!" He shouted as he slammed his foot into Grimm's gut. Grimm cried in pain, too weak to move.
   "You are nothing but shit. I don't see how we could ever be in relation. You are not worthy of being my brother or a god. You are my enemy, and I must kill my enemies before they get in my way!" Jacob said before lifting his leg to kick him again. Grimm grabbed his foot and held it, refusing to let Jacob harm him once more. His new biceps and triceps flexed intensely, veins popping slightly.
    "I...I AM NOT PATHETIC!" Grimm screamed as he suddenly lifted himself up. The two were suddenly surrounded by blue flames. Grimm pushed Jacob in the air and flew after him, trails of blue flame following behind him. He balled his fist up, reaching it back and nailing him in the face. This force of strength caused Jacob to fly across the sky, creating a sonic boom wave. Jacob used his mass to stop himself from flying any further. He felt at the right side of his face, feeling a thin crack in the center of his mask.
    "You'll pay for that." Jacob sneered. "Fare!"
    Jacob raised his arm and a long horizontal line of vivid light appeared. What was revealed before Grimm was a long, curved tip sword. Along the blade was glowing green Norwegian lettering that spelled out Fare. The handle had a spike attached to it at the end. Around the saber, waves of green energy produced amongst it. Its power was pressuring Grimm.
    "I won't use all of Fare's power on you since there's no point. As soon as this blade touches you, you'll die. After all, it's what you deserve for betraying your only family." said Jacob as he swung his arm to the side, unleashing a blast of energy at Grimm. The energy broke into many parts, spreading like arrow heads. Grimm dove down, but was struck by one of the arrows. It went through his arm and blood began to cascade down his bicep to his finger tips like a river. The new born Apothian cursed and held his arm as he shot his head up to eye his brother. His eyes flashed, glowing furiously. Grimm screamed Jacob's name as he flew towards him. An aura of white formed around him as he aimed his attacks towards his older brother. Grimm punched as fast and as hard as he could, but Jacob dodged every attack. He raised his sword to slice at Grimm, but was stunned to see Grimm grab it. He tried to remove the sword from his grasp, but Grimm held tightly. The saber cut into his skin but he refused to let go.
    "What?!" Jacob exclaimed confusingly. Grimm threw his sword to the side, causing Jacob to go flying with it. Grimm didn't throw as far as he anticipated, however. He could feel his body becoming weaker and more exhausted. Jacob turned to laugh at the boy's poor attempts to fight. "It appears your energy is draining, Grimm. It's just as I expected."
    "W-What do you mean?" asked Grimm.
    "Apothians can only use their max power gifted by the Saviors if they have at least 10,000% of energy. Right now, your energy is only at a measly 10%. My energy is at least a little bit over 9,000%. That's why I haven't even broken a sweat since this battle. I estimate that in about 15 minutes or less, you'll fall right down to the ground and either die or be close to dying." said Jacob. Grimm met his piercing green eyes with hurt and frustration.
    "Face it, you won't defeat me in time before you die. I honestly expected a more... exciting fight." said Jacob. "No matter. At least this battle is done and over with. I have more important things to do. But first... "
    Jacob turned to shoot a beam of energy from his hand towards the school.
    "NOOOOO!" Grimm screamed as he flew in front of the beam. He began to think of his friends and peers, the many lives that could be injured, or even lost, at this beloved school. He pressed his back against the front of the beam, feeling the energy sting and burn his body. He didn't exactly know what he was doing, but whatever it was, it seemed to work. Grimm looked to his side to see Jacob gone. That bastard, he thought. He turned around and used all of his might to turn the beam the opposite way from the school. Grimm shoved his fist through the beam of energy, burning his hand, and threw it like an Olympian would with a spear. It landed in a patch of woods and exploded, causing another crater in the ground. A huge gust of wind blew as an effect. Grimm turned to the school and flew back towards it, becoming weaker as he got lower. He laid himself in front of the main gates to Hogwarts. As soon as he landed, many professors ran to help him.
    "Madam Pomfrey, get him in the hospital wing!" ordered Headmaster Dumbledore.
    Many professors crowded him, picking him up and carrying him to the wing. It had been several hours since the incident. Everyone was talking about it. Evelyn, Tay, Seraphina, and Cesily sat outside of the hospital wing, waiting for news about Grimm's health.
    "So, are we not going to discuss what just happened?" Tay asked.
    "What can we talk about? I'm still confused about the whole thing." stated Cesily.
    "That battle was... Intense. I feel really worried, guys." said Evelyn, tapping her foot repeatedly.
    "Look at this mess! If Nykan had never come here, then none of this would have happened." said a sharp voice, t'was Danie Lopez, a well known Slytherin. She was popular within her house, but still rather very cruel to others. She and Merula Snyde had a lot in common, but even Merula knew when to stop. Danie is a latina girl with skin of a chestnut. Her hair was short, but curly. Glasses rested upon her face, sitting in front of her dark and sharp eyes.
    "He's probably dying, or something." said Ismelda Murk, another well known Slytherin. The girl has greasy black hair and a pale freckled face. Bags under her eyes were very existent due to the lack of sleep.
    "If he was dying, then it's well deserved. Now, let's head back to our common room. We have work to do for the ball committee." said Danie.
    "Yeah, I'm ready to go. If I don't, my inner zen will disappear." Evelyn sighed. "Will you guys let me know about Grimm's health if you hear anything?"
    "Yeah, totally." replied Seraphina. The rest ended up going back to their common rooms. Meanwhile, Dumbledore stood at the window inside his office, staring at the moon.
    "Headmaster?" said a low voice.
    "Come in, Professor Snape." replied Dumbledore.
    "I think we should make arrangements to speak about the incident tomorrow morning." Snape stated. "The student body will want some questions answered. As well as our newfound student teacher."
    "Perhaps. I will look into it. I am more worried about Jacob Nykan's arrival. We banished him to the spirit realm. How could he have possibly found his way out?" asked Dumbledore.
    "It may have to do with the tranquility and overall status of his abilities. Or as what students say these days," Snape raised his hands to move his fingers up and down to form quotation marks, "Who knows."
    Dumbledore walked over to his desk and opened up a safe, which contained a journal full of notes inside. He opened it and began to look over a few things held within the book.
    "We banished him to keep him safe from destruction. If he was even captured by the Ministry of Magic, then he would have eventually found a way out. Due to his immaculate prowess, I doubt we will be able to do such a thing again." Dumbledore stated.
    "What do you suggest we do?" Snape asked. Dumbledore raised his head slowly and closed his eyes.
    "Jacob Nykan has strayed too far from the path of holiness, gratitude, and peace. There is only one thing we may be able to do, but it'll be a lot of work." Dumbledore said as he closed his book.
    "And what is that?" Snape asked.
    "We need to contact Zoro again. Jacob Nykan needs to die." Dumbledore answered.
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worddevdealswithml · 5 years
Side-Effects Include:Empathy
He looked back at Marinette.  It was strange to think that the only reason he knew was because she’d been forced to take on a villain solo.  She’d risked her life, and yet, this was the effect of the fight that couldn’t be undone.
He realized he was staring, though she didn’t seem to be looking at him right now, and, blushing slightly, he turned to face front again.
Chapter 12:
The atmosphere in the class was quiet, the next day, and Adrien couldn’t blame them.  Sure, they’d had a day to process things, but it was a lot to process.  More to the point, despite the attention leveled on her, Lila had… Well, they said she’d gone missing.  Where, how, nobody seemed to really know.  A couple people had suggested that what she’d said about her parents being diplomats was true, and she’d caught a plane out early.  Her mother had, at least; a surprise vacation to Italy.  Suspicious.  Or, then again, maybe Hawkmoth shown up to save his most reliable weapon.  There were a few ideas… Some of the ideas were grim, but Adrien had to believe that those at least weren’t true.  Just rumors.
Rumors that, more to the point, there was no use dwelling on.
After all, Lila couldn’t work with Hawkmoth without risking her anonymity, even if she was still in the country.  At this point, she was reduced to simple human malice, and that at least had to be better than Volpina.
Adrien drummed his fingers on his desk, waiting for his train of thought to find a good place to stop, so he could finally leave the mess behind.
She was gone, or good as.
And her last gift had been…
He looked back at Marinette.  It was strange to think that the only reason he knew was because she’d been forced to take on a villain solo.  She’d risked her life, and yet, this was the effect of the fight that couldn’t be undone.
He realized he was staring, though she didn’t seem to be looking at him right now, and, blushing slightly, he turned to face front again.
He sat in front of Ladybug in class.  He fought supervillains with Marinette.  Until yesterday, both statements would have been surreal, even absurd.  Today…  They still were, honestly.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t imagine Marinette and Ladybug being the same person; even if he hadn’t felt it, seen it, he’d have said he could see the similarities.  For that matter, he had said it.  ‘Our everyday Ladybug,’ he’d called her.  In retrospect, that must have been truly surreal for her.
But… Marinette, his classmate, the girl who passed the time between classes by idly doodling beautiful designs in her sketchbook, swinging across Paris?  Throwing him across rooftops for a laugh?  The idea alone left him a bit lightheaded.
And, on the other hand, Ladybug, the unbreakable, unstoppable superhero, secretly being Marinette, one of the most human people he knew?  Had he come up with the idea, he’d have condemned it as wishful thinking.
And if, at some point, he’d combined the ideas with the thought that maybe she didn’t have a crush on Chat Noir, but she did on Adrien, then…  He’d have thrown the whole idea out as too good to be true.
Except, it was true.
So… Now what?
Of course, there was nothing stopping him from asking Marinette out.  Of course, he could do that, but then…
Weeks, months, years later, the two of them would surely reveal their identities to each other, at least when Hawkmoth was defeated.  And then what would he say?  ‘I’ve known who you are for years, without telling you.’  Yeah.  Right.
What would she think?
Well… What would he think?  Suppose Ladybug asked him out tonight, as Chat Noir, and he didn’t know what he knew.  If, in the distant future, it turned out that she’d asked him out after finding out he was secretly Adrien, would that be… A betrayal?
The problem was, though, that the two situations were different.  He could see Marinette being Ladybug, now that he knew it, but, if he told Nino, for example, that he was Chat Noir, it would sound like a joke. Chat Noir and Adrien were practically different people!
Not… Not actually different, obviously, it wasn’t like Chat Noir took him over, like some kind of alternate personality; it was still him, but the point was that when he was being Chat Noir, he didn’t have to be Adrien, so he wasn’t.
He’d found out that Ladybug was Marinette, and it had left him elated, but what about Marinette finding out that Adrien Agreste was secretly Chat Noir?  If their positions had been reversed, would Adrien gain anything, in her eyes, from being Chat Noir?  Would… Would being Chat Noir ruin how she felt about Adrien?
But then… She trusted him, implicitly.  Despite everything he was technically capable of, despite the fact that he could see directly into her heart… In a strange way, that was just as good as what he felt from Marinette.
So maybe it wouldn’t ruin it, but she at least deserved some warning, or else-
“You selling tickets?”
He blinked, and looked over at Nino, who shrugged, packing his supplies away (another class Adrien had almost entirely missed).
“I dunno, man, that emotional roller coaster you’re on looks pretty exciting.”
“I—” he started, before almost coughing a laugh, “Yeah…”
“Personally, my favorite part was the bit where you were just sort of smiling into the distance for a while; what was that about?”
“Ahh…” the sound trailed on, and Adrien gave him a sort of… unnerved ‘please don’t ask me about that’ look.
Nino shrugged.  “Well, if you want to talk about it, dude, just let me know.”
“Thanks.  Yeah, I uh… I’ll keep it in mind,” he said, even though there was no possible way he could tell Nino.
A few seconds passed.
“So,” said Adrien, mentally pulling himself together, “after everything that happened yesterday, I never even thought to ask about the necklaces you and Alya got.”
Nino let out a breath.  “Yeah… Yesterday was crazy, dude.  I mean, you know that, obviously.”  He shook his head, and reached up to his neck.  “Check it out.”
Adrien blinked.  “Huh.”
“Yeah, Alya thought it’d be funny if we switched them.”
“So I guess she’s wearing the turtle one?”
“Wait, but isn’t the turtle Miraculous a bracelet?  Didn’t you say matching necklaces?”
“I mean, yeah, but a matched necklace and bracelet doesn’t work quite as well.”
“Yeah… I suppose it doesn’t.”  Internally, Adrien felt there was something he’d just missed, but…  He shrugged it off, wondering what they’d do for him and Ladybug.  Would they stick with the original, or change them to be the same?  After all, both the ring and the earrings were iconic.  Surely all of Paris had to know exactly what Hawkmoth wanted.
Marinette hadn’t been at her best, per se; she’d said something about Chat Noir visiting, which Alya had pounced on, of course, and by the end of it, she was about half convinced that of her and Chat Noir, one of them at least liked the other, if not both.
Marinette had denied it (more or less accurately, since he didn’t know she was Ladybug) but having her poke at it helped Marinette, and probably Alya too, for that matter, forget about yesterday, so on average, she was pretty sure it came out to a net gain.
It felt like it was so long ago.
Personally, Marinette would have felt much more comfortable if it was long ago.
But, for now, it was yesterday, and it felt like there was a light fog over everything.
A fog that, in a strange twist meant that she didn’t even notice Adrien sitting on one of the benches between the lockers.
“Hey Marinette!” he said, cheerily, as she approached.
“Ah!  Hi!  Adrien!” she said, grasping frantically for her composure.  Grabbing hold of the one thing she could find, she managed to respond more adequately.  “You, seem to be in a pretty good mood.”
Adrien smiled, and Marinette suddenly understood what ‘beaming’ was; the room seemed brighter for it.
“Of course I am, I just saw you!”
Marinette let out a strangled noise, face rapidly approaching the shade of a strawberry.  “Oh,” she squeaked, at least an octave higher than her normal voice.  “Th- thank you!”
He laughed, lightly, and Marinette wasn’t sure if the room really was getting brighter, or if her consciousness was just fading.
“Aw, come on Marinette,” he said, standing up, pulling his bag around, “you shouldn’t thank me.”
“O-  Oh?”
“No!” he lightly pressed a hand onto her shoulder.  “Telling the truth isn’t anything special.  It’s just something we’re all supposed to do.”
“Aahh~” she managed, as he slipped past her, and out the door.
The encounter couldn’t have taken more than half a minute.
Marinette thankfully managed to land on the bench, and tried to breathe.
She really hoped nobody was about to come in.
It was almost unfair.
All of it, was almost unfair.
The first unfair thing, was that she could laugh off just about anything Chat Noir said, but had been utterly annihilated by just a few words from Adrien.  He could have been doing it this way the whole time!
The second unfair thing was to her; in truth, it probably classified as taking advantage of her…  Well, except for the fact that she was definitely dying of happiness, rather than anything negative.
The third unfair thing was how obscenely adorable she was when she was flustered.  Maybe he was getting her flustered, but there was no denying that her reaction, the sound she’d made as he’d walked past her, the raw, untempered emotional deluge he’d felt when he’d touched her shoulder, the shade of red her face had been…
He’d need to lie down when he got home.
He’d need to lie down, and breathe.
Frankly, she’d probably need to as well, but she’d be handling that part for herself.
He could probably arrange to be at her house, as Adrien, in time to help her with that part.
Oh god.
Cuddling with Marinette.
He didn’t know what exactly that would do to him, but he was pretty sure he wanted to find out.
He might die, but he’d die happy.
But he couldn’t do that, yet.
Because the fourth unfair thing was that he had to wait.
Specifically, he had to wait one more night.
Because he needed to tell Marinette what he knew, before he could do anything in good conscience, events of a few minutes ago notwithstanding.
This might be the longest night of his life.
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V3 Boys + S/O Sleeping After Big Meal
How about the V3 boys reacting to their s/o falling asleep after a big meal? BTW you did a good job Mod Atua!
im either gonna link the girls version of this later, or forget because im a lazy son of a heck doing most of this on mobile.
also thanks for the praise fhdhdjduhddjshaaa
-Mod Shuichi
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Kiibo was just... watching you eat, like normal since he didn’t have the ability to eat himself, so he... watched, it felt slightly unnerving but you had talked to him while you were but...
He felt slightly jealous he had to admit, you were eating a lot for today, more than usual at least and... yawning a bit more than usual too- ohmygodyousuddenlyfellasleep.
“AAAAAAA” What does he do?! WHAT DOES HE DO?!
“aaah-?” You blinked, yawned again and stared at him screaming, which wasn’t helping you take a nap...
“kiibo what the hell are you doin.”
“AAAA- S—S/O! You just fainted on me, I was frightened to say the least, how could you just suddenly fall asleep on me like that...?”
You blink, so that’s what you were doing, god wish you could do it some more, you pick yourself up, apologizing quietly, before getting lectured by your boyfriend who can’t even sleep about the importance of it.
Shuichi Saihara
You had went out to a cafe he had recommended to you, it was a calming place really, everything about it had been quite... relaxing indeed...
Really relaxing, then the food was really good too, the best part was watching Shuichi sip at the tea (extra sugar too.) he ordered and talking with him...
So... So calming, your heart felt at rest, so... a lil’ nap wouldn’t hurt right? You slunk down towards your seat, and began to go to bed...
Shuichi... noticed quickly, he wondered if he should have woken you or just left you to sleep, but you looked really... at peace.
He held in, placing his coat over you as you quietly rested over the table comforted by the newfound warmth.
Shuichi even pulled your plates away so you could sleep comfortably, it wouldn’t be too good for your back though so he would have to allow it for only a bit longer...
“shuuuuichiii,,, wub... yooou...”
“I love you too.”
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma Hoshi has never cooked for you before, so it was a real surprise when he told you he made something just for you, and only you.
You had to approach this calmly, savor every living moment of it, especially since Ryoma seemed doubtful about the entire concept- you could see it with how he was... pulling his hat down as you ate... so you had to... for Ryoma!
Trying to eat as much as you could, was it a pain? Somewhat, but it was for his sake so you pulled though, and though!
Wasn’t like his food tasted bad either, it was good! Not great? But good.
Wow, was it always so tiring to eat this much? It is, isn’t it. Oh my god.
You did not think this though, you set towards the table about to bash your head against it, but a soft mushy feeling stops you...
“... Jeez, are you okay? I didn’t do anything to the food... you got a long way to go, I can’t believe ya’ fell asleep after that...”
You drift off to sleep before you can respond...
Waking up, it’s on the top of your couch, you have a blanket over you and everything... what were you doing? It felt important...
Meh. You go back to bed for at least five more minutes...
Kaito Momota
Kaito was already worrying, entirely about the bags under your eyes, you wearily explained how you just stayed up last night... but Kaito could see why, night is when most of the stars come out! How can he hold that against you?
Then you tell him you didn’t have breakfast either, well- damn, that makes it so he gets something for ya’, he had some leftovers from yesterday so it’s no big deal!
Wasn’t like the food he brought out was that bad either, he’d promise he try to get something better for you if you didn’t like it, so you took what you got and... ate, problem solved-!
Luminary of the Stars fixes everything yet again!
... then you fell asleep, at the table.
Kaito didn’t... notice at first, until he looked at you real closely, that didn’t worry him though, he just swooped you in his arms...!
Kaito’s genius plan? Simple, both of you on the couch, both nap, both happy and well-rested! Genius.
That’s right, he’s taking a nap with you, you can’t argue against it!
Kaito would put his jacket over the two of you, and huddle close to his favorite person on the world, grinning to himself.
Sweet dreams!
Rantaro Amami
Oh boy... he came over just cuz’ you invited him for lunch, how could he possibly refuse?
He really wasn’t expecting to have you fall asleep after eating everything you prepared... well, this wasn’t all that planned out at all.
He shook you into a semi-awareness, of course he would, what else would he do?
Sleeping here isn’t good, it’s bad for your back.
“C’mon S/O, I’ll bring you up to your bed just stay with me for a second or two...”
“Should’ve thought about that before sleeping on me, hm? We can have a date another time.”
He takes ahold of your shoulder, hup, he carefully brings you up to your bedroom, then place you on the top of the bed.
Rantaro texts you later upon the whole endeavor, thankfully it’s as simple as that, he even plans a proper lunch date for another time.
Gonta Gokuhara
You had been practicing day and night how to properly eat with most silverware, you hadn’t known half about this until now but you and Gonta had been invited to an important party, so you both tried to get into your most tip-top gentleperson personas as you could!
What you forgot was, people need sleep to function, it’s just the natural order of things, sleep is needed to live.
It didn’t help you were already tiring yourself out with telling your precious gentle giant about how to be on his best behavior, what not to do...!
You didn’t mention sleeping, it was right after the meal, you couldn’t take it so... you fell asleep.
Luckily enough, beside your side was Gonta who saw you tip over towards his side, leaning on his shoulder letting out a quiet snore...!
Gonta picked you up into his arms, excusing you and himself from the formal party, while being gentlemen important, S/O matters first!
Kokichi Ouma
Everything about it? Suspicious, Kokichi called you over tomorrow, that usually meant he was trying to prank you in someway, so you kept your guard up...
You ended up not sleeping a wink out of pure terror.
He promised that wasn’t the case, does he really have the face of a liar S/O?
Kokichi just wants to love-love his precious soulmate he even made you a meal... so you... dropped your guard, a mistake, an awful mistake.
You felt your eyes start to close, your boyfriend asking if your dying on him, then the world becoming nothing more than a swirl as you give in to the land of rest...
You wake up in the front of your house without anything but a note on the top of your head to tell you what’s happening, or what just possibly happened to get you here...
“dropped you off I dunno where ur keys are tho lol, so I dropped you off in front of the house :P”
It says that... despite... how your boyfriend knows how to lockpick, that son of a...-!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
How fascinating, he didn’t think it was true, right now you were snoring on his table, holding onto a lone fork in front of a large meal that had been prepared...
Korekiyo has wondered if such a thing was possible, indeed it had, he believed he’d read a book upon a myth about a princess eating an apple, before falling asleep only to be waken by true love’s kiss but...
No your only asleep, he can tell you can easily wake with how sluggishly you groan whenever he shakes you slightly, Korekiyo stares down at you, takes out his notebook and pen then begins to write down your sleeping patterns, it’s useful to have this information on hand afterall...
Yes, quite interesting to know indeed if the two of you ever come to share a bed if you come to live together...
You continue to sleep, blissfully unaware of the world around you, nor the man writing how your currently snoring.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
I'm A Girl - Martin x Reader Drabble (Untogether)
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Gif credit: @benmendo as eveerr...! Author’s Note: As requested by @shantellorraine I hope you enjoy!! 😘😘😘💕💕💕 And THANK YOU for requesting! This thing has been in my drafts since the end of April---! UGH! And I knew the whole thing and then subsequently wrote it in two days. Why I don’t write things the second I have the idea I will never know... ANYWAYS! @stcphstrange @beany-ben @mfolcore @alotofrandomfangirling HEY! #MartinSquad! Surprise! 😘😊💙💜 If you guys thought I couldn’t find a song for everything... You’d be WRONG!  
Disclaimer: As usual, I don’t own any of the characters ‘cept Ms.Reader character. I have never had a Tim Tam in my life but I am assured they are great.  We have an English equivalent that I like so...? I assume they’re good. ...You just gotta trust me on Ribena, okay?!
Premise (As Requested): I was wondering if you could write a one shot of Martin taking care of the reader when she is on her period? That part in the movie was so sweet and the reader deserves it more than Tara does lol.
Words: 2568
Warnings: A teeny-tiny bit of swearing / General PMS nonsense 
I can rock a Target tank top, Gucci sunglasses, Cheap flip flops And still look like a million bucks to you You know it’s true... I'm the queen of my own planet And you wouldn't understand it... ...I’m an expert at chocolate and Chinese food And that time of the month, I feel sorry for you I’m a pain, it's a shame Ain’t a thing that you can do Cause I'm moody, attitudey And you can't say nothin' to me
Cause I’m a girl, Oh yeah I can get a free drink for flippin' my hair Or stay home, with a bottle of wine and you I’m a girl, I got skills I can dance all night in five inch heels And make you feel like the luckiest boy in the world Cause I’m a girl
This was probably the 15th time in five minutes you had let out a groan like that. To Martin all it said was pay ATTENTION to me!! He knew why, but he also knew that if he paid too much attention to you, you wouldn’t like that either and you’d probably end up kicking him. Not hard. Just with a sulky pout, arms folded across your lower abdomen. Because that was the real problem, let’s be honest. Still, you’d probably yell at him if he didn’t show you come kind of affection…. He swung around the bedroom door; “You okay?” “NO.” Here we go…! “Well, you didn’t sound it. But I had to ask didn’t I?!” You turned your head to glare at him. He was going to be in trouble no matter what he said, so he thought he might as well go for it. “…Are you being… Serious?!” “No…” Martin gave you a grin that again made you glare. He noticed you were wearing a pair of his track pants and a workout shirt. Yeah, today was a bad day.  “Buuuut… I figured maybe there was something I could help with.” “I dunno…” you stretched tenderly, but then hissed gently placing your hands just below your stomach. “…I mean I took an ibuprofen but… it’s not really DONE a whole lot.” “Aw… Sweetheart…” He tentatively stepped over to you, watching your reactions. But now you just looked pouty again.  Martin sat himself on the edge of the bed “You sure? I’m sure there’s gotta be something I can do.” “…No.” “No?” “Nope.” He took your hands in his, kissing your knuckles gently. There was probably something he could do. Later you’d also probably get annoyed he hadn’t done it. But he was a simple guy and not a mind reader.  He’d think on it, hopefully figure it out before you did. “You can stay here all day, if you wanna…?” Notice that he had voiced it as that kinda question and not the ‘are you GOING to stay here all day’ he meant. You removed one of your hands from his and touched his face delicately; about as delicate as you felt, before pulling him towards you and laying his head on your chest, he wound his arms gently around you as you stroked your fingers through his hair. “Why is this always the worst!?” He laughed “Because you’re a woman? I guess…” You tugged his hair as a warning, but couldn’t help but smile; “Uh. Oh God. Yippee…” He couldn’t help but laugh harder as he gently rubbed your stomach “Something… there’s gotta be something…” “…No… I’m sure there’s… Not.” You sighed, sounded restless. It was weird, you wanted to do so much. But all at once you also didn’t feel like it. Yesterday had been okay, you’d gone into town with him, cuddled his arm; whined a little but after an hour you wanted to come home. Martin has obliged. Of course, he had. He always did. That man had the patience of a Saint… But maybe he was asking you if there was anything he could do, so that he could do something? But then you didn’t understand why Martin always felt the need to sacrifice his happiness to make sure you were okay? Or did he? Maybe making sure you were okay was his happiness. Maybe he was trying to make sure you weren’t about to do something really dumb; like leave him. Oh, you’d heard all about her. But you weren’t her. And you wanted to prove that. He propped himself up on his elbows, to study your face. Those blue eyes of his mischievous; “What?” the tone you took was amused so he opted to continue, pushing himself onto his hands he kissed you. This time when you groaned it was with significant improvement, as you wound you arms around him, wiggling your body up into his. Biting his lip caused him to growl and the kiss continued to deepen. “Martin…” You groaned his name, your voice just edging sinful.  This was a bad idea he knew, and you knew. But here you were anyway… “F**k! Oh god! Sh*t!!” You pushed him off you and sprinted to the bathroom suddenly, as you felt another series of cramps set it. Leaving him a little bewildered he glanced to the mirror quickly, shirt crumpled, hair a mess. He took a deep breath and slid off the bed onto his feet, smoothing his hair back he pulled his white shirt into place and walked into the corridor. To hear another frustrated yell and a box thrown out of the bathroom and against the wall. Possibly a little too hard. Right now you didn’t care. You sat on the side of the bath, head in your hands and groaned again. Martin rolled his eyes; okay now what? NOW what. He was very slow and cautious as he moved down the corridor again. He picked up the empty box. Oh. He turned to you, now sliding down the side of the bath and curling into a ball on the floor. Raising an eyebrow, he tapped on the door. “Y/N…” “Yeah-” Well it was barely a yeah, and it was muffled under your hands. “Baby, do you want me to go back into town…?” He shook the empty box at you “This seems… Important…” You looked up at him, weakly, as if you were about to burst into tears; “Would you!?” “Umm hmm…!” He looked at the box carefully, trying to commit it to memory “…Are these the ones?” “Right now I’d take ANYTHING!” Martin didn’t like that you also sounded on the edge of tears. He nodded, “Okay. I won’t be long I promise.” His walk to you was quick and he kissed your forehead. “Stay here. I know this is a dumb thing to say. But try to get comfortable. Ok? I promise I’ll be right back gorgeous.” He added a wink, and ran from the room. He took the stairs nearly three at a time, grabbing his wallet and keys, already typing in the nearest drug store into the app on his phone. He knew it wasn’t far, hell he knew the way but right now there couldn’t have been a bigger emergency! And he couldn’t have been too sure! **
He arrived back promptly. You were now downstairs curled up on the couch and still looking sorry for yourself. He set about 5 boxes down in front of you; “I wasn’t about to get the wrong type.” “... oh my god...” you murmured it “...you are a Godsend Martin. You really are!” He almost giggled and you saw red cross his cheeks, “No, it’s... Anything for you... right...?” You reached out for a box but winced, clutching your lower abdomen with your other hand “oh...!!! I feel like I’m dying..!!” You lamented, clearly having a bout of melodrama. He stifled his laugh well as you pretended to cry “This is hell.” “I’m sure.” Martin sat on the arm of the couch and his eyes flicked to the wine glasses and bottle; “Are you sure that’s gonna help?” He asked, eyebrow raised “Oh god. I don’t know. I’m at the point where I’ll try anything... besides one glass is for you...?” He sighed gently and stroked a hand through your hair, indicating to the box you were now holding “You go... do whatcha gotta do and come back here. I got a few ideas...” “Better than mine?” “Better than alcohol, yeah...!” He picked up the rest of the bottle as you rolled yourself off the couch and trudged to the bathroom again. You were slow, your body bent like you really were dying.
Martin shook his head after you, grinning and poured himself a glass, as you’d been sweet enough to get him one despite your ‘condition’. Periods were the worst. He knew that. But he also knew how to work around your mood swings and when you were coming up to one. He didn’t need that tiny star you marked out every month to tell him anything. Just the way you’d suddenly get overly affectionate. How for about a week you’d insist you had to get on the dance floor with him just to grind up against him and show him off. So you could look pretty and wait for men to offer you drinks. That was so Martin didn’t pay anything; “What?! No, you spent enough getting us IN here.” LA was ridiculous. “... All I have to do is sit up at that bar for five minutes. Free drinks!” You would always turn to him with a wink “Do you want anything?” But then it would set in like this. And that wasn’t a problem either, because then Martin would get to look after you. And he sure loved doing that. 
He stood taking the bottle and glasses back to the kitchen. He took a sip. Not the best. But not bad... passable. By the time he was back in the living room you were back on the sofa, legs dangling over the edge of the couch as you lay lengthways. The TV was now on.  “C’mere...” He was trailing a blanket with him that he threw over you, tucking you in. “I hate seeing you like this! You make me feel like I can be doing almost ANYTHING else.” You mumbled a gentle thank you as he kissed your forehead. Then you heard the microwave ping; “Popcorn?” “… Really?!” Martin shook his head, sounding a little bit exasperated. “Yeah that’s the first thing I thought of wasn’t it...” He placed a bar of your favourite chocolate on the coffee table. “That aughta cheer you up!” “OH! Chocolate AND Mike Wolfe?! How could I refuse?!” He called back “Who?!” Making you chuckled as you broke off a piece of the bar; “You’ll see...!!!”
 When he came back to you again you realised why the microwave had pinged. And you covered your face for a minute, he was just... so cute. Sooo cute. “You... I don’t think anyone has made me a hot water bottle since I was ten!!” “Well. I’m not anyone and I gotta take care of you.” “Oh... Martin... thank you...” He wasn’t sure if you were welling up because you were overcome with emotion, or you were overcome with emotion because of your current state. He’d take either. “Oh sweetheart...” his voice was so soft too... “Don’t cry...” he brushed his lips gently against yours and he could taste the sugar already, making him laugh; “You wasted no time on that then!” “Look. If you leave it anywhere near me you know it’s gonna be gone when you turn around, right?” He shook his head at you, making sure you were nice and warm before he got up AGAIN. This time you whined and reached back for him “Don’t leave meeee...!!” “Final time, baby, I promise...”
This time he did actually mean it and he settled into the couch himself, before pulling your blanket cocoon until your head was nestled in his lap. When that was done, he carefully set down the glass of steaming purple liquid. You were curious right away “What is that?!” “Ribena.” “... sorry...!? What?!” “Is that not a thing Stateside?! Geez. You need to get better taste in drinks.” “Is that for me?!” “Yeah. Hot Ribena. It helps. I’ve picked up a thing or two. And that...” He pointed at it “Swear by it. I would swear by it from what I’ve witnessed. But I’m not female, so I don’t want to tell you I know first-hand!” “... but what is it!” “It tastes like blackcurrent. You’ll like it honest!” “Direct from Australia?!” He nodded, looking proud of himself “It’s British but... yeaaaah. This particular bottle is from Australia.” You sat up just enough to take the glass. Your first sip was delicious. Even though it was hot. The warm liquid seemed to do the trick. “Oh! Okay. God bless your heritage!” That made him laugh “See! And you always laugh at me for going into the foreign aisle in the supermarket!” “Cuz it’s so freakin’ expensive!” “True. But there’s a lot of good there.” He gave a shrug, watching you sip the glass, thoughtfully, but with a smile on your face.  “Like I say though. That’s from home.” “I thought you only ever brought back confectionary.” “Yeah. Well, they all go before I even get much of a chance to eat one.” You grinned, hardly regretting it “Tim Tam's are the best.” He nodded his agreement “Tim Tam's ARE the best.” Then he realised why you had previously mentioned Mike Wolfe. He knew somewhere in the back of his head that name rang bells. On the tv was yet another episode of American Pickers. “THIS show again?!” “Hey! I don’t judge you for the Dog Whisperer do I?! Besides I think you’ll find this show is very interesting!” “Oh yeah. Cuz you’re watching for the show.” “Well...” You managed through another mouthful of chocolate, noticing a substantial shift in pain, it was dulling (you weren’t sure if that Ribena stuff was magic or not), now you were sat here like this and Martin has done all the hard work, “Mike Wolfe is pretty freakin’ hot.” “Oh. You think.” Martin crossed his arms with a slight jealous pout. You swallowed your mouthful with a smirk and took another sip “... Yeah. I do like a hot older man. That’s for sure. Very appreciative of that! I have to say.” “Uh huh.” You stretched, still smiling “I mean look how excited he gets at a good pick. And those snap glasses are just... oh.. baby...” There was a slight growl from your boyfriend but he said nothing more. Which made you giggle. “Of course, he has absolutely NOTHING on you. I mean Geez. No one does. Take about lucky.” Martin couldn’t help but laugh “Yeah, yeah, okay! You’re not so bad yourself!” He gave a cheeky wink which made you smack his arm. “Feel better?!” “Much! Thank you! Now hush! Mike is talking!”
  Though he had to admit it was a very immersive programme. And he secretly loved the way your eyes would light up at something you found interesting. Or when you would giggle at Mike being “cute”. He heard another snap from the chocolate bar and your sudden quiet “oh...” before you nudged him. ”Huh? What is it sweetheart..?” He looked down, and you were handing out a piece to him; “It’s the last piece.” “Oh-!” There was significance in that “oh no-! I-!l” but your hand was insistent, so he took it delicately from you; “Thank you...” He hesitated, “Are you sure you want to give me your last piece of chocolate?” You nodded “You’re worth it. I’d give you my last piece.” You laugh “You put up with this! You can have my last anything!” Martin smiled gratefully as he bit into it. Savouring the taste. It was good chocolate; you did sure know how to pick your favourites! He hummed, satisfied, as you took his hand and kissed the back of it;  “You sure know how to pick ‘em…” You smiled against his skin and he couldn’t help but smile too. You couldn’t help but think how right he really was, talking about himself or not. “I know…”
--- At least ONE person laughed at the Mike Wolfe thing... right?! 😏😉
Go ahead and look him up... You probably won’t be disappointed! 
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eyesaremosaics · 5 years
Got a very sad phone call yesterday. My first love (who remained one of my best friends for a decade after our connection ceased to be romantc) phoned me to say he is very ill. He was born with a disease, which has now gotten past the point of no return. He is deeply depressed, listless, and tired of fighting. This was the first time we have spoken in a year— after a falling out we had a few years back... he called to tell me that he is dying. Essentially he has only one option left available, and it’s very risky and experimental, if he misses a dose—then there really is nothing they can do. He has decided to stop taking his medicine, which means he has maximum four years left to live.
A series of complex emotions have been plaguing me ever since yesterday. Numb disbelief, shock, anger, confusion, understanding, and deep unconditional love. This is devastating news. I wonder why when faced with our own mortality... only then so we realize just how much people have meant to us in our lives.
He was one of my best friends for over 15 years... that is more than half my life. He was the first boy I ever fell in love with... there is always something special about the first time you feel that emotion, because it is all so new and consuming. I gave my virginity to him, we survived so much together, and he was the only one of my old flames that I was able to reconcile my differences with and salvage a friendship with... a really... important friendship.
I feel heartbroken and devastated that he is choosing death over life, but it is his life, and I won’t invalidate his pain. Who am I to tell him he shouldn’t feel the way he does? After all he has suffered? With all that was denied him. All that he can never have. He needs someone to hear him, and understand him, and I do. I always have. That’s why I fell in love with him all those years ago in the first place.
I know he could get better if he wanted, but he doesn’t want to. “I’m tired of feeling like an accessory in other people’s lives.” He feels like he has lived for other people since he was thirteen years old... when he first discovered he was sick. After being adopted... to inherit a life sentence like that... it’s enough to make anyone bitter to say the least. It’s just sad. There is nothing I can do now, except love him, and let him go.
We always want people to stay with us, because of our selfish feelings of wanting to experience them. Yet we don’t have to live their life, and if someone is really ill, and in a lot of pain, they shouldn’t have to stay just because we aren’t ready to let go of them. It has been hard for me to make peace with his decision, but it is his choice to make. Going through the stages of grief right now, and a lot of memories are coming up strong. Memories I locked away, and forced myself to forget.
Thinking about all my failed relationships in general today, and trying to find the gift I got from each of them. This person took me under their wing when I was a freshmen in high school. After being bullied so mercilessly in middle school, I was petrified of high school. He saw my value immediately, and went out of his way to greet and include me. He was so popular, that being his kid sister offered me some measure of protection. He saw my worth, when I didn’t, and went out of his way to spend quality time with me, he was genuinely interested in who I was as a person, and would sit and listen to me for countless hours on the phone, sharing every thought in our heads. He was brutally honest, wether I wanted to hear it or not, and so I believed him when he let me know that he saw me... and that He was glad I existed.
He understood me, better than any other boyfriend I’ve had. My deep pain and alienation, he secretly always felt that way too. As an Aries, he is my opposite sign, but no other sign understands the deep loneliness Libra’s feel like Aries does. It’s an unspoken, deep rooted commonality between them, different as they are in all other areas. In fact that was what endeared us to one another I think. We shared the same pain, and it created a kinship.
He could see and feel my pain, and often we were able to comfort each other without having to say anything. The romantic connection was a tragic one, because of his illness it was very “Edward Scissorhands”, we could never really be together. He was always pushing me away, and he had so many others girls in his web it made me feel inadequate and insecure. Truthfully, I chose to devalue myself and let his rejection crush my self esteem over time. but the truth is, he inspired me so much as an artist. He encouraged me to go out and create. He is so talented at so many things, with so many gifts, and truly... he has a good heart.
Even when things were bad between us, he never raised his voice to me, never called me a name, always spoke to me with respect and kindness. Never once hung up on me, he is far too noble to ever do that to anyone. I often kept him on the phone for ages because I knew he would never hang up. He has strong morals and principles, and he lives rigidly by them. We both have strong characters, with high morals and expectations of others, so we were always disappointed in people. My love went unrequited it seemed, as he outright refused to commit to me, but I do know that He really cared about and respected me. Whenever he got a girlfriend who was jealous of our connection, he would always put them in their place and say: “she’s my friend. She’s very important to me, and she’s not going anywhere, so you will just have to deal with that if you want to be with me.”
He never abandoned me when I needed him. He dropped everything to come and be with me at two in the morning on more than one occasion. The romance may not have gone well, but he was always a good and loyal friend. When I went through my abortion, the Capricorn I was dating at the time took off to party while I was home crying and clutching my belly in agony, but the other person called, and was there for me. “Megan, where is your boyfriend during all of this?”
“I dunno. Out with his friends,”
“Then you need to leave him. No man will not stick by his woman through this.”
I began to cry softly at these words. Feeling at that time, so alone and unloved. His voice grew soft with sorrow as he said: “i’m sorry Megan, you always deserved better than anyone was able to give you.”
I think the feelings were mutual once. We grew very close when he was away at film school on the east coast, and I was still a junior in high school. He always had excuses for why he didn’t want to be with me, because there was clearly intense physical attractions those days, but his true feelings betrayed him. When I went to visit him at his apartment in Pennsylvania... he had photos of me...all over his house. In every room almost, (more than any other girl friend of his). I remember being in shock. In those days, I loathed relationships, the idea of getting married. I had no desire to want to have children or what have you. Granted I was only 13-14, but as soon as I met him, I saw myself wanting to be his wife. I just got him, and he got me, but his infidelity with other girls was always what crushed me. That was where the seed of taking drugs was planted, in the wake of not feeling good enough for this person I was so in love with. It was my choice, no one else is responsible for my actions, but these events influenced my choices for sure. He was very popular with women, and had a ton of female friends he very obviously had flirtations/relationships with. Some people are just not meant to commit to monogamy I guess, I often wondered if he was one of those.
But as we got older, and the romance dwindled away. The only way I got over him, after six years of pining and crying myself to sleep every night... was falling in love with the narcissist. Soon as they painted the picture of the ideal partner, I let go of the unrequited relationship I had prior. He noticed too, and soon as I was gone, I think he realized what he lost. Though... it was always complicated. When I wanted to give my life up to be with him, he couldn’t go through with it, and before anything could really happen, he ran away into the bathroom, locking himself in to cry where I couldn’t see him. He said to me: “I can’t do it. I can’t ruin your life.”
He used to look at me sadly sometimes. I could see this longing in him for connection. He would brush my hair out of my face, and have this moment of silence where he would look at me very intently.
It was a toxic connection to be sure. We were both suicidally depressed teens, wallowing together, but he really did know me. I think he knows me better than anyone, even Jeanne. He trusted me, and I trusted him. He never hid the other girls from me, and he was always very clear with me about us not being together, at least at first. He thought I was too young. He was a senior when I was a freshmen, and he kept me at bay because it made him feel uncomfortable, but once I was older, I got caught in a love triangle with him and a Pisces girl. I knew she was all talk and wouldn’t last, and she didn’t. I know he loved her though, and she fucked him over, just like I knew she would. He still chose her over me, and that was the first time I tried to kill myself.
Again, I realize now, how incredibly toxic and unhealthy I was myself... I wish I had been strong enough to take it in stride, but I had no skills or coping mechanisms for pain back then. All I had was substance abuse. I do remember, I never took drugs, not until he rejected me, that was the turning point where this whole nightmare began. Well, actually it Began with my father and was reinforced by that.
My point is, he vaguely brought up how much damage he realized he did to people. I know he always felt guilty about me. His care for me was deep, and genuine, though never the same as mine. He saw me as a sister, but later when I was older her saw me differently for a moment, then I realized our connection was familial, like he was an older brother. Maybe we were meant to love each other in that way, not romantically. So I let it go, and after many talks, we cleared the air and were able to be friends. He was very considerate of my feelings though. He never spoke about girls he was involved with, he knew that would crush me, and only after years of friendship, when my feelings subsided, were we able to talk freely about people we were dating with no hurt feelings. It was liberating to reach that place with someone. To go from being madly in love, to being like family.
He was there through it all. My miscarriages, my abortion, the sociopath, the abuse, allmy different houses etc. after a while I became like his mom, nagging him to go to his dr. Appointments and to eat a carrot once in a while. He would always roll his eyes and say: “yeah yeah”. Our dynamic was playfully argumentative, like one of those witty screwball comedies in the 1930s. He was a riot, boy he could make me laugh.
We talked everyday for ten years, and then something changed. I barely survived the connection with the sociopath, and he got out of a bad situation too, but I fell in love again, with another Scorpio, who was 7 years older... someone who actually wanted to commit to me, to get married and start a life... I hardly knew how to take it, I had always been “the other woman” before... no one ever wanted to commit fully to me before. I was so starved for love and attention of this kind, that I would do anything to keep it. This new person... I may have tested their boundaries with my substance abuse, but I knew his infidelity issues were REALLY deep, and he felt threatened by my friend, and do I cut him out to save my relationship.
I felt guilty about it the whole time. This other person had always been there for me no matter what, and may not have been a good lover, but was a true, blue friend, and I abandoned him. He felt very hurt and betrayed obviously. For he had stood up to other girls for me, and I did not do the same for him. I just wanted my relationship to work so bad, I thought it would be worth the sacrifice.
Rhstvrelstionship was very volatile, and it was really good in some ways, and really bad in others. As our relationship wore on. I felt guilty for leaving this person behind me, and I finally worked up the courage to tell my partner, and ask if I could reach out and apologize and try to rebuild my friendship. That was the beginning of the end I think. He was on his way out anyway. I did reach out to my friend, and he was really hurt and unwilling to patch things up. We talked it out, and he said he would try, but he felt really unsure about it. He felt I abandoned him, when he needed a friend most. He had some serious shit going on at the time, but we were in one of our many dumb fights, and he never reaches out, so I just stopped.
It doesn’t matter. We patched things up, he had this new girlfriend who was clearly jealous of me. She went out of her way to be cruel. He must have thought she was his last chance, but he only half liked her on the first place. She was awful to me on this road trip from hell with the three of us... long story short, we got in a huge fight because I refused to be around her ever again, and he felt I was being completely unreasonable. I felt betrayed, like I got my karma back for ditching him before. We fell out the last few years, and I was spiraling out of control after my longest relationship ended.
He called me about a year ago, apologizing for how he acted. Saying he was wrong. I never thought he would apologize, I was stunned. In the past, even if he was wrong, I always came back and made up. This time I held out, and he unfollowed me on FB, said he couldn’t rely on me, that I wasn’t a good friend. Now he was admitting he was wrong, and I knew I forgave him a long time ago. He told me he lost some loved ones, and was in therapy, yet was very cryptic, and stopped responding to my messages after that initial conversation.
Then to get this call yesterday, after all we have been through...there are so many layers, and chapters to the story, I could write a book...someday, I just miss him. I miss being able to call him whenever. I miss the way he would always give me shit, all the play arguments. I miss making him laugh, or seeingvthat smirk on his face when he pulled a prank. He is very like Fred and George Weasley from Harry Potter (personality wise). He’s like Oscar the grouch popping out of his trash can to add his two cents.
I sincerely miss our friendship, and I hope he gives us the opportunity to reconnect, especially if the days are numbered.
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quirkydahlias · 6 years
Surprise Party (Part 3 ) (Dadzawa)
Sorry for the delay! The Monoma scene was bugging me, so I had to revamp it a few times. Hopefully its accurate to his character! I’m also currently experimenting with length in my writing and seeing if shorter HCs or long fics like these work with my audience better. So please give me feedback if possible! :O
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“Everyone, please calm down!” Iida demanded, the chittering and chattering of his classmates in the early morning slowly dying down. With his arm swinging about, everyone’s attention eventually drifted to their representative, the long-awaited silence giving Iida reprieve before he lowered his hands, careful to not physically touch the teacher’s podium.
Its the only respectful way for him to treat his instructors’ property after all.
“If we’re too loud, we could draw the attention of the UA staff,” he sternly reminded everyone, coughing into his fist before continuing, “I’m glad that we’re caught up with all our collected intelligence, but I do have to ask-er, Midoriya?”
“Y-Yeah?” Deku responded, feeling a little shy and nervous about being singled out. He didn’t do anything wrong, did he?
“Why is Shinsou Hitoshi here?” 
Everyone turned around to the back of the room, the dark-haired student finding solace amongst the shadows that still clung to the corner, safe from the slowly rising sunrise. Even with the shade masking his presence and the lights in the room dimmed for the sake of security, purple orbs emerged from the darkness, giving away Shinsou’s presence.
Iida’s question itself wasn’t out of spite or malice of any kind, the class representative not being the type to sneer at outsiders and strangers alike. Instead, the question was of genuine confusing and a little hurt. This was supposed to be a class 1-A bonding experience after all and Deku, and Ojirou seemed to have been unable to maintain the secrecy of the party. And if they of all people succumbed, what chance did the rest of the class have, remaining on task?
Shinsou decided to pop in as he wasn’t really invited by anyone in particular and just happened to have been awake around the time he saw the gaggle of class 1-A students sneaking into the main school building.
"I wanted in. He’s...my teacher as much as he is a teacher to all of you.” Hitoshi offered, his eyes shifting downward as he avoided the eyes that studied his every move- sounds of Mina’s cooing trickling down his back.
“Well, although the sentiment is appr-”
“I say he’s in!” Mina exclaimed, jumping up in her seat as she waved her hand in the air, “He’ll be a great help, and the more, the merrier, right?”
Her closest friends, consisting of the rest of the girls in the classroom immediately nodded, both backing Shinsou because of their friend’s stance on the matter and his sweet sentiment towards their teacher.
Mineta rubbed his chin, looking Shinsou up and down. Oh, this wouldn’t do. This wouldn’t do at all. There was already enough competition to deal with, and now this brooding miniature Aizawa was trying to butt in?
“Hmmm, I dunno guys, just-” before he could utter another word, a long pink tongue flew at him, smacking him across the face before reeling back to Asui.
The rest of the class shared looks and would pipe up to show their approval and disapproval of letting more people in on what was supposed to be a semi-covert operation.
Surprisingly, it was Ojirou who was the last to raise his hand, Hagakure quick to silence any other mouths to allow her friend to speak.
The blonde felt a purple gaze brush the back of his neck, his own eyes lowering to the ground. Shinsou barely paid attention to what he was saying, though, from what he could piece together, Ojirou was going on about how two others were already aware of what class 1-A was planning and something about having another helping hand wouldn’t be too bad.
The more exceptional details of his speech lost on him, Hitoshi instead studied each of the students. Most ignored him, instead devoting their attention to Ojirou. Now, whether it was out of respect for their friend or classmate or fear of him and his steely gaze was another matter entirely.
Midoriya blushed when he felt Hitoshi’s gaze, offering him a nervous smile and the smallest of waves before turning back to the conversation the class was having at that moment.
The blonde one with the black streak- Hitoshi wasn’t too familiar with that one, gave him the friendliest reaction by excitedly waving at him.
What a weirdo.
“Alright, although by a slim victory. We’ve decided that we can enlist your help.” Iida nodded, shooting Shinsou the most polite smile he could. He was class representative after all, so it was naturally his duty to speak on behalf of his classmates.
“Cool.” Shinsou replied, inspecting his fingernails for a moment before shifting his weight onto his other leg and leaning against the wall, “Though, you don’t really have a choice. I could’ve always gone and spilled your plans to Aizawa after all.
Although the unspoken notion was already in the minds of many in the room, Iida was the first to react to the subtle threat, “That would be extremely villainous of you to blackmail your fellow UA students! Don’t you want to be a hero?”
That line seemed to hit the wrong chord with the purple haired boy, though Shinsou decided to let it slide and bite back the urge to control class 1-A’s representative.
“I apologize,” Iida stammered, realizing that he shouldn’t be asking such questions to a general studies student. Especially one that was already trying so hard to join the hero program, “It was unbecoming of me!”
“Just get this meeting over with four eyes!” Bakugou yelled, slamming his heel against his desk to get everyone on track, leaning back into his chair as he propped his other leg on his desk. “Stop fucking wasting my time. I have things to do!”
Shinsou simply nodded along with the vulgar statement, wanting to go grab some food before he’d head to class.
“Okay, today we’re going to begin preparations and planning. We first need to scout out a venue,” Iida instructed, taking a glance down at the checklist he and Mineta were both secretly drafting yesterday. “Let’s keep in mind that the venue itself should not be pricy nor too large.”
“Ooo, let’s find a cute place!” Hagakure suggested, clapping her hands in excitement with all the ideas bouncing in her head. “I mean, there are cute cafes we can rent out right? Or enter a reservation. Maybe one of those cute maid-”
“I like the maid cafe idea,” Mineta agreed, his immediate response stopping the class as all eyes locked onto his small body.
“Okay...” Hagakure drawled, her eyes shifting anywhere but the perverse classmate of hers, “We’re definitely not having Aizawa sensei’s birthday at a maid cafe.
Everyone aside from the grape haired child nodded, agreeing that it neither suited their teacher’s preference or was a suitable place for all of the students to hang around in.
“Um, maybe a cat cafe could work...?” Kouda suggested, the usually silent boy finally speaking up. “I’m sure I can use my quirk to keep them calm while we decorate and set up.”
Momo smiled, finding the idea to be spectacular, “Thank you so much Kouda, Hagakure can use the internet to look up a good spot nearby and I can pay for it.” 
Everyone turned their heads over to Todoroki, who churned his thoughts around in his mind.
“Why not?” Momo asked, concerned that she was doing something wrong- saying something wrong.
“I can pay for it,” Todoroki explained, his thoughts drifting over to his father for a mere second before he pushed that man out of his mind for good, “I have someone who would be... willing to pay for the venue.”
“Oh really? That’s wonderful!” Momo sighed, relieved that she wasn't presumptuous when she volunteered to pay for the venue.
“Wait, what about decorations, Iida?” Uraraka asked, the talk about the venue bringing about the topic, “How are we gonna decorate it?”
“Minimally? I don’t think we need much in the way of decorations.” 
“Ooo, two of us can go buy them!” Ochako suggested- though she had no idea who would be shopping for supplies.
“Hey, let me do something!” Mina whined, giving the desk a slap with each syllable, “I love to shop!”
Tokoyami glanced her way before raising his hand, “I can come along as well...to keep her from going overboard.”
Iida seemed to like this group, though his eyes shifted over to Shinsou. He needed something to do, didn’t he? “Maybe Shinsou could tag along too!”
“Wait.” Shinsou blurted, eyes widening ever so slightly to indicate his surprise, “I-”
“Oooh,” Mina cooed, rushing over to the poor boy and throwing her arm around his shoulders, “This is gonna be so. Much. Fun!”
“Alright, alright. Please return to your seat, Mina,” Iida sighed, letting the pink skinned girl settle herself and release poor Shinsou before he gave a curt bow, “I think I can happily call off this meeting for now. Please eat and gain some energy before class begins everyone!”
“Yes, sir!”
It took five days.
Five days until the students at UA could get permission to leave campus and follow along with their plans.
Though it was now Sunday, the one day the students had off, Shouto and Hagakure both decided to make the best of it and sign out with Present Mic before heading into town and touring the streets.
“Hey, Todoroki! Look!” Hagakure beamed, bouncing to show her excitement since it wasn’t like he could see her facial expressions.
Shouto, who was busy peering into a nearby cafe, turned his head to see the invisible girl put on a silly hat from the neighboring accessories shop. “What do you think?”
“Shouldn’t we stay focused?” he asked, ignoring the hat as he scanned down the other side of the street. No cafes in sight.
“Well,” Hagakure shrugged, putting the hat back onto the rack whence it came from, “We can have fun while we look for a venue, right?”
“We have to locate the venue today if we’re to set up everything in time. So is it really wise to waste time like this?” Shouto mused aloud, fighting the urge to rub his temples as he continued to walk down the street, making a turn at the corner with Hakagure whined.
It was a little amusing to see her fussy attitude, Shouto keeping his eyes focused on the shops the passed before speaking over his shoulder, “Maybe after we find the place, we can have some fun.”
That sentence alone brightened Hagakure’s mood, the girl snatching up his hand and dragging Shouto as she took the lead to frantically look for the perfect birthday venue.
“Glad to see you’re finally into this,” Shouto joked, keeping pace with each of Toru’s steps, passerby shifting to one side or the other to let the two UA students by.
“Duh!” Hagakure teased, “I really wanted that hat you know.”
The two came to a skidding stop, pausing at the sounds of mewling and meows coming from the cafe across the street. The two looked at each other and then back at the venue, Hagakure giving Shouto another look just to ensure that the two were on the page (In which they were).
This was it.
The perfect venue.
Crossing the street, the cafe door gave way with a tiny ring of a bell. A few heads turned to the students as a waitress walked over with two menus tucked under her arm. “Hello! Is it a table for two?”
“Actually,” Shouto interjected, giving the place a cursory glance just to make sure this was the perfect venue before continuing, “If we could, can we speak to your management?”
The waitress blinked, confused and unable to see Hagakure’s frantic nodding. Sparing a small glance over her shoulder at her coworker who was operating a cash register, she gave the two a curt bow before dismissing herself.
“Look at the kitties, Todoroki!” Toru whisper-yelled, eyes twinkling as she hunched down to get a better look at a rather fat feline who basked in the sun’s radiance. “Do you like cats?”
Shouto kneeled down next to her, giving the cat a small scratch behind its ear before shrugging, “I guess. There are a lot of strays in my neighborhood.”
“I just love cute things, like cats! They always get scared of me though.” Hagakure admitted, petting the cat, only for the cat’s eyes to widen and hiss at the unknown source of the sudden touch. “I just don’t think animals like me to be honest...”
“Understandable,” Shouto nodded, calming the cat by giving it a few scratches behind the ear and neck where Hagakure was just touching, his fingers occasionally brushing against her invisible ones. 
“Sometimes I just wish people could see me, you know? Or that I could see myself for that matter,” Hagakure admitted, pulling back her hand for the sake of the poor cat and her pink cheeks. “Maybe that way, animals like me more.”
“I can imagine how others might react. Never knowing if you were there or not, spying on them.” Shouto admitted.
Odd. Usually, Hagakure always had something to say. Did he overstep? “It still is an extremely useful quirk-”
“It’s not that,” Toru interjected, her shifting shoes indicating that she was rocking back and forth a little, knees pressed against her chest. “You don’t...You don’t really think I’d do that, right?”
“You’re awfully serious all of a sudden.”
“Because I am being serious!” Hagakure huffed, her pouty tone failing to sell her point, Shouto’s face growing a small smile to see her more characteristic behavior return to her.
“I apologize. It’s extremely noticeable when you change your behavior.”
The words that teetered on the brink of expression were suddenly cut off as the waitress called them, her voice accompanied by clicking heels.
The source of the clicking echoed from behind them, alerting the two of the position of the waitress who proceeded to escort them into a room down the hall, filled with office supplies and a woman sitting at a desk. “If you need anything else, please inform one of the staff.” She reassured.
And then the waitress was gone, leaving the two with the manager who looked up and smiled, inquiring as to why they wanted to speak to her. The store itself wasn’t really open for hires after all.
“We actually were hoping to rent this place out,” Hagakure explained, filling in the women on the nature of the deal they were hoping to strike. One day, a day and night max. All they needed were the cats and store itself, including the kitchen.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” the manager sighed, “My business needs to open tomorrow, and all these cats here are mine. And most come with me when I go home for the night.”
“I can cover the expenses. All of them.” Shouto offered, his “emergency” credit card at the ready. “It’s fine if the cats can’t remain.”
“It is?” Hagakure asked, though her question was mostly rhetorical.
The manager was dubious. Not fully believing that two high school students could afford to rent out a business for a day. At least, until she noticed the name the credit card was under.
Huh. A Todoroki?
“Seems like you really can afford to pay,” The manager mused, pointing out the name on the credit card, though Shouto’s facial expression didn’t change all too much. “I’ll let you use this place for one night, and the entire day of that surprise party you’re going to throw- so long as you clean the place afterward and try not to damage anything. Got it?”
The two nodded, the manager and Shouto taking care of the payment while Hagakure dismissed herself to bother watch the cats once more.
Shouto was out in a blink of an eye, returning his card into his wallet before leaving the store with Hagakure, taking a breath of the cold city air.
“So, can we have fun now?” Hagakure asked, already ready to go shopping for cool knick knacks- maybe even a gift for Aizawa while they were at it!
“Of course,” Shouto nodded, giving a text into the class 1-A group chat to fill everyone in on their progress, “Someone else can take care of recruiting all the cats.
With their mission being done, Hagakure took the reigns and lead the way around the city, though her speed was slower and easier to follow. Noticing a stall, she brought the two of them over to try on the pro-hero bootleg merchandise.
As she tried on a Presentation Michael t-shirt, holding the shirt up to her chest, Shouto slid in next to her, admiring the poorly drawn renditions of his father on a pair of socks. “To answer your question from before...no.”
“Huh?” Hagakure asked, turning her head at Shouto, torso following to indicate that her attention was on him.
“I’m not afraid of you spying on me or any of our classmates.”
His attention returned to the socks, wondering how upset his father would get if he gifted them to the pro hero for father’s day.
“You can’t just leave it like that,” Toru whined, clearly displeased with the answer- as reassuring as it was. “Why aren’t you suspicious of me?”
“Easy.” Shouto shrugged, taking a pair before heading up to the cashier to buy them, “I trust you.”
Hagakure stopped, almost dropping the bootleg shirt. Though the realities of her quirk were never something Toru liked to dwell on, it had its moments- plaguing her headspace with doubt and angst. But to be consoled like this- by him of all people!
“No fair,” Toru whined, shaking her fists as she hurried after him, ready to give his back a few playful beats with her fists, “You can’t just say something so cool and walk away like that! Drama queen!”
“Can’t fucking believe he has me catering for this shitty event.” Bakugou hissed, picking up the groceries as they were dropped off at the class 1-A doorstep. “And all the help I have comes from a mute like you.” 
Kouda decided that it was best to not speak, in case he angered the already temperamental student even more as the two loaded the common room kitchen with all the foodstuffs Bakugou had placed in order with the school. Sero and Midoriya helping to guise it as anything but surprise party supplies.
“Ahem. Bakugou-”
“What?!” Bakugou yelled, all the way across the room as he stored the vegetables in the fridge, not bothering to look up from his task.
Kouda gulped, trying to figure out how to break the sudden news to Bakugou as he looked around the entrance to the dorms, hoping to have missed something.
“DAMN IT. Can’t you speak up?!” Bakugou hissed, already growing irritated at the reserved, weak nature of his partner.
Having lost his voice under all the yelling, Koji just gestured at the entryway.
The ash blonde stopped, placing the last of the onions in the fridge before slowly shutting it close with all the restraint he could muster. “What?” He hissed, looking over at Kouda to see what the shy boy was on about. 
Then he saw it.
Kouda immediately paled the moment eye contact was made- holding his hands up in the air in surrender. Though the punch he was expecting from Bakugou was replaced with a passive aggressive bump in the shoulder as Katsuki stalked over to the doorway, let out a small string of curses under his breath.
Shit. They were missing bags of food.
Bags that he fucking knew had arrived.
“Who the fuck took our shit?!” He screeched to no one in particular, Katsuki’s temper ready to burst as small, mini explosions popped from his fingertips.
Kouda offered the smallest shrug, still looking around near the entrance for any sign of the missing groceries. Tapping his forehead, he signaled to Katsuki that someone, maybe one of them, had just forgotten to order the needed food.
That was definitely not the right thing to say, the moment the words were uttered bringing Katsuki’s palm inches from the back of Kouda’s head. “OH. So I’m incompetent enough to just forget to order some fucking groceries, huh?”
Koji frantically shook his head, eyes wide as he backed away from the ash blonde as fast as he could. He didn’t mean to offend at all!
“Grow a spine,” Bakugou muttered, not wanting to hear any more from Kouda as he surveyed the horizon at any neighboring dorms. “Obviously, someone jacked our shit.”
But who could they be?
Kouda noticed Bakugou walking down the path that looped around all the dorms, beginning to follow along Bakugou’s line of thinking as Katsuki tsked, still unable to find anyone within his peripheral vision.
“Either they want to fuck with 1-A, or they want to fuck with teach’s birthday.” He decided, coming to a stop before shoving his hands into his pockets and turning right around to head back into the dorms without a word.
Kouda gestured down the path, wondering just why he was suddenly abandoning the search, though he quickly realized that with the time crunch, they would have to work with what they got in order to save on time.
“We don’t have-” Bakugou began to explain, knowing that he was probably confusing the kid. However, something stopped Katsuki in his tracks, his left hand releasing an explosion that made Kouda back away a couple steps for safety. 
A light smoke wafted around the room, blocking Kouda’s line of sight. Though, the boy was smart enough by now to know not to ask any dumb questions like “What’s going on” or “Did something happen” when he could easily see for himself by moving closer.
He’d just move closer, very, very slowly.
“Okay. We’re going after the fucking food.” Bakugou decided, brushing past Kouda and out the door, leaving Kouda gawking at the empty counters, all barren of bags and food alike.
No wonder why he was so upset...
Joining up with Bakugou outside, Kouda caught his breath while Bakugou stalked down the path to the class 1-B dorm. He wondered why Katsuki was walking out again.
But then, a light bulb, at that very moment, brightened itself in Kouda’s mind. Did he think that class 1-B was behind this? Better yet, was one of the class 1-B kids behind this? The two classes were rivals after all- so it was only natural for pranks like this to happen, right?
Once they reached the class 1-B dormitory, Katuski knocked against the door for the both of them- though knocked was a heavy understatement, as the pounding of his fist brought an irritated Kendo to the door.
“Um, what do you two want?” She asked, clearly in the middle of something before the two showed up to her doorstep, “We’re kinda busy here.”
“Shut it.” Bakugou hissed, patience already wearing thin as he slammed his fist against the doorframe, “Give us the fucking food back before I pop your little head open with my bare hands.”
Kendo cocked an eyebrow, apparently amused taken aback by the sudden threats. Were these two really going to come out of nowhere with threats and baseless claims? Shaking her head at the notion, she placed her hands on her hips.
“We don’t have your food. In fact, we’ve been here all day.” She explained, keeping her voice as calm as she could manage, although, her eyes were speaking volumes in her stead. Her gaze alone making Kouda just want to leave the class B students alone before they created an even bigger disturbance.
Bakugou paused for a moment, reading her facial expression. 
Didn’t seem like she was lying.
“Where’s the brat,” he asked, eyes shifting to the background where the rest of the class was hanging out. A few of the students, names all lost on him, watched and whispered amongst themselves, which only fueled his irritation. The fuckers were probably just waiting for an excuse to hate him and his class even more.
And it looks like they just got it.
Kendo frowned, following his gaze to her classmates, “Monoma signed himself out today. He said he was going to head out today.” Craning her head back to him, she gestured with her hand towards the class 1-A dorms where they should probably be heading back. “He’s not here, alright?”
She paused for a mere moment before turning back to her friends and shooing them away, allowing them to head back to what they were doing. Dealing with the boys in front of her, she ushered the two out from the doorframe and shut the door, ignoring the curses coming from Katsuki.
“Listen.” She sighed, addressing both Bakugou and Kouda, “You can’t just walk in here and start blaming us for everything that’s going on with your class.”
Kouda could barely listen the moment Bakugou engaged in a “conversation” with the representative from 1-B. Their words all fighting amongst each other as they filled the air with chaos and anger.
“And you,” Kendo added, bringing Kouda from reality, the shy student straightening up under her gaze, “I can’t believe you’d stay silent and let him just trample around like this. Bakugou is just going to get your class into more trouble unless you all as a class do something about it, you know?”
Wait. Kouda paused.
Oh goodness...
Was he really responsible in some way?
Kouda nervously toyed with his hands, twiddling with his thumbs and finding great interest in his nails as he realized all the changes he had to speak up. To calm Katsuki down and prevent this entire nasty confrontation from ever happening.
All chances he squandered.
A form moved in front of him, though not entirely as Bakugou glared daggers at Kendo. “Fuck off. No one tells me what to do, got it?” He hissed, venom dripping from every word, “If you really want to preach responsibility then you should have taken care of that asswipe long ago.” 
Kouda couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was his classmate- as mean-spirited as he was, defending him? His words spoke in volume, but his actions screamed his intent as Katsuki placed himself physically between the two.
“Come on,” he snapped, grabbing Kouda by the neck before leading him away from Kendo and back onto the concrete path to the dorms. Once they were a distance away, he released the shy boy and shoved his hands in his pockets, brooding to himself.
Kouda opened his mouth, feeling it dry as words tried to form themselves. His gaping attracting Bakugou’s slightly confused gaze. But it was under his gaze, that Koji finally got the push he needed to speak up.
“...thank you.” 
Bakugou blinked. Was this the first time the mute spoke to him? His words were barely audible, though that certainly wasn’t surprising to someone who surrounded himself with explosions everytime he used his quirk. “Whatever.”
As they made their walk of shame back to the dorms, Katsuki cursed himself internally. He let his guard down. And now look what happened!
All the fucking food was gone.
Kouda’s said something, something Bakugou ignored, still brooding over his failure. Shit, even Deku could have done a better job now that he thought about it.
Still ignoring Kouda, Katsuki continued stomping along the pavement. Kouda stopping the grumpy blonde with a sharp tug onto his arm, Katsuki wheeling around to glare at the quiet boy.
“What the fuck do you want?”
Kouda stammered, words failing him. The next few moments were filled with a multitude of attempts to speak. Jeez, was he really that scary to Koji? Katsuki stopped walking and turned, quirking an eyebrow at the flustered Kouda.
“Someone told me that they saw someone up ahead in the dorms. Someone strange...”
Wow. Full sentences. Katsuki would’ve given that a small, sarcastic mental round of applause if it wasn’t for the content of his words.
“Who said that?”
Kouda averted his eyes to the ground below, a tiny trail of ants passing by. “One of the ants did. They said they smelled someone off.”
Katsuki frowned, eyebrows furrowing on confusion. So it had to be someone who wasn’t usually in the dorms, right? One of the teachers?
Or was it their culprit?
“Alright.” Katsuki decided, turning right around and beginning to quicken his pace towards the dorm, “We go with my plan.”
“W-What plan?” Kouda asked, suddenly being dragged along with Katsuki towards the entrance of the dorm, though they stopped there and didn’t enter.
Katsuki spared Kouda small glance, “Just get her over here.” Then he began to yell, calling for the culprit to come out before he gets even angrier.
Monoma walked out- taking his sweet damn time doing so. Taking a causal bite into an apple he had snagged from the fridge, the class B student leaned against the doorframe, “Such a shame you two didn’t bother to check any of the rooms for the missing food.”
Kouda moved to follow Bakugou’s instruction, but the ash blonde had his arm and dragged him back and behind him. Confusion was plastered all over the silent boy’s face. Didn’t he want Kouda to get Kendo over here? Then why wasn’t he letting him go??
“How the hell did you move all that stuff?” Katsuki questioned, already digging through his memory for any quirks that could allow Monoma to do something of that magnitude so quickly.
“Of course you wouldn’t know, you don’t pay attention to anyone other than yourself, do you Bakugou?” Monoma sneered, his other hand pulling out a pair of horns, twirling them in the air.
So it was that Pony girl’s quirk, huh?
Bakugou slowly pieced everything together, gritting his teeth at how obvious it was. “So I’m guessing you noticed the delivery and used that Pony girl’s quirk to steal the stuff. That carrot head knows you though, so you weren’t lying when you said you were heading out. Right?”
“Whoa, looks like we’ve got a Sherlock Holmes over here,” Monoma gasped, taking another casual bite from his- er, their apple. “I wonder if you’re sharp enough to notice that there’s a definite limit in how much a dorm can order. And that deliveries are usually given to us first years last.”
Both Kouda and Katsuki fought the urge to look at each other, knowing that today’s delivery to the dorm was early and large- larger than usual.
“Made me wonder if this was UA giving special treatment to class A yet again! I mean, look at all the produce you guys have,” He waved, gesturing to the stacks of food behind him before sinking his teeth into another bite of apple. “Really makes a person wonder, right?”
Kouda gulped. Normally, Monoma was out of his mind when accusing UA of treating one class above another and his tendencies to nitpick at the differences between the classes usually got him nowhere.
But they did get special treatment this time.
It was Mic who arranged for the large delivery to go through unnoticed by their homeroom teacher- with permission of Principal Nezu of all people. So, at least in this case...
Monoma was right.
Bakugou however, didn’t care for whether or not he was in the right or wrong. Facts were facts. And if Monoma knew of the party they were planning for Aizawa, nothing would please the kid better then to either spoil the surprise or hold it over their heads.
Kouda racked his brain, trying to figure out what Katsuki wanted him to do. How was he supposed to signal Kendo without moving? And more importantly, without tipping off Monoma?
After the little argument between Bakugou and her, it was only natural that she had a little suspicion in her mind. So she was probably a little more on guard for anything out of the ordinary. That, Kouda was certain of.
So what would tip her off?
His mind then went back to her words, Kendo sounding disappointed to see his quietness when Bakugou was behaving the way he usually was.
Was that the key? Maybe if he yelled loudly enough, she’d notice and come to check out the noise.
No. Just hollering and yelling wouldn’t do anything. Monoma wasn’t an idiot. He was smart enough to figure that the quiet kid suddenly yelling was a huge red flag.
But, maybe. Just maybe. It’ll work.
Remembering more of Kendo’s words, about how Bakugou’s behavior would only lead to more trouble, Kouda pipped up.
“We have a good reason for buying all of the food.”
Katsuki immediately turned and glared at him. What the fuck was he doing?! They were not going to tell Monoma anything. The. End. End of story.
“Uh, huh. Sure,” Monoma rolled his eyes, clearly not believing the shy kid. I mean, what kind of reason was there to buy all this excess food? “And what occasion calls for this much food?”
Kouda closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Alright. Alright. He could do it. Just take a deep breath and channel Bakugou Katsuki.
“N-None of your business!”
Katsuki bit his lip to keep from snorting at that attempt. Jeez, this guy was too much. It was almost sad.
Monoma, on the other hand, was irritated to get that from the quietest kid in class A. “Oh really, then I’m sure that Mr. Aizawa could give me a better look as to why you guys are getting all this stuff, right?”
Kouda clenched his fists at his side, raising his shoulders as he looked straight forward at Monoma.
Cold blue orbs stared back.
Okay, no. Not looking at his eyes anymore. Too stressful. Glancing instead between his eyes, Kouda frowned, “Of course, you would.”
The jab of his barbed words clearly got Katsuki’s attention and more importantly-Monoma’s ire. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he pressed, trying to figure out where Kouda was leading this train of thought.
What did he mean? Kouda wondered as well, trying to figure out where to go from here. He needed to push some buttons. Think, Kouda, think!
“I...I mean, just look at you,” he managed, gesturing up and down at the blonde who was more confused than offended at this point, “It’s only natural that you’d rely on someone else to do the heavy lifting.”
Monoma glared, clearly not liking where this was going. Good. Kouda was getting somewhere.
“You can’t do anything on your own. You have to use our own teacher against us. And your own quirk even uses the quirks of others too.”
Monoma flinched a bit, the twitch of his eye keying Katsuki and Kouda. Obviously, it was a raw nerve.
Knowing that he couldn’t possibly raise his voice the way Katsuki can, Kouda opted to do the exact opposite, lowering his voice to a more comfortable whisper, slipping his hands in his pocket and leaning forward a little the way he’s seen Katsuki do numerous times before thinking of the harshest, more Bakugou Katsuki thing he could say, “How does it feel? To be nothing but a quirkless child without someone holding your hand?”
Even Bakugou flinched at that. A low blow, but one he could respect. Monoma’s outraged cry being enough to signal Kendo if the entirety of the conversation didn’t.
Monoma, clearly insulted and bitter by the blatant reminder of his faults, was ready to throw his own words right back at the child who relied on animals to do his work for him, but was interrupted by not only a frustrated Kendo, marching over to them at this very moment, but a defensive Katsuki who shifted from his place in the sidelines to right smack dab in the middle of the two boys.
“Monoma!” Kendo hissed, hands on her hips, “I thought you said you were leaving today!”
“I was, I was,” he reassured, giving a nervous chuckle under the sharp look of his class representative, “Just got a little, sidetracked?”
“Right.” she deadpanned, fist getting ready to whap him in the back of the head, but Monoma wasn’t in the mood, waving her off before leaving of his own fruition.
“I-I’m sorry,” Kouda apologized to Kendo, waiting till after Monoma had left the scene, “I had to distract him with some harsh words...”
Kendo shrugged, giving him a gentle smile, “He recovers quickly, he’ll be back on his feet in no time. Thanks for the commotion though. I just wonder why he-” she stopped, looking though the open doors of the dorm and into the kitchen area. “Oh. That’s why.”
Figuring that they could trust her, Kouda smiled softly, a small heat growing in his face, “It’s for Mr. Aizawa’s birthday. Could you please...?”
Kendo nodded, “I’m not too keen on keeping secrets from Vlad sensei, but for the sake of your teacher’s birthday, sure.” She paused, grinning before she added, “Just as long as you keep the same secret when Vlad’s birthday nears.”
“Whatever, he’s not our problem,” Katsuki shrugged, heading inside and leaving the two alone so he could get back to work putting away the food.
“Could I come over later...?” Kouda asked, stopping Kendo before she made her way back to her own dormitory.
“What for?” she asked, clearly confused as to why he wanted to drop on by.
Kouda looked down, Monoma’s flinching still etched in his memory, “To talk to Monoma.”
Finally comprehending his words and his intention, Kendo clasped Kouda’s hands into hers for a moment, giving him a small wink, “Alright, be sure to bring over a sweet or two. It wins him over every time.” 
And with that, Kendo returned to the dorms, leaving Kouda standing awkwardly in front of the dorms.
Trudging back in, Kouda barely made it a few steps in before Katsuki slapped the back of his back, throwing his arm over Kouda’s shoulders.��“You absolutely sucked. You could barely intimidate that kid.” Though his words were harsh, the sly grin on his face certainly wasn’t.
Releasing his grip on Kouda, Katsuki moved ahead to put back a few jars in the correct shelves. Kouda helped, a small part of him feeling a little swell of pride around Bakugou. He clearly had made a good impression on the ash blonde at the very least.
“Um...yeah, you’re right. Thank you.”
“Huh?” Bakugou blurted in confusion, wondering just what he was being thanked for and why. After all, all that outside was all Kouda. Right?
Kouda just continued to put away more bundles of produce, “All I did out there...was copy you.”
Katsuki paused. Did Kouda just turn his own insult right back at him?
Maybe there was hope for this kid after all.
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sockablock · 6 years
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Chapter 3: Skies Darkening at Sunset
“So, everybody understand the plan?” Fjord asked.
They were all standing outside the old barn, clustered together around the door and bathing in the early-morning sunlight. Caduceus had woven a second straw hat during the night’s watch, and Jester was plucking hay off of her dress.
“Me and Yasha are on recon,” Beau said, and Yasha nodded. “We’re trying to get as much info as we can from the villagers about this place, and this time, and if anything funky’s going on.”
Jester pointed gleefully at Fjord. “We’re on Caleb-duty!” she announced next. “We’re gonna teach that kid some magic!”
“And try and see if there’s any hint of non-kid Caleb in there,” Fjord added.
“See if you can wake ‘im up, too,” Beau said. “Like…kick him in the head, or something.”
“I can’t kick that high,” Fjord sighed. “And even if I could, I don’t think goin’ around and kicking children is the answer.”
Beau shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt to try,” she said.
He ignored this, turning instead to Caduceus and Nott. “Y’all know your job too, right?” he asked.
Nott met his gaze with a resentful frown. She kicked the ground glumly. “It’s not much of a job,” she said. “Not really a job at all.”
“Don’t worry.” Caduceus placed a massive, mitt-like hand on her head. “I’m sure it’s crucial to the overall plan,” he said calmly.
“Finding a grassy field and ‘staying put’ doesn’t sound so important,” Nott muttered.
“Sorry,” Fjord said sympathetically. “It’s just…the two of you stand out the most. And that might make it hard for you to talk to people. Plus…there’s a certain lack of social graces—”
“Yeah, you literally ate a tongue in the middle of a conversation once,” Beau said.
Nott shot her a glare, but settled down. “Yeah, yeah, well…Caduceus and I are going to have a great time hanging around and doing nothing. And you all aren’t invited. Isn’t that right, Mister Clay?”
Caduceus shrugged. “If that’ll make you feel better, then sure,” he said. “More tea for us.”
Fjord sighed. “Alright then,” he said, and pointed towards the town. “If we’re all settled then, let’s roll out. I know time is wonky here, but the quicker we get this all done, the better.”
Caleb was running gleefully through the grass when they arrived at his home, a large cloth sack in his arms, chasing around a small flock of chickens with fistfuls of cornmeal.
“Come back!” he shouted at a plump brown hen. “Come on, come on, I have to feed you!”
Jester immediately brightened and Fjord, despite his reluctance around children, felt his expression soften.
“Caleb!” she called cheerfully. “Caleb, good morning!”
The boy stopped in his tracks, almost tripped, and whipped around. A wide smile broke across his face.
“The magic people!” He shouted delightedly. “Hey, hey, you came!” Then he paused and looked around. “Where are the other ones of you?” he asked. “The really tall one and the really small one and the really angry one and the really dark one?”
“They’re dealing with their own business,” Fjord shrugged, and crouched down in the grass so he was level with Caleb. “But we decided to swing by and see if you were interested in learning a bit about magic today. If it’s alright with your parents, that is.”
Caleb’s eyes went wide. He nodded rapidly. “Papa is inside right now,” he said. “Warte mal! I’ll be right back!”
He dropped the bag of cornmeal and bolted towards the house.
The entire flock of chickens instantly swarmed in around them. Fjord turned and sighed at Jester as a hen ran across his boot.
“Well,” he said. “Uh…so far so good?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s true. But…how much exactly do you know about wizarding?”
They watched a hen cluck sharply at an approaching rooster. It squawked in terror and backed off.
“Actually,” Fjord said sheepishly, “I was kind of hoping you could take charge from here.”
Beau and Yasha stood in the fields at a distance, eyeing up a group of farmers.
“So…” the monk said slowly, “you distract them, then I’ll sneak up from behind and grab one. Then we run away, tie him up, and I punch the information out him.”
There was a brief pause.
“Why would that be a good idea?”
“I dunno. It just feels right.”
“I thought we were supposed to be non-violent.”
Beau sighed. “I know, I know, I just don’t wanna talk to anybody. I hate socializing.”
“But…we were assigned to do that,” Yasha said. “Was that not the whole point?”
“It was,” Beau mumbled, “but it’s only us because Fjord and Jester were the only candidates for magic-teaching, and then it was a matter of choosing between two normal-ish looking people, or a goblin and a giant talking cow.”
There was another pause.
“That is a bit mean, don’t you think?”
Beau’s shoulders sagged. “Yeah,” she said, “yeah, I guess so. I’m just…fuckin’ nervous, okay? Let’s just go in. And, uh, sorry…Caduceus, wherever you are.”
“—and then I think he proposed to me?” Nott said, waving her hands in the air. “Maybe? I don’t know, it was a really weird night, and between all the gnolls and dead people and dying people and hummingbirds, a lot was going on.”
“Sounds like it,” Caduceus agreed. “You guys really get up to some shenanigans, huh?”
The two of them were sitting under the shade of a large maple tree, lounging against its trunk and nestled in the thick grass. Caduceus had pulled out a small set of pipes, and was idly playing a soft melody as Nott spoke.
“We’ve been through a lot,” she shrugged. “Before you came along, and after. Especially after. And it’s nice you’re here. You’re very soft, and Jester’s never been this determined to be The Cleric, before.”
Caduceus chuckled. “It’s nice travelling with you guys as well. You’re very small. And Jester’s loads of fun.”
“I bet they’re having tons of fun without us right now,” Nott grumbled. “I don’t see why I couldn’t have taught Caleb magic. I know the most about it, out of all of us.”
Caduceus shrugged. “Sometimes we just have to go with the flow,” he said. “Besides, I don’t really understand it myself, but weren’t you worried about Caleb seeing you, or something?”
Nott sighed. “Yeah,” she said, “I just don’t think I could handle it if I scared him. He’s always…he was one of the first people to accept me as a goblin, you know?”
“I didn’t,” Caduceus said, “but I now I see your point.”
“He’s mentioned before, how he was told stories as a kid about how scary goblins are. And he’s not wrong. But it…it sucks.”
“I think it would be safe to say that all of this sucks, doesn’t it? Or am I reading the situation wrong?”
Nott snorted. “No, no,” she said, “no, you’ve pretty much nailed it. All of this is shifty.”
“Well,” said Caduceus after a few moments, “At least nothing is attacking us.”
“That’s true,” Nott agreed. “And it’s kind of fun to see Caleb this way. He’s really cute.”
“He is,” Caduceus agreed. “Maybe it’s best we just stay out of sight, and relax.”
“Yeah,” Nott said, leaning into the tree, “yeah, alright.”
“Here,” said Caduceus, “why don’t you tell me another story? How did you and Caleb meet?”
Nott giggled. “Oh boy,” she said, “oh, that’s a long one.”
“Alrighty then, young man!” Jester grinned, and watched Caleb hop onto a fallen log. “What sort of thing are you hoping to learn about?”
The boy began to balance-beam his way across, wobbling slightly as he went. “I don’t really know,” he said. “What do you want to teach me?”
Jester glanced over at Fjord, who shrugged. She turned back to Caleb. “We-ell, you said you could do some magic of your own, right? How much do you already know?”
He gave her a proud smile. “I can cast one spell,” he said. “The one I learned from the book! I would show you, but I have to have a glühwürmchen to do it.”
Fjord blinked and raised a hand. “Hang on,” he said. “A what?”
Caleb laughed. “A glow worm! Sorry, I keep forgetting that you do not speak Zemnian.”
“That’s alright,” Jester said cheerfully. “You can teach us later!”
“Then I get to be the teacher, right?�� he grinned.
Jester giggled. “Exactly,” she said. “But right now, it’s our turn! So…what is your request, o Pupil of Mine?”
He tapped his chin. “Mm…do you think maybe you could teach me...everything?”
Fjord snorted and shook his head. “Sorry there, kid, but I think we might not have enough time for that. Is there something specific you might have in mind?”
Caleb paused at the end of the log and scratched the top of his head in deep thought. “Um…” he said, “…um…maybe…oh! What about that fire trick you showed me yesterday?” he asked Jester. “I want to learn that.”
She bit her lip. “Ah,” she said. “Ah…is there any reason why?”
Caleb shrugged. “I want to make fire,” he said. “Winter will be here soon, and our house is always cold at night. I want to warm it up! So Mama and Papa don’t have to worry. The lights I can already make don’t have any heat,” he added begrudgingly.
Fjord gave Jester a look that said: oh boy.
She sighed and shook her head. “Sorry, little Caleb. I’m not…totally sure I can teach you that one.”
His hopeful expression fell. “What?” he asked. “Aw…but, but why?”
Jester gave him an apologetic smile. “Well, because it’s not actually a magical spell. It’s just an ability I have.”
He cocked his head. “An ability?” he asked. “What…what do you mean?”
“I’m a tiefling,” she shrugged. “And tieflings have natural magic just…just in their blood. We can do certain spells, like that one, without actually having to learn them.”
Caleb’s dejected pout vanished into a look of budding curiosity. “Whoa,” he said. “Wait…wait, why? And how? Where does the magic come from? Why tieflings? And how do you know you can—”
Jester quickly held up a hand. “I think,” she said with a sly grin, “I think I might know something I can teach you now! It’s not exactly a magic itself, but it is very important for those who want to know magic.”
Caleb nodded immediately. He took a seat along the edge of the fallen tree and looked up at Jester with wide eyes. “Bitte,” he said, “bitte, please, I would like to know!”
She laughed. Then she gestured for Fjord to sit down in the grass, and did so herself.
“Alrighty then!” she said. “Listen closely to Professor Jester.” She waggled a finger and grinned. “Pay really good attention, now! There will be a quiz afterwards.”
“Excuse me,” Beau called as they waded through the fields, Yasha behind her and failing to seem as unassuming as possible. “Excuse me, I—”
One of the farmers turned around, saw them, and nodded immediately. “Are you the help?” he asked. “Not what I expected, but you seem plenty strong. There’s two sickles over in that cart, grab one and get started, ja?”
Beau and Yasha quickly exchanged glances.
The farmer raised an eyebrow. “Well? Hurry, bitte, I’m not paying you to stand around and gawk!”
Beau shook her head. “Actually,” she said, “you’re not paying us at all. But I think we’d be willing to lend a hand, free of charge, if you could just answer a few quick questions?”
The farmer’s other eyebrow went up. “You’re not trying to sell me anything, are you?”
“Uh…no?” Yasha said.
“Have you done field work before?” the farmer asked. “I can’t waste my time teaching you both.”
They exchanged glances again. Yasha shrugged. “I have,” she said. “I did a lot of odd jobs, before the carnival.”
“And I’ve worked my dad’s land in the past,” Beau said. “So yeah.”
The man nodded. “Ja, okay then,” he said, pointing at his cart. “My name is Max. Hop to it.”
“Magic isn’t just a tool for manipulating the world around you,” Jester said slowly, the mid-afternoon sun shining down on their heads. “Magic isn’t just a strange force that shapes water, or slows time, or heals wounds, or makes fire. And magic isn’t something that can just be controlled. It’s an idea, and a feeling, and a wish, and it lives. In every single fragment of our world. It’s in the first breath of a little baby, and in the skies darkening at sunset, and in the way the fields dance when the wind blows by. It’s in the sun, and the clouds, and the dirt. It’s woven into this plane, the Prime Material Plane, and exists side-by-side with all of us. Sometimes, people like me and Fjord, and people like you, can find this magic, and study it, and connect to it, and understand it, and only then can they start to use it. You’ve already got a head start,” she grinned at a beaming Caleb, “since you can already do one spell.”
“Dancing Lights,” he announced proudly.
“Exactly! But,” she said, “but, there are other planes. Other kinds of people. And on these planes, the magic is stronger there. Or unique. And people who are born in those worlds, or become connected to those worlds, are also naturally connected to that magic. For them, casting certain spells is as easy as breathing. And it’s passed down through parents and children, like blue eyes and red hair is.”
“Or like green skin?” Caleb chimed in.
Fjord, sitting in the grass, chuckled. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
“Just like that,” Jester nodded. “And that’s where my magic comes from. Well, some of it, anyway. Mine is a little all over the place.”
“All over the place?” Caleb echoed immediately. “What are the other places?”
Jester stroked her chin. “Well,” she said, “technically there are tons of other planes. There’s the Celestial Plane, where all the gods live, and their followers get divine types of magic from them. There are Elemental Planes, full of fire or water or air or earth, and people in tune with nature get their own kind of magic from those. The list goes on and on, really.”
“So where does my magic come from?” Caleb asked. “How do I tune in?”
Jester hesitated. She looked apologetic. “Sorry,” she said, “I don’t…I’m not entirely—”
And then she paused and stared at the sky. She shivered slightly, almost imperceptibly, and looked back to Caleb. In her eyes, the briefest, faintest, hint of green.
“All of them,” she said slowly. “Your magic is tied to every plane. That’s what makes wizards so special. Once you find it, once you hear its song and feel its rhythm, you can pull at all the wonderful, colorful threads that make up the weave of magic connecting all the worlds. It’s pretty cool,” she added with a grin.
Caleb had amazement plastered all across his face. “Tolle,” he whispered. “…wow.”
Fjord looked between the two of them, slightly awkwardly, and coughed. They both turned towards him.
“Yeah,” he said, coughing again. “Yeah, exactly. And, you know, there are other kinds of Planes too. Smaller ones.”
Caleb nodded excitedly. “Yes?” he said. “Really? Like…like what kind, Herr?”
Fjord met his gaze. “Well,” he said. “Well…maybe like the Plane of Dreams?”
Now Jester was also staring at Caleb. They both watched his bright expression with rapt attention, seeking the tiniest cracks, or the lightest glimmers of recognition.
The boy’s fascinated, oblivious smile never faltered.
“That sounds really cool!” he said cheerfully. “What does it do?”
Fjord’s shoulders slumped. Jester sighed and gave Caleb a weak grin. “Well, the Plane of Dreams is a very important one,” she said. “It’s a where we all go when we fall asleep. And where our dreams live.”
“Right,” Fjord nodded. “You know, things that aren’t real. Strong memories, and hopes, and things that you’d wish for.”
The boy nodded. “Neat!” he said. “So do I visit it when I go to sleep too?” he asked.
Jester sighed again. “Yes,” she said. “And usually, you don’t even know it.”
Beau and Yasha fell into a comfortable pace working the stalks with their blades, stretching their muscle-memory and directing higher thought functions to the main mission: small talk.
“So,” Beau said as conversationally as she could, “been a farmer for very long?”
Max gave a bark of laughter. “Sure,” he said. “For as long as I can remember. The fields are my home, really.”
“Have you lived here your whole life?” Yasha asked. “In this…Blumenthal?”
“Ja,” said Max. “I have never even seen another town before. I have never had reason to.”
“Really?” Beau asked. “Is it that interesting here?”
Max shook his head. “Interesting is not the word for it,” he said. “Here, you just wake up, you hit the fields, the sun goes down. Then you go home, you tell stories to your kids, you go to sleep. Really, some might consider it boring.”
Yasha blinked. “Then…then why stay?” she asked. “Why not leave?”
Max laughed. “Because that is how I like it,” he said. “This is safety, this familiarity. If I venture out into the big city, or somewhere I’ve never been, there’s too much risk. Too many unknowns.”
Beau raised an eyebrow. “Well,” she said eventually, “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”
“You should stay a while,” Max suggested. “You’re not bad with that sickle. Then you might switch to my point of view.”
“I cannot imagine Blumenthal is that good,” Yasha said, trying a different tactic.
Max shrugged. “I think it’s perfect,” he said. “It is calm, and peaceful, and the people are good. Everybody knows each other. It is the sort of town where neighbors can trust each other, and the elders help take care of the young ones, and there are plenty of playmates for your children.”
“How’s the drink?” Beau asked. “I saw a tavern in town on the way in.”
Max laughed again. “Strong,” he said. “The way Zemnians like it.”
There were a few minutes of silence, as the conversation slowly died away. Then Beau picked it up again, and asked:
“So, maybe you could tell us a bit about yourself? If, uh, that’s not weird?”
Yasha gave her an encouraging smile. She smiled back only slightly painfully.
“Ja, I can do that,” Max said. “What do you want to know?”
Beau shrugged. “Uh, I guess...how old are you?” 
He paused. He seemed to think about this for a moment. “Well,” he said eventually, “much older than you, anyhow.”
Beau blinked. She looked at Yasha, who shrugged.
“Are, uh, are you married?” She asked, and Max nodded.
“What is your wife’s name?” Yasha asked.
“Clara,” he said.
There was a long moment where they both waited for him to say more. When nothing came, Beau tried again.
“What about, fuck, uh, what about your kids?” she asked.
He immediately brightened. “Sure,” he said. “My oldest daughter is Emillia. She helps around the garden and in the fields sometimes now, so she doesn’t spend as much time playing. Then after her is Charlotte, just over eight, who hangs around with the other village children. And then Lena, only three, so she spends most of her time at home.”
Beau blinked, and wondered briefly if one could get conversational whiplash.
“You, uh, you care a lot about your kids then, huh?”
“Of course,” Max said. “They are very important to me. And this is a wonderful town for children.”
“Oh,” Beau said. “Uh…okay.” And, uh, what about for those of us who ain’t planning on having any kids?” she asked.
“Oh, well, there certainly are adults like that around here somewhere,” Max shrugged. “I do not have much to say about them, personally.”
“Why?” Beau frowned “You think all people should care about carrying on their bloodlines, and shit?”
Max shook his head and laughed “Oh, no, it’s not that,” he said. “It’s just…I just…” He paused. “I don’t know, I just don’t seem to know much about them. I only really know the parents of my daughter’s friends.”
Beau and Yasha exchanged glances.
The monk tried for an expression that said: There’s something weird about every goddamn answer of his, right?
The barbarian shrugged. Her eyes said: I have no idea what’s going on.
Beau sighed, and looked back at Max. “Hey,” she said, “hey, isn’t it weird that you only know about people who’re parents?”
He blinked and frowned at her. “What?” he said. “Er…is it? I don’t, uh, I didn’t notice.”
There was another lull in the conversation. This time it was more tense, and the sound of wheat being cut down dominated the still air.
Finally, Beau sighed, and pinched the bridge of her nose, and faced Max again. “Excuse me,” she said. “Hair, uh, Herr Max…can I ask you a couple more questions?”
“Ja, okay,” he sighed, turning around. “But really, after this, we need to get back to work.”
“Yeah, yeah, definitely,” Beau said. “Can, uh, can you tell me more about yourself?”
Max gave an annoyed huff. “I am a farmer, I work in the fields! What else is there to know?”
“Fuck, man, I don’t know either!” Beau shouted. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be asking you! For the gods’ sake, you’d think the others would want to know when your goddamned birthday is! Isn’t that stupid!? When’s your birthday, huh, Max? When’s your fucking birthday?!”
Beau glared at the startled farmer, panting slightly. Yasha took a step forwards and put a hand on her shoulder.
“I think perhaps we are done for now,” she said softly. “Er…sorry for bother...”
She trailed off awkwardly when she noticed the stricken expression across Max’s face. Beau sighed, and rolled her eyes.
“Look,” she said, taking a step forward, “look, sorry about that, alright? Fuck, can I give you, like, a gold piece to chill out, or what? You don’t actually have to tell me, you know.”
Max looked up, met her gaze, and shook his head. “Er…that is good, then, I think,” he said. He frowned slightly. “Because…because I think I do not know when my birthday is?”
Yasha and Beau both stared at him.
“Uh…what?” Beau asked.
Max shook his head again. He dropped his sickle and rubbed his face. “My…when is my birthday?” he asked.
Beau glanced at Yasha, who shrugged, and glanced back at him. “Uh…I don’t know?” she said. “When is it?”
Max tilted his head, as if listening to some far-off song. And then his eyes went wide, and he swiveled towards Beau with a look of intense, anguished bewilderment.
“I don’t know,” he whispered.
She took a careful step forward. “When were you born?” she asked.
“I don’t…I don’t know.”
“Max? When were you born?”
He shook his head.
“Not even a year?”
“Nein! No, nothing! I cannot, I cannot remember!”
Yasha moved closer. “Max?” she asked softly. “We asked you this already once, but…but now please answer? What is your age?”
He met her steely gaze with fear and panic and shook his head again.
“Max? How old are you?” Beau demanded.
The man had tears running down his face now as he violently shook his head. “I don’t know!” he shouted. “I was never told! I can’t remember! I don’t know!”
“Tell me now!” Beau yelled. “Tell me right now, how old are you?!”
Max was weeping now, shoulders shaking. “Stop asking me!” he begged. “Please, please, I don’t know. Please, stop asking!”
And then, somewhere else almost a mile away, Caleb’s tiny form lurched off the side of the log. He collapsed face-first into the grass below.
Jester and Fjord immediately shot to their feet in a panic.
“Caleb?” Jester asked frantically. “Caleb, are you okay?”
“What’s the matter?” Fjord asked. “Kid, what’s—”
They knelt down. They froze.
Caleb was curled up into a ball, knees against his chest, clutching the sides of his head with his hands. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and his breath came in huge, panting heaves. He was shaking, and crying, and worst of all, was whimpering soft, broken keens of pain.
“It hurts,” he breathed, “it hurts! Make…make it stop, it hurts!”
Jester and Fjord exchanged panicked looks.
“What hurts?” Jester asked. “What…what’s hurting you?”
Caleb shook his head. “I don’t know!” he shouted. “I don’t…I don’t know!”
“Please, Caleb, can you try? Anything to help!” she cried.
He flinched, hard. “Stop asking!” he sobbed. “Stop…stop asking!”
“But, but we can’t help unless we know what the problem is,” Fjord said softly. “Please, talk to us, where’s the pain?”
Caleb inhaled sharply, and shook his head again. “No!” he said. “Not that, not that, I don’t know! Stop asking, I don’t know, Max never told me! I don’t know! Stop asking, I don’t know!”
From somewhere within the soft white clouds above Nott and Caduceus’s heads, there was a horrible, discordant wail.
They looked up.
They saw a massive, inky black rift rip open in the sky.
They stared for a few beats of awful, bewildered, horrified silence.
Slowly, Nott pulled out her flask and took a long, long swig.
“Well,” said Caduceus, reaching for his staff, “I suppose this means we’ll be needed after all?”
And then, back in the fields, as Beau yelled and Yasha's hand carefully inched toward her greatsword, suddenly, Max's eyes went wide.
He crumpled, falling to the ground like a puppet whose strings had suddenly been cut.
He vanished into the tall grain, lost in a sea of swaying wheat.
welcome back!! ☕ ☕ ☕
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braxarchives · 4 years
The Four Loko Incident  ― CANON. (current verse)
Max hasn’t been entirely honest with Brady about his feelings towards him. In order to gain the courage to tell him, he concocts a plan. NSFW.
It took Max all of a day after texting his twin about his self-pitying unrequited bullshit to put together a game plan in his head. When he woke up yesterday morning, he didn’t really plan on being in his feelings. But then Brady had to walk by him in one of Max’s t-shirts and smiled at him with his stupid bed-head and Max’s brain malfunctioned. Honestly, though. Maybe it was a long time coming. When Emmie had suggested he just talk to him… the thought was scary. But the alternative was scarier: letting this eat at him for even longer and ruining whatever chill he had left. And once Max had an idea in his head, he had to do it. Sleeping on things for too long wasn’t his strong suit. If he gave himself time to think things through, he’d chicken out. And that just wasn’t him. So naturally he’d thought about it. What was the least painful way to get everything out in the open and not feel the embarrassment of rejection later? And then it came to him: alcohol. “Hey, dude.” He said casually as he closed the door behind him to their apartment, cradling a bagged bottle in his hands. “You have plans tonight? ‘Cause I thought maybe we could hang out. I brought presents. Like — six different kinds of Four Loko.” He grinned and lifted the bag up some as though he could see through it. “Was thinking we could come up with our own drinking game or something.” 
Brady looked up from the TV, where he was currently sprawled out on the couch watching Parks & Rec for probably the 10th time, when he heard Max come in. “Hey,” he replied, just beginning to curiously eye the bag in Max’s hands when he explained it. Brady grinned, pushing himself to sit up. “Four Loko,” he repeated. “You’re ridiculous.” But he couldn’t even act like he wasn’t excited. The idea of a drinking game definitely piqued his interest. “Yeah. Yeah, we can figure somethin’ out.” Brady paused the episode he was currently on so he could adequately focus on the conversation. “You wanna make it a video? We’ll just…try to cut it off before you get too hammered. Don’t want your fans seeing you get too sloppy,” he teased.
Max laughed and walked over to him to set the bag down near the couch, his gaze momentarily drifting to the TV before Brady paused it.  Honestly, it was good he did pause. They’d end up getting distracted before doing anything at all. “If that’s not good enough we’ve got some Jack somewhere around here. But I don’t wanna kill us, we might lose at our own game.” He matched Brady’s tone right back and moved to sit next to him, shuffling the bag on the ground as he did so. “Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to be too on brand. Good thing I have you to protect our squeaky clean image, huh?” For once, he hadn’t even thought of doing a video. He guessed he shouldn’t stop now. Besides, as Brady said, they could cut it off when he got too messy. Nodding with a small hum, he rummaged through the bag to pull out a couple different flavors and set the cans in front of them. “Yeah! You’re a genius, man. ‘Cause I was thinking we could watch some of our old stuff. But make it fun, you know? That way you can take a shot every time I do something dumb, like I know you want to.” He teased. “And I can whenever you roll your eyes and quit. Perfect, right?”  Except for the fact that it wouldn’t be actual shots, but whatever. They made their own rules. “How much time do you need to get ready?”
“Yeah. Save that for another time.” Whatever Max had on him now was likely more than enough. “Which is why this probably won’t be edited for a good two days, to make sure I got a totally clear head to start with.” Brady could only imagine going into it and missing important bits and pieces, ending up with something super messy up on Max’s channel for the world to see. And Brady certainly wasn’t down with that. “Hm, we might have to narrow that down a lil’ bit. Taking a drink every time you do something dumb might kill me in a little under an hour,” he teased as he turned the TV off. “Go get your laptop. Gimme like five minutes.” He headed into his room so he could change his shirt. He usually didn’t exactly care what he looked like in Max’s videos, since he was partial to being entirely authentic or whatever, but he was in an old sleep shirt that really didn’t do much for him. He changed into the first clean henley shirt he found, grabbed his camera and tripod, and returned to the living room to set up. “Let’s say you take a drink every time I make a comment from behind the camera, ‘cause there’s plenty of that. Down the rest of your drink every time I threaten to quit.” Brady set the camera on the tripod and started to set up the frame. “And I take a shot every time you lose your train of thought. Down it whenever you manage to injure yourself.”
“You’re so funny, save it for the video.” Max grinned to himself and stood, waving his roommate away as he did so. “Alright, go make yourself presentable, wouldn’t want to disappoint the Brady fangirls.” He teased, before wandering off to go grab his laptop from his room. He walked by Ratthew’s cage, wiggling his fingers in his direction before grabbing the laptop and power cord from his bed. By the time he came back to the living-room, powered up and pulled up YouTube, Brady was already joining him. He briefly glanced at him, taking note of the outfit change and willing himself not to be that guy who looked a little too long. Yikes, as though this wasn’t already going to be embarrassing enough. Turning back to the screen, he found himself huffing a small laugh as he opened a few different fan-made compilations, pausing each one before they had a chance to play. “Why don’t I just down my drink now and get it over with?” He joked lightly, but wasn’t really joking, as Brady set up the camera. “Sounds good, but we’re gonna end up going through all these cans in like five minutes. I pulled up our greatest hits.” He took two cans of Four Loko, one for him and one for Brady, and popped the top. “’Kay, dude, get your ass over here so we can do our intro. We’ll save the thumbnail for after.”
Brady obviously knew Max was joking about downing his drink right away, but he still replied, “’Cause that’d ruin all the fun.” He finished setting up the camera and pressed record. “Alright, then guess we’re gonna have to break out the jack eventually,” he said simply, going over to join Max where he sat. “I dunno if we’ll manage to pull ourselves together afterward.” He had to take the realistic approach, because he had a feeling a drunken thumbnail would be a hot mess and they’d end up redoing one when they were sober anyway. “But whatever, your channel.” Brady cleared his throat and put on his best ‘on camera’ look, which was far from perfected because he still wasn’t quite used to it. “Sup guys. Uh, welcome back to my channel. My name’s Max,” he placed a hand over his chest, then gestured toward Max, “and this is my super hot cameraman Brady who’s so kindly doing a video with me.” Brady grinned at him briefly before turning away, and then wondered for a moment if the joke about himself being hot would properly land. Not that Brady hadn’t publicly stated before that he and his best bro were equally attractive, but recently it felt just a little bit different to say out loud. And he also knew from experience that Max’s fans liked to take the tiniest little thing and turn it into something much bigger. But Brady wanted all of that to be on his own terms, not up to some randos on the internet. “What’re we doin’ today, real Max?” he asked as he opened the can Max had handed him.
Max sighed, more than a little dramatically, and shrugged his shoulders. “I mean I guess. And hey maybe not, but if we can get a steady pic it’ll be good enough.” The important thing was that Brady would be in it. He was a fan favorite, even if Brady didn’t seem to like the attention like Max did. He never fully understood why. But sometimes he just wished Brady would let people see who he was more. As Brady joined him, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Wow. Spot on impression. I think I’d introduce you as my super hot but rude as hell camera-man Brady, but you’re honestly close enough.” He leaned back into the couch and gave the camera a little wave. “Hey everybody it’s fake Brady slash real Max. Bringing you more quality content ‘cause we’ve got nothing better to do on a Friday night. So here we’ve got some Four Loko, and on my laptop here I’ve got several fan submitted compilations. And spoiler alert, we might actually end up dying today. ‘Cause we’re going to be playing a drinking game.” He looked away from the camera and grinned over at Brady. “Rules are simple. He takes one sip whenever I lose my train of thought.” He shoots him an annoyed look, although it’s mostly playful. “Which is obviously not that often. And then he’s gonna down it whenever I injure myself. Which might be a little often.” He admitted with a small shrug. “And I’ma sip whenever he comments behind camera. Then full on downing my drink when he threatens to quit on me. Oh, and it totally counts now, too, but if you abuse it I’m disqualifying you. So don’t quit three times in a row. Or I’m gonna get up and pretend to fall like fifteen times.” He tapped him on the arm, careful not to make him slosh, and reached out to grab his own can and pull the first tab on his laptop up. “And on that note. I’m gonna start. “Max & Brady’s worst moments - part 1.” He arched an eyebrow at Brady before he started it. “How many parts do you think there are?”
“Quality content is a loose term.” They both had to admit this was going to get real stupid, real fast. But that was them for you. Brady simply nodded along with Max’s explanation, because there was really nothing to add and maybe he was still a little camera shy. But whatever. All he really had to do was sit there and look pretty and Brady was good at that. “Alright, alright. I won’t quit unless it’s warranted,” he promised. Brady watched curiously as the video started and shrugged. “I dunno, man. Probably too many.” It started with Max’s older videos, clips stitched together with far too much yelling and general idiocy. And, predictably, Brady’s comments in response. He smirked as he looked over at Max after a particularly prominent ‘this might be your dumbest idea yet’ from behind the camera. “Drink up, bro.”
He couldn’t help the genuine smile from crossing his face at their old videos. The camera was way too shaky and their content was just a bunch of yelling and doing the first thing they could think of. But they were kind of his favorites. That was one of the most fun times of his life. “Aw, look at us. We were like 12.” It was more like three years ago, but close enough. At the comment that Max had honestly been expecting, he shook his head and grinned. “Ah – wait for it, though.” He held his hand up in the air, and shortly after he spoke, the on-screen Max tumbled to the ground and completely ate it. He lifted his own can up, and pointed at Brady with his other hand. “You better drink for that bruise I had on my face for like a month. It hurt to smile.” And with that, he lifted his drink to take a small sip. “Chug it, bro, I’m freaking waiting.”
It went like that, as predicted, and four cans between the two of them were gone way too quickly. And so was Brady. “The fuck even is this shit bro?” He studied the can, as it suddenly occurred to him he’d never actually had this shit before and didn’t realize it would hit him this hard. “That was too freakin’ fast to go through two of these at once. That’s like… that’s eight whole Lokos, dude.” Brady couldn’t help the laugh that erupted as soon as he said it, his hand coming up to grab Stevie’s shoulder for support. Once he caught his breath, Brady waved said hand in the air and placed the empty can down on the table. “Okay, okay. I think it’s time we wrap this up.”
Max wasn’t expecting it to go that fast, but maybe he should have stopped to think about it. Or come up with different rules. But it was too late… and he was definitely more tipsy than he’d intended to be. He just wanted to be a little gone, not like… this much. “Uhh it tastes like an alcoholic energy drink. Or somethin’. Like freakin’… party Monster.” He snorted at his own joke, setting his empty can on the table in front of them and slinking back into the couch just as Brady spoke. He and broke out into a laugh so big he could feel it vibrate through his chest. “Shut up, you’re dumb.” Yet he grinned at him and began to sit up, his hand dropping down to Brady’s leg to use the leverage to straighten himself. And even his almost-drunk mind was well aware of their proximity, and he wasn’t really sure if it was the alcohol or a laughing Brady that wasn’t making him think clearly. “Okay…okay. Yeah.” He gave a short laugh and lifted his hand from Brady’s leg, running it over his face as he shook his head. His heart leapt in his chest, because he knew why he was even here to begin with. But they’d been having fun. And now they were drunk and he didn’t know what to do. “Okay guys I think it’s safe to say we’re both losers here. That’s all the sign-off you get. I’m…kinda drunk. A little.” He looked to Brady. “But uh. Not that drunk.” He swallowed, not nearly as humorous as before, but not trying to alarm him by a sudden change in tone. “Hey dude? Can I be honest with you for a second?”
Max was a mess. That was all Brady could think as he watched him give a half-assed outro, just slightly slower than usual. But Brady himself was just as bad, ducking his head and damn near giggling through it. He did manage to look back up at the camera when Max said he was drunk to add, “Same.” And then Max looked at him and of course Brady’s focus shifted. It was a little weird, the sudden (but subtle) shift in the mood of the conversation, but not the kind of weird that made Brady want to run away before things got too serious. Although… maybe that had something to do with the crazy amount of alcoholic energy drink in his system, because he almost knew where this was going before it got there. And that was dumb, since he’d spent all this time pretending not to notice the way Max looked at him sometimes and also acting like it didn’t make a difference to him. He didn’t know when he realized he was attracted to him, but it was long enough ago that Brady had gotten really, really good at pretending. Max was too close to him, one of the most secure constants in his life, and Brady wasn’t gonna let his dumbass fuck that up. But Max was crossing the line so Brady didn’t have to. “Yeah,” was all Brady managed to say through the fog clouding his brain. He wanted to say as long as it’s not stupid, a last-ditch effort to run away from the inevitable. Instead, he swayed a bit in his seat and said, “Anything.”
Max wasn’t sure how Brady would respond to the change in subject, but when he didn’t seem phased, part of him was almost surprised. He didn’t think he’d want to listen right now. But then he agreed and gave him that look again; the one that made him feel like he wasn’t crazy after all. He didn’t always get it from him, but when he did, Stevie couldn’t help how it made him feel. Fucking Brady messing with his head like this when he was already mush-brained. The all-too familiar sensation of longing settled into his gut, and it was then that he gained his resolve. Now or never. He seemed so much closer now, and he had to fight to not lean over to him and go too far. “I didn’t — do this for the freaking video, Brady.” He struggled to make sense, and he ended up leaning in some regardless, tone lowering as though he were telling a secret. Because that’s what this felt like. Max’s shoulders slouched a little from the alcohol, and he shook his head so he could try to think clearly. “I wanna know. I want to know.” His words were spoken slowly as he corrected himself. He wanted to reach out and touch him, and he lifted his hand to do so, before choosing to settle it between them. Even in his state of mind right now he knew this was one hell of a delicate situation. “If I kissed you…” The words were so foreign to say around him, even if he’d thought about it before. But now he couldn’t take them back. His head swam with anxiousness, but he also felt a sense of pride at having done it. So he repeated it, making sure Brady heard him. “If I actually… really kissed you. Would you never talk to me again?”
Brady swallowed, noticing how unbelievably dry his throat was. “I don’t…” He didn’t what? Didn’t want to ruin their friendship by admitting he wanted to sleep with him? Didn’t want to fuck up something to good in his life? Didn’t want to make things awkward between them forever? He recognized that saying any of that was the surest and quickest way to make it happen, because the damage had been done. Max had said his part, had put himself out there and opened up the flood gates and now it was Brady’s turn to decide what to do with it. He was dizzy, mostly because he was drunk but also partly because he was moving, leaning forward with an arm over the back of the couch to steady himself so he could kiss him. He was all too aware of how drunk they both were, especially considering how clumsily his hands found Max’s face, and just… what the fuck. Brady didn’t know what to think, except that he technically hadn’t answered Max’s question. But he was hoping he got the picture.
Max hadn’t exactly expected the night to go like this. He expected Brady to pull away from him; to make up any and every excuse to not be around him. But he wasn’t doing any of that, and suddenly he was hyper-aware of everything. Feeling Brady’s arm slide around the back of the couch urged Max to lean in to close what distance was left between them. The moment his friend finally kissed him was surreal, and he couldn’t really think of much of anything other than how freaking soft his lips were and how nice his hands felt on his face even if they kind of bumped against him. Max’s hands didn’t feel so steady themselves, but he still used one to grab the fabric of that ridiculous Henley of his and tug him in closer. The other raised to cup Brady’s own jaw as he reciprocated the kiss; all caution gone now. He broke apart briefly, eyes shut, and he laughed quietly as he licked his bottom lip. His eyes opened only for his gaze to drop down to Brady’s mouth. “Really like that answer.” He said quietly, but sure as hell wasn’t going to say any more and ruin this. He brought himself closer, knee bumping against Brady’s as he pressed another kiss to his lips, hand cupping his jaw now sliding to the back of his neck to steady him.
Max closed the already very little distance between them even further and Brady suddenly felt a sense of urgency. Like he was reminded that this really was an okay thing to be doing, and fuck if he didn’t really, really want it. He pulled away and dragged his hands down to Max’s shoulders to urge him backwards, simultaneously trying to move on top of him, but he very quickly lost his balance and tumbled right into Max, pushing him much harder than intended onto his back on the couch. “Oops.” Brady couldn’t help but laugh just before pressing another kiss to his lips. Then he planted his hands to push himself back up slightly. He hesitated for a moment, feeling all sorts of dizzy as he looked down at Max, but he bit his lip and touched Max’s shirt, pulling the fabric just a little. “You…” He swallowed. “Tell me to stop if it’s—if you don’t want me to,” he said slowly, the slur in his words surprising even himself for a moment. Even when he could barely see straight, he knew better than to just assume where this was going simply because it was what he wanted. Brady bunched up the fabric in his hands to start to pull it off, knowing Max had an out if he wanted it, no questions asked.
Max was fully ready to lose all control and climb on top of Brady when his shoulders were being pushed backwards. Caught off guard, he hit the couch harder than perhaps he needed to. His head slamming on the cushion and back bouncing from the impact. Unable to help it, Max let out a large laugh, something that was quickly silenced by Brady’s lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, and almost deepened it when his friend broke apart. And the words honest to God made him pause for a second. If he wanted…him to stop. Wow. Really. “You’re. So.” Unbelievable. He let out a laugh of disbelief, although the comment was sweet. Max had wanted this for way too long. “More like if you wanna stop we can.” He murmured, and took a second to slide his hand up Brady’s back. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Max never thought that they’d actually get drunk, or do anything like this. He just wanted to tell him so Brady could once and for all reject him. But now that he wasn’t — he was going to fully embrace that and not question things for once. But if Brady wanted to stop, he’d stop.
Now though? Max was eagerly lifting himself up so they could both pull his shirt over his head. “Don’t wanna stop.” He reached out grab Brady’s shirt and bunched the bottom of the material in his hands, palms sliding up the skin of his torso as he tried to remove the material completely. And then Max was sitting up, despite kind of loving Brady being right on top of him. But he had more pressing business. Maybe a little sloppily, he met Brady’s lips once more and wrapped his arms around his waist, before slowly flipping their positions. Not thinking clearly, he barely processed the fact that they were both sliding off the couch and to the ground, the Four Loko cans scattered around them. But Max barely even paid attention. Now on top of Brady, he lifted himself up with his hands so he could look down at him. Holy crap Brady was really here doing this with him. Something at that moment clicked in him, and he grinned slowly. “Fuck you Brady. I hate your stupid clothes.” Max dipped his head for another slow kiss before dropping his head lower, finally allowing himself to trail kisses from his jawline to his neck as his hands trailed down to his waistline, thumbs stroking against his skin as he took his time. This was really happening.
Brady wanted to make some sort of comment, but not only could his brain not currently form one, he was a little preoccupied at the same time. He tossed Max’s shirt…fuckin’ somewhere, it didn’t matter, and only had a second to take it in before reacting to Max’s hand sliding up under his own. Brady yanked it over his head and it joined Max’s somewhere on the floor. Then Max quite literally dragged him onto the floor and Brady couldn’t even think to remind Max that he was, in fact, dumb. He did manage to roll his eyes, though, but grinned in spite of it and mumbled, “Then get rid of ‘em.” He shivered when Max’s hands paused right above the waistband of his sweats, his lips on his neck and sending Brady’s drunk ass into sensory overload. He groaned before his brain caught up to allow him to swallow the sound, but then… he didn’t give a fuck.
Brady’s hands came down to join Max’s, only to push them out of his way so he could hold onto Max’s hips instead. He gave him a generous tug to pull Max flush against him, pressing his fingers into his skin. If he was gonna be a smartass about not wanting to stop, then Brady wasn’t gonna let him be a tease. Only he wasn’t crazy about lying here on the floor, wedged between the couch and the table. He let out a shaky breath before managing to speak. “C’mon.” He started wiggling out from under Max, pushing him off so he could sit up. “Not on the floor.” He held onto the couch for leverage as he pulled himself to stand, laughing as he struggled to get his balance. God, they really were both a goddamn mess. As if Brady cared. He knew what he was doing. Max’s room was closest, so obviously it was where Brady went. He shut the door behind them even though literally no one was gonna be coming in, then turned and pulled Max by the hand until he could feel his bare skin against his own, bringing their lips together as he led them in the general direction of Max’s bed.
When Brady groaned, practically right in his ear, that did him in. “Want me to?” He drawled out in response and grinned against Brady’s neck, giving a playful nip to the skin before soothing it with his tongue. Max’s fingers dipped under the waistband of Brady’s sweats just slightly, only teasing, when Brady pushed his arms out of the way and pulled his hips forward. A groan broke from the back of Max’s own throat as they were pressed together. He was already half-hard from that stint on the couch, but now there was no hiding it. At that moment, his eyes met Brady’s, and he rolled his hips forward against his without skipping a beat. He wasn’t going to be shy; not when Brady finally wanted this too. Before he had time to do it again, Brady was urging him to stand up. And they both may have stumbled, but Max honestly had a one track mind right now. They made their way to his room, and out of instinct Max pulled the cover loosely over Ratthew’s cage as they walked by. Pretty quickly, Brady had the door shut behind them and was pulling him in by his hand. And then they were pressed together - finally. Max’s hands found either side of Brady’s face, lips urgently moving against his as they made their way over to his bed. He broke apart only to grin at him, sliding his hands down to his chest only to gently push him backwards. This time he didn’t waste any time before he was climbing up on his bed and straddling him, hips pressing down on his as he leaned in for another kiss, letting it linger before trailing open-mouthed kisses down his chest and to his stomach. Max stopped there, letting his nose graze against the spot his lips just brushed over, and glanced up again. “Bein’ in my room isn’t so bad, is it?” He teased, tone rough and still slightly slurred. Still, being careful to watch his reactions, he slid a hand down Brady’s hip and over the front of his sweats, just brushing over him to test the waters. And damn if he didn’t hear his own heart thundering in his ears as he did so.
-------Brady had no idea what time it was when he first woke up the following morning. It was bright as fuck, that was for sure, and he very quickly realized it was because the curtain was wide open. Why hadn’t he closed it like always? He rubbed his eyes as reality slowly started to come back to him. He hadn’t closed it because he had been drunk off his ass, and also because it wasn’t exactly ‘like always’ since this was Max’s room, and he was waking up in Max’s bed next to Max because they’d slept together last night. So, right. There was that. Brady blinked as he stared down at his friend, still fast asleep, lying on his stomach and hugging the pillow under his head. Even through Brady’s hazy memory and one hell of a headache, of course it all came flooding back to him. The way it felt when Max touched him, the feeling of his mouth on him, the hottest fucking look on Max’s face when Brady returned the favor. God. All of it. It was fucking good. He also vaguely remembered a snide remark about the whole ordeal having taken them long enough just before he passed out. But whatever.
He couldn’t wipe the smug smirk off his face as he forced himself to finally look away from Max and drag himself out of the bed, careful not to wake him. He found his pants on the floor and tugged them on before heading out to the living room. He shook his head at the discarded cans (which he’d worry about later, ‘cause whatever, not like anybody was coming over) and then caught sight of his camera. Right, he’d forgotten about the freaking video for Max’s channel. The battery was just about dead since Brady had been a dumbass and left it on all night. He sighed and picked it up to make sure the video was at least still there, and he was met with one over an hour long. Which was definitely unusual for them — they didn’t typically talk for that long. Brady furrowed his brow as he quickly skimmed through the video, and his heart dropped as he discovered that…everything had been recorded. Well, everything right up until going to Max’s room, after which it must have automatically stopped after surpassing the video time limit. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered as onscreen-Brady pushed Max down onto the couch. He weirdly felt like kind of a perv just standing there watching their accidental kind of sex tape, so he turned off the camera and took out the battery to start charging it before heading to the kitchen. He didn’t have the slightest clue how today would pan out, but he did know he just wanted some Lucky Charms at the moment.
Max was hardly coherent when he finally began to stir. It took a moment upon first waking up to truly get his bearings. And as the light harassed his vision, his memories began to come back to him. And his eyes opened, followed by his arm reaching back to the spot beside him. Empty. Oh no. With some difficulty, he sat up and looked at the now empty spot next to him, and dread immediately gathered in the pit of his stomach as he called the previous nights events. Brady kissing him… Him kissing Brady. Then them doing a lot more than that to each other. And he knew Brady wasn’t the type to wanna spoon him or hold his hand or whatever but his mind immediately went to the worst. Groaning as fully sat up and the sunlight hit his eyes, Max stood up and stretched his arms over his head, trying to soothe his stiff muscles before grabbing himself some sweatpants to tug on.
Walking over to the door, he uncovered Ratthew’s cage, smiling softly to himself as he looked up at him and squinted due to the sudden light entering his cage. “Moment of truth, buddy.” Max tapped his fingers to the side of the cage, then ran his other hand through his hair and walked out. He wasn’t sure if he was expecting to see Brady packing his stuff, or what. But he didn’t expect him to be…. eating cereal. And it was the same thing he saw every morning, but the sight still kind of made him smile anyway. “Uh. Morning.” He said cautiously as he walked in and approached the table as casually as he could. Nothing weird so far. It wasn’t until he got there that he noticed the box in front of Brady, and he squinted, fear forgotten momentarily as he reached out to lift up the plastic bag. Just as he expected. Empty. “Are you really eating the last of my Lucky Charms right now, dude?”
Brady looked up when Max entered the kitchen. He thought that when they saw each other, he might feel weird, or awkward, or a multitude of other emotions that would fuck things up between them, but instead Brady just felt… normal. It was the same sight he was used to seeing every day. Same roommate. Same general morning routine. The only thing different was that nothing was hidden anymore, and he’d probably argue that was going to make things easier. “Sup,” he said through a mouthful of cereal. He watched Max as he walked, and it occurred to Brady that literally all he was thinking of now was whatever was going through Max’s head. They’d probably have to really sit down and talk about this sometime soon. Right now was just not that time, especially not when Max wanted to pick a fight about the Lucky Charms. “Dude, they’re not your Lucky Charms,” he shot back. “What did you want me to do, make a new box magically appear? I’ll go get some more today.” If anything could be considered totally normal between them, it was this, without a doubt. Brady finished off the last of the cereal in his bowl and hesitated for a moment, wondering what he should say or if he should say anything at all, and here was that awkwardness he’d been expecting. Or maybe it wasn’t awkward so much as it was…tense. “So. Realized this morning I left my camera on all night.” The worst thing he could say? Perhaps. But he was feeling confident that this could maybe cut some of that tension. Maybe. He didn’t fucking know. “It recorded…for a while.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, peering at Max curiously to see if he’d figure it out on his own.
Maybe he was deflecting, just a little, by pointing out the empty cereal box. But at the same time, he couldn’t resist messing with Brady a little. It was instinct by now to tease him until he rolled his eyes at him, even if he told himself to stop doing that before he got punched one of these days. He still did it anyway though. “Fine. Our lucky charms.” Max shrugged, Brady’s tone not phasing him ‘cause he was honestly used to it. If this were a normal day, he’d grab the spoon when Brady wasn’t looking to take a bite for himself. But it felt kind of out of place after last nights events. Oddly enough, considering he’d just had way more important things of Brady’s in his mouth. He sighed. “It’d be nice if you could. Got any magic powers I should know about?” He couldn’t help his normal grin from taking place at that moment, until Brady went and mentioned the camera. The camera. Of freaking course….God, Max was an idiot. Max took a long, silent moment, as the words really and fully sunk in. And the first question that popped in his head was did Brady watch it? The second coherent thought was the fact that Brady was actually referencing what happened without any trace of panic. And at that realization, Max relaxed. Good sign. He wracked his brain trying to come up with a normal response. But his stupidity bravery was at an all time high. “Hot. You wanna save it just for us or post it up on PornHub?” Max leaned his hands on the counter, honestly bracing himself and shaking his head. “Sorry, sorry. I’m… wow.” He couldn’t help but start laughing a bit. “I never thought you’d want to make a sex tape with me.” He let it hang in the air, and he met Brady’s gaze, not really sure how to respond. He was torn between humor and regret. Maybe he was still drunk from all the Four Loko. “How do you… feel about that?” It was a loaded question, one that wasn’t necessarily about the camera or video.
Brady waited while the gears turned in Max’s head. He could practically see him putting the pieces together about what Brady had just said. And Max had been surprising him quite a bit within the past 24 hours, but his response? Not surprising. It was Max, after all. But Brady still rolled his eyes, because he was Brady. “You’re such an idiot.” Then he shrugged. “It wouldn’t even do well, for the record. S’not all that exciting.” From what he had seen before feeling creepy and also managed to remember. But it was fun to mess with Max. Brady went to the sink to clean up after himself when Max asked him how he felt, and he knew he wasn’t talking about a fucking sex tape or whatever. Except Brady didn’t really know what to say in response. He thought he made it pretty clear how he felt about what was going on last night. He also knew Max, though, and knew that he had a big heart and genuinely wanted to know, and deserved real answers. And while Brady might not have been able to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear (mostly because he still wasn’t entirely sure what that was), he could suck it up and be as honest as possible — and give him a little bit of shit in the process. “I feel like I wanna know why you were holdin’ out on me,” he finally settled on, because again, both honest and amusing. Brady turned and brushed his hands on his pants. “Gonna go get dressed and go to Starbucks. Text me what you want.” He started to head out of the kitchen toward his bedroom, but paused to turn and look at Max again. “Oh — and the battery’s gotta charge a little, but…camera’s on the coffee table, in case you wanna make sure your vid turned out okay.” And then he finally did go. They could truly deal with this later. Right now, they both needed coffee.
Max was honest to God, for the first time in a long time, speechless. Did that asshole just flirt back? He was about to say something when Brady added the bit about the camera. Max honestly wasn’t even thinking about the video right now. His hands laid flat on the counter as he leaned forward further, eyes flickering towards the living-room and the table where the camera sat. Damn. He was really going to have to go through it now and get rid of the embarrassing bits. Max wasn’t sure if Brady was just trying to mess with him or genuinely didn’t want to edit it out himself. “Hey, wait a minu—” But it was fallen on deaf ears as the door was slammed behind him. It took him a second after Brady leaving for a surprised smile filtered over his face. Well. Okay, then. Not exactly all the answers to the universe, but at least Brady was talking to him, and that was enough for him for now. He sighed and looked back in the direction of where they’d filmed last night. He’d mess with the whole camera thing later. But he really was gonna need that coffee Brady was talking about. And maybe a shower and a life. Max ran a hand through his hair and made his way back to his room to grab his phone. Pulling up Brady’s name, he shook his head to himself before sending his text.
“Surprise me, Bradley.”
0 notes
does-not-glitter · 4 years
Of Monsters and Men
12 September 1942
Another funeral today. Another nightmare to pile onto these youngling's shoulders. Death shouldn't bother me, not anymore, but seeing these kids barely outta childhood, fall dead again and again is too much even for me.
I’ve experienced my fair share of funerals. Grandparents when I was a teen, still alive with a beating heart and warm cheeks. Parents, they died early on as well. Too early to realise their youngest son had become a monster. Father fought in the Civil War, North. Good man. Mother died of pneumonia along with my eldest sister. Then, one by one, all my siblings and the few friends I had. Decade by decade, they died off. Leaving me. 
These deaths are different. Harder to bear. Dying young is a tragedy nobody can explain. Nobody should explain.
I never fought in the first war - the Great one. Never saw the death and suffering that caused. I couldn’t cope with humanity and life after everyone around me started growing old. I moved to the most reclusive part of South America until the news of the end of the War reached me. The war to end all wars, they called it. Much good that did them. 
I moved to London, hoping to reconcile with my dying youngest sister, Margaret. The moment she saw me, she screamed bloody murder and called me the Devil. I can’t say I didn’t expect that. 
Still, I decided to stay in the city. I hoped for a new start. And I got one. People were rebuilding, celebrating, living life. I fed off of that youthful enthusiasm. It made me feel young again. The happiness, as all things in my life, didn’t last long.
I tried to enlist immediately. I’m already dead, so I might as well help out in some way, do what I didn’t the first time. I couldn’t provide any documentation of my citizenship, nor my general existence. To the world, I was a man who died in 19th century America. My accent didn’t help. I was sent out the door, threatened with the police.
Once the war took its first swing, they stopped caring. They gave the job to any willing man.
The men who fight alongside me, all look older than I do. They look at me with pity, like I’m some child, who signed a death warrant. Little do they know it’s the other way around. These kids, whose lives have just begun, 20-year-olds, who’ve barely fallen in love, will die in battle, while I, an old man, who’s lived through too much already will, most likely, survive.
Today we stood around a grave filled with the bodies of twenty men, destroyed by bullets and grenades. We cried and told stories and buried them in the earth, before going back to eat and pray that we live to see another day, pray we don’t end up like them. I didn’t. I don’t pray. Not anymore. The cross I used to wear around my neck would burn me now.
“Eat up, boy,” someone sitting beside me says. I don’t recognise him, until one of his buddies sitting nearby calls him “David.”
He eyes my food with wild hunger. I look down at my bowl full of watery soup, a piece of bread soaking inside. I don’t need to eat, at least not that, but I keep up the pretense. It’s a waste of resources, but it’s either that or admitting I’m a monster and being thrown off the army in the best case scenario. Worst case, with a stake in my heart.
“I’m not hungry. Can’t eat,” I say offhandedly. It’s a good-enough excuse for those who know what it’s like to see someone die, “Eat my portion.”
I hand him the bowl and, without a question, he downs the soup like a beast.
I stand, leaving David before he can make conversation, and walk toward the fire. I can see a few familiar faces, lit up orange by the flames. Paul, Philip, Oliver. Before I can reach the circle around the pit, a hand grabs me and pulls me into the darkness. My eyes adjust. Andrew. Clean shaven with hair slicked back, he dons a smile on his face. Always the optimist.
“Come on, I wanna show you somethin’,” he says, pulling me after him.
The moon illuminates his face, casting a shadow below his sharp cheekbones and pointed nose. His hair is grown out, ready for a haircut, though I like it when it’s this length. It makes him look mature. Elegant.
When I first arrived, his was the first face I saw. He was beautiful. Immediately I knew this wasn’t going to be easy. I couldn’t die, but my feelings could kill me.
He pulls me further and further away from camp, towards a creek where the moonlight reflects in the water, and trees and bushes create a nook, a quiet hiding spot, away from the entire world.
“Is this where you’ve been hiding these past few days?” I ask when we reach the water.
He nods, then bends down and beckons me to do the same. I do.
“Look,” he says, pointing to the family of frogs resting on the shore. Their slick skin glows silver. “They’ve found a home here. The kids came out of the water just yesterday.” His gaze is fixed on the frogs in a childlike fascination.
I’m not looking at the frogs. My eyes are on him, his face, his expression. His eyebrows are knitted and his eyes are glowing. There’s so much life in them. Life was cruel when it put you into this world at this time, Andrew.
“Look! The kids are trying to catch bugs!” He grabs my hand to catch my attention.
I tense up.
He glances at me and I smile, though I don’t care about frogs. I smile and squeeze his hand to show I appreciate it all.
“They’re cute,” I say and his face lights up.
We lie down on the hard ground and I’m sure Andrew’s cold. He doesn’t seem to care. He’s looking up at the stars, millions of them flashing down at us like small explosions far, far away.
He takes hold of my hand and points up, explaining the names of the different constellations. I can’t keep up, my focus drifts away, but his voice is soft and sure and happy. That’s all that matters.
“You’re cold,” he says abruptly, interrupting his monologue. There’s a sudden hint of concern in his voice.
“I’m not,” I sit up, pulling my hand free off his.
So does he.
“Your hands are freezing.” He frowns and touches my cheek.
His hand is scorching. And his pulse is fast, faster than normal.
“You’re so cold. Are you alright?” he asks.
I nod, putting a hand over his, the one resting on my cheek. 
“With you, I’m always warm,” I say, before I can realise how stupid and flirtatious that sounds.
“You’re absolutely freezing,” he says, looking into my eyes, ignoring my remark. “Are you sure you’re not ill?”
“I’m sure,” I say, hoping my voice doesn’t sound too strained. Lying, even if not direct, is hard when it comes to Andrew. “I’ve always been cold. Most of my life. It’s nothing serious.”
Except it is. I cannot die, I have to drink human blood to survive, I cannot enter a church or touch a cross or age. I’m older than anyone on this planet, yet I look like a boy. I’m a monster. A goddamn vampire. But that doesn’t matter here and now. None of that matters around Andrew.
17 September 1942
I told him.
I couldn’t keep up the pretense. The lying made me feel guilty. It weighed on my conscience so much that I could not sleep. I lay awake, staring into the darkness, my mind at work. Too busy.
After the morning routine exercises I asked him if we could talk. He was clearly confused at my seriousness, maybe even my nervous ticks. We headed to the creek. I was quiet for a while-- it felt like hours-- as I gathered my courage. I feared I might not be able to say it, but I ripped off the bandaid. It felt as if a bomb exploded in my chest.
Andrew was silent as thoughts rushed through my mind: panic and heartbreak combined. He scrunched up his face, then just said: ‘That makes sense.’
It wasn’t what I expected, but anything is better than being called the Devil or an abomination. Still, I was shocked. I asked him if he understood what I meant, how he could be okay with all this. He said it wasn’t a big deal. He told me there’s nothing unholy about me, just like there’s nothing unholy about us.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Everyone is shivering in the biting cold of late English autumn. Except for me. So I pretend.
The bullets haven’t started firing yet. We’re eating our last scraps of food. I give mine to Andrew. He takes them without a word and squeezes my hand.
“So, Jim, when we get out of here, what’re you gonna do?” Paul, my best mate, asks.
“I dunno.” I shrug. “Maybe I’ll settle down, finally live a peaceful life. Or I’ll travel the world. See what else is out there, y’know. You?”
“I’m gonna open a bakery.” He smiles, his mind travelling to the distant future. “I’ll wake up at the crack of dawn and make breads and scones and all sorts of stuff and the children walking to school will stop by the window and stare at the decorated cakes. They’ll pop in for a warm muffin ‘n then off to learn-”
“You’re empty stomach’s talkin’ again, Paul,” Phillip, sitting at Paul’s side, his hat over his eyes, grunts.
“Shut up, Pip. My dreams are my dreams.”
“And they may be, just not here, not right now, mate,” Phillip says.
Paul sighs, his mind having wandered back from the trip to a brighter world.
The bullets start flying. Commands from commanding officers echo through the trenches. The image of the future disappears along with any semblance of peace.
27 November 1942
There are thirteen wounded and one dead.
Not Andrew or Paul or Pip. Only Oliver’s a bit beaten up. But that tough guy’ll be alright.
Nobody talked on the way back. We were too tired and broken. Andrew was awfully quiet when we got back too. Any last shred of positivity or joy he tried to cling onto seemed to have disappeared. I found him sitting by the creek, looking out at the dark waters. The frogs were gone and the air smelt of death. We sat, side by side for a long time, until Andrew left to go to sleep.
I sat in the quiet for a bit, trying to collect my thoughts, but they seemed to have drifted away like leaves in the wind. Paul was still up when I returned. He made conversation and we stayed up, chatting, until his eyes gave out and he drifted off into an uneasy sleep. The war has invaded every aspect of our lives now.
3 December 1942
Paul asked me about my family today. I must admit, I was surprised. He’s never touched the subject before. I guess the snowcover and the incoming Christmas atmosphere brings up thoughts of loved ones. 
I tried to dodge the question, but when he insisted I told him I was an orphan. A believable lie, fitting the fact that I never write letters home like the others do. He looked guilty and wanted to say something, but I changed the subject, asking him about his own family.
He told me about his sisters, anecdotes of their growing up, his strict parents and the way he tried to make his sisters laugh after his father had tried to scold them. His voice was soaked in love. How one could hold so much affection for their family is beyond me.
But if I could still pray, I would pray for his family. And for him. That he returns home to them. That he celebrates the holidays with them once again.
24 December 1942
The fighting has ceased as the semblance of a festive atmosphere fills the air. Everyone is more joyful than they should be. It’s been so long since I’ve experienced a Christmas Eve, that I’d forgotten the infectious cheerfulness. Maybe my family was never that cheerful.
We collected the dead from battlefields and gathered round to celebrate. The men sang carols. I recognised some of them, their lyrics changed but the melodies the same. I tried to sing along, but it felt like swallowing glass. Vampire perk. 
Andrew and I met by the creek. He showed me a piece of a mistletoe he had taken. It was such a silly gesture, but he insisted, laughing like a child. We kissed under the mistletoe and it was then that I understood the fondness everyone holds for the holiday. Even a war as terrible as we’ve experienced could not stop the boys from spreading the joy, from a moment of peacefulness.
Bullets are winging its way past me, bombs are going off, dirt is flying, and there’s only one goal in my mind, the animalistic instinct: kill.
I’m not distracted by Paul or Andrew. Half of us stayed at base. Something about this battle being too dangerous to send the whole crew. They were right. Men are falling like trees in a hurricane; one’s blown apart by a bomb, another falls with twenty bullet holes in his chest.
The smell of blood is overwhelming, which only strengthens the monstrous side of me.
Bullets rip apart my uniform, lodging into my body, but you can’t kill what’s already dead.
The gun is digging into my shoulder, painful and heavy. A human being would have collapsed already, from both the blood loss and the searing pain. More proof that whatever I am is not human.
Paul made me promise that I come back no matter the cost. Before I left, he took me aside and cried and said goodbye. I wanted to tell him not to worry, that I cannot die by the bullets or the grenades. The moment wasn’t right. I accepted his tears, comforted him.
Andrew never said goodbye. He didn’t have to. A goodbye means ‘I’ll probably never see you again,’ but he knows better than that.
I trip over a mound. Glancing back, I spot a face I recognise on the ground.
My breath hitches. I fall to my knees.
Pip’s face is caked with mud and sweat and blood. His eyes are fixed on the sky and empty, lacking any hint of life. The spark is gone.
“Philip-” I try to squeeze out the words, but they catch in my throat.
I try to shake him awake, but my efforts are fruitless.
He doesn’t stir awake. He doesn’t grumble for me to stop with the cries. 
He’s dead.
I’m dead, but I’m here. How’s that fair? I’m a monster, while he had a soul of gold.
When I tear my eyes away from Phillip-- Phillip’s body-- my ears pick up an eerie silence. Pure nothingness. There’s no more bullets, no more screams, no more explosions. As if the world has stopped, not even a rustle of leaves in the distance. I stand in a battlefield strewn with the bodies of soldiers, some still dying, writhing like worms, beyond help.
I pick up Pip’s body and head back to base.
Andrew’s first to see me. His face lights up until his eyes shift to what’s in my arms. His face drops, the light dimming, his eyes filling with tears. He shouts for the rest and helps me lay Phillip on the ground.
The soldiers crowd around, some-- probably Pip’s closest friends-- collapsing beside him. Others, to see who returned.
One of the commanding officers comes up, grave-faced. He barely glances at Phillip.
“Where’s the rest of my men?” he asks.
“All killed, sir,” I say, trying to keep my voice from breaking, “I don’t know how I escaped alive.”
He eyes me, trying to spot the cowardice, the man who ran from battle, but my clothes are torn and I look like hell. Feel like that too.
“Go get yourself cleaned and patched up,” he snaps.
“Yes, sir.”
Andrew patches me up. I don’t need it. I’ve already healed, but if the army sees I came back without a scratch, I’ll be labelled a coward.
We don’t talk the entire time. I think he understands.
When it gets dark, we sneak off to the creek and he kisses me like the world is going to end. Because it might. Because it already has.
17 January 1943
How can I forgive myself for what I cannot control?
All these men died in that battle and I had to luck out.
I should be glad to live another day, to see Paul and Andrew and Oliver. I’m not. Most still believe I’m a coward. They think I ran away from battle. Paul’s starting to believe it too. It’s better to die a hero than be the only one to survive the war. 
The nightmares are getting worse and now I fear falling asleep. You would have thought I wouldn’t need sleep. I do. Not as much as normal people, but I sleep like them. I dream too.
I wish for the sweet release the Reaper brings. Though if I could die, I would burn in the pits of Hell. Maybe I am already dead and this is my punishment.
24 February 1943
I told Paul my secret. Not mine and Andrew’s. My own.
He’s been wary of me ever since I returned from battle as the sole survivor. He deserved the truth, so I gave it to him.
He didn’t believe me at first, laughed, thought I was making excuses. Until I showed him the lack of scars and the lack of a beating heart and the fangs. I brought a cross and showed his how it burns me.
He became silent, his eyes fixed on the ground. I could tell his mind was hard at work. When he spoke again, it was to ask me why I hadn’t told him earlier. His voice was laced with underlying anger. He told me I could have spared him days of worry and pacing and prayers sent my way. He left in a storm of outrage and confusion before I could say anything.
28 February 1943
Paul has been avoiding me for days now. He’s kept to himself.
Andrew noticed the tension, but I asked him not to intervene.
Even among the friction, Paul accepted my portion of food this morning. He glanced at me, eyes shining with fondness for just a moment, but he did not say a word.
Nevertheless, Paul’s anger being directed at my keeping secrets rather than my evil nature is easier to handle.
21 March 1943
Tensions are high.
Tomorrow we head into one of the largest battles yet.
Nobody wanted to acknowledge what we were all thinking as we gathered in groups, spending what might be our last moments together.
The thought of losing everyone I care about, the mere idea, terrifies me. I expect today to be another sleepless night.
They weren’t kidding when they warned us it was the biggest fight yet.
My instincts have kicked in and there’s only me and the target. I drown out the sound around me until it blends into static, white noise. 
The sound of Paul’s voice jolts me out of my fixation, my head whipping to where I heard the voice, just as a bomb explodes nearby. It flings me sideways. 
I end up on the ground, pain of the impact radiating through my bones. Shrapnel digs into my skin. Pulling myself back up, I notice Paul just next to me. He’s on the ground, clutching his chest. His breaths are fast and heavy.
“Paul,” I cry, kneeling at his side.
“Jimmy.” He sees me and tries to smile. A grimace forms instead. “You should be fighting. Go!”
“Let me help you,” I say, trying not to sound too desperate, “You’re hurt.”
“I’m beyond help now,” he says, lifting his hands to reveal pooling blood.
My vampire senses kick in, but I push them down.
“No, Jim, listen,” he interrupts me, taking hold of my hand, “I’m so sorry for getting angry when you told me your secret. I should have understood. It was horrible of me to think your reason for not telling me was spiteful.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” he says, his voice fainter by the minute, “I need you to know I accept and love you, vampire or not. You’ve been the best friend-” He heaves, grimacing from pain, “-the best friend a man could ask for.”
“Paul-” I try to say something, anything, but my voice is weak.
“I wish we had more time.”
“We can!” I say, clutching his hand, “I can save you. Just let me turn you! You’ll be like me, you’ll live!”
“No,” he shakes his head, “I signed up for this. It’s an honour to die for my country, for the future of the world, for my sisters. For you.”
“But what about the bakery?” Tears are blurring my vision.
“That was just wishful thinking, Jimmy. Daydreams.”
“No-” I say, the world around me breaking apart, “How can this- How can you accept this?”
He just smiles.
“Jim,” he says, clutching my hand, “Live a good life when all this ends. For me.”
Tears fall down my cheeks and onto the ground.
“I’ll always be by your side. No matter what,” he says weakly, and closes his eyes, muttering, “You are the best man I know, Jim.”
His grip on my hand loosens.
I search for his heartbeat, but it’s gone. A melody cut short, mid-chord.
For a moment, the world ceases to exist. I’m flung into a black hole, non-existent, timeless. But Paul asked me to live for him. And Andrew’s somewhere out there as well. I guide my consciousness back to reality.
Standing up, I face the fight happening around me, a new kind of rage flowing through my veins.
3 April 1943
Tod- Today
8 May 1945
We won.
Everyone sits around the radio in anticipation of what we already expect. The agitation and nerves travel like static between a balloon and a cotton jumper. 
The men cheer as Chruchill’s voice announces the “End of the War in Europe.” They hug and laugh and weep in relief. My reaction is more subdued, but I can’t help feeling cheerful as well. I feel as if a weight I never knew I was carrying had been taken off my shoulders. I grin when I see Andrew jumping with glee. He looks youthful again, the same Andrew I remember from when I first met him.
“We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing,” the voice on the radio proclaims, static disfiguring the words.
The men cheer again, ignoring the second part of that sentence, one that feels closer to home for me: “-let us not forget for a moment the toils and efforts that lie ahead.”
Victory might be in our hands, but the War will stay in our minds forever.
Maybe the others don’t mind that right now. All they care about is getting back to their families. That’s something I could never understand. All I have is an eternity of loneliness.
I’ve grown to appreciate the constant company. The war, though its terrible nature haunts me, gave me what I hadn’t had since I became a vampire. A family. Now, I will lose it all.
Everyone goes quiet again, as King George speaks. Then celebrations start up again, chatter filling the air like electricity. For a brief moment everyone forgets the horrors they’d had to experience.
The radio stays on, and I stay sitting alone, observing the crowd. A melancholy of sorts sets into my bones. 
For a moment, I think I spot Paul among the men, before the crowd moves and his image disappears. I don’t see any of my friends. They all died, Oliver only a couple months ago, the last one to go. Andrew is the only one left, but it hurts to look at him. He can go back to his family now, to normalcy, and forget any of this ever happened. Forget me.
I feel a presence at my side. 
It’s Andrew.
The world hates me today.
“You alright?” he asks, sitting at my side.
I nod, averting his piercing gaze.
“Why aren’t you celebrating then?” he asks, his eyebrows knitting together, “The war’s over! We can leave, go home, finally start our life!”
My head perks up at the final two worlds, confusion settling in my brain like dust. He couldn’t have meant it like that.
Andrew notices my puzzlement and shakes his head, laughing.
“Did you think I would stop caring about you as soon as the war ended?” he says.
If I were alive, my face would have turned as red as a tomato.
He just chuckles and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers.
This isn’t just the End. It’s the beginning of something. Something new. A new life, full of possibilities. And not alone anymore.
When you’re immortal, the longer you live, the faster your life passes. It’s pure mathematics. If you’ve lived a year, another year feels like a lifetime. Because from your perspective, it is. When you’ve lived hundreds, a year feels like the blink of an eye, a feather in the wind. Memories of the past fade away and you might as well have never lived those hundreds of years.
Seventy five years at Andrew’s side felt like a hundred lifetimes, albums full of never-fading photographs.
When society started to get back on track after the war, Andrew and I retired into a calm neighbourhood. We lived a life on the sidelines, far away from the prying eyes, though there still were rumour about us. That’s inevitable.
Andrew grew older, while I remained the same. His back gave out, his heart almost did too. His face became etched with wrinkles rather than freckles. I looked like an eighteen-year-old. Still, he stayed by my side. 
Early on, I offered him eternity with me. He declined, saying that although he loved me, he couldn’t imagine living forever, the world moving on while he stayed, like a bug trapped in amber. It was never brought up again.
“D’you think they’ll recognise me?” I ask, for the tenth time today, as I drive Andrew and me to a memorial celebration.
For the seventy-fifth anniversary of Victory Day, the organisers have invited any living veterans to the celebration. 
Only Andrew received a letter
It shouldn’t have hurt that much. I decided on the day I would fake my death, but it’s not like I had a choice.
“Memories get foggier with time, Jim, especially ones like that,” he says, “After so long the details fade. You’ll be a mere stranger to them.”
That doesn’t reassure me. But the thought of them having no clue who I am feels safer than being recognised.
We arrive at the memorial and I help Andrew out of the car. He’s still quite supple for his age. Even then, he leans on his cane with one hand and clutches my arm with the other as we walk. The crowd of media, professors, and government officials is already large as we find ourselves at the seats reserved for veterans.
There aren’t many of us left anymore. Old age caught up to everyone, especially in the recent years. I’ve lost count of the number of funerals. 
Many of the veterans still alive have declined their invitations due to health concerns. There’s only a couple sitting in the seats. I don’t recognise any of them except the one closest to Andrew. David. 
He spots us and smiles. His uniform is a bit loose around the shoulders, though neatly ironed. I try to hide my shock of seeing him again, the years visible in his every move.
“Andrew, right?” he says, moving closer to us. His voice is weaker than the hollers I remember from back in the day.
Andrew nods.
“Great to see you’re still in good shape, Dave,” he says.
“You too,” David says, then glances at me. A flash of recognition passes through his eyes and for a moment I imagine the impossible. My stomach churns as he opens his mouth.
“You’re Jim’s grandson, aren’t you?” he says.
Relief washes over me and I nod. 
“You look so much like him,” he adds, smiling to himself as if remembering a memory, “It’s nice to see you taking care of your grandfather’s friend. You never married, did you, Andrew? No kids of your own to keep you company, eh?”
Andrew shakes his head, a hint of amusement in his faint smile.
“Excuse me,” a woman says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 
I jolt at the touch. 
She’s relatively young, with a lanyard around her neck, wearing an elegant blue suit. She must be an organiser of the memorial.
“The event is about to begin, could you please head to the guest area?” she asks, eyeing me, as if to figure me out.
I glance at Andrew, who gives me a sad smile. He squeezes my hand and I smile back. 
Leaving the veteran area, I imagine a world where I’m sitting next to Andrew, wrinkled and old as well, reminiscing the few smiles of our past. Not “Jim’s grandon”, but Jim himself, embracing the horrors I experienced. 
For a mere second I step into the world where Andrew and I live a couple more years, until our age catches up to us. In that world I get to see Paul and Oliver again. In that world, I can rest. In this world, I live on. I am forever an eighteen-year-old going to another funeral. Forever an echo of everyone I’ve lost.
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