#but I'm biased ofc
rev3rb · 6 months
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God, I have so many thoughts about this. The fact that they were playing a word game so they'd know how the other was doing without explicitly expressing how they were doing is driving me insane.
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i-have-a-lot-of-ocs · 3 months
Tempted to write a replaced au twst fic where Yuu (or alternatively, I'll use my Yuu, Riyuu, who is basically who I'm writing this for) used to be the cutest girl around, the cheery one who's always around everyone, the one you can't seem to dislike even if your crush falls for her because she earnestly says sorry (even though it's not her fault) and will always help you out if you need her back in her old school. But one day, a new girl comes around and her whole reputation got destroyed. She helps the new girl adjust, tells her all the rumours and introduces her to all the popular kids. But the girl ends up backstabbing her, telling the popular girls rumours about how she intentionally plays up the act to steal their crushes to her, and lies to the boys, telling them she's just playing with their hearts and that she's a horrible person.
Yuu ends up alone and excluded, being seen as "annoying" and only having a few close friends who doesn't really interact with her in public in fear of their reputation being ruined. She ends up miserable at school, and wishes to not go anymore. But one day comes a saving grace, she gets whisked by a mysterious black carriage into Twisted Wonderland, or more specifically, Night Raven College. She doesn't mind working if it meant she doesn't have to deal with her old school, there was still 1 and a half years left of school and she doesn't want to deal with all ghe group projects to be assigned that will inevitably end with everyone not wanting to team up with her. Plus, as annoying Grim is, he's like the animal friend all of the anime and storybook protagonists she knows has, and she doesn't mind him too much.
Some things did change after she and Grim got officially enrolled, but she had no problem adapting to the social expectations of the world, part time jobs with Sam -- and occasionally the canteen -- paid enough to get her tools for cooking basic but delicious food, and new friends without the weight of her past helped her get settled comfortably.
The existence of Overblots stunned her for a bit, but a peek into Riddle and Leona's memories helped her understand the concept, even if just a little. However, things began to change eerily simlarly to her old school when a new girl comes, also in a similar position to her, getting transported to a new, unfamilliar world, and seemingly hailing from a similar world to the Earth she knows. She warmly welcomes her, eager to finally befriend another girl, but it seems that the girl does not share the same enthusiasm.
The girl only barely responds to Yuu's attempts at forming a friendship, and always seems to talk her in a condescending way, and often dismisses her, and especially so whenever there are any boys around.
Yuu will not deny any statements claiming she's an attention seeker or that she plays up her sweet innocent girl act, but she knows to never, ever sacrifice a bystander for it. But if someone insists on war with her... well that's another, different story. She's learnt her lesson of being overly optimistic, and she will not make the same mistake twice. She will not let her make her life a living hell more than it already is with Crowley's irresponsibleness.
Aaand thus begins the story. Or well, however you wanna continue it. I'm honestly in favour of most Housewardens (Kalim, Vil, and Idia in particular. I'll put my reasoning in a few paragraphs down) Adeuce, Tweels, and Ortho for team Yuu. Why?
Well, first of all, Adeuce. This is mostly because the duo is like. with Yuu since Day 1, as much of a bitch as Ace is, I think those two are the most likely to trust and know Yuu well enough to not believe the lies R (< Replacer) tells. Especially Deuce, he doesn't want to betray a friend he knew for quite a while, that would not be very honor student-like of him!! And she helped him out in a lot of situations too! He doesn't want to hurt you after all the trouble you go through to help him, and also knowing how horrible your living conditions are. Ace would most likely give in to peer pressure if the student body is overwhelmingly in favour of R, but as of now, he maybe enjoys your company just a bit more than R. Just a bit, promise.
Tweels I feel like is self-explanatory. Those two are perceptive as fuck istg it scares me. Jade especially. I feel like the two would just toy with R for a bit despite her facade and lies before dropping her after she bothers them for attention and favours one too many times.
(Ortho ties in with Idia so I'll explain him in Idia's paragraph)
Kalim is actually very emotionally intelligent. He can come off annoying and stupid, but from all the scenes I see of him, he's actually really good at dealing with people. Have you seen how he deals with the Scarabia residents after Jamil's OB??? The way he phrases his sentences?? He didn't force or even plead with them to forgive Jamil, he simply asks them to wait before making permanent judgements, and I think he's gonna be uncomfy with how condescendingly R talks to Yuu, and even if he's used to people going after him for money, I feel like R mostly eyeing him for money and how she "secretly" sighs in annoyance everytime she goes out of the party for a "bathroom break" will only solidify his dislike/discomfort, even if he doesn't show it.
Vil is also kind of self-explanatory if you read into his character and not just the shell the official English localization makes for him. (I could rant for hours about how the official tl portrays his character istg. He's hardworking and he actually didn't attempt to poison Neige out of pure jealousy, he did it because he felt like all his efforts to be beautiful will never be able to surpass Neige, who, in his eyes, always seemed to be innocent and naturally beautiful. He feels like the villain in Neige's story. He feels like he is reduced to what he often plays as, a snobbish, overconfident villain obsessed with overthrowing the hero. And because of it, it became a twisted self-fulfilling prophecy, pushing him to, in a fit of despair, be that same villain everyone sees him as.) I really don't think he will take well to R's condescension to Yuu, who genuinely wants to befriend R. (I actually have a whole thing in my head where Yuu and Vil occasionally have sleepovers where they do skincare together after the whole VDC thing happened. I feel like this is also a "vent sesh" of sorts for the both of them, just to air out their grievances without much seriousness, and I think Yuu would admit to wanting a fellow girl in the school that she could befriend, since no matter what, being the only girl can be exhausting.) Ik Vil's not a girl but he is such a girls' girl istg.
Idia... this mostly ties into Ortho and The STYX Incident, but like,, I think we can all agree on this one,, Idia is smart and capital V Very pessimistic. Would you rather trust the girl you've known for a while, who saw your memories, who helped you in awkward social situations when she can and is besties with your brother or some random new girl who trash talks said girl behind her back? The former, right? Plus, even if Yuu did only hang out with him and his brother because she likes to secretly laugh at him behind his back, there's mo guarantee R wouldn't do the same, given his experience. And he would rather have someone who actively helps him and his brother out than someone who wouldn't.
I didn't put Malleus in because of how canon him actually treats Yuu. I feel like the fandom kind of put on rose-tinted glasses on with his character, and kind of ignored some things like, idk... him just leaving them to fend for themselves homeless during Octavinelle... maybe he thought Crowley would offer them a place to stay but like... I'm still bothered by how didn't atleast offer a spare room in Diasomnia. He's a housewarden goddamnit. He's not as distant or scary as the rumours say but like. still rubbed me the wrong way.
Anyways I don't think my attention span will let me write it to completion so if anyone likes this and wants to write it feel free. Pls tag me if you do tho. I would love to read it :3
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agrebel18 · 1 year
I saw this last night and thought “hey maybe Twitter isn’t THAT BAD” but anyways, here’s for the people that like parallels (me) 
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[ID: three screenshots of a tweet that says “the category is blonde boys who are controlled and manipulated by a ‘family member’ who is technically not even related to them but their first true friend is a small cute creature that gives them magical powers and +” which then show two pictures of Hunter from The Owl House and Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug.
the second tweet says “their beautiful blue haired girlfriends is one of the most sweetest beings in the world <3″ which then show pictures of Willow from The Owl House and Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. Then there is an addition to the tweet which has a picture of Hunter and Willow holding hands in their timeskip designs, and then a picture of Adrien and Marinette holding hands at their school. Then it shows a close-up picture of Hunter and Willow holding pinkies and Marinette and Adrien holding hands. 
then there is another tweet which shows a picture of Hunter carrying Willow bridal-style, and another one of Cat Noir holding Ladybug bridal-style. Then it shows a picture of Hunter reaching out to Willow in “For The Future” and then shows Cat Noir reaching out to Ladybug in “Miracle Queen.” 
The last tweet shows a picture of Hunter giving a dirty look at Flapjack, and then a picture of Adrien glaring at Plagg. The last pictures show Hunter laughing and talking to Flapjack, who’s on his shoulder, and then there is Adrien smiling affectionately at Plagg and hugging him with his hands. END ID] 
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solecist · 7 months
omg i need to go to sleep BUT 춘식 (chunsik? i never figured out romanization rules lmaooo) gave 악어 (acau) toast (after 악어 said "춘식 i need to give you food too, right?") and 악어 goes:
"oh what's this! food? oh there's a lot - thanks!"
"i guess 춘식 has food!"
*music abruptly cuts out*
"wait isn't it me that's supposed to give 춘식 food??"
"춘식 you're so competent"
(악어's second vod around 1:12:00)
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morrigan-sims · 5 months
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Wanted to test some cc, so I built an onboard infirmary for a ship... (It's definitely not finished, but it exists at least.)
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hey did anyone ask for a heavily biased list of s3 worldbuilding headcannons and how i think some of the lifesteal guys interact with each other? no? too bad i was force fed half of this by my brain while trying to go to sleep
cut for length bc it's long sorry not sorry
of course i have to start with clown he is like a bug to me and i'm putting him under a microscope
he is a BEAST. a CREATURE even.
aka he's from the void but no one except ash knows that
the deranged discord thoughts at 2 am said clown is from the void bc everywhere he goes he brings death. he kills. it’s what he does. he kills and he’s fuckin great at it. do you hear me. do you understand.
covered from head to toe in clothing to hide the fact he's from the void. there's a constant slight chill that surrounds him and it's only really noticeable when someone's almost touching him
he never lets anyone get that close anyway besides the occasional handshake or smth bc yeah anyone would be uncomfortable if someone was standing inches away from you. he plays off the cold hands with a poor blood circulation excuse if anyone asks
if he did show skin, his silhouette would be like a black hole where it's completely pitch black, and depending on the angle, he either appears 2d or 3d (very disorienting and unnerving)
this guy does not have a single stable relationship to fall back on. he allies with people for power and not for comradery, and it is So Hard for him to tear down the dozens of walls he keeps up around him because he often finds that when he does, he gets betrayed and left in the dust (mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
plus it's hard for him to know whether or not this person is allying with him because he's The Deadliest Assassin Blah Blah Blah and they want that safety net/protection or if they genuinely want to ally with him
it takes him a long time to fully trust branzy, and even then he doesn't open up to him about his personal stuff
the mask stays On. Constantly. doesn't matter how much he trusts someone he will never willingly show his face
he and red have a friendly rivalry with the heart economy side of lifesteal, they're both competing for the title of strongest/holder of most hearts or smth like that
dude used to be a normal guy way way way way before lifesteal events n stuff but then he fell into the void and came back Wrong
basically instead of dying instantly, he survived for a little bit longer than usual, broke through reality, and saw that everything is just a simulation and everyone is just code, including himself
that fucked him up bad physically and mentally, and his left side is all glitched and void-like now (chronic pain coded)
dude is technically immortal but he never really tested losing all of his hearts yet
he knows that clown is from the void because he knows what the void feels like and is hypertuned to it, and to him, clown RADIATES it like a space heater. he can't stand too close to him and has to have at least one person's width between them. he hasn't confronted clown about it though because he knows when to keep his mouth shut
being close to the void for him hurts in an ocular migraine type way, but he typically pushes through it when he's down at bedrock level or in the end
he doesn't make stable relationships with people because he doesn't really see the point in them
nihilism 100
whatever side he aligns with is usually the one causing the most chaos
evil little meow meow
let him be angry. let him have rage.
he is Just Some Guy (aka normal ass human) but he is so smart
not a fighter but he is a builder and a damn good one at that
need a trap that is sure to kill? branzy
very good at getting the fuck out of situations that would've killed him if he didn't immediately dip when he did
based on vibes alone, early s3 branzy would so be friends with subz and vitalasy (which i think actually happens so i win)
i need branzy to be envious of clown's fighting skill and heart count before he starts warming up to him. please where is the slow burn.
falls out with subz and vitalasy when he starts allying with clown and co, and especially when he tricks vitalasy into the funhouse
during the cleansing when the dirties and team chaos are relatively working together, vitalasy tries to reconcile and pull branzy away from team chaos, but branzy's lost in the power sauce
he and rek are Just Some Guy buddies who exchange near-death experience stories (i need more branzy and rek friendship please please please please please p)
i am ace beaming your clownzy mwahahaha
strap in boys because have you considered the tension between clown and leo after mob falls (once again mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
they were tight. they were bros. they were homies. leo was the only person clown felt like he could confide in during mob. and then leo turned coats. i'm SO NORMAL.
clown has NOT forgiven him
super duper a cyborg. he's a tnt minecart pvper he had to have blown off his limbs at some point /silly
but yeah his limbs are mechanical, along with one of his eyes. can't really see it though bc he constantly wears a mask, long sleeves, pants, and gloves. i'll probably default to his left eye if i ever draw leowook face
he and red feel like they would be friends based on vibes
still works/allies with zam after mob in an attempt to go back to what he lost
slaps roof of leowook this bad boy can fit so much mob angst inside of it
certified Thing. don't know what, he just is
has loony toons vibes. to me.
so annoyingly positive in the eyes of the others, they all want to punch him at least once
hero complex 100
dude just manages to rizz his way into teams
zam is smart. he knows what he's doing.
ok actual serious hcs bro has the most worldbuilding in his explanation tbh
in my head, lifesteal is this independent port city-state that was originally run by everyone and acted as a free, international trade center. zam is the crown prince of the neighboring territory surrounding the city, and when mob started gaining serious power, he charmed his way into working with them.
the deal he struck with mob is that if he wanted to join, lifesteal wouldn't be a part of zam's kingdom and all of his actions in mob were separate from his actions as the prince. it worked out relatively well for both of them: mob got a powerful ally with good political/funding power, and zam got to play hero and get involved with lifesteal politics
when mob fell, he initially respected their previous agreement where he wouldn't play prince in lifesteal, but when heart economics grew too unbalanced in his eyes, he decided to annex the city and then start the cleansing
nobody enjoyed zam annexing the territory, and especially not when his first order of business was to have everyone over ten hearts withdraw and bank them to evenly distribute to people with less than ten hearts
gonna pause here for now bc i feel like if i tried listing another character, it wouldn't have the same heart behind it as these guys do. if anyone does wanna see another silly that i didn't get to here, feel free to shoot me an ask or smth idm :]
fuck cringe i am having a blast i love worldbuilding
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rainbowsuitcase · 5 months
ca:cw - steve not telling tony about his parents was not a right thing to do but it made sense for his character. tony wanting to beat up bucky was not a right thing to do but it made sense for his character.
the reason you cannot make me, personally, take tony's side in this, is that i see his reaction as too agressive and i get that he was mad and he had every right to be, but bucky killed his parents while he was barely bucky, while he was being tortured and brainwashed, and i will never see it as appropriate to try and beat him up for it. (maybe get a punch in and never talk to him again, sure, but not whatever that was)
but again, it makes sense for tony's character. and there was foreshadowing! there was a brilliant piece of foreshadowing! during the airport fight!
when vision blasts rhodey out of the sky, who does tony take it out on? sam, the original target! which shows that when someone tony loves gets hurt, when he feels hurt and angry, he needs to take it out on someone, preferably someone close and available. and he won't really think through how much they deserve it, if at all.
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takohebi · 1 year
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Azujamiyuu in my ffxiv glams :3
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mantisgodsdomain · 3 months
We ought to write more Pokemon fic some time. We want to recreate the Pokemon Manners/Human Manners cheat sheet that we made a few years ago we think that this site would like the Sliding Scale Of Politeness When Greeting A New Pokemon You've Never Met Before.
#we speak#writing#we grew up with pmd games and we feel like the way that pmd pokemon's dialogue tends to be excessively... direct?#should be a feature and not a bug when any pokemon that you meet might be totally unfamiliar with your species and biology#it's probably very polite to start up front with some basic facts about yourself so they know how to act going forward#the very upfront feel to dialogue also very much helps with keeping the dialogue feel more... pokemon#people mock the series for weird npc dialogue a lot but we think that taking these things literally makes for more fun society building#it doesn't all have to fit with socially acceptable for our world we think. polite in our world isn't even consistent by household.#sometimes a polite interaction sounds like “hello! i'm poochyena! i like to chase people and bite!”#name and immediately socially useful information. now you know about the chasing people and biting so you don't assume it's rude#of course poochyena bites and chases people. it likes to do that. you can say you don't like that and it might stop doing that to You#but it will not stop biting and chasing people because that's what it likes to do and it will probably only befriend people okay with that#it makes a very specific dialogue feel that's very fun to do. we like how the pokemon world tends to treat any sort of like#disability or “weird” things as something that you just say out the gate and everyones like “oh okay”#and then treat that as Part Of Interactions going forwards. there are a surprising amount of parts of the pokemon manga#that are dedicated to working around a character's disability after one or all of their means of dealing with it get taken out#admittedly we aren't that caught up on newer content but we find the way that it tends to be just Accepted as very refreshing#making the dialogue this direct does also tend to make it read as more “childish” in english and particular because a lot of Maturity's jus#learning how to dance around what you're saying or phrase it in different ways to get your idea across differently#whereas here everything is just as direct as possible. “i don't like charmander”. “i like roasting berries”. “i want to dig things up”.#all pokemon dialogue tends to go towards being exceedingly simple and it makes for some very distinct writing#especially when you have to tackle complex situations with characters who probably dont employ that sort of vocabulary#though we personally enjoy doing this sort of stuff your mileage may vary ofc#we are biased towards this sort of thins because we find it MUCH more fun to build up what we're talking about from blocks#than to like. try and use more indirect wording that may lose things in translation#unfortunately this is not fun in irl conversation. everyone has to be on the same page and you need to use the same playbook to communicate#we REALLY wish people said what they meant though. we're really tired of being asked shit like “is this accessible”#when what they mean is “can you climb these stairs” a question which depends on the day our energy level and how things have been going#there are a lot of things we could say that would make us feel like some sort of anti sjw type guy and a lot of em boil down to just#"for the love of god dont dance around a Sensitive Topic just get to the point and ask us about it this just makes things harder for everyo
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gondorsfinest · 3 months
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
tagged by @emobatsy... sorry this took a lifetime and a half. ily
tagging @vimesbootstheory @blinkasaurus @zannolin @comradesnufkin @uglifyme if you wanna
(i know it's a crime that there's not a single discworld character in here. i'm sorry granny weatherwax. i still wanna be you when i grow up)
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jellysharkbat · 1 year
I love the idea of Mycroft protecting Sherlock. Obviously, as he’s grown older this has become more difficult, in part thanks to Sherlock very purposely making it difficult.
But imagine lil’ Sherlock (and Jon) running around in Cordona, getting up to mischief and sometimes they land into very real trouble. Imagine Mycroft storming down to rain hell on whichever idiot dared put their hands on his little brother. He might only be 20 years old, but he’s intimidating. Already he controls far more authority then those his age should, cunning enough to know how to wield it against someone, and enough of a temper (a vice endemic to any Holmes- especially at his young age where it flairs all the more easily) to make his actions hurt for some time to come.
In short, he’s pissed and he’s going to make sure everyone pays for that. To Sherlock, his appearance is a rare source of relief. He might be beginning to butt heads with Mycroft more and more, but for now, he still relies on his big brother. Still needs him to be his big brother. And his big brother is a joy to watch when he appears, absolutely steaming from the ears, face red and fists clenched. Oh sure, Sherlock (and Jon) will get an earful later, probably a knock on the head for being so foolish, and an almost definitely strict curfew for awhile, but that’s it. He’s got no doubt that things will be much, much worse for his assailant. And there’s something maliciously delicious about that.
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fitzrove · 1 year
Omg turns out Brigitte Hamann and Fredrick Morton beefed over Rudolf's depiction in Affaire Mayerling (das Musical)
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sorry but i think young eddie would've beaten joe in a seduction contest
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season 1 episode 4 of life on mars might be one of the best episodes ever made
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rocicrew · 1 year
the expanse is about naomi nagata actually. it is her story. a woman who had her agency taken away from her and was scarred so much at the beginning of her life that she run from causes and leadership and shut herself out from the world that slowly over the many decades reinvents herself and finds love and her place and faces her past and her regrets and finds a way to live forward anyway despite everything that happens. an oppressed woman who did care about her people but whose trauma made her shy away from violence having to be in constant battle with herself with how much action she can bear to take for her people and for the system. until enough is enough, and as much as she tries to hide she chooses to walk head in a leadership position and make the difficult choices she run from in her past and find a way to make peace with what acts of violence and to what degree she can handle giving when fighting back yet another totalitarian power
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theresthespark · 11 days
too many halsey songs reming of iwtv. I think it's the intensity and histrionics
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