#but I'm still curious what the percentages will be for each
mewtwoandme · 6 months
Ya know, I haven't made a poll in a while, and this is a good reason as any to make one, cause I've been curious about this.
I have a few upcoming arcs and milestone events planned. The one's I'm listing here are official, but keep in mind I might think up more as the story progresses. But I wanna know, just out of these options:
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months
thanks for the tag @kyuoki! <3
I feel the need to explain that I'm the kind of person who rarely ever listens to music per album (unless maybe when a new one has just released), usually it's either "complete discography playlist" or "one to three particular songs on constant repeat", there's no in-between😂 That's why I also have a hard time deciding on a favourite album, because I tend to have some songs I really enjoy as well as some songs that don't interest me as much in almost all of them. But I think these are some that I especially like :)
No tags this time (partly bc I just straight up forgot them when clicking on "post"💀 and I'm not sure if the tagged people would be notified if I add them in later), but feel free to continue :)
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peachjagiya · 1 month
Thinking about the show and how connected and in sync taekook were in a way that we usually don't get to see so blatantly in BTS content. It's also so fascinating to witness solo era taekook in general and just how much they appear as a unit publicly now. It's not only how complimentary their lifestyles are or how they spent majority of their free time together and made their schedules in a way that gave them space to still have time with eachother. But it's also how they decided to go on insta live together, appeared on Suchwita and attended Yoongi's concert together, attended the premiere together, spoke about eachother in interviews, took obvious couple photo's at Jungkook's listening party, Jungkook wearing that ring during Seven promo overseas, the matching sweetheart shirts, there is soo many other things I could list. It really feels like they have made very intentional choices to show themselves as a unit or tie themselves to eachother in peoples minds. Even right before enlistment, Tae posting that intimate screenshot of their facetime call was just so bold of him and felt so much like a statement. Maybe I am being delulu but I'm wondering if they are slowly getting the public used to the idea of seeing them together in a more official way? It's so clear now that how Tae and Jungkook relate to eachother as individuals and solo artists vs Jungkook and V of BTS is very different and I am curious to see what that will look like in 2025 post military. Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place I was just so pleasantly surprised to see the taekook we got yesterday so freely in bts content. Still trying to process.
They're a subunit... in LIFE.
I think it's super clear that they are a team in whatever way.
And it's fascinating to me that this unit became clear at a time when the wider group was fragmented by military and not needing to be around each other.*
*Incidentally, I think Jimin and Yoongi have formed a unit too. I'll basically leave that to the more knowledgeable Yoonminers to fathom out romance potential but certainly in terms of priorities and closeness, it's abundantly clear where Jimin places most importance.
That's why it drives me slightly bonkers when jikookers are like "It doesn't count, this has only happened in solo era" because even if it was true, which it isn't, it's a HUGE indicator of where priorities and strong relationships lie. I don't think "This has only happened since they didn't have group schedules and group expectations!!!!!!!!" is the flex they think it is.
They quite literally did not have to see each other... and they did. A Lot. And it's not wild to assume we might only really be seeing a tiny percentage of their actual time spent.
Even if coming out takes a bit longer, I definitely think they want to go into 2025 completely dropping the mic on the ridiculous narrative that they are distant.
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I've mentioned it before a few times but I do headcanon Ice as color-blind.
It's come to my attention (by @strangelove97, hope you don't mind me tagging you??) that flying planes while color-blind is not exactly possible and I was a bit curious how come since I assumed american eyesight regulations would be similar to the ones my own grandfather had to pass for his pilot licenses (military&civilian). I'm going on a limb here and have overthought everything, so whoever is reading this, bare with me and I'll explain why I find the idea of Ice being color-blind so entrancing.
pictures/examples used here might not be 100% accurate as there are different degrees of color blindness, within each type, I'm merely using photoshop to demonstrate the general idea
The most common color blindness is the red-green type which affects your perception of green and red wavelengths of visible light. I'll try not to go too deep into color theory here, but the majority of colors are not just one hue but rather have percentages of different hues mixed in, too, so it's never affecting only pure red and green, but also colors that are tinted with red and green, i.e. reddish brown, sea blue, etc.
There are mild forms of red color blindness - deuteranomaly (makes red look more green and less bright), protanomaly (affects only saturation of green and red); and slightly more severe protanopia and deuteranopia (which make it hard to tell green and red apart). Displayed below is deuteranopia (left - normal vision):
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In aviation, most navigation in the dark is based on red and green, the standard for runway lights is red for runway approach, end lights, and for precision approach lights, green for runway threshold lights and taxiway centerlines, and different warmths of white light for the rest, with the exception of some yellow edge lines at the end of the runway.
In civilian aviation, even with red-green color blindness, you could have a pilot license limited to only flying during daylight. However, even if we look at basic carrier landings for USN, it's virtually impossible with red-green color blindness --- the optical landing system used especially on carriers (but also on some land bases) is dependent on red and green lights; and out of all the lights, including landing markings on the deck, only the carrier edge is lightened up by blue.
Ice's color blindness is not the red-green type.
I based my headcanon on the colorblindness that runs in my family, which is the yellow-blue type, that affects anything that has a tinge of yellow or blue wavelengths --- which makes it hard to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink. It also can make colors look less bright as yellow is the color that usually is responsible for increased saturation (in simplified terms). This will not affect most of the lights and colors used in aviation in a major way -- you'll still be able to pass the eye tests, especially if you 'train' yourself a little bit.
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Now, why do I like this headcanon for Ice so much?
My dad saw the sky and the grass as the same color, but different shades - green. In general, with blue-yellow blindness, your world gets greener and more pinkish, just because, as I said, yellow impacts the saturation of many things, including natural light. Blue is responsible for a similar thing. Think like color correcting - blue and yellow are opposite on the color wheel.
Now, the USN (and military in general, probably??) use very specific shades for uniforms, paints, machinery, etc. It's like this washed-out green with underlying, de-saturated, you know what I mean.
This is the color-picked shade of their uniforms in the original Top Gun, a darker shade, and a pic that has a clear view of Mav's eyes:
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Now, various lighting will make the above shades different, either warmer or cooler, or more washed out or brighter - for example, said shade #435D52, is made of ~ 27% red, 38% green, 33% blue, coldness and warmth of shades is manipulated by the type of light wavelength you receive alongside the primary hue wavelength, blue and yellow. So to make those shades different depending on saturation/light, you would need to be able to see yellows and blue. Striped down of blue, colors rely on black for darkness and mix it with the raw, untinted green hue.
Ice can't see yellow or blue, so that leaves him with that raw untined green.
And Mav's eyes are just the right type of green - the raw, untined green.
On top of that human irises change color only after prolonged exposure to light (spots of brown melanin in the iris) and flick the light off, reflecting it rather than absorbing the wavelength with a different than primary hue, thus staying the same shade. So Mav's eyes aren't affected by black, shadows aside.
So, most of everything around Ice, basically, whether he is outside with the open sky, or in a training room, or confined to the carrier, or just surrounded by people in flight suits -- is in the shade of Mav's eyes.
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Which makes Ice go bonkers at the beginning, obviously, because he is trying not to think about that tiny cocky asshole and can't stop seeing the shade of his eyes.
But as the years go on, and they stay together, and they keep on loving each other, it becomes a form of comfort, that the shade of Mav's eyes is everywhere.
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Spencer Reid Likes Your Music
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:Some mentions to songs I like or have listened to in the last month since writing this.
Hotchner said there would be a new team member for the BAU, he didn't say much more after that but to expect them today. Spencer carried his still-hot coffee in his hand and his other hand rested on the straps of his ever-present messenger bag. He didn't like change much and he felt curious about who would join, an ex-military, maybe a student in training, or another genius like himself. The possibilities flooded his brain with theories and percentages. It could be another guy, he thought worriedly. Spencer gets enough teasing as it is, he just hopes whoever joins won't be a bully.
Spencer opens the doors to Quantico, making small greetings as he goes to the elevator. he presses the button and waits, already knowing how long it will take to reach him, 14 seconds on the mark. When the elevator opens he enters it swiftly and someone else enters behind him.
A woman only a little shorter than him by maybe an inch, with long bangs that hide half her eyes. She is wearing an old, well-loved, Dale Earnheart t-shirt with flared blue jeans. The entire outfit seems too dressed down to belong in a government building while still suiting her so well.  But what is the most surprising is the loud, blaring, music from her earbuds.
"Too tired to sleep, good morning
And I'm too wired to heed the warning
That there's danger in the summer
The calm before the thunder
I'm an American cliché
Missing a girl in a French café
I say, "Goddamn, you're beautiful"
You blush and duck out of frame"     ~American Cliche by FINNEAS
The music is upbeat but the voice is monotonous and deep. It's not really Spencer's style but the tune is catchy and the way the woman taps her thigh tells him that it is something she enjoys. She notices his staring and raises her eyebrow making her bangs shift to reveal more of her eye. No gaudy fake lashes or swirling eyeliner, just plain hazel eyes that catch his breath.
They turn away from each other when the doors open to the floor Spencer gets off on. He's again surprised when she gets off behind him, Spencer expected the woman to get off on the floor above. She follows feet behind him, her music still clouding his ears, he glances back as he turns the corner into the bullpen and notices her steps are in time with the beat.
Again, Spencer doesn't expect much until she walks up to Hotchner's office and knocks three times on the door. The woman hurriedly pulls the earbuds out and stuffs them in her pockets before putting her arms behind her back and waiting.
Hotchner opens the door in surprise before greeting the woman and leading her into his office.
"That our new member?" JJ asks as she turns her head to Hotch's office.
"Guess so." Prentiss parrots.
Everyone waits for Hotch to come out with their suspected new member. "Team, meet your new member, Cosette, Nadine. She will be joining us on our case." Everyone moved to the conference room for debriefing and Spencer noticed she slipped an earbud back into her ear, although the music was turned down marginally to not be blasting. Despite Hotch and the new member being closest to the conference room, She did not enter the room until everyone was seated. She paused before deciding against sitting entirely and leaning against the back wall where she watched her new teammates through her bangs. Spencer being close enough to the back, could only faintly hear her music.
"Okay .... Blah - blah - blah. Case explanation or something." Hotch began with some help from Garcia. Emily Prentiss who was sitting near the middle of the table turned toward the new member during the case explanation. "Can you please take out your earbud and focus on the case."
Everyone turned toward the new member some with surprise and others with disappointment. She ducked her head sheepishly. "Sorry, Ma'am. Swear I was listenin'." She pulled her earbud out and stowed it in her pocket. "Was reading their lips," she mumbled while tucking her hair behind her ear.
Spencer picked up that she was nervous by the way she pulled at her ear after saying the last part. Everyone else noticed too and turned back around to continue the debriefing of the case.
"Wheels up in ten, Cosette, you can put it back in now," Hotch said turning to leave the conference room. The way Hotch said the last part was soft and with understanding.
"Got it, Boss!" Cosette chirped: It was the first glimpse into her personality, the team noted. The team noticed that while she did reach into her pocket, she did not pull out her earbud again. She frowned as if scolding herself.
JJ was the first to approach Cosette, "Got a to-go bag?" She asked.
"Yea- I mean Yes Ma'am!" Cosette quickly corrected. "Left it in the car, may I go get it?" She asked back sheepishly. JJ agreed and the newest member of the Bau quickly went to get her bag.
"She's looked really nervous, guys," Garcia said to the team.
"When she settles, she might have a very energetic personality." David Rossi added.
"I feel a little bad for calling her out. But she should know better than to listen to music during a debriefing." Prentiss commented.
"Maybe she had a reason. She took them out before going into Hotch's office."
The team gathers at the jet and all of them notice the newest members' apprehension. "You need to sit down for the plane to take off," JJ says soothingly to Cosette. JJ became the designated person to ask or tell the new member to do anything because of her background as a liaison. "Okie Dokie," Cosette responds back before scurrying to sit next to Spencer, again surprising the others.  She sits and quickly buckles herself while clenching the straps tightly.
"First time?" Derek Morgan jokes and Cosette's eyes widen comically when the plane begins shaking and lifting off. She doesn't respond immediately until the jet levels out more. "Not fond of planes or flying in general." She mutters.
Cosette then turns to Spencer, "Sorry for not asking first before sitting." She shivers, not from cold but from holding her muscles too tightly. "I'll move as soon as I can." She breathes deeply and seemingly calms. She moves again to take out her earbuds but doesn't. Instead, she begins tapping some unknown beat with her finger on her knee.
"What song is that?" Spencer asks.
"Frank Sinatra, Fly with me." She responds immediately.
"That's an oldie," Rossi says appreciatively. "What is your favorite song by him?"
"Girl from Ipanema or Blue Moon."
"A blue moon is not actually blue, the term actually refers to the rarity of the occurrence. A blue moon is when there are two full moons within a month. This falls some way short of the 365/366 days in a calendar year: therefore, roughly every two and a half years a 13th full moon is seen. The term was-" Spencer says smartly.
"Spencer." Morgan interjected before the doctor could say more.
Cosette turned left and right in confusion. "But it was interesting," she whined. "The term comes from the saying, The moon is blue, right? Because it means something is impossible?"
Spencer felt strangely warm in his face from the way she finished his thought, and the way she asked if she was right was like she was asking for more facts. He realized he may have stared too long and adjusted his tie, "Yeah, from the 16th century."
"Don't goad him on much or pretty boy will talk your ears off with facts," Morgan warns.
"So," Cosette responds bluntly. The others shake their heads while coming up with their own guesses as to when she would tell him to shut up. But that didn't happen, no matter how long-winded or obscure the fact was. When passengers were allowed to move about the cabin, most had expected her to get up and run but instead, she unbuckled and sat sideways to pay closer attention to him.
"Didn't you want to move?" Spencer asked between facts.
"Do ya want me to? I mean I can! I know you have a book and you may prefer it to talking." Cosette asked pulling on her ear. Now that he was paying more attention he noticed she had a small metal hoop in the upper half of her ear. It was actually the only piece of jewelry she was wearing. No ring, bracelet, or necklace. She ducked her head at his stare and her ears began to twitch. "I swear to Veritas that I'm listening, but I can't tell you what the last three facts were even if you held me at gunpoint." Seeing Dr. Reids' face shift, she quickly tried to say more to stop his disappointment. "It's not that I'm not listening! I really am!" She clenched her hand and began to scratch her palm. "Sometimes I can be staring right at someone but the words don't register. It's a disconnection between the sounds and words, Auditory Processing Disorder. I didn't wanna stop you because even if I wasn't really hearing words, your voice was really nice and kinda excited."
Rossi again speaks up from across the plane aisle. "If I may ask what caused the disorder?" He looks worried when she can't answer immediately.
"It was a head injury. The full story was that I was a kid and the plane I was on crashed. At the time I was listening to Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra. It's why I was tapping it earlier. Not to like crash the plane or anything but like how killers develop rituals. I play or tap the song when I'm nervous on a plane and it tells me that no matter what happens I'd be fine because I was back then." She scratches the back of her neck. "I've been told it doesn't make much sense."
"Actually that does make sense. You're associating the song with the crash and surviving it so you subconsciously tap the song. Most likely a coping mechanism to help you not panic in the event of another crash." Spencer said.
"In not as many words, yes." Cosette said before yawning. Spencer wouldn't admit it to anyone but himself but she reminded him of a cute gerbil when she yawned. "Maybe I should take a nap?" She asked herself quietly.
"We'll be in the air for another hour or two. A small nap wouldn't hurt. Actually napping for half an hour can improve productivity leaving you feeling rested but not drowsy." Spencer added. "This is due to your brain never entering REM sleep."
"We get it pretty boy." Morgan added and when Cosette turned around she saw that Derek Morgan was in fact trying to sleep. She nodded toward Spencer before leaning back in her seat and quickly falling asleep.
Weeks later at another case. The team get to the police station, Cosette has her earbuds in again, this time, no one on the team blinks at the faint music. Even Spencer moves closer to hear it as he wonders what it is.
Spencer notice's when they arrive to the police station and begin giving a profile like they always do. Cosette doesn't stand with them. As Gideon and Derek and Hotch all give words on the profile; Spencer watched her eyes bounce from one face to another as she reads lips. Even when a cop speaks up she sees it out the corner of her eye and turns her head toward them. She picked a place to stand that let her both see her teammates and the cops when they talk.
He's again surprised by her intellect when even she comes up with the killer before him. A strange feeling erupts in his chest when she brushes against him to get the papers to Hotchner. It's like his heart beat harder but it was pleasant. Something warm tingles in his chest as she fist bumps the air after they've caught the suspect.
The team had to get conjoined rooms for another case and while most of the team went out for dinner you decided to stay in the room and take advantage of the hot water. 
Spencer had also elected to stay with you not of your knowledge as he hears you begin to sing. And while he did enjoy hearing your music from time to time as it blasted through your earbuds, Spencer Reid found he liked hearing you sing even more as you belted the lyrics to another song he didn't know.
"I'm no James Dean
Heartthrob daydream
Bad hair, black jeans
Not cool suits me
Girls won't date me
Guys all hate me
Guess that must mean
I'm no James Dean
James Dean~
I'd got into Nirvana
And smoking marijuana
My first year in school
But you don't really wanna
Get busted by your momma
If you want to stay cool" ~ James Dean by the Wrecks.
Spencer hears through the open conjoining door as you get out of the shower. The song ends and you begin another while your shadow dances under the door with the steam.
"Please forgive my ugly I
Should've picked to be born more lovely I
Should've picked a face
That would've more easily won a place
For me in your heart rent-free
Please forgive my dimensions
I just should've designed myself for your bad intentions
I just should've picked a form
That would've made good mental porn
For all of your odd fantasies"
~ Ugly by Cloudfooter
While the lyrics were sad, you said them with a chirp. But Spencer finds himself not appreciating the song for how it made him feel. Even if he isn't the prettiest as he's been told by women and men alike. In a way he calls into question that maybe why he's viewed as ugly could be his need to give facts and explain things. Sometimes he can't help it really as it is just the way he thinks and sees the world. And while he does have some problems being complimented because he feels he doesn't deserve them he still wants to deserve them. In a way wanting to be praised.
"What're you thinking about so hard? I'd have thought ya went with the group for chow?" Cossette says from the foot of the bed startling him.
"Nothing." Spencer answers too fast.
"Uh huh. And I'm the queen." She says sarcastically. Spencer felt surprised to note that he liked her sarcastic comments. Few they were but still made him smile.
Cossette turns her back to the bed and falls back on it with a jump. She closes her eyes and curls up with a pillow. "Don't think too hard so late. Save the stressful thoughts for later."
"Do—do you think I'm pretty." Spencer asks.
Cossette opens one eye to examine him and Spencer thought he imagined it but her face does take on a redder hue but he simply explains it away with her having taken a hot shower.
"Honest truth? I think you're beyond pretty. I mean Derek is all macho and Hotchner has that stern vibe but you." Cossette pauses and closes her eyes again with a yawn. "Ya know, you're cute when you ramble those facts and you're damn near gorgeous when you wear those blazers. So yeah I think you're pretty. Where's this coming from? Did one of this cops say somethin'?"
"No I just."
"Do you doubt what I said was true?"
"No, but.."
"No butts. You're hot, pretty and gorgeous. Any bastard who tells you different is just jealous of you. For one you're kind and sweet. Super polite and well educated. You're easy to talk to and have a wonderful voice." The more she talked the quieter her voice got until Spencer looked over to see her sleeping.
"Spence! S-pence! Spencer!" Emily calls him a third time as he had been staring at Cossette'a empty desk after she left. And with her departure the buzzing of her music through her earbuds has also left him. It had only been a week since the last case and when Cossette had complimented him while also pushing away his fears. But in the process she also made him feel something strange. Unlike before the interaction, now whenever he had long conversations with her his eyes would unintentionally drift to her lips as she talked. And when she hummed or mumbled any song under her breath then he moved a little closer to hear. It was bad enough that he had even gotten a sharp grin from Morgan afterward.
During another case that was solved moderately swiftly the team still needed to stay in their hotel for the night (for sake of plot.) Spencer, who was awake as usual when all the other guys had already gone to sleep, heard as somewhere around four, one of the females left their room. Quietly he pokes his head to the conjoined door and notices Cossette isn't there in the bed with JJ. Standing, he slowly sneaks to the door. Not that he knows, his movement awakes Derek. He has to contain himself from telling the doctor to go get his girlfriend.
When Spencer finds her it's with her feet hanging over the edge of the pool. He hears her ragged breaths as she sings and mumbles through tears.
"Who gives a fuck about my nightmares?
'Cause I can barely focus when I'm like this
And lately, forty wings would be just priceless
I wrestle with myself and with my vices
But no one gives a fuck about my nightmares
But it's nothing you should worry yourself about (oh oh, oh oh)
It's nothing you should worry yourself about (oh oh, oh ohhh)
It's all a bit of fun until somebody gets hurt
I'll take it with a pinch of salt, another lesson learned"
~ nightmares by little life
"Is that how you really feel?" Spencer can't help himself from asking. He moves closer to her now still form as she tensed with his presence. Sitting beside her he lets one hand dip in the water. "I really hate cold water because on one of our cases a man kidnapped a boy and was going to drown him in a lake. I was the first one there so I had to swim out to save the boy while Derek and Hotch took care of the unsub. The water was cold like this." He says the last words with remorse. Could he not save the child?
"I just had a really bad nightmare," she shrugs her shoulders and wipes her eyes. "Wasn't about any case we had but, it was an unsub and he had this girl and I don't even know the girl but I swear to you it was happening on the front porch of my childhood home. He asks her if she wears hearing aids, maybe she's deaf or close to it. She says no and he said good, you won't be needing them. And then he screwed a bolt into the side of her head through her ear canal. I could hear her screaming, and then it changes and I'm the one being drilled into. I can't open my jaw or move my mouth because it it all hurts. My ear feels so hot like it's burning and there's something wet going down my neck. I can't breathe and then I wake up." She gives him a dry grin. "It's made no sense but it still freaked me out." She shakes her head again and her hair moves around her catching his eyes. She places her hands down against the edge of the pool and leans her head back to the stars. There weren't many due to how close they were to the city.
Spencer feels something bubble in his chest, like the feeling of drinking too much fizzy pop. Tentatively, scared, he gently places his hand over hers making her snap her head to him.
"What are you—?"
"Is it helping? 85% of adults have at minimum one nightmare a year. I'd...I'll be here if you have more." Spencer quirks a shy grin. Cossette smiles back and holds his hand before leaning against his shoulder.
The relationship between them became closer after that night.
Cossette walked out of the elevator into the bull pen with two coffees in hand while nodding her head to her music. She twirled around Spencer's desk before leaning against the corner with a bright smile. Spencer ducks his head with a smile as she sets the coffee down. "Crap ton of sugar, doll face." She says under her breath before turning and leaving with a skip away to see Penelope.
"What was that!" Derek asks with a laugh. "Ohhhh," Derek begins to raise his eyebrows up and down making Spencer fluster again.
"It's nothing."
"That didn't look like nothing," Rossi adds in passing while setting his things at his desk for the day. A soft smile melts the Italian man's face.
"Guys what's got everyone so smiley?" JJ asks as she too walks into the bull pen with folders in her hand.
"Pretty boy got coffee from his girlfriend. She made it just the way he likes it." Derek says the last part with more tease.
"She's not my girlfriend," Spencer reaches for the coffee and takes a sip with a soft smile.
"Not yet," Derek badgers.
It was only after a few more mornings like this that they began to go out on occasion. Spencer taking her to the book store when he found a book he thought she'd like.
"Don't expect me to read as fast as your Spence. This is— 300 pages in the least." Cossette smiled up at him.
"I don't expect you too but..." Spencer said sheepishly but she didn't let him finish.
"I'm just teasing, doc. At the very least I need an afternoon, hopefully we aren't called in when I get to the best part." She jests while gently holding the side of his vest. They hadn't progressed to holding hands yet. There was one time where she hooked her pinky around his. The innocent action made the boy genius flush and hide his face from her eyes.
"Hey Spence?"
"You should know something." She turned to stand in front of him. "You're pretty swell." She said in a mock English accent making Spencer crack a smile.
(Songs that will be included when this is finished. (This is reference for me but they’re good songs)
I’m beginning to see the light by ink spots.
Out of style by the Wrecks
Pumpkin the Regrettes
Old soul Saint motel
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comicaurora · 1 year
(this ask is based on the, I'm not sure if unfounded, assumption that at least 1/6(?) main crew members has some sort of non-ace/aro attraction): How do you write allo characters as an aro person? I'm one of those annoying allos who's *hyper-romantic* and working on hypersexuality for my own health, so I color most of my writing with that and struggle to write ace people. I know a lot of writers can distance themselves more. I guess I'm just curious how you inspire your characters to act socially outside of the way that you interact, specifically in terms of romanti/sexual relationships. I'm pretty good at getting my characters to engage with the world outside of my way of doing it until it comes to romance.
It's… tough, and I'm working on it. I still need to remind myself that a lot of people legitimately do experience sexual attraction and thus find certain other people in certain situations extremely physically appealing, in contrast to my own platonic attraction (the people I like, I typically like the same amount no matter what they're doing or how they look) or aesthetic attraction (when I like how someone looks in a specific situation, it is still in an extremely hands-off "I'd like to draw that" way).
I can work my way through the logic of romance, I think. I've been told that it doesn't feel the same as friendship, and that it places another person in a somewhat uniquely structural role for one's life. I've heard it described as being someone's "everything-team" - the person they want by their side at any endeavor - which is the only thing I've ever heard about romance that I don't think applies to a good percentage of my IRL friendships.
Romantic attraction is definitely the more confusing one, because everyone I know in a romantic relationship insists it's different than their platonic ones, but can't really explain why or how, only that it is. The thing is, this makes me believe them more. I know how hard it is to explain a unique inner experience to someone who has a completely different one. Their partner is their best friend, or at least top three (understandable) and also in a unique position in their life (confusion??) I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think I love my friends as much as I'm capable of, and there are people I'm friends with who I could see as a theoretical partner - except that it would change absolutely nothing about our current relationship. This is why I don't identify with the label of "aromantic" where I definitely do with "asexual", because I think I experience what people are talking about, I just feel it kinda everywhere instead of nowhere.
So the hack I think I can make work to do this in my writing is:
Sexual attraction is like aesthetic attraction, but with a hands-on component. Replace "I want to draw that" with "I want to get my hands on that" and go from there.
Romantic attraction is evidently its own beast, but it contains concepts like "I trust this person implicitly," "I care about them and want them to be happy," "I would be happy coming home to this person," "I want to protect them," "I like that they care about me," and "this person helps me see the world in a different way" which are all individual sentiments I understand, even if I personally feel them about a large number of people rather than a single Special Someone. Point them at a single Someone and have the two characters involved act accordingly, and I can probably pull a romance out of it.
Like all writing-an-alien-situation stuff, it mostly pays to identify the specific details that correlate to things you DO understand and then extrapolate from there. Or you can fake it and black-box their motivations and be like "here's where I'd put their sexual attraction to each other if I had one"
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wjbminecraft · 1 year
"How Minecrafty is the #minecraft tag anyway": a scientific study (and also a graph I guess) by WJ Beck
Ok so I was curious about just how many people were mistagging their stuff, so I scrolled through the #minecraft tag to find out how many posts were not directly Minecraft related, and my findings were... interesting.
To start with, let's talk about classification; since this will be represented as a basic pie-chart, I needed to come up with a way to categorise posts as "tagged well" and "mistagged", so I'm using the following criteria:
If the post's main content is a Minecraft build, mod, OC etc. or to do with a Minecraft spinoff, that's a Minecraft post, and it's been tagged well! This also goes for tournament-polls involving official MC characters or mobs, regardless of opponent, and crossover fanart, regardless of how Minecrafty it is (characters from another franchise in the MC world are as valid as, say, Steve interacting with another franchise's characters) and also Smash-related stuff where Steve is there.
If the post's main content is related to any Minecraft YouTube (MCYT) content, which - in this case - refers to both role-play and animations, then that is mildly mistagged, and I can see why the OP did that if they didn't know about this specific case of mistagging.
If the post's main content is not anything to do with Minecraft (I saw a non-fandom post which had a bunch of random, irrelevant fandom-related tags, including #minecraft) or if Minecraft is tangentially mentioned once but still included in the tags, that is tagged terribly, and might even be against the terms of service (don't quote me on that though).
The posts were recorded by me scrolling and counting them, then adding them to each category until I lost count and stopped adding, resulting in 265 posts total. A couple of posts were shuffled around between categories, meaning that the numbers might not be 100% accurate, but I tried.
Graph and stats below.
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Of the 265 posts viewed,
228 (86%*) were Minecraft posts,
32 (12%*) were MCYT posts,
5 (2%*) were neither.
*(Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number)
What this means is that the tagging problem may not be as bad as I've seen at least one person claim it is, however the problem could get worse in the future.
Please, for all our sakes, tag your posts properly.
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A racist is saying that black women commit homicide at a higher rate than white men. I find no evidence of that. I found that white men do make up a larger percentage of the prison population and it’s possible that white men are in there for more extreme crimes than black women. I also found this https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls
Though it doesn’t break down the race of female offenders it’s very low and I’m assuming that most female offenders with a black victim is black and vice versa for white ppl. I know black ppl are more likely to be caught for crimes because of racial biases and poverty, but even if you break down the “50%” stat that racist love to pull out, it’s more like 46% of black men commit those crimes it’s not an equal gender ratio… Black women actually don’t commit as much violent crime. Not even the same as white men. Just wondering if you have any analysis on crime with race and sex.
You are correct! There is no evidence that black women commit more crime than white men! (There is, in fact, significant evidence for the opposite claim.)
I'm going to spend the rest of this post talking about violent crime specifically, mostly because that's what you asked about, but also because crime statistics on property crime get questionable, especially in the content of race. (For the curious, most crime statistics report on "street crime" which includes all the things people usually think of (assault, rape, theft, burglary, etc.) but not white collar crime (embezzlement, fraud, etc.). Since more white collar than street crime is committed by white men, this distorts the racial statistics for property crime [1]. In fact, the demographics of white collar crime are the "opposite" of street crime in many respects including race, age, and economic status [1]. It's one of the bigger issues with institutional crime statistics: the people in power have chosen to exclude from primary analyses the crimes that are primarily committed by people in power.)
There is also limited data on this topic. (This is an excellent example of where implementing intersectionality would be very helpful/important.) Having said that, there are a few sources that can give us a fairly clear picture!
The link you provided is a good place to start! It's looking at the FBI's supplementary data on homicides for 2019. However, homicide is somewhat unique for crime statisticians in that you don't need to be concerned with under-reporting by victims, but you also cannot rely on victim report surveys to "fill in" missing data (i.e., if the offender is not caught then there is no way to know the demographics of that offender). This is a problem, since solve rates are uneven based on victim and likely offender demographics [2].
Thankfully, there are ways to account for this missing data. One such study implementing these methods [2] looked at the FBI's supplementary homicide data for 1976-2017 (many years worth of the data you linked to).
They found that women were the offenders in 8.8% of all homicides. Black women were the offenders in 43.9% of all female-offender homicides, making them the offender in 3.86% of all homicides.
Men accounted for 91.2% of all homicides. White men were the offenders in 40.8% of all male-offender homicides, making them the offender in 37.21% of all homicides.
This indicates that white men accounted for almost 10 times as many homicides as black women.
If you adjust for population size, given the estimate that, during this time period, black women make up 7.1% of the population and white men make up 39.6%, you have an offender-to-population ratio of 0.54 for black women and 0.94 for white men. This means the population adjusted rate is still 1.75 times higher for white men.
An additional analysis of the same source data, by different statisticians, for the years 1980-2008 confirms these results [3].
They broke each sex-race group down into age categories, and within each age group, white male homicide offending rates (i.e., already adjusted for population size) is at least twice the black female homicide offending rates.
Unfortunately, they do not provide a single summary statistic for white male vs black female homicide offending rates, but we can estimate one by assuming the proportion of male/female offenders is the same across races. (Assuming the proportion of white/black offenders is the same across sexes yields the same results.) Based on this method we get an homicide offender-to-population ratio of 1.0 for white men and 0.85 for black women, again indicating a lower rate of offending for black women.
But the assumption that the proportion of male/female offenders is the same across races is not necessarily accurate. Adjusting the proportion of offenders for each race within each sex according to the data from [2], yields a similar (slightly larger) difference between white men and black women. These results suggest white men have a 17-26% higher rate of homicide offenders than black women.
In addition to all of that, substantial research has indicated that when women do kill their intimate partners (which accounts for more than a quarter of homicides by women [2]) they are doing so in self-defense (i.e., killing their abuser to stop the abuse) [7].
Beyond homicide, this pattern is also true for other violent crimes. There's even less data on this for other violent crimes, but:
The one source I found that broke the groups into both race and sex generally found white men offend at least twice as often as black women [4]. Unfortunately, this is data from 1973-1977, and I can't find any more recent studies that break out the demographics this way.
Using the method described in the last section, however, we can estimate the percentage of all violent crimes by white men and black women [5]. Based on that estimation method we get an violent offender-to-population ratio of 1.4 for white men and 0.57 for black women, again indicating a lower rate of offending for black women. Specifically, the population adjusted rate for white men is almost 2.5 times higher than black women.
The one caveat to this data is that juvenile white boys and juvenile black girls may have similar crime rates [4, 6]. This wouldn't change the overall rates by much, since juvenile offenders as whole (all sexes and races) account for only about 10% of all violent incidents/offenders [5]. But this can't be confirmed without an analysis of more recent and comprehensive (youth survey) data. (And I cannot find such an analysis). For what it's worth, [3] showed the homicide offender rate for juvenile white boys is twice that of juvenile black girls, and [6] indicates that the majority of violent crimes juvenile girls are charged with is simple assault, so even if the overall violent offending rate is the same for this specific age group an analysis of what violent crimes are being committed still indicates that boys are committing more severe crimes than girls.
Other notes:
"I found that white men do make up a larger percentage of the prison population and it’s possible that white men are in there for more extreme crimes than black women."
That's correct! As of 2022, there were over 23 times as many white men as black women in prison [8]. In fact, there were 4 times as many white men as all women in prison. If you adjust for population, the white male imprisonment rate was over 5 times the black female imprisonment rate.
Unfortunately, the data about the prisoners "most serious offense" was not broken out by both sex and race, but in general men are more likely than women to be in prison for a violent crime. (A greater proportion of female than male prisoners' "most serious offense" are drug or property crimes.)
"I know black ppl are more likely to be caught for crimes because of racial biases and poverty, but even if you break down the “50%” stat that racist love to pull out"
I don't know what 50% statistic you're referring to! But you are correct that various institutional factors (racism, economic status and classism, de facto segregation, exposure to violence as a child, etc.) all contribute to the disproportionate amount of crime committed by Black Americans. This topic can (and has) filled multiple books.
TL;DR: white men definitely commit more crime than black women, in both absolute and relative terms.
References below the cut:
Slyke, S. V., Benson, M. L., & Cullen, F. T. (2016). The oxford handbook of white-collar crime. Oxford University Press.
Fridel, E. E., & Fox, J. A. (2019). Gender differences in patterns and trends in u. S. Homicide, 1976–2017. Violence and Gender, 6(1), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.1089/vio.2019.0005
Alexia Cooper & Erica L. Smith. (2011). Homicide trends in the united states, 1980-2008 (236018; BJS Special Reports). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/homicide-trends-united-states-1980-2008
Hindelang, M. J. (1981). Variations in sex-race-age-specific incidence rates of offending. American Sociological Review, 46(4), 461. https://doi.org/10.2307/2095265
Alexandra Thompson & Susannah N. Tapp. (2023). Criminal victimization, 2022 (307089; Criminal Victimization). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/criminal-victimization-2022
Charles Puzzanchera, Sarah Hockenberry, & Melissa Sickmund. (2022). Youth and the juvenile justice system: 2022 national report (305721). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/library/publications/youth-and-juvenile-justice-system-2022-national-report
Serran, G., & Firestone, P. (2004). Intimate partner homicide: A review of the male proprietariness and the self-defense theories. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1359-1789(02)00107-6
E. Ann Carson & Rich Kluckow. (2023). Prisoners in 2022 – statistical tables (307149; Prisoners). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/prisoners-2022-statistical-tables
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
Animal Sex, Animal Sex?
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Girlfriend Reader,
Warnings: SMUT!!!! P I V sex, Protected! (Wrap it before you tap it) Rough sex, jealousy, Billy being ex boyfriend, talk of sex obvi, squirting, domestic fighting, probably more that i cant think of
Summary: Based off of Ross and Rachel in episode 18 of season 2!
Important to know before reading:
Nancy and Eddie are siblings (Monica and Ross)
You and Nancy are room mates (Rachel and Monica)
For once in his life Steve is not the ladies man hehe
Wordcount: 2.2 k
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“Robin's got another job, right?” Steve asked Nancy as he rested his arm around her shoulders, her nestled into his torso on the brown comfy couch of the coffee shop.
“Great set tonight, Robin” you told her as she got off the small stage and placed her guitar next to an armchair which she then sank down in.
“I know.” Robin grimaced smugly.
“Well, we should probably get going.” Eddie tapped your thigh. 
“We should too. I've got work at 8 in the morning.” Steve smiled at his girlfriend. 
“You know how we always stay at your apartment?” Nancy got his attention. “I thought tonight we'd stay at my place.” she suggested as she gave him a little bit of a pout. 
“I don't know.” Steve pretended to think. “I don't have my jammies.” he joked.
Nancy giggled a little “Well maybe you don't need them.” she said suggestively.
Eddie rolled his eyes and threw his hand out in the air “My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen.”
Nancy turned towards her older brother “Shut up. I'm happy.”
“Oh, this is so nice!” Robin exclaimed. “I have to make a speech.” she stated as she rose from her chair.
She cleared her throat, holding an imaginary wineglass to the group “ I just wanna’ say that of all the guys that Nancy has been with, and that is a lot” she laughed and gave you and Eddie a wide eyed look. Nancy froze and closed her eyes. She turned awkwardly towards Steve to check his expression. 
“I like you the best.” she smiled childishly. 
Instead Steve politely gave her an “Awww Thank you, Robin” he breathed lightly “That's very sweet.”
As the group put their coats on to head out into the chilly autumn weather Steve leaned down towards Nancy.
“You hear that?” he grinned. “She likes me best” he shrugged into his jacket “And apparently, there have been a lot.” he dramatized with wide eyes and a suspicious look. 
Nancy chuckled, “Not a lot” she tried to cover “Robin's kidding” she waved her hand “Robin's crazy.” she deadpanned her boyfriend slightly. 
You chuckled to Eddie “Robin's dead” you smirked at him, earning a small laugh from your tall boyfriend. 
“Well, it wasn't that many guys.” Nancy continued the conversation you and Eddie had witnessed the couple having all the way up the street and in the stairwell. 
“If you consider how many guys there actually are…” she sighed “...it's a very small percentage.”
“Hey It's not that big a deal” Steve said as he dropped his coat on a chair.  “I was just curious.” 
“Good night.” Eddie called as he led you to your room with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Good night, Steve… Good luck, Nance.” you smiled devilishly. 
You heard the couple talking as you entered your room and adjusted the door to almost closed but still a small sliver peeking. Both of you slipped your shoes off and excess clothing while listening in. 
“Before I tell you” you heard Nancy start  “you tell me how many women you've been with.” you shot Eddie a look, it was very amusing to listen to. 
“Two.” Steve stated. 
Eddie took a step towards you, slinking his hands around your waist and holding you to him.
“Two? Two?” Nancy asked, shocked. Both you and Eddie couldn't help but grin at each other, the whole thing was very funny. 
“How is that possible? I mean…” Nancy seemed to think for a second “have you seen you?”
“I mean, what can I say?” 
“I dated Olivia for almost three years, so from sophomore to senior year” he paused “Now you. That's two.” he stated plainly. 
“Two it is.” 
“Okayy time for bed.” she said quickly. “I'm gonna brush my teeth.” you heard her scurry towards the bathroom. 
“Woah woah, wait a minute now!” Steve's heavier footsteps followed. 
“Come on, it's your turn.” he complained as you heard what must have been the bathroom door shut. 
“Oh, come on!” he sighed exasperated. “You know, I don't need the
actual number. Just a ballpark.”
The door opened again “It is definitely less than a ballpark” she said before the door shut again. 
Steves footsteps were heard making their way to the bedroom 
You sighed and sat down on the bed “I am so glad I'm not Nancy right now.” you chuckled. 
“Tell me about it.” Eddie answered as he slank behind you on the bed, leaning on his right hand. 
“Sooo what's your magic number?” he asked, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You scrunched your face up slightly, you were not that keen on landing in Nancy's situation. 
“Come on” Eddis pressed “you know everyone I've been with. All.. both of them.”
You sighed and turned slightly to face him. “Well, there's you.” you started. 
“Better not be doing these in order.” Eddie joked. 
“Billy Dreskin” you began counting “Pete Carny.”
Eddie hummed hearing the name of one of the old classmates who transferred out of state two years ago. 
“Keith” you simply said his name, knowing Eddie had heard all about the video store clerk.  
“Aaand Billy” you mentioned your most recent boyfriend, the one who had broken up with you when sensing you had feelings for Eddie, he had been right but the breakup was still pretty messy.
“Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Babeee, are you jealous of Billy?” you mocked him a little. 
Eddie made a slight noise. “ Oh come on I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him.” you smiled as you hugged him tightly. 
“Really?” he asked, looking for some slight assurance. 
“Oh, please!” your heart warmed at your slightly insecure boyfriend, he was so adorable. “That Paolo thing was barely a relationship.” you continued. Earning a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“All it really was, was just meaningless, animal sex.” 
Eddie froze, looking awkwardly dead in the eyes. 
You drew back slightly “Okay, you know, that sounded so much better in my head.”
Eddie sat up. “Animal sex?” he asked, slightly deflated. “Ugh I don't know why I said that” you groaned. 
“Animal sex?” he asked again, quite baffled. 
“No baby listen, I didnt even love him, I love you!” you pleated exasperated. 
 Eddie stood up and fiddled with a small black teddy bear that rested on your bookshelf. 
“Was he better than me?” he asked, glancing towards you. 
You groaned loudly and threw yourself back onto the bed, “Well! was he?”
“Eddie, please listen to me” you sprung up off the bed. 
Circling the bed to the opposite side of eddie you continued talking “You are so much better for me than Billy ever was”
You crawled onto the bed “I mean you care about me, you're loving,
you make me laugh.” you pulled at his arm, turning him to face you. 
“ Oh hey If I make you laugh, here's an idea.” he snapped his fingers.
“Why don't you invite Billyover to have a little romp in the sack...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes!” he exclaimed.
You threw yourself  off the bed again “Stop! God!” you complained. Desperately you waved your arms against your body pleading with him “ Eddie what we have is special!” you almost shouted in desperation.“All Billy and I ever had was-”
"Animal sex animal sex?” Eddie interrupted. 
You groaned, pulling your fingers through your hair and ruffing it up. 
“So what are you saying?” Eddie turned towards you. “I mean you’re saying that there's nothing between us "animal" at all?” he pressed. “There's not even, like, um, a little animal?Not even, like.. like chipmunk sex?” he squaked.
“Ok Eddie” you stepped up onto the bed, trudging over to him “Try to hear me” you grasped onto his shoulders. “Okay?I'm not gonna lie to you, okay it was good with Billy” 
“Knock-knock” Eddie interjected
“But!” you pointed your finger at him  “What you and I have
is so much better” you told him exhaustedly. “We, we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect!” you gestured between your two bodies “You know? I swear. This, this is the best ... I have ever had.” you looked down at him.
Eddie stared into your eyes, searching your face. “Until now.” he caught you off guard by quickly grasping onto the backs of your thighs, picking you up and throwing you onto the bed. 
You squealed as Eddie climbed on top of you, instantly connecting his lips to yours, desperately kissing you. Pushing his pelvis hard against your core as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Your hands desperately searched foe the hem of his shirt, once you found it you pulled at it, forcing it up his back. 
Eddie quickly sat up ripping his shirt over his head and watching as you awkwardly sat up, crunching your stomach and lifting both the hoodie and crop top over your head. 
Eddie leaned back down instantly connecting his hands to your clothed boobs, harshly kidding the plump skin, sucking dark hickies over your chest. 
“Condom?” Eddie asked. 
“Bedside table” you pointed flimsily. 
Eddie quickly forced himself off the bed rooting through your drawer as you adjusted yourself to lie on the bed with your head by the pillows. As he fumbled with opening the box and then the wrapper you unbuttoned and slipped your jeans off your legs. 
Eddie finally got the condom free of the line of others and threw it onto the bed. being very quick to remove his pants he hurried with ripping the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolling it over his cock. 
You washed excitedly as Eddie lightly stroked his cock. “Bra” he stated, you realized you were still wearing the dark green bra unclasped the back, ripping it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
Eddie climbed onto the bed and adjusted himself on top of you. “Uh.. foreplay?” he asked awkwardly as the tip of his cock brushed the opening of your cunt. “No, no were good, please just, put it in” you begged. 
Eddie chuckled and pushed himself inside. “Geez, we should fight more often, you're dripping” he grinned as he began thrusting at an acceptably slow pace. 
“Shut up and go faster” Eddie moved his hips back and forth drilling into you at a furious pace. You let out a loud moan as you slipped your hands around his torso, grasping onto his skin with both hands. 
“Fuck” Eddie groaned as he rested his forarms on either side of your head, his finger tangling in your sprawled out hair. 
“Oh fuck Eddie! Yes! omg!” you moaned loudly as the headboard began hitting the wall from Eddie's constant thrusting. 
“Fuck fuck FUCK!” you continued. you could never really shut up during dex, but Eddie loved it. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! just like that” Eddie went even faster, his whole body straightening, muscles working as hard as they could. 
“Fuck im about to cum, damn it” Eddie slowed a little. 
“Just continue, please omg!” you pushed on his lower back till he started back up again. 
“YES! Fuck” you closed your eyes as your pupils rolled back in your head. 
Your mouth flew open. “Shit shit shit!” you squealed as you felt the familiar feeling of having to pee. 
“Fuck! Eddie, I'm about to squirt, don't stop!” you screamed. Eddie's eyes grew wide as he felt and heard you soaking his abdomen with the clear liquid. 
“Fuck im really gonna cum now!” Eddie alerted you. 
“Just one more minute!” 
“Fuck I can't control it!” he shouted as he thrusted as fast as he could into you, spurts of cum shot out of you, soaking the bed, yourself and your boyfriend. 
Eddie felt the milky liquid flow out of him as he groaned loudly. “Ahhh fuckkk” he groaned exhaustedly. he slowed his pace as your body gave out, if you hadnt been on a mattress you would have fallen down from your collapse, instead you just lay there completely fucked out in a pool of cum as Eddie lay on top of you, his head in the crook of your neck, trying to catch his breath. 
He let out a loud breath as his eyes shut from exhaustion. You lay under him, your legs spread and your hands above your head, breathing rapidly. 
“Holy fuck” was all you could muster. 
“Sorry I came so fast” Eddie whispered in your ear “That was the best I've ever had” you stated quietly. Eddie chuckled with pride. 
“Having fun yet!” you heard a knock at the wall followed by Steve's voice. “Shut up man!” Eddie shouted back. 
“I'm getting you back for this! I just had to hear my brother having full blown sex!” Nancy shouted “Oh god i'll never be the same!”
you both laughed at her. 
After 20 minutes or so of lying in the pool with Eddie still inside you, you both got up, eddie slipped his boxers back on as you ran and got towels in just his t shirt, you quickly dried yourselves off, soaked up some of the cum on the bed and changed the sheets, lots of towels covering the damp patch for a quick fix. 
You threw yourself on the bed, exhausted. “Nope, I need a shower” you sat back up, eddie beside you. 
“Bath?” he asked with a heartwarming smile. “YES!” you said excited. 
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elwolfen · 4 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 10
Nervous Energy (1993)
Ira Moss
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His Role: Supportive and undergoing inconceivable pain of having to watch his dear Tom slowly go through the trials and tribulations of AIDs. Someone you'd hope to have by your side in sickness and in health. Patient while understandably tired. The unprompted trip to Glasgow without him going or being properly discussed must have stung quite a bit, but he let Tom go, even knowing that it wouldn't go nicely. It's what Tom wanted.
His flashbacks to the past were... interesting, to say the least. There are two types: first meeting and them being much closer (if you catch me). Seeing him meet Tom, who was a biker at that point, filled me with much glee from hoping there would be a scene where Tom would take Ira for a ride, and he'd hold close to him. They do ride, but Ira doesn't cling to him sadly. And the other scenes? No full-on sex but very sexual undertones. You see plenty of naked Tom (past and present), plenty of ass and full frontal nudity. I'm sure plenty who haven't watched it but are a A.M. fans are curious about Ira's percentage of nudity (I see you)... the most you see is him laying in bed with his dear Tom and see all but his pecker. Which I'm thankful for, for me, seeing genitalia makes me uncomfortable for reasons not entirely known to me (my aro?/ace ass). So, seeing Tom's was a jumpscare.
Anyways a scene where, after going to the bar with his friends, sits and sings to himself while seeing a vision of Tom crying out in pain and begging for Ira made me tear up a bit. At the time of these reviews, I'm dealing with my cat's sickness and at times, I've thought about the idea if that if he could talk, would he be constantly begging for help and yowling about the pain? Obviously, he still could, but the thought of not being able to help with one's serious and fatal situation is heart-wrenching. I know a person going through AIDs and a cat going through Lymphoma are different, but this is how I relate. Ira has Tom, and I have my Sandy.
Seeing him go through and making a list of music for Tom's funeral was jarring. We forget what loved ones do for a dying person, getting all the arrangements, booking the funeral itself, and even the little details like the music. It just it me. Seeing him quietly work on that while Tom is in the hospital, not knowing if he's still fighting or trying to let it take him. All he knows is that Tom doesn't want him there.
He also abandons his radio hosting duties to be at the hospital with Tom. It's brought up a few times about the fact that Ira was going to interview someone that Tom was a fan of, and after all that happens, he stays with Tom. Someone else interviews him. A sacrifice, I'm sure he's willing to make time and time again.
When Ira finally gets the news that Tom is okay, it'll take weeks for him to come home, but he is still surviving. All Ira can think is that "he's coming home?" He breaks down crying at the thought of him being home with him. I'll admit I wanted to see him cry, just to see he acting chops, but it was so damn touching. Everyone at that hospital was so supportive.
In the end, it's just the two of them, in a hospital bed. Talking. Throughout the movie, we learn that Tom doesn't like kissing on the lips. But here, he wants to kiss Ira. I'm sure Ira would've loved that, but he knows his Tom. Instead, he says he wants to hold him, which is a relief to Tom. Holding each other close after a tumultuous time in Glasgow must have felt like heaven on earth. That's the last we see of them. The funeral is postponed, but we know the date will have to be made eventually. For now... all that's matters is each other.
The Rest of the Film: Tom was really going through the ringer of AIDs and everyone terrified that he's developed dementia (which I didn't know was possible). Going on shopping sprees, buying the wrong thing, and lashing out when told such and just knowing it's his expertise, brutal. Watching his sweaty spiral didn't give me much hope for the end of this movie. Yet I was surprised. He doesn't die at the end, but it is heavily implied that it will happen eventually. But it was a pleasant surprise.
Also, why does everyone keep letting him drive!? He drove into a hedge!
His family seemed kind of supportive at first. His mother really was the highlight out of all of them, she genuinely cares about her son and I'm glad. His father was hesitant about all of it, but he has been researching about his son's aliment. And Ian, his brother, was calm at first, throwing some shade until the point he snaps. This man really thinks his brother is just being a "theatrical wee shit"...
When Ira inevitably arrives and hears out Ian, Tom's brother, on what happened. While I understand his and his wife's discomfort; Tom messed up her kitchen twice, he went back to cook again while still naked (her very young daughters giggling) and he drove a rental car into their hedge. It was still crossing a line when he attacked him (one hit and brief crying but still), threatened death, and kicked him out in the morning. His brother is very clearly sick and disoriented and yet still does so. I do appreciate that he showed some care, but he needed more patience. What made Ian and his wife really snap? The fact Tom and Ira fucked in the shower? Really? That's what starts half his family bashing him for being born!? Wow.
When Ian turns up later to the hospital that Tom ends up after everything to visit. He still thinks he's being over the top. But Ira has had enough! He rightfully snaps at him, but still in a reigned in manner. He's tired of seeing everyone abandon this poor, suffering, and confused man who's been their for his friends, and his father and brother abandoned him ten years ago when he broke his leg. Why? Because they saw him with many gay men in the same room, I believe wearing leather.
I can't understand why Tom would want to forgive them. But it's not my place to do so.
Tom's seemingly fairweathered friends. Again, this is a difficult situation, I understand. Yet they still have the gull to dine and eventually dash as soon as things get too difficult and embarrassing. Ira bringing up the fact that his friends are way more reliable, a bit of a diss even before the abandonment, but he's not wrong.
Thankfully, after being rejected yet again, this time by a leather Dom, Tom begs Ira to call his ex-teacher at four a.m., and she takes them in for the night. She seems really nice and singing was lovely but little too much for my sensitive ears. A thing, though, all this moving around could have been avoided if Tom allowed Ira to book a hotel room. But for some reason, he didn't want to stay at one. Anyways, we get a conversation between Ira and Rosetta, which is really devastating. Ira hasn't been tested for AIDs. He thinks he may have it, but not knowing if that's the case or not makes him feel stronger. Strong enough for him and Tom. He doesn't want Tom to be concerned with it, he wants to deal with it on his own. Just like what's Tom has been doing throughout the film. They both don't want to be weaker, they desperately want to be strong enough. But it's ok to be overtaken by the overbearing pain and devastation of a disease. It's not your fault.
As soon as they get back home to London, who shows up? All of their London friends! As soon as they get off the train, they are swarmed by them and head straight to the hospital. It was heartwarming to see the true family they have there. Nothing but helping and patient.
Heads up! A Romani slur is dropped near the beginning of the film. Very brief yet there. Also, mentions of Antisemitism!
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sorry to add to the mountain of messages you probably get but i've been thinking about base 12 today and despite my knee jerk reaction towards the Known, i think you're right! the "count your thumbs twice" tip relaly pushed me over the edge i think, and then i made the connection with how many things get measured by the dozen anyway and how much more useful that is. though i'm curious, how would percentages work on a base 12 system? would they still go to 100?
I'm pretty sure they would, they're just worth more than the current amount? So it would be worth what base 10 calls 144.
A few people have asked questions along this theme, so here is Elanor's Attempt to Explain Maffs:
(spoilers: I'm shit at maths)
So the "base" part refers to the standard single-digit group of numbers that your numbering system then repeats, right? Currently we use base 10, so our little base group is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9, with zero as our Special Number). All of these numbers get their own fun names!
To continue counting above the base, you repeat them with the next earliest number in front each time. Hence, we then go 10,11,12,13, etc, and then do it with a 2 in front for 20,21,22,23 etc, and then a three, and then once you've exhausted that pattern at 99 you start adding an extra 1 in front again for the hundreds.
Ten base numbers. Hence, base 10.
In Terry Pratchett's Discworld, trolls use base 4. Troll numbers go one, two, three, many. They then start repeating these in almost the same pattern we do:
1, 2, 3, many,
many1, many2, many3, lots,
lots1, lots2, lots3, lotsmany,
lotsmany1, lotsmany2, lotsmany3, lotsmanymany,
lotsmanymany1, lotsmanymany2, lotsmanymany3, lotsmanymanymany (I think I went wrong here)
lotsmanymanymany1, lotsmanymanymany2, lotsmanymanymany3, lotslots.
Because it's base 4, 100% for them (lotslots) is what would be counted as 16 in base ten . 100% in any system is the base multiplied by itself, so it's 4x4 for trolls, and 10x10 in base 10. But notationally, if you used digits for the numbers instead of writing out names...
For base 12, let's say the numbers now go like this:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ¥, €, 10 (these were easy symbols on my phone keyboard so I'm using them). 10 can't be ten anymore, because it's the repeating diglyph. That's now twelve. Ten is now ¥, and eleven is €.
The teens now are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1¥, 1€, 20. So, that 20 is worth twenty in base 12, but would have been 24 in base 10 (and... uh, 110 to trolls? Or 102? Or... 120 Idk this is not my strong point at all I know about trees)
I've lost the thread of this. Anyway base 12 is great let's switch
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Animal Sex, Animal Sex?
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Girlfriend Reader,
Warnings: SMUT!!!! P I V sex, Protected! (Wrap it before you tap it) Rough sex, jealousy, Billy being ex boyfriend, talk of sex obvi, squirting, domestic fighting, probably more that i cant think of
Summary: Based off of Ross and Rachel in episode 18 of season 2!
Important to know before reading:
Nancy and Eddie are siblings (Monica and Ross)
You and Nancy are room mates (Rachel and Monica)
For once in his life Steve is not the ladies man hehe
Wordcount: 2.2 k
Check out more of Eddie Munson!
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“Robin's got another job, right?” Steve asked Nancy as he rested his arm around her shoulders, her nestled into his torso on the brown comfy couch of the coffee shop.
“Great set tonight, Robin” you told her as she got off the small stage and placed her guitar next to an armchair which she then sank down in.
“I know.” Robin grimaced smugly.
“Well, we should probably get going.” Eddie tapped your thigh. 
“We should too. I've got work at 8 in the morning.” Steve smiled at his girlfriend. 
“You know how we always stay at your apartment?” Nancy got his attention. “I thought tonight we'd stay at my place.” she suggested as she gave him a little bit of a pout. 
“I don't know.” Steve pretended to think. “I don't have my jammies.” he joked.
Nancy giggled a little “Well maybe you don't need them.” she said suggestively.
Eddie rolled his eyes and threw his hand out in the air “My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen.”
Nancy turned towards her older brother “Shut up. I'm happy.”
“Oh, this is so nice!” Robin exclaimed. “I have to make a speech.” she stated as she rose from her chair.
She cleared her throat, holding an imaginary wineglass to the group “ I just wanna’ say that of all the guys that Nancy has been with, and that is a lot” she laughed and gave you and Eddie a wide eyed look. Nancy froze and closed her eyes. She turned awkwardly towards Steve to check his expression. 
“I like you the best.” she smiled childishly. 
Instead Steve politely gave her an “Awww Thank you, Robin” he breathed lightly “That's very sweet.”
As the group put their coats on to head out into the chilly autumn weather Steve leaned down towards Nancy.
“You hear that?” he grinned. “She likes me best” he shrugged into his jacket “And apparently, there have been a lot.” he dramatized with wide eyes and a suspicious look. 
Nancy chuckled, “Not a lot” she tried to cover “Robin's kidding” she waved her hand “Robin's crazy.” she deadpanned her boyfriend slightly. 
You chuckled to Eddie “Robin's dead” you smirked at him, earning a small laugh from your tall boyfriend. 
“Well, it wasn't that many guys.” Nancy continued the conversation you and Eddie had witnessed the couple having all the way up the street and in the stairwell. 
“If you consider how many guys there actually are…” she sighed “...it's a very small percentage.”
“Hey It's not that big a deal” Steve said as he dropped his coat on a chair.  “I was just curious.” 
“Good night.” Eddie called as he led you to your room with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Good night, Steve… Good luck, Nance.” you smiled devilishly. 
You heard the couple talking as you entered your room and adjusted the door to almost closed but still a small sliver peeking. Both of you slipped your shoes off and excess clothing while listening in. 
“Before I tell you” you heard Nancy start  “you tell me how many women you've been with.” you shot Eddie a look, it was very amusing to listen to. 
“Two.” Steve stated. 
Eddie took a step towards you, slinking his hands around your waist and holding you to him.
“Two? Two?” Nancy asked, shocked. Both you and Eddie couldn't help but grin at each other, the whole thing was very funny. 
“How is that possible? I mean…” Nancy seemed to think for a second “have you seen you?”
“I mean, what can I say?” 
“I dated Olivia for almost three years, so from sophomore to senior year” he paused “Now you. That's two.” he stated plainly. 
“Two it is.” 
“Okayy time for bed.” she said quickly. “I'm gonna brush my teeth.” you heard her scurry towards the bathroom. 
“Woah woah, wait a minute now!” Steve's heavier footsteps followed. 
“Come on, it's your turn.” he complained as you heard what must have been the bathroom door shut. 
“Oh, come on!” he sighed exasperated. “You know, I don't need the
actual number. Just a ballpark.”
The door opened again “It is definitely less than a ballpark” she said before the door shut again. 
Steves footsteps were heard making their way to the bedroom 
You sighed and sat down on the bed “I am so glad I'm not Nancy right now.” you chuckled. 
“Tell me about it.” Eddie answered as he slank behind you on the bed, leaning on his right hand. 
“Sooo what's your magic number?” he asked, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You scrunched your face up slightly, you were not that keen on landing in Nancy's situation. 
“Come on” Eddis pressed “you know everyone I've been with. All.. both of them.”
You sighed and turned slightly to face him. “Well, there's you.” you started. 
“Better not be doing these in order.” Eddie joked. 
“Billy Dreskin” you began counting “Pete Carny.”
Eddie hummed hearing the name of one of the old classmates who transferred out of state two years ago. 
“Keith” you simply said his name, knowing Eddie had heard all about the video store clerk.  
“Aaand Billy” you mentioned your most recent boyfriend, the one who had broken up with you when sensing you had feelings for Eddie, he had been right but the breakup was still pretty messy.
“Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Babeee, are you jealous of Billy?” you mocked him a little. 
Eddie made a slight noise. “ Oh come on I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him.” you smiled as you hugged him tightly. 
“Really?” he asked, looking for some slight assurance. 
“Oh, please!” your heart warmed at your slightly insecure boyfriend, he was so adorable. “That Paolo thing was barely a relationship.” you continued. Earning a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“All it really was, was just meaningless, animal sex.” 
Eddie froze, looking awkwardly dead in the eyes. 
You drew back slightly “Okay, you know, that sounded so much better in my head.”
Eddie sat up. “Animal sex?” he asked, slightly deflated. “Ugh I don't know why I said that” you groaned. 
“Animal sex?” he asked again, quite baffled. 
“No baby listen, I didnt even love him, I love you!” you pleated exasperated. 
 Eddie stood up and fiddled with a small black teddy bear that rested on your bookshelf. 
“Was he better than me?” he asked, glancing towards you. 
You groaned loudly and threw yourself back onto the bed, “Well! was he?”
“Eddie, please listen to me” you sprung up off the bed. 
Circling the bed to the opposite side of eddie you continued talking “You are so much better for me than Billy ever was”
You crawled onto the bed “I mean you care about me, you're loving,
you make me laugh.” you pulled at his arm, turning him to face you. 
“ Oh hey If I make you laugh, here's an idea.” he snapped his fingers.
“Why don't you invite Billyover to have a little romp in the sack...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes!” he exclaimed.
You threw yourself  off the bed again “Stop! God!” you complained. Desperately you waved your arms against your body pleading with him “ Eddie what we have is special!” you almost shouted in desperation.“All Billy and I ever had was-”
"Animal sex animal sex?” Eddie interrupted. 
You groaned, pulling your fingers through your hair and ruffing it up. 
“So what are you saying?” Eddie turned towards you. “I mean you’re saying that there's nothing between us "animal" at all?” he pressed. “There's not even, like, um, a little animal?Not even, like.. like chipmunk sex?” he squaked.
“Ok Eddie” you stepped up onto the bed, trudging over to him “Try to hear me” you grasped onto his shoulders. “Okay?I'm not gonna lie to you, okay it was good with Billy” 
“Knock-knock” Eddie interjected
“But!” you pointed your finger at him  “What you and I have
is so much better” you told him exhaustedly. “We, we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect!” you gestured between your two bodies “You know? I swear. This, this is the best ... I have ever had.” you looked down at him.
Eddie stared into your eyes, searching your face. “Until now.” he caught you off guard by quickly grasping onto the backs of your thighs, picking you up and throwing you onto the bed. 
You squealed as Eddie climbed on top of you, instantly connecting his lips to yours, desperately kissing you. Pushing his pelvis hard against your core as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Your hands desperately searched foe the hem of his shirt, once you found it you pulled at it, forcing it up his back. 
Eddie quickly sat up ripping his shirt over his head and watching as you awkwardly sat up, crunching your stomach and lifting both the hoodie and crop top over your head. 
Eddie leaned back down instantly connecting his hands to your clothed boobs, harshly kidding the plump skin, sucking dark hickies over your chest. 
“Condom?” Eddie asked. 
“Bedside table” you pointed flimsily. 
Eddie quickly forced himself off the bed rooting through your drawer as you adjusted yourself to lie on the bed with your head by the pillows. As he fumbled with opening the box and then the wrapper you unbuttoned and slipped your jeans off your legs. 
Eddie finally got the condom free of the line of others and threw it onto the bed. being very quick to remove his pants he hurried with ripping the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolling it over his cock. 
You washed excitedly as Eddie lightly stroked his cock. “Bra” he stated, you realized you were still wearing the dark green bra unclasped the back, ripping it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
Eddie climbed onto the bed and adjusted himself on top of you. “Uh.. foreplay?” he asked awkwardly as the tip of his cock brushed the opening of your cunt. “No, no were good, please just, put it in” you begged. 
Eddie chuckled and pushed himself inside. “Geez, we should fight more often, you're dripping” he grinned as he began thrusting at an acceptably slow pace. 
“Shut up and go faster” Eddie moved his hips back and forth drilling into you at a furious pace. You let out a loud moan as you slipped your hands around his torso, grasping onto his skin with both hands. 
“Fuck” Eddie groaned as he rested his forarms on either side of your head, his finger tangling in your sprawled out hair. 
“Oh fuck Eddie! Yes! omg!” you moaned loudly as the headboard began hitting the wall from Eddie's constant thrusting. 
“Fuck fuck FUCK!” you continued. you could never really shut up during dex, but Eddie loved it. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! just like that” Eddie went even faster, his whole body straightening, muscles working as hard as they could. 
“Fuck im about to cum, damn it” Eddie slowed a little. 
“Just continue, please omg!” you pushed on his lower back till he started back up again. 
“YES! Fuck” you closed your eyes as your pupils rolled back in your head. 
Your mouth flew open. “Shit shit shit!” you squealed as you felt the familiar feeling of having to pee. 
“Fuck! Eddie, I'm about to squirt, don't stop!” you screamed. Eddie's eyes grew wide as he felt and heard you soaking his abdomen with the clear liquid. 
“Fuck im really gonna cum now!” Eddie alerted you. 
“Just one more minute!” 
“Fuck I can't control it!” he shouted as he thrusted as fast as he could into you, spurts of cum shot out of you, soaking the bed, yourself and your boyfriend. 
Eddie felt the milky liquid flow out of him as he groaned loudly. “Ahhh fuckkk” he groaned exhaustedly. he slowed his pace as your body gave out, if you hadnt been on a mattress you would have fallen down from your collapse, instead you just lay there completely fucked out in a pool of cum as Eddie lay on top of you, his head in the crook of your neck, trying to catch his breath. 
He let out a loud breath as his eyes shut from exhaustion. You lay under him, your legs spread and your hands above your head, breathing rapidly. 
“Holy fuck” was all you could muster. 
“Sorry I came so fast” Eddie whispered in your ear “That was the best I've ever had” you stated quietly. Eddie chuckled with pride. 
“Having fun yet!” you heard a knock at the wall followed by Steve's voice. “Shut up man!” Eddie shouted back. 
“I'm getting you back for this! I just had to hear my brother having full blown sex!” Nancy shouted “Oh god i'll never be the same!”
you both laughed at her. 
After 20 minutes or so of lying in the pool with Eddie still inside you, you both got up, eddie slipped his boxers back on as you ran and got towels in just his t shirt, you quickly dried yourselves off, soaked up some of the cum on the bed and changed the sheets, lots of towels covering the damp patch for a quick fix. 
You threw yourself on the bed, exhausted. “Nope, I need a shower” you sat back up, eddie beside you. 
“Bath?” he asked with a heartwarming smile. “YES!” you said excited. 
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hamliet · 1 year
Hi! Do you think RWBY as a story is inconsistent in tone? It is a criticism I keep seeing around? But what exactly means to have tonal inconsistency? Can you give me an example?
I'm actually surprised to read this. Maybe because I'm on the outskirts of the fandom, but I really would not have put "tonal inconsistency" in like, a top 10 list of things I thought people might label a flaw of RWBY's. It had honestly never occurred to me.
I'd actually call RWBY extremely tonally consistent, which is hard to maintain over 9 volumes and counting.
I'm curious if these posts elaborated at all about how or what makes it feel tonally inconsistent--are there examples? Because I can't think of one. Since I don't know, I'm going to have to speculate.
Is it about fairy tale stories dealing with death? Because every fairy tale deals with death; that's kind of the central core of the vast majority of fairy tales.
Is it because this volume certainly contained RWBY's darkest episode ever? Because it did, but the descent to the underworld and meeting with the goddess is a part of the heroine's journey. Stories always get darker before they get better. Plus, I don't see how anyone could think that the volume wouldn't get very dark considering we just tackled genocide and the sunshine character died.
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I also think that Volume 9 has been extremely clear since the first teaser way back in 2021 that it would deal with Ruby's mental health. The opening line is "you should never have been born." Ruby then has a literal panic attack. She faints in horror when she's told about her friend dying.
That's just episode 1.
I guess people might be thrown by the juxtaposition of simplified life, which is the essence of the Ever After, with a complex topic like mental health? But I actually think that's quite brilliant. When you're extremely mentally unwell, which I have been before, things do seem to paradoxically become simpler even as the complexity overwhelms you. Things can seem black and white. Good and bad. And you? You're bad.
Idk, no one's experience is exactly the same, but to me it rang honest. It's fine if others felt differently.
Was it about mixing humor and dark topics? But like most stories do that. I mean, going back to damn Shakespeare, at likes 45% of each of his tragedies are dick jokes. The Bard loved a dick joke. It did not even have to be a good dick joke for the Bard to love it and include it in literature to be read by billions. I mean, I'm slightly hyperbolizing about the percentages, but you literally have Hamlet lamenting about going insane and contemplating suicide in one of the most haunting soliloquies in the English language (Act 3 scene 1's "To Be or Not To Be..." ) and then making numerous dick jokes in the very next scene (Act 3 scene 2). Even when it's all gone to the grave (heh) in Act 5, Hamlet takes time to hold up a jester's skull and joke about "alas, poor Yorick."
Like, yes, there are jarring ways to incorporate humor with tragedy. I don't think RWBY is doing that, though. The last episode had some genuinely heartwarming moments of realization (the paper pleasers) and tension, and then we had Cat!Neo still being a complete cat and lolling about like "Oh HEY GUYS." (The cat is hilarious, and they've always been like this.)
The entirety of Volume 9 has dealt with grief. Even the fight with the Red Prince is the prince throwing a tantrum mingled with grief.
Idk, stories do generally progress. They go from good to bad to good to bad to worse to how is this even worser to okay there's some hope to catharsis. If you can't connect the dots and see the progression, that's tonal inconsistency. If you can, and you absolutely can with RWBY not just in Volume 9 but the entire show as a whole, then... it's not tonally inconsistent.
The theme of identity has been present from the beginning of the show. Ruby looking at a grave and hence dealing with grief is one of the founding images of the entire series. To fully explore death, characters generally have to potentially end up there at some point. That Ruby would wonder whether or not she should have been born is obvious from the first minute of this season. Her spiral has gotten worse and worse, but if you paid attention, you could see it happening.
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Again, the show began as a boarding school story with some pretty dark themes (abusive relationships, parental abandonment, parental death). That the darker stuff becomes explored more fully is pretty par for the course. Even like, again, Harry Potter gets progressively more dark. So do the Avengers movies. It's like, normal.
Idk, to me saying RWBY is tonally inconsistent for any of these reasons sounds like saying, I don't know, Othello is tonally inconsistent because the first scene has Othello and Desdemona standing up against bigotry for their love and their marriage is not annulled; therefore the play should end in the defeat of racism and love conquering all. Things change. The seeds of what will happen, the ugliness of racism and the limits of love and reality of misogyny are all present even in that opening scene, and unfortunately they consume the characters.
When I think tonal inconsistency, I think of, I don't know, the ending of Tokyo Ghoul, which thematically contradicted the entire 200+ chapters and 1.5 mangas leading up to it. Things that were framed as negative were suddenly framed as positive. I also think of BNHA, which, while I do think maintains its optimistic/hopeful superhero tone, does sometimes switch the framing and tone around certain characters (Hawks, Endeavor).
So yeah. RWBY has flaws for sure, but I just don't think this is one of them.
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mamuzzy · 6 months
about the ask thing what about 23 and 29? kinda curious to hear the inter-regional beef >:)
Thank you for the ask <3
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
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It's actually "pálinka" but most of the fonts can't recognize accents.
You may call a fruit spirit pálinka if - the ingredients were grown in Hungary - it was distilled and bottled in Hungary - Not higher than 86% alcohol percentage But here is the whole wikipedia for it :D
We have this joke about pálinka:
"A good plum harvest you got there, what will you do with it?" "Depends on who wakes up earlier. If my wife, it's jam. If me, then pálinka."
There is an unwritten rule that you must accept pálinka when you are a visiting guest in someone's house or you are risking insulting the host.
Beer is also popular here, we have a couple of own brands, but I don't think those are that good. But definitely wallet-friendly. You just don't clink your glasses with beer. According to legend, 6th of October, 1849, austrian officers celebrated the execution of 13 leaders of War of Indepence by clinking with their beers. Now the execution was very much real, the rule of "150 years of no clinking with beer" is more like a legend without concrete proof. Eventhough the prohibition expired, it still remained a tradition just simply not do that.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I don't think it's that unique and specific to our country, but we have this City vs. Rural Area conflict were both sides mutually hate each other. Now the City™ is Budapest, the capital city with its... population of 1.7 million. According to cityboys, everything that is not Budapest is either no man's land, Mordor, cannibals, prehistoric times. (we don't actually have cannibals, we ate the last of them). People in rural area find city people entitled, lazy and snotty. You see these differences especially during electoral period...
I'm not picking a side, I lived both rural and urban towns.
But ehhh... people actually call the eastern part of the country Mordor. :DDDD
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Armchair fascist dictator visiting Ukraine during the war: Oh god, all this destruction, the ruins, the poverty, all that fleeing...!!!! Pilot: Sir, we are still in Szabolcs-county.
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solradguy · 1 year
Do you think the drops of the Scales of Juno talk to Ky if the Flame of Corruption talks to Sol? For that matter, Aria is the one who had the Scales of Juno and Dizzy inherited that, but is it the same Scales? Is there one Scales of Juno or do you think it’s more like fragments?
The Scales of Juno are like…a universal function, right? Can that even be fragmented? How much power does Dizzy even have? Sin is a Juno-type gear (a Junos Gear? Is there a single word to describe ‘of Juno’) isn’t he?
I know you’re not Daisuke, so I don’t expect you to have answers to all of this. Mostly I just got caught up in thinking about the Scales of Juno!
I don't think the Flame of Corruption so much as "talks" to Sol as it does more like... compels him like an intrusive thought might? There's one line in the Xrd Sign story where he complains about it always being there whispering in the back of his mind [1] but afaik he never says it straight up talks to him. In Begin it's sort of written like it's an uncontrollable bestial impulse too. Sort of similar to how sharks are drawn to blood or vultures to the smell of carrion, the Flame of Corruption draws towards destruction and violence.
Justice definitely had the Scales of Juno, so Dizzy must have it too and also Sin to a degree. The Original hypothesized and then discovered the existence of the FoC and SoJ in the Backyard—and that they were the cause of previous mass extinction events (Absolute Worlds)—then sealed them inside of "seeds"/cores to prevent an Absolute World from happening again [2]. There is only one of each of the FoC and SoJ but they are inherited at least slightly or in a diluted way through offspring (or blood; whatever the hell's going on with Ky). Dizzy is at least extremely powerful compared to other Gears despite being only a Half Gear, since that Gear half is from the original Scales of Juno Gear, Justice. The end of Strive briefly mentions the "blood of Juno," since Ky has it so it must be transferrable. [3]
I don't know if Gears like Testament or Paradigm are descended from the SoJ or if there's a "neutral" non-seed version of Gear cells. It would make sense that they were descended from one of the seeds though (more likely the Scales; iirc Sol was given all of the Flame of Corruption core) since the lore uses an Adam and Eve metaphor to explain the mechanics around the seeds a few times. We might be able to assume then that that means every Gear has at least some percentage of one of the seeds but in an extremely diluted amount since, in the Bible, Adam and Eve were the original humans that all others are apparently descended from. It may be that all Gears are somehow descended from the Flame of Corruption or Scales of Juno.
This entry on Gear Cells from the in-game encyclopedia seems to support this (copied from the Gear page on the GG wiki [4]):
Gear cells are known to have a certain "purity" according to the number of times they have been replicated since they were created by That Man. The most pure Gear cells—that is, those replicated the fewest times—can be found in the two Gears that hold the cores of the Absolute World: Sol Badguy and Justice.
With Sin and Ky's Gear-related lore still being vague, we're gonna have to wait and see what happens in the future with Ky's blood of Juno to determine how strong they are in comparison to Dizzy. I'm especially curious about whether or not they're also command-type Gears like her too, or if that's something that's lost the further away from the original seed source a Gear gets. At the very least, Justice seemed to be the only command-type Gear until Dizzy. Dizzy's power is also mostly unexplored. We know from her Emotional Gamma Ray in Xrd that she's strong enough to intimidate a good portion of the cast with it. I'd be surprised if she wasn't as strong or nearly as strong as Justice was.
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
I’m so sorry you have to deal with so many annoying customers especially when you’re just trying to do your job! If I could I would personally come and fist fight the especially annoying ones for you 😤
I'm probably a bit late but if it’s still okay I’d love to ask you more prompts! This time I’d like to ask some from the writing talk prompt. So many of these questions were good so I may have sent too many (even when I was holding myself back) but I am super curious to see your answers! (And sorry if I send any you’ve already received!)
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
- R
Thank you so much for saying that. I do love my job, don’t get me wrong, at least the technical aspects of it and we do have some amazing customers. It’s just that there are a huge percentage of them who really are mostly angry at the insurance companies (and I don’t blame them, honestly I do believe prescriptions should be low-cost or covered by the government as should eye and teeth care, especially since all other medical aspects are covered or mostly covered) but because the workers are right there, they take out all that anger on us, which never sits right with me. But it is what it is, though I sure appreciate you saying you’d fight them for me. Most of them are old, I think you stand a good chance, hahaha! The message did come in late, when I had already went to bed, but you know I’d always answer any of your requests very happily! I hadn’t received any questions from this ask so I was actually kind of really excited to see this ask. I love discussing writing! Thank you so much for asking these 😊
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
It’s not that I really prefer one over the other, to be honest. There are big pros and cons to each, to be honest. One-shots are a lot quicker to write, but I’ve admitted I have issues with bloat as a writer. While the idea might start small, once I actually sit down to write it, I find it grows and gets longer and longer, so keeping one-shots small is sometimes a challenge for me. One-shots also don’t allow you to tell as much of a complete story – I tend to view them more as writing an individual scene within something bigger in my head. Multi-chaptered fics definitely allow you room to write a more complete story. However, multi-chaptered fics demand a lot more of a time investment, something I’m often in short supply of, unfortunately, and especially lately. I also find that I’m more prone to writer’s block when focusing on a multi-chaptered fic or I get bored of the idea and need more frequent breaks. When writing one-shots, I tend to finish them and move onto the next thing (except lately, when I’m adding a paragraph here, a paragraph there to multiple things, because my mind is…exhausted, I guess is the best way to put it). When I have a multi-chaptered fic on the go, I find I need to have several other things on the go, writing wise, or else I burn out and get discouraged. There’s also the fact that I fully admit I’m very motivated by interaction and discussion with my readers. I wish I had more writer friends and more time to talk to the writer friends I have lately, because I find that having a solid group of writers to talk to really also helps to keep me motivated as well. But I really do thrive off of interacting, off of getting stuff out that people can read, and a weird quirk of my OCD mind tells me that I cannot start posting a multi-chaptered fic until it’s at least half-way done, preferably hitting more around 60-70% done. That way, I can consistently put out chapters that have already been written in advance, bit by bit, getting that feeling of interaction and motivation to share without feeling pressured to go crazy and spend every second writing the chapters to ensure there’s not huge wait-times in between chapters, as I always do fear and feel guilty if I think the reader’s are left with huge time lapses in between chapters coming out.  
Ctrl+F ‘blinks’ on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up.
Oh, this was a hard one, as my major two WIP’s at the moment are commissions and I will never share even a sentence of commissions unless the person paying for them explicitly tells me I can. The only non-commissioned work is from a multi-chaptered fic I’m writing, kind of for myself, but also in response to an ask, and it’s largely going to get sent to two people for permission before it ever gets seen by the rest of the readers…I sincerely apologize to those two people and will delete this part of the reply if they end up not wanting any of this seen, as their OC’s make kind of appearances in this story.
“Apple blinked, her eyes having to adjust from the darkness of the corridor as she entered the main deck of the ship. She glanced up at the sky, a bright blue without clouds, the sun bright and high in the sky, her skin feeling it’s warmth despite her just having stepped out. She was tempted to just stay still, to bask in the warmth, the light breeze, the smell of the sea, but the worry in the pit of her stomach made her move, her eyes now scanning around. Her eyes finally lighted on Gokudera, though a look at the pissed-off expression on his face made her hesitate in her way to him. Another quick glance around the deck of the ship showed Des leaning against the rail of the ship, her own gaze fixed on Gokudera, a sad expression on her face. Apple might occasionally do something silly or impulsive that others would call stupid, but her mind was very sharp and she was pretty quick to put the pieces together. Her stomach sunk, that pit of worry seeming to grow heavier. So, there was still no sign of Rena, then.”
How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
Okay, first off, I gotta say – I love writing smut. I have to be in the right mood and headspace for it, but it’s something I absolutely adore writing. As far as how I approach writing it, it really depends on the piece itself. Different pieces demand different approaches – sometimes the scene needs to be softer and less ‘lewdly detailed’, I’d guess is how I put it. It needs to focus on the emotions and the moments between the characters than on what’s happening and the reactions of their bodies. Other pieces demand more ‘lewdly detailed’ writing, more description of the act itself, it needs to feel more raw, needy, charged. Porn without plot tends to be the most descriptive, the most hard-core of the smut writing I do but even then, I would like to believe that I still do kind of build up some sexual tension, some good interaction between the characters. As far as visual…I have a really hard time visualizing things inside my head. It feels more like I can hear the words and see the writing, but I have a hard time picturing things. If I really need a reference, I can usually find a porn scene that has the positioning or a brief little bit of it that will help out. As far as realism goes…I would say that, again, it depends on the scene. If the scene requested or what I have in my head includes kinks that aren’t something that can realistically happen (monster fucking, huge belly bulges, etc), I don’t consider realistic things as much. However, when I’m writing regular smut, without those things, I do like to think that I try my best to always consider realism in the scene. I’ll research, I’ll consider what things would honestly feel like, what would work with body types and preferences characters might have, etc. I feel like it just gives the scene that extra ‘ooomph’ and makes it feel a little more polished overall.
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
First person perspective, one hundred percent. Even when commissioned, I will try to bargain on it. There are very few things, professional or fan-fic, that do first-person perspective well. I read a lot and honestly, there’s maybe five things I can think of that use first person perspective well. It’s not something that I find appealing and I also don’t like writing it because of that distaste towards it.
How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I would like to think that my writing is very character driven because that is what I do aim for. Other than that, it really depends on what I’m writing. Here on the blog, I aim for the posts to feel very organic, natural to the characters, and almost conversational, as I feel it’s more of a conversation between me and the asker instead of me trying to make the asks feel polished, professional, or more academic in nature. With my writing outside of the blog, in terms of stories, I like to aim for character-driven, descriptive writing, stories that help evoke emotions, with moments that feel relatable or hit people in some way.
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Oh, this is a hard one. My favourite’s really change often, and it’s a question that’s been answered a few times. So I’m really going to focus on the second part of the question. I definitely do think that my favourites can be influenced by the reader’s. If I write for a character quite a bit, they get to feel more and more natural to me and I tend to start feeling closer to me, so when there are trends where the asks are for one particular character more than most, despite how I might have originally felt about them, I do find myself liking that character more and more. I also find that if the posts seem to be really well-received, if people enjoy them a lot, I’m able to push aside personal feelings about the character’s more easily to feel motivated to write about that character.
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I like to think that I really put a lot of thought into my writing. I do research whenever needed, I take who a character is into account, I think about the setting itself, the pros and cons of each possible development, etc. I really do try as hard as I can to make sure that when I do write and publish something, it’s as well-thought out and as well-done as I can possibly make it at that moment in time. Is that amount of ‘well-done’ varying from just above crap at my most exhausted to good? Yes. I am the first to admit it. But it’s always the best I can do.
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
There is so, so many things I wish I had the time to write. I’d like to finish the story you saw a blurb of above, there’s a mass KHR crossover in my head, there’s the Tsuyoshi story I want to add more to, there’s the delinquent HOMRA stories, there’s a Servamp story I really am excited to do, and I keep playing around with the idea of making a self-shipping side blog and dabbling around with posting some stories over there for my various self-ships. I think that could possibly be fun. There’s also an old collection of smut I’d like to revamp and post under a new pseudonym.
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