#but I... have two pkmn ships so...
anemoflower · 8 months
Not me thinking about a new Gen.shin oc and a possible rivals to lovers relationship with Wriothes.ley
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kwoomochi · 2 years
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Erm….. hiiii
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
What's your thoughts on the Topaz ship?
(Still no idea why they call it that, but hey)
I prefer to see them as siblings, but sometimes the mood for romance between these two strikes me. Maybe I'm weird for it, but I honestly like Silent Knight, Knightfall, or even Caduceus more than Topaz Romantically.
But onto why this ship is good;
It has the same basic premise as most "Bad Guy Henchmen x Good Guy" Ships, Bad Guy (Emerald in this case) has a bad life and as such never develops empathy/sympathy/compassion for others, only following the one person that can protect them and that "Cares" for them.
Then it all falls apart when Good Guy shows them genuine care and kindness and start to defect.
The difference is that Emerald Does, to some degree, regret her actions. At least a little. She still kills, helps assault and hurt, but she is shown to hold more outward pain from having done all that she's done.
She does it because if she doesn't, she'll be killed. Contrasted to Mercury, who holds no hesitation in his assignments because he believes that's just what his life is meant to be.
And it isn't the good guy that shows her kindness first. It's surprisingly Merc and Hazel.
Mercury is her 'friend', and even while Hazel definitely treats her like a coworker in a job he holds no respect for, She's still a person doing bad things like he is. She deserves just as much respect as he does.
As soon as Emerald is shown a way out, when someone reaches out to pick her up out of kindness despite her cruelties, she takes that hand.
She Follows Hazel and Oscar out of Monstro and find JRY.
And Jaune's a Good Guy. But I don't think he's the type to just Forgive and Forget.
Which is another point where the Redemption Enemies-to-lovers is different from the base.
You need to earn that from him. You need to show you've reformed and given up on being a bad person, but you can't be doing it actively. it just needs to be something that happens. This isn't to say he'd lord those mistakes over Emerald, but he's not just going to be "That's my Best Friend" immediately. It takes time, but He'll give that time. Because he wants that goodness to be proven.
Outside of Canon, Yeah. It works. I'm of the opinion that the majority of RWBY's cast can work with one another, with few exceptions to the Rule.
Also Jaune has commited a lot of Crimes (Theft, Trepassing, Destruction of Military Property, Resisting Arrest, ETC.) And I think that Him and Emerald would just commit an obscene amount of Petty Crime, so long as no one was put in danger.
Tearing up hostile architecture, stealing from big box stores, so on and so forth.
However they would never Ride a bike without a helmet, or Run a Red Light, or Pickpockets of everday folk.
Topaz gets a Moody (PKMN Ability)/ Speed Boost (PKMN Ability)
It's the Crime Couple comin' to town.
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omnic · 1 year
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hi hello! due to unforeseen circumstances, i am in dire needs of money and so i offer: art in exchange!!! this one is specific for portraits only; i can do canon characters or original characters, i am currently not comfortable doing portraits of irl people / family / friends / etc.
currently five slots available. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
contact information and terms of service under the cut!
through ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/telvanni/commissions through tumblr: message me on this account; however, this is for initial interest only. i will request you to move our discussion likely onto discord for ease of conversation and ease of keeping things in tidiness. through discord: pkmn. (please reach out to me via tumblr ims prior to adding me through discord, if you simply add me with no other form of communication, your request will be denied.)
COMPLETION TIME. First come, first served. Simply put, those who put in first will have their piece started first. Please expect approximately 2 weeks for me to process each request; if I believe I'll need longer for your piece, I will inform you as soon as possible.
REVISIONS. Two edits / revisions are allowed per piece. This is included in the price. I will send you lower quality WIPs (work in progresses), likely through a screenshot, to you through email or discord. Keep in mind, if you accept an earlier WIP, and then request something drastically different (e.g. something which would require me starting from scratch), I have the right to decline this as one of the revisions.
NO SHIPPING. This is a digital piece, and as such, will not require shipping. The full HD file will be sent to your email and/or discord once we're both satisfied with the result.
NO COMMERCIAL USE; HOWEVER PERSONAL USE ALLOWED. You're welcome to use the piece for personal needs; however, commercial use (e.g. selling as prints, etc.) is not allowed. I, however, reserve all rights to the piece as its creator, and therefore I may use it in my portfolio, etc.
RIGHT TO DECLINE. I have the right to decline any commission from onset. If you've already paid, and I cannot fulfill your request, you will be refunded immediately.
NO CANCELLATIONS. No cancellations after I've started working on your piece. If you need to cancel and I've yet to start, I will refund immediately.
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dandyshucks · 3 months
hi dandy ! a ship question : what pkmn does juno have ? have guzma and juno ever traded / gifted pkmn to each other ? what does guzma's pkmn think abt juno, and vice versa? dont feel pressured to answer all of these if u dont want to , just a bunch of questions out of interest ^^ - @dmclr
AWAUUHH HI CLARA !! thank u so much for the questions omg :O !!
my s/i's main team is piplup (Henry), houndoom (Greer), psyduck (Huey), greavard (Grimsby), and a still unnamed chatot and banette (im slooowly playing through platinum so i'm waiting til i catch them in-game to decide on names), buuuut i might swap someone out of there because I've grown to really love my mareep named Mung Bean in pkmn sleep !! :3
I'VE NEVER RLY THOUGHT ABT THE SECOND QUESTION OMG.... guz would absolutely gift juno a wimpod at some point though,, I like to think they go hunt for wimpods sometimes as a shared interest activity :D guzma would also definitely gift juno a cutiefly early on maybe before they start dating because... how could he not HFSDJKL, he is fluent in bug-types and would want to flirt through bug-types hehe :3 also somewhat related, once he finds out about juno's interest in cataloguing the differences in plants in the different regions, he'd probably look into the alolan variants of pkmn (like vulpix and meowth and rattata etc) and then try to impress juno w his (newly acquired) knowledge JFSJKL
juno would absolutely eagerly help him fill out his bug collection with some sinnoh bug-types that alola doesn't have !! (i need to make a list of bug-types that each region has tbh...) they'd gift him some they had in their storage box, and then help him catch any others when they go to sinnoh together :D
ooh okay i have thought abt this third question a bit fdsjkl it's so fun thinking abt the different personalities of their pkmn :3
golisopod puts on a tough act for like. a day at most. and then immediately crumbles and is actually just a big ol' softie so he warms up to juno pretty much immediately fdsjkl. ariados doesn't like juno very much just because juno's a little afraid of him dsgjkl but eventually the two of them come to some sort of mutual understanding where they get along in a vaguely strained manner (guzma never rly understands why the two of them don't get along well and tries to facilitate some bonding moments that go disastrously sideways somehow every time LMAO). scizor is kind of stand-offish and unsure about juno but once juno hangs around for a while and he sees more of them, then he accepts them as one of the squad! pinsir is a little mean (he's just mischievous tbh) and likes messing with juno but they eventually catch onto his pranks and antics, and turns it back on him one day and that earns his respect LMAO. masquerain is just happy that there's more people in the house and gets along really well with Greer to everyone's surprise, so he's a happy camper :] (at some point i want to create a proper team list for guz and maybe come up w names for them hehe)
Henry is a shy but proud lil guy and doesn't really trust Guz at first but trusts Juno's judgement so he warms up to the big boss man soon enough (plus Guz works hard to get on Henry's good side considering Henry never goes into a pokeball so he's around almost all the time LOL). Greer HATES Guz at first 😭 it takes her a long time to tolerate him - she finally starts turning around on her opinion of him when he helps Juno through a flashback/panic attack that she couldn't calm them down from on her own. Huey is super chill, so there's no issues there fdsjkl, I think he'd get along especially well with the grunts tbh LOL they'd probably try giving him a painkiller one day just to see what would happen and he'd be forever indebted to them (Juno finds out later and loses their mind because painkillers aren't made for pokemon and they have to rush him to a pokecenter to get him checked over JFDSKL). and Grimsby loves everyone, if you give him any bit of attention he'll love you forever, so Guzma gets on his good side pretty much right off the bat :3
THANK YOU AGAIN AND I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE NOVEL-LENGTH ANSWER OMFG 😭😭 these were just such good questions and I could not make my answers any shorter than this HDSGJKL
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thatoneguy031 · 9 months
Pinned Post(Stuff about me and... stuff)
You dudes can call me Guy, and I'm a Pokemon known as Samurott. Y'know, luscious beard/goatee/mustache (Honestly, you can just call it a mane), blue fur, them slashin' seashell swords(Try saying that ten times fast), and you can't forget the iconic helmet.
I currently live in Unova. Where, specifically...? Hard to say for sure. I sorta have a weird situation going on compared to humans. I live between Accumula Town and Striaton City, but not really living on the connecting routes either. I make my way around Unova as I please, as I don't necessarily reside in a particular area. Just sayin', you'll most likely find me in the in-between of the towns I mentioned.
Speaking of humans, I don't do that. None of it. I don't belong to a Trainer, I don't want to, and I don't see a reason to be trained under a human. I'd rather not say why.
I evolved about half a year ago now, like... within the last two weeks of this June. Yeah, somewhere around then. I'm not quite used to Samurotting yet, so please cut me some kind of slack. I'm only doing what I can.
I have very little knowledge about how this Rotomblr thing works, but I'm enjoying the chaos so far. I originally made this for some advice with the whole "evolving" thing, but wow, are these people supportive. I have friends now, my main bud being @poke-historian, my favorite dork. Myla's adorable too, we'd hang out if I could travel to Galar. I'm figuring out a way I can do that, mostly because there's a lot I want to do in this world, and I have no idea how much time I have to do it. Oh, and @silverott-chevalier is cool too. He's a 'Wott Trainer from what I understand, and he's given me some crucial info about battling and stuff. As a matter of fact, all eeby-deebies are fine by me, as long as you don't have nefarious intentions.
Don't be too scared to ask me stuff. I'm more than happy to answer some questions about myself and what it's like to be a Pokemon, as long as it isn't too personal, y'know? Even advice is pretty well appreciated.
But, uh... Yeah. That's basically everything that I think you guys should know about me. If there's any questions or things like that, my askbox is currently open (And admittedly sorta empty). Anons can ask me stuff too, since it'd be pretty hypocritical for an introvert to not provide that kind of option.
But now, without any further ado...
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(OOC under the cut)
Hey, guys. I'm the mod for this whole shebang, although I'd rather not speak my name because reasons. If you want, you can just call me Delta(Confusing, considering my past posts, I know, so let's just pretend those don't exist). As well as a pkmn IRL blog, this is also my main blog, so expect a ton of reblogs or whatever. So, to help everyone, including myself, I am including some tags to filter what content you see:
Guy Rambles/Cherry Chatters/Suicune Speaks: The tag if you want to see stuff about what the main trio are up to, and their perspectives on their current situation. Stuff about themselves, the people/Pokemon they meet, and the experiences they go through, things like that.
I should really make an OOC tag(Desperately in need of a new title): Anything that I post that doesn't come from them, but from me. Personal life, and how school is going so far, things of that nature. Y'know... Stuff.
Arc (Insert number here): Displays the arc that I'm currently writing for, and some stuff that the squad's doing within that arc. Pay attention to these, this is where lore is normally added and/or revealed.
Currently, this is the "Adventures Anew" arc, or Arc 3. Guy, now having met a very mysterious Suicune and reuniting with a Flygon named Cherry, has his sets on traversing the world. Thankfully, Cherry has him covered, making him aware of a cruise ship that is making its way to Unova in some time, and heading to Sinnoh soon after. With a plan of action set, Guy and his group are preparing for the long journey to the unfamiliar region.
As well as that, Guy had also unlocked a dark power deep within him, of which is often described as "evil" or "scary". Not much is known about the bizarre energy, although many suspect that it can become very powerful once Guy learns to harness it for himself. With the progress he's making, however, it doesn't look like it's going to be an easy process...
Here are some ask hints, if y'all want those:
-Guy seems to have both fond and unfortunate memories of a former friend of his. Perhaps you can force some info out of him? -Guy also has a few issues regarding humans. While he's gone into some very slight details about his experiences with them, it's clear he's not telling the full story. -Cherry has quite some experiences with both battling and performing. Maybe she's willing to tell some stories about 'em. -Cherry definitely hesitated when she mentioned that she was a Trapinch before. Surely, there's more to that than what she said. -While they've never hidden it, Mx. Suicune's never outright acknowledged his broken leg. -It's brought up that Mx. Suicune can speak, but has very clear reasons why they don't. Despite that, no one has ever elaborated on what the reasons in question were. -Mx. Suicune has an odd connection to Guy, being the first to acknowledge out loud(ehhh... sort of) his rather dark and evil aura. Perhaps there's a reason for that.
All of these tags are going to be alongside the "pkmn irl" "pokeblogging" "rotomblr" tags and stuff like that, you get the gist of it.
Me and Guy are both minors, so no NSFW asks please. Suggestive ones I'm iffy on, though. Guy might answer them, depending on what content is in them, but don't do anything extra. Zoo- and pokephilia are also off the table, for obvious reasons. Please stay away from here if that describes you. Oh, and that goes for child-diddlers too, because obviously. I naturally believe that everyone can change for the better, so I just hope that these kinds of folks do exactly that.
Oh! And I also run two other blogs! @midnight-battiness, which features Chris, a human-turned-Noibat that was dropped onto the world of mystery dungeons, and @battle-bond-gone-wrong, that features a Samurott and human Trainer that have had their minds swapped (Sort of. It's complicated, it's better explained over there), and features most Pokemon that the Trainer has captured over the course of his journey. Check them both out when you have the chance, I thought they were cool.
Is there anything else I'm missing? ...Oh yeah! Magic anons are allowed too! Just make sure not to make it too weird.
But uh... yeah. That's about it, yea?
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broodsys · 2 months
got tagged by @plisuu, thank you again! this'll be fun >)
tagging hmmm lemme see... @jazzmckay | @streganicha | @jellydishes but as ever no pressure uwu also trying to not tag Everyone i know so other ppl can continue to pass it around lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
299,998. okay that's amusing i'm glad i looked. i'm two words away from 300k lmfao
3. What fandoms do you write for?
99% dai, with a tinyyy bit of da2. also one fic (that has totally fucked up my stats page bc it's a much more popular fandom) for pkmn: sun and moon (anime) and one for cagaster of an insect cage (anime). my old deleted ao3 had more fandoms, the other big ones being les mis (movie) and inception
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we're the last to know (pkmn sumo, little cutesy ash/kiawe thing)
sleep just a little longer (solavellan somno smut lmao)
the hidden mage (fenders during dai timeline)
domitable (solavellan smut with solas domming for once)
a matter of taste (solavellan smut where solas is encouraged to figure out his own interests)
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes! sometimes it takes me a bit but i always reply. if it's a long/thoughtful/specific comment i also try to address a bit of what the commenter brings up :')
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh that's maybe a day to die for sure. wrote that back in my first dai hyperfix period after it had come out, this is a bad end au where they get stuck in the magic future
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
my longing series comes to mind. nessa lavellan/solas. it was also my first venture back into seriously writing fic and my first dai fic ever since i got back into my hyperfix :')
8. Do you get hate on fics?
none yet, luckily
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lmao yes i write so much smut. um... what kind indeed? i'll just say it's very character-driven - not always stuff i'm personally interested in, but hey, if it works for them, good. i shall write the thing. i write a lot of different kinks
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
none i can think of... although i do have an outline for a dragon age characters in the star trek universe fic lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i don't go looking, either
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
one, yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. considered it at times, but it seems kinda awkward
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
all time....? well i'll say that the ship i've sailed the longest has been fenders fr
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the fucking. cagaster of an insect cage one. god. i keep thinking about it and fanfic is nonexistent so i feel extra compelled to finish my fic for them but i just have like 0 interest. da took my entire brain over (again)
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm... your boy can sure write some character introspection!!! honestly tho, one of the things i'm proudest about in my writing is my ability to match the tone to the fic or character pov
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action scenes, especially fight scenes :x i can do them but they take soooo much longer than anything else and it's an uphill battle (heh) the whole way
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
while i wouldn't write another real language in fic, if it's a fan language (like project elvhen) then i sometimes include short pieces if they're different from what would normally be spoken. so like... arlathan era fic, no, i'm not going to include stuff from project elvhen bc everyone's speaking elvhen all the time. but if it's during dai era or smth and they're speaking common with the occasional elvhen word/phrase thrown in, then i'd add the word/phrase and define it at the bottom
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
that's gotta be from my bigfic series, antiquation :') specifically i think part 5, paradigm shift, is my favorite of the whole series uwu
template under the cut!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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ventigh · 1 year
Hello there! I love your blankshipping art and I got some questions about dear Ingo and Emmet! One) when did they officially got together and who confessed first? Two) do you like it when they have children and if not why? Three) Is one or both of them trans? And finally Four) if they aren’t already married will they have a wedding and if yes how would it be like? Thanks! 💐
hello, anon! they are indeed very dear! 💐 thank you so much for stopping by to ask me some stuff abt the ship! :D
hrmm, now that i think abt it, i've never put that much thought into establishing clear romantic hcs for the two before. hopefully i got this right! sry if its kinda long ;;;
i'll try my best to answer under the cut! :)
1. hrmm, abt when they officially got together n who confessed first.
that's a tricky one. i think the most plausible answer would be that they knew ever since they were kids. like, it just happened for them, yanno? :) they place so much trust on eo, so y wouldnt they share these wonderful feelings at the first chance they can get? whispered under their kitchen table, sharing a bag of chips and chilling, feeling like forever. or just stowed away in their bedroom, unanimously agreeing on their future. the just knew in that sense :) for sure they r not the types to keep secrets to eo
-and even if they did already know such feelings were wrong for example ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა i believe they'd still confess it, if only so their brother could help them. they trust each other that much. judgment? between these two? :) come on, now-
in the case of confessions, i think it's a toss-up on who catches feelings first. somehow i think it's kudari who'd be the first to say something bc he lacks a filter moreso than ingo. plus, i dont think ingo would be the type to realize such feelings at a young age. like, he'll have the same attraction towards emmet but he'd just assume it's his usual urge to spoil his baby brother or something. so he would just.. not notice it as soon. idk how to explain it but yeah :3
tho i do personally love it when they only reach such feelings as adults!! life's more complicated! you cant just tell him you love him! you have to pine there and sit with your thoughts, your very romantic and verrry adult thoughtsss (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) hahahhaah yeah i live for yearning (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
i still think emmet would confess first! he has the sort of fluorescent personality for it. but.... he def be careful abt it. more than u think, okay? he wont just go full-steam like this is something to be manic abt. this isnt just some pkmn battle. he loves battling sure but he battles everyday! this is his brother and he's important to him n emmet knows how to slow down, damn it !
yepp :')))
2. my opinions on them having kids!
im assuming this question came from my fanart of my friend's bikerdad!au? :) or it brought it up?
it's a mixed opinion haha. i mean beside @akirasdigbick's nori, i don't think i like imagining them w children? dont get me wrong, i go nuts for dad!nbr, like srslyyy one of the hottest characters in an au ever :') but i usually like stuff that r as close to canon as possible unless i get sold on it.
n i especially don't like it when it's the 'x adopts y' format where y is a canon character in the game. the reason in particular for this one is that emmet gets left behind in these kinds of fun :P the dad!ingo agenda sells by the dozen w a multitude of characters from both pla and bw and suree i see it, but it doesnt rly interest me ever since again, no emmet XP wc is a shame bc if emmets anything like me, kids would follow him around constantly
so yeapp. no kids unless it's a team effort XP personally ;PP
3. is one or both of them trans?
akdkskdk anonnnn nooo XDDDD canon wont ever let that happen ;w; ofc i dont view either of them as trans when consuming content unless its implied buuuut......
trans emmet i love you. trans emmet trans emmet trans emmet ohhh u give me so much comfort and if u view any of my works as emmet being trans then you'd be one hundred percent right suddenly! :D he is transs!!!
but no srsly i dont usually actively hc someone as trans so only emmet for me. and that's mostly for self-indulgent/validation purposes rather than bc i rly see them as trans subtextually per se (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠).... but it may work!!
(oh gods i swear i dont kin emmet)
but srsly okay. when i think of emmet as trans then he's def one who wears a binder! :) he came out at a young age w his parent and ingo ofc being fully supportive of him. he'd probably grow accustomed to the way a binder feels on him, n would be the type to forget to remove it for his own safety sometimes XP sometimes he will brute force his way into wearing it even if he's conscious of the pain bc body dysmorphia do be real and it's a hundred times worse when you carry a title like subway master + dealing w endless customers the leave your skin crawling hours after your shift.
ingo will always pull him aside and be verrry strict w him ofc n emmet would make a saucy joke or two if he wasnt as pale as a sheet, sounding like one too w the way he whistles between his breaths.
ofc ingo wouldn't stay mad for too long and inevitably just sigh and help emmet relax by filling a hot bath w some great salts and warmed chocolate moomoo milk and all the marshmallows. they have a tub big enough to fit both of them in, ingo would massage his back n chest and at first they'd just talk abt their day -complain snark n rant even- until ingo once again whispers for emmet to take care of himself, pleading between kisses on his shoulder blade to wc then emmet would finally just cry :'))))))
i do think that even at a young age, they will absolutely be like so normal abt it. ingo would totally be the best brother ever. liek emmet will totally chill around after his baths by a bit topless bc he'd suddenly be distracted w a game or something midway thru dressing up n ingo will just like not care, just tell his brother to stop being so slow to snap him out of it if he hasnt already. he doesnt go on unnecessarily fights w the kids who bully emmet abt it bc he and emmet knows its not worth shit. he was quick to fling emmet's binder to his face bc ingo told him to clean up his side of the room at the times when even emmets parents hugged him a bit stiffly when he had his binder on. ingo held his hands when he first started taking hormones bc even tho he knew emmet didnt rly fear needles -ingo feared sharp things more than him even- emmet was still scared, even though he'd been putting on a brave face for his parents. then they all had ice creams n still neither let gooooo :3333333333
yeahhhslfkskd a looot of thoughts on that one. not even counting the ones when ingo disappeared :')))
woohh if uve ever made trans!emmet ever, just know i love u forever :)
4. what was their wedding like?
ohhh, anon, i remember actually wanting to make something like a wedding fanfic back then abt that hahah!
the twins probably won't be getting officiated any time soon, that's for sure, but i think they'd be happy w the principle of it ! just that act of sharing their devotion, no matter how tiny it is (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。if it's good enough for them then they're sticking the date on their calendars as their wedding anniversary and thats that ^^
anyw, if u think abt it, a lot of ppl probably propose in the subway. it's where a lot of ppl end up! its where a lot of ppl happen to meet :)
its not knew to the twins but maybe one proposal happens to strike something in them. maybe someone saidbsomething at the right time, the gathered crowd laughs, emmet n ingo meet eyes. and theyre just sharing their own secret smile, ingo nudges his head toward the spectacle w a smirk. theyre subway masters after all, they should be accommodating n this is a joyous event. his twin just rolls his eyes and
-well xDD yeahhh u could see how simple this is going to get so ill spare u the details
but i think thatd best be what gives them the idea, u know? theyre not gonna have a wedding so itd be romantic if they had a proposal anniversary instead. theyd get their rings later but later that night theyd just exchange vows in their special ways. how that is could be up to you
but its just them realizing how ready they both r to just want to get married to rly tie the knot or whatever. rly rly rly see themselves and affirm themselves that theyre in love and its so valid that theyve the memories to prove it
the real prize here is that theyd totally be married like rly rly young. again, its just the point of reaching the revalation for them. theyve always already been devoted to one another.
theyd go, heyy we reached our dream job pretty young, right ingo? x333 y dont we add getting married to check off the life-list
i hc them w all good things in their lifeeee, huh? pretty smooth sailing w just those couple of bumps ^^ ofc we know what came next but.... (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) haaaaaaaaayssst
thanks again for the ask!
sry for boring u 🙇
its p cool if u made it this far (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ so i hope u have a good day!
again sry for being boring heeeeeh.....:DDDD
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shigerussato · 2 years
Do you remember what made you start shipping shigesato?
// storytime ! 
i do ! it was around the time xy started airing on tv i remember seeing an ad about it and i found serena pretty cute + xy seemed fun so i decided to get back into pkmn. it had been years since i last watched it, with that i decided to start rewatching pkmn as a whole, so i started off from the very start of course ! 
gary has always been my most favorite character ever, ever since i first watched pkmn as a little kid and i always found him/his relationship with ash super funny so when rewatching it i really loved the nostalgia. 
at the time i was a satokasu shipper (pokeshipper) so i didn’t ship shigesato until i got to the johto arc of the series during my rewatch ! and it really just grew on me and a lot as you can see haha. i really loved the classic child like jealousy from ash, and gary being his biggest menace. i remember watching it and thinking it was so cute how they treated one another since day one. 
with moving up to johto i started to really love how gary had his own realization on how much he truly admired ash and how he himself just looked up to him a lot. i love how as childish as he was he didn’t ever want to actually admit how much he really cares and it’s even fair to even say how much he loves ash. 
and in vise versa, i really found it cute how ash followed gary all the way up to sinnoh, and just always had a kind of comfort towards gary and how he seemed to feel like he HAD to be by gary’s side no matter what direction their journey lead them to. 
generally i love how they not only strive to be like one another but have a piece of themselves and their rivalry in themselves as well as wanting to accomplish their dream for each other to make each other proud. 
also how ash changed gary and how gary changed ash, maturing one another and supporting each other endlessly. from ash wanting to win to the johto league for the two of them to gary writing ash postcards about how much he believes in him. 
and not to forget how delia and professor oak realized it THEMSELVES saying that both gary and ash will not admit how much they mean to each other yet it’s so obvious how much they care for one another + the fact that gary would tease ash to push him to do better than him. 
this is getting very long so i’ll wrap up my general answer haha :
i started shipping shigesato because i love how they are not only just each other’s best friend but a true lifetime partner/soulmate to one another. they may never become cannon and i know that but it doesn’t make me think otherwise that they are truly made for one another, and no one will uphold a deeper role, love in their journey/ life than them. it sounds cheesy but, they really showed me what a true love really is. 🤍
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lcpmon · 1 year
finally saw a good post of someone who enjoyed the ship rebutting how bad most meII1ngo is portrayed, pointing out how adverse lngo is to meIIis attitude and actions in game
like... i felt like ive been insane seeing all this content where meIIi just gets away with whatever without lngo protesting in any way
i am simultaneously meIIis biggest hater and lover i wanna put him in a microwave and watch him spark but its clear he cares about his pkmn and those he loves. and lngo knows this and its why i do agree he doesnt hate him or have any strong negative feelings towards him beyond frustration and can even get along in the right setting instead of just vibing in the same plane of existence as him. so many ppl make either of the two ooc just to fit the ship when it could be done without having to bend the characters in half to work
i still wouldnt like it but at least i wouldnt have anything to bitch abt and could be a quiet hater
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
Heyo! Have to say I love you PKMN Reborn art!
I have a question though I saw on your ship template that you memtion Ace's and Taka's age being 24 and 23 respectively. Is that mentioned somewhere in canon or is it like a commonly accepted headcanon?
thank you so much firstly! it means a lot that some people enjoy the silly stuff I doodle <3
as for the question, just popular headcanon ^^ those are the ages I've seen most commonly used for the two of them, and it's give-or-take around what we imagined Ace as when developing them- they're both definitely some of the youngest folks in Meteor in my eyes.
what has been mentioned though is that all character ages except for the ones that are ingame (ex: Laura being 18 at the point that she leaves the orphanage) are left fully up to headcanon; they're no longer on the wiki. however, Ace and Taka are canonically very close in age as that is mentioned ingame, but specific numbers (as is the same for most characters) are purposefully never said outright.
so headcanon away ^^
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Ok im curious to know about your pkmn ship with stone, got some tea to share? 👀✨ - @simonswife
HAJSHSVAKSHAIE HELP I JUMPED AROUND MY SEAT 🥹 TY FOR ASKING THIS... i won't reveal too much lore because I both want to
a) fact check everything just to be sure and b) not overwhelm you too much about it heheh
a lot of their lore is on the manga (+is centered in that universe) and it's heavily intertwined with the other generations too (especially gold/ethan) with my insert, jaide mostly ^^
for starters, you bet they have the rich boy x hardworking girl dynamic, but it's treated in a way where they learn how the lifestyle is for the other, mostly steven eheheh. jaide was actually invited to visit hoenn through "connections" so everything's new there. she's not much of a pokemon trainer so she definitely doesn't know much about the leagues and of course, steven. I thought of this just now but I think steven would be interested in her how she doesn't see him in the "famous light" and treats him like a normal person and probably got him hooked to know more about this... foreigner HEJSJHAKJA
I'm trying my best not to say anything here heavy ehehshehsj but aron definitely is important to both of them and brendan/ruby plays a crucial role with these two YIPEEEE
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thearchertheprey · 11 months
OOH MAYBE GEN 9/4 QUESTIONS 19 and 23!!!! And for Voltron free pick or just tell me a fun fact :D (<- knows nothing about voltron)
i like this. deep cuts. gen 9
19. you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
the limited dex :cry: i think choosing what pokemon best fit a particular climate is fine when it's intentional. i do miss the completionism and im sure pkmn COULD do a complete dex game if they werent timecrunching so hard but i'm not like particularly mad about dexgate
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
im not really invested in any scarvio ships but rika/geeta is growing on me. i have never seen it on purpose but every time it is put on my timeline im like ohhhhh.... crazy women.... i get it! ^_^
gen 4
19. you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
the bdsp art style. if it was better executed it would have been awesome. i really like chibi overworlds (gen6 bias showing) i think bdsp could have been great if theyd incorporated some fresh elements like oras and hgss
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
anything with barry. i was so indifferent to the gen4 characters for so long but tumblr keeps recommending me barry content and i am warming up to him. lucas&barry is so cute
screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
i'm a hidge truther forever so it used to make me so mad when other teenagers on the internet would bitch about the "problematic age gap" they are less than two years apart and in the same high school grade level. youre insane. youre insane. nobody understands hidge like i do. nobody gets it
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Tch. You just don't see the vision
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keluturtle · 2 years
Don't Bet on It - Emmet/Grimsley (Ch 2)
Read on AO3
Chapter 2: Sharpedo II
“This Pokémon is known as the Bully of the Sea. Any ship entering the waters Sharpedo calls home will be attacked– no exceptions.”
-Pokédex Entry #319 Pkmn Shield
Emmet stretched out over the restaurant table, utterly content after his and Ingo’s lunch date with Elesa. 
Ingo nudged him with his leg for his poor manners, but Emmet paid him little mind. Yesterday was far too stressful, but having good food and company had settled his mood swimmingly.
The best part of vacations, yup!
Elesa chuckled, pulling out her credit card to quickly settle the bill. Ingo balked and raised a hand to call back the waiter, but thought better of it once Elesa shot him a withering stare (a look that told him she knew exactly how many lunch dates he sneakily footed the bill for and don’t make me make a scene in public because I will— ) and put his hand back down, resignedly.
“Well,” Ingo cleared his throat with a subtle cough, still avoiding the daggers sent to him across the table, “I can say for certain that I’ll need to add Alolan cuisine to the rotation once we arrive back at our home station.”
Emmet nodded enthusiastically against the table, Elesa breaking her glare to smile fondly at his antics.
“You two can think about being back in Unova later. This is only day two of your vacation. You have a few weeks yet before you’re even allowed to think about that,” Elesa nodded matter-of-factly.
Emmet raised his eyes to peer at her, “How would you know? Are you an ESPer now Elesa? Will you run a psychic gym instead?”
Elesa sighed and shook her head, “Took you all of two minutes to start being difficult again, didn’t it? I was hoping for at least a half hour.”
Emmet stuck his tongue out at her, “It is why you love me. You like the challenge.”
“As much as I like a thorn in my si—”
“Enough bickering. We are in public, tourists or not. Behave,” Ingo admonished.
“Yes, yes fiiiiiiine,” Emmet groused before perking up, “It is time we head to the Battle Royal Dome anyway!”
“Oh yes! Bravo!”
After arriving and registering at the Dome, Ingo and Emmet took their places to wait in the lobby, Elesa scrolling through her Xtransiever’s messages.
“Are you sure you did not wish to participate as well, Elesa?” Ingo tilted his head curiously.
“Nah, you two enjoy it,” Elesa shrugged, “Unlike you boys, I have some work to get done. My manager has been sending me details about the next shoot I have to look over.”
“A model’s work is never done,” Emmet nodded sagely.
“Something like that,” Elesa chuckled, “And I’m looking forward to Wela Volcano Park more anyway. Gotta get this homework done so we can have a blast together there instead.”
At that moment, Emmet and Ingo were called to compete, both saluting a farewell to Elesa as she waved them goodbye and good luck.
Surprisingly, it was Emmet who suggested they take on the challenge separately. They were called back at the same time but eventually moved to different arenas in the Dome to face their new competition.
Emmet’s reasoning was that he wanted to compare results with his brother… though the real underlying reasoning remained unsaid. 
Emmet was still uneasy from yesterday’s events; his separation from his twin just felt odd. Uncomfortable. An itching under his skin that irked him. But, since they were in the same place, doing the same thing, maybe it would be easier? A track running parallel to their work at the Battle Subway. 
With that in mind, the matches came and went by quickly for Emmet, easily making his way to challenge the famed Masked Royal. It ended with a fun battle and rewarding victory for the Subway Boss.
It turned out, that Ingo faced the same Masked Royal challenge right after him. As they reconvened in the lobby with Elesa, the masked fighter came out to congratulate them, panting slightly from his exhaustion of back-to-back intense fights with the Subway Bosses.
“It was verrrry interesting seeing all of the combinations and moves together! Lots of fun, yup!” Emmet had enthused, to which a boisterous conversation followed.
Elesa casually coughed as Ingo’s volume filter was lost to his excitement. It was cute to see them all be enthusiastic together, but not at the cost of her ears ringing.
He flustered somewhat at the reminder, clearing his throat and softening his voice to a more reasonable volume.
“It was a pleasure to battle against you! We should do it again sometime.”
The Masked Royal grinned, “Absolutely! It’s been fun to be challenged by so many strong Unovan trainers lately! I eagerly await your next challenge and the moves you will use in battle!”
After a strong handshake each goodbye he waved them farewell, returning to the ring with confident (though still exhausted) strides.
Emmet and Ingo saluted him in return before Ingo’s frown deepened somewhat.
“I was not aware there were other trainers from Unova here. Though I suppose Alola is a popular vacation spot,” Ingo hummed thoughtfully.
“Well, I certainly haven’t seen anyone I’ve recognized here. I would have remembered them from their gym challenge,” Elesa added, crossing her arms.
Emmet shrugged sharply, “Maybe he is mistaken. Maybe they were not that tough. How would he know if they were from Unova anyway?”
He glanced towards the exit to the facility as casually as he could, making stiff strides toward it, “We should get going to Wela Park if we want to make the climb before it gets too dark.”
A firm hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks.
Ingo turned Emmet around in his grasp to look at him properly, “You are acting curiously, Emmet…” 
“—more than usual—” Elesa chipped in playfully, Emmet sending her a quick glare.
“Is there something you are not telling us?” Ingo’s brow creased in worry over not only what Emmet might have been hiding, but that he chose to hide it from him in the first place. Had he done something to make him untrustworthy to his brother as a confidant?
Emmet regretfully made eye contact with Ingo, knowing he could not lie to his twin. 
“I did… run into someone. Someone from Unova,” Emmet eventually acquiesced, “But! I did not think he was worth mentioning. He is retired and verrrry rude. Best left to himself.”
Elesa gasped a little, a hand moving to cover her mouth before murmuring, “Ghetsis…” seemingly subconsciously.
“No,” Emmet was quick to shut down that line of thinking, “It was not him.”
Ingo gazed steadily at Emmet. He believed him that it wasn’t Ghetsis. But he naturally noticed his twin’s subtle reactions— his mouth tightened minutely, his hands tensing at his sides— at the onset of the name, before relaxing again at the wrong answer.
Ingo’s mind whirred like the gears of their shared Klinklang. A strong Unovan trainer that started with the letter G. One that might not have taken the gym battle challenge against Elesa. One that, according to Emmet, was both rude and retired.
His thoughts picked up speed before he eventually settled on—
Ingo felt more than saw Emmet flinch, though the action didn’t go unnoticed by Elesa either.
“Oh… So it was just Grimsley,” Elesa nodded, posture slumping in relief.
Emmet looked away huffily, all but confirming it.
“I mean that makes sense— he is a little rough around the edges,” Elesa thought aloud before a slight smirk wormed its way onto her face, “Like a Sharpedo, I guess he has some… Rough Skin.”
Ingo let go of Emmet to clap at the joke with an amused chuckle, while Emmet booed, flashing two thumbs way, waaaaay down.
“What was he doing here? I heard that he had resigned from the League, but…” Ingo prompted, turning back to Emmet, curiosity piqued.
“I do not know. Only that he has been on vacation here since quitting the Elite Four,” Emmet bit out sharply.
“I think early retirement might be a better word. It’s been years hasn’t it?” Elesa followed up, pressing a finger to her chin in thought.
Emmet grumbled before begrudgingly answering their curious prodding with the information he knew; about how yes, Grimsley was retired, how he enjoyed Mantine Surfing as a pastime, and most importantly how Grimsley had a greasy mullet now and they should all make fun of him for it with Emmet.
To say Ingo was surprised Grimsley left such a nasty impression with Emmet was an understatement. He and Emmet had long since been used to dealing with unruly passengers at Gear Station during the years of service… but he could not recall any individual ever making such a resoundingly negative impression that it stuck with them for more than an hour at best.
Naturally, Ingo expressed that curiosity to Emmet who simply turned his nose up in response, stating—
“Grimsley is just an underhanded sore loser.”
“I can’t stand cheaters.”
Cheating and being a sore loser didn’t seem to fit the image of an Elite Four member in Ingo’s mind…even a retired one.
Once more the gears whirred, his brother’s behavior new but still familiar enough to come up with a satisfactory answer.
“Emmet,” Ingo tentatively began, his brother turning to face him, “Is Grimsley perhaps… your new rival?”
If Ingo were a lesser man, he might have laughed at the jaw drop and indignant expression that immediately weaved its way onto his twin’s face.
Though the red-faced spluttering as Emmet tried to form coherent sentences to denounce such an— “False!” “False! Lies!”— accusation almost broke that resolve.
After regaining enough of his composure, Emmet finally managed to explain.
“No. Grimsley doesn’t deserve my rivalry. Ingo and I are rivals. We push each other to be better. We are verrrry excellent rivals. Grimsley is… he is just someone I have to win against no matter what. That’s it,” Emmet crossed his arms, nodding resolutely to himself.
Elesa shifted her weight to one side, awkwardly murmuring, “…That sounds like a rivalry, Em.”
Emmet stared at them blankly for a few moments, eyes shifting from Elesa to Ingo and back before finally marching out of the Dome quietly.
Ingo and Elesa glanced at each other, both frowning, before following Emmet out of the facility.
It was not a shock that Emmet had gone silent as they approached him. Emmet had been nonverbal as a kid; and, although he had made leaps and bounds of progress growing up thanks in part to his twin, he still relapsed into his nonverbal state when particularly upset or embarrassed.
And Ingo knew better than anyone that Emmet’s actions spoke louder than his words.
Signing to his brother to ask if he was alright, he received a simple nod. And then to ask if he was upset at them, which received a quick headshake.
Good. He was okay then. Just frazzled.
Because of Grimsley.
Debating back and forth silently, he came to a tentative decision, tilting his head.
“How about we go to the beach instead today? We can have our hike to Wela Park another day.”
Emmet mirrored his head tilt, curious, signing quickly.
‘Why the beach? Why not the Volcano today?’
“It is… a long trip. We have already had a long day. The beach should be more… relaxing. For all of us.”
Emmet pauses a few moments before looking at Elesa for confirmation.
After she shot a thumbs up and smiled, he finally nodded and mirrored the same.
After a couple of hours of relaxing on the beach— walking up and down the shore, building an impromptu sand castle, and half-burying his brother in it— Emmet had regained his voice, though his remarks were still curt and quiet.
He was sitting next to his twin on their matching beach towels, watching Elesa try Mantine Surfing for the first time.
“She is making it look easy,” Emmet breathed, amused at the group of fans clambering to get photos of her as she rode the waves.
“Well, she does have good balance…” Ingo hummed thoughtfully, “For someone who wears high heels for such long amounts of time, it must come fairly naturally.”
Emmet chuckled before laying back on his towel, eyes slipping shut to doze off.
The edges of Ingo’s lips curled up into a small smile at the sight.
“If you are going to nap, I believe I may follow Elesa’s tracks to try Mantine Surfing.”
Emmet simply grunted in acknowledgment, the warm sun quickly soothing him to sleep.
By the time Emmet awoke again, the sun had nearly set, the tide rolling in higher.
He looked around, sleepily, scanning the horizon for Ingo or Elesa.
Oh! There Ingo was! Though that did not look like Elesa. The black hair was too short and they appeared to be wearing a white and black kimo—
Brow furrowing instantly, now instantly awake, Emmet jumped into a standing position before marching over to them as fast as possible.
Ingo had noticed Grimsley watching his first ever Mantine Surfing lesson. It was unclear if he was simply waiting his turn, or if he had any actual interest in Ingo’s haphazard attempts.
Their gazes met as Ingo returned to shore, the Subway Boss waving to him politely. Grimsley nodded in return and walked over, Ingo meeting him halfway.
Ingo would not lie… he was expecting the worst. He was ready to intercept the Grimsley that Emmet had described: rude and callous.
And yet he was pleasant. Almost overly so.
Putting Emmet’s opinion of the man to one side of his brain, he allowed himself the friendly conversation. 
He learned Grimsley was in fact waiting his turn to surf but was intrigued that one of the Subway Bosses had actually tried the sport.
Their back and forth continued for a bit longer and Ingo came to realize something important within those minutes.
Ingo, after being in the spotlight so long, had come to understand when people were flirting with him.
But to come from someone like Grimsley… the close lean in, the abundant chuckles and quips in between Ingo’s own words… 
It was all very… unexpected and unusual.
He also didn’t expect Emmet to come barging in a moment later, wedging himself obviously between the two.
“Oh hello again, Subway Boss Emmet,” Grimsley drawled in greeting.
Ingo’s eyebrow quirked upward at the title.
“Ex-Elite Four Member Grimsley.”
Ingo’s other brow raised to meet it. He opened his mouth to stop the potential altercation before it could occur but—
“There you two are!” Elesa interrupted, bounding over with barely contained energy. Her eyes were alight with the same electricity as her Pokémon’s typing as she threw her arms around them both.
“Emmet! You should definitely try Mantine Surfing— I know you can’t resist a challenge and you should have seen Ingo! He— oh!”
Elesa cut herself short, eyes landing on the unexpected addition of their trio.
An easy smile lit up her face.
“So you are here, Grimsley.”
“Was I expected?” Grimsley smirked, crossing his arms casually.
Elesa shrugged, buzzing energy shifting her stance from toe to toe, “Emmet had told us you recommended Mantine Surfing to him. And I couldn’t help but give it a shot. It’s a lot of fun!”
Ingo nodded in agreement, “It was an exhilarating experience! I cannot wait to try it again at a later date.” 
Grimsley’s face lit up mischievously at the word date, Emmet’s eyes narrowing in response.
“Well! We should get going anyhow! There will be plenty of time to Mantine Surf again later! But we must stick to our schedule and ride the tracks to our other destinations! Goodbye! Alola!”
Emmet tried releasing himself from Elesa’s grasp to no avail, as she only pulled him in closer.
“How about we all have a battle!”
Emmet paused, staring uncomprehendingly at his best friend.
She stared back at him, gaze meaningful.
“You haven’t had a double battle since you’ve been here, right? And I know those are your favorites. This would be a perfect opportunity for us to have a multi-battle together.”
Emmet continued his silent staring. Yes, it’s true all of the battles down the mountain yesterday had been single battles. Even the battles from today were still single just against three foes… but…
A light went off in his mind as he pieced together Elesa’s intentions. 
Elesa already anticipated Grimsley would be on the opposite team as him. And she also knew he and Ingo were a force to be reckoned with. It was a perfect opportunity for him to let off some needed steam.
“Grimsley, would you join us for a multi-battle? It would be verrrry fun battling against you,” Emmet’s smile painted innocently on his face as he straightened up, his posture professional even without the Subway Boss uniform.
Grimsley regarded him with a calculating smile, “My pleasure,” he purred, “ After all, I think Ingo and I would make an interesting combination against you and Elesa.”
Emmet fought against the bodily urge to maim Grimsley where he stood, body frozen in his perfect posture and leaving it to Elesa to accept the challenge for him before he could think twice about it.
Calling out their first Pokémon, the two teams quickly settled into a syncing rhythm. Emmet was vaguely surprised they were both working so well together. Elesa was doing a good job as his support with her paralysis-inducing Nuzzles, scouting ahead with her Emolga’s speed to create openings for Emmet’s heavier strikes.
However, likewise, Ingo and Grimsley were also supporting each other well. Emmet knew Ingo would never throw a fight, so he cannot find it in himself to mind too much when he sees Ingo putting his all into supporting Grimsley’s sharp blows.
But that didn’t stop him from gritting his teeth through the whole match.
He and Elesa had pushed them to their last Pokémon each— Liepard and Excadrill— who were just called into battle.
Meanwhile, he still had his last two— Galvantula (who was a poor matchup) with Archeops in reserve— and Elesa’s Zebstrika, which was currently on its last legs.
Grimsley and Emmet’s eyes met and narrowed at each other, almost daring the other to make the first move.
A loud siren blared from their left interrupting their contest and causing them both to flinch. A deep echoing cry and the harsh sound of waves crashing from the ocean pulled their attention away from the battle completely.
Looking through the choppy waves, it wasn’t hard to miss the Wailord thrashing about near the shore. And almost as quickly, it became apparent the cause of its distress. 
The Wailord had become the unfortunate target of a gang of raging Sharpedo.
The Wailord tossed more urgently in anguish, the Sharpedo ramming its large body from all sides, as the lifeguards ushered beachgoers out and away from the scene towards safety, the tidal waves growing leagues larger, crashing brutally into the shore.
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stellanoa · 1 year
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#STELLANOA — ind. priv. sel low - activity rp blog for PENNY from pkmn scarlet / violet. established 12.14.22, written by emmy. !! spoilers for starfall street / end - game content will be present. please proceed at your own risk. !! document ( wip. ) / rules temp. beneath the cut. other pkmn blogs: @herbamemoria ( arven ) / @nixcero ( grusha ) / @lunaerosa ( team star / mc oc )
hi, my name is emmy. i'm 22, go by they / them, &&. have been rping on tumblr for 9+ years. my discord is open to mutuals.
this blog will be heavily headcanon based, as well as mutuals - only. as previously stated above, THERE ARE ALSO SPOILERS HERE. i will not be tagging them as the two - week embargo is over.
tl;dr don't be a bigot. pro - shippers dni. i reserve the right to softblock / hardblock at any time for any reason. if you're constantly posting negatively, engaging in drama, etc. i will most likely softblock.
regarding shipping: my penny is 17 years old. though i am multi - ship, i will not ship her romantically with anyone over the age of 19, or anyone younger than 16. i do not practice exclusivity with muses, either. if you'd iike to plot a relationship with penny, just ask.
this blog is low - activity. i have other blogs to handle as well as irl responsibilities. please be patient with me &&. my replies both ic &&. ooc. if i'm not responding but you see me on the dash, i'm not ignoring you; sometimes i don't have the energy to talk.
hi, my name is emmy. i'm 22, go by they / them, &&. have been rping on tumblr for 9+ years. my discord is open to mutuals.
this blog will be heavily headcanon based, as well as mutuals - only. as previously stated above, THERE ARE ALSO SPOILERS HERE. i will not be tagging them as the two - week embargo is over.
tl;dr don't be a bigot. pro - shippers dni. i reserve the right to softblock / hardblock at any time for any reason. if you're constantly posting negatively, engaging in drama, etc. i will most likely softblock.
regarding shipping: my penny is 17 years old. though i am multi - ship, i will not ship her romantically with anyone over the age of 19, or anyone younger than 16. i do not practice exclusivity with muses, either. if you'd iike to plot a relationship with penny, just ask.
this blog is low - activity. i have other blogs to handle as well as irl responsibilities. please be patient with me &&. my replies both ic &&. ooc. if i'm not responding but you see me on the dash, i'm not ignoring you; sometimes i don't have the energy to talk.
i am working off of the new editor since i do not have access to the legacy editor, so my replies may not be trimmed / formatted properly sometimes. i'm trying my best i swear.
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ourlordapollo · 20 days
Stumbled across this Fanfic Tag Game and nobody tagged me in it but I thought it looked fun, so here we are
As such, I will also not be tagging anyone. Be free! You can do whatever you want forever!
1: How many fics do you have on AO3?
2: What’s your total AO3 word count?
347,001 :0
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Pokémon (games), Ace Attorney, Sanders Sides, Black Butler, Welcome to Hell
4: What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Love You (Just in Case You Didn't Know) (Pkmn)
Seek, and Ye Shall Find (W2H)
Soft-Shoe Shuffle (TSS)
Intertwined (TSS)
A Place Where I Can Breathe (TSS)
5: Do you respond to comments?
I try to! If someone leaves a whole bunch on a multichap then I usually just reply to the last one.
The only comments I absolutely don't respond to are ones speculating on what will happen next. No hate, and I'm truly flattered people are invested enough to guess, but they make me uncomfortable because them I start to wonder "does my version not make sense? Will they be disappointed if the story doesn't go that way?? Am I gonna get a bad grade in fanfic??????"
I am very normal :)
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Down Comes the Night. It's a W2H fic that ends with a break up so bad one of the parties literally invents Hell. (Yes it's Proveles lmao)
7: What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ILY(JICYDK). I write a LOT of happy endings, but there's this concept in music theory where something loud sounds loud, but something equally loud preceeded by something quiet sounds REALLY LOUD. By that metric, many of my endings are roughly the same, but this one is preceded by something tragic.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
No lmao. I don't really write anything controversial.
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah. Maybe in the future, but it's not really the kind of thing I'm interested in on its own? I can see p0rn having a place in some future stories, but it's not something I'd prioritize.
10: Do you write crossovers?
Nah. Apparently what I write are called "fusions."
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I have toyed with the idea of translating my own fics into German
13: Have you ever co-written a fic?
Good LORD, no. I'm too much of a control freak to ever consider that
14: What’s your all time favorite ship?
Apparently it's SnazzyShipping. Don't ask.
15: What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
You never know with me. I could finish anything at any time.
16: What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, weird displays of love and intimacy that ride the line between platonic and romantic, dialogue, pastiche, and dialogue
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I get a little caught up in adjectives so I'll use two (or more) redundant ones in a way that really doesn't serve the story, but frees me of having to choose lmao. Occasionally you'll get a sentence like "her voice was soft, gentle, crawling along his skin like a drop of water" or some bullshit. It purples up my prose needlessly.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I think it works best as little interjections; I think it can really humanize characters who learned English as a second language. For example, in all my years studying German, no one in my class EVER answered a question with "ja." It was ALWAYS "yeah" or "yes," even when we were doing total immersion. There are just always things that are gonna come out of your mouth in your native tongue unless you're being REALLY careful. So I think interjections, expressions of pain, yes and no answers, and swears/oaths do REALLY well when written out in the target language.
That being said, I don't think it works for most other scenarios. Maybe in a story with an omniscient narrator. Because in deep POV, if your character doesn't speak the target language, "he mumbled something in German" works better than "'küssen verboten,' he said, whatever that meant" because there's no reason the POV character would be able to identify those words without also understanding them.
There is one niche usage of the above that I've found works, and it's used in The Secret History, the OG dark academia novel by Donna Tartt. A character speaks Latin at the POV character. He understands enough Latin to pick out and identify the words that are being said to him, but he doesn't know what they mean.
*deep inhale*
HOWEVER you do have the problem of the POV character speaking the target language with someone else, and they both understand each other. There's no elegant solution to this. "'Kissing forbidden," he said in German. / "Strongly forbidden," I agreed in kind' can only do so much, especially if it's a long conversation. It's not strictly grammatically correct, but back in my Hetalia days, people used to use «guillemets» to indicate sentences spoken in the target language and I have borrowed that from time to time because I find it the most elegant solution, even if it necessitates explanation in the author's note
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon! But the anime; I used to almost exclusively read and write RocketShipping fanfic
20: Favorite fic you’ve written?
When I weed my garden, I don't pick out a favorite weed as I'm throwing them all in the compost lmao. For me, writing is like weeding my brain. I think my fics are good, and I re-read them, but I wouldn't use the words "like," "dislike," favorite," "least favorite," etc to describe my relationship with them
Wait no just kidding it's Hitsuzen.
Hitsuzen is my favorite work.
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