#but Lyra's my girl I adore her
heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀
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Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: Mason wants to introduce your daughter to the squad
Warnings: Fluff fluff and more fluff, dad Mason
Notes: Planned on writing this for another player but just felt soft for Mason and also this picture, like what? 🥵 Also this is really short and not the best
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"Please y/n" Mason asked, his eyes begging you and his mouth in a pout. "Mason" you laughed, raking your fingers through his hair which made him whine in need to get an answer.
"You know it's not up to me" you defended giggling at his childish behavior as he slumped down into the couch with a groan. "I know" he sighed, pulling your arm gently to get you to sit down in his lap.
You smiled as you leaned your head back against his shoulder, his face nuzzling in your neck. You where soft for him, sighing before meeting his eyes.
"What if I drive up to you after training? That way they can meet her but it wont be on training time" you suggested, your heart fluttering as his face lit up with a splitting smile. "You would do that?"
"Of course" you hummed, raking your fingers through his hair again but this time he met it with a hum of satisfaction instead, leaning his head on your chest. "I know how important it is for you" you hummed.
You had welcomed you daughter Lyra about a year ago, Mason immediately stepping up as an great father and doing everything he could to balance his career and family life, just as you but it hadn't been too much struggle. She just fit right in your routine.
Mason had wanted to take her to training for a long time now, he had already taken her to meet the Chelsea squad a couple of months ago but he wanted her to meet the England lads as well but it was a bit trickier considering it was pretty far to the training ground.
"What time does your training end?" you hummed "Three" he answered sleepily "Okay"
It had been an easy and slow morning for you. Lyra had been sleeping long and was now laying in her baby-seat quietly in the car. She looked at you and said a few words every now and then but she was in a good mood. The drive was easy and you arrived at 15:07, perfect time and you grinned at yourself, high-fiving your skills.
You packed Lyra out of the car and walked towards the training pitch where they were still kicking balls around, just playing.
Mason perked up at the sound of your shoes against the gravel, his smile lightning up as he saw the two of you, immediately jogging over to meet you. "Hi princess" he cooed, making the little girl giggle as she kissed his cheek. "Hi to you to" he smiled, kissing your lips gently before turning back to the squealing girl, taking her out of your hands.
You walked with him to the middle of the pitch to greet the boys, hugging each of them and exchanging some words with them as Mason stood with Declan. "Oi! I want to meet her!" Jack exclaimed, pushing Declan away as he took the little girl, lifting her straight up like he wanted to inspect her.
You stepped back a few steps and sat down in the grass, leaning against your palms to watch the scene in front of you, a smile on your face as you watched them interact with Lyra.
"Oh my gosh she is adorable" Marcus squeled, scooping her up from Jack's arms who whined at his friend.
"She is, it's all thanks to me" Mason huffed cockily making you scoff.
"Oh come on man, she is maybe 80% y/n" Phil laughed agreeing with you and shoving Mason on the shoulder. "Ouch!" he whined, taking Lyra back into his arms. "She is my twin" he argued. The boys giggled at him
"Nah man, she is y/n's copy, that's probably why she is so cute" Declan cooed at the baby, making her laugh. Mason on the other hand gasped dramatically "Oi! first you say my daughter looks nothing like me and then you hit on my wife?"
Declan laughed giving you a wink as Mason gasped again not loving the joke but you could only laugh and wink back at Declan.
"No no no" Mason huffed, narrowing his eyes at your teasing grin but he couldn't help but let the smile take over his face.
You spent around an hour on the pitch before you had to let Lyra rest, her smile never intact but her eyes began to droop closed as she sat in Kyle's lap on the grass, Raheem sitting next and talking with the little girl who was spent to the limit after having stumbled around the grass with the boys who wanted to see if she could kick the ball. Mason had already announced she would be a football-star after she had kicked it very slowly into the goal on the side of Trent who had pretended to be a keeper. She had squealed of happiness, probably not because of the goal but because of the boys excitement and reactions, having caused her to tumble around in a fit of giggles.
"Can I keep her?" Raheem pouted as he held the now asleep girl in his arms, not wanting to let her go. Saka stood next to him, also pouting at the sleeping girl. "She is literally too adorable" he gushed making you grin.
"Okay okay, give me my princess now" Mason huffed, smiling as Raheem reluctantly passed her over.
"Okay, we will go now, see you tomorrow lads" Mason greeted goodbye before you both started to move back to the car. "If you don't bring her don't come!" Jack shouted after you which made you both laugh, Mason giving him the finger behind his back.
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder with a content smile on your face, feeling relaxed and happy. "Thank you" Mason mumbled in your ear, wrapping his free arm around your waist. "Love you" he mumbled
"Love you Mase"
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silly-little-gooses · 27 days
my controversial tig opinions
(not in any specific order)
we shouldn’t be shipping lyra and grayson yet. they barely know each other and we barely know who lyra even is. there is so much fanfic and headcanons for them, even though they are practically strangers.
avery isn’t boring! she’s an intensely deep, complicated character who many can relate to, which doesn’t often happen with main characters in these kinds of stories. she’s just a teenage girl who’s been dealt a bad set of cards, which is both very realistic and engaging.
max is hilarious. I’ve seen people say she’s cringey, but they are simply wrong. she’s charming, sarcastic, and I love her fake cursing. I will accept no max hate.
libby and nash is an underrated ship. they’re so adorable together and they’re complete opposites, which is what makes them so good together. goth x cowboy, who could’ve expected that? similarly, stop sleeping on nash! he’s responsible, he’s a gentleman, he’s a feminist, he’s a great guy.
xander's trauma is so overlooked, it makes me sad. he thought everyone hated him for his entire life and people are still thinking that he’s just the happy go lucky funny guy.
eve doesn’t deserve forgiveness. idc about a redemption arc, she is a bad person. I’m not the biggest grayson fan, but I’m on his side in this scenario. she had no right to abuse him like that.
alisa ortega is hispanic. this is how i imagine her, especially since her last name is spanish. people who fancast a white woman as alisa or draw alisa has incredibly light-skinned are portraying her wrong. everyone is allowed to envision characters how they want, but I think this one is obvious.
in the beginning, rebecca was annoying. she has gotten better over time, but at first, all she did was whine and cry and be angsty. I’m glad she’s found love and has grown into a strong, resilient young woman.
that’s all I’ve got, pls don’t cancel me! these are my opinions, I’m not saying anyone else’s opinions are wrong, this is just what I believe. you can believe whatever you want <3
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demxters · 1 year
elle dear, how are you? i saw you opened blurb requests so what about jake holding his girl’s hand in public and doing pda with her for the first around his friend and they’re both just genuinely happy/enjoying the beginning of the relationship?
jake seresin x gn!reader
wc: 595
warning(s): none i don't think
find on ao3 here!
a/n: ty for sending this in lyra, i love it and ily. i hope i did this one justice!! <3 got hit by the writing bug this morning and thought i’d attempt to get back into some writing after disappearing for a bit…. i hope everyone is well and i’m sending lots of love!!!!
(ik i said i wasn’t writing on here anymore but i felt guilty for all the blurbs in my inbox so depending on how i feel after this maybe we’ll come back?)
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There's a familiar tug in his chest that coincides with the one on his fingers. The lovesick smile on his face hasn't faltered since you walked into The Hard Deck with your fingers laced with his. As the two of you approached the group of aviators huddled in their same booth in the back of the bar, he expected the usual unravel of your fingers from his as you took your spot beside Phoenix.
This time, however, your hand never left his. In fact, it stayed tightly clasped with his own. He loosened his hold on you just a tad when he took his seat beside you, giving you the option to release him if you chose. His actions were only met with the tightening of your fingers around his. You glanced up at him with a small smile that made him freeze on the spot. The way you grabbed onto his hand like it was your lifeline made his heart burst with adoration.
Affection between you and Jake wasn't unfamiliar territory. Public affection on the other hand, was something neither of you had discussed. Your relationship was new. The feelings you elicited in each other was new. He had everything to lose when it came to you. So he let you take the lead. It didn't matter how badly he wanted to hold you close and smother you in kisses in front of his friends. He swallowed that urge to keep you comfortable. To make sure you felt safe.
Which is why he almost couldn't believe his eyes when you failed to let him go as the night went on. Your hand never strayed too far from his and when it did, you had at least some part of your body touching his. Once the initial shock faded from his system, he finally began to reciprocate your actions.
It started with a subtle thumb rubbing gently circles upon your intertwined hands. Then, he was tugging your legs onto his lap under the table, shifting your body to face his ever so slightly.
You fell completely into him, tucking yourself into the crook of his neck right where you belonged while only half listening to your friends' never ending banter.
The two of you felt lighter than you ever have before, being in the comfort of each other's arms despite the public setting. Neither of you really cared that the bar was bustling tonight and that everyone could see you.
You were the only one Jake could see.
Your friends noticed the second the two of you sat down. The dopey smiles never left your faces even as they shifted the topic to things like politics and climate change just to see how you'd react. But the two of you would only nod with those same looks on your faces and silently agree with every point that was made. It was clear to them that neither of you were listening, too caught up in one another to even think about anything else.
They didn't take your absentmindedness to heart. They were actually quite amused by how something as simple as you was able to calm down the usually rambunctious Hangman.
He softly brushes his lips to the top of your forehead in response to the ones on the side of his neck and smiles down at you. All other noise is drowned out as you look up at him with stars in your eyes. This, he realizes, is what he wants to hold onto forever. Just you and him, right here and unabashedly in love.
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tgm! taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @bradshawseresinbabe @breezemood @emorychase @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me
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kanekoii · 7 months
luxiem + ren, doppi and kyo reacting to a new kouhai whos model is Arlecchino from GI but she just ends up being the softest, sweetest and most innocent girl ever
lyra's notes -> another reader gender change but ouggghh arle...once she comes out i might retire my dps qiqi...(i havent seen any leaks abt her kit but arle is hot so im sorry qiiq)
pairings -> luxiem + ren zotto, doppio dropscythe, kyo kaneko x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, fluffy, a tiny bit of crack
song -> sorry i got nothing for this one
warnings -> a tiny bit of pining
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he thinks it's so funny, like he laughed so hard when he heard your voice for the first time. and he thinks your voice is adorable too! from your model and channel's theme alone, one would assume you're the mean and intimidating type. but nope, you're a total sweetheart and vox adores that. you're pretty innocent too, so some of his pick up lines will go right over your head and it's ADORABLE when he sees you get confused about some of the things he says.
he tries his best not to laugh when you say especially sweet and innocent things. he really tries but it's adorable and hilarious. your model is so intimidating and a little scary looking, but as soon as you start talking, that facade melts and shows how much of a sweetheart you are! especially in collab streams before everyone knows you super well, it's adorable to hear your sweet voice in contrast to your intimidating model.
he’s supposed to be intimidating too, so the both of you together is plain adorable! people will draw your models together and it will look so scary but when you’re collabing together, it’s just a wholesome fest most of the time! we know he definitely will have a soft spot for you and collabs with you a lot because he just thinks you’re so cute and he can’t get enough of you!
what. bro is so confused by you sometimes. yes you’re adorable but sometimes he just gets so confused by your intimidating model contrasting your sweet and innocent nature. ike is somewhat put off by it at first, but he eventually starts to warm up to it and finds your personality just as cute as the others do! even if it’s hilarious to see your model’s sharp and scary eyes light up when you get excited about something.
he’s got a bit of an intimidating model too, so it’s more than funny to see your wholesome and sometimes flirty interactions. you’re both some of the softest and most wholesome in en, so it’s just heaven for you to be collabing with him. the first time he saw your model, he was really convinced you were going to be the scary type but your voice ruined that image. he is so smitten with your cute personality and voice too <3
essentially just like shu, except piochan is much more weird than wholesome. one would come to expect a certain level of silliness in him that he happens to bring out in you despite your soft and sweet personality. it’s strange really, the way you and him can communicate in a language only the two of you understand.
it’s becoming increasingly hard to make these unique but here we go. ren fits his model pretty well, so seeing you have such a misleading model that reveals your adorable and soft personality is just so funny to everyone including him. for more please infer back to ike’s part because i’m exhausted sorry.
he has the same sort of thing in a way, except he’s a cute model with an utterly unhinged personality. as soon as he befriends you, his streams become even funnier because he’ll often be by your side to disorient viewers who were expecting you to act like how your models portrayed you. nope. enjoy your vtuber fame tho you deserve it for being so cute :p
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love-is-a-pearl · 4 months
Idk if I’ve bought up this HC before but…
Ash fell first. It was during the Sky Bouquet obviously. But Dawn fell harder, realizing her true feelings for him seconds before he left Sinnoh.
My personal HC is that Ash had a puppy crush on Misty during Kanto-Johto and by Sinnoh he saw those feelings be replaced by even stronger feelings for Dawn. And he just accepted it. He was like "those will sure go away, like the feels for Misty did :)" (they didn't)
And Dawn only started to consider those feelings even existing by the end of DP (after Lyra pointed it out, after Kenny did the atrocious bet thing, after she realized how much it hurt to part ways with him and Brock). And afterwards this silly girl would literally travel continents only to meet this idiotic boy, kept up with everything he was doing while STILL being like "nah, im fine, i have no feelings for him :)"
In my ideal pearl dynamics Ash has to be the one confessing first because Dawn is just in utter denial while he knows he will always adore her :v And she recriprocates right back because she had been bottling up things for so long that when he gives her a vault she jumps right into it without even thinking~
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i was listening to twin size mattress by the front bottoms and was like. hmm this is the most toby song ever
SO i was wondering do u have any songs that remind you of specific creeps? could be from lyrics or just general vibes yk yk
- 🌙 anon (im new here hi)
HII welcome. ok ok. so i listen to music in a very boring way and never analyze lyrics/artists/albums/etc. but for you i will try to change.
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also these lryics with toby oh wow.. wow. ok. wowwww. wow. ok. wow. STUFF UNDER THE CUT BUT KNOW IM DEEPLY WARPING THE ACTUAL MEANING BEHIND A LOT OF THESE SONGS LOL. i religiously listen to love songs so its hard
toby and honey by coastal club. (my fave song rn..)
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whether its from his perspective or not.. it doesnt even have to be romantic either. just his friendships with everyone around him, both from people like tim and brian seeing this SEVERELY TROUBLED kid. . . 'wide eyed..dying to get outside' feels very :((( yk. he was a kid trapped in a fucking horrifying situation all his life. or him looking at his friendship with nina. "youve got a way with me... alive and so full of life, i'm mesmerized by your love" etc. maybe jack or clockwork with the "i started laughing at the words you spoke, i kinda like you and your stupid jokes"... AGAIN I KNOW ITS A LOVE SONG but i see it applying in so many different forms of love. and i love love. also a ton of like, car and driving references which is um. lyra reference sorry
nina x clockwork and "a big brown dog named bagel" by nep
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ok this doesnt apply so much to my au(nobody is canon in mine but yk)... buttttttt... yeah. ugh. this is so nina @ nat. sorry guys ive been changed. one ask always diverts my attention at the speed of light. "I like the way she bites, the way she talks, the way she looks when I smile" is just SO FUCKING NINA ADORING NAT. nina just wants to be in the most fairytale coming of age movie ya novel lovestory and she says that her biggest dream in life is to get married. she wants to take care of her lover and give and give and give so fucking much and "I'll buy you a big old house on a big old hill And I'll grow old with my baby, 'til she's dead" is so very her. of course i chose clockwork cuz 'she's tall in the knees' and 'some green in her eyes' plus im a lesbian and havent fawned over sapphic relationships in months since i began my creepypasta return. LOL
eyeless jack and "downhill" by lincoln
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there r few words to describe the amount of guilt, horror, and devastation that jack feels after what he's done, all he's lost, and what he has to do to survive. he has a year of his life that he was literally possessed by a demon and went around fucking tearing humans apart and eating their remains. even as he's """recovering""" and settling into a cabin, his friendships with the creeps, trying to just feel okay. he's on his last leg, he can tell that people know he's a shell of what he was but they'll never know how warm, kind, inviting he used to be. "i went downhill at such a steep inline" ... yea he did his life changed immeasurably in a single night and it's never coming back. the lyrics "'Cause I was born into the world on a silken cloud / And I got bored of the world before I hit the ground" ... while he had a ton of pressure. he loved his life, loved his family, was the type to constantly express how grateful he was for everything that got him where he was. and then he hit rock fucking bottom because he wanted to chase a little excitement with the pretty girl inviting him to join a 'club.' poor guy
liu and "i'm not angry anymore" by paramore
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i dont think i need to explain this because um..... lols... liu just wants to fucking move on. he just wants to escape everything. he wants his family back, including the little brother he'd play catch with in the front yard for so many years. but he has his moments where it all comes barreling back, and he makes real fucking brash decisions - he lost his marriage because he spiraled trying to find jeff and moved to fucking alabama. so you know.
jane and "everest" by beabadoobee
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again, i dont think i need to explain this. maybe this could be mary(jane's wife) singing to jane, cuz she was one of janes main supports after her parents death. jane can only act strong for so long but she is so so so fucking sad and mourning and she was always so soft and gentle and sweet and she lost everything in a single night. she spent a short period of time filled with rage, as she would be, but her story eventually evolves into her just wanting to help others with their cases, be happy with her wife, take care of sally, grow old, make her parents proud. she's climbed mountains and is probably in the best place of all the creeps. holds her. i dont touch her character too often because i just want her to settle happily lolz..
ok thats all i got guys :3.. thank youuuuu thank youuu. sorry if my music taste is bad guys. LOL.
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prttydolls · 2 years
A draco one shot where female reader is cheering for Draco in the stands wearing his jersey and after they win she hugs him and kisses him all proud of him and a photographer captures the moment and years later they visit the school after graduating and marrying eachother and they see that photo after that win and they remember that day and how much they miss being at Hogwarts. Maybe even at one point where Scorpious is in 5th year or later he sees that photo and is happy to be the son of 2 people who really love each other.
deserving ˖*°࿐ᵕ̈ draco malfoy
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ˋ°•*⁀➷ warning(s) : bad writing.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ authors note : ty for requesting!! i added lyra i hope u dont mind :)) also, i think im losing my mojo writing for draco :( like its just so messy and not the same as it was before.. PLEASE REBLOG!! thank you 💞
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“and malfoy wins the cup for this season! slytherin wins!” the announcer shouted loudly.
the slytherins cheered very loudly while the other houses groaned and boo'ed the slytherins. draco had a smug smile, he was proud for himself.
he couldn't have done it without his beautiful muse, y/n. who encouraged him to carry on the game.
draco flew to the slytherin stands and gave y/n the snitch, “this ones for you my love.” draco smiled as he gave you the snitch. you felt your cheekss heated up and smiled shyly as you received the gift from him. you mouthed him a 'i love you.'
all eyes were all on you, they all found you such a adorable couple.
you and draco were walking back to the castle, he was still in his quidditch uniform. colin a 3rd year came up to you with his muggle camera.
“h-hi! can i take a picture from the both of you?” the small gryffindor nervously asked.
you both nodded and posed for the camera, a small flash came before your eyes and there was 2 freshly developed photos.
“thank you! here.. you could have this!” colin handed you the photograph and ran back to the castle.
“i think hes scared of you dray.” you laughed,draco scoffed “he should be.”
the photograph contained the both of you smiling and dracos arm on your waist.
it was perfect.
that day later, you and draco saw the photograph that colin took in the wall of achievements. it labeled, “october 12, 1997 slytherin wins the quidditch cup!” you both smiled at it, but draco just wanted to put a comment about it.
“they should've put the most hottest slytherin couple” draco joked, you nudged him in the arm and laughed with him.
that was years ago from now, you married draco and got a beautiful baby boy after being married for 3 months . and was blessed with a baby girl when scorpius was 10
draco was so greatful for you, he truly didnt deserved to be blessed with three angels.
the both of you were visiting scorpius with lyra, until you saw him looking at the wall of achievements from 1997.
he was looking at the pictures that was taken from dracos victory in quidditch. “oh! hi mom hi dad! also, hii lyra.” scorpius greeted as he gsve the three of you hugs.
“hi scorpy!” lyra did grabby hands to her older brother. Scorpius took lyra away from you and carried her.
“scorp, how are you my boy?” draco asked, “im doing good dad! i got the highest score than everyone else!” scorpius excitedly rants.
you and draco smiled at him, he truly reminded the both of you as eachother.
“look! mama its youu and dada!” the five yearold babbled, draco just smiled with content he truly did not deserve any of you.
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tag list: @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin @thehalfbloodedwitch @hhesperidess @bigpoppajes @dr4cosimp @blackthunder137 @pottahishotasf @slytherin-princess247 @n0agranger
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lisa-and-shadow · 4 days
I was graciously tagged by @a-cosmic-elf in the OC questions tag game.
My questions were as follows, and I'm going to answer them as my current all-consuming focus, Lyra from the Dragons Dogma universe. I'm picturing her being asked these in person for some reason. Like it was an interview?? Lol
If money, time, and space were no object, what would be your dream pet?
🔸️When I was a girl, my great-aunt had a pair of Battahli song birds with emerald green and crimson feathers that she kept in a massive aviary in her garden. They had long, iridescent tails they would fan out as they preened and danced for one another. I would beg my parents for a pair just like them because I thought they were the most marvelous creatures I had ever lain eyes on outside of my story books. I've thought naught about them in years. Tis funny. As I have gotten older I believe I've lost the desire to keep anything caged. Although I do keep asking Gariad if he thinks a rabbit would be happy in our garden. [Thinks quietly.] Perhaps I could train a garm and ride it into battle? That would certainly surprise everyone, wouldn't it.
Are there seasons where you are from? What’s your favourite and why?
🔸️Oh yes, the weather in Vermund is quite temperate. We are fortunate that we do not suffer from harsh winters, though they are known to be so in the mountain regions. And our summers could not compare to the deserts of our Battahli neighbors. You'll think me simple, but who could not adore the Vermundian springtime? When the lilac and cherry trees are blossoming, and every flower and bloom seems to spill forth from the meadows. You can hear a chorus of bird song in the forest morning and evening both. The fields that have lain fallow all winter start to turn vibrant green. Oh, the scent in the air alone is enough to bring a smile to one's face. [As an aside to her companion.] Quit grinning at me like that, Gariad.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
🔸️Hmm. Well, I shall tell you what I was supposed to be. [Laughs.] I had the finest tutors and governesses, and received lessons in dance, singing, etiquette, and aught else my parents thought would make me the perfect noblewoman. I was supposed to build my family's fortune and marry well. Preferably at the same time. I had little say in the matter. I would read novels about pirates and bandit princes and dream someone would whisk me away to fight by their side in a far off land, in childish flights of fancy. Working for my father allowed me to travel and that gave me some hope that I might one day achieve independence. I had plans to open an office in Battahl e're long. Truthfully, the pirate dream was probably more realistic, knowing my mother. Who knew all it would require was a dragon attack to free me of their expectations?
(Note: A garm is a large warg-like canine monster.)
Obviously anyone is free to play but here are some zero pressure tags and questions 🤓💜
@bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul @a-cosmic-elf @atonalginger @eridanidreams @silurisanguine @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake
What was your first kiss like?
Do you have a signature style of dress/favorite outfit?
Are you quick tempered? Or even-keeled?
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iamthenerdqueen · 10 months
The Red String of Faith - Chapter V
Idol!AteezXOCs Soulmates!ot8AteezXOCs OCXOC Slight Social Media AU!
slight twigger warnings: SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER!!! Polyamory, group of 10, two OC's -feel free to replace one OC with yourself if you'd like- , listen this is an idea me and my best friend had and is something for fun read at own risk, not edited as always, also we are starting to explore themes such as bxb and gxg if thats not for you, this story may not be for you.
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Next
A/N: enjoy :)
Landing in LAX was a blur. It was late and the only thing Lia could make out of her sleepy gaze was that it was dark outside. Well. as dark as it could be with all the lights of the airport.
Lia had fallen asleep about an hour into the flight, it was only when they were preparing to land and she needed to put her seatbelt back on did she get gently woken up by Jongho. She felt kinda bad as she had slept on his shoulder and she was sure it was uncomfortable for him.
Getting luggage was as painless as it could be, but the airport was never a fun place to be and really everyone was getting a little antsy to get in the cars at least. Trying to get everyone where they needed to go was a hassle.
They had gotten three cars to take them to the hotel, in the first car was filled with Hajoon, Seonghwa, San, and Wooyoung. The second car was filled by Yunho, Lia, Jongho, and one of the security guards. And the final car was another security guard, Hongjoong, Lyra, Yeosang, and Mingi.
Their drive wasn’t super long, but getting out of the airport was always an endeavor. In the time it took for the cars to get away from the airport, Lia had once again fallen asleep. This time, instead of leaning on anyone else in the car, she had curled up into herself and the hoodie she had stolen from Lyra right before the flight took off.
Everyone was quiet in that car, no one wanted to wake the sleeping girl, and were tired themselves. Before long the hotel came into sight and the real test was seeing who could get the girl to get out of the car as she had refused.
“Lia, we're here. We have to go inside.” Yunho was being as gentle as possible, gently stroking her arm.
“I’ll stay here, it’s okay. The car is comfy,” Lia was half-awake at this point, and both boys who were trying to get her out of the car couldn’t help but smile at her pouting voice.
“No, you have to come inside. You can’t stay in the car,” Yunho was trying again to get her out of the car, and had unbuckled her seatbelt.
“Just let me sleep, please,” She was begging now. In her mind, the car was a perfectly comfortable place to sleep. The car was warm, she was comfy and she was lazy.
Jongho found her pouting adorable and for the first time, he was seeing her act cute. It really sunk in that she was younger than him, even if just by 22 days. Not that he had counted or anything.
As cute as it was, Jongho wasn’t about to let her stay in the car. None of them were about to let her stay in the car, actually.
He signaled for Yunho to move out of the way as he approached Lia, and without hesitation pulled Lia into his body. Before anyone could say anything, Jongho wrapped her legs around his waist and started carrying her into the hotel.
“Wait, wait,” Lyra called from their left, standing with her and Lia's carry-on luggage. She quickly made her way to the youngest two of their soulgroup. She pulled the hood up over Lia’s head to shield her from the light. Lia was out like a light in Jongho’s arms, not even moving as the hood was pulled over her head.
“Okay, okay. She should be good from the lights.” After saying that, Lyra stepped back to collect their luggage and quickly snapped a photo of the two together. This hotel setup was different, the boys were split into four rooms with two beds in each and the girls had gotten themselves a room with two beds just so they had a place to be if they needed it. The girls also wanted the boys to be able to have their space after what they knew would be a tiring next couple of days.
The intentions were there, but no one was surprised when Jongho took Lia to his hotel room rather than taking her to the one she and Lyra had just down the hall. Wooyoung, as the other occupant in that room, didn’t mind one bit and heavily contemplated worming his way into the bed that Lia and Jongho were going to share.
Lyra, who was now alone in the original hotel room the girls had reserved for the stay, sent a quick message to Wooyoung. She knew he wouldn’t be embarrassed at her request and wanted to spare Jongho a little.
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Hotels weren’t Lyra’s favorite thing, but it was nice to be somewhere new. She was comfortable being on her own, and honestly at points craved it, but being alone in that room was different. She wanted to be around the others despite the fact they had just spent hours together. A large part of her wanted to go down the hall and slip into someone else’s room for the night, but her anxiety wouldn’t allow that.
What if no one wanted to see her? They were all very tired and had not only had a day of travel but also practice and other small tasks to complete for their work. What if they found her clingy or annoying?
Her brain was moving a mile a minute, and that feeling had started in her stomach as if something was trying to crawl out of her torso. She was confused, everything was fine. No one was mad at her, there had been no fight and they had gotten to see each other again. Lyra had no idea why she was sitting there on the edge of spiraling into a panic attack.
Thankfully, Lyra never got the chance to fully slip down the anxiety rabbit hole. She was disrupted by someone knocking on the door to the hotel room.
When she opened it, there was Hongjoong. He had changed into some comfy clothes and had put his glasses on. Lyra was convinced that nearly everyone in their soulgroup had awful vision, she and Lia wore glasses every day with the rare occasion in which they would go without for the sake of the fit.
“Hey?” Lyra greeted as she opened the door for him to walk into the room
“Hey, I hope now is not a bad time?” Hongjoong took a few steps into the room and closed the door behind himself. “Oh no, I wasn’t doing anything. What’s up?”
“Uh. well,” Hongjoong stopped briefly like he was contemplating his words carefully. Of all the boys, Lyra felt she had spoken the least to the man before her. Even though they had chatted a bit here and there, and kept a conversation going on the flight, she still found him a bit hard to understand. She knew he had a lot on his plate and didn’t want to make it any worse by needing his attention, so she had been very shy with the Captain of Ateez.
“I know Lia is in the maknaes’ room tonight, and wanted to see if you would like some company?” Hongjoong finished and smiled at her.
“I’d love that actually,” Lyra confirmed with her own smile before glancing at the two beds behind them, “If you’d like I don’t think Lia would mind you sleeping in her bed if that's what you want to do or,” she didn’t finish her words, feeling too awkward and shy to suggest they sleep in the same bed.
“We could share?” Hongjoong seemed to take the thoughts from her head and have the ability to turn them into words.
“Okay, “ Lyra still felt shy but now she was smiling while looking down at her hands and playing with her fingers.
She didn’t see Hongjoong reach out and pull her into an embrace. The next thing she knew her head was tucked into him and their arms were around each other tightly.
They ended up falling asleep in that same position about half an hour later after they had crawled into bed.
The morning came around way too quickly, Hongjoongs alarm went off at 5:30. Listen, Lyra wasn’t a morning person but she also wasn’t someone who couldn’t function in the morning, however, when his alarm went off at 5:30 in the morning she wanted to toss it out the window.
“Your alarm is the worst thing. Ever.” Lyra hadn’t opened her eyes yet and she also refused to let go of the arm that was still in her grip.
“I know, but we have an hour before we have to go to schedules,” Hongjoong hadn’t moved other than to turn his alarm off, and didn’t seem to be making any attempt to leave just yet. Instead, he began to turn in the bed and cuddled deeper into Lyra, practically laying on top of her with his face in her neck.
“I was nervous last night,” Hongjoong began again, “I thought you would say no and not want me to stay.”
“I would never turn you away, honestly I was kinda freaking out last night before you knocked on my door. So, I’m really glad you did.”
“Why were you freaking out?” Hongjoong sat up just slightly so he could look at her face to see if anything was wrong, and before she replied she pulled his head back down to its resting place.
“I really don’t know, but it's all okay now. I think I was a bit overwhelmed with it all,” Lyra was telling the truth, it was better now.
“Good, I don’t want you to ever feel bad,” He was still not fully awake so his words weren’t as coherent as they would have been and his accent was significantly heavier.
Lyra turned her head so she could see him – as well as she could without her glasses – and at the same time, he was turning his head to look at her.
It was a near miss as both of them pulled back from one another and started giggling at the awkward moment they had just caused. Feeling a little emboldened, Lyra decided to tell Hongjoong a small, teeny-tiny secret.
“You know, I’ve never kissed a boy before…” Hongjoong was stunned at her words, in his mind everyone should be trying to fight them for a chance to even be in the presence of either of the girls.
“What?” He was hovering over Lyra now, his face showing genuine confusion at her confession.
“I mean, i’ve kissed girls before and stuff, but i’ve never been romantically involved with boys before” That was just how it was for Lyra, while she and Lia hadn’t been romantically attached she still had only dated girls in the past. It’s not that she wasn’t attracted to men, but she just simply had never been in a relationship with one before.
“Do you want… to kiss boys?” Hongjoong was trying to get a feel for the situation, if she didn’t like boys that was fine. He and everyone else would just be happy being in her life, but he just needed to know so he could understand the boundary.
“Yeah, I do.”
With her words, Hongjoong dipped his head down and pecked her lips with his before raising his head to look at her once again. She was smiling at him and giggling at his actions, it made his heart pound in his chest.
So, he reached his head back down to kiss her again. This time it wasn’t a peck on the lips, but a full-blown kiss. His lips were gently moving against hers and guiding her, Hongjoong would have happily stayed this way for as long as possible.
The loud buzzing from his phone was a real mood killer and also was Hajoon calling him because he needed to start getting ready for his day.
Lia had made her way to their hotel room a little while later, and before long they were in the car with one of the stylists. The girls were going to the venue rather than going to the couple of interviews the boys had before sound check, everyone knew they would be a distraction and didn’t deny it.
“Hello, my name is Eunsook.” The stylist couldn’t take the silence of the car anymore and frankly, Lia couldn’t either.
“Hi! I’m Lia and the quiet one in the back is Lyra.” Lyra waved from the backseat and smiled at the stylist.
“Okay, let me first start with y’all are so adorable with the boys. I saw you guys last night and Jongho carrying you was the highlight of my night, for real I wanted to fangirl. Also, your hair is my favorite. The sectioned off black and white is KILLER!” Eunsook was a very bright character and had a lot of energy for 8AM.
“Oh! Thank you on both counts, I keep forgetting that all the staff on tour know,” Lia laughed a little, “Are you from the US?”
Lia didn’t want her question to come off as rude, but Eunsook’s English was flawless and she had no Korean accent when speaking the language.
“Oh no, I’m canadian. I moved to Korea when I was 18 to start working in the industry,” Eunsook replied as they were pulling into the concert venue.
“That’s so cool, how long have you been with KQ?” Lyra finally chimed into the conversation
“They hired me during the KQ Fella era, so I’ve been around for a while. I worked with SM for a couple years before going to KQ.” The girls were following Eunsook and grabbed a couple of the stylists' bags to help. She seemed to know her way around the setup the best and they didn’t have any tasks, so helping her felt natural.
“Wait? Don’t take this the wrong way, but how old are you? Because you look our age, maybe a year older?” Lia was confused because Eunsook was stunning and honestly could have passed for a 20-year-old.
“I was born in 1995, so I'm about to turn 27 in April.” Eunsook seemed to have to think about it and was using her fingers to double-check her answer, “Yeah, 27.”
‘Damn, You’re hot as hell. I don’t believe that for a second,” Lia is and always will be a bit of a flirt, especially with pretty older girls. She really was impressed with how well the older woman looked.
“She’s right, honestly.” Lyra chimed in as she brought in the last of the stylist's bags into the hair and makeup room, as it was labeled on the door.
“Okay, it’s official. You two are my children and if anyone is mean, I’ll kill them. You’re complimenting me and saying I look 21, yeah you two are under my protection.” There was no room for argument with Eunsook, she didn’t give them a chance.
They ended up spending the morning with the older woman, who was more than happy to have the company. The girls made her laugh and entertained her while she set up the hair and make-up station. The other stylist had gone with the members to their morning schedules, so Eunsook was on her own for the time being.
By the time the boys and the staff that had gone with them made it to the venue it was early afternoon, everything moved very quickly after that. Busy isn’t the right word to explain the happenings backstage in preparation for a concert, it’s insanity.
The girls barely got to see the boys before they went on stage for the show, only getting to quickly tell them good luck before being ushered out into the audience to watch the show from there.
The boys were just as flawless as the first show they had been to. Or in the girls' opinions, they did their job perfectly, but they had learned in their conversations after the concerts they had done in the past week that each member would find something they weren’t pleased with from the show.
Lia found it a little concerning, but she understood because she was the same way. There was something from every stream that she wished she could change or interact with her audience differently. It seemed only natural for them to want to be flawless in their own eyes.
Something the girls did notice during the show was that each one of the boys kept making their way over to the side of the stage they were seated on. While that wouldn’t be a problem normally as they did migrate around the stage as normal, they would linger a little longer than they should during some songs. Even Hongjoong got distracted by the girls, missing a cue to join a dance formation.
As much as they enjoyed watching from the front row and seeing the boys performing so up close, they knew that during the next night's show, they would need to sit in the back or even remain backstage so as to not be a further distraction.
No one seemed to even have the time to sit until they were getting back into cars and heading to the hotel for the night. They were once again split into three cars, but this time the girls were in the same car with Seonghwa and Hongjoong.
“I’m sorry we did not get to spend much time together today.” Hongjoong was obviously worn out from the day he had but still found a reason to feel guilty
Lia was having none of that, “Hongjoong, this is your job. It’s packed full of things and you all have a lot to do. We are here to support you all, and even just being here is enough for the two of us.”
“Yeah, we knew that coming to be with you guys for this weekend wouldn’t be some vacation. It’s about getting to spend time with each other in any way we can for right now. You all worked so hard tonight, and we are happy to just be here,” Lyra said from her spot next to Seonghwa while grabbing his hand. She knew that while the oldest hadn't said anything, he felt the same.
They all probably felt a little bad for the lack of quality time that day. But, as much as they wanted this to be some big fairytale where they could all just exist around each other, it was life and they all accepted they had responsibilities to take care of.
“Do you want to stay in my room tonight?” Seonghwa almost whispered his question to Lyra
“Is Sannie okay with it?” Seonghwa and San were sharing a room at the hotel, and while she was sure San wouldn’t mind she still wanted the confirmation that it was okay.
“Yeah, we talked about it during the Schedules today.” of the boys, Lyra probably communicated with San the most. Lia did too, as a matter of fact. He was a very big texter and liked constantly having a conversation going either in the group chat or in their private messages.
As much as he would deny it, San was just as clingy as Wooyoung. No one minded though, it was nice to give each other attention like that.
“Okay.” Lyra paused before addressing Lia in the seat in front of her, “Are you okay being alone in our hotel room tonight?”
“Oh, well yeah but Yunho asked if he could stay in ours tonight and I said that was fine because I knew you wouldn’t care.” Lia was right, Lyra had expressed to her how much she enjoyed being around the boys. She also had told her about the development with Hongjoong that morning and the sound that had left LIa was surprisingly high-pitched.
“Okay, well then when we get back, i’ll just change and grab a couple things before I come to y’alls hotel room.” Lyra confirmed to Seonghwa while leaning her head on his shoulder.
They all went their somewhat separate ways upon returning to the hotel, the girls heading to their room together.
Lia was gathering her things to take a shower and Lyra was putting on some clothes to sleep in before heading down the hall to spend the night with Seonghwa and San.
“Hey, I’m going to put some music on while I'm in the shower. So, just holler when you head out,” Lia had cut on the water already and was grabbing her phone to put on shuffle while she showered.
Lyra threw her a thumbs up as she grabbed her small toiletry bag, and after gathering her phone charger she was ready to head out the door.
“I’m going down the hall!” Lyra yelled to no response from Lia. As Lyra opened it she was greeted by Yunho who was just a few steps away.
“Hey, I’m staying in San and Seonghwa’s room tonight,” Lyra gave Yunho a quick kiss on the cheek while letting him into the room, “Lia is in the shower, she should be done in the next couple of minutes.” With that Lyra gave him a small smile before finally heading down the hall.
Yunho could hear some music coming from the bathroom as he sat on the edge of one of the beds. He tried to figure out what she was listening to but got distracted by a video on his phone. It was like that for a few minutes before he heard the water cut off and Lia moving around in the bathroom.
“You’re still here? I thought you would have gone down the hall already,” Lia called out as she left the bathroom, thinking that Lyra was the one waiting for her in the room.
“No, I’m here.” Yunho said, causing the girl to jump in surprise. Lia turned around to look at him holding the towel more securely around her body.
“Jesus Christ! You scared me baby, I didn’t realize it was you,” Lia told him as she walked closer to him and gently began to play with the strings of his hoodie with her free hands. Yunho was a bit mesmerized by Lia in that moment. Her wet hair was hanging loosely around her face, and her whole body had a slight blush to it from the heat of the water during her shower.
What really caught his attention was the impression of her nipples against the hotel towel, and the fact that the towel was just covering the tops of her thighs. He couldn’t help but watch as they rubbed together and were obviously freshly lotioned.
“I’m baby?” That was the only coherent thing Yunho could think to say at that moment, his real thoughts were captivated by the need to make Lia’s towel disappear so he could see what lay underneath.
“Of course you’re my baby,” Lia leaned in and kissed him gently, “Why wouldn’t you be my baby?”
Lia was more open with her affection and had made it her purpose to kiss every member before their flight had even departed the day before. She had been stealing kisses here and there when they had gotten the chance in the last 24 hours.
She broke their kiss which was more of a make-out session at this point so she could see his face. He was flushed and breathing shallowly, his gaze was firmly on the soulmate standing in front of him.
He raised his hand to graze the top of the towel covering Lia, looking into her eyes, “Is this okay?” Yunho’s question was loaded, they both knew where this could lead if she let him take the towel from her at that moment.
Lia started nodding her head at him, but he frowned slightly at her.
“I need to hear you say this is okay, Lia.” Yunho needed to hear her consent, to know she wanted this as much as he did.
“This is okay. I want this.” Lia readjusted her grip on her towel and then let it drop to the ground. “I want you, Yunho.”
His lips were on hers again and his large hands were gripping her waist firmly.
Lia let out a whine as Yunho’s mouth moved from her lips down her neck. She wasn’t prepared for the feeling of him nipping at her neck that followed.
Yunho was grinning against her skin at the noises she was making. It was no question that Lia was a chatty person, but to see that translate into her being vocal in this situation turned him on. Everything about this turned him on.
“Fuck me, you just keep getting more sexy.” Yunho said as he caught sight of Lia’s purple nipple piercings.
With her standing between his legs and him sitting on the edge of the bed, her tits were right in front of him. Yunho’s mouth found her left nipple quickly, and Lia was convinced she would float away in the feeling. Her hands went to his hair, needing something to ground herself.
As he switched from one nipple to the other, he made sure to leave his mark across her chest. Just as he had on her neck. Nipping and sucking his path across her body.
Yunho’s hands had their own mission, grabbing and playing with her curves. Yeosang wasn’t the only one who enjoyed the girls' asses. And Yunho could confirm with his handful right now, that it felt as nice as it looked.
Lia was no virgin, but no guy had paid attention to her this way before. If Yunho kept up his gentle biting on her nipples she might cum just from that. She could feel herself getting wet, to the point where she was easily sliding her thighs together to cause some sort of friction.
Like he knew what she needed, one of Yunho’s hands let go of her ass and made its way between her moving thighs. She didn’t wait for him as she grinds slightly against his hand.
“You’re so needy, huh?” He stopped his sucking to meet her eyes. Lia’s only response to his question was to buck against his hand once again.
Yunho didn’t consider himself as dominant as some of the others in their soulgroup, but the one thing he demanded was words. Showing off a little, he moved quickly grabbing Lia by the waist and bringing her down to lay on her back on the bed.
“Answer me, pretty.” Yunho was hovering over her now, his bangs falling back into his eyes. Lia wanted him to fuck her until her bones turned to liquid in her skin. To have his mark stained on her skin.
“I need you. I need you, Yunho.” Lia didn’t care if anyone else could hear her, she was damn near shouting her need for the man above her.
Yunho decided to give her exactly what she was begging for. He shifted his body, his mouth making its way from her neck, down her breasts, and stopping to hover over her core. He looked back up to her face, taking in every feature. Her chest heaving with anticipation and her mouth was open just slightly in pleasure.
His mouth met Lia’s core and he was doing everything in his power not to lose himself in the moment. To pace her, but her sweetness clouded his mind.
Lia drew in a gasp when she felt his mouth on her. The way he was sucking on her clit and using his tongue was something she hadn’t felt before. He was a god at this in her opinion. She could feel two of his large fingers circling her entrance, teasing.
“Oh fuck!” Lia threw her head back as she moaned out the words. Yunho’s fingers pumped in and out of her soaked pussy. He started out gentle, getting Lia used to his pace and allowing her to adjust to his fingers.
“It’s only my fingers, and you’re this wet? I can’t wait to see how sloppy you are around my cock,” Yunho said, picking up the pace with his fingers causing Lia to buck against his fingers. Taking his thumb he started on her clit, watching her squirm in pleasure. Her head was still back against the mattress as she gripped the bedding around her.
“Yunho, please. Please, it feels so good. Fuck me, oh god.” Her words were slurred and hard for Yunho to fully understand as she spoke so fast, but he could read her pleasure all over her body. Her soaked core started to clench around his fingers and her hips moved more wildly. He knew she was close to cumming and he wanted to watch her fall apart because of him.
He went even faster with his fingers, focusing in on her clit with his right hand. With his left, he returned to give some attention to her nipples which were hard against her piercings. As he flicked and played with her nipples she started softly chanting his name in pleasure.
“Please Yunho. Yunho, fuck.” LIa paused, feeling the wave of her orgasm starting, “Yes, Yunho.” Her words were overtaken by her breathy moans as she came on Yunho’s finger.
Yunho brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked, tasting her on his fingers. “You’re going to ruin my diet, Pretty. I’m not supposed to have things this sweet.” With that, he reached over his head and started pulling his hoodie off.
It took that for Lia to realize he was still fully clothed. He didn’t have a shirt underneath his hoodie, revealing his toned chest and torso. If she wasn’t so desperate to get fuck into the bed by him Lia would have taken the chance to suck his dick dry.
His sweatpants followed quickly and he was working a condom over his hard cock. Yunho kept calling her pretty, but in all his naked glory he looked like Adonis. A light layer of sweat was already clingy to his skin, a smirk etched into his features. Lia couldn’t help but think of the others and if they were anything like this in bed her cause of death would just read ‘the dick was simply too good.’
His first trust in her was slow and steady. Stretching her out and making her feel incredibly full as he took it all the way to the hilt. Lia’s hand went to his hair, then his back to feel him. Yunho let one of his hands drift down to her swollen clit and pulled one of her legs to sit around his waist to give him a better thrust.
Lia was consumed by the haze of pleasure, Yunho was thrusting deep and hard each time. Focusing on her clit and whispering words of encouragement into her ears. She thrived on the praise. Yunho couldn’t get over just how soft she was and how tightly she gripped him. He wanted to last longer but he could feel the pleasure becoming overwhelming, it was like he was having sex for the first time all over again.
Lia was bucking her hips to meet his, the two of them both moaning. Anyone passing the room would know exactly what was going on inside.
With Yunho working her clit and brushing against her g-spot with every thrust Lia couldn’t stop the second orgasm, tossing her head back and scratching down his back with her nails. The slight sting of her nails against his back sent Yunho over the edge. His thrusting became sloppy and his hands both went to hold her thighs as he chased his high.
Yunho wanted to collapse and stay like this forever, but he caught sight of Lia’s now exhausted-looking expression. He pulled himself from her heat and tossed the used condom into the trash can. He came back a few seconds later with a warm washcloth and gently wiped and helped clean her up before slipping back into his sweatpants and grabbing his hoodie for Lia to sleep in.
As he pulled the jacket over her head and laid down beside her to cuddle, Lia turned to look at him, before pulling him into a sweet kiss.
“I can’t imagine life without you, all of you.” Yunho said feeling a little emotional after what they had just done. He was overwhelmed with joy and pleasure. His tether was complete and for the time being, they were all together which made him feel whole.
“You each mean so much to me, with or without sex. I want to spend every moment I can near you, all of you. This was amazing, you’re amazing.” Lia had placed her head on his chest, his heart beating in her ear.
“Let’s get some sleep, Pretty.” Yunho reached over and cut the light off before wrapping his other arm around her to sleep.
“That’s going to be a thing now isn’t it?”
“Do you not like it?”
“If you ever call me anything else, I will cry.” The two couldn’t help but giggle at the playful words and kissed each other again a few times before finally sleeping.
A/N: hello!!! So, I know this took me like a week to get out. Work has been a lot!! I'm coming up with a posting shedule which will probably be Mondays and Thursdays, but nothing is set yet. Also, thoughts on our first smut???? This is my first time writing smut also and was suprisingly harder than I thought it would be. And once again, thanks to my best friend for making the text chats and constantly listening to me talk about this. She really does help with the creative portions of this and this story is as much hers as it is mine.
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kellycataclysm · 16 days
What is Harvey's favourite thing about living in:
The valley
The farm
With Lyra
With Evie
The clinic
Thank you for such an interesting question!
The Valley. Lyra’s Harvey was born and raised a city boy, but some people are better suited to small town life. He went to college in the city, worked at a city hospital, but grew up with his family in the suburbs on the edge of an urban sprawl, where houses have a little more room, people are a little more down to earth, and the pace of life is a little bit slower. Moving to the valley helps him find the kind of place where he can establish those roots for himself. Plus, in my universe, the city is not so far from the valley that he can’t visit easily, let’s say 3-4 hours drive, and there’s examples of that in a couple of fics (for example, New Years Eve and the chance meeting).
The Farm. When he moves in with Lyra, he elaborates that moving to the farm gives him the kind of life he hoped for. While living above the clinic, at the centre of town, his career remains his focus. When he moves to the farm he can still serve his community while finding that work life balance he strives for. On another note, he likes to sleep with the curtains open, just a crack, so he can glimpse the sky as he falls asleep and then enjoy the sun as he wakes up. I definitely see him lounging in bed for a short while on weekends, reading with a cup of coffee while Evie plays at the end of the bed. Just the kind of quiet domestic life he wanted.
Lyra. He sees a kind of quiet charm about her. She likes to take a moment to appreciate the little things. We can see this quiet nature glimpsed in the fic where she catches snowflakes on her tongue. He finds her quite captivating. Her sense of fun is an absolute draw for him. They are always trying to make each other smile with their silly jokes. He also loves how she flirts with him. (Also, she’s a tease, he is desperately horny over her, and she has him wrapped around her little finger.) While the long fic shows that she has had problems, that their relationship needs work, their quiet playfulness is still there and they are presently trying to rediscover that in each other. On a different note, he loves little things like the smell of her hair, when she steals his stuff, and he likes to see her enjoying her favourite things, which we’ve glimpsed throughout all the fics, like reading, baking and making the farm into a creative and beautiful space. We also know that she loves the stars and I have a special moment coming up with that very soon.)
Evie. Harvey adores being a dad and absolutely dotes on his little girl. He is endlessly amused and enchanted by her imagination and curiosity. He loves to play with her, tell her stories, he pins her pictures up at the clinic, and allows her to climb all over him like the giant mountain he would seem in her eyes. All of these things enable him to teach her about her world, allow him to witness how she absorbs this information, and enjoy how she then interacts with all of these things. He loves when she climbs into bed with him and Lyra so she can fall asleep with them.
The Clinic. Harvey’s favourite thing about the clinic is that it connects him to the people in his community and gives him a chance to help them. City medicine was too impersonal for him. In turn, most people in town are grateful. He cares for them and they appreciate it. He found some good friends too. He was sort of adopted by town grandmother Evelyn and visits her for weekly coffee chats. He has lunch break chats with Maru about articles in New Scientist and Nature magazine. Also, my voracious reader would certainly be friends with Elliott so they could discuss books, art and culture. (I also like to imagine that one or two people noticed him. You can’t tell me that Jodi or Caroline won’t have looked a little respectfully at that tall drink of water.)
Thank you for sending through such a fun question! <3
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So, how do you think the other supporting characters' (who have pony counterparts that is) outfits on Equestria Girls were with Celestia, Luna, the CMC, Cadance, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Big Mac, Lyra, Bon Bon, DJ Pon 3, Maud Pie, Zephyr Breeze, Cranky Doodle, Snips, Snails, Shining Armor, Photo Finish, Bulk Biceps, Granny Smith, Miss Cheerilee, Octavia Melody, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Derpy?
Okay let's go down the line!
Celestia - I like this! It fits her tbh. I do laugh a little at how they tried to make the crown in her hair by giving her these little cowlicks.
Luna - I'm like 90% fine with Luna's outfit but I just. Why??? Why did they change her skin tone?? She's so light!! What happened??? Like I know some characters got a touch lighter compared to the pony's coats, but Luna's one of the ones who got it the worst
CMC - putting them together because honestly I like all their default outfits. I think maybe Applebloom's is a touch plain, but if that's my biggest criticism...
Cadence - Hers is.... alright. Like it looks good on her, but it's also a work uniform designed to match-but-stand-out from the Crystal Prep looks, so we don't see as much of Cadence herself in the design. I'm not sure what I'd put her in for something more casual.
Trixie - She is perfect 10/10. I love her main outfit, but I also 100% ADORE her look in Rainbow Rocks.
Starlight - I don't like this look. Don't get me wrong, it's a great outfit! Just not for Starlight. Like she's an ex-cult leader learning how to actually make friends why does she look like she's about to chill at a skatepark?
Big Mac - Almost perfect but why??? With the skintone again???? Like some people argue that they changed it to avoid a racism thing because 'red sk*n' is a slur against Native Americans but that's a stretch and doesn't make sense for many reasons.
Lyra - I do not like this one. The pink is a bit too clashing for a main color(I'd allow it for an accent/accessory but not the main shirt and boots) and wtf are those shorts?
Bon Bon - This one's cute! The white might be a touch too overwhelming, but it's still cute!
DJ Pon-3 - Perfection! I love her!
Maud - tbh they literally just took her pony counterpart's dress and it 100% vibes with her. Perfect no notes.
Zephyr - he looks absolutely awful but in a good way because it fits his character's vibes oh my GOD he's a loser. Like if you showed me him with no context, ofc my first guess would be 'couch-surfing stoner who eventually became a hairdresser'.
Cranky - his actual /face/ looks so weird because they're trying hard to bring in the donkey look, but his clothing choices match him well.
Snips - very generic but he looks like a typical kid of that age
Snails - a bit more personality compared to Snips, making him a touch more awkward, but still quite generic.
Shining Armor - no. Just. Idk. I feel like Cadence probably dressed him so he'd look nice for that meeting with Principal Cinch but she did it by raiding his dad's closet. I don't think he'd look too messy ofc, considering the Pony is a Guard Captain the Human is probably military or police, but what they gave him doesn't quite work and it shouldn't be something he wears casually.
Photo Finish - Like Maud, they just took her Pony Counterpart's dress and put it on a Human. So it 100% works and is designed to vibe with her.
Bulk - Absolutely on brand
Granny Smith - Her design itself is a bit off to me because her pony self is very thin but her human self is fat? It's weird. But the outfit itself is nice. Very 'granny' vibes.
Cheerilee - The design itself is weird because it's another one where they fucked with the colors, this time switching her hair and skintone? But the outfit is very cute and good to convey 'teacher' vibes. I think my biggest complaint (other than the color switch) is that there's not much to differentiate her as being a teacher instead of another student. (then again.... considering Big Mac is apparently still a student, maybe she is too?)
Octavia - See here's a character where 'nerd prep' works! Great design!
Diamond Tiara - yellow is not the right color for her. It's. It doesn't look right. It's too much. I like the outfit otherwise, just switch the yellow for maybe a blue or purple.
Silver Spoon - absolutely adorable no notes!
Derpy - Adorable. The colors seem a touch off, but it kinda vibes with her personality. Unfortunately she commits the penultimate sin of socks and sandals.
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now-that-i-saw-you · 5 months
2023 recap
I've lived a thousand lives this year. I also read around 40 books, watched 17 shows, 34 movies and listened to 40,214 minutes of music and I'm gonna narrow them all down to top 3 favorites of each category.
1. Midnights
I'm a swiftie forever and ever so best believe whatever album Taylor released it's gonna be my favorite album ever, but Midnights is exceptionally good. It's no surprise that most songs on my top 5 most-played are from Midnights (and the only one that isn't is seven). This is my AOTY and I want to personally thank Taylor for writing You're On Your Own, Kid.
2. Stick Season
My sixth most-played song was Dial Drunk and I think it was just a couple of streams away from entering the top. The rest of the album is just as good and as poignant. It's so folklore-esque and I adore a good story that makes me forget about my problems.
3. Good Ridddance
Did you guys know Gracie Abrams is fucking excellent? I listened to Good Riddance and it was amazing and then I listened to her earlier work and they were also amazing. Good Riddance is for girls in their 20s who feel like they mess everything up (it's so evermore-coded).
1. All For The Game
I read a lot of great books this year but this is probably the only one I've been properly obsessed with. Every single word in these books made me cry, it just made me feel so much; angry, sad, happy, but mainly hopeful.
2. She Who Became The Sun
This is objectively the best book I read this year. It's eloquent and complex and interesting and deals with subjects like gender and sexuality in such a fine, delicate way. I wanted to savour every moment with this book, read every word slowly so I could properly understand it. Ouyang is up there with Adam Parrish and Lyra Silvertongue in my Favorite Characters List.
3. Conversations With Friends
This book made me feel seen, while deeply hurting me. Turns out I kinda like the Miscommunication trope and I think it's mostly because I love it when characters feel like real people and nothing is more real than not saying what you should or saying the wrong thing.
TV Shows
1. Succession
I came to realize that what makes me love a show/book is mostly the characters. I love complicated characters that feel like real people. I love it when I can't decide whether I hate or love a character. Even my least favourite characters (Logan and Tom) were well-written and had a very satisfying storyline. I did not understand a single thing they said when talking about finance (at least I learned what a Bear Hug is...sorta) and that didn't stop me from enjoying the show and following the plot and to me that shows how entertaining it was.
2. Better Call Saul
Everyone should watch this show. This is one of the greatest corruption arcs I've ever seen on TV and Jimmy is an excellent protagonist, I love the way the writers build his character's arc and his relationship with people around him, mainly his brother but also Kim because their relationship was amazing. They were so cute and doomed by the narrative. Personally, I enjoyed every season and wasn't bored at any point. This show was done with so much love and you can feel it.
3. Totally Completely Fine
I love it when I stumble on a show because I have nothing else to watch and it turns out to be a favourite. Totally Completely Fine has everything: Humour and wit, discussing important, sensitive topics in a very appropriate manner, and an incredibly real sibling relationship. The show gives a voice and empathy to the eldest siblings, the youngest and the middle child and I'm never getting over "you took all the air."
Please watch it because I want a second season.
1. The Whale
Idk if this a controversial opinion or not but I found this film very moving. To me it's a story about healing and forgiveness being a possibilty for everyone. I really felt and cared for the main character.
2. El Camino
The Breaking Bad writers are just very good at their job. I love Jesse and I love this additional story to the universe.
3. Loving Vincent
The entire film was made by oil painting. How can I not include this? It's a beautiful film telling the story of Vincent Van Gogh's death. I encourage everyone to watch it.
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kagedbird · 6 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (??? part 3)
The large group make their way to the Temple, very obviously garnering the attention of people they pass by. Some treat it as a procession, others merely gawk. Allora curls Lucia closer to her chest nervously, rubbing her arm to self soothe. Lucia doesn't mind, clinging just as tight to her mother.
They see Martin's statue long before they reach the Temple. Its height is massive, breaking through what once was a ceiling of the building, with not a speck of moss or dust to be seen, even as they got closer. It was clear the Temple was well taken care of.
Athrodite: *stops just at the main entry wall to Martin's statue, smiling brightly* If you would please, change into your draconic form, Great One, and step before His visage to pray. I would ask everyone else to remain outside the walls while she does, but you are free to roam.
Taliesin: *taking Lucia and kissing Allora's temple* We will be right here when you are finished, Cherub.
Allora: *sighs and nods, reluctantly letting him take Lucia* Right. Thanks.
Inigo: Everything will be okay! Just warn us if you start to explode with your power or something. *gives her a hug and nuzzle*
Allora: *leans into it and returns the nuzzle* Yeah, I'll do my best.
Lucien: *takes her hand after, squeezing it* I'll keep watch for any would be assassins! You can count on me!
Allora: *kisses his knuckles softly with a smile* Always do. *blinks as Kaidan swoops in last to hug her from behind and kiss her lips softly, blushing and giggling when he pulls away* Goofball.
Kaidan: What? Everyone else is givin’ ya a parting thing. Wanted mine t'be memorable. *grins*
Allora: *rolls her eyes and gives Lucia one last cheek kiss* If anything happens, listen to your fathers, all right? No stopping for anything, no trying to save me, nothing. Am I clear?
Lucia: *frowns* Yes mama…
Allora: Good girl. *tickles her side to lighten up the situation, smiling at her peels of laughter, before nodding to Lyra and Davidicus* Wanna see a cool trick?
Davidicus + Lyra: ??
Allora: *tenses and melds into her draconic form with Mirmulnir at the helm, tail sprouting from her lower back, ears and teeth elongating, nails becoming claws and body growing scales at a rapid rate* … *gives jazz hands* Tada.
Davidicus + Lyra: *wide eyed*
Athrodite + Hilio + Elona: *immediately on their knees in reverence, bowing and uttering prayers and thanks*
Allora: *grimaces but shakes off her weariness, stepping between them towards Martin's “grave”* All right… just a simple prayer. Noooo problem… ugh…
Allora sits on her knees before the statue, looking up at the massive stone work, frowning as she thought she felt some form of thrumming energy beneath it. What was... that...?
…Oh. Oh.
He was still in there???
Allora: *grimaces, tail tapping the ground anxiously* Boy, you got a raw deal, huh? Sealed forever more in this draconic stonework to hold back Daedric Princes, but remain somewhat conscious. From what I've learned from Lucien, you didn't even really know your lineage, huh? Just to be swept up in it all and sealed in the end. Though I guess it was either that or let the world be ravaged... *huffs*
Statue: …
Allora: … *sighs* …I don't really know what I'm doing. Not just… in this, between us, but this life. I desperately just want to have a quieter life now. I have a little girl, and quite a few men I adore. I just want to be content with them for however long we have in our lives… I wonder if you felt like that too, at any point after you learned about all of this. Did you want to go back to the days before your legacy? Before everything? I don't want to go back to my world… but I do long for the days where it was just Bren and I on the farm. Of course I'd want the others with us now, in that space of quiet. But everywhere we go, it's just… always something. *squeezes her eyes, sighing* …Always something. *chuckles quietly* …I'm very tired of it.
Statue: … …
Allora: ...I know I'm not really connecting with you to pray and that I'm just talking to you. Sorry for that. I'm nervous. *flexes her hands, letting out a short breath* Okay. Here goes nothing…
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kanekoii · 8 months
NIJIGIRLS WRITER NIJIGIRLS WRITER *falls on face* requesting elira, selen, nina (and maybe scarle, koto, melo too if it isn’t too much we do not get enough of the girls in this fandom) with a crush on the reader who is just really pretty and flirty and likes to make them blush?
pairings -> elira pendora, selen tatsuki, nina kosaka, scarle yonaguni, kotoka torahime, meloco kyoran x gn! reader
genre -> headcanons, scenario
song -> answer - ateez
warnings -> alcohol mention in nina’s, not-quite relationship but also is in selen’s, mostly written in class lmao, IM SORRY I WENT SO OVERBOARD FOR SELEN'S I JUST LOVE HER SM
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she's so silly omg. of course she thinks you're adorable when you try to make her blush and she does sometimes! she's pretty hard to fluster though, sometimes she'll just blush and brush it off because she isn't just going to acknowledge it! that would be embarrassing, after all. if you do get her to acknowledge it, never let go of it and tease her over it. elira won’t ever admit it, but it makes her really happy and it’s one of her ways of expressing her love for you. she teases you and you tease her, it may not be the most traditional of shows of affection but that’s what makes it special.
oh. my. god. you think you can flirt with her and make her blush? yeah no that’s not happening. she’s just gonna turn the tables on you and you’ll be the one blushing and hiding your face. she thinks you’re beautiful, adorable, every other compliment ever really. but even more so when you’re blushing because you’re getting the tables turned on you by the dragon lady. she makes it very obvious that she has feelings for you, and just in case you’re that oblivious, she’s directly said so multiple times. you’re not necessarily dating, but she’s committed to you when you decide to take that step. she’d wait a thousand years for it, so why not make the time she waits fun by making you blush and commenting on how damn CUTE you are?
a bit of a complicated one for fox mom. when she’s sober, nina will be the one getting flustered. especially when you pet her ears or tails! she’s an absolute sucker for that. but when fox momma is drunk, she gets much more bold and will flirt with you openly. you’re plain wrong if you think she’ll ever shut up about how cute she thinks you are too. that’s drunk or sober though, she just loves talking about you. wether it be on stream or just to her friends, you always seem to be on nina’s mind. bring nina a bottle of her favorite wine and she’ll be kissing you all over your face and rambling about how much she just loves you! your flirting just goes right over her head most of the time, unfortunately.
say anything with the slightest flirty tone and she is a blushing mess. poor scarle, you’re gonna be the death of her she swears. it’s not that she doesn’t like your flirting because she absolutely does, just that she’s very shy when it comes to that. her flirty exterior washes away in your presence and she feels more comfortable to be herself around you, so she’s an absolute mess when you say anything at all with a flirty tone, sometimes you don’t even mean to make her blush! poor girl needs to get used to it, cuz she’s adorable when she blushes.
she’ll go along with it and flirt back, then be frantically texting her friends about it later because she thinks the fumbled. she probably didn’t but she’s not all that confident when it comes to flirting, so the first time she makes you blush girl is SO proud of herself. it’s like a game between the two of you, who can make the other blush first. kotoka loses 99% of the time but that’s okay she tries her best. you’re her beloved, so she cherishes that side of you. it makes her feel like she’s good enough for you despite her chaotic and loud nature. little does she know the aspects of her personality she’s most self conscious about are the things you love most about her, so don’t hesitate to tell her that!
she will go on for hours in some sort of flirting game. the rest of the student counsel will just sit and watch you flirt with your girlfriend and her shooting pick up lines right back at you for hours and hours. how either of you keep up, nobody knows but god is it fun. much like some of the others, it’s a way of showing affection that she absolutely loves. if you catch meloco off guard one time, she will make you pay for it tenfold by catching you off guard over and over and she will NOT shut up about it. ever. maybe you should kiss her to shut her up and maybe make her blush. okay scratch that second part but she’ll shut up for a while at least.
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thelearnedsoldiertoo · 5 months
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A pair of excellent headshot sketches from @lesleylycan of my two Dark Ranger girls Lyra and Nixxie!
Lyra, the one trying to remember how smiling works on the bottom, was a Kaldorei member of Alliance Special Forces raised during the Battle of Darkshore just before the Burning of Teldrassil, and has no memory of her life before the Forsaken; Nixxie, the rakish-looking redhead, was one of the original Rangers raised alongside Sylvanas during the invasion of Quel'Thalas, and has been loyal to the Forsaken and her sisters in the Dark Rangers(and their leader in the Dark Lady) since their founding.
Nixxie's vibe, for the record, is "Jolly War Criminal"; Lyra's is "The cutest most innocent and wholesome baby undead ever how the fuck is a Dark Ranger that heart-meltingly sweet"--virtually everyone who has ever interacted with her has had "must protecc", instincts triggered immediately lmfao
I love them both and I adore how they turned out!!! Tysm!!!
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landofartandcraft · 2 years
Today is the first day of december and the first day of my advent calendar : this year, i'm gonna present a favorite girl of mine each day!
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For the first day, it's Lyra Belacqua from his dark material because i adore her
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