#but Percy is a much more manageable enemy
m4gp13 · 1 year
Percybaster "Babe I swear it wasn't me" but it's Percy trying to convince a heartbroken and torn Al that he's not the one who killed Ethan on Olympus that day.
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piss-pumpkin · 5 months
Bad dreams (Percy x reader)
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Child of Hypnos reader, ~4.5k words, set ambiguously after pjo, the request was enemies to lovers so I sincerely apologize. Masterlist
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Capture the flag. It was a game of epic highs and lows, winner and losers, all to decide who wore the crown. Until next week, that is. And nobody took it more seriously than Annabeth, determined to win and keep her indestructible reputation as the best strategist around. She was in the war room, taking this very seriously, and discussing with her right hand man before the team.
Percy groaned, dramatically dropping his head on the table, half pushing off the map. “Annabeth, why?” He complained, hand waving in the air to communicate the distain that she couldn’t see in his face. 
Annabeth sighed, taking her head in her hands. “I know you don’t like them,” she started calmly, crossing the floor to Percy to pat his back gently. “But the Hypnos cabin is an asset, between all of them, we can have half the enemy team asleep,” she said, ever pragmatic.
Percy was not a fan of her reasoning, as sound as it was. Unfortunately for him, the head counsellor of the Hypnos cabin was you. And You and Percy? He didn’t even want to think about. No idea why you decided not to like him upon meeting, even less of an idea how it’s escalated as far as it has. “Wise girl, have mercy,” he whined, standing up straight again. “Putting me in a room with them is a sure fire way to lose.”
Annabeth pursed her lips. “That might be true,” she started, circling the table, eyes the pieces she set dramatically to represent each of her forces. One or two Hypnos campers per squad to weaken the enemy. “But they’re essential to the plan, just… you’ll be in different areas, if all goes well.”
Percy grumbled. Things never went well. 
As the battle drew closer, the allied cabins assembled to hear the more polished version of Annebeths plan. And of course, that meant you at the table, front and centre, your forces being an essential part of the strategy. Great. You always listened to Annabeth, even though she was always sticking up for him. And she managed to get you on the same team, even when you knew that guy you hated would be there. 
You nodded along with the details, assigning siblings you thought best for each task. You seemed a lot nicer with them. 
You conferred with your cabin, and offered another plan to Annabeth. Percy wasn’t completing focused, because when you were done, he had no idea what you’d said. Annabeth seemed to be a fan though. She nodded along, and adjusted the prices on her map while you have people notes and alternate delegations.
An order to each cabin head. All except him. He glanced around at each counsellor telling their cabin mates what they should do, and he cringed. You’d instructed everyone else. “Uh,” he started looking to you because Annabeth was busy talking to the Apollo counsellor. “Does my job change at all?” 
You pursed your lips, smiling just slightly. “No, I guess I didn’t have anything for you,” you said slyly. “But isn’t jumping in without thinking kind of your whole thing? Just roll with that, yeah?” 
Percy’s face flattened as he sighed. He needed somebody else, “Annabeth?” He asked.
She turned to him, and thought for a moment. “They might have a point,” she said curiously, much to his detest. Percy grumbled as she continued. “Using you as a wild card might be beneficial, especially because you can take large groups of them at once.”
Great. No job, and more work, somehow. And you were smiling, a bit too satisfied with yourself and his annoyance. Why was it always like this? 
There was one time when Percy was sparring with Clarisse, and they got a little too heated, and it ended up with Clarisse on Pegasus cleanup duty, and Percy teaching sword classes for a week. Definitely the lighter punishment, considering he liked the job. Chiron always went a little easy on him. But there were layers to this punishment. Primarily: you.
When Percy was approaching, he saw you, and sighed. You were there first, already talking to the younger campers, wide smile on your face and holding a weapon. Ugh. Of course he had the misfortune of fucking up the same time as you. Okay. This week was actually going to be terrible. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he said, jogging up to you and the campers. You’d just finished some sort of introduction, it was the perfect time to slide in. The youngest kid looked maybe ten, and had a dagger in her hand. She was little small for the real swords. The kids were looking up at him, faces blank or curious, and you were side eyeing him, brow raised, completely unimpressed. Yeah, he should probably do something interesting.
“Yeah, you sure were,” you laughed sarcastically, sounding just nice enough for the kids not to pick up on your distain. 
Percy grimaced. Great start. With a deep breath, he did  his best to recover, running his hands through his hair nervously. “Well, I’m here now, so,” he said, looking at the younger campers. Grinning, and ignoring your cold stare, he uncapped Riptide, and a few kids gasped. “How about we get to the fun stuff?”
He spared you a glance, catching you roll your eyes at him. This was not going to be a good week. Quite possibly the worst punishment Chiron could’ve given him. 
It’s hard to teach as a team when you can’t get along  for a second. And all the kids noticed, and did their best to egg you on. Percy was fighting for his life harder than he had on several quests, until the very last minutes of the time slot. Thank the gods it was only like, an hour. Even if it was one of the longest hours of his life.
And he wasn’t even spared when it was over.
“Of course we fucked up on the same week” you sighed, picking up a carelessly discarded sword. “Let me guess, something boring…” you started, walking idly toward the weapons rack with a handful of blades. “Like what, blowing up the bathroom again? Or sneaking out of camp for a quest?”
Hmm. Low blow. Though not completely unwarranted. “No, much cooler than that,” Percy sighed, rolling his eyes as he kicked up some dust from the arena floor. “Beating up Clarisse.”
You scoffed, “somehow I doubt that.”
And you weren’t exactly wrong. It was more of a mutual beating up, in a sort of frenemy way, Percy was the first to admit. But not to you. “Hey, you should see her,” he chided. “There’s cold hard proof.”
You bumped his shoulder on the way out of the arena, sighing. “Maybe I will, I could get some tips on kicking your ass,” you said, raising your brow. 
By the time he thought of a good-ish response, you were too far away to hear, and he was kicking himself for letting you get the last word. He glanced around the empty arena dumbly. It looked like you finished the cleanup while he just stood there, another point you had on him now. The punishment may not have been a competition, but you seemed to be winning thus far. Shit. 
And it only gets worse from there. 
He managed to come early the second day, a full fifteen minutes to get warmed up, and think about what could be good to teach the newbies. And he had the arena all to himself to slash dummies in the exact way he’d instruct them to do later. 
“Clarisse told me Chiron intervening is all that saved you from getting sent to the infirmary,” you said.
Percy jumped, Riptide nearly falling out of his hand. When the fuck did you get here? He hadn’t heard you at all. Sneaky bitch. He turned to face you when he recovered from his shock, “yeah, well, she couldn’t admit she lost a fight if there was a gun to her head.”
You didn’t look sold. You raised your brow, “could you?”
He pursed his lips. He wanted to say something like, yes, duh! But quickly realized it might be a lie. To most people he could, but admitting defeat to you felt much worse. Like it would confirm all your doubts or apprehensions about him, or whatever your grudge was. He decided a little lie wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. “I could,” he said casually, slashing a combat dummies head. 
He didn’t see your face as you hummed lowly with disapproval. Probably for the better. 
Or so he thought, because as you were walking towards the dummy beside his, he started to feel drowsy. His slashes got slower as his arms felt heavier, like they were weighing him down. He looked at you, and immediately wanted to lie down and pass out. Ugh.  Your subtle smirk told him you knew exactly what you were doing. And it only escalated when the kids started to arrive. 
You started the lesson off assertively. While he was struggling to blink with his heavy eyelids. “If you have any cool demigod abilities, you should totally use them literally whenever you can,” you said, pointing your weapon enthusiastically at the campers. 
Percy couldn’t help but watch in slight awe as you engrossed them all. You narrowed in on a son of Apollo,  your blade staring him down as you told him he should get comfortable using healing abilities in a fight. You seemed to have a suggestion for everyone; the daughter of Hectate should use the mist, a Demeter kid should try and use vines, your Hypnos brother should use… sleep powers. Percy knew about those all too well. 
Percy had to admit he was jealous of the way they seemed excited about your ideas. Did they really like you more than him? It wasn’t that he felt bad not being liked, he was plenty used to that in all the schools he went to. It was more that it was you. The way you showed a nicer side to seemingly everyone but him. His body still felt like it was made of lead. 
You had some blind spots though. Not everyone had powers, Percy guessed, watching a couple Athena kids rolling their eyes or looking at the ground. “I hate to interject,” Percy started, stealing your and the kids attention again. “But this is weapons training, there are other classes for using abilities.” Plus, maybe you’d stop using yours if they got back on focus. 
”Hey, I’m teaching them how to fight better, isn’t that the goal?” You shot back. You seemed to catch the way his eyes were lingering on the kids without abilities. “Even if you don’t have any specific powers,” you said, turning back to the campers, “if we start using them, you’ll learn how to counter them, and kick our asses better.”
Percy sighed. You seemed pretty stuck on this. He tiredly uncapped Riptide, and pointed at it. “Weapons class, Y/n. Let’s focus on using weapons,” he said. 
You shifted your lips around, maybe chewing on them, and then seemed to have a thought. Unfortunately. You smiled at the kids, “yeah, well, Percy doesn’t always use his abilities to the fullest when he fights,” you said. “Maybe don’t take his lead too much.”
Ugh. “Well, it’s not always as easy as some people make it look,” he said, gesturing at you. “Not everyone has powers, and some people get drained easily by theirs. For me, I can’t always rely on there being water around me.”
You crossed your arms, raising your brow, and actually looked at him this time. “You know what people are made of, right?”
The kids were listening intently, some snickering and smirking to themselves. A couple seemed annoyed that the training was paused just so the teachers could bitch at each other. Percy sighed, “yeah, no, I don’t want to do that. I think that was an episode of Avatar: the last airbender.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Well you might win more fights if you did,” you said snidely. Your eyes lowered a moment as you lowered your voice with a bitter tone, “I hate the idea of you going easy on me.” 
Before Percy could respond with a retort of his own, you’d dropped the mean act and completely focused on the kids, upbeat and happy. You clapped your hands together, and shot them a wide smile, “how about a demonstration, guys?” 
Aw shit. The kids lit up, nodding along as you continued. “How about me and Percy have a little match, and we see who wins, yeah?” You said, grinning at him. Ugh. It wasn’t a secret that people said he was the best swordsman at camp, but you were a head counsellor too. And even if he could stab you, he probably shouldn’t in front of the kids anyway. 
He had started to tune you out, but got snapped back to reality when he heard his name. “Percy, are you down?” You asked with faux sweetness. Ugh. Percy sucked a breath in through his teeth, and sighed. “Uh-Sure,” he said cautiously. 
You grinned, and the kids stepped back and whispered to each other. Yeah, they definitely picked up on your rivalry. They waited restlessly, probably excited to see the climax of your mutual dislike. Like the fight was inevitable. He uncapped Riptide with a sigh, and raised the blade as you shooed the kids to step further back. He took a fighting stance, raising his blade at the ready. Just great. Your aura of tiredness or whatever was affecting him seemed to get worse. Yeah, he might be fucked without water. 
You smirked, twirling a weapon of your own between your fingers and glancing at your audience happily, chest puffed out in self satisfaction. “Do you want to count us down?” you asked the kids, grinning. 
They nodded along, three, and Percy sighed, eying the water bottle he had off to the side. If he could get it then maybe... whatever. Maybe if he beat you, you’d lay off. Two. Or, if you won, you could get ten times worse. One. There was no good outcome. And it’s not like either of you could maim each other with the kids watching. 
Ugh. Still weighed down by an impossible spell of drowsiness, Percy started to lunge forward, sword ready to slash in an arc above his head. But then he looked at you. And you looked at him. And you were shooting him a finger gun, and Percy was out cold, without enough time to grumble or complain about it. Well shit. 
Like most times he slept, he was dreaming. Nightmares, specifically. At least he felt no godly presence, or anything sinister. Today, it was Annabeth and Grover dead on the floor, with Kronos in Luke’s body glaring at him from the sidelines. And then it was just Luke, looking at him sadly, approaching him, and then asking why he let his sister die. Percy didn’t have an answer. 
Nightmare Luke wasn’t a fan of that. Suddenly he was turning back into Kronos and raising Backbiter, and Percy was completely unable to move, paralyzed by fear, sadness, and bitter anger. Great. Just great. 
But Luke didn’t swing. He stopped, eyes cloudy and blank, and the bodies faded away. Was his subconscious being nice today? Luke stepped back, and his sword has vanished, and the scene was fading fast. 
Percy was awake. He grumbled, not wanting to open his eyes. His head was in the dirt, body completely weighed down by his own exhaustion. The arena floor wasn’t the worst place he could’ve fallen, at least. He grumbled, sat up, and rubbed his eyes until they opened.
You were still there, Percy’s eyes flew open, shaking any lingering tiredness. He scooted back just slightly. You were sitting beside him, head rested in hands and lips pursed. “Uhh,” he stuttered, scooting back further. “You’re uh, still hanging out here?” A quick glance showed the kids were gone, and the lesson had been over for a while. 
”You have some of the worst nightmares I’ve seen, dude,” you said simply, shifting your head from hands to hand. “I’m… sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t mean to snoop.”
Percys brow furrowed. What? You looked apprehensive, but your words didn’t seem malicious in the slightest. He stopped scooting back, but he held his arm up defensively between you, unsure why. You didn’t have a weapon. “It’s… fine. Was it you that… ended it?” He asked tentatively.
You nodded. “It didn’t seem fun,” you said quietly. You looked away, hiding your face in a palm, “Sorry for putting you in there, I guess,” you said. “I’ll try to avoid sleeping you, if you want.”
Percy looked at you quizzically, jaw hung slightly open, more than confused. You were being nice. That’s crazy. He wasn’t sure how to act. Every word he said was laced with hesitation and the slightest bit of a stutter. “Thanks, I guess,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. “Appreciate it.”
You nodded, and a slightly sealed silence fell over the woods as you refused to look at him. But you didn’t stand up to leave yet either. 
“Hey, Y/n, can I ask,” he started, sitting up straighter and crossing his legs. “Usually you hate me…” he said, almost wincing. “Do you… not, today?”
That got your attention, and your eyes were burning through him. Your brow furrowed, and softened, your mouth opened and then closed, you looked away, then back at him, and then sighed. “I don’t hate you, Percy,” you admitted, sounding abjectly defeated. 
That got an involuntary “huh?” Out of him. You totally hated him. That was just a fact. 
You sighed, and shook your head, turning back away from him. You tone was far lighter this time, “no, I don’t hate you, I just- I don’t know,” you said.
”Then why-“ Percy started dumbly, but quickly trailed off, unsure how to make his question less rude. There didn’t seem to be an obvious answer. “Why are you like this,” he asked, cringing at his own callousness.
You snickered, looking at him with a slight and awkward smile. You shrugged, and looked back at the woods. Percy didn’t speak, he barely breathed, waiting for any sort of a signal from you. Somehow, it worked. You sighed , and stretched your legs in front of you and said, “I don’t know.” You paused, probably thinking. “It just comes naturally, I guess.”
Percy hummed. 
“That came out mean, didn’t it,” you laughed softly. 
“Like most things you say,” he laughed, but quickly trailed off. “Sorry.”
You smiled hesitantly, looking over at him with softer eyes than he usually sees on you. “No, that was deserved,” you said.
Percy smiled, and then raised his brow, surprising himself. That didn’t happen when he talked to you, this was fresh territory. Before he could respond, you were standing, and for the first time, offering him a hand up. And for the first time, he took it. 
You pulled him to his feet, but didn’t look at him, curtly turning your head away as he stood in front of you. Percy couldn’t help but snicker under his breath. You seemed intent on staring at a tree.
”Hey,” Percy started, brushing his hair out of his face. “Do you wanna go get on the same page about what we’re teaching them tomorrow so we don’t have a repeat of today?” He asked. He got a little scared when you finally looked at him, but you didn’t seem angry. And if anybody knew your angry face it was him. “We’ll probably be better teachers if we actually work together on it.”
You hesitated, raising your brow. “Uh, really?” You stuttered, crossing your arms and shrinking into yourself. 
Percy sighed. He was doing this, he’d committed now. For better or worse. “Yeah,” he nodded, with a friendly smile. “Why not? Let’s go get lunch or something.”
Percy wasn’t sure how well his olive branch was working. Your lips were pursed and arms still crossed, but.. the ever so familiar scowl you often showed him was absent from your lips. That could be good. You looked at the ground, then back to him, “yeah, okay.”
And here he was braced for rejection and an insult. Small victories. Percy grinned, nodding his head in the general direction of the dining pavilion, “then let’s go.” 
You nodded, and walked quietly beside him as he started for the path. Okay, a little awkward silence was nothing, that was still a win. Miles better than where he was this morning. Or even like, an hour ago. So Percy was inclined to try and bridge the gap. “The kids are gonna be really surprised when we actually work together, tomorrow,” he laughed. Careful words, when, not if.
He caught in his peripheral the tug of your lips upward into the slightest of smiles. “They’ll never see it coming,” you said. Maybe like a joke. Wow, was this actually working? You let out a small laugh, “neither did I.”
Percy but the inside of his cheek to suppress a smile. That made two of you, because this was the last thing Percy expected too. “Yeah,” he started. “Not bad though.”
For the first time in a good minute, you met his eyes, and his attention was drawn. You didn’t normally look at him like that. It was a… nice change pace. You sighed, “No, not the worst.” You swished your cheeks around a moment as you paused, but didn’t say more. And Percy would be lying to himself if he tried thinking he wasn’t a little disappointed. It almost looked like you were gonna say something nice. Well, maybe not the worst was nice enough. For you, at least.
”Percy, I’m really sorry about those nightmares,” you said finally, looking at the ground. 
Ah. That. Percy didn’t tell all that many people about his shit dreams. It was kind of a given that most people at camp got them, in some capacity at least. But he did his best to project a lighthearted image, especially when he was with the younger campers. “Oh,” he said dumbly. 
“If you want, I can help with those,” you offered quietly. 
Now that caught Percy’s attention. He raised his brow, “You can do that?” And he didn’t ask his other question: you would do that? Like, for him? 
You looked up at him, then back to the ground as the two of you approached the dining pavilion. “Yeah, Hypnos stuff,” you mumbled. “I do it for some other people too.”
Oh gods, you felt bad for him. That was a weird thought. “Oh- you don’t have to do that,” he started, suddenly far more embarrassed. So that’s why you were being nice. Suddenly it didn’t feel as good as before.
You looked up at him with wider eyes now, and bit the inside of your cheek. “Well, if you ever change your mind.”
Something about your pity didn’t sit right with him, even if was glad you didn’t look like you wanted to bite his head off. This look, the feeling sorry for him face, was somehow worse. “I won’t,” he snapped, sounding meaner than he meant. Or maybe he did mean it, in his bitterness he couldn’t tell. “You don’t need to pretend to like me now that you feel bad.”
You brow furrowed, and that pity look was gone in an instant. “Hey asshole, I was just offering to help,” you spat. Now this was more familiar. You crossed your arms at your chest as you walked. “Thought about being nice for once.”
”Yeah, for once,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Because now you feel bad.”
”Oh shut up,” you said, shaking your head with a glare. You stopped just short of the pavilion. “You aren’t special because you get nightmares, idiot, half the camp does,” you said, stepping closer to him. He was inclined to back away. “I’ve seen worse.”
Percy took another step back. There was a few stray campers sitting in the pavilion watching curiously, now. 
“But sure, go ahead,” you said, hands animating with your words. He flinched a moment as you halfway gripped the air. “Keep having your shit dreams, I don’t care.”
“Then why did you offer,” he spat back.
You looked at him like he was an idiot, shaking your head. “Because nightmares suck, nobody deserves that shit,” you said, like it was obvious. “Not even a stuck up asshole who thinks he’s better then everyone.”
What? Percy stood dumbly for a moment while your sharp glare subsided into a duller scowl. Did he really come off like that? “I’m not-“ he started, but quickly gave up. As much as he wanted to insult you back, half the things you said were genuinely pretty nice. You were right, nobody deserved that.
You scoffed, “sure you’re not,” you said bitterly. 
The two do you stood silently for a moment. And a few moments more. The couple of campers watching awkwardly tried to go back to eating. The lunch plans the two of you made seemed so far in the past now. Same with the idea of getting in the same page.
Percy spoke first. “I don’t- I don’t think like that,” he said lamely.
”No, you’re just the hero of Olympus, who goes on all the quests, who the gods tried to give immortality too,” you said. But the malice was gone. “You’re the reason I even have a cabin here,” you said quietly. 
Percy winced. How do you explain to somebody that going on all those quests… wasn’t always great. It stopped being amazing when more lives were at risk, the stakes got higher, people died. A lot of the time all the glory kind of sucked. “Well it’s… not all it’s cracked up to be,” Percy managed. “I mean, you saw the aftermath.”
”Yeah,” you said, looking at the ground. “That’s why I thought.. you might not be how I thought.” You looked up, expression made of stone. “But at least you’re… I don’t know,” you trailed off, “I think I’d still rather be somebody, even if it sucks.”
Percy half heartedly laughed through his nose, “Usually I feel the opposite, it would’ve been easier to be a kid of some minor god.”
”Grass is always greener, I guess,” you sighed. 
“You are somebody, though,” Percy said, realizing he should probably address that. The idea that you were insecure seemed so alien. The way you insulted him always seemed so confident. “You don’t need a ton of quests or fights to prove that.”
You rolled your eyes, a weak smile was forming on your lips, “well, that’s easy for you to say. I’m only here, and claimed, and in a cabin because you made the gods pay their child support.”
Percy smiled softly, gesturing his head to the tables at the pavilion. He started to walk as he spoke, “that’s the gods, that’s their problem,” he said, grabbing a plate to fill with the magic food with you behind him. “You’re more then the gods approval.”
He had to look back to see if you were still there, the way you went quiet. You grabbed a plate, and followed him to a table, all with that stone faced look. Not pity or malice, this time. When you sat down beside him, you finally cracked. “Thanks,” you managed, staring ruefully at your food. 
“It’s true,” Percy said. 
You looked up at him, a slight smile on your lips this time. “Thanks,” you said, more confidently. 
“Are you still up for helping me with the nightmares?”
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This request haunted me for like over a month cuz I couldn’t get anything out of it for a while. I wasn’t gonna post here but I ended up happier with it then I thought tho. Can you tell I never write enemies to lovers? I usually hate that trope lmao. Anyway part 2 coming maybe.
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alexwritingspot · 11 months
okk um instead could you do a percy x fem!reader with prompt 1?? And could you do it so its kinda like they are already in an established relationship and throughout the week he realises that slowly his gf has been a bit more distant and nearly getting hurt in training from being so out of it, and them whilst theyre just hanging out in his cabin he asks her whats wrong n yadyada 😍😍
Sorry if that didnt really make sense but thankyouuuu❤❤
Are you alright?
Your boyfriend gets worried about you after seeing you stress out so much
Prompt 1: “hey, c’mere sit down, tell me what’s going on”
Pairing: Percy Jackson x fem!reader
words count: 1.4k
warnings: slightly mention of injury
A/n: Thank you for requesting! I would like to apologise with all the people who are waiting a fic, but lately I’ve been REALLY busy with school, and writing became impossible. 😓🧡 In these days I’ll try harder to publish as many requests as possible, thank you so much for understanding! 🧡
You were on the right front of the river. Dressed up for catch the flag you were ready to give your best. To your misfortune though, your boyfriend, Percy Jackson, had ended up in the other team. Of course, being part of the g/p’s cabin also meant ending up in the red team all the times. But you sticked with that because you couldn’t do much else.
The game started, you had a defensive role in your squad, and you were okay with it. Armour on and senses awake you examined your surroundings in search of any possible ‘enemy’ in the near area. You could hear the sound of words sparring in the distance, and that only alerted you more, they were becoming clearer by the seconds. You took out your weapon, ready to fight. The river was behind you, so it was unlikely someone would try an attack from there. Other than that you were surrounded by trees and vegetation.
A noise coming from a near bush caught your attention, you were ready to defend yourself, and eventually your flag.
But then… a sharp pain had hit your dominant arm, and you let out a groan of pain, finding yourself with a much younger camper of the blue team.
You didn’t loose another moment, you tried to move quickly, to dodge his attacks and try to get him to drop his sword, but it was useless. In the end you had found yourself, butt in the water, and the other camper having surpassed the spot where just a few moments before you both were sparring.
You didn’t even pick up your sword again, you stood there in the water, dumbfounded. How did a younger camper managed to beat you so easily?! You couldn’t believe it. Slowly you pulled yourself out of the water when you heard the horn that indicated the end of the game, your team had lost.
You made your way back to where all the other campers were supposed to reunite at the end of the game. The blue team was cheering and laughing, all of the half-bloods obviously happy of having won the game. Between them stood Percy, still happy, but less thrilled than the others, it wasn’t his first victory, so he didn’t party like the others.
It was then that he noticed you as you walked away to your cabin, quick to avoid his gaze, and when he tried to approach you, you had skillfully managed to avoid him. Saying that he was confused would have been an understatement. Why did you avoid him? And why your back was wet with water? Was that a cut the one he saw on your arm?
The next morning you presented to breakfast in a way more tired demeanour, dark bags under your eyes and sloppy movements. You didn’t even sit at the Poseidon table, which was the standard. Your arm was covered by a short bandage that cover your cut to avoid possible infections.
And then Percy sat by at your table, ignoring the glares your brothers and sisters were giving him “hey” He tried to start a conversation with you “mornin’ ” you simply said, answering back in a dry way, something didn’t feel right.
“Do you want to sit to my table?” He asked again, a slight frown on his face, green eyes holding a spark of worry. You replied dryly again “If you want” and then the two of you got up and sat at the Poseidon table. Percy attempted to make small conversations, but none of it were working, so he decided to try a different approach
“You good?” He asked, and while he was searching for the truth in your eyes you looked for at your food “yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He sighed “look at me” you were focused on your food “y/n please. Look at me?” You didn’t move your head fully, you just glanced up “I told you, I’m fine” you then stood up and walked away, leaving your plate on the table, your food almost untouched.
the rest of the week went by in a similar way, you acting off of it, and Percy worrying over you more, every day that passed. He found you in the training area, exercising with a mannequin “You need a sparring partner?” He tried, expecting once again a negative response.
Instead you hesitantly looked up and nodded your head “I… yeah, actually yes, it would be helpful” and with that you two started sparring. Percy took a mental note of how much your stance was uncoordinated, which was strange, cause you usually fought very well.
Your feet moved fast, you had only a thought in your mind
I need to win.
you usually weren’t like this, you didn’t care too much if you won or not when you sparred with your boyfriend, but this time it was different. You had to prove yourself that you knew how to fight, how to spare and how to handle a weapon.
It was that taught that distracted you and almost got Riptide stabbed in your stomach. Luckily you had been fast enough to move, and even if you fell to the ground you had avoided the hit of the celestial bronze blade.
Percy let go of his sword immediately and rushes to your side “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” But you didn’t even hear him, your mind was elsewhere.
you had lost. Again.
And even if you knew that Percy was great with his sword you couldn’t help but- “Y/n!” Percy had you sat to the ground when you came back to reality. He was holding your face and it was crystal clear the distress on his face. “Yeah, yeah sorry, I’m fine, you didn’t hit me”
He insisted to take you to his cabin to actually check he didn’t hurt you, and even if you were hesitant if you should follow him or not, in the end you both ended up in his cabin.
“Are you sure, but like 100% sure that you’re fine? Because these days you are way more absent and you’re spending all your time sparring.” Before you could reply he continued “And honestly, your movements were so uncoordinated before that…” you didn’t hear the rest.
your movements were uncoordinated
that was enough to stop your whole body to move, even breath. Percy noticed. Of course he did. He also tried to get you back to the real world by putting a caring hand over your shoulder. “Hey, c’mere, sit down, tell me what’s going on” and you did. You sat down by your boyfriend’s side and told him about the younger boy that had beat you so easily.
“I can’t even fight! He was like 10 Percy! If I cannot keep up with a 10-years-old then how will I be able to fight monsters? How will I be able to handle quests?” Now there were tears streaming down your cheeks. So that was what you were worried about. Percy pulled you into his arms “shh, please don’t cry, you’re good with fighting, I can assure you” but you didn’t believe him, you just sinked deeper in his chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“Please darling don’t cry, I have proof you’re a good fighter yeah?” He rubbed your back, trying to sooth you, he had no intention to go away until these insecurities of yours would have been solved. “Remember about a month ago, when you made me drop Riptide only 2 minutes into the sparring session?” He began, you weakly nodded your head, hugging him close
“And do you remember about two weeks ago when the mechanical taurus of the Hephaestus cabin who broke, and you stopped them from destroying the dining pavilion?” You looked up at him, still tight in his embrace “but-“ he cut you off “no buts, you are great, you have great skills and you have to believe in them and in yourself, trust me when I say this.”
His words sinked in. He was right, you had amazing skills and you couldn’t let the first person to win over you let you down like that. “I love you Percy” you whispered
“I love you too, with all my heart” he answered, and the two of you fell asleep like that, in each others arms…
A/n: hope this was what you were searching for babe! Thank you for requesting 🧡
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cynthiav06 · 7 months
Percy is a strategical genius, and this hasn't been said enough. I don't get why the Fandom collectively thinks Percy is dumb or not smart. Even Annabeth sometimes treats him as such.
Reyna, Piper, Annabeth, and everyone needs to hear this:
The truth is Percy is a far better strategist than Annabeth because Annabeth can't think quickly on her feet at all. She can weave the most ingenious of plans but only when given time and enough information, only when she is looking at the bigger picture.
She does, however, have an almost encompassing knowledge of most things, but information is just information unless you apply it.
No one and I mean no one is better than Percy at thinking on his feet.
Mostly almost always Percy seems to be unaware of who his enemies are and yet still manages to go up against them and eventually win while Annabeth is at times left reeling.
Who figured out Ares's scheme? Percy
Who figured out Luke's motives? Percy
Who tricked Crusty? Percy
Who figured out the use for Hermes's gift? Percy
Who came up with a way to show Luke's betrayal to the camp? Percy
Who helps trick Atlas? Percy
Who makes up the entire battle plan in the Battle of Manhattan? Percy
Percy tricks Phineas by goading Gaea. He could only do that if he himself understood how Gaea's mind worked.
He singlehandedly subdued Chrysaur (Yes, Frank helped, but only because Percy came up with it)
There's so many instances of Percy being far more strategic than Annabeth herself.
Not only this but Percy is extremely and terrifyingly perceptive and just a damn genius at getting people to give up secrets.
Athena is the personification of cold hard logic and facts hence Annabeth follows and so she isn't nearly good enough at reading people's intentions or body language.
Yes, Annabeth can be quick on her feet, but it's not very natural to her as it is to Percy because Annabeth believes in pre-planning, but Percy understands and embodies adaptation.
It's a flaw of many of Athena's children. The problem is Athena is a God with the mind of one, nothing stumps her so at any given moment she can and will always have the best plan because her mind is much more rapid than the surrounding circumstances.
Her children, however, are mortal and hence always vulnerable to surprises.
It's the reason why Athena favors Odysseus the most, over everyone. He was quick on his feet, along with being a great planner. He was a strategic genius, and my headcanon is that part of the reason Athena hates Percy is because her greatest enemy's son reminds her of her most favored person.
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
A Love Watered By Blood
Part one.
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Enemies to lovers- Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader.
-£ Plot: No matter how much the two tried peace was never a option. Always insults, and never compliments. it was the middle of the school year, and a new adventure started. Could they be civil when the time comes. Or will the war between them get in the way.
-£words: 3k words.
-£Previous // Next (coming soon)
-£Warning: Fighting, Cursing, Blood, Death, Seeing horrible things, Angsty, happy ending, slow updates, New god, Percy being rude, enemies to lovers, New plot, Slight slow burn
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“So,” the trio looked at the restaurant that glowed yellow, a old dinner style with big windows. it screamed 80s movie scene. they could smell the freshly made food coming from inside the diner, making their mouths water.
“This is the best day of my life.” Percy smirked as he looked into the window for the girl they had been searching for. the two beside him just looked at each other with a knowing look, that this was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Percy,” Grover spoke and leaned his arm on his shorter friend, “don’t be rude. we need her to come along with us and we can’t stand you both fighting this whole trip.” annabeth nodded along and rubbed her forehead thinking of how the two argued often at every chance they got.
Percy looked between the two of his friends and rolled his eyes, “I’m not mean. She’s just rude and I have to defend myself, come on.” He pointed to the dinner, “How can she of all people be a waitress? She has the shortest temper.” they ignored him and walked passed him and into the diner. he let out a groan and followed behind them but his smirk returned quickly.
once they sat at a booth they waited for you to come out or see you. your mother said you were working here tonight. another girl was across from them on the other side helping a elderly couple. “she’s probably in the back.” Grover looked at the kitchen door waiting for you to pop out. annabeth looked at the menu to pass the time, plus she was hungry.
things were quite for a few minutes, them sometimes glancingaround. they couldn’t be patient even if their lives depended on it. Grover was getting hunger by the second that he could almost eat the counter underneath his hands. anything really.
they heard shouting from the kitchen and then the door swing open, a girl stepped out with a old waitress style outfit and her hair pushed out of her face. the group looked and found the girl they had come to see.
percy smirked and got too proud of himself when he spotted you, knowing you would hate him being here. when you looked over to see them your face dropped and your body froze for a minute, then you rolled your eyes and got out your notebook and marched towards them.
they see you throw on the fakest smile and suck your teeth before speaking, “Welcome to The Country Diner, what can I get started for you today?” the fake preppy voice made their ears scratch. you hated how he was looking at you. that same wide smile made you want to grab his neck and wait till he stops breathing.
“Oh, look at that! Our waitress is here,” percy cleared his voice and grabbed his menu, “I really just love that outfit, don’t you guys?” the two glared at him. annabeth kicked him under the table and gave him a warning look.
of course, percy didn’t judge against waitress because his mother was once on. but he knew that you’d never wanted to be caught wearing the outfit.
“y/n, it’s so good to see you.” You look at the satyr you’ve known for a long time. his hair grown longer and bushier, and his face more grown and facial hair started to grow. “hello Grover.” that was genuine. You nodded to annebeth before looking down at the notepad.
“Tell me what you want.”
“We want you to come along with us on a new quest.” she saw your eyes perk up and take a minute to register. huffing you look around you, the other girl who worked with was now out of sight and no manager around.
“And, why me? There is already three of you.” you raised a brow. the three looked at each other wondering who was going to tell you. grover shifted in his seat and slapped his hands on his legs.
“We need you on this quest,” you look at him with your head titled.
“Look, I can’t really take any quests at the moment. I have this test that effects half of my grade, I have money to make-” your voice was cutter off by the satyr. “It’s about your father!” His voice loud and made the couple on the other side turn their heads at the shouting.
shifting your weight you sit on the empty spot in the booth, and unfortunately it was next to Percy but you didn’t care at the moment. “my father would have said something.”
“he wasn’t allowed. you know how he is, I mean you must have felt something?” your eyes found the table as your thoughts brought up the memories of the past few days. your dreams were more vague and darker then normal, each night you saw at least three different people in hard problem. and each night you woke up drench in sweat and tears. you saw everything from their eyes.
he looked at you and at how you were deep in thought, making his theory correct. “what have you been seeing?” You shifted uncomfortably in the booth. looking to the side you check for any of the workers in case. sighing you open up,
“it’s been getting worse, I have at least five a night.” annabeth and grover nod while percy looks confused at what you are saying, he never listened to you or asked.
“then you know somethings wrong,” he leaned forward and placed his hands on the table. “The Episkopos has been stolen.”
they watch you freeze again and your eyes start to glare, mind running. “when?” You ask. Annabeth perked up and took over the conversation from Grover.
“A week ago.” You nod your head and place your hand on the edge of the table and slide out from the table. Percy’s eyes glares in confusion, “Where are you going?” looking back at him you give him a death stare.
“You think I want to go on a quest in this outfit? Or without anything?” Crossing your eyes. “Not all of us want to look like they put no effort in.”
“Clearly, I mean look at you.” he snapped back.
Grover sat up quietly and took you by the shoulders before you had the chance tackle him. And you have before. Pulling you to the side he hears you mumbling angrily and fight back against his hold. Once he gets to the end of the counter Grover lets you go and carefully, but ready to hold you if he needs to again.
“We need to leave soon. You know how powerful your fathers mirror is, I’m afraid of what someone might do with it.” The look in his eyes brought you back to reality. you hum and relax you tensed body. “If they are smart enough to use it.” You shrug at the thought of the thief. you pat his shoulder and give him a small smile before walking away to the kitchen door and wondering how in the hell you’re going to get out of working.
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“So remind me, what exactly do you “see” when you sleep?” percys asks out loud as his fingers trace the posters on the wall. “you being wiped from experience.” the girl smirks as she places some clothes in a book bag. the boy laughed sarcastically and looks back at her.
“That’s funny, I’d like to say the same thing but you don’t even exist in mine.”
their friends sit on the bed watching the two throw insults knowing that this was what the whole trip would be like. “Can we just stop fighting? You two are so annoying.” annabeth looks at a magazine in her hands bored. “It would save a lot of time.” The satyr agrees with his friend.
“She started it this time.” Percy pointed his finger and then turn his head back around to snoop around your things.
“If you must know, beach boy, I’ve been seeing many things. Oh yes, like death of loved ones, some receiving horrible news, or maybe you want to hear of how I watch someone take their final breaths from their own eyes?” the girl faked beaming with happiness as she put on a happy face. maybe that was mean but he was asking for it. she didn’t want to talk about the things she was cursed in seeing.
the boy turned fully with all the sarcasm and sass leaving his body as he leaned against the dresser. “sorry.” the girl replied with a huffed and continued to stuff her bag full of stuff. a few bills she had been saving under her mattress and anything she thought she’d need.
now Percy hated her to the ends of the earth. everything about her made him annoyed. her breathing. the way she’d tease him. how she looked. how her voice sounded. no one hated her more then him. but seeing all that- he’d never wish that on her or anyone, not even the worst monster.
the room around them looks like a slight punk. posters of bands all over the walls, a few messy clothes laying around and jewelry spread around. a big mirror hung above the dresser with pictures stuck to it, mostly taken in camp.
“okay, after that lovely piece of information we should talk about what we should do.” Grover clapped his hands together once more and looked at each of them.
“The oracle says to go to the temple of the unknown,” Percy steps closer and looked at y/n. “Do you know?”
“It’s called the temple of the unknown for a reason.” She taunted him again and zipped up the bag.
“Well, as his daughter I thought you would know.” He stepped closer to her direction.
“Do you know everything about your dad?” she asked and waits for a moment. he goes to answer but he stops himself because he didn’t. “Exactly.”
the boy when to fight with her but he only made noises and then backed off with his hands flying in the air. he couldn’t do this, she was too much. y/n smiled softly in victory and threw the black bag over her shoulders, “I think I might know something but I’m not for sure..”
the three are now looking at her, “Even when I’m dreaming I knew exactly where I am. The last place I saw was a park in Minnesota, but every place i saw was almost like a road map. I think we should follow it.”
they look at each other to conform. they nod and stay up, “at least we have a plan.”
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and it was a really shitty plan.
you stayed in that small town because of the waste of mortals. or in the diner that smelled of food that over powered your scent. now three demi gods and a satyr traveled together, a death wish just waiting to happen.
being a demigod always makes things so much harder.
The group didn’t even make it half way across the state without being attacked by a monster. and usually you could handle it but you had walked into a town filled with them. a nest of some sort.
you had to relay on fleeing and try not to get seen, and for annabeth it was easy. however, you and Percy found it hard when he kept bumping into you. you whispered at him to stop a little too loud, and he glared and whispered(yell) back. and they could only tell you both to stop a few times because you both could you guys caught.
“What is your problem?” Percy yelled at you after you guys finally got away, having to fight some monster and all of you getting a few scratches.and bruises. “Me? What about you. How clumsy can you be to run into me ten times? is your scull just filled with water?” You flicked his head and he hissed in slight pain.
“because you kept stopping for no reason, I had no choice. it was your fault we got caught.” his fingers pointed at you.
“Me? you are the one who squealed when you stumbled back, that was one hundred percent your fault.”
his mouth handing open as his eyes went up and his face turned angrily amused. “sometimes I can’t believe how stupid you sound sometimes. do tell, who trip and made us almost get eaten?”
you had been running away and your foot bent slightly and causing you to slipped, you put your hands out to try and stop yourself. percy was the closest one to you so he helped you up and made sure to get you in front of him in case that happened again. no matter how much he wanted to leave you. he wasn’t that kind of person.
“okay, really? it wasn’t my fault the ground was slippery. we would have more time if you hadn’t-” the yelling of the two drowned out to Grover as he covers his ears and blocked them out.
can’t they just say quite for a day?
“It’s both your faults! both of you did things wrong, and your yelling isn’t helping.” the boy shouted and pulled them both apart.
“please, just shut up! If you don’t have anything nice to say then not speak.” the two looked at him surprised. he didn’t usually do this but only when he got really angry or annoyed.
y/n looked away and kicked a rock on the ground, “sorry.” She mumbled quietly. percy did the same thing, “whatever.” he walked away from them both to cool himself off. he didn’t understand how she could always mess up and get under his skin, it’s like she was made just to annoy him.
after that the group barely spoke to each other. they traveled for a few hours until sundown and looked for a place to stay. luckily, they found a old house that was newly abandoned. when they set up the sleeping area y/n walked out, saying she would keep a eye out for any monsters. they all could see how shut off she was being and how clearly upset she was. and in this situation it was easy to let her be.
Annebeth was curled in the corner with her hands clinging to her dagger. Grover was spread out with his arm spread across his face slightly snoring.
percy tried to sleep.
he toasted and turned but there was something plaguing his mind that kept him awake. how you clung to his arm when he pulled you up. you looked so afraid as the monster nipped at your feet almost getting you, that you had no choice but to ask for help. he’s ever seen you so scared and for some reason, all he could see was the fear in your face when he blinked.
“don’t be a idiot, I’d never ask you for help.” he could hear the words ring in his head if he told you.
pushing the shirt thrown over him to the side he carefully stood up without waking the other two. he walked out the room and went to search for you. if he wasn’t going to get any sleep he might as well help with the lookout.
he found you sitting on the steps with your head leaned against the railing. humming a soft tune to yourself and for a second, he felt peaceful. but he remembered that it was you. cleaning his throat to make his presence know and walked across the porch boards.
turning your head you looked at him. it was a soft look of hate and not the full glare he was expecting. “what do you want?” He sat down on the same step away from you but as far as he could. almost afraid you’d bite him.
“couldn’t sleep.”
you hum in response and slight nod your head. you continued to look at the street and around the place in case something was to sneak up on you. a breath leaves your lungs and you lean back on your hands, pushing yourself back against the stairs above you. you throw you head back up and close your eyes to relax for just a minute.
“you know,” you began as his ears perked up. “I have no clue where the hell we are going.” You admitted with little confidence in yourself.
“it could just all be a trick and I’m leading us down the wrong path. but each time I feel-” you cut yourself off before you go to deep.
percy looked at you with your eyes closed. this was a actual conversation. no insults. he didn’t even feel angry as he stood next to you. for the first time it was a comfortable understanding.
“i know how you feel. when I search for the lighting bolt I knew exactly where I was in my dreams dispute never going to those places.”
he watched your eyes open again and look into his. “sometimes we are shown things. i trust you, for this quest at least. you’re the only one who could help us get there now.” you face grows and small smirk and your eyebrows raise.
tilting your head and sit up slight, “that almost sounds like a compliment.” you teased him. he rolled his eyes playfully and looked away from you, “never in a million years.” he chucked. you looked at him for a second longer then you normally do. this was the first time you saw him smile with you, it was new.
and kinda pretty.
shaking your head at the thought you looked away from him and let the thoughts get pushed back into your head. there was nothing pleasing about him and your brain needed to remember that. your both just to tired to fight and it means nothing. because never in a million years, will you ever be friends with Percy Jackson.
but, maybe you can get along with him for this quest at least.
Taglist: @american-idiot21 @kazurami14 @anonymouslyawesome25 @itzmeme @poemfreak306 @motorsport @mxlI0d1 @daughterofthemoons-stuff (just ask to be added and I will)
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fantastic-nonsense · 9 months
obviously I'd be thrilled to just get the whole PJO series adapted and then end it there. However: Heroes of Olympus as a story can be cleaned up sooooooo much in a way that PJO just doesn't need to be, and a tv adaptation offers the perfect opportunity to do so
like honestly my hottake is that I think Disney could solve both the problem of adapting a long, convoluted sequel series and a lot of the problems HOO as a story has if they a) do The Lost Hero and Son of Neptune in the same season and b) deliberately wait until the PJO actors are in their 20s to do it
Just thinking about this a bit more:
three 12-14 episode seasons, with TLH/SoN in S1, a modified MoA in S2 that deals with some of the Argo crews' HoH subplots, and then HoH/BoO in S3
Percy and Annabeth are in their 20s and newly engaged when he disappears. This sets up the arc of Percy dreaming about settling down with Annabeth in New Rome in a more organic, functional way and also gives us as viewers a chance to see that the aftermath of the Titan War has resulted in tangible, lasting change for the demigods of Camp Half-Blood
Grover replaces Coach Hedge as the Seven's collective Protector+chaperone, which solves the series' problem of Grover's absence and the absence of the PJO Trio's friendship
the whole show/story takes place over ~6 months instead of the year it did in the books, and Percy+Jason's individual quests happen concurrently (simply not letting Percy sleep for 8 months and making an episode where he establishes himself at the Roman camp for awhile before he's forced on the quest with Frank and Hazel would solve about half of the problems on the Roman side of the series)
Season-wise, things mostly sort themselves out:
The first season starts off introducing the Lost Hero trio and we find out that Percy's missing at the end of the first episode. The second episode opens with Percy waking up at the Wolf House and starting his journey to New Rome. We get one episode entirely devoted to amnesiac Jason and Percy integrating into the new camps, making friends, and learning about their missing counterpart before the quest plots start up.
The season then alternates between Jason, Piper, and Leo's "Find Hera" quest and Percy, Hazel, and Frank's Alaska quest, with intermittent jumps to the Greek and Roman efforts to find Percy and Jason. It ends with Percy and Jason regaining their memories and each camp realizing their leader is on the other side of the country in "enemy" territory.
The second season opens around a month later as the Argo II docks in New Rome. Percy and Jason have both been given time to make friends, integrate themselves into the opposing camp, and become adjusted to a different way of life with all of their memories intact. They haven't physically returned to their home camps as they've both independently come to the conclusion that Hera switched them to initiate inter-camp unity and are wary of doing anything that would disrupt that goal. However, Percy and Jason have both managed to get messages to Annabeth and Reyna respectively at some point in that month, so everyone knows everyone is safe when the Greeks finally arrive in New Rome.
Cue MoA's various plotlines, which would be cleaned up and streamlined significantly while also integrating in some of the HoH arcs like Hazel learning how to manipulate the Mist, Frank learning how to use his shapeshifting powers, Piper coming into her own as a daughter of Aphrodite, Leo's seventh wheel arc and the Calypso subplot, Jason struggling to figure out what his place is, the Jason-Nico friendship, etc. Also set up the Greek v. Roman dispute and Reyna following them to Greece. Season ends with the Annabeth-Arachne confrontation and Tartarus fall.
The third season combines HoH and BOO; the season alternates between Percy and Annabeth's journey through Tartarus while the rest of the Seven finish their various character arcs via gathering the elements for the Physicians' Cure and journeying to the Doors of Death. After they rescue Percy and Annabeth and close the Doors, they plan to head straight to Athens to take on Gaea. Reyna reaches them just after, and Annabeth sends her and Nico off with the Athena Parthenos with Grover as their Protector.
The final battle switches between The Seven+Gods vs. Gaea+The Giants at the Acropolis and the Greeks vs. Romans at Camp Half-Blood. The Gaea plotline is resolved at the Acropolis, the Greek-Roman plotline is resolved as Nico and Reyna triumphantly arrive at Camp Half-Blood with the statue, a functional Greek-Roman working relationship, and the gods' blessing. This helps streamline the mess that was Blood of Olympus and actually provides a workable story resolution.
We get a final aftermath/epilogue episode that sorts out and ties up all remaining plot threads, teases Solangelo, and ends with Percy returning home to see his mom and planning out how to move to New Rome after he and Annabeth get married.
Obviously this is the roughest possible sketch of how it could be done, but I genuinely believe doing something like that could fix some of the biggest issues HOO has conceptually while streamlining all of the quest bloat. It'd be interesting to see them try, anyway.
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crisisreading · 1 year
How I Think Percy and Annabeth’s “Enemies to Friends” Relationship Should Work in PJO Season 1:
First of all, I would like to say it really bothers me when writers throw in an “enemies to friends” or “enemies to friends to lovers” trope into their story and the basis for “enemies” is something silly. In the case of PJO, the main reason why Annabeth and Percy do not get along at first (this is only the biggest reason, there are others) is because their parents do not like each other.
I would like to make the case that this trope would work much better if it was caused by a clash of worldviews between Percy and Annabeth. We have two characters with vastly different backgrounds, and it really sucks that this wasn’t explored more.
Percy is very street smart. He understands the power dynamics/hierarchies/rules of the mortal world and is able to use these to his advantage. However, he is totally new to the demigod world and struggles against following rules or authority figures he does not respect. This sets him up to be a rebel in the demigod world and make enemies of powerful folks.
Annabeth is well-versed in the demigod world. She has known about her demigod status since age 7 and been involved at camp for nearly as long. In this time, she has managed to build connections with demigods and gods alike. However, she feels little attachment to the mortal world where she has only ever known rejection.
Percy’s home life is marked by extremes. Sally did her best to give him love and attention, but he was also abused by Gabe, written off by the school system, and experienced financial struggles. Percy’s background set him up to be a very loving kid with a strong hatred for injustice. He was abused for years, but still knew what it was to be shown love.
Annabeth’s home life has left her extremely self-conscious and afraid of abandonment. She was homeless and fending for herself at age 7, then was picked up by two teens who could barely help themselves. Then Thalia and Luke walked out of her life too. Annabeth has never known true, unconditional love.
There is just so much to explore here, and I really hope that their initial “enemies to friends” takes advantage of that. Even their “friends to lovers” could be so much more interesting. I imagine their differences being most pronounced during their TBoTL angsty era. Annabeth’s insecurity about Rachel would be a lot cooler if it was less “clingy jealous girl” and more “terrified of being left behind again”. Likewise, Percy would suffer so much during their estrangement because he would have so much love for Annabeth but nowhere to put it. As Aphrodite predicted, not easy indeed. ;)
Anyways! This went on too long but lmk your critiques.
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valewritessss · 3 months
Hot take I don’t think ANY demigod would make it out of Tartarus if they fell in the same way Percy and Annabeth did but alone. Yes, even Percy.
If I remember correctly he almost let himself sink in the river they fell into, and if Annabeth hadn’t been there to give him hope he would be a goner. He’s also had other moments where he feels like he is deserving of death, and I feel like Tartarus would enhance that. Tartarus is meant to drive people to insanity, so if I had to guess a way Percy would be affected is by making him feel like he doesn’t deserve to live.
Yes, he is an extremely powerful demigod but to get out of Tartarus you need more than power. You need a strong will to live, the mental strength for the emotional scars Tartarus is about to give you, and quite frankly I don’t think Percy has a lot of will to live.
Yes he is determined to have his happy ending but it didn’t take long for Tartarus to make him forget about that the second he fell into the river. If he were to go in another way, maybe, but specifically by falling in the same way Percy and Annabeth did together, no.
He’s also a son of Poseidon, a powerful one, so like, huge target on his back. Many enemies he makes there would be probably just because of that. And there might be friendly titan out there like Bob, but Bob doesn’t have his memories to he doesn’t remember Percy’s dad being part of the reason they’re exiled to Tartarus. All of the other ones though, yikes.
Would Nico be able to make it out solo? I don’t think so . He made it once but he was captured the entire time, and he didn’t fall in the way Percy and Annabeth did so there’s more to consider.
Most demigods would die on impact from the fall, and I think that’s Nico included. Percy and Annabeth only survived that because Percy could control water and they could make it to the river, but Nico and other demigods can’t do that.
What he does have on his side, however, is that he’s more in his father’s element than other demigods. He also made friends with Bob which is a huge advantage. But that doesn’t really matter since he would’ve died on the fall anyways.
Jason, I feel like, would make the fall because he can fly, so he won’t die on impact. But his huge disadvantage is that he’s a son of Jupiter, which is like the Titans in Tartarus’ number one enemy. They would probably smell his scent because he’s a powerful demigod AND a son of Jupiter, and I’m not sure if Jason can take that many attacks against him. Anyway, he’s dead so argument is pointless but idk I just wanted to consider it.
Would Thalia make it? Probably not. Her powers are more lightning based, instead of wind. So I don’t think she would survive the fall. And she has a big fear of heights, which I don’t know if that would change much but with that and the fear of Tartarus itself, who knows, she might have a heart attack before she makes it down. I’m joking, mostly.
Thalia is also a hunter of Artemis, which I think is both an advantage and a disadvantage at once. For one, she’s faster and stronger than normal demigods, so yay. But also, I wonder if being a hunter gives her some sort of aura, which could possibly attract more monsters. She’s a daughter of Zeus, so she already has enough enemies down there. But that’s all assuming she makes the fall down.
Would Luke make it, if he were alive that is? Umm, that’s actually a tricky one because he was on the Titans side, so they might would probably love him and help him out. However, again, the fall down would probably kill him. If he managed to fall into the river though I think he’s got a pretty strong will to live so he’s got a good shot.
A thing about Luke though is that nothing for him would really be too far, as in there’s probably nothing he wouldn’t be willing to do to survive.
Those are all the demigods I can think of that I’ve heard people say could survive. There’s probably more, but I really don’t think they would make it. Most would die from impact, so immediately no. And if they were to survive the fall everything else would just be too much. Tartarus is meant to drive you insane and be nearly impossible to get out of. So it’s okay to admit that’s what it would do to everyone, including our favorite characters. Also, assuming they make it to the doors(because they’re taking Percy and Annabeth’s route), if they don’t make any sort of alliance, who would hold the button for them? They’re stuck there forever or until death.
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wingardiumiku · 2 years
make you stay forever | pjo snippet
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percy jackson × daughter of hecate!oc
summary : did four months of somewhat normal teen relationship equal to seven months of break? whatever, all sabrina knew that when she finally got her boyfriend back, she wouldn't ever let percy go!
Sabrina Garcia stood on the deck of the Argo II, leaning on the rail as wind swept up her auburn hair making it fly everywhere. Behind her, Leo wrestled with levers and fiddled with his Nintendo Wii, speaking angrily in Spanish which she didn't bother commenting on. It was fun having another extravagant speaker on board but she wasn't in the mood to talk.
While she was on the topic of talking, Piper was doing a fantastic job in her charmspeak practice, so much so, it made Sabrina want to rip her bracelet off and propose singing stupid campfire songs with the undoubtedly queasy Romans underneath the shadow of the massive hull of their trireme.
Annabeth paced around like a maniac, murmuring about a bazillion backup plans for each backup plan. She had deep bags under her eyes. Sabrina had found her passed out in the hall of the Big House that very morning, wrapped in a giant image of the U.S.A and a compass, hands marred with marker ink—the same one that made scribbles on the map.
Jason Grace was probably the sanest amongst their crew. He was standing on the bow of the raised crossbow platform in an orange T-shirt and a white toga. As Sabrina made her way circling the ship, their eyes locked and he offered her a smile. He really was like a golden retriever.
While Annabeth rounded them for a last minute discussion, Sabrina stayed behind. She had heard the plan more than enough times to recite it from memory.
Down below, the scenary of Oakland Hills came into view and so did the large valley nestled under the foot of it. A river in the shape of G emptying into a sparkling lake beside which Camp Jupiter stood proud, the hippodrome, the neighborhood of Seven Hills, the coliseum, the fort of Via Principalis, everything was so picturesque.
Sabrina didn't know what to think of Camp Jupiter. It was so different from back home, different yet beautiful. It provided a safe environment for living—not a literal cult disguised as a summer camp.
Her hands felt shaky, knees wobbly and she was sure it wasn't entirely the effect of her breakfast or lack thereof.
Camp Jupiter was right there!
If Sabrina decided to be extra stupid, she could jump overboard. While the idea of turning into human ketchup splatter was not appealing, she wanted more than anything to just rush down there. The thought of ushering Leo crossed her mind but she dismissed it quickly.
Nope. Focus. Your love life cannot fuck up this quest. The world is in danger of destruction!
A loud crackle rang through the air alongside a loud boom. At first she mistook it as Jason summoning thunder but the gruff voice that greeted them was indication against that possibility.
The giant statue of Terminus warned them against landing the Argo II on Roman soil. In less than five minutes, he had managed to diss the warship, knock Piper off her feet, win an argument with Annabeth—which in itself was a huge accomplishment—and threatened to blast them off the sky.
Sabrina, cloaked by magic, walked casually towards the group. Peeking over, she saw the legion reinforcements had arrived making their so-called enemies a hundred stronger. Blue eyes sweeping the surroundings of their impending doom, her breath hitched.
Oh, Holy Hecate—she saw him.
There he was, Percy Jackson, in all his unkempt and tanned glory. His hair was slicked in one direction as though he had just taken a trip to the beach. He was taller, leaner and had gained more muscles.
The thought of him made heat flood to her face. His hands were thrown around two Romans, a cute boy with a black buzz-cut and a gorgeous girl with honey-colored curls.
But the purple T-shirt he adorned made her stomach sink. Right, even so close, they were eons apart.
He wasn't the same guy she knew till last winter, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise. He was a Praetor now, the most important rank in Camp Jupiter. For all she knew, he had moved on with his life, from CBH and from her.
"Leo, stop the ship!" Sabrina called out, dismissing the invisibility spell.
"She's right, do it", Annabeth agreed, flashing a concerned look at Sabrina. "The law states that we cannot land beyond the Pomerian Line, there's no harm done in hovering over it. Not technically."
Terminus hesitated but did not stop them as the group took the ladder and they climbed down to the forum. The crowd parted as she made her way through the camp.
It was more of a permanent settlement—the aroma from the bakeries, the guilded columns, flawless architectures, terraced mansions, cute neighborhoods, domes except those destroyed in a recent scuffle and lots of beautiful fountains.
Her eyes scanned the people who wore the exact same look of wariness. It took Sabrina a lot less trial in figuring out the leader. It was the way Reyna carried herself with such confidence, maintaining a pokerface all throughout.
But Sabrina's search went on for the sea green gaze she had come to adore. The moment their eyes met, she looked away hastily.
A lump of white-hot anger, bitterness and guilt grew in her throat. It hurt so bad. All the nights she would muffle her sobs with the pillow, lest she wanted her siblings to be startled awake, the borderline crazy search for Percy and jumping at every opportunity to find a single clue of his whereabouts.
And there he was...
Her hands shook involuntarily. In her peripheral vision, she noticed the gathered people occupied by talking with Annabeth and Jason.
Sabrina walked backwards till she got lost in the swarm, away from the eyes and from him. She felt like a little girl but she would take the accusations of being childish any day over facing her fears headfirst. That's how it had always been.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid", she chanted like a prayer, walking through the winding streets of the foreign camp. It was no wonder she got lost, that was an impulsive decision on her part. Sabrina couldn't start to imagine the uproar she must've caused when her friends realized her absence.
Or, maybe they were glad to get a break from the ball of anxiety and gloom she always imitated these days.
Gods, she had been such a bad friend. Everyone had worked hands on to prepare for the quest while she got off easy with the sympathy card. She would make up for it, Sabrina vowed to herself, one way or the other.
Right as she was about to take a turn, a hand grasped her wrist. She was immediately on high alert, right hand creeping toward the bracelet on her left one.
"I hope you weren't thinking of shooting me as soon as we met, Red."
A sob caught in her throat. That scent she could recognize anywhere. She let him turn her around without putting up much of a fight.
"Are you crying?" He sounded amused.
Sabrina was cringing mentally. Good job. Now your own boyfriend thinks you're pathetic too.
To her surprise, he threw his arms around her, pulling her close till there was little space separating them.
The redhead froze. "Percy?" Her voice quivered.
"Hm?" He snapped out of his trance, showing her a huge smile. "Sorry, I just... missed this—missed you."
His finger traced her face, thumb swiping the lone tear that trickled down her cheek. "Now, can you tell me what's making you cry?"
For the first time in a long while, she properly looked at him. Tears welled up in her eyes and her hands shoved him away. It was too much for her to handle. She couldn't do this—not without Annabeth, not alone.
"How can you pretend everything's okay?" She screamed at his wide-eyed state, once grateful for the deserted streets. "Do you have any idea how many search parties we sent for you? I looked everywhere! Your mom was worried sick. I thought I lost you, Percy. I thought you were dead!"
He remained silent throughout her rant, not speaking a single word. In the end she had taken enough steps towards him to hit his chest that she collapsed from the exhaustion.
Her face burned red as he let her rest against him, bringing her into his embrace once more.
"I'm sorry for worrying you", Percy started in a quiet voice. "Trust me, if I had a choice, I wouldn't have left at all. I didn't have a way to contact Camp either; all I remembered was your name and the address to mom's apartment in Manhattan."
He planted soft kisses on the side of her head. His growth spurt didn't hit her before as much as it did now. "I'm sorry. Give me one more chance?"
For a moment, neither of them made a squeak. Sabrina finally got her quiet to think. Instead of pushing him away, perhaps it was better to just accept it. It wasn't his fault. The blame could be stored away for Her Most Annoying Majesty. Just then, all she could think about was the warmth that his arms provided and how much she missed it.
Her eyelids felt heavy but Sabrina managed a small laugh. One chance? She would give him all the chances in the world if he looked at her like that.
Suddenly all too aware of her outburst, she buried her face in his chest and Percy gladly hugged her tighter. He couldn't make sense of how he managed to live without her through half a year. But, now that she was with him again, he wasn't willing to let her go, not anytime soon.
"Okay", she began tentatively, running a finger up and down the length of his arm. "We can sort this out. I mean, we've been through a literal war, how hard can this be? We're mature er... almost-adults?"
"Mhm, very mature", Percy grinned causing her to slap his hand lightly.
Pressing her face into his shirt, she took in the scent of seawater wafting off him, an odd sense of happiness mixed with subtle melancholy washing over her. "I...I'm glad you're here."
When Sabrina was looking up at him with that face, Percy couldn't stop himself from capturing her lips in a searing kiss—something he didn't know he needed to do this urgently.
He wanted to explain himself. He knew better than anyone about her troubles with trusting people. Percy was well aware that he had lost his spot in the bubble of people she could blindly lean on and he was willing to do anything to win it back.
When he started pulling away, Sabrina didn't imagine herself tugging him forward. Her hands wound up entangled in his dark hair, brushing his scalp to soothe both him and herself, a desperate reminder to realize that this was real.
"So, am I still your favorite or what?" Percy mumbled sporting a small blush, his hands locked around her waist.
After a number of grueling months, Sabrina laughed with all the genuineness she could possibly ever muster. Was that even a question? "Always, Perce." She rose on her tiptoes to peck his lips.
Percy was finally home.
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death-himself · 9 months
just finished episode 3 here are my thoughts
also i wrote this first part at the end of my review, but I'm gonna move it here to the top because it got a bit long and I feel like it's more important to state than my review
overall, i feel like the issues i have with the show are more of a me issue. i feel like I (and a lot of us book fans honestly) were hyping up the show to be one-to-one with the book when it's been said by rick and a lot of people working on the show that it was more of a new rendition rather than an exact book-to-screen adaptation
i know that when i watched the first two episodes with my friends, they didn't see any of those issues because they hadn't read the books at all, or at least not in a long time
one example, the issue everyone has with gabe's characterization is one my friend didn't pick up on, she recognized from the start that gabe was abusive and said something like "I'm scared what he'll do to sally if she doesn't get that car back to him"
those of us who live and breathe the books recognize that he's "not as abusive" or that it's a different kind of abuse in the books, so the characterization threw us all off in a way that it didn't for people who haven't read the books
so going forward, i'm probably going to keep that more in mind with the series and reviewing it. i think from a plot standpoint, it still manages to stay true to the book in the ways that really matter, and even emphasizes a lot of the key themes of the book more clearly, while still being extremely different, and I honestly think that's pretty cool
with that being said, bullet point review under the cut (reminder I wrote this before writing the above section and don't plan on changing it)
to begin with, I'm gonna be honest, I feel like they're changing a lot more than I would prefer with the plot. I'm still enjoying the series a bunch, but the differences are very striking to me
now going in chronological order with the episode, percy's reaction to the oracle was pretty funny
the whole thing of gabe being the one to tell him the prophecy looked stupid, but I feel like there was no way to translate it from the book without it looking stupid. i feel like when he's told the prophecy in the book, the creepy description is what makes it feel serious and the weight of the prophecy makes you forget how it's being told, and I don't really think that translates very well to film
also in the book the words are very clearly not words that gabe would say, but I feel like the way the lines were delivered in the episode was a bit off, like it just sounded like gabe with nothing creepy about it
percy choosing annabeth instead of annabeth pretty much forcing herself into the quest is an interesting choice that I'm not sure if I like or hate yet
it feels like they're turning percy and annabeth more into enemies-to-lovers than it actually is in the books
I love grover so fuckin much, grover's never been one of my favorite characters, but disney series-wise, he's definitely my favorite so far
i don't know why, but the little pool in the center of the poseidon cabin is my favorite thing ever, it just feels right
percy and luke's talk in his cabin is just <3
also the way luke went "it's a gift...from my dad" i just felt the WEIGHT of that, everything that it meant
also looking back on that, i love how both annabeth's hat and luke's shoes show the different ways they react to a gift from their parents. the hat is annabeth's prized possession that she doesn't want to give up, while the first time we see luke's shoes he gives them away and clearly doesn't appreciate them as a gift
i loved it since we saw it in the trailer, but thalia's tree is so fuckin cool, i love that it straight up just looks like a person standing guard
also the way they're pronouncing thalia's name is giving me life, my brother made fun of me for pronouncing it that way as a kid and i started calling her talia but to know 10 year old me was RIGHT, incredible
grover's little song had me dying, and percy using that song later at aunty em's was hilarious
ANNABETH IN THE GAS STATION, she was so adorable, that scene owns my heart now. her just grabbing every flavor of that candy was so damn precious
I'm sad we didn't get to see the bus blown up, they could've made it such a funny scene. have the trio run to the woods like "wow I'm glad we got out of there alive" then they look over at the bus and it just explodes. that could've been peak comedy there
the whole talk between alecto and Annabeth was interesting, it does make sense for them to have some sort of history considering what happened with thalia, so i think that's a good change, makes things more interesting
the way they got to aunty em's kind of annoyed me, i feel like they could have easily shown a passage of time and had them get there in the same way as the books. idk, i really liked how they ended up there in the books because they were just hungry kids that wanted burgers
also alecto being there felt a bit weird to me
when i heard they were taking a more sympathetic approach to medusa, i honestly got really nervous for how that would turn out, but i think they handled it as well as they could have. i feel like they said it in a way where the story could have gone either way; one way where medusa was poseidon's girlfriend, and another way where she was tricked and raped by him
she also goes on to both call him a monster and say that they loved each other, so again, i feel like it could still go either way with those lines, though it probably leans more towards the girlfriend perspective (even though I'm pretty sure that's the less myth-accurate perspective, but when has pjo been myth-accurate)
the way they killed medusa TERRIFIED ME, like annabeth my girl, you realize how badly that could have turned out right, having an invisible medusa
also how did that help percy in the slightest, he was still attacking something he couldn't look at so...how did that help
I'm hoping alecto being petrified isn't permanent, hades had better bring her back, i liked alecto. also isn't she important to some part of the plot in a later book? she's the only fury i remember the name of so she has to be important right?
their argument in the basement was an interesting change, i feel like to me it kind of just felt like conflict for conflict's sake. i don't think they felt super in-character in that section. their friendship dynamic feels a bit off through most of this episode honestly, but i think their dynamic's gonna be perfect going forward now that they've gotten past that conflict
percy saying the "i am impertinent" line perfectly. that whole exchange felt like it was ripped right out of the book, i loved that
i know everyone's been shitting on lin manuel miranda being in the show, but i still love the man, and that end scene was incredible
him in the elevator was so funny, and you just know he loved percy shipping medusa's head to olympus, he thought that shit was hilarious
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ethereallongings · 2 months
it's been a min so here are some plots that i would die for! throw your wanted opps and fcs at me and let's get crazy!
supernatural plots - give me toxic vampire exes who have spent centuries trying to stay away from the other and yet somehow just can't move on. give me forbidden romance dynamics between humans and not-so-human muses and nail-biting angst!
apocalypse plots - i'm a sucker for the world has ended and the next day isn't a guarantee but with you by my side, there's still light on the horizon type things! there's just so much plot potential with these types of plots
superhero plots - gimme superhero things, villains and heroes getting tangled up in webs of angst, drama and mayhem! give me the superhero/villain trying to live a normal life and not acing it!
celebrity plots - let's explore the glamour of showbiz and all the pitfalls! the late-night sneaky links between celebs and groupies or between a celeb and his pr manager or the friend from back home. give me the drama of trying to let a relationship thrive despite all the social media rumors and screaming fans!
crime plots - let's lose ourselves in the world of crime/mafia plots! let's explore an enemies to lover dynamic between muses belonging to rival groups or the heartbreak of forbidden love between someone who can't escape the life of crime and someone who wants nothing more than to live an ordinary life. there's so much we can do here!
modern day mythology - gimme greek/roman deities and demigods causing chaos in the modern world!
fandom plots - and last but not least, let's indulge our favorite fandoms and jump into those worlds! i write a few select canons depending on the fandom but i'm also very happy to world-build and come up with some ocs! some interests of mine include asoiaf/got/hotd, harry potter (anti-jkr), star wars, marvel, dc and percy jackson!
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hiuythn · 3 months
Hi, how are you? If you don't mind me asking, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before...... Thanks....
hi! I'm doing great, thank you for asking! I haven't thought of a top 7 before so that's interesting to think about. hm...I guess it would probably be:
1. Haikyū!! (it's so simple but it's so good. I heard Furudate created it to get people into volleyball and I'm confident in saying that he succeeded. there's just something so refreshing about it, but underneath everything, it still manages to communicate a thoughtful message that where you are today is not where you'll be tomorrow, and that the journey brought on by your passion—while it may not get your end—still has meaning in its pursuit.)
2. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun doesn't Eat Meat (xianxia danmei. my god, I went into this novel thinking it was another low-hanging fruit enemies to lovers type bait where the ML is basically abusive and the MC is a weak backboned twink, but no. no the story had me screaming, sobbing, and begging the author to stop because it hurt too much. I was in tears and I was laughing and I was in love and I was praying for them to be happy so, so bad. it's actually insane. NOTHING will beat how Meatbun managed to make me reconcile Chu Wanning's cold exterior with his soft heart, and Mo Ran's past life with his current one. I was actually baffled by how many fucking revelations, foreshadowing, and plot twists (that made sense and didn't come out of left field entirely) this book managed to have. Meatbun expertly weaved humor, tragedy, horror, mystery and romance all into one misleadingly-packaged book and I feel delightfully bamboozled.)
3. Turning by 쿠유 (Korean historical bl novel. Still reading this one, but the deep unspoken trust the MC and ML have for each other is really awe-inspiring, and they're also very competent at what they do. The relationships with their subordinates and allies are also really heartwarming. The plot is sufficiently interesting as well, and not just something cobbled together to make the characters kiss lol—not that that's bad intrinsically, but it can get old after a while.)
4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rock Riordan (everyone knows this one. I love it because I grew up reading it, and then reading it to my sister out loud with the voices and everything. I love an MC that just consistently doesn't know what he's doing and yet sees things through to the end, and whose motto is just "fuck it, fuck this, and fuck you". and again Percy and Annabeth have that "bantering duo who trust and balance each other out and are also very, very good at what they do" type relationship that I'm such a sucker for.)
5. Bleach by Tite Kubo (one of the Big 3 manga serialized back then. I'm down bad for the art, he's one of my favourite mangaka in terms of art style, and also it's nostalgic. I grew up watching ichigo fight through impossible odds with just his "fuck you don't touch my people" mentality. are you starting to see a pattern with me and protective, headstrong MCs? the cast of side characters are all pretty memorable, despite its growing size down the line and again, i love their designs. I know people gripe a lot about the plot and continuity errors, but I enjoyed it regardless—except for the accursed ending and Epilogue Dad Haircut..)
6. Montmorency by Eleanor Updale (victorian crime fiction novel. I was sent this as compensation in, like, 5th grade when the Scholastic Fair delivered the wrong order to me. I didn't expect to like it but it was surprisingly a good standalone read. i used to reread it loads but it's been about a decade now so some details are blurry, but i am very fond of it still.)
7. A Quiet Place (horror movie, though for me it's less horror and more of a family-centric movie. I'm awful with horror, I'm such a wuss, but this movie was so good with its character dynamics and the ending was so fitting that I couldn't help but rewatch it and have it engrained in my head. I haven't watch the other movies in this series and tbh I fully believe the first movie is sufficient on its own, not to say the other suck, I just have no urge to watch them. this movie was such a palate cleanser for me in cinema.)
thank you for your ask, had a lot of fun coming up with this list!
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
the heart wants what it wants
summary: jealousy is truly a disease that anyone could catch. even if that person just happens to be someone you considered your enemy.
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
“guys i got a date!” percy smiles while taking a seat on the couch next to georgie who shakes his shoulder in excitement for him. the friend group always did hangouts, rotating between each other’s house. there truly wasn’t a moment that you all weren’t together.
“that’s great mate! when it is?”
“this friday.”
“no! perc we’re all supposed to go to that party, remember?” emma frowned at the boy sitting across from her.
“i’m sure you guys won’t miss me too much.”
“i’m sure we won’t miss you at all. what are we talking about anyways?” you shrugged your jacket off and laid it on the back of the high chair by the counter. taking your seat, you waited for someone to fill you in with the details.
“percy has a date this friday and emma is upset he’s not coming to the party with us.” for some reason you felt your heart drop at hunter’s words. percy had a date?
“as if anyone would date you,” you sipped from your water bottle completely ignoring the harsh glare he sent you.
“is that jealousy i hear honey? you upset that you can’t have me?”
“oh please. you think too highly of yourself, there’s certainly nothing to be jealous of.” the lie easily fell through your lips. you didn’t understand why you were so jealous over percy of all people getting a date but you knew you were.
“it’s okay if you were jealous. i know i’m pretty irresistible,” he smirked at you making you roll your eyes.
“no, you’re irritating. don’t get it-”
“the both of you are irritating sometimes. now what are we watching for movie night?” joy cuts you off and chose to ignore you two like everyone in the group usually did when the both of you started arguing.
friday came quicker than expected but it didn’t stop you from drowning all your feelings into the alcohol. you wanted to forget that percy was on his stupid date. you were only supposed to have a couple drinks and then stop but of course that wasn’t the case.
“y/n? y/n, i’m gonna come in.” jenna opens the door and finds you sitting on the floor with your head on the wall. you looked up and gasped at your friend.
“how much did you have to drink?”
“i dunno but i’m having soo much fun,” you go to stand up but fell right back down. while you were laughing at your slip up, jenna pulls her phone out to call percy.
the first two times he didn’t answer, it went straight to voicemail but that didn’t stop her. she couldn’t leave you like this or worse have you drinking anymore and something bad happens.
“jenna, i’m on a date, remember? what is so important to call me four times?”
“it’s y/n.”
“okay and?”
“they’re absolutely shit faced drunk and i need to pick them up.”
“they’re what?”
“drunk, percy. drunk and i don’t want to leave them like this. please.”
“fine. i’ll be there in a few.” percy hangs up the phone and sighed loudly.
walking back to his table, he began grabbing his stuff. he was frustrated because he felt like the date was going so well up until this point.
“i’m so sorry but i have to leave.”
“what why?”
“my friend, it’s an emergency.”
“why can’t you just leave them?”
“i would never leave them like that.” without another word to exchange, he left some cash to pay for the dinner and rushes out to his car.
“here, they’re in there.” jenna lead percy to the bathroom that you were still sitting in. “i’m so sorry again perc. i know you were excited for the date.”
“it’s no problem.” you lifted your head once more at the familiar voice and smiled seeing the boy who you claimed to hate with a burning passion.
“percy! it’s so good to see you.” percy shakes his head at your slurring words. how did you manage to get this drunk? what made you get this way?
“yeah yeah, let’s get you home.” he bends down to pick you up effortlessly allowing you to wrap your arms around his shoulders. you loosely wave at jenna and rested your head in the crook of his neck.
“i missed you so much.”
“i’m sure you didn’t.”
“no, seriously. i was kinda mad that you were on a date.”
“you’re drunk, so stop talking.” you childishly raise a hand to zip your lips with a lopsided smile. he rolled his eyes and strapped you in the car. percy knew this was gonna be a long night.
it was a nightmare bringing you inside of the house. percy couldn’t take you to your house because apparently you gave your keys to emma, so the only option was to take you to his.
“hey percy can i tell you something? shh, you have to promise not to tell percy though.” he holds back a laugh while helping you out of your shoes.
“okay, what did you want to tell me?”
“i think i’m in love with percy. it’s why i got so drunk because i was super jealous. it should have been me.” even with most of your words coming out in a slurry manner, he understood everything you said. he knew he was attracted to you but also felt like it was wasn’t reciprocated due to all of the arguing.
“you’re drunk y/n.” he goes to the dresser to grab you clothes to sleep in. when he found something comfortable for you, he began helping you put the clothes on.
“well that definitely is true but i mean what i said. i’m not sure i really remember why we started our petty arguments in the first place. he’s very handsome with his stupid face and i could-“
“stop it! you don’t mean what you’re saying right now. i had to leave a date to pick you up because you were being irresponsible! the least you could do is stop talking.” percy turns his head to the wall in frustration with you and your confession. he wanted so badly for the confession to be true but he felt like you wouldn’t remember it in the morning. leaving him back at square one.
“i’m sorry.” the sound of your sniffles turns percy’s gaze back to you. he felt awful knowing that he had managed to make you cry. with a sigh, he sits next to you on the bed and wraps an arm around you letting you cry into his shoulder.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to yell at you. it’s just been a long night. it’s not fair to take that out on you. let’s get you to bed, yeah?” your tears stopped as you picked up your head and nodded at him.
percy helps you move the duvet cover back, so you can get comfortable. you lay your head on the pillow and sigh in contentment as the boy tucked you in.
“you okay?”
“alright, i’ll be in the living room if you need me.” he quickly changed into his pajamas not bothering to leave the room being that you weren’t paying any attention to him anyways. once he got done, he goes to open the bedroom door.
“what’s wrong?”
“can you cuddle me?” turning around to face you, he sees your eyes wide open waiting for his reply.
“y/n, i don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“fine,” percy walks back to the bed and climbs in with you. immediately, you scoot to the middle and let him wrap his arm around your waist to spoon you. you leaned your head back into his chest feeling way better.
“you’re very warm.”
with a light chuckle, he leans over you to turn the lamp off before settling back against you. “go to sleep y/n. we can talk in the morning.”
waking in the morning, you found yourself alone in a bed that definitely wasn’t yours. quickly pulling back the duvet making sure that you weren’t naked, you were relieved to find that you had on a tee shirt and some basketball shorts. you sat up against the headboard to lean your aching head on.
“morning sleepyhead,” percy walks into the room with a glass of water and some pain medication.
“hey loser, how’d i get here?” you gladly accept the water and advil while he sits on the bed. after taking the pain reliever, you got a rush of the memories from the previous night and you groaned to yourself.
“i take it that means you remember last night.”
“yeah,” you spoke in a low whisper keeping your head down.
“did you mean it?”
“well you know they say drunk words are just sober thoughts.”
“please don’t joke about this. y/n is it true?” meeting his eyes that almost twinkled from the harsh sunlight beaming through the window, you nodded.
“yes percy. everything i said last night was true,” he moves the glass out of your hands to sit on the nightstand and replaces it with his hand.
“do you regret telling me?”
“maybe in those circumstances yes but other than that no, i don’t regret it. it was bound to slip out sometime,” you shrugged and averted your eyes to the wall missing the way percy smiled.
“good,” percy turns your head towards him and places a delicate kiss to your lips then to your cheek.
“i was thinking maybe we could try being together, if that’s something that you want.”
“percy, i’m the one who drunkly confessed! of course, i want to try a relationship with you, idiot.”
“still gonna be mean to me?”
“hey, you being my boyfriend doesn’t stop the teasing.” he grins and pulls you closer to kiss you again before you lightly pushed him away.
“what was that for?” his brows furrowed in confusion while you bring a hand to cover your mouth.
“my breath stinks, we are not making out like that.”
“babe! it’s fine just let me kiss you.” you break out of his hold and dash towards the bedroom door.
“ew no! stop being a weirdo and let me brush my teeth first.” percy laughs throwing his back against the bed still keeping his gaze on you.
“fine, there’s some spare toothbrushes in bathroom down the hall. i also have a fresh towel and rag for you already in there as well if you want a shower too.”
“thanks babe!” you blew him a kiss that he pretended to catch and put in his pocket. while you walked away, he knew that he couldn’t wait to have more moments like this with you.
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pain-is-too-tired · 11 months
Am I the only one who's kinda getting bored of the "haha Percy is blonde like Will, the you're not my type scene is gonna be so funny" or whatever?
Specifically because Walker looks nothing like how I imagine Will?
Like yeah, he's blonde. But not the blonde I see for Will? It's a darker tone. Plus He does not have lanky cat stretched out in sun vibes sorry y'all
That, and Nico never specified he meant looks when he said Percy wasn't his type.
Cause if we compare Will and Percy they're different in a lot of ways.
Will's a healer, Percy's a fighter.
Will is described as laid back and appearing a lot more harmless then he really is. Why Percy is constantly being described as frightening and even godlike. He's a whole storm why Will's a cat stretched out in the sun.
Both are stubborn,but Will is a lot better holding in his more extreme emotions. It takes a lot more for him to be loud when going back and forth with someone. He can sound annoyed but he hardly ever sounds angry.
That and Will can calm down others like Clarisse, why Percy ends up matching them in attitude at some point.
Like I said, Percy's a fighter which often leads to impatience as usually in a fight its so quickly placed. You have to strike first before your enemy gets you. His adhd is a lot more hyperactive.
Will on the other hand has to balance patience and speed. Rushing can be dangerous, but you also can't be too slow or else chances of your patient dieing grows. It applies to how he interacts with others too.
And I honestly think that might be why Nico clicked more to Will. Will just has more patience to get through to him. He gets upset but he keeps his cool. Literally,iirc, they were in LITERAL HELL before they had their first true out right fight.
Idk why it urks me so much now. It was funny at first but it feels it's been beaten to the ground.
I think a lot it is also I feel Will is way too often chopped down to Nico's "hot therapist boyfriend". That y'all literally think of Percy was blonde that's all was needed to be Nico's type again. Like that's all that makes Will his type.
Heck, think about the fact Percy hardly ever defenseless. If he doesn't have his sword he has his powers.
Nico's thoughts on Will why he was literally going on about him in boo is that despite his harmless figure. Despite being a healer and not a fighter. Will rushes in to battle, even volunteering to scout on a enemy right after DELEVERING A BABY AT 14.
I think Nico found Will a lot more welcoming because Percy is just too much like him in some ways.
Sure, they can outsmart opponents, they're not dumb or completely dependent on their weapons and abilities. But without them they're a bit more unsure of their next moves. We see that Nico,despite being on the verge of dieing, still instinctively relies on his abilities. Though we don't see a similar case with Percy, his abilities is what makes him great enough to go toe to toe with literally gods. Nico's connect to death related abilities radiating from him was enough to scare back monsters.
Both need someone who isn't as use to being able to depend on weapons or godly powers strong enough to topple armies. They need someone to keep them grounded.
It's why Will and Annabeth click so well with their respective boyfriends. Annabeth constantly coming up with plans, she has only really her wits and a small blade to get her the upper hand. AND SHE DOES SO. I'm sure if Percy was in a situation where he couldn't use any of his abilities and either without his sword or couldn't depend on it as well, she would easily think of a plan and keep him from over doing it.
Will,like Annabeth, doesn't have the same powerful aura that his boyfriend does that keeps others literally backing away.
But he still managed to walk past Gemini without being stopped. I refuse to believe that he can't handle himself in battle like TSATS tried to say.
Anyway, really excited to see baby Will in the show in a few years fhdh
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TTTE Ticklish Headcanons (SFW)
So, I realized as I was writing my fanfic and the shorts as well that I seemed to have deemed most of the characters as ticklish. I dunno why, I guess I just thought it was cute. So, I figured ‘what the heck’ and decided to make a list of headcanon for the steam team plus Flying Scotsman because I love him dearly.
Totally ticklish everywhere
His laugh isn’t the loudest, but it’s fairly loud.
Definitely snorts
Emily and Edward have taken advantage of him being ticklish when he’s having a bad day. Edward because he’s basically like Thomas’s older brother and Emily because she’s his girlfriend
Doesn’t really have a most ticklish spot, pick a spot, any spot, and he’ll be squealing in a matter of seconds
Isn’t terribly ticklish, but has a melodic laugh
James absolute LOVES Edward’s laugh
Ticklish spots are more odd/hard to get to spots (behind his knees, his neck, right underneath his ear)
James abuses the spot underneath his ears and neck all the time when he kisses him
Once he starts giggling he has a hard time stopping
Also ticklish all over but is very shy about it and about his laugh
Can’t handle hard tickling, it hurts it doesn’t tickle
Hiro isn’t the biggest tickler so Henry is safe for the most part. But when Hiro gets in a more playful mood Henry knows he isn’t safe from tickles
His worst spots are his underarms
Super ticklish but if you try you’ll lose a finger or ten
Camille (OC) and Scotsman are the only ones who can get away with it and not be threatened with death. Actually, they are too, but they aren’t afraid
His two spots that are equally bad are his stomach and feet, but he’s fairly ticklish all over
He almost never trusts Camille to give him foot rubs. He’s always worried about her having ulterior motives
Scotsman pinned him to the ground once, when he discovered he was ticklish, and tickled him for what felt like forever. Gordon has never been so red.
He doesn’t beg to stop. He just swears vengeance.
In full denial that he’s ticklish and will deny it every time.
The loudest when tickled
Has been teased by all members of the steam team about it at least once
His feet are his own worse enemy, he hates how ticklish they are
Secretly loves being tickled by Edward
Edward tickles him because he knows that James loves it
Has been tickled by Edward for pouting too much or being too grumpy
Snorts when tickled, finds it horribly embarrassing
A lot like Thomas, extremely ticklish
Hasn’t been tickled a lot because he doesn’t have a significant other to try and exploit that all the time and he thanks his lucky stars for that
Him and Thomas have play fought that has involved harmless tickling in the past
The only member of the steam team that apparently isn’t ticklish
Has been theorized it’s because he’s a steam tram
If he is, Henrietta ain’t talking
When he has seen the others get tickled and see’s them laughing he thinks it’s the absolute weirdest thing
Isn’t very ticklish but will laugh hard enough if you do manage to find a spot
Her ribs are her worst spot
Thomas has been known to sneak up on her at any given time and attack.
He has totally done hit-and-runs where she’s at a station and he tickles her and then takes his engine form and runs
The Flying Scotsman
Just as bad as his brother, but fully admits it
Has a loud but gorgeous laugh
Hates having his toes tickled because he’s so tall and he isn’t flexible enough so he can’t retaliate
He is basically stuck if you can keep him from kicking
Unlike Gordon, he doesn’t care about dignity and will beg whoever’s tickling him to stop
He quickly becomes a mess and gets embarrassed about it
I’m willing to do more headcanon’s on other characters if anyone wants. But these just came to my mind. I tagged this as SFW because apparently there can be a lot of NSFW tickling things and well, I didn’t want to go there.
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tagthescullion · 10 months
Diplomacy: a Net of Embellished Lies
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus
Rating: G
Summary: Five times Nico lied to the people around him, and one time he told the truth.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
AO3 link
Chapter 5: The Doors
“He’s turned up in Camp Jupiter.”
Hades’ eyes lingered on his son’s troubled expression. 
“Percy Jackson,” Nico clarified. “He’s been accepted into the legion.”
“How relieving,” he told the boy. “I’ll be able to sleep peacefully tonight knowing my sister has released my brother’s favourite bastard.”
Nico gave him a look that conveyed extraordinary amounts of contempt considering his age. 
“Isn’t that good?” He asked. “You said Hera’s plan might work.”
“No, that’s not what I said,” Hades refuted. “What I did tell you was that it might work out for you and Hazel. If Hera managed to bring your two peoples together, that would give you a valid excuse to be seen around with your Roman sister.”
It gave him an uncomfortable shiver to think of the whole Greek/Roman division. But he’d rather fade into oblivion than let his son see him in such a weakened state.
“You don’t believe it could bring both camps together, then?” Nico wondered.
Hades hesitated for a moment. “I am not sure it is such a solid bet as my sister believes it to be. There’s many years of bad blood between both sides.”
“I know that,” Nico said. “But the stakes are high enough that they must see we have to work together!” 
“Rationally, your differences could be put aside for the greater good,” Hades agreed. “My grandmother is a formidable enemy and so are her second batch of children, it’s unlikely you could beat them without cooperating.” He made himself more comfortable in his throne, he’d been on edge for months, with the disappearance of Thanatos, and the issue with the Doors. Yet he made an effort to make his son understand. He was an idealist, he needed things spoken clearly. “But you’ve lived part of a memorable mortal conflict in your childhood, haven’t you? Tell me, how well did people put their differences aside to beat a common enemy back then?”
“That’s not the same,” Nico argued. “Those were governments. This is just… a bunch of children.”
“Why, of course,” Hades nodded. “Teenagers have always been known to be more reasonable and level-tempered than adults.”
The boy exhaled, no doubt in an attempt to avoid rolling his eyes at Hades, which would have ended up with him grounded for a month, life-or-death conflict be damned.
“I only mean,” Nico began slowly. “That I think leaders of both camps are much less corrupt and selfish than governments tend to be. They would at least consider cooperating.”
“Let us hope so,” Hades said. “In any way, we should first wait for Hazel and her two companions to return from their quest before we start speculating.”
Nico looked uncomfortable. “They will return, won’t they?”
“Only the fates can tell,” Hades stated. “Thanatos must be returned to his position as my lieutenant. Spirits are growing uneasy without him.”
He was rather worried, if he was honest. As Hades, the fear he felt for his Roman daughter was slightly dampened, but he still wanted her to return unharmed. It irritated him to be unable to help, even if subtly, while she was in Alaska. Damned place, just off the extent of his powers.
And, of course, the issue with the Doors of Death was much worse than he wanted to admit. Spirits returning? His family would never let him hear the end of it.
He could almost hear it, ‘You have one job, brother, do  try to do it properly’, they would be unbearable.
“How are you faring without him?” Nico asked. “It’s been quite a while.”
His tone was concerned, which Hades both appreciated and found ironic, since the boy had benefited from the situation when it suited him, but Nico needn’t worry about such things. Or perhaps he should, if he could use the information to put pressure on either camp.
“The Furies can keep things in order here, for the time being,” he replied. “The problem is that the other side of the Doors is in Tartarus.”
Nico paled. “I see…” 
“Yes, it’s not ideal.”
“And, hypothetically,” Nico commented. Hades frowned, he never liked his son’s hypothetical questions. “How would one be able to close them, then?”
“You defeat Gaea,” he explained. “Either you blackmail her or bribe her into closing them herself —rather unlikely, as you can imagine—, or you send a couple of expendable creatures to close them from Tartarus.”
“Demigods, for example?”
“No,” Hades dismissed the notion with a wave of his hand. “Demigods could never make it, your kind is not prepared for the abyss, your mind would shut off.”
Nico frowned. “You once told me demigods were ideal for all this crap because we were part of both worlds.”
“You have an incredible ability to distort my words into whatever is convenient for you, did you know?” Hades was losing his patience. “I told you that demigods were my family’s ideal tool to annoy me by sending them here —to the civilised bit of the Underworld— bearing demands. Not to dive into Tartarus in a suicide mission for their souls to be lost forever.”
“The soul would be lost?” That seemed to concern his son more than the rest.
“Of course,” Hades confirmed. “Thanatos —assuming he ever returns to his post— wouldn’t venture that far to pick up a wayward foolish spirit. Besides, who would be idiotic enough to—” Then it clicked. “Absolutely not.”
“What? I didn’t say anyth—”
“You’re not about to throw yourself into Tartarus,” Hades ordered. “That’s the most ridiculous plan you’ve come up with so far, and the Fates know you’ve had plenty of wacky ideas.”
“Now who’s understanding whatever they want?” Nico snapped. “I didn’t imply that I’d go to Tartarus, it was all theoretical.”
Hades stared at him firmly. “You want to close the Doors.”
“That would be useful,” he confessed with a self-conscious shrug. “But I didn’t know they were in Tartarus.”
“And now that you do know,” Hades insisted. “You won’t go near that cave, will you?”
Nico stayed silent.
“Answer me,” Hades demanded. “Promise me you won’t be reckless enough to go near that bloody cave.”
His son looked at him defiantly. But staring contests were Hades’ speciality. Even his spoiled youngest brother couldn’t beat him.
Reluctantly —very, very reluctantly—, Nico nodded. “All right. I won’t.”
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