#is that his bestie went up to Olympus
m4gp13 · 1 year
Percybaster "Babe I swear it wasn't me" but it's Percy trying to convince a heartbroken and torn Al that he's not the one who killed Ethan on Olympus that day.
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half-shadowgalra · 10 days
what if Bianca survived?
I’ve been thinking of a PJO Au for a while now
what if Bianca didn’t join the hunters but still went on the quest?
what if instead of dying on the quest she was only lost?
what if everyone thought she was dead until she is found in BotL
what if she suffered memory loss from the almost dying and that’s why it took her so long to find camp again
what if she survived but Nico still ran away thinking she was dead
what if Nico was so happy to find her but was scared of getting closer to her again in fear of loosing her
what if Nico still ran away from Camp after BotL because a. He wanted to figure more stuff out about his past and b. He was afraid of losing Bianca again
what if Bianca got to figure out what her powers are
what if Bianca could raise skeletons
what if Bianca, instead of shadow travel, could shift her body in to a silly little shadow creature that could rip other monsters apart in seconds
what if Bianca befriended Michael Yew and they were besties
what if Bianca learned that trans and non-binary people exist through Michael (I like to think that Michael is a trans guy)
what if Bianca is the only person at camp who can rival the Apollo cabin’s (Michael’s) archery ability’s
what if Bianca was the one who held Michael while he cried at the loss of his brother and a lot of his cabin
What if Bianca becomes besties with Will Solace
what if during TLO Bianca is dead set on finding Nico because his dumb ass ran away
What if during the battle of Olympus when Nico shows up Bianca and him immediately start fighting side by side slashing their way through enemies while Bianca scolds Nico about him running away
imagine after the battle Bianca going to find Will and she asks him where Michael is
imagine Bianca comforting the young cabin leader while also crying her eyes out about the first person outside of blood relatives that she truly loved(platonically but she finds that out later)
imagine Nico and Bianca building their cabin together
imagine Nico not only feeling lost and out of place at camp because he’s a hades kid but also seeing his sister get along with everyone, even the Apollo kids
what if when Percy goes missing Nico is planning to sneak out in the middle of the night but is caught by Bianca
“where are you going?” She says with a raise of the brow and her arms crossed. Looking right into his soul.
“I’m going to look for Percy.” He’s says, staring right back into hers. A determined expression on his face. “Don’t try to stop me.”
”I’m not going to” she says cliff faced, a glare studying his facial expression. “I’m coming with you. Just let me pack a bag.”
I will probably do a part two
I’ve thought about “what if Bianca survived and grew up” a lot
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thepigeonhasapen · 7 days
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🍇SFW A-Z: Dionysus!🍇
Gonna do one of these for everyone, but I'll start out with everyone's favorite high-functioning alcoholic first! 🥂
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Highly. I mean, this is Dionysus we're talking about. If he hasn't touched at least ten of his friends by mid-morning, he's either having a really bad day or somebody else is pretending to be him and you should probably figure out what happened to the real Dionysus. Back-slaps, hugs, lazy post-drinking snuggling; Dionysus loves them all. If he has a lover, you can bet he's pulling them up to sit in his lap. Pray that you are not big or strong enough to pick him up because, if it's been a while since you've seen him, he can and will do that thing were he runs and leaps into your arms. If he's bigger than you, he'll grab you around the waist and spin you around. Either way, someone's getting picked up.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You'd think a requirement for being Dionysus's friend would be a love for parties, but that's not quite true. All you have to do to be Dionysus's friend is literally be just any degree of a chill. We're all here to have a good time, right? Raining on anyone's parade is a good way to get on Dionysus's bad side. Or at least make him slightly pissy with you. His one hard requirement for an absolute best friend though, would have to be loyalty. Stick up for him. Don't talk shit behind his back. Maybe hold his hair back while he throws up. Yeah, he's the party guy but he's not just the party guy, you know? His best friend would have to stick with him even when he's not at his best. And in terms of reciprocity, Dio is great. Absolute gossipy bitch. Always in your corner. Will make time for you if you're having a problem. Expect lots of hanging off of you while he brags about how cool his bestie is to everyone who even vaguely looks like they're listening.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Pretty sure I already went over this one, but Dionysus is an absolute cuddle monster. Doesn't even have to be with a romantic partner. My man is the KING of platonic snuggling. He gets especially clingy when he's extremely wasted, but even when he's more sober (because come on, he's never completely sober,) he has no problem with just laying back and having a good cuddle.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Does Dionysus ever want to settle down. Does the god of festivities and merriment and madness ever want to settle down. What do you think? Crazy partying is kind of his thing, here! That being said, I feel like Dionysus can cook crazy well. He's picked up a lot of little tricks from all the different people he hangs with. But cleaning up after himself? I mean, his personal chambers on Olympus are pretty tidy but that's mostly because he's never there.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
People might get mad at me for this one, but here goes. Dionysus is all about good times. You know what's not a good time? Break ups. If he's no longer interested, he won't say as much, he'll just... stop hanging out with you until he's full on ghosting you. He hopes you'll get the hint so he doesn't actually have to have a conversation about it and bring the whole vibe down. If he's no longer feeling the relationship, it's likely that he no longer likes you at all, so if a confrontation is forced, Dionysus won't be kind about it. He just wants to get it over with. Gods are fickle. He's fickle. He just wants to get back to the things he enjoys already. Look, nobody ever said he was the god of healthy relationships.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Would Dionysus marry? I mean, maybe? It would depend on how serious he is about the relationship. He's had lots of spur of the moment "marriage" ceremonies. But if he actually does love a person and really, truly knows that he wants to be with them forever, then, yeah. Dio's putting a ring on that.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Depends on how much he likes you. Dionysus is always gentle, physically at least. He's aware of his strength and knows he can be a bit much so he makes sure to rein it in. Even when play-fighting or wrestling, he tries to keep a handle on his strength. However, verbally, Dionysus can be a bit blunt. He will try to be as nice as he can, but he's not known for beating around the bush. If there's something on his mind, he'll bring it up. That being said, you can whole-heartedly believe any compliment he gives you because he's not known for lying just to be polite.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are just standing cuddles, of course Dionysus loves them. I feel like he goes in more for a quick side-hug though or an arm around your waist or shoulders. He wants to be touching at all times, but he'd also like to have a hand free to do stuff, y'know? And that stuff totally isn't hold his wine glass. However if you really need a serious, down-to-earth hug, Dionysus gives the best ones. He's warm and he knows how to hold on just tightly enough and he'll plant little kisses on the top of your head. It also doesn't hurt that he always smells lovely; of grape juice and flowers and spices.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Yesterday. Last week. He's already said it. Dionysus loves everyone. It won't be by his words that you'll know that you're close with Dionysus. It'll be his actions. When he leaves his party to come check on you because he noticed you were gone. When he goes out of his way to get you things he knows you like. When he shows up to visit you at odd hours because something weird or cool happened and he has to tell you about it immediately.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It takes a very specific scenario to make Dionysus jealous. He's very open with his relationships and believes that monogamy is really overrated so if you want to flirt with someone else, by all means! He'll even be your wingman! But jealousy? He'll really only get jealous if you're hanging out with Apollo over him. Like, hello??? That bitch is already the golden child, does he have to have you too??? Gets quite grumpy and pouty when he's jealous, but can be assuaged very easily with kisses and affirmative words. He may pretend to be mad for longer though. Just so he has an excuse to ask you to make it up to him, if you know what I mean. ;)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses get sloppier the drunker he is. Dionysus is never one for chaste kisses so you can only imagine what he's like when he's absolutely wasted. Lots of tongue. Accidental teeth bumps. It sounds awful, but he does it with such passion and experience that it definitely makes up for it. Also I hope you like wine because you're constantly going to be tasting it on his mouth.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I feel like Dionysus is good with kids. He just seems like that kind of guy. Chill. Patient. Granted, he'd probably let them try a sip of whatever he happens to be drinking so maybe keep him an eye on him, but other than that? You could definitely choose worse gods to watch your kids. As for his own kids? I actually cannot decide if Dionysus would be a crappy father or a great one. He really could go either way. On the one hand, I feel like he'd be great at supportive talks and hugs and cute family activities. On the other, I can't see him being all that consistently available. Sure, being a dad might be fun for a while, but sooner or later, he's gonna get antsy.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Let's be real, he doesn't actually need sleep, but unlike some of the other gods, he's crazy down for all of life's little pleasures, including naptime. So it's pretty hard to consistently spend mornings with Dionysus. He usually crashes just wherever he happens to be, so unless you're actually physically with him at the time, you won't be seeing him until like noon. He has no problem sleeping in a proper bed with you if you ask him, though. If he loves you, he'll make time to include the things you like in his life, and if that thing is sleepy snuggling, hey, he's down. Don't expect him to get up first though. My man loves his lazy mornings.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Ha, what do you think? He will, however, sometimes blow off his feasts just to have a chill night in with you. Couldn't say why but he seems like a stargazing guy to me. Also I feel like he'd LOVE it if you read to him. But do be prepared for him to interrupt every five seconds with commentary.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Dionysus is a very chatty guy. Talk to him once and you've probably received an exhaustive list of all the sexual partners he's had in the last week as well as anything interesting he's done or seen. Despite that, it takes a very specific scenario for Dio to get into the mushy stuff. I can really only imagine him talking about his personal problems in rare quiet moments or if you need an emotional pick-me-up and he has something you might be able to relate too. He's not one to hide his feelings, but he also doesn't want to bring down the vibes with his issues, you know?
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You can count on one hand the number of times you've seen Dionysus genuinely mad. Sure, he gets irritated sometimes and lashes out a bit, but he really is a live and let live kind of guy, and the amount of times he gets really upset is quite low. The only thing that'll badly set him off is people hurting his friends or the ones he cares about. Pretty much everything else is a flare-up hot, cool-down quick situation, if he gets angry at all.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Attentive as fuck. Dionysus remembers pretty much everything you've ever told him, even if it didn't look like he was listening at the time. He loves you. Of course he's going to be paying attention to everything you say. Wouldn't mind being put on the spot about it either. Quizzing each other about how much you remember about each other would be a fun game for him. Can't remember? Gotta drink, man. Those are the rules.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves every moment spent with you, but the one he loves the most, the one that he really loves but will never tell you out loud, is the one where you just sat with him. It's not often that Dio doesn't feel like partying, but he'd had a bad series of days and he just... didn't feel up to it. But you stayed. You didn't even do anything special. You just hung out with him. Dionysus isn't usually self-conscious, but everyone's got their insecurities and Dionysus sometimes worries that you only want to hang out with him because of his merriment side. It's good to know he can relax a little around you and let you in on his bad days, rare as they are.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Dionysus isn't exactly hovering over you with a steak knife, but he is quite protective over his friends. He's an absolute petty bitch and won't hesitate to mess with anyone who even looks at you strange. If you tried to protect him, he'd genuinely find it sweet even though he obviously physically can't get hurt. If you lied to protect him, he's one of the few Olympians that won't straight up kill you dead for it. I mean, he'd still rather you just told him if there was some problem but he thinks it's really precious that you were worried about him and his feelings.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn't put a lot of effort into his gifts, but somehow they're still thoughtful. Then again, he doesn't really have to put in effort. He's a god. He can just get whatever the hell he wants at a moment's notice. Not to say he doesn't adore you or the time you spend together, Dionysus is just very spur of the moment. He will however, occasionally put together a big ado for you on your birthday or your anniversary or if you did something cool and he thinks you should celebrate. If you're not the partying type, that's okay too. He'll put a cute little dinner together and you can have a casual hang-out with just him. Will probably playfully tease you about how lucky you are to have his full attention. Tease him right back. He'll love you for it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Well, the constant drinking for one. Does kind of come with the territory. He's also extremely gossipy and will talk about people behind their backs, including you. If he likes you, it's usually not negative but uh... all of Olympus knows about your sex life. Sorry. Another big flaw of his is that, similar to most of his family, he has trouble taking no for an answer. He wants to do what's best for you! He wants you to be happy! Unfortunately, he also thinks he knows better than you do what's good for you and it'll take more than a few times of this going badly for him to ease off a little.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
About average all things considered. He's not exactly checking himself out in the mirror every five minutes but he does like to look nice. Definitely wouldn't mind if you stroked his ego a bit by complimenting him on his appearance. Do be mindful that he will return the favor, and if you say anything vaguely negative about yourself? Well. Good luck. Hope you enjoy Dionysus going over every inch of your body and explaining how much he loves it for the rest of the day.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Would depend on both the intensity of the relationship and how it ended. Something he considered just a hook-up won't break his heart, but if you were close? Losing you would absolutely destroy poor Dionysus. He'll close himself off from the rest of the Olympians, as well as his followers, and just kind of mopes for a while. Once he's finished with that, he does come back, but he's not the same. He'll be a lot moodier and willing to give in to his darker impulses, for example smiting his followers if they disrespect him. You are not responsible for the way your partner behaves post-breakup, but uh, that doesn't really apply when you're dating a god. This is a lifetime commitment. Please don't break up with him. He's not as bad as some of the other Olympians but like. He's making people believe their loved ones are grapevines here. Even if you don't love him anymore, you kinda need to take one for the team, man.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Would secretly love it if you're not as much the drinking type as him. He'd never admit it (unless he was both really out of it and really close to you) but he does sometimes worry about what kind of stuff he gets up to when he's blackout drunk. He doesn't think he'd do anything too bad, but it's nice to have someone that can actually verify that he didn't. Maybe it’s his mortal side or maybe it's just who Dionysus is a person, but he tends to actually feel bad about the mistakes he's made and is somewhat anxious that he'll hurt someone when he's too under the influence to use his better judgment. You probably won't be able to stop him, but you can remind him what happened when he's feeling more himself and he can try to fix whatever it is he's done.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
An excessive love for violence would be a hard turn-off. A little bit is fine, but if you're running around killing people left and right, he's considerably less thrilled. Look, he'll even hook you up with Ares if you want, just keep the wanton murder away from him, 'kay? Kind of hard to have feasts when all your guests are afraid of the serial killer. Also I feel like he would not get on with people with a touch phobia because he'd take it as personal insult.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Being a god, Dio doesn't really need sleep but he still likes doing it. Doesn't snore, but probably does drool. Definitely wraps around you like an octopus in his sleep. And I hope you have good bladder control because Dionysus is the single deepest sleeper in the world. You are not getting this man off of you until he wakes up by himself.
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msweebyness · 10 months
MiracOlympus- The Science Deities
Here's the next round of MiracOlympus Deities, the science kiddies! Enjoy, and as always, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
God of flowers and the Spring
Very close to his older sister, Mylene
Has the power to restore life
Fell in love with Nath instantly, and went to the Underworld by choice (Mylene ships them)
Soft, sweet boi
Goddess of the moon
Considerably more humble than her sister
Frequently exchanges gossip with Chloe. (She sees everything during the night, like Chloe does during daytime)
Watches over mortal children during the night to keep them from harm
Trying to figure out how to make a lunar rainbow for Cosette
Godex of the Earth
The most Zen of all the deities, great at mediating conflicts
Sees literally everything that happens on Earth, gossips with the sun/moon sisters
Is considerably grumpier during the Winter months
Helps Simon to keep his cool
God of Space and the Cosmos
A FAR more benevolent version, obvi
Has a bit of an issue with needing routine and anxiety
Another member of the gossip squad
Fascinated by human technology
Deity of the rainbow
Everything it wears is an explosion of color
Official Olympus makeup artist
Rides between Earth and Olympus on a rainbow
Helps Alix with messenger duties
Goddess of the West Wind and warm months
Can actually kick up a hell of a storm when mad
Creates warm winds with her parasol
Still a bit of a perfectionist
Has wings like a dove's
Goddess of the North Wind and the cold
Temperature drops 20 degrees when she arrives
Only shows emotion around people they trust, like Aurore
All the snow-themed accessories
Has wings like a snowy owl's
God of mischief and the wildlands
Alix's brother in prankster supremacy
Really enjoys freaking out mortals in the woods
VERY protective of nature, like Mylene and Juleka
Is a boss on the reed flute
Also, he has the legs of a goat
Goddess of the dark
ROCKING that cloak of stars
Mortals fear her, though she wishes this weren't the case
Besties with Ismael, helps with a lot of his pranks
Can talk to shadows
Muse of Theater, specifically comedy
Gets along well with his eight siblings, but loves their sister, Evie (Erato), and twin, Jesse (Melpomene), the most. (Don't tell the others)
The most dramatic deity you will ever meet, lives for the theater
Has a ton of superstitions that they follow to the letter
Is writing a romantic play for his boyfriend, Austin T.
Goddess of Victory
Very competitive, but her friends reign her in
Often attends mortal sporting events
Enjoys doing parkour on the peaks of Olympus
Laurel wreaths are her signature accessory
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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lesbianbanana · 10 months
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Little piece based on my Roman Empire au. basically it's the gods who didn't shift trying to work out why everyone else did. everyone is sad and lonely and traumatised.
breakdown ⬇️
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✨Apollo✨. This au is centred around him. Basically he's trying to work out why everyone around him suddenly went all dark and violent (especially Artemis because Diana is MUCH more witchy scary than her). He goes around the block. Olympus is different. He's a Dii Consente now. Hestia (Vesta) has replaced Dionysus on the council so he goes off to find Dionysus (and finds Bacchus/Liber). He goes to visit Artemis (who is Diana and hates him). He goes to visit his mother (who is Latona and unsure why he keeps insisting she has a daughter called Artemis). He goes to visit Asclepius (who is Aesculapius, and still locked away). He tries to find the muses (who I just can't find mentioned in the Roman era much so they're just gone). Finally he goes to the Fates, and they're like "well, everyone's gone 😊. They're never ever going to come back the way they were 🤗. Bye 🤪" and then he goes and cries and shit but he gets better!!! He has some besties.
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Nemesis!! She's goddess of retribution (revenge) so she turns up because Helios (Sol) keeps bitching about Apollo stealing his schmick. (Apollo didn't become associated with the sun until early Roman days). So she comes to Apollo and she's like "girl, this boy won't shut up. Also he hates you." And Apollo, standing with his new house on fire, is like, "YOU THINK???" and somewhere along the way they both work out neither of them switched like everyone else. (Nemesis has been a bit lonely down in the Underworld. Proserpina as Persephone, Pluto as Hades, Trivia as Hecate, Nox as Nyx, Somnus as Hypnos, Mors/Letum as Thanatos). So they both kind of stick together and Nemesis makes Apollo realise that legitimately a lot of people hate him for being a piece of shit back in Greece.
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Iris is a messenger for the gods, and she's kind of peeved that MERCURY is getting all the credit for it, especially when Mercury's a little bitch. (didn't she mention in cotg that she wasn't annoyed at Ganymede for taking her role as cupbearer, but was annoyed Hermes had taken over messaging?) But she has first had experience just how much the gods have changed now. (MARS IS CALM?? HMMMM??? NO VIOLENCE ALL THE TIME???) but she's at a lot of the Roman Olympus parties and just kind of watches Apollo get drunk and shit because a) he doesn't want to be there and b) he doesn't want to remember that the family he's there with isn't his family. And at one point she's kind of like alright bitch that's enough, and she forces him to take care of himself <3
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Apollo comes across while searching for Dionysus. Ariadne is usually just Ariadne in Roman times but sometimes she's Libera, like how Dionysus is Liber instead of Bacchus at times. So I kind of figured she'd be Libera whenever Dionysus was in Liber form, and be Ariadne whenever he was Bacchus. So as well as her husband being completely crazy, she also blacks out at times to get taken over by another goddess. This stops happening over time but it's still really annoying. Anyway Apollo tries to talk to her after he realises she's Ariadne, and girl gets pissed because why is Apollo the same and her husband completely not? She has this idea or something that Apollo did something to make this happen and Apollo is literally like "I AM JUST AS DISTRESSED AS YOU ARE" but he's also not sure whether it IS his fault or not. anyways Ariadne comes round after a few years and chats to him at a party on Olympus and she sort of gravitates towards his little group because she's very very lonely.
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Britomartis is a Hunter of Artemis and doesn't generally hate Apollo, but doesn't like him either. But she, like all the other hunters, is 100% caught off guard when Artemis switches to Diana. And Apollo is around a lot because he wants to work out Diana and doesn't want her to hate him (which she does). Idk. Diana is very volatile in my head (at least during Roman Empire days) and gets very annoyed when her hunter's call her Artemis, so Britomartis sort of slips away and starts hanging out with Apollo, mainly because she's a little bit worried about him, and mainly because she knows Artemis would want him to be okay, even if Diana didn't care.
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Ganymede probably got so much whiplash from this whole thing poor kid. Like, he's one of the newest gods to the pantheon, and suddenly everyone just shifts up and is super ANGRY. and bros like I am literally fourteen chill please. but he's up front with a lot of the gods as their cupbearer, so he sort of has to internalize his breakdown until he goes to Apollo and is like "get me tf out of here". And Apollo's like slowly recovering and is like holy fuck this boy traumatised, so he takes Ganymede under his wing and eventually just kidnaps him away from Jupiter. (he's a protector of youth, so I like to think he helped Ganymede settle in after his abduction).
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Triton is pulled along by Iris. He's a messenger too and Iris kept messaging as a little defiance because there's no way the little punk Mercury is going to take her job. So she keeps in touch with all her friends and realises quite quickly that Triton is still Triton. Actually a lot of the sea deities stay the same, except mainly Poseidon as Neptune and Amphitrite as Salacia. And obviously Triton is the most affected by their change as they're his parents. He's not on the verge of fading but.. he is. Romans don't worship minor sea deities (which is why a lot of them didn't change) and he's kind of losing his will to go on while feeling like a stranger in his own house. So Iris pulls him away and up to hang out with all the others and he gets less lonely <3
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Thetis was like a butterfly effect. Iris pulled Triton and Triton was like fuck it you're coming too. It's a little.. tense to say the least between Thetis and Apollo, but they warm up over time (centuries). It also gives Apollo the chance of redemption there. Also thetis doesn't like looking human and never has since she was forced to be with Peleus for a year. Thetis also like being a little shit and she will use that against Apollo.
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Psyche!!! I love her. Obviously the switch up between Eros and Cupid is crazy. I cannot imagine Psyche being amused with her husband being a little child thing. And she didn't hate him, because she's all about loving the soul and stuff, but it did fed her up, so she kind of gravitated towards the gang. Psyche and Ariadne were probably friends before everything anyway since they could've bonded over both originally being mortals. Also Apollo being a little "she's the wife of the guy that cursed me and Daphne" character development
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ma-lark-ey · 2 years
I am begging for us to talk about Jasper/Jiper. Please. Please
If you've only read HoO, you don't understand them. You don't. Jason and Piper had an amicable breakup that both recognized was NECESSARY after both came to the separate conclusion that their entire relationship was forced proximity and compulsory because of their respective mother/mother-figure, and THATS. are you KIDDING ME?? I love them.
Jason and Piper stayed close friends, and while it was awkward and they had to piece back together who they were as a pair, they stayed a pair. They didn't leave each other behind.
If you haven't read TBM yet, allow me to show you the scene Piper finds out he dies:
She spends a good portion of time holding his bleeding, drowned corpse, trying to list to Apollo all the ways they could bring him back. Physician's cure, Cherokee plant cures, the Doors of Death, etc. Apollo tells her, "Jason Grace struck me as many things, but he wasn't a cheater. Would he want you to rend the heavens and the earth and the underworld to bring him back?" Her eyes flashed angrily. "You don't care because you're a god. You'll go back to Olympus after you free the Oracles, so what does it matter? You're using us to get what you want, like all the other gods." "Hey," Meg said, gently but firmly. "That won't help." Piper pressed a hand on Jason's chest. "What did he die for, Apollo? A pair of shoes?" ... "They're here." I scooped them up, my hands trembling. "At least- at least we have them." Piper let out a broken sob. She stroked Jason's hair. "Yeah, yeah, that's great. You can go see your Oracle now. The Oracle that got him KILLED!" ... As we made out way up the rickety stairs, I wasn't sure which felt heavier: my exhausted body, or the cannonball of grief and guilt that had settled in my chest. All the way to the house, I heard Piper's sobs echoing off the dark cliffs.
(pg. 310-313)
Like, yeah they weren't romantic partners but these two were in love. They were a duo against the world. They were best friends, even if they were going through a rough patch.
You all don't understand. Jason REFUSED to let Piper go on the quest, because he knew that whichever of them went with Apollo, would die. And he couldn't let her die. The thought of living without her made her sick, of ridding the world of her? He couldn't bare it, even though, throughout this book, he iterates he knows it will break her for him to die. It's a selfish sacrifice, because he can't live without his best friend. Because REMINDER, HE STILL THINKS LEO IS DEAD.
im emotionally unwell over Jasper. End of story. They're perfect. they're besties. Jason deserved better. Hope he's vibing down in Elysium and I hope one day he, Piper, and Leo, get the happy days they deserve together FUCK
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
I will never not stand by the fact that Jason Todd and Piper McLean are the bestest of friends
Jay and Leo too
Mechanics? Beauty queens? Yessir
Dick and Piper too
Can you imagine like half the JL finding out they’re demigods?
”THAT’S WHY SO MANY ‘ALIENS’ HATE ME,” at least six of them exclaim angrily
Diana is very amused 
They collided when Mount Olympus relocates… right on top of the Daily Planet
That momentary panic when Annabeth steps out of the elevator after some architect work on Olympus and isn’t even in fucking Manhattan anymore 
A very nice man notices her distress and asks her if she’s okay
”Uhh…” Annabeth looked up at him warily. He sort of looked like a god- she wondered if this was some type of test. “I’m… fine.”
”Well hi there, Fine, I’m Clark,” he joked, extending a hand the size of her head to shake
Anyways, Annabeth and Clark were fast friends
CHB didn’t even have to relocate- Gotham and, by extent Metropolis, are literally on the other side of Manhattan. You know who did have to relocate? Percy Jackson 
The gods wanted him close by, and unfortunately that meant Percy and the family were moving into a new apartment 
It’s, like… fine. It’s definitely nicer, being paid for by the Olympians and magically protected
Still. You know what really sucks?
Gotham fucking Prep.
Percy’s kind of used to terrible, but living in Gotham is a whole other story
Oh but Tim Drake
Tim Drake makes things much better
They met on the first day of school. These two idiots saw someone who looked very similar to them, Tim went ‘who are you?’ and Percy said ‘I’m you but I have a sword’ (he wasn’t joking but Tim doesn’t need to know that yet) and they became besties
(When the seven meet all the Wayne’s, Damian said casually aloud “Zhang, if I bested you in ritual combat, would I acquire your powers?” and poor Frank looked ready to faint in horror)
Anyways we know Diana is a child of Zeus (she and Jason fist bump for that one, but Thalia is the extra jazzed one)
Barry is a son of Hermes- explains why he survived the lightning bolt and it gave him speed 
Hal is a son of Athena, which is why the ring chose him. Wisdom. Power. Strength of will.
To the shock of no one, Olly-blond-hair-bright-smile-Prince-Charming-Queen AKA Green Arrow is a son of Apollo 
B… is an Apollo kid as well, believe it or not. Sparkly famous playboy also with the darkest streak ever? Dresses up and fights crazy theater kids every night? Yeah
Some of the JL’s partners are too actually- Selina is an Aphrodite kid, Lois is Athena’s, Dinah is also a daughter of Aphrodite
Jason is Ares’
Dick is Aphrodite’s
Tim is Athena’s
Damian is actually Artemis’- she was under a spell at the time and, horrified, transferred the kid to Talia. It’s a long story, tell ya later
Steph is also Athena’s
Cass is Ares’
Babs is Athena’s
Duke is  Apollo’s
It’s so funny but so in character that every Wayne is a demigod
Did it surprise literally anyone that Harley is Dionysus’ and Ivy is Demeter’s? No 
(You know 90% of Gotham’s rogues are Dionysus’ actually)
Moving away from the who’s what hcs
The seven showed the Batboys CHB, and they were blown away
The littles of the camp were asking how all of them had gone for so long without being attacked by monsters, and Jason and Dick and Tim had to wince and be like “actually,”
There was capture the flag that night, but Jason was sulking because they wouldn’t let him use any type of gun
Dick kicked ass tho
Really all of them but they were split in half- Jason and Tim for red, Dick and Damian for blue
Because the hunters were there as well, they were split in half as well, between Thalia and Reyna
The campers had never had to work with the hunters before. It was weird
And then Greeks v Romans of the seven
Lots of dividing ANYWAYS
The red, Greek, Thalia’s team won, but only barely. Those Romans have good strategy
Now the other bit
Percy and Tim
What happened there? Where do they come in?
See, I was writing the bit just for fun where Percy starts at Gotham Prep
And… I accidentally gave them good chemistry
The issue is that it’s terrible writing and I’m too lazy to redo it so essentially here’s what happened:
On the first day of school, Tim Drake stumbled into his first period class ten minutes late, backpack halfway unzipped, Starbucks in one hand and a Monster in the other, running on approximately 36 minutes of sleep from two days ago.
Percy is right behind him, unsure of where to go. He slipped in right as the door was closing.
They both scan the room for threats, a habit of both of theirs, before turning to the teacher.
”Drake. Boy I’ve never seen before,” she says coldly. They both shift uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room. “Care to explain?”
Percy and Tim exchange a look, and as the hyper-intelligent dumbass heroes they are, they simultaneously come to the same conclusion.
”He’s new,” Tim explained, gesturing with his coffee and taking a swig of Monster from the other side.
”And, uh, he was showing me around,” Percy said nervously, reaching over to save the water bottle that was about to fall out of Tim’s bag.
The teacher regarded them both suspiciously. “Name?” she finally asked.
Percy winced. With his record, she probably already knew him, and… well, so much for first impressions.
”Percy Jackson,” he sighed.
As Mrs. Algebra Teacher was typing things into the attendance sheet, Tim leaned over and whispered, “Cool name. I’m Tim, by the way.” He shifted his drinks over to one side and extended an arm.
Percy grinned, shaking his hand. “We make a pretty good bullshitting team. Honestly impressive.”
”Boys,” the teacher interrupted. “Sit down. Since you’re such good friends already, you’ll enjoy afternoon detention together. Don’t be late again.”
They both suppressed groans, but sat down beside each other, knees brushing.
The rest of the school day went by, and they didn’t have any more classes together. Detention rolls around, and it’s just the two of them, because who the fuck else is getting detention on the first day of school.
They talked and flirted the whole time (mostly without even realizing they were doing that second one) and when their time was up, Tim stumbled in front of Percy on their way out, holding his arms out like he was directing traffic, blocking his exit. “Um,” he said nervously, cheeks slowly descending into the color of strawberries, “so I- I’m bi and I don’t really know how to ask people if they’re straight but if you wanted to get coffee sometime that would be cool or even just as friends is fine too because-“
”Tim.” Percy was shocked into laughing, grabbing the Batboy’s shoulders and shaking him lightly. “Chill. Same here. Coffee sounds great, although I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you. Caffeine and ADHD don’t mix well.”
”O-Oh.” Tim was sort of dazed, but also really on Cloud 9. He’d never really asked people out before, and they definitely don’t say yes. “I- that’s. Yeah. What days work for you?”
Percy grabbed his hand and slowly started to drag him down the hallway. His mother was waiting, after all, and he also didn’t really want to spend the night in the detention room (even if it was with Tim). “Hmm. This weekend is fine, but I really am new. You’re gonna have to pick the place.” They stopped just inside the front doors. Sally was idled there in Paul’s Prius, and Tim’s motorcycle was still parked where he left it that morning, the only vehicle left in the lot. Percy grinned, and Tim got lightheaded. “You need my number for that, right?”
”Y-Yeah…” Tim handed over his phone, not even remotely worried about what Percy might find out- secret identities, Wayne Enterprises secrets, mission plans. He could take it all and Tim wouldn’t care in the slightest.
Anyways they had a lovely coffee date and held hands and walked around Gotham for a bit for Tim to show Percy around and it was a fantastic time, might write it sometime
For now, I’m tired, this isn’t edited, I’m out✌️✌️
Good morning night or 4am y’all
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Hi. Boom. Here's long assorted sleep deprived thoughts I'm gonna be face palming at later about my current KH3 impressions.
Finished Olympus, Corona, now I'm on Toy Box.
PUNTING DONALD INTO ORBIT. And low key, Goofy, too. Like, on one hand, they're just Some Guys and also cartoon characters that make me giggle every cutscene they're in and they just try to lighten the mood or whatever. On the other hand, narratively, NOBODY is getting off Sora's case oh my god. Like, they've teased him before but it feels much more frequent and pointed this game towards the things Sora is insecure about. "Haha, you know Sora, our forgetful, stupid, careless, rash, powerless, weak, codependent idiot! We love him. <3" (exaggerated for comedy but they really don't stop with the punches and it's so uncalled for lol) And he either takes it or lightly goes "hey..." half the time. Donald keeps talking shit, Goofy just lets it happen and whenever there's actually disputes where Sora sasses back a 'lil then he steps in and it gives off vibes of "now don't make your mother angry." They're questionable guardian figures. Rehoming Sora to Supportive Dad Mickey Mouse real quick out of saltiness. That said, Goofy kind of laying a steadying hand on Sora on the Trinity Sled and when he was upset about Eugene's "death" in Corona is sweet.
The face of someone doing completely well who says "I can take it" twice in a row just to prove how well he's doing:
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Bestie. You're fifteen years old and running around in a world where tripping acid on identity issues, amnesia, and listening to vague monologues from strange predatory darkness men is another Tuesday.
Sora keeps spacing out and giving thousand yard stares especially throughout this game, and when Ienzo told him "yeah, your heart's not entirely yours!" And Sora just stared blankly at the phone like "figures." I just laughed, lol. He's just constantly pivoting between being occupied by and amazed by the Wonder™ of the world/absorbed by the hype of meeting new people and the Horrors™ presented by the constant tumult of foreign emotions and memories running through his little head, clearly to such a degree that it's no surprise to be told that there's whole fuckin people within him. Teenage experience, honestly. Love coming of age narratives that are just crazy fucking magic bs manifesting in dissociation central. What a guy.
I was in tears laughing when Sora was hearing voices in Twilight Town and thought Hayner and co. were those same voices for a sec and very enthusiastically, as though to prove himself went: "See?? :DDD Voices!" SORA, HONEY.
In other news of AAA-
Way to the Dawn just fucking broke? Why was everyone so calm? Am I missing something? Riku's like "aha gives me an excuse to skill up and get a better one-" child, I am gripping you by the shoulders. This blade is manifested as an extension of your heart, they don't just BREAK. Should I be concerned about the integrity of your soul, brother?
THE SCENE WITH KAIRI AND LEA/AXEL WAS SO SWEET, I WANT MORE OF THEM. NEED MORE OF THEM, ACTUALLY. When Kairi was like ":3 hehe I'm gonna beat your ass in the ring," and when he started CRYING because he caught a glimpse of Xion in her. 😭 Her letter to Sora was so fucking sad I am heartbroken how she becomes more alienated from her friends as time goes on. She went from sending the letter as a waypoint in KH2, like "please come back, here I am" to "you know where I am, but I'm still here talking to myself anyway." I. 👏 NEED. 👏 CLOSURE. 👏 Preferably for Kairi with both Sora and Riku, but they'll probably do just Sora but I dunno I don't want to get my hopes up or down. I just... I dunno, even if things aren't necessarily the same with all of them, I'd just like there to be something affirming where they stand because like even though the care they have for each other is obviously there, you can see it with all three of them in KH1 and KH2 (drives me up the walls bonkers when Riku shielded her with his body and Sora caught her when they were flashbanged), it's also like that feeling of a dwindling group chat kind of scenario. "That's right, no more waiting for you to come back from your adventures..." Props to VA that line was delivered so laden with hollowness. I hold Kairi in hands. Devastated.
THE FOCUS ON SAVING ROXAS HAS ME EXCITED. THAT IS ALL. I WAS YELLING AT SCREEN FOR FOREVER LIKE "USE A REPLICA" and then Riku finally was like "🤔✨...Replica?" And I went and mentally hoisted him onto my shoulders for a little "hip hip hooray" because the dots are connecting with the characters, fellas. I might see at least one of my peoples, soon.
Riku's VA just sounds like he's given up for this game and it's killing me, lol. Voice direction just hasn't been in his favor so far.
Mickey Mouse and Riku bonding time in hell. Riku's like "wow, mouse dad, I feel less riddled with self doubt these days. It's pretty nice to feel like a go-getter, haha, wonder why tho?" And Mickey Mouse is like... "Well... 🏳️‍🌈...! :D" Riku goes: "🤔... 🏳️‍🌈👍." strength to protect what matters And then that's that. Back to reconnaissance mission for lost veteran. Cinematic perfection.
Sora is still a certified Disney princess, if anyone's curious. He got his dance number in for this game, and he had birds gently circle around him and land on his finger.
Marluxia: "Ah yes, we finally reunite." Sora: "who"
I still can't tell if anyone has debriefed Sora, Donald, and Goofy about what happened in Castle Oblivion yet in any way. I'm wondering why they're (writers) playing that particular plot line so close to their chest.
Adorable how well Sora and Rapunzel got along. While Sora is a friend to all and shit it's really sweet seeing how he still seems to have bonds where he personally clicks with some characters more than others. And all for good reasons- like matching with his traits. I imagine him, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Hercules get brunch at the Bistro now, and no one can take this from me. Also Hercules is such a Sora hypeman, cheering him on even when he's getting crushed by a building. He passes the vibe check 100%.
I manifested my gag attack concept from my BBS post halfway into being and I'm so happy about it, lol. Thank you Hercules from hit movie Hercules for swinging Sora around in a circle like a broadsword in your special attack. I think more people should use him as a broadsword for enrichment reasons.
"how do I get power of waking when it didn't work the normal way Hercules," "idk Sora maybe you've got to be in love like I am," "well shit. guess I should get me some of that love superpower. Oh btw how come happily married Mickey Mouse and my best friend Riku are the only dudes that have the power of waking I'm confused," "...idk Sora" "okay, bye herc" (can you see my sleep deprivation leaking yet, I'm connecting the dots though, I promise, trust my methods 🤣)
IT TOOK ME 7 TRIES TO CRACK A FUCKING EGG. Remy Ratatouille looks at me like a disappointed father
Weaponized amusement park ride powers are so badass actually. I love the teacups and wish I could inflict them on my enemies, too.
Sora now has GUN. "Shooting" Star, indeed.
Sora and Rapunzel splashing in da water. 💦🥰 So cute.
WHY DID THEY PUT THEIR WHOLE ASS INTO THE FAKE VIDEO GAME TRAILER IT LOOKED SO SICK. I was so confused though I saw the dude and was like... Riku?? Wtf you're HD, my guy! Wait, you've got heterochromia and are chasing after a girl, mistook you for someone else, my bad.
There is a dog on my gummi ship roof and he will stay there until I finish the game.
Twilight Town is gorgeous and I now know the answer for "if I could pick a video game place to live" that's not just Stardew or Pokemon or something.
"I can't computer so... do that." Me too, Sora. Helping him learn his phone by having him take a ton of pictures, though. I'd like to imagine he sends them to his buddies or is excited to show them later or something. That would be so <3
The Kingdom Hearts social media posts are so funny to me for some reason btw. You get surreal shit like Riku pain-posting "I wonder if I'm the reason Ansem looks the way he does :/" and. The sideway frown just sent me. No, I can't explain why. Just comedy gold. "Mfw when possession :/" "sometimes I think about when my friend was in a coma for a year :/" "y'know I wonder what my family felt when my home was overcome with darkness because of me. Did it hurt? Were they afraid? Well they're back now but I wonder that sometimes. :/"
Maleficent is me trying to track down Luxu and shake him for answers. I don't even care if it's bad she finds it, I need to know what's in the damn box.
Buzz Lightyear going "this plot sounds ridiculous and absurd. Of course you're acting like this is normal, pitiful JRPG character." Sora: ":'D"
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
May I have some Hera & Poseidon hcs if u have any? Any and all, idc I just love them as sibz
Besties… they are besties.
When Hera first met Poseidon she didn't like him.
She wouldn't talk or look at him even when he wanted to talk to her.
Soon though Hera got jealous of how much attention he was getting from her older sisters.
And decided to bully him because of it.
He went to Demeter and Hestia and they told her she better stop teasing him and get along or there would be consequences.
Hera begrudgingly agreed, and boy did she not regret it… OK most of the time she didn't.
Once they started talking they became fast friends.
The two would play ruthless pranks on Hades.
And small playful pranks on Hestia.
Rarely did they ever prank Demeter… they didn't want to die.
And Zeus would sometimes join them.
When they were in the titanomachy they would almost always fight alongside each other.
And Poseidon was the one of the first to jump to Hera's aid when she was injured, same with Hera.
Deadly horrific pranks on the Titans.
They both came up with a way for them and their siblings to stick to one titan during small fights… rock, paper, scissors. 
They always have slap fights with each other.
Poseidon takes Hera to arcades.
Hera takes Poseidon to the movies.
Hera loves to go swimming with Poseidon but he always tugs her out to sea with waves.
When Zeus planned to hang Hera from the sky he turned Poseidon mortal and sent him to the mortal realm for years 
Because he knew Poseidon would flood Olympus until Zeus released Hera from her chains.
The only time they had a fight was when they both wanted to be a patron of the same city, but they made up.
Hera's not too fond of them but loves sibling sleepovers.
Hera always helps Poseidon with his work… he struggles from a lot of problems so he needs help.
Little bro needs hugs from big sis.
Hera is very big sisterly with him but can turn playful real quick.
Wrestling. Those two LOVE to wrestle.
When they text Poseidon sends an ungodly amount of emojis to the point that Hera is dying of laughter and confusion.
Hand holding without noticing.
They love to just drop in on Demeter's life randomly, to annoy her.
They love to tease Zeus and bully Hades.
But, are little angels around Hestia.
Amphitrite, Poseidon, and Hera are the underwater trio.
One of their things is pinky promises, I know it sounds childish, but it was the first thing that helped them get along.
So every time they're about to do something together,
They pinky promise that they won't leave one another's side.
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Peter Parker's Guide to Getting Into College (Without Revealing Your Secret Identity)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53208739 by bunkiebonky Peter had no idea what to make of Percy Jackson. From the moment Percy had entered the room, Peter’s spidey-sense had been going off, a vague hum in the back of his mind. As he shook Percy’s hand, it went crazy, screaming danger danger danger so suddenly he stumbled back in surprise, but settled back down so fast that he almost convinced himself he had imagined it. Almost. -- Peter Parker signs up for a student mentor programme after realising he hasn't completed any volunteering work for his college applications. Percy Jackson signs up for the same programme as a mentee in hopes that it will help him catch up on his schoolwork after missing so much due to the whole kidnapping situation. Both have secret lives they are trying to hide from the other. What could possibly go wrong? Words: 3443, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Percy Jackson, Peter Parker, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Tony Stark Relationships: Percy Jackson & Peter Parker, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Percy wants to go to college, Peter wants to go to college, thats the fic, Identity Reveal, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Peter Parker, they will be besties, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Not after that as I haven't read the Apollo books, No beta we die like Percy's respect for the gods, Thanos is fake pass it on, (Aka Infinity War doesn't happen in this universe), Post-Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53208739
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thehandwixard · 3 months
FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THIS ok so let me catch yall up:
finished traverse town, got through wonderland, beat cerberus, at the start of deep jungle. we caught up? also my bestie has started streaming the game so im getting double exposure
gameplay thoughts right now: path of the mystic is actually pretty fun if youre doing anything that isnt aerial combos, which is most combos if anything flying is involved but thats ok. ripple wave is very rewarding to land and clears out a lot of goons around you. of course, choosing path of the mystic limits the amount of cool, actiony abilities i have, and this early on in the game you cant equip all the abilities you want for your combos, but it like. works. sora's bread and butter combo is rewarding to pull off, though its difficult to avoid getting hit out of it. i wish it was a little easier to stack finishers, but thats not really a thing.
its very difficult to manage items, though, for me at least. you have a lot of control over donald and goofy's ai in kh1, but that still doesnt mean you control their actions, so you have to be careful about the items you give them. sora donald and goofy are all also just kind of weak and inflexible at this point in the game, and theres not a quick way to get a lot of items. that said, i dont think thats BAD for this early in the game, just can make things tedious.
anyways to get into story stuff: a lot has happened in a short amount of time, and not a lot has happened in a long amount of time. wonderland is just kind of for getting your bearings, and the grinding pads it out, but it sticks out to me just how dire the cheshire cat is allowed to be. he and alice are by far the shining stars of the world, and for alice thats mostly because she's really the first.. like. princess sora is tasked with rescuing, and he is made unable to. wonderland also has our first segment of "donald and goofy dont believe theyre allowed to meddle in world affairs, but sora sees someone needs help so he does so anyways" which is fun. idk HOW recurring that is, but i think its important. esp with the like... nuance that at least donald and goofy are upset that they feel like they cant help. like they want to.
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as he should, the cheshire cat comes off as a force that knows far more than anyone else can comprehend, and is easily the most lively and real character in the world. my friend singled out "if you want to find the shadows, try turning on the light" as a parallel to dive to the heart's "the brighter your light, the darker the shadow" yknow. common wordplay and shit but its still interesting. hes also the one who teaches you blizzard magic.
not much to say about olympus coliseum really? phil is ok. teaches you thunder. the hades bits ARE very funny in a specific sort of way, much has been said in the past about his VA kind of phoning it in, and that combined with the... strong Attempt. at animating him makes the whole thing really uncanny. however the part before you leave the world and have the option to talk to cloud is realllly digging at me in a good way.
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i really don't know much about cloud except some like... slightly advanced basics such as his backstory, general shit hes doing, and like.his mental state at most times, which gives him and sora a really interesting instant connection
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sora speaks with a genuine gravity to cloud, and it really comes across like he went out of his way to go back and talk to him, to ask if he was ok. we know that cloud is searching for sephiroth, which makes him indirectly implying sephiroth is his light... Loaded
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hes really cute in this game. uhh sora's meeting with cloud also is a major part of my hashtag truth that sora kind of figured out he was into guys through the journey and meeting all sorts of cool and hot dudes and in general making connections with queer people. learning whats out there.
deep jungle is The Real Shit though.
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in many ways its where the main emotional plot picks back up again and some additional threads are pulled on. sora is in a place reminiscent of his home, one that donald didnt want to go to and called 'backwater' and he crashed them onto it looking for riku and kairi. its high tier donald jackass moments to the point where when sora was explaining to tarzan hey im trying to find my friends goofy and donald, he corrects himself, and goes back to kairi and riku. and thats not a dick move from him, cause donald is being an asshole! and also now sora is hallucinating kairi without a good prompt (imagining kairi waking him up in the place of yuffie) so hes doing normal.
sora's a normal boy with many outlets to express his emotions
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inc0rrectmyths · 2 years
so guess what? I again deleted three asks related to Apollo x Ares x Artemis x Athena *cries*
But dw, I gotchu!
Ask: A short fan fiction/hc on Apollo x Athena. Because they are my favorite duo.
Answer: Sure! Here you go bestie!
As usual Apollo and Athena were relaxing in their favorite place in entire Olympus. The Olympian Library. Apollo sitting two tables behind Athena. A bunch of poetry books and literary classics stacked up beside him. He roughly went through the pages, his concentration being somewhere else. His gaze kept on going back to the beautiful goddess sitting in front of him, right beside the window. A thick book of modern European history was placed on the wooden table as the goddess went line by line, taking in all the information. Apollo smiled to himself as he saw how she squinted her eyes when something difficult came up, or her eyes getting wide open as she reads something really interesting. The sunrays beautifully danced on the bright face of Athena. Her pale skin, slightly pink cheeks, red plump lips and her stormy grey eyes, all were a visual treat to the Sun God. He finally got up, walking up to the goddess, "Hey Athena! " he sat down beside her. "Hi Apollo. " she greeted, her eyes still on the book. Apollo pouted and reached out to gently hold her chin and made her look at him. "Is that book more interesting than me? " he asked, eyes filled with fond fond and fond for the goddess. Athena smiled a little, a light pink blush rising on the tip of her ears. "Shut up. " she rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "I just want attention. " he pulled Athena closer. "Then just go and do some manly sparring with Ares or join Artemis in the woods. " Athena said, pushing away Apollo's face with her palm. "Nope, too tired. Wanna be here with you. " Apollo rested his head on her shoulder, and a sudden wave of warmth came over him as Athena too, tilted her head on Apollo's and intertwined their hands. "Polly..? " she asked, the nickname making Apollo laugh out softly. "Yes my dear Thena. " he glanced up at her. "I love you. " she whispered, as if it was the most intimate thing in the world. Apollo could feel the blush creeping up his cheeks. "I love you too. " he whispered back, eyes closed in anticipation for something. And as if Athena heard his thoughts, she leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on Apollo's soft cherry lips. The god sighed in contentment. Athena quickly pulled away but Apollo had different plans. He got up from his comfy position and pulled Athena closer, a muscular arm of his wrapped around her slender waist. "Apollo.. W-we shouldn't... in the library-" Athena couldn't even finish her words when a pair of lips again pressed against hers. Even though she didn't wanted to do anything here, her heart conquered her mind. She, instead of telling Apollo to stop, pulled him even closer, her slender fingers tangled into Apollo's soft, golden hair. While all this went on, Apollo cupped Athena's cheeks with his palms and held her gently as if she was very fragile and delicate. She might be a tough and strong goddess of war and warfare, but with him, she was a small little cuddly baby who liked when Apollo took care of her. The kiss was extremely gentle and soft, but their passion and love for each other was evident. After some moments, both of them parted, gasping for air. Both had deep red faces, wide eyes and swollen lips. "Umm.. S-sorry. I know you dislike doing ANYTHING in the library.. But-" Apollo's words were cut off when Athena shushed him by putting her index finger on his lips. "It's fine. I loved each and every second of it. And I love you. Now I'm hungry, let's go. " she got up and sprinted out of the library not giving Apollo a chance to speak. Apollo giggled to himself. Oh! How he loved this goddess! And Ares and Artemis too. He should also pay them a visit and might just also collect some kisses. He thought and also got up to leave.
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This Month's Review...
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The Iliad: Homer
It's a great book, but I feel like I'll have to read it one more time because I was very busy this month and couldn't fully absorb its beauty?
The Iliad is a gripping war story involving both man and deity, which is already a great character list to begin with. I loved watching everyone die in great, gorey detail and I also enjoyed the drama atop Mount Olympus. Fuck Apollo though, all my homies hate Apollo. Patroclus and Achilles!!! Besties AND lovers, literally the best combination for ripping up my heart into a million pieces.
It's poetic (obviously since it's written in dactylic heptameter), but also violent, like most epic poetry, and I live for that.
Jude the Obscure: Hardy, Thomas
This book was so fucking good! I'm impressed with Hardy's work!!!
The human relationships in the story are imperfectly perfect for allowing the plot to advance? Like this is total genius? I cannot do this book justice, I'm so sorry :(
I went through all five stages of grief (and so did Sue and Jude) after the death of Little Time (Jude j.r.). Man really killed his siblings and left a little note saying that they were a burden. And this is the begining of the story's turning point. Sue returns to Philiston, Jude to Arabella, and everything seems okay again. Until Jude freezes to death while trying to get to Sue and Arabella doesn't give a shit.
Jude's life is a golden road, until it's not. He dreams of going to Chirstminster, but his myopia off-sets him to destruction and failure
The Age of Innocence: Wharton, Edith
Newland Archer, what the fuck. WHy is everyone in this book also miserable? At least they're rich, I don't even have money.
Archer is engaged to May Welland and all seems well until her cousin, Ellen, comes to New York out of her abusive marriage with Count Olenski. Bam, shenanigans ensue. Archer catches feelings for Ellen and plans to leave May, but May is pregnant???? And so Ellen leaves America???? And then like twenty years down the line Archer and his son visit Paris and learn that Ellen lives there and Archer's kid goes to visit her but Archer does not?????
Archer tests the world and norms he knows through Ellen, bringing a close to his "age of innocence". I really enjoyed the juxtaposition of New York high-society life and the happenings/turmoils of the Archers and all those that know them.
Notes from a Dead House: Dostoevsky, Fyodor
One of my top ten fr!!! I've already made a review for this book back in October, so you can take a look at it here.
I think it's nice to reread books, I personally read a book three times: one for writing style, once for plot, once for both writing style and plot haha
Greek Tragedy: Various
I love myself a good tragedy. I really liked Oedipus Rex, but Medea is absolute gold!!! I passed my exam with ease because i was super into this unit on tragedy/drama haha
I'm in awe at the genius of the tragedians, like fucking superb you funky little greek man!!!! I want what they have and I wish more tragedies were preserved so I can fangirl over them haha
Plays: Chekhov, Anton
I love Russian literature!!! I love Russian drama!!! I cannot stress the greatness of Chekhov and I feel guilty for not being able to do him justice like Hardy :(
There is something about the work of Chekhov that just draws one into the more simple aspects of Russian life. I love Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but sometimes I don't feel like reading about the Napoleonic Era or whacking someone with the blunt side of an axe, I crave simplicity and humanity.
My favorite used to be The Seagull, but then I met Ivanov and my life changed FOREVER. For real that ending where Ivanov kills himself on his wedding day? Traumatizing. Also, I found it funny when Lyubov says "you big booby", childish I know-
Ah, I'm definitely going to be reading this again soon.
I know I haven't been reading a lot this month, but in my defense I was busy helping my last brain cell slay exams sooooo
I want to get more reading and re-reading done in May, so i'm always open to recommendations :)
Stay safe and I love you guys, thanks for all the love and support lately <3
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fastestboyalive · 3 years
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okayokayokay, not everything makes a ton of sense, it was a really long, disjointed dream of misadventures. it was also a much “happier” teen titans, all of them were doofy teens?? just. doofy.
Terra is the team leader of this “v2″ Teen Titans- Robin was the leader of the last one, then went through an identity crisis, then Terra took charge on a mission and he was like “listen how would you like to be leader for a while? i can help you out, but i just can’t do this rn”
she’s GREAT at it.
......... it’s twice as heartbreaking when she “betrays” the team. :’( she couldn’t handle the gig, and had shit goin on y’know
Beast Boy is the NEWEST member, shows up on a mission and offers to help the team.
in the dream he just kept giving weirdass nicknames and refused to call people by their actual names; robin was “Main Character Guy” bc his hair was “main character colored, like in anime”
he is so skittish
he is also weirdly cat-boy-shaped??? tail n’ all. HIS HANDS ARE NORMAL, BUT HE WEARS PAW GLOVES?????? sure, whatever why not
Raven is very chill. very quiet, doesn’t talk much. she has headphones on usually.
her skin is purple-y. cartoon demon-y.
because she can’t allow herself to “feel” emotions, she expresses herself thru art. fashion. music. poetry. she has a lot to say when she DOES speak. she is always listening to heavy metal, it keeps her calm.
wears nazars/evil eye charms and has them ALL OVER her room.
Starfire has a different accent like every day. that’s it that’s the hc. 
she uses she/her pronouns, but she is NOT a girl!!!!  her gender is “glorzmek”.  demigirl or nb is probably closest.
she’s seven feet tall, what a goddess
hair has.... “eel dynamics”. and it color shifts like an oil spill, it just looks like it’s always moving.
curious about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! also free love hippie vibes.
Robin is doin’ great and is having a good time!!!!!! good for him!!!
used to be team leader w the Fab Five, but the Teen Titans is sort of a revolving door of members lol. following an identity crisis though, he decided to take a step back, for his mental health and everyone’s sake.
he is REALLY REALLY BESTIE with cyborg and kid flash!!!!!!!!!
HIS HAIR.... IS DIP DYED................. ROBIN’S EGG BLUE. I CAN NOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP, THAT’S JUST HOW IT HAPPENED,,, happened during his ‘identity crisis” and bitch, same.
Cyborg is also much happy-go-lucky-er!!!! 
only half of him is really robo-cyborg-ish??? and also his right thumb is a prosthetic??? he thinks it’s very funny to detach it and just place it in friends’ hands; “I’m giving you a thumbs up :’) .”
i, uh... i can’t explain the mechanics of his design, not even a little. his limbs/joints are encased in clear puffy plastic, like... baymax-style. the “blue” parts are compartments of “coolant liquid” around his brain, heart, and... shoulder?????? oh yeah his brain, it is. visible. think Boskov from “Evil Con Carne”?
idk he’s a delight and makes the worst jokes
Kid Flash is basically the team medic haha. he loves extreme sports, but is VERY safety conscious.
always has his trusty backpack on- cushions from falls, has a first-aid kit, extra snacks, etc.
elbow/knee pads and wrist guards. his sneakers are just... normal. idk, seems like bad design but he just wears converse??
VERY friendly, VERY enthusiastic. also very calm??? team therapist.
The “bad guys” in the dream were Cheshire, and this other chick??? i had no idea who she was in the dream, and she was nameless, but as i was drawing her i was like “guhh this is Tigress now i guess, only makes sense??” i know, they’re swords not archer shit. i didn’t make the rules. maybe she reforms later on down the line and trades the swords for her old childhood archery equipment, decides she prefers the detachment of long-range combat from short-range,,,,
that was super rambly about a theoretical non-existent reboot/character. anyways, they’re both the “huntsmen” for some big secret evil organization. idk what it is. probably the Brotherhood of Evil.
both of them are silent. they communicate through body and sign language. totally wordless.
Terra and BB are besties, but it’s her helping him come into himself.
Raven, in dream, did very monotonously say, “Gay rights”, so jot that down
Robin/Cyborg/Kid Flash are BEEEESSSTTTIIIIES, absolute troublemakers, “boys-will-be-boys” shenanigans. idiot jocks.
Star is tight with EVERYONE. she and cyborg have a secret handshake.
Robin and Raven will sit on the sidelines and just gossip.
BB’s eyes do that weird fuckin cat nocturnal thing and just go RED in the dark. terrifies everyone. 
Kid Flash is literally just vibing!!!! you know Hermes in “Lore Olympus”? that’s kid flash in this reboot i guess.
Robin will pop up out of fucking nowhere. he’s real smug about it. no one hears him, and he just. Poof. startles you.
when Terra is frustrated her skin... dusts? just puffs dust around.
Kid Flash and Terra have Sunday Morning Brunches together. helps her unwind/vent, mostly an excuse to get SO MUCH BREAKFAST FOOD.
i cannot stress enough how goofy the teens are, this dream had a younger target audience, they absolutely did not take being stalked by evil agent hunters seriously one bit. and it was an intensely choreographed fight-chase-dodge-tease scene, the fuck, why can’t i write that shit in real life. god i would pay money to watch this show. ))
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Loki x reader (Percy Jackson's sister! Reader x Loki)
Warning:smut minors don't interact,cursing, bondage, degradation,light choking, knife play, orgasm denial, daddy
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I've been with the Avengers for about half a year I think? Just to be clear I'm here fully because as peace treaty S.H.I.E.L.D find out about the mythology worlds and now I have to stay with the Avengers as a diplomatic immunity so hooray. But otherwise they're nice Tony and Bruce are good talking science (read: help with my homework (read: do my homework)).
Wanda and Loki help me with magic (read: Wanda helps me with magic because Loki never shows up (which I am disappointed by because he's kind of hot),
Steve adopted me few months before my 1947th (18th? Honestly I don't know how much that is in human years because diamonds can live forever) birthday (despite the fact that I'm not moral Poseidon still cannot keep me on Olympus (read:doesn't want to)),
Me and Peter are besties (which Tony was not happy about),
Clint is a prankster along with Loki (just that only the later still has the balls to dare prank me),
Thor has an unhealthy obsession with pop tarts (which I have no right to comment on because same),
Nat trains with me which is normal since we have similar training.
Mine and Wanda's powers are pretty similar just that I have some additions.
Anyway the team was on a mission I was holding the fort. Because I thought I was alone I was only in my yoga pants and shirt because all my other clothes were currently in the washing machine because it did not time that well so I only had basically see through white shirt. I was in the couch peacefully eating ice cream (straight out of the box cuz why the Hades not). When I heard a strange noise. I grabbed my daggers and hide behind the door. When the person walked through the door I quickly pulled the knife to them throat.
Only to realize that it was Loki.
They did not look one bit intimidated that son of a bitch.
"Loki!" I said "you scared the shit out of me what the fuck person"
"Person?" they questions.
"I didn't ask for your pronouns yet." I said. "What are they?"
"he/him" he answered."my,my darling I must say that you look ravishing" he says stalking towards me.
I laugh and push him away and turn to leave."don't mess with me"
I went to the gym and started training then I noticed him staring at me again I ignore him and start bouncing on the bouncy ball.
"Darling if you want to bounce on something I got something you can bounce on" the blush sure that I heard him wrong.
"I beg your pardon?" I said."go on keep begging I like it" he said. "Stop making fun of me" I answered unable to accept the fact that he is flirting with me.
He wrapped his hands around my waist "darling I would never let me prove it to you. I know you like me I saw the way you stare at me when you think I can't see you" I freeze.'Oh shit he knows'.
"Will you allow it? Is it okay? Just let me take care of you darling" he said as he starts kissing my neck. I do a sharp intake already feeling my panties getting wet.
"are you sure it's okay?" I nod. He wraps his hands around my neck choking me lightly.
"use your words Pet. Do you want me? Tell me that you want me. Will you be a good girl for your King." I found myself even more turned on with him asking for permission.
"yes." I say. "yes what?" he says. "Yes I want you please...fuck I need you" I give in. "Good girl" he says. "But there's no way I'll let you rule me" I answered him. "We'll see" he says goes straight to kissing and biting my neck.
"let's take this to my chamber shall we?"in the poof of green smoke we're in his bedroom. He threw me on the bed and started sucking and biting my neck leaving marks. "Yes my darling. I've wanted you for so long" I moan. His kisses went south and stop at my shirt. He conjures a knife and cuts it off.
"my shirt" I whine. He grabbed my neck again. "Shut that mouth or I'll gag you and then fuck that brat out of you"."you don't have the guts" I retorted but he only smirk and cuts my pants and panties along with it. "Let's see how wet you are" he puts the blade in between my folds and pulls it out quickly. The blade is covered with my juices and he licked it off. That erotic gesture turned me on even more. He lowered himself onto my clit and blew some air on it I took a sharp intake. He then took a lick on my clit. I gasped as he continues to eat me out. I let out a loud moan. He stopped and looked at me.
"I did warn you" he said conjuring a ball gag and putting it in my mouth he conjures some chains and secures my arms above my head."Are you comfortable?" He asks serious. I nod. He starts sucking on my clit and slips a finger in. He moves it in and out at slow but hard tempo. But then suddenly... He stops which I am very annoyed by because I was just about to hit my release and takes the gag out.
"beg" he says.
"sorry?" I ask
"if you want to cum beg me" he says
"no" I say deciding to be a brat.
"you can't cum until you beg" he adds another finger but starts moving excruciating slow.
"fine!" I break
"fine what?" he asks
"please!" I say obediently
"please what?"
"please fuck me"
"that's a good little slut" he said going faster. I moan at his degrading. But just as I was about to cum he pulls out again.
"no you slut don't you dare cum. I want you to cum around my cock" he said misting away his clothes. I gulp. Dear gods he's enormous. He looks at my look of discomfort and he looks at me:"darling if you don't want to do something you have to tell me". "No it's fine it just your really big" I say. He chuckled:" don't worry Pet I won't hurt you"."what if I want you to" I sass back. He smirks and aline himself with my entrance but then he has a look of realization on his face. He gets off me and went to his drawer. He looks for something and finally he polls out a condom and puts it on. "Good thinking" I say. "Well.." he slips into me. I moan. "I crave for you to bear my child but I think we're not that far yet" he says as he waits for me to adjust and then slamming into me. I scream in pain that is mixing with pleasure. He slammed into me in a ruthless pace taking me fast and deep. Every time he hits that little spot that I can never reach on my own. I can feel that I'm close. "Fuck daddy!" I yell in pleasure but then realize what I just said. "Sorry I-"I said embarrassed but he only smirks. "Oh no Pet I want you to address me like that from now on" something in me seems to snap at his words and I come with overwhelming feeling of pleasure. But he doesn't stop. I slip into oversensitivity but luckily it doesn't last long before it starts to be pleasurable again. I scream:"fuck daddy! yes! I'm-"I can feel him coming close too. "Yes Pet. Let's come together" something in me snaps and he comes a moment after. "You came before me. That asks for a punishment" I gulp. This is going to be a long night.
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summoner-chan · 4 years
[𝕊𝕜𝕖𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕡 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 2020✨] P3
Woo!!! Finally got the the last one everyone!! I've been delaying this for so long so I'm really sorry for that (´;ω;`)
Let's get into it then!!✨✨
[TIDDIES warning because we all know Housamo characters has them 🖐️😔❤️✨]
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Ok, I'm an absolute simp for Tanngrisnir and the Battle of Bells Ikebukuro Christmas Event just increased my love for him a thousandfold!! (●♡∀♡)✨✨ Truth to be told, I drew this before the night of the release of the said Event so I'm just!!!! Happy!!!!✨✨✨✨ Ded Moroz out there really be giving my early Christmas present 🖐️😔❤️✨
In this piece, I drew a cough cough towel only adorned teacher because I felt that LW did him dirty from not giving him a sauna skin variant for Mystic Christmas Event which would actually showcase his tiddies that was hidden away in his tracksuit skin variant-
I don't mind if he only had a split moment of appearance but dear GOD give him and the others (Jugo, Marchocias and others I can't remember their names but know their faces well-) SOME DESERVING SCREEN TIME AND SKIN VARIANTS 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
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Same reason as the previous piece!!! I just wanted to do more skin variants for my goat hubby and once I'm finished with some current works, I'll work on the sprite making for the skin variant!✨(Besides, i have a thing for my F/Os in sweaters..👉👈...they just suddenly look so ❤️❤️) I'm pretty much excited for it but we'll have to see if IRL businesses will try and kill me or not (・–・;)ゞ💦💦
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HE!!!✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️❤️ My hubby who's obsessive with stew making (ㆁωㆁ)
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I think I did Yoritomo dirty in this one considering I had an art block that time and just wanted to draw someone and why not the new characters from CHP 11? There's a full picture for this but I decided to not include it in since haha anatomy went brrrr-
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This was done in the real early months in 2020 and you can tell the improvements I have now!! And yes!! This piece was the first of me drawing Tanngrisnir, there's some errors how it looks stiff and him looking like he's not really going to kick with determination so I'll try to redraw this soon and give it a more oomph to it and it'll be good! Really loved this piece and making the spinning wheels was already a pain to draw-
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Not to flex but- I'll be flexing here because I don't have enough artwork of Housamo characters yet so everyone have to deal with seeing my bestie's artwork presents drawn for yours truly! ✨✨
This was from the art challenge that we did together and the pose reference was from a Chinese Romcom movie called Love At First Kiss (it's so comedic that it's frustrating-) and if I have the time, I'll try to post more of her presents she's done for me because her art is just 😤👌✨✨✨❤️❤️!!!
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Here's a little progress work I'm doing right now which is my take on the Exiles and the first of it would Euryome, The Exile from Olympus!
Excuse the really messy sketch since lining the art would take time so I decided to fill out the colours first so I don't have to make my head spinning thinking about what colour to put it with- But I'm really happy how it turned out, especially the water! Which happened to be an accident but nonetheless looks pretty good! This work in progress is actually done during 2021 but you'll see why I included it in✨
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THIS was the first design of Eurynome which I done in 2020, now flipping through the papers, I saw this piece (while disrespectfully looking away at the very terribly drawn Ophion which you guys can see half of it-) and wanted to redraw it and so I did!
Somehow, the design was toned down, with the rope rings and horns especially. What I had in mind for the first design was how Ophion was her spouse who is also by chance a dragon kind thus I had implemented the horns.
The revamped version however was more to showing the fluidity of the clothes which was taken from how Eurynome is an Oceanid that Iived in the waters so I wanted something that wouldn't be too heavy looking and went something with more simpler and lighter adornments
So there you have it! The end of the Sketch Dumps from 2020 has come to an end! The next series would be Sketch Dumps from 2021 that will be posted from time to time so please do anticipate it!! Thank you to everyone who had liked this and reblogs are very much appreciated!!
Note that my commissions are still open!! If you want a three art pack for just 15$ just hit me up and we'll get to it! Only two slots open so be quick!! 😤👌✨
Summoner-chan, signing off!✨
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