#and then Ethan and his boss wind up dead
m4gp13 · 1 year
Percybaster "Babe I swear it wasn't me" but it's Percy trying to convince a heartbroken and torn Al that he's not the one who killed Ethan on Olympus that day.
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nedraggett · 1 year
My impossible mission!
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Greetings, hello. So, today I reveal a truth: it has been almost thirty years since the first one and yet all this time I have not seen any one of the Mission: Impossible movies. Not a one. Honestly I think this is neither here nor there since everybody has any number of things you’re ‘supposed’ to be paying attention to in art/life/culture but that’s the point, everyone of us comes at that question differently. In my case, it’s a combination of my never really following actors across careers – a film interests me for other reasons and the last time I saw Cruise in a first-run anything was, I’m pretty sure, Interview With The Vampire back in 1994 – and the fact that I was generally “Hm so it’s a bunch of spy movies but he does his own stunts I hear?” which still wasn’t enough.
But time went on and I kept hearing more and more people go “No wait these are actually really good, even if he is insane.” (Insert reasons why insane here, I’m sure we all know them.) So with this new one about out and noticing they were all on Paramount+ anyway (of course I subscribe, Star Trek and Drag Race, c’mon), I figured “Well let me buy a cheap ticket to see this new one on Wednesday and meantime let me actually watch all these older ones.” Which I have done very quickly over the past week and now I share honest-to-god fresh thoughts about the first six for you here [EDIT: plus the new one -- obviously, spoilers will abound]. My summaries follow, and they’re absolutely and totally accurate. Totally.
Mission: Impossible – But Not As We Know It: It’s 1996 and gosh darn it people sure are excited about email and early Zip drives! More on that in a bit. Tom Cruise is Ethan Hunt playing a smugfuck, but when Jon Voight is your boss sometimes things rub off. They all go to Prague to live the life of post Cold War slackers and get free food at embassy parties, but after various objections most of them are killed while trying to be leet haxorz and the like, so Ethan grabs some sushi to go before another bunch of slackers can hunt him down for his haircut, but not before telling him that they’re sure he is a bad guy who sold out and sold them out. Sure hope this issue doesn’t end up being a constant in Ethan’s career, that would be very frustrating! Ethan remembers something about god and how Emmanuelle Beart is hot (understandable, really) so that leads him to first use a janky Usenet client, then an impossibly showy and memory-eating email program, and then to tell everything to Vanessa Redgrave because why wouldn’t you tell everything to Vanessa Redgrave. After asking Ving Rhames to be an imposing funny guy and Jean Reno to be stubbly, they realize they desperately need the copy of Minesweeper stored at Langley but kept in a way that mostly results in death, which they avoid aside from a rat. But best to keep your knives strapped more closely to yourselves next time, that can cause problems! Jon Voight turns out to be Not Dead but basically argues to Ethan that French people are evil and corrupt which is why they all work for him because he too is evil and corrupt, as one becomes in his stage of his career working 30 years for the state. (Wait, I’ve worked almost thirty years for A state, hold on here.) Anyway, this is a geopolitical argument Ethan objects to, for he has a good heart, and also knows something about bibles placed by the Gideons, so it’s wise to be a theologian. So now it’s time to get on the Chunnel train, get a wind machine to the face, and then after the bad people all die, arrest Vanessa Redgrave. Rude! Time to settle into a nice long nap on a plane, except Ethan remembers too late that maybe the free flight he got on IMF Airlines had some strings attached. Back to the grind! (Real talk: obviously what at the time was controversial as such – ditching all the old characters except a recast Phelps and then reveals him to be the chief asshole this time – was secretly genius, enabling both film and eventual series to keep what was transferably iconic – disguises, handwavey tech, “Your mission should you choose” setups, general skullduggery, heists and breakin schemes, credit sequences showcasing moments from the plot itself and of course the two core Lalo Schifrin themes – and drop everything else. Honestly the quietest of all the films in ways and I will credit de Palma for that, because having everything fuck up at the start and then play the afterechoes out makes Hunt, who after all is being introduced as a character here, seem unsure at times as much as he ramps up plans; the whole London hideout sequence is a good example before we hit the train at the end. Best action sequence: even though it’s anything but fast motion, it’s pretty obviously the CIA breakin, barely any dialogue, tension ratchet to the max and the clearest callback to the original series’s inspiration, Topkapi. Uncredited role: Emilio Estevez, who gets some sharp metal to the face! Wait until President Bartlet hears about that! End theme: U2’s rhythm section when they all thought they were DJs, and they make the theme 4/4 instead of 5/4 so they should be the targets of Ethan’s next mission. Rating: 3.5 out of 5 water condensation drops.)
Mission: Impossible 2 – Slow-Motion Birds: Ethan Hunt decides crawling all over big rocks that will kill him with the help of gravity is a logically relaxing way to spend a day off, but before he can get to El Capitan and film a documentary his new sunglasses talk to him because he was supposedly in a plane that crashed earlier. But surprise! It’s Dougray Scott playing Mr. We’re Quite Alike Really You And I wanting to steal some dread disease to sell to the highest bidder so everyone can probably die including himself if he’s not careful, showing that once again maybe the IMF’s real problem is a bad hiring and HR process, something that will continue to crop up. So Ethan goes to Spain to atmospherically find a required recruit and it pretty quickly turns out that both Mr. We’re Quite Alike and Ethan have a thing for skilled and notorious thief Thandiwe Newton because come on, who across the gender and sexuality spectrum WOULDN’T have a thing for Thandiwe Newton. After that it is determined that Ethan’s hair, jacket and sunglasses means he’s required to go to where The Matrix was filmed and hit all the tourist spots, including horse races where it is vitally important to track down Brendan Gleeson and tell him that acting in In Bruges will be an excellent idea. Ving Rhames and another guy pause from telling sheep dip jokes in the Outback to conclude that escaping by kangaroo is just a myth and Mr. We’re Quite Alike must be confounded before he does bad stuff, and that this all involves breaking into a building and sneaking around while avoiding dying miserably, as opposed to just opening the front door and pretending they’re looking for the toilet. Can’t they be more practical? However, Mr. We’re Quite Alike has already inhabited Ethan’s mindset and face a few times and knows his every move, so Thandiwe decides she’s had enough of both bros and injects herself with something Ethan should have just gotten rid of more quickly but he was dicking around. Typical. Mr. We’re Quite Alike turns out to be a day trader and really wants some cash so he can invest in Beanie Babies, so Ethan and friends break into a special secret place and blow shit up and swap faces and run around, to Mr. We’re Quite Alike’s nettlement. Eventually a bunch of assholes die in cars, on bridges and riding motorcycles, sometimes all at once, leaving Ethan and Mr. We’re Quite Alike to almost but not exactly kill each other until one of them finally does, Thandiwe is convinced that cliff-diving is best done in Acapulco, and eventually Ethan and Thandiwe go hang out so they can look at the Opera House and why the fuck did the universe keep us from having them be the power couple for the rest of the films to follow, come on now. (Real talk: the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom of the series, I guess? Pretty obviously John Woo making a John Woo film and that’s why the birds, the fights, two evenly matched types in the end and so forth. But really, isn’t it kinda obvious – especially given the disguise/swapped personality motifs – that Dougray Scott should have been replaced with Woo veteran Nic Cage? The final showdown alone would probably still be talked about if it was Cage in maniac mode, he probably would have wanted to actually ride some of the bullets he shot and they would have made it work, I just know it. And, let’s face it, Cruise and Newton have a screen chemistry that WORKS. Best action sequence: the end insanity is admittedly great but I do especially like the building breakin and then subsequent fuckup, it’s simultaneously almost what you expect and ‘are you kidding me right now,’ which is key, really. Uncredited role: Anthony Hopkins as a black turtleneck sex cult guru pretending to be an IMF leader, because why wouldn’t he be. End theme: I had seriously almost forgotten that probably one of the most important things in the history of recorded music – Metallica’s freakout about Napster that brought the concept of file-sharing to the mainstream and essentially fully transmogrified the business for the literal next century – was due to their ‘are we nu-metal now?’ contribution to the end, talk about an aural beauty mark. Rating: 2.5 out of 5 physics-defying kicks because while it’s still great and all, in fucking up things with Thandiwe Newton’s experience of filming, the M:I machine lost the perfect foil and the chance to fully go into a Hollywood action equivalent to Lupin III with her as a Fujiko Mine for the rest of the series, nothing against Rebecca Ferguson you understand. Or I guess Michelle Monaghan but SPEAKING OF WHICH…)
Mission: Impossible 3 – Conventional Heterosexual Matrimony: *pulls Rainer Wolfcastle pose and shouts to the sky* “ABRAAAAAAAAAAMS!” Jesus Christ. Okay no, it’s not a disaster really but good Christ almighty. Anyway, fine: flashforward aside where we all realize “Wait can’t we just watch Philip Seymour Hoffman kill people instead?”, Ethan Hunt realizes that settling down in a polite suburb with the world’s most polite and fake-laughy engagement party happening is a really dull way to spend any more time so he goes to the local drug store and asks Billy Crudup “PLEASE get me the fuck out of here, what was I thinking.” Billy Crudup obliges but needs to let him know that he will be dealing with puzzlebox bullshit at the end of it all but such is Ethan’s desperation that Crudup says “Fine, you and Ving go rescue Felicity with the help of Maggie Q and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers” and before Ethan can say “Isn’t that a little on the nose for the mid-2000s” it’s off to Berlin and Felicity’s head exploding a bit, ah well. Laurence Fishburne in his floating across franchises role as Mr. Authority gets mad but Billy Crudup says nice things so obviously Billy’s the real bad guy and what do you know, turns out later he is! Doesn’t Ethan get briefed on this stuff? Anyway, newcomer Simon Pegg, having noted that Ving’s got a pretty sweet deal going, decides to join the early retirement plan on offer, though he’s still working up the ranks by creating Myspace profiles. Ultimately Philip Seymour Hoffman is just too damn charismatic and good an actor so logically he must be captured. Ethan and Rhys-Meyers need to play stereotypical Italians in traffic, to the point where I was surprised their disguise was as DHL guys rather than singing pizza delivery dudes or something, and then they and Maggie and Ving avoid stealing all the Pope’s secrets and the lists of child abusers he’s protecting or whatever in favor of an instant makeover, because it’s all Spy Eye for the M:I around here. Sadly everyone finds out that Virginia is not for lovers, unless you love blowing up bridges, and Ethan gets suspected of being bad again. He definitely has a real problem with that issue, he should talk to somebody about it, like Billy Crudup, and then he runs away because he’s good at that for sure. Anyway Michelle Monaghan got kidnapped, shanghaied if you will, so Ethan laughs politely at Hoffman’s little joke and notes that diving off a tall Chinese building is really fun at night, especially with the help of an automatic pitching machine. Sadly he eventually gets himself kidnapped and outacted by Hoffman demonstrating that he demands better of his minions, leaving Eddie Marsan to go “Wait, am I in this movie?” and Crudup to try and explain that W’s foreign policy is Good, Actually, which Ethan is not pleased with. Pegg helps Ethan run around a lot, alas Hoffman discovers that the laws of physics means he is not in fact an immovable object, and Monaghan saves Ethan with the power of love, because it makes one man weep but another man sing. (Real talk: fucking Abrams, thank god he just retreated to producing and occasional “I have an idea” stuff for the series after this because otherwise the rest of this watch would be a slog. Yes, he can make a solid entertainment at times, he’s done it more than once, but more than anything else in this series this REALLY felt like an extended TV episode of something, not even just Alias. It didn’t help that Michael Giacchino’s music added a lot of sap in the solo-piano moments that are waaaaaaay of their time and place, and I’m mildly surprised a cover of “Hallelujah” didn’t happen at some point. Still the machine itself functioned and while it was still going to need some improvements, I guess it started to figure exactly what M:I as continuing star vehicle needed to be – it’s weird to realize that this IS indeed the only George W. era film of the bunch and it sure does feel like his second term on any number of levels. Also, thank god there were delays on production because Simon Pegg’s role was originally cast with Ricky Fucking Gervais, and I don’t care if Pegg’s not quite your thing because imagine if we had THAT gurning fucking mug to deal with in the rest of the series. Best action sequence: thankfully the whole deal in Rome is pretty engaging, and we get the delightful moment of Philip Seymour Hoffman literally having to act as Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt and thus climbing around and doing shit, the film is honestly worth it for that, and RIP to him once more. But honorable mention to the counterintuitive move of not showing anything inside the Shanghai skyscraper once Ethan gets in. Uncredited role: nobody this time but yeah that WAS Aaron Paul wasn’t it. End theme: WOW speaking of mid-2000s, a Kanye track with Twista and Keyshia Cole? Perhaps they realized after this that just going with random cuts and otherwise sticking with the score in the actual end credits was the solution. Rating: 2 out of 5 confused Greg Grunbergs.)
Mission: Impossible 4 – I Climb Thing: Hmm, a movie set in Hungary, Russia, Dubai AND Mumbai? Why this won’t be a problematic watch in 2023! In a surely not symbolic move at all, Sawyer from Lost runs out of a building into the street and is immediately killed by Lea Seydoux. I like this movie already! Ethan Hunt meantime is prepping mentally for a nude fight scene with Viggo Mortensen at some point but is interrupted by Paula Patton and Simon Pegg going “WOULD YOU JUST” so he concludes Dean Martin is just the thing for a prison riot. (Seems like it.) Turns out Paula is sad about Sawyer, but before anyone can ask her to take a psych eval, they are asked to break into the Kremlin for thievery reasons, the concept of ‘too much too soon’ having escaped the IMF. Sadly our Big Bad just beat them to the punch and then proceeds to blow up a big chunk of the Kremlin, which rather irritates the Russian government, leading Ethan to excuse himself before facing a full medical exam without anesthetic and with certain instruments. An actual IMF Secretary explains some more things to Ethan but puts himself in the line of a bullet completely by accident, isn’t that the way! Jeremy Renner insists it wasn’t him because he would use a bow and arrow but Ethan isn’t amused and everyone meets up to go over the fact that they’re now disavowed and without resources except for a train car that would supply most modern governments and the ability to end up in Dubai just like that, very handy. There’s a big shady deal going down but it had nothing to do with the Qatar World Cup bid, whatever do you mean, they’re over there. Regardless, Ethan seeks to make sure Sepp Blatter doesn’t immediately get the launch codes to destroy the DOJ Anti-Corruption Unit, but not before he shows everyone how a real man washes hotel windows. Everyone then seeks to double cross everyone else, which only makes sense, though Lea sadly has irritated Paula some and thoughts are exchanged, except Jeremy goes “Ah fuck it” and uses a gun even though it’s very uncivilized. Ethan runs after a bad guy who is another bad guy, then they go talk to another bad guy who is a good guy who acts like a bad guy to deal with a good bad guy. Heads spinning, they fly to Mumbai and finally Ethan gets to be James Bond! Or at least wear a tux. Dudes get negged, other dudes die, cars drive, people run around, and the bad guy persuades a Russian sub to destroy San Francisco, which causes me consternation I admit. Happily Ethan really has honed his ‘I just need one second, really’ approach, so only the Transamerica building is nicked, but the missile lands right in the water where my sis and her whaleboat rowing crew often practice and that would have been tragic! Hey fuck you Ethan Hunt, do better next time! (Real talk: okay, whatever groundwork Abrams sorta laid down obviously gets perfected here, Brad Bird and team just make this thing sing, something indicated by returning to a version the opening credits style of the show and the first movie, and while the fine tuning of the ensemble wasn’t quite there yet it was much closer than it was, while the full sense of “Oh wait, Tom Cruise really MIGHT actually die” as a marketing hook was now absolutely in place. A quietly genius move NOT to have the chief villain be a big presence, instead someone always just about slipping from their grasp up until the end; meantime, having everything constantly trip them up – even after the Kremlin/Secretary thing, the mask machine breaks down, everyone arrives at the Burj too early, etc. etc. – allows for more thinking on the fly instead of just being a well-oiled machine. While there were plenty of typical comedy moments here and there in a formulaic ‘gotta break tension’ way in the first three films, I honestly believe it’s Cruise’s “No SHIT” moment in the Burj which points the way to the rest of the series knowing how to make comedy actually work from there on in. There’s just enough distance to maybe be able to place it as a mid-Obama era film now in retrospect but it still feels like we’re in the actual sense of these films knowing what they are at last based on where everything would go, as opposed to the formative years. In essence, this was the point in my watch where I went “Oh I get it now” in full, and the fact that the movies started rolling out more regularly, however driven by Cruise going “Wait I’m not getting any younger,” makes total sense. Best action sequence: Dubai obv., part climbing madness, part caper, part shootout and part “Can a man actually outrun a sandstorm?” Uncredited roles: Tom Hollander going “If Hopkins can do it so can I” and Ving Rhames and Michelle Monaghan going “Uh we’re still here, thanks.” Rating: 4.5 out of 5 insufficiently charged climbing gloves.)
Mission: Impossible 5 – Fasten Your Nonexistent Seatbelts: Ethan Hunt suddenly realizes he doesn’t need to check any luggage and happily just makes the last seat on a flight out, though sadly there’s no real time for any drinks service. Annoyed, he decides to leave with their cocktail mixes, for which he is thanked. Suitably relaxed, he goes to a London record store to pickup a Crosley turntable for his Record Store Day purchases, accidentally resulting in the backing up of a bunch of pressings for starving younger bands. As it happens, Ian Curtis is there already looking for a particular bootleg pressing of early demos by Warsaw, so when Ethan scratches the last remaining copy Ian makes his feelings known, adding “All you agents beware.” Lady Jessica almost gets a chance to use the gom jabbar on Ethan but various Sardaukar claim precedence, making Jessica realize that Ethan is perhaps actually the Kwisatz Haderach instead. In Washington, wouldn’t you know it, Ethan’s being accused of being a contrary asshole AGAIN, doesn’t his union step up for him? OG Jack Ryan says the IMF fucks around too much instead of doing proper agent stuff like getting on a submarine in the middle of the Atlantic while Jeremy Renner desperately hopes he won’t be asked about his side gig with the Bourne group. Simon Pegg has had enough of his regular performance reviews and agrees that he needs to relax but confuses a Vienetta with Vienna, but Ethan doesn’t mind and promises him some Phish Food later. Lady Jessica, having been told by the Bene Gesserit to stop fucking around with the Face Dancers and vice versa, complicates matters as do two random Teutons but the show must go on, except the explosive climax is unplanned. Ving Rhames and Renner are too old for this kind of shit but they’re off to Morocco where Ethan really really wants to finally ride a sandworm. Lady Jessica tells Ethan that fear may be the mind-killer but that Ian Curtis desperately wants the master tape for Unknown Pleasures kept in one of the secret Fremen water storage tanks. Everyone proceeds to betray and/or chase everyone else, a perfect excuse for eventually remaking Easy Rider at 200 mph. Thankfully Simon Pegg made a DAT copy but the master tape itself is erased, leading Ian Curtis to swear revenge on behalf of Martin Hannett, kidnapping Pegg and forcing him to listen to muddy Crawling Chaos bootlegs and thus requiring Ethan to deal with the UK Prime Minister as ultimate keeper of all Factory records, except the movie came out a couple of weeks after the Brexit vote so most would have just given up David Cameron to him anyway. Ethan taunts Ian Curtis by driving up the prices of OG vinyl pressings of “Transmission” on eBay as he and Lady Jessica force him to go to the center of the city where all roads meet, looking for them. In the end Ian Curtis is lured into a third stage Guild Navigator’s breathing chamber on Lady Jessica’s suggestion and is captured, as the confusion in his eyes says it all. (Real talk: the Christopher McQuarrie years begin and pretty much all the pieces are about in place now in terms of a core ensemble with moments of variety after; if Bird set the template and tempo for where it all should go then McQuarrie had a perfect handle on how to make all the implicit nonsense make perfect sense in the moment, all while once again finding new ways to kill Tom Cruise or nearly so. One of the best signs came early: the opening credit sequence is now truly a ‘greatest hits’ series of clips of what we’re about to see as per past show and first movie practice, quick, immediate, gives away nothing, sets expectations up. Rebecca Ferguson absolutely brought some necessary energy as well, she and Cruise clearly click in a ‘yeah our characters could fuck’ sense that Newton absolutely had with Cruise and Monaghan just doesn’t (even though it’s clearly shown in 3 that they’re the only characters that did, go figure!). Sean Harris as our chief baddie and implicit Blofeld to Hunt’s Bond is another sharp move, a classic cold English villain who you absolutely want to see get fucked up more than once. Alec Baldwin mostly grouses but hey. Best action sequence: oh Casablanca easy, from the planning the raid on the storage facility to the end of the motorcycle chase, barely any pauses, the whole thing’s a marvel. Rating: 4.5 out of 5 lathe-cut terrorist messages.)
Mission: Impossible 6: Free Mustache Rides – Ethan Hunt is trying to enjoy a nice relaxing dream but Ian Curtis keeps telling him “This is the way, step inside,” and it’s not helping. Ethan is told that three pawnshop balls have been repainted and are being auctioned to the highest bidder, which just shows you how tough the economy continues to be. Sadly the usual exchange of niceties between him and his crew and a generic arms dealer turns out to be an issue due to a bunch of raincoat-wearing Curtis followers insisting there’s a third Joy Division album somewhere. After Ving Rhames skins Wolf Blitzer alive and stuffs Simon Pegg into his pelt, they fool the Norwegian Unabomber and it’s off to Pari–no wait a minute, Angela Bassett employs her low voice against Jack Ryan’s rasp and insists that for the balance between the Big Two that Superman come along, since Jeremy Renner is somewhere upstate checking out on a family that mysteriously dissolved. This Superman, using the cover name Mr. I’m Obviously Going To Betray You, seems more Bizarro-like when he leaps out of a plane and reenacts that one The Dark Knight Rises image with the lightning but Ethan demonstrates that there’s more than one way to crash a party. Working their way through a crowd of pleasures and wayward distractions trying to find Vanessa Redgrave’s daughter Vanessa Kirby of the House of Vanessa, Superman explains he’s trying for a Tom of Finland look but a bunch of French bros laugh in the bathroom and ask when he’s going to the Kingsman auditions and things get complicated. Luckily Lady Jessica is back, and wants to know if Ethan’s just trying to fold space again. Turns out Kirby is in deep cover as amoral blonde Princess Margaret and everyone’s trying to kill her, we can’t have that! She tells Ethan and Superman they have about twenty four hours to spring Ian Curtis if they want the pawnshop balls, and while Ethan realized he wanted time this puts things in perspective. Happily everyone is distracted just right except when they aren’t and a bunch of French people on all sides of the law are angry, time to go! Ian Curtis gets sprung by Simon Pegg, who asks him to sign the Sordide Sentimentale single since they are in France and all, while Lady Jessica shows that Fremen needle guns are good but lasguns might have been better. Logically since everyone’s in Paris they go to London, presumably inside the train this time. OG Jack Ryan is irritated and everyone leaves but Superman confronts Ian Curtis and says “I tried, please believe me, I’m doing the best that I can!” Whoops! Turns out Simon Pegg wanted Superman’s autograph too, but the Curtis fanatics break in after a further triple double dog dare cross and ol’ Jack is left stuck to a flagpole by his tongue, but thank you for your service. Ethan gets his jogging in for the day but Superman flies off to say he stands for truth, justice and the American way but he means the Zack Snyder version so he’s just going to kill everyone instead. Time to crawl around Kashmir before this happens and Michelle Monaghan is there! She’s doing good things! She’d like to catch up over coffee but Ethan notes that he has to pick up his DoorDash delivery assignment within fifteen minutes or he’ll lose his star ratings. Grabbing a helicopter to chase down Superman, who has a competitive route, he leaves Lady Jessica and Simon Pegg to fight Ian Curtis, who complains that the noose around the place is cheap irony, while Michele chats with Ving a bit while adding “Should that be ticking?” Various Things Happen but in the end Ethan remembers “Oh hold on I DO climb rocks don’t I” and taunts Superman by quoting Blues Traveler’s “Hook” at him, which shows he is no better than Benjamin Bratt in Poker Face, the fiend. Still, all three sections of the team simultaneously score Taylor Swift tickets, the world is saved from a fakeout ending, Ian Curtis is left to be a middle-aged man with the weight on his shoulders, Michelle gives Ethan her blessing to apparently make suggestive crysknife jokes to Lady Jessica, and everyone’s happy forever! [Editor’s note: this was later shown to be false.] (Real talk: I really do get what everyone was saying now about how, in a real upending of expectations when it comes to open-ended franchises starting big and petering out, Fallout might well have been the best of the movies to that point. It felt like everyone had everything absolutely down by now, from McQuarrie to the stunt teams to the actors, all the comic moments landed even better than in the last one and those were pretty solid, and for the first time points of continuity from the previous film all have an impact, whether it be the performances of Harris, Baldwin and Ferguson in particular or things like returning composer Lorne Balfe’s musical score, which is easily some of the best of the whole sequence and for once shows a composer working to contrast the Schifrin themes rather than simply shade and riff on them – the various well-employed fakeout/dream sequence sections get soundtracked with this melancholy and ominous chill, a solid move. Hell, even the call back to the rock climbing of M:I 2 made sense because it didn’t have to be explained at all, and it settled the Monaghan arc too in a way that was both obvious for plot mechanics and strangely sweet. Though I kept expecting her new guy to be an Apostle undercover, which was probably the point. Henry Cavill and Kirby were both perfect additions to the overall pool in turn, and the point a friend of mine made the other day that this movie feels the starkest of the bunch – like there’s a tiny group of people at the forefront and all the huge city populations around them are distanced and serene – is apt. Best action sequence: honestly this almost felt like a response film to Mad Max: Fury Road because it barely seemed like it broke for anything. For once the ending felt absolutely earned rather than a ‘we gotta end it because the script is over’ necessity but the actual best sequence is probably the Paris crash/chase/crash etc. deal, though shout out to the bathroom fight as the first near wordless sequence since the CIA breakin in the original movie. Rating: 5 out of 5 Cavill sleeve tugs.)
Mission Impossible 7: And Under The Polar Cap Bind Them -- Somewhere in the Arctic a Russian submarine attempts to reenact The Hunt For Red October except nobody told them that they’d be playing the part of the actual sub that was blown up, a minor detail. This is less important than our introduction to the newest ensemble cast member, back after a lengthy retirement, Sauron! Sauron, ladies and gentlemen, let’s give him a round of applause. Ethan Hunt is in Amsterdam chilling so logically he’s got the munchies, only to be told that Lady Jessica hijacked a spice shipment and the Guild is pissed. Near Sietch Tabr, Lady Jessica busies herself with speeding up the irrigation process with some fresh fertilizer, but Ethan suggests letting it lie fallow for a bit. At ComicCon, Hall H is full of bloggers trying to figure out how to use typewriters while backstage there’s an argument about if they can do anything now that the strike’s on. Ethan asks everyone to pardon his stinkbomb but meantime deals with the guy who was chasing after him back in the first movie. He’s his boss now, time for wacky hijinks! It’s straight back to Dune with Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg, only for them to realize that they can’t escape ComicCon no matter how hard they try because Deathstroke, Mantis AND Agent Carter are all there stealing and/or stalking them and each other, not to mention the members of an official US antimasking squad who seem bitter that not everyone agrees with the science they really did study themselves. Turns out Mantis isn’t interested in feelings so much as other people feeling dead, which Deathstroke approves of, while Agent Carter has fallen prey to kleptomania, it’s one of those days! Off to Italy where, when in Rome, Ethan does what the Romans do and becomes an impossibly polished and fashionable lawyer just like that, while Deathstroke shows that it’s always vital to carry out research. Agent Carter is narrowly sprung from her plan to simultaneously enter all the national competitions for next year’s Eurovision all at once, but then pretty much every moving vehicle in the city and the occupants and riders therein decide that she and Ethan will jaywalk no more. A typical day in Rome, granted, but their sweet ride seems a little sour while Mantis is very annoyed someone cut her antennae off and wants to explain this with weapons. Agent Carter decides to check in on whatever Hank Pym is doing these days but Lady Jessica is back, having had a refreshing time on Caladan. Turns out Princess Margaret is throwing a big party in Venice so who wouldn’t go there next, and she’s invited everyone! Ethan, Lady Jessica, Agent Carter, Deathstroke, why even Mantis is there but she’s dressed as Harley Quinn and the ComicCon crew doesn’t know what to think. Sauron shows up as well demanding the smallest of things, a mere trifle, and Deathstroke reveals he’s actually the Witchking of Angmar and would like to help kill everyone, but Ethan realizes that the DJ is driving him nuts and he needs some fresh air, a touch the antimaskers still don’t get. Harley Mantis insists it’s actually an Adam Ant tribute but Ethan argues she seems more My Chemical Romance, but sadly Lady Jessica gets stabbed with a Morgul-blade. Ving needs to update his antivirus software while Agent Carter decides that maybe this bunch isn’t as Hydra-ridden as SHIELD. An attempt to combine Murder On The Orient Express with a gender-flipped The Prince and the Pauper proceeds to play out, while Ethan insists to Simon Pegg that he has a totally legit FastPass for the newest Disney ride, though he’s still arguing some of the details as he goes. Wait, a fight on top of a train again, at least there’s no tunnel this timAAAAADUCKDOWNQUICK! The Witchking rues the day magic was invented, Ethan and Agent Carter are relieved that Mantis appreciates a good turn done, and elsewhere Sauron wonders if a tower would be a better hiding spot. Tune in next week year for more! (Real talk: so having taken all the other films in in a rush I did wonder how exactly the pacing would work for this one as a two-part story, and I think they handled it pretty smartly; it’s not as high a peak as McQuarrie’s two previous efforts but it doesn’t have to be as a result. Instead of the near wall-to-wall rush of the past two, there’s a much more deliberate pace here, which oddly enough (but, if the original plan of this being the capping off of the series holds, logically as well) is one of several callbacks to the original film throughout. Henry Czerny as Kittridge most obviously, also all the sleight of hand stuff, and easily most notably Ilsa Faust’s death, the first time a team member (as such) has died since said first film. There’s one other interesting move where, for the first time in the entire series, we get a sense of what Ethan Hunt was like before the IMF -- it’s all fairly tropey, but by not exploring that at all until now it actually feels like an earned moment. My sense of what’s happening is that this is the big setup and the concluding film will be full-on action madness, and the tinges of haunted chill in the last one have a stronger resonance here -- the introductory sequence for Hunt is pretty damn bleak for a start, and after Faust’s death you get a sense of everyone going through the motions for a bit, not as actors, but as people hit with a sudden loss would do, and the film takes a little time to understandably breathe. The absolutely killer sense of how to make comedy work continues: the entire Rome chase scene is just as amazing as that as it is straight action, while the capping insane stunt as teased in the trailers, Hunt going off the cliff, is also the culmination of a ridiculously perfect dialogue between Cruise and Pegg, and I literally laughed at how the stunt ended, all while the tension in the train scenes was building up. And yet, none of it undercuts the action, the sense of time running out -- indeed, so good was all that that when the cliff setting first appeared I was actually surprised by it, even though it was so heavily featured beforehand as noted. I joke about Sauron but seriously, not only is the Entity just one big eye, and also a bit of a One Ring type thing too, the whole setup where instead of letting other governments control Ethan will set out to destroy it is VERY Lord of the Rings, so I think it’s more key to all this than might be guessed. But oddly enough, perhaps, I will argue there’s a specific Bond film you all should go back and check out -- the first one I ever saw, and Roger Moore’s best tougher turn wih the character, 1981′s For Your Eyes Only. That too notably has a Macguffin centered on advanced tech on a wrecked ship, there’s a car chase with a very unsuitable car early on, and how the film ends feels not dissimilar to where this likely will be leading in the conclusion next year. Just a hunch! When it comes to newer cast members, Pom Klementieff is mostly a wordless killer and whether or not you buy the end twist as such, hey, but she does a good enough job, while Esai Morales -- been great to see more of him recently, he did a solid supporting turn in The Master Gardener earlier this year, and he has one of the most underrated speaking voices in acting -- is just a coolly commanding bad guy in the right mode, solid casting and I think better as a more grizzled and equal figure to Hunt than Nicholas Hoult would have been, as was first the case. Hayley Atwell pretty obviously is the main get and you do get a sense of a calm spark with Cruise but, given the film’s plot, no more than that for now, and she holds her own as someone who clearly has done a lot of shit but quickly realizes she’s dealing with a whole new level of it. While I’m a touch suspicious that there’s a feeling of rotating actresses and in out with Rebecca Ferguson’s departure after this -- I will absolutely miss her but I’m glad we had enough of her as we did -- that comment I made back in my M:I 2 review about how Thandiwe Newton could have made the series of a hell of a Lupin III riff? Well here we are with another accomplished career criminal and hell the Rome car chase is centered around a yellow Fiat 500, what more of a nod could you have! Shea Whigham and Greg Tarzan Davis pretty clearly feel escaped from a more typical buddy cop setup but it doesn’t break anything, and I do like the office politics grouchiness from Whigham about the IMF ‘clowns.’ Meantime kinda great to see Kirby get to do the playing-someone-playing-someone-else big turn this time, and I’m totally thrilled to see she’ll be back in part two, she’s a fun elegant chaos factor character. Best action sequence: you know, I’m not entirely sure! Again I think the actual best ones we’re going to get in part two so it felt a hair held back at points, but the Rome chase sequence was both amazing and funny as noted, the alley fight with Pom K. pretty brutal if relatively quick, and the train tension/chase/fight/bomb buildup to wrap it up was a smart spot to end on. Rating: 4 out of 5 cigarette lighters.)
In sum and speaking regularly: so yeah, whatever impulse Cruise, producers and everyone else had early on and whatever their thoughts were about how it might go, basically finding the sweet spot between the James Bond model and the Jack Ryan technophilia was a clear stroke of commercial genius, and rather than being beholden to an original show’s requirements/feel they blew everything up to make it their own while never truly abandoning the idea that people will happily shell out for damn good capers writ large. The Schrifin themes absolutely help anchor everything; the main theme is so perfectly balanced between being playful and being intense that on top of being an instant earworm it always conveys the sense that we’re here to be entertained first and foremost. It’s the Bond theme factor certainly and just as powerful. Ethan Hunt is barely a shell of a character, more just a creature as monomaniacal at succeeding in his job as Cruise himself is, so it’s a symbiotic fit. In terms of Hollywood action franchises he’s now played this character in more movies than any of the Bond or the Ryan actors, or Willis as McClane or Stallone as Rambo or Schwarznegger as the Terminator etc, and is as much a superhero as anything in DC/Marvel but, not seen to be as ‘class’ as Bond and actually stumbling and limping at times, retains just enough of humanity, even if more like an alien in a human costume, which would be appropriate. There’s enough ‘are we the bad guys?’ moments going around that you can feel duly critical about the IMF (and implicitly ‘Western interests’ if you will) but of course the story and the perceived audience never wants them to be REALLY bad, it’s all those other ones trying to fuck up Ethan that are the problem. Ving Rhames is the comfortable set of shoes for everything, and that Luther seems to have more of a life than Ethan is so not surprising; Simon Pegg turned out to be a perfect accidental X factor, the ‘goofy’ guy who isn’t a hateable comic relief type; once they finally realized they absolutely needed someone like Rebecca Ferguson too and then cast her, the rest was gravy; transitioning from her to Hayley Atwell brings a different energy but keeps a solid dynamic that I think will hold into the next film. And then after? Guess we’ll see!
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cinnamonrusts · 3 years
i’ll see you in the village -- 1
Chris Redfield last saw you before he went rogue from the BSAA. You were tasked with infiltrating a suspicious European village and  investigating their female leader. The secret communication between the two of you goes dark and Chris finds himself along with Ethan Winters in the neck of the woods that your list ping came from. Redfield has to deal with his task of aiding Ethan, his job, and his personal quest to find you. (chris redfield x f!reader)
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                                                         ✧.* ✧.*
Your cellphone dings in your hand:
CHRIS : How’s it going?
ME: Oh, you know. Same shit, different day. Nervous, I guess.
ME: How about you?
ME: Chris?
CHRIS: Yeah, same. Are you on a secured network?
ME: Duh. This is a burner phone, I’ll toss it once I arrive.
CHRIS: Good luck, I miss seeing you.
ME: Buy me a drink when we meet up next.
You end the conversation there and take the cellphone in both of your hands. You use force to pull it apart from the center and it breaks with a loud snap. It would be the last time that you would talk to Redfield until your task was finished. Hopefully sooner than later, if things go well that is.
The rusted van that was taking you to your mission location shook wildly as it hit rugged terrain. “Sorry, sorry! We’re just about there.” the driver apologizes as you bounce around the backseat. You huff in frustration as all your contents in your lap spilled onto the floor. You wanted nothing more to get out of this metal trash can and stretch your legs. But it wasn’t much longer until the winding roads up into the mountains stopped and there was just one long stretch of snow covered dirt. Suddenly, the vehicle came to a grinding halt just as a massive gothic like castle came into the horizon. “This is where we stop.” 
“I don’t see a village?” you say as you leaned forward to squint through the windshield. “This is where we stop. I don’t go any further.” the man turned to look at you with stern eyes. After the silence in the air dropped, he nearly rushed you out of his van. You didn’t have much with you besides your localized clothing and an inconspicuous bag full of the gear you’d need. Once you stepped out, he rolls down the window to give you a word of advice, “The village is up ahead,” then the tires of the van squealed as he peeled out backward, and you were left in the cold alone.
“Well, onward we go--,” you sigh and take off on foot toward the castle and most likely the village as well. The sun began to tuck itself behind the pointed white peaks just as you arrived at a large wooden gate with two odd symbols decorating it. Behind this barrier is where your journey would begin. Where your mission that the BSAA tasked you with would begin.
Your boss tossed two photographs onto the table that was in front of you. Your fingers spread the images apart as you inspect what they were. One photo was of a blonde woman who was dressed in a type of ceremonial garb and the other was of Chris Redfield. “You haven’t been in the field in quite sometime, [Y/N].” the man that stood before you took a seat in the chair across the way. “Locals in a remote European village refer to this woman as a religious icon. Known to them as Mother Miranda,” his index finger pointed to the woman, “She has some connections to the mold, similar - if not exact to the type from the Dulvey Incident.” He stops for a moment before he tapped the image of Chris, “Redfield took control over the Hound Wolf Squad without permission and we believe he might be investigating Miranda and the mold. And we’re aware of your … association with one another.”
Your eyebrows knit with a head shake and you pushed the photographs away, “What do you want with me?” He leaned forward and laced his fingers together, “We want you to infiltrate Miranda’s village and collect as much information as possible until we pull you out.” That’s it? Sounds simple. “What about Chris?” Your boss sighed heavily, “This is where it might be a little more difficult. We don’t know where he or his team are. Due to your relationship, we believe he will contact you.” The message was clear and you were not interested in what he had to say about Chris any longer. “If he contacts you in anyway, I think you’ll know what to do...”
Little did your employer know that you’ve been contacted by him several times now. “Of course,” you lie. “But back to the main objective, [Y/N], do you accept this mission in Europe?” He was right, it had been quite sometime since you’ve been apart of any missions or even going to a work meeting. Spying and collecting information seemed tame compared to other things that you’ve done before. “Yeah,” you gave a nod and your eyes met his, “Yeah, I accept.”
✧.* LATER ON ---
“You did what?!” Chris raised his voice on the other end of the phone. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, Chris.” He scoffed, obviously not happy at your decision. “It is more than what you realize, [Y/N]. You’re being reckless.” this offended you, “Oh, sorry that I can’t punch a giant rock like it’s nothing, Chris. You’re underestimating me.” The man sighed, “I-I didn’t mean it like that. But if it involves Miranda and the mold. It’s big -- bigger than me and bigger than you.” You listened to him as you paced around your bedroom and contemplated his reasoning.
“I already said I’d do it. There’s no going back on it, you know that.” you quickly changed the subject, you didn’t want to continue with the argument, “They want me to let them know if you ever contact me,” Chris let out a chuckle, “You didn’t compromise me, did you?” You hummed, “Of course I did. I folded immediately, duh.” your response was heavy with your typical sarcasm.
There was silence before you spoke again, “I miss you,” and Chris responded that he missed you too. You sat down on the edge of your bed and looked over to the spot that had been empty for several months now while you listened to him breathe on the phone. “I really want to see you. Let’s spend a night together before I go to Europe.” He sighed, “You know we can’t do that right now.” Redfield was right and you dropped the subject.
“I’ll see you soon, I promise. Give me a call on the phone you have now before you’re on the plane, I’ll have the same one with me. I love you.” His goodbye made you smile, “I love you too, Chris.” The phone air rang dead but you didn’t hang up right away as you pictured what Chris was possibly doing. Your heart ached since the last time the two had seen each other, you missed the now middle aged man dearly. But you knew that his job was important to him and although he didn’t reveal his complete reasoning... he promised he eventually would.
You pushed the gates open with some effort and stumbled upon a mostly empty village. The silence was unsettling and as you walked down the dirt path, you could sense someone was watching from somewhere within the pitch black buildings. Sounds of snarling and inhuman cries echoed from all directions. You turned in a circle several times as the horrifying noises closed in.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Marguerite Baker
Part 3
RE7 Rewrite Masterlist
Ethan Winters x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: spoilers for re7, violence, injuries, blood, gross rotted stuff, marguerites boss battle so gross sack thing, bugs, injuries
Author’s Note: I am having a ton of fun with this! At the time of me writing this I haven’t posted any of the parts lol so hopefully you all are enjoying it as well!
Some of these lines are directly from the game so they may sound familiar.
Summary: Getting the serum recipe, going through the old house, killing Marguerite and getting the D-series arm.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator. Some of these lines are directly from the game so they may sound familiar.
(not my gif) (i'm not posting any pics of marguerites boss fight cause I know a lot of people are super grossed out with it and I don't blame them lol)
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Ethan dozed off in the trailer. You sat on the counter, counting each and every bullet the two of you had together. You looked around at everything in the trailer. You were fairly certain it was Zoe’s. She had left behind a couple extra weapons and bullets that you scrounged together.
Ethan began to stir after about 30 minutes of sleep. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. You handed him a water bottle you had found in Zoe’s fridge. He took it gratefully and drank about half of it. He ran his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath as you handed him all of his stuff back.
“We have to go to the old house,” you told him. He nodded.
“Did you get any sleep?” You shook your head.
“I didn’t want any. I’m too hyped up on adrenaline. The second we get out of here I’m going to crash for days.” He laughed a bit and nodded, standing up. He got himself situated. He got himself together, looking you up and down. You were both dirty and worn from the entire situation. You looked like you were about to collapse if you closed your eyes, your gaze wide. You opened the door a bit and looked around outside.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked. You shrugged and grabbed a gun.
“I don’t know what else we can do. We’ll get lost without Zoe.”
“That’s a good point.”
“I’m the brains, you're the brawn babe.” He rolled his eyes and looked himself up and down. He was scrawny. He barely had any muscle on him. “We share the brain and brawn then. Come on.”
The two of you made your way to the old house. It was the same place you had seen Mia go in the video she made for the two of you. You had some idea where you had to go then. You just had to find the serum. That was it.
You stayed close together as you walked through the place. You found some extra weapons along with things that you could use back at the house. You were quick and as quiet as you could be, only speaking when you needed to speak. As you entered one of the rooms you picked up a piece of paper that was lying on the table. You read through it quickly.
“The mothers name is Marguerite. The man is Jack, which we know and the boy is Lucas,” you said quietly. “Seemed like they were a regular family before all this. I wonder what went wrong,” you whispered. He nodded and looked over your head at the paper.
“Must have been something huge.”
“No shit.”
Suddenly something rammed into the gate wall behind you. You and Ethan turned around quickly, him standing between you and the gate. Mia was there, her hands through the holes. She looked desperate.
“Ethan!” she said breathily.
“Mia!” you said mockingly. “Are you going to try and kill us again?” Ethan grabbed your arm.
“That wasn’t me...I’m sorry,” she tried to say.
“No more bullshit Mia. I want some answers. Y/N told me what you told her but I know there’s more,” Ethan said.
“I know, I know you’re right. And I always wanted to tell you but I can only remember a little and the rest is gone!” Behind her Lucas appeared from the corner, grabbing her tightly and pulling her back.
“Daddy right? Who are you, you precious thing?” Lucas stuck his head out at you, a disgusting smile on his face. “We would get along,” he muttered. Ethan blocked Lucas’s view of you as he slinked away. “Well don’t just stand there Ethan! Do something.” Mia yelled for help and the door shut. You moved aside and looked at where she had just gone.
“That guy seems like a dick. We would not get along.” Ethan scoffed.
“Come on. We have to get that fucking serum.”
The two of you made it through to the other side of the old house just in time for Marguerite to push you down a hole in the ground. You figured you would have plenty of time to get in and out but she had caught you.
As you landed in the wet ground underneath the house, you felt the wind get knocked out of you. Marguerite's bugs flew down and beside you Ethan was standing. He used the fire thrower to the best of his ability and without even standing up you shot Marguerite in the face. She stumbled back and then forward, falling into the hole with the both of you. You screeched, quickly climbing up. Ethan was hot on your tails. Marguerite slinked away underneath you into the rest of the underground of the house.
He held tightly onto your arm, letting out a loud annoyed sigh.
“She’s nice,” you muttered.
“Not a great cook though.” You laughed and nodded. “Are you alright?” You nodded curtly.
“I think. You?” He nodded, holding up his hand.
“Still stapled on.” You rolled your eyes and turned around, walking back up the stairs. You opened the door that she had stopped you from opening. It opened up carefully and you were able to step inside. There were a lot of hanging baby dolls. In between some candles was a box. You rushed over to it and opened it up.
There seemed to be some sort of bones inside, along with a vile. On the back of the lid was some sort of recipe.
“D-series cranial nerve and D-series peripheral nerve,” you muttered aloud. “This is just the recipe for the serum, not the serum itself.” He let out a groan.
“Awesome.” The phone behind the two of you rang.
“If she knew where the phone was she should have come here herself,” you muttered. Ethan picked it up and you leaned against it so you could hear.
“Well? Did you find the serum?” she asked.
“We just got done dealing with your mom and her fucking bugs. Wish you could have warned me.”
“Sorry about that. What about the serum?”
“Haven’t found any but we did find out how to make one. A D-series head and arm. That can’t be right,” he muttered.
“A head? I think I have that around here somewhere.”
“You do?” he said incredulously.
“I don’t know about the arm though. Have you searched the whole house?”
“No not yet. We still have to check the second floor.”
“Alright, check it out. No funny business you two we’re on a mission.” You rolled your eyes.
“We’ll try to keep our hands to ourselves. We’ll meet you at the trailer if we find it.” He hung up the phone. Before he could even say anything you ventured further into the second floor. It wasn’t long before you found a door that had a single lantern on it.
“Looks like we need the other lantern,” you said aloud.
“This is why you’re the brains.” You rolled your eyes.
“Marguerite had one when she went down there.”
“I am not going down there.”
“You may have to.” The two of you walked back to where the hole in the ground one and saw the lantern just before Marguerite's impossibly long arms came to take it away. You let out a shaky sigh and gestured to him.
“Man first. We live in a patriarchal society.”
“I hate you.” He climbed the ladder down and looked around before you even thought about going down. You waited for a minute and he gestured for you to follow. You were careful as you went down and noticed Marguerite had some sort of pathway for the two of you to follow.
You went down that and came up to a green house of sorts. You went inside warily, guns raised. You and Ethan shared one last look before going up the stairs.
Marugite crashed through the window, causing you both to fall backwards. She gave you an intense look, her long limbs reaching around you.
“I’m her mother. Not you!” She hurried away. You and Ethan quickly regained your balance and held up your guns.
“Did you see her-”
“Yeah.” You swallowed hard and went up the stairs.
It took you and Ethan a good amount of time to get through her. But you had the grenades and Ethan had the flame thrower. Between the two of you, it took longer than it should have. She blew up after some time, leaving behind only her lantern.
You picked it up.
“Just fucking stay dead okay?!” Ethan said, out of breath. You nodded.
“I second that. Let’s just go and get the arm okay?” He swallowed, looking over at you. You watched as his eyes went big. “What?”
“Your chest.” You looked down and saw blood was pooling around your chest and shoulder area. Your eyes went wide as well as the pain hit you. Marguerite must have gotten you and you hadn’t even noticed with all the adrenaline. Ethan quickly rushed over to you and put his hand on your shoulder. “We’re going back to the trailer so I can look at this.” You nodded and let him help you walk out of the green house.
It was a very short walk to the trailer. He sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you. He tugged at the hem of your shirt.
“At least buy me dinner first,” you said through a groan. He gave you a look and he helped you take the shirt off. You had a large gash from your collarbone to your arm. Ethan winced just at the sight of it. He pulled out some of the first aid he had found.
“This is going to hurt.” You nodded as he poured something on it. You winced through gritted teeth. He pulled out some bandages. “You aren’t dying on me now, I don’t care what you say.”
“You held your own pretty good back there,” you admitted.
“Yeah, with your help.” You watched as he focused his eyes on your wound. He looked so intense. You had always liked Ethan but when Mia went missing he was all you knew. As you stared into his eyes you thought maybe you had always loved him.
Loved him?
It hit you like a bag of bricks. You took a short breath in and Ethan just assumed it was the pain. You had to look away as you felt yourself get flustered. He was your best friend's husband. But she had been gone for three years and she was always gone before that anyway. You found it in yourself to look back at him. He was smiling slightly up at you.
“It’s the best I can do.”
“It’s great,” you said. “I already feel better. Thank you Doctor Winters.”
“Just doin my job.” You swallowed and stood up. He grabbed your arm, shaking his head.
“You aren’t going with me. I can get the arm.” You shook your head more aggressively than him.
“I’m not letting you go alone.”
“You just said I could hold my own.”
“And you admitted you needed me.”
His hand was firm on your arm. You stared into each other's eyes and suddenly it was so obvious you had always loved him. That's why you came. Sure, you hoped Mia was okay but truthfully you couldn’t let him die if you could help it. The way he laughed and the way he hated beer but drank it anyway and the way he reloaded a gun was weird and the way he looked at you.
“I’ll be okay. Get some rest. Hopefully Zoe will come here before I do.” He let your arm go. He had felt the tension.
You were getting so dizzy from blood loss you had to sit down.
“I’ll be right back,” he said. You reached forward and held his hand.
“Please be safe Ethan.” He nodded curtly and left the trailer. You put your head down on the pillow and let yourself breathe evenly.
Ethan returned with the D-series arm only a half an hour later. Zoe was still not there. You were sleeping peacefully on the bed, your face finally at peace. He watched you for a moment. You were his only friend over this whole Mia thing. Most of his friends beforehand had left him when he got super into trying to find her but not you.
And then you told him everything and it all kinda changed.
He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. If you died...he couldn’t deal with it. You were his best friend. He...he loved you. He didn’t want to admit it to himself because of Mia but he really truly did. He ran his hand over his face, letting that settle in.
Suddenly the phone rang, waking you up. Ethan turned quickly and picked it up.
“Now where the hell are you? You know what, nevermind. We only need the head and you’ve got it.” You stood up and walked over, putting your head against the phone like you usually did.
“Hey buddy!” You let out an annoyed sigh. Lucas. “I thought you should know. I decided Zoe needed a time out. She and Mia are here with me. And they’re keeping each other company.”
“Just let them both go, what do you need them for?!”
“That’s family business Ethan! Not your concern understand? Now. If you want the head feel free to come by any time and I’ll give it to ya! But only if you participate in a little activity I put together for you two!”
“Where are they?” he asked.
“I know you’re excited! But don’t worry! It's not going anywhere. First step I need you to take partner is for you to take a look in that fridge there.”
“Fuck you.”
“Oh come on now, don’t be like that. You wanna have fun don’t ya? Now look in the fridge.” Lucas hung up. You gave Ethan a look. Ethan put the phone down. You walked over to the fridge and found inside the deputies head. You scoffed.
“This guy again. Man.” You picked it up, wincing at the pain and the smell. On the back of his head was a note. “‘The pig is waiting for you in the dissection room bitch,’” you read. “Now that’s not very nice,” you muttered, putting the head back in the fridge. Ethan let out an annoyed sigh.
“This can’t ever be easy can it?”
“Hell no.” He gestured to your arm .
“How are you feeling?” You shrugged then winced.
“It’ll heal nicely,” you muttered. “How was getting the arm?” He showed it to you, waving it around as he spoke.
“Weird. I thought I saw a little girl and there were all these childrens toys. I got out of there quick though.” He put the arm down and walked up to you. “Let’s change the bandages and then we’ll go to the dissection room.”
“Bitch,” you mocked. Ethan laughed, raising his hands up to your shoulder. You sat down on the table and let him take a look.
“You aren’t lookin too good,” he muttered.
“You should never say that to a lady.” He rolled his eyes.
“You always look stunning. Even covered in blood and dirt.”
“Aw Ethan, thank you. Right back at you.” He put a new bandage on and you watched him do it. If he had looked in your eyes he would have seen the metaphorical hearts coming out of them. Finally he looked back up at your face.
“You should be okay now.”
“Thank you,” you said genuinely. He nodded curtly and stood back. “Can I ask you something?” He nodded. “Are you going to stay with Mia if she gets out of here alive?”
“Don’t ask me that,” he muttered.
“Because you’re messing with my vows by the answer I wanna give you.” You smiled a bit, looking down. “We have to go get whatever he left for us. Come on.” You nodded and stood up. You almost tripped forward from dizziness and he grabbed your healthy arm to keep you steady. Your faces were mere centimeters away. You looked into each other's eyes and he couldn’t help himself.
He kissed you.
Suddenly the pain from your arm was gone. You melted into his lips. He pulled away and froze. Your eyes went wide.
“Did you mean-”
With that he walked out the trailer door to the dissection room.
Part 4
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spikeface · 3 years
what’s your favorite season? i’ve always thought the earlier seasons were way better, but your blog makes me appreciate the later seasons more! my fave is 3a <3
Omg, anon, thank you for this ask, this was such a sweet thing to receive in my inbox!
My favorite season changes, but 3A tops the list frequently, for lots of reasons:
“Frayed” and “Motel California” are some of the show’s best episodes, in my opinion. I know “Motel California” gets all of the Sciles love for the scene with the flare, and I do love it, but “Frayed” has some of my favorite moments of Stiles caring for Scott. “Scotty.” I died. It also showed some of my favorite things about Scott: how deeply he cares for people, how much their loss hurts him, how at odds he is with his own nature. This arc is about him becoming an Alpha, but it’s important to me that some of the show’s biggest moments are about how Scott still wrestles with what it means to be a werewolf.
~*~*Scallisaac*~*~. Even beyond the shipping potential, I loved watching Scott and Allison navigating their post-breakup friendship, Scott and Isaac becoming pack, and Isaac and Allison going from enemies to not-enemies to something more.
Allison and Lydia’s relationship was dynamite this season. Both of them had great arcs about figuring out what to do with the power they had, and I loved that they relied on and confided in each other. I also think Scott and Lydia really became friends this season, and I loved watching it.
The tattoo. I’ve been stuck on this one recently. What does it mean, that a bloodthirsty half-dead tree god sees you in the night? That it sends you its mark? 
Deucalion is one of my favorite villains. The nogitsune is the villain I took most seriously, but Deucalion walked a really fine line of camp and gravitas. I love him as a dark version of Scott, and I love him all the more having seen the later seasons.
I also really liked Jennifer. Her backstory with Kali was the kind of thing I eat with a spoon, and I love an angry vengeful woman character, and I especially loved that we see so much of her as a normal, awkward English teacher. Her face when Scott says serenely that he “won’t be ephemeral” lives in my head rent-free.
Peter’s background sleaze was fun. It was awkward that they brought him back and then waited until season four to deal with him as a villain, but he’s also barely hiding it as he skulks around the woods at night, giving Derek terrible advice, and trying to tear Scott down and agree with him at the same time. His speculative look when he finds out Scott is potentially an Alpha always sends me. Love that asshole.
Look, I’ve got a thing for the twins. I adored Ethan/Danny, and Danny’s presence generally. I liked his friendship with Jackson but was happy to see him get a more personal storyline after Jackson had left. Scott’s protectiveness about Danny this season also made my shipper heart flutter.
I’m a Bad Fan in that I really loved Lydia/Aiden. I hated Boyd’s death--that it happened and how it was done--and I think I only love Aiden so much because he winds up dying for the cause, but god, there’s something about how tender-eyed he goes when Lydia’s bossing him around. 
~*Braeden*~. We don’t get much of her this season, but what an entrance!
The sacrifice. The thing that clinches this season as my favorite. I love it so much: the aesthetics, the storytelling, the bond between Allison, Scott, and Stiles, and especially the horror. My personal headcanon is that Stiles eventually has to leave the FBI, and the east coast altogether, because the Nemeton doesn’t want either him or Scott going that far. Scott fights Monroe from the west coast only. They spend the rest of their lives bound to that tree. That’s why they call it a sacrifice.
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 13
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A/N: We’re getting into some seeeeerious business now.  Thank you all so much for your anons and DMs about last chapter!  Hopefully you all enjoy this one despite the subject matter.  
Also, if you didn’t see my post, I created a Ko-Fi page in case you ever want to support my work / my writing: https://ko-fi.com/spine_buster .  I love all of you so much and appreciate the reader engagement I have with you SO much!
TW: workplace harassment
December 21st, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was in a meeting.
Brendan was addressing the room, full of practically everybody who worked on the administrative side of the Leafs.  Because it was just a few days until Christmas, he wanted to address everybody before the holiday to thank them for their hard work.  It was also the day that Brendan decided to hand out the Christmas gifts for all the employees – a “swag bag” with a S’well bottle, candy and chocolate from Sugarfina, a coffee tumbler from Yeti, a Patagonia sweater with a Leafs embroider, and a Raptors toque.  Aberdeen knew because she helped assemble them – literally and figuratively, because Brendan had asked for her opinion on a few of the inclusions.  She was happy to see everybody loved the gifts.
As the meeting began to wind down, Brendan singled out some specific people who had earned a promotion.  She was glad they were getting the recognition they deserved, because she knew how hard everyone worked.  It was a great gesture, and a nice way to wind down the meeting – letting everybody leave on a good note—
“And my executive assistant, Aberdeen Bloom,” Brendan’s words completely caught her by surprise.  She could feel a blush rush to her cheeks as many of the eyes in the room focused on her.  “Just a couple of weeks ago, Aberdeen pulled off the nearly impossible – she managed to track down Niklas Lidstrom while he was in Toronto to get a signed Tre Kronor jersey from 2006 for our special guest, Colonel Richard Brant.  But not only did she get the jersey – get this – she got Nik to come meet the colonel backstage.”
There was a round of applause for Aberdeen.  Now she was really embarrassed.  There was no reason for him to single her out like this – like she told him, she was just doing her job.  She smiled awkwardly at everyone.  Even Brendan was clapping.  When it died down, he continued.  “So, even though she had a bit of a rough start – like everybody does when they first start with the Leafs – I’m so happy to see how much she’s grown and integrated herself into our family.  So…great work, Aberdeen!”
Another round of applause.  Aberdeen continued to smile awkwardly and even through in an awkward wave for good measure.  Brendan said a few more words before the meeting ended, everybody filing out of the room patiently.  When she approached him, as one of the last bodies to leave, she gave him a stern look.  “How’d you like that?” Brendan asked.
“Please never, ever do that again,” she said, giggling at the end.
“Why not?”
“Because I told you I was just doing my job.”
Brendan shrugged his shoulders.  “And you did a damn good job of it, so everybody should know.”
As they walked back into his office together, she saw a perfectly wrapped box lying on his desk on top of all his newspapers and other things.  It was very, very rare that things were delivered directly to him – usually it went through her first, and Brendan had no problem with her opening his work mail because it was part of her job and all his personal stuff got sent to his house anyway – so it definitely piqued her interest.  “What’s that?” she asked.
“It’s your gift.”
Aberdeen’s brows furrowed.  “But I got my swag bag in the room.”
“I know that, silly,” he smiled.  “It’s my gift to you.”  Aberdeen stopped dead in her tracks, giving Brendan another look.  “What?” he asked.  “Are you seriously surprised?  You think I wouldn’t get you something?”
“Sort of…” Aberdeen admitted.  “But also…I was going to give you my gift to you on Monday.  It’s underneath my desk,” she laughed.
Brendan let out a hearty chuckle.  “Why’d you get me a gift?”
“You’re my boss!”
“Go get it.  We’re doing it now.  I’ll be too busy with kids being everywhere on Monday.”
Aberdeen quickly made her way to her desk and retrieved the gift, hidden in her bottom drawer.  It wasn’t large by any means, but she did put thought into it and she did have to enlist her mom for some help.  When she went back into his office, he closed the door behind them.  “It’s not much…” she began, comparing the size of the box on his desk to hers.
“You should be saving your money anyway,” he quipped.
Aberdeen sat in one of the chairs and handed him his gift across his desk.  He unwrapped the Christmas wrapping paper to see something wrapped in tissue paper and a Prada box.  Taking off the top of the Prada box, he was greeted with a blue and white patterned silk tie.  He shook his head but smiled.  “Aberdeen…”
“I had to get you something from Prada one of these days since you always send me there,” she smiled.  
“I love it.  It’s very fashionable.  What are the kids saying these days?  It’s lit?”
“Please don’t.”
“It’s lit, Aberdeen.  Thank you.”
“Thanks.  Although I think you’ll like the other gift better,” she said.
Brendan placed the box with the tie on his desk and focused on what was wrapped in the tissue paper.  When he unwrapped it, he saw that it was a card, made out of thick construction paper glued together.  Along the front were the words “With Love from St. Leo”, and in the middle, a big maple leaf cut out and painted with multi-coloured fingerprints.  When he opened it, the card had been signed by every student from her mom’s grade one class.  A small message was printed out by her mom:
Dear Mr. Shanahan,
We love the Toronto Maple Leafs and we love you!  We heard you came to this school a long time ago.  You and the Maple Leafs can come visit our class anytime you want and we can show you how well we read!
Love, Mrs. Bloom’s grade 1 class
Aberdeen watched as Brendan read over the card, looking at all the names printed, and his eyes glossed over with tears.  He smiled.  “Well would you look at that…” he mumbled, nodding his head slightly.  He already knew he was going to display this forever in his office.
“She means it, by the way,” Aberdeen said, trying to lighten the mood.  She didn’t think it would get him so emotional.
“Oh, I believe it,” he nodded again.  “This is really, really special to me Aberdeen.  Thank you.  I…it’s always nice to remember where you came from, you know?  This will remind me,” his tone was so sincere.  
“You’re most welcome,” she smiled.  
Brendan moved to display it on his desk.  He composed himself before picking up the box that started this whole thing and handing it to her.  “For you,” he said.  “Although I don’t know if it’ll top that card.”
She unwrapped the pretty ribbon and beautiful wrapping paper – clearly Catherine or one of his kids had helped, because for all the skills he had, she didn’t think he was capable of this wrapping on his own.  As she tore it apart, a box with the embossed logo and lettering of Smythson London stared back at her.  Aberdeen stopped.  “You didn’t.”
Brendan only smiled at her.
She was already overwhelmed because she knew how expensive Smythson London notebooks were – the smallest, cheapest, and most basic notebook ran for around £40.  But when she opened the box to find three notebooks – two small navy blue Soho notebooks retailing at £195 each and a large gold Portobello notebook retailing at £235, each of them personalized with her initials which she knew cost even more – she felt even more overwhelmed.  “Brendan…” she whispered, running her fingers over the embossed calf leather.
“I hear writers write in notebooks or something,” he joked once he saw the look on her face.  “Anyway, I want you to have these.  And when you get published and become super famous and they display all your notebooks in museums like they do with Charles Dickens or Jane Austen, I want to see one of those behind the glass.”
“I hope I get published one day…” she said quietly, almost to herself.  
“You will,” Brendan said assuredly.
Aberdeen nodded.  The material part of his assertion was nice – the notebooks – but what obviously meant more to her was the sentiment.  Hearing his tone and the confidence in his voice meant that he believed in her.  He wanted her to succeed.  That meant more to her than anything.  “Thank you, Brendan,” Aberdeen said in the same sincere tone he thanked her with earlier.  “That means a lot to me.”
Brendan could only smile again.  “I like to think I knew what I was doing when I hired you.”
“Was it all part of the Shanaplan?”
“Do not,” he giggled, shaking his head.  He hated that term, and she knew it.  “Go on.  Get out of here.  Go start your novel on your lunch break or something.  Actually, before you do, can you go down to scouting and give them these for me please,” he said, handing her a stack of files.
She smiled.  All was right and normal in the world again.
It was a few hours later when Aberdeen found herself in the staff kitchen, warming up a croissant she’d gotten earlier in the day from Starbucks as a snack before she and Brendan had to start preparing for the game against the Red Wings.  She had a fresh batch of files from scouting in her arm for Brendan to look over as she stuck the croissant in the microwave.  It was then that Ethan walked in, no snack in hand but instead wielding a tea packet.  She ignored him.  She wasn’t going to grace his presence with a greeting and, though it was probably a bit immature, she didn’t care.  He’d said and done enough to her that she didn’t want to be the first one to engage at all.  
“Good afternoon,” Ethan half-mumbled, engaging first.
Aberdeen looked at him.  “Hello,” she said curtly.
“Nice swag bags, huh?” he asked, trying to engage more.  Aberdeen only nodded her head.  “Did you put them together?”
“Of course I did.”
She hoped her short responses and tone were getting across that she didn’t want to speak to him, but Ethan couldn’t read a room to save his life, so he kept going.  “You know, a lot of us were jealous in that meeting that Brendan was praising you so much,” he said.  “We couldn’t believe you pulled that Lidstrom thing off.”
“Guess I’m surprising a lot of people lately,” Aberdeen shrugged her shoulders, setting the files down on the counter.  He didn’t have to tell her people were jealous.  She had a hunch that it was only him who was jealous, and not anybody else in his department.  “Especially you.”
“He must really like you to publicly praise you like that.  He doesn’t do that often, you know.”
“Does that officially make me better at my job than you?” she asked cheekily.  “You know, after you told me I can’t do the job at the Major Donor Gala.”
Ethan threw his head back at the fact that she brought that up again.  He moved to stand behind her as she stuck her food in the microwave.  “Abbie, come on.  You know I rib you because I think you’re good at your job.”
Well that was news to her, because for the last three and a half months, all he’d been doing was making her job a living hell and telling her how much she couldn’t do her job.  This complete 180 was out of the norm, even for him.  “You’ve known me for three and a half months and you’ve consistently called me every name in the book besides my actual name,” she said, turning around to face him, bringing up the other thing that was annoying her about this whole interaction.  “Don’t try to suck up to me now just because you know for a fact Brendan actually likes me.”
“Aberdeen, do you realize how cutthroat the hockey world really is?” Ethan began.  It was at that moment that she realized how close he really was to her; how there wasn’t much room between the two counters of the galley kitchen anyway, but that he was closer to her than normal, than what anybody would consider normal, and it was starting to make her a bit nervous.  “Do you realize how much backstabbing there is?  How many people cross each other all the time just to get promoted or get ahead?  If the little guys like us are going to survive in this industry, or any other industry adjacent to this one, we’re going to need to stick together.”
Aberdeen shook her head.  “You’re trying to use me and it’s so blatantly obvious,” she said sternly, turning around so she wasn’t facing him anymore.  She didn’t want to face him anymore.  “You can’t fool me, Ethan.  Now get out.”
“C’mon, Abbie,” his voice was low, and extremely, extremely close to her ear.  She could practically feel him breathing down her neck.
Then she realized.
“Stop calling me that.”  She tried to make her voice sound strong but it only came out weak as she felt his body pressing up against her back.  Angry tears welled in her eyes as her emotions broke through.  Her chest began to rise and drop from her heavy breaths.
“Abbie, the hockey world is full of favours that help people move up and excel at their job,” Ethan said.
And then she felt it.  His hand on her ass.  Her mind went into overdrive.  She shifted and reached her elbow up and across to push it away, which she did, thankfully.  “Get your hands off me,” she said as firmly as she could.
She turned around quickly so he couldn’t do it again.  Her back leaned against the counter, and she saw he had taken a small step back, but they were still unnaturally close.  “Abbie—”
“Get away from me,” she tried again.
“Just listen—”
“Is things okay in here?” a deep voice asked from the door way.  Ethan took a quick step back further as the both of them looked to see Pierre Engvall standing in the doorway awkwardly, holding a protein shake.  He seemed to be assessing the situation, but Aberdeen had no clue how long he had been standing there.  She would have seen him, she thought, if he had been there long.  
“Pierre!  Good to see you up here buddy!” Ethan put a smile on his face, walking over to him.  Ethan left her standing at the kitchen counter, chest still heaving.  “Feeling good being up with the Leafs?” he asked, switching his demeanour completely.  Aberdeen felt sick to her stomach at how fast he could switch from doing what he was trying to do, to being so buddy-buddy with Pierre.  
“Is there a party going on in here?” another voice asked from out in the hall.
Aberdeen’s stomach dropped.  Right then and there, William popped into the doorway.  He looked between Ethan’s shit eating grin, Pierre’s serious stare, and Aberdeen’s face, red from trying to hold back her emotion as her chest still heaved.  His brows furrowed.  “Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine!” Ethan said quickly, shifting to get out of the room.  He looked over his shoulder once more at Aberdeen, taking his phone out of his pocket.  “I’ll email you what Brendan was asking for as soon as I get back,” he called out as he left the room, walking down the hall and disappearing up the staircase.
William was trying to piece everything together.  He looked at Aberdeen.  “What happened?”
“Nothing,” she said, forgetting about her lunch and gathering the files folders quickly and messily in her arms.  
“Just leave me alone!” she whispered harshly as she shoved past the two large hockey players.
William and Pierre watched as she marched down the hallway, disappearing into the staff washroom.  When they couldn’t see her anymore, William looked at Pierre.  “What happened?” he demanded.
“I don’t know,” Pierre shook his head, trying to piece together and remember everything that he saw – at least the tail end that he saw – with all the visual, emotional, and verbal cues that just happened.  “I…I walked in and he was really close to her and—and—you don’t think—”
William saw red.  He didn’t even wait for Pierre to finish his thought or sentence – he started marching down the hallway to Brendan’s office.  Pierre followed.
He was the eyes, after all.
Aberdeen didn’t know how long she was in the washroom for.  She didn’t know how long she’d been crying but also trying to keep herself from not crying and just making herself redder in the process.  She couldn’t believe that had just happened to her…that Ethan would do something so awful and so heinous.  It had happened to her at clubs before – a quick squeeze or a pat on her ass, unwanted grabs of her hips, or awkward leans ins to try to get a kiss – but in those instances, she was able to swat the boys away, scream at them or tell them off, or her friends would intervene and help.  She didn’t do that this time, for some reason.  She couldn’t, maybe.  Maybe because they were alone?  Because she truly felt helpless?  Because she really did feel like Ethan could get away with whatever he wanted – he had been for the past few months with her alone, she couldn’t even imagine what he was doing to other people, specifically to other women – so what was the point?
But as she kept thinking about it, she came to a conclusion: that she couldn’t let him ruin her life because she still had her whole life ahead of her.  That even though she’d just become another statistic – another woman sexually harassed at work – it wasn’t her primary identifier, and she would never let it identify her.  She was so much more than that.  She had to put it behind her and had to overcome.  
She looked at herself in the mirror.  Her eyes were red, but there was nothing she could do now.  All she could do was keep doing her job.  And all she had to do was avoid Brendan until she looked normal again.  She unlocked the door and stepped out, trying to walk inconspicuously down the hallway.
“ABERDEEN!” Brendan called out loudly from his office.
She stopped dead in her tracks in the hallway.  She didn’t even have time to go hide from him, let alone breathe, because Brendan popped his head out the door of his office and looked around feverishly.  When he saw her, he immediately noticed the redness in her eyes and cheeks.  “Aberdeen, I need to speak to you inside my office,” his voice went ten times softer than what it was.
She was caught.  She followed him in, trying to think of ways she could lie to him or make an excuse for why she had been crying.  But when she walked in and saw Pierre and William standing in the room, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to get out of it.  She sat down in the same chair she had been sitting in earlier in the day.  It felt different now than it had then, when they were exchanging gifts.  “Why were you crying in the bathroom?”
“I wasn’t crying.”
“I watched a sad video on YouTube and—”
“Aberdeen,” Brendan said firmly but calmly.  He looked her straight in the eye.  “Do.  Not.  Lie.  To.  Me.”
She took a deep breath.  She looked at Pierre, who had a sympathetic and extremely worried look on his face.  She looked at William, who looked ready to explode right then and there.  “Umm…there…there was an incident—”
“An incident?”
“In the staff kitchen.”
“With who?” Brendan asked.  “Was it with Pierre or William?”
“No.  God, no,” she shook her head vehemently.  “It, um…it was…I don’t…I don’t—”
“Was it with Ethan Baker?” Brendan filled in her stutters.  He could see how pained she was.  His hands gripped the armrests of his chair.  Aberdeen couldn’t look him in the eye.  She nodded her head once, bringing her hand up to wipe a tear away.  “If we check the cameras will we see that he touched you inappropriately?” Brendan asked again.  Clearly William and Pierre had told him what they thought happened.
Aberdeen couldn’t – didn’t – even register that Brendan mentioned cameras, that the entire thing was probably caught on a camera.  She couldn’t form words.  She could only nod her head.  Slightly, too.  Not even enthusiastically.  Pathetically.  
Brendan didn’t say another word.  He picked up the phone on his desk and called an extension.  “I need Gary to share the last hour of the security footage from the staff kitchen right this instant.”
Aberdeen shifted uncomfortably in her seat.  A few more words were exchanged before Brendan hung up the phone.  “You’re going to tell me what happened,” he said, before spinning his chair slightly to face Pierre and William.  “And then you are going to tell me what you saw,” he pointed towards Pierre, who followed Brendan’s finger and sat to the left of Aberdeen, “and then you are going to tell me what you saw,” he pointed towards William, who sat to the right of her.
Aberdeen recalled everything: walking in, the conversation they’d had, the things Ethan had said to her, where he moved and how he got there and the feeling of how close he was behind her.  Brendan wrote everything down.  When she recounted how she felt his hand on her ass, Brendan and Pierre visibly scowled.  William looked like he was about to punch a hole in the wall.  When she mentioned Pierre in the doorway, Brendan stopped her and let Pierre take over.  Pierre told her what he saw – he’d come in at the last possible second of seeing Ethan’s hand on her ass before she pushed it away.  When it was William’s turn, he mentioned how upset Aberdeen was and how she looked ready to cry.  A notification sound came through on Brendan’s iPad and she knew it was the video footage.
“Aberdeen…” Brendan tried to say softly, though he was saying it through gritted teeth.  “Have there been any other incidents like this one?”
She shook her head.  “No.”
“Has he even been inappropriate or demeaning in any other way?”
And there it was: the million dollar question.  She remembered everything Ethan had done to her and everything he’d said; she was hyperaware of his presence around her at all times since her first day of work, so she felt like she had to remember everything.  In her hesitation, she made eye contact with William.  The way he was staring at her, it was like he was begging her to say something.  But William.  Poor William.  He only knew about the bag incident because he had intervened.  Now the floodgates were about to open.  “Yes…” Aberdeen nodded her head, taking a deep breath.  
“What were they?”
Aberdeen reminded Brendan of the coffee incident from her first day, but then recalled the long list of others: the bag carrying incident where William stepped in; the “Girl Friday” and “Brendan girl” nicknames he’d given her; the slightly inappropriate flirting at the Major Donor Gala and the things he’d said to her when she didn’t reciprocate; the comments he’d made to her at the Christmas party.  Brendan kept writing everything down.  The more she told, the angrier his scribbles got and the harder he pressed down onto the paper.  The more she told, the more William looked like he was about to rip Brendan’s massive solid oak desk in two with his bare hands like Captain America did with that log.
“Anything else?” Brendan asked.
Aberdeen hesitated.  “Um…no.”
She could feel William look at her as she looked down to avoid any eyes on her.  “There was um…there was an incident where I was in the staff kitchen heating up a snack wrap, and he asked if I should really be eating it because nobody likes a piggy working for a hockey team.”
Time stood still as Brendan, Pierre, and William looked at her, completely and utterly speechless at the words that had just come out of her mouth.  She tried to fixate her eyes on something in the room, but she landed on William’s balled up fist in his lap, his knuckles white from how much anger he felt.  It took Brendan reaching over to his phone and dialling another extension for any semblance of time to pass.  “Can you let Ethan Baker know he needs to come into my office in ten minutes?  Thanks.”
Aberdeen knew what that meant.  “Brendan—”
“Don’t Aberdeen,” he grabbed his iPad and swiped to his mail to get the security footage.  Everything that Aberdeen had said, what Pierre had said, what Willy said – it was all corroborated by the video.  Ethan wouldn’t be able to get out of it no matter how hard he tried; no matter what charms he tried to pull on Brendan.  Not that Brendan would fall for them.  “He’s never working another day in his life for any professional sports organization,” Brendan mumbled.  “And I’ll make sure of that.”
Aberdeen was shocked.  “That’s—that’s ruining his life—”
“You’re right – I am the one ruining his life,” Brendan said sternly, lifting any feelings of burden off of her immediately.  
“And he deserves to have it ruined,” William piped up, his tone scathing.  Pierre nodded in agreement.
“You two can go back to the locker room and do what you need to do to prepare for the game tonight,” he said to Pierre and William.  Pierre got up first, and had to wait for William, who didn’t want to leave.  It wasn’t until Brendan urged him with a slight head nod that he got up out of his seat.  Brendan waited until they left completely to continue.  “You can go home, Aberdeen.  If you want to take the Next Gen day off I won’t mind at all—”
“I don’t want to.”
Brendan stopped.  “You what?”
“I don’t want to go home and I don’t want to take the Next Gen day off.  Just let me do my job,” she said.
“Aberdeen, I really think—”
“If I go home all I’m going to do is wallow in this feeling.  All I’m going to do is think about it over and over again until I cry some more.  I don’t want to let him get to me more than he already has.  Just…just let me do my job.  Please.”
William booked it out of Scotiabank Arena the second he was able to.  Despite the team winning 4-1 against the Red Wings, William’s mind was somewhere else.  He was able to keep focused, sure, and make plays and complete passes, but there were other things that occupied his mind.  He didn’t even change into his suit – after showers and media, he left in his workout gear.  There was no point in suiting up.  He knew exactly the places he needed to go and exactly what he needed to do.  
When he got to the lobby of Aberdeen’s apartment, he typed Kasha’s name into the call system and waited to hear one of their voices to let him in.  However, there was no voice – only an acceptance of the call, and a click of the door opening.  He rushed towards the elevators.  He remembered the floor number easily.  
The door was already slightly open.  When William showed up in the doorway there were three people in the apartment, and luckily, none of them were members of Aberdeen’s family.  He didn’t take her as the type to have her parents talk her through a crisis like this one – she was too independent and maybe a bit too stubborn for that – but he knew she’d already called Siena about it.  It was what he would do with his brother.  Aberdeen had already washed all her makeup off and had her hair in a bun, and was standing in a hoodie and pyjama shorts as she cradled Minerva in her arms.  He recognized one of the people as Kasha, but had no idea who the guy was.
Kasha was the first to see him.  Her eyes widened when she recognized him.  “William?”
Everybody’s eyes turned to him.  Aberdeen’s were bulging out of their sockets in shock.  He saw that they were red – that she’d been crying again, probably recounting everything to Kasha once she got home.  “Hey,” he said.
There was an awkward silence as they all stared at him.  Kasha noticed that William was shifting his focus between Evan and Aberdeen and knew she had to be the one to break it.  “Will, this is my boyfriend Evan.  Evan, uh, this is William Nylander.  Aberdeen’s…uh…work colleague.”
Evan moved to shake William’s hand politely.  “You guys work together?” he asked, his voice upbeat.  “Are you another assistant with MLSE?”
Kasha intervened before anybody else could.  “Evan, William’s a player for the Toronto Maple Leafs.”
Evan’s eyes widened at the revelation.  It began to sink in to him how…interesting it was to have a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs in the apartment of his girlfriend.  “Ooooooooh, okay,” he nodded slowly.  “Sorry.  I don’t watch hockey.”
“It’s probably better that way,” William quipped.
“I…that was you calling?” Kasha asked.  William nodded his head.  “I thought you were the Uber Eats we ordered.”
“I’m not Uber Eats but I brought Sugo for…uh…” he held up the bag.
“Sugo’s been closed for like, two hours…” Kasha furrowed her brows.
“They’re not when you’re…me,” William said.  He stared directly at Aberdeen.  “Can we talk?”
Aberdeen stayed silent.  She looked at Kasha and Evan first.  Kasha held her hands up in front of her.  “Don’t look at me.  He’s your friend.”
“I don’t mind him being here at all,” she said, knowing what the question would be.  If she had to push them together herself, she would.  “And you know I’m not going to say a word.  He won’t say anything either,” she nodded towards Evan.  “If you guys need to talk, then talk.  Evan and I will be in my room.”
“We will?” Evan asked as Kasha yanked his arm.  “We will.  Nice to meet you Will,” he said as he was dragged towards Kasha’s bedroom, the door slamming behind them.
Aberdeen and William looked at each other.  She’d barely moved since he walked in the door.  She knew with every fibre of her being that he wasn’t supposed to be here, but she couldn’t help but feel…solace? relief? gratitude? as he stood there with his blonde hair and blue eyes and that dumb but cute look on his face.  “I got some pasta and their giant meatballs,” he said softly, setting the bag down on the counter.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice a bit strained.
“What do you think I’m doing here, minskatt?” he asked.  “I needed to see if you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” she tried to brush him off.
“Aberdeen…” he said softly.  “I’m trying to be here for you.  Will you let me?”
His words sounded so soft and so sincere that it almost broke her.  There was no way she could say no, no way that she could ask him to leave and deny him.  After everything that they’d been through, after everything he’d ever said to her, the hotel room visits, everything – she couldn’t deny him this.  He wanted to be there for her, and she was going to let him.  She swallowed the sob that threatened to escape her.  “Plate that pasta and bring it to my room,” she said quietly.
William’s eyes bulged in shock for a split second before he began moving around the kitchen trying to find an appropriate plate.  He kicked off his shoes before grabbing a fork and walking into her bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him.  He looked around, and it was just as he remembered it.  It had been a while, but the events of that night in June still played over and over in his mind.  If he thought about it hard enough, he could imagine the feeling of her bare skin underneath his fingertips.  
He found her sitting on her daybed, Minerva lying on her legs and her laptop on her desk chair that was placed at the edge of her bed like a TV stand.  He handed her the plate full of pasta and meatballs before climbing into bed beside her, sitting right next to her so their bodies were touching.  “He deserved what he got, you know.  After that piggy story I wanted to go to his office and strangle him with my bare hands.”
She nodded her head softly.  “I know.  I got that from seeing how white your knuckles were in your lap.”
“Do you want to know how Brendan did it?” he asked.  She didn’t respond, so he just went for it.  “He called Ethan into his office and he asked him what his dream hockey organizations were to work for.  As Ethan said them, Brendan wrote them down.  Then Brendan showed him the video, and in front of Ethan, called the president or GM of the teams he mentioned and blacklisted him.  He told them never to hire him because he was a sexual harasser.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what to think.  She knew William didn’t tell her that to get a reaction out of her, and she knew he wasn’t expecting one either.  It was harsh, very harsh.  Ethan’s career in the sports industry was ruined, that was for sure.  It was a fitting end to a guy who was such a dick.  And more than anything, she realized one important thing: Brendan cared about her.  He cared about her so much he’d ruin another man’s career for harming hers.  “Good,” she mumbled.  
“Why didn’t you tell me any of that was going on?” he asked.  “You promised me you’d tell me, Aberdeen, and you broke that promise.”
She shook her head.  She couldn’t deal with this right now.  She knew she should have said something earlier, but she was the lowest person on the metaphorical totem pole, and she didn’t think it was worth William’s time or effort.  “Please don’t.”
“I could have helped you, Aberdeen—”
“William, please,” her tone was strained, her voice begging.  “I don’t want to talk about it.  I don’t want to keep reliving it.  I just want to sit here with you and eat this giant plate of pasta with these giant meatballs, okay?  Please.”
William looked at her for a few moments, directly into her eyes, before he nodded his head.  It was all he could do.  He didn’t want to make her relive it any more than she had to.  And, quite frankly, he didn’t want to have to think about it, because thinking about what Ethan did to her made his blood boil and made him want to search every street and apartment in the city for Ethan so he could punch him.  She’d let her guard down, however minimally, and said she wanted to sit there with him.  If him sitting next to Aberdeen was going to make her feel okay, he was going to do just that.  If just being there, physically, was enough for her, then it was enough for him.  “What are we watching?”
“The Real Housewives of New York City.”
He smiled.  “Alright.  Real Housewives it is.”
With Minerva sleeping on her legs, Aberdeen downed the plate of pasta.  William couldn’t really keep up with the show, with all its drama and all the ladies gossiping over events he had no clue about, but that didn’t really matter.  All he was really focused on was Aberdeen.  And as her body language softened the more she worked through the giant plate of pasta, the more comfortable she became.  When she was done, she leaned forward and put the plate on her dresser.  She’d deal with it later.  
When she curled her arm underneath his, he rested his hand on her legs and she leaned her head onto his bicep.  Their bodies couldn’t be any closer, and now they were starting to intertwine.  It wasn’t long before her breathing steadied, and when the screen went dark during a scene, William could see through the reflection that she was sleeping peacefully against him.  He closed the laptop with his foot.  
He moved to lie her down in her bed.  The disruption in position made her grumble slightly, though she was still latched on to his arm.  “Willy?” she mumbled out.
The use of his nickname that everyone else called him but she never did until now brought a small smile to his face.  “Minskatt?”
She didn’t say anything else, but she made it clear she didn’t want to let him go.  And she showed it by grabbing onto him tighter.  When he lay down in her tiny bed with her – seriously, it was tiny and there was barely enough room for his body, let alone both of theirs – she closed her eyes again.  Comfortable.  Safe.  Protected.  
William closed his eyes too, letting his feelings of serenity overwhelm him.
Aberdeen woke up with the sun, which she was mad about because she had the day off and wanted to sleep in until it was an acceptable time to have brunch.  Her body still felt fatigued from yesterday, but her mind – even her mind still felt tired, like she’d barely gotten any sleep.  She saw Minerva curled up at William’s feet and smiled.
William was in bed with her.
The events of the night before came back to her – him showing up at the apartment with takeout Sugo; eating the giant plate of pasta and meatballs all on her own; sitting on her bed and watching the Real Housewives of New York; resting her head on his arm until she fell asleep.  He’d stayed the night.  For the second time in one month, she’d shared a bed with William.  The first time, they’d stayed on their respective sides because the bed was big enough – it was respectful and innocent, but she had still kicked him out in the early morning in complete fear.  But now, there was no respective sides.  She felt his hand underneath her hoodie on her bare skin.  She felt his body pressed up against hers, holding her delicately.  She felt his chest rising and falling softly.  But mostly, she felt the grip of his hand holding hers, cradling it near his chest.
For the first time, she didn’t mind.  And she didn’t pull away.
Sexual harassment in the workplace resources:
from the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund: Sexual Harassment at Work - What Can I Do About It?
from the Ontario Human Rights Commission: Policy on Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment 
from The Muse: Here’s What You Can Do If You’re Sexually Harassed at Work
from Workplace Fairness: Sexual Harassment Practical Strategies: How Do I Deal with Sexual Harassment?
from Canadian Labour Relations: Sexual Harassment Lawyers and Attorneys: a Legal Solution
from Workplace Fairness: Sexual Harassment - Legal Standards
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thelazydoodle · 3 years
I’ve RE:Entered The Nightmare
I’ve recently completed my first run  of Resident Evil: Village on Hardcore(cause I hate myself and I wanted to suffer) and I’ll get to the point and say that I enjoyed it and it was a complete step up from 7. I’ll try to explain what I enjoyed about this game without SPOILING anything, but I cannot make any promises. So this paragraph here is the front door of the tour of my talk about this game. I’ll be talking about the story, the gameplay, the sound design, the game design, and the character design of this game. Here we go
     First I’ll get to the point and talk about the story, the story picks up 3 years after 7. Mia and Ethan get relocated to another country with the BSAA, and have a baby of their own(Rose). Their night gets turned upside down, with Chris coming in killing Mia, taking Ethan and Rose with them. Ethan wakes up in the middle of an accident with the van he was in flipped over and everyone is dead. Ethan makes his way through the forest and finds himself in a village that is infested with monsters and discovers Rose is somewhere in the village, being held captive by Mother Miranda and the Four Lords. Thus making him search through the nightmare to find what he loves most and has left. Now I got our premise/ intro out of the way, let me say that I quite liked it. A little predictable and expected in some parts, but I was entertained and a bit surprised as well. Loved the characters and understood them mostly, my favorite had to be Karl Heisenberg. He’s a sassy asshole, who loves to mess with Ethan by putting him through games. He’s able to kill Ethan with no problem, but he would rather watch Ethan fight and be entertained. He’s straightforward, and doesn’t plan on trickery, unlike Lucas. Alcina Dimitrescu( Lady D, Vampire Goth Mommy, Giant Mommy Milkers, etc) was interesting to watch. Prideful, can be flirty, but hot tempered. As you progress with her section of the game, she starts laidback, flirty, and is in control, but as something doesn’t go her way or something bothers her. She loses her temper and goes berserk. It’s interesting to see her try to keep her composure, but once she’s alone she shows her true nature. Donna Beneviento, the shyest of the four. Face is covered with a veil and uses a puppet to be her representative. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get much from her while playing the first time. All I know is that she used to be beautiful, she likes puppets and dolls, and she’s not confrontational. She plays with people’s minds, sets up illusions, and controls dolls. I’ll try to look more into her when I go back, cause she’s a bit of mystery to me. Last but not least Salvatore Moreau, the “Lowest” of the four. I say this, for he says that the other three thinks he’s incompetent and ugly. He has a mind like a child, but most of the scenes I’ve seen him in. He tries so hard and becomes so heartbroken, because he wants Mother Miranda’s love and attention. He hates Ethan out of jealousy, and would kill him to gain the attention of the four lords. What’s interesting about Miranda and the Four Lords, is that they act like a family, but they’re not. Dimitrescu considers Heisenberg and the other’s like family, but she has her daughters. who are her real relatives. Salvatore only has the the other three lords and Miranda. Heisenberg seems to give less of a shit of the group, and just wants to live his life. While Donna doesn’t really say anything. Ethan himself I would say is an interesting character, for his responses to everything is so human. despite him being scared and freaking out about things, he continues on. For he wants to get Rose back.
    Next up, the mechanics. To simply put it, you take RE7 existing mechanics and add in RE4 into the mix.  Now let’s get deeper, the enemies mostly come in hordes. So you need to be a little sharper and think a bit quicker. You can block to take less damage like 7 along using a new technique of doing a quick shot while you block, it’s more of a wild shot with a chance of hitting something. So you might want to use it up close, when you want to get a quick hit. Since there are hordes, you get a bigger arsenal with a wide variety of weapon types and uses. you get to use pipe bombs, along with land mines to lure enemies and try to thin out the horde and possibly survive a bit longer. Of course, like 4 you have the use of environment to your advantage. From explosive barrels and sacks of flour to create smoke screen to make a run for it, you must use them wisely for there are small quantities. Crafting mechanic was very useful, making ammo, bombs, or first aid to help yourself on your survival. The Cache Case mechanic was useful in a way, was able to carry more items and didn’t have to worry about dropping items along the way. The Duke’s Emporium was a sight to see, buying upgrades getting treasures for money, hunting game for dishes. All beneficial to the your survival. giving more reason to explore the village to help yourself  
 I love the enemy variety, each enemy type has different variants. Lycans have bow users, melee, the full wolves, and armored ones. Ghouls had gargoyle variants, then the machine based ghouls. something that I missed that 7 didn’t have. When it comes to going after each lord, they have different feels and experiences. For instance, Dimistrescu is like playing REmake 2 and RE7 with her and her daughters are patrolling the castle and have to escape them while exploring the castle. Donna is like puzzle solving back with lucas or PT, Moreau is like a death platformer/ rollercoaster scenes from RE3REmake, then Heisenberg was like the final part of RE4. 
last but not least, the designs. The environment designs were complete eye candy (I was playing this on the PS4, cause yeah), monster designs were creepy, character designs were either pretty or down right scary. glad that the majority of the mutated forms of the bosses didn’t a shit ton of eyes( looks at moreau). the ambient noises from the game helped settle the mood when it was quiet. From hearing crow noises, fire burning, wind whistles, window banging, to hearing enemy footsteps in a different room. It gave the right presence of where you are in the game. The musical score of the game is amazing, orchestra of violins horns, drums, chants, and laughs made gave me the rush and feeling of myself being in danger. 
The few things that annoyed me in the game was picking up items, for it never really says if I picked up anything while I was being chased. I felt like I was spoiled in Monster Hunter World, when it came to collecting items, but I had to be facing the item to get it. Another was me getting hit in the back, and I was attacked a ton without a chance of healing. 
So in the end, again I really enjoyed RE: Village. Big step up from 7, loved the enemy variety, the characters, the environment, being able to explore the village, and the gameplay. just frustrated with picking up items.
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ethanfreakingdolan · 5 years
The Halloween story👀
As soon as Arlandria was adopted at the end of September she decided she was going to dress up as Grayson. Complete with his real heavyweight championship belt (she was under strict instructions to leave it with Y/N). Her gloves were custom made to look exactly like his. 
She practically bounced into the school that morning, dragging her Mama behind her dressed as Morticia Addams, they were supposed to be going out later and Grayson was going to be Gomez. Beaming about how cute her baby girl looked. The rest of the class walked in dressed as an amalgamation of princesses and monsters. 
“What are you supposed to be then Arly?” Jackson, he was dressed in all black with a mask to make him look like the Scream killer. the kid had probably never even seen Scream. 
“I’m my Papa, he’s a boxer,” she held up the belt in her tiny hands, “see he’s the heavyweight champion.” She felt so smug showing off her Papa’s accomplishments.
“Seriously? You know girls are weak and make bad boxers right?” 
“No, they aren’t! Girls make great boxers!” She was getting a little wound up now, all the girl power her parents had taught her starting to come out. 
“Girls suck!” He was right up in her face now, but he was soon on the floor. The impact from the heavyweight belt hitting his cheek knocking him down.
“They aren’t!”
“Arlandria Jane Dolan!” She just got full named by her Mama, in front of her entire class and then walked to the Principals office. Where they sat together in uncomfortable silence until Grayson arrived. 
Y/N explained to Grayson that Arly had hit a kid with the belt and shoved the belt into his chest before walking back to her classroom. Immense concern all she could feel, her kid at the principal's office. In her school, with her boss. What if this came back on her? Makes her look like she can’t even control her own child let alone a whole class of them?
“Papa I promise I didn’t even hit him that hard!” She tried to defend herself.
“Oh really? Because it looks like he has the words heavyweight imprinted on his face sweetheart.” This made her get embarrassed. He had a point, little Jackson did have the words on his face from how hard she had hit him.
They got called into the office with Jackson and his father. His father dressed in a business suit topped with a face like stone after being pulled out of his office. Grayson still in his shorts and vest from the gym, creating quite the contrast.
The principal asked for Jackson’s side of the story first,
“Well I asked what her costume was and she told me she was a boxer, like her daddy and I said that it was cool and then she hit me!” Arlandria was getting wound up again. For multiple reasons.
“My Papa, I’m dressed like my Papa. Not my daddy, he was mean Papa isn’t,” she whispered only for Grayson to hear, although he was unsure if she was telling the others in the room or herself. He knew immediately that the other child was lying they’d taught her better than that. Mr Lee then asked for Arlandria’s side,
“He asked what my costume was so I told him I was dressed as my Papa and then he told me girls were too weak to be boxers so I said they weren’t and then he tolded me that girls suck and then I hit him,” as she got to the end she started to get embarrassed again and was looking at the floor. 
“Well, those are quite differing stories, I would usually call the teacher in at this point but I have a feeling one party may have a problem with that,” he turned to Jackson’s father, not wanting to deal with accusations that Mrs Dolan was showing a bias. 
“No! No, bring the woman in I want to hear her side.” Not what they were expecting. 
The fear Y/N felt when walking into the principal's office was as though she was the one being punished. She felt like she was the eight-year-old about to get told off. 
When they asked for her side she understood the smug look she was getting from Jackson’s father he thought he’d won either way. If she said she heard Arlandria being riled up then she was just defending her daughter, if she didn’t see anything then she was incompetent. 
“Well I was attending to another child at the time but I heard Jackson say ‘Girls suck’ and then Arlandria hit him, so I can only assume from what I know about both the children that he been winding her up prior.“ 
“What do you mean ‘what you know about both children’?” Jackson’s father enquired.
“I know that although she is being raised in a boxing household she has been taught that she should not hit anyone and she wouldn’t unless provoked, and I also know that this is not the first time that Jackson has been in here for an incident like this.” She tried to say he’s a little shit in the nicest way possible.
 Both children were told to write the other a letter of apology and dismissed early. 
The car with Grayson and Arlandria was dead silent. Arlandria not wanting to say anything to get her in more trouble and Grayson wanting her to sit in her embarrassment for a little while. They pulled into the gym and Grayson turned to his baby girl and sighed.
“Now I know that you told the truth in the office earlier, and I’m proud of you for doing that even when it meant admitting you did something wrong. However, that doesn’t undo the fact you should not have hit him. At all. It’s a pretty conflicting situation because on one hand I’m really disappointed that you hit someone but on the other, I’m really proud of you for standing up against that little prick. So, I’m going to take you into the gym and let you get some anger out and then we’re gonna get some ice cream and you’re going to tell your Mama that I told you off more than I did.” The eight-year-old was confused and taken back by his proposal. She nodded and they walked into the gym.
Straight to one of the corners with a punching bag he got her all properly prepared and started showing her the proper technique. 
“Right baby, don’t tuck your thumbs into your fist you’ll get hurt.” She starts hitting properly and Grayson can feel his heart swelling with pride watching her. Until he hears her mumbling under her breath. 
“Stupid Jackson and his stupid costume calling me stupid names. Meany buttface.” He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the childish names. However, he couldn’t say she was wrong, he also thought that Jackson was a ‘meany buttface’.
Ethan walked out of his office and she showed him how she could hit, getting in a bit more practice while Gray explained what happened. Ethan was impressed, to hit him and leave an imprint? He was proud in a way only an uncle is allowed to be.
“Papa, I’m not angry anymore. Can we get ice cream now?” He told her they could and they were off to the parlour. 
They were eating their ice cream when Arlandria asked if next time she gets angry she can go to the gym with Gray because it helped. He agreed quickly hoping it would work as a deterrent to her hitting kids again. Also letting her know that if she hit another kid she wouldn’t be getting ice cream, she’d be getting punished properly.
He couldn’t help but worry about his wife though, he had known her for a decade so he knew exactly what was going through her head. She would be panicking about how this reflected on her career. He checked the time and realised she’d be almost home wanting cuddles and food, so he would deliver.
Gray got Arly in the car and headed out to pick up take out, getting Y/N’s favourite. She’d need it.
The devoted husband pulled into his driveway to see his wife still sitting in her car. Crying into her long black Morticia wig. He sent Arlandria over to knock on her car window, in an attempt to cheer her up. Once the woman spotted the small girl she wiped her eyes and opened the door. She picked Arly up for a big cuddle telling her how much she loved her. 
Moving into the lounge the two girls found Grayson laying out the food they bought, they sat and ate dinner as a family, in peace. 
“I know I was really naughty today and I’m super duper sorry, but do I still get to go trick-or-treating?” Arlandria asked her Mama as she went shy, her head hung low and cheeks bright red.
“Sure you can sweetheart, you were standing up for yourself and what you believe in but you also know you shouldn’t have reacted the way you did. I’m proud of you for telling the truth to Principal Bell. Even if you had to admit you did something wrong.” Grayson sprinted upstairs to put his costume on before heading out to join the rest of his family. Cameron would be so impressed when she heard about the mark Arly left.  
Two full pillowcases later they returned home. After putting Arlandria to bed, Y/N and Grayson decided to go sit in their own room. They stuck a film on to try and act like everything was normal, but that didn’t last long before Y/N was crying again. Sobbing to her husband about her insecurities. Asking if he thought she was a bad mother, which he shot down the thought of immediately. 
“You are the best mother she has ever had and will ever have. Arly loves you so much and adores you, that little girl isn’t sure who she wants to be more, you, me or Milo from Atlantis.” It was true, she adored her Mama and Papa, but she did also adore Atlantis. 
“I just feel like I failed you know? I’m a teacher, it’s my job to teach these kids right from wrong and my kid, the one that lives with me hit another kid. She got taken to the principal’s office. That feels so shitty. I just feel maybe she’d have been better off going to another home.” One thing Grayson loved about his wife was how open she could be about this. It took a very long time to get there but now he almost can’t shut it off.
“You know how when we first got together you were crazy shy and now you’re still shy but a hell of a lot less, yeah?” Y/N nodded slightly confused about where he was going with this, “Well, I can see the same thing happening with Arly, because of you. She’s talking more and more, she was play fighting with Ethan the other day. A month ago she wouldn’t even look at him for more than five seconds! Her and Cam’s girls are almost inseparable, April told me the other day they wished we found her sooner because she’s so much fun. Her exact next words were ‘she’s so much funner than Bailey, Octavious and Marcus, boys suck’, and Arly loves all of them so so much as well. She’s started calling Octavious, Tay! He won’t even let Ethan call him anything other than Oc or Octavious and he’s the kid's dad! Bailey tried to call him Tay and got hit. Us adopting her is the best thing that ever happened to us and to her.” Grayson had made some solid points that she couldn’t argue with really.
“Speak of the devil, I see you Arly, peeking around the door missy.” She pushed the door open a little more so they could see her better and took a deep breath.
“I’m super duper duper sorry I hit Jackson, I shouldn’t have done it and I know that. Although he wound me up and may or may not have deserved it I still shouldn’t have hit him. You two are the best parents I’ve ever had and I’m really happy here. I’m sorry if I messed anything up for you.” The fragile girl was on the brink of tears as Grayson pulled her into their bed. 
“You haven’t messed anything up for anyone baby girl, the fact that you know that prick deserved to get hit but you still shouldn't have shows me that me and your Mama have done something right. A month ago you wouldn’t have even told him what your costume was, I’m so incredibly proud of you. We are never letting you go Arly, you’re a Dolan now through and through.” 
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hudush · 5 years
time after time
song: time after time by the wind + the wave
book: open heart
pairing: bryce lahela x mc (kimberly wadsworth)
word count ~ 1 140
a/n: “short drabble”  🤡 this is my first time writing something like that in english which isn’t my first language so i’m really sorry for any misspellings and grammar errors! please point them out so i can edit this trainwreck eye--. also, the next one will have some angst in it?? ofc it is if i write it  🤡
❝ stop moving, i’m almost done ❞ prompt from this post
          The sharp hospital fluorescent lights most certainly did not help Kim’s dull headache. A chilly air blast from the AC swept under Her scrubs and made her shiver, despite the white coat thrown over her shoulders.
           She always got cold fast and not moving for a while just made it worse. Sighing, she rubbed her arms and got back to counting drops falling from her banana bag.
           The truth was – she knew she shouldn’t have agreed to cover her colleague’s shift, already being exhausted and not having eaten for the whole day (Ethan Ramsey was a rather demanding boss and even thought he told her to take a break, Kim wanted to stay with her patient), but she needed extra money, now more than ever.
           She winced. Just thinking about her brother’s debt made her feel both angry and downcasted at the same time. She could send him some extra cash but if he got back into gambling–
           ‘Stop moving, I’m almost done.’
           Kim looked up, concentrating on Bryce’s focused face – the furrowed brows and a Little crease between them, faded freckles dusted over his nose and cheeks, strands of hair falling into his eyes. Can he even see anything?
           ‘I still think,’ she started, ‘it would be better if someone from plastics would look at it.’
           Bryce smirked, glancing at her for a second.
           ‘Who is the surgeon here, me or you?’ She could hear the humor in his voice. ‘Besides, maybe I’ll get into plastics?’
           Kim narrowed her eyes at him, remembering how he complained about being on plastics rotation last week – while Bryce was excited for any surgery he could assist, both of them knew he lived on adrenaline, the rush of blood when a new car crush victim was admitted, making decisions in a split of second. The excitement and thrill of someone’s life depending on your sharpness.
           He would also rewatch the most intense episodes of Grey’s Anatomy during their monthly marathon.
           Everyone knew Bryce Lahela would choose trauma. It was just a matter of when.
           He caught her staring and flashed her a smile that made her blush.
           It wasn’t like her to be intimidated, especially not by Bryce. But after the ethics hearing, after the party, after the night spent with Bryce, something changed between them. During his break, Bryce would seek her out even more. Staying at each others apartments after long and tiresome shifts just to spend more time together, cuddled under the sheets. It’s just easier, they would tell their roommates. Kim’s apartament was closer to the hospital, and Bryce drove a car. She would come up with excuses, noticing Jackie shooting her knowing glances, seeing Bryce coming out of their bathroom in the mornings. He would just smile when his roommates would ask about Kim’s coat hanged on a hook in the hall of their apartment.
           But despite the warm tones of their voices, the quiet whispers in the dead of the night which made them slowly discover each other piece by piece, despite the light teasing touches making her heart flutter and the ones that made them pant, wanting more and more, despite everything – they didn’t talk about it.
           She knew that the pace of their lives, sometimes not seeing each other for days just to steal a few moments in the on-call room, not being able to plan something just because there’s incoming trauma from a car crash, someone had to stay with the patient, or they simply didn’t have time for one another–
           Maybe he didn’t need more. Didn’t want more. Maybe that’s all they were – friends who stole hushed secrets and passionate touches leaving them both lighthearted and content in each other’s embrace.
           And maybe, just maybe, Kim once thought that they may be something more.
           But she stayed silent, taking what he was willing to give.
           She squirmed, sitting on a hospital cot, moving her legs back and forth, her shoes squeaking on the floor. There was no point in thinking about it, at least not when Bryce was just inches from her, stitching a cut on her forehead.
           Just an hour ago she found out how dangerous are hospital beds if you just got off from your 48 hours shift, heavy-eyed and most certainly dehydrated.
           After getting her almost killed by the bed, Sienna wouldn’t stop apologizing and Kim was pretty sure her roommate, when she saw the cut, would look for the head of plastics if Bryce didn’t show up and reassured her he would be more than happy to help.
           ‘I need to practice anyway’, were his exact words at which Kim started to protest.
           ‘There you are’, said Bryce, finishing stitching her up. She felt his touch lingering on her face for a second just to disappear like it was nothing in another. ‘Good God, I’m so good at this, you won’t even have a scar.’
           Kim rolled her eyes and hopped of the cot, inspecting the cut in the mirror. He really did a good job but just because of the smug smile on his face, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, admitting it.
           After putting a small bandage on the cut, she turned to Bryce, suddenly nervous, not knowing what to say. He glanced at her from putting away the instruments.
           Aware of his stare, Kim shifted from foot to foot, feeling her cheeks going red. She coughed, clearing her throat and wiped her cold hands on her blue scrubs.
           The scalpel jockey would not make her anxious, and especially the way he looked at her right now, as he was thinking about the way they clung to each other two nights ago, how their bodies would fit together–
           ‘Thanks for…’, said Kim sheepishly, pointing at her forehead.
           Bryce just smiled and nodded. ‘Are you free tomorrow night?’
           She stopped with her hand on the door handle, looping back at him, going over the Schedule in her head.
           ‘Why?’ He could hear suspicion in her voice that made him chuckle.
           ‘It’s Nico’s birthday. We’re going out to Donahue’s for some drinks.’
           ‘So now you’re hanging out with the vagina squad?’ Kim raised her brows thinking about Nico, an obstetrics and gynecology resident she worked with on a few cases.
           Bryce sighed, slouching his arms. ‘I already hang out with IM residents, I have lost my dignity a long time ago.’
           Narrowing her eyes at Bryce, Kim raised her middle finger, receiving a wide, playful grin from him.
           ‘I’m changing my Netflix password. You can pay for your own’, she turned away, hiding her smile.
           ‘So?’, he asked stopping her from walking out.
           Kim hesitated for a second. Tomorrow was one of the rare nights, when she would be free. But she promised her brother…
           She sighed, shaking her head at herself. He’s not a child anymore.
           ‘I’ll try to be there.’
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timeagainreviews · 5 years
The Filler Fluff of the Cybermen
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When is a two-parter not a two-parter? When the first part is tonight’s episode "Ascension of the Cybermen." As stories go, that was pretty damn sparse. I’ll be honest, friends, I don’t have a lot to say about tonight’s story. But that’s not why you come here, so I will try my damnedest to find something to talk about in this latest episode of Doctor Who. Right, now, how many words was that? Sixty-seven? Christ. This is going to be a slog.
I honestly shouldn’t be surprised. It had to happen. I was saying just last week that I hadn’t seen an episode I outright hated so far this series. We were due. That’s not to say I actually feel hate for this episode, more accurately, I feel very little about this episode. Usually, I endeavour to do more than simply trash an episode, but tonight, it’s either that, or I end the review here. So apologies ahead of time.
The episode opens on a Cyberman head floating in space with some knucklehead voiceover telling us about how the Cybermen have been mostly wiped out and what remains of humanity isn’t much better. The episode will now spend the next fifty minutes reiterating this point ad nausea. It was like a Star Wars title crawl, except in Star Wars, the crawl isn’t the plot of the movie you’re about to watch. Funnily, a lot of tonight’s episode reminded me of "The Last Jedi." Our heroes get split up. A slow chase ensues. No new information is gained. And it ends leaving us feeling like not a lot happened.
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The Doctor and her companions come to a small human colony in the distant future. There are only seven of them left. The Doctor sets up a series of relays to help this ragtag bunch of humans kill off an oncoming Cyberman attack. Only thing is, they had never accounted for the Cybermen to first send out "Cyber Drones." Now, say you’ve got a room full of artists who love Doctor Who. And you tell them all to design drones that will be utilised by Cybermen. You can imagine they might have some rather impressive designs. Now, gather up all of those beautiful and creative drawings into your arms and throw them in the bin. Instead, we’re going to just use floating Cyberman heads. Was this because Chibnall is the kind of guy who thinks a dude with teeth pressed into his face is creepy or is this because reusing Cyberman heads is cheap? I’ll let you decide.
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The Cyberheads and their eye lasers do quick work of the Doctor’s relays and sends everyone scattering to the wind. With three of the humans dead, Ryan, a young boy named Ethan, and the Doctor get left behind. Yaz and Graham, find themselves aboard a rickety gravraft with the remainder of the humans. With the TARDIS too far away, the Doctor decides they need to hijack a Cybership. I gotta give it to the Cybermen, they take better care of their ship than they do their own bodies. It’s almost as if there was no continuity in the design. Or maybe it’s like when you see someone whose life is a total mess but they have a dope car. I’ll let you decide.
After Ethan hotwires the Cybership, the Doctor pilots the ship to the most logical destination- her TARDIS. No, I’m just kidding, that would have made sense! Instead, she goes somewhere. I just double-checked with my boyfriend and we honestly couldn’t remember why anyone was doing anything at this point in the episode. After combing the episode I finally found a bit of throwaway dialogue where Ethan programmed the ship to go to a place called "Ko Sharmus." Meanwhile, the other group of protagonists are floating listlessly in space, making them the most relatable characters in this episode as that’s exactly how I felt.
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By now you’re probably wondering why I haven’t gotten to the B-story happening in this episode. I guess here is as good a place as any, as it made just as much sense crammed anywhere in the episode it pleased. We see a young man and woman find a baby. This baby grows up to be their adopted son, Brendan. Brendan becomes a cop. Brendan gets shot and falls off a cliff. Brendan wakes up unscathed. Brendan’s dad looks at him like he’s creepy. Brendan grows old and retires. Brendan’s dad and boss, seemingly having not aged, wipe his memory. It makes as much sense as a wicker toilet and gives us no new information. At one point I thought he may have been Captain Jack’s kid, but then he grows old, so I don’t know what to think. What I do know is that you could have edited it down and made it into a far better cold opener than that Cyberhead floating in space shit.
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The humans aboard the gravraft get stranded next to a giant Cyberman ship where a battle has gone down. Remnants of Cybermen ping the hull of their vessel like tiny asteroids. They get the bright idea to use the airlock to give the gravraft an extra thrust into the Cybership. I don’t know if it was intentional, but having Graham say "Don’t panic," right before they release the airlock was a nice little Douglas Adams reference. Or maybe it wasn’t at all, but I’ll take any joy from this episode I can get. Much like the idiotic hip bounce from "Can You Hear Me?" that knocked the sonic screwdriver up into the Doctor’s hands, the gravraft makes a million in one shot directly into the Cyberman ship’s docking bay. If they have that kind of luck sinking shots like that, they should really take their skills to the minigolf course.
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The second I saw the ship, I knew that they were going to do the rows upon rows of sleeping Cybermen emerging from their tombs. It’s a Doctor Who trope as old as the Patrick Troughton era. My boyfriend was enjoying these bits as he is less familiar with the history of Doctor Who, so I let him have his fleeting enjoyment. I couldn’t even get jazzed about the new Cyberman design as they had already spoiled it with online photos. Basically, aside from the head-scratching B-story, the plot to tonight’s episode could be gathered by looking at promotional photos. There were new Cybermen. The Lone Cyberman was there. Nothing new to be learned here. Though, I will admit those new Cybermen are genuinely awesome.
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The Doctor has a brief encounter with a hologram of the Lone Cyberman, or "Ashad." We learn that Ashad doesn’t just want to destroy all humans, he wants to destroy all life in the universe, for reasons. So I guess it wasn’t all a wash. Ashad heads to the Cybership where he begins waking up the Cybermen by what looks like torture. I have absolutely zero idea why he was doing what he was doing. It’s not at all made clear. Was he giving a titty twister so the Cybermen would accept him as their leader? Because after waking up the rest of them, they all seem to fall in line. Honestly, what the hell was he doing to that Cyberman? It makes no goddamn sense.
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One thing I will say that made me happy was that one of my predictions from before episode one came true. They gave Graham a bit of a love interest. I called that shit. This possible love interest came in the form of Ravio, one of the human colonists. I found it rather amusing that in the future humans would still speak with British accents but have lost all context for Cockney rhyming slang. It was a cute bit of dialogue that falls apart if you think about it too much. The Cybermen force the humans into a corner to barricade themselves from the onslaught of Cybermen, and that’s where they’re left until next weekend.
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Meanwhile, the Doctor arrives at Ko Sharmus which ends up being a person’s name as opposed to a planet. Chris Chibnall’s ability to name characters has not improved. Seriously, there are characters named Feekat and Yedlarmi in this episode. It hardly matters though as they’re all rather forgettable. I had to comb the episode and the internet just to figure out who was who. The Doctor never even introduces herself to Ethan. I had to figure his name out through one of the many throwaway lines of dialogue. That’s not to say that they don’t have real bits of character development. But you can take all of the character development in the world and wrap it around a hollow plot and it equals a lot of me not giving a shit.
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Ko Sharmus was a welcome addition, simply because he was played by the charismatic Ian McElhinney. Turns out he’s a human colonist who stays behind in case any more humans might one day also come to this planet. There’s a sort of gateway or “boundary” out of the galaxy where many humans have gone to escape pursuit by Cyberman. Ko Sharmus’ job is to act as a guide to any possible newcomers also looking to reach said boundary. However, the Doctor quickly learns that the boundary is actually a gateway to Gallifrey. Only now it shows Gallifrey as the Master left it- in ruins.
Did I mention the Master? Well, here he is, making a "grand" entrance. The only thing at this point that was grand about the introduction of the Master to the story was that I was excited that something of substance was actually about to happen. Instead, this is our cliffhanger- this not at all surprising reveal that the Master is still alive. Of course, he is, he’s the Master. It’s a season finale with the Cybermen, of course, the Master is going to be there. It’s been that way for the past two Cyberman season finales. I guess the third time is a charm? What about any of this is supposed to be surprising? Remember how I said I was afraid they were becoming far too reliant on big reveals? This ending is the epitome of that. I think they expected to blow our minds by having the storyline they set up at the beginning of the series come into fruition. Try harder Chibs, this shit was weak.
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The biggest shocker here is how little happened. What we were left with was akin to a classic filler episode where the Doctor gets captured. They padded out everything because they didn’t want next week’s episode to be ten minutes longer. Tonight’s episode exists purely because Chris Chibnall couldn’t edit down the script of a single episode into something shorter. This wouldn’t be so egregious if at least one storyline came to some sort of conclusion. If the B-story with Brendan had gone somewhere it might have made the entire episode feel somewhat worth the time and effort. Instead, we’re forced to watch a team of talented actors fill time.
I can’t help but feel like last week’s episode should have been this week’s episode with maybe a bit more setup for the finale. In place of this forgettable fluff, we could have gotten a single contained episode in its place. Something that had a beginning, middle, and end. Because of this, it’s almost as if we’ve been shorted an episode. Because of all of the wasted time in "Ascension of the Cybermen," I can only think of two outcomes for next week. One is an episode crammed so full of exposition that it will feel messy and disjointed. The other is an episode that is as equally underwhelming as tonight’s effort. Do you really mean to tell me they’re going to fit a Cyberman battle, Captain Jack, the Master, Gallifrey, the Timeless Child, and possibly Ruth into an episode and it not be a mess? It’s hard to have faith that there is a reason behind this much wasted screentime. I could use some of Graham’s optimism because at this moment it’s looking a bit hopeless.
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pazithi-gallifreya · 5 years
The Hourglass Garden (An Unus Annus-inspired short story)
*Author’s note: Firstly, this is NOT a fan-fiction, nor does it contain Mark or Ethan in any way, so apologies to anyone looking for that type of content. Rather, it’s a story centered around some of the motifs that crop up throughout the Unus Annus channel as a whole - an homage, if you will. These two guys got me to write again for the first time in years, especially when it comes to writing for myself. I’m just happy I was able to create something for the guys, and I’m so thankful to them for getting those wheels turning in my head again, even if they’re a bit slow. As much of a meme it may be on the channel at this point, I think the overall theme of running out of time is super important, and one I think too many of us dismiss a majority of the time, myself included.I even kept putting the writing of this story off, but I finally came up with enough of a concrete plot to put it together. Mark is always talking about how if you want to do something, you gotta grab the bull by the horns and just do it, so this is me doing that. We need to remember that we often don’t have as much time as we think we do, and the clock is constantly ticking. It only stops for us when we die, but us dying has no effect on time for everyone else. It moves forward without us. That’s not to say we have to rush to get everything done all the time. We still need to stop and appreciate the things and people around us. We just need to find a healthy balance, find what we enjoy, and also work hard, not only for others, but also ourselves. All of that is what this story is about.
          “Shit!” Aria gasped as the freezing wind nearly yanked the front door right out of her gloved hands. She reigned it back in, locked it, and pulled her beanie lower over her ears as she headed down the stairs towards her complex’s parking lot. She cranked the heat to max, sitting in her red 2007 Honda, cupping her still gloved hands and blowing into them before adjusting her rearview mirror. The crystals formed on the back windshield looked like little ice people. She smiled.
           It had been far too long since she had done something like this for herself. Her boss had recently quit at her editing company, making her schedule a living nightmare over the past month. The added pressure and stress hadn’t gone unnoticed by her best friend Beth, who, after much pushback on Aria’s part, finally convinced her to take a day off. “There’s this beautiful woodland garden about 40 miles out of town. There’s not as much to look at in the winter, so it’s not as pretty, but it’s still open. There’s also less people because of it, so if you’re looking for some solitude, as well as some fresh air, it’s the perfect place.”
          “In 30 miles, turn right on Hourglass Road,” chimed the robotic voice from her phone as she turned onto the highway. Any other day, she’d be blasting music and singing her lungs out, but not today. Today was a quiet day. She kept occasional watch over the crystal people slowly being sliced in half by the defroster, reminding her of her own temporary state as they dripped down the back window.
          Half an hour later, she turned onto Hourglass – a narrow gravel road that opened into a gravel parking lot surrounded by a short log fence, with an ornate sign that read Hourglass Gardens. She pulled in next to the only other car in the lot and pulled her coat tightly around her as she took in her surroundings. The fence opened onto a dirt path that forked in two directions. One led to the large old house that served as a local historical museum. The other traveled down to the woodland gardens. Aria turned off her phone so as to not be tempted, shoved her hands in her pockets, and sauntered down the longer path.
          A short way into the woods was a circular wooden bench surrounding a large, stone fountain  that was currently turned off, probably due to the season. The centerpiece was a huge hourglass surrounded by a stone circle with the phrase “Unus Annus” written repeatedly around the outside. The hourglass was filled with pure white sand, which had all sunk to the bottom. Tippy-toed, she reach up to turn it, but couldn’t get it to budge. She sighed as she took a seat and stared up into the bare branches that surrounded her overhead, silently thanking the powers that be for the seclusion. Beth was right, she thought. Not much to look at, but it’s pretty well-maintained... She stared into murky film at the bottom of the fountain. Mostly. At least it’s quiet.
          After several moments of taking in the stillness, she decided to move deeper into the barren woods. Every so often, she would run into little plastic markers with blurbs about the plants and wildlife people often encounter there. About 2 miles in, about every 20 steps or so, she began to notice little wooden markers close to the ground, almost hidden. They seemed to have arrows carved into them. They started along the path, then slowly got farther into the woods, away from the path. With time to kill, she figured she might as well go with it. There were no barriers, and having read many fantasy novels, she was always amused by the cheesiness of the “forbidden path” trope. Besides, she did come here to get away, after all, and what could be more detached from reality than following mysterious arrows in the woods into who knows where, even if the mystery was pretend. It was still the most excitement she had felt about anything in a while.
          She walked over another mile, and at one point resisted the brief temptation to turn back to the trail. She cleared through one final patch of dead shrubbery next to another arrow before stumbling into a clearing rivaling even the ones in her books – it’s like all the colorful butterflies and animals had congregated in this one spot, encompassed by rainbow assortments of flowers and dense foliage in full bloom, despite the fact it was January. In front of it all was a babbling brook, with an assortment of brightly-colored fish, complete with a little bridge nestled neatly over it. Funny, I didn’t even hear any running water before now. She knelt down to touch it, but something prevented her hand from penetrating the water; some invisible barrier.
          “I see you’ve made it.”
          Aria jumped at the sudden break in the silence. The voice was calm, yet loud somehow. A man in a white, hooded cloak stood on the opposite side of the brook, but still sounded as if he were standing right next to her. A strange mist spiraled around him.
          “What do you mean? Did you know I was coming? What is this place?” Aria asked, reaching her hand out in front of her, only to be forced back once again.
          The man pulled down his hood. “This is the end.”
          “The end of what? Who are you?”
          “I am the inevitable. This is where all of time resides. Everything begins here, and everything ends here.”
          “Are you saying you’re God, or something? Or Death? In the middle of a man-made sanctuary?”
          “I am neither. I am the in between. I am Time Itself. I do not reside on this plane, but I am wherever you need me at any given moment.”
          “So you’re saying you’re not really here?”
          “I am, and I am not.”
          “Am I the only one that can see or hear you?” Aria looked back to where she had entered. It was as brown and desolate as before.
          “Why? Why are you here? Why am I here?”
          “This is your turning point – the point where you decide whether to take back control of your own destiny or succumb to the darkness, the point where you decide to live a prosperous life or a waking death.”
          “How do I do that?”
          “Make the decision. Only you know which path you will walk down. When you truly have your answer and have confirmed it to yourself, return here before time runs out. You have one year. I will be waiting. Memento mori.” The man turned, slowly walking away as the mist swelled around him until in encompassed the entire meadow. A frog made a loud plop into the brook, and with that, it was gone.
          In front of Aria stood the looming hourglass fountain, now gushing with water. She pinched herself to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep on the bench. What just happened, and why was she willing to believe and accept it so easily? She walked closer to examine the intricate stonework. The hourglass had been turned over. A few grains of sand had already trickled their way to the bottom. She read the phrase again. “Unus Annus.” She turned her phone back on and typed the words into the search bar. “One year,” she said softly to herself. “Okay,” she affirmed. “Looks like I’ve got a decision to make.”
          She walked determinedly back to her car, feeling refreshed and invigorated, despite the mind trip she had just been on. As she turned the key in the ignition, she remembered something. “What was the other thing that guy said?” she mumbled to herself. “Memento mori?” She pulled her phone back out and searched the phrase. The translation read, “Remember you must die.”
Thank you to anyone who read this. Thank you to Mark, Ethan, and Amy for being such a positive and encouraging force in my life for so many years and all the experiences I’ve had because of you. Thank you for giving me some inspiration to start creating again. There have been a lot of hard times going on with my family that I haven’t been able to properly focus on myself, and I’m still working on a lot of things, but this is another small step to help me towards my goals, and I’m glad to have you both be a part of it (even if it ended up sounding like a cheap YA novel). Being a perfectionist, I may not particularly like the final product myself, and think it's weak in every aspect, but that wasn't what this was about for me. I just wanted to show some appreciation for some amazing people. It’s been hard for me to keep up with you guys’ videos as of late, but this channel has been a way for me to stay up-to-date with both of you in a small way, and it’s such a cool concept. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the channel.
(Unus Annus is right on the verge of 2 million right now! Let’s get them there! They deserve it so much!)
- Anne
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lahelable · 5 years
Role Call
Inspiration: Open Heart by Choices
Pairing: Bryce X MC with a little "Ethan" thrown in...
Summary: Bryce and MC get a little kinky in a forbidden place. NSFW
Author notes: just enjoy!
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Role Call
I had just finished signing off on some paperwork when my phone vibrated on the desk. I stretched in the dimming light and swung the phone around to face me. A text from Bryce.
I'm ready to leave, where are you?
I smiled. I'd stayed to get this paperwork finished so that Bryce and I could go to Donohue's together. It was hard to resist the pull of drinking and dancing with the hot surgeon. His easy going nature definitely helped me to unwind after a hard day, and hopefully there'd be something else in it for both of us at the end of the night.
I'm in Ramsey's office, just packing away, come get me and let's go dancing!
Leaning back in Dr Ramsey's comfy leather chair, I glanced around his office. He had been at a meeting all day and wouldn't be back tonight so had said that I could use it to complete my work in peace. His conditions had been that I wasn't to touch a thing, and I wasnt to let anyone else take even the smallest step inside. I pushed my foot against the desk to spin the chair but realised it wasnt a spinny chair. Of course it wasn't: that would be far too much fun.
Scooping my papers up and shoving them in bag, I heard a little rap at the door. Bryce poked his head around.
"Ready, gorgeous?"
I grinned, feeling the familiar warm comfort in my stomach at his compliment. We had know each other three months now and had gotten pretty close. Nothing official; I'm not sure either of us needed to label what we had yet, but it was fun. And he was incredibly hot.
"I'm ready," I said as I picked up my things and took one check to make sure the room was in order. Heaven forbid I should leave anything out of place or leave something askew. I straightened the chair so it was exactly parallel to the desk and swiped off any dead skin cells I may have left on the mahogany wood. Just in case. "Hey," I said glancing at Bryce who had opened the door wide, "dont take one foot inside here!"
Bryce looked confused for a second, then realisation dawned.
"Oh, Dr Dickhead doesnt want anyone in his office?" He wiggled his eyebrows and theatrically lifted his foot from the linoleum outside and held it over the thick burgundy carpet in Ethan's office.
"I'm serious..." I warned him, striding over to put a hand on his chest. "You know what he's like, he will know."
"Pft. I dont know why you care so much. This office isn't even all that. I mean, look at that!" He pointed over my shoulder and I turned to look.
"I dont see anyth.. Bryce!"
As I turned back to look at him, I realised he had stepped inside the office and was now having a nosey at some of Ethan's certificates in the wall. I had actually fallen for the 'look over there' trick.
I glanced up and down the hallway outside and quickly shut the door.
"For gods sake, Bryce! Etha.. I mean, Dr Ramsey told me explicitly not to let anyone else in!" I could feel the flush rising to my cheeks and the panic rising to my chest. Dr Ramsey was my mentor and had put his trust in me, if he found out that Bryce of all people had been in here. I mean, I saw the way they looked at each other. Bryce thought Ethan was a complete prick and thought I should stand up to him more, and I could see that Ethan hated Bryce's confidence. Arrogant, he had once called him. And I didn't correct him, either.
"Hey look," laughed Bryce as he turned around to me. He was wearing Ethans glasses and had his hands on his hips. "Hey Rookie," he said in a deep voice, supposedly to imitate the diagnostics doctor. "I'm the best at everything and I'm a complete cunt, so you should bow to me, peasant"
I giggled.
"Yeh, that's a pretty good impression, now take off his glasses!"
"Wait..." Bryce grabbed a white lab coat off the coat stand near the door and put it on. "What do you think?"
I shook my head as Bryce span around, pouting and pulling the glasses down his nose to peer over them.
"Can you imagine Dr Doofus if he saw me now?" chuckled the surgeon.
"Yeh I can, we'd both be out of a job. Now, let's go!"
Bryce grabbed my wrists gently and turned me towards him. He gave me a cheeky wink.
"Come on, Rookie... We could have some fun..." he wiggled his hips suggestively.
"Hmm.. what are you suggesting?"
"How about I be Dr Dipshit, and I get to uh..." he glanced at the desk, "boss you about a little?"
I bit my lip as I mulled over his idea. It did sound hot but then we were in Ethan Ramsey's office and this could genuinely get us sacked. But also, it did sound hot. But it was a terrible idea. But a hot one, too.
Bryce could see me wavering and decided to take action. He flung himself into the leather chair and grabbed a ruler from the pot on the desk. He thwacked the mahogany top and leaned forward towards me. I mentally flinched as I hoped it wouldn't leave a mark on the wood.
"Rookie, get here now." He pointed with the ruler to the edge of the desk.
I took a last glance towards the door. The blinds were closed. The lights were off inside the office. No one could see. I moved slowly towards the desk, biting my lower lip and not taking my eyes from Bryce. He whistled as I approached and sat on the edge, in front of him.
"That skirt," he said, licking his lips, "far too short for a hospital environment. You're ridiculously unprofessional. Aren't you?"
I smirked and tried not to laugh. I'd never taken part in role play like this before but I tried to imagine it was really Ethan admonishing me.
I pulled up the hem of my black skirt about two inches, almost exposing my black underwear.
"This thing?" I said, innocently. "But last week I wore one this short and you didn't say anything."
His eyes narrowed as they followed my fingers clutching and tugging at the edge of my skirt, which threatened to show my panties.
"That's because I, Dr Dumbass, was too busy jerking off in my office over it."
I shoved him in the shoulder.
Bryce ran the ruler faintly along one of my exposed thighs and then the other. I gripped the edge of the desk and let my head roll back. I felt him run the ruler underneath the edge of my skirt to lift it, and then lightly stroke it down my panties.
"Oh, doctor..." I moaned quietly.
Suddenly, Bryce's mouth crashed into mine and his hands pawed at my waist desperately. He pressed himself between my legs as I tangled my fingers in his hair.
"Strip." Bryce's voice was demanding and hard. I shrugged off my jacket and pulled my top over my head to reveal my black lacy bra and my heaving chest. "The rest of it, Rookie, come on!" He pointed the ruler at my skirt and bra.
I undid my bra under his gaze and, as it dropped to the floor, he grabbed his crotch.
"You're making me so hard, you naughty girl. Dont forget the skirt, and the panties."
After I had undressed and was completely bare in front of him, he relaxed back in Ethan's chair and beckoned me forward.
"Put your tit in my mouth," he ordered.
I straddled him and, tugging his head back by pulling his floppy hair, I placed my nipple in his mouth and he clamped his lips down, swirling his tongue over the sensitive bud. Roughly, he grabbed my other breast and began to squeeze. The sensations through my body were electric. Not just because of what Dr Lahela was doing to me, but because of the naughtiness of being in Ramsey's private space, stark naked with his least favourite surgeon sucking on my tits.
Bryce pushed me up and shoved me back until my butt hit the desk again.
"Bend over," he growled in my ear and I complied. My beasts pressed against the cool mahogany of the desk where my mentor had worked so many nights previously and would work again, would lean on the spot where my nipples had been pushed against the wood.
I felt a searing pain across my buttocks and turned to look over my shoulder. Bryce was grinning with the ruler in his hands.
"That's the punishment for your short skirt," he winked and I flinched as he smacked me again. I felt a warm rush as my pussy got wetter, and it ached with desire. Then, the sharp pain of being spanked gave way to a soft, cool sensation as Bryce bent down and ran his wet tongue over the raised red marks he had created.
He pressed his entire body against mine, and I felt his hard dick against my ass. His breath came hot and heavy in my ear, "do you want to get fucked over your boss's desk?"
I whimpered a desperate yes and no sooner had it left my lips than I felt Bryce's rock hard cock pushing up inside me and filling my wet core. He pounded at me relentlessly, slamming his hips against my ass, until i came, rubbing my own fingers against my clit as my hips became bruised and sore against the edge of the desk. He banged against me so hard that I swear the heavy desk shifted slightly. I felt Bryce tense up and cum inside me, before he leant his weight on top of me, breathing heavily.
"Did you enjoy that, Rookie?" He smirked, in my ear.
"Stop calling me Rookie, now," I rolled my eyes and elbowed him.
He yanked up his slacks and shrugged off the white coat as I grabbed my clothes. Jacket, bra, top, skirt... I couldnt find my panties.
"Uh, Bryce," I began to panic as I dressed haphazardly. "Wheres my underwear?"
We checked under the desk, moved the chair, even checked the desk drawers but couldn't find them. The blood pounded in my ears as I realised the situation we were in. My eyes filled with tears.
"Bryce!" I pleaded with him to magically find them.
"Hey," he said, grabbing my arm gently and pulling me in for a hug. "Its fine!" He pulled a small scrap of black lace from his pocket. "I was winding you up!"
I snatched my underwear back and gave him a dirty look.
"I was so worried then!" I scowled at him as I slid the panties up my legs and adjusted them under my skirt.
"Don't you think Dr Douche would have just lurrrved to have a pair of your panties to savour?" He mimed sniffing something in his hand and fluttering his eyes in utter delight. I tried not to giggle at his repulsive joke but he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me deeply. "Although, I know he'd prefer to fuck you over his desk like I just did. Ah well, they can't all be me!"
I swatted him away and went to check that everything was in order. I neatened up the desk and chair and checked that we hadn't ahem... left a mess. I flapped my arms in the air.
"What are you doing," asked Bryce, who was standing at the door with my bags in his hand.
"Getting rid of," I gasped, as I flapped a bit more, "the smell of sex."
The surgeon laughed.
"Come on, let's go... Rookie."
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Thatll do, thank you Lahela."
He grinned and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together. We walked along the corridor, glancing at each other like two naughty school children, giggling and snatching kisses.
There was never a boring moment with Dr Bryce Lahela and I hoped it lasted for a very long time.
Tags: @owleyes374 @sibella-plays-choices @commander-rahrah something youd like, perhaps?
Let me know if you want tagging in future Bryce x MC fic. More stuff on my homepage.
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bert-thefrog · 5 years
Dirty Little Secret - Part 6 - Bryce Lahela/Harper Emery
* | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | *
* Trigger Warning: This chapter includes mention of a car crash. I don’t think it’s graphic but what ever. *
Naveen and Ethan both agree that maybe it’s better for me to go to the confrence, take some time away from the whispers and stares. Bryce doesn’t have that luxury though and as I walk past the surgical interns with Ethan later that week I’m not oblivious to their stares and giggles. “Go on Lahela. What was she like?” Someone laughs and I freeze, the derision in his voice throwing me. “Harper, ignore them.” Ethan murmurs, trying to stop me. No. I refuse to be talked about like that, but before I can confront the intern Bryce has stepped up. “Shut your mouth unless you want me to shut it for you.”
“Protective are we?” The other intern mocks him, but he sounds less sure of himself now, backing away slightly.
“Do you talk about all women this way? Or just when you think you’re better than them.”
“Because you’re not. You’re pathetic, you struggle to get in on even the most basic surgeries. You’re not a good surgeon and you’re not a good person and it’s sad that you think mocking your boss is going to win you friends here because she is ten times the surgeon you’ll ever be.” Bryce stalks after the intern, fists clenched at his sides.
“Dr. Lahela. That’s enough.” I call out, stopping him before he can do something stupid, he tenses at my voice, but goes no further, choosing to walk away from the other interns. Away from me.
“And you.” I point at the intern. “I think we need to have a chat about appropriate behavior in the workplace when I come back.” He gulps, visibly paling.
“Are you okay?” Ethan questions me as we walk across the parking lot, shoulders brushing slightly.
“I’m fine.” I shrug, sliding into the passenger seat whilst he walks round to the driver side. The door shuts with a firm thump and he starts the ignition, the engine purring to life as we reverse from the Edenbrook car park and out onto the road.
“Somehow I doubt that. Did they find out who posted the pictures?”
��Nope.” I sink down in the seat, folding my arms and staring pointedly out the window to signal the end of this conversation. Ethan doesn’t take the hint.
“Have you and Dr. Lahela spoken since everything happened?”
“Since when were you invested in my personal relationships?”
“No Ethan I’m curious, since my life became a soap opera, since I became the laughing stock of the whole of Edenbrook you’re always hovering. Why is that?”
“Because I’m worried about you.” Ethan trails off as I laugh bitterly.
“I am not some delicate little flower who needs protecting. I never have been.”
“I know that.”
“Do you? Because you don’t act like it.”
“Ok maybe worrying wasn’t the right word. Harper I care about you, you’re my friend.” He heaved a sigh, taking one hand from the steering wheel to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“I care about you too. But I can stand on my own two feet.”
“I know you can.” He concedes, dropping the subject as we drive along in silence. The sun is setting in the distance, the light fading around us as we drive.
“We haven’t spoken no. We’ve argued alright, but never actually talked about anything.” Eventually I speak up, cringing at how small and unsure I sound.
“Well maybe talking to him would be a good start.”
“He wouldn’t want to speak to me even if I tried.”
“Don’t be pathetic.” Ethan snaps.
“Excuse me?”
“You always do this. Punish yourself for nothing. When are you going to stop with the self sacrificing martyr act and just let yourself be happy?”
“Let yourself be happy Harper.” Ethan sighs, from behind his profile I see pinpricks of light cutting through the dark quickly coming towards us.
“No I’m serious, you deserve-” He’s not paying attention to the fast approaching headlights.
“Ethan!” I scream, but it’s too late. The light floods the car, blinding us. Metal on metal, mechanical screeching and shattering glass as we seem to freeze and roll at the same time; all bathed in stark white light until.
There is only darkness.
——— Bryce’s POV ———
I’m finishing up for the day, waiting in the nurses station and chatting to Danny until the others are ready to leave when Ines walks in, looking like she’s seen a ghost. “Whoa there are you alright?” Danny and I watch her as she clutches the counter top for support.
“There’s been an accident. Ethan and Dr. Emery were involved.” She takes a deep breath as fear runs its cold fingertip down my spine and I swallow back bile as it creeps it’s way up my throat.
“Are they okay?” Danny questions her as I stand in silence.
“I don’t know. There’s an ambulance headed this way with them now. Bryce? Bryce?” She calls after me as I walk away, I don’t know where my feet are taking me but I know I need to be far away from them. What if she’s hurt? What if she’s- I can’t finish that sentence. It’s not possible. I find myself in an empty corridor, taking a seat on the hard plastic chairs and burying my head in my hands as the tears begin to fall. I look up as the heavy doors swish, letting in a draught and Aurora. She sinks down against the wall opposite me, knees hunched to her chest like a child as she rests her head on them. “You alright?” My voice is dry and scratchy, choked up with emotion.
“I’m just waiting until she gets here.” Aurora shrugs, giving a shuddering breath. The two of us peter off into silence, unsure of what to say to the other, what could we say?
“I knew you were seeing one another.”
“What?” Of course she did, everyone knew after those photos..
“That day I came by the house. You were there weren’t you?”
“How did you-?”
“I don’t know any other idiot who’d wear orange crocs.” She nods down at my feet and I can’t help but laugh.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why the hell would I ever willingly bring up my aunt’s sex life?”
“I mean you just did.”
“Ew.” She shudders delicately and I burst out laughing again at the ridiculousness of the situation, sobering up almost immediately though as I remember why we’re both down this hall.
“She hasn’t dated anyone since Dr. Ramsey.”
“We weren’t exactly a couple Aurora.”
“You liked her though.”
“Yeah.” I remember the night before it all kicked off, when I was so sure that I was in love. I went a lot further than ‘liking’ her.
“Then why would you give up on her?”
“I didn’t. She did.”
“That sounds like aunt Harper. In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t exactly share our feelings in this family.” I don’t know what to say to her at that, so instead I stand up, offering her my hand.
“Come on. We should be there when they bring her in.”
——— Bryce’s Pov ———
They wheel Dr. Ramsey in first, rushing past us with him on a gurney, shouting stats and instructions to one another. Casey watches him, white faced and squeezing tightly to Siennas hand, but as much as I want to be there for her I can’t. Not until I know Harper is okay. “Aunt Harper!” Aurora yells, running towards the entrance. She walks in, a purplish bruise forming on her head; followed by Rafael holds his hands up in a defensive position. “She refused to let me near her.”
“I’m okay.” She protests, looking around the corridor. “Where’s Ethan?”
“They’ve got him Harper, please let someone take a look at you.” I reach out, she looks numb, shaking as she stands there, as though a single gust of wind will knock her down.
“I’m okay.” She whispers again, repeating it to herself over and over like a mantra. Her knees buckle though, and she collapses against my chest sobbing. I’ve never seen her cry before.
“Hey, hey. I’ve got you.” I kiss the top of her head, not caring who sees us. “Can you find an empty exam room?” I look up at Aurora as she stands there helplessly. Harper clings to my shirt for dear life, and I scoop her up easily, gentle in case of broken bones; carrying her behind Aurora because I’m scared if I let her go she’ll fall, or I’ll lose her completely.
“The other driver?” Ines is there waiting for us as I put Harper down on the exam bed. Aurora shrugs her shoulders, none of us have seen anyone else come in. Rafael shakes his head at us silently from the doorway. Dead. Harper doesn’t let go of my hand as Ines begins to examine her, wincing as the younger doctor’s hands touch her ribs. “Does that hurt?”
“Only when I breathe.” Uh, Harper? You can’t really not breathe. I roll my eyes inwardly at her.
“Right. What about your head?” Ines continues checking her over.
“It hurts like a bitch.” Harper swears and I hide a smile, running my thumb across her knuckles gently. “What’s happening with Ethan?”
“I’m not sure. They have him in surgery right now.” Ines won’t say anything more, finishing up her examination and stepping back. “You are extremely lucky Dr. Emery. I suspect fractured ribs and a mild concussion and I’m going to book you in for a CT.” Harper doesn’t argue with her, instead slumping tiredly against me, all her energy drained.
“I was really worried about you.” Aurora finally speaks up, Harper holds her arms out to her niece, wrapping her into an awkward side hug.
“Be careful of your ribs.” Aurora warns her, I step back, heading for the door now I know she’s okay.
“Bryce?” Harper speaks up.
“Can you stay here? Please?” She looks at me, unsure of how I’ll respond, brown eyes wide and pleading. I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding, my shoulders relaxing as I pull up a chair beside the bed.
“Of course I can.”
I ignore Aurora’s smirk in my direction, reaching out to take Harper’s hand, tomorrow anything could happen; she could decide she doesn’t want to see me anymore, the walls could come back up... and that’s okay. Because right now I’m here. As long as she needs me.
*Tagging @lilyofchoices @msjpuddleduck @dr-casey-lahela @europeanguy @rookie-ramsey @lady-kato @ethanramseyposts @maria-lahela @chasingrobbie @omgjasminesimone @itsfabrayic @thisperfectmemory I actually despise this chapter it reads like trash I’m sorry.*
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
A Darker Curse
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 10: Things Are Rarely What They Seem
William Smee, known under the curse as Bill Smithers, drove his car through the winding Maine roads outside town. He had performed the job, had the money, and regrettably had lost his red stocking cap that he was so fond of. But the Mayor was clear. He was to immediately leave town once he started the fire at Mr. Gold's house and that's exactly what he was doing. He had enough money to disappear and start over wherever he wanted and he thought nothing of leaving, even though this little town was all he had known his entire life. But his survival possibly hinged on leaving town, so that's exactly what he was going to do. Unfortunately for him, as he approached the town line, he unexpectedly lost control of his vehicle, almost like it suddenly had a mind of its own. Bill cried out, as his car swerved and crashed into a tree...
Emma was waiting to pounce on Whale, as he exited Mr. Gold's room.
"How is he?" she questioned.
"Lucky...just some mild smoke inhalation. He should make a full recovery, but he needs his rest," Whale stressed.
"I'll only be a few minutes...I promise," Emma promised. Whale sighed.
"Please...someone did this and I need to talk to him if I'm going to find out whom," Emma admonished. Whale scoffed.
"Fine...but two minutes and you have to leave," he insisted. Emma nodded and went into the room. Mr. Gold eyed her tiredly. She could tell that he loathed being hooked up to oxygen and all the machines and she had a feeling that he was going to be the worst nightmare to whoever had done this.
"Any ideas who did this?" she asked.
"We both know who did this, Ms. Swan…" he hissed. She nodded.
"Yeah...but we know she hired someone to do it. Did you see anything or anyone?" Emma asked.
"No...but whatever rat she hired is going to end up dead, right alongside his or her boss," he growled.
"Yeah...you can't kill anyone," Emma admonished.
"I don't play by the hero's rules," he countered.
"Whatever...do you have any idea why she would make a move like this though? I mean, it's risky...even for her," she said.
"I'm not sure...she definitely wanted something. But I don't know what," he replied. Emma sighed.
"Okay...so who is brave or stupid enough to do a job for her?" she asked.
"That's a good question, but I can assure you that she probably told this person they could leave town after they did the deed," he replied. Emma huffed.
"Great...that means whoever did this could be in the wind," she complained.
"Except that no one leaves Storybrooke...no one who is cursed anyway. It simply won't allow it. A lot of accidents happen at the town line," he revealed. Her eyes widened and she realized that this might be the break she needed.
"I'll keep you posted," she said, as she rushed out, just in time to see her parents approaching with her baby son.
"Hey...is he okay?" Mary asked. She nodded.
"Yeah...I think he's going to be fine," she replied.
"What about you? Running into a burning house?" Mary questioned. Emma rolled her eyes.
"I'm fine, Mom...and I think I might have a lead," she replied.
"That's wonderful…" Mary said, as she was torn between staying with David and investigating with Emma.
"Go…" David urged, as she looked at him. She cocked her head to the side. She would have been used to him practically reading her mind if he was completely her Charming, but it came as a surprise that David seemed to be reading her as well, without even realizing it. He smirked.
"You clearly want to. I can stay here with the baby until you get back," he offered. She smiled.
"Are you sure?" she asked. He smiled back and looked at the child in his arms. In the back of his mind, logically, it was telling him that it was foolish to get so attached to a child that was not his own. But he couldn't help it. Not only was he hooked on Mary...but he was irrevocably attached to her grandson.
"Yeah...we'll be fine," he promised. Mary smiled and kissed his cheek. Emma smiled at him too, as she and her mother headed for the elevator.
"So...what's this lead?" she questioned.
"Gold has a hunch that whoever Cora hired probably tried to cross the town line. But he said that never goes well for anyone that's cursed," she replied. She could tell her daughter was wondering whether she could trust that or not, which reminded Snow of something.
"David said that he crashed his truck into a tree the last time he tried to leave town to escape Kathryn," she mentioned.
"Gold said a lot of accidents happen at the town line, so our perp might have had the same cursed luck," Emma said, as they got off the elevator and hurried to the bug.
Cora walked into the Rabbit Hole that afternoon and her eyes scanned the bar, before resting on her intended target. Her lips curled into a pleased smile, as she approached the table.
"Hello Ian…" she greeted, as the dark haired man looked up from the drink he was nursing.
"Madam Mayor," he greeted in his Irish accent.
"Bartender...another drink on me for my friend here," she called. Ethan obeyed and delivered the drink, before going back to business behind the bar. The Mayor slid into the booth across from the man that was once Killian Jones.
"What can I do for you, Madam Mayor?" he questioned. Here in Storybrooke, he was Ian O'Malley, the town's often drunk Harbor Master and it was well known that he was in the Mayor's pocket. And as useful as he had been as Ian over the years, that was not the man she needed right now. While his eyes were glazed, he failed to see the tiny vial of blue potion that she poured into his drink.
"Enjoy a drink on me...and then we'll talk," she cooed, as he didn't waste any time in gulping the stinging liquid down. Cora watched the glazed, confused look disappear and the realization return. She smirked.
"Hello Hook," she greeted.
"Cora…" he uttered, as he looked at the artificial hand in place of where his hook usually was.
"Not so much Hook these days it would seem…" he countered.
"No...but I woke you for a reason. I have a mission for you and it's outside Storybrooke," she revealed.
"Is it possible to leave?" he questioned.
"Not for someone still under the effects of the curse, but since you are now awake, you can take the Jolly Roger to my intended destination," she replied.
"And where might that be?" he questioned. She smirked.
"New York," she stated.
"And what pray tell is in New York that is of so much interest?" he inquired, watching her smirk widen.
Emma drove the bug along the winding roads, toward the town line and briefly glance at her mother out of the corner of her eye.
"You and Dad seem pretty cozy," she mentioned fondly. Snow smiled.
"Well...he may be cursed, but he's still my Charming. I guess I know all the right moves to make with him," she mused. Emma smirked and then noticed the worry on her mother's face.
"Mom…" she started to say.
"Cora will go after him," she said.
"We'll protect him," Emma assured.
"She may be focused on Gold right now...but she won't let us be together without a fight," Snow replied.
"Well, then she better bring it, because I'm not letting her tear my parents apart again. She's going down," Emma assured.
"She's dangerous, sweetie...the woman has ice water running through her veins," Snow warned.
"Yeah well...I have fire in mine. Fire that I got from my parents. There's nothing redeemable about the woman and I'm going to make sure she pays," Emma assured.
"Just be careful," Snow said worriedly. Emma smiled.
"I'll be fine, Mom...I know you have my back and so does August. Regina does too and Dad, even though he doesn't know that's who he is yet," she replied. Snow squeezed her daughter's free hand.
"Count on it and he will, sweetie...he's going to remember, even if I have to kiss him a thousand times until it works," Snow replied. Emma chuckled.
"Oh how will you survive?" she teased. Snow smirked slyly.
"It's a cross I'm willing to bare," she teased back. Emma snorted.
"Great...and I get to watch my parents make out all the time. Yippie for me," she said sarcastically.
"Oh we'll be doing more than making out if I have my way," Snow said.
"Mom!" Emma chided and Snow winced.
"Sorry...I didn't mean to say that aloud," she apologized, as Emma pulled off to the side of the road, just outside the town line.
"Mom…" she said, drawing her attention to the car that was crashed into a tree.
"You think it's our arsonist?" she asked. Emma nodded and they hurried to it, before peering into the driver's seat to see a half conscious portly man, looking absolutely terrified.
"Help me…" he requested, as Emma got her phone out, but Snow held her hand up.
"Wait…" Snow requested.
"Mom...he needs an ambulance," Emma chided.
"And if he gets to the hospital and Cora gets to him before me...she'll bury him," Snow replied, as she turned back to the man.
"We know you set the fire at Mr. Gold's...so talk and maybe my daughter will make you a good deal with district attorney," Snow stated.
"If I talk...I'm a dead man," he rasped. But she called his bluff and extracted a dagger from a hidden holster in her boot.
"Oh Jesus…" Emma cursed at her mother's antics.
"You're a dead man if you don't," she warned.
"Mom…" Emma hissed.
"Sorry honey...I know it's no the hero way, but I'm a wife and a mother before I'm a hero now. I want my husband and your father back and we know that only happens when Cora is defeated," she said to her, before looking back at the man.
"Talk worm," she growled and Emma sighed.
"You better do it...she's savage when she wants to be," the blonde said, as the terrified man opened his mouth. But they were interrupted when Graham pulled up.
"Dammit…" Snow cursed.
"Can you stall him?" the raven haired beauty asked.
"He's my boss, Mom...we're going to have to do this by the book,"she replied, as she called for an ambulance.
"Is that our guy?" Graham asked.
"He hasn't admitted to anything...but I think so. If we dust the red cap we found at the scene for prints, I'm guessing his will be all over it," Emma replied.
"Ambulance on the way?" Graham asked, as he watched Mary storm back to the bug.
"Uh yeah...should be here any time," Emma replied.
"What's with her and why is she on an active investigation with you?" he questioned.
"I got the call when she was with me. I made the call that it was better not to waste time and brought her with me. She's just rattled by this whole thing," she replied and Graham accepted that answer. The ambulance soon arrived and Emma got back into the bug with her mother.
"If we lose track of him at the hospital, he's dead and we'll never get the proof," Snow warned. Emma sighed.
"Yes we will...because I won't stop until I connect this guy to Cora. We'll get her, Mom," Emma promised, as they followed the ambulance to the hospital.
David smiled at the toddler, as he sat him on his knee. He was happily eating the snacks that Emma kept in his bag and noticed the nurse coming out of Mr. Gold's room. Everyone in town had a predisposition to fear the pawn broker and some of that was definitely earned. But David had never actually had any interaction with the man that owned most of the town until he had agreed to take on his divorce case, pro-Bono, no less. It made him realize the old adage that his mother had taught him was true. Things weren't always what they seemed.
"Nurse?" he called. The nurse smiled kindly and approached.
"Hello David," she said pleasantly. He resisted the urge to look away shyly. The entire staff around here knew him well and most of the nurses looked after him like a sad puppy when he was here. It was a little annoying now, but before, it was the only kindness he was ever shown.
"Hi...I was wondering if it's okay to visit Mr. Gold?" he asked. She frowned.
"Well...I suppose so, but I'm not sure why you'd want to. He's not a nice man," she replied. David smiled.
"I know it seems that way to most, but he was nice to me and I just want to see how he's doing. He's actually helping me and I want to make sure he's okay," he said. She smiled and nearly melted. It was no secret that David had finally taken a stand and was divorcing his abusive wife. It was a revelation that was enough to make the hearts of Storybrooke's single women skip a beat. David not only was very easy on the eyes, but nice, sweet, and polite. He may have received sneers and unkind words from the men in town and the women in Kathryn's circle, thinking him to be weak and a pushover, but his endearing nature had many seeing him as he really was. A good man that deserved so much better. Despite all the gossip surrounding him now since it seemed he was involved with a woman twenty-years his senior didn't change that. In fact, many were able to accept it since the young, embattled man seemed happy; something no one in this town had ever seen for him.
"More people should be like you, David. You can go on in, but don't stay too long," she advised. He smiled and stood up with little David in his arms. Seeing him with a child and doting on the toddler was almost too much for the nurse and she put a hand to her heart, as she watched him go into Mr. Gold's room.
"Hi…" David said, as he poked his head into the room.
"I just wanted to see that you were okay," he added.
"And from you...I believe that," Gold replied, as David stepped into the room.
"Doing some babysitting?" he questioned. David smiled and looked at the boy in his arms.
"Yeah...Emma is investigating your case and Mary went with her. I like spending time with him so I offered," David replied.
"He certainly seems at ease around you," Gold remarked, as he observed the two together. Of course, he knew the truth that David was actually holding his own grandson and it made him think of his Bae. All this was for him and the fact that Cora had attempted to take him out of the game ensured that he would see to it that she paid. He just never imagined he would have allies on his side to do it. Normally, he worked alone and didn't trust others. And that was still true to a degree. But teaming up with the Charmings to take Cora down would be more satisfying than he would admit.
"It's good that you're here. We can further discuss your case," Gold stated.
"I wasn't sure you'd be up to that," David answered, as he picked up a toy that little David tossed to the floor.
"Oh, I live for making people pay, especially when they deserve it. And abusive spouses always deserve it," Gold responded, as David shifted uncomfortable.
"I don't really want anything from Kathryn...I just want to be free from her," he said.
"And people like Kathryn are always out for blood. You must be prepared to fight for the new life you're building," Gold advised. David sighed.
"I have found something I think...but most people won't approve," he lamented.
"Do you care?" Gold questioned and the blonde shook his head.
"No...I don't," he replied.
"Good...then you're truly ready for what's to come," Gold stated cryptically.
Whale sighed, as he just came out of surgery on the patient they had brought in from a crash at the town line.
"Hello doctor…" Cora cooed. He looked up from the cup of coffee he was pouring and felt a slight chill go down his spine.
"Madam Mayor," he greeted.
"How is Mr. Smithers?" she questioned.
"He has a broken leg and a few other contusions, but he should make a full recovery. He's still sedated though," Whale answered.
"Good...and I want you to help me make sure he never wakes up," she replied.
"Excuse me?" he questioned.
"Drink your coffee, doctor," she prodded, as he took a sip of the unknowingly spiked drink, while keeping his eyes locked on her.
"Welcome back, Dr. Frankenstein," she cooed, as she watched him look around in utter horror.
"You...how am I here? I'm not even from your land!" he hissed.
"No...but I knew we'd need an actual doctor under the curse and that I'd need one that will do my bidding," she responded.
"I'm not working for you and I'm certainly not murdering anyone for you!" he snapped.
"I may have done questionable things in my practices, but I took an oath to do no harm. And despite my mistakes, I intend to keep that oath," he hissed. She rolled her eyes.
"Nobility coming from you is rich. You are the same man that needs a living heart from a person to bring your brother back to life, after all and I know you'd do anything for that," she responded. He turned away and swallowed thickly.
"My brother is gone by now," he said. She smirked.
"No...time has been frozen in all the realms due to the curse. You help me and I can see that you return to your land with a healthy heart and the other magic needed to finally revive him," she offered.
"You want me to kill a man for his heart?!" he stressed.
"Not yet...the heart will die if we take it now without a way to return you to your land. But the rest of the town must think he's dead. I want you to put him in the basement," Cora responded.
"Oh, because locking people up against their will is so much better," he said sarcastically, as a realization hit him.
"This is about the blonde...isn't it? She's Snow White's daughter, which makes her a threat to you," he realized.
"And to you if she succeeds…" Cora threatened, as he pulled back a bit.
"Fine...but you better come through this time. Because if it fails like it did last time, I will make it my life's mission to see that you're destroyed, even if it means teaming up with the heroes and a man I hate even more than you," he warned. Cora smirked.
"Rumpelstiltskin would just as soon turn to dust than work with you and if everything goes as planned, he'll be destroyed alongside the heroes he has championed to break this curse for him," she replied.
"I'll move the patient at midnight, but Emma Swan won't be easily fooled. She'll dig until she finds the truth," he warned. Cora smirked.
"Oh don't worry...Emma Swan is about to be very distracted by other matters," she replied. He sighed and started to walk away.
"Oh Doctor...there's one more thing," she called. He turned back.
"And what is that?" he questioned.
"There is a patient in the basement...room three. I want you to show her this card and then release her," Cora said. He took the card with a white rabbit on it and looked at her strangely.
"The woman in room three is a blank slate," he reminded. Cora's smirk widened.
"Not for long," she cooed, before walking away.
Neal Cassidy stepped off the subway and took the stairs to street level. Another day of work as an office clerk was behind him and he trudged home. To be fair, he didn't mind his mundane life and it beat his former life of stealing. And his other former life in fear of what his father might do and watching power corrupt him. He had gone the straight and narrow when he left Portland and the woman he loved behind. August had begged him to not break his sister's heart and come with them to Storybrooke. But he had refused and disappeared again. He wanted nothing to do with his father and had escaped into a life of pure anonymity in hopes that his father would never find him.
But as he entered his apartment that day and was bludgeoned over the head, he would realize upon waking that he wasn't going to get his way. Neal Cassidy's life of anonymity was over and as Hook stood over his prone form, he would soon realize that his past was going to catch up to him in a way he could have never anticipated.
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theajaheira · 6 years
imperfections (60/?)
read it on ao3!
it is SO NICE to have reached the part of this fic where canon is more a Suggestion than anything. like i know we got there when i kept jenny alive but STILL.
Jenny entered the room and saw Rupert looking at her with glassy, tired eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something in response, and so she added, “If you speak and ruin your voice—”
In answer, Rupert picked up a pad and paper, scribbling something down and holding it up. Can’t speak, it read. Doctor’s orders.
Jenny tried to smile. “I’m so glad you’re not dead,” she managed. “I think I kinda flipped out and scared pretty much all our kids.”
Rupert considered, then made a little motion with his hand. Jenny stepped closer, watching him write. When you were tortured by Angelus, the paper read, I was short with Xander, distant with Willow, and completely detached from reality until I was positive you were all right.
“Yeah, well, you didn’t stab somebody,” said Jenny, trying to laugh.
She felt Rupert’s free hand at her waist. I love you, darling, he wrote. I am so lucky to have you in my life.
It was so strange that Jenny wasn’t absolutely in tears at that statement. She’d been crying on and off all night, and had half-expected to completely break down as soon as she saw that Rupert was okay. But seeing him, knowing he wasokay, somehow made every terrible part of the night bearable again, and so she sat down on the bed next to him, settling herself into his arms. “I love you all the time and always,” she whispered.
On the paper, Rupert drew a little heart.
Faith poked her head around the door, smiling slightly upon seeing them both. “How are you guys?” she asked in a whisper.
“Okay,” said Jenny, and managed a watery smile. “Sorry I went all psycho.”
“Eh,” said Faith. “You get a get-out-of-jail-free card when your boyfriend gets kidnapped. If that Cruciamentum bullshit had happened to Buffy, I’d have stabbed way more people than just Travers.”
You stabbed TRAVERS?????? Rupert wrote, then gave Jenny an extremely impassioned kiss on the cheek.
“Stop—stop!” Despite herself, Jenny was laughing. “I set such a bad example for the kids—”
“Are you kidding?” said Faith. “You’ve made me realize my long-hidden dreams of becoming an axe murderer. I owe you so much, Jen.” She entered the room, then called over her shoulder, “Hey, guys, c’mon in! Jen’s all normal again!”
Buffy was next through the door. Upon seeing Rupert, she made this little sobbing noise, then took two running steps over to the bed, clambering into his lap like a five-year-old and winding her arms around his neck. Rupert looked a bit overcome.
“Yeah, she’s majorly fucked up,” said Faith helpfully, stepping to the side so that Willow and Xander could move past her. “She said while we were driving over that she thought you were dead when she saw you.” Though her tone was light, her posture was tense. “So I think she should get a whole bunch of hugs, ‘cause thinking your Watcher’s dead can mess you the fuck up—”
Jenny held out her hand, and was somewhat startled when Faith came over to the bed without the usual awkward hesitancy. Instead, she sat down next to Jenny, then snuggled into her side. “I could do with some hugs too, y’know,” Faith added. “Seeing as you went all psycho in the car.”
Jenny tugged Faith closer. “I’m so sorry I scared you,” she murmured.
Faith shrugged, looking up at her. “I know what it’s like to go through fucked up stuff and have it come back to get you,” she said. “That Travers guy, he was the reason Giles left over the summer, right?”
“He was,” said Jenny, touched.
Faith grinned. “I’m glad you got a good stab in,” she said.
Jenny dared a glance at Rupert at that statement, and was surprised to find that there was no disapproval or regret in his eyes. She’d been expecting him to be upset that she’d stabbed his old boss, or at least a little emotionally conflicted, but—
Turning very slightly and reaching over Buffy’s head, Rupert tilted Jenny’s chin up and kissed her, soft and solid. And all of a sudden, Jenny knew that they were not going to be breaking up again.
Faith wolf-whistled, Willow dissolved into relieved giggles, Joyce seemed to be pretending to read one of the pamphlets she’d taken from the waiting room, and Xander said, “Do you guys just make it a habit of making out in hospital rooms?”
“Leave them alone, Xander, they’ve had a tough night,” said Buffy into Rupert’s shoulder. Raising her head, she gave them both a soft, crooked smile. “You okay, Ms. Calendar?” she asked.
Jenny made a face.
Buffy giggled. “Me too,” she said.
Willow stepped forward, sitting down at the foot of the bed with a small sigh. “What time is it?” she asked through a yawn. “We have school tomorrow—”
“Yeah, none of you are going to school tomorrow,” said Jenny, waving a hand. Belatedly, she realized that one of these kids actually did have a parent who might object to her statement, and hastily added, “Though I can’t speak for Buffy—”
“Oh, no, Buffy is staying home,” Joyce agreed. “I think we all need a break after tonight. Myself included.” She let out a shaky laugh. “Are all your nights like this?”
“Last time it was me and Ms. Calendar who got kidnapped by a crazy vampire,” Willow replied with a little grin. Her smile faded. “Nobody got their throat cut, though.”
“No, but I think my sweater is still soaked through with drunken vampire tears,” quipped Jenny, reaching out to give Willow’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “So are we going home, or—”
“The doctor mentioned something about Rupert staying overnight for observation, I think,” said Joyce somewhat apologetically. “If you want, I can go get some things from your house, make this a little more comfortable?”
“Thank you, Joyce, yes,” said Jenny, giving her a small, grateful smile. “I don’t think any of us feel really ready to leave Rupert just yet.” Upon seeing that the children were all nodding in agreement, Rupert looked incredibly touched. “Stop looking so surprised, you dork, we love you,” Jenny added, pressing a theatrical kiss to his temple.
“Yeah!” Xander agreed. “Who else would I check out hot guys with?”
There was then a shocked silence. Slowly, and trying not to laugh, Jenny turned to look at Rupert, who had his lips pressed together in a way that suggested he was doing his best not to start giggling himself.
It took a moment for Xander to realize what he’d just said. “That,” he said, then, “Uh,” and finally, “Oh god.”
“Wait, man, you like dudes?” said Faith, looking interested.
“This is my nightmare,” said Xander to himself. “This is my nightmare come to life again. Where’s that baseball-playing kid so we can snap him out of it?”
“Speaking of baseball,” said Jenny helpfully, “you and Rupert aren’t the only ones in this room who play for both teams.” She grinned. “If that helps.”
“Oh my fucking god,” said Faith, and started giggling. “Is no one in this room straight?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” said Xander, his panic now edging towards bemusement.
“Well, there’s me,” said Faith, gesturing to herself with her thumbs, “and I’m all about the ladies. And there’s you and Jen and Giles, and you guys are into everyone, right?”
“That about sums it up,” Jenny agreed.
“And there’s me,” said Buffy, a small, shy smile on her face.
Faith’s easy grin faltered and her eyes went all soft. “You?” she said, turning to look at Buffy.
“But you already knew that one, though, right?” said Buffy, her gaze directed unhesitatingly at Faith. “Seeing as I liked Angel and I like you.”
Jenny and Rupert stared, Xander’s jaw dropped, and a huge, stupid grin spread across Faith’s face. Joyce, however, smiled slightly, then said, “Well, there were a lot of Dorothy Hamill posters on your wall when you were eight—”
“Mom!” said Buffy indignantly, but she was grinning a little.
“So wait, you and Buffy—” Xander was saying to Faith.
“Can she help it?” Faith seemed to be doing her best to sound casual, but she was all but glowing. “I’m totally hot stuff.”
Jenny heard the scritch-scratch of pen on paper, and turned to look at Rupert. You know, he was writing, I believe there was a study done about the tendency of non-heterosexual youth to group off early in life, though I daresay it is unusual that both of us are included in that number—
“Nerd,” said Jenny, kissing him on the cheek.
Abruptly, and without explanation, Willow stood up, her eyes full of tears. “I—” she began, wavered, then raced out of the room, not even bothering to shut the door behind her.
Buffy’s smile faded. “Is she okay?” she asked timidly. “I didn’t think—I mean, maybe she’s bothered by—did she know you guys were—?”
Jenny and Rupert exchanged a purposeful look. Hastily, Rupert scribbled something else down on the paper, then held it up for Buffy to see.
Buffy’s jaw dropped. “You and Ethan Rayne?” she all but shrieked, Willow forgotten. As the children clustered around Rupert, all of them asking questions a mile a minute, Jenny quietly got up off the bed, hurrying out of the hospital room.
Willow was sitting outside, curled into a ball, shoulders shaking as she quietly cried. Carefully, Jenny sat down next to her, leaning back against the wall and waiting a few seconds. Then she said, “What’s wrong?”
Willow only cried harder.
“Come here,” said Jenny softly, tugging Willow upright and into her arms. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, I promise it’s okay.”
“I don’t like Angel-and-Faith,” Willow sobbed. “I just like Faith!”
“You have a crush on Faith?” said Jenny slowly, frowning.
Willow shook her head furiously. “It’s a metaphor—”
And then Jenny got it. Holy shit, was she obtuse. “Willow,” she said, choosing her words carefully, “is there a possibility that none of my kids are straight?”
“I’m dating Oz,” wailed Willow. “I’m not gay if I’m dating Oz!”
“No one said gay, remember?” said Jenny, stroking Willow’s hair. “You could be bisexual, like Xander, or like some super cool techno-mom who shall for now remain nameless.”
Willow raised her head, sniffling. “But Jenny, I’m not,” she said in a small voice. “I spent half of freshman year trying to mix the shade of Cordelia’s hair in art class. A-and when Buffy showed up I knew the exact color of lip gloss she wore, and sometimes I’d buy it and put it on and I wouldn’t know why, and Faith says you can just be into girls and if you’re all into girls then it’s okay to be into girls and my mom said being into girls is just a phase and—”
“Breathe,” said Jenny.
“—and if it’s not a phase and it’s not something that happens to everyone then I’m definitely into girls but I can’t be into girls because Oz is so nice and he’d be so hurt and so mad at me and he likes me so much and I didn’t—”
“Willow,” Jenny persisted, pulling back to cup Willow’s face in her hands. “What happened last time you told Oz something you were scared to tell him?”
Willow stopped, taking a few shaky breaths while she considered the question. “He got it,” she said in a small voice. “He was upset, but he was glad I told him before things got messy.”
“And how do you think Oz would feel if he knew you were keeping this big, huge secret just to save his feelings?”
Willow sniffled, then smiled, a sad, wobbly smile. “Communication is an important part of a healthy relationship,” she mumbled.
“Yeah,” Jenny whispered, and kissed Willow’s forehead. “You are such a brave, strong girl, Willow, and I am so proud of you. Okay?”
Willow’s face crumpled and she dissolved into tears again. Jenny held her close as she cried.
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dsmadmin · 3 years
#BriefingStarter for
@TridentHunting , @AngelicOperator , @ForgotaboutAdam , @DeanWImpala79 , @HuntressJo_rp , @OfLifeNDeath and @DeathNSteel
*Ali placed a folder at each spot around the table. The new toys laid out on table set up off to the side. Making sure everything was in place and perfect. This would be her first time. And she worried that she might not be good at it. But her daddy taught her well. Ali wanted to make him proud. She knew most of all that were coming. So, it shouldn’t be to hard to do. Walking over she had donuts and coffee set up. She checked and straightened it, making it perfect. Checking the room once more, she wiped her hands on her jeans. Then reached up and gripped the ring she wore around her neck tightly in her hand. It was her daddy’s and it gave her some of the strength to do this. Taking a breath, letting it out slowly. She could do this.
Gathering her notes, she knew them by heart, but she wanted to make sure she wouldn’t forget anything.
Rifts had been opening, people were coming through. They didn’t know what the cause was. But Ali had threw herself to working out away to give them some kind of edge. Sleepless nights had helped in that. She wanted to keep her family safe. To keep people safe. She wasn’t going to sit on the sidelines anymore and watch the world burn. She was her fathers daughter. Stepping into a life that he didn’t want for her or Ian. But, this was in their blood. And she wouldn’t ignore it any longer. This is what their family was born to do. She wouldn’t let her family down. No it was time to take up the calling of her family. To step into the shoes of her family. That had been filled by many. She would make them her own. Ali might be scared and fear for what the future would hold. But she would face it head on.
She didn’t know what the future held. Even though she see the future. She would use her powers, her knowledge, everything at she was. To protect, to fight, to give her family and the world a better life. She would not fail, no matter what.
Walking to the front of the table, she looked at the spots the teams would sit. She do this. She would not run in fear. This was the time of change. And change would be for the better.*
John - Alot had been going on not only in the field but with the family. John was aware of what had happened with Colt and he was debating how to proceed. For now he had grandkids and great grandkids to look after. Walking into the briefing room with two cups of coffee he walked over to the desk and handed Alyson one.- Thought maybe you could use this. -Curious as to why Ian wasn't stepping up to help or take this kind of thing on left him with more questions than anything.-
Jo - *Many things were running through Jo's head being at new blackwater compounded know that Ali had sent out a group email out to all the hunters regarding a full-on mission for anyone available. Life with good with Dean working a case with him and her head and heart was split down the middle with Dean truth about colt not being himself but he was a demon. She hoped this case had nothing to do with him. Now that Ali and Ian were her bosses here at the blackwater. When she stopped off the catering to pick up a few ready-made smoothie bottles before making her way into the brief room. When she could see John and Ali were having a small conversation. “Hello, guys”. Taking her jacket off to hang it over the chair before pulling the chair out to settle herself into her seat. With a folder sitting on the table in front of her. *
Ethan - Ethan smiles as he walks into the briefing room. He knows most of them, but not all. The angel takes a seat with a wave-
Hello, everyone. I’m Ethan. -He places his large to go coffee cup on the table and stretched his long legs underneath the table. He’s not sure why he is nervous, but he is. It’s been awhile since he’s been around people. He will settle in just fine in a moment or two.-
Cowboy -*When he'd gotten the message from Ali about looking into the rifts, he was torn about joining. He knew that the world and whatever was ripping it apart needed to be fixed, but he also knew Colt was out there and unstable. If he died with the mark . . . He wasn't really dead. But then there was Ali. He smiled to himself, thinking of her sweet and innocent nature. But she also had that spark from her parents and knew when she set her mind to something, she wasn't going to give it up.*
*So that's how he found himself walking into the room with a few people already gathered. He briefly waved and then smelled the donuts. His feet moved before his brain could think and soon he was making a beeline for the food, shoving half a donut in before putting two others on a plate and fixing a large cup of black coffee. He gathered his stuff and head over to the table, taking a seat across from Ethan and look over the documents in front of him.*
Adam - *Adam was adjusting to being back from the hunt with his father John. When he found a message from his niece Aly who was now running Blackwaters with her brother Ian. Adam was intrigued by the idea of the meeting with his family. Knowing blackwaters there might be more to the meeting. Now Adam had a thirst to hunt and get on to meeting other hunters too. When he drove to black waters headquarters. Parking up his truck in the nearby parking bay. When he stepped out with his shades on. Before going into black waters he popped into Starbucks to grab a bagel and straight black coffee to have at the meeting. Carrying on his walk into head office. When he gave his name to the reception with a wink and chatting her up for a few minutes before making his way to the meeting room. When he matched in seeing a few people he knew and some he had spoken to before* Hello everyone. I'm Adam. *He makes his way over to take a seat next to Cowboy. With a folder on the desk. Putting his coffee and bagel down as he took his seat. Unwrapping the bagel as he began to eat it. Looking at Aly and his father. After finishing his bite of bagel.* “Aly I didn't know if you won't be offering Hospitality with this meeting or any future meeting as the boss before you never did. * smiling at Ali* “What do we have here in the documents.” Adam room the folder from the desk to start to glance and read the folder*
Sedge - •Gods never got involved in the matters of humans. Fuck, Sedge didn’t get involved in the matters of the Gods. Murder and Mayham was life. Weapons was were his calling was. But the world was changing. There wouldn’t be a world at all. It was time that he took his place. The world was on the brink of a war. And hell to the fuck yeah. He was going to on board. Just point him to the blood shed.
He reached out to the young co-owner of Blackwater. To say she was shocked was an understatement. But mark his words, he wouldn’t want to be on want to be on the bad side of the young woman. She had something special about her. And there was a strength about her. He would stand beside her.
After their meeting, he reached out his half sister Kora. She had a special place in her heart of humans. And he knew that she would jump at the chance to be apart.
With a smoke hanging from between his lips. He walked to the entrance of Blackwater. Tossing his smoke on the ground. He headed inside, by passing on the people that gave him strange looks.
He rode up to the briefing room. Without even knocking he walked into the room. Tipping his head to the others in the room. Finding a seat away from the others. He grabbed the folder and kicked his boots onto the table, ankles crossed, he flipped through the paper work.•
Kora - *Things were changing. She had felt it the moment that it started. It bothered her on a deep level. Kora, felt powerless to do anything. The age of the Gods and Goddess had fallen away many, many years ago. We never went away. But it wasn’t our time another. We left the world to the humans. They had done so well in the beginning. But now it was heading straight to hell. And it made her heart break. When Sedge came to her. She couldn’t say no. The human race was going to race horrors. And she just couldn’t stand by and let that happen. She had such a soft spot for humans. Loving living among them. Watching them grow as race. If she could anything, she would do it. Nothing was going to stop her from doing it. Even if her powers weren’t like they use to be. And that little fact made her jaw tick. She felt stunted and like her hands were tied. It was a horrible feeling. But she would deal with that little part of her life later.
Standing on the edge of a cliff of Ireland. The waves crashed against the rocky surface. Breathing in the salty smell of the ocean. She loved being here. She closer to nature. It was so green and lush. The wind whipped around her, hair lashing against her cheeks. Closing her eyes, she let what powers she did have carry her to New York. She formed away from prying eyes.
Slipping inside Blackwater. She could sense where Sedge was. Making her up to him. There were others with him. Breezing into the room. A smile on her lips. Spotting her Sedge, she groaned. Walking over and popping him on the back of his head.* Feet Sedge. *Taking a seat next him. Looking around the room.* Hello everyone. I’m Kora, and this one here. *points her thumb at Sedge.* Is Sedge. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Ali - *Ali sat in her daddy’s chair. Looking over the last of things she needed. Covering her mouth as she yawned, with work, school and carrying a little baby. She was wiped, but, that was something that never stopped before. And this was something that couldn’t be out on the back
burner. To much was at stake. Ticked off at Ian, he wasn’t even here. Honestly, she was going to kick him in the butt. Because something needed to happen. We all had personal lives, families, heck all that were coming was family expect two. Tapping her fingers on the top of the desk. Looking at the windows, hearing her Papa, a wave of relief flooded her. Turning she got up and took the coffee and walked around the desk. She hugged him.* Thank you so much Papa, I did. *kissing his cheek, she took a sip of her coffee.* I’m glad you’re here. you and Uncle Adam have been on this from the start. Thank you for coming. *her tired eyes met his. The coffee gave her boost, and settled ok on her stomach. Thank the heavens for that.
Voices of her family made her smile. She couldn’t help but love and thankfulness poured out of her heart. They had to come, it showed how great they were. And wanted to meet this problem head on. She believed that daddy would be so proud of them all. Which only ticked her off more about Ian. Her little brows furrowed. He was selfish in only thinking of himself. This effected everyone, not just his little family. He was going to hear from her. And he wasn’t going to like it one bit. She was tired of it. Maybe she should have Papa or someone there. Shaking her head, nope, now was not the time to think of that. She was pulled from her thoughts by Uncle Adam. Laughing softly.* I want to take care of my family and employees, Uncle Adam. And food is one way to do that! *she looked back to Papa. Reaching and squeezing his fingers softly. Taking a bit of strength with him being here. More than ever she wanted to protect her family, all of them. Addressing the others in the room.* I promise to explain everything to everyone. It’s a lot, but I promise to try and not take long, and answer all your questions about everything. *as she stood by Papa, she pulled herself up. Pushing the her shoulders back.* When you all are ready, I’ll start. *she wanted to make sure they filled their bellies.*
John - Conversation brought up short by others arriving he nodded his head to each, once Alyson stood he took his seat. They had a unique group this round each with different abilities and knowledge which they'd probably need all of. Sitting his coffee down he opened the file and took out his glasses slipping them on. He had many things on his mind, pen in hand he began to read the documents.-
Jo - Jo looked around the room with everyone coming in and taking their seat. Offering a small smile to everyone. Some of she knew and a few others she had never heard of. Everyone was welcome against the fight of the supernatural. With the large man with his feet on the table. He was some size. Bet he would be good in a fight or to have him on your side. She thought to herself keeping her mind wandered as she opened up the lid of her smoothie bottle. Taking a drink of her smoothie. Placing the smoothing of the desk when she shook her head with a smirk at Adam typically man always thinking of his stomach. When she spoke up. “There are a few more important things than food Adam plus you've already got that bagel stuffed on your mouth to keep you going.” Jo took the folder from the table and looking through the documents in the file. As Ali took her place. When Jo looked up and pay attention to Ali as she took her stand and listened. Jo was ready to write down the important information.*
Ethan - Ethan picked up the folder and quickly read the contents. His memory sharp and his skills even sharper.
He sat there in faded blue jeans and a white t-shirt, well worn work boots on his feet.
The angel is about as “down to earth” as he could be. It’s been a long ass time he’s been on the third rock from the sun. He’s learned how to not stand out, even if he’s a big and rough looking guy. He’s a gentle giant unless he needs to not be, then let’s just say, there will be nothing left to identify.
He looks up to one of the owners and CEO’s of Blackwater and gave her a smile. Whatever was going on, he’s damn ready to fix it-
Cowboy - *Cowboy watched as everyone else appeared, nodding over at Adam with a sad, guilty smile and assessing everyone as the appeared one by one. He couldn’t help but get a soft, prideful grin on his face when Ali spoke up, taking command of the situation. He winked at her quickly, giving her a thumbs up before flipping open his folder and starting to look through.*
Well hell, we don’t have anytime to waste. Let’s get the show on the road.*
Adam - *Adam flipping threw the document. Making some careful notes about the intell, looking around the room to see whoever had joined the Group of hunters and some none hunters which I’m sure there had their own set of skills to bring to the table. Adam grinned with smirks laughed at Ali taking charge. He wondered if his nephew Ian was going to join later. Since this was becoming a family affair. Everything seemed strange with him not being here. Making a note at the edge of his folder Where is Ian? *. Turning his attention back to the room watching Ali has taken the lead around the room. Looking over to the blonde Jo* I do need to keep my strength up as you don't want to make me angry do you, Jo? *Offering a wink to Ali* at least my favourite Niece knows how to look after me.
*He nodded along to what Cowboy was saying to get on with the case which he agreed but he was going to enjoy Ali hospitality too, he sat back and listened *
Sedge - *Sedge growled at his half sister, as he rubbed the back of his head. Slowly he put his feet down, as he glared at her. Tossing the folder on the table. She was way to cheerful on most days. And so damn caring.
With a huff he crossed his arms. He didn’t know these people. but he had come here to help. Even if he was one of the most grumpiest asshole one could meet.
He looked around the room. Everyone seemed to know each other, in one way or another. Eyes landing in the young woman. He wondered if she had done this before. His guess? That would be a no.
He was ready for the show to get on the road. See what was going to shit in the world. Seeing how his damn father was hiding out somewhere. Nothing new there.
He locked eyes on the young woman and waited.*
Kora - *With a wink and smile to her brother. She settled back into her seat. Excited for what she would learn and for what she could do. Her and Sedge were the first of the gods and goddess to actually step into a fight for humans. Over the many, many years Kora had. Not that she would ever tell her family. To many rules that would have her in trouble. But she looked at this way. If there was no world left, they wouldn’t be needed anyways. So the rules had become a moot point.
Kora smiled at the way some of them had poked at each other. It was a family. So vastly different from that of her own.
She smiled at the young woman. Ready to hear what was going on in the world.*
Ali - *Ali watched, a small smile spread across her lips. Her family, she loved them. They had come to help with the rifts. Which she didn’t want them to become a problem. People had come through, Winchesters at that, and now. There were angels that have stepped through. This is what her family did. Taking care of those things that go bump in the night.
Once everyone was seated and ready. She wiped her hands on her jeans. Pushing down her shyness, the fear that she felt around people she didn’t know. Pulling her shirt down, just to give herself a few more moments. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. She could do this, she /would/ do this.
With her coffee cup in her hand. She walked to the head of the table. Feeling better that most here were her family. She laughed softly at the way they poked at each other. Clearing her throat, she opened the file she set for herself. Though she knew it by heart. She began.*
First, I would like to start off by saying. Thank you to each and everyone of you. You showing up today, shows and proves, what I already know. For that and much more thank you. *she dove right in, the more she become comfortable. And comfortable she was with information.*
As most of you know, and the two here today that don’t know. Rifts have opened up. People, specifically Winchesters have come through. And now, we know now that even angels have come through. As far as we know, that is all that has. But that’s not say, other creatures might not have. With that in mind, RAD injunction with the Scientific team here at Blackwater. Worked tirelessly to come up with something that would help. *she flipped to the page she needed.* A week ago, they came up with away to at least track where rifts have opened. As you can see in file. Each place that a rift has opened, we can track and pin point. The reason for that. The rifts are a tear in the very fabric of reality, to that of another. Gamma rays as well as radiation have been linked to these rift openings.
What the device that was made does. It scans the world. Tracking the gamma rays as well as the radiation that has been left. With this, if we are any more open, we will be able to see each spot. Check to see if anything has come through. And deal with what comes through, if anything.
*she took a sip of her coffee, to wet her mouth and throat.*
That is why you have all be called here. Each of you will be put into teams. And when a rift opens. You will be sent out to check the area. *she gave a smile* I know this is a lot to take in. Before I go on, I would like to open this up to any questions that you all might have. I’ll be happy to answer them all.
John - -John sat back, finished with reading the highlights.- What angels have come though or do we know? -He hadn't been back from Colombia long enough to get caught up on everything yet.- And that device you guys have created can it anticipate an opening or does it have to be already present to pick it up?
Jo - *Jo put her smoothie down on the table, looking around the front at first. Studying the room to who was who and what equipment and battles we had in the army of our hunters, angel and Gods around the table. Making some notes in her File regarding the locations of the rift as she keeps one eye on Aly and the other writing down key information. Staying silent at this was Aly roadshow and her first outing at the leader. Before speaking*
We are a bunch of experienced hunters okay, most of us are *Looking at the hungry one who wasn't just here for the food Adam* We have many species here too that are like Gods and an angel. I'm sure we will be all good to work as a team or Team's to find out what is causing these Rifts. If we don't do something soon we will be overrun with Winchesters soon enough. And who knows what what else might come into our shores too. This device Ali, I've heard John and Adam found something in Columbia, would this be useful to us? What's are the plans for this device?
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