#but alas making a nice character page on tumblr is too much work
nikatyler · 1 year
now that i'm actually putting together a lot of character lore, i should probably work on a tumblr character page huh
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mozaikrolez · 4 years
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              alright  !!  i ’ ve  complied  some  new  muses  that  i  will  be  adding  to  this  blog  !  i’ll  be  working  on  adding  them  to  my  muse  list  in  the  next  few  days  (  or  so  ...  )  while  i  edit  a  few  things  on  here  .
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miu iruma : secondary list
miu comes from danganronpa v3 . she’s a very loud & crude person who speaks her mind , full stop . i’ve portrayed her briefly on another rp multimse , but alas , i’ve abandoned that blog . i wish to change her up a bit & make her a lot less crude . i will still stay true to her character mostly , but i will tone her down a bit because she’s the type to say ANYTHING to WHOEVER & that’d be too much lol !
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gaito kurouzu : secondary list
another muse i briefly portrayed while i took sometime off the tumblr rp scene . i enjoyed my time rp-ing as him but the chatrooms didn’t fulfill my rp wants like the community on tumblr, so here we are ! giving it a go again ! things i would like to see happen for gaito ? well i’d like to look into his fear of cats more & other stuff regarding his motivation . ngl , i wasn’t a fan of the explanation on why he suddenly up & left his house sooo i’m gonna headcanon the hell out of him .
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shido magoroku : secondary list
he’s funny ! i need more doofuses on this blog , ok & he’s hands down best doofus i’ve seen in a while . i enjoy him & i’m sure many will too ! what do i want out of him ? some laughs & lonely child needs some damn friends ! LONELY CHILD NEEDS SOME DAMN FRIENDS !
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ikazuchi ( bolt fuchigami )
another muse i wanted to try out but ended up not placing him on the blog . now that there are more FCBF muses i’ll add him ! i can make some au’s for him too ! maybe a demon slayer verse or something ? breathe of thunder all the way ! btw , i’m more inclined to portray him as ikazuchi rather than bolt ( i’ll get into more detail on his about page ) .
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gwyn ronny : secondary list ( considering main tbh )
the moment i saw this boy i thought he wasn’t human . i’m gonna keep it brief ( lord knows i could go on ) but gwyn gives me hardcore faerie/starchild vibes ... SO IMMA HEADCANON HIM TO HELL .
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mitsuru ichihoshi : secondary list
aaaaaaaa , i love this starboy !! i was thinking about adding him but opted not to . & yes , to those that know -- i will be portraying mitsuru not hikaru . because i have shirou & i’m playing him in his original verse ( which is similar to hikaru’s ) i’m gonna be portraying mitsuru in an au . a lot of headcanon’s with this one .
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valentine : secondary muse
yet another muse that i’ve written elsewhere at one point ! due to her appearance & aesthetics n shit , she’s primarily seen as like ... a fanservice character but i ( & many others ) know that she’s so much more than that ! i actually love her so much but feared too many ppl would only interact with her for smut ( i’ve had ppl ignore this rule on old blogs & on other platforms as well ) . she’s a sad villain tbh & i want to explore that !!
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eliza : secondary muse
she’s just great ! pure evil  -- i love it . blood manipulating powers presented nicely . eliza is another fav of mine from skullgirls ( aside from valentine & double ) .
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mitsuri kanroji : request / selective list
i really really want to give mitsuri a shot as a muse but i wasn’t that confident in my ability to . i decided to try but i’ll be fairly selective with who i use with her for now ( only for my own comfort ;w; ) .
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kanae kocho : request / selective list
i want to give kanae a try , but due to her backstory --- all possible interactions with her will be plotted & have a storyline to a slight degree. random memes can be sent to her , but only after we’ve discussed a plot of some sort . both kocho sisters on this blog are linked in a way , so kanae is mostly here for younger shinobu days , but now there’s an option of having a thread with just kanae !! yay ! *ugly cries*
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sassy : fandomless oc on @sassysnax
oh , hey !! a fandomless oc i’ve been working on in the last lil bit ! it’s a horror oc ( cuz ya girl just loves hORROR BABY ) based off of one of my bunnies !! yes , u read that correctly ! my rabbit sassy ( i had for 9 years ) was very peculiar . a lot of rabbits have unique personalities & i’ve grown up with them all my life & never have i seen one act that much like the other . they had distinct personalities -- but sassy was by far the funniest ! in fact , part of my main oc ( hiromi konoe from @wiccanflare ) has some personality inspo from her . obviously , it’s exaggerated to the max & combined with my close friends tho --- but anyway , i decided to make an oc purely based on my dear sassy . btw , due to the nature of the blog , major trigger warnings for fake blood portrayed as real , fake gore portrayed as real , weapons , religious themes , themes of death , partial nudity ( nothing necessarily sexual in nature ) & creepy teeth ? all will be tagged of course , but these themes will be present in writing & visuals . btw , this is a sideblog to this one so i won’t be able to follow back from that blog .
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if anyone wants to plot with one of these muses or get a starter written out for them , i can still do that even if they aren’t listed yet ! feel free to jump in the im’s at any time !!! 
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Rapunzel and the Lost Lagoon
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As soon as I heard about this book, I put it on my birthday wishlist. But alas, my birthday had come and gone. No Lost Lagoon. Apparently my mom didn’t see it on the wishlist, so that’s why. Flash forward to Christmas Day and I held the book in my hands, which were trembling with excitement. Not really, but you get the idea. I had been waiting to devour this book for months on end and I did. So without further ado, I will present to you this handy-dandy post that encapsulates my thoughts on Lost Lagoon before, during, and after reading. I thought it would be fun to record my expectations and compare them to what I discovered. If you’ve read Lost Lagoon, what did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤️
Before Reading
honestly, I’m not quite sure what to expect. All I know is that there’s a lot of moments between Raps and Cass and I am ready for them!
maybe it explains how Cass came to be Raps’ lady-in-waiting? (I hope so because I’ve always wondered this...)
I think I’ll like the book as a whole (I’m hoping I’ll love it)
I’m guessing that it is cute, funny, serious, and adventurous all in one
maybe we’ll learn more about Cass?
will Raps tell Cass about her life in the tower?
what will be the ratio of lighthearted to serious moments? Am I more likely to laugh or cry? Probably both 😅😂😂
this book’s design is absolutely gorgeous! 😍😍😍 I literally just stared at it for a while beginning to read it
During Reading
Rapunzel’s hair hasn’t grown back yet? Oh, it’s her first week in Corona. Okay...
“Something was missing. I was hoping painting would help me find whatever that was, or at least help me end the afternoon on a happy note.” (is this relatable or what? I know not to chase after the elusive beast referred to as happiness, but I do often strive to end the day on a good note because I feel like Satan wins if I don’t)
Friedborg is Arianna’s lady-in-waiting? That makes more sense now. I always feel bad not knowing much about her or her background. I hope she makes some appearances in the book (no sooner did I type this than I look down and skim the scene where she teaches Raps how to sit. Crazy, right?)
Eugene referring to Rapunzel as “my girl” (so sweet 🥰)
“Eugene’s warm brown eyes and mischievous smile are irresistible from any angle” (she’s head over heels, ya’ll 😂💕😂)
first look at Cass 🥰 That’s my girl! Not only does she want to be part of the guard, but she wants to succeed her father as Captain! Go after your dreams, girl! I support you ❤️
“I’d rather shovel sheep dung than mend clothes and gossip.” Mood 😂😂
she recently discovered a hidden spot by using maps of an ancient underground tunnel system? How cool!
okay, but Cass’ animosity towards Raps is fair. And the fact that she refers to her as “that girl”? Priceless
names of nearby nations? Like, yes please!
the irony of Cass piquing Raps’ interest in her by leaving as soon as she can after throwing the shot put 😅😂😂
Cass worrying she got herself in trouble by practicing shot put. Poor thing!
the angst Cass feels towards her dad because he wants her to be a lady-in-waiting when she clearly doesn’t... so relatable (it’s tough when a parent’s expectations and our own dreams/desires don’t match)
I didn’t realize Cass created the maps herself! She’s so determined to prove herself to her dad, it hurts 😭😭
I wonder if the pools in Yultadore are what make up the lost lagoon...
“Her enthusiasm was so shiny and bright I had to squint” (I totally understand this)
pretty boy Eugene and his quips 😂😂
Cass trying to keep her distance from Raps by calling her “Princess” and firmly saying “Goodbye” before shutting and locking the door behind her
So that’s how Cass and Eugene met... okay, cool. Nothing too crazy or weird. I don’t know what I expected but it’s nice to know how their battle of wits began
I’m noticing a pattern in the words used to describe Cass: knowledgeable, brave, etc. I think that’s cool because I feel like her pessimism gets a lot more attention in the series. It’s nice to acknowledge her other qualities as well.
Arianna chose Cass to be Raps’ lady-in-waiting. I always wondered how she got the position. I’m loving how many little things this book is explaining 🥰
Also, just noticed the bird illustrations on the page of every new chapter. I wonder if there’s a pattern...
OWL!!! 😍😍 he literally “senses her distress”. I wish we got to hear about how they met
I wanted to cry for Cass. Poor thing just wants to follow her dreams. I like the way the finality of the decision was described. It’s so tragic 💔
“When Cassandra saw him [Eugene], her face clouded over like a stormy afternoon” 😂😂 I love how Cass doesn’t try to hide her feelings about people. It’s true that she keeps personal things close to her chest, but not when it comes to what she thinks of others. Honesty is the best policy, right?
I love how Cass continuously prompts Raps to keep reading the poem. She’s like, “Yeah, yeah, just get to the good stuff” 😂
about that poem... maybe it’s from Herz Der Sonne’s perspective. Could the “truth sealed in precious stones” be a reference to Zhan Tiri’s disciples and how they were trapped within stones? And what about the three gems? What’s the emerald tapestry supposed to be? Does it reference Saporia? I HAVE TOO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS
“A few times I thought I heard some rustling behind me, but I kept going” (me: yeah, Raps is definitely following her) 😂
me when I realize the “emerald tapestry” is grass: 🙃
why is Cass so fearful around water? Did someone try to drown her? someone please tell me who is responsible so I can PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE 😅🤣
painfully ironic how Rapunzel can swim despite being locked in a tower all her life and Cass can’t
Raps nonchalantly offering to teach Cass how to swim just warms my heart 🥰❤️
okay, so Cass is responsible for her fear of water. That’s almost worse because it invites shame and self-hatred, which makes it more difficult to push against that fear or overcome it 😔
the importance of Raps agreeing to help Cass even after realizing she doesn’t want to be her lady-in-waiting is HUGE. This is something I feel like should have happened throughout Season 1 but never did (Raps supporting Cass and trusting that she has a good reason for things even if she doesn’t understand)
“But now I have to teach you which fork to eat your waffles with and stuff” 😂
the first time they call each other Cass and Raps 🥰😍🥰😍
woah, I didn’t expect there to be a time jump. I should have known because I kept wondering why they would depict Rapunzel with her blonde hair on the cover if this takes place before it comes back. Anyways...
I forgot to take notes as I read the majority of part 2. I’m currently a chapter or two away from part 3 and all I have to say is that something bad is about to happen. I can feel it. Dahlia’s definitely shady and so is Marco. I suspected Marie earlier but now I’m not sure. She wasn’t obvious until she was but now she’s not again so maybe she is guilty after all? Either way, Raps is making dumb decisions and I’m over here yelling at her to get her life together before she gets killed or kidnapped (whichever comes first, I guess) 😅🙃
Cass is absolutely roasting Rapunzel and I am here for it! Don’t mind me just munching away on my popcorn over here 🍿
Cass said she’s finally gonna leave Corona so I bet Raps will fess up and tell her that Dahlia’s been helping her with the painting for Cass so Cass will let her guard down and think Dahlia’s okay after all. But... she won’t be and they’re gonna realize she was the bad guy after all 😎
didn’t think Cass would get attacked 😅 also, the fact that she is highly skilled and powerful yet trips and twists her ankle is such a mood. Like, that’s literally me in a nutshell. She is beauty, she is grace, and she falls flat on her face 🤣🤣 while I’m here, I’m guessing Marco is her attacker because he probably has a rough voice
Okay, so I guess Dahlia really is innocent then... idk, I still think she could be up to something
Marco’s the bad guy and things just escalated quickly cause now he’s got a knife against Cass’ throat 😳😬😵
so Dahlia’s innocent after all... I thought she or Marie might be working with Marco but I guess not (kinda disappointed to be honest)
okay so this Dahlia chick is exasperatingly hilarious 😂😂 she legit took part of Raps’ bookcase to use for an art piece. Like, who does that?
“Pascal shook his head, totally fed up” me too bud, me too 🤣
After Reading
so I did get to see how Cass and Raps first met (also how she first met Eugene as well)
I like how they combined their talents and passions at the end to create the map painting
There were a bunch of lines that made me laugh, although there were just as many that hit me like a knife to the chest (pretty much anything angsty from Cass’ POV) so I like how it made me feel all the feels (I felt like an investigator trying to figure out who the bad guy was and that was a blast 😆)
overall it was pretty good. I did feel like the characters were off (Arianna seemed like she swapped personalities with Frederick at times and Eugene apologized for joking Cass- as if!), but other than that I enjoyed it. There were a bunch of new characters being introduced so it was somewhat hard to tell who was bad and who wasn’t but I guessed correctly in the end. I was hoping there would be more than one bad guy but oh well.
I’m glad I read it because now I know a few extra things about Corona and its surrounding countries (plus I can finally read through all the Lost Lagoon related tumblr posts I saved for later... I was waiting until I read the book and here I am!)
If anyone needs me, I’ll be going through LL tumblr posts. I should definitely be sleeping but that’s not important 😅😂😂
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 years
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Homestuck 2 Liveblog, Part 3 
(See older parts here or on Tumblr here)
Chapter 3: How Are your feelings
We’ve got a new ship, which appears to have sails for some reason, and it’s either rocketing forward with determination, or crashing. Presumably, this is the ship containing the Meatworld Crew, who set out to rescue Rose from Dirk’s mind control. God, this plot is so complicated.
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In anyone else’s hands, this is just a microphone. In my hands it’s a pipe boat. 
The one spoiler I had for this chapter was that the ship design was stupid, and...yes. That says “Grandpa Harley” a lot more than the Theseus did, though I don’t think Canon Jake ever smoked.
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Oh boy, the narration text is in the first person. It’s also lowercase, so one presumes this is Calliope, in Jade’s body? I thought Calliope was trying to maintain the role of invisible narrator, though, and she’s calling attention to herself more obviously than any of the other narrators.
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Me on my way to steal your girl by possessing her and floating around all creepy for three years
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JADE: the prince’s power grows.
Heh. This art is really nice. Jade’s speaking in Calliope’s red text, so she is indeed possessed by Calliope. Poor Jade. Homestuck proper is 8,192 pages. The epilogue is 100,000 words, and we’re 100 pages into Homestuck 2. Jade has been stuck on a boat, possessed, unconscious, dead,possessed again, or otherwise out of the story since Cascade, all the way back on page 4,109. No wonder she became a hedonist. Of course, who’s fault is it that Jade missed the final battle.
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(From Homestuck 1). 
I always read this as foreshadowing that Jade would get a big moment, and it never happened. Hopefully someone on the writing team remembers that Jade is supposed to roar to life and show everyone who’s the real master. But for now, alas, the real master is Calliope, hypocritically fighting for the free will of all by taking Jade out of the story again. Anyway, that was a long tangent and a lot of search (give me back the .txt file of the whole comic, Viz!) back to Homestuck 2.
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Oh hey, DaveKat is canon now, I forgot. It’s mildly annoying that Dave and Calliope are in the same scene with the same text color, but whatev.
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Aww, Karkat’s wearing Dave’s shirt. How cute. Less cute: Calliope’s added her red to Jade’s outfit, including her logo. She’s really just as evil as Dirk, isn’t she?
Also, I don’t know if this sprite style quite works for a “leaning up in bed pose”
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This just looks odd. Probably doesn’t help that we’re see Dave without shades for I believe the first time ever.
Aw, I missed this, a Karkat tantrum.
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I like this dynamic. But if they’ve been on this boat as long as Dirk has been on his, Jade’s been possessed for three years.
Why are Dirk and Calliope’s powers growing, though? Especially Calliope, shouldn’t she be maxed out by now? She literally ate Lord Engl-
Calliope is powerful enough to escape Candyland because she ate Lord English, and Lord English is partially comprised of Dirk, so there’s quite literally a little bit of Dirk inside Calliope right now. That’s maybe something to keep in the back of our minds, but now I’m theorycrafting. 
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The only way twenty-somethings can afford an apartment this night is if they live somewhere with a killer commute, which is why it takes three years to get anywhere
Okay, phew. So this Roxy is trans, but the Roxy on Candyland isn’t. That’s something I’m going to have to be careful to remember lest I use the wrong pronoun for the wrong one and everyone gets mad at me.
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Dirk, like the coffee, getting roasted here
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So, has this crew not been chasing Dirk for three years, or has Dave just been all “I sure am comfortable with you being trans now” incessantly from age 23 to age 26? I guess that’s pretty in-character for him. Everyone seems to not be used to a situation they should be used to be now so far, but maybe that’s just for our benefit as readers who can’t remember all this nonsense? 
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I love how Kanaya the Fashion Troll is basically the only character in the entire franchise to go “Fuck I haven’t been onscreen in over ten years I should change my look”. The big bow is Rose’s from way back when her and Kanaya first met, which is a cute nod. 
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Okay I get that they want to remind these things to the reader, but Dave. Dude. She’s your sister-in-law. She’s been your sister-in-law for 7 to 10 years depending on how long you’ve been on that boat and she’s been a vampire that whole time. Someone give this boy a set of flash cards, Jesus Christ! 
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OBVIOUS FORESHADOWING ALERT: This story is about a “young prince”, and this is going to be a metaphor. The young prince is Dirk, the Prince of Time, and the Rose is....Rose. 
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Aww, this is cute. I should have put on Kanaya’s Theme while reading this, it fits the mood of the scene really well.
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Oh man, none of these people know John’s dead
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Okay, so that’s 7 years between the end of Homestuck 1 and the Homestuck Epilogues. Dirk’s been on his boat for three years, but we’re with the Meat Crew at the start of their journey, (which means Roxy only recently came out as trans, which I guess makes it less weird that Dave is still processing it).
But god, this is a lot of timelines to keep track of. I guess it’s fun in a way, being intensely convoluted was part of the fun of trying to piece together Homestuck 1′s plot, but I think I’m this close to busting out a white board where and how old everyone is actually fuck it
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God as my witness, I will one day have a vague understanding of what the fuck is going on in Homestuck and I will die trying! 
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This seems metatextual, in that the characters are more complete when they have like a goal and stuff. Or it might be the Homestuck 2 writers taking a subtle jab at the Epilogue writers, that everyone’s better off having left the epilogues behind and moving on to Homestuck 2. That might be reading too much into it. 
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Of course, as soon as I say that we cut from Dave talking about how everything’s better to Karkat talking about how everything’s worse.
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Wait, non-god Calliope is on the ship? UGH, the whiteboard already needs to be updated! The epilogues implied she was too scared of god-Calliope to leave her room, so I’d assumed she’d stayed behind. Damn it.
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Heh. Also: Huh? Karkat is making a lot of assumptions here, given that Terezi, Sollux, and Aradia are all alive, he never saw Gamzee die, and Vriska dying just made her more powerful.
And that’s the update! I like these character interactions, even though they’re mostly just sitting around and naval-gazing like in Act 6 and the epilogues, because at least it’s got some jokes it feels like it’s all going somewhere. And starting next month, it’s going to be going there twice as fast
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clouds-of-wings · 5 years
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I have finished Divinity 2 and its extension :(( I loved playing this game and would have happily continued for weeks or months longer, but alas. I’ve watched some trailers and gameplay for the other Divinity games and they don’t really seem to have the same spirit. Don’t know if I’ll try any of them.
PSA, if you see this in a tag you probably won’t be able to see all my posts on the topic because of tumblr’s anti-spam measures which only allow a certain amount of posts by the same poster to show up in a tag (or on a tag page). Check out my “divinity 2″ tag if you’re interested in seeing them all.
So, some general thoughts/review of the game...
As I said, I loved this game. The humor, the inventive side-quests, even the pretty repetitive combat managed to somehow be addictive. The human/dragon switch (which was originally supposed to be even better integrated - it makes no sense that you can’t fry your opponents as a dragon and in fact they wanted to integrate that possibility but didn’t have time for it) was nice, there were some things that only a dragon could do and things that only a human could do.
Also, the way they conceptualized dragons are the bringers of culture and magic who were now being hunted and demonized, this just spoke to the 13 year old in me. The way they played the “wise old wizard mentor” trope completely straight, without even a hint of self-consciousness. He even had a pointy hat with stars on it! You say cliché, I say awesome. There was so much in the game that was “just right”. It’s really, truly, fantasy as it should be. And that wonderful soundtrack!
I was sad at first that there are no companions, you’re on your own the entire time (except for your “pet” which you have several necromancers stitch you together from corpses - also, the campy-ass necromancers were a huge plus for the game!) but, well, were you going to carry them on your back every time you become a dragon? It sort of works, even adds to the adventure that you get to feel like you’re alone on an adventure with your hero. Apart from being about stopping Damian, the game is also about becoming a full Dragon Knight, and that’s a personal mission only for the hero.
I really want to mention the humor of this game again because it’s one of the greatest strengths it has. The quests are often quite funny (intelligently so!), there’s lots of... let’s say unique side characters, you can be sarcastic to pretty much every character you meet, and the voice acting is totally fitting for that.
There’s some stuff I would criticize, but really nothing that weighs too heavily against the game. The second half of the main campaign didn’t really live up to the first. The flying fortresses were just hour upon hour of hack and slay, at least on the first you still meet some funny side characters, but later there’s none of that. And the side-quests in the Orobas Fjords are mostly boring, although there are some cool ones. But Broken Valley and the Island are definitely the best part of the game. Listen to an audio book while you work your way through the flying fortresses, you’ll need the XP.
Plus the story is actually not that good, but I found that completely forgivable since the game was so much fun to play and had so many enjoyable details that the story was just something that existed in the background.
All in all, best game I’ve played in years, huge fun!
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reesewestonarchive · 6 years
10 questions tags
so in my absence I ended up with something like... fifty tags? a lot of tags. and they’re now all in my reading list and I’m going to draft them all so I can read and reblog and reply and whatnot, but holy shit, you guys keep busy.
I’m not tagging back because this is really long haha
tagged by @sleepy-and-anxious for questions
Do you have a writing routine?
noooooo lol. I don’t even write when inspiration strikes, haha. 
Early bird or night owl?
usually I’m awake at night? but having a scheduled job that needs me at eight am tries to put me to bed at a more reasonable hour haha
Who is your least favourite oc? Tell me about them.
...ooh. jon, probably, though even he has badly-justified reasons for doing what he does. maybe one of his clients, because there’s no good reason for them doing what they do, just that they do. (also I just... don’t like to talk about them haha)
How do you come up with plot ideas?
who knows! how do I come up with anything? I consume a lot of media, and it used to be that any time I’d watch a movie I’d be hit with inspiration. now my anxiety doesn’t let me watch a lot of movies so there goes that idea
Do you make playlists for your wip?
I do! oftentimes they suck or have very flimsy ties to my wip but hey
What software/type of document etc do you write on?
pages, evernote now apparently, also notes, because before I had pages on both my phone and my computer I wanted the cloud to help me keep shit straight. I used to email it to myself if I wrote on my phone... that was not fun haha
Do you like to gush about your wip or keep it secret?
a little of both? from the roof of my mouth gets talked about a lot. shadowed’s a little more secret just because it’s darker and I’m concerned no one’s going to want to hear about it?
If you could pick one song to describe your wip what would it be?
everlong :p
Did you make a writeblr for any specific reason?
I just wanted to connect with other writers? and it’s been great, up until my own bullshit made that difficult haha
also tagged by @writerachel
what are your top 3 favorite movies? 
can’t hardly wait, back to the future, and... oh. I blanked.
do you listen to music when you write? 
not usually. from the roof of the mouth is the first time I’ve been able to in a while, at least stuff that isn’t instrumental.
who’s your favorite character from any book you’ve ever read? 
oh. um. ...that’s a very good question.
what’s your favorite line from your current wip? 
less of a line and more of a passage, but when Nakoa uses the ‘dicey’ pun on dice’s nickname. also the ““I love you,” he says, and his voice holds steady.”
which of your current wips would you want to be a movie? (IF YOU HAVE ONLY ONE WIP: what book would you want to turn into a movie?)
well. that’s a good question. uhh.
do you have anything/anyone in your life that influences/inspires your writing? 
other writers here, and I’m lying if I don’t say raven specifically haha. otherwise, I mean, not really? I don’t write based on my own life because I get anxiety about it. 
starbucks or dunkin donuts? (I HAVE TO KNOW I’M SORRY!!)
I drink dunkin donuts coffee at home so I guess them? haha
can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place? 
nah I can write anywhere. apparently my favorite is when I’m trying to fall asleep though
worst book you were forced to read in school? 
the alchemist. I also don’t care for to kill a mockingbird, and I read it twice for school
do you have any pets?
I do! some kitties!
tagged by @quill-and-ink-writer
What is your favorite time to write?
at night, hahaha.
Is there a book you would rewrite? If so, how?
I feel like I’ve been asked this before, and honestly... I don’t usually think like that? like I read books and usually they’re either good or great, ‘cause I don’t finish books I don’t like haha
Have any specific authors influenced your work?
I’m sure they have but I couldn’t name them.
Where do you draw inspiration?
from other media, other writers. I already mentioned one in particular up there :p
What’s your style/voice?
...? I don’t know?
Which of your OCs could become your best friend?
oh. um. I think I’d get along well with dice, or aero. nakoa’s probably too rowdy, haha. otherwise, there’s a character in autumn moon I’ve yet to introduce that’d fit the bill.
What’s the last book you read?
our bloody pearl by brynwrites which was way better than I expected (which isn’t to say that I didn’t expect it to be great but I was enamored through the day as I read it)
Are you proud or anxious when other people read your writing?
anxious, hahaha. I am never proud.
Do you nail down a character’s personality before you write, or do you prefer to let it grow in the story?
I try to nail it down. nakoa was supposed to be way more laid back and chill and his story was much less heartbreaking, but alas that’s what first drafts and rewrites do to you
Where’s your favorite place to write?
in bed, apparently
also tagged by @trevorparece
Standalones, trilogies, or behemoths of a series?
if I’m writing it, standalones. if I’m reading it, I like things that have more than one installment, because then it gives more opportunities for other people to get into it and then I can live in the world a little longer :p
What is your favorite line of your own writing?
oh, man. I don’t know. I write a lot of garbage.
What would your book’s epigraph be?
I’m really irritated that I can’t answer this question because it’s a very good question
How about its movie poster slogan?
If you were going to challenge yourself to try something new, what genre would you venture into?
scifi, lol. I already am trying it. it’s not my forte.
Who’s the first person you show a draft to?
me! just me. I don’t usually work in drafts so I’m nervous about it.
Is there an idea (be it plot or character or world) you’ve been tugging along since childhood, just waiting for the right moment to use?
nahhh. I either write them down and forget, forget them, or start writing them.
What’s the first creative thing you remember writing, and what did you learn from it?
something about aliens, or possibly a fantasy book that was meant to be a series? honestly--that it was easier to write than I thought it was.
What’s the strangest characteristic you’ve taken from real life and given to a character (could be yours or someone else’s)?
oh, I don’t know, haha. I don’t do this consciously. I’m sure I’ve done it, but I wouldn’t know I did it :p
Choose your fighter: Enemies to Lovers, There’s Only One Bed, or Pretend Dating Makes Real Feelings.
PRETEND DATING. fake dating is my most favorite thing
and @editedandwrittenbyhannah
How old were you when you started taking writing seriously (assuming you do now)?
guess it depends on the definition of serious. if it means publishing, it’s been back and forth because I don’t always want to publish, and I don’t always think everything I write could BE published. if it means attempting to write true to characters and plot and whatever, then... always?
How old do you think is the best age to start writing and why?
whenever. if the story’s in your mind and your heart, then put it to paper. you can always grow older and change it, if it needs to be, but there’s no such thing as ‘too old’ or ‘too young’ to start writing.
What is your ideal setting for writing?
in bed, before I fall asleep, lol. this is a popular question :p
What is the weirdest thing that has ever gotten your writer brain going on overdrive about a new idea?
oh. I don’t know. I don’t question inspiration these days, haha.
Do you edit before you post your writing to tumblr?
sometimes. actually, no, usually. and then I forget that I edited it. and it doesn’t make it back to my draft. don’t be like me.
What blogs have inspired you AND/OR motivated you to write? Tag ‘em so they know what they did for you.
@forlornraven @indecentpause @infinitelyblankpage @riftversus @lavenderas @theshadowsofthenight, but also, kind of the entirety of writeblr as a whole is good. I dig this community and watching everyone craft their stories has been kind of incredible. I don’t know writer people in real life, so the internet’s kind of how I find them, and I haven’t had a community of sorts since I was in high school. it’s nice to see everyone so determined and in love with their own work. reminds me it’s okay to not hate my stuff.
Who is your favorite tumblr writer?
...look I’m just gonna say I mentioned them by name already :p but the ones I mentioned in the question just before this are equally as awesome.
I just realized technically I mentioned all of writeblr. look how that works out :p
What is your favorite topic to write about? Read about?
I don’t know, I like contemporary fiction, stuff that’s realistic to write about because it’s the world I most know, obviously, and I’m used to reading about lgbt+ characters and a lot of the times those aren’t in genre fiction--at least not mainstream genre fiction)
or they weren’t, anyway.
but I like scifi too.
How old were you when you read your favorite book for the first time? How many times have you read it since then?
I don’t know that I have a favorite book. if it is, probably room, and I don’t really know lol
List 3 songs that you would NEVER listen to while writing because they’re too distracting for any reason at all.
all of them. ;;
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irraydiance · 7 years
1. No specific fandom, do whatever you feel like 2. I just really like salt, you don't have to do all of them if you don't want to
It’s cool anon, I’m just pulling your leg. All in good fun!
I’ll stick to Assassination Classroom because it’d probably be too much salt if it was a fandom free-for-all.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I see why people ship Karma with Asano – it’s the same reason people ship rival pairs, which is something I don’t get – but to me, they’re always going to be the rivals who find one another insufferable and don’t get along. It’s a personality clash as I think they’re fundamentally different people.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Karma/Nagisa and even then, their friendship is just kind of…”meh” to me now. In the past, I would’ve called it a BroTP of mine but I’m just indifferent now. Yeah, they’re close and there was that schism/survival game arc and all – I recognize that, but I’m just tired of seeing it everywhere even when it’s actually presented as strictly friendship.
I’d rather read about the Nagisa/Sugino BroTP to be honest. Or better yet, the Karma/Sugino BroTP. Hell, give me some Sugino/Kayano friendship.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No, but that might also be because I generally only follow fandom-specific blogs. I also only follow one AC blog, so…
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Yes, I have a NoTP – it’s Karma/Nagisa, and yes, it’s the goddamn most popular pairing in the fandom no matter which side of the world you’re on. Just my fucking luck, right?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
A pairing that I actually liked? No. A pairing I was indifferent to at first? Yes.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Hahaha. No.
If I hated it to begin with, then I probably had a solid reason as to why, and my opinion wouldn’t change so easily.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Not a one.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Never. That might change after this. But I did get an annoyed anon one time when I said Karma and Nakamura aren’t actually close. They were actually pretty civil though so no offense taken. I never heard back from anon but I hope they read my response!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Takaoka, probably… Yanagisawa was a scumbag but as a villain, Takaoka was more annoying as far as motives go. Like a goddamn cockroach, he just won’t go away (see: Karasuma’s 2-page manga in Grad Album Time). He also felt like a cartoon villain…but I can’t complain too much as the target demographic for AssClass definitely skewed younger.
There aren’t really any characters in the series whose guts I absolutely hated though.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Oh hell. The space arc right after the schism/survival game arc. Yeah, it’s AssClass we’re talking about, but I can only suspend my disbelief so much. Also, the lull in-between that arc and the final arc where nothing really happened was kind of a chore to read. It was the calm before the storm, but not much happened.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
The fandom doesn’t hate him as far as I know, but Sugino doesn’t get nearly as much love as anyone that isn’t a member of Utatan, Nakamura, or Asano. Is it because he’s just a regular nice guy and people think that’s boring? Because he’s super ordinary and apparently heterosexual? I guess that’s Tumblr’s least favourite combination.
I’m kidding. Don’t kill me.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I enjoyed the baseball arc with Sugino. He’s just very likable to me. The themes of friendship and teamwork were recycled constantly, like in the sports festival (Isogai’s) arc and the culmination of Karma’s character development in the second semester finals, but it really began with Sugino’s baseball arc, and to me, that one really exemplified the themes best out of them all. They felt like a real rag-tag group of guys working toward a goal together.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Karma is not a flirt and he’s not a slave to his hormones.
Stop writing him this way.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Outside of the Ace Attorney fandom, I’ve never been in a fandom that hates on het pairings so much. I’ve seen all the common ones insulted and just trashed in general for the most inane reasons, and the Nagisa/Kayano ship has it the absolute worst, but I digress. The only het pairing people don’t seem to shit on is Chiba/Hayami – probably because they mostly only ever interact with one another. Go figure.
Also, this is a thing in every fandom, but seriously, you’ll have two characters interact, and even if it’s a completely regular conversation, people suddenly just start shipping it. It’s like people will ship any character with another character as long as they have even some kind of small connection. “These characters hate each other? Yeah, let’s ship ‘em.” “This character complimented this other character in an offhanded way but they have no other interactions? Yeah, I ship it.”
I’m not saying “stop having fun, guys,” but it’s a mentality I don’t follow.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Some of the villains felt a little too cartoon-y/flat for my tastes, like Takaoka, but as I said earlier, I think AssClass skewed younger despite such a focus on assassination and the entire nature of “killing” – most of the time, not literally, of course. They had basically zero redeeming qualities as opposed to antagonists like the Asanos, who were ultimately sympathetic, or even Korosensei’s apprentice.
16. If you could change anything in the manga/show, what would you change?
I’m terrible with these questions. My biggest complaint is that in a series with loads and loads of characters, most of them didn’t even get fleshed out so I really would’ve preferred there to be more alternate points of view – make it really feel like an ensemble cast because outside of maybe 2-3 characters, the rest of them only ever got one-and-done chapters. There are so many characters that I wish got more time in the spotlight, but alas.No offense to Nagisa and his fans – I like Nagisa, but especially in the second half of the story, it just felt like the scope narrowed way too much on him and/or Karma when Class E is actually supposed to be treated as a single entity where everyone feels equally important. Kind of like in the problem Karma solved for the final exam.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
I wouldn’t have had Kayano die only to be brought back to life right after. I get that it was a parallel with Korosensei not being able to save Aguri, and now being able to save her sister Kayano. Still, the whole she’s dead lol psyche! angle went beyond cheating death; Kayano straight up died and got revived.
At the same time, in the entire series where they had a death fakeout like what we got with Lovro, if Kayano ended up being the only one killed off for real, I would’ve been upset.
So I would’ve not had that happen at all. I would’ve settled for Kayano getting hurt, or being about to get hurt when she tried to help only to have Korosensei cover for her, but not have her literally dying.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Whether you ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a pairing is down to preference.
There are plenty of pairings in other series that have strong evidence behind them and even then, there will be a handful of people from the more popular ship that twist facts to suit their narratives because they don’t like opposing pairings. They’ll even bend fiction into fact to deny actual facts. That’s being biased, but I can’t even say these people are “in denial” because a lot of those people honestly do believe they’re 100% right. Even if you throw a fact in their face, they have some kind of warped excuse ready.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Obnoxious, toxic shippers.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
You’d think that on a salty ask list, the question would be what the most vile ship is, not the purest one.
Come on, guys. Karma/Okuda is obviously the purest. Sarcasm aside, I really do think Karma/Okuda is the purest. It’s very sweet and genuine. The very guarded Karma can completely drop his walls and open his heart to Okuda and in turn, she watches out for Karma and really wants what’s best for him.
Putting aside the deadly pranks they can unleash on others, Karma and Okuda’s relationship is definitely pure.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I don’t mind crack ships at all but I would prefer that there’s something logical that connects the characters involved, even if it’s a crack ship.
22. Popular character you hate?
I don’t hate any of the popular characters, but I find that I’m much more mild about Nakamura than a lot of people in this fandom. I like her, but clearly not as much as everyone else.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Sugino is one of my favourites. No love from the fandom, sadly.
He’s referred to as Nagisa’s “best friend” by official material but it seems the fandom completely buries this. He’s always written off as a goddamn third wheel to Karma and Nagisa no matter if it’s shippy or just platonic and that’s such a pet peeve of mine. Official material indicates that Nagisa/Sugino/Karma get along well as a trio, but noooo, fandom seems to have this perception that Karma and Sugino only see one other as a friend-of-a-friend (Nagisa).
I feel that they might not have been friends if not for Nagisa, but after they got to know each other, Karma and Sugino would still be good friends even if Nagisa’s not around.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
I’ll say yes. For a weekly Jump series, AssClass is a lot more off the wall compared to the usual stuff, but it has your standard life lessons/morals for not just kids, but anyone. Plus it’s short and sweet at ~180 chapters.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I wouldn’t change the ending. Korosensei had to die or else it would cheapen the meaning of the story.
26. Most shippable character?
The fandom would say it’s Karma, but I will say it’s someone with a welcoming and adaptable personality like Sugino. Isogai works too.
27. Least shippable character?
Outside of actual villains, probably Asano. This isn’t meant as an insult, but it’s hard to find a match for him because of his personality.
I didn’t have great answers, but I tried, lol.
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It’s Still (Pixelated) Hot Dog Legs Season
Fall should officially be in full swing by now, yet here in NYC (and many other parts of the US), it still feels like summer. Which I’m not thrilled about, though at the very least, I don’t feel so bad for sharing the above (by Robert Penney) so late into September.
On that note, time for a way overdue game culture round up! It’s been a while, and a LOT been going on. And not to be a downer, but the chaotic weather has been in the news, obviously.
Here’s a pic from Gamer Geek Nation on Facebook, who shared the aftermath of the Hurricane Harvey, along with: “… This is a time when we collectors need to remind ourselves that ultimately, this is just stuff, and our lives are more important. And make sure your collection is insured properly.”
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Elsewhere in the world, the Tokyo Game Show just wrapped up, and not to repeat the obvious, but yes… the biggest, most exciting news was the Sonic X Hooters collab…
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Though the one between Hello Kitty and Game Center CX is far, far better (photo courtesy of Kotaku)…
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You also have this comically large Rockman doll, which apparently was available on Amazon but is now out of stock…
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Though I mostly wished I had been there to pick up some primo looking attire, like this Mega Drive track jacket that miki800 gave the heads up on before show time (there was also a Dreamcast hoodie that I personally don’t think looks as nice, hence why I’m skipping it)…
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I also really like this Pac-Man shirt…
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This Galaga shirt as well…
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Also taking place in Japan was an exhibition held by the JARGA (Japan Retro Game Association); miki800 was there and captured some interesting bits of hardware, with the highlight being (IMHO) this Mega Drive clone that resembles a perfect mix of the model 1 MD and the original Wondermega…
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There’s no preview of the music yet, though may as well share the recently unveiled cover to the third (and final) installment of 8 BIT MUSIC POWER…
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Meanwhile, according to Original Sound Version, Mitch Murder has released yet another soundtrack to another game that never existed. In this it didn’t come out for the Mega CD and doesn’t involve mecha…
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Remember that Jet Set Radio figure I showed a while ago? Well, it's finally available for pre-order! Alas, it's not cheap, at least over at Big Bad Toy Store...
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BTW, videogamesdensetsu shares with us what Beat looks like, sans-cel shading…
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Sticking with VCD for a tad bit; here’s what Pulseman looked originally looked like, and he sure was cute!
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Whereas NiGHTS looked goofier… as well as more menacing….
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Am confident most people will not give a rat’s ass about seeing hand drawn Virtua Racing track designs, but as a massive fan of the series, oh man, oh man, oh man...
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Two never before seen Saturn prototypes that must be: “[taken] with a grain of salt!”
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Apparently Looney Tunes X The Matrix was actually a thing? Somehow this does not surprise me…
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The work of Hideaki Kodama was recently highlighted, which was also recently auctioned; I wonder how much this painting of various PC Engine hardware went for?
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Yet another Kickstarter mention? Yup. And this one is Jed Henry's third crowdfunding campaign: this particular variant of the Ukiyo-e Heroes concentrates on boss battles, with perhaps my fave piece being his depiction from The Breath of the Wild...
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Am particularly fond of this image from the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary art book that grease-howard spotted, of old Chun Li chumming it up with her younger self...
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Any and all BoJack Horseman fans out there may want to pick up this piece by Jude Buffum...
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legendofnes reminds of that time Batman visited New Donk City…
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It's just a bunch of cyber kids, all just hanging around, by sanigo...
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Speaking of the gang, here we have the kids from Persona 5, by @aranciart…
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Apparently, if Jedah (from Darkstalkers) ran a juice stand, it wouldn’t be the best, according to dreaminerryday…
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The individual who runs SPLENDID LAND describes SLN-003 Gacha Man as a: "vendor robot who dispenses toys. even he doesn’t know what’s inside the capsules, so he always gets excited to find out"...
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Meanwhile, here’s official artwork of Mario and Peach, courtesy of the thevideogameartarchive’s catalogue of the Mario Golf N64 manual; am pretty sure I’ve seen images of Mario looking distressed, though never to this degree…
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The above is something Super Mario Broth would normally deliver, and speaking of, may as well share some recent faves on that end! Like these photos from a promotional campaign with a Japanese sports drink when promoting Mario Sports Superstars…
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Instructions found on the arcade cabinet for Vs. Super Mario Bros (which I remember so distinctly, and fondly)…
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From some Japanese video guide for the same game (am assuming the home Famicom version this time)…
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A greeting card (am assuming a Valentine’s)...
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Mario without his hat, as he appears in a Game Boy controller test cart that Nintendo service reps used to calibrate buttons on a the handheld…
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And he we have a shortcut in SMB3 that I had no idea existed, and it’s a safe bet that most don’t either: “In Super Mario Bros. 3, the rock between the path to the first fortress in World 4 and the Spade Panel can be destroyed with a Hammer item, allowing the player to bypass the fortress. There is no obvious indication that this rock is destructible, as it is surrounded by decorative rocks. In fact, many guides for Super Mario Bros. 3 do not mention this shortcut.”
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As for Super Mario Broth’s counterpart, Sonic the Hedgeblog has seen plenty of action as well… largely pinpointing all the obscure references found in Sonic Mania, So head over for that if that sounds like fun to you! Otherwise, there’s also the Mario Bros having a Sonic Panic…
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A reminder of how Sonic looked at one point as he was being prepped for the Dreamcast; it would appear that at a certain point, in Sonic Adventure, he was going to look a lot more realistic…
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And this issue with EGM featuring a sneak preview of Sonic 2 is the very first video game magazine that I ever picked up!
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Meanwhile, oldgamemags recently posted a page from an issue of GamePro, circa 2000, on a peripheral that allowed the Game Boy to play mp3s. Am sharing it cuz I really want a GB-looking mp3 player…
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So someone on Twitter (who has since protected his account, so I’ll have to refer to nintendolife they snagged the pic before it was locked down) cracked open a electrocardiogram measurement instrument and found... a GBA? It’s theorized: “perhaps earlier revisions of the unit had different screens, and once the supply chain dried up MiE was forced to source the next best thing?”
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vice-s-assistant sez: "OK Guys, I’m ready to hack."
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According to bunney: "i was working at a convention arcade this weekend and some guy cosplaying ryu was playing street fighter with a blunt in his mouth"...
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Can anyone tell what's being played here? At the very least, it's a nice shot (via rekall)...
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Much like Arcade Crusade, I have no idea what’s going on, and I agree that whatever it is, it looks intense...
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If you’ve ever wanted an artist’s rendering of the Raspberry Pi, then look no further than the work of retronator…
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rasec-wizzlbang states: “those square cross sections of the human skin layers you always see in biology books but as like, a minecraft block”…
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Courtesy of Arcade Crusade once again comes a very tender moment…
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Is it just me or does this promo image for Food Fight sure does look like a Norman Rockwell painting? As seen on thedoteaters...
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Here we have a flyer for a really old SNK arcade game (we’re talking really old; almost a decade before the Neo Geo was a thing) that looks like it was made with today’s sensibilities, doesn’t it?
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Also via obscurevideogames is a moment of pathos from Hacchake Ayayo-san 4 - Sexy Olympics - Ayayo’s Live Affection. It’s… pretty obscure alright…
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Yup, that's Hieronymus Bosch-styled Tetris all right (via freeindiega.me)...
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crashcarnival presents: "true facts of the Ice Age"...
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Hey, it’s the Ninja Turtles playing Pong (via rewind01)…
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Behold, Fighters Megamix version 2017 (via lonelyfrontier)…
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Yup, that is definitely a Chu Chu Rocket skirt  (via radicalhelmet)...
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For those who have ever wondered what their Sonic character’s political leanings are, in relation to the rest of the crew (and can’t be bothered to sift through DeviantArt; via erratticusfinch)…
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Face to face (via futureisfailed)…
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It’s been out for a while, though it’s not too late to pick up this Xenogears tribute zine, right?
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Just a friendly reminder of how bat-sh*t insane Sin & Punishment is (via n64thstreet)...
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Zimmerit.moe has everything you need to know about a game by Square involving mecha that you’ve probably never heard of. And no, am not talking about Thexder; it’s even more obscure than that (am talking about Cruise Chaser Blassty BTW/FYI)...
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Meanwhile, Michael “Kayin” O’Reilly discusses the “Barrel Distortion” look that emulators use to recreate the look of playing something on a CRT display and why it’s total crap…
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And… that’s  it! You’ve made it to the end! Enjoy a cool, refreshing drink with Pac-Man (on the behalf of arcade-crusade)...
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Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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lightrises · 7 years
ao3 works tag meme
got tagged for this by @feralphoenix​! i have a grand total of.... 18 works on ao3, and a number of these are collabs. so i’m not sure how revealing this will be? 8′)a but we’ll give it a go
Go to your Works page, expand all the filters, and let us know the following:
1. What are your 1st and 2nd most common ratings? Any surprises?
general audiences (12), then teen and up audiences (6). and nope, that sounds about right for me!
2. What’s your most common warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
no archive warnings apply (14) for most, graphic depictions of violence (1) for least
wrt that last question: ehhhhhh i mean. i guess by my own vague reckoning of “adventurous” i’m not? i tend to stick to my wheelhouse of low-stakes genfic and occasional excursions into romance when i’m just making my own stuff. ntm most of my homestuck stuff was either collabs or sprung from prompts (whereas my undertale works are running at an inverse to that, so: Progress??? shrugs)
i don’t think there’s a right answer here though. if, like, you shift the question from one of content type to “hey i made stuff At All” it’s a different story. writing’s been pretty hard for me over the past few years, so any time i’m able and willing to get stuff done and put it out there, that’s... well, its own version of “adventurous” perhaps! and that doesn’t touch on how personal some of that work has been, maybe not always in obvious ways (as loud as you can make it is one of the more Clearly personal ones imo, aha)
3. How many works have you done in each relationship category? Is this more accidental or do you have preferences?
gen (15), f/m (8), f/f (2), other (2)
“gen” is kinda funny here because i do in fact love genfic A Lot, but a good chunk of mine overlap with the other categories lol.... but that’s what i tend to like best anyway when it comes to shipfic, i.e. with a lot of genfic trappings woven in. if i were more prolific you’d probably see more other and f/f works from me these days, though i’m still very much down for The Good Het too
as for the other relationships category.... haha, man. okay i’ll just, c/p this instead of typing it out:
John Egbert/Rose Lalonde (6)
John Egbert & Rose Lalonde (5)
Chara & Frisk (Undertale) (4)
Chara & Asriel Dreemurr (3)
John Egbert & Jade Harley (2)
Jade Harley & Rose Lalonde (2)
Dad Egbert/Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde (1)
Dad Egbert & John Egbert (1)
Poppop Crocker | Alpha John Egbert & Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley (1)
Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley/Roxy's Mom | Alpha Rose Lalonde (1)
the only comment i’ll add is that i wish there was more “john & jade” up there!!! but That’s How It Is alas
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in all of them or do you tend to migrate a lot?
homestuck (12), undertale (6)
undertale’s the only one i’m active in right now, and i’m very much a “choose one (1) fandom and fix most of your attention on it for a few years” type of fan. i do think if i wrote for homestuck again i’d want it to be jaderose. The Witch’s Gambit [image heavy] pops into mind first - it’s a setting i’m still drawn to, so who knows! i’d be nice to revisit it eventually
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters or are you puzzled? 
john egbert (10), rose lalonde (9), chara (5), frisk (4)
this is largely VERY fair lmao, though on the homestuck end of things i wish i’d done more with jade (ao3 says it’s 4 works - 5 if you include her cameo in I Can Barely Sleep[...] - and that’s excluding two alpha!jade fics). another note is that for some reason ao3 doesn’t rank asriel, even though he’s in 3 works and it shows both alpha!jade and alpha!john (with 2 apiece)???? Excuse Me
the chara and frisk tags might Possibly meet(exceed??) the john and rose tags in the future, but that depends on how many works i end up making! we’ll have to see how that goes in the long run
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 into a fic?
autistic frisk (4), illustrated (4), implied/referenced character death (2), additional warnings in author’s note (2)
God...... i guess that would either be frisk on one of the neutral routes or a prequel/follow-up to and if you court this disaster, possibly in comic form?? though tbh any work that features frisk prominently and mentions what happened to chara and/or asriel pre-game would count too
7. How many WIPs do you currently have on ao3? Any you don’t plan on finishing?
3 are listed! one of them - Tripping Toward The Light - has been complete for awhile now, at its original tumblr home; the ao3 mirror is just something we haven’t gotten around to finishing yet. 8′) “and i can’t remember the man, the panhandler or his melody” is Super old at this point and likely won’t be picked up again (rip....). what the right hand does has seemed dormant for a while, but i’ve been hacking away at the next chapter on and off and a) i finally see the light at the end of the editing tunnel for chapter 2, and b) unless something drastic happens it’s gonna be 4 times as long as the first chapter, so!!! Def Not Dead, thankfully
8. Tag 5 people!
ummm ok let’s see.. @threeley, @tehstripe, @ruination-fangs, @longroadstonowhere aaaand.... whoever else is down for it??? if you wanna go for it feel free, basically
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mindsetstudies · 7 years
I’m thinking of turning this day into a weekly posting! Last week it just hit me, like “I should do this once a week.” I told myself I wanted to get my toenails done this Sunday as like an “at home spa treatment” because I couldn’t afford a pedicure. Alas, my mother took me out!! (my sisters came as well) So on with today’s events!
Coffee day!
I woke up around 7am with the overpowering thirst for iced coffee. It’s been a long time since I’ve had coffee at home (because it was too much of a hassle and took too much time away from me. I should work on that!) So around 11am as I’m organizing what I want to do today, my sister tells me she’s going out to Circle K for a sodie pop. I tag along so we could stop at Fry’s on the way home.
I wasn’t able to control myself with all the freshly brewed coffee around me!! I ended up getting myself a hot cup (That took me quite a while to finish might I add). As we head into the store we see there is an option to save $5 off on your overall purchase. I knew it cost me roughly $11 dollars (with items on sale) for coffee and super jumbo creamer. Thankfully everything I needed was on sale and I left the store only paying $5.54!! (I didn’t take a picture of my items because I didn’t think about it at the time) I was very happy with the cheap pricing! I ended up having my coffee fill with this hot cup of joe. But I have a cold brew in my fridge right now!!
(Side note: Sorry about my hairy feet. I’m known for the “hobbit feet” in my family!!)
Mint is another favorite color of mine. If there is a choice of pink and mint, I ALWAYS go for the mint! It’s a color that literally makes me happy!! It was very relaxing to get my toes done. I got the callous remover along with a nice massage, hot rocks, and a hot towel. It was so nice that when I was writing some character sheets for my NaNoWriMo I felt my eye glaze over from the relaxation! I felt that nap creeping in on me so hard! 12/10 would do it again next week, but toes are a bi-weekly event.
As I said in last weeks Self-Care day- I’m trying to stay away from the “retail therapy” because funds are scarce and I should treat it like so. If anything small amounts over time would be best. If I want to paint something, crochet, buy a book etc. I should focus on saving funds for them! However, today my mother was treating us so we went to the Dollar Store after getting our mani/pedies to get some indoor holiday decorations. I ended up browsing around for things I could use (stationery because it makes me WEEEEEAK!)
I ended up finding these stickers (that I honestly thought was something else) and that miniature trash can. (Which MAKES ME SO HAPPY LOL!) Since I’m so crafty I’m notorious for making trash. And this tiny thing is portable, light, easy, and cute. Which is ideal for me! Best few bucks EVER spent to be completely honest with you. I picked up some cute holiday-themed tins so I can start putting together my Christmas gifts, and some xmas cards! (My mom wants to send some xmas cards to this boy named Jacob? He’s circling the internet right now because he’s dying of cancer and his last wish was to get xmas cards from around the world. So we’re doing it too.)
I’ve never really used facemasks, like, ever for as long as I can remember. I’ve always washed my face instead to get that clean feel. But after getting that “clean feel” and srub on my legs today at the nail salon I couldn’t pass up trying a face mask.
My sister is big on skin care products for she, unfortunately, has sensitive skin. I mean, if you touch her face she will break out within a few hours from it. So she has to be careful and she’s been trying a ton of different products. She doesn’t like those “cut out” masks that you just stick on your face. (She’s just not a fan that’s all) But she has this Peppermint Tea ‘Volcanic Clay Pore Mask’ from Japan (That or China, I can’t read without my glasses) and I absolutely loved it. I felt as it dried on my face and where it cracked I felt my skin was extra smooth underneath. This is something I would do EVERY day now that I’ve experienced it!
I did have a bit of a rough day towards the end because I started to think about things. My current relationship, my future and some goals I have just brought me down for about.. two hours. But I moved past it and reminded myself that my life is worth it, my life is precious, and I can do anything I want to. I haven’t felt that way since. ❤
I ended up buying this necklace as well today from this Etsy shop! I follow her on my personal INSTAGRAM and she let me know when she had more necklaces made. I’m so excited for this to get here!!
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Check out my tumblr page for my favorite books and stationery here!
Self-Care Sunday: Coffee, pedicure and more! I'm thinking of turning this day into a weekly posting! Last week it just hit me, like "I should do this once a week." I told myself I wanted to get my toenails done this Sunday as like an "at home spa treatment" because I couldn't afford a pedicure.
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