#but also doesn't know how else to carry it. he's picking up glass with his bare hands and letting himself bleed.
heirbane · 10 months
I was yelling at bree incoherently earlier and was really sitting here thinking about how Gaius really has just... always been the way he is. As long as he can remember.
He barely had time as a child to be just that. After his father died, he seamlessly stepped into being the head of the household. With his mother being beside herself and still a young adult by anyone's standards, Gaius had to quickly learn how to do what his father had done: provide.
And when he saw how his mother began to unravel, begging his infant brother to be quiet and stop fussing, overwhelmed and alone - he learned what not to do, too.
Gaius doesn't remember crying when his brother was laid to rest. He can't say he truly knows when he died, just that the house finally became quiet but they did not heal. The solace his mother begged for had come, and it only made her worse.
He knew what he had to be. He knew what he couldn't be.
(He doesn't remember crying when she died, either, half a decade into his military service. He was suns shy of adulthood, and her death felt like a mercy, a balm: finally. Finally. Maybe peace would find her. Maybe peace could find him, too.)
With the death of his own children, and the memory of how his brother's death had turned his mother into a ghost, Gaius is lost on how to grieve in a way that feels proper. He remembers his mother, curled up in her marital bed, blankets covering her like the corpse she wished to be.
He remembers her quietly weeping, there in body but not in spirit, and calling for her, a man lost at sea with not a thing to save him.
He remembers himself, and he sees Allie, and the grief and torment is enough to flay him alive.
Peace had found his mother, he hoped.
Maybe peace would find him, yet another call into the void, a whisper in the dark, the weight of it all crushing him alive.
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clairegregoryau · 11 months
Through the Looking Glass
From fairytale in Season 1 to stark reality in Season 2 of Our Flag Means Death- meta ported across from this Twitter thread by popular demand!
This thread contains spoilers for the entirety of OFMD Season 2
First OFMD S1 rewatch since S2, and holy shit, if you haven't done that yet... do that. A thing that it made instantly clear: they told us *all along* where this was going, but there was a reason we didn't see it. Because we were living in Stede's world then. Now it's Ed's.
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I know that a lot of us have felt that the tone shift at the end of S2 was... jarring, compared to what's come before. This felt like a show that wouldn't go there. One where being run through was a temporary hiccup. We've travelled all the way from this to this.
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But we haven't jumped there without a journey in between. And from the minute we started hearing about Blackbeard, the show never tried to hide what Ed's world and his specific life was like. Not once. In fact they told us over and over and over.
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But Season 1 told us a lot of those things through song and story and fuckery. It blended reality with fiction.
Stede met the Blackbeard he knew through books and tall tales, and the real man was even more wonderful than he'd imagined.
We, along with Stede, were comfortable thinking that all those other tales were exaggerations and misrepresentations, and a lot of them very likely were.
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The Ed Stede got to know was a person who was capable of whimsy and silliness and loved soft things and doing something weird. Yep, he was also capable of violence and rage, but when he was with Stede, he didn't feel it so much.
This was a vacation from that life.
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To Stede he was absolutely lovely... oh, and also a bloodthirsty killer. And Stede loved (and loves) everything about him, and both of those things can be true. This is a perfect example of a spot where (in watching Season 1 without the benefit of hindsight) I assumed that everyone else in that pub was wrong, and Stede was simply trying to protect Ed's fearsome reputation by agreeing on the bloodthirsty bits. And I think from Stede's perspective that was largely true. I think that's how they wanted us to see Ed, through his eyes. Now, after watching both seasons, I think it wasn't the whole picture.
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They told us, we heard it, we saw glimpses of it. But we (and Ed) were in Stede's run-away-to-sea fairytale the whole time. It wasn't until Stede left that we saw the reality- the Ed we knew had been, to a degree, a fictional character all along. I always saw this scene as Ed putting a bit of distance between himself and reality; it always felt like the Blackbeard of Stede's storybooks was the fictional one. But now it feels like the softer Ed that Stede knew was much the same- neither of them the whole story of who Ed was and is.
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The one person who refused to live in Stede's fairytale was Izzy. I've seen people say it before, but he always gave off that vibe of the only human in the Muppets movie, or the guy who was in Black Sails while everyone else was in Pirates of the Caribbean. He saw the real risks clearly.
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And in that light, the end of S1 has shifted an inch to the left for me, and I'm seeing it at a slightly different angle.
Izzy ripped away the healing Ed was doing, but in some respects he did it by tearing away the fairytale we'd all been living in, shoving Ed back into the Blackbeard story.
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And that's where we pick up again in Season 2.
The fairytale reference came back in S2 in two notable places, those being Jim carrying that legacy forward in the darkest times, and in Izzy invoking the wooden boy against Ricky's efforts. Stede's made himself into a real boy. Ricky, nope.
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Now that I've watched both seasons together, the tone shift doesn't feel so jarring at all, actually.
It feels like sliding through the looking glass, out of Stede's world, and into Ed's- a world that existed all along; we were just seeing it, la vie en rose, through Stede's eyes.
At the beginning of S2, Stede's gone, and we're seeing it unfiltered through Ed's reality.
But Stede wasn't lying when he said he loved everything about Ed. He made a promise to come back and find him- he went down into Ed's darkest place and reminded him that no matter how bad things got, there WAS someone waiting for him, ready to love him.
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The contrast between S1's fantasy and S2's reality (excluding mermaids and actual bird guys and cursed coats) is stark, but it really is that.
We have the same settings, the same people, and very different ideas and outcomes at different times.
But it was always there.
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Things do come back to a state of (precarious) balance once they're all together. Apologies are made, whether they're spoken out loud or through actions. Things go right, things go wrong. Healing happens. Izzy continues to have the steadiest, most real through-line in the story as he tracks toward redemption, finds acceptance, and to an extent finds himself.
Once again, I hate that they went here with the ending and I wish they hadn't. But it got a fraction easier for me looking at it not as a continuation of Stede's fairytale, but of the grounded-in-pirate-reality arc Izzy was always on, even while we lived in Stede's world.
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Where does that leave us? We're not going back to the fairytale, but we're not going to be living in Black Sails for S3, either. We've hit a fusion point where S1 ended with each of them going to separate, miserable homes, but S2 ended with them in the same place, ready and willing to make a go of it.
Season 3 is going to give us their world, together.
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I LOVED the moments in this season where the deep emotions were in balance with the silliness I've always adored about this show. Eps4-6 were wonderful like that. Clearly we're not done with drama, either, but like Ed and Stede, I think we'll find a middle ground.
Anyway in conclusion, a rewatch of S1 after S2 somehow made me love the first season even more, which felt impossible? It's now gained /even more/ layers of depth than it had before. No matter how you feel about S2 I think it's worth that rewatch.
Adding one more bit of clarity for myself: I think we got a bit (intentionally) seduced in S1 by the idea that the Ed of the storybooks, the Vampire Viking Clown with the nine guns, was a version of him that others saw, when Stede saw the REAL person who 'worked' for Blackbeard.
In hindsight I think it's clear the Ed Stede go to know was also not the complete version of himself- the reality is, there's a whole spectrum between the two, and they've landed in the middle of it now. Ed intentionally leaned into the unlovable Kraken image to protect himself.
It very much didn't work, just like being just... Edward hadn't worked to protect himself, either. This season has been very much about pulling those two extremes together and finding all the parts that make up Ed overall (another thread on that here on Twitter, which I'll also shift across to Tumblr soon!)
And I think one of my favourite things in S2 has been seeing the way Stede SEES that- he knows what Ed's done, everyone's told him, but he still loves Ed. sees his trauma and how it affects him, and believes he's a good man regardless. He IS lovable; he's not forever broken.
And together, they can heal.
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rotdistressxox · 6 months
Headcanons: How the Papas treat you during your time of the month ♡
!nsfw undertones, afab body parts mentioned (obv)
Primo / Papa Emeritus I
• Knows when it starts and when it ends, he keeps a very close eye on those types of things. He even reminds you when it's coming up
• Has the most experience with this type or situation from the rest of his brothers because of his age.
• VERY Understanding
• Always there when you need to cry. Will try his best not to get on your bad side or tease you that often
• Constantly reassures you about your emotions.
• "My love, it's okay to be upset about (insert sort of dumb reason to be upset)"
• Washes your clothes when you accidentally get blood on them, you are NOT doing any physical labor on his watch.
• Will run you a nice bath with rose petals picked from the ministry garden.
• Will also read you your favorite book while you're in said bath.
• Gentle touches on your arms as he looks you in the eye to distract you from cramps.
• Spoils you rotten with kisses and whatever else you desire~
• Offers to give you other means of relieving pains. Wink wink
Secondo / Papa Emeritus II
• Is also very experienced with this
• Wanna talk about spoiled rotten? THIS MAN WILL GET YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT ON THE SPOT
• Use his body as a heating pad, especially his hands.
• The master at giving lower body massages to help soothe your pain.
• Kisses kisses kisses. He plants them everywhere when he senses that you need him.
• Will drop everything he's doing just to be with you for the day if you request.
• As the biggest and physically strongest papa, he will not hesitate to carry you anywhere if it gets that bad.
• Whispers romantic poetry in your ear while you take recovery naps.
• Also doesn't want you doing too much work, he'll send a Ghoul to watch after you whilst you do your daily tasks when he's busy.
Terzo / Papa Emeritus III
• Prepares your bed. Propped up and fluffed pillows, your favorite texture of blankets folded right there for you. Unless, you'd like to spend the night with him ;)
• The least experienced out of all the Papas. His experience with lovers have been great in quantity but low in quality as they're all usually 1 night stands or short flings. Until...he met you.
• Of course he knows what a period is, but he struggles at first with not knowing what to do for you.
• Gets the hang of it very quickly tho
• Flowers and more flowers. Surprises you with a new bouquet everyday of the cycle.
• Wants to make you laugh and smile as much as possible, so expect a bunch of corny jokes.
• Is that a frown he sees?
• "What's the difference between a glass of wine and an erection" "I dunno?" "You're not giving me a glass of wine right now" "PAPA-"
• Is gentle as possible with you, doesn't want to overdo the affection. Because let's be honest, on a normal day he'd be sneaking you passionate kisses every few minutes
• Expect your favorite dinner every night for the next few days, he's pretty good at cooking.
Copia / Papa Emeritus IV
• Even if you feel gross and ugly, you are still currently the sexiest thing ever to him. And he will definitely remind you of that.
• Does research on what to do, makes special plans for the both of you.
• Please, he also needs reassurance that you're okay. Otherwise he's going to be sweating his paint off worrying about you.
• Also a corny joke teller, they're more like dad jokes though.
• Gets food delivered for you. Unlike his brothers, he's a threat to the kitchen and not allowed anywhere near it.
• "Um...aha.... what size" gulp "what size- pu..ssy, do you wear?"
• Honestly he wants to know about what it's like experiencing it. So he always asks questions and is willing to learn more.
• Accidentally calls you his little ketchup packet, it made you laugh so hard that he thought you stopped breathing.
• Kisses and snuggles into your lower abdomen, he reallyyyy likes it when you're a little bloated because it provides extra cushion
• Literally melts when he sees you in your pajamas, cuddled up to a heating pad, and eating whatever.
Psst heyyy, thanks for reading my first post <3 ❤️
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yooglefics · 2 months
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The casual type: 04 . The plans change
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader Wordcount: 4,832 words Genre ( for the whole series ): AU. College!verse. Strangers to friends with benefits to ???. Eventual smut. Hurt / comfort at times. Fluff for cute friends. Summary:  ( Series ) • Hobi and his girlfriend set you up with a friend of hers to help with whatever happened months back. However, no one really expected things to end the way they did. ( Ep. 04 ) • The night wasn't supposed to go like this, but there's nothing to complain about. Well, maybe a little. Warnings under read more.
Warnings ( for this ep ): The squad being annoying ( I <3 them ). Pet names ( princess , baby , doll ). Flirting. Making out. Grinding. Fingering. ( wash your hands, folks ). Yoongi's hands should be a warning. 1,1714 words of just smut and I literally don’t know how that happened lol. Author's note: The plans for this chapter also changed a lot because I only had like three notes for it lmao. Nevertheless, I'm excited to share it with all of you, thank you for sticking around and I hope you like this ep. Remember to leave a comment, send an ask, with your thoughts and also maybe reblog, and what not. As always, thank you for reading! <3
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“No, the thing is, she doesn't want to share space. That's why,” Jimin accuses you from his position on the couch. Not being good at sharing himself since his whole body is on it.
“That's not true! I just don't want to be around sweaty boys.” 
“As if you don't sweat,” Jungkook argues.
“I don't.”
“She doesn't, she is a princess,” Is Yoongi's turn to pick on you. He called you that before at the club but this time surprises you since is in front of your friends and your relationship with each other has changed. And actually, you're supposed to be keeping that a secret from them.
“I love how she didn't argue that one,” says Jimin, chuckling.
“Because I am, duh.” You do an exaggerated flip of your ponytail while turning around, carrying another box of kitchenware to put away.
The guys finally decided to rent a house all together, and to make up for the fact that you refused to leave your dorm and follow them, you offered to help organize and decorate because, at the end of everything, you'd probably be spending a lot of time here. 
“You should have moved in with us,” You hear Hobi tell Yoongi after bringing more boxes inside the house. “Did you find a place?” 
“Yes, one of my classmates and his roommates were looking for someone. Is not too far away from here, actually.”
“That's cool. You guys can come over whenever.”
“You should come to the party tonight!” Taehyung says excitedly.
“Tonight?!” You walk out of the kitchen, a couple of glasses in your hands. “You're not even done downloading the truck. Jimin is not even moving!”
“I withdraw my offer for you to move in with us,” says your friend. “She is more like an evil step-sister,” he murmurs to Yoongi and he laughs along with everyone else.
“I hate you all.” 
Storming back into the kitchen, you decide to focus on putting everything away. Not a single thing that can be broken in sight of future drunk guests, that's why you are struggling to put mugs on cupboards you can barely reach.
“Do you need help, princess?” 
The nickname makes you almost drop Tae's last birthday present, and Yoongi is right there to catch you both. “Careful,” he says.
“Is your fault.”
“Did I scare you?” he chuckles, “Sorry.”
“You keep scaring me when you call me that,” you whisper.
“What? You don't like it?” Confused look on his face when he turns to you after putting the mug in place.
“I–why do you call me that?”
“Because sometimes you get kinda grumpy and you're cute, like a princess.”
It makes you smile, and it matches the one on his face.
“I'm going to ignore the fact that you called me grumpy,” you pretend to be upset about it, scrunching up your lips in fake dislike.
“Yeah, focus on the fact that you're cute.” you blush and he uses the excuse of grabbing another mug to get closer, making it so if you lean in a little you could steal a peck. 
But you still aren't sure about how the whole friends with benefits thing works. Nor confident enough to make a decision before Jungkook announces through the house: “the truck is empty, told you we could do it!”
And soon enough Yoongi is out of the room, helping move boxes here and there, and after everything that doesn't belong in the living room is out of it, he finally sits with you and Jimin on the sofa, you in the middle of the two.
“Are you really having a party today?” Yoongi asks.
“Of course! We have to baptize the place.”
“That sounds gross.” You say, noise scrunched.
“You're gross. That's not very princess-y of you,” says Jimin and Yoongi laughs.
“I feel gross, I'm going home to change. Do you want me to give you a ride to the dorms?”
“Yes, please!” 
You have thought about going alone, but after your failed kiss in the kitchen you wanted at least some time alone, and a car drive should be just enough. 
Or perhaps not. 
Because Yoongi drops you at your dorm and goes home to change, refusing to get close to you when he is all sweaty. 
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You hit send with one hand and with the other make sure your door is open before sitting once again on the bed, grabbing your mirror and eyeliner to continue your routine.
“Hello?” He knocks a few times and you tell him to come in, all concentration on the task at hand. And that gives him time to look around a little, taking in your space. 
Is a large room, just looking a bit cramped thanks to the big pieces of furniture ( two beds, two dressers, and two desks ) but your method of putting everything against the walls definitely helps. That, and the fact that your roommate hasn't moved in yet. “Now I understand why you didn't want to move in with them. You have a room all for yourself?”
You laugh, “Their office was gonna be my room, actually. And no, this year I'm supposed to share it.”
“You didn't last year?”
“At the beginning I did. But then she paired with someone else.” You shrug, not sure about the details since you've only known her for a couple of weeks. “But it's not as cool as everyone thinks, sometimes it gets lonely, mostly on exam weeks when everyone is busy studying.”
“Well, you can invite me anytime.” He only partially jokes.
“Deal. But you've to bring snacks.” 
Yoongi sits on your bed while waiting, scrolling on his phone and every now and then looking up to watch you apply the rest of your makeup, then perfume and pick a jacket, until you are standing in front of him with a smile as you announce you're ready. 
“That was faster than I thought,” he says, standing up. “Your eyes do look cute with the sparkle eyeshadow. Bogum was right.” 
“Oh, don't remember me that. I think that's the last time he is going to talk to me,” a sigh follows the exaggeration. 
“If he is really interested he is going to try again.”
“And if he is not?”
“Then he's not worth it.” The confidence in his voice is as contagious as his smile, and you match it.
For a second you wonder if it should be weird to talk about this with the guy you made out with just yesterday. If this is just normal encouragement because you are becoming friends or do all friends with benefits have this type of conversation?. Either way, you are glad to have someone to talk to about your little crush, and so, decide to not give it too much thought if Yoongi doesn't seem to do it either.
When he first asked you about it on Wednesday it was out of curiosity and you returned the phrase about the cat's tragic ending, receiving a “Well, I guess we are confidants now, kitten.”
You gave him a rundown of the situation and confessed about having a little bit of hope for his now teammate to invite you out again. He wished you the best and told you to let him know if something does happen because, according to him, Bo doesn't seem like the guy to be into sharing, and so, Yoongi doesn't want to be in the way.
“Maybe you should talk to him tonight. He is going, isn't he?”
“Uh, not sure. I asked Kook but I don't think he saw my text.” you turn to grab your phone and check.
But before you can open the app, Yoongi grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, “Or we can just drive there and see.” 
You're surprised to see the motorcycle in the parking lot, thinking it had been just a thing of last week since you haven't seen him use it since then. You even wondered if it was his in the first place.
“What? Are you scared now?” He teases when you don't take the helmet he is holding in your direction. Just standing there without any movement. “You know I'm a good driver.”
“Yeah, I just… didn't expect it.”
He laughs at your genuine shock before explaining, “I always take it to parties because it's easier to find parking and get out of there whenever I want to.” 
“And I'm sure girls love it, too.”
“That's a plus,” He nods with a smirk, “but don't worry, baby, I’m not making you share tonight.”
“Shut up,” with your nose scrunched for good measure, you finally take the helmet from him. But instead of grabbing his own and getting ready, he gets closer to you, brushing your fingers with his when you're going to secure it and doing it for you instead.
“You tell me that a lot, you know.”
“You talk too much,” you defend, “it's your own fault.”
“Or… you just want to kiss me.”
Glad your smile is hidden by the helmet,  you push him a bit as you answer, "Actually, shut up.”
He laughs, and then goes on to put on and secure his helmet before claiming on the motorcycle and waiting for you. 
The shock about the vehicle wasn't only pure confusion, it was also the realization that your outfit was probably not the best choice. The fabric of your skirt was flowier than the one you used last time, and you aren't sure it would do well at a fast speed.
“Don't go too fast,” you ask him, hands on his shoulders to help you get on and sit behind him.
“I don't get that a lot,” he jokes, and you roll your eyes still fussing with your clothes. “You ready?” he waits for your signal before revving up the engine. 
He drives faster than last time. Or maybe you're just sober and more scared about it all. Your legs tighten on his sides, and your arms around his middle, all the while telling yourself is only to protect the wind from stealing your dignity. When he stops, you have to open your eyes to realize it is because of a red light and your body relaxes. 
Left hand leaves the throttle and goes to your tight, closer to your knee, the coldness of his fingers makes you jump and you feel him chuckle before caressing your skin. “You okay?” he asks loud enough to be heard through the street noises and your covered ears. You nod between his shoulder blades, even if your heart is racing. 
Remembering you had felt your phone ringing in your jacket pocket indicating a few texts, you figure there's enough time to check them before the light changes.
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You show Yoongi and he gives you a thumbs down, making you laugh. Oh, well. Maybe it just wasn't made to be.
Thinking he would just drive you back to your dorm, you're surprised when he doesn't take the next turn back — is he driving to another party?
The answer comes only when he takes a turn before entering the highway. Right to the top of The Hill. Every teenager destination to run away from their problems. Every horny couple with a low budget looking for privacy, which yes, in itself destroys that very purpose. But, this is not a place to think about too much, even if there are also people who come here to think, like Yoongi.
He turns the engine off, puts down the stand, and takes off his helmet. You follow behind, curious.
“I figured we should make something out of being outside right now, the sun is about to set.” He looks at his watch and then to the front, at the view. From here you can see the city from above, at least a big part of it. Including the mountains and skylines.
“C’mon,” he pats your tight twice, asking you to get down. Complying, you use his shoulders for support again and get closer to the barricade at the edge. 
“C'mon,” you throw back to him when he doesn't follow you.
“I can see it from here.”
You frown at him, “really?” He nods. Your head tilts slightly to the side, “reeeally?” 
“Let a guy be.”
He looks… weird. 
And, suddenly, it clicks.
“I can't believe it.” You walk back to him, “Are you afraid of heights?!” 
“Don't make fun of me.” 
“I'm not!” But in fact you're fighting back a smile, “is just… unexpected.”
“Yeah. Unlike the death from falling from here to who knows where.” He reasons and you can't really argue with that.
But you can argue with him moving closer.
Grabbing his hand and pulling, amazed when you manage a few steps without problem, but soon he puts strength into it. The abrupt stop of his body pulls yours back, bringing you close to his chest, making a surprise noise cross your lips and your triumphant smile is gone.
“Don't make me leave you here,” and for a second you wonder if he really would. Wonder how much you can push before he actually gets mad. “Look!”
Your eyes stop scanning his face, following the direction he is looking at and you catch the sky changing colors for the next few minutes. Blue. Orange. Pink. Purple. Dark blue, because the lights of the city start to appear avoiding the complete darkness. But from here, you can see more stars than from your room's window and everything seems kind of infinity.
“Wow…” is a bit lame and predictable, but what else is there to say?
“Yeah. Is beautiful.” He agrees, hand finally letting go of yours and moving to your shoulder, “and you didn't have to stand at the line of death to see it.”
“So dramatic.” With an eye roll you turn to him. He appears calmer, with a smile playing on his lips as he keeps looking at the sky.
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“What?” he asks.
You're in his room now, sitting on the bed Yoongi just told you he had to buy a mattress for because he used to dorm at his last university and didn't own one. You make no promises of not spilling any of your slushie on it and he laughs, tells you he will not forgive you and both of you know it’s not true. 
Going back to your room isn't a priority right now, you're having a good time talking about random things and siping your sugary drinks with a big bag of chips between the two. You were nervous about his roommates because apparently they are older and that scares you for some reason, but he reassures you they are busy with their own thing and he can drive you back before they arrive.
“Nothing.” But your eyes are still on his lips, on the color they are tinted thanks to the red drinks, “do you like it?”
“Is not bad. I prefer blueberry, though.” 
“I think this one is better,” you said that before at the store when you stopped for gas, convincing him to try it.
“Of course you think so, you love cherry things. I'd not be surprised if your favorite color is red just because of it.”
“How do you know that?” is surprising he says it with such security.
“It is?”
“No. I mean, yes,” you backtrack, “but how do you know that I love cherry things? Did the matchmakers tell you that?”
“Mai and Hobi?
You nod, too curious of his answer you miss the way his eyes are following your lips as they wrap around the straw.
“No. But you always have cherry candy with you. You gave us cherry lollipops on tuesday. I asked you for gum the other day and you gave me cherry. Jungkook gets you cherry cola specifically, from the vending machine at our building. And,” he pauses his list, the corner of his lip curving up, “like four out of the five times we've kissed, you either test or smell like cherry. Or both.”
“Well,” you answer after a couple seconds of silence, “I'm conscious now.”
He laughs, and you drink again.
“Don't be. Is like… your touch.”
“Ew,” noise scrunched up, “I don't know if I want that. Am I going to be known as the cherry girl?”
Again he laughs, your horrified expression making it impossible not to. 
“Do I smell like it right now?” Bringing your arm to your nose, you try smelling your clothes. Then your hair. 
“Stop,” he asks, reaching to put strains of hair back into place. “You smell good. Forget I said anything.”
“No, I can't. Now it’s in my head.” You try smelling your other arm, almost spilling your drink.
“Okay,” he catches it in time, tilting your hand back completely upright, “that way you really are going to taste like cherry and leave a trace behind.” 
“Wait. Do I really taste like it? When you kiss me, does it bother you?” 
“Why are you freaking out about this?” And seeing your seriousness, he bites back his chuckles.
“Just answer the question.”
“Okay, okay. Let's see,” and before you can process it, his lips are on yours, and he hums. “Can’t tell.” And he goes in again, free hand to the back of your head to bring you forward, to really capture your lips with his.
Running his tongue over your bottom lip sends shivers through your body since it’s warmer, softer. And a small moan escapes your lips, separating them and letting his tongue in. 
You're scared to move. Not because of him. But because you have been wanting to kiss him since sitting down — heck, since this morning — but didn't know how. All this feels so complicated in your head, with rules you have to follow and what not, but in practice, he makes it look so much easier. 
Of course you can't pull him for a kiss in your friends’ house, that is too risky. But when he kisses you like this, it gives you confidence to at least ask him to do it whenever you're alone and feel like it.
Somehow your hand is on his neck, fingers running through the hair at his nape as your mouths keep their rhythm going. And you decide to take the risk, kneeling on the bed and moving closer to him. You separate for a second only to make sure you're not making a mess and he smiles at you, “give me that.” Sipping one last time at the slushie, you give it to him to be secured and abandoned on his nightstand, bag of chips moves next and now his hands are free to pull you into his lap by your waist.
“You haven't answered the question,” you tell him, hands cupping his face, “Or you just wanted to kiss me?”
“Stop stealing my lines.”
“Is that a no?” You pretend to pull back and his hold tightness.
“You want me to say it?” a nod is your answer, and is a bit surprising when he obeys. “Yes. I wanted to kiss you,” and he does, making his point clear. “And also yes, you test like cherry sometimes,” another peck, “is sweeter now, but not so much like when is from your candies,” his voice gets lower each time, practically a whisper, “and your lips look amazing tinted red, I want to kiss you every time.”
And you make it happen. Kissing him softer this time, setting your own peace. Yoongi goes with it at first, but those thoughts he doesn't share with you are hard to keep on track when your hips grind against his. Not helping with the situation in his jeans. 
His hands hold you firmly, stopping your movements, and his lips move faster, fighting for dominance. He wants you and you know it and it gives you the confidence to move again. At first it was involuntarily, your body's own reaction to him, but then you put force into it, mostly to go against his hold. He groans into your mouth, feeling it rumble against your chest. 
Pushing his shoulders back, Yoongi finally gives in and lets go of your hips in order to help himself up with an arm behind him, other hand on your thigh. His eyes travel from there to your chest, moving as fast as his with your breathing, to your face, bottom lip between your teeth and his tongue touches his own in the same place. You just sit there, looking at each other for a few seconds until his hand moves up your leg, dragging the fabric of the skirt along. But he stops mid way, going back down. He chuckles at your reaction of puffing air as a sign of deception, “what's that?”
Prying your eyes from his hand is difficult, but you look at his face, smirk in place as he moves again, fingertips glassing over soft skin. “I should make you do it too,” he teases, “make you tell me what you think and what you want.”
The idea is both terrifying and a turn on at the same time. You have never vocally asked for anything like that, but the tone of his voice, the raspiness, it intoxicates you so much you may be willing to try.
“But I'm not mean like you, baby.” In one swift movement his hand is up your leg again, grabbing your butt and making your skirt rail up, exposing more of your thigh and you gasp as he bucks his hips upward.
“I’m not mean,” you breathe. 
“No?” Head tilts to the side, that playful smile of his should be a crime. “Are you a good girl?”
“I hate you.”
“So we are dirty talking,” he nods and you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
It hasn't been long, but you really like what you guys have. Is easy. Without drama or feelings being hurt. And, being completely honest, the way he kisses you is enough to know you make the right decision.
Do you still believe in soulmates and want to meet yours and live happily ever after like all the love stories you have consumed throughout your life? Yes. But maybe your story can also include an arc of exploring your sexuality with someone who is just a friend. Someone who gets your jokes and trusts you too. Someone who kisses you sooo good it takes your breath away without having to be scared of the future and what-ifs. 
Someone whose fingertips brush the top of your inner thighs, so close to their goal, but nothing more because he is waiting for you. Although it’s hard because of the little sounds that keep flowing out of your throat as you start moving your hips on his lap, grinding on his hardening erection.
He is kissing your neck, sucking here and there but not hard enough to leave marks, and his other hand has made its way down your t-shirt, looking for that skin to skin contact, glad both of your guys' jackets were abandoned way before at his bedroom’s entrance. 
“Tell me to stop and I'll,” Yoongi reminds against your skin and you nod, the hand under your skirt finally moving from its place and you miss the warmth it provided. But his fingers reach for the waistband of your panties and your breath hatch a little as they move south, thumb brushing over your clothed pussy. “Fuck.” 
You moan. At the touch, at his reaction to feeling you're wet. And before you can feel conscious about it, he is rubbing circles over it. “Ahh…”
“So responsive,” he groans, “Does it feel good?” 
You nod, unable to form words as he pushes gently over on your center, making your body move towards him, looking for more. And he gives it to you by sneaking his hand under your panties, ring finger sliding between your folds, a groan of his own accompanying your whimpers as he truly feels how wet you're.
“F-fuck. You feel so soft,” Yoongi points out and it makes a shiver run down your body, while he keeps rubbing expertly, cupping your pussy when even without realizing your hips start moving again, looking for more friction.
“Y-yoongi,” you call, asking for more. 
For a second you think he doesn't get it because he takes his hand out, however is only to bring his ring and middle finger to his mouth, humming around them without breaking eye contact. Brown irises over taken by desire and you could've gotten lost on that look alone, but soon his hand goes back to its place between your legs, “Breathe,” he instructs, “tell me if it hurts.”
And it does, a little. Because you're not used to it and every touch is a bit overwhelming, all the same, he is gentle, one finger pushing in slowly and not all the way before going back. Your eyes close under his gaze, inspecting your reaction as he pushes in again, letting you get used to the feeling. 
“Is it good?” his lips go back to your neck, kissing his way up to your lips. 
“S-so good,” you smile against his mouth, “you can go on.”
And he moans against yours before adding another one, two digits inside you.
The thing about Yoongi is: he is a pleaser. He likes making his partners feel good and the way your lips part as he pushes into your pussy makes him weak. He knows that if you asked him to finger you all night he would, no questions asked.
But he also knows you don't have much time. That's why you are still sitting on his lap and not laying on his bed, and why he kept your clothes on even if is now regretting it.
His eyes travel down your body, to your hand in a fist with the fabric of your clothes. “Pull it up, doll.” Yoongi requests. “Your skirt. Let me see you.” 
You do, the carmine color on your cheeks even deeper as your sight is filled with his hand movements. 
“...so hot, taking my fingers so good.” He murmurs, hand on your lower back holding you in place as he picks up the peace. Feeling how your walls tighten around him every time he pushes in and his dick requests attention at the thought of fucking you properly. If only he had time.
“Fuck, fuck, fuc-” is your new mantra as his fingers move expertly, breaking into incohesive moans when they touch the bundle of muscle that makes you see stars. 
“I got you,” he says, “f-fuck, so pretty, baby.” Yoongi's voice is so gentle and still filled with lust as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, getting you closer and closer to the end. “C’mon, let me see you cum, y/n.”
And that's all you need, hear your name so out of breath, to practically hit your orgasm on command. Head tilted back and lip between your teeth to suppress any noises, ignoring the voice of reason in your head that tells you is a bit late for that.
When you open your eyes again Yoongi's fingers are back in his mouth, sucking yourself off of them, and even if you just reached your high, you can't help the way your pussy reacts to that.
Catching you staring, he winks at you. 
And before you can decide the next move, your ringtone fills the silence, almost making you jump out of his lap. He chuckles, “Careful,” freeing you from his hands as you reach for your phone.
“Yes?” You answer, free hand fixing your clothes and putting black strains in place, trying to shake the feeling of being caught.
“Hi. Sorry about the time, my flight got canceled and then the next one took hours and—” taking the phone away from your ear, you realize that in the heat of the moment you didn't even notice it was an unknown number and not one of the guys. You're about to say they probably got the wrong number but the person keeps talking and it feels rude to just cut them off. “...but I'll have to wait until tomorrow. So apparently you're the only one with a key now and they said you were here but I knocked and well, I don't know if you were sleeping or…?” 
It takes you a second to process they do want you to talk now. “Sorry. I don't think I'm who you're looking for.”
“Are you not y/n?”
“Yes…” you turn to Yoongi, confused expression matching yours. “Who are you?”
“Oh, shit. I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?” You nod even if it can't be seen through the phone, “I'm Subin. Your new roommate.”
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A/N: AAAAAAHHHHHH pls don't call Subin a cockblocker ㅠ^ㅠ even if she would call herself that if she knew hahah. A/N 2: ALSO, I decided to try something new with the format of showing the texting, so please tell me your opinion, do you like it as screenshots or prefer it to be typed down? or is the same either way? Send a tip on ko-fi?? ( Only if you can and don't feel pressured to do it! )
♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @nariee02 , @sexytholland , @itsmina29 , @ktownshizzle , @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d , @kimtaehussy .
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tavshortfortavern · 11 months
Tav is a worried healer and tends to their injuries
As a paladin and ex hellrider, this has probably happened a lot l. Except this time Tav was around to see.
Not used to the attention
Tries to wave away their concerns but nothing will stop them from scolding him
Hides it but his tail is moving a lot behind him. Prays they don't see or politely ignores it
Touch starved has a hard time focusing on anything else but staring at them, looking away emberassed when they look back at him
Pick him up and bring him somewhere safer, he'll melt in their arms and hide their face in his hands. Feels secure and safe for the first time in a long time
Will try to dissuade them but when Tav puts their foot down he'll agree to rest. Especially when their cuddling right next to him. Then he'll sleep for a whole day.
Is used to being the one to take care of his siblings. Not the other way around. Has had to do everything himself for a long time
So he wasn't taking Tav protecting and tending to his bruises well. Atleast on the surface
Keeps rebuffing them whenever they get like this but concedes eventually. He knows you have a protective streak
Also loves the attention but in denial. In general, if he doesn't get attention 24/7, will get bratty.
Will try to carry on like normal despite their injuries. Tav has to pick him up and set him down somewhere to rest with a bunch of blankets. Snaps and claws the whole time, demanding to be put down but is a mess inside.
Eventually settles down still grumbling and glaring. Dramatically turns away from them and pulls the blanket over himself, ignoring them.
When he wakes up and sees warm food and a glass of water next to his bed, there's an undeniable feeling of being taken care of that makes him tremble.
So remember that fight in Last Light Inn. Dammon could jump in and fight one of the monsters.
He had like 10 hp. One hit brought him down to half health. Tav was inside protecting Isobel when they finished off Marcus.
When they went outside and saw the state he was in, had a quick heart attack before jumping in. The monster went down in two attacks.
With the battle over Tav immediately setnout to tending to his wounds and scolding him at the same time. Not fatal but still serious.
More heated when seeing him injured or in danger. He's not a fighter like Zevlor or a caster like Rolan. Apologizes when he sees how distressed Tav was.
Is starry-eyed when Tav picks him up and carries them with ease.
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tighnarly · 1 year
Diluc and Children Head Canons
Trigger warning: Mention of compromising positions
Diluc would never admit that he wants kids.
But god the thought of filling you up and having little y/n halflings fills him with such joy.
One night you decide to mention that you want kids and while Diluc doesn't say much, that night he has you in several compromising positions to start the process and a month's worth of similar nights leads to you finding yourself pregnant.
You, knowing how bad Diluc really wanted kids despite his silence, know you have to tell him in a cute way. Unfortunately for you, Traveler and Paimon spy you purchasing a "world's best dad" shirt. If it was just Aether, you wouldn't have had a problem but we all know Paimon has a big mouth, she's speeding off to the bar faster than Aether can catch up to.
The minute Paimon tells him, Diluc is shutting down the Angel Share in celebration, claiming it a holiday and kicking everyone out and is rushing to meet you in excitement.
No one has ever seen him act this way. it even comes as a shock to you when you see him running at you in town and picking you right up swinging you around.
He's all over you, smothering you in kisses, a giant change from his usual lack of pda. You'd be a little let down that you didn't get to surprise him but you can't be too mad when he's the happiest you've ever seen him.
Every time you get pregnant Diluc is treating you like you're made of glass and you've never been more spoiled in your life. Before the baby is even in the oven for four months, you have everything you'll need for the first five years of the kid's life.
Diluc reminds you how beautiful you are carrying his kids or otherwise, he dotes on you constantly kissing every inch of you in appreciation and worship.
When the baby comes he's by your side holding your head, basically letting you crush it it with your grip. He's getting you ice chips and letting you curse him for the pain you're in. No matter the state you're in he still thinks you're the most beautiful creature to grace the planet.
Once you have the kid home, Diluc makes good on the best dad shirt.
He gets up at night to change them and rock them back asleep, soothes them, and does everything in his power to support you all financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
The minute your doctor clears you, Diluc is back at it again already wanting another baby.
It takes about 2 years for your next kid and it goes like that for all four of your kids.
Finally at four you tell him that you want to stop.
This makes him a little sad but he supports you above all else.
You and your kids never want for anything but Diluc and you still instill a great amount of work ethic and human decency in your kids, all of them have such joy and energy but they also have the manners and respect for others that make other parents jealous.
Eventually when they've grown you both start to feel empty nest syndrome and it gets to be too much to bare so you settle on adopting two more kids, siblings at the ages of 10 and fifteen.
They don't trust you both at first but eventually between the love you pour into them and the doting they get not only from the bot of you but from Kaeya and their older adopted children, you grow on them and they learn to love you.
Both your blood and adopted family blend together and you all love each other more than anything.
You and all your kids would do anything for each other and anything for DIluc.
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crucifiedfaerie · 11 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
A Very Quiet Life
A/N: this is an AU in which Elvis is your next door neighbor in the suburbs in the mid-late '60s. I have three parts completed and more in the works, so hang on for some chapters!
I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: The reader is a widow. That's about it. It's pretty fluffy, but don't worry. The smut is coming 😈
Song inspo:
Gif inspo (this is how I picture him in this one)
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The little house is perfect for your family of 3. You stand and look at it from where you've just gotten out of your car. The white siding and blue shutters are exactly what you wanted. You'll have to get a lawnmower, though, because the yard is already a little wild.
"Mama, can we get out and see?" Your 7-year-old daughter, Jane, calls from her place on the backseat. Your 5-year-old son, Michael, is knocking on the window. The sound of the kids pulls you out of your daydream about how many wonderful memories you'll make there together. You turn around and let them both out of the car. They run up to the front door and you decide to unload the car later. The movers have already gotten all the furniture and big boxes into the house. When you open the front door, you have a soft pang in your heart as you think of how your husband had carried you across the threshold at your old apartment. Now that he's gone, you'll have to carry yourself. You walk in and go to the kitchen to start unpacking. You're excited to make this into a home. This little house is your pride and joy. Between your husband's army death benefits and your part time job typing in an office, you were finally able to save up for the house. Now it's yours and you can't wait to live here and have a real future. Since your husband died, you feel like you've been in a holding pattern. However, it's been almost 4 years, and you're ready to live again.
As you unpack glasses into the cabinet, something catches your eye out the window over the sink. The window looks into your neighbor's front yard. It's beautifully manicured and you can see why. There's a man out there cutting the grass. A very attractive man, you think to yourself. His dark hair is wet with sweat and his white t-shirt sticks to his broad chest, revealing a manly and strong physique. When he pushes the mower, his muscles flex and the veins in his forearm are visible. His skin is tanned from working outside, probably on the lawn. You don't even notice you're biting your lower lip until he looks up in the direction of your window. You gasp and drop the glass you were holding in the sink.
Can he see you?
Thankfully, the glass doesn't break and you're able to pick it up quickly and go back to what you were doing. When you take a chance and look back out the window, you see that he's shaking his head and smiling, looking down at the mower. His smile almost takes your breath away. You wonder if he's smiling because he saw you or because of something else. Deciding it must be something else, you turn and go back to unpacking boxes in the kitchen. Your neighbor is a lucky woman.
You smooth Michael's hair and brush some crumbs off of his front. Then, you straighten Jane's hair ribbon.
"Now, remember to smile. We want our neighbors to like us." You coo to the children just before you knock on the front door of your neighbor's house. You've been in your new home for three days, so it seems like the right time to get to know the people around you. On your right is Mrs. Pottsboro, an older lady with several cats. She was very kind and appreciative of the cookies you brought. She also volunteered to watch the children if you need her to, which is an offer you won't forget. Directly across the street are the Walters, a family of five with kids around the same ages as yours. You enjoyed a nice conversation with them while the kids munched on cookies and ran around the yard. Now, you are at the house to your left. As you knock, you briefly remember the man you saw mowing the lawn. You've seen him a couple of times since then, getting the paper and watering the grass. You really need to meet his wife and put a stop to the things you've been thinking about him.
The door opens and it feels like a ton of bricks has landed in your stomach. It's him. After a few seconds of standing there smiling like an idiot, him trying to suppress a smirk, you clear your throat and speak.
"Hi! I'm y/f/n y/l/n and this is Jane and Michael." You touch the kids on their heads as you say their names. "We just moved in next door, so we wanted to stop by and say hello and give you these." You hold out a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
"Thank you. Why don't you all come on in?" His voice is warm and the southern accent makes it sound honey-smooth. You start to sweat a little, standing on the porch. He takes the plate of cookies and gestures for you all to come in. When you pass him, you catch a wave of his scent and it's warm and masculine, like his body seems to be. A part of you longs to smell it closer, but then reality slams into you like a freight train when his wife rounds the corner.
"Oh, hello!" She's petite and blonde, with her hair twisted into a tight bun.
"Beth, our new neighbors are here. They brought us cookies." He smiles warmly at you and holds the cookies up for her to see.
"That's so sweet! Unfortunately, we don't eat sugar." She grabs the plate and tries to hand it back to you. He intercepts it.
"She doesn't eat sugar. I do." She makes a tight-lipped smile, her eyes overly bright.
"Right. Well, thank you." She walks out of the room, leaving you and your kids with him. He bends down to be face-level with your kids.
"You guys want to help me eat these?" They both smile and nod their heads, taking a cookie from the plate that he holds out to them. He seems to be enlivened by their presence, asking them questions about the new house and their new school. They respond to him easily, comfortable with him instantly.
"Does your daddy like the new house?" He asks innocently, looking up at you.
"Oh--" you try to cut in, but Jane beats you to it.
"--our daddy is gone. He died a while back. It's just us now." His face changes to a look of deep sympathy.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Jane." He looks up at you but keeps talking like he's talking to her. "If you or your mama ever need a man to do anything around the house, you just let me know. I'm right next door." Michael jumps in.
"Mister, I'm the man of the house now. I can take care of mama and Jane."
"Of course!" He smiles. "I bet you do a great job, too. If you ever need a bigger man, you come get me, okay?" He does a little fake punch on Michael's chin. Michael nods in agreement.
"Yes sir, Mr...?"
"Presley. Elvis Presley. Pleased to meet you." He shakes Michael's hand and kisses Jane's lightly. You have to shake yourself a bit to remember that you should leave.
"Alright, kiddos, we've bothered Mr. Presley long enough. Let's go back home." You try to usher the kids toward the door. As you walk out, he turns to you.
"It's really no problem at all, ma'am. I like kids. And I'm serious, if you need anything, let me know." He winks and you almost melt into a puddle on his front porch.
"Thank you, Mr. Presley."
"Elvis, please."
"Thank you, Elvis." It feels strange to call him by his first name, but since he insists, you oblige. He closes the door behind you and you take the hands of both kids and walk back to your own house.
You're doing dishes a few days later, looking out at your crazy yard compared to your neighbors' perfect one. For a second, you consider asking Mr. Presley to come mow it for you. But you don't want to inconvenience him. He was so kind to you and the children when you were there. His wife wasn't much to smile at, being almost cold in her refusal to talk to them. To be honest, you've thought of inviting him over several times. You've even considered breaking something just to have him come fix it, but you also know how bizarre and wrong that would be. You finish the dishes, get the kids ready for school and head to your job at the office.
After work, you drive up to the house, excited for the hour of free time you have before you have to pick up the kids. To your surprise, most of the yard is mowed. You're trying to figure out how that happened when you spot him. It's Elvis. He's out there mowing your yard without even being asked. As you walk up to the door, he turns and waves to you. You mouth "thank you" and walk inside the front door. You need to do something to show him that you're thankful for what he's doing. In the kitchen, you whip up some sweet tea and pour two glasses. By the time you get them on a tray and to the front porch, he's finished mowing the lawn. He's sweating again, T-shirt tight on his shoulders.
"Would you like some tea?" You ask shyly.
"I would, ma'am, thank you." He walks up on the porch and takes the glass from the tray.
"You don't have to call me ma'am. You can call me y/n."
"Oh, well, thank you y/n." He smiles and you feel yourself tense up. He's standing close enough to you that you catch the earthy smell of his sweat mixed with deodorant or aftershave or something manly. It's intoxicating. He's intoxicating. He takes a deep swig of his tea and then looks at you.
"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" It seems like a strange request, since his house is so close, but you don't seem to be capable of telling him no. You lead him into the house to the small guest bath. When he comes out, he walks over to where you're standing in the kitchen, trying not to be too obvious about waiting for him.
"You didn't have to do that." You gesture to the yard.
"I know. But I wanted to. I was serious about you letting me know if you need any help." He smiles warmly.
"Kids still at school?" He looks around the house, seeming almost disappointed that they aren't there.
"Yes. I'll pick them up soon. I just come home a bit early to have an hour of quiet before I go get them." He nods and you suddenly realize that you're alone with him in your house. Your mind goes wild with daydreams of him laying you down on the couch and having his way with you.
"Well, thank you for the tea. I should be getting back." You nod and head for the door.
Before you can get there though, you feel a hand on your wrist. You look up into his face for half a second before he presses his lips against yours. You should pull away. You should stop him. But you don't. Instead you go limp and let him wrap his arms around your waist. The kiss is a sweet one, with no tongue or anything. He just holds you there with his mouth pushed into yours. When he finally pulls back, you feel like a rag doll in his arms. You desperately want him to keep kissing you, but he doesn't. Instead, he unravels his arms from around you and heads for the door. He mumbles a quick apology and disappears before you can say anything else.
You haven't felt this alive in years.
Chapter 2 coming soon!
Taglist: @itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101
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sinning-23 · 21 days
Unique(Soft/Odd AOT Headcannons)
Uhhh so i finally finished AOT and that ending absolutely wrecked me and I cant stop thinking about it sweet jesus. So, here are some nice lil headcannons to fix my soul lmao. ALSO if you have sent anything through my ask box please know it is in the works and most of them are just incomplete drafts! Thank you for your patience! Anyway,
-Eren gets sick surprisingly often. It's very odd. You'd think he would be immune to shit like that but it's not very often he's not somewhat 'sick'
-Like, he always has congestion,and when it clears up its only for a week or two before its back to square one.
-He has three birthmarks on his lower back and they look like the little shocked emoticon
-He can touch his tongue tot he tip of his nose.
- When Eren gets flustered you can see it on his knuckles and the back of his neck.
-Eren is double jointed
-Armin had reading glasses he keeps in a case in his pocket at all times.
-Armins eyes look almost clear when you look at them in the right angle/amout of sunlight
-He has a very pretty singing voice, and he does it only when he's very deeply focused on something.
-He has very pretty hand writting, in fact a lot of his comrades ask for him to write things down for them because its so neat.
-He has very soft and slender hands and his fingertips get red when he's cold
-Armins hair actually has a bit of a curl to it but it flattens in the heat
-Hes very good with plants/gardening
-Picked up embroidering and will occasionally dabble, reminds her of her mom
-Mikasa has a very high body temperature, she is never cold and just constantly warm, she tends to have sweaty palms as well
-Very rarely will you be able to see Mikasa's pupils because her eyes are so dark and her pupils are always very dilated.
-She smells faitly sweet. Always has, can't pinpoint exactly why but it is definitely a thing she has noticed.
-Mikasa has a few grey hairs, there are about 4-5 and are spaced out in her hair but when you find one its not hard to miss because of the contrast.
-She really fucking likes bread...like a lot.
-Has pretty poor balance. He is always mis-stepping or leaning, its like his equilibrium is off.
-Doesn't really like his facial hair but doesn't go out of his way to trim it, can never seem to find the time or motivation
-Reiners hands are very large, like very wide. There's a lot of things that look a lot smaller in his hands compared to everyone else.
-Lactose intolerant
-Reiner often gets the chills/goosebumps
-Is kinda embarassed about his big his but is...like sometimes he struggles to get his pants up and has to jump to get them on.
-Will forget to duck down before he goes into a room and will his his forehead on the door frame
-He scars really easily and his knees are very dark because he would skin them a lot as a kid
-He's awar of how tall he is but he's very good at hiding in smaller spaces. If there's a sliver to a crack to slide between he can do it no problem.
-Bertold chooses to stay quiet most the timebecasuse he can be very mean in his head, and he doest like making others feel bad despite his innermost thoughts being very rude/blunt.
-Is a lot stronger than he lets on, carrying certain things is no problem for him and its a little off-putting
-She is an avid sleep talker
-Annie thinks her best feature is her hair and nose
-Her back will often lock up on her but she had trianed herself ot get used to the shooting pain. No she wont tell anyone about it
-Annie has a comfort hoodie and she gets a lot more anxious if she doesn't have it on her person in some way, shape, or form
-She bites her fingernails to nubs
-Annie has really dry skin and hates the sensation of lotion so she just, won't use any.
-fluent in pig latin
-Connie snorts when he laughs
-He gets really motion sick so he doesn't like to do any like extra tricks n shit when he's in the odm gear.
-Connie is actually pretty flexable and can fold all the way in half
-He's really good with horses and other kinds of livestock. He is so skilled in fact that he can ride most horses without a saddle
-He can dislocate his shoulder and has used to to prank Jean and Sasha many times. He thinks its hilarious.
-No one brings it up but Jean has an accent. It’s faint but it’s there, especially when he’s feeling a strong emotion.
-He was really ducking chunky as a baby. Like….he had little rolls and it was adorable.
-Jean is asthmatic
-He can draw really well, in his free time he sketches.
-He really likes cookies.
-Jean is bilugual, he only really mumbles stuff under his breath and wont tell you when he said.
-She cries a lot. She can’t help it, a lot of stuff just makes her emotional.
-She once grew her hair past her but and did the big chop before she enlisted. Yes she misses it sometimes.
-Sasha can’t walk in heels.
-She is a bit of a klepto…and she really can’t help it, sometimes she doesn’t even know she’s doing it until she’s long gone from the place she took the item from
-Sasha still has her baby blanket in perfect condition as well.
-Sasha can’t swim.
-He is a ya bit insecure about his eyebrows
He cracks his knuckles a lot and Levi hates it. He cannot stand the sound and will stare him down when he cracks them
-Needs glasses from time to time when reading
-Erwin had a surprising deep voice as a child.
-He has a little bit of a sweet tooth
-Keeps emergency money in his shoe( a tip from his dad that he always uses)
-Levi can hold his breathe for about a minute
-He has amazing peripheral vision. Its almost impossible to sneak up on him he is always looking and can just see things around him very clearly.
-Levi can write in cursive and has pretty handwriting like Armin. But he won’t help anyone write anything.
-Levi always makes sure his nails are neat. He can't stand dirty fingernails.
-He has grey hairs like Mikasa does
-Hanji always smells like chemicals.
-Hanji is actually blind as a bat and needs glasses prescription updates very often
-They almost always know when someone is being dishonest. It's like a sixth sense
-Hanji has an older brother but they don’t talk or keep in contact anymore.
-Hanji had a collection of teeth. Key word had. (Levi had something to do with it)
-They can see a broader spectrum of color and no one believes them!
Authors Note: I haven't written for AOT in forever so this was a nice little treat for myself. I literally grew up watching AOT, it is a comfort show and a staple of my childhood lol.
On another note, KINKTOBER is fast approaching so I will be mainly focusing on trying to get those fics whipped up before next month! I also turn 21 next month so I'm busy party planning and getting ready to absolutely destroy my liver lol. Anyway love you sinners! See ya next post! <3
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shiroganeryo · 1 year
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So... I may or may have not made a Dazatsu lovechild a while ago 💦 Decided to show her to the world after seeing some discourse on the neighboring site today 😅
I took inspiration from Yūko Tsushima, Osamu Dazai's daughter and novelist! Her ability is Child of Fortune.
A lot about her is still a WIP, but please check under the read more cut if you're interested in knowing more about her (and also see me exposing myself with the delirious idea that brought her into being)!
Feat. married Dazatsu, which is always good; but this post is looong.
So, how did this happen?
I'm very weak and give lovechildren to my ships often. I was thinking about how cute would be a child of theirs and conveniently found out about Dazai's daughter, who also was a novelist and everything simply fell into place effortlessly.
The actual backstory
Yūko is a byproduct of the Book. The text written into it desired a strong ability that could be easily manipulated to come into being. However, since the Book follows a certain logic, such ability manifested as a singularity; key traits of two abilities it considered powerful if combined merged and came into being as an infant's.
Still following the Book's logic, this weak, vulnerable being appeared in the vicinity of the ones who would protect it from harm.
And now the "serious" part is out of the way, imagine Dazai randomly getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and finding a sleeping cat that had broken into their home.
...Except when he touches it to put it back outside, it turns into a child.
This is a case of "instructions too vague, gave a random couple a child" lmao
What happens from there
What else would Dazai do if not wake Atsushi up, who at first doesn't understand why all that fuss just because of a cat that broke in until he sees it for himself. Both are extremely confused.
Then what else would they do if not resort to Kyouka next door because they're at a loss and need a female's feedback here. She's immediately smitten but Atsushi keeps reminding her they can't just keep her like a lost kitten, they need to find her parents.
This results in them deciding to take her to the Agency, they're detectives after all. The three of them walk in, Dazai with the girl in his arms (to prevent her from activating her ability and running off), Atsushi carrying a bag with the improvised provisions they had arranged, and Kyouka with the straightest face ever.
Everyone looks at them in confusion. Ranpo instantly knows what's up. Atsushi says he would love to say they can explain but he honestly has no idea whatsoever.
They tell the others what happened and since Ranpo likes to make things more amusing, he remarks on how similar she looks to both Dazai and Atsushi in appearance, and that her ability also resembles Atsushi's weretiger features. Dazai instantly picks up on the hints.
Kunikida is hellbent on finding the girl's parents before anything else, but Dazai suggests running a DNA test to test a theory of his. Kunikida resists a little because there's just no way you're implying what you're implying, but Dazai insists for the sake of ruling out possibilities.
It's a perfect match with both him and Atsushi.
The next steps
Apparently, they're her parents now. She needs registration documents and whatnot; Ango takes care of the bureaucracies and necessary paperwork to make this happen more smoothly because this is by no means your everyday occurrence, she must be properly recorded in the Special Division's files.
Since Dazai and Atsushi are married, this means they're also both her legal guardians. For safety's sake, her surname is registered as Tsushima (津島) instead of Nakajima (中島) to make her a little harder to track because there's definitely something up with that (or so Dazai thinks, which he tells Ango).
To help cover her identity better, she's also accepted into the Agency as an employee (she went through an entrance exam and all) of sorts, so Fukuzawa's ability takes effect on her. The ID card on her lanyard is her official detective ID.
Currently, she's learning how to read and write and undergoing training to better control her ability.
Yūko's ability was dubbed Child of Fortune (寵児, Chōji); it's still under observation to determine the full potential of her skills. So far, it's known that much like Atsushi, she's able of transforming fully into a tiger (except it's a tiger cub) or partially, into a weretiger. She supposedly has restoration skills, but they're still not fully developed.
Exceptionally strong claws.
She also has a powerful bite, observed to neutralize the effect of other abilities with the only exception being No Longer Human. The bite leaves a mark that renders the affected person unable of using their ability for a set time.
Some trivia
Since Yūko can't heal herself properly yet, her injuries are kept bandaged. Usually seen on the wrists or ankles. I left this detail to match Dazai's bandages, as a visual representation of the young age the irl author lost her father to suicide.
The reason why her left hand is bandaged in the second drawing though, is because she punched a classmate who was bullying her; she didn't mind the offenses until it sounded like they were badmouthing Atsushi and GOD FORBID she hears anyone say anything bad about any of her dads.
It's fine btw, they're best friends now. Dazai actually talked to the kid and they apologized after that; Yūko only apologized because Atsushi told her to.
I need you to imagine them being called to the school because Yūko got into a fight and Atsushi becoming disconcerted after learning the reason behind it from their daughter while Dazai tried very hard not to laugh because it would upset Atsushi but he was a little too proud of Yūko (defend your cinnamon roll dad!)
She's very easy to deal with, a very calm and obedient child despite having a strong, assertive personality. When she's not in school, she's hanging out in the Agency; she stays in the lounge area of the office and spends her time drawing or trying to write words. Both Atsushi and Dazai take turns checking on her.
Like any child, Yūko has a lot of energy and may tire out her parents, especially if she decides to activate her ability; she outsped Atsushi once and since then they're both surprised and terrified. She always falls for Dazai's trap of calling her by saying "pspsps" with a smile though and fails to understand why she turns back to normal every time.
Her training isn't just to teach her how to control her ability better, but also to teach her how to use it responsibly. Sometimes it looks a lot like gym classes tbh.
Yes, tiger Atsushi does carry tiger cub Yūko around in his mouth and gives her baths.
Yes, Dazai does whine there's yet another cat in his immediate family circle that he can't pet.
And if you read until here, I wish you a wonderful day, please know that I love you and am sending good things vibes your way 🫶
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spritesitrus · 2 months
I want to talk about my Iggy hcs so I will >:]
As he became a captain in Bowser's army, he's gotten really interested in inventing and creates many gadgets and weapons to use for combat.
Was originally inspired to invent because of Ludwig. When they were kids, Ludwig had made a little toy Mechakoopa for him and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. Later on, Iggy finds the blueprints for it and invents a more complete version that breathes fire. It surprisingly didn't cause as much damage as you would think.
Modified his wand so it could shift into various weapons. He has to spin his wand to activate the process to get it to shift.
He has extensive knowledge on weapons and had to learn and practice a lot on how to use different kinds in order to incorporate it into his fighting style.
He also uses weapons that usually emit electricity as well.
Most people think since he's always inventing gadgets to use, that he modified his glasses to have a bunch of different functions in them but they're just normal glasses. His reason being: "People want to punch me in the face too much to risk it."
He can draw and design weapons in graphic detail but when he’s actually drawing anything else it looks like chicken scratch. He writes in all caps and it's basically unreadable since he writes so fast.
He adopted his first Chain Chomp, Fred when he was 15. Over the years, he now owns 5 Chain Chomps altogether. Fred is the oldest and smallest of the group and is about the size of a yoga ball. Usually, if Iggy isn't able to be around to take care of them, Morton is the one who does.
He usually likes giving people nicknames, and finds it funny if the person particularly doesn’t like the one he gives them.
Mostly impartial for most things but has very strong food opinions and is probably the only hill he will die the hardest on when arguing. He hates pineapple on pizza and will hate it to the bitter end.
He laughs a lot whenever he speaks even if nothing is particularly funny. He also likes to make random sounds and hums to himself from time to time.
Used to hate eye contact as a kid. His eyes are quite unnerving to look at and it would usually scare people away from him. Even so, eye contact is very important for him to begin to trust somebody since it's the only way he can tell if someone is comfortable being around him.
He hates it when people think because of his joking manner that he usually has no clue of what's going on and doesn't take things seriously because of it. Can't a Koopa have some whimsy in his life?
He's taken up gardening because of Kamek and keeps plants in his workshop. He's also given all his siblings a plant he thinks that best fits them and one that he knows they can take care of. Everyone does their best to care of their plants!
His room is surprisingly very tidy but it's only because he's always sleeping in his workshop. The only time he'll be sleeping in his room is if one of his siblings had caught him sleeping in his workshop and scolded him to go sleep in his actual room. (No one is going to bother carrying him back. That man is 6’5 and it will be like picking up a long wet noodle).
Can't dance for shit, like he literally has no rhythm. The only move he knows is the floss and it took the gang forever to teach him how in the first place.
His fav music genres are EDM, techno, dubstep, and really just anything with a fast beat. Mostly listens to instrumentals. Also unironically listens to atrocious mixes. Like music that sounds like this (warning for the 2nd link is loud). It just leaves everyone flabbergasted.
He's become friends with Harriet when Bowser had his failed wedding on the moon, and the Koopalings had to come and get him afterwards. Both are total geeks in weaponry so they immediately clicked. Harriet is so energetic that even someone as energetic as Iggy gets worn out by her at times. Even so, the two match each other's energy in how much trouble they like causing so it’s never anything that’s actually a problem. He also gets along with Madame Broode being fellow Chain Chomp owners.
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ozzy-boy · 4 months
Scale, Volks and Cole with drunk mc?
Also I love your works ♥️
thank you ~ for the sake of simplicity lets also just pretend like scale and cole are old enough to drink in the US ok ok
-Sometimes his assassin work parties will have sake but he has a horrible tolerance so he normally abstains and doesn't drink much.
-He gets a little too drunk at a work party and nearly breaks his nose trying to do a backflip ONE TIME and suddenly he's banned from drinking 🙄
-He supposes that he'll still go to this party with you, though... He doesn't want someone messing with you, after all.
-You hold his hand the whole time, pulling him along though the house. He feels kind of lame for just following you around all night but he doesn't know anyone else.
-So awkward and out of place in social settings. He's mostly used to hanging out with other assassins and not, like, normal people.
-He feels even more out of place a few hours later when you're drunk as fuck, half sitting in his lap and laughing your ass off at a joke he didn't understand.
-He carries you on his back the whole way home, your shoes in one hand and bag in the other, all while you drunkenly ramble about how strong he is.
-Despite how out of place he felt, he likes to take care of you so at the end of the day he doesn't mind. Plus it's pretty freakin' cute how much you bragged about him to your friends while hammered.
-Not a fan of drinking, so chances are he's gonna get stuck as DD. Not that it really bothers him.
-If you're a flirty/handsy drunk he's gonna lose his mind a little bit. Soooo flustered.
-He comes to pick you up from a night out with your friends and you practically attack him with messy kisses and hugs, loudly thanking him for being the best boyfriend in the world.
-He's so embarrassed about such blatant affection in public around other people but he just puts an arm around your waist and half-carries half-drags you back home.
-You're rambling the whole time but your words are so slurred and jumbled that he can barely understand you so he just goes "Mhm." every once in a while and you seem content with that.
-He's so sweet and caring tho... Takes your makeup off for you, gets you changed into comfy pajamas, and makes you take painkillers and drink tons of water to help your hangover <3
-And he only complains a little bit! And if that doesn't show that he loves you then I don't know what does.
-He's also not much of a drinker. He appreciates a nice wine, but he doesn't really drink to get drunk.
-(He's fucked up enough as it is he doesn't need alcohol making him worse.)
-Thinks you're so fucking cute when inebriated. There's something so endearing about the vulnerability. Whenever you drink he can't help but continue to slide you a new full glass whenever yours gets a little low.
-He'll sit there with a big grin on his face when you tell a story, your words slurred and voice slightly too loud without you realizing.
-The other patrons of this nice restaurant are probably annoyed at you two but Cole couldn't care less. You look amazing in the candlelight and the two of you are having a great time.
-Has to remind himself to be gentlemanly. Although if he sneaks a few extra kisses and squeezes when you're drunk and pliable then please don't hold it against him.
-He'll be so sweet when you've got a hangover the next morning though I promise.
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peachipeachy · 6 months
cool with you ☆彡 - ch. 02
(gojo satoru x fem!cupid!reader) based on the "cool with you" m/v by new jeans.
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warnings; mentions of bow and arrows, use of (y/n), high school era gojo, mild swearing, mad denial on reader's end lol, and apologies for the inaccuracies regarding any geographical information about japan :,)
(this originally was a big big honker of a chapter sobsobsob but i split it into two lol,,, also if anyone would like to be tagged or anything, feel free to let me know)
word count; approx. 1.7k.
act i; accismus.
n. a form of irony in which a person feigns indifference to or pretends to refuse something he or she desires.
(where a cupid refuses to acknowledge her growing affection for the earth's strongest sorcerer.)
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"i always see you. you're very eye-catching,"
what the hell had gone through her head?! she was losing her mind! she had to be!
(y/n), back atop some random kyoto rooftop and currently mentally kicking herself, had stood behind that tree trunk for almost another hour - remaining still long past satoru and suguru had left. this encounter with her human was too close for comfort.
as her eyes skimmed the streets below, watching the few humans outside during this hour, her mind carried her back to him and her cheeks grew hot. her human. he was, oh, so beautiful. so much prettier up close. from their distance, she had noticed that his eyelashes were the same colour as his hair, a delicate, fluttering white that perfectly highlighted the sparkling blue ocean of his eyes. not only that, his face looked hand-sculpted like the king of kings had commissioned his best artist to create him. simply put, he was gorgeous - enchanting.
he almost looked as cupid as she did - maybe even more so, in her opinion.
cold, night wind smashed her face and pulled at her hair, thrusting (y/n) back into reality. the reality where she was a cupid and he was a human. a simple, normal and unremarkable human. yes. that's exactly what she was, and what he is, and this is how they will stay. moving as parallel lines until an arrow needs to be fired.
(y/n) recalled how his eyes had almost met hers, his long legs moving in her direction before she had panicked and shot at him. granted, she missed. but hey, at least she gave back his glasses, right? that was her only objective anyways. no other reason..
however, she couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if she did hit him, would the spell of cupid still work if she was the only being in his line of sight? is that even possible? could a cupid ever fall in love with a human? moreover, could a human even love a cupid?
(y/n) shoved her face into her hands, a loud, frustrated groan leaving her. what the hell was all "love" talk even about? she couldn't care less about this...this...man? (y/n) groaned again.
all this time spent thinking about him when she doesn't even know his name.
"so...what you're saying is...someone shot an arrow at you and had attached your missing pair of sunglasses to it?"
sitting in the tight squeeze that was gojo satoru's jujutsu high dorm room, shoko stares at him, unamused and unbelieving of his absurd story.
"yes! how else would i have these glasses back!" satoru whined, waving his returned pair in shoko's face.
her expression remained still, looking over at suguru for confirmation. "and you believe this bullshit?"
suguru chuckles, giving a nonchalant shrug, "i like to humour him,"
"do you at least have any proof?" satoru pushed his sunglasses closer to shoko's scowling face, shoving his hand away, "no, you idiot! like the arrow or something!"
satoru scratched the back of his neck nervously, a 'you're-totally-not-gonna-believe-this' smile on his face, "you know, the funny thing is...it kind of...like, disappearedintothinair!"
the pair deadpanned.
"it what?"
"it disappeared, okay!" he whined, sulking like a toddler, "it's like, it disintegrated the moment i picked it up...!"
shoko shot a knowing look at suguru.
"hey! i'm being serious, guys!" satoru deflated, pouting harder as four incredulous eyes stared back at him. "i swear to god...it had something to do with that girl again...!"
"this girl? again?" shoko groaned, "i already told you, satoru - you should sleep more because your dumbass is probably hallucinating,"
"i mean, shoko isn't wrong," suguru added, ignoring satoru's humorously offended expression, "anytime you tell us she's around, there's literally no one there,"
"that's the thing...i don't think anyone can see her..."
his fellow second-years perked up.
"what? like she's invisible or something?"
"i dunno..." satoru muttered, eyebrows furrowed, "i think it might have something to do with my six eyes..."
suguru piped up, "you think she's, like, some kind of humanoid cursed spirit?"
satoru sighed, thinking back on all the times he's seen her - watched her around the city. she certainly didn't give off any kind of cursed energy...not that he was technically thinking of that when he caught glimpses of her. its not his fault! he's still a teenager, and he can't help but stare when a pretty girl---
"if she is, then she must be pretty strong considering none of us can see or even sense her right?" shoko's addition brought satoru back into the conversation, "maybe she'll appear in our next mission or somethi--"
"no!" two pairs of surprised eyes fell on him, he cleared his throat, "i mean...she didn't give off any kind of cursed energy. like at all,"
"well, that has to be impossible," suguru furrowed his eyes too, "all humans possess some amount of cursed energy, significant or not,"
shoko studied satoru's behaviour as he spoke, "well, to be completely honest...i don't really think she is,"
"well," she started, knowing eyes on him, "while you were doing all this thinking about whether she is human, or spirit or whatever, did you think to ask her?"
satoru shrunk into himself, uncharacteristically sheepish.
as the weekend rolled around, instead of using his time to practice and be a diligent jujutsu high student, satoru found himself roaming the streets of kyoto looking for a specific set of (e/c) eyes framed by (h/c) hair. his search took him everywhere - from neighbourhoods to schools, to shopping centres, and finally, to a bench on the edge of a park-side river. satoru took the finishing bite from his ice cream and contemplated where girls would hang out. why can't he see or even sense her around? he's literally the strongest!
letting his glasses fall to the tip of his nose, he sighed. "if i were a girl, where would i go---!!"
satoru's nonsensical muttering is cut short by the sight of a familiar figure, standing in the middle of the bridge running over the water. despite the handful of people crossing behind her, not one seems to notice the still girl, passing around her even as she blocks their path. satoru's mood brightens - now's his chance!
before his brain could even send a message, his legs moved quickly, dodging other park-goers and bringing him to her side in an instant. though they stood together, she didn't seem to note his presence.
"hey," he starts.
the people surrounding them turn to him in surprise, yet his mystery girl doesn't budge.
"hey! you! (h/c)-haired girl!" he tries again, moving closer.
(y/n) keeps her eyes still, stiffening subtly, watching his pretty face move closer to her.
ignoring each one of his attempts to get her attention, she sets her eyes on the parkland horizon, trying her absolute hardest to focus on any pending bonds around. she breathes in and out.
find bond, assign target, grab bow, assume position, nock arrow, draw the bow, aim precisely and fire. wait, scout, repeat. that's her job. find bond, assign target, grab bow, assume position, nock arrow, draw the bow, aim and fire--
her attention is soon interrupted by a pair of large, warm palms on her shoulders, spinning her body to his, and big, curious eyes aligned with hers.
"c'mon!! are you really gonna act like i'm not here?" his whining voice forces her mind to a stop.
"so you do speak!" a grin breaks out on the boy's face, "c'mon talk to me, what's your deal?"
(y/n)'s brain finally catches up with her, and she straightens up, regaining her composure. and totally no longer distracted by his warmth or proximity. in a few blinks, she remembers where she was standing; on a bridge. in a park. with crowds, and crowds of people. she scans her environment and just as she thought, the hoards of people were staring. at him, specifically. she grimaces - right, they can't see her. unless she directly talks to the entire crowd, they'll continue to think this white-haired boy is insane, and talking to air.
her world spins again as he shakes her shoulders, attempting to regain her attention.
"you really like ignoring me, huh," the boy pouts.
(y/n)'s face feels uncharacteristically hot. she meets his eyes again and feels like her pulse is beating so fast she might explode.
"talk to me, dove, please," his voice is a lot softer this time, and (y/n) cannot take it anymore.
with a sudden burst of energy (and slight sensibility), she pushes her hands against his chest and pulls out of his hold. before he could even react, she turns her back to him and begins to walk.
this is good. this is what she's supposed to do. this way she's doing what's right, and he no longer looks insane. yes. good work, (y/n)--
"wait! at least say something! i can't let suguru know that a pretty girl ignored me...!"
(y/n) pauses. he continues.
"we don't even have to talk a bunch! you could just tell me your name or something!"
she turns her face to him, "stop talking to me. you look crazy,"
his expression brightens and she pushes down the warm way it makes her feel.
"wait! at least let me ask you a couple of questions! please?" he begs, though she sees it more as a whine.
she weighs her options. technically, there are no rules against talking to the humans. sure, it was mildly discouraged, but it's not like it's actually forbidden. and it isn't like she doesn't want to talk to him. in fact, she is incredibly, incredibly keen to.
(y/n) had made her decision.
looking around at all the bystanders, staring at her human like he was crazy, she let out a huff. she spins in his direction, taking hold of his uniformed sleeve and drags him off with her.
"follow me,"
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a/n: lololol okay pls bear with me yall this worldbuilding shit is kinda hard... :( anyways i hope you enjoyed! thank you again!!!
taglist; @satoruontopofme
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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REEEEEEQUEST. Slighr angst but its just fluff mostly
"If the Mandela Boys found you injured"
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"Cesar Toress"
So background
You accidentally broke your arm while doing ( Insert physical activity ) and have to wear a cast
Obviously, Cesar noticed and asked whats up
You explained everything and he felt so fucking bad
He treats you like your about to die
I mean in his eyes you are fragile so-
Hes sooo much more gentle. Like 20% more gentle
And thats saying something knowing how gentle and soft he is
Will, not can, WILL help with carrying things
Like he would rather pain his back then make you suffer even more
If you complain about the cast, he will always be there to remember you that its only temporary
Hes like a mom...like his mom-
He just needs to make sure your okay
Cesar will make the living area more suited for you and your arm
If your dominate arm is broken, expect Cesar to become your dominate arm
Even if your left handed
Once its time for the cast to come off, he insists on coming with you
Hes there to make sure your not uncomfortable and that you can rely on him to comfort you
After wards, Cesar will take you and him out for ice cream as a mini reward for getting through these times
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"Mark Heathcliff"
You and Mark were cleaning his place. You were in his upstairs attic. You were stepping backwards to get away from something when you
You fell through the entry hole and fell hard on the ground
Yea Mark put everything down to come get you
You didn't get super injured, just your head and back hurt like shit
He immediately started to panic and thought you needed serious medical care
In reality, you really didnt. The fall wasn't that serious and really it was only a few feet above the ground
Not saying it didn't hurt, but it wasn't dire
But Mr Heathcliff doesn't care because he also thinks your dying and your ribs broke to make a horrible xylophone
He instantly lays you on his bed, sobbing out of pure panic
You tried to calm him down by saying your actually okay and that you aren't seriously injured
Hes still not convinced
"I can't just go back to cleaning because you said your okay! Are you crazy?!"
Doesn't matter what you say, your not cleaning anymore
He will do everything while you lay down in his bed and watch shows
Deadass. Gave you the remove and said "Watch whatever you want. I'll finish out work"
Honestly hes like Cesar but a lil more s p i c e
He ended up joining you after he was done with cleaning and cuddled you
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"Adam Murray"
You and Adam were both trying to look for something in the trunk of the car
That was when you hand unknowingly grabbed a pocket knife that someone forgot to cover
So basically you cut your hand
You yelped in pain and shock, confusing and scaring Adam
He took one look at you grasping your hand and knew instantly something happened
He made you open your hand and he just saw blood
Adam instantly freaked out and went to grab his water bottle and hand sanitizer
He made sure your hand was thoroughly cleaned. Like really clean.
After that he put a little bit of hand sanitizer on the cut. Yes it stings but its helpful
He tries to distract you from the pain by talking to you
"Just listen to my voice, baby. Okay? Just listen to me and don't pay any attention to anything else besides me and my voice"
Once your all clean and taken care of, he tries to find the knife
Don't worry, hes being careful
He ends up finding it, finding blood dripping on the side
He cleaned it off and puts it away correctly
He kisses your cheek once its all been done
Hes super apologetic and he tries to make it up to you
Mhmmph...A is for apologetic adam...
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"Jonah Marshall"
Background time abbeyyy
You and Jonah were doing a mission in a home
You were on the ground setting up a camera when Jonahs arm moved a vase and it crashed on your head, causing it to shatter
He instantly swooped in to make sure your okay
He checks your scalp, your skin, face, whatever could of been hurt
If any glass did cut your skin, he will instantly pick you up and take you to the bathroom to clean you up
He cleans up the glass after he takes care of you
Jonahs motto is take care of important things first yknow
He is much more careful when working
He doesn't exhile you to a bed or something
It is your choice whether or not to continue working or not
If so, cool more help
If no, that's also cool
If he really needs help, he'll call up Adam
He just makes sure that your not in dire need of a hospital
But if you do need a hospital trip, like let's just say glass fell in your eye or somthin
That mf stops whatever he's doing and drives to a nearest hospital
Yes he's putting himself at risk to be caught, but he disguises himself best he can cause he's going in with you
Emotional support an all that
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zarvasace · 1 month
In your experiment au who is the head of that shady corporation? Ganondorf? Demise? Someone else?
Hmmm how about this
Time, at the moment, does not have the strength or leverage he's used to having. This is probably the youngest he's been so far, though it isn't much younger than the last time—six or seven, maybe. Honestly, he's been surprised that the researchers haven't tried to monitor his entire reaging process yet, so it isn't too strange to him that he gets pulled out the day after another edit.
They don't go to the labs, though, and Time remembers with discomfort the last time someone had been led to the nicer, corporate parts of the building. Hyrule hadn't liked talking about it, and nobody had liked hearing about it.
Time has a brief thought that it would be easy to run away as a child, seeing as he's small and can duck under most adults' grips. His size also means he's slower, though, and easier to pick up and immobilize entirely. Still, it's a thought. Perhaps he can leverage it.
The singular guard keeps a tight grip around one of his tiny arms and takes him to an elevator. They go up, though Time's too short to see the buttons and know how many floors they ascend.
The building smells like cleaner and leather up here. Wide picture windows look out high above the outskirts of the sunny city, which is more information than Time had had before. He knows roughly where this building is, now. There are vinyl chairs and real plants in the corners, though Time doesn't get a good look before he's pulled along faster than his legs can carry him. It doesn't help that these clothes are way too big, either. The smallest size they have is even too big for Four. The handler leading the guard and Time speaks to a secretary, who watches Time through high-end glasses before waving them on.
In contrast to the lobby area, this office is dark, the windows shaded by long blue curtains. The desk is cluttered, without a name plaque, and bookshelves line the walls.
The guard sits Time on a chair across from the desk, then retreats. Time's feet barely dangle over the edge of the chair. He sits back and crosses his arms.
The man on the other side of the desk looks at him with yellowed eyes and deep-set features. "Yes, you're very intimidating."
Time doesn't answer.
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Winter heart
Gojo Satoru x Reader
Sometimes you catch Satoru looking wistfully at Megumi when he thinks no one can see.
Of course, he doesn't mind you watching. You're different, in his mind. If he was forced to explain it he'd just say you were different like Megumi and Shoko and Tsumiki and Suguru were are different.
He'd say it with a sing-song cadence and an imperfect understanding of how fragile most of you are.
You've come to find out that Satoru is really good at lying, like scary good. He'd told lies in school, white lies and untruths for the purpose of mischief. People's misconceptions are easy to manipulate, he'd told you once, under cover of a sea of stars, voice dull. It's not lying if they're the ones making up things that aren't true.
He might tell anyone who asks that he's raising the Fushiguro siblings like one might raise a particularly willful and onerous pet, or as a bargaining chip with the Zen'in.
He never says that in front of the kids themselves, and you've told both Megumi and Tsumiki that there are things they might hear, which people will try and use to hurt them someday.
You can see in Tsumiki's eyes that she understands and she holds you tighter, face pressed into your stomach when she clings, the way only a child twice abandoned knows how to do. You can see in Megumi's that he happily doesn't and you wish that ignorance upon him for ever and ever.
In times like these, with warm breath clouding the air, you understand how Satoru can think the whole world a fool.
Megumi's a small kid, face turned often to the ground. He doesn't see Satoru's bright eyes peaking from behind his sunglasses, so far above Megumi's head, gazing down.
Satoru doesn't like to dwell. At least he doesn't like to be seen weighed down by the weight he carries. You've had long practice and still barely enough to see the cracks, to pick apart the cleverly hidden clasps to his armor when there is no one else around, and still you would have a hard time if asked to explain Gojo Satoru.
But Satoru alone is sometimes a tiny bit easier to explain. In the tinniest moments when he looks down, wistful and fond, at the fuzzy head of a boy barely six years old, you see something like a wish that things could be different, and something like happiness that things aren't.
Tsumiki tugs your sleeve and points up into a tree where a last brave leaf, as red as blood, clings to a branch.
She's at an age where she collects things - rocks, odd pieces of glass, dried flowers, glimmering beetle shells, broken pieces of porcelain with edges that you try and make sure are not too sharp. She's also had the kind of life that makes it difficult for her to ask for things.
She stares when you bend down and motion for her to get up on your back and clambers up slowly, like she doesn't know what to expect. You grasp her elbow where it's wrapped around your neck and hover, four, five, six inches off the ground. You squeeze it in reassurance when she gives a little gasp.
You're high enough now that if she wants the leaf, she can pluck in herself.
She reaches around the side of your head though and just places gentle fingertips on its cold, smooth surface. She pets at it like the tiny bit of fluff on the head of a hamster, rubbing it back and forth between her fingers.
"You could have it, you know?" you say quietly.
Tsumiki leans her cheek on the top of your head, so intentionally casual, like she doesn't want to make a big deal of it. "It won't feel the same," she says.
And you suppose she's right. Some things aren't the same once you grasp hold of them. Some things die.
It's a snapshot in your mind when Tsumiki grabs the fur on the edge of your hood and you gradually lower yourself back down.
She wriggles off of your back, quick as a little fish, and walks ahead of you to catch up with Megumi, hand fisted in the thick ruff of Light Demon Dog's fur.
Satoru's waiting, sunglasses partway down his nose, hands back in his pockets.
When you tilt your head to the side, he doesn't flash a Cheshire white line of teeth through his pink lips. There's something softer there, something warm even on this, the coldest day since December.
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