#jason (12) gotham. adopted son of bruce.
tiffanybluesclues · 4 months
Every week someone makes a post about how annoying it is that Dick Grayson fans don't acknowledge his flaws, and every week someone replies with an explanation that the flaws OP listed are entirely fanon and inconsistent with canon as it actually happened and at this point I have to assume that none of those explanations are ever going to stick because clearly some people just want the fanon to be true.
Anyway, I'm just putting this here for me to edit and add relevant-to-the-topic links later so I'll have them nicely at hand to read and sooth my frustrations when it gets real bad out there. (Echo chambers are good when we use them to drown out character mischaracterizing fanon.)
#dick grayson#canon vs fanon#yes this is about 'dick was a bad brother to jason' yet again#😮‍💨#super problematic how dick didn't pack up his life & become a devoted big brother to the new son of a man who had already disowned dick#like in-universe he is respectfully supportive of the kid who's wearing his name and uniform#but he was also a 19 year old living in a different city and not given any indication that he was a member of bruce's family so...?#dc comics#this fanon tendency to try to cram nuclear family dynamics and angst onto relationships that do not fit that mold arghhh#add to that how real-world knowledge makes it extra ridiculous to act as if 'omg dick was such a jerk for not being there for jason!!!'#yes their interactions were minimal - I'm pretty sure that keeping dick as a titans character was the entire reason jason existed!#let's be real about jason: his character & what led to him being robin were completely different pre-crisis + his post-crisis run was brief#understandably there are 'flashback' stories to flesh out his time as robin. the worst of these disregard characterization from that time#but even with flashbacks the worst that canon actually shows would be that they weren't close? which...okay?#idk what kind of expectations some people have for the former-ward so sort of foster kid who was explicitly kicked out of bruce wayne's lif#apparently he should've 1) begged his former guardian to acknowledge him as family & 2) assumed the role of bestest big brother either way#i'd ask people to stop and really think about the 'family' structure that existed in this time period where they insist dick was the bad gu#but at this point it's clear that people who want him to be the bad guy truly don't care about why we think it's absurd#anyway i'll end this with a reminder of what I'm pretty sure were the ages etc of the parties involved:#jason (12) gotham. adopted son of bruce.#dick (19) nyc. former ward of bruce. fired from role as partner to batman.#bruce (30+) gotham. raised dick as his ward → fired dick as a partner → never indicated dick still had any place in his life → adopted jaso#oh so my tags just cutting off the final letter like that? i will not be correcting them 😡
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andromarche · 9 months
Hear me out, whenever one of the batlings does something good/bad, Bruce responds accordingly by changing his last will and testament. Most of them don’t even need or care about the money/company/manor, but they treat it in the same way young kids treat a sticker chart.
The batkids regularly break into Bruce’s lawyers office to check if they got any more stickers and forge the will so they get a bigger cut (more stickers). Bruce’s lawyer regularly returns to their office in the morning to papers and ink everywhere, and batarangs lodged in the side of the desk.
The lawyer thinks Bruce is just very fickle. Like this is BRUCIE WAYNE we’re talking about. He’s said on the record that he thinks the moon is made of cheese, he writes his signature with a cute little heart next to it. Very loveable. Not the brightest or most likely to think hard about the long term. They’re convinced the frequent and glaringly obvious Batman/Robin break ins is because Batman is one of Brucie Wayne’s kids and wants to keep checking he’s in the will.
Tim: *mentions off-hand that he’s been awake for 48hours on 12 straight black coffees and sheer-will*
Bruce: *furiously calling his lawyer to cut Tim out of his will and leave the company to Jason*
Lawyer: *holding the coffee pot to head back to their desk, to see Nightwing riffling through the drawers*
Nightwing: *takes the entire coffee pot and pours it into his mouth, not breaking eye contact*
Lawyer: *sigh* Top drawer, right side. Had to move it because Robin spilled ink in the other drawer last night.
Nightwing: *devious grin, writing out “I leave my entire fortune, company and properties to Richard Grayson-Wayne. To my son, Damian Wayne, I leave one penny. To all of my other children, I leave a crisp $20 bill and this message ‘divide it amongst yourselves’.” And perfectly forging Brucie’s signature, complete with a heart next to the name.*
Tim: B! B! What’s this I hear about you leaving us all a $20???
Bruce, knows he explicitly mentioned Steph in his will: Oh well, since you didn’t want to be legally adopted-
Dick, knowing he changed it last night before Steph’s weekly snoop of the will: On… this family?
Lawyer, upon seeing Brucie Wayne for the third time this week to change his will: So, who did what this week? Was it Batman again?
Bruce: What?
Lawyer: Don’t worry, I’m not going to rat out that Batman is your kid.
Bruce: Right, thank you. I appreciate it.
Lawyer: *thinking more about Bruce’s high public profile and how judgemental Gotham’s high society can be than the vigilante stuff* I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to become a father so young. You must have still been in high school!
Bruce, confused and committed to the bit: Yeah, me and his mother still speak sometimes. He keeps getting annoyed by his brothers taking the car out for joyrides.
Lawyer: I hear ya, my eldest just started driving, she loves it though and keeps taking the car to Metropolis randomly.
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces.
Batfam x neglected reader. Part 2
Warning: neglect
Summary: what went wrong and when did it get this bad.
( forgive me if its cringe and the mistakes it might have and also im sososo sorry if the time line doesnt make sense but just imagine it does )
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The first time you realized that you had became invisible in the eyes of everyone was actually surprisingly at a gala. Dick was 18 or so , jason was around 15 and you about 12 or 13( close to the same age as Tim) .
The gala was supposed to be for a promotion and advertisement . It was one of those important galas , where batman had to take a rest for the night. you cant even remember what it was really for but it got swarmed by the paparazzi as soon as they got wind that both of the adopted Wayne sons would be their making it their first public appearance together , something that the tabloids would eat up.
It wasn’t your first gala or public appearance but you still tried to look your best , wearing a stunning black dress that shimmered because of all the sparkles you so longingly begged bruce to get you.
Matching with bruce and your brothers which all had matching black suits with a red ross on the left breast pocket . you added a red ross perfectly place behind between your ears with the help of Alfred. Before you guys left for the gala bruce told all of you to enjoy the night and to be on your behavior .
when guys arrive you were swarmed by the flashing lights and clicks of the greedy cameras, well at least they were. You on the other hand were being pushed and accidentally shoving you out of the way, the only thing holding you in place was the lessening hand on dick but it didn’t take long before your hand broke off, sweeping you into the sea of paparazzi. The only one to notice your disappearance was dick and he couldn’t really do much because of all the eyes on him. You also couldn’t try and squeeze your way back in with them so sat idly on the side eating some food while you waited for them to be done. You didn’t think about it too much at the time but your heart ached for some reason. Each bite you took brung you closer to tears but you couldn’t cry even when most of the attention was focused towards them . Not right now. Not when the very few eyes that were on you looked at you with something you couldn’t really explain. It was like A mix of pity and mockery.
As your eyes swelled up with tears and your finally broke you couldn’t take it anymore . you ran out onto the streets of Gotham before anyone could see you cry . Luckly the people outside were too busy with their own life to notice a little kid running out of a giant building in tears . You ran until you reached the nearest alleyway scouring deep into the alley . finally relaxing you sat down on the dirty floor covered in dirt and other stuff , your legs collapse, giving your already flowing tears to spill faster and more intensely. It was nice to let tour feeling out for bit , not letting the expectations of being a Wayne hold you down.
At that moment you felt helpless , kind of scared , angry and disappointed. You didn’t know if the disappointment and anger was directed toward your father and your brothers or yourself. You felt angry because he left you alone , anger toward the paparazzi , your dad and anger towards dick for not holding your hand tighter. Maybe , just maybe if he had held your hand a bit tighter you wouldn’t be here, on the dangerous streets of Gotham on the dirty floor crying like a stray waiting for a miracle to happen and to get adopted. But you couldn’t stay angry at them , it wasn’t their fault the paparazzi pushed you away , its not their fault you are here in an alley all alone and crying .
Its not their fault , its yours , all yours.
It was pointless to wish( just look how it turned out for you, both in adoption and wishing).
You sat there for a few minutes with no plan of getting up anytime soon . You just listen to the rumbling of faraway engine and the busy life of padestrians as they walk by never noticing you huddled at the very end of the alleyway. It was oddly soothing and relaxing in a way.
You don’t know for how you sat the there or what you where even still doing there. Maybe you wished for one of your brothers to notice you were gone from the crowd of riches and snobs and come looking for you.
Holding on to the little bit of hope you had you stayed for a bit longer waiting for their footsteps offerone of them to call out your name. Your head had been between tour legs so when you heard footsteps you couldn’t see who had come but you had hoped it was them intil you released that the footsteps came from the dead end of the alley and not from the entrance of it. Too scared to look up you tried staying as still as you as if trying to magically blend into the background , shutting your eyes as if that would hell. Your breath became raged and unstable. You had always known that Gotham was never the safest place to be especially at night and alone and you knew that on your own you could never fight them you had seen the injuries and havoc they have caused, shown by your brothers and father with their daily bruses and cuts . This was definitely a time where you wished to be as good as jason in combat or as good as dick in acrobatics to escape from here. the person was now right infront of you, and curiously you peak your eyes open to find a pair of shoes in front of you. You tried to quickly figure out who they belonged to to be able to make the best decision of how to escape the situation till you were interrupted by their voice. You quickly looked to find……..
Part 3
Again im so sorry if the timeline doesn’t make if you guys have any idea on how old they actually have by this time pls tell( its a flashback)
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itshype · 2 years
Reverse Bruce (DC x DP)
Danny adopts Jason who stumbles into a natural portal aged 7. He does not miss Willis. Danny is currently the Ghost King and living full time in the zone.
Danny loves his son. I'm picturing him as a colossus like in Blister Pack if you know that fic, but you don't have to. He dotes on his human child and protects him with ferocity that straight up scares any of his rowdier subjects. They touch him and they're about to discover what comes after the afterlife.
Then five years later, when Jason is 12, either under the power of a rogue or by stumbling back out the way he came, Jason is returned to his Earth.
Danny immediately starts to look for him. But the realms are infinite. Jason could be anywhere inside or outside the realms. Danny and his army have to check every single person on every single version of Earth.
If Jason rejoins the infinite realms, Danny will know. Other than that, all he can do is look.
Jason knows this. So, all he can do is wait. On the streets of Gotham. He waits for his dad.
Jason does okay, he was 7 when he left so he remembers enough about the 'real' world to take care of himself and not be declared a raving lunatic or shanked.
Batman picks him up not for taking his tyres, but because Jason was investigating Batman in case he was a ghost. Jason tells Bruce, Alfred, Grayson, anyone who will sit still long enough that he's not Bruce's new kid. Jason will just stay with him until his Dad comes to get him.
Willis died in prison years ago. They tell him and are concerned that it's not sinking in when he doesn't seem to care.
Jason still becomes Robin, his time in the Zone giving him excellent aerial abilities as he's used to operating without pesky gravity harshing his vibe. So once he's got a grapple gun he's good to go. He and Dick bond beautifully over it.
(There is so much content in Jason raised by Danny as a concept.)
Over time he grows to care about Bruce but insists that he still has a dad who loves him. He declines a legal adoption.
Three years later, Jason is dying in Ethiopia. He calls out for Bruce and then Danny. Neither can hear him. Then he's dead.
Danny's still looking over in the CBS Supergirl universe.
Bruce is only a mile away.
Jason wakes up in his coffin and the next part goes how you would think.
Then Danny shows up. An army of ghosts cloud the sky and demand the son of their king back. They're threatening but non-violent.
The king - while terrifying - is actually fairly reasonable when confronted by the Justice League and UN representatives.
Then Danny feels it when Jason comes into contact with a pool of ectoplasm leeching right from the infinite realms. Someone has his kid. Possibly the same person who took or lured him away from the realms. Someone has his son and they're hiding him away from Danny.
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bats-and-birds-24 · 2 months
Chapter 12
Dick could feel a vein in his head about to pop. It was all Bruce’s fault. He knew that people grieve differently, but desecrating Jason’s grave was a step too far. The manor doors opened to reveal an exhausted Alfred. His heart went out to his poor grandfather, who was given the unenviable task of caring for his absolute nutcase of a dad.
“Master Dick, I am well aware that the situation is dire, please spare Master Bruce from the worst of your wrath, he does not know what he is doing.” Alfred pleaded, the tiredness showing in his voice. Giving Alfred a pitying glance, he managed to get out, “I’ll see what I can do Al.” and continued his March down to the cave.
Downstairs, everything was dark save for the examination table, which illuminated an unrecognizable casket. He still knew whose it was though. Resentment burned through him as he remembered how he wasn’t even informed of Jason’s passing until he stepped back onto earth from an offplanet mission. He didn’t even get to see Jason one last time after he passed. The fight afterwards wasn’t fun to remember either. Then there was the Joker, the way he gloated about how hard he hit Jason, the way every fiber in his body acted on instinct, the need for Joker to be nothing more than a bloody splotch on the ground. He took a deep breath, he had work to do.
Pushing aside his stormy thoughts, he made his way next to his mentor, his father, and a man who had, at this moment, completely lost it. “Bruce-” Dick started, only to be cut off by the man himself with a single word, “Look.” The casket was empty. There wasn’t a body to be found. “I, did- did you take him out?” Dick sputtered out, as his heart began to race and his finely honed detective instincts began to kick in.
There were scratch marks and bloodstains on the inside of the coffin, one of the hinges was broken, it all indicated someone clawing their way out. Dick knew that Bruce was deeply flawed, but there was not a snowflake’s chance in hell that he would bury his son while he was still alive.
But the only option left was ridiculous, Jason would have had to have woken up alive, and dug his way up to the surface and left of his own volition. But then again, it wouldn’t explain why his grave seemed undisturbed for so long, and if Jason really is alive, where is he now? Jason was a notable figure in Gotham high society, it would be unlikely for the press to stay silent if they found the adopted Wayne boy who was thought to have died, wandering around the streets in ragged clothes. No, there was something more going on here.
Dick glances at Bruce, the confusion in his face must have been apparent, as Bruce states a single name, and that clears nearly everything up; “Talia.”
It was the only answer that made sense. The Al Ghuls were some of the only people in the world who he knew for a fact that could bring people back from the dead with their Lazarus Pit. They may also be the only people on the planet capable of covering up a crime scene so well that it could evade even Batman’s skills.
In spite of the dark scene in front of him, Dick couldn’t help but feel almost giddy at the thought of his baby brother still being alive. A long dead hope resurrected in him. Jason might still be alive.
He heard Bruce’s voice next to him, “Once the test results on the bloodstains come back, we head for Nanda Parbat.”
Back In Nanda Parbat:
Jason paced around his room, reminiscing about the fiasco that had been their last meeting. He was fully prepared for Tim to decline his invitation, but much to his surprise and relief, he had accepted. He supposed that he could take this as evidence that he didn’t fuck up too badly.
His plan was simple: sit the kid down and explain to him that while he had nothing against him, he wouldn’t be returning to Bruce, or Robin, anytime soon. Being Batsy’s sidekick was fun at first, but as time went on, he started to see the cracks in logic. He wasn’t sure if he had grown out of Robin, or if dying finally made him lose the rose tinted glasses.
He grew up in Crime Alley, the most rundown and dangerous part of Gotham, he knew of many people who would have benefited greatly from a second chance, a tiny bit of grace from the world. But there were also those who were so far gone, that it made little sense to keep them around at the expense of everyone else. He didn’t think that all criminals deserve the death penalty, and even if they did, it shouldn’t be decided by the Feds. But he can decide. He’s died, he’s grown up among criminals, he may not be the smartest kid around, but he knows how to read people.
He can live with being a killer, even if Bruce couldn’t.
Jason ran his fingers through his hair, a faint knock on the door broke him out of his reverie.
It must be Tim, no one else he knew knocked like that. The lower ranked assassins never wanted to enter his room unless they had to, Damian and Cass wouldn’t bother knocking, and Talia would knock once to let Jason know of her presence before letting herself in.
He rushed to the door, “Tim, Come in.” he said slightly breathless, he hoped it wouldn’t show too much.
The kid looked genuinely confused, yet hopeful, “You called for me?” “Uh, yeah, we need to discuss some things, about Bruce, Robin, and some other stuff.” he winced, that didn’t seem remotely friendly, more like a business meeting.
Tim’s heart sank, 'so it was just about Robin.' He chided himself for holding out hope that Jason wanted to genuinely get along with him. 'Jason probably wants me to quit Robin, but I don’t know if I can do that. What if he doesn’t agree with me and gets mad? What would Talia think? How would I get back to Bruce?-' He was rudely brought back down to earth as the door slammed open, revealing two diminutive figures, one in dark green, and the other clad in black.
The smaller of the two, ‘Was that a child??’ had a fierce frown on his face, “Todd, why have you not come to our training sessions in the past few days?” He eyed Tim suspiciously, as if he were the one intruding on their time. The second figure, a petite young girl, looked over curiously and gave him a wave. Good to see that at least one of them was friendly.
The smaller one stepped forward, giving him a withering side eye, “Todd, who is this.” He looked about ready to bring out his wakizashi as Jason promptly shielded Tim. “Damian, calm down, he is a guest of our mother, Tim Drake, the current Robin.” the small child, who was now known as ‘Damian” loosened the grip on his sword. He still gave Tim a severe side eye, but the thought of displeasing his mother put a damper on his stabby plans.
As Tim turned, he could see the black figure next to Jason, despite swearing that he saw her next to Damian mere moments ago. She nudged Jason, who seemed to have a moment of realization. “Uh, yeah, and this is Cassandra, you can call her Cass, don’t expect to reply though since she’s mute. You learn to understand her signs the more you get to know her.” The girl, now dubbed Cassandra, gave him a smile and a thumbs up, which Tim took to mean that he was making a good impression.
“Hi, Cassandra, hi Damian.” Tim could feel the stress melting away from him, it almost seemed like he was introducing himself to a new class, rather than whatever he was actually doing.
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fancyfade · 4 months
Post theme going around on LoCG where people say whre they want the batfam members to end up.
I figured I'd share my post (link) here on tumblr b/c I have way more tumblr followers and post many dc thoughts here anyway
original post:
Anyway, where the Batfam members end up in a couple years in my opinion:
Bruce: I honestly think he should retire. Is this ever realistic? No, he makes too much money. But he’s got to be getting what close to 50 by now? He needs to quit before he dies RIP. I’d love to see him trying to do what he can to help the community as Bruce Wayne (which I don’t think he never does as Batman – we see comics involving it. But like more emphasis).
Cass: I view Cass as the logical successor to Bruce. She deserves to be Batman (and wants to be and embodies his ideals very well).
Barbara: I think it’d be neat if Babs (as Oracle) kind of expanded BoP so we have different subgroups… we got a tiny bit of this might be happening at the way tail end of New Earth continuity, with babs faking her and oracle’s deaths to get the heat off and allow herself to dedicate more attention to major operations rather than being everyone’s problem solver, and her training Wendy as a protege… just pick that up. I like Wendy Harris being involved, and I think Helena is a good candidate for an op leader (more on that later)
Helena: Helena should work with a small team of Birds and take on missions that require some convincing undercover work – shout out to both her mob deconstruction plan in Simone’s BOP and her past as a Spyral agent in this continuity. The team should be flexible, but I’d like to see Steph occasionally team up with her… her forgotten-by-continuity adopted son, James, should also help on tech stuff IMO.
Damian: I like the idea of him doing Batman and Robin stuff in Gotham and more globe-trotting stuff on his own, using Maya and Suren and other friends. He also definitely will try to reform any kid/teenage supervillains he comes across, so he should probably fight mostly adults :p
Duke: I think Duke should stay as the Gotham daytime hero, in contact with the kids from We Are Robin, but… get more appearances. Him being in everyday contact with more normal people could be an important storytelling avenue.
Dick: What Dick’s currently doing is fine, no need to change. He’s already got his niche.
Tim: DC doesn’t know what to do with Tim… I think Tim should honestly go into semi-retirement, coming out for big stakes plots and to train younger heroes. In my head this would be after a 12 issue mini series where Tim contemplates how much his life has changed since he started being Robin, with his initial goal that it was going to be something he does his time in and then gets out, out of obligation, and then slowly he had no normal life to get back out to… we’d bring back Dana as a character to bounce thoughts off, as well as the YJ kids especially Cissie who has also retired as a superhero.
Jason: I think what Task Force Z was doing for Jason was perfect, I’d love to see things continue along that line where he like *wants* to do good and to not be the person he used to be, but he sometimes (often) fails… and leading around a team of other equally-or-more corrupt people is fun. That’s as heroic as I feel like Jason should get, if he’s just turned into pretty much another hero it’s like… offbrand nightwing???
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Bruce Wayne; Nightwing or Red Hood?
Earlier today an anonymous tip was submitted to the journal insisting that our resident billionaire and Blüdhaven’s favourite vigilante could, in fact, be one and the same.
At the same time we’re seeing much speculation around the identity of Crime Lord and vigilante Red Hood, with many netizens citing the connections between Mr. Wayne and crime alley alongside Mr. Wayne’s seemingly endless wealth as proof of these claims (see related posts).
These come after the Bruce Wayne/Batman rumour was squashed by none other than the socialites son, Tim Drake, when he admitted to have seen Mr. Wayne and our local caped crusader getting busy during one of the latest charity gala’s. So, with this in mind, we must take this all with a grain of salt, as rumours of the Wayne’s being involved in the vigilante scene have been spread and subsequent squashed for years now.
Though this journal believes that the Bruce Wayne/Nightwing theory has little support, we are obligated to follow up on all tips provided to the journal.
The main evidence used by these theorists is that Nightwing’s noticeable leave of absence from Blüdhaven (see related articles) was paired with Mr. Wayne increasing his social presence and vice versa with Mr. Wayne being notably absent from multiple gala’s and social events in the months following Nightwing’s return (see related articles).
After Nightwing’s return many citizens of both Gotham and Blüdhaven remarked on the hero’s drastic change in physique; trading in a traditionally acrobatic build for a heavier, more muscular one. Many of Mr. Wayne’s former flings attest to the physique of the hero around this time being a near perfect match for Mr. Wayne’s.
Though these two points could be considered compelling if given further evidence, at the moment the possibility of this theory being true is simply hinged too much on coincidence. Because of this we place little credibility in these rumours.
In the same vein, the Bruce Wayne/Red Hood theory holds little more sway than the prior. They key points of evidence in this theory rely far more on emotional connections than times and traits, though many believers of this conspiracy like to claim that the emotional link increases its credibility rather than decreases it.
The first main component to this theory is Mr. Wayne’s connection to emotional and familial crime alley (see related articles). Park Row, better known as Crime Alley, is a region of Gotham City known for being a predominantly poor area and being host to many gangs and criminal organizations (see related articles).
Given the area’s reputation it comes as little surprise that this is where Mr. Wayne’s parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne (see related articles), were tragically murdered nearly four decades ago in an armed robbery on their way home from the theatre (see related articles).
What is far more surprising is that this is where Jason Todd, the second eldest son of Mr. Wayne, grew up. According to multiple interviews (see related articles) Mr. Wayne found Mr. Todd himself and, after notifying authorities, adopted the boy. Mr. Todd was allegedly living a life of petty theft at the time, being only 12 years of age, to support both him and his mother (now deceased).
Many theorists cite Mr. Wayne’s connection to the alley and his witnessing of the atrocities that lie within it to be reason enough for him to don the red helmet and attempt to clean up the alley himself one way or another.
Though we cannot rule this out in its entirety, we would like to stress that this is a very out there take and requires a fair amount of question into Mr. Wayne’s moral character to make work.
This however does not seem to stop theorists as many people have compared Red Hoods physique and voice to that of Mr. Wayne. Multiple ex’s of the socialite who have seen glimpses of or been rescued by the infamous crime lord have said that their strength and muscle tone as well as general demeanour are quite similar, though we would like to question the later half of this given Mr. Wayne’s propensity to being rather air headed at times.
Finally, some fringe theorists do not believe Mr. Wayne could have achieved the level of wealth he has simply be being born into a well off family and making good business decisions, rather they believe that the majority of his wealth comes from the cartels and gangs (see related articles) under his control as the Red Hood.
This is by far the most far fetched piece of ‘evidence’ in this thread, being that even if Mr. Wayne was Red Hood the profits made in his short time in the spotlight would barely make a dent in Mr. Wayne’s fortune.
All in all, though the idea of the Wayne’s and the Bats being connected is a rather interesting notion, it is just that; a notion. There seems to be no solid proof on the matter nor any reason to suspect them.
Please let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in unbiased, reliable, and fair reporting
We apologize for any errors in this article, our editor is currently unavailable and we are unable to find a replacement.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Ok same deal
Tread Carefully: Bruce and Harvey struggle to hide their romantic relationship from the public during Harvey's campaign to become the new D.A. (batfam; no capes AU, secret relationship AU)
Dead Sons Club: Jason Todd and Grant Wilson walk into a bar... And they're both supposed to be dead. (batfam; canon divergent AU, possibly a oneshot)
After Midnight: While moonlighting as a bartender at a gay bar, Stephanie spots Jason. They cover for each other, keeping their chance meeting a secret and getting to know each other as friends as a result. (batfam; no capes AU)
In This Together: AU where Jason and Stephanie are foster siblings, and they team up to foil their father's heists. (batfam; canon divergent AU)
Little Monte Cristo: AU where Jason isn't adopted by Bruce, and he still becomes a vigilante with a reputation for his decisive and brutal methods. (Jason is 12-19 in this fic probably) (batfam; canon divergent AU)
Cyber Ghosts: Lonnie disappears from the hospital following Jason's return to Gotham. A string of cyber crimes and the distribution of ill-gotten wealth lead the family to believe Jason and Lonnie are working together. (batfam; canon divergent AU)
Bury Me Soon: AU where Jason suffers from Cotard delusion. (batfam; no powers AU)
Star Light, Star Bright: AU where Natalia didn't die or lose custody, and she accompanies Bruce and Jason to Ethiopia. (batfam; canon divergent AU)
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arcticwolfpaws · 4 months
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Hey, I hope you like! Fair warning I am dyslexic and my spelling dies some times I went over this to limit the typos so I hope it's okay, please tell me if you want more
Chapter 1: a white light
Batman's P.O.V
As I stepped into the manner after getting back from a meeting at Wayne enterprises I was surprised to find Alfred approaching me land line in hand, he raised the platter to me the receiver off the main phone, he spoke in a soft voice as to not be over heard.
"Sir it's from the school about... your son." He raised a brow as he spoke and I found my own furrowing, He shrugged as Jason was my ward not my son, As I had not legally adopted him. I took the receiver and cleared my throat before speaking
"Hello Bruce Wayne speaking." I told whoever was on the other end and a rather shrill female voice spoke.
"Yes, Mr Wayne, I need to speak to you regarding you youngest boy." Taking a deep breath I spoke again as I started walking.
"What did Jason do?" I didn't know what to expect but I saw Jason doing his home work at the kitchen table, and it only made me wonder more normally when either of the boys did something wrong they would hold them at the school so they could speak directly to me.
"Oh no sir your youngest-Young man sit down." she had cut her self off only to speak sharply to someone in the back ground given her tone I felt bad for the child however I couldn't hear his response. I cleared my throat to bring her attention back to me.
"Right I would like to speak to you about his behavior, tonight please he is currently at risk of expulsion." glancing at Jason again. I didn’t have a younger boy then him but this woman seemed convinced that I did. Hanging up I spoke to Jason.
“Jay? Do you know any reason the school might think I have someone in my care younger then you?” I asked and he looked up from his school work.
“No?” He was quiet for a moment then spoke again.
“I do know of a rumor that some meta lookin’ kid is yours but well obviously that’s a lie… Why?” I put my hand to my chin thinking, Firstly I knew nothing of any meta-humans in that school, and secondly it didn’t make sense for that to be something to lie about as it would have been quelled with a simple phone call.
“Alright well… I was called to the school and I’m going to see what that is about.” I told him and he nodded before speaking again.
“I’ll finish my work and head down to the bat cave.” with a nod I headed back to Alfred.
As we pulled us up to the school I immediately saw one of the teachers with an Albino boy trying to hide under his blazer the teacher looked pissed but I felt my own anger at his treatment, even if I knew it was likely not out of malice but rather ignorance. I was out of the door as soon as we stopped and spoke to the boy first.
"Get in the car son." I kept my tone gentle after all I had no idea what he'd actually done, and by the look of him he couldn't have been more then 12. He moved quickly grabbing his bag and darting in to the limo, I didn’t look to closely at the boy as he went my attention having already turned back to his teacher.
"Please miss Adler is it? What do you know about Albinism?" I asked and she looked confused, but she seemed to realized she had messed something up however it was obvious she wasn't sure what and knew nothing about albinos.
"I-Well... It affects his skin and hair doesn't it?" She asked clumsily, forcing myself to take a deep breath I explained.
"Yes, and his eyes, but with exposure to the sun he has an increased chance of skin cancer." I was tempted to go on but the look on her face told me she'd be doing her own research tonight.
"O-Oh." her voice was small so I wasn't going to push more she didn't know and to day had been an unusually sunny day in Gotham.
"Now, Why was I called here?" I asked I kept my arms crossed as she cleared her throat before speaking.
"Right well, Faraj broke another boy's nose as well as cracked a bone in his wrist I understand that you may not be... Available to see this but his behavior isn't expectable." nodding I now had new questions, there was no doubt in my mind that the albino was this Faraj but he wasn't one of my wards this could be a simple mistake or something worse... for the moment and given how she had made the boy sit in the sun I wasn't going to inform her of the mistake.
"I'm sure it was an accident, I'll talk to him and I'll pay the hospital bill." I told her she seemed like she wanted to say something more but bite her tongue as I turned my back to her and headed back to the limo.
As I stepped into the limo I cringed the boys skin was already a turning red, I didn't want to know how bad the sunburn was going to be, none the less I'd help him handle it if I could.
“Faraj?” I asked hopping to get him to look up at me and feeling quietly happy as he looked up showing his face only for my heart to drop. His left eye had a prominent scar over it and it didn’t take more then a glance to see that he was blind in that eye. I didn’t remember there being any reports of a child being half blinded in the last 5 years, I decided that was going to be something I checked tonight. As I wanted to know if this was an accident or some act of cruelty. I took a breathe and decided that it was best to try and figure out were he lived maybe I could speak to his parents and find out more about him.
"Do you know where you live?" I had hopped that by not sounding angry with him might make him feel more comfortable but to my disappointment he just furrowed his nearly invisible eye brows before ducking his head back behind his knees. after a long moment Alfred spoke.
"Shall we head home sir?" I frowned softly at the boy, it didn't seem like we had a choice.
"Yes for now I think that's best." With that we started driving through the city and I waited for the boy to speak. I watched him as he sat curled in a ball for several blocks, I cleared my throat about speak when he spoke.
“Why do you sound different.” His voice was soft like he was worried about speaking, freezing for a long moment before gathering my response.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” He shifted allowing my to see his freckle covered face, his good eye had a sense of seriousness to it that felt out of place for a child.
“You sounded and acted different before.” He sounded so sure of himself, it was something else I’d have to look at later, for now I just gave him a gentle look hopping he’d believe me .
“I don’t know. But if this look alike hurt you I’ll do every thing I can to stop him alright?” I asked and he slowly nodded, I gave him a soft smile and leaned back in my seat watching him.
“Can I ask you something?” He hummed at me that blue eye watching me closely as he did.
“What happened to your eye?” I asked him doing my best to keep my voice light and not allow my anger at such a wound to show.
"Jaguar, I apparently looked good." I felt my mouth go dry but the boy seemed to have a sense of humor about it, I wasn’t sure if he genuinely thought it was amusing or if that was his trauma response, I took a moment to think of what to say, but heard Alfred speak and by how Faraj perked up he'd heard it to.
"Good heavens what were you doing so close to such a beast?" The boy didn't seem to fully catch the horror in his whispered tone however.
"Oh, Mr Wilson and I were treasure hunting, It was my mistake I heard the jaguar but I didn't know what it was so I didn't say anything." He sounded so light hearted and cheerful about it like it didn't bother him, I was defiantly convinced it was trauma now but I cleared my throat and spoke again
"Mr Wilson?” hopping he'd give me more information to go off of but he only nodded proudly, something out side caught his eye as he looked out the window as we left the island that made up the city.
"were are we going?" he suddenly sounded suspicious and I wanted to calm his nerves.
"We're going to my home you didn't tell us were you live so my house is the next best place, it's very big I think you might like it." He frowned and seemed to be thinking about something as his eyes darted back and forth. I let him think most kids knew who I was at least the Gotham kids did, so it had never occurred to me that he might not.
"Were do you live?" His tone was low and quiet and I just gave him a soft smile.
"Why, Wayne manor of course." I told him he seemed oddly serious for a kid but I think he was more realizing he was in a car with a stranger going god only knew were going. he took his sweet time to think but nodded slowly.
"Alright." I smiled softly, the boy never really seemed scared to me so I could only assume he had been coming up with an escape plan just in case.
"You know we can still take you home." I told him and he just sighed and mumbled something softly before watching out the window
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dceuheadcanons · 7 months
The (main) batfam age gaps (and other timeline things) in this blog's current DC canon:
First off, here are their birth years: Bruce (1997), Dick (2012), Jason (2017), Tim (2020), and Damian (2028).
Bruce and Dick - 15 years (he's Bruce's bio kid, but neither of them actually know. Bruce just had some.. questionable coping mechanisms for an underage kid.)
Bruce and Jason - 20 years, was previously 22 I think? Fun fact, Jason was the longest standing Robin!
Dick and Jason - 5 years, was previously 7. Sometimes 2 depending on the run.
Jason and Tim - 3 years, Tim was 12 when Jason was 15 (aka when he was kidnapped by the Joker in this blog's canon)
Tim and Damian - 8 years. Jason had only been Robin for 2 years when Damian was conceived.
Additional Robin (+ Bruce) timeline:
Bruce became Batman when he was 23 (in 2020) and was 25 when he first adopted Dick (2022), for reference.
Dick was Robin for 3 years. He started at 10 instead of 8 (the most common canon age for his parents' deaths), because I love me some good father-son parallels and Bruce was 10 when HIS parents died.
Jason was Robin from the age of 8 to the age of 15 (when his death was initially faked and Tim replaced him), which is 7 years. He died at 17 (2034) because I've taken pieces of Arkham Knight Jason for his story (he was stuck with Joker for 2 years, not just 1.)
Tim became Robin in 2032, when he was 12, and stayed Robin until Damian came along! Tim was 17 (and has stayed 17 since lol). Which is five years (though Steph did have a little few-month-long Robin moment in the middle). He then became Red Robin, of course! Though he had his own abandonment issues crisis about being replaced by someone "better" than him. He'd just settled into the idea of Bruce actually caring about him, y'know? Only for that all to be ripped away. But that's something for another post!
Damian became Robin when he was 9, in 2037, when Bruce was 40. He's still the current Robin because I haven't really gotten past Bruce being 45 in this blog's canon yet! Hardly any plans for the future! But I do have a few possible storylines for Damian in his teen years going on.
Jason went back to Gotham just a few months before Damian turned up - He'd already had a bit of fun (beating up Tim) but hadn't gotten his full plans in action yet! When Jason and Damian meet as Red Hood and Robin for the first time, Jason actually lights up with recognition. They knew eachother for a few years, in the League! Jason was a bit of a father figure to Damian for those years. I think it's rather sweet!
Okay, so this post is....... A little messy. I just needed a place to put all of this! Hopefully the other admins agree with this timeline and hopefully I didn't fuck any of it up..
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trigger-happy-in-red · 4 months
Name: Red Hood
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabeled Queer. Pan is the closest label.
Age: 22
Meta: idk
Lives In: The Alley
Occupation: Alleged Crime Lord
Vices: Smokes if he’s extremely stressed
I work with @the-only-nightwing and @the-coolest-red-robin (they’re brothers your honor)
@the-second-boy-wonder is my little brother (ahem. His brother-son)
@cant-have-shit-in-gotham is one of my henchmen (the same ooc runs both accounts)
@shakespeares-favorite-goon is one of my goons
@stitches-stitches-stitches is my newest henchman. He lives with me.
@back-in-blood works for me (legally)
@flying-graysons-fan and @number1-red-robin-stan are squatting in my favorite safehouse
@super-duper-superboy is from metropolis. He got into my safehouse and won’t leave.
This is an RP Account!
[Interaction rules below the cut, at the very bottom, just above my various tags]
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Under the helmet: (specific scars not shown here: small chunk missing in upper right ear, big-ass batarang scar across his throat, palm scar from brotherhood oath) He’s about 6’4.
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I have no artistic skill. I did not draw those. Credit goes to the actual artists.
What’s Canon for This Jason?
-Orphaned at (barely) 8
-Taken in by B at (almost) 11
-Adopted by B at 13 (Name change to Todd-Wayne)
-Saved Wil from a gang at 14 (W is 12)
-Killed at (barely) 15
-Buried next to shelia (gravestone reads Jason Peter Todd)
-Revived 6mo later (kinda braindead)
-Talia found him a few weeks after that
-He was put in charge of protecting Damian, Talia tried to get him to heal naturally (D is 2)
-Ra’s got impatient
-Talia bargained for use of the Pits
-Damian and Jason swear an oath of brotherhood
-eventually Jason goes back to Gotham (J is 17)
-Takes over crime and drugs and shit (D is supposed to be sent over just as J gets control. He’s trying to make it safer for his brother)
-well ok, he goes there and tries to scare Tim out of being Robin, but it’s 99% posturing and “warnings” and 1% punching a hole in a wall (Tim does not get hurt, and Jason does not try to hurt him. Because I said so)
-Meets and hires Wil at 18 (W is 16)
-The batarang-throat incident did happen. His goons had to peel him off the cement and take him to Doc Thompkins. Jason flatlined three times. (Wil was among them) (J is 19, W is 17)
-Goons are now super protective of him btw. Esp the ones that were there.
-Talia decides not to send D to B when she hears.
-Yk that time when Batman drugged Jason with something so that every time his adrenaline got going he’d get pumped full of fear? that ALMOST happened here. The needle was to his neck when the other birds interrupted.
Also canon are
-Jason is some kind of mixed heritage of vaguely Spanish-speaking descent. Passes for white in Gotham (where there’s no sun) but if he tans at all he doesn’t anymore.
-Jason speaks. So Many languages.
-Jason Al Ghul
-GoodMom!Talia who couldn’t do enough to help her sons
-BadParent!Bruce who gets better with each kid (so, bad for dick, barely better for jason, slightly better for tim, decent for cass and duke) but the previous kids don’t reap the rewards (so still bad for dick and jason, slightly better for tim, etc)
-Jason loves Wonder Woman
He has PTSD! Woooo! (Btw shamelessly stealing “Proper Gotham Parent” (making it proper family tho) and the “PTSD-attack-make-him-think-he’s-bleeding-out(from batarang)-again” from Alley Business by thetiniestteapot on Ao3
The trigger list may change over time
He’s also got claustrophobia (worsened if it’s dark)
main triggers are: the feel of silk (esp purple/red), manic laughter, batarangs/similar weapons flying towards him, the joker, being called a monster and doing/saying/someone thinks he did ‘monstrous’ things
minor triggers are: the smell of mahogany, constant beeping/ticking, Batman’s disappointed-pleading-angry voice, the smell of stale-wet dirt (esp mixed with blood)
(Also- I don’t have ptsd, so if I fuck something up, tell me and I’ll fix it)
Who Does he Consider Family?
Alfred- Grandfather. will admit it, has admit it.
Talia- Mom. likes to reference her vaguely as his Mom or T
Catherine- she may be dead, but she was his Ma.
Dick- older brother, but only admits it to Dick or other family. Has admit it to Dick.
Cass- sort-of-twin sister, also wouldn’t outright admit it, but she Knows.
Tim- little brother. will only admit it to people who are very close to Jason or very close to Tim. has admit it.
Damian- little brother. will admit it, hasl admit it to. calls him habibi and ahki.
Jay Todd, Robin- his son. will admit it, has admit it. calls him Little Red
Morel- his kid.
To a lesser extent:
Steph, Duke, and Babs, as family-of-my-family
His goons, in a distant sort of way
The Alley kids, in a distant sort of way
Not even remotely:
Shelia, Bruce, Ra’s
(I don’t speak any language other than English. I’m using Google translate and fanfics. Please correct me.)
Rules for Interacting:
1) Please talk to me. I am cripplingly lonely.
2) Cussing, NSFW, etc. is fine
3) Dont ship this Jason with anyone. I’ve got plot to do. (Jokes are fine, just not incestual/psudo iscestual, r@pe/non con, or outside of his age group)
4) My brain can be a little funky sometimes—dm me before you send me an (unprompted) rp ask. This is to give me an idea of what’s going on. (N & Z are exempt) I have the right to not rp with you if my brain isn’t vibing with it.
Plot tags:
Welcome to Gotham Arlo - back-in-blood centered
Part X of my Tragic Backstory - cant-have-shitin-gotham centered
batfam without the bat - centered around Hood’s family (or not-family)
red hood’s goons - centered around or includes Jason's goons.
Character interaction tags:
fuck you b - chain includes the original (bad) Bruce/Batman, directly or as a major theme
batdad ftw - chain includes the new (good) Bruce/Batman, directly or as a major theme
pushing my mobwife Wil propaganda - chain includes my oc Wilbur “Wil” “Greenie” Jacobs, directly or as a major theme. This is also mostly under “#600000k word slowburn” until I fix it.
big wing and little wing - chain includes Dick/N, directly or as a major theme
gotham’s bookclub - chain includes E, directly or as a major theme
stitching together a family - chain includes Stitches, directly or as a major theme
daddy issues (billionaire edition) - chain includes Kon/Superboy, directly or as a major theme
one r two r red r blue r - chain includes Tim/RR, directly or as a major theme
they can cook! - chain includes Bernard, directly or as a major theme
robin hood? in dc? - chain includes Damian/R5, directly or as a major theme
little red and big red - chain includes Jay/R2, directly or as a major theme
dad the squeakquel - chain includes Morel, directly or as a major theme
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I've seen posts about Battinson being the perfect incarnation of Batman to portray Dick Grayson getting adopted, and I agree, but--
Jason, y'all. This is a Gotham I can easily believe a 12 (?) year old Jason would try to steal the Batmobile's tires and this is a Bruce I can even more easily believe would instantly go "oh yeah he's coming home with me I have another sassy son this is great"
and then Ethiopia, and what follows, practically writes itself. This is ideally 2-3 movies after The Batman, after Dick Grayson's Robin both joins Batman and then leaves to become Nightwing, after Jason joins and Bruce thinks he has a second chance at the whole fatherhood thing and ha nope jk rip Bruce's dreams of family--
He'd snap. He'd revert to something even worse than he started, with criminals scared shitless of him and civilians afraid of him, and that line between vigilante and villain getting thinner every day.
And of course Tim would try. Tim would have seen the light that Batman brings to Gotham, he would have grown up with a Batman who is a hero his city could be proud of, and he would think 'yeah. clearly he just needs a Robin again' and he would try so hard, because he can't let Batman down, can't let Robin down, because--
because Batman is about hope, and making it exist if it doesn't already, and Robin is magic.
Give. Battinson. His. Robins.
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amethystandemma · 2 months
Because my pookie @jnephrite did this for her OC Morgan, I’m trying to do this for my OC Aqua!
Timeline of Aqua Charming!
year -2 — Aqua (11) meets Donna Troy (12) for the first time. The two become close friends and visit each other on their respective home islands.
Meanwhile, Dick Grayson’s (11) parents die and he is left with his Aunt Harriet (53) as his only surviving family member. He is adopted by Bruce Wayne (27).
year -1 — Aqua (12) starts “dating” Johnny Alto (12).
Dick Grayson (12) becomes Robin and meets Donna Troy (13).
year 0 — Aqua (13) and Johnny (13) sneak into the woods at night where Johnny gets turned into a vampire and aged to a 20 year old man. Aqua breaks up with him and he is thrown in prison after terrorizing Brooklinia and Aqua.
Dick Grayson (13) becomes best friends with Donna Troy (14) and Wally West (13).
year 1 — Aqua (14) travels to Gotham where she stays with Bruce Wayne (30), Harriet Cooper (56), Alfred Pennyworth (60), and Dick Grayson (14). She becomes Blue Comet the same year.
Later in the year, she has her first awakening of new powers. She goes back to Brooklinia after her parents catch the culprit trying to murder them. Before leaving, Dick Grayson kisses her on the cheek. The two exchange identities and promise to stay in touch.
year 2 — Aqua (15) returns to Gotham to ask for Dick’s (15) help in finding a friend of her’s named Garth (14). Dick recruits Wally (15) and Aqua recruits Donna (15) to help find him. Along the way, they meet Speedy (14) who helps their search.
When they find Garth, the group of six fight Orm (his captor). They would have been killed if Aqua didn’t have her second awakening while saving Dick Grayson, unlocking a new set of powers. They realize how well they work together, and Donna suggests they call themselves the Teen Titans.
Dick Grayson invites Aqua Charming to his school’s spring cotillion and the two exchange their first kiss.
year 3 — Aqua (16) and Dick (16) become an official couple. The Teen Titans move into Titans Tower and recruit more members. They go on many adventures together, and recruit more members.
Dick Grayson starts to think he should strike out as his own hero. Bruce Wayne and Silver St. Cloud have a son named Arian.
year 4 — Bruce Wayne (34) adopts Jason Todd (13). He becomes the new Robin. Dick Grayson (17) becomes Nightwing.
Bruce Wayne marries Silver St. Cloud (33). Silver is murdered at the alter.
Aqua Charming (17) takes the Titans to Brooklinia where they all witness the murder of her parents. Overcome with grief, Aqua unlocks her third set of powers.
year 5 — Dick Grayson (18) proposes to Aqua Charming (18). The two become engaged and take a leave of absence from the Team, leaving Wonder Girl (19) in charge.
Jason Todd (14) is murdered by the Joker, but is brought back to life rather quickly by his girlfriend Macy Cobblepot (13), who took him to Ra’s al Ghul. In exchange, the two work for him in the League of Shadows.
year 6 — Aqua Charming (19) and Dick Grayson (19) are married. Aqua gets pregnant during their honeymoon. Aqua is crowned Queen of Brooklinia the same year.
year 7 — Aqua Charming (20) gives birth to Richard John “Rickey” Grayson II on Dick Grayson’s (21) birthday. Rickey is born as a stillborn. Overcome with grief, Dick brings his son to the Lazarus Pit in Gotham where he finds Jason Todd (15), alive. Rickey is brought back with a white streak in his hair.
Tim Drake (13) becomes Robin. Bruce Wayne (37) has a relationship with Talia al Ghul (35) before breaking it off.
year 8 — Aqua Grayson (21) unlocks a new, and final, set of powers when Johnny Alto (20) nearly kills Dick Grayson (22). She later gives birth to Caroline and Conner Grayson.
Talia al Ghul (36) gives birth to Damian Wayne.
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hellishere7980 · 1 year
Isabella Martha Wayne
Isabella Martha Wayne
Father: Bruce Wayne
Mother: Alora Furan (Dead)
Born on: 12-7-XXX1
Blood Type: O+
Once upon a time in the bustling city of Gotham, Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, welcomed a precious addition to his life—a beautiful baby girl named Isabella. From the moment Isabella entered the world, Bruce swore to protect her, to shield her from the darkness that haunted Gotham's streets.
As Isabella grew, she became the center of attention for her brothers—Richard, and Jason. Alfred, Bruce's trusted confidant and butler, had been with him since the beginning, serving as a pillar of support. Richard, also known as Nightwing, and Jason, who had taken on the mantle of Robin, had fought alongside Batman, battling villains and protecting Gotham.
Bruce came home with a newborn in his arms protecting her against the cold winds. As he entered Dick and Jason came running into the hallway.
Dick- What the hell B? You got a call just ran off!
Jason- Yeah… What are you holding?
Isabella starts crying due to the shouting.
Dick/Jason- Holy hell! Is that a baby?
Alfred- Master Bruce… good heavens! What is that- is that a child you have there Master Bruce? 
Bruce- Alfred, boys, meet Isabella Martha Wayne, my daughter.
Alfred-Master Bruce would you please explain this… development?
Jason- Where did she come from?
Bruce- Just let me put her in the bed then I’ll explain
Bruce carefully laid Isabella Martha Wayne in her crib, ensuring she was comfortable and safe before turning his attention back to his bewildered family. As he gathered them in the living room, the atmosphere was filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce began to recount the events that had led to Isabella's arrival in their lives. 
Bruce- I had received a call from a hospital telling me that I had a daughter and her mother had abandoned her after telling them the father’s name, mine. When I got there, they confirmed after a few tests. 
Jason's face softened, and he glanced at the crib down the hallway, where Isabella's cries had subsided, thanks to Alfred's soothing presence. 
Jason-So, she's... our sister?
He asked, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and wonder.
Bruce nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Dick, always the one to process information quickly, spoke up, his concern now replaced with a protective instinct.
Dick-What do we need to do, Bruce? How can we help?
Bruce's gratitude swelled as he looked at his two adopted sons, standing before him with unwavering support. 
Bruce- First and foremost, we need to ensure Isabella's well-being. We'll need to adjust our routines, provide her with love and care, and keep her safe from any dangers that may come our way.
Alfred (ever the pillar of wisdom)- Master Bruce, I suggest we reach out to trusted professionals who can guide us through the legal processes and help establish Isabella's rightful place in our family."
Spending time with Isabella, they were immediately smitten by her innocent charm. Her sparkling blue eyes, reminiscent of her father's, seemed to hold a world of wonders within them. They showered her with love and affection, each of them coming up with their own unique nicknames—cupcake, bluebell, Isa, Bella, and pixie pop.
It had been shortly after he had returned from patrol. The door to his room had opened and tear-filled blue eyes stared at him, he could see her clinging on to her soft toy. He got up and walked towards her, she was still lingering in the doorway. Kneeling to reach her height he asks softly, “nightmare?”
She nods, tears still streaming down her face.
He looks at her unsure of what to do.
“Would you like to go back to sleep?” he asks quietly.
She shakes her head vehemently.
He still is unsure of what to do. Acting on a random whim he stands and picks her up. She clings to him and he definitely doesn’t marvel over how she fits perfectly in his arms.
He takes her to the library and picks out The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, sitting on his favourite armchair he seats her on his lap and starts to read to her, “Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy…”
As he read the words of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" to her, the little girl nestled comfortably on his lap, her tears slowly subsiding. His voice filled the air, transporting them both to the magical world of Narnia, where adventure and wonders awaited. Each sentence he spoke seemed to have a calming effect on her, as if the story itself possessed the power to chase away the remnants of her nightmare.
As the tale unfolded, the young girl's imagination began to take flight. Her tear-streaked face transformed into a canvas of curiosity and fascination. She listened intently, her wide blue eyes shining with wonderment, completely engrossed in the enchanting narrative. The man couldn't help but be captivated by her innocent enthusiasm, his heart warming at the sight.
Together, they ventured through the wardrobe into a wintry Narnia, where they encountered the majestic lion, Aslan, and witnessed the valiant efforts of the Pevensie children to overthrow the White Witch's tyrannical rule. With each turn of the page, the man's voice grew more animated, his tone reflecting the bravery, friendship, and sacrifices depicted in the story.
As the final chapters approached, the little girl's eyelids grew heavy, exhaustion finally taking hold. She leaned against his chest, her small body relaxed in his embrace, as he continued reading. He couldn't bring himself to stop the story prematurely; it was as if the act of storytelling had become their own private refuge from the world's troubles.
When he reached the end, he closed the book gently, his voice fading into silence. The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the remnants of the tale lingering in the air. Then, he looked down at the slumbering child in his arms, her soft breaths creating a soothing rhythm against his chest.
Carefully, he rose from the armchair, cradling her with tenderness, and made his way back to her room. The moon cast a gentle glow through the window, illuminating the path ahead. As he approached her bed, he paused, hesitating for a moment before placing her down as gently as he could.
Tucking her in, he watched her sleep peacefully, her face now free from the worry that had plagued her before. He couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness toward her, a desire to shield her from any harm. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, yet it felt surprisingly natural.
Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, whispering, "Goodnight, little one." He lingered for a moment, his hand brushing a strand of hair away from her face, before quietly retreating from the room.
Him reading to her becomes an event. She drags Dick into it too, whenever he isn’t with his Teen Titans in New York that is and Jason. Alfred provides them with milk and cookies and he reads to them every night before patrol. They stop once she falls asleep and they take her up to bed before patrol.
About a year after they start this routine, he returns from patrol to find a crying Marinette in his room. She just cries harder once she sees him. He holds her until she falls asleep resolving to talk to her in the morning.
He takes her to the cave the next morning, after breakfast, with Dick and tells her about Batman and Robin. When they head back to the manor she heads to her room and doesn’t come out before sundown (Alfred took her lunch to her room and had somehow talked her into eating). He spends the whole day worrying about if telling her was the wrong thing to do. She comes down for dinner and after dinner she still drags them to the library. She doesn’t fall asleep like she usually does, instead when he completes a chapter Marinette asks them to wait, runs out and returns, panting, a few minutes later with something colourful in her hand. She then hands it to them. It's a thread with beads on it. She hands Dick two of these, one has black and blue and the other is purple, black and yellow, Jason’s red-green-yellow and his has blue, purple and black.
She grins up at them and says cheerfully.
Isa- lucky charms. Jason’s is like Robin, Dick’s Nightwing and yours is Batman.”
“And the other one?” Dick asks
“Batgirl,” she exclaims cheerfully.
Bruce as always is amazed at her never-ending optimism, kindness and hopefulness. Dick offers her a sunshine smile of his own, hugs her and says, “Thank you Sunshine.”
Once she lets go of Dick she looks at him with her big blue eyes, and Bruce ruffles her hair and gives her a smile.
B- I’ll carry it with me at all times. 
Isa smiles wider (something Bruce wasn’t aware was possible) and says goodnight before skipping back to her room.
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vodrae · 1 year
DC Comics highschool AU where Bruce 18 and Harvey 18 are the golden twins (lovers) of the football team, but after an injury, Harvey is replaced with that nerd from smallville who's in the school's newspaper, and he's able to make Bruce cheer too !
So Harvey's integrating the cheerleaders (and debate) team to stay close of the field and his mentor is the girl rumoured to be the great grandgirl of the last Chinese Emperor Talia Al-Ghul.
In this AU, there is an unofficial club of heavily mentally scarred gothamite kids, you know who i'm talking about, and they have been adopted by the Golden Twins (lovers), so better not mess with them.
Everybody knows Dick 17 , he has to settle down in Gotham when his parents died and social services were looking for a solution, Alfred Pennyworth took him in, he was there with Bruce that night. Captain of the gymnastic team, no enemy guy, the only one able to shine brighter than Harvey. Someone tried to mess with his girlfriend once, Kori Anders, apparently he also learnt muay thai on the road.
Jason Todd 16 , Stephanie Brown 15 , Duke Thomas 14, Harper 16 and Cullen Row 14 can't and won't deny coming from Park Row, sorry, crime alley, Duke is actually from Bristol, but you know, nuances are too complicated. They met each other in foster system and Dick too.
One day, when the orphanage was running very low on money, Jason appeared with multiple bags of food. The others thought he was joking when he said he stole the 4 wheels of the mayor's Bentley, when he, Jacob Kane, came with the police they weren't joking so much.
Long story short, they are Kane's wards now, it's was a package deal.
Jay and Duke are making the glorious hours of writing club, Jason would like theater and Duke chemical but Jacob made them pick a sport, Jason was kind of forced to go to the football defensive team, (Jake didn't digest the L against Metropolis in 86) and Duke for the running team. As fast as light.
Steph is Lois Lane's right hand for the school's newspaper, she's running their social medias with great sucess and is the head of gossip departement. Clark is the left hand for the investigation departement. She won against Jason, Harvey, Clark and others *wink wink* the biggest eater contest. She's now a subject for the quantum physics club.
Harper leads the electronics club, the school still remembers when her dog sized spider drone was unleashed. She's also in the kickboxing club.
Cullen is vibing in the theater and art club.
Kate Kane 18 can't stand all the dumbasses above but if she has a dream where you are glaring at them she will break your knees. Her father wanted her to do ballet, she's doing music and kickboxing. Bullying is her love langage.
Tim Drake 15 is a little genius coming in HS at 12, a unique feat until a certain someone from middle east came to school... He's driving Edward Nygma insane by solving all his riddles, photography and and electronic club. His parents are rich but always absent. 7 years ago, Alfred invited him for thanksgiving, never really left since.
Damian Al-Ghul 13 and Cassandra Wu-San 16 are cousins, they are not related but their family have known each other forever and Cass was there the day the demon spawned. Damian is Dusan's Al-Ghul son, who's 30 years older than his little sister Talia, the two are really too much well trained in martial field to be normal. Damian's is leading the escrima club.
Cass, despite being mute, is leading kickboxing club, noboby ever won a round against her. In the entire country. Except for her big sister Sandra Wu-San, also known in professional wrestling as Lady Shiva, who could give her a draw. Also she can't use technology to save her life.
The Wu-San are the adopted daughters of Dinah Drake (second cousin of Tim) and Ted Grant, a former world heavyweight boxing champion and a professional wrestler known as Wildcat. Together they have a bio daughter, Dinah Jr Laurel Drake-Grant.
A girl, Selina Kyle 18 claims she's not related to them but still has a permanent room in their house if she wants to come. Teddy met Jacob Kane in the army and were deployed in middle east together, he found his girls in some destroyed village in the Middle East and resigned right after.
Talia and Damian are from one of the oldest Asian family, and very old money. Some argues that was their family who created the first philosopher's stone. Their grandpa being the only person on Earth from the XIX century still alive is not helping. Ras wife's family helped the Americans in the Middle East that how he met Ted and Jacob.
Talia 18 is in the cheerleading club because of her HUUUUUUUGE crush on Bruce Wayne, best grades ever everywhere. Wants to become a vet.
Nyssa 17 Al-Ghul is in the kickboxing club and write her secret stuff just for her.
Barbara Gordon 17 is the daughter of the commissionner, someone shot her, she's paralysed. She's the captain of wheelchair basketball and in the electronics. She's a godess at armwrestling. For real she's an hydraulic press. She's really close of Dick Grayson and maybe she has adopted Steph, Cass, Harper as hers. Her own pose in school is with Dinah Laurel and Helena Bertinelli.
She's very competitive and will take very badly if Tim is just behind her again at the Olympics of hacking this year.
Diana 18 (who is at least as tall as Clark, i'm right on this) is leading the wrestling team and history club, she's a exchange student from Greece from a monastry where men are forbidden as a diplomatic move with her sisters. (in reality the opposite exists, for real). Her accent makes every boys and girls fall for her. She has a very strong sens of justice. One day she saw Bruce and Clark, not even talking together and..."Your mine now ! We're having tacos tonight !" They knew they couldn't negotiate.
Ollie Queen 18, everybody knows he will go to a board school one of the four (three) true childhood friends of Bruce Wayne. Captain of the archery team. Came with his own crew, all in the team. Desperatly in love with Dinah Jr.
Zatanna Zatara 18, her father was a close friend of Thomas Wayne, she's on a very good way to become a magician herself. One of the four (three) true childhood friends of Bruce Wayne. Leads theater club.
Hal Jordan 18, wants to become a jet fighter, obsessed with construction games. Mathematic club and running team.
Kendra Saunders 18, also known as Hawkgirl, because the week-end she's doing BASE Jump.
John Jones 18 and his half-sister Megan Morse 17, they are refugees from oversea after a coup. They love the special effects in movies and theaters so they are is this club. They came with
Kori Anders 17, princess in exile of Tamara, she's a really sweet girl so the school asked their sweetest student to guide her through her new life : Dick Grayson. Nobody knows how she mastered english in so little time. She had troubles with the differencies beetween the two countries. Everyone's favourite. Hurting, even a little Kori is declaring war to the whole school. She's also taller than anybody and very muscular. She kinda adopted Jason ?
Rachel Roth 14, is the daughter of the King of Azaroth, nobody really knows where it is. She's in the meditation and spiritual club. The only one allowed to hug, kiss, and touch her is Kori. The constant barking with Damian Al-Ghul can't only be hatred.
Donna Troy 17, Cassie Sandmarks 15 and Artemis Grace 16, they came with Diana. They all had a "Oh my god, he's so pathetic, I love him." With a Gotham Boy. They are all very tall and strong and in the weightlifting club.
Clark 18 and Jon 14 come from Smallville and are, 1) the sweetest guys ever, 2) fucking STRONG, there is a video on the differents groupchats of them, lifting the school gargoyle after a storm. Maybe farm strenght isn't the only explanation.
Kon 15 and Bizz 14 are from metropolis, Ma Kent's sister married Papa Luthor and they had Lex and then one rebelious and one albino with a speach impeachement, who is also the size of a polar bear. But, beware, Bizz is Jason Todd and Artemis love child. They haven't really figured yet what they want to do. Bizz is in special class with Cassandra Wu-San so you can regulary see her on his back giggling.
Linda 17 and Karen 18 kent, cousins of Clark by Pa Kent came back in town a few years ago after they lived their whole life in California. Linda is in the well-being club and liked by everyone. Karen is more on the amazonians side of the force and can't help herself but have homoerotic sparring with any strong woman on sight.
Dinah Jr Laurel Drake-Grant 18 embrassed her mom legacy and already took the mantle of Black Canary and can already put stages on fire. Her perfect figure must not makes you forget that she can beat your ass in seconds because she's in the kickboxing club too. Probably why Ollie is so in love. If you ask her if she's single, she would either tell you to fuck off if dhe doesn't like you or tell you she's already married with further explanation. (Could be either the stage, or Barbs and Helena).
Roy Harper 17 is in the archery team and music club with Dinah, nobody can sing the country and blues like him. He kinda adopted Jay with Kori too. Him and Jay made a pact to quit alcohol and drugs after they had a bad trip together on a joint in the toilet at a party together.
Lian Harper 14 is his little sister and will stay single until she's 30, at least. Well, everyone on the Arrow Team would like that. She loves hanging out with Dick and the others. Archery team too.
(I don't actually quite know a thing on the rest of the team, but they are there and well.)
The Allens all have their buddies too and are putting the race tracks on fire. Their father Jay Garrick holds multiple records of speed and gold medals. But not for long to his hapinness.
The Curry family comes from the islands in pacific ocean and are setting new records every years in swimming competition. They are all in bio courses to study marine life.
Harley Quinn 18 went in school with Bruce after his parent's murder, saw him sad, and never left him. One of the four (three) true childhood friend. She won't follow any rules but she's not a bad person. Wants to help everyone with their mental health, got a pretty big tik tok account and instagram on this topic. Her ex boyfriend, Jack, made her do bad things. But her (girl)friends Pamela, Selina and Bruce and a few others (all the people above) quickly talked to him. (Alfred signed a 100 000 dollars check for surgery)
Pamela Isley 18 leads the botanic club, she doesn't like people, like at all, would talk to grass but not you, she only started to like her figure when Harley couldn't stop ranting about her "water melon boobies" and "starship butt" in PE's locker room . Anybody else would be dead, but...It was Harley ? And Selina was laughing her ass off.
Selina Kyle 18, aka Catgirl because she's always wearing stuff with cat, her bagpack, cat ears, cat make up. She has a super model walk and won't accept shit from anyone. She wants to be a vet with Talia.
Jack Napier : still in the coma. AKA Joker, a nickname gained in jail for minors.
Thomas Eliott 18, the minus one true childhood friends of Bruce Wayne, wants him dead. Jealous that he had his inheritance before him.
(I spent 4 hours on this. Why ? BECAUSE I'M BATFAN)
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nightmare-grass · 6 months
My Adventures With Superman: Where do we go from here?
- This show takes on the Superman origin story but focuses on his beginning as a young adult superhero, which is different from nearly every other depiction. He seems just out of college, like he’s 20 or 21. This would mean everyone else in the DC universe is younger too.
- People often compare Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent on equal grounds, like they’re supposed to be the same age, so maybe they’re going to be? I don’t know if this show is ever gonna branch out and show other superheroes, other places besides Smallville and Metropolis, but it’s a fun thought exercise.
- So maybe Bruce Wayne is also just starting his Batman journey. He might be in Gotham in a self-made suit, like in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, or he might be training all over the world still. We know Bruce is a genius, so he can learn any subject he wants in a shorter time than normal, so he might’ve skipped college to travel the world right after high school, training with the best fighters and the League of Assassins and studying college-level texts on the side because he’s just extra like that. 18 at the beginning of his training, and there’s varying accounts of how long his training took. Some say 7 years, some say 12 years, and that makes sense.
- If we want reporter Clark Kent interacting with billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne at all, we can’t have them be the same age. So! I propose a future season where we finally get more superheroes interacting with Superman so he can feel less alone in the world. For that, Bruce Wayne would just be returned home after a 7 year absence learning abroad. He’d be about 4 years older than Clark, but he’d be perturbed by their lack of height difference. Bruce wants to start his crusade against the criminal underbelly of his hometown, Gotham City, but to have the perfect cover story he needs to play up the rich fail son front of Bruce Wayne, and he’s not pleased about this perceptive reporter from Metropolis who’s built like a brick shithouse. See, Bruce isn’t dumb, and he keeps up on the news, especially about global security threats. Bruce knows about Superman, and he has his theories, but he develops a new theory once he meets Clark.
- Wonder Woman is immortal but people don’t necessarily know that. Wonder Woman is an urban legend Clark learned about in history class when talking about World War 1, World War 2, all the biggest global conflicts in human history. A goddess who comes out of nowhere, saves the day, and disappears for decades at a time. Diana Prince, however, is a mild mannered museum associate. As an immortal warrior born of clay, she always looks like a woman in her upper 20’s and speaks like a woman who is centuries wise. She keeps to herself mostly, but she keeps close tabs on global security threats, like Bruce does. She knew as soon as Superman came on the scene that she didn’t need to get involved as much anymore. She barely held herself back on Zero Day because the US government was all over that, and it would’ve been too high profile if she’d been involved. It didn’t even last long enough for her to fly over to help.
- In the comics, Bruce Wayne adopts the newly orphaned Dick Grayson when he’s 27. That means if I start Bruce Wayne at 18, give him 7 years of training, making him 25, and make him 3 years older than Clark at the beginning of the story, meaning Clark is 22 when Bruce is 25, then he gets to be Batman for 2 years before running into Dick Grayson, 10 year old, and adopting him. Then, he gives Dick a few months of training before letting him become Robin, so we have 27 year old Bruce, 10 year old Dick, and 24 year old Clark.
- The comics also say Bruce was 34 when he adopts a 12 year old Jason Todd. That means Dick was Robin for 7 years before he and Bruce had a falling out and Dick went solo, becoming Nightwing. Dick and Jason should have a 5 year age difference, if Dick was 17 when Jason was 12. Then, there’s a bit of time fuckery when it comes to Jason because he dies and gets resurrected as Red Hood. Jason dies at 15, and gets resurrected in the Lazarus Pit 3 years after his death, making him effectively 18 when he comes back. Bruce would be 39 at the time of Jason’s death, and 42 at the time of Jason’s resurrection.
- Superman would be 31 when Dick becomes Nightwing and Jason becomes Robin, then 36 when Jason dies, then 39 when Jason comes back as Red Hood. I think that fits rather well.
- Tim Drake came along only a short while after Jason’s death, like a month or so, so Bruce is 39 when a 14 year old Tim Drake becomes the third Robin. Clark would be 36 at this point still. And then Tim becomes Red Robin at age 17, following in the footsteps of his hero Nightwing who also went solo at 17. Tim spends 3 years being Robin, meaning he spends the time Jason is dead being the third Robin.
- Comics place Bruce meeting his son Damian at age 43, meaning it’s a year after Jason comes back and suddenly he’s got a new son he never knew about. Talia left Damian with Bruce when Damian was 10, following the grand Robin-adopting tradition. This means Damian was conceived when Bruce was 33, right before he met and adopted Jason Todd. Superman becomes 40 at the point where Damian is adopted as the new Robin.
- With this timeline, it’s difficult finding spaces for Barbara, Stephanie, Cassandra, Duke, and all the other important Bat Family members, but it’s not impossible.
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