#but also i still want 5000 dollars
glitchysquidd · 2 years
What if. Instead of bribing you with money we give you a sticker off your blorbos every time you get a good night’s sleep -📔 anon
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killstreak-kritzkrieg · 11 months
Pls Help
It’s been a very rough week, and I am in need of help raising some money. I have made a previous post on the matter, but it was lengthy, poorly worded, and I made it while panicking. It’s been a few days, so I had time to calm down and collect my thoughts and focus on what I need now.
Long story short, I just spent my entire savings on saving our house, helping my mom catch up on bills and rent. We’re still behind, but we’re in a much better position than we were before. Earlier in the week my mom’s car broke down, and it’s kaput. She needs a new car. I’ve been driving her to work, but my car was borrowed from my dad, who, turns out, is also at risk of losing his house. Literally the day after I spent all of my savings, he called me and said he wants my car back for resale, and after explaining my situation to him, he has given me a few more months to save enough money to get a new car. So the one car my mom and I have between each other is also going to be taken away soon. There is no possible way for us to walk to work, as our jobs are out of town, and we live in the USA where public transit is nonexistent.
So here’s what I need:
My goal is to raise $5000 USD by October 1st. If the goal isn’t met, I could extend that to November 1st. Any later though, I may not be able to extend any more. This money will go to getting a new car. I work part-time and make little more than $1000 a month, and I need to pay bills on the side, so I would be heavily relying on you guys to help me. I will be raising $400 a month myself to add to savings, the rest going to bills and important things like food. Every dollar that is donated through the links below will be going to my car savings.
Cash App: $SRockford96 Paypal: [email protected] Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/andraws Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/forestinchaostcg (on hiatus)
$1936/$5000 raised as of 9/30/2023
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luvtonique · 11 days
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Lot to read here, but I believe y'all could use a little context on this. Last night I attempted to repurchase Bestia from the person I sold her to, and this was the conversation. But who is this guy? What the fuck is Bestia? Well, time for some backstory.
A few years ago I made a Mod for Binding of Isaac called Bestia.
Shortly before it was finished, a guy called Atreue came alone wanting to buy the character from me. He offered me $4000, and I said, "No."
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However, the guy pestered me for many more days and when I looked at my $5000 of debt at the time, I eventually caved, agreeing to sell him the character for $4000. He spent a year sending me random payments and after that year he had sent me $800, and then came to me crying and saying he was having an emotional breakdown because his family car was having troubles
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I was a fucking moron and agreed to $1000 less than the original price. It took him another year to get me the remaining money, and I gave him the character and all of the files I had for her. Her sprite sheet, her reference sheet, all my PNGs I'd made, everything, including the mod files themselves for Binding of Isaac.
And then he started DMing my IRL friends somehow and telling them that I didn't send him the "Animation Files" so I called him out on it and explained to him how a sprite sheet works
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But naturally this little shitstain wasn't done, he continued telling me our business wasn't concluded and that I still owed him AFTER HE HAGGLED ME DOWN A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS, so I started getting fucking angry.
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Ladies and gentlemen this is Twitter user Snowy_Roads also known as Atreue, the person who bought Bestia from me, tormented me for years, doxxed my IRL friends, haggled me down a thousand dollars for her purchase, and still to this very day is pulling emotional manipulation and lie bullshit when I am somehow, SOMEHOW still being nice to him.
He deserves literally zero respect, he is a fucking psychotic wretch, and this is a declaration that as per his agreement in the pics at the top, Bestia now belongs to me again and he can go fuck himself.
This is officially the FINAL CHAPTER of the Atreue story.
Bestia hereby belongs to me again.
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
I screenshotted the ask bc I blocked them bc I don't think they'd listen anyway and I don't need anymore of this shit in my inbox on my birthday
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What a dumbass ask. It's not just MY experience. Its MILLIONS of peoples experience. (65 million is the estimate). I don't give a fuck if I can see the pores of a character or if theres perfect physics for trees blowing in the wind. Our wheelchairs are parts of ourselves and it is Devastating when seemingly no one cares about including us while marketing their games as the most diverse game ever made.
I don't give a fuck if the "physics are complicated" EVERYTHING in a video game is complicated. Making a realistic gun that lights up and has every mechanism perfectly rendered is complicated. Video games are complicated. Y'all would rather have 5000 animated clothing options than include 1 wheelchair. I'm not asking for them to include like, something benign and just for me. I'm not asking everyone to put one specific hairstyle that shoots fireworks out of my head in every single game. This isn't a frivilous selfish thing to want. This is something that MANY people are asking for. A dad asking modders if someone could make a wheelchair mod for their young daughter who's in one and wants to play Minecraft as herself. Disabled Stardew valley players who see all the amazing mods on nexus but there's like, I think only one mod that adds wheelchairs? (And yet theres hundreds that ADD A WHOLE NOTHER MAP and NPCS and yes, VEHICLES AND BODY MODS)
Also? I still play video games? I don't boycott any game that doesn't have wheelchairs?? I just get kinda sad and go oh well
Also, I'm not going to learn an entire new field that people literally go to college for years to master to make my own game. I'm out here trying to keep my area's streams from being filled with concrete and sewage. It's insulting to game developers to say "why don't you just make your own game idiot" as if it's that simple.
I'm disabled + chronically ill. I'm already doing too much and you want me to add on making an entire game to that? There's no logic in it. Like you're giving me the choice of "make my own game or shut up"
I do try to make my own content (as well as doing actual outreach and activism in the offline world). And the only games I've called out are ones that rake in millions of dollars and have large enough teams or enough money to bring more people on (I think I've only called out one actually). I support indie creators and boost their games when I am able to on this blog and my main.
Nice way to spend your time going after a minority (oppressed person? Idk) for pleading for representation in gaming. Get outta here.
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Good day, it's me again!
Got some questions for your Astralverse universe.
I tried scouring your blog for astralverse-tagged posts but didn't find sufficient answers so I figured I should present these questions.
It's mentioned in the doc that FTL travel is commonplace but FTL comms is only in experimental stage, by the looks of it. Which is weird in my mind because I thought it should be easier to solve FTL comms first. What's the in-universe lore/explanation for this?
Still on the topic of FTL technology, who's the primary user? Everyone in the Confed, just the founders, a handful of trusted races? And who was the first to kickstart the development for FTL? Is it before or after the Confed was formed?
How is currency handled between races? Is there a unified currency that everyone uses (a la present day European Union with EUR), or is currency exchange/conversion still required?
The flag for The Plex appears to be a flat grey rectangle. I thought it was a bug on my end but it's also displayed like that on desktop. Is that actually what their flag looks like? Or just a placeholder for now maybe?
This one isn't really a question but the Lamian Assembly is described as "society of semi-humanoid serpents" which I glossed over at first, but then clicked with something that I know of: the Lamia people in Elder Scrolls, who also resemble humanoid serpents. I don't know if that's where you took the name from or simply a mere coincidence, but I felt I wanted to bring that up.
Heya! Always happy to answer questions!
1. The specific method of FTL travel in the setting requires some manner of actual mass to work - sending information which has no mass was long thought impractically difficult. The Va'ruun's creators could do it, and consulting with the few of them that are left is how the experimental systems have come to be.
But until recently the method of "FTL" communication was just loading up a communication nano-satellite with messages, having it be carried by an FTL capable vessel into orbit of a given planet, and released, whereupon it transmits it messages to the surface. Not quite instantaneous communication, but decent enough. And importantly, it's fairly cost effective.
2. Everyone in the Confederation has FTL technology. FTL travel (like a lot of the more advanced technology in the setting, was originally a product of the same race that also created the Va'ruun.
The Va'ruun, after inheriting the creators' empire, and being a generous people, gave FTL to any species they befriended - which, when you are the Va'ruun, is extremely easy - any civilization is very likely to respond positively to them for any number of reasons.
3. There is indeed a common currency - the Confederation Unified Exchange note - the CUEnote. It exists both as physical currency (largely for governments, banking, and the like) and digital currency (for most average civilians). They are backed by the Confederation Central Reverse Bank, and derive value from both the largest reverse of physical precious metals in the known galaxy, and a significant reverse of physical member state currency.
Physical CUEnote designs are flat, plasticised sheets roughly 150 x 60 mm in size (roughly equivalent to a modern day US dollar). They exist in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10000 note varieties - though only notes up to 500 are in widespread circulation.
Regardless, individual member state currencies still exist, and are fully legal tender - conversion rates are calculated by the CCRB and change on a yearly basis. Currencies used by sub-states of member states are also accepted, especially when a member state is not an entirely unified government (to quote a famous Confederation economist: "The oft-cited 'most member states have 4.5 currencies' factoid is actually statistical error. Most member states have a single currency. The Terran Alliance, who lives in the Sol system and has over 180 currencies on one planet, is an outlier and should not have been counted. Please stop counting them, they're giving me nightmares.")
4. That is, in fact, their official flag! The Plex government insists, and has always maintained, that there is a "very beautiful design" adorning it.
Most people are convinced this is the Plex playing a species wide joke.
5. I took the name from more mythological sources there, but so did Elder Scrolls, so convergent evolution.
Ironically enough, the Lamia would actually be better described as "nagas", at least in a modern (furry) sense of the term.
They are, after all, essentially just the Vipers from XCOM:
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uninformedartist · 11 months
(Resending in case my original ask didnt)
Wow Vivziepop I didn't know your small struggling indie studio that got A listers on your cast could afford to pay your animators.
Like the donation is nice but jesus having an extra 5,000...
Its also kinda fucked up either unintentionally (because Vivziepop is kinda dumb sometimes) or intentionally (because she's a terrible person) because several of her ex employees and friends work on Lackadaisy so that's probably gonna rob salt in the wound.
It could be seen as that definitely but for all we know this could be a personal donation from viv on behalf of all of spindlehorse. Its a wonderful gesture 5000 dollars is a blessing for lackadaisy to receive its just to me personally Viv could've posted this tweet as is and added that spindlehorse will be supporting Lackadaisy via a donation. Showing the actual donation and the amount as Viv did her it just doesn't sit right with me especially considering the kind of person Viv is, always seeking validation and praise from her fans and people on whatever she does. The donation itself is amazing but I feel there is an ulterior motive behind why Viv did this tweet in such a way.
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I mean look at the comments under this tweet by fans:
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It all just rubs me the wrong way how fans see this supposed to be generous donation and I truly believe Viv knew what she was doing when making this tweet she's not simple minded.
It rubs salt because ya Viv's ex staff and some staff work on lackadaisy and she's showing support but damn the reception to this donation by her fans is still a bloody competition between lack and helluva and a bootlicking-praise fest for Viv. Many of the the people that worked for Viv for testimonys want to move on and not be associated with her in any way.
In conclusion good on Viv for the donation, but I really don't think it was needed to show the donation amount because it makes Viv look like some savior for lackadaisy when she's not, many people backed lackadaisy. And that donation money could've came from Viv's personal pocket we don't know but still it stands she should pay the artists that work for her accordingly.
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audio-luddite · 4 months
I was talking with a guy.
Hey if I am mentioning it here it was about audio.
The question was how to get started in serious audio (lets not call it audiophile yet). It is a remarkably simple and yet complex question. Spend lots of money?
So to start, the front end is the tricky bit. That is source and control. Source is what you are listening too. Control is selection of source, if you have more than one, and basic volume control. In most systems control is the preamplifier.
The back end is the speakers and power amplifier. Actually really simple. What fits in your home and how much can you afford. Easy to change if you want.
The first big issue is source. By that I mean hard copied media or virtual. The first is category is CDs and their ilk such as SACD etc, and of course Vinyl LPs. The second is streaming online.
The second one first. (interesting sentence that but perfectly correct)
Streaming is far from simple. It has the least initial cost for the media as it is just a subscription fee (forever). It has an enormous even overwhelming variety and quantity of content. It also is only permission to use the content, but you do not own it. You can have a huge "collection" but it is virtual. Also there is a controversy about payments to artists.
Often not said is that almost all the streaming services are at or below CD quality. CD quality is not considered truly great by the tribes. That is all I am going to say about that right now.
The hardware is not simple for high end streaming. In very general terms you need a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), a box to buffer or hold the downloaded files, and a computer to do the downloads and host the streaming service software. That is three boxes. In high end they are all expensive of course.
There are devices that do all three things, but they are not cheap. They also do not have the quality of the "best" systems.
Audiophiles like dedicated computers and streaming servers and DACs of eye watering expense.
In summary the streaming front end is very expensive. In my looking about for adding that to my system it is thousands of dollars. Conservatively about $5000 for my quality goal. Emphasis on that is only the front end.
Now to my thesis.
I say the least cost path to high end sound is with vinyl. WTF?! A high end capable Turntable starts at hundreds of dollars. Much more can be spent, but in today's local classified ads there are dozens under $500 and a few very good ones up to $1000. An older model refurbished unit is perfectly fine for the job. And I mean high end sound extraction. Brands such as Technics, Rega, Thorens, Micro Seki, Kenwood, Pioneer are good candidates.
A high end phonograph pickup or cartridge can be had for under $500 bucks. I have three all around $400 ish or less. I like Grado, and Audio Technica. There are more, but I don't have any of those. Moving coils need not apply. Those are euphonic, which is they add seductive sounds that are not in the source material.
That is the whole vinyl source hardware list. Under $1400 bucks or less and you are up and running. The only caveat is your control preamp needs to have a phono input which most old ones do.
In my case have a high end hybrid tube FET preamp that can be had for $2000 or less depending on the phase of the moon. You need that anyway. My opinion is the preamp is the major contributor to the overall performance of your system.
So that brings the full front end to less than $3400 for a high end system. If you take into account all my extra phono cartridges I still spent less than that. Just.
There is an intriguing option in a high end integrated amplifier from Technics (SU-G700) that is a preamp and DAC and very good class D amplifier with a phono input for about $2400 USD. Just add speakers and turntable and you are over the threshold to high end. It is rather spooky. If I had to start from scratch I would be tempted. Far less than an ARC suite. I could no longer claim I was a Luddite though.
Yes with vinyl you still have to buy LPs, unless you are an old fart like me and have hundreds, but it is actually rather fun. Compared to the initial cost of a high end streaming system the cost of an extensive LP library looks reasonable. I search for high quality boutique stuff usually, but I also find stuff in the racks. Garage sales anyone?
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I have high end sound in my home. I dare say it is the best sounding system I have every heard. Vinyl is not a compromise. There is a lot to be said for getting up to flip a record every 20 minutes. Hell I have a watch that nags me to get up and move if I stay seated for more than an hour. (yes I am a geek) It's good for you Mr couch potato.
Obviously to play at this game money will be spent. You can start off modestly and build over time (decades in my case) or jump in. In the end you will have a sonic place to spend time appreciating art at the highest level.
Interesting that I really cannot afford to add high end streaming to my system. I don't need to.
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kaiju-emperor · 2 years
Writing Commissions Open
So I finally decided to start opening writing commissions now that I have my bank account and paypal set up. I have not been able to find regular work and probably won’t for a bit yet. So, I need a way to get some cash, especially cause things around my household have been a bit rough as of late.
Going prices
Minimum payment of 20$ dollars which will get you 1500 words. Any less than that and its not worth my time. 
After the initial 20$ its another 1$ for every 100 words. I will charge an extra 5 dollars for anything past 5000 words in addition to my 1$ per 100 words.
Once we have determined a word count and price I will ask for at least half of the cost up front and the other half upon completion. 
I will write fanfic or anything with your OCs. I will also write NSFW/smut material as long as it doesn't involve incest, underage characters, rape, and the like. Here’s a short list of fandoms I have written for, or will write for without much problem. 
Sonic The Hedgehog
Owl House
Duckverse stuff
One Piece
Dungeons And Dragons
Power Rangers
If a fandom isn’t listed just ask, and if I’m familiar with it we might be able to work something out. If you want to discuss a commission, here are some writing examples to see if I’m right for you or if you like my style. If you are interested send me an ask or pm me.
Katsuya averted his gaze as the initial flash exploded outward. He took a moment to blink, and looked ahead, staring at the large hole now formed in the stone wall. Beyond the gaping opening, was a strange crystalline structure. The structure's surface was like black glass, cracks all along its surface. The arcs of energy and light spilled forth from the massive cracks, like lava glowing beneath the hard cooled volcanic rock and ash. Much of the initial explosion of energy seemed to have dissipated, though the occasional arc of multicolored light crackled out from the cracks of the crystal structure.
The young man stared, wide eyed at the alien sight, eyes reflecting the shimmering of prismatic colors, like the flickering of a flame. As he watched with wide eyed wonder he realized he knew the sensation, or something similar at the very least. It was like watching a storm rumble in the distance, the air filled with energy, thunder and lighting rumbling across the sky. And yet there was also another sensation there, like the still air at the center of a storm. The energy before him held both the storm itself, and potential of the storm. Actions that are, and actions that could be. The precipice of possibility. Before he could ponder the implications any longer there was a loud crack of the whip.
Dozens of chains suddenly shot from her arms. The ground before her then began to warp, as a swirling portal of dark energy appeared. The chains launched into the black portal, sinking deep within. With a loud clink, the chains went taut, as they latched onto something. Irkallamon then gave a quick motion of her claws, and began to reel the chains back. 
As the chains were drawn out of the portal, they brought something with it. A giant black head, soon rose from within the dark portal. It was reptilian, with no visible eyes. Its gaping mouth split open, like some sort of demonic flower, to reveal several rows of teeth. As it began to rise higher, its serpentine body was revealed. Thick armored plates, and large metal spikes. ran along its whole body. The giant wurm let loose a hiss like roar, as it rose fully from the pit. A sickly green slime dripped from his maw, melting anything it touched
A blanket of snow covered nearly every surface. Carpeting the streets,sidewalks,the eaves of buildings,and tops of parked cars. The snow white crystals drifted lazily from the grey sky above. Occasionally tossed,and jostled by an errant wind. Despite the bitter cold,the city seemed just as busy as when Blaze had arrived. Taxis,and cars going by,with loud honks. Pedestrians,garbed in thick winter coats going about their daily business. The city felt alive.
Blaze at first considered taking a cab,but decided against it. Instead,choosing to walk down to a nearby shopping district she heard about in passing. After walking several blocks,she came to a line of stores,and shops. She made a move toward one of three clothing outlets, but stopped when an old neon sign caught her eye. 
The light was slightly faded,and glowed a deep red. It displayed an open book,with a turning page. The sign beside it reading ‘The Book Attic’. 
Her interest piqued,Blaze stepped inside. 
Nsfw Examples under the cut
“Mmmm. You taste sweet.” he rumbles. “We’re going to enjoy eating you up.”
“O-oh god, yes.”
His tongue continues to taste your skin, running all the way up to your cheek. Soon it slides over your lips, prodding for access. You open your mouth wide, allowing the organ entrance. A throaty moan escapes you as it slides deep inside, tickling the back of your throat. His tongue continues to slide deeper, and deeper inside. You feel your throat bulge outward as it travels. You savor the taste of it, his thick drool mixing with your own.
Suddenly you feel one of his giant hands grab onto you. His claws dig into the fabric of your shirt. Then with a single swipe, the fabric is torn to shreds, exposing your bare skin to the air. You feel his hand grab onto one of your nipples, squeezing it between his fingers.
You squirm, and writhe as he teases you. Heavy pants escape your nostrils. Your mouth, and throat still filled to the brim with his tongue. His other hand quickly tosses the covers aside, revealing your underwear, and bare legs. 
“It seems we’re all alone now~” Robin cooed. “It’s been ever so long since we’ve had some playtime.”
Robin’s other hand slid along Nami’s bare stomach and side, making the woman gasp. With a burst of flowers, another hand appeared on Nami’s back, reaching down to grope her ass. Nami leaned into the touch, her soft cheeks squeezed lovingly between Robin’s fingers. A fourth hand then made its appearance on Nami’s stomach, sliding down to tease at her crotch.
“Isn’t that right? Pet~”
Nami glanced back at Robin, panting hotly. “Y-yes mistress. It’s been far too long~”
Robin dismissed her extra limbs, and spun Nami around to face her. Gently, the taller woman ran a finger under her chin. Nami froze, goosebumps crawling across her skin. Even the smallest touch from her mistress was enough to make weak at the knees.
“Tell me pet, do you still have your collar?~”
“Of course mistress, I would never lose it.”
Robin smiled. “Good. I’ll be waiting for you in my room. Dress up nice for me~”
Thirva chuckled throatily. “Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean little one. Your interest in my kind is not purely academic, is it?” 
Holli jumped at the question, but did not reply. Thirva rose back up to her full height, and leaned down next to Holli’s ear.
“Your interest in me, is much more perverse.” Thirva whispered. “You’re a submissive thing. You want nothing more then to be dominated by a terrifying being like myself. To be bound in my web, and made into a perfect little pet.” Thirva leaned even closer, and smiled. “Am I right? Little pet?”
Holli shuddered, her breath becoming ragged pants. The goblin’s face, and ears were completely flushed. She squirmed in her seat, and managed to reply with a small whimper. 
Thirva moved to face her, cupping a hand to her ear. “What was that? I didn’t quite catch it.”
Holli met Thirva’s gaze, her entire body shaking. The drider could practically see the desire in her eyes. 
“Y-es. I-I want that more than anything.” she panted.
Thirva grinned. “What’s the magic word?”
“Please, what?”
“Please, Mistress!” Holli exclaimed, dropping to her knees.
Thirva held a hand over her mouth. “My, oh my, such an eager little pet. Before we get started, though, the safe word is ‘Neverwinter’. You will always refer to me as Mistress, or Mistress Thirva. Understand?”
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unhingedkinfessions · 8 months
hi hi !!! its me again <3 kin walmart anon :)
after reading other peoples experiences, ive gotta talk about something that ive noticed is a pretty common thing amongst certain types of kin servers. and thats just… blacklists that are both user compiled and extremely strict.
this never made sense to me. especially if said blacklist is 400 miles long and has some of the wackiest shit on it. i actually still have access to the one from kin walmart, here are some of my favs:
- the word “bounce”
- the phrase “bouncing ball”
- mother mentions (all forms: mom, mother, etc)
- oranges (the fruit)
- school/mentions of schoolwork
- therapy
- Talking about private conversations/going to have a private conversation in a public setting
- any mention of the ocean
im also going to say, blacklists are fine. user compiled blacklists are okay but… i think there should be a better way to manage them. especially in spaces that have 100+ members. no hate to anyone who has these triggers either. i just think that there’s a line. there should be a line. and most times, ive found that the line is nonexistent. it should be up to user’s specifically to adjust their experience accordingly. im so sorry that i want to talk about the bouncing ball i stole from dollar general, maybe just dont read the conversation.
i understand that this take can be somewhat controversial, its why i don’t… talk about it without hiding behind anonymity. but i think, especially in kin spaces, blacklists are almost… idk.. taken advantage of?
idk this ended up being more rambly than intended, i just love talking about kin walmart and some of the whacky shit that went on there. stay tuned for our next episode; kin home depot
- kin walmart anon
NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT IS THE THING. there is a point where you need to be responsible for yourself and not place the responsibility/blame on others for not remembering every trigger on a mile long blacklist. you have to know when to step away from a conversation if there's a topic that triggers or upsets you, not demand everyone else conform to You. especially if it's extremely specific (such as the bounce example you gave) or extremely vague and frequently mentioned (moms, school, etc.). there's a lot of issues with those kinds of things and if you're in a Public space with lots of people, you gotta be responsible for your own well-being. it's different if it's a smaller group of friends, of course. there's a difference between 'friends' who continuously overstep your boundaries/comfort and large servers where people are just going to make general discussion about whatever.
the amnt of servers ive been in w mile-long user-compiled blacklists where people throw a gd Fit if you so much as allude to one of the 5000 "problematic medias" theyve put on the bl.... ok not that much actually cuz im thinking of one example in particular i was in multiple servers w. but you know. and a lot of shit can just be like. squicks or stuff they don't like, rather than something that will genuinely trigger them.
i swear some kinnies just can't manage big servers in general. once i was in a server of at Least 100 members - that was not even a kin server, it was for smth else but had a lot of kinnies - where there weren't any like, actual chat moderators (just some ppl who had permissions for unrelated reasons). there was a user-compiled blacklist that was rarely updated w requests, and one day out of boredom & frustration with the lack of organization, i went and sorted the long ass list by Category and Alphabetically. i was not even a mod i just DID THAT. the admins of that server sucked so bad they didn't know how to manage anything and were generally some of the worst people on the planet.
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reel-fear · 10 months
honest to god the whole lackadaisy viv situation has just proved to me viv has not changed a bit [that was already kinda proven since she still thinks its okay to use slurs and bigotry as comedy in her shows despite her history with them, we're all supposed to ignore that bc now she labelled it a "Joke" and slapped a red filter on her shitty designs and said they're "in hell so they're bad people"]
Like, having her donation rejected should've been, obvious to her, why is nobody bringing up that by donating 5000 dollar SPECIFICALLY GETS YOU THIS:
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What Viv did was not a selfless kind donation, she wanted something out of it, specifically to be able to slap her name on this project. And Viv [no matter what your opinion of her is, if you think she's changed or not] is a controversial figure! Having her name attached to anything brings controversy! No matter how you try to paint it, this is entirely within the Lackadaisy's team right to deny!
Not to mention Viv has had a history of mistreating her artists, drawing fanart of transphobic youtubers, one who did blackface, made an AWFUL apology for all the horrific stuff she did and despite the fact she has """"""""Changed"""""""" can't handle people not wanting her name on their projects because she HASN'T CHANGED.
When you grow to become a better person and move on from your past bad actions, part of that process HAS to be realizing some people just aren't gonna be comfortable being around you because of your history! You have to be able to accept that, respect it and understand that! You fucked up and some people don't want to be around you anymore!
But Viv doesn't actually think any of her past actions were that bad, she's still defensive over her history and she CANNOT handle the most professional of rejections. The fact the lackadaisy team clarified the viv situation was PERSONAL, further shows how awful viv is for tweeting about it, BECAUSE SHE MADE SOMETHING THE LACKADAISY TEAM DIDNT WANT TO TALK ABOUT PUBLIC PURELY FOR THE REASON OF GETTING HER RABID FANBASE TO HOUND THEM ABOUT WHY THEY REJECTED THEIR QUEEN.
And now we're all supposed to be distracted by some transphobic tweets one of the lackadaisy team members [of which there are very, very many] liked on twitter forever ago and ignore the fact that person was ALSO the one who was slightly mean to the woman who hates just about every minority on the planet whose fanbase loves to rapidly try to tear down [Viv].
Viv's fans just really REALLY care about transphobia, that's why the same person they ALREADY HATED bc they said smth mean to their GODDESS, just so happened to be the one who, [with enough harassment and scrubbing] they found a reason to hate. How kind of them to bring this to our attention, truly they are acting so selflessly while they deny the screenshots of Viv being transphobic with foaming mouths. But the person who was slightly mean to their queen? Oh they're transphobic, we know bc viv's fans instantly went into stalker mode but now it's okay to stalk them bc we found a good reason to right? =] the ends justify the means.
if ur a fan of viv or her work, I don't mean this lightly.
Get the fuck away from me or die. Either works.
Sincerely, a trans person <3
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Will has said multiple times that he didn’t pay $5000 for that script like Kelios did. ScriptHunt got the same deal you and your server did for the digital copy. That’s partly why Kelios got so mad and was able to get her money back.
Incorrect. Kelios openly raged that 2po tricked her into it. wigglebox was not working with 2po at that time. Wigglebox was the one with the 400 dollar deal. I know the group.
If Wigglebox was secretly also working with 2po then, she was lying to multiple groups, AND 2po was actively lying to her *and* Kelios, so that makes a nice clusterfuck.
I don't care what they claim now to cover their own ass. "Scripthunt" claims that because Wigglebox did the 400 dollar stunt. She tried to back us fucking down from it. 2po onboarded to the stunt after we already alerted having distribution on standby, because Wigglebox tried to back us off of it for a second physical copy.
So, fucking no, they're all liars. Kelios lost her SHIT about 2po lying to her and telling them to get it, because SHE thought *I* was working with 2po to trick them into it because The Hellers Got It Already. But no, he was going to try to use Kelios for the physical script, and used their fundraising. And Wigglebox was trying to chase down a second copy that didn't exist for 400. And she had her posse come at my fucking server and try to back us off the digital deal.
Literally. WE, not scripthunt, released the digitals, OUR SERVER bartered the deal. ANDROMEDA (rebranded to Scripthunt) fought us because they thought they found a second copy for 400 and said not to chase the digital. We wouldn't back down. 2pO got Kelios and the wincels autobidding. Once we secured the 25 digital deal, we giggled and price spiked them. Kelios thought 2pO did it to them on purpose and that it was a great heller plan and we had the 25 deal the whole time.
So. no.
Any people that got banned after the fact and ran salty there saying "we got it too" forgot the * of "before we got banned from Min's server."
Like, fun fact, scripthunt server was Wigglebox's then, and called Andromeda, which is where they got kicked to after being banned for triangulating jensens colorado on trees after pretending to be investors buying properties didn't work; over what was supposed to be a misha filming hunt, and 2po they at least PRETENDED was a separate unit, because he was busy fucking over Kelios. Then the final wave that became scripthunt is, when the arrogant kids in my server building a dev pitch got big heads and started harassing general users, I told them to stop, and they said it was their right, and tried to hijack server permissions to delete shit in revenge, and got banned, and ran over there, and are salty as fuck about how everything is unfolding.
Great squad over there, 10/10
even their fundraising model is a ripoff of polol's old ones. I'm kinda boggled they haven't hit 2K yet with that many good scripts up for raffle and that few entrants. The Whitewalker campaign got like 4K in a few days without offering anything but social justice. We just stopped doing those after 2po and his cronies in scripthunt battered us down under attack dogs. I guess they wanted the spotlight. Because they see it as spotlights, and not actual acts of social good, which is why I had to yell for MONTHS about the tens of thousands 2po had grifted out of fandom before they did a charity.
So idk, maybe people are noticing. unfortunate that the one time that group chooses to give back to society after being held to the fire about their tens in thousands of monetary gain from fandom in scripts... that it might be trevor project that feels it. So like. I'd still say support that. Let them do one good thing as they burn out.
but that's why 2po's had a childlike attack fixation on my server for several years. The server bullies got thrown out, the jensen stalkers got thrown out, and among them were several pitch devs even. But that last detail aside, he's literally just shrieking on behalf of the fandom stalker psychos wanting a gold of their own and telling people to not go to the other treehouse they aren't allowed in.
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
Something I notice about Tumblr
When I post something I worked really hard on, I usually get 1-30 notes
But when I post something like Emperor Belos's New Groove, I get 600 notes
If I make a cursed add for my book instead of a real one I put effort into
Will Tumblr make it viral?
Or, I could do what I've seen in other viral post, where it's like: If I get 5000 notes I'll do this cursed thing.
The question is how desperate am I for people to read my book?
But it's also the question of what kind of fandom do I want to have for it?
Because I want a fandom, I don't care about money, I want to talk to people that live my characters as much as I do and want to learn more about my characters and want to hear me, or I guess read me, talk about them.
I'll only get 1 dollar if someone buys the 29 dollar paper back because it all goes to printing and shit
If I had my way the book would be five dollars
But hopefully people will still be able to buy it
Anyways I got off track here
I don't want a fandom made up of people that only read the book cause I did something cursed
And I know if I come off as too desperate I won't be respected as an author
But I am desperate
I am lonely
I live in the middle of nowhere because my parents are introverts and my disability makes it hard to drive or walk and I don't have the resources to live on my own
And I just want to feel like all the work I put into this book matters
Dammit now this is turning into a vent post
I'm also advertising it on Tik Tok, but I have terrible lighting and the algorithm doesn't like it when you're not filming yourself so I don't get much interaction on there either.
So, how do I get people to read my LGBTQ+ Neurodiverse fantasy book?
Or do I just leave it be and start trying to get myself to work on the next one even though my depression is telling me it doesn't matter?
Also just so you guys know this isn't me trying to guilt you into buying the book that's not what I want at all
I'm genuinely asking for advice
I want people to want to read the book
So I want to know what's the best way to make people aware that it exists
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nonyaproductions · 2 years
Writing commissions Rules
Hi, I'm Terra, and I am a writer with too much free time. I'm new to this, so bear with me, but if you want something written, maybe I can help.
I’ll only write SFW stories (I'm not into sex)
No incest or pedophilia (Gross)
Sander sides (My favorite)
My hero Academia
Original works
Owl house
Rise of the TMNT
What I will write:
Canon relationships 
LGBT+ stories
AUs and Alternative timelines
Ask, the worst I can say is no
Other services:
Editing your work/workshop your stories
Be a beta reader
Only for SFW stories. Basically, I can check for any spelling errors, grammar errors, let you know if your story makes sense, or give you ideas on how it can be better. 
For writing:
100 word flash fics: 10$
500 word flash fics: 15$
1000 word fics: 25$
2000 word fics: 30$
3000 word fics: 40$
4000 word fics: 50$
5000 word fics: 60$
If I go over but don’t make the next mark, I’ll meet half way or round down. Example, 150 might be 11$, but 105 will still be 10$.
For other services:
Depending on the length of your story, around 20-70$
I'll ask for payment 50% upfront then the rest at the end. For example, if you ask for a 100 word flash fic. You pay me 5$ dollars up front and the other 5$ when I finish.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission. The finished product will be posted on my Ao3 account. You can also go there to check out examples of my work. I have some unfinished fics that, if you read and want me to continue, you can also pay me to finish them.
Send me a DM if you are interested.
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izzypoopypoo · 2 months
United States of America
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
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Day One
So I just woke up like thissss — in the US of A. Born and raised. At 2657 107th AVE NW.
Here I am!!!
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Hmm, what should I do in my home of Coon Rapids? I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!! I need to EAT.
I leap into my blue minivan and drive carefully on the roads, eschewing the ubiquitous ice. One notorious thing about this place is Elsa's wrath upon us.
I pick up my BFFies for a grand old time because that's just what we Minnesotans do, IG.
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Yesss IHOP — my favourite place on the planet. The International House of Pancakes was founded in 1958 by my BFFs Jerry Lapin, Al Lapin, and Albert Kallis in Los Angeles.
This particular IHOP is located at 55 Coon Rapids Blvd, NW, and is one of the worst-rated IHOPs nearby at 3.4
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Here I'm sat with my ponies Clara, Read, and Ramsey. IDK WTF they ordered, but I ALWAYS order the five stack of original buttermilk pancakes, since I was a little kitten.
I hear Ed Sheeran playing on the radio and I want to die. Every song is in English. We speak English in the US due to the red coats colonizing here in the 1600s. Fun fact, I'm technically the most American in this room. #Mexican #Brown. Yet white is seen as the epitome of American SMH, ANYWAY!!!
Our waitress forgets about us 5000 times. We also weren't even seated for like 30 minutes despite there being like one other customer. YEAH, THIS SERVICE STINKS! But I still leave a 20% tip because this is America and waiters don't make enough on their salary alone, so it's my duty to tip them.
I tip using my hard-earned US Dollars from working at Coldstone Creamery. My own tips, actually.
Day -5
There's not much else to do in Coon Rapids but eat and shop. Especially in the winter when no one wants to be outside. Except when you're freaky like us.
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Winter fun!!! SLEDDING!!! That's how we live it up in the depths of winter here in Minnesota. I also love love skiing, but not in Coon Rapids. But my soul craves warmth… I need to travel to the equator. Time to get crawling.
0 notes
0pinnable0 · 3 months
TailPipe Chastity Bootleg
$500. Five hundred dollars for a chastity cage. 
How can a cock cage with a plug be worth that much money? 
Despite his huffing, Blake knew exactly why it was so expensive. With nanotech smart technology, the ability to shift form upon command, a plug that wrapped under the groin, and a host of other features made possible by a remote control made the LABRATory Tailpipe Chastity well worth the price. Blake unfortunately made just above minimum wage and with rent, bills, and student loans to pay off, he couldn’t go splurging on luxury purchases as much as he wanted to. He scrolled through the rest of the website, everything more enticing than the last, harnesses, masks, plugs, suits, toy models, and everything more expensive than the last $1000, $5000, $10,000, there was even a seven foot lion toy going for $25,000. 
Do I buy a new car or a lion dom top?
Blake closed out of the website. He looked at the jar of cash he had been slowly saving up for personal treats like the chastity plug he’d been eyeing for a while. Sadly broken appliances, and accidentally mismanaged payments had leached the jar to a little over $200, and that had taken almost a full year to build up to. He sighed loudly, closing his eyes, thinking of the months he’d have to wait. A thought made him open his eyes and look back at his computer screen.
Hmmm, maybe someone is reselling one, or something like it for cheaper. 
Blake had been determined to buy the goods brand new straight from the source, but his patience was finally wearing away. He put the desired keywords in quotes into the search engine, clicking through each link, only to be disappointed with the same price, or an ad, or something different altogether. He was just about to give up when he stumbled upon what seemed to be a knock off Craigslist. The toy in the pictures was almost identical. Same shiny black rubber cockcage with a tight loop to go around the balls, and a strip of rubber connecting to an egg sized plug.
Only a hundred?! But what does faulty mean?
Blake messaged the seller.
“Hey, saw your listing for the Chastity Plug, what exactly do you mean by faulty?”
“Yeah, the remote is a little fritzy, but it still works just the same you just have to be patient with it.”
“And it's from the same company, LABRATory right?”
“It’s still available then?”
“Yeah, if you want it, just put in your card info and shipping address and it’s yours. Just so you know, no refunds or returns, once it’s your, it’s yours.”
Blake was more than skeptical, but at the same time it was one hell of a deal.
“Just curious about why you’re selling it, can it not be fixed?”
“I mean, yeah, you could probably get it fixed, it’s also just not my kind of thing this specific toy. If you want it lemme know soon, I’ve got other people looking at it too.”
Blake thought hard. Sure it might be partially broken, but at least I’ll have one, and I could get it repaired… maybe… 
He sent over his info choosing to believe this was too good and true.
It was sitting in the stairwell of his apartment when he came home from a mind numbing day at the office. A medium sized non-descript cardboard box with an unnecessary amount of packing tape sat on the landing.
It’s here! It’s finally here!
Blake grabbed the box and scurried into his apartment. He took his keys and started ripping up the tape on the box. With a deep breath he opened it. Nestled on a bed of plastic packing material, wrapped in a LABRATory plastic sleeve bag was the chastity plug he’d been waiting so long for.
Hell yeah, come to papa.
He pulled it out of the bag. It was surprisingly heavy, much denser and weightier than all the other sex toys he had used before. Most of the weight came from the plug which was firm but still with a nice give. The cage and loop were also flexible, but not so much to be useless as a chastity device. It was the same shiny black material, except for a band of bright blue running around the cage.
Didn’t notice that before. Oh, where’s the remote?
Blake dug through the packing material, but he couldn’t seem to find a remote. He searched until his fingers brushed up against something.
Huh? That’s too big to be a remote.
He lifted the object out revealing a black mask. It was distinctly feline, like a simplistic tiger’s face made of some black rubbery or neoprene like material. It had a short but distinct muzzle and what seemed to be a rubbery tuft of the same blue on the top of the head not unlike a stylized mohawk. Blue brows above dark tinted lenses. The cute triangle nose was the same blue as the hair as well as a single thin strip of blue coming out from the nose on either side, going right underneath the eyes, before swooping down to the bottom of the face. Blake was too distracted by the very suggestive O shape of the mouth to notice all those details. He turned the mask around seeing not only two holes meant to slide up the wearer’s nostrils, but a cock shaped hollow mouth gag more than a couple inches long. 
Whoa, that’s cool, but it's definitely not the remote. 
He gave it a closer look, the border of the mask unnaturally smooth with no straps and not nearly enough material to wrap around the head.
How would you even wear it, would you just have to keep sucking the whole time? That can’t be right. 
He lifted the mask, he could see through the lenses like sunglasses. He brought it closer opening his mouth, tasting the rubberiness of the gag. He almost pushed it further before the nostril tubes tickled his nose and he pulled it way.
Oh that feels so weird.
He put the mask to the side. He dumped the box upside and kept searching for the remote, but now with a creeping feeling he understood why he got these items for such a steal. After a good ten minutes of hopeless searching Blake gave up.
There’s no remote. There’s no fucking remote. Of course. Of course it was too good to be true.
He went back to his computer to pull up the seller’s page, just to be certain, but the page was gone, not even clicking through his history pulled up the page, just 404’s all around.
God I should have just waited… but still…
He looked at the toy. 
I can get it fixed. I’ll get it fixed, and sure getting it fixed might be close to $500 dollars, but now I have a kinky mask to go with it. Even without the remote it’s still usable as something.
After a quick shower and some prepping, Blake stood naked in his bedroom, chastity plug and a bottle of lube on the nightstand. He dolloped some lube on his hand, reaching around to slick up his hole. One finger, then two, just enough to loosen him a little, but not enough to give him a full blown erection. He brought the excess around and lightly coated his cock from the tip to base.
Alright, here we go.
After dropping some into the cage, he lined up the head of his penis with the hole and slid it inside. “Ah,” there was an unexpected ribbed texture inside that caught him off guard, and he felt the blood start to pump.
Gotta work fast.
He slid his dick the rest of the way in, feeling a tightness surrounding and holding it in place, and with some strong stretching he got the loop around his balls. The grip wasn’t too bad, like a hand firmly holding onto him. He sat there enjoying the look and feeling before letting out a content sigh.
And now for the plug.
Blake leaned over the bed, holding the plug in one hand, slightly spreading his cheeks with the other. He pressed the tip of the plug against his hole. He shivered, a little chilly, but as he held it there, it started warming up. He kept pressing, lightly put constantly, feeling it sink in little by little. Just as it reached the widest part he let out a big breath and it slipped all the way in.
“Mmmm, there we go.”
He gently clenched enjoying the fullness and the slight prodding against his prostate. He looked between his legs and was caught off guard by a soft blue light.
What is that?
He sat up looking down at his crotch. The blue ring had lit up, gently pulsing light.
What does that mean? Is it-
“Ah! Fuck-” He felt a tongue lap against his constrained cock. It licked up and down, under the head, occasionally flicking.
Oh it works! It still works! Oh wow it- oooo, it works.
He laid back, gently moaning. The licking eventually turned into lips, latching onto the head and then engulfing his dick. “Mmmph, fuck yeah,” Blake could not believe his luck, the toy was working and he was fully enjoying the feeling of something leisurely sucking him off. After a few moments he felt something lap at his balls.
But there’s nothing there to…
Blake stared down watching as the shiny black material swelled covering his junk entirely.
I don’t remember that feature.
Still sucking it eventually formed into a smooth round bulge, the blue ring slowly reforming into the shape of a lock. He reached down prodding the bulge. It squished beneath his touch, but somehow he could only faintly feel it, only really feeling the sucking and licking.
He grabbed the bulge in his hand and squeezed. He felt that, but only just, the simulated mouth sucked hard and he fell back onto the bed.
Well, this isn’t bad, it’s just… different.
And with that he felt the plug pulse.
“Oh, okay, what-Ah,” the plug pulsed again and he swore he felt it get bigger?
Now what?
Blake face his mirror and turned around, spreading his legs. He stared, mouth agape, as a small indentation began to form at the base of the plug just outside his hole.
What is- “Fuck, oh fuck,” the indetation pressed inwards and grew bigger. It grew in size as it pushed inside of him. He panted and stared as the anal sheathe formed, his hole kept agape as it pressed in further, like someone with a thicker than average dick slowly spreading him open before eventually stopping a couple inches inside. He clenched but his hole still gaped. He tentatively brought a finger to his hole and touched it, sending a quiver up his spine. 
A lot more sensitive than usual.
He pressed inward, biting his lip. Past the lip of his hole he felt a smooth ridge, then another, and another.
Fuck, I’m ribbed for pleasure.
He waited for more changes, but after a minute it seemed nothing else was going to happen.
Alright, that’s not too bad.
Fully laying down on his bed, Blake started to finger his hole with one hand, squeezing his bulge with the other, thrusting into the fake mouth sucking him off. He built up a rhythm until he felt his body take over, inner walls clenching, hips thrusting-
Shit, I’m gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna-
And then it was gone. All feeling, the sucking, the sensitivity gone in an instant.
Come on!
He panted, pent up and desperate. Slowly sensation started to return. The faint feeling of licking was first, but he was distracted by the chime of his phone. A text from his manager asking him to come in early tomorrow morning.
He texted back, confirming he’d be in and put the phone down.
Guess I’ll have to put you away for now.
He felt at the bulge trying to find the seam between his crotch and the rubber… but he couldn’t find one.
Come on.
He felt around the side, and underneath, but no matter where he pulled or dug his fingers in, nothing would lift the material up.
Are you kidding me?
He reached around behind him and felt the ring holding his hole open and tried to get a grip, but his fingers kept slipping. He tried to push it out from within, but it wouldn’t budge.
Just my luck, the faulty product won’t come off. I guess it is meant to be a chastity device and without the remote, gah, this is so annoying.
By that point the sucking had returned and his hole was sensitive once again.
I just gotta… I have to sleep and then I’ll get in early, get out early, and I’ll get this whole thing figured out.
Blake went about his daily bedtime routine, washing his face and brushing his teeth, all the while trying to ignore the toy stimulating him below. He went to bed with a white noise video playing, hoping the sound would help distract him from the pleasure radiating below.
Blake woke with a buzz, his alarm and the plug going off at the same time. “Ah, come on!” He turned off the alarm, but he couldn’t turn off the buzzing. It hadn’t been a restful sleep, still feeling mentally and physically exhausted, but he got out of bed nonetheless, trying to ignore the vibrations aimed directly at his g spot.
Just gotta, “ah,” get through the day.
He dressed, packed his bag, and drove off while the sky was still dark, the hole plug switching up its vibrations, small and fast, low and slow, even a ripple starting at his hole and going up to the tip inside. When he finally arrived outside the office, he was just about to get out of his car when he realized
Oh shit, I can hear it vibrating… other people will hear it.
Blake hoped with the early morning nobody would be around to hear and hopefully the toy would move on to some other method of stimulation. He walked into the office, thankfully empty as far as he could see and headed to his sectioned off cubicle at the end of the hall. He was especially grateful for the modicum of privacy this allowed. He got to work. He had grown used to buzzes at this point, though combined with the oral stimulation he wasn’t his most productive. Everything was going well until a couple hours in and he heard the tell tale footsteps of his manager.
Shit, shit, shit, would do I do?
He looked around his desk for anything, any noise making object that wouldn’t make him look totally insane. Just as his manager rounded the corner, Blake started rather vigorously tapping his pen.
“Morning Blake!” his manager rounded the corner all smiles.
“Morning Greg!” Blake gritted his teeth. He prayed the tapping would cover the vibrations which he swore were getting louder.
“Thanks for coming in early, everything good so far?”
“Good, great.”
“Not anxious are you?” Greg stared at the pen tapping a mile a minute.
“Just getting some energy out, you know.”
“Sure,” a slightly confused look flashed across Greg’s face, “Think you’ll get the orders in by end of day?”
“If I buckle down, no distraaa-actions,” the plug was shifting, “I should be able too,” Blake twisted his mouth into a semblance of a smile.
“Great to hear. Don’t work yourself too hard okay?” Greg said starting to walk around the corner.
Blake watched Greg disappear out of view before dropping the pen and collapsing onto his desk.
Fuck, what the hell is it “mmmmmm,” Blake fought back a moan, what is it doing now?
Slowly, little nubs started to form all along the plug, pressing against his walls.
“fuck fuck fuck fuck,” Blake tightened his fingers into fists, curling his toes in his shoes, panting, face against the desk, trying to gain control.
Just get the work done.
He started to type, but with each key he pressed, one of the nubs would spring to life for a moment, all the while the tongue flicked the head of his cock. After hours of torture, he could finally go home. He stood up with a wobble, hurrying past his coworkers, down the stairs, despite the added stimulation of each step rocking the plug, to avoid any potential elevator nonsense and into his car. He drove like a madman before racing up to his apartment, slamming the door behind him, and once again feeling like he was about to burst before all feeling faded away. 
“Come On!”
He fell to his knees, taking deep breaths.
I gotta get this off, I gotta this thing off of me.
Pulling up his laptop, he scoured the LABRATory website until he found a customer service number which he dialed. A chipper almost robotic voice responded.
“Hello thank you for calling LABRATory customer service, if you are currently unable to speak or use your hands please moan or groan twice and we will transfer you to a different line. If you are able to speak freely please press one.”
Blake pressed 1, and after a tone, was greeted by the same happy tone.
“Hello, thank you for calling LABRATory, I’m PETRI, how can I help you?”
“Hi, yes, I seem to have um, gotten myself stuck, or rather one of your toys is stuck on me?”
“Ah, sorry to hear that, would you mind telling me which kind of toy?”
“It’s the uh, um, the tailpipe chastity.”
“The what?”
“The Tailpipe Chastity! Sorry,” Blake blushed.
“Alright and you are unable to take it off?”
“Have you tried turning it off with the remote?”
“I uh… i don’t have a remote, I uh, lost it.”
“Oh dear, well you should be able to come in and we can get you sorted, or we can try the manual method over the phone and try to get it off now.”
“Yes, now, please,” the sensation of the mouth sucking was returning.
“Now if you reach to the base of your crotch in between your groin and rear end you should feel a round indentation.”
Blake felt around, finding nothing.
“If you hold it for thirty seconds, the emergency release should activate.”
“I don’t have that.”
A split second pause.
“What?” the cheery voice of PETRI asked.
“I don’t have a button or whatever down there.”
Blake listened, a pause over the phone.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Sir would you mind describing the toy for me?”
“Uh yeah, it’s a cock cage in the front, a plug in the back, and there’s a blue glowing lock symbol on the bulge in front.”
Another pause.
“Hello?” Blake broke the silence.
“I’m sorry to hear about your predicament, but it seems you have the wrong company. We do not sell a black and blue model of that toy.”
“We sell in exclusively solid colors, what you’re describing sounds like a custom job which we have no record of on our part. Would you mind telling me where you got your hands on a product like this?” There was a sudden icy serious tone to PETRI.
“I… ” Blake hung up.
Shit. If I tell them where I got it they’ll probably arrest me for buying illegal goods. Fucking fuck!
He took a deep breath trying to calm down, but failed as he watched the shiny black rubber start to spread out from the toy.
Of course, of course it had to get worse.
The material crawled along his skin, a gentle tickling, until it covered him as much as a pair of briefs would, up to the waist and most of his ass.
Well, that’s not too bad… there’s gotta be someway of taking this thing off.
Blake went to his room to the mirror, looking over every part of the material to see if there was anything new, any lift, any possible seam. Nothing. Nothing except the nubs starting to squirm which in turn made him squirm. He fell back onto his bed, writhing, feet pushing, fingers grabbing sheets, his insides wracked with pleasure.
At least it feels amazing.
He groaned and squeezed his bulge as the mouth started sucking in earnest.
Wait, no, it’s just gonna edge me again.
He pulled his hands away, trying to fight the pleasure, and he stayed there all night. The nubs wiggling and occasionally buzzing, tossing his head back and forth until he passed out.
Blake woke somehow even more exhausted than yesterday, but more importantly feeling full, almost too full.
God what is it today?
He got up out of bed and looked in the mirror and gasped. It was like he was wearing a latex singlet, from his clavicle to the tops of his knees he was covered.
Shit that can’t be good.
He had to admit though, it did look good. The material hugged him tightly and smoothed everything out, creating a trim toned build. The same thin blue line tracing along the side of his torso and thighs, wrapping around his back and delving between his cheeks outlining his hole.
Oh wow.
His hole was gaping already, but today was something else. He could now easily fit three fingers inside of himself, which when he did sent a delightful shiver through his body, his inner walls involuntarily trying to clench down.
That explains the fullness.
He dressed, learning to push through the licking, and surprisingly able to hand the full sensation in his rear. He got to work early again, the less people he had to be around the better. Settling in at his desk, he got to work.
I can do this. I can totally do this.
As he was working, he searched on his phone in the LABRATory user forums on possible solutions. Nothing seemed to match his situation until a post caught his eye.
“Oh yeah, you gotta be careful of copycats out there. I heard this story of one guy, he thought he was getting this suit for a great deal, but then he started having some issues, and turns out he had bought something that had found its way out of the sex toy black market whatever that is. Apparently he vanished out of thin air one day after he started having issues. They found him months later in some wealthy guys mansion trapped in the fucktoy suit. Zonked out of his mind. The real scary thing was the guy who bought him, didn’t even know there was a real person inside, he just thought it was a toy.”
“Why’d they raid his house if they didn’t know a real person was inside?”
“Oh, they caught him trying to sneak a rhino onto his property, a real endangered rhino.”
The post continued on with the drama surrounding the purchasing of endangered species, but Blake’s mind was racing.
Oh god, what if this is a black market toy? Someone’s probably looking for it aren’t they? I mean, probably.
Blake tried to think, but was interrupted by the plug shifting.
Oh no.
He felt it form into a larger than average cock and thrust into him.
“Fuck-” Blake caught himself, stifling the sounds he couldn’t stop from making. The plug already easily seven inches deep inside him, with a girth approaching a soda can started to gently thrust in and out, in and out, never leaving his hole, just working from within.
Oh god, oh god, I gotta get out of here.
Blake stumbled to the restroom and locked himself in a stall. He sat down on the toilet seat and covered his mouth trying to ride it out. Each thrust a stifled, “Mmm.” Breathing hard out his nose, he prayed it would eventually subside. What was even stranger, he noticed, was despite how full he felt, there was still an emptiness inside him only growing stronger. He reached a hand behind his pants and felt between his cheeks. His fingertips reached his quivering hole, he could feel the thrusts even from the outside. “Mmmmm, ah- shit… it has to- mmmm… stop- unh-  eventually,” but it didn’t. Not even even when someone else opened the restroom door.
He heard the other person walking and saw their feet stand in front of a urinal.
Just stay calm, stay calm.
Blake gritted his teeth as the cock inside picked up the pace. His coworker did his business, and flushed until, “Unh!” The tongue had started up again making Blake let out a groan, he clamped down on his mouth, terrified. The coworker stopped halfway to the sink.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
“Best of luck to ya!” his coworker said in a joking voice before washing their hands and heading out.
Oh phew, that was- “Ahhh!” Blake felt the cock “slide out” of him, leaving him panting.
I need to leave, I need to- “Unnhh!” He felt a thinner cock slide into him making him fall forward, catching himself on the bathroom wall. Just as it went in, “Ah-mmm!” it slid out.
Okay I- “Mmmmm!” A different cock, shorter but wider took its place, and then it was out. Blake held himself up against the wall as the two different dildos took turns longdicking him until he felt the thicker one lodge itself firmly inside.
Finally I can… oh no… 
He felt it. Tapping at his already full hole, the other thinner but longer dildo.
There’s no way, no, no way it could- “Hnnng!” He couldn’t hold back his voice as the second cock started pushing in next to the first. “Hah! Hah! Hah!” Slowly, achingly he was dp’d, his knees shaking, hands holding on tight to the top of the stalls, his hips pushing back into the slow thrust. His body shook waiting for the second dick to bottom out. He had never felt this stretched before in his entire life. At long last, panting all the while, the second dildo reached its destination, and after two thrusts that made his vision almost turn to white, they were both gone in an instant. Blake fell to the ground, not caring he was on a bathroom floor, his entire being overloaded with pleasure and physical fatigue, trying to calm his breathing. He eventually picked himself up, opened the stall and walked over to the sink. As he was washing his face, he noticed a gleam by his neck. He peeked down his button up to see the rubber had climbed all the way up to just below his neck.
Fucking hell, can’t I catch a break?
Looking down his neck he caught a glimpse underneath his shirt sleeve and the inky black had almost reached his wrists. He pulled up his pants and pulled down his socks as he watched his ankles halfway covered.
That’s it I’m leaving.
Blake sneaked out of the bathroom and headed back to his desk. He turned the corner and jumped. His manager was waiting.
“Hey Blake, everything okay? You’ve been away from your desk for a little while.”
“Sorry, I was in the restroom. I-”
The plug sprang to life again.
Not now, please not now!
“Yes?” asked Greg.
“I wasn’t feeling- mnh!” he cleared his throat as he felt what was undoubtedly a tentacle start to squirm inside of him.
“I wasn’t feeling so well, so I went to the restroom and I- ah!” the tentacle pushed deeper inside him, slipping past his second hole and into his colon, causing him to double over.
“Oh my god, Blake are you okay?” Greg held him up.
“No, I, ummm, I think I, ah, need to go home,” Blake groaned as the tentacle pushed and prodded every inch of his spasming walls on its way deeper.
“Do I need to call you an ambulance?”
“No! No, thank you, no, I can- mhp!” Blake straightened up, fighting against the sensual assault.
“Alright, if you’re sure?”
“Yes, mmmph, sure,” and with that Blake grabbed his belongings and bolted. As he was pulling out his car keys, he saw the rubber creep onto the back of his hand.
Shit! I have to get home before it fucks with my hands too.
He drove, for sure breaking the speed limit, the adrenaline helping him push past the sensation of a tentacle filling his guts, and the mouth in the bulge kicking back into gear, seemingly trying to be his demise. He took three stairs at a time up his apartment building as he felt the rubber creep around his neck and around his toes. He fumbled with the keys, the slick black palms now ending in the bright blue rubber covered fingers, slightly puffier, and a lot harder to get a firm grip on his keys. After a good panicked minute, he was inside, and locked the door.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Blake thought he was about to start crying from the sensory overload when he felt the slick sensation of something covering the back of his head and popping into his ears. All the sensations faded to a gentle sucking of his cock, and a gentle pulse in his hole.
Toys don’t worry.
What was that?
Blake whirled around trying to find the source of the sound.
Toys take deep breaths.
Who are you?
Blake pulled at the rubber around his head, trying and failing to make it budge, his chest suddenly moving making him breathe slower, deeper.
Toys don’t wear clothes.
What are you talking about?
Blake’s arms suddenly froze, then methodically began unbuttoning his shirt.
I can’t control my arms, what-
Toys don’t worry.
His arms took off his shirt, then his pants, and finally slipped off his socks and shoes.
Toys feel better without clothes.
How are you doing this?
Toys don’t worry.
The suit marched him to the full length mirror in his bedroom. The shiny black suit had almost covered his entire body, defining his muscles on his arms, pecs, thighs, and calves accented by a thin blue line running along his sides. The only bit of skin left was around his face sparing his eyes, nose, and mouth. His ears had been smoothed over and replaced with round feline ears.
Toy model?
The rubber rippled all across his body. He felt a tug along his lower back as a little lump grew into a nub then into a long tail slowly flicking behind him, his fingers puffed up slightly, blue paw pads swelling on his fingertips and palms. The suit changed his stance, putting more weight on the balls of his feet, as muscle was packed onto the thighs as the feet grew out into paws, giving a slight digitigrade appearance, his ass plumping into a perfect pert peach. He looked himself over, his body now a supple, toned, rubbery black and blue tiger toy, except for the pink skin of his face.
Good toys put on their mask.
Mask? What… oh…
The suit marched him back into the living over to the box and dug out the tiger mask from before. Just as the suit raised the mask he gained control over his body again.
Good toys put on their mask.
Blake slowly raised the mask before stopping himself.
Why the hell would I do that, I need to- “Ahh!”
The thrusting returned, the sensation of being longdicked, fast and hard. His newly grown tail standing straight at attention, his new paws tensing and squirming, toes splayed out, still sensitive despite all he had been put through already.
Good toys put on their mask
He fell to his knees, his hole spasming, clenching at nothing “Hah, hah, hah, no, hah, ah, I just-mmmmm,” the sucking joined in, tight around the head of his cock and sliding up and down, still held flaccidly in place, driving him wild.
Good toys are rewarded.
Blake’s thoughts started getting hazy in all the feelings overtaking him.
If I could just cum, I could think clearer.
He squeezed his bulge trying to push himself over the edge, but still nothing.
Good toys are rewarded.
He looked over at the mask again, and picked it up. As he did, he felt his erection starting to be freed from the bulge, the mouth sliding up and down, licking around the head, pushing him another step closer.
So close.
Good toys are rewarded.
He brought it closer to his face and as he did he swore he could feel a strong hand push his back to the ground, and another gripping his hip, “Mmmm” he moaned, the fucking in his ass gaining a human like rhythm. Each thrust hitting his prostate, “Hah! hah! fuck! yeah!” opening him up deep. His dick quivered beneath precum dripping out of him.
Just a little bit more.
Good toys are rewarded.
And with those words in his ears he opened his mouth, wrapping his lips around the phallic gag, “MMMMM!” the sensation transfering to his own cock. He worked the tubes into his nostrils, the length sliding down the back of his throat, powering through his gag reflex as the edges of the mask lined up with the edge of the rubber, melding into one seamless suit.
Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, I’m gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna-
The lenses over his eyes darkened to black as all sensation left his body, his dick snapping back into a smooth bulge, the lock symbol shining brightly.
A flash of light, swirling colors, and static filled his view, and Blake fell into a deep suggestive state. Small LED-like heart eyes appeared on his lenses where pupils would be.
Good toys suck.
He tried to resist, but his need for some satisfaction made him obey. Blake started to suck on the gag and he felt a faint tickle against his dick.
Good toys clench.
Blake clenched and he felt a faint thrust against his prostate.
This repeated over and over, Blake learning to do what he was told to do and receive his reward of a little more pleasure, learning to earn it, percentage by percentage. Many hours later, still sitting prone on the ground, there was a faint clicking at his door. It opened, the lockpicker standing up as two “movers” walked in. They looked at Blake, fully enraptured by the toysuit, gently rocking back and forth, lube like drool dripping from his mouth and ass. The lockpicker pulled a thick silver collar out of his bag, and locked it around the tiger toy’s neck.
The words GOOD TOY lit up around the collar, Blake letting out a moan as the “movers” picked him up and placed him inside a crate. “All clear here, the sweepers can come in and clean this place up,” the lockpicker ended the call and headed out following behind the crate.
“Where did you say this toy came from?” asked the toy club owner. The lockpicker had the black and blue tiger toy on chain connected its collar, the light up eyes in a half lidded state.
“We were doing a sweep of our warehouse and we found this toy in the back of storage. We couldn’t sell it as a suit as someone put this permalock collar on it, so we put a responsive AI in the suit instead.”
The owner gave him a skeptical look. He pulled out a small device, not unlike a handheld metal detector and gave the toy a once over.
The owner gave it a long look before looking back at the lockpicker. “How much did you say you wanted for it again?”
“Well its a custom toy, unique coloring, obedient omega programming built in, sure it’s a little old, but I’d say, $20,000.”
“Deal, but any funny business and-”
“No funny business, just think y’all would put it to better use. It’s just not my kind of thing, this specific toy. Also,” he fished into his pockets, “Here’s the remote.” With an exchange of cash, and the handing off of the remot, the lockpicker walked out. The owner looked over at his newest member of staff.
“Who’s a good toy?” the tiger toy mewled, rubbing its bulge, its hole clenching.
“Yes you are.”
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kylie1976 · 9 months
Everything There is To Know About Tesla Price Cuts
In the end of 2022, Tesla started cutting prices and basically never stopped. Except for $250 price hike in May of 2023.
Price of a car is very important, considering that buying it just a day late might mean savings of thousands of dollars. So in this article I want to explore Tesla’s price policy, and even if it’s impossible to predict what they will do next, we can at least discuss the trend itself and try to guess direction of prices in the future.
Price cuts to Model 3 and Model Y
While it is normal for previous years’ models to go on sale, Tesla did something they’ve never done before. They cut prices on Model 3 and Model Y by as much as $5000. This is the difference between initial higher price and current price of the Model 3. Sometimes prices go up, sometimes they go down, but the trend seems that Tesla is slashing prices on its two most popular cars.
One possible explanation is that the manufacturer is looking to offload existing stock before 2024 Model 3 and Model Y hit the market. We still don't know about Tesla Model Y 2024 release date, but it should be sometime in late 2024.
Still, steep price cuts suggest that Tesla is trying to move as many cars as possible, possibly to leverage economies of scale (as well as some tweaks to the design) to minimize manufacturing costs and still make profit.
At one point, Standard 2023 RWD Model 3 was down to $39,990. This is very affordable, considering the range, speed, and overall quality of the car. Additional $7500 tax credit meant that customers could get new Model 3 for nearly the same price as new Camry.
Price cutting seems to be an universal policy across different regions. In China, Tesla cut prices on Model Y and Model 3 by as much as $2000 (or equivalent in Yuan).
After several price cuts, Tesla increased prices by insignificant amounts to give the illusion of volatility of prices. However, I remain convinced that the EV automaker intends to cut prices as much as they can to move more units.
September 2023 price cuts to Model S and Model X
Few days ago, Tesla took a drastic step and cut prices on their Model S and Model X cars by tens of thousands of dollars. You read that right, they cut prices by 10s of thousands of dollars.
Needless to say, this angered a lot of Tesla fans who had recently bought a Model S or Model X. Once again, price cuts were universal to both Chinese and North American markets. Price on Model S was cut by as much as %14 and Model X price was cut by 21%. Price on the Model X is actually down 41% since September of 2022.
What’s even more impressive is that current price of Model X makes the car available for $7500 federal tax credit. All things considered, customers could get the Model X for thirty to forty thousand dollars cheaper than they could last year. This type of discount is not normal, and suggests that Tesla may be up to something.
My guess is that Tesla plans to retire S and X, perhaps to make room for the Cybertruck. It should be noted that the 2024 Model 3 looks a lot like Tesla Model S, both inside and out. These changes suggest that Tesla plans to absorb Model S into the Model 3, and focus on making new cars.
Are price cuts a sign of trouble?
Price cuts have sparked a debate in the community of Tesla shareholders and enthusiasts about whether price cuts are a sign of trouble. One justification was that Tesla only cut prices because it couldn’t sell Models X and S otherwise. That may be true, but they could sell it at steadier pace, or cut prices by few percent. Huge discounts are more likely to be caused by changes in strategy. I still think Tesla is planning to move on from these two cars and wants to get rid of its inventory so it can focus on new beginnings.
Price cuts are also a sign that the automaker is looking to streamline its production. Whether Tesla keeps going with these two models remains to be seen, but they’ve repeatedly confirmed their commitment to streamlining and efficient design.
Possible results of price cuts
Whether they intend or not, reducing prices to increase demand is a good strategy for everyone involved. Tesla gets to sell more cars, make more money and further improve the cars’ efficiency and design. Customers get better electric vehicles for a reduced prices, and every EV purchase means one less ICE car on the road.
In the end, cutting prices is probably beneficial for the environment. However, we still need to keep tesla accountable Tesla for its work environment, sourcing of materials, and overall efficiency of their production.
Tesla claimed Model Y was the best selling car of 2022. That may be an exaggeration, but it shows that company is geared towards moving more electric vehicles to consumers.
More than anything, Tesla price cuts are an indicator of the direction the company is heading. Tesla faces steep competition in markets like China and needs to drive costs to a minimum to be profitable. Tesla brand is still incredibly valuable, despite Elon’s PR nightmare in recent months. People love Tesla brand and want to buy these cars, especially for an affordable price. However, Tesla must get their act together in regards to full self driving and meeting deadlines for building certain cars.
If you like news about EVs, read my review of Black vs white interior in Tesla cars.
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