#but also manifest every day
welcometololaland · 2 years
Just so you know, now that you have put that out into the universe, I am manifesting that to happen at the end of the season this year. I CAN SEE IT AND I BELIEVE. THE POWER OF THE TENNIS AU BLEEDING INTO CANON
anon, you must know that I have never practised manifestation in my LIFE but I will manifest for this. I need it with my whole damn soul. it's unfair how much of a chokehold tarlos has us all in, and the least we deserve to add fuel to our burning obsessions is either of them (although tbh I think it's time for someone to call Carlos impressive because he IS) to look across at the other, the fondest, most loving look in their eyes and say: 'he's my husband'.
I will clown for this so fucking hard my nose will turn red I'm SORRY.
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(I'm so fucking unwell for them idk how I live like this)
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h0estar · 3 months
i'm actually going to cry.
maybe the reason Anya suddenly revealed her secret to Damian, of all people, is because she felt guilty about knowing his deep desire for familial love. he didn't mention it, but it was painfully obvious in the way he looked at her with this soft, sad smile:
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anya is so strong. i would've cried and hugged him 😭
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but lo and behold, anya wasn't so strong after all. after trying so hard to keep her ability a secret, she told damian anyway – and without hesitation too.
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crying... this panel is everything to me
personally, what Anya did was equivalent to a hug. maybe she felt bad... maybe guilty... maybe she wanted him to feel less alone... maybe she pitied him... maybe she sympathized... or maybe she felt it was the right thing to do. but in her own way, she definitely did it to make him feel better and less alone :')
maybe i'm just yapping. but the two of them are so similar in so many ways. Damian despite being part of a real family longs for real connection. and Anya, despite loving her family so much, secretly wishes what they had was truly real – a family not held together by a mission or conveniences, but just that, a simple family. they both just want a home man
this chapter was perfect in so many ways. these kids make my heart hurt, and i'm so scared yet excited for what Endo has in store for the next arcs <3
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scintillyyy · 8 days
full respect to the seven canon janet drake traits btw
concerned & worried about her son and his wellbeing & that he's loved
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batman #441, batman #134, robin #163
fully supportive of her son's hopes and dreams and to do what he wants to
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batman #436, batman & robin eternal #5
will believe & trust in anything her son tells her wholeheartedly
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batman #134, batman & robin eternal #5
wants to appreciate moments spent with her son & thinks it's a blessing to get to
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detective comics #620, batman #134
can recognize her whether her son is truly her son or not by a single hug
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batman #134
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detective comics #621, robin i #1
walks fast
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robin #100
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
remember how when saiki was crushing on satou and wanted to talk to him, instead of yk.. actually talking to him, he found out all of his interests and displayed his own interest in those things in front of him to try to get him to notice him??
yeah, now imagine him doing that when he has a crush on anyone else..
hes such a silly and awkward teenage boy i love it, like buddy you CAN just talk to your crush, you dont have to try to get him to "notice you.." but hes too silly and awkward so thats like the most he would ever do and would still probably think that that counts as flirting
im just... wondering about how saikis terrible silly flirting tactics would translate if his crush was on one of his FRIENDS.. like someone he could actually be around and would see and talk to him.. would he just like be trying to impress them ?? moving toward them more ?? adopting more of their mannerisms and interests maybe ??
imagine that like EVERYONE in the group would notice it, but it wouldn't be like "omg saiki is flirting" it would be more like "omg why is saiki being extra awkward and talking more" because hes so painfully unclear about his intentions but hes usually so quiet and unassuming that this would be such a stark contrast to his usual behavior...
#hey buddy maybe you should just idk maybe TALK TO UR CRUSH#saiki k#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#tagging ships this would work with#kubosai#<-obviously my favorite so this is what i was thinking the whole time#that would be so cute everyone shut up#but he would prob accidentally end up for real flirting with kubo since hes trying to pertain to what he likes and he loves romance#saisai#<-i actually also like thid one a LOT for this scenario it would be so silly#saikis god complex accidentally starts manifesting visibly a little more since he's imitating pretentious rich boy#saikai#saikaido#saidou#<-saikis dark reunion jokes accidentally become so frequent he starts saying them out loud by mistake and it's embarrassing as hell#nensai#<-not actually totally sure how this would work in this situation but idk maybe hes more open to having ramen every day#and trying to get over his bug fear omg that would be so funny#imagine him starting with like one bug at a time so he starts with the least scary ones like butterflies and ladybugs#but by the end of it hes prob only a little more okay with things like butterflies+stick bugs+caterpillars cuz they move slow+are easy 2 see#haisai#<-ohohoh haisai he would prob join a club+always be trying to prove to him he takes things seriously#mostly schoolwork but in gym/sports he would always be pretending to enthusiastically participate and break a sweat lol#merasai#<-he takes up baking/cooking as a hobby and is always bringing extra food to school and acting like it was an accident and giving it to her#going to her workplaces and pretending he didnt know/forgot she works there and 'accidentally' ordering an extra portion for her every time#saikechi#<-he already knows a lot about random stuff but he takes an interest in saying his silly facts out loud and sounding like a nerd#meows post
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ryonello · 6 months
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a shrimp fried this rice :3
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meichenxi · 1 year
Speakers of non-English languages of the UK and Ireland wanted!!
Since it’s World Mother Language Day today (February the 21st), I’m thinking of doing a series of posts on the native non-English languages of the United Kingdom and Ireland, with some information and short interviews. 
For this, I am looking for both native speakers/signers and learners (with or without parentage/heritage of the language in question) of the following languages:
- Scottish Gaelic
- Irish
- Welsh
- Any sign language of the United Kingdom or Ireland (e.g. BSL)
- Any other minority language indigenous to the United Kingdom or Ireland. By this I mean primarily spoken only within the UK or Ireland as a minority, or spoken very little elsewhere. For example: Cornish, Manx, Shelta, or Anglo-Romani, not languages like Polish or Bengali that are minority within the UK but have a significant speaker base elsewhere. (I am aware that I am fishing for some of these *cough* Cornish *cough*...but you never know!)
- Any language or variety that you speak that you feel is linguistically / culturally distinct from Standard English that you would like to inform more people about. For example: Shetlandic, Scots, Ulster Scots. 
I don’t have anything finalised yet, but if you would be wiling to speak to me about some text-based interviews for the sake of qualitative and informative tumblr posts, please send me a message!
(NB: if I have used any names of languages that are not preferred, tell me and I will change them. I don’t know a lot about the non-Celtic and non-Germanic languages here, which is part of my reason for wanting to make this series of posts in the first place.)
Please reblog so more people see this!
- meichenxi
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sunnnfish · 7 months
Maybe I’m okay with it if Hirano never traditionally “loves” Kagi. Or anyone. Maybe it never will turn into the same kind of love Kagi feels. Kagi is nevertheless such a source of inspiration and strength and comfort to Hirano. Even if he never feels a desire to touch or get married or whatever. Maybe he does it because Kagi asks and he loves making Kagi happy most of all. He wouldn’t seek it if not asked. But Kagi is always asking. And he knows it makes Kagi happy. Does anyone see the vision. Do you understand. Maybe kagi will be okay with it if Hirano never “loves” him the same way Kagi loves him. Because he knows how Hirano works and he knows how Hirano cares. And he knows he is unique to Hirano. He knows Hirano wouldn’t do these things with anyone else. And that’s still love in its own way.
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breezy-cheezy · 1 year
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Febuwhump day 9: Voice Loss (un)Natural Disaster
So these are gonna be kinda late (and out of order) from here on out since it’s MARCH but hey some of these were solidly set up!! School just was A lot. Anyway.
@forwantofacalling wrote a Drabble and shared it in our discord about Cater Overblotting and Trey tracking him down after the fact. 12/10, painful concept, here’s a drawin.
Please do not tag this with shipping tags, this is meant to be portrayed as platonic, thanks!
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creatureantics · 1 year
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kniveswood of the day i have an au i’m scheming for them
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tidestruck · 6 months
it is so fucking funny that coriolanus manages to keep the decaying state of his family’s apartment a secret by telling his rich pampered classmates that yeah, they can come over to his house, but he lives on the eighth floor and the elevator is broken so they’ll have to take the stairs, is that okay?
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
Since writing the affirmations and starting manifestation again, I've actually been in a much better headspace. It's crazy how things align, and you end up where you need to be, especially through pain
#txt#have been reading the affirmations every day twice a day sometimes#doing my intentions and manifesting what i wsnt#which is mainly independence#also a good relationship with my ex from here#mainly stuff for me tho#and the full moon on Wednesday which is in scorpio which is his sun sign#will be a big release and maybe i can let go a bit or a lot lol#i need to move on and focus on myself and what i want in life and doing it all on my own#with support obviously but ive never been fully independent and im so ready for the blessings and the open doors#i dont know if ill truly ever be over him but i have to try for my own sanity at this point#i dont want to manifest anything selfish like him coming back to me because it probably wont happen anyway lmao#i hope i dont sound crazy lmao but coming back into my spiritual journey is definitely what i need#connecting with myself and my purpose feels like the only thing i can do rn#have a driving lesson tomorrow but in all honesty i could just go do the test and pass cause ive been driving forever and im good at it#just need to practice certain things but im nearly there! so close i can feel it and see it#anyway i hope i can keep this energy up and continue to head in a positive direction because it feels really good#if i need to cry about him and the loss then i will but im not going to dwell on it too much#i just need to take it as a lesson and let it go :)#cause at the end of the day i really did lead myself here whether it was his choice to end it or not#blah
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
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"winston quant billions: like anyone else, an entire universe" or "the good news is it's just that everyone's been terrible to you, the bad news is it's just that everyone's been terrible to you"
#one thing you can do now that billions has an overall conclusion: fight it to the death w/your bare hands & anything within reach#go ''anyway.'' look at taylor mason being in there and out here like wrow....#come get your thee most special little fella on earth created by this series by nonzero layers of happenstance babeyyy#and people will have been terrible to them in general / more than not / perhaps always#meanwhile i'm turnt on album recording amphibian that high note oh my gott#and have been snapping metal in half thinking about orvphil material like hhrrhgh#and in this case have been like ''sure making this coloring Busier and Noisier...'' then been like ''yep'' and continued apace#can't be too much in his cosmos. and also: yolo#winston billions#corned beef#also spent many words for many minutes Just Today going on & on abt [christ the winston material + billions more broadly] in the dms lol#typical sunday....it's truly not Not. the verbosity will simply manifest thusly now and then. s/o to my fellow connoisseur#and now. need nappuccino#oh and also the way the whole universe that is oneself? needs no external acknowledgment abt this; is not deficient or insufficient; etc...#winston deserved to flip tf out & not in a way everyone liked & respected#&/or every day on a simmer just be more of a bitch; cause problems on purpose; etc#meanwhile they just handled his material like ''well you can only ultimately throw him in the trash'' but like welp#he in turn can only be better off removed from [all other characters on this show] lol like team ben / tuk exception maybey....#he already so Arrogantly has any sense of self worth/confidence. and he needs more. More!
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daisywords · 10 months
the worst part about being a pianist is that you can't just...simply take your instrument with you
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sparrowposting · 1 year
St Thereses little way and small kindnesses shape the world and make it go round etc etc etc
Yes that is ALL true and I don't discount it but ALSO have you considered I ALSO want the Big Grand Kindnesses and Great Works and Gestures
Not just for the drama. Not for the recognition, I generally hate to be noticed. But for the competency. The satisfaction. The possibility that I CAN. Surely there is this ambition and drive for a reason. Surely I am incredibly hungry and yet have no concrete selfish tangible dreams, just a Grand Desire for The Good in some great manifestation, surely for a reason. A meaning. A purpose.
I want it. More than comfort and kindness and love I want this. The deepest hunger of my existence. The reason for my existence.
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twinsoftheday · 8 months
today's twins of the day are:
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skye and summer tanberry from the chocolate box girls series
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walkinginland · 10 months
Top Tarlos baby-est episodes
have you been wondering which episodes Tarlos uses certain names/petnames the most? of course you have! here ya go!
TK and Carlos says _____ the most in...
First Names Total (Carlos/TK/Tyler/Tyler Kennedy): Twelve in 4x18 (runner up: eleven in 2x12, seven in 3x15)
Carlos: Seven in both 2x12 and 4x18 (runners up: five in both 2x04 and 4x04)
TK: Four in both 2x12 and 3x13 (runners up: three each in 3x15, 3x18, and 4x16)
Tyler: One in both 3x18 and 4x18
Tyler Kennedy: Two in 4x18
Babe: Four in 4x12 - three from TK and one from Carlos. (runners up: three in 3x15 and 4x18)
Baby: Five in 3x18 (runners up: four in 4x04, three in both 4x16 and 4x18)
and the most names dropped in one episode is *drumroll please*:
Eighteen (18) Carlos/TK/Tyler/Tyler Kennedy/Babe/Baby's in 4x18
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