#but also what if we get another bun cameo
pharawee · 8 months
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—SPARE ME YOUR MERCY · การุณยฆาต · Coming Soon 2024
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jakesuit0 · 11 months
Video Makers Review
“Video Makers” is probably Adventure Time’s most effective use of its side characters thus far. Pretty much every main and secondary character besides Ice King and Gunter show up. All of Finn and Jake’s closest friends are at movie club: Marceline, BMO, Princess Bubblegum, Lady Rainicorn, Tree Trunks, Lumpy Space Princess, and Shelby. While several of these characters were also in the opening scene of “Power Animal”, this is much more intimate. It’s really cool how each guest gets a unique drink that fits their character. Princess Bubblegum has a sentient candy drink. She uses candy biomass to control her age. This must be how she maintains the body of an eighteen year old despite being about 835 in this episode. I also love her rocking a casual outfit this time. I mentioned in my “Go With Me” review that Finn’s friendships with Marceline and Bubblegum caused them to see each other more frequently. Even though they are sitting apart and not seen chatting, it’s interesting that they both attend a small, weekly get together. Marceline actually gets a couple of lines, making it her only speaking cameo in the first four and a half seasons. 
It’s funny how worried Finn is about adhering to the copyright warning. It totally fits Finn’s character, but obviously it isn’t referring to showing the movie to a few friends. And Jake is right that those laws aren’t in effect anymore. We get our first mention of The Great Mushroom War, another example of significant lore being dropped so casually. It was pretty obvious already that Ooo was post-apocalyptic, especially from “Business Time”, but this was further confirmation for people who hadn’t pieced it together yet. 
I love all the scenes of Finn, Jake, and BMO filming Ooo. It feels like they are making an art movie or a documentary. It does a terrific job capturing the beauty and weirdness of the mundanity in everyday Ooo. Despite Finn and Jake calling it “random junk”, I’d totally watch it. They basically filmed Adventure Time season six. Finn and Jake try to film more structured scenes. The scenes don’t play out the way Finn and Jake intend, causing them to argue over what genre they want their film to be. The way the actors go off script is much more funny and entertaining. Finn and Jake should take their movie less seriously, and just go with the flow. We get appearances from more recurring characters: Slime Princess, Cinnamon Bun, Mr Cupcake, and Peppermint Butler. This episode is a real milestone in Adventure Time’s worldbuilding, showing off a structured world with various established elements they can naturally pull from. Shelby also says his iconic catchphrase, “check please”, for the first time. 
The ending of the episode is fantastic. BMO’s reaction to Finn and Jake feels like a child reacting uncomfortably to their parents arguing. BMO’s song is very touching. In addition to BMO finally getting to tag along with Finn and Jake for an entire episode, it provides his first truly impactful scene, which still holds up as one of his best moments. I like how quickly it causes Finn and Jake to make up, who of course wouldn’t stay mad about this long. Lumpy Space Princess’s intense reactions to all of this are also really funny. She’s eating this drama up. 
Grade: A-
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 2/5
Book Blurb: Mazey Eddings, author of the “witty, fast-paced rom-com”* A Brush with Love, mixes passion and humor to create a luscious love story between two people stumbling through life and learning to open their hearts in Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake. Lizzie has made endless mistakes. Kitchen fires, pyramid schemes, bangs (of the hair and human variety), you name it, she’s done it… and made a mess of it too. One mistake she’s never made is letting anyone get closer to her than a single hook-up. But after losing yet another bakery job due to her uncontrolled ADHD, she breaks her cardinal rule and has a two-night-stand that changes everything. Once burned, twice shy, Rake has given up on relationships. And feelings. And any form of intimacy for that matter. Yet something about charming, chaotic Lizzie has him lowering his guard. For two nights, that is. Then it’s back home to Australia and far away from the pesky feelings Lizzie pulls from him. But when Lizzie tells him she’s got an unexpected bun in the oven, he’ll do whatever it takes to be a part of his child’s life… except be emotionally vulnerable, obviously. He’s never going to make that mistake again. Through a series of mishaps, totally “platonic” single bed sharing, and an underground erotic baking scheme, Lizzie and Rake learn that even the biggest mistakes can have the most beautiful consequences.
A one, or rather, two night stand with a gorgeous Australian man leads to an unexpected event in Lizzie Blake’s life. Lizzie has always been a little bit chaotic, but dealing with her ADHD and RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) has always been difficult for her, it’s lead to her having a hard time just getting by day by day and has on more than one occasion lead to her being fired from her job. After a particularly bad day in which she is fired from her recent job she goes to a bar to get some steam off and then she runs into the most gorgeous Australian man ever, Rake ( he even sounds like he came out of a romance novel). What was suppose to be a one night stand leads to another night before Rake leaves for Australian... and two weeks later when Lizzie feels like something is off she realizes that the condoms she had in her bag were expired and she now is pregnant. Lizzie is determined to make it on her own and just wants to inform Rake that she is pregnant but she won’t need any of his help but Rake surprises her by saying that he wants to be involved and wants to have a relationship with the child. The only thing is Rake himself is emotionally closed off and has sworn off relationships. The only issue is that he can’t seem to get Lizzie off of his mind and now that he’s moving in with her and they start sharing a bed things are going to get much more difficult. Lizzie and Rake start to get to know one another and both of them just want to be loved for their flaws and all, but the journey to love is never easy and they’ll both have to be vulnerable and ready to open themselves up to each other. This is the second book in the series and we do get a few cameos of the couple from the first book ( which I really liked). Sadly this one missed the mark for me, while I sympathized with Lizzie, I also found that I couldn’t connect to her and that despite everything she was dealing with she really was kind of scattered. I don’t have AHDH nor do I have RSD so i think that might have played into why i just wasn’t as sympathetic to a lot of her circumstances and that’s completely on me, but I just didn’t exactly like Lizzie. The overall couple just didn’t connect with me as much as the first couple did, however definitely give this one a try. This story does have representation and a sweet romance overall. 
*Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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septiembrre · 4 years
30 for the kiss prompts!!!!
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Prompt: Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
@sothischickshe, I made a concerted effort to keep this silly and short. And I gave myself frown lines as I watched it grow longer and longer and… angsty. D: 
A magical reappearance of Beth’s furniture
A broken air conditioner
A heatwave
Lots of summer clothing
Sweat (but like the typical annoying kind. This is not a euphemism for sex)
Beth and her anxiety
Rio, a certified Goth™
A relationship not yet ended
And a Mick cameo, of course!
On AO3, too!
Beth’s first mistake was not calling the HVAC technician first thing in the morning. She had called on the way out the door, left a voicemail. 
It shouldn’t have been a big deal. Wednesdays were usually slow. She would be able to sneak away at almost any point to take a call back. In the message she left, Beth made sure to mention that her only conflict was at three (the weekly drop of bills from Mick). Otherwise, there was plenty of time to schedule the service visit with perfect timing for the impending heatwave. 
But, of course, her life was no longer neat.   
On this random mid-day shift, there had been a flurry of customers at the store -- multiple special orders for invitations, a desperate maid of honor running in for last minute bridal shower details. And, naturally, it was in this hubbub that the tech had returned her call. There was another subsequent round of phone tag. Beth left a new message. 
On her phone, there was also a text from Mick. He was held up -- and that never happened. The texts hinted at some mysterious, more-important errand for their boss and she was a little curious. He had quashed her follow-up questions (only a couple!), with a gruff, “I’ll get there when I get there.” 
And he indeed eventually arrived to Paper Porcupine -- a whole hour late and in a terrible mood. He barreled in the backdoor, sans his typical flannel and sans-leather jacket. Instead, he was in a t-shirt and sweaty as all get out in the late afternoon heat. Beth had stared at him aghast as her phone chimed with another call. It had been a perky soundtrack to Mick’s string of colorful swears when he realized he had left behind half the one-dollar bills needed for the next print run.
Well, at least that mess wasn’t on her. 
When Beth finally caught the technician on her drive home, she confirmed what Beth had begun to suspect in her gut: they were all booked up with service calls until next Monday. 
“It’s the heatwave, Mrs. Boland,” the tech explained over the car’s speaker phone. “Half of Detroit is calling in about faulty units. We can get you in first thing next week.” 
Beth had nodded unseen and despairing. She had the AC blasting in the car, but she was still sticky with sweat. It was going to be precisely eleven degrees hotter by tomorrow. Then, it would chart 105 the day after that.  
Good Lord. 
Her second mistake was not immediately driving to the store to purchase a pool.
This is how Beth finds herself in the middle of the brutal once-a-year Michigan heatwave, reflecting on how truly her life no longer plays out in the tidy, pre-ordained trajectories it used to. And some days this is thrilling but other days, today, it’s... 
Beth tries to do what she can. 
She digs out her most breathable pair of exercise shorts, short short and purchased two children ago. She dons her comfiest, lift bra and throws on a frayed pink tank top. She no longer wore these articles of clothing in the presence of her husband (especially after that comment now etched into her soul about “a great ass and perfectly shaped boobs”) but kept them tucked into her dresser for such hellishly hot, solitary occasions such as today. 
She pulls her hair messily into a lofty bun leaving no opportunity for it to cling to her neck. She also temporarily appropriates three of the flagging household fans and angles all of them carefully at her, meticulously layering the currents. Finally, she sprawls on her bed, starfishing her limbs for maximum air-to-skin contact. 
All of it helps a little, but she’s still hot. Beth can’t fathom anything outside of her misery, wants to shed her skin. 
She momentarily considers taking her third cold shower of the day. 
Then, without realizing it is happening, Beth finds herself an hour deep into a frenzy of online shopping, precariously balancing her laptop so it doesn’t touch her skin. 
Her focus: sandals. 
Beth knows she shouldn’t go through with the purchase. Rationally, she can admit it is a feverish spiral, fixating on one fraction of why this week is awful. But, it is all she can think about: she does not have any appropriate footwear for this heat. 
How will she survive?
From there comes a whole whorl of scenarios. If she could get away with not leaving the house, she could stay barefoot, stick to the shadowy corners of her house, shower any hour of the day. In fact, this was (part of) the reason why she had chosen to stay home as Dean took the kids to the community pool a few blocks over. Her old pair of ratty flip flops had finally given out and the mid-morning heat already had Beth at her wit’s end. God, she just needed some quiet and some sense of distance from Dean. So, she suggested the idea, urged him to go and leave her in peace.
Perhaps, she could send him out for all the kids’ needs and assorted errands? 
...But, could he be trusted? 
Well, if Beth refused to leave the house, that meant she was also choosing not to go with the kids to the movies or the library, places with functioning air conditioners where she could cool off. And what else could they do tomorrow? Maybe she could dig out the old sprinkler from the garage… But, then she’d have to go into the garage, and the temperature in there-- 
Anxiously, Beth meanders the tabs on the DSW website and adds two new pairs of flip flops to her cart. One’s a little more casual, definitely good for pool-side and backyard time. The other pair is a little more dignified. They didn’t look like they would clack. 
Well, she doesn’t need two pairs...
She’ll narrow it down later. 
In the back of her mind, Beth can acknowledge she doesn’t really need to buy anything at all, and that these sandals will not make her current discomfort any more bearable. But, it doesn’t hurt to look. 
Oh, goodness -- what about when she has to go back to Paper Porcupine for her next shift? The thought of putting on any of her flats seems like too much to bear, claustrophobic as they were in the heat. Pumps were out of the question. Which brings her to her last job-appropriate footwear option -- her ankle boots. Weirdly, that seemed to be a fashion trend that was happening now, but nope, absolutely not. 
It is in this fever pitch, that Beth makes her third and perhaps most egregious mistake: when Rio knocks on the French doors, she lets him in. 
In her defense, she’s a little dazed. As mentioned before, the current state of Michigan is literally hell and Rio’s appearance… takes her by surprise. She was not expecting him to show up today with a duffle of the rest of the small bills. He hadn’t texted and to top it off, he is wearing... an outfit she has never seen before.
A sleeveless shirt.
A sleeveless shirt and joggers, fancy athletic ones that look a price point (or three) above the ones she usually buys for Dean. However, despite this new foray into athleisure-wear, Rio remains head to toe in his favorite color with black on black Chucks rounding out the look. 
What a goth, Beth thinks, shaking her head to herself. This outfit in over-100 degree heat? 
She feels hotter just looking at him.
Like Mick the other day, Rio is sans-jacket, sans-button-up, and sans-beanie and there’s just… miles and miles of uncovered brown, freshly sun-kissed skin. 
Maybe, it’s her deep-seated jealousy of people who can tan. All her skin is good for is glowing in the dark and flash burning at the slightest interest from the sun. And mind you, she’s currently safe inside her dim bedroom, but it’s the strangest thing...  She’s burning now as her eyes trace the smooth skin exposed at the base of his neck, burning as she follows along the neat, sharp line of his collarbone where she had bit--
Stop, Beth. Why did she still want-- 
Had he purposefully shown up with a work excuse on the hottest day of the year to pester her? Was this a latent extension of his punishment? Beth thought they were past this. 
But, you know what? Whatever. Let him try.
She’s cool. She might be sweaty as hell, and wanting to crawl out of her skin, but she is cool as a cucumber, cold as ice, profoundly unbothered. 
She’s so cool that she doesn’t say a word. 
Not to greet him, or remark upon the mistake with the drop or… his atypical clothing choice. 
She doesn’t comment either on the state of their business or ask after whatever it was he had assigned Mick to do this week and had seemingly gone awry. 
She doesn’t comment as his mouth drops open with surprise as he takes in her appearance, his eyes widening with something as intolerably warm as the air around them. The bag slips from his grip just inside her doorway.
Nor does she say anything when Rio follows her back to bed, tethered to her through a tenuous spell of heat (weather or otherwise). She’s cool, indifferent, breezy actually as she repositions herself in the crosshairs of the fans. If she pretends he doesn’t matter, she doesn’t have to share the breeze right? So she doesn’t pay much mind as Rio slips off his sneakers and settles next to her. Instead, she re-balances the laptop and resumes pursuing the online DSW store. 
She doesn’t say anything as he eventually shuffles closer, presumably to watch as she adds strappy sandals to her cart (or more probably to peek down her shirt). And god-- this stupid tank top. Maybe her boobs look better from over there in Rio-world, but over here she is sticky with underboob sweat and crossing her fingers that none of it shows through her bra. 
His shoulder leans against hers.
And she has every reason to push him away, but… his skin is cool and smooth and not the most intolerable part of this weekend. So, she lets him stay there. 
And she continues to ignore him, cool-like, or cool-aspiring.
Until he no longer lets her. 
Concentrated as she is on her shopping, she notes idly as Rio’s foot reaches out to nudge one of her fans to aim more directly at him.
Beth can’t help the snarl that comes out of her mouth, “Don’t.” 
He always brings out the worst in her.
There’s a low snicker. Her gaze drops down to take in Rio’s arm as it presses up fully against hers. His fingers reach over to pinch her thigh. 
“Damn, ma.” 
There’s that heat again, the one from inside. God, she hates him. 
Beth shuffles away, frowning at her screen. Rio shuffles too, sidling up next to her again. She adds another pair of sandals to her order and then considers her cart. 
“Elizabeth…” In the corner of her eye, she catches the movement of Rio shaking his head with reprove. “Think about where you live.”
Beth flails on the bed in a display that admittedly reminds her of her own children in a fussy mood and it only annoys her more. Her bedspread sticks to her arms, the backs of her legs, and the exposed sliver of her midriff where her top is creeping up. Beth shifts, trying to dislodge the cover from her skin, mindful to protect the laptop. It’s only happenstance that she manages not to shift a single inch of where the length of her arm touches Rio’s. 
As she tries to calm down, a brief vision comes to Beth -- an alternate universe where the laptop is safely tucked away and the HVAC blessedly functions. The Rio and Beth of this fantasy are them but also not… maybe she’ll call them Christopher and Elizabeth. That Beth -- Elizabeth -- is only mildly inconvenienced by the heat raging outside. She can rest her dampened forehead against the cool arch of his-- Christopher’s neck. She can lean in to press a weak kiss at his collar bone. In fact, she can kiss it anytime she wants, invited to touch him anywhere she like. In this dream, Elizabeth’s ministrations don’t have to be surer or bolder or cool -- because she has him. 
All the time. 
She can afford to be soft. 
In turn, Christopher nuzzles his face into her hair fondly, and that Elizabeth receives a soft kiss at the crown of her head. There’s an undercurrent of sex between them, the suggestion of it, but overall the scene is sluggish in the zenith of summer and content. Elizabeth can curl her body around his and let him hold her-- 
How silly. 
Beth shakes herself out of it and realizes that Rio has shifted on his side, watching her as she’s zoned out staring at the cart full of sandals for too long. His lips twitch and almost pull into a smile. Then, he quells them into mock seriousness. 
It feels too intimate, him with her on this bed, her bed, the bed. It feels like Before. 
God, why is he here anyway? If she was alone, she could peel off all her clothes and… take an ice bath probably. 
Not think of him at least. 
Not think about that wild, feverish idea of curling up, fitting her body into his and surrendering to the heat. Not think about how desperately and pettily she wants to pinch him back. She wants to kiss that stupid look off of his face or... Maybe she could purchase all six pairs of sandals and start browsing for pools on Cloud 9 just to spite him-- 
 “I am thinking about where I live and actually, it’s the middle of summer here--” Beth bites out. “--and it’s outrageously hot.”
“Just buy yourself a pair of sturdy white lady shoes. You mean to tell me you don’t already own some Birks?”
“Excuse me--” Beth splutters, incensed. She had considered them first but had been discouraged again by the price tag for a single pair.  “White people aren’t only ones who wear Birkenstocks.”
Without missing a beat, Rio volleys back, “Baby girl, what are you going to do with so many pairs of sandals in Michigan the rest of the year?” 
“Says you.”  
“You literally have a million pairs of shoes. Your closet is insane.”
It dawns on her, what she just said. 
Not good. 
It’s the fucking heat. At least, the discomfort can’t blotch her cheeks any more than they already are. 
She knows that if she looked at him now, she would see Rio doing something... obnoxious with his face. He’s probably smirking in that terrible, gloating, dumb, sexy way that he does, but too bad. 
Beth refuses to look at him.
She’s indifferent and unbothered. She’s cool. She’s the kind of Beth that would never ever even think about his closet or daydream about them folding clothes together or fucking on-- 
So, instead, she snaps her laptop close with a final click. The sandals were a half-brained idea anyway and that was a conclusion she already came to on her own. Thank you very much, boss. 
She starts to get up but then Rio’s hand reaches out to curl around her thigh, pinning her to the bed. He squeezes her leg gently, as he has the audacity to shush her. 
It’s enough impetus for Beth to rear her head back to meet his gaze again and level him with her most withering glare. 
And, what do you know? She was correct. He appears to be very entertained. 
This time she feels the heat surge on her face and knows without a doubt that it shows on top of the heat rash.  
“Yeah, so… are you ever gonna tell me what you were doin’ at my house?”
“No.” She snipes, prim. 
“I wasn’t doing anything.” It's outright untruth.
Rio’s amused disbelief and her defensiveness meet in a standoff. Beth knows from experience he’ll try to wait her out and she gnashes her teeth. 
Then, there’s a twitch of movement at her thigh, the flex of fingers she realizes are still there and Beth registers the warm span of his hand a few inches above her knee. Her gaze darts down to look at where he’s touching her. He glances down, too. Together they watch as his thumb slowly strokes her skin. Then, again. 
They both observe as the muscles in her thighs just perceptively clench.
God, him and her, in this bed. 
His voice softens to that ridiculous mumble, both low and rich. “Aw, c’mon, darlin’. You can tell me.” 
The tone raises her hackles -- as if she wasn’t already too familiar with this trap! She tries to affect nonchalance -- she’s cool -- and shrugs, “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Rio grins. It’s sharp like a knife and charming. She hates that he’s the most attractive person she’s ever met. “You liked my closet?” 
Then, an idea comes to her-- how she can best him at his own little game.
Beth curls on her side towards him. Her cleavage deepens and god, she can instantly feel more sweat bloom but she knows what he likes. The line of their bodies is parallel, only separated by an inch or two. They’re sharing the breeze from the fans now and wisps of her hair have gotten loose from her bun and are blowing into her face. Rio’s hand shifts to resettle and it drifts up to stroke her hair back behind her ear. Then it drops to curl at her waist. And you know -- nice move -- but she can do him one better.
“Yes,” Beth says simply. She brings her hands up to trace along the neck of his shirt, across his pecs, and the expanse of skin she hasn’t seen since that afternoon of Before. “I didn’t see this though.” 
Then, in a moment of haughty malice, her fingers find the notch of his clavicle. She watches his throat bob as he swallows hard and she counts the success. She ignores the tell-tale temptation to gift him more bruises, to kiss him… 
The thought occurs to her, distantly, slowly emerging through the fog of heat, that if she tugged the fabric to the side a bit, she’d find one of the scars she gave him. Her hands become clammy and they retreat. 
“You like it?” Rio’s voice comes out a smidge hoarse. But, perhaps only someone who knows him like her would notice. 
Beth shrugs a shoulder. 
His eyes are bright as he looks back at her. His gaze shifts crass, laden with the suggestion of sex, and there’s a tinge there that's not quite sour per se. But, it’s heavy with the particular weight of who they are now. His line of sight deliberately drops to her cleavage with old, salacious purpose. 
It’s not the way he looked at her that day, that one time (or two).  
Self-rebuffed, Beth tries not to think too much about how she hates that Rio caught her dressed like this. She itches to pull her top up to her neck or scramble off the bed to find something else to throw on. She itches to disappear entirely or to retreat into her bathroom (and see if this time he’ll follow her there too). 
Slowly, in performance, Rio moves the fingers at her waist and dips them under the edge of her tank top. He traces teasingly underneath along her sweaty skin. 
“I like this.” Rio says, biting his lower lip lewdly, tugging along the hem of her shirt. 
And Beth feels-- she feels--
Too hot. 
Too objectified. 
Her stomach drops and she wants to crawl out of her skin. This wasn’t, this isn’t-- This isn’t what it was. 
No matter who they are this minute, whatever mess continues to unfold, this isn’t what that day was.  
She won’t let him ruin it. 
“You know I did really like your closet. I liked your shoe racks--” she scrambles, trying to dangle a little of what he wants and to remind him. “Your pictures. Nice touch.” 
The comment serves its purpose. It makes him pause, sufficiently rebuked by all the ways that she knows him. 
Rio extricates his hand, pulls away from her skin, as she tries again to calm herself. She needs to be cool, cool, cool. 
But, it’s unbearable -- who they are now.  
She feels frazzled and depleted as she watches Rio roll onto his back. He looks up at her ceiling, not at her. “Why can’t you be honest with me for once?” He says it tiredly, without artifice. 
She can’t stand it. 
“You’re one to talk.”  
Beth watches as Rio is now the one gritting his teeth. 
“Y’know--” There’s a poignant, festering beat and then he says, “When I fucked you in this bed, I had wanted…” 
That want goes unsaid, suspended in the air around them with the heat. 
“But, you just wanted me to fuck you,” he finishes quietly, leveling her. 
Her stomach bottoms out newly pained and she wonders if that day, those two times, are already ruined for him. Certainly, she can understand if it’s because of the bullets. But, if he still has any doubt-- 
She makes a last-ditch attempt at levity. 
“You’d probably say this is really… basic bitch of me.” The phrase fits awkwardly, and the call back immediately has Rio’s attention. She knows in her race to pull something together, to make it better, something bearable, whatever she’s going to say is going to be too candid.
“But, the times that I’ve been the most… attracted to you--” Oh god, this isn’t coming out light and casual at all. Oh no. 
Rio shakes his head at her, “Don’t stop now, Elizabeth.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Beth huffs. Then, she tries again. “One is definitely when you were bashing in that butt-ugly car.” 
Rio’s eyebrows raise comically high. 
“You know with the crowbar,” She gestures, swinging her hand gratuitously. He absolutely already knows what she’s talking about. 
“And two..”  Beth shuts her eyes and takes a steadying breath. She hopes for the best and tries not to rush the next bit. “--was when I saw your closet was color-coordinated.” 
She sneaks a glance at him, and her stomach twists again.
He has absolutely no business looking so fondly at her. 
She strives to clarify. “But, that was before.” 
“Not anymore?”
Rio nods, presumably in acceptance of her refusal. 
But, then he tugs her to him, across him. Beth settles on top of him, too hot, too sweaty. Her forehead comes to rest, pressed against the soft hollow of his neck.  
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kindred-is-obsessed · 5 years
Reasons you should be watching Craig of the Creek
Not enough people are watching this wonderful show, so I thought I’d do my best to introduce people to it. It’s made by former Steven Universe crew Ben Levin and Matt Burnett, so if you’re missing Steven Universe while it’s on hiatus this is a great way to keep away the hiatus blues, or if you just enjoy in cartoons. It’s great for a whole list of reasons, which broadly fall into the two categories of great representation and great storytelling:
Canonical queer representation
-       The witches premiere in the episode The Curse. If you aren’t sure if you want to watch this whole show definitely watch this one at least! It’s my absolute favourite not least of all because it’s about teen goth girls in love. It has a sequel The Last Kid in The Creek which is also wonderful, and the witches cameo throughout the series. I don’t want to spoil too much but The Curse is essentially about the two not wanting to be separated and struggling to admit their feelings for each other. (Spoilers: they do and walk off alone, blushing, staring at each other lovingly, while the kids aww at them)
-       Bernard and his girlfriend watch a cooking show hosted by a gay couple.
-       Other cameos, hints and coded queer kids such as JP’s sister (who has fancy dinner reservations with Kat, a woman with a shaved head who compliments Kelsey’s fake sword). There’s also Raj and Shaun (two very close friends), as well as several very boyish tomboys, including Handlebarb and Turner.
-       All public bathrooms I’ve spotted in the show have gender neutral signs on them which is nice.
POC representation
-       Craig, the main character, is black and has a loving family explored in depth, including an activist grandmother working for the council, a wise and fun grandfather, a supportive fun dad who loves his amazing wife, an adorable assertive little sister, and an angsty overachieving older brother who just wants to be a good grownup who loves his family and girlfriend.  
-       There are MANY characters of colour. There are black and brown characters, Raj is Indian, Stacks is Hispanic (and it’s implied she is an immigrant), there are several Asian characters, Kelsey is Hungarian and Jewish, a persistent background character wears a hijab (I’m pretty sure she was named at some point but I can’t find her name anywhere. She definitely has lines at one point). I’m sure there are others I have missed. No one is a stereotype as far as I am aware.
Subtle neurodivergent representation
-       JP is possibly on the autism spectrum. I’d love neurodivergent people’s opinions on this, but while the representation isn’t canonical or obvious I think it’s good that while JP is represented as having different thought processes from his friends, he isn’t made fun of for it, at least not by them. It’s noteworthy I think that he’s the eldest of the core trio, probably because he finds it easier to relate to younger people who still share his imagination and care less about his unique way of thinking. His neurodivergence is explored most explicitly in the episode Jextra Perrestrial, so if you’re interested in this kind of representation definitely check that episode out.
Non-nuclear family representation
-       While the main character is a member of the typical nuclear family you see on TV (except black, and actually interesting) most of the other families we see are not.
-       JP is raised by his mother and older sister. His father is never mentioned and their house is definitely in worse condition than the others we see. His family works hard to take care of each other. His sister is a nurse and both her and her mother are away a lot of the time, but they both love JP very much. JP’s sister also happens to be really openly body positive. I love them a lot.
-       Kelsey’s father is an only parent. There’s still a lot of mystery surrounding how Kelsey’s mother passed away. It’s a very subtle but important part of Kelsey’s character and comes through in really bittersweet adorable ways (not limited to Kelsey using her “half-orphan”ness to guilt trip a man into giving her money)
-       Other kinds of families are scattered throughout the show, including families that move around a lot, a home-school kid with a strict mother, and more.
Unique approach to fantasy and sci-fi
-       You know how most kids show will take a kid’s fantasy and bring it to reality? Well Craig of the Creek keeps the fantastical and nostalgic element of that line of thinking but never confirms or denies whether the kids fantasies are real or in their heads. And not in a Scooby Doo way where the fantastical elements are explained away, but are hinted as a possibility right at the very end. Instead, two perspectives (the fantastical perspective and the realistic perspective) are woven into every episode.
-       This means there are two ways to interpret every episode. You can view the witches as real witches, or as goth teenagers. You can view Helen as a kid from another dimension, or a home-school kid who is never at the creek at the same time as the other kids. You can view Deltron as a cyborg from the future, or as an imaginative kid from a big city.
-       This is super unique and fun to watch. They come up with so many new ideas and its always fun to figure out what’s actually happening, while still getting to relive childhood fantastical nostalgia.
-       Almost all of these episodes use this to talk about an issue, but these issues can get quite complex and are definitely not shoved down your throat.
Overarching mystery plot about a colonialist kingdom / cult
-       Love the slow burn storytelling of Steven Universe’s Diamond Authority? Love putting together the mysteries of Gravity Falls? Then you’ll love this plot about colonialism, classism, bullying, peer pressure and more and its mysterious build up including cryptic graffiti art and flower symbolism.
-       Even before this arc properly begins, Craig of The Creek primarily centers around the microcosm of the Creek. Many of the episodes have a lot of commentary on society, politics and how different factions of people form and interact.
-       The show is over 50 episodes in and this arc is only just starting to kick off so now is the time to catch up and watch.
-       Fun complex villain(s)
Complex relatable characters
-       Want commentary and nostalgia about horse girls, children’s tea parties, weird kids, angsty teens, young weebs, dweebs and more!? Every childhood obsession is represented in this show.
-       Adults! All the parents and older teens in this show are just as rich and complex as the kids. They are all so interesting and fun.  
-       Want characters with arcs, aims, fun relationships and complexity!? Look no further! Redemption arcs! Revelations! Found family! It’s all here!
Great art and soundtrack
-       Cute background and character designs that make you nostalgic as hell and are also beautiful and well thought out.
-       Sometimes the art design is changed up for a particular episode to portray a certain fantastical / sci fi element. It’s very fun and engaging. 
-       An opening song that’s fun to sing along to, bittersweet ending song that makes me want to cry, a couple of musical episodes including a super fun rap musical episode, and a great OST
Queer headcanons
-       There are tons of ways to interpret the show but here’s some of my head canons just to get an idea.
-       (Note that despite my headcanons I use the pronouns for the kids that they use in the show cause I’m not certain about any of it and they’re kids who haven’t come out yet and also for clarity and consistency’s sake – I’m not saying trans people are not their genders. Don’t worry I’m nonbinary)
-       I headcanon that all the main trio grow up to realise they are queer. They strike me as that weird group of friends that doesn’t fit in with the other kids and aren’t quite sure how they all came to be friends, only to later realise they all showed early signs of breaking gender roles and that’s why they stuck together.
-       Craig definitely grows up to realise he’s gay, bisexual or queer. His admiration for characters like Deltron and Green Poncho are definitely crushes that he mistakes for a strong sudden and eager desire for friendship.
-       Kelsey probably grows up to realise she is nonbinary, a trans boy or a WLW. I mostly headcanon this because I relate to her a lot and I’m nonbinary and queer so I said so. She reminds me a lot of myself as a kid. She throws herself into books, mostly fantasy for escapism. She fantasises and writes a lot for the same reasons. She dresses like a tomboy (She always wears her hair up in the same bun which strongly reminds me of my own childhood hair dysphoria) and she hangs out solely with male friends.
-       JP gives me strong trans lesbian vibes, or to a lesser extent nonbinary vibes. (I know his sister is WLW coded but take it from me there can be more than one queer in a family). He is interested in girls, specifically Maney the horse girl (he even joined the horse girls for one episode). He wears a long V-neck shirt that is essentially a dress ALL the time. He’s aware that he’s different and while self conscious sometimes, mostly just wants to express himself the way he wants to. He also chooses to go by initials JP over his very gendered name Johnathan Paul (In a recent episode he names a ship after himself, calling it “The SS Johnathon Paulina”).
-       (Sidenote if you do start watching this show and I see any nasty shipping of these characters in non puppy-love fashion so help me god)
 Other reasons
-       The show is at times very intertextual and references Princess Mononoke, Super Smash Brothers, Sailor Moon, Lord of the Rings, and a billion other things. It also has some fun cameos, including background images of the Tres Horny Boys from The Adventure Zone, a TARDIS from Doctor Who, and a Cookie Cat from Steven Universe.
-       Honestly, this post hasn’t done the best job explaining why I love this show so much. You honestly just have to watch an episode to understand fully what I’m talking about, so give it a go! Watch The Curse at least, it only goes for 10 minutes.
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buns-with-a-book · 4 years
Reflections and Illusions
For Day Six of DMCWeek2020, the prompts chosen this week were Family and Belonging! They’re subjects quite close to our leading lady Cassandra. Cordelia and Anastasia (and the idea for this fic) are all from @furyeclipse
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: OC, Dante, Vergil, Nero (minor role), Kyrie (minor role), Credo (cameo) Tags: @nimnox​  @astral-space-dragon​ @harlot-of-oblivion​ @queenmuzz​ @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate
Summary: While on a mission, Cassandra hears her name and goes into a strange portal. What she finds is a world she dearly wants but cannot have.
“Jeez, all I wanted was a nice birthday-” Cassandra swiftly dodged out of the way of the demon’s attack. “And you come along to ruin it!” The demon, taking the form of a large black dog, snarled at her. “Come on, you terrible little doggie!” The demon dog let out a ferocious roar, leaping forward. She twirled out of the way, Failnaught impaling itself into the demon’s flank and ripping open a large wound. The demon hit the ground hard, turning into dust. Cassandra spun the sword-cane in her hand, sighing.
“Not how you wanted to spend your birthday?” Dante asked with a cocky grin.
“What gave you that impression?” She huffed. “This stuffy old mansion...jeez, it’s a terrible place for a birthday. Come on, let’s find Nero and Vergil and go get our pay. Maybe that local pizza place is still open at this hour-”
A voice, strangely siren-like, called for her. She paused and looked around, visibly confused. She looked to Dante, who looked just as confused as she was.
“What’s the matter?”
“I...I just thought I heard someone calling for me.”
Cassandra closed her eyes, shaking her head. “Maybe I should go take a look around. Just in case there’s something...you know, suspicious. You go find Vergil and Nero.” Dante nodded, silver eyes glancing around. Cassandra nodded at him before dashing off. The sound of the voice calling her was northward, she could feel it. As she dashed through the halls of the abandoned mansion, the call of her name seemed to become louder, a ringing in her head she couldn’t ignore.
She dashed out the back door, looking around. The grounds were visibly overgrown from decades of neglect. Her eyes fell upon the greenhouse, windows broken and frosted from disuse. She walked over to the greenhouse, carefully opening the glass door. Planters had been thrown out, leaving nothing but a dirt floor. At the other end of the greenhouse, however, was what looked to be a mirror of some kind. It’s stone frame was covered with plants, both in motifs and actual plants. It’s reflective surface shone brilliantly, as if it was untouched by time. Cassandra slowly stepped forward, boots crushing glass and dirt underneath her. As her reflection appeared in the mirror, it seemed to...wobble? Her hand carefully rested on the glass…
And went right through it.
She yelped in surprise, pulling back her hand. She looked at her hand, noticing nothing wrong with it.
The voice was more insistent now, overwhelming her senses. Following the call, an intense ringing drowned out everything. She held her head, Failnaught clattering to the ground. The agony pounded at her skull, like a terrible awful migraine she only heard tales of from old women. She stumbled, her foot caught something, before her body fell onto the mirror’s reflective surface.
She half-expected her body to hit the glass, piercing her skin and leaving a nasty cut. To her surprise, her body hit warm grass. She slowly opened her eyes, finding what had once been a gloomy overcast dusk was now a bright sunny day. She let out a pained groan, her head still throbbing.
“My little star!” A voice, a painfully familiar voice, made her eyes snap open. She looked up, seeing someone that should be dead staring back at her: her own mother, Stella Sagefire.
“Mother…?” She whimpered as she felt oddly cool hands help her on her feet. She looked past her, seeing Dante happily grilling like a dad (well he was an uncle, that was close enough). Nero and Kyrie were sitting at a table, happily chatting about something. Next to Nero was Cordelia, beaming at Nero like he was an older brother. Vergil was sitting next to Cordelia, but his eyes were firmly focused on Cassandra. Next to Kyrie was a man she only saw in pictures, her older brother Credo, relaxed and at ease. Her gaze returned to her mother, her hair tied up in a messy bun, strands of golden blond framing her face and clear blue eyes. It looked as if she had never been so deathly sick at all.
“Cassandra!” A second voice, another familiar voice that only made her heart ache as a more youthful woman that was near the same age as her mom stepped forward: Anastasia Faye. Her bright seafoam green eyes stared at Cassandra in worry. Her dark brown black hair went down to her mid-back. A lavender colored ribbon was tied in her hair, similar to how Cordelia put bows in her hair, but her bow was on the left side of her head compared to Cordelia keeping it centered on her head. She wore a rose gold trimmed strapless black dress that went down to her knees and brown boots to match. A necklace around her neck like V's old choker but, instead of a tooth, it was a small charm from outside the walls. She never did find out where she got it from.
“It’s your birthday, Cassandra.” Stella gently explained. “Do you not want to attend your own birthday party?”
“I...I mean...I…” Cassandra lowered her head. Something was wrong, she could feel it in her core.
"Cass sweetie, you getting overwhelmed again? You tripped over your own two feet again." Anastasia chuckled softly as she ruffled her hair. "Hmm no bumps, you're fine."
“I don’t feel fine.” She muttered. What was it that was so wrong about it? She missed her mothers so dearly, she had loved them so, but they were dead. They couldn’t be here, not in this mirror world.
You could just stay here with your mothers, in this perfect world.
That nagging feeling prodded at her, almost tugged on her insistently in her mind. She could stay, with ghosts and echoes all around her.
"You alright there, Sleeping Beauty?" Anastasia asked. She could hear the concern in her voice.
“No, this is all wrong.” She pulled away. Already, the world was starting to fade around them, mixing together like a bad watercolor painting. Despite that, Stella and Anastasia remained clear and pristine in her vision. “You’re dead. You two, you died, you can’t be here!” She didn’t stop the tears from falling down her face, she couldn’t.
Anastasia sighed softly and put a firm hand on her shoulder. "Cassandra, look up at me please." Cassandra let out a soft heaving noise, slowly looking up at Anastasia.
"I made Anastasia bend the rules a bit, again.” Stella admitted sheepishly. “I know that I promised last time I wouldn't but this time, I needed to do it for an important reason: so that your mother and I can see you free and happy, far from Eternis Brillia, happy with the azure Son of Sparda and free from that sorry excuse of a boy Draco. I'm also guessing you found Cordelia as well."  
"I'm happy that my Magpie found her way home to you." Anastasia added. “And you’ve found your self confidence again. Make sure that the azure boy knows how much you love him and how happy you are being at his side.”
"I got to finally see you again Cassandra. I'm proud that you've grown up into a confident lady."
Anastasia pulled Stella and Cassandra into a tight warm hug, kissing her head softly. “Happy Birthday Cassandra, please ever don't forget how much we love you. Before I forget, please tell my little magpie, you got her gift.”
“Her gift?” Cassandra asked tearfully. The world around them was nothing but darkness, with only her two mothers still clearly before her. Anastasia kissed the top of her head and smiled softly. Cassandra swore she felt something at her neck, arms hugging her close. “Mom...Mother...tell me, what do you mean?”
“A happy family. People who love her dearly, no matter what.” Anastasia murmured. “And it was something we wanted for you as well.”
“Cassandra, my little star, you cannot stay here.” Stella said, her voice grim. “You have to return back to the azure son, to your family, to our little magpie.” Her and Anastasia’s hand rubbed away the tears that streaked down her face. “Because we weren't strong enough to live, but you are.”
“Mom, Mother, don’t go-” Cassandra suddenly heard the sound of glass shatter before she fell backward, away from the rapidly disappearing images of her mothers. Faintly, she saw her tears fly into the dark abyss...or were they hers?
We will always love you.
She expected to hit the floor, for her arms to be cut by shattered shards of mirrors, but strong arms, Vergil’s arms, caught her and held her up. She blinked, watching as Nero and Dante stared at the remains of the mirror, weapons aloft. The mirror was now just stone and glass on the floor. Nero rushed to her side.
“Mom, are you ok?” Nero asked worriedly. Cassandra nodded, letting Vergil help her onto her feet. “What was that?”
“...a trap. It’s an illusion mirror, from Eternis Brillia. I suppose the last owner was an adherent of the Earthfaith.” Cassandra breathlessly explained. “It was still effective...I…”
“You what?”
“...I saw my mothers.” She said, trying not to cry. She had enough of that for a while, at least. Her gaze rested on the broken mirror. “It wasn’t real. They’re dead. They died years ago.” She took a deep breath, feeling Dante rub his hand against her shoulder. “That’s what the mirror does: it lures you in with what you want the most and traps you in it’s illusions.” A quiet fell between them, all eyes on the broken trap at their feet.
“Hey…” Dante broke the quiet, trying to sound easy-going, as if nothing had happened short of a job well done. “How about we get a pizza?”
“A pizza, Dante!?” Vergil growled. “That’s the last-”
“No no no, I...I’d like something stupidly greasy right now to take my mind off things.” Cassandra looked up to the trio. Dante beamed at the sound of Cassandra taking his side of things. Vergil scowled at the decision before seeming to relent. Cassandra took one last glance to the broken mirror, the damp air silent. It couldn’t be real...right?
And yet, as her hand reached up to realize that a new Rhodonite necklace now hung around her neck, she suddenly wasn’t sure if everything in the broken mirror was illusionary.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chp. 19
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"When I first saw you You had a sparkle in your eye Like the stars at night High in the sky
How I wish That you were mine 'Cause to me You're one of a kind
When I look at you It seems so untrue How someone like you Can make me feel the way you do"
"Erik, you here with us, man?"
Walter's keen dark eyes took in Erik's solemn face as they sat in a popular and busy diner on Pico and La Brea eating pancakes and thick cuts of Canadian bacon. Maria and his Aunt Shavonne shared nail care tips to prevent chipping as his Uncle Bakari cut up his food and ate with a contented face.
Erik pushed circles in the maple syrup on his plate and checked the thin cell phone near his half-empty cup of coffee. Devika still wouldn't return the ten or so texts he sent her.
"My mind is scattered, sorry."
Devika ignoring him, and Tony being cryptic had him on edge. He deleted messages from Giselle and Athena wanting another Ménage a Trois encore and looked Walter in the face.
"You still trippin' about earlier?" Walter asked.
"Nah. I'm over that. It's just…I was foul with that and I hurt my girl."
"Your girl? Which one?" Walter joked.
"Shut up," Erik said giving his friend a grin.
Walter's braided hair was pulled up into a palm tree bun.
"My dude, you've always been messy. Nothing's changed. You've leveled up though."
"Leveled up? I ain't never been with any questionable…"
He almost said hoes, but his Uncle was listening.
Walter leaned in closer and whispered.
"You did them both at the same time?"
Erik gave a subtle nod.
Walter chuckled and ate more bacon on his plate.
Erik glanced at his cell again.
"Expecting a call?" Bakari asked.
"Nah. Just checking for work messages. Sometimes Stark sends mass alerts. Gotta keep on top of stuff there. Even on the weekends."
"You look good. We're proud that you stuck with it," Bakari said.
"It turned out better than I thought," Erik said.
His stomach got tight and Maria glanced over at him. He caught her eyes sliding over to Walter.
"How's school man? We spent all this time talking about my internship, what's poppin' back home?" Erik asked.
"I quit."
Walter popped his last piece of bacon in his mouth.
"Walter!" Shavonne scolded.
"Why?" Erik asked.
"It's not for me. School was always your forte man, and I know my parents wanted me to be like you, but my talents are in fashion…textiles."
"Are you a designer?" Maria asked.
"Yeah, I am," Walter said holding her gaze, "I dropped out of SFSU and enrolled in the Fashion Institute. Going to start my own brand of sportswear. Merge tech and clothing together."
"Dope," Erik said giving Walter a pound.
"Call my parents and tell them that," Walter said.
"When we were in grade school, this fool designed bullet-proof clothing for elementary kids," Erik said pushing back his plate.
"A lot of shootings were going down, and I wanted to stay safe."
"That's, wow…that's kind of sad," Maria said.
"That's how it be in the East Bay sometimes," Walter said.
"Everywhere," Shavonne chimed in.
"I start in the fall and I have already lined up my own internship with Trekfit. They're new, hungry, and I can parlay my talents into maybe getting my own stuff out in three or four years."
Erik and Walter shared a joke in Korean and Maria watched them both.
"You speak Korean?" Maria asked Erik.
"Barely," Walter said.
"Good luck with the educational changes," Bakari said. He stared at his watch, "Are we all ready to hang out at the pier?"
Bakari drove them all in a rental car, and Erik found himself sitting in the middle of a conversation between Walter and Maria. They had only been together for two hours but they already acted like an old married couple. Divisive opinions on anime, gaming, and sticky rice flew across his lap since he sat in between them in the back seat.
The weather was almost perfect, a little too hot as the temperature raised above eighty degrees, but Erik enjoyed strolling on the pier and talking with his Aunt and Uncle. Maria and Walter had paired off to ride the carousel and Erik kept checking his phone.
"Just call her," Bakari said.
His Uncle snacked on chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream as his Aunt Shavonne tried to shoot fake ducks for prizes with water guns.
"I saw how she looked at you when she stood at the door. I damn near had a flashback to your Pappy back in school. You actually had the same look on your face. What's her name?"
"You sure do like 'em grown," Bakari said winking at Erik.
"Everyone is older than me there, so I don't really have control over that."
"Walter is right too, those were some boss looking babes. The legacy continues."
"It is what it is Unc. But I didn't mean for that to happen. I was supposed to go see her last night and I just…messed up."
"Protecting yourself?"
"Respecting them?"
"But this Devika?"
"I got caught up and forgot to communicate with her. I wasn't expecting her to show up like that. I'm actually not supposed to be seeing her."
"Why not?"
"She's um…she's Stark's secretary."
"Erik…boy, I tell ya…"
Bakari ate his ice cream and Erik watched his Uncle's face.
The man was heavier in the face and body, and he was happy with Shavonne because it shone all over his face when he looked at her. His uncle treated his wife the way Erik's father treated his mother. Like they were one of a kind. And that was true. He learned how to treat women from his Dad and Bakari. His uncle raised him for six years a couple of years after Erik's parents died. Bakari gave Erik a foundation to rebuild his life when he floundered in the streets and foster care. His uncle begged his Grandpop to give him guardianship so Erik could leave Oakland and be somewhere that wouldn't remind him of the pain he suffered. It worked.
His aunt and uncle made sure Erik stayed connected to Walter and even his friend Shawn whom he met in juvenile hall. Flew them both out every summer and made sure they traveled to Martha's Vineyard for vacations and also allowed him to go to Brazil yearly to visit his cousin Marisol. They gave him life again, and he was eternally grateful. They also made sure to remind him of the special bond his parents had, and if Erik had the same romantic tendencies of his father, Bakari constantly reflected on honest communication.
Devika was beginning to feel special to him, and he couldn't understand how he could be so careless with her. All he had to do was call her and say he was spending some time with the other women and…
He had no real excuse or reason for his behavior. He did want to see her. Craved her even, especially with Tony Stark telling him what he couldn't have. But pitchers of Margaritas and pretty faces hemmed him up. The sex was everything, but now he regretted it.
"I like her Unc. She's been good to me the entire time I was here. She's fine. Smart. I don't know why I fucked up. Sorry for cussing."
"Young people make mistakes."
Erik put his phone away. He wanted to focus on his family.
The rest of his weekend was pleasant and he spent much-needed quality time with Bakari and Shavonne.
Walter spent quality time with Maria.
It was all good.
Erik picked out his best new blue suit to wear to Stark's office. Whatever was going down would happen with him looking his best.
He had a fresh line up and brand-new cologne. Eyes tracked him in the lobby of the Stark building and even Valentina did a double-take when she saw him walk past her on his way to the private elevator.
His confidence faded once he reached Stark's floor and he saw Devika through the glass office walls.
Damn that woman beautiful.
She wore thick wash and go curls all over her head, and her make-up was smoky and smooth like her skin. Erik took a deep breath and walked into the room.
"I'm here for Stark's eight—"
"Go in, he's expecting you."
She cut him off without looking at him. He stepped closer to her desk.
"He's waiting for you."
"I don't have a good excuse. I'm sorry."
Her eyes finally took his in.
"Don't worry about it. We're good."
"It doesn't feel good. You wouldn't even talk to me this weekend."
"You were with family, remember?"
He chewed on his lip trying to keep himself from saying something smart ass to dig at her. He was shocked at how much he wanted her forgiveness. Anyone else he would be tossing to the side like, "Oh well", and then be on to his next conquest, but Devika snuck up on him emotionally. While he had been busy chasing after Giselle and falling in easily with Athena, Devika was just…there. Always there.
All the little things she did for him, the corny jokes they shared each time he was called up to see Stark…reminders to eat or drink water. The donuts to keep his blood sugar up when he worked late…she was a constant source of calm for him during the entire internship. He would be crushed if she iced him for the rest of his time there.
"Just tell me this, is Boss Man about to kick me out?"
"What are you talking about?"
"He called me after you left my apartment and told me my time in the internship was over."
Devika's nose crinkled up and her eyes were full of confusion.
"I haven't heard any talk about putting you out."
That made Erik breathe easier. Devika was the pulse of Stark. Right after Pepper, Devika knew the man better than he knew himself.
"Devika, have you heard from Stevens yet?"
Stark's voice came through on the desk intercom.
"He's walking in now."
She pushed him toward the door.
Entering, Erik was surprised to see Janine and two other upper-level suits sitting in the room.
"Take a seat," Stark said pointing to the only available chair in front of his desk.
Erik unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down with his legs wide apart. Stark fussed with a small touchpad and then finally stared Erik.
"How do you think you've done here, Stevens?" he asked.
Erik's eyes flitted to the other three people next to him and their eyes didn't shy away from his. No one looked down or fidgeted with their hands. Good sign thus far.
"Excellent." Erik shot back at him.
"Excellent? You sure?"
"Yeah. My last eval was stellar. Janine can tell you that. She wrote it up."
A smirk went across Janine's face.
"Do you want to add any addendums to that, Janine?"
Stark folded his hands in his lap and leaned back in his chair.
"No, Sir. The eval speaks for itself."
"Good. Stevens, I'm pulling you from the internship and placing you in the Stark Fellowship starting today. The Fellowship runs for a year and at the end of that year you will be offered a position with Stark Enterprises—"
"Wait, I start M.I.T. next month."
"M.I.T. is willing to defer your entry for next year. You are still a full-ride scholar."
"I would take what he is offering, Erik," Janine said. For once her eyes looked gentle.
Erik sat back in his chair.
Stark's eyes regarded him with amusement.
"Every intern in this entire building would give me their first-born child for the offer I just gave you. And yet you sit here like a lump."
"I appreciate the offer. I just want some time to think about it."
"Think about it?"
One of the suits glared at him.
"Unbelievable," the haughty suit grumbled.
"There's a paid salary, so you'd have to get your own place. No more Oakwood. You'd work directly with me and there will be a lot of travel, covered by the company of course. You have been a stellar young man. The last person to have this opportunity now runs one of my satellite offices in Hong Kong. It's a great opportunity and I want you to have it."
"How much is the salary?"
Tony pushed a blue and silver folder across his desk. Erik picked it up.
"That much, huh? With benefits…health/dental. Paid gym membership…"
Erik's eyes read the offer to the very bottom.
Why not?
Take advantage of being at the side of one of the most powerful and influential men on the planet. Get paid for it, and get access to tech that could help him figure out the vibranium he had stashed in his apartment.
"I'll do it."
"Wise decision young man."
Stark stood up and held out his hand. Erik gripped it firmly.
"Welcome aboard, Stevens. I'll have H.R. get paperwork set up and we'll get you transferred over tomorrow. You'll report to me in the Cypress meeting room tomorrow at ten a.m. I need you to pack up clothing for a week because you are coming with me to Monaco after the Intern party on my yacht."
"Thanks, Mr. Stark."
"Janine, say your goodbyes now, I'm stealing him from you," Stark said.
Janine stood up and gave Erik her hand.
"Keep up the exceptional work," she said.
"If you'll excuse us, Stevens, I need to meet with these folks. We'll talk tomorrow. Clear out your things from Janine's and go see Happy in security to get new clearance."
Erik took the folder with him and walked out of the office.
Devika worked on her laptop and her eyes flickered over to his when he stepped back into the outer office.
"I was offered a new position for a year," Erik said.
A smile. A slight one, but he caught it on her face.
"Congratulations," she said keeping her voice cool.
"I have to go gather my stuff from Janine's floor."
He turned away from her.
Devika reached into the large bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a bag of donuts for him. He took them from her.
"You worked your ass off all summer. You deserve this opportunity, Erik."
They stared at one another. Her eyes took in his suit and there was a twinkle in those dark irises. All he could think of was that glorious weekend he spent with her after he got his ass kicked in her home.
He held the donuts up toward her.
"Thanks for this. You're always looking out for me."
"Better get going…get that desk cleared out," she said.
There was awkward staring once more.
What he would give to be brave and kiss her right there at her desk.
"He's taking me to Monaco with him…what was that look for?" he said.
Devika shook her head.
"What?" Erik pushed.
"Monaco is…well, Monaco is a place where Tony tends to get a little wild."
"Is it that bad?"
"No, but it's a playground for the ultra-rich, and the ultra-rich are very different from the basic rich. Put it this way. Millionaires are the double-wides of that set. Multi-millionaires are the working class. The lower working class."
"It's like that, huh?"
"Maybe you should give me lessons on how to maneuver that world."
"You don't give up, do you?"
He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.
He walked away from her desk and took a big bite of a hot glazed twist once he was in the elevator headed down to his work-station.
His cell vibrated in his jacket pocket. Taking it out he checked for Stark Alerts. There was only one personal text.
"You are forgiven."
He didn't bother to text her back.
Rushing back up to Stark's outer office and Devika's desk, he grabbed her hand.
"Erik! What are you doing?"
Devika's startled face made him smile.
"Taking you to breakfast, and then we're going back to your place. I have some making up to do."
Chapter 20 HERE.
Tag List:
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
You Can't Hurry Love
Show : Jojo's Bizarre Adventure/Jojo No Kimou Na Bouken
Pairing : Hints of Jotaro Kujo/Noriaki Kakyoin, Joseph Joestar/Caesar Antonio Zeppeli and Jonita Joestar Brando/Dio Brando
Warnings : Mild Homophobia and swearing
Characters : Jonita Joestar Brando (OC), Holly Kujo, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Joseph Joestar, Mrs. Kakyoin (Noriaki's Mother)
Timeline : Pre-Stardust Crusaders
This story is based on this song :
And this story is also based on the author's dream when she was sleeping in the afternoon after studying physics.
Also, here is a link if you don't know who Jonita is
Third Person POV
It was morning in Japan, winter was about to end and trees were slowly recovering after shedding their withered leaves by growing lush green ones in their place. Innocent birds awakened by the first rays of the sun started chirping their favourite song, the fellow humans waking up to their melodious vocals. Well, except for one.
"Jonita-san~!! Wake up, it's eight already!!" the lady of the Kujo's residence yelled from the kitchen. The lady had her favourite apron on and was making breakfast, her golden hair tied in a loose bun and her hands working skillfully as she prepared the morning delicacies.
The one who was known as Jonita, though sleeping in the room two doors away from the kitchen, heard the lady clearly, but all she replied to it was a groan and a snort, and she let her head down abruptly onto the pillow and fell asleep once again.
"Jonita san~~!!" The blonde lady called her once more, but still the sleepy-head gave no response. The lady then sighed and shook her head. Though it had been 3 days Jonita came to stay in Japan, she still wasn't used to her sleeping schedule.
The lady had already given up on waking the stubborn girl up, until a young boy ran with his sock-clad, little feet into the girl's room. He giggled, and sat beside her head, and started to ruffle the sleepy girl's violet locks with his little hands, which finally made the girl slowly open one of her eye and smile at the boy.
"Good morning Jotaro" she said sleepily. "Morning Jojo!!" the boy named Jotaro giggled once more. Jonita grinned and got up from the futon, fully awaken, and sat cross-legged. She then lifted Jotaro up and made him sit on her thigh.
"Did you sleep well, Joot??" she asked the child as she caressed his soft raven locks. "Yeah I did, and I dreamt of the ocean" Jotaro replied with a certain pride in his tone.
"Again?? You really seem to love the ocean, huh??". Jotaro grinned and nodded vigorously. Jonita giggled and ruffled his hair.
"What about you Jojo?? What did you dream of??". "I dreamt of my children. All of them were playing in the garden while me and my husband were having a picnic under a huge tree as we watched our children having a good time. I wish it comes true one day" Jonita ruminated.
"Hmmm......Well, thinking of dreams is making me feel hungry. I bet Mama has made something good today". "Boy, she always does. Holly's cooking is worth dying for".
Jotaro then got off Jonita's thigh and quickly ran towards the kitchen to get the bulletins of today's breakfast menu. Jonita then stood up and folded her futon, remembering how Holly taught her to do so. She then stretched herself and started to get ready for today.
After she had changed from her pyjamas to purple track pants and red full-sleeve cropped hoodie and combed her hair nicely to let it down, she then made her way to the dining room.
"So you are finally awake, Jonita-san" Holly commented. "Yeah, sorry. I had a really good dream and I didn't want to wake up" the purplenette rubbed her neck.
"Was it about your husband again??" Holly asked. "Yeah. I just miss him so much. It has been years since I have seen him" she said as she sat down to have her food.
"Hmmm....I wonder when I will fall in love madly with someone as you have" Jotaro told her as he settled his head on his palms.
Jonita choked on her own saliva as soon as she heard Jotaro say that. She then clears her throat and replies.
"D-Don't you think you are too young to fall in love with someone, Joot??". "B-But I'm 7 years old!! Is that not enough??" Jotaro asked.
"I-I guess but, for falling in love with someone, you will need time. Love is when two people like each other so much that are ready to sacrifice themselves just for the well-being of their lover. In order to love a person, you need someone to whom you feel a certain attraction".
"Certain att-rec-sion??" Jotaro tried to pronounce the word. "Yeah". "But where will I find such a person??". "You will have to wait, Jotaro. You cannot hurry love, always remember that".
"Alright everyone, eat quickly before it gets cold" Holly clapped her hands. Jotaro and Jonita said their prayers in Japanese (Jonita had to learn it otherwise Holly never left her alone) and then started to eat their breakfast.
"Jonita-san, you do remember that you have to take Jotaro out today, right??" Holly asked. Jonita stopped chewing her omelette and looked at the blonde lady hovering over her. She then grinned stupidly at her, the omelette still inside her mouth.
Holly sighed and crossed her hands.
"You forgot, didn't you??".
Jonita swallowed the food she had in her mouth and said "Forgot?? No No, I was just......caught off-guard, that's all" she argued, but Holly didn't take that.
"Listen Jonita-san, Jotaro is at a growing age, and if he doesn't get any exercise, I'm afraid he might become very weak when he grows up, and you are the best person who can get him into some good physical activities" Holly said worriedly.
"Don't worry Holly, Jotaro is of the Joestar bloodline. There is no way he would ever grow up as weak. Even if he doesn't workout, he would still grow up to be as buff as a bull" Jonita caressed Jotaro's raven hair as she smiled at Holly.
Holly sighed once more and looked at Jonita with pleading eyes and a frown. This made Jonita drop her stupid grin, and soon she admitted defeatedly while letting out a big puff of air from her mouth.
"Fine. Exercise, right?? I will make him do it".
By hearing that, Holly got to her usual cheery self as clapped her hands once more. "Okey-Dokey!!" and then she twirled into the kitchen while humming a tune.
Jonita giggled as she ate the last piece of her breakfast. Jotaro too had finished his food and Jonita collected both of their dishes to keep it in the sink.
"Listen Joot, I'm giving you 10 minutes. Get into your best attire as we are going out to practice" Jonita spoke as if she was taking Jotaro out for a war.
"Yes ma'am!!" the boy saluted the purplenette and ran to his room. Jonita smiled to herself. She was sure that Jotaro would grow up to be a very cheerful and bubbly person, just like his mother.
A few minutes later, Jotaro arrived with a white full-sleeve shirt and black short suspenders on. However, Jonita bursted into a fit of laughs as soon as she saw the young boy.
The reason was because Jotaro had worn the shirt inside-out and over the suspenders. Also, his black hair was in a tangled mess as compared to before.
Jonita then kneeled in front of him and started to correct his attire, starting from removing his shirt.
"You should have called me to dress you Joot" Jonita told him. "But I wanted to show you that I'm not a little boy anymore and that I can dress myself" Jotaro pouted.
Jonita chuckled as she finished correcting his outfit. "You are 7 Jotaro, Not 17".
She then ran her palm against Jotaro's head to smoothen his short hair. However, there were some curly ends which were impossible to straighten so she let them be.
"There you go. All set" she then stood up. "Ready to go, big boy??". "You bet I am". She then grinned and then both of them got into their shoes.
"We will return soon Holly!!" she shouted. Holly came to the door with high speed and hugged Jonita hard which made her tumble a little. "S-Stop...I can't breathe" Jonita giggled. Holly then lets her go as she smiled at her.
Holly then gave Jotaro his goodbye kiss. "Mom, I'm too big for goodbye kisses now" Jotaro pouted. "But you will always stay small for Mama, Jotaro" Holly replied. Jotaro blushed and looked at the ground.
Jonita then chuckled and exited the house, Jotaro following her. Both of them waved to Holly and she waved them back. "Come back soon!!" she said, and then she went inside, picking up another tune.
*30 minute time skip, brought to you by Everything is a Cake*
"OK, that's it for today" Jonita informed. Jotaro fell on the ground with a thud as he finally dropped his plank position and let out a puff of air from relief.
"You did a great job Joot. Don't you feel good??" Jonita asked the tired boy with satisfaction in her tune.
"No" the boy replied breathlessly.
"No?? What do you mean 'no'??" her smile dropped. "I'm really tired Jojo" The boy told her.
"Already?? Your grandfather was more active than you when he was 7 years old!!" she stated.
"And second of all, all you have done today is 15 situps, 30 pushups and 2 minute plank hold. Joseph on the other hand used to do twice as much as you have!!".
"Why do you always compare me with Grandpa??" Jotaro gained some strength to sit cross-legged and rubbed off the mud on his cheek.
"Because I want to make you stronger than him, Joot". Jonita then lifted Jotaro up on his feet. She then dusted him off and cupped his cheeks.
"Jotaro, you are the successor of the Joestar bloodline, so you need to be strong. Your mother has the right to be worried about your health as many obstacles will come in your way and you have to be strong to battle them all. Understand??"
"Hmm" Jotaro nodded. Jonita then smiled and kissed Jotaro's forehead. She then stood up and asked the young boy.
"Since I'm happy with your progress, how about we go and get some ice-cream??". Jotaro's mood turned brighter and nodded vigorously with a big grin. Jonita chuckled and then lifted him up, keeping his head on her shoulder while supporting his bottom with her hand.
"To the ice-cream shop then!!!". "Hai!!!!" and then they both sprinted towards the nearest shop.
*Two minute time skip, brought to you by Wide Putin*
"Are you really saying the truth Jojo??". "Yeah. Your grandfather once dressed as a woman in order to sneak in the military base". "Did it work??". "Ehh, almost. But it looked pretty obvious that it was a man dressed up as a woman. I mean, in those days, women with big muscles were not a thing, not to mention the guards were a bunch of perv--AAAH!!!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Dear. My child didn't mean to hurt you deliberately". A woman with cherry red hair was holding the hand of a boy with the same hair colour. It looked like the boy was the lady's son. The only difference was that the boy had an exceptionally long, wavy bang which was almost as long as his face.
The redhead had kicked Jonita's leg so hard that she almost dropped Jotaro, but instead of being angry at the kid, she was actually impressed that the boy being so young was able to make a grown-up adult stumble.
Setting her thoughts aside, she gave a weak smile to the lady and said "It's alright". The lady too smiled at her and then she continued to walk with her son to the opposite direction.
"Are you OK Jojo??" Jotaro asked the girl. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied. She let Jotaro down and started to rub the area where the boy had kicked her.
"Say, are you OK Joot?? You didn't get hurt, did you??". "N-No, I'm fine" Jotaro looked the ground.
Jonita raised her eyebrow at him. Something was wrong with Jotaro. He didn't usually behave like this........unless he was very flustered.
"Jotaro". "Y-Yes??". "Are you blushing??". "What?? N-No I'm not" Jotaro tried to cover his cheeks with his hands. "So you ARE blushing" Jonita stated. She then scooted closer to Jotaro and asked.
"Tell me, is it because of that boy??". Jotaro's eyes widen as he tried to hide his face from the purplenette.
Jonita then made a smug face and asked "Love at first sight huh??". "S-Stop teasing me Jojo" Jotaro whined. "I'm not teasing you. I'm just saying the facts".
Jotaro them blushed more than before. Jonita tried to hold her laughs but she couldn't, and she began to giggle at Jotaro's cute behaviour.
"Anyways, Joot". "Hmm??". "Wanna know if he likes you back without asking him??".
Jotaro was now full red. He looked at Jonita and asked "I-Is it really possible to know that??". Jonita nodded with a smile. "It's a very old trick but it's very accurate". "S-S-Sure. Let's try it then".
Jonita smirked and then made Jotaro face the direction where the redheads were going. "OK so, you can see the boy walking, right??". "Yeah".
"The thing is now that Joot, if he has fallen for you, he would turn around and look at you" Jonita spoke. "And that's it??" Jotaro looked at her. "Yeah" she replied. "OK" Jotaro shrugged.
"Oh you just believe in me Jotaro, he will definitely turn back at look at you with those innocent eyes". "S-Stop it Jojo". "Sorry".
The redheads didn't show any sign of stopping as the kid walked slowly along his mother.
Turn around.......
Jotaro and Jonita watched each and every step they took, looking for at least a slight clue.
Turn around......................
They had almost reached to the end of the road and still there was no sign. The Joestar and the Kujo still stared at them. They were 100% sure that the boy was going to turn back. And guess what happened...........
Turn around, Dammit!!.............
The little boy finally shifted his body back to look at the two who were staring lasers at him with his big, amethyst eyes, showing curiosity and..........longing. A light blush was visible on his fair cheeks as he gazed at the young ravenhead.
Jonita gasped and fell backwards to the ground, not caring about getting hurt. She then screamed on top of her lungs.
The redhead laughed at the silly lady's reaction and tried to cover his laugh with his mouth. The mother however was taken aback by the immature girl's behaviour as she turned around and cringed.
"What a weird mother. No wonder why she looks so young. She must be a teenager mom" she said to herself.
Jotaro had lost himself in the redhead's violet eyes as he locked his own green ones with the other boy, but soon snapped himself out of it and waved at the redhead with a grin. The young boy's blush grew more as he returned the wave with a small cute smile.
"Come on Noriaki, look forward otherwise you might trip yourself". The boy whose name was Noriaki turned his attention to his mother and followed what she said. After that, they completely vanished from Jojo's eyesight range.
"Y-You were right Jojo. How did you know that it will work??" Jotaro asked with amazement. "I have lived for more than 500 years Jotaro. How can I not know about love??".
Jotaro chuckled and then pushed Jonita up again. She then dusted herself and then spoke. "Let's tell your love story to Holly first after we get some ice-cream". Jotaro nodded and followed Jonita to where they were going next.
*Five minutes time skip, brought to you by Baby Yoda*
"HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLYYYYYY!!!!!!" Jonita sprinted into the Kujo's residence in search of the blonde lady.
"Jonita-san, is everything OK??" Holly came out of a random room and asked her. As soon the purplenette spotted blonde hair, she lunged at Holly and gave her a death hug while lifting her up.
"J-Jonita-san, what happened??". "Jotaro........he is in love!!!". "What, really???" Holly's eyes brightened up. Jonita nodded, confirming her statement.
Just like Jonita, Holly gasped from happiness and hugged Jonita with a high-pitched squeal, and then they both jumped round and round squealing like high-school girls.
"So who is the lucky girl??" Holly asks. "Well, it's a boy, actually" Jonita replied. Holly's smile dropped a little. "A boy??" she asked. "Yes" she replied. "I-I see" Holly tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
"Mama mama, I'm in love!!" Next was Jotaro who ran to his mother and hugged her. Holly hesitantly wrapped her arms around Jotaro as he started babbling about how good-looking his love interest was.
"And he had those pretty purple eyes. They were like the colours of pansies. And his hair was so red. Even the reddest of apples were nothing in front of him. His smile was the best thing of all".
"That's really......nice, Jotaro". By hearing her reply, Jotaro looked at his mother with a little disbelief. She sounded disappointed, he thought.
"I-It's really good to fall in love but, with a boy?? It doesn't seem normal to me". Jotaro let go of her mother as he backed away from her. Was his ears deceiving him?? Did his mother just called him.........adnormal??
"Jotaro I.....I got to talk to Papa. You stay here with Jonita-san. If you are feeling hungry then there is food in the kitchen. I'll be right back" she then went away to the opposite direction without saying anything else.
Jonita just stood where she was in shock. She didn't expect Holly to react like this. She was literally standing there, praying that all she just witnessed was a bad dream and nothing else.
PART 2 :
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x-winging-it · 4 years
Old Guard Hair reviewww part 2
aka the history scenes (also in order of screen appearance)
part 1 here 
Which are brilliant, but also do not have any Nicky and Joe!!! which i didn’t click on my first watch through    Defo something a sequel needs to fix 
(or like a whole series of them in the crusades meeting fighting and going from enemies to lovers... that’d be very good too) 
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Andromache in the desert 
- keeps the sun off your head 
- stylish 
brings to mind this vase??? vaguely 
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The woman in the center is Andromache of Troy- the most famous of the mythological andromache’s and which the heavily implies she is. 
- This is one of her most famous depictions (from 5th BCE) and if the costume is a nod to it that would be cool af 
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Another really short clip but.. 
- we love to see our girls thrive 
- happy healthy glossy hair 
- no real detail to it??
- they both have better looks 
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Quynh being a badass 
- I love how their two looks feel connected and coherent but also suit their different styles and cultural backgrounds
- the detail of the patterned panels- I’d wanted to a little bit of research on the character and on Vietnamese dress and this looks like it could be a nod to styles of supplementary weaving which we have ancient archaeological records
- Also combines a number of elements of headscarfs and caps documented from ancient Vietnam as well as a conical shape which is still seen (although in a very different form) today in the Non La 
- she feels combat ready and badass 
- It feels genuinely ancient- not a hollywood shiny armour, or ‘sexy’ look 
- I guess we don’t get to actually see her hair but its an action scene so meh
(links I looked at: x x x and some illustrations of early famous figures like the Trung sisters. If I have missed something or f*cked up pls point it out) 
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Andromache the Scythian 
- Did someone say details!!! 
- long hair but out of the way for fighting
- pretty accurate looking and feeling for an ancient steppe nomad warrior 
- the inclusion of lots of gold ornamentation that was really typical of what we know about Scythian people as a means of portable wealth esp for Andy as a goddess/ex-goddess 
-literally none 
12/10 (extra point for bling) 
(also links x x x)
Scythians are also historically connected to wearing a Phrygian cap which is an incredible incredible garment - in herodotus they are literally ‘people-with-pointed-hats)
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back to the actual film... lol
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Lykon! Baby
- also seems to have his own distinctive headgear!
- nice texture? 
- seems to be a turban-like wrap
- literally all we can see of it and all we see of Lykon rip king
loss of immortality/10 
4/10 I guess? 
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Imma do these two together 
- last time they are together 
- Matted and blood
- can you count it as a hairstyle if it’s the result of months of torture???????????
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Booker before he lost his last shred of hope 
- I’m not sure exactly when this scene is set but this look gives me like 1910s vibes 
- looks like a soft professor 
- not greasy! doesn’t look like such a dick 
- what a beard!
- him being a dad (dy)
- we barely see it?? 
idk I like it 
Bonus! Picture cameos
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- ultimate goddess waves 
- we love a bedroom look 
- wasn’t even 100% sure it was supposed to be her till it was on Copley’s wall 
- her hair seems too light??
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aka I managed to smuggle Joe and Nicky into this 
- Joe’s hair looks closer cropped and while I like his curls I’m not made at this either 
- Does feel very 1960s 
- Is it just me or does this feel like the kind of hairstyle someones mum makes them have? 
- it is just so neat and clean cut 
Joe - 7/10 
Nicky- 1/10 
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Finally! mid 1800s andy! 
- love a braid 
- out of the way for archery
- go accessories 
- lowkey princess leia buns 
- I just can’t imagine Andy ever having the patience for a really elaborate hair look on the daily tbh 
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darkershining · 4 years
Just watched the final episode of Healin Good Pretty Cure.
The episode begins presumably a few months after the events of the last one, as everyone is back in their spring outfits. Nodoka, Chiyu and Hinata have been invited by Teatine to visit the Healing Garden, and they head to the tower where they meet up with their Healing Animal partners once more.
As they arrive in the garden, they admire its beauty and their partners lead them to the Healing Palace where Teatine lives. They see the statue of Teatine’s old partner, commenting on how much she resembles Asumi. Asumi agrees, showing up to greet the girls, along with Latte who has grown a bit more powerful since last they met, having learned to fly. Teatine greets the girls, telling them she’s been resting up since the final battle. The girls reveal they brought gifts, and Asumi recalls the conversation she had with Nodoka’s parents before she and Latte left.
The girls discover they all had the same idea and brought along Sukoyaka sweet buns, and Teatine suggests they go share them with the other Healing Animals. They first go meet with the adult Healing Animals, and then the younger ones. All of them seem excited to meet the Cures. Nodoka then notices a darker area, which Rabirin explains was a section of the garden that was heavily affected by King Byogen’s attack and that has yet to recover. Nodoka hopes it recovers soon. A monkey named Saruro walks over, and is not too pleased to see humans in the Garden, even if they are the Pretty Cures, complaining that humans cause a lot of damage to nature, even if they’re not quite as bad as the Byogens. Still, he doesn’t have a high opinion of them.
The girls reflect on his words, noting that they can see where he’s coming from, and wonder about how they can make a difference.
While the other Healing Animals continue to share the sweet buns, a stray Nano-Byogen that got into one of the suitcases the Cures brought infects them, creating six Mega-Byogen that capture some of the younger Healing Animals. As one of the Adult Healing Animals scans it, it realizes that only one of the monsters actually has the Element that needs to be purified in it.
The girls arrive on the scene, Asumi telling the others to let her handle the situation. Nodoka and the others are quick to volunteer to help, with Rabirin agreeing that they need their assistance. Returning the Element bottles to the girls, they transform and prepare to fight. The Lion lets the girls know which of the monsters has the Element in it. Saruro complains that the girls must’ve unwittingly brought the Nano-Byogen in, which makes the Cures determined to take responsibility for their actions and purify the Mega-Byogens. However, Cure Earth is hesitant to fight the sweet buns since they are still her favorite snack.
Saruro continues to voice his low opinion on humans, to which Latte disagrees. Using her power, Latte somehow summons Cure Summer, who helps rescue the captured Healing Animals. Teatine approaches Saruro, telling him that while she would certainly purify humans if necessary, she thinks humans have the potential to do good for the Earth, having spent time with them in the past.
Eventually, the Cures are able to purify the Mega-Byogens after Latte gets Cure Earth to rejoin the battle, and Cure Summer is sent back to wherever she was summoned from, with her and Grace promising to meet again sometime.
The girls apologize for accidentally bringing a Nano-Byogen into the Healing Garden, and Teatine assures them she knows it wasn’t their fault. Nodoka and the others assure her that they’ll continue to think of ways to continue helping Earth even without their powers, and Teatine and Asumi approach Saruro, suggesting they too pitch in with ideas on ways to help out, with him seeing to warm up to them a little.
Nodoka, Chiyu and Hinata return home, and think about the things they’ll do from now on. Nodoka notes that doing their part to ensure the well-being of both themselves and others might be another part of what life is all about. After the end of the episode, we get the baton pass between Cure Grace and Cure Summer.
A nice little epilogue, and they even managed to work in a cameo by Cure Summer. No time skip showing what the Cures are up to as adults in this one, but I still think Nodoka will eventually become a doctor or something. It was nice getting a good look at the Healing Garden. Really pretty. And the presence of that one Nano-Byogen supports the fact that even with King Byogen and his subordinates gone, the Byogens might still continue to present a threat to Earth in the future.
As for the whole deal with Saruro, I guess the writers remembered “Oh, right, protecting the environment was also supposed to be one of the themes of this season” and threw that in there. I can see why Saruro would distrust humans, though, as there are certainly plenty of humans who have caused plenty of damage to this planet, but there are also those who do what they can to protect it. Still, the implications that the Healing Animals would be willing to go to war against humanity if they let things get too bad seems a bit out of nowhere. At least Teatine acknowledges that she knows humanity well enough from her time with her former partner that she knows it won’t be necessary.
There were some nice moments, with the flashback to Asumi and Latte saying good-bye to Nodoka’s parents before leaving, the reunions between the girls and their Healing Animal partners, and the ending was pretty sweet.
Well, I guess that’s about it. Now that the final episode has aired, I should be able to finish my post with my thoughts on the series overall soon. Looking forward to that!
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pharawee · 10 months
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The cast for Sammon's Spare Me Your Mercy has been revealed along with a short teaser: JJ Krissanapoom will be playing Captain Wasan and Tor Thanapob is Dr. Gun. The series is schedule for next year, with a planned trailer release around February.
Spare Me Your Mercy is my favourite Sammon novel and Wasan one of my fave characters and let me tell you, Jaylerr is perfect as Wasan (and Tor as Gun). I'm so happy! Also, the series is set in the Manner of Death universe so we might be getting another Bun cameo as he's in the novel. 🤞
Edit: What? No way! Aelm Bhumibhat will be in it too! 😭😭 I love that man and you should all watch Doi Boy!!
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
okay so now i need ur six as watt so i can compare it with the one i did in december xx
Okay! I totally forgot you sent this to me earlier but I am ON IT NOW!! I am not married to any of these because a lot of the girls seem a bit older and I do like younger looking people playing teenagers, but working with what I have... Also I promise I know there are characters besides K. Howard just like I said I like younger people playing teenagers and a lot of Howards seem younger
Eva - Megan Leung
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Okay, so, maybe I haven’t, like, technically heard much outside of about thirty seconds of Megan singing, but I’m in love with her. I think she’s one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen and she has amazing tastes in musicals. Also, while Eva is (usually, though according to her casting call she can be any minority) Hispanic (fun fact, in LA there was a line specifying that she was a quarter Puerto Rican), the only Hispanic I can think off of the top of my head from Six is Sam, and I love her but... she’s not my Eva. But I think Megan could NAIL it.
Clark/Clara - Collette Guitart
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My past few days have been very Collette filled, from the cameo to with the new boots there’s pretty much footage of her in every role except for the beheaded cousins (I think, don’t quote me on that) so I have been thinking much about this woman, whom I adore, and there’s just something about her that makes me think she would be best suited for it. I think with all of her versatility it would be easiest for her to slip into the most different role and then back into herself.
Farrah - Alicia Corrales-Connor
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Didn’t Alicia have an instagram story however long ago where she actually wore her hair in braids? That was important. But, I like Alicia, and I think that Howard has similar vibes in putting on a brave face but actually being deeply vulnerable, and I know she would do an amazing job.
Chess - Courtney Mack
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Chess does have different vibes from Farrah, but not, like... too different. Like she’s a little less chaotic, and while I’m not super familiar with Courtney outside of the cameo, from that I think that she could do it wonderfully, and while it would hurt my soul to watch her get murdered, and I wish I could give her a role with more stage time, but alas. I think this is where she sits best.
Mattie - Courtney Monsma
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I know that every single time someone has done this they’ve put the same person in this role. But I don’t really love that person so I was not going to choose them. Courtney just strikes me as one of the babiest of all the casts and Mattie is the youngest member of the team!
Annleigh - Caitlin Tipping
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You knew this was coming. Maybe you didn’t know when and you didn’t know where, but you knew it was going to happen because you know me and I have a one track mind and that one track is always headed to Caitlin Tippingville. 
But in all seriousness, I think that a Jane was the most obvious choice for a Jane, they have such similar vibes, and was I ever even going to consider a Jane that was not my main lady?
Reese - Courtney Bowman
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So with this completing my Courtney hat trick, that means I win a prize, right?
I mean, I think this is a pretty agreed upon choice. We all like Courtney and unfortunately there is a dearth of pluz-sized queens to choose from, but we already know she can rock the space buns!
Kate - Georgia Carr
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So, Georgia is definitely different physically from any other Kate I’ve ever seen. They’re more dark and sullen whereas she is radiant- but while we don’t have too much content of her, we do have her roast, which means we have her being very sarcastic which I think is an important element to Kate’s character, and I think it would be fun to have this girl who looks like more of a Karen Smith and then have her turn out to be this completely deadpan, no-nonsense serious, deep young lady.
Cairo - Zara Macintosh
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I mean, do I need to go on another rant about how much I love Zara? Zara is maybe one of the most talented women on the West End right now (or was, when the West End was still a thing) and I would love to see her put that energy into a role like Cairo, who has the steadfastness and dominant personality of Aragon, but the pettiness and willing to make a joke at someone else’s expense of Howard.
Riley - Sophie Isaacs
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This one I’m the least married to, but we know I need Lauren Zakrin as Howard like I need to breathe, so Howards seemed like a good place to start looking for my Riley. (And yes, I did exclude Mallory from the running, just because as a friend of Preston’s who’s done demos for Tigers she seemed too obvious) 
And here’s a fun fact about Riley, the previous captains I’ve seen have been the most stereotypical looking cheerleaders you could imagine, and while Lauren still fits some of those boxes she doesn’t fit all, and Sophie does more, so it would be, in a way, a return to my roots to see someone like this- also, she’s like 4′10 so she looks like the most harmless and innocent and sweet baby angel, so the switch when it turns out that she orchestrated all of this? I would like to see it.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! You didn’t think I would leave you without swings, did you?
Caroline’s swing track - Vicki Manser
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I’m not entirely sure exactly which tracks which girl covered, we only know for sure that Vicki covered Farrah and Cairo and Alexia covered Eva and four other tracks, but I have such complete faith in Vicki Manser that I would follow her wherever she led with no questions whatsoever. She can do it all.
Alexia’s swing track - Courtney Stapleton
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Hey, let’s get the swing sisters (sans Grace, sorry Grace!!!) back together, yeah? I have the same amount of faith in Courtney that I do in Vicki and so I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that whatever was thrown at her, she could handle.
Clark standby - Danielle Steers
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I would just like to see it. I’m not as confident in her as Clark as I am in Collette, but I think she could do it, and I think I would have a lot of fun watching it. Plus, we’ve never had a Clark of color before, so that could be a very refreshing change.
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kyotosummer · 4 years
Okay so I finally got access to Hulu and am slowly going through the new Animaniacs while reading up on some of the history and... I don’t get the criticism I hear?
I mostly hear three of them:
1) The original creator needs to come back!
Okay first off, Animaniacs was always a group project headed by Steven Spielberg. Originally, they were going to be ducks, until Steven said no. Then there were going to be four of them, but it was decided that was too much and two characters combined to make Wakko. Throughout production, Spielberg would always be extremely hands on (it had HIS name on it), so I wouldn’t say Tom Rugger was the SOLE CREATOR of this series. He’s like... Ub Iwerks to Walt Disney for this one.
Secondly, IT’S BEEN 22 YEARS, and Rugger hasn’t been up to much since his days at the WB (he did some Snow White spin-off for Disney XD and a few cameo & writer jobs, but that seems to be it?) People change, and Warner bros shares ownership of the series with Amblin. OF COURSE they want to make sure a group is heading it that serves both companies best interests. I would also ask him to submit a script or pitch to show his humor would still be relevant with today’s audience. Also he does have a cameo in the new series. I honestly feel the fan base demanding his return is more upset about this than he is.
2) Hello Nurse should have been the CEO!
This is continuing the Tom Rugger critique, because people are mostly saying this because he commented that’s what he would do, but..... what would be the joke? How would that work?
The original Animaniacs and their treatment by Plotz was a joke based on how film studios used to own their actors. Actors couldn’t just go to another studio, unless the studio that employed them rented them out (this was a thing). The Animaniacs live in this environment to justify being chaotic- audiences can justify kids acting out the most when they’re being blatantly disrespected.
The New CEO gives 0 fucks and seems to be a few wires short of a circuit board, which makes sense for modern times, and allows for her to be selfish enough to keep the studio afloat while making dumb mistakes that will blow up in her face (the bun episode)
Every character in Animaniacs is an asshole. That’s the joke. The audience has a good time watching the Warners wreak havoc because everyone around them is an asshole. Making Hellow Nurse the CEO would force the writers to make one of two choices for her character:
1) Turn her into an asshole (and the audience riots)
2) Give her 0 power and the joke is that she’s TRYING to clean up the studio but nothings working and now she cries oceans at any sign of stress (and the audience riots)
Aside from the fact her being a nurse with her IQ and degrees indicates that her love is in the medical field, keeping her character from the 90’s and making her CEO would be insanely boring, considering that her biggest strength is her patience. What would the Warners do with her? Yakko and Wakko can’t jump in her arms screaming HELLOOOOO NURSE anymore, and outside of “Extremely Hot Woman Turns Out To Be The Most Capable Person Around”, she has no jokes.
The only way to make her CEO and keep her in character is to have the Warners cause chaos outside of the studio, and that ruins the meta, which allows the writers to make jokes about working at a studio.
And Animaniacs without meta is like a Bugs Bunny cartoon without sass. What’s the point? Why even bother?
So no, I don’t see how making Hello Nurse the CEO would have worked.
3) The Warners aren’t as chaotic!
This one I KINDA see, but I think part of the problem is addressed in that catch-up song:
“What’s going on? Will we be okay? Has the world gone mad since we went away?”
I think the world caught up with their zaniness, so they just don’t look that crazy. I don’t know if we’ll get a PLOT for that, but I think that’s the meta: the world’s gone mad enough that the Warners almost seem behaved.
Also, Animaniacs was an ensemble show, so the Warner bits were actually rarer and special. There could be entire episodes where the only time the siblings show up was to turn the wheel of morality. By spreading out the Warners’ segments, their appearance would be seen as more special in the show, and that does add to how they were perceived in the 90’s.
There is a 4th criticism, which I do agree with- they need to bring in more characters and segments.
I heard there might be a few in later episodes (I just finished ep 4), but I definitely miss the Goodfeathers, Slappy & Skippy, and Rita & Runt. I’m excited for the new characters, but I just.... just let me watch Pesto kick Squit’s ass while Bobby laughs. That was always fun. XD
Also I saw in the Chicken Boo episode that Squit was the one holding a log like he was gonna kick some ass. I want to see THAT character development!
Overall, though, I’m having a lot of fun watching this! I’m glad it came back!
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Partners in Crime Chapter Eight
Notes: I have actually been sitting on this chapter for some time now, but work has been pretty busy and I haven’t had time to update. In this chapter, some cameos and fun.
Tag Squad: @riottstheory @thirst-n-bullshit
“We should go inside,” Jake spoke up, exchanging a look with Raul, who nodded and went to the door. After swiftly unlocking it, the former Mexican cartel bodyguard ushered the other four inside. Detectives Morse and Lovato stepped in, followed by the two Austins.
“So how exactly do you two know Robert Stone?” Detective Lovato asked, her notebook out and open.
“We would sell things to his pawn shop, we went to him often,” Austin T lied. While it wasn’t technically a lie, it wasn’t his pawn shop the two sold to.
“Do you two know anyone who would want to kill him?” Detective Morse pressed. Austin F shook her head, “No, not at all.”
“Do you mind if we have a look around?” Morse asked. The Austins glanced at Raul and Jake, who gave slight nods. Morse looked at Lovato.
“Check the rooms? I’ll be there in a moment,” she said. Lovato nodded and once she was out of earshot, Morse looked at the four in front of her.
“Now, I know there is more to your relationship with Robert Stone, care to explain?” She asked. The two Austins exchanged a worried look between each other.
“Um, I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Austin F said. Morse sighed frustratedly.
“Listen, my mother-in-law is Syndel Okaia, she mentioned that you two know who killed Mr. Stone so whatever information you have will be helpful. And I promise you that whatever it is you tell me, I won’t use it for the case,” she said.
“We didn’t sell to his pawn shop…he was our black market dealer. If we had items that we needed to sell with no questions asked, we would sell to him. Our last deal with him was some…items we stole from the Elite,” Austin T said.
“What kind of items?”
“Mostly jewelry…we sold it to him…it’s likely they killed him for it,” Austin F said carefully. Morse nodded, “We found evidence of torture, it’s likely they are after you two.” The two let out twin dark laughs.
“We know, they already set our old warehouse on fire,” Austin T said bitterly.
“That’s why Raul and I are here, we’re guarding them,” Jake said. Morse looked at him before nodding.
“Alright, thanks for letting me know,” she said. Jake grinned, “Tell Jade I said hi.”
“Of course, she thinks you’re really fucking cool,” Morse grinned.
“Thanks, Bobbi,” Jake smiled. Morse, Bobbi, nodded as Lovato returned.
“Ready to head out?” Bobbi said, looking at Lovato, who nodded and turned to the Austins.
“If you have any more information about the murder, please don’t hesitate to call either of us,” she said and the two detectives handed their cards over before leaving.
Once the two had left, Raul and Jake looked over at the two Austins.
“What is it?” Austin T asked, looking slightly worried at the look the other two were giving him and his sister.
“Listen….you two have been staying inside every day….Raul and I were thinking that maybe the four of us could go out tonight,” Jake said. The two Austins tensed slightly.
“Where?” Austin F asked, crossing her arms to hide the shaking. Austin T reached over, taking his sister’s hand and giving it a squeeze.
“Some friends of ours, Finn and Violet Balor, own a club called The Black Rose. Don’t worry, no one from the Elite will be there,” Raul said. Austin F looked at Austin T, exchanging silent words with just their expressions.
“Okay, we’ll go for a little bit,” Austin T finally said. Jake grinned a smile that made Austin T’s heart skip a beat.
“Great! We’ll head out about five tonight,” he said.
A couple hours later, at five o’clock, the four left their apartment and headed to The Black Rose. From the outside, The Black Rose looked like a typical nightclub. It was a tall building with the name emblazoned in neon lights. There was a long line, with bouncers checking the IDs of those wanting to get in.
“C’mon, we’ll get in from the VIP entrance,” Jake said as Raul parked the bulletproof car. The two bodyguards got out, opening the back doors and the two Austins unbuckled their seatbelts, getting out. The four walked up to the VIP entrance, being stopped by the bouncer.
“Atlas….Mendoza,” the bouncer greeted with a nod.
“They’re with us, Martinez,” Jake said. The bouncer, Mercedes Martinez, nodded and unhooked the velvet rope, ushering the four inside.
“Thanks,” Raul gave her a smile. Mercedes just nodded, a smile ghosting over her lips.
Inside the club was dark, lights flashing on the dance floor in bright colors. A young man with short dark hair bounded up to him, a grin on his face.
“TJ, sup?” Jake said with a grin, slapping hands with the young man.
“Hey Jake, Raul,” the man, TJ, said before turning to the Austins with a smile.
“Hi, I’m TJ, you must be the two Austins,” he said with a grin.
“How did you know about us?” Austin T asked, tensing slightly. TJ let out a laugh, smiling in a friendly manner.
“My Aunt Syndel met you two this morning,” he said with a shrug.
“Are they all here?” Jake asked. TJ nodded.
“They’re all sitting over there,” he said, pointing to a group of purple booths. The four looked in the directions of the booths. The Austins noticed the woman they had met earlier in the morning, Syndel, sitting there. With her was a man around her age with short black hair, his arm casually thrown around her shoulder. Next to him was a young man, early or mid twenties, with shaggy black hair and a friendly smile. He was chatting animatedly with a young woman next to him. She appeared a few years older than him, black hair pulled back into a bun.
“Isn’t that Detective Morse?” Austin T asked, pointing to the blonde woman perched atop the lap of the dark haired young woman.
“Huh, that is,” Austin F said with a nod. Jake and Raul looked at each other.
“We never told you that she’s married to Syndels’ daughter?” Jake said. The two Austins shook their heads in tandem.
“Oops....yeah, she married Syndel’s daughter,” Jake said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as he, Raul, and TJ led the two over to the family.
“Here are all the drinks!” TJ said, setting down the drinks he was holding.
“Thanks, Teddy,” the dark haired woman said, taking one of the fruity colored glasses and taking a drink while wrapping her free arm around the blonde on her lap.
“Jade, how many times have I told you not to call me ‘Teddy’,” TJ grumbled fondly. Syndel looked up, smiling.
“Jake, Raul, it’s nice to see you two again, along with the Austins,” she said.
“These the two who know about Robert Stone’s murder?” The older man said.
“I’m Austin Theory, this is my sister, Austin Flynn,” Austin T introduced himself and his sister.
“This is my husband, Kenshi (Syndel motioned to the older man), our son, Takeda (she motioned to the younger man), and our daughter, Jade (she motioned to the young woman),” Syndel made introductions.
“So you two know about the murder of Robert Stone?” Jade asked. Austin T nodded, “Yeah...he was our black marker dealer….we think that the Elite killed him because of us selling to him. We stole some of their stuff.”
“Makes sense, they’re bugshit fucking crazy,” Takeda muttered as a green haired girl walked up.
“Jake, Raul,” she greeted the two. Jake turned, smiling at her.
“Hey Shotzi, what’s up?” He asked, pulling her into a side-hug. A lick of jealousy ran through Austin T and he grit his teeth slightly.
“Finn and Violet want to talk to you two….and your friends,” Shotzi said. Jake and Raul nodded, turning to the Okaia family.
“Go, we can catch up later,” TJ said. The four nodded and followed Shotzi to the back office.
“Who are Finn and Violet?” Austin F whispered to Raul. Raul slipped his arm around her waist briefly.
“Finn Balor and his wife, Violet, are the owners of this club. They are also allies of the McMahon family. Violet is Seth’s ex and Finn is a close friend of Seth’s along with being the brother of Seth’s current girlfriend, Becky,” Raul explained quietly.
“Seth finally has another girlfriend?” Austin T joked. Jake smiled at him, nodding.
“Yeah….his girlfriend is named Becky Lynch. But they are also dating another guy named Drew McIntyre. Becky, Drew, and Seth are all dating each other but Becky and Seth are also dating a woman named Charlotte Flair but she also has another boyfriend named Andrade Cien Almas. All of them know about them dating each other,” Jake explained. Austin T nodded as Shotzi opened a door and ushered the four in.
Inside stood five people, three guys and two girls. One of the guys sat at the desk in the middle of the room. He had short dark brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. The other two men stood at his sides, their arms crossed over their burly chests. Both were tall and bald with beards. One of the girls stood behind the man at the desk, she had blue hair and was incredibly pale. The other girl, a blonde with tan skin, was leaning against the desk and smiled when Shotzi walked in.
“Shotzi, meu amor (my love), you’re back,” she said happily, her voice slightly accented. Shotzi grinned, wrapping her arm around the blonde. The blonde smiled at the group before her eyes fell on Austin F.
“Austin???” She said in shock.
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blackirisposts · 5 years
Of Ghosts and Coffee Shop Whispers
This work is part of Spoopy October Writing Challenge 2019 (SOWC19) hosted by me, annnnnnd Happy Steve Bingo (HSB) by: @happystevebingo !!! ❤
Prompt: Day 6: Ghost for SOWC19 && Romance Novel for HSB ❤
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x OMC, Jane Foster x Thor ❤
Word Count: 2404
❤ Book Shop && Coffee Shop ❤
Reblog will include links and tags! ❤
Warnings: Swearing, Mild Crack and the occasional cameo ❤
A/N:  Special thanks to @pegasusdragontiger and @heartbreaker6995 for both shocking my brain into actually working and cranking out this fic ❤
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Darcy’s eyes follow the blond man across the room as he moves to wait for his coffee order.  
“You’re staring.” Jane says, not looking up from the small wired contraption she was fiddling with.
“Yep.” Darcy pops the ‘p’ like the word’s made of bubble gum. “What a sight.”
Jane hums not fully paying attention to Darcy.
“Thor’s off world, your loss.” Darcy says with a slurp of her coffee.
“Thor?” Jane looks up and around in confusion.
Darcy pats her hand, “Off world, dear.”
“Right. I knew that.”
Darcy pushes a barely touched panini sandwich towards Jane.
“Eat, my scientific one. It shall give you strength!”
“Eat later. Science now.”
“Eat now. Science, well, also now?” Darcy sighed dragging her eyes back to Jane. “Don’t make me take whatever the hell that thing is away from you until after you’ve finished your no longer hot sandwich thingy.”
“I dare you.” Jane stares at Darcy.
“Jane.” Darcy arches a brow.
“Love you too.”
Jane takes a few bites as she fiddles with her contraption.
“Still staring.”
“He’s still a sight to behold.”
“You stare at him whenever you see him here. Go talk to him. Dazzle him with your wit.”
“Yeah. That’s likely to happen.”
“Where else are you going to run into him? The lab?”
“No.” Darcy huffed, fixing her mass of curls. “Maybe a bookshop.”
Jane scoffs.
“You never know.” Darcy takes a drawn-out sip of her nearly empty coffee mug. “Okay, but if I ran into the glory of that in a bookshop, I’d die happy. . . oh, and then I could haunt the bookshop, too. . . okay, Jane. New plan!”
As Darcy dreams out loud, a half-asleep man in a stained purple shirt and black apron sidles up to her.
“It’s your lucky day then, Dee.”
Darcy squeaks in an undignified manner, startled by Clint’s sudden appearance at her side. She glares at him, her cheeks tinted pink. Clint’s an incorrigible gossip. And he will definitely tell Nat, another incorrigible gossip. This will not end well.
“Where’d you crawl out of?”
“I’m on break.” Clint shrugs and sips his coffee.
“You know something, Barton?”
“I could use more tips.” Clint arches a brow at Darcy.
“Ha! You’re lucky you make the best coffee in the city.”
Clint chuckles and takes the empty chair at their table, partially blocking Darcy of her glorious view.
“I might know a little something-something about a certain possibly haunted book shop on 66th street. If you’re planning on taking up an additional post to haunt it.”
“Possibly haunted?” Jane asks, suddenly interested in the conversation and not believing a word he says.
“Yeah. There’s like at least two ghosts. They’re—well they’re really annoying. Funny sometimes but mostly annoying.”
Darcy and Jane share a look and Darcy snorts turning back to Clint.
“So, what are you actually saying?”
“Maybe he’ll be there. Maybe he won’t be.”
“But I’d check it out if I were you.” Clint grabs the empty cups and crumpled wrapper that once contained Darcy’s Danish. “You two check each other out far too much for you both to not have noticed yet. It’s driving everyone insane.”
“Whatever, dude.” Darcy rolls her eyes, biting her lip to keep her smile at bay. “If this bookshop is real, it’d be worth it to run into him there. Haunted or not.”
“Whatever you say, Dee.” Clint says walking back to the front counter.
“Okay, Jane, new plan. Same plan. Whatever.”
“Darcy. No.”
“Darcy. Yes.”
“Wait, what’s the address?” Darcy looks from Jane to Clint.
‘Look at your phone.’ Clint signs from behind the counter.
Darcy looks down to her phone to see the address and several emojis light up her phone.
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“Who put this here?”
“You know who.” A tired voice replies, muffled by the rows of books.
“Dude. You can’t put this here.”
“I can. And I did.”
“Fix it!”
“There’s nothing to fix. It should go here.”
“No. No, it shouldn’t.”
“Guys.” The tired voice calls out.
“You cannot put Tolkien in the romance section.”
“Yeah. I can.”
“It’s totally a romance novel. You’d know that if you ever learned to read.”
“Guys!” The voice calls out again.
“Yes! He goes in every section!”
“Tolkien. Does. Not.”
“Yep. Every one. That’s what everyone wants to read anyways.”
“Oh my god. It’s like arguing with a wall.”
“Guys. Knock it off.” The tired voice shouts.
A barely discernable pair of ‘sorry’s are uttered without feeling. Hushed arguing can still be heard throughout the book shop that finally stops when a book is thrown down aisle slamming into a wall with a harsh thud.
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“You done yet?” Darcy asks, tapping the end of her pen against the table top.
“Does it look like I’m done?”
“No. You’re never done. Even when you are, in fact, done.”
“You started spouting equations when you were asleep. Remember? I recorded it incase it was something import.”
“I don’t remember that.” Jane eyes Darcy. “There’s no way I did that.”
“You did.” Eric taps his head. “I remember. It was odd. All your equations where correct but they had nothing to do with each other.”
Jane huffs. “Typical.”
“Nah, just proof you need more sleep, Doc.”
“I need more sleep? Or you want to go ghost hunting?”
“Maybe both?” Darcy holds both hands up defensively. “Can’t we have both?”
“Take the rest of the day off, Darcy.” Eric chuckles grabbing the pen from her.
“Yes.” He gives her an incredulous look. “Go have fun with the—ghosts.”
“I don’t think they’re—”
“I don’t want to know. Just call us if you need help or are pulled into another dimension again.”
“Thanks, ma dude.” Darcy bounces on her toes and presses a quick kiss to Eric’s cheek. “And you’ll take care of Jane-y?”
“Yes. Now, go before you convince yourself not to.”
“Alright, alright. Don’t science too hard.”
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Darcy bites her lip, checking her phone one more time for address to the bookshop. The entrance is warm and charming. Totally inviting. Not that there was a bookshop that hadn’t agreed with Darcy yet.
The door chimes softly as the smell of fresh coffee and paper flood her nose.
“Yeah. This is a place I could call my forever home.” Darcy mutters to herself.
Not a soul in sight. Only books and a mismatched pair of leather chairs and a purple velvet couch.
Mismatched fairy lights hang crisscrossing overhead, leading to a small stage. A framed chalkboard sign reads: Poetry reading, Tonight 8pm.
Darcy snaps a pic and sends it to Jane and Eric, found my happy place.
She wanders farther into the bookshop when she hears it.
“Was the fair palace door—”
First it sounds like a whisper.
“Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing—”
Now a little louder. The disembodied voice sounded pensive, annoyed even.
“Flowing, flowing, flowing—”
Darcy’s curiosity gets the better of her and she follows the voice, stifling a snort when she hears it curse in frustration.
She hears papers moving and an irritated sigh.
Rounding a corner, she sees the source of the voice. Not a ghost by any means, but definitely something that took her breath away. Before her perched precariously on a stool is a rather large man in a rust colored sweater, his dark hair tied messily in a bun.
“That was really beautiful.”
The man looks up and blushes. “Th-thanks. I’m trying to memorize it before tonight.”
“You’ll get it.”
“I better.” He sighs, his voice dropping low in embarrassment. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“Oh, for who?” Darcy beams a toothy grin at him as his blush darkens.
He hands her his book, an anthology of Poe, open to the poem that he’s struggling with.
“It’s for my boyfriend, it’s his favorite. If I can pull it off, I’m going to ask him to move in with me, too.”
Darcy squeaks out a noise that makes him chuckle.
“I’m Bucky by the way.”
“Darcy.” She replies. “And that is possibly the sweetest thing I’ve heard all month.”
“I call bull, Bucko.”
“What the fuck now, Sam?” Bucky asks, features going neutral.
“No way.” The man referred to as Sam crosses his arms over his chest making himself look intimidating in the small book aisle. “You paid her to come in here and say that. Admit it.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
Darcy snorts, drawing their attention. “You two don’t sound like ghosts.”
“What?” They ask in unison.
A low chuckle is heard an aisle or two over.
Darcy points in the direction of the laugh. “Now there’s your ghost.”
“Ghost?” Sam asks.
“A friend recommended this place, said it was haunted by at least two ghosts, annoying but sometimes funny. I imagine he was talking about you two. You’re not the boyfriend, are you?” Darcy asks Sam as she draws soft lines of graphite in his book.
“Oh, hell no. He wishes.” He chuckles, holding out a hand. “I’m Sam. I can only stand that man as far as I can throw him.”
Darcy takes his hand, offering her name in return.
“What the hell man? You know you can’t throw down like I can.”
“Knock it off, guys.”
“So, is he the ghost then?” Darcy snickers referring to the voice as both men roll their eyes at the phrase they’ve heard far too often.
“No.” Sam seems to pout. “You’d think so, but no.”
Darcy shrugs and hands Bucky the book back. “Here, try to memorize it in chunks, it has more rhythm that way, might be easier.”
“Thank you so much!” Bucky’s face brightens and he wraps Darcy in a quick hug, nearly crushing her. His movements startling her into laughter and cause Sam to roll his eyes.
“Why you gotta hug everyone, man. Some people don’t like it.”
“I don’t mind.” Darcy shrugs with a laugh. “Some people need kindness in physical platonic gestures.”
Sam hums, eyeing Darcy and then Bucky.
“What?” She asks confusion written across her face.
“You thinking what I’m thinking, Buck?”
It takes Bucky a moment, but he gets there. “Oh. Stevie. Yeah.”
“They’d be perfect together.” Sam nods, giving Darcy his sweetest smile. “You’d really love him.”
“No, seriously, who’s Steve?”
“For us to know and you to fall in love with.” Sam arches his brows at her.
“Hey, maybe then he’ll spend less time here giving us a hard time.” Bucky says, nudging Sam.
“Give the lady some room otherwise she’ll never come back here, ya crazy mutts.” Says the voice again, this time closer.
“What?” Darcy asks while Bucky shakes his head and goes back to his book. She looks to Sam who throws his hands in the air in mock defeat.
“We try and we try, Steve.” Sam says, his smirk growing into a full smile. “But we can only do so much for you, old man.”
“This is why business is erratic.” Says the voice, who Darcy is now assuming to be the Steve formerly mentioned. “You two aren’t sharing shifts anymore if you keep this up.”
“Uh oh, looks like you’ve upset the man behind the curtain.” Darcy quips, earning a fist bump from Sam and a chuckle from Bucky.
“Yeah! Good one.” Scott cheers coming around the corner, bowl of orange slices in hand. “Who’s the new girl?” he asks, offering everyone to take from the dish.
“Scott, be cool, man.” Sam shakes his head, grabbing a handful of oranges before walking out of the aisle.
“When am I not cool? I’m cool right?” Scott looks to Darcy, like she’ll back him up.
Bucky chuckles and disappears around the corner before being dragged into it.
Darcy laughs and nods, her words caught in her throat as Steve rounds the corner, rolling his eyes.
“You’re the coolest Scott.” Steve confirms, eyes tired until they fall on Darcy and light up. “Can you finish inventory in the back?”
“Can do Cap!” Scott mock salutes, shoving the large bowl into Steve’s hands as he leaves.
“Sorry about him.” He shuffles his feet a bit, suddenly shy at finding the ‘cute coffee shop girl’ in his shop. “’Bout all of them, really.”
Darcy shakes her head “You must be Steve?” Darcy smiles at the flush starting to color his cheeks.
“Yeah,” He says softly, smile as bright as she knew it’d be. “And you’re—”
“Darcy. It’s nice to meet you, finally.”
“How’d you survive the minotaurs that work here?” He asks, putting the bowl on an empty shelf, his free hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
“I know how to get around a maze with minimum casualties.” Darcy laughs, the sound feeling like a wave of sunshine rippling through his veins.
Steve can’t help but laugh with her. He should have listened to Clint and Nat and talked to her sooner.
“Would you—” He’s interrupted with a tap on the shoulder by a guy with a creepy yet happy smile holding three pizza boxes.
“We didn’t order anything.” Steve says with a confused look. “Wait. Guys? Did you order take out again?”
“No!” Come Bucky and Sam’s reply almost in unison, followed by a late and muffled ‘no’ from Scott.
“Sorry, man.”
“Smells good, though.” Darcy murmurs.
“Eh, thought I’d just say hi. This goes next door.”
“What?” Darcy takes a step closer to Steve.
“Hi. Wade Wilson.” The man says with a sigh of admiration. “Big fan.” And turns to leave.
The door hasn’t shut yet and they hear his voice again from the street.
“Fuck! I got distracted by those baby blues. What was my line? ‘Everything’s better with pizza?’ Fuck it, close enough! Can’t I do it again? Shit!”
“What the fuck was that?” Darcy asks, holding a hand over her mouth as she laughs.
“You keep the pizza, boss?” Bucky yells.
“Or are you two too busy making out already?” Sam sticks his head around the corner waggling his eyebrows.
“Why did I agree to hire you two?” Steve asks, giving Darcy an apologetic look.
“Wanna get out of here?” Darcy slips her hand into Steve’s.
“Buck!” Sam yells over his shoulder. “They’re holding hands!”
“Ha! Nat owes me twenty bucks!” Comes Bucky’s voice from behind the stacks of books.
“Coffee shop?”
“Coffee shop.” Steve agrees, his smile faulters. “Wait, do you know Clint?”
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retro-rezz-the-est · 6 years
Birthday Surprise (Elias/OC fluff)
Summary: Elias leads OC on a hunt to find out what (or who) has their hands on her birthday surprise.
(A/N: This was written for my bestest, most amazing, stylish, beautiful, hilarious, relatable, absolutely wonderful Tumblr bestie @writing-reigns for her birthday today. Thank you for all you’ve done for me since we first started talking on this hellsite, sis, and I hope I can show you how much I care via this. You deserve this and so much more, and I hope you have an awesome day today ;) 💕❤💕❤)
(A/N #2: Also added cameos of a few great gals who run their own fantastic Tumblrs ^^;)
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“Ok, so is everyone ready?”
The show had already been on for more than an hour at that point. He could hear the stream of boos and cheers from the fans as they watched a match between two people he had already forgot about. His mind was focused on something else, something more important...
He scratched at his beard nervously as the small ragtag group of members of the RAW roster Elias had gathered in the hallway nodded, the figure leaning against the nearby wall giving a short tilt of his head instead.
A female voice rang out from the back of the group and asked, “Um, what are we getting ready for, exactly?”
His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed, trying to hold back the boiling petty remark.
“You all,” he spoke firmly, pointing his finger out towards the group, “are going to wait in your designated spots until Kris comes around to you so you each can give her the small pieces of paper I gave to you to lead her towards the next person.”
“What’s even on these things, anyways?” the voice asked again, Elias hearing the sound on paper unfolding.
“Don’t!” he shouted, startling everyone and leaving the area completely silent. He cleared his throat and took the slip of paper back, refolding it and passing it back along to her. “Please… don’t look at these. They’re for her eyes only, ok?”
Turning around, he pointed to himself and said, “As you are doing that, I am going to go back to my locker room and prep her actual surprise for the end of the night. I think Kris is really gonna like it”
A chorus of “awww” and “how cute” erupted from the females in the group, some of the men tossing a smirk at how affectionate Elias was being for this woman.
“So… what time does she normally get here?”
A warm Irish accent from near the front responded with, “Well, she isn’t scheduled for a match tonight, so she’ll probably be her by aroun’ 9:30 - 10:00ish.”
A sigh escaped the bearded man’s lips as he wrapped his hair up into a messy top bun, looking up at the eyes staring down on him. “Do any of you have the time now?”
“I do,” the gruff voice from against the wall suddenly said, the body pushing off of it and causing waves of goosebumps to roll down his exposed arms. Reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out his phone, he told him that it was exactly 9:15.
Elias’ blood ran ice cold with a sudden nervousness and shock. “9:15?! We have to hurry this up, then!”
He shoved his way through the group, his fresh man bun starting to come undone and sweat beginning to dot his forehead. He was nervous before, but the time drawing this close only spiked his worries that this entire plan would just go to shit.
“What are you people doing?” he questioned the group, noticing how the majority of them where just standing there, looking unsure. “Everyone get to your stations. We don’t have that much time left, so move!”
Kris carried her duffel bag through the backstage entrance, a small grin appearing on her face when she recounted how many of her friends and fans had reached out to her to wish her a happy birthday. The feeling was almost heavenly; like a dream she didn’t want to awake from.
She felt around her jacket pocket for her phone and turned it on, her heart fluttering as she read the unopened texts from some of her friends.
💞Re💞: Happy b-day sis 🎂🎂🎂🎊🎊🎊 Eat lots of cake & I love ya 😊😊
👑Empress👑: Treat ya self today, ok? Enjoy urself for us 😜😘
♥Mara♥: Happy birthday, Kris! 😉😙
💙Lexi💙: Have an amazing, fun-filled birthday, love <3 <3
The breath she let out was long and serene, a smile plastered on her face as she made her way down the wide hallways and to her locker room.
After a few short minutes of walking, she’d reached her room door but was confused. There was no large group of superstars smiling whilst holding a large cake with her name written in frosting. There were no balloons hanging from her door or even confetti spilling from under the doorway. There was nothing there.
Sighing, she opened the door and propped her bag up on a close wall, closing the door before noticing a small piece of paper folded and taped  to the door. Feeling deflated, she took down the paper and unfolded it, reading the short note to herself.
Dear Kris, it read, follow the leads that will take you to your gift. I promise you’ll love it. Come and find me.
Below the short lines of text was a small drawing of a figure with red and orange streak scattered in its dark hair. It almost looked like…
“Ember?” she mumbled to herself, still confused about the whole situation. “What’s she got to do with this?”
Taking a few steps towards the corner of the hallway, she went to knock on Moon’s door but it fell open, revealing said Superstar almost falling flat on her face. The silence between the two only grew when she rightened herself, leaning her elbow against the door frame and giving her an odd smile.
“You ok, Ember?”
“Yeah, I'm fine,” she chuckled awkwardly, scratching at the back of her neck with her free hand. “So, what brings you knocking on my door?”
She felt her cheeks heat up as she answered with, “Well, I found this note thing with my name on it taped to my door and it had a drawing of you inside of it, so I came here because I wanted to  know if you knew anything abo-”
Moon's body straightened with a sudden realization. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “that's what this is about!”
The door suddenly slammed in Kris’s face as she shut it abruptly, her raising an eyebrow at the noises and muffled curses she heard from behind it. A few moments later, the door opened to an even more eager looking Ember holding a similar piece of folded paper in her hand.
*Here,” she said, thrusting the paper into her hands, “he wanted me to give you this when you came around.”
“Who's 'he'?” she questioned her as her eyes shifted from the grinning Superstar back to the identical folded note in her hands.
Moon pinched her pointer finger and thumb together and dragged them over the seam of her mouth. “That's for me to know and for you to find out, hun. Now open it already!”
Unfolding it, she was met with another drawing in a similar style, this time showing a certain Irish wrestler with what seemed like a sandwich in his hand.
“Are you telling me to go find Finn?”
She saw her eyes light up as she responded, “I’m not telling you to do anything. That's for you to decide.”
And with that, the door slammed in her face again, the sound echoing throughout the empty hall. Kris turned to leave but the door reopened, Ember reaching her arm out and gripping the back of her jacket.
“And by that, I mean yes. Yes you do.”
Before shutting the door a final time, she whispered a faint “happy birthday” before shutting it, finally leaving you alone.
“Well, that was weird,” she uttered, backing away from the door and pocketing the now two pieces of paper.
She was acting weirder than usual, she thought as she walked away from the door in search of Finn. And who was that “he” she was going on about?
Time seemed to fly as she walked towards catering and amidst the flurry of wrestlers congregating in the space, she spotted her target near the back having a conversation with Rollins.
“Finn!” Kris yelled, happy to see a familiar face and drawing his attention. She maneuvered her way around the room until she was face to face with the man himself. The two shared a quick hug before he placed an object in her hand, which turned out to be another piece of folded white paper.
“Another one, Finn? Really? What’s going on?”
He looked down at her confused and slightly angry expression and chuckled. “Can't tell ya that one, love. You're gonna have ta find that one put on your own.”
“That's exactly what Ember told me!”
She huffed in defeat after pestering him for a few more minutes, clearly not getting anywhere with finding out what's happening. Opening it all the same, she saw the drawings of a frowning male figure and a smiling blonde female figure that looked a hell of a lot like Dean and Renee. Turning on her heel, she threw the Irishman a look as he patted her on the head before walking off, crumpling the paper in her fist.
“Dude, are you really doing that stupid birthday hunt for Elias?” he heard Seth ask in his ear as soon as she was a fair distance away.
Brushing him off, he said, “First of all, it's not stupid. It's romantic. Secondly, I know that she'll love what he got for her.”
After finding Renee and Dean, they handed her another similar looking note which led her  to Alicia, who was sitting with the Glam Squad and getting her makeup done for her upcoming match. After their interaction, the last paper led Kris to a waiting Bayley and Sasha near the ramp entrance, eagerly chatting amongst themselves before she made herself known.
“Do you guys have the last drawing?” she asked, out of breath from walking all over the arena. “I really hope so.”
Bayley straight out her side ponytail before laughing lightly, her and her violet haired friend moving away from her. The two of them walked towards the curtain and pulled each side of it back, revealing a dark arena lit up with hundreds of phones.
“We don't have the last one,” Sasha told her, “but he does.”
She'd just about had enough of this secrecy crap, to be perfectly honest. “That's it! Who are you guys talking about? Tell me now!”
Chuckling, Bayley stated, “You're about to find out for yourself.”
As Kris walked through the curtain, she heard the two of them “ooh” as a lone spotlight suddenly flashed down onto her. Looking down the ramp, she gasped when she saw her well-known crush Elias sitting in the middle of the ring strumming on his guitar.
“She arrives,” he smiles, brushing a stray hair away from his face, “and just in time too. I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show.”
She began to walk down towards the ring and heard him begin to play the first few chords of her favorite song, which brought some small tears to the corners of her eyes. Time seemed to slow down when she finally made it to the ring and stepped inside, their two spotlights merging into one as they looked each other in the eye.
He got up when she asked, “Was that…?”
“Side Effects by the Chainsmokers?” he blushed, scratching the back of his neck. “I heard from a few people that it was your favorite song, so I decided to learn it for you.”
“So these were your doing?”
“Guilty as charged. I just wanted to surprise you for your birthday today.”
A loud “aww” rang out from the fans, but she could barely hear it as he placed the guitar down and grabbed a small black gift box from behind his chair. Reaching inside of it, he pulled out a small blue velvet box and fiddled with it.
“I also found out that the stone for December birthdays was a blue topaz and since I love seeing your eyes sparkle with joy, I thought I could try and replicate that with a gift of my own.”
Holding out his hand, his cheeks blazed with a red glow, and a collective gasp was heard throughout the large space. Kris could even hear the faint shoutings of “What the hell?!” from Corey back at the announcers table as she opened the box to reveal a silver ring with two connected silver hearts. In the middle of it laid a blue topaz heart connected by the two smaller ones.
“Don’t worry, it’s not an engagement ring,” he rushed to the rescue, seeing how wide her eyes got. “I just wanted you to have something that matched your beauty to me.”
She couldn’t even form words, but chose to use the flush in her cheeks and the tears now falling from her eyes to express herself. The world came to a stop around them, and all she could sense was his warm and calloused hands on hers as he placed the ring on her right ring finger.
“Happy birthday, Kris.”
Nothing could stop her from jumping into his arms in front of all those people as soon as he finished his sentence, planting her lips onto his slightly chapped ones. The two of them shared a sweet, soft kiss, and she could feel waves of emotions rolling through the both of them as the WWE Universe clapped for them.
The heat from the lone spotlight above them was the only thing she could feel as they drowned out the rest of the world, leaving only them in that moment on her birthday to just enjoy the new kindled love they had for each other.
~~Tagging: @writing-reigns @gold--gucciempress @tacoshu @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @aj-mac21 @caramara3 @flawlessglamazon @timesnewreigns @the-carter-mob-don @neversatisfiedgirl @nerdlife0612 @theneverendingthirst @melinated-moon-goddess @wrestlingbabe @wrestlingfae @lhcartoonist @littledeadrottinghood @thetherianthropydaily @taryndibiase @crookedmoonsaultpunk @missmoxy @vebner37 @hardcorewwetrash @deepdisireslonging~~
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