#but also… google it babes
eaterofghosts · 8 months
one of my favorite forms of friendship is people asking me things they could have just googled. idk why, half the time i just google it too, but i’m honored they think to ask me first
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renthedevil · 2 months
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thought of an ‘in-universe’ explanation as to how joel got help with his banners lol
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fbfh · 2 months
leo with baby fever? 🥹
i've always wondered what would he be like with babies of his own? 🥹💞
AAAAUGH. thank you for this one my dearest darlingest tumblr user pdlrnjlm. I'm violently sobbing over this one /pos. also excuse any egregious typos, I just woke up from a dream where my dyslexic ass couldn't spell "chris evans fine" to the point that autocorrect was beyond useless (and probably laughing at me).
ANYWAY. Leo with baby fever is... lethal. as previously stated, Leo is the motherfucking ceo of "one wouldn't hurt" but he sounds so... convincing when he says it. he says it so sweetly you start to think huh. maybe one wouldn't hurt. within a day or two his fyp is just cute baby fever inducing videos. he casually learns everything there is to know about child development and parenting in a matter of days. he starts treating your cat like a baby, talking to them and holding them on his lap while he works and good GOD if it doesn't start to hit you too. The tension and soul aching need to see you all big and preggers with his baby, your baby that you made together is almost too much. Then one fatal day, you run out of clean pajamas. It’s laundry day, and the only comfy thing you have on hand is a floral mumu from walmart that looks like something a grandma would wear, but you’re desperate and it’s soft and loose and comfy. So Leo, after spending hours rotting his brain with baby thoughts and thinking about how nice it’ll be to be a dad and how fulfilling it’ll be to come home and see a wrinkly little newborn having tummy time on your chest while you’re both half asleep to barrio sesamo playing on the tv. After a full day of ruminating on that, he comes home and sees you in your floral lil granny nightgown and good GOD something inside him snaps. You have this man feeling you up, snarling and growling, purring in you ear before he bites it. Something has gotten into him and taken full control of the primal part of his brain. And let’s be real here. You might as well consider yourself pregnant from the first “c’mon estrella, one or two couldn’t hurt… they’re so little, you won’t even notice them.” into your neck while he hugs you from behind. But yeah. Leo with baby fever is so simultaneously sweet cute fluffy domestic and rearrange your guts at the same time that it’s kind of inevitable. If Leo kisses your neck and rubs your tummy and says “you’d look so cute pregnant, baby…” you’re gonna fold. You have to. No one can resist that. And who would want to????
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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4x02 | Infected
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phantombre · 2 months
I've found Mr. Romantic.
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I think he has seen better days. RIP.
That's a cool ass hat, though. Can I borrow it?
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Rome does look pretty good with that dope hat (probably because I made him bard-like and bards always have dope hats), but I don't think I'll add it to his main design. I do like it, though. However, I think I went overboard on the design of it. Looking back, it's not nearly as complicated. I don't even think it has a feather. Oops...
One would think that Smitten would have no reason to enter Spooky's mansion. (Like, what? A trivial prize for a thousand-room expedition? I've better things to do.) But rest assured. He doesn't have just one reason. Depending on what game mode you play, he can have three to seven reasons to enter.
Here are the reasons:
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There they are! Peak beauty!
I mostly wanted to see if I could sketch them, and this was a pretty good excuse to do so.
I'm warming up to this crossover idea, but I gotta put it on the back burner. I need to finish the voices. Ack.
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purplethespian · 1 year
My original poll had significantly fewer “Yes” responses than I had expected, which got me really curious about how people’s ages affected their answers. If you voted in the original poll, please select the answer that aligns with your original answer!
Ran out of room for a 31+ option for that last one but that’s ok, this poll isn’t meant to be scientific.
If I did my math correctly, 20 years old is the youngest you’d have to be now for you to have realistically used Google Buzz in the ~2 years it was active. And if you’re older than 30 now, my assumption is that you probably would have already had other social media accounts when Google Buzz came out so you wouldn’t have bothered using it, if it was even on your radar.
Please make sure to reblog this if you vote! I am really really curious to see the results, especially since as of writing this, only 3.02 of the people who voted in the original poll used Google Buzz, including me.
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extraaa-30 · 6 months
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lunar-years · 10 months
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In the cracks of light, I dreamed of you / and it was real enough to get me through
Part 23/?? of my favorite ships x taylor swift songs | John Bates x Anna Bates (née Smith)
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
Kit having to tell the shadowhunters about autism is one of my favourite parts of this book
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captainshorter · 8 months
The grieve was eating him up alive. Babe ignored Sonic's phone calls, didn't reply to any of the messages that were sent to him. He couldn't, he just couldn't. He couldn't eat, he couldn't cry anymore, he could barely sleep and if he did he dreamt of Charlie, mostly about the crash. And he felt so guilty along with the painful grieve. It was all his fault. If he hadn't offered Charlie up to race for him, Charlie would have never raced and he wouldn't be dead. What is worse, he didn't even say anything nice as his last words, the words 'I'm disappointed in you Charlie' echoed through his mind and Babe suppressed a sob.
Babe was lying on the floor, his phone clenched in his hand. He kept looking at the video of the crash, searching for something that could hint Charlie wasn't dead. But he knew that that was not an option. He had his senses back, if Charlie was still alive he wouldn't have them back. Babe heard a car stop in front of his house, then footsteps made their way towards the frontdoor. When the person also pressed the code to his front door his heart skipped a beat, only a select few had the code to his house, for a second he thought it was Charlie but then the door unlocked and Alan's voice called out his name. "Babe?"
Babe did not respond, in fact Babe curled his knees up more, clenched his phone tighter and tuned out Alan's voice. The worst part about Charlie's accident is that Babe knew it wasn't an accident. Someone set this crash up and Babe knew it was Tony. He had no prove, but he knew it. He also knew that it was because of him. Tony was after Charlie because he knew Babe loved him. Babe wanted revenge but he didn't have the energy to get up. It was like Charlie had taken every part of Babe with him to die and Babe did not know how to live like this.
"Babe?" Alan crouched down beside him, "What are you doing?"
Alan's words sound a bit disrupted like Babe wasn't hearing them clearly. Alan touched Babe's wrist in a gentle way. Babe let him but didn't look at him, his eyes focused on his phone screen, replaying the crash over and over. He couldn't focus on anything else except for Charlie and the the crash and getting revenge even if it cost everything he had.
"Babe, enough," Alan said as he realised what Babe was watching. Alan's hand grabbed Babe's phone trying to take it from him. Babe did not let go.
"That's enough." Alan's other hand gently forced Babe's hand to let go, Babe didn't struggle and let Alan take the phone away.
"Get up and sit down," Alan said as he guided Babe to sit down. Babe felt dazed, like he was not really there in that moment, like maybe he was not real at all. He had felt like that since the hospital, since Charlie's death, but now it felt worse than before. Babe must have shown it on his face or in the way he was sitting because Alan grabbed his neck and called out his name again,
"Babe, Babe be conscious." Babe finally looked up at Alan's face, making eye contact and feeling himself be a bit more grounded. Alan looked relieved and slowly let go of his neck instead resting one hand on his shoulder softly rubbing comforting circles. Babe couldn't look at Alan's face for long and turned his eyes away looking past Alan at the wall.
"I just want to know how this could happen," Babe spoke up, his voice was raspy, "I'm sure it was because of Tony." Babe's sadness had turned into anger, "We were so careful, i don't understand how it could've happened." Alan listened to him carefully and was quiet for a second before he spoke.
"If you want to get revenge for Charlie, get up and do something with your life first," Alan didn't say it harshly, just clearly trying to get through to Babe, "If Charlie found out you were acting like this, would he be happy?" This struck something deep inside Babe. He hadn't thought about that before, he had been so stuck up on his own grieve and guilt. And he knew it was a bit silly but even in death he didn't want to disappoint or make Charlie sad like that. Babe turned his eyes back to Alan, "If you don't want to do anything for yourself, then could you please think about doing it for Charlie?"
Babe could see the sadness in Alan's eyes. It wasn't Alan's own sadness, it was sadness for Babe. If anyone else had looked at Babe like that he would say the were pitying him and Babe would probably have yelled at them or hit them. But not Alan, Alan had always been a person to turn to in hard times and in good times too, just like Way had been. Babe didn't want to think about that traitor.
"I won't do anything until I drag Tony to hell," Babe gritted his teeth.
"I understand, but we don't have any evidence to pinpoint it was Tony." Alan reasoned, it wasn't to contradict Babe only to help him think, "And what's worse than having no evidence, is that it seems like he's infiltrating our team."*
This conversation and his thoughts from before brought up an idea in Babe and he knew what he had to do and how he could start his revenge.
"I know how to get through to him."
*i changed this sentence a bit to what i think would make a bit more sense , i dont understand/speak thai so i cant translate it myself and i completely relied on context, the translation of the episode says "and whats worse than having no evidence, is that it seems he's invisible in our team" (i have an app that can translate audio and that one translates it to "like theyve disappeared into our team")
"there are five stages of grieve, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Well i'd like to add one more; revenge" ~Cruella (2021)
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gaiaxygang · 5 months
T_T i need to find a way to take better pictures. while i go figure that out i just wanted to share a few shots from pit babe kazzmag (my benzgarfin bias evident)
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this one is super cute too 😭😭😭 i care them
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south-sonic · 5 months
Another addition to the omega Winner au!
The pack goes out for drinks and Sonic is still keeping his pregnancy a secret so North and Winner sneakily drink his shots/beers so the others won’t get suspicious because since when doesn’t Sonic drink?
Winner ends up absolutely plastered, he can barely stand up straight and he just gets so affectionate with the others. Also I feel like at some point he would start crying because he’s so lucky to have them, especially Kim 🥺 that’s when Kim cuts him off and takes his big crying baby home for some cuddles and a big glass of water
Sonic had to take North home too because he was also starting to tear up and get emotional drunk and he couldn’t risk him talking about the pregnancy
They announce the pregnancy soon after because it was clear it would be too difficult to keep it a secret (and also Sonic’s tummy was starting to grow bigger so it would be too noticeable anyway)
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floridafeatflorence · 27 days
i havent seen blink twice so i cant really speak on whether it had a sufficient trigger warning but seeing some of the people talking about it come to the conclusion that no sexual content should be shown in movies ever is making my blood boil
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pitbabetheseries · 1 month
Pit Babe Character Introductions - Pete (1/2)
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English translation:
Pete is young businessman and a perfectionist. He has a foreign student look, dresses neatly and is strategic. He does everything to get what he wants with purpose.
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serethereal · 1 year
7 UP!
thank you my loves @pancakehouse @suspendedinbush and @sequinhaze for tagging me it has been. 700 hundred years but its fine.. im here now so.
“I'm hungover.” That manages to halt him. He finally looks at James, really looks at him. Now, James has never been particularly fond of just how visibly strung out he looks after a night out, but he’s grateful for it now when he sees the way Sirius just barely conceals a grimace at what he finds. “I’m hungover so my mind’s moving a little slow. I’m not fucking with you, okay?”
“Okay,” Sirius replies after a beat, his hand falling to his side, a small frown set between his eyebrows. A pause and then, “I wasn’t upset or anything.”
James tilts his head at him.
“With you,” Sirius clarifies, scratching at the back of his neck, “so if I sounded like that, well, I wasn’t.”
“Right, okay,” James says slowly, a smile taking over his face against his will when he realizes, “Sirius, are you apologizing to me?”
“Oh, piss off,” Sirius snaps without any lingering heat, his own lips curling up, “I’m just trying to do the, you know, the thing. The friendship thing.”
“The friendship thing.” James parrots, his head spinning at the thought.
“You know,” he huffs, his eyes going to the ceiling, and James gets a rather odd pulse of affection in his chest for the other man. “I try, you try, we fuck up, we try again, whatever.”
high pressure tagging: @steelycunt @theinvisiblemuseum @pomegranate-pill @moongays @drownedghostie @colgatebluemintygel and @fruity-individual <333
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butchniqabi · 2 years
i feel like people are more likely to ask questions about islam to reverts/converts (at least when it comes to non-muslims asking strangers on the internet). like ive seen aliceavizandum also get a huge number of questions about the religion also. interesting phenomenon that i cant even begin to explain
imo people will see converts as like. idk being more ~tolerant~ or ☆patient☆ or more "approachable" or whatever which is sooooo funny to me because personally 1.) i am absolutely not LOL and 2.) most people dont even know i converted in the first place so like! what gives!
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