#but always make sure to solve any problems through talking with your partner
koiir · 11 months
— In which they try to show their interest in you and how.
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Characters - heizou, xiao, Cyno, alhaitham, venti, zhongli x gn!reader
Genre - fluff
a/n - ITS TWICE DAY BABYYY…only a couple more hours until I see my girlies
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Heizou who you never had a crush to begin with… rather he was someone who you knew from your classes from last year and thought he was a tad bit weird. But then he suddenly starts to make conversations with in which either leave you stunned or rather… shocked to say the least. You noticed it, how could you not? You didn’t think anything of it at first, but over time his staring became more frequent. From where he sat you would see his gaze in the corner of your eye.
There were times were you two would make eye contact. Not because you wanted to! It was just by coincidence that you looked at him and he was already staring, right? You didn’t have any feelings for him, so why did you always look out for him, why purposely try to make yourself look cuter knowing he was staring at you? It was complicated to say the least. I mean, did you just like the attention or?
But even then, whenever he would walk over to you to start his schenagins, you found yourself almost smiling and feeling flustered. The way he would take any opportunity to talk to you, about anything really… even if it was wired, you would end up laughing or smiling at heizou. Everyday he always had something to say to you, that would then leave you a little flustered inside.
Xiao who always seem to have an answer. At least when it comes to you. Whether is be helping you solve or a problem or giving you directions, Xiao always seems to be there in your time of need.
Every since xiao has started feeling this way… he can’t help but want to aid you with anything. He can only hope you will appreciate his efforts. It’s cute in the way he always has a blush coating his cheeks as he tries to remain calm around you, his friends can only sigh seeing him so down bad. Xiao always ignores their comments, his only focus being to make you maybe consider being his friend.
You remember the day you and xiao ate lunch together, the day you so called “officially” became friends. He swore he had never felt this happy before, he now had his chance. He wasn’t going to ruin it. He was so greedy, taking every moment to spend with you no matter what—he especially loved it when you two had study dates, him being able to help you if you struggled with a subject.
His feelings only got stronger when he say the way you always greeted him through text or in person, it made his heart flutter while he was flushed with blush. Xiao knew from now on, he would always be by your side—this was evident in the way he always sat next to you in class and partnering up with for you with any projects. Oh, did you just blush at his contact? Is xiao dreaming right now? Does he potentially have a chance with you?
You never knew why someone like Cyno all the sudden had to start following you around no matter what. You two weren’t even friends, right? Maybe it’s cause from that one time you laughed slightly at his really bad joke…you just couldn’t hold it in! But cyno felt more intrigued by you after hearing your laugh, it was stupid yes but maybe he could become your friend to hear more of that sound.
It was always when you two spent time together that cyno started to notice more smaller things about you—for example the way you tap your foot faster after not understanding a problem or question. He used this to his advantage whenever needed, to ensure that he could always help you before someone else did.
It’s the way Cyno always try’s to think of jokes that either relate to you…or things you like. He wants to make sure these jokes only apply to you, in hopes he makes you feel special. He also ensures to always get a smile out of you, no matter how many jokes it takes—he will make sure you become a giggling mess.
Alhaitham and you have always shared a love for books, they were the reason as to how you two became friends. You remember the day you sat reading a book—you scanned through it until he appeared in front of you and asked you your purpose for reading it. You two then kept talking until you exchanged numbers.
Whenever he finds a new read, you can expect Alhaitham to send you a photo of the page he’s on…and then he will continue to text you about his thoughts and so on. You do this too, you tell him all about the book you’re reading and he can’t help but smile seeing you so into your book.
It’s the way he struggles with what to gift you, wondering what could live up to his expectations for you. As he’s deep into thought—he remembers the way you always looked for creativity, maybe he could do something outside the box…something he never thought of doing before.
You find the present of his to be a scrapbook…filled with moments of memories of you two, some photos that you took and some that he took. Wait—how did he even take this? He must have made sure you wouldn’t notice…he smiled upon seeing your reaction to the book.
Venti and you are quite the odd pair, you two seem like you hate each other in the way you always seem to brush him off when he’s annoying you, but he’s the best person you could ever ask for. No matter what you can always expect a good time with him, for example—right now, you two at an amusement park. Oh…this was going to be a long day…
It’s in the way venti always has something new to show you, how excitement evident in the way he drags you to go on a new ride. Even though he always denies it, venti was never fond of big drops on rides…but he loved it. Especially after seeing you begging him to go on, he couldn’t deny you.
Now you two sat at the very front row…venti felt his heart beat so loudly he swears he can hear it. He wanted to grip on something, the drop was so close. Venti doesn’t know what took over him…but he looked at your hand and clasped onto it.
You gasped slightly at the contact, looking down at your hands…realizing venti had his hand over yours. You looked at him as he had his eyes closed tightly, awaiting the moment where the ride would drop.
Even with the ride coming to an end, venti still had his hand over yours—never letting it go.
Zhongli being the caring soul he is, will always make sure that you are well cared for. His favorite moments are when you listen to his storytelling, drinking the tea he made for you as your in the comfort of his home—he made sure everything was cozy, to the seating, to the temperature making sure it was cool enough. Everything had to be perfect, for you.
It’s in the way zhongli always makes sure to tell you the best information, In case anything happens—his heart would break if anything went wrong with you. He often sends letters if you travel for whatever reason, always telling you to take care of yourself and of the new information he has learned. It makes him feel as if you are there with him, listening to him even if in reality you are miles away.
This doesn’t stop him though from thinking of you from all the things he views. As he takes a stroll he looks at a flower, thinking if you would like it or not. He looks at the sun setting, wishing to watch it with you. Maybe once you came back he can ask you…you do love the scenic views.
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A/n; after the concert…I was so mad that we didn’t get signal…LIKE IT WAS ON THE WHEEL BRO OMFG
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aly-writes · 10 months
Hi Aly! I love your writing so much! Can I request Arisu, Karube, and Chishiya headcannons with a smart significant other? Only if you feel writing it of course :) Thank you if you do - I look forward to seeing what you write next!!
y'all i finished revenge of others and i am OBSESSED with seok jaebum... anyways! i added kyuma and banda as characters i'll write for, so in the future feel free to request for them<3
there are a lot of different types of smarts in life (book smarts, street smarts, emotional intelligence, etc.) so i just had s/o written out as a combination of all of them. here you go nonnie!
warnings: none :)
arisu, chishiya, and karube with a smart s/o
arisu ryohei
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arisu is so boyfriend material haha, he's always sooo impressed with you.
he knew you had a decent amount of intelligence based off of the test scores you showed him from university, but the first time you were fully able to show it off was during a game
it was a diamonds game, which wasn't exactly his strong suit (literally)
arisu is actually pretty smart himself, but he couldn't keep up with you during the game. your mind was working so fast and figuring things out at lightning speed
the group managed to finish the game with barely any casualties thanks to your quick mind and brilliant strategies. naturally, arisu had to bring it up in conversation
this boy showers you in compliments! he's so so sweet
he's your biggest fan, always bragging about you and rambling on about how amazing it was that you were able to do something so quick
you're the first person he'll come to if he needs anything at all.
he truly does trust your intuition more than his own. if you have a bad feeling about something, he makes sure to look at it through your viewpoint to try and understand what he's missing
more often than not, your warnings come in handy and he dodges a bullet. when he doesn't listen, he tends to notice things usually go bad
arisu also has smarts, so when the two of you start talking about whatever, those specific talks can go on for hours and hours
you both bring up new perspectives and different opinions and it's just so great
he's really really thoughtful and it makes the two of you super compatible :)
before he dropped out of university, you two were definitely study partners.
sometimes he would get a little too reliant on your knowledge and found himself basically dumping his entire homework load onto you
you never really noticed though, and you managed to help him solve the problems with such ease that it didn't really feel like homework at all
this benefitted both of you greatly though, because each time he solved a problem with your help he got a kiss as a reward
oh, plus cuddle breaks in between
and if he managed to solve three problems in a row without much of your help? you basically pampered him with kisses all over his face
his family absolutely loves you
kind of sad, but his dad and brother really like you because they believe you have the potential they think arisu lacks
you never treat them disrespectfully, but you definitely talk shit about them behind closed doors with arisu
cause how dare they talk about your precious bf like that?
you're kind of a mediator for him, karube, and chota though
hate to say it, but putting these three together inevitably causes stupid ideas to come up
you try to be the voice of reason. sometimes they listen to you, sometimes they don't
karube will playfully call you a 'buzzkill' because you shoot down their dangerous adventures, but it's all with good intent
when you're not around them, karube and chota will definitely hype you up to arisu though
"how did you even manage to pull someone so smart arisu?"
"his dad must be paying her, huh chota?"
on the other side though, sometimes the two of you clash.
arisu undeniably thinks with his heart most of the time. especially outside of games
you tend to stick with your brains and rely on them to get you through tough situations. this can lead to some tough arguments
you think of things logically and he comes at it emotionally, so sometimes it's hard to see eye-to-eye
you both love each other a lot though, so you always figure something out at the end of the day
you trust in your head so you tend to be stubborn and need time to yourself, but he will always rely on his feelings for you to get through these types of things
expect a lot of praise and reliance from him
he finds you super trustworthy and levelheaded, so your his go-to for anything at anytime
chishiya shuntaro
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oh boy, i don't even know where to start with him? let's just say... things can get intense
chishiya is highly intelligent. you are also highly intelligent. this is where you both struggle
you can pick his brain a little too good for his liking and sometimes it bothers him. he can't really get anything past you, and the same goes the other way around
he can tend to get manipulative when things go south, and you match his energy
things that work on anybody else don't work on you, and it kind of freaks him out lol
he likes to be in control of everything around him, which includes the feelings of other people. you don't give him the chance to do this
this leads to a lot of passive aggressiveness and tension
but the tension is honestly the best part of your relationship
there is so much teasing and banter between the two of you
you both play the high-stakes game of 'who can get a smart remark past the other one first' and it makes things really fun
affection can get really exciting between the two of you because of this. after a day full of teasing it's quite interesting to see who breaks first in terms of relationship things
honestly? most of the time it's you, but when you decide to get stubborn and hold out, chishiya gets a little touchy and you find it cute
when you both have a common goal you make a great team
it's very true that two heads are greater than one
when one person makes the plan, the other will go over it and quickly catch any mistakes or holes that are missing
anything that you both work on together is almost unsettlingly perfect
while your smarts can sometimes lead to incompatibility, there are certain things that the two of you understand about each other that no one else does
you both can have really great conversations with each other. you don't have to hold back any of your thoughts because you know chishiya will always understand them, and it's great
you and him look at things objectively all the time, so emotions don't tend to get in the way of things you place higher priority over
both of you need your alone time, so codependency is never an issue
finally, you understand chishiya like nobody else does. you know how his brain works and you know how he views things. the best part about it? you send him no judgement
chishiya doesn't think of you as a chore because he's aware that you're probably the smartest person in a room full of people. he doesn't have to take care of you which is bliss for him
you guys have a lot of inside jokes as well, things so deeply exclusive to only you two that nobody dares to understand
you're a very intimidating couple
it's kind of difficult to make couple friends due to this intimidation factor, so double dates are off the table
chishiya was never much of a people person anyway, so it doesn't bother him
you're perfectly content mentally stimulating each other. things never get boring around him
you're able to perform the crazy feat of being seen as an equal by the one and only chishiya!
he's clever, but so are you. as much as it can be an annoyance, he actually finds you very entertaining
there's definitely a lot of trust between you two simply because you're one in the same. you know the saying 'don't do anything i wouldn't do'? basically your relationship in a nutshell
karube daikichi
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karube is such a showoff LMAO
as a bartender, he comes across a lot of aggressive drunk dudes that aren't afraid to diss him and the things he holds dear to him. his family, his friends, and you as well
as childish as it is, his favorite thing to hit them with is "i bet my s/o is smarter than yours"
he just absolutely loves to use you as bragging rights and it's great
he's constantly learning from you and is extremely interested in anything you say
karube didn't graduate high school. he will absolutely eat up any fact you tell him and loves to learn things from you
he thinks the way that you talk is so captivating and will continuously ask you to repeat yourself just so he can hear you speak
he shares the facts you told him with arisu and chota and feels so smart
when they ask him where he learned that, he will proudly tell them that he got it from you
he doesn't feel inferior to you at all lol, he absolutely worships you
at first you were a bit hesitant to accept how much praise he would give you, but you eased up to it
similar to arisu, compliments compliments compliments
they're all over the place
he will brag about you to anything that breathes, especially when you're around
he actually finds that talking about you to other people is more fun than talking about himself. you're truly his gem and he finds you so special
he really likes to see you in your element and could watch you for hours
whether it's math, science, art, or whatever you're good at
when you start to really get into something, you focus on it entirely and he finds it super interesting to watch
he likes to watch the little habits you do. the only one he's pointed out to you is how you tap your thumb on the pads of your other fingers back and forth
he likes to hear you get logical
he sometimes tells you about the people that come into the bar and spill their life stories
when he does this, he will purposefully ask you to break down your thoughts so he can get an understanding of what your brain is thinking
"well obviously the reason his wife is asking him to clean up the dishes is because she's trying hard to get a promotion at work and comes home tired everyday! how can he not see that? she's not working hard for nothing..."
"really, babe? i didn't think of it that way"
he especially enjoys it when you start to criticize people and get a little snarky with them. he witnessed it once when someone was giving you attitude and he thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen
you basically broke down their emotions for them and matched their tone, but did it in such a cool way lol his heart was pounding
karube thinks your smarts are such an amazing feature
he can't match them but he's totally okay with it, because now he has a smart s/o that is totally better than anybody else's
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umi-adxhira · 11 months
How would the characters treat /react a teen mc (14-16 years)??
Btw, you are a really good writer. <3 ♡♡
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍ ʀᴇx, ʜᴀʀʀɪꜱᴏɴ ɢʀᴀʏ, ʟɪᴀᴍ ᴇᴠᴀɴꜱ, ᴇʟʙᴇʀᴛ ɢʀᴇᴇᴛɪᴀ, ᴀʟꜰᴏɴꜱᴇ ꜱʏʟᴠᴀᴛɪᴄᴀ, ʀᴏɢᴇʀ ʙᴀʀᴇʟ, ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ, ᴇʟʟɪꜱ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: You're the MC's younger sibling, the main female lead is a separate character, and you're just slaying your way through life with no responsibilities
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Why are you here?? Don't you have parents or something??
He likes to take you out when he's not busy, maybe to the streets to eat food and chat about life
He knows that you know about his occupation, but doesn't say any details unless you specifically ask him
Treats you as any other until a few months later, when he also sees you as a younger sibling, protecting you everywhere
Probably manipulates you into using you as bait for his schemes
To make his lies seem genuine, he has to adopt in more lies to fit the current lie in an elaborate spider web. Such as a different accent, forged documents, or even bringing you in as his child to get sympathy/money. The list is endless
He doesn't really care for you other than to use you, but will make conversation to make it seem that he likes you
Until his plan hurts you physically, such as an ambush, he wouldn't really pity you and feel guilty
Best babysitter on the planet for teenagers, not even lying
He's like William but more fun to hang out with. He'll happily take you places, buy you stuff and even let you watch his plays for free!
He feels bad for you sometimes. Your sister doesn't hang with you a lot because of her job, making you feel lonely, but he's here to help
Will listen to any and all of your problems, no problem is too small for him
The type to buy you nice things but realises how pretty it is and ends up keeping it himself
Whenever you want to go out, he always comes with you. He claims that he also wanted to go out, so you might as well go with him, but you both know he's there to protect you
He doesn't talk much, but is happy to answer questions you have about London, but he won't speak more than the minimum
One time, you bought him a little cat trinket that reminded you of him, and now it's officially the nicest thing he owns
You are his partner-in-not-crime
He loves to have you as his Watson, you two just solve crimes randomly appearing in the neighbourhood
He even bought you a monocle just for the fun of it
He tends to work in private for the gruesome parts of the work and, sometimes, not letting you go to a hideout because it's too dangerous. Bro just wants to keep you safe
The master finally has a student to teach. If you ask him to teach you about medicine, he has no problem in doing so. He's very happy
He'll tell you the tips and tricks to the medical world. How to format stuff efficiently and what antidote works with a certain type of poison
The day you save a person's life is the day that man may shed a tear in private
Don't ask about his research. He'll never tell you, maybe when you're older
What is this small child doing here??
This man has no filter. He will not stop swearing just for your sake, not even smoke
Maybe one time he is forced to babysit you and sees you helping out a worker in his factory with ease and is like "not bad kiddo"
He may even make you work there. Of course he'll pay for your time
Your best friend at this point
He sees you as a child, making sure you go to bed at the right time, eating healthy, and may even read you a bedtime story if you have a nightmare
You are almost always seen with him, whether you like it or not. You probably know facts about him that not even Jude knows
He likes to see you smile. Seeing his kid smile makes him happy too
He likes it when you braid his hair, surprised that you can do it so well too like wowza
In turn, he'll do your hair. If you have short hair, then he'll buy some girly-asf clips and put them on you so you can be his pretty little princess
Your favourite thing is now his favourite thing, because holy shit you're interesting
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©️umi-adxhira [11/07/2023]
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 5: Overhearing a Caretaker mildly complaining [Reader x Fatgum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)] {My Hero Academia}
A broken bone was never any fun, especially when you were just a civilian. Not like you couldn't get special treatments available for Pro Heroes, but your injury was at the point that slow healing was better for it. Recovery Girl herself told you that a quick recovery could make the bone extra brittle for a time. Given your job, that wasn't an option.
The worst part of this was your partner was taking time off to help you. It made you feel so guilty that Tai was watching over you instead of going out and doing his hero work. No matter how often you tried convincing him otherwise, this was where he was insisting on being until you could walk around on a boot.
"I just don't know what else to do." Tai's voice cut through your power nap, "[Name] has been doing alright sure, but it seems like their leg isn't getting any better."
You tried just staying still, Taishiro never let on how much he was worried about your progress or how this might affect his career. He was usually so comforting and gentle, but never very--
"It's getting a little tedious, I just don't know what else to do." He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, maybe it was Recovery Girl... or one of his friends, "If there was something I could do to make it easier... Obviously, my hero work is slacking, but I can't just leave them to their own devices. Risk them getting hurt again, not a chance."
His voice faded again as you could hear his footsteps wander down the hall. Passing right by the bedroom while he did... whatever he was doing right now. Everything you heard made your stomach churned with guilt and anxiety. Though you definitely needed to talk to him about this.
Though bringing this up was not going to be easy, at all.
"Tai," You sat up carefully when he entered the room, "There's something I gotta ask."
"Hm?" He perched on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle you too much, "What's up sweetheart?"
Looking him in the eye was so much more difficult, "About you not doing your hero wo--"
"[Name], sweetie. Please don't worry about that." His hand rested on your knee, "It's not a problem for me to be watching over you until you're better."
"But I'm not getting better, and you're just wasting time here when I can do for myself now." You were barely able to look at him, "Sure I'm not in the best shape, but I can do for myself."
Taishiro frowned a little, "This isn't a debate. I know you can, but there's always a chance that you get hurt worse while I'm away. I'd never forgive myself for that."
"And I can't stand by while you spend all this time here." You leaned forward, "You already have a full-time job that isn't looking after me. I get that your sidekicks can hold down the fort for awhile, but that can only get you so far."
"That isn't your problem to solve," Tai tried soothing you, "I adore that you care so much and worry. But you don't need to. My hero career will be fine, I promise."
"But I'm not getting any better!" You barked, "What if it takes too long? What if you're just wasting your time? What if I'm just holding you back? How long are you gonna act like I'm not just a burden?"
He paused, "[Name], none of that is true and you know it. I'm here because I want to be, because I care about you. I'm here because you matter to me, alright? Please stop trying to convince me of this, its never going to work, I promise you that."
You knew Tai was right, but that didn't stop you from feeling this way. Especially since you were hardly any use whether you were healthy or not. But finally looking up at Tai broke you a little. He was always super sweet, of course he wouldn't see you like that. It was just how he was...
And you would have to leave this topic alone, there was no talking Tai out of this.
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810nd1 · 6 months
Jake’s green and red flags
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Green flags
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He doesn’t let his negative thoughts or jealousy take over his head. He is very self aware in relationships. He’s quite open to see their partner’s point of view. If any problems occur we will try to talk it through, he won’t jump to conclusions first, he will most likely go to his partner to gain some metal clarity on the material. If he feels insecure or he will start overthinking their actions he will sit down to solve it once and for all and I actually see him putting a lot of work in his relationships. It’s not something crazy like going on lavish dates or buying flowers every week but he listens to his partner and does things to improve their connection and those are actually long term actions. Jake is the type of a man that will take out the trash everyday if that makes you feel like he’s helping you out or compliment your outfit if it makes his partner feel appreciated.
I also get the feeling if there are any conflicts Jake will sit his partner down make them take out their feelings on him, he will say everything that is on his mind and he will make sure everything was said (there’s no bad blood left) and after that he will find a way to compromise.
Edit: he’s actually going to take an accountability for his actions without trying to victimize himself or looking for excuses. And he will be honest with his partner. No BS involved.
Red flags
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If he is under a lot of stress, has a lot going on in his work life he tends to pull away from his partner. He has trouble accepting their help (or anyone’s). He prefers to solve his problems on his own, kind of as if he was always left to deal with everything so now he can’t accept that there is someone that might want to take his „divide it by two”, take some of his problems on them. When he pulls away like that he may not notice that he makes his partner feel unloved. He is blocking his emotions not just the bad ones but also the good ones and becomes apathetic. He is also ignoring his partners when he needs to process his emotions, which sometimes might take a while. Jake might have a tendency to isolate himself to show how strong and self sufficient he is. However if his partner has a problem he won’t leave them alone. Jake will be caring and thoughtful. Jake will literally baby them to the point where his partners will want to run away as far as they can to have a minute of solitude.
If those are red flags then I’m a nun. In my eyes those aren’t even red flags. This is a boyfriend material 🤣🤣
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crystalofmoon19 · 5 days
Being in a Relationship with La Muerte (Headcannons) - La Muerte x Reader (The Book Of Life x Reader)
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(Note: I'm really sorry if it's too long, I really want to write many The Book Life x Reader blogs!)
♡ When La Muerte is in a relationship, she is very affectionate with her partner, she loves to show her love with signs of affection, she will always hold your hand, give you a big hug and give you so many kisses (on your forehead, on your cheeks and on your your lips); not to mention the caresses that she will always give you in the right places. La Muerte will always find a way to show you her love through her actions.
♡ La Muerte will give you many kisses, and her kisses will leave marks all over your face and body, thanks to her red lipstick made of sweet red fruits 💋
♡ When La Muerte kisses you, the candles in her hat will become brighter, and the more intense is the kiss, more intense the fire will be in the candles in her hat 🕯🔥
♡ La Muerte has various nicknames for you, among which are: “Mi amor”, “Mi vida”, “Cielo”, “Corazón”, “Cariño”, and another nickname that is similar to your name.
♡ Although La Muerte is very affectionate with you, she still respects your personal space, so if one day you decide to have a day to yourself or you want to spend it with your friends, La Muerte will let you be yourself in the relationship and will let you have fun giving yourself a kiss in the cheek.
♡ La Muerte is a very busy woman, after all she is the ruler of the Land of the Remembered, but she will always make sure to have time with you and she knows how to use it very well, since there you take advantage of it to talk, to hug, to kiss, and if you want, you can just cuddle.
♡ You will also be showered with many privileges by being La Muerte's spouse, you will have free food, you will be able to attend multiple parties, and you will have the best gifts you can imagine; Of course, if La Muerte sees that you are taking advantage of her generosity, she will take away your privileges until you learn your lesson in humility.
♡ La Muerte can be a little jealous, because in her previous relationship with Xibalba, he cheated on her on more than one occasion, and although she trusts you (and you wouldn't cheat on her either); she still feels jealous when you spend a lot of time with a person she might consider romantic potential for you.
♡ Despite all this, La Muerte would be willing to talk to you about her jealousy or that she cannot be with you all the time as she would like to be, she really wants the relationship between you and her to prosper and will always be open to communication as a couple. Even if there are problems between you, she will tell you to go to the Couples Therapist God so that you can solve her problems, showing that she wants a stable relationship with you.
♡ La Muerte will always be willing to listen to you in everything you need, if you have any problem, whether it is yours or in the relationship, she will be there for you. She will listen to you carefully and give you good advice while she has her hand intertwined with yours, if you cry she will dry your tears, give you a hug, a kiss on the cheek and tell you that everything is okay.
♡ And lastly, La Muerte loves to dance, and she will always want to dance with you even if you have two left feet, it doesn't matter because she will always tell you that she can teach you. She also loves to sing, so when you are alone she will sing you love songs, whether they are to calm you down or to show her love for you.
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wyrdify · 1 year
I think we need to talk about when we as RPers fuck up and make mistakes. I'm talking like we accidentally trigger our RP partner, we say or do something mean, or we otherwise broke one of their rules. We didn't mean to, but, in one way or another, we hurt our RP partner, and they let us know that we did. It happens sometimes. We're human. We make mistakes.
The question is what we do from there.
First things first: listen to your RP partner, and do so without interrupting them. Let them tell you what they're feeling and why. It's hard confronting a friend and sharing your emotions, so give them the room to do so without judgment.
Secondly: ask for clarification on anything you're not sure about. Only do this when your partner says they are done talking. Use "I" statements like, "I'm not sure what [x] means. Can you explain it to me in a different way?" Or, "I'm confused about [y]. Can you talk about that more?" You are just trying to get an understanding for what your partner is trying to say at this stage, not anything else.
Thirdly: sit with your feelings. You might be feeling some sort of emotion(s) after hearing what your friend told you. Anger, sadness, disappointment, and others---those feelings are valid. Don't push them aside, but don't make them your partner's responsibility either. Take the time to think about what your partner told you while sorting through these feelings. One method I use is writing these thoughts down in a journal. Another method is talking things out with a neutral third party.
With this, you are allowed to say, "Hey, I need some time to think about what you said," to your partner. After all, you want to make sure you're giving them a good response. Just don't leave them waiting for days on end for a resolution or answer. They're going to think you're ignoring the problem. Silence does no one any favors. In fact, the silent treatment is a common abuse tactic.
Fourthly: apologize. Now, I'm going to walk you through how to apologize to a person in case you were like me and grew up with less than ideal parents who didn't teach you that. I had to teach myself. So, here's what that looks like:
1. Taking ownership. "I'm sorry I..." statements are a good start.
2. Talk about why what you did was not a good thing. Avoid passive-aggressive statement here. Again, statements that start with "I" are typically a good way to start off. This is you acknowledging what your partner said.
3. The plan going forward. An apology means nothing if the behavior is just going to continue. So, how are you going to make sure you don't fuck up in the future? Talk about steps you will take so you can avoid making the mistake going forward.
One apology might look like this: "I'm sorry I triggered you when I was talking about su*c*de in the discord server. I always want you to feel safe around me, and I understand now how I made our server feel unsafe for you. In the future, I'll use spoiler tags along with trigger warnings before the topic so I can avoid triggering you."
The apology doesn't have to be long and drawn out depending on the context and situation, but you have to put effort in. Silence solves nothing. It allows the issue to fester, and it may lead to your RP partner deciding to disconnect from you entirely (as is their right). Owning your mistakes and working on fixing them shows you're willing to listen and grow as a person.
That's all I got. This has been bugging me for a long while. I know we're all anxious on this hell site, but better communication makes a huge difference for everybody. ❤️
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grizzy-ly · 6 months
Yandere!Krueger Short
Sort of trying to get a good grasp on how to characterize Yan!Krueger in a consistent way and a distinctive way. Just something short and sweet.
Word Count: 911
Content Warning: Yandere and general yandere dealings
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“It’s us against the world.”
It was hard to tell how Krueger felt about you at first. He treated you in the same way he’d treat everyone else– friendly, but at an arm’s length. He was hard to get to know, deflecting any attempts to get to know him on any level deeper than a kiddy pool.
It was a surprise when he tried to ask you to be his partner, casually dropping it into conversation. You had never even realized he was at all interested in you. His reaction when you turned him down was– ostensibly– normal, he just shrugged and gave his usual, “Na gut.”
That wasn’t it though. Of course it wouldn’t be. That’s too easy. Well, now Krueger had a problem. You. Getting you to be his. He has never been good at solving problems in any way that wasn’t the equivalent of taking a flamethrower to a birthday candle. There’s enough blood on his hands– allegedly, he insists– to prove that.
Get closer to know you better? Woo you? Take things slow? No, no, Krueger knows what he wants and when he wants it. Fuck a war of attrition, he’s going nuclear.
“Others… they will come and go. I will always be here. Für dich. Für immer. Ha. I guess you’re stuck with me.”
Krueger’s feelings about you are complex, but what about him isn’t? What about him has a simple answer not bogged down by his refusal to give straight answers. You had never met someone so directly indirect, readily giving concrete answers that give you nothing or worse– conflict with what he’s already said.
He’s a liar. Plain and simple. He lies, often, it’s a shock that he hasn’t burned holes through all his pants. That’s not to say he’s necessarily malicious, but it’s hard to tell if he believes what he says, if he wants to, or if he wants others to believe him.
One thing is for certain though, and that is his unshakable belief that he is a good person, just misunderstood. It’s not him who has a problem, it’s the society around him for not understanding the correct way to go about things.
The correct way being his way.
Speaking of his way…
“Ach, Wirklich? Don’t say what you don’t mean. Komm mal, I’ll make it better.”
He expected you to be shocked, he knew you would be shocked, he couldn’t wait to see the look on your face actually. OK, OK, he’ll admit he can be kind of a dick sometimes, but this is just the beginning of your lives together and you’ll get used to it. No harm in a bit of amusement.
“Sebastian… you– why do you know where I live–! Why are you in my house?!”
“... Our house.”
“Get out! Or I’m calling the cops!”
Krueger just has a wide grin on his face as he holds up your phone and jiggles it. Don’t suppose you still have a landline?
“You don’t need them. You need someone who understands you– me.”
Being a prisoner in your own home is not something you had on your checklist for this year. At least Krueger took over paying all the bills, silver linings you suppose-- what does he even do for work? He won't say. Typical.
Despite claiming to love you, Krueger treats you more like a roommate. He isn’t sappy or sentimental, no grand confessions or gestures. The most he does is ask if you are ready to reconsider being together with him. In his words, “We live together. You’ll come around to me. Until then… what are we doing for dinner?”
He’s content to just have you around, at arms length. He doesn’t let you go anywhere alone though, or talk to your friends, or your family, or anyone. Especially not the police. You are stuck with him. Stuck to him. Stuck together. Joined at the hip.
When he isn’t there he makes sure you stay at your house. Sometimes he’s gone for an hour, other times it’s a few weeks. Though he always makes sure you have ample access to food and no means to contacting the outside world. You aren’t sure where he goes to and he won’t tell you, deflecting your questions and redirecting your attention. 
You tried to leave once just to realize the door wouldn’t open and the windows would only open enough to let air in but not let you squeeze out. The only thing that happened was him coming home smug, “Well, you tried. Perhaps you’ll get out next time, hm?”
Even if you won’t love him romantically, he can live with you being as close as he can get you. He wants to be your person: romantic, platonic– who cares, he just wants to be yours and have you be his… though he does hope it’s romantic, he’ll settle, just for you. That's what he tells himself at least.
He keeps you secluded with him as your company, forcing you to come to him to fulfill your needs for socializing. He can’t wait for when you’ll start confiding in him– for when you’ll start seeking comfort in him. You have to crack eventually, no one can keep everything bottled up forever and he’s more than happy to be there for you when you stop acting like a skittish cat. 
You’ll come around. You have to. He’ll wear you down eventually.
“I never claimed to be perfect, no one is perfect. You can’t expect perfection of me.”
Na, gut. = "OK", "alright", "fair enough", etc.
Für dich. Für immer. = For you. Forever.
Ach, Wirklich? = Oh, Really?
Komm mal = Come here
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jj-stay · 6 months
Remembering Within the Pages
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Hey everyone, it’s your girl [jj-stay] here! I’m super excited to share my latest fanfiction with you all! This one’s all about our Stray Kids boys and their adorable, forgetful S/O with ADHD. Get ready for some fluff, romance, and lots of giggles. Let’s dive in! 🌟
📖 Word Count: 682 (Perfect for a cozy read!) 💌 Request Status: Nope, just pure fun from me to you! 💑 Pairing: Stray Kids x Reader (Cue the heart eyes!) 🌈 Genre Vibes: Fluff, Romantic (Sprinkled with fun and laughter!) 🚨 Trigger Warning: Reader has ADHD, forgetfulness 🛑 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life actions or events is purely coincidental.
Stray Kids’ days were always filled with laughter, music, and now, the added joy of their wonderfully unique partners. Among these lovely souls, one stood out - their S/O, who was adorably forgetful and had ADHD. But fear not, the members of Stray Kids were more than ready to offer their unwavering support, understanding, and lots of love.
Bang Chan - The Reminder King
Bang Chan, with his caring and responsible nature, turned into the Reminder King for his S/O. Imagine finding cute notes around the house, in your favorite books, and even on your phone! Chan made sure his partner never felt bad about their forgetfulness. He’d laugh it off, repeat things with patience, and give you that steady anchor amidst the chaos. And yes, his reminders came with lots of heart emojis!
Lee Know - Dancing Memory Machine
Lee Know, the dance maestro, found a fun way to help his S/O remember stuff. He choreographed little routines for important events or tasks. Imagine dancing your way to remembering to take out the trash or feed the cat! Whenever a reminder was needed, Lee Know would break into a little dance, making you laugh and remember. Forgetfulness? More like a dance party!
Changbin - Rap Star of Reminders
Changbin, with his poetic soul and fierce determination, turned important moments into unforgettable rap lyrics. He’d drop some beats about grocery lists or dentist appointments, making you groove to your responsibilities. And when you felt down about forgetting, Changbin’s fiery verses lifted your spirits. Who knew raps about laundry could be so inspiring?
Hyunjin - Artistic Memory Lane
Hyunjin, the art lover, turned memories into beautiful sketches and paintings. Your fridge? A gallery of reminders. From doodles of dinner plans to mini paintings of anniversary dates, each piece was a memory waiting to be remembered. Hyunjin’s gentle hand and loving reminders turned forgetfulness into a canvas of love.
Han - Memory Puzzle Master
Han, the problem solver, saw your forgetfulness as a fun puzzle. Together, you’d create quirky mnemonic devices and mental associations. Remembering birthdays? Easy with Han’s hilarious rhymes and tricks. Learning became a game, and with Han’s playful guidance, you’d never feel alone in your ADHD journey. Who knew solving puzzles could be so heartwarming?
Felix - The Gentle Reminder
Felix, with his soothing presence, became the gentle reminder in your life. No rush, just patience and understanding. Felix would sit with you, talk through memories, and offer calming words. His gentle touch and empathetic nature made you feel safe, turning forgetfulness into moments of growth and connection. Plus, his hugs were the best remedy for a scattered mind.
Seungmin - Serenading Sweetheart
Seungmin, with his beautiful voice, used music to help you remember precious moments. He’d serenade you with songs about daily tasks or sweet memories, making them impossible to forget. Each lyric was a celebration of your love and journey together. Forgetfulness didn’t stand a chance against Seungmin’s heartfelt melodies. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t want a personal serenade every day?
Enjoy the fluff fest, and don't forget to like, reblog, and leave your thoughts! Your support means the world. 💖😊
☪️Master List☪️
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askanautistic · 1 year
HI, I would like to know what I can do and ways I can help to make my autistic partner comfortable in our relationship
Communication Communication is always going to be the most important thing to figure out. Different people have different preferences, but finding the right method of communication and understanding your partners communication style will go a long way towards building trust and understanding, and to making sure you're both able to problem solve when issues do come up.
Method/s might include texting instead of speaking, even if you're in the same room, or sending emails for important topics. It might be that speaking needs to happen at certain times or in certain situations (if your partner tends to find it easier to speak about things when on a walk, then going for regular walks offers the opportunity for discussion and bonding). Energy levels/Comfort levels It also helps to understand energy levels, and respect that some autistic people need a lot of down time, or time to ourselves. This isn't true for everyone, some autistic people are extroverted and will thrive off company, but many of us might struggle to transition between work and home, or might get overloaded and burned out from work or social situations, and so might need some extra time to ourselves without any demands before we're able to have discussions or help with chores. The same goes for comfort levels. We might have different levels of comfort with things like physical contact, and respecting that and recognising our love languages (that might be a little unusual or less obvious) instead of trying to force certain types of affection means we can be comfortable and not feel abnormal or self-conscious.
'The benefit of the doubt' This is something I often bring up when talking about relationships. The reason for this is that people can miscommunicate / misunderstand each other, and so thinking well of your partner and giving them the benefit of the doubt can be really helpful. Sometimes we mess up and need to be held accountable, of course, and sometimes behaviour is unacceptable... but there are often times when we need someone to just recognise that their interpretation of our behaviour isn't necessarily correct, and to try to view it through the lens of... well, giving us the benefit of the doubt, basically. Asking, 'Could this be an autistic thing?' If I say or do something that seems rude, it's reassuring to know that my partner won't interpret it that way, and if she is upset or unsure, she'll let me know without accusing me (and won't just make the assumption and quietly seethe over me saying or doing something she perceived as rude). Knowing that she thinks well of me and understands me means that I feel safer and more relaxed because she's that one person who I know is willing to try to understand things from my perspective and appreciates my perspective and how my brain works/how I communicate etc. (rather than wanting me to change).
Appreciation/Support/Accommodation Appreciating their autisticness (and other things about them, of course) will also help build trust and make sure they're comfortable. Knowing that my girlfriend likes how logical I am, and appreciates my honesty, and isn't bothered by my stimming, etc. Also, whilst she doesn't need to be interested in my interests, it's nice that she is happy for me (and also means I feel more comfortable because I know that whereas someone else might tease me or find some of my interests weird, she never judges me). It's nice when someone takes notice - shares an article with you about something you're interested in, or buys interest-related gifts. Even better when they show support. Particularly if the autistic person needs a bit more support than a non-autistic partner might need. Travel support, attending events they can't attend alone (even if you wouldn't otherwise choose to go). Everyday accommodations being a natural part of a relationship/household make life so much easier, and makes being autistic more 'normalised' and comfortable than when you're trying to fit yourself to NT standards. Creating (and being!) that safe space is something I appreciate most about my girlfriend. She's the person I'm most comfortable with and she makes my life so much easier than it would otherwise be. If you find any of my posts helpful, please consider supporting my by buying me a Ko-FI.
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youngbuckisms · 9 months
Sorry it's me again >_< had a really rough night and um I hope you don't mind another request 👉👈
Can you ✨please✨ write headcanons of ruby reassuring her gf that her life is worth living and the bad times won't last forever? (I'm currently going through a really rough time and I can't get a job or (probably) go to school again for a while because of my severe anxiety and neurodivergency, and I just... Need that type of comfort 😅)
Ruby Soho comforting her partner; drabble
Word count: 553
Warnings: slight angst, I think?
Notes: hope you enjoy anon, and I do hope things get better for you!! Also I know you requested this to be a headcanons list, but I forgot when I started writing this in my notes.
There were no questions asked. The moment Ruby walked through the door of the bedroom and saw the tears stream down your cheeks, she kicked off her shoes to immediately join you in bed. She held you close until your sniffles died down and your soft hiccups started after the harsh sobs came to an end, painted nails gentle scratching your back in hopes of calming you down or at least helping you find some sort of comfort in this moment, despite being unsure of what was happening or how you were feeling exactly.
“Talk to me, babe.” It was more of gentle encouragement than a command. She could understand if you didn’t want to talk about it at all and just wanted to lay here or continue to cry it out. Whatever you chose, she was there for you.
Getting it all off your chest, she would listen to you, making sure you knew all her attention and focus was on you. She wanted to know she was there for you, she was here, and she wasn’t going to let you go. As you let all your problems, told her every little thing, every stress, every worry, she was right there.
“Oh, baby .. I know times are hard and life can just be so, so shitty. But believe it or not, it is still worth living, because you have so much to look forward to. I know it may not seem like it right now, because you’re getting hit with every single roadblock life it throwing at you, but just trust me. It will always get better. I promise. And I also promise that I will be with you, always, every step of the way to make sure things go at least a little better the next day and the next.”
With a gentle hand cupping your cheek, Ruby pulls you into a kiss, gentle and sweet as she always was with you. No matter how rebellious and ‘bad’ she may seem in front of the cameras, she always showed you just how kind she could be — how kind she was to you.
“Now, I’m going to get out of bed and make us some popcorn, grab some drinks, and throw our fluffy blanket in the dryer so it’s nice and toasty. And you .. ”
A pause as she got up with the fluffy blanket from the end of the bed, another quick kiss pressed to your lips with a faint smudge of her black lipstick being left behind.
“ .. are going to find us a movie to watch. Sound like a plan, muffin?”
“Sounds good.” You spoke up, causing a smile spread across her face as she leaned down to gently wipe away any tears left behind on your cheeks.
“Alright then. Here is the remote then and I will be right back.”
And with that, she ran off to do just as she said she would. Blanket in the dryer, popcorn in the microwave, and retrieving two drinks for the two of you to wash down your snack for the movie.
Ruby knew she couldn’t solve everything and she knew life could be so difficult at times. But she hoped that, at the very least, she could make it just a little bit better for you.
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the-fluff-piece · 11 months
Hi! I've been following you for a while and I love your vibe! So.. I had a request that I'm not sure if you'd accept but... Can you write something with prompet 5 law but like, a brother sister thing? Like as if the reader is like law's sister and loves him so much but like chill about it. Either way love your blog!
I talked to the requesting person about details and turns out it should a brother instead of a sister, so don't be confused why reader is male! Also, I want everyone to be fucking proud of me I didn't give reader the name order so that they call themselves law and order, it was hard but I managed to keep it down
This is part of the now closed Follower milestone event
The mystery of the wailing in whale wood
(Say that ten times really fast, I dare you)
Law and his crew live un whale Wood for a short while before moving on. Everything is fine and he is healing, but at night, the crew and the minks hear a terrible, spooky wailing - is it the white banshee of Zhou???
Brother detective duo shenanigans with a heartwarming ending about friendship (now play the scooby doo music in your head)
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Sleep. Law loved sleeping. After the stressful and draining time on the sunny, he felt comfortable to be back with the people he had known for years. He lay in his bunk and stared holes into the bottom of the bed above him - y/n had been always been his bunk buddy, it was a comforting routine. Now sleep. Quiet, relaxing slee-
"Captain, the banshee is back!" Penguin barged in.
Law rose once again to deal with this nuisance.
"Y/n! Get up, we are going to solve this problem!" Law said as he knocked on the upper bunk bed to wake his brother.
Law had gotten it in his head to investigate the wailing banshee. It was annoying and no one has been hurt, yet, but Law just was like that. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had a good heart.
You got up from your comfy bed and jumped down, slipping into your coat as Law got into his. Penguin was a bit shivering, he has always been very afraid of the concept of ghosts and monsters, what a pirate! Good thing you were there to support your captain. Together, you started towards the area where the supposed ghost had been heard.
On the way deeper into the woods, Law felt compelled to recite the facts once more while nervously tipping against the hilt of his sword: "So it started around the time you guys got here" - "correct!" You answer - "and it happened almost every night except the full moon?" - "exactly" - "and the locals tell us that it's an old legend that the ghost of a mink haunts these woods?" - "pretty much, harbinger of doom, announcing bad things to come. After what they have been through not good for morale" you concluded Law's thought. "We should do something, quick" He answered and the both of you made your way to into the woods once again.
"We both know this is not supernatural, right?" Law asked, once again. He tended to use you as a sparring partner for his thoughts, bombarding you with his musings over and over.
"Right" you answered. "There must be tracks, and we are going to find them. Eventually."
You and Law put your heads together. His grumpy eyes stare into yours as you inform each other in short words about the plan - it's always the same plan, night after night.
"We spread out and try to find a clue, we keep in touch with portable den-den mushi. As soon as any of us finds it" Law said, "- we give the signal." You ended. Law nodded. He moved much faster than you and could teleport himself all over the place thanks to his powers, but he was pretty useless in finding small clues and tracking, so it was on you to find the next lead and you both knew it.
Without a further word you two spread out to the sound of distant howling. The wailing "ghost" had a high pitched voice, that was surprisingly loud and carried almost through the whole woods. It sounded like it was lamenting something, but you couldn't make out words. You had already searched in different areas - sooner or later you would find something that would.lead to the true culprit.
You moved slowly, searching for clues on the forest floor. The daily flood the elephant caused didn't make your job much easier, you could only find fresh tracks. As you combed the forest floor, the blue flickering of Law's power reassured you of his presence nearby.
As you crouch led along the soft earth, something white catched your eye - a small tuft of white hair hanging on a tree. The ghost was described as white, finally! You examined the hair - no, fur? white and pretty short, it reminded you of a certain someone. As your eyes searched the forest floor, you began to consider a new possibility.
A scream ripped you out of your thoughts. Law!
You run towards your brother who was staring in horror - at a beetle. You knew that he didn't like nature, but it still baffled you how a man with so much power and resolve was scared of small insects.
"The beetle won't hurt you" You informed him while carefully taking the hand-sized animal out of his sight, setting it down beneath a thick Bush.
Law swallowed audibly and sayd "I know" while blushing in shame. If you weren't in an investigation, you would tease him a bit more. Later.
For now, you were leaving it at that and picked up your last trail, waving for Law to follow you. Just as you thought, big prints could be seen on the ground. This would become interesting.
"I found something, look!" You pointed to the trail. Law nodded, still flustered. He didn't see shit but didn't want to admit it.
Together, you silently moved through the dark forest, slowly approaching the ungodly sounds coming from the darkness, until finally, you could make out words the high pitched voice was screeching: "you can see the new genesis beyond the world..."
"What does it mean?" Law asked seriously as you crept closer to not alert the ghost.
"I think I know..." You told him.
A white figure shined in the moonlight. It was big and round and seemed to be dancing.
You heard it's distressing voice, like nails on a board: "Let's go! New wooorld!" It howled.
Dumbfounded and absolutely unable to process what you two were seeing, you just stood there.
Bepo was dancing in a small clearing in the woods, wearing his pink Uta merchandise shirt, holding a twig in his paw like a microfine and sung, as you now realised. Or rather, tried to sing. Hypnotized, both of you watched his fluffy behind dance around as he shook his rear to the beat.
"The new genesis is this fut-" He froze. In slow motion, his head turned towards his new audience and reveales a pink blush across his face and that he adorned his fur with glitter.
"Ahhhhhyaaaahhhhhhyyyyyyy!" He screamed so loud and highly pitched that your ears threaten to shut down.
"Nooooo it was supposed to be a surprise!" He laments as he unsuccessfully tried to cover up the scene and keep secret whatever was happening.
After all hearts had recovered from the mutual shock, the three of you sat down on the soft forest floor and tried to make sense of this.
Law was already blushing and working hard to keep it together in the face of Bepos cuteness, but his voice was strong as he asked: "Bepo, why are haunting the woods at night?"
"I never meant to scare people! I swear! I never even heard of the story! I just went with it because I needed my privacy to...to..."
"TO?" You and Law asked in unison.
"To practice singing so I could sing for Law now that he is back!" The confession broke out of the white polar bear as he nervously fumbled with his paws.
"Sing...for Law?" You ask as you and your brother looked at each other, puzzled.
"Since he has been so strong fighting a warlord of the sea and all...and now everything here is in ruins...and I thought..." He seemed to realise that his idea didn't make sense to anyone outside of his head and his face turned sad.
You knew your brother, he was fond of his friends and supported them whenever he could. As you looked over, you already saw a soft smile spread across his face.
"I really liked your singing at night" Law stated grumpily and looked away.
"Please continue!" He said.
You knew that he was really touched by his friends idea, even though he was not so much into Uta's songs as the bear. It counted that his friend wanted to make him feel appreciated. You loved your brother very much, and it was awesome to see him form strong and deep connections, even after all you had lost and had to endure.
With a beaming, round bearface, Bepo got into position and coughed. While tapping his foot for rhythm, he started singing in a loud, high voice one of Uta's popular songs. He was no singer by any means, but you could hear his passion in every note. Plus, this waa one of the rare occasions that makes your brother smile, so it was worth it to sit there through the whole night, listening to Bepo's performance together.
When it got late and Bepo's voice sore, you decided to go back to catch some sleep.
"Just tell no one it was me, OK?" Bepo asked of you two before returning.
"I didn't want to scare them..."He looked guilty.
"I will tell them the truth." Law says to a shocked Bepo. "That something absolutely unbelievable and magical happened here tonight" He sayd he waves at you to walk at his side back to camp.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: I really hate Feysand’s mind speaking. I think it’s an invasion of privacy, for both of them. Imagine always having the possibility of your significant other or parent to slip into your thoughts and your mind. Always being concerned about having your ‘shields up’. It may sound romantic (not) but it feels kind of unbearable.
Also, I think it’s unbelievably rude to have them do that in front of others. Which they do. Imagine it’s like 2 people texting each other, when you are trying to have a conversation with them.
I think that’s what kind of tanked Feysand for me. I loved them in ACOTAR, in ACOSF. And then the mind speak, or ‘talking through the bond’ was becoming...cheap and invasive. I want to love them, but them not respecting anyone’s privacy and just looking into each other’s heads after any conversation is so...gross. 
It’s NOT an ideal relationship when you constantly invade your partner’s brain and read all of their intimate thoughts, fears, doubts and pains. It’s parasitic. It also doesn’t allow for any real intimacy between the two people--there is no mystery to solve. For example: he is wondering what to buy her for her birthday. She wants that red dress she saw the other day at the store. Instead of putting any effort into figuring it out, into being challenged, into THINKING, he just looks into her head and then buys the red dress. Who actually wants that?? 
Oh, what did Lucien confide to you? Oh, let me show you and can watch it like a movie! I’ll make popcorn. 
Oh, what did Nesta say? Let me relate the entire conversation to you, no problem!
Hey Eris, I don’t trust you--I better look into your head to make sure you are a decent chap. Oh, you want to look into MY head? No, no, that’s not gonna happen. But allow me to brain rape you. 
It’s not even about the characters--I still love Rhys, I like Feyre. But the way they’ve been written lately is just an abomination. 
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pinnithin · 9 months
long kind of sad gay poast ahead
saw something about loving the unlovable and it got me thinking about how its a central theme in most of my writing. paired with like, isolation, being separate/other, the doomed concept of human connection, being the only person who can love and understand you the way you need, etc - i watched evangelion way too young if you couldnt guess.
anyway and this is due to the fact that a core part of my identity and personality revolves around the fact that i considered myself unlovable for the majority of my life, first unconsciously through childhood neglect, then by choice as some "you cant fire me i quit" teen angst sort of thing, then by a doomed sense of resignation all through college. its a significant part of how i see myself even now after years of working to unlearn it - ive managed to dial it back to "im difficult to love" which still isnt great but yknow. better than it was
which is why i have attachment issues and preferred one night stands for a long time. my romantic relationships (many of them short lived) have been with well meaning partners who assured me constantly that like, even though youre difficult to love its worth it. and that was all nice and good but it made me feel so fraudulent and disgusted with myself because it put me in the position of thinking either 1) this person doesnt actually know me that well at all or 2) i have somehow tricked this person into thinking under all the baggage theres someone worth loving. which is something i find difficult to reconcile with because the baggage is me too. i cant get rid of it. inevitably those people got wise and it ended up not working out.
by now have all these arguments and strategies geared up to explain to people who make the mistake of caring about me that its really not worth the effort, we're better off as friends or acquaintances, etc. im very transparent about the issues i deal with so its all just laid out there from the beginning and im not like, tricking people into being in a relationship with me or whatever by hiding it. ive talked in circles with exes over and over along the general lines of "im difficult to love" > "no youre not" > "i have xyz wrong with me and i push people away, trust me you dont want to deal with this" > "okay well we can work on that, and youll get better and itll be worth it" > "what if i never get better" > "you will, ill help you" > [me relenting bc im unable to dash their hopes and dreams that even if i Get Better im still Me at the core and the things that make me difficult to love are a permanent part of me]
the relationship im in now doesnt even let me get into that. shan is just like, youre not. youre not difficult to love, youre actually very easy to love and it has always been easy to love you, even before we were dating. and i dont have a comeback for that.
even with my usual strategy of "heres an itemized list of all the reasons dating me is a risk" theyre just like well sure, thats difficult for you to deal with, and im sorry its so hard for you, but that doesnt make you difficult to love. the loving is easy. that part has always been easy.
she doesnt treat me like a problem that needs to be solved she doesnt try to be my savior from myself she doesnt give any indication that shes just waiting it out until i reach a certain threshold of acceptable or unacceptable. she just loves me and trusts me to take care of myself, and it places a lot of personal responsibility on me to be better - not for us but for me, because im the only person who can do that and they know it.
its the healthiest relationship ive ever been in and ive never felt so safe and free to be myself. i dont need to live up to any expectations to eventually make myself lovable. im easy to love. hard thing for me to believe in self practice but going back to the inherent disconnect between all humans, who am i to know or control what they consider easy or difficult? i dont judge her when something she finds difficult is easy for me, so why wouldn't the opposite be true?
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francis-writes · 1 year
Dating Max Shaw HCs
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You met on a rehab. There was no problem with starting conversation because Max was very outgoing and talkative person. Despite difficult life situation he always kept positive attitude to life and that was probably the thing that attracted you to him. He was always able to make you giggle with his comments and cheesy jokes. Max made you smile for the first time in a long time and you always felt safe and relaxed in his presence.
When you left the rehab, Max came back to his addiction. You weren't happy about it and you tried to convince him to continue the fight but it was a hard work.
You were travelling across the country, living from casual work. You rarely spent more than two weeks in one town. You hardly made ends meet but you were happy nonetheless.
Max was a very caring partner, he always noticed when you were sad or tired. He tried to help you with your tasks even when he was weary too.
When you had a free evening and wasn't too sleepy, Max often took you to a local bar for dancing (sometimes he just put on music in your room, grabbed your hand and pulled you to dance in the middle of the room) or - if you had some money to spare - you went to the cinema on some stupid comedy.
Talking about dancing, his moves were something between 80s and Wednesday on a school ball. Anyway, he's a master of dancefloor.
By the way, he was a small spoon. When you cuddled, he always rested his head on your chest, letting you wrap your arms around him and rake your fingers through his hair.
He grew a mustache because of some bet with his friend and initially Max wanted to shave it but you protested, saying that you like his moustache. And that it's hot.
When he heard about children kidnappings, he decided to move in with his brother for some time because he lived in the same town where the crimes took place. Max didn't expect any gratitude or honors if he managed to solve the crimes. He just wanted to do what he felt that was right, and to help the kids. And that's what you loved in him so much.
His brother was superficially nice but you felt a bit uneasy when he was around. You told yourself that he was just irritated that Max with his partner visited him unexpected and were going to use his hospitality for God know how long. At the other hand, he was his brother but you knew that sometimes family isn't happy to see each other. Especially when your guests eat your food and take cocaine from your table.
You decided to ignore it and decided to enjoy the fact that finally you don't have to worry about house or food and you can take some rest.
Especially that since you had more time for yourselves, your relationship was in full bloom. Sure, he was focused on solving the crimes, but Max still was finding time to go with you on a walk, watch tv or cook something together, make a bonfire in the backyard (that was memorable evening; you were eating marshmallows, singing shanties and cuddling. Max tried to play on harmonica but it was hurting your ears so you had to threat that you will throw intrument into fire if he doesn't end his musician's career). Your sex life became better too but it's a topic for another set of headcanons.
Two scenarios how it went:
You were out on some shopping when Max connected the dots and went to the basement. When you came back just to see police and a group of agitated people, you couldn't tell what broke you more : Max' cruel death or the fact that you were living in one house with a child murderer.
Scenario number two: Albert took a liking to you and began to be jealous about his brother so one day when Max wasn't home or he was asleep, the Grabber locked you in his basement... and I won't tell more because I am going to write a fic about this soon.
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Steve hugged you tighter, feeling you start to slip away, his cries turning to howls of grief as you snuggled in against him one last time till you finally went limp, everything once again going dark as the bond faded, leaving him and the Alpha alone once again.
Oh goshhhhh Amber!!! 😭😭😭 no please *I'm sobbing mess after reading this*
I know Steve is an idiot, he did the most dumbest thing but he still doesn't deserve this. It's painful and the way you write it is beautiful. He wouldn't be able to love again. I think he doesn't know what love is beyond her, like she is LOVE for him, the meaning of love for him is her. Does it make sense? I hope I'm not making it complicated. English is not my first language.
You know what I was thinking after reading it, that there should be someone for him that would remind him of her. Like a part of her that stays living and breathing. Do you think if they'd have a child then it'd be little better for Steve to live without her. I mean, he would have a purpose of living in the form of their child. And that child also has a part of her.
Shit! Does any of this make sense?
He would miss her in every milestone their child would take. First full sentence, first drawing, first day of school, first swimming lesson, first soccer game, first full howl, first run with the pack.... oh my heart...
Not gonna lie, those What If's scenarios hurt. (What if one wasnt a what-if scenario though?)
Steve is an idiot, but he did it from the most genuine place in him. He would turn fully nomad, wandering between packs but never settling back into one. He would see Little One in so many places, mourn her, and honor her in all he did.
Settling down would become impossible, any partners he would connect with, he would say goodbye to them when his wolf was ready to wander again. They would want more and he just couldn't be that for them. Those all belonged to his mate and Steve would be upfront about it too.
Time would pass, and Steve would make frequent trips back to reconnect with his family pack, becoming Uncle Steve to future pups. He would always be welcomed, staying with Sam, Bucky or Nat. They always had room for him. Steve would make trips back to your original home, equally as welcome as family. Tony and Pepper reach out in an invitation, but Steve bypasses the city to travel to the wilds of Thor's pack, letting himself fade into the Alpha for long periods of time exploring.
Maybe he would eventually meet another wolf, another loner who lost her mate and could understand the broken parts in him. They would be friends, talking and sharing the stories of their soul mates, breaking down and then supporting one another through the grief. They both end up finding more in one another, something different than what they lost, neither of them wants to replace the one they had to let go, but a content life could be built between them.
Both agreed they didn't want that bond, having shared that with their mates, that was to be kept for them alone. But Steve and his partner would frequently let the wolves take over, spending a lifetime letting the beasts comfort one another as their human sides did.
Now if they did happen to have a child, Steve would always be talking about you. Everyone in the Pack would, everyone helping to raise your pup. Steve would talk about your sense of wonder and how you could love after everything that happened, taking your child on long runs to your favorite places, and making sure to frequently take your child to visit your original pack, cause they were also your family.
Sam would teach them how to fix things and often joined in with Peter. The little pup would be climbing into the truck engines with tools with Sam, quickly picking up the mechanics and problem-solving. Steve ends up letting his pup take over his truck Lenore as their first vehicle.
Bucky would teach them tracking, taking the pup on long journeys when the pup was older, and teaching valuable skills. Often he would share with the pup his time in Wakanda with you. How you brought so many survivors back home, committing yourself to helping those who were made helpless.
Natasha would teach them self-defense, how to follow your instincts in those around you. Not everyone is the pup's friend in this world once they leave the Pack. Deadly and lethal no matter what form your child took.
Wakanda, New York, New Asgaurd... all places that have your family and friends, people you connected with and welcomed your pup as their own. Your child's pack, it extends beyond the wolves.
And Steve... he got to watch you grow in your pup, become someone he is so proud of and that you would be too. He was sure to show up for all the accomplishments, pick them up when they needed it, and was the safe place for them to always come home to. Steve firmly believes you didn't miss any of it, he and the Alpha can feel you still, walking beside him through life. An occasional passionate brush will go through his mind, letting him know that he isn't alone.
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