#but aren't they so cool?
rosybetta · 1 month
Since people were upset I didn't include the great lakes in my last poll, here's another one
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etherfall · 2 months
"For the next few minutes of our lives, you will not address me as father. I will not address you as my son.
We are nothing but rivals, stone hearted and cold.
These masks we wear will obscure our faces so that no bias corrupts our hearts.
That is how we will fight in the most fairest and honest fashion
to crown the next champion.
But no matter the outcome of this battle,
know that I will always be proud of you.
My son."
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(aka the moment when AU N challenges his father for the position of Champion, and the creative liberties they take to prevent bias in the fight.)
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Most annoying NMJ or JC take is when someone that dislikes them is like "oh you're a fan of him? *scoff* Well obviously you've only seen cql, where he was super watered down. In the novel he's a dislikable asshole and that's the objectively superior canon I'm working from instead of your woobified fanfic." Meanwhile your main canon is novel canon and you genuinely find novel Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue complex sympathetic characters.
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
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I love my women unhinged with blood splattered across their face
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
the way garak looks at bashir as he puts all the clues together at the end of cardassians. the sheer 'look at that little twink go (affectionate, sexual overtones)' energy he manages to convey in the background there as bashir passionately does the presentation of their group project that garak did 80% of the actual work on. immaculate
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zivazivc · 2 months
What do the band mates look like now?
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Hed's a dad, and Les finally found a shirt that fits him
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hongluboobs · 8 months
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ur always chasin that damn Whale🙄‼️
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 months
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There's an old jungle saying: "Never point a gun a someone because it just might go off."
The Phantom (1996) dir. Simon Wincer
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
Hi! Idk if youve done this already but can you do a sun and moon (fnaf) themed masc leaning littlespace moodboard? (Sorry for all the words)
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hallaburger · 1 month
i'm actually really upset at the watcher "fandom"
y'all seem like a lot of fair-weather fans to a group of guys who have consistently put out shows that you love, you've gone to their live shows, you've bought their merch, you've followed them over the years as they've grown and built their own brand
and then when they come out to say "hey, we're proud to announce the next big step for us as creators, producers, talent, and directors," you fucking scream and rail and throw a fit because they are launching a paid service that allows them MUCH more creative control and freedom while also supporting their staff in a more sustainable way???
that's sick and pathological, and i wonder how many of y'all were blogging in support of the wga/sag-aftra strike, because if you were and you're pitching a fit now? check yourself. not fucking cute to say you support those folks and then bitch and moan when your so-called favorite creators take the initiative to support themselves in a way that they feel more confident in.
"but we liked the old content that looked like it was made in a basement and the blue and yellow text and--" okay, did you ever think that maybe?? MAYBE???? the guys wanted to do something better??? if you really supported them, you'd be in support of their creative ambitions, too.
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ch3rr13zk1n · 13 days
Lamperty hfjiONE
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I also have multiple alternative versions of this image since i never know which version i like more!! (I have a problem please help)
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Like and reblog or i'll force you to like Gnarpy or smth
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frownyalfred · 4 months
in terms of a side we don't always get of Bruce in Batman media -- I always think about the scene in the short-lived show Life with Damian Lewis. He plays a cop who was in prison (long story) and one day he and his partner track down a suspect/accomplice in a serious crime and corner the man in an old dilapidated house.
I don't remember exactly what happened, but it involved the suspect trying to shoot at them and one of them shooting him fatally. Most cop shows would leave it at that -- a criminal tried to shoot them, he got shot, nothing bad happened.
But Damian Lewis' character goes up to the man he just shot and he holds him as he dies. He shows the audience that he knows that the suspect was scared, on drugs, and didn't really mean to shoot at them. He sets down the gun and gathers the suspect in his arms.
And he shows him mercy by whispering to him, gently, that it was just a dream. He tells the suspect to go back to sleep like a father would, to not think about it. He softly guides the man into a slightly more peaceful death, with a kind of tenderness that shocks and upsets his partner and colleagues.
That's the kind of Batman we sometimes miss. The one who would hold a scared and confused criminal, who didn't mean to do something, who got caught up in something bad and isn't truly evil, and pretend like everything was going to be alright for someone's last 30 seconds on earth.
A Batman capable of great violence and great empathy.
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zaacoy · 1 year
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That one dumb tweet has put this outfit that HE ONLY EVER APPEARS IN ONCE IN THE ENTIRE SHOW into the forefocus of my brain for like 3 days now so have this
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thegirlinthecher · 2 months
You know how I know she's never gonna be playable?
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canisalbus · 6 months
I am a vet student, and I had a patient today who looked like Machete! Made me think of your boys. Also, I get a kick out of the small animal veterinary surgery textbook, because there's a Vasco-like dog on the cover.
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