#but as long as i can keep my dad and my grandma i'm good and i've got one of the two
I'm just getting too excited reading the snippets
Thank you! Damn 186 for 🦷:
“Dad, can I tell you something?” Chris asks, with a little sigh, like he’s having to break something very simply down to a child.
“Uh, of course, Chris.”
“I only have one day left of being smarter than you, so I should maybe give you advice.”
“Wait, what?” Eddie asks. 
“Because I still have my wisdom teeth,” Chris explains.
Right, Eddie. Keep up. 
“That’s true,” Eddie mumbles. “It’s all downhill after today. Your brain will turn to mush.”
Chris rolls his eyes. 
“I’m just saying,” Chris presses. “I’m more wise than you still. So listen to me.”
There’s something really serious in his tone, so Eddie stops joking. 
“Okay,” he says. 
“The first person you said who made you feel comforted was Buck. Twice. That means something, Dad. I think you’re used to feeling bad and you don’t know how to do things that make you feel good.”
Eddie feels like he’s been struck. Not for the first time today. 
“So, you think I should try something different, huh?” Eddie asks, voice cracking over tears just a little. 
Chris nods. “Yep. I think whatever the opposite of what Grandma and Abuelo would say is what you should do, probably.”
Well, that’s an idea. That logic carried him from El Paso to Los Angeles. Kept him here despite their pressure for him to return. That logic wrote Buck’s name in his will instead of theirs. And none of those things have been decisions that Eddie regrets. 
“That…” Eddie exhales. “That might be really good advice.”
“Because of my wisdom teeth,” Chris says.
Eddie smiles. “Yeah, buddy. Because of your wisdom teeth, for sure.”
Buck ends up coming with them to Christopher’s surgery appointment. Eddie didn’t ask. He just sort of shows up in the morning, assuming Eddie would want someone to sit with him. He’s right, of course. Eddie knows it’s just dental surgery and comes with very little risk, but Eddie absolutely wants company. Buck’s company. 
They sit side-by-side in waiting room chairs, clutching paper cups of coffee, during the surgery. They’re the only people in the room. Eddie can hear a clock ticking. There’s a television playing the news silently. Eddie’s leg is tapping.
“Hey,” Buck says gently, hand resting on Eddie’s shoulder. “He’s going to be totally fine.”
“Yeah, I know,” Eddie nods. “It’s a simple procedure. That’s… That’s not why I’m nervous.”
Buck frowns. “Why are you nervous, then?”
Well, great question. Not one Eddie really wants to answer. 
“Uh…” Eddie struggles. His throat feels very dry. He takes another sip of coffee before answering. “I have… Well, I had a sort of crazy conversation with Christopher yesterday while grocery shopping.”
“This is why you shouldn’t grocery shop without me,” Buck says, kissing his teeth chidingly. “Always ends in chaos.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “I can remember grocery store chaos caused by you. And uh, it was actually a good conversation.”
Eddie nods. “Yeah.”
“What was it about?” Buck asks, leading the conversation because he can see Eddie is too nervous to just do it himself. 
“Uh, a lot of things,” Eddie says. “But I ended up sort of… Well, I came out to him.”
Buck’s eyebrows shoot up. He grins. “Eddie, that’s amazing! How did he take it?”
“Good,” Eddie nods. “He… Yeah, he was great.”
“Ah, man. I’m so happy to hear that. I know that was weighing on you.”
“It was,” Eddie agrees quietly.
“So, then… Why are you nervous?”
Eddie takes a deep breath. Here it goes.
“Well, Chris is a smart kid, you know?”
“Of course,” Buck replies, still confused. 
“It didn’t take him very long to ask if this meant I’m in love with you.”
Buck’s expression goes completely still. His eyes get big. Wide. Anxious. 
“Uh, wh-what… What did you tell him?” Buck stammers. 
“That I do,” Eddie whispers. His eyes flicker to the floor. He almost doesn’t want to see Buck’s reaction. 
“Oh,” Buck exhales. “And, uh… He-he was okay with that?”
Eddie nods. “Pretty much told me not to be stupid and do something about it.”
“Is that what this is?” Buck asks. 
Eddie chuckles a little breathlessly. “Not enough for you?” 
“It doesn’t hurt to be given roses or something,” Buck smirks. “A string of pearls even.”
“Well, we’re in the waiting room of a dental surgery clinic. So I can offer you…” Eddie looks around the room. “An issue of USA Today from four months ago.”
“I’ve always wanted that,” Buck says. “I just need to know about Ben and Jennifer. Do you think they’re going to make it this time?”
“I have bad news,” Eddie tells him.
Buck smiles. His eyes crinkle a little. Eddie’s not sure if they did that, back when they met. Eddie thinks, somehow, he just keeps getting more and more beautiful with every year that he knows him. He’s sitting right beside him now, all loose curls and twinkling eyes. And Eddie realizes he’s so fucking lucky. Because as nervous as he is right now, he’s not uncertain. He knows. He knows this beautiful, kind, unbelievably generous, and not nearly as funny as he thinks man loves him back. 
“I still don’t understand why you’re nervous,” Buck says softly. “Eddie, you have to know…”
“I know,” Eddie replies quickly. 
“I love you, too,” Buck says. “Like… Obviously.”
Eddie smiles. “I thought so… I just…” 
“What?” Buck asks gently. 
Fuck. Eddie doesn’t really know how to explain. 
“My son sort of psychoanalyzed me,” Eddie blurts. “And, uh… And the conclusion was… He thinks maybe I don’t make decisions that are good for me because I’m used to feeling bad.”
Buck’s jaw drops. “Chris said that?”
“Yeah, I think my parents kind of messed him up in a different way from what I did.” Eddie admits. 
“He’s not messed up, Eddie. Just hurt. That’s all.”
“See?” Eddie says. “See, it’s that. He’s right. It’s like my brain is sort of wired for guilt, and… And I don’t want it to be. I just, I’m scared I’ll screw it up with you, too.”
Buck nods, thinking. He takes a good moment to contemplate.
“Okay,” he eventually sighs. “Okay, well then I won’t let you.”
Eddie sighs. “What?”
“Yeah, I just won’t,” Buck presses. “I’m good at that. I think Bobby and I are the only people you listen to.”
Because they’re the only people close enough to Eddie to know what he wants and have his best interest at heart. They always have. 
“Buck, it’s not that simple.”
“Yes, it is,” Buck replies, turning in the seat a little so his knees are pressing into Eddie. “I-I know you, Eddie. You wouldn’t have brought this up at all if you didn’t want me to talk you into it.”
Eddie opens his mouth to object. That’s just… 
Okay, it’s completely true. He does that, doesn’t he? Waits until he’s ready for Buck to give him permission to do right by himself. He always has. 
“We know each other better than anyone,” Buck says. “We won’t let each other be idiots.”
And that’s… Well, that’s true, too. Eddie has always been able to talk Buck down from letting things get out of hand. From spiraling. From making every problem on earth his problem. So… So maybe Buck is right. 
“Promise?” Eddie asks. 
Buck grabs his hand. “I promise.”
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bitegore · 10 months
words cant fucking describe how glad i am my dad is not being fucking stupid about israel
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 months
dad!ruben plissss🥹
You ask and I deliver😌 However, I'm sorry if this not what you wanted nor expected, did this at 3am😭 sorry. Let me know what you think, please!
O Meu Pai -R.D3
Summary: Vitória is daddy's little girl and her daddy, Rúben, loves her
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"Toya, c'mon baby" You spoke lightly "C'mon we've to get you ready para irmos ao aniversário da avó Bernadette!" (so we can go to grandma Bernadette's birthday!)
"Are you and Pai matching?" You smile nodding
"And so are you, dear" You kiss your babygirl's four years old hair before getting out of her closet a light blue dress to match outifts with you and your six years husband, Rúben.
You listen to her sing some children's songs as you got her clothes on her, as soon as you turned around to grab her shoes a knock on your door came in.
"Como estão as minhas meninas?" (How are my girls, doing?) Rúben asks pecking inside the room "Meu Deus!" (My god!) He gasps "You are so pretty!"
"Pai!" Vitória yelled in your ear as you were putting her shoes on
"Don't yell in mamã's ear, baby" You tell her with a small smile getting behind her to do her hair
"Sorry, mommy" She said softly kissing your hand.
You smile looking at Rúben who has a loving look on his face, whenever he tells you "Sorry" he gives a kiss on your hands or cheeks and your daughter picked up on it.
"No worries, baby" You kissed her cheek too and start working on her hair.
"Vitória, did you get your present for avó Bernadette?" Rúben asks, sitting next to her
"I did! I did a drawing for her!"
"Where's is it? Let me put in the bag so we don't forget about it"
"Right there!" She lifts her arm and points to her small table.
Rúben gets up from the floor and goes to her table to grab the drawing she made, you see the smile on his face and instantly smiled to yourself. You finished her ponytail and secured the small braid you did at the side.
"Vitória, baby. Why don't you go to the living room and play for a bit with Simba and Nala?"
"Is everything alright?" She asks seeing her dad silent
"Yes, babygirl." You say "I gotta talk to daddy really quick"
"But make it quick 'cus we're going to be late!" She says before getting out of her room.
"Just like her dad" Rúben laughs softly "Everything good?" You get up and stand right next to him
"I just can't help but think our baby's growing so fast. She used to draw the big and happy sun at the side of the paper, now she does it on the middle!"
"She's still young, Rú" You giggle "Also, she's learning that the sun comes out from one side and hides from the other, maybe she drew this in the early afternoon?"
"Or maybe she's just growing up?"
"Well, that's life and it's cyrcle" You kiss his shoulder "You're still going to be the man of her life, always. You know it, right?" He nods
"Until she gets married"
"No. You'll still be" You shake your head "But there's a long way until that happens. So let's enjoy her and her early life before she turns 18, starts brining guys home and wants to do a piercing"
"That will not happen!" You laugh kissing his lips
"You're cute. C'mon, grab the drawing and let's go. We'll be late if we stay here and missy Vitória Y/L/N Dias, doesn't like being late"
"She really doesn't"
"I'm telling you, just like her dad" He wraps his arm around your waist, pull you closer to him and kisses your lips softly
"You look gorgeous"
"And you look extremely handsome, love"
"My wife picked this outfit for me"
"She's a fashionista" You whisper before kissing him once again
"Mãe! Pai! Hurry up, we'll be late!" You open the door from her room as you both went out
"Toya, come on babygirl! Let's get to grandma's!" Rúben says before you hear a small "Finally!"
°°° °°° °°°
"A mãe e o pai estavam a demorar muito tempo!" (Mom and Dad were taking too long!)
"Guys" Iván, your brother in law says looking at you and at Rúben "Keep it in your pants"
"Jeez, we weren't doing anything!" You reply "We were actually talking about Vitória's boyfriends?"
"Do you have boyfriend's, Vitória?"
"No! They are little ugly monsters who will only infect me!" She said before running to her dad's legs
"That's right, baby" Rúben says, you give him a look but he doesn't act on it
"Boys will not infect you, Toya" Beatrix, one of your in-laws, says with a small smile
"Either way! I don't wanna be contaminated" Toya says nuzzled in her dad's shoulders, her small arms wrapping around his neck
"Jesus Christ" You mumble to yourself before taking a deep breath
"That's my girl!"
"Rúben!" All of you scolded him as he opened his eyes and mouth
"My daughter, my ways to evite her heartbreak"
"Filho" (Son) Joao, Rúben's dad, says softly with a small smile "You're just like me"
"Like father, like son" Bernadette says making you all laugh.
"Hey, Vi" Carolina asks "Want for me to paint your face?"
"No. Pai"
"C'mon, minha filha" (my babygirl) "I bet you'd look pretty with a pretty drawing and some glitter on your cheek. Would you like that?" She nods
"But I want to cuddle with you, pai"
"You behave like a good girl with your tia and then we will cuddle while watching some cartoons and eating some food mamã and avó did, what do you think?"
"Yes, please" Rúben put her down watching Vitória run towards her tia and then laughing with her.
"I think she's too spoiled by you" Your voice comes in through the now empty living room
"Nah, I don't think so" Rúben smiles "She's just my babygirl"
"And you're her pai. She definitely preferes you over me"
"That's not true" You give him a look and after some silence he answered. "She's just a daddy's little girl, that's normal"
"She is"
"I love it"
"I know you do"
"I love you"
"And I love you too, Rú" You smile
"Can we start practicing for a sister or brother for her?"
"You want another one? Right now?"
"I do" He nods "You?"
"I do" He smiles getting closer to you so he can kiss your lips "How do you think she'll react to a sibling?"
"Mad because you are hers, I'm hers and nobody else's"
"We will have to explain that to her" You nod
"But let's wait 'till baby is in the oven" You mention your tummy "once that happens we can start planning everything"
"You're getting lucky as soon as we're getting home" You laugh blushing. Thank heavens you were the only ones in the room.
"Mãe! Pai!" Toya's voice gets closer "Look at the bee, tia made!"
"You look so pretty!" Rúben says impressed "So you're the queen bee, right?"
"I'm princess Bee, mãe's Queen Bee and you're King Bee, pai" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and a kiss to her dad.
"That's correct, love" Rúben kisses her non-draw cheek. "Ready to cuddle for a bit? What do you want to watch?"
"Barbie Princess and the Pauper!"
"You always know my favorites, don't you?" Rúben asks underneath his breath as he gets into the couch finding a nice and comfy spot
"That's why I ask for them, they're our favorites!"
"We need to sing our hearts out!" Toya laughs shaking her head
"Pai, this isn't our house to yell"
"Well, I'm sorry. But we can't watch a Barbie movie without feeling it at it's fullness"
"You're right, pai; so let's sing it then!"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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My Girl 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You carefully pull the pastry over the slices of apple a cinnamon. You twist the corners together to complete the effect and hold it in place. Your blossoms are your specialty. You'll sprinkle coarse sugar over the top before you put them in the oven but for now, they'll have to rest. Your mother still has food cooking for the main course. 
You start another one, roll it out the pastry, slice it just so, wrap, and twist…  
The front door clatters and you hear Isaac say hello to your mom on her way in, “where's dad?” He adds on. 
“He'll be home soon,” she chimes. She's indulging in some wine for all her hard work in the kitchen. 
You can't help but long for your bed and the book you left on your pillow. The real world is always so monotonous. You enjoy baking but you'd rather finish the chapter. Sigh, you suppose that comes with the human condition; you're obligated to acknowledge the non-fictional slog. 
“Hey,” the deep rumble cuts through the air like the distance approach of some lingering dragon in its lair. You pop your head up and look over as Sy sets down his usual courtesy; beer and wine. He looks at you then the pan you line with pastry and fruit. “Er, whatcha making?” 
You look back to your hands and finish the twist, “apple blossoms.” 
“Mm, I like apple,” he steps closer to the counter, stopping at the counter, wavering as if he's afraid to come any further.  
“Thanks, er, oh, me too,” you shrug awkwardly, “my grandma taught me.” 
“Ah,” he nods and looks to the side, scratching his beard as he puffs out, “how's… how's your book?” 
You rinse of your hands, drying them thoroughly, “it's alright. I read it before.” 
“Tolkien, right?” He wonders. 
You nod. 
“Ahem, yeah, I… I started… the Fellowship one… pretty good so far.” 
“Oh? You did?” You face him. 
“I pick it up on my break, get a few pages here and there,” he chews his lip and pats his front pocket, feeling along it before dipping his fingers into the fabric, his brow slanting, “I… I made this.” 
He slides out a long flat piece of metal. It's slender and delicate, corner rounded to an oval, with elven patterning along its face. You squint and lean in to have a better look. 
“Wow. What is it?” 
“It's for you,” he says abruptly, “I mean it's a bookmark. I made it for you.” 
“Me?” You wonder as your eyes round, “that’s…” you look him in the face, “why��� you didn't have to do that, Sy.” 
“Eh, it isn't much,” he holds it out, “be good to keep your place and all. You never drink the wine or nothing so…” 
“That's… sweet,” you smile and accept the book mark, turning it over. Your name is wrought in beautiful calligraphy on the other side, “it's beautiful.” 
He's quiet as you admire his handiwork. You don't know what else to say. You didn't expect it. You wouldn't expect him to think that much about you. 
“Anything I can help with?” He breaks the stuffy silence, made more stolid by the radiating heat of the stove. 
“Um, no, I'm pretty much done,” you move the pan of blossoms to the other counter, “but thank you.” 
“Ain't no trouble,” he assures and taps the countertop with his thick fingers, “s'pose I'll see ya at dinner.” 
“Sure,” you say over your shoulder. 
You wait until he's gone and back up, looking down at the bookmark. You can't believe how nice it is. How delicate. How can someone like him make something so elegant? Once more you’re reminded of the brutish dwarves and their renowned creations. 
You'll have to do something for him. To make it even. You don't know much about Sy but you know about Tolkien. You're sure you'll come up with something. 
You sit down for dinner. It seems a lot for just a Wednesday. You won't complain even if you would rather be reading. Your mom has put together a merry feast which could feed a king himself. 
The chair beside you scrapes out and you expect Isaac to elbow you as he always does. Instead, he takes the chair across from you. Sy claims the seat to your left. He’s so big, he can’t help but brush your arm with his thick one. You send him a meek smile and he nods. 
As you serve yourselves from the glistening roast and potatoes and medley of salads and veggies, your mother flutters around offering to fill glasses. When she finally sits, she can barely stay still. 
“So, I know this is a lot,” she begins, “but I have news I wanted to share and this is my little surprise celebration.” 
You quirk your head and Isaac barely reacts as he cuts into the pork. 
“I've been given a really big opportunity at work and I'll be heading up a new project,” she's shaking with excitement, “in London.” 
“London?” You echo and look around. 
Isaac chews around his confusion as he finally reacts but your dad only smiles at your mother. You try to muster some positivity but you’re too surprised. This is a bigger twist than any book you’ve read. 
“I'll be gone for three weeks,” she says, “so yeah, I'll miss you all. I know it's all very sudden but I can't pass this up and I know you'll be okay.” 
“What?” Isaac chokes down his food. 
“Congratulations,” Sy says, “that's big news.” 
“When do you leave?” You ask. 
“Friday?” You gasp. 
“I know it's short notice but there were details to be confirmed and–” 
“Mom,” you squeak, “that's… that's great. I'm happy. Just… surprised.” 
“What are we gonna do?” Isaac whines. He dramatically sits back and rubs his cheeks. 
Sy clears his throat, “you're grown. You'll figure it out. You should be happy for your mother.” 
“He's right,” your dad growls, “your mom worked hard for this.” 
“We'll be okay,” you wisp, assuring yourself as much as everyone else. 
“Won't be long at all,” your mother beams even as she gets teary-eyed, “I'll call you every day.” 
After dinner, you offer to clear the table. You want to think. You’’ll miss your mom when she’s gone. You assume you’ll be doing much of the cooking in her absence. You don’t mind, she always does so much. But that isn’t the only thing that will go away with your mom.  
It’s just disappointing that you were away for college and finally get back home and she’s leaving. You wasted the time you did have. You shouldn’t have spent all those hours with the Fellowship. You should have spent it in reality. Funny how fast your perspective can shift. 
You finish up tidying as you hear the voices from the front porch. The smell of the apple blossoms lace the air with cinnamon. You take them out of the oven, they’re perfectly golden and some of the apply good noose oozes out the little slits in the side. You plate each with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and take them out two at a time. 
You elbow out onto the porch, the snap of the screen door announcing your arrival. Your mom and dad sit on the porch swing as Sy stands across from them leaning on the railing. You force out a ‘hi’ and hand your parents their plates before you step back. 
“I’ll grab yours,” you say to Sy, “does anyone want tea or coffee?” 
“Oh, peanut, you’re so sweet, I wouldn’t mind some tea... even though I’m sure I’ll have more than enough in England,” she chuckles. 
“Decaf, please,” your dad grins. 
“Alright, will do,” you say. 
“I’ll help,” Sy stands straight, “you’ll have your hands full.” 
“Aw, Sy, you are too much,” your mother preens. 
“Where’s Isaac?” You wonder allow as your hand hovers on the screen door. 
“Moping, somewhere,” your father scoffs. “let him come out for his own dessert, if he wants it.” 
“Oh, right,” you accept and as you turn, a hand grabs the door above yours and pulls it open. Sy is close as he reaches above you to let you inside. You flit ahead of him and he follows with his sturdy steps, pausing to leave his boots on the mat. 
“You don’t have to help,” you say as you grab his plate and offer it to him as he enters the kitchen, “I just gotta put the water on.” 
“Wanna,” he says, “leave mine there. Why don’t you have some?” He insists. 
“I will,” you assure him and reluctantly put the plate back on the counter. 
You turn and flip on the electric kettle. You take out your mother’s favourite mug and a tea ball. As you do that, Sy nears the counter next to you. 
“Where’s the decaf?” He asks. 
“I said you don’t have to,” you giggle out your nerves, “really, I got it.” 
“I said, I want to,” he shrugs, “I don’t mind.” 
You don’t want to argue. How can you? He’s being helpful and you won’t have much of that. Isaac and your dad work so naturally, you’ll be taking on more of the housework. You’re not unhappy at that prospect, you just don’t want things to change so fast. 
“You’re gonna miss your mom?” Again, his questions sound like statements. 
You wince and nod, “yeah,” you close the tea ball and hook the chain on the rim of the cup. He works diligently to loud the coffee maker, measuring out the grounds deliberately. You can’t really explain everything you feel. 
“Well,” he snaps the lid down, “if ya need anything, let me know.” He backs up and goes to the other end of the counter. He slowly turns the plate of pastry and ice cream, “make sure you get some too. Can’t be doin’ all that hard work for nothing.” 
He slides the plate towards him and lifts it. He turns his broad shoulders to you and stalks out. You hear the spook clink into the porcelain before he reaches the front door and he lets out a rumbling purr. Well, at least the dessert turned out. 
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rosedpetal · 3 months
Like Father Like Daughter
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Summary: Lloyd Hansen is a former CIA agent slash mercenary slash sociopath who gets off on the doing the most unspeakable things. When his high school sweetheart gets in a coma, he finds out she took from him more than just his heart and a promise ring.
Pairing: Dad!Lloyd x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 6.6k
Warnings: mentions of death, hospitals, murder, guns, violence, Lloyd being mean to his daughter (you), daddy issues dynamics, death of a parent.
Author's note: this is a repost.
Minors, do not interact.
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You were growing to hate hospitals. The sterile smell, white walls, floors and ceilings, doctors and nurses wearing those annoying scrubs that made everything much more depressing.
You were growing to hate light colors.
Tired of reading, you took a sip of your water bottle, eyeing your mother's asleep form on the hospital bed. She was pale, with dark circles under her eyes and tubes everywhere. She was stable, but they had no idea when she would wake up. 
Or if she would.
"She got lucky." The doctor said to your grandma, after explaining the after a car accident of that nature, your mother being alive was a miracle.
You didn't think of luck at all. Not when you got out of school earlier, seeing your grandpa in tears while he crushed your limbs in a hug, sobbing in your hair and repeating like a prayer that everything was gonna be okay.
Your sweet, cheerful and loud mother have been at such a state for so long. Two months in, and you could hear the nurses gossiping when they thought you were asleep cuddling your mother.
"Keeping this patient is useless. She's as good as dead".
You started to lose hope, but you couldn't give up. Your mother had to come back at some point.
She was the only person you could count in. Of course, your grandparents were great, but a child's place is with their parents. Or just your mother, in your case.
When you were younger you pried as much as you could, but she would refuse to tell you anything about your father, only telling you that he walked out on her before he even knew she was pregnant and she never heard of him since.
Somehow, you didn't believe her.
But after the accident that almost took your mother from you, you couldn't really care less about a father that you never knew.
And as the time passed by, all you did was pray that your grandparents didn't lose hope too. After all, the decision to keep the life support on was theirs.
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"You can either tell me what the hell is going on or I can just gut you like a pig, which one is gonna be?" Lloyd grinned at one of his spies. The man had been working for him for years now, a record that was getting Lloyd uneasy.
He would have to kill him soon.
"I found something interesting, that's all." The man replied, and poured a generous dose of whiskey on one of the glasses that was by Lloyd's coffee table.
Lloyd looked at him, amused.
"I didn't realize you had a death wish, getting yourself comfortable with my Scotch and everything."
"It's not for me, Hansen. It's for you." Klaus replied, emotionless. 
Lloyd sat up, getting tense. Klaus passed him the glass, and he almost gave in the impulse to use it to break the moron's skull.
"I'm gonna ask again, and if I don't get a straight answer my gun is gonna get friendly with your brains." Lloyd took the gun from the holster and aimed at the man's head.
"Your ex fiancée is in a coma".
Lloyd let a breath out.
"And that's all this fucking tension about? Why would I give a fuck about that bitch? It's been more than thirteen years-"
"She has a daughter about that age." Klaus cut the infuriated Lloyd. "She looks a lot like you. Blue eyes, dark hair. Same dental arch..."
The same motherfucking asshole smile. He wanted to complete, but kept his mouth shut. Lloyd was impulsive and unpredictable, and after working with him for long enough, anyone would get a taste of almost getting murdered by him on his multiple mood swings.
Lloyd's head tilted to side.
Oh fuck. 
"So, you're saying that I'm stupid enough to get some bitch pregnant by accident?"
"You popped the question to her, thought."
"I was young and stupid."
"And now, you're just stupid."
"For the sake of our fake friendship I'm gonna let that slide. And why were you even sneaking into her shit, anyway?"
"I wasn't. Do you remember the bounty you collected two months ago on that senator's head?"
"How could I forget?" Lloyd rolled his eyes. "It was a hell of a car chase."
"Well, the senator driver's car crashed into hers."
Lloyd really loved irony. But not when it came to bite his ass back.
After Klaus showed him some pictures of you in the hospital your mother were in, not even him could deny. You looked exactly like him, but with long hair and without a mustache in your baby face.
"Fuuuuuck!" He threw the glass across the room, hitting the wall, and getting it smashed into million pieces. 
His sneaky job almost got his daughter's mother killed, for fucks sake. How would he tell you that? Did he even want to face you?
Klaus kept quiet while Lloyd threw his tantrum. Then, he spoke:
"When am I taking you to her?"
Lloyd turned to face him, angry.
"I'm not gonna meet some brat just because I found out she came from my balls!"
He couldn't really care less about your mother. He loved her (or thought he did) and then it was over. It was okay, he got over it. But he was not about to meet a child he knew he never wanted.
And what benefit would he bring to your life, dragging you to his mess?
Lloyd made up his mind. He would just ignore your existence.
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"In what room is she, again?"
"301, boss." Klaus replied, trying to hide the smirk on his face.
Lloyd rolled his eyes, but chose to ignore him nonetheless. He was neither soft nor wanted to be a dad, but he was a curious motherfucker. So, the next day, first thing after knowing you were out of school, he made Klaus take him to the hospital.
"I'm here to see my daughter. Her mom's on the room 301."
The receptionist, who was not really interested, just pointed directions and waved him off. When he got in front of the door, he almost chickened out.
Oh, come on, he was not to be afraid of some child.
Even if it was his.
So, he knocked on the door. He knew you'd be there. You've never left your mother's side after school hours, and your grandparents didn't mind indulging you.
He heard a soft "Come in!" and took a deep breath before finally turning the doorknob.
It was a lot to take in.
Your mom, the only woman he ever loved, looking small, pale and pathetic. It was nothing like the girl he knew in her teens, bubbly and all-smiles.
Then, he saw you. Looking at him wide-eyed, and how the blue in your irises were similar to his. Your dark brown hair, that would match his if he didn't dye it jet black. Your nose were your mother's: a cute button on your rosy face, as well as your pouty lips.
"Who are you? I think you are in the wrong room."
You inquired. He could tell you were afraid of him. Arms crossed on your chest, biting your upper lip nervously.
He cleared his throat.
"I'm... Your father." It surprised him how he didn't sound anything like his usually cocky self. Your eyebrows rose, and you scoffed.
"Went to buy a pack of cigarettes and never found your way back to my mom?" You sassed.
"That's not fair! First of all, I don't smoke. And second, I had no idea your mom was pregnant! I would chase her to hell if I did. She was the one that left, ended things and disappeared like I meant nothing!" Lloyd pointed his index finger to you, incredibly offended.
"Which makes me think what kind of fuck-up you are if she ran away from you, then." You retorted, and noticed his reddened face.
"What's with all this prejudice? I could be the nicest fucking person you know. Maybe I have an animal shelter, ever thought of that? What if I read to old people in asylums in my spare time?"
"Do you?"
"No, but that's not the point here, young lady."
"Do you know how do I know you are not the nicest person? You said a bad word." You pointed, lips curling upwards.
"You said it first!" He accused, and this time, you grinned.
Maybe your mom left him because he was a man child, after all?
Your smile faded. You looked at your mother, and she nothing about her changed. Not even her heartbeat. You thought that perhaps she would get an incentive having your so-called-father in the room after such a long time.
"What's your name?" Lloyd asked, and you huffed.
"Why are you still here?
"I'm not leaving until I get to know you. My name's Lloyd, by the way. Lloyd Hansen. What's your name?"
"Get out!" You let out an exasperated sigh, regretting it immediately. You've always been curious about who your father were, and now you had the chance to.
"Do you really want me to?"
The pout that formed on his lips almost made you laugh again. Okay, he was charming, you had to give him that. So, against your better judgement, you gave in.
"No, please stay."
Lloyd didn't know if it was the sad way you almost pleaded for him to not leave, but he felt like a magnet was pulling him towards you, and you got up of the chair, sitting on your mother's bed and pointing the chair to him.
He sat and started fidgeting with his fingers.
"I'm Y/N. I'm thirteen. I like to read, but I'm also lazy and my mom's always scolding me to study more. That's me in a nutshell." You finally said, feeling a little disappointed that you had nothing better to say.
"Sounds like a normal thirteen-year-old to me. Have you ever killed an animal?"
"Excuse me, what?"
"Just kidding!" Lloyd said, fast. He noticed the change in your demeanor, which meant that topic probably upset you. He'd make sure to find out about that later.
"Oh my god, have you?" Your jaw dropped, finally putting two and two together. "It's that why my mother left you? You are some kind of psycho that tortures animals?"
"I don't torture animals!" Just people, Lloyd thought. "It was an innocent question, okay?"
"Yeah, you sound really normal to me." You rolled your eyes. "Get the fuck out, Lloyd. Or I'm gonna call the cops on you, being my father or not, which I don't believe you are by the way."
"Okay, in case you haven't noticed, you look exactly like me and nothing like her."
"You're not the only man with blue eyes and dark hair in the world, Lloyd."
"I totally agree with you on that, and this is why I brought this!" Lloyd announced, taking a ziplock bag out of his pocket with a q-tip inside of it.
"What the hell is this?"
"Open your mouth, kiddo!" He grinned at you, getting closer with the q-tip between his index and thumb.
"I'm not giving you my DNA, you creep!"
"Okay, hard way it is." He sighed, almost sadly. "I love you."
Your jaw dropped again, and he took the opportunity to stick the q-tip in your tongue, collecting the saliva. Before you could shriek, he put it back in the ziplock.
"You fucking asshole!" You yelled. "I'm calling the security-"
"Keep your voice down." He warned you, and you whimpered at the sudden change on his behavior. Then, he got up and gave you a smile. "It was nice catching up with you, kiddo. Toodles!"
You were still stunned when he left.
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Days went by, and you haven't seen Lloyd since. Part of you were angry at yourself for being disappointed by that, but you just shrugged it off and told yourself it was better that way.
And it was really surprising when your class was over and you saw him leaning against a black car with black windows, with sunglasses adorning his face. He had his arms crossed over his chest, a lollipop on his mouth and that fucking weird mustache still on his face.
"Ready to go home?" He asked, almost bored when you finally reached him.
"Are you insane? You look like a creep! You're gonna freak the other kids out, Lloyd!"
"Okay, I was expecting a nicer greeting from you. Haven't you missed me?"
"No." You lied. "I'm not going anywhere with you, you could be a child molester for all I know."
"All right, now you've really offended me." He threw the lollipop on the curb and took the sunglasses off. "Don't even joke about that, I'm not that kind of sicko. Get in the fucking car right now, and don't make a scene."
Gritting your teeth, you let him open the passenger door for you and got inside his car. It was probably really expensive, with nice leather seats and everything.
"My grandparents are gonna kill you." You stated when he got in the driver's seat and turned the engine on.
"They're not doing shit, kiddo. I paid a little visit to them earlier, and they agreed to let me take you with me for a little while. They didn't even fight, by the way." Then, he leaned closer, like telling you a secret. "I don't think they like you that much."
"Oh, you're insufferable! Did you threaten them? Did you hurt them? Lloyd, I swear to god-"
"I didn't do shit!" He snapped, gripping the steering wheel in his hands. "Your grandparents fucking owe me for screwing everything up for me, now keep your mouth shut and enjoy the ride!"
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?"
"Fine!" You screamed in defeat. If he wanted you to stay quiet, you were going to give him the silent treatment. He turned the radio on, with a satisfied smile on his face.
Lloyd drove like a drunk teenager, getting angry honked at in a ridiculous amount of times in just a few minutes. If you were still on speaking terms with him, you would've scolded him for that.
It was when he ran the red light that your panic attack came. You started hyperventilating, feeling sweat in your palms, and you chest tightened at the dread that cursed through your veins.
He side-eyed you, noticing how you were grabbing the seat with white knuckles.
"Hey, kiddo, be nice to my car."
You didn't move, though. You closed your eyes, feeling your head starting to spin. Oh no. You were about to throw up.
"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? I told you to-"
He got cut off by the sight of the tears streaming down your face, and he slowed down. You finally felt your breath coming down to normal, and you sobbed.
Lloyd pulled over on the street, and you opened the door as fast as you could, just in time for you to vomit in the curb. He put his hand on your back and you stiffened, but calmed down when he stroke it gently.
"I'm sorry, kiddo." He felt like a dick. He realized you were probably terrified of cars now that your mother had been in an accident. You kept silent and finally closed the door, wiping your mouth with your sleeve.
He drove slower then, leaving town on the main road and approaching the countryside. When he entered a nice trail and stopped in front of a giant iron gate, you almost rolled your eyes. Of course this prick was rich.
The area looked lovely all the same. You could picture yourself leaning against the big oak tree while reading a book, a tire swing on the lowest branch. 
Lloyd finally turn of the car, and turned to you.
"Before we go there let's just go over the basic rules. Not calling me daddy: it's Lloyd for you. Not testing my patience. Not sneaking into my things. And just so you know, I'm not above beating a child. It's better if you know your place by now.
You didn't spare him a second glance and got out of the car, adjusting your school bag on your shoulder. Why was he such an ass? It wasn't like you wanted to be there. You were perfect fine vegetating by the side of your vegetating mother.
You followed him inside, admiring the immaculate white floor, the tapestry and all that expensive shit that looked extremely nice. His grand foyer had two staircases, and a giant chandelier hang on top of it. 
"The first room on the left is yours. Mine is on the right. Do not go into my room. Or any other rooms. If you get bored just take a nap or something." He clarified. You couldn't bite back the remarks anymore.
"So you just brought me here to patronize me?" You asked him in an angry tone.
"Patronize you? Oh, your mother raised a little feminist, didn't she? Bet you despise all men and all that bravado." He mocked you.
"No, you're actually the only man I despise, Lloyd. Don't worry. I'll stay out of your way, I don't feel like torturing myself by spending time willingly with you." You spat back and went upstairs on the left staircase. When you got in the midway he yelled at you:
"By the way, the kitchen is free and open 24/7. Don't go starving on me, kiddo!"
You gave him the could-shoulder and opened the first door on the left, looking wide-eyed at the interior.
There was a four-post bed, with luxurious tule canopy adorning with the purple comforter set. On both sides of the bed, twin nightstands that had the same royal-looking lampshades. In the center of the room, a fur round white rug, with a coffee table and two baby pink armchairs around it.
There was a vanity table that was also white on the corner, and the wall facing the bed had two doors. It was probably the closet and the bathroom.
On the other wall, two french windows that had beautiful creme colored curtains. The walls had a flowery wallpaper, and coming from the high ceiling a pending light.
"Pretty fucking awesome, right?"
You let out a shriek, holding your chest in your hand. When did he get behind you? Sweet Jesus.
"Don't I even get a "Thank you, Lloyd, for your kindness"? I did redecorate it, you know. I started doing it even before I got the lab results on your DNA."
You turned your head to him.
"Oh, yeah, about that. 99,9% your father. We still got a lot of catching up, don't we, daughter?"
"It's Y/N for you." You told him and put your bag on the bed, making an acquaintance with it. That mattress would surely be a problem when you'd have to get up to go school. "Where are my things, by the way? I need my stuff."
"Your grandma packed you a suitcase with your things. I threw your old laptop out, and bought you a new one. A new phone too. It's all set up for you. There are new toiletries in your bathroom, and I don't know if you wear makeup or not so I bought anyway and put in your vanity.
That was nice, but you didn't care.
"I want to see my mom."
"No, you don't. You're not spending the rest of your life by her side, that's not healthy."
Your face heated up in anger.
"You don't have a say in that! I want to see my mom! What if she wakes up and I'm not there?" You yelled, and he just scoffed.
"Then I take you to her the minute she does. Now suck it up and be nice for a change, will ya?"
He left and closed the door. You hid your face in the pillow and screamed, crying until your head hurt.
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It was almost eight p.m. and Lloyd spend the rest of the afternoon in his office, yelling at people over the phone and doing boring paperwork for Carmichael.
It was a nice distraction, because he didn't knew what the hell he was going to do with you. He would not be parading you in public, he had too many enemies to pull a stunt like that.
Maybe bringing her here was a mistake, he sulked. But he couldn't just let you go, not now that his most trusted man insisted he took a paternity test and arranged a nice bedroom for you in his home.
He could send you away at any moment, thought. He'd never get attached to an insolent mini him just because she was cute and shit.
Oh no. Nope. Not going in that territory. It was foreign, dangerous and he couldn't go back once he got there.
When he looked at his watch he cursed. He'd had to make something for you to eat (and hire a cook). 
Lloyd sighed when he reached the kitchen. It wasn't that he was a malfunctioning adult, but he couldn't cook if his life depended on it. He took no shame in admitting that he ate instant noodles when he wasn't dining at a nice restaurant, but he couldn't let you eat that crap everyday.
He googled an easy recipe. Thank God he'd made time to do the groceries, otherwise you two would have to go out to eat, which was a big no for him.
But he didn't know where his kitchenware was. Or what to cook. Or how to.
Okay, you'd survive with instant noodles tonight, he decided.
"What are you doing?"
"OH MY GOD!" Lloyd screamed, seeing your post-sleep face behind him. "Don't you ever sneak on me like that, I might end up shooting you, you little shit!"
You glared at him.
"Do you own a gun, Lloyd? Are you some mafia lord or something?" You pried, curiously.
"What I do is none of your business, and if someone asks you about me, you'll play dumb, which I suspect it won't be hard for you."
The harshness in his voice made you change the topic really quick.
"At least I'm not dumb enough to not know how to cook a meal. Now get out of my way while I make something for us to eat." You sassed at him and opened the fridge, looking for meat. You could feel his gaze burning into you, but paid no mind to him. 
In thirty minutes, you had the meat seasoned and sitting nicely in the oven, while you made some salad.
Lloyd was sitting in one of the chairs by the counter, angry-texting someone. 
"Dinner's ready!" you hummed, feeling your mouth watering at the smell. You got two plates in the cupboard and offered one to Lloyd, who gladly took it from you and started serving himself. You suspected he was quite hungry, but said nothing to spoil his sudden good mood.
After finishing your diner, you put the dishes away and soaked a sponge with water and detergent before scrubbing them, absent minded.
"When did you learn how to cook?" Lloyd asked you, too stubborn to compliment you.
"My mom taught me when I was tall enough to reach the oven and do the dishes. Told me I had to be independent and all."
"You two are pretty close, huh?"
"Well, she did raise me by herself."
"Okay, now you're just being an asshole."
That earned a grin from you.
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Since it was Saturday, Lloyd decided that he would let you sleep until noon if you wanted to. He was reading his newspaper (okay, he was actually trying to solve the crosswords) while the maids mopped the floors and dusted the things.
He was surprised when he saw you dragging your little feet down the stairs, hair everywhere, yawning and wearing plaid pants with a black strap top.
"Slept well, kiddo?"
"Very." You replied, rubbing your eyes. "What are we doing today? And why do you have so many maids? Can I see my mom just for a while?
"Why do you ask so many questions?" Lloyd whined. "Thank God I wasn't around when you started to speak. Must've drove your mom out of her goddamn mind. Okay, how about we go shopping today? We can even have ice cream after, what do you think?"
"What about mom?"
"She's not going anywhere, is she?"
"Fuck you." You spat. 
Lloyd was stunned. He tore his gaze from the newspaper to you, and before he could scold you, you were running back to your room.
"That's not very nice, kiddo!" He yelled. "Say that to me again and I promise you'll be regretting it!"
"Sir?" One of the maids, a middle-aged woman, hesitantly spoke to Lloyd. "The girl was crying."
Lloyd sighed. He knew you for less than a month and you were already being an annoyance. His patience was running thin, he didn't know how much more of you attitude he could take before snapping.
He knocked on your door, and heard you sniffling.
"Go away!"
"Okay, kiddo! I hope you're decent right now, because I'm coming in!" Lloyd announced before opening the door to you with your face buried in the pillow. 
He sat on the bed, and you moved further from him when you felt the mattress sinking by your side.
"I'm sorry." That you are a little drama queen, he wanted to add. "Guess jokes about your mom are off limits, then?"
You said nothing, raising your middle finger to him with your face still on the pillow. He chuckled.
"So, we're even? Because I'm not having you talking back to me all the time, kiddo. At some point I'm gonna lose my shit and the moment that happens, I only hope for your sake that you're a good runner."
Your chest rose lightly, a sound of muffled laughter coming from you.
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For a little while, things were good. Great, even. And that's how Lloyd sensed some shit would hit the fan at any moment.
Maybe you were too excited to finally have a father figure in your life, but you were actually happy for the first time after your mom's accident. Lloyd would have a chauffeur take you and pick you up from school, and you'd visit your mom once a week.
Your grandparents would go to Lloyd's house to see you and check on you (you learned later that it was their "arrangement" because Lloyd actually had something to hold over their heads).
You were eating chocolate ice cream while rocking softly in a bench swing Lloyd had people built for you with him on your side drinking his Scotch.
"I killed a cat once."
You said it so casually as if you were talking about the weather, and Lloyd choked so hard on his drink that you had to pat his back. 
He stared at you with tears in his eyes, still coughing.
"Well, it was an accident. I was three or four? I don't remember. Mom had found a cute grey kitten and she sheltered him for a few days in our home. I was so excited to have a cat!" You hesitated a little, and frowned at the memory. "One day, mom was cooking dinner and I hugged the cat. Hard. I suffocated him, and when mom found us she lost her mind."
"She yanked my arm really hard and screamed so harshly at me that I still have flashes of that moment. I cried, because I had no idea what was happening, and I didn't realized I've killed it."
"We never talked about that again, but I think my grandparents found out what happened later, because I spent some time living with them after that. They weren't on speaking terms with mom, and when she got me back they would supervise us and shit."
Lloyd considered you for a while.
"I appreciate us bonding over this happy story, but why are you telling me this now?"
"Because now I realize why she reacted that way, and why she disappeared on you. When you asked me if I had ever killed an animal when we first met, it didn't cross my mind. But then, I had a feeling. Killing animals in childhood is a classical sign of psychopathy. Mom overreacted because she thought I was just like you, Lloyd."
You looked over Lloyd with a little grin on your face.
"Stop being cute, kiddo. And just so you know, I'm a sociopath, there's a little difference. I wasn't sure that was the reason your mom left me, maybe she finally realized I really was fucked in the head in an irredeemable way. I reached out to her only once, and your grandfather got in the way and told me to leave her alone. They told me a little while ago that they knew about the pregnancy and they wanted to keep you from having me around." 
"Well, the effort didn't matter in the end, but okay."
"And the fact that I'm a sociopath doesn't bother you?"
You shrugged.
"Not really. You could be worse, it's not like you killed mom or something."
Lloyd tried to keep his cool. He was fucked.
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You tiptoed the stairs, trying to make the smallest noise possible. Lloyd made you pinky promise him that you were going to stay in your room, but you were so hungry! And it didn't help you that he filled the kitchen with your favorite snacks.
You sighed in relief when you got some chips, a Ben & Jerry's cup and a bar of Hershey's. You hugged your food and when turned to go to your room, you screamed.
A man, about Lloyd's age, eyed you up and down, smirking.
"Damn, you're a bit young for him, aren't ya pretty thing?"
You cringed so hard at the way he said it, feeling disgusted. You just walked past him, trying to go back to your room as fast as possible, but he grabbed your arm, making you drop your snacks.
"Tell me, pretty girl... How old are you? Fifteen, fourteen... Wouldn't be my youngest, though." 
You wanted to kill him with your bare hands. With renewed animosity, you kicked his groin as hard as you could, and he let go of you to hunch to his front, wailing.
Before you could react, you heart a gunshot. The man's head blew with the impact, his body dropping to the kitchen floor and staining the impeccable floors. You were so shocked that you couldn't move.
"Go hide behind that door. Don't come out until I go there, you hear me?" Lloyd asked, voice hushed. He was already dragging you to the pantry room and locking you there. "Stay fucking quiet, kiddo."
You heard more gunshots and some yelling, and you laid on the floor, hugging your head as best as you could, your heart hammering in your chest.
All of this lasted maybe five minutes, but it felt like fucking hours. You were beginning to imagine the worse. Maybe someone hurt Lloyd, and he wouldn't come to save you. 
When you heart the lock of the door, you tried to drag yourself under a shelf, dropping everything.
Okay, you were screwed. You screeched when Lloyd's hand forced you on your feet, feeling so relieved that you hugged him.
He froze. And then, he explode:
"What the FUCK were you thinking? Coming out of your fucking room, knowing I had people over? Do you realize how dumb you were? Do you know what could happen to you if they realized you are my child?"
"I didn't know..." you tried to defend yourself.
"I TOLD YOU! I fucking told you Y/N, don't come out of your room when there's people over. They could be armed and they could kill you! You-" he interrupted himself, trying to find words to say. "You're grounded! For the rest of your life!"
"I already apologized!" you cried out, annoyed.
He took a deep breath.
"So what? You still could've get yourself killed!" He started raising his voice again. "If you get yourself killed, what the fuck am I supposed to do, huh? Ever thought about that?"
Oh. You just realized it wasn't about you disobeying him (or making he kill so many people).
He cared about you.
"Maybe I would finally be in peace, without you nagging at me every fucking hour." You defied, chin up.
He sighed. And somehow, you knew you were in deep trouble. You swerved from him, his fingers barely grazing on your skin.
You let out a little scream while you ran from him, who was chasing you like a madman. You got in the nearest room and locked the door, breaking in a fit of hysterical laughter. 
You were so fucked right now.
"You fucking brat! Open the fucking door right now so I get to beat the shit out of you!"
"No!" You managed to yell back between laughing and sobbing.
"Get out of that way, I'm breaking this fucking door!"
"I'm gonna throw myself out of the window!" you threatened.
"I FUCKING DARE YOU! You little bitch! We are in the first floor! Go ahead, we're just getting started!"
You yelped when you heard his body colliding with the door, and ran to the window. You managed to escape just before the wood broke under the pressure of Lloyd's rage. You ran through the back of his house, the chilling breeze doing nothing to you as you were pure adrenaline. 
You yelled when he grabbed your middle and threw you over his shoulder, putting you down almost immediately.
"My fucking back!" Lloyd snapped, annoyed and panting, with his hand on his lower back. You burst into giggles. This bastard of a man could have his hands bloody, but how he managed to be so ridiculous doing so never ceased to amaze you. "Think this is fucking funny? The only reason I'm not beating you right now is because I'm tired, okay?"
"I thought we were just getting started." You teased him, and he started to chase you again.
Later that night, Lloyd had Klaus taking the three bodies out of the house. As you scrubbed the floors to clean the blood (Lloyd's punishment for you) you couldn't help but joke:
"You just traumatized me, dude. I'll probably need lots of therapy and shit to recover." 
"I think you'll survive." He replied coldly, leaning against the wall while he watched you.
"I had no idea a head could just blow up like that!" You continued. "I think there's some brain under my nails."
"Shut the fuck up. This is your fault."
"I don't feel guilty though. The man thought I was some plaything to you, he even said that he had younger girls... I'm glad he's dead."
"Not that I'm complaining that you are being surprisingly brave, but I think it's best if we hide your... Tendencies. At least in front of other people. Okay, kiddo?" He said and turned to leave to his office.
"Okay da-Lloyd." You corrected yourself before you could actually say the word Dad. Lloyd stopped in his tracks. "Lloyd, I'm so sorry, it slipped! I promise you I'm never doing that again."
He didn't turn to face you. You thought that was it, he was mad at you but would let it slide. You never saw the tears forming in the corner of his eyes, because all he wanted right now was for you to see him as your father.
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It didn't take long for things to go down to shit. Lloyd was having a surprisingly smooth day, going to the city to have a meeting with Klaus and the rest of his minions. He left you alone in the house and when he got back and saw you sobbing on the front porch he something was terribly wrong.
He barely walked out of his car when you came at him, angry and punching his chest with your tiny fists.
He couldn't control your anger, tossing and screaming at him, punching and slapping and kicking. And he let you. Because he knew it was what he deserved.
When you were tired out, he tried to hug you, but you flinched away from him, letting such a pity cry come out from your throat that he felt like the Grinch when his heart grew so big it broke into his chest.
He could feel his heart breaking too.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, you have to believe me when I say it wasn't on purpose. My minions were chasing this really bad guy, and his car crashed into your mother's."
You said nothing, the tears rolling down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and nose red. 
"I had no idea of her whereabouts after she broke things off with me all those years ago, you have to believe me when-"
"When you say you were just chasing a bad guy? Like you aren't one? Should I believe this was some sick coincidence, when you are rotten to the core, Lloyd?" you cut him off, the words cruelly coming out of your mouth. "My grandparents are coming to pick me up. I don't wanna see your face ever again. I wish it was you who got hurt, not my mom."
Your grandparents arrived shortly after that, and by their short "Hellos" and "Goodbyes" Lloyd could say they knew everything too.
But how did you find that out? 
Later, drowning the second bottle of Scotch in his office, when the gears in his mind finally stopped turning.
That asshole.
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Klaus' lifeless body slipped from Lloyd's grasp. His motivation to reveal the truth about your mother's accident couldn't be pettier. Lloyd always knew that snake would betray him, but he hadn't expect it to hurt so fucking bad.
He got his most trusted men to keep an eye on you, and for weeks he got little news on you, the aching on his heart always there. When he found out that your mom had a brain death, all the hope of getting your forgiveness left him.
Still, he couldn't just leave you on your own.
Lloyd watched as you placed white flowers on your mother's grave, your hair messy and some streaks falling from your bun.
You suddenly turned to him, feeling watched. You rolled your eyes when you recognized the mustache, scoffing in annoyance. Lloyd took careful footsteps towards you, his hands on his pockets.
"I'm sorry, kiddo."
"You already said that." You replied softly, tired of arguing and tired of grieving.
"No, Y/N. I'm sorry I wasn't around to guide you through your early years. I'm sorry I wasn't enough that your mother felt like raising you by herself would be better than doing it with me. I'm sorry for storming into your life and messing you up, and I'm sorry for all the pain I put you through, and I promise you, it wasn't on purpose. I'd never hurt you on purpose. I'm sorry I'm not a good father." He finished, his eyes watering. You sniffed and gave in, hugging him and sharing your heartbreak.
You already lost a parent. You couldn't just turn your back on the other. You turned your head to him, still in his embrace: 
"Take me home, dad. We have a lot of catching up to do."
Lloyd happily complied. This time, he would make it right.
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forest-falcon · 21 days
The Butterfly Effect
Chpr 16
⚠️ Erm, not sure what to tag this as...fluffy whump angst? Mainly fluffy!
Timeline starts as memory and ends in the present. Hope you enjoy!
Night fell on Tracy Island, and Virgil flopped down onto the cool sheets of his bed. Training had gone well today, despite the odd hiccup; Tam taking to the jet-pack like a duck to water. Jonesy...well, he flew with all the finesse of a drunken penguin. Luckily, the med-scanner had reported no injuries, but for a bruised backside. The merciless ribbing (as to be expected from good friends) was decidedly more painful.
Virgil smiled.
Jonesy had just batted the jokes right back. The firefighter had a good sense of humour, and a thick skin - another vital trait in their line of work. It was like having a second Gordon about the place, which was in equal parts a blessing and a curse.
His piano, for starters; having been somewhat neglected since their guests arrived, had acquired a fine layer of dust. Gordon, of course, had wasted no time at all in scribing messages on its hood.
What's the difference between a piano and a fish? You can't tuna fish!
Jonesy had laughed way too hard at that; and just a few short hours later, another dad-joke (of equal cringe-worthiness) followed. Only, this time, the handwriting obviously not Gordon's.
Why did the GDF arrest Virgil?
Because he got into treble!
Virgil sighed.
"EOS, please can you add piano polish to the shopping list?"
*. *. * .
Virgil drew idle angel-patterns in the fresh bed linen; savouring the luxury of being able to starfish in his king-sized bed after training...well, they weren't really recruits anymore. They had all integrated so well with the family, that it was nice to think that he'd been training friends.
Mac...Mac was quite quiet; that was until he and Brains started chin wagging about Star Trek.
I mean, he liked Star Trek as much as the next person, but those two must have mastered the ability of breathing through their ears. He'd never seen Brains talk so much!
And though he often opted out of their tedious-Trek-talks; it was wonderful to see their resident engineer, and friend, so animated.
Virgil was roused from his thoughts by the strumming of a gentle Spanish folk song; the lilting melody drifting through his open balcony doors.
Someone was humming. By process of elimination; he knew it to be Tamara. It was a female voice, and he had heard both Grandma's and Kayo's over Comms enough times to know that it wasn't them. He padded quietly over to the balustrade, taking in the night air as the music played on.
It was a beautiful night; the father stretches of ocean so tranquil; the surface glittered with dark starlight.
Virgil rested his head on folded arms, watching the seafoam gather and fade along the shoreline.
Usually, all this beauty went unseen. After back-to-back rescues; he was lucky to see a glimpse of his pillow before sleep took him. He sighed contentedly, and the music suddenly stopped.
"Oh God! I had no idea anyone could hear me! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to keep you up!" Tam set the guitar aside with a musical thud.
"No, no, please! Play on! I was really enjoying that," Virgil leaned his head over the balcony.
"I'm really not that good. I-"
"How long have you been playing?" Virgil stalled her from disappearing back from her balcony and into her own room.
"Erm...ever since my mum passed, so that's...six years - but it's all self-taught," Tam flustered shyly. It was the first time Virgil had seen her out of her comfort zone.
"That's really impressive. And...I'm sorry about your mom. We lost our mother, Lucy, when we were just boys. Time doesn't make it any easier, does it?"
"No... but I guess, those who are lucky have, or find others to live for," Tam sighed pensively.
They both stood silently for a moment, lost in memory and deep in thought.
After a moment, Virgil gently cleared his throat.
"Do you like stars?"
"Yes. I mean, especially here. They're so vivid and... ethereal!" Tam enthused.
"Well, if you can spare ten minutes; I'd love to share something with you. You can see it best from the Comms balcony," he gestured.
"Oh...I mean, sure?"
"You don't have to. It's nothing really. I-"
"No, no! I'd love to see," Tam assured, seeing that whatever he was referencing, held a great deal of meaning to him...whatever it was.
"Cool. I'll meet you up there in five."
*. *. *.
Tam found Virgil already waiting outside of the Comms room.
He greeted her with a genuine smile, before turning his face to the tapestry of stars in the near-midnight sky.
“Okay. I'm no John, but you can't have two spacecase brothers without learning a handful of constellations,” Virgil waved vaguely.
“Mmm. I bet.”
"Erm...Do you know many constellations?” he queried, not wanting to patronize another potential spacecase.
“Erm, well...that one over there's the North Star.” Tam pointed to the brightest light gleaming proudly in the sky.
“That's…actually Five. John's obviously overdone his teeth whitening gel.”
Tam snorted as she laughed.
“Spoken like a true brother.”
"Alright...so you'll have to use your imagination...like, a lot..." Virgil smiled.
"Cassiopeia, can you see her?"
Virgil guided Tam's hand up to the constellation.
"Angle your head slightly. It's a..."
"Mmm hmm. Now, Auriga - that's your O." He guided her wrist as she traced the shape.
"Bare with me for the next one!"
"This is where you'll have to really use your imagination. You see Gemini - the twins?"
"Erm...yep, got it!"
"Okay, forget their top halves.
"Said no guy ever."
"It's all about their legs." he winked.
"Look..." He guided her hand once more in the final shape of an M.
"Mmm hmm."
Tam hummed appreciatively; the loveliest of smiles forming on her face as she gazed on the astral wonder.
"It really is beautiful," Tam mused.
"Beautiful," Virgil agreed, watching her smile.
Quietly, Tam began humming the melody from earlier, and the palms gently swayed in the light of the moon.
*. *. *
Virgil roused.
He made to move before the rest of his senses had even come back online.
Pain was the elicited result.
He hissed and a gentle hand was felt at his shoulder.
"You're okay, I've got you, I've got you."
The voice was familiar but conscious thought still eluded him.
Everything hurt.
Thinking hurt.
Just then, the voice began humming a familiar tune that filled his darkness with starlight.
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melanieph321 · 7 months
Ruben Dias/Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader - Dark Rivarly Part 9/15
Part 10 and 11 are already out on my Patreon!
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Reader is Trent Alexander Arnold's twin sister. The two have been inseparable since childbirth, more so now when Reader is fresh out of university looking for a job, crashing at her brother's place whilst doing so. One day Reader gets a job offer that she cannot refuse, however it would mean working for her brother's biggest rival in football, Ruben Dias.
Man City vs Liverpool. It was a disaster bound to happen. Perhaps the exact reason why Jennifer begged to tag along as you and your family gathered for a spectacular afternoon at the Etihad Stadium. The atmosphere was unmatched, the crowd giddy for what's to come. You however, couldn't stop biting your nails in agony.
"Doesn't Ruben want you sitting near his bench, why are you on Liverpool's side of the stands?"
"Because..." You said, gritting your teeth for Jenny to keep her voice down. "Only you and grandma know I'm dating Ruben."
"You seriously haven't told your parents yet? Trent I understand, but don't you think the rest of your family would be more accepting?"
"No." Was your answer. Your grandma seemed to have come to terms with the situation, but only because she had seen first hand how much you cared about Ruben and he you. He would usually drop you off at the apartment after work and was not afraid to greet grandma at the door. He would greet her with a smile on his face and fondly ask about how her day went and if business at the shop was going good. It was not an act to win her over, grandma would've seen right through that. Ruben was just genuinely a polite person who was raised right by his parents. However, you strongly believed that despite how well raised he was, it would be hard for your parents to look past the fact that Ruben played for Manchester City, the team that had robbed them of so much joy.
"I dunno?" Jenny said, after hearing you out. "That altercation between your brother and Ruben was a long time ago, don't you think they're over it by now? If I were Trent I would be, how else is he gonna be able to focus on today's game if he still got his head wrapped around what's happened in past games?"
"Trust me." You said. "If there is something my brother can do, it's to hold a grudge."
You sat back in your seats as the Liverpool crowd, including your parents, started singing. The game was about to begin.
Despite having the majority of the crowd on their side, Man City struggled to control the game. Liverpool was fighting back with their supporters chanting them on.
"We are the Scousers
The cocks of the north!"
"We hate Man United
And City of course!"
"We only drink whiskey
And bottles of brown
The Liverpool boys
Are in town!"
"Na na na na na na na na!"
"What's wrong sweetheart, why aren't you singing along?" Your mother nudged your shoulder, seeing as you were biting your nails rather than singing along with the crowd.
"Yeah, Y/N why aren't you singing along?" Jenny smiled.
You threw her an evil glance. The lump in your stomach grew heavy as you turned your attention back to the game. Ruben looked furious. It was a bad game for him. Liverpool had managed to get two goals past his defense. The worst part was that one of those goals had been done by Trent, who was now getting cocky with the support from the crowd.
"Here he goes, here he goes!" Your dad alerted.
It was another corner shot from Liverpool, taken by Mac Allister. The ball flew past all the city players' heads, landing right on top of Virgil van Dijk's, who butted the ball to the ground for Trent's foot to tap it into the goal.
The Liverpool crowd were on their feet, celebrating like maniacs. The game ended with the standing result as the referee blew his whistle.
"What a game! Let's celebrate." Your dad suggested, as your family followed the stream of people leaving the stadium.
"We have to wait for Trent." Your mother said.
"Don't worry bub, he'll meet us at the restaurant. Jenny, you said you knew a place?"
"Sure. I know a place not too far away from the shop."
"Great, let's go!"
Your family and Jenny walked ahead but you were hesitant to leave.
"Y/N, you coming?"
You shook your head. "I...I should stay. Wait for Trent. He might not know the way to the restaurant."
"Suit yourself." Your dad shrugged. "Just don't let him hold you up in the locker room, the guys might take a while."
"I'll be alright." You said,  ignoring the looks that Jenny and Grandma threw your way. You were left standing in the middle of the stadium parking lot, but not the public one, the one close to the gates where fans waited in hopes of spotting their favorite player.
"I'm outside." You texted, not Trent but Ruben. You felt a need to check on him after such a tough game.
"Be there in five." He replied.
And so you waited. And waited.
Fans scattered after having their jerseys signed by City players, they were the first people to leave the building.
There was a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Ruben, looking defeated and exhausted from the game.
"Hey." You smiled. "Tough game?"
"Don't mock me."
You frowned.  "I'm not mocking you."
He sighed, and brought you in for a hug. "I bet your family enjoyed the game though."
"Ruben. " You pulled back to look at him.
"I'm just saying." He shrugged. "It's not like they were cheering for me."
"I was cheering for you."
"Were you?
"Yes Ruben. Believe it or not but I was."
He was grumpy, kicking something invisible on the ground. "Are you coming with me or are you headed somewhere?" He raised his head to look at you.
You sighed. "My family is celebrating at a bar in town."
He snorted. "Of course they are."
You rolled your eyes. "They're here for the weekend, Ruben, what am I supposed to do? And don't make me choose between you and my family because that would be incredibly unfair."
Ruben's shoulders withered, realizing what he was making you do. "I...I'm sorry." His gym bag dropped to the ground as he reached out his arms to you. You stumbled into his warm embrace and stayed there, letting Ruben sway you in his arms. "I never meant to make you choose between me and your family." He spoke against your temple. "Just having you like this is a privilege enough for me."
Your arms wrapped tighter around Ruben's waist. He was yours to keep.
"And you didn't hear this from me...but I guess your brother played a pretty good game."
You gasped, pulling out of the hug. "Was that....a compliment I heard?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Nah ah, don't be shy now Dias, I think you just compliment your fellow rival."
He wiggled out of your grip to hide his smile.
"Are you proving to be the bigger man, is that what this is?"
"The biggest." He nodded. "Bigger than any other man you've been with."
You laughed as he railed you in, attacking your neck with wet kisses.
"Stop it Ruben, it tickles."
He mumbled against your skin. "Not until you admit that I'm the biggest you've ever had."
"Aaaah, Ruben." You squealed as his arm went under your legs, swooping them up under you as he lifted you up in his arms, twirling you around, bridal style.
"Ruben, please"
"Admit it."
"No, hahahah."
"You fucking....get off her!"
Suddenly you were tackled to the ground,  with Ruben trying his best not to let you hit the concrete before him. Recovering from the initial fall you looked up to see Trent, towering over Ruben with a fuming look on his face.
"Have you lost your mind?" Ruben shouted. "She could have gotten hurt." He shot to his feet, pushing Trent back two steps.
"What are you doing, touching my sister?" Trent pushed back, but didn't have as much impact on Ruben who was bigger.
"Guys, stop it!" You got up from the ground trying to come between them. A big mistake, because as Ruben wrapped a hand around your waist, checking to see if you had hurt yourself from the fall, Trent saw red.
You screamed as he swung at Ruben, the blow of his fist striking Ruben on the nose, making him bleed. You stepped back as Ruben rushed your brother,  tackling him to the ground, raising himself to tower over him as he delivered equally as bone crushing punches.
"Ruben stop!" Your voice broke, your desperate shouts alerting the people around you, players and staff from both teams, rushing to disrupt the fight.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Ruben's friend John was one of the first people on the scene,  grabbing a hold of Ruben, pulling him off of your brother. It was a horrific scene with medical staff from both teams rushing to check on Trent. It was heartbreaking for you to see him like that, bloody in the face and knocked out on the ground, all in the hands of....
You flinched as someone grasped your arm. It was Ruben, who looked terrified at the way you reacted when he touched you. "It's me, don't be..." He reached out again, your eyes darting at his bruised  knuckles. Luckily John was quicker. "Let her go, let her..." He looked at you, seeing the terror in your eyes. "I'll take him home. You stay with your brother."
You nodded. "Okay."
He escorted Ruben across the parking lot, the two of them driving away in the night. Whilst the medical staff alerted for the ambulance to come, you brought your phone to light, dialing Grandma's phone number with trembling hands. She picked up after the second tone.
"Grandma?" You sniffled, phone pressed to your ear. "It's all my fault....."
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dylan-rodrigues · 3 months
God, this drama is so good, I love it so far. If it keeps up this quality for the rest of episodes, might be one of my favs for the year.
Umi is the cutest, I feel so bad for her. She's an innocent victim trapped in the middle of her mom's selfish decision. Natsu looks so traumatized and confused all the time, but I respect that he kinda wants to be the dad who steps up?
Her mom switched between being hostile and sympathetic to Natsu every 2 scenes. Ma'am, it's not his fault he didn't know he had a kid and he's so unprepared to be a dad, as you noted yourself. But still, it must be hard to face the man when your daughter suffered on her own for so long.
The scene of Yayoi crying was devastating. At first, I thought it was cause she got promoted to stepmom all of sudden after her bf's ex died. Or because it's obvious Natsu isn't over his college ex. But after the reveal about Yayoi's own abortion... Jesus, she was crying bc when Natsu said he murdered his kid... It was like saying that Yayoi murdered her child.
I think it's sort of wholesome that Yayoi wants to be Umi's mom and decided to support Natsu's decision? I'm honestly more interested in her relationship and feelings about Umi tbh
What is this Tsuno character even tryna do? Why is he inserting himself into a love triangle with a dead woman and her baby daddy? Who is he to say that Umi has no dad? I also like when Grandma pushed back at Tsuno acting like she's his MIL or something.
The way Umi ran and hugged him.. started telling him about her day... Bro got promoted to dad 🥲 oh gawd, the feels...
@ the previews: I understand Mizuki's mom's feelings but how can she say that?? Actually forget her, HOW DARE TSUNO SAY THAT?? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT?? 🤬🤬
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stereklyrics · 2 years
Season 1 au where Stiles and Lydia are step siblings and they always knew about the supernatural, because Lydia's grandma never hid from her that she was a Banshee and trained her and Stiles' mom never hid magic from him and trained him for as long as she could and left him some books and diaries so he could keep practicing his magic, so when Stiles hears about the dead body, he goes to the Preserve with LYDIA because they protect Beacon Hills together, so in the Preserve they go and run into the Alpha and they're like "Fuck" Stiles uses his magic so they both can escape, and they find Laura's body so Stiles just calls his dad like "Oh hey dad, so we're here in the Preserve and we just found the other half of the body!" and the Sheriff is like "Wait... We? Who's we? Stiles who's with you? " and Lydia just grabs Stiles' phone and says "It's me, I'm the 'we'. But you better hurry, because there's a mountain lion hunting us here, that's why we found the body in the first place" and the Sheriff just hurries because both of his kids need him, so after it's all solved he reprehends both of them, and they're like "Sorry"
The next day, they go back to see if they can get something else from the scene to see if there's something useful to identify the Alpha so they can go and confront this Alpha, so while Lydia is using her "Bansheeness" to see of that helps them somehow, Stiles is watching over her to protect his sister in case the Alpha comes back, but he sees Derek instead and he knows Lydia can't be interrupted while she's all Banshee so he just walks to Derek and Derek says "This is private property" and Stiles replies "Sorry, we didn't know, but you see, my sister over there is a Banshee and can't be interrupted while doing her Banshee thing, so as soon as she's done with that we'll leave" Derek is confused as fuck as why this boy was telling him this and why the fuck this boy wasn't scared of him, when he tried his best to scare these people away of his property. Stiles says "And btw, I know you're not an Alpha, so you're not the one we're looking for" and then Lydia calls him and they leave the Preserve, while Derek is still confused as fuck about what the fuck that boy was talking.
When Stiles and Lydia arrive home they go straight to the basement; which is like their HQ, so they have everything there like their books, diaries, weapons, etc; and Lydia tells Stiles "It seems like we're looking for someone who was in coma until recently" and Stiles is like "Okay... But Derek Hale is back in the town." and Lydia is like "Oh? How do you know that?" Stiles replies "The guy I was talking to when you were in your Banshee hypnosis or whatever? Yeah, that was definitely Derek, I think I would remember my childhood best friend" Lydia is shocked and says "You never told me you knew the Hales!I feel betrayed!" to which Stiles replies "Yeah, Talia was my mom's best friend. I never told you because I didn't think it was important, since Derek and Laura just ran out of the town without even saying goodbye and Peter is in a coma, and everyone else is dead so... " and Lydia goes "Wait... Peter Hale is in a coma?" Stiles says "Yeah...You don't think...? " to which Lydia replies "I think we may have found our Alpha". So they make a plan, but first they have to convince Derek to help them... Which they eventually do, when Derek remembers who Stiles is.
So they go and make the plan happen. Derek's the Alpha now, he has Stiles and Lydia in his pack. Stiles and Lydia choose Isaac, Erica and Boyd for the Werewolf betas, Derek trusts on Stiles and Lydia with that, so he offers the trio the bite, they all accept. Stiles is always there for Derek, helping him with being a good Alpha, with the training and everything. Eventually Stiles and Derek start dating, and with that Stiles becomes the Alpha Mate. Boyd is Derek's second, Lydia is the Emissary. They all protect Beacon Hills, it's not just Stiles and Lydia anymore. Peter is, eventually, resurrected and they find out about Malia and bring her to their pack. They find out Cora's alive, and bring her to their pack.
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Fifty-four
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
(Don't play song until ready)
Sophie's alarm went off at seven. She groaned and turned it off before getting ready for the day.
While brushing her teeth, she gave Keefe a quick text.
'Hey, wanted to make sure you're alright after last night. You good?'
She waited for him to answer, but he never did. She brushed it off. He was probably still asleep. He was always late to school.
Still, a chill went down her spine as she got into the car. He still hadn't texted back, she wasn't liking that.
In homeroom, he never showed up. Maybe he was sick. He usually slept half the day when he wasn't feeling well. Maybe it was a chest cold. That was probably what was going on.
At lunch, she sat down with her friends. She tried to laugh and joke with them, but her brain kept replaying when Keefe had to sit down on the bench from the pain.
Her anxiety ramped when Dex asked, "Does anyone know where Keefe is?"
Everyone turned to Sophie. She knew she had to give an answer, but what was she supposed to tell them? Should she tell about last night, or go with the benefit of the doubt?
"I think he might be home sick," she eventually choked out. "I had to drive him home last night cause he wasn't doing too well. But he's not answering my texts, so I'm not sure."
Thankfully, everyone seemed satisfied with that answer. When the bell rang, she hurried to her next class.
During the middle of the lecture, there was a buzzing through the room. It sounded nearby, but Sophie couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. It continued. Then she realized, she forgot to turn her phone on silent.
She tried to stuff her bag under the desk to muffle it, but it didn't work. Even when it stopped ringing, it picked up almost immediately.
After a few more times of that, the teacher snapped, "Who's phone is that?"
Mrs. Delani scanned the room before her eyes landed on Sophie. At the worst possible time, the phone started buzzing again.
The teacher gestured to the bag, then crossed her arms. "Go on. Answer it."
Sophie reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. It was her mom. She showed the screen.
"It's my mom. I think it's something important, or she wouldn't call me in school. Can I go out in the hall?"
"Nope." She pointed to the front of the room. "You can answer it here."
(Play song)
Sophie plucked out an eyelash before standing up. When the phone rang again, she picked it up.
"Hey, mom," she murmured. "I'm in the middle of class, right now. What's going on."
Edaline let out a huge sigh of relief. "I'm coming to pick you up. We're heading to the hospital, there's an emergency."
Sophie heart dropped all the way to her stomach. "What's going on? Is it dad? Grandma?"
The half second before hearing the reply felt like torcher. But when she did, she had to keep herself from puking then and there.
"Honey, Keefe had a heart attack."
So he wasn't ok yesterday. She wanted to kick herself for not insisting further that he go to the doctor.
Sophie could feel herself starting to hyperventilate. The only response she could manage was, "What?"
"His dad found him collapsed on the floor this morning while he was supposed to be getting ready," Edaline explained. "Called an ambulance, but from what I've been informed, he's not in great condition. It did a number on him."
Tears burned her eyes as Edaline continued, "I'll be there in two minutes tops. Get your stuff ready."
After hanging up, everything was a haze. Her teacher profusely apologizing. Sophie trying not to collapse in a puddle of snot and tears. Making it to the front office. Climbing into the car.
During the ride to the hospital, Sophie was only able to ask one thing, "Is he going to be ok?"
Edaline just turned to look at her, with tears in her own eyes, and whispered, "I hope so, sweetie."
She pulled Sophie in with one arm, holding on as tight as she could.
Arriving at the pediatric hospital, she realized it looked familiar. Then it hit her, it was the same one her and Keefe first met.
That in it itself felt like a cruel joke. It was the first place they ever saw each other. If it was the last...
They raced inside, talking to the desk clerk. They were directed to the cardiology ICU unit. Sophie peered through the windows as they walked past the many doors in the hall. There were dozens of children in the rooms. Some were asleep, some with doctors, some with parents.
They finally got to the room they needed. Edaline gently swung the door open and-
Sophie had to stop herself from being sick.
Keefe was hooked up against too many machines. They all made loud beeps and dings. He was so pale. Several tubes were going inside his body.
She wobbled over to the edge of the bed. She fell to her knees beside him. The big, ugly sob she'd been choking back finally broke free.
She took his hand in one of her own. It felt so frail and weak in her grasp. As if she squeezed too tight, it'd crumble away.
She reached over to push his hair out of his face. Another sob bubbled out when his eyelids never fluttered open to look at her. His lips never quirked up through the oxygen mask to convince her not to worry.
He wasn't ok.
But he had to be. Needed to be.
He wasn't.
If she lost him, she didn't know what she would do.
She buried her face in his side, letting the tears fall freely. Edaline scooted closer and rubbed her shoulders.
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taekookielove0130 · 1 year
Slowly, Unintentionally.
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Part 1
Pairing: Idol!Min Yoongi x Nerd!Reader
          Y/N and Yoongi are two individuals in completely different worlds who collide due to an arranged marriage. What happens when there’s somebody else living with them too?
To anyone who cares,
I've been working on this story for some time. It was intended to be a one-shot but it turned out to be quite long. Somewhere along the way I lost motivation and started thinking this wasn't going to be good. So I posted the first part hoping to find motivation again.
And if you haven't noticed yet, I'm taking requests for any fanfiction {long-length, short-length One-shots, POVs}.
And to all the loyal readers I've got, Thanks a lott for reading. I absolutely love you guys. Could you please tell me what you think about it too?
You can also 'ask me anything" or "submit a post" on my blog! Happy reading!
It wasn't a conventional type of marriage that you had. You and Yoongi weren't even supposed to marry. He was a celebrity, an idol. While you were the oblivious nerd at school.
You never cared for the crowd or the music. All you knew was that good knowledge would take you anywhere. You were told from a very young age that education was your only constant in life and that you should work hard.
Work hard, you did. You spent days researching and nights revising. You topped your school and entered a university of your choice. Getting a degree was a piece of cake for you, and you topped your university too. Passing with flying colors, you had no difficulty finding a job.
When all others were out partying, you were busy working for your future. And it wasn't that easy being a nerd either. People teased you all the time. Told you that you weren't enough. Pointed out endless times that you were ugly and that no guy would ever like you.
You had no friends and barely left your house unless you had to go to the library or the nearest convenience store. And every night when you cried yourself to sleep, the only thing that ever brought you comfort was the hope that you will someday find someone who will look at you the way your dad does at your mom. With stars in his eyes and love in his gaze.
Your parents are the loving type. They had a love marriage. Being high-school sweethearts, theirs was a love story you would never tire of hearing. Every time you went to your grandma's, you were always asking her to retell the story.
They not only loved each other but also loved you immensely. Being the only daughter, you were their whole world. But sometimes, you thought it would have been better if you were an orphan. Every time you looked at your parents' faces you thought they deserved a better daughter. Those times, you couldn't keep the tears at bay. You would close yourself up in the restroom and cry your heart out.
Oh, you also had social anxiety. The moment you step out into a public space, your head starts spinning. You feel dizziness as your body starts sweating and your hands start shaking. You feel like everyone's eyes are on you, and the walls are caving in.
So, the day you were told that your marriage was arranged to an idol, you weren't sad. You were devastated. When you asked your dad, he explained to you that Yoongi's uncle was a dear friend of his and that he was worried about his sister's son. He was arranging a quick engagement ceremony this weekend, and the week after that, you were getting married to a man you barely knew.
You ran to your ma and cried your heart out in her lap while she lovingly caressed your face and whispered sweet nothings in your ear until you calmed down.
When you met her eyes, she gave you a gentle smile and said,
"Don't worry too much, Y/N. You don't know much about Yoongi. You might want to get to know him better, and since your marriage is just 2 weeks away, you'll have to do that after the marriage.
I know that this is a lot to take in, but I promise that once you settle in, it's going to be a lot easier. Besides, Yoongi isn't too bad. You can expect love in this marriage, but I must warn you not to raise your expectations too high..."
And so, the only two times you saw your husband before marriage was once when he came to meet your dad and you were going to work. The other time was at your engagement party when you were supposed to stand with him the whole night, and honestly, he treated you well.
He behaved like a gentleman. But what worried you was the lack of conversation between you and your soon-to-be husband. He barely spoke a word to you except for the occasional compulsory questions due to the company you had.
The chemistry between you two was not too difficult to notice. The tension was palpable, and the heat was discernible in his eyes. But you spoke no words.
You got married, and it was like no dream you ever had. It was a private ceremony with just your family and close friends, considering your health issue.
It was comforting when your dad held your hand tight. Before you even knew it, you had reached the end of the aisle where Yoongi stood, facing you. He donned one of the many extravagant black suit he possessed and looked like a model.
Not to get you wrong, you did know he had good looks but man... was he damn hot!
Clearing your mind of the thought, You turned to face your dad as he said,
"Y/N, these 24 years passed in the blink of an eye. It feels like your mother showed me her test  and excitedly gushed about having a baby and today..." he paused, clearing his throat. He then lifted his hand and surprised you by wiping the tears streaming down your face.
Jeez! I didn't even notice I was crying. Thanks dad.
"Today, my baby is getting married. I know I asked too much of you by this marriage, but trust me. You couldn't have found a better match. Just... Have patience and remember, Everything heals with time..." you nodded and he took a deep breath, caressed your head and leaned down to softly peck your forehead. Inhaling softly, you turned to look at your soon-to-be-husband. Your father walked closer to him and said, 
"Take good care of her, my man."
Yoongi muttered a soft "I will."
and bowed his head slightly. Shaking, you placed your hand in his, and he surprised you by holding your hand tight. He turned to face the wedding officiator and you followed him. The officiator was a stout-looking man who wore half-rimmed spectacles and a gentle smile on his face. He eyed the crowed and stated,
"We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Lee Y/N and Min Yoongi. We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of Y/N and Yoongi as they choose to spend their lives together. On their behalf, I thank you all for your presence here today. Before we start the ceremony, is there any soul present here that objects this union?"
He looked around and after a few seconds, turned to look at you and Yoongi.
 "Do you, Min Yoongi, take Lee Y/N to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her and, forsaking all others remain true to her as long as you both shall live?"
Yoongi turned slightly and looked at you right in the eyes as he boldly said, "I do." 
"And Do you, Lee Y/N , take Min Yoongi to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him and, forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live? "
You felt Yoongi squeeze your hands and you looked up, catching a glimpse of emotion before his dark orbs before he masked it again. You gave him a soft smile and said, 
"I do. "
You exchanged your rings and with both your hands gently clasped by his you both said in harmony, "With this ring, I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, till death do us part."
"Then, I now pronounce you man and wife."
It was a wish of yours to have a spring wedding and it did come true that day but little did you know that all your other dreams of a marriage of love were about to be shattered the very night
You left the place with your husband, but he excused himself. When you asked him why, he replied with an emotionless expression that you had never seen on his face before that he had an urgent meeting to go to.
Frowning, you tried not to dwell on what could be so important that he had to leave on his wedding night when the driver announced your arrival. Stepping down from the car, you tugged your long dress down and thanked the driver before he took his leave. Your things had already been moved to his apartment, which was now yours.
Traditionally, you were supposed to be carried inside the house in your husband's arms.
Shrugging your shoulders, you told yourself, "Well, this is the reality now. You have to accept it, Y/N."
You entered the house and sighed to yourself, deciding that it was time to change your clothes. A warm shower and a clean, comfy change of clothes later, you decided to sleep for a while. You were awoken by the ringing of the doorbell.
You shouted and ran to the entrance to open the door. You were met with the cold, empty expression on your husband's face, and a strong breeze of air that told you he had been drinking.
"Have you been drinking?" You asked.
Ignoring you, he stepped inside and made his way to your bedroom. Feeling low about the way he was treating you already, you followed him. You saw him tug at his tie before moving to the walk-in closet. 
Yoongi's POV
I left the ceremony as soon as possible to escape the suffocating feeling the place was giving me. I reached the hotel and went straight to the room that was my company for countless nights by now. Ordering a drink became two and didn't stop until I couldn't feel the pain anymore.
Her absence became a dull void instead of the gaping wound it had been throughout the day. Without conscious thought, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was no longer tipsy, and it was midnight. I could think now and I remembered I had a wife waiting for me at our house.
Deciding to go home, I checked out and called my driver. Reaching home, I rang the doorbell twice and was greeted by her in a soft grey hoodie. Y/N's angelic voice reached my ears, and I was once again reminded of her. Doing my best to ignore her, I headed straight to my room and opened the closet to get a fresh change of clothes before heading to the shower.
The sight of her clothes arranged together with mine enraged me. It reopened the wound in my heart, and I could feel the dull ache grow and develop into a pounding pain.
Turning, I located her sitting on our bed and met her hazel-brown eyes. Looking back, I knew that I would regret what I do now but decided to do it anyway.
Collecting her clothes and snatching the hangers from my wardrobe, I walked across the room to place them in her hands and said, "The guest bedroom is across the hallway. You may ask the maid to show you to it. "
I was about to move away when I felt a small fist wrap around mine. Turning back, I saw her standing and looking up. I could see her eyes glossed up as she asked, "Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?"
Frowning, I stared into her eyes, trying to figure out why she thought so. Unable to understand the emotion in her eyes except for the guilt, I sighed.
"No, you didn't. But I'm not up for conversation right now, so just leave me be, we can talk tomorrow."
I felt her remove her grip, but she softly asked again, "Were you drinking and driving?"
Looking at her soft features highlighted by the moonlight streaming into the room, and seeing her eyes so concerned for me, I could feel the walls I had built around myself all these years start to break down.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked softly, and she simply said, "Because you're my husband now."
Her reply reopened the deep wound as I was once again harshly reminded of the fact that this is Y/N and not Her. I realized nobody would ever care so much about me except when they wanted something in return.
Frustrated, I pulled Y/N in by holding her wrist and caged her in between my arms and the wall. Looking into her eyes, I was met with confusion and slight fear as I told her, "Then don't. Please don't care for me just because you have to..." 
Y/N's POV:
I am shocked by his answer, and before I can even think to come up with a coherent answer, he leveled his head with mine and said, "You have come into my life now. But that's it."
I am frozen in my spot as I can feel him move his mouth to my ears as he whispered,
"If you can't get into my bed, you sure as hell can never get into my heart."
I stay in place as he pulls away, smirks at me, and then goes into the bathroom. I somehow come out of my shaken state and leave the room with tears streaming down my face. I could feel the maids staring at me, but I couldn't find it in me to care.
To be continued..
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catierambles · 7 months
Blood Moon Ch.14
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Pairing: Syverson x Annalisa Caulfield (OFC)
Annalisa limited herself to one burger, claiming that she was full. His mother did end up “convincing” her to try some desert, though, a homemade peach cobbler with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, of which she ate an entire bowl.
Sy walked into the kitchen, his mom at the sink getting the dishes squared away and into the dishwasher.
“Ya need help?” He asked and she looked over her shoulder at him.
“I'm fine, sweety, almost done anyway.” She said but he joined her at the sink anyway, taking the plates from her hands and loading them into the dishwasher trays. “I like her.”
“I like her.” Denise said, “She's good with the dogs, great with the kids, and...she makes you happy, I can see that clear as day. After what that woman put you through...you deserve to be happy.”
“Thanks, ma.” Sy said, “And yeah, she does. Hey, ma, ask you somethin'?”
“What, sweety?”
“You still got grandma's engagement ring? I know Pete, Brian, and Jake went with their own when they proposed, but I didn't know...”
“Bit soon, ain't it?” She asked, “You only been together for what? Less than three months?”
“You and dad were together for only six when he popped the question.”
“I know, but it was a different time and we were sure.”
“And I'm sure about her.”
“Are you?” She asked, looking at him. “Kyle, Tiffany rung you out, hurt you bad. I just don't want you to get hurt again.”
“What happened to Annie makes me happy?”
“Just because you're happy now, don't mean you'll be happy a year from now. I just don't want you to rush into anythin' and regret it later.”
“I'm not. I love her, ma.”
“Kyle...” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You can't possibly, not this soon. Your relationship with her is still new, still fresh, you ain't thinkin' clearly. What if she don't love you back?”
“She does.”
“She tell you that?”
“Yeah.” Sy said and his father walked into the kitchen, heading for the fridge.
“Everythin' all right?” He asked, pulling a bottle from it.
“Kyle's thinkin' about proposin' to Annalisa.” Denise said, “Asked me for mamas’ ring.”
“Bit soon, ain't it?” Jack asked, “You ain't been together that long.”
“Oh for fucks—”
“Language.” Denise said and he sighed. All three looked over as Mike came running into the kitchen.
“What, Mikey?” Sy asked.
“Something's wrong with Annie.” He said, “She was fine and then she got pale and green and asked where the bathroom is. I think she's throwing up.”
“Is that why you wanna ask her to marry you?” Denise asked, “Because she's pregnant?”
“She ain't pregnant, ma. She can't have kids.” Sy said.
“She tell you that, too? How do you know she ain't tryin' to baby trap you?”
“Yeah, because a woman who I'm pretty sure has more money than god is definitely gonna baby trap an Army vet with credit card debt and drives a ten year old truck. That's somethin' that happens.” Sy said and left the kitchen, moving around Mike.
“Downstairs bathroom!” He called after him and Sy headed for it. The door was locked when he tried to open it so he knocked gently, gently moving Aika aside who was scratching at the door and whining.
“Annie, it's Sy.” He said and winced when he heard the retching and gagging sounds. “Baby, you okay?”
“I'm—” It was cut off by coughing, “I'm fine!”
“No, you ain't. Open up or I'll force the lock.” It clicked back and he eased the door open, seeing her sitting against the tub with her eyes closed. She was pale, gaunt, dark circles like bruises under her eyes and sweat shining on her skin. “The food?” She nodded and he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and keeping Aika out. “This what happens?” Another nod.
“Thought—” She shuddered with a small sound, “Thought we'd be gone before it hit me.”
“Food poisonin'?”
“Close enough.” She said, “It's like if you tried my diet. It'd make you sick as your body rejected it.” Another shudder and she twisted, coughing violently into the toilet bowl before reaching up to flush it, sitting back against the tub. He went over to her, kneeling next to her and brushing her hair out of her face. Her skin was clammy and cool and she leaned against him, breathing through the rolling nausea. “I think—I think it's over.”
“You need anythin'? Water?”
“Water will kick it off again.” She said, shaking her head. “I need—fuck.”
“I need blood. I basically have internal injuries and need to heal them. I need blood.”
“Where you wanna take it?”
“Annie, you look like the walkin' dead and will worry everyone if you go out there like this. Be more questions than I think you wanna deal with right now. Where do you wanna take it from?”
“I love you.” She breathed.
“I love you, too.”
“Wrist. You have an artery in the wrist that's close to the surface.” She said and moved slowly at his urging so he could sit behind her, positioning himself so she was sitting between his legs against his chest. Her hands were cold and trembled slightly as she took his wrist, bringing it to her lips. “It's going to hurt. I'm sorry.”
“Don't be sorry, just take what I'm givin' you.” He hissed as her fangs broke though the skin and she was right, it hurt. There was none of the warmth from all the times she had fed from him previously, pain radiating up his arm, growing with every beat of his heart. “Fuck.” Her skin grew warm and soft against his, her lips full and plush against his wrist.
“Hey, is she—” They looked up as Mike came into the bathroom without knocking, his eyes going wide at the sight of Annalisa's blood stained elongated fangs, her lips crimson as she pulled away from Sy's wrist. “Holy shit.”
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sualne · 3 months
today should be a good because im finally seeing my endocrinologist after a over a year and i should get my first hrt prescription and soon first tshot but i feel kind of doomed because my dad said if melanchon win the election he'll move out without me leaving me homeless and im worried about my siblings, one got a good job she loves and pays well and a hotel situation, she's much smarter and competent than i am so i think she should be able to handle it, other sibling just got her own place and will start moving soon, it's only for school so i don't what happens once that's done, i'm not even sure he plans on throwing them out actually, i think he loves them but the possibility worries me. i don't know what he'll do with their stuff since one will be away and all that, he's always threatening to throw away mine but i don't know how it'll work them, maybe they'll be completely fine actually.
this isn't out of nowhere either, he's been threatening to throw us out for years and to send me to an asylum/mental hospital since i was 15 so i know he's a bit strange like that. even if i went full time my job still wouldn't pay enough for me to get my own place so i've been looking for collocation around and maybe i could manage smth if i get some more hours of works, otherwise i'd have to live on less than 100-200€ a month with everything paid (no counting food). it took me 3 years to get this job so i really don't think it'll be possible for me to ever get another one, i don't have enough years to send resumes constantly that i even do it in my dreams, plus i've looked into it and all the job offers pay about as much anyway so it wouldn't change a thing. i can't move all the way to live at some family member's place because my gender clinic is here and i don't know often i'll have to go there, the back and forth could cost a bit on the long term and i know i can't restart the process from the beginning where they live because last i heard they closed the queues there because they were too many ppl and won't accept anymore. and again, im sure i could ever get another job.
i actually did have a job in the three years it took me before getting this one, i was a comic colorist and it paid nicely for 7h to 12h of work per week but nobody considered it a real job since it was art and done on a laptop/at home (plus it turned out it wasn't exactly legal, no fault of my boss, she was an independent student employing someone for the first time) so i was so happy when i finally found this one, it's a real job, nothing to do with art and you go outside but my family was already yelling at me about it before i'd even gotten it, my dad said "you have no self respect" and when i told my grandma she said "you can't do this your whole life" but i'd just signed my contract, i hadn't even started working yet, everyone was and is still acting like that's not a real job, that i need a real one and refuse to believe me when i tried to explain i genuinely love it because i help ppl, a lot of them are chronically ill or disabled so it make me happy to help them, they're my ppl and i feel like i'm actually useful but no one is happy for me, i don't understand. i don't think my body will be alright on the long term if i go full time and like i said im in the process of getting some long overdue diagnosis and hopefully help/treatments for a few health issues.
that's one thing too they act weird about, no one irl believe me when i say i'm losing my sight, i tried to explain it's been going on since i was at least 18 and now i can't see on the sides but they keep telling me it's nothing and not happening but also my fault? and everyone, not just my family keep saying things like "then you really need to learn how to drive while you still can" but i'm going blind so i can't drive and they won't understand that, it's so weird??
back to moving out, if i do somehow end up finding a place to live i don't have friends or anyone so i can't ask for help to move all my stuff (ive got a Lot of books), i don't want to abandon my things, i've bought most of them and they're actually mine so i don't want to have to loose them. i've no idea what to do and i'm kind of at lost, had a horrible night thinking about it when i'd been looking forward to today for months. it's so weird i might just loose everything now that im happy, if my siblings are safe then at least that's that, im reassured but i wanted to be happy for longer than just that, i actually want to live and all now and i've got projects i've been working on since october and they're nowhere near to be finished and i feel really bad that i might not be able to finish them because i know a few ppl where genuinely looking forward to it and i don't want to disappoint anyone.
it's weird also because dad's been buying new furniture so if he plans to move out that seems like a pointless thing to do because that'll be more stuff and trouble to transport and he's the one who's been pushing me to decorate my bedroom but then he keeps turning around and say he'll throw away my thing and me too, that i need to some activity like join a club but then say i don't own enough money to waste on useless things and should work more but get a real job first, he contradicts himself a lot so i've no idea what to do.
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 months
3.62 The pit stop
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The night ran away from us, and I wanted to let Dad go to bed. Sophia also needed to go home, but there was something I longed to do but never had the courage to do solo. Had I asked Mama to accompany me, she would have been thrilled, but she would have made it about herself. I had no specific reason for feeling that night was the night, but I wanted to take the chance and hoped Sophia would be open to it. She made me brave.
"Hey, ummm...I know it's getting late, and you need to get to bed, but would you mind if we made a quick stop in Newcrest?"
A glimmer appeared in her eyes.
"Your mom's house?"
"Ha! No. Well...not exactly."
As we left Dad's house, she gave me a suspicious look. An unusual feeling of guilt came over me when we got to Newcrest. It felt weird being in the same city as my mom but not going to see her. I watched Sophia closely for any signs of unease as we reached our destination, the cemetery.
"What are we doing here?" she asked curiously.
At least she wasn't afraid.
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I haven't been brave enough to come alone."
She nodded and grabbed my hand. Though I hadn't been there in many years, I found my grandparents' graves as if I had visited every weekend.
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"This is my family," I said. "My grandparents, my mom's dogs..."
She peered at all the graves, reading the epitaphs, silently getting to know everyone.
"Gammy—that's what I called my grandmother. She died a day or two before my child birthday. I don't remember her because I was so young, but I know I loved her. I can remember that, but not her. Isn't that weird?"
"Not at all. Love is powerful like that."
"Yeah... I guess it is. My mom brought us here once. Well, twice, but I was way too young to remember the first time. I've wanted to come back here ever since to see if I could meet her. Maybe she could tell me about our life together."
Sweet Sophia threw her arm around my waist.
"I hope she shows up."
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The bitter cold cut through us as we stood around waiting for something to happen. To pass the time, I read the epitaphs on the graves too, since it had been a while. I noticed there were only two dog graves, not three. Mama must still have Tofu in the house with her. I understood why she'd keep her, but that couldn't have been healthy. Not only was it a constant reminder of her death, but also what if her ghost showed up? Was it really helpful to carry on with a ghost as if nothing happened?
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Speaking of ghosts, one dog came out of the grave in a cloud of smoke. He stood on the plot for a while, taking in his surroundings and paying us no mind.
"Who is that?" Sophia asked.
"I don't know. Never met that one. I vaguely remember the one I used to know."
Out of nowhere, someone grabbed me from behind and threw their arms around me. I thought Sophia had become unexpectedly emotional, but it turned out to be my Gammy!
"Is that my baby??" she shouted.
I embraced her back, squeezing as tight as I could, not believing my eyes. She looked just like she did in all my pictures...minus being transparent, of course.
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"What are you doing out here in this cold??" she scolded.
I laughed. That was such a grandma question.
"I came to see you, Gammy!"
"You sure picked a doozy!"
It was strange that I couldn't recall her voice, yet it sounded oddly familiar.
"You've been on my mind a lot lately," I said, "but I don't really remember you. Only that I loved you a lot. I thought if I came here, I could meet you and you could tell me about life before...ummm... Oh, this is my girlfriend!"
Sophia waved.
"I'm Sophia! It's really good to meet you."
"Well, aren't you beautiful," Gammy said. "And so polite and well-spoken! You did good, handsome!"
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My face was already red from it being so cold, but if it wasn't, I'm sure I would have blushed. This was so freaky! I'd been a fan of this woman my whole life without knowing her, and now she floated before me, giving out compliments like candy.
"I've gotta call Mama! She's gonna freak out!"
Gammy swatted at me.
"Uh uh! She can come see me anytime! I want you all to myself!"
I put my phone away.
"Yes ma'am!"
"Tell me everything! Where do you live? What do you do? How did you meet this pretty young thing??"
I began my tale in Mt. Komorebi, right after my birthday, right before I almost knocked down Sophia from running inside to get out of the storm. I told her about falling in love with yoga and moving to San Sequoia with Dad all the way to moving in with Sophia.
She high-fived Sophia.
"YES, girl! These men don't know what they want. Sometimes we gotta tell 'em what they want! I am not mad at this! Not at all! You got you a real one, baby! She's gonna keep you in line!"
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We all laughed. She was so spunky. It was easy to envision Less and I having a blast with her.
"Your grandson doesn't need keeping in line, though," Sophia said.
Gammy gazed at me.
"Don't I know it. He's a proper gentleman, just like his daddy. How's he doing, anyway?"
"He's good. Getting ready to retire. And...uhhh...he's making friends."
"Good for him! Watcher knows he needs something good after your mama shred him to pieces!"
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Mama's other dog woke up and began barking. His volume was incredibly loud and terrifying! I'd never been so startled in all my life.
"What the hell is that??"
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"Shush, Hunter! We have company! Ol' loud self!"
"Was he mean?" I asked.
"That ol' Casanova? He's just loud and don't know how to act! Your mama spoiled him rotten and didn't teach him a thing!"
She was so colorful. Her powerful presence made it clear how I could still love her with no memories. She was just one of those sims that made a huge impression.
"I see y'all over there freezing," she said. "Go on and get outta here, now. Come back and see me when it's warm!"
As much as I wanted to whine and say something akin to "five more minutes," I couldn't deny how good dusty ol' Oasis Springs sounded. Besides, I promised Sophia it would be a quick stop, so I threw my arms around Gammy again and said goodbye.
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"I'm so glad I got a chance to reconnect with you," I said. "I'll be back. I promise."
"Maybe next time you come, she'll be your wife!" She turned toward Sophia. "You like how I did that? I got you, girl!"
So meddling was a family trait, huh? Got it.
While leaving the cemetery, we overheard Gammy fussing at Hunter, and it was the funniest thing I'd heard all day.
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"She was so fun," Sophia said.
"Right? We have to go see Mama tomorrow and tell her about this."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Look, I know I said I wasn't ready, but honestly, it doesn't feel right trying to hide something this big from her. Everyone but her knows about you now. I'll deal with whatever she throws at us."
She held my hand.
"If you say so."
Need to catch up? See what you missed or start reading here!
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noodlenibblescribble · 8 months
Episode/Fanfic Suggestion Before The Episode 'Dad Beat Dad'
I LOVE the story beats of Hazbin Hotel, the episodes are pretty good but for these recent two, it felt like we could have had one more ep before them in order to make things hit deliciously harder. Here's my pitch for one:
An episode that starts with Charlie and Vaggie finding one of Angel's drug stashes. They tell him he needs to quit to actually start 'reforming'.
Angel makes the point that the drugs have been his coping mechanism for a long time ('Oh no, yeah sure, let me just quit cold turkey and not need them anymore after years of this shit. So easy.')
Alastor walks in, laughing, saying something akin of 'rehabilitation isn't going to happen, he cane as an addict, he's been an addict, he's going to keep doing it'. It gets in Angel's head, visibly upsetting him. Charlie gets mad at Alastor and tells him that they're going to make it happen.
Charlie makes a lesson plan for the next day about trying to look for alternatives to drugs. It's clear that Charlie's suggestions are a little superficial and out of touch (between grandma activities and health guru stuff, it's not actually helpful).
Vaggie sees Angel get frustrated and suggests doing something *he* might like- 'No it can't be sex or violence, Angel.'
Angel gets a song about finding out what else he can do after years of cycling through the usual bad habits, cute stuff about trying different things he thinks are interesting with the others and having fun with it. He settles on an activity for today (idk maybe trying to draw/paint) and is bantering with Husk about his lack of skill, but you know it's friendly and encouraging.
Charlie looks on with pride, Alastor follows behind her and tells her 'You know he hid more stuff in another location'.
She tells him that Angel was right that morning, it'd be bad to quit cold turkey but she's happy she can help him find other outlets so that he can slowly occupy his time doing other things too; that it's important to keep him motivated to want to change. There are no instant solutions. This is a process and she's proud of his growth.
At Alastor scoffing, she breathes and apologizes to him for getting mad earlier today, but clarifies that even if this is just entertainment for him, she still genuinely believes in it, and the proof is right here. With how much better Angel is doing. It's working. So, she will always believe that with enough patience and kindness, anyone can change. And you know, maybe... even Alastor can.
Alastor laughs maniacally like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard, 'HAHAHAHA ME? CHANGE? WHY WOULD I WANT THAT? HAHAHAHA HOW PREPOSTEROUS!!' but as he steps away, he looks at Charlie joining Angel/Husk/Pentious/Nifty doing their thing, talking to them like a proud teacher and about the plan for tomorrow's lessons, and idk.
His grin drops to a closed smile. 'Hm. Well, this was unexpected.'
And he steps back into the shadows.
Imagine Dad Beat Dad and Welcome to Heaven coming after that. Alastor confirming to the audience that Charlie has somewhat won him over and that he likes her like a daughter with more build up. It'd be so extra satisfying that we'd gotten to see firsthand how he's stuck around and actually has started believing in her as opposed to her dad. Plus, it makes Vaggie using 'Angel has less drug hiding spots' sound like an actual win to the audience, and when we see Angel at the club taking care of everyone *chef's kiss* we'd have gotten two Angel development episodes instead of one, seeing him get to that point.
That's it, I'm just throwing this humble proposal to anyone that is like me and wants an idea to better link the last batch of episodes and now. 👍
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tw: suicide
i'm currently 24, i have meet my best friend when we were 15 for a while... and when i say a while i mean years at least 3 years she is just taking advantage of me. she has this boyfriend they spend money like crazy (only her bf works she doesn't work atm) and a lot of times she borrows money from me. 80% of the time i don't get my money back but i sometimes don't mind because she has a daughter (this bf is not the father btw so he doesn't spend much money on her daughter) and i feel so bad for her kid.
my friend got pregnant at age 17 and i love her daughter a lot. it feels like i'm her aunt or something (she does call me an aunt as well) she feels like family to me. a lot of times i would also willingly buy her something because i feel bad that she doesn't have things she needs. her ex pays child support but my friend spends that money mostly on herself. this is also where his involvement ends, he pays child support and maybe he sees his daughter once every month or so.
i'm sorry if this is getting boring to read so i will get to the point. my friend only calls me when she needs someone to babysit her kid. and when she needs money. she loves going out with her bf and a lot of times, probably 3 times per week i babysit her daughter. i don't actually spend much time with my friend at all when i come to her to babysit we maybe talk for less than 5 minutes because she's always in a hurry and when she is back she is tired or needs to do something so we don't talk more than a few minutes either.
one day she got even mad when i couldn't babysit even if i'm single it doesn't mean i always have free time just for her.
since i implied or try to imply our friendship doesn't works out anymore (2 days ago) she threatened me she will kill herself because she is very depressed. i know she doesn't have a perfect life and she goes to a psychologist (but she was never dealing with suicidal thoughts, and she never ever said to me since we know each other that she wanted to hurt or kill herself).
now i do feel really bad because i think what if something happened then it would be my fault? she never said to me that she ever threatened any ex boyfriends with suicide (we talk about a lot of things i know she wanted to keep her ex boyfriends but she never used this tactic with them as far as i know) so i think why would she do this to me? makes me think that she a) not lying and she wants to kill herself b) she never used this tactic with her any of her ex boyfriends but she knows am an emotional person and she is trying this with me even if i'm just her friend and not her intimate partner.
i would also feel so bad for her daughter if i break off this friendship. her dad doesn't give a s**t about her, and dad's family (grandma and grandpa) don't really care about her either. my friend's mom & dad are not good people her mom is physically abusive & her dad is an alcoholic so they're not good grandparents to be around with.
i really can't stand this friendship anymore it feels like i'm her personal butler or something "hey i need a babysitter come here" and "i need to borrow some cash, can we meet"... she used to be a good person and honestly i was waiting for her to "turn back" into old her but that never happened.
so sorry for such a long post but should i feel responsible? like if something happens would it be my fault? my common sense says: no, but when i start thinking about it i think maybe it would be my fault because i abandoned her. she called me so many times how she wants to kill herself and sent me like 7 messages already just when i started implying we should not be friends anymore... i didn't really say it but i was hinting at it because i didn't know how to word it... since then i saw her in person today and she was telling me how she wants to kill herself, this time she spoke with me more than a few minutes, we talked like 45 minutes but mostly she talked how she would kill herself if i stopped being her friend.
later she happily went out with her bf... her mood changed completely she went from stressed, almost crying, panicking, threatening she wants to kill herself and even how she would do it... then she would change into this bubbly smiling person when she went out. and ofc she only called me to chat and for babysitting...
This "friend" is using you, and her response to you trying to establish the boundaries you need is not just unfair, but abusive. Her mental health, her economy and her child are NOT your responsibility. And she has no right to threaten you into not establishing the boundaries you need. No matter what happens from here, it won't be your fault or your responsibility. Your responsibility is yourself, and that means walking away from people who use, manipulate and abuse you. Even when they make it hard.
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