#but at the same time no longer relies so much on socializing that it's not a priority
eorzeashan · 1 year
my fc: i think i'll be done with ffxiv come 7.0
my fc: yeah it's no fun without a friend group
me: gah!
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slippery-minghus · 2 years
augh i just can't stop thinking about itttt
#like. i know my bf and i are not compatible for the long term#my feelings on living with him haven't changed in the past two years and i don't think that's gonna suddenly shift#and he just... needs a partner who can be more emotionally available and willing to guide him through life#and i am neither of those#last year when he was going through a rough time i couldn't even handle him talking about it#and in turn that makes it impossible for me to open up and rely on him#but... even with all of that. my heart is hurting at the idea of losing him as a friend#yesterday i felt so confident and now i'm just so afraid of the loneliness that's going to come with all this#i've gotten very used to having someone to talk to all the time these past two years....#but at the same time i have to censor myself so often with him... i cant go to him with every thought i want to share#my world's gonna get a lot smaller and quieter when he's no longer in it#and i keep thinking about how fun our conversations are..... but we don't talk like we used to#i just never know what to say#our daily conversations are a few 'how are you's and a few funny pictures. that's it#and for someone so starved for affection like myself that's still a lot to lose#i'm lonely enough as it is... and my loneliness overshadows my social energy limit#i don't have enough energy to be around people enough to sate my loneliness#but how much of that is due to the quality of the interactions rather than just the quantity....#i suppose at this point i need to let my heart be heard and sit in the feelings#but not allow them to persuade me away from the logic of what i need to do#and to know that these feelings are only temporary. nor will they be enough to fix the long term deficits#it's like... how it was so hard to leave my last job because i loved the people there so much. So Much.#but that couldn't be the reason i stayed when everything else was killing me#and i'm so much more at peace in my new job... even if the people i work with aren't the best (and i dont like the person i work closest to)#and.. when i went to the party for my old work the other night i realized just how taxing being around that group of people is#they're so fun and i missed them but keeping up with their energy was just... a lot#i was Done after two hours. and to think i had to keep up with that while drowning in all other capacities? i'm so much better off now#and i really think that same lesson applies with my relationship#it's hard to leave... but the peace and quiet after will open up bandwidth i need for new joys to come#personal
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Harry is an orphan, so nothing has to be more important to him than his own sense of what is right. And having always had to rely on himself to get through life, he is self possessed and self directed enough to have a very strong sense of right and wrong. And he holds himself to that scrupulously. He always does what he sees as the right thing; he will not be talked out of it. There isn’t anybody he wants to make happy more than he wants to do the right thing.
For Draco, his obligations to others, his family specifically, is the sum total of his idea of the right thing to do. From his perspective, his social and even moral obligations are limited to safeguarding the wellbeing (and when possible the prestige) of his family.
People think of Draco as a bad boy, but he’s actually very conventional. He’s a dick, but his views are not at all controversial in his social circle. When Draco realizes that toeing the party line has brought him to a place where he has to face MUCH more violence than he is capable of tolerating, he has to start thinking for himself and. Well he gets his shit absolutely rocked.
He’s working his ass off trying to protect and uplift his family, but they didn’t show him the same courtesy, not in the ways that matter. Like he got seven top of the line broomsticks when he was twelve, but also. His parents brought home a mass murderer to live in their house and taught him that this was a consummation devoutly to be wished.
And once he meets Voldemort and gets put to work for him, it’s clear that Voldemort is volatile and capricious and his goodwill cannot be counted on as reliably as his explosive anger and vengefulness. And if Draco can see it now, he must think that his parents had to have seen it before.
He has to confront the fact that his parents will cheerfully witness and participate in a level of violence and destruction that he cannot countenance. He can’t be directed by them anymore. He can’t be like them anymore. So what’s his guiding star? Who can he be? What is he supposed to do with his life if not what they’ve asked of him?
There is such an interesting contrast between the two of them! Their characters are at odds in such a fun and fascinating way! After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry has discharged his most significant and pressing obligation, and it’s time for him to heal and regroup and figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life. And Draco is in the same place but arguably with an even more significant blow to his sense of self. Neither of them can go back to the way things were, but for Harry that’s a huge relief, and for Draco, it’s terrifying.
Harry is an extremely empathetic and generous person, and I think he would see himself in Draco’s rudderlessness and feel impelled to commiserate. And I think Draco would no longer have much reason to pretend that he hasn’t always found Harry incredibly magnetic, before he even knew who he was.
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Heart On Your Sleeve ~ HJS
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PAIRING: JIsung  x Fem!Reader
GENRE: non!idol AU, breaking up and getting back together, friendly breakup, angst with a soft ending, established relationships, falling back in love with each other
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2023
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Things between Jisung and you had ended rather amicably if you remembered correctly. There was no large screaming match that ended up with you two saying nasty things to one another, nor was there any kind of bickering behind one another back. Things had just fizzled out and you were no longer a couple and more like friends...Something ex-partners would say a lot but was never actually true but for you and Jisung it appeared to be the truth.
The two of you held no grudges against one another, in fact, you were still rather friendly with one another whenever you saw each other. You put that down to the fact that you had a lot of the same friends in the same social circle and neither of you wanted to put a strain on that. 
It had been about four months since you and Jisung had called it quits on things and while you missed him and still loved him you weren't going to be the one to force him into staying with you if he really didn't want to. The whole breakup only happened because he wasn't sure if he loved you the same way anymore and he just needed some "space" to think about some things and to see everything in a different light. The two of you had been together for five years before that and you'd relied on him for a lot of things in your life, things you hadn't realised until he was gone. The simple task of falling asleep seemed impossible now that he wasn't by your side and even eating was difficult when you couldn't do it without him being there. You'd gotten so used to him being there with you, that you suddenly felt weird to do things alone.
"What's going on?" Jisung questioned Chan as he walked into the canteen to see you were being hugged by Felix and Seungmin. It appeared as though you were snuggled into Felix's chest while Seungmin held you from behind and Jisung couldn't be sure but he thought you might have been crying. Which was completely out of character for you, you tried your best to hide everything you were feeling as you weren't the type to wear your heart on your sleeve.
"Not sure, I think Felix mentioned something about her being stood up," Chan explained as he shrugged his shoulders, all he knew was that you were trying to go out more and put yourself out there now that things with Jisung were clearly over between you both. But Jisung frowned at the mention of being "stood up". He had no idea you were even actively looking for someone to date never mind being stood up on. Who in their right mind would stand you up though? The mere idea of it was starting to piss him off, you were the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and they had just decided to ignore you and ghost you?! What was wrong with them?!
"Who would do that to her? Yn is...Yn is incredible," He breathed out, his heart thumping rapidly against his chest as his blood began to boil at the thought of someone hurting you. The clutch on his laptop began to tighten so much that his knuckles were beginning to turn white.
"Yeah, she is. Glad you see that now." Chan grumbled harshly at Jisung who simply frowned at the older man, what the hell did that even mean? Chan had been the one to agree that some time apart for the two of you would probably do you both the world of good.
"I thought you said it was a good idea to take a break from one another..." Jisung stared at Chan who was already shaking his head at Jisung. A break was his suggestion but he had only meant for a few days maybe a week since the two of you were constantly around one another and he could see the strain it was putting on you both. 
"I meant a couple of days, maybe a week at a push Jisung. Not four months," Chan shook his head. When you and Jisung were together there was no getting the two of you apart, you woke up together and spent every single second of the day together before going back to bed in one another's arms. While it was sweet sometimes it was also unhealthy with just how much you had grown to rely on one another. Chan wanted you both to take some time and discover yourselves before you got too lost in each other.
"Does it bother you to see her so hurt?" Chan questioned when he noticed that Jisung was continuing to stare in your direction looking more and more pissed off with each passing second.
"Yes. She's a friend-" Chan cut him off before he could finish that sentence. Anyone could see that he still had feelings for you, it was an insult for Jisung to call you a "friend" when it was obvious where his heart truly lay with you.
"She's the love of your life, don't insult her by calling her a friend," Chan ordered as he put his tray down on a random table and shook his head. It was about time someone talked some sense back into Jisung, even if it was too late for him to make it up to you he still needed to hear the truth about everything.
"We both agreed to be friends," Jisung mumbled a little as he bit down on the edge of his tongue. Even he had to admit that hearing those words hurt him to say and it tasted like poison in his mouth.
"No, you agreed to be friends. She agreed so that she wouldn't lose you." A frown began to grow on Jisung's face. He'd told you about wanting to be friends and you'd seemed completely fine with it. Jisung thought you would have come to him if it wasn't something you wanted.
"How would you even know this?" He scoffed, shaking his head at Chan. There was no way you would hide something like that from Jisung, not when the two of you had always shared everything.
"Because we were there every day for the last four months picking up each piece of her broken heart." The world seemed to stop spinning when he heard this but Jisung shook his head at Chan. Everything must have been okay for you now if you were clearly happy enough to try and go on dates with other people. The thought of that made Jisung's blood boil though, no one was good enough for you, you deserved the universe and more and he knew that no one on dating apps would ever be good enough for you.
"She's clearly fine if she was trying to go on a date," Jisung said trying to shrug it off as though it wasn't a big deal, as if the thought of you trying to date wasn't ripping him apart on the inside.
"Because we were forcing her to go out and enjoy herself. To at least attempt to move on since you were having such an easy time during your time away from her," Chan spoke harshly once again but he didn't care. If it wasn't for Jisung having such a nice time on his time apart from you, you wouldn't be so hurt about everything.
"So now, this is my fault? I'm not the one that stood her up on the date." Jisung was doing his best to switch the subject back to what they were originally talking about and Chan shook his head.
"No, but you're the reason she can't sleep at night and why she has to sleep beside Felix most of the time."
"What?" Jisung's mouth ran dry at the thought of it. It had been a couple of months since Felix moved out of the shared accommodation and he just assumed the younger boy had moved in with a partner or had moved closer to work. He never would have imagined he'd moved in with you.
"You think Felix moved into a different dorm for the fun of it? Yn can't sleep because she's so used to falling asleep next to you, to waking up next to you. She'd gotten used to hearing your breathing as she drifted off to sleep that when you were suddenly gone she felt abandoned and empty." Jisung's throat ran dry at the thought of it and he stared over at you as you sniffled and Seungmin wiped your eyes. You said something to him but from this far away Jisung could neither hear what you were saying nor could he read your lips.
"Why didn't she just say no to the break?" Jisung stuttered a little, his voice cracking at the thought of you being so hurt and all because of him.
"Because she wants to make you happy. She'll do anything to make you happy," Chan spoke slowly, picking up his tray and shaking his head at Jisung who was staring at you with a deep frown on his head.
"Even if it makes her sad?" 
"Even if it breaks her apart." Was the last thing Chan said before leaving and making his way over to you, leaving Jisung alone with his thoughts.
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"I'm fine," You grumbled when you heard your bedroom door open and shut, you assumed it was Felix coming into the room to check on you. Even when a mug of hot chocolate and a brownie were placed down on the bedside table that you were staring down at,
"You still wear my hoodie when you cry?" Jisung questioned as he slid into the bed behind you, turning you around so that your head was now resting on his chest. Your whole body went tense as soon as you felt him so close to you, there was a time in your life when this action would relax you but it only seemed to make your mood sour.
"What do you want?" You asked bitterly, wiping your eyes on your sleeves and sitting up so that you were sitting crossed-legged in front of him. Shutting your body language off to time and staring down at the hot chocolate, it was clear Felix had been making it for you and Jisung had intercepted.
"I want to comfort my girl..." Your heart fluttered at the mention of it but you refused to let yourself give in to it. This was probably just him trying to make you feel better after what he'd no doubt heard about you.
"I thought I wasn't your girl anymore," You sniffled a little about to wipe your cheeks when Jisung's hand beat you to it and he smiled weakly. The second your cheeks were wiped free of tears he wrapped his arm around your waist and dragged you closer to him.
"You're always my girl." You stared at him as you slowly licked your bottom lip and shook your head.
"You left." You reminded him dryly as he nodded his head, taking your hand in his and linking your fingers together. There was going to be a long time until you took him back fully but he was going to be here every day until you decided to forgive him.
"I'm back." He shrugged his shoulders but you still weren't convinced about all of it, how could he just come back and expect things to go back to normal?
"Until you're bored." You grumbled looking away from him but he took your face into his hands and turned you back to face him. His eyes softened as he stared back at you, smiling weakly as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip.
"I'm back, until the day I die." Your heart skipped as you waited for him to move, or say something but when he didn't you threw your arms around him and kissed him desperately. It had been far too long until you'd gotten to hold him and you wanted to feel his lips on yours again, 
"I missed you." You sniffled as you snugged against him, his arms wrapping protectively around you.
"I missed you too, I'm so fucking sorry baby." He repeated over and over again as the two of you laid together, just enjoying being close to one another.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog​ @hanasonmi​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @army24--7​ @acciocriativity​ @scarletemeterio​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @laylasbunbunny​ @critssq​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @illicee​
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Hello! Hope you’re doing well! *Pulls up a PowerPoint* this is my pitch for king’s favorite concubine going yandere for the new concubine, instead of seeing them as a rival-
Very convincing! (Also sorry, this got long!)
It's hard enough to leave your life behind to serve someone you don't know and never thought you'd be good enough for. For a moment before your carriage passes through the large gate to the palace, you consider jumping out and running, start over from scratch but at least be free. But the pressure is too high, your body tense and unmoving until you hear the gate close behind your back.
People rely on you. Your family, your village, the whole entire nation. You might not be the noblest of nobles in the country, but apparently you were pretty enough to stand out to the King regardless of your ranking in society. And now, you have a duty to fulfill. For yourself, it feels like an empty oath you take when you swear your loyalty and servitude. But for so many other people it's a chance to become better than they were, and since they speak your name so highly now that you are the King's new concubine, there's at least some improvement coming from this.
You are a little cynical. You can admit that.
It's just that next to the King, with all eyes on you, you seem to be the only one who's unhappy. The King is happy, the court is happy, the people are happy. Just you are not. You are a sacrifice for the greater good, and you feel like no one would understand what you're going through if you told them, telling you to just be happy you were chosen. So you grin and bear it, both the snide looks of nobles who think you are a little too blant for the castle, and the expectations that are put on your head—regardless if you want them or not.
Just when you are alone do you get to heave a heavy sigh when you think no one is watching. However, someone is indeed watching, much to your chagrin.
Even worse: It's not just a gossipy maid but the previous favorite concubine of the King who you avoided like the pest. You can imagine how it must feel to be replaced so easily, and no doubt, the same would happen to you to as soon as the King gets bored. But against your expectations, the first meeting with her doesn't end in putting you down and laughing at you with her cronies (the other concubines that never even made it to favorite). Instead, she sighs too, telling you she knows.
At that moment, you feel understood for the first time.
When she invites you to tea, you expect the hassle of having to socialize with countless rejected noble concubines, but it ends up as just you two, in some corner of the garden with merely her personal maid to attend you two. For a while, nothing gets said while you two sip your tea and eat delicious snacks. But eventually, she laughs lightly, telling you that for nothing in the world would she want to switch with you again.
She points out all these little things that bother you, be it about court or the King himself. She knows your pain too well, and at the end, you're tearing up, salting your tea with your tears. You thought she'd take advantage of your misery when you let your mask slip, but she hugs you, pats your head, tells you that you're doing great. She sees you—the real you—and she accepts you exactly as you are, with all your cynical thoughts and longing for freedom.
From then on, you two have something that could be considered a friendship. She can't save you from the nights you are summoned to the King, and she's not always there to shield you from the gossiping mouths. But at events she's by your side, the King pleased to see his favorites so close, and she teaches you all the things you need to survive in this enviroment.
You two are so close, people gossip about your relationship, but you no longer care. You enjoy taking vacations with her, shopping with her, riding horses and drinking tea. Things are certainly looking up, but against your expectations... you are not replaced. Months go by, then a full year. The King doesn't take a liking to anyone else who's presented to him, only relying on you and the occasional other concubine he lusts after.
It makes you desperate.
So desperate, in fact, that one day, you tell the last favorite concubine about your plans to escape. You ask her to come with you, share a new life with you as normal people somewhere far, far away. Without the luxuries and careless life you have at court, but also away from the King and this dreadful society you will only ever looked down upon by. You tell her your plan and that you are sure you two can make it, assuring her that even though her family is far more prestigious, they won't suffer from her betrayal to the King.
It takes a while to talk her into it, but eventually, she takes heart and agrees. You're overjoyed that your best friend will be with you on this journey, no matter how hard it will be. You finally can save yourself and the person who saved you from breaking from all the pressure that had been put on you. So you tell her where to meet you and when, departing so no one may get suspicious of you two plotting something.
Late at night you're packing your bags, filling the with jewels and other, light-weighted, expensive things you can sell for a small fortune. You put on your peasant garbs and feel ready to finally leave behind this awful place, when your door flies open, guards storming into your room just before the King marches in, furious.
You can't think of one reason how he could have possibly found out, but as you receive the scolding of your lifetime, your face burning from the beating, you look up and behind the King, the silhouette of the person that meant everything to you standing in the doorway, and your heart feels with betrayal despite the way she flinches every time you get hit.
Naturally, charged with treason, you are thrown into the dungeon, not knowing what happens next. The King made it clear he wanted to hang you for betraying him, so now, instead of longing for freedom, you have to fear your death. Days pass by, and you start not to mind the mice and cold so much anymore, when your cell door gets unlocked, a soft coat being wrapped around your shoulders. When you look back, you can't help but scowl at the face of your former best friend, the person you trusted most.
"You have to understand," she sighs, falling to her knees behind you, hands landing on your shoulders. You try to shrug her off, but she leans against you, and you can hear the guards' armor clanking as if to warn you not to do anything to the current Flower of the Kingdom. "I cannot leave this place. I couldn't have gone with you, and besides, isn't it much better here? I had to... had to stop you somehow. I thought this would be the best option."
Tears are welling up in your eyes as you listen to her bullshit excuses, the betrayel weighing too heavy on your mind. She's now crying too, trying to make you face her, look at her at least, but you vehemently deny her that satisfaction. Her tone changes immediately, going from rueful to angry as she asks you what else she should have done? That you'd die out there for sure, since you aren't capable of handling the real outside world no matter what you think!
You still refuse to look at her, but she yanks at your hair, forcing you around and before you know it, she slapped you so hard you're seeing stars. Dumbfounded you stare at nothing in particular while your cheek burns, the concubine sinking back to her knees sobbing, asking you for forgivness and revealing that she asked the King to forgive you. It sounds like she's convincing herself when she says, "Everything will go back to normal. We'll just pretend nothing of this ever happened and we'll continue to live like before. That's fine right? At least we'll always be together!"
There's nothing really you can say to her even then. The whole situation feels more bizarre than when you heard that you were going to be the next concubine for the King. Nothing could convince you that things would go back to normal—what's normal anyway?—and besides, you didn't want this normal. You wanted to get away, to be free and unburdened by your responsibility as concubine. Not continue the same, pitiful way you had before.
Somehow, she must have read your thoughts. After staring into your blank eyes for a while, she just seemed to snap. Her tears dried out, her stare turning void of emotions as her hands creep up to your neck, fingers wrapping around your throat.
"Don't even think about it. Don't you dare think about leaving me again! You'll never leave my side again, so don't even dream of it! You will stay here, with me, and serve the King for the rest of our miserable lives. I will not let you go, do you understand?"
She has more strength than you expected and as she shakes you angrily, your vision begins to blurr, air growing thin as you grind out a broken, "Yes!"
All of a sudden, the pressure is gone and you keel over, gasping for air, just short from passing out. "Good," she mutters, satisfied even though she doesn't look convinced yet. "Remember your promise, or I will not safe you next time. Next time, you can rot here in the dungeons for all I care."
With that, she leaves. Leaving only the warm coat behind that she brought you. It's hard to keep up with the new revelations, understand that selfishness put you into this position, and that from a person you trusted. Who you wanted to start a new life with. Not only did she betray you, but she also switched your life around. For what? To play pretty concubines for the rest of your lives? Prisoners who could afford whatever they wanted as long as they sold themselves out to a just as cruel and selfish king?
It doesn't take long for someone to fetch you from the dungeon, wash you and clothe you appropriate for your standing, while the tears never stop falling. Until, eventually, you are brought before the King, forced to kneel to the man who ruined your life, while your previously best friend stands by his side, mouthing the words,
"Together. Forever."
All while the King, once again, asks you to swear your loyalty to him, your misery repeating.
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hug-your-face · 15 days
Read the interview excerpt or listen to the whole podcast at the link, y'all. Some truth bombs:
In her book on totalitarianism, Arendt talks about the rise of an “unorganized mass” of “mostly furious individuals” with nothing in common except for their contempt for the present order.
She calls this “negative solidarity” and it’s the raw material of totalitarianism, because it’s a world without connection and friendship, where the only basis of collective action is some kind of awful combination of anger and desperation.
She noticed that it’s really easy to work with people’s anger and whip up a mob, and she has this great statement in the book about the alliance between the mob and the elite -- how the elite are quite good at spotting and using the hate that’s already there.
It is things like unemployment. It is things like not being able to keep your home. We’re not just talking about some kind of ennui here. This is raw, real stuff. It’s easy to raise a mob in these conditions. You’re starting with real anger. She says at one point that "Totalitarian politics is a verdict against the world in which people are forced to live." It’s a slap in the face. It’s a finger up against the real conditions of existence.
Totalitarianism works through cynicism. It’s crucial because it allows people to say, “They’re all the same, it’s all bullshit, isn’t it? It’s just politics, isn’t it?” What cynicism allows you to do is be gullible and disbelieving at the same time.
Arendt thought that before a totalitarian ideology could overwhelm reality, it had to first ruin people’s relationship with themselves and others by making them so skeptical and so cynical that they could no longer rely upon their own judgment. So there’s that part of it.
[As an antidote] she imagines thinking as much more than an activity. She imagines it as a way of being. The real gift of thinking isn’t all the great ideas and grand theories that intellectuals come up with. The gift of thinking is that as long as you’re doing it, you have the capacity to judge.
Thinking, for her, is radically democratic. A lot of the time, we all have the capacity to think. We walk around the street. We lose ourselves in our thoughts, and being lost in thought is a gift for Arendt. She says this isn’t time-wasting. This isn’t frivolous. This is what thinking is and we need to take it seriously. I’m not clicking on a bloody “like” or “dislike” or I’m not following another pattern. I am thinking for myself, which, when things are really bad, is all we have.
She argues that without the ability to think, there can not be any judgment. When she really saw that is when she looked at the Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961 in the courtroom: a self-important man chattering away, talking self-importantly, not even realizing who he was facing — the relatives and survivors of people he had murdered — and he just spoke in cliches. The longer she listened to him, the more obvious it became that his inability to speak was totally connected with his inability to think, namely, to think from the standpoint of someone else.
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Absolute Submission to the Queen
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
Blank, and ageless blogs will be blocked.
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I heard the news while I was in the middle of negotiations.
Silvio: "Ha?"
Carlo: "Eek! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
Carlo apologized with teary eyes.
I had to wonder if my current expression might’ve looked terrible.
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Silvio: "Tch, we're done for today. Carlo, see the guests off."
Carlo: "I don't think I can do this. All the guests here are VIPs一Ah, wait!"
(I hope everything will be fine.)
I heard a shout from behind me, but I ignored it and hurriedly left the venue.
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I kicked the door open, and the woman inside widened her eyes.
Emma: "Huh? Prince Silvio? Weren't you in a business meeting right now?"
Silvio: "Don't you have something to say to me?"
Emma: "No, nothing..."
Emma: "Ah, wait. Could it be that you're starting to miss me?"
(She's trying to change the subject.)
She tried to approach me nonchalantly, but her steps felt somewhat awkward.
Unable to watch it any longer, I picked her up, and she began to flail her legs in panic一a tightly wrapped bandage peeked from under the hem of her dress.
(So it was true that she was taken to the infirmary.)
(And yet, she...)
I suppressed my emotions and gently placed her on the bed.
Silvio: "You got caught."
Emma: "I figured that might happen."
Emma: "But it's not that big of a deal, you know? I just tripped and fell because of this dress."
Silvio: "You sprained your ankle. That's a big deal, you idiot."
Silvio: "How were you planning to go on living and hide it from me?"
Emma: "Of course, with determination!"
Silvio: "Ha?"
Out of frustration, I ruffled her hair.
(Why don't you even try to talk to me?)
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(You went to the doctor, but you won't rely on me at all.)
(I'm supposed to be your man, aren't I?)
Even if it was out of consideration to not worry me, this time I couldn't stand it.
(Am I really that unreliable in your eyes?)
I knelt before her and gently touched her aching legs.
Silvio: "Listen, you absolutely cannot move for the next few days."
Silvio: "Instead, I'll do everything. I'll be your servant."
Emma was originally a sassy woman who wasn't good at relying on others.
She was always thinking of others and rarely considered herself.
While this trait might be considered a virtue worthy of being called "Belle," it could also be quite vexing.
I wanted to take this opportunity to make her realize that it's okay to use others more freely and casually, just as a queen would if she desired.
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Rio: "Damn it, I'm so jealous!"
Silvio: "Sorry about that."
After a while of serving her, rumors started to spread in Benitoite about the extent to which the "dog" had taken to serving her.
Emma: "Rio, what did you just say?"
Rio: "Are you making me say those cruel words to him again?"
Emma: "No, that's not it. Let me repeat."
Emma: "Did you seriously just say that Prince Silvio is now my obedient dog?"
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Rio: "That's right. The merchants who were present at the last meeting are spreading the rumor that this jangling bastard is your dog."
Rio: "Not just the merchants. Even the servants in the castle are all saying the same thing."
Rio: "But it's true, right? Lately, this guy has been clinging to you constantly, never leaving your side."
Rio: "He's been doing everything for you like a dog."
Rio: "I'm so jealous. I want to become your dog, too!"
(Dog, huh?)
Dogs are creatures that wag their tails and show loyalty to their owners. While some might consider it a derogatory term, strangely, I didn't find it insulting.
In fact, it was the opposite.
For the past few days, I've been by Emma's side, appearing at various social events.
I was always hanging out with her, whether it was for work stuff or private affairs.
And perhaps because of these circumstances, opportunities for her to make "requests" had gradually increased.
I'd prefer it if she could follow my every whim, much like a queen, but by obeying her like a loyal pup, I might eventually make her lose her reservations.
(Not bad.)
(She's too kind, so she probably needs a dog. In that case, I'll become one.)
However, even the time when I could be a dog would eventually come to an end.
Emma: "Put me down!"
Silvio: "I ain't putting you down."
Emma: "My leg has already healed a long time ago!"
Emma: "Even the doctor said I could walk."
Silvio: "I don't care."
Another week had passed since then, and her leg had healed to the point where it could be considered fully recovered.
(But I still can't accept it.)
(Not until you can use me without any hesitation.)
Ever since she heard the 'dog' rumors, she began displaying restraint once more.
She constantly issued orders that seemed to reject my attempts to serve her, even though I wanted to devote myself to her.
Emma: "Prince Silvio."
Even when she hugged me to make me do what she asked, I remained calm.
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Silvio: "That won't work."
(I won't stop until you become more selfish.)
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Emma: "………."
That night, she finally resorted to a more assertive approach.
(Is she planning not to speak until I stop being her "dog?")
Silvio: "Geez, you're such a handful."
She refused the meal I offered, so I reluctantly took a nearby drink, kissed her, and forcibly opened her lips with my thumb, allowing the drink to flow down her throat.
(Fruit juice, huh? Damn it, it's sweet.)
Emma: "What do you think you're doing!?"
Her face turned as red as a rose.
Silvio: "I'm trying to feed you."
Emma: "I'll eat by myself!"
Silvio: "Denied."
She naturally brushed me aside and pursed her lips as if she wanted to say something.
Emma: "You're being stubborn."
Silvio: "Ha? I'm not being stubborn."
Emma: "You're being stubborn. You're not even listening to a word I'm saying."
Silvio: ".........."
(That's because you reject everything I do.)
(All I want is to serve you.)
Emma: "What's really wrong with you?"
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Silvio: "Nothing."
Silvio: "I just don't understand why you're so against it."
Silvio: "Do you dislike being taken care of?"
Emma: "I do. Because you're not just some random guy; you're my fiancé. You're not a dog."
Emma: "Or maybe you really want to become a dog?"
Silvio: “Maybe that’s not a bad idea.”
Emma: “Prince Silvio, are you sure you’re not sick?”
Silvio: “I’m not.”
Of course, I have no intention of being owned by anyone other than Emma.
I wanted her to rely on me and no one else.
(Dogs choose their owner. You just don't realize it.)
Silvio: “If I were to be a dog, you would be…”
Silvio: “No, forget it.”
I swallowed my words as shame overpowered me.
Although there were things I truly felt, I wasn't pure enough to express them honestly.
Emma: "Is something bothering you?"
Silvio: "Don't worry about it."
I took a seat in the chair opposite her and leaned back.
Emma: “Tell me.”
However, it was precisely in moments like this that she bit back.
She stood up from her chair and hugged me from behind, her sweet scent tickling my nose.
(This girl...)
Emma: “If you tell me, I’ll play along.”
Silvio: “You’re getting carried away.”
Silvio: “...........”
(But there are things that won't be understood if I don't say them.)
(I'd be more uncomfortable if she didn't ask for my help again by keeping quiet.)
Swallowing the rising embarrassment, I spoke up.
Silvio: “When you hurt your leg, you tried to hide it from me, but I happened to notice it by chance.”
Silvio: “I don't want you to rely on others, so I just thought I’d train you so that you could only rely on me.”
Silvio: “But if you’re not gonna rely on me, I’d rather become a dog.”
Silvio: "Lean only on me."
(Becoming your dog is actually my wish, too.)
(Though if I’d heard this a decade ago, I might've vomited.)
I took her hand and pressed my lips against her delicate skin, leaving marks to assert my existence.
After a brief silence, she let out an exasperated sigh.
Emma: "I understand."
Emma: "If that's the case, I want you to remove my shoes."
Silvio: "Didn't you just tell me you didn't want to be taken care of?"
Emma: "That's because I didn't understand your intentions."
Emma: "This is what you wanted, right?"
Silvio: "Well, yeah."
(Damn it, I should've just told her from the start, even though it's embarrassing.)
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Flustered, I stood up, carrying Emma, and sat her in a nearby chair. Then, I knelt in front of her and lifted her leg.
Today, she was wearing the dress I bought her a while ago, along with ribbon-adorned shoes.
(I've been waiting for this kind of selfishness from someone who doesn't hold back when dealing with me.)
I took one end of the ribbon with my mouth and started untying it.
It was a scene that I could never have imagined years ago.
(To begin with, I couldn't even imagine kneeling before someone.)
(I never really had a chance to consider whether I'd like the idea of people counting on me or pampering me.)
The people around me always had their eyes on my "money."
While I had many opportunities to be relied upon, it was always a transactional relationship.
(But what she sees is not money, but me.)
(That's why I've come to crave being relied upon so much.)
(Not for money, but for myself.)
I slid my fingers along her toes and removed her shoes. At that moment, she started petting my head.
Silvio: "Cut it out."
(It's only going to get more embarrassing.)
Emma: "I suddenly felt like petting you. Am I not allowed?"
Silvio: "You're grinning."
Emma: "If you don't like it, you can shake me off."
(There's no way I'd dislike this, stupid.)
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Silvio: "Tch, why am I even doing this?"
Emma: "It's my way of saying thank you."
Emma: "Besides, you mentioned letting me experience what it's like to be a queen."
(You remembered those words, huh?)
(Just so you know, you're the only one I'll allow to be a queen.)
Well, she's not exactly unembarrassed either, with her face all flushed.
Despite her usual arrogant attitude, I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her inability to conceal her expression.
Silvio: "Ah, damn it. Feel free to give me any orders, Your Majesty."
Emma: "Then, after removing my shoes, I'd like you to put me to bed."
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Silvio: "So, that means you want me to take you to the bath, help you change clothes, and then carry you to bed?"
Emma: "Not all of that…"
(You didn't have to say it. Let me take care of you even more.)
I lifted her up with one arm and unbuttoned her dress mercilessly. As I exposed her in her underwear, her body began to tremble.
Emma: "I'll do it...Nnn…"
(There's no point in waiting now.)
I sealed her words with a kiss and stripped off her underwear.
Looking down at her, completely naked, her face and skin turned red.
(You're too cute, idiot.)
I playfully ran my fingers across her skin, and she tightly closed her eyes.
That reaction alone made my heart race.
Silvio: "You gave the order, right? I'll serve you wholeheartedly throughout the night."
(So lean on me more. If it's you, I'll let myself be tamed.)
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Part 1╎Part 2╎Premium End╎Epilogue
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
advice on how to get over the fear that t is going to make me ugly? or that i’m going to miss “the old me”
i’m a queer trans guy and i’ve been questioning going on t for years now and i know i definitely want bottom growth, body fat redistribution and more body hair.
but im err on the side of face and voice changes. i’m scared of disliking my new voice and suddenly growing dysphoric over it (i dont have too much voice dysphoria now) and disliking how my new face will look. i’m kinda genderfluid as well so it’s complicated. but i don’t want to go my whole life without knowing what it’s like to be on hrt. but i can’t get over the fear of looking/finding myself ugly and undesirable and losing my community... which is ironic cuz i find other trans men attractive as hell. i discussed this in therapy and i still feel this way :/
i wish there was a way for me to start without telling anyone and then breaking the news when i’m experiencing changes and feeling more confident about it. i have my gender dysphoria diagnosis and i can start if i want to, but i need my family’s financial support. i don’t want to make it a big deal since it’s just something i’d be trying out to feel more like myself in certain ways.
sorry this turned into a long ass rant and you don’t have to reply but i’m just gonna kindly leave it in the ask box 💀
There's a post that goes like "all of life is irreversible. i cannot go back a single second" and I think thats something good to keep in mind when you are thinking through this. You are already living with a body that has changed and will continue to change in ways largely out of your control. You are already living in a post-irreversible-alteration body.
If you do go on T and find you don't like how your voice sounds: for one, you can stop at any time (& if you haven't checked out microdosing as an option, you should). But two: plenty of people live with a deeper voice than they want. Plenty of people live with facial hair they dislike. You can pursue the same therapies and procedures they do. Or maybe you don't, and you find ways to live with a voice or face you aren't totally in love with.
So much detransition fearmongering, especially directed at transmascs & assoc. trans people, heavily relies on the specter of the fallen woman, itself steeped in trans-misogyny & intersexism. The idea that, for one, a "woman" who has mixed-sex features is ugly and undesirable, and two, that a "woman" made undesirable is forever doomed to be miserable and worthless. The transphobic story of detransition keeps our bodies stuck in this moment of revulsion and regret, narratively preventing us as characters from being able to move on and live happy lives in atypical bodies. Even if you do regret/dislike some things about T, you are not forever stuck in that feeling. The story does not stop at that! You will just keep living and find new ways of dealing with your bodily feelings!
The social aspect of this is a bit more complicated but I also have some firsthand experience with it. Because, as mentioned before, there's a lot of transphobic misogyny/misogynistic transphobia that affects transmascs & others who go on T, who have to confront the feeling of losing your potential desirability. And then there's also the way many people are treated after going on T, facing a whole new area of bodily scrutiny: you may suddenly have people making comments about how someone needs to force teenage boys to shave because their facial hair is a personal offense. I went from being self-conscious about how high my voice was to being self-conscious about how undeniably trans my voice was. And, specifically, my facial hair, voice changes, etc. were all signs of my transmasculine desire, and I became self-conscious about how obvious it was that I desired being trans, I desired this body. I could no longer let everyone pretend I was a cishet girl at family gatherings and avoid confronting these issues, because I had essentially written I WANT TO BE A TRANNY all over my physical form.
This is something I'm still struggling with myself. I, like many other queer & autistic people, already struggled with feeling desirable or worthy of being seen alongside conventionally attractive cishet people who could act normal. Being visibly trans, and taking a huge step away from the desirable cis-perisex-girl body, can really open up that can of worms. Especially being genderfluid/genderqueer! Because we often cannot find a comfortable space for ourselves within the conventions of attractiveness for cis men, like some binary trans men are able to.
But ultimately, I don't regret going on T at all. I would have had body issues regardless, and I got a lot out of going on T. I think mentally preparing yourself to struggle with these things, and seeking out other transmasc people, is a big help. Again: all of life is irreversible. we cannot go back a single second. We are already living in imperfect bodies we struggle to love or see as worthy. If you know you want some of the things T can offer, and you don't want to go your whole life without knowing, then just do it. Dive in, and don't feel any shame if you decide to get out. Just keep living and finding ways to live better right now.
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void-wolfie · 1 year
Family Ties
summary: you decide it's finally come out to your parents.
pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem!Reader
tw: homophobia/biphobia, angst
words: 2.26k
a/n: it's my birthday, yay! here is a slightly birthday-themed post. this one hits me a bit hard but mostly because it largely stems from my own insecurities. anyways, y'all love your angst, so I figured I would supply.
*I am not paying for y'alls therapy, reader discretion is advised
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You sat in your car outside the small two-story house. Its brown walls and open windows seemed to mock you, tall and daunting. Of course, it wasn’t the house that set your nerves on edge, your anxiety growing the longer you sat, it was what lay inside. Your parents.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jenna asked, watching you worriedly from the passenger seat.
No. You didn’t want to do this. You’d rather go back home and binge-watch TV with Jenna for the rest of the night. But what would life be if not for making hard choices?
“Not really. But I need to.” You grimaced, thinking about what horrors the night might bring.
“I’ll be right here the whole time,” Jenna interlocked your fingers with hers, doing her best to reassure you.
“Thank you, baby,” You brought her hand to your lips, kissing the back of her knuckles.
You knocked on the front door, pushing it open without waiting for anyone to answer it. It was your childhood home after all, and you knew your parents wouldn’t mind.
“Mom? Dad?” You stepped into the hallway, Jenna following just behind you.
“y/n?” Your mom appeared from around the corner, your dad just a few steps behind her.
“How are you, baby?” She held out her arms for a hug, which you fell into.
“I’m alright,”
“Good! Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, Mom,”
She finally let you go, her eyes catching Jenna standing just over your shoulder. “Jenna, darling, so good to see you again!”
You let the two of them do their thing while you greeted your dad.
He pulled you in for a hug, patting you on the back, "Happy birthday, kiddo,"
"Thanks, Dad,"
Your dad was more on the quiet side, unlike your mom who was very much a social butterfly. He was usually the more relaxed one, which you often found comfort in.
The sound of conversation mixed with that of clinking silverware. Dinner had been served and everyone was catching up. Your parents were currently talking off your girlfriend’s ear, interrogating her on her up-and-coming projects.
But you weren't paying them any attention. Your eyes were dead set on the table, lost in your own world of thoughts. Would they be mad? Disappointed? Upset? Of course, they would be upset, this was going against everything they believed in... Would they call you names, or just shun you altogether? Would they throw you out? Cut you off? Not that you relied on them much anymore financially, but still, they were your parents...
"Earth to y/n, hello?" Your name being called brought you back from your spiraling thoughts. You looked up to find everyone looking in your direction. Jenna was shooting you a worried look, her hand intertwining with yours underneath the table.
"Oh, sorry," you apologized, hoping to brush off the awkwardness that clung to the air.
"Where'd you go, kiddo? We lost ya there for a second," your dad said with a chuckle, taking another bite of his food.
"Just thinking," you squeezed Jenna's hand, hoping your parents wouldn't notice how anxious you were. Your knee was bouncing up and down under the table, you nearly felt sick from all the worrying.
"Thinking about what?" Your mom asked.
Of course, she wanted to know. Ever so the nosy one, always needing to be in everyone's business.
"Um," should you tell them now? You looked at Jenna, wishing you could read her mind and know what she was thinking, but she only looked at you with that same curious glance.
Fuck it. What do you have to lose... besides everything... "Actually, I- um. There's something I want to tell you both..."
You could practically feel the blood pumping through your veins, your hands shaking violently under the table. Your heart felt like it might burst from how fast it was beating. It's now or never...
"Okay?" Your parents exchanged curious glances, the two of them wondering what could possibly be so important to have you acting so oddly.
Fuck. Where to start? What to say? Your mind was reeling. Everything felt like it was too much. But you had to do this, you couldn't avoid it forever.
You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your nerves, but that didn't stop the words from rushing out of your mouth, "Jenna and I are dating. We've been in a relationship for two years now."
The room was dead silent. The only noise coming from the rain outside and the air conditioner quietly whirring in the background.
Both you and Jenna were eyeing your parents, waiting for some kind of reaction.
Both your parents wore blank expressions. You almost wished they weren't, that they'd have some kind of emotion on their face, that way you could tell if they were upset or not. But a blank face was debatably better than an angry one.
"I'm dating Jenna." You said it again, not nearly as fast this time and with a little more confidence.
More silence. It hung in the air like a thick smog, suffocating you as it squeezed the breath from your lungs. The longer you had to wait the less you could sit still, nearly shaking in your chair out of anticipation.
"Is this a joke?" Your mom’s voice held a dangerous tone, one you'd learned meant trouble over the years.
"No." You made sure to keep your voice flat, hiding how you truly felt inside.
You knew what was coming. Despite your hopes that they might actually care, that they might actually love you, you knew the truth. Your parents would never accept someone like you as their daughter. You would've been better off if you'd told them you were a murderer.
"Get out." Your mother refused to meet your eyes, staring down at her plate instead. She had said it quietly and calmly, but you could see past that cool exterior, you could see the storm raging inside. She was furious.
"What?" Jenna spoke up, looking between your mother and father.
She couldn’t believe it. Your parents had always been so welcoming, so warm to her. You had always acted like such a happy family, and she was just going to kick you out?
Your mom’s eyes snapped up, glaring daggers at Jenna, "I said. Get. Out."
You could feel the tension in the air, thick as it filled up the room. Time to go.
"Come on, Jenna." You stood up, hoping you could pull Jenna from the house before things got too ugly, "If they don't love me for me, that's fine."
You noticed your father wince at the comment, his gaze dropping to the ground. Part of you wondered if he shared your mother's beliefs, if he hated you as well. He has always been the more levelheaded one, maybe there was hope for him.
"No." Jenna stood up, her eyes were still trained on your mother with a fury like you'd never seen before.
"Jenna, don't." You tried to stop her, but you could tell from the determined look on her face she didn't care.
"Are you really that shallow? You'll shun your daughter completely, all because of who she loves?"
"I'll not have a daughter who's a-"
"Who's a what? Say it," Jenna was challenging her now, daring her to say that forbidden word.
"You're a disgrace, you know that?" Your moms’ eyes darted over to you, "It's a sin and you're going to hell."
You scoffed, trying to act strong despite the tears in your eyes and the ache in your chest, "that’s fine, as long as I don't have to hear your bigoted comments for the rest of eternity."
Your mom shot up from the table, her chair sliding backward across the tile. Despite the look of rage, her eyes were watering as well, "How could you do this to me? To us?!"
"Do this to you...? Do you really think I started dating her because I wanted to hurt you?" Your vision was blurred from the tears silently streaming down your face. Your hands clenched as you tried to bottle up your rampant emotions. Everything was going to shit.
"Are you? Because from here, that's exactly what it looks like-"
"No! I would never try and hurt you. You told me to find someone that makes me happy, she makes me happy!"
"I said go find a nice boy to make you happy! Not to go practice sacrilege!”
"Are you insane? Do you even hear yourself?" Jenna jumped in, standing in front of you protectively.
You pulled Jenna back beside you, taking a step closer to your mother, "Let me spell it out for you. I'm bisexual. It's not something I can choose. It's who I am, it's in my DNA. I love Jenna and that's not changing any time soon. And I love you, you’re my mom, you raised me and cared for me, and taught me everything I know. But a real mother wouldn't disown me for being me."
It all happened so fast. Before you even knew what was happening you were on the floor, a red handprint staining your cheek.
You were in shock. Your hand cupping the forming red mark. She slapped you. She actually slapped you...
When you finally focused back on the situation, Jenna was kneeling in front of you. Her eyes were swimming with so many different emotions, but you couldn't miss her little concerned pout. You melted into her hands, how they cupped your face so gently as she examined the mark.
At the flip of a switch, her face contorted. What once was full of worry and concern had been taken over by hate and rage. It scared you.
Jenna spun around, wildly flinging insults at your mother. A shouting match had started, but you weren’t listening. All you could see was the image of your mother slapping you, repeating in your head over and over. Her face was full of so much hate and anger. How could someone who was supposed to love you do something so horrid?
You stood up, shaking off the shock and your spiraling thoughts.
“We’re leaving.” You stated simply, interrupting their screaming. You grabbed Jenna’s hand, lacing your fingers together as you pulled her towards the door with you.
You stood in the doorway, a nagging feeling sitting in the pit of your gut. You had more you wanted to say, but should you? Your mother made it more than clear she wasn’t willing to listen, that she was more than fine abandoning you.
You pushed yourself out the door without another word, walking through the rain. You handed Jenna the car keys, silently asking her to drive home. She took them without saying anything, understanding what you were asking.
Neither you nor Jenna said anything as you got into the car, the two of you still comprehending the nightmare that had just happened.
"Please take me home," you asked softly, ignoring the tears falling down your face.
You had been in the shower for over an hour now. It wasn’t abnormal for you to take long showers, but never this long. Jenna was worried.
The warm water had long since turned cold, leaving you shivering on the tile floor. Your head was buried in your arms, your knees pulled up to your chest. The sound of the water running effectively drowning out the sounds of your sobs.
You were heartbroken.
Your whole life there was this belief that your family would love you no matter what, that they would accept you for who you were. It’s still true, but after the scene at your parent’s house… your idea of family had been fundamentally shifted. Your parents weren’t your family anymore.
There was a knock on the bathroom door, “You alright in there, baby?” Jenna’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom.
You took a deep breath, trying to stop the crying, “Fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Your voice came out shaky and hoarse. Jenna could tell you’d been crying from the other side of the door; if your voice hadn’t given it away the sound of you sobbing when she opened the door would have been.
Jenna wanted nothing more than to hug you tight, kiss your forehead and wipe away the tears. But she knew you needed some space. She closed the bathroom door and waited back on your bed, her patience wearing thin as worry settled in.
The minute you were out of the shower and done changing, you could see it. You looked like a mess. Bloodshot eyes stared back at you in the mirror. Your nose and cheeks were red from all the crying. Your chest ached and your throat felt like it was on fire.
The second you were out of the bathroom Jenna was already staring at you. The way you looked so hurt, eyes bloodshot and shoulders slumped, it broke her heart. You deserved better.
You didn’t say anything, just walking up to her silently and falling into her arms. You were fresh out of tears, with nothing left to give. You just wanted the pain to go away.
Jenna pulled you onto the bed with her, letting you cuddle up into her arms. It wasn’t long before you were asleep, the exhaustion from the day having worn you out. Jenna held you a little bit tighter against her chest before falling asleep herself. She silently hoped that you knew, even if your parents didn’t, she loved you more than she would ever be able to articulate.
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creepypasta-darling · 9 months
Creepypasta Mental Illness Headcanons
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Schizophrenia, Substance Depenency Disorder
I've said this before, and I will say this again: Tim is a whole different person from Masky. Tim is someone who I believe is more fearful and is prone to being sheepish until he blows up in anger. Masky on the other hand is a Protector, who shields them from pain and takes most of the blows. Tim has reason to fight for his freedom from Slender, and has even gone to great lengths to hide his identity from people to protect them against The Operator. Masky believes that in order to keep them safe, she must do what Slender says. She takes great pride in being part of the top 3 and being someone to rely on. She also takes pride in caring for the mansion and the people around her.
They both must have a pattern, or else everything and everyone they know will be on the verge of death. That is what happened in Marble Hornets, that is what happened in their childhood, that is what will happen now. This is also why they are addicted to Marijuana and prescription medication. However, it is for different reasons. Tim is addicted to prescription medication due to never wanting The Operator to have control over his life again. Masky is addicted to Marijuana due to the anger issues she feels deep inside, and has found that is the only way for her to think rationally.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia, Amnesia
Much like Tim/Masky, Brain/Hoodie has to have a pattern so no one will die. This is also why he started the ToTheArk channel during Marble Hornets, to warn them before it was too late due to Jay. He takes great pride in being anonymous, it's almost like he's playing God. He can control who will live, and who will die just by his routine. Obviously, there's more to it. But not in his mind. Never in his mind.
He also has a lot of social anxiety, due to Marble Hornets. This gives him ample sleepless nights where he has nightmares of his past. He can't remember them when he wakes up, but it destroys him inside. He has no memory of his childhood due to it as well. When the Slender Sickness took over his mind, he lost a lot of memories. The only person in his life he remembers vividly is Tim. Everyone else he feels is part of a simulation, they are there but they have no personality. He can't understand why he can't form connections with others. He just knows they're out to get him.
Kate the Chaser
Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Amnesia
The things that keep Kate up at night from her past is haunting. She remembers bits and pieces, but most importantly her sister and the screams of the people she held dear. The windows, the doors, everything. She must check them all night long. She keeps herself in the dark so she can no longer feel the pain. She keeps herself secluded because of all of it, doing the same routine so no one else suffers how she did.
This leads to her taking longer to complete missions, forgetting people close to her, and suffering a lot of trauma because of it. To the point she sometimes forgets who she is at all. All she knows is that if Slender gets too close to others, she will be at fault. To her, it's all her fault. She can't separate herself from the monster in her mind, the monster under the bed, and even the monster in the forest. Although like Tim she has run multiple times to live a normal life, it all becomes ruined. She'd rather protect the world than try to do things for herself. She can't handle the pressure, and has a lot of self injurious scars to show it. She'd never say it though. She can't.
Kleptomania, Schizophrenia, Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), Insomnia, Amnesia
She is in a constant state of panic and grief, she has lost so many children and she has suffered in ways that no one should. Due to this, she keeps her distance, and suffers from serious self injury and dark thoughts. Even though she doesn't realize it. She doesn't even know she does anything of the sort. She'll wake up to bloody sheets and people crying, but has no idea why. The dark thoughts just merge with her own, she can't even remember when they started. People try to help her, but she doesn't even realize she needs help.
Due to being in the woods, she has grown a hoarding mentality. She takes things from convince stores, grocery, even things she doesn't really want or need. The idea of getting caught is so foreign to her that she just never notices the people yelling at her to put it back. It even got to a point where cabin mates were locking their things and hiding it in ditches. She just thinks of how she can survive, and how she wants to live normally. Keeping these things will give her a joy for a little while, and even though it's short lived, she'd rather that then suffering anymore.
Nurse Ann
Antisocial Personailty Disorder (ASPD), Insomnia, Amnesia, Kleptomania, Schizophrenia
This girl is as standoff-ish as they come, often getting into fights with other housemates or simply having a cold demeanor. As a child she had conduct issues, which seemed to go away in her teens, only to return after her passing in her 20s. She had struggled with making genuine emotional ties with people, and even sought to make friendships more like partnerships due to the extent of her conduct issues. When she had fallen in love with the doctor at the local hospital she worked at, it was the first time she had even let someone into her life at that point. She had even removed her family from her life. But the doctor wasn't as good as he seemed, and how she is just as standoffish as before.
Like with Rouge, she has a hoarding mentality. She feels as if she has to take and take and take in order to survive due to her rapid decay of her body. She mostly takes first aid supplies and sewing needles and thread. Sometimes though she'll take things just to do something nice for herself.
Kleptomania, Antisocial Personailty Disorder (ASPD), Insomnia, Amnesia, Schizophrenia
I feel like this guy has the mind of 10 Einsteins. He's extremely calculated and has analyzed every situation in his head before it happens. Because of this, he doesn't really get along with a lot of people, but can convince them he does. It's all an act, he plays the part well, and he'll have you thinking how he does soon enough. He's very good at persuasion and will weave the conversation into ways he wants very easily. It's how he survived for this long, even before the events of TribeTwelve.
This is also why he gets away with a lot of shit. He steals quite often, and although part of him feels bad, he always thinks if it was really a problem people would catch him. He's so delusional he doesn't know people catch him all the time and just take it back. He struggles a lot with sleep, always has, ever since he was young. It causes him to have moments during the day where he legit just passes the hell out. Straight up. He'll faint and be gone for a couple hours only to come back and act like nothing has happened.
Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Amnesia, Trichotillomania, Dysthymia, Anxiety Disorder
Poor Kevin. All he wanted to do was go to school, and now he's stuck in this Slender mess. He tries so hard to keep the little memories he has, but due to the Slender sickness it just escapes him. He can remember only his childhood, but the memories of his friends and older past fades so quickly.. He never remembers what he was doing or how he ended up here.
He just knows when he sleeps he's asleep for what feels like minutes, and when he's awake it feels like months. It makes him tear his hair out and picks his skin due to the stress. He struggles with body dismorphia and image issues due to the excessive picking and plucking. He does, however, try to get better. Even if it's while fighting the monster that has entered him.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Insomnia, Amnesia, Dysthymia, Hypersexuality, Schizophrenia
This guy is so disoriented and so in love with himself, everyone else is so stupid and merely a vessel for him to manipulate, use, and destroy. It's scratch your back you scratch mine, but in a much more sinister way. It's more like you scratch my back I run my claws against yours until you bleed. Doesn't mean he can't be compassionate. Sometimes a little too much. When he loves, he adores, but when he hates, he loathes. If you catch him in a good moment you can see he honestly does care and tries to help, even if he knows the outcome won't be in your favor. Honestly, he's doing them a service if you think about it.
Everyone should praise him for it. Everyone should worship him as much as he worships himself. He's the only one with the cure to your ache. He's the only one with the answers. What do you mean he doesn't find satisfaction in humans? Sure he does. When it involves him dominating them in any way he can. Take that as you will. But he has so much darkness hidden behind the whimsical, behind how cruel he can be he sees himself in every victim, every love, every hate. He sees himself. He hates that and that's why he does it in the first place. He has a bad "habit" of picking his skin when he possesses someone for too long. It makes him itch thinking of the past and he hates that it gets to him so much. He's like a child, huge anger and no outlet. He doesn't even know why it hurts him so bad.
Bipolar Disorder I, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Amnesia
He has no idea what's going on. One minute he's extremely there, in the moment, watching everything around him. He feels great, everything's great, he's with his friends and they are great. But then he looses his consciousness. All of a sudden he's watching through someone else's eyes, watching everything burn and fall apart. He's watching him hurt those he loves. He forgets what it's like not feel this bad. He doesn't remember his childhood or even the previous week. He feels so much guilt and shame, he isolates for what feels like months.
He's so caught up in staying away, he doesn't even see that he is growing angrier, and angrier, and angrier. He loses sleep over just the thought of everyone he's ever fought for, only to be left alone. When he finally returns, it's almost as if he's a new person. He never lets his anger out towards others, and it's all internal. The anger turns into grief. Grief over all he's lost due to his own outbursts. He's always been like this, but every time he feels so hurt and so alone. But everyone can see it. He is not okay. Until he is. And everything is great again.
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Schizophrenia, Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), Insomnia
Some days he can't handle the pain. It's like there's a gnawing ache inside of him, he just wants it all to end, he wants this to be different. He misses Milo with such a heavy heart, it's almost maddening. He can't let go, that's the only person who understood him. He's the only person who stood up for him. The pictures, the letters, the voicemails. It's almost like he's there. Noah never feels like it'll go away. Grief lasts for lifetimes, and in every one of his nightmares he just sees the blood, the screaming, the anguish. he could have done more. He could have protected him. He could have understood. He can't let go of that.
It's such an overwhelming feeling, that it feels like it becomes permanent. He wakes up and barely goes to the restroom, he barely eats through the day, hell, before all of this stuff with Observer and Habit, Kevin was taking care of him most of the time. At least making sure he was alive. Noah occasionally has a moment where he doesn't dwell on it, and those days are like heaven. He can brush his teeth, he can watch TV, he can get his life together. But it's only for a little while before those thoughts creep back in again.
Eyeless Jack
Antisocial Personailty Disorder (ASPD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Let's face it, before Jack even became a demon he had trauma up the ass. He was riddled with anxiety since he was a child and grew to hate people. He was often bullied due to his appearance and race and he never quite got a grip on his emotions from it, choosing to believe that people aren't worth the effort to care for. He can pretend he likes them, but in all honesty, he just doesn't care. His childhood was full of fighting parents and the pressure to be the perfect Asian American child. The American Dream was pushed so far down his throat, he could barely think. He learned being quiet and separating his emotions was easier than dealing with the pressure. He was never that bad, right? I mean, if he never did drugs, or drank, or went to these elaborate parties and just did what people wanted and did what he wanted after, it was fine. He wasn't damaged. Well. At least he thought so.
After the ritual, he became so hungry. He was plagued with hunger pains, and he would eat until he couldn't breathe. After eating the cult he tried to just live off animals and garbage from the forest that outskirted the school. He was too embarrassed to go back home. He looked like a monster. When he finally gave into his cannibalistic cravings, however, he would gorge himself sick. He felt so guilty for it. He never wanted this. Every time he eats he feels like he's watching the people who hurt him, imagining it was their organs instead of the person he's eating. It got so bad that he started to try to fast, to try to get rid of the thoughts. He tried exercising until he could barely walk. But it only made it so much worse.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Insomnia, Substance Depenency Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Trichotillomania, Hypersexuality
Jeff is the type of guy who doesn't believe what he did was wrong, no, he did them all a favor. He's saving them from the pain of life. He's giving them a new start. They should be grateful that the last thing they see is someone as handsome as him. He's the only one who is good enough. He's good enough, right? He'll make you see he's good enough. He's the only one who can make you feel anything, pain or pleasure, and you have no reason to deny it.
What's hidden underneath though is a sad, sad man. After what happened at his parents house, he lost control of himself. For a while he was delusional, went on what seemed like an endless killing spree, stealing, stalking, doing anything he could to escape what he had done. But then one night the feelings from when he was a kid came back. He couldn't sleep. He could barely move, he was crying all the time. He was drinking until blackout, and started heavily using heroin. He would look in old mirrors and just see someone hideous. He tried to fix it. He tried to fix his hair, but ended up tearing it out. He goes back and forth between these two facades often of himself, almost in a trance.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Kleptomania, Trichotillomania
BEN was just a kid when he died, and he didn't really know anything about the world. The only thing he knew was that it was boring. Unfortunately, he would end up acting up in school because of it. He couldn't sit still, he has racing thoughts, and he would take and do things just because he thought about it. This didn't really sit well in the system, and he jumped from one school to the next often. Eventually, he had to be homeschooled, where everything took a turn for the worse.
When the abuse started happening, BEN tried to outrun it. He tried to leave the house on multiple occasions, but was caught by neighbors just trying to help out and his family who knew he's run to the arcade. He would steal cars and figured out how to hack gas station pumps to get credit cards and gas to try to run. He started to dissociate a lot, becoming almost paralyzed by it, pulling his eyebrow hairs and his eyelashes until they were bare. This unfortunately carried on into his afterlife as well.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Schizophrenia, Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), Insomnia, Dermatillomania
Before Jeff had done what he did to her, Jane is very meticulous about her life. She woke up at 7 am, she made breakfast for her family, she'd walk to school and made sure not to step on cracks, she did her homework by 8 pm and went to bed at 10 pm. This was her whole life, she never changed.
That is until Jeff did what he did. She became obsessing over her locks on her doors and windows, and her routine became more strict. Her body refused to sleep until everything was secure, but it was always never enough. She started to hear voices and see shadows in the corners of her eyes, telling her she had to start all over or else he would get her. She started feeling bugs on her skin, and would pick at thr skin to get rid of the feeling. Eventually, her whole life revolved around Jeff and what Jeff had done. She had so say, no free will, And that's why she hates him so. He ruin her appearance. He ruined her family. He ruined her mind. She can't rest until she knows he's six feet under. She can't be free until then. But even then, was she ever free?
Bipolar Disorder II, Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Trichotillomania, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Hypersexuality
Nina whole life had always been a rollercoaster. When she was a child, she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, which created a ripple in her family. She became the sole caregiver to her brother, and they were tied from the hip. Which she could say the same about her parents, though. They stayed together, but they couldn't agree on what was best for Nina. Eventually, they gave up entirely on the other, and in turn their children. This made Nina hide her feelings a lot, and she ended up taking a particular kind eye towards serial killers and mass murderers, seeing them as a way out. She started picking her hair and messing with her features to better suit one of her idols, Jeff the Killer.
When she was 14 she was diagnosed with Bipolar, which just made things worse. Her already paranoid outlook became more protective of her brother, in turn almost making her the parent. She would get into physical fights, never taking blame, which passed to her brother. They would bounce off of each others emotions often, causing a greater rip in the household. She would go from extremely angry, depressed and sadistic for weeks on end to kind and nurturing, which prompted the diagnosis. When she was 18, She started to idolize killers more and more, until she would stay up reading their stories and watching court cases until it was the only thing she could think about. She began stabbing her pillow, imagining how they must have felt. It was almost orgasmic, and she started plotting for her own story soon. Well, until things didn't go to plan.
Bipolar Disorder I, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Insomnia, Substance Depenency Disorder
Liu already had mental illness before Jeff had killed their family. Liu was 9 when he was diagnosed with OCD and Bipolar, often getting angry and acting out at home due to his family dynamic. His parents were always catering to Liu, trying to calm him down and make him better, but he never wanted that. He just wanted Jeff. He was the only person who ever understood Liu. They often would stay up late at night, talking about their dreams. Jeff even told Liu he would get him out of here, and he would live with Jeff, and all of the problems they'd face wouldn't matter. Liu believed that.
Until Jeff tried to kill him. It was a night that Liu had gone to bed early, which was out of his routine. Due to the trauma that Jeff caused, Liu gets flashbacks often of Jeff on top of him, stabbing pains and blurry vision. That's when Sully came around. He's a Protector alter Liu had. When Liu started to get flashbacks Sully would come out and act normal, act kind and generous, until they were in a safe space. However, it wasn't as safe as Liu hoped. Sully often indulged in Marijuana and cocaine, and refused to take meds for Liu's mental illness. This caused Liu to become addicted as well, which distorted his thinking tremendously.
Jason the Toymaker
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Kleptomania, Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), Hypersexuality, Substance Depenency Disorder
It's no secret that Jason has BPD and Kleptomania. Anyone who came in contact with the guy came to learn he has a tendency to "borrow" things from people he particularly likes. He also gets physically violent when called on his behavior, and has a very hard time distinguishing grey areas in people's actions. It's all bad or all good, never an in-between. He has very poor image of himself despite his efforts to appear flawless, and tends to self injurious behaviors because of it. It heals very quickly, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to do patch jobs from time to time.
Because of Amelia, he grieves in very odd ways, and for very extended periods of time. Despite moving from victim to victim hastily, he keeps every one he has turned into a doll. He tries to make them to be the perfect friends, and even pretends they banter with him and have their own mind. People have tried to help him disconnect from his make believe reality, and he has tried therapy before. He doesn't feel like it works, however, and had gotten an addiction to Benzos and cocaine because of it. He is an energy vampire, and finds himself at parties and social gatherings a lot, feeding off the energy. He's tried harder drugs before, and drinks quite often, but in his words, "it's not the same as just swallowing a pill and having your world be better for a few minutes."
Candy Pop
Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Bipolar Disorder II, Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), Insomnia, Night Terrors, Hypersexuality
Candy Pop is honestly a dire situation, that people just don't know how to react to. There are two separate souls fighting every day all the time to be the front mask. Night Terrors is his own demon, and has his problems on his own that nobody really knows. The end of. Candy Pop, however, used to be so fun loving and happy, before all this mess. He still has heightened areas of manic episodes, which is more like his true self, but then he has periods of complete meltdown that makes it really hard for people to like him. This, along with the fact that he has years upon years of torture and guilt within him, makes for no reason for him not to have his own night terrors and Insomnia when he can sleep.
The guilt and shame also comes out in weird ways, in him having many sexual partners but only really craving his beloved who passed away, eating until he physically gets ill for days, and progressing to self injurious behavior and activities makes up his free time most of the time. The people who see him suffer are only those closest to him, and try everything in their power to make sure he's distracted. But they have their own problems, and when he needs to take off steam, he'll find a way. It's terrifying how he has become his own inner monster, in a sense.
Bloody Painter
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Amnesia, Hypersexuality, Social Anxiety Disorder
Due to excessive bullying in his younger years, Helen never really learned that people could not be jerks. Early on, even before the massacre, he kind of only interacted with people if it meant something was in it for him. In fact, he did this even outside of school. His parents never knew, but he would meet up with strangers to take care of his business. It gave him a sense of self worth and esteem.
However, outside of these interactions, he was very quiet, lonely, and isolated. He never felt like he could talk to anyone about how he felt, and although he persevered, he still has issues with trusting people and letting them in. His depression from isolation comes in rages, where after he gets out his frustration, he feels peace again. After the massacre, He had lost all memory of what life was like before the massacre, not even remembering his own last name. He has yet to remember.
Judge Angels
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dysthymia, Social Anxiety Disorder
Dina had a lot of trauma growing up in a house where no one truly listened nor was able to understand Dina. Constantly being isolated from other kids and being kept on a leash, being told that she would be ridiculed and mocked for her appearance, has made her dislike the thought of people entirely. Mix that with her father's physical and verbal abuse did not help the situation, either.
When her mother passed away, Dina had lost the only person who had genuinely tried to help. She didn't just lose her mother, but her only friend as well. She had a deep hatred towards men specifically, and it takes a long time for her to see the good in people. Having frequent panic attacks over eyes on her and always feeling like the center of attention, she also feels quite isolated and empty. She has very strong rages that are extremely violent and easily turn to disaster. She also has an addiction towards self injury, and picks at her skin, especially around the nape of her neck and her hips. It was so bad, in fact, when she had met Helen, he had to patch up her left hip, because the skin was hanging by a shred.
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), Bipolar Disorder I, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Natalie is not someone to mess with, and she makes sure it's known. She was diagnosed with the majority of her illness as a teen and has been on meds galore. But nothing really seemed to help calm her nerves enough to take the edge off. Everything Natalie does is due to fight or flight and extremely routine. She's been fighting for her life for years, and when she finally got free from that fear of running out of time, she snapped. Hard. Before, if she had flashbacks, she would isolate herself for weeks at a time, doing nothing but homework and drawing. Now, she makes it everyone's problem, often telling people in graphic detail of her emotions not with calm words, but with violent threats.
However, this doesn't mean she's all fighter. You can often catch Natalie sitting by herself. If you can catch her in the right moment, she is somber, often lost, like a little girl waiting for her parents to be home. If she cries in front of you, it means you are the closest thing to a friend she has ever had. And if she actually talks about the abuse, she'll tell you how she wants out of the life she is living and wants to return to a normal life, but she doesn't want to go to jail. If anyone has any chance of getting better, it's Natalie. She has years of therapy under her belt and has gone through so much trauma that she has faced on her own will to get better, that if anyone put their mind to it and actually got out successfully, it would be her.
Laughing Jack
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dysthymia, Hypersexuality, Anxiety Disorder
Unfortunately Jack has dealt with traumatizing situations in his early use, and has never gotten help for it because, well, he's an entity. So of course he is riddled with anxiety. He listened to abuse in a box for years, getting abandoned from the person he was made to be with. This causes him to have very violent anger outbursts that sometimes prevent him from being let into the mansion. This is part of the reason he has dual housing.
Also it's probably a shocker to most when they learn of his Hypersexuality, but Jack was in a home full of sexual activity and abuse. It had gotten to a point where when he's super anxious or having bad flashbacks he'll pick his hair, but not in the places people would expect. Jack is a toy, sure, but an anatomically correct one at that. He has a tendency to pluck his pubic hairs and hairs on his armpits, which is an ode to Issac. (Issac had done this in his time alive, away from Jack, but the more distorted Issac got the more distorted Jack got. Jack ended up with a lot of traits he can't remember where they started from due to this.)
Julius The Dressmaker
Anorexia Nervosa, Substance Depenency Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Bipolar Disorder II, Antisocial Personailty Disorder (ASPD)
Julius has had enough of people, in all honesty. He's found how to manipulate people's perception of him into positivity, although in all honesty his demeanor is cold and standoffish. When he's having episodes however he's very energetic, almost as if he's floating on clouds. All his past partners get extremely freaked out by it, especially with the mix of substances he uses. His moods are always 100%, and he often has violent tendencies.
At one point they thought he had a conduct disorder as a child due to the inappropriate interactions people had with him. He's either extremely violent or flattering, and goes between praising you to degrading you in seconds. He's extremely harsh on himself as well, going from loving how he looks to thinking how absolutely revolting he is. He has always hated how he looked, and had texture issues, and ends up forcing himself to be extremely malnourished and fragile. Although he won't admit it, he is considerably more weak in terms of strength, and if it wasn't for him being a demon, most people would have possibility to overcome him.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), Orthorexia Nervosa, Substance Depenency Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Hypersexuality
Killian has had a rough childhood, to say the least. He often has flashbacks and night terrors of abuse he can barely remember, due to blocking them out unintentionally in his teen years. Because of his childhood, he not only began to hang with wrong people early on, but began to have distorted self image. Everyone has always loved his looks, so he uses his looks as a way to prey on people. Constantly having sex and disregarding people for his bad behavior, he believes although he is disrespectful and disgusting, he is the closest thing to God, and people should praise him for being who he is.
Also the mix of substances and alcohol makes this perception worse. He believes he's so much better than others, but then he thinks he is the embodiment of evil. Although these thoughts consume him regularly, he tries to push them down, again, unintentionally. It comes out in ways that are strange to him. Everyone loves his looks, but he must have a structured schedule to stay looking good. Forcing strange food rules and refusing to eat outside of them, usually ending up forcing his partners to follow them as well or degrading them when they eat something outside of his own rules. Although he is much healthier than his peers, deep down he's hurting from things he doesn't know he's hurting from.
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
Murmurs of Flourishing Blossoms - 1
Season: Winter Characters: Kaoru, Mika, Tatsumi, Midori, Arashi, Koga, Hiiro, Shinobu Translator: taiyaki-translations
<One day in late January, inside the ES Building>
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Kaoru: Hope everyone's doing well... Or um, if you're not, that's okay too...? 
(Honestly, why am I so nervous? I’m going overseas with Anzu-chan soon, but it’s just normal work so I don’t need to be so tense.) 
Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to make a mistake right at the beginning. Hm? It’s better than making a mistake in the middle of the shoot and having to start over again? 
Haha, that’s true. Then, let’s hurry and start filming again. 
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Yahoo~ Good morning everyone, I’m UNDEAD’s Hakaze Kaoru. Surely us meeting like this is a pleasant surprise for you~?
All of you in front of the screen probably have a lot of questions, but let’s keep up the mystery for a little longer. For now, just follow along— 
As you can see, this is the ES Building that was built to support idols and is home to some well known agencies. 
When I just graduated, there was a sense of freshness in working here as a professional, but unfortunately, I seem to spend more time doing jobs outside. I came here again today for overseas work. 
I’m really looking forward to experiencing the charms of different countries. What will be the destination of this trip and which idols will be accompanying me? You’ll find out soon ♪
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Kaoru: Haha, was that opening okay~? There was a small hiccup at the beginning, but I think we got enough material. 
Now it’s time to film the gathering scene of the idols. It seems both Takamine-kun and Kagehira-kun are a bit shy, so I’ll need to work twice as hard as a reliable senpai who often appears on variety shows. 
Of course, Anzu-chan, you can also rely on me as much as you want. It’s relatively easy for us to finish the filming, but since you’ll also be preparing for the exhibition overseas, you have to make sure you get enough rest. 
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The exhibition that that photographer asked us to model for is the same one you’re preparing for, right? 
A large exhibition held in Paris every year, where various works of art, including fashion and photography, are gathered in one place… You can say it’s a recent hot topic in the fashion and art worlds. 
So you want to go there to show the world the charm of idols? Haha, that’s just like you, Anzu-chan.
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Arashi: Mika-chan, I prepared a travel skincare set for you. Jet lag or environmental changes can easily affect your skin. You have an important photoshoot, so don’t forget to use it.
Mika: Ngah~
Arashi: Are you listening properly? Don’t get too excited thinking about seeing your Oshi-san. 
Phew, it can’t be helped. I can’t stand the thought of you ruining your face, so I’ll send you a message to remind you later.
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Koga: Why is that guy not here yet? How long does it take to film an opening? 
Tatsumi: Koga-san seems to really care for his unitmates. You knew that Kaoru-san would be here so you came to see him off, right?
Koga: Ha? Aren’t ya my roommate? Can’t it be me wantin’ to see you off?
Hiiro: The other two members of ALKALOID were busy and couldn’t come, but I’m really happy that I’m able to see off Tatsumi-senpai together with Oogami-senpai! Next time we go for a drive with Tatsumi-senpai, let’s invite Oogami-senpai too!
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Midori: I’m so depressed… I wanna die…
Shinobu: Midori-kun, you haven’t even left yet and you’re already wilting! Come on, cheer up!
Midori: Ugh… I’m nervous about going abroad, my social battery is drained, and the atmosphere around me is so intense, it feels like the spirit of Morisawa-senpai is right next to me…
Shinobu: Please don’t call Morisawa-dono a ghost. Morisawa-dono will be frightened.
Midori: Huh? That’s the part you’re commenting on? Oh, Anzu-san is here.
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Kaoru: It’s really lively in here. Is everyone packed? The interview segment is starting soon ♪
Koga: The way you’re talkin’ is really gross. We ain’t little kids, why are you talkin’ all gently?
Hiiro: Hmm? Oogami-senpai, earlier you were asking when Kaoru-senpai was coming. Why are you so mad at him now?
Arashi: Ufufu, that’s just how boys are. 
Anyway, it looks like filming is going to start soon. Mika-chan, do your best~
Mika: Nnah~ Anzu-chan, are you startin’ with me? What’s the most important thing I’m bringin’ ?
The only thing that I can think of right now is that skincare set Naru-chan kept talkin’ about earlier…
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Oh right, I brought along a gift fer Oshi-san! ‘Cause I'm goin’ this time fer work, I probably can't stay fer long, so I haven't told Oshi-san about it yet. Maybe I can give him a nice surprise…!
Midori: The most important thing for me is… probably my mascot characters. If I don’t get healing from them, I might die on the plane…
Tatsumi: Fufu, I recently received a “traffic safety” amulet (1) from my unitmates in ALKALOID, but I didn’t think it would come in handy so soon. This is probably the last thing I would want to lose during my trip.
Midori: (Eh? That amulet… I don’t think that was the reason why they gave it…)
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Hiiro: Umu, if Tatsumi-senpai needs more, we can definitely give you as many as you like! How about putting one in your car?
Midori: (It would probably be better to leave it in the car. I think both the driver himself and his passengers will definitely need it…) (2)
Shinobu: Oho, I think Midori-kun’s face is quite expressive, it's interesting to look at.
Kaoru: Hmm… If you want to go abroad, things like your passport and wallet are more important than anything else. In that sense, I’m a practical person.
Koga: I thought you’d say somethin’ like “Of course, the most important thing is myself.” If you had said that, I’d have been angry.
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Kaoru: Aww, Koga-kun’s being awfully clingy today. Is it perhaps… me going overseas is making Wan-chan feel lonely?
Koga: Who gives a crap about you!?
Tatsumi: Haha, you all get along well. In any case, we are going to an unfamiliar place, so it will be safer if we stay together as a group.
Arashi: That’s right. Everyone, take care of yourselves, okay? Otherwise, I’ll worry…
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Translation Notes: 1. Japanese amulets (or omamori) can usually be bought from Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples and are said to give various forms of good luck and protection if you keep it on your person. Usual types of omamori include ones that promote wealth or good health, helping one get good grades, helping one find love, and of course, traffic safety. 2. A reference to Tatsumi's 4* feature scout story, An Appraiser Appears?
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graveltrapping · 1 month
Female Marc Marquez Fashion Part 1
Part 2 (I had too many photos so I had to split it:/)
Mar Marquez and her evolution of Personal and Championship style, inspired by this really great fashion post that you should check out. Its a fun and detailed read spanning over most of the riders, all of whom are women in their Au, and the fashion culture that's cultivated around the Championship Gala in their universe.
This one is focused on my Mar Marquez from my Debutant fic and the development of her championship and personal style over the years.
This was so much longer than it needed to be but I got invested.
Her mother used to dress her as a kid so she's very cutesy and stylish in baby/kid photos, frills and skirts and perfectly braided hair, but as she got further and further into racing and racing social circles, all clothes because less for expression and more for comfort and practicality.
Casually as a teenager she was a very jeans, hoodies, and her dad's t-shirts kind of person. Always in sneakers or comfy shoes and her shirts always seemed to just hang that tiny bit too loose on her where people are wondering had she just pilfered it from Alex closets cause he has one almost the exact same. Maybe spices something up with a graphic tee here or there but it's mostly football or team jerseys.
Her hair had has been extremely long when she was a kid as well, mostly at the insistence of her parents who adored it, but she got most of it cut off when she joined 125cc. Many people were devastated. It's grown out through the feeder series so when she gets to Motogp, it just about brushing her shoulders. Even still, her family were usually the ones to do anything with her hair. Braid it, curl it, cut it, her mom is the go to person. Alex after that, and then her dad. She can do everything herself if she wanted to but there's a level of comforting stability from her family helping her.
For Championship Ceremonies or galas/events, which aren't as big as Motogp ones, Mar can always rely on a pair of flat pumps (pretty sure they were a thing in the 2010s) with the same plain orange knee length dress she wore to the last one or some nice jeans and fancy blouse. While her effort is minimal, and basically all advice from her mother and manager over a stylist is ignored, she doesn't get as much flack for it as she would in the premier class because there simply isn't as many eyes on her. She can get away with loose hair, minimal makeup, because she still perceived as a girl half the time and less than a woman.
The silhouette of the dress that she wears for the feeder series galas is modest and quite plain, covering a lot of Mars physical aspects that she’s proud of but doesn’t want to show off (at the time). It’s long, simple, and doesn’t have a lot of personality besides the colour which really makes her skin seem golden. It’s Mar at her youngest and not most confident yet still uncaring in a way.
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Her first two years at the MotoGP Championship Ceremony are her most tame in terms of dress and style. She’s still so young. Still figuring out her style, what she likes, what’s makes her feel like a woman while not performing for the sudden and new eyes that are fixated on her. She likes being a woman, being feminine, but she doesn't enjoy performing in a way that's not dictated by her. Her way, or no way at all really.
She keeps to the Honda kinda of orange but the cuts of the dresses are more mature, a bit tighter, or have a more adventurous fabric choice or texture that makes them more interesting and dynamic. It’s still not completely her but it’s a step in the right direction.
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She upgrades herself from a pump to gradually taller heels until she could walk on stilts if she truly wanted. Her hair is usually down but styled in a very loose and natural way because her hair is so incredibly thick and stunning anyway. Even short, it's been styled in such a way its best described as a Monroe. Has a bit of length with loads of volume and texture from the curls.
Jewellery is simple and always gold. She didn't get her ears pierced until the 2014 summer break though.
The 2015 Championship Ceremony/Divorce Hearing is when Mar kind of had a moment of extreme perspective change, forced growing up, and also has no choice but to acknowledge the amount of eyes on her. She has to go on stage as a heavily ridiculed 22 year old woman. She has to go on stage alone, no friends or family, and stand beside Valentino Rossi, the man who has just shattered every perception she had of him, from every out on the open podium to every moment behind closed doors. She can't play it off as nothing because it wasn't nothing and people know that.
She's just on that precious of going from the Mar, two time champion, mindset to the undisputed and 8 time world champion mindset.
What does she ware for that moment? She can't ware the dress Vale got her.
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Its simple, mature, and black.
So starkly different from basically everything she has ever worn that people notice the change, both physical and mentally. A visual representation of the switch from the last bits of full unfiltered girlhood to womanhood where she will be the best, be unbeatable and untouchable, where she will give no one a chance to bite her the way Vale did. The jewellery is extravagant, gold and pearls, while her hair has been styled in a very Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend/Dorothy Shaw way. She looks different. She looks new and gorgeous and suddenly so much more solid in who she is.
It's most commonly referred to as the Divorce/Revenge Dress.
Mar is a lot more cemented in herself as a person/woman/champion going into 2016 and onwards and that just shows through the confidence in how she acts and how she dresses. Her Championship Ceremony/Gala looks evolve with the confidence. Deep cuts showing off her chest and backless pieces showcases the length of her spine and the deep lines of muscle built up over the years. High leg slits, completely sleeveless pieces to show off her wide shoulders, statement ruffles/unique fabrics/bolder silhouettes or if she's really feeling it, a sharp suit. There's silk, velvet, sequins, brocade fabrics. Gold, pearls, rubies and diamond and crystal. She can wear it all.
She doesn't stick to team colours either, has a wider variety of deep an rich colours but red and black are the ones that suit her the best. They make her hair seem even darker, her skin seems golden, and just seem to encapsulate her whole person better than the brighter Honda orange that she used to almost hide behind.
Her hair grows out as well over the years, it had been cut short again in 2018 for various reasons, but now its long and bouncy and curls beautifully around her sharply cut face which is all tied together with more gold jewellery. Ears full of piercings, fingers and wrists stacked with rings and bangles that just glitter every time they move.
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Thoughts continue on Part 2 (too many photos to upload lol)
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theamityelf · 5 months
At this point can I suggest Kamakurizing everybody? Just a full room of weird creatures trying to live a semi-normal life with varying degrees of participation.
Lol, here are my bullet points for the rest of the 78th class as Kamukuras:
Sayaka: She's similar to Kokichi, in that she's a puppetmaster, but she has the more straightforward goal of satisfying everyone. It's like she's trying to live out a perfect Pacifist Run of real life. And she's the main character. That's the main issue, is that she has reached the conclusion that she uniquely knows the correct way to make everyone happy, and any solace or enjoyment they find for themselves or through relationships she didn't steer them into is illegitimate because they're talentless and don't know how to take care of themselves. If she were asked her goal, she would say that she wants to optimize the world for everyone's enjoyment. But a truer answer is that she wants to justify what happened to her in the labs by becoming the goddess who everyone relies on. That's what makes the most sense; she used to be the Ultimate Pop Sensation, and now she's this! If and when they all escape the labs and her social circle includes original Izuru, she will have to deal with the fact that she sees herself as the pinnacle of Kamukuras and at least some of the others will view Izuru as the one to look to for guidance. She isn't hostile toward him, though; the way to triumph over him is to be to him what she is to everyone else. So she looks for dissatisfaction in him, so she can solve it.
Junko: She no longer feels things as acutely anymore. She can't feel despair the same way, for herself or via others. She still tries, though, because out of her boredom, that's just the direction she leans. (This is maybe kind of gross, but I'm thinking, as a last ditch effort to see if it's worth trying to feel despair for herself, she causes herself some kind of permanent injury. Just one; once she doesn't feel all that much about it, she stops doing it. But she might cut off one of her fingers. Something like that. Just a single very calculated act of extreme despair that she doesn't feel strongly enough about to justify continuing.) She is Sayaka's antagonist. In the labs, she and Sayaka are at opposite sides of a chessboard, where Sayaka is trying to keep everyone happy and Junko is trying to make everyone miserable. Neither of them have an emotional stake in others' feelings; it's just what feels right to them.
Leon: Maybe the closest in personality to original Izuru, in that he is unmotivated and finds no interest in any of his own talents. Izuru broke out of that by finding meaning in being the predecessor to all his successors, but Leon is just one of many. He's much less cooperative with the scientists than original Izuru; he can't be convinced to do much of anything. He will very occasionally do things on his own initiative, based on no discernible reason. But most of the time, he just sits in the corner watching.
Chihiro: Okay, I think Chihiro can go one of two ways: either extremely avoidant of pain or extremely fascinated with pain. Their pain and other's pain; they don't perceive a difference, so the ranking of importance is more based on who would be hurt the most by a given thing. Think the mosquito anecdote from THH; they let the mosquito bite them because the mosquito would suffer more if it didn't than they would if it did. That's pretty much their rationale for everything. They will do anything to prevent their own suffering, unless their own suffering will prevent greater suffering in another. They will do anything to prevent others' suffering, unless other's suffering will prevent greater suffering in themself. I think Chihiro's behavior would be a lot like Byakuya's; a lot of hiding. But they would also be easily provoked to intervene if something bad was happening. And since everyone in this post is in the lab at the same time, I'm thinking this usually takes the form of calling Sayaka or otherwise making sure Sayaka knows about what's going on. If no one else is available to solve the problem, though, Chihiro will step in. They're a lethal fighter.
Mondo: My first thought is, he might try to be the referee of whatever's going on between Junko and Sayaka. Just kind of resisting major status quo changes on either side. I'm basing this on the idea that, without the emotional aspects of his temper, he's left with a more levelheaded, lucid gravitation toward control that results in him trying to take the reins even in situations where that isn't needed. Idk, I might come back to this one, because I'm not satisfied with it. I know he wouldn't be a passive one. Honestly, he might escape on his own.
Taka: You know, I think Taka Kamukura could be genuinely very dangerous. I think his disillusionment with talent would remain, in some form. Namely, he would consider the Kamukura Project a deeply, deeply obscene thing to do. He's not angry about it, because his emotions are dulled, so all he's left with is a profound disgust for what he and the other Kamukuras are. He's fixated on the idea of all of them dying in a fire, along with all record of this abomination, to keep the world untouched by it. But rationally, he knows that isn't a viable option. There are people off these premises who would still know, after all. It could still be reproduced. Leaking things to the press is an option, but Hope's Peak has so much power, they could squash the story if he isn't careful. And telling more people might lead to copycats who aren't even affiliated with Hope's Peak trying their own similar projects. I think he would ally with the original Kamukuras, as far as finding every offshoot of the project and destroying it until nothing remains, but once that's done, he believes something needs to be done about the Kamukuras themselves. They should not exist, in his eyes. All of this would be made more complicated if he makes friends among the other Kamukuras, but ultimately I think his belief would remain no matter what, and his view of it would be "We are friends, and I care for you guys, but we should never have been created, and I have to fix that."
Hifumi: I think he's no longer able to enjoy fiction because he can see its flaws so easily, but he still has that appetite for epic stories, resulting in him using the drama of real life to fill the void. He especially likes the battle of wills between Sayaka and Junko. He doesn't directly involve himself (at least not of his own accord), but if someone tells him what to do, he'll generally do it. (It depends on how strong-willed or interesting he considers the person.) His greatest desire is to spectate. He still creates art, but now he creates it ahead of time to chronicle different ways the scenarios he's watching could go. Basically drawing predictions.
Celeste: Her goal is to escape the labs. She will say or do anything to escape the labs, which, in the immediate, probably means she is the nicest to the scientists, cooperates with them very well, even befriends them. She could probably get some of them to worship her, if Sayaka weren't in the way. As for once she does leave the labs, her objective regarding the mansion and the vampire butlers is no longer a thing. Now, she's looking to immerse herself in an extreme environment. The peak of a mountain, the depths of a forest, outer space. Someplace secluded and different, that will keep her mind active. She would live in an active volcano if she could.
Sakura: Very competitive, in the absence of the passion and care that used to drive her. Not competitive in the social sense; she's not challenging the others outwardly. It's just her goal to be the best. Meaning she's just blankly/compulsively checking the rankings of all the Kamukuras, in every area in which they're compared (lifting strength, running speed, swimming speed, climbing speed, dexterity, proficiency in math, proficiency in language, etc.) and striving to reach the top in all of them. The opinions of the scientists don't matter to her; all that matters are these objective determiners of her worth. The purpose of a Kamukura is to be great, and so she is called to be the greatest. If and when they escape the labs and she's made to look outside of this framework, she will not know what to do with herself for a while, so she might turn to Sayaka or Izuru, or she might just isolate herself until she figures out what she's supposed to be doing.
Hina: I'm thinking very energetic and curious. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, but she also doesn't consider whether the things she does hurts people. She's not able to feel strongly about anything around her, but she channels her boredom into a belief that she can or will feel strongly about something else; she just needs to find it. So maybe she doesn't care about sitting idle in this room, but maybe it'll be interesting if she tries to break the two-way mirror. Nope, that was boring. Then maybe it'll be interesting if she holds her breath as long as she can. Well, she passed out, and that was still boring. Is this scientist interesting? No. Then maybe he'll be interesting if she breaks his arm! Nope. She could be useful to Junko or Sayaka and probably is useful to both. The fact that canon Hina is a shorts-in-the-winter person and just generally is able to ignore all kinds of physical discomfort tells me that her Kamukura self just wouldn't treat her own or anyone's pain as a thing that matters. It simply wouldn't occur to her.
Yasuhiro: Similar vibe to Leon, in that he doesn't actually do much, but much less stubborn, and with a more neutral-to-positive slant to his boredom. Leon resents his boredom, but Hiro is comfortable with it. Honestly, I'm pretty interested in the thought of him as a Kamukura, but I can't get too into it now. On a basic level, he and Leon are the figurative "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" of the Kamukuras. Hiro watches life play out the way a normal person would watch a rerun of a familiar show.
Toko: I think that the trauma of the procedure would cause her to develop new alters, but I also would need to do research to approach that concept well. She absorbs languages fastest out of all the Kamukuras.
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lady-byleth · 1 year
A thing that strikes me every time I watch Ace of Diamond is how Miyuki is both an extremely insightful and caring person but at the same time too socially awkward to make use of that
Like, yes, he's an absolute raccoon and gremlin but he plays that up so hard that most people around him think that that's all he is. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
While he's extremely bad at reading people in general and doesn't really understand emotions he is observant enough to recognise behavioral patterns and connect them to what he knows of people's personalities and experiences to draw correct conclusions. And that kind of observation and analysis is not possible if you don't care deeply
And while he will absolutely use this ability for his own amusement he typically utilises it simply to compensate for his own shortcomings in interpersonal relationships. He doesn't know how to comfort or motivate so he redirects instead.
His constant needling, annoying and insulting is his way of channeling his pitchers' nervous energy into their frustration with him and that way they focus on shutting him up instead of worrying about the situation.
But when he notices an actual problem that behaviour disappears immediately and he notifies someone else who can deal with it better.
He was the first to realise Furuya's slacking off was fatigue exacerbated by the summer heat and instantly connected it to having moved to Tokyo from Hokkaido only recently.
He was also the first to recognise Sawamura's crumbling performance as yips and instantly isolated the cause for it too.
But the next step would be seeking conversation and working on a solution, which involves addressing emotions, and that's where he freezes up every time. Because emotions and understanding them as well as seeing what's written between the lines is Kuramochi's thing, not Miyuki's. So he relegates to the coach or Chris instead.
You can also see that he always knows when his usual tactic of pissing someone off won't work and that he always tries to find another way when relegating isn't possible. But because dealing with emotions is his greatest weakness it always ends up either super awkward or straight up backfiring
Even his fight with Zono stemmed from Miyuki being too socially awkward to even remotely understand why Nabe came to him in the first place. It takes Kuramochi pointing out that someone who wanted to quit wouldn't make such an effort taking notes for him to realize he missed something again. And it's that part that makes him the most upset, not Zono arguing with him. And him being upset with himself make the fight only get worse because being as emotionally challenged as he is he doesn't know how to back down either
He's been fully aware of and bothered by this even before the start of the series so his answer was to remove his own brain to mouth filter instead...until this was no longer an option.
When he becomes captain it's suddenly not just about him and the pitchers anymore but the entire team that's looking to him for guidance and his own shortcomings end up affecting everyone
So he starts making the effort to be more open and understanding, tries to connect with the team on a different level and not always rely on his sharp tongue.
And going back from Act 2 to the start of the series you can really see what an emotional journey this all is for him and how much he grows with it. Because first he allows himself to care so much that he puts his own health at risk for the team until he learns to balance this deep caring with his responsibility as captain and becomes the reliable pillar of strength that keeps Seido going straight while Sawamura takes on the role of emotional center
Of course, he's not even close to being done growing and he still messes up but hey, he's only 17 years old by Act 2 and the growth he undergoes in just that one year we experience with him is already impressive
Anyway, this sports manga/anime has better character development than most media that claim to be "character driven" and I'm in love with it
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chronurgy · 18 days
I think small studios often get a little incestuous with their fans for a number of reasons. It often is one guy running all the socials and the complaints form and writing the patch notes as like a side job and they are talking to the same few fans over and over again so they really do have some level of "relationship" even if that isn't maybe a good idea. And some of that is noble. Some of that is because the creators are really genuinely thrilled to interact with people who love their work soso much and that goes to their heads a little bit, because we're all friends here right? And some of it is a little less noble, because small studios often rely on a small core of superfans to survive and of course they need to make them happy, that's where all their money comes from.
As long as the studio and the fan base both stay small it can work, sort of. There are definitely issues, but since there are fewer people involved it lessens the chance of something truly terrible happening and since everyone "knows" each other they can often work it out. That's not to say things don't ever blow up, they definitely can. But you can see how things can sort of trundle along without any major issues for a time.
And then the next game blows up. The fandom gets huuuuuge. The studio keeps interacting with fans like they've always done, because it's always worked before and they love their fans! They've always been close to them and involved, and the fans love it too! It's here that things have a nasty habit of blowing up. A tweet that was cute when everyone in the fandom knew it was Steve dashing something out in his off time comes without that context and suddenly isn't so well received. The studio has transitioned from being "our friends" to "the company" or "our heroes" to much of the fan base, but they haven't realized it yet. Employees respond to things with their personal accounts, because they always have, mixing company decisions with personal opinions in ways that aren't always clear. This, too, can cause problems.
sometimes studios realize before it gets too bad. They put in directives, tell everyone to cool it with the posts, hire a social media manager, and start walking it back. Other studios don't. They end up in some big blow up before they realize they can't do this any longer. I've seen this happen a few times now and after awhile you learn to recognize the signs. I'm hopeful that more studios will start thinking about this early on if only to save themselves the trouble. It's so easy to slip into because at first it really is just a few fans and they really are so happy to chat! I don't think anyone goes into it with bad intentions or thoughts about their audience suddenly growing 1000-fold overnight. But it happens all the time and maybe it's time to start thinking about it sooner
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scarz-xo · 10 months
It's hard to write to a world that doesn't listen, a world that lives with double standards, I try to write but I just stare at the screen in utter disbelief to what humanity has come to.
Israel has bombed South Lebanon many times yet no one hears about it like at all.
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The hatred & targeting of Palestinians all over the world right now just for being Palestinian.
Today Israel targeted & killed the 70 year old Palestinian woman who said she was older than the occupation.
No one is speaking, no one is talking, Biden came out in all his white saviour bullshit tweeting about Palestinian children who have cancer & about how he'll save them & get them proper help when he's the one funding the young children's displacement, the bombing of the hospitals & more
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And of course we can't forget the Ukrainian president who should be on the side of Palestine cause they're both getting invaded yet he's with Israel going on & on about how the genocide in Palestine (which he didn't call genocide) takes the attention away from Ukraine.
Cause Apparently it's all about a fight for focus & attention not humanity & peace, but after all we can't forget he was an actor who did a photoshoot during the war so of course he's the best when it comes to having attention & focus on him.
Oh and let's not forget New York Times person Of The Year cause in 2022 it was Zelensky himself:
Cause yeah he's fighting a war against the Russian but this year we have mega pop star Taylor Swift, no Palestinians no, and before you attack me, I'm a major swiftie but this just shows the double standards cause as this year's person is not a Palestinian no, it's the same when people came out for Ukraine's support calling for actions against Russia yet no one is talking about Palestine like Selena Gomez who decided to take a break now but when it was Ukraine she was posting & talking about it.
All of this yet the result we get today is Starvation, no electricity, no water, bombing 24/7, hospitals out of control cause they no longer have the capacity for more, dismembered bodies, belongings getting stolen by the IDF & so so much more & what's worse is the Israeli posts their shit all over social media yet the world pretends it's blind!
Everyone have their eyes and ears covered, everyone is funding, some are not even doing the least as boycotting & you wanna see the result?
Here it is:
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They took their clothes in December, tied them up, covered their eyes & preparing them for a mass execution, these are not Hamas or related to Hamas, these are Palestinian men, they're just men, just humans, like our own men, our guy friends, our boyfriends, our husbands, our brothers, out fathers, they're more than just "men" to their people.
But they're getting executed cause the world refuses to listen or see.
I'm so fucking tired over this.
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