#but basically i want to be 'the cool aunt' but i have no siblings to give me kids
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
I dont know if it's because I'm an only child so I've had no real outlet for helping raise a kid beyond some babysitting times
But while I dont want to give birth to a kid and I'm iffy on wanting a kid period. There's so many things I keep seeing and thinking about where I'm like "damn I wish I had someone young to share that with"
I can't think of the specific thing this moment. But the other day at work I had a whole thing in my mind about something that I'd love to get or do with a kid. I think an experience I had as one but idr
Like I've never had the experience of watching a kid "get" something or really even grow. The closest I've come/I am, I've still been removed from the kids for a couple years at a time so of course I'm seeing them grow but I've rarely seen the failures
And I dont know what's up with that but I feels a bit like I'm missing out on something
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icycoldninja · 23 days
Hello!! Can I request for a platonic one for the Sparda bros with Nero and V? Like what if the twin have a younger sister who got most of their mom’s features, but still as strong as them. She’s kinda like Nero, stubborn, reckless, but has a big heart and like the twin she got an obsession with video games
Please n thank u 🙏
Yes, of course! Enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader platonic headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is reminded of you guys' mom every time he looks at you. You're basically a younger clone of Eva, which is both a good thing and a bad thing, because as much as he loves his mother, he is reminded of everything that happened when he looks at you.
-Dante trained you to be as strong as he is, (Vergil helped too) and is glad you turned out to be a badass devil hunter just like the rest of your family.
-Dante loves you, as any big brother does, but, being your sibling, he is obligated to argue with you at least twice a day.
-Will steal your food when you're not looking, especially if it's pizza.
-Sometimes your arguments turn into full on wrestling competitions where the victor usually isn't clear for several hours.
-However, Dante will always be around to play games with you when you want him to.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is that overprotective older brother that scares away all your friends and potential dates cause he doesn't trust them.
-He takes very good care of you because you remind him of his mother, whom he failed to protect. He'll make up for it now by protecting you.
-He'll train you to be a swordswoman who is at least half as good as he is so if you're ever in danger and he's not around to help, you can defend yourself.
-You are the only person who can get between him and Dante and stop a fight without getting injured or called deadweight in the process.
-Still, as siblings are inclined to do, you guys still fight a lot, usually over menial things. For instance, Vergil will insist you misplaced his copy of William Blake, you'll deny it, an argument starts, Vergil rises from his seat in anger, discovers he was sitting on it the entire time, and sits back down sulkily as you give him the silent treatment. About an hour later you'll be back on speaking terms.
-Doesn't know how to play video games because he's your boomer bro, but he won't object to being taught.
□ Nero □
-Nero finds you to be the cool aunt, though you're really more like his best friend since you have less of an age gap.
-Plays video games with you all day, every day, whenever you want.
-Is amazed that you have the power to stop an argument or fight between Dante and Vergil and that they actually listen to you.
-It must be because you look like their mom, Nero reasons, and he's right. Also, the fact that you look almost like a carbon copy of Eva means that Nero gets a chance to bond with his grandma and aunt at the same time.
-Loves to spar with you to test your strength and see how well Dante and Vergil trained you.
-Is really more fond of you than he is of his own dad.
● V ●
-V, being the human half of Vergil, knew who you were and had some level of familiarity towards you, but carried none of the brotherly love Vergil had.
-Because the memories he gained from Vergil are somewhat fuzzy, he mistook you as Eva herself when he first saw you and had to do a double take. Then when he saw you and Trish standing side by side, he thought the two of you were twin sisters.
-Does not know what video games are as he's only ever read poetry, but with your guidance, he might learn...someday...when he finally understands that the controller is not magic and that the TV is not a window to another universe...
-Is very glad you're as strong as the Sparda twins because his condition warrants a bodyguard, ashamed as he is to admit it. You, the younger sibling, must now protect her older brother's human half because said human half is trying to protect you.
-V cares for you, and even though he doesn't see you as his sister, he does see you as a very dear friend.
-He will divulge Vergil's secrets to you, and also spill the beans on how this MOTIVATED man feels about his baby sister so you can use it to tease him later.
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Heyyy so yk the series that you were doing where what it would be like to be Tom or bills daughter? Sooooo I thought maybe do one where Tom and bill both had daughters young and both moms are not in the picture and the daughters are total bffs like they are always together?? Just a suggestion I don’t know if you still do that anymore you don’t have to tho anyways bye!
(this would actually be so dope if it was real)
Mini Thems
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They raised mini thems! They raised mini thems!
From birth you and your cousin were practically twins
You guys were born mere days apart, same age and everything and even as they grew up they were attached to the hip
Since Bill and Tom are identical twins their kids would most likely have a lot of the same features from their dad's
You and your cousin are confused as twins all the time and it's so funny
You guys wouldn't call yourself twins though
Bill and Tom were so surprised when they found out they were having kids at the same time
But Bill was actually so excited and Tom was just as stoked as well
Bill wanted to raise you guys side by side as well
You and your cousin have sleepovers all the time
You guys are gonna put Bill and Tom int cardiac arrest as well
You guys LOVE defying then
Oh my god and tease them about you guys having boyfriends or girlfriends?
Your dad's are freaking out and denying you guys are growing up
You guys share clothes all the time and sometimes fight about it but still lend each other stuff
More like stealing because you guys never ask, just take
You guys are the literal definition of sibling, but you're cousins instead
The Tokio Hotel Fandom loves you guys
There may be little dicks of fans but the older fans were so excited when you guys came!
So many tabloids and paparazzi were dying to take pictures of you guys
You guys were so alike that sometimes people couldn't tell y'all apart until one did something the other didn't
You guys were the center of attention and absolutely dolls growing up
On stage and off you guys were stars
Your dad's would take you guys on tour as well just because you guys wanted
Tom and Bill gave you guys whatever you could ever please and gave you everything they didn't have
Your uncle's, Gustav and Georg as well?
You guys learned how to give your dad's gray hairs from them
Gustav and Georg would babysit you guys and suddenly you were screaming bitch, ass, shit and so much more
You got your sassiness from Uncle Gustav 1000%
You guys were taken out and photographed in so many cute outfits because Bill dressed you guys to match or be the opposite and it was so cute
Tom basically made you guys mini hims when he had you guys as well
You guys were blinged out and fashionable with makeup as well when Bill dressed you guys
Tom was baggy clothes for his daughter and niece, Bill was makeup, skirts, large tea shirts, shorts, sunglasses, painted nails and bags and so much more
So safe to say, y'all raid Bill's closet a lot
You guys love spending time with Heidi as well
You guys take her dresses and clothes as well and she loves doing your guys' hair when asked
Great step mom and step aunt if I say so
Your cousin and you could talk like telepathy without words and it's so cool
Just subtle looks and you guys know exactly what the other means
You guys are one of the most iconic familial duos to live
You guys are often compared to your dad's and a lot of fans hope you guys take after them
Gustav and Georg were so surprised at first as well but actually were one of the first to meet you guys when you were born
Georg is the kill for you uncle and Gustav is the ride or die and knock a bitch out uncle
They pick you guys outta school without your dad's knowing all the time
They made you guys little mini thems for your dad's for revenge on Bill biting Georg and spraying him with hairspray
Tom was collateral as well
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit
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aita for offering to stay at a house that isn't mine?
weird title but bear with me. this happened a while ago. (most everyone involved is in their 20s except Grandpa who is idk maybe 70s?)
I, my Sibling, and their Partner went to a multi day event. we drove down together and stayed on site. my Boyfriend and his Brother were visiting their Grandpa who lives 2 hours from the event. since the last day of the event ended kinda late the plan was: we would stay that night at my aunt's apartment in the same city as event and then the next day Sibling would drop me off with Boyfriend and I would drive back home with Boyfriend.
we do the event. it's fun and all that and as expected the last day closes out around 9 or so at night. we get to my aunt's apartment closer to 10pm. staying there falls through for reasons. we need a hotel for the night but that's a lot of money so none of us particularly want to do that. but since we have to at least hotels are cheaper farther from the city. so we drive ~1 hour to the cheaper hotels. we stop at a fast food place to regroup and figure out which hotel is cheapest. it's around midnight.
I realize it's just another hour or so to my Boyfriend's Grandpa's place. Sibling and Partner know Boyfriend and they get along. they have also met Brother in passing. however they've never met Grandpa let alone been to his house. I float the idea to them: I'll first check with Boyfriend if it's cool but I'll drive us to Grandpa's house since that's where we were going tomorrow morning anyway and we can sleep there tonight. Sibling and Partner are cool with it if Boyfriend/Grandpa are cool with it.
I call Boyfriend and explain. he says as long as I'm up for driving this late and we're all cool sleeping on the floor it's fine. we arrive around 2 in the morning. everyone is understandably asleep but I call Boyfriend and he lets us in. there are air mattresses set up and we're all extremely exhausted so we all promptly pass out.
Sibling and Partner wake up before I do. they didn't really bring anything in and most of their stuff is already in their car so they pack up quick. I'm still waking up when Brother says to me something like "get them out of this house now." Sibling and Partner are just about ready to go as far as I can tell. they say thank you to Boyfriend and Grandpa then they leave.
I explain the situation to Grandpa then apologize and thank him for letting us stay the night. I don't know Grandpa that well but he doesn't seem upset that we crashed at his house. he's polite though so it's hard to tell. Brother is irritated. he's making snippy comments at me about being intrusive and putting a burden on Grandpa. Boyfriend doesn't say much. I ask Boyfriend if I was out of line and he shrugs it off and basically says it is what it is.
when I asked Sibling later if anything happened while we were at Grandpa's house they said no. they basically woke up, had a brief conversation with Grandpa and Boyfriend, then they left. they felt a little weird since they were crashing and dashing but neither Grandpa nor Boyfriend seemed to mind.
I know it's not okay to invite random extra people to sleep in someone else's home. and I know we had other options. and it was maybe manipulative for me to call Boyfriend so late at night. it turned out okay in the end but that's no excuse. so yeah: am i the asshole for offering in the first place?
What are these acronyms?
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mistkisbiggestfan · 8 months
Hello! this is based on an OC, but may you write about Medic with a cloned child OC? I always thought of him as a mad scientist type, so I’m sure he would’ve figured out how to do that. He basically raises this clone as his own kid, and they’d be a late teen / young adult by the time the events of TF2 happen
The OC is a girl but honestly you can make it gender neutral if you’d like!
Sorry if it’s too specific, but TYSM!
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Medic & Child, Cloned reader HC
A/n: This is one of my fav reqs of all time ngl Requests are open!!
Summary: You're Medic's cloned child, headcanons. Words: 636 Request: Yeah
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I like to think you’re a clone based on him, or atleast a clone made in his image. One medic is enough to create chaos and things like that, just imagine another person who's almost a 1to1 of him, pure chaos. 
Your first day being alive, he took you in his arms and was like “it’s alive!” just as Heavy and Spy walked in to ask him if he wanted to go grab a beer. They were absolutely terrified, Spy just cloaked out of there having the day Scout was born in the back of his mind.
That left only Medic, you and Heavy there. Heavy was shocked and Medic just held you up looking at him; “Isn’t she so cute!!” While you looked alarmingly similar to him with his grin on your face.
Others found out like ten minutes after that and soon everyone was just looking at you with no clue of what to do.
When Ms. Pauling found out she almost died on her spot. “There’s no way Medic is suited to even have a dog, let alone a child!” 
Nobody gave af, she soon came around to like you too. 
Medic is 100% your father figure (That’s rather obvious) but so was Heavy, they’re like your dads.
Sniper, Engie, Demo and Soldier are like your uncles (That doesn’t include Spy because he’s def a wine aunt, and so is Ms. Pauling). While Pyro and Scout act more like your siblings. 
Medic showed you the ropes and soon you were as capable of doing batshit crazy things like him. He was so proud!! 
Archimedes loves you, always resting on your shoulder doing simple things like staying with you and Medic during operations on other Mercs. 
When you were a less capable child everyone basically coparented, of course Heavy and Medic were like your parents the most but everyone wanted to take care of you so they followed a schedule of who has to babysit you and when. 
Once you grew up to actually be independent, mercenaries were terrified to realize how similar you are to Medic, you were the same person, with slightly different looks, you even wore the same glasses he did. 
When the events of the TF2 mercs splitting happened (Referencing the comics rn if someone didn’t know) you went with Medic, the change impacted you way more than it did him, you really missed everyone, they were like your family. 
Once he started to work with those blue guys you were cool with it, they underestimated you but you showed them that you’re just like your fellow dad, insane. 
Medic showed you all the modifications he made and you showed the modifications you did before you both laughed it off like the silliest thing one can do. 
When everyone got back together you were way older than you used to be, but fortunately you remembered everything. 
When Medic told you about the fact that you were a clone you were very interested and didn’t care, like at all. I mean you’re basically him, so it was more interesting than scary or sad.
He helped you in acquiring 9 souls from some suckers just like he did! (Can’t believe all mercs gave him their souls lmao) 
Sometimes you operate on the Mercs when he’s somewhere else, at first they were very unwilling but soon it showed that you were just like him in this profession (which isn’t the ideal tbh)
Everyone showed you something, so you were really multiclass, leaning heavily into being another medic (shocking, I know)
Overall a 10/10 father, sure he has some loose screws but isn’t that normal? You two are the most chaotic beings even the devil can’t contain.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
please, send help. i (23y/o) think i am getting to a stage where I need to be a Cool Aunt TM for my niece (13y/o). She's been a bit too online since she had to move around a lot. She had a bit of antis mentality, but i'm trying to pull her away from it slowly. At the same time, she's been around the internet, reading 18+ yaois and shit. I did the same at her age, so I can’t say I don't understand her. But as an adult idk how to talk about this 18+ healthily with her? or do I even need to? should I leave her on her own devices? I didn't have an adult to talk about these things with growing up so idk how you're supposed to do this.
There is not way to say how my parents or sibling (her mom) would react if I drop this on them, could be +/- , but it's a bit of a lottery depending on the most recent online articles they read lately. lol. They're open to convos, but a bit religious.
I'm taking suggestions if anybody would like to give some.
P.S. I am also not a cool person, i'm pretty much a lame homebody so… i also don’t know how to be cool lol.
im so sorry idk who else to ask.
Ahaha. Well, don't try too hard to be ~cool~. Nothing could be more offensive to the sensibilities of a 13-year-old.
A well delivered "Oh, come on, no one really thinks that" and eye-roll in response to the more delusional anti stuff has a wonderful effect if you're offline and the person respects you. Humans in general and 13-year-olds in particular are hypersensitive about fitting in. A boring and serious lecture from an older person will set off every melodramatic "The old people don't understaaaand!" instinct, but a well-timed "LOL, WTF" causes internal panic that one has missed something. If she wants the serious and nuanced explanation, she can ask for it, but I wouldn't start there.
As for how you talk about raunchy art... it really depends on the person. If she realizes you like the same stuff, she may bring it up. I think recs are fine, and so is euphemistic "I liked the ship dynamic in this one". "I got off to this" is TMI on your part. (Well, it's TMI on her part too, but be prepared for TMI if you become the confidant of a 13-year-old.)
Honestly, as long as she's directing the conversation and you aren't sharing details of your masturbation habits, I think you'll be fine. 13-year-olds aren't babies. If they're old enough to read porny doujinshi, they're old enough to talk to a trusted adult about them.
My teen tastes were weird art films full of sex. 13 is pretty young, but within a couple of years, she'll be the age I was when I was trying to see shit like Crash. She could be anywhere from self-assured in her tastes and interested in discussing her favorite media to easily-influenced to paralyzed by guilt. Creepy grooming shit comes from groomers choosing to groom, not from the topic of sexuality being in the air. If she's reading something with even a shred of plot or romance, you can talk about that without the actual conversation being X-rated. My main concern would be to avoid her trying to impress you by consuming media she finds uncomfortable or talking about things she doesn't actually want to share. You can really only judge that by body language and tone of voice in the moment.
I mean... does "18+ yaois" mean actual BL series here that have a few sex scenes or doujinshi that are entirely porn? ('Yaoi' basically means 'PWP' and is not exactly complimentary, after all.) It's somewhat harder to talk about the latter. But I liked some pretty out-there shit as a teen and did talk to adults about it. They just let me do most of the talking.
Probably the easiest way to broach the topic is to catch her reading something and go "Oh, I read that one" or "I liked [name of BL]".
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Okay- I'm sorry if I'm being annoying by sending another one of these (if I am being annoying you can just ignore this lmao) but I've had this idea in the back of my head ever since I started reading Jake x daughter!reader fics. It's basically a fic where y/n comes out to Jake as a lesbian (because I would literally die for supportive dad!jake) and here's my idea
So what if Y/n is a teenager and she's never been really one to have crushes and when she did they were short lived so when Y/n befriends a Na'vi boy her age her siblings tease her about having a 'crush' on him and as Y/n is still navigating her own feelings and what kind of reactions she could get if she told anyone so she pretends to like the boy until Jake finds about it and is a stereotypical overprotective dad. And when he goes to talk to Y/n about it he notices she's directly avoiding his gaze but won't tell him what's wrong and it just wrecks Jake with worry until eventually she spits it out
A/N: In this story let's pretend that Z-dog isn't a recom or a bad guy but instead the really cool bi aunt that y/n could go to about this stuff.
A/N: Also you aren't annoying, I love writing Dad!Jake
Girls: Dad!Jake Sully
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You made your way to the lab to find your aunt Z-dog in hopes that she could answer some of the questions that you had. See lately well more so since you started developing crushes you noticed that boys never seemed to do it for you, only girls seemed to spark your interest and that confused you a bit. 
"Hey, kiddo! What brings you by?" Your aunt asked as you stepped inside her room. 
"I have some questions that I was hoping you could answer for me if you don't mind." You said nervously.
"I'm sure your parents could answer them but what kind of questions?" She asked you as you regathered your thoughts. 
"Romantic ones....like how you knew you were bi-sexual?" You asked her as realization hit her as to why you were coming to her. 
"Okay, I know for me, that I felt an attraction to both males and females....but I also know that some people can just be lesbian as well where they are only attracted to females and feel nothing towards a man which is okay too, it's all about personal preference really." She said as you nodded taking in her words. 
"Is there a reason you are asking me this?" She asked concerned. 
"I think I may be lesbian. I'm not sure because I can develop a crush on a guy but it never lasts..." You said to her. 
"Sounds like you are confused....don't tell your dad this but you honestly need to kiss a girl to find out that's what did it for me. Have you ever kissed anyone before?" She asked you. 
"I have...it was a boy but I didn't like it too much." You said as she laughed. 
"Yeah kiss a girl and see how much that changes." She said as you looked at her. 
"What about my parents?" You asked her nervous about how they would react to you potentially being lesbian. 
"Let's figure out your feelings first and then we will deal with your parents...but I can already tell you that they are gonna love just the same if not more." She said squeezing your hand.
"Thank you Aunt Z-dog." You said hugging her. 
"No problem kiddo, figure out your feelings first and then worry about everything else...and just know I'm here for you." She said as you thanked her. 
A few days later you and your friend Peì'll were out relaxing in ya'lls pasture, you sat by a tree listening as she talked but all you could focus on was how pretty she was especially when the sun hit her skin.
"What's on your mind y/n?" She asked taking a seat in front of you snapping you out of your thoughts. 
"Nothing." You said giving her a small smile. 
"Well, there's something I've been wanting to try if you're okay with it." She said as you looked at her confused but still nodded her head. 
She slowly leaned her head towards you as her eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips as you did the same really hoping this wasn't some fever dream. You slowly felt her lips press against yours as you reminded yourself to kiss her back. 
"That was better than I imagined." You both said making each laugh.
"Y/n I'm lesbian...and I've always found you attractive..." She said lacing her hands with yours.
"Thank you for telling me that....but I need to be honest with you...I must tell you that I'm confused about what I am." You said looking down. 
"That's okay...we can take this slowly until you figure out your feelings." She said squeezing your hands. 
A few weeks later you two had fully moved into a semi-relationship that was pretty private while you figure out how you would tell your parents more specifically your dad who you worried you would let down by turning out this way.   Peì'll was sick today so you were spending the day hanging with her cousin Nau, which was nice and he told you that he wouldn't tell anyone about you and her as he walked you home. 
"Oooohhhh looks like sis has a new crush!" Lo'ak said as he watched you and Nau laugh about something. 
"Wonder how long this one will last this time." Neteyam said joining Lo'ak at the entrance of the hut so he could also spy on your Nau. 
"Boys leave your sister alone." Your mom said making them groan as they left the entrance of the hut just as you walked in. 
"Evening everyone." You said setting your stuff down and join your family at the dinner table. 
"So sis, whose the boy you were talking to?" Lo'ak asked you as Jake whipped his head towards you upon hearing those words. 
"Who Nau? That's Peì'll cousin, we just hung out today since she was sick." You said shrugging your shoulders. 
"Is he a new crush?" Lo'ak said as Jake angrily ate his food watching you for an answer. 
You panicked as your brother asked that question...you were in love with Peì'll but you weren't ready to tell your dad quiet yet so you did the one thing you could do and say you had a crush on Nau which was far from the truth. 
"Yes, I do." You said as you felt the daggers your dad was shooting you. 
The next few days Jake noticed that whenever Nau was brought up, you would sigh and seem irritated that they were talking about it and even he felt like you didn't actually have a crush on this boy if you did you had a weird way of showing it. 
"Hey baby girl, let's go for a walk." Your dad said that night after dinner. 
"Okay." You said following him out of yall's hut and you guys just talked about your days for a bit until he brought it up. 
"Does this Nau kid treat you well? Because you can tell me if he isn't." He said watching you. 
"Yeah, he does." You said. 
"Do you see a future with him? Because if you do, you need to have a very serious talk." He said watching as you looked at the ground. 
"No." You said quietly.
"No? Then why did you say you have a crush on him, angel?" Your dad asked kneeling so that he was at eye level with you.
"Because I like girls and I was afraid of your reaction by telling you how I really felt." You said quietly as awaited your dad's reaction. 
Jake was shocked but not really because now everything made sense... he felt dumb for not noticing sooner...you always had a distaste for boys growing up. 
"Oh, angel. Something like that couldn't stop me from loving you but thank you for telling me." He said wrapping his arms around you. 
"So you not mad at me or disappointed in me?" You asked quietly.
"No, I'm not..never could be for something like this...I love you no matter who you love as long as they treat you right." He said looking at you. 
"I love you to Dad, thank you." You said hugging him again as he smiled. 
"So is there a special girl you have your eye on?" He asked making you groan. 
"Well me and Peì'll are kinda seeing each other..." You said nervously as you two walked home. 
"Peì'll? Wait you two got her cousin to cover for you two?!" He said making you laugh. 
"Yeah, we did." You said laughing as he shook his head at you in disbelief. 
A few days later after coming out to your dad and finally telling Peì'll the good news, you decided to bring her over for dinner and properly introduce her to everyone. 
"Dad, Mom and annoying siblings this is my best friend and girlfriend Peì'll. You said re-introducing her to everyone watching with a laugh as your siblings looked shocked. 
"But I thought her and Nau?" Lo'ak said making you guys laugh. 
"No sorry Peì'll is the one for me." You said as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
"Ha! Looks like you are doing my chores for a month! I knew she didn't like Nau." Neteyam said as he walked over to where you two were. 
"Peì'll you hurt my sister and we have problems." Neteyam said not sure how he would get her back if she did end up hurting you since she was a girl. 
"Peì'll my child, welcome. And you my beautiful daughter thank you for finally introducing us to the real source of your happiness." Your mom said hugging you both. 
"You should be thanking dad, he was the one who gave me the courage to do it." you said as your dad squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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I hope this doesn't annoy you but I saw your post about Finarfin interacting with his babies like they're small adults and became obsessed with it (change my life so much bro). I hope you don't mind but I want to ask for more fluff/headcanons about the House of Finarfin, especially with the fact that you went with the Orodreth-son-of-Angrod (I love that shit) so now I am desperate for more.
ajsldkjh thanks???? also don't worry. i don't get anywhere near enough asks for them to be annoying lol
Olwe lovingly handcrafted a beautiful cradle for his great-grandchild but it basically never gets used because Orodreth is constantly either being held by someone or in a sling on someone's chest
Finrod has a particular tendency to steal him for hours at a time. it's his first nibling and he's a little excited. Angrod and Edalote have trouble getting him back sometimes
"i need him back, it's time for him to have a bath" "i can do it" "give me my son back ingoldo" "would you deprive him of quality time with his favorite uncle?????? 🥺" "favorite? he can't even walk yet-"
i would say that Earwen forced her sons to take their little sister with them everywhere when they were younger but in reality they willingly toted her around all the time. sometimes to activities (e.g. hunting) that their parents would prefer she didn't participate in just yet *cough cough* AEGNOR *cough*
Finrod is in fact Galadriel's favorite brother most of the time but if anyone tells him this she will Stab them
Finrod might be more nerd than jock but if anyone makes fun of him over this they will face his siblings' wrath because they're the only ones allowed to do that, of course. go after Turgon all you want tho (lying. you will still get beat up)
tbh the Arafinwean household just wasn't that loud growing up, but there's a still a distinct difference between quiet time silence and mischief silence (TM). finarfin can detect it in approximately 0.3 seconds. still not fast enough sometimes
that first part doesn't hold up in beleriand. Finduilas has LUNGS and she considers it her Eru-given obligation to use them. Fingon thinks it's cute. he isn't the one raising her
one of the reasons Angrod and Aegnor like hanging out with Fingon when they're younger is bc he's older than Finrod and can therefore override his "safety concerns," whatever that means lol. it's the cousin equivalent of knowing mom will say no and going to ask dad instead
Galadriel is the cool aunt who enjoys spoiling Orodreth and later Finduilas whenever possible. like okay yeah maybe her parents don't want her going down to ivrin by herself yet or whatever but how much could it hurt really???
after she has Celebrian she realizes she might have a few apologies to make. still not very many. they asked her to babysit they trusted her to make decisions at their own risk.
prank wars with the nolofinweans
just. consider eldarin prank wars. they could last for centuries
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anon2710 · 5 months
if criminal minds was a family, my pov
disclaimer: this doesn't include every character from every season, but on the characters that I connected with and fit with my headcanons the most -- i.e., these aren't fact, just how i see it <3
also i.e., pls pls don't be mad if we have different headcanons
the basics:
aaron hotchner: father, single dad, can be strict but will always listen to and be there for his kids, doesn't smile very often but has the BEST, most contagious laugh
david rossi: cool, fun uncle, gave the kids their first sip of alcohol (only when they're 21 though), the more 'chill adult', a playboy, but finally married their aunt krystall who is their favorite
derek morgan-hotchner: oldest child & son, very protective of his siblings, a little bit of a playboy but does settle down, smart without trying
emily prentiss-hotchner: nicknames are em and ems, second oldest, oldest daughter, very smart (smarter than her little brother spencer sometimes) and the most emotionally intelligent of the siblings though this surprises most people because she's very rebellious and very private - opens up to people but with time
jennifer jareau-hotchner : nicknames are JJ and jaje, middle child, quiet and responsible, very popular athlete, surprisingly kind of a badass when her family or friends (especially her little brother and sister) are hurt
spencer reid-hotchner: nickname is spence, youngest son, penelope's twin, very smart with an IQ of 187 and very sensitive, sometimes gets bullied but always protected by older brother derek, a bit nerdy like his twin
penelope garcia-hotchner: nickname are pen, penny and garcie, youngest child and daughter, spencer's twin, a little bit loud and boisterous at times but also very sensitive and kind, great at computers and majored in comp-sci in college
tara lewis, matt simmons, luke alvez: triplets, but not related to the hotchners, though they have been family friends with them for years and are treated as family
luke: very popular, football player and jock but not a playboy at all, a little quiet and secretly a nerd, LOVES musicals and baking
tara: very smart, loves psychology and crime-thrillers, very funny and and a bit of a smart-alec, loves teasing her little brother luke
matt: nickname is matty, very mature, very kind and very responsible, also a football player with his brother, often breaks up the arguments between tara and luke when one or the other takes it too far
other details of the headcanon
aaron is currently dating beth who will hopefully be the family's step-mom soon (aaron has been planning to propose for a long time and the kids keep teasing their dad that it'll never happen)
though derek is a playboy all throughout high school, he eventually settles down with a smart girl on the pre-med track in college named savannah
derek often gets into fights with his dad, especially when he was younger, but that's happens less as he gets older and when he finds comfort in savannah
JJ's been dating her high-school sweetheart, Will, since freshman year, they've already started planning how many kids they want and their names (as it stands: 2 boys and a girl, henry, michael and maggie)
matt has also been dating kristy forever, since high-school and they both want a big family
emily, jj and tara are an unlikely trio of best friends; emily has only ever told the other two her biggest fear
derek, matt and luke are also best friends and often include spencer in their hang-outs
penelope and luke were very 'will they, won't they' for a long time because penelope often resisted luke's charm because she was afraid of getting hurt, but eventally start dating and are everyone's favorite couple
penelope dated a bunch of assholes before luke (kevin, shane, tyler) and is part of the reason why she was afraid to date luke -- luke is aware of this and does her best to treat her like a queen
spencer just started dating max but can see himself marrying this girl; max has helped him come out of his shell
spencer is the older twin by 5 minutes and often holds this over penelope's head
matt is the oldest triplet, then tara and then luke (who is the baby and treated as such by his siblings)
spencer and penelope are built-in best friends and watch doctor-who, marvel and star-trek marathons together -- max and luke join these when each couple starts dating
tara, luke and matt often see aaron/dave as parental figures and lean on them for support
they are all very protective of each other, but everyone is the most protective of penelope
tara and penelope call luke 'lukey' as a nickname to bug him, but he secretly loves it
the eight kids (penelope, luke, matt, tara, emily, jj, spencer, derek) don't have that much of an age gap between them so they are all very close, hang-out a lot and very much fit the found-family trope
dave and aaron take the kids (including matt, tara and luke) on a family trip every year -- 2024 is going to be a beach trip
Okay, I have a lot more, but these are some :) love to hear your thoughts on this
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scrivenger-grimgar · 9 months
bleach but ichigo is a little bit older, and gets adopted by a yakuza boss bc she's unable to have children, which is how he meets mizuiro.
i think the clan name would be Yorugata, and the kumicho who adopts ichigo (and karin & yuzu by association) is named Seiun.
夜(yoru: night) 形(gata: shape of) 青雲(seiun: nebula)
after realizing that ichigo works better as an enforcer, seiun chooses to make yuzu her successor, each of the siblings gain their own titles, too!
Ichigo earns the title of 明星死 (Myōjōshi: star death) which i will "localize" to either Star Crusher or Star Breaker (so it can be Myōjōshi & Zangetsu, Star Crusher & Moon Splitter)
so he basically grows up with a "secretly" hyper-violent vodka aunt, , and isshin is completely oblivious to his kids' involvment in organized crime.
of course, with the kurosaki siblings comes some level of morals, so along with protecting local businesses and keeping other clans out of karakura and naruki, theres the illegal drug and weapons trade. under the combined might of ichigo, yuzu, karin, mizuiro, chad, and tatsuki, several rules are put in place; no selling drugs to minors, no selling alcohol to 15 years or under, no selling weapons to anyone under 10, no selling to people at all if they have a history of abuse or sex crimes, no human trafficking, period.
additionally, all members must be taught life skills (sewing, cooking, cleaning), and successfully mentor a newer member.
kisuke learns about ichigo's yorugata affiliation after rukia arrives, when jinta tells tessai about the 'really cool super awesome guys who helped with evacuating a building after a hollow attack and i swear they were glaring directly AT the hollow!' but jinta also imediately denies ever saying anything like that.
so kisuke doesn't know for sure until after the shattered shaft, where theur spar gets super vicious, kisuke can tell that ichigo is actually trying to maim him. (yorugata supplies very good service for the injured and disabled, and ichigo doesn't want to kill every enemy he fights, but he does have to permanently deal with them.)
i'll continue this later im tired hand is tired.
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piece-of-hweat · 8 months
So. About Danny Phantom and Underworld Office...
Quick break from my Little Nightmares brain for a sec, I wanna talk about stupid ghost creatures.
Recently, I rediscovered a whole ass discord thread I made a year ago, which was literally filled with Charlie in Underworld/Underworld Office stuff. What is Charlie in Underworld and Underworld Office? Well, the first novel (Underworld Office) is a visual/digital novel about a kid named Eugene who stumbles upon the ghost realm. They are also adopted into a found-ghost-office-family. Important note: Eugene's soul can exit their body while they rest. So basically, going ghost, but not really. (the second thing/sequel just follows the redemption arc of an antagonist, Charlie, from the first game)
Now. Danny Phantom. A couple of months ago, my friend introduced me to the show as well as the Phandom, and gotta say. It's pretty cool. Danny Phantom is a cartoon series about a lil silly dude named Danny Fenton. He is half ghost. Because of his half-ghost-ness, he can "go ghost". This is where he turns into a ghost and kicks ghost-ass.
Alright, let's regroup. Now that you know a bit about both fandoms, remember that note from earlier saying that Eugene can "go ghost"? Yea. See where I'm going with this?
My proposal, fellow DP and/or CIU/UWO fans, is to make a crossover AU. Why? Because I need it. I need these two idiots to bond over the fact that they both have connections to ghosts and how, in a way, they're both half-ghosts.
What is the plot/storyline? No fuckin clue All I have is:
Danny's been Danny Phantom for a while now
Eugene moves into Amity Park. Danny, honestly, can't really give two shits about that.
One day, Eugene and Danny meet, they become friends and bond over the fact that they're both dead and alive.
Danny meets the Office Ghosts and they both become allies or smth (tbf, they both fight monsters/bad ghosts)
Both Danny and the Office have a common goal (perhaps a conflict they both want to solve? Maybe)
Now, as for lil stupid notes:
Danny is creeped out by Boss and River. (Boss is cold and Danny feels like Boss would just casually murder him if he looked away for 0.001 seconds. River is just chaotic in a "high-aunt" way. The shit she does probably scares Danny in a "BRO WTF" way)
Eugene and Danny, unlike the other ghosts, are more warmer-coloured and less monotone.
Charlie will spit on Danny's grave and Danny would do the same. They'd probably hate each other's guts in a sibling way.
Luke, Oliver and Joy would probably meet Sam and Tucker. (Tucker and Oliver would honestly be besties ngl. Joy and Sam can both judge each other silently over a cup of coffee)
Alright, that's all I have to offer. Hope you'll uh, consider this possible AU. Um. Have a nice day or night. Don't turn into a half ghost. Or do, I don't know man--
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shourin · 2 years
I just stumbled upon your god of war reader series and wanted to add in my own idea!
Mc: Is this yours? *holding a feral and terrified Xiao up by the scruff of his shirt like a kitten*
Guizhing and Zhongli: No?
Mc: Well, he is for now. *yeets Xiao at them* keep an eye on him I have a bitch to kill.
Basically instead of Zhongli, we were the ones who found Xiao fresh out of working for the archon who mistreated him (more like we just picked him up and left while everyone was too scared to stop us lol) and eventually decided that having Xiao stay at the Guili alliance would be a better environment for him to heal.
So one day reader just appears with Xiao in their arms all casually like: Can you watch my cat? Before leaving without another word because they decided to kill Xiaos previous master just in case.
It leaves Guizhing and Zhongli entirely confused because negotiations for forming an alliance had only just started and nothing was concrete yet you were already kind of trusting them with taking care of someone important to you???
Poor Xiao is devastated by the news for all the wrong reasons and wants to stay with them so they ask if they can stop by to visit every so often. It's clear from the look in their eyes that they're quite fond of Xiao, especially his chonky bird form, but they always maintain a certain distance that makes Guizhong sad to see. Maybe watching their interactions with Xiao, who has clearly been abused before meeting them, and how gentle they are with him helps change Guizhongs opinion of them?
Really just, Xiao being their unofficial-official first child with Zhongli as the other parent and Guizhong as the cool wine aunt, lol. Maybe Osial as some grumpy uncle if it's before his betrayal.
Sorry for such a long post, I'm not good at summarizing.
first off,
never be sorry for long post/asks, i love them <3
hsdfjlskdjflk oml no but this could work.... i mean gow!reader is, at its core, a protector because of what happened in their past, so having them see xiao's suffering will certainly prompt them to act.
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it's just that in this scenario i would see him becoming one of your adepti instead of morax's?? since you were the one who first saw him and actually rescued him, the sense of gratitude and loyalty he has in canon towards rex lapis would go to you. under morax and guizhong's tutelage, it would be his goal to have your stamp of approval, for you to allow him to serve you and devote his blade to your causes.
your relationship is of a slightly-awkward-but-trying parent and shy-and-equally-awkward-and-socially-struggling child, and it's both hilarious and frustrating to watch. i agree that guizhong would probably feel a little differently towards you once she sees you genuinely trying to help xiao. meanwhile, morax sees you sleeping under a tree with chonky birb xiao also napping on your lap, and he feels himself falling head over heels all over again... ah, same old, same old.
gosh, imagine him having a rivalry with your siblings!adepti. him wanting to prove his worth and how despite he's been on your side for a shorter period, his loyalty will not lose to your first disciples. he's definitely going to be one of your most trusted and feared generals for sure. and with your blessings, xiao would literally be unstoppable, this hurricane of wind on the battlefield, barely visible to the untrained eyes as he downs one enemy after the others.
you know what would be interesting? after the archon war ends, when morax decides to enlist the help of the yakshas, and he asks for xiao's help. right in front of you.
it's an understatement to say that you're furious.
you've hidden your struggles about the tortured souls haunting you thus far, so none of them knows about it at this point, but you know what thousands of years of killing would do to your adopted son xiao. it would be your first big fight with your lover (but certainly not the last), and unfortunately, this time, there's no guizhong to mediate between the two of you....
and xiao is just. standing there, anxiously glancing at the both of you, internally panicking because fuck my usually sickeningly lovey-dovey parents are actually fighting now what am i supposed to do???
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© shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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I know this is millennia in the future but I'm a sucker for time shenanigans.
What do you think Dr. Light and the rest of the classic crew would feel about X and his family?
Bro as someone who’s also into timeline shenanigans this is gonna be fun!
To note this is Non canon but I will be talking about it since I’m silly >:3
So basically it would be a very interesting scenario where either Classic or Legends gangs end up in either timelines. But for simplicity sake let’s just say through time travel shenanigans that caused Classic gang to end up in the Legends timeline for a short time and encounter X’s Family by accident.
Dr Light would have so many questions about this Era especially seeing X. He recognizes him regardless of his grizzled appearance, and role that he has. He’s still his youngest child in his eyes. My goodness look how he grew! Even if it took thousands of years to get there!
He’s also a father for goodness sake!! Taking care of 5 rambunctious children, who are all different in personality, appearance, age, experiences etc…they are so diverse yet so close with each other! He loves all of his grandchildren to bits! Each and one of them are so unique in their own right! (Despite the MASSIVE time gap in creation dates between the Guardians and Volnutt). But they still have their Father’s traits in their own unique ways. He’ll just just spoil his grandchildren and bond with them.
But notice that Volnutt is also this Era’s Megaman…but thankfully the boy has his family and friends to guide him like Rock has…it’s such an interesting coincidence that his youngest Grandson was named after his other son.
(It would be a silly tradition to name their youngest sons after their fathers aksnskn)
He’s just so proud of X for how far he has come, having to endure so many years of hardships to get there. Basically Dr light is just very happy to finally meet his son and his very colorful children.
Megaman/Rock’s feelings about his little brother’s family were met with enthusiasm and curiosity. He thinks they are the freakin coolest!! Like Dr.Light, he’s proud of his Little brother. He absolutely thinks his nieces and nephews are the coolest!! Absolutely want to get to know them better, especially Volnutt. He spends time with them and definitely is that fun uncle that tries to be a good influence to them.
Basically she also would love her baby bro’s Fam a lot. They would be very close and have all sorts of fun!! Especially fefnir’s gardening hobby is a constant delight for her. She appreciates X for teaching his kids how to do house work! She and Leviathan often get cute outfits together. Absolutely Taught the rugrats the power of THE BROOM.
Blues like everyone else is proud of X and is so happy to see him and his children. Unlike his younger siblings Blues would be a cool uncle who would get the kids to loving trouble. He’s a great influence for them yeah nothing goes even wrong- Honestly Phantom and Harpuia reminds him a lot of Tangle and Beat. He definitely calls Harpuia “Harpy bird” (For his fucking dismay).
But it’s also really fucking hilarious since Rock, Roll and Blues despite that they are older then X and his fam they are child models so the contrasts with with their brother and his kids. So trips to watch Movies and antics would make the ultimate wacky shenanigans galore!! Especially the reactions they would be priceless (Oh Blues is absolutely taking advantage of this).
X and his Kids would be swarmed by their robot master relatives. Especially volnutt HE HAS SO MANY UNCLES AND AUNTS LIKE DANG-
But yeah the classic gang absolutely loves X and his family very dearly, the same thing goes with them too. After the kids get over the shock of how ridiculously large loving robot family.
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msunitedstatesjames · 2 months
Frances Hardinge is a criminally underrated author. If you've never heard of her, I'm not surprised. Even though I'm in several fantasy book groups on Facebook with thousands of members, I've only ever seen one or two other members post about her. And yet, since I first read one of her books in 2020, I've bought every book she's published and read most of them.
Frances Hardinge, for those who've missed out, writes fantasy young adult books. Her books are extremely well written, romance free, unfailingly unique, and somewhat dark, all of which are qualities I find to be more and more rare in today's YA fantasy market (not to hate on YA, I've read tons of it). If you need a comparison, I would say aspects of her books remind me of YA/middle grade books by T. Kingfisher or Neil Gaiman.
If I haven't convinced you yet, here's a little preview of some of her books that I've read:
A Face Like Glass (my personal favorite): A girl named Neverfell lives in a world where people have to be taught how to show emotion in their facial expressions. She has to wear a mask at all times because, mysteriously, she naturally shows facial expressions and if people found out they would freak. If that's not unique enough, this society is underground and produces magical artisinal goods, such as cheeses, wines, and perfumes that can do some wild things. If that still hasn't convinced you, the book critiques the privelege of the wealthy, as in this world only the rich can afford to hire Facesmiths to teach them expression, while the poor languish along with one or two facial expressions for their entire lives.
Fly by Night and Fly Trap (these might have different titles depending on where you are in the world): In a world where reading is illegal and seen as revolutionary activity, Mosca Mye escapes her awful life with her aunt and uncle by forcing an infamous conman (Eponymous Clent, this world has cool naming conventions) to take her under his wing. Joining them is Mosca's only friend, Saracen, the murderous goose. Yeah, you read that right. Highlights of the series include a heartwarming found family tale, an accidental revolution, a city that literally changes its population, personality, and shape when day changes to night, and, of course, an extremely violent goose. I mean, if you've read Pratchett, Saracen the goose is basically the Luggage. There's more than one scene in these books where all hope seems lost, and Mosca is like, "I guess it's up to you now Saracen," and she just straight up lobs her goose at the enemy and he utterly wrecks their shit. If I recall correctly, this happens once during a pitched river boat battle over an illegal printing press.
The Lie Tree: Faith's father, who refused to recognize her potential as a scientist, mysteriously dies. Faith discovers a tree he kept hidden that grows when you tell lies and reveals secrets in its fruit. The bigger the lie you tell the world, the bigger the secret that will be revealed. You can imagine the chaos that eventually ensues. This book critiques gender roles and discrimination, and tackles both the dangers and the necessity of telling lies.
Cuckoo Song: When Triss wakes up after apparently falling in a lake, everything seems wrong. She's missing memories, she has an insatiable hunger, dead leaves are mysteriously appearing in her room, and her sister claims she's a monster. Triss must piece together what's happening to her before it's too late. This book deals with the complexities of life with overbearing parents, siblings who've been pitted against one another, and families that have been torn apart by tragedy.
Verdigris Deep (another one that goes by different titles): A group of friends are cursed by a well witch after they take some coins from her well. She forces them to work for her by granting her wishes. Working with the witch gives them powers, but the wishes are getting increasingly complex. Does that guy really want a motorcycle or does he want to be someone else? And if he wants to be someone else, does that mean what he really wants is not to exist at all? This book deals with issues of self worth, power and control, and toxic friendships.
She has a bunch of other great books as well. So if you're looking for a unique fantasy story with adventure and no romance, definitely check some of Frances Hardinge's books out!
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kartywarty · 5 months
"The Crazy Uncle."
(written by @karter.marker on tiktok)
(TW: descriptive death)
now that you may have seen my angst in 19 pictures filled with text, i decided to type it all down in pure words!! + its fully edited and proofread so you can basically count this as a revamp
also yes this is inspired by chr0macide's nonverbal pete hc in both of the break in 1 and break in 2 fanfics so props to that!!
listen to "dark is the night" (Tjomnaja noch') by mark bernes for a really cool experience while reading this (same audio i used for my tiktok slideshow abt the fic)
theres also facts about the angst in the end incase you missed small details ;D
Growing up, Peter seemed to be like a sore thumb sticking out of all of his siblings. However, Mintie, his sister, found Peter to be a unique person.
Peter wasn't very verbal, especially when he thought so differently in his perspective in comparison to his siblings.
Due to this, everyone called him "Crazy Pete", and so did his brother who had the audacity to become a Protector even though he made fun of Peter. But Mintie didn't allow this and stood up for Peter herself.
Mintie would always spoil Peter in many ways. Mintie had always baked him pie and helped him when he was in the tightest of situations when he didn't understand. As the siblings grew up, Peter was greatly inspired and motivated by Mintie. He even brought a house for himself and Mintie in the town of Robloxia.
As for the brother, he got married to a skilled Medic and had 4 children that made both Peter and Mintie the uncle and aunt's of his family. One child is skillful in stealth, one child is a glutton, one child seems to be very energetic, and one seems to be athletic.
Peter felt somewhat proud for himself becoming an uncle, even his nephews and nieces called him "Uncle Pete". He himself even became the favorite family member out of the Protector's family.
Everything went well for Pete and Mintie until it was 2018.
They had announced yet again that a purge happened, Pete and Mintie knew what they had to do in order to stay safe. But while Mintie was out getting food, Pete had heard Minties' frightened scream. As Pete rushed in to help Mintie, it seemed that he was far too late.
The air was thick, it smelled like iron. Pete's eyes widened in shock as the blood of his sister seeped through his blue socks. He inspected the scene as the window near the kitchen sink was broken, shattered glass shards scattered all over, the canned food was already taken away by what he assumed to be one of the henchman who murdered Mintie in cold blood. Pete approached Mintie as he got on his knees, Pete held Mintie close as he mourned.
Mintie was taking her last breaths as her whole rib-cage was fractured by the crowbar sticking out of her chest, her internal organs were damaged, drying up. Minty spoke to Pete as she tried to calm him down, putting her hand on Pete's cheek.
"This... This isn't your fault, Peter." Mintie said her last words as she kept on hyperventilating, she smiled as she caressed his brother's cheek.
"Take care of your brother for me, won't you?"
Those words were the last words Pete ever heard of Mintie. He sobbed quietly as he broke down in tears, clutching Minty close once she went limp and lifeless. Her blood was everywhere on Pete, he didn't want to let go.
Second thoughts twirled around his head; "Why didn't I come with her?" "Why is this happening to me?" "This isn't real."
He wished that it wasn't real, Pete didn't expect Mintie to die in such a cruel way. He started to think that it was his own fault instead.
A few days after what seemed like hell for Pete, the Protector thought it was Pete's fault too. Everyone in his family called him "Crazy Uncle Pete". He seemed to be deeply hurt, especially when Mintie wasn't there to comfort him in any sort of way. So he had to mask his depression so that he couldn't make anyone concerned for him. He had to comfort his self. It was quite hard for Pete since he lived alone except for his pet mouse, Louie. He at least felt comfort every time he saw his pet. He had also given away the pie recipe to his brother since he knew that he missed her company too.
However one year later, the Protector, his younger brother, had to move into Pete's town due to how tired they got of their previous neighborhood. His family couldn't find better neighbors to reside with. It was awkward for both of them as the Protector found Pete to be annoying. Pete tried to warn him about the purge days, the Protector didn't believe him. Once they moved in, he felt happy yet worried for his family.
Pete knew he cared for the Protector and his family, yet they didn't stop calling him The Crazy Uncle.
Mintie is an actual character not an oc, her name is actually ONLY mentioned in the pie recipe sheet pinned to the fridge.
The colored and bolded words reference the f2p roles the players pick (blue= the protector, orange= the medic normal color/bolded= the stealthy, yellow= the hungry, pink= the hyper, and red= the sporty)
if you didnt notice, the date (november 9, 2019) was the day that break in was released
bradley would be the narrator in this story!!
if your concerned about what happened after the end, the protector would feel sorry for pete after not listening, pete forgives him and they all stop calling him crazy (as proven in break in 2)
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emocl0wnpp · 2 months
Time to introduce one of my other creepypasta ocs,Alma! :D
(Featuring some old art cuz i don't draw them enough💀💀)
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◇Basic info◇
(Okay i actually forgot their birthname💀 my bad)
Name: Alma
Birthdate: 31st of December,2008
Age(before death): 28
Gender: non-binary(biologically female if it matters to anyone)
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: lesbian
Nationality: Chinese, Norwegian
Height: 176cm/5'7
Personality: laid back, cool, easy going, loyal, basically Rainbow Dash in a different universe-
Other info i can't categorize-
Went through a lot of alt styles,but stuck with being punk for the longest time
Their mother was Chinese and their father was Norwegian
Lived in Norway until they were 15,which is when their parents got divorced and they moved to britain with their mother and grandma
The name "Alma" came from a nickname Claws gave them when they were teens. Short summary: their friendship started out awkwardly by Claws giving them a green apple,and them giving her their chocolate bar..this went on for a few months until they actually became friends. Because of this whole "apple trading" thing,Claws gave them the nickname "Alma" which means apple in hungarian..and they loved it so much they stuck with it (and it's an actual name too!)
Never really fit in with the other kids...not like they wanted to anyway,kids were cruel back then yk
BEST FRIENDS WITH CLAWS SINCE HIGHSCHOOL!!! (totally didn't have an undying crush on her for years...doomed yuri my love </3)
Religious trauma. (Thanks daddy dearest)
During their time alive,they had albinism(the reason why they have white in their hair and red eyes)
Dyed their hair dark blue all the time
Lost their right eye and arm in a camping accident
Despite their "tough looks" they're probably the nicest fella around
Since they and Claws were besties as human,her death BROKE Alma
They visited her grave every day until they met their fate as well (again..doomed yuri my love </3)
After their death they became a ghost and now haunt the cemetary they were buried in
Cause and date of death:
Because cringe culture is dead, the loveable Jeff the Killer got Alma in the cementary
Date: sometime during 2008
Since Alma didn't change much, time for some fun and not so fun facts:
Keeps the cementary safe and peaceful for the other ghostly beings, and they're kind of the "cool older sibling" for the ghost kids there
Drags anyone under the ground if they disturb the peace
Alma's biggest dream was to become a rockstar
Since they met their fate early on,now they usually just preform in pubs in the Underworld with their beloved guitar
Owns a shit ton of rock,metal,punk, ect. band merch, especially My Chemical Romance merch (I wish💀)
Probably met Gerard Way
The "cool aunt" of Claws' kids..honestly they're the "cool aunt" of all of their friends kids-
Had a very active MySpace account
Would and will treat everyone younger than them as a little sibling
Didn't like the fact that Claws and Jack were together at first,especially considerint the stuff poor Claws went through with her ex...but later on they and Jack became sort of friends
The most loyal ghost friend anyone could ask for
Their wife's name is Rina(she's the oc of one of my friends) and they love her very much,more than anything else in the world<3
I'll probably add more later on but sadly Alma got forgotten for quite some time so i'm still working on them :")
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