#but being a trout?
incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
Feferi: Fuck monarchy…I am going to go be a trout………
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Marine biologists named a trout "Osborne" and it became a meme with everyone saying, "TROUT, AM I?"
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eelmaniashop · 7 months
trout and salmon earrings for all of my freshwater fish girlies (gender-neutral) out there!! salmon are anadromous but still lol!! really really loved working on the coho salmons the most.
I’ve got an Etsy shop opening up by the end of this year with lots more fun fishy things to come! be on the look out for some saltwater fish earrings coming soon >:}
insta: @eel.mania <3
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laurenablack · 19 days
Fully convinced Kelsey and Trudy sit down at Trudy's house to listen to Twlight Zone-esque spooky radio programs and eat popcorn.
They yell and throw things at anyone who interrupts them
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lunarrosette · 3 days
Folks have we considered Trudy is not a robot but instead some sort of eldritch horror her husband made or somehow brought about to have the “perfect wife”
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thepettymachine · 8 months
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Lyndsey invites John over for some flirting and Jodie wasn't happy that Lyndsey brought over a married man to the house.
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deepfriedtrout · 3 months
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Older Verneider soft married domesticity but also. what if with age Vertin forgets.
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rakubalka · 5 months
Amity Park in Distress
New Home Part 1
He somehow needs to get Amity to the mortal plane and fast . No matter how liminal people have become too much ectoplasm it's still going to be fatal . If only he had prepared better , if only he had controlled the portal better then Amity wouldn't have become so contaminated that the Acts now work on them too it was all his fault . If only he had protected them better then he could not have had to pull the city to the realm for its own protection . But he doesn't know how .
Then he sees it . A note as green as everything out the window . Must be Clockwork . But should he answer amity may not survive with him gone but maybe he has a solution for this , he can only bribe his time may as well check who knows maybe it's gonna be a miracle and get out relatively unsracht like he always does /he prays to whathever can help that his luck does not run out now/ .
Clockwork is an old ghost , ancient even by the Ghost Zone standards and that says something . He has seen many many timelines this one whoever is a little unique .
He can see what would happen if Danny lost Amity how he would become either a cold and uncaring king to scared to make connections whit anyone and anything or a king obsessed whit protecting them all even from themselves it would be no different that being under Patrian again or being in a prison whit no freedom . It would not be good for anyone . But he can see a third option , an option in which Amity survives in a new world , different yet similar . Yes it can work and Danny would flourish under guidance of another good ruler . If things go to as they should he would become the king he was always supposed to be a Protector , a Bringer of Peace , a Balance .
He needs to make preparations and as luck would have it a deal has been made before , a deal he can cash in now . After all it would make it easierto move in if that universe guardian know you aren't a treat .
But first he needs to inform Danny .
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
arc-v's cast is so fucking funny. it's absolutely the character bloat problem Of All Time, leaps and bounds worse than gx ever had it, but i can't even be mad. every character who waltzes on screen is somehow the funniest motherfucker ive ever seen in my life. guys will just show up for two episodes and have an insane character design and do the most bonkers maneuvers ever done in yugioh and then they disappear forever and this happens with like 35 different characters. you could play a full game of Guess Who with arc-v bit characters. it's like an advent calendar. it's like a theater kid fighting game roster. and then on top of everything else, guys from completely different series start rolling up and we just have to deal with it. ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny ass show. it's GREAT.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 days
my self-insert ass would get killed if allowed within five feet of any angel though because im not a winchester and i cant keep my fucking mouth shut
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lies · 1 month
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Sometimes when I'm birdwatching
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boogieboba · 5 months
how funny is it that fish exist. those motherfuckers dont have arms. they dont know what amazon is.
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bonefall · 1 year
sadly I don’t think the roasted grandpaw dish would work, since in canon the skyclan cats expressed shock/horror at the idea of eating rats. to them rats are like foxes or badgers. dangerous, keep them away from skyclan territory, and don’t eat them
To be fair I'm probably going to end up doing away with the way the Clans are weird about rats.
Carrionplace rats are gross specifically because they eat stinky human garbage, but why exactly do the Clans (it's not just skyclan that acts like this) see a huge mouse as being disgusting? When it's been eating all-natural bugs and fruits and nuts its whole life?
It's the Erin's human bias creeping in and nothing more. Rat yummy. Big fat rat yummier.
If anything rats should be seen as the boss version of mice. Bigger, stronger, smarter, much more rewarding but also a bigger risk to take on because they can fight back.
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astrocanid · 6 months
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silvaurum · 4 months
havin a week/few days where i think: i deserve a fucking nobel peace prize and a congressional medal of honor for not being the biggest bitch in the whole wide world to everyone right now
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thepettymachine · 7 months
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In the heat of the moment, Lyndsey makes a move on Marc
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