#but black widow would for sure bring me back!
no1islost · 7 months
Scarlett Johansson having a Natasha Romanoff stan account on IG was not on my bingo card for 2023. But also, am I delusional for thinking that she is doing this as a way to hint they are bringing Nat back?!
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ravenromanova · 6 months
Birthday girl
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Pairings: Natasha x Female avenger reader
Summary: You give Natasha her bday gift (I know her bday was the third but idc i loved this idea sue me)
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDERAGE SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!!! Mommy kink, Fingering, Oral, Mommy Natasha, Dom/Sub dynamics, Squirting. DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDER 18+!!!!!!
Kinkmas masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
~ Natasha sighed as she entered the compound. She just came back from a week long mission that went awry. It was supposed to be a simple intel mission but instead the Hydra agents got wind of her presence and ambushed her. They ended up capturing her for a few days (she let them take her so she could get more intel) And then today she made her grand escape and made her way back home to you.
She trudged up the stairs that led to your shared room after she debriefed with Fury. Her brows furrowed in confusion when she got to the base of the stairs and saw rose petals leading to the door. Natashas eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight in front of her when she opened the door.
You were sitting in the edge of the bed with a cake in between your thighs. Red and black lingerie adorned your soft body making her weak in the knees.
“Happy birthday Natty” You said with a bright smile as she walked to the end of the bed.
Her heart fluttered at your words. “You remembered” She said tearfully while she looked at the red and black birthday cake with spiders on it. “That’s beautiful detka thank you”
“Of course i remembered. I knew you had a stressful mission so i wanted to do something low key for tonight. Tomorrow is your party with the team” You said giddily wrapping your arms around her neck bringing her into a soft kiss. She groaned into the kiss before she moved the cake over to the dresser.
“As much as i would love to eat this now is much rather eat you” Her boldness made you gasp a little and your heart rate speed up.
“Well it is your birthday so who am i do deny you” Natasha smiled at your words as she crawled onto the bed and stood in her knees in front of you. Her hands found home on your hips and she brought you in for another heated kiss. She placed her hands on your shoulders and pushed you to lay against the pillows.
As you laid on the bed with your hair sprawled out around you are stood there for a moment admiring you. “Happy birthday to me indeed” She whispered as she ran her cool hands up and down your body.
Natasha couldn’t take her hands or eyes off you in this moment you looked to god. Laying there in the lingerie she picked out months ago, your chest heaving up and down in anticipation ave not to mention the lustful look you were giving her. Slowly but surely she made her way back to your lips and kissed you with a heat unlike before. The kiss was needy and sloppy a mixture of saliva and tongue abs neither of you cared.
“So pretty” She praised kissing your collarbone as her nimble fingers went behind your back and unhooked your bra. You shivered as your bare chest came in contact with the cool air of the room. Natasha wasted no time in wrapping her lips around your hardened nipple making you cry out in pleasure.
“Please mommy” You begged clawing at her back leaving marks in your trail.
“Patience detka” She chided in your ear before she nipped it slightly. You tried not to squirm under her as her lips trailed down the valley of your breasts, down your stomach and finally she kissed the skin above your panties.
Her fingers skimmed over the hem of your underwear leaving goosebumps on your skin. She kissed the soft skin of your inner thighs along with leaving a few hickeys as well.
“So wet and i haven’t even touched you yet baby” She teased looking at the growing wet patch on your panties.
“It’s hard not to when you look like that” You pointed out and ended up making the big bad black widow blush.
“Since you’re such a sweet girl i won’t tease you tonight baby” Her words made your heart flutter and speed up with anticipation.
Natasha wasted no time in hooking her fingers underneath the hem of your underwear and sliding them down your plush soft thighs. Goosebumps littered your skin as her fingertips trailed along your bikini line. She was true to her word and immediately dived into your pussy.
She moaned at the taste of your juices on her tongue sending vibrations straight through you. You mewled feeling her warm mouth on your clit. She sucked on your clit with determination and fever like she was a woman starved.
“Oh fuck mommy” You moaned as she started to suck on you a little harder than before. Your back arches off the bed and your hands found home in her hair and you slightly rod her face.
“So fucking sweet detka” She praised just before she let her tongue slip inside of you feeling your walls contract around her.
“i-im gonna cum holy fuck!” You scream gripping her hair harder as you squirted on her face. She kept her tongue in you and started rubbing your clit again making you scream in pleasure.
“T-Too sensitive mommy c-can’t” You pleaded trying to pull away from her but she hooked her arms around your hips and kept you close to her face as she continued.
“Take it baby. Be a good girl and take it for mommy” Natasha pushes you to keep going and you know you have to take it. It’s her birthday you are you to deny her your pleasure if she wants it that badly?
“Y-Yes mommy i-i’ll take it i’ll be a good girl for you” You moaned out as you second orgasm washed over you. “OH FUCK!” The moan you let out was nothing less of pornographic.
“Such a good girl” Her sultry voice rang through your ears as you came down from your high.
Natasha came back up towards you and brought you in for a passionate kiss. You moaned a little as you tasted yourself on her lips.
“Happy birthday Natty” You repeated with a smile on your face. She smiled wide and kissed you again.
“Happy birthday indeed” She giggled a little before you flipped the two of you over so you were on top.
“I need to give you the other half of your present” Her eyebrows quirked at your words. But all of her questions were answered as you used your powers to remove all her clothing leaving her naked under you.
“I wanna please you mommy” You said innocently giving her your best smile.
“Go on then” She nodded her head giving you the go ahead.
You parted her lips with your fingers before you started kicking her pussy up and down with intent. She moaned at the feeling of your tongue on her body.
“So good baby so fucking good” Natasha praises running her hand through your hair. Her hand gripped the root of your hair and she moved your head up and down leaving her with the control. You stuck your tongue out and let her fuck your face and enjoyed every second of it.
“Fuck baby gonna make me cum already” Her words sparked something in you and you brought you fingers to her clit and started rubbing.
“Cum for me mommy” You said with as much innocence as you could muster in this sinful moment.
“Keep doing that and i will” She said throwing her head back as you went back and shoved your tongue in her while still rubbing her clit.
You relentlessly ate her pussy as if it was your first time. Natasha’s moans filled the room along with her wet sounds of her pussy. Her grip got tighter on your hair and she continued to fuck your face chasing her orgasm.
“Fuck baby right there” She praised feeling her orgasm rush over her. Natasha came with a scream and her hands fell from your hair.
“Oh my fucking god” She said breathlessly as she laid against the pillow.
“Did i do good mommy?” You asked sitting next to her rubbing your fingers over her perked nipples.
“You did so good detka” She praised shivering at your touch.
“Good because we aren’t done” The smile that adorned your face made her heart speed up and another wave of arousal course through her.
“Oh this is definitely the best birthday ever” Natasha said pulling her onto her body making you straddle her before bringing you in for a kiss.
The night was filled with soft touches and sinful moans as the two of you celebrated her birthday together. From that night on Natasha’s birthday became her favorite day of the year.
~The end~
a/n: I got a little carried away lmaooo. But i hope yall enjoyed 🖤🤍
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Out Of Luck
"Perhaps I'm not the only one who's going to be wed in King's Landing," Sansa jeers with a grin. I glare at her, "if you weren't my sister, I'd have stabbed you." The girl giggles and takes my arm.
Petyr Baelish & Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader | 3k+ | cw: fem!reader, descriptions of reader (black hair), widow!reader, enemies to lovers?, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: felt right so I'm writing it. Yes, I added Harwin Strong, yes I know it's not canon. It is now in my world 😌 anyway, he's still dead so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Cross posted on AO3!
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @otteropera
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"Father" I call with a smile. He spots me and I lift my skirt as I jog up to him.
The man hides what he was holding behind him. He smiles and meets me halfway in the hall. He greets me good morrow when I link my arm with his and kiss his cheek.
"And is that... a very important tool of the Lord Hand?" I tilt my head as I ask, "might I not even see it?"
He sighs and slowly brings the object in front of him. We both look at the brightly dressed doll. My father has an apprehensive look on his face. I hold back a laugh, "ah, a pretty dolly. Are you quite bored of your job already? Do they give dolls to the Hand or were you duped into buying this?"
"I knew you'd say something like this," he mutters.
"If you knew I'd say it, why'd you still get it, papa?" I chuckle.
"I bought it for your sister."
I make a face, "my sister?" I raise a brow, "which between Arya and Sansa do you think would prefer playing with such an ugly dolly?"
He calls my name out.
He lowers the doll, "it's not that ugly."
"So even you agree," I snigger, "and yet you still bought it!"
We both begin to walk down the hall.
He warns me, "I'll tell on your mother."
"For what?" I hold back a laugh.
"For calling me papa," he lifts his nose.
I chuckle at the thought. Mother never liked it when I used mama and papa; improper for a lady, she says. I think it's also because when I use it, I pull on their heart strings and manage to make them do my bidding. Twas the gift of the first born.
"I can hear it now," I grin at the man as I squeeze his arm, "Eddard Stark," I motion vaguely, "stripped of his title as Lord Hand for his poor taste in dolls."
My grin widens at the sound if his low laugh. I give a louder laugh, happy to have gotten the reaction I did out of him. It's been a while since I've heard my father chuckle, or anyone from my family, for that matter.
"I wouldn't worry about it, love," father pulls me into his chest, "the king's taste in dolls are surely worse than mine."
I let out a giggle. My father joins in.
I look out the window as we saunter down the hall and turn back to my father when he mutters, "she's changed quite a lot since we've moved here."
He looks at the doll in his hand.
It takes a moment before I smile and give a playful look, "have you seen any of your daughters play with dollies lately, father?"
My words do not work this time. My smile fades at the sight of the line between my father's brows. I mutter softly, "haven't we all changed?"
He turns to me then stops.
I raise my brows. Ned Stark offers me a smile. He takes my hands and shakes his head, "not you, my daughter," he rubs my knuckles with his thumb, "never you."
My heart clenches at his words. I cannot bring myself to smile back because I knew it wasn't true.
"Forgive me for intruding on a private moment."
We both pull away and turn to our side. There we see a blonde doll wrapped in steel. Ser Jaime bows, "Lord Hand, Lady Stark--" he stops himself and lifts his head, "oh, apologies. It's in bad taste for me to call you that."
My father shifts in his spot.
I play it off, "nonsense. I am born of house Stark," I pull my lips into a tight smile, "and my husband is dead."
"Ah, yes," the knight sighs, "poor man. Just had a taste of being one then--" he shakes his head to make his point. He raises a finger, "he was your age, wasn't he?"
I clench my jaw and nod.
Ser Jaime rests a hand on his hilt, "what was his house again?"
Before I can respond, my father blurts, "have you come to rub salt in my daughter's wounds, Kingslayer?"
I turn to my feet with wide eyes. I slowly turn to the see the fuming look on my father's face and whisper, "papa."
Ser Jaime lifts his nose. An smirk masks his face, "not at all, my Lord."
I look back at the kingsguard, not enjoying how quickly tension solidified between us.
"The king demands your presence," growls the Lannister, jaw hardened, golden mane wafting with the breeze.
Father's face is stern but he nods and raises the doll, "I will go to him after I-"
"Get that bloody Ned here now," Jaime speaks. He watches Ned lower the doll. He purses his lips while father's expression sours even more. He shrugs, "King's words, not mine."
In an instant, all the tension in father's body is gone. He looks like he's about to smile and it makes my stomach churn because I knew what that meant. I take the doll from him before anything else. He looks at me and I nod, "I'll give it to Sansa."
He stares me blankly.
"I'll try to force her affection onto the thing," I look at the doll, "maybe she'll let it chaperone us to the tourney later."
I smile at the sound of papa's low laugh.
He nods.
Ned's smile fades when he turns back to Jaime. Jaime gives a wry smile, "I'll escort the lady back to her chambers in her father's stead."
Neither of us decide to argue over it.
Father walks off, eyeing Jaime as he did, and I purse my lips when I turn to him, "I'm actually headed to the library."
"Mmm," he furrows his brows, "then I'm actually headed there too."
We begin to walk down the hall. I laugh as I look at the doll in my hands.
Jaime turns to me upon hearing this. He decides not to note on the ugly doll, "like reading, do you?"
I look at him and smile, "I do."
"You sure you don't go to that musty room to hide from everyone?"
I raise a brow, "you seem to have experience."
"Tyrion was like that," he looks forward, "except father never bought him a doll as a companion."
I look away just as Jaime looks back at me, "does the library match the fantasies of a book lover?"
I chuckle. I turn to his side again. I am unable to stop myself from thinking how dashing his grin at the moment was, "It definitely is as grand as I expected it to be. Winterfell is not blessed with nearly as many tomes."
"The younger Stark girls must not like reading as much as their big sister, considering the ugly thing in your paw," he nods at my direction.
"I'm sure one of them will find use of it," I lift the thing up and look at it. I glance upon Jaime, "oh, goodness. It actually looks quite like you."
Jaime pulls his chin back, "you clearly have issues with your eyes."
"No, it's uncanny. Yellow hair, evil intent."
"Evil intent?" Jaime stops in his tracks, "you mock and slander me," he raises brow and grips his hilt, "I should have your tongue for it."
"Mmm," I turn to him and slowly walk backward, "kingsguard takes the tongue of the Lord Hand's daughter? Sounds like a page out of my books."
He tilts his head, looking me up and down before chuckling as he turns to his feet. He lick his teeth then furrows his brows, "lend me that book once you're done."
We reach the stairwell the connected to the gardens.
I tilt my head and stop in my tracks when I see Sansa and her handmaiden.
"Sansa!" I call, waving at her. She looks at me and waves back.
I turn to Jaime and curtsy, "I have changed my mind, ser," I rise and smile, "I'll be joining my sister in the gardens instead."
Jaime nods and gives a lopsided smile, "very well, my lady. Bid my greetings to the pup. I pray she doesn't get a heart attack from your father's gift."
I chuckle, "she used to have a wolf, you know."
With that, Jaime and I part ways.
Sansa immediately grabs my arm once I am close enough, "what were you doing with Jaime?"
"Ser Jaime Lannister," I correct her, raising a brow, "I didn't know you two were familiar."
"Was he courting you?" Sansa asks as she releases my arm.
I immediately shush her, "do not speak of such things, girl. You know how quickly gossip spreads here." I hand her the doll, "he was escorting me to the library in father's stead."
"This isn't the library-"
"Clearly not."
She takes the doll, "what is this?"
"A gift from father," I grin, "a chaperone to the tourney later."
Sansa glares at me, nearly turning red as her hair. She chucks the doll to the ground and storms away.
I huff and pick up the doll, "Sansa." I follow after her, "it was a joke."
"I haven't played with dollies for years!"
"I know," I rush up to her and grab her arm, "papa bought it for you to try and ease your worries."
She grits her teeth and corrects, "father should just do his job and stop treating me like a little girl." She breaks away from me and moves past me.
"You are a little girl."
"I'm going to be queen one day," she turns to me, "and you won't be able to make fun of me then."
"Sansa, I'm not making fun of you!"
Sansa does not listen and simply walks away.
Her old handmaiden turns to me and smiles. She takes the doll from me, "I'll put this in her room."
I nod and smile.
By the time we were seated for the tourney, Sansa and I made peace by giving the doll to Arya for her to mutilate. All three of us enjoyed the bonding experience very much.
Right now, we were huddled together, pointing at the players. Sansa whispered to me who she thought handsomest and Arya exclaimed over who she thought was strongest. I alternate my attention between them, swooning with one, cheering with the other, but it doesn't take long for them to get into a clash, as always.
They begin to bicker over me and I would have just snapped at them had we not been in public. I instead silence both of them by swooning and cheering for the Hound once we spot him from afar.
Both young Starks gawk at me in disbelief and disgust.
"You can't be serious," Sansa mutters with a pale face.
Arya tilts her head, "I mean, he is pretty big."
I laugh at both of them, "can't I cheer for all the players?"
"No," they say at once.
I tear my gaze from the tourney grounds to look over my shoulder. I gaze upon the crowds, looking to see if father was already here. I mutter to no one in particular, "I wonder what's taking him so long."
"Look," Sansa, on my left, tugs at my arm, "ser Jaime is going to be riding!"
I ignore her and push Arya, who was seated to my right, behind as I crane my neck to look for farther.
Sansa leans on my back and mutters to Arya, "ser Jaime likes her."
Arya grins and looks down at me, "oooh. The lion and the wolf."
I quickly sit up and eye both of them, "shut it, you."
They giggle with each other.
"Father will not be pleased if he hears you are wanting to feed nasty rumors."
"Oh, but nasty rumors are the most intruding, wouldn't you agree, Lady Strong?"
The three of us turn to the man walking over. He stops just below where Arya was sat.
"Or should I say, Lady Stark?" he smiles and nods at me. He looks to my left, "Lady Stark," then to my right, "Lady Stark."
I offer a smile and my first name, "you can simply call me that to avoid confusion, my lord."
"Petyr Baelish," he grins, blue eyes glistening with apparent mischief.
"Lord Baelish," I nod. I squeeze both my sister's hands, prompting both to greet all the same.
Lord Baelish smiles, "I'm glad to finally meet the eldest Stark," he reaches a hand out to me, "the words spoken about your beauty do you no justice."
Both my sisters make a face when I take the man's hand and he leans in to kiss it.
He straightens up and brings his hands behind his back, "my deepest sympathies to you. Lord Harwin Strong left us too soon. I've heard a great many things about Breakbones, how he puts the strong in House Strong."
Arya side eyes Baelish before turning away to look at tourney grounds.
Sansa stares hotly at him as she clutches my arm.
"Thank you, Lord Baelish," I nod and pull a smile, "if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer not to talk about him more than this."
"Of course," he bows. He tilts his head back as he smiles. He walks off and climbs the stairs to get to his seat just behind us.
"Do you know who's going to fight first?" Arya asks as she leans on my lap. I wrap my arm over her shoulders and turn to where she was looking. I spot Jaime speaking to whom was probably his squire from afar.
"Don't worry, little one, they'll announce it," Baelish speaks from behind, making all of us turn to him then back front. When I look back, I see Jaime looking our way.
"I hope ser Jaime starts on our side," Sansa mutters as she leans into me, though her eyes are still fixed on the Lannister.
Arya turns to me and toys with my black hair, "I hope he defeats the Hound to win your affection."
Baelish makes a face upon hearing that.
I snort at the thought then shoot her a half serious face, "shut it."
"I see you girls are fond of the Kingslayer," Baelish says, making us turn back to him again.
Arya side eyes him once more. Sansa looks away, uninterested.
I respond before turning frotn, "he is a rather good swordsman. Or so I hear."
"He usually doesn't play in tourneys. He says he's too good for them," Baelish mutters, "something must have made him change his mind."
"Maybe he's trying to impress someone," Sansa replies, not bothering to look back anymore, "maybe a lady?"
I squeeze her arm when she says this. She does not even spare me a glance.
"Yes," Baelish darting his eyes below him, "perhaps."
We look to the sky when a rumble suddenly cracks.
"What's taking them so long?! It's going to rain, and then the games will be cancelled!" Arya complains.
"They're waiting for the king," Baelish replies.
Arya makes a face. I'm the only one that turns back to the man. I smile at his already smiling face then turn to Arya, "papa's not here either. The king is probably making him do something."
Baelish chuckles under his breath, muttering lowly to himself, "papa? How sweet."
Then suddenly, truly out of nowhere, it began to rain.
My sisters and I quickly stand. I immediately grab them and we run off to the nearest place that could offer cover. We head to a tent, but the trouble was, everyone was heading there too.
The rain quickly begins to pour harder.
I do my best to cover Sansa and Arya's head, but my hands could only do so much. The three of us look up when something comes above us.
I feel someone behind me. I turn and see it's Lord Baelish. He's taken his tunic off and used it to cover us.
"Come, my Lady Starks," he speaks over the loud patter of the rain, "I will escort you back inside!"
We turn to him, his dress shirt now dripping and stuck to his form. I nod at him, "thank you, my lord."
"Don't thank me yet," he smirks, face wet with rain, "one of you may yet slip on mud."
Lord Baelish leads the way, uncaring of how wet he's gotten, and offers his arm out to us intermittently. Meanwhile, we hold up his tunic overhead and huddle under it, treading as quickly yet carefully as we can on the mucky ground.
"I do hope the rain does not ruin your fine garb, Lord Baelish," I call as Sansa and I lift our skirts up and do our best not to trip on it.
Arya was very much glad to be wearing pants, and cheerfully steps into puddles without a care in the world.
But then she slips.
Baelish manages to grab her arm before she falls. He pulls her upright and chuckles, "careful now. You wouldn't want to take your sisters down with you."
Arya let's out a hmp when she is released.
"And don't worry about my tunic," he smiles at me, "I'd rather it be ruined than have 3 ladies get sick under my watch."
Sansa gasps and grabs my arm when her heels sink in the wet dirt. I help her keep her footing and smile back at the man, "thank you, Lord Baelish."
"As I said, don't thank me yet. It's still quite a walk to the Keep," he comes to Sansa's side and helps her straighten up, "and call me Petyr."
I part my lips at the thought.
He shakes his head and chuckles, "I insist."
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 7 months
pairings: Natasha X fem!reader (romantic), avengers X fem!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing.
It was a simple mission really. In and out. Well that's what Natasha, Wanda, Clint and y/n had thought. They had gotten in easy enough. Nothing Nat couldn't handle.
"it's an in and out mission. Try and avoid confrontation if possible ok?"
Natasha spoke quietly to the rest of the group.
"ok me and Wanda will take the left wing while y/n and Clint take the right. All we need is the vile of whatever fury said the name was and then we are out."
The rest of the group nodded as Natasha gave orders. They prepared to seperate but just before departing ways Natasha pulled y/n away.
"stay safe ok? Promise not to get too hurt."
Natasha said as she cupped y/n's face. Y/n smiled in response.
"ofcourse nat. As long as you follow the same rules. Besides. This mission is simple. Right?"
The red head nodded and smiled before going back to her widow face and back to Wanda. Y/n walked back to cling and they set off. Simple right?
Things went wrong fast. Unfortunately HYDRA were expecting the avengers. So confronting HYDRA was impossible to avoid. Thankfully both Natasha and Wanda came out unscathed but Clint and y/n weren't so lucky. Clint got shot in the leg and y/n twice. One in the stomach and one in the shoulder. But it wasn't over yet.
Fate would however bring them together. They all ended up meeting in the final room. When natasha saw y/n injured it took all of her will to focus on the mission. Nat knew y/n had been through worse and would live but it still brought little comfort. Wanda was the one who found the vile.
"hey guys! I've got it!"
Wanda said holding up a vile with glistening neon red liquid in it.
"that's a funny colour.."
Y/n noted. Clint shrugged.
"i don't care what colour it is. My leg is bleeding and you y/n need medical attention so let's go now that we have the vile."
The man spoke. They were about to leave when a man in a black suit walked from the darkness.
"oh no. No no no."
The man had a raspy voice. This was not someone the avengers recognised. The stranger kept his face hidden in shadow.
"now since I'm a kind man I'll strike you a deal."
The man was cocky. That was evident.
"what kind of deal."
Y/n spoke up. The man grinned.
"hand over the vile and no one else will get hurt."
The man sounded way to sure if himself. Natasha's hand went to her pistol. If the stranger noticed he didn't point it out. Natasha pulled her gun in him.
"how about this. You let us leave and I don't blow your brains out."
Natasha said coldly. The mans grin only widened.
"I expected this reaction. Unfortunate we have to go the hard route."
Suddenly the ground shook. This was abnormal. Nothing human was doing this. Then y/n vanished and reappeared being held by the man.
"my my you are a pretty one."
His rasp was more prominent up close.
"now here's our new deal. You hand me the vile and you come out unscathed and with your teammate. But with her looks I may just keep her for myself. Natashas blood boiled at his words. But there was no way out if this. Then fury came over the comms.
"abandon mission. Something inhuman has been identified in you area. Get out of there. Now!"
Natasha didn't lower her glock.
"sorry fury but we can't leave y/n"
Natasha said. Wanda however had other plans. The next thing Clint and Natasha knew they were in the quinjet with Wanda but not y/n.
"what the fuck wanda!"
Natasha shouted. How could they leave y/n!? Wanda looked down.
"we can't give up the vile. And there was no way we could get y/n otherwise. Besides y/n is that man's only leverage. He won't kill her..."
Wanda said sheepishly. She felt bad. Ofcourse she did. Her and y/n had been friends since y/n had joined the avengers.
"we have to go back. Now."
Nat growled. Clint stopped her.
"Nat this man is dangerous. We need back up before we try to get y/n. And a plan. Let's go back and figure this out."
He said trying to defuse Natashas temper. He only made it worse.
"we can't just leave y/n! That's my girlfriend for fucks sake!"
The russian yelled. Clint flinched.
"Clint is right nat. We aren't prepared to get y/n back. We need a plan."
Wanda was speaking softly but it didn't disguise her worry. Natasha scowled but relented.
"fine. But if y/n is any more hurt I will kill you both for this."
Wanda and Clint nodded grimly as they started the quinjet to head back.
Natasha was going to save y/n at all costs. She was going to get her vengeance and she was going to get her girl. Even if that means she gets hurt along the way. Simple right?
A/n: lol sorry this was short. I got bored and write this off a whim. Inspired by six of crows when kaz says he's gonna get his money and his girl. If you don't get it then go read six of crows. Lmk if this is shit or not or if you want part two.
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simplyholl · 4 months
The Villain’s Weapon Pt. 4
Summary: When you hit your head and lose your memory, you fall into Loki's clutches.
Warnings: Memory loss. Villain Loki. Fighting.
Part three
See My Masterlist Here
Loki went through your file for what felt like the hundredth time. You had grown even more powerful with his help. He couldn’t wait until he brought you out on the battlefield.
Your former teammates would be shocked. He kept tabs on the Avengers. He knew they had been looking for you. They thought he had either killed you or kept you to torture.
He smiled, thinking of tomorrow when he would bring you to fight against them. You would be fighting beside him. You would never reach your full potential with them. You were lucky, truly. It wasn’t every day that he offered to train others with magic.
Clint knocked on the door, interrupting his thoughts. “Hey boss, sorry to bother you.” He looked down at the open file on Loki’s desk. “Boss, we didn’t want to say anything, but we all think you’re getting too attached to the girl. You haven’t checked on the Tesseract in a week. We just don’t want you to get distracted.”
Loki stands, fists clenched by his sides. “So you have all been talking behind my back? Do not fret over me. She is still the enemy. But for the moment, she is on our side.”
Loki looks down at Clint, “ Do you miss me, Barton? Bitter because I haven’t been there to tuck you in at night? You could simply say that instead of assuming I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Sir, I’m sorry. We were all worried.” “Rest assured, it takes more than a pretty face to distract me.” Loki pushes by him. How dare they presume he had any affection for you. He did have to admit, to himself only of course, that he did spend a lot of time thinking about you. But he had to keep you close. What if you got your memory back? He had to make sure you weren’t pretending.
He found you on the couch studying your Avengers flash cards he had Clint make you. Each one had a hero with their picture, powers, strengths, and weaknesses. He had been concerned that seeing them would jog your memory. He took them from you to quiz you. You knew them all.
You had hoped seeing the faces of the people you fought the most would bring back a memory, but it didn’t. The only one you thought was familiar was Thor. You voiced that to Loki and he told you it was because Thor is his brother, so you would know more about him than the others.
The day had finally come, you were going to fight with Loki. When the Avengers showed up, they seemed surprised to see you. Loki told you they would react that way because you usually fought beside him every time and you had been absent for weeks.
Captain America ran to you while Thor fought with Loki. “What are you doing with him? We have been looking for you. Did he hurt you?” You send a blast of magic at him, sending him to the ground. “Of course, he hasn’t hurt me. He would never hurt me.” He gets up, looking surprised.
“What are you doing? Just come with me, and I’ll take you home.” He grabs your wrists trying to pull you. “Why would I go with you?” You ask, shocked at his audacity. “Because you’re one of us. What did Loki tell you? You can’t trust him, Y/N.”
This must be the manipulation Loki warned you about. He was saying exactly what Loki said he would. Loki said they would try to turn you against him. Since you had your accident, they would think it was easy to get inside your head.
“Stop trying to confuse me, it won’t work.” You use your magic to lift him in the air slinging him away from you. The Black Widow comes up to you next. “Where the hell have you been? We have been looking everywhere for you, thinking you were dead. And you’ve been with Loki this whole time?”
You ignore her words, focusing on the ground. You send the dirt up, spiraling into a tornado, sweeping her away. You search for Loki, spotting him with Captain America. Loki grabs his shield, slinging it away from him.
“Y/N, please, my brother is lying to you. This isn’t you.” Thor, the biggest manipulator of the group, Loki had warned, tried to reason with you. “You’re the liar, Thor.” You roll your eyes at him, walking away, no longer wanting to argue. Thor strides over, only taking three steps to reach you.
He picks you up as if you were a doll, throwing you over his shoulder in one swift motion. “Thor! Put me down!” You scream, fists pounding into his muscled back. You wiggle, scratch, and pinch, but he doesn’t let up. You were planning on taking it easy on him. He is Loki’s brother, after all.
But you get madder with every step he takes. You focus on your magic, the way Loki taught you. You feel the power vibrate through you, as you see the light in your hand glowing brighter.
You aim, and blast at Thor, the magic putting a hole in his pants. He yelps, dropping you. You hit the hard ground with a thud, your head landing on a pointed rock. Instinctively, your hand comes up to touch the wound. When you withdraw it, you see the sticky blood on your fingers.
That’s when you feel it. Loki’s power flowing all around. The ground trembling as he stomps over to you. He takes you in his arms, holding you bridal style as he glares at Thor. “What did you do to her?!” He demands. Thor grabs his backside, wincing as he tries to stop the burning.
“She blasted my arse, brother. It surprised me. I did not think she had it in her. The last time I saw her, she couldn’t control her magic very well. I didn’t mean to drop her. It was an accident, Loki.” Thor turns around to show Loki the burned flesh. Before you can blink, you’re swept up in a cloud of green, Loki’s magic bringing you both home.
@fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @l0ki3000 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @litaloni @lulubelle814 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @avengersfan25 @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @xorpsbane @mybugabomlb @bunny24sstuff @luthien-elvenia-asher @gruftiela @itsybitchylittlewitchy @asgards-princess-of-mischief @usagishira @buttercupcookies-blog @donaweasley @mrsbarnes32557038 @sheris532 @el-zef @starkzdaughter @weirdothatwritess @sharris8 @daechgustinad @anundyingfidelity @luphelia @calmoistorm @thenerdyoldersister @cruel-kitten @sarahedwards16 @holabicth @ktssstuff
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I could request Matt x black widow reader where they’re training together and she finally tells him where she learned to fight, but he’s surprised because she seemed like she didn’t know how to protect herself?
hi my love!
I got super carried away with this one and clearly I was in an angsty mood when I wrote it oops but it does have a nice ending I promise! thank you for the request! 🖤
warning: contains swearing, brief mentions of spiciness, mentions of violence, abuse, & implied sexual assault all in relation to the red room program (if any of these themes make you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip! you will not hurt my feelings, I promise!) word count: 3.9k
show me what you got.
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Half of Fogwell’s was illuminated by the sunlight coming through the large floor to ceiling windows at the back of the gym, casting a golden glow over the worn equipment and faded walls. The other half that was furthest away from the sun’s steady rays was lit well enough that you could see a clear path to not trip over anything, so you didn’t bother turning on the lights. Matt never did anyway. Not only because they were of no use to him, but he had also mentioned that sometimes the buzz of electricity in a building could be overwhelming to his senses. 
Matt had been adamant about teaching you self defense lately. You weren’t sure what happened that awoke this sudden need in him, but he had been bringing it up insistently for two weeks until you finally broke down and gave into him. He claimed it was purely because he wanted to know that you could defend yourself if something were to happen and he couldn’t get to you in time, but there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that told you there was more to it. Saying no to Matthew Murdock was nearly impossible, and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to let him teach you. It made your heart swell with adoration that he genuinely just wanted to keep you as safe as possible. But there was something Matt didn’t know about your past that had you denying his argument…until he finally wore you down like he always did. 
You leaned against the edge of the ring with your back to the door, humming along to the music that was currently playing through your headphones. Matt had told you he was running late for your first little session together, so you figured you had a little time to kill. Glancing around the old gym, you smiled to yourself as you tried to picture little Matty running around as his dad trained on the mat that was in front of you. The first time he had brought you here, he told you some of his fondest memories he had of his father, and it made you feel special that he felt comfortable sharing something so intimate with you. He spoke of him so proudly, and with so much love, it made you wish you’d had a chance to meet Jack, and that he’d had a chance to see the incredible man his son had grown up to be.
A hand grabbing onto your waist quickly broke you out of your trance, and you instinctively grabbed onto the person’s wrist, swiftly spinning around and twisting their arm behind their back as you grabbed onto their shoulder to lock them in a painful position. A familiar head of brown hair doubled over before you had your eyes widening in horror, and you immediately let go of Matt’s arm as you ripped the headphones out of your ears.
“Oh my god, Matt…I’m so sorry. I didn’t hear you come in, I had my-fuck, are you okay? I’m so sorry, baby.”
Matt straightened up as he rubbed at his shoulder, turning around to face you. His eyes were blown completely wide open as he stared in your direction, a look of pure surprise etched onto his face.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah, no I’m fine. I didn’t…didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t! I just…didn’t know it was you. I mean I don’t…I’m not sure who else I thought would be…I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry.”
Matt was still for a moment, tilting his head slightly to the left as his blank eyes remained fixated in your direction. His lips parted slightly, tongue coming out to quickly wet them while his brows pulled together slightly in the center of his forehead in curiosity. 
“How…how did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“What you just did. How do you know how to do that?”
“I…I was…taught.”
Please let this go, Matt. 
“It…it was a long time ago. I’m out of practice anyway.”
“Not that much.”
The look on Matt’s face caused your anxiety to spike, sending your blood rushing through your heart at an unforgiving pace. He must have heard the uptick in your rhythm, because he immediately squinted his eyes. 
“Why are you so nervous right now?”
“I’m not.”
“Why are you lying to me.”
Matt’s plump lips were settled in a tight, disapproving line. There was a hardness to his voice that had guilt flooding the pit of your stomach. You hated lying to Matt. It wasn’t that you wanted to, you were just absolutely terrified of losing him.
“You said you wanted to teach me, and you were so excited when I finally said yes…I didn’t wanna take that away from you. I’d much rather learn from you than who I did anyway.”
Letting out a deep sigh, you took a step forward towards him and placed your hands on Matt’s shoulders, gently massaging the one you’d caused pain to.
“Besides, you’ve been so busy lately, this is a chance for us to spend more time together. And you can teach me everything I don’t know.”
The soft smile that graced your lips immediately disappeared when you realized the translucent level of betrayal that covered Matt’s face hadn’t faltered. 
“How am I supposed to do that when I don’t even know what you do know.”
The vexation you detected in his voice felt like a bullet ripping straight through the dense tissue of your heart. He had every right to be upset with you right now, you knew that deep down, but there was still an ache echoing in your rib cage. 
“What is it? What are you hiding?”
“I’m not-“
“Don’t give me that shit. You’re lying to me, right now. Don’t lie to my face like I can’t tell. I want the truth.”
“It’s not that simple.”
Matt let out a dry laugh, his face a twisted mixture of shock and disbelief as his full brows raised several inches upwards. 
“Not that simple? Do you think telling you the truth about me was simple?” 
“In comparison, yes.”
Matt looked as though you had physically slapped him across the face, and the sight made your stomach twist with regret. His face immediately hardened, and he squared his shoulders as he stared down in your direction. 
“I want the truth. Now.”
“Or we’re done.”
A quiet gasp slipped past your mouth at the conviction in his statement. He meant it. 
“I won't be with a liar. Not again.” 
There were traces of pain and treachery in the venom he tossed at you, and it had guilt seeping into the very marrow of your bones. You knew exactly what he was talking about; who he was talking about. A brief thought crossed your mind that he might be disgusted if he found out just how similar the two of you were, and the sins you shared. 
He must have taken your silence as an answer, because he was angrily grabbing his gym bag off the nearby bench and stalking towards the door to get as far away from you as he could. Panic began to rise in your throat, and you didn’t know what the fuck to do. 
You could let him go. Convince yourself it was for the best. That he was going to leave the second he found out what you were anyway, so might as well get it over with now. You could spend the rest of your life trying to erase his memory, fool yourself into believing you could find happiness after him, and die knowing the one person you had ever loved had walked away from you because being a coward was the least awful thing about you. 
Or you could tell him the truth. You could try things his way; kneel at his altar and bind your hands in his, say a prayer of his name and beg for the same mercy and forgiveness he had given her. It was a cheap shot to dare a man of faith to not practice what he preached, but it was an even bigger gamble that he might let the Devil decide on his behalf instead. 
“I was a widow.”
Matt instantly paused at the door, hand stilling over the handle for a moment. He slowly turned around to face you, a considerably softer expression on his features as he spoke quietly. 
“You had a husband?”
Clicking your tongue against the inside of your cheek, you leaned back against the ring and crossed your arms over your chest.
“No, not that kind. I meant…I was a black widow, Matt.”
You had seen more shades of revelation flash across Matt’s face today than you ever had the entire time you had known him, and that made you nervous. He was not an easy person to shock. This man had been through the goddamn ringer, had friends that had powers and abilities, had his ex-girlfriend die in his arms twice because of some supernatural shit, and yet you were still able to surprise him. That wasn’t something to be proud of. 
As he parted his lips to speak, you quickly cut him off and began to pace back and forth furiously. 
“Look before you say anything, just…let me explain. I…I didn’t tell you…it wasn’t because I didn’t trust you. Okay, it had nothing to do with that. I just…I wasn’t sure how you would react-“
“How I would react?”
“I’m not done.”
“Y/N, I told you I was Daredevil. That’s a pretty big bombshell. You didn’t think that was the time to tell me this?”
“No, I didn’t-“
“Matthew I am trying to explain that, but I need you to shut the fuck up first.”
Matt clenched his jaw, cocking his head to the side slightly to crack his neck as he let a deep exhale out through his nose. Carelessly tossing his gym bag onto the floor with a thud, he motioned with his hand for you to continue before settling both of his hands on his hips in a stance of annoyance. 
“I’m not like you, Matt. Okay? I’m not a hero. There are things…things that I did that I can never undo.”
“So you were a spy for a shitty government and did shitty things. You broke codes and laws. You think I don’t understand that? I may not commit espionage Y/N, but I break some of the very laws I took an oath to uphold nearly every night. You lied to me about something you knew I could’ve understood. I mean, it’s not like you killed someone.”
The carelessness of Matt’s words and the accusatory tone of his voice had you seething. He must have sensed your swift change in mood because the humorless smile on his lips quickly evaporated. You balled your hands up into tight fists to control the way they shook with rage, chest heaving slightly with jagged breaths as your voice dipped an octave lower.
“What is it you think widows do exactly, Matthew.”
Regret flashed in his eyes the moment he stumbled across his mistake, and the realization of your words settling in had his mouth hanging open in horror.
“Let me tell you exactly what we’re trained to do. It isn’t just lies and stealing. It’s also seduction, orchestrating crises, persuading wars, but most importantly, assassination.”
Anger boiled throughout your bloodstream as you spoke. You weren’t sure if you were more pissed at Matt for being an insensitive asshole, or about the life that was taken away from you, but all you could see was red. You’d never gotten a chance to be angry about it before, and now you couldn’t hold back the fire that burnt through you. 
“You think losing your father was hard? I was taken from my family. I don’t even know who the hell they are. I’ll never know if they even wanted me, or if they willingly gave me up. I’ll never know their names. I’ll never know if they’re even still alive. I will never know anything about them. You think Stick was rough on you? I grew up in the Red Room, Matt. What you had was a fucking daydream compared to the nightmare I lived.” 
“You wanna know how many girls survive the training program? One in twenty. I was the lucky one out of the twenty.”
Matt’s face immediately fell at your words, letting his head hang in shame as he swallowed thickly. 
“Was your first time nice, Matt? Was it romantic and with someone you loved? Someone you trusted?” 
Matt clenched his jaw tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as his hands trembled slightly at his sides. 
“I’ll spare you the details of mine. But I can assure you it was not nice. It was part of my training, and there was no love or trust being done to my body. It was being used as a demonstration in seduction to complete a mission.” 
A tiny piece of you knew this wasn’t fair. You shouldn’t be trying to invalidate Matt’s trauma with your own. But he wanted the truth, so you were giving him all of it. 
“I can’t tell you how many times my body was violated, inside and out. And do you wanna know what I got for being the lucky one to graduate the program? Torn open and ripped apart. I didn’t just have my life ripped away from me, I had my ability to create life ripped away from me too. You were broken down and molded into a hero by your city. I was broken down and molded into a villain by mine. You made a choice to be the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. I never got that choice, Matt. I never got a choice until the Red Room finally fucking fell, and then I ran. I ran as far away as I fucking could.”
You thought the haze of madness was what had consumed your vision, but as it finally became clear when you blinked, you realized your face was streaked in tears. Matt’s shoulders shook with remorse, quiet sobs and sniffles leaving him as you noticed the tracks of melancholia on his own face. All of that pent up rage and resentment…he didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve any of it. He deserved better. 
“I have been trying…so hard to forget that part of my life…to make up for the things I’ve done. I didn’t…I didn’t want to keep it from you. I didn’t want to lie to you. I just…I was so scared…I was terrified to lose you because you are the one good thing I have ever had…I didn’t want you to hate me-”
“Hate you?”
Matt’s voice was just as broken as his face, and it only twisted the knife further. In a few short strides he was in front of you, frantically shaking his head in disbelief.
“How could I ever hate you?”
“Because I am everything you stand against, Matt.”
“That’s not true.”
“I’ve killed-“
“That wasn’t your choice. None of that was ever your choice. How could I ever hold something against you that was forced on you?”
You wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe that he still wanted you. But that tiny little voice in the back of your head kept screaming that this is where he would leave you. 
Matt brought his hands up to gently cradle your face, a look of pure agony covering his features as his sweet honey eyes dripped with sorrow. 
“You were a little girl taken from her home, abused and brainwashed, and used against your will by evil people. That does not make you evil. I know you never wanted to do any of those things they made you do. I can feel how much it hurts you, sweetheart. I do not hold any of that against you, I swear.”
“I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself, Matt.”
“Oh, honey.”
Matt immediately pulled you into him, wrapping his arms protectively around your body as he held you as close as physically possible. He gently brushed his fingers through your hair, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead while you sobbed into his chest. 
“Shh, it’s alright. It’s okay, my love. I know it hurts. I know that guilt you feel. You can make peace with it. I can’t promise you that it will be easy. There are some days…that are going to be a lot harder than others, and you’re going to feel…like you don’t deserve that peace or forgiveness at all. But you do. And I will be there with you, every step of the way.” 
You gripped onto Matt tightly like he was a lifeline keeping you afloat in the middle of a violent sea storm. He was the first person that had made you feel safe since you’d moved to New York. Finding out who he really was only made you feel safer. He was the scary thing in the dark that all the real monsters feared, and he was yours. 
“Whoever you were before…whatever you did, it doesn’t matter. I only care about who you are now. I love who you are now.”
“I love you, Matt. I love you so much.”
Love used to be a four letter word to you. An emotion you’d never felt, but feigned for personal gain. A genre of literature, film, and music. A holiday created by corporations for profit. But the second you met him, that all changed. 
Love was Matthew Murdock. It was his dazzling smile coupled with charming dimples that made your knees weak. It was the warmth of his hand on your lower back as he guided you to the side of the sidewalk furthest from the street. It was the way he always smiled when he said your name, and how it rolled off of his tongue almost in a beckoning manner. It was his jacket over your shoulders when you’d insisted it wasn’t ‘that cold’. It was the trust in sharing his troubled past, his deepest fears, his haunting insecurities, and his greatest sins. 
It was the first time he touched your body. It was the gentleness and undivided attention while he made love to you as you shared your first intimate moment together. It was the first time your body had ever been shown love and it took everything in you not to break down at how softly he caressed you and how patient he was with you. It was the space he took up in your heart and the home he made within you. 
It was the verity in his voice when he whispered those three words into your ear for the first time, and the way he made you feel worthy of them. 
“I love you, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m not leaving you.”
“Please don’t tell Karen and Foggy. I…I don’t want them to know.”
A part of you knew they would understand. They were your chosen family as much as Matt was. But telling Matt the truth was difficult enough. You weren’t sure you could do it again. You didn’t want to risk your past life ruining your new one.
“I won’t. We can keep this between us.”
“I…I don’t think-“
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself. I understand.”
Letting out a deep breath, your shoulders suddenly felt a lot lighter, and that weight that had been heavy on your chest was finally gone. For the first time in years you felt like you could actually breathe. 
“Thank you.”
Matt pulled back slightly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as he gazed down at you lovingly. 
“For what, honey?”
“Still loving me.”
“You didn’t stop loving me.”
“I’m not always a hero, sweetheart. I don’t always go out every night to protect people. As much as I hate to admit it out loud, sometimes I enjoy beating the shit out of people that deserve it. I’ve been driven to that edge of wanting to take someone’s life before. There’s not always purity in what I do.”
“But there’s heart, and good intentions.”
“Which is exactly what you have too.”
Matt leaned in to bump your nose with his, tracing the underside of your jaw slowly with his index finger. 
“Well, if the Devil said it, it must be true.”
The tension in Matt’s shoulders seemed to evaporate as a smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth, and your lips only split further into a grin as his mouth mirrored yours. There was a wicked glint dancing around in his eyes, and his tongue glided along his bottom lip slowly as he cocked his head to the side.
“So…did you all have like…a uniform or something?”
Puzzlement furrowed between your brows at Matt’s question as you tried to figure out where he was going with this.
“Like…a suit?”
“Yeah, why?”
Matt couldn’t contain the suggestive smirk that took over his entire mouth, arching one of his brows playfully as he jutted his chin in your direction.
“You still have it?”
Your mouth immediately fell open, pulling back to deliver a soft punch directly into Matt’s chest as you stared at him incredulously.
“Matthew Murdock!”
“You can’t even see!”
“But I can feel.”
Matt wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, moving his hands down your waist slowly to grab at your hips while sinking his teeth into his bottom lip seductively. 
“You are unbelievable. Everything I just told you…and that’s where your head is at.”
“Both of them, actually.”
“You are the worst Catholic I have ever met, you know that?” 
“Why do you think my confessions take so long?”
Pursing your lips, you swatted at Matt’s chest again, pushing him away as you backed up to rest against the ring. You tried to contain your grin as he snickered, prowling towards you slowly with mischievous intent.
“I might have kept it, just in case.”
You could see Matt’s excitement clearly in his eyes, but he remained in his spot just a few inches in front of you as a timid smile tugged at his mouth. 
“You don’t actually have to wear it if you don’t want to. If it’s…too much for you. I know you might have certain feelings associated with it.”
“Not really. I repurposed it and made it my own when I came here. It doesn’t belong to them anymore. It’s mine.” 
Matt’s lips parted slightly, and you could see the flush of red blooming on his cheeks and coating the tops of his ears. His excitement was starting to be evident in other places, and you couldn’t help but smirk as he stepped in closer. 
“You know, I’ve heard black widows are extremely dangerous.”
“Get in the ring and I’ll show you.”
Matt’s face lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree as he placed both of his palms on the mat on either side of you to cage you in with his body.
“You gonna take it easy on me?”
“Oh I think you can handle it, Daredevil. I thought they called you the man without fear? You scared, baby?”
Matt’s eyes were wild with hunger, a ravenous grin stretching his lips open to show off his gleaming teeth as he leaned in to let his warm breath fan over your lips. 
“Show me what you got, sweetheart.”
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upat4amwiththemoon · 9 months
Unwanted animal | part 2
Summary: Because that unwanted animal wants nothing more than to get out.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female!reader
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1990
a/n: as you probably saw from the first part, this doesn’t follow really the MCU timeline/events
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @strangegardentaco @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
Previous parts: part 1
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A week has passed since the Avengers brought Y/N to the compound. During the week she has been there, she has met most of the Avengers, those who work on Earth, and complied with any tests or questionings they wanted her to do. They all have been fair and easy on her, trusting Natasha’s judgment and believing Y/N is answering their questions truthfully. However, she has yet to get any of the privileges of a free woman, but she isn’t too bothered by it.
The Avengers haven’t actually found any of the other prisoners nor the new HYDRA facility where everything was moved. It seems like they’ve disappeared to thin air. They clearly upped their secrecy. Luckily, the information Y/N has given them hasn’t gone to waste. They have learned more about HYDRA’s doings, some of them things they were completely unaware about, like capturing former Black Widow agents and making them comply to their wants and needs. The Black Widow agents are an easy target after all, most of the girls and women have lived in there their whole life and they follow commands due to the mental programming, besides, all of the training has been done already. HYDRA only has to tweak their minds to follow their orders, everything else has been done for them.
A loud thump echoes through the training room as Natasha’s back hits the floor. She throws Y/N over her body in an attempt to get her down, but she lands right on her feet. The two stare at each other, both crouched down, watching the others moves. They’ve been training for a while now, but neither of their breaths have changed from the normal.
Natasha grins slightly when she notices Y/N’s leg twitch right before she moves to attack. Because of that, she’s able to dodge it and counter attack quickly. Her leg sweeps near the floor, finally bringing Y/N to the floor with a bang. She straddles her waist, immobilizing her legs and arms so she won’t be able to get out of her hold.
“I win.” She smirks.
Y/N scoffs and rolls her eyes, “only because I let you.”
Laughing, Natasha stands up and offers a hand to Y/N to pull her up with her. They’ve been training almost every day together to get Y/N back to her original strength. The starvation and dehydration she had to go through at HYDRA did take a toll on her physical wellness, but given her history, she’s able to overcome it more easily than someone else would.
“It’s okay, I get that you’re still a bit rusty.” Natasha comments before taking a sip from her water bottle.
“That’s a low blow.”
They laugh. The other team members have heard that sound from Natasha a lot more since Y/N arrived. They’re all surprised, but haven’t said anything about it, mostly because they’re sure Natasha would kick their asses.
Glancing at the clock, Natasha pack her bag. “Are you joining us for dinner?” She watches Y/N pack her own bag next to her. During the first two days at the compound, Y/N preferred to stay in her room during eating times. Being around all of the Avengers at once felt too overwhelming to do so soon. On the third day, Wanda made the initiative to ask Y/N to join them, having cooked Russian food just for her and Natasha’s sake, hoping it’d ease the transition even a little bit. After that, Y/N started eating with the team.
“Would you like me to join the dinner?”
“Of course.”
Y/N smiles, her bag now resting on her shoulder as she looks at Natasha. “Then I’ll be joining you.”
“I’ll save you a seat next to me.”
The two start walking out of the training room, going to shower in their respective rooms. “How sweet.” Y/N throws Natasha a playful look before opening the door to her room. “I’ll see you at dinner.” She closes the door after her, leaving Natasha to stare at the closed door a moment longer, before going into her own.
Y/N opens her hair from the ponytail with a sigh. She walks over to the bathroom, locking the door right behind her. She has never gotten the luxury of privacy or a space that’s her own, so she is using all the benefits she has. Choosing to lock the door is one of those. The main door of the bedroom is still unable to lock, as the Avengers need to have access to her room because of the whole trust thing, but Y/N is very happy to just be able to lock her bathroom door. And having a proper bathroom.
Taking off her clothes and folding them before putting them into the hamper, Y/N steps into the shower. She turns it on, a smile appearing to her face when the warm water hits her skin. Showering has become one of those things to her that bring comfort. Whenever she’s feeling lost or overwhelmed, she takes a shower, not feeling comfortable with talking to anyone about her worries. It’s cleansing, in more ways than one, the water droplets hitting her skin empty her mind.
It’s peaceful, not having to think about her duties or next steps.
Y/N follows the conversation going around her with a smile on her face. She has already finished eating her dinner, as her appetite is still messed up from years of starvation, but she enjoyes listening the team talk, hearing all the gossip and what’s going on in each of their lives.
Listening gets her up to speed on the team. Obviously she has heard about the Avengers before, having been locked up with their enemies her whole life, but there are a lot of things she doesn’t know, personal things.
“I hope everyone has treated you well.” Steve states with a smile on his face, bringing Y/N into the conversation.
“Yes, they have, thank you, really. You had no obligation to treat me so well and let me stay this long.”
“I believe Natasha mentioned to you, you have a possibility of staying here, for good.”
She glances at Natasha, who nods with a smile. “She did.”
“I think I speak for all of us, that we would be very happy if you accepted the offer. Of course, making it official means going through a basic lie detector test, but that’s just protocol.”
Y/N nods with a quiet hum. “Of course.”
“How has training gone?” Steve turns to Natasha as he speaks.
“Very well, she’s getting back to her strength quickly.”
“Then I don’t see a reason to delay the final part.” He moves his head back to Y/N, a smile on his face. Steve likes her, she’s polite and helpful. She clearly wants to help them. He trusts her.
“As you see best.”
Sitting on a small chair, Y/N stares straight forward as Natasha attaches the wires to her body. Her touch is gentle, her fingers touch her skin lightly when she moves sleeves out of the way. She keeps glancing at her, but Y/N’s gaze doesn’t meet hers.
After setting up everything, Natasha takes a step back, “agent Maria Hill will be doing your test, but I’ll be right on the other side of the door.” They decided to bring someone from SHIELD to do the lie detector to have someone who doesn’t know her personally, someone unbiased.
“Alright.” Her voice is light. Finally she turns to look at Natasha. Nothing shows up on her face. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
With a grin, Natasha nods and leaves the room, holding the door open for Maria. “I’m agent Hill, pleasure to meet you.” She sits down to the chair opposite of Y/N. There files in front of her to get her up to speed on the situation. “This test is designed to tell us if you’re lying with 100% accuracy, if I find you to be untruthful, there will be consequences. This is private, no one else will hear your answers. Do you understand?”
Agent Hill nods, “lets start with simple questions. What is your name?”
“No last name?”
“I don’t know my last name.”
“How long were you in the Red Room?”
“Since I was born, I got out once it was destroyed.”
“Then you worked with Hydra?”
“Do you still affiliate yourself with HYDRA or the Red Room?” As Maria asks the question, her eyes are tightly locked to the panel in front of her.
The readings stay the same. Without showing anything on her face, Maria continues asking questions. Some of them are more obscure than others, like what is the difference between an egg and a rock, but Y/N answers them all the same. Her readings don’t move, until the final question, “why do you want to be part of the Avengers?” Y/N’s pupil moves the tiniest amount, making Maria lift her head up to face her. “Why are you here, Y/N?”
Y/N doesn’t blink. She doesn’t tighten her hold on the armrests. She doesn’t swallow. She just breathes in and out, like she has all her life. “I am here to be with the Avengers, to complete missions and make up for the things I’ve done.”
Maria’s gaze is sharp like a hawk as she looks through the statistics in front of her. Nothing flashes red. “Alright,” she walks over to Y/N and starts taking the wires off of her, “you’re all clear.”
“Thank you, agent Hill.” She gives the agent a nod in respect and leaves the room with a smile on her face.
“I’m guessing things went well since you aren’t handcuffed.” Natasha is the first person she sees out in the hallway. She has a teasing grin on her face as she leans against a wall, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Were you nervous?” She asks, her voice light and playful.
Chuckling, Natasha just shakes her head and starts walking towards their rooms by Y/N’s side. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous. But, that’s something she isn’t going to say out loud. “Congrats then, you’re an official Avenger.” She sets her hand to Y/N’s shoulder, squeezing in lightly.
“That’s it? I don’t have to do anything else?”
“That’s it. You’d really think there was a more complicated way joining, but most members got in easier. Of course, we always tend to do background checks, but that’s a little difficult to do to spies who technically aren’t supposed to exist.” They stop in front of their doors. “Today’s movie night, are you joining us?”
“You guys do movie nights?” She smirks, making Natasha roll her eyes.
“Every once in a while, Peter kinda dragged us to keep them, and now we have them even when he isn’t here.”
Y/N smiles and nods, “I’ll join.”
“I’ll reserve us a blanket then.”
“We’re on blanket sharing basis now?”
Natasha stares at the teasing look on Y/N’s face with a small smile. “Yeah, we are.”
The grin on her face slowly turns to a genuine smile. “Okay, can’t wait.” She says, her voice quiet. The two stand on the hallway, staring at each other with dopey smiles on their faces.
Something inside Natasha sparks. She feels her heart beat little bit faster than normally and her face suddenly radiates heat. Suddenly her palms are clammy, she has to wipe them to her pants discreetly. Her breath starts going irregularly, like she has suddenly forgotten how to breathe properly. She wants to break eye contact with Y/N, but it’s almost like her eyes are locked to with hers. All of these feelings are bubbling to the surface so quickly, and it scares the shit out of her.
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yelenasdiary · 9 months
ive got an angst request! reader grew up with yelena in the red room and they were inseperable, and ruthless assassin partners and have always been there for each other but after they graduated, yelena went on to become a subjugated widow while the reader was sold by dreykov to hydra to train with bucky to become a winter soldier, and she gets the super soldier serum. years pass and she escapes, becoming an avenger but she eventually goes on the run after the accords and meets back up with yelena and nat during black widow and helps them take down the red room. even more time passes and yelena and reader become girlfriends and even better partners than they were before but then she survives the blip while yelena is dusted and theres a bunch of angst as natasha tries to pull her basically sis in law out of a slump as they both grieve yelena together but when given the chance to bring everyone back, reader ends up being the one to take on thanos in the end and slight of hands the stones off of him and snaps to destroy him and his armies. it ends with nat comforting yelena as they sit at readers grave. ive got a fun idea for part 2 if your interested in reader somehow surviving the whole thing but still having faked her death.
It Was Always The Plan
It Was Always The Plan
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem! Super Solider! Reader
Summary: After losing your girlfriend to the blip, you struggled to cope. Natasha lends a helping hand while you plan to take down the superhuman who took her away from you. 
Angst | Some Fluff | Slight Language Warning | Grief | Character Death | Depression | 1.3K |
AC: Thank you for sending this & in great background detail!! It’s unknown (well to me anyways) if Alexei and Melina survived the blip so I’ve added a little extra detail, I hope you enjoy this x As for a part 2, I’m not sure if we’ll do one but we’ll see.
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Year 1 - 
Natasha placed a mug of hot coco in front of you before she took a seat across from you. It's been a struggle, but she finally managed to get you out of bed, even if it was just to sit at the table and have a hot drink with her. A few months ago, you lost your girlfriend, Yelena, to the blip. At first you didn't think she was turned into tiny pieces of dust, given that she was on a mission at the time, and you just assumed she would contact you when she was safe. But when Natasha tracked down Yelena's last whereabouts, it became clear that the blonde was gone, just like half the population. 
Since Natasha told you what you feared, things have been dark and cold. Life just didn't seem enjoyable. You missed Yelena, deeply. But under the grief, you were angry and wanted nothing more than to destroy the one person who took the best part of you away, Thanos. 
"Is there any plans yet?" you looked up at Natasha, a question you'd ask her once a week and every answer was the same, "No" she replied softly with a light shake of her head. Every no that left her lips made your heart break once more. You tried to be mindful that Natasha was also hurting, losing her sister isn't easy but it was clear that Natasha was dealing with the grief in her own way. 
Every day she'd come by your room and check in on you, encourage you to come to team meetings, go for a walk or just simply come join her downstairs for a hot drink as you are right now. There were times where you allowed yourself to break down into tears while Natasha comforted you, something next to nobody has ever seen from you besides Yelena. 
Year 2 – 
As time went on, things didn't exactly get easier, but you learnt to cope with it in different ways. Natasha was the one who really pulled you out of the darkness of your room and continued to keep an eye on you which in many ways helped you both grow closer in more of a sister-in-law way and you almost felt like Yelena was still here. 
You trained daily in the gym, attended team meetings, went on small missions when needed but in your own free time was when you found yourself trying to find ways to reverse Thanos's  snap. Whenever you came up with something that you thought might be useful it always led to a dead end, and you were back to square one. 
You also continued the work Yelena was doing with Melina before the blip, saving other widows. With the blip, it made it harder to track down some widows as they were also blipped but those who you and Melina could save brought some comfort and you only hoped that when (and if) Yelena would come home, she'd be glad that others were saved during this hard time. 
Year 3 – 
By now, dealing with loosing Yelena and the others was leaving the emptiness within your heart even deeper and for most, life when on. Mission came and went, Widows were still being saved from Dreykov's control even though he was dead, and the world moved on, like human nature. 
Each night you found yourself seeing Yelena in your dreams or remembering good times you had with her. Memories from Red Room to meeting up with her again after years, you could still feel the way she kissed you before she left for a mission and the way you loved having her fall asleep in your arms. She made you feel like the world was in your hands, just the two of you in this world that almost made no sense to either of you. 
You missed the way Yelena would tease you for almost everything, only for you to tease her back. You missed everything about her that eventually you'd fall asleep with tears rolling down your cheeks just wishing she'd walk through that door and apologise for being away for so long. You thought about how she'd tell you that her mission when wrong and she was taken and finally was able to escape or that she was out at sea and couldn't contact you. 
But every scenario you played out in your head made you feel stupid for thinking that Yelena would let you and her family go this long without hearing from her.
Year 4 – 
"You hit training pretty hard today, are you okay?" Natasha asked as you entered the compounds kitchen drenched in sweat. You nodded and smiled softly, "just making sure I'm ready" you replied before grabbing a cold bottle of water. 
"Ready for what?" Natasha questioned. 
"You know, for when we finally find Thanos and bring them home" you explained with confidence which only grew to Natasha's endless worries on you. Each day you showed that you were okay with how things were, that you were finding a way to cope but just like everybody around you, nobody was okay, not truly. 
Everybody was doing something to try and fix things.
When you saw Scott rushing to Natasha's office you felt something that felt like it was slipping away, hope. The look on Natasha's face when she came to see you hours later only confirmed what you and everybody else had been hoping for.
"We have a plan" Natasha looked at you with a soft smile, a sparkle of hope in her eyes made you smile, "let's bring her home" you replied. 
The only thing on your mind when it came to fighting the superhuman who took away your true happiness and the rest of your loved ones, was them. Nothing else mattered to you but making sure Thanos would pay and you were determined to make sure he knew that he messed with the wrong team of Avengers. 
You'd been training yourself up for this, taking the gauntlet from the purple enemy knowing exactly what you were going to do next. 
"Time's up big boy" you smirked as Thanos turned around an faced you, his gauntlet on your hand boiled his blood. "You don't understand!" he spat. "No, you don't understand! You took the one person I love more than anything from me! You took my friends and family! There's no forgiveness for that in my books!" You looked him directly into his eyes, raising your hand up slightly. 
"Y/N! NO!" Natasha yelled as she ran towards you, "that wasn't the plan!" she added as you looked to her. 
"This was always the plan, Nat" you smiled softly. "I know you'll take care of her" you added before your eyes looked back at Thanos and snapped your fingers together without a second thought other than knowing Yelena and the others would finally be coming home. 
Every single day since Natasha brought her to your grave, Yelena would visit you. She'd bring some of your favorite snacks and just sit with you until she felt okay again. Natasha was never too far, always ready to be a shoulder for her sister to cry on.
"You idiot" Yelena shook her head as she placed a kiss on your gravestone, "you were supposed to be here, waiting. Not like this" she added. 
Most interactions started off like this, first Yelena would show anger and hurt but soon it would change to how much she misses you and talking to you about the things she wants to do to keep your memory alive, letting you know that she'll never let anybody forget who saved the world. Then Natasha would come sit with her before the two of them shared their favorite memories with you. 
It would take some time for Yelena to adjust, like you did. But she knew she had everybody she needed around her, even you and Natasha would be the one to make sure that Yelena would never forget about you, not that she ever would.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | 
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fukanouna · 7 months
Close your eyes (it's okay now)
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Summary: Wanda finds herself alone in the afterlife. Then she reunites with a familiar redhead.
Set after the events of DS2: MoM.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Word Count: 934
A/N: Hello :)
Wanda felt like she was floating.
She didn't know where she was and could not open her eyes. Everything felt so heavy, yet somehow, she felt so free. The malevolent whispers of the Darkhold were gone from her mind. Wanda wasn't sure when was the last time she was able to think with such a level of clarity.
Then, Wanda felt her feet land on something kind of solid. She sank into the ground slightly and heard the gentle sound of ocean waves crashing. Her eyes snapped open, and she found herself on some kind of beach. A seemingly endless forest stood behind her, while a setting sun that peaked above the horizon was in front of her, painting the skies a fiery red and orange. For some reason, Wanda found herself in a sleeveless cotton white dress and bare feet lightly buried under the sand. The look didn't suit her.
Not after what she's done.
Wanda strolled along the shore, taking in the warm breeze and the salty scent of the ocean. She walked for what felt like hours, yet she never grew tired. No matter how far she walked, there was no sign of any life. Birds, fish, crustaceans, people - there was nothing. Just Wanda, the land, the sea, and the sky.
Then she came across a large log on the sand facing the ocean.
But what caught her attention was not the log itself, but who was sitting on it.
Natasha turned her head and smiled.
"Hey, Wanda."
Wanda almost started crying.
"Natasha?" She was wearing a black tactical suit that wasn't familiar to Wanda, and her hair woven in a side braid.
Natasha patted the space next to her. "Come sit with me." When Wanda stayed frozen in place, she tilted her head to one side. "What's wrong?"
"The last thing I remember was telling Strange I was destroying every copy of the Darkhold and bringing down the castle atop of Mount Wundagore," Wanda said quietly, looking far off across the ocean, before settling her gaze back on the other woman. "I'm dead."
Natasha's gaze softened. "You are."
"Does that mean you aren't real?"
"I'm not part of your imagination, if that's what you're asking," the Widow chuckled. "I just suddenly found myself here, waiting. Somehow, I just knew it was you I was waiting for. Maybe it's because now I also have ties to an Infinity Stone."
Wanda felt the incoming tears in the back of her throat. There was so much kindness in the way Natasha looked at her, the way she spoke to her with such gentleness, it was too much when Wanda didn't deserve any of that. She felt the Chaos Magic flowing through every fiber of her being, and in one large motion of her arms, the pure cotton dress was consumed by blood red energy streams and revealed her as the Scarlet Witch. She thought Natasha would recoil from her new form, but the other woman remained expressionless.
"After what I've done, after killing and hurting so many innocent people, I don't deserve your kindness," Wanda said with strained voice. She started down at her blackened fingertips that were still tainted from the Darkhold. "I don't deserve to see you," she added more quietly. "I'm no longer the Wanda you knew."
Several seconds passed before Natasha stood up and placed herself right in front of Wanda. The smile returned to the Widow's face as she took Wanda's hands into her own. "You'll always be my Wanda."
Tears poured from Wanda's eyes. "You don't understand—"
"I do understand," Natasha interrupted her. "You saw my memories. What I used to do, what I used to be. Yet that never stopped you from wanting us to grow closer." Her thumbs slowly swiped over and over across the back of Wanda's hands in a comforting manner. "I don't know what you did and I don't need to know. Because none of that matters anymore. In the end, you tried to make amends. To no longer let the hurt control you and do good again. That's why I know you're still my Wanda."
Wanda closed her eyes and sobbed hard as Natasha spoke to her and made no effort in resisting when she felt Natasha's arms wrapped around her. She couldn't remember the last time someone held her like this and forgot what it was like to be loved. Not wanting to separate, she reciprocated the embrace and held Natasha as tightly as she physically could.
"You did well, Wanda. You can rest now," Natasha whispered softly into her ear.
It took awhile before Wanda calmed down and finally joined Natasha on the log, shoulder to shoulder.
"What now?" Wanda asked.
Natasha shrugged. "Whatever you want. We have all the time in the universe. What's the first thing you want to do?"
Wanda hummed thoughtfully. Her eyes stared at the warm ball of light that stood across the ocean from them. "Watch the sunset with you," she answered with a smile.
"How romantic of you," Natasha remarked with a slight smirk. "Trying to make me swoon, Maximoff?"
"Perhaps," the witch smirked back. "Is it working?"
"Actually, yes."
Wanda and Natasha laughed together.
While the sun slowly dipped below the horizon to reveal the stars in the sky, the two of them sat in silence as the ocean breeze blew past them. There wasn't much time left until Wanda had to decide what to do next in the afterlife, but as she glanced over at Natasha, she was immediately comforted knowing she wasn't alone.
And that was more than enough.
A/N: Thanks for reading :)
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thebadgerclan · 10 months
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: For months, you'd braced for his death...
A/N: not requested, but I love this idea
It was a miracle he’d survived it.  That was what was whispered on the streets, among the Palace staff, and what was said to you.  And it was true.  It was a miracle that Nikolai had pulled through, that he’d survived the illness that had stricken him for months.  The Healers weren’t quite sure why the King had recovered; maybe it was a combination of the medicines they’d given him, maybe the illness had run its course, or maybe your desperate prayers to the Saints had been heard.
Nikolai wasn’t quite back to full functioning, but he was getting there.  He tired easily and moved slowly, but you saw that spark in him: the spark that made Nikolai Nikolai.  Your husband’s council would be receiving a hefty sum of money soon, they had all but carried the burdens of the Crown while the King was sick, as you had never left his side.  But Nikolai was back, you were back, and Ravka rejoiced.
He found you in your rooms, hunched over a trunk, stuffing something inside.  “Darling?” he said, leaning on the doorframe.  “What are you doing, beautiful?”  You whirled around to face him, kicking the trunk shut as you did.  “What?”  “I said,” your husband replied, slowly making his way further into the room towards you.  “What are you doing, beautiful?  You’re not….going somewhere, are you?”
“No!” you rushed to assure him.  You stood and took his hands, pressing fleeting kisses to his knuckles.  “No, Kolya, I’m not going anywhere.  I’m just…packing some things away.  Things I won’t be needing.”  “Yeah?” your husband said, bringing one hand to cup your cheek.  “You’re not getting rid of those furs I brought back from Fjerda, are you?”  You tried to laugh, but all that came out was a broken sob.
“Y/N?  Love, what’s wrong?”  You kicked the trunk open, letting Nikolai see what lay within.  Gowns, cloaks, boots, shoes, jewels, veils–all in black.  “Y/N, wha–”  “You were so sick,” you said.  “So sick, Nikolai.  For nearly two months, I sat at your side and watched you deteriorate.  The Healers…they did everything they could.  They told me that there wasn’t much hope, Kolya, that there wasn’t much more they could try.
“Your council told me to prepare,” you continued.  “So I…I had a wardrobe made.  A wardrobe befitting a widow.  Because I was told to brace for your death.”  You cried then, and Nikolai pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly.  “Oh, my love,” he whispered.  “I’m so sorry.  I’m so sorry that I put you through all of that.”  You buried your head in his chest, fists clutching his shirt, holding on so desperately.  “You didn’t lose me, Y/N, I’m right here.”
“They wanted me to start picking out flowers,” you said, voice flat and numb.  “For your funeral.  They wanted me to pick readings.  Nikolai, I….it came so close.  You came so close to dying.”  He held you tighter, kissing your hairline.  “Y/N, my love, look at me.  There she is, there’s my beauty…”  He cradled your face in his palms like you were something holy, something rare and precious; which to Nikolai, you certainly were.
“I am so sorry that you had to go through that,” he said.  “And I am so sorry that you had to mourn me before I was gone.  But I am here, Y/N.  I am alive, and I am well.  And I’m going to spend the rest of my long, long life loving you and worshiping you.”  And Nikolai kissed you, making you whimper and tears spring to your eyes.  “I love you,” he said.  “I love you, Y/N, I love you so much.  I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Another sob left your throat, but this one was in part from your husband’s declaration, from his affection.  “I love you too, Kolya.  Saints, I love you.”  He held you for another few moments before speaking.  “Do you know what I think you should do with those clothes, my love?”  “Hmm?”  “Burn them.  If someone dies, I’ll make you an entirely new wardrobe.  But not these.  I never want to see you wear them.”
You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder again.  That night, Nikolai had dinner sent to your rooms, where you drank a bottle of wine while feeding your mourning clothes to the fire.  “I knew you were there,” he said a while later.  “While I was sick.  I knew that you were at my side, even when I was delirious.”  Saints, how many times could he make you cry in a day?  “Y-you did?”  “I did, my love.  You were like a beacon calling me to shore.  A tether keeping me from drifting too far.”  You could only nod and send up a prayer of thanks to whatever Saints were listening for saving your Nikolai.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 4 months
Second Chance - Chapter 10
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Warnings: mention of drinking and drug use, jealously, angst, italicized are text messages
Word Count: 4.1k
Relationships: Yelena x reader, Tony x reader (platonic)
It was a feeling Yelena wasn’t used to. Doubt. She was a Black Widow, trained to survive and overcome torture. She and her sisters could entire countries to bring down empires and start wars. They were trained to be the best, and Yelena was. But why was her anxiety spiking, her thoughts racing, and her stomach turning to knots just by looking at the brief conversations between you and her? She rewrote the message a hundred and one times, but nothing sounded good enough. With the time difference, Yelena knew you would be sleeping, especially with the late-night adventures you and your friends partook in. The blonde liked receiving the pictures you sent her. So she wanted to draft a message for you to wake up to, but why was it so difficult? “You know,” Val sat beside her with a protein bar. “Starring at a screen for a long period can cause eye strain which could lead to headaches,” Yelena rolled her eyes and took the breakfast bar the warrior offered her. “Come on, talk to your king.” Yelena scuffed, shaking her head. She never spoke to anyone about this. She was ignoring her sister and Wanda and snapping at Kate for the teasing comments. There were no words to describe what she felt when it came to you. She never felt this way before. The way her life was, she never had the time.
“There is this girl,” Yelena spoke slowly.
“Awe, young love,” the warrior teased, cutting Yelena off. “I remember mine like it was yesterday. It was-”
“You know what, if you are going to tease me like everyone else, then I won’t tell you,” she stood up to leave, but Val grabbed her hand and forced her to sit back down.
“Whoa, pump the breaks. I do want to help, but first eat that because you’re hungry, and I hate dealing with your sister when she hasn’t had food,” Yelena tried to fight her lips from curling up but failed as she opened the bar and took a bite. “So tell me, what’s going on? Who is it?”
“It’s Stark’s kid,” Yelena answered. “The one who is sick,” she refused to say ‘the one who is dying’ because she had to believe you would get better. “I feel drawn to her and don’t know what to do.” When she glanced at Val, the warrior was looking forward. She was watching Carol interact with one of the families affected by the missing people. There was a soft smile on her face, a kindness in her eyes. A slight pang of jealousy rushed through the blonde, but she pushed it away. “How do you do it?”
“Do you love her?” Val asked, looking back at her. She was a little startled by the straightforward question. What was love? She was told love was for children, a distraction, a way to make you weak and vulnerable to manipulation.
“Love is-” her voice trailed off.
“Complicated. Messy. Hard. Scary,” Val finished her sentence. “But also rewarding, fulfilling, and a lead of faith,” the warrior sat back on the couch and crossed one leg over the other. “Do you want the chance to be with her even though she could die?” It was like a boa constrictor wrapped around her throat. Death was a concept Yelena knew well; it surrounded her daily. Her biological parents were no doubt killed by the Red Room. She had no memories of them, but their death led her to Natasha, Alexei, and Melina, and they filled that role. In the Red Room, death was everywhere. As Alexei once said, she was the best child assassin the world had ever seen. Death followed her when she worked for Valentina, and even now, she works with the Avengers. Her hands were covered with blood that she wasn’t sure would go away.
But your death sent shivers down her body at the mere thought of it. It was unfair and cruel that the universe gave this disease to a kind and nice person. She cursed the serum that ran through her veins; she would give it to you in a heartbeat if it meant saving your life.
However, it wasn’t a guarantee that the disease would kill you. Everyone was destined to die one way or another. You could survive the treatment, be cleared as cancer-free, and get into an accident the next day. So, was the idea of you dying holding her back, or was it the vulnerability of opening up to someone outside her family? It was pathetic. She shouldn’t be scared of you. She was a Black Widow, a part of the Avengers. Even though she was those things, she was damaged, scared, and broken beyond repair. There was already a lot going on for you; it was unfair for Yelena to add her problems.
“I don’t think I deserve her,” Yelena answered.
“Did someone say that to you, or is that what you think?” Yelena refused to answer. “This life we choose to live is very lonely. We fight, put our lives on the line to keep others safe, and sometimes our best isn’t good enough,” she continued. “It can be exhausting, but I’ve learned that leaning on someone helps.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same?” Yelena whispered. Even though America said you felt the same, it was impossible for the fear of rejection to find a home in Yelena’s mind.
“That’s the leap of faith part,” Val said, smiling. “She may catch you, or the ones around you will.”
“Guys,” Yelena looked in the direction of Maria’s voice. “We got a lead. Meeting in 5 minutes.”
“Duty calls,” Val sighed, stood up, and walked over to Carol. Yelena watched her as she wrapped her arms around Carol’s waist and rested her head on her back. The captain rested her hand on Val’s arms but never stopped her conversation with Steve. She sighed and once again found herself staring at the text conversation. Val called it a leap of faith. A leap of faith.
‘Hey,’ Yelena started to text. ‘We got a potential lead of the mission.’ She sent.
‘Not sure how often I’ll be able to text you, but I’ll be safe.’ Again, she sent the message. ‘I’ll keep an eye out for your old man too. Even though he’s a pain in my ass.” She had to add a joke; it was in her nature.
‘Good morning, by the way, lol,’ she wished her hands would stop shaking. ‘Enjoy your time with your friends, and I’ll text you when I can.’ She added a smiley face and locked her phone.
Maybe it wasn’t a leap of faith. Hopefully, it was a leap in the right direction.
“Oh my god,” Chelsie groaned. “Can you stop staring at your phone and help me pick an outfit?”
“Shit, sorry,” you dropped your phone on your open sketchbook. “I was,” your friend had a teasing smirk on her face. It was a clear giveaway that she wasn’t mad at you. “She hasn’t texted me back yet. Sorry, it’s stupid, but I’m worried.” Worried for your friend? Your friend who happened to be a superhero.
“She’s probably busy saving the world,” Chelsie turned back to face her closest. “She said she would text you when she could, so don’t stress about it.” Right, easier said than done. When you woke up this morning, you were surprised to find a few texts from her, especially a good morning text. A simple two-word text made your stomach flip; it was a message you haven’t received since college. But the bubbly feeling soon passed with anxiety due to now knowing what Tony and the others were facing. You weren’t sure how Pepper and those back at the tower could do it. The waiting. The uncertainty. You were about to have a panic attack. “Here,” you had enough time to catch the long leather jacket. “Put that one with these,” she threw a few clothing pieces at you. They hit you in the face.
“Excuse me,” you said, looking at the pile of clothes in your lap. “What are you talking about?”
“You are going to be a part of this shot,” she raised her hand to stop your protest.”You need a distraction, and what better way to look and feel hot for your girl.”
“She isn’t my girl,” Chelsie shrugged.
“Technicalities,” she smiled. “Go shower, put on some makeup, and get changed. We leave in 40 minutes.” You groaned, throwing your head back. There was no use trying to argue out of it; besides, it could be a good distraction.
Delete Created with Sketch.
“Stop moving,” Austin said, applying a few finishing touches to your makeup. Since you were a last-minute addition to this photo shoot, you had to wait till everyone else was done. Waiting wasn’t something you were good at, especially when you wore a black dress and knew high black boots. You swore every pair of eyes were on you. You huffed but relaxed as you felt a makeup brush on your eyelid.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. “I’m anxious.”
“Don’t be,” you heard the smile in his voice. “Raymond will make you look hot. Not like you need more help with that.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes, not wanting to get yelled at again. “Perfect, and just in time because he’s ready for you.” Ryan had to push you towards the photographer since your feet refused to move. He was messing with the settings on his camera but looked up when you got closer.
“Ah, our last model of the day. Raymond Mulrooney,” he extended his hand, and you shook it. “A friend of Chelsie is a friend of mine. Is this your first time in front of a camera?”
“It’s been a minute,” you admitted and walked against the chain link fence they used as a backdrop. The last time you were part of a photo shot was before your diagnosis, before the car accident. Your mom had a picture in her wallet. So you began to pose. You were a little stiff, nerves getting the better of you. You felt exposed, vulnerable in the face of the lens and each passing moment seemed to amplify your anxiety.
“Hey,” you felt a hand on your arm. Raymond was talking to Chelsie, so you looked at who approached you. “My name is Aria.”
“Hi,” you smiled. She was wearing black jeans with a fitted white long sleeve. Over that was a blue button-up and a gold chain. Her hair was curly, down to her shoulders, and she had a black beanie. She was pretty, and if you were at a different part of your life, you would ask for her number.
“You’re nervous,” she said. “Shake away the nerves.” You hummed in question. She grabbed onto your hands and began to shake your arms. The action caught you off guard, but her smile was infectious, and you smiled and laughed alone with her. “See, much better,” you felt better, a lot lighter. “Mind if I join you for a couple of photos, pretty girl?”
“Uh, sure,” your voice shook of it’s on accord. Aria was fun, and she made the shot entertaining, whispering funny jokes that made you smile and laugh. Even Raymond loved the poses she put you in. Her arms around you. Bodies pressed against each other. Aria was pretty, but you couldn’t help but wish her arms were someone else. You wished it was a certain Black Widow. What would her arms feel like around you? Your body is close to hers. Even when Aria pressed her lips against your cheek, you wished it wasn’t hers.
You tied the bathroom rope around your waist. It was nice to shower after a long day. Your phone buzzed that was charging on the nightstand. There was no way to stop your heart from skipping, and anticipation filled your stomach. But it wasn’t a text message from Tony or the Black Widow. Since you were alone, there was no need to mask your disappointment when it was an email from the photographer today. “Damn,” you whispered. He worked fast, but that was the nature of the industry. Book a job. Complete it. Move on to the next. If you even think about slowing down, you will lose your next opportunity to someone else. The photos he took of you were edited slightly; a filter he had no doubt had pre-saved was on them, and sent to you. You expected nothing less since you hadn’t paid him. He owed Chelsie a favor. Still, the pictures were stunning.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” You looked up from your phone, raising a questioning eyebrow at Chelsie. She wore a black dress like you wore in the photo shot but shorter and more skin-tight. “We are going out.”
“Chels,” you groaned.
“There is no room for dis. This is your last night, and, and we don’t know when you’ll return back. So we are meeting the group for dinner then going to a small party,” you huffed, falling to your back. You needed to leave in the morning to get settled before your doctor’s appointment, which meant confronting Tony and Pepper. However, you weren’t a fan of spending your last night in DC in a cramped, sweaty house like your college days. Chelsie tapped your thigh, and you forced yourself up, leaning back on your arms. “Hi,” her smile formed at the pout on your face. “1 hour, maybe 2 at this party, then we can leave.”
“Who will be at this party that you want to see so badly?”
“A friend,” you smirked at the blush that covered her cheeks and chest. “A good and hot friend.” You rolled your eyes and stood up to join her in her closet.
“If you need my help getting laid,” you hit your hip against hers. “That’s all you had to say.” She flipped you off.
“I hate you,” you giggled.
“I’m too lovable to hate.”
You were happy that you brought ibuprofen to dinner as an annoying ache began to grow in your bones. Michelle had their arm lopped around yours. You hated how much you were leaning against her. Jeffrey was their other side while the three of you trailed behind Chelsie, Kandis, and Ryan. “Are you okay, Picasso?” Michelle whispered. You nodded.
“Just a little tired,” you answered.
“You didn’t have to come,” Jeffrey said. “I think we could handle Vogue.”
“No one can handle her,” you deadpanned, causing your two friends to laugh, but you knew if you stayed in, not even a movie could calm your thoughts. There was still no text from the blonde. However, Tony texted you advising he was okay and wasn’t seeing action. You wondered if he messaged you because of your panic call with Pepper when you went to the bathroom at the restaurant. If he wasn’t seeing action, who was? Kate? America? Wanda? Blondie? You were at your wits end with no word from her.
As a man hit your shoulder, a jarring impact pulled you out of your thoughts. The pain radiated through you. “Hey, jackass,” Jeffrey called out. “Watch where the fuck you are going.” The mysterious figure never looked back and continued on his way. You rubbed your shoulder and stared at the man’s back.
“What was that about?” Kandis questioned. Jeffrey’s yelling must have gotten the attention of the others.
“Just some idiot not paying attention,” you told her. The pain was going away, but you knew a bruise would most likely form. “I’m good, guys, I promise,” your friends gave each other a hesitant look. “Come on,” you laced your fingers with Chelsie. “Let’s go to this party.” Since your cancer treatment, you have been sensitive to smells. Even before you found yourself associating scents with people. Chelsie was cinnamon and vanilla. Ryan smelt of paint fumes. All of your friends were different but so did them. So that man passed you smelt of motor oil and copal, a woody fragrance used in spiritual ceremonies and often used by indigenous people of Mexico and Central America. Why was that odd combination so familiar to you?
Yelena rubbed her eyes with her free hand that wasn’t giving her coffee. It had been wild, with a quick undercover mission that required her and Wanda to be kidnapped and rescued by the rest of the team. The bad guys were caught, and Maria, Steve, and her sister were on clean up. She could not wait to be back in the city. She missed her bed, her shower, and most importantly you. The fact she missed you didn’t worry or scare you. She was toying with asking you to join her in Central Park or maybe Bryant. The zoo would be fun too with all the animals you could draw. Yelena needed a quiet moment with no pepping eyes from her team to text you.
American and Kate were sitting on the couch. They were nursing their cup of coffee. She had a feeling that Valkyrie would send Tony a bill for all the caffeine the team consumed. The archer turned her head as the sound of Yelena’s footsteps grew closer and slammed her phone down, the screen pushed into the cushions to conceal whatever she was looking at. The action caused Yelena’s eyebrows to rise to her hairline, and she sat in the space. “That was weird, Kate Bishop, even for you,” Yelena said, taking a slow sip of her coffee. “That was weird, right?” The blonde asked America, who was staring at her girlfriend.
“Extremely weird,” Kate cringed a her tone.
“What’s on your phone that you do want me to see?”
“It’s nothing,” Yelena sat back, crossing one leg over the other, and waited for the lie Kate was crafting in her head. The archer stared forward, but Yelena saw her blue eyes glance her way. “Stop looking at me like that.” The blonde smirked. She knew she was intimating. It was why when the Avengers needed to interrogate someone, Yelena or Natasha were sent it. It was a running competition between the two sisters on who could get them to break faster. Yelena was winning by 45 seconds. “Okay, okay,” Kate sighed. “We were Instagram stalking her friends.” Yelena sat up straighter at the mention of you. “Someone posted a picture of her that wasn’t part of her core group.”
“Are you going to show me it or…?” Kate looked at America for confirmation, but she shrugged. The archer handed Yelena her phone. Instagram was opened to a profile of a name she had not known or cared to find out. The model’s most recent post was two pictures. The photographer posed you and her with your arms around her waist, looking at each other. There was a warmth in your eyes as you smiled at the girl, and the genuine joy reflected on her face pierced through Yelena like a dagger. She swiped to the second photo. The model’s lips were against your cheek, and your arms were draped around her neck. Her fingers tightened around Kate’s phone, nails digging into the device as she tried to erase the images.
Rationally, Yelena knew it was nothing more than a photo shoot, a scene staged by someone behind the camera. Rationally, she knew the way you looked at her was acting. The kiss on your cheek meant nothing. These moments captured were probably the first time you and her met. It was the nature of being creative. All her rational thoughts went out the window when jealousy filled her chest and blinded her sight. The deadly emotion was poisonous. She was ready for it to consume her. However, the emotion was quick to leave. A surge of conflicting emotions swirled within her—disappointment, envy, and a pang of insecurity. She couldn’t help but compare herself to the girl in the photo, questioning what made her so special.
“Lena,” Kate’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she forced a mile. “Why wouldn’t I be?” She handed her friend her phone back. The buzz of her watch reminded her to start her report. Perfect. She thanked her past self. “I have some stuff to do before we leave. Maybe we can watch a movie on the way back.” She quickly stood up and walked towards the room she used. Locking the door behind her, she could hear her heart beating against her ribs. Why was she feeling like this? You weren’t hers. You could kiss, love, and give your heart to anyone. It meant nothing to her.
She sat on the bed and pulled out her phone. She was angry, jealous, and upset, but she promised you a text. She never was one to break her promises. ‘Back and safe.’ Simple. It was all she could muster.
The sound of the bass vibrated through your bones. It was a pleasant hum as you were sandwiched between Kandis and Austin on a couch. The smell of alcohol and weed tickled your nose. You refused whenever someone tried to pass you a joint or a red solo cup. A game of King’s Cup was happening around you, but you were unsure how they could hear over the music. Your phone vibrated in your pocket, and your heart skipped when you took it out. Back and safe. Back and safe. It was strange how a simple two-word text lifted all your worry and stress away. “I’ll be right back,” you said to Kandis, not waiting for a response. You found a window that leads to a fire escape. The cool air caused goosebumps to form on your skin. A quiet sigh left your lips as the closed window blocked the music from the party.
‘I’m glad you’re safe,’ you typed. ‘I’ve been anxiously waiting for your reply.’ Maybe it was a little forward, but it was the truth. You saw that she read the message, but no dots appeared, singling that she was responding. Frowning, you typed out another message. ‘When will you be returning to the city? I leave tomorrow morning.’ Again, she read it, but there was no response. Was it something you said before that made her act like this? Quickly rereading the conversation, you found nothing. Maybe you were overthinking it. She was done with a mission, and she was tired. It wasn’t you. ‘Glad you are safe Blondie. Get some rest.’ This time, your message went unread.
You locked your phone and stared at the city you used to call home. It was strange, this feeling that bubbled in your chest. You felt trapped between this city and New York. Both places weren’t home. You haven’t felt at home since the accident, since the person who was home to you was ripped away.
You whipped away your tears. Mindlessly opening up your phone and pressed call. “Hi,” he answered on the first ring.
“Tony, hi,” you whispered. “I’m sorry I called. I know you’re probably busy, but I needed to make sure you’re okay. I can-”
“It’s okay,” he cut off your nervous rambling and heard movement on the other side. “I’m glad you called.” The sound of a door shut behind him. “Are you okay? You sound like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m-” it felt stupid to lie. “I was thinking about Mom and the car accident, so I think that’s why I called you.”
“I’m fine, no injuries.”
“And the rest of the team?” You questioned. The way he sighed made your throat tighten up.
“Minor injuries,” he said. “Sam has a pretty nasty bruise, Natasha twisted her ankle, and Maria had her shoulder dislocated.” You let out a shaky breath, nodding her head. “Tell me what else is going on, butterfly,” you made a surprise squeak; the sound came from the back of your throat. “Do you like that one?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Yeah, I do.” You had no energy to tell him that was a nickname your mom called you. It took a moment to collect yourself. “I’m sorry,” you told him. “About the conversation we had before you left. I’m sorry,” you ran your hand over your head and covered your eyes.
“There is no need to apologize,” he said. “We’ll-we’ll figure it out,” the stutter in his voice broke your heart. “If you won’t use Morgan’s bone marrow or continue with Plan B, we’ll figure it out.”
“Okay,” you whispered.
“We’ll probably be back before you. We can talk more than,” you nodded, knowing he couldn’t see you. “You are a Stark. We don’t back down from a fight,” a smile graced your lips.
“Right,” you said. “Safe travels.”
“Same to you,” you hung up and stared at your hands. You are a Stark. His DNA ran through you. You are a Stark, and Starks never backed down from a fight, but it seemed easier to give up.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Back to Home | Chapter Three: Impossible
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Summary: While on Earth 717, they start to plan an operation to get you back; on Earth 616, everyone want to know who you are but, you just want to go home and for this, you'll have to ask the help of one of the last person you want to see right now.
Pairing in this chapter: Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Reader; Avenger x Teen!Reader; Doctor Strange x Teen!Reader; America Chavez x Teen!Reader; Peter Parker x Teen!Reader; (variant)WandaNat & family
chapter two | serie masterlist | chapter four
Okay it was the only thing you did want to deal with. You just looked at them for a moment, you needed to think about a name right now. "Uh...Scarlet." you replied more like a question. They clearly doubted that but it's not like you could tell them who you were. Right now you just needed to not bring more questions and quickly came back in the future.
At your reply, Natasha scoffed and you looked at her with a sad look. The last argument you had with your moms was still recent in your mind but she didn't have to know that, at least not yet.
"Scarlet hum? Like the Scarlet Wi-" Sam tried to ask but you cut him off.
"No, definitely no. It's Scarlet like Scarlet Widow." you said proudly and everyone looked at you confused.
"Widow? Like the Black Widow?" Bucky asked and you sighed.
"No. Like the Scarlet Widow." you reply harshly.
"Okay, okay. Miss, Scarlet what do you want?" Strange asked, visibly annoyed by your interaction with the two men.
"I want to go back home." you replied.
"And where are you from?" he asked.
"Really far from here." Nobody seemed convinced.
"And where did you find this?" Natasha spoke for the first time and showed you your widow's bites.
"Oh thank God, you found them. Morgan would kill me if I lost them." you replied and the two teens chuckled at your attitude.
"You know it's not something a kid should have." Tony said and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm 18, so, technically I'm not a kid anymore and I have used this for nearly three years now so yeah how dangerous they could be." you said looking at the red headed when you finished your sentence.
"But they didn't work." Natasha said
"Yeah I know that's why I'm here. I need to repair them even if I don't really know how. I need to send a signal to the....to my team and to let them know I'm alright." you said and tried to be the most convincing possible.
"But we have some questions before." Steve said and you rolled your eyes.
"Birthday?" the Russian asked but you didn't reply. You can't tell them you were technically born aly six years ago. "Okay you don't want to reply." she sighed. "Parent's name?" she asked. You just stare at her but you didn't said anything. "Okay, another question. Why do you have the same power as Wanda Maximoff?" she asked.
You played with your fingers and when they think you'll finally reply you wiped their hope. "Can I talk to my lawyer?" you asked and they all exchanged a look.
Tony grabbed a phone and looked at you "Who are they?" he asked and you bit your cheek.
"Clint Barton." you replied and they were all confused. "You know Hawkeye, the Avengers" you added and that didn't make disappear their surprise.
Okay even in your univers Clint didn't really learnt anything about laws but if there is one person you wanted to confess anything it was him. Morgan is only 6 years old in 2024; your aunts are very good friends but you knew they couldn't really keep this to themself and for your uncle it's sure he could talk with your mom so he was the safe option.
Natasha just glared at you, it was clear that she couldn't trust you; she didn't say anything and just left quickly followed by the winter soldier. "Did I say something wrong?" you asked Peter.
"Honestly I don't know. She seems a little upset but I think she will call him." he replied. 
"Oh okay, but why did the Snowman soldier follow her?" you asked and Amercia chuckled at the shity nickname.
"I'm not sure but everyone says there is something between them." Peter whispered and you frowned your eyebrows. Yeah of course your mom is good friends with Bucky but she's married to a certain Sokovian witch, right? The boy noticed your face and added in a whisper "You know they are a thing. Like they date each other." 
"What??!" you yelled and the adults stopped their conversation to look at you. "No it's impossible. Are you sure about that?" you asked a little quietly.
"Yeah it's like everywhere on the internet." he replied casually.
"But it's impossible I need to...I mean I ship her with Wanda." you corrected yourself and ignored America who raised her eyebrows to you. 
"Sorry not sorry. I think you missed a lot of things because right now I don't think it could have anything between her and Wanda." he said and when you wanted to ask why Natasha came back. 
Everyone looked at her but she focused her gaze on you and it remembered you all the time she was about to ground you. "He will be here tomorrow." she informed you and you nodded. "We will let see you tomorrow. Steve will bring you your lunch later." she said and left.
“So I think we can go back from where we came too.” Strange added.
“No!” you stopped him. “Actually I’ll need your help to go back to my home.” you informed him.
“And what makes you think I will want to help a perfect stranger who I don’t know her name?” he asked you.
“Because…you’re an avenger and the Avengers help the ones who need it.” you said. “And also because you’re one of the most powerful users of magic here, and I’m pretty sure my problem needs magic.” you added.
“I’m the supreme sorcerer, I’m not ‘one of the most powerful magic users here’. I’m the most powerful.” he explained and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay if you want but I think you forgot Wanda. She can alternate reality and she’s like the most powerful witch in this world, even if I’m the second one.” you said and America flinched a little. The action was unnoticed by everyone in the room except you but you didn’t find the need to ask her about that.
“Yeah, but I don’t think she would be able to help you for a moment.” the sorcerer said before leaving with the two teens before you could reply.
In the afternoon Steve came back to the kitchen with an empty plate. "She didn't say anything, I think she doesn't want to talk to anyone except Clint." he said and Natasha just nodded.
"Do you think it's a good idea to let her speak with Clint? She didn't look like someone we can trust." Sam asked.
"I don't trust her." the Russian said and Bucky looked at her confused. "I don't know why she wants to talk to Clint but she's silly if she thinks he will not tell me what she wants to keep hidden from us." she explained.
Tony came just after and throw your widow's bite on the redhead's laps she looked confused. "Look at them" she looked at them and then at the billionaire again. "More carefully." he said and she inspected them. She was about to give up until she found it, a little 'Stark Industrie' logo.
"But how?" she asked and Tony took back the weapons.
"I don't know but I think it's not the last secret this little thing hides." he said and went back to his lab.
[Earth 717 - the Tower] 
Tony was zoning out in the kitchen with a coffee cup in his hand, neither him or his daughter had a proper night. He was too far in his mind to hear the footsteps, he came back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Tony, are you alright?" Steve asked.
The billionaire placed the cup on the kitchen counter, "Honestly no" he admitted "I don't know what to do. We try anything Steve, we search in the multiverse. We used the power of America to help us but nothing worked." he said.
"I think you should try to sleep, after a good nap you will try again and we will help you." the super soldier saif and gave him a reassuring smile and led him in a bedroom.
In your tower’s bedroom Morgan was here with Ava, your other best friend, she told her everything.
"Wait hold on, you are telling me that the most reckless person we know is lost somewhere in the multiverse?" Ava asked and Morgan nodded, "wow, it's the most Y/n-ish thing she ever did" she joked and the little Stark laughed. "But how are you? You don't look good so I think you stayed up all night with your dad to find a soluce."
"Yeah but it's more complicated than we thought."
"I don't even want to try to imagine all you did."
"We did a lot of things but it doesn't really matter we didn't find her."
"Hey don't say that you'll find her, like you always did. And she can't miss the gender reveal party, I'm sure she'll come back soon."
"Talking about that, how is my little buddy?"
"They are pretty good but I think I'm not ready for the next few months." 
"Don't worry we will be here, like always."
'Ava was in front of your door, she was nervous but after five more minutes she knocked on the door. She didn't have to wait too long before Wanda opened the door.
"Hey Ava how are you?" she asked and your best friend almost cried at the question.
"Very good and you aunty Wanda?" she replied and even if your mom sensed it was a lie she didn't push her.
"Very well thank you. Y/n and Morgan are in her bedroom." she said and took a step aside to let the teenager in. Ava thanks her and after quickly greeting Natasha she rushed to your bedroom; she didn't knock and just enter and close the door quickly behind her.
You were playing Mario Kart with Morgan, you sprained your ankle at your last mission so you can't really go out. Your other best friend sat on the bed and you paused the game to look at her; she texted you two hours earlier to let you know she had to talk to you and Morgan and that's why everyone was there.
"Girls I fucked up" she started and the two of you exchange a concern look.
"Did you crash your mom's car? Don't worry my dad can get you a new." Morgan said but the other girl shook her head.
"Did you burn your house? It's okay, I'm sure my mama can reverse the thing." you said but she shook her head again.
"Okay now you start to worry us. What's happen?" Morgan asked. Ava took a deep breath and tears almost fell on her cheeks.
"Guys, I'm pregnant." she announced and she would look at your two faces if she was not too anxious about the news.
"You're WHAT?" you both yelled, in the living room Natasha looked at Wanda a little confused, her wife sensed you were shocked, happy and worried at the same time but she didn't know why. "From who? Since when? And most importantly does your mom know?" you asked her together.
"From Marcus of course, you know I'd never cheat on him. I've known about it since yesterday. And yes my mom knows, she's actually the one who encouraged me to tell you." she replied and you smiled.
"It's awesome Ava you always wanted to be a mom." you said and you hugged her tightly but you pulled back she was crying.
"Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" Morgan asked her.
"My mom was happy, she said she will help me. But him..." she couldn't finish her answer before she cried again.
"What did he say?" Morgan asked.
"He said he doesn't want to have a kid now and he broke up with me." she said.
"Honestly I understand him." You said "It's not easy to raise a child even more when we are only 18 but don't worry we will be here with you and I'm sure my moms would be more than happy to help you." you explained and she finally smiled.
You came back from Ava's first echography. The three of you were excited when you opened the door of your home. You quickly went to the kitchen with your friend where your moms were.
"Hi moms" you said and they looked at you.
"Hi girls, you seemed excited" Wanda said and Ava nodded.  
"Mama, do you still have the book on pregnancy?" you asked and Natasha choked on her coffee. "That's not for me." you reassured them.
The Russian scanned your friend and lent her gaze on Ava who just waved shyly. "Wait no. Not you." Natasha said and Wanda looked at your friend confused.
"Yes it's me. I'm pregnant" she said and your moms started to cry and gave her a group hug.
"But how? I remember the first time Y/n brought you here after school. You were so tiny, you were a baby and now…" Wanda said and Morgan and you laughed at her attitude. Your moms cried, they saw Ava like her daughter too like Morgan or your cousin Luna.
"Time flies aunty Wanda" she replied and everybody laughed.'
Morgan yawned and Ava brought back to reality, "You need to sleep, I'll be here with you don't worry." she said and the young Stark nodded before she laid on your bed and started to sleep.
[Earth 616 - Tower, the next day]
"Miss Scarlet, Mr, Barton is here." Friday said. You were watching a series after you convinced Tony to let you have a Netflix account. When you turned your head you saw Clint and Natasha, they both had a silent discussion before the man looked at you. He didn't make you wait and open the door to enter, the redhead was just behind him.
He sat in front of you and you just looked at Nat to wait until she left but she didn't. Fortunately for you the archer seemed to understand. "I think I heard Tiny said he would need your help with something" he said to his best friend and she finally seemed to notice and leave. "So, hi, I'm CLint but it seems you already know that." he said and you nodded. "So who are you?" 
You took a deep breath and looked at him. "Okay, I know what I'm about to say would be weird but I need you to trust me." you said and he frowned his eyebrows. "You're the only one who can help me and keep my secret safe until I'm back home."
"And what tell you I would not tell you anything?" he asked. 
"Because you're Clint Barton, I know exactly what you're capable of and I know you'll never tell what I'll tell you." you replied.
"You seem to trust me a lot but I don't know you."
"That's because my moms do."
"Your moms?"
"Yeah, you're the first who trusted them and allowed them to try to have a better life and change who they were." you declared but he didn't reply. "Okay, I'm Y/n Maximoff-Romanoff, and my moms are Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff." you said and his jaw dropped.
"But how can you? Natasha..."
"Can't have babies, I know. It's Wanda who carried me." you explained.
"But why do you tell me this? Why not Natasha or Wanda?" he asked.
"Oh I don't know because it seems a little weird to appear from nowhere and suddenly say 'Hey, I'm your daughter from the future. I don't know why I'm here but I can't go back home. Oh and I love your hair cut by the way.' See, it seems weird." you explained.  
"Wait, you're from the future?" he asked.
"Yes, how do you think I could be so old when my mom only met 12 years ago?" you replied.
"You really talk like a Romanoff." he said and you smiled.
"Thanks, I think it's one of the best things someone said to me." you replied honestly.
"But now I start to think, how could I help you?"
"I just need you to fix my widow's bite and send a signal to Morgan." you replied.
"I stop you kid, I'm not the best with technology. And wait Nat let you use widow's bite?" he asked, visibly shocked.
"Technically, she didn't let me but I'm the scarlet widow and a widow without a widow's bite it's weird." you replied.
"Scarlet Widow?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah because of my magic" you replied.
"Not because of something else?" 
"Why do everyone think I chose this because of my mom?" 
“Because you have the same habit of playing with your hands when you’re nervous,” he pointed at your hands. Honestly you didn’t realize you were nervous until her said it. “But what tell you Natasha didn’t put a mic on me?” he asked.
“Would you let her if she asked you?” he seemed to think about it before he shook his head. “See? Now I need your help, I’ll explain what to do.” you started but he cut you off.
“Sorry but you know that they can record us with Friday?” he asked but you smirked
“I’m the best friend of the little genius Morgan Stark, I know how to hack Friday easily.” you said proudly.
“Okay you’re really Nat’s daughter.” he said and you laughed. After twenty big minutes he finally accepted to keep your secret and help but with the condition to tell him all you know about the future partners of Lila, just to be prepared.
But when he made his way to the lab he was greeted by the last person who could possibly be there. “Oh Wanda, it’s a surprise to see you here.” he said. The Sokovian turned around at his voice, she seemed very tired and sad but she was like that since the incident with America.
“Hi Clint, uh- yeah, Fury sent me someone to tell me that the Avenger wanted to talk with me.” she said but didn’t make eye contact with the archer.
“It’s…nice to see you again…I suppose.” he said, clearly unsure if that was a good or a bad news.
“Oh you don’t have to act like this, I’ll just talk with them and go away as soon as possible.”
“Uh, I think you should be stay a little I mean you should have a lot to say with anyone…I really want to stay but I have something to do so, see you later.” he said and run in the lab before she could reply
In the Lab Clint saw Natasha and Tony, they were talking about something and he wasn’t focus on the conversation when he saw this. Your widow’s bites were on the table in front of the duo and according to the billionaire's face, it was something that even him couldn’t understand.
“Does anyone know why Wanda is here?” Barton said and gained the attention of his two teammates.
“Steve wants to recruit her back and according to Fury, I’m not qualified enough to oppose. And that even if that means to let a woman who attempted to kill a little girl in my tower.” he explained and the Russian sighed.
“Don’t listen to him; she’s here because we need her for any potential new menace.” she replied.
“You act like that because you don’t have children, Romanoff, but I’m pretty excited to know how you’ll act when she would harm your little copycat. Talking about her, what did she tell you?” 
“She just said she needs our help to go back to her home. I think we can try to help her, she didn’t look like a threat or anything.” Clint explained and Natasha looked at him suspiciously. “And what is it?” he asked, pointing the device on the table.
“A little from our little guest.” Tony said, and Nat rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who did this but it’s a genius. There are a lot of gadgets in only one.” he added.
“Can I see it?” the archer said and took them before they could reply. He examined the thing while remembering what you said about how to send a signal discreetly. “And what is this button?” he asked, pushing it.
“I don’t know but it seems that nothing works.” Natasha said and her best friend hummed before he put your weapons down and took a step away.
[Earth 717]
Wanda was sitting on the couch in the living room, she stared at the window. The sun started to set again and you were not here. She came out for her trance when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned round to meet the green eyes she loved so much. Natasha didn’t say anything, she just sat beside her wife and took her in her arms. It was always like this, when the Sokovian felt sad, empty or both; her wife would just hold her tight to remind her that she was not alone. They never end this habit even after your birth and when you were the reason she felt like this.
There was a comfy silence until Morgan entered the room visibly in a rush. “We have a signal.” she said and your moms didn’t wait before following her in her lab. “It’s not a big one so we think she sent it in a while now.” the young Stark explained when they were in the Lab with everyone.
“Like we excepted the signal don’t come from anywhere in our universe, but I traced it and I found the location.” Tony said while the screen showed a lot of earth planets until it stopped on one of them, he zoomed and a signal appeared on the screen. “Universe 616, I’ll do some research to know where exactly it’s from.” 
The room was drowned in the silence and noise of the keyboard until they stopped. “Got this.” he said and everyone looked at the screen. “New York, from what seems to be the rest of an Avengers’ tower.” he explained.
“I can go now.” America said.
“No, we come with you.” Wanda said.
“Wanda, you retired from a while now you should let them go.” Tony said but the Sokovian didn’t change her mind.
“It’s my baby so, of course we come. I don’t want to hear anything, I should be there to protect her the first time.” she said and nobody wanted to argue. After she materialized her and Nat's suit, America opened a portal and they crossed it. 
[Earth 616, 2036]
On the other side of the portal, the three were ready to fight anyone who would face them but fortunately or unfortunately, there was nobody. 
“Are you sure we’re in the right place Amrica, because it doesn’t seem to have a soul?” Natasha said while looking everywhere for a sign of you.
“Yeah, I came here a while ago but it was a decade prior.” she said and the woman nodded.
“I think we should split up to find her.” the red head proposed but she was quickly stopped by her wife.
“No, it’s not right.” Wanda said and the two other women looked at her.
“What’s happening Wanda?” the younger asked.
“She’s not here.” your mama whispered. “I can’t feel her, she’s not here.” she repeated louder.
“Hey honey, it’s okay, maybe it’s just because we’re in another universe so your powers don’t work.” Natasha tried to reassure her wife (or herself). “Let’s try to search a little.” she proposed and even if Wanda didn’t think it was a good idea she couldn't say ‘no’ when her wife looked so desperate.
Unfortunately for them after three hours of research and a world tour for Wanda in this universers they couldn’t find you. “I think we should go back now. We will tell Morgan to affinate her research the next time.” America proposed and even if they didn’t want to, your moms just nodded and after crossing another portal they were back home.
[Earth 717] 
When they came back everyone was expecting to see you but when they saw their faces, they knew.
“It’s impossible.” Morgan said before felling apart. You were not back, not yet.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Bonus Mom
*Authors note~ not requested but Nat with kids Is just so adorable I may acc die. Feel free to hit me with nat x reader and wandanat x reader requests:)*
Trigger warnings~ none? Rough past for reader :(
Russian isn't a language I'm familiar with so feel free to tell me my translations are wrong 😂
Prompt~ soft Nat with kids, based off "auntie Nat"
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Having a daughter so young was definitely not in your plans, but now she was here it was almost as if you needed her in your life. Like someone up there knew you needed a blessing to carry on with life so they sent you the most precious Angel they had. Despite the way she was conceived she was a relatively calm baby. She was always a good feeder which you thanked your lucky stars for, as a young mother you had no idea what you were doing but she was your little angel and you could work it out together. Just you and your little Dahlia.
You were sure now nobody would ever want you. After all you'd been through and then you had Lia too. That's a lot to ask anyone to take on. But you were happily living your life with your daughter until he found you and it all went wrong. But maybe that's what needed to happen because it brought you to Natasha. Well it brought the red headed woman to you. That was how you and your daughter now ended up living on the avengers compound with your girlfriend. Dahlia loved seeing Nat in her black widow suit almost as much as you did. The child only just old enough to grasp what her job was.
By the time dahlia reached the age of four she was enrolled in school and you went back to work and school too. Part time working in a book store while studying medicine so eventually you could work at the med bay in the compound. Life was all falling into place for you and your little family. Natasha and all the other avengers seemingly slipping right into place. It wasn't uncommon for you all to gather at Clint's place after a bad mission so when you picked your daughter up from school and made your way there she wasn't even phased. She loved getting to play with Clint's children and despite knowing Natasha was on a mission she was still happy to go.
You were lovingly watching Lia play with the others when you heard the familiar phrase of, "Did you bring auntie Nat?" Coming from their daughter only to hear the response, "Why don't you hug her and find out" coming from your girlfriend as she scooped the child up into her arms and flashed you a smile. Nat happily made her way to you with a smile on her face still in her suit only to be ambushed by your daughter, "mama!"
"Printsessa" (princess) she smiled and scooped your daughter up only to put her on her hip. "Hi Detka (baby) I missed you" she murmured as Lia fiddled with her suit, "mama pretty momma!" She exclaimed the world slipping twice now causing your girlfriends eyes to prickle with happy tears. You knew she was calling Nat mama but Nat had never heard it till this moment. She immediately sought out your eyes to convey an apology and confusion only to be met with reassurance from you. "She is my little flower! Can momma have a hug now hmm? Gonna share her darling?" You teased the little girl before coming to hug your girlfriend and kiss her cheek in a greeting.
"Moya dorogaya (my dear), I've missed you so much" she whispered to placing a sweet kiss on your head as you snuggled into her and your daughter. "Mama? Braid my hair like you?" Your daughter questioned with an adorable tilt of her head, her brown locks flowing nicely with the moment. "Sure my printsessa (princess), shall we go do it?" Your daughter giggled happily as Tasha took her to the room you all shared at the Barton's.
That's how you found them a few minutes later, both situated in front of a mirror as Natasha hummed a Russian tune to your daughter as her nimble fingers threaded through her hair creating a tight and neat braid. You couldn't help but stand in the door way admiring the sight, a sight you didn't believe you'd get when you held your daughter for the first time. The braid finished topped with a black bow to match her mama's suit your daughter flung herself at the widow wearing the biggest grin, "thank you mama" was whispered before she hurried her little face in Nat's neck much like you do.
You managed to sneak a photo of the moment before Nat whispered promises of teaching Dahlia when she's older to braid hair, making sure she didn't have to learn the way Natasha did, before tickling her sides and examining "moya lyubov (my love), we know you're there, why don't you come and join us." You came to sit on the side of your girlfriend and immediately complimented her handiwork. "moya prekrasnaya printsessa i moya koroleva" (my beautiful princess and my queen) was purred in her gorgeous Russian accent causing your daughter to giggle, only really understanding printsessa meant princess while you flushed over being called her queen. "moy geroy" (my hero) you whispered into her ear hoping you got the Russian right. This right here is your family and those downstairs also adding to it making you feel at peace and complete. You dahlila and her bonus mama.
Word count~ 945
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lya-dustin · 6 months
The Dornish Princess
(Part ii of the Dornish Princess)
Cw: mentions of sex, fantasizing of murder, attempted murder via drowning
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That is the new name he was given.
Fool for trusting you, for believing your words and a worse fool for loving you.
He cannot chase you and kill you for your betrayal, he was the regent and he must deal with the fall out of his own fucking foolishness.
With his brother at the Stranger’s door and no money to continue the war, his campaign into the Riverlands is postponed.
Postponed being a nicer word for it.
They are to surrender to his whore sister and bastard heirs and beg for mercy.
The negotiations had begun and Aemond has requested exile over death. He would never set foot in Westeros for as long as Rhaenyra lives.
No matter, after he gets his hands on you, it will he worth it.
Aliandra Martell offered her hand in marriage should he bring her your head.
Prince Consort of Dorne is good consolation reward.
His exile isn’t the terrible thing his mother thinks it is, his change of scenery matters not when he hunts you down.
He will enjoy killing you, he dreams of seeing the life leave your indigo eyes as he avenges his honor.
Aemond follows your trail even when he takes up the occupation of sword fro hire as Daemon once did. He hears how you defrauded a Braavosi key holder, how you robbed Sharako Lohar blind and just recently, drove the Rogares of Lys to complete and utter ruin.
Word had come from the spymasters that you lived in Volantis in a manse behind the Black Wall. You’d overstay your welcome once the lord you flatter with your serpent’s tongue and poison him with kisses as sweet as honey.
Where would you go from then? You weren’t welcome anywhere anymore.
You could never go home just as he can’t either.
He disguises himself as a servant, a slave rather. The Valyrian looks so coveted in Westeros were as common as horse shit in Essos. Even slaves had silver hair and purple eyes.
Something he’d learned to exploit as he earned his pay with blood.
Something he’ll exploit to finally end you.
You aren’t Y/N Sand nor Coryanne Martell here. You are merely a wealthy widow enjoying the fruits of your labor.
He stalks into your bath quietly, you assuming it is another servant carrying your hot flowery water pay no mind to him.
You are far more beautiful than he remembered, you grew into your looks just as he went from youth to man these years past.
Five years ago, you ruined his life and made damn sure you would never be forgotten.
“I will wash my own hair tonight.” You say as he takes your dark braid in his hands. Within a heart beat he’s holding your face under the water as he fulfills every fantasy he’s had these five long years.
“Did you miss me, Y/N?” he asks taunting you when he lets you come up for air.
“Not as much as you did, husband.” You gasp and sputter with a laugh. As if you’d known he’d come. “Took you long enough, Aemond the Fool.”
He narrowed his eye and wished he could just drown you in your tub and be done with it. But he doesn’t. He is still the fool he was at nineteen at twenty-four.
“Join me, you reek of dragon.” You say as you gather your bearings and pretend nothing had happened.
He could kill you later, hot water was a luxury even in this warm winter. A good fuck and a hot bath seemed like a better send off you deserved, but Aemond has stopped being so picky with whores these years.
“You need me for a scheme don’t you?” he concludes aa you wash his body with the same soaps you had used. You had done this before, back when he loved you and you ensnared him in your trap.
You had felt divine then, your soft caresses, your sweet lips and the oh so tight cunny you sheathed his cock with.
You haunted him till this fucking day, even after trying to forget you with every willing woman he could find. Not even the Red Priestess with her knowledge of the seven sighs couldn’t erase you out of his mind.
“A final one, an apology from me to you.” You say coming close enough to kiss him stupid.
He’d let you, only if your scheme is good enough for him.
“As if I’d believe anything that comes from your mouth, y/n.” he scoffed and yet snaked his arms around your waist to pull you onto his lap.
He'll discard of you once he is sated, your pretty head was worth as much as this manse. A place close to home too.
“Oh trust me, what I will show you will speak for itself, my sweet prince.” You whisper before leaving the bath all together.
The sight waiting for him in your rooms leaves him without words.
Sharing a room and the distinctive looks of House Targaryen, a boy of five and a boy of eight hold on to plush dragons. The younger a green as Vhagar and the other as red as Caraxes.
His child and Rhaenyra’s lost son, presumably.
“Lysandro bought Viserys from his captors and sought to ransom him back to your family along with my son. I don’t bite unless I have to, dearest husband.” You admit with a hard edge to your soft voice. Somehow he believes you.
“What do you want?” Aemond cannot do anything but stare at the boys, his more than his nephew.
His hair is silver and sleek as his is, a faint smattering of freckles like the ones he had as a boy and his mother’s wicked mouth pouting in his sleep.
“That you recognize Aelyx as trueborn, we were married in truth and he shouldn’t carry the stain of bastardry when he is innocent.” You speak honestly, as if you knew your luck had run out. “Take Viserys and my wealth and negotiate your return to your home. It should be more than what I stole from you.”
If you knew he hadn’t thought of killing you since you showed him his son, you’d think your hold on him was as strong as it was then.
Perhaps it was.
Damn you. Damn you to the seven hells for making a fool out of him.
The following morning he writes home saying he’d found his errant wife and a treasure greater than all the gold in Volantis.
If Rhaenyra lifted his exile, he’d personally deliver Viserys to her.
Aemond the Kinslayer gets a hero’s welcome despite being foolish enough to forgive you and wed you in truth.
But you are not content with just being his wife and the wealth you amassed. No, you like your husband were cursed with ambition.
“Have you ever considered conquering Dorne, your grace?” you ask Queen Rhaenyra who owes you the life of her youngest son even if Aemond took the life of her second born.
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five-rivers · 8 months
Dream Lantern Chapter 1
For Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 5: Hunt.
The person who entered the small examination room wasn’t a doctor.  They weren’t even human.  
Danny, who had been hunched in the less-than-comfortable chair in the corner, waiting for the doctor to get to him, sprang to his feet.  “You!” he hissed, green sparking from his fists and his rings snapping into place and sweeping outward to transform him.  “You did this!”
At first glance, the person in front of Danny looked human, but that was only at first glance.  The ridges of their eyes curved smoothly, owl-like, into the bridge of their nose.  Their hair, too black, formed a widow’s peak so sharp Danny wasn’t sure it couldn’t draw blood.  They wore a black suit that was about ten times too formal and old-fashioned to even exist in Amity Park.  
But all of that could be brushed aside.  Sometimes people just looked or dressed strangely.  The real indicator was the eyes, which were red from lid to lid and faintly luminous.
“Yes,” said Nocturne, gloved hand touching their face as if to make sure it was still in place.  “Did you think someone else could have?”
“Put them back!” demanded Danny.  “Or I’ll–”
“Or you’ll do nothing,” said Nocturne.  “They are hostages, boy.  I’m sure you realize this already, or you would have attacked.” 
Danny bristled.  “What do you want?”
“Your help.”  They laughed, showing off teeth that were both too white and too sharp.  “You like that, don’t you?”
Danny scowled.  He couldn’t deny the way his core had twitched at the word ‘help,’ but even full ghosts weren’t mindless slaves that could be programmed and activated by their Obsessions’ triggers.  Besides, he had better people to help.  
Like Tucker and Sam.  Jazz.  His parents.  
They were elsewhere in the hospital, in comas so deep Danny couldn’t touch their minds at all.  The doctors had kept Danny here, just in case he was about to slip into a coma, too, but knowing that it was Nocturne, rather than just suspecting it…
He wanted to fight.  He wanted to force Nocturne to let them go, to wake them up.  
But… hostages.  
“With what?”
“With retrieving something,” said Nocturne.  
“And if I help, you'll bring them out of their comas?”
Nocturne lazily raised a hand.  “I swear it.”
“Fine.  What is it and where is it?”  If it was something dangerous, he could always sabotage it.  He had experience with that kind of thing.
“Oh, you mistake me, child.  I will retrieve it myself.  I only need you to accompany me to do so.  A being of your… nature is required.”
“What, a half ghost?”
“A creature neither alive nor dead,” said Nocturne.  “I think you fit that requirement quite nicely.”
The way Nocturne leered at him made Danny’s skin crawl.  He forced the ectoplasm swirling around his hands to recede and landed.
“Fine,” he snapped, again.  
Nocturne reached out towards his face and Danny swatted their hand away.
“I’ll go there awake, thanks.”
“Very well,” said Nocturne, still smiling.  They turned and opened the door.  It no longer led back into the hospital.  Nocturne’s form liquified, and they oozed through the door, gaining volume as they did so until they were in their massive usual form.  The one that could hold and crush Danny in the palm of a hand.  
Danny swallowed.  He hadn’t realized Nocturne could make portals like that.  He followed, and the portal shut behind him.  
Nocturne’s smile grew smugger.  They turned and made a sweeping gesture.  “Behold,” they said, “the Plain of Dreams.”
There… wasn’t much to look at.  There was a big island there, sure.  One large enough that the other side vanished into the horizon.  But the surface of the island was flat and gray, devoid of any point of interest except for size.  
“You live here?” asked Danny.  
“Once,” said Nocturne, almost wistful.  “But there is no time for reminiscing.  You have a role to play here.”
“Which is?”
“That of a lantern.”  Nocturne reached into the invisible folds of their robes and pulled out a glittering, golden, jewel-studded cage, one shaped like a lantern and floored with rich, plush bedding.  They pinched the door open and held it up in front of Danny.  
“No,” said Danny.  “I’m not getting in there.  If you need my glow or whatever for your thing, well, guess what?  I glow just as well out here.”
“It’s not quite that simple,” said Nocturne, circling him.  Danny turned, trying to keep eyes on Nocturne’s face and hands.  “You must be neither alive nor dead, awake nor asleep, willing nor unwilling.  Caged, but uncaptured.  Hungry, but full.  Complaisant, but steadfast.”
Danny’s skin prickled again.  He did not like this, and the fairy-tale-like phrasing was not helping his nerves.  “I don’t know that I’d call myself complacent.”
Nocturne chuckled.  “Different word, little ghost.  Or… I can seek out more friends of yours.  The girl in red, perhaps?”  They switched directions so fast Danny couldn’t keep track of them.  Their next words were whispered into Danny’s hair.  “She still dreams of you, you know.”
Danny flinched away, glaring, but he couldn’t hold Nocturne’s gaze for long.  He frowned at the cage instead.  He did not like it.  At all.  
“I get to leave at the end?” he asked, knowing full well he couldn’t hold Nocturne to that in any meaningful way.  Even Nocturne’s word that he’d let his family and friends go didn’t mean much.  
But what else could he do?  He’d already tried to wake them up himself, and he didn’t know what else Nocturne could do to them when they were in that state.
“Yes, yes, and I’ll wake your family.  We have already discussed this.  You are wasting time.”
“We hadn’t discussed this, actually,” said Danny.  “We’ve barely ‘discussed’ anything.”
“I can send them deeper,” said Nocturne, voice low and dangerous.  “Do you want that, child?  Perhaps their doctors will notice when they stop breathing on their own.  Perhaps not.”
Danny, core making an awful whining sound, raised his hands in surrender and flew into the cage.  Nocturne, moving swiftly, closed it behind him.  
The exhaustion he’d been holding back all day (or was it all week?  All month?  All year?  Since he died the first time?) poured over him.  Against his will, he sank slowly to the blankets and pillows at the bottom of the cage, clouds of golden dust rising around him as his weight settled.  His eyelids fluttered, and his vision became blurred, uncertain.  
Nocturne threaded their long, pointed fingers through the bars of the cage and pressed one against Danny’s chest, over his core.  Inky, starry blackness flowed from Nocturne’s finger and into Danny.  He could feel it being pressed into his core, and his core drank it in, growing colder.  His aura flared out involuntarily, to a brightness that was almost painful.  He groaned and tried to turn his head against one of the pillows.  
“That wasn’t so bad, now, was it?” asked Nocturne in a falsely sweet voice.  It echoed weirdly, the words warping around their edges, morphing into other voices, other conversations.  “A simple waking dream.  Look.”
With some effort, Danny raised his head as Nocturne thrust the lantern-cage forward.  For a moment, bright colors streaked dizzyingly across his vision, like fireworks and flowers, but then–
What lay before him was not the gray and featureless plain he had seen only moments before.  Instead, ringed by the golden haze of dreams was a vibrant forest, decked with vivid colors and bright flowers, brighter and more numerous than they ever would be in reality.  Or maybe jungle was a better word.  In the distance, majestic mountains rose from the middle of the jungle, tinted blue and purple, glittering cities of gold and crystal built on their slopes.  A flight of butterflies bigger than birds exploded from the near edge, and swooped around Nocturne and Danny in a rainbow whirlwind.  Some of them had wingspans longer than his arm.
“What,” Danny might have said, aware that his words were slurred into unintelligibility, if they were spoken at all, “is that?”
“The Dream Wilds,” said Nocturne.  
They reached into the cage again, adjusting Danny’s position so that he was halfway between sitting and lounging, hemmed in and supported by blankets.  They might as well have been chains, and even as that picture developed in his mind’s eye, it developed in reality as well.  Blanket twisted around his limbs and grew darker, the fabric taking on a metallic sheen.  Pillows grew heavier… but also softer, pulling him yet deeper into the half-dreaming state Nocturne had forced on him.  
He was, really, horribly comfy.  
If it wasn’t for his hazmat suit and its boots, Danny could almost be convinced he was bundled up in his own bed.  Then, he blinked, long, slow, and sleepy, and he wasn’t wearing his hazmat suit anymore.  Instead, he was wearing a set of pajamas that, if he’d seen them in the real world, would have sent him into paroxysms of envy.  They were a set, a button-down shirt and a pair of pants, the type of pajamas he liked the most.  They also were sewn with tiny star-shaped sequins in the pattern of real constellations.  
Danny knew they weren’t real.  Unfair.  
Nocturne chuckled and tugged on Danny’s newly-bare toes.  
“Don’t,” mumbled Danny, sleepily, not coordinated enough to twitch away.  “Let’s get this over with already.”
“Yes,” said Nocturne, gliding forward.  “Let’s.”
The Plain of Dreams was only the greatest of the many places in the Ghost Zone where the ethereal and otherwise elusive energies of dream gathered.  It had been tamed, once, and inhabited, brought to the kind of civilization only known in the dreams of visionaries.  Crystal cities of philosophy.  Hidden villages in perfect harmony with nature.  Utopias of justice, science, and art.  
But those realms were long gone.  When the rulers of the Dream Kingdoms saw the approach of Pariah Dark's armies, they ordered the caged dreamers on whose dreams the foundations of the cities were built woken and released, and their cities faded back into the wilds, and the wilds themselves faded and sunk into slumber until only fragments and memories remained.  
There were ways to navigate them, if one had the right tools.  Ways to access the Dream Wilds where they slumbered, still beautiful, rich, and powerful.  Even with those tools, however, the Dream Wilds were still immeasurably dangerous.  
Even in the Ghost Zone, there were few places where one could be destroyed by their own passing fancy.  
It had taken years upon years for Nocturne to find the lantern-cage, a relic from one of the Dream Kingdoms, traded to a traveler and sold on as a curiosity not long before Pariah took the throne.  Cages not unlike this, but far grander, had held the forever-sleeping dream-architects who had made up the foundations of the great Dream Kingdoms.  The only other Nocturne had ever heard of beyond the borders of the Dreamlands had been from their own collection, melted down to be reforged as part of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.  
The success of that plan had made the sacrifice worth it, but Nocturne still resented it, and the lost opportunities it represented.  
All too often, Nocturne found themself dreaming of what would have been, if they had still had their own lantern-cage.  If they had been able to travel back, to reach the Dream Kingdoms before they fell to ruin entirely, to enter the great halls with a dreamer, and once again let dreams be true.  
But even dreams must bow to time.  
The cage was not all Nocturne needed, nor the only preparation they had to make.  Among other things, the cage was useless without the proper dreamer.  
The Dream Kingdoms had, for the most part, used volunteers.  Specially selected, educated, and prepared, quite literally pampered beyond the dreams of sloth, the dream-architects of old had been remarkable.  But even they were unlikely to have had the qualities Nocturne sought.  
And seek they did, searching high and low, throughout both the Infinite Realms and the human world.  But no matter what dreamer they brought to the Plain of Dreams, no matter how long Nocturne wandered, their lantern did not light the way.  
They had thought it must be a matter of power, and set to collecting dream energy from wherever they could, even going to the human world to gather it from living sleepers.  That particular endeavor did not go well, and they returned to the Realms with less than what they’d started with.  
But then they found that old record, and its list of odd requirements.  Neither alive nor dead, awake nor asleep, willing nor unwilling.  Caged, but uncaptured, hungry, but full, complaisant, but steadfast.  A liminal dreamer was required, and not just any liminal.  
There were only two liminals that Nocturne knew of.  He could, with some effort force either of them to fulfill most of the other conditions.  Waking dreams were well within his capabilities, the right pressure on an Obsession would have any ghost, full or otherwise, walking into a cage.  Hungry but full was trickier, but the lantern-cages were designed to help regulate what their inmates absorbed, among other things that allowed their function of bringing dreams into reality.  A glut of dream energy and a dearth of more traditional forms of sustenance would do nicely for Nocturne’s plans, and if the requirement was more metaphorical, they could adapt.  
The difficulty lay in 'complaisant but steadfast.'
The elder half ghost was widely regarded as a coward, having fled from too many fights he himself had started.  Even if he wasn't, Nocturne had tasted his dreams.  Vlad Masters relished every bit of power he could hold over others, and resented any he could not subjugate or suborn.  
The younger… Any being that could escape a dream crafted by Nocturne had to be described as both willful and strong-willed.  Yet, while the child had dreamed of being recognized and praised for the service he provided, in the waking world he provided those services unasked and unrewarded.  
It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do.  Nocturne wasn't about to make more of the creatures.  
From there, their preparations were relatively simple.  Phantom was young and brash, not stupid.  He may have managed to defeat Nocturne once, but the circumstances had been vastly different.  Then, Nocturne had been gathering dream energy and assessing the potential of dreamers.  They had been spread thin, distracted.  
trapping a whole city in slumber.  
Which led to the present moment.  
As during their first encounter, the boy was far more susceptible to dream sand than even ordinary humans.  Nocturne could not recall at the moment whether or not Plasmius had fallen asleep as quickly, or if the weakness was unique to Phantom, but that hardly mattered.  What mattered was that he was working.
Where Phantom's aura fell, the Dream Wilds and all their flora and fauna became real, material, some might even say alive.  The radius of the effect was miniscule.  Nocturne could easily see beyond it, past the golden air and verdant leaves, to where the Plain of Dream was as drab and flat as ever. Phantom was not one of the great dreamers of old.  Nor, Nocturne could already tell, would the masterworks once crafted by those dreamers be making an appearance.  Phantom's conception of the Dream Wilds was too simple, too imperfect to support such complexities.
Butterflies.  Really.  
Even some of Nocturne's earlier dreamers had done better, reached further.  
And yet… the texture, the depth of color, the quality of light… Yes, with Phantom as their lantern, he would reach the ruins at the heart of the Dream Wilds, and finally claim what they had sought for so long.
Lantern in hand, they glided forward, beneath the boughs of the great trees.  
Danny had expected it to be dark under the trees.  It had looked dark.  Instead, every leaf, every branch, every flower, every crawling, flying, or running thing, every wisp of colored mist was illuminated by Danny’s own aura, which showed no sign of dimming.  The shadowless quality of the surroundings added to their dreaminess, another layer of unreality on top of the haze, blur, and dazzle.  
Danny slowly turned his head back towards the way they’d come from.  The way he thought they’d come from.  Already, the open Ghost Zone sky was entirely hidden from view.  They could have been walking for hours, not… not…
How long had they been walking?  Had it been hours?  He couldn’t tell.  
Danny really didn’t like this.  But he couldn’t really do anything about it.  He was in a cage, and Nocturne still had his family hostage.  Plus, moving and thinking felt like swimming through honey.  Soft, cozy, comfy honey that made him sleepy.  The way the cage swung helped with that, a gentle, lulling, rocking motion that had him drifting, distracted.  
He blinked hard, rousing back to the half-asleep state Nocturne had put him in.  Being caged was one thing.  Being totally unaware of his surroundings while caged by an enemy was something else.  
“Where are we going?” he asked.  
Nocturne said nothing.  
“Where are we going?” he repeated, adding volume in the hope that it would let his words carry more clearly.  
Nocturne looked down at him contemplatively, clearly weighing options.  Then they smiled, sly, smug, and indulgent.  “We hunt the Beast of Dreams.  A chimera with many forms and faces, it guards the way to our destination.  Three times we must face them, and three times we must gain their tokens, else even your light will not shine on our path.”
“What if we, um.”  Danny licked his lips, trying to recover the thread of his question.  His tongue felt heavy in his mouth.  “What if we can’t find them?”
Nocturne tsked at him.  “What a terrible attitude to have,” they scolded.  “It’s almost as if you don’t care about your family at all.  After all, if you are useless, so are they.”  
They stopped their glide and reached through the bars of the cage, touching Danny’s shoulder where it joined to his neck.  Normally, with his hazmat suit, it wouldn’t even be exposed, but now Danny shivered as Nocturne pushed more energy into him.  He whimpered as his aura burned ever brighter in response.  His core hummed, high and strained, but his heart beat steadily, and his breathing stayed deep and slow.
“Guide me, little lantern, little light,” whispered Nocturne.  “I seek the Beast in the guise of Falsehood, where it lairs at the Gates of Horn and Ivory.  Show me the way.”
Danny had no idea how Nocturne thought he could navigate when he had never been here before and could barely see past his own aura.  No direction seemed better or more notable than any other direction.  
Finally, his eyes landed on a group of trees practically exploding with white and purple flowers.  He twitched his fingers in their general direction.  
Nocturne withdrew their hand and started moving in that direction at once.  Danny let out a sigh as his core gradually returned to a more relaxed state.  
They were looking for 'The Beast of Dreams in the guise of Falsehood.'  What did that even mean?  What did that look like?  Some kind of animal?  Like a fox?  A snake?
"The being we go to meet is the very essence of the deception of dreams.  It is that which makes you forget that you are dreaming, that which make you think the dead are living, and the living, dead, that which calls you late to events long past, that which casts you in a thousand roles whose lines you have never learned.  It is illusion and confabulation, a fabulist beyond all others.  He speaks truth only in service to greater lies."
Danny… understood some of those words.  Maybe if was more awake, he'd know more of them.  
“Even so, within the bounds of this, our trial, he will be forced to some measure of truth.  He must set a true price for his token, when asked three times, and when that price is paid, he must hand it over.  But even such a small honesty is one it despises, and it will seek to mislead us.”
“Mhm,” said Danny.  Beast guy would lie, and lie a lot.  Not much different than dealing with Nocturne themself.  Must be a dream thing.  
His eyes drifted to the trees and flowers outside the cage.  Periodically, glossy leaves reflected his aura back at him, making him blink and wince.  The trees here were really big, most of them towering even over Nocturne.  Which made sense, if Nocturne was from here, and they had those huge butterflies to contend with.  They’d fit their scale.  It still felt weird to Danny, and didn’t help with his deepening sense of unreality.
He blinked again, and his blink must have been longer than he'd thought, because when he opened his eyes, they were no longer walking, but standing under a massive apple tree.  Its branches spread wide and hung heavy with brilliantly red fruit.  No other trees grew under its shadow.  
To either side of the trunk, set into the hedge-like mass of greenery beyond the reach of the single great apple tree, were two tall gates made of pale materials.  Flowering vines grew around them, holding them shut as effectively as any chain. 
Speaking of chains… he shifted uneasily, and listened to the soft clanking of the blankets around him.  Yeah.  They were still messed up by… whatever was going on.  It wasn’t as if Nocturne had actually explained anything, and–
Something in the tree moved.  Danny startled as he realized that something was an immense snake.  Patterned in poisonous green and red, it blended in almost-perfectly with the surrounding leaves and apples.  
Normally, he wouldn’t blink twice at a giant ghost snake.  He’d fought more than his fair share of them.  Cobras, boas, vipers, rattlesnakes, you name it.  But this ghost radiated power far beyond that of a normal animal ghost, and he felt himself shrinking down among the pillows and blankets in an attempt to hide.  
He knew it wouldn’t work.  He was glowing too brightly.  
“Nocturne,” said the snake without moving his mouth.  His was deep and smooth, and reminded Danny of Vlad and, oddly, Clockwork.  “What an unexpected pleasure!”  It extended its head down, beyond the lower branches of the tree, as if in greeting.  “I see you have a new lantern with which to light your way.  I wish you good fortune on your journey, and hope you gain everything you seek.”
Danny winced at the use of the word ‘wish,’ but Desiree didn’t immediately jump out of the bushes, so he forced himself to refocus on the conversation in front of him.  
“Falsehood,” said Nocturne, “I come for your token.  What price have you set for it?”
“Is that any way to greet a friend?  It has been so long since your last visit, and you have not even thought to introduce your new friend.”  The snake lowered itself partially to the ground, the end of his tail still hidden in the trees, and began to circle Danny and Nocturne.  “He looks delectable.  I would love to just gobble him up.  That’s a joke, dear.”  It twisted to look more fully at Nocturne.  “I would never dispute your ownership of anything, after all.  Much less the light you steer by.”
“Enough,” said Nocturne.  “What price have you set for your token, that I might move forward?”
The snake shook his head.  "Moving forward, my dear?  Is that what you call this?  I must congratulate you indeed.  And in such a timely manner, too, for just the other night, another lantern-bearer came by, and took for herself the last of my to–"
"What must we pay to receive your token?"
"You won’t let me have even the smallest morsel of fun," complained the snake. "Your mother taught you no manners.  But very well.”  It turned away from both of them, somehow conveying the sentiment of sulking despite its body being a tube.  “In exchange for my token, I require either a thing that is both true and false at once, one lie that will become true, or one truth that will become a lie.”
"Any one?" asked Nocturne suspiciously. 
"The merchant cares not if you pay in gold or silver, only that he is paid."
"I want an answer, not a riddle."
"That is my sister's domain, not mine."
“Oh my gosh,” said Danny.  “Just do it.  If he doesn’t give you anything, then you know he lied.”
“Stupid child.  What do you think he means by ‘will become?’  So long as even a fraction of this place is held in reality, he has the power to make it so, and his games are far worse than those of the jinn you play with.”
“I know the rules as well as you, if not better,” protested the snake.  “I would not break them.”
“You would if you could.”
“I will not break them, then.  It is the same.  If you do not, perhaps I will assume you did come just to visit.  There are so many things you have missed when you were away, dearest.  It breaks my heart.”
“I doubt that.  This place is an abandoned ruin, the merest shadow of what it was.”
“And many places are, since the reign of the Pariah,” said the snake, mildly.  “Yet, even so, you have come here, dreamer in hand.  Do you imagine that everything is where you left it, even as you say that this place has fallen?  Perhaps.  Perhaps not.”
Nocturne shook their head.  “I will not listen to your lies.  You won’t trick me.  Not again.”  They hung Danny’s cage on one of the lower branches and started to pace, hands behind their back.  
The snake sighed, and, to Danny’s alarm, wound around the branch he was suspended from to peer into the cage.  His eyes weren’t like a normal snake’s.  Instead of pupils, they had several spirals in varying shades of red, green, and black, and rotated slowly, hypnotically.  Danny found himself unable to look away, his awareness of Nocturne and, indeed, the rest of the snake fading.  
Until, that is, the snake spoke again.  
“It is just as possible for a lie to be told for a greater truth, as it is for a truth to be told for a lie.  I do not care for you, but my games, as you call them, are for the greater good of all.”
Danny blinked his eyes, which had begun to water, hard.  Crap, that was scary.  Not quite to the level of Freakshow’s staff, but scary.  The only thing that kept him from trying to find a way out right now was that even if he escaped, his family couldn’t.  He needed to stay here, stay strong, for them.  He’d already tried everything he could do on his own.  
“You will accept a statement that is both true and not in exchange for your token?”
“Yes.  Or one truth that will become false, or one falsehood that will become true.  I’m not terribly picky.”
“And you only want to hear this thing, not wipe it from my mind?”
“I don’t even have the power to do that.”
“I know for a fact you do.  You only want to hear this statement, and you will accept that as payment?”
“Oh, are you asking me three times?  It is almost as if you don’t trust me.  That’s hurtful, after our long acquaintance.”
“Will you, or will you not, accept a statement both true and false as payment?”
“I will, I will!”  The snake sniffed loudly, a sound Danny didn’t even think snakes could make…  Then again, this snake was talking, a ghost, and maybe also a dream (Danny was unclear on that point), so, really, they were already far beyond that point.  “I know you don’t consider me worthy of respect, but shouldn’t you at least respect the rites and rules?  It will go much more smoothly.  Quickly, too, if that’s something you’re after.”
Nocturne smothered a growl.  They raised a knuckle to their lips, the starry blackness of the digit standing out starkly against their mask-like face.  “Then my payment is this: the path I seek is the one that leads to the Crown and Cup of Dreams.”
The snake laughed, an odd, barking noise.  “And you say I never taught you anything.”
Nocturne opened their mouth as if to argue, expression pinched and sour, but then closed it, thoughtfully.  “You are trying to distract me.  I have given you payment.  I expect your token in return.”
The snake sighed long and heavy.  It wound its way onto a nearby branch and pointed its nose at one of the apples.  “Any of these apples may serve as my token.”
Nocturne quickly picked the apple the snake had indicated.  Then, they flew to where Danny’s cage still hung.
In Nocturne’s hand, the apple was large.  Big enough that it wouldn’t look strange if they tried to take a bite out of it.  Big enough that if it was hollowed out, Danny could fit in it comfortably.  But that wasn’t what Nocturne did.  Instead, they brought the apple to the bars of the cage, and as it passed through them, it shrunk down until it could fit easily in Danny’s hands.  
The perspective made Danny’s head swim.  It didn’t work.  But it did, and it was, and Nocturne was pressing the apple against his lips.  
“Eat,” they said.  Despite their earlier anger, that smug, teasing smile was once again bending the corners of their lips upward.  “The purpose of these tokens is to ensure the lantern can light the way.”
Danny leaned away from the apple, squinting at it.  "No," he said.  
It wasn't as if Danny's parents had ever sent him to Sunday School (the Holy Spirit was bad enough.  The Holy Ghost?  You got the picture), but Sam had always been delighted to share the darker stories, and Tucker’s parents went to church on Sunday mornings, whether Danny was staying over or not.  Plus, he did try to pay attention to literary symbolism in English, even if Mr. Lancer didn't think so.  
A snake offering apples?  Bad news. 
Maybe if Nocturne was the one being told to eat it, or if Danny's friends and family weren't on the line, he wouldn't have said anything, because screw Nocturne.  But they weren't and they were.  
"This isn't your token.  You're lying."a
The snake chuckled.  "Clever child."
Nocturne snarled and darted forward, clawed hand closing around the serpent's neck.  The edges of their form were flared out, like feathers or fur.  The apple fell down and vanished among the pillows and blankets.  
"I have paid your price.  I fulfill every requirement to walk this path, and you have no right to keep it from me!"
The serpent evaporated and reformed deep among the branches of the apple tree.  “You call me a liar, when you tell such untruths yourself!  Every right is mine, and mine alone!  Nor was I paid.”
“I gave you my statement, both true and untrue.  You will not cheat me.  Not now.”
“Did you?” asked the snake, clearly delighted by this turn of events.  
“How dare you speak of rules and respect, when you desecrate this ancient rite?  How dare you stand in my way, when I–”
“Indeed!  Who else should stand in your way?  My sisters and brothers?  All those with a greater claim to this path?”
As it turned out, despite everything, Danny had been paying attention to the whole conversation, even if he hadn’t followed all of it.  Nocturne had been sure the snake couldn’t lie if he was asked the same thing three times… so maybe he didn’t.  
“If the token is for me,” he said, slowly, “is Nocturne the one who has to pay the price, or is it me?  When you said ‘you’ earlier, you were talking to me, weren’t you?  I’m the one who needs to say one of those three things?”
The snake approached again, and Danny hastily averted his eyes.  "I like this one, Nocturne.  He reminds me of you, when you were younger, and better behaved."  He paused, significantly.  "And smarter.  Yes, little light, you are the one who must answer me, if you desire my token.  Of course if you do not…"  
Danny understood what the snake was implying, but he did, in fact, need that token.  
He really hated hostage situations.
But if what Nocturne had implied about the snake’s powers was true, maybe he could use this.  After all, nothing said the lie had to be his.
"Nocturne said they'd bring my family and friends out of their comas if I help them.  Can I give you that as the lie?"
The snake started laughing.  Danny, meanwhile, felt like his brain had been peeled out of his body and he was floating over his skin.  The persistent misty softness had converged on him, and now he was floating.  
"I had doubted before, but now I understand how it is that you were the one to defeat Pariah Dark.  Nocturne, dear, he has to be able to take the token.  I doubt keeping him like that will prevent him from vexing you, anyway."
“I can make him take it.”
“As you would.  Now–”
“You have not been this cooperative before.”
“Perhaps I simply want you gone.  You are, as I have mentioned, incredibly rude.  And ugly.  And I find what you are doing to be repugnant, as you yourself would, had you given it thought beyond your base desires.  Not that you listen to me–”
“You’re going to try to pass off something random as your token again, aren’t you?  And then you’ll claim it is because you didn’t give it to him, you cheat.”
“Me?  A cheat?  Never.  Or only at card games.  It is very difficult to play a hand when you don’t have any.”
“You aren’t even a snake.  You only look that way because of how he’s dreaming you.  But what I don’t understand is why you seem to want him awake.  You’re never this transparent.”
“Are you sure I want him awake?  Perhaps that is only what I want you to think.  Ah, and now you’re tying yourself in circles.  A shame.  Once you were good at this.  Or at least passable.  And you wonder why you couldn’t even hold the dreams of a single human city, much less the power that passes through here.”
“I am the Master of Dreams, and–”
“Only because there was no one else qualified.”
There was a long silence, and Danny felt himself drifting back to the surface of awareness.  That had been… strange.  
“Give him,” said Nocturne, their voice gravely with suppressed rage, “your token.”
Danny noticed with some alarm that the snake was wound around the cage.  When did it get so close?  Why did it get so close?  His scales flashed at him.  
“Take two,” said the snake.  
“Take two of my scales.  Together, they make my token.”
“And… am I supposed to eat them or something?”  That… was that the right thing to ask?  Everything was still a bit floaty.  “Don’t laugh,” he said, crossly as the snake started to snicker.  It did that a lot.  “I’m serious.  You wanted me to eat the other thing.  The, um, the apple.  Are you going to make me eat these, too?”
“Take them and find out.”
Danny glanced back at Nocturne, but they didn’t make any objection this time.  Carefully and slowly, he crawled over the blankets to the bars of the cage.  Because of the way the bottom of the cage was curved and how the pillows and blankets were ever so slightly higher near the outside edge, he had to hold onto one of the bars to stay in place.  
“Any two?” he asked.
“No, the two you get by adding one and one.”
Danny glared at the snake for a moment, but quickly returned to looking at the scales.  Each one was only a little smaller across than his palm.  They glittered, and Danny blinked sleepy tears out of his eyes.  He adjusted his grip on the bars and resisted the temptation to lie down.  
He really didn't want to do this.  
"It won't hurt you?" he asked. That wasn't his main concern, but… in the moment, it was a concern.
"No more than pulling free a hair."
Depending on the hair, that could hurt quite a bit.  He reached out and grabbed a scale at random.  It slid free with surprising ease.
Most of it was green, but the edge of it was vivid red, as if it had been rolled in blood.  He tucked it quickly into the pocket at his breast, and reached for the next scale.  This one was green all over, a smooth gradient from one side to the other.  
He let go of the bar and slid back into the cozy nest in the center of the cage as if guided by an outside force.  Even without Nocturne’s intervention, the blankets and pillows tucked themselves in around him.  If anything, he felt even more secure than before, only head and hands free.  
But he was sitting there, holding the scales, one in each hand.  
In dreams, occasionally a dreamer is seized by knowledge or need apropos of nothing.  They know that this is their grandmother's house, even though it's obviously the grocery store.  They know they must hold the cards with only their left hand, or otherwise they'll lose, never mind what game they're playing.  Sometimes, too, the dreamer simply acts.  The impetus for their actions obscure, not originating from their own thoughts.  Jumping from cars, yelling, fighting, eating, smoking, cheating on tests, being unable to stop.  
Danny, not thinking about anything in particular, raised the scales to his eyes.  They sunk into his skin without a trace.  
At first, he rubbed his skin and eyes furiously, hoping to find a way to peel them off, but then… 
He saw.  
He could see.  
Before, it had been difficult to keep his eyes open, impossible to see past his own aura, but now everything looked so clear, from the leaves, to the apples, to the grass, to the gates and the ruins beyond them.  
"You see, now," said the snake, kindly.  "The purpose of my token is to shield your eyes, so you can see.  And, I suppose, better guide the one that carries you.  Before, you burned too brightly for your own good, but now…"  
Danny nodded as the snake spoke.  Vaguely, he felt as if he shouldn't agree with him, but what he was saying made sense.  He did see better.  He saw more.  
Most things were still misty, out of the corners of his eyes, but directly in front of them, they were clear and crisp.  Sharp.  Well defined.  
He could even see the path on the forest floor, where it ran underneath them and to one of the pale gates - which didn't look nearly as overgrown as he had originally thought.  
(There was something very wrong with that thought, with all these thoughts.  But this thought, in turn, slipped away and disappeared.)
“Which way, child?” asked Nocturne.  “We have wasted enough time here.”
Danny’s tongue felt heavy in his mouth, so he pointed instead.  It was strange that Nocturne could not see the path.  Nocturne walked that way, lantern in hand.  And when had he picked the cage back up?  Danny was missing something.
“Nocturne,” called the snake.  “I meant what I said.”
“About what?”
“All of it.  Give my sister-self my regards.”
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jon-withnoh · 1 month
guess who's back to exploit your offerings of rebecca drabbles
💗for danvich please!
also i hope you get well soon! (damn you covid coworker)
Finally got to write something for this :) Beware, it is angsty!
When I finally returned to the house, I felt like a stranger. My own shadow seemed too tall to belong to me, the sound of my feet on the flagstones held no trace of the timid girl I had been. I crossed the hall, barely spared a glance for Frith except to hand him my coat and hat. He bowed his head to me, and for the first time it seemed only right that he did so. 
I had not wanted a big reception in the hall, no endless train of servants waiting to greet me. This time, she had honoured the request, maybe because it had been mine and not Maxim’s. She would not be waiting for me in my own rooms, that much was clear. I went up the stairs and threw open the doors to the west wing. I no longer cared who heard me. She stood on Rebecca’s balcony with her back to the room. There was a dull pain in my stomach at the sight of her. She had suffered so much, had been so steadfast. Her hair had more grey in it now than when we’d met. When she turned her head slightly to the side, her cheekbones were more prominent than ever. At the same time, she was not as pale as she had been, there was some colour in her face, even if it was just from the wind. I went to her. She looked at me, shrewd and unsmiling. 
I tried to smile. “It is as we expected. If he is hanged, the house will go to the next male relative in line. That’s Beatrice’s son, of course. As long as the court has not reached a decision, everything remains as it is. But if they do, well…”
“You will have to leave.” 
“I see.” She turned her whole body to face me and I mimicked her, searching her face for I did not know what. Her expression was impossible to read. “You would stay with Mrs Lacy first, I expect.”
“I suppose so.”
“She would be more than happy to host you, I’m sure, even indefinitely. There must be money as well, a widow’s pension of some sort. You would be provided for.” 
There was something unpleasant in her tone. I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “What does it matter now? We don’t know that anything will change at all.” 
“You mustn’t leave these things up to chance, Madam,” she said. “When something does happen, it will happen fast.”
“Stop.” I had meant to sound decisive, but the word came out as a whimper. “Please stop. Why must you talk about it? Why must we think about it now? We still have time and just for a moment, I want to—”
She raised an eyebrow. “You want to… what?”
“I want to stop. Just stop and be still.”
“Yes, here. With you.” I uncrossed my arms and held out my hands to her. When she did not move, I took a step forwards and brought my hands to her forearms, gently brushing my thumbs over the black fabric of her dress. 
“If you don’t feel the same, tell me. Say the word and I will never touch you again. I promise. You have nothing to fear from me.” 
She was silent. I took hold of her hands and brought them to my waist. The gentle pressure of her fingers reassured me. She was not merely humouring me. I moved even closer, pleased when she pulled me the rest of the way towards her. 
I brought my hand to her face, tracing the sharp angle of her jaw. “Don’t make me imagine a future you have no part in.”
She blinked, then shook her head. She wore an expression I had become accustomed to over the past few months, her eyes blank and unfocused. She had not been with me entirely. She had heard my words in another woman’s voice. I could not bring myself to care. 
“Don’t ever leave me,” I said. “Please.”
She seemed to become aware of my touch again, leaning in so that my hand was pressed against her cheek. She turned her head and kissed my palm. 
“I would never leave you,” she murmured. “You know I could never leave you.”
I closed my eyes, bracing myself for what I knew would follow. 
“I will be with you always.” Her lips so gentle against my skin. “My Rebecca.” 
The grip of her fingers tightened around my waist. I tipped up my head to meet her, greedy despite the cold that pooled in my fingertips. She kissed me. I had grown accustomed to the way she kissed me in these moments, the way she would have kissed Rebecca had she ever been given the opportunity. Every movement, every touch was worship and I let her worship me. Below us, the indefatigable waves crashed against the cliffs.
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