#natasha romanoff lives
no1islost · 7 months
Scarlett Johansson having a Natasha Romanoff stan account on IG was not on my bingo card for 2023. But also, am I delusional for thinking that she is doing this as a way to hint they are bringing Nat back?!
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
We’re Still Here
Summary: It is the anniversary-- the anniversary of the best day of Yelena's life. The day that Yelena's sister was brought back to her by some miracle, and the day that Natasha had felt like she had finally come home for the first time in over five years. And Yelena makes sure that they celebrate it in the place where it all began.
Word Count: 2444
A/N: WE MADE IT!!! The 200th fic for this series (it may end up switching order later, lol)!!! 😍😍😍😍 And a throwback to the first fic I ever wrote for these characters, lol 😂
Thank you guys so much for coming along on this wild journey with me 🥺💖 I've been through bumps and highs and lows and overall have had so much fun here since I started writing. I just can't believe the reception that all of my fics have received and all of the love that you guys have had to give. I truly feel so blessed and so fortunate to have such an incredible audience. You guys are amazing, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you 💗💗💗 Thank you, and I hope to be here writing for a while longer 💞
Also, I'll try to get the last chapter up for "A First Time for Everything" super soon! Life stuff has been kicking my butt lately, but I'm doing my best to pull through, lol
Thank y'all for reading, and I hope you enjoy! Until the next fic!
  “Take your blindfold off,” Yelena told her suddenly, her voice coming in from somewhere behind the redhead, and Natasha complied, pulling it down around her neck in one quick motion.
  Natasha furrowed her brow as she took in the sight of the entire place. It was a pretty little grove in the woods, and as beautiful as it was, Natasha was completely puzzled. She had no idea where this place was, and she quickly found herself wondering why she was standing out here in the middle of nowhere.
  Yelena had insisted on Natasha taking today off with absolutely no explanation as to why. Natasha had found herself amazingly not too busy, so she allowed herself to take a day off, curiosity filling her. She had wondered if Yelena might have wanted to have a day for just the both of them, cuddling and enjoying each other’s company.
  However, she was quickly proven wrong when Yelena had walked them to the compound and told her to get into a jet before giving her a blindfold. She had insisted on absolutely no peeking, and as much as Natasha did not like having her eyes covered, she trusted Yelena entirely, so she was willing to sacrifice her sight for whatever Yelena had thought of now.
  She had not even been afraid of Yelena pulling a prank. Something about the excitement in her eyes and the hope written in her face had disarmed Natasha’s suspicions.
  “Not that way, poser, turn around,” Yelena fussed good-naturedly, interrupting her thoughts as she suddenly grabbed Natasha’s shoulders and shifted her around to face her. Natasha could not help a small chuckle despite her confusion and Yelena moved to the side to allow Natasha to see what was behind her.
  To her shock, it was a picnic, and Natasha found herself utterly baffled and dumbfounded.
  “Surprise!” Yelena cried, and Natasha just blankly looked down at the blanket, basket, and food before her. Yelena’s face was lit up with nothing but the utmost excitement, her eyes practically glowing with love as she eyed Natasha. Natasha was honestly not entirely certain of what to say.
  She was completely unsure of what the significance of this entire thing was.
  However, given Yelena’s slightly falling face, she knew she was going to have to at least pretend to know until she could more fully discern the reasoning behind it.
  “This is… This is absolutely amazing,” Natasha expressed, meaning every word despite not knowing the reason. She was truly deeply touched by Yelena’s effort even if she did not understand it, and she felt nothing but the utmost fondness swelling in her chest as she thought of how sweet that her baby sister was.
  Yelena puffed up with pride despite the fact that her gaze lingered on Natasha as she doubtlessly tried to understand why Natasha had paused. Natasha tried to keep the loving smile on her face, and Yelena quickly let it go for at least a moment, moving to the basket as she gestured to it and the things, starting her excited explanation of all of the actual cooking she had apparently done.
  “I brought several peanut butter sandwiches for you, and some macaroni for me, and I cooked it all. And do not start. I know what you are going to say. ‘Peanut butter sandwiches is not cooking,’ but guess what? I got in the kitchen and used actual ingredients, so it counts,” Yelena explained, continuing on as she rattled off the dessert and drinks that she had brought.
  Most people did not get to see this side of her. The side that was so desperate for approval and the one that loved unconditionally and with all of her heart.
  So often, they saw the snarky, sarcastic side that was so quick to come to the surface so often, but Natasha was one of the lucky ones. She got to see the soft side that was so utterly and quintessentially Yelena.
  “What?” Yelena asked as she stopped her rambling, confused as she offered Natasha a onceover, and Natasha just shrugged, unable to help a small grin as she shook her head. Her baby sister was perfect despite how bumfuzzling she could be at times.
  “Nothing,” Natasha told her, and Yelena just raised an eyebrow before grabbing a peanut butter sandwich and holding it out to her.
  “Well, then, let’s eat,” Yelena told her, and Natasha moved to sit down on the blanket with Yelena, wasting no more time as she tried to keep up the act of knowing exactly what was happening.
  Yelena pulled out the container of macaroni and cheese that she had brought with them, tearing into it as she happily ate it, and Natasha bit softly at her peanut butter sandwich as she continued to wrack her brain.
  They sat in silence of a little while, Natasha just thinking it all through, and finally, Yelena looked at her for a moment, staring before finally speaking up.
  “What’s bothering you?” Yelena asked, and Natasha looked at her, starting to take in a breath to deny it, but she could easily tell that Yelena could see through any of her excuses. Natasha’s feelings must have been showing on her face, and she honestly found herself shocked at her slip-up.
  However, what would be completely imperceptible to most people was completely obvious to Yelena. Yelena was always able to detect Natasha’s deepest feelings, and while Yelena sometimes did not guess them immediately, she was able to understand it more quickly than anyone else that Natasha knew outside of Clint and sometimes Kate. It was one of the many benefits of their deep bond.
  But sometimes Natasha did wish that she could not tell quite so easily.
  “Nothing. It’s just… I guess I’m confused,” Natasha explained, hating to tell her, and Yelena furrowed her brow, just eyeing her as she waited for Natasha to clarify herself.
  Natasha swallowed, despising the fact that she had somehow completely managed to miss the significance of this day when it was something apparently so crucial in their relationship. Natasha prided herself on remembering every anniversary and every milestone.
  “What is all of this for?” Natasha finally brought herself to question, tilting her head just a little as she watched Yelena.
  Yelena instantly seemed far more solemn, but that love was still shining in her eyes. She looked down, poking a little at the macaroni before her in the bowl, the cheese sticking to her fork as she subtly tried to fit the noodles over the prongs of her fork. Natasha instantly felt regret bubbling in her stomach, guilt gnawing at her about not being able to keep her forgetting a secret.
  “It’s the anniversary,” Yelena explained, and Natasha gazed at her uncertainly, not sure what Yelena meant. It was not any birthdays or the anniversary of their time in Ohio. It was not even the anniversary of their reunion when they had taken down the Red Room.
  She knew it had to have something to do with Ohio, though. Yelena had flown them all the way out here in the middle of the woods, and it was extremely familiar. She knew it looked like Ohio, and it actually suspiciously looked like it was somewhere in the forest not too far from where her grave had been.
  Natasha just stared at her, hoping Yelena would explain as her mind raced to try to think of a potential reason. She honestly felt extremely ashamed of herself for forgetting something that was obviously this important to Yelena. Her stomach was falling to her feet, and she felt the guilt overwhelming her to an almost suffocating degree.
  Yelena swallowed, still messing with her macaroni as she quite obviously tried to conjure the nerve to explain to Natasha. Perhaps not so much the nerve, but maybe more so the emotional stability.
  Natasha resisted the urge to reach out and take her hand to offer reassurance, not sure what Yelena was thinking right now and honestly feeling too guilty to feel comfortable to do such things at this moment. She had forgotten something so utterly and deeply important to her baby sister, and she was wracked with torment despite not even knowing what that something was.
  “I didn’t expect you to remember, but I just wanted to do this because it was something really important to me,” Yelena started, inhaling softly.
  Natasha felt even more shame consuming her, horror within her for her negligence and her stupidity in forgetting.
  “I brought us here to Ohio. Again. Because,” Yelena trailed off, trying to find the words as she shrugged a little, letting out a gentle breath.
  “Well, because it’s the anniversary of the best day of my life,” Yelena admitted, looking up at Natasha at long last with tears in her eyes, and Natasha just stared at her, still slightly confused until it suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks.
  She must have meant that day.
  The very day that Natasha had brought herself to her gravestone in Ohio after being brought back to life by Steve returning the soul stone, hearing that it was a place that her baby sister supposedly frequented since Natasha’s death.
  The very day that she had to talk Yelena down from trying to shoot her because she thought she was some sort of cruel imposter there to play with her emotions.
  And the very day that she had held her baby sister in her arms so tightly and she had finally felt like she had truly come home for the first time in five years.
  No one else had been able to give her that feeling. Not Clint, not Steve, not Tony, and not any of the others. Just Yelena. Wonderful, amazing, sweet, perfect Yelena.
  Natasha swallowed hard, just staring at her, and Yelena looked back at her, nothing but the most adoration in her eyes as she gazed back at her. Natasha took in a sharp breath, hesitantly reaching out her hands as she extended them toward Yelena’s face.
  Yelena moved forward instantly, gravitating toward her touch as she always did, and Natasha took her cheeks in her hands, softly touching her as she looked into those gorgeous honey greens. They held Natasha’s entire world in them, and sometimes just knowing how much love was in Yelena’s heart that was given to someone as undeserving as Natasha made the redhead feel like breaking into sobs.
  “Vy - absolyutnoye sokrovishche. Ya obozhayu tebya vsem serdtsem,”1 Natasha expressed gently, nothing but the utmost love in her words as she expressed everything that she was feeling in the moment in the best words that she could possibly conjure.
  There were so many other feelings, too, but she could not quite even begin to think of how to express all of them. The words she had uttered just then were the core of those feelings, so she stuck with those for at least right then.
  Yelena’s eyes welled up with tears as she leaned heavily into Natasha’s grip, and Natasha moved her head forward, delivering a soft kiss to Yelena’s nose before pressing their foreheads together. Yelena leaned nearer as she used one arm to touch the ground and hold her up as she moved, and she used her other hand to softly touch Natasha’s neck, her fingers softly rubbing against Natasha’s baby hairs on her neck.
  “Ya tebya lyublyu,”2 Yelena softly told her.
  “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu. Izvini, chto ne vspomnil chto-to stol' vazhnoye dlya tebya,”3 Natasha gently replied, mimicking Yelena’s tone albeit with more pain. Yelena shook her head in her grasp, negating Natasha’s guilt wordlessly. Natasha decided to shove it down for at least long enough to offer Yelena this affection, mentally putting a pin in it for later.
  They were quiet for a moment more, Natasha rubbing her thumbs along the planes of Yelena’s cheekbones and Yelena gripping Natasha’s neck as she ran her thumb along the side of Natasha’s throat.
  After a long moment, Natasha finally pulled back softly, and Yelena moved with her hands, whining just a little at the loss of contact. Natasha just raised an eyebrow, huffing softly as she looked at her gently.
  “The mac and cheese is probably getting cold,” Natasha pointed out, and Yelena instantly looked down at her food, realizing that Natasha was likely correct. She hesitantly moved back to start eating the remainder of it.
  “Y’know… Peanut butter sandwiches don’t get cold,” Natasha pointed out after a moment of silence. Yelena looked at her as if she had lost her mind, not knowing where Natasha was going with this.
  “Well, yeah.”
  “Because it’s not real cooking,” Natasha lightly teased, a smirk on her face as she purposefully messed with Yelena just a bit.
  She wanted to try to bring a bit of a smile to her face after the emotions of a moment ago. She knew Yelena had meant for it to be a happy outing, so she wanted to try to bring the tone back to the original intentions.
  Yelena instantly narrowed her eyes.
  “It is totally real cooking!!! Look, you get out the bread, and that is a real ingredient. You get out the peanut butter, and that is also real,” Yelena started to explain vigorously and enthusiastically.
  Natasha just huffed, unable to help her intense amusement as she watched her. However, as she continued to listen, she could not help but take in the sight of her and feel something far deeper and more emotional take over her rather than mirth.
  The sight of Yelena in that adorable ponytail and with those chubby cheeks so animatedly describing and explaining all of these things to her as she argued her point made her heart swell in her chest and just the barest bit of tears come to her eyes. She was so lucky, and she did not know what in the world that she did to miraculously get this perfect thing in her life after all she had done, but she was going to selfishly hang onto it despite not deserving it.
  “Natashka? What’s wrong?” Yelena spoke up, looking at her oddly, and Natasha tried to wipe a bit of the grin away from her face as well as make the happy tears disappear from her eyes.
  “Nothing… You’re just amazing,” Natasha admitted, meeting her eyes once again. Yelena’s face softened and her eyes turned a little glassy as she eyed Natasha warmly. Natasha extended her hand, her palm up, and Yelena took it firmly, squeezing gently despite her hold on her.
  This human in front of Natasha was her blessing, and Natasha would always be all hers.
(1) "You are an absolute treasure. I adore you with all of my heart."
(2) "I love you."
(3) "I love you, too. I'm sorry that I didn't remember something so important to you."
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declareqenius · 3 months
some would sing and some would scream
summary: your girlfriends are two of the best mob bosses in the city. you and natasha were out for a nightly walk, both feeling restless as you awaited wanda’s return from a business trip. it was going well, until someone got the jump on both of you. 
pairings: WandaNat x Reader
warnings: blood, violence, knives, being tied up, stabbing, passing out
a/n: hey guys! here’s another one. i have no idea how mobs work, which is probably a good thing, but i hope it makes enough sense. second part, anyone? let me know what you think! wanda is barely here but is mentioned throughout. 
Part 1 | Part 2 
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It’s been days since you and Natasha have seen Wanda. Days, maybe a week, since you were both taken by the henchmen of an enemy family; the Celestials. They have nerve, you’ll give them that, but you know as soon as Wanda and the rest of your family finds your location, they won’t know what hit them. 
The metal chair is cold against your legs and the restraints around your wrists are digging uncomfortably into your skin. You know the more you struggle, the worse it will be, but you need to at least try. There are cuts on either cheek and one gash on your thigh- which is exposed because you decided to wear shorts that fated day. You started regretting your decision yesterday because they kept their torture room freezing, and although you reside in New York, the cold has never been- and never will be- your friend. 
Natasha sits next you in a chair identical to yours. Her restraints are different, though, and it’s obvious the Celestials know how big of a threat she is. She’s continuously struggled to get out of them and your heart pangs in your chest because part of you knows it’s because she hates seeing you hurt. 
Your girlfriend is safe from cuts and gashes and it’s all due to them wanting to get under her skin. They know of the relationship you share with the two powerful mob leaders, and they’re trying to use it to their advantage. 
Natasha doesn’t break easily. Neither does Wanda. Everyone knows this, including you, but Nat barely lasted ten minutes when Najma- the leader of the Celestials- started dragging the knife across your thigh. She begged her to take her instead, but Najma was quick to assure that any torture you faced would be dragged out. 
“Nat. Stop. You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep struggling.” Your firm voice cuts through the thick silence and leaves no room for argument. You’d stopped struggling five minutes ago when you realized it wouldn’t help, but Natasha kept it up and the redness around her wrists started to worry you. 
“I need to get out before they come in again. Need to get you untied.” Her voice is gravelly and preoccupied, and her plight is obvious. The only thoughts swarming her head are about getting you out of there unharmed. 
“And then what? You fight them off with nothing and we die trying to escape? We leave Wanda alone? She’ll never forgive us for that. We have to think about this, Natasha.” 
You’re honestly surprised how calm you were, considering the situation. But you know Wanda is on a murderous rampage and Natasha is going through anger induced anxiety at the mere thought of either of you not making it out of this, so you’re left being the reasonable one. 
“I am thinking about this, Y/N!” 
Her chair clangs to a halt as she stops struggling with a frustrated huff. You know that if the two of you weren’t in the hands of your family’s greatest rival, then your girlfriend would let her tears flow free. The only sign that she had any intent of crying before she remembered where you were was her red nose. 
“I’m thinking about it,” she says defeatedly, yet firmly. “Najma is going to come back any minute and she is going to harm you in unimaginable ways and I can’t stop her because I’m tied to this stupid fucking chair.” 
“Natty,” you say softly, “look at me, please?” 
God, you wish you could reach out and touch her. It takes a moment for her to find some semblance of composure so she can look you in the eyes instead of staring guiltily at the gash in your thigh. 
“Listen to me, okay? I need you to hear me,” you start, waiting until Natasha subtly nods her head to continue, “You aren’t going to tell them anything. No matter what they do to me-” 
“No. Listen. Whatever they do to me, I need you to grin and bear it until Wanda gets here or you have a secure plan to get us out. It’s going to be painful for both of us, but I’m a big girl, I can handle it, okay?” 
“Detka, I don’t know if I can-” 
“Natalia. I knew what I was getting into the moment you and Wanda told me what you did for a living. I knew it would happen eventually. There’s only so much protecting my knights in shining fedoras,” you give her a gentle grin at your joke, “can do. I need you to promise me. No matter how much pain I’m in. We need to wait it out. That’s all we can do right now, my love.” 
Natasha looks like she desperately wants to argue again, but you both know she’s only got so much fight left and she needs to save it for when Najma comes back. You try not to imagine what the leader of the Celestials has in store for you; which ways your body will be bloodied and scarred, but it’s hard when Natasha’s brain is going a mile a minute and the blood from the gash on your leg won’t stop dripping down your thigh. 
“Do you remember our very first date?” You ask, a small smile on your face as you look up at your girlfriend. 
“Nat, please. I can’t sit in silence.” 
She sighs and looks away for a moment. To compose herself. You fear that sentence nearly sent her over the edge, but a moment later she nods. 
“Like it was yesterday. Wands and I had thirty minutes to clean ourselves up after having gotten back from taking care of something. We were so worried we were going to be late, and so we texted you that work held us up for longer than we anticipated. You were so patient with us. You still are so patient with us.” 
“Have to be with you two. Who knows what kind of trouble you got into when it was just the both of you parading around. Someone has to keep you in check, make sure you have something, someone to come home to. Both of you.” 
“And we cherish every moment we get to spend with you, detka.” 
Natasha says it so sincerely and it pushes you over the edge. Your eyes start watering and while it’s not a full-on sob, your tears do fall because you know where Natasha’s mind has gone. Where it has been this entire time. 
Then, it feels as if all the air in the room is sucked out. All the love you felt from Natasha moments ago is gone when you see her face switch to one you had only seen a handful of times. Your girlfriends try to keep you out of the business as much as they can, but you were still privy to some things. Natasha’s expression looked distant and blank, and you hear clapping from the far right corner of the room. 
Your heart sinks to your stomach, but you keep your features neutral. 
“Aw, how sweet. Quite a show you both put on. If this were reality television, my family would be rooting for you. Little lovebirds. It’s a shame your other girlfriend isn’t here. I’m sure it would spice things up.” 
“If she were here, you would be dead already,” you snark. 
“Dorogoy-” Natasha starts in warning, but Najma is quick to cut her off. 
“It’s okay, Ms. Romanova. She won’t be able to... joke around much once I’m done with her. I must say, I have been quite lenient and I am a sucker for a love story, but I fear it is time to get some answers. So, every time you refuse to answer one of my questions, your little girlfriend here will endure some kind of pain. Haven’t decided yet. Won’t decide until that moment. Whatever feels right, I suppose. Nod to let me know you understand.” 
Natasha nods. 
Your eyes bore holes into the side of her head and you hope she hears your pleas. Your reminders. 
“Good. We’ll start off easy, then.” Najma takes her knife out of her boot and slowly walks over to you. She places the tip on your upper arm. The way she’s looking at you, as if you were a turkey to be carved instead of eaten and enjoyed, chills you to the bone. 
“What is your name?” Najma directs the question towards Natasha. 
“Natasha Romanova-Maximoff.” 
“Hm. That’ll do. What is your wife’s name?” 
“Wanda Romanova-Maximoff.” 
These were all answers that Najma knew already, and you’re unsure of why she’s wasting time. Not that you’re complaining. The more time she takes to interrogate Natasha, the more time Wanda has to find you both. The only name Najma shouldn’t know is yours. Natasha hasn’t once used it since you’ve been kidnapped, and you figure it’s for a reason. Your only family is the one you were welcomed into when you officially became Wanda and Natasha’s girlfriend, but your name not being out there kept you safer. 
“And what is your girlfriend’s name?” 
There it is. 
You glance at Natasha, fully aware of the knife on your arm but deeming it safe enough to move the slightest amount. Natasha’s eyes catch yours and you don’t have to plead with her this time. Her decision was made the moment her green eyes met your own. 
Keeping your name a secret gives both of you a better chance when Wanda breaks the both of you out of this place. 
So, when Natasha moves her eyes from yours to look at Najma, you prepare yourself for the pain. 
The redhead doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t need to. Najma knows it isn’t a question she’s going to answer simply by the blank determination written across her face. 
“Very well then,” the Celestial leader says, bored as she drags the knife slowly across your upper arm. 
You stare at Natasha the entire time. 
Natasha stares at your arm, and you know it is her way of punishing herself. 
As if being locked in a freezing room with no way out wasn’t punishment enough. Your girlfriend forces herself to watch as one of her foes marks your body with their knife. Their torture. 
It makes her angry and she clenches both her jaw and her fists to keep herself from pulling on the restraints, having learned her lesson twenty minutes earlier. 
Wanda will never let her live this down. 
You’re glad it’s not Wanda with you. She would have been able to kill everyone by now, but if they had put special cuffs on her and made her watch as they tortured you, you know she would have given everything up to ensure you lived. 
You appreciate how much your girls love you, but the family wouldn’t have been able to take that kind of hit. So, you’re glad it’s Natasha who is with you, and maybe you’ll get the chance to reiterate that to Wanda someday soon. It will surely keep them from biting each other’s heads off while you’re recovering. 
“Next question.” 
You can hear the Cheshire Cat-like grin Najma wore as she placed the knife in a different spot on your body. This time, your thigh, about two inches higher than the first gash she gave you. 
“Where is the Mind stone?” 
Again, Natasha doesn’t answer and you audibly keel over in pain when the knife creates an identical gash to the one that came before it. 
Again, Natasha watched the knife slide across your thigh. 
“Hard eggs to crack, but I have only just begun.” 
Now, Najma is in front of you and you barely have enough time to process the cool metal of the knife being dragged down your face. Your breathing is heavy, but you muster the most spiteful expression you can. 
“I would really hate to see this beautiful face marred, Natasha. It would be such a shame. She could pose for those magazines. I hear it is great work, but enough small talk. Maybe I won’t have to mar your beautiful face, my little paaltoo.”
You decide then that you only like Urdu when Kamala speaks it. 
“All Natasha has to do is give me the location of the Mind stone and your pretty little face will go unmarked. Don’t worry, it will only hurt a little bit. It’s more of a... reminder for your lovers.” 
Even if your girlfriend’s face remains neutral, you can tell she’s seething on the inside. You glance at her for a moment and you know that you need to stall more. Enough for Wanda to find both of you. Nat can’t do anything but not answer Najma’s questions, and eventually Najma will tire of the game she’s playing. Who knows what that would look like? You doubt she would kill you quickly and undermine the work she’s already done on you, but if Najma doesn’t have something to quell her violent hunger, you don’t know what will happen to you or Natasha. 
So, you have to keep Najma entertained. Interested. Piece of cake. 
When you know that her focus is on Natasha’s expression and not your “pretty little face”, you send a guilty look to your girlfriend. Better to ask for forgiveness later. Then, you muster up all your courage and remember all the times you’ve seen Wanda and Natasha interrogate people, and you speak.
“What makes you think Natasha will talk? You’ve gotten this far and she hasn’t said a word. Maybe she doesn’t care about me as much as you think she does.”
“Mm, you’re not going to get me that easy my little paaltoo, I hear how she speaks to you. How she looks at you. And how she seethes every time my blade runs across your delicate skin. The love this woman holds for you is insurmountable. Don’t think me a fool.” 
“You picked the wrong one.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Blood runs down the side of your arm and thigh and you’ve long forgotten how to feel the searing pain. 
“The wrong girlfriend. You should’ve picked Wanda. Natasha is tough to crack but she’s been through a lot. Wanda, though? Wanda has a heart of gold and the sight of me in danger would have had her spilling all of her secrets. Or it would have sent her on a murderous rampage and we’d be out of here already, but you never know. All I’m saying is that Wanda would have given you so much more than Natasha ever will.” 
Your nonchalance must have been jarring to both the women in the room, and you’re certain that Yelena, your best friend, would have been proud of you. 
“I’m holding a knife to your face and you have the audacity to judge my methods?” 
Najma pierces your skin with the point of the blade and it almost makes you laugh. 
“What are you going to do? Kill me? You would lose leverage over Wanda and Natasha. You wouldn’t give that up so easily.” 
“And what makes you think I couldn’t find something else they hold dear to them?” 
“You would be searching for the rest of your life.” 
It’s a big statement. Words that probably hold a lot more weight than anything you have ever said before, but you’re aware of what you mean to your girlfriends. How all of you balance each other out in ways that no one expects upon first meeting the three of you. In fact, you’re so certain of your feelings for them and vice versa, that if you make it out of this alive, then you’re going to propose to them. 
Wanda would absolutely kill Natasha if you didn’t make it out of this alive. Guilt would eat both of them up, but better one of you makes it out than neither of you. 
Another slash of the knife on your cheek and you can feel the sting of the blade as Najma follows all the way through with a flick of her wrist. 
“Natasha, tell you girlfriend to shut up.” 
“I’ve never listened to Natasha.” You’re a bit of a brat sometimes, it’s true. “Besides, I’m going to bleed out soon anyway. Then my lovely girlfriend won’t have anyone to talk to. That would be such a shame because I’m a gem.” 
You decide then that you’ve stalled long enough, and really all you did was give your already gushing wounds time to bleed even more. The light headedness is starting to catch up to you and you sincerely hope that you’ve done enough. 
Najma doesn’t pay any mind to your talking, probably realizing what exactly it is that you were doing, and instead she focuses on Natasha again. 
“I will ask one more time.” 
This time Najma positions the knife in front of your stomach and you don’t know if she’s going to stab you or cut you, but you’re not sure she knows either. Frantic green eyes lock onto yours as you get a good look at Natasha. Your eyes are calm as you try memorize everything from the way her braid sits on the side of her shoulder to the perfect shape of her lips. Fear pulses through you and you know that somehow it is not entirely your own, but you shake your head all the same. 
You will not be the reason your family falls. You will not be the reason that Wanda and Natasha have no home to go back to. 
“Where. Is. The Mind stone?” 
Nat’s eyes are pleading but yours remain blank and you know she has to bring forth years and years of training to look away from you and instead at Najma. So the woman holding the knife can see the defiance in her eyes along with her lips pursed in a straight line. Natasha isn’t going to say a word. 
The knife plunges into your left side and you don’t scream, you aren’t going to give your captor that satisfaction, but the sound you do make is enough to have Natasha looking away and a single tear rolling down her cheek. To your confusion, though, Najma doesn’t withdraw the weapon. She leaves the blade inside of you and brushes off her hands before grabbing you by the chin so you can look directly in her eyes.
“Don’t breathe too hard, my little paaltoo, otherwise a vital organ will be caught and I would so love to torture you more later.” 
With that, she lets go of you and walks out. You think that having to look into that woman’s eyes was worse than any of the torture she’s inflicted on you. 
“Natty,” you breathe, voice worn and your eyes wanting to shut already. You’ve never been stabbed before and the pain plus your other wounds is too much. 
“Detka, I’m so sorry,” Natasha’s voice breaks and your heart aches for her. 
“Shhh. Don’t apologize, my love.” Breathing is starting to get really hard. “Natty I need to tell you something.” 
“Anything, malyshka.” 
You know Nat is desperate to keep you talking. Keep you awake. Alive. You don’t want to give up just yet. Wands will be here soon, you can feel it. 
“I think,” your head lolls to the side for a moment, “I think I only,” you breathe in and out, “like Urdu when Kamala,” you swallow because your mouth feels really dry all of a sudden, “speaks it.” 
“Me too, detka. Me too.” 
You can feel yourself fading, and you don’t think the knife has hit anything vital yet, but maybe a nap would help lessen the pain. Just a quick one. 
Your head lolls forward and it jostles the blade a little. You can hear Natasha’s panic, how her voice wavers and breaks as she addresses you. 
“Detka, baby, you’re doing so good for me, love. You’ve done so good. I need you to hold on just a little bit longer, okay? Just a little longer. For Wanda. Please, baby. Need you to stay awake.” 
You blink your eyes open and muster enough strength to look up at her. 
“I’m so tired, Natty.” 
“I know, baby. I know, but I need you for just a little longer, okay?”
“I don’t know if I can, Natty.” 
Breathing hurts and blood is sticky. Your head once again droops forward.
“Please. Please, Y/N!” 
Natasha’s cries are suddenly drowned out by the door opening. You assume it’s Najma, because even in your drowsy state, you didn’t miss the fact that Natasha screamed your name. 
But then there’s an explosion and you’re able to open your eyes just enough to see swirls of scarlet red surrounding the room. You can’t hang on any longer, but you hope that Wanda and Natasha will forgive you as you finally let your eyes close all the way and your body slump forward in the metal chair you were tied to. 
The last thing you felt was Natasha’s hands on you, trying to wake you up, and the last thing you heard was Wanda’s agonizing screams.
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yelenasdiary · 5 months
It was like reader have a gambling problem but she hasn’t gambled for a long time so “she has it under control”. Tony invites her to a party and she kind of refuses but Tony convinces her to go and there is drugs and gambling there so she kind of relapses in both and her girlfriend hasn’t seen her the whole day because reader didn’t have time to contact her. She asks her sister(s) and they go looking for her just to find her there. Instead of being like mad they try to help her go away from the party and calm and stuff.
Now why didn’t I specify the sister and girlfriend. Because at first o think it was Wanda girlfriend and Nat and yelena the sisters. But if you want to make it yelena girlfriend and Wanda the sister it’s totally fine ☺️☺️
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff! x Romanoff! Reader
Summary: Tony begs you to come to a party in hopes your friendly charm get help get more donations. Little does he know; it wasn’t a great idea.
Angst, Super Light Fluff
Translations from Russian & Slovak: сестра (sister), dieťa (baby), Srdiečko (sweetheart)
Warnings: Gambling, Mentions of Drinking, Mentions of drugs & drug usage | 2.2K
AC: Thank you for sending this & I hope you enjoy! x Please note, I have no idea how poker works lmao so bear with me.
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Tony looked at you with begging eyes, he never begged anybody for anything, so you knew he must've really needed you to take one for the team. He was throwing another fundraiser party to help raise some money for the Stark Relief Foundation. Your girlfriend was out for the day getting some alone time like she usually does on a Saturday after a mission, Yelena was off seeing your parents, Melina & Alexei while Natasha, your biological sister, was due to come home from a mission. 
"I don't Tony, it's not really my scene" you said hoping he'd understand but how could he? You held a secret from the entire team besides your family and Wanda. It wasn't a big deal that not everybody knew but it was what worked for you. You've been clean for four years and it has been a really long, stressful and hard road to get to where you are today. 
When you escaped the Red Room, you were introduced to a whole different world. A world of hardcore drugs, alcohol and gambling. Those who you thought were your friends at the time quickly learnt that you had a natural talent for poker and used you to win big time, time and time again. In return they fed you drugs and alcohol, you didn't know any better. 
But when Natasha and Yelena finally tracked you down, they did everything in their power to help you get clean. You went to rehab, detoxed and still to this day attend meetings. You were free, once again but this time for real. Your sisters have been a huge part of helping you stay clean, same with your parents, but it's always been somewhat refreshing to have Wanda by your side too. She was there when the doors were closed and you couldn't sleep, when the urge to pick up the bottle after a mission was strong, when there was a birthday party and everybody else was drinking and Wanda stuck to drinking soda or water, so you weren't by yourself. 
She knew when things were getting too much and she was able to take you away from that, to give you a moment to breathe and remind yourself how hard you've worked to stay clean. So, when Tony was sitting before you, begging you to help raise money, you couldn't help but think of the environment you'd be in. 
"We really need this" he replied causing you to sigh, "Fine. But I'm only going for an hour" you said, setting yourself some boundaries. Surely, you'd be able to handle an hour. 
The first 30 minutes of the party was going smoothly, you avoided the bar and tried to ignore the smell of alcohol that floated through the room get to you. You spoke to guests while sipping on a class of orange juice, when people asked what you were drinking you lied and said OJ and vodka followed by a comment on how you weren't much of a drinker. 
Tony failed to tell you that there would be a poker table at the party. Once your eyes landed on it, your memories of all your past winnings game flooding back. Thor sat at the table drinking his Asgardian alcohol while making jokes with the other guests at the table. 
"Oh, Y/n, come join us! You seem like you have sense of good luck about you" The god called out. You smiled softly but shook your head as you walked over to the table, "I've never been good at poker" you replied with a friendly chuckle but the urge to join was becoming stronger. The chips in the middle of the table didn't help, you knew you could win big. 
"I'll teach you, take a seat!" Thor added just as Tony came up and took a seat at the table, "You in Y/n?" He looked up at you. Your heart skipped a beat, you knew you had to get out of there, but something came over you and you found yourself nodding and pulling out a seat. "Let's do this" you replied.
Before you knew it, an hour had passed by. You were winning, no doubt about that. You had taken Thor and Tony by surprise, making them more eager to try and beat you with each round. Lost in the moment, a glass of scotch had found its way into your hand. You'd worked out both Thor and Tony's poker faces which only helped you keep winning but eventually Thor pulled out giving you a pat on the shoulder, "you play a good game Y/n" he said friendly before walking away. 
Thor was soon replaced by a guest of the party, a younger gentlemen that had been watching you from afar. "I hope I'm not intruding" he smiled as he took a seat beside you, "but let's make this a little interesting" he added before throwing a small bag of coke into the middle of the table. 
"Oh, there's no need for that" Tony replied.
"No, no, let him play. If that's what he wants to bet, I'm sure that's all he's got" you looked up at Tony before shifting your eyes to the gentlemen beside you with a smug smirk on your lips. 
Yelena just got back to the compound to find a room full of strangers, music playing softly under all the chatter from the guest, she sighed and went upstairs to your room to see if you were around. "Yelena! You're back" Wanda greeted her with a warm smile, "I was just about to join the party, are you coming down?" she asked.
"Nooo, parties are not my place" Yelena replied with a light chuckle, "have you seen Y/n?" She asked. 
"No, I'd assume they went for a walk or something given Tony's party which I will be speaking to him about that" Wanda replied with a lightly unimpressed tone.
"Oh good, you're both here" Nat stormed down the hall making Yelena and Wanda turn around, "we have a little problem" Natasha added still in her widow suit. Wanda tilted her head while Yelena frowned with concern. "I'm going to fucking kill Tony" Nat commented before she turned around and started heading towards the party, followed my Yelena and Wanda.
The three stood from afar as they saw you sitting at the poker table, sipping on your drink and laughing along with Tony's terrible joke. By now it's been 4 hours since you entered the party, you'd been up and down talking to people, playing poker and doing a line of coke from your winnings. 
Natasha glared harshly at Tony until he looked up and noticed, "he's so dead!" Yelena added. Tony looked at you, "do you know what that's all about?" He asked, shifting his eyes back to your girlfriend and sisters standing by the door. You looked over your shoulder, "fuck" you mumbled to yourself as they began to walk over to you. 
"Y/n, let's go" Yelena spoke, Natasha b-lining straight for Tony. 
"You, get up now!" She spoke sternly. "What did I do?" Tony asked, standing up from the poker table as Natasha harshly grabbed his arm and walked him out of the party. Wanda picked up your glass and gave it a light sniff, confirming that it was what she dreaded. 
"Y/n, look at me" she spoke softly. You looked at her with a slight eye-roll. Wanda looked up at Yelena, "go get some water and meet us back in our room" she said. Yelena nodded and walked over to the bar, leaving you to answer to your girlfriend. 
"Wands, it's fine! I'm fine, it was just a little bit of fun" you explained hoping she wouldn't be disappointed. "It's not about that sweetheart, I need you to come upstairs with me, the party is over, okay?" she replied in her soft tone. She wasn't trying to pick a fight, not when she didn't know the whole story. You sighed heavily as you stood up from the poker table and followed Wanda out of the room. 
"I spoke to Tony, he said if he had of known they were clean, he would never have begged them to help with the party" Natasha said after entering your shared room with Wanda. 
"I mean, he has a point" Yelena replied, "maybe we do tell the others" She added. 
Natasha shook her head, "Y/n doesn't want that" 
"And look what happened" Wanda turned to Nat, "Y/n said that they said no but Tony begged and for the first 30 minutes or so, they did really well but it was Thor who pulled them towards the poker game. None of this would've happened if we were here, or better yet, if they knew what could've happened" she added just as you came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. 
"Don't do that" you said, "don't fight over my mistake. I was weak, I didn't listen to myself. I caved and now I have to start all over again, this is on me" you added looking between the three. 
"сестра, this isn't your fault" Nat replied, "there's a meeting in about half an hour, get dressed and I'll take you" she added. 
You sighed, "seriously? I don't need a meeting right now; I'll go to one in the morning" 
"The sooner we get you to a meeting, the sooner we get you back on track" 
"dieťa, Nat's right. You need to go to a meeting, I'll come too" Wanda chipped in as Natasha kept her eyes on you, "where is it?" she asked. 
"Where's what?" You asked with an irritated tone. 
"You know exactly what, where is it?" 
You rolled your eyes, "I flushed it" you replied, lying but your sister didn't buy it for a second and walked right into the bathroom. "Alright!" You sighed once more, "I'll go to a fucking meeting" you added. 
Wanda hated seeing you so worked up, she knew it was the relapse and you'd be thankful for this in the long run, but she couldn't help but feel worried for you. Yelena kept her distance in the moment, whenever you got worked up like this, Nat was always the one who was able to put you back in your place. 
"Yeah, you will be going to a meeting" Nat came out of the bathroom shaking her head, throwing the small now empty bag on the dresser. 
While Natasha took you to the city for a meeting, Wanda stayed back with Yelena. Nat suggested it might not be the best idea to have all three of them hovering over you and Wanda could hear the fearing thoughts that Yelena was having. 
"They'll be okay" Wanda said in comfort, "it's just a hiccup" she added.
"They were sober for so long and what? In less than an hour it's all ruined? You saw that bag; they're going to a meeting high right now" Yelena replied. 
"I know, but we have to give them some credit here, per pressure is a lot especially when they didn't know Y/n's past. If we were there, they would've been okay"
"But we weren't and now we have to watch them go through all this again" Yelena snapped, leaving the room to get some fresh air. 
Two days later and it was the late afternoon when you got out of bed, woken by your sister to get ready for your meeting with your sponsor. Your mind was slightly foggy as your body was getting rid of the drug in your system and you felt horrible for the relapse. 
"Hey, I made you a smoothie for your drive" Wanda smiled as you met Nat in the compound's kitchen. You smiled softly at her as you took the smoothie from her hand, "thank you baby" you replied. 
"You're ready?" Nat asked, you nodded, "Yeah, I'll meet you at the car? I just need to get my jacket" you said before taking a sip of your smoothie. "Don't be too long" Nat teased as she walked out of the room, you went to follow her but were stopped by Wanda's grip on your arm. "Srdiečko, are you sure you're okay?" she asked, her eyes full of worry. Your eyes dropped, "I let you down, I let Nat and Yelena down, I let myself down…I thought I was stronger" you replied. 
Wanda gently cupped your face, lifting your head up to look at her. She stroked your cheeks with her thumbs in a comforting way, "You are strong, stronger than you think. This is just a little bump in the road, okay? You're doing all the right things to get back to where you were, you're not the same person you were when you first started to get clean, you're stronger this time. I believe in you, we all do. We are going to get through this" she spoke in a warm, comforting tone. "I love you" she added before kissing you softly. 
"I love you too and I promise, I won't let this happen again" you said as she pulled away, still cupping your face. "How about tonight I cook your favourite and we have a picnic under the stars?" The woman offered, you smiled softly, "I'd love that" you said before kissing her once more.
"You better get going, don't want you to miss that meeting with your sponsor" Wanda smiled.
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Taglist:  @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @karmasgxrl | @milkeeteaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @mostlymarvelsstuff | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | 
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Natasha Romanoff Imagine part 1
Here to daydream about my favorite Person <3 have fun
1.Y/n calling Natasha , Natalia for the first time
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2.Y/n whispering, how cute she thinks , Nat looks with short hair
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3.Nat after Y/n told her she would not love her if she was a worm:
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4.Y/n trying to make Nat laugh at a boring mission:
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lives-in-midgard · 3 months
You're her entire world
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader (platonic)
Summary: You finally tell Yelena about your feelings for her.
Word Count: 1225
Request: Bucky telling Reader how obvious it is that Yelena likes them but Yelena is a little shy//nervous to say anything to reader so basically Bucky becomes the match maker? [See full request here]
Prompt 5: “Me and.… are just friends. You’re kidding, right? …. looks at you like you’re their entire world.”
A/N: Thank you for requesting this from my 1K celebration I hope you like it!!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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In the last few weeks, you and Yelena have become closer to each other. You spent a lot of time together and your crush on her grew because of that. She often visited you at the compound or you drove to her apartment. Spending time together also distracted you from worrying about Natasha and Bucky since they were both on a long and difficult mission. Even though you knew you didn’t have to worry about Bucky, you couldn’t help it because he’s your best friend. And Natasha is also one of the best assassins out there, probably even the best, but since Yelena is her sister, she can’t help it either.
So, for the past few weeks you’ve been watching movies or TV shows, visiting some places in New York that Yelena hasn’t seen yet and wanted to see, and when you found out that Yelena can only cook mac and cheese, you had to change that and asked if she would like to cook something with you. You had a lot of fun and Yelena started to really enjoy cooking with you. Yelena and you also really enjoyed being outside at night and watching the stars. Sometimes Yelena would fall asleep almost cuddling with you and resting her head on your chest. This also happened when you had movie nights together, and you loved when that happened.
You love hanging out with Yelena. You love everything about it. Her silly jokes, her sarcastic comments, her laughter, sitting close to each other and having a deep conversation late into the night.
The other Avengers who weren’t on a mission all noticed how close you were. Wanda always smiling at you both and Clint was also very happy that you were having fun together.
You were currently sitting on the couch in the living room at the compound and were discussing what you wanted to watch this time.
“So, what do you want to watch?” You asked as you opened Netflix.
“What would you suggest?” She asked shyly and you smiled at her.
“Hmm, let me think.” You said, looking at your movie watchlist you had on Netflix.
“What about this one? It’s called ‘Little Women’, and I really liked it the first time I saw it.”
“Okay, let’s watch that.” She said and you started to giggle.
“What?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe you should know that there is an actress in this movie who looks a lot like you.”
“Is that why you like this movie?” Yelena said, starting to blush.
“Maybe” You teased.
“Okay...umm, let’s just watch the movie.” Yelena said quietly and you started the movie.
After a while you sat very close to each other, and rested your head on her shoulder while you watched the movie. You were so distracted by the movie that you didn’t even hear the Quinjet land at the compound. You didn’t even notice the elevator door opening behind you.
“Hey you two.” You suddenly heard Natasha say. You both quickly moved away from each other and turned around. You started to smile when you saw Bucky standing there. You got up from the couch and ran to Bucky.
“I’m so glad you’re back safely.”
“I missed you.” Bucky said and wrapped his arms around you. As you hugged him, you heard Yelena walk towards Natasha.
“You’re back sestra! “Yelena said and hugged Natasha.
You decided to let them take a shower, while you finished the movie. After you all had dinner together, Bucky and Natsha told the others about the successful mission. Then Steve suggested to watch a movie. After the movie ended, you went to your room. You had only been there a few minutes when you heard a knock on your door.
“Come in.” You said and Bucky opened the door.
“Hey.” He said with a smile.
“Hey, Buck.” You said, walking up to him with a smile.
“I thought I’d come to you to hear what I missed while I was away.”
“Sure, come on, let’s sit down.” You said and walked over to your bed. Bucky sat down next to you, and you smiled at him.
“So, what do you want to know?”
“Isn’t there something you want to tell me?”
“I don’t know what you mean, Buck?” You said and Bucky chuckled.
“When were you going to tell me that you and Yelena are finally a couple?” Bucky said and you were confused now.
“What no me and Yelena are just friends.”
“You’re kidding right?” Bucky said and you just shook your head, not knowing what to say.
“Yelena looks at you like you’re her entire world.”
“What?” You said nervously.
“It’s so obvious that Yelena likes you too. The way she looks at you tells everything.”
“Are you sure, Buck?”
“Definitely.” You smiled and started telling Bucky everything he missed and how you and Yelena became so close.
“Please promise me that you will tell Yelena about your feelings for her.”
“Okay, I promise, but I don’t know how.”
“Just tell her how you feel and what she means to you.”
“Thanks, Buck. You’re the best.” Bucky started to smile and pulled you closer with his metal arm. You talked for a few more minutes when Bucky decided to look for Steve.
Three days have passed since Bucky and Natasha returned from the mission. You were watching a movie with Bucky, Steve, Natasha, Wanda and Yelena. After the movie ended you talked for a few more minutes until Bucky suddenly said.
“I think I’m heading to my room, I’m already tired.” He said and looked at Steve.
“Yeah, me too.”
“Okay, goodnight, Grandpas.” Natasha said, making the others laugh while Bucky and Steve looked at her annoyed. Before Bucky left the room, he winked at you. Natasha and Wanda stayed for a few minutes and then decided to leave as well. So, now you were alone with Yelena.
“Do you want to watch something?” She asked and you nodded, but then had to think about what Bucky had said. Now was the opportunity to tell Yelena.
“Well, actually there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while.”
“Of course, go for it.” She said but sounded a little nervous.
“Well, how do I start…” You took a deep breath and Yelena smiled softly at you.
“Yelena, I like you a lot and not just as a friend. My day always gets better when I see you…you mean so much to me.”
“Oh, Y/n, I can’t believe you’re saying that because I feel the same way about you.” She said, making you smile.
“Yeah, I was just too shy to tell you and wasn’t sure if you feel the same way, especially because of my past.” Yelena said, looking away for a second, but then back at you.
“Hey, I know you’ve been through a lot and that doesn’t change anything. I love you for who you are.”
“Thank you for saying that, it means so much to me.”
“So, what are we doing on our first date?” You asked and her smile started to grow, and she spoke, “I think I already have an idea.”
You were so glad that Yelena feels the same way and you can’t wait to see what idea she has for your first date.
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@marvelogic | @yelenasdiary | @youralphawolf72 | @buckys-wintersoldier
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lo5o · 11 months
Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff working together on the Skrull invasion
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(of course they ended up saving the earth and no one has to die because our girls are awesome)
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unknownimagineblog · 2 years
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Just Say It // N.R
Warning(s): cursing, brief mentions of blood & gore, angst w/ a happy ending, long post
You were an anomaly to the team, mostly when it pertained to your abilities and their usage.
When working, rarely was it around the rest of the group. Rather, you’d be sent in after missions for reasons undisclosed to them, or sent alone altogether. If you were along with the team for a mission, it was hard to even entice you to speak.
The team wasn’t complaining about your presence tho, they were rather relieved you’d been around most of the time. Your proficiency in hand to hand combat rivaled that of Natasha’s, so you weren’t a hinderance to their mission, wether with them or away.
But another issue that cloaked you in mystery, was the fact you didn’t live at the compound like the rest of them, and rarely showed to any functions, events, or parties. Tony always extended an olive branch, yet you always denied him with a soft shake of your head.
Somehow, throughout your silent treatment, you got along well with two members of the team in particular.
Wanda was one of them, if outwardly appearance showed correctly. Anytime you were around, whether it be pre-mission planning or taking up space in the common room, you had always had an affliction to Wanda.
You’d sit down next to her with the warm smile you seemed to always bare, and she’d go on to tell you her activities that had transpired the past week. Sometimes she’d discuss her interests, and tried to prod at your own, but you only brushed her off with a wave of your hand.
Next was Natasha, although you were not as friendly to her as much as you were with Wanda. You’d always spar with her, and somehow give her a worthy opponent every time. With your soft smile, and kind eyes, you always lifted her off the mat after putting her on her ass.
And when you both weren’t sparring, you’d sit across the couch from her as she rewatched some spy movie for the millionth time. You never spoke up, and you never ruined the silence that always seemed to befall you both. In the beginning, Natasha felt uncomfortable about your silent presence, but now it had grown to be a constant. The movies never felt the same without you.
It made her wonder what Clint found so terrifying about you.
Clint always paled in your presence, and outright refused missions when you were involved. He’d go so far as to make his exit known whenever you arrived in the same room, and you looked almost sad to see him leave every time.
Natasha asked about it one night, turning the volume down on the TV in hopes that, maybe, you’d speak to her this one time. But you only shook your head, and the apologetic smile upon your face didn’t meet your eyes. You looked sad, and Natasha swore she watched tears well up in your eyes. She felt bad for even asking.
You had been scarce around the compound after that, much more than you were before. You did not linger after missions, and you no longer trained with the team. You’d give them a smile that never reached your eyes, then made your leave every time you had come into contact with them.
The next time Natasha had been around you was relieving, but questionable, considering the rather classified mission Fury had conscripted you both to do.
You both sat in the briefing room, minus the rest of the team, as Director Fury discussed your next mission. It was a recovery mission of a rather dangerous asset, and Fury was adamant on the retrieval of said asset be as easy as possible.
Quirking a brow in Natasha’s direction, Fury seemed to pick up on the question that hid within your gaze.
“She’s only a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of yourself, and the asset.” He said, and you were quick to push yourself from your chair. The stony glare on your face showed that you were not happy with this idea, and Natasha felt offended at the change in your demeanor.
“I know you work alone.” Fury said, not daunted by your uncharacteristic outburst. “But I assure you, she’s there if anything goes south. If the asset steps out of line in anyway, she will prioritize your safety over anything else.”
Fury seemed to turn to Natasha in a silent plea for support, but you were having none of it.
I do not need a guard dog. You signed aggressively, and Natasha was almost shocked to see you communicate with anyone so openly. You’d never signed to the team, and hadn’t even shown any indication that you even knew how.
Another issue came with the fact Natasha had no idea what you were signing to Fury. She had a basic knowledge of sign from what Clint had taught her, but nothing as advanced as you were using.
She almost felt left out of this squabble between you, and the Director.
“She will wear ear plugs throughout the duration of the mission.” Fury said, rubbing his temples to show his growing frustration. “Does that make you happy?”
You aggressively pushed the chair you had been occupying under the table, before slamming the door of the briefing room as you walked out.
“Is she that upset that I’m joining her on the mission?” Natasha spoke up a few moments after they had both been staring at the door in silence.
Fury sighed.
“If she was that upset about you joining her, she would’ve said it.” He said, before pointing toward the door. “Now go get your shit ready for the mission, you’re leaving now.”
The entire ride to the extraction point of the asset was silent, and you barely even acknowledged Natasha’s presence besides a few glances from the corner of your eye.
You were obviously upset from the way you kept sighing every time you looked at her, or the hunched way you sat in the copilot seat on the quinjet.
Natasha desperately wanted to discuss what happened in the briefing room, but the ear plugs within her ears caused every sound around her to be silent. Not even the quinjet could be heard, and it was almost unnerving.
She knew better than to question Fury on a precaution like ear protection, but it still left her with questions. What was so worth losing one of her greatest senses for? Why did you not have to wear them?
Finally, the jet landed in an open lot with various warehouses lining the perimeter.
Seemingly knowing the exact one the asset was within, you waved Natasha in the direction you had began walking toward. She followed at a slower pace, allowing herself to gain situational awareness with her vision, rather than relying on her hearing, or lack thereof.
Approaching the warehouse, Natasha noticed blood covering almost the entirety of the concrete floor and littered with corpses. She recognized the uniforms upon the mutilated bodies, and realized they were belonging to SHEILD agents.
Her hand moved to the gun holstered upon her thigh, but you caught her wrist to stop her. You shook your head, before trudging deeper in the darkness of the warehouse.
As both your eyes adjusted to the lack of light, there was a girl standing alone among the bodies. Like a grotesque centerpiece to the carnage.
The girl noticed your presence but before she could advance on your position, you opened your mouth to speak, causing the girl to stop in her tracks.
Natasha could not hear a single word coming from your mouth, and couldn’t exactly read your lips from standing next to you, but she knew you were speaking. It was daunting to see such a thing, and it seemed so out of character.
What the hell was going on?
You approached the girl, and when Natasha moved to follow, your jutted out your palm as an indication for her to stay behind. She felt uneasy about it, but listened to your instruction.
You continued to speak to the girl as you approached, if your jaw moving was any indication as Natasha was forced to stare at your back.
Minutes ticked by that felt like hours as your approached the mutant girl, and once you were within arms reach of her, the girl seemed to collapse into your arms. You hoisted up her unconscious form easily, and began to make your way back to the jet.
Even as Natasha piloted the quinjet back to the compound, the uneasy feeling had yet to leave her gut.
Upon returning, the recovered mutant asset was met with armored SHEILD agents anticipating her arrival. They took her unconscious body from your grasp before restraining her in a multitude of ways, and you watched from the jet as the carted her away.
Once the asset was out of sight with her cavalry of agents, Natasha was quick to rip the plugs from her ears. You turned to her with that warm smile upon your face again, but it fell the moment you noticed how tense she had become.
“What the hell was that?” Natasha said, and you seemed bewildered as you held up your hands in silent defense. She quickly slapped your hands down. “Don’t give me that, I know you can speak.”
You took a defensive step back, and your eyes glanced toward the door into the compound. The cogs of your brain started to turn, and Natasha noticed you were thinking of making a break for it. She then took a step to the left, ultimately blocking your exit.
You glared at her.
“Are you not going to answer me?” Natasha said, her tone still aggressive. She realized frustration began to tense at your muscles too, and she decided to see how far she could push this until your resolve for silence finally broke.
“Why is that murderous girl so worthy of you to speak to her, but not even the team? Not even me?” She spoke. Your frustrated glare turned questionable when you had realized her words, until you remembered you were upset with her sudden outburst, and your gaze became hostile again.
Your eyes were still glancing toward the door, calculating your possible escape even as she grew more aggressive toward you. Natasha realized she was going to have to push your frustration harder as she stepped into your personal space, practically chest to chest with you now.
“Seriously?” Natasha scoffed. She noticed the muscles of your jaw begin to tighten, but you made no effort to regain your personal space. Your eyes screwed shut, and you refused to even look at her anymore as she continued to assault you with questions.
“Did you think I was just going to let this go?” Natasha continued to chastise you, and you shook your head as your eyes remained shut. “Why have you never spoke to us?”
Your lips twitched, and Natasha froze as she watched you. She was hoping to hear you say something, but realized she had pressed you too far the moment she noticed the tears slipping down your cheeks.
Using her shoulder to shove her away, you retreated toward the doorway as you aggressively wiped the tears from your eyes.
Natasha watched the door slam shut behind you once again, and she felt guilt replace that uneasy feeling inside her. She realizes now she shouldn’t have chastised you as hard as she did, considering your desperation to even try to speak to her.
Then, without a sound Clint approached from behind her as she watched your retreat.
“She’s as silent as ever, I see.” Clint said, with a slight resentment in his tone, and his sudden presence caused Natasha to jump. He glanced her over, with a question on his brow. “She mess’ you up that bad?”
“What is that suppose to mean?” Natasha said, but Clint didn’t fail to notice her grow defensive once again.
“You mean to tell me she didn’t speak to you?” He asked, and now Natasha was growing confused all over again. “That’s not what that whole ordeal was about?”
“Great. Now you’re both being cryptic.” Natasha sighed, with a roll of her eyes. She shook her head, before sighing. “Why do you even despise her so much?”
“I don’t despise her.” Clint said, in a matter of fact tone that furthered Natasha’s sour mood. “I actually owe her our friendship, but it cost the friendship I had with her.”
“If you’re going to keep speaking in riddles, you might as well just shut up.”
“Natasha, I was going to kill you.” Clint said, with a heavy sigh as if the weight of that mission still sat upon his shoulders. “She’s the reason I didn’t release the arrow.”
He remembered the mission briefing, and how hesitant you had been to even participate in such an endeavor. Clint could see it on your face, especially when you glanced his way to see if he agreed with your uncertainties.
“Clint will deliver the killing blow.” Fury spoke, and you cringed at the idea. You were always the passive one in the friendship between you, and Clint. “And if he somehow misses-”
You raised a hand to stop Fury’s tangent, already knowing where it was going to go.
Even after the briefing was over you remained behind in silence, even as Fury had vacated the room. Clint stared at you in silence, and you could feel his gaze burning into the side of your face.
“You don’t think we should do it.” Clint’s voice filled the air, and you sighed even hearing such words spoke aloud.
This is not right. You signed, and it was his turn to sigh.
“She’s dangerous.”
She’s a victim.
“We don’t know her intentions.”
Why not help her?
“Let’s just go, perform the mission, and leave it behind us.” He groaned, and rubbed his hand across his face. “That’s all we can do.”
Weeks passed from such conversation between you, and your closest friend. And now, you both sat atop a roof within a city you couldn’t pronounce to track the target you had been searching for.
She had only moved below the cover of night, and her head swiveled around herself as she walked through the alleyway. Clint pulled the string of his bow taught as he trained his aim upon her back, he released a steady breath in preparation to release the arrow.
That was, until you spoke up.
“Don’t shoot.” You said calmly, barely loud enough for him to hear you.
Clint’s body began to tingle with a warm feeling prickling at his skin, opposing the harsh cold air of the night upon the rooftop. He turned toward you with an absolute look of betrayal upon his face.
His body worked against every plea he had to complete the mission assigned to both of you, to release the arrow within his hand. But rather, Clint replaced the arrow within his quiver.
“Stop!” Clint plead, but his body made no effort to oppose your words. “She’s dangerous, we can’t allow her to live.”
“Look at her.” You said, and his head snapped in her direction. “She’s not much different from a scared kid.”
“More like a cornered animal.”
“Either way, I think she’d be a good agent for SHIELD.” You said, and he grit his teeth at the words he knew were about to leave your mouth. With a look of sympathy, you spoke again. “Go recruit her.”
Clint grit his teeth in attempted defiance, before his body forced himself to perform your words. You watched as he approached the red headed woman in the alleyway below, before turning away to make your way toward the extraction point.
You were happy to see Clint arrive awhile after you, with the red head in tow.
During the debrief of the mission, Fury was beyond furious with both of your performances during the mission, although you took all the blame. You had betrayed Clint’s trust, and had gone off mission with an unauthorized use of your power against a fellow agent.
You were lucky that the only thing destroyed after the mission was your close friendship with Clint, considering Fury had half a mind to toss you into a super human prison for your insubordination. The only thing riding on your freedom was the possibility that Natasha might become a true asset to SHIELD.
“If you betrayed the agency, she was going to be sent to a maximum security prison for life.” Clint said in summary of his story, with a heavy sigh. “She risked everything.”
Natasha shook her head, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the story shared. “Why’d you listen if you were so adamant on killing me?”
“You don’t get it do you?” Clint said, with confusion creasing his brow. “She has the power of absolute suggestion. Everything she says has to be enacted out by anyone who hears, no matter the circumstance.”
Everything that conspired had suddenly began to make more, and more sense. Like your oath of silence, and Fury mentioning you would’ve said that you didn’t want Natasha to join you.
Suddenly, an overwhelming urge to chase after you flooded within Natasha. She quickly apologized to Clint, before rushing through the door she saw you escape to only awhile ago.
“Where is she?” Natasha asked the few teammates within the common room. Wanda hadn’t even looked up from the book in her lap, but rather just lifted a hand to point down the hallway behind her. She could hear Natasha’s rushed footsteps fade as she continued to chase after you.
Finally, Natasha was able to see your retreating form down the hallway, and her steps began to pick up.
“Wait!” She called out to you, fearing that you were once again going to run away from the questions, from the team, from her.
Much to her surprise, you stopped before turning her way. There were still tear tracks stained across your cheeks, and Natasha suddenly felt overwhelmingly guilty. You had risked everything to allow Natasha to be here, a part of the greatest team of superheroes to exist, and as payment she had left you crying.
Rather than speaking, Natasha simply rushed forward to wrap you within a hug. You seemed overwhelmed by the sudden display of affection from the usually bristly assassin, and wondered just where this uncharacteristic outburst had come from.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled into your shoulder, and she felt you tense under her grasp. Pulling away, Natasha placed her hands upon our cheeks to wipe away the aftermath of your crying.
You continued to stare at her in confusion, before shaking your head as much as you were able as a silent way to tell her don’t be.
“I am.” Natasha pleaded with you. She felt tears prick at her eyes, as the feelings bubbling within her began to grow overwhelming. Leaning forward, she placed her forehead against your own as she closed her eyes.
“You we’re the only person who believed in me, who thought I deserved a second chance.” Natasha said, her voice wavering as she willed herself not to sob. “You risked everything, and looking back, even I think that was a stupid decision! I was a loaded gun just waiting for the perfect opportunity to go off, and we both would’ve faced the consequences of those actions.”
You looked at her, and if she opened her eyes, she’d see the soft smile that sat upon your face. You had begun crying with her, and she continued to rant about you.
“Why?” She asked you before a sob ripped through her chest. “What made you look at me, and think I deserved mercy? I was cold blooded, and ruthless.”
Rather than waiting for her to finish her rant, you silenced her yourself as you leaned against her to place a gentle kiss upon her lips. You sighed into the kiss, and you felt her tension melt into you.
Pulling away from you, she shook her head as fresh tears began to fall down her cheeks. You reached up to wipe them away, before tucking a stray red lock behind her ear.
“Because I love you, Natasha Romanoff.”
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 15 days
Can we just talk about how Natasha was for once actually afraid of her opponent and what they were capable of, and did kinda get her ass handed to her in the fight with him, and she still defended a group of trafficked women will her entire being.
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no1islost · 2 years
I had to stop scrolling on the tiktok because every other post was a sad edit of tomorrow being Natasha’s last birthday because she dies in the 2023 mcu. And they all are set to that damn sad Taylor Swift song. I’ma need y’all to stop for the sake of my sanity. Pretending I don’t see.
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okletsgetnuts · 5 months
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jamestasha · 5 months
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Natasha protecting an orphaned boy in Secret Avengers (2010) (Issues #24, #25, #29, #31 , #36 and #37)
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mothman-can-write · 6 months
Oh god. Oh god help I'm thinking about maria surviving the shot in SI. I'm thinking about Maria surviving and ending up with a stomach scar just like a certain agent that she may or may not have fallen in love with. I'm thinking about her trying to get through life when she only ever sees Natasha reflected in her own body, when she never got to bury Natasha's. I'm thinking about matching scars lifetimes apart that they'll never be able to compare, pain and discomfort that she'll never be able to get tips on how to deal with even though she was there for Natasha's. She could ask someone else, but it wouldn't be the same. It's never been the same.
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Are you mocking me?
Y/n doing tiktok live
Y/n: Oh hey, we have Natasha here. Hey Nat, wanna say hi to your fans?
Nat: Wanna say hi to your fans? 
Y/n: Yeah, come on.
Nat: Yeah, come on.
Y/n: Are you mocking me?
Nat: Are you mocking me? 
Y/n: Cut it off. This is live.
Nat: Cut it off. This is live. 
Y/n: People are watching for God sake!
Nat: People are watching for God sake!
Y/n: Fine! I’m cute.
Nat: Damn right you are, babe. :) 
Y/n: ...
Nat: ...
Fans: *going crazy*
Y/n: *end live*
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
If you weren’t planing on writing it (and as your request are still open I’m going to take advantage of that sorry) can you write your idea of reader being Peggy and dottie daughter and dating Nat but mostly dottie gets overprotective?
Meet The Carters
Pairing: Peggy Carter x Daughter! Reader, Dottie Underwood x Daughter! Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader || High School AU.
Summary: When your mother, Peggy, discovers you have a girlfriend, she asks you to bring her to dinner. When your other mother, Dottie, lays eyes on the girl you've been dating, things take a turn.
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Red Room, Overprotective Parent?? Slight Mention of Child Abuse (reader being abandoned and malnourished), Nat is 17, Reader is 16 | K
AC: I finally got around to writing this! At first, I was writing it as a drabble but I got carried away and now it’s a full fic lmao! I hope you enjoy! x
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You were unpacking your study books from your backpack when your mother knocked on the door, chewing on an apple slice, she smiled softly at you. 
"Who was that you were hugging just now?" She asked in her thick British accent as she leaned against the door frame. Your cheeks felt warm as you turned to face your mother. "Just a friend" you replied. 
You've been dating Natasha for a few months now, it was still rather new and not a lot people knew, just a few friends. Natasha is a year older than you and you weren't too sure how your mothers would react to the small age gap or how they would react to you dating in general. 
"Oh, come on sweetie, I know a friendly hug when I see one and that wasn't one" you Peggy tease as she took a seat at the end of your bed and watched as you set your homework on your desk ready to tackle after an afternoon snack. 
"Were you spying on me?" You asked with a cocked brow. Your mother chuckled, "I'm afraid that noticing things is a huge part of my job that now just comes naturally outside of work. So, come on, who is she?" 
You couldn't help the growing smile that took over your face, you took a seat next to your mother. She was always the one you got along with a little better. You loved Dottie but sometimes you felt she was a little harder to connect with than Peggy. "Her name is Natasha" you answered, blushing more than you wanted to show. 
"Natasha" Peggy repeated, "How about you invite her to dinner tonight, we'll have pizza and a movie. I want to meet this girl who's making you turn redder than tomato" she added. Playfully, you rolled your eyes but agreed to ask her. 
When Dottie came home from work, she hugged you tightly as if it would be the last time she would hug you but you didn't think too much of it and asked how her day was. 
"It was, well, work. How was your day?" she replied. She never spoke about her job or what she did. In fact, you never knew what she did for a living, you once asked when you were around six years old, and she told you she as like mommy and helps take the bad guys off the streets, but her job was super-secret and only mommy knew about it. You never asked her about it again after that.
You were only a year old when Peggy found you abandoned in a dark alley way. She took you to the hospital and called child services, she stayed by your side the entire time you were in the hospital. You were malnourished and very underweight for a baby of your age. When the time came for you to be released from hospital and into the care of child services, Peggy couldn't bare somebody else taking care of you and that's how Peggy became your mother. You were two years old when Dottie and Peggy got married and now you have two mothers. 
"Oh you know, school is, well, school" you replied to tease.
"Very funny" Dottie cocked a brow, "why has mom got the dinner table set?" She asked when she noticed the table was set for four instead of three. You sat down on the sofa and picked up the television remote before working up the nerve to tell her who was coming over. "Uhm, well, my girlfriend is joining us for dinner tonight, it was mom's idea" you replied quickly turning the TV on. 
"Girlfriend? Since when?" Dottie frowned. You chewed your bottom lip, "Since four months ago" you kept your eyes on the TV only to be saved by Peggy just before Dottie could ask anymore questions. 
"Honey, your home!" She smiled, placing a kiss on her wife's lips. 
"Who is this girlfriend that is coming over?" Dottie asked before Peggy dragged her into the kitchen. You couldn't hear much but little whispers here and there. You knew that Peggy was telling Dottie not to overreact and that there would be a time when you would bring somebody home to meet them. 
You tried to listen more but a knock at the door made your stomach flutter with nerves as you got up to answer it. Natasha smiled softly in her leather jacket, jeans, and black tee. "I hope I'm not late" she spoke. You shook your head, "early actually, the pizza hasn't arrived yet" you smiled as you invited her in.
"Just a heads up, Peggy is excited to meet you and Dottie, well, I'm not too sure how she feels. She just found out a moment ago that I had a girlfriend" you rambled. Natasha placed a kiss on your cheek, "it'll be okay" she whispered. 
Your mothers came out of the kitchen, Peggy smiled instantly while Dottie's eyes widened. You didn't want to say anything, but it disappointed you that she wasn't even ready to give Natasha a chance to show how amazing she was. 
"You must be Natasha, it's lovely to meet you" Peggy greeted your girlfriend. 
"Y/n didn't mention you were English" Natasha replied, lying of course. 
"Oh, yes. England born and raised" your mother smiled once more, "this is my wife, Dottie. Don't mind her, she's had long day at work" she added as Dottie stepped forward to shake Nat's hand. She noticed the look of worry on your face and for your sake gave the red head a soft smile, "it's lovely to meet you" Dottie said. 
"Thank you both for having me over tonight, it's a pleasure to meet you both" Natasha replied. 
You and Natasha sat across from your parents while the four of you chatted and ate pizza, neither one of your mothers were great cooks so you were glad it was take-away night for Natasha's sake. 
"You mentioned you moved to Ohio, where were you before that?" Dottie asked. If looks could kill, Natasha would've been dead the moment your mother laid eyes on her. During the entire dinner you noticed that your mother was very focused on Natasha while Peggy was more laid back and enjoyed your girlfriend's company. 
"I was actually born in Russia and my family moved to Ohio because of my father's work" Natasha replied, keeping strong eye contact with your mother who didn't seem to relax. 
"Well, Y/n didn't mention you were Russian!" Peggy commented with a chuckle as she referenced Natasha's first comment to her earlier in the night. Natasha chuckled, "Russian born and raised, kinda" she replied. Dottie excused herself from the table, using the excuse to use the bathroom but you knew it was just a way for her to leave the room. You followed after her, Peggy taking a deep breath and offered that her and Nat go outside and enjoy some fresh air. 
"What is your problem mom?" You asked, following Dottie into your parent's bedroom. She turned to you and shook her head, "She needs to leave and you're not to see her again. Do you understand me?" she said sternly. You closed the door behind you to prevent Natasha from hearing anything that left your mother's lips. 
"No, I don't understand! You've known her for a few hours, and you haven't even tried to give her a chance!" You snapped. 
"I don't need too; I know this is hard for you to understand but this is for your safety"
"My safety?! Natasha isn't some criminal you and mom need to take off the streets!" You frowned. 
"She's worse that that! She's exactly the type of person I don't want my daughter around!" Dottie snapped; you've never heard this tone from her before. Her eyes were full of worry which took you back, your mother had never looked at you with so much fear before. "What is it mom?" You asked in a calmer tone. Dottie shook her head, "you need to ask her to leave, and you can't see her again, I need you to trust me" she repeated. 
"No, if you want Natasha to leave, you ask her" you replied before leaving the room to join Natasha and Peggy outside. "Everything okay love?" Natasha asked, placing a hand on your hip while she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "Yeah" you sighed, "can we go get some ice cream or something? I don't want to be here right now" you added. 
"Honey, your mom just needs a little time to get used to that fact you're growing up" Peggy inserted herself. 
"No mom, she didn't even give Natasha a chance and you know it!" You looked over at your mom with tears of frustration filling your eyes. "I think I know what this is about" Natasha replied softly, "let me go talk to her" she added, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
"Don't say another word" Dottie's voice made you turn to the back door where she stood. 
"Dottie!" Peggy snapped, "Leave it alone" she added. Your mother's words made you frown, "no, why can't Nat say anything? What is going on?" You demanded answers. 
"I'm not going to lie to her, Dottie, you might but I won't" Natasha looked at your mother before turning to you, "Your mother and I have the same job, it's not even a job. We don't get paid. We're trained at a place called the Red Ro-"
"Natasha!" Dottie interrupted with a stern tone while her eyes burned into Natasha's. "Can I have a word?" She asked. Natasha nodded and followed your mom into the living room while Peggy did her best to keep you from following them. 
"I hoped this day wouldn't come so soon" your mom started. 
"What do you mean mom? Please, can you just tell me what's going on?" you asked with arms crossed over your chest. Peggy sat down on one of the outdoor chairs on the porch, she patted the seat next to her and you took a seat beside her. "Your mom used to work for an organisation called Red Room. I've been working endlessly to try and find the location of this place but it's almost impossible. They take girls, from the street, pay for them and brainwash them. Your mother was trained to kill people…" Your mother went on to explain. 
Tears streamed down your face by the time Peggy had finished explaining everything to you. Now you know everything and the reason why your mother never told you how work was because she's been trying to stay in the organizations good books to get back to head office to give Peggy the location. Natasha is what they call a widow, she's on a mission and being with you was never part of the plan. 
You went inside, not caring about what Nat and your mother were talking about, you walked by Natasha and hugged your mother tightly. She hugged you back just as tight before you let her free and turned to Nat, "so how about that ice cream?" You asked with a soft smile. Natasha read between the lines and nodded, "do you guys want to come?" You asked looking at both your mothers. 
"You know what, ice cream sounds really good right now" Dottie smiled softly, "Natasha, what do you drive?" She asked. 
"A motorcycle" Nat replied. Dottie looked to Peggy then back to Nat, "How about I drive us" she suggested. 
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