#but conquest however 👀👀
elegyofthemoon ¡ 2 years
lord give me the strength to not download and play fe awakening or fates again theres only so much i can handle with the little time i have and i dont need my brain to be losing attention enough as is
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atrueneutral ¡ 3 months
"Yes, Raphael had a very nice mouth.
Tav wondered what he thought of hers…"
Indeed. What did Raphael think of her's? 👀
[PART I] — “You seek the means to free Orpheus from his chains, do you not? There is no other way to achieve such a feat outside of what I own, and therefore the Orphic Hammer is your best option - I am your best option. Time is becoming scarce for you and your companions. The quaking of the earth is a tell-tale sign that the end draws near, and decisions must be made if you hope to claim victory over the tadpole burrowing in your brain. The illithid cannot be trusted - relying on such a self-serving and soulless abomination brings you closer to the edge of becoming a soulless abomination yourself! I would hate for that pretty face of yours to be hideously tentacled and saw toothed…”
There came a window of opportunity to openly appreciate said pretty face, and Raphael indulged in the moment. There was much to admire; his mouse made for a fine portrait, and he mentally lamented any unfortunate decisions that would lead to beauty’s erasure by way of a grotesque transformation.
He almost shivered in repulsion.
However, it was frustrating to note that, in the middle of what was becoming the most important pitch of his centuries-lived life, his little mouse did not look like she was paying attention. Her mind was elsewhere, and the forever-maddening glint in her eyes was partially dimmed as she took to watching the recitation that flowed from his mouth.
“Meanwhile, I am honest and can be trusted. I have proven myself to be a man, well, a devil of my word! There is truth to what I say, and though I have already made my intentions with the Crown clear, should it need repeating, I will not use the Crown to dominate a mortal. My conquest will remain in the Hells, and you and yours will have played your parts.”
He took a beat and pressed onwards. 
“And so, at the end, when you destroy the brain - and you will, because you must, the Crown will be yours for the taking. We will then meet, and you will give the Crown to me. In exchange, you shall have the key to your victory - the Orphic Hammer, which I will give to you the moment the contract is signed.”
At the end of his monologue, Raphael charmingly smiled at his mouse. Noticing she was slow on the draw, he raised a brow as irritation simmered; of the four in the audience, there was only one who mattered, and he was beginning to think he may as well have performed a soliloquy. 
Confusion flashed across her attractive, non-tentacled features, but her expression leveled out as the gleam returned to her eyes.
“How do I know I can really trust you?” asked his mouse.
“Oh, don’t get him going again! Let’s just get out of here, yeah? We’ll figure something else out - anything is better than this…” groaned a companion from behind their leader.
He ignored the lines of malcontent - his interest was piqued along with his ire; something was distracting his mouse at a time when there should be no distractions.
What was going on in that head of hers? He’d temporarily removed any possible interference from the illithid, and she did not enter his Den overtly bothered by anything…
He would call her out - warn her to be respectful of his time. This appointment was too important to be treated as less than! 
“Are you not paying attention, Little Mouse?”
“You claim to be trustworthy and yet you flipped the tables on Yurgir,” she easily replied. “You tricked him with your terms. How can I not expect the same?”
She was attempting to cover her tracks of inattentiveness, but she had been detected and caught!
“The wording of Yurgir’s contract was explicit and exact. The developments that occurred are an oversight of the orthon’s; he was shown the terms, he agreed to them and thusly signed. Is it trickery on my half or stupidity on his? But you are not so stupid, are you, my dear? At least, I don’t believe you to be stupid, even when weighed against the past folly of mortals–”
He continued with his diatribe on the intelligence of mortals, yet it alarmed him somewhat to see his mouse approaching him steadfastly with that blank and inattentive look on her face. He was unexpectedly made aware of his heart - of the beating that was quickening with each and every step of hers…
His mouse imparted herself into his personal space as she grabbed the collar of his doublet and–
HELLS, she was kissing him! His mouse’s warm, soft and supple lips - touching his! He could not say anything when seized by a kiss that was too gentle and too chaste for his liking, and, though he longed to react (claim her!), he could do nothing when both brain and body ceased in knowing how to function.
From beyond the roaring in his ears, her companions were expressing their displeasure. He would have joined them in chiding her for this impolite breach in manners and decorum - were he not reduced to being a damned silent statue!
She broke away whilst wearing a smugness that should have been his.
“I got the gist,” his mouse said. “I will need a day to think everything over but have duly taken your words into consideration. Thank you, Raphael.”
She turned and went for the door with her companions hurriedly chasing after.
When the door to the suite closed behind them, Raphael’s brow pinched as he ensnared his lower lip between his teeth and ran his tongue along its smooth surface. Her mouth had transferred a lingering sweetness to his lips - a fruit she must have eaten before their meeting…
Raphael growled to an empty room.
She’d provided him with the smallest taste, and his craving was not sated!
He needed more! He craved her lips, craved another kiss from her mouth that required teeth and tongue - he craved all of her!
She was becoming a source of weakness…
That she could stupify him with a kiss!
He needed to stop thinking about her! He wasted too much time thinking about her as it was… 
Yet she’d become an integral piece to his plans… and that mouth of hers…
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howyouloveyourdragon ¡ 2 years
What about yandere Daemon joining yandere Rhaenyra in being obsessed with half-sister!reader?
Would they marry her? (Aegon I had 2 wives)
oh 100%, i've written headcanons for this but let me know if you would like a fic once asks are reopened (probably sometime next week) because 👀
i've written this in the direction of this being similar to a sequel to my other Rhaenyra x half-sister asks
i don't think he would be attracted to her initially because he sees her plainly as Alicent's offspring and we all know how he feels about Alicent but he would still respect that Rhaenyra cares for you
i think Daemon x Rhaenyra's half-sister would be very much slow burn
he'll ignore you about the castle once Rhaenyra has you in her grasp but one day he's in the library and spots you reaching up to take down a book on Valyrian history. He frowns and studies the spine before regrettably deciding to approach
it is not often that he lets his desires go unheard of so he asks what you're reading so that he can be sure and when you answer he feels the slightest of intrigue nestle in his gut
he offers to teach you of his conquest of the stepstones and the second your eyes sparkle in interest he's fallen
it becomes a habit to join you in the library while Rhaenyra is off during her duties and even more of a habit to tease you greatly though if anyone so much as attempts to do so themselves, his sword is pressed to their neck quicker than they can draw next breath
he does not wish for you to see him in his violent tendencies but he does want you to see him protecting you and your honour
Rhaenyra will point blank refuse to draw bloodshed before you but Daemon enjoys a making a slow show of whomever disrespects you
Rhaenyra cannot lie and say that it doesn't bring a fond smile to her face when she sees you together in this newfound friendship but it does surprise her when friendship turns into desire before her very eyes.
She doesn't however remember when the feelings changed and neither can he
his eyes stared down at you one evening as you talked excitedly with Baela and Rhaena and suddenly he was imagining you caring for them as you do Jace, Luke and Joffrey, a twitch to his lip and he's down bad
the same night it happens he corners Rhaenyra in the hall but is shocked when she confronts him
Daemon will not deny it, he is a proud man and insist on discussion, pleasantly surprised when Rhaenyra offers a compromise between your affections – they share you
i think Rhaenyra would agree very enthusiastically to another Valyrian wedding ceremony, the more attention and protection her darling garners the better though you may be quite hesitant at first
despite it all Alicent is still your loving mother and you care for her and you know she is not fond of Daemon
too many changes at once might startle you
he would ease you into the idea but visiting you to the point of smothering and partaking his entertainment in your chambers
he won't have sex with you until you ask it of him but he will leave hints, he might dangle your desires in front of you before snatching them away with a promise of giving it to you tenfold in return for your hand in marriage
regardless, you will find yourself with two spouses and soon he refuses to leave your bed, complaining of his clingy arms
i think there might be some conflict between Rhaenyra and Daemon's methods of keeping you safe, while Rhaenyra will want to shelter you and especially during the war, Daemon will want you to see the pain your family is inflicting on your spouses
he is a lot more possessive than his other wife and impulsive too
he will act as though he is nonethewiser of your heritage in your presence but when Alicent or your siblings are present he will put on a show and keep you wrapped up in his arms with a smug grin
the blood of those who insult you have become a staple in his clothing, he will don it proudly
gift giving will be one method he uses to garner your attention though anything he gives you will have something distinctly Daemon about it, he needs you to think about him as much as he thinks about you
i think he would be very glad to gift you jewellery above other things because he will see it as staking his claim when you wear it
he won't hurt you but if the time comes for arguments he might be quite violent in throwing possessions
when it comes to bedchambers i think he would demand you all share whereas Rhaenyra would ask if you would prefer the privacy of separate (if you did take this offer it would hurt her dearly but she does not wish for you to feel trapped despite her displeasure when you are not within her sight)
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horizon-verizon ¡ 3 months
While B&C is objectively horrifying, I’ve honestly never once felt any emotion when reading it… but Aerea’s death, oh my god, I was completely engrossed and taken back by the hideous, stomach-turning and repugnant description of her death.
Aerea had to have had those fireworms crawl through her still-living body for days. Aerea's death was much more detailed, a lot more gory, and connects to one overarching and critical element, or "layer", of the ASoIaF series: the Targs' legacy with their dragons and the effect of the Valyrian's imperialism over Essos. Aerea's death brought a sense of doom because it alerted us and Jaehaerys of the Targs' vulnerability to forces that their own ancestors probably caused. And the account is very reliable, more so than most F&B accounts and certainly so for the Dance portion of the book. Its relater, Septon Barth, he's the one who tried to treat Aerea. And of all the "Faith-aligned professionals" we ever encountered in this world, he was the most dedicated to impartial study of the people and things around him. (Sincere about it, too, even though he does also factor in a few societal lens...because he still lives in Westeros and is still a septon.) So you know he was writing what he saw impartially.
Why do the Targs' relationship with their dragons & past AND their dragons' future matter? We (should) know and have read ASoIaF and read about Daenerys, how she becomes the Queen that she is meant to be to save the world. We have learned that something can hurt a dragon. We need dragons//fire for the Long Night & protect humanity. The Targs' assimilation into the Andal-FM pre-Conquest culture and subsequent refusal to better & truly incorporate their women into their politics--or just think outside of their own immediate needs for power, even with some being genuinely better people and leaders--have lead up to their own loss of said dragons, then their usurpation. It's a lead up to Daenerys in-world and re-contextualizes her role for the Long Night to come.
*However, reminder, yes the Targs' Conquest and reign still greatly reduced the thousands of years of constant warfare b/t the non Valyrian Westerosi former kingdoms. Two things, true at once.*
Whereas with Jaehaerys, the death served this one story to illustrate how far a specific group of people will go to destroy the other or get the other back for perceived/real wrongs done. Jaehaerys became a victim of a blood feud & another motive to keep that particular blood feud going. It's not even the first death, but a response to another's death done by the greens (Aemond), who decided to usurp the king-chosen heir, a woman, for their own ambitions. He is part of a succession of a drama. And while his 6 fingers generate some curiosity and inquiry as to what effects the magical connection to dragons have on disabilities/congenital conditions being more reduced--which Idk about, since the Westerosi have been marrying their cousins for centuries and most of the nobles we see aren't fugly nor have many congenital conditions to rival the Hapsburgs--this doesn't serve or inform us on the bigger story. Sad and tragic, but in terms of the scales of consequences, it had a simpler effect.
Ironically, he has less narrative importance than Nettles or Mysaria, whom some Rhaenyra & black stans try to argue was "just a plot device" 🙄 to use against Rhaenyra. Both within and out of Fire & Blood. Then there's the business of green stans being so overwrought & talkative over his death than the:
sack of Bitterbridge & rapes/murders (of refugees, of children, septas, old people, etc.)
sack of of Tumbleton & rapes/murders
Dalton Greyjoy's raping women and killing innocent peasants,
It is perhaps all of these that make Aerea's death seem both more harrowing and "important" than Jaehaerys'. Aerea's death is more shrouded in mystery, Jaehaerys' is not. Her death has a larger narrative purpose compared to his.
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broodwolf221 ¡ 11 days
I’d love to hear about solythal 👀👀👀👀
ough yes this one. so it was actually one of the earliest prompts i got for dadwc, but it's also based around a very complex subject that i want to handle well and also just... sort of kept growing lmao.
arlathan era, solas as mythal's chosen, but encouraged to speak honestly with her. still careful about it, given his position and goals, but also trying to reach her. and he cares about her so, so much. finds his way into desire for the first time with her.
but things happen and their relationship ends up with a deep grief that forces them apart, a broken bridge they can't repair. they'll always be close, always be a part of each other, but never again together, never all they might have been
and an excerpt just bc. cws for canon-typical discussions of slavery.
“I see a beautiful city,” he said slowly, “that has been bought with blood.” He glanced sidelong at her to mark her reaction, but there was none. Her silence was a subtle invitation to continue. “I see it ruled by a powerful elite, determined to hold their position. But I also see other ways that power could be spent. I see potential for beauty to not be bloody, for rule to not be conquest, and for difference to not be division.”
“Many would call that naive,” she pointed out. “Or treasonous.” He drew in a slow breath, exhaling it steadily. Although she did not sound angry, he had to wonder if he’d overstepped.
“What would you call it, my lady?” He did not look towards her, but through his periphery noted the faint smile that curled across her lips.
“Charmingly idealistic.” The answer was simple, her voice even, and it was no great challenge to avoid reacting—he was used to her dismissing him, to the way she questioned and then brushed off anything she didn’t care for. However, as she turned to face him he wondered if tonight might be different, somehow. “Or perhaps just charming.” That, he had to work to not react to. It was not the first time she had given him some kind of compliment, but it was by far the most direct, and the only one that had not contained some edge of contempt. “You fascinate me, Solas. The twists and turns of your mind. The way you bristle at our empire. The horror in your eyes when you look at the slaves.” He had grown very stiff, appalled to realize how much had been visible. He had done his utmost to contain his reactions, and yet... “Why do you care so much about them?”
“I care about all people, All-Mother,” he said softly, not meeting her eyes despite the weight of her gaze on him. He flinched slightly when she raised her hand, and did not settle as she drew the back of her fingers across his cheeks. The gentleness was more puzzling than a strike would have been.
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spare some hcs for your immortal roommates au to share with the class? 🤲
It would be my pleasure, anon.
As mentioned previously, I think Lilith and Ava met during Rome's conquest of Gaul, some 50 years BCE, and their first "home" together was a cave in the Argonne. Lilith was either newly or recently turned into a vampire, and she stumbled into the cave to escape the sun, only to find Ava already there. Tensions were high at first, but Lilith couldn't leave because there was no other reliable cover within a day's walk. Oh she looked, high and low, but always had to run back to Ava's cave before each morning.
Vampires in this setting start out weak and get stronger over time, so Lilith would have been only a little stronger/faster than a normal human at this time, and very vulnerable to sunlight. Ava helps her stay sane and fed, and this is how their arrangement begins.
Lilith has probably kept her name for her entire life, but Ava? Who knows? The name Ava seems to have roots in a few different places. So, a name of uncertain origin for a girl of uncertain origin.
Ava already had some years on her by the time they met. If asked about how she became immortal, she'll either make something up or claim she doesn't remember, which isn't entirely true. I think it was the result of a freak magical accident, the result perhaps of touching a source of magic older and wilder than humanity itself. Maybe this magic is something Ava can still touch, but she doesn’t (👀).
After they leave the cave, they really go everywhere: Ireland, Norway, Siberia, Byzantium. They bunk with Silk Road caravans and Danes sailing the rivers of England. They have boxes of relics saved from all their travels that would make museum curators salivate.
By the 2020s, they've been most places at least once, but time changes so much that each one feels new when they go back. They have an enduring soft spot for France, however, even though the cave they met in was destroyed by shelling in WW1.
Sometimes Ava had to hide bat!Lilith in her clothes to protect her when they couldn’t find cover before sunrise. Lilith still likes to cling to Ava's chest and listen to her heartbeat with her little bat ears. And when Beatrice comes into the picture, she likes to lay as a wolf in Ava's lap. So, bat gf up top + wolf gf on bottom = Ava is trapped on the couch for hours completely unable to move.
Ava probably still works in a bar, and she'll occasionally lament about wines or liquors that don't exist anymore and all the ways you could mix them with coke and lime juice. She once tried to recreate an old-as-dirt type of vodka based on nothing but a half-remembered recipe and its taste. That didn't go well, and Lilith has since forbidden any alcohol production in their living space.
Lilith absolutely sulks in the closet when Ava first invites Beatrice to stay. She hangs upside down and chirps angrily whenever Ava opens the door. Eventually, Ava has enough and just snatches her up in a towel, enduring a bite on the hand to cuddle her gf in a little bat burrito until she calms down.
All three girls have nightmares, most to least going: Bea, Lil, Ava. Ava’s nightmares are ancient, Lilith’s are not quite as old, and Bea's are relatively recent. When Lilith would wake up scared, Ava would sing her a lullaby in a language long dead, and with time Lilith returned the favor on those rare nights where their roles were reversed. They bring Bea into this tradition eventually, and it's their way of keeping the old songs alive by comforting each other.
That's what's coming to mind right now! Hope you like them! Ask again later and I may have more. @ftm-viktor-hargreeves what do you think?
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farieshades ¡ 2 years
The runes on Excalibur 👀👀
They’re Nordic, wouldn’t they be Anglo Saxon runes based on the time? Or some sort of Celtic equivalent?
Which. Does the sword = norse or like, type of sword ≠ Norse???
Basically. Just a general Excalibur question and whether it’s historically correct.
Bonus: What do the runes even mean, I know they’re a random sequence and not what they say it means in the show buuttt…. 🤷‍♀️
The Problem of Runes
The runes used in the show are Elder Futhark, an anglo-saxon/norseman language in a time when one of the larger enemy forces are the anglo-saxons. Which… doesn’t make a lot of sense. Interestingly, should the sword exist, at the time they'd have used Latin letters, since Romans had already come and begun slowly making people Christian. Funnily enough, Old English only came after Arthur's time in real history. They most likely were also speaking Old Welsh/Hen Gymraeg. I think I may have mentioned it before, who knows, but language is diverse. Language in a post-roman conquest after rome also leaves but anglo-saxons haven’t shown up, even worse. Likely, it wasn’t all simple as it is in the show (due to audience understandings) and likely each Kingdom had its own language/dialect and the different parts of their land also had their own dialects. Likely, around Camelot to Mercia, and back to Caerleon, it’s likely that the language would have links to Latin, at least in the upper class due to Latin being the language of government and writing, but it wouldn’t be the only thing about. 
But back to Futhark, my base understanding is that in Britain, there is roughly a period between 400-900 in which artifacts with Runes of this type are found, although they did exist up to 1066 until the Norman Conquest, while King Arthur exists anywhere from 420-1100 (give or take - the show has of course anachronisms[Tomato / Potato / Sandwhich / Silk dresses for Morgana], but it also, then, has dragons).  
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Also, Ogham may be used if they wanted a more ‘mystic’ feel of inscription. The language is attributed to the Druids, the irish, the pictish, and would use 20 letters.
According to the High Medieval Briatharogam, an irish literature explanation for kennings on the ogham alphabet, trees can be ascribed to specific letters. There is scholarly debate, however, if Ogham is a cipher based on either Germanic runes, Elder Futhark, Greek alphabet, or even Latin. This is due, largely to the “H/Z” letters present in Ogham, but unused in Irish and the vocalic/consonantal variant of “U” vs “W”. And again, at the time, Latin in Roman Britannia, specifically southern and the west, would be prominent (and outside of Ireland, the highest concentration of Ogham is in Wales). 
T - Tinne - Holly = Overcoming challenge
A - Ailm - White Fir = Look to past for future understandings
C - Coll - Hazel = Inspire others through skill/wisdom
E - Eadhadh - Poplar = Face challenge with determination
M - Muin - Vine = Trust intuition/Relax
E - Eadhadh - Poplar = Face challenge with determination
U - Ur - Heather = Healing and respite time  
P - Peith - soft Birch = New beginnings, change, good fortune 
C - Coll - Hazel = Inspire others through skill/wisdom
A - Ailm - White Fir = Look to past for future understandings
S - Sail - Willow = Period of learning 
T - Tinne - Holly = Overcoming challenge
M - Muin - Vine = Trust intuition/Relax
E - Eadhadh - Poplar = Face challenge with determination
A - Ailm - White Fir = Look to past for future understandings
U - Ur - Heather = Healing and respite time  
A - Ailm - White Fir = Look to past for future understandings
Y - Eamhancholl = wisdom/understanding  
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(Notably Ogham does not have a ‘w’ as a letter so substituting of the sound /u/ is done or with a soft /v/ sound - same with the dual C as there isn’t a K (from what i can tell))
Based on Arthurian ‘lore’, there are two base sayings that are inscribed on Arthur’s blade “Take me up, cast me away.” This comes from Tennyson'sIdylls of the King, within which the sword is inscribed with the "oldest tongue of all this world". Should the sword be pulled from a rock and anvil, there is often the inscription accompanining it saying "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is likewise King of all England" (or something to that degree) which is seen in Malory’s works. 
To receive an answer of what should be on the sword and what is, is very different. And I am shamelessly pulling from Merlin.fandom as this has been a conversation before. “The runes on the Excalibur in the picture say 'ahefemupwiithstr' which isn't really a word” (https://merlin.fandom.com/f/p/2608657942446217361) However, that’s not to say someone didn’t solve what it should be written as “Translation for "Take Me Up" • Tiwaz - Ansuz - Kenaz - Ewhaz • Mannaz - Ewhaz • Uruz - Perthro • / Translation for "Cast Me Away" • Kenaz - Ansuz - Soliow - Thurasaz • Mannaz - Ewhaz • Ansuz - Wunjo - Ansuz •” 
Now, these runes given for the saying do indeed spell out Take me up/Kast me away, this is written with the intention of spelling the words completely assuming no ideography (using what the letters mean[as you ask] rather than what they show: Tiwaz meaning Tyr/Sky god + order/justice / Ansuz meaning As/Odin + order/inspiration/sovereign power / Kenaz being Beacon/Torch + knowledge/tradition/hearth / Ewhaz being Horse + transportation/Steady progress/change / Mannaz meaning Man/Mankind + The Self/human race/mortality / Uruz being Auroch/Ox + Physical Strength/speed/untamed potential / Perthro meaning Lot Cup/Vagina + Feminine Mysteries/occult/secrets/initiation /// Soliow being The Sun + Success/honour/health / Thurasaz(or redoing Tiwaz potentially in the spelling of it) meaning Thorn/Giant + defense/conflict/catharsis/purging / Wunjo being Joy + Comfort/pleasure/harmony --- In my understanding of these, it feels like “take me up” in these runes has indications of taking a throne, bringing in order to the human race, whereas “cast me away” has similar lettering but implicates successes having been done and a conflict having been finished, thus ‘casting away’ the sword once the battle is done). 
The show, as mentioned above, has the engraving that translates to 'ahefemupwiithstr' and I’m going to save myself a bit of research and info dumping by going to another source, and I also, unfortunately, don’t know how to link things in Tumblr so we get to suffer screenshots - but do check out the original link:  https://dollopheadedmerlin.tumblr.com/post/149429230626/so-guys-im-thinking-of-making-a-replica-of#notes,
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Sword Types
Anglo-Saxon swords comprised two-edged straight, flat blades. The tang of the blade was covered by a hilt, which consisted of an upper and lower guard, a pommel (often decorated depending on need and use), and a grip by which the sword was held.
At the time BBC depicts Merlin, the Anglo-Saxons have yet to conquer Britain, thus implying the soldiers wouldn’t likely be using an anglo-saxon sword, however, they could be considering the flow of ideas surpasses the flow of war I suppose.
Excalibur has been depicted from everything from a Roman Gladius (likely in earlier prose when King Arthur existed near the time of Post-Roman Britain, and there are stories with King Arthur and Julius Ceasar meeting, which is very… interesting), to a medieval longsword. Based off the hilt and pommel of Excalibur that we see, it appears to be almost a form of Claymore/Broadsword or Longsword.
However, these range roughly 1100-1700s. In the myths we have, Excalibur is never actually described. However, in modern depictions (film and artwork) it is typically depicted as a form of arming sword, that is, one-handed straight+long-bladed with a double-edge with a crossguard. Which, is reasonable, this style was very popular in the middle ages.
The depiction of Excalibur, in my opinion, is fitting to the 10th and 13th century forms of such swords (the 13th century has that fancy pommel at the end that the sword has in the show). However, your ask was more is this sword norse? Which, the depiction given is kind of in answer, due to the style given at what should be 5th century >< which may look something more similar to this with shorter crossguards while maintaining the circular pommel. Also to note, the term Pommel connects to anglo-normal “little apple” as it was an enlarged fitting at the top of the handle.
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the-pale-goddess ¡ 1 year
Show us Tiffany's best "f*ck me" pumps. Please.
Ahhhh, thank you for giving me the opportunity to indulge in shoe fever, dear! ❤️ Your ask made me scream, it took me back to the time when I was writing Conquest and had Drab Majesty’s remix of Burn The Witch on repeat...👀
You had those eyes / Maraschino cherries / You had those thighs in those fuck me pumps / Forcing me to torture you
I obviously went overboard because I’m me I just couldn’t decide! Pinterest kept recommending more & more and I wanted to include every single pic kjdfkgjdkfgj Enjoy these quick edits and the commentary you probably didn’t ask for 🥰
Tiffany’s fashion game could be described as timeless, very feminine, effortlessly stylish yet simple. The same rules apply to her shoes; she invests in high-quality classics that will serve her well for years. Her petite frame challenged her to get along with high heels, so they’re basically friends. However, not all of them are made for walking. Ethan has learned that some of her shoes have only one purpose: draw his attention to her shapely legs. The more uncomfortable-looking, the better lol 
The most fuck me pumps in her wardrobe are definitely platform stilettos:
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Red and black pointed-toe pumps are 100% lethal too:
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More platforms & straps with their Ramsey-killing qualities:
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Since T’s wardrobe, to a large extent, consists of minimalist style, she experiments with statement shoes sometimes, adding a pop of color, sparkle or unique embellishment on her feet:
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phantastragoria ¡ 2 years
1, 10, 21, 25, 28 for the comic ask game 👀
1. Who's your favorite character and why?
I love all of the five main Guardians equally (plus associated others to varying degrees) but Peter Quill is my little silly man who I want to put into an enclosure so I can study him through a glass wall. I could write various essays about his character and WILL whenever I get some free time because the world NEEDS to understand him the way I do...
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Despite his many inconsistencies in personality due to inconsistent writing, I find him to be a very fascinating character with his usually bright exterior but inherent loneliness even as he constantly surrounds himself with groups of people... the never-ending cycle of reinventing himself because he never seems quite comfortable in his own skin for prolonged periods of time... his abilities that I don't think anyone else quite understand because it's too complex... No matter how many times he gets his ass beat or fucks something up he always manages to find a way to continue on even if he really doesn't want to :'/ my scrunklie...
10. Share a favorite comic panel.
Annihilation: Conquest - Star-Lord #1 and Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10
Sorry you're getting 2-for-1 pages because I CANNOT choose between the two nor just pick panels. The first I genuinely love just because it's soooo mundane... is there anything better than a suiting up scene... Timothy Green/Victor Olazaba really got across with so little just how completely tired he is of the universe's bullshit while contemplating alone.
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The second is because that page is just the coolest with everything coming together... the payoff to Peter returning with the gained knowledge of his sun-elemental abilities... getting part of the gang together to take down a space weirdo... Juan Cabal's composition & Federico Blee's coloring are just SO good. All their issues on GotG (2020) were fantastic but shout-out to the last few they worked on together and especially with #9 as THE standout in my opinion.
21. Share a favorite piece of comics lore.
The most important lore ever is that Drax/Arthur Douglas' favorite meal was macaroni and cheese... we stan a simple king.
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25. Who's your favorite villain?
This one is hard because I don't tend to keep up with any of the villains just on their own. I want to say Mysterio SO BAD but I'm not even a hardcore Spiderman reader, and he's done nearly nothing in the grand scheme of things, the mere concept of him is just so funny to me... But hmmmmm, I enjoy Galactus + some of his heralds, I have complicated feelings on Thanos... I find Shuma-Gorath interesting but his appearances are so inconsistent and lacking in giving him any real character of his own...
I actually really enjoy when the various Elders of the Universe show up. I think they work well for setting up an ongoing arc and or just to be a villain of the week thing, there's just such a big variety of extreme hobby fanatics to choose from for any occasion. I don't have a specific favorite out of them all though, maybe En Dwi Gast?
Now, specifically a favorite villain for the Guardians? I really liked the #evil Olympians in Ewing's GotG (2020) and part of me wishes they had been the main threat for a little longer. Greek mythos mixed with cosmic stuff is fun! Plus I feel they were thematically appropriate and a good foil for the team as a whole while also tying back to Peter with the usually forgotten Spartax stuff, the final battle/confrontation with them was great. Ultimately however I think Adam going Magus Mode in the DnA run and the tragedy of him turning after dealing with the fissure Fault and the team trying to do everything to prevent it, failing to do so and then Magus fucking with all of them, is still the most directly personal/effective threat they've had to deal with before or since if that counts for this... I know Magus wasn't directly their problem for more than a few issues but still.
28. What got you into comics?
I was super invested in the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics when I was way younger after getting a free comic book day issue LOL that eventually faded away as I grew up and then my timeline was essentially:
Saw the first GotG film > read the current (at the time) comics and was like ehhhhhhhh and fell off for a bit >> eventually went through and read the Annihilation era stuff and then went further back for individual characters >>> by that point All-New Guardians launched in 2017 and I LOVED the first half of that run >>>> Then it devolved into mass crossover event insanity and completely dropped Gamora's personal stakes in the plot to have a random soul stone monster being the mastermind of it all >>>>> Saw IW + EG and was SO HEARTBROKEN by the Guardians treatment in those movies that I completely put off reading anything Marvel related for a while LOL >>>>>> then the Eidos game came out and broke me and I read thru all the stuff I missed after Infinity Warps/etc and now I'm here.
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firsttarotreader ¡ 1 year
Is there a reading about him enjoying dirty talk in bed? 👀 because that would be the death of me
Hiya! Mami has been generous with the naughty readings! 😅 Yes, there is one I posted about dirty talk in bed a while ago, but you guys ask me that so many times that I decided to do it again. As usual, not intended to be taken as the absolute truth. When I asked your question directly, the Major Arcana were The Tower, The Emperor and Justice.
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Okay, so The Tower points to him “crumbling”, falling apart, letting all the walls down, so I would risk saying this man would struggle to form a sentence at that moment. 🤣🤣 The Emperor, our ever dominant man, is a man of action, not much a man of words. He will lead by “example” instead. Justice is a card of balance, and it means he will be worried about the experience being pleasurable for both of them, both should be satisfied, and he will work for that. With The Emperor right before it, he will take the lead and do what he can to achieve this goal, which may or may not include dirty talk.
The Minor Arcana were the Ace of Swords, Page of Wands and 4 of Wands. Interestingly enough, Ace of Swords with The Tower makes me think that, despite the experience being Earth shattering to him, he’s still got that dominant energy and the “conquest” energy to him, and if he has to talk a certain way to get what he wants he probably will. However, he will go straight to the point, not much stalling and nothing emotional or elaborated. The Page of Wands with The Emperor reinforces that this dominant energy will be more of an “action” energy instead of talking. This Page is the excited boy who will want to go in the new adventures and explore all there is to explore, full of energy. 4 of Wands with Justice closes the deal by showing us balance will be the best way for him, the most harmonious and pleasurable. Both will get satisfied, but the talk will be there only if necessary, especially since once again we have a Wands card, a card with “action” energy.
All in all, just like the other reading from a long time ago, the dirty talk will not be a priority, the action will, but the other’s pleasure is important so dirty talking might be used if deemed necessary (to any of them) and in the necessary amount. 😂😂
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of-invisible-ties ¡ 2 years
"You nearly got yourself killed today, Takumi. I am glad you are safe, but your recklessness will be the death of you. All this fighting will be for nothing if you do not survive to see it." (from Ryoma, who has just told Hinoka off for exactly the same thing. Maybe Conquest verse, For Extra Pain 👀?)
His head churns with pain that is unending. Normally, when faced with his older brother's concerns, Takumi would politely dismiss them and simply state, "I'll be careful. You should save your worry for someone else; I can handle myself."
That was all he usually needed to say. He was sick of Ryoma's overbearing ways and tried to stay calm when telling him off for them. Today, however, he was as far from calm as could be. His headaches had returned full force, and he wanted to scream at something. No, worse, break something. Anything. Anything to make that infernal pain STOP.
"Shut up!" he shouts, his voice shrill with anger. "Don't you think I KNOW that!?"
Why did Mother have to die? And, worse, why did Corrin betray them all, and join Mother's killers? Ever since the headaches started, Takumi felt the loss of Mikoto far more keenly. It was like whatever was living in his head was also mourning her.
He remembered one time, he had awoken from a harrowing nightmare. He was someone else - or something else. He was flying over a sea of floating islands, towering over invisible servants in human shape. When his enormous body landed, he'd crushed a few of them underfoot. A section of the island came tumbling down as he let forth a devastated wail, akin more to a roar than an actual voice.
Then came that devastating moment: clarity.
How could he have killed her? Why had he forgotten her, and killed her without so much as a second thought?
But then his madness returned, madness mingled with pain, and he unleashed more wanton destruction. He had willed it, and, so, more islands were engulfed in flame.
Takumi woke from that dream with a start. It felt real. That memory wasn't his, but it was poignant enough to be. Ever since then, the headaches worsened. He wanted to break something, like he had in his dreams. One of these days, he was going to snap and let forth a wail like he'd heard - a wail that made his skin crawl.
"Shut up," he repeats, his voice a roar. "They took her from us! And I WILL make them pay for it or die trying!"
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"If you don't think avenging Mother is worth it, then GET OUT OF HERE! I don't want to see you until the war's over and we've made sure those Nohrians suffer what we've suffered! If I have to rip Corrin limb from limb, with own my hands, I WILL do it!"
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jeanbeaux ¡ 3 years
Let's talk about frat boy getou 👀
he and gojo are a deadly duo but damn, getou plays the game differently. He'd start really subtle. Always talking to you at parties, getting you drinks, and making sure he's a face you can trust. He'd drop subtle hints here and there but never as explicitly as gojo. It all comes to a head when you find yourself in a spare bedroom with him, after grinding on him in the dance floor in front of everyone to see
izzy u made my brain implode fr im giving you an award
warnings: smut/18+/minors dni, filming/photography (consensual), alcohol mentions
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everyone’s heard about how getou and gojo are the kappa sig terror duo.
the party really does not start till they walk in, anyone who’s been there swears the floorboards shake more once they hear gojo’s in the room, the music now shifting to hard synth beats that getou is queuing on the DJ’s phone to really get everyone moving.
you arent sure what to expect when you bump into the raven haired half of the duo — the man smiling down on you as he cheekily asks why he’s never seen a pretty face like your’s at parties like these — and as the night goes on — you feel like the reputation they’ve garnered should really just be held by one person.
gojo always has two sorority sisters under his arms as he yells for some white claws at the person behind the bar.
but getou?
he’s got a steady hand on your back to guide you through the crowd with him, grabbing a beer before asking what you are thirsting for this evening.
gojo is notorious for having a new girl or two every night, the house has lost track of how many lacy thongs have been left over from his conquest.
but dear suguru?
he’s only got eyes for you, and has had em all semester. always chatting you up when he sees you hop over to frat row on the weekends, even stopping by when he catches you on the campus cafe.
if gojo’s at a party, he’s going to let the whole world know, the flash of his phone camera standing against the LED’s of the basement as he turns on instagram live for his thousands of followers to live vicariously through him.
getou, however, is the more sentimental type — carrying a disposable camera in hand so he can capture the antics of the pledges in the moment, nanami sulking in the corner, and his favorite thing as of late, the way you move on the dance floor.
from your times parting with them, you’ve realized they operate so differently — gojo’s here to make an impact, getou’s here to leave an impression.
oh, and what a one he’s made on you — you’ve comfortable with him, the way you shamelessly grind on him as the speakers blare, getou gyrating his hips to match the rhythm you’ve set.
and before long you’re giggling up the stairs as you push into his bedroom — getou setting the film camera on his dresser before rummaging around for a condom.
what you don’t expect, however, is the polaroid camera he pulls out with it. and all he has to do is give you that famous crooked smile and off your skimpy top goes, posing for him with the packet of foil between your glossy lips as the camera flashes.
getou’s still looking at the night’s memories after you’ve passed out right next to him — flipping through the polaroids with a lit cigarette in his mouth.
he can’t pick a favorite, the shots are just all that good. the one where you’re looking up at him through teary lashes while his cock is shoved down your throat, or the reddened curve of your ass from all the times he spanked it as he drove you deeper into the mattress, or the one his cum is just splattered all over your pretty tits.
getou simply doesn’t know which one is going to be put in the hidden pocket of his wallet.
but he does know this — that this is simply the start of the memories he’s gonna build with you.
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ankoughoul666 ¡ 2 years
There’s something interesting I noticed about Call Me Little Sunshine and Impera that I don’t think people are talking about or at least I haven’t seen anyone talking about:
The Devil traditionally is depicted with a pitchfork but in this he has a shovel. The shape of it is interesting too… it has more of a spade shape to it than a regular shovel does. This could fit with the rest of the train theme in the video like shoveling coals into the engine to keep it running.
Others mentioned the (possible) new ghouls and the sound of the song itself is almost a steampunk feeling/industrial revolution theme. This is why I feel that this album is not about the actual fall of empires but just merely the beginning of the fall. Because arguably the indust. rev. was what caused everything to be on a current crash course towards failure for our current society (ie climate change, poverty).
And also I’m discarding my previous theory of Copia being one of the four horsemen because I have a new theory:
Prequelle I think represented Conquest/Pestilence and/or Death and Copia was also introduced around that time which made people think he could be one of those two Horsemen of the Apocalypse. However this new album’s theme is giving me the Horseman of War vibes. So Copia’s reign could represents the first 2/4 seals being broken in The Rapture. If this is the case and if Ghost is still around in the future then Papa IV will likely stick around for either 2 more eps or 2 more albums or a mix with each having the themes of Famine and Death(?).
On a slightly related note I suggest ya’ll read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 👀
I’ll probably edit/or do a self reblog if I notice anything else interesting about it or the album in general. On a funnier side note when I saw the name and track listing I thought Papa did some fucking shrooms or some shit because all them song names sound cray cray.
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its-sixxers ¡ 4 years
Sooooo..... Tandreth is the son of the Nerevarine... does it mean you also have a char for Morrowind? 👀 And if so can you talk a little about her? Preeeeetty pleeeease? jsjsjjsjsjsjs
Oh god I sure do and sure can.
Her name’s Asenath, she’s skilled in alteration, destruction, and illusion and also isn’t half bad with a spear.
Ashlander by heritage, though her family fell victim to dunmeri slaving practices so by the time Asenath comes along she only has scraps of her culture left to her. Her family earned their freedom about a hundred years before she comes along and ended up working as guides and caravan escorts in County Cheydinhal and The Rift, helping merchants, smugglers, and basically anyone with coin find their way into the Morrowind mainland. Asenath was born in Cyrodiil, lost her mother when she was in her teens and didn’t know her father, and her uncle took care of her after that. He was chronically depressed being very close to her mother/his sister, so Asenath has a massive desire to find some sort of belonging - the strange dreams of a life entirely different to her own don’t help.
It’s one of her first escorts for the family business where things go wrong for her - she’s tagging along with what she thinks is an ordinary caravan, but when they’re held up by an Imperial patrol it’s revealed to be a contraband smuggling operation and she ends up tossed on an imperial prison ship and hauled off to Vvardenfell, and OH WOW LOOK HEY SHE QUALIFIES FOR THIS WEIRD PROPHECY THING and the whole Nerevarine thing gets launched off.
Asenath is initially annoyed to be strong armed into working for the Empire but happy that she’s allowed to keep her hands and avoid worse punishment. Through it all she reconnects with her heritage, discovers the tribe of her ancestry is extinct, and slowly gains a very large and intense hatred for the Tribunal. Her personal sense of identity starts getting quite fuzzy once the Nerevarine thing sets in hard.
to tl;dr it, she deals with Dagoth Ur and the Tribunal and ends up feeling a lot of pain and general melancholy from the whole thing - while ‘justice’ is done, Nerevar had a legacy of conquest put onto her, ancient beings that did often genuinely care for their people were killed (beings that were friends/a lover in a past life), the Dunmer are cursed, an entire culture’s founding principles have been destroyed and exposed, her people are only just beginning to recover from centuries of oppression, and that meteor hanging in the sky doesn’t have anyone to keep it up anymore. But Azura’s very happy with her, so that’s nice. For however much that counts, daedra and whatall.
Tandreth and his sister Azuraansi come on the scene as a result of her seeking some sort of comfort - having twins was a surprise but if there’s anyone who can single mom a set of twins while Red Mountain’s exploding it’s probably the Nerevarine. (Tandreth is named for Asenath’s uncle, Azuraansi being the firstborn twin is named in tribute to Azura in an ashlander fashion).
She ends up disappearing sixty or so years after the Red Year, and it’s only when Tandreth calls on an ancestor spirit fighting a dragon with Idunn ~150 years after that he has confirmation she’s dead, given it’s her spirit that shows up.
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