#but do not be fooled;;; i love iida and midoriya so much
dumbkiri · 2 years
Hi can I request a Tenya Iida x male reader who behaves like a mix of Inosuke from Demon slayer and Black Star from Soul eater (While having Beast Breathing and Water Breathing power ) and everyone is how the heck can a relationship like this work Tenya is so tule following and uptight and Male reader is so loud,wild , arrogant but heroic and would not know a rule if it punch him in his face. You can also add dating fluff of your choice and if you chose to write this do it in headcannons or any format you want.
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it’s odd. very odd for tenya iida to actually love a rule breaker. everyone thought that it surely wasn’t possible.
“let’s go! time to kick some villain butt!”
[name] yelled with a giant smile on his face. his special swords, he called them ‘nichirin’, were raised high in the sky shining in the bright sun.
“please, [name],” iida expressed concern for his overly extroverted boyfriend to come down from the palm tree he easily climbed up on, “don’t make yourself a target! we’re fighting actual villains here! we don’t have time to fool around!”
[name] hummed and peered down at iida. his smile turned into a lopsided grin, “oh come on, tenya…” the [h.color] haired male waved his swords proudly in the sky as he declared, “no villain can kick my ass because I’ll do all the kicking first!”
iida signed and prepared himself for [name] to jump out of the palm tree and go looking for villains. “Let’s go!!!” [name] cheered and jumped off the tree just like iida predicted.
and together they definitely kicked some butt.
“there’s no way,” kaminari said, staring at [name] who stood in line teasing midoriya for something probably silly. the lightning bolt slurped on his drink loudly and brought his attention to iida.
the blue haired male was eating his lunch peacefully listening to uraraka’s talk about classes.
kaminari looked over at kirishima who was happily digging into his own food. he just had to ask his friend, "hey, kirishima, why do you think iida and [name] are together, they are....so opposite from each other."
kirishima looked up from his food and swallowed the rice from his half empty bowl. then he hummed, "that's a good question, but i'm not sure. maybe [name] can be calm and thoughtful when the time is right. either way, who wouldn't like a manly guy like [name]?"
"he's not manly," bakugo grumbled as he slammed his food on the table hearing talk about his least favorite person in class, "he's feral like he was raised in some forest with animals."
kaminari nodded his head, “yeah I agree with bakugo on this one. [name] is so out of touch with how the world functions, you know?”
“and how do you know how the world functions? you short-circuit whenever you use too much of your quirk all at once,” jirou took a jab at kaminari and the boy cringed. “whey~” jirou egged him on as she mocked his appearance after using his quirk too much.
kirishima turned in his seat to address iida himself. swallowing his mouth full of food, kirishima asked, “hey class president, why is that you like [name] so much? kaminari wanted to know.”
iida visibly blushed and set his chopsticks down gently. “[name] and I are childhood friends. we spent a lot of time together and well, we know what we like and dislike. he takes care of me really well and is always attentive. plus his breathing forms help out as a huge distraction for me to come up behind any villain.”
“doubtful,” bakugo scoffed and shoved more spicy food into his own mouth. his chin resting on his free hand. “his stupid breathing forms are just that and his self centered attitude can get any one of us in a shitty situation. don’t be so dense as a class pres just because that stinky dog is your boyfriend.”
iida seemed disturbed by bakugo’s speech, but didn’t say anything. not that he had too because [name] arrived with a questioning look. “tenya, is something the matter? you look less happy, oh!”
[name] dropped his tray of various meats down and pulled out a carton of iida’s favorite drink out of his school blazer’s pocket. “maybe this’ll cheer you up! I got you orange juice! I’m the best boyfriend ever, right?! I remember you saying long ago that orange juice is essentiapuly fuel for your engines!”
iida smiled and took the drink happily from his partner with a grateful thanks. midoriya sat down next to uraraka and said, “it’s ‘essentially’ and yeah, he dragged me along with him to get the drink. he wouldn’t let up about how great he was for getting it.”
“best believe I’ll remind everyone how great I am, Dokoku Hadoriya! tell them iida, I am the best of the best! no one can beat me!” [name] puffed out his chest and set his hands on his waist while letting out a deep roar of laughter.
iida laughed along and patted the empty seat next to him, “yes you indeed are the best, [name]. now let’s eat before your food gets cold.”
During All For One v All Might 
“bakugo is right there,” midoriya stated to his friends in terrible disguises and he looked at them for their next move. 
“Yeaaaaahhhh,” [name] nodded his head aimlessly and put his hand under his chin in thought. ‘I wonder who I should fight first? burnt chicken nugget, mosquito, or all of them? YEAH! I’LL GO AND DO THAT!”
a hand grabbed onto [name]’s shoulder firmly keeping him in place and he looked next to him to see his boyfriend hold him back. [name] grumbled under his breath and slouched in defeat knowing he wasn’t going anywhere now. 
iida side glanced at [name] before removing his hand and addressing the other four, “we need to come up with a plan to get bakugo out of there. we have our quirks to rely on and-”
“Iida,” todoroki cut the blue haired male off, “where is [name]?” 
just four seconds and [name] was already gone! iida and the rest panicked when they peeked back onto the scene where they watched a [h.color] haired male laugh at the face of one of the strongest villains in their generation. 
“oi! buchakogo!” [name] turned his back on All For One and pointed his nichirin blade at bakugo’s face, “don’t worry, the king of the mountains is here to save you!” [name] posed heroically with his hands on his hips and his chest puffed out with pride. 
yet iida’s eyes widened in surprise when [name] glanced at him for a quick second. iida’s hand reached over desperately for midoriya’s shoulder, “h-he’s distracting the villains for us. we- we have to go do something before-”
“you idiot! why the hell are you here!” bakugo shouted at [name] and the two boys got into a heated argument dumbfounding the villains around them. 
“stop your whining, pissant crybaby! we’re here to save you!” 
[name] grabbed the front of bakugo’s shirt and the front of his pants with a giant smile on his face. he picked up bakugo with his incredible strength and shouted with laughter, “have a safe flight, buchakogo!” [name] spun around with bakugo and threw the ash blonde boy high into the air. 
Bakugo nor did the villains catch todoroki’s ice ramp and the rest of the students in time to stop the rescue mission. [name] wiped his hands proudly and he turned around to face all for one with a smirk. His hands reached for his twin swords strapped on his back. “Finally a worthy opponent to- huh?”
Something wrapped around [name]’s torso tying his arms down his side and he looked down to see it was rope. Then he looked back up at the sky shouting, “oh come ooonnnnn!”
[name]’s angry words echoed throughout the field and he was pulled into the sky where his friends flew off into. 
[name] does not understand social cues
iida is no help either so they’re basically block heads 
[name] can defeat bakugo in a 1v1 (without enchanted sword mode)
both his swords have a name..."tsu" and "baki"....together they are "tsubaki"
[name] is extremely flexible with his body and it freaks iida out with him saying, "stop that! you shouldn't put your body in those positions!" "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA"
iida has to ask [name] to slow down when he talks because he starts growling out instead of making sense.
One time, [name]’s odor was so bad, the bakusquad watched as midoriya, iida, and uraraka struggled to give [name] a forced bath 
[name] hates bath time, he's like a cat in water
during the usj arc, [name] called out shigaraki for having chapped lips dubbing him ‘crusty’ 
[name] has broken 8 phones already, he prefers for people to shout for him if they need him
iida always wakes up with an orange juice box on his nightstand
[name] is incredibly stupid when it comes to academics, but his strategies for battle are insanely strategic for someone who thinks he’s the king of the mountains. 
aizawa finds it easy for him to calm [name] down in class by giving the kid some beef jerky to chew on during lectures
the first time [name] broke his phone was because it “shouted” at him (the alarm was going off)
[name] and iida are terrible dancers. iida just shimmies around and [name] angrily poses while he squats up and down
iida appreciates that [name] asks him for help on his homework, but gets disappointed when the teen rips up the paper out of frustration.
iida was the first one to teach [name] how to spell his name 
[name] mispronounces words some times, but midoriya helps out a lot with his japanese…”thanks dokoku!”
[name] always…ALWAYS makes an entrance! No matter what the situation is, he will announce his presence loudly for everyone to hear him, “the king of the mountains is here to kick some ass!” 
eri innocently asks midoriya how the "scary wolf" is doing and he knows exactly who she is talking about
eri was afraid of [name] before but during class 1-a's song she saw how cool he was spinning around in the air like a fidget spinner being held up by rope and throwing candy for everyone shouting "im king of the moutains, worship me!"
yaoyorozu created the rope for iida to capture [name] so the loudmouth wouldn’t get injured or worse by the league
[name]’s a boastful boyfriend and iida will have it no other way
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Well... the last episode of season 6! And it's been fun doing this!
Now let's get into this!!
*sighs*... can't believe this is the end of season 6... felt as in it went by so fast.
"Instead, I'm just holding my disciple back." Ooooh, All Might, you ain't gotta say that. Right in my feels.
Every time I see that "I AM NOT HERE" sign, I get mad. First, that is the neatest protest sign I have ever seen. Second, who ever done it... HOW DARE YOU?!
Ah, shit, Stain actually gave me a scare there. All Might though? Unfazed!!
"Take it back, fool!" Stain really pulled up with the ready to stab someone for talking bad about his favorite hero. 🤣 Don't blame him though because... you know... it's All Might.
That glare though... 👀
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I swear that shot... yep, he and Izuku are very much the same.
OMG, this lady... aaaaawwww!! I just... my heart goes out to her and she is now one of my favorites.
Ayo, Stain is a real one, for real. He is telling All Might that is was never about his power, but his actions. The fact that no matter what, All Might was always saving people, putting smiles on their faces. That his run hasn't ended.
I'm still mad at what you did to the Iida's, like Tensei didn't deserve that. Why you do my birthday twin like that?
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Stain really was like "I don't know you, but here's some info I got from Tartarus, fam. Have a nice day!"
FINALLY IT STOPS RAINING!! Been raining for, like what, five or so episodes now?
"Most things can be fixed if you just take a bath." Kaminari ain't wrong...
Bakugou jumping in is so funny because he would not have done that unless just to splash on someone for a snarky comment. 🤣
If you listen closely, you can hear him running to do it. He was standing right next to the tub!
Tokoyami's face!! 😆
Aaaw, he switched up to call him "Izuku". That's too cute. He's doing his best! And Izuku knows! "You can still call me Deku." THESE TWO!
Mineta, did you want to die?! "Let's take this chance to dunk Bakugou underwater!" You're crazy!
He looks so much better!
Congrats to Ojiro to ask what does it feel like to have OFA because I'm sure Midoriya always probably wanted to tell someone but couldn't.
Speaking of Ojiro, what the heck does his shirt say?
Aaaw, Todoroki coming in to tell everyone to let Midoriya sleep... he would bring up sleep, he's Todoroki.
The way Todoroki points up is something straight out of a horror movie.
Never mind...
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Midoriya bringing up the pork cutlet dishes... aaaawww... my heart!
Iida is adorable. 💙
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Love how this whole time Tokoyami is just worried about the Big Bird... I mean, Hawks.
"I was so obsessed with my bloodline that I lost sight of my origin." And then Midoriya came in like a wrecking ball.
Kirishima is like so amazing. He's so supportive!!
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We believe in you, Todoroki.
Aaaaw, A Band moment!!
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Did she just pull him from the couch? 😆
Sero hitting Mineta at first had me like "what" then I noticed he's mimicking Todoroki! 😆 Sero - "Stop that."
"... zealous love letter to All Might." 😆
"... supporting the heroes." Knowing Stain, he'll argue he's helping out All Might and Midoriya.
Mister Guard Man Sir, trust me, Stain does not like Shigaraki like that.
Like that Stain decides to get information before he left the prison.
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Tsukauchi looks like he needs a break. Man hasn't shaved, he definitely hasn't sleep. Like both and Midoriya just out here PHYSICALLY looking like they need a break.
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Love that she already left. "Oh, All Might needs help? Say less!!"
Now, she got lucky he didn't go all out with Blackwhip just now. Why were you standing in front of him?!
That's right, Midoriya, you got your classmates... YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU!!
And that's the end of season 6!! By far, it's my favorite season! There was a lot going on here, but damn it, I loved it! From music to animation and the phenomenal voice acting, I can't say this season disappointed me.
Excited for season 7! I hope everyone works hard on that one as well as get all the rest they need.
For now, the manga is still going on and I'm enjoying that in the mean time.
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the-bluerecluse · 2 years
Alphas and Betas Keeping Omegas Safe - CH. 1
MHA- Dekubowl (Deku x everyone (but really just Deku x Class 1a minus Mineta cause he got expelled or something idk fuck him)) | SFW Omegaverse
Summary: Izuku Midoriya, one of the few omegas to ever make it into the hero course, has seen his fair share of sexism. He did grow up quirkless AND omega, after all. One day while out and about, he has a run in with some organization... ABKOS. They talk big about wanting to keep omegas safe, but what does that really mean? | LINK TO THIS ON AO3 (incaseideletethisoffmytumblroneday)
SFW Angst/Fluff
ive been editing and re-editing this over and over and i just need to get this out and post. i recently got sfw omegaverse brainrot from two really good series ill link below that this is heavily inspired by. this is all gonna be sfw and imma make into a whole damn series im so obsessed with this concept. this is all my longest ever completed chaptered fic i think?
inspiration: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1539151 // https://archiveofourown.org/series/1701352
Warnings: kidnapping, sexism, implied terrorism, hate group, bigotry, hospitalization, torture?? kinda??,
The first encounter he'd had with ABKOS... It was after the sports festival but before they had moved into dorms.
Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida were on a little shopping trip, stopping at a grocery store nearby for snacks. It was a fun trip full of chatter and smiles. They discussed what they wanted for the future and as heroes, what they thought of their classes and teachers, and even what funny videos they'd been watching recently. It was great.
Well, it was, until a couple members of ABKOS made an appearance.
"They're rumors of Ryukyu doing a team-up mission soon. Who do you think she'll team up with? A long range fighter or a speed-type hero?" Midoriya chatted idly as he looked at a new brand of chips. He wasn't usually one for snacking but a treat was nice, plus Aoyama had recommended it. Their tastes didn't usually overlap but it was worth looking into.
"Ryukyu's so cool! I love her style!" Uraraka responded, peeking over Midoriya's shoulder to look at the snack. "She's already pretty fast. Maybe someone who can do things in small spaces? Her quirk's not really good for that."
"You. You're that omega hero student everyone's talking about."
Midoriya looked up from his snack. To his left, two people approached. From their smells, both were alphas. One was shorter than the other, with darker hair while the taller one had lighter hair and some type of horns, most likely a quirk. Both were wearing shirts with some sort of logo on them. It was a simple white graphic of an omega symbol combined with a peace sign. Below it read A.B.K.O.S.
Uraraka and Iida tightened their gaze on them. What did his omega status have to do with anything?
"Um. I-I guess?" Midoriya offered a nervous smile.
"You're not even wearing a collar in public, huh?" The taller one sneered.
Midoriya stiffened. A collar? Was he letting out too much scent?
"He doesn't have to wear a collar if he doesn't want to." Uraraka was quick to defend.
"He shouldn't have any say it. Are you his packmate?" The shorter spoke in an infuriatingly calm tone. It wasn't mean or aggressive, it was as if he was calmly informing them of facts.
The three students balked. Iida regained his composure quicker than the other two, though don't be fooled, he was positively fuming, and responded. "We are not pack. Though we don't appreciate your comment either way."
"Yeah, Deku doesn't belong to anyone!" The beta added, more obviously angry than Iida.
"You're an alpha, surely you smell him, right?" The taller one looked at Iida like he was the only one making sense. "Flaunting his scent and that body like we're all just supposed to ignore him?"
"How dare you!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"Come on, it's just common sense." The taller one scoffed. The other gestured to the logo on his shirt.
"We're a part of ABKOS. Alphas and Betas Keeping Omegas Safe. We just want omegas to be safe, and they're safer wearing collars." Again, the annoyingly peaceful tone.
Uraraka had fire in her eyes and seemed ready to act. Iida put a hand on her. "We will be taking our leave now." He looked over his shoulder to his fellow students and spoke in a quieter tone. "Ignore them."
The taller ABKOS member didn't seem to appreciate that. "Don't ignore the truth, you brats."
"Yeah, we're just looking out for omegas. It's your generation that's destroying tradition and keeping omegas where they shouldn't be."
Uraraka grabbed onto Deku's arm and pulled him out of the store with Iida lagging behind to put himself between them and the ABKOS members.
"What a bunch of creeps! Talking to us like that. Talking to Deku like that!" Uraraka ranted as they left the store.
Midoriya rubbed his hand absentmindedly over the scars on his other hand. He hadn't said anything since one of them mentioned collars, then it was all downhill from there.
He should be used to that by now right? All through middle school... "Quirkless Omega" made him into a bright red target. Insults, beatings... and... stuff he doesn't want to think about ever again.
He should be used to his secondary gender making him a target.
But... maybe a part of him thought that adults would be better. That part of him was clearly holding out hope for nothing.
It would always be this way.
"Don't let them get to you, Deku." Uraraka nudged his shoulder with a smile. "It's just two people. The world isn't like that anymore."
Midoriya offered a small smile. "Yeah."
Midoriya arrived at home and suddenly realized he never got any snacks because of what happened. With a sigh, he waved a hello to his mom as he made his way to his room. His mind kept coming back to something.
ABKOS... it was sticking in his head. ABKOS.
What in the world was ABKOS? An organization for keeping omegas safe? And why were they acting like that? Did they honestly believe the things they were saying?
He pulled out his phone and looked it up.
The first result. ABKOS - Alphas and Betas Keeping Omegas Safe
He clicked, expecting some news report about a terrible group of backwards thinkers. Instead, he was taken to their official site. It was a whole organization.
The banner at the top had a picture of two taller people with a much smaller person wearing a collar and... bracelets? They were all smiling. Beside it read "Alphas and Betas Keeping Omegas Safe - Let's return to a traditional time where Omegas were kept safe at home."
Midoriya winced. How was this an official organization? How were they getting money? How were they getting support?
Then he saw just below the banner. "Over 1 million members around the globe!"
One. Million. Members?
That had to be a lie right? Surely there's not a million people who agree with this? Who are okay with this line of thinking?
Below the banner and tagline seemed to be a feed of news stories and calls to actions. The one at the top made Midoriya's eyes widen.
"Boycott U.A. for letting an omega be a hero!"
The text beneath the headline. "The famous UA high, a school for aspiring heroes, has allowed a small omega boy to train to be a pro. You can see in the clips from the sports festival of the poor child hurting himself with his quirk. Omegas were not meant to be heroes or to be put in any kind of danger. History has taught us... (Click to read more)"
To the side were links to their official accounts on many well-known social media. How these platforms allowed this group to have official accounts, Midoriya had no idea. There was a link to become a member or to renew your membership. At the bottom was a picture of many smaller people wearing those collars and bracelets, all smiling. There was a caption. "All omegas deserve to be happy and safe."
At the top were links for donations, volunteer opportunities, employment options, and an about section.
Midoriya clicked the 'about' section.
"ABKOS is a worldwide organization dedicated to keeping omegas safe and happy and returning to a more traditional time where genders were better understood. Omegas are biologically frailer and in need of care. They must be loved and cared for at home so they may be happy, safe, and raise the next generation of pups into the world.
"In this modern society, young omegas are brainwashed into believing they should engage in careers or activities made for alphas or betas and actively put themselves in dangerous and stressful situations which they were not built to handle.
"We take in injured and sick omegas and help heal them in our state-of-the-art facilities and help them find packs of their own. We have medical and psychiatric professionals ready to help any omegas in need."
Below was a 'Technology section'.
"We have worked closely with Gamma Laboratories to design the next step in collar technology: The O-Collar and the O-Bracelets. Designed to keep out 99% of scents, these stylish accessories will give your omegas a sense of pack pride and self confidence as well as keep their smells from attracting others. Order the Electro-O-Collars and bracelets and be able to give your Omegas a small harmless shock when they may engage in something dangerous for them or your pack. Guaranteed to help guide your Omega into a better headspace!"
Shock collars? Like animals? What the Hell was with these people? How was this even legal?
Midoriya felt tears in his eyes. These people... They wanted him in shock collars and to be used like a breeding machine. What was wrong with the world?!
"Izuku? Dinner's ready!" His mother called.
Midoriya sniffed and wiped his eyes. He shouldn't be reading stuff like that. It was only going to make him upset. So he closed the tab on his phone and left for dinner to leave it all behind him.
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huliganships · 2 years
A Marriage of Inconvenience - Part 3
Of course, it wasn’t as easy as Izuku just saying yes. One had to follow procedures, especially if one was a noble.
They decided to keep their decision to themselves for now. Katsuki would come over again tomorrow, this time alone, and have tea with Izuku and his mother again. It wouldn’t do to propose out of the blue. People would talk after all.
Their plan was for Katsuki to come over more and more often in the next two weeks and then he would formally ask Izuku’s father for his hand in marriage. Hisashi would of course be opposed at the beginning, seeing as he had already made plans with the Shigaraki family. But if Katsuki stayed persistent he would have no choice but to give in.
The Bakugous were just as influential as the Shigarakis, if not even more so. They had also been close friends with the Midoriyas for many years and had excellent connections to the royal family because of their trade arrangements. Hisashi would be a fool to refuse such a match and such a formidable son-in-law.
Their plan was to have the engagement completed before the next big ball that would be held at the estate of Marquess Iida in three weeks. The official announcement could be done a few days before the ball so the gossip about it would’ve spread by the beginning of the ball. Everyone would know about what happened and Shigaraki would be too late to do anything about this.
Or at least, Izuku hoped it would work out like this.
Katsuki told him not to worry too much before they rejoined their mothers on the patio for a late lunch. The two women were pleased by how well the two childhood friends were getting along again, no doubt thinking the friendship that once connected them had been rekindled.
Izuku wondered how pleased they would be once they found out more than just friendship had been rekindled between them.
But that led Izuku to his next thought. He had agreed to marry Katsuki, but what exactly were his feelings for the Alpha? And how did Katsuki feel about him? He knew it wasn’t love, that much was clear. But did Katsuki at least consider him a friend? He had said Izuku was the better choice in his candidates for marriage, but that didn’t mean he had to like him. Plenty of people married each other without any positive feelings involved, simply because they were a good match from a social point of view.
He hoped the two of them could be civil with each other, especially if Katsuki meant what he had said and really did want to start a family with Izuku.
The Omega could feel the heat rush into his face at the realization of what starting a family would entail. It was best not to think about that until it was actually time for such things.
When it was time to leave, Katsuki first bowed to Inko before turning to Izuku and bowing before him too. Before Izuku could return the gesture, Katsuki had taken Izuku’s hand and pulled it closer to him.
“I enjoyed our walk in the park today. I hope to be able to call on you again soon.”
“I am looking forward to seeing you soon then, Katsuki,” Izuku replied and gave the Alpha a small smile.
The Bakugous left and Inko squeezed Izuku’s hand in hers.
“I’m glad,” she said and dabbed at the corner of her eyes with a silk tissue. “You were so sad when your friendship grew cold. I’m happy you two seem to be getting along again.”
“Me too, mother,” he answered and looked out of the window to track the leaving carriage with his eyes. “Me too.”
Just as he had promised, Katsuki returned the next day. Again, he had tea with Izuku and Inko before taking Izuku out into the garden for a stroll and a chat.
When he returned the day after, and the day after that, Inko started to grow suspicious.
“Izuku,” she said after Katsuki had left them after dinner. His father hadn’t been present again, but Izuku was sure it was only a matter of time until Katsuki and his father would meet. “Not that I am not delighted by this turn of events, but are you alright? Katsuki isn’t pressuring you or anything? I know you two had some problems in the past.”
“No, nothing of the sort. Don’t worry mother,” he answered and tried to keep his smile as honest as possible. “Katsuki and I are just discovering how much we have in common and that we have a lot to catch up on. It has been a delight to see him so much.”
“I’m relieved,” his mother answered and patted his hand. “Mitsuki had concerns too. I received a letter this morning telling me that Katsuki was planning to visit us again and that while Mitsuki is glad about her son socializing more, it is kind of ruining her plans to introduce him to her Omega of choice.”
“Maybe Katsuki doesn’t want to meet his mother’s choice,” Izuku said very carefully and he watched his mother’s face twist into a frown.
“Oh honey, that’s nonsense. Katsuki knows his duties and I don’t see any reason for him to avoid meeting his future bride.”
“She’s not his bride yet,” Izuku said and was surprised by the possessive feeling welling up in his chest. “They haven’t even met yet.”
“You haven’t met Tomura yet either,” his mother said and Izuku felt as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped over his head. Mother and son were silent while sitting in the parlor, the gentle flames of the fireplace painting shadows all over the walls.
“I’m sorry,” Inko whispered and Izuku took her hand.
“I know. I’m sorry too.”
He just hoped his mother would forgive him for going against his father’s wishes.
It was a week later when things finally came to a conclusion. Katsuki had spent the better part of every day at the Midoriya estate and had told Izuku in confidence how infuriated his mother was.
“She can’t really tell me no,” he said with a mean smirk on his face that Izuku found much more handsome than it actually was. “She approves of me rekindling our friendship, so she can’t tell me to stop coming here. But she also wants to move forward with my engagement plans and can’t because I am never there.”
“If you keep this up she’s just going to engage you without your presence and consent,” Izuku warned but Katsuki merely squeezed the hand Izuku had laid over his arm.
“I still have a bit of leeway until her patience runs out,” Katsuki assured him as they took the stairs up to the patio and walked back into the sitting room.
“Ah, Izuku, Katsuki!” Inko said and put away her knitting. “Dinner is almost ready. Hisashi is looking forward to finally speaking with you, Katsuki.”
“Father will join us for dinner?” Izuku asked, his eyes wide. He hadn’t known his father was back from their second estate. He had been so wrapped up in Katsuki that it must’ve slipped his mind.
Inko nodded.
“He just arrived an hour ago. I didn’t want to disturb your walk, so I waited for you to rejoin us. But isn’t this excellent?”
“It is indeed,” Katsuki agreed and squeezed Izuku’s hand again. Their eyes met each other and a shiver of anticipation rolled down Izuku’s back. “I have a few important questions I need to ask him.”
Dinner was a quiet affair, at least on Izuku’s part. His father never paid him much attention and had no interest in his hobbies or studies. For him, Izuku’s worth was rooted in the fact that he was an Omega and would be able to open up paths with other families. So dinner was most often silent, except for the few tales Hisashi liked to tell about himself.
Today was different. Katsuki and his father were engaged in a lively conversation about the recent trade agreements and crop prizes. Izuku was surprised by how animated Katsuki was, but Hisashi was delighted.
After dinner all four of them retired to one of the bigger sitting rooms of the house and Hisashi grabbed the game of cards.
“Katsuki, Inko, join me at the table for a game or two. Izuku, go and entertain us with a few songs on the pianoforte.”
“Of course, father,” Izuku answered and walked over to the instrument. This too wasn’t unusual. Izuku enjoyed playing the piano and Hisashi enjoyed showing Izuku off this way.
“I didn’t know you could play,” Katsuki said while he took a seat at the table. Izuku noted he deliberately chose the seat that allowed him to keep Izuku in his view.
“He has been practicing since he was a child,” Hisashi answered before Izuku could. “He is very accomplished. He has to be, really. Male Omegas need to work harder to be desirable after all and I made sure that my Izuku had everything a future spouse could want from him.”
Izuku was wise enough not to say anything. It wasn’t the first time his father had said something like this and Izuku had always protested statements like this. But he had a feeling it would do him good not to get on his father’s bad side today if he and Katsuki wanted their plan to succeed, so he held his tongue and started playing instead.
Soft music wafted through the room and Izuku could practically feel Katsuki’s eyes on him. After a while, the servants wheeled in a small snack and Inko and Hisashi left to fill a small plate for themselves. Katsuki walked over to Izuku and took a stand at his side.
“I have to admit, I’m surprised by how well you play,” he said and Izuku snorted, almost missing one of the keys.
“Careful,” he whispered back, his eyes trained on the keys in front of him. “That sounded almost like a compliment.”
“And what if it was?” Katsuki asked, his lips quirking up into a small smile. “Am I not allowed to compliment my future mate?”
“That’s dangerous,” Izuku warned, his eyes flickering over to his parents who had retaken their seats at the table. Katsuki leaned closer to Izuku.
“I’m going to ask him tonight.”
“You will?” Izuku felt breathless with anticipation and nerves as Katsuki simply nodded before going back to the table. It didn’t take long for Hiashi and Katsuki to leave, both claiming to want to talk more business up in Hisashi’s office. Izuku stopped playing and joined his mother at the small card table. Her face was relaxed, her cheeks red from the warmth and the wine and she gave him a bright smile.
“Tonight was nice,” she said and caressed Izuku’s cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t fight your father, even when he said some things I know you don’t agree with. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, mother,” he answered and tried to swallow down the ball of nerves that threatened to choke him.
It took about half an hour before there were footsteps on the stairs and Katsuki and Hisashi reappeared at the door. Their faces were impassive and told Izuku nothing.
“Inko, please take care of Katsuki for a moment. Izuku, I need to talk with you in my office.”
“If it is all the same to you, I will take my leave now,” Katsuki said with a polite incline of the head. “My mother is probably just a little bit away from releasing a search party for me.”
“Of course, we wouldn’t want to worry your mother,” Hisashi agreed with a nod.
Katsuki bowed before Inko and Izuku, but took once again Izuku’s hand. He brushed his lips against Izuku’s knuckles and looked at him from under his lashes.
“Till next time, Izuku.”
Faintly, Izuku could hear Inko’s gasp but he was too captivated by Katsuki’s eyes to look at her.
“Izuku,” his father said, a bit more forceful this time. “My study.”
Izuku followed his father, while Katsuki was led to the door by Inko. He threw one last look over his shoulder and found Katsuki already looking back at him. The look in his eyes made Izuku swallow heavily before he turned his eyes back forward and climbed the stairs after his father.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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SO uhh iideku soulmate au where the first words ur soulmate says to u r tattooed on ur wrist or like inner arm or smth idk is so fuckin funny like
so fucking midoriya gets called out during the explanation of the exam and hes Dying because holy shit he knew his words meant that the first meet w his soulmate wouldnt be meet-cute (necessarily) but he didnt know the words would be SHOUTED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE TAKING THE EXAM OHHHHH GOD
its so fucking funny you guys
anyway meanwhile iida has this fuckign garbled mess on his arm because midoriya a) stutters when he first talks to iida and b) iida TALKS OVER HIM WHEN MIDORIYA FIRST SPEAKS TO HIM
these disasters i cant believe them this is so fucking funny
so like the entrance exam goes w/o them talking abt it bc midoriya doesnt have time to be like "shut UP omfg ur my soulmate" esp cause he feels kinda bad bc iida's like "dont distract the other examinees!!" and he doesnt wanna prove him right abt him being a Delinquent because our boy is stubborn so yeah
honestly between registering his quirk and getting his hero costume together nd all that midoriya probably straight up......forgets he meets his soulmate sjkfnkjnkdjnksjkf
anyway first day of school rolls around tho and iida makes a beeline for midoriya the sec he enters the class and mido is like "oh fuck he figured out im his soulmate i hope this isnt awkward" bc what a first impression That would be on the whole class but iida just apologizes for being a presumptuous dick and then uraraka shows up and midoriya at this point thinks it would be v v v awkward to bring it up so he just DOESNT LMFAOOOO
to be fair tho midoriya isnt that confident yet and hes arnd all these new amazing people and pro heroes suddenly All The Time so hes kinda overwhelmed and just needs a got damn second
eventually tho people meet up with their soulamtes like kiri and baku and baku's like "YOURE THE REASON THAT FUCKING 'bakugo? can i call you bakubro then?' IS ON MY ARM FOR E V E R ???????" and kiri is like "ur the reason why That whole tangent is on my arm??" and bakugo freezes before going like "okay guess we both fucked up
" also yaoyorozu and jirou who just have simple "hi im momo" "OH MY GOD UR MY SOULMATE" and its v sweet im crying
anyway so eventually as people pair up and all that. the topic comes up during lunch w the izucrew bc its fun and its a new place and time in their lives so a lot of people r meeting their soulmates rn 
iida brings it up like "i have no idea what my soulmate is gonna say to me bc yall look at this" and he shows them his arm and midoriya squawks and kinda slides down his chair bc he cant believe his mumbling and being-talked-over got fucking recorded on iida's arm forever how embarrassing he cant decide who got it worse
anyway eventually they ask midoriya what his words are and mido is like "HHHHH" but he doesnt lie bc this isnt Angst come on
anyway then iida shows off his words again and uraraka gets a lil cheeky and says "yknow im not surpried now that i know deku is iida's soulmate bc only deku could say That out loud" and mido dies insides but not really
anyway iida catches him after class and they kinda plan a time to meet up and talk and potentially meet the family and see what kinda soulmates theyll be (platonic or romantic) and its just v cute and both are happy and ahhh my heart
god they are absolutely romcom goals i love them so much
okay and thats it thats the au its so cute and funny
anyway this is hilarious i love this au with these kids uwu
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Pet Names/ Nicknames I think the MHA/BNHA boys would call you… Part 1
A/Note: I’ve had this on my mind for a while so here it is. Sorry, I’ve barely been there but I hope I can get more content out soon. My requests are closed but for Part 2 could you guys please suggest some characters and tell me if you’d like to see this for a different fandom as well. Love<3 ~ Sar-chan
Line-up: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijirō and Kaminari Denki.
Warning: Small mention of spicy time and some suggestive details. Characters are aged up.
Part 1 // Part 2
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✿ Midoriya Izuku (Deku)
I think Deku would find it hard to give you a pet name off the bat; he’ll start small like abbreviations of your name and nicknames surrounding your name. I think he’d eventually move to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘sweetie’ and maybe the occasionally ‘babe’. He’d blush every single time and when it comes down to you know the spicier times he’d probably say’ baby.’
Fun Fact: He had a whole discussion with Iida about picking a pet name, he has a list in his notebook about you.
✿ Bakugo Katsuki (Dynamight)
Bakugo is most definitely not going to think too much about this at first he’d just go along with your name or well his regular ‘dumbass.’ I think he’d change it about a month into your relationship he might notice little things in your behaviour or Kirishima or Denki might mention something along the lines. He’d think about it for a while and I think he’d try something like ‘sugar’ (believe me I don’t know why I just think so). ‘Sugar’ is more of a special reserve word though and more than often he opts for ‘babe’ and sometimes even ‘princess/prince’ but that’s for when he’s a little frustrated or super soft. Spicer times he opts for ‘babygirl/babyboy/baby.’
Fun Fact: The ‘bakusquad’ heard him call you ‘sugar’ when he was super down and they did not shut up about it for a week.
✿ Todoroki Shoto (Shoto)
Shoto always gives me super soft vibes and I cannot put my finger on why but I think he sticks more along ‘dear’ or ‘darling.’ He’s super sweet with it and his words always sound like they’re dipped in honey when he says them and even when he’s angry so do not be fooled. Spicy times he also sticks to ‘baby’ or ‘honey’.
Fun Fact: Sometimes when both of you are much further into the relationship he still finds it a bit difficult to ask for affection so he’ll usually say, “Dear..um… nevermind.” More than likely he wants a kiss please give it to him, he’ll smile and nuzzle it into your neck.
✿ Kirishima Eijirō (Red Riot)
Kirishima is just super sweet he’s been waiting forever to call you his ‘princess/prince.’ He’ll even bow and do the whole your majesty routine. Sometimes when he gets really worried or down he’ll remind you that you are ‘his rock’ because you really ground him. Spicier times he still uses ‘princess/prince’ but it’ll be more ‘my princess/prince’ and ‘my girl/my boy.’
Fun Fact: Every time he sees you he does this motion with his hand for you to run up to him and he’ll pick you up and spin you around saying, “How’s my princess/prince been?” He’ll give you a soft kiss before setting you down. (And I’m talking every body type my chubby babies too Kiri will lift you :) )
✿ Kaminari Denki (Chargebolt)
Denki is definitely a ‘babe’ type of person but he’s really all over the place with his pet names. Sometimes it’s ‘babygirl/babyboy’ or ‘sweet stuff’ or ‘hottie’ it can quite literally be anything with Denki but sometimes he gets sentimental. When he gets soft and even scared or you get scared he’ll say some cheesy stuff like “you’re my lightning ok so I can never lose.” (maybe too much Flash take a break Denks.) Spicier times you’ll pretty much hear ‘baby.’
Fun Fact: Before he leaves home for a mission he always kisses your forehead and says “My lightning bolt.” But because he’s super dramatic y’all could be going on the same mission and he’d do it. He really does mean it though, you give him strength.
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I hope you guys liked it. I've been thinking about this for a while. I promise I'm still working on the matchups, I will get em all done. <3
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Friends without Lovers || platonic Bakugou Katsuki + fem!Reader a/n: i'm watching bnha from the beinging rip me word count: 2.2k tags: fem!Reader, plus size reader, established relationships (fem!Reader x Izuku/KiriBaku), long time friends, heavily aged up (late 30s/early 40s), angst, past mentions of body shaming/quirk shaming, language, happy-ish ending, reader has a kid and KiriBaku has two, unedited character(s): Bakugou Katsuki ft. Izuku Midoriya + Eijiro Kirishima synopsis: Katsuki and Eijiro celebrate twenty years of marriage with friends and family. You can't help but congratulate your long time friend when your childhoods together come up.
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"Aw, Kacchan, the run away groom."
Katsuki's red eyes flipped up at you standing against the event hall's door frame when he heard the voice. Scowl deepening as you sipped your beverage unfazed by the grueling look of irritance.
"Shut up." His pinched expression let go the second he realized who it was lording over him, "I'm not running away you idiot. Just letting the other one suffer at the wrath of my mother."
"Wrath?" You jutted your chin back down the hall where the wedding anniversary was being held, "Your mom is gushing over your son's dimples and Kiri is getting in on that sweet grandma love like a ham."
"Tch-" Katsuki rolled his eyes knowing well how spoiled his mother made his kids, "That damn old senile bat."
Careful not to spill your drink, you gathered the hem of your outfit and sat down with a plop next to your friend, "Congrats by the way." He looked over at you with a blond brow cocked up, "For the anniversary you god damn idiot. Twenty years and here I thought no one would ever marry someone so-"
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Tripping down the hall with exuberance only outshined by his father, your son stopped when he spotted Katsuki next to you. Green haired teenager beaming a giant grin at the blond man, "Uncle Kacchan! Congrats on the porcelain thingy."
"It's an anniversary bud," You can't stop smiling at your son's lack of knowledge of such old traditions. Though it was something he'd learn soon enough if he ever chose to get married. For right now though the teenager was rocking on his feet looking like he had a mighty important question to ask you, "What's up? You look like you're going to pee your pants if you keep doing that."
Still grinning like a fool. Mess of dark green curls. A spitting image of Izuku if you'd ever seen one. Nearly seventeen years and still you wonder what you did beside make a mini version of your husband. Looks, personality and sweetness. He was perfect. Well, for a teenager.
"We wanted to go down to the shopping district. The twins said Uncle Kiri said they could go so I was wondering...." You boy smiled even wider.
"Where's your father?" You look past him not seeing Izuku for the past twenty minutes.
You kid pointed back to the event hall, "He was doing something with Mr. Iida. He said ask you."
"Ha." Katsuki snorted at Izuku pulling that card.
Of course you glared at your comrade and then looked back up at your son, "Fine. Make sure you're phones on. We're going to meet grandma after this got it?"
"Yes!Thankyou!Iloveyou!Bye!" Bounding away like touching the ground would kill him. You sigh and take another drink with Katsuki surprisingly quiet next to you. Your son had mentioned that his twins were also going. But apparently asking their other father didn't warrant much of a reaction from the man next to you.
"...he certainly looks like Deku." Katsuki commented softer than you knew he could speak.
Looking over the rim of your glass at him before swallowing your gulp of tea, "I'm not entirely sure what I did for ten months. Even your surrogate tricked some of Eijiro's genes hah."
Empty drink next to him. Katsuki honestly was just about to get up when you came over. Now the kids hyped up doing something down at the shopping plaza. He figured getting up right away wasn't really necessary. Plus he had something bugging him worse than the run away groom comment.
"...When did you know?"
Puzzled by what he meant. You turn to Katsuki with your confusion clearly plastered on your face. He takes it upon himself to clarify what he meant.
"When did you know Izuku was the one." Katsuki reiterated.
Still skeptical about where this was going with your normally brash friend. You don't answer him seriously and jab him in the side, "What you really a run away groom after all these years? Who you gonna run away with me or Izuku?"
"Pff-" He snorted, "As if." Katsuki looked at the rim of his glass and gave a small shrug, "I'm just curious. After all these years."
He was more serious than you actually thought.
"What does it matter? You like me or something?" You snorted with the glass raised to your lips for a drink, "Lil' late for that."
Katsuki shook his head, "I love that shitty haired idiot."
"Well," You palmed the back of your neck, "When did you know it was Eijiro then?"
"Spring term of our junior year, right before finals." His answer catching you off guard with how concise it was. And when you looked over at him there wasn't trace of joking on his face. Katsuki really meant his question then.
Dwelling on it. You think back to when you were about your son's age. Still a student at U.A. Everything that had happened over the decades, thinking about one thing seemed almost trivial. Until there was a clear cut answer sparkling in your memories.
"Sophomore year." You wipe the condensation dripping off your drink with a small smile, "I think it was sophomore year. Izuku probably knows what day it really way. But he picked me up."
"From school?"
"No you dolt, off the ground." It felt stupid saying it out loud. Feeling your face heat up but still it was a comforting warmth to think of, "He picked me up and spun me. I hadn't ever been picked up because of well-" A quick gesture to your ample body, "But he picked me up and spun me. Laughing and telling me it was easy peasy." The memory brought back more emotions than you realized were attached to it. Wiping at your eyes as your husband's laugh and words were so clear in your head even after all these years, "I think I fell in love with him right there."
Stillness fell between the two of you. Another drink and your beverage was gone. But you couldn't bring yourself to look over at your friend as the thoughts of your youth filled your mind. Memories good and bad. The reason it felt so magical when Izuku picked you up was because the reason you had hated yourself so much was sitting right next to you. It'd been years since you thought of it but suddenly it felt very raw.
"...gonna tell me why?" You cock a look over in his direction, "Seems stupid to ask that now."
Katsuki rolls his eyes and shook his head, "I don't know. I just thought maybe you always liked Deku more."
"More than you?" You almost had to laugh, "Kacchan you're my friend but know there are some things I haven't forgiven you for."
"I know." He accepted that. Long ago it was just something he simply had to live with, "I'm not asking you for forgiveness. I fucked up, I know that."
You squeak your wet thumb over the drink container while looking down, "Izuku forgave you long ago. I don't think he was ever really that mad but-" All the years of teasing and reprimand for making the 'wrong' decision felt so volatile and close to the surface on such a happy day, "I had to undo a lot of things you did and said to me. We'll never be what we were before middle school."
He hung his head. Knowing exactly the rift that widened between the three of you. One that he caused.
"Guess that was my ego talking," Katsuki sighed as he leaned back to prop himself up on his hands, "I know I said it wasn't ego but....I just thought I should have it all."
This wasn't knew. Leading you to roll your eyes at him.
"Thought you liked Izuku that entire time, it kinda pissed me off."
"What?" You glanced over at him a little grossed out, "You had a crush on me or something?"
"Fuck no." Katsuki's face soured at the thought, "No. But- I guess I thought of you as a consolation prize." The look of disgust clear on your face, he spoke up to explain before you could say anything, "I was the one scoring high enough for U.A. My quirk was the best. I was the best. Somewhere, I guess I just thought you'd side with me."
"Katsuki there were no sides. You were my friend. So was Izuku. And you two were friends." You frowned at him, "I used my quirk to help people. And you did the opposite. Why would I have sided with that?"
"Because the other side was quirkless," He shrugged so frankly, "So it was logical for the strong to team up. And stick together."
Quirkless sure. But he wasn't now. And perhaps that mended a few bridges after creating new ones when the three of you were younger. But the way Katsuki viewed power through the years was only the tip of the iceberg that caused such a divide between you both.
"...it wasn't just what you did to Izuku." You pointedly say, "Yeah that was a dick thing to do all the those years. But I didn't fall for some underdog thing in middle school. And you didn't push me to liking Izuku. I did that all on my own."
At some point you could feel his gaze on you. It was obvious but you didn't look over at him. Only remaining fixated on the glass in your hands.
"...Izuku was strong. He's always been strong. Strong and stupid." You paused and squeezed the object in your hands as you found your words, "I wasn't...I wasn't as strong about your words. I guess...I remember the day you turned on me a lot clearer than I do when I fell for Izuku."
Katsuki stayed silent. He knew what day you were talking about. Only a few weeks into U.A. Perhaps all the things he threw at Izuku rolled off him or made him resilient. Not everyone was like that. And deep down Katsuki knew you weren't like that. Even when he through away years of friendship in just a few words.
"...the way you made me feel bad about myself, about my body." You bite down on your lips trying to steady your breathing, "I won't forget those words Kacchan. They've come up so many times in my life. And affected so much. My work, my relationships, everything."
He didn't dare deny it. Knowing the second he went for the throat with you back then that it was unforgivable. Shaming you about your quirk and its physical affects on your body, about your stupid choices to stick up for powerless Izuku and worse of all, equating your insecurities to how unlovable and useless you were. Thinking about it now. Katsuki didn't entirely understand how you could sit here with him right now without throwing a drink in his face. Empty glass or not. He'd understand if you came back with it full just to dump it on him.
"....but," Your voice seemed lighter, "Now you're my son's godfather. And give him undying love from two wonderful uncles."
Katsuki looked up at you. His own eyes misted with tears to match the ones clinging to your lashes as well. The two of you sharing a lip quivering smiles as you reached out and slugged him in the shoulder.
"And I guess your kids are ok too." You chime in with a bigger grin.
Rubbing his fists into his eyes. Katsuki let out a debilitated laugh as he shook his head, "God damn it woman. I'm so glad I married shitty hair instead of you. But still-" He couldn't stop from smiling, "I'm glad you and Izuku could be apart of these past twenty years too."
Laughing it off you couldn't help but sock him in the shoulder once again as you blotted at your own face. The two of you got interrupted by a voice hollering down at the two of you. None other than Eijiro and Izuku waving you down like mad men with smiles on their face.
Getting to your feet after Katsuki got up first. Offering you a hand as you took it and stood up and fixed your outfit before looking down the hall at Izuku.
Done up in his tux. With an All Might pin on his lapel like he did for every event attended. His green eyes lightened on you and you swore you could see the world sparkle in them. Freckles scrunched up as your husband waved at you grinning. Somehow that made your tears well all over again in your eyes.
"Kacchan." You muttered to catch the blond man's attention next to you. When he looked over at you he only saw you staring and smiling at Izuku like a damned fool, "Thank you. For giving me Izuku."
"Tch." He snorted but abashedly put his fist up next to you, "Didn't give you anything."
You raise your fist and bump it into his as you look over to see your friend staring at the red haired man right next to your husband. The same look of the world in Eijiro's eyes and knowing he was looking at Katsuki just like Izuku looked at you.
"Still." You smiled when Izuku began talking even though you didn't understand what he was going on about, "Thank you for everything Kacchan."
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h2bakugou · 4 years
🍀 hello! I have a suggestion
How would the class 1 a boys react to you both getting recognized in public as "the secret class 1 a couple?!" And seeing it on the news or social media, Before yous are dating. Hope this makes sense 💖
a/n: hi!! this is super cute! i decided to do a bunch of the boys from 1-a, i didn’t get to do all of them, but this is certainly a cute idea!!
headcanon: them reacting to news of being a couple before they’re actually a couple
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
It happens during a training battle with class 1-B. 
It’s just a little get together, the two classes joining for some competitive training.
You’re working with Bakugou since he tolerates you the most, which he would gladly chose you over Beavis and Butt-Head Kirishima and Kaminari.
He also has a crush on you but that’s a secret teehee.
You got one on him too so don’t act all innocent.
But of course, Monoma happens to be one of the members of the group you face off with.
He’s just messing with you, teasing you. Calling you pet names like Angel or Honey.
He’s doing it ‘cause it clearly pisses Bakugou off.
“I’m sorry, where are my manners, flirting with your significant other.” Monoma apologizes as he slaps Bakugou’s shoulder, activating his quirk.
“We’re not dating!?” You yell as you charge at the blonde that isn’t your crush.
“So you mean the entire class has been lying to me?” Monoma pouts.
After training, Bakugou asks you out, stating he’d been thinking of doing it sooner but he had been caught up with staying top of the class-
He was most certainly jealous.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Like legit, Deku’s in some parent-teacher conference and All Might is like ‘many things are blossoming, such as young love.’
And his mom is just like ‘finally you and y/n got together, about damn time.’
And Deku’s just like ????? IM SORRY????////
Literally races over to you and is like
“They think we’re together-”
And you’re just like
“Well damn we should be” *lip bite*
Deku blushes but asks you out on the spot so he doesn’t have to explain to his mom that it wasn’t like that.
Lowkey he had the biggest crush on you and was just really nervous that you were too occupied with studies to even notice him.
His mom is so proud of him, probably throws him a party or something for your first official date- please i love her 
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Tell me why I think this fool finds out about the whole ‘secret couple’ thing from Dabi-
It’s just so bad that it’s absolutely perfect.
Tell me that this crispy ass patchwork villain would not take every opportunity to tease Shoto.
“So you came here to fight me with your true love? Perhaps romance isn’t dead.”
Literally about to light his ass on fire and Shoto’s just frozen-yeah go on laugh I know you want too-and just stares at this dude like??? 
come again? pardon?
Deadass looks over at you and just raises an eyebrow.
“I think he thinks we’re a couple.” You fill in the blanks and Todoroki eventually nods.
“Well yes, they are indeed my true love, but I think this might be a bit extreme for a first date. Perhaps when we’re done beating your ass, I can take them out for dinner.”
chivalry isn’t dead *heart eye emojis*
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Honestly with the flirty comments you litter under each other’s social media posts, google probably be recommended y’all relationship stuff, those little heart lamp message things, matching necklaces, technology was dropping all the hints.
No but Kirishima probably just assumes you’re together when Kaminari brings you along to one of the mall trips they usually go on.
“Dude you finally asked them out, sick, took you long enough.” 
Cue red Kaminari. Man is a tomato. Like he just turns to you shaking throwing a thumbs up.
“Awe, you like me?” You give him a hug and kiss his cheek, shoving your hand in his.
“Yeah, totally, I mean who wouldn’t.” Kaminari is back to being smug, he’s got a pretty person’s hand in his own he is now taken JSFSJFJ
He will literally be in debt to Kirishima for getting the two of you together. Like he’s deadset on somehow repaying Kirishima.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Two words. Katsuki Bakugou.
Kirishima is super sweet, like I just see him doing a bunch of really nice stuff for you, helping you carry things to your dorm, or like maybe doing your hair if you asked.
Bakugou is extremely observant and will just watch how y’all act but like he’s finally so tired of watching you act like a couple. He knows you two have to be a thing so why hasn’t Kirishima mentioned it.
“We get it you’re together! Just cut the sappy shit already!” Bakugou snaps randomly one day because you’re just sitting in his lap because all the couch seats are taken.
Your cheeks burn and Kirishima’s face turns the same crimson color as his hair.
“Dude we’re-”
“Friends.” You finish, but there’s a hint of sadness.
“You certainly don’t act like. Fucking ask each other out already goddamn.”
Do what he boss says.
Kirishima brings you pretty flowers and asks you out, literally taking you on a date when you say yes, god he’s so sweet love him kiss kiss.
»»————- ★ ————-««
tenya iida
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Honestly, I think Aizawa’s gonna just have to lecture Iida on social cues. ‘Cause Iida may seem like he’s just being a good class rep, but walking you to and from class, carrying your bag, and tucking hair behind your ear are most certainly beyond what classifies as ‘class rep behavior.’
A bunch of students from class 1-a are gonna be really suspicious, whispering around, making plans to try and catch it happening.
Sure enough, Iida’s carrying your bag as you walk back toward the dorm building, your pinkies just barely touching, before you finally heave a sigh and interlock yours with his.
Kaminari can’t hold in his excitement, congratulating the navy-haired class rep on scoring such a hottie.
“I’m confused, you’re congratulating me-”
“Because you finally asked (y/n) out!” Iida just turns red and stares at you.
“No no, I think you may have misinterpreted!”
“Really? On god? Just like that?” You pout, lowering your head.
“No! I...” 
Iida quite literally has to prove he likes you by kissing you in front of the class. Guess it’s not really a secret anymore.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hanta sero
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Much like Kirishima, Bakugou and/or Kaminari and/or Kirishima play a big role in ‘exposing’ the two of you.
Late nights in each other’s dorm playing video games?
Wearing each other’s sweaters?
Picnics and walks together?
Yeah try convincing off-brand pikachu, red robin, and the fitness gram pacer test you’re not together.
the fitness gram pacer test bit sounded much better in my head but i didn’t really have any other funny nickname for bakugou other than johnny test which made about as much sense as the fitness gram pacer test.
“Yo we’re going to the mall!” Kaminari is the first to spill the plans for the weekend.
“Oh shoot alright-”
“I meant us. Don’t you have a date with (Y/n)?” Kaminari points to the rest of the group, excluding you and Sero who sat side by side, under a knitted blanket.
“Uhm, Kaminari we’re-”
“Oh no, I know you like them.” Kaminari leans in really close to Sero’s face before squishing his cheeks and turning him to face you.
“I’m so sorry.” Sero whispers to you.
You roll your eyes and lean over, planting a kiss on his cheek, earning a few cheers from Mina and Kaminari who pretty much played matchmaker.
Sero takes you out on a date when they plan to go to the mall, but it was really all a ruse to spy on you on your date.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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oligbia · 3 years
Hello, can I get a short fic a/b reader who's dating Deku, but both are unaware that Bakugou likes reader also? Reader isn't a fan of Bakugou and always complains to Deku about how he kisses his ass too much and lets him get away with ish. Reader is definitely more sensitive/indignant than Deku tbh.
*ahem* this took embarrassingly long. But,, here. I like it <3
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Bakugou X Reader X Deku
SFW, mild angst
Contains: yelling, insults, implied self harm *briefly at the end, very vauge*, bakudeku if you squint, references of suicide *in refrence to middle school Deku*
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    Katsuki Bakugou was not jealous. Bakugou was confident and was going to be a top hero, and top heroes didn’t have time to be jealous. And, above all that, he was not jealous if stupid Deku. 
    Sure, maybe he was mad that dumb Deku got a partner before he did, but it wasn’t personal. Bakugou definitely didn't think about you. He didn’t think about the way your hands would look in his, the way it would look when his much larger arm rested around your waist. He didn’t think about sparring with you all the time, the way your body would look glistening in sweat as you cave him all you had. He only thought about sparring with you because he wanted to kill you, you were just another extra… right?
    But you were soft, delicate even. But, you also were assertive, not all peppy like the other girls. You were always looking for a fight. You wanted to protect people, not just save them. You weren’t afraid to kick Mineta in the balls (both sets), and you weren’t afraid of hero work. You never hesitated to jump into the fight. You were heroic- worth Bakugou’s time. 
It made sense you would like Deku more than him, it made sense Deku would get you. Deku was going to be a pro hero too, and with the way All Might dotes after him, he would be a hell of a hero too. Deku was smart, he was kind, and he was a decent fighter. He was everything that Bakugou wasn't. 
Because to you, Deku was a hero. He was going to save the world one day. But Bakugou was just a villain who managed to fool everyone into letting him be a hero. To you, Deku was kind and caring; Bakugou was just loud and violent. When Deku was emotional, Bakugou was just loud. He was a prick to you, and he knew it-and that destroyed him. 
“Hey Kacchan! Come hang out with us tonight!” Deku stood over Bakugou's desk, freckled face glowing as he smiled. Bakugou noticed your presence behind Deku. You were trying to hide your annoyance, Bakugou noticed. 
“No way would I ever hang out with you losers.”
Kirishima grabbed Bakugou’s shoulders, squeezing him playfully. “C’mon Bakugou! It’ll be fun.”
“Fuck off, shitty hair. I’m not going.”
Deku looked defeated. You knew how badly he wanted to hang out with Bakugou again. You didn’t see why of course- Bakugou was a jerk and wasn’t worth your boyfriend’s time. But, alas, you would do anything for the green haired boy.
You gave Bakugou a side glance, “Everyone is going- it would make you lame if you were the only one who missed.”
Bakugou looked at you, both angered and intrigued. “Huh? What did you say to me?” He rose from his seat, leaning around Deku to see you closer.  You looked him in the eyes, not intimidated or threatened. Deku looked vaguely panicked next to the both of you.
“I said you would look like the class loser to skip. It’s just a group hang out, Kacchan.” You teased his nickname, knowing it would set him off. 
Bakugou tried to leap forward to you, sparks setting off from his hands. “Shut up, dumb bitch!” 
You were about to hit him first, before Deku grabbed you to hold you back, his large arms containing you. Kirishima held down Bakugou, having to harden his arms to hold the explosive boy back. 
Deku drug you off somewhere, whispering in your ear in an attempt to calm you down. Kirishima sat Bakugou down. “Dude, you have to accept that she doesn’t like you.”
Bakguou rolled his eyes, looking out the classroom window. He knew you didn’t but he wasn’t going to accept it. 
“You have to move on. It isn’t manly to fight a girl.”
“It’s plenty okay to fight her, she started it!” Bakugou sat down in his seat, mumbling angrily. “and I don't like her- she's just as shitty as all of you extras.” 
Kirishima looked Bakugou up and down, seeing through his bullshit. “Whatever you say, bro.”
Bakugou let out a ‘tch’, thinking back at your interaction. He never wanted to actually hurt you, maybe playfully rough you up, but not genuinely hurt you. He never meant to yell at you either, you clearly preferred softer guys anyway. 
“You really shouldn’t fight Kacchan so much-”
You snapped your eyes to Midoriya, blood still boiling. “And why is that?”
“He didn’t do anything.”
“He did everything. He’s a jerk.”
“He’s going to be a hero just like us, Y/N, one of the best-”
“Not with the way he treats people. He’s going to be a shitty hero-”
“Don’t say that. You don’t know Kacchan the way I do.” Midoriya tried to reach for your hand, but you swatted it away. 
“Do you even know him? He bullied you in middle school and was never really your friend as a kid. Honestly, Izuku, I don’t know why you kiss his ass so much, he will never respect you back and is always going to make your life, everyone’s life, hell.”
Midoriya’s jaw dropped at your words, unsure of what to do. You had never been this mad at him, or at anyone. Small fits of anger were a normal occurrence for you, but normally a minute alone and a kiss to the forehead would put you at ease- but this was beyond Midoriya. 
You crossed your arms, walking away from Midoriya. He ran behind you, trying to catch up. 
“Wait, Y/N, you can’t just leave.”
“Yes I can. I can’t be around that blond headed shit stick anymore or I’ll fight him.”
“You would win-”
“Don’t kiss my ass now, Midoriya.”
Midoriya looked to the ground. He really wanted to support you, but he also knew that he respected Kachan. To him, Bakugou was a hero, someone he looked up to. Bakugou was powerful, his quirk was amazing. He had the talent and skills to become a hero. He was someone who demanded authority and respect, he was a talented hero. He was amazing. 
“I’m sorry, just don’t go yet-” he peaked up at you, your body leaning against the wall, head in hands. 
“I won't go anywhere.”
“Good. Perfect.” Midoriya walked to you, pulling you into his chest, wrapping his arms to rest on your waist. He placed soft kisses on your hairline. 
“I’m sorry I got mad.” Your voice was not much more than a mumbled, muffled in his shirt. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry Kacchan doesn’t listen.”
You tensed, aggravated Midoriya just wasn't getting it. 
“Why do you respect him?” You peeled back, looking up at him. Midoriya’s arms stayed firm around your waist. “To me, he just seems mean. I mean, the kid bullied you your entire life. He told you to kill yourself ‘Zuku. Why do you keep pining after him?”
Midoriya blinked. “I don’t know. I just think hes going to be a great hero, and I admire that.”
You let out a defeated sigh. “So is Todoroki, and he’s nice to you!”
“I do respect Todoroki-”
“Not as much as you respect Bakugou.”
Midoriya stayed silent. You were right, he just didn’t agree with you. He was someone of reason who tried to work his way through things logically, but your view of Kacchan didn’t make sense to him. Yea, he was sort of loud and abrasive, but that was just one of those things about him, like how Todoroki is blunt and Iida is controlling. It wasn’t bad, it was just part of him. He knew that he didn’t have the best relationship with Bakugou in the past, but things can change; people can change. It was all water under the bridge now. You were all going to be heroes soon, none of that middle school stuff mattered, not to Midoriya anyways. 
“Let's just go back to class. We can worry about this later.” You started to pry yourself out of Midoriya’s grasp, his arms only pulling you in closer to him. 
“Thank you for trying to listen to me. I promise Kacchan wont lash out to you again, okay?” 
You nodded, not really believing him. Most of the time, you were the one who pissed Bakugou off first anyways. Midoriya placed a chaste kiss to your lips, letting his hands fall from your waist to find your hands. He placed a small kiss to your knuckles, watching your grow pink with the familiar blush he loved to see. 
Bakugou watched Deku kiss you, his arms holding you close. It made him sick. You should have been in his arms, his hand on your waist, his lips on yours. His hands tightened into fists, small burns forming on his own palms. He knew he wasn’t what you wanted, he knew you weren’t ever going to like him, but he couldn't stop pining after you. He couldn’t stop daydreaming about you, how he would treat you, the places he would take you. 
When you walked back into the room with Deku, both of you avoided his traveling gaze. You shot him a fast glare before Deku could usher you both back to your seats next to each other, Iida immediately lecturing you. 
It was the first time you saw Bakugou without his angry scowl, but rather, a sad frown. 
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How they realize that they are in love
» Katsuki Bakugo // Shoto Todoroki // Izuku Midoriya x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
» Genre: Fluff & Angst » Summary: Just some HCs about Baku, Todo & Deku (seperately) and how they realize that they are in love » Warnings: fighting, death, injuries & swearing (Bakugo) implied abuse (Todoroki) panic attacks, overthinking & mentions of fighting (Midoriya) » Words: ~1.7k » Author's Note: These were fun to write, if you’d like to see them for any other characters, feel free to ask! This was inspired by @/costellos, check their stuff out
You can find a link to my Masterlist etc in my bio and pinned post
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» Katsuki Bakugo:
Bakugo realizes that he is in love with you when you put yourself in danger to help him
Usually, Bakugo would be furious if someone else saw him as a person in need of help and tried supporting or even protecting him in a dangerous situation, but this time it feels different
Instead of anger boiling deep within Bakugo, close to making him explode, he feels an unusual numbness at first, while he watches your body fall to the ground after taking a hit for him. Even though he is often unable to identify his own feelings and is out of touch with them, he notices that change withing himself
The numbness quickly gives way to fear. He tumbles forward as he screams your name. For the first time in a while he is not sure what to do; he wants to check if you are alright, if you are alive, if you are still with him. But he also wants to charge forward and rip the person who hurt you to shreds
He feels helpless, unable to decide and unable to push those sudden overwhelming feelings aside. Instead, shock is freezing his whole body, only allowing his arms and legs to tremble. His mind is racing and screaming and calling him weak. Weak for needing your help, weak for not being able to protect you, weak for not killing this damn bastard in front of him
“Bakugo!” Your voice is feeble and barely audible over the sounds of the fight, but he can still hear you. You reach him through the clouds in his mind, through his own voice in his head tormenting him
He regains control over his body and it only takes him a few blows to knock out the enemy
In the next moment, he is cowering next to you, pulling you close, checking your vitals. Once again, his fingers tremble. You are alive, but in dire need of help
Bakugo hates being afraid and he pushes the feeling down with full force, trying to let his anger take over once again. The anger that numbs his senses, makes him care less about the people around him, makes him unapproachable and lets him keep everyone at a distance
“You damn fool!” His voice cracks. “I didn’t ask for your fucking help!” You look up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Baku-” “Shut up!” The pain in his throat from screaming is a welcome one. “Just shut the fuck up! I didn’t need you to save me, dammit!” A lump forms in his throat, taking his ability to speak. He can feel tears in his eyes, but he wipes them away before they can fall
Bakugo leans down and puts his arms under your body to carry you to an ambulance. Under his breath, he mutters, “I’m so glad you’re alive.”
  » Shoto Todoroki:
Todoroki realizes that he is in love with you when you are patient with him
Most people in Todoroki’s life expect a lot from him, if not way too much. His father expects him to be the perfect hero and successor to him since the day his quirk awoke, UA expects him to always be one step ahead of everyone else and he puts those expectations on himself as well. Even though it is not hard for him to be all those things at this point in his life, having someone around who is patient with him and does not care if he fails or lets himself go from time to time is a relief
Like on most days, Todoroki and you walk home together after class, since you have to go into a similar direction. Most of the time both of you walk in silence or you try making conversation with Todoroki only to be met with silence or short answers
Todoroki knows that he is not the best person to be around at all times, that he does not always get jokes or acts distant with people – he just does not know what to say and how to react to certain things
Having friends is hard for him. Either he overshares about his past or keeps people at a safe distance. Todoroki needs time to figure out this new thing called friendship for himself. Can he even call his classmates friends? Can he call Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka friends? Can he call you a friend? What do you and the others call your relationship from your perspectives?
He has known you for a while now and you walk together every single day and you talk and you text, so you are his friend, right?
“Todoroki?” you catch him a little off-guard. “Hm?” “Would you like to hang out some time?”
He looks up at you and tries reading your expression. A friendly smile, waiting for his answer. It is his decision. You are not deciding for him, you are not demanding anything from him. Not many people have ever asked him to decide things for himself in the past. Everyone always decided in his place, especially when it came to big things like becoming a hero. It is a simple yes or no question over a small thing, yet Todoroki has trouble coming up with an answer
You seem to notice his hesitation. “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to hang out,” you calmly tell him. There is no undertone in your voice, only genuine kindness. “You can take your time deciding, you can take your time getting comfortable with having friends, or even just the idea of it.” Did you have another secret quirk that allowed you to read minds? Todoroki pushed that thought away. “Take your time. I promise that whatever you say, I won’t be mad or hurt by it. Alright?”
Even though you do not say anything to compliment or embarrass Todoroki, he feels himself blushing. Just a little, but he turns his face away to not let you notice. You are patient with him. You want him to be comfortable with you, you do not want to push anything on him. A warm feeling spreads through his body and for a second, Todoroki thinks that he is losing control of his fire quirk, but he quickly realizes that it is something else – something nice and good
“Yes, I’d love that, actually.” “Okay, great! I’ll text you then?” “Yeah.”
The two of you part ways but the warm feeling stays
  » Izuku Midoriya
Midoriya realizes that he is in love with you when you comfort him
Whenever something goes wrong during a mission or a patrol, that he goes on during his internship, Midoriya is quick to blame himself for what happened. He himself and everyone around him makes him think that he needs to be a perfect hero even though he is only an intern and a student
It starts with overthinking his steps, replaying the scene in his head again and again, and sometimes even ends in panic attacks. Most of the time he tries to deal with those things alone and disappears in his dorm room, but over time you have learned to see the signs that Midoriya is not doing well and you have been trying to find ways to comfort him
You both sit on his bed as Midoriya talks about what happened earlier. The civilians that got hurt, the villain who got away, his own inability to save everyone and stop the bastard. His voice is weak, tears run down his cheeks and sobs shake his body every now and then
He goes on and on about the mistakes he made until you interrupt him
“Midoriya.” Your voice is soothing yet insistent. “Not everything that happened today is your fault. Maybe even nothing. You are still in training, there are adults who are responsible for you. Putting someone as young as you and me out there is a risk, because we make mistakes. But that’s a way to learn. We learn from our past mistakes and become stronger. The next time you are in a situation like this, you’ll be able to handle it just fine.”
Some more tears run down his face, so you pull him into an embrace. Midoriya appreciates your words. He really does. But for now, he has lost his ability to speak
“You are not alone with this. And it’s not your fault.”
Another choked sob leaves Midoriya. He hugs you back, clings to your shirt and buries his face in the crook of your neck. The way your hands draw patterns on his back soothe him until he eventually stops crying. But he does not want to let go just yet
“Thank you,” he whispers after a while. “Thank you so much.” He is not alone. He knows that he can talk to you about this, about anything. He just wishes he had the courage to open up more often
You stay like this until it gets dark, until all the other lights have gone out. Until everything is silent and Midoriya can only hear your and his own breathing. He feels oddly warm and safe in your arms, so he hopes that you will never get up to go to your room, but he knows that you have to, eventually
Suddenly, one of your hands is on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair. Midoriya has a hard time stopping himself from leaning into your touch more. “I hope you know that I’m here for you, Izuku.” You never call him by his first name. Midoriya’s heart skips a beat and heat rises to his cheeks. He is glad that you cannot see his face right now because he is sure that it is as red as a tomato
“The same goes for you.” And he wholeheartedly means it
You linger there for another moment before finally pulling away. Midoriya does not want you to, he wants you to stay there, with him, forever. But he cannot have that. Not yet at least. And even though the circumstances that lead to this are not the best, he wishes for this to happen again soon
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Guessing the mha characters’ charts, Dekusquad edition
A/N: Howdy guys, Parker here! This post is going to be about the mha characters and their birth chart! I’m only going to talk about their big six (being the Sun, Moon, Ascendant ,Mercury, Venus and Mars) since I don't think i can fit everyone’s full chart. With that said, let's get to the Dekusquad’s charts!
Also this is my first post on this site and English isn’t my first language so if I made any mistakes please tell me: constructive critisism would be really appreciated!
Izuku Midoriya:
Cancer Sun (Izuku is a very light-hearted individual but is someone not to underestimate, he is also very nurturing and protecting!)
Pisces Moon (In the series he has sensitive and emotional qualities a Pisces Moon might have and his feelings are very intense, almost like a storm)
Cancer Ascendant (He gives off an extremely angelic look and his features make him look innocuous, then again, I wouldn’t underestimate him in anyway since cancer placements can be intimidating as well)
Virgo Mercury (People with this placement speak in a very shy way, like Izuku does frequently in the show. He is also observant and always takes notes on his classmates and favorite heroes)
Pisces Venus (People with this placement love passionately the people dearest to them: friends, family, classmates and everyone else. But they might miss red flags. Just like Izuku doesn’t see how unhealthy his friendship with Bakugo is)
Scorpio Mars (Izuku is obsessed with his goal of being a hero, and he will do anything to achieve it. Obviously he won’t do illegal stuff to do it but he is very keen to this goal)
Ochako Uraraka:
Capricorn Sun (Responsible, goal-oriented and kind. These are three of the characteristics Ochako shows in the series.)
Leo Moon (Passionate and intense may be the best way to describe her inner feelings. Leo Moons are also very giving to the people they love! )
Leo Ascendant (Ochako appears to have a laid-back vibe. She kind of reminds me of the sun: Warm, gentle and energetic)
Taurus Mercury (The way she speaks is very grounded and gentle, maybe a bit stubborn at times) 
Cancer Venus (Ochako definitely is giving and motherly to the people in her life, heck she wants to become a Hero so that she can help her parents! that must mean something right?)
Aries Mars (Very determined in her goals, and she works well when there’s plenty of challenges, also she is very straight-foward with her actions and she is willing to sweat and bleed to save others.)
Tsuyu Asui:
Aquarius Sun (As much as I don’t want to describe her this way, she is exceptionally eccentric. She’s also innovative in every aspect of her life)
Virgo Moon (Observant and calculating. She’s not only that, she’s very caring and clearly worries for the well being of others.)
Capricorn Ascendant (She radiates a particularly quiet and responsible vibe, she is level-headed and clearly calculates her actions)
Sagittarius Mercury (In the shows Tsuyu is very blunt with expressing her thoughts, so I thought this placement fits her since sags are awfully honest with everything and everyone)
Aquarius Venus (She normally doesn’t show her feelings towards people but deep down her care and worry for other people shows as she gets emotionally closer to her classmates, just like an Aquarius Venus might do) 
Capricorn Mars (People with this placement don’t and won’t stand laziness and get to work for their goals in a blink of an eye. I think this placement works for her since she doesn’t fool around and she’s serious to her dream)
Iida Tenya:
Taurus Sun (Iida truly shows characteristics that Taurus placements have. Level-headed, smart, grounded and strong. Taurus placements are additionally conservative and at times grumpy)
Aquarius Moon (The class representative doesn’t show his emotions most of the time, in fact he hides them. Think about it : he didn’t tell anyone of his inner turmoil when the Stain arc started and kept his problem to himself. His emotions are very intense and raw non the less)
Virgo Ascendant (His facade to the world is serious and goal-oriented. He’s also  reserved, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t confident and truly observant. Iida shows sensitive qualities as well)
Aries Mercury (His voice is mighty and loud, almost screaming at the top of his lungs when he speaks. He sounds also confident when he says something : in other words, an intimidating voice indeed!)
Aries Venus (Very confrontational and upfront when it comes to his inner circle of friends and is surely intense when it comes to the safety of his friends and family.) 
Scorpio Mars (Like Midoriya, Iida is very concentrated on his objective of being a Hero for serving justice to his brother. I wouldn’t mess with Iida because if he says he’ll do something: he will do it)
Shoto Todoroki:
Capricorn Sun (Observant and diligent are two adjectives that seem to describe Todoroki on a somewhat accurate level. Although I’m doubting the ‘observant’ part because in the show he is too clueless.) 
Aquarius Moon (I won’t say much about aqua moons. But I will talk about how it fits. Remember how in the Sports Festival arc he got angrier when he used his quirk? I theorize it’s because it’s his only way of catharsis. Aqua moons have cooping mechanisms for not expressing their emotions that range from art to sports.)
Capricorn Ascendant (He wants to be perceived as diligent and goal-oriented, he wants to seem cold with a touch of a dominating presence. He has a grounded vibe)
Aquarius Mercury (Originally I labelled him as a Scorpio Mercury but his clueless manner of thinking isn’t something a Scorpio has! Scorpios are observant to a T, and Todoroki isn’t. Then I thought Aqua Mercury might fit because they are logical but might believe in conspiracy theories.)
Scorpio Venus (Kind of obsessive to the people he loves, and he only sees things in black or white. Very stubborn to the people he hates but has a fiery passion that only his inner circle sees)
Pisces Mars (He is straight-foward with his actions but he needs motivation, in other words: ambitious but won’t do shit without a strong reason. Also extremely moody unless he has a clear goal to accomplish. )
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epickiya722 · 1 year
For your alphabetic asks-
G, N and T
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Hmm... ooh! Layla (Aisha) and Nabu from Winx Club. They were just... 😭
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
More respect is a definite (I don't care how much you hate this ship, don't go around threatening people and leaving other nasty messages).
More love for the minor characters.
More fics where Iida isn't such a stick in the mud because let's be honest, his glasses fool you into thinking he doesn't know what fun is and always stick to the rules.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Kaminari is into digital art.
Midoriya can cook, he's just not on Sato's level.
If Aizawa and Shinsou would be related, they're cousins.
And if AFO would be related to Midoriya, he would be his grandfather or great grandfather, further down the line.
Fandom Meme Ask
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heyheyloki · 4 years
Better Than Him
Bakugo Katsuki x M!Reader
Requested? Yes.
Word Count: 2914
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When you first started UA, you didn’t have many friends. None of your friends from middle school had gotten accepted into the school, and none of them stuck around either. You didn’t have much of an need to go out of your way to make them, but you didn’t made making some if people approached you. That’s how this all began, because Mina Ashido decided that the handsome pretty boy of the class should be her friend. 
Mina was always took her time to go out of her way with you. Partnering up for classwork? She went with you. Needed a partner for hero work? Right by your side. 
She was a great friend, and she grew on you. It was just the two of you for a bit in the beginning of the year, that was until the Sports Festival happened. Both of you ended up bonding with Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and the infamous Bakugo Katsuki. 
Unlike your classmates, you didn’t have a problem with Bakugo’s constant rage and raised voice. You knew he wasn’t a bad guy, just someone who needed to prove himself. You didn’t believe it clicked within your classmates, but you didn’t feel like defending someone who didn’t need it. Besides, if you did, you thought you’d only offend him in the end. 
Overtime, you all became close friends. Your relationship with Mina grew and stabilized into best friends while your relationships with the others continues to grow.
“Yo, [Name].” You heard Kirishima call out, his desk behind yours. Still, he felt the need to stand next to your deck.
“Yeah?” You questioned.
“You got plans for the weekend? All of us are gonna go hang at Bakugo’s place.” Kirishima explained. For the first time in a while, you were surprised. It wasn’t like Bakugo to let people into his house, especially not his friends that he tries to deny he has.
“Really? And Bakugo is all cool with it?” You questioned, leaning your head forward to get a look at the blond at his desk.
“Don’t look at me! All these idiots invited themselves!” Bakugo yelled, his eyes locked onto yours.
For some reason, you believed him.
“C’mon!” You heard Mina’s voice. When you turned your head to the other side of your desk, she was there. Her palms planted on your desktop. “It’s not like you got anything better to do, right?”
“Woah, you think highly of yourself that you think you’re my only friend.” You teased, watching as she began to pout like a child.
“C’mon, man! Don’t be scared of Bakugo, it won’t be the same without you!” Kaminari suddenly butted in, his arm wrapping around your shoulders.
“What the hell makes you think I’m scared of him?” You growled. Seriously, out of all of them, you were the least scared of the guy.
“Cause you don’t come! Unless, you got something else to do?” Kaminari questioned, a coy grin coming to his features. “Maybe, a date?”
“Oh, my god! Really? Since when?” Mina shouted, her excitement growing.
You sighed, seriously, sometimes you think these guys have nothing else to do but bother you. You weren’t complaining necessarily, but you know that for some reason beyond you, that you complete their group. Maybe it was cause you could run your mouth to Bakugo without flinching, or perhaps you were just you and they loved that about you.
“It’s not a date.” You hummed out. Your hand coming up to remove Kaminari’s arm from your body. “I just already made plans with Midoriya. Sorry.”
You didn’t think they’d make a big deal out of it, especially since most were on good terms with the green haired fool that always seems to break his bones any chance he gets. Then again, you forgot that one person isn’t his biggest fan.
“Uh? Deku? Why the hell are you wasting your time with that nerd?” Bakugo suddenly called out, all eyes now on the group. Especially Bakugo and you.
When you looked at him, it was like a war was on the brink of starting. It wand uncommon for the both of you to argue here and there, so no one was worried necessarily, but something in your gaze made his blood run cold. He really didn’t take a liking to the way you looked at him, but instead of taking into account why, he just blamed it on your quirk.
The quirk you had was tricky in more ways than one. It distorted your personality at times, and the abilities that came along with one single quirk had some people jealous, envious of you. Maybe that’s what Bakugo liked about you, he knew that people were jealous of his stupidly-awesome quirk just like they were of yours. You had a commonality, and that made him see you as an equal. Though, as he got to know you, that quickly turned into respect.
“What? Jealous I’m hanging with him instead of you?” You asked in a snarky tone that made Bakugo almost pop a vein.
“Why the hell would I be jealous of that loser?” He yelled, his hand slamming down hard on his desk. Some of his classmates flinched at the noise, but you remained perfectly still. Continuing to give him that annoying look that he wanted to just wipe off your face.
“Don’t know,” you hummed. Your eyes still not removing themselves from Bakugo’s orbs. It was odd to you how this guy chooses to act this way in school but when he’s just hanging out with you, he’s the chillest guy you’d ever met. Though, that was only if it was just you and him. “But, I’ll be free another day. So don’t go missing me too much.”
“Like I’d ever miss you, idiot!” He screamed out once more in retaliation.
You just smiled to yourself before class shortly after started. You wish you could go, but you’re a man of your word and promised Midoriya you’d help him out. Besides, if you weren’t loyal, what else did you have left? Your quirk made it quite difficult to be anything else.
When that weekend passed, Bakugo tried to ask you to hang out with him. There was a carnival in town and he didn’t want to go with the others unless you were there. Sadly, you had to decline again.
“Sorry, Bakugo, I already made plans with Midoriya.” You told him with an apologetic smile. “Maybe next week.”
He did try again next week. It wasn’t like he wanted to, in fact, he felt pathetic doing this for weeks on end and you always rejecting him. It was just easier to deal with the chaotic antics of the others with you around. It wasn’t like he enjoyed you being around, no, not at all.
It didn’t help when everyone else started to talk about you while they all hanged out.
“Man!” Kaminari whined. “When is [Name] gonna come back and hang with us?”
“Not sure, but he’s been hanging around Midoriya a lot more lately.” Mina expressed, her eyes wondering up at the clear sky as they all walked around the park.
“Yeah, now that you mention it, those two have been getting really close, right?” Kirishima questioned. “I mean, he never really talked to him until recently. Makes ya wonder what they’re doing.”
It would be a lie to say that didn’t irk Bakugo. Did you think Deke was better than him? That couldn’t possibly be it, right? After all, he was better. He was your friend first before Deku, so why did you prefer that guy over him?
“I don’t know about [Name] but did you hear about Midoriya?” Sero suddenly asked.
Bakugo made up this mask that he wasn’t interested in this conversation whatever, but when he heard that, his ears perked up. He was never one for gossip, hell, he hated it. But for some reason when it came to you, it felt like he needed to know. Especially if Deku had a part in it.
“No, what happened?” Kaminari questioned, the others on edge.
“I overheard Uraraka talk with Iida about how Midoriya was suddenly acting weird whenever [Name] was around.” Sero started out saying. All of them at the edge of their seats, begging him to just spit it out already. “When Uraraka confronted him, Midoriya said that he was starting to like him! Can you believe that?”
“Seriously?” Mina suddenly shouted with a wide smile and somewhat flushed cheeks.
While everyone stood with shocked expressions across their features, they all asked the same questions. Did you like him as well? Is that why you wouldn’t hang with them?
Though, for Bakugo, it was a little difficult. Unlike everyone else he felt something he hasn’t in a while. He knew he had a short fuse and could be angered easily, but when he heard that it was like something twisted in his chest. It was painful, and made questions run about his mind.
The thing was, Bakugo wasn’t dumb. He cursed himself out in his mind. It wasn’t ‘hero’ behavior, he felt like a loser. He hated that. It was such a petty emotion that ran through his veins. Pure, petty jealousy.
It wasn’t until a few days later that Bakugo saw you. It was in the morning, just before class started up. Everyone was chatting with friends before they had to deal with a grumpy Aizawa in the morning.
When Bakugo walked in, his sight immediately locked onto you. You were in his seat, your body turned to face Midoriya who sat behind the spiky haired blond. You had your elbow on Midoriya’s desk, your head rested in the palm of your hand with a bright smile on your features. It was like when you smiled, in Bakugo’s eyes, you glowed. It was odd to him the first couple of times, but he started to enjoy it. It was like his own secret that no one had the privilege of seeing besides him.
“So, [Name], um,” Midoriya started to mumbled, his fingers now fidging each other. His gaze towards his desk, dancing around as he spoke but not meeting yours for a second.
“What’s up?” You questioned, wondering what he was so worried for.
“I was, uh, wonder if maybe I could draw you?” He asked in a shy tone. Though, once his eyes met yours he immediately shot his hands up and shook them before blurting out, “I mean, only if you want to!”
You stared at him for a moment. It was odd to you how this was the most difficult thing for him to ask when he’s asked you so much things over the past couple of weeks. “Sure, I don’t mind. But, make sure you get my good side.”
Midoriya chuckled. “I’ll try.”
You nodded with a smile, trying out some poses before your eyes got drawn towards the window. Rain was falling and it never ceased to capture your attention in an instant. Though, today your little show would be interrupted.
As you watched some teachers and students scramble into the school from below, your attention was quickly drawn to whoever nudged you in the back of the head. You knew there wasn’t any malice behind it, but instead just to grab your attention.
When you turned your head your eyes went up to Bakugo’s face. It was calm, and something about it was peaceful to you. His red hues were shining with something you didn’t recognize, but, for some reason, you were just happy to have it directed onto you.
“Good morning, Bakugo.” You said with a soft smile. “How was your weekend?”
“It was whatever.” Bakugo hummed. His eyes never moving anywhere else besides you. “Spiky thought it would be a fun idea to do a picnic.”
“Oh, that sounds fun. Wish I could’ve been there,” you hummed in a sweet tone. Although, before Bakugo had time to respond to your words, you let an soft hum leave your throat before saying, “By the way, I’ll be free today if you wanna hang out and catch up.”
For the first time, Bakugo’s gaze shifted to Midoriya. His calm eyes grew irritated, narrowing on the green haired teen.
You heard Midoriya yelp suddenly, but you didn’t find that any different from any other day before. When Bakugo turned back to you though he said, “Whatever, idiot. Just don’t make a mess while you’re over my house.”
You smiled, your legs bending straight as you stood from his desk. You were a few inches from him when you did, neither of you looking to back up. It was then that your innocent smile turned into a sly grin before brushing your shoulder with Bakugo as you moved back to your seat, completely missing the soft red that popped up on the tips of his ears.
After school Bakugo and you headed out without a word to your other classmates or friends. You made conversation here and there about whatever you could think about, just basically throwing your thoughts at him. It wasn’t until you both came out of the heated building and feel a chill run up your spine. It was days like these were you wish you had some fire or some kind of heat quirk like Bakugo and Todoroki have. 
“Shit, it’s freezing.” You grumbled as you hugged yourself from warmth, your teeth beginning to chatter. While it was cold, you did enjoy Bakugo’s heat that helped you at least tolerate this bullshit. Though, when he suddenly stopped as you continued to walk, it didn’t take long for you to notice.
When you turned you noticed him digging around in his bag. You leaned your head to the side, confused on what he was doing. You took a step forward, your lips parting as you were about to let words slip past them. Before you had the chance though, you felt something warm wrap around you. 
“Don’t freeze to death, idiot.” Bakugo said before continuing to walk.
Your eyes quickly shot down to see a scarf loosely wrapped around your neck. The gesture itself shouldn’t be anything to gush over, it was a kind thing that anyone would do. Though, for some reason, when Bakugo did it it felt like your entire body was now suddenly warm. 
When both of you arrived at Bakugo’s place since it was closer to the school than yours, you noticed his parents weren’t home. It didn’t bother you since this wasn’t the first time you’ve been over without them around. But you did find it odd that Bakugo just dropped his thinks and started to travel to his room. Normally you both would grab some drinks and snacks to chill with while you hanged out, but that didn’t happen. You decided not to question him and just followed behind him silently.
You believed nothing was wrong, but when you saw him sitting at the edge of his bed with his head down, you knew you were wrong. 
You sighed, leaning against the door frame you asked, “Alright, what’s wrong with you?”
Bakugo’s eyes locked on you. It would have scared you, but it wasn’t the first time he looked at you like that. 
“Do you like Deku more than me or something?” He suddenly questioned, his voice prickled with thorns. One wrong move, and you knew you wouldn’t recover. 
You leaned your head. “Bakugo, really?”
“Do I look like I’m joking to you, idiot?”
No, he didn’t, but you wish he was. It wasn’t like you were keeping a secret from him, but it was a pain in the ass to explain. 
You sighed, your hands dug in your pockets before walking up next to Bakugo. You took a second before sitting down next to him, making sure he wouldn’t deny you. The moment you sat down you said, “Midoriya is cool and all, but just because I’ve been hanging out with him doesn’t mean that I think he’s cooler than you or something.”
Bakugo raised his head an inch. Side-eyeing you he growled, “Then why the hell are you blowing me off, huh? If you wanna hang out with that nerd so bad than just do it!”
You didn’t make any moves, nor did you try and make any snarky comments. It was hard to hold in instinct, but for him you could do it. 
“I wasn’t trying to blow you off, okay?” You hummed out in the kindest voice you could muster up. “Midoriya asked me if it would be okay to get some information about my quirk for this hero journal he’s been keeping. I said yes, and it just happened to take longer than I thought.”
The blond next to you went quiet, you knew he probably felt silly or like a ‘loser’ but you didn’t think that about him at all. Not in the slightest. 
With a single motion, your shoulder moved over to Bakugos’. You didn’t move, nor try to. Instead, you took in a pleasant breath of air as you relaxed into him. It’s been weeks since you could last do this, and you missed it. He would never allow you to in public or with your other friends, which, you understood and respected. So, it was really--really--nice now that you could.
“Yanno, you didn’t have to get jealous, Suki.” You cooed out. 
You thought he would flip out on you. He really did hate when you called him that in private, but today, he didn’t. When you felt him move, it wasn’t like you remembered before he flips out. So, you moved your head an inch to see what he had done. A large smile growing on your lips when you noticed his head turned away from you, unable to see his face. But, you did hear him when he said, “Shut up, idiot.”
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sophie-writings · 4 years
Masterlist ☁️
A masterlist with all my works!!
Read rules before requesting 
Have a good read 💖
☁️ Last updated: 18.06.2020  ☁️
Bakugou Katsuki
How he would be as a boyfriend 
Being told “I love you” for the first time
Girlfriend starts to ignore him 
Having a s/o with crackhead energy
S/o makes him flustered with innuendos 
S/o carries him after he’s hurt during battle
Bakugou reacting to an dancer s/o
Getting jealous of his crush “boyfriend”
Getting jealous of Todoroki
Getting jealous of a teddy bear 
Trying to get his s/o to talk to him 
Bakugou with a s/o who’s self-conscious of her body
Grumpy Bakugou after not sleeping enough
Bakugou with a s/o who has the same quirk and costume as Hela
Defending his s/o from perverts 
Bakugou with a s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
A cuddly Bakugou after a tough day
Disneyland date with his crush
Bakugou meets his favorite shoujo manga writter 
Undercover mission with crush
S/o comes out as bi
Falling in love with his best friend 
Taking care of his lactose intolerant s/o
He hurts his s/o’s feelings 
S/o who has really high pain tolerance
Quarantined with teacher s/o
Innocent looking s/o who’s actually dirty minded
Bakugou dating his polar opposite 
Dating a s/o who had a major surgery when younger
He’s hit by a quirk that turns him into a child
Pro!Hero Bakugou ruins his crush’s date 
Meeting his s/o’s father who has the same personality as him
S/o gets hit by a baby quirk 
Soulmate AU: Timer on your wrist that stops counting when you meet your soulmate
Platonic bff’s with Bakugou
S/o who’s self-conscious of her moles
His kid doesn’t recognize him after he’s been away for a long term mission
Bakugou finds out his s/o’s bi
Prompt: “Do you have a plan?” “Yes” “If we’re burning something it’s not a plan”
Prompt: "How come she loves you?"
Jealous Bakugou headcanons
Comforting s/o who’s self-conscious of her battle scars
S/o calls him ugly
Rejecting his insistent crush
Helping his s/o fall asleep 
Bakugou’s s/o had a bad day so he cheers them up. 
Pro!Hero Bakugou s/o’s is being targeted by the media and attacked online. 
Prompt: “I made her cry. How could I do that?"
Prompts: “I wish I didn’t love you so much.” + “You hurt me so well.”
Prompt: “You don't believe the rumors are true?” “It's just fake pr to sell charms to lovesick fools”
“I won’t say I’m in love”: Bakugou just might have the biggest tiniest crush on you, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to admit it to anyone — or even himself. Inspired by: “I won’t say (I’m in love)” from Hercules.
“I’m literally the guy in the picture”
Bakugou with a s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
Drunkly confessing his feelings
“I want a baby” text prank
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
Midoriya Izuku
How he would be as a boyfriend
Girlfriend starts to ignore him 
Having a s/o with crackhead energy
Midoriya telling his s/o that they are beautiful 
Midoriya with a s/o who has the same quirk and costume as Hela
Helping his s/o study for exams
S/o who sings for him
He’s hit by a quirk that turns him into a child
S/o gets hit by a baby quirk 
His kid doesn’t recognize him after he’s been away for a long term mission
Receiving/giving hickeys 
Comforting s/o who’s self-conscious of her battle scars
Jealous of Bakugou
Findinding his s/o crying
Pro!Hero Midoriya’s crush asks him to be their fake boyfriend for a night
“I’m literally the guy in the picture”
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
Todoroki Shouto 
How he would be as a boyfriend
Girlfriend starts to ignore him
Todoroki with a loud and bubbly s/o
Todoroki with a s/o who’s self-conscious of her body
Todoroki with a s/o who has the same quirk and costume as Hela
Todoroki with a s/o who suffers from amnesia after a blow to the head part 1| part 2
Disneyland date with crush
Todoroki with a s/o with fluffy hair
Todoroki’s first crush 
Todoroki with a s/o who grew up in the countryside
S/o comes out as bi
Falling in love with his best friend 
S/o who has really high pain tolerance
S/o who’s self-conscious of her moles
His kid doesn’t recognize him after he’s been away for a long term mission
He turns into a baby/His s/o turns into a baby
Comforting s/o who’s self-conscious of her surgery scars
Rejecting his insistent crush
Todoroki’s s/o wearing his clothes
Todoroki forgets about a date with his s/o 
“I’m literally the guy in the picture”
“I want a baby” text prank
Kirishima Eijirou 
Girlfriend starts to ignore him 
Kirishima and his s/o go camping
Kirishima takes care of sick s/o on their birthday
Meeting his s/o’s father who has the same personality has Bakugou 
S/o snaps them a TikTok dance 
“I want a baby” text prank
Tenya Iida
Iida with an emotionally drained s/o
Taking care of his lactose intolerant s/o
Prompt: "You own my heart. For all of eternity."
Iida dating his polar opposite
S/o snaps them a TikTok dance
Kaminari Denki
Undercover mission with crush
Taking care of his lactose intolerant s/o
His s/o breaks up with him 
S/o who needs a lot of medical care
Innocent looking s/o who’s actually dirty minded
Dating a s/o who has a coffee addiction
Dyeing hair with his s/o
Singing “I want it that way” with Denki
“I want a baby” text prank
Hanta Sero
Pocky game with s/o
Complimenting Sero’s cute butt
Getting jealous oh his crush “boyfriend”
Sero with an artsy s/o
S/o comes out as bi
Sero and his bestie 
Helping his s/o study for exams
Dating a s/o who has a coffee addiction
Braiding his hair 
Receiving/giving hickeys 
Hurts s/o with his tape
“I want a baby” text prank
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
Tamaki Amajiki
Girlfriend starts to ignore him 
Pocky game with s/o
Tamaki takes care of sick s/o on their birthday
Defending his s/o from perverts 
Quarantined with teacher s/o
He’s hit by a quirk that turns him into a child
Dating a s/o who has a coffee addiction
S/o gets hit by a baby quirk 
Prompt: “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
Receiving/giving hickeys 
Jealous of his crush best friends
Prompt: "You own my heart. For all of eternity."
Drunkly confessing his feelings
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
 Mirio Togata
Mirio takes care of sick s/o on their birthday
Mirio with a touch-starved s/o
Mirio with a s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
S/o who brings him lunch everyday
Mirio with a s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
Drunkly confessing his feelings
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
Hitoshi Shinsou 
Shinsou sneaking into UA’s dorms to be with his s/o
Having a s/o with crackhead energy
Pocky game with s/o
Platonic friendship with Shinsou
Playing video-games with his s/o
Getting jealous oh his crush “boyfriend”
Getting jealous of a teddy bear 
Getting jealous of otome games
Bakugou with a s/o who has the same quirk and costume as Hela
Disneyland date with his crush
Defending girlfriends from perverts
Finding his s/o’s body pillows
S/o is his complete opposite 
Undercover mission with crush
Making up after a fight
Taking care of his lactose intolerant s/o
S/o who needs a lot of medical care
S/o who has really high pain tolerance
Quarantined with teacher s/o
Innocent looking s/o who’s actually dirty minded
Dating a s/o who had a major surgery when younger
S/o who sings for him
Dating a s/o who has a coffee addiction
He turns into a baby/His s/o turns into a baby
Receiving/giving hickeys
Soulmate AU: Every time your soulmate lies, their words are written on you.
Finding his s/o crying
“Stop biting your lip, it’s distracting” and “Shut up, do you want us to get caught” Nsfw Prompts
S/o snaps them a TikTok dance
Drunkly confessing his feelings
Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa and crush take care of Eri
Aizawa with s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
His s/o gets hurt while protecting the students 
S/o who sings for him
First meeting with his future s/o while shopping at 2am
Braiding his hair 
Aizawa with a s/o who keeps cute photos of him on their phone
S/o who sings for him 
Saving his s/o from a deadly attack
Relationship headcanons
Wrong text from his s/o ranting about how much she loves him
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insomniac-jay · 3 years
BNHA Next Gen: Fantasy AU
Yukiana Midoriya
She is the princess of Todoroki's kingdom (which have yet to name) and seeing as she is the eldest child, she is next in line to inherit the throne.
She inherited Rei's ice powers
Genuinely loved and adored by the people and they often celebrate any important event that has to do with her which includes her birthday
She is Sir Gakudan Yaoyorozu's wife and the mother of his daughter (if enough people ask I will give their baby's name)
Is the commander of the army, though she often despises going to war and prefers to settle things diplomatically. But be warned she is a good fighter
Skilled with swords so don't let her being a pretty princess who is usually diplomatic fool you
Kanon Kirishima
The princess of Dragona and the great granddaughter of its legendary hero (which is Crimson Riot). As such, her tattoo symbolizes her status as a princess and she's one of the most powerful dragons.
However, she was also born the princess of Bakugo's tribe but because she is not born with his magic, she has been stripped of her rights to the throne. That doesn't affect her much though, since she prefers the people of Dragona to his anyday.
She has multiple partners like she does in the main universe and she loves them all equally.
She takes great care of the Dragonan people and looks out for them as it is her duty as both princess and soon to be queen to do so.
She is not afraid to go to war for her people, but she will also settle things in a diplomatic way if need be to avoid any bloodshed.
Known to be very aggressive and hostile towards hunters and has no qualms in killing them or having them killed.
Akiko Iida
She's Yukiana's royal guard and personal one. She takes her job very seriously and people hold her in high regard
Is also great at smithing since her mother is a blacksmith. She made her own war hammer and armor at the age of 19.
You heard that right, she uses a whole ass war hammer. Why be boring and use a sword when all it takes is one swing and your opponent is seeing stars?
Lives in the royal court
Skilled at horse riding
@calciumcryptid @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Overdue | T. Shoto
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request: “Hi! If your requests are still open, could I request a todoroki x reader oneshot please? Basically they’re childhood friends and go to UA together. Everyone ships them and Todoroki always treats reader super sweetly, but doesn’t realize that he’s also low-key pining for her. (always using endeavor’s credit cards to get her gifts LOL) eventually Todoroki figures out his feelings and confesses. Then the class catches them kissing in the dorms, making Todoroki and reader flustered! Thanks so much!”
a/n: this took me so long omgjdjsj fck all my reqs for this batch are taking me long :’) anyway thank you for being so patient with me @sugarandsoft ;;;
word count: 2933
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When it came to romance it was safe to say Shoto was simply blind to it, the romantic feelings of those around him and himself were practically foreign to the teenager.
In all of your years of knowing him you had never once seen him actually be able to recognize the difference between friendship and crushing. To him there was no “I like you romantically” or “I don’t like you romantically”, it was always “I like you as a friend” or “I don’t like you as a friend”. The whole liking someone, crushing on them, dating-courting thing was as complicated as astrophysics is to an eight year old. Which led to everyone around him to immediately be put in the friendzone the minute they got to know him.
Everyone knew that, especially Class 1-A who had to bear witness to one of their top students crush hopelessly on you without even being aware of it. They knew, other students knew, the teachers knew, your parents knew, his mother knew, the League of Villains knew— everyone knew that Todoroki Shoto of class 1-A has a big, fat crush on you except Todoroki Shoto himself. Hell, it was so obvious All for One could’ve seen he had a crush on you.
It was the “little” thing that gave it away, like using the number-two-pro-hero’s credit card to get you a new phone because yours got a small crack. When confronted about it, he’d always say the same thing.
“She’s my friend and I enjoy using the old man’s money,” he’d scowl at Midoriya— Shoto’s self proclaimed wingman and president of the [Name] x Shoto club, who had questioned his spending habits when it came to you.
“So you'd do the same thing for any friend?” Izuku would push the boy further, he was going to get him to realize he liked you even if it killed him- and by the way the year had been going and Shoto’s complete obliviousness to the situation, the latter seemed more likely.
“I guess.”
“Oh really? Then where the fuck is my new phone, lukewarm? If you’re gonna call me your ‘friend’ where is my phone?” Bakugou questioned him with a snarl.
“Yours isn’t cracked, Bakugou-”
“Is that what it takes? ‘Cause I’m gonna do it!”
“Hey Izuku- what’s going on?” Ochako looked at the trio in front of her, easily being drawn to the loud noises coming from the living area.
“Half-’n-Half over here is gonna buy us new phones if we crack ours.”
“I see…”
“Seriously?” Mina barges into the room to pick up the teasing where the blond has left off, “But I like my phone- oh! I know, instead of a phone why don’t you get me some new sneakers!”
“And if I break my house, would you get me a new one?” The brunette asks, she’d rather shoot her shot or miss trying.
“So- you’re gonna admit you’d only do it for [Name] are you gonna need help placing some orders?” Bakugo smirks at Todoroki.
“Ochako and I can check real estate for you!” Mina giggles.
But rather than answering, the bi-colored haired teen simply looked down and mumbled to himself, annoyed; “I’m not buying anyone anything.”
Safe to say he didn’t keep his word because not a day later and he had bought you a new TV after you joked about getting tired of going down the stairs to the shared living space.
He’d make exceptions for you all the time, always covering it with the excuse of “she’s been my friend for longer”, even when it didn’t make much sense. From his limited physical contact rule to the reckless spending, you had him wrapped around your pinky and he didn’t even know it. Everyone would always tease you two about it yet both of you dense as rock to the implications never really paid them much mind.
But soon Todoroki was confused, really confused, by his peers and their words; they were constantly insinuating that he liked you in a more than friends way. At first it was easier to deny such claims, you were just friends— but the more the pestering continued the more aware he was of the ways his heart seemed to flutter at the mention of your name or how he began noticing how he stared at you more often than the rest.
But he couldn’t like you, you were his first real friend— the only person in his life that was always there, if he did like you and he did act out his alleged feelings there was always the possibility you’d say no. And that scared Todoroki more than he’d like to admit. You, on the other hand, did acknowledge the butterflies he’d bring you and welcomed them with open arms. Knowing your chances with him were slim, you unknowingly turned a blind eye to his behavior, chalking it up to him seeing you as his best friend (as much as it might’ve pained you to think like that).
It didn’t take long for you to notice how he seemed more hesitant around you, how he was shying away from your touch and the way he’d avoid giving you any response longer than two sentences, soon enough he was practically avoiding you altogether, and you were worried. In all of your years being his friend, Shoto had never been so cold and distant with you. Had you upset him? It was a complete 180º from before and it left you wondering why.
“Ugh, he’s just-! I’m so annoyed, Ochako!” You groaned into your pillows, “He's never acted like this before, he’s barely talked to me in weeks! I don’t know what I did or what to do.”
“[Name], it’s okay! He has been pretty off lately,” the brunette patted your back, “You should try talking to him!”
“How am I supposed to talk to him when he barely even lets me get near?”
“Hm, maybe leave him a note!” She suggests, brown eyes looking at you sympathetically.
“A note?” You look up and meet her gaze, “Huh…”
And so you did it, you scribbled down a meeting place and signed it anonymously before huffing, stuffing it in your bag and deciding.
“Dear Todoroki, please meet me in the kitchen after practice. It’s very important, you really need to come!”
Simple, short— straight to the point with little to no wiggle room for interpretation (other than a very insistent and kind of annoying person, but that’s a price to pay for the restoration of your friendship), if he didn’t come you’d simply harass him with more notes until he gave up or had enough to open up a paper store. Hopefully the former because you doubted you’d have enough post-it notes or the money for that many.
“Hmph! That should do,” you rub your hands before throwing a thumbs up at your friend, “Thank Ochako, I owe you big time!”
That morning you told Izuku and Iida about Ochako’s plan and how you hoped they’d make sure Shoto actually came to the meeting place.
“But, don’t you think he might, I don’t know,” the freckled boy scratched at his neck, “Think you’re going-to-confess-or-something?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” You look at Midoriya confused.
“He means that Shoto might think the note might be from someone who wants to declare their feelings for him.” Tenya informs you, maybe a bit too matter of factly for your liking no one likes being talked down to.
“Don’t worry guys, I think a love confession is the farthest thing Shoto will assume this is.” You wave your hands in an attempt to convince them otherwise.
“There is no way this is going to be a confession.” Bi-colored eyes squint at the blonde that walked besides him.
“Look, all I’m saying is this definitely smells like a confession scene to me,” Denki smirks at Todoroki, “The kitchen is a weird place though, maybe they’ve baked you some sweets! Bro, you’re so lucky!”
“You might want to check your nose because there’s simply no way, Kaminari.”
“Why?” Sero smiles as he asks, “You’re pretty popular with girls, why can’t this be another confession?”
“Because,” Shoto snatches the note from the black-haired boy’s hand, “This is [Name]’s handwriting.”
“Wait a minute-! You’re telling me she’s making a move before you?” Kirishima asks in surprise, “I knew you liked her but I had no idea she liked you back, huh. I can kind of see it though.”
“What are you even saying?” The boy in question grumbles, he knew he should’ve gone with Midoiya and Iida but he knew you were going to be there and he didn’t want to risk being a fool. Now he’s got dumb, dumber and the dumbest giving him butterflies by insinuating you like him back, great.
“That she likes you, dude!”
“Totally! And you- you like her back! So all you gotta do now is go accept her confession and stop moping around being all pathetic- ow!” Kaminari rubbed his arm, cursing Kaminari’s strength.
“Don’t say that!”
“Yeah, at least not to his face.”
Todoroki simply rolled his eyes at the boys before hurrying up his pace, today was going to be long as he asks himself if he should really go.
He had a lot to think about, this information was important to him; there’s a chance you like him and the thought made him happy— very, very happy. Just the idea that you might return these feelings, which he’s still trying to come to terms with, just confirms it in his mind that he, Todoroki Shoto, does like you; in a more than friends way. He’s not going to let the chance slip away.
By the time he’s at the meeting spot, he can’t deny that he’s excited even if  his face doesn’t really show it. He had been confessed to many times but this was different because, for the first time, he planned on saying yes.
He heard you approaching, the soft tap of slippers matching the beat of his heart. He liked you, he really did like you and you liked him back.
As you turn around the corner you’re met with a frowning Shoto and are slightly taken aback at his serious expression. You knew he tended to be quite inexpressive sometimes but after a while of not hanging around you can understand why others are off-put by his cold features and intimidating stature.
“Shoto, you’re here.” Even through your shock you still smiled at your friend, relived he’d even shown up with the way he’d been avoiding you. You make your way near the counter, before sitting on top of it, you had chosen the kitchen in case that he'd forgotten about the note but be there anyway getting himself something.
You’d have to be quick before he’d run away,  wanting to get straight to the point and ask him what had been going on. You cared about him and you missed him, you didn’t intend on wasting more time.
“I know it’s sudden but you've been avoiding me all week and I’m sick of it! I really care about you Shoto and you ignoring me like this hurts-!” You stuttered, too caught up in trying to pour out all your feelings at once— accidentally giving him the confirmation he needed that this was indeed a confession.
“It’s okay, I think I know what you mean,” he cuts in, his expression softening, “And I feel the same way too.”
“Huh-? Shoto what are you-?” You look around the room confused, if he knew how you felt then why did he continue avoiding you? Did he even really know what you were talking about?
“I was scared,” he continues paying your previous statement no mind, slowly approaching your sitting form before taking your hand, “that’s why I avoided you but knowing that you feel the same way, makes me happy I guess.”
You blink in confusion, what was he talking about? Neither of you were on the same page, you probably weren’t even in the same chapter, you furrow your eyebrows at the thought.
“Shoto, just to get this straight,” you look into his eyes causing him to blush a soft pink, what the hell was going on, “what feelings are we- uh, talking about?”
First he avoids you like the plague, now he’s blushing and talking about feelings? What did he think this was?
“Like.” He says staring at you in confusion as if you were the one not making sense.
“Like what?”
“Like.” Todoroki looks at you, soft skin creasing at the frown that was now adorning his face.
“Like what, Shoto?”
“Like as in ‘I like you’-like.” He squeezes your hand and you’re thankful you’re sitting down or else you think you’d fallen over at his words.
“Wait, you like me?” At the realization of what you had been just talking about it’s your turn to blush, the blood rushing to your cheeks giving them a soft glow, “You had been avoiding me because you liked me?”
“Well, yes, I just said that,” a pale hand comes to hold your cheek, “[Name], are you feeling alright?”
“You like me?”
He nods, a soft smile in his face as he assures you with a hug;  “I really do”.  This wasn’t the conversation you were expecting but it wasn’t unwelcomed either. In a way, it did answer your question but it left you in a bit of a dilemma because you did like Shoto and he liked you but, now, what did that make both of you?
“Do you like me?” He asked, his hand rubbing your back delicately and a sense of nostalgia washes over you as you remember all the times you’d comforted him when you both were younger. You just nod in fear of your voice giving out and accidentally ruining the moment.
“Are we- uh, dating now?” You ask into his shoulder, the soft smell of his shampoo filling your senses,
“Only if you want to.” He whispers. Neither of you were really physically affectionate with each other before this, at least not since you were little kids, but Shoto had to admit that holding you close like this was nice. Even if it had only been a week or two, you missed him and he missed you a lot and being able to hug you so freely made his heart feel like it was about to burst.
“I’d love to.” You pull away slightly from the hug to face him, your noses touching ever so slightly. You were happy, not only was your relationship with Todoroki restored but it had leveled up and you swore it was as if you were floating.
With hesitant hands he pulls you closer and you close your eyes, he smelt like soft wood and tea and you were reminded of all the times you’d go over to his house where a little Shoto would show you around his room and toys, excited to have a friend his father approved of. You were proud of the way he’d grown, how he’d soften up and learned, how he was able to let go of the anger and grow into himself, you always liked Shoto and to finally be able to be his girlfriend was all you could want right now.
“Can I?” He asked, the whisper soft and delicate in your lips; you nod.
His lips meet yours for a second, a sweet peck that left you giggling into him. You both pull away for a second before kissing once more, it was longer and almost sickeningly sick. You could taste the mint from him and you wondered if he could taste the sweets you had been eating earlier.
But, of course, in class 1-A nothing is really a secret for long and you hear clapping from behind you. Shocked, you both pull away flushed red as your friends are left stifling laughs. The kitchen door is wide open and you can see most of them pilling against the frame with wide eyes.
“Fucking finally, I thought we were gonna graduate before you two got together.” Bakugo is the first to speak.
“I’m surprised they even kissed, I thought it was going to take them another 15 years to get there!” Mina giggles to Ochako who can only nod in amusement, she gives you a thumbs up and you roll your eyes.
“How did you even know we were here? Aren’t you meant to be at practice or something?” You ask them, clutching Shoto’s shirt in an attempt to hide your face.
“Come on, you passed the note to Kaminari and Sero and expected us to not come?”
“I wonder what your kid’s quirk is gonna be like,” Midoriya mumbles into his hand, “Will they get both of Todoroki’s quirks plus [Name]’s?”
“Izuku! Don’t say things like that!” Iida begins scolding the green-head much to both your boyfriend and your amusement, “To say something so suggestive when they’ve only gotten together-!”
“Iida now you’re making it creepy!” Everyone begins grumbling, some annoyed and some laughing at the comments and the once peaceful and romantic atmosphere turns rowdy as everyone starts talking about the newly formed relationship.
“Great now I can’t use the kitchen without thinking about you two making out!” The blonde grumbled before storming out bringing with him a new round of laughs as you and Shoto blush awkwardly.
Safe to say, none of your classmates will ever let you live down how long it took you two to get together.
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