#but every time I see him I gain 1 new opinion
queenvhagar · 4 months
My perhaps controversial take on the HOTD characters, the GOT characters the writers are trying to mold them into, and the GOT characters they actually most resemble in the books (in my opinion - feel free to disagree).
Disclaimer: these are entirely disconnected series with unique characters, so it's impossible to do what the writers of HOTD seemed to be trying to do in season 1 i.e. mold the characters from Fire and Blood to fit the characters of GOT to try to recreate the success of the early seasons. Given this, I tried to choose one single character analogue from GOT that each HOTD/FB character is most like, but oftentimes the reality is that if any single character from Fire and Blood resembles a Game of Thrones character it is likely that they are a combination of more than one. All of this said, here is who I think the writers are trying to fit certain HOTD characters into vs the character they are actually most like (according to Fire and Blood):
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Rhaenyra Targaryen: obviously the show wants her to be the new and improved Daenerys, a protagonist everyone can root for who wants to revolutionize the existing order. In reality, Rhaenyra is most like Cersei: a woman who seeks to use her three bastards to usurp thrones and gain even more power than she already has, all while committing incest with a family member and using her power to punish and silence her enemies. She uses the existing system to raise herself up and keep others below her. She does reach her goal of ultimate power but ultimately she is unable to hold it. In pursuit of holding onto power or gaining more of it, she watches as her children die early deaths. The smallfolk despise her for her methods of ruling. Eventually, she will cause her own downfall and die before her time.
Alicent Hightower: the show wants her to be Cersei, a mean-spirited, jealous woman protecting her problematic children and using her status as queen to put others in their place (they even used Cersei scenes as audition material for the role). In reality, I see Alicent as most like Catelyn - a flawed woman, mother to a king, seeking to further the rights of her son in the hopes of protecting her family from those who would harm them, guided by her own sense of justice, honor, and understanding of the laws of the land (and of course, hyper aware of the bastards in the room). All she wants is her and her children's safety, and she is willing to go to war for it. In the end, however, she watches as every last child is taken from her before she herself dies alone.
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Viserys I Targaryen: the show wants us to see him as the ultimate father who loves his child unconditionally and always supports her, and that his view of right and wrong should be what guides the world. In reality, he is most like Robert Baratheon: a weak king unsuitable for rule whose mistakes and complacency lead to civil war after his death. His preoccupation with past events and people, and his role in a former love's demise, leads him to neglect his current wife and their children and make decisions that create long-term issues for his family and the realm.
Criston Cole: as soon as Criston turns away from Rhaenyra, the show wants you to view him as a Meryn Trant type of Kingsguard - a man unconcerned with honor and violently anti-women, more than willing to carry out terrible acts commanded of him. In reality, Criston is like more like Jaime: he seeks to make a name for himself as a knight, guided by his own sense of honor and justice, though he is judged by others as lacking such principles. His devotion to his position on the Kingsguard and his love for the royal family motivates him. Occasionally his self-confidence and delight in goading his enemies can make him appear callous and proud. Although he is not officially the royal children's "father," he has guided and protected them and their mother from early on in the absence of their official father.
Daemon Targaryen: the show wants you to both love and hate Daemon. It seems he should fill many roles that Jaime did - a sword fighter whose swagger and danger mix together, whose dishonorable acts follow him through the world. He acts primarily out of love or his pursuit of it, whether for his brother or his lover and her children. The viewer is supposed to see that deep down he is a good guy, no matter how many characters say that he's not. In reality, I see Daemon as a more capable Viserys III: a man adamant in his family's racial superiority, who believes he and his loved ones should have access to unchecked power because they're better than everyone else. A man who enjoys exercising his power over others and demanding obedience out of fear of his wrath. A man who uses his younger family member to further his own interests without much thought to her own wishes or agency and willing to hurt her if she doesn't act the way he wants her to.
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Otto Hightower: the show wants you to view Otto as a new Littlefinger, someone sly about his intentions who uses spies, information, and unsavory methods to take advantage of the ruling family and further his own interests and increase his own power. I see him instead as more similar to Tywin: a Hand of the King seeking to put his family close to the throne in pursuit of legacy and advancing his family's station, a man who arranged for his daughter to marry the king so his blood would sit the Iron Throne and bring his family power for generations, a man acutely aware of the political world and how the game is played and willing to get his hands dirty to play it.
The Strong boys: the show wants you to root for Rhaenyra's perfect, good natured and pure intentioned sons as if they were the Stark boys (mixed with Jon Snow). Raised in a good family, these boys know right from wrong and love each other. Yet some people unfairly think less of them for their birth. In reality, the Strong boys are closest to Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella. Bastards set to inherit positions they have no claim to, they are coddled by their mother and protected from any consequences to their actions. When one attacks another child, their mother demands that the other child's family is punished for their actions (and doesn't even reprimand the child for his role in the conflict). The result is the child has no remorse for the harm done, and the other child's family festers resentment against the child. Some people uncover the truth of their birth and object to their place in the line of succession, and these people are killed for speaking the truth. Eventually, a war is fought to keep them and their mother away from the throne, resulting in all of them being killed.
Aegon II Targaryen: the show wants you to see him as Joffrey 2.0. A man interested in viewing sadistic acts for his own pleasure, who abuses women for his own enjoyment, and who is unfit to rule. In reality I see Aegon as closest to Robb: a first born son reluctant to rule as king once his father dies but who rises to the occasion to try to keep his remaining family safe. A king willing to fight his battles alongside his men, no matter the risk it might pose to him. A king who tries his best to rule but makes mistakes along the way that cost him dearly. In the end, he watches as he loses everything, and he dies young.
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nyazhis-jsablr · 4 months
Battle of the Blixers - Finale Results
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“Welcome to the final post of the Battle of the Blixers! I’m your host Step, and it was a very fun and intense competition thus far!”
“It was very fun seeing every submission, as well as how the contest played out! I will definitely miss doing this.
“But that aside, the end is now upon us, and with that, let’s see who won this entire thing!”
“So first off, we have the placement points! These points will be awarded to the competitors based on their placement on the podium at the end of C5!”
“And here they are!”
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“Welp, it’s how it always was! Blixter & Eclipses in the top two, with everyone else fighting for 3rd, in this case, the other Blixter!” “In any case, let’s head to Category 2!”
“This is the prize for guessing the song correctly!”
“Blixer Eclipses got the song correctly, so he’s getting 3 extra points!”
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“Now, we have the audience vote! We already saw the outcome, with Blixter winning over the audience yet again! Let’s award everyone’s points now!”
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“Now for the jury vote! The way this works is that the jury lists the entries from 1-3, their least favorite being 1 and most favorite being 3. Afterwards, I tally up the results and get the final number!”
“Before I reveal the points though, here’s a statement from the one and only Blixer Kunzite! literally hes the only one that voted during the voting period”
JSABAddict’s submission:
“What a very interesting fight! Didn’t expect such a…brute, to have skillful moves like that. I’d say this one caught my eye, sad that they weren’t able to kill their opponent but, oh well! As for the ‘begging’, as you put it, poor reasons. I believe them when they said they joined for fun and thrill but, c’mon! What about the glory and respect you would get from winning!? Ah, apologies for the yelling. Now then, I’d say they’re in between, not the worst nor the best.”
Zim-card’s submission:
“Quite an interesting yet odd ending, in my own opinion..but nonetheless, I think they did well! But..a bit disappointed AGAIN by the fact that another square wasn’t at least damaged, MORE disappointed it ended off in good terms. The reasons for winning are well put, I have been watching from afar how they had been handling every challenge well— expect for the cooking one. I’d say this is also in between! I’ll..have to think how I’ll rank these..”
Starwlf’s submission:
“As for this one..I LOVE IT! The fact that you managed to actually defeat the player while also giving good reasons! The first time being apart of this to gain some sort of ego boost through this and showing your strength! Wonderful! Very solid reasons, along with skillful moves— other than the fact they did managed to get hurt in the face, but they proved themselves worthy, to me.”
“Well that’s that! Can’t believe nobody else was available during voting… anyways… Here’s the results!”
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“And now, here’s the competitor vote, where each of the competitors voted on each other!”
“Here’s what they each have to say!”
starwlf Blixter (told thru starwlf’s perspective):
My point goes to zim’s submission. Blixter enjoys watching a good fight. And man was it delivered. And seeing such a shift to a kinder tone gave him a reminder of his own loved one. A fight against a narrative is all too familiar for him.
Blixer Eclipses:
Probably starwlf (cause in the end zim's gonna win regardless so I figured to like. barely even it out, I dunno)
zim-card Blixter:
“I gotta send a vote to starwlf. I like his determination and confidence, I can understand his stance within this whole challenge as someone new to the ring. I also find it sweet that he's willing to split the prize when he wins... I'd do the same too, honestly. Sure, I'm off put at the successful murder so hm... ah, I can't exactly be the judge of morals when the challenge did ask for a duel. My vote still stands for the fella!”
“So we got 2 votes for starwlf’s Blixter, and a vote for zim’s Blixter! Let’s convert them to points!”
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“Now it’s MY turn to judge!”
“For starwlf’s Blixter, I love the intensity! And actually succeeding in defeating, good job!”
“For Blixer Eclipses, although not much hits were dealt, you put up a good fight with that amazing dodging skills! I also find it pretty funny that he kept dodging the blasts when it’s usually the other way around… heh.”
“For zim-card’s Blixter, the fight was pretty cool! But at the same time you somehow made up with your Cyan and uhhhhhhhh”
“sorry youre going below the others”
“Anyways, let’s get to the points I’m giving out!”
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“And the winner of the Battle of the Blixers is……”
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Total Points:
@zim-card : 30
@jsabaddict : 29
@starwlf : 27
“Congratulations for winning, now here are your prizes!”
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“Yeah, I figured that the runner-ups should receive consolation prizes, so me and Pulse just scrambled around the ‘tower’ and found these.”
“Anyways, that’s it!”
“Like I said, it was amazing holding this competition, and I hope me and everyone else had a fun time with it! Now we’re done, so so long! For the last time…
My name is Step, and this has been the Battle of the Blixers! Until then, see you!”
“So what now?”
“To be honest I have no clue. Probably gonna sleep and also watch these other universes I found. Speaking of, there’s this one cool universe I found, their Barracuda is a snake man who is extreme evil, and last I checked the you and me in it were working together!”
“Oh, and their Lycanthropy was my brother? I think? Was it blood or found? I don’t remember.”
“Speaking of, I gazed into the Black Room again. I think I saw someone, but it might’ve just been me. Looked a lot like your descriptions of th……..
The two continued their talk, which if I will fill this ending segment with, Tumblr might actually crash lmfao
Anyways, sorry the ending post took so long, i suddenly got a small internship somewhere so it was a bit busy
Other than that, fun contest, yeah? It was really fun hosting it for me!! But if it wasnt fun for any of the competitors, i am genuinely really sorry and i wanna make it up to you if i can
Idk if ill do another contest, but if i will then idk when lol
I have an idea for this tho, maybe a talk-show like thing where step interviews jsab fancharacters?
BotB is gonna be my main au now cuz i gotten extremely attached to the botb gang (which is canonically only step & pulse, but the others are gonna join in if i introduce them in botb lore lol)
Sorry H*I & main au, i dont wanna play with you anymore /ref
Anyways have a good day!!!! Nyazhi out!!!!
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templetogavage · 2 months
Weekly Weighing (07/21/2024 to 07/27/2024)
Below are more than seven posts I enjoyed from gaining and encouraging Tumblr this week.
1. https://www.tumblr.com/whopper-t/756730410387505152
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As always, we have to include a classic before and after. I love seeing a guy give up muscle gains for a gut, and @fitgainer certainly has.
2. https://www.tumblr.com/fatlardassboy/757147827261652992
@gordoguapoofficial will keeping making this roundup with posts like this. I've rewatched this one quite a few times this week.
3. https://www.tumblr.com/jack90265/756924780327927808
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I can only fit one video into a text post, so I chose to grab a screenshot of this one- most of the appeal of watching @thiccgay in motion is represented by this still, in my opinion. Soft belly, played with, while chugging. This is the bread and butter of gainer content.
4. https://www.tumblr.com/zangtang/757057344001720320
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Just look at the way @athlethick fills out this shirt. That is all.
5. https://www.tumblr.com/whopper-t/757106928113614848
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Another before and after! @whopper-t shows off how much he's changed over 10 years, and he should be proud of what he's done. That boy turned into a man.
6. https://www.tumblr.com/gimmefictiontx/757094729711222784/would-love-to-see-you-and-another-gluttonous-hog
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Sometimes the right clothing can accentuate every curve. @gimmefictiontx should wear exclusively this from now on, in my humble opinion.
7. https://www.tumblr.com/beefyrog/757106611555876864
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@beefyrog takes a perfectly perfunctory belly pic and, through a combination of glasses, beard, hair, and the prop of a video game controller, manages to produce something I find incredibly hot. Well done, and definitely worth inclusion.
Bonus: @allfattenedup
This week, @allfattenedup had contending posts nearly every day of this week. He also launched an OnlyFans, as he's moving his content there going forward. I've been a fan for some time, but given both of those facts, I thought I'd give him his own, dedicated section here this week.
1. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/756653550606614528/do-guys-outside-de-gaining-community-still
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A fun little anecdote about how much changes at the club when you get as fat as he has. I recommend reading it.
2. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/756744189769908224/hey-fatso-how-does-a-guy-who-used-to-be-vain-and
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Anon was really having fun with this one! You see the rest of it and the response at the link.
3. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/756834717451632640
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Apparently, in addition to the artistic video content, he's working on stories! Submit some prompts if you're interested.
4. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/756937472240451584
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Here's his post from last week promoting his new OnlyFans. Check it out if you're interested in sampling some artfully-made gaining videos.
5. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/757015909493768192/you-undoubtedly-and-officially-have-a-fat-face
An anon ask about how it feels to have a double chin, and an honest answer- good fun.
6. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/757106563945316352/you-know-i-had-stumbled-across-a-gainer-years
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I recommend clicking through to read this whole thing. Anon talks about being inspired to gain by @allfattenedup.
7. https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/757208128014172160
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Finally, let's close with a nice, lengthy bit of writing that describes how every moment walking around in a fat body can be enthralling for a gainer.
And that, finally, is this week's Weekly Weighing!
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More Omega Appreciation
It's no surprise that I love Omega, I make that pretty apparent. After all, she's my sweet bean, my little sunshine. I adore everything about her. In fact, I'd put her in my top 10 fave characters because of the impact she's had on me. But what makes her so endearing?
To me, it's her hope and compassion for others. Omega is full of life and wonder. Every situation she's thrown into, Omega takes with full stride. I remember falling in love with her in the first few episodes of season 1 when she goes to Saleucami. I think most of us want to go back and relive childhood where everything new was exciting and magical. And while she's certainly matured over the course of this series, there's still so much wonder in her. We can call it filler, but don't deny how adorable Omega is when Phee tells her stories. The way Omega lights up around others and new situations is adorable and makes her incredibly likable.
I'll go back to my point about her hope and compassion. Omega truly sees the beauty and strength in others, no matter who they are. Where Hunter is always distrustful of Cid (and rightly so), Omega still tries to help her. Yes, Omega is child and she is naive, but I still find her traits endearing. With Batcher, she believes in the hound's strengths to survive even with Hemlock trying to tell her otherwise.
But the most important character that Omega's kindness touches in my opinion is Crosshair. She never gives up on him even though she could. All throughout her imprisonment on Tantiss, Omega keeps her hope alive. Not a day goes by that she doesn't look for a way out. Crosshair, however, has given up. Everything that's happened to him has broke his spirit. But then Omega shows up and the fight is put back into him. Throughout the entire show, Omega continues to believe in the goodness that Crosshair has within him. She's always the one to reach out to him. I love that about her. I feel that we need more people like her in the world. It's so easy to not care about something or dismiss someone who might have differing opinion. But Omega teaches us that a little kindness and persistence can go a long way. I honestly do see so much of myself in her as a result.
I don't get personal on here, but I'll just say that there are times in my life where I've been put in Crosshair's position. I've felt trapped in my own Tantiss. Yet, there was always an Omega in my life trying to help. Omega, to me, represents the pure love and hope that people, especially family, can have for each other. No matter how dark things get, she keeps fighting and hoping. She never gives up on her family.
She is the emotional core of "The Bad Batch." It's through Omega that the Batch begin to see life in a different lens. They realize that they don't have to be soldiers. They begin to grow in different ways. Tech and Crosshair become more emotionally vulnerable around her. Hunter and Echo become more paternal. And Wrecker gets to let out his inner child more around her. She shows them new ways to love and care for one another.
I hope sweet bean never loses her endearing traits by the end of show. Sure, she will have gained more life experience, but that light she carries better stay alive. It's so important. It's one of her best features and it leaves an impact on those around her. The Batch are lucky to have Omega in their lives. Guys, if you have an Omega figure, someone who's filled with love and joy and always supports you, give them an extra tight hug.
I'll get off my soap box now, but she is truly one of the best Star Wars characters to come out in recent years.
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Pairing: Robby Keene x female! adopted! Moskowitz! reader
Summary: Honestly, just the most angsty shit I've written in a while.
Genre(s): angst,angst, and more angst.
Warning(s): I'm only following the show's timeline from season 1 to the first half of season 4. They're Taylor Swift/Billie Eilish/other depressing artists coded, more specifically "No time to die", "My tears ricochet", "I love you", "The Archer", "Afterglow", "Line without a hook", "All too well" "That way", "You broke me first", "The Great war", and the list goes on and on so just pick your poison.
Taglist: @rafecameronswhore @barbiekatz @l-o-v-r-s @kaitieskidmore1 @rosepetalsparks join taglist here
A/N: QUICK DISCLAIMERS, I made the reader adopted bc clearly Eli's/Hawk's family is white so this way the reader can be a poc if that's the case, I started this back when S4 came out and just finished it... what does that say about me? Idk. ALSO, Robby's S4 era will always be superior, Robby from S4 you will always be famous, he was unhinged, hot, a menace, and iconic, in this essay I will-
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Gif credits to whom they belong
𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚗
Reblog if you like
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The All Valley's karate rivalry was as old as time, as strong as god's will, and in your opinion, as stupid as it sounds; not to everyone though, especially your brother, the great and mighty Hawk who loved to parade around the city with his new look that carried every piece of confidence he had, unfortunately, now that it was taken away from him, he felt worthless.
You never had a thing against any of the participating parties in this ridiculous dispute, you didn't mess with them, and they didn't mess with you, but you had a limit whenever they attacked your brother, a tiny fine line that went from 'superficial wounds' to 'profound damage' and they crossed it. More like, Robby 'cute face' Keene, crossed it. Even though there was a 98% chance that your brother had brought this on himself, he was still your brother and you'd do anything for your family.
You pushed the glass doors storming into the empty section of the building and hearing them slightly vibrate behind you, "Keene," your voice was stern, no response, "Keene!" 
"Back here!" He yelled from the back room.
The stride of your heels resounded in every corner of the concrete, a strong, dominant, and potent tone that could easily make anyone even slightly fearful. And Robby Keene wasn't the exception, no matter how many times Sensei Reese and Sensei Silver prepared him to be a champion, no matter how many hours he had proven to be Cobra Kai's worthiest inheritor, no matter how much muscle mass he gained by the minute, no matter how many days he spent in prison, no matter how many people he'd fought, no matter how many kids in the valley were scared of him, everyone has a weakness, and you were one of his.
There wasn't something in this world he could hate more than that because it didn't make sense, it didn't make any fucking sense for you of all people to hold so much power over him after everything that happened, there was an evident reason behind esteeming the adults around him, some of the other students even, but you? What else were you if not a lovely face? The most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life, he knew the answer, a little too well for his liking, and as much as he hated it, the fact that you were so out of reach made him want you more.
But he pretended, okay? Oh, he loved, adored even, to act all tough and cocky around you as if you couldn't break his entire facade into little pieces if you so much as softened your features for him, a minimal act he thought he'd never see again, and still, he'd imagined it, he'd daydream about it almost every time you were near him, which with the new tournament coming up, seeing you became more and more recurrent, and so, it didn't get easier to hate you, in fact, the more he saw you, the harder it got.
If and only if you were held at gunpoint, you'd admit that the boy was attractive, pretty even, mostly because you would be sentenced to death by your family or hanged for treason by your brother's friends, but also because confessing to like him meant confessing you liked the guy who for better or for worse, ended up in juvie, and it was something that you didn't wanna be linked with.
You didn't have to say it to know that after all, you were still genuinely captivated by his physique and attitude, the way he carried himself everywhere he went, his ability to make himself seen without saying a word, how he wasn't easy to overlook; maybe it was just you who noticed his presence so intensely, perhaps you convinced yourself the rest of the world did as well just so you wouldn't feel so pathetic by the fact that you couldn't ignore him. And in the attempt to make your life easier and 'problem-free' by neglecting your feelings, it backfired by raising the complicity lever of your desires.
"What can I do for you, Princess?" he didn’t bother to turn around perhaps you’d go quickly so he didn’t have to train his self-control, not again.
If you were in a different mood, you would've rolled your eyes at the little nickname you despised so much, he gave it to you not only to point out that your economical status was clearly higher than his, but also to remind the 10-month-old age gap between you and your brother, a small amount of time that doomed your life to always be put under him, to your family, he was going to grow to be a King, the one who was gonna inherit every important part of their heritage, and you were stuck to be only that, a Princess.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put your ass back in jail?" You fumed, irritation blurring out your judgment.
"Because legally, I did nothing wrong, and even if I did, you have no proof of it," he grinned.
"Then explain to me what the hell is wrong with you?!” you spun him by his shoulder,  “You really thought you could just casually shame my brother by cutting his hair and I wouldn't come here to defend him?!"
"You mean the same hair that made him think he could be a bully?" he remained calm.
"You know damn well I never agreed with that," you spat, "Do I need to remind you he was suspended for a week because I went to the principal? And regardless of that, you wanna complain about him making others feel less with violence while you do the same?" you scoffed,  "Wow," you stated with sarcasm.
"It's hair, it'll grow back,"
"You humiliated him! You made him nothing! Not to mention you used a barber's blade, idiot, did you think about how fucking dangerous that was? You could've seriously injured him if he made the wrong move!"
"I warned him, good thing he knows how to listen, he’s not as stupid as he looks," he taunted you more.
You shook your head, "You're gonna listen to me Keene, and you're gonna listen to me very carefully," you got close to him, "If you even so much as breathe in his direction before the tournament, I will end you,"
He chuckled, "Is that supposed to be a threat?"
"No, only cowards like you and your minions make threats, mine is a promise,"
"I'm not a coward," he clenched his jaw holding back the increasing anger.
You laughed, and somehow said more than words could.
"Says the one who came here when it was all alone knowing that if it wasn't, you would've gotten your ass beaten,"
"By who? Your little friend who's on probation?” you tilted your head with an arrogant smirk, “No, you see, I came here at this time because I'm smart, I mean let's be honest, you've never done anything to hurt me and you never will, because… well," you raised your shoulders feeding the fire in his eyes.
"So what? Do you want me to hurt you to prove that I'm not?" he towered over you.
You nodded, "Yes," you took another step towards him, "But then again, you don't want me to win, do you? Because if you hurt me, then that means you care about what I think,”  your voice got slower, “and what would that say about you? True winners don't have to prove anything to anyone but themselves, that's the difference between all of you and me," you separated from him slightly, "But go ahead, make my day and land the first punch,"
He froze in his place processing your words and just barely he noticed he missed your closeness, he couldn't bring himself to do so, pushing down the consuming rage that, later on, would show up stronger when Silver and Kreese find out about this encounter.
"That's what I thought," you scrunched your nose,  "You karate nerds are so stupid, who needs to get physical when you have words?" you told more to yourself, and right when you were about to make, what you considered, a triumphal exit, your arm got yanked, your chest hit him, and your faces were less than an inch away, "What are you doing?" you whispered.
The vulnerability of your words and the fragility of your look melted him, for a split second he lost track of his purpose, but it wasn't until he remembered your words that he snapped out of the trance, "Hurting you," he whispered back before placing your lips on his.
It didn't take long for his action to hitch your respiration, stun your nerves, fill your veins with adrenaline, whisk your logic, and for you to correspond. It was embarrassingly quick if to be completely honest, but it didn't matter, frankly, you were so unashamed of it that your hands slipped behind his neck pushing the two of you impossibly closer. It was hungry, desperate, and frantic; you finally understood Adam and Eve no matter how much you hated religion, finally comprehended the temptation of the forbidden fruit, sweet, delicious, and addictive.
Instinctively, he gently pushed you against the nearest wall and you felt his fingers getting lost in your hair, "I don't need to use a lot of strength to hurt you," he pulled you away trying to recover his breath, "I'm gonna hurt your pride by making you moan my name,"
"Easy there, snake boy," you managed to gasp out as you trailed your fingertips fastidiously along his jawline whilst slightly lifting his chin, "What makes you think you won't moan mine," you weren't ready to let your guard down, not yet, you then switched positions holding his shoulders against the cement. In an act of pure selfishness, you softly cupped his face somewhat catching him off guard, his nose brushed yours as your top lip created contact that was so minimal it could almost be imperceptible, "Nice try,  Keene, but unfortunately for you, I don't fuck losers," you mumbled, although you could've said it in a more impactful tone, you knew, you knew that the intimacy of it all would make your words burn into the very depths of his soul.
You walked out of the Dojo quite easily with him as perplexed as a Marmol statue, the catch was having to drive around the city to cool off your system and release the tension of it all. However, it didn't work, not even a little bit, not even at all, your mind played every different scenario of the continuation of your reckless actions, it was your fault, and you had to accept it, you went to face him knowing damn well how you felt for him, you went knowing damn well he wouldn't just back down easily, knowing he would've put up a fight one way or another, you knew deep inside you, you knew this could happen, you wanted it to happen. 
It was inevitable, your brother was just the perfect excuse and you used it, you took advantage of it, you abused it even, he begged you not to do anything and you didn't care enough to listen, you just had to see him, you had to confront him after almost a year of holding back. 
You met him while he was still working for the LaRussos, Daniel and your mom had known each other since college, so whenever they began a conversation, no one could stop them or be part of it; on that occasion, you two were invited for dinner, you brother naturally skipped it, but you were forced to go. You couldn't really complain, Sam was nice company at times, and you would mostly gossip about school or complain about teachers, nothing too deep; however, it even amazed you how rapidly you connected with Robby. Was your entire conversation from that night centered on making fun of the adults? Yeah, but you couldn't stop cackling the entire time. After that, whenever you saw each other you two resumed that same chemistry, constantly coming up with inside jokes or witty comments regarding your family, friends, possible love interests, etc. It then patiently evolved into a solid friendship by revealing heavy details of both of your lives; other types of sentiments involved or not, there was a time when all you had was each other. 
But the school fight changed everything, Hawk had a personal vendetta against the person who put one of his best friends in a coma, and you... you were scared, not furious, not bitter, just terrified. Of him, your brother and his friends, Sam, everyone that had to go through the aftermath of it all; you burned all of those bridges, gasoline and everything, changed schools in a different part of town, shut down that part of your life. You couldn't afford to give your family another reason to put you under. 
"Y/N,  could you stop procrastinating and do something productive?” your mother interrupted your thinkings, “I gotta take this call, take care of them for a minute," she pointed at the waiters.
"Oh, yeah, sure, I- I'll watch them," you answered.
She stepped away.
You huffed scanning the restaurant your family proudly called theirs, it was a second home, warm, comfy, filled with known people, and although you couldn’t make sense of it, you’d always perceived the hazy calmness through the chaos. 
There was something hardly recognizable besides the door, at first glance your eyes overlooked it, but as you double-checked your body tensed and your eyes widened so much you were sure they were gonna pop out, he was here.
The last time he showed up at the business was the night before the incident, your parents had conveniently gone to a business dinner and your brother had no intentions on getting out of the house with his hangover, and like every other time he'd been there, you two would steal food from the kitchen, go up to the rooftop and talk about nothing and everything.
"And now Mr. LaRusso doesn't wanna have anything to do with me," his voice weakened.
"Oh my god, Robby," you wasted no time in hugging him tightly, "I'm sorry," 
He nuzzled in the crook of your neck sparking something in your gut, you never failed to react to the crumbs of intimacy you always had. His eyes began to water, tears falling into your shirt.
"It's okay, it's okay," you comforted him, both of your torsos gently swinging.
"It hurts so much," he sniffled, "Why does it hurt so much?" it might've sounded a little too melodramatic, perhaps absurd, but he wasn't afraid to be like that, vulnerable, not with you, you never gave him a reason to be.
You pursed your lips, your throat was dry, you were speechless although you'd never been the quiet type, and all you could do was hold him even tighter, a subtle yet relevant symbolism that reminded you that was the closest you could get.
"Why does everyone always leave?" he let the question settle into the breeze although it felt more personal.
It broke you to see him like this, no pain you've ever felt was comparable to seeing he whom you love miserable, there was nothing else you could do but be there, though you didn't think it was nearly as enough as what he needed, "I- I don't know," you couldn't tell if you were lucky to have never experienced such experience, or misfortunate to not have said wisdom to heal him. You cautiously cupped his face, as if one of your movements could hurt him more, he was like stained glass, complicated, fractured, fragile, and yet, his cracks and colors made him the most beautiful soul you’ve ever met "I won't leave you," you ran your thumbs through his cheeks, drying the small showings of his pain.
"You promise?"
"I promise,"
End of flashback
You tried not to draw too much attention to yourself while jogging towards the entrance, "What the hell are you doing here?" you blurted out.
"I wanna talk to you," he seemed happy, probably because of how fearful you, on the other hand, were.
"You- you can't be here right now, I'm not messin' around," you shook your head, you had to react as discreetly as possible.
"Why? Your brother isn't here,"
"It's not just my brother, okay? My family will kill you on sight, please, listen to me," you grabbed his shoulders, "We can't talk, not here,"
"Where then?"
"I-" you looked around making sure your mom was still in her office, "Do we really have to do this right now?" you insisted.
"Yes," he stated firmly.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Okay, come on," you pulled his hand with a strength that wasn't necessary.
You entered the tiny meetings room on the other side of the establishment, because of your dad's usual tantrums, it didn't have a camera and it was sound-proofed; you made sure to lock the door and turn off the light so it wouldn't be visible from the bottom of the wood.
"Okay, make it quick, I need to get back to my mom," your words were rushed and stumbling with each other.
"You truly are terrified of your parents aren't you?" he crossed his arms.
"I don't have time for this Robby-"
"Thought I was 'Keene',"
You only began to call him that after in consequence of the Karate outrage, his first name felt too personal, too close.
You shut your eyes in frustration, "Can you stop being an ass for a second and get to the point of whatever it is that you wanna talk about?"
"Why are you so nervous about me being here?" he continued to tease, truth is, he wasn't sure what he was doing there in the first place, all he knew was that here he was, with you.
"It doesn't matter, just- start talking," you pressured.
"Why are you so nervous about me being here?" he repeated.
Your fingers twitched, a manner you developed out of stress, "Because if they see me with you, I'll never hear the end of it, okay?" you fidgeted then with your jewelry.
"If you never wanna be caught in a lie I suggest you stop doing the ring thing," he pointed out, "It makes it easy to tell,"
You halted the action and then shrugged.
"Why are you so nervous about me being here?"
"Because they already filed a restraining order against you, I guess you didn't get it because you're here, but if they call the cops you'll probably end up in juvie and I don't want- If you ever wanna go back to school or get a job is gonna be incredibly difficult,"
He assumed at first you didn't wanna be seen with him because of how much you cared about the reputation of your new life, a valid perspective given how much you made an effort to conceal it all, but hearing you enlightened him, sore him "Don't look at me like that," a small part of his grudge came out.
"Like what?"
"Like you still care about me,"
A choked laugh resounded from your part, "First of all, I'm not apologizing for that, and second-"
"You should," his demeanor abruptly became more defensive.
You tilted your head, "Why?" your energy matched his.
"Because you don't care about me, and acting like you do is very hypocritical of you,"
"When have I ever told you that I don't care about you?" you frowned.
"You don't have to say it, you already proved it,"
"How so?"
"Don't play the innocent part now," he was close to losing his cool,  "You try so hard to hide everything that happened but at even the slightest inconvenience, you go right back where you started, tell me, do your mommy and daddy know you went to see me two days ago? Huh? Or let me guess, you were too scared to tell them?" 
"Oh, fuck off Keene, is that all you got? Is that the only thing that you think will affect me? My parents? My reputation?"
"Yes! Because that's the only thing you care about! You're nothing but a self-centered spoiled brat that doesn't know any better than to run away from her problems! You wanna know who the real coward is here? You are! Some of us don't have the privilege of a new start! Keep pretending all you want, but don't forget, I was your friend and you turned your back on me, I wasted my one phone call on you because you were the only person I had, and you hung up on me like I was nothing! Tell me, how am I supposed to be the coward if I'm the one who got hurt because of your selfishness?! You don't care about anyone but yourself!" as much as he attempted to divert the subject of the conversation, his eyes sabotaged him, quickly covering his face in a salty heartbreaking liquid. "You... you weren't there-" 
You were both stunned by his reaction, you'd think that with everything he's been put through, he wouldn’t snap so easily, so passionately, so emotionally, but no, all of this was a new part of himself that only you made him feel, he’d only allowed you to do so.
"I needed you! I needed you! And you weren't there! And- and then the first time you say anything to me after I got out-" 
If there's something he had while being in juvie was time, precious time he'd spent weaving, machinating; about you, about his dad, about the LaRusso's, about Miguel, about him. Strategizing his next encounter with the world was arduous, but the action of going through with it was the true challenge, and he realized how useless all that time truly was when he heard your voice the first time, suddenly all of it was gone, the effort, the time, the sleepless nights, the daydreaming noons, all of it, turned into nothing, you turned them into nothing. 
"I was happy," he exhaled like freeing himself of chains and shackles, "I was so happy, and I enjoyed seeing you mad so fucking much, seeing you in general," he laughed, "I tried to-" he choked on his words, "I tried to hate you so much because you bailed on me but I can't," every inch him began to feel... lighter, "I can't hate you," he sighed, "I- I just can’t,”
Your body didn’t allow you to move, roughly grounding you, vines of regret holding you hostage against soothing him, stopping him, following him outside, responding coherently to your family’s screams, to forget.  You’d lost count of how many days you’d feel as you were still glued to the wooden floor, completely stuck, dried-out blossoms of hope from your heart, rageful deep thorns clinging to your debilitated frame, daunting poison sinking your head.
—How many times?—
How many times would you have to come up with every pretentious and overly-thought narrative to justify everything? You’ve been silenced by your reluctance, aghast by your idealization, confined by your denial, triggered by tension, frozen by your guilt, and finally steered by resentment. 
You stared at the faint reflection from the glass, you wanted to immortalize the picture, hair slightly out of place, tugged at clothes, blood burst out of the skin, purple underneath the large organ, nostrils flowing with the lack of air, mouth agape. 
  You prepared yourself for the question before anyone else asked it. 
—Why was protecting Robby’s honor against someone as irrelevant as Natalie Dalmasos worth it?—
 You noticed your knuckles finally matching your brother’s.
—He’s never even met her—
Your stomach sunk as if releasing all the ire and digesting it as dread.
—Was it worth it?—
Hammering head.
—Did she deserve it?—
Striking heart.
—You screwed up everything you built—
Trembling legs.
—What did you do?—
Numbed face.
—Why destroy it?—
Streaking neck.
—Why him?—
Then reality came back.
You reached for your phone, quickly texting your mother the first perfectly constructed lie you could think of, you had to disappear at least for tonight, eventually relieved by her believing your sleepover story, you started the car.
—Where else would you go?—
You blankly saw the infamous logo, the white clearness hiding the inside, you took a shaky breath and struggled to get yourself inside the walls, you didn’t have to make yourself known by words, the heavy door did all the work filling it with creaks against the floor for it being poorly moved. 
You saw him cautiously walk out of the dark.
“Robby,” you let out a soft smile.
He frowned as you gradually got nearer.
“I- I um-” you gulped, “I just got into a fight, the party- I-,” there was now a lightbulb over your head.
He rushed, “Y/N, holy shit,” 
“I- I’m fine, I swear,” you chuckled.
“Fine?! You look like shit!” 
“You should see the other guy,” you joked
He shrugged, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I’m just-,”
“Shocked?” you interrupted him, “Surprised? Amazed? Astonished? Stunned? fucking… every other synonym there is?”
He nodded still scanning your body, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” he placed one of your arms on his shoulder to then swiftly carry you bridal style to his mattress. You tilted your head observing the side of his jaw.
“I never noticed you had a scar there,” you whispered.
“One of many of my mom’s bad boyfriends,”
“I’m sorry,” you delicately traced it.
He smiled, “It’s okay,” 
You were laid down rather dramatically, or so you thought by the way he treated you like you were made out of paper, you just rolled your eyes and sat up while he went to get the first aid kit. 
“This is gonna hurt,” he wet the cotton.
You scoffed, “Relax Robby, I’m a big girl, this isn’t my first drill,” 
“Right,” he nodded.
You lowly hissed when the chemical made contact.
“Thought this wasn’t your first drill,” he teased.
“Okay, just because I’ve been hurt before doesn’t mean it’s not painful,” you both laughed, “I can still handle it,”
The rest of the cleaning went somewhat silent, just a few mumbled sorries were thrown around, but by the time he had pulled out the bandages, you grew impatient.
“You’re not gonna ask?” you broke the ice.
“Not really,” he admitted. 
“Because,” he raised his shoulders, “It’s too late to go and make ‘em pay for it,”
“Oh god, please don’t, I already did that,”
“What do you mean?” he began to wrap your hand.
“I’m the one who started the fight because they were talking shit,”
“What kind of shit?”
“All kinds, throwing rumors and just- bullshit,”
“About who?”
You licked your lips.
—Really? Now you go silent? You’re already here, fuck it—
“About you,”
“What?” he tightened the cloth too much.
“Sorry, sorry,” he let go.
“Yeah,” you confessed, “They were talking shit about you and I shut them up,”
“Who?” he was still confused.
“Some girl from my school who thinks she’s fucking… Regina George or somethin’, she’s just a bitch,” you shook your head.
You grabbed his face, and gave him the most mellow and honeyed eyes you’ve ever had, “You haven’t figured that one out yet, have you?” you joined your foreheads as you closed your eyes, “You’re not the smart one out of us anyway,” you heard him giggle.
He brushed his nose with yours, shyly getting closer.
—Are you sure?—
—Fuck it—
You kissed him for the first time, but held on to it like it was the last, how was it that you could say everything with just that? The most disarming and humble expression there is; the touch of two epidermises, and the completion of dual fantasies. You almost blubber in it, oh sacchariferous little poison of yours, worth every penny, every dime, every tear, every scream, and every dream. 
He paused, taking a deep breath, yet never breaking contact.
You sobbed, “I love you,” you dried his cheeks.
“I love you too,” he whimpered.
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bigblueoctoling · 11 days
I Hate Octavio With All Of My Heart
I'm genuinely so pissed about Octavio being at the grand fest at all. Like it's genuinely a serious hampering on what is otherwise a really nice event. It's even worse that cuttlefish is there. This genuinely severely lowers my opinion of the Splatoon writers.
So like. On its face, I despise the general angle of going easy on Octavio. It's not headcanon that he's objectively a pretty terrible person for a lot of reasons- like, it feels very intentional that one is meant to read it like Octavio is an old war vet who's artificially keeping the "us vs them" mentality of the great turf war. It feels intentional that one is meant to read him as a very vain and controlling person who actively spreads propaganda (see Splatoon 1). It feels intentional that, at the *VERY* least, what Octavio did to Callie in Splatoon 2 was Bad, if not Morally Reprehensible. It feels like, with the way Octarian society is described in Octo Expansion and Side Order, we're textually meant to read the hyper-militarization of their society as a bad thing.
I feel like, if Splatoon was ultimately intending to present Octavio as a morally grey antihero type of character, they have completely and utterly failed to do so. Merely having him be the leader of Octarians doesn't implicitly make him a good guy just because Octarians are oppressed- Octavio is obviously, on some level, a figure with political power in Octarian society. Octo Expansion largely served to show that the surface world has progressed past the conflict of the Great War- so if Octarians are still facing oppression, that only really falls into the hands of the Octarian elite. If the intent was EVER to imply that that doesn't define Octavio, they made literally no effort to show it.
All of this being said, you could still argue that Octavio's help in Splatoon 3's ending is meant to represent him turning a new leaf- It's an argument that I'd still fervently disagree with, but you could hypothetically make that argument.
Except Splatoon also doesn't make that argument. Literally one line Marie says in the post-game has her posit that Octavio might have turned a new leaf- A line I've always hated, but it feels as though the game has just sort of ignored the busywork of actually showing that any change has been made to the primary antagonist of the franchise and has just leapt to the conclusion because Octavio has done one vaguely morally good action ever- an action done to save the planet, which obviously is also in his own personal best interest.
Isn't Octavio, like, a threat? Like, he literally has a criminal record and is a military leader, why is he allowed at this venue?
Moreover, why are Octavio and Cuttlefish suddenly chummy?
The fact that Octavio is sat with Cuttlefish makes this feel like a cheap, hollow gesture to appeal to the fandom- like, yeah, people like to ship cuttlefish and octavio, but that's not, like... basis to decide what the canon is? Like, you need to actually establish their relationship in the canon first, you need to show them interacting together LITERALLY A SINGLE TIME BEFORE JUST ACTING LIKE THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS WHEN EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS INTERACTION BETWEEN THEM WAS DIRECTLY ANTAGONISTIC.
And, just to reiterate: I DESPISE the idea of shipping the two of them. Not for any moral reasons, I just personally find both characters wretched people. But like, if you wanted to do this, you should actually do it? Instead of just plopping a literal war criminal in the middle of a venue as if it's totally fine. Like I genuinely despise that he's here. It's so fucking lame.
I think if you actually give a shit about Octavio's character, you should be pissed too. Like... They're just acting like they've totally redeemed Octavio and he's gone through a whole redemption arc when he's done literally ONE GOOD THING EVER, and it was still something exclusively for his personal gain (the planet not being destroyed). This is pretty major character development they're just not actually bothering to do or explain they're just sort of shoving him and cuttlefish together as if that instantly makes them best friends. It's so fucking lame and pandering, it feels like the end of a cheap kids movie where they have a funny dance party and the main antagonist is also there for no reason.
Like, I genuinely gotta wonder, is it my fault? Am I the one who doesn't see the textual evidence of Octavio being a good guy, somehow? Have I somehow missed something? Because it genuinely feels like a complete rejection of how they've characterized him up to this point, to just suddenly act like Octavio has been redeemed and there's totally nothing wrong with being his best friend. Like I feel like I've been playing a different Splatoon Franchise than anyone who'd think that's normal.
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vassia-sparta · 2 years
Daemon Soulmate AU - How the bond was discovered - Part 3 (Final)
Here it is, the last part. It was difficult to finish it, got way longer than I expected, but it was worth it.
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Warnings: violence, a whole lot of smut at the end!!!
You sat on the most remote bench of the royal gardens, trying to convince yourself to do what you had to do in order to gain your father’s approval. You had gone to his chambers early this morning, steeling your nerves as you explained to him what lord Borros had asked of you in order to ask for your hand. You father didn’t even have the decency to look horrified at the news.
“If he asked you this, then you will do as he asks. And you’d better make sure he is pleased with you, otherwise you’ll regret the day you were born.”
You sighed, wondering at what point had your father stopped caring about you and decided to use you in order to gain more power and prestige. Perhaps if your mother was still alive, she would have been able to keep him in line, somewhat. But she had perished during the last winter from a fever, leaving your father without a wife and you without anyone to protect you from your father’s plans for advancement.
And now you had to sacrifice yourself on the altar of his ambition, and hope to come out the other side married to lord Borros and the lady of Storm’s End. Perhaps if you managed to get pregnant, you’d find some happiness in your children. Wasn’t that the only consolation for women in your position, to be fortunate enough to be blessed with strong children that you would then raise and live to see them become great men and women?
You picked up a white rose from the bush near you, but you had not seen the small thorn near the base, and you pricked your finger. A small drop of blood formed on your skin, and you sat there, watching it grow. Slowly, you let the red liquid drop onto the outermost petal, marking it with your blood. You were so fixated by it, you didn’t realize you were no longer alone.
“Good afternoon my lady.”
You froze where you sat, cursing that damned voice and the effect it had on you. Just four words, and the fire in you sparked back to life as if it had never fully gone out, ready to burn your whole being into cinders.
You raised your gaze and spotted the Rogue Prince leaning on a column, dressed in his house colors, a snow white tunic with a pair of black breeches and a black doublet with red dragons embroidered on both sides of his chest. Soft leather boots made his walk almost soundless as he approached you slowly.
With every step he took, the turmoil in you got worse. On the one hand, you wanted to hurt him for using you the way he had last night, leaving alone in your aroused state after you offered yourself to him so willingly. Why hadn’t he taken the opportunity when you gave it to him? Any other man would have done so without a second thought, and Daemon Targaryen was definitely not known for his piety and chivalry. He took what he wanted, when he wanted it, and had no regrets for it.
You rose from your seat, ready to run off as far away from him as you could, but he got in your way before you could take another step.
“Why do you always run away from me?” he asked, his eyes holding you prisoner.
“It’s the reasonable thing to do, what with your reputation,” you spat, your anger bubbling inside you.
You half expected him to smirk and throw some cleaver remark but, to your surprise, he looked almost hurt at your comment.
“Do you always believe the rumors you hear and base your opinion of a person on them before you have a chance to get to know them properly?”
“It saves me time and, based on how you acted recently, I’d say the rumors are spot on.”
He took another step towards you, and you felt the urge to either punch him, or grab him and kiss him. You honestly didn’t know which one you wanted to do.
“There you are, kepus,” a girlish voice echoed from the other side of the garden, and you quickly took a step back, your heart racing.
You turned and saw princess Rhaenyra, dressed in her dragon riding outfit, her silver hair shining in the bright sunlight as she made her way towards you. You felt so grateful that someone had interrupted you before you did something foolish.
“Good morning dear niece,” prince Daemon smiled at her, though you thought you heard a touch of irritation in his tone.
“Good morning your grace,” you curtsied at her.
“And good morning to you,” the young Targaryen smiled at you.
You returned her smile. Even though most lords were still angry at the king for choosing a girl to be his heir, you were so pleased that he had insisted. You had been at the company of the princess a few times, and she was a very pleasant person to be around, so much more than the Queen. Lady Alicent was pleasant too, but she could be distant and a bit too traditional for your taste, always going by the book. It was not a good thing to break the rules all the time, but every once in a while, it felt good to be rebellious.
“I was on my way to the Dragonpit, and thought you might want to come with me, it’s been a while since we’ve spent some time together,” she smiled at him.
You jumped at the opportunity to get away from the prince.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” you bowed your head ready to leave.
“Why don’t you come too?” the princess turned to you, leaving you speechless.
You didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t think the dragons will appreciate an outsider in their midst princess,” you shook your head.
“Nonsense, Syrax is quite pleasant, and I do remember you saying you wanted to see the dragons.”
It was true, in one of your talks you had expressed the wish to see those wondrous creatures up close, but you were starting to have second thoughts. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle both your fear of the dragons and the conflicting emotions you had for Daemon at the same time.
“You two can go, I have urgent business with the City Watch,” the prince commented, turning to leave.
Your heart plummeted, seeing him walk away from you. You knew it was probably better, but you also wanted him to come with you. It was like your mind and your heart fought constantly for control, and you had no idea which side you wanted to win.
“I heard that Caraxes has been giving the keepers a hard time lately, he’s been a bit too temperamental. Perhaps your presence there will calm him down uncle,” the princess pointed out, making her uncle stop.
Him and the princess exchanged a long glance, and he finally nodded, giving her a soft smile. You did your very best to keep your neutral mask on, but you were so thrilled he would be coming with you. You had never told a soul, but the dragon you longed to see the most was Caraxes, the prince’s Red Wyrm. Feared and just as uncontrollable as his rider, he was one of the dragons used in the Stepstones, a warrior born. It was said that very few of the Dragonkeepers, the order created to tend to the dragons, approached this particular dragon. Only the prince was the one who could keep the great beast under control. You hoped you’d get to see the two of them together, even if there was a good chance the dragon would try to burn you alive, or feast on you.
You rode on horseback all the way to the Pit, your heart rate going faster and faster as you went closer to the great structure. Easily one of the largest buildings in the city, it loomed on top of Rhaenys’s Hill, to the North part of the city, near the Dragon Gate. Most of the people steered clear of it, fearing the beasts housed inside. You were scared too, but you also wanted to see them, at least once.
You reached the entrance and the prince helped you down from your horse before you could dismount yourself, your cheeks blushing at the feel of his hands on your waist. It brought memories that you had tried very hard to bury. You thanked him, then turned to follow the princess as she made her way inside the pit.
Several men and women with shaved heads, dressed in light beige robes with red sashes tied around their necks and holding quarter staves approached you, greeting the princess in High Valyrian. It was so beautiful to hear that strange language spoken, despite the fact that you could only understand a few words.
The princess spoke to the elder of the group, then turned to you.
“Come, Syrax has just been fed, she’s waiting for me.”
“Are you sure she won’t see me as dessert?” you asked, jokingly.
“Come,” the princess laughed, taking your hand, leading you in the great dome.
The building was designed like an arena, with the ability to house more than 50,000 people if needed. Torches lit the cavernous dome, the keepers came and went, some giving you side glances, but none dared to say anything whilst the prince and the princess were around.
The three of you made your way down a corridor that curved right down the ground to the caves below the building, where the dragons made their nests. You had no idea how many dragons were currently in the pit, but you knew there were at least 5. You could only hope that Syrax would be kind to you.
You reached one of the caves, and Rhaenyra motioned for you to stay back, while she went in, excited. You could feel the prince behind you staring at you, but you chose not to acknowledge him.
“How long are you going to ignore me?” he asked, as if he could read your thoughts.
“As long as I wish your grace,” you replied, still staring at the darkness of the cave.
A growl came from its depths, and the princess appeared, the ground shaking a bit as Syrax approached us slowly. Rhaenyra patted the side of the golden dragon’s face, who stared at you with bright green eyes.
You felt completely terrified at the sight. Somehow, you knew she was not happy to see you in her nest.
“It’s alright, she just needs to get used to you,” Rhaenyra assured you.
Somehow, you doubted you could get used to this.
“She has grown since last I saw her,” prince Daemon commented, approaching the golden dragon slowly.
“She has, she can carry two now, I think,” Rhaenyra smiled at him.
You moved away a little, giving them space. You knew you were an outsider here, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the silver haired, purple eyed dragonriders.
You took a few more steps away from them when you felt the ground shake a bit once more, and turned in time to see another head come out of the darkness from the nest beside Syrax’s, this one bright red, with a set of yellow eyes that you could feel were entirely focused on your form. Caraxes, the Red Wyrm, came out of his nest, his steps slow and calculated, the perfect predator ready to attack.
You froze where you stood, watching as the large creature approached you, stopping only a few paces away from you. You knew you should be terrified, scared to death that you were so close to such a deadly and unpredictable creature but, somehow, you knew in your heart that he was not going to hurt you. A foolish thought, to be sure, yet you could feel it.
Slowly, reluctantly even, you took a step towards him, coming within arms’ reach. He moved his head closer, his large nostrils taking a deep breath, probably taking in your scent. You held still, hoping he wouldn’t think you were dinner. The red dragon took in another breath, probably sniffing for your scent, and you saw his eyes following your every move, the huge slits widening a bit. You raised your hand, slowly, carefully, moving it closer to his head until you finally felt his smooth scales underneath your fingers. He felt warm, but that was expected. Dragons were fire made flesh, or so legends said. You took another step closer, coming to stand right next to Caraxes’s head as you continued caressing him. A deep rumble sounded from deep in his chest, which you belatedly realized was akin to a cat purring. Could it be that the temperamental dragon enjoyed your touch?
“He likes you,” Daemon’s voice purred from behind you. He had crept up to where you stood while you kept your attention on his dragon. Now he stood directly behind you, his one hand coming to rest on your waist as he too caressed the dragon with the other one, smiling softly at the beast.
“I think he wants to devour me,” you giggled, feeling the low hum of the dragon’s chest.
“Him? No, but I wouldn’t oppose to it.”
And just like that, the flame had returned, burning you up, especially low in your belly. How could he have such an effect on you with just one sentence?
“Want to see what it’s like to ride a dragon?” Daemon asked, and you didn’t miss the double meaning in his words. Heat rose on your cheeks, and you avoided looking at him.
“He might like me enough to pet him, but I don’t think Caraxes would let me ride him,” you shook your head.
“He will, trust me,” Daemon smiled softly, his gaze soft, yet fiery at the same time.
He called for a saddle to be brought, and soon the dragonkeepers brought the great leather saddle that had the sigil of house Targaryen in the breast, as well as two sets of chains attached to it. One of the acolytes carried additional chains.
“Come,” Daemon urged you, making his way to the keepers. He saddled Caraxes himself, while the beast kept close to you, eyeing the keepers with a wary eye. As soon as the last strap was tied in place, Daemon offered his hand to you.
This was wrong. Going for a ride with the Rogue Prince could mean so much trouble for you.
And yet you took his hand, letting him guide you up the wing of the dragon and onto the saddle. He got on behind you, his body enveloping yours as he reached to tie both of you with the chains, securing them around your waist with deft fingers before he tied his.
“Hold on,” he whispered in your ear before he spoke to his dragon in Valyrian.
The Red Wyrm started towards the entrance of the pit, and you fleetingly saw Rhaenyra saddling Syrax as you passed by, but she looked to be taking her time with it. She waved at you, a big smile on her pretty face. You smiled back, though you didn’t understand why she was so happy.
You didn’t give it another thought as you came out of the Dragonpit, the skies opening before you as Caraxes took off the ground, his leather wings beating the air with great force. He rose quickly, the city getting smaller with every passing second. It was really incredible, being able to see King’s Landing from above. You could see the three hills, named after the first three Targaryens that started the dynasty. Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys, the Conqueror and his two sister-wives, legendary figures in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.
You could hear the many voices of people who watched as you flew even higher, taking to the clouds with ease. Daemon held onto the reins while you held on to the saddle itself, leading his mount away from the city, towards the open sea.
You felt the breeze on your face, smelled the scent of the open waters, smiled at the sun shining down on you. You had never felt so happy, so free. It was just you, Daemon and Caraxes, cutting through the skies, having no care in the world. You wished you never had to go back to the city.
“Do you like it?” Daemon whispered in your ear.
You turned to look at him and you were mesmerized by the sheer happiness reflected in his eyes. Now you understood why Targaryens spent so much time flying on their dragons. Nothing could compare to this feeling.
“I love it,” you smiled at him.
He smiled back, a true smile, not a smirk, not a sneer, a full smile, and the happiness in you multiplied. Daemon almost never smiled; you felt privileged to have caused one of his smiles. Winking at you, he took Caraxes a bit higher, performing a little twirl that made you squeal with joy. You felt your blood pumping through your body, exciting shivers shaking you.
The prince wrapped his hands around our waist when Caraxes leveled again, hugging you from behind. You leaned into his touch, almost aching for it. He touched his jaw on your right shoulder, his breath ghosting over your cheek. You had the greatest urge to turn around and kiss him. Despite what had happened in the gardens, you still wanted him.
Daemon raised his eyes to gaze at you, and you could swear your heart stopped. Neither said anything, you just stared at each other, simply enjoying being in each other’s company. Though you would never admit it out loud, you could spend an eternity in Daemon’s arms.
Rhaenyra and Syrax appeared suddenly to your right, the golden dragon’s scales glinting in the sun. The princess waved at you, and you were quick to turn to the front once more, your cheeks no doubt the same color as Caraxes’s scales. You just hoped the princess hadn’t seen you staring at her uncle like a lovesick puppy.
It was past midday before you all returned to King’s Landing, the sun starting to lower to the west. Caraxes landed gently in front of the Dragonpit entrance, bringing you back safely from your wonderful ride. Daemon undid the chains on both of you before helping you down.
Your feet took a bit of time to get used to the ground once more, and Daemon held your hands the entire time, that soft smile never leaving his face.
“Did you enjoy your first dragon ride my lady?” he asked you.
“Immensely so,” you nodded, an excited giggle leaving your lips. Caraxes purred from beside you, his long neck circling the two of you.
Daemon patted him, whispering to him in High Valyrian.
“What did you tell him?” you asked, curious.
The prince turned to you, that smile of his never leaving.
“That he did well.”
“He did, he flew like a dream,” you patted the dragon affectionately, feeling the beast hum.
Your gaze turned from Caraxes to his rider, and that warmth skyrocketed, enveloping you like he had done when you flew. You so desperately wanted to snuggle up to him, lose yourself in his arms and forget all your troubles.
For a moment, you imagined yourself married to him, giving him as many children as he wanted. You could almost see yourself sitting with him, your children all around you, some with his features, some with yours. He would teach the boys how to fight with a sword, you’d teach the girls how to be proper ladies. And every night, after you put your children to bed, you’d go to your rooms and spend the night in each other’s arms, either making love, or just lay together and talk until sleep claimed you both.
A screech brought you out of your daydream, and you looked away from the prince to see Syrax landing not far away from where you stood. Rhaenyra dismounted, gave her dragon and affectionate pat and walked up to you, a big smile on her face.
“How was flying with Caraxes?” she asked you.
“It was wonderful your grace, a once in a lifetime experience,” you nodded.
“It doesn’t have to be only once,” Daemon was quick to cut in.
You turned to him, confused.
“I will take you on a ride whenever you want, as long as you want.”
There he went with his clever words again, stoking the heat in your low belly. That smirk had returned, and the tease in his eyes was not helpful at all.
“Well, it’s enough for one day, how about we return to the castle and have something to eat?” Rhaenyra suggested.
Truth be told, you were really hungry after spending so much time in the air. You rode next to Rhaenyra on the way back to the Red Keep, the two of you chatting about dragons and how it felt to be riding one for the very first time. She told you how she had first ridden Syrax when she was only seven, but since Syrax herself was a young dragon at the time, the two had bonded so well during the flight. Her ladies and the Kingsguard assigned to her all had tried to dissuade her, deeming it too dangerous to fly so young, but she would not listen. You could imagine Rhaenyra as a young girl, ignoring those trying to tell her what to do and doing exactly what she wanted. Things were not so different now. The man who could bend Rhaenyra to his will had not been born yet, and you doubted he ever would.
You were in the middle of a tale about your childhood when you finally reached the gates of the Red Keep. When the gates opened, you were surprised to find your father and lord Borros standing near the doors, waiting for you. Your father looked to be furious, but he knew how to hide it well. Lord Borros on the other hand, he glared at Daemon before he focused his leery gaze on you, a sick smile on his puffy face.
“There you are, lord Borros and I have been looking everywhere for you,” your father scolded you gently. “Where have you been all day?”
“I took her with me to see the dragons my lord,” Rhaenyra intervened. “I remembered she had mentioned that she wanted to see them one day.”
“Thank you my princess, I apologize if my daughter’s silly infatuations troubled you,” you father bowed his head at her.
“She could never trouble me, your daughter is a delight to be around,” Rhaenyra smirked at him, and your father actually had the decency to look a little bit embarrassed.
You smiled to yourself, thrilled that someone had put him in his place.
“Nevertheless,” your father turned to you, “lord Borros wanted to ask you to take a walk with him. Would you like that my dear?”
You froze where you stood, feeling like a trapped animal. You couldn’t think of a good excuse to get away not without making a fool of yourself.
“We just returned from our ride, the lady may want to rest a bit and freshen up,” Daemon offered, approaching casually, his gaze on the Baratheon lord.
“Nonsense, how could she be tired from a little ride on horseback?” your father chuckled, giving you a pointed gaze.
For a moment you thought about telling him what you had been doing for the past few hours, but you thought better of it. If he found out you had spent so much time in close proximity to the Rogue Prince without anyone else around but his dragon, he would lock you up in your room until your wedding day.
“Of course, I am not tired at all,” you hurried to state, wincing at how fake your smile felt on your face. “I would be honored to take a walk with you my lord,” you curtsied to the storm lord.
The oaf looked smugly at Daemon before he offered his hand. You took it, waving goodbye at the princess and trying to ignore the way Daemon’s intense stare made you feel. You didn’t dare look at him, fearing he’d do something rash that would land him in trouble. You vowed to find him as soon as you could get away from lord Borros. The two of you needed to have a long talk.
Daemon watched you as you walked away with the storm oaf, not even looking back as you disappeared in the Red Keep.
He had the greatest urge to march up to the brute, tear him away from you and make sure he never got anywhere near you ever again. He almost did, when a soft hand on his arm held him back.
“Don’t do it uncle,” Rhaenyra whispered to him in High Valyrian.
“Don’t do what?” he snapped at her.
“Don’t do anything reckless, it’s neither the time nor the place,” she insisted.
“And when is the right time, when that brute marries her and takes her away from me?”
“That won’t happen, we will prevent it.”
That made him pause for a moment.
“We?” he turned to her.
“Father told me about you and her, about the special bond you have with her.”
“And you believed him?” Daemon asked his niece, doubtful.
“I saw how you stared at her during the feast last night,” Rhaenyra smiled at him. “You looked at her the way my father looked at mother, only with even more love. She is the one the Gods made for you, and I promise you she will not be taken from you. Now come, let us take a walk so you can ease your anger and we can come up with a good plan to stop her ambitious father from selling her off to that moron.”
“I like the way you’re thinking niece,” Daemon smiled, following Rhaenyra.
They made their way to the Godswood, Daemon a restless animal ready to pounce, Rhaenyra trying to think of a way to calm him. The Targaryen anger was notorious, and Daemon was a prime example of its ferocity. His temper was always short, especially around those who irritated him the most. She cannot remember how many times a small council meeting was disturbed by the arguments between her uncle and lord Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King. Truth be told, she despised the man herself, but she knew better than to speak her true mind about him in public. Daemon had no such restraint. He made it known how he felt about him, and made sure to taunt and mock him at any given chance. Her father stood in the middle of it all, trying to keep both of them happy, an impossible task on its own, but still, he tried.
Sitting here under the ancient weirwood tree, watching as her uncle paced up and down, she remembered what her father had confided in her earlier that day.
“Your uncle has found something very rare my sweet, something that spoken of only in tales.”
“What has he found father?”
“His other half, his soulmate.”
“Like those old tales mother used to tell when I was a babe?” Rhaenyra sat up, curious and excited.
“So it seems,” her father nodded, smiling fondly at his only daughter. “I want you to do everything you can so he won’t end up losing her. It is told that, when a soulmate loses its other half, the pain can drive them into madness.”
She felt a pang in her heart. She had never fallen in love, but she had seen what losing a loved one can do to a person. If those tales were true, losing his soulmate would destroy her uncle.
“What can I do?” she asked, resolve strengthening her.
“The lady is courted by lord Borros, something her father greatly approves. We have to act quickly, before a betrothal is announced. Do what you can to get them to spend more time together. The bond grows stronger while the mates are close. Sooner or later, Daemon will ask for her hand, and her father will have no choice but to accept the proposal, lest he angers the crown. I just need you to be there and keep an eye on your uncle in case he decides to do anything rash and ruin the whole thing.”
“I will not fail you father,” she nodded, getting up.
Viserys smiled at her, hugging her close.
“I know you won’t, and I’m proud of you my daughter.”
“I’ll sneak into her chambers tonight and steal her away, before that cunt can ask for her hand,” Daemon hissed, his eyes spitting fire.
“That will not do uncle,” Rhaenyra shook her head. “If you are to win her over, it must be done honorably. Her father must see the advantage of marrying her to you instead of lord Baratheon.”
“That ambitious weasel hates me, he will never agree to a marriage if I ask for it,” Daemon shook his head.
“What if we ask father to arrange the betrothal? Surely he won’t be able to deny the King.”
“No,” Daemon replied sharply. “I don’t want my brother’s help in this. If I am to do this, I will do it on my own.”
Rhaenyra knew better than to press the matter further. Daemon’s pride was known, as was his stubbornness, especially when it came to accepting the help of others.
“Well, your reputation and previous marriage are serious disadvantages in this, so we’ll have to sweeten the offer if we are to get her father on your side,” Rhaenyra hummed.
“How about a generous offer of gold, or if we grant him some new position here in court?” Daemon offered.
“Both those actions would require the King’s approval, as well as the Hand’s,” Rhaenyra shook her head.
Daemon’s handsome face turned sour at that.
“Then I’ll return to my original plan,” he shrugged. “Tonight, after all of the castle goes to sleep, I’ll slip into her chambers and steal her away. If her father or that oaf are foolish enough to stop me, I’ll show them what happens when you anger the dragon.”
Rhaenyra didn’t know how to change his mind, so she decided on another tactic.
“What’s it like?”
That brought Daemon out of his dark thoughts.
“Meeting your soulmate,” Rhaenyra asked delicately. “Mother used to tell me the story, but I never believed it to be true.”
Daemon’s expression softened, his face serene.
“Before I met her, I thought I knew the colors of everything around me. I could see the blue sky, the red of my dragon’s scales, the bright yellow and orange of his flames, the purple of my eyes… After I locked eyes with her, it was like I had been seeing everything in black and white, and for the first time I saw the true colors of everything around, vivid and pulsing. I had been walking around blind all my life, and she gave me light, she gave me purpose. The very thought of losing her is like punching a hole through my chest and tearing out my heart.”
“You won’t lose her kepus,” Rhaenyra cooed, moved by her uncle’s words. This was a side of him she had never seen.
“I can feel her, I can feel what she feels. This morning, on Caraxes, I could feel her joy, her happiness in being free of everything. And the knowledge that I had made her feel like this, it was worth more than everything. Even right now, I can feel her discomfort in being with that moron. She doesn’t want him, she hates him.”
Daemon could feel his stomach uneasy, as if he had eaten something rotten. He tried to send her strength, but he didn’t know if he was successful.
Suddenly, he felt a sharp twist, as if someone had put their hand in his stomach and pulled it out.
“What’s wrong?” Rhaenyra asked, jumping on her feet.
Daemon barely heard her, focused on what he was feeling. Anger, fear, disgust, all those emotions flooded him, terrifying him.
“Something is wrong,” he muttered, trying to focus even more.
“What is it, what can you feel?”
“She’s afraid, something to happening to her.”
He felt a sharp pain on his wrist, and pulled his sleeve back, baring his arm to the light. Rhaenyra gasped sharply, and Daemon looked down at where she was pointing. He stared, stunned, as saw an angry handprint forming on his wrist, the red in sharp contrast with his pale skin. He didn’t even think about it, only turned around and started running.
You should have known better than to trust lord Borros. It was really suspicious for him to behave so kindly and be this gentle. He led you down many corridors during your walk, chatting about the silliest things, boring you to death.
You were trying to come up with a good excuse to get away from him, when you reached a hidden alcove at the end of the corridor. Lord Borros stopped, turning to you with a smile that you didn’t know whether to label it as creepy or scary.
“My lady, I have been waiting for this moment all day,” he said, and your heart almost stopped in your chest. Did he bring you all the way down here to propose to you?
“What do you mean my lord?” you asked, playing the innocent.
“This very moment, I have been dreaming about it for a while,” the man kept smiling, taking a step closer to you.
Before you could say anything, his rough hands grabbed you by your arms and shoved you towards the alcove. You back collided with the stone wall, making you lose your breath for a moment.
You didn’t have time to recover as he was on you right away, groping at your body, his foul-smelling breath fanning on your face.
“You bitch, you worthless cunt of a whore,” he grunted, pulling at the front laces of your dress. “If you had given me what I wanted, I would have married you, I’d have given your piece of shit father what he wanted. You would have become the lady of Storm’s End, the mother of my children.”
“Let me go,” you gasped, trying to fend him off, but it was like trying to push a wall.
“Instead you had to go and become that bastard’s whore,” lord Borros grumbled, grabbing your wrists and pinning them on the wall above your head. “Did you really think that you could make the Rogue Prince fall for you? He uses women and then tosses them aside. He would never marry you, and even if he did, he would ridicule you in court with his whoring and his drinking.”
“As if you don’t do the same,” you hissed, finding the strength somewhere in you to talk back to him. “And prince Daemon has never touched me.”
That made him pause for a moment. Then, a cruel smile formed on his puffy face.
“Then, I shall claim you as my own, to teach that piece of shit not to meddle with a Stormlander.”
The bastard tried to kiss you, but luckily you turned your head aside, dodging his attempt. Instead, the monster licked at your neck, probably an attempt to arouse you. It felt slimy, completely wrong. You could barely remember the night at the corridor, when Daemon had done something similar to you. His touch was worlds away from this monstrosity that you were forced to endure.
“Get away from me, let me go or I’ll scream,” you threatened, but the man laughed humorlessly.
“We’re so far away from the main keep, no one will be able to hear you. You will scream, there’s no doubt,” he rasped, finally managing to tear the laces of your bodice, revealing the chemise you wore underneath.
You tried your best to free your hands, but his hold was like a vice. You were certain you’d have bruises on your wrists, if you managed to live until tomorrow. You kicked at him with all your might, and managed to land a good one between his legs, making him groan in pain. Sadly, he didn’t lose his grip on your hands.
“You bitch!” lord Borros roared, punching you in the gut.
You lost your breath for the second time, and the pain spread over your belly like wildfire. The bastard tried to grab your chemise, when a figure collided with him, sending both of them to the ground. You leaned against the wall, trying to catch your breath, when you caught sight of the two figures brawling on the floor. The flash of long silver blonde hair left no doubt as to who had been the one to attack lord Borros.
Daemon was like a rabid animal, never stopping his attack. He threw punches at the storm lord wherever he could land them, mostly going for his face. Not that lord Borros lay motionless. He recovered from the shock of the attack quite fast and did his best to cover his face, all the while trying to attack the dragon prince himself.
Another person arrived at the scene, and you sighed with relief when you saw that it was Rhaenyra. The princess came to your side right away, hugging your shoulders as she helped you stand on your feet.
“Are you alright?” she asked you. “Did he hurt you?”
“A bit, he didn’t manage to complete his assault,” you shook your head, your gaze drawn back to the fight happening not three feet from you.
“You worthless piece of shit,” Daemon cursed, landing a great punch on lord Borros’s nose. You felt so satisfied when you heard the sickening crunch, followed by the wails of the storm lord.
“What gives you the right to put your hands on her?” the prince roared, landing another punch.
You could swear you could feel the force he threw those fists with, the pain on his knuckles as he made contact with his target. It felt so vindicating, seeing the storm lord being punished for what he did to you.
Lord Borros found some hidden strength in him, and he used it to throw Daemon off of him. The dragon prince landed on his back, and you winced when you heard the thud his body made. He was quickly back on his feet though, being the experienced warrior that he was. He didn’t waste any time and lunged himself on lord Borros once more. This time, however, the storm lord was waiting for him. Their bodies collided, each trying to get the upper hand in the fight. You and Rhaenyra stood motionless to the side, frozen by fear and shock.
Hurried steps echoed from the corridor, and soon several guards wearing the Targaryen sigils on their breasts, as well as a few goldcloaks led by ser Harwin Strong, the heir to Harrenhal arrived at the scene.
“Ser Harwin, separate them, immediately,” the princess commands, and the young captain of the City Watch hurried to comply with her order. Several men approached the two fighters, and managed to separate them with great difficulty.
Daemon fought those who tried to restrain him, while lord Borros could barely stand on his two feet after Daemon’s attack. His nose was bloody, and there were already bruises forming all over his face.
“I shall have your head for this,” he even dared to threaten the Targaryen prince, glaring daggers at him.
Daemon stilled at the hands of his fellow goldcloaks, his eyes blazing with fury. You saw his hand twitching over the dagger strapped to his belt, and knew that his next assault would most likely end with his victim lying dead on the floor.
Before he could say anything however, Rhaenyra’s voice thundered over the others, clean and full of anger.
“You dare threaten a member of the royal family? And that is on top of your assault of this lady? I’d say your head is the one that needs to be taken lord Borros.”
That brought him up short.
“My princess, I-”
“Save your excuses lord Borros,” Rhaenyra cut him off. “You shall give your explanation to the King. Guards,” she turned to those holding him, “take him to the Throne Room, and someone needs to call my father and inform him on the situation.”
The guards obeyed, dragging the storm lord away. Only after he had disappeared from sight did the goldcloaks let Daemon go, and he immediately rushed to you, his eyes full of worry.
“Are you alright?”
You heart soared at the sound of his voice, the touch of his hands on yours. Your hands had been shaking ever since you got away from your assailant’s grasp, yet one touch from Daemon and the shaking ceased right away.
You took a better look at him, and noticed a bruise forming on his left cheek, as well as a small cut above his brow.
“I’m fine,” you assured him. “He didn’t have time to do anything to compromise my honor.”
A flash of fury shines on his violet eyes, but it vanishes as quickly as it appeared, his gaze focusing on your eyes. Warmth fills you, easing the pain on your stomach. Daemon takes your hands in his, cool fingers ghosting over your wrists. The marks of your assailant’s hands are evident against your pale skin, yet Daemon’s touch seems to make them disappear. You have the strangest urge to hide in his arms, away from everything in the world that could harm you.
But you stay where you stand, taking comfort in his hands as they envelop yours. Rhaenyra appears by your side once more, a soft smile on her face.
“We should get you to your chambers, to change your clothes.”
Her simple statement draws your attention to your ruined dress. The laces hang limp, their edges frayed from lord Borros’s attack on them. Thankfully enough, the chemise underneath is linen, concealing your body and saving you from the embarrassment.
You catch Daemon’s heated gaze on your body, and a different sort of warmth fills you. This one is…spicier, for a lack of a more fitting word. It is comforting, but it also leaves you wanting more. You know not what of, but you definitely want more of it. Vague echoes of your body pressed against Daemon resurface in your mind, and you shake your head to clear it. Now is not the time to be thinking of such things.
“Yes, you are right princess,” you nod, resolve making your voice steady.
Daemon and Rhaenyra helped you stand on your feet, and the princess turned to her uncle.
“You should go change too kepus, father will want to speak to you as well.”
“I should escort you first-”
“We shall be fine, and you need time to cool off. Come find us in the Throne Room, we’ll be there.”
There is steel behind the princess’s voice, and for the first time you can see her on the Iron Throne, ruling over the Seven Kingdoms. She will make a fine Queen one day.
You stole once last glance at Daemon before the princess whisked you away, towards your rooms. You didn’t speak during the trip, and thankfully enough encountered no other person. You had no doubt that news of the incident would already circle all over the castle, with speculations running wild. You briefly wondered what your father would think of all this, but surprisingly you didn’t care much about his opinion. You could only think of Daemon, and how he had saved you from lord Borros. Like the knights in the tales told by mothers to their small children, he had gallantly come to your aid, pushing the monster away from you, punishing him for the crime of assaulting you.
You tried really hard not to swoon at the thought. You had always believed that the girls who put too much stock into those tales always ended up getting a rough awakening when they came face to face with reality. The truth was, very few of the knights in the Seven Kingdoms were as gallant as those from the Age of Heroes. Most knights these days cared more about women, or gold, or glory.
Yet Daemon’s actions today made you think of him as your knight in shining armor. Perhaps you could allow yourself this one fancy, but just this once.
Rhaenyra helped you change your gown and fix your hair in a simple braid before you both made your way down to the Throne Room. As you approached, you could see more and more of nobles who stared at you, whispering at each other. You ignored them. There was much more at stake than the opinions of a few men and women.
The Throne Room was already half full by the time you and the princess entered. The King sat on the throne, lord Otto standing by his side. Lord Borros stood between two armed guards, his hands shackled before him. He glared at you when you approached the throne, and you did your best to not give him a second look.
Instead, you focused on your father, who appeared out of the crowd, looking both worried and upset.
“Daughter, what happened?” he demanded, barely sparing a glance at the princess.
“Lord Borros assaulted her,” Rhaenyra replied for you, and your father paled at the sound of it.
“He sullied you?” he gasped, glancing at the man in question before he focused his eyes on you once more.
“He didn’t have the time,” you shook your head.
Your father breathed a sigh of relief when ser Harrold Westerling, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, called for order. The Throne Room quieted as the King cleared his throat before he spoke.
“As I understand, there was an incident earlier today within the walls of this castle,” he started, his gaze sweeping the entire hall. “I was informed that lord Borros and my brother were caught in a fight in one of the remote corridors and had to be separated by the guards.”
The King focused on the storm lord, his face impassive.
“Why did you and Daemon fight lord Borros?”
“He attacked me your Grace, I didn’t even see him before he was on top of me, using his fists to land blow after blow on my face.”
You wanted to scream at the bastard, but you held back. How could he act the victim when he was anything but?
“Your Grace, I fear you brother has gone out of control once more,” the Hand sighed, but a voice from somewhere behind you interrupted whatever else he was about to say.
“You were always so quick to judge me,” prince Daemon called out, walking slowly down the middle of the room, dressed in a black doublet with the Targaryen dragon embroidered on it. He had his sword strapped to his belt, his hand resting on it. You couldn’t help but smile softly at him. He glanced at you briefly, returning your smile before he focused on the Hand once more.
“It is true, I attacked this worthless piece of scum, and I would gladly chop him up and feed him to my dragon if I was given the chance.”
“Why?” the Hand demanded. “Lord Borros is an honorable man, the ruler of the Stormlands and an ever faithful man to his King-”
“This faithful man as you call him attacked a young maiden and sought to rape her,” Rhaenyra interrupted him, leaving your side as she stepped up before her father and his Hand.
“She threw herself at me!” lord Borros roared, and fury boiled in your chest. You wanted to jump on him and gouge his eyes out, feed them to the vultures.
“She is a slut, a whore who flaunted herself at me, taunting me with her body.”
He glared fiercely at you, and everyone in the room started whispering.
“Is this true?” lord Otto questioned you, his gaze stern.
“No my lord Hand,” you replied, your voice laced with anger. “I have never made any sort of advances towards lord Borros.”
“Yet, as I recall, you danced with him at the feast not long ago,” lord Otto observed.
“I did, but that does not mean I ever threw myself at him.”
“Yes, for you preferred to warm the prince’s bed,” lord Borros hissed cruelly.
Gasps echoed all over the room, and the whispers intensified.
“I have never been touched by any man, I am a maiden still,” you defended, your hands shaking. “You attacked me, after leading me to that secluded corridor.”
“Your imagination runs wild,” the stormlander replied dismissively. “I only took a walk with you because your father has been hounding me to ask for your hand. I had considered it at first, but I changed my mind now that I see what a lustful and disgraceful woman you are. I want no woman like that to be my wife.”
You could see your father go rigid beside you. This would no doubt keep any men from asking for your hand from now on. Once the story of all this got out, you would be forever shunned by any suitors, cursed to remain unwed until you died. You, on the other hand, were furious at the lies this vile man spat out.
“I would rather die than be your wife,” you hissed, fuming. “You asked me to sleep with you, to please you so you would ask for my hand in return. You are the one who is disgraceful, attacking me when I rejected your request.”
“She speaks the truth, I bear witness to it,” Rhaenyra declared, and her father focused his gaze on her.
“You swear that you saw lord Borros assault the lady?” the King asked her.
“He did,” the silver haired girl nodded. “Daemon and I arrived at the scene before he could sully her in any way, and my uncle attacked him to get him off of her.”
The chatter amongst the crowd was so loud, ser Harrold had to call for order three times before the people settled.
“Daemon,” the King turned to his brother, “I would hear your side of all this.”
“It is as Rhaenyra says it is your Grace,” Daemon replied. “We came across them when we walked about the corridors. Lord Borros had the lady pinned on the wall, trying to tear at her clothes. Look at her wrists and you will find evidence of his grip on her.”
The King turned to look at you, his gaze focusing on your hands. You lifted your sleeves so he could see the marks lord Borros left on you. Big, red handprints showed on both your wrists, some parts starting to turn purple. They had started to hurt, now that the excitement of the incident had faded away.
The King sat back, sighing deeply. Then, he turned towards the storm lord.
“Lord Borros Baratheon, I find you guilty of trying to attack this lady, with the intent of raping her. For this, you are exiled from Westeros, stripped of your lands and noble title. You re to leave this city and my kingdom immediately, and you are not to return, ever, upon pain of death.”
Lord Borros stood still, too shocked for a moment. However, the fierce nature of the people of the Stormlands proved true.
“Your Grace, you cannot do this, it is an outrage!” he bellowed, fighting to break free of the hold the guard had on him.
“Continue speaking and you shall lose your head,” the King glared at him, like a dragon poised to attack. You had rarely seen the king like this, but it was during times like today he showed his true Targaryen nature to those who angered him.
“Remove him from my sight,” the King ordered his guards, and they dragged the former storm lord out of the room, while he kicked and screamed bloody murder.
Most of the courtiers started to make their way out of the room, quickly losing interest now that the trial seemed to be over. Your father approached you, his gaze burning.
“What happened?” he hissed at you, his voice barely above a whisper, so that others wouldn’t hear him.
“You heard what happened,” you bit back, glaring at him.
“Why did you have to fight him? Look what happened to us now,” he spat, glancing at the quickly diminishing crowd. “Who will ask for your hand after all this?”
You couldn’t believe your ears. After all you had suffered at the hands of that horrible man, your father still thought of his failed plans to marry you off to some powerful lord.
“You would prefer I lose my honor to such a man?” you accused, furious.
“At least he would have married you,” your father spat. “Now you will never find a suitable husband.”
“That is not true,” a voice you had come to know very well sounded from behind him.
Your father turned and found Daemon standing before him, tall and proud.
“My prince?” your father asked, uncertain.
“I had been wanting to find you today, but all this prevented me from doing so. I hereby formally ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
You were certain that the barest of breezes would knock your father over, he was so shocked.
“My prince, I, I don’t know what to say,” your father stuttered, fumbling over his own words.
“What is the matter?” the King asked, drawn to the exchange between his brother and your father.
“I have asked for the lady’s hand in marriage.”
The King seemed to be pleasantly surprised.
“That is indeed wonderful,” he smiled, gazing from his brother to you. “I had been hoping you would want to marry again, and she is a fine choice,” he praised you. “What say you my lord?”
Your father fidgeted where he stood, uncomfortable to be in the spotlight.
“I don’t know your Grace,” he replied hesitantly. “It is a great honor, to be sure, but you must forgive me if I am a bit guarded. After all, your brother’s reputation precedes him, and his first marriage was a disaster. I cannot have my daughter shamed before all when the prince decides to find entertainment in pleasure houses later in their marriage.”
“I will do no such thing,” Daemon grunted, his gaze fiery.
“It is true that the prince’s reputation is not the finest,” lord Otto cut in as he glanced at the King.
“Why not let the lady decide?” Rhaenyra suggested, surprising you all.
Her father, your own, the Hand, as well as you and Daemon all turned to look at her where she stood.
“It’s her life, she will have to spend the rest of her days with my uncle if she marries him. Why not put the decision on her hands?”
You could not help but feel so much gratitude for the princess. It was well known that most noble ladies married men their fathers chose, with them having little to no say in the matter. To be able to choose the man you wanted was a rare opportunity.
All gazes fell on you, some expectant, others guarded. You looked at all of them, saving Daemon for last. You didn’t have to think about it. One look at those violet eyes, and you had your answer.
“I choose Daemon.”
Your wedding came a fortnight later, and it was everything everyone talked about. A lot of people speculated why the prince had chosen to ask for your hand. The cruelest among them whispered that Daemon had already claimed your maidenhead, others that you were already with child.
You didn’t care. They would all get their answer the morning after the wedding, when your maiden’s blood would stain your sheets.
The big day dawned, and you stood before your mirror, letting the seamstress fix some last minute details on your wedding dress. It was made of the finest snow white silk, with little pearls and diamonds embroidered in patterns of flowers all over the bodice and the skirt. Rhaenyra was currently helping you braid your hair, while one of her handmaidens was holding a pillow with several pieces of jewelry. The King had ordered them for today, and each one was more beautiful than the other. You didn’t know what to choose. Luckily for you, Rhaenyra had excellent taste. She helped you narrow it down to two different sets of earrings, and in the end you chose a pair of silver ones with rubies, while she tied a silver pendant with the head of a dragon with amethysts for eyes. That one was a gift from your mate.
Your mate. You still were trying to fully comprehend what exactly bonded you with Daemon. After the proposal, the two of you spent as much time as you could together, and he had explained to you what the soulmate bond was. Everything made so much sense now. All those times you had those strange emotions, the warmth you both felt when you were close to each other, the emotions you shared, both good and bad. He had felt your pain that day, that was how he knew to come rescue you. He even bore the same marks you did on your wrists for a while. When he kissed you, little explosions of passion went off all over your body, and you craved to be closer to him, as close as it was possible.
It had proved almost impossible to maintain your maidenhead until the wedding, but somehow you had both managed to keep yourselves sated momentarily with kisses and touches. Daemon had suggested to help you ease your arousal using his fingers, or even his mouth but, as intriguing as it had sounded, you had denied yourself that pleasure. You knew that, if you let him do it, there’d be no turning back. At least the day of the wedding had arrived, and the wait was almost over.
You felt a bit nervous, but at the same time excited to be married to Daemon. He was the man you were born to be with, your other half. You didn’t know what the future would bring, but you knew that, as long as you two were together, you could face anything.
“There, all ready,” Rhaenyra smiled at you.
“You turned to look in the mirror and you smiled widely at her. She had done a wonderful job.
“Thank you so much princess,” you held her hands in yours.
“Hey now, none of that. We are to be family, you should call me by my name.”
“Then please do the same,” you replied with happiness.
“I’m so glad uncle Daemon found his soulmate. I had heard of such stories from my mother, but I never expected them to be true. I wonder if I’ll ever find my soulmate,” she sighed, her eyes turning sad.
“You will, I have no doubt about it,” you reassured her.
“What’s it like, having a soulmate?” she asked, curiosity apparent on her pretty face.
You paused, not sure how to describe it correctly.
“It’s like, you go through life, thinking that you are complete, but when you come across your other half, you understand why you always felt like something was missing. You feel everything he feels, and everything you feel is doubled, more intense. It’s almost like I spent my life before I met Daemon just…existing, and now I am finally alive.”
“It must be magical,” Rhaenyra cooed, her eyes dreamy.
“I truly hope you find your mate Rhaenyra, and when you do, you will be the happiest woman in the world, I can promise you that.”
Rhaenyra smiled brightly, her face brightening. She looked divine, clad in a red dress with golden embroidered flowers and lace trimmings. She had her hair in an intricate braid as well, and golden earrings shined on her ears, matching the golden bracelets and necklace she wore on her slender neck. She looked every bit the princess that she was, and a beautiful young woman too.
Someone knocked on the door of your chambers, and one of the maids went to answer it. It was your father, dressed in his finest clothes, his smile almost genuine. It had not been easy to convince him that this was the best for you, but he couldn’t go up against the King’s wishes. King Viserys was thrilled to see his brother happily married, so your father had accepted it. After all, having a daughter married into the royal family was quite the achievement.
“It’s time,” he smiled at you, and Rhaenyra kissed you on the cheek, leaving to go take her place at the throne room. You had agreed to have the ceremony there, instead of the sept, since neither you nor Daemon were particularly religious.
Your father approached you, taking in your wonderful dress.
“You look wonderful my dear,” he smiled, kissing you on the cheeks.
“Thank you,” you nodded.
He wrapped your maiden cloak around your shoulders, fastening it loosely with a silver brooch. You took his arm, and together you came down the stairs.
Flowers and colorful ribbons decorated the stone railings, while a rose petal trail marked the way into the throne room. Hundreds of people had gathered both inside the great hall and at the entrance, waiting to see you get married. You saw many faces, both familiar and unknown, but there was only one you sought to see right now.
Your gaze travelled all the way down the long trail that led to the throne, and there you saw him. He was dressed in his house colors, a blood red shirt under a pitch black velvet doublet. Black breeches, shiny black boots, and his valyrian sword hanging from his belt, its hilt glinting in the sunlight coming in from the high windows. His flowing silver hair shone like a crown over his head, two strands tied with a silver band on the back of his head. He looked beautiful, every bit the prince that he was.
He caught sight of you, and the warmth you had come to know so well by now filled you, once more, and a smile graced your face.
You and your father walked up to where the septon, the king and Daemon stood. Your father handed you over to Daemon with a nod, and your future husband took your hand as you both stood before the septon.
The ceremony ended rather quickly, and the king announced that there was a feast to be held at the royal gardens. You lost count how many noble men and women came to congratulate you, wishing you all the best in your new life. You caught several of the women casting lustful glances at your husband, but he didn’t even spare them a second glance. He only had eyes for you.
The time came for the two of you to share your first dance as husband and wife, and everyone in the area quieted down, eager to watch the spectacle. The musicians started playing a soft tune, Daemon wrapped his hand around your waist, and led you around, his eyes sparkling with joy. You couldn’t stop smiling at him, barely noticing as you twirled around, letting the music guide you.
The dance ended way too quickly, and you both took your seats at the royal table, letting other couples take to the dance floor. You sipped from your goblet, enjoying the rich taste of the wine, happily observing everyone having a great time. You were particularly surprised to find Rhaenyra dancing with ser Harwin Strong, the two of them gazing at each other like they were all alone. It was almost scandalous, and you knew several of the gossipers would start weaving their ridiculous tales, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to care. For one, you were too happy to do so, and Rhaenyra actually looked content to be in the arms of the young knight. You had a fondness for the man, as he did his absolute best in his duties and, despite his popularity with women, he had not used it to his advantage.
“Are you enjoying the night my love?” Daemon whispered to you, and you felt delicious shivers running down your spine. You could never get used to the effect his voice had on you.
“Yes, immensely so,” you smiled at him, turning to gaze at those mesmerizing eyes of his. “And you? Are the festivities to your liking? I think the food is exceptionally great, a perfect feast.”
“It is, but I’d rather be feasting on something else,” he smirked at you, and a flare of desire washed over you, making you clench your legs together.
“Daemon, we can’t,” you gasped, trying to get your body under control, with little success.
“Sure we can,” he whispered, his hand slipping on your thigh, caressing it softly over the fabric of your dress. “This is our wedding night, we are supposed to be spending it laying on our bed, not sitting on these damn chairs.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, your cheeks blushing.
“People will notice us missing,” you tried to reason, but your mind was already flying away to more sinister thoughts. You both had been waiting too long for this.
“They won’t care, they know we have better things to do,” Daemon smiled, holding out his hand to you.
You took it without a second thought, and you both slipped away from the festivities, nobody noticing your escape.
As soon as you were inside the castle, Daemon took you in his arms, taking the steps two at a time until he reached the door of your shared bedchambers. He opened it and walked in the room, kicking the door shut with his leg.
The servants had prepared the room for the night, white linen sheets covering the huge bed, candles lit all over, there was even a glass pitcher of blood red wine along with two goblets on the table.
None of that mattered now though. The only thing that you cared about was your husband.
Daemon put you down slowly, his hands coming to rest at your waist. You didn’t break eye contact as you raised your hand to caress his face, and he leaned into your touch, his eyes closing as he hummed deeply.
You leaned up to kiss him, and he returned your kiss, the sensation making your mind hazy. You closed your eyes as you let your mind enjoy the softness of his lips, the sweet scent that you had come to love, the wonderful feel of his body pressed up against yours.
Your husband slipped one hand up and wrapped it around your neck, his fingers going into your hair. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth, making you gasp in pleasure. Emboldened by your desire, you let your tongue play with his, tasting each other, teasing, nipping at his lips.
He groaned, a deep sound that vibrated through your body. His hands went to the lacings of your dress, undoing them with uncanny dexterity. Before long, he had your dress loose, ready to fall down on the floor. You let it do so, leaving you in a silk chemise that barely covered your body. Daemon’s gaze swept over you, heated and so full of passion. You caressed his chest with your hands, stopping at the top button of his doublet. He watched, silent, as you undid the buttons one by one, finally opening it to reveal the blood red shirt underneath. You pushed the doublet off his shoulders, and he let it join your dress on the floor.
He pulled you for a searing kiss, full of passion and pure need. A hunger awakened deep in your belly, a hunger to taste every bit of him. You found the edge of his shirt and pulled at it impatiently, until he broke the kiss with a smirk and let you pull it up and off of him.
You let your gaze sweep the sight before you. Daemon’s chest was lean but muscular, the body of a skilled and experienced warrior. Scars from battles long ago littered his pale skin, but they didn’t take anything from his beauty. On the contrary, they were living proof that your mate was a man willing to defend those he loved without a second thought.
You leaned in and placed a kiss on the scar over his heart, and you felt him shiver. He lifted your chin, his eyes so dark, they were almost black.
“I love you,” he whispered, then kissed you once more.
The kiss soon turned passionate, and he leaned down, grabbing your legs in a strong grip, pulling up sharply. You wrapped them around his waist, your arms around his neck. You never stopped kissing as he walked towards the bed, softly placing you on top, covering your body with his.
It was delicious, feeling his strong body on top of yours, pressing you into the mattress. The heat in your lower belly turned even hotter, and you ached for something, no idea what, but you knew you wanted it now.
Daemon’s lips slipped down to your neck, leaving feather-soft kisses as he descended towards your breasts. He pulled the straps of your chemise down, revealing your hardened dark pink nipples. He licked his lips, then closed his mouth over the hardened bud, making you gasp sharply. You reacted on instinct, lifting your chest to get closer to his mouth. He used his tongue and teeth on you, sucking and biting your nipple softly, driving you mad with the sensation. You barely realized that the moans echoing in the room came out of your mouth.
Daemon moved to the other breast, and you swore you were about to explode in flames, you felt so hot. Your hands roamed on his back, trying to pull him as close to you as you could. Daemon let his hand go up and down your thigh, caressing, teasing, stoking the fire in you. His fingers lifted your chemise up, slipping between your bodies, finally touching you were you most needed him to.
He caressed your soaking wet folds, finding a particular spot that had you moaning loudly as he stroked it in circles.
“So wet for me, so ready for me my love,” he groaned, his hips grinding against yours as he sought to find some relief himself. You could feel his hard member poking at your core, and you felt a wave of satisfaction, knowing that you affected him as much as he affected you.
He let a finger slip into you, and your hips rose sharply to meet his hand. He definitely knew how to give you pleasure, playing your body like an instrument.
You reached down to his breeches, trying feverishly to undo the buttons. He gently pulled your hands away, ignoring your lazy protests at the loss of his touch at your core.
“Patience my love, we have all night.”
He leaned up to kiss you, his hands reaching to pull your chemise up, until he lifted it over your head, tossing it aside before resuming his kiss. You felt his naked chest on you, your breasts pressed up against it. He continued his torture with his fingers at your soaked cunt, his thumb circling that little nub that sent jolts of pleasure through you.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you gasped, rocking into his hand.
“Almost there my love, let go, don’t hold back,” he whispered, and you felt your belly tighten before a wave of absolute bliss hit you hard, making you moan loudly.
Daemon kept stroking you as you rode the wave, enjoying it as much as you could before you collapsed on the mattress, breathing hard.
He leaned back, watching you with hooded eyes as you found your breath again.
“What was that?” you asked, finally able to form words again.
“That was just a taste of what a man can offer his wife. There’s plenty more,” he smirked, going down the length of your body before he stopped at your core. He pulled your legs apart gently, then surprised you when he gave a big lick at your folds.
You gasped, moaning at the sensation. He didn’t give you any time to recover as he resumed licking at you like a man starved. He used his tongue much like he had used his fingers not long ago, going in and out of you, focusing on that little nub, driing you mad with the intense feelings that raved in you. Your whole body shook as the pressure built once more, this time even more intense as you reached that peak of ultimate pleasure for the second time.
You screamed your mate’s name as you felt your juices flooding out of you, Daemon licking at them eagerly.
“Daemon, please,” you pleaded, not sure what you wanted.
“Yes my love, I’m here,” he crooned, covering your body with his and he reached up to kiss you. You could taste yourself in his tongue, and that somehow made it all so much more pleasurable.
At some point Daemon must have gotten rid of his breeches and boots, because you could feel him, all of him, naked and hard as a steel rod, pressing against your folds. He looked at you, silently asking for your permission, and you nodded.
You felt his hardness pushing into you slowly, a delicious pressure that had you breathing shallow. When he reached your maidenhead, he paused for a moment, giving you a moment to adjust to his size before he pushed on.
A momentary feeling of pain gave way to delicious pleasure as Daemon rocked back and forth slowly, going even deeper into you with every move. When he finally was all the way in, he stayed still, both of you savoring the closeness. He kissed you deeply, putting everything he felt into that one kiss.
Before long, you got impatient and wanted more of him, and he was only too eager to comply with your wishes. He set a slow pace at first, moving in and out of you, while his hands played with your breasts.
You gasped with each thrust, feeling him driving into you, trying to find his pleasure. You used your legs to pull him even further in, and heard him groan as his cock touched a spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
“Daemon,” you chanted, again and again, like a prayer. You couldn’t think of anything else, your mind was too overwhelmed from all the things you felt at the same time.
His pace picked up, his breathing becoming ragged as he kissed you almost viciously, all teeth and tongue. You held onto him as you felt that delicious pressure again, and you knew he was getting close to his own peak. You moved in sync, bodies going erratic as the ultimate wave of pleasure took you both in it, pushing you over the edge into a place that had no name. You didn’t care. You were where you always were meant to be, where you wanted to be.
That night, neither of you got any sleep. You finally collapsed, entirely spent, sometime shortly after the first rays of the sun appeared in the east. You lay in your mate’s arms, with barely any strength left in you, but absolutely sated and content. Shortly before sleep claimed you both, you looked deep into Daemon’s eyes, whispering a single phrase to him:
“I love you, now and always.”
He smiled, his true smile that he saved only for you, and whispered back:
“I love you too my wife, from now until the end of time.”
There you have it, the last part. I hope you liked it!
Taglist: @thanyatargaryen, @honestlyka, @graniairish, @queenofshinigamis, @dangerousbluebirdpoetry, @moonmaiden1996, @nitimurinvetitumposts
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bordysbae · 1 year
could you do 5. “stop following me around like a lost puppy!” … “maybe you being around isn’t so bad.” with Turcotte?
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alex turcotte x f!reader
alex moving to michigan was hard on him. he’s living in the hughes household, since his parents stayed back in illinois, and of course that’s a big change on anyone. you’ve lived across the street from the hughes family ever since they moved here a few years ago, and it’s been wonderful. you and jack are the same age, and grew quite close because of 1. how close your guys’ mothers got, and 2. the ungodly amount of classes you guys always mange to have together. everyone thinks you guys are dating, but you and jack are strictly just friends who carpool to school together.
as you approach jacks car, you see the passenger side window rolled down. "y/n, sorry you're in the back now," jack shrugs, as you're met with the face of the famous 'alex turcotte’ who you've been nonstop hearing about.
"the hell? i've always been shotgun," you whine, meanwhile buckling your seatbelt as jack backs off of your driveway. you then formally introduce yourself to alex, and tell him who and who not to be friends with at school. jack chiming in to rebuttal your opinions every so often.
first days of school are always a pain, but seeing your friends after being gone all summer instantly lifts the mood. as you shut your locker jack’s standing behind it, waiting to walk with you to class. this isn’t an uncommon thing, but now this time it appears you have third period with both jack and alex.
“oh alex, you have a class with us?” you ask, holding your textbook close to your chest.
“yeah, wanna see my schedule?” he asks, pulling out his phone and handing it to you. it comes as a surprise to see you have third, fourth, and sixth with alex. you and jack only have first and third together.
“damn, we have three classes together! i guess you won’t be getting sick of me,” you tease him.
you were wrong. alex immediately grew popular. maybe it was because of hockey, or maybe it was because of his personality, who knows? but what you do know is, alex didn’t listen to your advice on who to be friends with and who not to be. and unfortunately he adapted their shitty douchebag personas.
you’ve watched him change from that sweet shy boy you met only two months ago, to the prince of your highschool. the first month and half was great. you guys were becoming close, and early morning carpools were super fun. but when alex started to realize the limelight he was gaining, he immediately started to gloat in it. and what’s worst of all is that you were really starting to like him too.
“you guys going to the football game tonight?” you ask the two boys in the front seat.
“yeah, i bought my ticket yesterday. did you get a ticket alex?” jack asks.
“nah, andrew is just gonna get me in for free. perks of being friends with the star quarterback, yeah?” alex chuckles. you roll your eyes, and jack just chuckles along with him. normally you, jack, and alex walk to third period togther, but recently it’s just been you and jack. “hey have you noticed anything new with alex?” you ask jack.
“uh no, why?”
“oh. i feel like he’s just been cold with me i guess? it’s like he got popular and changed, but maybe i’m wrong. oh well, let’s go,” you shrug before turning on your heel and heading down the hallway with jack.
you and alex usually walk from third period to fourth together, but as he speeds out the classroom, you furrow your brows and speed up to catch him. “alex ar-“ you begin, and he snaps his head from his conversation with one of the football douches named matthew.
“oh my god y/n, what?” he asks in an annoyed tone of voice. matthew then peaks around from behind alex and chuckles before stating, “so y/n, when are you gonna stop sucking jacks dick?! you’re so obsessed with him it’s embarrassing honestly. he doesn’t want you, stop following him around everywhere. just get your own car, i bet he hates driving you. i know turcs here hates having you in the car,” he says, shoving himself into alex’s shoulder while laughing.
matthew has always teased you about you and jacks friendship, but never to the extent he just did. but what catches you off guard even more is alex’s response. “good one dude, and yeah literally stop following all of the guys around like a lost puppy! no wonder people call you a puck bunny y/n, you follow us around like crazy. and don’t get all sensitive and cry about it, i’m just tryna help,” alex shrugs before separating from matthew and going into the classroom.
you stand in the hallway with your mouth agape. you’re in utter shock at what alex had just said. you slowly shuffle your feet into the classroom, and slouch in your seat that you stupidly chose in front of alex. you ignore his idiotic laughs from behind you, and sigh. him and that damn limelight.
a few days go by, and you and alex have hardly spoken. a few occasional words here and there, but not much. as you’re walking to fourth period, you notice alex and his new group walking not too far ahead of you. alex is trying to tell a story, but matthew, their ring leader, is talking over him.
“turcs dude, no one’s listening. can you just let me talk?” matthew groans, and immediately alex’s face falls. his once beaming smile is turned to an embarrassed and shy frown. you bravely tap his shoulder, and he turns around to see you.
“i’ll listen to your story alex, wanna start from the beginning?” you say, and he smiles. he begins to tell you the story about his amazing hockey goal over the weekend. although you don’t really care, you still listen. as you both sit down in class, you turn around to face him.
“thank you for listening y/n. and i’m so sorry about what i said, maybe you being around isn’t so bad,” he sheepishly smiles.
“it’s okay alex, you got carried away with your new friends and that’s okay. but i told you they’re douches, i was just waiting till you realized that” you smile before turning towards the front of the class. as you’re exiting the room, alex grabs your hand to slow you down.
“y/n can i make it up to you by getting ice cream later tonight?”
“is this you asking me out, turcs?” you tease and his cheeks turn rosy. you then quickly realize you never answered him, “of course, it sounds like fun!” you smile, and he lets out a silent sigh of relief followed by a cheesy grin.
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clouds-by-me · 6 months
𝓐 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮
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Character ;; Scaramouche/Wanderer Warnings ;; Mentions of death Word count ;; 1.5k An|requested by:@rovakiap I really hope you like it<3 Part 1
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Becoming a Harbinger, wasn’t easy on you. Not just because it was physically painful, and exhausting, but because you felt like you were taking the place of someone you loved.
The trials, and battles were nothing compared to the change in the way you slept at night. The fact that you now slept alone, and cold. Or the way everyone just brushed over the fact that the man you loved had just died. No one really cared. And they expected you not to care either.
His subordinates were happy that he was finally away, and they could now “breathe freely”.
The other Harbingers acted as if he hadn’t lived at all.
And the Tsaritsa? She had not a word to say.
Everyone’s indifference towards this mans death, honestly didn’t surprise you. He wasn’t kind, actually he was quite the opposite. He was authoritative, and cared little about other people’s personal lives or their opinions.
However, what people fail to realize, and what you’ve come to learn, is that Scaramouche, does care. Though, he would never admit it, even after death, he held some level of concern about them. He always gave his subordinates missions that he knew they could handle. He fought for them on several occasions, in truth.
You remembered time when he’d come to bed tired after specifically planning everyone’s job for the next few months. He had “associates” amongst the Harbingers, though you knew they were really his friends. After Signoria died, it hurt him. Like everything else though, he’d never admit that. To anyone.
Scaramouche, was the most stubborn person you’d ever met, even to this day. Even after his death. But that was one of the many things that you loved about him. After you had heard that he passed, you were devastated. Left heartbroken, alone…confused.
You were able to power through, however. You were able to gain power, because of your lover’s death. Which was how you got to where you stand now, as the new 6th fatui Harbinger. Looking back, you’d never imagined being here. You always thought Scaramouche would continue to rule until your untimely death.
You couldn’t ever think about him dying. You never thought it was possible. Staring at your reflection, you see just how much you’ve changed. You now stand with authority, walk with power and confidence. As you looked at every detail on your body, now you have so many scars. It was expected after all the fights you had to endure to get to the top.
You, surprisingly, don’t remember getting half of the scars that litter your body now. For the most part, your outfit covered them, but you knew they were there. You didn’t feel anything when you looked at them, but they brought back so many memories. Ones you’d rather not relive.
You closed your eyes, no longer wanting to look at the person you've become, and walked towards the door. As you walked the cold halls of the Snezhnayan castle, all you could hear was you footsteps.
Whenever someone saw you approaching, they immediately cleared the way for you to pass by smoothly. They straightened their backs, and looked ahead, never looking anywhere else until you were out of sight. Walking out of the castle, and to the docks, two of your subordinates followed close behind.
“What are the items that the Tsaritsa need from Sumeru?” You asked not looking back, continuing to move forward. The woman, a cicin mage, on your right responded quickly, and you could hear the fear in her voice.
“Her majesty has requested 36 Nilotpala Lotus, 90 Rukkhashava Mushrooms, and 64 mourning flowers, my lord.” You didn’t say anything, only nodding away. You then boarded your ship, and set off towards Sumeru.
Upon arriving, you dismissed your fatui subordinates, and set each of them to find something different, while you wondered around. As you walked, no one really spared you glance, much to your advantage. You’d rather get in, and get out as soon as you could. Being in this forested place, full of green and knowledge brought back wonderful memories of the dead. Someone you don’t need to be thinking about right now.
Sure, it had been months since he died, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt you all the same. Thinking about it was you walked, a sudden realization came to you, everyone acted like he didn’t even exist. It confused and frustrated you, but you never would admit that. You’ve become a lot like him over your time as the new Harbinger.
Now, people dislike you, as much as they disliked him.
Not that you cared, you had no reason to. Who cares if you adopted his mean glare, and cocky smirk. That you now would stomp over anyone who didn’t do what you asked. Not you, you didn’t cared how much it hurt. How much you had changed..
You sighed heavily, shaking your head. You have a mission to do, and thinking about someone who’s long gone, can’t do you any good.
A soft breeze lazily gazed over you, it was soft and relaxing. Then you saw something, that looked awfully familiar. So much so, that it made you stop in your tracks. That was when you saw him.
He stood out in a group of people, and looked so familiar. yet so different. His expression was soft, and he didn’t look made by any means, no, infant he looked quite content. Something you’d never seen on your lovers face before, not openly at least. He was holding a create full of vegetables, and was looking down at a young, and small girl in green and white.
Her big, green eyes caught sight of yours, and for a second too long, you made eye-contact. Then you realized who that little girl was, she’s the Dendro archon. How you came to that conclusion, you don’t know.
However you knew that you were right.
Like it was fact, quickly, you turned away before anything could transpire. You were here on a mission.
Just gather information on Sumerus whereabouts, then you can leave.
You thought to yourself, trying to remember what it was that your subordinate told you;
36 Nilotpala Lotus….How is the new archon ruling,
90 Rukkhashava Mushrooms….What about Sumeru has changed,
and 64 mourning flowers….and is the traveler still in Sumeru
This should be easy, just get a bit of information, then leave, it’s not hard. Pretending to not have seen the small girl, and familiar male, you walked a different way. Until you heard his voice, and a warm hand was placed on your shoulder.
“Umm, excuse me?” His voice was clear, just as you remember it. So many thoughts ran around in your head, and your knees buckled. Shaking it off you said nothing, only facing forward trying to regain your composure. “Are you lost?”
Slowly you turned around, you didn’t know what to expect. You were hoping that it would be some random person, someone who only sounded like him. Your hopes quickly died however, and you were face to face with a dead man walking.
You tried your best to keep your composure, crossing your arms, because suddenly you felt cold. As he looked at you expectingly, you found an answer as quickly as you could think.
“Yes, actually, could you show me around? It’s been a while since I’ve been here, and I’m honestly just traveling through. So I’ll be staying here for the next few days.” You caught his eye twitch, but said nothing of it. He then looked behind him, then rolled his eyes and looked back to you.
He mumbled under his breath, then responded;
“Sure, i can show you around.”
And just like that, you met a dead man. But now he goes by ‘Wanderer’ and says that he knows nothing of his past. He doesn’t know where he’s from, all he does know, is that he’s trying to figure it out. Or so he told you, you felt as if there was something more behind those words, but you didn’t want to lose him again, so you kept quiet.
You hated this.
Yes, you missed him. But he doesn’t remember you. You know so much about him, and yet he knows nothing of you. Not to mention that you’re not even the same person that you used to be. While he was gone, you became the next him. It was strange.
Now, anytime you look at him, you feel like you’re living a lie. This just doesn’t feel real to you, yet you love it all the same. Sure, you’ve cried so many tears, and really can’t explain your emotions, but you know for a fact that you’ve missed him.
And it was then, at that very moment, when he started walking away for a few steps then when he realized that you weren’t following, he turned around and said to you;
“Aren’t you coming?”
That you decided. You would restart. This time, the roles are reversed, but thats ok. This time, you’ll protect him, rather he realizes it, or not.
You’ll keep him away from your Fatui business, and keep him by your side. It won’t be easy, actually, it’ll be really compacted, but you’ll be ready to deal with that. Right now, as you nod your head, and follow him around Sumeru, not looking at the things he points at, but instead at him, you feel momentary ecstasy.
And right now, thats all you need.
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rockinlibrarian · 1 month
Post-Umbrella Academy S4 Reaction Part 3: Viktory!...ish (spoilers under cut)
If you're just joining me, Part 1 was a reaction to FANDOM'S reaction; Part 2 was a snippet of fix-it that poured out of me yesterday. Now to get into the nitty-gritty.
Let's start off the show-specific commentary with something, to counteract the online vitriol, I have the most genuinely positive feelings about (though also a few definite opinions on how it could have been improved): VIKTOR. VIKTOR MY BABY whom I have written 35,584 words from the point of view of (and almost as many ABOUT him from other povs) since last we saw him. I think I've mentioned in tags or something the weird possessive feeling I got just seeing him in trailer footage-- the same thing happened when season 3 of Legion came out and I saw the Loudermilks again. There's something about spending a lot of time in a character's head that makes me weirdly emotional about them after that.
Five is my favorite character from an objective what-an-absurdly-interesting-character standpoint, but Viktor has always been the character I've connected to most emotionally. I, too, have spent my life convinced I'm Nobody but desperately longing to be SOMEBODY. And he had the tragic arc I've been morbidly obsessed with since Lester Nygaard-- the doormat who finally stands up for themselves but it all keeps going horribly wrong.
He finally speaks up, tells his story to the world-- and it only further alienates him from his already-troubled family, and the one guy he most hoped WOULD read it immediately shelved it and never touched it again. (At least, in a possible future, it became an anchor and lifeline for Five. But I'm not sure Viktor ever canonically found out about that. All Five told him was that it was "ballsy," which is better than anything anyone else ever told him about it, but not about how he carried it everywhere he went for 40-some years and used it to keep all his most important home-going equations)
He finally gains the power he always longed for, but instinctively lashes out violently with it at every reveal of betrayal from people he trusted (and only one of those people probably deserved it).
He finally gets first chair, is the most extraordinary violinist the world has ever seen, and then-- well-- he blows up the moon.
Again and again, he ends up triggering apocalypses every time he steps out, takes a stand. He saves a little kid's life, and THAT action ends up eating up the entire universe.
He can't catch a break. All he wanted was to be a hero like his siblings, and it KEEPS. GOING. WRONG.
I am OBSESSED with this. I'm obsessed with this kid who cried when his brothers stepped on ants unwittingly destroying all life as we know it over and over again. I need him to break this cycle, I need him to prove that he CAN be powerful AND have good results, I need to see it as a fellow struggling-to-get-out-of-her-self-esteem-pit doormat who only wants to do GOOD, and I ache for him when he doesn't. But in a good way. Because it's fiction and I savor the angst.
Which brings us up to Season Four, under the cut.
So, six years have passed since Viktor got off mood suppressants, tasted power, came out as trans, and got asked by the brother who used to completely ignore him and once locked him in a sound-proof cell to serve as Best Man at his wedding. He's been living a completely new life! We saw in the trailers that he's a bartender, but then you get his location establishing shot and it turns out it's HIS BAR. HIS NAME IS OVER THE DOOR.
Reader, I reacted vocally, out loud, to this reveal. HE built and runs this genuinely nice bar all by himself! Look how WELL he is doing for himself! Okay, he can't maintain a relationship for the life of him (but that's okay, it's just he hasn't realized that Five is his Soulmate SORRY I WILL PROBABLY DO IT AGAIN) (also, I'm very tickled that his last girlfriend was named Amy. I'm flattered, really), but otherwise he has built a darn nice life for himself. (It gives me the same bittersweet feeling as this one Fiktor fic--there's your warning, don't like don't read-- by @sissytobitch10seconds, "Completely Alone," in which Viktor runs off to become a farmer without telling anyone. Sure, he's isolated himself from the family he once longed to feel a part of, and that's a little sad, but he's working well and quietly, and living fully and in peace, and I love that for him!)
And from here on out, you can just see how far he's come-- the confidence in the way he talks to the siblings he used to be in awe of! The way he doesn't hesitate to share his ideas-- and the way the others actually listen to his ideas now!
And then the majority of the season for him becomes coolly (and...sometimes not so coolly-- but much more in CONTROL than he was six years ago) standing up to the father who belittled, sedated, and gaslit him (or, a variation of said father, at least), and being respected back.
It was just so SATISFYING.
One little victory-- um, viktory?-- that stood out for me was when he had the idea to infiltrate a militia of cultists by Sharpie-ing an umbrella tattoo on his wrist. The symbolism of this action that had once been a sort of pathetic and misguided attempt at fitting in, he was now reclaiming it for purposes of pretending to fit in, a more important goal forefront in his mind-- it was a little thing but it touched my heart, how he was like, "Oh *I* know what to do! I used to do this all the time!" but this time it actually helped him be a hero.
And then the biggest full-circle moment: he insisted on trying to talk Ben down, to bring him back from the edge of blowing and destroying the world-- just like Ben had done for him at the end of season 2.
If only it had worked.
Anyway, I now direct you to the Venn diagram I reblogged the other day: I liked Viktor's arc: it made me really happy, in fact. It GENERALLY made in-universe sense. It could do with some major improvements as a piece of narrative storytelling, though, and that comes back to the overarching theme of Viktor I discussed before we got to the season 4 stuff.
In the first three seasons, the concept that he WAS the apocalypse was always hanging over his arc, even as he gained control of his powers and emotions and gained confidence in his place in the family. I would not have been happy if he really WAS cursed to always bring about destruction, but I want to see him explicitly break this curse, onscreen. But a lot of his personal growth happened off screen, between seasons-- which is generally a good thing, I'm so happy he's been doing so well-- but I feel like we should have at least acknowledged that the Curse of Being the Apocalypse was still hanging over his head as the season began, and THEN SHOWN him deliberately turning that around, AND THEN HE SHOULD HAVE SUCCEEDED.
Him trying to reach Ben was a start. It was symbolic and circular. But it ultimately didn't work, so bleh. Someone on the Elliott's House Discord suggested that what SHOULD have happened was that Viktor succeeded in removing all the Marigold in the world--from Ben, from his other siblings, from everywhere-- and taking it into himself (an action his long-desired powers had been shown to be capable of) , and then sacrificed himself into the Cleanse to save everyone else. BINGO, full-circle, the Apocalypse becomes the cure, the wannabe superhero becomes the ultimate hero. It's a bummer to have a hero die, but compared to what actually happened in show, this would have been one glorious, well-built-toward death, as opposed to a lot of completely hopeless, emotionally ill-timed deaths.
That would have been narratively a lot more satisfying. I would have accepted the death of my blorbo--sadly, but with acceptance-- if it had been so perfectly heroic in this way.
But I'll discuss the way the show actually ended-- which was, for me, the only serious bummer letdown of the season-- in a separate post.
Two more things about Viktor in season 4, before I go, though:
I appreciated that they at least acknowledged his violin-playing. I could not believe that a professional musician would utterly and completely turn his back on music, and they basically let it drop entirely in seasons 2 and 3. It wasn't just a plot device, it was his vocation, dangit! So when Abigail mentions it to him, and he says it's "really more of a love/hate thing," that makes it all make a little more SENSE. Yeah, sure, he's got QUITE a bit of trauma tied up in the violin now, I guess I'll accept that as an excuse for not getting back into it. I would have made a different choice for him, but at least you gave me a REASON, show, so thanks for that.
Secondly, look, I'm not so naive and deluded to believe that my warped, pseudo-incestuous ship would ever be canon, but Viktor and Five barely said a WORD to each other all season, and I wanted just ONE good one-on-one interaction between them, like we've had every other season-- just ONE MOMENT of the childhood besties/apocalyptic foils-for-each-other being more than distant random family passing like ships in the night. They SHOULD have stuck together at the end of Season 3, to be completely honest-- I did slip in a meaningful explanation for why they didn't in that fix-it scene yesterday-- but I'd settle for just...anything at all!...when they reunited. Ah well.
I was honestly just so happy that Viktor had grown so much, that I'm willing to accept a LOT of things-I'd-rather-have-happened not happening.
And that's where I'll leave this post. I'll make a few more-- at least one whole post about the end (going from my favorite part of the season to my LEAST favorite part of the season-- but I have a lot to say about it that is not just emotional ranting!), one post about the infamous love triangle (which I am not opposed to despite it going against my own ships, and I'll have lots to say about that, too), and at least one post of miscellaneous observations, if any of those topics don't jump out at me and demand I give them their own post as well.
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I feel that regardless of whatever this is, Chris gave ammo to those who were already too invested in him for whatever reason and he alienated those who genuinely supported his career and wanted the best for him. His fandom knew him to a certain degree and to do a 180 on his MO, not his image, but the years of observing his nature enough know when something is off. This mess was presented like damn near every Pr stunt, but he and his team failed to realize the fans are aware that Chris moves differently. He’s a celeb who is in Hollywood but not “Hollywood”, so the fandom immediately sensed something was off.
Also let’s not forget the trolling, he said he was LOOKING for love, not that he already had it, him saying the industry makes you do what you don’t want, him saying multiple things in People Mag only to turn around a mere 24+ hrs later and do the complete opposite of what he stated he wanted. I know there are people too invested in celebs but we’re not going to act like in this particular situation the fans just magically lost their minds for no reason. …..not fussing at you mod or anyone just typing my thoughts. 😅
They fed on the fans and wanted the fans to sell this mess but instead the fans went, wtf is this?! The thing that gets me is someone mentioned the new year and v day montage, the v day montage had pics used to answer most questions people had, meaning his team or him were responding to things. I’m like dude if this is legit, why are you bothered with a small portion of the internet. He lucky the general public doesn’t know what the fandom is aware of.
But yeah, I say both Chris, her and their teams are at fault as well as this fandom, everyone did the most for no reason and played their parts.
At times I logically have to go with if Chris said he’s married, then his married because I just can’t see how one can get on stage lie about it, like how do you explain to family “oh yeah I’m not really married and there were no actual weddings, that’s why I said “ceremonies” and how does one act like the fans are the issue if he’s out here purposely lying to gain whatever behind the scenes.
Like if this is legit, you’re telling me he and his team full of adults couldn’t have presented this better or did they simply underestimate the fans and the general public? I see things from various angles and honestly real vs pr, I can’t view things from both sides logically while understanding there are too many empty holes that allow people to insert their opinions and believe they are facts, thus people arguing over bs and forgetting what actually occurred.
There is a a blog who has captured EVERYTHING, it’s annislibrary, I believe and if anyone needs a recap go read through that mess and tell me how thinking this pr is “crazy”, it makes sense.
Like I said if he said he’s married then what more can people do, he’s claiming this either because it’s real or he chose this for a benefit career wise, either way is a bad look on his part. 🤷🏻‍♀️
fans have definitely been used and manipulated throughout this saga. i believe there's a lot of pieces that show how a game has been played the whole time. which makes the relationship that much more difficult to tolerate because either 1) he lied about very important and very harmful subjects surrounding his morals and beliefs for a very long time or 2) those morals and beliefs aren't important enough to keep him from agreeing to a farce for publicity or choosing a wife who is (even if only by association) the antithesis of said belief system.
it's atrocious to me that someone can rationalize abusing the loyalty of a fandom one has built over the course of a long career to further a narrative and give way for articles to say things like "eagle eyed fans noticed..." in their headlines just to turn around with the same mouth that said 'thanks for buying my bullshit' then decry those same fans by saying 'bitches be crazy.'
but it's the hand that has been dealt to the fandom and the best part is that we get to decide how we play.
PS principals love libraries! 🩶
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elliespuns · 1 year
What do you think will be the next -possible- 3 seasons of TLOU about? I want to know YOUR opinion
I think they are going to go for the original plan for Joel's death, where Abby and her friends join Jackson and gain Joel's trust before turning on him. And I have two reasons why I think so.
One; they know now after all those years that they messed up with the way they killed Joel off. The old cynical, extremely vigilant, and skeptic Joel we knew in Par 1 would naver get around people he never met and be like "Hey, this is Tommy and I'm Joel, join us." That was such bad writing. Sorry, not sorry. Not to mention, Joel died too soon. And yes, it was a good thing for the story portrayal itself because it made everything after this event ten times more painful, which was surely the aim. But it still could've been done with respect for such a beloved character as Joel was to every one of us. So with this in mind, I think they will try their best (at least I hope so) to make it better in the show.
Two; they hinted so many times that they are going to surprise us with how they're gonna do the 2nd season. "Sometimes it will be different radically, and sometimes it will be barely different at all. But it's going to be different and it will be its own thing. It won't be exactly like the game. It will be the show that Neil and I want to make." And so with that in mind, I'm guessing they're either gonna go with the other plan or they'll extend Ellie & Joel's scenes by adding new flashbacks/moments with them (personally, I'd love that the most).
It's hard to guess with only a little information. But since the Part 2 game is three times longer than Part 1, they're probably going to be forced to split the 2nd season into multiple parts anyway.
To conclude this, I really hope we'll get to see more of Joel and his love for Ellie. Like, give us more flashback episodes with them, something quirky, sweet, and lovely, and we'll be satisfied no matter what else you decide to do with the show.
Possibly, a scene where Joel teaches Ellie how to play the guitar.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
So, for day 17 of the event, I used Pragma #5 from prompt 1 for Tou Handa from The Vampire Dies in No Time! It’s a new fandom that I’m writing for here on the blog and I hope any fans of the series will enjoy 😊
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What importance or value does the character attach to marriage?
I think Handa does definitely plan on getting married in his future. It’s not something he wants to do right away; even dating isn’t high on his current priority list, where his career, his mother, and taking down Ronaldo are his primary goals and priorities. Once he does start to date though, I do think he’d be someone who only has occasional hook-ups, but largely dates with the end goal of it all being marriage. However, I don’t think that the importance he places on marriages is something that is a personal and deeply felt conviction of his own, but rather something he wants to do to please his mother, who has hinted that she looks forward to having a child-in-law and future grandchildren.
Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)?
Because the person Tou marries will gain not only the Handa name but become someone important for not just him, but for his darling mother, he views the act of marrying them into his family to be a huge public statement. He’s very finicky about who he lets close to him, and that’s just in terms of friendship. He’s even more cautious, almost paranoid, of who he introduces to his family, so for him to be making someone a part of that family and to allow someone so intimately and completely into his life, to him it will signify his high level of trust and respect for that person. In Handa’s mind, marrying someone is tantamount to saying ‘yes, this person is the worthiest person I could ever find; this is a truly good person who makes my life better, almost lives up to the glory that is my mother, and is someone worthy of my love and respect and who is going to help me carry on the Handa name.’
Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family?
I do not think inheritances or money really factor into Handa’s considerations for marriage. Not only are we living in modern times, where such things aren’t as big a deal, but Handa will have his own life financially very secure before he considers marriage, and I don’t see him marrying someone who is terrible at handling their own finances. He can be judgmental about a lot of things and financial literacy is one of them. He might splurge himself here and there, but he knows how to manage his money, budget, and manage to save every month. Someone who just throws their money around willy-nilly, who is broke at the end of every paycheck because of splurges or gambling or anything like that…Handa would never be able to get serious with someone like that. He will choose someone with the same values and opinions towards money as he has, and both their family and his family will be able to be supported without it needing to be a major contribution to thoughts of marriage. However, as mentioned above, Handa really only does consider marriage to be important to continue on his family and their lineage. His mother’s desire to see him married someday and to have children is a huge driving factor in why he would even want to get married, so the security of his family in that way is a major factor in his thoughts about marriage.
Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
Handa does have a strong moral compass and his own code of honor. To him, marriage is most definitely a signal of commitment and loyalty to one another. He believes fully and means every marriage vow he takes, and he would never consider being disloyal to his family, which his new spouse is now a part of. He would rather die first. Cheating, talking badly about them behind their back, disrespecting them in any way? It’s just not something Handa could bring himself to do.
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noffy96 · 8 months
SpicyHoney fic
Been a while since i wrote some Papyrus's. And now we get Edge and Stretch in the Mer Au. It's following events that happened in 'The Return' But i don't think it's required reading But anyway here we go
Secrets told.
Chapter Word count: 6600
Chapter 1/1 (Completed)
“We don't have to go in if you ain't ready”
Edge's frown deepened as it had done every single time before this. Red eyes looking away from him. And he gently kept caressing his face as he gathered his thoughts.
He could see the two sides battle it out in those eyes. The part that wanted to tell what was going on, that longed to. And the other part, the scared part. The protective part for his older brother. The fear he was making a mistake.
He expected to see those eyes fill up with regret once more. But instead for the first time, their gaze met before a decision was reached.
Edge had a secret he wanted to share with his boyfriend. But doing so is not an easy Process. But Stretch is patient he is willing to take this walk a million times if it means his boyfriend trusts him. He just hopes it is enough
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He stuck his arms out to keep his balance as he hopped from stone to stone. Being careful not to fall into the water. The wind was howling, as the autumn breeze was setting in. It was cold here, but they soon be around the corner and out of the wind.
He hopped off the last stone and leaned against the large rocks on the other side of the path, Staring at the trees above and seeing the wind shake their leaves loose. Before looking back the way he came to see how far his boyfriend was behind.
Edge was walking slowly, hands deep in his jacket pockets. Starting hard at the sand below. This had been the fourth time in two weeks they had come here. All three previous times they had eventually turned around. He didn’t know what his boyfriend wanted to show. But he knew it was important. But also that it was clearly very, very difficult.
And while he would rather be inside with this kind of weather. He doesn’t care if he has to keep walking this way every day. If it means his boyfriend trusts him. Edge was trying to tell him about a secret he had for years. One that he had been clear about having since the beginning of their relationship.
One that he had felt he could never be honest about. It had surprised him, sure. But the fact that Edge was so upfront with it. Well, that made him trust him. And Edge never had betrayed that trust. But something had shifted lately. And he had a feeling it had to do with Red.
It hadn’t been obvious immediately. It had slowly grown over time. When Red had gotten closer to a certain new skeleton that had rented the cabin on the beach on Solar Island. And he definitely noticed it when it was clear Red was having a huge crush on said new guy.
Sans was good to Red in his opinion. In all the years he had known him. He hadn’t seen Red such at ease with someone who wasn’t Edge. And now that they were together, even if they seemed to be doing their relationship long distance. Red seemed calmer and like something heavy had lifted from his shoulders.
And it was after that, that these trips had started. He had always assumed that the secret had something to do with the brother's past, as they didn’t talk about anything in their past. Espeasily childhood. Whatever had happened. Left both brothers scarred. He only saw a glimpse of Red’s hip scar once. But it was a nasty one.
Edge was covered in them too. Most prominently the two over his eye. He knew they came from two different fights. The bigger one of the two was the one he felt most guilty over. As it had made him pass out, which led to Red gaining his hip scar. The brother's past seemed awful at best. And to haunt them every single day.
He was happy with not knowing if it made Edge feel better. Edge was just as kind to his own secrets. But Edge knew most of his at this point, sparing a few details. That doesn’t mean he isn’t curious. Of course, he was. But his love’s comfort was more important.
Edge movement had slowed even more. His shoulders hinged high up, and stared down at his boots. They were sinking into the mud with every step. He was amazed Edge could walk on these slippery wet rocks with high heels. He gave a gentle smile as his boyfriend finally reached him. But Edge was still looking straight down, Red eyes staring hard like he could burn the stones beneath his feet. He doubted Edge had been paying attention where he had been walking at all. Just stuck with whatever thoughts were obviously plaguing his mind.
He straightened himself. There was a little cave up ahead. Which seemed to be their destination. He saw his boyfriend make eye contact with the entrance. Sucking in a large breath that was slowly released through closed teeth. Making a faint whistling sound.
And just like everything they had done before this Edge seemed to freeze up even more. And he wished he could know what was going on in that handsome head of his. Was it fear? Apprehension? Something else entirely?
Touching him when he was this tense would give him a fifty-fifty shot of getting a bone attack swung his way. But he wanted to do something.
Last time he had stepped too close and spooked his prickly lover. So now he only held out his hand. Edge's eyes snapped to the movement and when his gaze rested on his hands. He wriggled his fingers
“Come on babe, he’s lonely”
Edge snorted and immediately flushed at letting out such an undignified sound. But his equally cold hand grabbed on anyway
“Why did I need to fall for such a dork”
Despite Edge's still tense posture, it was said with a great amount of fondness. So he leaned closer and placed a quick kiss on his sharp cheekbone. Appreciating his boyfriend's eyeliner from up close in the process.
“Cause I am irresistible~ “
Edge shook his head fondly. The hand still holding his own squeezing softly. Eyes hardened once they looked towards the cave again.
Now that he was already holding his hand. He dares to press himself against his side. Trying to make it look like he was just trying to get warm. Instead of offering the comfort that his boyfriend was too stubborn to ask for.
From The Little side eye he got, the ruse hadn't worked. But to his surprise, they kept walking on anyway. They were out of the biting wind. But he kept close anyway.
Their paces slowing down a lot. But neither of them mentioned it. Every once in a while there was a distinct tremble running through Edge and he always soothingly ran his hand over his back after.
He decided to just talk his boyfriend's ear off about nothing important to try and calm both their nerves.
As he was talking about the difficulty he had defeated the boss in his latest game. They came to a stop again, and he trailed off as they were at the entrance of the cave. The farthest they had ever gotten.
Edge looked like he was lost in his mind again. He gently squeezed him but nothing. A gentle nudge. And still nothing.
Edge eyelights flickered a couple of times before looking down at him. There was a tiny unsure frown on his face. The fact that it was able to shine through with how high up his walls were spoke volumes.
He knew that what he was gonna do next would most likely turn them around again. But he couldn't help himself. He cupped his lover's cheek, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Saying as softly as he could
“We don't have to go in if you ain't ready”
Edge's frown deepened as it had done every single time before this. Red eyes looking away from him. And he gently kept caressing his face as he gathered his thoughts.
He could see the two sides battle it out in those eyes. The part that wanted to tell what was going on, that longed to. And the other part, the scared part. The protective part for his older brother. The fear he was making a mistake.
He expected to see those eyes fill up with regret once more. But instead for the first time, their gaze met before a decision was reached.
Edge’s socket widened as their eyes met. He didn't know what he was showing his love. Just trying to be as non-judgemental and open as possible. He was already so proud that they had gotten this far Edge’s eyes seemed to get a determined little sheen in them and he was pulled into a firm hug.
He quickly warped his arms around his boyfriend's torso as he was squeezed closer.
“I know”
It took him a few seconds to realise Edge was responding to his earlier question. And one hand rubbed firmly across his back. And he buried his face against his boyfriend's jacket. And Edge spoke up again.
“I know…but I wanna keep going”
Edge pulled away again and leaned down to kiss him. He melted into it quickly. It felt like it said ‘thank you’. And ended it with nuzzling their foreheads together affectionately.
It was such an innocent affectionate gesture. But it always made him smile just as bright as any kiss would.
Slowly they made their way into the cave that grew darker by the minute as the sun from the entrance faded away. He summoned a blue attack to at least see where they stepped. His grip on his lover's hand tightened, making sure not to lose him in the dark. As the walls around them grew damp.
As they turned a corner there seemed to come a blue-greenish glow coming from the end. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and moved a bit faster. Trying to come closer.
Edge let go of his hand as he moved forward and he immediately stopped and turned around. He wasn't able to see his lover's face clearly with just the light of his attack. And he feared that his excitement might have been a mistake.
“Go on, I will be right behind you”
If it had been any other time. His love for science and discovery would have made him nod and run off. Edge would have followed with a fond shake of the head.
But nothing about today was normal. But if he went back to how they were walking before Edge might take it as him thinking he was weak.
He didn't want that. But rushing off seemed a bad idea as well. Somehow a third idea managed to come to him just as those red eyes seemed to harden. As he walked backwards at a normal speed.
“Don't you wanna see my reaction? Just tell me when to turn around”
He got a soft glare as Edge knew he was being handled around his fears but seemed to not be able to deny him. As he followed him their gazes locked.
Every crunching step seemed to echo around them filling his nerves. but he trusted Edge with everything he had. He knew nothing bad would happen.
The room around them grew brighter and brighter and he was able to see his boyfriend's tense frame once more.
And he did and grinned as Edge walked up to him the last of the way. Edge stared past him before staring at his eyes again. The determination from before seemingly getting stronger. And if made his soul beat fast.
It seemed Edge was sticking with his decision and not turning back anymore. He really hoped so. So finally Edge can feel free of his burden. Whatever this was gonna be he knew that it was not gonna change his feelings for his boyfriend. He has been with him for a little over two years. And he was planning on making it many more.
Edge grabbed his wrist pulling his hands up and placing a soft kiss against them. And he tries not to flush.
“Do you trust me”
Edge whispered. And without missing a beat he replied
“With everything I got”
One corner twitched up. Fear was creeping in his love's eyes again but he kept going.
“I just need a moment. Can I trust you not to look, not until I tell you”
He wondered what Edge needed to do. But he'd do anything he needed.
“Of course. I'll close my eyes as well just to be safe”
Edge opened his mouth but seemed to think better of it, and questioned
“Can you promise not to look around no matter what you hear”
He frowned and Edge got a worried look. He twisted their hands so now he held onto his love’s wrist and gave his hands the same kind of kiss
“I…I wish I could, but I WILL turn around if the sounds make me think you are getting hurt…”
He trailed off and his love’s eyes had gone through several different emotions with his statement. But in the end, it settled on fond. Edge stepped closer and kissed him.
It made him let out a surprised gasp just before his teeth joined allowing Edge to slip his tongue in and firmly hold onto his waist. His own hands ended on his shoulders but just as his wits returned to him. His boyfriend pulled away from him with one last soft squeeze of his hips.
“Then Close your eyes”
And he did. Edge let out a shuddering breath and he felt one more kiss against his cheek. Hearing Edge walk past him. The heals crushed against the gravel before coming to a stop.
He hates that he was focusing on every sound his love made. Instead of patiently waiting. He tried to distract himself by focusing on any of the other noises.
The sound of dripping water from the walls. Some hitting rocks, others filling in puddles. Big and small. One of them seemed really big. He wondered if he could calculate how big it was on sound alone
The sound of a zipper echoed loudly. Was Edge taking off his shoes? Why would he? Unless maybe he thought he had to climb on something and it wasn't safe.
But he had seen his boyfriend walk even the Steepest of cliffsides in those heels. So unlikely. Then came more sound of the rustling of clothing. And he was growing a bit worried. But it didn't sound like he was in danger. After another minute or so the sounds stopped.
And it was silent. And as the silence continued he called out.
It was a nickname he used rarely. And it was a shame he couldn't see Edge’s handsome face flush so prettily as he said it. But it would convey his love and worry with just one word. He heard some bones rattle.
There was another sharp exhale. And he stayed silent. Trying to keep his posture relaxed so that Edge could take the last step.
He heard something slide into some water. He wondered what Edge had put in. He was getting confused. But now that he had heard it. It was clear that some of the light he saw was from the water.
There was a faint sound. It was familiar. He hadn't heard it in years. And it was most likely something most people wouldn't pick up on. But he had heard it anytime his brother and he had gone to the ocean.
Any time they had decided to play by the reefs. As Blue dove into the water, taking him with him as the bubbles surrounded them. But he was probably mistaken. Caught in the moment of being in such a familiar space as they went to as children.
There was another moment of silence.
“You…can turn around”
Edge sounded further away than before. And he opened his eyes slowly getting adjusted to the light. And spinning around.
The first thing he noticed was the pile of neatly folded clothes placed on a dry rock. Edge heels standing next to them. And his soul beat faster.
But he couldn't see Edge even though this was where he had heard him go. He looked through the rest of the cave. It was filled with glittering blue and green stones. There was light from above peaking in through cracks hitting the water and the rocks reflecting all around.
And in the middle of the water was Edge. The water coming up to his collarbones. His eyes stared up at him intently, seemingly bracing.
And he saw why, as the water was clear enough to see what had changed. Edge legs had disappeared to be replaced with a beautiful red mer tail.
He had been right about the sound he released and kept staring at him in awe. Frozen in place
He must have been silent for a while. And hearing his boyfriend's confused voice shook him out of his frozen state.
Edge had one hand wrapped around his ribs. A self-comfort thing he had seen him do when he got really scared after a nightmare. He broke into a run and jumped into the water.
The water was cold but far from freezing.
“Stretch! “
But he quickly swam towards his boyfriend grabbing his shoulders the second he was near enough and firmly kissed him.
It had clearly surprised Edge by the way his mouth was still against his own. And they both sank under the water as Edge forgot to keep himself up. His hands came across his hips gliding over the scales. Smoothing them gently.
Hands came up to his bare ribs because his hoodie had filled with air and was floating up. He could feel the tremble of magic beneath his mouth. The shaky hands against his bones.
He pulled away and stared deeply into Edge's eyes. Whose eyesight had grown wide as saucers.
“Babe you look so beautiful!”
He pulled away staring down at his love's tail. Letting himself sink further as he soothed his hands over his scales
“They are still so shiny! Especially if you don’t swim much. They are almost as bright as your magic!”
He kicked his legs to swim around him.
“Oh, I never seen a dorsal fin shaped like that! It is so sharp…can I touch it? Ah, I probably shouldn't. I didn't see your scars sorry.”
He was absolutely mesmerized by his boyfriend's look. He was one of the most beautiful Mer he had ever seen.
Edge mumbled confused He kicked himself back upright. Holding onto his boyfriend's arms. Smiling back at Edge's bewildered face. And he gave a sheepish look back.
“Sorry, was that too much? I meant every word I swear. It has just been so long since I-”
“How….? are you doing…? this…?”
Edge interrupted him and he tilted his head not sure what he meant. Edge's hands squeezed at his arms.
“How…are your breathing?…how do you know what this is?…any of this…? I thought I would need to explain…but”
There was a worry in his voice. Like his mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. And he suddenly realised his last secret was coming out as well.
“My mom was a Mer”
He stated softly.
“Your…mom was…?”
Edge repeated and he saw the gears turning in his head.
“So you're…half mer?”
He gave a shrug
“probably less.. 'cause I can't transform like my brother could. But I can breathe underwater…to a certain extent. After a while, my chest starts to really hurt and I have to get some air.”
He rambled on as Edge's eyes widened and he gasped softly as he seemingly realised something.
“You're brother…he wasn't kidnapped…he was…”
He smiled sadly and gave a nod. Talking about his twin always made him sad. It always felt like some part of him was missing. He had told Edge what happened to him, the same way he told everyone else. A bit more detailed perhaps. But changing it the same always. Just like he promised his dad. Besides he wouldn’t want to risk anyone else having to through what he and his father did.
“Poached…it wasn’t a car that stopped by the road and grabbed my brother. But a fisherman's boat. My mom tried to stop them…but got caught as well. Doesn’t make the screams any different”
Edge’s look grew more mortified. Just like the first time he had told this story, even as he had changed the details.
“The proof of their deaths…”
He gave another grim nod.
“Records of the parts they had sold…and when we….”
He took in a shuddering breath and tried to continue.
“I…didn't lie about me and dad finding mom's…”
He trailed off choking as he tried to block out the image of his mom's body as they found it. His dad's anger and grief strike cries are something he could never forget.
Edge pulled him in a hug. Hand holding the back of his skull. A gentle kiss against his cheek.
“Hush…you don't have to explain further. I get it”
He held onto his boyfriend's ribs leaning into the hug. Then with a smile he gently nuzzled their foreheads together. Realising they had been using a mer tradition to show affection for years.
“I’m sorry for not telling you Edge. But after we found out what happened. My dad could hardly look at the ocean…let alone speak about it. I never forgot why they died. But…I swore to keep it secret for him. Just-”
Edge cut him off with a soft kiss.
“I get it…I'd be the biggest hypocrite for getting angry at you for that”
It was followed by another soft kiss. And his own eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh my fucking god. I am so sorry. We came here because this was your secret and now I have kept rambling on about mine. But just. I was so happy to see you like this. To share with you this part of my life I thought I had buried but had loved so much. I am doing it again I shut up now and-”
Edge's shoulders started shaking and his hands flailed up. Cupping his love’s cheeks ready to apologise. Only to realise that Edge was laughing not crying.
Two hands came to his own face gently caressing beneath his cheekbones.
“I knew you wouldn't judge me. But still, you always have a better reaction than I ever expect.”
His face flushed a dark orange at the words. And he gave an embarrassed chuckle. Gently pressing their foreheads together once more.
“I’m glad you’ve trusted me enough to show me”
He whispered his hands trailing back down to gently squeeze Edge’s shoulders again. It also made floating next to him much easier.
“It was never a matter of not trusting you…just..”
Edge let out a sigh
“Keeping a promise to Red?”
Edge's eyes shut and nodded.
“I understand his fear. He got hurt so much more than me. He had to fight at least 3 other Mer, if not more to keep us alive. I was passed out through most of it. But I still remember waking up with the pain in my skull. And Red was bleeding all over almost passing out trying to take care of me. And then afterwards having to carry him because of his injuries, everywhere we went until we found somewhere safe. And it wasn't like our lives had been easy before that. I…”
He trailed off. Clearly struggling with how much he wanted to tell. Probably painful to remember. And despite everything. Properly Still feeling like he was betraying part of Red's trust by telling him this at all.
He wondered if Edge felt guilty for even mildly enjoying his mer form if he did at all. Like he felt bad for wanting to go back and see part of the life Red had saved them from.
He nuzzled closer. Pressing a kiss against the scars that ran over his boyfriend's eyes.
“You don't gotta explain everything now. It can wait. The fact that you show me this is enough”
Edge frowned harder
“I can't just be like, this is what I am and not explain anything about why I kept it secret. That's… that's not fair, I should at least-”
He cut him off with another soft kiss
“As I keep telling you. You owe me nothing. Only tell me what you are comfortable with sharing with me.”
Edge was still frowning. And he smiled patiently at him. Leaning forward nuzzling their foreheads together.
“if you really wanna tell me something. You can share a happy memory. That's allowed too. Or maybe one you had to change the details off when speaking of it before”
Their eyes met again. His boyfriend still looked apprehensive but grateful. He took a look around. Seeming calmer and pulled him closer.
“I think I might have said about being obsessed with a waterpark as a child”
He nodded, resting his head on his love’s shoulders
“You have, Red had to always go after you for trying to get into the bigger kid's slides. I assume there was no waterpark”
Down below, Edge’s tail slowly curled around his ankle. And he likes the smooth feeling against his bones.
“There wasn't indeed. There was a grotto with a lot of fast currents. And he didn't like me playing in those”
He started laughing. The image of a younger Edge sneaking off was hilarious. And just tumbling through the currents with a big Grin was downright adorable.
“My brother tried to take me to such a place once but Mom stopped us. Said it was a dangerous place for a normal monster”
There was a kiss against his head along with an affectionate nuzzle.
“Sounds like a smart woman. I hate to admit that my brother was right about them being dangerous. But they were. And that's coming from someone who has the tail strength to fight them unlike you”
He playfully pushed against his boyfriend's chest.
“You calling me weak?”
He called out playfully. And his boyfriend's grin turned sharper showing off those beautiful canine teeth.
“Just lacking dearest”
The words dropped with mockery And he met the challenge head-on
“I am better at this than you'd think. You would have a hard time catching me”
Edge's eyebrow raised sceptically.
“You underestimating my hunting skills?”
He said with no real venom. And that made him wiggle free from his boyfriend's hold.
“Prove it”
He gave his boyfriend a little smirk before letting himself sink to the bottom of the pool. It clearly caught him off guard as it took a second before Edge sharply turned to launch after him.
He knew he would have nothing on his boyfriend on speed. But he was able to slip out of tight corners easily. Making his boyfriend forced to turn around and launch at him again.
And it was fun being hunted in the water, reminded him of playing with his brother. But while that had been playful.
This…this held the air of someone different. Something that was clinging to the back of his mind like he should know but didn't. But he was too busy egging on his boyfriend to pay much attention to it.
Wanting to keep those ruby-red eyes all for himself. Wanted that focus on him and him alone it was addicting.
But he couldn't keep evading him forever. Eventually, he was pinned against a large rock with a growl. And he surrendered in his hold.
Making those sharp eyes look so satisfied. Yet still so hungry. He titled his head aside without question, not even really thinking about it. Just knowing he wanted it.
Edge hangs still for a second longer before launching forward. And he felt sharp teeth dig into his bones. His head knocked back harshly against the rocks behind him with a moan.
His hands dug harshly into his lover's scapula. Even leaving thin scratches that he knew his boyfriend loved.
Edge's tail was rubbing and gliding against his hips and legs, so he warped them around him. Trapping him further against himself.
There was a growl of approval against his neck. And then he could give his bones give further under his love's mouth. He smelt the faint send of marrow when he was released.
Edge's tongue lapped against his new mark while his own hands kept gliding down between his tail and bones. Digging between scales, smoothing out others.
Just to fill him twist more against him. And his magic gave an interested stir. But the pressure on his chest was increasing. So with difficulty, he pulled his head back to look his lover in the eyes. And pointed up.
The glazed hungry look disappeared slowly and the arms that had been pinning him in place warped around him. Pulling him tight against Edge as he quickly swam up.
He had barely a second to enjoy the water rushing past them as they broke the surface and he launched into a coughing fit.
He was glad Edge was still holding him up as it kept going. He had to relearn how to surface properly. But for now enjoyed the soothing hands against his back. As Edge settled on the swallow end of water pulling him against himself.
It took a few minutes to get his heaving breaths under control. But once he managed still panting harshly he met his boyfriend's worried gaze below him.
He slid his knees on either side of his hips. Resting on his love's tail. And gently cupped his face and pulled him into a salty kiss. Holding nothing back pouring all the magic, feeling and whatever else he could into this one gesture.
Edge returned after a brief shocked second. Fingers dug into his neck as he was pulled down. Tongues slipping past each other into the other's mouth. The little sounds of grunts and moans between them.
All of it made his soul soar. He wanted to get closer. Run his hands over his boyfriend's body until he had investigated everything this new form had to over. He wanted those teeth on him marking him up as his own forever and ever. And return the favour.
He licked off some drops of water that fell from his love's jaw. Before leaving a kissing trail towards his neck. Shivering against the cold autumn air around them.
Edge pulled away suddenly staring at him wide-eyed. He wondered what got him so alarmed when he said.
“You jumped into the water fully clothed! You are gonna catch a cold!”
And he couldn't help himself as he burst out laughing. And his boyfriend glared at him.
“I am serious Stretch. You got no towel or anything. We are going home so you can get warm”
Laughs were still shaking his body. Leaning closer Whispering against his neck
“But you were keeping me hot~”
He saw his boyfriend's blush increase tenfold as it wasn't exactly a lie. And he was sure his lover could feel that by how pressed together they were.
But still, in the next second, he was lying on his back in the water. Edge's hands pinned his wrist down with a flush. Then surprisingly gently brushed their teeth together.
“Maybe next time” was whispered against them as Edge pulled away. And he felt himself melt. As Edge made his way towards his clothes.
He stared up dazed at the ceiling. Trying to block out the images of next time and dragging his boyfriend back into the water with him right this second.
Slowly he sat up, seeing his boyfriend towel himself off. Trying to get dry enough to transform back. And watching him brought a smile to his face.
He was lucky that he had gotten such a gorgeous monster all to himself. All his, and he was Edges. His hands trailed over the mark on his neck.
Still tender and hot. Oozing with lovingly possessive intent. A word came to him seemingly echoing from the back of his mind.
One that made his slightly flushed face turn another shade of orange.
His mind went over the last several minutes. And he blushed even darker. Had…had they unintentionally started a mating ritual? It got interrupted sure.
But had they? His hand trailed the mark again. It wasn't a claiming bite. He had felt his mom’s. There was a certain intent that was missing still.
But he knew he wouldn't have stopped it. Fuck his soul was doing flips just thinking about it. He would welcome it.
He was so dazed about it that he hadn't noticed Edge was done. Until he felt a cold hand against his forehead and stared at those beautiful legs before looking up. Edge was frowning
“We gotta get moving with his warm you are”
Edge murmed. The hands gently tugging on his shoulders to encourage him to stand up. Which he did, but did not speak as all he could do was stare.
Edge's eyes worryingly further as he stayed silent.
Grip tightening on his hands. And Edge started tugging him along. As they reached the dark part of the cave. He couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore
Repeating that single word that had been echoing in his mind.
Edge stopped abruptly and he crashed into him. Nearly sending them both to the floor. But they remained upright. But as he was so close he warped his arms around his lover pulling him against his torso.
It was too dark to see anything. Could only feel his tense frame. And buried his head in his shoulder. His breath most likely fanning across Edge’s neck
They both stayed silent. Suddenly both were as tense as Edge had been before they entered. And with a trembling voice, he mumbled
“We almost…” be he couldn't continue
Just held his lover tighter. He didn't regret that it happened. Not a single bit. Maybe he was even kind of sad that it hadn’t been completed.
But they should talk. Right? They should? But neither of them did, they just held on. Slowly and carefully he felt Edge hand rest on top of his.
“I…was caught in the moment…i do-”
He squeezed tighter and cut him off before Edge could finish
“I do…want “
His eyes were closed, holding Edge tighter, hands trembling.
“I wish..you..”
Edge suddenly tried to pry his hands away and his soul sank. Until he felt those hands on his cheeks pulling him into another heated kiss in the dark. And he responded with a groan.
All the magic against him screamed a chorus of ‘yes yes yes’. And he met in kind until Edge wretched himself away once more
“We do it properly “
Edge growled against his mouth. He groaned in agreement. Pressing their teeth together once more with a searing kiss. He could feel himself grin stupidly as they pulled away
“I would love that.”
His soul was racing and his head was spinning. It felt like he was floating. This was something he never thought he could have Never even a distinct possibility. But now that it was within his grasp. He wanted it. He desperately wanted to call Edge his mate. His everything.
They have been together for two years. This would just prove it. And in a way that properly meant more to both of them than marriage could. As it signified the end of hiding.
Edge's arms were trembling ever so slightly. And he pulled him close once more. Embracing him tightly and he got the same tight grip in return.
After swaying in place for a few seconds. Edge stepped away and tugged him towards the entrance of the cave. And the only thing he could do was let himself be dragged along.
When the wind hit them again when they stepped out. he saw Edge suppress a shimmer. And he realised with his embrace he had left wet patches all across his boyfriend's front and back
He would have laughed if he hadn't been interrupted by a sneeze making Edge drag him back to their car faster.
He wasn't surprised at all when, from a distance, he saw Red standing right next to their car looking tense.
But his posture relaxed as they got closer. As Edge had pulled him close to himself to keep him from getting colder he couldn't tell the looks the brothers were sharing.
But by the time he reached him, Red wore his normal sharp carefree grin. Eyes lingering on the mark on his neck
“You had fun splashing around?”
He turned his face slightly. Kissing Edge’s cheek while keeping eye contact with Red.
The eyes narrowed before nodding with approval. Before he opened the backseat door.
“Get your asses in there. “
Seemed Edge wanted to protest about Red driving his car. But one glare and raised eyebrow later. Both of them were in the backseat.
He shouldn't be surprised that a couple of towels were thrown their way after Red climbed in himself. But it did make his soul stutter for different reasons
Red trusted barely anyone. So he knew this one action was saying a lot. He laid his head on Edge's shoulders who quickly pulled him close kissing his forehead.
“Oi, No making out in the backseat”
Even without looking up, he could see Edge roll his eyes.
“You’re one to talk, focus on driving asshole”
He let out a quiet chuckle as things fell back into normalcy. He felt himself stare at Red. And he briefly wondered what his mer form looked like. But he doubted he would ever see it.
He wondered about Sans and the recent change in his and Red’s relationship. Had Red been found out? Was he like him or like them? It didn't really matter in the end.
He nuzzled closer to his lover. Eyes closing and mumbled
“I hope you wanna go back soon”
The hands holding him pulled him closer
“I do, I really do”
He smiled draping his arm across Edge's chest. Feeling the soft soul beat beneath his fingers. The seat belt was digging awkwardly against his hip but he didn't mind.
“I used to go to the coral reefs with my brother, think we could do that as well?”
It felt like Edge was trying to pull him onto his lap even with the seatbelts preventing him to.
“Whatever you want”
His hand sneaked up further trailing his boyfriend's collarbone once, twice and muttered softly
“You know what I want?”
He felt the heat above him rise. Especially when he gently pinched the bones.
“What did I just say about making out back there!”
He heard Red growl and he laughed opening one eye lazily meeting the older skeleton's eye in the rearview mirror.
He debated saying anything. But he doubted they would keep what they were playing on doing from Red’s noisy protectiveness for long. Besides Edge wanted to do it properly. He could at least hint at it.
“We ain't doing anything, just stating a claim for later”
Red eyes narrowed further. As they did every time he made a slightly dirty joke involving Edge. But Red’s eyes snapped to his brother as Edge let out a groan at his pun.
“It ain't even the same thing”
Edge mumbled and that was the reaction he hoped for as he saw Red’s eyes widen. Gaze Lingering on the mark on his neck with a different look than before. Before traffic stole his attention once more
He Saw a million questions happen behind those eyes. Reaching conclusions that he seemed confused by. But he stayed quiet. Closing his eyes once more and leaning into his boyfriend muttering softly
“Sorry, hope you don't mind”
“Not at all, like I said properly”
His smile brightened. Squeezing his boyfriend closer.
He was gonna enjoy their time here. Until he would most likely be bombarded with questions later.
For now, they both were gonna enjoy the surprisingly nice outcome of Edge’s secret
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ozymandiasdirge · 8 months
okay now that i'm officially into fishman island time for Opinions™️ on post-timeskip strawhat design
actually starting off very strong. i like that it's just a natural evolution of his og design but with some extra flourishes to show that he's matured w/ the scar on display. the cardigan is very cute and i like that they went with yellow for the sash for the tie-in to his ASL color. mwah. 10/10 no notes. oda cooked.
another one that i mostly really like. zoro is the most heavily japanese-coded of the strawhats it makes sense to lean more heavily into it with the cut of his coat and keeping his haramaki given how much wano-focus the second half of one piece has. i'm not gonna lie i think his silhoutte pre-timeskip was much cleaner and for a character like zoro i think simpler works better, but also.....i can see his tits out now......there are definitely things i liked about his pre-timeskip deisgn better but i still like this one nonetheless. and also i know his fit changes later so 8/10
oh boy......well i will start with the positives. i actually do like the long hair. i don't like it better than her shag/cute pig tails but i do think it looks nice and i like the waves. i also like the jeans with the big fuck off heels because they scream 2011 to me <3 the bikini top is.....look if it was just a cute hanging out look i would love it i'm from california i know plenty of people who rock that look regularly but im sorry that combined with her going from like a b-cup to an e is deeply aggravating for reasons that have been discussed by plenty of other people. let her go back to her cute cotton t-shirts or her thriller bark sweaters. 6/10
my boy is jacked now!!!! good for him!!!! another kind of mixed bag. i like the colors but the design of the overalls feels a little busy to me personally. i love his hair being grown out but i miss the goggles being on top and i feel like you need to pick one or the other with the hat, again it's a little too busy between the hat and the goggles and the earphones. but there's nothing i actively dislike here i think it just needs a little fine-tuning 7/10
i'm going to keep it real with yall until oda said something in the SBS i thought the gag was that sanji's design hadn't changed at all 😭😭😭. also im actively having to suffer through his fishman island story-arc but there really isn't much for me to comment on. his facial hair hits the line-cook vibe im deeply surprised he can grow it and the suit is still a good design choice. nothing was gained and nothing was lost. so 8/10 i guess???
i know people have strong feelings about the kawaii-ification of chopper's design but i can't hate it because it's him and i love him to much. i do think it was a huge missed opportunity not to age him up a little because it's a little silly that he looks younger now than he did in drum island but as for the actual design itself it's not bad. i miss the style of his jamiroquai hat, but i like the fact that he wears cute little shirts now. 7/10
SIGHHHHHH. i miss her bangs...i miss her melanin...i miss her goth swag. look this is mainly such a hit for me because 1) i saw all of oda's sketches and literally every other design he had for robin was better than the one he ended up going with. 2) between her alabasta, water 7/enies lobby, and thriller bark fits she reigned supreme among the fashionistas her drip was unparalleled. there isn't anything in her new design that screams robin to me. like if she was wearing the tied-up shirt with some capris i can see something but i don't know if this whole beachy look was because of fishman island or what but i just.....i'm not a fan. like they even could have tied in some of the aesthetics of the rest of the revolutionaries but this feels like just straight fanservice ove character design and im really not a fan. thankfully her dressrosa fit is completely gamechanging but that's not what we're ranking. im sorry queen. 3/10
franky onepiece im so sorry but.....i really don't like this. his pre-timeskip design fucked SO HARD. the elvis motif. the speedo and hawaiian shirts. it was so silly and so memorable and i miss it!!!! i know he's trying to work the timeskip into the design like i just suggested he should have done with robin but it's just....it's a lot. feel like the gag would have been funnier if franky looks mostly the same and his body can just do all the stuff it can do now but what do i know. i do like the bit of his hairstyle changing every arc that's cute. 1/10
thank god we're ending on a high note it was getting dire. i love this. he looks like the coolest grandpa at the club and it's so fun. the patterned pants with the still black suit jacket are so fun and i love some fun sunglasses. literally taking his pre-timeskip design and working his character growth into it, why did he not do this for everyone. anyway 10/10
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So a huge problem in all fandoms seems to be a server inability to understand basic literary devices/tropes/ and story structure.
Its definately ok to not be an expert, however you all should consider that if something seems off or wrong to try to do what people have done with literature for thousands of years, discuss it.
"I dont understand this story thread" "what was the point of X" "why is the story focusing on this side character"
Almost every "these new episodes/movies suck" rants are basically those but instead of asking, just declaring the trained professional writers are bad or stupid.
Like...its ok. But when i was in school in a classroom or 30 students only half actually did the reading and a fraction of those understood it and a fraction of THOSE understood the nuances. But thats why book clubs and literary events and classes EXIST. To be a safe place to discuss things. And NOT rant and insult the writers.
So here is a few major tips i see as problems for alot of people.
1) in almost all media the characters do not represent the authors opinions. They can align and in some the story is an excuse for the author to speak certain opinions, but most characters have a specific personality. And an authors challenge is to think about how they would interact. So just because a character is giving a speech about, idk , how all people are selfish, doesnt mean the writer thinks that. It means THAT character thinks that
2)related: characters lie, have flaws, motivation and biases. People dont have 20/20 future hindsite . It literally makes no sense to say "this character should have done this ". THAT character? Had 5 seconds to make a decision. If u soent more than 10 minutes thinking about an alternative you have already negated your own argument. People are ruled by emotion and prejudice. Further people propogate propoganda. In Black Panther Killminger wasnt a revolutionary. He was blatantly using propoganda to justify his actions to himself and others. His real goal was to gain control of the worlds most powerful military so he could be a tyrant. This is explicitely shown in the movie by him aalting the earth and using his new power to immediately attack the people he claims to want to free. No killmonger wasnt "right". Nakia was, she was depicted FROM THE START as using wakandan resources to help her kin around the world, killmingers first act was to solodify power and destroy wakanda's culture, independance and people. Thr villain speech is a tool for the villain to trick themselves into thinking they are the hero, or to sap the strength of the hero, or as a mirror for the heroes character development.
3: exposition and character development is not "filler". Filler is trivial screen time meant to stall, usually because the writers are behind or having trouble and is most prominent in anime because they are adaptions of manga which might be unfinished. I.e. naruto shippuden wasnt finished so the show writing team made up a whole au story that wasnt in the manga to stall.
Episodes or movie scenes can do multiple things. They can world build or set the tone, introude story elements. Sometimes a scene in a movie exists just to give a break or give whimsy or an emotional reaction. The opening of the men in black was meant to start the audience with chaotic whimsy to get them prepared for the chaotic story coming, a comical scene in a shakespear play exists to return the audience to a neutral stare between dramatic scenes. Beach city episodes of steven universe exist to focus on stevens character development outside of battle because the story is about HIM not some space war. Non din jarin episodesof the mandelorian exist because the story isnt about HIM its about "the mandelorian" which could be any mandelorian and in s3 explicitely about anyone who identifies as such. The story is about their culture and how it fits in the space opera, not one lone space dads journeys with his new kid.
4: the story exists because of the intent of the author.
You can interpret art how u want, however any criticism has to be made with the understanding of what the author wants. If u want a story to be about something, thats cool but you can be disappointed if its not, but your criticism should not include that. Because the story is what the author wanted, not what u wanted. U want this kids show to have less fart jokes and season long character arcs? Well to bad, thats not why they made it. U want this show to have a positive story? To bad, they specifically made it to be trauma porn. You dont have to watch it, you dont have to like it. But u cannot be made when aomeone gives u free cucumbers and they turn into pickles and not tomatos.
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