#but facebook just ate the fucking message
hiro-doodlez · 11 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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pascalscoffin · 8 months
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You + Me Is All We Need
Full Pedro Masterlist
Sometimes, the only person a girl can count on is her daddy.
Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. 2007! No outbreak! No x reader or anything this is just a little insight on life inside the Miller house on a particularly rough day. Absent Mother. Depressed Sarah. Mentions Sarah might have an ED (she doesn’t I swear she’s just depressed). Mentions of Ellie x Sarah (they’re the same age).
Somethings been wrong with Sarah lately, Joel’s not a hundred percent sure what it is but he can tell somethings been bothering her. Every time he’d go to bring it up though, he would chicken out and change the subject and it would make him feel a hundred times worse than he had before he opened his stupid mouth.
He’d thought, after graduation and with college right around the corner she’d be happier, go out with friends, maybe go on some dates with Ellie. He hadn’t even heard her say anything about her in about a week, which was odd because she was usually bringing up every little fact she could think of.
He’d noticed she was on her phone a lot more, scowled at it more, she didn’t push for movie nights nearly as much as she used to, most of the time rushing off to her room with her nose buried in her cellphone. He’d talked to Tommy and Maria, who both agreed she was probably just being an angsty teenager, but it didn’t feel like that, it felt like he was watching his babygirl struggle and there was nothing he could do. She ate less, talked to him less, she was just… not the same and it was hurting him to see her that way.
She’d started going on runs, he noticed, early in the morning before he got up. He started getting up earlier just to make sure she would actually make it back, watching her take off from his bedroom window, sometimes at half speed, other times at complete full speed. This wasn’t normal teenage angst, he was a teenager, he couldn’t remember ever choosing to run at five am at full speed.
Maria suggested she was having body issues and while Joel considered the running and not eating as evidence of that, it just didn’t… feel right. It wasn’t that, either. Eventually, he decided he’d stop asking other people for advice on his daughter, and he’d just ask her himself.
She wasn’t there. She wasn’t fucking there. She promised she’d be there! The words echoed in Sarah’s head as her feet pounded into the pavement, tears streamed down her face, and Hert-Shaped Box blaring into her ears as her headphone cords hit her chest with each stomp. Ellie was responsible for her vast arrange in music taste. The Hannah Montana songs now accompanied by bands like Nirvana, No Doubt, and 4 Non Blondes.
She should text Ellie at least, she’s been messaging her ever since graduation, asking if she was alright, if she wanted her to come over. She had come over but Sarah had told Joel to just send her away, not feeling up to guests. Sarah’s kept her completely in the dark, didn’t even greet her after she faked her way through photos with her family. Ellie had known Michelle was supposed to be at graduation, and had sent Sarah an I’m sorry text when she noticed she wasn’t there.
Sarah had been showing her photos the entire week leading up to graduation, having found Michelle’s Facebook and decided on a whim to message her. Michelle had seemed so happy to talk her, replying quickly but gradually the texts got more distant, and then radio silence after not showing up at her graduation. Had even sent Sarah a photo of her getting into her car with the message ‘headed to you!’ With a heart that Sarah had fallen for immediately.
Worst of all, when she’d gone to find Michelle’s Facebook and ask her what happened she was blocked, she’d worried and thought something happened, and then Ellie, after being forced by Sarah, looked up the Facebook account and it was full of new pictures of her with her family at the beach on the day of graduation. Sarah had been heartbroken, had left Ellie’s house without a word and ignored her dad the rest of the night when she got home, sobbing into her pillow.
She didn’t know why she didn’t tell Joel, maybe because she was scared he’d tell her the truth- that Michelle left for a reason. She wasn’t going to suddenly have a change of heart. It was something Sarah had already known, already told herself even without Joel saying it that that was the case. And she’d been fine with it. Completely fine with it.
Until prom happened and Maria helped her get ready in areas that Joel couldn’t. Like doing her hair better than a few braids or buns, which she had no problem with, but it was prom, she needed to go all out. She’d gone on Instagram while Maria was doing her hair, and was assaulted with photos of girls getting ready with their mothers and her heart sank to her stomach and stayed there.
She loved Maria, she did. But Maria was her aunt, not her mother. Prom was something you got ready for with your mother. Your mom was supposed to annoy you for photos while your dad tried to coax her away. But instead. Sarah had Maria and Tommy and Joel, who took a respectful amount of photos before sending her on her way with Ellie.
She just wished she’d had a mother growing up. Joel was great and she loved him more than anything. But there was always something tugging in her chest, and until recently she hadn’t put it together.
She ran until her feet hurt, stumbling to a stop and dropping to her knees on her front lawn, wheezing heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She felt a large hand on her should and flinched back, yanking her headphones out as she looked up, relaxing a bit when she saw Joel looking down at her worriedly. “Dad-“
“Sarah.. come on let’s get you some water.” Joel frowned deeply and helped her off the grass. “I… we need to talk.” He sighed heavily as he took her inside, gathering the words in his head as he grabbed her a glass of water. And then he got her some bread and the butter for toast.
“I’m not-“ “eat it or I’ll make you.” Joel sat next to her on the couch and rubbed his face as he sighed, watching her pick up the bread and take a bite. “You haven’t eaten a full meal in days, babygirl. You’re worrying me.” “There’s nothing to be worried about.” “There is. Somethings going on with you and I can’t help if I don’t know what it is.”
“You can’t help anyway, dad.” Sarah looked down at the taste in her hand, tears in her eyes. “If you tell me I can try.” Sarah huffed and threw the toast down on the coffee table. “You won’t get it.” “Why? Because I was a teenager twenty years ago? I still remember being one.”
“God why is it always because I’m a teenager?!” Sarah stood up and threw her hands up. “Or because I’m a girl- or-or because I’m on my period?!” Joel leaned back, eyes widened a little, he opened his mouth to speak but Sarah cut him off. “You won’t get it dad because both of your parents loved you!” She screamed.
“Sarah-“ Joel stood up quickly and moved around the coffee table, frowning when she took a step back from him. “You- you had a mom and a dad! And they were both there! Papa tau-taught you how to-to do all that guy stuff and-and granny taught you the-the other stuff.” She was hyperventilating now, sobbing as Joel grabbed her shoulders and the tears streamed down her face. Unable to even think of what mothers teach their children in her frantic state.
“I can’t even get my mom to show up to my graduation!” She sobbed loudly, dropping her head as her hands covered her face. “Sarah…” Joel tried to pull her closer but she shoved him away. “No!” She sobbed. “No I don’t understand!” She yanked her phone out of her pocket and wiped her eye as she opened Facebook and showed Joel the blocked account. “She told me she would be there and then she blocked me!”
She threw her phone across the living room. “And-and I went to Ellie’s and she-she looked on her Facebook and she’s at the fucking beach with her new family!” Joel didn’t really know what to do, letting her vent and scream as much as she needed to.
“Fuck her!” She yelled at the phone, her shoulders shaking. “I don’t need her. I don’t.” She shook her head rapidly. “I didn’t need her to-to teach me how to tie my shoes or-or ride a bike, or play soccer, or do my hair, or help me get ready for-for my first date-“ Joel started to move closer to her as she continued. “I don’t need her to be there for my wedding. I didn’t need her to be there to get me ready for prom, I didn’t need her at graduation! I don’t need or want her advice for anything!”
When Joel grabbed her this time she finally broke, turning to look up at him and sobbing, “Why won’t she love me, daddy?” Joel’s eyes filling with tears as he pulled Sarah into his chest, lowering them both to the ground when he noticed her whole body starting to shake.
Joel wasn’t good with words, in fact he fucking sucked at them. But as he sat there on the floor with his 18 year old daughter curled up in his lap, sobbing over a woman who couldn’t think twice about her if her life depended on it, he knew he couldn’t let her feel this way. Like it was her fault.
“Listen to me.” He whispered into the top of her head before taking a deep breath and rubbing her back. “What Michelle does has nothing to do with you and whether or not you deserve to be loved.” He hugged her tighter. “Because you do, babygirl. You’re funny and so smart and you’re beautiful and your smile is out of this world.” He shook his head. “Don’t let her actions, her failures as a human being, dictate how you perceive yourself. Michelle… she’s set in her ways and it has nothing to do with you. She’s sick, honey. There’s something… not right about her and I don’t want you to get caught up in her web of lies and misery.” He whispered.
“You’ve got a great life without her. A girl that’s crazy about you, a dad that would take down the Incredible Hulk if it would make you happy, a loving aunt and uncle and a cousin on the way.” He pulled back and cupped her cheeks to make her look at him. “You’re doing wonderful without her and you don’t need her coming into your life and messing it up. Show her you can be happy without her, can move on in your life without her.”
Sarah’s lip wobbled, her tears having stopped by now as she listened to Joel, nodding weakly before hugging Joel tightly. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so mean to everyone and I’m starving and I started ignoring everyone and-“ “and you stink.” Joel teased. Sarah gasped and pulled away, seeing nothing but fondness in his eyes as she shook her head.
“Just cause you run like you’re running from the police or something. Go take a shower, I’ll make you something to eat and we’ll watch whatever you wanna watch.” He said softly, helping her stand up, relieved she had her strength back. “… can you make your empanadas? And put in Curtis and Viper?”
Joel smiled softly and nodded, surprised she actually wanted to watch that movie. “Yeah. I can make empanadas and put in Curtis and Viper.” He chuckled when she smiled and turned around to go shower, shaking his head before slowly letting his smile drop and his jaw tense.
Fucking Michelle.
Sarah wouldn’t be a hundred percent yet, he knew that, and it would likely be a while before she felt and acted like her old self again. He was glad he could calm her down, though. It was just taking every remaining cell in his body not to make one of those Facebook accounts for the soul purpose of absolutely reaming Michelle for her behavior, but part of him new she would thrive too much off of that, to know that she upset another human being so deeply.
So, instead, while he was cooking he did make a Facebook, but not to search out Michelle and lay into her, even if he wanted to so bad. He made his profile picture a photo of him and Sarah and immediately loaded the account with photos of her or the both of them together.
He posted every picture of prom, graduation, and school events before then. He was proud of Sarah and he wasn’t going to let his lack of technology or Michelle’s sick heart let it go unnoticed.
How do we feel about background Ellie x Sarah?
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as shit I've heard at Band Camp part 2
Albert: *about carrying his drum* If this is what sex feels like I don't want it
Davey: I... I'm pretty sure those are completely different experiences
Albert: I mean they both break your back so
Romeo: *squinting* Does that say foot together? Oh FOO FIGHTERS
Race: Who is the foo fighting?
Henry: You have to flip over so he can wrap it up and smash it off the back. Go ahead, touch him in places he's never felt before
Race: Albie your water bottle made me wet!!
Albert: *suggestively* what were you doing with it?
Race: I mean it is a long cylindrical-
Race: Excuse me I'm going to need to see a license for the amount of ass you're trucking around
Finch: *whines of terror from his place underneath a chair*
Finch: That trombone belongs to the school it probably has black mold-
Race: *gets asked to homecoming with a big sign*
Everyone: awwww!
Albert: ewww!! boooooo!!!
Buttons: I just pissed for so long I feel dizzy, should I be concerned?
Tommy Boy: Listen I'm dyslexic I don't fuckin know
Race: What if I call Medda?
Race: *starts messaging her on Facebook*
Race: *suggestively* Don't worry he lets me sit on him
Davey: aren't you a freshman??
Blink: Oh my god the Weiner!!!
Crutchie: I took off my knee brace because I'm getting weird tan lines
Buttons: holy shit you're striped
Spot: I don't care about the setup of the fire truck on water day I just wanna know if we have the thing to make the fucking slip n slide
Denton: I never said you couldn't breathe, I said you can't breathe during these specific measures
Denton: Let's go Break My Heart (one of the halftime songs) *pause* please don't, I'm fragile
Katherine: Okay everybody in the pool
Sarah: sexxy
Katherine: *lovingly, in her own way* shut up
Elmer: *to Katherine* What's the high F?
Katherine: I don't know the fingering for high F
Elmer: *to Specs* What's the high F??
Specs: *shrugs*
Elmer: *attempts it and plays the worst sound that's ever graced your ears*
Jojo: Just got put on the official Hamilton Roblox simulator and I'm obsessed *plays it during every single break*
Finch, Albert, and Race: *20 minute heated conversion about pizza*
Davey: He's jumpin! Man is pressed!
Denton: Yas queen! You guys ate that up! What other one could I throw in there? Slay? Yeah that slayed. You guys slayed that. Fax no printer
Crutchie: please stop.
Denton: alright, wrap it up and smash it off the back!
Everyone: *cheering*
(Breaking the 4th wall)
Jack and Davey: *singing the world will know*
Jack: who is Hearsh?
Davey: I'm sorry what?
Jack: It says Pulitzer and Hearsh. who is Hearsh?
Davey: HearST?? as in William Randolph Hearst??
Jack: Okay, still who is that?
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violenthunted · 1 year
if anyone is struggling on dumblr rp right now i think i found the secret ingredients.
first, you gotta force yourself to block the people you dislike, the ones you follow out of obligation because they're "popular" / the friends of your friends who are not and don't want to be your friends / the ones who don't spark joy or have iffy vibes. your dash is your responsibility. it's like a garden & you have to take care of it. dumblr will not be your happy place if it's filled with people you dislike / don't care about / people who ignore you on the daily. believe me, you'll be so much happier with them out of the way, even if at first you feel like your corner is small.
second, you have to take the first step. go like people's posts. comment stupid shit. follow first. barge in their dms. who cares. pretend it's facebook, we're in 2010, and everyone is still publishing "i just ate an avocado" as it happens. dumblr isn't just about writing. regardless of how shitty the interface is, it still is a social medium. cause yeah sometimes life kicks your ass and you don't have time to write. and that's okay!! that's why we have plotting and pinterest and discord and spotify. but to do all that you have to establish contact, and sadly everyone's a scared potato who doesn't know how to do it and / or doesn't know how not to be awkward while doing it. so just try!! see how it goes. whoever's on the other side of the screen will either cry from happiness or reveal themselves to not b worthy of ur time. no matter the option, its a win on ur part.
and lil third, unofficial advice : internet friends aren't always real friends. idc that they told you "ILYYYYYY <3333" a thousand times. people say shit they don't mean and don't care how it might influence you. protect yourself. internet drama is fake and doesn't matter. if u feel like u can't take a step away to go touch some grass for a lil while because you're addicted to reloading the dash, you need to force yourself to do it until its easy as breathing. cause internet "friends" will drop you the second you are not needed anymore, and u need to b strong enough to endure that. u can't rely entirely on dumblr to provide for ur social happiness. its not sustainable and it's gonna fuck you up bc. well. relationships on the internet are not as solid as they seem, no matter what we believe. its already hard having irl friends you can see face to face.
if someone on the internet shows you who they are by not doing right by you : trust them. it's not irl. people arent saying shit without thinking. yes internet relationships can be as strong and fulfilling and incredible as irl relationships but they're also more prone to fakeness, fragility and other shortcomings. with dumblr, other people have the opportunity to type on their little keyboards. to wait. to erase. they're choosing to spend time with you, or choosing not to, in a way that is much more evident than irl. (cause the effort to reply to a discord message is tiny compared to the effort of having to meet somewhere, for instance. and internet friendships solely rely on that act of communication) they're choosing to prioritise you, or not. they don't have to face you whenever they do something shitty. whatever anguish & sadness they bring you, they're not worth it.
just look out for yourself out there, okay? be kind, be nice, be patient, and take a step away once in a while to remind yourself out of all the people on the internet, the most important is always gonna b you. cause you're the one who'll have to face your real life once the screen gets shut
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scarl3ttjpg · 1 year
Back to Square One (03)
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Kyle woke with a start when he felt his phone start vibrating every few seconds. He had always been a pretty light sleeper. He picked up his phone and looked at the time, surprised that it was already well past 10 am. His mom usually doesn't let him sleep this late. If she did, Ike usually came bursting into his room by now. It was weird, bit refreshing. He had never been so glad to get out of school for the summer before his brother. He scrolled through the notifications and saw the Butters had some very interesting news.
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Kyle laid his head back onto his pillow again, brushing his curly hair from his face as he let out a frustrated breath. He knew it was probably unfair to hold a grudge over something he never learned the full story about. He knew that it was definitely unfair to still resent you over what happened in elementary school. He knew it was pretty shitty of him to listen to the rumors started by the person he cut off the very second he graduated. He was just... so unbelievably unsure about everything to do with you.
He missed having you as a friend, he knew that for sure. He missed how you could make him smile and laugh so easily. He just couldn't understand why you would spend so long gaining his trust just to let it spiral down the drain. Maybe his problem was simply that he didn't want to trust you again. That anything would be better than the fact that you didn't care. The nostalgia of your friendship felt like a sharp knife twisting in Kyle's gut, making him lash out at the very thought of you. You confused him, and he didn't like it.
I leaned my head back on the couch, closing my eyes for a moment to catch my breath and cool down. I couldn't believe that I ran into him on my first day back home. The exact person I never wanted to see again more than anybody else. The very person that destroyed my social life. Eric Fucking Cartman.
Clyde filled me in on their conversation in the car, and I was fuming by the time we got home. Honestly, I was frustrated that Dad just sat there and let him say that shit about me. But then again, he's always in another world when he scrolls through Facebook.
I opened my eyes as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I smiled as I unlocked my phone and joined the conversation.
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I was excited, but I couldn't knock the feeling of dread sitting on my shoulders. I was glad to know that I practically had a bodyguard for the party, but I was nervous about seeing Butters' other friends. Particularly, Kyle and Stan. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that those two still hated me, and would not be very happy to see me there. I wasn't scared of them, no. I just didn't want to hear them remind me of every single thing that has been said about me. I sat for a moment, watching the last couple of messages come through, letting out a sigh. I suppose there's no better wat to show everyone that I'm still here than to get absolutely hammered.
Kyle sat at the kitchen table listening to his mom droning on and on... Something about him needing a haircut, he wasn't entirely paying attention. He ate a bit of cereal as his phone vibrated again. He groaned as he lifted the screen to read the new messages.
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Great. The last person he wanted to see right now was not only back in town, but was going to Butters' party too. Kyle sighed as he set his phone down to finish his late breakfast before walking out the door.
"I'm going to Stan's today, and I'll be at Butters' place tomorrow. Bye, Mom." He walked out the door without another word. His mom was surprised by the harsh tone in Kyle's voice but didn't say much more than an 'I love you,' to him as the door shut.
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futurebellyache · 2 years
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Who should Digest you?
I think I'm tired of the endless grind of work. Any preds following me interested in giving me someplace soft to rest? I’m all yours.
Aaaand post. You finalize your Facebook message as you lean back in your chair. Work had drained you, and some people at work are just absolutely miserable. Fucking Cathy.
Ending up in some cute or sexy person's gut sounded wonderful. You had a couple of ideas, but you were a tad interested to see who volunteered…
The first comment came in mere minutes after posting.
Stephanie Simmerset
You aren't at all surprised to see your little sister, Stephanie, jumping at this opportunity.
She had always been your cute little sister, and you'd spoiled her rotten. And perhaps because of that, she'd grown quite affectionate to you. At first it was cute stuff like 'marrying big bro', but eventually, it turned vorish and she'd pestered you about being her 18th birthday present. How wonderful having her brother be her first meal would be.
You thankfully weren't able to attend and had been avoiding her these last few months. But… spoiling her one last time and helping stretch out her gut doesn't sound like a terrible way to go. The idea of replacing the baby fat she’d lost in the last several years makes you feel a bit odd…
Stephanie was a bit of a scatterbrained blonde, forgetful but in a way that made her quite endearing. She’d grown a lot over the years, now reaching you in height. Though her curves were still quite petite. She wasn’t exactly a trained pred, and hadn’t gotten the chance to mold her T&A into the bombshell you expect from predators.
You'd taken it as the desire of a young girl to be like the voracious adults, but now she was old enough where you think she could actually swallow you down. Perhaps you could help her take this important step to adulthood. An untrained pred was barely different from a prey in the eyes of a hungry predator. You’d be keeping her safe by letting her digest you. Plus the slight taboo of your sister appeals to your perverted side…
You hear your phone ding, must be another comment. The second is… you can't help but let out an immense sigh.
Cathy Bingleheart
Hah! Always knew you were a prey slut. If you want a real gut to mess you up, mine would LOVE to put you in your place.
Fucking Cathy.
You'd had to follow her to be friendly since your company was so small. You had grown to despise her. She was a fake blonde with a fairly chubby gut. One you bet she'd just gotten from her shitty diet and lack of exercise. There’s no way she could actually entice somebody inside of her, though physically she didn’t seem weak.
But… she was rather stacked. Her tits were massive, like volleyballs that pushed out farther than her gut. And her ass would definitely smother you. If she ate you, you'd be lost in that sea of fat. Probably with those interns who all 'suddenly quit' last year. Likely trusted her a bit more than they should have.
There's some masochistic desire inside you that's tempted to allow her to have your way for you. No matter how frustrating the idea is.
While you argue with your inner submissive demon, another ding and another comment.
Jennifer Gammy
I see you've finally decided to become a meal. You know I'd always be willing to accommodate you. I'd make sure you went out happy. My belly always has room for somebody like you.
Her words linger on your mind and remind you of back when you'd dated her. This was Jennifer, or Jen as most people called her. She was a very tall, slightly chubby woman with long red hair. She was a tad plump all over, a very soft-looking girl. You can still feel her gentle warmth around you when you close your eyes.
You'd actually been in the same friend circle for a while and gradually drifted closer, until finally dating. And then you learned just how kinky she was. She would tie you up in her lap and idly play games with you in her lap, holding the controller at your crotch, licking your feet, roleplay of her cheating with some dude and eating them to hide them (the dude wasn't aware it was roleplay), even temporarily holding you in her gut. Sometimes even for hours, and in public.
You'd absolutely still be with her if you could, but she'd suddenly realized she could no longer see you as anything but food. And dating food was ridiculous. So you broke up. After everything you'd been through, you'd become a flustered mess just talking to her. So after it all, you'd kind of drifted apart.
But now you could meet again. Though, this time you really would be food… You can't help but wonder how much she meant those words. How exactly would she treat you if you willingly gave yourself to her?
While you reminisce, your phone beeps again. You flip it open and see the face of the cutest boy you know.
Addison JustAddison
If you're just THROWING yourself away. Let me have you. I promise, it'll be as wonderful as that night we spent together. I even have some fun stuff we could try, since dieing doesn't matter ;)
And don't worry, I'll make sure to flush your ass
It was Addison… You couldn’t quite believe it. He was always dressed as a girl, and was a one night thing you'd had years ago. He had absolutely dominated you. He is the only person who has managed to knock you unconscious through sheer pleasure. You can't even remember how many times you'd cum that one night alone. He’d adored making you struggle beneath him, feeling himself inside you. Honestly, you can still feel him cumming inside you, in a way. Or perhaps that’s just your mind playing tricks…
And he hadn't left you anything to find him again. He'd ruined you and left. Until now, almost as if he had been waiting. He must have been keeping tabs on you, perhaps if something like this had happened. The account in question was unfamiliar, perhaps having been modified to reveal his hand. What a mysterious boy…
You remember that feeling of being bound to the bed, the taste of his cock on your lips, and what he said he’d do to you the next day. Idly threats to swallow you hole and add you to him… and you were definitely attracted to him. He was thin, but soft. Specifically in the belly and bum. Just enough tummy fat to show that he’d eaten his fair share of people. His pink, shoulder-length hair bounced around and helped accentuate his strange mannerisms. He was always a bit… extra. One of the incredibly fun things about him.
You ignored any of the other comments. These choices were good enough to pick from, and you didn’t wanna spend too long dwelling on it. Last thing you’d want is to upset them by getting cold feet. But which person deserved to have you? Two of them meant something in your life, but the other two would put you in your place. One was an absolute bitch, and the other just wants your body squirming for them.
You open your phone once more and thumb to a private chat you had with a number of people. All of whom were interested in taking a vorish plunge themselves, but hadn’t for various reasons.
Hey guys, which of these girls (and guy) do you think I should let eat me?
Feel free to comment below who you would to consume you. Highest points will be picked for the continuation. Extra points if you tell why.
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thecolorsfucked · 2 years
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on the left is my late great uncle dennis on the right is his husband they were the only ppl who gave a single fuck about me as a kid he was the only one who saw me as something other than guilty and wrong and i never got to reconnect and im sad hes dead and im happy he got to marry the man he loved for decades for longer than i ever walked the earth im glad he had a house and was a teacher and didnt hurt as much as he could have uk i hope he knew i always remembered him i hope he knew how important be was to me i miss him ao much and i wish i had wrote a physical letter instead of a facebook message i was just so scared and now it doesnt matter and hes gone idk im sad and i want the only person who made me feel real and loved back i rly rly want that i wanna eat sandwiches w potato chips on them(he taught me that i thought it was soooooo gross as a kid and after 19 i think i always ate sandwiches that way) and tell him im queer too and tel him ill never forget the doll house he built me or the cinderella music globe he got me for christmas it was the biggest princess globe out of all of the ones he gave his nieces and it was my favorite princess cuz he saw nobody looked at me w love and he filled in the holes as best he could i miss u uncle dennis ily and i hope whatever happens to us when we die is good to u i hope its good to u forever
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
What were you doing at 10:30 this morning?: Worrrrking. That was only an hour ago..
Is there anyone else in the room with you?: Yeah, my coworker/officemate.
If you married the last male you spoke to, what would your initials be?: I like that this question just assumes that 1. I’d marry a male, and 2. I’d take their last name. Okay, so I did marry a male, but my initials remained the same because I did not take his last name.
What did you have for lunch today?: I just had tuna and crackers.
In your phone, who is the first contact listed under ‘L’?: Lisa, who was my late grandmother’s caretaker. I need to update my contacts, shit.
How old is he/she?: I have absolutely no idea. I don’t even remember what she looked like.
What colour are your father’s eyes?: Light green.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female?: I don’t remember who that was.
What’s the 9th song on your iTunes “Recently Played” list?: I don’t use iTunes, so I’ll tell you what my 9th song on my On Repeat Playlist on Spotify: As It Was by Harry Styles.
What colour are the eyes of the last male you text messaged?: They’re brown.
Who is the first contact in your phone? What colour is his/her hair?: The way my phone lists them are my ICE contacts first, so my husband appears first on the list.
How many tracks were on the last album you listened to?: 15.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you?: My sister.
Is there a song you can listen to over and over and never get fed up of it?: Sure.
Do you have a friend whose name begins with H’? Describe him/her.: Just myself lol.
Are there any songs in your iTunes library that you’ve never listened to?: I don’t use iTunes and it doesn’t work that way on Spotify.
So, how are you? Is there anything wrong?: I’m okay but stressed. And the shop I work in is getting the roof fixed and its so fucking noisy.
How do you handle awkward situations?: Think about it for years on end apparently. Who is the most intelligent person you know?: Everyone I know has different levels of intelligence and I don’t think one person is “more” intelligent than another. Because you can go to college, read 100000 books, watch the news, keep up with politics,etc, but if you are an asshole, you aren’t a smart person. I’d much rather be around people with emotional intelligence; who are kind and compassionate and funny and sweet.
Who was the last female you were introduced to?: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no idea.
What was your first impression of her?: ^
Who was the last male you were introduced to?: Some contractor at work.
What was your first impression of him?: He seemed nice.
Name one of your favourite foods that starts with the letter ‘F’. Fish.
Do you have a close friend of the opposite sex?: Yeah.
Would you ever consider being more than friends with them?: No.
Who is the 8th contact in your phone? Is he/she in a relationship?: I don’t feel like looking right now.
If you could travel back in time, which year would you go to?: Blah.
What were you like as a 12 year old?: Awkward and annoying.
What colour are the eyes of the last female you text messaged?: They are green.
When you woke up this morning, what kind of mood were you in?: Annoyed. Are you hungry? Craving any food in particular?: I just ate but I could eat more. I’d love some sushi honestly.
In the past week, how many times have you cried?: Oh A LOT. I’ve been watching Queer Eye and I just got over my period and I’ve just been fucking emotional af.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being amazing), how good is life atm?: 7.
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malinaa · 2 years
rules: you must answer these statements and tag 20 people tagged: @rosesau tagging: @bluepinstripes | @ttimbradford | @calnovas | @oretsev | & whoever wants to do this <3
1. drink: milk tea boba 🧋 2. phone call: my mom  3. text message: @rosesau 4. song you listened to: i am always listening to music so the current song playing rn is all the pretty girls by vera blue 5. time you cried: idk maybe last month 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: no 10. been depressed: probably 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. a soft green 13. a deep blue 14. sunset pink
15. made new friends: girl idk 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: no 20. found out who your friends are: sure 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: who the fuck uses facebook. also no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: girl... WHO uses facebook!!! 23. do you have any pets: 3 dogs 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i ate a LOT!! like a LOTTT 26. what time did you wake up: maybe 8smth am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: on tiktok (sorry)  28. name something you can’t wait for: rereading tgt to prep for s&b s2 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: lliterally a few seconds ago 31. what are you listening to right now: mess it up by gracie abrams 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uh. not sure. probably not 33. something that is getting on your nerves: nothing atm 34. most visited website: tumblr... 35. hair color: black 36. long or short hair: medium (bob length) 37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: im v sexy &lt;3 39. piercings: none (my ear piercings closed ☹️) 40. blood type: i do not know for the life of me ngl 41. nickname: lys 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: leo 44. pronouns: she/her ig 45. favorite tv show: um... i don't think i Have one???? 46. tattoos: no :/ 47. right or left handed: right  48. surgery: does wisdom teeth extraction count 😭 50. sport: No. 51. vacation: going 2 vegas next month i think 52. pair of trainers: umm adidas ?
53. eating: just finished a bag of doritos spicy nacho chips 54. drinking: literally boba... 55. i’m about to: turn on the light 56. waiting for: books to arrive? 57. want: an mfa (i just miss being in a writers workshop)58. get married: sure 59. career: writer probably 
60. hugs or kisses: idk 61. lips or eyes: lips 62. shorter or taller: idk  63. older or younger: IDK 64. nice arms or nice stomach: oh. Arm 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: idk maybe 73. had your heart broken: no 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: no 76. fallen for a friend: yah
77. yourself: sure 78. miracles: sure 79. love at first sight: in the hozier way 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: yes
84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: I Don't Know!
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At 5:26 this morning, I got woken up by the hospice nurse who informed me my mother passed away.
I had actually been awake a few hours earlier.
It's so crazy to think that around 11 or 12 at night I was still trying to drift off to sleep, thinking about how I'm feeling safe again and I don't have to fret.
She looked so pale and cold. She was definitely dead.
The room was so quiet without her raspy breathing.
I was in the room for a bit talking to barbi and then wolfy and then barbi again
I got dressed and ready for the day and they said they needed to move her. I left for a bit and came back to grab my things and she was laying there so pale and still and yellow
It freaked me the fuck out and I gathered my things and went to the family room
I called finally got a hold of my dad and then rachel said she was available and I had a good conversation with her.
Eventually she had to go and I had to call my dad back shortly after.
He's being very frustrating.
Then the minister came by and we talked for a good long while.
I had a really good convo with the nurse who helped me out to the car with my things while we waited for the uber.
I rode in silence and only cried a little.
When I got home I panicked a little and cried some more
Called someone back thinking it was the funeral home, it was and me and barbi are planning to go over there friday.
I called DSW to let them know.
I had been messaging people all morning.
I still haven't talked to johnny cause I felt sick for a bit there and really wanted to eat my McDonalds
I still feel pretty sick but I have a bunch of errands I need to run and I'm feeling a lot better
I made a post on facebook about mom mayybbeee 40 minutes??? 50??? Not sure.
I've been home for 4 hours and my mom has been dead for 9.
I need to go to the store for supplies (I'm out of tp) so I have to leave the house at least once more today
I actually have a few things I need to do before I can officially park it for 24 hours.
I haven't had a major melt down yet but I can definitely feel it coming
And I could feel the stress headache before I ate and lied down
The next few months are going to be rough and the next week is probably gonna be the roughest.
I don't know how I'm going to handle Christmas.
I just feel so empty and alone and heartbroken.
I realized towards the end of it all how much my life has always just been me and my mom.
And that's partly cause she trapped me but still
And now it's just me
And I'm all alone
I know I'm not really alone
But I am
This blogs probably about to see a lot more action
I need to get into therapy
But mostly right now I just need to go to the store.
I'm glad I took the time off that I did to be with her.
Glad we had one last good conversation and one last hotel night together.
I think a part of me is always gonna miss my mom
Even if she wasn't the best
She was my mama
There's still so much left to process
So much left to do
But I need to find some solice in the fact that I'm free
I need to try my best to hold myself together, and make time to keep falling apart
Fall apart, pick up the pieces, fall apart, pick up the pieces
That's been my life before now
There's just a heavy dose of grief added
I'm so thankful for my friends
Thankful for their love
Thankful for their kindness
And for the kindness of strangers
I'm also thankful we got to finish Anne of Green Gables
I know my mother probably liked Pride and Prejudice more, but Anne is just so more significant
She's so much like me, and my life similar to hers, and it ended with a death and grief and hope
And Anne staying by her mothers side
Just like I did
It's me, I'm Anne with an E
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surveysand · 1 year
What is in the back seat of your car right now? i don't have a car.
What was the last thing you threw up? alcohol.
Menthol or regular cigarettes? gross, neither.
What is your favorite episode of Friends? while i've seen some episodes of the show, i don't remember enough to have a favorite.
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? i don't think so.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? phoebe bridgers. i think her and i would mesh well, lol.
Have you been to a strip club? no.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yes.
Are you wearing socks right now? no.
What was the last thing you had to drink? water.
What are you wearing right now? a t-shirt and shorts.
Last food you ate? pasta.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? no.
When is the last time you ran? i have no idea.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? the most recent phillies game.
Last person’s house you were in? my partner's family's home.
Last movie you saw? in theaters? a star is born. i desperately want to see the barbie movie once it's out, though. my partner said he would go see it with me because of how much i've been talking about it, haha.
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? my best friend.
Ever go to camp? no.
Were you an honor roll student in school? yes.
Do you like sushi? yes.
Do you have a tan? never. i am so pale and always burn, lol.
How old do you want to be when you have kids? 30 is most ideal in my mind. i'll (ideally) be done with all of my graduate schooling by then.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? yes.
What is your age? 22.
Are you someone’s best friend? yes.
Where is your dad right now? sleeping at home. What was the last thing you said? "did i pause it?" when i went to the bathroom and couldn't remember if i paused my show before i got up (i did not, lol.).
What color is your watch? i don't wear watches.
What do you think of when you think of Australia? accents.
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? yes.
Favorite gemstone? sapphires.
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? typically the drive thru.
Do you have a roommate? no. Do you have any bad habits? many. the biggest is probably incessantly biting/picking my lips. it's my go-to behavior when i'm feeling anxious which is a lot of the time.
What is your favorite number? 21.
Do you know anyone named Lori? no.
What color is your mom’s hair? dark brown.
Do you have a dog? yes! i love him.
What happened to you in 1993? i was still an egg, haha.
Does your first memory involve your dad? yes, actually.
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? so many. i've always loved to sing and play music.
When was the last time you went swimming? two summers ago.
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? no.
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? troubles finding a job.
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? yes, but only if it wasn't salvageable/able to be played anymore.
Do you like watching a bonfire? i guess.
Are you allergic to anything? not officially, but i'm pretty sure i'm allergic to pollen.
What is one thing you miss about your past? not having to pay rent.
Do you ever get flu shots? yes.
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? white high top converse.
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? fuck around and find out.
Are you jealous of anyone? yes.
Is anyone jealous of you? not that i know of.
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indigo474 · 1 year
almost 1/2 way through 2023- i have no idea what is going on with time-please slow down. so much so much. i had a lazy weekend. rain rain and more rain. it was nice- i watched tv and laid around and ate. would have been a nice weekend to spend with a partner- doing the same. i napped- the dreams- oh the dreams- able to get into that deep rem state.
i am not getting the support i need in work. my direct report is not available. it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
i got the letter today saying child support will stop once Mads graduates. i bet that makes x happy. suck a dirt ball. i know i shouldn't look but i couldn't help myself and i checked out his girlfriends facebook page. she looks bad-like he is draining the life out of her. i can see it. its funny i can see it- i wish her the best, i really do. him- i hope he lives a miserable life. i hope eventually all his lies catch up to him- i hope someday he will be held accountable for the lives he destroyed.
I was talking to a guy n tinder and i mentioned something about a wedding- he went off about how much he has to pay for so many years. he made things weird. un-match-
i did manage to work out this weekend. i missed the chance to run in the rain. i actually tweaked my knee doing lunges so i decided to not run. I ran today and it felt great. the river was angry. the beach was a mess- May is tick season- i wonder if i should maybe stick to the treadmill for a while. i am scared to death of being taken out by a tick. nasty nasty creatures.
ive been having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. i'm minding my own and the words night shift come into my mind. a guy messages me today and tells me he is working night shift. just a coincidence- i am still excited about life. worried at times- tired-free-i bet that fat guy told all his buddies how he fucked me real good. i am sure he did- bragged about himself. how fucking laughable. you do know your dick wasn't inside me right?
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le-ciel-estbleu · 2 years
Are you between the ages of 30 & 40? in 9 months i will be -_-
What was your favorite toy as a child? i can't recall,i liked a great many things as i remember
How much was a gallon of gasoline when you first started driving? i wish i remember.
What was your first car? PT cruiser
Who taught you how to drive? my friends, my dad
What was your high school mascot? warrior
Did you go to your Senior Prom? yes
What did you do after graduation? worked, moved away with my brother, met my future husband while working away from home.
What was your first job? administrative assistant for a paralegal at a small law firm in the next town
What did you want to be when you grew up? actress.
Any posters on your bedroom walls growing up? yes
Do you remember the first time you drank a beer? yes, my dad gave me a sip of his budweiser and i thought it was nasty.
Did you ever try cigarettes? unfortunately
If you could change anything from your teenage years, would you? yes but would i be the same person?
Do you remember your first time? yes
Ever look back and wish some things were still the same? no, if things were the same then you would live the same day over and over again. that would be boring now wouldn't it
After high school - straight to college or straight to work? straight to work
How much did you make per hour at your first job? i can't remember, very little though.... 8.25 maybe?
Favorite home-cooked meal growing up? beef stroganof
Favorite place to eat out growing up? john harvards brew house
Did your parents live in a different country before you were born? yes
Do you have a preferred coffee brand? vermont coffee company
Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? yes
If so, how did it affect the relationship? we were young so it didn't really matter much
How often do you paint your nails? barely ever, i like my toes painted though
What is something you frequently forget? my brain
How do you feel about your body? i liked it better before
If you had to move to a new city, where would you move? concord nh
Have you ever traveled on a double-decker train? no, double decker bus though in NYC
What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up? massage therapists
Do they still have these jobs? Or different jobs? Or have they retired? my dad has the same job, my mom doesn't
Do you own any winter sports equipment? yes, i can't wait to go snow shoeing
Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan? unfortunately a contract i think, but i hope i could get out of it because i'm shopping around and i think i can get a cheaper deal. Verizon is so fucking expensive, its ridiculous for one person to pay over $100 just for themselves.
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say? i'm sorry, i hope you can find solace and move on.
Do you play video games? i used to play more but i have several consoles and many games
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you? sometimes it seems so
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate? had some s'mores a few weeks ago i think?
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? always at the same time every morning, 5 fucking am or 4 something right before my alarm. so annoying
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater? i love to, im a weirdo like that
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httpdabi · 3 years
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"Swallow it“
Step siblings, enemies, to lovers.
Word Count: 8.1k
Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: 18+, spit kink, public sex, creampie, unprotected sex, fingering, stepcest (THEY ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED)
,,Open your mouth’’ little Touya said, hiding the small piece of sweet chocolate behind his back happily. Tapping in one place as he waited excitedly. You did as he told hoping he won’t pull any of his stupid pranks. But somehow, you always end up doing what he wanted, trusting your Niichan.
You excitedly clapped your hands once you tasted the sweet taste of the chocolate, smile appearing on your face. ,, Don’t swallow it so fast’’ he said, a little bit disappointed that you didn’t enjoy the taste a bit longer, but it was already done. Chewing few times, you swallowed it.
At the age of 6, your father met Rei. Divorced mother, giving her best to raise her child as good as possible. It didn’t took them long to fall in love with each other, finding the comfort in each other. They both suffered the same way, so it was like a match made in heaven.
Once they married and Rei moved in with her son that was just one year older then you, your heart was almost blowing from all the happiness. You always wanted to have older brother to play with, to protect you and to love you. And Touya was all you wished for. Touya accepted you, not minding that you aren’t blood related. None of you didn’t mind it, since your parents taught you better.
,,Kids, dinner is ready’’ your stepmother said loud enough for you two to hear her. Annoyed that you have to stop the play, you and Touya made your way downstairs, Touya mumbling under his breath how he’s not even hungry.
Your smiled widely once you saw that Rei made your favorite dish, Lasagna. Jumping on the chair, you took the fork and waited for everyone to sit down so all of you could thank God for the dinner and finally eat.
,,Ahhh’’ Touya said, ready to feed you with your favorite dish. Opening your mouth you couldn’t wait to taste it finally, it was such a long time since you’ve ate it. Chewing it fast, you swallowed it in a second, making Touya roll his eyes on you ,, Don’t swallow it yet omg ‘’ he said frustrated with you, making your parents laugh finding it adorable how their kids get along.
,, He told me that I’m ugly Niichan’’ you cried out loud, feeling embarrassed and disappointed. It was your first crush, and yet he called you ugly in front of everyone in the class. You didn’t cry in front of them, but once you found yourself in front of your older brother, you couldn’t stop the small sobs coming from your mouth. You knew that kids were rude, but you still expected less.
,, You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world’’ he said angrily. How dare someone breaks his little sisters heart ? Even tho he was so mad he could burn everyone down, he calmed down, taking one small Schoko-Bon out of his pocket and unwrapping it.
,,Close your eyes’’ he said smiling, his hand on your head patting it slowly. You did as you were told, tears rolling down your cheeks. He didn’t even have to tell you what to do, you opened your mouth waiting for Touya’s surprise. Once he placed the sweet in your mouth, you started chewing it.
Touya’s blood was boiling, that’s not how you eat Schoko-Bon. If you weren’t so sad, he would definitely lecture you how you have to let it melt in your mouth to feel the beautiful sweet taste, but he simply let you have it your way.
,, Should I swallow it ?’’ You rubbed your eyes, cleaning the tears away. You hoped you ate it how he wants, but every time you eat something, you simply had to eat it fast.
,, Swallow it’’ Touya said. It was already too late, you’ve already destroyed the real pleasure the candy was offering you. You were so weird, he thought to himself.
It was midnight, when you tiptoed into Touya’s room, not being able to fall asleep. At your luck, Touya was still awake, playing with his Dragon your father bought him. He was happy that you were there, even tho you were a girl, he always loved to play with you.
,, Oh my god, yess, yess, yess. ‘’ you two heard Rei, giving each others confused looks. ,, Niichan, what is mommy doing?’’ you asked, petting his Dragon slowly.
,, She’s praying, obviously’’ your Niichan said proudly, telling you how it’s probably the best if you two pray too. Of course, once again you did as he told you, praying together with him.
At the age of 16, you found yourself having more friends then you expected. Even tho your parents were encouraging you to live a little, you loved more to spend your time with Niichan then with your friends. If you could, you would spend every minute, every second with him. Your lovely Niichan. If only he felt the same. You were sad when his friends would come over, and he would ignore you.
Once he finally called your name, even tho his friends were over, you almost died out of happiness. Making your way to his room happily, you hoped they will let you spend some time with them.
,, Sit here’’ Touya was tapping with his hand beside him. His friends sitting on the floor. You sat fast beside him, listening to your older brother not wanting to embarrass him in front of his friends.
,, Want something sweet ?’’ Touya asked, making you smile innocently. Once you closed your eyes and opened your mouth , you felt one long and sour Haribo in your mouth. It wasn’t so sour as it was supposed to be, but you still didn’t like the taste of it. Still, chewing it fast and swallowing it, making a weird face.
Touya and two other boys laughed, while Touya was petting your head. ,, Go do your homework, your Niichan will correct it later’’ he said smiling. Once you got out of the room, you could hear the boys laugh saying something about indirect kiss, which you didn’t understand.
,, IT’S HER FOULT TOO! ARE YOU BLIND ?? SHE WAS LEADING HIM ON ALL THE TIME’’ you heard your stepmom scream, not sure what was going on you just ignored them and made your way upstairs slowly.
,, YOU ARE INSANE, HOW DID SH-´´ your father was cut of in the middle of yelling. ,, CAN’T YOU SEE WHAT SHE’S WEARIGN? HOW SHE’S BEHAVING??’’ Rei screamed, loud steps coming your direction as you were about to knock at Touya’s door.
,, DON’T YOU DARE GET INSIDE THAT ROOM’’ Rei screamed. You didn’t understand what was going on. When you left home, everything was very normal, but just two hours later you faced the scary fight your parents prepared.
Their first and last fight. Since after that fight Rei packed her and Touya’s stuff leaving that same night. Looking at Touya, he just passed by you, afraid even to look at you, while his mother was pulling the sleeve of his sweather.
After that night you didn’t see Touya or Rei. Your father was trying to explain to you what happened that night, failing completely. Every night you would cry yourself to sleep, missing Touya. Every day your father would tell you tons of shit about Touya, saying how that boy was devil. How it’s much better it ended this way.
You remembered how your parents weren’t that happy as he was feeding you with the strawberry. Both of them looking at each other as if you did something so terrible.
As the years passed, instead of sadness, you felt so mad. You developed so much hate toward Touya. Why didn’t he contact you ? Not even once. You heard that he and Rei moved in other city shortly after the huge fight. No one told you directly, it was just a rumor for you. Sadly that rumor ended up being truth, since after that night every trace of him disappeared.
Every night you would check your phone, getting mad after seeing that he didn’t contact you, even tho it was so easily to. With instagram and facebook, it was so easy to contact anyone these days. Every time you saw a message or call from unknown number, your heart would go crazy only to find out it was a mistake and on the other line wasn’t him.
,,You have to keep your elbow up and don’t move your upper arm once you throw it’’ Shiggy told you calmly, trying to teach you how to throw that fucking dart. If someone told you that you will start hanging out with your ex brothers best friends, you wouldn’t believe them. Throwing the dart, it ended up at the end of the board, giving you no points.
,, She’ll never learn’’ Kai chuckled, wrapping his arm around your best friend Momo. Rolling your eyes, you wanted to prove yourself, throwing another one but missing again.
Shiggy’s cellphone started vibrating. Not paying any attention to it you just continued throwing the darts around uselessly, while he was facetiming someone. ,, Look who I’m hanging out with’’ he said, placing the phone in front of you, as his head popped beside your own with a big smile formed on his face. Once you moved your focus from the dartboard to his phone, you felt your heart sink, making you feel sick in your stomach.
,,Get that motherfucker out of my face’’ you hissed, pushing the phone away from you and throwing the darts with all the power your had, not giving a shit about the instruction Shiggy gave you few minutes ago. The fact that Touya was in contact with him almost made you throw up from all the anger. Shiggy froze in shock, not expecting that kind of reaction from you, fast moving away from you.
Years passed, and he never contacted you even once.
NASTY MOTHERFUCKER, you thought to yourself, biting your lip in anger.
After the call ended, none of them had courage to ask you what was that about, letting it go simply as that and never mentioning anything about it again. Not even Momo.
You were excited for your hard earned summer holidays. You didn’t plan much, but you were just happy that you could spend the time with your friends without stressing about work or anything.
,,What movie do you want to watch tonight ?’’ your father asked, placing the pizza you just bought in the oven, while you were preparing all the snacks.
,,Hmm..’’ you sighed, thinking. ,, Dumbo’’ you said happily. Momo always laughed at you for watching Disney movies. But in your defense, no one is too old for Disney. You just loved to cuddle yourself in blanket, with warm cocoa drink in your hand and watch some old Disney movie.
Your father laughed loudly once he saw you tearing up, then sobbing when those assholes started separating Dumbo’s mom from him. You were a crying mess every now and then.
,,So, do you have a boyfriend?’’ your father asked, trying to be a good father figure to you and open a conversation, telling you that he would love to meet your boyfriend in the future, only to push his lips into a think line once you told him that you don’t have one.
You laughed when he asked you if you are a lesbian, telling you how he would support you. ,, No dad, I’m not ‘’ you laughed out taking your phone and opening your Instagram feed.
,, Darling, you are really paying so much attention to that silly device ’’ he said. He was always against phones and almost any electronic, always telling you how was it when he was younger.
,, Dad, I want to delete all my social media so bad, but what the fuck am I gonna do ? Go for a walk?’’ you said, as you replied to a text from Momo.
,, Ah whatever, I’m gonna take a nap.’’ He said, standing up as he took the glasses from the table, making his way to the kitchen to clean them.
,,And I’m gonna make your wish come true, and go socialize with people’’ you said, helping him out with cleaning.
Since it was pretty warm, you wore your plaid skirt and simple white shirt. Hopping into your nike airforce, you took wallet and made your way out, to meet Momo in the café.
She wasn’t alone, of course. Shiggy and Kai were there as well, waving their hands at you, like you couldn’t see them. You loved the dull lightning of the café you spent so much time in. Greeting them all, you hopped in the armchair beside Shiggy, crossing your legs as you decided what you want to drink.
,, Dabi, my man’’ Kai said, standing up, hugging the man that just walked in. Still focused on the small menu with different kind of drinks. Looking up at the tattooed man, your felt your blood boiling as he offered you his hand. You just ignored him, acting as you still didn’t decide what to drink.
A knot formed in your throat, giving you the feeling if you say even one word, you will end up sobbing in front of them.
,, It was about time’’ Shiggy said not hiding his happiness, while all you wanted to do is vomit all over the table.
,, Yeah, I wanted to visit sooner, but I couldn’t’’ Touya said, as you played with your phone, trying to ignore his whole existence. In the moment the waiter asked you what you want to drink, you were too scared to say anything. Knowing that you were about to break down any time.
,, Hot chocolate please’’ you said quietly, smiling softly to the waiter you knew now for the ages. Standing up, you excused yourself and made your way to the toilet. Taking few deep breaths, you took a cigarette out of your bag and lit one in the toilet.
Trying to think about how much he hurt you. You made yourself believe that he doesn’t deserve your sadness. ,,Get your shit together’’ you said to yourself, inhaling the smoke of the cigarette deeply, before going back to your friends and that fucking asshole.
,, Hawks bought you a cake’’ Shiggy said, pointing at the cake beside the hot chocolate. You turned off cigarette and sat down, fixing your skirt.
Touya couldn’t keep his eyes of you, the fact that you were ignoring him was eating him alive. He didn’t give a fuck about all the questions coming from Shiggy’s mouth, all he wanted to do is talk with you. Looking you vacuuming the cake in front of you, he couldn’t help but smile.
,, I love youuu Hawks’’ You screamed, eyes closed and mouth full. ,, Taste’s good?’’ you heard his voice and you nodded happily to him, thankful that he noticed your fucked up mood.
,, How’s your mother ?’’ Kai asked, curious about Touya’s life.
,, Yes Touya, how’s your mother?’’ you gritted, finished the cake. If a stare could kill, Touya would be long dead by now. Momo looked at you confused by your sudden behavior.
,, She’s good. Always stressing me out’’ he laughed, taking a cigarette and lighting it up. You did the same thing as he did. Every word coming out of his mouth making you more angry if that was even possible.
,, I saw a photo of you two on your instagram, I’m glad she’s good’’ Shiggy said genuinely, being a good friend as always.
,, Yes Touya, I saw it too. I love the feed of your instagram. So aesthetic’’ you hissed puffing on your cigarette. At this point you didn’t care about the fact that you made the air hard to breath for everyone. They didn’t know what actually happened.
Touya’s eyes were getting darker with every word you spat, like he was getting mad about it. None of your friends dared to say anything, afraid that you’ll spill more oil onto the fire.
,, Anyway..’’ Shiggy broke the tension. ,, your username is so weird’’ he said, trying to find words that won’t make the situation worse, but failing miserably.
,, Such a weird username Niichan’’ you said, saying the last word thru your gritted teeth as you bit hard onto the straw, finishing your hot chocolate.
,, What’s your problem ?’’ Touya hissed, leaning over the table.
,,You are my problem, you tattooed piece of shit’’ You hissed, biting the straw even harder as you leaned over the table. Your behavior surprised him. He didn’t expect from you much after everything that happened. But what he didn’t expect at all, was the rude behavior you were giving him at the moment. You were always so sweet to him.
,, Guess you’ll have to deal with it then’’ he said. You wanted to wipe that fucking smirk from his face away. In your opinion, he was the one who was supposed to stay quiet. He was the one who didn’t bother to message you even once, he was the one who hurt you.
,, I dealt with your shit for a long time, so sell it to someone else’’ you said, as you placed the money on the table, getting ready to leave. Sure, you could sit there and argue with him till tomorrow, cursing him out and saying anything that got on your mind, but there was no need for it. He didn’t deserve even the bad words coming out of your mouth.
,,Ah come on guys, don’t fight’’ Shiggy said awkwardly, standing up once he realized that you were about to leave. You just ignored him, as you took your bag and made your way out.
,, Wait’’ you heard Shiggy’s voice once you got out. You didn’t want to turn around or stop, but of course he was fast enough to catch you. If he thought that there was even the smallest chance to change your mind, he was so wrong.
,,What ?’’ you snapped, still walking. You didn’t want to listen to anyone at all. Not even Shiggy, or Momo or anyone on this fucking world.
,,What was this all about? Don’t you think you’re overacting ?’’ he asked as he stopped you from walking. Your eyes widened at his words, almost shaking out of anger that he dared to say these word without thinking at all.
,,OVERACTING? WHO EVEN INVITED THAT MOTHERFUCKER’’ you yelled, ready to burn the whole place up.
,, We did, we thought you’ll be happy about it too’’ he said placing his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie. Happy? Happiness was the last thing you felt the moment you saw him.
,,Well, I’m not. Call me when he leaves’’ you said, leaving Shiggy all alone. Shiggy didn’t have his hopes high, but he still wanted to try to stop you from leaving.
Once you finally got home, you were glad that your father had change of plans. You were keeping your shit together, not wanting to wake him up. But once you found a small piece of paper on the kitchen counter saying that he’s out with his friend, watching some soccer game, you started crying. Loudly.
You wished he was dead.
How could he do this to you? Come back and act like you were someone he just met. You cried a lot because of him, but nothing could compare to tears that were rolling down your cheeks at the moment. You forced yourself to wash the make up of your face, before you found yourself buried into your pillow, sobbing into it.
The moment you heard the lock of the door and your father entering the house, you chocked your last cry, not wanting to worry him or to find out that Touya was back.
,, Did you fight with your friends?’’ Your father asked as he ate the eggs you prepared for him. Of course your father noticed the sudden change in your behavior. Of course he noticed that you didn’t leave the house last three days.
,, Yeah’’ you lied.
The three of them contacted you more times, begging you to meet them. Saying how you can simply ignore Touya and just meet them. It was easy for them to say something like that, since they didn’t know what happened. They didn’t know how much you suffered all these years.
When your father left for work, you found yourself alone once again. Since it was pretty early, you thought it would be alright if you go grab a coffee. As much as you remember, Hawks has morning shift on Friday, it wouldn’t harm you to chat with him a bit.
You wore your simple skirt, and choose a random baggy shirt, before you lazily made your way to the café.
Even tho the morning sun was really strong, the dark windows and the dull lights of your favorite café killed every sign of it. You loved the chilly and relaxing atmosphere of the café, and you loved that always the same people visited it.
,, What’s my favorite girl doing here so early’’ Hawks smiled, once he saw you sitting on the table he chills at when there aren’t many costumers. Somehow he always managed to figure out your feelings, trying to cheer you up with a cake or too much whipping cream on your hot chocolate.
,, Missed me a bit?’’ he joked as he prepared your favorite coffee for you. You just rolled your eyes lazily at him, as you took one cigarette and placed it between your lips.
,, You make the best coffee Hawks’’ you said honestly taking a sip of it. The too sweet taste of it made you close your sleepy eyes and enjoy it fully.
,, It’s because it’s made with love’’ he said as you cringed on his comment. You took the cellphone out of your bag and scrolled your Instagram feed, liking some photos of the strangers you follow.
While you were just scrolling thru your phone, and chatted with Hawks, every now and then he would sit down with you, you noticed the tall figure that entered the café. Eyes meeting with his, you broke the eye contact like it never happened.
He sat in the armchair on the other side of the room, facing you as Hawks made his way toward him happily.
Not paying any attention to him, you just tried to stay focused on your phone and the tasty coffee Hawks made for you. But you could feel him stare. You felt his eyes burn into you and once you looked up, you were right. Touya was simply sitting there, his head leaned back into the armchair as he looked at you shamelessly, not trying to hide it.
The whole time he sat there, he didn’t even touch his phone or coffee, totally focused on you. Not caring if he’s making you uncomfortable or anything like that. At one point you were done with his shit, you rolled your eyes and told Hawks that you will go out on the terrace. You didn’t really want to go out, but you wanted to avoid his stare in any way possible and going home wasn’t really a solution for you, since you would show him that he’s winning again.
You didn’t want to watch his face.
There were more people on the terrace, since everyone normal would like to enjoy the sun and beautiful weather. Greeting the people you knew, you sat under opened window where Hawks table was.
,,Want another iced coffee?’’ Hawks asked, his upper body peeking from the tall window. You nodded your head, as you placed your legs on the other empty chair, getting yourself comfortable and trying to ignore Touya’s presence.
,, How are you and I missed you is more appropriate way to greet someone you didn’t see for such a long time’’ you heard a deep voice you didn’t want to acknowledge. Looking on your phone and acting as you were actually busy with it.
,, Fuck off’’ you hissed, looking up at him when you realized that he isn’t leaving.
,, That’s not a nice way to talk to your Niichan’’ he said as he comfortably sat beside you. You were about to stand up and leave him, but a firm hand was on your tight putting you back into the chair.
,, You’re not going anywhere’’ he said, his hand still on your tight.
,, Would be much better if you just ignored my existence like you did all this years’’ you said, trying to push his hand away, only to end up failing. He got so much stronger over these years. Touya swallowed at your words, taking a deep breath not knowing what to say, as you tried to wiggle out of his grip once again.
,, Didn’t think you would hate me this much’’ He said as he took one cigarette and lit it up, doing it all with one hand, while his other hand was still making sure you won’t leave.
The message you’ve received from your father made you forget about the person sitting next to you for a second.
,, I don’t know what happened between you and your friends, but don’t let some silly reason break your friendship. You will regret it later. Say if you need some snacks, ly’’
He was right. Why would you ignore your friends just because this piece of shit came back after all those years.
He. Was. Not. Worth. It.
,, Move that dirty hand away from me before I break it ‘’ you hissed at him.
,,Ouch’’ he said sarcastically acting all hurt suddenly, placing the same hand over his heart. He was about to say something, but was stopped with Shiggy’s voice all of sudden.
,, Finally’’ he said hopping beside you two. You were about to leave, but your fathers words were in your mind.
You sat there quietly, answering to Shiggy’s question every now and then and ignoring Touya’s existence. Shiggy didn’t want to push you, so he just let you be, he was glad that you were with them at that moment.
,, We are going to Momo’s holiday cabin this evening. Come with us!’’ he said. Momo planned to visit you today and ask you, but since Shiggy already met you, he hoped luck will be on his side.
,, Sure. What time ?’’ you simply asked. Touya raised his eyebrows in surprise, while Shiggy gave you a high five happily.
,, We’ll pick you up at 17PM. OK?’’ he said and you just nodded in agreement. There’s no way you’ll let him ruin your summer holiday you were so looking forward to. You deserved to have some fun with your friends. Fuck that tattooed grinch.
Since a sleepover was planned, you packed your pajama, phone charger, hoodie and few things you needed into you bag. You sent a message to your father thanking him for his message, and saying that you will spend your night with them.
When they arrived, you saw that Momo was sitting next to the Kai who was driving. You were about to hop behind Kai, but Shiggy told you to move in the middle since you were the smallest one and don’t need much place as he and Dabi need.
Discrimination, you thought to yourself, as you sat in the middle. Trying to cuddle yourself to Shiggy and get away from Touya as much as possible. Acting like the smallest touch of him would actually kill you.
,, Can you move your fucking legs away, you are acting like you own this fucking car’’ you hissed pushing his long legs to the side with your knee.
,, Then sit in his fucking lap if I’m bothering you so much’’ Touya snapped back while taking even more place from you on purpose.
,, Who let this sidekick tag along anyway?’’ you said pushing his legs once more, making Momo laugh. Dabi found it cute how you weren’t even try to hide all the anger that was boiling in you and he only wanted to trigger you more if it was possible.
It was 8PM when you finally arrived. Maybe you could have arrived sooner, but every time Kai would speed up a bit, Momo would start to scream around how he drives like a maniac, and how he will get you all killed.
You were glad when you finally got out of the damned car. Stretching your body out, you took a deep breath. Making your way to the cabin, you placed your bag on the old couch once you got inside.
Not wasting any time, all of you started making plans. Momo and Kai prepared the dinner, while you were changing the sheets for everyone.
Shiggy and Dabi were preparing the table and everything that was on the terrace, like cleaning the chairs and everything else.
You sat on the swing seat, slowly moving with your legs while you waited for food to be ready. The smell of the food made you much hungrier then you expected, making you wish it will finally be done so you can dig in.
The evening was really beautiful. All of you were enjoying it to the fullest, talking about random things and choking on the food. The cold wine was also helping you all with the good atmosphere.
,, Yeah, Toga was always so sick’’ Shiggy clamed as he talked about the girl you all knew from your high school days. He talked about his experience, saying how she turned from such a cute girl into a crazy psycho, stalking him all the time.
,, She seems so cute tho’’ you said taking a sip. You never talked with her, but she looked too cute to be such a psycho.
,,Yeah right, if she had a chance, she would skin you alive’’ Kai said laughing a bit.
,,True, she couldn’t stand you at all. It was all Touya’s fault’’ Shiggy laughed, explaining to you how she had such a huge crush on Touya back then and how she couldn’t stand the fact that you were spending so much time with him.
,, We have a little problem’’ Momo said, coming back to the terrace. ,, We forgot the bag with the rest of the alcohol’’ she added, smiling awkwardly.
,,That’s fine, I’ll go buy us some wine or something’’ you said standing up. You wanted to take a walk anyway.
,,Shiggy get your ass up, you’re coming with me’’ you added as you pulled the sleeve of his hoodie a bit, making him whine loudly.
,,I’m coming with you’’ Touya said, grabbing your arm, not giving you a chance to protest normally. Your friends laughed loudly once they heard your loud curses coming from the inside.
,,Don’t be such a brat and just go, why are you making every single thing so complicated’’ Touya hissed as you were bragging how you won’t go then at all.
Rolling your eyes, you took your wallet and made your way out, speeding up as much as you could, trying to walk away from him.
Maybe it was the wine that was already in your blood, but as much as you tried, you couldn’t escape him at all.
,, Can’t you see that you ain’t fast at all’’ he said annoyed. You raised your eyebrows, ready to complain. You were pretty sure that you were fast as fuck there. At the end you finally gave up, deciding it would be the best to ignore him and deal with it.
,, How long will you keep this shit up?’’ he asked, walking lazily beside you. The fresh air was brushing your skin, as you hugged your wallet close to your chest, ignoring his words once again. When Touya realized that you won’t speak up, he rolled his eyes as he grabbed your arm and pulled you with him into the small alley, left from the sidewalk. Your eyes widened at the sudden change of his behavior.
,, You think you were the only one hurt ? ‘’ He said looking you in the eyes. ,, You think I didn’t want to contact you every day ?’’ he added while his grip got stronger.
,, Oh please, if you wanted you would have contacted me long time ago’’ you said, as you tried to pull your arm away from him.
,, You stupid little girl. There wasn’t a day I wasn’t thinking about you. Every time Shiggy sent me a picture of you, it was eating me alive’’ he said as his eyes were getting a shade darker.
,, I was going thru a fucking hell and you think I had it easy ?You think that you were the only one that suffered ? Doll, I was so in love with you that my mom found me a fucking therapist ‘’ he said not breaking the eye contact. You froze once he started saying all those words.
In love ?
,, You fucking drove me insane’’ he said, pushing you against the cold wall of the building. You couldn’t progress what was going on at all. You never knew that he had that kind of feelings for you. You never knew anything about it. You wanted to think about it, to try and figure out what happened back then. But you couldn’t. His face being so close to yours didn’t let you focus on anything else besides of him
,, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t contact you. But I didn’t want to make things any worse for you’’ he said making you even more confused, unsure of what he meant with that.
,, But I’m back. Can’t you see ?’’ he said placing his forehead on yours. You could feel the pain in his voice. You didn’t know what happened back then, but at that very moment you decided to forgive him and purge all the terrible feelings that were choking you for such a long time now.
Once you two got back with more wine, your friends were surprised when they realized that you didn’t bark at him like you did just 20 minutes ago. They were surprised that instead of being all aggressive, you were trying to avoid eye contact with him, but none of them tried to question it.
It’s not that you were shy, but guilt was eating you alive at the moment. The fact that he went thru as much as you did or even worse, made you feel bad. But hearing him laugh at Shiggy’s jokes and thinking about how he’s here now, you decided to get drunk with them now and think about it later.
,, What took you so long that day anyway?’’ Shiggy asked you, as you guys talked about that one time when Shiggy and you visited your old friend and his girlfriend Melissa one year ago. Talking about how he accidentally came in her, and you had to go buy the DAY AFTER pills for her while she was bawling her eyes out thinking about of the risk that she might get pregnant.
,,Bitch, I didn’t know the city at all. How the fuck could I know where the pharmacy is ???’’ you raised your voice in defense. ,,Not even google maps could help me. How the fuck can I know what HEAD WEST IS ??? I’m not a fucking sea captain’’ you hissed making everyone around you laugh, as you mixed your fourth glass of wine with cola.
All of you laughed and talked about everything. Talking about intimate topics as much as about crazy ones. Kai talked about how he fall for Momo, when she liked his picture on Instagram from 2016. ,, You just didn’t look good in a while’’ Momo said, kissing him on the cheek with a huge grin on her face.
They were so cute.
First one to go to bed were Kai and Momo. The things were getting hotter between them with every new drink they had. Next one was Shiggy, saying he wanted to face time Melissa before bed, leaving you and Touya all by yourselves.
At first none of you talked, focused on the drinks you were too scared to say anything somehow. But you wanted to say so much to him, you really did.
,, So, how have you been?’’ he broke the silence, making you laugh at the random question he asked. The fuck with the formalities.
,, Oh shut the fuck up, don’t how have you been me’’ you choked out while drinking your drink, making him smile at how you were trying to break the tension.
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, or if he was always like that, but he totally opened up, talking about his stupid therapy and about everything his mom was telling him on a daily basis. He was joking around about it, but it broke your heart when you learned about what he went thru.
You talked about all the anger you had for him, about how much you were waiting for him to contact you. You told him about your work, and about billion small and unimportant stories that he gladly listened to.
,,Yeah, I remember that day’’ you laughed as you remembered the day when Touya fed you with the sour candy in front of Shiggy and Kai. ,, But I don’t understand what you did with that candy ‘’ you said as you placed your glass in front of you.
,,I literally sucked it’’ he laughed out, making you roll your eyes at him.
,,Let’s go buy some candies’’ he said as he stood up. Tipsy like that, you clapped your hands and hopped up. Since the night air was getting a little colder, you wore your hoodie and followed Touya outside.
The two of you bought all possible sweets, happy that the shop was the one that was 24h a day opened. Once you got out of the store, you opened the pack of Schoko-Bons, immediately unwrapping one and eating it fast.
,,Oh my fucking God stop it’’ Touya hissed while smile was forming on his lips. ,, Open your mouth’’ he laughed as he grabbed the pack out of your hands. You laughed with him as the memories of you two were going thru your head.
Touya unwrapped the candy, as he explained to you how to eat it. Once he placed the candy between your lips he told you how you shouldn’t chew it at all, how you should just melt it down and enjoy the taste.
,, You are crazy, I don’t see anything special in this method of eating’’ you said trying not to laugh.
,, Sure, nothing is special to you if you can’t vacuum it in a second’’ he said as he ate one of the bon’s. He couldn’t keep his eyes of you, smiling as he watched you trying to melt the candy in your mouth. He missed you so much.
,, Wanna know a secret ?’’ he mumbled to you as you nodded your head in a second, curious what he will tell you. Ready for the tea.
,,Come here’’ he said, leading you to the small alley you were few hours ago in.
,, Wanna know what happened that day ?’’ he asked, smirk forming on his lips as you choked onto the candy not expecting him to start that topic at all. You nodded your head still, wanting to know what made your father and Rei break up in less then one day.
,, Rei caught me masturbating with your panties in my hand’’ he whispered to you, making sure only you heard it, even tho only the two of you were standing there. All alone.
,,Wha-‘’ you caught out in shock. You thought about many reasons of what could happened that day. But nothing dirty as that was on your mind. You immediately started laughing loudly imagining Rei’s reaction.
Thinking about it, you would lie if you said that the image of him masturbating with your panties in his hands didn’t turn you on. Maybe you would be freaked out if you found it out few years ago. But in the image you had in your head wasn’t Touya as your ex brother, it was the attractive tattooed Touya that was standing right in front of you.
He saw the little blush on your face, and immediately commanded you to close your eyes and open your mouth for him. Leaning on the cold wall slowly, you did as he told you.
He placed the small candy in your mouth again. You ate it your way, finding it funny how easily he gets frustrated over it. A quiet laugh escaped his lips, as he got a little closer to you.
You twitched once you felt his gentle hand around your neck, making you open your eyes immediately. ,, Close your eyes’’ he commended again, as his thumb was rubbing your neck gently. Touya told you again to open your mouth.
You smiled and opened your mouth, waiting for the sweet taste of the candy, totally ready to provoke him a little more.
You froze when you felt a warm and watery texture, instead of the sweet candy. Realizing that he literally spat in your mouth, you opened your eyes in shock. Touya tightened his hand around your neck, forcing you to close your eyes again.
,, Now, swallow it for your Niichan’’ he whispered in your ear, spitting loudly in your mouth again. You were surprised when you found yourself obediently swallowing it. The moment you swallowed it, he crashed his lips with yours, pulling you up in his arms with his free hand, only to smash you back against the wall again.
You could feel him smirk into the kiss when he realized that you didn’t hold back at all. Holding onto his arms and kissing him back. Every time his grip around your neck would get tighter, you would open your mouth without him telling you to do it as he would spit all over again.
,, Don’t swallow it yet’’ he said spitting again. ,, Your Niichan has to teach you how to enjoy things properly. ‘’ he added as his hand left your throat alone and made it’s way toward your clothed pussy. Pushing the shorts to the side and rubbing your clit gently.
Once you moaned, Touya spat into your mouth again, while sticking his one finger inside you, slowly pumping it in and out of you. You found yourself swallowing the saliva inside your mouth, a quite but now more clear moan escaping your lips.
Touya added his second finger in, as you started to breath more heavily because of his touch. Wrapping your legs around him, you threw your head back, leaning onto the wall more while his fingers were thrusting in and out faster and faster.
,, Oh my fucking god’’ you moaned out, while his fingers were doing wonders on you, rubbing your walls like no one ever did.
,, Oh, you wanna pray, I see’’ he said, making you laugh unlocking the memory from the past. You tried your best to get the closer you could to him, moving in his arms and trying to get off on his fingers.
,, Does my doll want to cum?’’ he asked, as he sped up turning you into a whiny mess. You wrapped your arms around him and burred your head into his neck, trying to hold your moans since you were in public. Once your orgasm hit you, you had to bite onto his shoulder to keep your moans down.
Touya once again grabbed your throat, and pushed your head against the wall. You whined at the sudden loss of his fingers. Taking his chance he spit into your mouth once more, and placed the two finger between your lips, making you taste yourself.
,,Suck’’ he said, playing with his saliva in your mouth. The fact that you were obeying to every word, was driving him crazy. All he could think of was fucking your brains out.
,, Swallow it doll.’’ He said, and you swallowed it gladly.
The way home felt like forever. The moment you entered the old cabin, you were again in his arms kissing him passionately. Both of you having trouble walking, too focused on each other, you didn’t give a shit if your friends were maybe awake.
Touya couldn’t keep his hands to himself, grabbing your ass while kissing you with desire. Once you finally got into the room prepared for him, he pulled your hoodie together with your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor. Grabbing your hair, he yanked you towards the bed, pushing you onto it and immediately hovering over you. He started kissing your neck and chest, leaving wet and sloppy love bites all over it. Grabbing both of your wrists into his one hand, he pinned them above your head, trying to give you biggest hickey on your neck for everyone to see.
He wanted everyone to know who you belong to.
,, Touya please’’ you beg. You wanted to feel every part of his body. You wanted to touch him, to feel him inside you.
Leaving your arms alone, he pulled your shorts and panties down, not being able to wait any longer. He wanted to tease you, to beg you for him more. But he couldn’t, he had to be inside you. He was waiting for this moment for too long. Without a warning he slammed into you. You were still wet from all the fingering, so he slid in without a problem, still stretching you out with his size making you moan in both pain and pleasure.
,, So tight for your Niichan’’ he breathed out, as he started to move in a steady pace. His hands on your hips now, holding you firmly in place. Every move was getting faster and stronger, making the bed shake and hit against the wall.
You were a moaning mess, hands grabbing onto the sheets as was fucking you hard. Rocking into you roughly as the bed shakes, you didn’t give a single fuck if your friends could hear you, moaning his name out loudly and shamelessly.
,,Touya, I’m so colse’’ you managed to say somehow, as he was kissing your neck roughly, his hips getting more erratic.
,, Cum. Cum all over my cock’’ he said as he started rubbing your clit roughly, while fucking you even harder. Closing your eyes, you moaned his name out loudly as you finally cum again.
,, Fuck’’ he breathed as your walls squeezed his dick. Closing his eyes, he started moving roughly reaching his own climax. His dick twitching and spilling all his seed inside of you.
Just when you thought that he was done, he flipped you over onto your stomach, and started roaming into you again. Grabbing your hair, he pulled your head back harshly as he abused your neck with his lips.
,, Touya, ahh, too much’’ you moaned as he pushed your head into his pillow.
,, You are taking it so good.’’ He moaned as he fucked you recklessly. At this point you were sure that your friends were awake listening to you two.
,, Such a good girl for Niichan’’ he said. Touya wasn’t turned on because he was fucking his ‘’EX sister’’. You two weren’t blood related anyway, but once he felt your walls tighten around his dick again, while you called him ‘’Niichan’’ he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
Fucking you thru your third orgasm, Touya pulled out of you, commanding you to get on your knees.
,, Open your mouth’’ he said, wanting to do something he always wished for. Stoking his dick, one look at you, with your mouth open and tongue out was enough for him to cum in your mouth.
,, Swallow it’’ he said, breathing deeply.
,,I already did’’ you said, as he pulled you up and kissed you passionately.
The next day, you didn’t know how to face your friends. Dabi was acting quite the opposite, looking at you proudly, yet so lovingly once you showed up in his shirt, with bruised neck. No words could describe how much he loved you, how much he was ready to fight for you.
Pulling you into a warm hug, he kissed you in front of everyone. He didn’t know how will he go against your dad and his mother. But in one thing he was sure, he will never let you go again.
You are his, and only his.
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chrizbang · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x female reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: mature content, lowkey slow burn, breeding kink, soft!dom Felix, creampie.
Word count: 2.975
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You and Ashley have been friends for four years now. You went through a lot of hardships together, especially when Ashley had an unplanned pregnancy in the last year of college. Luckily, Mason, now her husband, is an amazing person, and even though it was hard, she was able to graduate. You loved her baby, Arthur, so much, like it was your little brother. You knew that their anniversary was getting closer and you wanted to surprise her.
"No way, I cannot ask you for something like that."
"You're not asking, I'm offering. Besides, you know I love spending time with Arthur," you said, holding your phone with one hand while you tried to wash the dishes you used to eat dinner with the other. 
"I don't know Y/N..."
"Girl, just stop. I'm not taking a no for an answer. Spending quality time with your husband is important and I know that you have been not getting laid lately."
"You have no idea how hard it is to have sex with a one-year-old making a mess everywhere." You both laughed. 
"I'll go to your house tomorrow at 7 pm. Get a reservation at a nice restaurant, get shaved and, wear your best dress. I want you and Mason to have a good time together."
"Okay, but only because it is our anniversary. I'm gonna take this as a present." Ashley sighed, knowing that she had to say yes anyway.
"Because it is, Ashley. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."
"Bye, honey."
You finished your shores and were planning on watching some videos on youtube when you heard your phone buzzing. You picked it up and saw that you had a message.
Felix, 8:45 pm: Hey
Felix, 8:45 pm: Sorry for messaging late but, are you free tomorrow?
You chuckled. Almost 9 pm wasn't late.
Y/N, 8:46 pm: Sorry, I'm going to my friend's house after work.
Y/N, 8:47 pm: I'm going to babysit her baby so she can go have dinner with her husband.
You met Felix at work, during lunch. He was new there and you have seen him sometimes walking around the place, but you never talked to him. Until one day when he dropped his coffee on you. You remembered how embarrassed he was, his cheeks were red and he profusely apologized. Ever since, you had some small talk with him here and there until one day you gave him his number, saying that he could message you if he needed help with something from work. You know it was bullshit since he was from a different department, but still, you needed an excuse to talk to him. He messaged you a few times but eventually, you thought it was a lost cause.
Y/N, 8:57 pm: Why do you ask?
Felix, 9:00 pm: Nothing.
Felix, 9:01 pm: It's silly.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: If it was that silly, you wouldn't have messaged me.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: Spit it out.
Felix, 9:12 pm: There's a convention for Star Wars fans tomorrow. You said that you loved the movies one time so I bought tickets for you.
Y/N, 9:14 pm: Why didn't you tell me before? 
Felix, 9:15 pm: I didn't know if you would want to go. But it's okay, don't worry about it.
You thought for a moment. You really wanted to spend time with him. Felix was so sweet, respectful and kind. He was also very, very handsome.
Y/N, 9:30 pm: Do you wanna come to my friend's house tomorrow with me? 
You looked at your phone five minutes later and saw that Felix visualized the message but didn't answer. "Congratulations, you fucked it up, Y/N," you said.
You sat on your couch and turned the tv on, planning on finally watching your favorite youtube videos, when you heard your phone buzzing again.
Felix, 9:50 pm: Sure, why not? Is it okay with your friend? She doesn't know me.
You sighed, happy that he answered.
Y/N, 9:51 pm: I'm gonna tell her but I'm pretty sure she'll be fine.
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"Is he cute?" Ashley asked, putting on her earring. She looked gorgeous with a tight red dress that accentuated her curves and contrasted with her dark skin. Her curly hair was in a bun, leaving her neck and shoulders exposed. You knew Mason would love it.
"He is very cute. And he's so nice too. I only invited him over because he seems really sweet."
You went to Ashley's house one hour before she would leave for dinner so you could help her get ready, and by help, you meant to force her to wear something that wasn't a t-shirt and jeans.
"How do I look?" she turned around, facing you.
"Gorgeous as always."
Ashley hugged you tight. "Thank you so much, Y/N. You know you don't have to do this, right?"
"But I want to."
The bell rang.
"That's probably Felix," you said.
"Let's go downstairs, I wanna meet this boy."
When you went to the living room you saw Felix talking to Mason.
"Hello, I'm Ashley, nice to meet you."
"I'm Felix, nice to meet you too," Felix raised his hand so he could shake Ashley's hand but she gave him a light hug. You smiled, finding really cute how awkward he was.
"Arthur is sleeping now, he already ate, but if he wakes up, there's milk on the fridge. He usually sleeps all night so you don't have much to worry about."
"Okay, you guys have to go before you're late for dinner," you said, pulling Mason and Ashley towards the door.
"Call me if you need anything. We'll be back tomorrow morning so you'll don't have much trouble with him."
"Don't worry about it. You can take your time."
"Also, don't forg-"
"Baby, we have to go," Mason insisted, holding her hand and trying to get her inside of the car.
"Fine. Bye everyone, see you tomorrow."
You waved at them before going inside and closing the door.
"I'm gonna check on Arthur for a second, you can wait here, okay?" You told Felix.
You went upstairs and checked on Arthur's room. He was sleeping soundly. You felt the urge to lightly pinch his chubby little cute cheeks but you decided not to bother him. You went to the living room again and Felix was sitting on the couch.
"Are you hungry? We bought pizza."
"Uhm, not really."
"Are you sure?" you insisted.
"Okay, one slice would be good."
Felix got up and followed you to the kitchen.
"Your friend has a beautiful house," he said, admiring the place.
"She does. I mean, she's an architect and Mason is an engineer, so they were able to buy a nice place," you cut a piece and handed it to him.
"You said that you studied together."
"We went to the same college, but I graduated in graphic design. For obvious reasons, I don't make as much money as them," you laughed. "Did you always wanted to work in a publishing company?" Felix sat on the balcony standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Honestly, I just wanted to work with what I love. Graphic design is not something that people value but it is what makes me happy." You looked at him and Felix smiled at you, his dimple prominent on his face. He was so cute. "What about you?" "Oh, marketing is definitely not something I dreamed of working with. My family has a long line of people that have been working with it, so I barely had a choice,” Felix confessed. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." He looked thoughtful like his mind was somewhere else. "I actually wanted to work with art. I love painting." "Really? That's so cool. Do you have a picture of a painting to show me? I would love to see it." Felix hesitated for a while before he grabbed his phone and scrolled through his gallery. "Please don't think I'm weird," he said before showing you the picture. You raised your eyebrows when you saw what was on the screen of his phone. A beautiful painting of you. You realized that he used your profile picture on Facebook as a reference. "Felix, this is amazing." "It took me a week to finish it," he said, holding his hands behind his back, clearly feeling shy. "I love it, really." You and Felix finished eating. You talked more about your plans for the future, the things you wanted to do with your life, your dreams. You were sitting on the couch watching tv when you heard Arthur crying upstairs. "Ops, somebody woke up." You got up to go to his room and you noticed that Felix was following you. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." "It's fine, I wanna help you." When you entered the room, Arthur was up in his crib, deeply crying. "It's okay," you said in a soft tone, picking him up. "I think somebody needs to change its diaper," Felix said. "You are right," you laughed. "Let's change this little boy." You put Arthur on the changing mat and started to change him, but to be honest, you had no idea what you were doing. Felix laughed. "Let me help you." Felix quickly changed his diaper, he clearly knew what he was doing. "Woah, how do you know that?" you asked, looking at him dumbfounded. He laughed again, amused by your reaction. "I have a small brother so I have changed his diaper plenty of times." "Aaah, that explains a lot."
"Let's see if he wants to eat," Felix said, holding Arthur in his arms. You went to the kitchen and looked for the milk. After pouring it into a pan, you heated it up. "We need to make sure we don't overheat it so it won't burn the baby," Felix said while he tested the milk's temperature. You put it into a baby bottle and gave it to Arthur who promptly drank it. "I guess he was hungry," Felix chuckled. "Do you plan on having kids, Felix?" you looked at him, completely mesmerized by how good he was with kids. "Yes, I love kids. I plan on having two kids one day." "That's so cute, I'm sure you'll be an amazing dad." Felix smiled, making your heart skip a beat. "Do you want to have kids, Y/N?" he looked apprehensive. "Yeah, one day. I still need to find the right person." "Of course." Arthur went back to sleep again when he was done eating. "Not gonna lie, taking care of a baby can be tiring," claimed said, sitting on the couch. Felix sat next to you, his knee touching your leg. "Do you want to watch a movie?" you asked. "Sure!" Twenty minutes later, you started to sleep. Your head felt heavy until it fell on Felix's shoulder. He simply smiled, enjoying the feeling of you so close to him.
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The sound of the bell ringing woke you up. You were laying on the couch, a blanket over your body. You looked around and Felix was sleeping on the smaller couch next to yours, with just a pillow under his head. You got up and answered the door. "Hey!" Ashley said, hugging you. "Hi. How was your night?" "It was amazing. Thank you so much, Y/N." Ashley went to the middle of the living room to drop her bag on the couch, Mason following behind. "How's Arthur? Did he behaved?" Mason asked. "Yeah, he slept almost all of the time." You rubbed your eyes, still feeling sleepy. Ashley turned around, seeing Felix sleeping on the couch. "You guys could have slept in the guest room," she laughed. "I'm gonna check on Arthur. What about some breakfast later?" Mason suggested. "That sounds great, but I think we should go home. Besides, you guys need to spend some family time with your baby." You woke Felix up, and while he was trying to get conscious, you chatted with Ashley about dinner. Mason went downstairs with Arthur and you chatted a little more before leaving. "Do you want me to take you home?" Felix asked, leaving Ashley's house by your side. "No, it's okay, I'll get an Uber." "Aw, come on. I'm not gonna let you leave on an Uber so early in the morning." You looked at him, admiring the freckles on his skin. His pink lips looked soft and you had to fight the urge to kiss him. "You know what, okay. I'll go with you." The drive to your house was silent, the music playing on the radio helped you to distract the thoughts on your head. The night you spent with Felix was amazing, seeing him being so sweet like that only made you even more attracted to him. Felix stopped in front of your house. "Well, we are here." "Do you want to come in?" "Oh... uhm, sure, yes, that would be great." You smiled and left the car, running to open the door for him. "Please don't mind the mess," you said, taking some clothes that were on the couch. "Don't worry about it." "Do you want to eat something?" "I'm fine, I'm still full because of the pizza from yesterday." "Okay." There was an awkward silence for a while and you realized you didn't think this through. Invite him over and what? "You know what? There's something I want to eat," Felix said. "Oh, okay. What do you want? I have bread, cereal, we can make panca-" "You." "What?" you looked at him, your eyes wide. "I w-want to eat you." Felix stuttered, his face showing that he was feeling too shy to be saying the words that left his mouth. "Oh, I'm... I-" you didn't have the chance to finish, Felix approached you and kissed you. You were still processing what was happening so you didn't kiss him back yet. Felix noticed and stopped kissing you. "I-I'm so sorry, Y/N, I shoul-" "No! It's okay. I just wasn't expecting." You kissed him, holding his face and tasting his lips. His left hand held the back of your head while the other held your waist. He bit your lower lip, his tongue entering your mouth and playing with yours. He pressed his body against yours and you felt his semi-hard dick. You whined, trying to control your breath. "Do you want to keep going?" Felix asked, his forehead resting against yours. You simply nodded. "Where's your room?" You grabbed his hand, guiding him to your room. Once you were inside, Felix slammed you against the door, pressing his body into yours. He started to grind his clothed cock on your heat and, this time, you couldn't hold your moans anymore. "Felix," was all you managed to say before he kissed you again. A messy kiss that screamed how much he was longing for you, how much he desired you. His hand grabbed your ass, pulling you closer as if it was even possible. "I wanna taste you," he said, taking you to the bed. You laid down and he wasted no time to take off your pants, pulling your panties with them in a swift movement. Soon enough, his tongue was exploring your wet lips, savoring the taste of your arousal. Felix played with your clit, his tongue sliding against the sensitive skin. You hoped that your neighbors had already left for work, otherwise you would end up waking them up because of your moans. Felix stopped eating you out to unbutton his shirt. "You have no idea how much I wanted to fuck you," he said, his voice deep, making you raise your hips, craving to be filled up. "Felix, please," you moaned. "You want me to fuck you, baby?" "Yes, please." It was embarrassing, you weren't used to begging. Most of the time that you had sex, you were always the one in control. But not with Felix. "Are you on the pill?" Felix asked, taking the rest of his clothes off and pumping his rock-hard cock. "Yeah, please fuck me." "Anything for you," he growled, sliding his dick into your dripping pussy. Felix already started an incessant pounding into you, stealing moans from your throat. "You are so fucking beautiful." You closed your eyes, feeling the burning on your stomach getting stronger. "Fuck, so fucking good, Y/N. You are taking me so well." "Please, don't s-stop." "Turn around, I wanna fuck you from behind." You didn't have much strength left, but Felix helped you out. He was inside of you again, hitting the right spots in this position. Felix felt your pussy tightening against his dick and he started to play with your clit. "Fuck, Felix, I'm gonna cum," you screamed, not being able to control yourself anymore. You came, a long moan leaving your mouth. "I'm gonna cum inside of your little pussy, I'm gonna fill you up so good." He didn't slow his pace, his hips hitting yours in a fast rhythm. "I'm gonna put a baby in your little cute belly, baby girl," he said, closing his eyes as his dick slid in and out of your pussy. "Fuck," you moaned. "You are gonna look so good, all swollen, f-fuck." A few lazy thrusts and Felix came inside of you. He kept thrusting on you for a while until you milked him out. He laid by your side, trying to catch his breath. Felix put his arm on his face, hiding it. He looked completely flustered. "I'm sorry, Y/N. It was way too soon for me to let out this embarrassing kinky stuff." "Felix, shut up. It was fucking hot," you smiled, turning around to hug him and rest your head on his chest. He played with your hair, the warmth of his skin making you fall asleep. But sleeping wasn't on Felix's plans. "Ready for round two?"
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Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Jackson Neill x Reader
For @storiesofsvu​’s Fall Bingo! Requested by @itsjustmyfantasyroom​
Warnings: Student-professor relationship (adult grad student/not your professor), atheism, assholes in love, pumpkin spice bashing, pumpkin spice appreciation, first kiss, fluff.
1,223 words
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Some relationships are founded upon a mutual love of something, and that positive foundation is built upon by kind words, compassion, and consideration. In other words, people like each other because they’re nice.
Your friendship with Professor Jackson Neill, however, was built on something even better: mutual bitchiness.
A friend in his religious studies class introduced you. “Oh god,” you thought as she invited him to sit with you in the dining hall, fully prepared to roll your eyes at his pious spiritual bullshit. One angry atheist rant later, you realized he was not that kind of religion professor. Jackson devoted his life to exposing “new American religions,” that is, cults, and was a jaded ex-Catholic antitheist.
You were all too eager to listen, and he was thrilled as you took off on your own rant about faith always conveniently justifying whatever beliefs a person wants to believe. “More often, it’s weaponized by an institution to exert control and maintain power,” Jackson cut in, and you were off on a heated debate about individual faith vs. organized religion. Your friend sighed and ate her greasy cafeteria pizza.
He was gorgeous and actually thoughtful on top of the cynicism, but you were afraid to ask him on a date. You were a Ph.D. student. Granted, he wasn’t your professor or even in your department, but it was unprofessional. Besides, he was recently divorced. When you first met, he was still married (if separated), and you weren’t sure he was ready to start dating again. So you kept your crush to yourself.
Jackson became the friend you could always turn to when you needed to snark and didn’t want your other friends to think you were an asshole. You bonded over people who posted too many baby pictures on Facebook, pseudo-science, homeopathy, emails full of bad grammar, Republican senators restricting birth control—there was nothing you couldn’t complain about to each other. It was liberating being with another cynic—not having to filter yourself.
But there was one thing—one entire season, actually—where he betrayed you.
It was the first day of September, and as if the weather were aware of the calendar date, it was sunny and crisp. Leaves, not yet changing color, rattled in the wind from their branches outside the library window. Your phone sat screen-up on the table in front of you in a paranoid bid to see any notifications the moment they came in, but the device remained dark.
Earlier that day, you texted Jackson about how much you hated pumpkin spice—pumpkin spice donuts, pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin spice beer, pumpkin spice breakfast cereal. He called you a bad feminist.
“You only hate it because it’s something women stereotypically enjoy.”
“No, I hate it because it’s disgusting, and the flavor is so artificial it’s like eating a scented candle!”
“Have you ever tried the pumpkin spice latte at Earle’s?”
“I don’t need to. The entire concept is gross and NOT because I hate women.”
“Grouch. Enjoy the season.”
“Never. Take your pumpkin-spice Kool-Aid and get out.”
And then he didn’t reply. No witty retort, no cute appeal to your empathetic side. The message was read, but no response.
You debated messaging, “Just kidding,” but that would sound desperate. Like you cared if he was pissed off about stupid pumpkin garbage. Like the thought of him being mad at you was devastating.
It was only a matter of time before you clashed with people—you were too stubborn, rubbed everyone the wrong way. Why couldn’t you learn to keep your opinions to yourself? He finally realized you’re an even bigger jerk than him. Great. Not only would you never have his heart, now you’d lost his friendship, too.
Tears were pricking the back of your eyelids when a voice rang out behind you:
Jackson grinned as he swept a cardboard coffee tray onto the desk in front of you. The design on the cups surrounding an Earle’s logo was ominously orange.
“Oh my god, you didn’t. Nerd.”
“Just try it, trust me.”
“Fine,” you relented. It made your heart ache that you’d almost been fighting. “Then you won’t be mad?”
“Mad?” His charming voice was marked by confusion. He was approachable in person, with his friendly smile and hints of grey softening his dark hair. No matter how fiercely you debated, he never got offended. You would have realized that if you were looking at him instead of texting.
Your face flamed at the slip of vulnerability.
“Did you think I was angry? Because you’re a bad feminist who unfairly hates delicious seasonal spices?” he smirked. “I could never be mad at you.”
You hoped someone would pull the fire alarm, or you’d wake up before he saw your sulky, pathetic, heartsick expression.
“Look at me.” His voice was suddenly low and firm, filled with concern. He tilted your chin toward him and his reassuring, lopsided smile. “Hey, you put up with me all the time.”
“You don’t think I’m too grumpy?”
“I think you’re perfect.”
Your cheeks were on fire. The way he looked at you from under drooping, half-closed eyelids, leaning over you in your chair, his face close to yours, gave the unmistakable impression of desire. Or were you just imagining what you wanted to see? His lips looked so soft…
You rocked forward an inch, and his lips were as yielding as you imagined, if not as smooth. They were slightly chapped—he never did take enough care of himself—and the stubble around them was scratchy. But oh, he was so warm.
He broke the kiss briefly to search your face. “Was that OK?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, and his lips were on yours again, hungrier this time. His tongue boldly swept out to test the seam of your lips, and you parted them willingly. Your tongue licked forward to meet his, and you tasted the creamy cinnamon and clove of the latte he’d been sipping. “Mmm,” you sighed at the sweetness of his kiss as his hand cradled the back of your head and your arms wrapped around his broad chest, deepening the connection.
When you finally broke apart, your heart was fluttering wildly, and you were surrounded by him—his unique scent, like musty books and clean cologne, his heat… and the goddamned taste of pumpkin spice latte.
His brows tilted, and the corner of his lips charmingly quivered at the precipice of a smile, as if he wasn’t quite sure what you were going to say, but that your next words would reshape his life for better or worse. This wasn’t a sudden impulsive kiss, you realized.
“Jackson…” you sighed, cupping his jaw. Your thumb brushed over his scruffy cheek. “I guess pumpkin spice lattes aren’t that bad.”
A grin stretched beneath your thumb. “Told you!”
You glanced around the library. You’d chosen a quiet corner, and there weren’t many people around, but you supposed Jackson was beyond caring about the professional optics if you were caught. This was something you had both wanted for a long time, deep under your hardened exteriors.
“Can I taste some more?”
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
@beccabarba / @itsjustmyfantasyroom / @thatesqcrush / @dianilaws / @permanentlydizzy / @mrsrafaelbarba / @madamsnape921 / @astrangegirlsmind / @neely1177 / @onerestein / @dreamlover31 / @isvvc-pvscvl  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu / @welcometothemxdhouse / @feedthemadness-sweetie / @law-nerd105 / @amelia-song-pond / @michael-rooker / @xecq / @madpanda75 / @alwaysachorusgirl / @bananas-pajamas / @leanor-min / @mad-girl-without-a-box / @katierpblogg / @worldofvixen / @sassyada / @detectivebarba 
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