#but first i have to finish royal and not die due to stress
lunamothghost · 1 year
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Lineup for my p5!boatem au that I'm trying to develop, they're here to steal hearts and costumers
my prev drawings on this au are here!
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cherryyjjk · 4 years
burnt sweets
summary: you’re finally the royal chef! this has been your dream since you were a kid so you must be super prepared right? stressed and tired, you might have kept the oven open for too long..
pairing: knight! jungkook x baker! reader x prince! taehyung (platonic?)
genre: heavy angst / fluff / crack / medieval! au
word count: 5.1k
warnings: [ tw // FIRE , heavy pain/hurt , scarring ] / cursing / trapped in a collapsed building that’s on fire. please be careful reading.
a/n: i tried my best to do this gender neutral but if i missed something please tell me. the word mx is a gender neutral term for mister/miss type honorifics. i also used lowercase on purpose because i meant this to be a blurb haha,,, enjoy!
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the food would never be finished. or at least that’s what you felt like.
you were the newest chef for the kim royal family and needed to finish— or rather start cooking and making dishes for the feast, only a few nights away. you were on limited time and were becoming increasingly frustrated. you were low on sleep and almost had no time from running to the market every few moments because you forgot a specific ingredient. your old mentor and the old royal head chef, kim seokjin, had been sending you letters about this event since he knew you so well. he advised that if you could cook up the older dishes it would make a good impression. he was also the one who had promoted you from sous chef to head chef, so you owed him everything. but that didn’t mean you couldn’t get mad at him for this.
“you’re kidding me right, jin?” you groaned when you saw jin dusted off the cookbook he held in his hands.
he looked at you in annoyance and tisked at your reaction. shaking his head, he walked to the counter and plopped the book down. opening it carefully, he flipped through the recipes while talking to you.
“oh i’m definitely not. this is from generations ago so it’s very important and that means you cannot get it dirty.”
from his rare authoritative tone, you knew this was serious. putting aside your emotions, you rolled up your sleeves and washed them in a nearby basin. you would have to work hard to decipher what the words would mean, something you quickly realized when you read that you needed to ‘make a foile of gode past as thynne as paper’ for one of the pastries. at the line, you and jin looked at each other in confusion before jin started laughing.
“ah, you have your work cut out for you y/n. good you’re the best chef and baker in the kingdom so you will be fine.”
“debatable. very— okay, what the fuck is a crispel?”
at your sudden burst of obscene language, jin doubled over laughing and dried his fake tears before patting you on the back. he was going on vacation for a while with the head advisor to the king: kim namjoon, also the oldest prince. you genuinely wanted to punch them both, who was going to take care of the feast without the most responsible people?
“don’t stress too much, you still have the youngest prince and that knight of yours!”
“please! i need to just pray that the prince won’t accidentally forget to invite the parks and that knight isn’t mine or anything. i just hope he won’t make my life living hell. i’m going to die just by thinking about this.”
at that point, you thought you would say goodbye to your beloved job at the palace. there was no way you could cook all the dishes, so you had to ask for help. something you absolutely hated. if you could do it perfectly, why did you need help? but going with jin’s ‘superior’ advice, you asked for help.
it was getting better! most of the dishes were finished but no one wanted to bake the pastries. probably because it was the hardest one to perfect and the cookbook made absolutely no sense. but of course, you still had prince! taehyung and knight! jungkook that would definitely make your job worse.
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knight! jungkook smirked as he thought of you. he wondered how many different ways he could make you roll your eyes in annoyance. it was his favorite pastime. but he should probably focus on the sword that was dangerously close to his neck.
“you seem off, jungkook. unless, i’m just better than you now.” prince! taehyung chuckled as he walked towards the jungkook. he lifted the sword from jungkook’s neck and held it on his shoulder.
taehyung’s hair was full of elaborate curls that had been messed up by the sparring practice and his tendency to run his hand through his hair every few minutes. jungkook’s was far worse, due to the fact he didn’t have as many servants at his disposal to help him clean up. his bangs constantly got in the way of his vision, something many palace servants thought of as another charming point to the man.
seeing the sword move away,  jungkook rolled his eyes at the prince’s teasing eyes and got up quickly and got into their separate stances.
the two narrowed their eyes and circled around each other. jungkook stopped and taehyung did in response. with a baited breath, all the other knights watching the sparring match between the best friends tense up. 
jungkook moved first.
he ran with all his might towards the prince and clashed their swords. taehyung put up his sword in the nick of time and sparks flew everywhere. the two were locked in strength, as this scene was more than familiar but nonetheless exciting. jungkook took a chance, wanting to trick the prince by lightening up the force he was using. taehyung, falling for the new trick, took this as tiredness and pushed harder. this all happened in a couple of seconds so both the knights nearby and passing servants watched in awe as the two handsome men battled it out.
jungkook smiled and let go completely, sidestepping to the left. taehyung used too much force and tripped over his feet. jungkook swerved around taehyung and before the prince could look back to defend himself, jungkook had pointed his sword to the back of his neck. taehyung kept his hands up at the feeling of he sword so close, letting go of his own and the clattering sound resounded through the sparring area. but it was not the end.
jungkook taking this as a victory, became a little relaxed and did not expect the next attack. in an instant, taehyung had turned around, dodged jungkook’s swing, and was holding a small dagger to jungkook’s neck. with eyes wide, jungkook let go of his sword, falling to the floor for the entire courtyard to hear.
but before taehyung could claim victory, there was a shout heard from the insides of the palace. letting go of his hold on jungkook, taehyung looked towards the running little boy and tucked the dagger away to not scare the kid. jungkook noticed the child and decided to pick up the swords, believing the kids was about spew some royal duties to his friend. the boy’s feet pattered towards the two men while the rest of the attendants in the courtyard started to disperse and talk amongst themselves.
“i apologize for inconvenience, my prince! i do not mean,” he breathes out quickly, almost hyperventilating, “to disturb. the head chef said not to come so if i must be punished, i do not mind but i must be here!” the little boy said, not older than eight or nine, and was on his knees, looking down in shame.
taehyung and jungkook looked at each other when they both heard the boy say head chef, aka you. as their best friend, you’re hatred for asking for help was something both of them knew too well. so when they heard that you had specifically told this boy not to come to them, that meant something was up. they went closer to the shaking boy, scared he would be punished by the best knight in the kingdom and the bravest prince in the royal family.
taehyung and jungkook kneeled next to the little boy to not frighten him. deciding it was best that taehyung comfort him— as a knight might be too scary and a prince might have a better effect— taehyung put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. the boy slowly raised his eyes to meet taehyung’s and blinked a few times, too much in awe that a prince was right in front of him.
“what is the matter? don’t worry,” taehyung stroked the kid’s back, “i will not punish you.” he said in a soft voice.
instead of replying, the boy looked towards jungkook. jungkook, confused at the action, continued to stare at the child and not understand the silent question he was asking.
“um, sire? will you punish me?” the young boy whispered in fear.
taehyung laughed at the question and threw his head back. jungkook looked offended by taehyung’s reaction but quickly assured that he would not. taehyung added that jungkook was too weak to hurt anyone, but this retort was quickly followed by other insults the two threw at each other in a teasing fun.
“um your majesty?” the little boy asked, breaking up the prince and knight from glaring at each other.
“ah yes, go ahead. what’s wrong?” taehyung asked.
“um, well.. the head chef said that i shouldn’t come here but i know that you all are friends!” the kid said animatedly, making the two men smile and reminiscent of their own youth.
“so i thought you would be able to help. uh, mx y/n needs help. they cut themselves while chopping some vegetables and i think everything is stressing them out. while they were cooking, they said that they wish you two were there to calm them down so i just thought…”
the two young men looked at each other and smiled at the thoughtfulness of the little kid before frowning at your actions. if you were stressed, you should come to them! not indirectly hoping that they would just appear. jungkook patted the little boy’s head, thanked him for his message, and they both changed out of their armor and leaving them with more comfortable.
taehyung’s robes were usually much more intricate than jungkook’s due to his royal status and wealth but today he wanted to stay light. he wore a white plain blouse and black pants. the shirt had golden embellishments on the shoulder and arms. jungkook was dressed in a simple brown shirt with a plain, light green pants as the highest level of knights wore. both men then headed to you.
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“please mx y/n, get out of there!” the two heard while they descended the staircase to the kitchens. when they heard this, they ran down faster. at the entrance to the kitchens stood the entire staff, who were covering their faces with their handkerchieves because of a small amount of smoke.
both taehyung and jungkook widened their eyes and understood what was wrong. you were still in the kitchen. the kitchen that was currently on fire.
taehyung was too shocked to do move as he was not used to this type of situation. usually, he was the one being saved by palace guards for his naivety and curiosity while venturing outside the palace. while taehyung had his mouth agape from the small flames, jungkook was already running into the kitchen. as a trained knight, this was more up his alley. he knew what to do, get inside and drag you out fast. he was working against the raising flames that were not merciful. the kitchen staff tried to grab a hold of jungkook and pull him away from the doors, but he was too fast and strong— again a trained knight.
“y/n! where are you?!” jungkook yelled out, looking frantically around before coughing slightly.
his eyes started to burn at the thickening smoke and he covered his mouth to try and breathe easier. he wasn’t able to keep low to the ground like his mentors had taught him due to trying to find you. the flames were barely licking at his feet and his pants, while jungkook kept looking around for any sign of you. he was beginning to lose hope when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
quickly turning around, his eyes dulled when he only saw that taehyung was inside too and helping him search. realizing that the youngest prince of the kingdom was in a fire, jungkook tried to push taehyung back.
“are you crazy?! this is a fire, hyung!” jungkook tried to scream over the flames that were starting to grow larger. taehyung looked at his friend and after a silent battle, the two continued to search for you, the conversation was over.
“u-ugh, over h-here!” a croaked voice rang out in the billowing blackening smoke, making the two men whip their heads in the direction of the voice.
they tried their best to run towards it but wooden splinters and lines of fire kept preventing them to reach faster. they kept trying and finally found you, blocked off by a ring of fire. you were shaking and facing into a corner, trying to not let the fires touch you or what you were...holding? 
was that a book?
you had been baking— or trying to rather, by the directions of the old book but you had fallen asleep, the first precaution every chef knew to avoid. a little boy was talking about his adventures in the market that morning and while listening to his long, confusing words, you had drifted off on the kitchen counter. your left cheek was still caked with flour from the remaining that was on the counter. you had woken up to crackling and an uncomfortable, oppressing heat from all around you. at that moment you had seen the kitchen counter on fire, and so naturally, you ran out of the kitchen. while waiting for guards to come put out the fire, you had a realization.
that damned book was still inside!
a couple of hundred years of history of sweets was in that book and the royal family would surely lock you up for damaging such an important artifact. but you were more worried about the disappointed and angry face your mentor, seokjin, would have when he realize that you couldn’t even keep a simple book safe— your career and friendship would be over.
while the two men were trying to reach out to you past the rising flames, guards on the outside of the kitchen were putting out the fire with pails of water. everyone was helping out because of the three very important people inside, not to mention the entire food for the upcoming feast was getting burned to a crisp!
“come on y/n! you have to reach out, please!” taehyung’s loud voice rang out and you snapped your eyes open and steeled yourself.
you had to do this, you weren’t going to die now. coughing up a storm, you slowly got on your feet and crouched close to the creaking floor. the floor was wooden and would give out any minute, you three needed to leave fast.
while taehyung was encouraging you to step through the flames and head towards him, jungkook was trying to find something to pat down the flames near you. if you ran through fire at its current height, there was a good chance you would not survive, which he wouldn’t let happen.
he found that there was nothing he could do except try and stomp on the flames with his leather boots, it worked (thankfully) and the flame was small enough where you could jump over it without getting too hurt.
you saw both taehyung and jungkook coughing heavily from the smoke and a fire behind the two of them starting to roar. you squinted your eyes and with a determined mind, you steadied yourself with the book under your right arm. you ran fast and leaped over the stomped fire, right into jungkook and taehyung’s arms.
unfortunately, the flames decided to rise at that exact moment. your ankles that was not covered by your leather shoes and part of your right arm that protected the book were not very lucky. 
the fire ripped through your skin and it felt unnervingly cold, like dipping your limbs into a cold river. it covered little skin but where it did, it was excruciating pain. your skin felt as if it was ripped apart from your body and then singed back on. you could feel blisters bubbling on your arm and cried out.
your right arm was still glued to the book, but your mind was numb and weak from the pain. you wanted to repel away from the place, the heat was making you feel dizzy. you started seeing black spots but someone shook your shoulders and you heard gurgles of words far, far away.
you were screaming. but you couldn’t even hear yourself. someone lifted you up into their arms and the red fire started to be replaced with a darker brown. you were shuffled outside the kitchen but you could be wrong. your shut your eyes but lips still whimpering. you felt yourself being lifted and put into someone else’s cold arms. you liked the cooling sensation and curled further into them and slowly drifted into darkness.
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you woke up to a dark room. it felt like your eyes were still stitched shut and so you looked around for a light. a large window was open and you saw the moon still very much up in the sky. you tried moving your arms, but felt bandages on your right arm. above your elbow, white bandages were tightly wrapped.
your fingers, especially of your right hand, were slow to respond. it took you a few minutes, but it felt like hours, to spread your entire palm on the bed you were on. taking your time, you slowly perched yourself up on your elbows.
a sharp pain ran up your arm and you stopped, shrieking in pain. it was like an electrical shock through your spine and you had to stop moving. you heard footsteps and saw that a door was flung open. you were thankful they hadn’t brought any torch because fire was still a scary aspect.
you saw the silhouettes of two people enter quickly. they were followed by many guards but they all bowed and left with a wave of a hand. the door slammed shut, making you wince on instinct and the two men came closer, the moonlight shining on their familiar faces.
taehyung and jungkook.
you tried to speak but out came a raspy noise from the back of your throat. taehyung brought over a cup of water while jungkook tried to lift you up into a sitting position without moving your foot and making you lean on your left side. you desperately drank the water, gulping it down and almost choking if taehyung hadn’t tilted the cup back. after calming your breath, you looked up.
“w-what happened..?” you croaked out.
the two men slowly backed away from you and sat at the edge of the bed you were lying in. you noticed that the bed you were in was much larger than your usual one. looking around more, you realized you were in prince taehyung’s royal chambers. your feet was wrapped with gauze and propped up on pillows. there was also a white blanket that was falling off the bed and onto the ground.
taehyung looked to jungkook’s face who was blank without emotion. jungkook looked down at lap and was fumbling with his hands, something he never did. he was usually so calm and poised due to his training but this was not something he was trained for. he let out a frustrated grunt and got up, looking away from the bed and to the window.
taehyung ignored his best friend’s response and looked up at you softly. he patted your head tenderly and tried to send a reassuring smile towards you.
“..you passed out, from the pain i gather, after jungkook lifted you into my arms. he was running to find the royal physician while i tried to warm you up.” taehyung started with a distant look on his face.
“w-warm me up? w-why would you need to do that if the f-fire-“
“because you were shivering!” jungkook burst, looking at you in a pleading fashion. his arms were stretched out in fear and he walked towards you. you could see the tears forming in his eyes when he continued.
“the royal physician said that you developed a fever from the burn and we were trying to keep you warm. taehyung thought it would be warmer in his room so we left you here— that doesn’t matter!”
jungkook sat down at the left side of your leg and looked sadly at your feet. taehyung was on your right and the two looked at you intently. you reached for their hands and intertwined your hands while glancing between your friends. it was hard to move your right arm but you suppressed the pain to hold taehyung’s hand, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“why did you go back to save that stupid book?” taehyung asked, tears already falling down his cheeks.
“i-i thought it was important. seokjin said that it was a family heirloom and..” you trailed off, not able to meet their faces.
jungkook started again, “and what? you weren’t thinking, that’s what! y/n. your life is more valuable than that stupid book! you should know that.”
“also, we heard from a little boy that you were feeling stressed. you’re supposed to come to us when you feel that way, not just want us to magically appear. how many times do we have to tell you that?” taehyung quietly insisted.
“don’t get me started on that, i’m still angry at the fact that you risked your life for a stupid book and ran into a fire—” jungkook tried again to reason.
“oh will the two of you shut up?” you said annoyed and furious. you were not going to just listen to your best friends berate you in this way.
“yes it was stupid but guess what? i survived—”
“fucking barely.”
you glared at the outburst of both of them and continued.
“i have been trying to prove to you and this entire kingdom that i am willing to be the royal baker and i have painstakingly worked my ass off for this job! i love doing this and i know i’m good at it. yeah, my feet are hurt and my arm is weak but i’m alright, okay? i should’ve asked for help but it seems that’s all i do. i wanted to be independent..”
taehyung and jungkook looked at each other before smiling at your face. you lifted one eyebrow in question but they stayed silent. taehyung closed his other hand to encase yours.
“you are independent, y/n. you were able to make all the food, much of which we were able to save, for the feast. if that’s not an incredible feat, i don’t know what is.”
“not to mention, the sweets you’ve been baking for the past week? i may have taken a few of those— uh what do you call it? crispels? anyways those honey baked goods, ooh those are so tasty!”
“oh.. thank you. i suppose i have done— wait, you ate some crispels? those take me four hours for each batch!” you demanded jungkook, whose doe eyes were wide in fear of your reaction.
taehyung giggled at your response before the rest of you joined in. you smiled at your friends, not only had they saved you from a fire, they had also made you feel better for doing something so incredibly stupid. they really were the best, but you were worried. what about the food that was burned up? who would make it now that you were out of commission.
“don’t worry too much about the feast. i was talking with my father and who would’ve guessed? i forgot to invite the parks.. so since their journey will take them two weeks, we still have some time!” taehyung chuckled awkwardly while you rolled you eyes at his foolishness.
you released your hands from your friends and looked at your fingers. they were dry and cracked, clearly no one had thought to thoroughly clean them when the physician was applying salve to the burns. you tried clenching them but your right arm felt like it was engulfed in flames and the searing hot pain made you yell out and grab it in shock. taehyung got up to make sure the bandages were not too tight while jungkook rubbed your back helplessly. while feeling bad and still a little guilty that you couldn’t cook, you started to think.
when you looked at them, you got an idea. your smirk only made the two men confused, as they could only imagine what favor you were going to ask of them.
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“no, no, no! you’re doing it all wrong taehyung. you need to marinate the strawberries in the honey, then stir the egg white into another bowl. see, look at— no jungkook! that’s flour, not sugar! wrong ingredient!” you yelled in your house, while sitting and overlooking the two men in your own kitchen.
since the royal kitchen was still being repaired, and you needed to bake the rest of the sweets (apparently all of your helpers had gotten hurt too), you had decided to move the things into your own small home. the two men had visited multiple times, but never to cook anything— that was your speciality, not theirs.
and you could clearly see it. the two made a mess while not being able to help and it irritated you so much. your royal check ups with the physician proved that you would not be walking for a while and so you had to rest. 
but, things in the kitchen were getting better. after the fifth attempt, you were happy to say that taehyung put all the ingredients in the right order and jungkook used all the right ingredients. but seriously, how was taehyung not be able to follow directions? he’s a prince! and how did jungkook mix up flour and sugar? they are completely different smells and textures!
now this, this was the hard part and since you right arm was especially weak and your left arm currently holding up your entire torso, you were unable to whip the mixture. they started to and oh boy, they were tired in seconds. you had created this recipe when experimenting but never able to test it out. with two trained soldiers, you thought they would be able to do this for longer.
after a few hours, they were able to make a soft, creamy consistency. perfect for your honey and strawberry crispels. the two men dabbed the cream on top and the three of you cheered. you all ate the sweet, and almost instantly the dozen batch was gone.
for your ingenious creation, you needed a name. you wanted to call it ‘whipped cream crispels’ but both of your friends decided it against it, wanting a cooler name to impress their friendly rival, prince jimin of the park royal family. taehyung decided to call the cream ‘snow’ because jungkook’s inability to see the difference of white ingredients. while jungkook added ‘honey-dipped strawberries’ at the beginning to remind taehyung the order of doing things.
so, your ‘honey-dipped strawberries in snow’ was served at the grand feast a few weeks later when the parks finally arrived. 
saying that prince jimin was impressed by your baking skills was an understatements. his compliments were so inflated that even taehyung and jungkook were getting jealous by the amount of your attention he was taking up. they almost dueled and probably would have if you hadn’t brought out more sweets for them to try.
“these are amazing, y/f/n! truly, your baking skills are no match for anyone. please sit down.” jimin said in his dark blue royal coat. he had a big smile on his face after eating your sweets and was gesturing to the seat next to him.
“o-oh, thank you. that’s very kind of you to say, your majesty.” you stuttered at the compliments and your cheeks felt very warm. you sat down and held your hands in your lap. your feet still got tired easily so it was a nice break.
“you can call me jimin, y/n. you know, your skills could be used wisely in my kingdom. i would even offer you a room near myself to make sure that i try out all of your sweets. what do you say?” he said smirking and ignoring the two shocked faces in front of him on the other side of the dining table.
“um, your maj- uh jimin, i don’t think that’s necessary. i’m—”
“she’s quite happy here, jimin. i don’t think i like what you’re implying, hyung.” taehyung stated right across jimin. he crossed his arms in annoyance at the older prince’s words.
“i don’t ever know what you mean!” jimin said innocently looking forward.
“oh please! even i know you’re just saying all of that because you think y/n is attractive. back off, they’re not interested.” jungkook said. he stepped forward from the door, where he was guarding, and right behind taehyung. his tone was not polite manner which you quickly glared at him for. he looked at you in confusion before groaning.
“hm, i don’t think so. what about you, y/n?”
“what about me? um, sir?”
jimin only smirked coyly at your formalities and liked how sweet you were. maybe that’s how your food was so delicious, or maybe it was the excess amount of sugar.
“well, do you want to go to my kingdom? i could show you around.. or more importantly for your interests, i could show you an old cookbook of ours and my people’s way of making sweets.”
you paused, that would be a good idea. wouldn’t it? you get to visit a whole new kingdom, learn new recipes, and spend time with a prince. but you suddenly remembered your mentor’s teachings when you first entered the palace.
“rule number one: don’t flirt with any royal.” seokjin said with a stern face.
“pfffft like i would want to!” you said mockingly
“i’m serious. they can be a little.. mischievous.”
“fine, whatever.”
you came back to the present and smiled wide at jimin. both taehyung and jungkook were losing their minds while jimin was just enjoying the silence. if you went with jimin it would weaken your loyalty to their kingdom and they would be very jealous so it wasn’t a good idea— not like that was even remotely running through your mind. you just wanted to stay with your friends.
“i am very honored to be offered such an option. thank you, prince jimin, but i’m going to have to decline. my place is here with prince taehyung and sir jungkook, it would be rude of me to leave the palace without a head chef.”
jimin was surprised by your words but smiled softly that you were thinking of your friends. he patted your good shoulder and got up from his chair. scared he would be offended, you stood up as well. jimin gestured for you to sit down and so you did. he bowed to taehyung and jungkook in respect for his younger friends and you as well. you looked down too and he quickly left to the guest chambers. of course, he still wanted the last word.
“you can always change your mind and discuss it further in my room, y/n. i’ll see you soon!”
once the door closed, taehyung and jungkook started animatedly, and you hoped they were joking, talking about how they would completely defeat jimin at dueling during next morning’s practice. you laughed at their reactions but were happy to have such good and protective friends. you ate one of your sweets and smiled.
© 2021 by cherryyjjk ;; all writings and other content on this blog are my intellectual property. you may not reuse, reprint, translate, repost, steal, or any other type of stealing of my works.
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poptod · 5 years
Say My Name (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: You’re a harpist that gets noticed by the Prince, to your own terror. The prince is only trying to get your affection - but you simply won’t break the rules. You won’t even say his name. After all, it’s not allowed.
Prompt: Harp
Notes: Okay so recently (just now) I realized I can post my long fics! When I first came to Tumblr I couldn’t post them due to length, but now I can! I used to write big, long fics all the time, but it turns out people prefer smaller, more frequent fics, and since it takes me around three weeks to churn one of these babies out I’ll probably stick to my shorter fics. Gender neutral again, your name is Nour for historical reasons :) Also, I wrote this before I found out how Ahk was killed, so apologies. Enjoy!
AO3 Link: Say My Name
Word Count: 11.9k
It wasn’t your place to say a thing. In fact, if you did say a thing, you might get punished for it. Yet that was the partial beauty of him - if you mentioned your observations to him, and him alone, he would take it in stride. You hadn’t ever spoken to him before, never met him, but you’d heard rumours. Still, you continued playing your instrument, avoiding his gaze.
Celebrations such as this (a birthday) were one of your favorite things to do, despite how stressful they were. Constant pressure from superiors, a near command to memorize complicated music. Oftentimes, you felt you hadn’t picked the right career. Other times, you saw yourself doing nothing else.
The prince continued to stare at you, his gaze menacing. He hardly ever looked at you like that, or anyone for that matter. It led you to the conclusion that most likely, he was not directing his anger at you, which only raised more questions.
You were not allowed to leave in order to eat, or drink, or take a break. You and your ‘band’ were the best players that the palace had; thus the orders were to play till the last guest left. Because of this order, you could not ask the prince. You shouldn’t anyway, you knew that very well. You weren’t even supposed to look at him. Yet with such piercing eyes set upon you, it was a little hard to follow orders.
The birthday celebrations lasted long into the night, and you continued to play until the last guest left, leaving only the royal family. A mother and a father, friendly in stature and cruel in rulings, an elder son looking highly displeased, and a younger son, deep in thought.
“You may stop,” the Queen told you, and you did not meet her eye. You bowed low, packing your instruments up.
“Harpist,” the prince’s voice called you, and you turned, eyes fixated on the floor. It was beginning to look very interesting. “I’d like to discuss some things with you,” he said. His mother whispered something to him, and he whispered back, louder, though still indiscernible.
“Yes, my prince,” you said, bowing. You turned back around, eyes wide, face red with embarrassment. You finished packing up, and as your friends left, they pat you on the shoulders comfortingly. A weak way of apologizing for whatever fate you were about to face.
The prince turned down a hallway, golden robe trailing behind him. You looked around confused. Were you to follow him? His mother quickly gestured at him, frowning at you. You bowed quickly, following him down the hallway.
Torches lined the painted walls, giving light to the stories that had been etched there. Your eyes followed the stories, the marvelous art that you hardly ever got to see in your daily life. Eventually he turned into a room, and you followed, your instrument still in its’ case by your side.
He turned quickly around to you, watching as you set the case down. He caught your eye, and your eyes zipped down to the floor.
“No, don’t do that,” he said, practically floating over, lifting you by the chin so you could meet his eyes.
You’re pretty sure you might’ve blacked out for a good two seconds. You weren’t allowed to know what he looked like. You weren’t supposed to see his face, and by all that was holy you were not supposed to touch him.
“I need your advice,” he said, now heading towards the balcony. You did not follow him, thinking it would suffice that you could hear him from the large doorway. He did not seem to agree, as he beckoned you over. You bowed your head a little, following his command, soon standing at his side.
“Do you have any siblings?” He asked you, looking up at the sky. You stared at the ground as you spoke.
“No, my prince,” you answered simply, addressing him properly.
“Do not call me that,” he said firmly, and you watched as his hands gripped tighter around the edge of the balcony. You took a deep breath, feeling your body shake. “You may simply refer to me by my name.”
You nodded, though didn’t fully process his request.
“My brother,” he started quietly, tensing and intending his muscles. “I am worried he will do something rash. What do you suppose I should do?”
Why in the world was he asking you for advice?
“Pardon my questioning,” you said, knowing you shouldn’t at all be asking this, “but why do you request my advice? I am just a citizen.”
“That is exactly why,” he said, and he turned to face you. Knowing the demand before he pronounced it, you looked at him. You hoped the fear was not evident on your face.
“Why would the prince do something rash?” You inquired, tightening your grip on the railing.
“He has been angry recently. I’m not sure why, but when he gets angry for long periods of time, he tends to end up murdering people,” he said quickly, intaking a shaky breath.
“I think you’re stressed,” you said before you thought about it. He turned to you, looking a little surprised.
Ah, so this was how you were going to die.
“I suppose you’re right,” he mumbled, looking to the ground as if he were ashamed. Why would he be ashamed in front of you?
He looked back up at you.
“Do you have any suggestions for stress relief?”
“My prince, I really do not believe this is appropriate-“
“My name?” He asked of you, and hesitantly, you obeyed.
“Ahkmen, this isn’t appropriate,” you told him flat out, no more beating around the bush. He nodded in agreement.
“Fun things are seldom ever appropriate,” he said with a smirk, grabbing your wrist and leading you back into the room. You might’ve blacked out again. He led you to his bed, where he sat, making sure you stood exactly in front of him. He grabbed both your hands, holding them in his.
“Would you mind playing your harp again, for me? A private performance,” he asked quietly, a tenderness you didn’t expect very apparent in his eyes. Hesitantly you nodded, releasing yourself from his grip and wandering over to your case. You took it out, wondering where you could sit in order to play it. Deciding against asking for a seat, or heavens forbid sitting next to him, you kneeled on the ground. The rounded end of the harp let it fall onto your left shoulder, and you plucked out a melody. The sharp and staccato sound was pleasant to your ears, but you’d heard a great deal of it already that night. You took some liberty, changing up a few of the tunes and chords, stroking the strings a tad different than usual.
“You play beautifully,” he commented near the end of your piece. You smiled up at him, before directing your attention back to the music, not wanting to lose concentration.
“Do you sing as well?” He asked, moving to lie back against the pillows of his bed. You shrugged. Yes, you sang, but you weren’t a singer. You told him this, and he told you to sing for him.
“If you don’t mind,” he added at the end. You nodded once more, starting on a lullaby that you knew very well. It was comparatively short next to your last piece, and when you finished, he asked you where you had picked it up.
“My mother used to sing it to me,” you informed him quietly, putting the harp back into its’ case.
“My mother sang me songs sometimes. Oftentimes it was other women,” he said, sitting up properly. “Sit next to me,” he asked of you, and you obeyed. There was no hesitation in your movements, realizing at this point he was trying to make your life difficult by bending rules that you didn’t have a desire to bend. The faster you listened to him and obeyed, the faster the night would end, and the faster you’d be able to breathe again.
“Spend the night with me,” he requested. You felt yourself mentally draw the line right there.
“That is not appropriate, my prince, I must leave now,” you said, hands shaking and voice reverberating your fear into him. You immediately stood up, briskly walking over to the door where your harp lay safely in its’ case.
“At least let me say good bye,” he said hurriedly, getting up after you. He grabbed your wrist before you could reach your case, pulling you towards him. You turned to face him, bright red and highly embarrassed.
“I will see you again,” he said, and your eyes immediately directed to his lips. He raised your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, watching you intently the entire time. You stopped breathing momentarily.
“G - good bye,” you said quickly, pulling your hand away, grabbing your harp, and leaving. You avoided the stares of palace workers and officials as you left, keeping your head down as you were taught to, until you reached more common streets.
You blacked out once you reached home, collapsing onto your bed.
Two days later, you’d achieve the same state of terror, or more, as you had two nights before. Palace guards showed at your door, giving you a notice that you were to present yourself to the royal family. Your roommate congratulated you, but you felt the opposite reaction was called for. Stress such as this was not a thing you handled easily.
Nevertheless, you presented yourself, with your instrument, as they had told you. A man you did not know, dressed extravagantly, informed you that you were to become a private musician for one of the princes. You nodded, sort of expecting that.
You respected the royal family. It wasn’t that which made you sour, or the fact that your servants quarters were shared with four other people when you originally lived with only one other person. You didn’t mind leaving your possessions behind.
Your problem was that you could get caught. The prince was the one being rash, doing things he aught not to do, things that could get him punished and you killed. Unfortunately, you had a thing about death, where you sort of didn’t want to die. Sounded a painful, unpleasant experience all around.
Later that evening, after mulling about in your new room alone, you were ordered to the young princes room. They never spoke his name, you noticed, and you realized how much worse that made the fact that you had called him by his name at least once.
You knocked once on the door, it being loud enough that you didn’t feel the need to knock again. A voice from inside called, ‘come in,’ so you let yourself in, announcing your presence with what was left of your dignity and professionalism.
He didn’t wear his cape or crown, but he kept his skirt and sported a light shawl.
“My prince,” you said simply, bowing. He chuckled, nearing you. You stood straight once again, keeping your eyes on the ground.
“Good to see you came back instead of running away. I told you I’d see you again.”
“What do you need, my prince?”
He frowned slightly, leading you further into the room.
“I thought we got over the formalities last night,” he commented sadly, still holding your wrists.
“What am I here for?” You asked once more. He sighed, giving in to your question.
“I told my parents about your music. They suggested you live here so you can help me with my, uh, stress, when needed. I thought it to be a good enough idea, and besides,” he leaned in a bit closer, “I wanted to see you again.”
“Are you currently stressed?” You asked, observing him with a calculated look. You shoved your emotions as far down as you could, hoping that would help for this evening.
“Yes, I’m afraid my brother has been a continuous worry to me,” he said, stepping away from you, beginning to pace the room. “He accuses me of awful things, and because it would be shameful for him to physically harm me, he has begun harming our servants and slaves. It’s painful to watch, and I can’t do anything about it. If I do, I will seem unfit to be royal, and I may be cast out. I can’t risk that.”
“Have you tried asking him what’s wrong?”
“I can’t do that. I thought of it, but he’s closed off, and even if he would tell someone he would never tell me. I don’t think he trusts me.”
“The trust of cowards is not something worthy to gain,” you said distractedly, looking at the patterned ceiling.
“Perhaps you’re right,” he said, stopping his pacing. “You’re really quite intelligent, aren’t you?” He neared you, standing in front of you again. You hadn’t moved from your position near the door.
“I have my uses,” you said, and he laughed, his smile delicate and very unlike who he currently presented himself as. You felt yourself weaken for a moment.
“Would you mind singing to me again?”
“Of course, my prince,” you replied, kneeling to open your case. He held a finger beneath your chin, raising your head to look at him. He towered above you in this position, a general air of dominance that made you shiver emanated from him.
“My name?” He asked quietly, his kind voice betraying his commanding exterior.
“Of course, Ahkmen,” you repeated yourself, weaker. He smiled, and left to lie on the bed. You resumed pulling out the harp, taking once more your kneeling position on the floor, the harp falling on your shoulder as you plucked at the strings. You tapped your foot to the beat, making sure that you didn’t lose your count. Every now and then you’d look up to the prince, watching his expression for any sign of displeasure. Each time he showed none, so you continued.
“What’s your name, harpist?” He asked, interrupting your playing. You shook your head a bit, getting back on track. You continued to play as you answered.
“Nour,” you said simply, concentrating deeply.
“Beautiful name,” he said quietly, sighing as he relaxed back into his bed once more. You took a deep breath, calming yourself as you kept playing. A few minutes later, he stood, walking up to you. He paused your playing, asking that you put your harp down. As always you obeyed.
“Come with me,” he said, and you again followed him. He led you out the door, and down a back hallway. The paintings on the walls disappeared, and eventually all the torches faded away. He continued leading you down more and more complex hallways, the structures confusing you. It hit you then that it would be very easy to trap you here, and that if someone wanted to kill you here, it wouldn’t be that hard. But, if the prince wanted to kill you, he could’ve done it in broad daylight.
You continued walking behind him until a small doorway appeared, lit up by the moonlight. You jogged a bit to catch up, watching him disappear down steps.
“It’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?” He called back to you, now practically running down the steps. You watched him, his eyes glued upon the river in the distance. He began running, you trailing after, weaving through the reeds that grew on the banks of the water. Eventually he stopped at the rivers edge, the sandy shore riding just above his sandals. You stopped beside him, panting, crouched down slightly. You weren’t used to exerting yourself physically. Apparently, he was.
“My prince, you must be careful, you don’t know what kind of animals could sneak up on you,” you panted, finally standing to your full height beside him. He looked at you, laughing.
“Don’t worry, much of this stretch is harmless. Too narrow to truly be a resting spot for anything dangerous,” he informed you, stepping out into the river. You froze, eyes wide as you watched him. As he continued, the water only came up to his mid calf, soaking his pants.
“Join me,” he said to you, facing you with a hand outstretched. You clenched your hands into fists, thinking about how awfully wrong all this was. You weren’t supposed to be here, not with him, certainly not by yourself, and you weren’t supposed to look at him. You weren’t supposed to touch him. He wasn’t supposed to deal with sorts like you. Lowly sorts.
You took his hand. Barely laying your fingers in his before he curled them tightly around yours, pulling you in. You stumbled slightly, regaining your balance in the water as it splashed up your legs. The moon reflected brightly in the water, but despite this you couldn’t see much of the details of his face. You could tell that he smiled though, his laughter echoing in the silent lands. However much you knew this to be wrong, you smiled with him, warm water coming up to your legs.
“See? Nothing wrong,” he said quietly, pulling you in closer and grabbing your other hand in his. All ease slipped away, and you choked up, staring petrified at him.
“We shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be doing this,” you said, voice high and shaky.
“Shouldn’t be doing what? Enjoying myself?” He raised a single eyebrow at you, judging you with a funny look in his eye. He was smiling.
Your fears came pouring out. They filled your entirety, boiling beneath your skin and itching to come out, like a rash upon your tongue.
“You shouldn’t… I shouldn’t be talking with you, I shouldn’t look at you, I shouldn’t touch you, I-“
“It’s not your fault. If anyone is to put blame on us, it will fall solely on me, I will make sure of it,” he told you quietly, an attempt to calm your fears.
“And what will happen to you then? You’ll be punished,” you choked out, feeling your throat swell up.
“All worth it to spend time with you,” he whispered, drawing ever closer. You took a step back, the water splashing up the back of your legs.
“Why are you so invested in me?” You asked, trying weakly to pull your hands out of his grip. He did not let go.
“Your playing enchants me, and the way you refuse to, well… bond with me, I suppose, is intriguing. Most people I’ve met jump at the chance to form a sort of relationship with me. Simply because of my standing,” he explained quietly.
You hardly believed people only associated with him because of rank. He happened to also be an incredibly nice person, as well as truthful and sincere unlike any royalty you’d met before. Not only that, despite what you continuously told yourself, he was very handsome.
“I hardly believe it’s only because of your royalty,” you said, voicing only half your thoughts.
“Why’s that?” He asked quickly, leaning in further, pulling you closer. He looked desperate, curious for your answer. You breathed deeply. He smelled of perfume. Of course.
“You’re one of the more benevolent royalty that I’ve met,” you said simply, not meeting his eyes. His eyes however, did not waver from yours, attention directly on you. Your skin felt hot beneath his touch.
“Is that why you won’t say my name?” He came chest to chest with you, the words from his mouth heating your cheek beyond what was comfortable.
“My prince, I am only here to play music for you,” you breathed out, weak and indecisive. Your gaze stay fixed on his shoulder and past, to the river shining behind him.
“You are here to help with my stress. That’s your job specification, and you’re doing a terrible job at it,” he laughed, his body swaying slightly.
“I think I would be better at it if you didn’t put me in stressful situations,” you retorted before you could think. Eyes widening upon reflection of what you just said, your breath caught in your lungs. An unpleasant tingle shivered through your legs, making you weaker than you already were.
“Don’t worry so much and you’ll be fine. I have to say you’re doing a wonderful job distracting me from my brother,” he told you, continuing to sway, moving your arms back and forth in some mock form of a dance. “Enjoy yourself,” he said, leaning in and whispering the words against your ear. You blacked out for two seconds again, before blinking, looking to his face, his eyes attracting you immediately.
He was scanning your face, a concentrated look in his eyes. He blinked a few times, sighing, before letting go of your hands.
“Let’s go back to the palace,” he said quietly, turning and leaving you calf deep in the water.
The sick pit in your stomach began feeling worse the longer you spoke with the prince. After three full moons had come and gone, you came to a comparison. It was a terrible comparison to make, and you’d never, ever voice it, but you felt as though you were being tempted by a demon. Play for him. Look into his eyes. Touch him just a little more. Call him by his name. Lean into the temptations and be damned for eternity, but stay away and you’ll suffer heartache worse than death.
You decidedly never crossed the border of touching him in any sort of way - no, anything that happened in accordance with that was entirely his fault. You never called him by his name. You tried your best not to look into his eyes, in fear of losing yourself within them. They swirled gold and foreign delicacies, new and familiar all at once.
You didn’t dare look at him.
“Perhaps if you become my advisor, I will be able to see you more often,” he pondered, staring up at the ceiling. He was lying next to you, in a pile of blankets of pillows, arms crossed behind his head. You played your harp quietly, not wanting to disturb his thoughts too much.
“You want to spend more time with me?” You asked quietly, astounded. You weren’t exactly an incredibly interesting person.
“Of course. You’re intelligent too, so it’s not like you’d give me terrible advice. The position wouldn’t just be for show,” he added at the end, looking up at you, before resuming his study of the ceiling.
“I do not believe commoners can become royal advisors. Or should, in the very least,” you said, trying to continue your concentration on your playing. You plucked a few wrong notes as the conversation continued. He didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s possible, and it’s not like you have to be a vizier or anything. That’d only happen if I became pharaoh, which would only happen if my older brothers died, which they hopefully do not,” he said, continuing on to describe what your life would be like if you became his advisor. You had a thought, but waited till he finished his spiel.
“My prince, is it not a bit redundant for you to have an advisor? You’re not making any political decisions, and-“
“Think of it more as a personal assistant,” he interrupted, looking up at you hopefully. You sighed tiredly, but nodded. He was quiet for a while after that, so you could continue playing in peace.
You were informed the next day that your job had been changed from ‘stress reliever’ to ‘personal servant/advisor,’ and that your quarters would be moved nearer to the princes’. It was quite the step up in the world, which was the last thing you needed, but the prince seemed to think otherwise. You were treated with an ounce more of respect, and at first you weren’t sure what to do with it, and your confusion only got worse throughout the day.
Apparently, when you’re someone’s personal servant/advisor (a job that has never existed before) you have to accompany said person everywhere they go. This included meetings, meals (where you weren’t allowed to eat), as well as important openings, surveying building and planting, and a good amount of educational programs.
Overall, a very tiring day, and you were very much ready to collapse when the moon finally shone.
You accompanied the prince back to his room, wondering how he kept his energy up. You quickly answered the question for yourself, remembering that he’d been doing it his entire life.
He must’ve noticed your state, dragging behind him but keeping your posture up despite.
“Are you alright Nour?” He asked, stopping and turning around to face you. You quickly nodded, trying to keep your eyes open. He looked doubtful however, eyeing you suspiciously.
“You don’t have to play for me tonight if you are this exhausted,” he comforted, resting a hand on your shoulder and trying to give you a sincere look. You didn’t look at him, still too afraid. Especially now, in public, with his hand on your shoulder, where anyone could see.
“I am able to play,” you said, shaking your head a bit, trying to clear out the drowsiness. He continued looking at you skeptically, but allowed you to enter his room, you once again taking your harp from its’ case. He sat in his new pile of pillows and blankets, closing his eyes, and losing himself in your playing. You blinked slowly, feeling a warm, fuzzy blanket come over your thoughts. Despite this you continued playing, trying your best to concentrate. Unfortunately you must’ve made some mistake, because you felt a hand on your wrist, and a voice penetrating the warm blanket that had come over your eyes.
“Nour, go to sleep,” he said, and you opened your eyes, your consciousness falling immediately into his warm and worried eyes. The whole world still felt fuzzy, as though you were half in a dream, the only thing fully grounding you being his hand around your wrist.
“I can play,” you said thickly, the words sounding as though they came from far away, but reverberated in your empty chest.
“No you can’t-“
You closed your eyes, just to blink, but ended up doing a lot more than that. You fell straight asleep, flopping forward onto the prince’s shoulder… unfortunately.
When you awoke, it wasn’t your assigned room. You then quickly remembered that you had moved rooms the day before, settling your worries. You were then further worried when you realized you did not own a golden vase, and the blankets you were given certainly weren’t this soft. You sat up quickly, feeling dizzy.
“Good morning,” the prince said with a soft chuckle, smiling at you from his bed. You felt about ready to throw up.
“D- did I fall asleep?” You asked hurriedly, ready to apologize as soon as he confirmed.
“Yes, but it’s not a problem,” he said, stopping you before you started. You gaped at him, horrified.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” You asked, instead of screaming. His eyes widened, glancing sideways as his cheeks darkened. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You blinked again. Were you seeing this right?
“… I didn’t want to wake you,” he admitted quietly, head dangling embarrassed between his shoulders. You took a deep breath, trying to fully understand the situation.
“Okay. So… you let me sleep in your room all night… because you didn’t want to wake me up?”
He paused before answering.
“… Yeeeesss?”
You got up, dusting yourself off. You waved good bye to him silently, smiling awkwardly, ready to leave.
“Wait, don’t go,” he entreated, his hand moving towards you, still against his bedsheets. You turned to him slowly, practically shaking. You looked him up and down, deciding this was a terrible idea, before turning to leave once more.
“Please,” he murmured, his entire body pleading. You took a deep breath, looking at your feet. A feeble attempt to gather your thoughts. You couldn’t directly disobey him. It was bad enough that you turned away the first time - you didn’t think it possible for royalty to say please, or beg the way he practically was. So you turned back around, looking at him exhausted once more, before walking towards him, standing beside his bed. He smiled brightly up at you, the tenseness in his body completely evaporated.
“You glow perfectly in the morning sun,” he murmured, grabbing your wrist, before venturing up further to your arm. You nearly instinctively pulled away, fear coursing pain through your blood, but you stayed put.
“Inappropriate,” you chided quietly, highly embarrassed.
“I know,” he winked at you, smiling cheekily. You took a deep breath, nearly rolling your eyes.
“Do you know how to ride a chariot?” He asked you out of nowhere, still smiling up at you like you were a dream.
“No, I have no desire to,” you said, knowing that if it were time to fight for your pharaoh, you would physically be unable to fight. Thus, most likely you’d be put on different duty, like planning, or meal prep. The prince, however, looked a bit saddened.
“That’s a shame. I’m going riding today, if you wish I could teach you,” he suggested, tugging your arm lightly.
“Thank you for the offer, but I will stay here instead.”
He offered once more, and you once more declined. Leaving it at that, he redressed into looser clothing.
You stayed in your room for the time he was gone. There wasn’t much for you to do, and you had to stay on call in case someone needed you, so you mostly tried to write new songs. Still slightly new at it, the songs were a tad plain, but you were getting better.
When the sun was near set in the sky, you received a knock at the door. You quickly got up, and a soldier informed you that the prince had returned, and was requesting you in his chambers. You acknowledged, packing your harp up and heading down long hallways to his room.
You knocked, which was met with a small ‘come in.’ When you opened the door, the prince was sitting on his bed as usual, with a large, deep scuff mark on his cheek. You nearly dropped your instrument, staring at the red and black mark.
“No need to be surprised,” he smiled, before wincing and returning to a straight face.
“My prince, doesn’t that need attending to?” You had to physically stop yourself from walking over, digging your nails into the flesh of your leg.
“It’s alright. I fell off the chariot,” he explained, laughing as he thought back. He twitched slightly from pain, letting his face fall again.
“You should clean it in the very least,” you suggested, setting your instrument on the floor. You turned to the door, ready to fetch some water and a cloth.
“You worry too much,” he said as you left, fetching a tight basket of water and an old but clean cloth. You returned a few moments later, setting the supplies on his bed where he sat. He looked at you expectantly, tilting his head slightly. You fidgeted, muscles twitching as you tried to stay calm.
“If you’re so worried, you should do it,” he closed his eyes, ready for you to clean him, “I doubt you’ll accept anyone else doing it.”
You sniffed indignantly, a little ashamed and a little embarrassed. More embarrassed than anything. Nonetheless, you dipped the cloth into the clean water, wringing it out once you pulled it out. You dabbed at his skinned cheek and jaw, trying to make sure it didn’t hurt. The mark reached to his ear, behind the lower part of his crown. You thought of asking him to move it, or moving it yourself.
“Um, my prince, could you remove your crown?” You finally asked hesitantly, still trying to removed the dirt from the visible mark on his cheek. When you removed the rag he nodded, taking off the golden ornament and setting it on the bed. Biting your lip you took a deep breath, once more setting to clean the rest of the scuff.
Finally you dropped the cloth into the water, setting the basket on the floor.
“Done?” He asked, smiling pleasantly at you. In a minute motion you nodded, turning quickly away. You bent down by your instrument, getting ready to play for him once more.
He stared at you for a while as you played, his face straight and his emotions unidentifiable. It put you on edge, as most of the time he was rather see-through. You kept playing despite your worries.
As night came, he did not tell you to stop. You were starting to get a little tired, but you continued playing diligently. The sounds outside the room subsided, silence enclosing the space around and between you and the prince. He shuffled on the bed, lying down, his eyes closed in deep thought.
“I think I’m in love with you,” he said, piercing soft silence that had lasted so long before. In your shock you struck a wrong string, the dissonant sound making you curl in on yourself. However, you didn’t find yourself too surprised - his actions indicated he had to have felt something different with you.
“I am aware,” you said quietly, picking up another piece. You steadied your hands, trying to play the right chords once more.
“In that case,” he said, clearly annoyed at your passiveness, “you should also know I am free to marry who I wish, and I want to marry you.”
He stood, legs swinging off the bed and waltzing over to you. He grabbed your wrist, stopping your playing and pulling you upwards. Your harp shifted, falling to the ground, softened by the pillows surrounding you.
“I want to marry you,” he repeated softly, breath hot against your face. He leaned in close to you, his eyes hooded, desperate for you to just touch him.
“I can’t,” you said hurriedly, the words coming from pure instinct. You felt your hands shaking in his grasp, terrified by the whole situation.
“Why?” He whispered, face contorted near tears. You hummed uncomfortably, a meager sound in automatic reaction to his sadness.
“I have to go,” you rushed out, ripping yourself from his grasp and running out the door.
Why did this keep happening?
Your tiresome night was not to come to an end, as you ran into someone in the hallway. You fell to the ground from the impact, profusely apologizing to whoever it was you hit.
“Aren’t you that servant my brother’s traipsing around with?”
Fuck, this must be the prince’s eldest brother.
You did not meet his eyes, instead keeping your body in a bowed position.
“Yes, my prince, he has requested it,” you answered obediently.
“You’re rather acquiescent, aren’t you? Such a small thing,” he commented, and you felt his stare on the back of your neck, harsh and cruel. He pressed two fingers to the back of your bowed head, pushing you so you looked upwards at him. Out of fear, you allowed him to move you as he wished.
This was your first meeting with the brother you’d heard so much about, and he was nothing like the prince. His eyes pierced you, emotionless and senseless. It made you long for the warmer, welcoming man you had run from.
“Hm. When I become pharaoh,” he spoke as royalty should; proud, and succinct, “I should make you serve me instead. Most of the servants I get are defiant and rude. You’d be quite the change.”
“Yes, my prince,” you said, too afraid to say anything else. Too scared to mention the fact that the prince that currently owned you would not give you up very easily.
Distantly you heard feet running down the hallway, halting before you and the older prince.
“Kahmuh,” you heard him say, voice practically unidentifiable with the vindictiveness in it.
“Ah! Brother, here’s your, uh, thing,” he said, flicking your head towards his brother. After, the older prince turned and left, his stride confident and domineering. The younger rushed to you, kneeling in front of you.
“Did he hurt you?” He grabbed your face, turning it and inspecting for wounds and marks.
“No,” you mumbled, looking down. He was so human compared to his older brother.
“Did he say anything to you?” He inched closer, looking worriedly at you. His hands moved to your shoulders, gripping them tightly.
“He said that… he wanted me to be his servant when he becomes pharaoh, because I’m obedient,” you said hesitantly, hoping that the prince wouldn’t do anything rash in retaliation. Instead he grimaced, and you watched as his muscles tensed.
“If only he knew you’re the exact opposite of that. You just follow rules. You won’t bend them, not for me, and definitely not for him,” he said, his tone bordering on venomous. He helped you up, patting the sides of your arms awkwardly once you stood.
“Spend the night with me?” He asked haltingly, giving you a look of it’s alright if you say no.
“You know I can’t do that,” you answered quietly, hoping to convey that maybe, you wished that you had the confidence to bend the rules just slightly.
“I’ll walk you back to your room,” he said, ceasing all contact with you.
“Do you know where my room is?” You asked, walking beside him, instead of behind.
“Uh… no,” he answered shyly, laughing quietly. You smiled cordially at him. The walk to your room was silent, a few people flitting by but besides that, lonely.
“Thank you, my prince,” you bowed your head respectively, before turning to open your door. He held your hand, keeping you there as he spoke.
“You’re welcome… my love,” he answered gently, letting your hand slide out of his.
You stood outside your door, dumbfounded as he left, watching as he disappeared around a turn.
My love?
Four more full moons passed. Overall, you must’ve been working for him for seven moons, which was quite a while, looking back. A few days ago the Pharaoh and his Queen had announced that the throne would have to be passed soon. You gave them around a year to actually hold to their statement.
It was to your surprise that, a few days later, the Queen called you to her quarters. You had been playing for the young prince, when a messenger directed you away. You bid a quick good bye to the prince, heading where the messenger took you.
Her room was larger, shared with her husband, who was not present. It was only her, pacing back and forth in her room, rubbing her hands together anxiously.
“Harpist, good,” she said, upon noticing you, directing you inside. She sat you on a chair, and you thanked her.
“What do you think of Ahkmen?” She asked you, finally stopping her pacing, looking directly at her.  You kept your eyes on her feet, always remembering your place.
“He is a kind man, overtaken with emotion and confused, but that is expected of someone so young. He’s benevolent and wise beyond his age,” you answered, attempting to summarize your observations of him over the past half year.
“You’ve met my other son, correct?” She asked you, and she began pacing again. You confirmed. At this point you’d met him a few times, none of the meetings being entirely pleasant. He seemed to favour you though, which you hoped would continue. You still had a thing about dying.
“What do you think of him?”
You swallowed. Would you really dare speak ill about a woman’s son, especially a queens’?
“He is brave, and well, succinct. He knows what he wants and he achieves it. He’s ambitious and also overtaken with emotion, though the emotion is… not kindness,” you ended hesitantly, starting to fidget just like the Queen was.
“I know you are a commoner. My youngest son has told me about you, and he says you follow rules and tradition no matter what someone of higher power says. But now, I need you to be honest with me,” she kneeled before you, looking you directly in the eyes.
This had to be incredibly important, for her to kneel, let alone in front of you.
“Who is fit to be king?”
Your mouth fell open. You weren’t qualified to answer this. Was the fate of the entire kingdom resting on you now?
“My Queen, is it not appropriate for the eldest to take the throne?” You asked quietly, knowing the answer already.
“Yes, but… Kahmuh has been doubtful in all essence of the word. He is violent and rash, he does not think over his decisions. If it were a choice the obvious choice is Ahkmen, however it isn’t right. It’s never happened before, so I thought the advice of a commoner might be of some use.”
“Your youngest son would be the best choice,” you said. Given the choice, you’d choose him every time.
“You don’t think the citizens will be outraged?”
“I suppose you could… lie, if you’re worried about it,” you suggested, choosing your words carefully.
“What kind of lie could you or I come up with that would soothe their worries?”
“Could say that the Gods chose him. Which is technically true,” you added that at the end, seeing her eyes widen with horror. She took a deep breath.
“You’re right. You’re very wise for a commoner. Dismissed,” she said, standing up. You bowed, thanking her for the time spent with her, and left.
When you returned to the prince’s room, he asked what she needed you for. You thought about telling him the truth, but instead you lied, saying that she was simply checking up on how her son was feeling through the person spending the most time with him. He believed you, and you resumed playing your music.
“Why can’t you marry me?” He asked you, lying next to you in his large splay of blankets and pillows. You sat on the edge of his cushioned area, a blanket to soften the floor for your knees.
“It is prudent to marry within your social class,” you muttered, voice quiet as you still tried concentrating on the task at hand.
“In that case, do you wish for me to marry my brother?” He laughed, before sticking his tongue out and gagging.
“Please don’t,” you chuckled.
“I’d still like you to know that since I’m not becoming Pharaoh, I can marry whomever I want,” he teased, poking you in the shoulder. You rolled your arm back, shaking him off. You thought back to what the Queen had said - if she was to give you credit and follow through your advice, he would be Pharaoh, and that’d be a big problem.
“You can’t assure that you won’t have to become Pharaoh some day,” you said quietly.
“Are you planning on killing my brother?”
“Not yet,” you gritted under your breath. He laughed, rolling onto his side. He stared up at you, a subconscious smile on his face.
“My love, you mustn’t worry. He will become king, not I, and I will be able to marry whomever I please, and whomever I please will be you,” he still smiled at you, sure that he was correct. “As long as you’ll have me,” he added quietly after a beat of silence. You cautiously nodded, aware that while he valued your opinion and input, he could simply force you to marry him. Though knowing him as well as you did, you didn’t think him capable of something like that.
“I don’t think I’m fit to rule,” he sighed a few moments later, letting his hands intertwine behind his head to cushion him. You gave him a quizzical look, silently requesting for him to continue his thought.
“I’ve never been good with fast decisions, and as you might’ve realized I’m terrible under pressure,” he said very matter-of-fact like, sighing dejectedly as he finished. “I’m just not fit to rule.”
“Given the opportunity and right people, anyone with a kind heart and brave soul is fit to rule,” you hummed, letting your fingers pop more gracefully as they plucked the strings.
“That would mean you’re fit to rule,” he said offhandedly, rolling his shoulders back.
“Afraid not, my prince. I’m a coward in my soul,” you laughed, but it was partially true. You’d never break a single rule.
“Perhaps so. You’re not willing to break a rule that isn’t even real, but your kindness more than makes up for it. Besides, with how pretty you are, I’d let it pass,” he casually flirted with you. He was beginning to do so often, and with increasing smoothness. It seemed as though he was really coming out of the shell you really wish he’d go back into.
“Uh - thank you, my, uh, prince,” you stammered. “Do you have any plans for your birthday?” You quickly changed the subject.
“My parents are throwing another party, not much else. I would very much love it if you attended.” He looked up at you expectantly.
“Of course, my prince. I was the harpist at your last birthday, I would be happy to reprise my role.”
“No, I meant as my… partner. My plus one.”
You paused, thinking over the implications if you were to arrive with him, as his equal.
“Who will play harp then?”
“We’ll find someone else, though they won’t be as good as you, I would prefer you to stay at my side,” he said, sitting up and turning to face you. Your skin burned, nerves tingling as you imagined events of the night playing out. You’d probably be expected to do a lot of things you weren’t raised to do.
“Please, my love?” He wrapped his hand around your wrist gently, and his calm demeanor seeped through the contact he made with you.
“… Of course, my prince.”
Two months had passed since that eventful day, where you’d learned that the Queen was doubting her older son, and that you were to attend a royal party as a guest, not an employee. The prince had done to the best of his abilities, as much as he could to soothe your nerves. You hadn’t told him about your anxiousness surrounding the event, but it was easy for him to pick up on it. To help you, he educated you on the different replies to various things. You’d mainly learned that staying silent and by his side would make people avoid talking to you. After all, if you stayed with him, most people would be too enamored with him to notice you, and if they did, they’d probably ask the prince who you were and not you. After a few days of his etiquette training, you’d felt a little better.
Around evening when you and the prince retired to his room, he had been called up for a surprise meeting. You were instructed to stay in his room, so you did, tuning your harp and waiting for him to come back.
He did, a long while later, his shoulders drooping and eyebrows furrowed.
“Nour,” he sighed, rubbing his face as he walked forward. He came in front of you, bending to his knees before planting his face in your shoulder. His arms came around you, tired and slow, but tightly encircling your waist.
“My prince?” You questioned awkwardly, unsure of where to put your hands.
“They’re thinking of breaking the rules. Of giving me the throne,” he whimpered, voice muffled by your body.
“That can’t be so awful,” you murmured, ultimately deciding to rest your hand on his back and head.
“I can’t marry you,” he partially whispered, pressing himself into you further.
“Oh,” was all the tiny sound you could muster. Was that really what he was worried about?
The two of you stayed intertwined on his makeshift nest of blankets and pillows. You, with your heart beating straight out of its’ hole, and him, with his face pressed tight against your body, crying ever so slightly. It gave you time to think of a plan.
“I might regret telling you this, but I have an idea,” you started off slowly. He didn’t move, or make any noise, so you continued.
“You could marry me now,” you said, feeling much more stressed and yet less anxious with the thought now in the open. Open for judgement, yes, but also for accepting, and which one terrified you more you did not know.
He removed himself from you, mouth slightly parted and wide eyed. He then knitted his eyebrows together, cocking his head to the right.
“You’d do that?” His tone was quiet and uncertain, unbelieving and a half whisper.
“If you married me now and you or I decided that it wasn’t a thing we wanted, we could later divorce. However if you let your father announce you as Pharaoh before we are married, it would not be allowed. It’s simply…” you trailed off, unsure of where you were headed.
“The logical decision, to help with my stress?” He smiled shyly. You laughed awkwardly, and nodded.
He leaned forward, looking like he was about to kiss you. Instinctively you pushed him away, heart beat increasing once more.
“It’s just a place holder. Nothings changed. I still don’t think I should even be looking at you,” you quickly relayed to him, hoping to make him realize that you didn’t want to act married.
“Alright. I will kiss you one day though,” he reminded you with a teasing lilt, raising your hand to his mouth, kissing you with a touch that was barely there.
“It appears you already have,” you replied, thinking back to the many times he’d kissed your hand. You knew it to be a sign of utmost respect, and it had confused you when he first did it. Now, you were far more accustomed to it, though you still didn’t approve of it. You supposed he had a right to whomever he respected.
Three days later, he’d convinced you that it was okay to tell his parents. You were hesitant for obvious reasons, but he assured you there wouldn’t be harsh consequences. Unfortunately, he wanted you to be there when he broke the news.
So you stood behind him, shaking, going into a mild cardiac arrest.
“We’re married. It was my idea,” he started with, which was very outright, and you wanted to berate him for that.
“… Married?” His father confirmed. You hadn’t ever spoken to him before, but he had a commanding voice. He, like his eldest son, had a posture, an air about him that simply made him fit to rule.
The prince nodded. His parents exchanged looks, before their eyes fell on you.
“You are?” His father asked, eyes burning your skin.
“My name is Nour. I was the harpist for many of your parties. I have been the youngest princes’… stress reliever,” you answered, attempting to be succinct. You kept your head down, a sign of submission and respect.
“Oh, you were his whore?”
You spluttered, face turning red as you made flabby attempts at defending yourself.
“No, father, Nour has helped me to calm down through music… not, uh, sex. Nour won’t let me touch them,” the prince stepped in to defend you, and at the same time, completely discredited your claimed marriage.
“You two wish to be married, yet you’ve never touched each other? Just, holding hands?”
The Pharaoh seemed confused. He turned to his queen once more, before looking at the two of you again.
“I’m very adamant that I not be touched until marriage. It is a simple personal preference,” you said quickly, coming up with the explanation on the fly. You begged to whomever would listen that it would suffice. Still your eyes were trained on his feet, simply to avoid accidentally meeting his eyes. Despite this you saw him shrug helplessly, waving his hand at his son.
“Alright then, whatever. Why are you telling me this then? Do you want a celebration?”
“Y-“ The prince started, being promptly interrupted by you.
“We’d prefer to keep this quiet for a little bit,” you quickly requested, still keeping your head down. The Pharaoh grunted something, dismissing you quickly. The prince grabbed your shoulders, rushing you out of the throne room and down a quiet hallway. It was open, with large pillars replacing a wall, allowing you to see the city.
“Before you ask, I thought it would be best to have a celebration when we actually get married, if we do,” you told him, which made him finally stop pushing you ahead. He pushed you into a wall, trapping you between his arms. For a moment you were scared, but he was smiling for some reason.
“I care what you believe more than anything, but for right now, I don’t care. We’re married,” he laughed, pressing his forehead to yours. He looked elated, and it made you scared, but it also made love rush beneath your fingertips, spritzing out in the form of a desperate need to touch him.
He reacted before you did, leaning in as slow as he could, still smiling. As he neared your lips, you caught onto a rather scandalous idea.
“Oh my prince, what are you playing at?” You asked coyly, giving him a coquettish grin. For a split second you saw confusion paint his face. You grabbed his wrist, pulling him back into the wall. You switched places with him, pinning him to the wall. There was the unfortunate bit where you were quite a bit shorter than him, but his knees buckled beneath him, bringing him lower than you. Mimicking some of his first actions against you, you pressed two of your fingers beneath his chin, moving him so he looked you in the eyes.
His eyes were wide, staring into yours with happy anticipation. You could almost see him mentally devouring up the attention you were giving him.
“We both know it goes like this,” you whispered, words dripping with amorously inviting intentions. He seemed to melt further into you, smiling with a blissed out look. You were sure if you simply left him like that, he’d only find you more inviting.
So you did.
You ceased all contact all at once, leaving him breathing heavy with wide eyes. You smiled innocently at him, and continued down the hallway. A few minutes later, he finally caught up with you, looking embarrassed but more professional.
“Nice play my love, but I’ll get you someday,” he whispered into your ear, still walking behind you. You just let out a giggle, wondering if he really had it in him.
“Of course, my prince,” you smiled at him.
The two of you returned to his room, feeling much less stressed about the whole situation. However, he asked that you not play the harp. Instead he wanted to simply sit with you, and you agreed as if you had any other option. He led you to the nest of pillows and blankets you were both too familiar with, sitting you down across from him.
“I could write endless poetry about you,” he said dreamily, leaning in and taking your hands. You flushed red, attempting to stammer out a reply.
“Uh- um, t-thank you? I’m hardly deserving,” was what you got out, not meeting his eyes out of embarrassment.
“Nour, you must realize that at this point you are my equal. You can look at me,” he lifted his hand to your cheek, pulling you back to face him, “and you can touch me.”
This was true. Now the only thing stopping you was your own inhibitions, and to you, it felt like enough. When for a few moments you did nothing, he sighed, dropping his head onto your shoulder.
“Whatever you wish, my love,” he murmured, falling back and away from you.
Before you fully knew what you were doing, you pulled him back, sitting yourself in his lap. He looked surprised, staring at you expectantly. Hesitantly, you ran your hand through his short hair, your heart rate increasing as he continued staring at you.
“My love?” He asked in a hushed voice, full of tension, and yet excitement as well.
“My prince,” you responded, your voice holding the utmost reverence and adoration. Once more his hand came to rest on your cheek. He eased you closer, letting you follow his hand of your own accord. It seemed incredibly like him to allow you to take control in such a situation as this.
At long last you relaxed in his touch, melting into his hand with a sigh and closed eyes. You heard him chuckle just slightly, felt him leaning in and felt his nose press into your cheek.
He was letting you make the final move.
You did just so, moving forward not even a centimeter before you felt his lips upon yours.
The tension in your muscles, the tension that had been there since the moment you stepped foot in the palace, faded away. The longer he stayed there, moving his lips against yours, the more anxiety faded away, being replaced by unending need and laudation. The fondness you felt for him consumed your entire being, burning in your blood and electrifying your movements against him. Your hands found a resting place on his shoulders, pulling him ever closer to you. Everything else besides him felt numb, your senses existing only to feel him.
He sunk deeper into you, hands coming beneath your shawl. You leaned away, landing you on your back with him above you.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, leaning down to land soft, open mouthed kisses on your neck.
“You’ve mentioned that,” you breathed out, eyelids fluttering shut as he worked away. You felt out of place, confused, and unsure of where to put your hands. Ultimately he took charge, holding your hands in his and holding them above your head. His fingers threaded into yours, and he came up to kiss you upon your lips.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how beautiful you are,” you said as he removed himself from you, sitting on his knees. You followed his actions, coming close to him, settling your hand on the back of his neck.
“I’m not sure how,” you gave him a curious look, “but you seem to glow, whenever I see you.”
“That’d be the moonlight,” he teased.
“I think it’s actually just you,” you murmured, leaning in for another kiss. He hummed pleasantly, chasing after you when you tried to pull away.
“I’ve hesitated to say this until now but I truly love you. I’m sorry I haven’t said it before, I -“
“Was following the rules?”
“Yes,” you said in a hushed voice, hoping he’d understand. He shifted, moving his body so you could sit in his lap, before pulling you into him.
“I know. I admire you for it, you’ve got quite the tenacity to disobey orders just to obey rules,” he smirked, teasing you. You giggled quietly, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
Finally, everything felt correct. Maybe it was just because you might’ve been a massive prude, but there was the fact that if you were a massive prude, you would’ve waited until a wedding celebration to kiss him. So maybe you were just an avid rule follower. Either way, this time it felt right to touch him, so you did just that.
It was the first time you spent the night with him, both of you asleep in his bed.
Surprisingly, not much changed. Per your request his parents had not told anyone, so no one treated you differently than they had before. A small part of you appreciated that, and the other parts didn’t especially care. Planning for the young prince’s birthday celebrations continued, with you sometimes included in such planning.
Despite recent events you were still nervous about being his ‘plus one.’ It would be making a statement, something you never liked to do, though the statement was more on his behalf, not yours. Nighttime was often the only peace you got, what with daytime being hectic and stressful. Most evenings you played for the prince, whom you still referred to as the prince in your head. Usually out loud, as much as it bothered him. You’d get there eventually, you told yourself.
Sometimes he’d sit behind you, playing with your hair, landing soft pecks on the back of your neck. It was incredibly distracting for your playing and incredibly welcome by your heart.
“I love you,” he said, a thing he often said simply to remind you. When you were feeling especially shy, you’d reply, “I know.” However, during your more normal or confident days, you’d respond, “I love you too.” You had a feeling he preferred the latter.
“How are you feeling? I know there’s been a lot going on,” he asked quietly, threading your hair between his fingers. He tugged at it every now and then, and you wondered if he was trying to braid it.
“I’ve been alright. I got measured today for my clothes, for your party,” you told him in a calm murmur. The quiet moments you shared seemed to be the only time there weren’t voices yelling in your ear.
“Do you like the design?” He asked, tugging at your hair before releasing it.
“I didn’t see it,” you said with a soft laugh, stopping your music for just a second before resuming. He kissed just below the ear as you began, causing you to miss the chord entirely.
“Your affections ruin my playing.”
“Isn’t that the best way to ruin it?”
“There’s better ways.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your stomach. He pulled you away from your harp, dragging you into his embrace. You smiled, relaxing into his arms. Your harp, luckily, landed on a bed of pillows.
“I love you,” he murmured against your hair, kissing your head.
“I love you too,” you said, turning up so he could kiss you properly.
The celebration was, in your opinion, loud. In your sort-of husband’s opinion, it was joyous. The food was wonderful, you did admit, a good chunk of dessert being made out of sweet honey. Too many people for your taste, just the right amount for his taste, and too little for his parents’ taste. The entire time you sat by his side, people gave you odd stares, but said nothing. His parents didn’t say a word, but greeted you with a curt nod, which was a lot more than you were expecting.
“To the eighteenth birthday of the new Pharaoh, Ahkmenrah!”
The entirety of the table that stretched from one end of a very long hall to the other end of the very long hall raised their glasses. Wine sloshed within the cups, sometimes pouring onto the table. You raised yours careful not to spill. You hadn’t drank that much anyway.
As the hands lowered all took a sip or gulp from their drinks, and promptly after that, the Prince turned Pharaoh collapsed onto the ground. The chalice in your hand crashed onto the table as you knelt hastily by his side, turning him over and shaking him, desperately trying to get him to wake up. Your fingers tingled with pin pricks, all the blood rushing to your head and thumping loudly like the drumbeats of the reaper.
He was carried away from you, and in your own misery you missed the calamity. When you returned to yourself, aware of your own body, you found yourself still kneeling on the floor of the dining hall. It was empty save for a few servants cleaning up the table, and Ahkmenrah’s parents. You felt an empty hole in your torso, as if someone had plowed a log straight through your body.
His father set a hand on your shoulder, telling you to get up and stay by his side. You obeyed without question.
You sat by his bed, grasping his hand. Healers stood on the other side of the bed, putting some sort of ointment into his mouth.
With sluggish movements his head turned to you, lips purple and cracked. His eyes seemed to sink into his skull, eyelids blinking slow and red.
“My love,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and cracking under the light pressure. You kissed his knuckles, holding them tighter.
“You’ll be alright, my prince,” you assured him, glancing up at the healer as you said this. He made a small shrug motion, giving you a worried look.
“No I won’t. Don’t… worry, about me? Don’t worry,” he said to you, trying to raise his arm to your cheek. He couldn’t bear the strain, so you leaned down, pressing your cheek to his open palm. The edges of his lips turned up slightly, smiling as much as you assumed he could physically stand.
The healer left the room, coming back a few minutes later with his parents.
“It’s poison,” he informed them quietly in the corner of the room. His mother gasped, hands coming up to cover her mouth. Your mouth automatically fell open, eyes widening in worry as you looked back down at the prince.
“Your brother,” you said, knowing it must’ve been him. No one else hated him, at least not as much as his brother did.
“I know,” he murmured, trying to swallow. It hurt him, you could tell by the way his eyes closed and his brows knitted tightly together as he winced.
“I will -“
“Don’t. It’s not your job. He will be brought to justice, not by you.”
You nodded, gripping his hand tighter.
“My love,” he rasped out, “be at peace, for I am at peace.” His lips barely moved before he lay still. His eyes remained open, and his head relaxed towards the ceiling.
You numbed entirely. Your hands went cold, and his hand dropped from your cheek with a graceless thump.
And he lay still.
And he did not move, not for hours, not until people moved his body for him, moving him away from both his parents and your eyes. You stayed, kneeled next to his bed for longer than you knew.
Publicly you weren’t married to him. Publicly you were his servant, and that meant you could be buried with him, whether you wanted to or not. You weren’t sure what you preferred.
You didn’t get the time to think it through. He was buried, and his brother became King in his stead. True to his promise, he kept you as his servant. You weren’t allowed to be buried with the prince, and for a while, you served the Pharaoh well. For a long while, and many moons passed before you couldn’t bear more.
It wasn’t until grief consumed you that you changed your situation. His parents had died months back, and whether they were murdered or not you didn’t know. They got proper burials, alongside their son. The world had nothing left to give you, and the Pharaoh was cruel and unjust. You saw clearly now why his mother seemed so worried. You had originally thought that no one could be as inhuman as he was, and now you were wrong. And now you had to end it.
It wasn’t until you died that you awoke again. You’d killed yourself in Egypt, and found yourself awake years into the future, locked inside a half rotted wooden sarcophagus. Besides the tight encasing, the worst part was the dank smell. That had to be expected, after you realized that you had definitely been in that sarcophagus for well over a thousand years, and your wrappings were covered in dust and rot.
To your immense luck it wasn’t pitch black. The wood had rotted through enough to shine small specks of light into your coffin, and due to this whenever you awoke, you could see through to the other world.
You awoke and fell straight asleep and the same time every day. When you awoke, you shifted to a hole, and with your wrappings coming off just slightly below your eye, you saw people. All kinds of people - locked up in glass containers and wearing silly looking clothes. If they weren’t in their own casings they moved around, banging on the glass to be let out. None of them could fully speak, but the throat bleeding screams behind their wrappings was enough to make your blood run cold.
Sometimes, you’d see people not in wrappings, and not encased in glass. They wore dark blue clothing, and they looked old, with pale, white skin.
It made you wonder, very often (when you weren’t panicked about never getting out, and suffering eternity locked away), where you were. You had realized you were in the future, but how? How were you alive? Why were you still in your coffin, and why were you surrounded with glass? Most importantly, how did you wake up?
Ages later you were still in the same place. You lost count how many times you woke up, just to never be released, and fall back asleep. The funniest thing was, you were never tired when you fell asleep. You just did, as though it were instinct.
It was that evening that absolute chaos ensued. Something had happened - there was only one man in dark blue clothing, and he looked frightened. The screams of those around you grew louder, and soon the man was gone with a start.
This pattern of the man running through the room continued for a few more nights before peace came about once more.
A few more nights later, the screaming stopped. Two men spoke together outside in a language you couldn’t understand, but it seemed to be civil, if not worried. One of them got passionate, but was eventually calmed down.
Then a lock clicked.
Fresh air seeped in through the holes of your own prison.
And your lid opened.
You still wore your wrappings, so it was a little hard to see anything. Cloth kept your hands tightly bound to your chest, and when the two men you could barely see noticed that, they helped. Eventually your arms were torn free, quickly followed by the wrappings around your mouth.
You breathed truly, fresh air for the first time in longer than a century. Unfortunately, your eyes were still covered, so it was a bit musty.
“Um,” one man said, mumbling something garbled that you didn’t understand. Hands came behind your head, and for a moment you flinched back, but he slowed. With more care he came up from behind, slowly unwrapping your age old prison.
You blinked as harsh light filled your eyes, cringing away. Before you could fully see arms wrapped tight around you, pulling you out of your casket and holding you tight to a body, clothing and jewelry pressing tight into your skin.
“I - I’m sorry?” Was all you could think to say, eyes finally being able to see. The glass around you was gone, and you saw in full vision the others who were encased. They too were out, some more violent and confused than others, who seemed to also be from Egypt.
“Nour,” he mumbled, a cold sort of crown chilling your cheek. The voice, knowing your name, speaking it with such blessing, sounded too familiar. You tried to form words, but found yourself at a loss for them, resorting to confused mumbles and noises.
Over the mans’ (who was still hugging you) shoulder you saw another man, white skin, younger. Dark hair, strong brow, and looking incredibly awkward. Upon seeing that you noticed him, he waved awkwardly, saying something in another language.
“What’s happening?” You asked weakly, hoping the man who was hugging you understood your language.
“Oh, my love,” he murmured, lips brushing against your neck as he pulled back.
“My prince?”
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Here's my S. C. Calhoun essay-
I just want to give a heads up that all of these HCs revolve around the HC of Calhoun being gradually Eldritch. This is mostly talking about his powers/other small fun facts.
-He was chosen to become Eldritch, parallel to Gordon/Adrian being hired by G-Man. Maybe he was in a bad accident or something and his future boss came down and talked to him. He was given the choice to become a supernatural being with abilities to “protect others and bring others to follow that claim (< future security team)”, or he could simply die to his wounds. It’s obvious what he chose. He woke up a week later after the initial meeting/accident.
-He did have a significant other and a close family, but becoming Eldritch made anyone who knew him no longer recognize him, everyone thinking he died in the accident he was in. This with a few other events made it easier for Calhoun to simply watch everything with a calculated look, and not to become too attached to anyone (at least till Gordon arrived). This was a serious blow for early S. C. Calhoun’s psyche.
-He found his mind reading while talking with a coworker/subordinate, “hearing” another voice as the worker spoke. It confused Calhoun the first few times it happened, but he eventually learned how to control it (albeit with a lot of trial ‘n error). He now uses it when talking to anyone, as long as he isn’t disassociating, making sure he knows a person’s ulterior motives. It does look like he’s disassociated when he uses his mind reading though.
-He learned he had teleportation when he was just meandering in his room/workplaces one day (maybe at the start of/right before BM) seeing if he had anything else other than what he knew at the time. He got frustrated at one point and felt himself yanked out of his room. He passed out due to the sudden force. When he came to, he realized he was in Xen and was royally scared. He tried calling his Higher-Ups, but nothing came through. He eventually found his way around Xen, using his teleportation powers to move around. (I like to think he has to actually aim where he’s going, like with his hand or a certain motion) It took about a week to get the basics of his teleportation down, but he was able to get back to Earth after finding his new pet. 
-He didn’t know he could teleport others until he was well in Black Mesa, Calhoun now mastered his self-teleportation powers. Calhoun accidentally made a subordinate disappear after they came into his office unannounced. Calhoun got the guard back quickly and erased the little fiasco from the man’s memory. 
-Any language he hears sounds like English, and sounds like the initial language when he speaks to the person with said language, even when he only knows English. This also works for ASL and Vortigese, though he certainly doesn’t explain how he knows the alien’s language when the BM incident plays out.
-And finally, stasis control. Calhoun found this skill out when he was working on some papers (I HC he doesn’t let others do certain work for him, even when it can be done by his subordinates). Maybe it was a heavy day, and he just wished for more time. He felt a change in his office, though nothing looked different. He opened his office’s door, and saw the dotted-void-background. Calhoun immediately ran towards a clock, and saw it was stuck on the same second. He sighed and went back to his desk, finishing up his work as he tried to quickly think of a way to get out of whatever he just put himself in. He knew he was Eldritch, but god wasn’t it confusing sometimes.
As soon as he finished the last piece of work, he saw a small booklet appear on his desk. It showed him how to use his time-bending properties (or at least the basics). This was one of few times in which his Higher Ups decided to help him control his powers. He mostly used it to stay on time, until Gordon (and/or Adrian) showed his worth.
  Smaller HCs:
-I forgot to mention this in my 1st post, but I do think he would have /some/ powers related to lightning, though nothing too large. Usually it would just show when he’s teleporting/ fighting with his bare hands (I don’t think he would know how to shoot lighting). It’s the same color as his eyes.
-Calhoun -I don’t think- needs to eat/drink anymore, but does it out of habit & familiarity. It’s something that helps him keep calm when he is a bit stressed. Plus it keeps the human look to coworkers.
-And of course he still has emotions, it’s just that they’re just very hard to bring out. They are not completely muted, though his in-humanness does damper them a good bit w/ the including of the years he’s been alive numbing him to humanity. (So if you see Calhoun with any other emotion than his bored/casual grin -or even a smug look-, you might want to run for the hills)
Thank you for coming to my TED talk byeee-
dang you didnt have to pop off so hard but you DID and i LOVE IT your mind,,,again i love ur idea of barney slowly becoming an eldritch being over time!! i hc calhoun likes to eat too, despite not needing to, but i dont think he’d have a v big appetite so he often nibbles 
if you see calhoun with wide awake eyes you know you did something wrong/something bad is gonna happen!!
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buckthegrump · 5 years
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Summary: Balls bore you half to death. And the suitors that come from across the lands seeking your hand in marriage all seem to have forgotten about human decency. Until one day it doesn’t seem so bleak. Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: legit pure fluff, swearing but what else is new
Word Count: 2029
A/n: I wrote this au a million years ago and now @sunmoonandbucky​ demanded that i post it rude so here it is.
The only thing you hated about being royalty were balls. Well, not the only thing, but they were at the top of the shortlist. They were always the same old thing. You were forced to dance with diplomats and princes from all different lands, some of them cute, but all of them had the same stick up their ass. Assuming that you would fall head over heels for them because they seemed to forget that you were in line for your own thrown and didn’t need theirs.
So you expected tonight to be the same; only today, your father was insisting that you find someone with whom you could at the very least tolerate. It was your mother’s birthday ball, and the two of them were getting worried because they didn’t think that any one person should rule on their own. They seemed to forget that they had gotten lucky when they found each other and almost instantly fell in love.
A ruler should have someone who knew them better than anyone else, someone who could help them see every aspect of their decision, someone who understood what they were going through. That and it was customary for a kingdom to have two rulers in fear that if only one person ruled, they would become a tyrant.
They had a point, but damn, every one of the “suitable” suitors made you want to volunteer to go dragon hunting. 
“But mama,” you protested as you walked behind her. She was telling you that your father was right and that if you didn’t find someone tonight that you could at least live with, they would choose for you.
“No, Y/n, I have heard the last of your protests.” She stopped walking abruptly and turned towards you. “Now I have invited new kingdoms from even further away. None of the boys coming tonight are in line for their own throne, so you can literally pick any of them.”
“The fact that you called them boys just now makes me apprehensive about this whole thing,” you said, and your mother sighed heavily.
“Fine, none of the MEN coming tonight are in line for their own throne. Now please put your father's mind at ease and just pick one.” She turned and began walking again.
“What if they are all the worst people in the world, and not even papa likes them?” You challenged, and she stopped and turned again this time with slightly more rage.
“Fine, if by some act of the universe every single one of the men,” she stressed that last word for you. “Is no better than that Duke of-”
“Troutdale?” You finished, and your mother audibly gags, a very unqueenly gesture, but no one but yourself was paying attention to her.
“Oh, don’t even say it.” She rolled her eyes. “Then yes, you can put off finding someone until the next ball, but you are running out of time, child.” 
You smiled as she stormed out of the grand hall. The servants were hard at work, rushing around getting everything done in time for the ball. You turned knowing that you can easily convince your father that every suitor that comes tonight was no good. It was your mother that you had to be more mindful of.
The ball was in full swing, and your mother looked less than pleased with you. You had turned away every single suitor that had come forward so far, which was somewhere around 10. Your father was still hopeful. He looked like he had a secret that he was hiding from you.
“Y/n, there’s someone I want you to meet,” He said, and you quickly found an excuse to get out of it.
“In a minute papa, I am famished.” You turned and rushed towards the food. You made it to the table and grabbed a goblet of wine and quickly down it. You turned, and from across the room, you see a man with bright blue eyes and even brighter smile who was laughing at something someone was saying.
The two of you locked eyes for a moment, and he gave you a nod to acknowledge he saw you and turned back to the conversation he was having.
“Did someone catch your eye?” You turned to see Taylor, your best friend, smirking at you.
“Oh hush now,” you glared. “He was just laughing, I’ve never seen anyone laugh at a ball before.”
“Well, that’s because you are never looking.” She laughed. “You’re always trying to run off every suitor that comes knocking at your door.”
She paused, and you grabbed another goblet of wine. “Go talk to him.”
You choked, and wine almost came out your nose. “Excuse me?”
“Go speak to him.” She took the goblet and whispered into your ear. “You might miss your chance.”
“Chance at what?”
“Just go,” She ordered as she walked away with your wine.
“Taylor,” you halfheartedly called after her. “That’s my wine.”
When you looked back to where he was standing, he was gone. You sighed, grab some food, and head back to your father to meet the next boy. Your mother had been wrong so far, all of the ‘men’ she promised had turned out to be spoiled boys.
“You are a very hard woman to track down,” Someone said behind you, and you turned to see the blue-eyed man.
“Am I an elk?” Your question seemed to shock him.
“Well, you said I was difficult to track down. Are you comparing me to the game that you hunt wherever you’re from?”
“Forgive me, allow me to introduce myself,” He bowed slightly. “Bucky.”
“Y/n.” You curtsied. “So, what brings you here?”
“My father is on business here, trying to get me to take up his trade.” He smiled and cocked an eyebrow. “And you?”
“My mother is trying to marry me off.”
“You don’t seem like the kind of lady who will be married off.”
“Not easily, no, much to her disappointment.” A prideful smile came across your face.
“Would you like to get out of here?” He stepped closer. “Just for a moment?”
You think for a second and glanced over to your parents who are queueing up the next suitors. “Yes.” You breathed.
Bucky offered you his arm, and you took it. He led you through the crowd and out of the hall.
“Where are you going?” Taylor asked you just as you were about to walk out the door. “Should I be concerned?”
“Just cover for me, ok? I’ll be back soon.” You pleaded.
“Fine, but don’t do anything stupid.” She said, letting you go.
“So, this is the first time out of your home country?” You asked him as the two of you walked down the moonlit path in the garden.
“Yes, until recently, my family was concerned,” he chose his words carefully. “They thought that if we left, then we would fall ill and never recover. How about you, is this your first time to Rosedale?”
“No, I live here.”
“Would you ever move away?” He looked at you.
“That’s not really an option for me. Would you leave your home?” You took a turn that led you to a swing where you take a seat, and Bucky remained standing.
“Well, I might, but that’s not really up to me either.” He smiled sadly.
“If you could stay, would you?”
“No, I would just like a say in the matter is all.”
“Ok, let’s talk about something else. What is the royal family like where you’re from?”
“Oh well,” he blew out air. “They are very kind for the most part. They have odd quirks about them that not everyone understands. And the King and Queen are rather paranoid, although there’s no real good reason as to why. What about here? What are they like?”
“Oh well, the King and Queen are fair enough. They try their best to make sure that everything is fair and equal, but that’s not always what people think it is.” You looked at him from the side of your eye. “But the princess is something else. She is very stubborn and rather impossible if you ask me or anyone for that matter.”
“That’s not what I heard.” 
You looked at him. Trying to keep your demeanor neutral. “What did you hear?”
“Well, I heard that she is very kind to those whom she trusts and likes. And that she isn’t impossible, she’s just protective of the ones she loves and herself.”
“You’ve been here a very short time to know so much.” You stood. “Shows you’re resourceful.”
“Well, I find that if you ask servants about the people they work for, they are quite honest. If you give them the right amount of money.” In the distance, the bells could be heard ringing marking the start of a new hour. 
“We should be getting back,” You said, he offered you his arm again, and you took it. 
The two of you walked back to the ball, occasionally talking about something or another. When you got back, Bucky dropped your arm and faced you.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight. It was enchanting to meet you.” He lightly kissed your hand and disappeared into the crowd.
Taylor rushed up beside you and grabbed your arm. She started ushering you back towards your parents. “They kept asking me where you were, so I told them that you went to tend to a matter in the kitchen. I didn’t come up with the actual situation, so if they ask, that’s up to you. But they have a whole line of men for you to meet. None of them are as nearly as cute or charming as the one you were just with, so put on a brave face and shoot them all down.” She patted your hand. “You’re good at that.”
“Thanks, Taylor,” you deadpanned and walked back to your parents. 
“Ah, there you are Y/n,” your father held out an arm to you, and you walked towards him. “I trust that the situation in the kitchen has been dealt with?”
“Of course, father.” You plastered the fakest smile you can manage. 
“Great, because I have more people I want you to meet.” He gestured over to the line, and you at that moment, wanted to die just a little bit.
Your already dwindling patient was vanishing very quickly due to the amount of bullshit that was being said by the suitors your father was introducing, and much to your surprise, your mother, was agreeing with you.
“Truly Travis, the men you have chosen are abominable,” your mother said, not so quietly in between men.
“Well, Gladis, I doubt you could’ve done any better with the selection that we have tonight.” Your father tried to defend himself.
“You invited all of these families. I, however, only invited one, and I’ve known the mother since childhood.” Your mother smiled.
“Oh yes, well, not all of us had outgoing and charming parents,” your father said bitterly.
“Don’t I know it.” You blurt, earning a glare from your parents. “So mother, when is your ‘perfect fit’ going to introduce himself.”
“Soon,” she said with the look of glee still present on her face. “Very soon.”
You went through way too many suitors in the next half hour. Some of them weren’t even eligible, you were pretty sure your father was just grasping at a dream he wasn’t sure he could have any more. 
“Ahh, yes, here they come,” your mother said.
“Your grace, King, and Queen Barnes from Artendale.” 
“Gladis,” Mrs. Barnes said. “It’s been a long time.”
“Hopefully, next time will be in the near future,” You caught your mother winking at her.
“Shall we introduce our son?” The King asked. “James Barnes, Prince of Artendale.”
To your surprise, Bucky came into view, and you were at a loss for words. He smiled at you, and you return it.
“Princess,” Bucky said, and it almost sounded like a question.
“Prince James.” You could feel the pride radiating off of your mother. You hated to admit it, but she might have been right.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover Season 2!
The ceremony for the new school year is about to begin, but the Winx are worried sick. Aisha hasn’t appeared yet and they haven’t heard of her in a month.
They decide to keep up some good spirits and believe she’ll appear for the start of classes proper, and whatever’s holding her back in Andros will not take long.
Down in the depths of Shadowhaunt, Aisha has finally managed to escape her prison and is making a run for it, looking for the Pixies and trying to keep a low profile.
She finally finds them and manages to freeze them, and with some help and miniaturization spells, she managed to get them all and run like hell, as their wings were coated in something and had a hard time flying.
Darkar appears in full finally, and starts chasing after the fairy, attacking her with dark flames and providing extra ways for her to advance.
She’s cornered in a balcony and loses the Pixies due to tripping, Darkar catching them again except for Piff, which is still with Aisha hidden.
Aisha takes a leap of faith and jumps from the balcony, transforming mid-air into Glamourix much to her surprise, not expecting to have earnt it that way.
The surprise is short-lived, however, once she hits the water, knocking herself out for a bit. It’s a good thing she can breathe underwater and that pixies technically don’t breathe when asleep.
Back on Alfea, the ceremony is about to begin yet Bloom finds herself lost in the school, arriving into a weird doorless hallway.
She snoops around a bit and finds the Magic Archive, meeting Concorda in the process.
She’s the Pixie of Alfea and is in charge of protecting the Archive, and tells Bloom she needs to leave as only 3rd year students and up can access it.
A few hours pass and the ceremony has concluded (Bloom notes how weird it is that Avalon wasn’t present), the Specialists go pay the Winx a visit and they hang around for an hour, though the girls are still worried about Aisha.
Right at that moment, she appears from the woods, her Glamourix form damaged and her looking incredibly hurt, before finally fainting on the spot, detransforming.
After a week of rest, Aisha finally tells them what she went through, and Faragonda gets incredibly panicky and scared when she mentions Darkar. She bans the girls from the subject and tells them she’ll organize a way to rescue the rest of the Pixies soon.
Aisha, Bloom and Stella decide to skip school and go save the Pixies themselves, as the authorities were taking too long to do something about it after 3 days without any news, with the other three remaining at Alfea with alibis.
They drag Sky, Riven and Brandon into the mess as well for backup, and after identifying the cave Aisha came out of they start their journey to Shadowhaunt.
On Roccaluce Rehabilitation Center, the Trix find themselves bored and tired of the place, and the ways they try to make them better people, finding it inhumane.
Right around the same time, Darkar breaks in, having sensed them as the witches who weakened his seal with their stunt, and practically kidnaps them so they could help him with his plans.
The Trix follow him mostly out of fear, since the dude’s incredibly powerful and they’d rather not die by cursed fire thank you very much. He grants them part of his power to make them more capable in battle, as well as weapons for Icy and Stormy (Darcy already has a crescent-shaped blade, though Darkar does upgrade it). Icy gets a sword hilt, being able to make the blade with her ice, and Stormy gets a spear.
The Princesses and the three Specialists get lost, and after a battle with Darkar’s monsters they get separated, Stella and Brandon falling into an abyss and Stella unable to transform out of sheer shock and fear.
They wake up in a strange village and are greeted by a Drakian man in blue, called Sponsus. He tells them they’re in Surar, a town that was forced to live underground after a natural disaster destroyed their original settlement. Stella is hella weak due to the fall, the shock and not being able to transform due to all this, so she’s super scared and clinging to Brandon the entire time for safety and comfort, refusing to leave him alone.
They get Stella some medicine and treatment and Sponsus convinces them to meet Amentia, the current leader of the place, for help and instructions to Shadowhaunt since she knows the area pretty well.
They meet her, she seems interested in Brandon which only makes Stella get in an even worse mood, and tells them about what’s been happening lately on this place:
People of the town, as well as Gnomes from the nearby Ephemeria settlement, keep disappearing anytime they get close to the ways to Shadowhaunt, and monsters have started appearing. She’s interested in their plans to save the Pixies and offers her assistance on the way, to see what’s going on.
They get attacked on the way there however, Brandon getting severely injured. Amentia offers to take him back to Surar to properly treat him and Stella to keep going to meet her friend, but she’s hesitant, not wanting to be left alone right now.
Brandon finally convinces her and she rushes off, seeing if she can finally meet with the rest, trusting Brandon and Amentia that all will be fine.
She finally transforms again, earning her Glamourix, and manages to meet with the rest at last.
They decide to simply go to Shadowhaunt as they are and that they’ll meet Brandon later, so he can rest properly.
They finally reach the place and find the Pixies, freeing them. They’re attacked by the Trix at the same time, however, and a battle ensues.
It’s short-lived, however, as Avalon suddenly appears, defeating the Trix and saving the rest. He explains he had actually been contacted by the Paladins to go investigate Shadowhaunt, as they had detected sudden magic readings recently. His cover was blown, however, so he sticks with the group and scolds the girls for doing this recklessly.
They make their way back to Surar for Brandon, and after explaining what they now know to Amentia, she thanks them for the information and tells them that she’ll keep an eye on Shadowhaunt, and inform the Order of Mana if anything else happens.
They finally go back to Alfea and are scolded even further by a very worried Faragonda, who punishes them with two weeks of limited magic access outside of classrooms, as well as extra homework to catch up on what they missed. The guys are also punished by Saladin via holocall, and are forced to help with some of the harder preparations for Red Fountain’s start, as they’re still fixing the place.
Bloom and the rest does ask Faragonda what she knows about Darkar and why did he kidnap the Pixies in the first place, but she tells them she’ll share that information in due time, once she tries to process everything.
Avalon puts Bloom aside for a bit, complimenting her bravery and resolve in saving the pixies even if it was a dumb thing to do, and offers to teach her about Domino and it’s royal customs alongside Daphne, now that she’s a princess.
The girls properly meet all the Pixies, and start to get along. Bloom gets along with Lockette, Stella with Amore, Musa with Tune and Cherie, Tecna with Digit and Cara, Flora with Chatta, and Aisha with Piff. Lockette and Kiko have an Anime Rivalry going on.
A month or so passes, and Red Fountain is finally fixed, a big event occurs for it with all three schools attending, as well as Diaspro finally arriving at Alfea after having some issues transferring on Eraklyon Institute’s part.
The building now flies. Flora recognizes Helia on the crowd and decides to spend the rest of the day with him, catching up after so long. We learn he’s currently living in Magica City and trying to make it as an artist, working as a barista on the side to keep like, living.
The Trix attack during the show battle between Sky and Riven, and the Winx plus Diaspro, the Specialists and also Helia (revealing he’s now a Glamourix witch) decide to help with the issue. Once the monster is defeated the Trix are nowhere to be seen, leaving everyone confused.
Tecna is noticing a weird shift on Avalon, believing him to be really friendly lately. Too friendly.
She decided to ask him what has gone on in his life to make him be in that good mood, and when he gives a cryptic answer she becomes more convinced something’s wrong.
Despite Bloom and Musa’s protests she’s just being paranoid, she starts making a special device to decipher if Avalon is under some sort of spell, or if it’s even the real Avalon at all. The Winx believe it’s not gonna work due to some of Tecna’s past projects, so they don’t worry too much.
To literally everyone’s surprise, the device does work. Except it’s acting as a missile centered on Avalon. Shenanigans ensue.
The device starts targeting other people, meaning the Winx have to transform now. They manage to destroy the object, and Tecna apologizes for what she did.
A few weeks pass, and the girls start taking magic battle classes with Griselda.
Tecna, still slightly stressed with what happened recently (not used to apologizing for being in the wrong), has a nasty fight with Timmy, and after a few days, the Winx convince her to go talk to him properly at Red Fountain, with Bloom and Flora going along.
It just so happens that the Trix attack shortly after they arrive, seemingly looking for something. The girls and the Specialists fight them for a bit before they seemingly retreat, and give chase for them, not knowing what they or Darkar wants from the school.
The Trix arrive at the center of the academy and solve a puzzle, gaining access to the secret armory and stealing a red gem, filled with power. They call it a Keystone and promptly leave, but they’re attacked by Athena, the pixie of Red Fountain.
They’re soon cornered by half the Winx and the specialists, but during battle Icy manages to stab Timmy, and Tecna lets them go, prioritizing his safety despite wanting to simply defeat them now and end it.
Flora rushes as fast as she can and starts using her healing powers to lessen the harm, stopping the blood loss so RF’s nursery can take him.
A few hours pass and Timmy wakes up again, recovering still. He and Tecna finally talk about what had happened a few days ago and make up, Tecna’s admitting of being wrong and showing her emotions fully earning her Glamourix.
After Timmy’s near-death experience, the Winx finally confront Faragonda, and she tells them of Darkar, the Keystones, and Relix. (more info about them here and here)
Some weeks pass, and the Pixies are getting more and more homesick. Someone’s been poisoning them lately with a longing potion, and when fully inebriated they decide to flee Alfea and go back to Pixie Village, but are stopped by the Winx.
The girls are assigned a group test and need 7 people total, so they decide to invite Diaspro along so they can get to know each other better. After a few mishaps, they have a sleepover, and the group gets closer to her in different ways, bonding strongly with Bloom and Tecna (Bloom over a passion for art, Tecna over a deep, deep love-hate relationship with soap operas).
The day of the test arrives, but Darkar himself hijacks the simulation chamber, forcing the girls to do a different convergence spell than planned, defeating the monsters he placed. They pass without issue after that, and the girls feel more together than ever.
Bloom needs to go to Earth for a few days to help her mom with the case against the dudes that tried to destroy her shop, and with permission from Faragonda she brings Stella, Musa and Aisha along, since they wanted a breath of fresh air.
Stella leaves to go sightsee and Bloom meets with her mom, so left alone, Musa and Aisha decide to hit up a club and see how it goes. 
Back on Magix, Flora manages to snag a coffee with Helia, and continue to catch up on their lives. She’s been trying to meet with him again for a while, but he tends to get so immersed in his work he accidentally keeps ghosting her. After an actual outing at last, Helia realizes he’s lowkey crushing on her, but decides to drop that though for a bit and continue with his art, unaware that Flora’s also starting to fall for him.
They have a good time despite an incident with some punks outside the place, and after a sudden slow dance, Musa realizes her crush on Aisha is far more than that. She internally panics the rest of the trip, Aisha somewhat oblivious but also starting to see Musa in a different light.
A few weeks pass, and Stella, Sky, Bloom and Diaspro are summoned by King Erendor, wanting to get some things clear that were left untouched after the Incident last year.
He and Samara talk about the engagement, and that if Bloom and Diaspro are willing, they can rearrange everything in a way they can both still be with Sky.
They all refuse the offer, having already resolved that themselves on their own, and that nothing he says will change their minds. Samara tries to subtly manipulate Diaspro with how her mother is taking all of this, but Bloom defends her, surprising the blonde and the regents. 
Defeated, Erendor cedes word to his wife, who reveals the other reason they called them: A town bordering Quarzis and Eraklyon has been taken by the rogue noble Yoshinoya, who wants to meet with both heirs to get to an agreement. Fearing a repeat of “The Onyrix Fairy incident” (which piques Bloom’s curiosity), they order them all to go see what’s up.
On Magica City, Musa meets with her brother - Jian, a senior Specialist. They’re catching up on what has been happening lately, and after a bit, Jian informs her that Red Fountain’s Academic Showcase is happening soon, and that they’re looking for a musician to perform at the end. Musa jumps at the idea and takes that spot, happy but nervous that she’ll finally get to play for more than just the Winx sometimes.
After they part ways, Jian calls his father, and invites him to come to the Showcase since he missed it last year, and that he has a surprise for him.
Back on Eraklyon, the group talks on the way, and Bloom asks about what Erendor and Samara were talking about. Sky admittedly doesn’t know much about it since it was before he was born, but Brandon fills in and tells her Daphne will know more since she was also involved.
They finally arrive at the town, and are immediately ambushed by a group of weirdos in superhero costumes calling themselves the Patchamen, a group of justice-obsessed mercenaries that believe in Yoshinoya’s cause, being completely misguided. They’re quickly defeated, however, and thanks to them defecting, they manage to capture Yoshinoya and send them to the authorities.
Diaspro and Bloom talk a bit more on the way back, and after everything that happened that day, she realizes she might be crushing on Bloom, especially after the redhead falls asleep on her shoulder.
A week has passed, and the Showcase is finally starting. Musa’s nervous about her solo act (since she’s also helping a band with her guitar earlier on), but Aisha manages to encourage her and everyone else is supportive as well. Riven offers some advice on handling any nervousness in his own way, but Musa’s thankful about the support.
Her happiness is short-lived, however, when she recognizes her father, Huan, on the distance, and while he’s happy to see her, his eyes have a stern look.
The Winx and the Specialists introduce themselves, and Huang pulls Musa aside from a bit after this. 
Once they’re in a private place, he asks her to drop the music act, that she shouldn’t do any of that. Musa asks him how he knows about this - Jian told him. She immediately refuses, she has been practicing like hell this past week and she’s not about to drop it just because her dad is still afraid of performing. 
They’re on the verge of a screaming match but Aisha interrupts, worried about her friend. Musa takes the chance and leaves his father there, and goes to confront her brother on this with Aisha.
Jian told their father about the show in the hopes he had finally gotten over the issue, but he was clearly wrong, and Musa, while appreciating the thought, he should have known their dad wasn’t over it. “We’re a family of thick-headed people, did ya forget that?” Aisha has like zero context about this, so she asks them to elaborate.
Their mother, Marina, died of a magic-resistant illness, and near the end of her life she had started to get slightly better. She wanted to give one last concert, in case she did not make it, and she did. But she passed out shortly after the final song of the concert, and died on the way to the hospital.
They went through some bad patches after this, and while Huan still likes music, he’s afraid of his kids also following that path in case they end like Marina did.
Both Jian and Musa know this is idiotic, but they understand why he would be afraid of this. Marina’s passing hit them all too hard. But Musa is determined to go through the concert with his approval or not, and she’s not gonna back down.
The Showcase finally starts, and while Huan is still grumpy the girls and Riven manage to soften him a bit with how much Musa loves music and how nervous she was about all this.
Musa’s number is close to happening, and after a bit, Huan shows up backstage. He apologizes for what he did that day, and that yeah, he shouldn’t have to force her to not perform just because of his fears.
Musa also apologizes for how she reacted, but also finally calls him out on how his fears have affected her and Jian, how she has felt pressured to keep a big part of her hidden from him all this time, and how much pain this has caused her. Huan apologizes once more, and as they hug, Musa earns her Glamourix, finally being honest with her dad.
She finally gets to perform her solo act, and the Showcase finishes without any major incident.
Bloom gets invited by Mitzi for a Halloween party, and she decides to bring the Winx + Dia along as well, since the rest didn’t get to see Earth last time.
The party goes without any major incidents, but Mitzi does tell her that she hasn’t seen Selina in a bit, seemingly spending a lot of time with her grandma. Mitz’s description of her matches what her parents have told her about the mysterious old lady that showed up each time she went back home, and while she’s worried, if she’s Selina’s grandmother she will probably be fine.
A few more weeks go by and the Winx wake up to the revelation Flora signed them all up for some extra courses at Cloud Tower, and she takes the chance to also meet up with Mirta and Lucy again.
Helia also goes to get some practice on his magic done.
As this happens, Sky and Riven get trapped on their side of the dorm due to some issues, and are forced to spend the entire day together. They get closer, and Riven starts to suspect he might have something for the blonde prince.
During their stay the Trix hijack the school and after some battles, they manage to steal its Keystone after defeating Discorda, its pixie.
Helia and Flora also start lowkey flirting but they’re both bad at it and Flora’s infinite patience is starting to cut short once Helia starts trying to change subjects.
Three days later, the Winx are still bummed about their defeat at the hand of the Trix, and Bloom starts taking some private magic lessons with Avalon to unwind a bit.
They talk a bit and asks Avalon if he knows where Alfea’s keystone is. Avalon says he honestly doesn’t know, but even if he knew he wouldn’t be able to tell her. Bloom makes an offhand comment about the Keystone being in the Archive, and Avalon loses composure for a second.
Avalon offers her some of his homemade tea to relax, and she eagerly drinks it, exhausted after the training.
Bloom gets progressively more and more flighty and happy as the day progresses, and during a small joke moment in the Winx’s dorm, she starts laughing too hard. Everyone gets concerned as Bloom also suddenly transformed, and started flying away.
She’s getting more and more deranged and her eyes are starting to change color, and she arrives at the Archive, starting to burn everything with a childlike glee on her eyes. Her Glamourix also turns from orange to gold.
The Winx follow and attempt to stop her, but they’re overpowered by Bloom’s Dragon Aura and she breaks the roof, flying out with the Keystone and giving it to a shadowy person for Darkar.
She comes back down and starts trying to play (read: attack) the Winx, but Avalon arrives and takes her out of whatever she was on, detransforming.
She spends the next week shut inside her room, afraid of what she had done, not knowing how it happened, and how she almost severely hurt her friends with her magic.
Since the last break before finals is rapidly approaching, Faragonda suggest for the girls to take a trip to the Fatue Wildland Resort, a place low on ambient magic with a lot of stuff for them to take their mind off recent events, and even suggest the girls could invite the Specialists.
The Winx take the offer and bring the Specialists alongside Diaspro and Helia, and they have a nice two days on the Snow Mountains before deciding to camp on the River side of the resort, just 4 days of enjoying nature.
At the same time, Palladium and Avalon go on a small hike in search of a flower, but Avalon gets some flower acid in his eyes, prompting Livy, the messenger pixie of Alfea, to go back and get some medicine while Palladium helps him. Avalon mentions something about Pixie Village’s unique cure seemingly as a random fact, and Livy decides to then go to Pixie Village since it would have been a shorter trip.
She gets attacked by Icy on the way, and she manages to find Pixie Village. She makes short work of the place and takes the last remaining Keystone, and almosts kills Ninfea before being stopped by Livy.
She decides to fold in, and Livy rushes again to help Avalon.
With all the Keystones, Darkar realizes he needs someone else to act as a catalyst to open the gate for Relix, and informs the Trix this person is Bloom, so they need to kidnap her.
The Trix attack the group on the Wildlands, but ultimately fail to get Bloom, the team getting the fuck out of there once the Trix disappear.
At some point between the attacks, Aisha gets separated from the rest, and in a moment of panic, she can only think of Musa and how she could make everything better. She realizes she might be falling in love with her.
The Winx then go to Pixie Village by Livy and Faragonda’s request, as the Tree of Life took a beating and they think Flora might be able to save it.
She does, and thanks to a confidence boost she stops beating around the bush, finally asking Helia out on a date after their ineffective flirting on the Wildlands. Chatta cheers on the background.
Once back on Alfea Bloom decides to go check up something with Avalon, and loses track of the rest.
The Winx then meet with Faragonda and talk about what happened, when Avalon, looking way worse than just a few moments ago, bursts into the hallway.
He explains he was a prisoner of Darkar almost all year, and has only now just managed to escape. Everyone else is doubtful until Faragonda decides to call the Order, and is indeed surprised that Avalon was reported missing for almost a year now.
The Winx, realizing Bloom was gonna meet up with the fake Avalon, rush like hell to his office, but are too late - Bloom is back to that crazed state (Shadow Bloom is what the fake calls it), and formally introduces himself as Bertrand, before disappearing to Shadowhaunt.
Everyone starts panicking like hell until Daphne, filled with rage, finally decides to go to Shadowhaunt and end all this right now. The Winx agree wholeheartedly, and with some preparations from all schools our protagonists venture into the depths of Magix.
They manage to meet with Amentia on the way, who realizes there’s been more monsters lately and that Darkar might be preparing for something big. She agrees to keep those monsters at bay alongside some senior Specialists chosen to help.
The main team manage to go inside at last after a last battle with the Trix, and start looking for Bloom.
On the main chamber, and with Bloom’s magic, Darkar finally manages to open the gate to Relix, and leaves the Trix alone to defend the castle while he executes his master plan (which no one truly knows what is yet).
The Trix are pissed at this, after all they did for him for him to betray them like that, so they defect and decide to go help the heroes as a last “fuck you” to Darkar.
The heroes, meanwhile, are held back by Bertrand, who has been kicking their ass for a few minutes before Faragonda, Griffin, Saladin and Codatorta’s entrance, who agree to entertain the monster while everyone else rushes to Relix with Daphne’s help.
The Ring/Sceptre of Solaria is broken during the battle, causing Stella a lot of distress.
With combined effort, the former members of the Company of Light manage to kill Bertrand.
The Winx, Specialists, Diaspro, Helia and the Trix manage to enter Relix at last, and finally witness Darkar’s plan:
To make Bloom absorb as much power from the planetoid as possible, so she can earn Relix and then transfer his consciousness to her, finally becoming corporeal again and… and…
He stops for a bit. He has completely forgotten what he wanted to do once he reached Relix, centuries old memories mixing inside of him.
The Specialists take this chance and attack Darkar, destroying his armor and suddenly freeing the spirit inside, forming into a giant bird-like form.
Bloom is still absorbing magic, and attempts from the Winx seem futile, a shield protecting her. A convergence spell manages to weaken it enough that Diaspro goes through it, and attempts to snap Bloom out of Darkar’s control as much as she can.
Darkar realizes what Diaspro is doing and attacks both her and Bloom not realizing that he will also hurt his future host, and Diaspro takes the full brunt of the attack to defend Bloom.
She ends up severely burned by Darkar, and faints on the spot, seemingly not breathing.
Bloom looks down to Diaspro, the manic glee in her face disappearing completely, her transformation undone and the curse drug placed on her by Bertrand burnt away by her sorrow.
Diaspro starts to shine, however, and manages to get herself partly up surprised that she’s not hurting anymore, and realizes she earnt Enchantix by saving Bloom via giving up her safety for her. Bloom hugs her immediately, but soon realizes Darkar’s still there and he’s attacking everyone.
However, the headmasters plus Daphne arrive to Relix as well, and with everyone’s power, they manage to destroy Darkar, separating the two souls that formed him and burning them, letting them pass on at last.
Completely exhausted, everyone leaves Shadowhaunt slightly traumatized by everything that happened, and the Trix, while proved helpful against Darkar in the end, are going to have to go to jail for a bit and will have a proper trial to determine their fate.
Everyone finally manages to go back to the schools and rest for a bit before finals start, and for now, peace has been achieved...
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bgn846 · 4 years
Satum Novum Chapter 1:High Seas FFXV Gladnis
This is a repost of an older work from AO3.  Hope you all enjoy. :)
Summary: Noctis gets kidnapped and Ignis is lost at sea after he tries to thwart the plot. Now as he struggles to save himself and locate the missing prince, he stumbles upon the last person he ever expected to find.   Gladiolus Amicitia, the shield that decided to become a fisherman instead.   Will he make it in time to rescue Noctis or has he failed his one and only friend?
Chapter 1:
The idea of death had crossed his mind several times.  The odds of being rescued were extremely rare and his body couldn’t hold out much longer.  Ignis wasn’t sure what was worse, the idea of traitors in the royal ranks or his princes questionable safety.  Not that it mattered he was going to die soon and no one would ever know what had really happened.
Treading water was an interesting thing.  A human could do this action for a couple days at most, but that was under certain circumstances.  Ignis had been in the water now for about eighteen hours.  Things flittered through his mind in uncoordinated bundles.  He had been grateful at first that the water temperature had been warm.  It saved him from catching hypothermia right away, though he was shivering now as he’d been in for far too long.  
However, his traitorous brain would then tell him this was merely prolonging his death.  Dying slowly was agonizing.  He knew he would run out of energy and sink beneath the waves to eventually drown.  With no water and nothing to drink he was pushing it already.
The items on his person that were waterproof, his watch and phone weren’t much use.  His phone had run out of battery and was out of range anyway.  His watch only served to remind him of the countdown to his demise.
Continuing to stay upright he focused on breathing.  Why was he even bothering, he was a dead man playing with time.  Then he saw it, a ship in the distance.   Despite the fact that Ignis knew they couldn’t see him, he still screamed at the top of his lungs.  Waiting for the ship to steer his direction was excruciating.   What if they went the other way?  He would watch his one and only chance at savior sail away that would be heartbreaking.   
Several times it appeared the ship was turning away and he nearly cried.  Then against all odds it got closer and closer.  He waved his hands and yelled hoping someone would see or hear him.  The moment when a tall dark haired man waved back and pointed to him was overwhelming.  The rush of relief at being spotted made Ignis temporarily stop moving.  Sinking beneath the surface he struggled to get his head above water once more.  His body was reaching its limits.
The dark haired man was shouting directions to his crew as they navigated the craft closer to Ignis.  It was a fairly good sized fishing charter boat, big enough that there was no way to board without a ladder.      
He kept sinking beneath the surface due to the shock of being rescued.   Someone shouted something, a warning, and then a life ring was thrown out for him.  Swimming to the floating ring was a challenge.  Ignis swallowed sea water as he attempted to stay afloat.  Finally he was able to grasp it and he could mercifully rest his legs and arms.
As the dark hair man pulled him closer, Ignis noticed another crew member with a new rope.  It had a harness attached.  Once he was next to the hull, the second rope was lowered with instructions for looping his arms and upper body into the harness.  He complied and then he began to feel himself being lifted.  Focusing on holding on tight he closed his eyes.  Part of his brain was unable to come to terms with the fact that he was being rescued.  It was so surreal, in a panic he opened his eyes to check it was still happening.
That’s when he saw his rescuer up close.  The tall dark haired man was holding onto his arm and hauling him over the railing.  He had long hair that was pulled back away from his face, and he was talking to him.  Ignis could barely process anything, he was dimly aware of hands removing the harness and being laid down.
“Hey buddy stay with me.” A voice urged.  “What’s your name?” The man tried again.
“I—Ignis.” He managed to croak.  His voice was raw from yelling and lack of water to drink.
“How long were you out here?” The man asked.
“More than a day.” Ignis rasped.  “He desperately wanted something to drink, but wasn’t sure he’d pass out before he was able to ask.    
“Shit!” The man exclaimed. “Prompto go fetch me water now!  Hey stay with me for a little bit longer.  You need to drink something and then I’ll take you below deck and get you dried off.”
This Prompto returned with the water, but that meant he had to sit up.  His body was done moving and was on strike.   His rescuer figured this out pretty fast and helped lever Ignis up into sitting position.  Making a move to take the bottle almost worked, Ignis was tired and uncoordinated so he faltered.  The dark haired man gave up after a second and brought the bottle to Ignis’ lips.
Normally this type of action would have not been tolerated by Ignis but he needed water.  It may have been a blessing he wasn’t holding it.  The man slowly tipped the water back and Ignis knew he would have tried to gulp the whole thing down in heartbeat.
“I’m not feeling so great.” Ignis mumbled.  “I’m cold.”
“Working on that next buddy, I’m going to carry you so don’t freak out.”
The next few minutes were odd indeed.  Ignis’ world tilted as this man picked him up off the deck.  Then a blur of dark and light spaces proceeded to pass him by.  Finally they stopped and he was being put down on the floor again.
“Prompto!  Kiddo where are you?  I need those towels.”  The man yelled.
The blond haired youth named Prompto appeared with an armful of towels.  He quickly came into the room and waited for more instruction.
“Hey Ignis.” The man spoke.  “I need to get you out of your wet clothes and dried off.  Are you okay with me doing that?”
Ignis managed a nod and tried fumbling with the buttons of his own shirt.   His fingers were numb, astrals this was bad.  The stranger got his buttons undone fast and tugged Ignis up into sitting position to remove the shirt.
“Prompto help me, make sure he stays upright.”
Ignis felt the blond haired man grasp his shoulders and hold him firmly.  It helped tremendously otherwise he would have fallen to the side ages ago.  His shirt was taken off and then his undershirt was pulled over his head.
Next came his shoes and trousers. Ignis chose to ignore the last shred of his dignity being stripped away, as his boxers were taken off.  He knew it was necessary and honestly it felt so much better to not have any wet clothing sticking to his skin.
The stranger spared him complete humiliation by quickly throwing a towel over his midsection once he was fully disrobed.
“You’ve got hair drying duty I’ll get his legs.” The man said as he handed a towel to Prompto.
Ignis zoned out, despite being out of the water and getting dry he was still shivering violently.  “Do --do you have a blanket?” He asked hoping they would wrap him up soon.
“I’ve got a bunk right here with a pile of blankets on it just for you.  Give me a sec.”
As promised a moment later the dark haired man bodily lifted him again and placed him in a bunk a few feet away.   Ignis sighed loudly in contentedness as the covers were pulled up around his body.  He might survive this ordeal yet.
“Try and relax, you’re safe, you can rest.” The stranger urged.
That was all Ignis needed to hear and he passed out.
“Uh Gladio – come take a look at this.” Prompto announced as he held Ignis’ clothes while they both stood in the common area.
“What is it Blondie?  Upset because he dresses better than you?”
“Hey! I like my style.” Prompto huffed. “Stop distracting me, this could be important.  Take a look at the label in his shirt; it says it came from the ‘crown tailors’.  Does that mean the crown?” He stressed.
Gladio trudged over finally and took a peek.  Sure enough the label inside read as Prompto had described it.  “Have you heard any chatter over the radio about any boating accidents?”
“Nothing, which is really weird right?” The younger man pondered.  “Unless it was on a secret mission and the boat sank and Ignis is the only survivor.”
Staring at the blond Gladio sighed heavily.  “You and your imagination.  If there had been other people don’t you think Ignis would have said something about looking for other survivors?”
“Not if he is sworn to secrecy and the mission failed.”
Rubbing his face with his hands Gladio chose to walk away and rummage through the food stores.  “I’m going to go sit with him in case he wakes up again.  I’m worried he didn’t drink enough water before he passed out.   You gonna keep my boat float?”
“Okay you have trained me really well on that part; I promise I won’t let anything too terrible happen.” Prompto swore as he crossed his heart with his fingers.
Pursing his lips together Gladio shook his head.  “I’m not sure whether to be happy that you know your limitations or worried that you know your limitations.”
“Oh go I’ll be fine.  I know where you are and I can use the P.A.  if I need to.”
“Fine.” Gladio huffed as he grabbed some apples and water.  Smiling at Prompto he turned and left the common area. His blond friend was an odd ball for sure.  Poor guy had been chased down by a bunch of local thugs one night, and he’d sought solace on Gladio’s fishing boat.   Why on Eos he’d been trailing around the run down port of east Niflheim was beyond him.
Gladio had finished his business and put out to sea without even realizing the plucky kid had gotten stuck in his bait hold.  He remembered getting the fright of his life when he went to check the bait stocks.   All he saw was a shock of blond hair and a skinny arm reaching out to grab him.
That was almost two years ago and no matter how hard he tried the guy wouldn’t leave.  Not that he minded so much, it was nice to have company when he was in between fishing seasons and down a full crew.
Approaching his cabin he pushed the door open slowly and walked in.  Ignis was still unconscious but thankfully he’d stopped shivering.  He’d only left him for about ten minutes and he looked so much better already.  Gladio figured he’d wait another hour and then try and wake Ignis up to drink something.  For now he setup his hammock and grabbed a book.  
Panic gripped the advisor as he awoke.  Where was he? What had happened to Noct?  The gentle shaking of his shoulders stopped when he finally opened his eyes.  It was immediately evident that his face had betrayed his fears.
“Whoa Ignis don’t freak out, you’re still safe.  I picked you up in the open sea about two hours ago.  Remember?” His rescuer asked.
The memories of his hellish adventure came flooding back.  The royal vessel and the traitors that had so cruelly shoved him overboard, he could only pray that Noct was unharmed.  He needed to find his prince before it was too late.  “I need to go.” He uttered quickly.
“I figured you’d say something like when you woke up. I’ve already charted a course back to the main land.”
“A fairly decent sized port near Altissia.  I can radio ahead if you need to deliver a message of any kind.”
“No!” Ignis hissed that was the last thing he needed.  He had no idea how many other kingsglaive had been turned.  
The stranger held up his hands in a peaceful gesture. “Don’t stress, I won’t do anything until you’re ready.”
The response calmed Ignis somewhat.  At least he didn’t have to fight with this man over things of that nature.  “What do I call you?” Ignis asked suddenly when he realized he had no name for his savior.
“The names Gladiolus Amicitia, but you can call me Gladio.” He smiled.  
Ignis blinked stupidly at Gladio.  Blaming his exhaustion for being unable to think clearly he tried to find out more information.  “Who’s your father?” He asked weakly.
Gladio narrowed his eyes.  “I’ll play fifty questions with you but you need to drink some water first.”
The thought of water was so pleasant it nearly distracted him completely.   Working an arm out from the covers he reached out to take the bottle.   Gladio carefully helped him sit up so he could drink.   After the bottle was drained Ignis became aware of his state of undress.  He opened his mouth to speak again but Gladio cut him off.
“I’ve got some spare clothes for you if you’re able?”
Nodding quickly earned him a lap of comfortable looking garments.  Gladio remained by his side as he pulled the worn but very soft t-shirt over his head.  It was good that Gladio was nearby, as he almost toppled sideways out of the bed, when the shirt was over his head.   He could add lack of balance to his list of problems.
Laying back down Ignis took the sweatpants and managed to don them while staying under the covers.  He sighed heavily after the task was complete.  “Thank you.” He mumbled, sleep was threatening to take him again.
“Let me cut you up an apple before you pass out again.” Gladio added as he patted Ignis’ shoulder.
Watching as the dark haired man pulled a chair over to sit beside him, Ignis worked to remain awake.   He focused on Gladio cutting the apple and watched his fingers work the blade around the fruit.
“Here.” He offered as he held out a small slice.
Ignis accepted and munched slowly, astrals he was hungry.   Accepting each slice gratefully he was starting to relax slightly.
“So my father is Clarus Amicitia, the King’s shield.  However, I have a feeling you already knew that.”
“Did my phone make it?” Ignis asked suddenly.
“Huh? A yeah it did actually. ��Prompto’s charging it now.  Fancy with technology these days eh, making water resistant phones and all.”
“I must get to shore quickly.” Ignis reiterated.
“Don’t worry I’m working on it trust me.”
“When was the last time you saw your father?” Ignis asked as he bounced back to the topic at hand.
Gladio rubbed at the back of neck.  “I dunno exactly but it’s been a while.   After my mom died, when I was young, I went to live with an Aunt.  My younger sister and I spent our youth visiting dad on the weekends.  That got to be hard with his work schedule so we stopped going after a while.”
“I’m sorry to hear it.” Ignis offered.
“I have good memories, which helps, but it was still sad not being with him all the time.”
“May I ask why you haven’t taken up the family profession?”
Gladio scoffed.  “I’ve trained for it, believe me.”
Ignis knew this was true simply based off of Gladio’s actions to date.  He’d been picked up twice already by the man, and he could see his muscled physique plain as day. “What happened then?”
“I didn’t want to get sucked into a life that wasn’t my own.  I grew up never seeing my dad and it was because of his job.  I didn’t want to do that to my sister.”
“But aren’t you out on this boat a lot?” Ignis asked unable to stop himself.
“Yeah – you got a point there, but I do spend the off season at home with Iris, my sister, and she tags along sometimes.  Titan’s ass, listen to me rattle on about shit you don’t care about.  Sorry.” Gladio admitted.  
“I don’t mind, it’s nice to hear actually.” Ignis had been curious about Clarus’ home life or lack thereof.  He’d known the man had children but he’d never met them.  Sighing he decided he might have to divulge more information about his situation.  He had a feeling he might need the services of a runaway shield.
“So what about you? How’d you end up floating in the middle of the sea?” Gladio asked with a concerned look.  “You don’t have to answer that yet, I really should let you rest.  You look wicked tired.”
It was true Ignis was struggling to stay awake, but he did feel it might be beneficial to share some of his story.  “It’s alright, you deserve to know more.” He added right before he yawned widely.
“You need to sleep, it can wait.”
“Mmm sleep does sound wonderful, but I must tell you some part of my story in case it proves useful.” Ignis could see the look of confusion cross Gladio’s face.  “My full name is Ignis Scientia and I’m the royal advisor to his highness Prince Noctis.”
Gladio appeared dumbstruck.  “I would hear my father mention someone by the name of Scientia when I was younger.  The prince’s future advisor and babysitter, if I recall.”
Ignis smiled at that remark.  “Ah yes I do still hear that occasionally.”  The thought of caring for his prince did reignite his worry.  “I was accompanying the prince on a special fishing trip when I discovered there were traitors in our midst.  I was unable to act fast enough and they literally shoved me overboard in the dead of night.”
“Damn!  That’s shitty.  The astrals must want you to save him since you got rescued.   Honestly, I wasn’t even meant to be where I was when I found you.  I’d gotten off course and was about to correct it when I saw you waving.”
That information caught Ignis off guard.  He wasn’t expecting to be told of his near doom.  “Oh – that is – uh.” The advisor couldn’t figure out what to say.  Being reminded that he had nearly died was doing funny things to his brain.  The feeling of tears pricking at his eyes surprised him.  Taking a deep breath Ignis worked to calm down.  He’d been saved and that’s what mattered.
“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.  Try not to focus on the ‘what if’s’ you’re safe now.”  Gladio announced kindly.
“Can I ask that you keep this information quiet for now?  I’m not sure who I can trust.”  Ignis asked seriously.
“Sure thing, you’re lucky my dad likes you otherwise we might have a problem.”
“Huh?” Now it was Ignis’ turn to be confused.  “I thought you didn’t talk much anymore?”
“Yeah well you’ve been in service to the crown for a long time, and I do remember my dad talking about you.  Nothing personal just that he thought you were a good influence on the prince.  I’ll have to take your word that you’re not one of the traitors.”
“I would die for highness; I can assure you I’m one of the good guys.”
“Well you almost did die for your prince already, so hopefully you won’t have to do it again.” Gladio added.  “Now rest, I’ve chewed your ear off for far too long.”
Ignis hummed his approval and closed his eyes.  He could feel the blanket being pulled up to cover his shoulders.  Shoving his thoughts aside he tumbled into sleep once more. 
“What do you mean he’s disappeared?” Noct yelled. “People don’t disappear on a fucking boat!”
“Highness watch your language.” Drautos hissed.
“I will do no such thing, my friend is missing and we need to figure out what happened!”
“You must consider the possibility that he slipped and fell overboard last night.”  Lazarus offered with a sneer.  “It’s hard to see at night and the seas were choppy.”
“Ignis is smart he wouldn’t have fallen overboard.  We need to turn around and backtrack; we need to find him before he drowns!” Noct added frantically.    
“I’ve put out a distress call just in case there are any other boats in the area.  They will keep an eye out.” Drautos added with little sympathy.
“No this is unacceptable.  We are turning around now!  That’s an order!” Noct huffed crossing his arms and frowning.
Drautos looked irritated and he looked to Lazarus with a glare.  “Of course highness.  Lazarus go tell the captain to get this boat turned around.”
Lazarus left quickly and then it happened.  Noct watched in horror as Drautos suddenly morphed into a full suite of magical armor.   The ensuing battle was far from fair.  Sure, he could use his magic to defend himself but it wasn’t working real well.  Fighting on a boat was hazardous.  One wrong move and the boat would sink essentially dooming them all.  The turning point had been when Drautos had threatened just that.
He had forced the battle down to the cabins below and was ready to open a hole in the bottom of the vessel.  Noct was livid he’d been duped by the very captain of the guard.  A small hope flickered in him that Lazarus had made a distress call.   That idea was squashed when he saw the glaive coming to join them.
“Put it on him.” Drautos ordered.
Before Noct could ask, Lazarus was standing beside him holding a metal collar.    “I’m not wearing that fucking thing!” he sputtered.
“You don’t have a choice.  Put it on or I’ll sink the boat.” Drautos growled.
After an intense stare down Noct finally took the offending item from Lazarus and fastened it on his neck.  The device blocked his use of magic.
“If you try and remove it, it will electrocute you.”
The prince wished it was full of explosives instead.  He would have considered trying to remove it with them all on the boat.   He would at least be taking down two traitors.  His advisor was most likely dead and things were looking grim.  “Why?” he asked curtly.
“Nothing personal highness, I want money plain and simple.  Lazarus, lock him in his cabin would you.” Drautos ordered.
Once inside his room Noct sat down and tried not to cry.  This was so bad.   He needed to figure out how to send a distress call.  Reaching for his phone revealed no signal.  He’d need to get to the bridge above to use the radio.  Without his magic that was going to be a hard task.
The Eos was a boring place these days.   There had been no major wars in the last three hundred years, and no one died from the scourge anymore.  The history books were full of tales of the black death but the malady had been banished half a millennia ago. Even the daemons that roamed the lands were gone.  Monsters still lurked here and there but they were manageable.
Some ancient Lucis Caelum had come back to life and saved them all.   Or at least that’s how the story was told.  No one knew exactly what had happened, merely that the current Lucis Caelums were tasked with protecting the crystal that gave life to their Eos.  He used its very magic to fight with and it felt brilliant.  What a waste to have such power and not use it for domination.  
However, the soldier wasn’t stupid and he knew a rebellion of that nature would never work.  The Eos liked being at peace.  The idea had come to him to operate on a slightly smaller scale.   Every large city across the Eos had a darker side.
Organized crime.
Once he’d completed this mission and gotten his ransom money he was going to relocate to Niflheim and open up shop as it were.  He had power, and he would have money to go with it soon.  He’d instructed Lazarus to plot a course to angelgard.   The time had come to make his move.
>Next Chapter 2 or read on AO3
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bulbyellow82-blog · 4 years
What Is Cryopen and Does It function?
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further Fat Freezing details & suggestions:.
What You need To find Out About Femiwand Treatments
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getting Rid Of Skin Tags.
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Your doctor is there to listen thoroughly to you, as well as to assist you accomplish the goals you want. This additionally suggests letting you know if your expectations are not realistic.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
MACS has the benefit of smaller marks as well as usually a shorter recuperation time. If you choose to go on with the facelift, we'll enable at the very least two weeks in between your assessment and the date for surgery.
Modern technology and improved techniques imply that a Mini Face-Lift operation currently lasts around 1 to 1.5 hours, it is pain-free and also healing time is much quicker. Only a brief time ago, we advised individuals to wait up until they really can not bear with indicators of aging and then, at an older age, have a full facelift. The client would be happy with the significant enhancement as well as would be unlikely to need any kind of further surgical procedure. Now people are typically not seeking a significant adjustment, but simply not to grow old. This therapy is particularly appealing due to the low danger that it presents.
Results have actually been especially great in more youthful individuals who don't want the dangers and recovery time associated with surgical procedure.
The treatment functions best on skin of mild to moderate laxity where it's beginning to feel as well as look less firm with age.
The HIFU is ideal for any person from 18 years old, males and females.
The high strength frequency ultrasound targets the same layer of skin attended to in plastic surgery, the SMAS, the shallow musculoaponeurotic system.
Along with being totally non-invasive, the power of the HIFU treatment is right away noticeable post-treatment.
The HIFU body treatments are a perfect solution providing three therapies in one, skin tightening, fat loss and also cellulite treatment.
We are unable to carry out the therapy if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
However, cryolipolysis to all surgical procedure, some complications are possible. Your surgeon will certainly review each of these threats thoroughly at your assessment. We advise patients must have the ability to go back to their normal day-to-day tasks after concerning one week - we would certainly suggest a couple of times off of deal with the choice of a complete week must you need it as swelling is biggest during this time. We ask our clients to be conscious their facial location and also not to do too much prematurely. We likewise advise preventing UV light for 2 -4 weeks to help the scarring procedure. On http://greasebarge34.nation2.com/cryo-uk of your procedure we ask that you get here for your admission a hr prior to the agreed begin time of surgery. Now a registered nurse will certainly come and also record high blood pressure and various other appropriate examinations, you will meet your anaesthetist as well as your surgeon that will certainly make the final mark-ups.
further Fat Freezing info & advice:.
What are the negative effects of CoolSculpting?
Some common side effects of CoolSculpting include:Tugging sensation at the treatment site. Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site. Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site.
Mini Facelift Surgical procedure intends to remedy the signs of aging as well as gravity, enhancing the look of the reduced face and dewlaps with marginal risk and also downtime. The goal is to look fresh, a lot more vibrant without transforming you-- natural restoration!
What You required To learn About Femiwand Treatments
Infection is infrequent (much less than 0.5%) and will certainly require a program of suitable anti-biotics. Face muscular tissue weak point is unusual, might affect the forehead or edge of the mouth and is momentary long lasting 6 weeks. Some altered sensation around the cheeks is expected as well as will commonly go back to typical in between 6 to 12 weeks after surgical procedure. At LBPS, we comprehend that your decision to have Face surgical treatment can be an overwhelming as well as nervous time for you. Our objective is to completely understand your issues and also wishes, and also examine your face properly, before agreeing on a therapy plan which is in your best interest.
How many times can you do Cryolipolysis?
More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. This is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
Bear in mind that these contemporary lifting treatments are commonly incorporated with fat transfer and stem cell transfer to bring back quantity in the right areas and invigorate the skin. This procedure commences with the making of a small incision listed below each ear. The connective cells listed below the skin is drawn as well as held back to produce a refined structural lift in your jawline and also neck. Historically, face-lift operations have actually been lengthier treatments, causing higher pain degrees and also longer healing time.
Clients who do not have excess skin because of laxity, commonly do not call for a Mini Face Lift, much of these clients will gain from Mid-Face Training or Silhouette Face Lift or non invasive face renewal. The treatment which is finest fit to your goals will certainly be figured out at your examination. Your outcome can recover positive self-image as well as increase self-confidence. The majority of individuals are back to their regular regimens after simply a few days. In addition, the smallness of the facial cuts implies that your skin's healing procedure will certainly be quicker as well.
genital tightening Up treatment tested!
coolsculpting to all surgical procedures there are always dangers connected with surgical treatment. Discoloration can occur and might take 2 weeks to resolve, while major bleeding is unusual.
eliminating Skin Tags.
With this method, the doctor will certainly make a smaller cut that does not encompass the ear. The incision is more superficial and does not go under the SMAS layer. This technique is less considerable than the SMAS strategy, so is much better suited to dealing with milder laxity of face skin.
If for any type of reason you are unsuitable for Mini Facelift surgery, you will certainly be discouraged this type of surgical treatment. We will offer you with all the information you require and support in the past, during as well as after your surgical procedure.
The advantages of this method is smaller sized marks and also a shorter recuperation time. A facelift can give you a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. As we age, our skin slowly loses its elasticity and also our face muscles subside. This develops the look of wrinkled, drooping skin, specifically on the face. Way of life variables such as sun exposure as well as stress can likewise add to these modifications. This can affect your self-confidence as well as make you look older than you really feel. Therefore, a facelift aims to restore the vitality in your appearance.
evidence From professional researches On The efficiency Of Laser Vaginal firm.
The Concept ™ Facelift is not limited by age; nonetheless, individuals in their twenties are not likely to have the loosened skin and age-related modifications that can benefit from a facelift. A regular age where people present has a tendency to be around 50, particularly for ladies. That's since the hormonal modifications of the menopause can affect the appearance. The majority of Bella Vou's patients age from late 40s to 55 and also claim that they feel they look tired as well as desire a more refreshed look.
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I was exceptionally pleased with the treatment and therapy I received at the Cadogan Facility. My surgeon got along and interesting as well as described the treatment totally. My treatment went effectively and also with the excellent treatment of the nursing team, I made a fast and complete recuperation. The Mini-Facelift is a suitable therapy for people wishing to reverse the signs of aging and achieve a more vibrant appearance without going through a complete facelift treatment. A mini - lift can be finished with marginal trouble, scars and also threat.
Bella Vou offers customers an uniquely private approach to plastic surgery. The state-of-the-art facility gives the very most recent surgical, cosmetic, as well as aesthetic treatments in a posh, comfortable, and also inviting environment in the heart of the gorgeous historical community of Royal Tunbridge Wells. The revolutionary Idea ™ Facelift is exclusively offered at Bella Vou. The cutting-edge, trademarked technique was created by the center's prominent cosmetic surgeons as a much less invasive option to traditional facelift surgical treatment as well as brings in clients from across the globe. One more type of facelift surgical treatment is called very little accessibility cranial suspension. Much shorter cuts, contrasted to a traditional facelift, are made in the holy place and in front of the ears. Fibrous tissues under the skin are tightened with long-term stitches that are taken care of to tissue near the cheekbone or the fibrous connective cells under the skin.
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If you select to proceed with surgical treatment, the next time you come into the Center after your final consultation will be the day of your procedure. I was treated with treatment and also given with extensive expertise regarding the procedure I was taking on. My doctor was really systematic and also I felt I obtained A course treatment.
How much weight can you lose with fat freezing?
CoolSculpting can naturally diminish between 20-25% of the fat cells in the areas it covers. It will not help you lose weight, however, it can improve the shape of your body, making it appear as though you've dropped pounds. This is because a 20-25% reduction can make a huge impact on the appearance of stubborn bulges.
The size as well as place of the marks will differ according to the method utilized. Ensure you have discussed with your cosmetic surgeon what scarring you can expect. Most marks will be very little as well as your doctor will certainly make them as discreet as possible. How much they discolor will certainly depend upon the recovery capability of your skin.
Where do you lose fat first?
Mostly, losing weight is an internal process. You will first lose hard fat that surrounds your organs like liver, kidneys and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh fat. The fat loss from around the organs makes you leaner and stronger.
Your cosmetic surgeon can likewise provide you some ideas on just how you should look after your wounds, to reduce the scarring you are entrusted. Throughout your facelift assessment, we advise that you are as open as feasible with your surgeon.
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midnight-lightning · 5 years
Piece of gold | Part 1
Loki x reader
Part 1  Part 2     Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6
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Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: You live your dream as a worker in the royal library of Asgard, everything would still be normal if there wasn't a certain prince between the bookshelves whose passion also included books. Of course destiny has decided it was time to bring you two together...
Your Mother was that kind of a woman who would give people advises about life's meaning and their place in the world when one simply asks what weather it is. Of course after a certain time you stopped thinking too deep into her words but one thing she had truly taught you. It was to always follow your passions, to do everything that full fills you, give you your own meaning of life. Well, and you did follow your passion but you're pretty sure it was not that kind of thing she would expected from her words, as you simply followed your love and passion for books.
You remembered feeling like you'd die out of nervousness on your first day. Truth to be told, it was literally only a few days ago.
Mealla was the first person to greet you and introduce you to your new job and tasks. She was working at the reception and was also the one you'd now consider as a good friend.
With a big smile you inhaled the smell of wood and old paper as you entered the library on this new morning being greeted by a very busy Mealla who only pointed on a huge stack of books on the table which waited to be sorted into the shelves. You tighten your apron, grab a few of them and walked straight into the maze of bookshelves before you.
Yeah, it'd be pointless to say that the biggest library of Asgard was, in fact, very big and being in addition the royal library it was unbelievably breathtaking. You had to admit that even after all the days you've already worked here and get tours you still haven't seen the whole library and therefore don't always take the right way.
Besides, the beauty of this place never failed to keep you from your work and sometimes you just couldn't resist and hide in some further corner to read by yourself.
As you stroll through the paths of big shelfs, desks and other seating options, sorting the books in their right places you noticed that the library was as always highly visited. Due the fact that this place was this huge you sometimes felt alone nerveless especially in rear sections as this one.
Therefore it was no wonder you nearly had a heart attack by what happened next. Around the corner sat a man on the couch, reading the book in his hand. It was nothing extraordinary so You didn't really pay attention to him. It was only when you noticed his not so ordinary clothes and these typical colours that had you spin around with a horrible thought. With a small squeak you let the last book slip out of your hands and it hit loud on the floor. This suddenly noise caused the man sitting before you to look up. Your eyes met for just the one second you needed to grab the fallen book and rush out of the situation.
Mealla could already see on your pale face that something must have happened when you suddenly appeared next to her.
"Why! Why, just why didn't you mind telling me that of all the people living in Asgard the prince himself had to show up here?" You asked with panic in your trembling voice
But Mealles face immediately relaxed. "Oh? You mean prince Loki? He's very often here in the library," she answered nonchalantly.
"Oi, but why didn't you say anything? Now he must think I'm completely mental..." A small laugh escapes you.
He was a PRINCE after all, you work for him and you did neither greeted him properly nor paid any kind of respect to him. Instead you ran away like a wild chicken!
This was so Embarrassing.
"Y/N, I beg you to relax. You're for certain not the first one who has lost control of her fangirling emotions, he's used to things like that. Besides, he won't even remember you the next time you met, what I hope will not happen."
You snorted. "I was not fangirling! It was just the shock as I've never seen any of the royalty that- Wait, why would you hope something like that?"
Mealla suddenly stopped in her work and her expression went to a serious one. "Y/N, I hope I do not need to explain to you who Loki is. Besides his high position he's also capable of powerful arts and also many stories are being told about the prince. If you know what's good for you, you keep enough distance from him. Don't cause trouble."
Yeah, you have heard enough stories, true or false ones. But as your friend suggested you tried your best to avoid every corner in which the young prince could be.
That's also why the next days passed without any further interruptions except that one man, a high soldier, who kept demanding one certain book which was not yet available in the library. But you promised him to take care of this problem. Well, whole Asgard is preparing for the star-celebration, which also included the traditional ball. It was always the greatest event of the year for every asgardian. No wonder that even the soldiers may get a little stressed.
Right after the small incident however, you vanished deep in between the high bookshelves to your usual little corner in which you continued to read your favourite book. You knew that if someone caught you, you'd may get in trouble as it was still work for you to do. But you just couldn't stop thinking about this story, besides you still had a lot of time for your duties afterwards.
You were lost in this other world with your thoughts and heart, therefore you partly ignored partly didn't notice the person turning around the corner.
With a little confused and annoyed expression he seemed to search in the book shelves for something, when his gaze landed upon you. Usually he wouldn't give you much attention but then he noticed the book in your hands, causing him to roll his eyes in annoyance.
He coughed slightly but loud enough for you to hear.
Startled you jumped up from your seat, catching the book which was already falling and started to panic. "I'm working, I swear, there was just dirt on the book I had to-" When you looked up you clasped your hand over your mouth in shock as you realised to whom you was speaking.
"Yes, I see that," said prince freaking Loki in front of you with huge sarcasm in his voice.
Please, please ground, please open and let me vanish, you thought in great shame.
In the next second you took a bow, while rattling endless kinds of apologies. "Please, forgive me, I didn't realise-"
Loki lifted his hand with a bored expression and you closed your mouth. For a second.
"Stop with your apologises."
"I'm sor-. I mean, it would be better if I continue with my work," you mumbled and wanted to pass by him as fast as you could when he stopped you again.
"I didn't waste my time by addressing myself to you. I had indeed a cause for that."
You turned around, your face burning. "Yes, of course, I beg yo-er how can I help you, my prince?"
"I was wondering if you'd know where a certain book of mine is as you're obviously working here. It's name is "piece of gold"."
Immediately you turned to the bookshelves and started searching for it, as it should be somewhere in this area. Again an annoyed cough got your attention and you noticed the prince staring at your hands, frowning.
"May it be that one?" he asked. You looked down at the book that you were reading just a few minutes ago and blushed in embarrassment.
"Oh, yes, it is indeed that one. Here."
Loki took it, but raised his brown.
"It's quite rare that I met someone who is interested in these kind of books as well," he looked nearly suprised.
You laughted quietly. "Well, if you only read books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. Besides I just fell in love with all the characters and the story line."
Your face brightening by these thoughts, until you realised you had lost control about your emotions and now a startled expression showed up.
"I-I beg your Pardon, your highness, I shouldn't...I-I think I should go now, if you excuse me."
Only a quick bow and you were already gone, leaving Loki with an almost amused expression.
What a strange girl...
You didn't know what kind of a curse had fallen upon you that you've gotten in this awkward and embarrassing situations with the prince, let alone the fact that you had to come across him.
It was later that evening, you were already back in the apartments you shared with other workers in the palace, but you still scolded yourself every time you thought about the things that had happened. It was just your first weeks of work in the library, what is the rest of your time going to be like with Loki most of the time around your beloved place, hiding in the corners.
Alright, stop it now, Y/N, no one not even the prince is going to stop your passion in any kind, besides it wasn't even that bad, you just can't look him into his eyes, like forever, but next time you just try over. If there's going to be a next time at all. You hoped not.
A knock on the door ripped you out of your thoughts. When you opened it you saw Anoria, one of your roommates.
"This had been delivered for you, or at least if this is your name...Y/N?" She gave you the small package she was holding in her hands. You thanked her, she smiled and she was gone again.
Walking to your desk, you opened the package, quite curious, and smiled as you saw a book in it.
But it was not just a book, you realised just a second later, it was the book.
As you flipped through the pages, a note slipped out.
Oh no, oh no no no no!
"It'd be a crime to rip a passioned reader out of the midst of a story, as long as still not all people are thinking alike.
Return it afterwards.
By Odin it wasn't something you'd expected from a prince, let alone from the pretty isolated Loki Odinson.
You had spent nearly the whole night afterwards finishing this book in order to give it back as soon as possible. Sadly, it was the last volume of the series and the end was pretty gloomy. You wondered what Loki thought about this Story, especially the ending, because you have yourself never met anyone who had read this book. Therefore, no matter what people say about the mysterious prince, he had a good taste with books. Well, you couldn't imagine his brother Thor sitting in peace and doing nothing but get lost in fictional stories, as he was very obviously a proud warrior, thoroughly.
Because of your lack of sleep you were naturally very tired the next day you went to work. And it wasn't even worth it, as Loki didn't show up, so you couldn't give him the book back as he had demanded. And neither did he on at the following time.
The thought that you brought him out of the library by your annoying behavior has already crossed your mind and you had promised yourself not to get in any further inappropriate situations with the prince.
It was one of the days on which you've gotten the night shift and were nearly alone in the dimmed library as you finally met him again. Well, the word "met" didn't quite fit, "bumped into" was it to be exactly, of course you had to bump into him? The universe despised you with the whole heart.
"Oh my god, I'm so SORRY."
It was the third time you've met him in a very awkward way and slowly you have gotten enough.
Fortunately it seems that no one else was in this section to be part of this dilemma.
Loki didn't even responded, instead a painfully silence arrived by his silenced staring. You bite your lips out of nervousness, before you remembered the book you was carrying in the bag all these days.
"I uh...I brought you the book." You stretched your arms with the book forward and grinned bashfully. He took it without a word but you were just too nervous to keep being quite.
"I liked it, by the way. Except for the ending. I thought he would get his happy end, he deserved it after all."
Loki browsed through the pages and said with a monotone voice: "As a library worker you should know that there can't always be a happy ending, besides he did too many mistakes in his life to be forgiven in the end. He was a horrible person and deserved everything what happened to him."
You blinked surprised. You hadn't thought he would react to your little outburst and also because you couldn't understand his statement.
"Please, forgive me, but I think everyone deserves love in his life and the woman he was in love with did actually forgive him. Besides there isn't just the romance, Altocc's life is a big content out of social pressure, he hadn't really got a choice in the end."
Loki looked at you with a very thoughtful expression. "I'm sure he didn't have to sacrifice himself, I could come up with many other ways to turn things around if I'd really wanted."
You couldn't believe what was happening right in this moment. You, a simply worker of a library, conduced a conversation with prince Loki about a book you both read and loved and now you argued about who was actually right. Normally you'd kill yourself for speaking in such ways with the royalty, but on the one hand he didn't seem to mind and on other hand you just had to defend your beloved figures of your beloved book. It was your passion after all.
That's why the nervousness seemed to fade away the more you keep talking with him.
A challenging smirk appeared on your face. "Oh, yes? Which ones?"
The next thing you knew Loki let out an actual small laugh and as it'd be arranged both of you sat down at the table across each other.
And well, the next time both of you fell in a deep and passioned discussion about the books plot, the characters, morals without really realising. The library worker and the prince, have forgotten who they are in this time, their positions and that this situation was utterly inappropriate.
You just talked about your passions, deep into the night.
It was a few hours later, that you two had slowly stopped speaking and a comfortable silenced rose up.
Then, a confused thought passed by and you didn't know why you hadn't noticed this early.
"Prince Loki, can I ask you a question?"
Loki looked up. And as your eyes met you noticed the intensive green in his one, that seemed to look right into your soul.
You cought slightly.
"How could it be that you knew to whom you should deliver the book? You wasn't aware of my name that time."
You got a pretty vain gaze back.
"Lady Y/N, be aware that I'm a prince. If I want something I get it, sooner or later."
You nodded slowly.
"Besides, your name is written on the sign of your uniform," he said and grinned a little.
An amused laugh escaped you. "Well, yes, that should do it."
Silence again.
A moment and a small smile later Loki stand up from his seat. You did also, at least something should appropriate the manners
"It was a pleasure to have these kind of conversation with someone who truly understands the book, or books in general, even though we have obviously different opinions on it." By this he winked, surprising you.
"But even a prince had to come back home to a certain time."
With this you were catapulted back to the real life, in which you were you, a simply girl, talking to a real prince to a really late time in a really lonely section.
Your good mood was vanished, before you bowed to Loki. "I wish you a good night, my prince."
"This I'm wishing you as well, Lady Y/N."
All in one it was a nightshift you'd neither had ever expected nor would ever forget.
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ayakashibackstreet · 5 years
for the oc asks 20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? and 31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
93 fun OC asks because why not
Ahh, thank you sm, Bunni!! Since you didn’t specify characters, I was going to answer these for everyone but I got a little bit frustrated somewhere down the line, so this is how much I got, haha :P
20. Do they have anytitles? How did they earn them?
She was born into aroyal family as the second child of the ruler of Esear – as such,the moment she was born, she gained the title of Princess of Esear.After the death of her older brother, she gained the title of Jauna –she was very young at the time and, as she herself says, ‘was notsupposed to be have it’, hence her rule was short lived before shewas dethroned. As a member of the Elehandro family, she was referredto as the Pink Rose.
He’s Finfe’solder brother! As such, he was initially the Prince and later Jaunaof Esear; he also wielded the title of the White Rose. He’sconsidered to have been a quite revolutionary ruler, having been notonly for opening the country to foreigners once again but also havingpassed multiple reforms to make the lives of poor people easier. Hewas heavily criticised amongst members of the nobility for ‘wastinghis family’s funds on frivolities’ - the frivolities being simplyredistributing the money to his poorest subjects. He wasn’t able todo all he wanted to do due to his assassination.
As he comes back tothe realm of the living (‘on parole’, as he puts it himself), hecan’t exactly get himself involved in politics too much – he’sa dead man, after all. He joins the Exorcist Association under a fakename and with time gains the title of a Travelling Exorcist (he’stotally not doing it to avenge his father btw). He’s sometimesstill using his title of the White Rose in interactions with thosewho are aware of the existence of the Sould Realm or believe that hesimply faked his death. The moment it becomes clear that he is, infact, Axciss Elehandro, he’s going to use that title for all it’sworth.
Not many peoplebelieve him when he says he has a Bachelor’s degree, but he does!He finished Electronics Engineering, with pretty good grades, too.Going to college was a pain but he was sure it’d help him find abetter job and support his family better. Things didn’t work outand the closest he’s ever come to working in his field of study wasa salesman at an electronics store. He usually doesn’t even botherstating he’s technically a Bachelor of Science – he’s stilljust Angus and since employers didn’t seem to care an awful much,he grew to not care, either. Except for being very salty about it.
They technicallyare an Exorcist but they lost their ID years ago and as such, theycannot actually function as a member of the Association. They don’tcare about that title much these days – after all, nothing comeswith it if they can’t fulfill his responsibilities to it. As such,if asked, they’d say the only title they can ever hold is maybe‘mister’.
Ifasked, she’d probably just answer ‘I’m only 18!’, smile andget on with her day. Inside, she’d get lowkey stressed out, asshe’d realise her mum wanted her to be in college already and shetechnically didn’t finish high school because she ran away.
Ashe was born a noble, back when his family was alive, he’d be called‘young master’ by his family’s servants. As all of his otherfamily members died in the Purge, he could technically be addressedas Viscount Garrenia – hovewer, that’s assuming his family namewasn’tommitted from most recent records (it was)and that Esear currently still has nobles in the first place (itdoesn’t).
Despitethat, Axciss keeps referring to him as Lord or Viscount – he feelslike, at least in some way, it restores Veni’s family their status,makes it clear that what happened to them was a disgrace. Venidoesn’t really know how he feels about it – he treats it halfwayas a morbid reminder that he’s the only Bermirras still alive, aswell as an invitation for revenge. To be fair, that second one is notentirely unwanted on Axci’s part – he wants to make sure thedumbass murder boy still has something that he’s ‘left undone’so that he doesn’t do something stupid to himself.
Hewas a peasant in his youth and a working class man in his adulthood,all the way up to the modern era. Despite most demons getting adegree or two (or more – they have a lot of time on their handsafter all), he didn’t bother getting a single one – he was toopreoccupied mourning his wife, as well as attempting to start asocialist revolution back in his country. He didn’t exactly getvery far with that, nor has the mourning calmed his nerves.
Tobe fair, Sema overall finds the concept of titles utterly stupid anduseless and even if he had one, he probably wouldn’t use it unlessit was funny. He won’t address others with their titles unless it’sfunny, either.
Shefinished Edgewood – however,while the academy is very much prestigious, it doesn’t give out anytitles relating to the primary field of study. The idea is that auramastery is not something that can be classified very easily withinthe academic system. In her resume, she’d probably just write downshe finished the Advanced Course. Still, at the same time, she wasparticipating in Edgewood’s art and language-related classes,eventually working her way up to a Bachelor of Arts title at the endof it all. She didn’t use that degree once. She just did it becauseshe kind of always wanted to.
Laterin life, she joined the Exorcist Association but as time went on, shestarted feeling like the job reminds her of her hometown way too much– as such, she basically quit and has been a mostly inactive membersince. Before that, she held the title of a Hunter Exorcist(capturing demons for the Association’s scientists). She, unlikeLolo, still has her ID and uses it now and then to access theAssociation’s databases. You never know what info might come inhandy.
Carolinehasn’t held a title in her life – the Assassin Guild didn’treally give out titles – and she doesn’t really care too much.She finds them kind of pointless. If someone wants to be referred towith them, though, they probably will – they won’t understand whyexactly anyone would want that though.
She’shad her fair share of people calling her ‘sir’ due to herfather’s position as a baron. He doesn’t care though – he hatesthe very concept of nobility and bringing up his noble upbringing torefer to him with reverence of any kind willmake him sick. If you’re doing it to establish that he had it easyin his childhood though, he’ll concede and probably join inpointing out what a priviledged brat he was. They never use titles torefer to people.
She’scurrently, in secret, doing online college courses. She’s partiallydoing it for the title, actually – she wants to be a Bachelor sodamn much… being self-taught is nice and all, but she envies thosewith academic titles after their names. Other than that, she doesn’thave any titles.
31.Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before theirown? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
She’sbad at taking care of her own needs. She’s never entirely sure whatshe wants, nor what she needs – still, she wants others, especiallyher friends, to feel good. Honestly, if you’ve been nice to Finfeat least, like, twice, she’ll probably want to do something for youso damn badly. If you’re her friend, she’ll move mountains foryou. Her biggest problem would be emotional support though – she’shorrible with words, so she feels she can’t help people much inthis regard. Honestly, she should take a bit more care of her ownneeds.
Ifyou’re a member of hisfamily, he’ll literally die for you – no exaggeration, heliterally died protectingFinfe inher assassinationattempt. Hehimself, however, is uncertain just how much of it is due to puttingothers’ needs above his own and how much is it actually a need ofhis ina way. He still blames himself for what happened to his parents andthinks he has a debt to be payed towards his family. At the sametime, he’s afraid he’s doing any of it to simply calm down hisown conscience. He ends up basically putting his family (and Angus –he’s a friend close enough to be considered family) above his ownneeds but in such a way as to try to sabotage himself – trying topush them away at the same time, for example. As for how often…well, whenever the opportunity rises. Usually in regard to big eventsand important things, though. He’s the kind of guy who’llsacrifice his well-being for his loved ones and yet finds the conceptof, for example, helping out with baking, to be completelyridiculous. He doeswant to spoil his sister though. He doesn’t let himself, since hereasons it’s selfish in a weird way. smh, how annyoing -.-Honestly, in this regard, Axciss is very confusing, so it’s toughto answer.
Angusis always happy to help out – he wouldn’t mind staying up toexplain some maths to someone, even if it meant he wouldn’t getenough sleep. You’re a college friend of his and you’ve had abeer together? Probably won’t hurt asking Angus for help once theneed arises. He, however, doesn’t like being taken advantage of, soif you constantly ask for help and you’re not there when heasksyoufor help? Yeah, wouldn’t count on him letting that slide too manytimes, even if you apologise. He’ll probably be very upfront aboutit, too.
Ifyou have a slightly deeper connection with him (ie. you’re goodfriends, ex. Axciss, Finfe, Ethan etc.), he’ll be willing to helpyou out with bigger things and won’t mind getting hurt to do so.He’s protective of his loved ones – unlike Axciss, however,there’s a line he won’t cross. He wouldn’t be able to sacrificehis life for someone, at least not when he’s fully aware it were tohappen – not 100% sure if he wouldn’t do it in a heat of themoment though. If it were a desperate enough situation, he’d lookfor a third option.
Honestly,he puts others’ needs above his own quite often in those smallways. He makes sure to keep it balanced however, since he believesyou can’t help others well enough if you’re exhausted yourself.Basically, Angus is a very valid boy.
Once again, thank you for the ask!! Have a great day, I love you
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sansybones · 6 years
Deltarune Reaction!!!
I finished Deltarune!!! My reactions/initial thoughts are UNDER THE CUT :))
L    O    N   G lol
So!!!! THIS WAS A SURPRISE haha I think this caught us all unprepared but it’s the kind of surprise that I’m thrilled to encounter. I have been having fun reading other people’s reactions and theories, but I wanted to record my own ideas before they get mixed in with the ideas of others. 
These are my INITIAL impressions and theories, I’m VERY open to changing my mind and probably will. I like to sit for a long time and think about things before forming conclusions :) I don’t intend to stick to any of it really rigidly. Hopefully you find it fun to read!
OVERALL: oh my GOODNESS I am SO impressed with this game?? First of all -- it’s a whole game??? Toby????? It’s like 5 hours that was just snap-released for FREE? With a MUCH more robust battle system and some REMARKABLE improvements (like running! character creator! party system!!!) I’m *so* impressed. It was fun and funny and I was engaged and loving every minute of it. 
I LOVE the new characters, which blows me away. I honestly didn’t think I had space in my heart to love new characters but... oh my goodness... I love all of them??? I ADORE Susie, Raslei was super cute and fun to play as, Lancer was hilarious, I love the new monsters and I love??? Roulxs??? hahaha I think Toby was REALLY SMART to focus this game on an (almost) entirely new cast.
Some specific ideas...
I don’t exactly know what to make of Darkners and their world. The whole cave experience felt un-real. I mean to say that it never really felt very real to me playing as Kris. It always felt a bit through-the-looking-glass... like this isn’t a real thing that is happening and I was never very scared that “I will die”. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, it’s just a thing I noticed that I’ve been thinking about a lot. My impression of the experience was that it was something Asriel conjured. Like he wanted to take Kris through this DnD-like experience because he... missed them? Needed to teach them something?? That’s very unclear to me right now. I want to believe that Lancer and the Darkner crew are “real”. But in a meta-context... they’ll never be more or less “real” than Asriel or Sans and maybe that’s the point.
ASRIEL was SUCH a mindblowing twist!! I’m so excited that FINALLY Asriel gets the narrative exploration he deserves :)) But what is he doing here??  Is the Darkner world... college....? hahaha
Susie’s comments on use of force really struck me. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but it’s something that I have been thinking a lot about and will need to think a whole lot more about. I think that discussion was a “gap” in the framework of Undertale and it’ll be interesting to see how it’s explored. (That being said I think Undertale is complete in its thesis, it’s just an element that left me wondering after that game.)
“Your choices don’t matter” was a pretty strong message in the early part of the game, but it’s one that I don’t think actually proves out throughout the game itself. There is already evidence of multiple endings (@withtheworms and I got slightly different endings, even though early evidence seems to point to the fact that a no-mercy run isn’t possible.) The Amalgamates in the graveyard and the existence(?) of Happsta -- due to Alphys never becoming royal scientist -- is a pretty strong signal to the contrary. It’s almost like “It’s a Wonderful Life” in its sentiment.
Seeing UT Characters in the overworld made me SO SAD. Asgore... you’re a mess... The soul-coloured flowers REALLY freaked me out. Echoes of the other world... you see a flower portrait in Asriel’s bedroom too. But, I’m happy because it fits with my idea of ToriGori ;) I was bummed out that Undyne and Alphys aren’t together and Bratti and Catty are enemies :(( I think the person in the curved house is Hapstablook (!!!) AND SANS??? W-...WHY DO YOU HAVE GRILLBY’S??? WHAT HAPPENED TO GRILLBY!? W-... WHAT??? (I will dedicate a LOT of thought to wtf is up with Sans in this hahaha)
Toby has confirmed that this is an AU and I consider that settled, but just because it’s an AU doesn’t mean it’s not a *connected* AU, and I’m really interested in exactly HOW it’s connected to Undertale. The big reason I think it must be a connected AU is ... well “why use UT chars at all, otherwise”? 
There’s so much space to make a “spiritual sequel” or a completely different game. If Toby really wanted a fresh start, he wouldn’t have kept so much from UT. 
This isn’t a “shared universe” kind of AU, because the existing characters/history is very different. The UT characters seem like much more than just cameos.  
This doesn’t seem to be a “Tenchi Muyo” style AU where they just use the same cast of characters and put them in a different context. The context isn’t that different! The characters do seem to be very deeply affected by some material change in the timeline.
This obviously isn’t a “reboot” type of AU like the Star Trek movies... the same story with some slight changes/updates. (Thank goodness for that)
I think it’s a “split timeline” AU. The rules of the world are similar, but some significant change in the timeline altered the course of history and the people within it.  
As for that change... did the monster war never happen? Did Kris fall instead of Chara? We’ll need to hunt for the evidence and think about that one.
That all being said, I LOVE that it’s an AU... that ties in very well with how fandom has chosen to interpret the game and expand on its universe.
Plus... A lot of our UT fanon (including Gasters) lives on ;;)))
I think, ultimately, Deltarune is exploring a similar “self-aware NPC in a game” idea that Undertale was exploring. I’m so excited to see more of it.
The ENDING - was CREEPY. I didn’t realize on my playthrough that you could MOVE the soul in the cage, which has some specific implications imo. The ending had me thinking a lot more about the very beginning (with the “character creator”.) Who is running THAT part of the game? How does that connect to DeltaRune? To Undertale? If it’s an “experiment”, what is the experiment trying to determine? 
In closing... I LOVED it. I can’t wait to think more about it and play with these new ideas. I hope Toby doesn’t stress out too much /:) I know he’s literally never going to read this but I still want to send positive vibes his way. Toby!! Don’t worry so much!! We love you!! I trust and believe in his ability to hire managers, programmers and artists to build the thing that speaks his vision as clearly as he desires. Follow your dreams, Toby, we support you!! Take as long as it takes just don’t get hurt <3 <3 <3
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rkdaehwi · 5 years
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MGA5 contestant #5042 Sohn Youngjae YOUTH OVER FLOWERS Performing Shangri La - VIXX & Lyric distribution Partner: Kim Hyojin { @hyojinrk } & Do Kyungsoo { @rkkyungsoo​ } & Lee Suwoong { @rksuwoong​ } & Jeon Heejin { @rkheejin​ } Coaches: Cheri { @rkcheri​ } & Ella { @rkella​ } & Jeon Wonwoo { @rkwon​ } Outfit: Traditional robes
“ Let’s love turbulence and use it for change ”
Honestly speaking Eric wasn’t satisfied. It was a lie to say that he knew Taeyang well by any means, but as a fellow dancer he had taken a liking to the eldest of their trio last week and thought it incredibly unfair that he had been the one to get booted and not Hyojin who, Eric thought, was the one actually dragging them down. Even more dissatisfied was he when the names were called out and he realised that yet again he was stuck with the same guy.
At least he was feeling upset until the very moment he realised what had actually been suggested. He should have known right away that he’d be in Royal since his name wasn’t called for any of the other companies, but the fact that he would be training in THE Royal building was incomprehensible to him. Even more so: the moment the single name Luxe was mentioned Eric let out a loud shriek in surprise and he could have sworn he felt the tears enter his eyes when Ella was named to be one of the coaches. How lucky could one boy possibly be? If he were to die right at this very moment he wouldn’t even regret anything – or rather, he would regret it a lot if he didn’t at least complete the week, but after that he was ready for death’s sweet embrace: he needed nothing more in his life now.
On the Friday he took the bus to Royal’s establishment together with his brother – they hadn’t been taking the same bus since Dowoon took him to school back in elementary unless it was for a special occasion so it felt kind of nice and nostalgic. He wondered if he could pop in on the older later on, but Eric also didn’t want to get in trouble from roaming around too much in places he wasn’t allowed just because his curiousity was trying to get the better of him. Saying goodbye to Dowoon he soon enough found the room and stepped in mouthing a very obvious ‘wow’ after which he proceeded to examine every inch of the room as the first to arrive. This was after all where he was going to spend the next week, and also quite possibly his future (at least if you were to ask him).
Come the Sunday they were already pretty set. Everything had seemed pretty decent at first, but soon enough things started to change. Setting aside his own tense feelings towards Hyojin and his trying to focus with not only his favourite girl in the world Ella, but also the beautiful and charismatic Cheri in the room (he might have made a few missteps due to sheer happiness and lack of focus thereof which didn’t seem to sit well with Ella, so Eric quickly realised that he had to pull himself more together) it was obvious that not everything was as it was supposed to be. He hadn’t realised that Suwoong and Kyungsoo were related at first; didn’t see any reason for any bad blood between them for after all what were the odds of someone you knew making it this far?
But somehow that both explained things, but also made Eric sad. He only just recently had a huge argument with his own brother and didn’t like the idea of people who were related by blood to not get along. Family was supposed to be a place of comfort and not of feud. And when Kyungsoo and Suwoong had ended in an escalated argument Eric had practically sunken into himself not sure how to handle this conflict, what to say or what to do. Throughout their practice so far Eric had thought of Kyungsoo as someone with a very vague presence, not at all matching what he had seen of the guy on stage, and he had affectionately nicknamed him ‘ghost’. Now, however, Eric might as well have been the true ghost with how he simply just wanted to disappear. He didn’t like things as they were right now.
As an added stress him and Hyojin had agreed to do a performance alongside their MGA preparations to practice both Eric’s stage presence as a rapper and also Hyojin’s general stage presence. How that was going to end Eric had no idea and it was something he preferred not to think about, but when Suwoong had invited him out for lunch after Kyungsoo had vanished, the topic had latched onto the tension the young male himself felt. It was a rare sight to see him so downcast, but Eric couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable in his group as things were at that moment.
If he could count his blessings in any way it was that this unbearable situation only lasted for one day. Monday morning Kyungsoo and Suwoong had appeared surprisingly buddy-buddy and apologised, confusing Eric to no ends especially considering how they had been just the day before. He supposed that was the good thing about knowing each other in private – that you could take things off the record at any moment – but that only amplified how nervous he felt over his own emotions. That was when Hyojin had called for a meeting to resolve any more suppressed feelings, and it hadn’t been long until Eric had voiced his own concerns – “We had to make the choreography simpler because of you and Taeyang hyung didn’t get to shine properly as a dancer. Is that gonna happen again?” – for right now he didn’t want to go home because he had to cater to someone else’s needs. He was already taking a huge risk by rapping after all, but in this particular matter every single one of the others were a hopeless case.
At first the apology hadn’t satisfied him, Eric’s stubborn self being dead set on being upset, but after seeing Hyojin truly apologetic for something the younger boy realised wasn’t even the guy’s fault when you really thought about it, he eased up a bit. And not too soon after they had stopped their impromptu meeting had Eric approached Hyojin, almost crestfallen and obviously very stressed out over everything. “Hyung,” he had said. “I’m sorry for everything, it’s just… I really want this. I don’t wanna go home.” Especially not now that his goal was finally in sight.
Hyojin had acknowledged his concerns, and with the relief of not having to (badly) hide everything he felt Eric warmed up to the older guy much more. Their performance in Hongdae had turned from something he just had to get over and done with to something that was actually enjoyable and a great learning experience, and for the first time in the past two weeks Eric had been glad to have Hyojin as his partner in the show.
It was Thursday, day of recording, and also the day that would decide whether or not he would make it into the finals or if this would be the end of his path. From a full hundred performances they had narrowed it down to only five and whether the best people had been picked to move on or not, Eric had no power to say anything about the mistakes made by the judges. With any hope his rap would be able to avenge his fallen comrades – it was pretty much a gamble of standing out or butchering it and he hoped the former would apply rather than the latter. He, at least, had done every amount of practice in his power, and although he had nothing but good words to say about the coaches (especially the girls from Luxe) there was the fact that even amongst them, no one really knew how to rap. It was nerve wrecking to say the least.
Being the last to perform could be terrifying in and of itself – it was always much easier to have a performance in the middle because then it wouldn’t matter as much if your performance was a bit lackluster. No one remembered an ending performance that didn’t end in a bang after all, and as far as Eric was concerned they would live up to what he expected from something to finish it all up. Hopefully everyone would agree. 
After it became time to step onto the stage, for the first time this season Eric had to appear with a full group. Somehow that all felt so much more idol like than the duo and trio performances thus far and he loved every single second of it. After getting in positions they called out their team name: “We are Yoth over Flowers!” after which they all posed like a flower. Eric gave a wink to the camera as he was posing – if not for youthful energised fanservice, what would he survive on? Skill was overrated nowadays, but of course it was lucky that he also possessed that much.
Without further ado the scene filled with smoke after they all entered their spots and under the dim lights the music began. For the first part before the chorus Eric didn’t have much more than a bit of adlib and harmonisation, but that was fine. As long as he did get to show his vocal skills on top of everything else he would not complain. After the chorus however the real deal went down. They had made slight modifications to the rap verse to better fit Eric’s voice colour (he refused to believe it was to fit his skills because that would only be hypocritical considering how he had thought of Hyojin) but half of it was still genuine, actual rap that he had to go through without flunking it.
덜 익은 복숭아마저도 달다 휘날리는 꽃잎 아래 네 비단결 옷자락 그 끝을 따라 널 와락 안아 난 네 숨소릴 잘 알아 네가 (불어와) 내가 (들어간) 꿈같은 상상
Needless to say he had been nervous about performing in a skill that was only mediocre – he might have done it full of confidence in the very beginning, but now that he was so far in and the only way was down it felt like a world of difference. But he tried his best to remember what he had felt while practicing in this past week, while performing in Hongdae. Tried to remember that he was not alone in this and that his group members had his back even though the one with the poorest result this week would have to go. And by god he hoped that it wouldn’t be him. Hopefully the judges would be just as satisfied with the result of his efforts as Eric himself was.
Up came the centre part that had been fought for quite a bit, and Eric had to say that he was more than happy that just because he had the rap part his dance lines also followed the same member and that he was automatically a candidate for the position. And soon enough it came, all focus on the middle of the formation where he and Kyungsoo were standing back to back leaning their heads on each other’s shoulder. After that it jumped straight into a dance break which Eric much appreciated as a chance to show off his capabilities, and after that it didn’t take long for the song to finish.
With his chest heaving from the performance Eric held his position in the ending formation for a second, just in case the camera would zoom in on him and tried to manage a serious expression to match the theme of the song. His flowery fan was open to the side, a sunflower decorating it. Honestly he didn’t know much about flowers so when the others had asked he simply had burst out the sunflower as representing him. After all, something with sun in the name had to be good and warm right? Bright and shining. And that was the image he wanted to give.
Turning around again he gave a small bow to the judges and followed along his group back to their seats.
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Knight Au: Virgil’s Recruitment
It’s the first official recruitment of one of the sides and it’s a bit sad, but I promise there won’t be to much. I can’t handle angst very well anyways. Let me know if anyone's interested in more. Even for one person I would continue, but if there isn’t anyone then I guess I will just stop here. (Maybe)
Warnings: Non-descriptive violence, drug mentions, ill, and mild language. (If I missed anything let me know)
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Virgil found himself living in the worst location of the Sanders kingdom. He lived as close to the middle of Veil as one would be able to without relying on a large scale gang to back you up. Only the rich and powerful underworlders could call the center of Plague home. Those beings, more likely then not, being a form of demon.
He’d lived there since he was born and has long ago given up on getting out. The city was essentially a maze, and while that might help in hiding, it also covers the monsters in the city. For those outside of Veil they called it Plague. Both names made a sick sort of sense to everyone.  Entering the city was like hiding behind a veil. No news traveled to or from the city and you were luck to be seen again with out any permanent physical damage. The mental damage was certain. The walls were the veil to keep those outside safe from the horrors that plagued anyone or thing that lived within the city. If you can call what happens there living, and those who came out with the mental scars were considered plagued as the things they did would drive them back to that city.
Virgil truly did hate his home. Every bone in his body told him that this was where he would die and he believed it. Unfortunately for him, his sharpened senses kept him alive and for the most part safe. It’s not that he wished to die, no, death here was not a good thing. You can’t rest here when your dead. The only reason he hated his senses was for the fact that he had to cover his body as much as possible, so that he wouldn’t have a meltdown do to over stimulation. None of those helping with the anxiety he developed due to the masters of his youth. Honestly his hatred ran so deep that........
“S... Si... SIR!”
“Quiet. We can’t have anyone hearing us right now.”
“No, be silent. If you really want to see your mother again and do so alive, you will remain silent. Understood?”
The child nodded, holding back her sobs with the rags she wore. Honestly, he should have know better then to help this girl. He will get nothing from it, but at least he wouldn’t be at fault for the small child’s death.
They continued to take turns and twist that appeared to back track through almost claustrophobic passage ways. The passages made even smaller by the filth that covered the entire city's inner levels. Between not getting lost and the filth that could very well be hiding bodies, Virgil’s attention was completely taken due to the addition of the girl as well. So, when a rat ran over his foot and climbed the walls in an unholy manner to reach a window that had long since lost its glass. It took everything in him not to bolt. 
An enemy right in front of him was easy but place him here close to hyperventilating and stressed over the area they were heading to did not help to keep his fear of rats hidden. If it weren’t for the child he would have been long gone and resting in his hideaway for when he needed to hunt down his next meal.
They soon came to the edge of an open space, with a broken fountain in the center. If it weren’t for the obvious man made parts of the area it could have been easily mistaken for a cavern. 
Searching the perimeter, Virgil noticed many things that others would miss. Doors hidden almost to the point where they looked like part of the wall, dotted the area. Pathways like their own, appeared closed off, except for two or there far across the area. Most importantly the area was clean.
No filth that looked like it could be alive. No rubble or shattered glass scatter about other then the parts from the fountain. Something was wrong and Virgil was so close to leaving, but the child.
“Hide in one of the piles. Somethings not right here.”
The girl nodded and crawled through one of the piles. As she did so she chocked on the stench that came from deep in the pile. The cloth masked did nothing for her against the stench and so she pocketed it as she turned to look out at what Virgil would do.
Knowing that this was a trap for him, he scoured the area looking for the best point and exits for him to go and defend from. The fountain was most likely his best bet and so he crept over, keeping low as to not trigger the ambush just yet.
Upon reaching the fountain he stood slowly, keeping an eye out for any arrows, darts, and other projectiles. Having none come his way he steeled his nerves and called out.
“Jade, come out I have your daughter. I don’t need any trouble.”
Nothing responded back, not even his echo that should have been there, nor the enemies that should have come out as well. It was far to silent. Even at the quietest times a scream and rats could be heard. So, where were they. Then he heard it, or more like them.
The muffled breathing and a laugh.
They were waiting for a signal, but from who? It should only be him, the girl, and whoever refused to come out and attack.
“What are you guys waiting for?  An open invitations? If so, know that I have none.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I am too.”
“He said after this I owe him nothing! If I gave you to him then he would let me and mother go! I’m sick of waiting for him to sell me! I’m sorry”
 The child broke down and fled the scene. That’s fine, honestly, Virgil would have done the same if he was in her position. Owning a debt to someone, even your own parent is the same as a death sentence here. 
“How pathetic. That daughter of mine truly is studied. As soon as I finish up with you, I will be selling her and that cow to the demons. Honestly, does she really think that bring you here would be enough to payback me giving her life?”
A short stature, large build man exited from one of the doors hidden from the wall. He effectively earned a glare from Virgil.
“You bastard. I should have know it was one of your children, Darrian, when I smelt the Artmum on her.”
“Oh enough. Honestly killing you will bring me quite a lot a reputation. My group will be able to take down gangs thanks to that alone. Though I must say you appear much slower the normal.”
“Have you seen yourself? You give my name far to much credit. It would take you killing thousands to gain any reputation other then the horrifically, ugly, disgust...”
“How DArE YoU! Boys get out here and kill him already.”
“Can’t even take a little teasing fatty?”
With that about fifteen boy entered from the doors and passages. There ages a wide range but none over eighteen. That be part of the sad truth of Veil. I were luck to make it to twelve here. More likely then not you were dead due to either a debt you owed or paying of someone else’s by ten.
The boys charge at Virgil, and he began his defense. Using rocks around him he kicked them towards the boys slowing some down and tripping a few more. While they got up, he headed towards Darrian. Swipes came in left and right. Most boys used heave pipes and boards, but the few older held swords. Still none of them land a single blow to Virgil. On the other hand Virgil had landed several and knocked out as many as he could on his way to Darrian.
It was obvious that the boys owed Darrian. Most likely all of them being his son. So with his death the would all most likely run away. Free from there debts. So Virgil did what he could not to harm them severally. They were children after all and not loyal to anyone. Even blood meant nothing here other then a debt to be paid.
Five feet from Darrian, the boys managed to circle Virgil. The continued to swipe and miss him as he tried to find an opening. After several moments and angry yelling by Darrian to hurry and finish him, an opening showed its self. The Boy directly in front of Darrian moved his hip ever so slightly as to reach Virgil at a better angle, and Virgil leapt for that moment. 
He threw his dagger at Darrian, hitting him in his jugular. Quickly Virgil yanked back. A steel thread pulling his dagger to him and ripping the man’s throat with it’s barbed edges. He quickly hit the ground and died quickly.
As expected, the boys had been waiting to hear Darrian fall, instantly taking off when he did. Virgil, however, did not go unscathed. In his left shoulder the boy had managed to embed his short sword during Virgil's throwing.
Knowing that staying here would mean his death drove Virgil to stay up. The wound coupled with the illness that he had caused his legs to tremble. Why on earth did he agree to help the girl Artmum in her veins? This would be his end. He knew the likelihood of him getting to a one of the building here would be near impossible, let alone all the way back to his base.
His knees gave out and as he attempted to crawl to one of the doorways rushed footsteps could be heard. No not now! Why come back and finish? He was so close but the loss of blood and the lack of his dominate arm caused him to give in. This was his end and he knew it. Whoever’s footsteps those were, showed that they were close and closing in quickly, undoubtedly having spotted him. All he hoped for now was that it wasn’t one of the demons from the inner city.
“Your... But your Highness... No, never!.. But... Understood.”
“Hey... Kid...!”
Virgil’s strength had left him and his Vision was beginning to as well. However, he saw one last thing that confused him as he slipped under. The royal colors flashed in his sight, and he was out.
Virgil woke to his entire body throbbing in pain. Most of which was originating from his shoulder, but it did not drown out the pain that came from his head and stomach as well. He lurched forward at the pains in his stomach and hands quickly reached for him. 
Normally he would have fought off any contact but the pain was to much. The arms around him guided him to a bucket where he dry heaved into. Having had no food and little water made for having nothing to give to the vomiting and instead ruined his throat.
After collecting himself, he turned to the owner of the hands and arms that had guided him. To his left sat a small, middle aged healer. Round glasses taking up most of his face and had it not been for the heavy concern that showed on his face, it would have obviously been a large, bright smile if his laugh lines where anything to go by.
“I’d ask if you were alright, but it’s quite obvious your not. My name is Emile. I managed to patch you up, though I am sure you still feel pain from your wound. as for the stomach and head pain, that is an unfortunate side effect of rushed healing. I...” “Where am I? Why did you help me? There shouldn’t be any healers in Veil. Not any free ones.”
“Well your right in the fact that your not in Veil anymore. Your actually in the royal palace Valor. As for why I helped you... Well, why did you help that child? I’m sure you knew she was lying.”
“Wait the girl! Is she alright?”
Panic began to set in. The girl had to have gotten away. What did the person mean by Valor. He couldn’t leave Veil. He was supposed to be dead there and now he’s in Valor? Does that mean he owes the King a debt? Someone else? As his thoughts spiraled his hands reached for he’s hair and began to pull. Hard.
“Shh calm. It’s ok. Your safe, she’s safe. You don’t owe anyone anything, we merely wanted to help you. Now breath with me. In for four. Good. Hold for seven. That’s it. And out for eight. Great, lets do it again.”
After going through the breathing for several minutes, Virgil was finally calm enough to listen to Emile’s explanation.
“His Highness, me and a few guards went to check out what was going on in Veil. It had been some time since a kings visit there and we had wanted to see where it had gotten to. Really it was the Thomas’s idea. We knew it would be bad to just go in there so we kept the party to a minimum...
“Thomas are you really sure about this, I mean...”
The spy originally sent to check out Veil had come back claiming that one of the mobs in Veil had gained a forbidden spell book that once belonged to the royal family and needed help getting it back.
“For the hundredth time Valarie, yes I am sure. I need to make sure we get this book back and I have more reasons then that to go to Veil.”
“But Thomas, it’s not safe. People come back like they have the plague and quickly return there.”
“Look we are basically there already. Besides why do you think I brought you, Emile, Joan, and Tayln along? We’ll be fine. Now quiet we can’t have anyone noticing us.”
Huffing, Valarie stopped her complaining and fell back in line with the other guards.  It really wasn’t normal for the King to go on a book retrieval mission. Especially somewhere so dangerous with so few personal guards. 
“You know she’s right, Thomas. We should do this quickly so that we don’t attract to much attention.”
“Yes, Emile, now Alex said that the book was located deeper in the city then we are now. With the map they gave us it should only take about three hours to reach the location. So lets get going.”
Thomas cheered and lead his rude...
Upset, guard, through the winding streets. Not much occurred between entering Veil and getting to the location marked, but Emile did get a fright from some giant rat fighting for some sort of shiny item.
“It wasn’t even food! Why do rats care for a shiny piece of metal?! Do they plan to use it like a life or something?!”
“Calm down and continue please.”
“Right, right! Anyway...
“Thomas stay out here with Emile please. Joan too.”
Thomas huffed wanting to help with the retrieval, but understood that it was better for the royal to remain at a safer location. Though the safety of this area was really questionable. They where fairly close to the center of the City after all. the rest of the guard followed Valarie and Tayln in to the building to recover the stole items kept there and face down any enemies.
Then they heard a child crying out from an alley way. They all rushed over to the sound and found a small child sobbing her eyes out in a large pile of trash. 
“What’s wrong?” “I... I b-betrayed the only per-person to ever offer me help!”
 The child broke down even more the events that she had been through obviously to painful for her to explain more. Thomas wanted to help her immediately but Joan pulled the two a side.
“We can’t help that child Thomas. We don’t know if this is a trap or not!”
“What do you mean that ones just a child! No older the eight at the most!”
“Emile even the children here will gut you the first chance they get. We. Can’t. Help. Them.”
“We have to at least check it out!”
“Where going to help her.” Thomas said interrupting the dispute his friends were beginning to have. Marching past the to Thomas knelt next to the child. 
“Rose, She/her.”
The girl sniffed. Having heard them discussing what to do, she was hopeful for some one to save the person she had mentioned.
“Now, Rose. What do you mean you betrayed someone who tried to help you?”
She grabbed Thomas holding tight, almost like she was afraid that if she let go that person was as good as dead.
“He... he said he’d help me get back to my mother when I had lied to him saying I was lost. I then lied and said that she always waited by a fountain in the middle ring of the city. Really that man was there with an ambush in order to kill him. H.. he said if I brought  Anxiety to him weakened then he would let me and mother go.”
Then she broke down again repeating over and over that they had to help Anxiety. That she had poisoned him, and he would need help quickly in order to live.
“Alright, if you lead the way we can help.”
“Not now Joan. Someone is dying and needs our help. Alright Rose, lets go.”
As soon as he gave the go ahead the child ran. She ran so quickly back to where she had left the man she called Anxiety. All the while she repeated
“Thank you! Thank you! He has to live! He’s going to live!”
When they reached the end of an extremely long and thin passage way the child held them up. From the passage they saw a kid crawling toward one of the doors with a sword embedded in his left shoulder. A ways across lay a few unconscious boys and a dead older man.
“That’s him! That’s Anxiety! He’s still alive!”
Thomas went to run to the kid crawling, but was stopped by Joan.
“Your Highness you can’t just go in there!”
Thomas whirled around somewhat angry with his friend.
“I know your worried, but that kid needs help. If this was a trap I doubt he would be the one still alive!”
“But your Highness...”
“You would have me leave a kid to die? You would stop me from helping someone who obviously needs it?!”
“No never! But he could be...”
“ Joan I know your only trying to protect me, but right now your in the way, now get out of the way!”
With that he rushed over to the kid on the ground. Noticing that he was no longer trying to crawl and looked to be right at death’s door.
“Hey, wait! You need to hold on kid! We’ll help you so stay awake!”
Thomas threw himself down to pick the kid up. Just as he got both himself and the kid up, Anxiety was out.
“Emile, grab Rose and her mother with Joan and met me by the others! As soon as you get back to me, we run and set him up at the camp I’ll need you and the other healers to perform rushed healing spells on him. Got it?”
“Yes, Sir!”
Both Emile and Joan sprung into action in order to do as the King had commanded.
“I don’t know what happen between that time, but his Highness was desperate. We had Rose take us to her mother and then we went and meet up with his Highness and the rest. From there it was a blur of rapid healing spells, blood stabilizing and getting back to Valor.”
Emile wrung his hands. The experience was very shock. To have so much happen on a trip that should have been a quick go in, grab a book, and leave turn into a rush against time to save Virgil’s life. He wasn’t prepared for that mentally.
Virgil reached over cautiously, not used to anyone caring for him or needing to comfort another, and placed his hand on top of Emile’s.
“Thank you. I know if it weren’t for you or the King I would be dead. No one else would have left with that girl to help someone. Not when she out right said she betrayed them. Now I have to ask, how long have I been out and what do I do now?”
Emile looked up a smile place precariously on his face. A poor testament to the smiles he usually showed. While he did not mention it he had seen the scars and other mark that littered Virgil’s body. The clear signs of being half demon and something else. The abuse he no doubt went through. Emile couldn’t begin to understand what living in that place for so long had to be like, and for a child of this boys age.
“Yes well, its been three days since we found you and you recovered fairly quickly. Even with the rapid healing magic, it was still quite fast. As for what you do now? It’s up to you, but I am sure his Highness will want to talk to you a bit, and that may affect what you want to do.”
Nodding, Virgil thought his options through. He could run away, but then that would be rude to the King and he had no clue about anything outside of the Veil. Emile’s story made the King appear kind, but that could just be his point of view. After all some people saw the Kings as God-like beings. However, he seemed to treat the King as more of a friend and equal, rather then a God.
“Alright, if it’s alright I would like to see what the King has to say to me.”
Emile’s smile grew to a near blinding point and went to say something when he was interrupted.
“I’m glad you are willing to hear me out Anxiety.”
Both Emile and Virgil jumped at the sudden new voice. Virgil had to repeat the breathing exercise to keep call, but when he looked up he saw that it was the King. Right there, waiting for him, no time for preparation at all. Virgil wasn’t even properly dressed to meet with a royal. Not that he had any other clothes any way. All of a sudden needing to do his breathing exercise again. Though this time much more rapid and less successful.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry here lean against me!”
Thomas rushed over and pressed Virgil’s head to where his heart was trying to keep a steady rhythm in order to give Virgil some thing to follow. Normally this would have set Virgil’s panic off even worse, but something about Thomas was very calming and helped him rather then causing him more panic.
“I’m... I’m ok now, you can let me go.”
“Mmm, well now I’m fairly comfy so I think I’ll stay like this. Plus your hair after the wash feel really nice. Un-unless this is really uncomfortable for you!”
“No um, its really nice actually.”
So Thomas sat there for a bit just holding Virgil’s head to his chest with one hand and the other brushing threw Virgil’s hair. Virgil himself was really surprised by how much he enjoyed this, that he forgot that Emile was still in the room.
“Sorry to interrupt your Father-son bonding moment, but didn’t you have somethings to talk about?”
Both pulled back quickly, red with embarrassment that they had so quickly gotten comfortable with the positions, that they had forgot who they were and where they were. Though Emile was right, it really did feel like they were a family reunited.
“Right business. It was quite obvious that you have some amazing skill. From the looks of it you took on multiple enemies in a weakened state, with a home field disadvantage, and managed to not hurt a single child while they were attacking you, but also managed to kill the leader. While I don’t know the details, it is obvious that you are quick and skilled. You’re exactly who I have been looking for to join my permanent personal guard. While I would like to offer you that right now, I am still setting it up and can not randomly appoint someone no matter how much I want to. Regulations and all that. So... would you be willing to join my Spies and learn things outside of the Veil? The choice is yours, Anxiety.”
Virgil’s head was spinning. The King just asked Virgil to join his spies and later be one of his permanent personal guardsmen. This guy hardly knew him, and what he did know for sure was that he came from the Veil. A place of horrible people and horrifying stories. He had already healed him and now was offering him a place in the world. How kind of a man was this King? How trusting was he? There was no way he could live this kind man alone. What if he stupidly let an enemy in his ranks o-or worse yet an assassin with the sole intent to kill the King?!
“Yes! Yes! Please, if you mean it I want to help you. You saved me and the child from that awful place and even healed me. All while not know a single thing about me other then my nickname. I would hate myself for leaving such a person behind.”
“Them I am glad to have you on board Anxiety.”
“You guys can call me Virgil.”
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Thanks for reading and let me know if you wanted to be @’d.
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Sooooooo I was thinking what would Shiro do if his s/o showed up to party in a sexy black dress just to get him back for spending so much time with Voltron P.s I love your Blog!
I like the way you think! I do love me some petty revenge.
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“Hey Shiro! What are you up to today? Cause I was thinking–”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I need to go over Voltron’s last battle and come up with some sort of game plan,” Shiro sighs and glowers at the screen in his hand, “We should have taken that Robeast out before it had that chance to knock us down. Maybe if I had had Lance and Hunk move us–” He’s talking more to himself now so you just cluck your tongue and walk away. Maybe next time.
You paced back and forth on the observation deck, growing increasingly agitated with every slowly passing minute. Seriously? He’s thirty minutes late! Where the hell was your boyfriend?!
You stop and loudly vent your frustration before storming storming towards the training deck. God help Shiro if he’s still training during date night because oh…he’s not here. None of the paladins are. So, clearly they finished? 
You sigh and head towards the rooms. You can hear various showers running and the thought of scaring the crap out of Shiro while he’s showering brings a skip to your step. But when Shiro’s door opens, you can see him laying face first in bed with his armor still on. You deflate and let his door shut on its own. If he’s tired enough to sleep in his armor then there’s no point in waking him. 
And so it keeps happening. Every time you think you finally get Shiro on his own he either has Voltron related business, extra training, or is passed out in places he shouldn’t be. It’s frustrating. It’s vexing. It’s starting to piss you off. 
Of course, you don’t think you’re more important than defending the universe from evil purple aliens but dammit, it hurts to be pushed aside so easily! 
But tonight…oh-hoho, tonight you were going to get back at the Black Paladin. 
You see, Allura, Coran, and Shiro have been in negotiations for the last week or so with the twin High Priestesses of Il’rea, who have long been fighting the Galra in their own quadrant of space. They’ve been highly successful; due to the combined power of Lady Arcadia’s tactics and Lady Selena’s bloodlust and frankly, Team Voltron needed help from people like them if there was any hope to defeat Prince Lotor. 
Tonight, the whole planet was celebrating the new alliance in Voltron’s honor with a huge party. Food, music, pretty girls, pretty guys (just pretty people in general), and displays of power and magic promised to be a fun night.
But there was a small problem. The problem was, as Lance put it: “Those Priestesses are total babes! They could literally crack my skull between their thighs and I would die happy.” Whether he was on duty or not, Shiro was spending a lot of time with beautiful women that were not you and tonight was the night you were going to drag his attention back, Voltron and the Alliance be damned. Especially since it’s been a good two weeks since you two had some true alone time. 
You smiled triumphantly at the sexy little black number hanging on the back of your door, ‘Watch Shiro ignore this.’
Shiro missed you. God, he missed you so much it started to hurt and the guilt he was carrying about temporarily pushing you aside to focus on Voltron was starting to haunt his nightmares. He was determined to fix it tonight. He was going to apologize for being a shit boyfriend, apologize for overworking himself, and apologize for making the love of his life feel like she no longer mattered to him. 
Keith had made it a point to find Shiro tell him that last little tidbit last night. It hurt. It hurt so bad Shiro actually spent most of the night crying and beating himself up mentally for that one. He royally fucked up, and he knew it.
So when the shuttle carrying you and the Paladins arrived, his heart began racing and Shiro felt the telltale fluttering in his stomach that told him he was nervous. But there were only four bodies on that shuttle and none of them yours. Concerned, Shiro pulled Keith aside to speak to him in a low whisper, “Hey, Keith. Wh-where’s Y/N? Isn’t she coming?”
Keith pursed his lips and glared. Shiro dropped his hand from Keith’s arm and took a step back, caught off guard by the uncharacteristic hostility in his friend’s eyes. He waits and Keith looks away before clearing his throat, “She’s not coming. She said she has a migraine so she’s going to take advantage of a silent castle and sleep it off. She doesn’t want you there.” He walks away with a final glare, making sure to clip his shoulder against Shiro’s. 
Shiro rubs his shoulder and glances towards the other paladins. He blanches as they quickly turn away to hide their glares. Crestfallen, Shiro swallows the lump in his throat and blinks back the tears that threaten to spill. He has a job to do tonight so he steels himself and turns around, stepping out of Takashi Shirogane - the failing boyfriend, and into Shiro - the Black Paladin and Leader of Voltron. 
He doesn’t see Lance and Hunk sharing concerned glances as they wonder if they took their glares too far or Pidge and Keith giving each other a thumbs up. He also misses you slipping out of your hiding place in the pod and moving to the next hiding place, shoes in hand. Allura, who has been your silent partner in tonight’s shenanigans, gives you a wink as she steps in front of your new spot, further hiding you. Bless her. She’s just as petty as you are.
There was a time in his life that Shiro once enjoyed a good party and the chance to get shit-faced drunk without a care in the world. Now his anxiety was acting up, telling him there were too many people, too many points of entry, too many chances for an assassin to sneak in, this is was just another chance to get Lance blow–no. No. He needs to stop. There’s no point in thinking like that.
God, he needed a drink.
Luckily, Il’rea has alcohol, or something like it, and Shiro grabs a glass from a passing waiter and downs it in one gulp. Much better.
He grabbed another drink with every intention of downing that one too but he was stopped when he saw you flitting through the crowd. But it couldn’t be you, you were in the castle. Right?
He drops the glass from his mouth and moves to follow what he swears was you. His searching is fruitless and Shiro gives it up as a bad job only a few minutes later. He was looking for a black dress in a sea of black and white with little variation. Why couldn’t the woman have been wearing a red dress? That would be so much easier!
Like Allura! Shiro could make her out easily since her dress started as a bright yellow and faded to a soft orange. She looked like an Earth sunset was easily the brightest person in the room. Shiro smiled as she laughed at some aristocrat’s joke, happy to finally see her so carefree after the stressful week they had. He wished he could be like that.
He watched for a few more moments and was about to turn away when Allura hooked her arm through the arms of another woman and they turned as one to move together. His heart stopped for a split second because he knows that face. He knows that face.
Where Allura was as radiant as the sun, there you were, looking like the human embodiment of the night. Your hair was pulled up and artfully messy, lips painted a deep purple to match purple eye shadow, the front of your black gown draped over you to deeply expose your breasts and Shiro swallowed when he saw the long beautiful silver necklace he found for you sitting innocently on your chest. The last time he saw it he was watching it shimmer and shine as it moved with every thrust of his hips against yours.
You looked like Sin. And when your eyes locked Shiro swore then and there to have you underneath him before the night was over. He continued watching with hungry eyes as Allura twirled you two around and revealed the (pretty much non-existent) back of your dress and he changed it to within the hour. The wink you gave him over the shoulder as you disappeared into the crowd gave him the fuel he needed.
But it wasn’t that easy. Every time he got close to you, Hunk or Lance would whisk you away for a dance and pass you off to someone high ranking enough in the Il’rean hierarchy that Shiro knew it would cause tension if he just cut in, so he was forced to wait. 
And wait.
 And wait. Prowling like a panther at the edge of the dancing crowd, waiting for his chance to snatch you up.
Eventually there was a lull in the music and Shiro used it to beeline towards you, determined to have you in his arms and screaming his name in one of the smaller rooms next door. But he was stopped by Keith shoving a plate of food in his hands with a cheeky grin. “You haven’t eaten all night. Here. It’s delicious.”
“I-Uh…What? Oh,” he looked down at the plate just long enough to loose you in the crowd again and he cursed his luck. And his crew, the shits. He could spy Pidge up on the balcony, no doubt keeping an eye on the situation and instructing each of the Paladins to intercept him every time he got too close. He should have known they’d be in on this. They do like to stir up trouble. 
Well. There would be no getting to you this way. Not with Pidge directing them. And he couldn’t just run up there like a psychopath and stop her. She’d see him. He popped some of the food Keith brought him into his mouth and saluted Pidge. If this was his punishment, it was his punishment. But he could spoil their fun by giving in. His own private revenge on his crew for their mutiny.
“Surprise, surprise. You didn’t come for me,” you sigh as you lean against the balcony entryway. Shiro turns towards you with a bittersweet smile, “Would you have let me?” He leans against the balcony, doing his best to appear nonchalant even though his heart was hammering in his chest because there you are! His beautiful girlfriend! The light of his life! The woman he would willingly risk life and limb for! Dear god, he could see how pissed you were.
You fake thinking for a moment, making sure to bring a finger to your lips, just to enjoy the way Shiro’s eyes darken at such an innocent gesture. “No, not really. I was enjoying myself soooo much. I didn’t want to distract myself with my significant other.” Your pointed glare hits home and Shiro drops his gaze to the floor. You do nothing but wait, letting his shame settle in.
You soften as his shoulders drop and he slowly walks towards you, frightened that with each step closer he moves, you will bolt. You both release the breaths you didn’t know you were holding as Shiro slowly brings his forehead to yours. His large hands feel so right as snakes them around your waist and just holds you, taking a moment just to savor you in his arms before he can gather the courage to speak. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to push you away. I didn’t intend to make you feel like you don’t matter to me, because you do. You are–I love you,” you gasp at his confession and the urge to scream ‘I love you too!’ is almost to much to bear but Shiro isn’t done talking, so you bite your tongue. Literally. “I made a mistake. I need to try harder. I will try harder. For you and Voltron.” 
The kiss he gives you is so tender and so sweet it nearly brings tears to your eyes. You pull him down for another harder kiss as he pulls away, wrapping your arms around his neck for leverage before pulling away enough to mumble against his lips, “You beautiful idiot. I love you so much but you’re too hard on yourself. I just…I missed you.”
You buried yourself into Shiro’s chest and squeezed him tight, enjoying the way his arms tightened against you and the gentle way he nuzzles into your hair. He was so warm and comforting and you couldn’t believe that you had gone nearly two weeks without this. These were the moments you lived for: domesticity in a universe at war.
“I’m going to fuck you in that dress the moment we get back to the castle,” his voice is low and gravely in your ear and you shivered. Moment ruined. 
“I’ve had to watch you prance around in that sorry excuse for a dress all night. Did you even see how much people wanted you?” A moan escapes as Shiro mouths directly against your ear and he moves his cool metal hand up your exposed back. You can feel his half-hard erection against your hip and he grins wickedly against your ear as he lightly rocks against you, “You naughty thing, I’m going to–”
“Sorry to interrupt,” you and Shiro jerk apart as Lady Arcadia glides by, her sister in tow, “but might I trouble you to use one of the rooms down the hall? As lovely as public displays of affection are, surely you two would enjoy privacy?” They quirk twin eyebrows and smirk, gliding away the way they came. 
You adjust your dress and hair, thankful that you were interrupted before anything else started. You share a bashful look with Shiro and clasp hands before re-joining the party; putting a pause on your libidos to play ambassadors. There would be time to play later tonight.
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estorica · 7 years
Sleep. How could someone with as much as he had going on sleep through the whole night without so much as a second thought to all the stress that it caused. The boy was curled up against one of pillows, the gorilla tucked between his knees. Why? Arsenic didn’t fucking know. He had thought that he had heard some kind of noise in here, which was the only reason he was in here in the first place. But he had checked every single nook and cranny and he just couldn’t find the source of the noise. He had half a mind to wake the sleeping boy up, but then what would have been the fun in that? He sighed and sat down on the food of the bed. He turned slightly to look over at the Child King, running a hand down his calf. The boy’s body shifted and he made a noise. That had been the noise that he’d heard previously. Was the boy having a nightmare? Or was he perhaps having a different sort of dream? He should really ask about that later when the boy was due to wake up. Speaking of which, wouldn’t he be needing to wake the boy up soon anyway? It was almost time of breakfast. And this boy really loved his breakfast. “You know that I’m in here with him, correct?” Came a gruff voice from the corner of the room. Arsenic didn’t react outwardly, but inwardly, he was screaming his fucking head off. “Yes, I’m acutely aware of that fact, Hilfred.” The bodyguard had only been following Malik around for about a week now. The other three who had been given the same assignment by Scipio had given up. Hilfred had stayed. And Arsenic had no fucking idea why. He glanced down at the pocket watch in his hand and tilted his head to the side just a bit; he had at least half an hour before he was to wake the poor boy up. Eh, he’d let him sleep for about an hour more. So he got to his feet and began the slow trek to the door. He glanced back at the boy and shook his head. This poor kid never asked for this. This was too much for someone so young, but what did that matter? He had not only managed to end the war, but he was starting to rebuild the world around him. It was going to be a slow and potentially dangerous process. But he was sure that wouldn’t stop the Sovereign from doing what he wanted in the first place. This little soap eater was going to go pretty far in life, he foresaw. Or at least, that’s what he would have liked to have thought. He shook his head after a moment and left the bedroom, heading for the kitchen. He had to at least get breakfast started before doing anything else. The man was about as messy at eating as though he were some kind of feral child. For all intents and purposes, he might as well have been when they had first found him. But he had improved so much since then. The doctor glanced over at where he had last seen Hilfred and said, “Protect him, Hilfred.” And with that, he closed the door behind him and started the trek to the other side of the castle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arsenic came back to the Sovereign’s room after getting his breakfast ready. It wasn’t finished, but he knew by the time they got down there it would be ready. He was about to open the door and he could have sworn that he heard giggling. He raised an eyebrow.He knew Malik’s giggle anywhere and he was pretty sure that he had just heard it. The only other person in the room with him was Hilfred. That man didn’t appear to be the kind of guy who would justy willy nilly do anything childish even if the Sovereign cried at his feet. So just what in the hell was going on? He shoved the doors open and cleared his throat loudly, “Sir, your breakfast is ready.” “Just a sec!” Arsenic could not have been prepared for seeing Hilfred in the royal tiara nor would he have expected the man to wear that godawful cape Malik wore from time to time. The bodyguard and the butler locked eyes and for a solid minute, having a conversation that Malik couldn’t even hope to understand. He was sort of just staring between the two of them, the gorilla pressed to his chest. He’d gotten bored about fifteen seconds in and had wandered off towards the balcony. He was leaning against the railing and just staring up at the sky. It had snowed the other day, he could still see some of it lingering on the grounds. He wanted to go out there and play in it. But he knew that wasn’t going to happen in the slightest. Oh well. He could hear both men in the room calling for him to come back and he lingered there for just a few moments more. He mumbled something to the gorilla before departing back into the room. Arsenic walked behind him, Hilfred walking in front of him. No one walked beside him. He wished someone would walk beside him. He sighed quietly to himself. This was for his protection, that much he knew already. He hated it so much though. He knew he was important and that he held this entire world in his hands. It overwhelmed him to the greatest degree and he struggled with understanding it almost constantly. Why? Why him? What had he done? Couldn’t they see that he wasn’t handling this well if all this acting out? Heh, maybe that’s not how they saw it. They were training him after all, weren’t they? Tutoring him. Working him. Making him do this, do that. He was trying his best to be honest. He was just constantly afraid that it wasn’t good enough. People were going to die because of him. Lands were going to be lost because of him. Sure, he’d gain just as much as he lost back and more, but just the thought of . . . “We’re here, my lord.” Malik glanced up from where he’d been staring at the ground when he heard Hilfred’s voice. Oh, they were just at the dining hall. It smelt really fucking good though. He lost all track of thought to previous hardships and practically ran full tilt into the room with two men following after him as if he were a runaway puppy they were trying to catch. “I thought you said they were teaching this boy how to eat.” “We are making valiant attempts. However, it appears his previous caretaker’s lessons are hard boiled into him.” “He lived in the words for five years, didn’t he? I remember hearing about that. Was he raised by wolves or something?” “Yes, actually. The Hermit who took him in was half wolf.” The look on Hilfred’s face was priceless. “And no, I’m not joking. Coal was what I would have considered a caring man. After all, he could have just outright murdered the Blessed Child, but he didn’t.” “Huh. That certainly explains a lot about this kid then, doesn’t it?” “It certainly does.” Both men had been standing off to the side, talking. There was no way that Malik would have heard them over the sounds he was making while shoveling food into his face. He ate like the most ravenous of wolves sometimes, but that’s just how he had always seen the Hermit eat. Granted he didn’t understand why no one else ate like that, too. Must be because they didn’t have large wolf heads like he did. Oh well. Old habits died hard, he supposed. He made quite the mess of his breakfast and the two men in charge of his safety and care took him back to his room when it was time for a bath. Arsenic was going over the routine with Hilfred for the day, making sure the bodyguard understood it all. There was a different set of plans for all the different days just so that they wouldn’t be predictable thus less of a chance to assassinate the poor boy. Hilfred was learning things and making all kinds of mental notes. He could understand why the other three had given up. This kid was a fucking handful. But it wasn’t like he couldn’t take on the job. If Scipio wanted him to protect this child, he would lay down his life for him in a heartbeat. The fact that it took both of them to fit him into his pants alone was traumatizing. But for who though? Malik was very capable of putting his own clothes on, but they insisted on helping him every single time. He wasn’t even really sure why. Heh, oh well. They got him dressed, he had his pretty little tiara on his head. He grabbed the gorilla and once more walked in between the two men who were in charge of him. He found himself wondering why he had to have this ‘morning meeting’ every day. Couldn’t he just have it once every couple of days? Once a week? Once every two weeks? Once a month! He sighed and rolled his eyes; new things happened in his kingdom every single day and they needed his attention. He just hated that it was so boring in there. It seemed like all his people were at odds and the only one who really seemed to pay attention to him was the Lawmaster. He had no idea why that was either. He shrugged and entered the room and took his seat at the table so the meeting could begin. Honestly though. The only exciting part of this meeting was the assassination attempt. He dropped Emmett and leaned over to pick him up. Three arrows embedded in his chair where he had been mere moments before and that living armor was on him in an instant. He was never going to get used to that. Hilfred and Scipio seemed to spring into action, the guards acting far quicker than he would have ever thought possible. He watched as the Imperial Guards descended upon the would be assassin as if he was the fresh kill they were going to devour for their meal. No one really lost their lives. No one except the man now screaming as he was being taken away. Who knew what was going to happen to him though. Not lie Malik cared too much about it. Heh, something being this Blessed Child had it's perks. The meeting kind of ended early because of this little interruption and Scipio stormed off. Something about having to beat the shit out of the entrance guards? He wasn’t paying attention. He was just glad to have a little bit of free time after the meeting. The snow was cold beneath his toes and it sent shivers up and down his spine. Hilfred was outside with him, Arsenic was discussing something with Scipio. Or that’s what he assumed the Butler was doing. The gorilla was in the bodyguard’s arms. Malik was debating on making a snow angel or a snowman. He was terrible at both of these things, but he didn’t really care. The hermit had taught him how to do them so maybe that was why he sucked so bad at it. Oh well! He started piling snow into a mound and was patting it down with his hands, trying to make it look somewhat round. He couldn’t get it to look right and he was getting frustrated. “Sir, if I may.” The bodyguard handed him the stuffed toy and he started to fix the bottom ball of the snowman. It wasn’t perfect, but it definitely looked better than what Malik had had previously. “Wow. How’d you do that?” “Just a talent, I guess.” “Help me make the other parts!” So the two of them rolled up smaller balls of snow to add to the snowman. When they were finished, the Child King was clapping his hands and smiling brightly. He was very pleased with his snow creation. Their snow creation. He would admit that he was surprised someone who looked like his bodyguard did would actually be up for doing something like this with him. That was certainly an interesting thought. Looks were very deceiving, weren’t they? “Alright sir, it's time to go insid- . . . Where the fuck are your boots?” Arsenic had come back and noticed that the boy was barefoot. In the snow. That couldn’t have been good for him. “I took them off. They felt weird in the snow an- . . .” “Well, we’re going back inside. It's time for your training session with Scipio.” He begged, whined, pleaded, made all kinds of sounds, and screamed at the top of his lungs as the two of them dragged him back inside. It's not that he didn’t like Scipio. He liked her well enough, even went as far as to refer to her as ‘Mommy’. Why no one was really sure, but he took a great deal of pleasure in it. The only reason he didn’t want to be left alone with her was because she made him do . . . things. Push ups, pull ups, jumping jacks, jogging, running, punching things, kicking things . . . He even sparred with her once or twice. Got his fucking ass handed to him and he walked away with a bloody nose, but he learned not to do certain things. Today, he sobered up pretty quickly when she started to drill into him what he needed to do. Arsenic was off doing his actual job (the one that didn’t involved Malik) and Hilfred was watching. He’d been given the option to take part in the drills, but he wanted to see how the kid improved from day to day just to see if he would need help. “End my suffering, Hilfred.” Malik whined as he was finally released. Arsenic had come to save him and take him upstairs for a bath. “I’d prefer not to be charged with treason.” “But Hilfred. I can’t feel my face. MY FACE, HILFRED!” “That just means you did a good job today.” “Shut up, Arsenic.” They did not give him nearly enough access to the drugs he needed to keep himself from punching this kid in the face sometimes. Nah, the Butler loved the kid. He just shrugged it off and put another cigarette into his mouth and calmly smoked away. They arrived in the king’s bedroom and took their time to peel him out of the leather that clung to his body. This was precisely why the Imperial Secretary asked him repeatedly not to wear leather. But hey, what did he know right? His bath was drawn up and he was allowed to soak in it to get clean and let his muscles relax. While Hilfred stayed with him, Arsenic went to go make sure that his lunch was being prepared. Once he was in the water, he started to just lay there and stare up at the ceiling. Hilfred was leaning against the counter, just watching the boy. This was really fucking bored to be honest. This kid never really did much of anything that he would consider outrageous. Sure, he acted out a lot of the time, but he didn’t see it the same way most people seemed to. He was just a diamond in the rough as it were. Train him up and he’d make a great King one day. He was the Blessed Child after all. He could do whatever he set his mind to. If he could set him mind to anything for more than five minutes anyway. He seemed to be cursed with a short attention span, but this also seemed to be tied to his interest level at the time. Like right now, he was just laying in the tub, not really doing anything. “Arsenic said that you liked to play with this in the tub.” The bodyguard held up a brightly yellow colored rubber thing shaped like a duck. He squeaked it once and he watched that small child light up and reach for the object. “Gimme Prince Squeakers.” “You. You named it Prince Squeakers?” “Give me the duck, Hilfred.” The man tossed the duck into the tub and it splashed the water out of the tub. The Sovereign lit up like a newly lit fire and he started squeaking that little rubber duck. It was fine for a few minutes, but then it started to get annoying. Hilfred said nothing about it and just stood there. Listening. It was grating on his nerves, but then he watched both the boy and the duck disappear beneath the water. He waited for him to come back and he didn’t. He pushed off the wall and got to the tub when the boy erupted out of the tub, spraying water everywhere and covering the man in front of him. He was holding his duck high above his head and shouted, “I HAVE TRIUMPHED OVER THE DUCKS AND AM NOW THEIR LEADER!” “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to sit the fuck back in that tub and actually take a bath or I swear to God, I’m going to throw that duck off the balcony and into the cursed lake.” The look on Malik’s face as he clung tightly to Prince Squeakers. He did as he was told though, taking a bath to the best of his ability. Once he was done, Hilfred helped him out and started to dry him off. Arsenic came back to collect him just in time to help him get dressed. He’d have to talk to someone about this. Get a tailor in here to personalize the leather outfits for easier access to put them on and take them off. Once he was dressed, they took him down to the lunch area. Now this time he ate moderately civilized to the surprised of most people. He didn’t even make a mess of himself. So they marked that as an achievement for his day. He lingered on dessert for quite a bit longer today than normal because he didn’t really want to go into the Afternoon Meeting. That was just him sitting on his throne and listening to his people whine and complain and he had to come up with solutions and he just didn’t want to. But he was more or less forced to and that was just . . . No please. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “ . . . trashed and then he thought that he cou-” “Hey! I did not! It was you who thought it was a good idea t-” “YOU TOLD THE HORSE IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO KICK OVER THE KILN, DYLAN!” Oh, wow. Okay. They were bickering back and forth again and Malik had lost interest in the conversation again. He was busy trying to convince Hilfred to just cut the horse in half so they could rebuild the kiln with its body. Hilfred was not having any of that because he didn’t think that that would work. Arsenic was trying to get the two of them to settle down and stop arguing. When that wouldn’t work he turned to look at the other two and just sort of glared at them. The Sovereign whined and Hilfred rolled his eyes. He walked down and cleared his throat, “If the two of you don’t shut your bloody mouths, I’ll do exactly what your king suggested. And I don’t think the horse is going to like that.” That shut them up real quick and both asked, “What does he want to do to the horse?” “CUT HIM IN HALF AND USE HIM TO REBUILD THE KILN!” Came the overly excited shout from the Child King who was now standing on his throne with a bizarre expression. “AND THEN ONCE IT'S BEEN REBUILT, YOU CAN MAKE ME A FANCY CUP OUT OF THE HORSE’S HEAD!” And that dispute solved itself real quick. They apologized for the trouble they caused, paid their fine, and left. Having calmed the Sovereign down and promising to get him a cup in the shape of a horse head, they continued on with the rest of their dispute settlements for the day. All that was left now was dinner. And the Sovereign was looking forward to eating. After sitting in that fucking throne for hours and hours, just listening to people complain about this or complain about that, or run scared after suggesting things like using horse parts to rebuild something, it really worked up an appetite. He heard that today it was going to be really delicious. The only problem was no one really told him what it was he was eating. He had noticed that and it bothered him, but then again at the same time he found that he didn’t care. The hermit had never really told him what he was eating either. Just that it was tasting pretty damn good and it he liked it, he usually said so and they had it again and again. Kinda like how it worked here at the Castle, he noticed. If he liked something, he ate it a lot. If he didn’t like something, he never really saw it again. These people really did know how to treat him, didn’t they? Dinner was a success. Or at least. A moderate success. There had been a second assassination attempt that ended in hilarious failure. The guy thought that if he jumped off the chandelier and sort of dive full force with daggers out. He either misjudged the trajectory of his jump or he just forgot the Blessed Child wasn’t a normal target. Regardless, Hilfred summoned the armor and kicked the boy out of the way with enough time to impale the man upon his sword as he landed. The Bodyguard suffered minor wounds which Arsenic was more than prepared to take care off. More guards swarmed in and a report was taken to Scipio about the incident. With the Arbiter MIA, a lot of assassins were getting in. It was almost funny the Arbiter’s assassins kept the other assassins from getting into the building. They decided to take their King to his room for bed, but not before he dragged the cake along with them. “Sir, you cannot eat that whole thing in bed.” “Watch me!” “Sir, I am telling you right now you are not eating that whole cake in bed. You need to rest and all that sugar will interfere with your ability to do just that.” “Hilfred, he’s being rude to me. Hit him.” “He’s not wrong, Malik. You cannot eat the whole cake. You need to rest.” “Why, why are you both being so mean to me!” He started crying. Both men sighed a bit in frustration. They cut a single slice of cake for him and put the rest of it out of sight, aka they sort of just wheeled it outside the room and called a certain to take care of it. “You can have a single piece of cake before bed, how does that sound?” “O-okay.” He took the slice of cake and ate it slowly, trying to savor the flavors. From there, they took turns trying to come up with bedtime stories to tell him. He fell asleep around one of the war stories that Hilfred was telling about a centaur and an ogre doing batter. They tucked him in and made sure that he had his gorilla. Hilfred took up his post to guard the boy while he slept and Arsenic went off to his own bedroom to rest and relax.
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jacerk · 7 years
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YOUTUBE // jihoonzzy uploaded a new video!!   U Go Girl by Katie Lee [choreo] gif credit;
{{ description; to one of new noonas, who nearly killed me on out first meeting, a cringy birthday present. well, its an upgraded version, i hope you enjoy it;; 
he didn’t think he’d do this song ever again, but with recent events he was already going over the choreo without any problem. he always found it to be really fun how he remembered it perfectly. 
however, this time around, jihoon had put a pair of heels, which didn’t quite match with the cap he had on his head, but he’d live with it. he wasn’t all about the aestetics recently and he just wanted to have fun with this birthday present and hope that tiffany see’s it, /if not he’d send her a text or something about it/.
he stood in the center of the room, where he usually filmed his dances and focused on the water bottle that was placed for a center. he was a bit nervous, since it was his first cover with him in heels, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t get hurt, and kt wouldn’t mind it either. he hoped kt wouldn’t mind it either, considering the stunt he pulled with his private audition.
soon the music start to play and jihoon was instantly in character that fit the song. most people he knew that watched his videos were usually amazed at how he looked while dancing compared to his little moody and savage self in real life. it was simple. he didn’t have multiple personalities, he just knew how he looked good and was professional and keeping an image.
katie lee was a huge rolemodel to him, mainly because she did what she wanted and she was just amazing at doing it. she was legend, and he’d actually fight people who disagreed with that. it somewhat made him feel proud, while dancing this song, and he was able to dance in front of her and it made him want to work even harder.
but his thoughts shifted to kt fully. he could multi task really well, the fact that he could have a full on conversation with someone on the phone while streaming in front of hundreds, sometimes thousands if he was lucky, and not die, he counted himself as a god at multi tasking. so thinking back to kt, he was amazed at how many amazing people he met there. 
starting with the fact that he knew no one to begin with. in kt, he knew no one unlike all the other companies. he knew almost everyone in trc due the fact that he was there before, in sphere he knew half of their trainee’s due them being his closest friends ever. he knew wendy in nova, and was sure he;d annoy the shit out of the girl, and in royal he knew jaehyung. so starting in kt without knowing anyone was definitely a challenge to an introvert like him.
but things quickly changed, a lot faster than he thought they would. joining with an evaluation, made bonding a lot quicker rather than eating lunch alone and stressing over which trainee should i join in a group during dance practice. he had jimin, aron, gary, woohyun to bond with off the bat, he bumped into taemin so randomly and blurted out the weirdest thing possible, taeyeon ran into him by accident and it was cute. 
 tiffany approached him during lunch time and as soon as he learned it was her birthday on the 1st, he felt the need to do this song again, just in her honor. 
with the song reaching the break down, jihoon had to focus a bit more just to make sure everything was perfect, and so far it looked good. he didn’t go out of character, didn’t slip, trip or fall over, he was doing very well that he even allowed himself to sing along with the audio. he knew he’d edit it out, put the actual song over but when it finished, he took a few seconds to regain his breath before running to the camera and grinning widely. 
“happy birthday noona.“ he said before the vidoe finished.
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