#but for now I only have chuncks of thoughts
normalest-of-knees · 1 year
Did they really..... do absolutely nothing with the fact that Jaune "had" to kill Penny?.....
I thought maybe they could pull something out at the end somehow; maybe have Penny be the one to help Ruby through her rough time as well as the tree lady
Though then again with all the Summer build up I'm not surprised
But I'm.... both flabbergasted and defeated that we went through this entire Volume without ever actually addressing Jaune killing Penny.
Back after Volume 8, so many people were like "So they HAVE to address this, right? Oh man how is Ruby gonna react to this??" And many were speculating and wondering
Apparently she won't, is the answer. We don't even know if Blake & Yang know either. They just never actually talk about or react if they do know
And I'm wondering.... why? Why did they tease about the Penny angst and then it amount to nothing in the end? Why did Ruby have to pass out while Weiss talked about the subject, and then never gets to talk about it afterwards? Why did she get to find the sword (that shouldn't even exist, mind you), give it up, then when it's thrown away she just leave it at that?
I know the answer is random angst and Jaune angst, but still.
Penny deserved so much better, and so did we. The audience deserved to be treated better and respected, but we got... this.
I wished they had picked between wanting to push the Summer stuff or the Penny stuff, since they clearly couldn't do both. And what we got of each was so... nothing
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mayzi33 · 6 months
Random thought of something I find quite unfair. Everyone knows Sonic and Tails are best pals right? Right. But here's the thing. Sonic, and pretty much almost everyone else in the franchise has many different relationships. For starters, Sonic is literally the main character, so he has a relantioship with pretty much everyone. Knuckles, for example, is really close to Sonic, Tails and Amy, but he has other relantioships outside that, like with the Chaotix and Rouge. Amy is another one that befriends everyone easily, like Cream, Silver, Blaze, Shadow and heck even Surge now in IDW.
But what about Tails?
I've seen many people complain already that despite Tails being ridiculously close to Knuckles and Amy, we don't get to see him interact much with either of them without Sonic being around (except for Frontiers, which I'm very greatful for). We don't see having any strong bonds with everyone besides Sonic, and yes, I know that they're called "Unbreakle Bond" for a reason, but come on, everyone else gets to have a million of close friends, why does Tails have to exclusive to Sonic?
The only really close relationships we've seen Tails form besides him and maybe Knuckles and Amy are with Cosmo and Chunck on Sonic X. But it isn't even canon in some time-lines. Some might say Charmy or Cream, because they're the "kid trio", and as much as I like that idea come on, is there any comic or canon Sonic content really featuring this trio alone? And then there's IDW, where he finally gets a nemesis for HIM, Kitsunami, yet we got like- 5 interactions of them or something. He's also kinda close to Tangle and Belle, and you can even take like, Barry from TMOSTH, but the fandom doesn't even give much attetion to that. It's SO HARD to find comics, fanarts, fanfics and just overall content of Tails with someone else who isn't Sonic, (at least from what I've seen on Tumblr) while for everyone else it can be easy.
Anyways my point is... GIVE. US. MORE. TAILS. INTERACTIONS. WITH. OTHER. CHARACTERS. Thank you so much.
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spinningbuster98 · 5 months
Super Castlevania IV Part 2: Is this really a remake?
I think everyone knows that, despite its title, Super Castlevania IV is not an actual sequel but rather a remake of the original Castlevania on NES.
In fact in Japan this game is simply known as Akumajou Dracula, the same title as that game in Japan. The 4 here was most likely added by Konami of America in order to sell this as a sequel to the NES trilogy in hopes of boosting sales.
But honestly: would you really have guessed that this was a remake without knowing about this info beforehand?
What does this game have in common with the original really? There’s Simon yeah sure. But he’s been given a slight redesign, now with a more greenish looking armor and brown hair. They could have named him like Jack Belmont or something and this would no longer be a remake because really the name Simon is the only thing truly tying this game to the NES original
We have completely new levels, not just these first few located outside the castle, even once you’re inside the levels are just completely different both in theme and structure
The bosses are mostly original
Even the music is about 97% new stuff, Vampire Killer is the only track returning from the original and it only plays during the first half of the final stage!
I find this aspect of the game interesting because nowadays we live in an age where videogame remakes are a dime a dozen and they very often are radically different from the originals, mainly because they serve as excuses from big companies to make a new game without having to make everything from scratch while also cashing in on the original games’ popularity, just look at all the Resident Evil Remakes!
And for as beloved as Super Castlevania IV is...it’s really no different in its approach. You can’t say it’s paying respect to the original when there’s barely any sign of it in the first place!
Really the only reason why I think people don’t make a fuss over this is because:
1) The original had pretty much no in-game story so this version runs no risk of pissing anyone off from that POV
2) It came out during a period where videogame remakes were a much rarer phenomenon so people don’t really view it in the same vein
3) It was a lot of people’s first Castlevania game or at least they grew up with it
In fact you could even argue that it’s not very faithful to the classic formula even from a gameplay perspective: after all this game completely alters the classic controls.
Now sue I know that everyone loves the multiple whip attacks and the controllable jumps...but it baffles me that everyone would consider it an undisputed improvement, implying that the previous controls were inherently broken.
Classicvania controls were designed to be like this in tandem with the level design. You could even argue that having to master these limited controls is a big part of the series’ identity at this point and I’m sure this is what the developers at the time thought too because no other game in the series will replicate IV’s controls: Rondo and Bloodlines at most give you some very limited directional whipping and the ability to stir your jumps only slightly along with the ability to jump on and off stairs, but never the complete package
By giving the player so much more control over the character you essentially take away not only a big chunck of the challenge but also some of the gameplay depth: where once you’d have to carefully maneuver around enemies in order to win now it’s usually just a metter of whipping them from whatever angle you are. Plus there’s also the fact that the crucifix subweapon has been made disgustingly broken: wanna win in Super Castlevania IV? Find the crucifix and then find the double and triple shot power ups. Congratulations now nothing save from instakill obstacles will stop you as these things absolutely melt enemies and even bosses!
Now personally I don’t really mind this too much because there’s still usually a certain degree of precision that you have to put into your whipping even with the multidirectional attacks and the platforming can still get tricky on the occasion, so i do still believe that the overall spirit of the classic is preserved here but in a new form
But it’s important to consider that it is indeed a new form, not simply some sort of natural evolution that is guaranteed to be faithful to the original. It is perfectly valid to be unhappy with how this game changes up the classic formula and it’s the main reason why I personally wouldn’t call this “the definitive version of Castlevania 1″, even though I still really like it, certainly more than the original
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justynart · 7 months
Creating a Realistic Game Asset
Since my project has changed directions from stylised to more realistic I wanted to go through the entire process of creating a prop asset that would be optimised and game ready.
I found a course by Chunck Trafagander on Udemy that was heavily discounted and thought it was the perfect opportunity for me to spend some time focusing on the pipeline behind optimised asset creation. I was also interested in this particular course as the asset is not the typical block-shaped furniture piece and instead would teach me how to tackle assets with more complex shapes and details.
I started by modelling the rocker in Blender using the reference images provided. This was a very interesting process as almost all of the modelling was done using paths.
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Next up was UV unwrapping, something that I have never done before. Through this process I learned some general rules to follow such as: hiding seams, avoiding resizing UV islands and only doing so when necessary and to areas of low importance, as well as maximising my usage of the UV map. I was also directed towards two plugins which saved me a lot of time: TexTools and Texel Density.
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After UV Unwrapping I went on to create the three materials needed in Substance Designer. After some of my previous tests I was already quite comfortable with Designer so following Chunck’s course was a lot easier as I understood most of the concepts he presented. I created the following materials: Plain Weave (learned how to add transparency, very useful!), Wicker Strap (a reuse and simplification of Plain Weave), and Wood.
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Next I imported my model into Substance Painter where I began by baking and then applying the materials. I also learned how to add some realistic wear and tear through hand-painting, adjustment layers and masks, as well as decals (screws).
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Once texturing was complete I went back to Blender where I imported the models new textures before beginning the process of retopologizing in order to optimise the rocker. Through this process I learned how to minimise the assets polycount without losing its silhouette and in the end reduced the tri count from nearly 40k to under 5k.
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The final step was to render the final result which can be seen below.
High poly (40k tris):
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Low poly (<5k tris):
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This project taught me a lot and I'm very glad I finished it despite some difficulties. I now know how to approach more intricate assets, using paths to model curves. I also know how to use Substance Designer more efficiently by reusing substance graphs in order to create new and unique materials that remain cohesive against the rest. Lastly, I'm now comfortable with how I should approach retopology with the purpose of creating an optimised version of the object that is more suitable for games and VR.
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mc-rupige · 9 months
So I am so invested in this fucking conflict and I hate it because it's a mess
Like there several reasons why their communication is lacking:
Forever not being able to fully express himself in english isn't helped by bad's way of speaking as he often uses more particular words or frame an explanation in a way that sometimes more confusing
To the point that Forever left Cellbit+Richas the 2 people more likely to help:Cellbit has a great understanding of english and Richas is confirmed to be a badboyhalo fan so he knows his speech patterns (PLEASE BE THERE TONIGHT)
There is a conflict in the way they do rp : Forever kept pointing out that they have to vote for laws and mods... pretty metagamy, this is obviously a minor thing but Forever is well known to add a few metagames jokes while talking to others.He blends rp and outside discussion( at least when rp in english, unsure in portuguese as I am not fluent)
On contrary
Bad doesn't go out of character when talking to others (unless they don't really care for the rp/they are discussing irl stuff) and if he wants to discuss meta with chat he makes sure to say before and after the discussion when he is talking as cc!bad or q!bad
It wouldn't be an issue both of this form of rp are valid, the conflict starts when the pov is moving
On a metagame outlook it's just bad lamenting he can't steal
But on a "in roleplay "outlook forever is insisting his method of voting is good and that the law was just a joke (NEED TO SAY IT WASN'T: 1) DON'T FUCKING VOTE ON STUFF (FOR REAL) WHEN A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE MISSING 2) DON'T LET PLAYERS VOTE MORE BECAUSE OF ALTER EGOS )
Now I already brought up in another post that fandom/forever is saying bad is taking a joke law too seriously but if the rule was "potatos farm can't be more than one chunck" or "foolish can't show his banana in public" people on that side of the fandom would be mad so people saying that on my watch are dismissing it because of the meta outlook/it's badboyhalo
Lastly they just often have the same/similar thoughts on end goals but they work it in a different way
Bad will ponder on stuff for DAYS and let's talk about this as much as we can so we can work on stuff together later
Forever is an instant problem-solver don't need to finish the conversation I will do it myself right now
Similar situations happened before:
During the election while Bad and Forever tried to explain to each other their ideology: the more you hear them out the more you see they wanted similar things but the way of implementation was different
During the construction of the Zoo bad was trying to point out they didn't need to build the zoo (only the 2 enclosures) and Forever didn't fully hear him out ( yeah I know we need to add the 2 enclosures to the zoo)
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tenacious-minds · 2 years
We’ve all seen narcissas hair, with the white-blond underneath and the black on top. I always thought it was odd, that her hair would be blond— none of the other blacks has anything but dark hair. I thought it even odder that she would have dyed it. Either black on top or blond underneath. It doesn’t seem very wizarding, never mind pure blood.
Consider, however, that although much rarer, Piebaldism can appear on the back of your neck. Seeing as it’s a genetic condition, draco would very likely also have a lighter patch of hair, and most likely Cygnus or Druella would also have it.
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space-n-sky · 2 years
IDK how ZAGR can work when Jhonen confirmed that Zim is a thousands year old adult while Gaz is a kid... yet he also says ZAGR would have been endgame if he had to do romance. Was he joking about it or is Zim biologically a (presumably) perpetual young adult to where when Gaz grows up, it isn't illegal or creepy (Like everlasting adulthood, but still mortal)??? I'm more confused than I should be.
oof, the classic zim-age battle. I haven’t been in the fandom for a while so my memory’s a little rusty.
What I can say is that the “zim is 1000+ year old adult” is a recent statement on Zim’s age. Even then, when it’s brought up, it’s said in a joking context. I take everything Jhonen says with a grain of salt, canon isn’t something he prioritizes when it comes to zim, he bends what’s established to service the humor. In the 20+ year of the show’s existence, a good chunck of the viewers has assumed zim’s age was likened to the kids. Or that at the very least, he conveniently aged alongside the cast. I thought similarly when watching the show for the first time. But now that Jhonen’s been consistently joking Zim’s an “old man” (note, he doesn’t specify an age. He just. says “old man” hfjffj) it’s safe to assume he’s an adult. probably?? Even then, I’ve seen vet fans and mutuals say that the trial script would have clarified Zim’s as old as the Tallest. But then, what about the one zagr fanart on the staff’s fanart wall? what about the storyboard zadr doodles during production of the movie?? Joke or not, wouldn’t it be weird if not un-pc of the staff to pit the boys together like that?? Again, it’s all very muddy. It’s not my favorite topic to discuss because our only authority on the issue loves to play with canon like a cat with a ball of yarn. and violently ingest it. then hack it up like a hairball.
Ah, the zagr endgame claim. *wipes tear* It’s untrue btw. It’s a beautiful offspring of fandom telephone that’s lasted all these years :’) The IZ wiki is… um, highly opinionated on certain topics (Gaz’s supposed pyro abilities, for example) and there’s NO citation for this claim. I wouldn’t look to it as a totally reliable source…. I personally scoured the internet and youtube, I watched any Jhonen Invadercon interview I could (god. PLEASE don’t watch them. Fans ask intruding and embarrassing questions to the poor guy). I’ve yet to find him say zagr was endgame.
Jhonen’s depictions of IZ has changed. 2019 Jhonen wanted to focus on family and Dib’s dynamic with his dad. He wanted Membrane to be a prominent character. 2000 Jhonen was fine having Membrane waltz in and out of the kid’s life, even having Membrane be absent with a drone monitoring the kids in his place (cynical implications lmao). So even if he DID entertain the idea of zagr, his opinion likely changed. He’s had the comics to suggest an alliance between Zim and Gaz, or develop some kind of relationship. We kinda made progress with issue 16 with Zim realizing Gaz is tolerable to be around and wondering out loud why they don’t hang out more (which is shut down by Gaz lmao)??? But that’s it.
I’m sorry abt the confusion :( Do what you feel is best, be mindful how you engage in conversation abt stuff like Zim’s age to other fans. Zim’s an adult? cool. Zim’s ageless and doesn’t adhere to human standards of maturity? complicated, but ok. Zim’s a kid? alrighty. It’s something we’ll be forever divided on, unfortunately. So: To each their own!
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
OPM Webcomic Chapter 141 Review
Normally I like to take a couple of days and a few rereads to see how I feel about a chapter before reviewing it, but with ONE’s unpredictable schedule, I’d best do this now.  It’s longish.
The first thing to say is that this chapter really messed me up.
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The cavalry has a stone in its shoe
The first thing that fucked me up was realising what the sound effect in the first two panels of the chapter was: the sound of the doctor’s increasingly agonised breathing.  What a horrible thing to have to hear, made worse by the three Machine Gods showing up and reporting that their latest kill would have a 0% chance of survival after 5 minutes.
If you thought then that this chapter would be about a by-the-skin-of-the-teeth save, you’re sadly mistaken.  Genos was awesome.  He spared no power (nor powers for that matter) in fighting the three dragon-level machines simultaneously, aiming to kill them as quickly as he could and get that time.
ONE’s grasp on choreography has improved immensely and he’s used it fantastically here.  He’s always been versatile, but this time, Genos was plasticity itself, wielding heat, freezing, magnetism, anti-gravity, electricity and much more.  In turn, they didn’t commit the mistake of trying to attack one at a time, analysing his moves as they went and attacking in unpredictable formation.
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it might not be psychic power, but being able to move and warp anything magnetic is a damn useful substitute
Machine Gods may vary in form, but they do share a basic interest, which is in understanding heroes, and a basic personality, which is a snarky wit that’s quick to mock. Machine God Tech lobs a back-handed compliment to Genos, saying that if he’d mastered these variable abilities, he’d have been able to aim for the top of the hero world.  For their confidence, Tech and Ray end up dead in pretty short order, smashed to pieces, leaving an outraged Machine God Body howling about how it simply couldn’t be that a mere ex-human cyborg could outdo them, these magnificent AIs.  He takes up the components of the other two to strengthen himself further, but  he’s dead soon, smashed to bits by an appropriately named Final Smash.
Genos hurries to the doctor, but there’s no let up.  Seven more high-powered robots appear. Thankfully so does Saitama, still in his underwear. He takes on the five approaching from the front, leaving the last two to Genos.  Saitama casually walking through the assault, not even bothering to shape a punch has to be one of the scene-stealers of the chapter and one of the very few light moments in it.
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And then it’s over.  Saitama picks the doctor up to try ferrying him to hospital, but the doctor refuses, preferring to tell Genos where to find a secret, final upgrade, to use it to run away from Them (looks like the doctor knows exactly who killed him) and to beg forgiveness.
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what a way for a beautiful relationship to end
Genos doesn’t say anything. Nor does he hurry after Saitama, but after the latter has left, he bows deeply in gratitude and says that there’s nothing to forgive, for the old man did nothing wrong in his eyes.
The action recommences at dawn.  For the avoidance of all hope, we see that Saitama has buried the doctor in the forest with a chunck of the lab wall as a headstone and the shovel still stuck in the earth by the grave.  Genos comes out of the repair pod with a new body and the two of them take their leave.  Genos intends to take out Metal Knight immediately, before whatever the plan for a ‘general offensive’ is executed.  Saitama agrees to accompany him.  But as they walk along, there’s a light over the nearest city.  It seems ‘The Plan’ Machine God Tech talked about has begun.
Indeed, on the ground, there’s carnage as a formation of robots marches through, burning every building they pass and shooting down anything that moves.  Various heroes look on in numb horror as the army advances. 
That’s where this monster of a chapter ends.
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never ones to half-ass things
Unsurprising Surprise
The Organization strikes at last.  Our longest-running villains finally show their hand. They’ve measured, they’ve planned, they’ve done their homework, made that list and checked it twice.  Fitting in with Metal Knight’s warning about a shadowy power waiting its time (in the manga, not the webcomic), they’ve struck right when the heroes are at their weakest.  We don’t know the extent  of it. Is City W the only place being scrubbed off the map, or is this part of a much more widespread trend?
Well, now we really do know that when Genos spoke of not only acting for himself when he introduced himself to Saitama, he was just telling the truth.  He might be looking for vengeance, but his scope was always much bigger than just himself.  It’s a shame things have had to deteriorate to this extent for us to see it.
If not now, when?
So this is it! This is as good as it gets for him then. If he is to survive, Genos will have to take a page from Drive Knight’s example and quickly master everything his new body has to offer.  We’ve (well I’ve) complained before that he’s merely competent at using what the doctor gives him, throwing parts and bodies away without giving himself a chance to truly get the best out of them.  No choice now.  And it looks like there’s a world to save -- no time to luxuriate in practice. Or grief.
Forgive me
A few years ago when I was still new to Reddit, one of my first posts was to ask if Dr Kuseno was a good man. Against his manifest good deeds in supporting Genos as he did, it didn’t sit well with me that he’d performed a Reverse Pinocchio on an ordinary boy, turning him into a living weapon.  Not hard to imagine that it wasn’t received too well by the sub, lol.  In time, as we got to see more of Kuseno, my position on him softened, but what the hell, doctor?  never went completely away.
With Kuseno’s dying words being apology, we see that he knew he’d done wrong by Genos.  He knew that roping him into his quest for justice came as much from his own selfishness and rage as it did from a desire to set the world to rights.  I’ve repeatedly said that the cyborg body Genos has has nothing to do with health. It was all about gaining the power to fight and forgoing a chance to have a life in the process.
And so Kuseno died, in agony, weeping and begging for a forgiveness that he never heard come.  He was buried like a dog in what had been his backyard. By a stranger.
That’s cold.
Now I’m not faulting Genos for not forgiving the old man to his hearing. But there’s a hardness to him that he’ll want watching lest it grow more.
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this is why the Machine Gods always fail despite their detailed calculations.  They just do not understand the depth of the human heart, nor its importance.
But I’ll add one more thing.  Dr Kuseno did not just raise a warrior.  In the end, he raised a damn fine hero too.  In the end, I really hope that some great good might yet come out of this.
Saitama and compassion
I’m glad that Saitama is here.  I’m even more glad that he’s not been acting to try stealing the show, instead supporting Genos when the latter needs it. It’s not ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ But it is compassionate. 
What’s next?
Why fighting of course.  Lots of it. I hope that somehow, the fog of war ends up nevertheless clarifying the relationship between the Neo Heroes, The Organization, Metal Knight and possibly Drive Knight.  I’m ready for this arc to build to its crisis and resolve one way or the other.
Bits and pieces
Number 23 on the list?  If Kuseno weren’t keeping such a low profile, I’d be insulted on his behalf.
I surmised last chapter that Kuseno must have an extensive basement as the superstructure of his place looked positively humble.  West basement?  With multiple hangars?  That’s not a basement, that’s an underground castle.  I hope Genos has locked up after himself.  If he succeeds in putting sword to his enemies, he’ll want what’s in there.
Finally, with the way living and dying works in this world, I wonder if the old man might yet have survived if he’d not decided it was too late for him.  I guess we’ll never know. At least I hope not.  I hope he’s beyond the clutches of those who’d raise him to an undeath for their own purposes.
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friendlytrees · 4 years
Stay Here With Me
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sebastian stan x reader
summary: you decided to clear your head and take a walk, but someone unexpected crosses paths with you.
warnings: swearing
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mountains of paint are scattered all over different cardboard boxes. you take a chunck of the red and smear it on the canvas in front of you like a toddler. As bits if light creep in through your curtains you realize you’ve been painting all day. You get up and look around to see 10 awful and terrifying paintings staring back at you. Although this was a great stress reliever, it wasn't going to help you get over what had happened.
2 weeks ago you walked into your apartment to find your boyfriend Daniel cheating on you. You knew it wouldn't last, you met him at some douchey college frat party and out of all the boys, he was the “most romantic” when you caught him all you could say was leave.
After this incident your friend introduced you to anger painting. Although very effective it consumed you and it was all you could do. When you finished the 10th painting you decided it was time to get some fresh air. You get in the shower and after you change into a flowy dress and jacket, grab your keys and head out the door. You walked down what seemed like a never ending hall until you made it to the elevator. The elevator dings to signal you to go down and when the door opens, your ex smiles at you holding flowers.
“y/n hey look i wan-“
“no, i cant do this right now” you say as you cut him off. You try to walk to the stairs but he grabs your arm and insists you talk to him
“look what happened was so bad. And im so sorry, but thats in the past and we are in the present and thats what’s important”
“ do you think you’re being romantic “
“ i got you flowers”
you shove him, “ look you’re wasting my time. i have to go” you walk towards the elevator and leave him standing in the hall holding flowers. as the door closes you stare at him as he drops the flowers and crushes them.
after getting out the elevator you try to grab the nearest wall to cling on to so you can calm yourself down. All you could think about were the emotions you felt the night it happened. You catch your breath and eventually head out the front doors of the building. As soon as you walk out you are blinded by the sun. You cover your eyes as you think about how you haven't been outside in days.
while you mindlessly walk you can see the the sun leaking through the orange-ish trees along the road. this is the best thing you’ve done in a while, you have never stopped to take a look at the world around you since college started; in this moment you realized that life was beautiful. As the sun is setting you find yourself at a small park next to a library. your eyes wander to a bench with a very muscular man sitting on it. when you get closer you can eventually make out who it is
“hey, long time no see” you say as you stand right in front of him
he looks up from his book “y/n ? wow you look great” he gets up and goes in for a hug
“what are you doing here Sebastian. i haven't seen you here in so long”
“well i just got back from jersey , i was just here to visit family. then i ran into you.. wow you changed so much.”
“is that a good thing” you say with laughter
“ yes thats a great thing wow,” he goes in for another hug. “ i haven't seen you in 2 years. why didn't you call”
you push him off of you and go to sit on the bench “ i had so much going on i couldn't really make time to call anyone”
“ouch” he says as he sits down.
“ no dont take it personally. college is just stressful”
“thats why i never went” he says as he leans back in the bench
“what have you been doing these past 2 years?”
“ive been working, we dont all have money”
you could tell that was suggested towards you. you had been best friends your entire lives and did everything together, but the only difference between you two was that his family didnt really have much. so, the older he got, the less you saw of him since he was working all the time. And eventually when you moved you didnt see him at all.
you turn to face Sebastian “can we hang out today? i dont really have anything planned”
he turns to face you “ well i was going to sit here and read this book, but i guess i have room to hang out” he smiled and began to laugh. eventually you two got up and started walking in the Manhattan streets. the sun had set. the moon light lit up the almost empty street , which was rare. Sebastian turns to face you and begins to speak
“so where are we going?”
“i thought you knew, i was following you” you say with a confused look on your face
“im kidding” he looks over and points to a corner store “lets go in here”
you both step inside and he goes straight to the liquor. he grabs two large bottles and heads to the register.
“that will be $40”
“here you go”
“thank you, come again”
you both walk out and he hands you one of the brown paper bags. “drink up” he says as he opens his drink”
“you want me to drink,,, while we are walking around Manhattan.”
“yeah why not what could happen” he says as he takes a large swig of liquor
you look at him and decide to give in. “fine, but im only doing this for you”
an hour had passed and you were both wasted walking under the street lights saying god knows what. The only thing you could hear was Sebastian yelling every time he saw a taxi. You end up stopping at one of the lights next to a closed theater.
“hold on i need to stop for a minute i need t-” mid sentence he lets half of his lunch out on the side walk. All you could do was laugh at him while he was doing it. When hes done he sits up and swings around the poll screaming to the top of his lungs “do you want to know something y/n”
“what is it” you say taking the last sip of your alcohol
“i love you”
“Ive loved you since youve came into my life, you just make me so happy.” he drunkingly makes a heart with his hands and walks closer to you. “I needed to see you y/n, youre part of the reason i came back. I missed your laugh, your jokes, i missed the way you smiled. I need you”
“youre drunk you dont mean that”
“Yes i do” he moves his hands up to your cheeks. “ every time im with you i get this feeling that if something ever happened to you id lose you forever. And i want to make sure you will always be okay. Im not saying this because im drunk y/n, im saying this because i love you”
No words were able to come out of your mouth. All you could do was stand there and stare into those bluish grey eyes. he eventually let your face go and started walking away.
“where are you going?” you say as you try to catch up with him
“i have no idea, but im pretty sure ive just embarrassed myself”
you stop walking “Where were you supposed to stay tonight?”
“i was supposed to stay with my mom but if i come home drunk hes gonna kill me” he stops walking and tilts his head up “i could just buy a hotel for tonight”
“or you could stay at my place” you say. he turns his head over to you and smiles. he sluggishly walks towards you and you guide him to your apartment.
you both find a taxi to take you back since youre too drunk to walk. Once you get there you head through the doors and get in the elevator. the ride up to the 3rd floor of your apartment was filled with silence. Sebastian had kept his distance ever since he told you he loved you. Back on the sidewalk under the street light you regret not telling him right then and there that youve felt the same way.
the elevator doors opened and when you walked out you could see someone near your door. you rushed over to see who it was, and when you knew you were disappointed.
“what the hell are you doing here, leave now!”
“please just let me ta-” your ex takes a pause when he sees Sebastian standing 4 feet away. “who the fuck is this, huh, y/n? who the fuck are you” he starts walking closer to Sebastian and shoves him “who are you”
he looks at you and looks back at your ex “ im her boyfriend”
“no hes no-” you were cut off by your ex who became filled with anger
“oh really, your her boyfriend?” he shoves Sebastian 
Sebastian shoves him back “shove me again and i swear”
“you swear what. what are you gonna do”
Sebastian throws a punch at him and then gets tackled. You try to tell them to stop and pull them off of each other, but it wasn't working. Your ex wouldn't stop hitting Sebastian. He couldn't fight back anymore all he could do was take the hits. you run up to Daniel and pull him off of Sebastian before he could do anymore damage.
“what the hell Daniel”
“punk deserved it” he said as he wiped the blood off of his brow.
“leave right now”
“im not going anywhere”
“ leave before i call the police”
he looks at you for a moment, then he leaves. 
you run over to Sebastian to make sure he is okay and help him up. You grab your key and open your door. you turn the lights on and take Sebastian to the living room to lay him on the couch. 
“hey, im going to grab a rag to clean your face”
“y/n” he pauses to catch his breath “ you never said anything earlier, after i told you”
you sit down on the coffee table in front of the couch so you're facing him. “Sebastian. all this time didn't understand why i felt the way i do around you, you make me feel safe and i can trust you with my life.” Sebastian sits up before you can finish “Sebastian i love you” he leans over to you and kisses you “i love you too y/n”
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Yesterday i took some time to clean up my room and workspace for when online classes start next week. They say it’ll only be till March 30th but i think it will go on for longer.
They cancelled my theatre oractices yesterday until April 6th but im not complaining, i haven’t really been enjoying it that much. Im really disappointed though because we don’t know when our next oractice for Marching Band will be, since gatherings over 30 are highpy discouraged. Spring break just “ended” but i feel like ive been at home for too long.
Anyways, i thought I’d put a list of things you can do while under quarantine/social distancing:
READ!! Most of us probably have a tbr a mile long, so now is the time to begin taking chunck out of it.
Exercise. Whether you want to go out alone and run down your street (if allowed) or just do some yoga in your bedroom, endorphins will be released which will make you happier.
Organize your room/house! You’ll feel much better after, because who wants to be enclosed in a space that’s messy? It just makes your mind messy.
Learn something new. Whether that be a language, a course on Khan academy, or practocing that guitar that you always wish you could play. It might not be your version of productive, but just because there are no deadlines doesn’t make it so!
Do a spa day! Put on a facemask and take a bath by candlelight. Treat yourself like the king/queen you are. You’ll feel good and it will release a lot of the stress that this outbreak has caused.
I hope this was helpful! If you have any other ideas please add on, we all need some help to keep from going insane in this time of isolation.
Also, remember to DRINK WATER, wash your hands, and stay connected with your friends and family through social media!
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laufire · 4 years
I’ve struggled against the few WIPs I had that depended on s6 and it just... doesn’t click. I keep frustratedly erasing big chuncks of my writing and trying different things and nothing. So I’m hitting pause on that --while hoping something in s7 gives me something that kickstarts them again--, and focusing on the canon-divergent WIPs (and the weird Blade AU series lol).
Some ramblings under the cut, because:
If anyone’s curious, the (post-)s6 fics were a Multi POV Commander Echo and a Diyoza/Octavia in the anomaly (Octavia’s POV) one-shots. Part of why I’m struggling with them is that they’re obviously ideas that would get jossed come s7. So I’m putting them aside for now and seeing if something does click during the season --actual development on those fronts, something that I’ll dislike and make me want to write an alternative, whatever.
One of the other WIPs is technically canon-compliant because JRoth did me a solid and refused to give us spacekru flashbacks \o/ \o/ \o/. Its provisional title was “Raven Reyes Got Laid In Space” (I’m a petty person okay xD), which is pretty self-explanatory. However, it ended up far far more angsty -tons of Raven & Space Fam feels and heartbreak *sighs*- and less about sexy times that I wanted it to be xDD. Still includes Echo/Raven as friends with benefits who don’t communicate properly and a Harper/Monty/Raven that I get more emotional as I rewrite it the longer it’s happened since the s5 finale :))))))
Around the beginning of s5 there was a post I can’t find anywhere where someone (from fandom? the cast? writers? IDEFK) speculated that Raven felt guilty about not having gone to the bunker when she was supposed to, causing Clarke’s death and everyone else to be stuck in space. I thought it was ridiculous because out of all of them, only she and Bellamy would’ve had a shot of making it at the bunker lmao (Emori and Murphy? Not even considered. Harper and Monty? Not on Clarke’s List. Echo? Banished and condemned to an awful death). To me that was the darkest timeline lmao. So ofc I got the idea of writing something with Raven in the bunker (though I didn’t know where to go with it at first). It’d include Octavia/Raven because it might be my only chance to write them lol.
A super self-indulgent Bellamy/Echo/Raven/Shaw immediate post-s5 getting together fic, from Shaw’s POV. Completely ignoring s6 because that’d be too complicated.
Since the end of s4 I’ve wanted to write a Natblida!Emori AU where Clarke did go through turning her into one in God Complex. Its scope were those last few episodes of the season, right before Praimfaya, and it included Memori & Luna and Memori & Raven, though it was mostly Emori-centric. This, btw, remains my only WIP where nobody describes Emori’s face like they have a massive crush on her. I’m sure I’d manage to be obvious about it some other way xD
There are a few others but they’re more ~vague at the moment. The last one would be the aforementioned Blade AU series. It all started when I was asked about Vampire AU Memori headcanons and the world opened up before my eyes xD. Then s6 came and made them ACTUAL IMMORTALS, and then made Murphy DRINK ACTUAL BLOOD and I lost it.
Anyway. The concept is different than in that initial post but. Some basics: Indra is Blade. The first part is multichapter from Bellamy’s POV (with maybe some others because I’d like to add some of the other character’s flashbacks, like Raven or Monty, who in theory don’t have their own part yet), as the Cute Yet Reckless Victim Indra has to rescue after he got ~seduced by a vampire couple that wanted to eat him (which, yes, is Memori. I wanted to write for that ot3 sometime and I took my shot xDD. It’d also include Bellamy/Raven, and Raven & Indra & Monty).
Then there’d be some one-shots from characters I want to fit into that AU: Memori, of course; Indra & Gaia; Diyoza/Octavia; and Clarke/Josephine because APPARENTLY that’s who I am now xDD (they would so, so be highborn classist vampires lol). With a last plotty part (hopefully; in case you haven’t notice I tend to get sidetracked...) with Indra & co, those important characters, the Jahas as born vampires, and Bellamy/Wells + Bellamy/Raven.
I’d like to finish all these this year in case the show’s ending kills my enthusiasm, so I’m putting this ideas ~into the open to give myself a push lol.
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xplrsquad7137 · 4 years
"This was a terrible idea, I'm an idiot!"
Summary~Colby films a video with Mike and Kevin where they put face masks all over their bodies, and you have to help him.
Gif creds to @taradummy
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Colby's Pov
"What's up guys welcome back to my channel, today i am joined with Mike and Kevin, and we are gonna be putting Face Masks all over our bodies"
Mike "how did you think that this was gonna be a good idea?"
"i have no idea"
Its been a few minutes and we were all covered in face masks.
Mike "oh my god, Colby is like covered!"
Kevin "that's what i said!!"
"it feels like when you put like ductape over a hairy part of your body and just rip it off."
Kevin "oh my god you like...put too much on! How are you gonna get it all off?"
"i don't know! Guys don't do this, this was a terrible idea, I'm an idiot!"
Mike "you literally might have to call y/n to help you get it all off brother."
"yeah i know, I'll go call her"
I go out to my balcony to call her. I feel really bad for calling her cause i know she is out with tara, having a girls trip to the mall.
Y/n "Hey baby what's up?"
"hey babe, uh do you mind coming home early?"
Y/n "No not all, we are in line anyway. Why what's wrong, are you okay?" She said with concern in her voice.
"oh yeah everything is fine. You'll find out when you get home. I love you"
Y/n "Okay colbs i love you too"
I come back into my apartment and grab my camera, and make my way back to my friends.
"okay, she's on her way home"
Mike "dude she's gonna be like, what the fuck!"
Kevin interrupted Mike and i's conversation by screaming "FFFUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK" because he was ripping off a huge chunck of face mask on his chest.
Mike "oh my god this is brutal. It's so bad on the hair! So bad..i should've shaved!"
I was regretting putting so much on at this point. 'I hope y/n can help me get all of this off' i thought.
Your Pov
I am why kinda worried why Colby called me asking you to come home early. He never does that.
Tara "hey is everything okay? You look.. worried?"
"Uh yeah, colbs wants me to come home all of a sudden and i don't know why"
Tara "knowing Colby it's probably for a video, so i wouldn't be too worried about it okay?" Shs said giving you a nudge.
"Yeah. Yeah you're right. Lets go"
The drive home is fun. Me and Tara are jamming out to old Avril Lavigne songs, singing at the top of our lungs with the windows down. I love hanging out with tara, she is truly my bestfriend. You love her so much. Thankfully, Tara and Jake live in the same apartment complex as me and colby, so i get to see her all the time.
"Today was so much fun!"
Tara "i know, it feels like we haven't done a girls trip in forever!"
"I love you babe, I'll see you around" giving her a hug before she walked into her boyfriend's apartment.
Tara "i love you more, keep me updated with Colby!!!"
"I will!"
I opened up the door to see Kevin pulling what looks like face mask off of my boyfriends arm while he screams.
"What in the hell is going on here!?"
Colby "oh hey baby, welcome home"
Colby's Pov
Kevin was ripping off a huge piece of face mask off my arm when she came home.
"Oh hey baby, welcome home" i managed to say through my pain.
Y/n "is that.....face mask?"
Kevin "yeah" he says laughing his ass off.
Mike "your pretty boyfriend here thought it was a good idea to put face mask all over his body"
Y/n "oh babe, what am i gonna do with you" she said in the sweetest voice and kneeling down infront of me.
"Help me i hope!"
Y/n "of course im gonna help you"
She starts tearing off little pieces, not hurting me too much.
Y/n "holy shit colby, you are only supposed to put on a THIN layer of this shit, not a THICK layer!"
"Yeah i know that now OOOOOOOWWWW"
Y/n "sorry sorry sorry!"
It took another 15 minutes before we got it all off.
"Well you guys that does it for today's video, we are all gonna go take a shower together at the same time ya know, to save water-"
Mike "save the earth"
Y/n laughs hard at that which makes me look at her. She has the most beautiful laugh and smile i have ever seen.
"Thank you guy's for filming this with me and thank you baby for coming home early and helping me get this shit off" i kiss her cheek.
Y/n "of course! Im glad to help. Im sorry if i hurt you" she said with a giggle which made all the pain go away.
"You didn't baby....Kevin did"
Kevin "HEYY!!"
"Alright guy's, if you liked this video, please give this a like and subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you next week, peace"
After i did the outro, the boys got their stuff ready and left. Leaving me with my girl.
"Thanks again babe"
Y/n "really colbs it's no problem. Im just glad it wasnt anything serious! When you called me i thought something happened to you or Sam!"
I could tell she was worried from her eyes. I don't know how i got so lucky with her. She's my entire world.
"Im sorry y/n, i didn't mean to make you worry. But im okay, you know that now"
Y/n "i love you"
I grabbed her then, pulling her in my arms, where she belongs.
"I love you. More than i could ever put into words" and i kissed her lips.
Your Pov
Colby kissed me before he headed to the shower. And i immediately remembered that i had to call Tara and tell her what was up. So i dialed her number.
"Tara? Yeah..you were right. It was for a video"
Tara "oh yeah? What kind of video?"
"Mike, Kevin and Colby put face mask all over their bodies, and i had to help Colby take it all off! He put it on sooo thickkk!" I couldn't help but laugh thinking back on what just happened a few minutes ago.
Tara "oh my god, what are we gonna do with our boys?"
"I don't know. They're crazy, but we love them"
Tara "yeah we do"
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wherethefanficsat · 5 years
So...i’ve had a thought.
I’m quite young, in my teens and I’ve been suicidal for a good chunck of my life, since I was a kid. And in recent years I’ve opened up to my mother about it. And it’s great, she supports me and all but she simply doesn’t Get It. She has said that she’s never felt the same way and doesn’t understand the thought process of it.
So, for all of those who have loved ones who are suicidal or are just trying to learn something new on tumblr, I’m gonna try to explain how the whole becoming suicidal thing can start out (speaking from my personal experience, I’m no professional). I’m gonna try to keep it quite unbiased by situational occurences, because we all go through different things.
This is a trigger warning! I talk a bit graphically about it and if you feel like that might make you feel worse then please don’t read this!
So, let’s start with phase one.
Becoming aware
For the typical person, suicide isn’t a everyday topic. You don’t come in contact with it, you don’t think about it, it doesn’t concern you. So the first thing that happens is that you start to notice it more. You pick it up on the news, you see it in a movie, you read about it somewhere online.
Please take into account that this snowball effect won’t happen to everyone, but if you are going through stuff, then this can push off this ride.
Then comes phase two that you can call
It starts off as an innocent thought. what if.
It’s not serious. You don’t get into the gritty details. It’s more of a fleeting thought you catch yourself having more often.
After this is when it starts to get serious. At first you could brush it off as a passing thing but now, it’s turned into
At this point you’re not thinking with a clear head. I mean no one who’s all fine would start imagining killing themselves, how their parents would react, what their friends would think, how all of them found out and what life would be like after. What would it be like without you in the picture.
And the line is blurry between this and the next part. When does imagining become
It’s something you think about every day. You’ve played out all the versions of it. The one where you take too many pills, jump off a building or cut yourself too bad. How some people would be happy about it while others would be broken. But it seems as if it will always be better that way. Without you to make something worse again. And that’s where you realize that...oh, i want to kill myself.
All of this is very hard to recongnize about yourself while you’re in it and falling into this way of thinking does not make a person weak, it makes them vulnerable.
As I said, this is not how it’s like for everyone. This is just my experience and as I’ve dealt with this problem for years, I know I’m not the only one to feel this way.
So hope this has helped anyone who wanted to understand or reminded someone that you are not alone.
Take care of your loved ones and give your best to help yourself be happy.
suicide hotlines:
Argentina: +5402234930430
Australia: 131114
Austria: 142; for children and young people, 147
Belgium: 106
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association
Canada: 1.833.456.4566, 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal)
Croatia: 014833888
Denmark: +4570201201
Egypt: 7621602
Estonia: 3726558088; in Russian 3726555688
Finland: 010 195 202
France: 0145394000
Germany: 08001810771
Holland: 09000767
Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000
Hungary: 116123
India: 8888817666
Ireland: +4408457909090
Italy: 800860022
Japan: +810352869090
Mexico: 5255102550
New Zealand: 0800543354
Norway: +4781533300
Philippines: 028969191
Poland: 5270000
Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50
Russia: 0078202577577
Spain: 914590050
South Africa: 0514445691
South-Korea: 1577-0199
Sweden: 46317112400
Switzerland: 143
United Kingdom: 08457909090
USA: 18002738255
Veterans' Crisis Line: 1 800 273 8255/ text 838255
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jokerfan99 · 5 years
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Wrath Behind The Crosshairs (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
0600 hours in the Michael J. Caboose's room
Caboose raises up from bed before stretching his entire body to start for another fantastic day in Blood Gulch.
Caboose: YAAAWWNN!!! Good morning galaxy, it's another wonderful day!
Caboose move his hand to pick his rifle up placed at the side of the bed as always. But when his hand make contacts with the weapon, he felt something strange with its shape. It felt blocky and somewhat bigger than it was before. He turned his head to the strange object he touched before his eyes widen by surprise. Next to his weapon is a large red rectangular like object that is twice as bigger than the sniper rifles everyone uses. He doesn't know where it came from but the first words he spoke after seeing for the first time was:
Caboose: Neat!
On the Blue Base's roof
Church cried out loud in a mix of shock and anger upon witnessing the first thing in the morning he sees outside. The entire base's concrete walls are riddled with large holes created by what seems to be made by a high caliber bullet so strong that it was enough shatter a large piece of concrete from one of the walls made to protect them from snipers. Heck, the tank is in an even worse condition, with its entire armor pierced through and driver seat no longer considered seatable for the human ass anymore. The tank was already in a bad condtion, but this just made it worst!
Tucker: Whoa! It looks like a tornado just passed through here. What happened?
Tucker too is suprised to see the mess around him as he climbs up the stairs.
Church: What the fuck do you think?! It must be those Red ASSHOLES who did this while we were asleep!!! Tucker: Huh, no kidding. They sure did made one hell of a mess around here and holy shit, the tank! Church: Ugh! Command's not going to be happy if they see this. Tucker: Why so worried? As long as we don't report this, we'll be in the clear. Church: Really? May I remind you that we have one teammate in this base who always report to Command daily? Tucker: Oh, right. Schnee. Command's not the only one who'll be reeeaaaally pissed off. But hey, she won't be back in another two days thanks to Command needing her for something! Church: Yeah, I guess you're right. Sigh, but still we can't just leave the base like this. C'mon let's go wake up Caboose and get cement bags downstairs, a lot of it. Caboose: CHURCH, TUCKER! I GOT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!! Church: Or we'll just get cement and... wait, christmas present?"
Church and Tucker turned to the incoming Blue heavy ascending from the stairs. What they see next surprises them. Within the Blue dimwit's hands is a large flat red object twice the size of a rifle.
Church and Tucker: Whoa! Tucker: Caboose, what the hell are you holding?!?! Caboose: It's a christmas present from Santa! Tucker: Uhh, Church? Church: Don't... say... a word. Caboose, where the fuck did you get that thing? Caboose: Well, I woke up and the first thing I found was this awesome christmas present sitting next to my bed. Thank you, Santa! Tucker: Uh, Caboose. I hate to tell you this, but Christmas isn't coming in another seven months. Church: Okay, okay, enough talk about Christmas! What's more important is what the hell is that thing and where it came from! Tucker: Looks like a Swiss army knife, except five times the size. Caboose: How can you tell? Tucker: See those slits between the red plates, might be tools so it's gotta be a Swiss. Caboose: Wow! Now we can open ten canned food without opening them one by one anymore! Let me get the knife out. Church: No! Caboose, whatever it is that you're holding, could be dangerous for all we know! Tucker: Dangerous? Come on. Caboose looks fine holding it. See?
Caboose is trying to find a way to open a knife out of the object.
Caboose: Ugh! Why won't you open! Church: Well not for long! That thing could be a bomb planted by the Reds. Tucker: A bomb? Caboose: A bomb?!?! This?!
Caboose quickly places his ear on the object to hear anything inside. He hears nothing silence, no ticking around.
Caboose: It's alright everybody! There's no ticking. It's not a bomb. Church: Regardless, it's still dangerous. Caboose, drop it down. But slooowly. Caboose:... Church:... Caboose: Okay. Hmm?
Caboose see something on the side of the object. It looks like button for something.
Caboose: What does this button do?
He presses it.
Church: CABOOSE, NOOOO!!! Tucker: Get down!
Tucker quickly grabs Chruch and both of them fall flat onto the floor.
Tucker: Are we dead? It's too quiet. Caboose: WOW! Guys, check this out!
Both look up to see the object still in Caboose's hands, now in a much different form. From a flat block of metal, to a large rifle like weapon.
Church and Tucker: Wooooah. Tucker: Caboose, what the fuck did you do? Caboose: I just pressed the button and then the thing turned into a giant gun. It really is a Swiss army knife! Tucker: So... I was right? Church: 'Coincidentally right' would be the correct term. Damn, that's a big gun. Could be a sniper rifle. Tucker: How can you tell? Church: See the scope on the top of it, Einstein? Caboose: I like this new gun.
Caboose starts looking for a target to try out the rifle. There he spots of large rock on the field.
Caboose: I'm wanna try blowing up that rock over there! Church: Uh... sure, give it a try. Hey, Tucker let's go stand behind there just in case.
He draws the weapon, aims it steadily and slowly pulls the trigger. The rifle then emitted a large blast from its muzzle and the recoil was so powerful that it pushed Caboose down. Church and Tucker ran toward the lied down Caboose.
Tucker: You okay? Caboose: Ouchie. Tucker: Yep, he's fine. Church: Guys? You might wanna see this.
Church points at the rock Caboose shot at with the strange weapon. A large chunck of it got shot off, leaving the debris lying on the dirt.
Tucker: Holy shit, a sniper rifle did that with one shot?! Caboose: Neat. Church: Tucker, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Tucker: Ohoho, something to attract the babes with. Hopefully, I'll get Weiss this time. Church: I'm not talking about that! I'm thinking that this rifle could be the thing that caused this fucking mess.
On the Red Base's roof
Sarge: Gentlemen, I have a great dire news to share with you. Last night, we have lost something valuable, something that is part of our poor Markswoman's heart and soul. Crescent Rose. Ruby: WAAAHAAAAAA!!! Lopez: ¡Deja de llorar tan fuerte! ¡Vas a oxidar mi revestimiento! Donut: If you mean by 'stop crying', no! Let Rose express her lost. Don't you think guys?
Donut turned to Simmons and Grif who are standing next to him. Behind their helmets concealing their faces, are extremely worried expressions. Both looked at each other before responding back.
Grif: Oh yeah... uh... let her cry, Lopez! Simmons: That's right, it's natural reaction for humans to be balling so hard till their eyes shrivel. Robots... haha... right Grif? Hehehehe... heheh... *gulp* Sarge: Crescent Rose was kidnapped by the diabolical Blues hours ago. Their plan maybe is to use it against us and possibly, forgive me for saying this Rose, reverse engineer it! And if they do, they'll supply their army with not one, but a thousand Crescent Rose rip-offs!!! Simmons: That's what I've been think...! Grif: SHHH!!! Simmons: Sorry. Sarge: BUT! There is still time to save her. Our mission today, is to rescue Crescent Rose from our enemies' dirty hands and show them not to steal Red property! We will leave no weapon behind!!! Ruby: Let's get those Blue bullies! Grif and Simmons: Uh... yahoo... Donut: HUZZAAAAHH!!!
All eyes turned to Donut.
Donut: Give me a break, I always wanted to say that! Sarge: Gear up boys and girl. We got a war to do. Simmons, Grif, Donut, you'll take the Warthog. Lopez, prepare the rocket turret! Rose. Use this sniper rifle for the time being.
Sarge takes the rifle from his back to give it to Ruby.
Ruby: Huh, I thought I'd be using a plain old sniper rifle again. But for Crescent Rose, I got no other choice. I hope my baby forgives me.
Ruby makes a teary puppy face, worrying for whatever fate lies before her beloved weapon. Ruby grabs the rifle, but as she begins to take it out off Sarge's hand, she couldn't pull it out. She looks up to Sarge who's head is facing to a different direction.
Ruby: Uhm, Sarge. You can let go! Uuugh! Boy, your grasp is tight. Sarge: Hold on. Lopez, what are you doing!
Lopez is standing at the edge of the roof, facing towards the Blue menace's home turf.
Sarge: This is no time for sight seeing! Get down there and put that rocket turret on the Warthog! Lopez: Lo esta sosteniendo Sarge: What? Lopez: El idiota azul sostiene el rifle de Ruby. Sarge: Lopez, I order you to 'installe rocketo' not ' stande arounde and looki'! Ruby: Hold on, Sarge. I think Lopez is trying to tell us something. What is it, Lopez, do you see something? Lopez: Mis sistemas ópticos están diseñados para ver hasta diez kilómetros y desde aquí, y lo que estoy viendo en este momento es el idiota azul que sostiene tu rifle. Ruby:.... Okay I have no idea what he just said. Sarge: Hang on a sec. He said 'idiota'. The only person he called with that word is...
Sarge looks through the sniper's scope to see what Lopez is looking at. He lowers the rifle, with a surprise expression behind his visors.
Sarge: Rose, I think I found your weapon. Ruby: REALLY?! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Sarge: It'd be best if you see it once we get it back. Ruby: Oh please, let me see Crescent Rose!
Ruby snatches the rifle from Sarge. She raises the rifle and looks through the scope. From here, she could see the enemy standing around and talking, just talking. From the way the two Blues are moving, it looks like they're having an argument. She noticed the third of the Blue's holding something. The shape looks familiar and its colors was too opposite to be blue. It's Crescent Rose! A wide smile formed on her upon witnessing her weapon still in one piece. But that happiness did not last long when she notice two arms wrapped tightly around it. Zooming the scope in a bit revealed the Blue cuddling it like a toy, seeing such a thing made her heart collapse. First thing that screamed out of her head is:
Ruby: Lopez... give me twenty magazines.
At the Warthog
As a singing Donut is preparing the armaments for the siege, Grif and Simmons discuss about their current 'problem'.
Grif: Phew, thank God that's over. Simmons: Not yet, we still need to get Ruby's rifle back. Grif: Which we put stole last night and put in the Blue base so that everyone think those pricks did it. Simmons: But what about the Blue's? What if they try to say that they didn't stole it? Grif: What about them? As long as we attack them, there's no way they'll have time to talk. Remember, Sarge isn't the negotiable type of guy. Simmons: But still we can't let everyone know. Grif: Pfft, how hard can it be? Donut: How hard can it what?
Grif jumped when he heard Donut behind with a box full of ammo.
Grif: Nothing. We're just... talking about how we'll attack the Blues. Donut: Ohh, I see. Well if you excuse me, I'll go get the flamethrowers. Simmons: Hard huh? Grif: Go fuck yourself.
Back on the Blue base
Caboose: I'm gonna call you. Sheila II!
As Caboose cuddles with his newfound friend, Church and Tucker began to discuss about the weapon.
Tucker: If what you're saying is true, then why did the Reds dump it here in the first place? Church: I don't know. Most of the Reds may not have more brain cells than us, but they aren't that stupid to give us this kind of firepower. Plus, I've never seen that kind of rifle before. Tucker: Me neither. Must be some kind of new weapon they made. Church: Or maybe a prototype they were ordered to test it, on our fucking base! Which may explain the fucking bullet holes everywhere! Tucker: That's sounds like a good theory. But why dump it here? Church: Hmm, I guessing testing the weapon isn't the only thing they were here for. And I doubt they're here for intel. Tucker: Maybe they stop by to get a snack.
Church: Goddammit, Caboose stop shooting! Caboose: But I didn't do anything! YIKES!!!
And he really didn't. A small blast suddenly explode behind the Blue idiot, causing him to jump forward near his teammates. An incoming whistle caught the attention of the three.
Tucker: DUCK!
All manage to duck before the round hits any of them. The shot hits the concrete, making another hole which doesn't help Church at all.
Church: OH COME ON! We have enough holes over here! Caboose: Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo? Church: Quick, behind that wall!
The trio rushes towards a wall facing towards the Red base from afar. They hid behind it as more explosive shots came flying pass them.
Caboose: We're all going to die! Brace yourself Sheila II.
Back on the Red base
Sarge and Lopez both witness Ruby shooting the rifle endlessly at the Blue base without even stopping aside from reloading a new mag.
Sarge: Rose, are you okay over there?
No response. Sarge is getting worried for his markswoman.
Sarge: Huh, I guess not. Lopez, see if she's okay. Lopez: Sí señor
Lopez walked slowly towards Ruby. As he reached beside her proned body, he moves closely towards her face before responding to her.
Lopez: Rose, ¿estás bien?
His response worked as she turned her face to him. But instead of seeing the innocent face that is Ruby's, is a demonic wrathful gritted teeth face with silver eyes burning bright with pure anger.
Lopez: Me parece que eres tu.
Lopez quickly moved back to Sarge.
Sarge: Well? Lopez: Ella es la hija de Mictlāntēcutli.. Sarge: Oh thank God, I was starting to get worried. Lopez: Realmente deberías estarlo.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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determined-magi · 5 years
"Thannor." The new voice is sickly sweet. "I got a question for ya. Why's it that you let that BEAST of a child anywhere near you? You know nothing about him, not truly, words aside. Can you trust what a pathological liar tells you? He could be lying, he could be trying to get into your good side and betray you. He's a liar, a thief, and a traitor to his people. Why would he be loyal to a group of MAGES who remind him of everything he was trying to escape for gods know how long?"
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“ Ye think fer a second it hadn’t gone through my mind? Ye wants to rile me up, good job, but not gonna work the way you want it to, ye shite. And bare with me I’m gonna tell ye why and ye’s gonna be stuck on this long ass rant, and then I will fuckin cut that tounge and throat of yers, and ye’s not going to have a say on it. ”
“ One of very few get us. And ironically this “beast of a child” has managed to treat us, or feing to treat us, more humanely than a lot of humans on our own kindgom. Of course it feels too fucking good, because we’ve got many on our kingdom that do this already, and speak of us the same way you speak of him. “ He lets a low, rumbling growl from his troat. If the anon could hear it, he would hear the already hissing magic growing rather agitated behind the mage’s back. Like an animal who has had their territory crossed, tail snapping to its sides, ears pinned back and bearing fangs as a warning. “ Why ye think I snapped at him as a fuckin lion? ‘Course I don’t trust ‘im wholy. Hell, I am terrified. How well has it gone to ours with trusting others that hadn’t aged nor grew arounds us? “
“ Agar has been cut, burn and hurt many times in thirty years, he’s got the body scars of an old veteran, in about THIRTY YEARS, the amount of scars he’s got should be on a war mage of about Braigon’s age, not him. Gilrin has been used by the fucking council and their dogs for years, Thanneth taken advantage of and granted, fucking Belle, for fuck’s sake! ‘is own kingdom, ‘is own family, they all shunned him like they shun us. Captains had demoted Braigon in his younger days to escape a scold, and Rho? He’s sent people he thought as friends to jail for it, not one, twice or thrice, let me tell ye. “ Hands claw at his face, frustrated, then at his neck as if he wanted to tear off his own bones and throat. Before punching a nearby object, it hurts, but it is better to take it off at something than just keep the feeling there, anything to let off the sensation that kept  torturing him when made aware of it. “ And ‘ol me? Had people pretend things only to snap at me, fuckin outraged because I did not give them their due, time and time again. And when I express myself like I fuckin want? I get knocked, punished and spoken like if I was a rabid, mindless, bloodthristy animal. Then said my feral behavior has no place on their civilized society. Of fuckin course I’m going to be wary to some extent, of course it will feel too damn good to have someone like him around to be real. “
“ Sometimes I wish I had chosen to kick him out then, it would make life way easier. “ He then simply sits on the ground, face burrying on his hands as he lets one of the longest groans he’s ever had. “ Wouldn’t have to deal with this, stagnancy was far easier. I wouldn’t have to fear change, I wouldn’t have to doubt as many things as I do now, I wouldn’t feel like I was about to jump from the edge to the abyss in a blind leap of faith. I wouldn’t have to allways have the nagging feel in the back of my mind that there is something off, then be torn between trying to stop that feel, and stop what causes it. But then I would be again a miserable fool, with greats amounts of money, and little self-fullfillment found in life other than the few people and things he enjoys only in the smallest of dosis, stagnant an’ likely bound to suffer worse ‘cause he’s clearly in the wrong somewhere in there, which only now I’m coming to fuckin see. I ‘ave someone more than to an extent my magic isn’t allways upset around with, which is a big breather, let me tell ye. “
“ Of course not knowing anything is terrifying, when trust is given, they can use what they know against ye, ye? Ye don’t have anything, ye’r left helpless and the only thing ye’s got is a bite and bark, while they have a whole arsenal. ‘Course part of me would instinctually show distrust when experiencing on an unknow situation, outside of my own comfort zone, and while feeling exposed… so ‘course I don’t trust him, not entirely… “
“ Which ye know what? It thoroughly sucks! The one thing that feels good also doesn’t feel so! It is fuckin rediculous. I want to improve, and I want to go further on in my own self-development. “ He wants to pull his hair off, but doesn’t instead he just just stands again, then moves to hit his head against a wall. He seems clearly distressed somewhere in the mess of emotions he’s showing currently. “ But the worst of it? I find myself wanting to believe it, I want to believe what feels like a thorough lie and danger to be good, That’s change isn’t too good to be true. That who I hired ‘s in fact the person I hired, that ‘ey  ‘re a kid that did not come to my damn shop with ulterior motives, someone that, while problematic on some areas, is still a good kid just stumbling to my workplace in some way. And he in fact means well, and that I can grow fond of ‘im and trust him as a friend and dear apprentice, alike Gil does with her own students as if some were to her children. “
“ And ye know? Ye’s right on that last part, we are the least probable people for him to trust, the least rightfull! “ He moves away to start punching the object, barehanded, the alloy imbedded on his skin re-opening wounds and quickly painting it red, it hurts a lot, but does he care either? Not really, he needs an outting, something help him vent it off, something to take it on, something to exhaust him, in every concievable way. Which sadly to him doesn’t work very well, as soon enough he finds himself left with it being a useless mess. “ I can’t for shite understand why he’s here, why he’s stuck so long, and what could be the reasoning to want to do this, and that upsets me, but unlike some shites here, I.am.not.prying… “
“ And ye, we shouldn’t trust it. But ye know what? ” He growls again. He wishes to trust him, but… he won’t. Never blindly. Trust was a two way, and so long as one was closed, it wouldn’t be truly that, it could never be that. Will, however, be patient, await for it to show. and if not? Well, over time it shall show. The thought feels… bittersad-painfull, to him. “ What we do, what I do, won’t be chosen by a piece of shite like ye. I won’t pry the reasons behind, not like ye fuckin shites do to rile people up. Whatever reasons he’s got, are his. And ye know fucking what too? I changed my mind. ”
He moves in towards to grab the anon, before grabbing what he believes to be a sternum-like structure. Fingers burrying deep into the person’s flesh. Then he pulls, taking a good chunk of flesh, connective tissue and probably organs with it, leaving a bloodly mess behind and staining his clothes. then moves of to rip the person’s throat and cervical spine-like structure. He wasn’t going to let the person go away, no, he riled him up, ruined his day, touched matters he shouldn’t, knew things he shouldn’t. And he certainly wouldn’t let them have the chance to use what he’s just said, there is only six persons he will confide in this like this, and this fool wasn’t one of them.
And what that meant? Death, flat as that in his mind.
He stands there for a moment, before dropping the chunck he was gripping and letting the most frustrated of groans, followed soon by a growl. Oh, they fucking riled him and it ended with him killing someone. Look at his clothes! They are a mess, his nerves are a mess, the ground’s a mess, and everyone’s going to scold them on it. And he fucking hurt his hands AGAIN while on it.
Got fucking damn it, he hates getting riled up over things like these.
Sometimes he wishes he didn’t feel anything.
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http-peachjimin · 6 years
7: Run
You woke up, a crick in your neck and soreness between your legs. You felt stiff as a board and everything seemed to hurt, including your head.
Although it was fall, you felt oddly warm. Why had you been outside anyway? You couldn't remember. Finally mustering the strength to sit up you realized you were naked and on the roof of your and Jimin's favourite hang out spot.
It didn't occur to you what had happened until Jimin sat up as well rubbing his sleepy eyes.
He was naked. You were naked.
No, it couldn't have been, this is impossible...
That's why your parts hurt...
"Ahhh!!!" You screamed, it all clicking to you.
"Y/N?! Why are you naked?!"
"Why are you naked!?" You retorted.
"Well 'cause I.... I can't remember."
You saw the gears in his head turn. Even though you had already figured it out it was too embarrassing to tell him.
"No. W-we didn't do this...right?" He asked confused.
You pointed to your still sticky stomach.
"Unfortunately...the evidence is still here." You cringed, not wanting to touch it.
"Well at least I know how to fucking pull out I guess. For fucks sake... This is bad. Really bad." He grumbled running a stressed hand through his brown hair.
"We have class! Shit what time is it?" You questioned rushing to put your clothes back on.
"Forget it. It's twelve thirty already. There's no point." Jimin stated.
"Do you know how bad this is gonna look?! They're gonna think we fucked!" You cried.
"Technically we did..." He mumbled.
"I know that Jimin! God what am I gonna do? Cheol-min will kill me." You stated.
"Why do you even care about him?" Jimin mumbled under his breath.
"The fuck do you mean?! I cheated on him!" You yelled at Jimin.
"I mean yeah but... You weren't happy with him anyway." He stated.
Had he lost his mind?!
"Jimin!!! I'm a fucking cheater! It doesn't matter that my boyfriend is an asshat! I'm still in the wrong! I'm- I can't, I gotta go get my underwear, I'll be back.
You walked down the old stairs and put on your underwear and pants finally being fully dressed.
Once that was done, you went back to Jimin.
"I'm sorry for speaking nonsense. This really is juat a big mess isn't it?" He chuckled awkwardly.
"It's okay let's just go so that-"
You both jumped, almost falling through the hole in the roof.
"You're on private property and you both are supposed to be in school!" The cop yelled at you both.
"We're sorry! We'll be down immediately!" You called.
You pulled Jimin through the hole and down the stairs.
"You kids are in big trouble. What made you think it was okay to skip school? You're Park Jimin and Y/N Y/L, right?"
You nodded and gulped.
"You're looking at... three days of suspension for the both of you." The officer threatened.
Jimin bit his lip and darted his eyes from the cop, to the outstreching road, to his silver vehicle.
Making his final decision, he took your hand and squeezed.
"RUN!!!!" He yelled.
You both bolted down the street and took off.
The cop tried to chase after you but by the time he'd gotten into his vehicle you had shuffled down an ally, making him loose your path.
You panted looking at Jimin.
"W-what the fuck was that for?"
"He can't prove it if he doesn't have us." The boy replied.
"Why would it even matter? We've been suspended before." You pointed out.
You and Jimin used to be a bit more wild in your sophomore days.
"If you wanna go to prom, you can't have any offenses, and I didn't pay 150 dollars for a dress to not fucking go." He grumbled.
What about Jiae? I thought he'd be going to her, not the money he spent on her dress.
Maybe you were over thinking it.
"Come on, we've been here for a solid half hour. I'm sure the cop is gone." He stated and tugged you with him back to his car.
The cop gave Jimin a ticket which he begrudgingly intended to pay and went on his merry way not wanting to deal with two rebel teens.
"I'll drop you at home." Jimin said breaking the silence that had been suffocating you two.
"No. I can't go. I cant go home he'll kill me for sure." You sighed.
"Well... You're welcome at my place, but I cant guarantee it'll be peaceful either."
You nodded.
"What are we gonna do? We either divise a plan or come clean..." You mumbled.
For you, coming clean was hardly even an option. No way in hell were you going to subject yourself to that demon you called your boyfriend.
On the other hand Jimin already got enough yapping as it was. He couldn't stand to hear another jealous, venom coated, envious word come out of her mouth about you nor your relationship.
"So what's the plan?" He questioned, already knowing which route you had chosen.
"I don't know but all that alcohol on an empty stomach is making me-" You bolted out of Jimin's car and got sick in the grass.
"Making me sick. I was going to say making me sick." You complained, the killer headache overtaking you.
"That's it! You got sick!"
"Yeah asshole, as if you didn't just see me puke on an ant hill." You grumbled, making your way back to the carseat.
"No I mean, I'll say I arrived late to school and saw you running in the girl's bathroom and a wretching noise soon after. And since your parents don't live with you, I decided as your bestfriend to take care of you." He stated his well formulated plan.
"Okay, so what do we do right now?" You asked still burbbleing on the verge of vomiting once more.
"I get you to my place. You are sick after all. And I really would like you to not throw up in my car." He chuckled pulling out of his space.
Once there, Jimin carried you inside, grateful you didn't blow chuncks in his vehicle and safely put you on the couch, with a clean garbage bin of course.
Jimin, although it may not seem like it from his small stature, was really good at holding his alcohol, even if he drank to much.
You on the other hand wanted to be that one hard chick that could down 50 vodka shots and not be phased. But that wasn't the case. You were the queen of weak stomachs, always claiming you could handle more when you knew you'd regret it later.
"How ya doing sweetheart?" Jimin asked, coming to check on you after everything had been settled.
"Three words. Kill me now." You sighed.
"Well I have a couple pain killers for you. And some ginger ale. Hopefully that will pick you up." He offered.
You nodded as he guided you to sit up. You threw the two pills back and quickly drank the soda to wash them down.
The ginger helped soothe your stomach and you were soon back to chuckling at shows on Netflix, all while lying down of course. You didn't want to push your luck with the nausea.
Jimin had allowed you to borrow his spare charger and you phone had finally lit up.
15 text from Minnie
2 missed calls from Minnie
Holy shit were you in for it.
And the last two texts scared you.
You're over his house aren't you?
I'm coming, this is the last time I'll catch you cheating Y/N.
Tears sprung from your eyes. The way he typed that, you knew he was going to be ruthless and not just verbally any more. Most importantly, at least in your eyes, he was going to hurt Jimin. You were the target, he was the obsticle. You couldn't let that happen so you picked up you thing and bolted towards the door.
"Y/N? Where are you going?" He asked tenderly grabbing your sleeve.
"I can't stay here, he'll hurt you too! Don't follow me please!" You begged.
You dashed out the door, Jimin chasing after you. You weren't sure where you were going but you knew it had to be alone.
Let’s run run run again! I can’t stop running
Let’s run run run again! I can’t help running
Only thing I can do is run
Only thing I can do is love you
Jimin was worried sick, you'd turned a sharp corner and he couldn't find you anymore and that's when he began to panic. His house was now far away but it was getting dark and he had to find you before the nasty streets of Seoul did. With all the strength he still had he ran the other direction towards his residence. He'd left his phone and everything at home chasing after you.
Let’s run run run again! It’s ok to be injured
I am happy enough even though I can’t get you
Once he reached his front porch he caught his breath but not for long as he realized he didn't have much time.
He walked in, reached for his phone, and called the police.
They said it would take at least 30 minutes for them to round up a search party, which Jimin was less than pleased with. He wanted to see you. He wanted to know you were safe.
Run... Don’t tell me bye bye Run... You make me cry cry Run... Love is a lie lie Don’t tell me, don’t tell me Don’t tell me bye bye
please be okay
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