#but for now this is it
floweryred · 4 months
In all seriousness, the Bad Boys are probably my favorite alliance in the whole series. I’m not sure why, but it could be because they’re having so much fun.
Also, people actually took to calling them the bad boys? Like Joel said “They call me the bad boy of the server.” Jimmy said “Yeah they do.” And it transformed in to their actual name and theme throughout the whole series. Even though nobody took it seriously, it just stuck. That’s hilarious.
Also Grian goes from being fighting against them to going with them and encouraging their silly schemes.
And there were no betrayals or anything? Jimmy and Grian each killed the other and after saying “Is this the end of The Bad Boys?” It wasn’t. It could be because Jimmy went out first (obviously) and Joel went third so they didn’t have the time to betray each other. Still, they feel so close.
And they have matching leather jackets! And they call each other babe! And they have a horrible base! And they had no chance of winning! And they are SILLY! THEY ARE SILLY YOUR HONOR!!!!!!
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
One of the reasons why I love tma is the fact that all these characters react differently and always to some extent understandably to the horrific situation they're in. Jon especially, cause as a person with PTSD, I feel for his desperation for himself and for his loved ones but I especially feel for when he doesn't do it right. Like I feel like people get tired of you reacting to things in "irrational ways" and clawing your way through getting through it and obviously making mistakes as you go through either the trauma or the aftermath. I get triggered and I lie on the sofa by myself for a full 2 days, numbing myself, even though it's probably not the best course of action. Jonathan Sims once took an axe to a table and unleashed hell on the institute. I spend a few days ignoring messages and staying in my room and Martin K Blackwood once went to work for the literal personification of Loneliness. And the fact that these characters are still beloved and still understood and the care they had still mattered in the face of it all means so much to me. Maybe I'm not making the best choices but I still deserve love and softness and tomorrow maybe I'll get out of my room.
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adiduck · 9 months
Okay so! It's kind of been a bad day, and I was looking for something fun I could do, and it occurred to me I had this snippet from a fic that... I mean, this is what a friend referred to as a very tumblr idea 🤣And I didn't post a WIP Wednesday! So. Here it is, an icemav snippet from a fic I may or may not continue if I ever figure out, like, what it's about other than this gimmick:
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othello-von-cat · 7 months
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Day 5, future, with a very angy Leo.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
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My, Grandma, what big eyes you have.
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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Finally finished some very important trinkets for my homebrew setting. I won't crowd this post with details about them though. Enjoy the shiny :)
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simp-of-the-endless · 9 months
Kinda weird long rant I'm abt to go on, but stay with me
I've never seen more solidarity than nerds talking to/reacting with other nerds.
If I watch something about spiderman with my family, they won't get why I'm freaking the fuck out, they won't understand that I read it happen and now it's happening on screen in the best way possible.
They will see me get excited about something from the comics being used, or just something really fucking cool happen, and then they sit there and watch me be excited, and they let me be excited, and then THEY LET ME TALK ABOUT WHY I GOT EXCITED, even if they aren't nerds about that specific thing, they still learn and they still listen
I recently met some dude that my mom talks to, and we had gotten on the topic of superheroes. I, as one of my number one heroes ever being spiderman, talked about spiderman for like an hour straight, occasionally mentioning how I wish I had more comics. Cut to 2 days later, this dude has already bought 2 comic books for me and had them delivered, one more is on its way, and he might get me more down the road.
I might just be sentimental about people getting things for me, but genuinely it such a beautiful thing to see someone who enjoys something realize that I enjoy something, and get me MULTIPLE things about that thing
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Situations To Put Your Characters In
going to a festival
rainy day
after the rainy day (yippee rainbows!)
eating breakfast
pride parade
going to the library
exploring the local forest (which may or may not be magical)
listening to music
watching ducks in a pond
doing laundry
sunflower field
making friendship bracelets
hanging out in general
going to a nice coffee shop
taking a walk
grocery shopping
shopping in general
snowy day!
making a wish
watching a movie
cloud watching
accidentally falling asleep on the couch
making music together
making food together
studying together
gathered around a warm fire on a cold winter night
night market
video games
birthday celebration
long-awaited reunion
watching butterflies/fireflies
making flower crowns
going to the playground
watching the sunrise/sunset
cuddle/hug pile
Feel free to add on in the notes! :D
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punkchihuahua · 2 months
In the midst of the tender afternoon sun,the cold of winter receding north, my heart beats with the memory of being loved. It is a strange thing to be so distant from the hurt you once felt and yet to feel its tinge in every breath you take.
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
3# The Bleakening
The fandom’s favorite if the polls are anything to go by.
This special have some of my favorite moments, and is the christmas special for excellent, but it just doesn’t resonate as much with me as i would want to. Don’t know why, still love it.
The first episode is okey, Linda being over dramatic about wanting to bring back the christmas spirit with a party is not very interesting for cause I don’t have that much christmas spirit myself.
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But then everything takes a turn
-The next section has a Bajada de Línea Política-
(couldn’t come with a translation, we said Bajada de Línea in Latam when we talk about how the media deals with political-social information)
Suddenly the episode doesn’t talk about how christmas spirit is getting lost or about a christmas tree thief. Suddenly this becomes a critic about how in holidays the LGBTQ+ community is systematically erase from the picture cause Christmas, as many other holidays, is mean to celebrate the traditional cis-heteronormative family, something that of course is not a thing our community can aim for.
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Is not only a social thing, where queer youth (and even older queer people as we see in the episode) have to suffer trough the rejection of their relatives, their own family telling them to not make things uncomfortable or weird. Is bigger than that with all the media around us telling this is a moment to spend with your white family made by a mom, a dad, and childrens, commercials, marketing campaigns, and different conglomerates whose main target is not us.
And yeah I know this had change a little bit since the past 10 years which is not much actually, for context this season was made back then in 2015-2017.
Of course now companies now days acknowledge our existence but just if it suits them for re-newing their brand and trying to appear more politically correct (I hate how some people use this concept)
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But in that time and even now, if my experience is anything to go by, we are left out of the celebrations. Is not that we don’t have christmas spirit is just that we don’t fit in the christmas spirit itself, the christmas is not for us. But even if they try to shut us down, we remain, cause we want to celebrate, we have the right to share our love in our own way, with our own family, a chosen one.
The song Twinkle Lights, even if is not one of my favorites, carries this brutal message. A message that thank to the gods is in all Bob’s Burgers series but come to be the start in this kind of episodes.
This is my way of seeing this episode, this could be incorrect, and be fed by my own relationship with the holidays. No soy gringo, soy Latinoamericano, so I don’t know if you would have another perspective. I’m intense and I now. I read to much between the lines.
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So for a more cheering comments.
The kids had one of the best songs in the episode, The Bleaker, and their part is very cute. there’s also a brutal scene at the end of the first episode that I would post later.
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The kids are good but for me Linda and Bob carried the episodes, specially Linda, but I live for they exploring Bob’s sexuality, you know it, is just my favorite thing in the serie.
You can not look at this man and tell me hasn’t have his share of underground gay bars.
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"I would never call the cops" HE KNOWS! On an underground gay rave you DONT.CALL.THE.COPS.
I love to see Dalton and Marshmallow come back and Marshmallow’s new boyfriend Art the Artist appearance (I really like this lil man I hope he reappears at some point) (I know is been 7 seasons already, leave me alone)
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By the way I’m very normal about Bob in his Bleaker costume. Aha. Not drooling at all. Oh and definitely not fantasizing about Teddy and Bob fucking in this costumes. Of course not. Normal.
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Teddy using the situation as an excuse to make a semi naked Bob cuddle with him in a inflatable santa? Mhh. Aha. Normal.
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snowshowerwriting · 2 years
Here's a prompt /request :
So Hero and Villain were enemies for years turning into somewhat of friendenemies . Till one day Hero disappears along with Supervillain for a few years . Hero returns but this time with a child . Hero proceeds to explain everything to Villain about their toxic relationship with Supervillain and why they were gone for so long along .
Sorry if it's complicated love your writing btw!
TW; implied previous abuse
Villain stared up ahead of them, at the woman. Then the toddler she held in her arms. The toddler reminded Villain much of a certain supervillain they had been trying to take out a few years ago. The small boy had the same brown hair of said supervillain's, though the half-sleeping child had Hero's vibrant eyes. Those same eyes peered at them, timidly.
Two years, two bloody years, Villain worried sick; to the point where they couldn't even get up, sick till guilt had riddled them pale and bedridden. The two had honestly gotten so close, so much so that Villain trusted her with things that even Henchman did not know of.
Then she was gone. There were no words from Hero before she disappeared. They had thought she died and had mourned for her as if she did.
A few weeks later, they saw the photos of her with Supervillain in the press.
They swallowed, zeroing in on the present. "What are you doing here?" Villain asked with some effort. They shifted from one leg to the other, trying to ease the tensions, trying to ease the clench in their jaws and the way their chest seemed to tighten up at the sight of Hero and her child.
Hero picked up on Villain's defensive demeanor and took a step back, holding her child closer to herself.
In that split second, all the feelings that Villain washed away, the hurt, the remorse, and worry that perhaps they had done something, came over them like a tsunami wave. What was Villain doing? Being so god damn rude to Hero. Villain knew something had been going on, but they didn't do shit about it. Who goes quiet for two years only to show up with a child, and bleary red eyes?
"Villain, I'm sorry," Hero's voice broke their train of thoughts. Even though Hero did her best to carry herself steadily, Villain could already tell that she was struggling to hold it together. "But just- please, for tonight. If not for me, then my kid."
"Come in," they said, taking a step to the side and opening up the entrance. The two old rivals looked at each other before Hero eventually gave in and reluctantly entered the home.
It was cozy. Much smaller than anticipated, and much more comforting than her old place. As Hero took a seat on the plush couch, resting her child who was quick to fall asleep.
"You don't have to tell me anything you don't feel comfortable with, Hero." Villain was the first to start speaking. They took a seat across from Hero, crossing their arms over their chest. "I was hurt, but I don't think I was the only one," they paused, glancing at the child and then the hero, "you don't have to say sorry for coming here."
Hero bit her lips, trying to avoid the small quiver in them. Villain continued on, "you're here and that's enough. You're welcomed to stay here as long as you'd like." Villain slowly stood up and gave a small smile. "I'll make you some tea, alright? We can talk about what happened with Supervillain after."
And, for once, after a very long time, Hero sighed in relief. She was safe, and so was her child. That'd be enough for her. The villain could also rest easy, glad to have their old friend back.
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exhausted-pigeon · 1 year
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@vexic929 I promised you my fem!Jason -aka Jamie Media Todd- in the "God won't let me die" shorts, so there it's the finished product!
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thecodekeeper · 2 years
I’ve basically gone 6 years without really writing an official headcanon post on Teague’s alcoholism. Mostly this is because I like to think most people can pick up on it in my writing. But I’ve seen enough people mislabel characters as alcoholics without fully understanding what an addict is (this is not directed at anyone I follow, it’s just a general thing). 
Alcoholism is a substance abuse disorder, in other words, it’s a mental health issue. While many classify alcoholism as a physical dependency it’s not necessarily so. Not all alcoholics are physically dependent on alcohol. The withdrawal symptoms which are associated with alcoholism are merely a result of drinking daily. But there are generally signs of emotional dependency before that. 
Teague is a functioning alcoholic. The age he started drinking varies between verses (in canon it’s fairly young since rations were diluted with rum), but I’d say the average is around 15 years old. 
Teague grew up in an abusive household (physical and emotional). He never learned to deal with negative emotions or trauma in a healthy manner. The result was him using alcohol to alleviate some of that burden. While he’s used alcohol as a crutch most of his life it wasn’t an issue until Maria’s death. Her death served as a trigger for his alcoholism and he began drinking heavily on a daily basis. The severity subsided a bit after Teague was appointed keeper. He still drinks daily and he’s physically dependent on alcohol. 
Now, as I said Teague is a functioning alcoholic. From what I’ve observed and discussed with those who have a.) known functioning alcoholics or b.) were/are ones themselves, the way it works is that the alcoholic has a system. They work the alcohol into the day. In Teague’s case, he maintains during the day and drinks mostly at night when he’s alone and not saddled with as many immediate responsibilities. 
While Teague functions in professional environments his personal life is a damn mess and alcohol has definitely played its part. The most notable example is how his drinking contributed to his abuse and neglect of his son, Jack. However, it also served as a point of contention between himself and his youngest brother, Adam, as well as serving as fuel for unhealthy relationships.
Note: I’ve jokingly said that Teague’s plot armor is saving his liver....honestly it’s not even a joke. He’s alive in POTC4 and I’m not about to fuck with that for the sake of “realism”. If you want end-stage alcoholism go watch Shameless (US).
Special PSA in an attempt to save the sanity of my dearest @trickstercaptain : Jack thankfully did not inherit his father’s SAD. While alcohol was normalized in the Teague household and this did contribute to Jack abusing alcohol at a young age, Jack is not an alcoholic. Ignoring the weirdness that is DMTNT, Jack has only gotten drunk twice in the trilogy (both times under severe emotional stress). Unlike Teague who almost always has a drink in his hand or flask in his pocket, Jack is never seen drinking outside the norm (beyond those two incidents). So, yeah, I don’t know who needs to hear it but: Jack = abuses alcohol when times are tough; Teague = alcoholic (Both need therapy though, let’s be honest).
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https-rat · 2 years
my carrd
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i’m too lazy to make a legit dni so i’ll just block you if you suck
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appie00 · 2 years
I wanna try too
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I'm sorry if I offended anyone
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thefamilyjewels13 · 2 years
watch me leaving tlok for genshin impact
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