#but harold very much is trying to destroy their family
sots-crypt · 1 year
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105 years go today, September 29, 1918, this precious boy was killed in combat.
Frank Luke Jr., who would posthumously become the first pilot to receive the Medal of Honor, earned fame for his reckless, daring attacks of observation balloons, regarded as difficult and suicidal targets. Balloons were responsible for the slaughter of thousands of troops in the trenches as they allowed enemy artillery to fire more accurately, resulting in horrible deaths for men trapped like fish in a barrel.
Frank’s commanding officer said his unshakeable drive came from seeing the carnage firsthand while visiting the front lines. From childhood he had a history of reckless courage to help others in danger or being mistreated, and this trait not only carried into his combat tendencies, but also his personal life at the front. He befriended a pilot of the same age name Joe Wehner, a quiet boy from Boston who was receiving mistreatment for his German ancestry, his previous work in Germany with war refugees, and general anti-war attitudes. They became fast friends and roommates, and when posted to the same squadron flew together as often as possible, fixing up an abandoned cottage at the edge of their airfield to stay in.
Frank’s small stature and slightly-naive personality made him seem younger than he was, and his eager, excitable demeaner endeared him to many who knew him in civilian life and other squadronmates such as his commanding officer Harold Hartney, legendary pilot Eddie Rickenbacker, and others. Yet many in his squadron disliked him bitterly, cited as due to his eager chatter, bravado, and generally annoying, attention-seeking behavior, which was at odds with the description of those closest to him. A combination of his nervousness, desire to fit in, boyish eagerness, and effort to take the negative attention away from Joe are all logical reasons that could explain this. In any case, hostility among his comrades grew so bad as for them to intentionally send him and Joe on dangerous missions.
When the big American offensives began, the success of Frank’s combat strategies skyrocketed. In a scant 17 days he destroyed at least 14 balloons and 4 aircraft, making him America’s top ace at the time. Frank never told his family he was at the front because he didn’t want them to worry, and they only found out from the newspapers raging of his exploits. He tried to reassure them, but he wouldn’t give up his reckless strategy—it was working very well, even at maximum personal risk. Joe did his best to protect Frank on missions, even giving up his own victories to instead be Frank’s bodyguard in the air. One day after taking on 6 enemy planes who were trying to stop Frank from getting a balloon, Joe was shot down and killed.
Frank was devastated, and by all accounts was never the same again. He became even more reckless and roamed the front attacking at will, much to the consternation of his superior officers. Finally, after one night attacking several balloons in a matter of minutes, he was badly wounded and brought his damaged plane down in a field outside a little village, where he died. There is a statue of him in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona, and he is buried in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery in France.
Frank and Joe’s remarkable and touching story have been close to me for many years, and I have just finished a second draft of a nonfiction novel about them. We must always remember—not only the historical aspect, but who they were as people. Take a look at the photo again. Could you see him as a beloved family member?
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last-ofthe-starks · 2 years
HOTD Episode 10 Easter eggs and spoilers
alright, aint much I can say that hasn't already been spoiled this week but here we go! 
The painted table is SO COOL. To see it up close was amazing. The attention to detail this show and its incredible artisans have displayed is actually unreal. When they light it up from beneath the table I LOST IT. In the books it is about 50′ long so this version is shorter in comparison. In GOT, we see this table in a far different room than this hall, so perhaps this version of the table is destroyed at some point and later remade. 
As a book reader, every scene with baby Luke is tugging at my heart strings. His rejection of Driftmark is so sad because even as a child we saw that he was resisting his fate and responsibility. He feels so underprepared to step into his responsibilities, and the moment when he touches Driftmark on the map and says he is ill fit to rule it is foreshadowing to the rest of this episode and Luke’s fate. 
The significance of the second son is part of this episode as well, because Luke suffers from the same ill fate that so many second sons in this show fall into. They try so hard to prove their mettle and worth and inevitably it causes the downfall of those around them and themselves. 
A minor detail, but Sir Lorent of the Kingsguard looks so much like Harold Westerling its kinda crazy. We don’t know where Harold is at this point in the show, sooo unsure if he has picked a side yet. 
Princess Rhaenys is just such a badass in this entire episode. I wish they gave her a bigger arc at the beginning of the season to match with these last two episodes, but the end of her arc this season has been amazing. Eve Best has done a wonderful job giving this character humility and an iron backbone. 
Give Emma ALL the awards for her incredible acting and her portrayal of grief. Every scene of hers in this episode is so well done. I was so emotional when the baby came. If anything, this show has made so many efforts to not shy away from the horrible things that can happen during childbirth and all of the many ways that it can go wrong. That scene was incredibly graphic and I am sure some will say they didn’t need to see it, but others will say that it is warranted to show the true nature of those events and the real human experience. It’s another divisive moment that I think many people will argue over. This is Rhaenyra’s first war, and it is just as horrible and bloody as the wars Daemon or any other man fights. The parallel between her battle inside giving birth and Daemon preparing for war with the Greens is a very well done contrast. 
Ah Daemon. He is so eager to go kill everyone after hearing of Viersys’ death, and if anything else, this episode is a depiction of how differently both he and Rhaenyra grieve and deal with their anger and sadness. So many moments of this episode will split fans. Whether you are pro Daemon and Rhaenyra or anti, this show has always had multiple scenes which paint them both in less than ideal lights, as a couple and as individuals. At the end of the day, there are no purely good people in this show and this episode surely depicts that Daemon is not black and white. While Rhaenyra is crying out to him in pain, he is trying to strategize. When she is alone and taking care to prepare the body of their lost child, he is alone on the beach mourning. Daemon’s actions meant that despite Rhaenyra crying for him, they both had to mourn alone, and I know so many people who support them will wish that he was with her. BUT, they are two completely different people who handle these moments entirely different. I think this episode was meant to call back on the many reasons why Daemon was never fit to rule and Rhaenyra was the correct choice.  
Daemon is trying SO HARD to make immediate moves to protect his family and their house but he is doing so at the deficit of his very family he is trying to protect. While Rhaenyra is still mourning not only her own daughters death but that of her father, Daemon cannot seem to understand why she is not reacting with the same urgency he feels and anger he displays. I think Rhaenyra realizes rather quickly that Daemon believes he is making decisions that the both of them want, but she is far less temperamental than him and he seems to forget that there is a reason she was named heir and not him. I’m his heart of hearts I believe he knows this, but he is blinded by his anger in this episode even more than he usually is.
The presentation of Viserys’ crown to Rhaenyra was so touching. When Daemon takes the crown from Sir Erryk, you can see him looking at the symbol of their house. He has always wanted for their house to rule and to restore themselves to their rightful glory. Based on his expression, though, I think he sees this symbol and immediately thinks of Viersys’ and the fact that he is truly gone. Daemon also believes that placing this crown on her head will allow Rhaenyra to step into her role as Queen and finally begin to make the necessary moves towards protecting their family and avenging Viserys. We learn later on that her inaction is because she is mindful of the greater cause, The Song of Ice and Fire, of which Daemon does not know about. When she realizes that he did not know, Rhaenyra almost smirks at him. I think this might be because she knows that despite his best efforts, Daemon is still hurt by his brother, and that he knew in his heart of hearts that Daemon was never going to be worthy of such a secret. It is a power play that Rhaenyra now has over Daemon after he has been trying to ruthlessly display power over Rhaenyra all episode.
At our first meeting with the Black Council, we hear of the House’s who have sworn loyalty to Rhaenyra. That includes House’s Darklyn (who reside in the Crownlands), House Emmon (they live on Sharp Point in the Crownlands, Lord Bar Emmon was a member of Rhaenyra’s Black Council), House Celtigar (who rule Claw Isle in the Crownlands and who become her master of coin later on in the books), House Staunton (who live in the northern part of Blackwater Bay), and House Massey (from Stonedance in the Crownlands).
Rhaenyra has the most support from the Crownlands and the North, while Aegon II has majority of his support in the West. By sending Luke and Jace to the Stormlands and the Riverland's, Rhaenyra would theoretically have the entire eastern half of the continent as supporters. Pair that with their plan to cut off all import by sea, and she has a strong plan to cut off Kings Landing. 
I loved that Rhaenyra included Baela and Rhaena at the table. I really hope next season we actually get to hear them speak and get to know them as characters. 
Rhaenyra showing up to meet Otto on her dragon was not only an awesome parallel to the earlier episodes but such a power move. It was so good to see her dragon again after so long. 
The page Alicent gives to Rhaenyra is from the book 10,000 Ships, which is about the warrior queen Nymeria (who Arya Stark names her direwolf after). With this paper, it is implied that Alicent is reminding Rhaenyra of Nymeria’s story, where she sacrificed herself in order to let her people live peacefully in Dorne. Alicent wants Rhaenyra to give up her crown in order to avoid bloodshed and hold the people of the realm together. 
I am sorry, but if someone basically stole my entire life in a matter of hours, a piece of paper from a book of our past would not undo that. We as viewers know that Alicent hasn't been entirely responsible for the events taking place in episode 9 but at this point Rhaenyra doesn’t know that, and I’d be BULLSHIT if Alicent sent me a measly piece of paper from our childhood after her countless betrayals. She held Rhaenys captive, for god sakes. 
Rhaenyra says she does not want to be the Queen of ash and bone, just like Daenerys says she does not want to be the Queen of the ashes (then proceeds to burn Kings Landing down). 
I understand both Rhaenrya and Daemon’s perspectives on the situation, but both are wrong about their approach. Daemon too aggressive, Rhaenyra too hesitant. THAT scene where Daemon uses force on her is going to be incredibly divisive as well, because how could Daemon do that when he loves Rhaenyra? But lets be honest, this man has always been a mili-second away from snapping like that. Given the situation they find themselves in this episode, I am not surprised in the slightest that his true colors expressed themselves with Rhaenyra. This is who he is, he is not a good man. He has moments of lightness and many of darkness. He lost his brother to the same people who removed him from Viserys’ side, fed him lies, manipulated his will, and now Daemon is under the impression that they killed Viserys to put Aegon II on the throne in place of his wife. Then to rub more salt in the wound, Rhaenyra is telling him of more secrets kept from him by his brother, and it is obvious that his brothers approval and acceptance meant so much to him throughout his life. To know that in death he could not trust Daemon with a secret this important must be a huge blow to Daemon’s ego. It’s no excuse for his actions, but clearly this just another event that sparks his recklessness and aggression in this moment.
There is also something to be said about Daemon using force and strength in that situation, which is how he wishes to stop the Hightowers. In a twisted way, Daemon may be trying to show Rhaenyra that if you go for the throat, you are effective. If you take your time like she appears to be, you will lose. They are only strong because they have power in their dragons. He sees the ruling of the seven kingdoms solely as a means of power, while Rhaenyra knows that sitting on the thrown has a far greater purpose for not just their family, but for the lives of everyone in Westeros. 
Rhaenys and Corlys’ conversation is so wonderful, Rhaenys truly would have been an amazing queen. Corlys arriving at Dragonstone made him look back on his actions and realize that the throne is not important anymore, and then for the first time Rhaenys is the one to say to Corlys ‘no, we need to pick a side and take action here.’ She has been against Rhaenyra for so long, but in the previous two episodes Rhaenyra has shown Rhaenys that she is worthy of the crown she is going to take. She has shown her that she understands how to be a smart and not impulsive ruler, and Rhaenys knows that she needs the support. I love how they made this the way Rhaenys announces her allegiance to her. Corlys is also such an incredible character and I love how they depicted their family in this show. 
Corlys says that the Stepstones are now secure and that means Rhaenyra now has the support and control of the narrow sea, a HUGE advantage. He also mentions that they left a Garrison on the Stepstones, which I believe is what Rhaenyra said that they should do back when Daemon was first fighting on the Stepstones back in episode 6. 
Jake and Luke are so wonderful, ugh my babies. Knowing what is coming with Luke just breaks my heart during the last scene with Rhaenyra and her sons together. She is such a good mother in this show. 
Daemon singing in high Valaryon to a dragon (who I think is Vermithor) was just as satisfactory as I’d hoped. Vermithor fought in the 4th Dornish war so he has war experience and would be a huge asset to the Blacks. This scene was also a call back to the first time that Tyrion went into the darkness of the Dragon Pit with nothing but a torch to unchain Dany’s dragon. Vermithor will have a new dragon rider, but I am unsure if we will see that in season 2 or season 3 given the pace of the first season. Vermithor’s original rider was King Jaeherys. 
We see Aemond is already in Storms End on Vaegar and rocking a sapphire in his eye when Luke arrives (the sapphire is also his symbol is during the opening credits). Aemond’s depiction in this show is such a departure from the books and I am unsure if I prefer it or think that the writers are trying far too hard to create a scapegoat for every big event happening in this history. By the end of this episode, you can argue that everything leading up to this war is Aemond’s fault - he picked a fight with Luke during the last episode, which is why Rhaenyra left Kings Landing and was not present for Viserys’ death. Now, he is responsible for the death of Luke, the Queen’s son. Even if he clearly did not mean to kill him and it was not done intentionally, it came at his hand and this is the first blood drawn in the Dance of the Dragons. 
The fight in the sky is just so wild and sad, because you know that Arrax was just a scared, inexperienced dragon and that Aemond horsing around on Vaegar would have led to danger but he chose to be irresponsible anyways. These dragons are wild animals, they are not controllable. Viserys did tell Rhaenyra that their control over dragons was nothing but an illusion, that has never been more true than in this episode, and is great foreshadowing for the battles to come with these creatures. 
This scene between these two boys deals with an issue so many of these characters struggle with - their pent up anger and frustration that they do not deal with properly. It’s true was Emma and Matt said in early interviews; if they all went to therapy and talked it out then this whole thing might have been avoidable 😂
Daemon and Rhaenyra holding hands is the one time we see them on the same page all episode, and poor Rhaenyra has now lost two children and her father in the span of one episode. It is understandable that she would be ready to murder at this point, despite trying so hard to do the right thing and move forward through this obstacle with grace and responsibility. She doesn't care about the prophecy, she just wants revenge. Book readers know that Daemon goes out to get that revenge in the most brutal way possible soon after the events of this episode, but we will have to wait until next season to see. 
And finally, this episode mirrors the first episode with the last shot we see being Rhaenyra, looking directly into the camera. What an ending, what a parallel, and what a win that they cast such amazing actresses to play this character.
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 7 months
I struggled with this almost all day!!!
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So, now it's time to reveal the new characters from the previous post. We ask you to introduce these relatives of Alice, Eve and Afina. But let's start in order, starting with the oldest.
Harold Invent is an ordinary man living in the capital of the United States of America, as well as an inventor, as his last name says. By profession, he works as an ordinary businessman, which is what his ordinary uniform says. But as a hobby, he invents. The man's year of birth was 1948. In 1998, he invented the first robot that would be like a son to him and gave him the name Jairo. 11 years later, Harold invents his second son and gives him a Snowbot. Snowbot left them after a year. And Gyro, too. In 2011, Harold invents two more of his sons and gives them the names Wally and Kirk. But unfortunately, the robot brothers lived with their creator less than a Snowbot. They disappeared a month after their creation. Harold Invent, worried about the fact that he lost four of his sons, abandons making new robots. But in the year 10000, Harold, already realizing that he needs to find boys, invents girls to find them. The first girl was a robot named Gail, the second girl was a human, but only with abilities like one of her siblings. The man asked his girls so that they could find boys to reunite. From that moment on, Harold still hopes that he will be able to reunite with his children.
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Gyro is the first robot and Harold's son. He is blue in color with red eyes and teeth on his mouth and blue hair, and his wrists and shoes are also red. His character is calm (when he addresses his family) and rude (when he addresses enemies). His abilities are levitation, laser beams from his pointing fingers and current (like all robots in Fanon). He lived with his creator after Snowbot escaped from him. The reason he left his father was because he was trying to find his brother. Gyro finds a Snowbot in the city of Robocity (the fictional city of Fanon) in 2012 and soon realizes that his brother has become the villain of this city. In the year 10001, he meets Wally and Kirk, who decided to visit Robocity and saved the inhabitants of this city from a Snowbot. But after defeating the enemy, he no longer sees Kirk and Wally.
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Snowbot is the second robot and Harold's son. It is white-gray-black in color. His hair is white. His eyes, the teeth on his mouth, and his shoes are crimson. His wrists are red. Previously, his character was kind, stupid and curious. Now his character is malicious, indifferent, cunning and smart. He hates positive emotions very much and does not like being flirted with. The enemy of the city of Robocity and his family. His dream is to take over the robot city and rule it. He likes to make fun of everyone. His ability is levitation. It is the prototype of Kirk. He has sarcasm and audacity. His habit, when he relaxes, is to lie on his side and rest his head with one hand, either lying on something or during levitation. In 2009, when he was "born", he was a very good robot and played with his older brother Jairo. But a year later, Snowbot accidentally gets a virus and becomes very bad. But thanks to the virus, he gets new abilities such as: teleport to absolutely any place he wants; become a hologram on any screen; create a holographic world; disrupt the space-time continuum; in the form of a hologram on any screen, he can come out like Samara Morgan from the movie "The Bell"; he can hack everything. After receiving the virus, he escapes to Robocity and begins to live there and come up with plans to take over this city. In the year 10000, he meets Gail, who became his partner. A year later, one of his plans is destroyed by Wally and Kirk. In 10065, Gail invents a daughter named Alice for him and her, but Snowbot was very unhappy, saying that he was not up to posterity now. He told her: "If you don't get that brat out of my sight, I'll take you apart! Or I'll kick you out altogether!" But Snowbot doesn't know where Alice is now and he doesn't give a damn about her.
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Wally is the third robot and Harold's son. It is yellow-gray-black in color. His hair is yellow. His eyes, the teeth on his mouth, and the shoes are light blue. His wrists are yellow. His character is kind, calm, very stupid, lazy, slow, clumsy, afraid of work, slow-witted and misunderstands the simplest instructions. His abilities are levitation, long-lasting power supply, memory erasure and vacuum breathing. His mouth can grind paper. He's a homosexual. In 2011, he and his twin brother Kirk lived with Harold for only a couple of months until they disappeared while walking and did not notice that they were far from their creator. After they tried to find their way home, they were caught by the staff and taken to the Foundation. There they accidentally meet Rory and get to know him. But the next day they don't see him anymore. After escaping from the Foundation in 2012, Wally and Kirk run away to another city where robots live, and begin to live there and do not suspect that Snowbot lives in this city, or the twins and Snowbot live in different areas of Robocity. But then Kirk and Wally noticed that Rory was coming to this city and they were happy to take him home. In 2019, Rory told them that he needed to find his mom because he missed her so much. Wally and Kirk barely let him go. After 2 years, they leave this city only realizing that they need to find their father. But during this search, they accidentally stumble upon a man who is the villain of some city, and they become his slaves. Wally and Kirk, despite the fact that they tolerated their boss by completing his tasks and listening to insulting words from him, they run away from him in the year 10000. And a year later, they accidentally meet their old friend Rory and invite him to visit Robocity, which Rory almost hesitantly agrees to. Then the three found out that in the city of Robocity, Snowbot had conceived some kind of plan to seize power over the city. But they overcome him. Even in the city, they accidentally met Gyro, but they don't see him anymore. In 10063, Wally and Kirk created their daughters Eve and Afina, but after a few years they hardly let them go when their daughters wanted to go to a distant university.
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Kirk is the fourth robot and Harold's son. It is red-gray-black in color. His hair is red. His eyes, the teeth on his mouth, and the shoes are light blue. His wrists are yellow. His character is smart, serious, clumsy, less lazy than Wally. He speaks calmly, formally and without a filter. His abilities are exactly the same as Wally's, except that he also uses his mouth as a juicer (which then spills liquid through his index finger) and a printer. His eyes serve as a flashlight and a movie projector. His orientation is the same as Wally's. His biography is almost the same as Wally's because he and his twin brother are always together and never separate. Initially, he and Wally loved each other like real brothers, but later they had a loving relationship that then they created their daughters. When he met Gyro, he gave him the nickname Big Bro, but at the same time he did not suspect that Gyro was really an older brother to him.
Gail is the fifth robot and Harold's first daughter. It is orange-gray-black in color. Her hair is orange. Her eyes, the teeth on her mouth and the shoes are yellow. Her wrists are orange in color. Her character is sly, stubborn, flirtatious and cunning. She was invented by Harold so that she could find her older brothers. In the city of Robocity in the year 10000, she finds a Snowbot and becomes her partner. She also falls in love with him and flirts with him, but he is very annoyed by this. Her abilities are like Gyro's. In 10063, she created Alice, but after hearing Snowbot's displeased words, she sends Alice to an orphanage in Robotics and no longer sees her and does not know where Alice is now.
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Gina is Harold's sixth creation and second daughter. She looks like an ordinary person, but has abilities like Gyro and Gail. Her hair is white, and her eyes and clothes are red. Her bangs always cover one eye. Her character is kind and intelligent. She was created by Harold to find the older brothers, which in the end she is still looking for them.
Some facts:
1) Wally is the only robot that can change the voice chip. When you change the voice chip, his accent and character will change. He is also the only one who can turn his neck 360 degrees.
2) What do Wally and Kirk have in common: they reboot and return to normal if you click on both of their eyes at the same time. The sound of their restart resembles the same as Microsoft Windows. Despite the fact that they are robots, they receive energy not only from electricity, but also when they drink oil and eat bolts. They both know Morse Code. They are the "prototypes" of two robots from the Sonic the hedgehog universe named Orbot and Cubot.
3) Snowbot's favorite song is Gangnam Style from singer PSY
4) Gail's favorite song is Wannabe from the musical group "Spice Girls"
5) Snowbot, Gail, Wally and Kirk are the first robots that do not have the ability to reproduce sexually
6) Wally and Kirk are named after English actors Wally Wingert and Kirk Thornton, who voice them in Fanon
7) Also Kirk, Wally, Snowbot and Gail are a spoiler for the sixth chapter of the fanfic "The Last Pages of History". But the sixth chapter will officially appear in "100 years"
P. S. Tomorrow will be Kirk and Wally's emotions as a sample.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 83
The Rapture/The Sound of Drums
“The Rapture”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean search for Castiel, who appeared to Dean in a dream. Instead, they find Castiel’s human vessel who has little memory of being an angel
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died
I…I forgot that Dean was dreaming. He dreams of fishing? Of peacefully fishing? Kind of cute
Jimmy’s voice is so different from Cas’s. Why does Cas make Jimmy sound like that
Ever wonder how Jimmy, this devout christian man, feels about the fact that the angel using his body as a vessel is gay? I didn’t til now…but I know/remember very little about Jimmy
Poor Jimmy just wants to go home. I get why he can’t, but damn…it sucks
Dammit, Sam. Are you really going to go meet Ruby? And now Jimmy’s trying to leave too?
Oh no. It’s worse. He’s got a FLASK OF DEMON BLOOD TO DRINK. Sam. Cut it tf out
Cas…asked you to boil your hand to prove your faith?? On the chance it wouldn’t hurt you???
I……there’s a lot that could be said about Jimmy’s wife’s treatment of him after Cas starts talking to him. I haven’t pieced my thoughts on it together just yet. WE know this isn’t a mental health crisis, but I can understand why she would think so. Angels and demons don’t have a real place in our modern world even though these people claim to believe in them
Ohhhhhhh she started dating again?? No, but Jimmy’s best friend got possessed….
JESUS, SAM. A little harsh there
Oh this poor family…noooooo!!!! Amelia’s possessed too?? Fuck.
Jimmyyyyyyy. I know this isn’t Cas’s fault but it’s still hard to watch him rail against Castiel. Because he DID promise and that promise got broken
Yikes. Now Dean knows Sam’s been drinking demon blood to get his psychic powers goin. That’s gonna be a fun argument later
Uh oh. Castiel’s been through some kinda reconditioning program in Heaven
Oh shit. Yeah, Sam definitely needs a demon blood detox.
“Been On My Mind…”: No. too much apocalypse stuff going on. 8?
“The Sound of Drums”
Plot Description: When Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister, a reign of terror begins. But his dark ambitions reach far beyond the stars, and an audacious plan spanning the whole of time and space begins to close around the Earth
John Simms has the PERFECT villainous smile.
I’m not saying I like Lucy Saxon, but, as a lifelong villain fucker, I am jealous of her living my dream
He just killed the whole cabinet
Ohhh, Martha is going to regret not listening to her sister’s full voicemail
Rip that journalist. She was doing such good work, digging up the fraud of Harold Saxon
Interesting that Martha’s dad was suspicious the whole time
I’d love to one day get into Old Who. Get the full scoop on the Doctor and the Master. Because this phone call between them??? Oooooo boy. The first time they’ve spoken since the Time War??? Like…the Master was forcibly resurrected by the Time Lords to be their perfect soldier in the Time War and the Doctor ended it by killing then all and destroying Gallifrey. And the Master ran to the end of the universe. It’s…if it’s all real…it’s beautiful and tragic
Does the Master think the teletubbies are REAL???? (Not a sentence I thought I’d type tonight if ever)
Feels wrong to make every eight year old on your planet stare into eternity. Just seriously messed up
Eugh…”it’s like when you fancy someone and they don’t know you exist” BRUTAL, Doc
Of COURSE the US president shows up for this. Though, I suppose if it’s on behalf of whatever agreement the UN came up with regarding first contact with extraterrestrial life…I dunno still feels eye roll-y that it HAD to be the US president (on our part, not the show’s)
(Did horikoshi also watch Doctor Who?? “He’s a Time Lord which makes him my responsibility. I’m not here to kill him. I’m here to save him” that’s a shoto line if I ever heard one)
Why is grits the American equivalent to tea??? It’s not. It’s really really not
WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEEEEAN??? It’s a paradox machiiiiiiiiiine
We…we’ve gotta find out what toclafane (I’m only GUESSING at spelling here) are next time, right??
Episodes Since The Doctor’s Last Attempted Genocide: 9
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e-vasong · 4 years
Leverage AU ideas
Submission (Hey, it looked like tumblr sent this to me under your real name, so I’m not gonna say who submitted it just in case that was an accident, but @ submitter if you want credit feel free to hit me up with a URL or something, or reblog this and @ me or whatever!):
 Idrk how tumblr works but, for your leverage au: Vanya is Reggie’s real daughter which is why she has the violin but she was neglected bc reggie was obsessed with the others. The others are jealous of Vanya for her normal life/being Reggie’s real kid.
Eventually however she comes to the for help (probably bc of Lenard) and she helps them and they become a real family.
Maybe at some point she gets infected with a bio weapon that could kill everyone (maybe lenard tries to sell it to the commission) or learns dangerous information and they all have to save Vanya!
Oh God.  (Presuming these are about the Reginald-As-Archie-Raises-The-Kids-As-Criminals AU.)  These are so good.
The others are all homeless kids or kids from the system that Reggie plucked out and adopted because he saw tendencies in them that he believed, with training, could make them the best team of criminals around.
And this all translates so well to the canon dynamic where Vanya/the rest of the family both don’t really process the abuse endured by the other party.
Reginald neglects Vanya in favor of the others; tells them they have potential.  And when Vanya asks to join in on the lessons he tells her that she has no talent at all.  He tells her again and again how he chose the others, and the implication is clear.  That if it had been up to him, he never would have chosen her at all.
Meanwhile, the others are jealous of Vanya, Reginald’s biological kid.  They’re always aware, on some level, that he only took them in because he thought they might be useful--that it was money and power that brought them into his care, as if he’d bought them.  That he could always just...put them back, in a way they feel he can’t do with Vanya.  They look at Vanya, who spends her days practicing the violin and studying normal school subjects while they have to devote their days to things like disabling laser grids, swindling people out of their funds, and getting beaten into the ground in martial arts training, and they’re--they’re jealous.  Of course they are, even if they don’t know it.
It takes them a long time (though not as long as in canon, I think) to realize they never should have blamed each other.  It was always their father.
Instead of writing a tell-all book, Vanya turns over a bunch of information to the FBI.  Their father gets arrested, a handful of the siblings get their covers blown on an important job and almost get killed by the mark’s henchman.  It’s a shitshow all around.  Their dad’s the only one to go to jail, though before he serves any real time a sniper takes him out through a courthouse window.  They can’t figure out who did it; the mystery haunts them all for years.  The others don’t get caught, but they’re still furious that Vanya almost got them killed.
(And later, much later, Vanya will join up with her family to run a con.  Some of them haven’t let go of their suspicion and hurt yet.  She doesn’t quite blame them, but it still stings.  But here’s the thing.  There are always people out there looking to exploit weakness.  And Vanya will argue with her siblings.  Diego will snap: don’t pretend like you care, you almost got us killed!
And Harold Jenkins will be waiting.  Once a young homeless thief and grifter himself, Harold heard of Reginald Hargreeves collecting prodigious young criminals off the street and begged, begged Hargreeves to take him in.  Hargreeves had sniffed, shouldered the child out of the way.  If you really had any talent, Hargreeves had said, you would have conned me into it.
But Reginald Hargreeves’ vision had always been flawed.  Harold is no perfect criminal, but he’s a dangerous one.  And when Vanya storms out of the team’s homebase in the torrential rain, Harold pops his hood up, plasters the gentle, personable smile of Leonard Peabody onto his face, and sets his con into motion.)
They all split ways for a while, the way I described in my other post.  Allison keeps grifting.  Falls in love with a mark, Patrick, at one point.  It ends badly.  Ben and Klaus are a hacker/thief duo, except Ben has more scruples about who they victimize than Klaus, and it makes things tense as hell between them sometimes.  Diego is working as a ‘retrieval specialist’ with an intense moral code and a willingness to turn on anyone that hires him if they prove themselves shitty enough.  Luther gets out of the life and goes to live in the same apartment complex as Vanya.  They end up staying close the whole time, with Vanya giving music lessons out of her apartment and Luther teaching martial arts classes.
And then they all get a missive.  An invitation, a promise of a job.  Luther almost throws it away, but Vanya stops him.  We should check it out, she says.  And so they do.  And there they find all the others: Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Ben.
And Five.  Five, the brother they’ve long thought dead.  He looks tired.  And after he fields their frantic embraces, their questions, and even lets them cry on him a bit (though he doesn’t look very happy about it), he leans back, and he tells them he has a job to offer them all.
He gets a chorus of rejections almost immediately.  Vanya presumes she isn’t invited.  Luther says he’s out of the game, and Allison says she’s trying to get out.  Diego mainly seems skeptical that Five has anything worth offering.  Klaus wants to go back to his apartment and not take jobs that are like, hard, or anything.  Low risk only, please.  Come on, Ben, let’s go.
Ben shoots Klaus a furious glare.  Actually, he says.  I can make my own decisions, Klaus.  I want to hear what Five has to say.
Five has to repress a grin. Ben has always been Five’s favorite brother.
Five puts a manila folder on the table.  His siblings pick it up, start passing it around.  It’s not long before they’re frowning, clearly distressed by what they’re reading.
“His name is James Moore,” Five says.  “He’s seven years old.  He has a rare blood disease, but there’s a new experimental treatment that his doctors believe could save his life.  His insurance company is refusing to pay for his treatment; they keep forcing the family to jump through loopholes.  It’s a, uh, company policy that they didn’t include in the contract.  Stall paying for treatment until it’s too late.  Commit a moral atrocity, let innocents die, profit.  Y’know how it goes.  Age old story, really.”
“I don’t con sick people,” Diego says, and Five rolls his eyes.
“Good, because that’s not what I’m suggesting.”
“The insurance company?” Allison catches on first.  Ben follows suit, eyebrows shooting up as he realizes what Five is saying.  “You’re suggesting we con Perseus Insurance?  Owned by one of the most powerful men in the world?  That Perseus Insurance?”
Five leans forward, rests his elbows on his knees.  He’s planned this speech.  He has a plan to take down the Commission, but it involves moving a lot of pieces very, very slowly.  And if he can take down some other bad people along the way?  Good.  But he needs a team he can trust.  He needs his family, which means this pitch needs to work.  
“The rich and powerful take what they want,” Five says slowly.  “Right now, James and his family,” he gestures to the Moore file, “are suffering under an enormous weight.  I’m suggesting that we provide...leverage.”
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lcdrarry · 3 years
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LCDrarry 2021 Master List
Dear lovely Participants, Creators, Alpha and Beta Readers, Commentors, Cheerleaders, Readers and Fans of our fest,
Our 3rd installment of LCDrarry is coming to an end, and we'd like to thank you all for taking part in our little fest, for creating so many amazing new Drarry works for us all to enjoy, for commenting on your favourite creations, for sharing and recommending the LCDrarry gems with your friends and blog followers, and for making this fest another amazing experience for everybody!
You can find out under the cut who created what ;D
~Your LCDrarry Mods Tami ( @celilasart​ ) and Suzi ( @erin-riwen​ )
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information and more detailed warnings.
PPS: As always, reblogs are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry.
Thank you! :)
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[Podfic] Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix
Title: "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" Written by: postjentacular Read by: @porcelainsalt​ | bluedreaming (AO3) Word Count: 1,304 words / 8 minutes Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: An exasperated werewolf-slash-professor, a decidedly not-dead drama queen, a brat, and a straight white man settle down to watch a movie. It goes as well as you’d expect.
Listen to "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" on AO3.
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[Art] At the Beginning (With You)
Prompt: "Anastasia", 1997, Don Bluth and Gary Goldman Artist: @zandragorin​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: It's one, two, three, and suddenly he sees it a glance.
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[Art] Between Your Heart and Mine
Prompt: "Crimson Peak", 2015, Guillermo del Toro Artist: @kryptidfox​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Auror Harry Potter is called to investigate barren and isolated Malfoy Manor, home to Sir Draco Malfoy. There, he finds forgotten secrets, lingering ghosts and perhaps even love.
View "Between Your Heart and Mine" on AO3.
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[Art] Fallen
Prompt: "Chocolat", 2000, Lasse Hallström Artists: @julcheninred​ & m4gOrtz Art Medium: paper, thread, chalk, ink Rating: General Warnings: Food, Depression, Clergy
Summary: As Père Harry passed the window of the chocolate shop early on Easter morning, he was shocked to discover the Comte de Malfoy, who had destroyed the shop's window display and fallen asleep in his grief and exhaustion.
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[Art] I am only one side of a coin.
Prompt: "Merlin", 2008-2012 Artist: @digthewriter​ Art Medium: Digital Art in Photoshop Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: The better side, obviously. Merlin/Harry Potter fusion. Harry as Merlin & Draco as Arthur.
View "I am only one side of a coin." on AO3.
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[Art] No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Artist: writingsbydestiny Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Inspired by Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare starring Draco Malfoy as Juliet Capulet and Harry Potter as Romeo Montague.
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[Art] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: @moondraconis​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Draco have just got engaged. Now Harry has to sit for a family portrait with his weird new in-laws.
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[Art] The Poet's Choice
Prompt: "Portrait of a Lady on Fire", 2019, Céline Sciamma Artist: @kairennart​ | Personaje (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteen century, Harry is commissioned to paint a wedding portrait of Draco without him knowing, since he refuses to pose. That means a lot of staring, and a lot of time together. Time goes by, and, inevitably, like everything in life, they fall in love. But Harry has to finish his painting, and Draco has to get married.
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[Art] there are dangerous men about
Prompt: "The Legend of Zorro”, 2005, Martin Campbell Artist: @dragontamerdame | dragontamerdrarry (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Two wizards engaging in a vicious duel, but make it gay and sexy.
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Fic & Art
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[Fic & Art] One More Lantern
Prompt: “xxxHoLiC”, 2006-2010 (anime)/2013 (live action) Author/Artist: vivi1138 Word Count/Art Medium: 8,373 words & Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: Smoking
Summary: Harry is plagued by spirits who seem intent on devouring him, and there’s only one place they can’t follow: a house hidden in wizarding London, belonging to Draco Malfoy. Harry didn’t intend to stay. He certainly didn’t foresee falling in love. Yet here they are. A slice of life where Draco is a sap, Harry buys ice cream, and spirits keep throwing their peaceful life into chaos.
Read and view "One More Lantern" on AO3.
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[Fic & Art] In the Shadow of Your Heart
Prompt: Howl's Moving Castle, 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Author: @fantalf​ Word Count/Art Medium: 854 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: sectumsempra scars, memory loss
Summary: When the recluded ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy finds Harry Potter wandering around the hills, with no memory whatsoever of who he once was, he and Teddy decide to welcome him into their little family.
Read and view "In the Shadow of Your Heart" on AO3.
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[Fic] Paging Healer Twatwaffle
Prompt: "House M.D.", 2004-2012, TV-Series Author: @veelawings​ Word Count: 1,550 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mild dub-con and manipulation, but they’re already friends with benefits.
Summary: Healer Malfoy is an absolute wanker.
Read "Paging Healer Twatwaffle" on AO3.
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[Fic] (Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow
Prompt: "Holidate", 2020, John Whitesell Author: Melacka Word Count: 1,886 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Harry and Draco have a mutually beneficial arrangement: automatic dates for all holidays and public events, no questions asked, no obligation, no strings. It all seemed like such a good idea when they started. Harry certainly never expected to develop feelings for Draco.
Read "(Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow" on AO3.
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[Fic] Jurassic Drarry
Prompt: "Jurassic Park", 1993, Steven Spielberg Author: PhenomenalAsterisk Word Count: 1,941 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: Unconventional disposal of dinosaurs; fanart includes graphic image of meat
Summary: An unflappable palaeontologist, a sexy chaos theorist, and a distracted palaeobotanist are called in to tour an eccentric billionaire's pet project.
Read "Jurassic Drarry" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me
Prompt: "Hercules", 1997, Ron Clements, John Musker Author: fwooshy Word Count: 5,012 words Rating: Teen Warnings: Texting fic
Summary: Long ago, in Ancient Greece, there was a man named Draco Malfoy who sold his soul to Voldemort. Tortured by his sins, he... oh, who am I kidding? This is a Hercules AU texting fic, not some Greek tragedy! Harry and Draco get together and everyone has phones in Ancient Greece. Please enjoy.
Read "My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me" on AO3.
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[Fic] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: floydig Word Count: 7,088 words Rating: Mature Warnings: All Addams Family Warnings Apply, Morbid and Dark Humor, Loving Horror, Mild Body Horror (fun), Carnivorous Plants, Blasphemy, Necromancy, Implied Sexual Content
Summary: The Malfoy Family is the Addams Family, and things are about to get interesting. Draco and Harry Malfoy are odd, intriguing, endearingly creepy, and completely and utterly infatuated with one another. This is going to be a fun one. Featuring deadly magical creatures as house pets, recreational use of Unforgivable Curses, hungry carnivorous plants, and plenty of mayhem in between. Also, the whole thing takes place at a Magical Multi-Purpose Store. The Malfoy Family goes shopping!
Read "The Malfoy Family" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love that Blinds
Prompt: "The Batman", 2004-2008, TV-Series Author: aminathescorpio Word Count: 7,245 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Brief graphic descriptions of violence, dubious consent, gaslighting
Summary: When Draco Malfoy gets accepted to work as a psychiatrist in Azkaban Asylum, he finds himself caught in a complicated relationship with none other than Azkaban's most infamous resident: Harry Potter.
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[Fic] Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion
Prompt: "The Proposal", 2009, Anne Fletcher Author: @bisexualronaldweasley​ Word Count: 9,530 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Nudity, Boat Incident, references to past abuse/neglect
Summary: Faced with exile, Draco pretends to be engaged to Harry Potter, who agrees to play along for Narcissa's sake. When they're forced to spend a weekend together celebrating the engagement with the Weasleys, they might try to kill each other, or... they might just fall in love. . Based on the movie The Proposal (2009), though you don't have to have seen the movie to understand the fic!
Read "Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion" on AO3.
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[Fic] Ghost
Prompt: "Ghost", 1990, Jerry Zucker Author: @maraudersaffair​ Word Count: 10,761 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: major character death (MCD), canon-typical violence, grief and mourning
Summary: When Harry is killed tragically during an Auror raid gone wrong, Draco does his best to move on. He's even a little cheered when Theo Nott starts pursuing him. Then Sybil Trelawney visits Draco.
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[Fic] all in good time
Prompt: "Groundhog Day", 1993, Harold Ramis Author: saltwatergarden Word Count: 13,054 words Rating: Mature Warnings: mentions alcohol
Summary: Draco Malfoy's life is boring and repetitive. He supposes he shouldn't complain, since that's better than sharing a house with Voldemort, or doing time in Azkaban. When he gets trapped in a time loop, however, he is forced to confront the routine he has fixed for himself, and try to break out of it. It isn't all bad, facing no consequences for his actions can be fun for a bit. But after he starts visiting the Auror Headquarters and having brief but remarkably pleasant conversations with one Auror Potter, he finally has the real motivation to break out of the time loop - something worth sticking around for.
Read "all in good time" on AO3.
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[Fic] Star Crossed
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Author: GallifreyisBurning Word Count: 13,615 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Two Quidditch teams, alike in dignity, In fair Great Britain, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. The Wimbourne Wasps and the Appleby Arrows have been bitter rivals for centuries. When a nasty brawl ends one of their Seekers’ careers, the teams need new blood to take up the slack and divert attention from the bad publicity. And who better to distract the press than the infamous Draco Malfoy and golden boy Harry Potter? Called back from successful careers abroad, the pair are once again to be pitted against one another in an epic feud. Too bad no one told them that before they started flirting…
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[Fic] The Slytherin Host Club
Prompt: "Ouran high school host club", 2006, Bisco Hatori and Takuya Igarashi Author: shushu_yaoi_lj Word Count: 14,377 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: explicit sexual content, scars, non-graphic mention of past abuse
Summary: Harry is simply looking for a quiet place to finish his Potions essay.It's a pity he ends up at the Slytherin Host Club instead. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise, since he's had a crush on Malfoy since the beginning of his eighth year...
Read "The Slytherin Host Club" on AO3.
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[Fic] It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)
Prompt: "Call Me By Your Name", 2017, Luca Guadagnino Author: opaleopioid Word Count: 16,372 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: implied switching, rimming, anal sex, no age difference (HP canon-compliant age difference)
Summary: Harry’s having it all, now that the unpleasantries of being treated like a loose cannon is gone: the war is well over, and Voldemort is long dead. He’s made the choice to stay in B, an unplottable magical town in Northern Italy, whose protection wards had kept him in one piece at the height of the second wizarding war, and whose seclusion provides him with the quiet, normal life that he now lives. Harry adores the grassy hills that enclose B like the warm arm of a mother; Likes playing the grand piano from dawn to dusk; Cherishes his current life, on the whole. He gets himself Mocaccino every morning and sometimes has dinner with the Weasleys at their cottage nearby. With the majority of his friends and family falling in love with B and gradually settling down as well, Harry feels like this is the last place he would ever want to leave. To say that the arrival of a certain wizard—a razor-sharp, infuriating blond—makes anything remotely different for Harry would be absurd, of course.
Read "It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)" on AO3.
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[Fic] In Search of Our Better Selves
Prompt: "Mad Max: Fury Road", 2015, George Miller Author: alrespirar Word Count: 17,519 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mentions of past torture, mentions of past rape, brief mention of miscarriage, descriptions of gun violence and injury. Sexual content.
Summary: Five times Imperator Draco saved Potter’s life and the one time Potter saved his.
Read "In Search of Our Better Selves" on AO3.
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[Fic] Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?
Prompt: "Carmen Sandiego", 2019, Series Author: Anaxandria Word Count: 18,029 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Minor mentions of homophobia, violence, and blood
Summary: After the war, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter took parallel paths of fighting crime. Draco discovered the existence of VILE, an international organisation dedicated to the eradication of Muggle-borns. With the help of his best friend, Blaise, he commits international capers to steal artifacts before VILE can get their hands on them. Harry is the auror investigating the heists, but his instincts tell him there’s more than meets the eye.
Read "Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Fair Gentleman
Prompt: "My Fair Lady", 1964, George Cukor Author: emilattes Word Count: 20,766 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: light alcohol use and mentions of child neglect by Dursleys
Summary: After an extended stay at Charlie's Dragon Reserve in Romania, Harry returns to London and makes a fool of himself at his first Ministry Gala. Minister Shacklebolt orders Harry to seven months of etiquette lessons with Draco Malfoy. Will Harry pull through and become an expert in PR? Will Draco manage to make over the biggest PR disaster the wizarding world has seen in years? Wouldn't it be loverly?
Read "My Fair Gentleman" on AO3.
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[Fic] saying yes (instead of no)
Prompt: "Schitt's Creek", 2015, Series Author: Pineau_noir Word Count: 21,022 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: canon typical alcohol and drug use, marijuana use, explicit smut
Summary: “It’s a general store that’s also a very specific store,” Draco grumbled. “Most people won’t realise this, but I want to market Muggle goods to the Wizarding world as well. I want something that will help boost the economy of the Hamlet and Muggles have so many amazing things we don’t have.” . Draco sighed again. “I think it would benefit everyone.” He glared at Emily. “But there’s not a single witch, wizard, or wix who will shop at a place owned by Draco Malfoy.” . “What if it’s owned by Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?” Potter asked. . “That would be preposterous,” Draco mumbled. “Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy would kill each other before the store opened.” . “What if you didn’t?” Emily asked. Draco opened his mouth to let her know, they would indeed kill each other, but before he could say anything, she continued, “What if it turned into a lovely business?” . “There’s only one way to know,” Potter said. “I really think this is a good idea, Draco."
Read "saying yes (instead of no)" on AO3.
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[Fic] A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)
Prompt: "The Mummy", 1999, Stephen Sommers Author: @cibeewastaken​ | Cibee (AO3) Word Count: 21,948 words Rating: Mature Warnings: minor violence elements
Summary: Draco hopes to find an ancient spell book rumoured to be in Hamunaptra after Astoria found a map to the lost city. If he makes this discovery, maybe the Magical British Museum will finally look at his application, and his annoying colleague will finally leave him alone. It’s a good plan, until Draco is reunited with Harry Potter for the first time in ten years, as the man is about to be hanged.
Read "A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)" on AO3.
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[Fic] Wicked Game
Prompt: "Jumanji", 1995 or 2017 Author: DearJames Word Count: 22,044 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sexual Content, Implied PTSD
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy crossed a line during one of their late-night Astronomy Tower Bonding Sessions and neither are sure what that means. Not that they got particularly far, considering they were caught and assigned detention for their antics. And, now, they've been sucked into a boardgame. That's just fantastic...
Read "Wicked Game" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love in Three Parts
Prompt: "Bridgerton", 2020, Series Author: static_abyss Word Count: 24,172 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-typical content
Notes: Thanks so much to my beta, L, for all her help and her encouragement as I wrote this fic. Thanks to the mods for hosting this fest and to the Anonymous prompter who inspired this fic.
Summary: Draco has everything needed to be the diamond of the season. He has the looks, the pedigree, and if he should be short on the money end, well, it isn't up to him to convince anyone they want to marry him. And yet, he finds himself with no prospects and no suitable matches until Harry James Potter, Wizarding Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor, makes his first appearance in proper Wizarding society for the first time in five years. Together, they hatch a plan to secure Draco a husband and keep the debutantes' mothers away from Harry. And if someone should develop feelings along the way, well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Read "Love in Three Parts" on AO3.
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[Fic] He would always win the fight
Prompt: "Killing Eve", 2018 - ongoing, TV Series Author: Akira-kun Word Count: 26,578 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Serial Killer, Off Screen Murders, Corpses, Political Polarity, Corruption in Government, Corruption in Justice System, Off Screen Violence, Post War Instability, Ambiguity, Dark!character, Vengeance, In a Twisted Way, Obsessive Behaviour, Crime Mystery, Open Ending
Summary: “But you were always just a puppet, weren’t you, Potter?” That voice kept haunting him, in his dreams and during his days, as if hovering over his shoulder, cold as a ghost, lost and lifeless. He wasn’t sure why it hurt like that. Maybe because it was an ugly truth that Harry hoped no one would ever throw back in his face. Or maybe because it was Malfoy. . Killing Eve inspired Drarry where people are getting killed, Harry is getting desperate, Draco is too sexy for his own good, and all hell will break loose.
Read "He would always win the fight" on AO3.
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[Fic] Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid
Prompt: "Modern Love", 2019, Series Author: shortie990 Word Count: 27,755 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: suicidal thoughts, mental health issues
Summary: In love there is no real hiding. You have to be pretty up front on who you are. The problem was though, Harry didn’t have a clue who he was one moment from the next.
Read "Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid" on AO3.
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[Fic] Outwit, Outlast, Outplay
Prompt: "Survivor", 2000-ongoing, Series Author: Albuss Word Count: 30,976 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Brief homophobia, mentions of past health issues
Summary: Draco loves Survivor. Loves it. So when his job at the Dept. of Mysteries offers him the opportunity to go on as a contestant, he can't think of anything that could go wrong. He is sorely mistaken, but a little chaos turns out to not be such a bad thing. Featuring gratuitous descriptions of Survivor game-play, really jargon-y magical theory I got way too excited about, and Draco's best friend Isabelle being an absolute QUEEN.
Read "Outwit, Outlast, Outplay" on AO3.
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[Fic] Advantage Rule
Prompt: "The Queen's Gambit", 2020, Series Author: @ziezie13​ Word Count: 42,738 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Character death, Parental neglect, Brief references to eugenics, Sexual content, Mild homophobia, Alcoholism, Drug abuse
Summary: Draco's life has been struggle after struggle. He was exiled as a baby, his mother died, he was forced to live with muggles... Need I go on? Quidditch was supposed to be his escape, but how is he supposed to beat Victor Krum and take the world title if he can't even beat Harry Potter? ~No knowledge of The Queen's Gambit required~
Read "Advantage Rule" on AO3.
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[Fic] (This Will Be) An Everlasting Love
Prompt: #12 (also fulfils #6) | "While You Were Sleeping," 1995, Jon Turteltaub Author: @drarrelie​ & @janieohio​ Word Count: 45,139 words Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. That’s what Draco’s mother always used to tell him, but Merlin, who could have predicted how right she would be? A story about feisty dragons, loneliness, family, and friends — and finding love in places you least expect.
Read "(This Will Be) An Everlasting Love" on AO3.
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[Fic] In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods
Prompt: "The Untamed", 2019, TV-Series Author: @outstandingmoralfiber​ Word Count: 83,399 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Three notes, and yet they made all the difference. Draco could feel it, the slight magic and wavering notes, washing over him in a brief but calming wave that lit his soul and it was then that he knew that he was going to learn how to play this guqin no matter what. Little did he know that, like dominos, this one simple decision would diverge him onto a path he would've never imagined. - Wizarding world in the Untamed setting, (but you don't need to know anything about the Untamed). Drarry AU starting from Goblet of Fire. Rated E for the smut scene in Chapters 13 & 14, but is otherwise rated T.
Read "In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods" on AO3.
As always, reblogs here on tumblr are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry. But of course, please also shower our creators with comments and kudos on AO3 ;D
And yes, dear creators, you can now credit your alphas and betas and cheerleaders and of course answer the comments :)) 
And if you like, use the banners here to promote your works on your own blogs. Tag us, so that we can reblog your claiming posts.
Thank you again for participating! See you 2022 ;)
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
First Man
Summary: you debut a song on stage at the AMAs.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader, Harry Styles x Popstar!Reader
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“No, I got no clue to what she’s performing,” Chris said to the interviewer and looking at you.
“You’ll just have to wait,” you said.
“POPS!” You both hear.
Chris turns knowing exactly who it is. He opens his arms and hugs his son-in-law who’s in an elaborate suit. You smile.
“I’ve missed you,” Harry exclaimed as your dad cups his face.
“I know, Bubba,” Chris said smiling.
You greet Harry’s mother Anne and sister Gemma whilst your dad and husband hug each other like long lost lovers. It took awhile for your dad to warm up to Harry but after seeing the way his only daughter and only child was being treated warmed his heart. It took some convincing from you as well. Chris couldn’t let just anyone marry his little girl.
Yes I'm gonna stay with him tonight
I'll see you in the mornin'
No of course, he won't drink and drive
Chris immediately gets teary eyed seeing you onstage in a gown at a grand piano with spotlight shinning down. He hasn’t heard this song and neither has Harry as he hears you singing. It brings Chris back some memories.
“No, I’m gonna be with him tonight,” you said into the phone.
“Excuse me? Who’s this boy? Is it Tyler? Adam? Tom? If you’re back with Holland, I’m gonna fuckin—.”
“No, Daddy. It’s somebody else. I’m not dating one of your costars. That was a mistake.”
Chris sighed and said, “be careful. Don’t drink and drive.”
“No, of course not,” you said.
“Call me if anything happens, I’ll be there, comet.”
“I know, Daddy. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Oh you'll like him, he's really kind
And he's funny like you sometimes
And I found someone I really like
Maybe for the first time
Chris sniffles and tries his hardest to keep it together especially with a camera pointed at him and Harry. He focuses on the stage where you’re singing.
“Daddy, please! You’ll really like him. He’s really kind,” you said. “And he’s funny like you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?! My jokes are killer all the time, Comet! —Knock, knock,” your dad said truly offended.
“Come in,” you said.
He gives you one look and you start running. He runs after you growling. You scream when he grabs you and lifts you off the ground.
“Have I taught you nothing?!” Chris exclaimed. “We’re gonna try this again, Miss Thing.”
“Oh Jesus,” you rolled your eyes and you can’t help but smile.
“Knock, Knock,” he said.
“Who’s there?” You asked playing along.
“Boo,” he said still holding you tightly not wanting to let you escape.
“Boo, who?” You said confused.
“Aww, munchkin, don’t cry,” your dad said pressing a kiss to your cheek. “It’s just a boy. No need for crying over him.”
You laughed and said facing him, “but Daddy. He’s really good to me. And I think I really found someone I really like— maybe for the first time.”
He can’t help but frown and narrow his eyes.
“Who is he?” He asked.
“His name is Harry,” you said smiling.
No I don't need a jacket
It's not that cold tonight
And you worry, I get it
But he's waiting outside
“Grab a jacket!” Chris yelled at you before you can leave.
“It’s not that cold,” you said as he comes over to you from the kitchen. “And I’m 21, Dad.”
“I know how old you are. I was there and I know you’re a popstar and I—,” he said.
“And you worry, I get it,” you said.
“Yes, so grab a jacket, comet,” he said pointing to the hallway.
“But he’s waiting outside, Daddy,” you said.
“And he can wait longer. Also, you still live under my roof which I don’t get when I know you’re making a shit ton of money off of your music,” Chris said.
“You know they’re still renovating my house,” you said. “And I’m pretty sure you like having your own daughter around again.”
Chris scoffs and shoos you back down the hallway. He knows you’re right. He loves having you around even if you both get very busy with work. It’s nice to know you’re around safe and sound.
You’re quick to put a leather jacket over your outfit. He follows you out without hesitation. You give him a look but he’s got his murder glare.
“Hey, I was thinking that I got the wrong house,” the Brit said as you get in and he’s got the windows down.
Chris looks into the car and you said, “dad, this is Harry. Harry, this is my dad.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Harry said.
“Comet, didn’t you have a poster of him on your wall with some other boys?” Chris asked looking at you.
“DAD!” You looked at him mortified.
“It was One Direction, right?” Chris said.
“Yeah, but we split off into different directions,” Harry said.
“But she didn’t like you,” your dad said. “It was a different one.”
“Was it Liam?” Your boyfriend asked.
Chris shook his head and said, “it was the dude with the bleach blonde hair.”
“Oh, Niall. He’s a cheeky little Irish fucker. I don’t blame you, Y/n,” Harry said.
You try getting out of the car to get away from the embarrassment but Harry locks the doors on you. Chris smiles a bit.
“Have fun, comet,” Chris said pressing a kiss to your temple as you hide your face into your hands.
He steps away from the car and threatened, “I’ll fucking destroy you, Harry, if you hurt my little girl.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mr. Evans,” Harry responded honestly.
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I know you'll stay up late
Just waiting for me
“You should be asleep, Daddio,” you said putting your arms around his shoulders.
“Had to make sure you got home safely, munchkin,” Chris said putting a hand over your forearms.
“But you’ve got a plane to catch in the morning,” you said. “And he’s a good man.”
“He was in a boyband, Y/n,” he said.
“He’s in a man-band now,” you said with a giggle.
Chris can’t help but laugh as he stood up from his spot on the couch.
“I still don’t trust him,” your dad said making you frown.
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
You looked to the crowd with a tear rolling down your cheek. Your dad is openly letting the tears stream down his own cheeks. Harry smiles at you with tears of his own building up. He knows it’s about him and your dad but mainly your dad.
Now you're driving to the airport
Not just me you pick up anymore
I've got eight days off coming up
And I can only come home for four
Yeah I just met his family
“Harold,” Chris said.
“Mr. America!” Harry exclaimed throwing his arms around your dad.
You smile happily at your dad and he gives in hugging your boyfriend. He hugs you next and kisses your cheek before helping Harry load your bags into the car. There’s not much— only your carry-ons. It’s a short trip to Boston so everyone can meet Harry and you can spend time with your dad.
“How was London?” Your dad asked as Harry is outside playing with your cousins.
“I met his family,” you said.
“So, it’s getting serious?” He asked.
You nod your head. It breaks his heart but he won’t tell you that.
He makes me really happy
I think he might be the one, oh
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I promise he loves me
He'd never hurt me
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
“I promise you! He makes me really happy, Daddy,” you said.
Chris scoffs. You’ve always been a pretty happy kid and even with a chaotic life you live, you’re sunshine peaking through the clouds on a rainy day or more like a shining star around a world of darkness. No boy or man will change that. You’ll cry for a week or so over them and your dad will be there to comfort you or at least try to.
“Dad,” you said.
“Come here,” your dad said seeing you aren’t too happy with him.
You plop down next to him and he pulls you into his side.
“I worry,” Chris said.
“You always do,” you mumbled.
“Yeah it’s my job as you’re my daughter. I don’t want you with an undeserving man of you,” he admitted. “You deserve the best.”
“I think he might be the one,” you said.
“You sure?”
You nod your head.
“Well, shit,” he said.
“Dad,” you said.
“You’re growing up on me, comet.”
Now you're on the driveway
Faking a smile
You wish you could tell him he doesn't deserve me
So I had to stop the car and turn around
To tell you, you were the first man that really loved me
Your dad wants to yell at Harry and tell him to stay the fuck away from you because nobody is good enough for his little girl. But Chris bites his tongue and smiles from the driveway as Harry drives off with you.
“Wait! Stop the car!” You exclaimed.
Harry does and you’re quickly out the car. You run to your dad and into his arms.
“You know I love you, right?” You said.
“Yes, comet,” Chris said.
“You’ll always be the first man I love,” you said. “He’s just in second place.”
“HEY! I heard that!” Harry yelled making your dad smile.
“Shut it, loser!” Your dad yelled back.
And before they open up the doors
I say I've never seen you cry before
You say "You've never looked so beautiful
You know you'll always be my little girl"
You're looking at me, while walking down the aisle
With tears in your eyes, maybe he deserves me
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry before,” you said.
“Only when you aren’t looking, bubs,” your dad sniffled adjusting your veil. “And you’ve never looked so beautiful.”
“Dad,” you said.
“You know, you’ll always be my little girl, Y/n,” Chris said. “My little shooting star.”
You nod your head with tears streaming down your cheeks. Your dad hugs you tightly.
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said.
“Alright, just let me know ‘cause I’ll drive you outta here and we can watch Disney movies at home,” Chris said holding you still.
You shake your head no and said, “he’s the one, Daddy.”
Chris smiles at your words and said, “we can’t keep him waiting any longer.”
“Yeah, we can’t,” you said.
The doors open and you take your dad’s arm. You both start walking down the aisle. Chris can’t help but smile looking at you as you look at Harry. Your eyes sparkle looking at your soon to be husband. Maybe Harry isn’t that bad.
You don't even know how much it means to me now
That you were the first man that really loved me, that really loved me
You really love me
You’re quick to get off stage and go to your dad who’s in the first row with everyone. Chris stands up just as quickly. You go into his arms and wrap your arms around his waist. Everyone cheers and applauses for you.
“Fuckin’ shit, comet,” your dad whispered into your ear and holds you tightly as you cry into his chest. “I wasn’t expecting that at all.”
“I love you, Daddy,” you said.
“I know. I love you too,” he said wiping away your tears.
“And I love you both,” Harry said putting his arms around you both.
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twh-news · 3 years
Deadline’s Tony Award Picks & Predictions 2021: ‘Jagged Little Pill’ Or ‘Moulin Rouge’? Hiddleston Or Gyllenhaal? Choices For A Most Unusual Year
[Speculations on the 74th Tony Awards. Remember to take with a pinch of salt]
I'm glad I took notes. Looking at the roster of nominees for this year’s too-long-delayed Tony Awards is all the reminder anyone could need of just how interminable Broadway’s Covid pandemic shutdown has seemed. Productions and performances from the 2019-20 season, many reviewed nearly two years ago, are calling out – some more forcefully than others – to be remembered and honored. As I said, I’m glad I took notes.
This Sunday, the Tony Awards ceremony will be livestreamed on Paramount+, then immediately followed by the two-hour CBS concert special Broadway’s Back!, a celebration of Broadway’s recent reopening after the shutdown of 16-months (or 17 or 18 depending on which shows you decide were the official comebacks). Pre-pandemic, the Tonys originally were scheduled for June 2020, but March of that year brought the sickness and an abrupt shutdown of the industry that would leave a mere 18 productions eligible for the awards, down from 34 the previous year. The awards were postponed twice, most recently – thought it certainly doesn’t feel recent – a year ago when the nominations were announced.
As many as 16 shows scheduled for spring 2020 fell out of the Broadway schedule (and Tony competition). Some – including Six, which was supposed to open the very night of the shutdown, and Girl From The North Country, which like the revival of West Side Story had opened but had not yet fulfilled its Tony voter requirements – would certainly have made at least the Best Musical race a healthier contest.
So the Tony organizers – the Broadway League, the American Theatre Wing, CBS – had some big decisions to make, even after the year-long postponement that seems, in retrospect and at least to me, wrong-headed. First up was how to get the network to continue its broadcast tradition for an annually low-rated event that this year would, quite literally, be a mere fraction of its former self.
The answer – and we’ll know Sunday whether it was a good one or not – was to essentially split the difference. A few big awards – Best Play, Best Musical and Best Revival of a Musical – will be announced live during the CBS special (and also streamed on Paramount+) but the bulk of awards are set for livestream only, a move that seems at odds with Broadway’s recent endeavors to position itself as something not just for wealthy New Yorkers and spend-happy tourists. Paramount+ does, in fact, offer a free trial period, so Broadway fans who don’t want to pay for a streaming service can watch the show without spending a penny – just make sure to cancel before the trial ends – but still. The visuals, as they say, aren’t great.
Certainly in some ways, this split decision – the livestream-broadcast hybrid – makes sense. The abbreviated roster of nominees and the year-long delay was always going to be a tough sell to CBS, and just as certainly Broadway fans want to see how even some of the less ballyhooed competitions play out. What will Moulin Rouge‘s Aaron Tveit – the sole nominee in the Lead Actor/Musical category – say when he takes the stage? And which of the nominees for Best Original Score will prove literally memorable? That category includes no musicals – repeat, no musicals – since each of the Best Musical nominees were of the golden-oldie jukebox variety. That left the plays to handle the Original Score burden – and left Tony voters trying very, very hard to mentally summon just what, exactly, the incidental music of The Rose Tattoo actually sounded like.
As a commercial move to promote the reopening of Broadway (and boost much-needed ticket sales for Broadway’s current line-up, even if it includes only a few of this year’s Tony nominees), both the postponement of the ceremony and the expansive concert special seems justifiable. The Tonys have always been as much an advertisement for sales as a recognition of achievement. But as a way to celebrate the productions and performers who hit the stages prior to the March 2020 shutdown, the decision feels less defendable. Even without CBS, a livestream or digital Tonys last fall would certainly have felt more immediate (and, in a way, hopeful), with nominees still fresh in minds and everyone – including, I suspect, more than a few in competition – still feeling fully invested.
So. After racking my brain, checking my gut and deciphering scribbles in old notebooks, my picks and predictions in selected Tony categories are as follows. Of course, the only sure bet is Tveit – though even that one-nominee category could, theoretically, see an upset: Tony voters could choose not to give that award at all. Won’t happen, but after the last year and a half, is anyone still capable of being surprised?
Betrayal, Harold Pinter; Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, Terrence McNally; A Soldier’s Play, Charles Fuller
Will Win: A Soldier’s Play | Should Win: Betrayal
The beautifully performed and directed Betrayal was a revelation – a Pinter play as downright entertaining as it was thought-provoking, but Fuller’s long-in-coming arrival on Broadway with his modern classic A Soldier’s Play all but demands a win. Of course, Broadway could choose to honor McNally, the beloved stage icon who passed away from Covid last year, and whose Frankie and Johnny remains an essential part of the American canon. Still, for me, Betrayal is the production that stands out.
Ian Barford, Linda Vista; Andrew Burnap, The Inheritance; Jake Gyllenhaal, Sea Wall/A Life; Tom Hiddleston, Betrayal; Tom Sturridge, Sea Wall/A Life; Blair Underwood, A Soldier’s Play
Will Win: Hiddleston | Should Win: Sturridge
Hiddleston was terrific in Betrayal, and has every right to the trophy, but for me Sturridge in A Life gave the most powerful performance in the category as the grieving father whose family was destroyed by a single instance of atrocious happenstance. Other devotees of Sea Wall/A Life might choose first-time nominee Gyllenhaal (and I’d have no serious complaint there), and Underwood is certainly a popular and enjoyable actor (though saddled with the least interesting plot-device character in A Soldier’s Play). Barford and Burnap are extreme long-shots, leaving a four-man race with Hiddleston the likely winner if only by a slight edge.
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mycroftrh · 3 years
I kind of... I feel... like maybe a whole lot of people, and I think this started with scientists and then spread out to laypeople, and the funny thing is scientists are well into getting over it but the word hasn't really gotten back to non-scientists yet -
as I was saying I feel like a lot of people got "don't anthropomorphize, anthropomorphizing is bad" and just accepted that as a general very important life rule without thinking about why, let alone whether it actually applies to all situations
there are absolutely reasons to not anthropomorphize to an extreme, because that can lead you to put human expectations and standards on things that won't live up to them
if you're thinking of your dog as a fur-human to the point that you can't separate things out and you expect a dog to respond to every situation like a human, well, they don't, and you're probably gonna get bit
if you're thinking of a beaver as a fur-human to the point that you expect them to conform to your culture's morality, you get ridiculousness like that thing about 'european beavers are faithful but american beavers cheat on each other'; which could be a problem if, like, people are reluctant to contribute to conservation of beavers because they don't follow their culture's moral standards
and yeah, the more human-y the language you're using is, the easier it can be to forget that other beings won't reliably act like humans and other beings can't be held to human standards, if you're not watching yourself
but that does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that "anthropomorphization" - which is a very ill-defined term anyway - is inherently bad in all circumstances!
and the reason there's pushback against this in scientific fields is that blanketly refusing to use terms and concepts that are remotely human-like actually makes you just as blind if not more!
we spent a long time in biological anthropology believing that if you use any word interpretable as implying a non-human could feel an emotion or have any motivation other than mechanical programmed instinct, that was anthropomorphization and Bad
but. like. it turns out that if you insist on only talking about and interpreting chimpanzees and gorillas and, yes, dogs and beavers too, like they're alien robots, and anything a human might do or think or feel they must automatically necessarily not do, you're not going to get much of anywhere at fucking all.
if you refuse to admit that a dog wants to run because "wanting" is a human concept or wants to not be hit because "pain" and "fear" are human concepts you're gonna be just as shitty a trainer as the one who expects the dog to act like a human. (this is how you get the dog equivalent of ABA and it's fucked up and there are several reasons reputable trainers don't do it anymore, which include that it's inhumane and sets the dog up for dangerous aggression, but also it just doesn't work very well.)
if you refuse to admit that beavers have mothers and those mothers take care of their children because "mother" and "care" are Person Words then, first, you're gonna be very confused by their behavior which is dependent on complex family structures and skills passed on from older family members to younger, and second - if you want people to contribute to beaver conservation you're harming your cause way more than the guy having to explain that, Harold, they're non-monogamous.
like! the problem is not that the word "mother" or the word "happy" or whatever is somehow inherently bad! and it's not that they're inaccurate, partly because they generally aren't! it's about the EFFECTS!
if you're trying to elicit donations for a refuge for an almost-extinct species? if you're trying to get people to boycott a company that's destroying habitat? if you're trying to get people to stop using pesticides that kill a charismatic bird?
you're gonna get the best EFFECTS by anthropomorphizing the f u c k out of them.
if you're trying to understand why an adult crow engages in play behavior even when alone; or why an elephant gets lethargic and has reduced appetite after its offspring has died; or why a spider monkey is more active and engages in more social behaviors after being given a high-value food
your research is going to be a lot more EFFECTIVE if you're willing to acknowledge that not every single aspect of the human experience is 100% unique because, to be honest, we're not that special, actually.
if you're talking about how the tree in your backyard droops like it's sad and you want to give it a hug
then the EFFECT is that there's no effect and it does not hecking matter, go hug your tree and don't let anyone stop you.
if either: you and your audience in this situation are able to remember that non-humans will not always act like humans, even though they share some traits; and it is not appropriate to hold non-humans to human moral standards
or: it does not have negative effects in this situation if you or your audience don't remember those things (and maybe even has positive effects)
then acknowledging that humans and non-humans have some things in common and some of the same words can apply to both of our experiences is not! automatically! bad!
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mercysought · 3 years
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙. (cp2077 focused)
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𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
full name.  francesca moretiz badsley. nicknames / aliases.  moe, mori, franfran (family), franks (family). size. 1.70 metres / 5'6".  age.   33 in 2077. zodiac.   cancer. spoken/understood languages.   english (native), bsl, asl, french creole (proficient), cape verdean creole (beginner)
𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
hair colour.   you’ll never see the natural hair colour, just stop trying. Most often either a bright neon green or pink. eye colour.   brown. body type.   this woman is a small tank. muscular but lean. dominant hand.   left. posture.   slight hunch from just constantly leaning down on whatever she’s working on and sometimes from spending a long time sitting by a computer. scars.   not so many scars but a lot of serious injuries that resulted in a lot of physical alterations to her body. She has had to replace part of her arm and fingers because of an accident, replace a knee cap. Most often you’ll find prosthetics over scars. tattoos.   there are a few on her arms, most often just cute very bright things and without much meaning. most noticeable features.   her bright coloured hair, often in two buns. her muscular shoulders and arms. the fact that she signs.
𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉  .
place of birth.   London (North side), UK. siblings.   michael barsdley (older brother) and david barsdley (younger brother) parents.   oliver barsdley & denise barsdley (née keane).
𝖆𝖉𝖚𝖑𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊  .
occupation.   mercenary / bounty hunter / netrunner in 2077. current residence(s).   nowhere, everywhere.  close friends.   she has some friends in NC. but her droids are her favourite company. relationship status.   single financial status.   wealthy. driver’s license.   yes, for bikes and cars. she often travels around in a bike but with cars she likes big chunky american ones. criminal record.   yes, mostly for cyber crimes.
𝖘𝖊𝖝 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊  .
sexual orientation.   she’s a lesbian, harold. preferred sexual role.    turn-ons.    turn-offs.  
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘  .  
hobbies to pass time.   she likes to go out and dance. but she also enjoys really working on side projects so her favourite past time really is to head into junk yards and pick apart the things that are dropped off there. She makes it a point to know where shit from corporations are dropped off and either get it from a black market or grab it before they’re destroyed herself. mental illnesses.   moe is pretty healthy, there are some moments where she feels better and worse but no mental illnesses to speak of.
tagged by: @prvtocol​​​ (once mooore thank yoou!)
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awfutzno · 3 years
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( rahul kohli. 36. he/they. cis man. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that a bag of frozen peas, empty coffee cups, a quiver full of trick arrows make you who you are, CLINT BARTON. with the powers of MASTER ARCHERY SKILLS, you’re sure to have a friendly, defiant personality — and you definitely belong to SHIELD. were you listening to HELP I’M ALIVE by METRIC on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( claire. 23. she/her. gmt )
character name: clinton francis “clint” barton age: 36  faceclaim: rahul kohli voiceclaim: troy baker bc this masterpiece is something for sure (i’m not here for renner & bless rahul he can’t do an american accent to save their life) skill set: master archer, master martial artist,  affiliations: the avengers, shield family:  harold barton (father, deceased), edith barton (mother, deceased), barney barton (brother) zodiac: cancer (june 18, 1988) wiki link: i’ll mostly be going off of 616 clint (especially the fraction run!), but using some elements of mcu timeline etc (also the hawkeye show was kinda good so i don’t hate every single piece of mcu clint anymore but don’t tell anyone i said that)
(tw death, violence, brief abuse mention)
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? 
Unfortunately, no, Clint was not blipped. It was bleak. We don’t talk about The Ronin Years they spent off the grid working out their rage issues, because it was an incredibly bad, sad, mournful experience for all involved. Clint felt the loss of his friends and family deeply, and took it to heart, okay? He’s working through some stuff.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
Clint has become the landlord of a kind of grimy apartment block in Brooklyn, and has commandeered a loft for himself. Also Lucky, his dog (the best dog, fight him). And Kate’s allowed to crash sometimes, too.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
major friends: natasha romanoff, kate bishop, bobbi morse (sorta? kinda? it’s complicated), jessica drew, lucky the pizza dog
major allies: the avengers, shield, yelena belova (??), apparently wolverine and also bucky barnes?
major foes: the russian bro mob, barney barton (yes, his brother)
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
At this point, Clint could not give less of a shit. Overthrow the government, burn the whole system down, whatever. Just let them take a nap.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
Physically? Oh, great. Grand. Never better. (This is 100% a joke, Clint Barton is falling apart at the seams.) He’s constantly covered in scrapes and bruises, and has yet to meet an injury a bag of frozen vegetables can’t cure. The bandaids on his face are pretty much a permanent accessory at this point. He’s in technically very good physical shape, but he doesn’t have superpowers, and, as much as he hates to admit it, he’s not getting any younger. He’s put a lot of strain on his body over the years, and it’s starting to catch up.
Clint is also partially/severely deaf due to a combination of in-action injury and childhood trauma. They wear hearing aids and mostly gets by just fine--or as fine as Clint can ever get by.
Emotionally? Also a mess! Maybe worse! Exhausted! Heartbroken! Lonely! Left behind! After a career as the spare circus Avenger and a few healthy decades without sleep, he’s never been great at healthy life choices. Natasha’s death in particular destroyed him, and he’s been grieving deeply, making worse choices than usual, trying to keep it together for Kate and Lucky. He’ll get by. He always does somehow.
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Vanya and the Phantom
I asked and y’all answered (special thanks to @schizoidwire and @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace  and all the people who responded to my earlier post for encouraging me!), so it is time for how The Phantom of the Opera song introduction can be read as a look into Vanya’s self-narrative and also foreshadows future events in a really subtle and interesting way. 
I’m channeling my inner Elliot and going into full conspiracy mode. This is gonna be a long one, y’all. 
Part One: In Which I Expose Myself as a Former Theater Kid
So, for those who aren’t familiar with The Phantom of the Opera, it was originally a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux back in 1909. In 1986, Andrew Lloyd Webber rewrote it as a musical. For purposes of my analysis here, I am just going to be discussing the musical because 1) the score used in the opening scene is from it and 2) I’ve never read the book. (If anyone out there has read the book and wants to weigh in, please do!) 
It’s a very aesthetic show, and draws on a lot of gothic themes and imagery. The plot follows an opera house, and specifically a young chorus girl named Christine Daaé. I’m not going to explain the whole show plot in detail because wikipedia exists, but I will do a quick overview here and point out some things as they relate to things I’ll be discussing later. Also there will be a test after and it will NOT be multiple choice.
The show begins when the opera house is sold to new owners who 1) just want to make money and 2) do not respect the opera house’s resident ghost (who isn’t really a ghost, but we’ll get to that later.) When the Phantom makes his presence known, and freaks out the resident prima donna singer (who will be relevant later) Carlotta, who says she won’t sing under these conditions. It is then that Christine appears. She’s quiet and humble and has always lived in the background, but is incredibly talented. The woman who runs the chorus (also owner of the opera house’s resident braincell) suggests Christine sing the part. She does, and is amazing. Everyone is blown away, and she’s catapulted into instant fame and success. 
We later learn that Christine has been studying under the Phantom, who appears to her in mirrors. She calls him the Angel of Music, and thinks that he was sent to teach her by her recently deceased father. He isn’t. He’s actually pretty malicious, and is obsessed with Christine, wants to control her voice, and doesn’t like her dating anyone. Which is a bit awkward when her childhood friend shows up and promptly falls in love with her. 
Anyways, Carlotta is jealous of the attention Christine has been getting and threatens to leave prompting the new owners to cut Christine from the program. The Phantom doesn’t like it at all, sends a bunch of letters, things escalate, people are murdered, and the whole first act ends with the chandelier falling from the ceiling and crashing onto the stage (which is done with really cool effects, oftentimes beginning the show hanging over the audience. It’s a BIG MOMENT and one of the most iconic ones from the show. This will also be relevant later.)
Act two takes place a few months later, wherein no one has seen the Phantom. Shock of all shocks, though, he’s not dead. He’s been writing an opera and he wants Christine to star in it. More stuff happens, you learn the backstory of the Phantom (which is pretty sad, ngl, but in no way makes him less of a creep) and the story ends with the Phantom kidnapping Christine and giving her an ultimatum: stay with him forever, or he kills Raoul (aka childhood friend/romantic interest guy). She agrees to stay with him and he’s so moved by her compassion that he lets them both go and disappears forever. 
Part Two: Casting the Characters
That’s interesting, Rosie (note sarcasm) but you said this was about The Umbrella Academy? I did, in fact. So, we meet Vanya when she’s playing a medley of songs from The Phantom of the Opera. Since it’s primarily the melodies and not one of the orchestral pieces from her performance later (I don’t think), we can assume she’s just playing it for herself (which is nice! good on you, Vanya). 
Maybe she’s never seen the play and just likes the score, but for purposes here, let’s assume she’s familiar with it. 
You can tell a lot about a person by the stories they connect with (for example, I like TUA because I like fun sibling dynamics, found family, music, and being sad). And I think that it makes sense that The Phantom of the Opera would be a story that resonates with Vanya. The overlooked chorus girl finds power in music, and, after years in the background, is finally given a chance to show how special she is. 
So, yeah. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that Vanya sees herself as Christine. There are some discrepancies, sure, but this is Vanya’s self-narrative, which we learn pretty much immediately is unreliable. (Love her, but it’s true.) And if Vanya is Christine, then we can try and tap into her perspective to look at some other characters. 
Anyways remember Carlotta (the prima donna opera singer who always got the spotlight and tried to destroy everything good that happened to Christine because she felt threatened that someone might be as good/better than her whose entire personality and role in the story I just summarized, rendering my plot recap useless)? Carlotta is how Vanya views Allison. (Kind of all her siblings, but her relationship with Allison is the most important here.)
Think about the scene in the cabin? 
“You couldn’t risk me threatening your place in the house! You couldn’t handle the fact that Dad might find me special!” - Vanya, having a mental breakdown.
This always struck me as an interesting accusation to throw, since prior to this moment, I don’t think there was any indication that Allison had ever felt threatened by Vanya. She excluded her, sure, and wasn’t super friendly at times, but the idea that Allison has been pulling strings to keep Vanya out of her spotlight is new. But that is exactly the role Carlotta plays in Phantom. 
Fun fact! At one point in the musical, the Phantom enchants Carlotta so that she loses her voice right before coming on stage. 
Part Three: The Phantom of the Opera is there
So based on everything I’ve said so far, the most straightforward reading is then, that Leonard Peabody/Harold Jenkins (who for purposes here I’ll call Leonard) is the stand in for the Phantom, which works... really well. Both in helping to understand Vanya and also because it foreshadows the twist of season one in a really cool way.
So, the Phantom appears to Christine first not as an enemy, but as a friend and teacher, who encourages her to be more confident in her abilities. He trains her to develop her singing ability. While the teacher-student dynamic is actually inverted initially with Vanya and Leonard, from the get go, he is showering her with compliments, encouraging her to be confident in her abilities, and, at least on the surface, supporting her in a way she hasn’t been supported before (he’s a trash human but an expert manipulator). 
But, in the play, the Phantom is also very possessive over Christine and her power (er, I mean voice). He also is perfectly willing to kill and/or hurt people who he views as standing in the way of Christine and her success (see the aforementioned Carlotta incident). Which is exactly what Leonard does to Vanya. He kills the first chair violinist to help her get it, and orchestrates a whole master plan to get her to reveal her powers on his terms. 
Even the part where he starts “training” her to use her powers kind of resembles the second act of the play. The Phantom wrote a play for Christine and she’s going to star in it, whether she wants to or not. 
(One could even make the argument of the parallels between Christine believing the Phantom was sent by her father to teach her and Leonard showing up because of his revenge scheme against Vanya’s father, but I honestly don’t have much support for that.) 
Part Three: Two Conflicting Narratives
So, as you might’ve noticed, I sort of have two different threads of analysis going on right now. 1) The Phantom of the Opera parallel is part of Vanya’s self-narrative and in it she mischaracterizes Allison, making her more suspicious of her motivations and 2) Leonard Peabody is clearly the Phantom and doesn’t bother being subtle about it. I hope that I’ve been convincing (or at least intriguing) for you to get to this point, because here is where they come together.
Vanya has this parallel going, but she doesn’t see Leonard as the Phantom. In the beginning at least, he’s her Raoul. If I had to guess, I’d say Reginald Hargreeves is the Phantom in Vanya’s self-narrative (says he’ll train her but wants to manipulate her and keep her locked away for himself, strict teacher who doesn’t really care about her well being, wearing a mask to appear more normal/human... she wouldn’t exactly be wrong). Leonard, on the other hand, is Vanya’s supporter. He validates her, and believes in her, and taker her side when Carlotta and the opera house owners (er, the rest of the Hargreeves children) gang up on her and conspire to keep her out. 
This is all building to, of course, the final confrontation. The Phantom says Christine has to pick one or the other. When Allison comes to talk to Vanya, Vanya feels as if she’s been given an ultimatum and lashes out.
And that’s where everything (including this parallel) starts to crumble. 
(I honestly don’t know a lot about the other characters and how they fit in. I suppose we could have Five = Raoul if we ignore romance plot and focus on the childhood friend that hasn’t been seen in a while angle? And maybe also Pogo = Madame Giry. Vanya doesn’t really have any friends to be Meg.) 
Part Four: It’s All About the Moon
So that is kind of the gist of The Phantom of the Opera as a window into Vanya’s self-narrative theory, but there are a couple of other loosely related ideas I thought I might as well bring up since this thing is already ridiculously long. 
Remember how I mentioned the chandelier is like, THE scene from The Phantom of the Opera back in part one, and said it’d be relevant later? Bringing that back now, because I’m going to pull a Luther and connect everything to the moon. 
So, to get the obvious out of the way, the moon exploding and the chandelier coming crashing to the stage are similar because something falls, breaks into a bunch of pieces, destroys a bunch of stuff, and creates a powerful and memorable image to close off before an act/season break (the next installment of which begins with a time jump). 
Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that The Phantom of the Opera is told out of order. The opening scene shows a grown up Raoul at an auction for the items left behind after the opera house closes, and it switches to the past as the remains of the chandelier rise upwards to the ceiling, Phantom’s theme swelling (it’s a really cool moment, tbh). Following the prologue of The Umbrella Academy, we switch to the present with two images: Vanya alone on the stage, and then Luther alone on the moon. Which has a kind of symmetry that might mean nothing, but is still kind of cool. 
(Also the item that Raoul buys from the auction is a music box with a monkey crashing symbols on top of it. Which might mean nothing.) 
Part Five: How is she STILL talking about this? (AKA Conclusion)
To be honest, this is more a very tangled “things I noticed and thought were interesting” discussion than a formal essay with any clear thesis. While there is a chance that this was all coincidental and I’ve gone full Pepe Sylvia, the music selection in The Umbrella Academy is one of the things that they seem to be really deliberate about. 
I would love to chat with anyone about this theory, so feel free to reach out in the notes or message me! My inbox is always open. Much love, and thank you for reading, if you got this far! ❤️
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years
Institute (13th Doctor x reader) Part 5
Summary: You’re on the run, no doctor, no time.  Word Count: 2.4k AN: I’m going to be taking a lil break after the next chapter, just as I’m moving and I need time to adjust sorry -L x Warnings: none i think  Tags: @startrekkingaroundasgard @penguinwithitsarseonfire​
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Panic. Screaming. Wind. Noise. Fear. Tense breathing. More screaming. More panic.
“Hold on!” Graham shouted over the monstrous amount of noise. Ryan found a panel and somehow managed to fly the plane on his phone. You were too shaken to understand. O. The plane was finally level. The Master.  You were shaking. Nothing really sunk in. You blinked and you were helped off the plane by the worried trio. You snuck past the guards as Barton spoke to someone official looking. You were in Essex according to Ryan, and now that you were off the plane things had finally begun to fall into place within your mind. You were being stared at by everyone. 
“It’s hard not to stand out, when we look like this,” Ryan groaned frustrated at the suit
“We’ve just been on a night out and we’re going home, that’s all,” Yaz reassured a soothing voice trying to calm you all down. Your phone went off, as did the others. Cautiously you answered it. Barton. “Hello, friends. What, did you think I wouldn't be able to track you? We have your numbers, e-mails, GPS. I even know how many more stamps you need for a free coffee. So close, Ryan. Or should I say Logan? Look up.” You did as he said. On a screen above you all your faces were displayed, claiming you were dangerous. More cursing. “Your passports have been revoked, bank accounts frozen,” Barton continued “We have a record of everyone you know - friends, family, colleagues, everyone you ever followed on social media. Of course, we have cameras everywhere, and now you're wanted for hijacking. Go off the grid see how long you’ll last,” 
In a panic, Ryan smashed his phone, Yaz attempted to call her mum and Graham froze. “Oh and Yazmin is attempting to call her mum, how sweet,” He spat sarcastically. Yaz had rambled into the phone briefly for a second before Ryan grabbed the phone and stomped on it, he did the same with your phone and Graham’s. Then you ran. 
You had finally settled on a building estate, hours late. Bones aching, out of breath and tired.
“No CCTV we should be safe for now,” Graham said, clearly weary from the day. You filled into a half built house. You took a seat on a sort of wall as did the others
“How do we know we can trust you?” Ryan asked suddenly “We don’t know you. The Doctor trusted O, and he betrayed us, how do we know you won’t?”
“You don’t.” You replied shortly “I’m an outsider. You’ve seen me what? Twice before today? Three times because one of them hasn’t happened to me yet. You don’t know you can trust me. But you have to. If I wanted to turn on you, if I had malicious intent I would have ran off with the master, but I didn’t.”
“Who are you really? O said you were a missing person,” Yaz asked inner police woman jumping forward
“I am. Technically. I was recruited by people I know very little about to do a job, told me it was important so I took the role. Wiped me from my old life, gave me a new one,” “How come the Doctor didn’t recognise that person? Surely you would recognise someone like that?”
“Their species, they have a way of cheating death, burn up every cell in their body, change their face and who they are. The Doctor used to be a man, we have 12 other faces on file. The master also can do that, same species same thing,” 
“Who was he?”
“Well, do you remember Harold Saxon? That used to be him,”
“What- I voted for him!” Graham exclaimed
You examined the looks on their faces, “You want to know about my future don’t you, you want to put the pieces together, but she’s said you can’t tell me. One question won’t kill me,”
“You mentioned you were going to die on another planet? How would you know something like that?” Yaz wondered
“This, this interaction. Time isn’t linear. It’s more a big lump, as time travellers, we jump in and out at various points, things aren’t linear things can be changed and rewritten. Surely she told you that?”
“She doesn’t exactly tell us a lot. Who are you to her really?”
“I’m no one important, I think, I don’t know. I get pieces in passing. A bit like a conversation you aren’t a part of yet, just occasional whispers. Her late wife visited me once, and told me to keep track of everything. Keep journals and notes, telling me it would help make things easier, clearer. She was in a similar position, they met when she died and they kept meeting, bumping into each other, in the wrong order, fell in love, nearly destroyed the universe,”  You explained “The doctor trusts me and I trust the doctor. Good enough for me. Also we went on a date,”
“Since we’re admitting things, I stole some of the gadgets from MI6, I’m wearing the laser shoes. Before you ask, no I didn’t read the instructions,” Graham laughed
“I took the rocket cufflinks too,” Ryan smiled
“You utter doughnuts, all of you. But there’s no one I’d rather be on the run with,” Graham turned to you “Even you, you seem to know a lot and I trust you. You’re on the same wavelength as the Doctor and that’s good enough for me.”
“Did you hear that?” There was a noise, and light. Kasaavin. You stepped out the building one by one. 
“The shoe, use the shoe,” Ryan urged
“Just stomp or something!” Graham did. A bolt hit a nearby streetlight.
“Your aim is terrible,”
“Graham, just dance.” He did and a few bolts hit the figures. You grabbed the others hands and ran.
The sun was coming up, you hadn’t slept for about 36 hours and whilst Yaz made a phone call, you and Ryan leant against each other in a desperate attempt to stay awake. She hung up suddenly as a car pulled up. Men stepped out, threatening you. Graham came up behind them and waved his laser shoe dramatically
“-and don’t make me do the soft-shoe shuffle!” He stated over dramatically, as you got into the car. You had decided to drive
“Are you sure you’re going to be safe? Driving, I mean, 36 hours is a lot-” Yaz began cautiously
“I’ll be fine. I once stayed a awake for a week on some planet so I could do my job, and the days were 25 hours, this is nothing,” You joked
“Can we go to the institute? Surely they’ll keep us safe?” 
“No, they won’t. Anything linked to present day criminal activity immediately gets you dropped. We deal with time, you so much as breathe wrong you’re dropped,” You explained, “We have to follow their GPS.” You sped off
The hanger was cold and empty. There was a single figure on a chair along with a stand and a screen, you rushed to it. 
“Is she still?” Ryan asked, not wanting to say the word. You checked for a pulse, she was cold. You shook your head, “No she isn’t. She hasn’t been for a while, a few hours, at most, I think.”  Barton appeared on the screen.
“Well done overpowering my people. But did you really think they wouldn't tell me? I have a significant announcement to make, and you, my friends, are two steps behind. As usual,” He mocked
“So what are you? Part alien or something?” Graham asked
“You really don't understand who I am. I build things. I test them. So I let them test a tiny part of me. And now it's time for the global roll-out. I'm proof of concept,”
“As the head of the Bad Wolf institute, I have to ask, what are you testing? Why don’t you stop with the theatrics and murder? Make my job the tiniest bit easier,” You asked, temper flaring
“Look after my mum.” The call ended. You went to hit the screen and decided against instead choosing to make a loud noise. 
“He killed his own mum,” Yaz breathed
“And abandoned her, in a hanger, to rot,” You stated, formal tone back. The screen came on once again, this time to an image of Barton giving a talk. 
“-We told you, of course your lives are private, of course your data's safe. And you believed us. You kept clicking Agree. And now, we can do anything. I can send a text to every device on this planet.”
“Something doesn’t make sense, I’m missing something, I’m being stupid. God why does lack of sleep does this,” You grumbled. A message flashed up on the screen. Humanity is over, you have three minutes to prepare. The statue started spinning. 
“Funny, right? Except, not a joke. We are way past peak human. We've created systems that are smarter and can run more efficiently than we do. So what's our purpose? We must be useful for something. Well, the data tells us we are. We can repurpose. Well, you all can. You know the most efficient type of hard drives on Planet Earth? Humans. Human DNA can store so much data. We're the perfect storage system, which means there are over seven billion potentially incredibly useful hard drives on this planet. All that's needed is to reformat the whole of humanity. Luckily, there's an app for that.” Barton chuckled, tone sinister.
The room was filled with light. The Kasaavin. The hangar door swung open. The master. 
“Move away. Now! I've just had the most infuriating seventy seven years of my life. Have you any idea how hard it is to live through the 20th century? The places I've escaped from. Still, just in time to watch you all pay.” He grumbled, he looked aggressive like a wolf ready to attack. 
“What is it? What the hell is that thing?” You asked, barely giving the others time to react
“Back with us I see? Aw shock was good look on you, shame the Doctor won’t get to see more of it,” He snarled “ If you must know, dear, it converts and transmits. We're transmitting Kasaavin energy around the world all at once into every device, hitting every human being and erasing all their DNA simultaneously. And it’s beautiful.” The energy grabbed Yaz, she couldn’t let go, you tried to pull her off, it wouldn’t move, she couldn’t budge.
“No use. It’ll take her, then you then you, and finally Miss Institute herself, a shame.” The machine stopped suddenly, the figures vanished.
“You were saying?” You replied smugly 
“Sorry. I’ll admit I was close,” The doctor. Relief washed over you. She entered the hangar followed by two other women.
“Two can play at embedding things in history. I knew the Silver Lady was important, and that you built it for a reason, but I couldn't work out why. So I traced its movements through history. And when I saw that Barton now owned it, we stopped by his office. Middle of last year, using your Tardis, I built a fail-safe into that machine. Planted a virus. If it ever detected the massing of a Kasaavin army within its systems - total shutdown,” She explained. The room glowed again, circling everyone. 
“Well Doctor, looks like you’re going to have to explain everything to them,”
“Look, I’ve rigged the Silver lady to send you back your own dimension. And that deal he made with you?” She pulled out her sonic and played a audio clip
‘Barton and these creatures do the dirty work, and once they're done, I get rid of them, having destroyed your precious human race in the process. Win-win-win.’
“Oh,” Was all the Master could manage to say
“Yes that’s your name, don’t wear it out,” She replied before the light increased. And with that the room was empty again, “Everyone alright? Everyone safe?” A chorus of yes sounded of from the group
“Miss me?” She asked a small but beautiful smile on her face, wrapping her arm around you
“Always,” You replied pressing a small kiss to her lip
“I hate to break up a sweet moment but I have questions. Who are they? And are we being replaced?” Graham asked
“Oh these are Noor and Ada, I’m dropping them off back in their timeline, like I could ever replace any of you.”
They were dropped off back in their respective times.
“So where to now?” The doctor asked, flipping a few switches
“The institute for me, I’m afraid,” You cringed, desperately wanting to stay
“What?” She suddenly looked up staring deep into your eyes, clearly hurt.
“I have to warm them, the Master is out there, and we have to prepare. We’ve barely managed to fix everything after the issues in 2015. I do want to stay, I truly do, but it’s hard and I have to look after them,” You avoided her eyes
“It’s ok I get it. Since we’re synced I can say this, whenever we meet up synced or not we have to go on a date, because we don’t know when it’s going to happen so we might as well enjoy it,” She wandered over to where you were stood
“Like time girlfriends?” “Time girlfriends,” She nodded. You kissed her cheek, and she smiled into it, hugging you tightly. 
“Miss you already,” You joked taking steps out of the TARDIS and back into your office the day that you left.
“Are you ok? You’ve been a bit distant recently,” Yaz asked, breaking the Doctor from her thoughts. It had been a few months, since they’d seen you as a group.
“I’m fine,” She replied shortly
“You miss her don’t you?” The doctor ignored the question continuing to focus on the random buttons she was fiddling with. “Look, why don’t you take us to visit your home?”
“Can’t. Shouldn’t. You’ll ask too many questions. It’s boring. Why do you think I ran?” She explained, her usual answers combining into one, “but yes I miss her,”
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Heart Beat.
Minari’s film composer Emile Mosseri (also responsible for the Kajillionaire and The Last Black Man in San Francisco scores) tells Ella Kemp about his A24 favorites, Nicholas Britell’s friendship and the boldest Paul McCartney needle drop in movie history.
What do you think a broken heart sounds like? How about a warm, beating one? It’s something that Emile Mosseri has been thinking about for a while now. The past two years have seen him complete a hat-trick of beguiling, transporting scores for Plan B movies: Joe Talbot and Jimmie Fails’ The Last Black Man in San Francisco, Miranda July’s Kajillionaire and now, the film voted the best of 2020 by our community, Lee Isaac Chung’s Minari.
What binds these scores together is a delicacy that knows when to break free and turn into something altogether spectacular. But on Minari in particular, Mosseri is in full bloom, working for the first time in a way he’d always dreamed about. While The Last Black Man in San Francisco saw him compose to a loose edit, and on Kajillionaire he worked to a locked cut, Chung gave him the freedom to write music directly to Minari’s script. “It was a dream to work this way on Minari,” Mosseri says. “It was so beautifully written and so visceral.”
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‘Minari’ composer Emile Mosseri.
Minari is an intimate portrait of a Korean family making their way in rural America, and the composer was interested in “trying to figure out musically how you can feel connected to your deepest childhood memories”. These memories belong, in the film, to David—a tiny king played by eight-year-old Alan Kim—as he comes to terms with his new life on a small farm in Arkansas, as his family strives for their own version of the American Dream.
The Yi family is made up of David and his sister Anne (Noel Kate Cho), their parents Monica (Han Ye-ri) and Jacob (Steven Yeun) and their grandmother, Soon-ja (Youn Yuh-jung). It’s a personal story for Chung, one that Mosseri felt honored to be a part of. “It’s a very intimate story with these five characters, which takes place mostly in this small mobile home—but emotionally, it’s very epic.”
There was something about Chung that had caught Mosseri’s attention early on. “I had met him at the LA premiere of Last Black Man,” Mosseri says, “and I sent him the Kajillionaire score.” Mosseri was already familiar with the filmmaker’s work: “His first film, Munyurangabo, is incredible.” He calls Chung “very open, but also sly” in terms of hitting the right notes and “gently steering the ship”. The partnership between composer and director was about working on “a more emotional level,” Mosseri says. “There was never any talk about what we wanted stylistically.”
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The ‘Minari’ ensemble cast.
The result is a film graced with music at once lush and raw, grandiose and vulnerable. Mosseri is keenly aware of these nuances, and always made sure to walk the tonal tightrope in the writing process. “There aren’t sad cues and hopeful cues,” he explains. “Every cue has both feelings. Each musical moment dips in and out of the hopefulness and joy of a family, and then the pain and frustration and dissonance that they hold.”
The way Mosseri’s music swells and flows often feels intangible, magical, even—which comes more from knowing what to avoid, rather than acting with too much forced intention. On his first film, Mosseri brought brass and strings to the streets of San Francisco, and with Miranda July, he worked old Hollywood glamor into the concrete blocks of Los Angeles. Here, we twirl through the tall grass as gentle acoustic guitars and elegant string sections sigh and sway, while the Yi family work through their growing pains.
“We didn’t want to hear Korean music when you see Korean characters, and we didn’t want twangy music when you see an American farm,” Mosseri explains. “We wanted to come at it from the side somehow, in some way that’s unexpected.” ‘Rain’, his collaboration with Minari star Han Ye-ri, which features on the official soundtrack, encapsulates this juxtaposition. It’s an epic lullaby of sorts; Han sings in Korean to a gentle guitar; a pleasing swell of synths climbs alongside her voice. The effect on the listener is as if liquid love is trickling from every vein. “I wanted this score to feel like it had a warm, beating heart.”
Two of your three feature films to date have been released by A24, and so we must ask: what are your favorite A24 film scores? Emile Mosseri: Three come to mind. First of all, Anna Meredith’s score for Eighth Grade. It’s so adventurous and unexpected and fresh and just brilliant. It’s so pure and out-there. It also does this impossible thing of being hip and exciting and deep, but also hilarious. The pool-party scene fucking kills me.
Then there’s Under the Skin by Mica Levi. I remember seeing that at the Nighthawk theater in Brooklyn and feeling like it was the best score I’d heard in as long as I could remember.
And then of course, Moonlight. That film got under my skin in a way I didn’t see coming. I saw it by myself in a theater, after hearing all the hype for months and months. When a movie has that much hype you can get a bit cynical and it can distract you, so I went in a bit guarded, but I left the film destroyed. For weeks and weeks it resonated with me in a way that was so profound, and a large part of that is due to Nick [Britell]’s music. And the film is just perfection.
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Scarlett Johansson in ‘Under the Skin’ (2013), scored by Mica Levi.
You’ve been described as Nicholas Britell’s protégé more than once… It’s funny, I think that came from me being a fan of his and saying nice things about his music. I met him at Sundance two years ago when Last Black Man was premiering. I went with my wife and my brother and I was so excited, I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. We walked in and Nick and Barry [Jenkins] were walking in behind [us]. And there was also Boots Riley, Kamasi Washington… all these people I looked up to. I hadn’t considered that I would see this film in the room with them, and it was the first time I was hearing the final mix and just agonizing.
Nick was incredibly generous and said great things about the score and was super encouraging, and he became a friend and mentor. But I’ve never studied with him or worked with him. Although, if you’re a fan of somebody’s work, you’re a student of any of these composers that you admire. Anything you watch and listen to, you absorb.
What was the first film that made you want to be a composer? It was Edward Scissorhands. Danny Elfman’s score was the first one that made me realize that this was a job. I’m always attracted to big, romantic melodies, and over-the-top sweeping stuff—but done tastefully. In that score, he sets the high-water mark for me. It’s so unapologetically romantic.
And then there are other obvious ones like The Godfather. It’s maybe a dorky choice because it’s the most famous movie ever, but it really is the best. And that got me into Nino Rota, and from there I found [Federico] Fellini and all these movies through Nino, the composer. And then I got really into the score for La Dolce Vita and more movies that he’d written for, which are so beautiful.
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The ‘Edward Scissorhands’ (1990) score was an early inspiration for Mosseri.
Which films, new to you, blew you away in 2020? Take Shelter by Jeff Nichols blew me away. It unfolded in a way that was intoxicating and really exciting, and it just really stuck with me.
What’s been your favorite needle drop on screen this year? Aside from Devonté Hynes’ score being stunning, there’s an amazing piece of music placed in an episode of Luca Guadagnino’s We Are Who We Are. They use a Paul McCartney song called ‘Let Em In’, and they dropped it in this incredibly tasteful but unexpected way, in a really dark, emotionally loaded scene. It worked in such a beautiful and graceful way. It’s because it’s the most cheery McCartney, it’s full-blown upbeat and poppy McCartney. And this is the darkest-of-the-dark human pain, and it lands in this way that is such a bold choice, such a powerful move.
What should people listen to after watching Minari? One record I’ve been listening to a lot recently is Jeff Tweedy’s Love is the King. It could be a good companion to Minari. I’m a huge fan of his and it’s a gorgeous record. It’s very stripped-down and emotionally raw, and it’s both hopeful and heartbreaking.
Which filmmakers would you love to work with next? I’m always afraid to answer this question because there are so many filmmakers I admire. There are filmmakers I grew up with loving their films—working with Miranda was that for me. Spike Jonze or Yorgos Lanthimos are directors in her world that I also love and would love to work with. But there’s so many others. Derek Cianfrance is amazing and he works with different composers. I love his choice of collaborators musically. I love that he used the late great Harold Budd to do his shows [including I Know This Much is True], and then Mike Patton, and Grizzly Bear… the music is always incredible in his projects, but he doesn’t have a go-to person. His films are so heartbreaking and powerful and really, really raw. He’s fearless.
I feel very lucky that I’ve worked on these three films which are all very much like somebody’s ripping their heart out and putting it on the screen. I feel like Derek Cianfrance does that in his films too, in this unapologetic, super-vulnerable way of just ripping his soul out and putting it out for everyone to see. It’s incredibly appealing to find those projects, because they’re really rare.
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‘Minari’ is available everywhere in the US that movies can be rented, and screening in select theaters in the US and other regions. Listen to the official soundtrack and more of Mosseri’s film compositions in the official Spotify playlist via Milan Records. ‘Kajillionaire’ is available on VOD now.
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Hi this may not be new to everyone but I was recently introduced to the concept of questioning God. I was raised with the idea that you do not question Them bc who do we think we are to question God, and to question Them is to lack faith. I'm still trying to wrap my head round this new idea so sorry if this sounds really silly and naive but why would we want to question God? And is questioning God=lack of faith? Sorry if this was messily worded
Hey there, anon! When you’ve been raised never to question God, the idea of questioning them can be kind of scary -- but hopefully you will find it to be freeing and empowering and enriching, too! 
Now, I think most Christians would ascribe to some sort of “who are we to question God?” type mindset, as you name. I think I probably do, insofar as that means I tend to understand God as omniscient; I do believe that God’s answers and God’s will are Right and Just, are Correct, and that I don’t really have any hope of “proving God wrong.” But even so, it’s not a failure of faith to question anyway! As this post will assert, questioning is a healthy and powerful part of faith. 
For in questioning God, in going on a journey of reflection and asking God what the heck is up, I will learn and grow -- I will discover what God’s will truly is, and just why it is Right and Just. And I will grow deeper in relationship with God on the way. 
(Before expounding on all of that, I want to add that there may well be some Christians who do believe that God might could be proven wrong -- or at least that God is open to learning and changing God’s mind! Diversity of faith and interpretation is valuable and worthy of respect. 
After all, there are stories in scripture where God changes Hir mind -- Xe is convinced by Abraham not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if even just 10 righteous people live there; and by Moses to spare the people of Israel. 
And then there is one of my favorite stories from the life of Jesus, i.e. God Incarnate, where he seems to get schooled by a Canaanite or Syrophoenician woman. I’ve got a sermon on this very story and what it might mean about God’s relationship with us as one open to give-and-take, growth and change! 
If I’m not mistaken, a faith that makes room for the possibility of God changing God’s mind is more similar to most Jewish persons’ beliefs about God than a “God is always right. period.” type mentality. Anyway, back to the main point of this post!)
Questioning God does not = a lack of faith. After all, countless faithful figures in scripture asked questions of God, from Moses to Habakkuk, from the psalmist to Jesus himself. See this post for examples!
In fact, many say that questioning God is actually evidence of a deep and vibrant faith. (Again, this idea is a Big Deal for our Jewish neighbors.) 
If you dare to question, if you spend time and energy pondering hard topics and you engage with God as you do so, that’s a sign that you care. That you want to know what is true about God, what is true about God’s will for us. You’re not willing to swallow lies or submit to easy answers. That’s powerful faith. As Rachel Held Evans puts it in her book Inspired,
“If I’ve learned anything from thirty-five years of doubt and belief, it’s that faith is not passive intellectual assent to a set of propositions. It’s a rough-and-tumble, no-holds-barred, all-night-long struggle, and sometimes you have to demand your blessing rather than wait around for it.”
Now, saying all this stuff about faith probably requires a redefining of faith. If you’ve grown up being told that faith is as simple as believing in God, as not doubting God’s existence or God’s will, all of this stuff about faith being a struggle or a conversation with God or any of that doesn’t make much sense. So here are some quotes + places you can go to explore new meanings of just what faith is:
“The opposite of faith is not doubt, it’s certainty -- because what need do the certain have for faith?” - Science Mike, The Liturgists. 
"The opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. Certainty is missing the point entirely. Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns." - Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith
It can also be helpful to understand faith not as an achievement, but as a gift -- not something we earn, but are given freely. See this post. 
The idea of faith being a journey with ups and downs, and doubt not being faith’s enemy but a healthy part of it, can be explored in this posts + the posts linked in that one.
I find Barbara Brown Taylor’s discussions of a full solar faith vs. a lunar faith in her book Learning to Walk in the Dark very helpful when discussing a relationship with God that allows us to bring Her all our questions and doubts and messy emotions. I described her idea of the perils of a full-solar faith in which we cannot question God and must act happy & thankful all the time in this older post.
Okay. Let’s get to the part of asking questions of God that excites me the most -- using our questions as a way to enrich our relationships with God!
God longs for real, mutual relationships with us -- and that can’t happen if we are unquestioningly obedient, right? A relationship cannot be one-sided; it cannot be unbalanced; it must involve a willingness on both sides to hear the other out. It must allow for vulnerability, for confusion, for communication. 
In asking questions of God, we can grow in relationship with Them. And we will be following in a long tradition of good and faithful people who have done the same! 
Here’s a quote on how sharing our questions and frustrations with God can actually deepen our relationship with them:
"My favorite Quaker example of this willingness to confront God is a story told by a woman who was so frustrated with her life she began berating God. For nearly an hour, she told God how pissed off she was with Him. Finally, her anger subsided and she heard a “still, small voice” whisper to her: “Finally, we can have an honest relationship.”"
- Anthony Manousos
And another quote about how letting God in on our anger or frustration towards Them is an important part of being honest and connecting with Them:
“Is it ever acceptable to be angry at God? I would suggest that it is not only acceptable, it may be one of the hallmarks of a truly religious person. It puts honesty ahead of flattery.” - Harold S. Kushner
An additional reason we would want to question God is because sometimes, what we are really questioning is whether a certain thing we have been told is actually of God is or not. Often, when we question God what we’re really questioning is the ideas of God that have been fed to us by other human beings. 
For instance, if we have been told that the Bible holds nothing but God’s direct word and will, and then find passages that seem to promote harmful things like genocide or slavery, it is right and good and human to question whether such things are actually promoted by God! 
“Accepting the Bible’s war stories without objection threatened to erase my humanity. ‘We don’t become more spiritual by becoming less human,’ Eugene Peterson said. How could I love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength while disengaging those very faculties every time I read the Bible?” - Rachel Held Evans, Inspired
Or if we’ve been told that LGBT relationships are not God’s will, but then we see such relationships bearing good fruit while the repression of an LGBT identity bears bad fruit, it’s sensible and good to question what God’s will in this matter really is.
"If same-sex relationships are really sinful, then why do they so often produce good fruit—loving families, open homes, self-sacrifice, commitment, faithfulness, joy? And if conservative Christians are really right in their response to same-sex relationships, then why does that response often produce bad fruit—secrets, shame, depression, loneliness, broken families, and fear?" - Rachel Held Evans
For more on this element of questioning God that is more about questioning scripture or certain church teachings / leaders, see my “Framework for Interpreting Scripture” page on my website. 
I’ll close by commending to you my #wrestling God tag. There you will see many examples of faithful people asking God questions, bringing their difficult emotions and their doubts to God, and even getting snarky with God! For instance, a post with verses expressing anger or confusion towards God.
Finally, if you dive into what it means to ask questions of God, things might get overwhelming for a while -- some people find that taking these steps causes them to feel like everything they thought they know about God has changed. If that happens to you, I’ve got a post that aims to guide you through some steps to getting to know God again. 
Best of luck to you, anon, as you continue your faith journey! Please let me know if you have any more questions as you go! 
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tornrose24 · 4 years
What’s the use of feeling? (Red Diamond AAU drabble)
(Contains mentions of abuse.)
(Also, we still have yet to meet this mystery sister in the series, so I don’t know what her actual personality is supposed to be like. Also thank god for YD’s helmet since that’ll help everyone imagine their version of the sister for this).
Original Gem AU (as well as zircon!George, sapphire!Harold, and peridot!Melvin) belongs to angerydj.
Alexandra belongs to me.
All of Homeworld knew that the Diamond siblings were like night and day. Yellow Diamond was cold, focused, and rarely showed a soft side, while Blue Diamond was more easy going, yet could be alarmingly harsh if he needed to be. Yellow Diamond only surrounded herself with trusted allies, while Blue Diamond took on a female jasper as a wife and they each had a hand in creating their own child. It was universally agreed that they were both better rulers than the long deceased Red Diamond, yet like any siblings, they too had their issues with each other behind closed doors.
“I thought I told you to stop coming here, Blue!” Yellow Diamond snapped at her brother upon finding him in a red hued chamber where numerous gems were bubbled.
“I understand, but...” Blue Diamond sighed. In a moment of weakness, he found his older brother’s destroyed palanquin on Earth, reflected on times long lost to him, and ended up speaking with a human who somehow found her way to it. Surprisingly, she showed no fear towards him and seemed to empathize with his loss of a loved one. He was so moved by her compassion that he couldn’t help but take her to the human zoo out of a need to protect at least something good that came from Red Diamond’s planet.
Little did he know that the same human and her daughter were hiding in that very same room, trying to look for a way out while staying out of the diamonds’ sight.
“You not only insist on keeping the zoo around, but you still haven’t bothered to shatter any of these gems!” Yellow Diamond scowled at the bubbled gems. “All of them were subjects who rebelled against him or did nothing to aid him!”
“I know but they’re still among the last we have of Red.” Blue Diamond took a random bubble and examined it–it was hard to tell what gem was inside it at his current size. “I don’t think he’d want us to get rid of them.”
Both Edith and Alexandra stared in shock at all the bubbled gems. There were perhaps hundreds of them–how long had they been like this?
“What are you talking about?!” Yellow Diamond snapped. “Our brother never cared about anyone but himself! Sure he might of wanted to spare the humans at one point, but we both knew he’d just want some as pets! That’s why we made the zoo, which we only kept around for experiments that failed! A lot of gems on Earth made it clear that he was a terrible ruler, and many of them were his enemies! So why would he go out of his way to want to save those who failed him?! He deserved to be called a monster and you know it!”
“You and I know that’s only because Mother–!” Blue Diamond began to snap, but stopped himself. Red Diamond may have been created first, but White Diamond saw him as someone to torture and humiliate for reasons not clear to him or Yellow. There was no way Red’s behavior was completely his own fault... or so Blue wanted to believe.
Alexandra felt her mom’s grip on her shoulder tighten up. She looked up to see her mother looking unusually angry and there was a flash of pain in her eyes as she overheard the diamonds. She touched Edith’s hand, causing the woman to flinch and realize where she was before they could continue their escape.
Yellow sighed and pinched her nose. “What’s the use of feeling, Blue?” She asked. “You  want to employ those subjects who destroyed him? Yes we miss him, but you have other things to worry about. You have a purpose to focus on–the sapphire has clarity, an agate keeps others in line, a lapis terraforms, and even your own son was given a purpose.”
Ah yes, Blue Diamond’s son. Yellow Diamond never liked the entitled brat–he was given to Red Diamond as a way to try to help him out on Earth. But Blue Diamond spoiled the jasper and Red Diamond let the young gem do as he pleased, only for the gem to get humiliated by members of the rebellion and end up in Yellow Diamond’s court. Jasper came to her with bubbles containing gems who were supposedly the families of at least two members of the rebellion and expected a promotion (he didn’t get it and of course threw an embarrassing tantrum that would have made a toddler gem’s look tame in comparison). She sent him to aid an insufferable little peridot, but had no clue why he hadn’t come back yet.
If Blue had more better behaved children, or if Red had showed interest in having any, she would have loved the idea of being an aunt. Instead she shook off those thoughts and tried to face the present. “You need to be a leader and focus on a plan of attack.” She continued. “Look forward, don’t look back!” She ripped the bubbled gem from Blue Diamond’s grasp and tossed it away.
Neither diamond saw the bubble head right towards Alexandra and Edith. It bounced where it landed and almost on instinct Alexandra couldn’t help but grab it.
Blue grimaced and turned away, which only angered his sister. “You think you’re the only one whose still mourning?” Yellow snapped. “Not a day goes by that I regret that we caved in and let him have Earth. But do you see me moping about it all the time? So tell me why? What’s the use in feeling–?” Yellow Diamond couldn’t help but remember in that moment–giving him the planet as if trying to shut up an annoying toddler. Once upon a time she had loved him dearly, but after White Diamond pushed him too far–
“What’s the use in feeling?”
She clutched the edge of the railings of the chamber as memories she tried to bury threatened to overcome her.
Those memories of times she and Blue watched Red getting pelted with various objects at the command of White for doing things that displeased her. The taunting that he’d always be a failure every time he tried to please their mother. Him screaming as he was dragged to that tower with no windows for being out of line while she and Blue did nothing out of fear for angering their mother. Him gradually lashing out and tyrannical over others because it was all he had when there was nothing to rule over for him. Him throwing fits that she’d respond back with indifference or with harshness because she had no clue how to else to respond.
“What’s the use in feeling?”
Those memories of times when she should have turned her focus on helping Red Diamond properly heal or help him get back to the once happy gem that he had been in her earliest memories. Instead she and Blue focused on their own tasks and personal happiness until a red quartz–
“What’s the use in feeling–?!” Yellow stopped herself with by humming a melody as a way to calm herself in stressful moments. 
Blue walked over and placed a hand over her shoulder. She grabbed his hand back. There were no words needed to be said.
Neither of them saw Edith and Alexandra running out of the room. Though Edith couldn’t help but shoot one last sympathetic look at the diamonds while Alexandra hugged the bubbled gem to her chest.
The rest of the escape wasn’t easy but it ended with an agate that was humiliated and left at the mercy of many amethysts who were eager for some much needed payback. 
When everyone was back on Earth, the young gems and Alexandra gathered around the gem that she had taken with her. The number of gems had slowly been growing and Edith was thankful that they all had a place to go close by since she couldn’t fit them all under her roof. 
Yet it was a moment of anticipation–who would come out of the gem this time?
In a flash of white, a small gem with wild curly hair in a long dress revealed herself. The star on her head band indicated that she was once part of the rebellion.
“Moonstone!” Almost instantly the gem was swept into a huge hug by Bo the bismuth. “We got Moonstone back!”
“Where am I?” Moonstone’s voice came out in whisper like tones. “Did we win?”
“We did! You won’t believe it but we did!”
Edith took in the excitement of all the gems (though Melvin was very indifferent since he never was friends with Moonstone), but there was one who was faking it. Harold wore a smile, but there was a hint of frustration in his eye that confused Edith until she remembered.
He was hoping that Alexandra had brought back Pink Sapphire. Much like the diamonds, the yellow sapphire deeply missed his own sibling.
It appeared that Alexandra noticed the sapphire’s expression as well, but she didn’t say anything. If mother and daughter had their way, they would have taken more than one or at least checked to see if Pink Sapphire was among the bubbled gems in that room.
Edith thought back to the diamonds. She remembered everything that Benjamin told her about his family, but she couldn’t believe she’d ever see them in person. Though honestly it had been of a scare for her to be kidnapped and placed in a ‘zoo’ of humans who all seemed very eager to be partnered up with her (Benjamin would have been rendered speechless at her outfit, but she was positive he’d have thrown the hugest fit imaginable if he knew where she had been taken).
 It appeared that despite Benjamin’s beliefs, both Edith’s brother and sister in-law had missed him all this time and her heart went out to them. Yet she couldn’t dare come out and tell them the truth–she couldn’t risk those gems taking her daughter away from her forever. Especially if White Diamond was truly as horrible as Benjamin made her out to be.
If a station full of trapped humans and bubbled gems was all that was left of Red Diamond to Blue and Yellow Diamond, Alexandra was all that was left of Benjamin to her.
Trust me I wanted Heidi to be the gem instead of Dressy, but it didn’t feel like the timing would be right.
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