#but he also said he likes gengar
meownotgood · 2 years
I had a conversation with aki bot about video games... he's super cute... it makes a lot of sense for him to like resident evil I think
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vaugarde · 1 year
Thing about Rescue Team DX I don’t like is that it’ll tweak small visual things about the original and it’ll take away some really neat little things about the original
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nguyenfinity · 2 years
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It wasn't until drawing this that I realized 4/6 of his team is 4'11" so like. They take up a lot of space and therefore take longer to draw so that's why this isn't as refined as the Kohaku one but I at least wanted a clean enough sketch and a little color
Names and more below the cut!
•Akagi the Talonflame: Hiiro caught it as a Fletchling for him when they were kids; it’s the only Pokémon he took with him when he left home (it was a Fletchinder when he left)
•Queenie the Vespiquen: he spoils her rotten ‘cause she’s his little queen but she is,,, surprisingly more refined and responsible than her trainer, who knew (she can still be a lil shit if she wants to tho)
•Mai the Gengar: he caught it as a Gastly a bit after coming to the city; this was before Niki picked them up and he met it when it was a suuuper windy day, so this lil Gastly was trying not to get blown away and he was like “…fine we can share the same space”
He traded with Niki to evolve it into Gengar
“The first character in Rinne's first name, 燐, means phosphorus, which is associated with phosphorescence, Hell, and ghostly creatures.” [from his wiki page] I think about the meaning of Rinne’s name a lot. Also relating to how his career initially died out and he came back ahahA—
•Bakudon the Exploud: "The second character, 音, means "sound". So the sound Pokémon of all time for him BUT ALSO BECAUSE Explouds aren't just loud, like. Apparently they can make other noises like whistles to communicate and I hold the idea of Rinne being quieter around the people he's most comfortable with so near and dear to my heart--
•Natsu the Volbeat: matching with Niki's Illumise, part of the idol duo charm
•Sandy the Krookodile: they are both veeery patient hunters; the most recent addition to his team and out of all his Pokémon it's the best at filling in the villain persona he had at the start of main story. It's a bit tsundere tho, like it enjoys affection but doesn't really know how to respond to it (just like. him A certain someone.)
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mlarayoukai · 4 months
Honestly yeah, ‘fire melts ice’ is an easy enough thing for kids to understand and from a gameplay perspective ghosts wouldn’t fucking wreck all of the available pokemon in most games after RBY. Also I was kinda hoping that at some point we’d have gotten a normal/ice lemming or bunny route 1 rodent. The typing is dogshit competitively but who gives a shit.
Love that ice still sucks almost 30 years later. I also think about how rare dreepy was in swsh when they the most common thing in violet to encounter on nearly every route and cave and even over the water
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dontwinmarioparty · 1 month
Smosh Cast as Pokémon Trainers
Your Rival: Trevor Evarts!
As the newest cast member of Smosh, it may feel like big, intimidating shoes to fill. We all know Trevor’s got the stuff for it, but really coming into your own comedic identity may feel like a challenge.
Partner Pokémon: Applin full team: dipplin, mr rime, quagsire, pangoro, slowking, emboar
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Gym 1: Amanda Lehan Canto - Water Type
I've never seen such a good yes-and ability in improv than Amanda, you can tell that she's always down to turn any moment into a good time. Her acting talents spread far and wide, but her life experiences beyond that baffle me. The fact she loves scuba diving was the nail in the coffin for me that she's a master of the water type.
Partner Pokémon: Azumarill full team: azumarill, milotic, floatzel, mareanie, dracovish, starmie
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Gym 2: Olivia Sui - Grass Type
Grass is a versatile and varied type, with the vibes of some Pokémon being serene and graceful to Rapidly Approaching Your Location, and Olivia fits that to me. She’s incredibly sweet and affectionate with her friends but is fully willing to commit to a bit and confuse the audience.
Partner Pokémon: Cherrim full team: cherrim, tangrowth, shiftry, lurantis, ferrothorn, whimsicott
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Gym 3: Chanse McCrary - Fire Type
Chanse has an edge to him that I could see absolutely light up a battlefield. He’s not afraid to flex and show off during a competitive game, which sometimes leads to his downfall, but never takes back from his intelligence and just overall confidence. He’s got the X factor, which takes perfectly to the fire type.
Partner Pokémon: Blaziken full team: blaziken, skeledirge, volcarona, oricorio, ninetales, delphox
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Gym 4: Tommy Bowe - Normal Type
Tommy had a point when he said that the Normal type is filled with a lot of Weird Looking Fellas, and I agree with that, but the normal type also calls for versatility, reliability. Having type immunities and only one weakness makes it a type that’s able to reliably stand on its own legs. With the many hats that Tommy has worn over the years at Smosh, the Normal type makes so much sense.
Partner Pokémon: Porygon-Z full team: porygon-z, audino, ditto, cinccino, lickilicky, drampa
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Gym 5: Damien Haas - Ghost Type
Damien’s appearance alone would make the hounds be sent after me if I didn’t put him into the Ghost Type. Though intimidating on the surface, the ghost type, once you get past the hesitation, is full of some of the sweetest Pokémon you’ll ever get to meet. Consistently bringing fan favorites to new games with every generation, I can’t help but be reminded of Damien’s affinity for the spooky and alternative despite everything else about him being so gentle. He deserves the ghost type, and the ghost type deserves him.
Partner Pokémon: Chandelure full team: chandelure, gengar, rotom, cofagrigus, aegislash, sinistcha
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Gym 6: Angela Giarratana - Dragon Type
The dragon type is powerful, it’s dominating, but it’s also chaotic, hard to wield, and sometimes outright terrifying. Angela being a dragon tamer makes so much sense to me, personally. Her ability to command a room either willingly or by complete accident with a mistake of word-choice never fails to make me laugh and feel hooked to the screen. Just put a big dragon next to her and that’s only amplified.
Partner Pokémon: Tyrantrum full team: tyrantrum, duraludon, noivern, goodra, alolan exeggutor, dracozolt
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Gym 7: Arasha Lalani - Flying Type.
Arasha never fails to surprise me with just how above and beyond she goes in any video. No matter how crazy it gets she’s not afraid to yes-and the vibe and enable the chaos in a room. It makes her a fantastic host. She’s going to soar. She’s going to book a marvel movie. Trust me.
Partner Pokémon: Altaria full team: altaria, crobat, archeops, emolga, tropius, bombirdier
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Gym 8: Keith Leak Jr - Electric Type
Keith is insanely underrated in the Smosh cast, and I sincerely believe that the OG Smosh Squad would not be the same without him. He consistently bounces between being a straight-man in a lineup to the most insane within seconds. Down to just his fits every single day, and the fact that he BEAT CANCER??? He’s always got me on my toes. He’s Electric.
Partner Pokémon: Zebstrika full team: zebstrika, alolan raichu, ampharos, luxray, toxtricity, pawmot
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Team Rocket (or any evil team) Leader: Spencer Agnew - Dark Type
How could this be possible? The chosen?!! Evil? No..I just ran out of gym leader slots and thought it would be compelling lol. Spencer is a mastermind of comedy both in front of the camera and behind it. He’s funny without necessarily even trying, but yet it always comes across as mischievous, chaos, the most out-of-pocket lines you’ve ever heard. He’s clearly such a good guy, but the dark type, at least to my belief, fits the vibe he brings to the cast so perfectly.
Partner Pokémon: Kingambit full team: kingambit, krookodile, obstagoon, weavile, absol, sableye
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The Elite Four:
Before you face the champion, you must go through a gauntlet of four of the strongest trainers in the region. Who might this be?
Courtney Miller - Fairy Type
A directorial mastermind, a comedic powerhouse, and overall just slaying boots the house down, Courtney Miller is nothing short of magical. She breathes a life into Smosh that just leaves me knowing for certain that some of our favorite videos would not be the same without her influence. Her ability to sway from one comedic extreme to another, while still showing that sincerity makes her just such a good fit for the fairy type.
Partner Pokémon: Florges full team: florges, sylveon, mawile, grimmsnarl, primarina, gardevoir
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Anthony Padilla - Fighting Type
Our local emo boy. Our local “spent a day with everyone” boy. Someone who we were all overjoyed to have back. Not only being an absolute comedic powerhouse, he proves himself to be a jack of all stoic trades, from painting, to yoga, to starting Smosh with computer programming, his path of self-actualization is one to be admired.
Partner Pokémon: Breloom full team: breloom, toxicroak, scrafty, poliwrath, kommo-o, hitmontop
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Shayne Topp - Psychic Type
Without a shadow of a doubt, Shayne has shown that (even if partially for a bit), he listens, he cares, and he hopes for the best for Smosh as a company. His energy in videos and being able to match the vibe of almost anyone that he’s paired with is nothing short of miraculous. He’s psychic. Full stop.
Partner Pokémon: Gallade full team: gallade, meowstic, darmanitan, oranguru, alakazam, reuniclus
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Ian Hecox - Ground Type
For almost any cast member you could argue that they’re breathing life into Smosh. But I think one deserving of the title of keeping their feet planted is Ian. The way he showed so much resolve during the fall of Defy, carrying the company through Mythical, and stepping up and taking the operation independent again with Anthony shows nothing short of an incredible amount of dedication. Ground type fits him to me. Earthquake is always on a competitive team somewhere.
Partner Pokémon: Garchomp full team: garchomp, alolan dugtrio, marowak, stunfisk, mamoswine, gastrodon
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The Champion….
The Chosen
Being the strongest Pokémon trainer of all time is a big, burdening task…but they are shoes which The Chosen is ready to fill. Using every single one of his special techniques, he will be a tough challenge. Are you ready to face it?
Partner Pokémon: Absol full team: absol, darkrai, lucario, zoroark, lycanroc, partner pokemon of whoever is playing the chosen at the time of the encounter
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and at long last, you've done it. You're the Champion of the Smosh Pokemon League! Congratulations!!!
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Greetings Factual! I just realized I completely forgot to congratulate you in my last Ask- so although it's a tad late, allow me to say, great job getting to yet another milestone in the form of 27,000 followers! As I've said before, you deserve every single one and more- your works, both big and small, make bad days brighter and good days even better! I've especially enjoyed the pixel art gags these past few days- "human sans" and "Bingus" in particular- and it seems like many others have too- at this rate, 30,000 is just a few steps away! Almost their!
Also, thanks a million for responding so kindly to my idea regarding the gangs reunion with patty and meeting with Baragara! I'm glad you like it, and regardless of what details you decide on, I just hope we get to see the moment illustrated some day, as emotional as it is epic!
As for my actual Ask today- I was wondering about Grimaces Gigantamax status. As you probably know, some Pokemon species, including Gengar, can take mega evolution to the next level and temporarily grow to Kaiju sizes when exposed to certain types of legendary energy. However, of the 26 compatible species, not all members have the genes necessary to do so. So, even though he is unlikely to be exposed to the energy required to Gigantamax, if he was, would Grimace be among the lucky few of his kind to react? Or does he lack the Gigantamax genes- which, if he does, certainly wouldn't make him any less awesome!
Oh, and also, small goofy side ask I just thought of- since the group usually seems to sleep together, do any of its six ( later eight ) members snore? And if so, have the others grown accustomed to the noise? Or do they "throw a pillow at the problem" so to speak?
(27,000 followers) (Human sans) (Bingus)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm glad to hear that you've been liking my pixel stuff!! :DDD
As for the Baragara ask, awe! No problem!! :D I've been thinking about his story and how I would draw it.. it just seems like a hefty project to take on in my current state.. <XD
Now hmm.. Gigantimaxing.. Funnily enough the discord server an I actually talked about Grimace potentially Gigantimaxing or mega evolving. You know, for angst reasons XD But the general take away I got is it would requite too specific of an environment and situation for him to mega evolve on accident. If mega evolving on accident is even possible- (I say accident because the group are not intended to know what megastones are or how they work. So its not like Grimace could mega evolve intentionally-)
Gigantimaxing had a similar problem. Requiring too specific of an environment/situation for him to Gigantimax unintentionally. They're not in/from the Galar region, so they don't have access the things needed to Gigantimax.. and since Grimace isn't from Galar, I thought it would stand to reason that he wouldn't have the gigantimax genes..(do only galar region pokemon have the genes..?)
And even if they were in Galar and Grimace had the genes, Gloria would be a roadblock.
If they found like.. a gigantimax den.? She would surly sense the powerful aura and be sketched out. Thus steering the group away. And since Gloria has never steered them wrong before.. no body would disobey her.
It kind'a sucks that I cant find a way for these two scenarios to work out! 😭 I had a lot of fun imagining Grimace mega evolving in a panic to protect the group and then needing Sylvester to talk him down. But needing a megastone, and a keystone..? And somehow having Gloria not get sussed out by the stones powerful aura and not taking it away from Grimace just seems pretty far fetched. Darn you Gloria for being so observant and caring for your friends. 😔
I'm open to ideas of how I can make either idea less specific and more possible though.. 👀👀
As for your last ask, I'd like to say that thankfully none of them snore <XD it would be pretty hard to stay hidden in the forest if you snore!
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shovelbug · 10 months
Could you perhaps write an Amethio x Ghost Specialist! Reader,?
(Reader probably can communicate with them kinda like the gym leader Alister-? Idk, I think it'd be intresting as Amethio has a Ceruledge,)
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a/n: combining these two reqs since they’re so similar.
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Amethio x Ghost Specialist! Reader
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you’ve always found solace in the presence of your ghost-type friends, as they’ve always been there to keep you company.
perhaps because of that, you developed a similarity and particular affinity for ghost-types in battle.
like you said, Amethio has some (limited) knowledge of ghost types because of his Ceruledge, so he’s not as put off by you as some would be.
(Though, that may be because he’s more interested in having a battle with you.)
If you’re particularly shy or cover your face with a mask, he’s not the type to make a big deal of it.
He’ll definitely want to have a match if you also have a Ceruledge.
You do give him a heart attack sometimes, though. You and your pokemon are deadly silent and oftentimes he swears you pop out of nowhere behind him.
He gets used to it after a while though, but he’s still a little unnerved.
Your pokemon probably play tricks on him. It’s a little annoying but at the same time endearing.
He’s also baffled you can communicate with them but adjusts eventually.
Now waking up in the middle of the night with you in the corner of the room, shrouded in total darkness while you mutter back and forth with a Banette that wandered in? That, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to.
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Spinel x Ghost Specialist! Reader
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Good luck scaring this man. Even if he can’t keep track of you like he normally would, he has a sixth sense for when you’re skulking about.
You try to sneak up to him while he’s busy working and he just says “Hello, my dear,” without even turning around to look at you.
Also, his Umbreon is also constantly aware of your presence.
You were a bit worried about how your pokemon would take to his, due to the type difference, but after the initial wariness wore off they get along pretty well.
Every so often Spinel will send you a photo of your Mimikyu and his Umbreon cuddling.
He finds it fascinating that you can speak to your companions. He kind of wishes he could do the same with his.
He might tease or make a comment if you hide your face, but it’s lighthearted, and he’s quick to stop if he thinks he’s genuinely upset you.
Spinel’s not unnerved by any of your more unusual behaviors, but he’s also not the most normal guy himself, despite the facade he presents to others.
“Spinel, Gengar says he wants to go on a walk in the graveyard.”
“That’s nice, dear. Have fun.”
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arcanadreams · 5 months
period comfort, bloomic style
i'm about ten years late to this game but better late than never!! title says it all. i started writing this on my period but then it took me like a whole week to get done with it so i'm not even on it anymore LMAO. oh well
these are written with gender neutral reader in mind, tho they do have a uterus for the sake of the prompt lol. i also use the username lovelylola for them, for simplicity's sake. i imagine these as taking place after the events of the bulk of the story, but before you guys meet in person. i may make a follow-up of what they do when y'all finally live together if i feel inspired enough haha
lovelylola: i know i said i was going to bed early to sleep it off but it hurts so bad lovelylola: can we have our usual call after all? Quest: of course, angel <3
He hated the fact you were in pain, but he also couldn't help but feel honored that you felt comfortable sharing your pain with him, going to him when you were hurting. It felt so good to be trusted like that, especially by you.
When you joined voice, Quest almost choked on the water he was drinking. You were so. Fucking. Cute.
There you were, curled on your side in bed, wrapped in blankets, smiling through a pained grimace. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey, angel," he replied softly. Immediately, his caretaker tendencies took over. "Are you drinking water?" A nod on your end. "Did you take any medicine?" "Yeah, but I think we can officially cross Aleve out of the running, too; it isn't helping anymore." You winced and curled in on yourself, a cramp shooting through your lower belly, almost as if your body was bragging about the way it resisted your attempts at easing the pain.
Obviously this was something you'd learned to deal with, and it was natural, you weren't in any danger...but Quest still couldn't help but feel like he was letting you down somehow. Damn, he wished he could be there with you now. He so desperately wanted to take care of you. It's what you deserved.
"Is there anything else to try?" He asked. "Mmm, I have my period demon." "...Your what?" You laughed as he arched his eyebrow in confusion and lifted his water for a sip. To Quest's surprise, you pulled the blankets from your body and angled your phone camera down to your midsection. This time, he did choke a little. He managed to mute his microphone just in time to hide it from you. With your phone angled the way it was, you couldn't see the way his face reddened slightly, or the way his eyes wandered. He took in the loose top draped over your body, the way it rode up slightly and exposed a bit of your stomach. And those sweatpants resting low on your hips...you were so damn beautiful. He was the luckiest man alive for you to feel this comfortable with him.
"Anyway, his name is Gengar, because when I opened him up on Christmas and saw his face I thought it was a gengar plushie at first. Cute, isn't he?" Quest snapped back to reality. He had heard you speaking the whole time, and not fully processed it until now, but he was catching up now that he was done...admiring. Sure, that word fits well enough. He realized what you had angled your camera down for was to show him the heated, lower-belly pillow with a sewn-on face and little horns. Ah; this must be the period demon.
You angled the camera back up to your face, a content smile on it from the memories you had just shared with him. Your shirt had slid down off one of your shoulders, and some bedhead was definitely already forming from your time spent tossing turning. Quest cleared his throat.
"Yes. Very cute, angel."
lovelylola: hey not to be a bother but lovelylola: would love to hear your sexy accent rn <3 lovelylola: to ease my unceasing suffering (my period cramps) xyx: rip xyx: as you wish
"That was the easiest time I've had getting you into a call since we met, I'm pretty sure," you said when he joined you in voice chat. "Oh, so now I can't be nice to my doll when they're enduring 'unceasing suffering?'" He rested his chin in his hand, his usual smug yet fond grin appearing. "That is not what I meant and you know it."
The two of you both laughed. You often closed your eyes when you laughed, and Xyx took the opportunity to get a good look at you while you weren't able to see his lovesick eyes - he could never hide the love in his eyes from you, even when he was doing his best to guard his heart when you first met.
You were on your side, in bed. It occurred to him he'd never seen you anywhere but in the chair at your desk. And you'd never seen him anywhere but in the chair at his desk. ...He hid a wobbly smile behind his hand when the thought came to him that he didn't mind this view. He could get used to it, even. The only way it could've been better was if he was actually there, could reach out and pull you to him...
Your laughing fit was interrupted suddenly when you groaned in pain and curled in on yourself. "Don't - don't make me laugh, Xyx," your eyes were open again, gazing at him with a weary smile. "It hurts."
Laughing hurts, hm? He couldn't help but be reminded of when you first made him laugh on a tough day; you told him you were terrible at tongue twisters, but he still hadn't expected you to be that bad. Or that cute. The laughter both helped and hurt him, that day; helped because he needed it, and hurt because it made him realize he was falling again...and that was a painful thought, at first. It was before he knew you'd treat him, and his heart, and his mess, with all the sweetness in the world.
"Oof, that's going to be tough restriction, doll. No making you laugh? Not even when it sounds so lovely?~" You grinned and giggled, hiding the lower half of your face beneath your sheets.
"Is a giggle like that off limits, too?" He continued. "What about a nice chuckle? Maybe even a snicker?" You snorted, your eyes closing in glee yet again. Xyx watched, eye full of both smugness and adoration.
"Mmm...I think I can allow those. None of them seem to make my cramps worse. They do make my cheeks hurt from smiling, though," you said. "That tends to happen a lot when you're around." You smiled at Xyx tenderly, and he offered an equally soft one back...for a few seconds. Then came the grin.
"Are you saying I always leave you sore, love?~" "Haha, stop, you'll make me cramp!!"
nakedtoaster: ffxiv? lovelylola: nnn...not tonight. cramping nakedtoaster: understandable lovelylola: can we still call, though? hearing your voice would be a balm to my aching uterus <3 nakedtoaster: ...don't ever write those words in that order again nakedtoaster: but yes. I'll be in voice lovelylola: <3333
"I take it saying your voice will sooth my sore womb is not your favorite way for me to call your voice sexy?" Those were really the first words out of your mouth when you entered the call, yes. Toaster's cheeks turned red, and they frowned in that adorable way they always did. "You could say that," he huffed. You laughed. At that sound, all the grumpiness from your teasing left him in an instant and a soft smile appeared on his face instead.
"Are you holding up okay?" They briefly glanced away from their screen and looked at you, on your side in bed. "You look cozy, at least." "I'm definitely cozy now that you're here to keep me company." "You-!" Toaster squirmed in their seat, pulling their microphone closer. You smiled brightly, affection sparkling in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just...you're so cute, Toaster. Teasing you a little helps me forget that my guts are trying to kill me." You propped yourself up on your elbow as you spoke. "I'd hardly call that only teasing me a little," your boyfriend mumbled. You snorted. "Okay, maybe a lot." You winced before you could continue. Toaster frowned, this time out of concern.
They turned away from their gaming monitor. "Even teasing me a lot doesn't make it go away, though, huh?" "No, unfortunately," you grimaced, sitting up. "But don't worry your pretty pink-haired head about it, yeah? I'm gonna go downstairs and heat up a water bottle. Don't miss me too much.~" Toaster rolled his eyes, huffing a laugh at your parting remark. Once you were out of both eye and earshot, he got to work.
Minimizing FFXIV, for just a moment, he started searching. They reasoned that, since you were using a water bottle as a heating pad/pillow, you must not have had one. And what kind of boyfriend would they be if they didn't remedy that as soon as possible?
When you clambered back into bed and came back into frame, heated water bottle in hand, Toaster had a smile on his face. "Wow, is it that fun when I'm not around?" They scoffed at you while you giggled. "You don't have a heating pad or pillow, do you?" He asked you. You shook your head. "Nope. I gotta get myself one of those cute heatable stuffies; you know, the ones shaped like animals? Those are adorable."
"That's what I thought," Toaster smiled to himself. You watched him move his mouse around, clicking on a few things, before opening FFXIV back up. They looked at you before they started playing again.
"I wouldn't worry about getting yourself one of those anymore; you've got about three different ones on the way."
lovelylola: pspspspspsps nightowl: :3 ? lovelylola: hi <3 can we call? i'm having a uterus moment (tm) nightowl: askdhskdfhs nightowl: anything for my cutie!! (`・ω・)ゞ (i'm using this in place of that one salute emoji they use on the bloomic server LOL)
Nightowl looked at you with gentle eyes when you joined him in vc. You knew when you asked that he'd call you as soon as possible, but you hadn't expected him to be in voice before you could even crawl into bed! Honestly, in restrospect, you weren't sure why you were surprised.
"How you are you doing over there, cutie?" He asked, unable to stop himself from smiling at the sight of you snuggled up under your covers. "Mmm...not great. But seeing and hearing you helps." You watched as his face lit up. "Awwww, you mean it?" "Mmmmmhm! You're my painkiller tonight."
Nightowl let out a laugh and smiled widely. "Happy to help. What can I do?" "Just talking to me like this is enough. Ramble to me about architecture? I love hearing you talk about your passions." You watched as your boyfriend's happy smile melted into a lovestruck one right before your eyes.
"You...you make me so happy, cutie. Really." There was a brief pause where neither of you dared speak. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that."
And indeed he did. He talked about his favorite style of architecture for a good while. He asked you yours, to which you said ancient Greek because 'adding all those columns was a sexy design choice,' which made him almost fall backwards on his bed laughing. Once he could stop giggling, he taught you the types of Greek columns.
"Okay, now that you know what they're called, which style is your favorite?" He asked. "Corinthian, for sure. They went all out on those." He chuckled a little, but before he could respond, you were hit with a wave of pain. You curled in one yourself for a moment, letting out a small groan.
"You okay?" The worried voice of your boyfriend came from your phone. You offered him a weak smile. "Yeah. I just...I wish you were here, nightowl."
"I wish I was there, too, cutie," he responded immediately. He leaned closer to his computer as he continued speaking, seemingly not even realizing it. "I wish I was there so I could get you that ice cream you like and bring it to you in bed, and heat up your water bottle for you whenever it stopped helping, and give you my hand to squeeze when the cramps get bad. And so we could cuddle. Shit, do I want to cuddle you so bad." By the end of his little declaration, you had hidden your face in your patterned sheets, your face bright red. "Nightowl..." you murmured, voice muffled ever so slightly behind cotton.
"Holy shit," he said softly. "...What?" You lowered your sheets down to just below your eyes. "Even your sheets are fucking adorable."
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lightlycareless · 7 months
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saw this and immediately thought of naoya after discovering y/n’s favorite pokemon.
First of all, thank you so much for sending this adorable ask omg hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's literally perfect because I always write that Y/N is like, obsessed with Gengar 😂 so it wouldn't be surprising that she had something like this.
And secondly, I apologize for taking a while to come back to you! I tend to reply to asks in the order they come, or which one is easier for me to write at the moment, either way, I'm still grateful for your ask ❤️❤️❤️
I hope what I wrote is enough to make up for the wait :> happy reading!
warnings: none. fluff. naoya is jealous OF A PLUSHIE.
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Naoya absolutely hated getting you that Gengar.
He was all for it though, at first at least. Because to him, this represented nothing but an easy way to gain more of your affection, his mind envisioning something like this (let’s say he took you to a date to the fair):
“I win Y/N a plushie. It’s her favorite plushie. She’s happy I got her the plushie. She kisses me for winning her the plushie. She marries me because I got her the plushie. We have kids because I got her the plushie.”
A win-win situation, right?
Well, up to the kissing part it was—because as soon as you grab Gengar, it’s like Naoya completely disappeared from your life.
There’s not a single moment you’re not with it, whether keeping you company by the couch when watching a movie, in the backseat whenever driving to the city, waiting by the futon while you come out of a shower… or even dressing it up with silly hats and hair clips, because why not.
However, the worst part wouldn’t come from any of those things. No—as frustrating as they were, Naoya was still capable of tolerating them, to some degree at least.
The bane of his existence would appear the moment he realized that not even when laying next to you after a long day of work did that stupid Gengar leave you alone!
Breaking his heart when you’d cuddle the damn plushie instead of him.
That’s when Naoya really began to have issues with it.
It got so bad, that he even considered getting rid of it—have it magically disappear, imply that maybe one of the staff members accidentally threw it into the trash, or you forgot it somewhere, highly possible since you essentially take it everywhere you go!!
And Ranta, as always, would be the voice of reason, telling him that doing such a thing was nothing short of highly inappropriate, and if you get to know the truth, his relationship with you would be critically affected.
“So??? It’s not like she’s actually going to leave me if I do that, you know?!” Naoya would cry, genuinely believing his words… but Ranta’s worried face quickly made him reconsider. “…Right?”
Well, that’s something he doesn’t want to figure out.
Thus, proof of his devotion to you and commitment to the relationship, Naoya decides to handle things like adults and bring up the issues he’s been having with your precious Gengar to you.
Learning the innocent reason why you were so attached to it…
“—I always wanted one, since I was a child. But my parents said no, because I already had too many toys. And I never saw it again… until that day at the fair. It’s like I went back in time to being a kid.”
In other words, you were doing all the things you would’ve loved to do if your parents had gotten you the Gengar. Besides…
“You got this for me without even asking, how could I not cherish something so romantic?!”
Naoya naturally feels like absolute shit when you tell him the truth—internally scolding himself for even considering getting rid of it in the first place!!         
So, after giving you a thousand apologies in forms of kisses, Naoya, in true Naoya fashion decides to also make it up to you by gifting you even more plushies of the same character—different sizes, different models, it didn’t matter, he just wants you to have them all.
Leading you to put a stop to him, because it was straight up ridiculous at that point!
Either way, this happening would go down as a funny story you’d be more than happy to share with your children when the time comes, slightly embarrass him by showing off his highly protected softness, if he hadn’t demonstrated the same to them by then…
Or maybe set up that Gengar “shrine” you always wanted to do just to spite Gojo, show him which franchise is far superior through your devotion, and rub it in his face.
He’s no longer a competitor when it comes to overindulging anymore, and Naoya is more than happy to give you the upper hand.
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I actually have a huge Gengar my cousin got for me last year in my birthday. was it worth it? yes. have people expressed their... consideration to steal it? yes. will I protect it with my life? I'm already training my cat to join me in this crusade. lmao
anyways, I hope you like this little snippet :> Naoya always has to take it to the extremes, but he's learning to be better, and it's safe to say that at one point, it's all well-intended 🤭
thank you so much for sending in this ask! take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! if its okay to request, can you do RoR w/ reader as Ash Ketchum from Pokemon?
Reader has Ash's personality and with Ash's pokemon partner, Pikachu (and also other Ash's pokemon and the pokemon he befriend/care of (Including Legendary pokemon) as well)…
Yay for Pokemon!! I actually had to look Ash up on what Pokemon he’s had over the years, as I’ve only seen the original anime series, so I picked out the team for this request from his previous partners.
-You inhaled deeply; your eyes closed as you heard the roar of the crowds on the other side of the door. It wasn’t your first time in a massive crowd like this, so you weren’t nervous, and it wasn’t the first time you were in a dangerous situation, having dealt with serval situations throughout your life where you had put your life at stake.
-Brunnhilde was hesitant, making a child fight for humanity, despite having the strongest team of your life, your six partners all coming with you after you passed, passing alongside you.
-When she brought up the idea of having you being a backup fighter you immediately agreed, showing no fear whatsoever, you actually looked excited which did concern the Valkyrie, angering her that you had faced so much and you were still so young, only being eleven.
-You were a little confused when the cheers quickly, almost instantly, turned into shouts of outrage, seeing a child walking out, on both sides, many immediately yelling at Brunnhilde who stunned so many, looking calm, like she was okay with this decision.
-The weather god you were facing off against had the ability to split himself into six different bodies, making it a six on one fight, and he was furious, seeing a child facing against him as you grinned warmly, not having to adhere to normal battle rules and you called out your six partners.
-Everyone was in awe, seeing these magical creatures, which you called Pokemon, they were all so different looking and you beamed, your eyes narrowed in focus and determination.
-Your opponent split himself into his six forms, evening the odds, sneering down on you, “Don’t take this personally kid, but I’m going to beat you and those beasts of yours.”
-You didn’t look bothered at all, giving him a small smirk yourself, “Don’t underestimate us! We’ve been training for years now!!” and with that you called out your attacks, sending your Pikachu, Gengar, Lucario, Lycanroc, Noivern, and Snorlax into battle, calling out different attacks.
-Those in Valhalla had never seen Pokemon before, so they didn’t know what they could do, as your partners followed your orders, launching attacks against one or another of the clones.
-You kept back, staying safe, healing up your partners with potions, something some of the gods said was cheating, but it was part of your weapon, your backpack, as you came to Valhalla with it so it did count.
-The god managed to blow back your partners with a powerful attack, reforming into one and you recalled your Lycanroc and Noivern, as they had been knocked out in the blast as you prepared to launch a combined attack.
-You inhaled deeply before you glared up at him, “Time to get serious!” you grabbed the lip of your baseball cap and spun it around on your head, doing nothing but switching your hat, which many thought was rather amusing.
-Your opponent was less than amused, seeing this as you mocking him as he began to charge his attack and you looked at your remaining partners, “Let’s go boys! Pikachu use Thunder! Gengar use Shadow Ball! Lucario use Aura Sphere! Snorlax use Hyper Beam!!”
-The light from the combined attack was almost blinding as they all hit your opponent at the same time, easily wiping him out and leaving you as the clear winner of the match.
-You cheered along with the human crowd, hugging and praising your Pokemon for their hard work, recalling them into their Pokeballs except for Pikachu whom you picked up and headed backstage to heal up your team and celebrate with a feast that Brunnhilde promised you.
-You were young, but you were definitely not to be underestimated by any means!
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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based on this request I humbly ask if we may get one from the blacks point of view and i feel like reader would have never forgave Luke for Aemond's eye and would either glare or leave the room when Luke is in said room and would dislike Rhaenyra even more and would glare at her for no reason at all perhaps her lack of caring-ness towards Aemond's eye being slashed or for the fact that her father doesn't even agnowlage her
bonus points for after Aemond's eye being stolen Viserys tries to attempt to bond with reader but she either runs to the greens or to Ser Criston more bonus points if he is yandere for reader too and is her sworn protecter as he is Alicent's
I also love your work and I included this Happy gengar gif as gengar is one of my favourite pokemon and you are one of my favourite writers
Hello. I am very happy to know that you love my work. I love you too.💋 I hope you will like it.
On the day Aemond lost his eye, I reckon Princess was six or seven years old. Princess hugs her brother and sobs. Moreover, when Viserys sees your behavior, the poor Princess is disappointed. Because the first heroes in the lives of girls are their fathers. But as in the lives of many girls, Viserys, Princess' father, is a complete disappointment. The last straw for the princess was Rhaenyra's request that Aemond be questioned.
The throne room is quieted by a scream. Everyone turns to the source of the sound. Princess's face is in tears. She has an expression of disappointment and anger on his face.
"Why don't you defend us, Aemond, Father? They are the culprits here. Dragon possessing has always existed. Luce must be punished. Luce must be taken from her position. He must not appear in court again. He must be barred from seeing his family."
Everyone was shocked by the Princess' speech.
"Aemond must not be questioned. Son of criminal Rhaenyra. They are evil."
The only child King Viserys loves is Princess. (between Alicent and the children from his marriage.) King Viserys is trying to calm Princess.
"I won't pray for you from now on. I won't spend time with you. I won't worry and feel sorry for you. I don't love you anymore. I wish you weren't our father."
Princess's speech is very emotional and brings tears to many people. She comes to Princess Criston.
"Ser Criston. Please help us get back to our room."
Princess takes Aemond's arm and they leave the throne room with Criston's help. Alicent, Otto, Aegon, and Helaena follow Princess and Aemond. Honestly, everyone in the throne room is disturbed by the behavior of the King and Rhaenyra. Even Daemon sincerely takes the little Princess's side. The only sister Rhaenyra loves is Princess. Rhaenyran is upset that Princess is angry with her.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
You said Yuya should be a Pokemon Trainer, so I gotta ask what Pokemon you think he'd have on his team.
I think he'd have a Flygon bc its red and green and also has goggles
oh you KNOW i've been thinkin about Arc-V Pokemon teams BIGLY AND A LOT here's my personal spread for Yuya:
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I LIKE FLYGON FOR HIM, I SEE IT but personally I think I'm gonna give a shiny one to Yugo (it reminds me a lot of clear wing lol) and I dont like to double up in the same series, so I wanted to give myself a challenge >:3c
Zygarde 20%: i think it's fun giving him one of the 'incomplete' Zygarde forms since he himself is an incomplete piece of Zarc
Tyrantrum: He needs a terrestrial Dragon type, huge, since Odd-Eyes is the only dimensional dragon who doesn't fly... Odd-Eyes is also very dinosaur like to me :^) Plus the king motif and it's even red too!!
Delphox: challenging myself to give at least all of the yuboys a fully evolved starter, and I really like delphox for Yuya...invokes stargazer and timegazer magician and all the other Spellcasters in his deck, the showmanship of fire, powerful supernatural abilities. also yuya with a fennekin is SOOO cute
Hippopotas: Hip Hippo, of course!
Gengar: he needs something smiley, and Gengars got that prankster mischief energy that I think could play nice on a Yuya team. Plus it being a spooky purple ghost for the purple Zarc Energy. Mega Gengar is even stated to be able to travel to other dimensions <3
Roaring Moon: for Awakened!Yuya and Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon, monstrous violent dragon that bares a striking similarity to another Pokemon from another region, another world...hmmmmm who does that sound like.....
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
Asks, you said? Lets go!
1. How do you imagine their wedding? Small and intimate or a bit bigger (approx. 100 guests)?
2. Show me the aesthetic of their wedding! Colors, their suits, wedding rings
3. Who’s gonna be their groomsmen?
4. Who from ESC 23 will be invited and who will eventually arrive?
5. How would JOcrew help with their wedding?
6. Any funny accident?
7. Where would they go on honeymoon?
(finally replying omg)
1. they aren't on the same page at first, but settle for a smaller wedding and a nicer venue. honestly, nace would do anything for jan, so if he'd rather have a small wedding, he'll be more than willing to compromise. jan does end up going with the venue nace liked the most 💜
2. i'll be putting the wedding moodboard under the cut because this will probably get long 😅
3. officially, jan's brother and kris are the wedding witnesses, but all of joker out are their groomsmen, because they could never pick between all of them.
4. surprising everyone - jere makes it! he knows where slovenia is! häärijä is also invited ofc and comes along. other guests from the 2023 class: teya and salena, gustaph (because of you is a jance song after all 🤭 and he gifts them a lovely live performance during their reception), alika, wild youth, mia, alessandra, luke, blanca paloma & mae - and they all make it!
5. the jo crew does NOT work during their wedding day. they want their friends to enjoy themselves and that includes not helping during the wedding. they do take mark and vita's suggestions of wedding photographers tho
6. it's a special day so of course not everything goes smoothly. jan is very late because he had to go back to get his shoes and at some point he's wearing bojan's socks and kris' tie because he can't keep going back home to get everything. nace is mildly annoyed because the flowers are not the ones they ordered but jan says he likes them better so he gets over it pretty quickly. the biggest accident is bojan crying after drinking way too much and just holding them and telling both of them how much he loves them - it's loud and everyone laughs but both jan and nace feel very loved.
7. tokyo, japan! i think jan would be okay with going anywhere but he knows how much nace wants to go there, so he's the one to make the suggestion - and when nace's eyes light up, he knows he's made the right choice. he buys nace all the gengar merch he can find 🥺
here's the jance wedding moodboard i made months ago. i'm claiming jan as a fellow space nerd so it's a little space themed (couldn't find a puppy that looked like ollie but... i had to include the pets ofc)
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bungalowbear · 9 months
nanami kento x reader, pokémon au, wc: 600
reader is a psychic gym leader and nanami is a ranger. you and yuji each make the most of three questions. thank you to @strawberrystepmom for inspiring this series! 💜
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The following day, the last that Nanami and Itadori will be spending at your gym, you find said Ranger trainee and Growlithe racing down a long hallway toward you. Their expressions are terror stricken while being chased by Gengar and Haunter, with Zorua trailing merrily behind.
You scold the ghost Pokémon but they just laugh as they fade and disappear into the walls, satisfied they’ve had their fun. You turn your gaze down to Zorua next. She gives you a sheepish grin before turning on her heels and escaping down the hall from where she came.
Sighing, you turn to Itadori and Growlithe who had taken refuge behind you.
“I’m sorry about them,” you say. “I’m taking care of Gengar and Haunter for some friends. They can be a bit mischievous, but they’re harmless.”
“It’s fine.” Itadori tucks his hands into his pockets and tilts his head away. Though you can still see the faint blush of pink across his cheeks. “Not like we were scared or anything.”
You look down at Growlithe, who raises his chin in a show of confidence, and bite your bottom lip to keep from grinning. “Of course not.”
“We’ve been having a good time here. Haven’t we?” Itadori crouches down to stroke Growlithe’s back, who nods in agreement. “I wish we could stay longer, but I have to continue my Ranger training.”
“Well,” your heart warms and you offer him a sincere smile, “you’re always welcome here.”
“I appreciate that.” He smiles big. It reaches his eyes and makes them nearly close all the way. But then his expression mellows out and his neck sinks into his shoulders. “Um, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure.” You pause. “As long as I can also ask you one.”
He nods. “Were you and Nanamin ever…together?”
“We were best friends.”
“So you never dated?” he questions. You shake your head. “Ever thought about it?”
“Maybe,” you say cryptically.
Itadori crosses his arms and holds his chin thoughtfully between two fingers. “I see.”
“So that was three questions I answered.” You hold up the corresponding amount of fingers and the young boy’s face pales and his arms spread out in shock. “Now it’s my turn.”
He sighs and drops his shoulders. “Fair enough.”
“Where are you from?”
“Do you have a preferred type of Pokémon?”
“I think all Pokémon are cool in their own way.” He wraps his arms around Growlithe’s middle and gives a squeeze, pushing the sides of their faces together. “But I guess I do tend to like fire types more.”
“Last question.” You take one step toward the pair as you fold your hands behind your back, then bend forward at the waist. “Do you hear a voice inside your head?”
“A v-voice?” With your faces only inches apart, both Itadori and Growlithe’s eyes shimmer and their cheeks burn a deep shade of pink. “Like my conscience?”
“No,” you say, your voice gently prodding. “Like someone else’s voice. Someone who isn’t supposed to be there.”
“Now that you say that…it’s not really a voice but more like something is lingering. It doesn’t do anything, but I know it’s there.”
Interesting, you think. This is enough to convince you, but Nanami is far too practical to go off this alone. You’ll just have to wait for more concrete evidence. Hopefully, nothing concerning happens before then.
“Thank you, Itadori.”
“For what?”
“For brightening up my gym.”
“You’re welcome.” He glances to the side, clearing his throat. “And, uh, you can call me Yuji. If you’d like.”
“Will do,” you say. “Yuji.”
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Bonjour Factual! Hope your day- whatever time it is when you're reading this- is going well so far! I Really liked the new art of the gang during the warmer times of year- like others have said, the smile you gave Grimace, while funny and cute, also perfectly portrays just how happy he is to feel included and helpful!
And speaking of Grimace, I agree with your thoughts from my last ask ( thanks for answering as always, by the way ). Although it would be awesome for him to mega evolve, Gigantamax, or dinamax- story wise I can't really think of a way for all the necessary pieces to fall together, unless you do an ark where Grimace is tragically captured by a human for a time, and exposed to the necessary conditions to change unwillingly- perhaps as an experiment of sort? Though you are correct that he would have to be descended from certain Gengar populations to even have the genes- though perhaps that's the reason he's sought out to begin with? Just an idea.
As for my main ask today- I actually have one pertaining to your Mario AU, if you don't mind! Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered giving the giant eel-like Mawrays a place in your world?
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They've been popping up a lot lately in Mario media- and I was wondering what you thought of the frightening creatures? And if they appeared in your AU, would they be an entire species of deep sea dwelling terrors? Or a single, legendary sea monster, like the one seen in the movie? And if they are present, have the bros ever had a harrowing encounter with one? What would they do to survive!?
Oh, and on the topic of giant sea monsters- I do have a secondary, unrelated question- what are your thoughts on the Godzilla franchise? I've been getting back into it lately and was wondering if you've ever found any interest in it? Do you have any favorite movies or monsters from the series? Or is it not a series that interests you? Just wondering!
(and I'll admit, I've found that binging Godzilla movies is always fun when I'm feeling down! Hope you're feeling okay today!)
(Grimace in warmer times post)
Hello!! :DD My day is going a bit rocky, but its still a lot better than I was expecting it'd go. So that's nice! <XDD And thank you! I'm glad you liked that drawing!! :)))
As for your last ask, I've done a lot of thinking since then. :0 And while dynamaxing and/or gigantimaxing still seems a little far fetched for my team.. thanks to this asker, I found the key to making him mega evolve! Enchantment seeds! :DD In one of the mystery dungeon games, if a Pokémon used an Enchantment seed they'd mega evolve for a short time! No need for trainers, key stones or Gengarite! :DD
I have a HUGE comic in mind about how Grimace finds the Enchantment seed, why he eats it, and how it effects him afterwards leading up to his mega evolution. The only problem is that this comic is ENORMOUS. So I'm kiiind'a on the fence about making it.. <XD..
Now! As for your Mario question. First of all that thing is terrifying- so I think it'd fit right into my Mario universe! <XDD Its easy to imagine that giant eel being a species as opposed to just one. Although one eel could have found a goldmine of super food and slowly grew to be giant. Yoshi style XDD I think that would all fit pretty well! I cant imagine Mario or Luigi would encounter the big one though. I picture it living wayyy out in the depths of the sea. They might hear haunting stories about it consuming passing ships though.. 👀
Now the Godzilla franchise.. if I'm being honest, I don't actually know much about it <:0 I know of Godzilla, King Kong(??) a huge moth, Mothra was it? A uhh... gold..? 3 headed dragon..? And I could have sworn there was a second Godzilla but bigger and all black in there somewhere-
My general opinion is that I liked the first...? Movie when it was just Godzilla. This huge hulking creature that emerged from the ocean. No one knows what it wants, what it is, or how to defeat it. Humans vs Godzilla. That type of movie was/is the most entertaining to me <XDD
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ask-the-royal-absol · 8 months
Dela floated up to the gengar. Being a ghost therapist is something that Dela is fascinated with. Particularly, because she felt like she needed one.
"Just curious, but have you had any pokemon that you have helped confess to or ask for horrible requests? What do you do in those cases?"
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Felix: It can be tricky sometimes. Some Pokémon just become so hellbent on wantin’ ta take revenge that they don’t wanna consider other options. I’ve even had a spirit or two want ta harm Destino and their family. Of course I’ve gotta put friendships aside for those ones as ta not let my feelings get in the way of providing ‘em with some form of support.
*Felix put his arms behind his head, getting into a position that looked even more comfortable than the last. He looked in thought, considering all of the cases he’s had to work with. He couldn’t go spilling these spirits secrets but he supposed he could explain things a little clearer.*
Felix: Being a therapist for ghosts can be hard. I’ve heard a lot of things from these spirits - things that they would have never admitted ta anyone if they were alive - and I have ta hold onta their secrets unless it’s gonna cause someone harm. I’ve had spirits admit to all sorts of crimes they’ve committed. From thievery ta some downright awful things that I just couldn’t repeat, I’ve had ta treat every spirit same, without judgement or fear of bein’ judged by me.
Felix: And it tends ta go well. They’ll talk about themselves, I’ll repeat back what they’ve said ta get ‘em ta process it, they usually think of a solution and I give ‘em the chance to work through whether that solution is best for ‘em and then reflect on everything that’s been discussed.
Hope: It doesn’t surprised me about Destino being a target for the spirits. I imagine their family may not be kind rulers.
Felix: They certainly have things goin’ on which make ‘em not great rulers but, considerin’ what they have ta work with, they’re doin’ a damn good job.
*Felix paused his thought for a moment. There was something he needed to ask about that hadn’t come out of his mind since he heard it.*
Felix: Speakin’ of royal families, how close are ya with the other kingdoms’ children? If they have any, that is.
Hope: Dad mainly deals with the political side of the kingdom so he knows a lot more about them than I do. I’ve met the Whimsain prince Kader and princess Clover before. Clover tends to do public displays of combat in the city which are really cool to watch. I think Kader also likes to wander through Whimsain to speak to his subjects but we haven’t heard much from that kingdom recently. My dad hasn’t mentioned King Regis or Queen Melody for a while so I have no idea what’s going on there.
Hope: I haven’t seen Prince Oswell of the Mechania kingdom for a long time but I know my dad tends to speak with his dads often for trades. I really don’t know much about him. And I wouldn’t know where to start with the royal family of Naaturo. I don’t think many Pokémon know what their deal is but I know they have more than 30 royal children. I think the eldest is called Mira. Could be wrong though. I’ve not met them myself.
Felix: More than 30?!
Hope: You heard me right. Again, that whole family has a weird way of doing things. I’m not sure even dad knows what’s going on but he speaks with Queen Pollen sometimes.
Felix: Ya know, I think I much prefer the Underdark’s system of only havin’ one royal family ta worry about.
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