#but he didnt judge what he didnt know so he kinda just 'alright...'
ka0ila · 1 year
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|Pass Out
pairing - lee minho x fem!reader
summary- you pass out after over exerting yourself
warning - angst;fluff, slight-eating disorder
You were working on the same choreography for about 3 hours now. You just couldn't get it right. You were physically exhausted and decided to rest. The moment you sat down, Minho entered the practice room. "Are you able to do it? it's been three hours" You nodded while trying to catch your breath, "the start and ending yes, but i just can't exerpertise the middle part. i'm trying." you said out of breath. He nodded, he looked a bit.. disappointed? you shrugged it off. "after 5 min, i'll watch you do it." he said in a stern tone which sent shivers down your spine. You hesitantly nodded. After 5 minutes, you got up. For some reason, you felt really nervous. Ah, it's just Minho, He'll help me out. You began and You could sense him staring at You. You were a bit scared of him scolding you, you were already tired and didn't feel like getting scolded.
“do that step again” he commanded sternly.
you nodded catching your breath. honestly, you were really embarrassed, it was Minho after all he wouldn’t judge you but.. He was just so perfect. you couldn’t seem to get that one specific step right, you were frustrated, so was he.
“why can’t you just do it right (y/n)” he said a little annoyed. Now, you were really frustrated because you just couldn’t seem to get it right and didn’t need anyone to tell you that aswell,
“im fucking trying Minho” you snapped. “Are you? if you did you would’ve got it right” and that made you teary. you were really trying. He just scoffed. You were about to leave the room but you suddenly started loosing conscious, everything started blacking out, you couldn’t see anything. oh, fuck.
I woke up in the hospital. I felt someone sleeping on my hand, it was Minho. Oh, i passed out. He started to wake up, for some reason, i just closed my eyes. i was embarrassed to be weak and pass out after not working hard enough and not being able to learn a fucking dance step. he looked at my face and huffed, and started caressing my forehead, i melted.
it was so comforting i felt like crying,
it made me feel safe, really safe.
he then kissed my forehead whispering a sorry, but it wasn’t his fault?
i heard him leave the room and Hyunjin walked in.
He sat beside me looking at me with sad eyes, am i alright? i only passed out right?
did they find out something?
i squirmed a little and began to open my eyes,
“(y/n)?” hyunjin called out my name as he hugged me. i gave him a soft smile as i saw him loosen up and relax a little. Minho walked in.
“i’m sorry Minho, i passed out and i couldn’t even lea-” he cut me off by hugging me tightly and attached his lips to mine.
“i was so.. so fucking worried about you”
“i only passed out what happened?” i asked them confused. they sighed looking at each other.
“have you been skipping meals?”
“i-” i failed to respond and tears started rolling down my face. i didn’t want things to be like this, i didnt want them to know, its only a phase i wouldve gotten over it.
“no” i lied. “youre in no position to lie to us” Seungmin scoled me. “i’m sorry” and for some reason i started sobbing. they all comforted me, i felt bad, everyone was tired but i gave them one more reason to be tired of.
“you know i love you right?”
“im sorry i shouldn’t have pushed you so much” minho apologised nuzzling into my neck cuddling me.
“it’s not your fault don’t blame yourself for it, i shouldve taken better care of myself, please dont ever stop yourself from pushing me forward or scolding me” i assured him.
“are you sure?”
“i love you.”
“i love you more than you could ever imagine.”
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im sorry this one’s kinda short :>
tell me if you like it!
i like writing angst so you’ll be getting alot more angst hehe, my exams are in 2 days im really stressed i don’t have it all covered, but anyways.
Stream S-Class!!!
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mikka-minns · 8 months
Snowblind x Mk1 intros
(this is only part one, there Will probably be another)
The names in the parenthesis() are what the characters are refered to as in the intros themselves
Kinda messy
Also, there are some Ships implied, so beware. This is all just crack and headcanons, nothing serius
(this has been on my drafts for a month, so sorry i havent posted earlier)
@dinainwater @laismoura-art
Sb!Kuai Liang vs Sb!Hanzo
Kuai: Just like the old times, eh?
Hanzo: only this time,  you wont beat me
Hanzo: I hope i am worthy of this fight
Kuai: im still not used to these compliments
Kuai: i cannot understand how Someone can be so power-hungry
Hanzo: because you are the kindest of souls, Kuai Liang
Hanzo: You know, i actualy won our last fight
Kuai: no you didnt! I had you on chokehold with my legs-
Mk1!Bi han (sub zero) vs Sb!Kuai Liang (Kaui)
Sub zero: in your timeline, you are the lin kuei grandmaster?
Kuai: i was.
Sub zero: i can only hope my other self did better than i
Kuai: its not Just about our mistakes, but the ways we try and fix them
Sub zero: it is weird seeing my-
Kuai: younger brother be older than you? *chuckle* i understand
Sub zero: it is too late to make things right.
Kuai: only if you are truly heartless and i can see you arent
Kuai: even if they dont forgive you, you can all move forward
Sub zero: but is it together? Or did i doom our brotherhood?
Kuai: for the last time, Kenshi isnt a landowner!
Sub zero: all right! Cuz i am not paying double rent!
Sb!Kuai Liang (Kuai) vs mk1!Johnny Cage(Johnny)
Johnny: so who is this "Simone" chick Kenny keeps talking about?
Kuai: i dont think you understand. She is LITERALY a chicken
Johnny: so who is Kenny's other dad?
Kuai: i dont even know who is the first one?!
Johnny: alright, Rocky... or Batman?!
Kuai: You cant possibly make me choose!
Kuai: me? In a movie? You're as crazy as Johnny from my timeline
Johnny: If two of us cant convince you, then its you whose crazy
Johnny: dude, you are such a dil-
Kuai: do not finish that sentance, Johnathan
Johnny: holy shit, we are technicaly in-laws!
Kuai:*sigh* it could have been worse i guess
Johnny: never Thought a king of hell would be my sorta-father-in-law!
Mk1! Johnny Cage (Johnny) vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: I just hope you're better than most of my in-laws
Johnny: so you and Kuai, huh?
Hanzo: what about us? We're on good terms
Hanzo: So you're the Johnny Cage Kuai told me about?
Johnny: first name basis? I think i see whats going on!
Kenshi: you seem like a good friend of my other self
Johnny: You are a king?! Awesome!
Hanzo: its not as fun as you may think.
Mk1!Johnny Cage(Johnny) vs Sb!Kenshi
Johnny: I dont know if you're old enough to know the truth
Johnny: so who is this "Simone"?
Kenshi: oooh! You gotta meet her, she's great!
Johnny: gee, Kenny, how come big Kano let you have two dads?
Kenshi: he... What?
Kenshi: how did you get ahold of Sento?
Johnny: it was easy. Keeping it was hard
Johnny: duuude, no way you never watched Rocky!
Kenshi: we dont have movies in the wastelands.
Mk1!Kenshi Kenshi vs Sb!Kenshi
Kenshi: You fight the black dragon on your own?
Sb!Kenshi: had Kuai not shown up, i wouldnt be here
Kenshi: your mentor sounds like a wise man
Sb!Kenshi : he threw a melon at me
Sb!Kenshi: You never chase chickens as training?
Kenshi: *chuckles* your mentor sounds like a fun guy
Sb!Kenshi: You dont know who Simone is?
Kenshi: i've never met anyone with that name in my life
Kenshi: hearing of the wastelands, i am gratefull for Liu Kang
Sb!Kenshi: realy? Well i think he could've done better
Scorpion: i can tell you and that scorpion arent brothers
Mk1!Kuai (scorpion) vs Sb!Kuai
Kuai: i think everyone can
Kuai: so in this timeline, you are scorpion?
Scorpion: i see even within my other selves i am different
Scorpion: what happend with your Bi han?
Kuai: retired. Kind of. He mostly just judges my tastes now
Scorpion: You area farmer? Just like Raiden!
Kuai: Raiden?
Kuai: You seem fond of your Raiden
Scorpion: he is a great ally and an even greater friend
Kenshi: Kuai still wont tell me what your promise was
Sb!Kenshi vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: then i wont disrespect him by talking behind his back
Hanzo: I would never hurt Kuai Liang
Kenshi: i cant trust you on just your word
Kenshi: so what are you the king of?
Hanzo: hell, Neatherrealm, ga-
Kenshi: why does everyone think im Kuai's son?
Hanzo: You arent?!
Sb!Kenshi vs Sb!Kuai
Kenshi: i still havent thanked you for saving me
Kuai: there's nothing to thank me for
Kenshi: what is that promise about?
Kuai: nothing that concernes you, dont worry
Kuai: for the love of god, dont befriend anyone named Cage
Kenshi: why? He's such a cool guy!
Kuai: so, Johnny showed you some movies?
Kenshi: Yes aaand now i know where you got the ideas for our training
Kuai: you're lucky you cant see the terrible costumes in ninja mime
Kenshi: but it sounds so fun! What is mime?
Liu kang: im glad Hanzo and you are allies in your timeline
Kuai: You can call us cousins too, since you already started with that shit
Kuai: what the hell were you thinking?
Liu Kang: only of whats best for earthrealm
Shang: You aged so gracefully
MK1!Shang Tsung (Shang) vs Sb!Kuai
Kuai: say that again and you wont age at all
Shang: if that Hanzo ever brothers you, i can always help
Kuai: you are the only one bothering me. Back. Off!
Kuai: dont you dare come anywhere near Kenshi!
Shang: your mistrust wounds me, Kuai Liang
Kuai: If you dont shut up yourself, i'll make you!
Shang: coming from you, that doesnt sound bad at all
Smoke: what do you mean Hanzo isnt a kid?!
Mk1!Smoke and Sb!Kuai (these are some inside jokes i have with a couple of mutuals😉)
Kuai: have you never seen a child?!
Kuai: so do you only take old people as your students?
Smoke: How do we stop Bi han?
Kuai: my advice, pay his rent and spanish classes
Smoke: i bet i can guess your exact age!
Kuai: *sigh* of course you can
Smoke: ohhh, Who is Sareena? Your girlfriend?
Kuai: You trying to start a fight with both Bi hans?
Ashrah: You have no evil in your soul
Mk1!Ashrah and Sb!Kuai
Kuai: i am far from innocent
Ashrah: dont be so cruel on yourself
Ashrah: You are a great teacher
Kuai: i have a great student
(not himself as in other Kuai, but as himself himself)
Kuai: that is all i've ever known
Mk1!Shang tsung vs Sb!Hanzo
Hanzo: Im suprised Kuai hasnt broken all your bones
Shang: im suprised he didnt kill you already
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taegularities · 1 year
RID 🫶 HOW ARE YOU??? i heard you started UNI!!! how is it going?
okay MAJOR UPDATE ON TINDER! i deleted it LOL 🤭 i went on the date with the hot guy and it honestly went rlly well! i was pretty nervous beforehand bc our conversations over text were pretty dry, but in person it was good! however.. after the date idk.. im still deciding if i like him or not bc idk. its hard to explain rlly but it feels rlly dry on text. 🤷‍♀️ i also see a couple of red flags already, which to me idk if im judging too quick or if im just looking out for myself 🧍‍♀️ he wants to see me again and we have a date thing set up for this upcoming friday, but im not too sure if i want to go or not
but yes i deleted tinder bc i felt like it just wasnt for me. it rlly didnt even have anything to do with him, i just felt like it got kinda overwhelming ya know? 🤷‍♀️ idk sometimes i feel like i set my standards too high, but then again why should i lower them? 💀
also i saw you posted the jk pov and i promise i read it, i just want to send a separate ask for that! (but lemme tell you, it was amazing!)
i hope you are resting and enjoying uni so far! 🫶❤️
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
BABE HELLO !!! yes i started uni and it's already tiring 🥹 though i had a pretty interesting class today! but it might make me less active around here :(
ahhh, you deleted it, good for youuu !! honestly, i absolutely get what you mean. it's great that so many people love tinder, but i felt a little strange about it too and deleted it after a while.
the red flags? i understand. i don't know what exactly they are, but sometimes these are issues that can be talked about. but if it makes you feel better, get a second opinion on it !! like, from a neutral friend, see what they say... other than that, you're so right, it's alright to have high standards as long as they still enable you to find someone lol bc sometimes we set them too high, and then nothing and no one's good enough 😭
but go with your gut feeling, babe !! if those red flags are too much or you don't feel like going, definitely don't. do update me on your decisions though hehe i'm invested now 👀🤍
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My thoughts about rings of power (cuz i love having an opinion yay enjoy)
1. It was kinda...boring? Look, it took me legit 5 months to finish it. ... (I do lord of the rings marathons extended every three months or so. I'm NOT easily bored.)
But the plot just kinda...wasnt really existent? The scenes seemed to take hours each. Still nothing really seemed to happen for the most part.
2. So dramatic
The conversation were so extra and for what? Like, obviously they talk different in middle earth than in my daily life. I have no problem with them talking in methaphors or anecdotes from time to time. But literally EVERY sentence had to be meaningful and deep. I remember Galadriel asking Elendil "where we going" and it took him five minutes to say "home" which stillll doesnt answer the questions.
also not only the dialoges. like there was one scene in which Arondir and Bronwyn were like fleeing from orcs, it was literally slow motion, most tragic music ever, almost identical to Boromirs death and then...nothing happened? They just escaped? Like for what, it was about 10 minutes?
3. I really didnt care about everyone
Sooo that doesnt mean I didnt like anyone. I did like Elrond (idk he was so pretty) and his dwarf besties, Nori was cute, Halbrand was hach alright i just had to give him pretty privilege I'm sorry.
However the other ones... I just didnt like. Like Arondir and Bronwyns storyline I just didnt care about (Sorry, no hate though) and I couldnt stand Isildurs little ass
4. Galadriel
Soo I have to admit I have just started the silmarillion, so I dont really know much about Galadriels depiction in it, but from what I've seen online it wasnt like here. I just...really didnt like her. I wanted to so badly though. But she was just...really annoying? Maybe if I didnt know her from lotr I wouldnt mind finding her so flawed and selfish and proud,( to which she got to feel the consequences after all). But I feel like they just depowerd her by trying to create a stereotypical young adult girlboss. Hey look, she can fight, she's arrogant and needlessly very mean yass girlpower. But Galadriel was already a strong female character. She was wise, powerful (swordfighting or not), she was Lady of Lothlorien, more important than her husband (sorry) and, importantly, respected. Now she just seemed like a brat that noone took seriously.
5. I hated the armour of Numeror knights. So ugly. Looked like an army of fish.
6. Sauron
Well. I'm weak. So, I don't really know anything about him in the silmarillion yet, so I cant rly judge on that (though I'm pretty sure the Haladriel thing was new). Still i kinda like him. Don't get me wrong, lord of the rings is absolutely perfect and I never really minded it, but in it Sauron really only is depicted as like the ultimate definition of evil. I do kinda like to see more of him, to make him more complex, feeling and ahh. Okay so charlie vickers? wow, just wow. Also really well acted I think. I actually still believed he was babygirl till the last minute despite like a thousand theories.
The Haladriel thing? I dont know about it. It is kinda clichee. But interesting. not sure about that.
7. The way the actors and crew were treated is actually horrible and disgusting
So, even though I said lots of negative stuff here it is still a project that many people were passionate about and worked hard on. Saying things like "complete trash" is just mean, and pointsless anyways. I also kinda wanted to like it because Elon Musk didnt.
The racism that the actors were faced with is just so disgusting and straight up dumb. People will buy immortal magical beings as long as theyre no poc. yeah that makes sense right. I'm so sorry for the actors for having to go though this and experience all that.
While it was to be honest somewhat of a disappointment I'm still looking forward to season 2 :)
Anyways everyone should have their own opinions, noone is a truer or better lotr fan because they like or dislike it, and hate against the cast and crew is unacceptable regardless of your opinion.
Sorry for the essay
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
hello hello! i’m kinda new to requesting so i’m sorry if this bad. but umm thoughts/hcs on hades!reader dating luke?!?!? pretty pls 🥹
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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luke castellan dating hcs ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
pairing: luke castellan x child of hades!reader warning(s): swearin, SOFTIE luke a/n: tell me why i had a whole backstory planned out but then was like 'omg wait this aint even hcs fr' + lets pretend hades had a cabin at this time pretty please :)
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this aint for the best, my reputation's never been worse so, you must like me for me ♡
you guys are fr so rep coded ugh
everybody thought he was crazy for dating a child of hades
but they dont know you like he does frrrr
they dont even try to get to know u so like stfu
luke however , had no fear when he decided to finally walk up to you and start a conversation one day
he introduced himself, as did you
from that point on you became inseparable
turns out u had a lot in common ( a shit ton of trauma ) and u were not like anything people said u were like at all
he really doesnt care what anybody thinks, if theres one things he knows, is its to not judge someone based off their godly parent
he also wasnt intimidated by the fact you were a child of the big three
he saw you for you, and ignored everything else ♡
but youd better believe he defends you at any chance he gets
he doesnt fight anybody
( physically , at least )
no, no, he finds another way to fuck up their lives and make them pay
send in the stolls!
he lets his gremlin ass little brothers deal with the person while he takes u on a cute lil date away from them😙
alright so i think luke gets pretty insecure about his scar
he gets mad about how he got it, then in the midst of just being pissed off at his dad and how his quest went in general, he just breaks down and wishes it would disappear :(
but he would literally FOLD when you kiss or touch it
he gets all flustered and embarrassed nd shit 😋
it just snaps him back into reality, and allows him to find some joy while thinking about it
he literally could be like
" i hate that dumbass dragon and i hate my dumbass dad for not helping me or giving me attention when i needed it, im so tired of being ignored, but (y/n) likes kissing and tracing my scar so its ok :)"
luke likes kissing your hands as a way to show you he isn't afraid of your powers
yall ever seen that thing where like person a cups person b's cheek nd then person b kisses their palm?? yea. luke would do that.
he's obviously the king of sneaking out
he usually sneaks out of his cabin after curfew and heads to yours
nd sometimes you take the risk and sneak into his, coming in through the window by his bed
but then you gotta get up early and sneak out
( he would walk out of cabin 13 with a SMIRK )
one time you both knocked tf OUT in the hermes cabin and didnt wake up to sneak back out
...u woke up with a disposable camera in ur face
the rest of ur day consisted of giggles when you passed and teasing from the hermes cabin
its ok tho bcs luke was right there with you ♡
eventually, people stopped being assholes to you
they started including you in things and you actually made some genuine friends !
at first, you were a little hesitant because you thought they were all in on some joke you weren't aware of
but you quickly realized they were just trying 2 be better people
soon u and luke became everybody's fav couple ♡♡
annabeth loves u like a sister fr
she was the person who would sit though lukes rambling about you
nd she really likes u, she was one of the first people who saw you not for who your godly parent was, but for you
shes ur #2 supporter ( luke being #1, duhhh )
its literally u and luke vs the world
ur always on each other's side, always there for each other when needed
you guys often have talks about your parents
their both absent, so youve got that in common!
hades really hadnt done anything for you besides claim you
and we all know how hermes ignored luke as if he were a spam call
you knew exactly how to comfort each other because you understood what the other person was going through
luke was forever grateful for you
im seriously torn on whether a child of hades would join luke
we know nico didnt
but nico didnt even really know him, soo
idk ill leave it up 2 u ♡♡
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a/n pt.2: heyyy! idk if these were kinda short, but i hope u enjoyed!! im v tired so ill proofread in the morning but have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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endlessfics · 7 years
taekey (implied onkai on the side) | pg | 770 words | cw: mentions of religion | prism au 
“prism, he thought, would be a little safe haven of sort.”
taemin’s not necessarily the most socially skilled person out there. he gets a little awkward, he might stumble over his words, he might not say anything at all because he’s worried it will come out in the wrong way or just sound plain stupid.
but when he found out about prism, he’s excited because it’s an lgbt+ club. the picture of the poster stays stored in his phone and he thought of when to go there – because he wanted to. he assumed it would be an outlet of sort. throughout his everyday life, he stays stuck in a shell that defines him as straight. it’s something he isn’t. it’s something he’s painfully aware of that he isn’t.
prism, he thought, would be a little safe haven of sort.
except until he gets there.
he didn’t expect anything to be a walk on roses but he didn’t expect to be approached so quickly. he remembers how scared he felt and how much he regretted ever setting his foot into the club. he remembers his hands shaking when that minho pulled the other guy away from him and how that jonghyun tried to talk him out of his fear. luckily there weren’t a lot of people at the lounge section. most were downstairs clubbing.
he found himself unable to reply to jonghyun because he felt stupid. he thinks, just because life isn’t a dance on roses, doesn’t it mean he has to step on thorns right away. or? it gets worse before it gets better?
key was another story.
taemin felt like he was in high school again. where people judged you a lot easier. key would scorn at him, portray their complete distaste whenever he was around and taemin felt himself shrinking.
now, he stands awkwardly placed into a birthday party – not just anyone’s birthday. key’s birthday. jonghyun had insisted. jonghyun had talked him into coming and when he stood there, close to the wall, he thought of how he wished the earth would just swallow him whole and preferably spit him out somewhere he can be alone. he wishes he had said no to jonghyun. 
jongin said he was going to be there because jinki was going to be there. taemin has only spoken to jinki a couple of times. jinki’s nice, he has a soft voice that calms you down – jinki just made him feel soothed just from a few minutes of their presence. he wouldn’t mind his own jinki. but it’s jongin that has his own jinki and  taemin is left, back pressed against the wall while trying to avoid eye contact with whoever looks in his direction.
to say he felt welcomed was not true. he didn’t. he felt more of an outlier than he ever has in his whole life. he had a few friends in high school, he did well in ballet, he got along with the other waiters at his dad’s restaurant, he was good in church – but here? at prism? he feel so out of place it hurts.
he knows people talk about him. probably about how stupid he looks just standing there with an untouched glass in his hand. he didn’t want to drink around people he didn’t know.
is it because he’s a christian? a catholic? he thought about it for a few moments until he realised how stupid a gay catholic sounded. catholic and gay are the two biggest contrasts there are, he assumes. now he’s both.
now he’s both.
he also knows that his church won’t accept him as gay. but he also feels like people scoff at him for being religious. the silver cross he had as a necklace around his neck, the one he used to show now lies under his shirt.
the moment he lifted his gaze to be met with a drunk key telling him he probably shouldn’t be at their birthday party, is the same moment taemin feels like he has to run. key was drunk, he knew that. but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. he always knew drunk words were true words.
the second key left them to cheerfully go talk to someone else is when taemin decided to leave. he searched around for jongin only to see him with jinki. he searched briefly for jonghyun only to see them distracted by something else. minho’s with jonghyun. he took the moment to put his glass down and leave as quickly as he could.
at that moment, taemin re-considered the life plan he made when he was eighteen. he thought of how easily he could pretend he was straight.
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(Hold up!!! Before you read this, at the bottom I've left links to the first 4 parts. Go read them first, so youve got all the back story.)
((This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
True to your word, you sent him the address later that day.
You agreed to meet up in the afternoon, telling him the meeting up time to meet.
Stolas had suggested a dinner date, but you had turned that down for some reason, telling him you had a better idea.
You had actually asked him on a date.
So happy was he, the rest of the day seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, the owl caught in a blissful haze.
Eventually it was dinner time, where the prince found himself eating alone, again.
He hadn't eaten with his family since, well you know.
He chose something simple.
Grabbing the plate of last night's roast, he popped them into the microwave.
As he waited for his meal to heat, he quickly scrolled through his phone.
He was checking your voxtigram again, enjoying the collection of photos of you.
As he looked through he found the picture of you and Blitzø, the sight sending a pang of regret through his chest.
It was strange to think, just a day ago, he'd been head over heels for the Imp. Totally infatuated with him, and now... now he knew the truth.
Blitzø saw him as a meal ticket,nothing more.
He was just way to get to the living realm. What an idiot he'd been, a few kind words, a bit of sex there and he was totally under Blitzøs spell. He felt like an idiot.
His eyes shifted to you, and such warmth bloomed through his chest.
But you. You were genuine. You didn't want money or power, you wanted to make him happy.
You wanted to actually spend time with him, he wasn't just a meal ticket to you, he was someone worthy of love an attention.
He knew you weren't in love with him, not yet, but you would be, he'd show you just how worthy he was of your love.
His thoughts were interrupted by his dinner finished heating up.
He ate in silence, Stolas spending the whole time staring at the pictures of you.
After dinner he went for a shower, the hot water cascading down his body, the heat reminding him of the warmth you brought him just a day ago.
His thought slid to his time with you, fantasising about how intimate, how delicate and seductive you'd been.
The complete opposite of Blitzø.
His thighs ground together, his breath picking up as he slid a hand between his thighs.
He imagined you, holding him close, treating him like that delicate work of art, bringing him pleasure he didn't know existed.
Pleasure racked his body, his breathing hitched. And before he knew it, a mind shattering orgasm wracked his body.
After recovering from his little self pleasuring, he cleaned himself up and got out of the shower.
Walking into his room, he fell on his bed, feeling quiet satisfied. Curling up in bed, he fantasied about what the next day could hold for him.
He had a dreamless sleep that night waking up later than he had the morning prior, finding himself again, well rested.
Getting up, he went about his usual morning routine, all the way until he chose his outfit.
You had said something about wine, so did that mean it was more of a fine dining establishment. But you had said a pizza place right? So was it more of a casual, family restaurant.
He spent nearly half an hour thinking it over before he just decided to text you.
Stolas: Is there a dress code for tonight? I'm just picking out my outfit and don't want to come over dressed, I want something that to wow! you.
(Y/N): Hehehe, not really. Pick something casual and probably bring a coat as well, It gets kinda chilly out there at night.
(Y/N): We'll only be staying at the restaurant to eat, then I've got something planned for afterwards elsewhere.
Stolas: Is that so? And what have you got planned, something exciting I hope.
(Y/N): Nu uh, no hints. You'll just have to wait till tonight.
Stolas: Not even a little hint? 🥺🥺🥺
(Y/N): Nope, but I can promise it'll at least be the most romantic thing an Imp has ever done for you.
That kinda stung, bringing many unwanted memories to the forefront of his mind. You quickly texted again,
(Y/N): Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything like that. I just, doubt an Imp like me could match the typical royal date.
Stolas: it's alright, I understand what you meant.
(Y/N): But I can promise it'll be the most romantic thing someone's done with you on a budget.
Stolas actually laughed at that, falling onto his bed like a teenager. The two of you exchanged a little more info, before he finally picked an outfit.
He chose a fairly simple outfit; A stylish pair of jeans, a simple red and black T-shirt with a rather attractive heart pattern across it and then it was one of his favourite leather jackets with a beautiful fur collar
He left the manor grounds just as the sun began to set, the city night-life around the manor already beginning to pick up.
It was a fairly short drive, most people knowing to stay out of the way of a royal limousines.
Finding the street and location you'd described, he had the limo park in front of a rather unassuming building, not really looking any different from the hundred other boarded up buildings on the block.
Getting out, he stood there for a few minutes before he heard you call out. 'Hey good lookin, looking for a good time?' Turning around, he found you approaching.
You carried a simple wicker basket, wearing a humble, yet fitting attire,
You wore a stylish black T-shirt that seemed to just cling to all the right places, your jeans were faded, but not enough to warrant throwing out. And a pair of simple black shoes.
When you got closer, the demon piped up, 'If you were planning a picnic, the basket kind of gives it away.' He told you playfully.
You released a laugh, shaking your head. 'Nah, all that's already set up. I just don't wanna carry everything from here to there by hand.' You told him simply.
'Ooooh' he cood, 'and what is it your getting here, hmm?' He asked, playfully gesturing to the building.
'Oh you know, this and that, you'll be surprised how much they serve here.' You told him just as playful.
Stolas stood up before looking around, 'Speaking of what they serve here', I can't help but wonder where "here" is, this doesn't exactly look like a restaurant.' He told you, gesturing to the rather dull wall of buildings before you.
You just chuckled, looking up at the prince before telling him, 'Dont judge a book by its cover, dear prince of mine' you told him playfully.
You hadn't realised it, but when you called him yours, it sent a wave of euphoria through the owl that he simply couldn't describe.
His mind was addled, the owl clutched himself as he watched you speak, to caught up in this feeling to catch what you said.
He was snapped from his stupor, when he found you were looking up at him, seemingly expecting a response.
The owl panicked, snapping to attention and blurting out, 'Of course, words to live by,' before he just stood there, smiling like an idiot.
You stared at him for several moments, the awkwardness so palpable you could practically see it in the air.
After another moment, Stolas shook his head, 'S-sorry, uh, what was that last thing?' He asked, trying to salvage the situation.
You chuckled, shaking your head, 'nothin, let's go shall we?' You asked him, stepping forward.
He followed close behind, following you into a nearby alleyway.
He followed in silence, but as your path grew longer he decided to ask where you were going. Only for you to suddenly stop and turn towards a large metal shudder.
Looking up at him, you did a little knock on the shudder, before just standing there.
A few minutes pass by before Stolas whispered, 'what are we waiting for?'
You laughed at that, before telling him, 'He always takes a minute to get here... any second now.'
A few seconds go by, just as Stolas was gonna pipe up again, the shudder suddenly shot up, revealing an middle aged Imp carrying a shotgun.
The Imp stared at him for a few moments before looking down and spotting you, 'Oh (Y/n)! Didnt expect you so early.' He told you, lowering the shotgun, 'who's the string bean?' He asked bluntly.
You just laughed as Stolas became indignant, looking himself up and down before asking himself if he really look like a string bean?
''This is my...' you hesitated for a moment, the owl held his breath, waiting for you to finish the sentence
'... my date' you finished, 'this is my date "Prince" Stolas.' You told him firmly, enough pride in your voice to make Stolas flush.
The Imp looked him up and down, 'A prince huh? Damn (Y/n), really pickin up your game' The older Imp gave you a rather lecherous grin.
You scoffed, stepping forward and asking 'Can we come in or are we just gonna stand around talking all night?'
The elder Imp just huffed before stepping out of the way.
The two of you walked into a somewhat narrow stairwell, the prince having to crouch walk to squeeze in there.
'Sorry 'bout the tight fit there your highness, we usually only get Imps down here, it'll be more roomy downstairs.' The old Imp spoke up as they made there way down the stairs.
Stolas chose not to reply, choosing instead to just take it in stride.
It was another minute of walking down the cramped stairwell when they suddenly entered a much larger chamber, the owl able to stand up.
Once he'd stretched his back, Stolas got a good look around, and found himself transfixed by the splendour of the place.
Honestly the place could probably give most of the restaurants he'd been too a run for there money.
It was a large hall, clearly some old structure with black bricks making up most of the walls.
A number of quaint little lanterns hung from the roof giving the whole chamber a pleasantly dim atmosphere.
A series of tables filled the centre of the chamber, each one decked in a cloth, with its very own candle lit center piece.
The architecture created smaller arches along the walls, many of them gave way to small booths where other Imps were enjoying there meal. While others were filled in by wine wracks, each one filled with a variety of bottles.
'My it's... it's...' before Stolas could finish, you cut in, 'yeah... I know, it's not exactly the rits, but for an Imp run business, it's pretty sophisticated.' You seemed disappointed, likely having interpreting his stunned silence as disappointment.
Stolas quickly cleared that up, telling you 'it's beautiful, I've never seen a place like it.' He told you honestly.
Looking down he found you positively beaming.
Reaching out, you grabbed his hand. You dragged him along like an excited child, taking him to what was obviously the front desk.
Placing the wicker basket on top the counter, you binged the bell.
A moment passed before a shorter and clearly much older Imp walked out. Upon seeing you there face lit up, 'Oh (Y/N), so good to see you.' They said cheerfully, pulling out a medium leather bound book from under the counter, they looked up and said, 'Lets see. Ah! Here you are. One table. A high ceiling and a strong bottle, correct?' They asked pleasantly.
You just nodded, them quickly putting the book away and began leading you away.
He found himself led into another chamber, this one much smaller but still just as pleasant.
In this one, a quaint little chandelier, giving the room a pleasant warm glow.
The older Imp quickly left, promising to bring menu's upon his return.
You led him in 'Beautiful place, isn't it?' You asked, seeming a hundred miles away.
'It is' He agreed, never taking his eyes off of you.
It took a few moments, but eventually you locked eyes, a smile growing across your lips.
After a moment, you seemed to snap back to reality, quickly walking over and pulling out one of the chairs, 'Your highness' you told him, an almost seductive tone to your voice.
'Such a gentleman' he spoke playfully, taking his seat.
Pushing him in, you walked around and took your seat.
Sitting down, you leaned forward, the two of you sitting in silence for a moment, neither of you sure what to say.
Eventually you spoke up, 'Can... can I ask you something?' You asked hesitantly.
Stolas, seeing the mood shift, leaned forward, responding with 'of course you can... what is it?'
You took a moment, placing your mouth behind your balled fist, 'I just... I just want to know... What is this?' You asked somberly.
That took him off guard, 'I, uh... I thought this was a date,' he tried to lighten the mood.
You did smile at that, but it was short lived, the sombre look returning.
'No... I mean like, you and me. What is this?' You asked him.
Stolas found himself at a loss.
What were you?
This was a date, wasn't it? So that would make you a potential couple? But he was already married... so, what the hell did that make you?
He sat there for longer than he'd like without an answer, before he felt he just had to say something. 'I don't... I don't know.' He told you honestly.
'I mean, this is a date? And I uh...' He didn't know were to go.
Out of options, he decided to do something that hadn't gone the best for him lately, but with you he felt it would be his best course to take.
He was gonna go with his gut.
'I want there to be something.' He told you, 'You make me feel like... like I deserve to be loved. Like I can be loved... Something I haven't felt in quiet a while.'
'I haven't felt like I really deserve anything in... Hell.... Decades?' He was tearing up now, his voice thick with emotion, 'I don't know if I deserve love, (Y/N).'
'I only ever seem to end up hurting the people I care about.' Tears formed in his eyes, the owl gripped his head, 'Lately I feel like a curse. Like I can only bring pain and misery to those around me... and after what I've done, I can't help but feel I deserve it.'
He looked up at you, a little smile across his face, 'But you... you make me feel like... like someone cares about me... Like someone cares about what I want. And you don't want anything from me... your not just using me as a means to an end... You care about me.' He was shaking now, a gentle tear sliding down his cheek.
He sat there for a moment, on the brink of tears, just as he felt you grab his hand.
Looking down he found you gently grasping his hand. You slowly inspected it, gently running your fingers along the long slender digits.
'You know...' you began, unease in your voice. 'I had no idea what I was doing, that first time.'
'I wanted to cheer you up, make you smile.' You let out a little chuckle, 'And as cliché as it might sound, I could tell you just wanted someone to love you, to make you feel something.' you smiled up at him.
'I knew you needed some kind of affection and I... I couldn't just let you sit there, drowning in despair. So I did it, I gave you the love you needed' You told him, your voice getting a little unbalanced.
You looked up at him, your throat tightening and voice becoming shaky, 'And if after that first time together... I after what we did... you had said you wanted to just pretend like nothing happened. I would have accepted it. I could have accepted that.' You told him firmly.
'Theres so much misery around me, so many suffering for no real reason. So if I could make you happy, even for just a moment. I'd be happy.' A smile spreading across your face.
'I don't know what's gonna happen next.' You told him. 'And I don't know what's gonna happen next.'
Your voice grew firmer, as did your resolve. 'But I wanna get closer to you and you wanna get closer to me. So how's about we just... see where this goes?' You asked him.
Stolas was a little shocked, 'You... you'd really do that, just give it a shot, to be with me?' He asked incredulously.
You just nodded your head, a little smile across your face, 'I... I wanna be with you Stolas, if that's alright with you?' You asked almost playfully.
Stolas couldn't help but laugh, vigorously nodding his head, 'Yes, Yes, a thousand times Yes.' He told you getting to his feet.
His emense height allowing him to lean over the table, locking you into a passionate kiss.
The Owl couldn't help it, he pressed into the kiss, so much so he was scared he might hurt your lips.
But he just couldn't help it, he was feeling such passion right now, all he could think to do was get as close to you as possible.
Hey Hey. Doing some old stories now. I've got so many requests I think I'll just relax a little, do them at my own pace.
This is the 5th part of my series Here's the link to my other chapters
so check that out. I'm gonna be doing some more of my own original works lately, but feel free to leave a request, just don't expect me to get to it any time soon. Any way, hope you enjoyed the story. Bye Bye.
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Not Our Little Secret Anymore
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Gif credits @jesseswartzwelder. @samantha-chicago
Requested on here and wattpad
Hope you all enjoy it.
Part 2 too Our Little Secret
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
"Gabby's going to tell everyone, you know she cant keep a secret to save her life". You chewed on your nails, still looking at the wedding pictures.
"What do you think we should do"? Jay asked coming to sit beside you on the couch. He knew you were nervous.
"I say, we just tell everyone before she does. Dont let her make a big deal out of it. Because it's not. We should be able to be together without having someone hate on our relationship".
"I agree. I'm tired of hiding who I love". Jay took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze.
Jay and you stared at Kelly who was in the kitchen munching on a carrot like a little rabbit.
"Are you okay with this"? Jay asked with a laugh.
"I'm with you guys. We should tell everyone. Antonio is first cause since he is your brother and Gabby will get to him first. If she hasn't already". Kelly replied.
"I'll give him a call and see if he can come over tonight".
"We should tell Voight as well, just so it wont cause a scene". Jay added.
"See if he can come too. We'll just make a big announcement and tell them. God, I'm nervous". You bit your lip as Jay and you got out your cellphones.
"I'll just finish dinner. Everyone will be cool with us at the station". Kelly went back to cooking, like nothing serious is going on. Your lives are all about to be out in the open and it kinda scared you a bit.
"You're fucking kidding me right now? You, Jay and Kelly are married to each other"? Antonio paced the room. You had just told him and his shit has it the fan.
"Jay and Kelly are married to me. Not to each other. They just live together". You tried to explain.
"But you all are still fucking each other"?
"Wow, why is my brother so stupid"? You rolled your eyes with a annoying huff.
"No. Kelly and Jay are straight they dont have a relationship. I'm the only one that has sex with them.  One at a time. No threesomes. So get that and the image of Jay and Kelly having sex out of your perverted little mind". You exclaimed.
"Oh alright. So no big deal. My sisters just married to two guys. That's normal". Antonio sarcastically chuckled.
"Its normal for us. If you dont like it then leave. I already told Gabby that if she cant except it and stay out of our relationship then she isn't welcomed here anymore. Do you want that to happen to you as well"?
"No. I'm still processing it, okay"? Antonio rubbed his head.
"I know. It's a lot to process at once. Let's go see if Jay and Voight are having better luck than us". You wrapped your arm around Antonio's shoulder, leading him back into the leaving room where Jay and Voight was talking.
"I dont care what you three have going on just as long as it doesnt interfere with your job and my unit. Then we have no problem. But if I see anything that will cause a problem then we'll be having a talk about reassigning you some where else. Either one of you". Voight glared at Jay, Antonio and you.
"Yes, sir". Jay said.
"Fine, I'm going home. See you three at work tomorrow". Voight grumbled as he went past you and opened the door. Slamming it   
"That went better than expected". Jay chuckled.
"Yeah. Antonio here cant seem to wrap his brain around the idea that you and Kelly have no intimate relationship".
"In most threesomes, they all have sex together. Even the guys". Antonio told you and Jay. You giggled.
"You sure know alot about threesomes, Antonio. Are you hinting at something"? You smirked. Jay snickered beside you.
"No. I'm just saying". Antonio tried to play it off as nothing.
"If you say so. But all the joking aside, you alright with this"?
"I'm cool. Itll take some time to getting use to the idea of the three of you together but I have no problem with it". You sigh a sigh of relief and hugged Antonio.
"Thanks. You dont know what this means to me. I just wish Gabby was just as understanding as you".
"She'll come around. Just give her time. Listen I gotta go, kids are coming over".
"Okay. Give them love from us".
"Now that's going to be a therapy session. My aunt has two husbands. Good grief". Antonio laughed as he grabbed his jacket. You tried not to giggle as you shook your head.
"Bye now".
You plumped on the couch with a huff beside Jay. "Hope the others are like this". You tell Jay.
"They probably will be".
"Where's Kelly"? You both looked for him. Totally forgot about him in your relationship explaining.
"I'm here. Just got off the phone with Casey and the others. My friends are cool with us and they want to know when they can come over and have a party. Get together type thing, I guess to see us in our natural habitat". Kelly laughed as he came in and sat beside you.
"Lucky you. Antonio was just weird but at least he didnt judge us". You say leaning your head on Kelly's shoulder.
"Adam is definitely going to make jokes about this. I can hear him now. He wont shut up, even in my brain he wont". Jay groaned laying his head on your shoulder. Kelly and you giggled.
"I say we go to bed and forget this happened then tomorrow we just run away and join the circus"? Jay suggested.
"How about no. We should go to bed and have one of those threesomes, Antonio was nagging on about"? You waited for their response.
"How do you do it"? Jay wondered.
"You've never had a threesome"? Kelly questioned.
"No. Have you"? You backed off Kelly's shoulder surprised.
"Well, not with another guy. But with two girls". He blushed as you tilted your head. 
"When was this"?
"Way before you and I got together. Dont worry". Kelly reassured you.
"Well then. We should do it and see what all the hoopla is about". You smacked their knees and pushed yourself up.
"You guys coming"? You held out your hands for them.
The reached and grabbed your hands bringing them up to you. Jay lead you three into the bedroom. This shall be a fun experience, you thought.
Kelly slammed the door with his foot. Jay pulled you in front of the bed so he and Kelly could get a better view of you.
Jay on one side and Kelly on the other. They began kissing your neck. Moving your hair for a better angle. You licked your lips. This was getting you so excited. Your hand went to their face cupping their cheeks. Then slid down their torsos and gradually slipped down their pants. Pawing at their cocks. Kelly nipped at your ear. Jay snaked his hand under your shirt to play with one of your hard nipples. Pinching it between his fingers, making you squirm.
They stood in front of you, and smirked at each other before pushing you back onto the bed. You knew it was going to be one hell of a ride but that's what excited you the most. Doing it with two men that you loved dearly and trusted the most.
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hi can i get a tewkesbury x reader imagine?? couldn’t find many so :// thanks so much 🥰🥰
Title: Really?
Request: Modern!Tewkesbury. Yes / No 
Word Count: 646
Warnings: literally nothing at all
(A/N): not me going on a mini hiatus. n e wayz guys im back with new fics ! so this this person didnt really specify want prompt they wanted so i decided to choose one ! its a cute little modern tewkes fic and i though the idea was cute. so enjoy and i hope you have a great rest of your day ! OOH, also, i created a taglistttttt. just look at my bio and youll see it there if you want to join !!
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“Really? This?” you asked, looking at the big package on the floor.
“I thought it was a cute addition to our flat!’’ Tewkesbury defensively said, crossing his arms.
“Babe, you’re acting as if we are living on our own, we’re in a dorm.” you said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it kinda was. “You bought a whole couch, which I don’t know if they even let us bring something in this big.”
“Of course, they do.” he said, though he’s not too sure himself.
“I don’t knooowwww.” you said looking at the package, “How did you even bring this big package here without me noticing?”
“I have my ways.’’ he said in a smug attitude, fixing his jacket. 
“You just let the delivery person do all the work, didn’t you?” you said, in the same smug attitude he had moments before.
“Listen” he said, looking thoroughly defeated, he then went over to you. With that dashing looking face of his, he put his put his arms around you waist keeping you secure, put on his best puppy eyes, and proceeded to say, “How about, you and I have some great girlfriend-boyfriend bonding experience building this, and once we finish we can pop open some pop and we can hold each other, all while watching your favorite movie?”
You fake thought about it, all while you’re in his arms and all while giving you a little smirk. “That does sound good...... Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Perfect!” he said, clapping his hands. He was happy enough to grab you by the face and proceed to give you a big ol’ kiss on the lips. 
You stood there, stunned for a second there. “A little intense there, huh?” 
You could hear him chuckle a bit. You then went to your room, put on a ponytail, and a headband (those baby hairs can be annoying!)  And then went to join to ensemble that couch that he just had to buy. 
You found him standing there, with the instructions in his hands, looking thoroughly confused. 
“Really?” You said giggling, “One of the smartest men in your class, with a solid 4.00 gpa, and you’re stumped on reading some instructions?”
He looked up to you, breaking his deep concentration, with an offended look on his. 
With a confident look on your face, you basically strutted over to him, gracefully taking the paper out of his hands. You weren’t going to lie, the instructions were a bit difficult, but nothing you both couldn’t do. 
“Okay, so, I do believe that we can do this, but if we can’t, we can at least say we tried, right?” you said with.... a somewhat confident voice.
He chuckled, and after a bit of thought, he said “Music?”
After 3 hours of 20 minute breaks and long music sections, both of you FINALLY finished. You both were looking at the couch in complete awe, satisfied with the fact that your couch was looking exquisite. 
“It’s just... beautiful, wonderful really.” He said, even committed himself to tear up a bit.
You gave him a judged look, “You better act like this when we have our first child.”
He laughed, and then proceeded to sling his arm around you. 
“Well, lets test it out, shall we?”
“We shall.” 
Both of you proceeded to sit on the couch and then...
You both heard the loud snap in the couch, something the both of you couldn’t ignore.
“Oh my god!” 
Tewkesbury apparently found the situation hilarious because he gave out the biggest laugh you’ve heard this week.
“Ooof coourrsee. Honestly babe I’m too tired to fix whatever the hell happened.” You said, putting your head on his shoulder. 
“Well then, what about tomorrow?”
“I would like nothing more.” You said, snuggling into each other, tired from the very long day.
Taglist (bio !)
@noncannonships @mandiscadelinha
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vityuuwrites · 4 years
Know we didnt talk in a while and I hope u okk now... also wondering if u wanna do a vicuuri x never let me down?
Chose a random nr from my playlist and it was kinda lucky :)
ahhh i’m good now yeah, ty for worrying!! hope you are too <333 i’m sorry this is so late ASKSKS i hope you like it!! i might or might not have written most of it during a lecture whoops,,, also ty for the request! 
Victor is used to hiding everything behind a smile.
He never talks about his feelings – there's no space for them in skating. Maybe there was years ago, when he was still bright-eyed and hopeful, when love coloured his every move, his every jump and he was filled with indescribable joy after every performance. When skating was something he did because he loved it and not only because it was the only thing he was good at.
But now, Victor is Victor Nikiforov. He's Victor Nikiforov, the living legend, an untouchable god in skating no one could come close to, who was naturally good at it. Someone who never made mistakes, never faltered – he was the one person everyone wanted to catch up to, to push out of the top.
If they knew how lonely it was there, maybe they wouldn't want it because Victor is alone and he has to be alone. He has to be alone because he can't show any weakness to anyone.
Yuuri Katsuki is not like that.
It is almost like every single one of his emotions is etched onto his face, in the furrow between his eyebrows whenever he's anxious, or the shy turn of his lips whenever he's happy. His eyes sparkle when he's excited, his arms moving with the speed of his words. Victor feels warm whenever he looks at him.
He never thought that the man who swept him off his feet – quite literally – at that banquet so long ago would one day be moving in with him. He never thought that this level of happiness was possible. Not for him.
It made him want to be more open with himself. He wanted to share the parts of himself he kept hidden for so long – the lonely, broken parts of him that he never let anyone see – with the world.
Or just with Yuuri. There wasn't much difference to him, after all.
It was hard, though. His mind was, is and forever will be a dark, dark place that he sometimes sunk into. It was never as bad as Yuuri had it, he didn't think, but his thoughts were still hard to escape.
Victor Nikiforov is 28 years old. He is 28 years old which means his body is a ticking bomb just ready to go off at any seconds.
He knows he only has maybe one or two good seasons left. He can feel it in the hollow ache of his muscles all the way down to his bones, in the way his knees buckle when he lands a jump and his stamina is starting to get worse.
He only has one or two good seasons left in him and he doesn't want them to go to waste.
Maybe deciding to get back to skating was a bad idea. Maybe Victor should have let himself be blown out like a candle while he was still at his peak, suddenly and without a warning before people around him started noticing his weakness.
But he wanted to skate with Yuuri.
Him returning to the ice made Yuuri happy.
Victor lives for making Yuuri happy.
“Victor?” Yuuri says, breaking Victor out of his thoughts. Yuuri turns from the pan he is hunched over. His eyebrows crease with worry. “Are you ok?”
Victor forces a smile as he taps his fingers against the marble island stretching out over the middle of the kitchen. “Of course I am, Yuuri. Why’d you ask?”
Yuuri fully turns to him. “You’ve been awfully quiet since we’ve returned from practice.”
Victor hesitates for a second too long and he knows that Yuuri sees right through him. Still, he glances away as to not face his gaze. “I’m fine.”
Yuuri frowns but he does not pry, just turns back to the omelette he’s making.
Victor is grateful for that.
Victor is laying in the dark with the soft buzz of snowflakes hitting his window a backdrop to his thoughts. His hand is curled around Yuuri’s waist, rubbing the warm skin while Yuuri’s hair tickles at his chest and his breath strokes across his collarbones. He watches the cracks across his ceiling, like cracks under skates that split the smooth surface of the ice.
His eyes glance at his hand that spreads out across the sheet. The golden ring glints in the sliver of moonlight. His lips curl into a smile.
It is the only gold he ever won that does not feel like a shackle around his neck.
“Yuuri?” he whispers into the peaceful room. “Are you awake?”
“Mmm,” Yuuri murmurs and shifts in his hold. Bleary eyes turn to face him. Victor’s hand tightens on his waist. “I am now.”
Victor huffs out a laugh as his eyes turn back towards the ceiling. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers. “I was just checking.”
Yuuri’s hair tickles him through his silk pajama top as he shakes his hand. “It’s ok, I don’t mind. We don’t have practice tomorrow morning, anyway.”
“True.” He keeps his gaze on the ceiling. “I’m still sorry.”
Yuuri’s hand moves from the sheet to hold Victor’s. He gives it a squeeze.
“Yuuri?” he says again after a minute of silence that presses heavy against his chest. “Can I…” He bites his bottom lip as he struggles to say something. Anything. He knows Yuuri will not judge him if he does.
The words still get stuck in the back of his throat.
Yuuri lifts his head from Victor’s chest and shifts higher to tilt his head so their gazes meet. “Victor?” he says softly.
Victor loosens a shaky breath and searches his eyes. He squeezes his hand tighter. “I’m scared,” he finally manages to choke out and sighs as tears gather at the corners of his eyes. He roughly wipes them away with the back of his hand.
Yuuri blinks. His hand grips Victor’s and gently pushes it away in favour of wiping the wetness away himself. “Of what?” he whispers, hand lingering against his cheek.
Victor nuzzles into it like a kitten and gives another shaky sigh. “I don’t know,” he says, gritting his teeth together. He looks back up towards the ceiling so he does not have to face him. “Nothing. Everything.”
“Is this why you’ve been awfully quiet today?” Yuuri asks. His voice is soft and caring and Victor wants to weep. He does not know why; it is just pressing heavily against very being.
“Maybe? I’ve just been too stuck in my mind.” He presses an arm over his eyes to hide the tear that slides down his cheek. It feels freezing cold. “I hate it. I hate it so much.”
Yuuri’s hand squeezes the hand he’s holding. “Victor…” he leans in to wrap his arms around him, pulling his head against his chest. Victor’s shoulders shake and he burrows his face into his chest as he gives a silent sob.
“Is there anything I can do?” Yuuri’s warm hand strokes circles into his scalp. Victor releases another shaky breath.
“I’m scared,” he says again, voice tight as he attempts to gather his thoughts. “I’m scared, Yuuri.”
Yuuri presses a soft kiss against the crown of his hair. “It’s ok, let it all out, it’s ok,” he whispers and Victor feels something inside of him break. His tears flow out freely, and he hiccups as he clutches at him like a lifeline.
“ It’s just,” he starts and scowls, his tears staining Yuuri’s sleeping shirt. “It���s just… I’m scared this is my last good season. I’m scared because I’m 28 and skating is the only thing I’ve done for more than 20 years. I don’t know how to do anything else, I don’t want to retire but I also know I need to because I – I can feel it. I wobble on jumps, I get tired too easily, I’m one knee injury away from retiring anyway. But I also don’t want to retire yet because – because you taught me to love skating again and I’ve just started to enjoy it again and – and ---”
Victor grits his teeth together. Yuuri just silently holds him.
“And I don’t want to let you down,” Victor adds in a near whisper as he grasps at him tighter and curls up into himself. “I know you want to skate with me and I want to skate with you and even saying that I want to skate is amazing because I was going to retire this season but I really, really want to but I’m scared that if I return I’ll just let everyone down. Everyone expects me to be so amazing all the time but I can’t be and I know I need to retire before I’m forced to by an injury.”
Victor takes a deep breath and slumps against himself. He squeezes his eyes shut.
Yuuri’s hand moves to rub his back. “How long have you been sitting on that?” he asks, voice feather-light and gentle. Victor gives a little laugh.
“A while,” he admits. “I’m… not used to talking about my feelings. I didn’t think anyone would care as long as I skated alright.”
Yuuri’s lips find the crown of his head again. “Thank you for telling me,” he says and when Victor looks up at his face, bathed in pearly moonlight, he sees he is smiling. Victor closes his eyes when Yuuri brushes his bangs out of them.
“I hope I didn’t pressure you into returning to the ice,” Yuuri continues and cups his cheek. His hand is warm against his freezing cheek. Victor sobs and nuzzles into it again, trying to control his breathing.
“You didn’t, I did it because I wanted to skate alongside you.”
“Good, because I never want to pressure you into anything.” His lips find his forehead. “You’d never let me down, Vitya. Never. You can flub as many jumps you want, you can retire, hell, you can move to Antarctica and stay there to, I don’t know, study the penguins alone, I would always be in awe of you. I would always love you.” He hesitates. “You know that, don’t you?”
Victor sobs louder and presses his hand against his mouth. “I-I’m trying,” he admits. “I’m…Not used to that.”
Love always felt conditional to him. If he skated well, the audience loved him. If he behaved (though he rarely did), Yakov loved him. If he scored well, Russia loved him.
If he stays untouchable, if he overworks himself into exhaustion, if he stays the living legend, the world loves him.
“Oh, Vitya,” Yuuri breathes and squeezes him closer. His hands fist at the back of his shirt. “You don’t have to do anything special for me to love you. I won’t love you less if you fuck up, if you’re not always the best. You can never let me down. You saw me at my worst and you never ran away. Why would I?”
“I—I don’t know,” he says, voice shaking. He bites back another sob and takes a deep breath. “It felt like you would.”
“Never.” Yuuri starts stroking his hair again, hand shaking the tiniest bit. “You’re stuck with me, Vitya. I can’t promise you that you won’t fall and injure yourself tomorrow. I can’t promise you that your body won’t catch up with you.”
Victor glances up at Yuuri’s face when Yuuri’s hand urges him to look him in the eyes. He sniffles, another tear leaking down his warm cheek.
“But what I can promise you,” Yuuri continues and gives him a watery smile as he wipes it away. “Is that if those do happen, I’ll be here. If you decide you want to retire, I’ll be here. I won’t leave you. I could never leave you. I love you too much.”
Victor throws his arms around him and sobs softly into his shoulder, shaking as Yuuri’s hand warms him down to his core when it draws nonsense shapes Victor’s too lost to recognise.
“I love you too,” he answers shakily when a few minutes pass and his breathing starts to slow, his shaking a mere tremor compared to how he began. He pulls away only slightly, so slight their chests still touch, to give Yuuri a watery smile just as the moon peeks out from behind a thick cloud and sheds a sliver of light over Yuuri’s porcelain-smooth face. “I love you so much.”
He buries his head into the crook of his neck again, pressing a soft kiss to the warm skin he finds there. “What have I ever done to deserve someone as amazing as you?” he breathes in deeply to ground himself.
“Existed,” Yuuri says and brushes his hair away from his face before their hands twine again.
Victor starts softly weeping anew.
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“I’ve requested before previously but I decided to send in another request bc I’m absolutely obsessed with your writing WIDJDJFJ But anyways, could I request scenarios of how Iwaizumi + Goshiki would react to their teammates teasing them for having scratch marks on their backs from their S/O? 🥴 I hope my request makes sense and stay hydrated !!”
omg THANK YOU ANON!!!!!! i don’t mind people requesting more than once!!! it’s nice to know people like my writing well enough to request again heh :-)!!! u stay hydrated as well <3!!
* You’re the manager of Aoba Johsai!!!
* Iwaizumi knows that the both of you had a rough night, judging from the way your face contorted with every step you took, and how you spent most of practice sitting on the bench, and not walking around like you usually did.
* He totally forgot about the scratches on his back, though.
* That is...until he takes off his shirt in the locker room.
* Then he hears a low whistle coming from Matsukawa, and he’s like ???????
* “YO IWAIZUMI YOU RASCAL!!!!” Hanamaki is saying and he’s slapping Iwaizumi on the back.
* Then he feels his back sting from Hanamaki’s slap, and he realises!!!
* Okay this is the first time the team sees Iwaizumi blush this intensely.
* Mattsun and Makki are hollering, and calling Iwaizumi a rough boi LOL
* Yahaba’s watching from the sidelines and he is so JEALOUS lmaooo
* Kyoutani has a pissed look on his face. maybe it’s because he’s jealous too LOL
* Kindaichi’s blushing, because this pure, sweet boy had not expected to get a glimpse into his senpai’s sex life HAH.
* Kunimi is just chilling, tbh he already expected Iwaizumi to be rough, so he’s just casually changing out of shirt.
* Iwaizumi is just over there sporting a brilliant blush, and he can’t even speak because Mattsun and Makki are still screaming.
* Then Oikawa walks in.
* And all goes to hell.
* Now Oikawa is screaming, and the next thing Iwaizumi knows is that he’s being pulled into a hug.
* “Iwa-chan! I didn’t know you were like that, it’s alright, i support you!”
* Bc of Oikawa, Iwaizumi snaps back to his senses, and he’s landing a clean hit on Oikawa’s back.
* “Not another word,” he’s grumbling, and the locker room falls silent, because no one wants to incure the wrath of Iwaizumi Hajime.
* Meanwhile you’re outside waiting for him to come out and then walk home with him.
* When the team comes out, everyone’s staring at you with this glint in their eyes, and you’re kinda scared LOLOLOL
* Lmao Kindaichi’s blushing the moment he meets your eyes.
* Then the Seijoh third years come running to you.
* You’re so confused at first, but when it clicks in, you’re blushing the same shade as Iwaizumi did.
* Bonus:
* “Wow, (Y/N), your blush is the same shade as Iwa-chan’s just now!”
* Tbh i actually think he’s a huge subby, the most he’ll do is probably power bottom you.
* Goshiki’s casually taking off his shirt after practice one day.
* He’s also trying his best not to look at Ushijima’s abs AHAHAHA
* Then he hears Tendou’s laugh burst into the air.
* And he’s like ????
* “GOSHIKI!!! I never knew you were that type,” he feels a light tap on his back, and when he feels the sting, he remembers the scratches that you left.
* But his team claps for him LMAOOOO
* Tendou’s the first to clap, followed by Semi and then the rest.
* Ushijima’s the last bc that pure boy does not know what’s going on until Semi tells him LOL
* For the first time, Shirabu has not looked at Goshiki with disdain, and instead looks SLIGHTLY impressed.
* Reon looks so SHOOK, his face is the shocked pikachu meme.
* Goshiki’s so embarrassed, that poor thing, but Tendou’s so HAPPY FOR THAT BOY.
* Tendou’s praising him to no end LMAOOO and tbh Goshiki likes getting the praise.
* Goshiki’s just smiling and shuffling his feet when the praises flood out from Tendou’s mouth, and when he sees Ushijima give him an approving nod????
* And when the team comes out all changed and sees you wave at Goshiki from the benches, Tendou’s shooting you a grin.
* You’re so confused, Tendou’s grin doesn’t look like his normal ones.
* Then he’s skipping to you and asking you,” did you use protection?”
* Bonus:
* “(Y/N), lets do it again.”
* “Do what again?”
* “SCRATCH ME (Y/N)!!!!!!”
* “EH?”
LMAO hi anon i had fun writing this but i’m not sure whether i got goshiki’s character right!!!! but thank you for requesting this i hope you like it!!!!
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violetnotez · 4 years
let's have more bois with pregnant s/os! 😂😂😂 Tamaki,Mirio,and Shinsou their reactions to finding out their gonna be daddies ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Omg yes anon, these boys would have the cutest reactions to finding out they got their s/o knocked up ❤️
Hc: Pregnant S/O
Pairing: Tamaki x reader, Mirio x reader, Shinsou x reader
Also, I realized I should specify the ages of all the characters! Everyone will be aged up to like around 20-21 ☺️
Tamaki has just finished patrolling for the day when he got a strange message from you, asking him to pick up some things from the market
That wasn’t particularly unusual, you would occasionally ask him to do so after work if he wasn’t too tired
But it seemed like you were trying to message someone else and not him-your message had asked “her” to grab “a lot of disposable cups”
You had also sent an image...Tamaki’s curiosity was too strong, his fingers clicking on the picuture instantly
His eyes gazed at the list, instantly recognizing the handwriting as your own. The list only had a few items, such as milk, flour, choclate...but then, at the very end, you had wrote something that truly threw his mind of out control
You wanted whoever you were texting to buy pregnancy tests
His anxiety instantly went through the roof-pregnany?! You thought you were pregnant?!? How long had you been thinking this?!? We’re you okay?!? Who was even with you getting you this stuff?!
He began to take a few deep breaths and focus his attention to calming his heart rate-something he had been practicing in order to control his anxiety
There had to be a simple explanation-maybe you were just helping a friend...maybe they were for Neijire and not for you...you had said she was going to be visiting you today
But then-you had mentioned your period was uncharacteristically late since it hadn’t came yet...and you two had been active recently-crap he needed to get home right now
Tamaki is usually a very cautious driver, but today, he was borderline speeding
He was just too wrapped up in his thoughts, trying to convince himself that it was all a misunderstanding, that you weren’t pregnant and it was just his anxiety making situations seem worse than what they were
He was itching to call you, but he was afraid of the answer you would give him-what if you did truly think your were pregnant?
he didn’t want to work himself up so badly that he wasn’t even able to drive-
no, he was going to wait to talk to you in person, that was the best thing to do
He came into the driveway, parking his car quickly, his duffel bag with his change of clothes and personal belongings long forgotten in the trunk
As he was walking up to the front steps, his mind racing, he heard none other than Neijri greet him from behind
“Oh Tamaki-san, your home from work quiet early! Slow day out there?” She chirped a little too cheerfully
Tamaki noticed the plastic bag in her hand, making him gulp-oh no, it had to be for you then
Neijire stood in front of him awkwardly, not knowing what to do
“It’s wonderful to see you, but um, Y/n-san is going through some things right now...she asked me to help her while you were out patrolling-she didn’t want to worry you prematurely...”
Neijire gave him a reassuring smile, handing him the bag
Poor Tamaki was shaking, his head hanging low-was it all true then? We’re you really thinking you were pregnant?
“Y/n-san will explain everything, but whatever happens-I hope you both are happy!” She grinned, giving Tamaki a quick hug and a cheerful goodbye as she jogged to her own car
Tamaki shakily opened the front door, too terrified to look in the bag
You came bounding down the hallway, your hair tied back loosely
“Neijire, I can’t thank you enough for- Tamaki!” You gasped slightly, not expecting to see him in front of you
You instantly ran to him, noticing how pale he looked-he honestly looked like he would pass out
“Oh my god, are you okay?” You asked, your voice full of concern as you took the bag gingerly from his hands, sitting him on the couch
“Is it true?” He asked quietly, his voice timid, “that-that you think your-“
You sighed, taking his hand in yours. You had realized too late that you had sent the message accidentally to him, too terrified of his reaction to call him after the mistake
“Well, yes, I think I might be-be pregnant...but I don’t know for sure...theres really only one way to find out.” You gave him a small smile, trying to be reassuring
you were freaking out on the inside, but after seeing Tamaki look so terrified, you knew you had to be the one who was strong for the both of you
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you apologized, your hand finding his, “ I didn’t mean to hide this from you, I just didn’t want to worry you unless I knew for sure,”
“I-It’s alright, I want to be here for you when you find out...I-it is potentially our child after all” he said quietly, rubbing his thumb against the soft skin of your hand
You gave him a quick kiss, smiling reassuringly as you let go of his hand, taking the bag Neijiri had gotten for you
“Well-lets go find out, shall we?”
Tamaki had waited outside the door as you went to the bathroom, coming in once you went to check the test
You were honestly too scared at that point to see, so you had asked him if he was up for checking it for you
He was terrified as well, but as he was waiting, he began to think about the situation-he wouldn’t mind having a child with you, he knew one day he wanted to settle down with you and make you his for the rest of his life
This would just be a step towards that, right? He loved you with all his heart, and couldn’t think of anybody else having a child with-apart of him was hoping for it to be positive, wanting nothing more to be a father to the life you two had potentially created
His hands were shaking as he took the test in his hands, seeing that there was two little lines, meaning you were, in fact, pregnant
Poor Tamaki’s emotions finally released, tears streaming down his face quietly as he hugged you close-you were so confused, but apart of you already knew the truth
You were now crying as well, both of you complete messes as you asked him repeatedly what the test said through hiccups
He just knelt down, kissing your stomach as his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you close
It was a pretty normal day for Mirio-he got up, did his usual work out routine, and then got himself ready to go on a date with you later on in the day
You two had decided to go get lunch at a quiet little cafe not to far from both of your apartments-you had also told him you had something “important” to tell him, which also kinda got him excited to here your news
He was hoping it was something positive, because when you had told him this over the phone the night before, you sounded pretty nervous, but wouldn’t reveal any other details
He drove into the parking lot of the cafe, instantly recognizing your car in the parking lot, making him smile
He found you at your favorite booth, looking down at your phone, until you looked up and smiled as you saw him walking over
He loved your smile, it was always so bright and beautiful-but something about it was different today...you almost looked nervous
He doesn’t pay too much attention to it, you did say you had news for him after all, maybe you just had some jitters
“Hey, sunshine, how are you?” He asks cheerfully, bringing you into a tight hug
“Well that’s strange,” he thought-you usually always squeezed him super tight, but today you almost kept him at a distance, like it hurt to hug him
He pulled away, staring at your face in worry-“You doing alright, babe?”
You shrugged off his worry quickly, not wanting to bring attention to it-“Oh it’s nothing, just-well, my chest has been a little tender but it’s fine,”
He knew something more was wrong, but as much as he wanted you to say what it was, he knew you’d tell him in your own time
The rest of the date went as your dates usually always went, you both talking happily about your lives with Mirio making you laugh occasionally
He did notice some things were different about you-you seemed to be really cautious of what you ate, asking if anything had caffeine or excess salt in the food. Your face, even when you laughed, was always somehow knitted with nervousness
He also noticed that your chest had been looking a little larger-he didn’t mind at all, he loved your body no matter what it looked like, it was just-strange to him. You also would sometimes rub your hands on your stomach below the counter, thinking he wouldn’t be able to see
It was all so peculiar to him-it made him really wonder what was going on that was making you act so differently
He reached his hand across the table, placing his larger hand in yours
“So-what exactly did you want to tell me?” He gave you a bright, reassuring smile, his heart aching slightly when you looked down at your lap
You looked so scared-were you okay? He started to get nervous himself-maybe something terrible had happened, like you were sick, or hurt
He just wanted you to tell him-whatever was going on, you would get through it together
He gave you a reassuring squeeze on your hand-“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked quietly, that bright smile still on his lips “Nothing you say is going to make me judge you or turn away from you-you can always trust me.”
He watched you take a deep breath, your ribs rattling slightly from the nerves
“Mirio-I-I...” you stuttered, “I’m pregnant-with your baby.”
He may or may not have yelled out “Pregnant?!?” A little too loudly-he just wasn’t expecting that
After you shushed him to be a little more quiet, he lowered his voice some
“Whoa-pregnany-are-are you sure?”
You played with your fingers, the nerves still set in your system, “Yes, I-I has a feeling... some I may or may not have taken a whole box of tests a few days ago. And-and they all came back positive.”
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, I just didn’t know how or when or where- it was just so sudden.”
“I know we didn’t talk much about starting a family, Mirio, but,” you asked timidly, his hands still in yours, “what do you think about it?”
Mirio sat quietly for a few moments-he knew this was a huge thing, bringing in a child into this world. It was true you two hadnt talked a lot about starting a family, it wasn’t on either of your minds since you two were so young. But, he loved you too much to walk away from you and his child-it would be completely wrong for him to do so. He didn’t want to either-he loved you and this child you two had created.
His rough thumb brushed the skin of your hand, the sensation soothing to your nerves
“It’s all your decision y/n, but I love you-and this child we created. I’m would be excited to be a father!”
Also I’m tired and I’m pretty sure I spelt him name wrong THE ENTIRE TIME IM SORRY
You were wrapped up in Shinso’s body, your legs intertwining with his
His body was warm and comforting, his heart beating strong in his chest
You felt yourself beginning to wake up, soft sunlight flitting through the curtains of the room
It didn’t help either that your leg and inner thighs were killing you-you and Shinso were active quite a lot, but last night had seemed to really become a toll on your body
You groaned, snuggling yourself closer to him-he was so comfortable and gentle when he was sleeping
Shinsou seemed to had woken up slightly too, his hands petting your bed tossled hair
“You doing alright doll?” He asked huskily, he voiced still sounding sleepy
“Yeah,” you sighed, snuggling closer to him, “just-sore.”
“Aww you poor thing-but I didn’t here you complaining last night though,”He chuckled, placing a kiss on top of your head
You pushed yourself up, making yourself able to look into his lavender eyes as you laid your head on his bare chest
“Well I didn’t say that,” you said, giving him a cheeky smirk- “Just you gotta be a little gentle-I still need to be able to walk the next day,”
“Wheres the fun in that, kitten? You look so pretty when your a mess under me...”
Your cheecks instantly turned a beet red, a small smile tugging at your lips
Even though Shinso was making you a blushing mess, you instantly felt an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, something you had been experiencing for a few weeks now
A burning sensation began to fill your throat, and to your horror, you felt yourself want to throw up
Shinso noticed your face pale as it turned from adorably embarrassed to terrfied
“Are you-“ he barely got out until you leaped off his body, stumbling to the bathroom
You barely got near the toilet before you began to empty the contents of your stomach into it
Shinso quickly followed you in, throwing on a pair of his boxers he had left on the floor from last night
His heart hurt hearing you sound so sick, your back heaving into the toilet-he softly grabbed your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your back
He was just so confused-you had seemed fine...you didn’t show any signs of being sick yesterday or last night-so why were you suddenly just throwing up like there was no tomorrow?
You finally had finished, laying your forehead on the cold seat
“What’s wrong doll-you okay?” He asked softly, brushing your hair with his fingers
You nodded numbly, feeling dehydrated and exhausted
“This has been happening-kinda a lot...” you croaked out, trying to clear the parch areas in your throat
Shinso stopped you from talking anymore, worried you would hurt yourself and went to go get you some water
He came back with a blanket and a bottle of water, you drinking in small sips as you sat on the blanket
“So-this is happening a lot, right?” He asked, watching to make sure the color came back to your face, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You nodded your head numbly- “I-I was scared to tell you...because-well-“ you sighed nervously, looking down at the floor-“I also missed my period last week.”
It took Shinso to let that information set in-you missed your period? Why the hell would that matter? But then he began to connect the dots...you two had sex quite a lot....you were having morning sickness...you didn’t get your period-oh shit
He states it very bluntly, but stutters slightly over his words-“Your-your pregnant?”
“I-I don’t know for sure Shinso...but I have a feeling, just everything adds up to that,”
He’ll curse under his breath, sitting for a second in silence-that was such a huge piece of information for him to process
A baby was a big deal-you two were bringing in a new life into this world...he would be lying if he didn’t say he was terrified. It wasn’t under the best timing, you two never discussed having a child so soon...but he loved you. It was as much his baby as it was yours, and he would never just walk out of yours and his potential child’s life just because he was too scared.
He would do anything for you-that included welcoming this new child into the world with you
“Okay, I believe you y/n,” he’ll finally say, his bright purple eyes boaring into yours, “we’re having a baby. Let’s figure this out together, alright, kitten?”
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lemonpeter · 4 years
Day 21 - Virginity Kink (Steve/Peter)
This felt kinda weird to me and I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I’m just in a weird mood so none of my writing is really cutting it for my brain right now lol I hope it’s still enjoyable 🧡
Warnings: virgin Steve Rogers, inexperienced Steve, not all the way in this fic, but there is a handjob, and making out, Peter’s age isn’t mentioned
“So...what you’re telling me is that you’re a virgin?” Peter asked curiously.
Steve looked mildly uncomfortable at the question. Or maybe he was just embarrassed. “Well...I guess so.”
“And you want me to be the one you lose it to?”
“Correct,” Steve confirmed, cheeks still burning.
Peter grinned, obviously on board with the plan. He definitely liked the idea. Who else got to claim that they got to be the first fucked by Captain America? Absolutely no one.
“So when are you thinking? Like, today, another set day, do you just want it to happen naturally?” The younger man asked him, trying to conceal his excitement.
“Just...naturally. We can work up to that. But I trust you.”
And that just sealed the deal.
When Steve said they’d work up to it, he really meant it.
Peter discovered that he really wasn’t experienced at all.
So they spent weeks working up to it.
Started out with quick, chaste kisses when no one else was around. Steve didn’t want anyone else to know that he really didn’t know anything about being intimate with another person. So he made sure that they were always out of sight.
Then the gentle kisses slowly progressed with a slip of tongue once Steve was more comfortable.
That really seemed to spark something in him.
Because then he never wanted to stop. He always wanted to hide away with Peter or tried to pull him away from the group to make out.
And who was Peter to tell him no?
Once he got the hang of it, Steve was an incredible kisser. So Peter never had a problem with sneaking away to spend a couple minutes together.
But as much as he enjoyed it, Steve still didnt know where to go from there.
And Peter never pushed. He wanted to go at a comfortable pace for the soldier.
But being left hard and aching after particularly intense sessions was getting old.
So he tested the waters instead. A hand on Steve’s thigh that slowly snuck higher, a quick tweak of a nipple from over those thin shirts he wore.
The reactions he got were promising.
Maybe they really would be able to work their way up to all the way.
“Queens,” Steve started, eyes filling with worry as they dropped to where Peter’s hand was on his upper thigh. “I don’t know...”
Peter sighed softly, but started pulling his hand away. “I know, I know. Sorry. Impatient.”
A larger hand grabbed his, awkwardly guiding it until it was pressed against the impressive bulge that the older man was sporting.
Peter raised an eyebrow, not pulling away. “This isn’t really agreeing with that you were saying. Brooklyn, we don’t need to rush into things if you don’t want to. It’s really alright.”
“I want to,” Steve told him. “I just- ah.” His cheeks flushed as he seemed to search for the correct words.
“Talk to me, it’s okay. I’m not gonna judge you.” The younger man watched him, fingers slowly starting to press down.
Steve whimpered, face bright red in a mixture of embarrassment and intense arousal. “Um. I’m okay if you want to do this. I want it. I just-“ he cleared his throat awkwardly. “I don’t want to make a mess.”
It took everything in him not to laugh. He couldn’t. The captain just looked so sincere in his concern, Peter couldn’t even bear to do more than a slight reassuring smile. “It’ll be alright. We can clean up easily enough, yeah?”
The small nod that Steve gave him didn’t seem too convinced, but the man seemed willing to go along with him anyways.
“What are you thinking? You just want to keep making out and I can use my hand on you? Or I could give you a real treat and use my mouth.” Peter grinned, fingers still massaging gently.
“I-I want to keep...kissing.” Steve still didn’t seem quite comfortable with the casual lingo. But he’d get the hang of it eventually. “And I think just your hand would be okay. It would be good. Please.”
Peter laughed softly, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Sure. Sounds good.”
Steve clearly felt better with that, relaxing against the couch again.
Peter shifted his position slightly, moving his butt onto the cushions more instead of the captains thighs. That way he was able to slowly unzip the older man’s pants and get his boxers down to see what he was working with.
And of course he had imagined what Captain America’s cock would look like. What male attracted person wouldn’t have? But his mental imagery didn’t even come close to the comparison of the real thing.
It wasn’t quite as long as he’d pictured (but hey, no living person could really compare to that), but it made up for that with the sheer girth. As he looked, he wasn’t really sure his hand could wrap all the way around. But it was absolutely beautiful, if you could consider a cock something of beauty.
Peter slowly tore his eyes away from it and looked at the man’s face again, smiling. “Okay. Wanna actually get undressed or do you just want to do it like this?”
Steve’s tongue darted out quickly and ran over his swollen bottom lip. “Just...just like this. I’ll just throw these clothes in the wash once we’re done.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Peter grinned.
He leaned in, one hand slowly wrapping around Steve’s cock. He started with slow strokes, determined to immediately start learning what the captain liked in terms of physical touches. His thumb slid over the head gently and he smirked at the loud gasp it rewarded.
There was already quite a bit of pre leaking, so it just helped ease the way of his hand.
Steve leaned down and kissed Peter hard, silencing a moan that nearly escaped. He didn’t want to be loud and alert anyone else. And he also didn’t want to be too loud and freak Peter out.
Peter smiled against his lips, biting down gently on the bottom one for a moment. Then his tongue slid past it, meeting Steve’s.
His hand kept stroking, gradually getting faster.
He knew that it wasn’t likely that Steve would last long at all, not being used to the touch and all. But he expected some sort of verbal warning, given how worried Steve seemed to be about everything else.
Instead he got a weak whimper as he broke the kiss and then cum suddenly hitting the bottom of his chin.
He was reasonably startled, looking to Steve. But the other man seemed completely blissed out, eyes shut and mouth wide open in pleasure.
So Peter just slowly stroked him through it, watching in fascination just how much Steve could cum. From the time he started counting there were eleven spurts and there was certainly an impressive volume.
Even when he thought the other man was finished, there was a weak twitch from his cock and a little bit more spunk dribbled out of the tip.
Steve’s chest was heaving with his breaths by the time he came down from his high and he looked between he and the other man.
Both of them were a bit of a mess, exactly what he had been worried about. But luckily Peter didn’t look upset. He seemed fairly excited, actually, and maybe a bit stunned.
“Oh my god. Brooklyn, that was incredible.” He laughed softly, slowly pulling his hand away and wiping it on Steve’s shirt. It would need to be changed anyways, so he figured there was no harm done. “Did it feel alright?”
“Felt amazing,” Steve told him, still working on evening out his breathing. “It’s never that good by myself. I’m sorry it, ah...didn’t last long.”
Peter laughed. “Are you kidding? As long as you felt good, I’m happy. That was...wow. You said you were worried about making a mess, you weren’t kidding...okay, I need a moment. That’s gonna be something I cum to for a long time,” he babbled, eyes still focused on the mess between them.
Steve smiled shyly, dropping his head back against the back of the couch and closing my eyes. “Well, I’d be glad to help you out?” He offered. “I think we’ve worked up that far. But...I might need to rest a couple minutes. That was intense.”
“If you think that was intense,” Peter told him. “I really can’t wait until we actually get to fuck.”
“Language,” the captain mumbled quickly, smirking. “Well, I’m sure we’ll...we’ll get there soon. And I’m sure it’ll be incredible.”
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖊
A Lilia Vanrouge x Reader Oneshot
Note: Jk guys this is just a drabble I made while I drank a bitter gross black coffee just for kicks :'( Also this is my first time making a fanfic so yes, it's kinda OoF and is probably bad but why not? Emirite???? This is the last braincells I have and I hope y'all enjoy it :'))))))
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Mistakes were made under the cut!^~^
It was a peaceful afternoon with the beautiful sunset hues that illuminated your room. Ah..... how nice, the room feels alive again a smile graced your lips, as a silent creak of the door alerted you that someone has come to your room. You knew well who that person is. Just by thinking about him makes your heart flutter. "Lilia, love!" You cheerfully exclaimed at the small fae that stood before you."I'm back, little lamb." he smiled.
A moment of silence passed by, with you and Lilia looking at each other's eyes. Just by the view of the beautiful fae illuminated with rose tinted hues was enough to give you butterflies. Ah..... as expected from my lover! you thought. The two of you basked in the soft light that illuminated your room, how peaceful this moment is...
But that peace was soon broken when the fae said "I'm sorry my love..... I still haven't found the potion yet..... But worry not. I have taken care of the bastard that dares to mock-"
"shhhhhhh" you silenced the fae. "Everything's alright.... but can we talk about more happy things? If I were to die at any moment, I'd like to experience the most happiest moments in life in each passing second!" You jokingly said.
You sigh in dissapointment as you recall of the events that have unfolded a month ago. It was just a normal and happy day for you. You were so excited to visit the Diasomnia Dorm and most importantly, your lover, Lilia Vanrouge. This expedition of you was a normal occurence, rather, a routine that started when you started to like Lilia. But something feels weird, the Diasomnia dorm is awfully quiet today.....Your mind went blank, as a bright light blinded your eyes, you felt a sharp painful sensation in your chest, that caused you to faint.
Now why were you targeted? That is an obvious question to be answered "Because you are closeley affiliated with malleus and I. I didnt know there are still morons in this world that are stupid enough to mess with us, moreover, they harmed you...." Lilia said with anger and pain present in his eyes and a dark expression covering his face.
You woke up in a unfamiliar room, and to your demise, Malleus said the bright light that hit you was a curse resulting eventual death upon the victim. Thankfully, Malleus was there to stop the curse..... But not entireley. Magic can only do so much for a strong ancient curse.
Soon, day went by, weeks went by, with Lilia trying to find the potion to cure his lover, only to be left empty handed each time he comes home. It's an ancient curse that requires a certain potion in order to break it, naturally with ancient curses, the cure is very hard to find. That's why in the few remaining days of your life, you wished to make the most of it.
Waking up was difficult due to the fact that you knew you could die any momet, it was a happy and scary feeling..... You were thankful you woke up from slumber, but at the same time, you were afraid that you might dissapear from the world in any moment..... It sure was a mind baffling experience.
But now, you feel like you've reached your limit. It feels like your nightmare is finally taking form. Your eyelids are growing heavy from strain, your body is starting to feel numb minute after minute, and eternal slumber threatens to devour you in any moment. But there you are, staring straight at Lilia, the most precious person in your life. You feel alive again.
"(Y/n) I love you" Lilia said as your lips curl up to form a weak smile "I know..... But i love you more! hehe" Your knees started to feel weak and you fell unto the ground. Your hands started to feel numb as you cough up blood.
As odd as it sounds, this occurence is normal now, due to the fact that you are walking in the border between life an death.
The crimson blood that laced your fingers made you chuckle, it reminded you of Lilia's beautiful eyes that sparkled like rubies. Soon enough, those eyes are now looking at you with worry and demise clearly present in the fae's eyes. "Hehe, Lilia I think I'm starting to feel a bit drowsy now. But I dont want to sleep yet, can we dance?" You left out a weak laugh trying your hardest to look happy and strong in front of lilia's eyes. To your surprise, you see Lilia with a pained expression you've never seen before. "Dear, what have you done to me? You're just a weak little human that piqued my interest before. But look where we are now, I just averted my eyes for a brief second, and now they did this to you because of me.....I-....... Promise me that in your next lifetime, don't flock yourself with dangerous people like me alright?" A whine escaped you lips as your vision started to get blurry from the tears that are welling up in your eyes... "Hey Lilia darling, I just asked you for a dance right? I won't look cool if you turn me down like this..."
Frustration, worry, anger, and guilt welled up in Lilia's heart as his dear (y/n) stared at him sitting on the ground in front of him. He truly felt guilty that he was the reason why his lover ended up like that. (Y/n) deserves better than this. he thought. But now, he is so frustrated to see his darling helplessly smiling at him, pretending that everything is alright. It pained him to see his love slowly succumbing to the hands of death. A danse macabre indeed..
The look of strain and fatigue plastered all over (y/n)'s face made his heart drop. Lilia then stood up on his feet and asked "(y/n) darling, May I have this dance?"
Lilia then picked you up with your hands and the both of you waltz across the large bedroom illuminated by the bright hues of the sky, with lilia humming a familiar tune, you felt very relaxed in his grasp, you thought to yourself it would be nice if time were to stop at this moment, how romantic..... You giggled at your silly thoughts of a pipedream. "What is it little lamb? Falling for me harder now huh?" You started giggling like a little girl with Lilia's comment.
That is until a sharp pain in you chest started devouring you, making your legs feel numb and weak as the two of you fell onto the soft sheets of your bed. The look of pain plastered all over your face, with each second that passed, it feels like hell is devoring your soul,but when you look up, you see lilia with his worried and pained expression, his eyes glossy due to tears forming in his eyes. his biggest fear has finally begun to unfold right before his eyes. On the other hand, you felt your body started to grow numb with each second.
Pinning you from the bed, Lilia grabs your hand and squeeze it tightly, you felt like your fingers could break any second, but oddly enough, it felt pleasant and reasuring this pain is the feeling of being alive huh? Thank God I'm still alive you thought to yourself. "Dont go (y/n)! you're not allowed to leave me." Salty tears fell on your cheeks, as you felt your heart dropped feeling weak in death's grasp. The fae trailed kisses after kisses in your neck, tears began to fall, as his voice cracked and said "(y/n) , in all the years I've lived, you are the best thing that happend to me, you made me feel alive again, you're the most precious person I love, and I will keep you in my heart forever, I love you so much....... please don't forget that" hearing this is one of the best feelings in the world, you truly felt that it would be nice to die like this........ But maybe... just maybe... you can stay just for a bit longer.
"Lilia, if I ever get to have the power to go back in time where I first got here in twisted wonderland, do you know what I'd do? I would change nothing! Hehe! I would gladly meet you again and love you again! That would be like a treat for me! I get to relive all the best moments of my life all over again. I won't ever regret loving you, my darling....." A weak smile formed in your lips as you continued "if I were to get reincarnated, I wish that I will meet you and love you all over again! So you've gotta wait for me! And...... I love you too lilia Vanrouge senpai..." A dull pain in your chest started to hurt you again but soon enough, Lilia pressed his lips unto yours, tasting the salty tears mixed with the distinct flavor of licorice, you chuckled to yourself. The two of you embraced watching the sun finally set.
As the sky turned dark with the stars twinkling in the sky. "Lilia, you know, I feel very sleepy now, I'm really tired now..." You felt Lilia embrace you tighter as your vision gets blurry, and you feel every part of you has now grown numb.
"I hope you dream lots about me my sweet little (y/n)....." Your senses are now starting to shut down as you feel eternal slumber could devour you any moment "I love you lilia..." You finally felt you've crossed the border between life and death
"I love you too..." A weak smile graced your face as the cold night finally settled in.....
-The End-
So yes guys, this is me chilling here trying to delay and procrastinate on the rotting fanarts I'm making. If i look at my drawings, they would look at me judging my dumb decisions but oh well......
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randombubblegum · 3 years
i got fIesh eater bc i wanted to see what travis’s writing is really like and read his story about gay furries with daddy issues. and i just finished it this evening while i had some downtime........ so here are my Thoughts.
(minor spoilers for fIesh eater under cut)
alright ill start w the stuff i liked. the plot was pretty interesting, like i definitely felt a pull to keep reading and i wanted to know what was gonna happen next? i mean i tend to get like that with most books so who knows. and his worldbuilding was interesting, if... heavyhanded, but its clear he has it all thought out in his head. ill probably read the other books in this trilogy when they come out, i think its a neat universe
the characters were. likable? if plain... not 2d, just not wildly exciting. their personalities feel described to the reader much more than theyre actually demonstrated in speech or action. his dialogue is kind of up and down, like its very stilted in some places and i figured it was just bc this is a fantasy book, but then its really modern and slangy immediately afterwards so i was left feeling kinda “???”. if it were like, some characters were stilted in speech and others werent, that would be one thing, but the main characters voice especially bounces around too much for me. i did like him, even if he felt maybe a little self-insert-y...? something ive been told travis has done with protags in his other novels, so who knows.
and what i really didnt like....... his prose!!!!! oh my god it was so. it was just not very good!! it wasnt strong or compelling, nor was it pretty. it was super utilitarian at best, clunky at worst, and there were some lines i read and just went “yeesh, really?” i think if he had an editor or god even a BETA READER to be like “um, this line sucks” it would have been drastically improved. sorry travis!!!! but your prose isnt good and if i opened a fic by you on ao3 i would hit the back button before i even got into it. like i respect that you can write this many words but your actual wordsmithing does not compel me.......
now...... the romance!!!!!!!!! the main character (a fox named coaI) enters a budding romance with a woodpecker named iIio. and honestly? its cute! is it particularly romantic? no, its sort of clumsy and robotic like the rest of his prose. but its sweet! i like that he wrote a fumbling gay romance and clearly put a lot of care into it. it doesnt really strike an emotional chord, because again its pretty robotic in the tone of the rest of the novel, but i liked it and i thought it was sweet. like they hold hands a lot and kiss by rubbing cheeks bc one of them is a bird and doesnt have lips which is cute. it was very natural in-universe and there was no fantasy homophobia or anything which i appreciated. also travis said this in his authors note and i thought it was cute.
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so all in all, it was an enjoyable read, but it had some pretty glaring heavyhandedness in prose and worldbuilding. i wish he would do more showing, less telling, especially when it comes to how characters are feeling. also the dialogue needs workshopping in a lot of places. to judge him on ~the podcasts own rating scale~, id say its a 3/5, but i like travis so im gonna give him a 3.5/5 stars :-) and if i ever submit fanfic to him and he says one single thing about my writing abilities ill light him up on twitter<3 mwah
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macklives · 4 years
session 95 end
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i like that we ended 612 with karkat pretty sweet if you ask me (well an hour past it at least) 
ill try and sum this up as much as i can, considering it was a LONG one (but i felt long was good for the occasion since it was a homestuck holiday)
lets clear the elephant in the room (not plot related)........ i really like karkat vantas. he may be a jerk sometimes with the slurs but apparently he gets better?? so i DO wanna see some development but god hes such a great character and i know i hated him before but hes grown so much on me that i think hes even in the top 5 favorites. which are kanaya, terezi, aradia and nepeta THEN karkat. so yeah.... god tell me that back in act 3 and i would have LAUGHED
alright, now for the fuckups
equius and vriska
vriska lost her arm bc terezi sold her out to doc scratch, who then blew up the orb she stole which is the reason she now needs a robotic arm. terezi was quite sad about it actually, she wanted to talk with vriska one last time before she told doc, to see whether or not she changed. because vriska DID kill her friend......... but vriska meant smth to terezi, so if she wanted to be the better person and apologize or try, terezi wouldnt have done anything, but since vriska didnt seem to care that much, terezi had to show her that enough was enough. which obviously she didnt really enjoy doing. but damn... im curious to see how their friendship plays out in the future
okay now a quick recap of plot point:
vriska lusus died, but not completely so she had to kill her herself with a guillotine, by using her dice which foretold how she would do it, equius then hopped into the session and literally JUMPED to the next fucking gate to greet aradia, who he had prepared her a robot, aradia entered the robot and equius fucking PROGRAMMED IT TO LOVE HIM
which GOD OKAY
so she found out, hated the fact it was programmed and she didnt ACTUALLY have any romantic feelings for equius, so while pissed, she then smashed the living HEART INSIDE OF HER ON THE TABLE MULTIPLE TIMES, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EQUIUS THEN FUCKING KISSED HIM WHAT THE FUCK
THATS SO FUCKED UP???? the whole forcing this onto her thing when she clearly didnt like him 
however, it seemed while in the sprite, she didnt care much about equius’ peasantry remarks anymore, while she didnt reciprocate, she just went along with the commands he gave which made equius very very sweaty
honestly the most shocking thing of this session was the heart pounding, beating and kissing. 
and omg there was.. a LOT of blood. we had vriskas arm being exploded, lusus being guillotined, aradia smashing out her heart and karkat being stabbed
without break 
LMAO what is happening to these kids
and on that note, nepeta saw the whole ordeal happen and updated her shipping wall with it??? which has all the trolls in relationships and shes judging whether or not theyre fit for one another which good for her ig and can probably keep me updated on who has a crush on who even tho its not all accurate
THEN we have karkat who explained romance. how theres both hate and love in troll culture, which both can be seen as a relationship. one is called uhh kiss something, the other is called moiral something, and then theres one he didnt explain which is matesprite???? kiss is hate, moiral is love and the other is unknown. from what i get. tho most of the time i was being soft over how he had said nobody listens to him and hes just so invested he forgot vriska was even there or what his original point was. anyways, so basically you can have a crush on someone depending on what you feel for them, whether it be love or hate. and hate i see it as kinda like dating your enemy i guess???? yeah.. interesting. i kinda wanna see what dynamics in homestuck lead to that
OR what the kids think about it
oh god dont tell me aradia kissed equius because of the hate love thing.... and then they’ll actually have a romance because of the kiss-smth black romance whatever its called....... bc i swear to god..... im not going to enjoy that in the slightest.. i dont want to see that.. nuh uh...... smth about them that irks me
i genuinely also thought sollux and aradia were still together but i guess since the incident theyre not??? bc then id be REALLY fucking concerned for the aradia x equius thing bc thats blatant cheating..... but nothing has been really confirmed so... for my sanity, ill say theyre taking a break, EVEN if id rather much have them together because they were cute :(( but equius FUCKED IT UP
ANYWAYS, last point but not least, while karkat explained this whole romance schtick, he got stabbed.. yes, STABBED, by their session’s jack noir agskagdjhd WHICH APPARENTLY DIDNT BOTHER KARKAT BECAUSE HE HAD HIS PRIORITIES LMAOOO HE JUST TYPED AWAY WITH BLOOD GUSHING ON HIS SIDE LIKE NOTHING, n e ways, he told jack not to tell anybody his blood color, and was being a dramatic bitch about it, because apparently karkat has red blood (not aradias, a mutant like color) which is oppressed by troll culture, so he hides it to not get shat on... jack cut himself to show karkat he wasnt alone. which i then remembered karkats session got fucked up when he was explaining his own game to john, and apparently jack fucked theirs up so i cant wait to see what happens there
and thats basically it
and with that, happy birthday karkat and happy 612 to you all
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