#but he walks into a tnt minecart
sn0wp1anets · 6 months
i think we should talk about the 100 hours hardcore more like that is peak content !!
joel and scar being there, pvp specifically being disabled so joel and grian cant kill each other, scar taking the enchantment table, grian talking abt scar dying in hermitcraft alot as if he isnt the one killing scar all the time, scars insanely dangerous base, joel's hey scar farm, grian dying, the whole episode with jimmy, joel blaming jimmy for grians death and when jimmy tried to protest this joel attacked him and then jimmy started calling him sir?? like peak comedy. lizzie's death when she fought the wither, grian's moustache, killing scott and bigb with those minigames for literally zero good reason, scar stealing grians helmet then dying immediately, the whole finale episode, 'we should make out', JOEL BLOWING HIMSELF UP W THE MINECART.
like this is literally one of my favourite series please can we talk about it more.
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I am high on caffeine rn and I just had a thought. I'm pretty sure other people have said this before in a much clearer way but Joel is such a walking contradiction to himself. he loves and hates. builds and breaks and repairs. he feels too much, he doesn't care. he still cares. he burns and gets burned. he's scared of heights and he WILL jump into a ravine. he's a lone wolf. he craves companionship. he's loyal to a fault. he'd end his alliance because the guy from the opposite team repaired his roof. he's the guy you should be most terrified about. he blew himself up with HIS OWN tnt minecarts. full of whimsy and bloodlust.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #14
Lost and Founder's Day
I do really like how the theme song flows, especially at the end where Cosmo and Wanda jump from their human disguises into fairy form.
Ooh, Founder's Day came back from "A New Dev-elopment." Continuity! I like how the title card shows us the hat that Dev and Hazel saw during their treasure hunt.
I'm gonna throw my money down on the Dimmadomes founding Dimmadelphia (or an ancestor).
skdfj, Hazel's so cute when she steals her teacher's hat.
-> Yes, it was the Dimmadomes.
I like how Dev's shades are still gone, but he's still got that smug tone of voice. But today, he has a good reason to be a bit smug for a festival his family is hosting (that his dad had to work over the weekend to pull together). This is gonna be interesting.
I don't trust any of this tech to be good (in the moral sense). Dale literally tried to promote pollution a few episodes ago.
LKSDJFSD, Dev giving out watches that do a bunch of cool technical things and this is the face he makes when he's asked if the watches tell time:
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(They do not).
This is the first time Hazel's shown interest in anything related to Dimmadomes' tech (She has a phone case covering any logo and didn't know how to do the dance they apparently made) and now she's gushing over the gift Dev gave her so I'm... hm. Where ya going with this, Hazel?
Okay, so... what the HECK is going on with Dimmadelphia? I'm sure we'll get to learn the real founder soon, but all I can assume right now is that it was Doug himself, hence the hat logo. If that's true, he was BUSY during the 50 years of frozen time.
-> That WOULD justify my Buxaplenty overlap seeing as the train lines would've been crucial for this.
It's gotta be a different ancestor. There's no way Doug would be in Dimmsdale if he'd founded another city. This city's huge. I'll be watching for any indications of "established X year."
Aww, Hazel adores Dev now and is blatantly gushing over him. That's really cute. Local #1 Dev fan:
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[cnt'd under the cut - #long post]
I can't believe we didn't get a "Hazel has a bone in her hair" gag when she got shocked by the tech.
omfg, Dev is so desperate to interact with his dad that he's begging to "organize merchandise by tossing boxes back and forth to each other." He's smart. Goober.
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Diagnosed child who would play Catch with active TNT minecarts in Limited Life SMP. He would just do it...
Dale, you shouldn't tell your son to "Eat a lizard." That's mean.
Oh noooo, are we about to get "My dreams were crushed many years ago... How old are you?" version 2.0?
-> Note to self, Dev's birthday is 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days before Founder's Day (give or take since he says "pretty much exactly my birthday to the day, which I think implies he's doing math and decides it's the day).
Dev is 9? Lol. Didn't we already have end of the year tests in like, Episode 2? And our implied end of school year dance? Baby.
-> I double-checked and Sadie Hawkins is in November. There were Sneezy Hawkins Dance posters in Episode 1 when Hazel walked in. Those posters hung in school for multiple episodes (I'll keep my eyes out for them in future episodes), which would imply she started school in September or October (Probably not August since she was specially introduced to the class as a new student).
-> If we keep seeing the posters throughout the whole year, I'm willing to wave them off, but while planning the timeline, it's worth noting they exist, we know we're post-2019, but probably not too many years later since that was the most recent date on the gym's championship banner for a school that clearly wins sports games often ("Fearless"), and we've seen multiple waning crescent moons.
-> No snow, but not unreasonable since Dimmsdale was in California.
... I gotta say, I'm really enjoying these recent episodes, but D: Where was this early in the series when I was confused in Post #10 as to where all the underlying trauma vibes were?
We've absolutely shifted vibes from where we were when I wrote that post. Which is fantastic, but I'm surprised we didn't get this earlier. THIS is FOP vibes. THIS is what I wanted and why I was super confused by this show's tone earlier. Yeah, of course I like Dev now... He's shifting the tone back to the OG show's vibes.
I'm wary, but I've approached to eat out of the hand.
Oh no, we scene shifted before Dale could reveal the statue under the cloth. Either he's broken and we're going to see the aftereffects (following Hazel's POV where she's confused as to why he's gone off the rails and turned snappy) or he's gonna find out during the event and he'll break down in front of the crowd. Uh-oh...
...... Okay, now they're just taunting me with the moon. It can't always be a waning crescent!!
The stage looks like Doug Dimmadome.
Please tell me Dale didn't forget to add Dev's info to the ID-scanning robot.
Every time Angela is onscreen she has a new therapy book and I support her.
Wanda: Parenting never gets easier.
-> Please tell me Hazel's parents are about to ask about that and they're going to have to either backpedal or they're going to imply they've raised like 100 kids.
sdlkfj, they only cite Poof. BRUTAL.
-> Cosmo one again giving me "First fairy baby born in 1000 years." Yeah yeah, Westley Periwinkle held the title first, we all know him (/fanfic joke).
Seriously though, it's very funny to me that Poof is never, ever referred to as "first baby born after Cosmo" or "first baby born in tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands." Only first in hundreds OR first in thousands. I can't believe that DANG KID is still haunting me in the new show.
-> Cosmo still confirmed to have been the pregnant parent. I'm glad that wasn't retconned (despite Cosmo's best efforts to scramble and cover up what he said by claiming Wanda was the pregnant one).
Cracking up. Cosmo, I think the neighbors think you're trans but not out about it.
Angela: Where's your son now? :) Wanda: Eh, we don't know. I mean, we forget because we were on vacation for 10k years.
Wanda, WHAT did I say in Post 11 about how you cannot leave that clingy child alone immediately after tearing him away from Timmy?? If Poof shows up and he has abandonment issues and/or clingy vibes, I'm gonna shake you both so hard.
-> Why is Marcus not calling them out for being paranormal creatures? ... That's kind of funny since Crocker would've lost his mind.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda turned their wands into lollipops for the carnival. That's cute.
Uh-oh, the statue's not been revealed yet. I hope Dev isn't onstage when this happens. (I want him to be onstage and suffer).
-> I should note that "Stanky Danky" and "Lost and Founder" are the episodes Dale lists the companies he's in charge of, and I'm pretty sure they're different. I want to make a coherent list throughout the series.
Marcus is reading his wife's book at the party, aww. They're so cute.
OH MY GOSH, their ancestor IS surnamed Dimm! I am once again thinking this implies Dale Dimm from "Which Witch Is Which?" - who founded Dimmsdale - is probably also in this family tree.
Wanda's glowing wand is adorable. They're both cute.
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So, Hazel has been here long enough she agrees she hasn't "just" moved here anymore, so I'll allow the waning crescents.
Doug Dimmadome struck gold in 1953? I'll be making a note of that. I know that's after both Dimmsdale and Dimmsdale Flats were founded. This doesn't do much for me right now, but it's good to note.
-> This implies he was a teen or adult in 1953, so he's definitely not close to the age of Timmy's parents, who were 10 in the '70s. This checks out; he's got the white hair.
-> Let's say this is 2020 for the purpose of "We know we're after 2019." (2020 - 1953) is 67, and the youngest I'd be okay letting him strike gold is 10, since 10-year-olds do a lot in this show. So, he's at minimum 77 years old during this show, and could very easily be 87 or more years older (87 if he struck gold at 20), if I'm doing my math right.
And again, that's off the assumption it's 2020, which is a little earlier than I'd been brainstorming. I'm okay with this since he had white hair in the OG series, but I'm gonna have to plot out a timeline for Dale's age at some point.
Dale: /evil monologues about his plan to monitor kids' heartrates to figure out exactly what a child want. Me: Dale, have you tried... talking to a kid? Maybe YOUR kid? Standing behind you? Dev, clearly uneasy: Dad, that's so great! You get to help kids right away!! Dale: ... Help kids?
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^ Me
Wait, so the drones can waste products and not get yelled at? Dale, maybe you should focus your attention in that area of your business- I think you're losing product.
Why do the drones sound so sad? They're talking like all their friends just ditched them. They're so cute.
I love how he's still wearing the big boots:
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Oh no, Dev's on stage and Dale's talking about how the statue "isn't just him" under the tarp and "he can remember when this bundle of joy arrived." Yeah, Dev's about to shatter.
Okay, Wanda's clearly startled that the statue doesn't depict Dev and even Cosmo's starting to sense that something's going on in that family. You two are going to report this, right?
Aww, Cosmo misses his son.
The contrast of Dev crashing and burning while Hazel is enjoying her new hat is very funny to me. Like, we get this sequence of how happy she is and you just know Dev's having the worst day.
Dev: It's Hazel! Of course... Her well-known love of hats! /said not long after Wanda was like "Hazel, I've literally never seen you wear a hat before yesterday, what do you mean you like hats?
That's actually very funny. And cute? When did Hazel and Dev talk about liking hats? Logically, that must've been while they were montaging on the treasure hunt and posing next to those hat-shaped objects for photos.
With Dev talking about the Dimmadomes running a family business, I'd really like to see what Dev's relationship with his grandfather is. Doug was also careless about destroying childhood memories and I don't trust him to be a good dad either, but I'm curious.
-> I actually have no proof Doug Dimmadome is still alive. I wonder if he's out of the picture and if that had a negative effect on Dale, which may be why he's throwing everything into the business right now, and why he loves his boots.
-> I should check if those boots are similar to his dad's. Like, what if he saw his dad die on the day Dev was born and the boots were left to him, so that's why the boots are so important to him that he dedicated a statue to them?
POV, the dad who (presumably) pampered you for life after you'd spent 7 years of torment underground - and you don't seem to have a mother in your life so this is your only parent and only known connection to a world that isn't full of suffering - is dying on the same day your wife is in labor. What do you do?
Aww, Hazel knows Dev well enough to sense that something's up and ask if he's okay, implying they seem to have grown closer from "A New Dev-elopment" when she saw his father scoff at him and opted to change the subject instead of asking about his feelings. They seem to be doing well as friends and I like that.
-> All these crescent moons make me wonder how long it's been since that episode, though since Dale was working on the Founder's Day event on the weekend, I assume we're still in that range of time.
Dev, holding his arm when Hazel asks if he's okay: I... don't have time to get into it.
They're so cute. I love them.
-> I love the focus on Dev right now, but I hope we don't go full steam ahead into Hazel's friendship with him and she sidelines Jasmine and Winn for her new buddy and/or potential crush.
She hasn't seen her friends this whole carnival, which surprises me. Don't do it, Hazel.
What, where did Dev get those shades. He didn't have those .4 seconds ago.
Dev's going to complete his task and give Hazel's hat back to his dad and still get rejected.
OH NO, Dev is trying to lure the scanner drones away from Hazel, but he didn't tell her that so she thinks he just called her a name, mugged her, and ran off. That's hilarious. #You tried.
Dev, you have to talk to people. You can't just assume she knows what's going on. Fool.
I like how Dale also has special eyewear (VR glasses).
I like how Cosmo inexplicably thinks all the Dimmadomes have "Pickle" as a middle name. I think he said that to Dev in an earlier episode, right?
I like how Hazel saved the day by "doing what Cosmo would do" and pressing all the buttons randomly. That's hilarious.
Barry the dinosaur was at the carnival... That's great.
As she deserves to be- that's the second time Dev regressed to calling her names. She thought they went through this, but now she's like "He's not changing and also I literally just caught his dad in an evil plot of shocking children's brains with electricity. And Dev seems to have been helping."
Yeah... This is gonna go great. Also, his cute little poses:
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Oh thank goodness... We are SO BACK, baby! The fluffy episodes were fine, but NOW we're gettin' somewhere!! Time to break some hearts.
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"I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth." I love them.
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Aww, he likes her so much. Best buddies...
I didn't know this was his phone, I thought it was a retro video game console.
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Oh, it's an iPad parallel. It's got a stand and that's why it's big.
I like how my extremely specific "Ed Leadly as Dev's other grandpa" situation just keeps getting worse the more I think about it.
Little Dev: Grandpa Leadly, I learned to write my name! :) Leadly sitting among his pencils as Dev hands him a tablet he typed on instead of pencil and paper: Buddy, rising star, apple of my eye, my little angel... I will pay you 17 million dollars to never do this in front of me again.
Dad who likes flashy and long-lasting things to remind himself how far he's come vs. grandpa who's willing to massively overpay for anything he took interest in for 5 seconds; what arguments will they endure?
OHHH BOY, it's fairy assignment time! LET'S FREAKIN' GO!
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It's Poof!! That is not the voice I expected out of him, but maybe I should've because he did love deep voices back in "Certifiable Super Sitter." I accept it.
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Aw, he's so ready to play! This makes me so happy... That's exactly what a fairy godparent is here for- Finding miserable kids and turning that around so they get happier memories of their childhoods. That's exciting!
-> Oh, NOW I see why you guys were all messaging me about my "Poof adores his hero Westley Periwinkle and likes naming things after him" lore, sdkjfl. Ahahaha... I'm in danger.
-> "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies" Poof-Westley interactions looming on the horizon
Interesting choice to change his name? I wonder if that was done for stylistic reasons like the script. I seem to remember the OG show's scripts would say POOF in them for special effects, and I can see how that would be confusing.
Is... is this because he's trying to lie low so he can dodge the attention he was always getting as a celebrity kid? That feels right, seeing as if it was a true deadname to him, he probably wouldn't have introduced himself as Poof before saying "I changed it to Peri, like Periwinkle."
Either that or he's unclear if Dev's heard anything about him from Cosmo, Wanda, or Hazel and he wanted to clarify who he is, though that doesn't seem likely.
Huh. I'm kinda surprised Poof showed up. I know in the past, he was a controversial addition to the show and I half-expected him to be swept under the rug, though I did wonder about it when Cosmo and Wanda were talking about him earlier.
I've always loved him though and I'm excited to have him back. Return of my other OTHER son.
I'm really excited to hear him talk since his talking was limited to "School of Crock" (only at the end), "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (which he mostly slept through), and "Certifiable Super Sitter" (which is... unique). I've had to make up his entire personality for 'fics based on what limited understanding we had of his interests. I look forward to learning more about this version of him!
My established version of him in 'fics will take priority over new information. I'm currently still on the line of "Do I want to ignore New Wish in my canon or try to incorporate what I can?"
That said, I'm leaning a little towards incorporating, since I think I can work with most of it so far, especially if we're throwing in "Fairywinkle-Cosma family aren't strangers to time travel right now."
-> I'm not committing by any means, so don't hold me to that, and even if I do, it'll be cherry-picky.
-> One of my canons for Cloudlands AU Poof is that he's a fanfic writer, mainly for a series called Ninja Cowboy (which he chronically leaves unfinished, to Foop's distress since as Poof's opposite, he's addicted to finding out their endings). He also writes Anti-Cosmo x H.P. fanfics because it's the only thing that makes them back off when they show up to bother him.
Point being, I hope he gets to engage in Prime Meridian with Dev. I feel like they'd enjoy writing 'fics together and it would be funny to me :)
-> I'm wheezing on the floor. Poof's early concept name was Dusty. Even though the writers wouldn't have reason to know that was his concept name, it's funny to me that his name was changed to something that's also not that. The man of as many names as voices he can mimic...
That works really well for me since I named his younger brother Dusty, so that would've caused me problems.
I also gave Poof a mullet / ponytail in my teen design, so that makes me laugh. Lemme see if I have his ref sheet...
I do! Plus a bunch more from my files:
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Looks like I gave him a tuft kinda close to his extra hair strand! That's fun. I wonder if New Wish Poof also likes sports. Hmm...
I'm gonna have to look up what era suspenders were popular. I specifically designed my teen/adult Poof with a late 60s / early 70s vibe since Cosmo was said to have been designed for the 50s, which is the time period parallel I was treating Fairy World in during that era too (hence Poof's blog tag being #purple hippie dragonfly, which I'm not planning to change because it's for me).
Exciting! I like Poof's staff. I've seen people do adulthood designs for Foop with a staff, but Poof's a new one. That's fun.
Alas, no freckles... but that's not gonna change in his Cloudlands AU design. We are "biological queen bee" all the way here.
Hmm. Foop has freckles, but... we'll see if he ever shows up in this series. I do not expect the artists to remember his freckles since they only showed up when he puffed his cheeks or flushed, but... if Foop shows up without his mustache and goatee, I'mma have questions.
Actually, this is perfectly fine because I always draw gyne fairies with pale freckles unless they're at their peak, and I already set Finley up as more dominant than Poof at school (with Finley suppressing his pheromones so Poof's "locked down" anyway). It looks like they're pretty faint in his ref sheet too. I'm satisfied with this.
No promises I'll work the Peri arc into my canon. I think I have room for it to exist and I don't think I've seen anything in New Wish that directly conflicts with Cloudlands AU in a way I can't work around, but I'm not likely to write 'fics for New Wish right now.
-> I'm not opposed to incorporating New Wish prompts into the 130 Prompts series IF I find any old drafts I end up not liking, but I did a deep clean in early 2023 and got rid of ones I didn't like, so I'm not sure.
I did sketch Hazel for a potential arc cover though, so I can use that if I have reason to.
So far, as long as I can find a satisfying way for Poof to age, I think I can swing New Wish around to fit with Cloudlands AU... unless we get something super specific like Poof-Peri already graduating high school or Cosmo and Wanda confirming they won't have godkids after Hazel, in which case I'll have to ignore that.
I can even work things around if Peri's not with Goldie, because their whole thing in Cloudlands AU is celebrity drama and dating life struggles anyway (iirc, Foop even told readers that Poof and Goldie keep splitting up and getting back together).
-> I've always suspected Poof would get special advance godkid permissions seeing as, y'know... Jorgen literally made him trial test Crocker's Mom as his "godperson assignment" in "Fairly Old Parent," plus Poof was getting on-the-job training his whole life. It's neat to see him!
I hope Poof's better at not burning himself out now. He looks like he's doing okay. He's grown out of his shell!
-> According to my timeline, Erg was Cosmo and Wanda's trial kid while they were still in high school, so it would totally work for me if Dev is Poof's high school assignment.
I'm not expecting that to be stated, but I can work with it.
Thanks for joining me in this liveblog! Looking forward to more episodes :)
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trafficlife · 1 year
drown me in your love
The last time Tango and Scott were the last "peaceful" colors on the server, it was Scott who died first. Now, the tables have turned and Tango died first. Which meant he was red, and his emotions amplified tenfold… Including his love for Scott. Yet, Tango didn't expect to be able to satisfy his bloodlust and passion in one fell swoop. But this game was known for being unpredictable.
word count: 1925
ao3 link
(inspired by this artwork)
TangoTek fell from a high place.
Now, the first thing Tango should've said when respawning was "damn it Martyn!" Or "I need to get some time back."
Instead it was "Where's Scott? I need him!" in response to opening his communicator and seeing that Scott was the last yellow.
It could've been up to interpretation, but Tango already knew it didn't mean "I need to kill him" or "I need his time."
Tango needed to hold Scott in his arms, to kiss him until he was gasping for air once they pulled away, but quickly going in for more. Maybe it was possible for Tango to bring Scott down to red by suffocating him with his kiss. It'd probably kill Tango as well but that would be quite the way to go, drowning in the kisses of the person you loved.
He needed to gently rub his thumb along Scott's cheeks to feel his scales, and feel the aquatic man shudder at the touch.
Tango didn't realize how far his thoughts were spiraling until he saw patches of grass that were scorched by his fiery tail.
Oh dear.
In the words of Scott Smajor himself, "oh Jesus."
Being red meant that all emotions and thoughts were intensified, making it difficult for some players to think straight. Of course, being a red life didn't affect everyone the same way. Some people were completely consumed by their bloodlust (such as Joel and Pearl); other people were able to weaponize their bloodlust, wielding it like it was a sword (this also applies to Joel and Pearl).
Tango and his bloodlust just co-existed. He didn't need a kill to be satisfied, and really only acted when he wanted to. It didn't mean he was immune to the intense emotions that came with being a red life. And of course, because the universe definitely wants to see him make a fool out of himself, that included his love for Scott
The fact that Tango and Scott loved each other wasn't a secret. After all, pretty much half the server walked in on them making out before turning yellow (Scott blamed Grian for that). Jimmy was very happy to hear that his ex-husband and his ex-soulmate were hitting it off and even messaged Tango during the short-lived Yellow Peace and asked "isn't Scott a great kisser?" (Tango almost burnt down a forest while figuring out how to respond while still appearing sane).
Tango inhaled sharply, staring down at his communicator. Scott seemed to be hanging with team T.I.E.S and Martyn, probably since they were on okay terms with each other. But that meant Scott wouldn't be alone, especially if Martyn is trying to protect him.
Tango knew for a fact that he could never beat Martyn in a fight. PVP was not his specialty.
He opened the chat in his communicator to send Scott a text. But where could they meet up? Wherever they met, it couldn't be anywhere around Skynet, should the bad boys feel extra bad and drop more TNT minecarts. The T.I.E.S base was their safest bet; it seems that the other members were busy, so Tango and Scott would be alone together.
The smell of smoke snapped Tango out of his thoughts. His tail dragged along the grass, leaving a scorched trail behind him. He yelped and stomped on the flames, scolding his tail for having a mind of its own. "Calm down, Tango. It's literally just Scott... And he's going to be hunted down by the entire server for his time." Tango chuckled to himself. "Guess I'm not the only one who wants Scott..." He bit down on his lip, a wave of heat creeping up his neck and blooming on his cheeks and ears. "... This man is going to be the death of me."
"Not unless I kill you first, Tango!" A sing-song voice called from behind him, followed by a bang! from a firework.
"Scar- Scar, don't!" Tango shouted, pulling out his bow to fire back. "I had nothing to do with it!"
"You're a part of T.I.E.S, you must die," Scar responded smugly. He looked up to Bdubs and Cleo, who were standing on top of a mountain. "Get him!"
"NOPE!" Tango rushed through the dark forest, with the Clockers' arrows beating down on him like hail. He had just turned red, couldn't he get at least a few minutes of peace? "Nope-nope-nope, WHERE IS MY TEAM?!"
He pulled out a piece of bread to eat it, turning around to make sure Scar wasn't on his tail.
That was simultaneously a bad and good idea.
An arrow hit him right in the chest, causing him to wince and stumble backwards, falling into someone.
Now, who could he possibly fall into?
Definitely not the cyan-haired Scottish fish hybrid currently being hunted down by the rest of the server. Definitely not Scott Smajor, the person that Tango found himself falling head over heels for. Definitely not the person that Tango was raving about not even a few minutes ago.
Fate was such a funny thing.
Tango's breath hitched as he stared down at Scott. His scales were more prominent on his skin, cyan fins replaced his ears, and there was a tail swaying on his side. Thankfully, Tango didn't have Scott laying directly on his tail. Scott smirked a bit, his cheeks a soft shade of pink. "Hey, Tango. Nice to see you dropping in."
"Hey- That's my line!" Tango did his best to ignore the cracks in his voice as he smiled down at Scott. They were so close, it was driving Tango insane. Scott could probably hear his heart thumping against his ribcage.
"Do you need help with anything?" Scott asked, pointing to the arrow in Tango's chest. "I thought I heard you screaming 'no' earlier."
"Ah, yeah. The Clockers are trying to find me, but..." He leaned in a little closer to Scott, tail swaying in the air. "I don't really care that much. 'Cause they led me into you."
Scott raised a brow. "It sounds like you missed me."
"I might've."
"More like you missed my lips, with how much you're staring at them."
"Ah, I... Might have?"
Scott chuckled, the sound music to Tango's ears. "If you really wanted to kiss me..." He brushed his fingers along the nape of Tango's neck, causing him to shiver. "You could've just asked."
"I was hoping we could be alone..." Tango's thumb brushed against Scott's lower lip. "But at the same time, pretty much everyone knows about us. And half the server walked in on us last time—"
"Just shut up and kiss me before the other half of the server walks in on us—"
Tango quickly obeyed, swallowing the rest of Scott's words for himself. This kiss felt much more passionate and heated than the previous ones, thanks to Tango's additional (blood)lust. The blazeborn refused to waver in his advances, his hands all over Scott's face. One moment, they were caressing his cheeks and thumbing his scales, the next they were tangled in the coral and seaweed in his hair.
For a nanosecond, Tango parted his lips in a smile before he began softly nibbling on Scott's lower lip. Scott's breath hitched, as he wrapped his arms around Tango's neck to pull him closer. The taste of Scott's lips was still so delectable, still so addicting. At this point, Tango was going to swallow Scott whole.
However, he felt Scott flinch and shudder underneath him as if he were taking damage. If this were Double Life, Tango would've assumed that Scott's soulmate got into an accident. But it was just them now and there was no explanation, unless Tango was accidentally hurting Scott.
Tango pulled away from a reluctant Scott who whined insistently and tried pulling the blazeborn in for another round. He took one of the fish hybrid's hands, inspecting it for burns or cuts. "Tango..." Scott rasped, still struggling to catch his breath.
"Sorry," Tango murmured. "I thought I was hurting you. It seemed like you were taking damage."
"No- No, you weren't"—Scott took several deep breaths— "you weren't hurting me." His fingers were entangled in Tango's golden hair, chest rising and falling as he recollected himself. Tango watched him, waiting for Scott to recover before diving in for more. The last thing Tango wanted to do was kill him—
Was that what he was taking damage to?!
In all honesty, the thought had crossed Tango's mind in the form of a joke. He did not think dying from asphyxiation via making out was possible but a lot of things didn't make sense in this game.
He snapped out of his thoughts, at the feeling of Scott lightly tugging at his hair. Tango chuckled seductively. "And I thought I was impatient... But you do realize, I could probably kill you and bring you down to red if I keep kissing you, right?"
Scott nodded eagerly, eyes half-lidded but full of desire. "I know. And, well, if I'm going to turn red... I'd rather die at your hands. Or, your lips."
"That's making me wonder, what the death message is going to look like..."
"Only one way to find out," Scott whispered as he pulled the blazeborn down into another kiss. Their lips were permanently locked this time, with the only key being Scott's death. It was a good thing that drowning didn't take too long so they had some time before Scott disappeared.
The fish hybrid whimpered as Tango slipped his tongue into the kiss, starting to shudder underneath. Scott gripped Tango's hair more rougher, as if trying to take him down as well. Tango wasn't affected by the drowning—either because he had a larger lung capacity or Scott had a smaller one (now that he was a fish hybrid). Tango cupped Scott’s scaled face with one hand, and his hip with the other, making comforting circles to lightly massage them. Tango relished in the muffled line that escaped Scott’s lips, though it was slightly strained from the lack of oxygen.
Eventually, Tango face-plummeted into the grass once Scott disappeared. His communicator buzzed a couple times in his pocket and he pulled it out, biting down on his lip. How was he already missing Scott's lips? He stifled a smirk upon reading the chat.
Smajor1995 drowned whilst kissing TangoTek  <Skizzleman> HAHAHA  <Bigbst4tz2> thats one way to go to red lol  <SmallishBeans> way to go tango!  <Inthelittlewood> of course its tango who brings scott to red  <Grian> YESSSSSS  <Grian> I WAS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD DIE LIKE THAT  <Grian> this is legendary  <Ethoslab> thats the best death of the season  <ZombieCleo> me killing etho several times in one session is a close second  <Ethoslab> thanks gem  <Ethoslab> i mean cleo  <SolidarityGaming> when can i be next  <SmallishBeans> tim please you're already low
Yup. That was the best death of the season. If not for the death game setting, Tango would definitely do it a thousand times over. And he had a feeling that Scott wouldn't be upset with it either.
Tango pulled out his clock to find that he had gained 30 minutes and was now yellow again. Which meant the target was slapped on his back again.
Then again, Jimmy did say he wanted to be next. And he was already low, so why not kill two birds (or a blaze and a canary) with one stone?
<TangoTek> jimmy <TangoTek> want an extra 30 minutes?
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kuruasu · 1 year
Ok but something that just absolutely claws at me about Jimmy's death is that he stepped forward because they taught him to. The one time they change it up is the one time it matters.
And none of them noticed.
Look at how everyone did tnt minecarts.
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Put the rails either at the end of a bridge or on a block placed to the side of the bridge, and then walk through to push it off. It's always at least two blocks long, you always have enough room to step.
And Jimmy had joked about Joel and Grian teaching him how tnt minecarts worked! He'd been watching them do it! Joel even set it up for him, all he had to do was push it off!
And for literally the first and only time, the rail is directly on the bridge. There's no block to step onto.
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Look at it! It looks like it's on another block! It looks like he had somewhere to step!
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Like, don't get me wrong, I don't think it was a betrayal or anything. I don't even really blame Joel; it was a chaotic situation, I genuinely believe they just weren't thinking, I just. I don't know if it's the irony of it, or how one small change went so unnoticed by everyone in such a way that it can only be the canary curse at work, or the way Joel and Grian keep saying he died to his own stupidity when he was literally just doing as he was taught. It won't get out of my head
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goldenflurry · 1 year
It’d been a few days since the session, yet everyone seemed to move on faster than TIES, or well.. TIE, could. The three of them had been sitting around the base, and the tower, not speaking much, but words spinning around all their heads.
Tango had found himself sitting near the chickens most often, a feeling of something missing, a hint at a time long pasted. The times of heart ache watching as a soulmate died, and how you would be doomed to fall next. Tango knew, of course, that the soul bond had been removed as that season ended, of course it had, the two weren’t even on the same server, for the most part, afterwards. But as he watched over the chickens and the cows something didn’t feel right, the ache of someone missing, the feeling of a hole.. maybe it was just that he missed being around Skizz, the guy who could always bring a positive spin to basically all situations. Hell, he even got Tango to have a giggle got while Skizz was actively being hunted.
He knew he’d see Skizz again, eventually, Jimmy too, but it didn’t help that the two were actively gone in the moment. Something felt off, and unusual, about how the three died, but maybe he was thinking too hard about it. Yeah, they would be fine after the games ended, and that feeling of emptiness would go away as soon as he saw them at the end of the games.
Impulse had been sitting, watching, and thinking. Spending most of his time on, or around, skynet. Walking through the areas that TIES had built, where Skizz spent his last moments, and where tnt minecarts took out so many. While the session was paused they weren’t allowed to change anything, which usually didn’t bother Impulse all too much, but he felt it was a missed opportunity to make a memorial for Skizz. He couldn’t explain why he felt the need for it in the first place, but he could see the whole team was down in the dumps since the last session ended.
Maybe if they had a place all three could have gone, they would’ve been able to talk it out, maybe they could figure out why, why Skizzle’s time running out affected them so much. Why it effected him so much. He’d seen Skizz’s final lives before, why was it so different, so heart wrenching? Maybe he should ask for answers, maybe he will just think about it instead, maybe the end will just show him Skizz is okay and that’s all he will need.
Etho had found himself swimming in a pool of guilt as he hung around the mob farm. Maybe he should’ve said something different, maybe he shouldn’t have taken the time, maybe he should have tried to convince them all to wait out the last twenty, or so, minutes that Skizz had left. Then maybe he wouldn’t feel so responsible for Impulse and Tango looking so distressed. Of course he knew that was the only option at the time, Skizz wanted to go out on his own terms with his own team, of course he did. Skizz made it a point this season even, to make sure everyone knew how great they were, how good they are, and how proud of them he is. Etho sat staring out the world border, he knew Skizz wasn’t the only thing on his mind but, that’s what made him think back to Skizz more.
Etho couldn’t understand why Joel kept appearing in his thoughts, they had only teamed once after all, they weren’t even that close this season. But that nagging feeling kept hitting his mind, something about losing him in the session felt off. A familiar feeling of heart break, a flash to the time he watched as his soulmate fell to the ground while playing with fishing rods. The soulmate that was quite the opposite of himself, the soulmate that when changing color didn’t sit and think too hard about how that means he was one step closer to the end, but more so took it as an opportunity to be himself more and more. The fear of death only hitting him as the obvious fact he couldn’t avoid it came around.
Etho found himself thinking back to the Boat Boys more often than he thought he would, maybe the Bad Boys was just too close of a name, maybe seeing Joel have a more genuine experience with the people he’s with felt like he did something wrong, or perhaps it was just, the feeling of emptiness as he thought about his previous soulmate. How it felt like a part of him was missing, that part of him was gone for good. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, that feeling, but Etho always seemed to feel it as the thoughts went through, he was just glad the season would be over soon and everyone would go back to their lives.
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unieh · 6 months
Limited Life Script.txt
Everything in 0.5x speed
Premier preview. Slideshow of images of scenes e.g iksvo tnt Minecraft. Skybase battle fade between eachother -357 90 977
Ideas: Intro sample the woo waa bing bong. Overlay a timer representing how much time Unieh has. The seconds goes down with the beat Lyrics to add: we never sleep. This moments made of dust Unieh getting Boogie Nadoms dropping tnt minecart from skybase over spawn Nadoms killing Inclementlord and Westerlyy with a spawn anchor Nadoms placing tnt above emillelle__ and thiccsand Nadoms falling off bridge while Unieh and westerly watches all in camera 2d
0:00 - 0:58 - INTRO 0:00 - 0:12: (fade in to colour with the WOOOLOOO sound) First a scene of the landscape above spawn (new world) then the camera slowly moves down revealing the timer (green) starting from 24:00:00 and the seconds goes down on line of the beat of the music (fade into next scene)
0:12 - 0:34: 1st scene "I can't remember": a close up of Unieh's face from the bottom right while you see other players moving in the background 2nd scene "When we we're young": A wider shot of spawn and you now see alot of players chillin' drugdeallin' but Unieh is still at the center of the screen, he begins to move 3rd scene "You kissed the devils lips": Camera now on the floor looking and Unieh walks past it, the camera is facing towards the spawn from (it is pretty close to Unieh as he walks past it) 4th scene "Just for fun": Unieh makes it out of spawn. camera ontop of the spawn hill as he makes it up there.
0:34 - 0:58: Scenes split by words: "her name" Unieh mining a tree, "Cracks": Unieh mining iron, "In": Unieh turns around and holding a shield against a skeleton (camera behind the skeleton), "your heart": Unieh finding diamonds and running towards it. "To rip yourself apart" Unieh digs up from the mountain near dirt castle and looks over the entire world, spawn is visible (boom boom cuts to the end of limited life world not sunset).
0:58 - 1:42 - PRELUDE 0:58 - 1:09: "You turned up the record player" (Fade in) A close up shot of the jukebox (record player) at Dirt castle and only the outline of the dirt castle. the BOM BOM is 2 cuts of the dirt castle being built. 1st cut is of the dirt castle half built and the 2nd cut is of the dirt castle fully built along with the moat and wheat around it. we also see MAAD__ building the dirt castle in both the cuts. after the 2nd cut the scene keeps playing until the 1:09 is hit. 1:09 - 1:20: The camera is slowly moving across a dirt bridge (soone to be wheat bridge) 2 cuts: 1st cut, the dirt is now tilled with seeds and there is water, 2nd cut, the wheat is fully grown 1:20 - 1:30: the camera is circling where the emmi house is going to be built and we see emilews__ building the foundations, 2 cuts, she finishes the house, she finishes the tower. 1:30 - 1:42: "You're still like that today" A static shot of the spawn all nice a peaceful. "You're still a" a cut to night time but camera still in the same place and we see the start of a lava cast at spawn. "mystery to me" lavacast is 60% to the ground
1:42 - 2:27 - 1ST CHORUS
1:42 - 1:47: Morgan Killing Mike shankings occur with lyrics "dead dead" 1:47 - 1:53: Lavacast on 4 sides of spawn now with lava flowing down them, camera in a lil circular motion around spawn 1:53 - 2:02: "We're too in love" MAAD_ and Unieh on a bridge holding fishing rods and we see Nadoms flying upwards (due to the fishing rods) MAAD_ and Unieh both watch (camera is behind both MAAD_ and Unieh kinda like a 2d efefct while Nadoms is flying upwards. "to stop" A shot Nadoms reaching his highest displacement from the fishing rods and he is holding a water bucket and starts to drop back down to the ground. 2:02 - 2:05: idk bro think of somethign on the spot future james 2:05 - 2:10: A scene where Nadoms, Unieh and MAAD_ are going down the water slide having fun! 2:10 - 2:15: camera zooming across the wheat bridge towards the Emmi house and we see a large group hanging around the house having fun. the shot ends when the camera enters the door of the house 2:15 - 2:40: Camera follows Unieh through a hole in the lava cast and it reveals the timer at spawn. the timer changes to yellow when the timer goes below 16:00:00. The seconds counts down on the beat of the song and slowly fades to next scene
2:27 - 3:23 - BRIDGE 2:40 - 2:51: "Do you remember" Camera behind Unieh as he climbs up a lava cast towards MAAD__ (like in ref screenshot). "Last summer by the beach" camera slowly circling around MAAD__, Iksvo, Unieh and Mikeonabike while ontop of the lavacast (like in ref screenshot) 2:51 - 2:56: Westerly v MAAD duel in Dirt castle with lots of players spectating. camera slowly moves forward with a little tilt. fade into next scene 2:56 - 3:01: The beat at 2:56 to the beat at "wouldn't" The camera is circling the scene going behind players spectating to the beat of the hi hats. Nadoms blowing up Iksvo while everyone watches (remake using reference) 3:01 - 3:21: "so we wouldn't" MCR team arrives at BSC mine and Inclementlord enters first. "float off in the dark" Inclementlord reaches the bottom of the mine and then gets ambushed. 3:08 we see the MCR team exploring the cave and looking for BSC team. 3:12: Unieh is looking at Westerlyy and then he turns a throws an enderpearl towards the deeper part of the cave when "on". "our" camera cut to where the pearl lands and we see bennyboy and Unieh. "tongues" Unieh kills bennyboy
3:23 - 4:09 - 2ND CHORUS 3:24 - 3:29: Camera behind Unieh as he arrives at dirt castle, we see the rest of the MCR team chillin and westerly is waving at Unieh (shifting and punching). 3:29 - 3:34: "We tried to sleep" phantoms circling around MCR while everyone is aiming at them. There is a lil fast forward every beat. (the camera is also circling around the players 3:34 - 3:40: A scene with all of the MCR team going down a small steep hill, with the light glimmering in the background, we see every MCR team member. (the camera is at the bottom left of the players looking at them 3:40 - 3:46: "to" camera behind Nadoms "Stop" pause, 1st person view facing Inclementlord, "Youre still a" Camera behind Nadoms and he breaks the cobblestone dropping the tnt minecart. "mystery to me" Back to 1st person view and we see the tnt minecart falling infront of Inclementlords face. Unieh and Morgan death scene "me" lil frame pixilated by frame animation like in itmg/godus video of us evaporating. 3:46 - 3:51: Inclementlord death scene, Iksvo on a skeleton horse kills Inclementlord, she is trying to eat a golden apple and chasing Ouro 3:51 - 3:57: Camera beside Nadoms in the corner looking at Westerly charging towards him about to kill him 3:57 - 4:09: Unieh goes across the bridge from the dirt castle side and enters spawn. (the camera moves slowly behind Unieh then slows down and stops when "of" is spoken ( Timer (which is above the spawn) counting down again, this time going bellow 8 hours and changing to red it changes to red when "youre" is said. Transition: a camera shake downwards and when it goes up again it is on the next scene (Idea: a lil glitch into the previous youre still a mystery to me scene)
4:09 - 4:31 - CLIMAX 4:09 - 4:14: (BSC skybase fight) 2 scenes of different angles of MCR and BSC fighting (we see nadoms placing tnt under BSC skybase in the background then the 3rd scene of nadoms placing tnt. the 4 beats: nadoms lighting the tnt, nadoms jumping away from the tnt, a close up of the the tnt turning white and big on side of the screen and the rest of MCR acting accoringly to references. Tnt explodes 4:14 - 4:20: (Eggsbenedict battle) 1st scene. Camera behind Westerly and Iksvo, Iksvo is on a skeleton horse and they are both chasing AverousPixel, 2nd scene we see the rest of the BSC team digging out and chasing Westerly & Iksvo. also AverousPixel kills Iksvo's skeleton horse (the camera is now infront of westerly looking back at BSC Westerly is running away. 3rd scene: A birds eye view of the valley (the camera is moving down and spinning), you see everyone, westerly on the getting chased by AverousPixel and MightBeRhombus. Iksvo on the being chased by Bofio and emilesi_. 3 beats: 1st: Iksvo pearling away with Bof and emilysi__ still chasing. 2nd: Westerly getting chased like in the video. westerly (dies on the 3th beat) and it transitions on the 4th beat (behind the rhombus swipe transition??) 4:20 - 4:25: (MCR & BSC lavacast fight) transition via tnt explosion. Frist 2 scenes of where MCR are going up the large lava cast with the sun shining so you only see MCR shadows. 3rd scene of camera behind nadoms and iksvo watching Unieh and Westerly making the final steps up the lava cast. 3 beats: TBD due to references. Ideas, Unieh discovering emliee__, bof getting hit down the lava cast. Averouspixel dying due to lightning. 4:25 - 4:31: JimRhombi running away from Westerly and Unieh chasing him, Jim turns around and westerly hits him off the bridge( the camera is at the edge of the bridge looking at Unieh and westerly chasing him. The camera changes when the WOOOOOLOOOOOO sound happens, it turns 2d and we see jim fall to his death. Then fade transition
4:31 - 5:09 - ENDING 4:31 - 4:54 1) Fades into a shaders picturesque landscape facing the BSC base (the camera is flying backwards (quite slowly)) 2) we see Westerly and Unieh come into frame, they are standing on a lava cast looking out into the landscape. then we see some spectators (all we can see of the spectators are their heads which are transparent and their usernames) they are also looking into the sunset. 3/4) we see the rest of the spectators. 4:54 - 5:09 Fade to black but the Westerly and Unieh name still showing and still red. then a little edit of all the players who participated into limited life appears bit by bit from to left to bottom right 4:59 - 5:09 "Thank you to the Minechester and BlocSoc committees for putting together such an amazing event!" Unieh x Westerly sex scene: fade from black into view of landscape, Unieh and westerly both tur
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bluiex · 2 years
*Gives you whatever the heck 1 am me wrote* Have some anxious birb calling Scar a sap bc Scar deserves to be a little silly before the big sad.
Night appeared quicker than Scar would’ve liked. Grian sighed.
“I’m gonna check the creeper farm, see if there’s more gunpowder.”
Scar watched as Grian almost ran to the UFO in the sky. An ache crawled from shoulder to shoulder, and it was getting harder to place TNT in the holes Grian made. Doing the same movement for a couple of hours tired his shoulders. He groaned internally, realizing Grian would need to help him eat whatever food they had left. The organization in the chests was back into being a mess. Scar couldn’t remember in which chest he saw their last ration of food. 
Grian’s red sweater came closer in the corner of his eye. He rolled his shoulders to ease the ache (he didn’t know why he kept doing that knowing it was useless), and smiled at his partner. Grian had a frown on his face, fingers playing with the hem of the sleeves, wings twitching furiously in the binds. Scar’s smile dropped.
“What’s wrong?” Scar asked, walking closer to bring any sort of comfort.
Grian groaned and ran his hands over his face. “The minecart stopped running, and we barely have enough to cover what I wanted to cover.”
Scar winced, that would spike Grian’s anxiety back.
“That’s so annoying,” Grian grumbled.
Scar tried to give him a reassuring smile. “Well, at least a big chunk of the desert is covered.”
Grian gave him a deadpan look. “What if the Red Army comes from where we didn’t cover the desert? What happens then, Scar?”
Scar’s brain scrambled to find a plan, but seeing Grian spiraling made it harder for him to focus on a solution. “Uh,” was the most intelligent thing that left his mouth. Grian raised his arms in frustration and walked away.
“See? We’re screwed, my trap is going to fail once again, and we won’t get any kills at this point.”
Scar picked his nails. Think, c’mon, think!
“What if we get Scott and Jimmy to help us?”
Grian sent him an unpleasant look. Scar sighed.
“Grian, take some deep breaths for me, would you?”
His partner shook his head, his shoulders trembling. “I try so hard to be useful, to win this war, but I’m just doomed to fail.”
Oh, Scar was having none of it. He determinedly walked to Grian and asked: “Can I touch you?”
Grian shook his head, arms pressed against his side, wings ruffling. Scar’s hand clenched and he crouched in front of Grian.
“G, believe me when I say this, you are amazing with traps. You’re just inexperienced. And nobody has died to traps as far as I know. You’re so creative and your plans helped us get out of sticky situations I put us in.” Scar took a deep breath. “You mean so much more to me than serving me until you lose your first life.”
He made sure to look into Grian’s eyes. Grian’s breath stuttered, eyes wide in disbelief.
“You mean that?”
Scar just wanted to hug him right then and there, but he didn’t have permission, so he softened his face.
“Yeah, I meant every word.”
Grian looked ahead, eyes misty and blank. He gestured Scar to follow him, which Scar did with a skip to his step. Getting up from his crouching position made him fall on his butt and he needed Grian’s help to stand up. He shouldn’t crouch every again. They entered the bunker as the groans of zombies, the rattle of bones and the hiss of creepers filled the silent desert. Scar kept glancing at Grian, not really sure if the paranoia took over him or if he was relaxed. He hummed a melody, not really sure where it came from. 
Grian opened one of the chests in the bunker and tossed Scar a golden carrot. He tried to catch it, but missed. He tried to keep his whine in, but at Grian’s look, he knew gears were turning. To Scar’s relief, Grian simply let out a chuckle, small smile on his face. 
“C’mere,” Grian said in a soft voice.
Scar obliged, glad to see a smile on his partner’s face. He couldn’t help himself as Grian fed him to make small content noises, probably closer to moans. He just felt happy to be with Grian, and he learned to appreciate the help when his body couldn’t do certain things. Grian simply giggled.
“What’s got you so happy?”
Scar shrugged. “Your smile,” he answered honestly. 
Grian let out a surprise sound, almost a choke, disbelief written in his face. He shook his head in laughter and brought a golden carrot closer to Scar’s mouth (he made sure to exaggerate his “nom” noise).
“Sap,” he said fondly.
“You know you love it.” Scar smirked.
Grian rolled his eyes in reply. He leaned closer, a grin forming. Scar’s stomach twisted, nervous but intrigued. Grian gave him a peck on the cheek and took a bite out of the golden carrot. 
After they ate, Grian labeled the lever, making sure Scar knew to pull it during the endgame and not before. Scar suggested putting dirt blocks around it, to make sure it was out of sight, but Grian firmly disagreed. Scar had given him a cheeky smirk before walking around it, barely touching it every time. Grian had pulled his hair, squawking and begging Scar to stay put. Scar had laughed and simply grabbed Grian to crash on their temporary bed with him.
Grian squirmed, cheeks red and breath heavy. Scar kept his smirk.
“You’re insufferable,” Grian let out.
“You know you appreciate my company,” Scar replied with a grin.
Grian shook his head, letting out a laugh, and took off the binds of his wings. They puffed up, presenting themselves, and Grian sighed, red dusting his cheeks before he folded his wings. He repositioned himself more comfortably on Scar’s bare chest. 
Scar brought his left hand to the base of Grian’s neck, making the avian shiver and fluff his feathers. He rubbed circles there, earning a rumble from Grian’s throat, vibrations tingling his whole body. Scar first thought Grian was purring, but he eventually learned avians made a resounding sound without the noise. Just the oscillations within their throats. Scar adored it and was fully taking advantage of it. 
Grian eventually lazily mouthed Scar’s neck, making his partner hum in appreciation. Scar played with his feathers in return, creating a loop back feed on both end. They stayed like that for the whole night, ignoring the threats outside their bunker, living in the present moment, enraptured by each other’s presence.
-- Bloop anon, who's been writing this fic for two months and it just keeps growing, I can't stop it guys. Help /hj
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watatsumiis · 2 years
AUUUHHH i don't have a lot of time before I gotta go out for the day but I want in on this Minecraft au soooo bad. so here is a hastily typed list of things my brother does in minecraft that i think dottore would also do
1. minecart race to test the optimum ratio of powered rails to glitched regular rails (several curved rails in a straight line will make your minecart teleport to the center of the next block thereby making the minecart *move* faster BUT its actual momentum and velocity will still decay without powered rails BUT it's still half the distance so there's still an optimum (we found it was about 1 powered per 3 curved regular rails))
2. Unethical Villager Breeding Box In The Sky to generate villagers for experimentation, iron golem farming (which involves isolating the villagers on air beds and frightening them occasionally with a real zombie), and villager trade generation
3. villager experimentation, including causing raids on purpose, intentionally leaving some villagers more vulnerable than others, and dropping many villagers into the ocean by accident, as a side effect of tricking them into walking over holes in the ground
4. flying machines
5. fully automated chicken farm including lava to cook the chicken. the excess eggs are also automatically used to grief other players' front lawns with chickens. he thinks this is very funny, and at first it was an accident but he has no intention of fixing it/refined the system to work better later
6. TNT dupe glitch canons.
7. TNT in general. netherite stripmining using beds
8. never sleeps, has a full hotbar full of crossbows to kill the phantoms with
9. dripstone death machine hovering above common pvp locations and also above other players' houses
10. secret bases and tunnels everywhere but never bothers to make a "house" just like. hidden holes with chests and furnaces lying around. also lots of pistonwork
Ok first of all your brother lowkey sounds like a menace (/lh), but also someone I would love to observe in action
second of all, you're absolutely right in saying that these are things Dottore would do. This man will stop at nothing to break the server, the game, and the other players if his heart so desires.
The idea of netherite stripmining using beds actually lowkey bangs (ha)im gonna be real.
You know Dottore has all the primo gear and is practically invincible. The only people who have killed him have been Yae Miko (she's slaughtered everyone in the server at least once - she uses Ei's account to find ways to enable PvP for those who have it off), then Klee (totally by accident, by hooking up obscene amounts of TNT to some redstone machine he was working on) everyone online lost their collective minds, Dottore was on the warpath for days trying to figure out who did it (literally everyone except him knew the moment the death message popped up on screen). Albedo took the blame in the end because Dottore wouldn't stop cussing people out and Klee was starting to pick up on the bad words. People gave Klee so many rewards for knocking Dottore off of his high horse though.
Some of the 'mods' (read: archons) like to use /kill on him if he's being extra insufferable. (imagine Zhongli saying "i will have order" while clicking the enter key on the /kill command. comedy gold)
The last person who has killed him was Capitano. Dottore was probably being an annoying little snit about something, wandering around outside of Cap's castle and building weird traps and stuff. When Barbara got caught in one that crashed her game while she was trying to bring Cap some new flowers and a banner she made, Capitano just wordlessly went out and beat Dottore to death with a wooden axe. Nobody knows how he won that duel, considering Dottore dons himself with full netherite enchanted gear. Some even joke that Dottore was 'intimidated' into going AFK, since a lot of the harbingers play from the same place.
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panda-wearing-pants · 7 months
Best Life Series episode #4
S1E4: Jimmy invites people to play chick chance, and ends up giving Joel, Martyn and BigB access to the cows, Joel and Jimmy die attempting Dare to Flare, Grian sets a trap at Renchanting and kills Jimmy, Ren and Skizz, Joel helps Etho fire a TNT missile at the Crastle, but Bdubs stops it, Scar gives BigB a no-kill pass, Bdubs uses a golden apple and fire-protection pants to beat Dare to Flare, and Martyn uses ender pearls to do it
Solidarity: I DIED TWICE!?
S2E4: Bdubs buys the enchanter back from Scar, Ren tells the Shadow alliance that he is a boogeyman, Martyn, Jimmy, Mumbo and Impulse try to steal Scott's wither skull, Lizzie and BigB talk loudly about a villager at the top of Ren's tower in an attempt for someone to activate Ren's trap, Mumbo builds a sugarcane farms and "conceals" it with dirt, Ren kills Skizz, and BigB kills Cleo while they are at Ren's tower afterwards, causing Cleo to leave the alliance, Mumbo builds a ghast farm, which Grian is shot off of by Joel, Grian and Joel discover Pearl and Scott building the Green Life Club under spawn, Joel's trap blows up Cleo seconds after he finishes hiding it, Grian tries to get Mumbo to join him as a red,
Smallishbeans: MY TRAP WORKED!!
S3E4: Joel, Etho, Grian and Martyn use fishing rods to throw the warden into the air, eventually killing it, Grian, Pearl, Joel, Etho and Impulse try to make a fishing rod chain, but Joel dies from fall damage, Pearl steals some of Joel and Etho's gear, and Joel kills her, Joel and Etho go to the Red Velvet Keep to kill Jimmy and Tango, who are on a platform above with Scar, Grian, and an enchanter, Etho and Joel begin burning Pandas, so Scar jumps down and does a water bucket clutch, Jimmy is shot off by Etho and dies, Bdubs and Impulse throw a pool party, but the pool has a zombie bubblevator, which puts a few zombies into the pool, the zombies don't do much, but Ren kills Bdubs
Ethoslab: Hitmen Revenge
S4E4: Joel is chased by Martyn, Etho and Tango, and Etho eventually kills him, Martyn attempts to kill Etho, who turned green from killing Joel, but is killed by TNT from boogeyman Tango and ender pearl damage, Martyn accidentally kills Scar with a stalactite, Grian blows up Martyn, Scar and Impulse with a TNT minecart, BigB steals Judge Judy and Executioner from Jimmy, the yellows hunt Scott, but Scott lets Martyn kill him, Tango is the last green and allows Skizz to kill him, Jimmy takes BigB prisoner in an obsidian cage, but Pearl frees him, Joel and Grian build a submarine and bread bakery above the mansion
S5E4: Bdubs is forced to reroll, and gets the task to kill the ender dragon, Grian tries to trick people into thinking his task is to sing everything he says, Cleo gets people to read her task, which is how she completes it, Etho makes aha puns, Scar kills all of Lizzie's cows, punches Skizz twice, and crafts a diamond helmet, causing Joel and others to chase him around, telling him to take the helmet off, which he cannot do because he has to do the opposite of what people say, Impulse and Pearl try to get people to donate hearts to Skizz, Gem recruits Bdubs, Impulse and Pearl to fight the dragon, Lizzie sees Jimmy and Skizz in a strange position on love island, Martyn walks off the End platform and dies, Bdubs kills the dragon
Goodtimeswithscar: My Task Made Me a VILLAIN!
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Parrot sighed, carefully pulling out a block of tnt from another minecart before throwing it as far away from him as he could before it exploded.
"Spoke if you leave one more TNT cart above our base one more time, I'm going to throw the next one at you." He said through clenched teeth. He turned to face a small owl hole in a tree, which had a barely visible cloud of smoke hovering inside of it.
A muffled groan came from inside, followed by a large amount of smoke pouring out of it, then taking the form of a humanoid figure with clear cloud-like features.
"I don't get how you ALWAYS know I'm there!" Spoke said, huffing and facing away from his friend.
"Maybe if you didn't leave behind a scent of ghast tears and smoke wherever you went, you'd have an easier chance of staying hidden." Parrot said, picking up the minecart and the rail it sat on and placing both under his arm.
"But- But-" Spoke stammered, facing his friend and pouting, "I left a bag of gunpowder in the minecart so it'd overpower all the other scents this time!"
"Well, too bad the bag stinks of ghast tears and smoke then. Now come on, I've got to make sure you haven't left anymore TNT carts anywhere now." Parrot said, walking off and gesturing for Spoke to follow, and so he did.
Based off of that last ask. Don't actually know who these guys are, just know a bit about them because of Eye lol. Just wanted to write this for fun, but you can ignore it if you'd like
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If The Gods Were Kind — tnt
The 6th and last part of this fic! It was a rough journey, but I’m glad I still wrote this. I would just like to thank Jupiter again for giving me this prompt and throwing me into this wild journey. And maybe, I’ll write a second part to this (second part being the finale and what happens in Hermitcraft), but no promises.
Anyways, enjoy!
Master Post
— —
Content warnings: Description of gore and mutilation, violent intrusive thoughts
There was tension in the air when Scar came back from his bath. Or, well, as close of a bath as you could get in the desert. He simply had washed himself in the stream on the other side of the mountain, to refresh himself. Their castle was in ruins (he tried to kill Martyn, but he just wouldn’t die!), and he hoped Grian had some sort of plan to get at least one kill on Dogwarts and a roof over their heads. 
He approached Mr. Bubbles (who wasn’t dead, Dogwarts only cut his leash), and put a leash on the giant bee, gesturing to follow him. The rays of the sun reflected his diamond armor, making him sweat profusely and wondering why he decided to set base at a desert, while also ignoring the heavy weight and strain it brought to his shoulder. He rounded the mountain only to see holes, a bunch of holes close to the bunker Grian had built a week ago, before Scar exploded their tower. He made sure he had his crutches and cane in his inventory before joining Grian who was walking around the bunker and the holes. 
Grian kept muttering to himself, wings twitching and so greasy. Scar knew immediately Grian was anxious, probably about whatever plan he had cooked up in that stubborn brain of his. A wooden sign came into view and Scar stopped, trying to read what sort of message Grian could’ve put on it. In big capital letters, the sign read “KEEP OUT ”. 
A pit grew in his stomach at the warning, whether it was out of fear or excitement, Scar couldn’t decipher. The craving he often felt hummed in his skin, wanting to push Grian in one of the holes, desperate to understand the warning. He was so used to it that he let those thoughts fly away into the back of his mind. He turned to look at Grian, who was still muttering to himself, digging sand.
“What do I do, Grian?” Scar called out, fake worry in his voice.
Grian’s head snapped to him, like a bird checking for predators, and his shoulders slumped at the sight of Scar holding Mr. Bubbles on a leash. He looked at the hole beside him and gestured Scar to get closer.
“So, I haven’t started setting everything up, but,” he pulled out stacks of TNT from his inventory, showing them to Scar with pride, “this is the real endgame.”
Scar gasped at the amount of TNT Grian was holding and grinned. His skin buzzed, and his fingers itched to light up the stacks of TNT. He clenched his hands and slightly jumped up and down in excitement.
“That’s amay—” he interrupted himself, “—do we have enough TNT to cover the whole desert?”
Grian counted underneath his breath how many stacks of TNT he had, and nodded.
“We have enough to cause them a scare and maybe finally getting some people.”
Scar’s grin widened. His thoughts were of body parts being torn from their bodies, blood splashing everywhere, and he knew the pit in his stomach was from excitement. He could never pass up the opportunity to explode something. He tried not to think how it was his fault they didn’t have a base anymore. 
Grian gestured him to follow him and pointed at a larger hole with some redstone alimented rails. 
“This is the trigger mechanism,” he explained. 
Scar hummed. “How does it work?” He walked to the other side to see Grian’s second attempt at redstone traps. 
“Well, basically, I’m gonna put two TNT minecarts—” Mr. Bubbles entered the hole where the trap was.
“No!” Scar accidentally cut Grian off. “Bubbles, come back up!”
Surprisingly, the giant bee listened, and went closer to Scar’s side as Grian chuckled fondly.
“As I was saying, this time it will work, and it’s tied to a doomsday lever inside the bunker.” He pointed at it. 
Scar nodded, half distracted by Mr. Bubbles flying around him and half distracted by the TNT Grian had in his hand. He did not see the way Grian’s wings kept twitching, how his hand played with the hem of his sweater, how he kept looking back and forth between the trigger mechanism and the bunker. 
“So, Scar, here’s my plan.” Scar hummed, taken out of his daze. “You’re a red name,” he pointed at the top of Scar’s head, where his name tag probably was, “your life is extremely valuable. I still owe you my first life.”
Scar tried not to think of the horrible thought of Grian abandoning him. He really hoped his partner would stay by his side until the end. He realized quite early on that he wouldn’t be able to kill Grian, even if it was a life or death situation. Even if he imagined the avian covered in blood, eyes wide in terror and blank. He would rather die than kill the man that spent months by his side. 
“While I drag them to the danger zone and try to keep them there, you’ll be in charge of pulling the doomsday lever and, hopefully, we take a couple of them down.”
There was something to the way Grian said “lever ” that Scar couldn’t quite pinpoint. He tried to picture the word in his mind, to find what was bugging him. 
“Okay, but when I pull the lever, can I please say ‘Welcome to the danger zone! ’ ?”
Grian laughed at the little singsong in Scar’s voice. The wings ruffled, threatening to stretch, but immediately got glued to Grian’s back. “You can say any one-liner you want, just not this one.”
Scar gasped, exaggerating his offended look. “Why not?!”
“It sounds weird,” Grian shrugged.
“You just have no taste.”
Grian rolled his eyes and looked back at the contraption. He squinted his eyes and gestured Scar to come closer.
“Do you see anything wrong with this?” He asked genuinely, pointing at the rails.
Scar hummed, looking at the trap. He did not understand this redstone stuff, thus, he wouldn’t know if Grian made a mistake or not. In order to reassure his partner, he patted Grian on the back, making the avian jump in surprise.
“Looks fine to me.”
Grian stood up. “Can you go into the bunker and un-flick the lever? I need to check if the thing still works properly.”
Scar sent him a two finger salute with a “yessir ”. 
He went behind the bunker, making sure Mr. Bubbles was still following him, and found the tunnel to go in it. There were chests and furnaces with an iron door, one button and one lever. He looked back and forth between the button and the lever.
“Grian?” He called out. Grian turned around to face the bunker. “Is it the button or the lever?”
“It’s the lever!”
As Scar was rummaging in the chests to find a way to attach Mr. Bubbles, he heard Grian mumble something about labeling something, but he paid no mind. He was on a mission. 
“Scar!” Grian yelled.
Scar jumped as he was tying Mr. Bubbles’ leash against a wooden fence. He faced Grian when Mr. Bubbles was secure.
“You didn’t un-flick the lever!” 
Grian sounded like he was on his last nerve. Scar blinked and remembered why he was in the bunker.
“Oh, right! Sorry.” He smiled sheepishly.
He switched the lever and looked closely at Grian fretting over his trap. His wings kept twitching, as if they wanted to express themselves but couldn’t. Or maybe they were bothering Grian. Scar tried to think of the last time Grian preened his wings, but his mind was blank. He realized the avian might be more anxious than he first thought. 
Grian disappeared in the hole of the trigger mechanism, his mutters getting louder. Scar couldn’t comprehend them, he was only able to hear Grian’s voice, who was more accented the more frustrated he became. He waited for Grian to give him any signal as he tended to Mr. Bubbles, making sure the giant bee was comfortable in their new base, or so Scar guessed the bunker was. 
“Pull the lever!” 
Scar glanced at him, and placed the lever back where it was. This time, Grian said “lever ” as it sounded in his head. It must be his accent messing with Scar’s brain. Grian sent him a thumbs up and walked closer to the bunker. 
He gestured to the lever and moved his thumb upwards. Scar placed the lever in its original place, and leaned against one of the chest, facing his partner.
“It seems to be working. Hopefully it won’t fail like many of my traps.”
Grian looked to the side with a frown. Scar hummed in thought. 
“Should we put obsidian around the bunker?” He suggested.
Grian squinted at him, probably looking for his eyes, and his expression relaxed. “Oh, that would be a good idea.” He glanced back to the holed desert. “You do that while I place the TNT.”
Scar nodded, grabbing what little obsidian they had left. He put it in the furnace to melt it in order to coat the sandstone structure with it. He made sure to put some fire-resistant gloves before manipulating the hot melt obsidian and started applying it all over the sandstone. He had the strong urge to throw the obsidian to Grian’s face, but he knew better and concentrated on covering every inch of sandstone with the melted obsidian. He heard Grian’s little song of “TNT sand, TNT sand ” and smiled to himself, knowing his partner was distracting himself to calm his nerves. 
When he finished, he joined Grian with placing the TNT. The desert was almost covered in it.
“This might destroy the whole desert,” Grian laughed nervously. 
Scar grinned. “You mean there’s gonna be a big boom-boom?”
“With how much TNT we’re placing, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Grian paused. “I’m hoping we’re at least gonna kill 4 of them with this trap.”
“Can we please get Martyn,” Scar whined. “He’s still on his green life!”
“So am I,” Grian pointed out.
Scar stopped and looked back at Grian. “That’s true, but can we keep you on green as long as possible? I need your assistance.”
His stomach churned at the thought of Grian leaving him when he turned yellow. Grian laughed.
“After this, I doubt I’ll still be alive.” He placed TNT with sand on top. He snickered. “This, Scar,” Scar quirked his eyebrow, “is what we call in the business ‘overkill’.”
Scar laughed. “Yeah, this is gonna be quite the boom-boom.”
Grian hummed in agreement, a grin on his face. It took some tension off of Scar’s shoulders to see Grian being a bit more relaxed. 
Night appeared quicker than Scar would’ve liked. Grian sighed.
“I’m gonna check the creeper farm, see if there’s more gunpowder.”
Scar watched as Grian almost ran to the UFO in the sky. An ache crawled from shoulder to shoulder, and it was getting harder to place TNT in the holes Grian made. Doing the same movement for a couple of hours tired his shoulders. He groaned internally, realizing Grian would need to help him eat whatever food they had left. The organization in the chests was back into being a mess. Scar couldn’t remember in which chest he saw their last ration of food. 
Grian’s red sweater came closer in the corner of his eye. He rolled his shoulders to ease the ache (he didn’t know why he kept doing that, it was futile), and smiled at his partner. Grian had a frown on his face, fingers playing with the hem of the sleeves, wings ruffling almost violently behind his back. Grian almost tore some feathers out with how frustrated he seemed over the reaction of his wings. Scar’s smile dropped.
“What’s wrong?” Scar asked, walking closer to bring any sort of comfort.
Grian groaned and ran his hands over his face. “The minecart stopped running, and we barely have enough to cover what I wanted to cover.”
Scar winced; that would spike Grian’s anxiety back.
“That’s so annoying,” Grian grumbled.
Scar tried to give him a reassuring smile. “Well, at least a big chunk of the desert is covered.”
Grian gave him a deadpan look. “What if the Red Army comes from where we didn’t cover the desert? What happens then, Scar?”
Scar’s brain scrambled to find a plan, but seeing Grian spiraling made it harder for him to focus on a solution. “Uh,” was the most intelligent thing that left his mouth. Grian raised his arms in frustration and walked away, wings flapping slightly.
“See? We’re screwed, my trap is going to fail once again, and we won’t get any kills at this point.”
Scar picked his nails. Think, c’mon, think!
“What if we get Scott and Jimmy to help us?”
Grian sent him an unpleasant look. Scar sighed.
“Grian, take some deep breaths for me, would you?”
His partner shook his head, his shoulders trembling. “I try so hard to be useful, to win this war, but I’m just doomed to fail.”
Oh, Scar was having none of it. He determinedly walked to Grian and asked: “Can I touch you?”
Grian shook his head, arms pressed against his side, wings ruffling. Scar’s hand clenched and he crouched in front of Grian.
“G, believe me when I say this, you are amazing with traps. You’re just inexperienced. And nobody has died to traps that weren’t made by you, as far as I know. You’re so creative and your plans helped us get out of sticky situations I put us in.” Scar took a deep breath. “You mean so much more to me than serving me until you lose your first life.”
He made sure to look into Grian’s eyes. Grian’s breath stuttered, eyes wide in disbelief.
“You mean that?”
Scar just wanted to hug him right then and there, but he didn’t have permission, so he softened his face.
“Yeah, I meant every word.”
Grian looked ahead, eyes misty and blank. He gestured Scar to follow him, which Scar did with a skip to his step. Getting up from his crouching position made him fall on his butt and he needed Grian’s help to stand up. He should not crouch ever again. 
They entered the bunker as the groans of zombies, the rattle of bones and the hiss of creepers filled the silent desert. Scar kept glancing at Grian, not really sure if the paranoia took over him or if he was relaxed. He hummed a melody, not really sure where it came from. 
Grian opened one of the chests in the bunker and tossed Scar a golden carrot. He tried to catch it, but missed. He tried to keep his whine in, but at Grian’s look, he knew gears were turning. To Scar’s relief, Grian simply let out a chuckle, small smile on his face. 
“C’mere,” Grian said in a soft voice.
Scar obliged, glad to see a smile on his partner’s face. He couldn’t help himself as Grian fed him to make small content noises, probably closer to moans. He just felt happy to be with Grian, and he learned to appreciate the help when his body couldn’t do certain things. Grian simply giggled.
“What’s got you so happy?”
Scar shrugged. “Your smile,” he answered honestly. 
Grian let out a surprise sound, almost a choke, disbelief written in his face. He shook his head in laughter and brought a golden carrot closer to Scar’s mouth—he made sure to exaggerate his “nom ” noise.
“Sap,” he said fondly.
“You know it,” Scar smirked.
Grian rolled his eyes in reply. He leaned closer, a grin forming. Scar’s stomach twisted, nervous but intrigued. Grian gave him a peck on the cheek and took a bite out of the golden carrot. 
After they ate, Grian labeled the lever, making sure Scar knew to pull it during the endgame and not before. Scar suggested putting dirt around it, to make sure it was out of sight, but Grian firmly disagreed. Scar had given him a cheeky smirk before walking around it, barely touching it every time. Grian had pulled his hair, squawking and begging Scar to stay put. Scar had laughed and simply gestured Grian to crash on their temporary bed with him.
Grian obliged, cheeks red and breath heavy. Scar kept his smirk. He opened his arms as wide as his shoulders let him and let Grian lay on top of him.
“You’re insufferable,” Grian let out.
“You know you enjoy my company,” Scar replied with a grin.
Grian shook his head, letting out a laugh, and gave his wings a little flap. They puffed up, presenting themselves, and Grian sighed, red dusting his cheeks before he folded his wings. He repositioned himself more comfortably on Scar’s bare chest. 
Scar brought his left hand to the base of Grian’s neck, making the avian shiver and fluff his feathers. He rubbed circles there, earning a rumble from Grian’s throat, vibrations tingling his whole body. Scar first thought Grian was purring, but he eventually learned avians made a resounding sound without the noise. Just the oscillations within their throats. Scar adored it and was fully taking advantage of it. 
He couldn’t keep his arm up for long, so when Grian eventually lazily mouthed Scar’s neck, making his partner hum in appreciation, he dropped his hand. Scar played with his secondaries in return (Grian made it clear his primaries were off-limits), since they were the closest thing he had permission to touch within a reasonable distance for his arms. He created a positive feedback loop on both ends, Grian’s rumbles getting louder and Scar’s stomach turning in excitement and contentment. They stayed like that for the whole night, ignoring the threats outside their bunker, living in the present moment, enraptured by each other’s presence.
Scott and Jimmy left to get their weapons for the oncoming war. Grian, however, was anxious.
“Are you sure we can trust them?” He asked for the millionth time.
Scar let out a small smile. “Yes Grian, we can trust them. Did you not hear what new information Scott gave us? That’s very valuable and a genuine sign of trust.”
Scar sometimes wished Grian would have a bit more faith in him. He was glad following Grian’s plans and orders, he seemed to understand more what’s going on, but when he got paranoid and anxious like this? Scar just wanted him to believe in him. 
Grian looked at the horizon, grip tightening on his netherite sword. He bit his lower lip, wings twitching. The sunset highlighted his red wings and gave a glow to his usually dark and faded blond hair. Scar put a hand on his partner’s shoulder and squeezed it.
Grian placed his hand on top of Scar’s, rubbing his knuckles.
“I’m just nervous,” he murmured.
“I know.”
“I want this to work,” his voice quivered.
Scar pressed his lips on top of Grian’s hair. “I know.”
Grian squeezed his hand and went into the secret tunnel leading to the bunker. Scar led the way, grabbing his partner’s hand on the way and interlacing their fingers. Scar looked around to find where the entrance of the bunker was. He made many decoy tunnels in case the Red Army found the tunnel, and he dug his memory where the real tunnel was. 
Something pulled his arm, making him look back. Grian’s head faced the floor, worrying his lip. Scar squeezed his hand, waiting.
“Do you think Mumbo would be proud?”
Scar had no idea who Mumbo was. But, he had an itch that this Mumbo guy would be so proud of Grian, had an itch that Mumbo would appreciate a good boom-boom. He gave Grian a smile.
“Oh, he would be crying tears of joy.”
Grian chuckled, and took a deep breath. He gave Scar a nod, and Scar went back to searching. They would get kills, even if Scar had to endanger himself. He would do anything for him, and the thought didn’t scare him as much as he thought it would.
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Based on the responses to my post yesterday wanting to know more, here's my guide to
🧑‍💻Code in Hermitcraft (and other SMP) Fanfic🧑‍💻
Note: This is just the interpretation of one Jr Software Engineer. If other developers have a different interpretation, I'd love to hear it in the comments or reblogs!
It's super common in Hermitcraft (and I'm assuming other SMP) fanfiction for the plot to revolve around errors in the game itself and how they affect players. The problem is, as a software engineer, this almost always immediately pulls me out of the story as the ways the game errors are described frequently don't make sense.
This is not a condemnation of writers who use game bugs as parts of their stories, as nobody expects all SMP fanfic writers to have a CS degree. Some even do it well and I adore those stories when I find them! But here are some high-level suggestions to have your glitchy plot points make a little more sense. Usually, it's just a slight change in wording that's required.
Code vs Data
"His code is glitched! He's evil now!"
"They carefully pulled at the strands of her player code, trying to find the bug that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your code is so ancient! You're from Alpha, right?"
These sorts of phrases are probably the most common ones I see that yank me right out if a story. Why? Because they're confusing data and code!
So, what is the difference?
Think of code in this scenario like the laws of physics. It's the rules that guide what can and can't happen in the world. It's what says "if you walk, you move forwards", "if you eat, you'll be less hungry", "if you use a shovel on a dirt block, it will end up in your inventory".
Data is the actual "stuff" in the world that the code changes via its rules. Data is the specific blocks in that building, that item hovering above the ground, the mobs staring at you from under the trees, the player character, the player's health, the player's inventory, the player's skin, and, in the fanfic context, the player's personality and memories.
In other words, if it's an action that can happen, it's probably code. If it's a specific thing, it and everything that makes that particular thing unique is data.
Of course, there can be bugs or glitches in the code which means that data does something it shouldn't, such as "if you put some TNT, some dead coral, and a minecart in this very specific configuration, you can duplicate the TNT." In this case, the act of duplication (ie the rules that let duplication occur) is a glitch in the code (the rules allow something they shouldn't), but the duplicated TNT itself isn't code; it's data. Data that shouldn't exist but does anyway because of that glitch in the code.
So, how could you rework the sample phrases above to make more sense?
"He got too close to a glitch, and his personality data got corrupted. He's evil now!"
"They carefully prodded at her player data, trying to find the broken property that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your data structures are so ancient! You're from Alpha, right? I can't believe you've survived so many updates without compatibility issues!"
Code vs Logs
"Xisuma looked through the code to find the source of the glitch."
This one's a little less clear cut, as there are circumstances where players could look at a version of the code. Some of the Minecraft code is Open Source (ie free to look at), and the rest can be decompiled from the Minecraft .jar (ie turned from machine-readable ones-and-zeroes back into words and stuff, although much less human-readable than what the original code would have been). The super-technical players such as the SciCrafters and I think Doc too will look at the code, which is how they make their super efficient farms and find and exploit glitches to, say, put 8 spawners in one chunk.
But generally, the code is not the first place you go when encountering a glitch. I mean, if it were that obvious from the code alone, it probably would have been caught before being shipped!
When something goes wrong, the first place to look is the logs. The logs of what the players have been doing, the logs of previous commands that have been run, the update changelogs for the game, the version history of the (admin-editable) config files, any warnings or error logs from the server itself. For example, if you have a malicious user such as, say, a Helsmit in your story, the logs would show when they entered the world and where, unless they also did something hacky to cover their tracks.
Personally, I also wouldn't say you'd have to stick to exactly what a server would realistically log if it makes your story more interesting. It's easy enough to hand wave that an admin has a mod in place that surfaces more information if it'd make the story better!
In a multi-server setting, this is also the point where the admin of your world could also reach out to the admins of other worlds and discuss if they've seen the issue before and how they solved it. The in-universe equivalent of looking it up on Stack Overflow or Reddit if you will!
Once the admin has looked at the logs and maybe chatted to others, if they still can't fix the issue via commands or config file changes, then it might make sense for them to try looking into the code if they can. Note that not all server admins are necessarily confident at programming as it's not a core part of their job.
But at the very least, at this point the admin should have a better idea of what part of the code could be bugged. This will make it easier to either a) make a patch for the bug or, more likely, b) understand what circumstances trigger the glitch and avoid those circumstances.
TL;DR: The code is not the first place admins will go when glitches cause issues; the logs are!
And as before, example sentence:
"Xisuma trawled through the logs, trying to find any indication of the source of the problem."
To Conclude
Code is the rules that govern what stuff can do and how stuff interacts. The stuff itself is data. When something goes wrong, that typically results in the data being in a state it shouldn't be in, wether that be because that thing's velocity is much higher than it should be after taking advantage of the ravager flight glitch, or because a player and a mob's data structures got combined on accident to leave them a player-mob hybrid.
Of course, this broken data is likely caused by a bug/glitch in the code. It could also be caused by somebody malicious who's purposefully trying to break things by messing with the memory in another way. It could also be because a cosmic ray hit a piece of RAM and flipped a single bit (this is an actual thing that happens believe it or not).
Either way, when something goes wrong, the admin's first point of exploration is the logs, not the code. The logs will give the admin a better idea of what the cause of the issue is, and talking with other admins could give them a solution without ever touching the codebase. But worst-case scenario, it is indeed possible for an admin to go spelunking through the codebase to find the cause of an issue and create a patch for it.
This just covers the most common code-related plot points that I personally see in Hermitcraft/other SMP fanfiction. If you have any further questions about writing code-related plot points, feel free to ask! And also, just to reiterate, this is all just my interpretation. Others may interpret differently, and if you do, I'd love to hear what your alternative interpretations are!
PS: I was also planning a section on hacking here, but this post is already getting long and that's complicated, and also I'm bad at hacking. But let me know if you have any questions related to that that you'd like to see in a follow-up post!
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
hello it is the local mumbo simp
I've been seeing a hc where Mumbo in s9 is canonically hibernating in a copper cocoon (thanks grian) and will come back as a butterfly or moth! So could you write something where he comes back/wakes up and the reader sees him for the first time and is just a completely flustered mess while Mumbo is confused and a bit worried they don't like his new look? They're already in a relationship and the reader has they/them pronouns?
Soft Mumbo fluff my beloved 💕💕💕
I was not sure about this at first but I gave it my best shot I hope you enjoy it!
Copper Coloured Wings
Drabble Contains: Butterfly/Moth Hybrid!Mumbo, Fluff, Self Conscious Mumbo --------------------------------------------
Putting down the last shulker of materials has you relieved. Moving to the new location, the location of yours and Mumbo's megabase, was quite the task.
This year it had been even more of a task, as Mumbo had entered his winter hybernation late. Which meant you had to move all the resources yourself.
"I'm taking a week off once he comes out of that cocoon." You grumble, entering the nether yet again to go back to the vault.
The trip through the nether is long, you run into Impulse on the way back, who is replacing his emerald bridge yet again.
"How's the building going over at the new spot?" He asks, careful not to fall off of the bridge. "Oh you know, haven't even started." Impulse chuckles at your words.
"I imagine it was quite the task moving two sets of resources over there. I'm not looking forward to moving my one set." His smile is warm, comparable to the nether surrounding you. You've missed having him around like last season when he was just next door.
"Yeah, it wasn't fun. My advice is go when it's overcast, the sun out there is hot." Impulse nods. "I'll keep it in mind, anyway, I better get this finished off." He gestures to the bridge which was previously made entirely of emerald blocks. "Between you and me, if I catch the culprit I won't be held responsible for any tnt minecarts found in people's bases."
The two of you laugh and say your goodbyes, you leaving the nether.
The light of the overworld is, like always, just a little too bright after stepping out of the nether. Even under the shade of Scar's tree.
Everything is slightly over-exposed, the grass is bright, the vault is bright, the shiny orange and green blob that's moving is bright, even the door of the vault is bright.
Wait. Orange and green blob?
You blink a few times, eyesight returning to normal. And what you see is.. interesting. You can't really say you're sure how to react.
Mumbo is walking around in the sunlight, black suit quite the contrast to his vibrant wings. They still look a little wet, he mustn't have been out for very long.
His wings, much like his cocoon, are copper coloured. But where his cocoon started that beautiful copper orange and turned the vibrant oxidised green his wings are a number of colours.
For the most part they're orange and green, with some places where the shades are transitional. Some of these are highlighted with white specks. On each wing there is one large black spot with a small red area on the inside. Eyes, the defense mechanism.
Most would likely find them an unsettling sight, after all they are a defense mechanism to keep predators away. You on the other hand are enamoured by their beauty.
Mumbo turns slowly, catching sight of you standing there staring. "Y/n I, my wings, I didn't know." He stumbles over his words, doing his best to hide them from your view.
"What are you on about Mumbo, my love?" You say, walking over now.  "I saw them in the Hermitissippi, they just, I don't know." He frowns, fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt sleeves.
"Show me properly?" You ask, Mumbo looks unsure, but turns around anyway. Slowly he stretches out his wings. At full extension they're even more gorgeous than you saw before.
The colours marry each other perfectly, blending from the rich orange to the vibrant green. The eyes are a perfect contrast to the rest of the colours, the deep back and rich red reminding you of the formal wear he so often dons.
Mumbo is quick to hide his wings from you again, turning back around with a sad look on his face. "I understand if you don't like them or want to see them or me ever again." He mumbles.
"What?" Mumbo looks confused at your question. "What do you mean what?"
"I mean whatever gave you those thoughts?" Mumbo shrugs. "That's what I thought."  You fold your arms over one another, walking until you're so close your arms are against him. You slightly move your hand to poke him in the chest.
"Your wings are beautiful, more beautiful than I ever imagined they would be. I can't wait to see them every day of our lives, I can't wait to see you every day either." You smile, noticing the pink flush that appears on Mumbo's face.
"So you don't hate them?" He asks, tone lighter than before. "No, I don't hate them." Mumbo smiles, pulling you in for a hug. "That's good then." He says with a small laugh, holding you tight with the reassurance that you still want him, even with his wings.
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pegasister60 · 3 years
Yellow Grian has become a more terrifying thought.
Because if he dies he goes red and on a rampage of tricks and traps and outright murders.
But if he’s left alive there’s no guarantee he’ll be safe just living his life. Any creeper or skeleton could do him in and you’re right where you started.
Like a TNT minecart.
You can take him out from a distance but even then you’d still be damning anyone in the blast radius.
You can leave him be but any mob could stumble on in and set him off.
Damned if you do him in, damned if you leave him be.
So a better option would be to ally with him, right?
Protect him from reds by virtue of numbers and defenses. Watching his back and keeping mobs away.
Seems ideal.
But Grian himself is still a threat, even at yellow.
Because he’ll be preparing for his red stage.
Stockpiling gunpowder, gathering resources. Thinking up traps and maybe making tunnels to go this way and that without being detected.
Sure, there’s always the chance he goes red and then walks off a ledge somewhere without thinking.
But what if he doesn’t?
Here he is at green making malfunctioning traps that still manage to kill three people at once! Imagine if he actually had the time to test things and plan properly.
Oh, wait. We don’t have to.
His destructive pranks and traps on Evo, Hermitcraft season six’s Demise, and every time Grian’s been intentionally lethal.
We know what he’s capable of. They know what he’s capable of.
Grian is like a placed piece of TNT in minecraft beta.
If you try to remove him you’re dead.
If you don’t remove him, you’ll never be able to ignore the threat he poses.
One misclick is all it takes.
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No Words
Summary: The Ahalliance breaks apart.
MumboJumbo blew up
SolidarityGaming blew up
Impulse stares at the messages in chat. They can’t be real. This can’t be real. This has to be a bad dream.
He can’t have just lost two allies in one fell swoop.
Finally managing to shake himself into action, he descends his tower and rushes out into the base, where he immediately runs into a frantic Mumbo emerging from his bunker.
Impulse backs away several steps with a yelp. “Mumbo! What happened?!”
Mumbo sounds breathless as he responds, “it must’ve been a trap; there were several TNT minecarts. I don’t know who set it, but it got both of us.”
“Y-You gotta leave, dude,” Impulse says nervously. “You and Jimmy. Right?”
Mumbo nods sadly. “Yeah, I know. I can’t speak for Jimmy, but I’m gonna get my stuff and be on my way. Hey, do you mind giving me a sword or axe or something so I can go get my stuff back?”
Impulse watches him warily, clutching his own weapon tightly. “You… You said there were several TNT minecarts. Your stuff is all gone.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Mumbo forces a chuckle. “Silly me, I forgot.”
As Mumbo’s eyes flicker over Impulse’s shoulder, Impulse spins round and finds Jimmy standing fairly close to him. Within ten or so blocks, but still close enough that Impulse feels uncomfortable.
“You guys need to go,” says Impulse reluctantly. “I-I know there’s two of you and one of me, but… I don’t want any trouble.”
“Neither do we,” Jimmy says. “Mumbo, let’s just gather our stuff and go. Meet you at the front gate?”
Impulse steps back, keeping an eye on the two as they depart back to their respective towers. Now that they’re out of sight, the emotional toll of the situation finally hits him.
Grian’s already red, and now Jimmy and Mumbo are too.
Impulse has lost three of his allies.
Watching Jimmy and Mumbo leave together causes tears to spring to Impulse’s eyes. He managed to hold it together when Grian left, but losing these two really hurts. It really hammers it home that the alliance is breaking apart. They’re not the family they once were.
Less than ten minutes later, Martyn walks through the gate and finds Impulse sitting at the entrance of their communal cave, contemplating his next move.
“Hey,” he says.
Impulse glances up, hurriedly wiping his eyes. “Hi. Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No worries.” Martyn clears his throat, the awkwardness clear in his demeanour. “So, um… Do you have any other secret alliances or anything I should know about? Any deals you’ve made?”
Impulse shakes his head and attempts a joke. “Nope, you’re all I have left in this world.”
“Ohh, that just makes this so much harder,” murmurs Martyn, before again clearing his throat and speaking louder: “I- I’m really sorry to have to tell you like this, but I’m leaving.”
It takes Impulse a few seconds to register this. When he does, his stomach drops. “Y-You’re leaving…?”
Martyn nods slowly, unable to meet Impulse’s gaze. “Yeah, um… I have a thing going on with Ren, and… I just think it’s the best place for me to be right now.”
“Wh- What do you mean?!” Impulse almost wails. “I-I need you more than ever!”
“I know, and I’m not proud of this decision,” responds Martyn guiltily. “But I just… I can’t stay here anymore.”
Impulse jumps to his feet and clasps Martyn’s hand pleadingly. “Please, don’t leave me…! We’ll be okay together.”
“Come on, Impulse.” Martyn sighs quietly. “Look around. We’re far from the powerhouse we once were. Our gate is wide open, the underground is filled with mole tunnels, our wall has been burned more than once. Just leave, Impulse. Find someone to take you in and you’ll be a lot better for it.”
With that, he pulls his hand out of Impulse’s grasp and walks away.
Impulse sinks back down to the ground in despair, watching as Martyn packs up his stuff and leaves out the same gate Jimmy and Mumbo left through not fifteen minutes earlier.
This is it.
He’s alone. Completely alone, in a base made for five.
What is he supposed to do now…?
He sits there, completely numb, until he looks up and spots the sun starting to set. Finally realising he’s an easy target out here for both mobs and red lifers, he goes over to his base and starts to gather all his valuables. As he picks up the 13 music disc, the dam almost breaks and he throws it out the window. He doesn’t need any more reminders.
The last thing he picks up is his spyglass. He stares down at it for several minutes, trying his hardest not to cry again. He remembers Jimmy carefully crafting this spyglass for him. He remembers how indignant Jimmy got every time one of them “lost” their spyglass. How he grumbled to himself as he crafted another for his friend. How Mumbo would always start giggling as he revealed to Jimmy that he had “lost” another spyglass. How delighted Martyn and Grian sounded when Jimmy got indignant.
No more stupid aha jokes. No more replacement spyglasses. No more shenanigans.
The base that was founded on laughter will never hear it again.
Unable to bear the painful memories, Impulse leaves his spyglass resting on the crafting bench and leaves his tower. After one last look up at the home he’s leaving behind, Impulse is the last to exit through the gate, for the final time.
He makes it to the house he’s looking for just as the sun disappears over the horizon. Lifting a heavy hand, he knocks on the door. Within seconds, the door opens, revealing his two best friends in the whole universe.
Skizz stares at Impulse for a moment, seeing how downtrodden his best friend looks. Like he has the weight of the world on his back. He’s seen what happened in chat and even though he doesn’t know the exact details, he can see the pain of four losses in Impulse’s heavy eyes.
Impulse opens his mouth to speak, but he doesn’t need to say anything.
Skizz and Tango envelop him in a hug, letting him cry into their shoulders.
No words need to be said.
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