#hes good at pvp he has good gear he knows the game well
sn0wp1anets · 6 months
i think we should talk about the 100 hours hardcore more like that is peak content !!
joel and scar being there, pvp specifically being disabled so joel and grian cant kill each other, scar taking the enchantment table, grian talking abt scar dying in hermitcraft alot as if he isnt the one killing scar all the time, scars insanely dangerous base, joel's hey scar farm, grian dying, the whole episode with jimmy, joel blaming jimmy for grians death and when jimmy tried to protest this joel attacked him and then jimmy started calling him sir?? like peak comedy. lizzie's death when she fought the wither, grian's moustache, killing scott and bigb with those minigames for literally zero good reason, scar stealing grians helmet then dying immediately, the whole finale episode, 'we should make out', JOEL BLOWING HIMSELF UP W THE MINECART.
like this is literally one of my favourite series please can we talk about it more.
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Who's Training Whom? or A Screed Of Reasonable Length About Why Étoiles Is Still 15-0 In My Heart
So, through this whole Codes vs Étoiles arc, we've been repeating the question over and over again: who is training whom? Are the codes training Étoiles? Or is he training them? Is he just making them stronger and stronger? Well, it turns out the answer is neither because Étoiles is learning and innovating and developing new tricks and techniques and the codes have learned a grand total of One (1) trick and are mostly relying on Number Go Up in a way that's antithetical to everything I personally enjoy about Minecraft PVP.
The rest of this will be under a cut on account of how reasonable the length is.
Okay, so what makes Minecraft PVP more engaging to me than PVP in other roleplay or video game genres? Well, the thing that makes it unique is that everyone is starting from a completely even playing field. Look at it this way: if a DND Barbarian and Rogue of roughly equal level just stand there and take turns hitting each other, the Barbarian wins. The Barbarian has more health and does more damage and that's going to tell pretty quickly. Of course, there are ways to compensate for it and the Rogue can think on their feet and engineer a situation where they win and of course there are also advantages to playing a squishier class, but the point is that there are squishier classes and squishier players.
Minecraft doesn't have that. Everyone has the same number of hearts and can theoretically use the same weapons and armor. If you and a friend jump into a Minecraft world and just stand there and take turns hitting each other, whoever goes first wins.
That means consistently winning at Minecraft PVP requires you to get good at thinking on your feet and engineering situations to your advantage. You aren't a tank by virtue of picking the tank class at the start of the game, but you can become a tank by making a turtle farm for turtle master potions. You aren't a damage dealer because you selected the high DPS character five minutes ago but because you spent hours grinding the resources to upgrade your weapons to the best they can possibly be. You aren't winning fights because the stats on your gear are higher than anyone else's. You're winning fights because you know how to control the fight so that you can hit the other guy more than they can hit you. If you're winning fights with other PVPers, it's because you're better than them at their own game.
Unless you're the QSMP Code Monster.
And like, to be clear, I don't blame the admin(s) for getting frustrated enough to brute force it. We know current 06 is competent PVPer and so are a couple others we haven't identified for sure yet, but I doubt they were hired specifically to be cracked at PVP. But like, they also do have to fulfill the role in the story of being cracked enough at PVP to kill either the super well defended eggs or the French Beast. Like, they do deserve to take some shortcuts.
But also, it does really really undermine the narrative of the codes and Étoiles training each other when the codes aren't really learning from Étoiles because there's a lot they could teach him.
For example, they haven't really made much progress on learning to outmaneuver them. Watch back any fight where he's fighting them 2v1 after the sweeping edge bug gets fixed. If you're fighting someone 2v1, you want to be attacking them from two different sides since they can only defend and counterattack from one side at a time. Watch how often they're both attacking him from the same direction. That's not an accident. That's Étoiles constantly moving to keep both his enemies where he can see them and it's not something they've made much progress on dealing with. The fact that they'll have three codes present but only two of them attacking at once pretty clearly demonstrates that they haven't recognized the importance of using the numbers advantage and negating the shield.
(Also, this isn't super relevant, but Étoiles is a master of healing potion usage. Watch how often he throws them ahead of where he's running so he maximizes how much he splashes on himself and minimizes how much he splashes on the codes. It's good stuff.)
One really clear moment that shows how the admins have a tendency to brute force their way through Étoiles related problems is in the fight in the basement of the lore dungeon where Étoiles was convinced he was going to die and the admins had to give him a goodie bag afterwards. At one point, he digs himself down into a 1x1 hole and a code follows him down into the hole to attack him and prevent him from warping away. He grapples out and seals off the hole. From his expressions and reaction time, it's pretty clear this was a plan to trap the code the whole time. The code breaks the block and rejoins the fight. We have never seen a code break blocks before or since including in otherwise relentless attacks on eggs behind unprotected walls.
Like, dude, you got outplayed. Take the L. And no, I don't buy that it's just the code getting more powerful from training with Étoiles because, again, we haven't seen it break blocks since that one fight. This doesn't seem to have been an ability added to its bag of tricks.
Speaking of abilities which have been, I do think that giving it God apples in that fight was a fine play. Okay, it's getting stronger and it can buff itself now. Great! Genuinely! But again, it's only really getting stronger in the sense of Number Go Up.
How does Étoiles counter this new threat? Well, one day he's laughing hysterically at the idea of Tubbo using something as pathetically useless as a soul saber and the next day, he's got a soul saber of his own on his hotbar. Why? Because the soul saber's special ability is that it nullifies special effects. That's useless against 99% of mobs, but the hearts and regeneration given by the god apple are special effects that the sword can nullify.
Étoiles doesn't counter a new threat by buffing his stats or getting a stronger weapon. In fact, he gets a weaker weapon. He gets a weapon that he thinks is terrible and shitty and garbage, but that happens to give him what he needs for his specific use case. And that's enough to turn the code eating god apples from a seemingly insurmountable advantage into probably a mistake to even bother with.
Étoiles fights the codes with three weapons out. First, his broken sword, which does such absurd base damage that it's stupid to use anything else. Second, the soul saber which turns the Code's most obvious power move into a trap. Third, the nightmare scythe, which blinds enemies, leaving them disoriented and giving himself time to recover. He also has his grappling squowk for mobility, Enough healing potions (he prefers to have at least 1000), a lava bucket for chip damage, blocks for gaining distance and controlling enemy movement, a water bucket for controlling enemy movement and clearing cobwebs, and his xp backpack to keep all his gear repaired. This represents a massive amount of prepwork and theory crafting to put together and have ready and decide on what to have and how to use it. He also has to know his notoriously messy backpacks by heart to be able to navigate to his other potions fast enough to be able to use them in a fight, which is he is consistently able to do.
The Code has a healthbar that doesn't move, a single weapon that does too much damage for the repair upgrades to keep up with, and sometimes it can spawn a single cobweb now, which Étoiles already had a counterplay ready for.
Like, I get that Étoiles is the goat. I get that. I am not going into this discussion unaware of the fact that Étoiles is the goat. I am not expecting the admins to be able to play at his level and to be able to pull out all the tricks he pulls. In fact, it's fine and even good that the Code doesn't have the same tools and moves as a player.
But it still feels a little cheap to say that Étoiles isn't ready for the sword yet when he's outplaying them every single time it's even possible to make a play.
Oh before I forget to add it in, the cobweb is the One (1) trick the code has actually learned from Étoiles. It's a good trick, to be fair.
Anyway, the other big problem with Number Go Up escalation that we've reached a point where it's Literally Impossible to fight the Code without the Shield. Without the Shield, either the Code is gonna have to be randomly weaker for no reason, or it's gonna just gonna get to run around pretty much unchecked for a while. To be fair, the Code running around unchecked could fuck, except for the fact that there are counterplays available if it didn't three shot people in full armor.
The big problem with fighting the Code right now, aside from the whole three shotting people in full armor thing, is that it has that sword that makes you drop whatever you're holding.
Luckily, Étoiles and BBH both have their own separate, individual solutions. Étoiles never got the chance to test his out in a combat situation because he got the Shield before it came up, but BBH used his against Code Tilín during the new member code battle and it proved effective. Unfortunately for all of us, Étoiles still landed the final blow on that Code so I think a lot of people failed to realize just how powerful BBH's strategy is.
But since then, the Code's damage output has just simply gotten so ridiculous to be able to cope with how ridiculous the Shield is that all those interesting, exciting strategies get sidelined in favor of Number Go Up.
So, uh, yeah. I think that's about everything I had to say. In conclusion hashtag hire jojosolos to play the code monster please quackity please she's a cracked pvper and she knows modded please
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anony-mouse-writer · 2 years
Down With The King!
I will be watching everyone’s povs for this cuz why not. spoilers for the king’s vault on hermitcraft season 9
- the king issued a challenge to the server. if they managed to beat his impossible vault, he would return the diamonds and resign as king. if they failed, he would be king of the server forever more
- ren: welcome to the vault!
everyone else: booo
ren + co, who have spent a week doing massive grind making this vault: wow such enthusiasm
everyone else: woo
- everyone takes off all their gear. this does mean dwarfpulse is beardless the whole time, which is cursed
- the knights of the square table all watch from little tinted glass tunnels the whole time its fantastic
room one was cub’s parkour and a mob fight. everyone fails the double slime jump
- jevin (dare sticked to be useless) pulls a midnight black cats but the hoglins were all weirdly passive so its fine
- a brief aside with bdubs versus about half the server in pvp
- after bdubs was skain, joe, in chat is all ‘oh no, cleo we better prepare for trouble’ and im so so sad no one made a team rocket joke back
room two was cleo’s explosive game of red light green light.
- doc and etho just fucking cheat at the end and no one stops them
- cleo threw a lever just for fun and jevin got in a huff ‘fine you wanna cheat? we can cheat!’ and then immediately dies and ends up at fucking spawn
- redstone door fails and joe manually has to set it off. this feels right somehow.
- another aside with a worse-for-wear bdubs vs half the server pvp part 2. he’s got a black eye and a missing tooth
room three is scar’s pay to win parkour
- grian, having 3rd life flashbacks: scar put your shirt on
- for a bunch of people bitching sbout being broke they sure are quick to pay to win loll
room four grian: ready for top ten anime betrayals?
- everyone choosing to just skip grian’s room while he tries to convince them that its a bad idea by explaining his fae-ass logic
- grian is so sad that no one trusts him
- everyone goes to fight the king and gets fucking wrecked in a kill box, its incredible
- grian got like half the room out on the first two questions lolll
- ‘if its not lit up, its not scar safe’
- grian: ren had no supervision over my loot table >:)
the final fight was against the knights of the round table in increasingly powerful armor lol
- my first thought was cub was in netherite, but no it was enchanted leather lol. i wonder if it was as good as zed’s
- joe didnt even know he was gonna fight loll
- bdubs was in full diamond fighting a small army in full diamond and this ended exactly as well as you’d expect
- rip doc monster who i think was the only one to actually die in the one on one fights
- bdubs’s vault is may have had a puzzle, but everyone just flipped levers until it opened
results: the diamonds are missing. i saw someone say mumbo stole them and yeah. ill incorporate that into my world view.
- they reskinned snowballs into tomatoes to throw at ren in his cage and im cackling
- everyone: booo hiss
ren: :(
everyone: uhh. sorry
- team effort to take down the afk banner my beloved
- grian asks to take the crastle loll
- i was wondering where all the cursed ren heads came from and apparently joe killed him a bunch (source: gem 19)
- soup group’s training montage my beloved. impulse’s mcc audition tape?
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vermanaward · 9 months
anyway keynote stuff
nutkin doing a public service by cockblocking thancred
painter krile is cute as hell im so happy for her. green mage truthers in a shambles
picto's af is relm's gear from ff6. which, you know, fits lmao
i love the stylised skill effects, something actually unique looking in the game
i don't have any expectations whatsoever for how it'll play but as long as it's better than smn idc
another buffing class (: ofc, the two minute meta lives
no rez, so it'll cream rdm dps wise, F
we're condensing fantasy n and s america into six zones, huh
the cyberpunk city is. setting whiplash, huh
area name is 'solution nine' I Don't Like This
oh and it's the endgame hub. at least it's pretty ig
one of the healers in my static is being a complete pissbaby about the Weird Shit i might tell him to fuck off to lotro if he continues
oh shit is the Brand in the dungeon vid. gw2 collab confirmed /shot
the stacked cactuar lmao
no wings on the smn af. heresy
rpr going for the dommy mommy look i see
firmament... 2! lunar boogaloo
wait. what multiple planets. as side content. oh this is going to be intensely shallow it's it
oh wait are just. it's just elysium 2.0 by way of the diadem. okay. as long as it lets me fish and doesn't make me want to die (hello diadem this means u)
cyberpunk savage raid lets go. explains why the cyberpunk city is the endgame hub. maybe
supposedly mr ozma soft confirmed 2 ultimates but we'll see
surprised they confirmed eden ult before stb story but i can't say im sad
7.1 eden ult pog
'new plans for deep dungeons' that will be fucking dead after six weeks because we need people to do roulettes instead
no pvp updates until 7.1 LMAO
ayyyyy new field operation (now just tie it to the relic so it doesn't die immediately like v&c dungeons did because you had the unhinged idea for it just to be a tome sink)
BST limited job finally fucking confirmed
im not one of the people pining after it personally but limited job enjoyers will be happy
oh no it has a collection feature i am going to have to 100% it i say while still missing like half the blu spells
the textures on that arr gear in the update preview is hilariously pixelated lmao
(i do like the new skin shaders tho)
the metal shader looks v nice too but on that low rez top just. highlights how bad it is
the highlander f lost half her eyebrows wtf
they gave the femroe a nose job I Don't Like This!
for the most part the face looks a lot better but. Weird Noses Good
lizards look nice at least
'we know some people like that dead eyed soulless look so we enabled you to have that too' l m a o
'please look forward to adjusting your character to your preference' so free fanta when
oh shit lmao
i like that they are showing dark skin exampls as well. the catgirl had me going [hmm] bc the skin tone became noticeably cooler but the rest of them (even the non fantasy skin colours) look decent to my eye
femhroth looking better than i was afraid of, still decidedly more cowardly than male hroth designs but such is fantasy games
inb4 no hats
i like the key art
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gameguides · 2 years
Grand Chase Tier List
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Welcome to our Grand Chase Tier List guide. This guide will show you Top Grand Chase Characters in game. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the GrandChase game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let's take you to our GrandChase guide. #GrandChase
Grand Chase Tier List
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Grand Chase Tier List Wondering what the best Grand Chase characters are? Well, read on and you’ll find the exact current 2022 meta Grand Chase rankings below. Grand Chase Tier List S Tier – These are some of Grand Chase’s best characters, a little underwhelming, but they shine in every aspect of the game. Be sure to invest in them ASAP. A Tier – Very good Grand Chase heroes, they are good in all aspects of the game, be it PVE or PVP. B Tier – Not the best, but by no means the worst. Some of them are still powerful enough to wipe most things. C Tier – You should only use these if you really don’t have better heroes to play with. D Tier – These heroes are not worth the investment. Best Characters TierCharacterSAmy, Jin, Lass, Ley, ElesisALime, Rufus, Veigas, Dio, Lire, RinBArme, Dark Nephilim, Mari, Olivia, Rasel, Ronan, Ryan, SieghartCCleo, Hanout, Poseidon, Sachi, Sage, SerdinDDullahan, Teragon, Turmeric, Cpt. Boar, Charon What we focus on in our character rankings are: - Role type - Base Attributes - Skills / Ultimas - DPS Output - Healing Output Overall, the best Grand Chase characters: Amy, Jin, Lass, Ley, and Elesis. Dio, Veigas and Rin are also very good heroes. - Jin is easily the best tank in the game, and he can use his power to protect his allies. - Lass has massive damage output while increasing the critical strike chance of allies through his buffs. - Amy is an excellent support character, able to provide her allies with a number of useful buffs, while also being able to remove enemy buffs by disorienting them or throwing them off cliffs. - Ley has the ability to summon demons to aid her and her allies in battle. She also has a special ability called a black hole that can cause massive explosions. About Grand Chase Grand Chase was originally released as an MMORPG in 2003, although now GrandChase has switched to a mobile game format. The game is now a hero collectible fantasy RPG, available as a free download on Google Play and the App Store. It’s a typical gachapon game, similar to Path to Nowhere, with an original storyline that goes back many years. You have over 100 heroes to choose from to create the most diverse team, ready to take on any massive content in the game. In Grand Chase, you can play alone or with friends and guild members, participate in two-player raids, or battle other chasers in the PvP arena. The game also has an upgrade and progression system that makes your gear even more powerful. Read the full article
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frodo-with-glasses · 3 years
How the Fellowship+ Play Minecraft
Merry: Never builds anything. Just fights monsters. Has a dirt hut lined wall to wall in chests filled with loot dropped by the monsters he killed. The most he’s ever done with redstone was seeing how many TNT he could set off in a row by pushing one button. Has twelve mob grinders for no reason. Has defeated the Ender Dragon seven times just for fun. His favorite weapon is a Multi-Shot crossbow with fireworks. Has three of them on him at any given time. Never changes the difficulty to Peaceful.
Pippin: Never changes the difficulty off Peaceful. Would die immediately if you took it off Peaceful. Would find some way to get killed in broad daylight the moment you took it off Peaceful. Sucks at combat. Uses cheats.
Sam: Has collected every single plant in the game into one incredible botanical garden. Explores the entire world and fills out maps upon maps just to find the species he’s missing. Eagerly looks forward to updates because “NEW PLANTS I’VE GOTTA FIND THAT AZALEA TREE”. Also collects rare animals like mooshrooms. Has the most beautiful farm imaginable. Surprisingly good at combat even though he rarely does it.
Frodo: Capable of combat if necessary but needs very advance warning. Generally the one who builds the house, because he’s the one who wants an enchanting room. Makes sure everyone is fully equipped with enchanted gear. Collects rare and exotic-sounding items. Has beaten the game once to get the Ender Dragon Egg and never wants to do it again.
Aragorn: Has everything. No, literally, everything. “Hey Aragorn, do you have—” YES HE DOES. His own world has chests filled with stacks of diamond blocks. Rarely returns from a mining expedition without another stack of diamonds. Carries an ender chest filled with shulker boxes filled with nearly every resource imaginable. Has a house FILLED TO THE BRIM with chests upon chests upon chests. Nobody knows how he has the time to collect all this stuff, but the answer is that his job is stressful, so every spare minute he has is spent mindlessly mining or fishing to decompress. Always hides the entrance to his enormous strip-mines in an out-of-the-way place that nobody else can find. Always the most welcome in everyone else’s worlds and servers. Has every achievement in the game and quietly completes the new ones within a week of updates.
Gandalf: Utter completionist. Very uptight about it. Has beaten the game multiple times and expects everyone else to be like him. Has every achievement in the game and updates it religiously. Constantly annoyed by Pippin and berates him for “cheating”. Gets along best with Aragorn in Survival, but has also done massive Creative builds with Gimli.
Gimli: Redstone master. Builds things with redstone that defy physics. Has a youtube channel where he quietly posts video tutorials of his builds and nobody else in the Fellowship finds out about them until later. Has a gorgeous castle built in Survival that’s tastefully decorated with diamond, gold, and emerald blocks. Nobody believes he got those in Survival until he shows them his mile-long strip mines. Also does enormous builds in Creative. Has completely recreated Orthanc on a superflat world and installed redstone mechanisms to flood it. Has built the Death Star with a beacon as a working laser. Has built a realistic Ent that actually walks. Has built EVERYTHING.
Legolas: Doesn’t understand the game. Played once because the others suggested it. He used Creative, built an ugly house out of gold and diamond, and said, “Well, that’s it! I don’t know why the rest of you spend so much time with this.” “Uh…because we actually like it as a challenge?” “Why would you do that?”
Boromir: Plays the game socially. The hobbits introduced him to it, and now he only plays it when they’re around. Always takes the combat role to defend the non-fighters. Enjoys PvP and gets way too into it. Loudly defends Pippin’s use of cheats whenever Gandalf is getting on his case. “He’s just trying to have FUN, Gandalf, let the young hobbit be!” Died once by falling off a cliff.
Bonus under the cut!
Eowyn: Was introduced to the game by Merry. Initially thought it was just a combat game and became very good at it until Faramir showed her the building aspects. Is a surprisingly well-rounded player—nice house, good at fighting—but also has a stable full of very fast horses with name tags and horse armor. Plays PvP with Merry on the weekends. Like Boromir, she usually takes the combat role when joining other people’s worlds. “I’m on my way! Don’t die before I get there!”
Faramir: A builder. His houses aren’t anything incredible, but they’re easy on the eyes—with sloping roofs made of stairs and window shutters made of trapdoors—and he still takes pride in what he makes. He and Eowyn have a private Survival world that they play together in the evenings. Watches Eowyn and Merry play PvP but doesn’t participate. Prefers when they play Spleef because it’s funny.
Bilbo: Builds houses. Beautiful, homey houses that use existing blocks to mimic real furniture. Watches and takes inspiration from video tutorials. Hosts his own Bag End server where he’s built an absolutely gorgeous hobbit hole in pure Survival, complete with a realistic-looking and functional kitchen. His pride and joy is the enormous library—not an ugly one that’s wall-to-wall with books, but tastefully decorated with candles and lanterns and lecterns and vines on the windows and a “reading nook”. Eagerly looks forward to updates to see what new decorative blocks come out. Frodo and Sam are often on the Bag End server; Frodo maintains the local village and keeps everyone stocked with enchanted gear, and Sam keeps his magnum opus botanical garden adjacent to the hobbit hole.
Aragorn sometimes pops onto the server to go mining and keep the hobbits stocked up with resources. Nobody knows where his strip mine is. He secretly loves being there, because he’s got a heart for beautiful things, and Bilbo’s home and Sam’s garden are just that.
Gimli was on the server once and, at the hobbits’ request, installed a secret door in the library, a harvesting mechanism in the farm, and a hidden Nether railway. The hobbits were equal parts impressed, delighted, and horrified, because this is way more technology than they’re used to, but Gimli’s builds are very clean and he hides his redstone well so they got used to it eventually. (Aragorn was secretly glad for the Nether railway; he wasn’t gonna build one until the hobbits asked for it, but he’d been wanting one for a while.)
Bilbo rarely goes adventuring, but for when he does, there’s a room in the basement with a wall full of maps, and a chest marked “for Sam” containing any new plants and flowers he finds.
Merry and Pippin are not allowed on the Bag End server.
Gollum: Tries to eat the console.
Elrond: Plays Call of Duty.
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overthinkingfandom · 3 years
Well, I'll summarise a few. Dream begging Tommy to not kill him in the finale vs him being fully willing in the prison. Was it because he was aware of how horrible he (and Sam) had made the conditions? Doesn't really make sense if he wanted to go in the prison. He didn't seem like he wanted to go in the prison either, instead telling Tommy to just exile him and re-boxing himself up after the prison was brought up. Those are the main 2, I'm curious how they could be seen in the theory /gen
(This got long so I’m putting most of it under the cut.)
A lot of those examples can be explained by the same thing. Dream has this trick he pulls constantly. One where he fakes his defeat in order to lull the enemy into a false sense of security so they won’t even think to look for his real plan. 
Whenever he does it he always makes sure to put up a fair amount of resistance in order to sell the act and get the enemy focused on dealing with the resistance, leaving them less attention to spare to other stuff. Because Dream is good at this shit, that token resistance can look pretty convincing. However when comparing actual instances of his skill with the token resistance it always falls short. That’s pretty much the main way to spot him pulling this trick, that and logical inconsistencies. 
The most blatant ways he used this trick on dsmp were first during the L’manburg independence war, were his group fell back despite the L’manburgians not actually putting any pressure on them. Plus, Dream actually wrote to retreat in the game chat where the L’manburgians were sure to see it despite the fact that his group was all in a voice call with each other. There was literally no reason for him to write it there other than to make L’manburg “know” his group “lost” the fight and so was “forced” to “retreat”. All of this so they would be blindsided by Eret’s betrayal and won’t see it coming.
The second was during November 16th, with the war portion between Manburg and Pogtopia. Now, Pogtopia vastly outnumbered Manburg and despite Manburg having (for the most part) better combatants than Pogtopia, being outnumbered so much was a decisive factor. It would’ve been impossible for for Manburg to win through some kind of pvp fighting. Yet for some reason that’s what they did, even letting Pogtopia be the one to initiate the fight (which is giving up on a huge advantage). Sure they had a few tricks up their sleeves but they were all geared towards winning the pvp fight. 
So why fight this way at all? because it was a distraction. Dream win condition was for Wilbur to press the button, that’s how he was going to win the war. But by giving Pogtopia a “war” where they struggled and and eventually overcame their enemy, they would be too preoccupied by that to suspect what was going on, especially with Dream “confirming” that there was no traitor and he only said as much to sow chaos and distrust. 
All of that to say that, yes, Dream showed resistance to going to prison but it’s not like just protesting it or boxing himself up would actually prevent people from locking him there after they already made their mind. It’s token resistance for show in order to sell the act, which is exactly in line with tactics he has shown before. I mean, wouldn’t it have been weirder if he didn’t protest? Wouldn’t it have raised suspicions? 
And Dream seems very invested in making sure no one (especially Sam) would suspect that he wanted to get locked up. Just in general, Dream’s first line of defense is to always conceal is actual goal.
The horrible conditions are a part of that. Who would suspect that the person who made the prison worse wanted to get locked up there? But there’s a reason why I consider Dream’s defining trait to be ruthless. The dude would go to absurd lengths to get what he wants, no matter who gets hurt. Himself included. 
Dream begging Tommy not to kill him in the finale are different from his words in the prison because his agenda there was different. The first is just more of his token resistance. If he truly wanted to stop those first two deaths he could’ve just brought up the revive book beforehand. But instead he doesn’t provide any argument which may actually have substance to it. It’s all more of that hollywood bullshit, which is very conspicuous if you ever seen him debating anyone (like Quackity 1:01:39). The dude is very good at arguing. 
In the prison he’s asserting his power over Tommy by calling Tommy’s bluff about him killing Dream. We see him doing similar things in other encounters with Tommy. If he can be fairly certain that Tommy wouldn’t actually kill him (and Dream was shown to be great at reading other people, Tommy included) then calling the bluff is the optimal move since takes away from Tommy a threat he can use and give Dream a stronger position (which he immediately capitalizes on by pulling that “does that make me a god?” speech.)
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Sorry for the long ask, but as somebody who's recently been enjoying the tries revamp and the accessibility it gives to middling pvp players, I've been getting into the lore on the trials gear, and there's a lot of entries so I'm having trouble keeping track. I've mostly been interested in Sola, who only seems to come up a few times? She ends up torturing a guardian in the trials, looking for 'something inside them like in her.' It's interesting though, because the power she wields, (and seemingly seeks when Aunor catches her tracking an anomaly in arrivals) isn't described as darkness or stasis, but some kind of corrupted void light? I can't find mention of anything else like this, and I feel like there's lore entries I'm missing?
Anyways, Trestin, another trials guardian, gets killed unnecessarily viciously by Sola (I think, that lore entry mentions they're competing against Crimiq-5, who is on Sola's fire time, so this seems right) and later goes on to become obsessed with stasis, torture house salvation refugees as well as her own fireteam, and gets put down by Aunor as well. Is this a coincidence? Does Sola do what she does to Trestin because she sees the same temptation towards corruption? Or is it more direct? It almost seems like she passes it on, virulently, and I'm mainly wondering if that's something that has any other evidence when it comes to corrupted guardians. I figure you might know, I'm having trouble searching since some of it is trials gear, some isn't, and they don't all mention everyone's name
Took me a while to get the full info on this because I wanted to put all of the lore entries in order and they're kinda scattered around!
Okay, so, this story is told on Trials weapons lore. First batch was released in Season of the Worthy and then the sort of conclusion in Season of the Chosen. There's a minor update in Season of Arrivals on non-Trials gear (Temptation's Hook). The first batch of lore details a single Trials match between two fireteams.
One fireteam consists of Trestin, Yara and Sadhij. The other fireteam is Sola, Crimiq-5 and Katake. Roughly in some semblance of order, the lore on items is as follows:
The Summoner - This seems to be the start as it shows Trestin meeting up with her fireteam and going into the match. The one important thing to note here is that Trestin was apparently deeply affected by what happened on the Moon (during Shadowkeep and the discovery of the Pyramid) and seems to be resigned that the end is coming and that there's nothing anyone can do about it. It appears she was somewhat influenced by the Pyramid into despair and losing hope.
Astral Horizon - This is somewhere at the start of the match. Sadhij tells his teammates Trestin and Yara that he's going for one of the enemies (Katake). He charges with a shotgun and uses Thundercrash which completely obliterates Katake. No surprise there. However, at the end, there is a rifle shot and then silence.
Exile's Curse - This details the start of the match from the other team's perspective. We see the same event of Katake being Thundercrashed by Sadhij from the eyes of his teammate Crimiq-5 who warns Katake about being out of line of sight. Crimiq-5 witnesses Katake being obliterated.
Eye of Sol - Again from Crimiq's POV, he is standing in the back with a sniper rifle and he watches Sola attacking Trestin. He seems to be very distraught about this:
Sola had ripped through their previous opponents with off-putting ferocity, and Crimiq was ready for this to be their last match of the day. He looked over her through his scope. Sola's silhouette marinated in an eerie shimmer that distorted the air as she moved.
He shoots a warning shot at her position to keep the third opponent (Yara) in cover. Then he hears Katake's cry for help against the Thundercrash and aims there, killing Sadhij. That's the rifle shot at the end of Astral Horizon lore.
The Scholar - This moves us to Sola's POV, where it's described that she's torturing Trestin and telling her that she can feel "it" in her too. I assume that both Sola and Trestin were deeply affected by the Lunar Pyramid and were both in the early stages of corruption by it. Sola felt it in Trestin.
"So…" Sola's intent bit deeper, malleable claws that flexed against her prey's Light. They probed through blood and muscle to an umbral center. "…it's within you too."
After the torture incident, Saint steps in to end the match and reprimand Sola. He also reprimands Crimiq, but Crimiq says he doesn't want anything to do with Sola. This further angers Sola and she leaves, telling everyone they're "as good as dead anyway." Note the same kind of despair and loss of hope that Trestin exhibited even before she was attacked by Sola.
Tomorrow's Answer - This brings us a bit back to the final person who has a POV which is Yara who witnesses what Sola did to Trestin:
A violet shockwave pushed away the dust. Trestin knelt a few paces away, beaten. The Warlock bent her glowing hand into Trestin's chest plate, lodging a vortex grenade into her armor. Yara met her eyes and saw the Void overtake her. She did not hear the scream, or the splitting armor. She only saw flickers of Trestin break apart and scatter as the vortex ate away at her.
Sola lodged an entire vortex grenade into Trestin. Horrible way to die. Yara yells at Sola about Trestin not deserving that and Sola snaps back:
"None of us 'deserve.' It's about what you can get." The Warlock smiled and raised a hand of gnarled Void. "Brace yourself."
This shows how far gone Sola was. Definitely far more corrupted than Trestin. Presumably, Sola also finished off Yara in the match before it ended.
In Season of Arrivals, there's an update about this on Temptation's Hook. It's shown that Sola has been captured by the Praxic Order. The Praxics lead by Aunor know that Sola took another Guardian "to the outer system" and that they did not return with Sola.
I assume "the outer system" means Europa, but that's only because now we have additional information from Season of the Chosen. Since this is from Season of the Worthy, it could also mean that Sola and Trestin went out further into the outer system and met with the Black Fleet (the Black Fleet lurking at the edges of the system is mentioned in this lore). Sola also says some strange things:
"I learned the secret. The one your hounds have hidden away in that quaint little vault." Sola smiles red through split lips. "You're on the losing side."
"Do you think you have nothing to lose, or that I wouldn't take it from you? You're sorely, and soon to be regretfully, mistaken."
Sola spits in Aunor's face. "You have limits. You have masters." A twisted Light shimmers in Sola's hand as she moves to attack. "Enjoy hanging to death in your strings!"
This is probably referring to the presence of Darkness on Europa to which Sola and Trestin were either directly exposed OR they may have been told about it during their visit to the Black Fleet (depending on where they went exactly). It appears her Ghost was also exposed. Both Sola and her Ghost are contained by the Praxic Order: Sola killed and her Ghost disabled from resurrecting her.
The next, roughly chronologically would be The Messenger. Some time has passed. Aunor meets with Ikora about the problem of another corrupted Guardian who tortured Eliksni civilians, asking them about Eramis and how she accessed Darkness, as well as torturing her own teammates. It's revealed that the Guardian in question is still located on Europa and trying to access Darkness as well as that the Guardian's name is Trestin.
That leaves us with the final entry which is Sola's Scar. In it, we follow Trestin on Europa as she's nearing the Darkness obelisk, eager to get its power. She details how she betrayed her fireteam and what was driving her:
Over the radio, Lord Saladin's voice grew staticky: "Cabal incursion… Vex… up ahead." Without a word, Trestin's Ghost switched it off. There were others nearby to carry out the Iron Lord's orders. He wouldn't miss them.
She doubted anyone would—her ex-teammates least of all. She had betrayed them, or so Sadhij had screamed: "We're supposed to be the thin line drawn before the Darkness, you traitor!"
|| Thin indeed. So why not step over it? ||
Because they didn't have it in them. She checked. Cracked them both open and dug deep, just to be extra sure. But it wasn't there. That hunger, immense and buried, like the ocean under Europa's glacial crust. A riptide, undetectable from the surface, yet unrelenting in its pull. She never meant to betray anyone. She just wanted release.
|| Soon, you will have it. Soon, you will be freed. ||
She has brief memories of her fireteam, namely one of Yara's jokes. Darkness makes sure to tell her that such attachment is weakness. Just before Trestin reaches the obelisk, Aunor catches up to her and asks her to come quietly. Trestin disobeys and Aunor strikes her down with a sword.
I assume the name of the weapon where this lore is written, Sola's Scar, refers to the "scar" that Sola left in Trestin when she tortured her during the Trials match. Both Sola and Trestin seem to have been deeply affected by the Lunar Pyramid and it drove them to extremes which eventually led to both of them becoming corrupted and betraying the Light. It's interesting that in Sola's case, there's no Stasis involved: her Light was corrupted. Specifically her Void.
Not sure about Trestin and if she ever got Stasis and which other power and/or knowledge she was seeking from the Darkness, but either way the corruption of both of these Guardians came from the same source, entwined them together and eventually led to both of them being taken down by Aunor.
It's a really tragic story and the reason why I really like this type of lore about just some other Guardians and how they're experiencing the events we go through with in the game. Especially how it highlights just how much of an outlier the Young Wolf is and how things we do are really difficult or downright impossible for other Guardians to deal with. Both Sola and Trestin were victims of powers they could not handle.
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My Beloved, Penis
Fuck it. I was infected by Penis SMP by @demonboyhalo reblogging a bunch of it and the lack of consistent lore bugged me, so I somehow banged out 2000+ words of fanfic about the Penis SMP and how it got started. Lots of internet humor and classic MInecraft shenanigans in this one folks. *slaps roof* This baby can fit so much crack treated seriously, lol. This is also up on my AO3, Zazibine, if you would prefer to read it there.
It was never supposed to get so big. It was just an SMP with a couple friends of his he had met from the Hypixel discord server, where he had logged on simply to trash talk the absolute asshole who had dared to kill him last minute in bedwars, only to stumble upon said asshole- going under the name shittyfartbaby69 of all things- complaining to his girlfriend(?) Milfboss in the voice chat. Thirty minutes later of awkward hellos and the manliest of bitching at each other (with Milf chiming in every once in a while to roast them both), and PenisUnavailable had perhaps his first Minecraft friend in, like, forever.
Then Admiral_Anus had entered chat, bitching about his competitor in ABBA Mining and his bullshit bad luck and the whole process repeated. By the end of the day, Penis had three new friends, a private discord server for the four of them, and a promise to meet up with them in Hypixel next Sunday for the ultimate round of bedwars.
The game went spectacularly. Somehow, Admiral had some of the best bridging skills any of them had ever seen, and between Milfboss' terrifying Scottish screaming and pvp and Shitty with his clutch TNT skills, the three of them almost made up for Penis' awful depth perception. They still lost around forty percent of their games, but that was certainly better than Penis' own abysmal record, not helped with his habit of walking off the edge at inconvenient times.
And it was... fun. Usually bedwars was just him playing in his bedroom alone for an hour before he rage-quit and went back to survival for a bit before he died to fall damage and rage quit that too. But shittyfartbaby69 would crack dirty jokes that he'd never even heard of before, and Milfboss would roast him for looking it up on reddit and Shitty would cuss her out as he tried to prove that no, he was being original- all while Admiral would comment of them as if they were a sideshow display. Then Admiral_Anus would turn around and knock an enemy player off their island with some clever pvp and they would all hoot and holler and swear for a while before going back to their conversation, joking about forgetting the topic and starting up a running gag about something new.
And their accents, mmm. PenisUnavailable would never say it, but he really was as American as white Wonder bread and Milfboss' Scottish brogue, Admiral's smooth British snark, and Shitty's shrieking in Australian, well. Ear candy, you know? Even if he teased them mercilessly for pronouncing shit wrong, like "buhguhr". Ppffttt, it still cracked him up how Milfboss had threatened to murder him after the dictionary app on his phone had proved him right that it was actually "Bur-gur", even if Admiral kept insisting it was pronounced "bruh-girl".
Four hours and twenty-eight wins later, they had agreed to meet up the next day to play again, preferably at an hour that wasn't two am for Shitty again. (It was two am for Shitty again, although that was because they played for six that time.) Eventually, it just became a regular thing, them playing bedwars and competing at ABBA Caving- the one game Penis was unnaturally good at, much to Admiral's annoyance- to the point where they ran out of funny jokes about their competitors and the game itself and started talking personal anecdotes.
Milfboss owned a motorcycle. Admiral, entirely independently, also owned a motorcycle, as that was the only vehicle of reasonable speed and style that could actually handle the London traffic. Shitty couldn't drive at all, something about never passing his driving test. Admiral ate cheese at breakfast. Shitty liked to burn his garbage in a metal oil drum in his backyard. Milfboss posted herself singing covers of shit over on Youtube. And it wasn't just real life stuff either- their minecraft skills were also on the table for them all to collectively roast.
Admiral had never seen a single Minecraft Championship. Milfboss thought a flat cobblestone roof was entirely acceptable. Shitty's favorite block was the flint and steel. (That's not a block, sixty-niner. Shut up, is too. OoOh, real clever, 'shut up'! Uh, how about no? How about I fuckin' make you, ever think 'a that? No nono nonono, I'm on two hearts! I'm on two hearts, stop!) It made him curious, honestly. He wanted to see Milf's builds for himself, get revenge on Shitty, see if Admiral really could beat the Ender Dragon with a knockback stick like he said he could.
So he made a minecraft server. And they all joined it. (And stuck PenisUnavailable with the bill, suckaaahhh~!)
Predictably, it all went to Hell in a hand basket pretty quick.
See, it's one thing to play with nutters like his friends in a structured set up like Hypixel games, it's quite another to try and keep a semblance of order in an open world survival server like the Penis SMP. The first five minutes had been him trying to explain the rules and teleporting everyone back to spawn over and over as they tried to "escape the cops," ie, him. The next five minutes was Shitty scream-laughing "scatter!" and other John Mulany references down the mic as everyone ran off to start their houses. Penis, as he was still "god" at that moment, used admin commands to find the closest flower field biome to settle into, hoping for some- ha- peace and quiet.
Shitty, inevitably, ended up trying to settle in the fucking Nether. Like a mad lad, you know, as you do when you are apparently obsessed with all things lava. Milfboss ended up making an oak plank box of a "tree house" in a dark oak forest, while Admiral_Anus picked a nearby swamp for his starter base. Outside of that, they just kinda vibed in discord as they tried to fend off the mobs and get enough resources to try and build up houses that were a bit more than cobblestone towers and wood boxes- er, mostly. Milf kinda just fucked off to go mining, found a skeleton spawner by chance, and made a set of iron gear to stand in the dungeon room with to just chill and kill mobs for a while. She ended up with something like 45 levels and burned her only diamond on an enchanting table so she could buff the Hell out of her iron weapons and armor.
Penis, rather typically, he though to himself, put together a basic sheep farm and started work on a cute little cobblestone cave base. He managed to get a whole twenty by twenty block room done and fully furnished before he noticed the chat full of Shitty's death messages and went to go investigate. After nearly dying in lava twice, he managed to find Shitty's pile of items floating on a basalt pillar about a hundred blocks out from his... base?
It was a soccer ball. Shitty's base was a perfect fucking spherical soccer ball made up of quartz blocks and basalt. Just. What. The Fuck??? Then out popped shittyfartbaby69 and it was PenisUnavailable's turn to misjudge a jump and plummet right into lava. Fifteen minutes and much shrieking later about losing his diamond pick, and it turns out that Shitty didn't really care about his lost items, as he really only had four gold picks, a stack of dark oak, two furnaces, a bucket, and thirteen cooked mutton to his name. Not even a bed, the fucker. He just ran back to his portal from spawn every time he just burned to death, taking the chance to gather resources on the way back each time.
And no, he wasn't following a tutorial for his "football" base. Jerk. (Although Penis did have to admire his determination...)
The day ended on Milfboss, Shitty, and Penis reconvening back at spawn to try and hunt down Admiral_Anus, who they found later having built a thirty block tall castle of all things. Out of cobble stone and the windows weren't quite even, but still, it was pretty impressive. And of course, when presented with a castle, what can what do but siege it? So they lay siege to the castle and Milfboss curb-stomped Admiral in pvp and laid claim to the throne, crowning herself queen before summarily throwing the rest of them out. It was a good day.
And the day after was a good day. They played dodge ball crossed with hide and seek in forest around Penis' house with arrows supplied by Milfboss. And the day after that, too, where they had a building competition using nothing but cobble stone, specifically to spite Milfboss, who had kicked all of their asses the day before. In fact, three wonderful weeks passed of doing normal Minecraft shit and being friends passed by, and every bit of it was great fun.
And then came the fucking role play.
PenisUnavailable would have liked to preface that with he only participated under duress, but really, Milfboss had been queen for too long and nobody wanted to risk TNT cannoning any of Shitty's nice builds, so. Well, the castle was better than his drafty cave, alright? It was cold and wet and didn't have a proper door because aesthetic (and because it usually took him several tries to work an iron pressure plate door), so there were far too many mobs wandering in at night and spawn camping him. He and Shitty had almost the same number of deaths and Shitty lived in the fucking Nether.
So yeah. Castle time, baby! Daddy needs a new home! And Admiral obviously wasn't happy living out of Milf's awful tree house hot box where they all did drugs together on day fifteen and it still smelled of burnt wheat seeds, aka "weed." It was only obvious that they teamed up to try and take back the castle.
The battle itself didn't exactly go great, but it wasn't exactly horrible either. A lot of shouting shit at each other for fifteen minutes, the majority of which he wouldn't remember until it was too late- something about server unity?- only to find out that it wasn't two on one girl boss, it was two on a girl boss and her "baked out of his mind" henchman, also known as Shitty in a squirrel furry skin.
The ears man. Those stupid (cute) ears.
And then they were running for their lives because Milf had somehow gotten her hands on a flame bow with infinity enchants.
It all culminated in a dramatic stand-off in front of Shitty's Nether Soccer ball, Milf on one side, diamond axe in hand, not a bit of armor on because of an unfortunate run in with lava, Penis and Admiral on the other, picks in hand, threatening to tear down shittyfartbaby69's base. Shitty wasn't online just then to comment, but they could all hear him click-clacking away on his keyboard so he obviously hadn't gone to sleep just yet like he said he had. At an impasse, and unable to justify letting her teammate's home be used as collateral, Milfboss stood down and gave up her "crown," an enchanted golden Prot IV helmet she had gotten off a skeleton from her spawner.
Then the great betrayal, the beginning of the end. Shitty came back online. 96-Cam joined the game, not that they noticed in the chaos. Admiral-Anus cackled wildly and PMed Milfboss the message that Shitty had sent him, giving Team Gay Sex permission to tear down his base in the name of winning the war if it came down to it- making Milf's sacrifice worthless in the end. Penis gave another dramatic speech, circling around Shitty, who was acting weirdly apologetic to Milf about betraying her and still wearing that fucking squirrel furry skin.
"You see Milf, there's one thing more powerful than a girl boss, and when it comes down to wars between kingdoms, there's something you need to remember!" Penis got out his golden ax, helpfully labeled 'Piss Off'.  "And that's a dilf with something to lose!" An enderpearl in his off hand and he teleported behind Milf, catching on fire from the lava but still landing the last hit needed to finish her off. She puffed into a cloud of EXP, swearing up a storm, and then Admiral and Penis turned their gaze to the cheering Shitty.
"AAAAAYYY, LET'S GO DADDY!" the squirrel man screeched, wild laughter shorting out the discord voice chat, making him go quiet in patches when the volume overloaded the client. Behind him, Admiral quietly started building a chair out of birch fence posts and slabs.
"Not so fast, shit-ty-fart-baaaaa-byyyyy~, this isn't quite over yet!" Penis fucking chirped, barely holding back his laughter. "You're still a fucking traitor and we can't have you backstabbing us too. Get in the chair for Daddy, okay baby?"
Admiral finished the chair just in time for Shitty to turn around and see the completed monstrosity, shrieking dying off immediately. "Oh screw you, that's just mean. The Hell man? That's not a chair, that's illegal. If you want an electric chair or some shit, just ask. That's just sad." Mentally shrugging, Admiral lit up his work with a flint and steel while Penis pillared up above where Shitty was building an electric chair out of iron bars and trap doors. Admiral nudged Shitty into the chair, Penis dumped a bucket of lava over the edge of the pillar so it flowed over him, and Shitty started giving a soliloquy about how betrayal and how his love for his "Daddy" still "burned strong".
Like his dick. Apparently.
By the time the lava finally hit the floor and burned Shitty to death, Penis was crying with laughter, shrieking down the mike and banging on the desk hard enough to make him forget that his was still on the mouse, making him mine the block under him with the bucket and sending him hurtling to his fiery death too.
It was a good day... almost.
Because, as it turned out, shittyfartbaby69 was actually a tiktokker of some renown and his cam account had record everything. And he had uploaded the bit to tiktok, as you do, where it went viral, where it wasn't supposed to. And Milfboss, who had recently been uploading covers of herself singing old classic Minecraft songs, had attracted the Minecraft fandom kids to her twitter, where she had gone to post her rage about the events of her dethroning and Shitty's execution.
Penis SMP had gotten on. Fucking. Trending. And now everyone was demanding the full clip, their names, their Twitch streamer handles, their characters' backstories.
The masses wanted lore.
Penis watched in disbelief, head in his hands and mouth agape as sugar crash played over a clip of him killing Milf on loop.
They were making memes.
...Oh god. They were screwed.
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hwasong · 5 years
duality | c.sn
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request - oohh! okay so how about a bad boy san where he’s dating like an innocent reader (woah how original) and just some wholesomeness of how he is when you two are alone but then equally how cold he can be around other people?? 🤍🤍
fluff !
requested by @mingieshh 💖
TW: blood, physical fights
maybe i made the reader a boss bitch xoxox
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Choi San is known for his cold personality, killer looks and charm but you know him for his big heart, kindness and gorgeous heart. He’s such a sweetheart to you. He always takes you on dates, buys you snacks and walks you home late at night. He never pushes you to do things and he has settled with his friends that you are not to be toyed with. His friends respect you which makes you feel happy that he doesn’t treat you differently when hanging with them.
However, when with other people, San is a different person. An example is at school, where he’ll have an arm locked around your waist, a sharp look on his face and a dark aura surrounding him. You love both sides of San, but there’s times where he’s really took to his cold character.
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Finally, lunch time. You’re friends had already swept you away to the cafeteria as they were like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to devour some food. You frown as you look around the circle table at your friends eating food. You had forgotten your lunch and had spent your money earlier in the morning to buy a drink for school.
“What’s wrong?” Soojin perked up from beside you after swallowing a bite from her sandwich. You sigh and shift through your bag “I forgot my lunch”
Soojin smiles and offers the other part of her sandwich but you politely decline “it’s okay, you can have it” the rest of your friends the join in, offering you money and parts of their lunch. Each time you decline, telling them you’ll be fine until you’re interrupted by a package being put down in front of you.
“I got you some lunch” San smiles, angling his head so that only you could see the precious smile. You flush and smile back, thanking him. He shrugs, acting as if it’s nothing.
“I’ll meet you after your last class, okay?” You nod and smile softly as he places a soft kiss on your cheek. Your friends all fawn over the cute interaction, pushing and shoving you playfully. A girlish giggle leaves your mouth as you think about San.
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After class, San was true to his word. He stood outside your classroom and waited for you, a lolly hanging in his mouth and his phone in hand. Shyly, you approached him and tugged his sleeve, smiling as he looked at you.
San smiles and pops the lolly out of his mouth and taps your bottom lip with it. A heavy flush covers your face but you open your mouth regardless and let him pop the lolly into it. He grins, his shaggy black hair falling across his eyes.
“Sannie! Jisung is at your car” Wooyoung interrupts the otherwise peaceful moment. San’s jaw clenches and he’s quick to grab your hand and storm down the hallway. You frown but hurry with San, the lolly falling from your hand after you had taken of from your mouth.
“Don’t do anything stupid, San” you tutt. San doesn’t reply but leads you down the school hallways. Here’s a bit of backstory. Jisung is your shitty ex who seems to not want to let you go even though he cheated on you multiple times. He’s constantly following you or trying to message you online and ruin your relationship with San. Now here’s where San comes in. A couple times, Jisung and San have almost had physical fights but the boys have pulled them apart before anything could be landed. Even Jisung’s friends are sick of the fighting and have apologised to you on his behalf.
You can hear a ruckus in the distance and from experience you know it’s a particular group of boys screaming at each other. Your heart clenches as soon as you see Jisung and his gang arguing with the rest of the boys.
“Yah! Jisung you have some nerve showing up after last time” San practically growls as he storms up to Jisung, imaginary fume coming out of his ears.
You practically tremble but keep your posture, watching with observing eyes. San is angry and once you spot his clenched fists and tensed back you know that he’s about to swing.
“Just leave it, San” You try to calm down San who softens at your voice. The other boys wearily look between each other and try to read the atmosphere. San exhales slowly and slowly walks away from Jisung to grab his keys from his bag that he basically threw to the ground when he seen Jisung.
Speaking of the devil, Jisung snorts and shoves his hands in his pockets “Just listen to your bitch San, you wouldn’t-“ Jisung tries to gloat, seem cool in front of his friends but is quickly knocked from his ego throne by a strong fist to the jaw. The other boys hop on quickly and soon enough your watching a brawl.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa are double teaming one guy, Wooyoung is trying to crack one of the guys head off of the car park floor and it gets messier as it goes on. However, what gives you relief is when you see Jongho standing idle and observing his brothers.
“Jongho-ssi! Pull San off of him!” You cry out and grip his blazers sleeve. Jongho nods and grabs San by the collar, yanking him off of Jisung who lay on the floor. There’s blood everywhere, splattered from Jisung’s abused nose.
Anger practically fuels your body as you watch the boys continue on as if it’s some PvP game.
“Yah!” You shout, your angered voice bellowing throughout the parking lot. Almost instantly the fight seizes to see what you’re telling about. Jongho stands beside you, a blank look on his face.
“What age are you all?! Act your age and get off of each other! You’re embarrassing yourselves with your behaviour and I’m so sick of you all jumping on each other as soon as you have the fucking chance!” Your authoritative voice shocks a few of the boys that are scrambled on the ground. No one has ever seen you angry (besides San, for certain reasons). You’ve always been known as a softer spirit, one that doesn’t raise their voice as much.
“He called you a bitch! Am I just meant to let him get away with it?” San huffs and dusts off his uniform. His knuckles are red, covered in fluid and are definitely bruising.
You scoff “Do you think I care about what he says about me? He’s a fucking lost dog who keeps following me” you spat, glaring pure hatred at Jisung who is in shell shock of your words. You see how it pierced him like a knife and you almost laugh at his expression.
The car park goes silent quickly as no one is sure of what to say after being scolded by a somewhat harmless girl.
“Just go home and stop embarrassing yourselves.” You roll your eyes “Jisung stop following me for God’s sake” you sigh and fish San’s car keys out from his pocket. Jisung and his crew take it as a sign to leave.
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Your heart is still beating so heavily from the events of earlier. San drove silently, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the gear stick. There was no tension but it just felt like it wasn’t the right place to talk about what just happened 10 minutes beforehand. San hadn’t even bothered to turn the radio on and it gave you time to reflect in the silence.
You haven’t seen San that angry in a while and even though he does have a reputation for fights you hadn’t actually seen him land a punch on anyone. The situation was so scary that you blacked out most of what happened. Behind the adrenaline all you felt was pure fear in that moment.
San is normally so soft, kind and gentle with you. Treating you as if your some piece of glass that shattered at the tiniest of touches.
“I’m sorry - about earlier” San coughs. A soft gasp leaves your lips as you realise that San in parked outside his house. With your thoughts clouding your head you hadn’t actually processed the scenery outside of the car windows.
You stumble, suddenly catching up to what’s happening “It’s okay, I know you only meant well” you sigh and glance down at your hands wringing nervously in your lap.
San exhales and unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over the console to grasp your face softly.
“I didn’t want you to see that side of me” He mumbles, staring into your emotional eyes. Your brows frown “I’ve always heard about you.. partaking in stuff like that but..” you try to talk but your thoughts fly out the window.
San stills, his thumb tracing your chin softly.
“I still love you, you know” You giggle at your own words “I’m glad that you treat me like you do - and not like.. others” you smile, a toothy grin on your face.
San smiles and leans forward, pressing a slow but warm kiss to your lips. You can feel the love surge from his body to yours “I love your duality”
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school is lit up my ass grrrr
sorry my content hasn’t been as good atm
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nemrut · 3 years
Epic 7 Balance Adjustment Patch for 08.07.21
So, we got a bunch of buffs for a few characters. Have to say, mixed feelings about these:
ML Ken
The ML Ken buff is one I really wanted but it is one that, on paper at least, doesn't fix his problems. His current issues are that for one, there are a lot of strong, meta units who do not trigger counters, like Landy and Spec Tene. They can hit him with no fear and kill him. Then there is LQC, where her S3 is guaranteed to burst down all but the most tanky of ML Kens. And then, lastly, there are a ton of debuffers, with the addendum that there are also a lot of cleansers atm, so the last point is the least troublesome.
What really screws over ML Ken is that these problems have different solutions regarding his gear. You can build him with lots of def and hp, to make him super tanky that he can survive a hit or two, but then you run the risk of not doing much damage. Similarly, if you go for high ER, which his buff kinda leans towards and which makes that slightly easier, you can resist debuffs better but also at the cost of the other defense and offensive stats.
Now, with his buffs, he wants no crit chance at all and can make do with slightly less ER on his gear. That is good, I guess. The CR push is weird because ML Ken is one of the few units who wants to be as slow as possible, so he can maintain his buffs longer since he doesn't really want to attack. ML Ken wants to be hit and then counter. So, a CR push may make him fire off his slightly improved S3 faster, but that also means he is getting rid of his buffs faster and once his S3 is on cooldown, that CR push becomes an outright liability.
Similarly, a 30% increase to his ER is not harmful or anything but it is also not really that helpful? Sure, it makes it a bit easier to reach a higher ER stat but if go for the higher HP and DEF route, while also trying to maintain some ATK and crit DMG, the 30 % ER might as well be nothing because serious debuffers have over 100% effectiveness, some over 200%.
A buff I would have liked to see would be like, either give him lifesteal in his s2 or s1, so that one can switch his artifact. Or he gives himself a def buff and/or there is DMG reduction. I guess giving him an ability that ignores the anti-counter abilities would be a bit lame.
He basically needs to be harder to kill, or he needs a way to matter in the current meta where counters are countered.
Hmm, maybe they could have given him immortality, so that he survives one round, making him a real problem on the field. Not too happy with this but maybe it turns out better than expected.
Operator Sigret
Her buff is just straight up great and that is, I guess, the problem. She was buffed even though she really, really didn't need the buff. I do admit, if I had her, I would have less of a problem with this, lol.
She went from good to even better.
Holiday Yufine
Now, she has some interesting buffs. The increased burn chances on her S1 are neat enough, but then she gets a permanent evasion of 20% which remains no matter what, but which is increased to 70% at full health is excellent. She still needs a shield at the start to maintain her perfect health and with that the evasion, but it is easier to endure the initial attacks now and stay in the game for longer. Her Soulburn for her S3 is also appreciated, which means she can cleanse and CR push her team more. Great buffs, making her stronger and more useful for the roles she is supposed to play.
Violet has gotten a bit of a rework there, and I am kinda digging it, at least on paper. His S1 gives him now a CR-push, which is pretty good for him with his changes. His S2 cleanses two of his own debuffs, heals him, grants him an extra turn, and now he gains a 15% crit chance and crit dmg buff which can't be dispelled for 3 turns (in effect two with his extra turn mechanic). Instead, the 35 % evade has been removed from his S2 and instead taped onto his s3. Now, when his S3 is available he has the 35% evasion where after he evades, he counterattacks with his S1.
This seems like a really good fix for his general usefulness. Now his S2 can actuallly be molad, he is slightly easier to built with the reduced crit chance and crit dmg requirements, his counters give him a speed push. I dunno how viable this makes him for the current meta, especially with units like carrot and Spec Tene running around but he is definitely improved. I saw some people say that this makes him worse on arena and GW defense because the Ai will use his S3 at first opportunity, when he won't have the focus necessary to reset his S3 thus making his evasion evaporate but the thing is, Violet has been awful on defense for a while now. At least this way, he will be starting with evasion, which was his greatest drawback, next to being a single target unit.
Earlier, he needed to take a turn to activate his evasion, so it was rather easy to cleave a violet defenses because he only had the evasion from dreamblade or talisman. Now, that will be harder.
This may not be enough to make him that strong in the current meta but at least he is an option now. Agains the right teams, especially in RTA, he can be wheeled out and do some mayhem.
Elena got a 5% additional dmg reduction and receives a 20% CR push in her S2. This is pretty good. My Elena is speedy and high ER so she can cut into enemy turns and fire of her team invincibility, which is why i was running her with Magahara. Still gonna do that, so instead of 30% CR push, now she will be getting 50%. That means I can give her gear which is slightlly slower but has more ER so she will have a higher chance to resist all the debuffs.
Rather happy with this one.
I don't use Cidd, not much interaction with him outside of a handful of times where I met him in pvp where he dismantled my team piece by piece. This buff seems to make him stronger but can't really say what it will mean for building him.
Mercenary Helga
Her buffs seem alright, but I don't know if that means she is inherently more useful now. Maybe she will be better for one of the one shot comps or things like expedition. More def break is always useful and while all earth heroes are almost nonexistant in pvp, hunts, expedition and that new game mode where I am not sure when exactly it comes, she should be useful there.
And with regards to the Artifacts, well, Doctor's Bag still looks awful. It is better than previous where it seemed to me that it was unusable, with almost every soul weaver artifact being better than it in almost every scenario, but once every 3 turns just means that at most it will be used twice on a particularly fast soul weaver. Maybe I am not seeing the utility, though.
As to Shepherd of the Hollow, it is on my Kayron because my other heroes are using the better artifacts and I don't expect that to change. Still, seems to be better than before but dunno about making that artifact particularly good. Not a lot of thieves who benefit from having lower health outside of Kayron and even on Kayron, Dust Devil is still better.
So, some interesting buffs but a bit disappointed. Had hoped for more. Maybe next time we get something for chars like Sez and Luna. And definitely something better for ML Ken.
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eligos-venator · 3 years
✍ & ▲
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
This one’s gonna be a bit long, so I’ll separate each and toss it under a cut!
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
Approach me OOCly! I purposely avoid public areas and public RP as Eligos is a character that even if he doesn’t intend to, can create problems for others, so I don’t park him where he might be walked up on and don’t do walk-ups most of the time. And often times the outfits I have him wear are entirely OOC or were old glamours used for shots.
Speak up! I typically utilize discord for roleplay if it isn’t something scheduled to be ingame, but I’m a quiet mouse that prefers to stay silent until spoken to. If you want to do something or talk, just wave and I’m happy to interact or plan something with and getting it set up! But I take silence as there being nothing to discuss and would rather not make a pest of myself, particularly if I don’t know someone well.
Be willing to communicate! Plotting ahead of time is key when dealing with villain muses like Eligos, who can cause great damage if they’re allowed to run wild. Because of this, I prefer to discuss characters, how they might meet, boundaries, and what one expects to gain from the roleplay or how it might shake out ahead of time before setting the scene. I both need to know the boundaries of those I write with, and enough about the character in order to craft a proper scene and scenario that will entertain as well as allow both characters to progress as planned.
Bring your ideas to the table! I cannot decide for someone why their character may want to hire Eligos, or why they might run into him if I know nothing of the character. There doesn’t need to be an elaborate plot. Eli’s as easy to meet as going grocery shopping and finding him arguing over the cost of apples with one of the merchants. But I need something to work with beyond a name to set anything up. Writing characters like Eligos requires extra communication given how many small things might make it all go haywire. For things to go smoothly, it can’t be just one person dictating the entire roleplay, and if I’m the one doing all the suggesting and bringing up things about characters while the person I’m planning with is completely passive and has nothing to say, I’m going to assume that they don’t want to roleplay after all.
Never assume speaking up is bothering me! I’m quiet, but I am always happy to speak to or with on any subject at all. Doesn’t even need to be character related! If I’ve gone quiet and there’s something to discuss, I probably got distracted and just need a poke, as I can be a goldfish at times.
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
What helps me decide is based off of their profile information. Specifically, I look for details on the character to determine personality of the character, and also see if there’s anything that helps give me an idea of how they act in roleplay. 
If I see any indication of IC / OOC bleeding, I step back and decide to not engage. I don’t have the time or energy for the drama that tends to pop up when such encounter characters like Eligos and things do not necessarily go their way. Eligos is often the traitor to expectations and while it can be fun to write, if someone takes his refusal to acknowledge the box he was supposed to stay in personally it just ends up being a headache. Really. It’s absolutely exhausting and I barely have enough to function as a person as it is.
If there’s any indication of it being a ‘hero’ type character that is prone to violence, and I see no indication that the player is happy to plot OOCly ahead of time, I’ll shy away from as well. I’ve run into too many people who play hero characters who believe that villain muses are free kills and will try to force character death without prior discussion or consent. Additionally, if this is tried during a roleplay, I’ll just drop it then and there, and, as far as I’m concerned, that encounter never happened. There needs to be communication ahead of time and discussion when that’s the subject matter. No player can force dismemberment, maiming, or character death on another’s character without the other party’s consent. And even attempting to pull that means I no longer can trust the other party enough to write a scene with.
In other games, I’ve had players in the past try to skip discussions and introductions for both private and public events, then try to PVP RP to get their way and to flex. To me, writing isn’t determined by gear score. So if I see anything that indicates that disputes are solved by PVP or similar flexing, I’m out. I’m here to write, not compare item levels or game modes mastered. I’m happy to roll dice to resolve things as we write, and prefer it whenever there’s conflict, but pvp itself is a hard no, regardless of game.
You’ve probably noticed that I have not made a single mention of what I want to see. That’s because while there’s red flags I do have to watch for, there’s nothing in particular beyond good communication and being able to get an idea of what the character is like that I look for! You could write pages about them, or a small little blurb that gives just enough to know what they’re like or their story. I’m always happy to have Eligos or the rest of my roster meet new characters, so long as it is understood that Eligos likely won’t like anyone he does meet initially, and that he changes slowly, not quickly. There’s not one single type of character he isn’t willing to deal with, and even those characters that might get on his bad side easily I’m happy to roleplay with the muns of so long as there’s clear communication!
Thank you for the ask @placesyoucallhome!
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Chapter 1- New World
Grian first came too to the sound of an explosion overhead. He slowly pushed himself up, looking down at the sandy beach he was now on. “What the- Where am I?” He asked, standing up and brushing sand off his clothes and shaking out his wings. He looked around the small island, and saw crafting tables and saplings galore. His eyes caught onto a sign in the center of the little island.
“Welcome to Hermitcraft Season 6!
- Scar”
“No way.” Grian covered his mouth as he looked at the sign. “I’m in a new world! Oh my god. The watchers let me go?? No they couldn’t have.” He mumbled, and jolted as the communicator on his wrist started to buzz.
Grian has joined the game
Falsesymmetry: Grian?? Who the heck is Grian??
Ijevin : I have… no idea.
Stressmonster : I can go find out!! Im really close to spawn!!
Grian looked around, and just quickly took off. His red and black wings quickly lifting him into the air as he zoomed off into a random direction. Usually he wouldn’t be so… shy. But he didn’t want to be thrown into conversations with people he really didn’t know, especially with his wings. They had been gifted to him from the Watchers, and he wasn’t sure how people outside of Evo would react to that. He felt his wrist buzz again.
Stressmonster: No one’s here. Hey Grian!! Come back to spawn! We wanna meet you!
We?? Grian turned off his communicator, flying to the top of a mountain and looking over the ocean. His eyes widened as he actually looked into it. What were those things in it? The oceans weren’t supposed to have life in them besides just blue fish. And those you couldn’t even see! He checked his inventory, only to see a piece of paper and his recording equipment.  He pulled out the paper and read over it, his eyes widening.
‘Welcome to your new home, Grian.’ The paper read, and it gave a quick run down on some of the things he had never seen before. There was new mobs now, Drowned, Dolphins, Fish, and even temples and ruins! He hadn’t ever heard of the watchers being this generous. Not to him at least. They hated him. Grian yelped as he heard an explosion, looking around and seeing three people flying. He saw the wings on their back, and his eyes widened, but for some stupid reason he quickly flew underwater. He looked around this underwater landscape, and he grinned as he saw what the paper had called a shipwreck. He swam over to it to investigate.
Grian quickly swam into the ship, cautious of his air. He found a chest and pulled it open, grinning at the iron and lapis it held. He quickly swam back up, putting the valuables in his inventory before suddenly taking damage. He yelped, looking around and seeing the Drowned mob the paper warned him about, quickly swimming to shore. He scrambled up the mountain, watching tridents being hurled at him. He laughed excitedly.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe this! This. This is going to be awesome!!” He looked around the world, at the block generation. “Okay. Okay. Don’t get too over your head here.” Grian ran a hand through his hair, but he couldn’t stop the excited smile that pulled over his face. “Grian. You need to collect resources. Wool, wood, and weapons. You have to start mining.”
“Ah i see. Another guy who talks to himself.” Grian screamed and fell back into the ocean, gagging as salty water filled his mouth. “Oh heavens-!” He heard, before he was being pulled out of the ocean by a man with a glorious mustache. Grian quickly took in the mans appearance. Black hair and pale skin, wearing a suit, with gorgeous iridescent wings keeping them in the air. “Seems like the drowned are proper after you mate.” He flew them back on top of the small mountain. “So, You must be Grian then right?” He asked. Grian let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Yea! That's me, Grian!” He smiled, holding out a hand to him. The man in front of him chuckled.
“I’m Mumbo, nice to meet you. False and Stress and real curious about you mate.” He smiled still, the expression nothing but warm and welcoming, “We should message the rest of the Hermits, tell them about you.” He said, more to himself than anything as he pulled up his communicator screen.
Mumbo: Found him, He’s one of us.
Docm77: One of us!
Falsesymmetry: One of us!
Stressmonster: One of us!
“Oh dear.” He sighed, looking up at Grian who was just curiously looking at everything. “Your… not used to this stuff aren’t you?” He asked. Grian nodded.
“Yea, the world i was in is still in 1.7.” He said, Mumbo’s eyes widened.
“This is 1.14!” He said, and Grian laughed.
“Yea.” Mumbo grinned, and looked him over. “We need to call a Hermit meeting. You comfortable with that? All the hermits are just like us. I promise.” Mumbo smiled again, and Grian couldn’t help but say yes to him. He shook out his wings, drying them off as the two took flight. Mumbo started typing again as they flew. “We just started this world, your in luck! Hermitcraft is a thing we came up with. Its essentially a group of misfits, we all make videos of our travels and post them. A lot of people really like what we do.” Mumbo said, his voice oozing with pride.
“Oh really? I do videos too! This seems like fun!” He said, listening as Mumbo described the sections this world was in, explaining that they’d be different building styles and whatnot. Grian couldn’t help the surge of excitement that flowed through his finger tips. He was a builder at heart after all, and he was over the moon in learning all this. They were just flying to the shopping district. A few buildings were already in the works, and Grian felt a surge of energy he just hadn’t had in Evo. This was all new, exciting. And he was going to have so much fun.
Grian watched as others quickly flew towards them, each and every one of them having wings. It filled his heart with relief. He wasn’t an odd one out anymore. Of course, there was someone carrying another person. Grian frowned in concern, seeing her wings were rotting and thus unable to fly.
“So Mumbo! This is the new guy?” He turned at hearing a heavily accented voice, seeing a larger man with a beard, and a visor over his eye. His wings were large and a darker brown, and yet seemed incredibly fluffy.
“Hey! I’m Grian.” He introduced.
“I’m Iskall! Nice to meet you! Your wings are amazing by the way.” He said, and Grian couldn’t help the flush that came onto his face. He wasn’t quite used to being complimented.
“You too!” He beamed. He turned as the others gathered, seeing many faces and many wings.
“How did you even get here?” A women asked. Grian looked at her. She was the one with the rotting wings. Her skin was a blue-ish gray, patched together. She looked like a zombie, the only thing bright about her was her bright orange hair.
“Uhh nice to meet you too?” Grian’s smile turned nervous as he looked the women up and down.
“Oh! My bad! I’m Cleo, Zombie Cleo!” She smiled, and Grian nodded a bit. The others introduced themselves, Grian trying to memorize names to faces. But he knew it was a fruitless endeavor.
“So mate, how did you get here?” Mumbo asked, sitting down on a rock as the others just sat on the ground.
“Yea!! Story time!!” Scar grinned as he plopped down next to Cub. Grian chuckled.
“Well. I was in my old world, we called it Evolution, or Evo for short. I was building my little town of farms and whatnot, and i heard a void. I saw this obsidian piller and thought if was the Watchers, who kind of overlook our world and make sure we’re ‘playing nice’ or whatever. I followed the pillars and the voice, when i got to this boarder wall or whatever. Sooo I… Blew it up. And walked through. Next thing I know, I wake up on your spawn island.” Grian explained calmly. He looked at the others, some who already had diamond armor. But why was it glowing like that?
“You said your world was stuck in 1.7 right?” Mumbo asked and Grian nodded, earning a few gasps from the others.
“Oh lord I’d hate being stuck in that! No beacons? No efficacy five? Awful.” Iskall sighed, and Grian stared at him.
“Wait wait what?” He asked, and a few of the Hermits jumped up, eager to brag about their loot. Grian was shown tridents, told what enchantments were, beacons, everything. His eyes were wide as he listened to everything, Doc even handing him a trident and saying to try and throw it.
Grian quickly took that opportunity, aiming high and throwing hard. Doc whistled lowly as he watched it fly. “Damn, good arm Grian.” He said, his lips pulling into an amused smile. He took off to go find it, and Grian watched the mechanical wing the man had seemingly built himself. Grian yelled a thanks at him as he flew off, and the other hermits were kind of dispersing. But a blonde women- he had learned that was Falsesymmetry-walked up to him, smiling.
“So Grian! It’s nice to finally have a new guy on the server! If you ever want a healthy match of PVP, feel free to message the queen of hearts and body parts.” He grinned with a laugh, taking off. Her wings were sleek, and yet seemed robust. The others said their goodbyes, a few giving Grian some basic starter materials of food, and some iron gear.
Grian looked over at Mumbo and Iskall, that last two standing there with him. The two smiled. “And if you want some redstone help, just give us a call! And feel free to drop by anytime. Okay?” Mumbo said, and Grian nodded.
“Yea man! Thanks!” He smiled, and the two took off. Grian quickly rushed to get resources, having already formulated a plan in his mind.
Grian’s plan… lead him to die many times by Drowned, thankfully he had built a little platform over the water with a bed to respawn in, but it was done. He had made a shipwreck in a bottle! And frankly, he was quite proud of himself. Grian had recorded the whole thing, even going back to the spawn so he could explain in a video what was going on. He swam into his starterbase, already planning on a megabase for this futuristic district.
He had dumped resources into his many chests, trying half hazardly to be organized with everything. But deep down he knew it would end up just like Evo; with chest monsters everywhere. He glanced down to his communicator, starting to type. He needed to figure out what the hell a conduit actually did, and had a plan to build one, but he needed a little bit of help. And one of the only people who were online were Xisuma. He sent him a quick message, going down to his farms and just collecting more food and eggs (those he was saving for Mumbo later).
Xisumavoid: Yea sure i can help you out! Just come on over.
Grian had quickly learned who his neighbors were. Mumbo, Biffa, Scar, and Xisuma. He rushed over to Mumbo’s base via the strip mine, that being the easiest way to get onto land to fly. As he ran, his mind briefly went to Taurtis. To Netty and the others. Did they miss him? Did they even realize he was gone?
“Probably not.”  Grian thought to himself, climbing up the stairs and shaking off his wings before taking off. He’d be the first to admit he was happy to be here. He could fly around without feeling like he was cheating, or that others were mad at him. The people in this world were so nice and accepting, they loved talking to one another and cracking jokes. This was the kind of environment his personality type thrived in. Fun, fast, and chaotic situations that one needed to adapt too quickly. In fact, that gave him an idea for a game they could all play.
He landed at Xisuma’s base, looking around at how organized everything seemed. Especially in comparison to his own base. But it didn’t really matter to him. He was having fun again, meeting new people and starting on new adventures. Surely the Evo gang wouldn’t mind him being gone if it meant he was having the time of his life. Right?
Grian finished recording, sighing as he just uploaded the footage onto his communicator to edit later. For now, Mumbo invited him over to relax for a bit (and probably to gloat about his base) and he wasn’t about to say no to something like that. He took off from his small cobblestone platform and flew the few hundred yards over to Mumbos base. He saw the raven haired man sitting on top of the structure, and he quickly landed next to him.
“Hey Mumbo!” Grian smiled, plopping down and rubbing his neck. His throat was starting to hurt again, and he had been thinking that he might have been too loud in his recording. His throat was murdering him.
“Hey Grian, you doin alright?”
“Oh yea! My throats just been a little sore for the past few days.” Grian smiled, leaning back and looking over the ocean. “But what’s up?”
“Nothing really.” Mumbo said, his voice trailing off and into a bit of an awkward silence, before the redstoner exploded, “Whatarethewatchers-?” He asked quickly, and Grian was slightly taken aback.
“What?” He laughed a bit, coughing into his arm.
“When you first came here a couple of weeks ago, you said you thought this was the fault of ‘the Watchers’. What exactly are they?” Mumbo asked, reaching into his inventory and pulling out a bottle of water, handing it to the other.
“Well… It’s a little bit of a long story.”
“We’ve got all the time in the world, mate.”
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forgedraptor · 4 years
Okay in the perspective of Content and Story telling, ngl the whole fight at the Dream smp is kiiinda scuffed;
Like lets be real here, theres just so many people on Pogtopia's side: the ones that are loudly proclaiming it and the ones who are secretly doing it;
We have Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Dream, Punz, Eret, Niki, Hbomb, Fundy (secretly), Tubbo (secretly), Antfrost (secretly) and Quackity (kinda/not sure) on Pogtopia's side
And then the Manburg's side is Schlatt, Quackity (kinda/not sure), George, Karl, Ponk, Sapnap, Skeppy and Badboyhalo
Like?? Do you see the difference??? Pogtopia has like 11-12 people on their side. Whats more they have 2 of the best pvp-ers on the team and especially now, most of them have netherite armour and weapons! They are literally most of the people in the dream smp! Ironically enough, they started as the underdogs but its quite certain that they are the opposite of that now.
And like, look at the Manburgs side; the only ones with proper gear are Sapnap, Skeppy, Bad, Karl and Ponk. Cz sadly George broke most of his netherite armour and we dont know if he had any spares yet, so we can say he isint fully stacked and only has is weapons for himself.
Like, I understand that yeah, these guys are good at pvp but not all of them are as good as the ones on Pogtopia's side. And against a whole team of like 10 people?? In a fight?? And two of the enemy team is Techno and Dream???
Thats really not fucking fair dont you think?
And then we have Schlatt and Quackity (if Quackity doesnt switch sides) who dont really have armour or fight pvp a lot in the game
Manburg has to really do some intensive grinding and trickery if they want to win the war and sadly i dont even know if they have the weapons or materials to get there. Especially in comparison to the well stocked arsenal that Pogtopia has.
Like these people are the supposed 'bad guys'. They are the 'threat' that the good guys have to 'defeat'. More and more they seem to look like the Underdogs of the story. The people from Manburg are only 7-8 people and against Pogtopia and their fighting prowess in all honesty, does not equal Pogtopia's at all.
And thats a problem.
Whats the point of having a vicious war, of having such an incredible and amazing villains in the plot of the story, if the bad guys dont even stand a chance at fighting in the war?
Like what??? Thats not fun at all.
Because in the end, the thing that really gets the story of the protagonist going, is having a great enemy to struggle against, to strive against. To win a fight that for the heroes, at first, feel like its impossible to accomplish but theyd push through it through perseverance and determination to win.
But it has to be a struggle. It has to be something they have to do work to win against. Because where is the drama, the plot going to be when they actually go into war and the heroes just get served their win on a silver platter? The whole story becomes anticlimactic. It gets predictable.
And right now, sadly, the fight is not even remotely equal in their strength. Yeah the Manburgs could put up a fight, and they could probably do some damn good damage; but really, we know that the odds are against them from the get go.
And like I said, unless they do some intense grinding or some really crafty shit in the sidelines, i really dont know how they would be able to fight one on one with the other group.
I just really hope that there would be more people siding on the Manburgs side, because good content and a proper war cant be given if the story was never equal in the first place.
Maybe a Techno reversal? Fundy preffering the side of the Manburgs side and being a double double agent? Maybe Tubbo succumbing to his more chaotic and evil side? Someone trying to bribe Dream to Manburg again? (*cough* the disks *cough*)
But yeah i just really hope the strength on both groups atleast get better enough for a fun, interesting and hard fight when the two finally go into war.
I just want a good bad guy team man
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Nov 15 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “THE EVE OF REVOLUTION (dream SMP)”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
01:46  tagging everyone in the channel member discord / level 231 03:43  agenda book / revolution tomorrow / slept through stream time / sleeps twice a day for 4 hours 05:21  “I did not write 100 pages. Or did I. Maybe I have a traitor manifesto on the other 99 pages” / no steering wheel / coronablade jokes are very funny / went to the doctor and figured out his cough / “Stomach acid is useful for at least one thing” 08:47  can’t believe no one told him these things about post 1.8 / splash potions, regen, thorns / thorns aren’t intuitive and no one told him / youtube ads 12:50  “At least I didn’t insult the Ethans, the Ethans are everywhere” 16:02  “I was gonna talk about something on the way but I forgot. And now it’s gone forever” / “They found your base” “Well I have livestreamed it” 17:04 wants to buy a gong to be the ultimate sellout timer / “I would get kicked out of my parents house so quickly, but for the day it takes them to do that I would get so many subscribers” 20:31  thorns stacking 25:21  “There’s actually some pretty affordable gongs out there” 27:32  vc with BBH and Tommy / confusing Tommy and Tubbo / “Don’t you hate it when people just consider streamers an extension of their famous friends Tommy” / “I’m just the child from Technoblade’s videos 29:08  “Let's be allies. Can I have your helmet and boots?” / saying he’s rude for hijacking the call but forgetting to leave call / double sellout 33:55  “Me and Techno the leaders of Pogtopia” / “That is a fair assumption” / “I can’t believe Badboyhalo hates his fans” 34:57  BBH offering Tommy a bow / “Tommy you are so broke” / “Average sized man” / no one believes Tommy is 6’3” / Techno is taller in game 36:34  just wearing a face mask / “I do not support any of the views being espoused by this particular individual” / Tommy trying to imply covid but BBH asks if he’s talking about bigfoot 37:39  Techno hunting down BBH / Midair stabbing / “I’M SO GOOD AT MINECRAFT” / Tommy desperately trying to be included 40:41  “Oh Badboy halo~” / “It just doesn’t work when your name is 4 syllables” / detective work to find BBH 42:52  “So you want Tommy to be successful?” / “I wouldn’t go that far. I want my enemies to be unsuccessful” 43:58  battle ender chest plan / “I’m going to deafen. I don’t know why I’m explaining to you my pvp tactics” 46:15  “I would be absolutely furious if Tommy stole my 4th fastest horse. Tommy and I go way back” / being excited to see Tommy / Tommy could have sworn at BBH as an attack 47:34  “I guess I could spare a little bit of iron” / “I think that was a sarcastic joke that I didn’t understand” / Techno picked youtube over girls many years ago / Subpoena pet war 50:37  recruiting Techno to fight Sapnap / place where Tommy ran over Dream 55:22  vc with Tommy and Sapnap 56:51  “Sapnap I hate men so much. If I see a man in the street I grab a knife and plunge it into his neck” / “Wow surprise attack” / thought it’d be a real fight 59:09  needs Sapnap to come geared / “audience retention” / “I saw Sapnap fighting Punz earlier and they had potions and full netherite an it was fun” Tommy tries to suggest Techno sit the fight out / “You asked for me to be here” / “Tommy I’m stabbing someone with armour and it might just be you” 1:00:29  arranging a fight with BBH / “Not now sellout timer I haven’t earned it” / 161k / “New phone who this” (to Tommy) / 2v1 with BBH and Antfrost 1:04:38  hasn’t done a lot of fully geared 1.16 fights / trying not to make fun of Antfrost’s fire prot helmet 1:06:30  Sapnap and Tommy have worked out their differences and don’t need Techno 1:07:34  “I love my fans, I forgot to plug my cha nnel and they’re all reminding me” / “Only 1v2” “I could only find 2 guys” 1:09:25  “I’m so unbelievably lost” / “I have to have seen a location to add it to my human gps” / Techno hates the ugly pranks that take forever to fix 1:11:28  server losing connection / guy who Techno told not to drop out is going back to school 1:13:20  “That’s the thing about senior yearbook quotes, its right at the end of the year...the amount of time to beat you up is shockingly low” 1:16:24  offering Tommy assistance / the Dream Team has logged on / “I have to be quiet...My parents are threatening to turn off the wifi” / “You’re getting owned in every world” / Techno taking his sweet time 1:19:11  “We want to kill Sapnap” “agreed” / “Dream alliance pog” / “unless he meant to add a comma” / vc with Dream and George / Techno talking over Tommy 1:21:28  “I feel like Thunder is a werewolf” / Tommy questioning Dream and George / “I have my swag and no one has that” “Well they’d have that if they killed you and picked up your swag” 1:32:22  “You guys all work for me” / everyone killing Tommy / “anti Sapnap expedition” / “ask George ask George” “ask Dream” 1:23:54  stream crashes / and also his whole pc / asking for viewers to come back from Tommy 1:26:39  joining vc / Dream recap / cutting back on calling Tommy lame 1:28:01  photoshoot / “So much clout in this one picture” / Sapnap begging Tommy to kill his pets / “What if [the pets] belong to some god tier pvper” / S-L-A-V 1:30:12  “L-A-M-E” / “Shoutout to the slavs” / giving the fox a grapple 1:31:20  Dream taking off his leggings / fox eating the gapple / “Dream you are a highly unusual individual” / back to 125k 1:34:05  “People can’t yelling me for not roleplaying when Dream is mooning us in the background” / “You can disrespect my family, you can disrespect my religion, but you can’t disrespect minecraft” / “I hate this man” “NO” 1:35:40  Tommy challenging Sapnap a fight / Tommy trying to make Techno kill pets for him / Karl thirsting for the animatic 1:39:34  “If you make it out alive, give this to Sapnap’s cat for me” “If I make it out alive all his pets actually die” / Techno shooting the start arrow / “I’ll do the countdown...because I am an impartial mediator” / “You know how between those fight they have those sexy girl?” (Dream takes off his armor) / very engaging fight 1:42:31 post fight / “My chat’s spa.mming lame. It’s not my fault chat, Tommy doesn’t know how to crit” / “You might as well be naked” “Please don’t say that Dream” 1:44:28  “I wouldn’t say you’re that far from S-Tier” / “What tier am I in Technoblade?” “Who are you?” / “That was not an insult, I don’t know people’s voices” / “This entire server is just people that have killed Tommyinnit” 1:45:40  SMP Earth / “What country did you have” “I owned the world” / “A single country? (Dream) / trying to thorns kill Thunder / “Maybe if you die again the armor will come back” 1:47:12  Techno letting Karl trap him / Quackity tempting fate / snitch Dream / framing George 1:49:44  Dream complaining about trident flight / Techno bailing bc of boredom 1:57:19  Awesamdude leaving a potato trail / vc with Quackity and Sam / lying for content / complaining about getting free stuff 1:59:58  still lying to Quackity / “Quackity my entire chat is spa.mming lame, you’re going to need to pick up the pace” / heading to the jungle base 2:02:18  saturation stew is useful / “especially for content” / “If Carl dies I’d be okay with that, but not Andrew” 2:03:49  “Is Carl the orphan you said you were going to adopt” “Let’s go with that” / “If Carl dies I stop donating 2:04:31  Awesamdude snitching on Quackity / “I would be furious if I came back and Carl wasn’t in the exact block I left him” / lots of threats    2:06:41  “I’m not an orphan” “Not yet” 2:11:03  “It’s not an experiment, I’m just putting my hypothesis through multiple controlled trials where I adjust variables and record the results” / “I care about about the armor much more than the horse” 2:13:01  “Are you betraying anyone?” “No. I would never betray my personal ideals” / “What if the people you’re fighting alongside have different ideals?” “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it” 2:17:28  Quackity’s failed forgery in chat
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ruakichan · 3 years
State of Roo Gaming conglomopost:
Alchemy Stars (summer event):
120 pulls no Fleur. I has sad. Got trolled by two 6* in the same element even.  Outlook bleak. This is gacha life. Game took a look at my A3 water team and said I didn’t need him. Game doesn’t understand thirst. : ( I need him.
That said, I am here for the energy of Fleur and Brock as Those Two Guys, even more so as Those Two Guys Who Absolutely Should Not Be Left Alone Unsupervised.
Summer story’s pretty interesting, though I did get bored with a lot of the beach-life stuff as I do in every gacha that does summer events sans GBF.  I don’t particularly feel anything toward Beryl, unlike Eve; she’s very passive so we haven’t seen any of her personal thoughts or feelings about much.  Hell, half the reason I’m so salty about Fleur is cause he actually got more development than Beryl did so far, which made me like him more than just a pretty face!
Humor beats are still pretty spot on though. And at least this game really knows how to make events feel like events.
3 more days and I’ll be done with Stage 4 for Regal, THANK GOD. The dispatches are such an annoying time-gate. I have a ton of energy packs saved up so I should be able to clear out Stage 5 much more quickly. Looking forward to getting my first Eternal Silent Hunter!
I ran out of characters I feel like A3ing so now I’m just grinding to level up equipment.
I don’t know if I should get Barton (who I do not have) or Nemesis (who I need one more copy of to max breakthrough and thus have her skill set to pre-emptive) from the free ticket they give. This is one of the few times where both would technically be dick picks, but one would be useful for meta (Nemesis is one of my core Thunder units) while the other I don’t have but would like to. DECISIONS!  At least the ticket doesn’t expire. i’ll end up forgetting about it most likely
GBF (lotto drama):
Man that lotto drama whaoooo.  I’m mostly retired/seasonal in GBF these days (and my loss of reliable/fast internet in a week will just compound that due to ping/racing/refresh) so I don’t really care, but just whao.
That said, I think with this being people’s last straw shows that some people really don’t know how to give things up on their own and don’t realize it’s okay to fall out of love with something you once enjoyed or spent a lot of time/effort/money in.  I saw a lot of complaints about X or Y no longer having magic/fun etc for them any more, and they still stick around cause they keep hoping that it’ll come back, and I can tell you—it rarely ever does if you stick around.  It’s okay to move on. That sunk-cost fallacy just does harm until only bitter feelings are left.
As for me, I did come out with a T3. Picked Nehan cause I always go dick picks in gacha and I was clamoring for a Nehan unit back during SoR’s original run. Used the second one to go meta with G.Narm though since there was nothing left for me to really get, but I dislike Narmaya so she can just sit there in my inventory with all her other versions CAUSE SHE WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE I guess.
Did literally nothing else though; just no real time to play grindblue lately.
Exos Heroes (director’s notes):
Hahaha, the devs noted they were nervous about how people would react to the first Memorial Saga and I BET IT WAS DUE TO THE TWIST LOL but anyone who has used Rachel or came from Exos Saga weren’t gonna be shocked. Regardless, the translation referred to the story as from “Ramge and Rachel’s youth” and I laughed cause IT TOOK PLACE A WEEK BEFORE THE MAIN GAME’S STORY????
Hope the 2nd MS ends up actually giving rewards for side quests.
Thank god though that they are going to implement a give up section for tag battles. I no longer have to set up [my absolute most hated character in this game] as a sacrificial character any more and can set up some more proper teams.
Infinity Core is still shit but at least now they will be showing what you’ll be facing the entire week instead of day-by-day reveals. Half of the issue is playing a guessing game on what FCs you need to hoard in case their theme comes up and thus purposely limit yourself from actually achieving higher stages.  Still wish they’d just allow you to keep the stage you’re on if you already cleared it in a previous week. Why the hell do I have to redo the stage(s) every week if I already passed it? At least quick battle will be implemented to a limited degree.
Glad they acknowledged the biggest problem in the game: inability for new players to catch up.  The gap between vets and newer players never ever narrows due to all the time-gating elements this game has.  I’ve been around the block in a lot of games and the ones who have this gap never has good player retention and ends up shrinking just to a core base of cliques until the game dies. Too bad no solutions offered.
I was disappointed Blue Kaya doesn’t buff HP for support units, then remembered HP is the biggest problem in PVP so yeah, no, nevermind, good on them for realizing that. Didn’t roll for her since I went ham on the summer banners and defense scales poorly in this game due to the HP inflation.
... oh man, I got momentarily excited when I saw Saint West was getting SF3. Then remembered Rachel, while from Saint West, is the heir to Saint West’s throne, and is basically labeled as Saint West in everything else in the game, is actually the general for Lenombe. Fuck me. When will they buff him. I’m tired of facing SF3 nations and seeing my nation’s gimmick being told to pound sand cause they refuse to buff his nation even though he’s fallen way off the meta a long time ago. i think i will literally blow a fuse if greenland gets sf3 before lenombe
In non director’s notes news, I linked up Shadowbane to Lenombe. Luna and Garlond are pretty fun to use and I hope to eventually slap them onto my WR team for tag week to see how that works out, but they worked really well in Infinity Core. Glad I finally have a viable Frost unit I can use since who is Bathory? She doesn’t know me.
Dunno who I’d put in Rudley’s spot since I use him so that my Lenombe team has at least more than one chance to kill these tanky SF3 nations. Zeon is just useless now due to the prevalence of Misty and I tried out Misty and she’s okay, but she’s not the best synergy with Lenombe. I wish A.Zeon would get his FC already so I can pair him with Schmid to get the Vagabond SF bonuses... (but I’m thinking the outcry against the genderbends pushed that back RIP...)
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