#but he’s not the main character of dropout. he’s not the main character of game changer. they do not design everything with him in mind
fastidious-and-a-mess · 4 months
hey guys. btw. cause it seems like some people (especially in the game changer tag) are maybe forgetting. um. brennan isn’t actually the main character of dropout. or game changer. there are other people on the shows too, actually.
[edit: this is the least complete version of this post, please look in the notes for actual discussion lmao]
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"It's so unfair to the Rat Grinders that they are killed instantly and the Bad Kids get to roll death saves." SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUP
I swear to god, this discourse is going to fucking be the end of me. Idk what kind of mind boggling spell Brennan Lee Mulligan wove into the fabric of the universe that spread through the data center of Dropout in order to absolutely hijack y'all's brains when it comes to Cocklord Assgape and her ragtag of character foils but whatever it was has made you Rat Grinder stans INSUFFERABLE in this site.
The levels of treating fictional characters as if they were real people have reached a level I honestly have never anticipated, to the point of y'all actually being mad AT THE CAST for "mistreating" them and ACTUALLY QUESTION BRENNAN'S CAPACITY TO DM. Do you not get how fucking insane that is?
We can't make fun of Copperkettle, one of the most pathetic, petty and incompetent villains in D20 history anymore (even though she is masterfully written and developed to generate this reaction from us) anymore because it's bullying apparently. I saw an account flip the fuck out because someone compared her rivalry with Kristen to Drake and Kendrick's beef. KIPPERLILY IS NOT A REAL GIRL. SHE IS A MAKE BELIEVE CHARACTER IN AN IMPROV SHOW SPAWNED FROM THE BRAIN OF A 36 YEAR OLD MAN
And then what truly pissed me off the MOST about this whole hell is the fact that, being chronically online avid consumers of this goddamn show, I would think you would have but a grasp of the main cast of characters' characterization.
Why the uproar about Riz saying they should chop Oisin's head off? The same Riz who tortured that pixie from Freshman year by shooting off their finger one by one? The same Riz who murked a disarmed and unconscious Coach Daybreak without battin an eye? The same Riz who ATE THE CORPSE OF KALVAXUS?
And the whole Fabian vs Ivy debacle MY GOD, THE GIRL WAS RACIST TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AND USED HER LAST BREATH TO CALL MAZEY "OBJECTIVELY UGLY". And the funniest thing is that is not even the most unhinged shit he has ever said.
And finally, Death Save Gate: THE RAT GRINDERS ARE NOT PLAYER CHARACTERS. THEY ARE NPCS! THE RULES FOR EACH WORK DIFFERENTLY, ESPECIALLY THEM BEING BOSS ENCOUNTERS. Imagine having to still hit Ivy or Oisin 2 more times to kill them when there is 14 foot tall Porter throwing legendary actions left and right, with Jace, and other 3 spell casters + Mary Ann and KLCK up and running. It's called balancing the fucking game. Also, game masters are entitled to break, mold and make up any rules they want if they find necessary in order to service themselves and their players. IF YOU PLAY WITH ALL THESE RULES AS THEY COME, GOOD FOR YOU AND YOUR TABLE. THIS IS NOT YOUR TABLE.
Not only is Brennan DMing for his CLOSEST FRIENDS EVER, he is also shooting and producing an ENTIRE TV SHOW. So yeah, i think he knows wtf he is doing.
"But the Ratgrinders had no real development": True. But it wasn't for lack of trying from the players. Everytime they tried to know more, the dice didn't let them, so they decided to focus on the mystery. It simply do be like that sometimes.
"But they are just kids!": And so were Penelope, Dayne, Ragh, Zayn, the Bloodrush Players, Aelwyn and Biz. Why wasn't it a problem then? Because most of them were evil to some extent and were about to bring the fucking apocalypse to the world? Yeah, sounds familiar right? And the ones who were manipulated or had any sort of redemption worked their way into earning it, right? Yeah.
In conclusion, I fucking love the Rat Grinders, I truly do, and not unlike 90% of this website, i'm still holding on to hope that they have any sort of development and redemption in the last episode, because I agree, they ARE children and they WERE manipulated by Porter and Jace, but like, can we also agree that they are fucking assholes and had it fucking coming? Also, the BKs are children too y'know. SO STOP BEING FUCKING ANNOYING.
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dropout-if · 1 year
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DEMO (coming soon) - FAQ - NAVIGATION
Dropout is an upcoming (and a side project!) +18 slice-of-life interactive fiction game. Loosely inspired by media such as In the Heights and Night in the Woods.
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Tag(s): Slice of life, Drama, Romance, YA, LGBTQ+, Text-based.
You take the train home from college after nearly four years away, knowing you will be welcomed with open arms, bright smiles, and the sincerest congratulations from your friends and family, from the entire neighborhood. Their pride has not been misplaced, for better or for worse, you are the one: the only one who made it into college.
This is your first summer home since you began studying in Stanford. That is what everyone thinks.
This is your first summer home since you dropped out of college, thus becoming the biggest disappointment in your neighborhood. That is what only you know.
Trigger Warning(s): Crude humor, Strong language, optional sex scenes, Violence, Depression and depictions of other mental illnesses, Substance use, Unwanted pregnancy (a RO's, Wanda).
A short disclaimer
Features and Characters below!
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Return to your home, the fictional neighborhood of Downtown Heights, where you're treated like a local hero because of your grand achievement.
Determine how you managed to make it into college and why you decided to call it quits.
Reunite with your high school friends and acquaintances, with whom you've barely spoken in the past few years.
Romance one (or more) of the six old faces waiting for you in Downtown Heights.
Customize your Main Character! From their teenage years to their young adulthood, from physicality to personality. Be it your traits, flaws, and vices: everything shapes your return home.
Navigate the very dramatic shenanigans of young adulthood.
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Queer relationships • RO Intros • ROs' Social Media • RO Facts
Jean/Jade Gray (he/him or she/her): THE EX • 23 years old
J and you were good. Until you weren't, and then they broke up with you right before you left for college. The two of you promised to stay as friends, but, like most promises between you and J, that too was meant to be broken. Your ex is often considered to be ambitious, determined, and cutthroat. You honestly expected them to be well out of the neighborhood.
Exes to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (v and triad) with J and Kai.
Uma Bharat (they/them): THE OLD FRIEND • 22 years old
It has always been you and Uma, and this has been something you covetously believed to be true. But then the distance settled in, and then the many years in which you lived abroad. You can't claim to know them as well as you once did. Uma once dreamed of being a successful painter, and they have never given up on art (though they sometimes feel like art has given up on them).
Childhood best friends to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (triad) with Uma and Travis.
Statler Amani (he/him or she/her): THE HEARTTHROB • 25 years old
You knew Statler back in high school, though they can't claim to have known of you until you made it out of the neighborhood. Many years ago, they were every high schooler's dream partner: kind, polite, intelligent. Their current partner must be proud. Nowadays, Statler works as hard as they can to help their family.
Unrequited crush to lovers. Statler is already in a relationship, a (more-or-less) toxic one.
Wanda Pavon (she/her): THE MODEL • 22 years old
Wanda had a future in modeling, the two of you were in the same group of friends in high school, and you never doubted she would be capable of making it out of the neighborhood. Her self-assertive and spontaneous personality surely would have made Wanda's road a little easier. You only find out why Wanda stayed in Downtown Heights when you meet her daughter.
Friends to lovers. Wanda is a single mother, her daughter's name is Gabi.
Kai Alofa (he/him or she/her): THE ROOMMATE • 24 years old
Kai's glow-up is the reason some Downtown Heights grandmothers believe in magic. The high school nerd turned fuckboy/girl has spent the past few years traveling around the state. Like you, they are back for the summer, ready to disappoint their parents. Rooming together comes as a natural result of delaying said disappointment (or so Kai claimed).
Friends with benefits to lovers (mandatory to romance Kai). It's possible start a poly relationship (v and triad) with Kai and J.
Travis Camaro (he/him): THE RIVAL • 21 years old
Uma, Travis and you were considered to be inseparable: it was the three of you against the world. That is no longer the case. A massive argument completely shattered the friendship Travis and you had. You know he resents you, you know he's jealous you managed to make it out and that he was left behind. And that's all you know. Travis has always been... a private guy.
(Past friends) to enemies/rivals to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (triad) with Travis and Uma.
Choosing a route.
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The Dropout's Family
The list of flings!
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scarabies-real · 5 months
I’m fully “the newest episode of game changer has clues for an arg and the puzzles are unreleased” btw here’s my reasoning
A lot of it kind of ticks at my brain like “wait a minute” but I think the fact that FixItMan78 is still up as a channel even after episode release REEKS of a plant that will dropping clues and/or a trailer and guiding us through the ARG.
But the main thing that cements it to me is actually Zac’s role as grant, where it is specified that this is Literal Grant O’Brien. He is still called Grant, he acts like Grant. Could it be just for the humor factor? Sure, any of these could be, but if that were the case, why not just rewrite the wacky character to be called Zac Oyama? If he were just a funny character to give an opportunity to earn points, why the trivia? And if it were just a time loop, wouldn’t his trivia be the same each time?
Then we add in the fact that a moderator of the dropout discord (beam.) suggested the idea of hiding a season of game changer behind an arg 3 years ago and THAT VERY SAME MODERATOR made a thread called “Deja Vu ARG is Definitely Not Real” but we’ve had
No announcement from any team members that there Is No ARG
No moderators trying to shut down ARG talk
Multiple moderators reacting with winky faces and other such things to theorizing
Sam himself saying before he is interested in an ARG and he would tell us (eventually) if he ever did an ARG
So from my experience of ARG building and being a plant, this suggests to me either one of two things
There is an ARG, but it’s technically “unreleased.” Most likely being released on Sam’s birthday.
There is an ARG, and we have all the answers, but now we need to put together and/or find the puzzles.
Other possible options include:
There is NOW an ARG when there wasn’t before in Escape The Greenroom, but they may have built clues from Escape The Greenroom into the ARG
There is an ARG and we’re not going to get the season finale until we solve something, if not the full ARG itself then one of the puzzles. The season finale will have more clues for the ARG.
There is an ARG and we’re not going to get the season finale until we solve something, if not the full ARG itself then one of the puzzles. The season finale will have the storyline/ending for the ARG all tied up and the rest of the puzzles will just have Easter eggs.
The entirety of season 6 has been an ARG.
There is an ARG, and we have all the answers and the puzzles, but we need to find the story.
There is no ARG and this is just Sam fucking with us on purpose
There is no ARG and we’re all just going insane without a big ARG to keep our little puzzle oriented brains kicking
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isitfurbait · 6 months
Since you only seem to have covered half the main cast, let's revisit Night in the Woods: Is Mae Borowski furbait?
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Thank you.
It is nearly 7 years since this game has come out and only now, do I get to share my opinion on the player character of Night in the Woods. She is flawed, directionless, and a college dropout. We don't always stay winning! I love that the game doesn't make her exceptional because of reasons, but makes her just a person you get to experience the pain and trauma of being neurodivergent through. I do wonder if the flat style of the game is meant to emulate her disassociation into shapes or if we aren't privy to that information. Questions I'd never even bother Scott Benson with, since like... he's got life to look to. You can flanderize her for her nightmare eyes all you want, and for her bass beats, but at the center of it is just trying to exist as a young adult -- the scariest thing in the world with ghosts, coffin wolves, and death cults.
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codenamesazanka · 9 months
I need help writing the league of villains for a fan fiction. Like can you give me tips on to write their dialogue and stuff like that
Thanks for the ask! Here are some things that I think would be helpful, but please be aware that it's my approach to writing the League the way I interpret them. I'm sure there's people who finds my fic wildly inaccurate in terms of characterization. Sometimes I go back months later and disagree with my own stuff, given new information or outlook. You'll have different interpretations than me, and that's okay. And thus,
Tip #1: First of all, it’s fanfic, it’s fun, and it’s yours. You can do whatever the heck you want! It does not matter at all what you do with the characters, their dialogue, their personalities, their relationships, etc. I’ve read plenty of AU fanfics where I could not recognize Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko, despite the character having the name, but I still liked the story okay. Really, it’s all up to you and what you want. 
That said, to actually answer your question:
Tip #2: Re-read the manga. Read the scanlations - multiple versions from different scanlation groups. Read the official. No version will be perfect, some are better than others (Viz Official has its issues, but it is done by a professional translator and I tend towards it; Fallen Angels (Chapters 1-150s) was the first to scanlate and iirc they even included translation commentary at the end of their chapters; I found mangastream to be more accurate than Jaimini (Chapters 150-250s)), but having a variety of translations will give you insight into the intention of a dialogue, and different ways of achieving it. Read the original Japanese, if you can. 
Tip #2.5: Best way to figure a character, I find, is to describe the panels they’re in as if you’re writing a very plain, objective, impartial image description. Now you have an overview of their outward behavior, their actions, their dialogue. Using that, you have the basis for developing their motivations and personality. It’s the difference between ‘Shigaraki used gamer lingo a few times here, so he is a gamer... therefore he’s obsessed with games and that’s all he does’ and ‘In the first 100 chapters of the story, despite speaking sometimes like a gamer, Shigaraki is actually seen reading newspapers rather than holding a game console’.
Put another way, don’t assume generalized descriptions or traits for a character and write them based on that. You risk writing a trope or archetype or situation rather than the actual character. 
When a loved one dies suddenly, people will be in shock, before sobbing and weeping uncontrollably. That’s generally true, but the character may manifest grief in a different way. Someone close to Toga is killed - what does she do? You can write her breaking down crying, that’s perfectly reasonable. But if you look at the manga, when Twice is killed, she doesn’t cry right away. She gets angry; she lashes out. She’s deeply hurt by his murder, of course! But the tears she sheds for his passing are few in the immediate aftermath - her grief mostly takes the form of slicing Heroes’ throats.
Tip #3: Read everything else, for inspiration, for background knowledge, for tone, for your own gain outside of fandom.
Just the other day, I read Real, the wheelchair basketball manga by Inoue Takehiko. Its three main characters are marginalized by proper society - two because they’re disabled, one because he’s a high school dropout - and there were moments where I was reminded of the League’s situation. In the first chapter, the high school dropout makes a final visit to school where his teachers didn’t think much of him, and his classmates looked down on him. As he leaves, he thinks to himself that everything he does ends in failure and he’s an idiot, all the while he takes a dump at the school gates as a parting gift.
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While I can’t see anyone from the League doing that exactly shot for shot, the spirit of it - being seen as a fuck up, being unwanted, being defiant in face of that, even in a inadvisable way - is similar.
Tip #3.5: Another book I’ve read years ago is Codes of the Underworld: How Criminal Communicate. It was very informative, and I think back to it sometimes when I write for the League. 
Criminals face severe constraints on communication imposed by the action of the law, and, unlike the rest of us, cannot easily develop institutions aimed at circumventing them. This central feature of criminal lives makes communication and above all reliable communication exceptionally hard to sustain. For instance, the same secrecy that protects criminals from the law hinders their opportunities to advertise their goods and qualities… In the underworld, moreover, punishments for mistakes and irrational behavior are harsher than they are elsewhere. In the world of regular business, failures of communication can lead to a loss of business, but in the underworld they can result in years behind bars, or worse.
I don’t follow it exactly, because the League is in a children’s fantasy story, and maybe this was obvious but now that it was written out to me, I know how to give the Villains an “edge” to them that a non-Villain might not have, because as Villains, they do often logically would to be secretive and brutal and cautious. Dabi walking around in broad daylight meant their hideout was discovered and All Might literally took down the wall to the bar; a breakdown in negotiations with Overhaul meant Magne dying and Compress getting his arm blown off. 
Tip #4: Related, let the League be assholes, because sometimes they are. Let them be mean and cruel and problematic. Sometimes they’ll be jerks to each other. Nearly all of them grew up in bad circumstances where they probably were not taught important lessons and details about respect and boundaries and being nice. They are definitely not going to be aware of the intricacies of fandom's (oft-American and oft-terminally-online) consensus about problematic behavior. And that’s fine. 
I remember once receiving an ask about why Shigaraki would pull Twice’s mask off in Chapter 224. Wasn’t that terrible of Shigaraki? Yeah, it was. It was also the quickest, most efficient way to get Twice to quit his arguing with the rest of the League, so Shigaraki can announce that they are going to rescue Giran (what Twice was arguing for). After that, he puts the mask back on for Twice. If you ask me, I’d say Shigaraki thinks this evens out - he does something mean that he knows will freak out Twice for a moment, but it’s because he’s arguing for Twice’s side, and he’s putting on the mask back at the end. 
You and I would likely never do something like that because we know taking away someone’s important assistive aid, even for a moment, hurts them and we don’t want to cause them pain for even a second if we could help it/there’s not ‘evening it out’/it demonstrates a power unbalance that perpetuates ableism/there are other ways to stop someone and grab attention/we know not to touch someone even the slightest without permission/etc. But does the character you’re writing know all this? Does he care? Does he think it’s worth following these rules? Does he have time for it, does he have incentives for it, does he have the lucidity, does he think he’s an exception because of this and that, etc, etc. 
A lot of things, most people often just don’t know until they’re taught to be specifically aware. As an example: When I was younger, I knew broadly that taking things without permission was bad; but what if I took these pair of scissors from my friend’s desk and used it and put it back before the owner knew? The owner is my friend. They once told me it was okay to take it, so it counts even today, right? It was just a pair of scissors, a common household item. My friend did not care; still does not care. But knowing what I do now about things like violations of boundaries, explicit consent, the continuation of these concepts for the most trivial and mundane things even in the deepest of friendship or familial ties - I feel the need to ask to use something. That’s me and what I’ve learned through the years, though. It’s probably not going to be [fictional character].
And sometimes the League are just bad people. Shigaraki tried to kill Toga and Dabi at their first meeting. Mr. Compress is seemingly a-okay with kidnapping and murder despite his ancestor being more of a Robin Hood type. Spinner likely knowingly doomed his family to even worse ostracism and harassment from his fantasy-racist hometown when he ran off to join a group of well-televised terrorists. 
That’s also fine. They’re not real. They’re fictional Villains, and you’re temporarily using them as hand-puppets to tell a story. 
Tip #5. For dialogue, it helps knowing what each character’s voice/speaking style sounds like. Some basics:
“Shigaraki speaks with the normal masculine contracted speech, but with a sinister tone. Surprisingly not very cussy. He likes aggravating other people though.”
Caleb Cook notes that Shigaraki talks like an overgrown kid. (In comparison to ReDestro, who “uses more SAT words, since he’s had a formal education.”)
He can be a sarcastic smartass.
“Kurogiri is Extremely Polite”
He only refers to Shigaraki as ‘Shigaraki Tomura’. Always the full name, always just that.
He speaks very formally and respectfully; however, there is also a nastier side to him that comes out when he faces off Heroes: Saying to All Might, “I can't say I like the idea of having blood and guts inside my gate, but… if they're yours, I’ll happily oblige.” (Chapter 18); mocking Eraserhead and Mic when they're being sad over him, “Have you mistaken this place for a confessional of some kind?” (Chapter 254)
“Dabi is like Shoto but ruder, though not to Bakugo’s extent”
He calls people names: Toga most often, as 'crazy'; he called Spinner 'lizard' once; when he first met Shigaraki, he said 'gross'.
Note that all the examples above are people younger than him; as far as I know, Dabi refrains from name-calling his allies who are older than him: Compress, Twice, Skeptic.
He inexplicably politely calls Ujiko ‘Ujiko-san’.
“Compress is kind of like Sero. He’s got that trickster tone to him. Gets rougher when things don’t go his way.”
Likes to call himself an ‘old man’ at age 32; talks like an older gentleman as well. 
Twice contradicts himself a lot. Generally, he says one thing, his alter then says the opposite of that immediately afterwards. 
However, when things are urgent or serious, his alter’s speech fades. See Chapter 148, when he confronts Shigaraki about the Overhaul plan - he spills out his feelings with no contradiction. See Chapter 224, after they find out Giran’s been kidnapped - when arguing with the League about whether to say Giran, he’s completely coherent. 
Twice argues back with the alter sometimes, rather than the alter simply blurting out the opposite of what he says. 
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After he gets over his clone trauma, the alter seemed to have…integrated into himself? He still speaks in contradictions, but less so, and it doesn’t seem to be a separate voice speaking out involuntarily
“Spinner also speaks the normal masculine contracted speech like Kirishima and Kaminari, but he talks like Tokoyami during the Forest Lodge arc because he’s a Stain chuuni.”
An average, normal guy, compared to the rest of the League: not very polite, but not particularly rude; no great wit or affect (after he stops being a Stain fanboy), but not unintelligible; game references infrequently.
“Giran is also like speaks the normal masculine contracted speech similar to Shoto, but he’s a lot more mature.”
He calls Shigaraki “Shigaraki-san”, being polite towards him as a customer. 
He calls Twice by his last name, ‘Bubaigawara’, likely because they seem to be friends beyond just business. 
Toga is a generally polite girl, talks like a teenager. 
She can be bad at explaining herself! Seems to forget the people are lacking context for the things she says. “Hey, my best friend Jin just got killed by a Hero, which makes me sad, as well as worried that I'm going to be cut down like nothing as well, especially because I've been told how abnormal I am, even though I think I'm a normal person just like you, because I have emotions like love and fear, as any regular human does, and that lifetime of repression has hurt me.” -> Whatever she actually says to Uraraka in Chapter 289.
Only Toga uses first names with honorifics with the other League members. This is her being cute and desiring familiarity, but still polite. 
 ◦ Twice is ‘Jin-kun’
 ◦ Shigaraki is ‘Tomura-kun’
 ◦ Dabi is, at first ‘Dabi-kun’; after she finds out he’s Touya, he’s ‘Touya-kun’ 
 ◦ Spinner is ‘Spinner-kun’
 ◦ However, Mr. Compress is simply ‘Mister’ 
Conversely, only Mr. Compress and Twice call her ‘Toga-chan’. All the 20-somethings dudes call her just ‘Toga’. 
*Note what the League calls each other. They all call each other using Villain names. If the male members of the League are using first names and honorifics for each other, they’ve either gotten extremely close and intimate and weirdly polite, or they’re being possessed by AFO. 
Tip #5.5. Instead of fretting over writing good dialogue right away, just write whatever you need to get a scene over with. You can go back later to change the tone and speaking style of the sentence.
Here’s a line I had for Dabi at first: 
“Whatever hospital he works at should be shut down for incompetency in background checks.”
Wayyy too formal. Here’s the line after I went back and fixed it:
“Whatever hospital he works at should be shut down for being shit at background checks.”
Still not my best shot, but better. Sometimes all you need is just to change a word. 
Tip #6. Humor. The League is ridiculous and hilarious. Always try to have fun with their interactions and antics.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
I think one of the main reasons I dislike Fantasy High Junior Year is because of the way it was marketed. Like, there's an entire video explaining how Kristen is gonna go through this major character arc and ditch some of her more wacky antics as she realizes that the chaos she creates isn't cute anymore... and then there's absolutely no payoff. Instead, Kristen is at her quirkiest and most chaotic and other than a few dressing downs from some NPCs that she completely ignores nothing happens.
Like, I've never had a problem with Kristen's disaster personality. I think they handled it just fine in the first two seasons so that she never became too annoying or unlikeable. But it's just dialed up to 11 in Season 3. To the point where its genuinely not funny. And if chaos isn't cute, that'd make sense. It'd be on purpose, so everything can come crumbling down Fabian style and she'd have to become a better person. But that doesn't happen. So you're left sitting through all this garbage with the promise of a payoff that doesn't exist, which just leaves you bitter at the end.
It's especially frustrating when a few characters try to lead her in that direction. Like, Riz is working his ass off to get Kristen the presidency, something she only really wants as an ego boost, with no real platform or plans she can think of. He's the one joining all the clubs. He's the one making all the plans. Hell, he's the one making sure they're all doing well in their classes. And it gets to the point where his mom flat out tells Kristen that Riz would make a better president than her.
In any other story, that would immediately que the audience in to how Kristen's arc is gonna get resolved. With her abandoning the presidency and giving it to Riz, apologizing for making him do so much work for her and rewarding him for his effort. This followed up by deciding to be better for Cassandra, another person she mistreated and took for granted.
But she doesn't. Instead, she just makes Riz her vice president at the end and pushes all the work onto him AGAIN, to the point where it undoes the only character development he got all season (him shifting back to coffee from tea the moment Kristen makes him VP). And it certainly doesn't help that its the middle class white girl making her poor minority friend do everything for her.
Like, why market it as Kristen getting serious when that doesn't happen? Why act like she has some arc when she doesn't? It only makes the audience bitter when they went in expecting serious consequences and got nothing.
The marketing was very weird. Not only was there the false advertising with Baron's second form, which really hurts me to say as someone who sees Dropout as a bastion of ethics-based capitalism, but something just didn't sit right with me about the hype blimey got when it happened. Like, yes, it was funny, but like...ultimately I was like, alright? It wasn't anything actually important? It was specifically something Brennan was once again pushing really hard for them to succeed at because it was something they had to pass to continue to the next leg of the story?
Back when the Second Place episode of Game Changer came out, I saw someone complain about Dropout going back to the Brennan monologue well. I was like, hey, I love that shit, if you don't like the premise of a show don't watch it, right?
But here the commercialization of the cast's quirks and specific styles might have, I think, crossed a line, because of just how underwhelming blimey was compared to how it was built up. Like, Ally's quirky insane rolls drive Brennan crazy, haha, okay. The Brennan monologue well is, IMO, far from dry, but D20's hysterical theatrics in situations like that is getting stale, or at least that's how it felt this season.
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Dropout Does Nerdy Prudes Must Die
I am a massive Dropout and Team Starkid fan (if the latter isn't obvious enough from looking at my reblogs) and I feel like there's a lot of overlap between the fandoms. My criteria for being considered a "Dropout Person" is anyone who has appeared on a Dropout show at least once, excluding guest appearances (so for example, Monet X Change counts because she's been on one season of D20 and an episode of Um, Actually, but Laganja Estranja doesn't count because she was only a guest on one of the Legally Not Survivor episode of Game Changer)
I will be trying to factor in voice types where I can, but there will be some instances where I just assume the person can sing the part, because I don't know if the person can sing or not. Also, I will be casting each of the individual parts, I know the actors in the OG cast play multiple parts, but there are so many talented people in the Dropout roster that I can cast each part individually.
Please enjoy. Also spoilers for Nerdy Prudes Must Die, I don't think I can talk about this without them. And also for Dimension 20's A Court of Fey and Flowers.
Max Jagerman: Grant O'Brien
I'll be honest, my main motivation for this one is that Grant looks a bit like Will Branner. He does play the heel really well, and I think he would do a great job playing Max, especially his more Freddy Kruger-esque quipping when he's dead.
Also, this is pretty niche, but in an old College Humour year-end video, where they all pick their favourite skits of the year (I think it was like 2018 or 2019?), Grant talks about how he thought it was really funny that in the Jocks and Nerds Both Think They're The Underdogs sketch, he was the closest thing the College Humour cast had to a jock, and this feels pretty similar to that.
Grace Chastity: Anna Garcia
She has a very unhinged "I am short and I will make that everyone else's problem" energy about her that you really need to play Grace. I think she would also do great with the physical comedy needed for the part.
Peter Spankoffski: Omar Najam
Awkward, nerdy guy who falls in love with the baddest bitch in the cast and would die for her. Am I describing Peter Spankoffski or Prince Andhera from A Court of Fey and Flowers? Also I want to hear Omar sing Cool as I Think I Am.
(This is a joke, love Binx but clearly Delloso De La Rue is the baddest bitch in A Court of Fey and Flowers)
Stephanie Lauter: Surena Marie
I don't have a real explanation for this one, this is vibes.
Richie Lipschitz: Ross Bryant
Watching Ross work his way through all the possible nerdy white guy rap options in Game Changer Karaoke cemented for him that he needs to play one of the nerds.
Ruth Flemming: Izzy Roland
A part that requires the performer to be deranged and horny? Call Izzy Roland!
Solomon Lauter: Brennan Lee Mulligan
Any Dimension 20 (or Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited) fan knows, Brennan is amazing at playing callous, cruel and manipulative characters, so Solomon Lauter is right in his wheelhouse.
Wiggly: Josh Ruben
Josh is so good at voices and playing weird characters, I would love to see his take on Wiggly.
Blinky: Erika Ishii
Erika Ishii is absolutely unhinged, I had to cast them as one of the Lords in Black. They could honestly be any one of them, but I picked Blinky because the voice Lauren Lopez does reminds me of Erika.
Nibbly: Lisa Gilroy
This one is also just vibes, but the vibes are correct.
Tinky: Zac Oyama
I am the head of the Zac Oyama As Weird Little Guys fan club, and what is Tinky if not a weird little guy? (who is also a chaotic evil eldritch being)
Pokey: Mike Trapp
I mainly just went off the vibes of the "What do you want Steph?" line, I think Mike would do well.
Detective Shapiro/Female Reporter in Hatchet town: Rashawn Nadine Scott
This is the only one I'm casting two parts, because they're both relatively small (and also I fully forgot that Bryce was not playing Detective Shapiro in Hatchet town until I checked the Genius page lol). Anyway, I think Rashawn would do great at acting as Detective Shapiro, but the main motivation behind this choice is that I want to hear her sing Bryce's part in Hatchet town. She would murder it as hard as Max murders nerdy prudes.
Officer Bailey: Jacob Wysoki
You need someone to chew scenery and throw props? Call Jacob Wysoki, he'll eat it up and go back for seconds
Brenda and Stacy: Jujubee and Monet X Change
I want to see them do the Go Go Nighthawks cheer, I think it would be amazing.
Jason and Kyle: Zeke Nicholson and Ify Nwadiwe
They both seem like the kind of guys to give butt slaps (consensually of course).
Mark and Karen Chastity: Zach Reino and Jess McKenna
They both have Awkward White Parent energy, and I think they would be very funny in this part.
Miss Tessburger: Vic Michaelis
Watching them play Vic Michaelis in Very Important People makes me think they would be great as the haughty assistant.
Miss Mulberry: Katie Marovitch
Katie just has "That nice teacher who lets students eat lunch in her classroom" energy.
Dan Reynolds: Lou Wilson
You need an icon to play an icon.
Emma and Paul : Emily Axford and Brian "Murph" Murphy
Dropout's iconic married couple to play Hatchetfield's iconic couple.
Hard Cuts:
Ify Nwadiwe as Max Jagerman:
He would have slayed the acting, but I assume based on his speaking voice that he's a baritone on the lower end of the range. However, if I am wrong about this and he could sing the tenor part, please treat him and Grant as tied for the part in my eyes.
Ross Bryant as Solomon Lauter
Vic Michaelis as Detective Shapiro
Erika Ishii as Ruth Flemming
Tao Yang as Peter Spankoffski
Jess Ross as Karen Chastity
Jacob Wysoki as Max Jagerman
Wayne Brady as Dan Reynolds
Aabria Iyengar as one of the Lords in Black
Anna Garcia as Blinky
Brennan Lee Mulligan as Wiggly
Lisa Gilroy as Grace Chastity
Grant O'Brien as Solomon Lauter
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pink-yuri · 14 days
&Dropout - OneShot - The protagonist is naturally irresistable to other girls .traeH - OneShot - A lonely/neglected protagonist is liked by a persistant girl 4:30am, at the coin laundromat - OneShot - The protagonist frequents a laundromat early in the morning, & often sees a beautiful woman there 5 Seconds Before a Witch Falls in Love - OneShot - Enemies-To-Lovers with a witch & a witch hunter
A Cruel God - OneShot - Protagonist has a crush on a woman, and later sees her in a lesbian bar, however she also finds out that she isn't her type A Face You Shouldn’t Show - Ongoing / 10+ Chapters - The protagonist goes to a lesbian hookup bar for the first time & a regular takes an interest in her A Girl Who Wants to Receive a Blowjob - OneShot - A girl has a thought while eating ice pops with a friend Adolescence of Utena - Movie - A Retelling/Sequel to 'Revolutionary Girl Utena' (details under RGU's entry) Akuma no Riddle - Anime (Complete / 13 Episodes)(There's a complete manga also but I've not read/posted about it, I have however heard the manga is gayer, especially the epilogue) - The protagonist enters a class made up of one 'target' (herself) and 12 assassins, 1 assassin defects to her side.
Boyish Girl x Gyaru - Completed / 12 Chapters - Slice of Life, the series starts with the boyish girl and the gyaru already in a relationship
Cheerful Amnesia - Completed / 53 Chapters - Slice of Life, a woman forgets the past 3 years of her life (including everything about her girlfriend), she was also the more 'assertive' one in the relationship, but has forgotten how to act like that Company and Private Life - Ongoing / 100+ Chapters - (Technically heterosexual) 2 coworkers accidentally meet in their personal time, one dressed as a goth, and one as a lolita (the lolita is technically a 'guy' but not to me <3) Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk - Ongoing / 80+ Chapters - Debatably yuri, debatably yaoi. The protagonist crossdresses as a girl, and falls for a girl (who is also a guy crossdressing) & vice versa
Dangerous Love -OneShot - A yandere flirts with the (female) POV character Delicious in Dungeon - Completed / 111 Chapters (Also an anime / 24 Episodes) - Fantasy/Adventure, not romance focussed and the yuri is non-canon Destiny of the Shrine Maiden - Anime / 12 Episodes, Manga / 14 Chapters - It's like a standard mecha anime if we ignored the male protagonist and let his love interest have a fucked up yandere gf Destroy It All And Love Me In Hell - Ongoing / 10+ Chapters - Straight A student is stressed + a truant classmate blackmails her into letting loose / acting out Did I Seriously Just Get Reincarnated as My Gag Character?! - Ongoing / 10+ Chapters - A 'guy' is reincarnated as a female game character 'he' made, she rescues an elf who then accompanies her through a fantasy/adventure type story
Executioner and Her Way of Life, The - Ongoing / 20+ Chapters (Anime / 12 Episodes) - An assassin who executes transmigrators encounters one that won't die/stay dead
Fed Up Office Lady Wants To Serve The Villainess, The - Ongoing / 15+ Chapters - The protagonist is summoned into the world of a game she likes by the villainess, as her familiar Futari Monologue - Ongoing / 40+ Chapters - 2 childhood friends separate & reunite after one of them becomes gloomy & the other a gyaru. Gyaru makes advances which the gloomy one mistakes initially for bullying
Goodbye, My Rose Garden - Completed / 17 Chapters - My personal favourite A period romance where a Japanese woman moves to England in search of an author, instead meets a (suicidal) noble woman Gun Gale Online - Completed / 27 Chapters - SpinOff of Sword Art Online but not featuring the main cast. The protagonist is a tall girl who wants to be small and cutesy (achieved via the game) & she yuri-ly befriends a girl in the game GUNBURED x SISTERS - Completed / 20 Chapters - A nun is tasked with hunting vampires, but decides to take one in as a pet Gushing Over Magical Girls - Ongoing / 50+ Chapters - A fan of magical girls is tricked into becoming a villain who fights against them, she gets a little overenthusiastic about the role
I See You Aizawa-San! - Ongoing / 10+ Chapters - Protagonist can see the ghost of a dead idol classmate, yuri elements are minor IMO I Suspect My Childhood Friend Is A Lesbian - Completed / 2 Chapters - Protagonist has a touchy-feely friend who she assumes is gay & hitting on her I'm in Love with the Villainess - Ongoing / 40+ Chapters (Anime / 12 Episodes) - A girl transmigrates into her favourite otome game, as the title suggests she is in love with the villainess Inugami and Nekoyama - Ongoing / 70+ Chapters - Slice of Life about a dog girl who likes cats & a cat girl who likes dogs (& the 3rd wheel friend) Ipheion - OneShot - The protagonist is drafting a love letter, and her friend recruits her crush to help refine it
Killing Me! - Completed / 9 Chapters - Vampire x Vampire Hunter, technically enemies to lovers but it's more flirty than bloodthirsty Koi no Kaori - Collection of 6-7 OneShots (one is actually a TwoShot so) Kuro De Naku, Shiro De Nai - OneShot (Sequel to 'Uma de Ari, Shika de Aru' but I've tagged all posts re: them as both, bc yknow. theyre the same series) - 2 classmates reunite after they've both become teachers
Liar Satsuki Can See Death - Completed / 83 Chapters - Not romance focussed, protagonist can see corpses 24 hours before the person dies, she amasses a small harem group of girls who believe/help her prevent deaths, actual yuri elements are honestly minimal Love/Death - Completed / 8 Chapters - 2 severely yandere girls are in love with eachother
Madoka Magica - Anime / 12 Episodes - Not romance focussed, dark magical girl anime, while yuri elements are present it could be explained away as gal pals Mage and Demon Queen - Completed / 185 Chapters - The protagonist is a mage but instead of wanting to defeat the demon queen, she fell in love with her, the demon queen is a mildly violent tsundere (mild in that she won't do anything the mage won't recover from) The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Ongoing / 40+ Chapters - The protagonist is a princess who takes in the prince's discarded fiancee as a research assistant for her interest in magic Miss Savage Fang - Completed / 26 Chapters - A mercenary is reincarnated as the princess who brought the country to ruin, she has a gay thing going with the woman who killed (mercenary) her My Friend's Abnormally Cute Sister - Ongoing / 10+ Chapters - The protagonist has a crush on her friend's little sister, however the sister is bit of a yandere who loves her own big sister (and hated the protagonist for being close to her)
Oniyuri-san and Himeyuri-san - OneShot - 2 Girls who fight in public but act lovey dovey in private Otherside Picnic - Ongoing / 70+ Chapters (Anime / 12 Episodes)(Novel / 9 Volumes) - The protagonist enjoys 'true' horror stories & finds her way into a world where they come true. She meets a girl in the 'otherside' and they decide to explore it together Our "Love" Is Disgusting - Ongoing / 2+ Chapters - The protagonist obsessively makes figures akin to the girl from her first (failed) sexual encounter, she meets a girl who wants to touch/lick figures
Promiscuous Relationship of the President and Vice President, The - Completed / 3 Chapters - 2 girls have a 'pure friendship', one asks the other out & it rapidly turns less 'pure'
Reemployment Life With an Unsociable Untalkative Magician - Ongoing / 20+ Chapters - HETEROSEXUAL - A true yuri fan sees yuri where none is intended - A woman works for a recluse male magician, they fall in love Revolutionary Girl Utena - Anime / 39 Episodes (There's a manga but all I know of that is they made Juri heterosexual) - The protagonist inadvertently engages in a duel with the prize being an engagement to another woman (it is SO much more than that but.. spoilers) Roll Over and Die - Ongoing / 20+ Chapters - The protagonist is cast aside by her adventuring team, at rock bottom she meets a girl she wants to protect & figures out how to be OP, has horror elements RWBY Official Manga Anthology - Ongoing / 80+ Chapters - Accompaniment to the series RWBY, disconnected one shots, only really worth reading if you're somewhat familiar with RWBY
Sailor Moon (Original Series) - Completed / 46 Episodes - The protagonist becomes a magical girl, there are yuri adjecent scenes, however the canon sailor moon lesbian couple don't make an appearance in this run Scarlet - Ongoing / 6+ Chapters - Werewolf & a vampire(?) do Ye Olde drug busts, fairly overtly horny Shitto na Watashi to Shikku na Aitsu - OneShot - An immortal girl confesses to a girl who then asks to stab her, she's a little out of her depth when the immortal agrees readily then doesn't die Soul Eater NOT! - Completed / 31 - A spinoff of Soul Eater, the protagonist can turn into a weapon but finds herself in a love triangle as she cant decide which girl she wants to wield her Stardust Telepath - Ongoing / 40+ Chapters - The protagonist doesn't fit in on Earth so she wants to build a rocket to meet aliens, coincidentally an alien (girl) lands on Earth with amnesia. The alien can use telepathy when their foreheads are touching. Story of the Demon Lord Who Wants to Yuri-Marry the Hero - Preview / 1 Chapter - The hero wants to defeat the demon lord, the demon lord wants to marry the hero Sukeban & Tenkousei - Ongoing / 8+ Chapters - The protagonist asks a delinquent girl to say cutesy words because she finds it cute/amusing
That Girl Is Too Much - Completed / 7 Chapters - A popular girl is annoyed that an equally popular tomboy isn't giving her attention. Aforementioned tomboy is head over heels for her
You Are My Angela - Completed / 3 Chapters - A young woman finds a human-looking angel & takes her home, though she's afraid the angel will leave her without warning Yuri Espoir - Ongoing / 15+ Chapters - A girl is to be in an arranged marriage. Saddened that she's never been in a relationship with another girl, she decides to write yuri about strangers with a 'friend'
Fan Doujins
Can We Hold Hands - Ai Miyashita x Rina Tennoji Honest Feelings - Setsuna Yuki x Kasumi Nakasu Kasumin’s Treat - Shizuku Osaka x Kasumi Nakasu Niji-chan Manga and Drawing Matome - Ai Miyashita x Setsuna Yuki SetsuKasu Pocky Game - Setsuna Yuki x Kasumi Nakasu Shiritori - Ai Miyashita x Rina Tennoji Valentine’s and Kasumi - Yuu Takasaki x Kasumi Nakasu
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gayfraggle · 1 year
an Introduction page
Hi! My main names are is Sammy/Vincent but i have a whole list linked lower in the post, I am a minor so please no inappropriate asks or messages towards me
I'm transmasc and agender, I go by all pronouns (including most neo-pronouns) but my main are they/it/he, I'm also Aromantic and Aegosexual
Names ⬇️
My Avenue Q askblog is @theqstandsforqueer
My Little Shop Of Horrors askblog is @ask-the-little-shop
The askblog for the comic me and friend are working on is @starrynightstudios
My Hazbin Hotel oc blog is @carrionsstudio
My ao3:
Rules for requests:
Nothing NSFW or suggestive
You can only request characters from fandoms I'm in, preferably characters I like or have shown interest in and are from my current hyperfix
I'm ok with most ships but if it's a ship feel uncomfortable with then I will not draw it
These are just silly doodles, not full on art pieces so don't expect them to be
List of horror characters I will draw
My current hyper-fixations (in order of how fixated on them I am) are X-Men (including Deadpool), Dropout/Collegehumor, and Vocaloid
Any ask games that I'm doing at the current moment will be linked here⬇️
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I removed my sona because I need to update it
I'm a multi-fandom artist, and the fandoms I'm in (at the moment) are Muppets, Batman, Dialtown, Kiznaiver, Creepypasta, The World Of Mr Plant, Avenue Q, Tadc, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood, Salad Fingers, Madness Combat, KinitoPET, fnaf, slashers, DSAF, jjba, Deltarune/Undertale, Rocky Horror Picture Show, tf2, Batim/batdr, Monster High, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel (kind of), musical theater, Cuphead, and dhmis
These aren't all of them, but they are the ones that I consume the most
Also the slasher/horror movies that I like are Scream, Black Christmas 1974, Malignant 2021, Puppet Master, Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon, Texas Chainsaw Massacre pt2, the Alien series, Predator series
I also have ADHD and Anxiety
you CAN send me headcanons and asks about my headcanons, doodle requests when open, fanart, stuff like that
you CAN'T sent me anything NSFW, art requests, and hate
Also this blog will contain some mature things like curse words, and possibly gore
And if you use any of my characters, credit/@ me please, and sending it as an ask would be nice <3
Also, I don't post super often, I mostly reblog things
Also my grammar isn't super good, so sorry if some posts have errors
There are a few tag shortcuts in the tags
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clairedaring · 7 months
First Look at Netflix Thai Original ‘The Believers’: Three Ambitious Entrepreneurs Turn Faith into Fortune
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Fresh from the “bigger and bolder” reveal of the main cast at the Next on Netflix Thailand event, Netflix is now unveiling the first look stills of The Believers. Debuting on March 27, the series promises to take viewers on a unique business journey where faith has a price tag.
The Believers tells the tale of a group of young and ambitious entrepreneurs who, after a streak of failed startups, stumble upon an unorthodox "business opportunity" that could help them pay off substantial debt by capitalizing on people's religious convictions.
The trio includes Win (James Teeradon Supapunpinyo), a young computer engineer dropout who leads the team in marketing planning; his best friend, Dear (Ally Achiraya Nitibhon), a graphic designer who also oversees PR; and Game (Peach Pachara Chirathivat), an adventurous teenager who brings funding to the table. Together, they rebrand the lone Phummaram Temple, transforming it into a lucrative source of income.  The series also features memorable characters like Monk Dol (Pup Patchai Pakdeesusuk), Tang (Tik Channarong Khantheethao) and Monk Ekachai (Petch Paophet Charoensook).
Wattanapong Wongwan, one of Thailand’s up-and-coming directors, took his inspiration for the series from his childhood. Born and raised in a Buddhist family, he visited temples on special occasions and learnt about the religion in school. Over time, as society evolved and his perspectives shifted, he began to question conventional beliefs, which prompted him to start drafting this series five years ago.
“At the beginning, the religion felt familiar to me, but through extensive research, I uncovered deeper insights that I had previously imagined,” he says. “As I developed the script, I observed society becoming more open-minded, with the very questions that intrigued me now emerging in contemporary discourse. Therefore, I believe the time has come to delve into the questions that have piqued my curiosity since childhood.”
Watch how faith turns into fortune on The Believers, premiering March 27, exclusively on Netflix.
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constellaj · 1 year
i saw that post of you wanting pople to ask you about your regular show rewrite and i saw the bits of it you posted and i wanna know more
okayyyee sry this is a late response
like most things I invented this lore alongside @crystalfloe and she's brilliant and amazing and the guy who got me into regular show
first things first you need to understand this is. for some fucking reason. a lore heavy regular show au/rewrite. it's so cringe man. please remember this is regular show
that aside the general premise is that The Park is haunted/cursed. The Park is a magical landmark that wants to preserve itself + nature and needs guardians/workers to take care of it. so it "selects" people (normally those who live on park property).
Mordecai and Rigby do not know this. they are 2 normal human dudes who suck at life and desperately need a job so they go to The Park, which they know always has Help Wanted signs (because nobody wants to work at The Cursed Park).
They meet Benson, who Is A Gumball Machine, and they're like... yooo wtf. they don't know why he's like this. but in this world it's not unheard of for weird mutants or objectheads to exist, so they decide not to ask questions because dude that's totally insensitive.
Benson hands them an employee contract and stresses that they Need to Read the Fine Print if they want to work here. Mordecai and Rigby do not read the fine print. They freak the fuck out when The Park starts Cursing them by turning them into animals.
Turns out The Park is a big fan of character development, and mutates the people it Selects to encourage it; if mordecai and rigby stop being dicks, their mutations reverse. This is how you get blue haired anime boy with wings out of a greasy emo art dropout. The general Plot of their lives know is dealing with this forced character development, hiding their mutations because they're 20 and easily embarrassed, and learning to work with them instead of fight against them.
Mutations generally follow a theme based on the Most Character Development Needed. Benson is uptight, doesn't know how to relax, and is awful with children, so he's Cursed™ into being a literal candy dispenser. Mordecai has shit self-esteem, so he's a flashy preening bird. There is nothing wrong with Rigby Rigby doesn't shower /has general living issues so he's a literal rodent but one that's actually known for its hygiene.
If you become aware of The Curse, The Park gets pissy and makes it so you can't reverse your mutations. This is what happened to Skips; his anger issues when he was younger translated into being a gorilla, and then he found out how it worked /tried to game the system, and now he's stuck like that. It can still get worse, but it can't get better
Muscleman + hi five are a unique case. 'Mitch' was a park employee who was an insane daredevil with no regard for his own safety, who ramped a car into a flaming pit and died in the wreckage (maybe this was The Curse, who knows). MM and HF are the aftermath; MM is the zombie corpse reanimated, and HF is Mitch's ghost/soul. Neither of them remember their past or even know that they're technically the same guy, and there's like a whole character arc around that and realizing that you're a different person now
Techmo is also a unique case (thumbs up for techmo enjoyers). instead of being a human who was cursed, he was actually created directly by the park to be a nature guardian. he got a little silly obsessive evil with it until he realized what The Park was doing to him, so he left and got into technology in an effort to distance himself from the nature of The Park as much as possible. There's parallels now between him and Mordecai; Mordecai has main character syndrome, and so The Park is trying to basically make him a second Techmo.
Pops is. Uhhh I don't think we worked Pops out fully. He's an alien still and not actually tied to The Park the same way the others are, which gives him a little more freedom. Plus he doesn't need character development he's already the perfect man
generally, The Park isn't actually an inherently *good* entity. It has goals and a specific mindset it wants its Guardians to have, and part of the nuance of working at The Park is balancing helpful character development (such as Benson learning to relax) with The Park's fucked up selfish agenda (like replacing Mordecai's mind to have the ideal Guardian. don't worry about it).
and that's the regular lore
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smoshkidtv · 3 months
smosh tag game!
waahhh i saw so many ppl doing this, ty @smoshidiot for tagging me <3
1. How long have you been watching Smosh?
It's kinda hard to track since I've been watching Smosh on and off ever since 2005! My most active years were probably from 2010-2016, and I just started watching them again last year!
2. Favorite Smosh cast member(s)?
As a classic Smosh fan, I have to say Ian and Anthony! But my other faves include Angela, Trevor, and Arasha!
3. Favorite pairing?
Ian and Anthony's friendship means everything to me 🥹 but I also love Shayne and Courtney and I'm so happy for them!
4. Favorite recurring character?
BOXMAN MY BELOVED PLEASE COME BACK FROM THE WAR!! Other than that, probably the Chosen and [REDACTED]!
5. Favorite Smosh video?
This questions is so hard so I'll pick two from each Main Channel Smosh 'era' sketches!
Old Smosh: Smosh Short 2: Stranded and Left Handed
Defy Smosh: ADULT MAGIC SCHOOL BUS and Kids on Bikes
Mythical Smosh: Trapped in the Worst Kids Show and We're Pregnant
Reunion Smosh: SLEEPWALKING DISASTER! and I Regret My Turkish Hair Transplant
This list was SO HARD to make and it doesn't even include any Pit or Games videos... maybe I'll do that in the future!
6. First video that got you into Smosh?
The very first Smosh video I watched was the original Pokemon Theme Song Lip Sync! But I started actually following them with Food Battle 2010 and POKEMON IN REAL LIFE!
7. Favorite picture of the cast?
Is it unfair to say the picture I took with them at VidCon? 🤭
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(Idk if it counts but I also love this screenshot of them!!)
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8. Favorite picture of your fave?
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9. What Smosh series do you want to see more of?
LET'S DO THIS MY BELOVED PLEASE COME BACK FROM THE WAR!! I would also love to see the return of Smoffice-style sketches! I'm also a super big fan of Beopardy (Anthony on Beopardy when??)
10. Dream guest on Smosh Mouth?
I'm also a huge fan of Dropout so I'd love to see some cast members like Brennan Lee Mulligan come on! He could talk about TTRPGs or improv comedy or about almonds, literally anything and I would eat that shit up!!
this was so much fun!! i tag @mezz000 and @moxiebrown (ty for being mutuals with me 🥹)
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
tumblr user shitpostingkats. talk to me about yuki judai and my best friend crow 5ds
*does a snappy salute* Absolutely!
Jaden Yuki/Yuki Judai
How I feel about this character: My monstrous little card game fella who I love SO much. Came into my house and kicked me in the ribs by being the actual textbook example of the "Aw! What a silly little guy!" to "He's a little bit fucked up actually" pipeline. I love how absolutely insane and messy he's allowed to be for a main character, not only did most of his arcs hit FAR too close to home, but it's just such a good example of how to take the archetypal plucky protag and deconstruct it a bit to add layers to the character. My second favorite yugioh character of all time, if I'm being subjective, my #1 fave if I'm being objective. Levels of queer neurodivergent swag I aspire to match.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I just can't deny Jaden his funky southern rock boyf. I read him as somewhere on the ace spectrum, in a QPR with Jesse/Johan that all their friends assume is a traditional romantic relationship. Also, Yusei Fudo, because I am a sucker for narrative parallels, celestial imagery, stupid aces with the social skills of a tennis shoe.
My non-romantic otp for this character: I think he and Chazz have this relationship where Chazz gets up in the night, goes down to his kitchen, flips on the lights, and Jaden is just there eating his cereal. They are BEST FRIENDS and Chazz will not admit this even if you put a gun to his head.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Man, I wish we'd gotten more time with Yubel, but I never really got the feeling that Jaden felt any strong romantic/partner emotions towards them. Him choosing to fuse with Yubel is less a "And I will now give up everything for you, my One True Soulmate", and more just a simple acknowledgement of "You've been hurt really horribly because of me, so I'm offering you kindness and accepting responsibility for our relationship, because you don't deserve to be in pain" Which, personally, I think is a lot more impactful and fulfilling of his personal arc.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I kinda wish he hadn't actually graduated high school? I mean, obviously they would never do that, but I remember watching the final season and thinking "Yeah, there's no way he's going to graduate." Idk, he's just got Highschool Dropout energy to me and I almost wanted to see that. Let him fail out of school because he was too busy sorting out his mental health! That's very valid of him!
Crow Hogan
How I feel about this character: Trans king! I look at one picture of Crow and my brain just maxes out "Trans! Bird! Guy!" He commits crime. He has five kids. He literally named himself after a yugioh card. There's just so much good big bro energy in this funky dude. I would trust him with my life.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uh, probably no one? There's not really any named character in the series I feel he had romantic chemistry with. He and Broder probably dated for a bit then broke up and remained friends.
My non-romantic otp for this character: The first ep. he was introduced and we actually see Yusei smile for almost the first time all series and duel and have fun with it, the big hug and the way each others face lights up when they see each other for the first time in years. Your honor, they are very important.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's older than Yusei. Yeah I don't care what canon says, Yusei is the family Babey and Crow is a full six months older than him.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Some more exploration on what Crow gaining his signer mark actually meant to him. Did he feel like a replacement? What exactly did it mean to him that the tail mark jumped to him just so the head could move to Yusei? He's kind of the only one who doesn't get a whole plotline on how they feel about being a signer, so I always feel like there's some untapped potential for an arc there.
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sepublic · 2 years
Post-Hoot for Them’s the Breaks, Kid!
-They wrote TTBK at least a year ago (this Post-Hoot was recorded before Hollow Mind’s release), having started production pre-pandemic, and finishing it during that time. The episode was intended as a breather episode before some spicy plot developments and uh, boy was it. 
-The Raeda dynamic as kids was initially more antagonistic, Raine was more of this badass. There would’ve been a fight to get the badge and have Eda stay in school (like Lumity), but Zach Marcus felt the conflict was unnatural to how Raine and Eda ended up together, so he opted for an immediate friendship instead.
-Sarah remembers making a lot of notes while working on the show that no longer make sense, like “Moon Villain”...
-Boscha’s parent, the one with glasses, is named Larry in the art tracking system. 
-Eric Bauza recalls playing either Harvey or Gilbert, though he was credited only as Mr. Park, unhelpfully. He voiced Faust during the pandemic (which could mean anything lbr), and didn’t even know what Faust looked like, having to ask Dana what she thought he’d sound like. Eric’s delivery actually influenced Faust’s final design lacking any lips!
-The neck crack was devised as a means for Faust to maneuver and turn his head around (I guessed it).
-In Zach Marcus’ mind, Terra and Faust had a history together.
-There was going to be an episode that gave Bump a love interest, written by Molly Ostertag; “A very elven man”, but Dana shot it down.
-At one point Tibbles was the principal of Hexside, and Zach jokingly suggested to say he was the vice-principal now.
-JBO wrote a lot for Mattholomule, and Zach Marcus said he’d love to have him as the main character in a show like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where he’s always being beaten at his game and you love to see it. 
-According to Avi, Raine is more chaotic than Eda, and Sarah agrees. 
-Zach Marcus suggested that Faust used to have big, juicy, candy Bratz lips. He thinks Faust lives in the school (this might be contradicted later on or not), and before that he and Terra used to live together as a couple. However, there was a BAD breakup, and Faust lost both his voluptuous lips and the place in the fight. This is why he lives at Hexside now, it’s the only place he has any sense of control and so he exerts it so wildly because it’s all he has.
-Zach joked that Kikimora is a high school dropout, like him!
-Dana pushed to have Luz’s artistic journey progress, with the viewer seeing how her style develops over time.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
one 🔥 for mash, one 🔥 for tww
These won't be new because I post my unpopular opinions all the time lol but
There is a very obvious "king of repression" in MASH. It's Margaret. Margaret struggles to admitting she's feeling anything or experiencing negative effects from the war to anyone. If there is anyone Sidney is dying to put under a microscope, it's her, although I don't think he sees any of them that way; they're his friends and he likes being able to help them, they're not lab rats. Margaret has an entire conversation with Sidney wherein she's denying feeling anything at all, while expressing sublimated rage, and basically projecting, as she's trying to offer him advice. In fact, rage is one of the few emotions she ever feels comfortable expressing. One of the only people who can get past her walls is Hawkeye, and in Comrades in Arms she even falls back on rage with him.
Margaret's second conversation with Sidney is mostly comic relief and unfortunately dominated by early installment weirdness Charles ship tease, but it goes very similarly. She makes claims about other people while seemingly unaware of her own feelings and behavior, and she yells a lot.
Margaret says she's not a very open person. We see her struggle to form relationships, including with the other nurses, because she is so closed off. She's lonely, but she pushes people away. It's hard for her to admit she wants or needs anything. She hates to show any kind of vulnerability.
And yet we can see Margaret be compassionate! With the other characters in the later seasons, and with the patients throughout. She does acknowledge emotions, just not her own, because that would be too dangerous.
These are all traits you rarely get to see in a female character and I for one owe Loretta Swit my life.
In the spirit of the game, I'll get a little spicy:
I think the reason the fandom devotes so much time to the repressed BJ headcanon--which is just that, a headcanon-when Margaret is right there doing it in canon and gets very little attention is that people struggle to see female characters as complex. Emotional repression in particular tends to be associated with men; we see this all the time in society. This is not a problem specific to this fandom; it's a reflection of how we are taught to view women that manifests in every fandom. I do think Margaret is a prime example of it.
I don't like Donna's arc in season 6. I think it loses sight of the foundation of the character, which is my criticism of a lot of seasons 5 and 6. I hate the "shallow girlboss feminism" critique, but if the shoe fits... We're supposed to believe Donna is overqualified for her position and Josh has been unfairly holding her back. This is simply not the case. There wasn't really a ladder for Donna to move up. She was very good at her job, so Josh had every professional reason to keep her.
None of the other assistants are portrayed as being treated unfairly. Mrs. Landingham, Debbie, Bonnie, Ginger, and Carol are all career assistants. That's a real job! Donna also has no formal qualifications and no relevant experience prior to the Bartlet campaign. The whole point of Donna was that this silly, slightly flaky young college dropout is actually extremely smart and capable. Donna not wanting to remain an assistant makes sense, but she wasn't wronged. The job offer she gets in season 4 is lucrative, but it's for a start-up, where formal qualifications are less important than in, say, the White House, and they're more free to emphasize her on-the-job experience. Donna getting as high a position she as she does on the Russell campaign is frankly absurd and in my opinion a product of it being a convenient way to have two main characters handle those campaign scenes.
Once Donna does get successful, she jettisons most of her personality in favor of being Competent and occasionally the only moral one (2162 Votes; Donna is the moral compass of the show but the way that was presented bugged me). And Josh was right, if a bit dramatic, when he said he was the victim. Donna quit without giving notice! That's pretty unprofessional! Donna was so full of shit when she accused him of keeping her in grunt-level servitude, when we've seen the responsibilities she's been given. And like... knowing how he liked his food was part of her job. It's uncomfortable to admit but Josh did give her a career. That doesn't mean she's beholden to him forever, but it happened. In Impact Winter, she never told Josh what the meeting she wanted to have was about or that it was important until the last minute. She also knows better than literally anyone that his meetings get rescheduled all the time because that's the White House, and him not prioritizing her meeting over various urgent situations is not personal. Maybe if the show had done a better job of showing him dismissing her and taking her for granted as an ongoing pattern I would buy it, but they didn't.
Even in the Josh/Donna resolution in season 7, Donna has to be Cool and Right even at the expense of making sense. Josh is the first one who brings up talking (and even indicated he wanted to way back in Election Day, which she ignored), but we're supposed to believe it's a sign that he's panicking about commitment when he doesn't want to do it while badly jet-lagged? It's all the tables have turned, Josh is pining for Donna, until Donna's the one setting deadlines. All in all it made the character much less enjoyable for me and unintentionally sent the message that women can't have personality and success. Iirc, CJ gets a lot less fun material once she becomes chief of staff, too.
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