#but i come back and find they are giving it to someone else
moonstruckme · 2 days
Hi! I dont know if you write smut, but if you do, I was wondering if you could do a bestfriend!james and reader going further above the just touching? Like, they're cuddling and then suddenly grinding, leading to some you knooow!! Hehe, thank you!
I do ! This one is fairly tame though, sorry, it just felt more right for them in the moment. Thanks for requesting babe <3
cw: pg-13 smut
bestfriend!James x fem!reader ♡ 658 words
James is hardly the poster boy of cleanliness, but even he won’t stoop to getting in bed with jeans on. Which is how the two of you always end up like this, curled up under his covers and pantless for a midafternoon nap. 
The first time you did this, you were hardly able to sleep, but now it feels fairly normal. It helps that you’ve got the world’s least sexy underwear on, full-coverage and worn, a pinkish beige color that you suppose was probably supposed to be someone’s skin tone but you’d only bought as part of a multipack. And James has the comfiest bed in the world, a weighted comforter and the sort of heavenly mattress only generational wealth can procure. His arm is strewn loosely over your side, his front pressed to your back, and his breath is a steady rhythm on the nape of your neck. You’ve never felt so blissfully warm and heavy. 
You know without knowing how that James is starting to wake up just like you are, slow and lazy. You stretch out a leg, feeling the muscles tense all the way up your back, and he splays his hand on your abdomen as though to keep you in place. Makes a soft, sleepy sound. 
Later, you’ll say that you don’t even remember deciding to do it. Maybe you’re too tired to think straight, maybe you’re still halfway in a dream, but you nudge your hips back into James. A subtle movement. Incidental. 
Only, James nudges back. And he tilts his head so his mouth moves closer to your shoulder, mumbling something incoherent into your skin. 
It feels good. You keep going. After a while, his hand has migrated up to cup your tit, not hard, not squeezing, just a lazy perusal of unexplored skin. There’s not much of your skin James doesn’t know, but this is some of it. 
There’s a nice, sluggish warmth seeping into your core, sweet as a river of honey. Your breaths are still relaxed, syncing now. 
“James,” you whisper, his name hardly more than breath. 
“Yeah.” His hand trails back down to your hip, helping you turn over. “C’mere.” 
Your mouth practically falls onto his. There’s no parting of lips, no tentative pecks. Your mouths find each other warm and open. James tastes like basil, the pasta you’d had for lunch, but somehow also like himself, like even his saliva is a little bit sweeter than everyone else’s. 
You end up on top of him through a team effort, your leg hooked over his and his hands helping you the rest of the way. He holds your hips gently, guiding you back and forth over him. 
It’s slow and easy, like leaves swaying in the breeze or the tide coming in. So natural you wonder if this is actually the first time it’s happened. Maybe you and James have been doing this, somewhere just outside the reaches of your consciousness, forever. 
“Jamie,” you say in between kisses. Your voice hardly sounds like yours, breathy and still stretched with sleep. “What’re we doing?” 
“Dunno.” James’ voice sounds just as lax. It’s oddly comforting. “Don’t stop, yeah?” 
You weren’t planning on it. You let your head fall beside his on his pillow, face nestled in the downy softness of his curls while you kiss at the skin behind his ear. 
James makes a murmured sound of encouragement. His thumb begins to make smooth, indolent circles over the fabric of your underwear. 
“I fucking love these ones,” he sighs. 
You guess they’re not so unsexy after all. Once you decide you’re done with his neck, he takes a turn, slipping your sleeve off your shoulder to give you a pretty mark just to the left of your collarbone. Your bodies are warm everywhere they touch, that heat in your core a steady comfort. 
You don’t talk any more. You fall back asleep with your nose smushing into his cheek. 
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grandline-fics · 2 days
Nightmare Wedding
DESCRIPTION: They have a nightmare that you marry someone else
WARNINGS: slight angst and some insecurities but with comfort and happy endings in all
CHARACTERS: Ace, Shanks, Mihawk, Kid, Katakuri | Law, Zoro
WORDS: 3,014
A/N: I loved this idea and couldn't help but do another. Of course as soon as I posted the last one an idea for Ace finally came to me. Added Ace and Kid for @breadlover6969 and Mihawk, Shanks, and Katakuri (who also won the poll) for @kabloswrld
Hope you all enjoy!
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Ever since you and Ace became a couple, Ace noticed that he slept amazing when you were beside him. The nights you had to sleep apart however, brought restlessness, sometimes strange dreams that left him feeling as though he hadn’t slept at all, but it was worse when he had to suffer through nightmares. Tonight, he reluctantly went to bed while you had to stay in the infirmary while you recovered from a sickness. It was just a precaution to avoid you infecting the others but Ace needed more convincing than the others. He didn’t care if he got sick and would have risked it but you managed to talk him around, promising it would be just one night and it would make you feel better to know he was safe and healthy. Reluctantly he climbed into the bed and pouted at your empty side until his eyes grew heavy and sleep claimed him. 
“Ace how do I look?” You asked him in his dream and he broke out into an overwhelmed smile, taking in your breathtaking appearance. You were all but glowing, dressed for a wedding; your wedding. Slowly he reached out to cup your face before taking your hand to playfully twirl you and take in your outfit with growing appreciation. Unable to hold back, he pulled you into a tight hug. “You look amazing, you always do.” He whispered, pulling back to see your eyes light with joy as you you looked down at your outfit, smoothing the fabric into place. 
“I’m glad. I hope Marco thinks so too.” You beamed up at him, unaware of Ace’s expression dropping into one of confused dread. Marco? What did Marco have to do with it all? He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when you quickly took his hands into yours and leaned in with an excited smile. “Ace, will you walk me down the aisle? It’d mean so much to me!”
“B-but…aren’t you going to marry me?” Ace asked with a frown, his heart sinking when you tilted your head in confusion before laughing. 
“Ace, don’t be silly!” You grinned, giving him a playful shove. “You know I’m marrying Marco, come on I can’t be late!” Before he could react, you grabbed his wrist and hurried down a corridor that seemed unending. Finally the corridor shifted to reveal a filled room, your hand was no longer in his and you stood with Marco at the altar. 
His stomach lurched and Ace let out a yelp as he landed on the floor of his room, tangled in the bedsheet and head swimming as he tried to let his brain catch up with the fact he was awake and what he’d just witnessed was a horrible dream. Scrambling to his feet, Ace bolted out of the room and hurried to the infirmary, hearing the sound of you coughing when he neared the door. Quietly he entered and walked quietly to your bedside. “Ace? You should be in bed.” You told him weakly. 
“No, I should never have let you talk me into leaving you.” Ace said as he climbed into the bed with you, pulling you close to let you rest against him. His fingers lightly moved over your back, soothing your aching body while also finding your presence soothing him from the nightmare he’d had. “We’re a team right? Through thick and thin…sickness and in health.”
“Aren’t those wedding vows?”
“Are they?” Ace asked innocently but you could hear his heart pick up speed slightly. “Must have been a coincidence…”
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Before meeting you, Shanks never saw himself as the settling down type. He was more than content to live his days exploring and enjoying himself with a lover in every island should the mood take him. Then you came along and changed his life in every wonderful way imaginable. You were the adventure he’d been missing and hadn’t even known he was searching for. He couldn’t imagine ever being apart from you. You might have fallen for his charm and flirtatious smile first but he fell for your warmth and beautiful soul so much harder. 
So when he dreamt of himself standing at the front of an altar, he knew you would be the only other possible person his subconscious would conjure to join him. Shanks felt excitement gather in his chest and then in a blink he saw Beckman appear beside him. “This is a big thing, Captain. You sure you can go through with this?” His right-hand man asked with a grin before continuing. “I mean you’ve never preformed a wedding ceremony before, will you be able to handle it?”
Shanks felt his excitement fizzle out and it was quickly replaced with confusion and apprehension. Yes, as Captain he would be the one to marry members of his crew but he couldn’t possibly be the one to get married and preform the ceremony at the same time. It didn’t make sense and as much as he wanted to know, he dreaded what the explanation would be because he already knew it wasn’t going to be something he’d like. “Benn! Shanks!” 
Both heads turned and Shanks’ chest felt like it was going to explode with adoration and pride as he saw you hurry to them. He waited for your hands to reach for him but instead you merely smiled at him and hurried to Beckman’s side, eagerly letting his arms wrap around you and hold you close. “Sorry I’m late but we can start now.” You beamed, your gaze settling on Shanks’ face expectantly. “Whenever you’re ready Captain, I can’t wait to marry this man!”
With a jolt and gasp, Shanks woke to the calm, dark silence using the sound of the gentle waves hitting the side of the Red Force to help calm his breathing. He glanced to down to see you curled up on your side, your back against him and your arms loosely but just as possessively wrapped around his arm. Shanks let out a small huff as he silently laughed at his stupid mind for conjuring such a ridiculous scenario. Rolling onto his side, Shanks pressed a kiss against your temple, stilling when you began to shift. You turned as you began to wake, curling into his chest and let out a sleepy smile when his now freed arm tightened around you, keeping you close. “Everything okay?” You mumbled. 
“Never better.” Shanks affirmed with a smile, pressing another kiss against your cheek. As much as he knew it was a ridiculous dream and that things between you both were beyond amazing, Shanks considered that maybe he was worried in some part that someone may take you from him someday. “Promise me you won’t marry Beck, okay?”
“Why, you wanna marry him?” Even half-asleep you were still able to make a joke and help your lover relax. 
“The only one I want to be committed to is you.”
“Good, because I’m not going anywhere.” 
“I do.”
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“Clown, what is the meaning for all of this…fanfare?” Mihawk asked, looking around the extensibly decorated circus tent. Brightly coloured ribbons adorned the ceiling, flowers were displayed in grand, flashy, and quite simply ostentatious arrangements that just screamed ‘Buggy the Clown.’ None of it was to Mihawk’s taste but it was clear the clown was up to something. The figurehead of Cross Guild spun around, dressing in a bright suit and his painted smile, spread wide in triumph. 
“Mihawk! So glad you’ve arrived. We were worried you were going to miss the festivities. They’ll be writing about this in the papers for weeks.” Buggy declared with a laugh, allowing his hands to detach from his arms to gesture widely as confetti seemed to rain down from nowhere. Mihawk’s eye twitched at the useless theatrics, he’d asked a question and wanted an actual answer. Thankfully he didn’t need to repeat himself because Buggy cleared his throat and stepped to the side to show the altar Mihawk could have sworn wasn’t there before. “It’s my wedding obviously.”
A wedding? This was the first Mihawk heard about it. As far as he knew, Buggy hadn’t had a serious relationship in a long time, certainly not serious enough to warrant a wedding. So who was the clown’s secret betrothed? The answer came instantly when he heard footsteps behind him. Mihawk turned and did a double take when he saw it was you. The look in your eyes was filled with so much excitement and joy they practically sparkled. He began to reach out for you but you slipped past him and continued with conviction until you were proudly beside Buggy. Disbelief gripped Mihawk at the scene in front of him. No, this was impossible. Letting his instincts take hold, he reached for Yoru and charged for Buggy. 
“Mihawk, no!” You pleaded, stepping in front and stopping his attack mid-swing with just your voice. “Please it’s my wedding day. Promise there’ll be no fighting. For me okay?” Mihawk snapped awake immediately and let out a sigh of relief to see he was in his own quarters and not a garish decoration in sight. Despite having slept, the nightmare he was forced to endure had left him exhausted. Part of him was reluctant to try and fall back to sleep out of worry of what other hellish thoughts his mind would conjure for him. 
With a sigh he reached out your side of the bed and only now he noticed it was empty. Yet it was still warm, you’d only just risen but it was still late at night. Just as he was about to rise and search for you, the door opened and you silently crept in, pausing to see Mihawk was awake and watching you. Now seeing you had no need to be stealthy you smiled and walked back towards the bed. “I was getting a drink of water. Did I wake you?”
“No, love.” Mihawk answered, holding out his arms to pull you close against him, his eyes closing when your fingers slipped into his hair. “Had an awful dream you married the clown and wouldn’t let me cut him to pieces for it.” 
“How strange…” You mused with a yawn. “Although I’m not opposed to the idea, truth be told.”
“Marrying the clown?” Mihawk leaned back to look at you, unable to hide his disgust as the images from his dream came flooding back. 
“No!” You laughed pressing a kiss against his cheek. “Marrying you. Although people consider us married anyway.” Mihawk chuckled, it was true. Mihawk supposed now that it had been properly brought up, it was worth considering to finally propose. His golden eyes observed you carefully and saw your eyes were growing heavy. That was a conversation best saved for the morning. 
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Kid shouted as he looked at you standing hand in hand with none other than Strawhat Luffy, both of you dressed very clearly for a wedding. At his outburst you both turned to look at him in shared confusion. “Him? You’re seriously going to marry him! He’s a moron!”
“Only sometimes.” You shrugged before smiling dreamily at the Strawhat pirate. “He’s also super strong, and funny, and he’s King of the Pirates now so-”
“What? No he’s not!” Kid argued angrily trying to charge forward but every step he took kept him firmly on the same spot. This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be happening. You were with him! You had no interest in the pipsqueak Captain of the Strawhats like that. You weren’t as shallow to only be with something because of their title, you weren’t like that. You saw the good in people, you’d seen the good in him and you loved him. Of that much Kid was certain of. This just had to be some awful dream. He just needed to wake up and everything would be okay. 
“Kid!” Kid jolted upright with a yell meeting your bewildered gaze. “What is it? You were calling my name over and over. Are you okay?” You hesitated from touching him as out of fear he was still clinging to the nightmare he was waking from, not wanting to overwhelm him but you had to speak to him, to reassure him your were here. You watched as Kid steadied his breathing and reached out towards you with his good arm. Quickly you took his hand into both of yours and guided his fingers to rest against your collarbone so he could feel your steady heartbeat under your skin and feel the rise and fall of your chest, hoping he would copy the steadied breaths and calm. “I’m here, we’re safe in our room. What do you need?”
“Kill Strawhat.” Kid ground out tightly as he calmed, his fingers flexing around yours just a little tighter to ground him in the reality. Finally he let out a long, heavy sigh and shook his head. “Nah, he’s not worth my time. Just need you babe.” You let out a sigh of your own, soft and relieved to hear him speak and inched closer, smiling when his hand moved up to curl behind your neck and thread into your hair, pulling you in for a soft and gentle kiss. Parting he lay his forehead against yours, finding his ability to be vulnerable around you to be proof of the love you both shared.
“Promise me, even if that little runt becomes King of the Pirates and asks you to marry him, you’ll say no.”
“Kid, you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.” You reassured him softly. “Don’t care about titles or any of that stuff but if you want to give me a ring and let me call you husband if it makes you feel better we can do that?”
“Did you just half-ass a proposal to me?” Kid asked with a grin, all worries from his dream vanishing instantly. 
“Not at all, Captain. Was just letting you know you can half-ass propose to me if you want.” With a laugh and a playful shove, Kid considered taking you up on the offer but now he had to wait for a while so that when he did propose, it would seem like it was all his idea.
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Another tea-party, another celebration filled with people and a feast of the finest food imaginable. Katakuri stood firmly in place, watching all of the guests and his family occupy the space, prepared for anything to happen. Like everything else, nothing would escape his sight and nothing would ruin his mother’s carefully planned party, he always made sure of that. Across the large garden he caught sight of the extravagant mountain-sized wedding cake and now he felt confused, he hadn’t known this was a wedding. Curiously he looked around, searching for his siblings to spot who would be the bride or groom. But then that thought went out of his head when he saw you of all people standing at the altar at the top of the cake. 
His heart all but skipped when he saw you but that led him to become even more confused. If you were up there and waiting to get married, why was he all the way down here and standing watch? He was madly in love with you and you loved him, so why were you both apart? Then you turned to face someone who was on top of the cake with you. Katakuri watched in dismay to see his brother Perospero take your hand in his and grin at you. Behind his thick layers of his scarf wound around the lower half of his face, Katakuri’s lips curled in a tight snarl and he gripped his arms tightly to control the mounting anger. Why was this happening?
From behind him he heard his mother’s loud laughter, delighted by the ceremony taking place on the cake she couldn’t wait to devour. Katakuri lowered his gaze and took a deep breath, of course. Big Mom did enjoy arranging marriages for her children and this was clearly one of her arrangements but he couldn’t help but feel the pain of how you’d been taken from him and he couldn’t do anything to intervene. Worse still, you didn’t even look like you wanted him to be in Prosperous place. 
Katakuri woke instantly, his eyes snapping open and his mind clearing just as fast. As though sensing the change in his body, you stirred from your comfortable place on his chest. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and yawned, Katakuri’s hand fell over your back, making sure to keep you comfortable knowing that your mind was still hazy and body was still heavy as it clung to the need for sleep. If he reassured you all was well quickly, you’d fall back into your own pleasant dreams in no time. “Kata…what’s the matter?” You mumbled, managing to crack your eyes open slightly to look at him. 
“Just a bad dream. I’m fine now.” Katakuri informed you simply, never needing to lie to you. 
“Hm, what kind of dream?” You asked, absently running your fingers over his chest as you listened to his steady heartbeat that always lulled you to sleep.
“Dreamt mother had arranged for you to marry Perospero.” He explained, rubbing your back in response to your soothing touches. “I could only stand by and watch.”
“Sorry you had to dream such a thing but don’t worry that won’t happen.”
“If mother demanded it, I couldn’t fight against her wishes.” Katakuri mumbled, feeling his own mind grow hazy once more as your radiating warmth was coaxing him to sleep. He blinked when you abruptly pushed yourself up to frown at him in the dark. “What?”
“Katakuri…we’re already married.” You reminded him, lifting your hand to show the band of metal on your finger glinting in the moonlight. With a tired, amused huff at your husbands momentary lapse in memory you flopped back down onto your husband’s chest. 
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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drewsephrry · 2 days
Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Words: 2k
Warnings: drug abuse, dealing, cuss words
Summary: 1x06 when Ward kicks Rafe out of the house, he finds home somewhere else
A knock on her window awakened her from her deep slumber. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the window's direction, unable to see anything other than a man's shadow. She grabbed the lamp from her bedside table and held it as a bat before the knocks became louder. She slowly approached the window, pulling away the curtain only to find Rafe Cameron on the other side. She dropped the lamp and opened the window, helping him inside.
“Are you insane? What are you doing here?” She asked with furrowed brows, before noticing Rafe's tear stained face. Her face softened as she helped him sit on the bench under the window.
Truth is Y/N Y/L/N and Rafe Cameron weren't the best of friends, if you could even call it that. They had grown up together because their parents were business partners and ever since they can both remember they were always around each other.
Pool parties at Tannyhill paired with movie nights under the stars after Rose bought that outdoor projector.
4th of July parties at the Y/L/N's household barbecuing and when everyone was too busy or having too much fun, Y/N’s older brother, before he left for college, Rafe, Sarah and Y/N would steal beers and watch the fireworks from Y/N's bedroom balcony.
Midsummers with Rafe accompanying Y/N every year and always matching with each other, thanks to Rose and Y/N's mom.
Y/N only being allowed to extend her curfew if Rafe is the one driving her home, because according to her dad he is the only man he can trust with Y/N, besides her own brother.
And to make matters worse, as if they were not seeing each other enough already, Sarah, Rafe's sister and Y/N's best friend, started dating Topper, Rafe's best friend.
For the past two years, Rafe's attitude and energy had completely shifted for the worse. He was out partying almost every night, returning home drunk off his ass sneaking in with a desperate touron. He kept taunting and being mean to the Pogues, just because he and his family have power and money. But the main reason Y/N had decided to take a step back from him was because Rafe started doing drugs and eventually dealing. She was crushed when she saw him at Kelce's end of summer party, sniffing a white substance with a rolled dollar bill. The next morning, their parents and them were having breakfast at the Country Club and when she had the chance she yelled at him, lecturing him on drug abuse and dealing, but Rafe couldn't give a shit. He couldn't because he was high as a kite, with bloodshot eyes and trembling hands. Y/N ended up throwing her drink at him, telling him to wake the fuck up and she left.
She never considered him as someone to confide in or to hang out when she had no one else. And she thought that was the same for him. But seeing the way his whole body shaked and tears escaping his eyes, looking like a lost helpless puppy, she couldn't help herself but try to help him.
“What's wrong?” She whispered, sitting beside him on the bench, stroking his back in an attempt to calm him down. Rafe's head rested on his hands as he sobbed.
“You can talk to me Rafe” She tried as he continued crying his eyes out “Or not, if you don't want to. But I'm here if there is any way I can help.”
Rafe nodded, lifting his head sniffling. She got up and walked towards her ensuite.
“Where are you going?” He whispered. Y/N returned holding her tissue box, showing it off to him. She sat back down on the bench, handing it to him. He nodded his head, his way of saying thank you and blew his nose.
“Did something happen?” Y/N asked, as Rafe bit the inside of his cheek.
“I didn't know where else to go.” He confessed.
“What about Topper? Or Kelce?” She asked, scoffing.
“Fuck, I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have bothered you. I shouldn't have come here. It…this was a mistake.” He stuttered, getting up as well and started pacing around the room.
“What are you talking about?” She asked but he never answered.
“Rafe, are you high?” She asked concerned and at the same time getting angry at him.
“What? No. I would never let you see me like that. Not again.” He seemed hurt. Truth is Y/N didn't know what she would do if he was. Would she throw him out? Would she try to sober him up? Maybe she would call Top to pick him up or maybe even Sarah. Maybe she would drive him home, herself. Even if she's not a good driver.
“Oh. Sorry.” She said, lowering her head feeling bad as Rafe shook his head.
“Can…is it okay if I crash here tonight?” Rafe finally asked. Y/N lifted her head, widening her eyes in shock.
The last time Rafe slept over at the Y/L/N household, he was 10. Ward and Rose had to go to the Bahamas for a business deal, so Y/N's dad immediately offered to let their kids stay at his house. The girls did their nails and braided their hair while the boys, Topper included, played with Y/B/N's Nerf guns running around and causing chaos. At the end of the night they all ended up watching a movie together and Y/N fell asleep on Rafe's shoulder.
“Yeah, sure. I can go prep Y/B/N's room for you, get you some clothes to change.” She got off the bench but before she could leave, Rafe grabbed her hand stopping her.
“Can I stay here with you?” He whispered, his eyes begging her to let him. Y/N's eyes couldn't tear away from their entangled hands until Rafe noticed and pulled away.
“Ye-yeah okay. We can do that, if that's what you need right now.” Y/N nodded her head and Rafe smiled at her, for the first time that night.
“I'll go grab you some clothes and be right back, okay?” She asked him, reassuringly.
“Yeah, yeah.” But before she could go, he grabbed her hand again, squeezing it.
“Thank you.” He whispered, making Y/N smile and then walk out of her room.
As she was searching for some clothes in her brother's bedroom, she couldn't help but wonder why he chose her. He had so many friends, he could crash at any one of their houses. Or he could just go home, his family wouldn't be awake and would never notice him sneaking in. Why did he say that this was a mistake? He wasn't high, so she thought that he made his decision consciously. Maybe he did. Or maybe he did not.
She walked back in her bedroom, finding him sitting on the edge of her bed. Her eyes focused on the lamp that was now back on her bedside table.
“You didn't have to put that back, I could have, on my own.” She exclaimed and Rafe chuckled.
“Honestly, did you think that lamp would save you from an intruder?” Rafe tried to hide his giggles.
“Shut up!” She groaned, joining him chuckling.
“Here.” She said, handing him the clothes.
“Thanks!” He got up and removed the blue collar shirt he was wearing.
“Woah. I-I umm can go to the bathroom. Give you some privacy.” Y/N closed her eyes with her hand, making Rafe chuckle once again.
“Y/N come on. It's not like you haven't seen me change before.” Rafe started unbuttoning his khaki shorts.
“Yeah, but still.” She replied, as she just turned her head away, while he was putting on the clothes she brought him earlier.
“I'm done. You can look now, princess.”
The nickname caused goosebumps rising on her skin. She looked up at him, finding him shirtless lifting the bed covers.
“Which side do you prefer?” He asked and she pointed at the right side of the bed, before he climbed on the left waiting for her to join him.
“You sure you want me to stay here with you? I can go to the guest room or the couch downstairs, maybe even the floor. I don't mind.” She started rambling.
“Don't be stupid. You'd seriously let me stay in your bed and you'd go sleep downstairs or on the fucking floor? Come on, Y/N.” He scoffed, patting the spot next to him. She nodded and approached the bed, getting under the covers.
“Well, good night.” She exclaimed, turning away from him facing the window he entered just moments ago.
“Good night.” He whispered, staring up at the ceiling. Y/N was trying really hard to fall asleep but knowing Rafe was in her bed, was making it very hard for her. She didn't want to bother him by tossing and turning, so she remained staring at the window.
“Can't sleep either?” He asked and Y/N nodded.
“He…he kicked me out.” Rafe whispered. Y/N's features scrunched up in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” She asked, turning to finally look at him. He was still staring at the ceiling.
“My dad. He kicked me out of the house.” He replied, making Y/N sit up.
“What the fuck? What do you mean he kicked you out? Why?” She was furious. She knew Rafe and Ward's relationship wasn't the best but she never could have imagined him kicking his own son out.
“He…it's not important.”
“Dude, what do you mean it's not important? Your dad just fucking kicked you out of your house!” She exclaimed, getting more furious.
“I think your parents didn't hear you well enough. Yell it once more.” He whispered sarcastically, making her grimace at him and whisper ‘sorry’.
“He found out about me dealing. That I owed Barry, my supplier, some money and we went there. He…Y/N, I…” He stuttered “I never seen him this mad. He was hitting and kicking him and I was terrified.” His body shook.
“Rafe…” she touched his arm, making him flinch “I don't know what to say.” She continued.
“Sorry, I didn't…I shouldn't have told you all this.”
“No, it's good you did. We're going to find a solution.” She touched his arm again, but this time he didn't flinch.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said, turning his head towards her, before she laid back down. Their heads facing each other, staring at the other's eyes. Y/N never had noticed how blue his eyes were, even in the dark room, only the moonlight highlighting his face.
“Why me?” She couldn't help herself but ask.
“What?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Why did you come here? You could have gone anywhere but here. At Top's, at Kelce's, but you chose to come to me. Why?” Rafe gulped.
“Because I needed you.” He whispered, Y/N shook her head not understanding.
“I fucking love you. I have for so many years and I know it may not seem like it and I'm so sorry for making your life hell but I needed something to distract me from my feelings for you. And tonight, I felt like I needed you after what happened. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, we can just pretend like this never happened and I'll be out of your shoes tomorrow morning.” He confessed, shocking Y/N. She tried to find the right words as her mind processed what just happened.
“You don't have to say anything.” He exclaimed, turning around.
She put one of her hands on his cheek, turning him to look at her as her face approached his. Their noses touched as they breathed each other's air.
“Can I kiss you?” She whispered. Rafe stared at her plump lips before nodding as they closed the space between them. Her soft lips meeting his in a passionate kiss.
They pulled away, both panting with closed eyes.
“Get some sleep. Tomorrow, we're going to the Country Club for brunch. I'm paying.” Y/N said, hugging his body before falling into deep slumber.
A/N: hi, hope you like this small awful blurb i started writing a few weeks ago when i started rewatching obx for the millionth time. the ending is a little rushed, i know and i am so sorry for that but i was blocking so hard!!!
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todorosy · 20 hours
Fake Dating // Bakugou
a/n: hi all, i am back from the dead with this shit that took me DAYS to finish bc my brain is def not used to writing anymore. pls enjoy and maybe keep a look out for pt 2 if people want it !
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You stare at your phone in disbelief. The audacity he had to tell you where to go, how to dress, and to essentially perform in front of everyone for him. Of course this was a mutually beneficial agreement, but at least you only dragged him along to your family functions sparingly.
You two had come to this agreement early last Winter when family members kept pestering you about potentially finding a love interest at your new University, and for him when he couldn't shake off all of the romantic confessions from the students in the other classes.
No one else knew about your arrangement. What made it so much more unbearable was the fact that you shared the same cohort and friend group, so it was a constant facade whenever you're in each other's presence with the others around.
You felt a bit awkward coming to the party alone, and a few hours late. You could hear the bass thumping through the door from the front yard, and from the looks of it, there were far more people than you expected, but on the bright side, it'll be easier to be invisible within the crowd than have to hold up this facade all night.
You approached the front to see Jirou catching a breath of fresh air. She had a drink in one hand and her other interlocked with Momo's
"Are you guys already tapping out?" You asked, taking the steps up the porch.
"Y/N!! For a second I thought you weren't going to make it!" Jirou says, releasing Momo from her grasp and giving you a big hug. "I'm so happy you're here."
"Can't blame me for always being fashionably late” You embrace her back.
"Better now than never." She drunkenly chuckles “Bakugo’s been a moody bitch all night please go contain him”
“Are we surprised?” You roll your eyes and laugh. “Where are you two off to?”
"I'm gonna take Momo out for some air and to maybe vomit, but go inside and I'll find you later!"
“I love you Y/N!! Take a shot for me!!” Momo slurs and blows you a kiss as Jirou drags her away.
"I love you too, Mo! I'll catch you guys inside."
Once you stepped foot inside, it felt like the air from your lungs were instantly replaced with the thick fog of weed and cigarette smoke. It was suffocating, but all too familiar at the same time. You recognized many of the faces around from campus, but none of which were your close friends.
Before anything else, you decided to stop by the kitchen to pour yourself something to drink. To be honest, you weren't picky with your liquor. As long as it did its job, you weren't going to complain. You grabbed a red solo cup off of the stack and poured in a shot and some change worth of cheap vodka.
Mina has to have some red bull somewhere around here…
You quickly down it and refill another cup to carry around while you look for your ball and chain, Katsuki. You wander around the crowd for a few moments, waiting for someone you knew to catch your attention, but no one did. You decide to take a break to lean against a wall and to send Katsuki a text to see where he was hiding. Before you could even get your phone unlocked, you received a notification from him.
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After he sent the last message, you looked up and searched for his meeting eyes. He said he was looking right at you, but for some reason you couldn't find those fiery eyes.
“Looking for someone?” A low voice breaks you from your search.
You turn to see Katsuki leaning up against the wall right beside you, almost shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmmm yeah I am, actually. Have you seen my boyfriend?” You turn to him fully. “He’s tall, messy blonde hair, kind of has a stupid look to his face, really hot though, trust me, and also like a medium build?”
You catch a glimpse of the smallest smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Well I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for him. In the meantime though, can you keep an eye out for my girlfriend? Angel faced, toothy smile, obnoxious ass laugh though, like if you hear honking, it's probably them.” He retaliates.
You both stare at each other in silence before you break character and playfully punch him in the arm. “Shut up, idiot. I don't honk.”
“You do. Like a goose.”
"You're so good at this flirting thing, Katsuki. Keep it up." You say sarcastically.
"It is my job, after all."
He stealthily wraps his arms around your shoulder, bringing himself in closer to you. He damn near was caging you in against the wall, blocking out the rest of the party with his back.
“So what's the game plan for tonight?” You peered up at his towering figure.
“Hang out for a couple hours, do all that lovey bullshit and then I’ll take you home. Don't get too messy tonight either. I’m not trying to babysit.”
“Worry about yourself, lightweight.” You roll your eyes.
“And is this straight vodka?" He looks into your cup with disgust. "Are you mentally ill?"
“I couldn't find the red bull.” You shrug.
“So it's either that or straight vodka?”
“Yeah and? You have a problem with that?”
“Yeah I actually do. It's fucking insan-” He starts.
“Bakugou!” A voice interrupts behind him. “There you are!”
You two lock eyes for a brief second. Just when you were actually starting to enjoy yourself with annoying Katsuki, you remember that you were only here for one reason. Katsuki's jaw clenched as he turned over to lean back against the wall beside you.
“Oh. Y/N you’re here too.” They say in a deflated tone. “I was just wondering if you could give us a second to chat?” They bat their eyelashes.
“I'm not in the mood to chat.” He says, pulling you closer by the waist.
“We’re actually about to go meet up with the others. Catch him next time.” You smile sweetly, interlocking your fingers with his and dragging him towards the backyard.
To your surprise, your friends were actually all there surrounding the firepit.
Denki was the first to spot you. He gasps and jumps up from his seat.
"You're here!" He nearly trips over his own feet trying to get over to you. He pulls you in a big hug, sweeping you off your feet. "Oh my god Y/N I missed you so much I could cry right now."
He was clearly a drink or two over his limit. His cheeks were bright red and he was already starting to sweat through his shirt.
“I missed you too, Denks.” You let yourself get twirled around by him.
“Finally you're back, I’m tired of holding onto your nasty drink.” Kirishima says, passing a red solo cup to Katsuki once he sat down.
You tried to take the empty seat next to him, but he immediately grabbed your wrist to pull you to share his chair. Your eyes widen at his own, as if you could telepathically curse him out. You clench your jaw as you feel a hot flash across your face.
“It’s cold. Stay close.” He simply says.
You nervously chuckle. “There's a fire right there, babe.”
“Do it for me then.” He smirks.
You silently groan to yourself as you lean back into his chest in defeat. Luckily, the chair had enough width to allow you to not have to fully sit on his lap, moreso just a leg slung over his own.
“Try this.” He lifts the solo cup to your lips.
You peer down at the dark red liquid in his cup. The smell burnt your nose. You shot him a weary glance before you downed his concoction, having to pinch your nose right after to subdue the burn. The shock of spicy and tangy residue left your throat burning with every inhale.
"What the fuck is that?" You choke out, continuing to pinch your nose.
"Fireball, lemon juice, and OJ." He smiled mischievously. "Thoughts?"
"The nerve you have to comment on my drink after sipping on this bullshit all night? It tastes like piss.”
He shrugs, wearing a lazy smile as he grips the softness of your inner thigh, with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder, fiddling with a lock of your hair.
You were internally screaming. Usually, there would be a hand holding or an arm around the waist or shoulder, but he was never this touchy whenever you had to act like a couple in front of your friends or even in front of the people trying to get at him.
You look around the firepit to see that all of your friends were in loud conversation with one another- laughing, arguing, and definitely not paying you two any attention.
“What are you doing?” You say low enough that only he could hear. “You're like, all up in my shit."
“5 o’clock, babe.” He simply says.
You slightly turn your head to your right to see the person from earlier, trying to not-so-obviously stare at you both.
“Tryna give them a show or something? You roll your eyes.
“Only if you'd let me.” He whispers.
You felt a chill crawl up your spine. God he's being gross. But you liked it. When you first made your little arrangement, you swore to yourself to not to catch any type of feelings for him, but the more time you spent charading around as a couple, the deeper you fell into this infatuation despite how hard you fought against it or played it off as a part of the bit.
“Don’t kill me, okay?” You whisper, meeting his eyes and forcing a smile.
You turned your head to fullyface his own and leaned in. Both of you were caught by surprise- his eyes widening right before you made contact. You two had never crossed this line before, let alone talked about it. It was only ever the unspoken rule of “don't catch feelings” and “no couple shit when we’re alone.”
His lips were soft and swollen as if he spent the last hour biting down on them. Once your lips crashed into his, it felt like your stomach was turning inside out, and a fire lit within.
It's fine, it's for show. It’s fine, you agreed to this. It’s fine, it’s not real.
You were fucked. You hated him, but you liked him. Maybe it was more than like. Maybe like isn't even the right word at all, but all you knew was that you needed to stop and take a second to reevaluate what you were doing with Katsuki.
In reality, the kiss lasted no more than 10 seconds, but it felt like you had fallen into the fire pit and laid in it for hours. Your body was on fire.
Once you broke away, you two stared at each other blankly, blinking away the realization of what had just happened. You didn't know whether to laugh and slap him on the shoulder, or start crying.
“I-I'm gonna go get another drink!” You suddenly exclaim, getting up and leaving him in his chair.
I'm so FUCKED.
You quickly snake your way through the large crowd that had filtered their way to the backyard. You stop by the kitchen to pour yourself a heaping cup of whatever liquor bottle was closest to you, down a large gulp, and take the rest with you to the bathroom.
Your head was starting to feel a bit hazy from the mix of second hand smoke as well as your drinks from earlier starting to settle in your stomach. Did you even eat anything before drinking like this? You weren't really expecting to have anything more than one drink, but after your kiss with Katsuki, you suddenly feel the need to forget it all.
You were sitting up against the bathtub, wallowing in your complicated mass of feelings, and now fully intoxicated. You let your head rest on top of your knees while you replayed every single interaction you've had with him tonight.
Your phone started buzzing on the floor next to you. You opened the screen, eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness.
Of course it was Katsuki.
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You sat and stared at your feet for a few minutes until you heard pounding on the door. Judging from the force of it, it was either a fucking SWAT team or Katsuki.
You grab a hold of the side of the bathtub to hoist yourself up, stumbling a bit while doing so and unlocked the door. Of course behind it was the latter.
He lets himself in and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it.
You were wildly embarrassed for a multitude of things. You were on the verge of messy drunk, your face was stupidly hot and flushed, you kissed your fake boyfriend and ran away, you're swallowing down your feelings, and now here he is to reprimand you for all of it.
"Water as per requested." He pops open the cap of a fresh water bottle and hands it over to you.
"Thanks." You mutter and drink the water in silence.
"So are you upset at me?" He finally asks.
"And why is that?" He cocks his head to the side.
You were drunk, no doubt about it, but this unserious playful tone in his voice that pissed you off was clear as day. Why were you the only one freaking out? Did he not care? It surely confirmed that he does not and never have felt the same as you and truly did think of your "relationship" as nothing more but a transaction.
You purse your lips and remained silent.
"Because... you kissed me?"
You nodded.
"So you're upset at ME... because YOU kissed ME..." He states once more.
You were on the verge of tears. He loved making you look stupid but this was tenfold now. Not that he was wrong, but you weren't in the mood for it.
"So what if I am?" You choke out, tears now brimming over.
Katsuki's eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to break down so easily after a couple of harmless questions. You steps towards you and grabs your shoulders, not quite sure what to do or how to react.
"Hey hey hey, what the fuck? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Seriously, Y/N it's not a big deal."
"It is." You whine. "It is and you don't even care!"
He finally pulls you into him, letting you sob into his shoulder. His hand caressing your back in comfort.
"You idiot." He says after a moment of silence. "You're such an emotional drunk. This is why I told you not to get messy." He scolds. "I do care. But I won't if you don't want me to."
"I do want you to care. I want you to like me. Not just like me, but like-like me." You confess.
You feel him stiffen under you. Clearly your drunken state had forced you to say the wrong thing, but you didn't care.
"But do you like-like me?" He asked back, pulling you back to look at your tear stained face. "Drink some more water and sober up a bit before you answer okay?" He brings the water up to your face.
"I don't want anymore water!" You push his hand away. "I like-like you and I hate being your fake girlfriend and lying to everyone and myself about it!"
His smile grew, but he shook his head. "Okay angel face, let's talk about it then." He moves his thumb up to your cheek to wipe away stray tears.
"You're so wasted, you may not even remember this for tomorrow. But I think you're the coolest person on this fucking block, okay? And I like being around you even though you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. So stop crying and feeling bad. We're fine."
"But we're not! I don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore. I think you're cool too and you make me laugh and feel stupid in the heart and I fucking hate you for that, so that's why we shouldn't do any of this anymore."
He doesn't reply, but instead looks down at your sad face, lip still quivering, makeup smudged around your eyes. His hand continued to cup you cheek, forcing you to look back up at him.
Katsuki leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a second longer.
"That's okay. We can do something about that when you're sober. If you even remember any of this, anyways. Let's get you home."
He grabs your hand and swiftly leads you out of the bathroom. You wonder what you had just done, whether it was going to blow up in your face (if you even remember the next day) or work itself out? Would it even matter?
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pochaccoups · 2 days
cw — sfw, fluff, mingi is sick and sulky, reader is smaller than mingi
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It’s not entirely weird for Mingi to be waking up at 11:27 a.m. Sure, he’ll get up at seven or eight on a day full of schedules, but there’s also days where he sleeps until two, three, four p.m whether it’s from jet lag or after staying up late writing. What is weird is the fact that he’s been asleep since eight p.m. yesterday.
A text from your boyfriend is what lets you know he’s finally awake, and you’re up from the sitting room couch in an instant, darting to your shared bedroom.
He’s got the covers pulled halfway up his face with just his eyes poking out to stare at his phone screen and you wonder how a six-foot-something man can look so small.
“Morning, baby,” you say, slinking over to his side of the bed so you can sit on the edge next to him.
“Morning,” he replies, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was quite literally in front of you, you’d be convinced that someone had kidnapped your boyfriend and replaced him with a complete stranger—one with a voice so deep that it rumbles when he speaks.
Your eyes widen and you giggle, but you can’t say you’re surprised at how he sounds. His voice is notorious for dropping several octaves in the morning. Usually it’s sexy, but given that he’d spent the entire day before complaining about a sore throat, you can’t find it in you to feel anything but pity for the poor boy.
“So, I called your doctor and he said you need to stay home for the next four to five days at the least,” you tell him, reaching for his muss of silver hair to tangle your fingers through it softly.
“What-no, I’m really fine!” he whines, pushing himself up to sit against the headboard. “I have to practice for the comeback, I can’t take a break right now.”
“You’re not taking a break, Gi, you’re going on sick leave. You kept me up all night with your sneezing and coughing,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest, only to melt as soon as he gives you his big, round, puppy eyes.
“But it’s just a cold…”
“Well, the doctor ordered it. Besides, I’ve already called Hongjoong and your managers. And I took work off today and tomorrow so I can stay home with you.”
For a split second you swear his eyes well up with tears. “You did?”
“Of course,” you tell him. When Mingi is sick, he turns into a four week old puppy because he can’t be left alone, or a newborn baby who needs a pair of eyes on him at all times so that he doesn’t suffocate to death. So when you tell him you’ll go make him some food and tea, he wraps his excessively giant hands around your body and clings to you, like letting go of you would mean he’ll succumb to his illness.
“Gi, you need fluids. Please let me go,” you remind him, but he only holds you tighter and you know it’s partly out of spite and partly because he’s just like this—a velcro boyfriend.
“Mingi, I’ll be two minutes, then I’ll come right back, okay?” you tell him.
“No, you won’t, I know you,” he says, and you don’t have to look at him to know he’s pouting. It’s a permanent feature of his face by now.
“I will! Why else do you think I took work off, huh?”
He’s silent then, and a moment later his arms fall loose, and he lets you go, but you leave a kiss on his forehead as an act of promise to him and shuffle back out to your kitchen.
Spurred by your boyfriend’s neediness, you gather leftover rice from the fridge, chicken broth, and a handful of vegetables with haste and start to boil the concoction that your mother taught you how to make, the one that got you through not just fevers but through heartbreaks, losses, and cold winters.
“The most important ingredient,” she would say, “is a sprinkle of your heart”—though Mingi deserved more than just a sprinkle.
The kettle boils away and your stew bubbles with life in no time. It’s also no time before a giant, warm, sniffling body plasters itself to your back and buries his face into your neck, practically bending in half to do so.
You can’t say you don’t see it coming. Still, the spirit of your mother possesses you when you drag out his name to scold him.
“Why aren’t you in bed, dummy?” you question, though you’re careful not to have any real aggravation in your voice toward him. Admittedly, you adore the way his body heat wraps around you like a blanket, although you’re sure that’s just his fever.
“Missed you too much,” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose and lips against your shoulder.
“I told you I’d be two minutes,” you sigh.
“It’s been more than that already. You lied. I knew you’d lie.”
“It was hyperbole for ‘I’ll be super quick’.”
“Then you should have said that.”
You place your wooden spoon down on the counter, turning to face your boyfriend with a fond smile on your face.
He looks adorable. Unbelievably so. Mussed up white hair, a dusting of pink on the apples of his cheeks and the pointy tip of his nose, puffy eyes that still sparkle at the sight of you. You might be the luckiest human on the planet.
You bring your hands up to his face, grabbing at each of his cheeks and squishing them gently between your fingers.
“My poor, sick princess,” you coo, watching his dimples make an appearance when he gives you a goofy, content smile. “Do you wanna watch a movie? Or a show maybe?”
He nods his head, still smiling so sweetly.
“Go pick something and I’ll finish up your soup,” you offer.
“Can I have a kiss first?”
You stare at him, unamused, though you know this very well—Song Mingi cannot live without your kisses. It’s why he was crafted with the softest, prettiest, heart-shaped lips, so that you could kiss them over and over and over again until the end of time. There are exceptions, however.
“I’m not catching your virus! Is that what you want?”
“No, no, on my forehead again!” he clarifies, his features suddenly muddled with worry because he would suffer from this cold for the rest of his life if it meant you would be healthy for the rest of yours. You wonder, though, if he knows how badly you wish you could take his cold and suffer it for him.
“Oh, well then yeah, duh,” you say, standing on your tip toes and gently pulling Mingi’s face towards you so that you can plant an overly long kiss on his burning forehead and pull away with a “mwah!” that leaves him utterly beaming.
Finally satisfied, he shuffles off back to the room, leaving you to brew his tea and serve up the stew into two bowls.
You grab flu tablets from the medicine cabinet, noting that they’re almost all gone and you’ll need to go to the pharmacy to get more. For today you have enough, so you place them on the tray along with the stews and tea and make your way back to your bedroom.
Mingi is curled up under the covers again and it’s so cute that you hate to disturb him, but he unfurls himself and sits up as soon as he sees you with a tray in hand.
“What are we watching?” you ask, slowly settling on the bed next to him and laying the tray down on the mattress.
“I think Attack on Titan, if you want to,” he says, full of fondness as you hand him two tablets to take.
“Oh, right, you’ve been wanting to watch that! Of course I want to,” you tell him, because you could never pass up the opportunity to see Jean Kirschtein in action again. You’ve missed him dearly since the show ended, though you have no doubt of the sulking and pouting you’ll get from Mingi when he comes onscreen.
Your boyfriend’s eyes go comically wide when he tries your soup and you laugh because he almost chokes on it.
“Is it that good?” you chuckle.
“It’s really good,” he responds.
“Good, because I put all my love into it.”
He hums, his face glowing pink as he eats another spoonful. “I can tell. Thank you for making this. And thank you for taking care of me. And for putting up with me.”
“Anything for my princess,” you giggle. “But I’m not ‘putting up with you’, idiot. Is it hard to comprehend that someone cares about you, Mingi?”
He stares up at you with his shiny eyes as though you hand-crafted the very sun, moon, and stars and placed them in the sky yourself.
“I love you,” he says, a mere whisper. It’s three words he’s said to you a million times, but right now, with his walls down and him vulnerable, it’s worth a million times more.
“I love you too,” you reply, leaning over to smack your lips against his temple. “Now watch the show!”
And he tries, he really does—but your little hospital patient is fast asleep by the third episode.
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dira333 · 2 days
This Is Me Trying - Kageyama x Reader
there's one line missing that I'd have loved to include but I am still pretty okay with how this turned out instead.
Tagging: @alienaiver for helping, @screamin-abt-haikyuu and @lees-chaotic-brain for Haikyuu
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“Where’s Kageyama?”
The rest of the team turns at Hinata’s question, but their first-year setter is nowhere to be seen. 
“Not this again,” Daichi mutters in frustration, thinking back to Hinata’s missing shoes the day before. “We’ve got twenty minutes before our next game. I want us to all go in teams. Hinata, you’re with me. I cannot have you get lost as well.”
- Meanwhile -
“How long have you been playing volleyball? Who taught you? How long have you been a setter? How do you train? Do you get along with your team members? Have you ever hit a wall?”
“Huh?” You turn to the guy creeping up behind you, a bag clutched in his hands as he stares you down. Your teammates are sending both of you curious looks and you can tell that your Captain is just a second away from interfering.
“Can I help you?” You ask, surprised when he flinches away, stuttering. 
“I- am… I am Kageyama Tobio.” He bows so abruptly and so deeply that you fear for his spine. “I saw you play yesterday.”
“Ah?” You blink. “What school are you from?”
“Oh,” you blink again. “I saw you play as well. You’re their setter. What year are you in?”
“First. Your serve-”
“Alright, alright.” You pull him to the side by his arm and wave at your Captain before she can do something more drastic. “I have to say your drive is admirable, but you’re not the first person to ask for my secrets. Why would I tell you?”
Kageyama considers that for a second, brows furrowing. He’s really not good at making his face work for him. It might look cute though, if he relaxed a little. 
“I wanna stay on the court the longest,” he declares, face set in a scowl that could turn milk sour.”
“Again, you’re not the only one. You gotta impress me a little more, Kageyama-kun.” You snip two fingers against his temple, watch him almost short-circuit at the sensation.
To your surprise, Kageyama bows again.
“I want to spend more time playing with this team. I am not good with people. You are good with people. I need to learn more.”
“Fine,” you tell him after a second. “Gimme your phone.”
He doesn’t stop watching you as you type in your number. “If you win today as well, you can send me details about your play. Don’t forget to tell me where you’re staying. I’ll come by and we’ll talk about it, okay? Can’t promise it will help, though.”
“Kageyama!” Someone yells at that moment, and he turns to find two guys waving at him. One of them has a shaved head, the other has a bleached strand of hair sticking up like a lightning strike.
“Good luck,” you tell him, patting his shoulder. Kageyama leaves with one last look back at you.
“You’re in trouble!” Shaved head sings as he joins them. “Daichi’s mad as hell, looking for you. All because of a cute girl?”
“I didn’t- She isn’t-” He looks back as if to check, blushing bright red when he spots you still looking at him. “I wanted to know more about her technique, that’s all.”
Both guys laugh loudly. “You really are something else, Kageyama.” The guy with the Lighting Strike declares and then they’re gone.
“Why did you give him your number?” Your libero asks when you join the team again. “Aren’t you afraid he’s going to murder you for your skin?”
“No,” You laugh softly. “He reminded me of someone, that’s all.”
Karasuno wins. So do you. 
No one pays you any mind when you slip out of the hotel you’re staying in, jogging down the streets to where Kageyama’s team is staying.
“Oh,” Shaved Head spots you at the front door. “You’re the cute girl Kageyama found.”
“I am,” you grin, “I’m looking for him. Is he around?”
“Kageyama!” He hollers down the hallway. “Uh, he’s in the bathroom, I think. I’m Tanaka by the way. What team are you playing in?”
“Niiyama,” you explain and his eyes light up. “No way, you’re playing with Kanoka.”
“Exactly. You know her?”
“Yeah, we’re childhood besties. So, you won today, right?”
“Yep. Don’t know if she told you, but we’re thinking about making Kanoka Captain next year.”
“You are. Wow. Does she know alrea-” “I’m here!” Kageyama declares from the door, wet hair sticking to his flushed face. 
“Oh, you showered already?” You ask, “I thought we could do a run-”
“Right away,” Kageyama declares, already slipping into the shoes by the door.
“Forget it, hotshot,” you put a hand on his shoulders and drag him away, “not when your hair is still wet. You’re going to get a cold. It’s fine, it’s fine, we can still work without running around.”
And you do. Even though you have to pretend you don’t notice every single member of his team walking by, peeking into the little lobby, trying to catch parts of your conversation with him.
Kageyama, however, will not let himself get distracted. He’s sucking up every word you say and, as soon as you’ve figured out how he thinks, is able to discuss ideas with you at an impressive rate.
“So…” You lean back a little after almost an hour, ignoring the little red-haired guy who’s sitting at the door, listening in. “What are your plans? Do you want to become Captain in your Third Year? Make it to Nationals every Year? Play professionally after High School or go to College first?”
“I don’t have good grades,” Kageyama points out. “I just want to stay on Court for as long as possible. Play my best.”
“Hmmm,” you get up. “Tell you what. You have my number. Make it through these Nationals and go back home. Let me know how you’re feeling next school year, okay?”
“Okay.” He shakes your hand and bows deeply, staying far too long in the open doorway, looking after you as you leave.
You don’t feel you’ve done a lot for him today. You just listened, explained a few things, told him about your perspective.
But he’s acting like you’ve changed his world and you wonder if you did. And if so, in what way…
Kageyama’s sleeping on your bedroom floor.
Your mother would throw a fit if she knew, but she’s gone for the weekend and Kageyama took the three-hour train ride in stride just to spend a weekend training with you.
College Volleyball isn’t much different from High School Volleyball, except for the harsher course load. 
He’d been updating you weekly with the teams and his own progress, updates coming in more often when it turned out that the team had problems adapting to the new Captain, or rather, the lack of their old. 
“You miss Sugawara,” you point out only half an hour after he’s arrived. 
He looks surprised at first, but then easily gives in.
“I’m still not good at connecting with my teammates.”
“Have you tried the exercises that I gave you?”
He scowls and you laugh. “Come on, Kageyama, I know you’re better than that. Practice with me, then.”
Stiffly, he turns his head. “How are you doing lately?”
You laugh again, louder this time. “You’ve got to work on your expressions, but I’m doing okay, I guess. I don’t have that much time for training because of College, so I feel like I’m falling behind.”
Kageyama falls quiet and you nudge your elbow into his side.
“This is your chance to say ‘I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do something for you?’”
“Why did you go to College if it takes away time from playing Volleyball?” He asks instead and you stop, surprised by his question.
“Because I want something to fall back on if I can’t make it in Volleyball. What if I get hurt? What if I no longer want to play?”
Kageyama scowls. “Why would you want to stop playing?”
“What are you going to do when you’re too old to play professionally?” You ask back and he falls quiet. For the remainder of your run, he’s unreachable to you. Whatever he’s thinking about, he’s far, far away.
“What am I supposed to do instead?” He asks eventually, bangs hiding his eyes.
You’re stretching and he follows your movements, intent on copying you, as usual. As if you have all the answers in the world.
“Tell me about your Childhood, Tobio,” you ask instead.
That’s how you end up, him sleeping on your bedroom floor and you craving nothing more than to pick him up and hug him so tight that all the loneliness drains out of him.
You’re no stranger to grief, but it’s so different when you have to watch someone you care about in its clutches.
Karasuno doesn’t make it to the Nationals in their second year. Tobio still gets invited to this Year’s Youth Camp and you make sure to take that weekend off, taking the same train so you can sit next to him for three of his eight-hour ride, listening to him ramble on about school, Hinata, Volleyball. 
“You’re going to do great,” you tell him, wondering how it happened that you’re now feeling this way. As if he punctured your heart and crawled inside, making it his home without realizing it.
Third-Year Tobio is a heartbreaker. 
He tells you about the confessions he gets with the naivety of someone much younger. Every single time you have to force yourself to ask “And what did you answer?” only to hear that he’s declined, yet again.
You wonder what he’s thinking of you. You’re still a Star Setter, but do you have anything left to teach him? You think Sugawara did a way better job at that anyway. 
But he still makes the three-hour ride at least once every two months, sleeping on your bedroom floor when your mom is away for the weekend. 
One time you take his hand in a crowded train station and he doesn’t let go.
If only you could let yourself have this. 
But does he even think about you that way?
“Sugawara-senpai?” Kageyama asks, phone pressed hard against his ear. “What do you wear on a sleepover?”
He sits amidst his things, a volleyball in his lap.
“Pajamas, usually. Why do you ask?”
“Even if it’s with a girl?”
Sugawara sounds like he’s choking.
“A sleepover with a girl? Boy, you’re- wait, who are you sleeping at?”
Kageyama says your name with the familiar feeling of pride that comes with it.
He was the one who approached you and he’s the one who still gets to text and call you, visit you even. Not Hinata, who can make everyone like him, or Tsukishima, who’s somehow getting love confessions even though he’s an ass. 
“Well, it depends… on what you’ve already done together.”
“Done together?” Kageyama furrows his brows. “We’ve analyzed our games. And I get to play with her friends sometimes.”
“Kageyama.” Sugawara’s voice is serious. “I need to ask you this. Why are you sleeping over?”
“Because she lives far away and I can’t make both treks in one day.”
“I get that, but… why are you visiting her anyway? Just to get more tips?”
Kageyama halts for a second. “I… don’t know.”
“Mhm. Thought so. You know, most boys sleeping over at girls' houses have more than just Volleyball tips in mind.”
“She’s giving me tips on how to get along with my teammates as well,” He explains, but Sugawara just chuckles low in his throat.
“That’s not what I meant. I guess you know what it’s going to look like, right? That’s why you’re asking what to wear?”
Kageyama digs his knees into the floor of his room and bits down on his lip but the words still tumble out.
“I’ve never been on a sleepover before. One that’s not the whole team sleeping somewhere, I mean. I didn’t want to ask Hinata because he’s got so many friends and he might think-”
“Ah…” Sugawara interrupts him. “I get it. Don’t worry. We’ll go over this like we did with the topic of Smalltalk, okay? Basic steps first, then some finer things. Would that help?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Girl’s rooms look different than boy’s rooms, Kageyama knows.
His sister’s room is filled with pictures of celebrities, make-up, and accessories have driven out anything volleyball-related long ago.
Yachi’s room is colorful, with little designer pieces and cute stationery she likes to collect.
Yours is different altogether.
The prizes you won are proudly displayed, next to a collection of textbooks. There’s a bed and a small closet and you serve him tea on the floor of your room, giggling over the stories he tells from training.
Kageyama likes talking to you. Just like Sugawara, you never mind when his words come out more brash than they should, or when he can’t figure out how to word a question right. You’ve got kind eyes and a soft smile and you touch him more often than other people.
Telling you about his grandfather or his fear of ending up alone again - the words might not come easy, but you handle them gently, like it’s safe to let them rest with you.
You snore a little, he figures out that first night. The softest sound he wants to never forget.
Sleeping over at a friend’s house is something he wants to do again and again, talking low in the darkness, knowing that someone who cares is just a short distance away.
When he has to leave you hug him goodbye. 
For the first time, he thinks he knows why people do it, this seemingly unnecessary ritual of enveloping each other.
For the first time, he thinks about not letting go.
But his train’s going to leave without him and you wave until the train station is out of sight. Kageyama likes to think you waved a little longer. Just because.
“Are you away this weekend, Kageyama?” Has become a regular question. 
Hinata’s no longer pestering him with questions about his private training sessions on the weekend. 
He’s getting better at working with the new First Years and a new invite for the National Youth Camp has him reach for the phone to call you.
He’s more nervous than last time and he wonders if it’s about you, sitting next to him on the train, legs pressed together on the small seats. 
You smell sweet and he wonders if he could hug, just like that, just because. 
Do people do that? Just hug for no reason but to touch? He should ask Sugawara about it.
“You’re going to do great,” you say and he wants to promise that he will, just for you.
But he doesn’t, because that would sound weird, wouldn’t it? 
After all, he’s so much younger than you. 
Do you even think about him in that way? The way he thinks about you?
Your hand fits perfectly in his.
Kageyama knows the taste of your favorite dessert and always has some money saved to buy you a flower or two at the train station before he gets to your house.
Sometimes, when you sleep, you mumble his name and he can hardly make himself fall asleep because he wants to hear it all, every quiet mention, mumble or snore.
You’re real and you like him, still.
“Are you coming?” He asks when they get through the Qualifiers; when he knows he will make it to the Nationals one last time with this team.
“Of course,” you say and his heart leaps into his throat. 
Kageyama almost tells you, then and there, that he thinks this might be love.
But it doesn’t feel right, over the phone like that, so he pulls the words back before they can spill from his lips.
He will tell you, he promises to himself after they win. This time, Karasuno will be the last one standing in Tokyo.
“Oh, you’re here as well,” a guy with greyish hair and a beauty mark beneath his eye waves at you, “We’re sitting over here.”
“Do I know you?” You ask, taking the offered seat nonetheless. The guy pouts and his friends laugh.
“I’m Sugawara,” he explains, “Kageyama’s Senpai. These two are Daichi and Asahi, not that you’d recognize them, right?”
You laugh. “No, guilty as charged. I don’t think I remember any names from your team besides Tanaka and Kageyama.”
“Someone called my name?” Tanaka jumps down the last two steps leading to your seats, grinning. “Kiyoko, they’re already here, Babe.” He waits for his girlfriend to take a seat before leaning in. 
“You’re Kageyama’s girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, it’s not- I…” You wave your hands around awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Tanaka laughs.
“Ah, I knew it, I knew it. No way he’s got that much game. But he’s got lots of talent, don’t you think.”
“He does,” you take the offered topic, lament about their Kohai’s talents for over half an hour until the players finally arrive, warming for their first game. More of Karasuno’s former players have gathered around you, as well as a taiko drum group.
Sugawara lets out a shrill whistle using two fingers and most of the Karasuno players look up, obviously used to the signal.
You wave, hoping against hope that Tobio will be able to pick you out of the crowd.
From this distance, it’s hard to tell, but that frown could mean he’s smiling. Sugawara starts to point at you exaggeratedly and you slap his hands away but it’s too late. 
Tobio has already turned away.
He doesn’t play well at the beginning. Everyone notices.
It takes him a while to find his grove but when he does, he does.
Then it’s over and you wish to do nothing more but to run down and hug him. But it’s safer up here, you know, where your heart won’t leap out of your throat.
But then you have to leave, get up, and move, because the Niiyama Girls are playing in the other hall and you promised you’d watch their game too, knowing that it would sync up perfectly with Karasuno’s rest period.
“I’m going to be back for the next game,” you promise, “so don’t give my seat away.”
Your heart still hammers in your chest as you walk down the staircase.
If only you could keep these moments, locked up in a mason jar, take them out on bad days to relive them again.
“Are you leaving already?” Tobio’s looking up at you, sweat slick hair sticking to his temple, face flushed from exertion.
“I’m just moving to the other stadion to watch the Niiyama Girls,” you explain, pull him in for a hug when you reach him. “You were amazing.”
“Thank you,” his hot breath tickles your neck and maybe you’re imagining it, but you think you feel his heart racing through the thin jersey.
“Your start was messy though,” you reprimand him, your hand moving on its own to shuffle through his hair, putting each strand back where it belongs. “But you saved your ass. I’m going to be back for your next game, don’t worry.”
“I could come with you,” he rushes out. “It doesn’t really matter where I rest, right?”
You catch a look from Karasuno’s captain over Tobio’s shoulder. A smile dances over his freckled face and he makes a face that tells you everything you need to know.
“Fine,” you tell him, knowing that a ‘No’ would never work here, “But you should put on a jacket.”
His hand finds yours on the way to the other game, his grip warm and strong.
You don’t want to ever let go, but you still do, knowing full well how it would look like to your Kouhai’s. You’ve never had a boyfriend in the whole time you played with them. 
And even though the first years still remember Tobio showing up back then, you don’t want to give them any ideas that might come back to break your heart.
“You and Sugawara-senpai,” Tobio starts as soon as you’re sitting, “did you get along well?”
“I guess so,” your leg is pressed against his, the sensation shooting up your spine and into your brain. “He’s nice.”
“How nice?” He asks, voice so low you almost miss it.
You blink. The words are out before you’ve thought them through.
“Are you jealous, Tobio?”
“Should I be?”
You’re not sure how he means it. Teasing? Or is he unsure of this social construct, asking for an explanation?
He takes your hand, looks at it as if checking for injuries. “Would you hold my hand if Sugawara was here as well?”
Your mouth turns dry.
“Would I be allowed?” You ask. “I mean, I’m a lot older than you-”
“I like you.” He blurts it out like he blurts out most things. Two guys in front of you turn around with matching frowns. You’re sure they didn’t come here to hear your love confessions.
“We should talk about this later,” you whisper, cheeks burning. You press his hand. “I like you too, don’t worry.”
“Can’t we talk now?”
And maybe it would have been better to slip out and talk about it, but you’ve never once missed a minute of a game you wanted to see and Tobio’s hand doesn’t leave yours, his grip warm and heavy, his leg pressing into yours.
There’s much to talk about after this game ends and all the other ones today. There’s graduation and other things to consider, but you can’t help but think that it will be okay.
As long as his hand stays in yours, it will be okay.
“Where’s Kageyama?”
You turn to spot Sugawara looking through the crowd.
“Bathroom,” you explain. “I think he had a bit too much to drink.”
“Ah,” Sugawara smiles. “Haven’t had the time to properly talk to you today. How are you? How’s work doing?”
“Good and good. Our last match-”
“I know,” Sugawara smiles. “Kageyama tells me everything. He still calls every week to update me. He spent an hour boasting about that game.”
“Oh,” you blink, a little surprised and a lot flattered. “Wait, is that when he locks himself in our pantry for half an hour each Friday?”
Sugawara laughs. “He’s been asking for my advice for years and I don’t think he’s going to stop soon. I thought you knew, actually.”
“Well, I knew you taught him a lot concerning Volleyball, but this sounds like you did a lot more. Tell me the details, Sugawara-san.”
Sugawara grins cheekily, checking to see if Tobio’s still nowhere to be seen.
“When he spent the weekend at your place for the first time he asked me all kinds of questions. I’m the one who picked out the sleepwear he brought. He usually slept only in boxers or nothing at all depending on the temperature.”
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “I see. Thank you’s are in order.”
“Uhuh,” Sugawara winks. “Nothing to thank me for. You two deserve each other.”
“That just sounded mildly threatening,” you joke just as Tobio returns, threading his arm through yours.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your weekly talks with Sugawara-san,” you lean into him. “And the fact that you only wear sleepwear because of him.”
Tobio blushes a soft red. “You said you liked my Volleyball Pajamas.”
“I do. They are adorable.”
Tip me?
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mopopshop · 3 days
Ignore (Emily Engstler x OC)
based on this request <-
part two <-
give feedback if y’all feel like once again tysm for being patient, hope y’all enjoy 🙌🏾🙌🏾
You and Emily had been planning to go to this event for weeks. It was a big night, a celebration for her team, and you were thrilled to be her date. You spent hours getting ready, choosing the perfect dress and making sure every detail was flawless. But as soon as you arrived at the venue, things started to go wrong.
Emily was immediately swept up in a sea of teammates and fans. You tried to stay close, but she was always a step ahead, laughing and chatting, leaving you behind. You felt like a ghost, hovering on the edges of her world, invisible.
"Emily," you said, trying to catch her attention. She was talking to a coach, her back to you. "Emily, wanna grab something to eat?"
"Hold on, Bri," she said without turning around. "I'll meet up with you in a minute"
You took a deep breath, feeling your frustration build. You decided to give her some space, hoping she would come find you when she was ready. But as the night wore on, she didn't. You watched her from across the room, feeling more and more isolated.
"Em," you called again later, spotting her with a group of fans. "Can we talk for a second?"
"Just a minute, baby," she replied, not making eye contact. "These guys want to take a picture."
You stood awkwardly, the laughter and chatter around you a stark contrast to the growing sense of loneliness within. Every time you tried to approach her, someone else would pull her away.
"Emily," you tried once more, as she hugged a teammate. "It's getting late. Can we head out soon?"
"Just give me a second, Bri" she said more firmly this time, almost as if she was annoyed with you. Her smile returning as she faced her friend.
The drive home was silent as you could feel your anger rising the more your mind went over the night.
When you finally got home, you couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Emily, we need to talk," you said, your voice shaking with anger.
"About what?" she asked, kicking off her shoes and heading to the kitchen for a drink.
"About tonight! You ignored me the whole fucking time!"
"Briana," she sighed. "It was a big night for me. I had to talk to a lot of people."
"I get that, but you didn't even look at me! I felt like I didn't exist!"
"You're overreacting," she said, pouring herself a glass of water.
"Overreacting? How am I supposed to feel when my girlfriend can't even acknowledge me?"
"You knew this shit was important to me," she replied, her tone dismissive. "I can't babysit you at every event we go to.”
"Babysit me? Is that how you feel?"
"How the hell am I supposed to feel when all you do is act like a fuckin child" she snapped, her patience wearing thin.
You felt tears sting your eyes, but you refused to cry. "I just wanted to feel like I mattered to you tonight."
"No shit you matter to me, Bri!" she said, her voice not wavering. "But you can't expect me to be by your side every goddamn second."
"That's not what I'm asking for! I just wanted you to include me”
Emily looked at you, her expression a mix of frustration and guilt. "I don't know what you want from me."
"God you are so frustrating! I just told you what I want, I want you to care," you said, your voice breaking. "I want you to make the slightest bit of an effort."
She was silent for a moment, then shook her head. "I can't do this right now. I'm tired."
"Fine," you said, your voice cold. "But you’re not sleeping here”
“Seriously? Are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah, yes I’m fucking serious, Em. If you’re gonna sit here and pretend like you don’t care about me, say that I act like a child, then you can get the fuck out of my apartment”
“You’re doing way too much right now”
“I really don’t have it in me to care, get out”
Emily stood there for a moment, her face a mask of shock and disbelief. Then, she scoffed, turning on her heel and heading toward the door.
"Fine. If that's how you want it," she muttered, grabbing her jacket.
“Yeah that’s how I want it”
You watched her, feeling a mix of anger and sorrow. "You can't just brush this off like it doesn't matter and then get mad when I actually do something about it”
"Look, I don't have the energy for this tonight," she said, her voice softer but still edged with frustration. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Don't bother," you replied, your voice trembling. "Not unless you're ready to actually talk about this."
Emily paused, looking back at you with a mix of regret and exhaustion. "Goodnight, Bri."
You didn't respond, watching as she walked out and closed the door behind her. The silence  be of the apartment was overwhelming, pressing down on you like a weight. You sank onto the couch, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over.
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fairyhaos · 1 day
seventeen as teachers
requested by @weird-bookworm ! it's a little to the left of what you asked but i hope it's alright anyway ><
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architecture professor. kind of thanks to physics!cheol anon for this idea but he really encourages hands-on learning especially for his subject, and he draws big diagrams on the board and gestures wildly with his hands as he's explaining why the models work and what do the students think of it? also he definitely gives vibes of someone who high fives the students when their models withstand his shaking tests, but also laughs and claps when they fall apart. because it's all about learning, isn't it? and he's with you to help you learn every step of the way. 
kindergarten teacher. cannot for the life of him handle kids older than that because then they get too tricksy and talkative for him and he gets tired too easily to deal with that. actually really good at handling the toddlers. he's also very pretty so all the kids unironically hang onto his every word, basically making him the god at keeping children in line. when he gets too tired of running around after them he just goes “kids :((( jeonghan is tired :(((“ and they immediately settle down to do something else
music teacher (1). he's a total department crush (and even school-wide crush) amongst the other teachers because he's so pretty and so kind, always and accidentally keeps making teachers fall for him bc he talks to them so nicely w that pretty smile of his. renowned for his ability to compose melodies on the piano on the spot, and always has students wanting him to help (cough compose for them) parts of their composition work. no one knows what he does outside of work, though. it's like he disappears into thin air after school finishes. 
gives me eccentric uni professor vibes. sits on his desk with his feet dangling and asks all sorts of strange and irrelevant questions to the students that are, actually, not strange and entirely relevant. has everyone walking out of his lectures feeling like a changed person because he either a) managed to get horribly off track or b) made them rethink their entire life choices. loved by all, and maybe a bit too much. poor guy definitely had an obsessed student try to follow him home before he got lost himself and so they both ended up in the middle of nowhere
chemistry teacher. no other reason other than i think he'd look great with a pair of goggles on his forehead pushing his fringe back at funny angles whilst he grins maniacally and goes, “hey, kids, today we're gonna set things on fire!!!!”. so passionate about teaching these things to the students, and rambles on like he only has 5 minutes left on earth and he's gonna use every second to cram in as much chemistry knowledge into the students’ brains as he can in that time. it works, too. his passion inspires so many of them to take chemistry further up in the school. 
history teacher. all the students want him for their teacher when they take history because he's actually, like, competent and knows stuff. known for taking no shit when it comes to doing assignments on time because he sets reasonable deadlines and if you can't make them, then that's on you, not him. students love him. also super duper helpful if you have any questions and is always free at lunch to help bc he'll do anything to escape the hyperactive claws of mr. kwon and mr. wen who are always up to shenanigans
music teacher (2). mans life literally revolves around music and i can't imagine him doing anything else. department ace. conductor of both the symphony and concert orchestra, and rearranges all of the parts himself when the students find it a little too difficult. also do Not engage this man in a conversation about anything to do with music theory because he will rant for ages and any quick question turns into half of your lunch break being missed. he means well, though, and always gets ridiculous amount of thank-you presents at the end of the year. 
art teacher (1). dresses like one, too, and has been voted as ‘best dressed teacher’ for the past 3 years in a row. all the art students are kind of afraid of him because if you ask for feedback, there is a 50/50 chance that he'll rip you a new one whilst explaining what you did wrong. there's never any true cruelty to his words, though, cuz hes always actually giving genuine advice and he's always right in what he advises, so students either love him or hate him for his criticisms, though mostly it's the former. he's pretty, too, and his works are pretty, so that's a plus
teaches business studies to the older students, purely cz i think he gives maths-adjacent vibes. he teaches a “special” subject that's not available to the younger kids and he's ridiculously handsome so he's kind of like a legendary figure in the school. even if he's a bit silly and adorable at times, he's also super good at holding intellectual debates with his students about current economic and political affairs. can be found bickering with mr. yoon bc the kindergarten teacher wants him to help with his taxes.
art teacher (2). smiles brighter than the sun at all hours of the day, and when the senior students are drowning in coursework and artist research deadlines, he's like the one and only guiding light that helps them get through it because of how endlessly optimistic he is. half the seniors take art solely because of him, actually. also a firm believer that all art is good art and there's no such thing as a “non-artist”. scolds minghao after work when he feels like the other teacher was being too harsh to the students
part of the senior leadership team. takes his position veryyy seriously, strides briskly around the school with a jingle of w set of keys he managed to procure from…somewhere. is always on top of uniform inspections which is always annoying for the kids, but he's also melodramatic and smiley so they love him anyway. the students are always try to recruit him for teacher quizzes and events bc he makes everything way more fun. 
classics teacher. this might seem odd but hear me out!!! dude loves ancient history and Will do deep dives on old artefacts and cultures that interest him, and i think that passion can definitely be transferred to him teaching kids about latin, ancient greek, old civilizations. known for sharing nothing about his personal life but also being able to talk for ages about something that happened over 1000 years ago. the students all find him super cool and also super endearing. 
the guy who's hired externally from some sports club to act as the teacher to students during after school clubs. teaches martial arts, mainly, but he supervised an impromptu dance club one semester and the students loved it so much that they managed to bring the dance club onto the permanent schedule. everyone loves him. his sports club is 10000% sure that half the children who come to them were recruited through chan's lovely personality alone. 
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @melodicrabbit
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overtrred28 · 18 hours
So high school | Jessie Fleming x reader
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Summary; The story of how you and Jessie were brought together one fateful night in college and didn't leave each others side ever again.
Words; 2050
Pairing; Jessie Fleming x UCLA reader
A/N; Mother Taylor has inspired me and a tiktok that paired a footballer with an academic girl and I had thoughts. Then I was wondering who to do it with and THEN… UCLA J FLEM. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do because I’m in a Jessie mood rn. Btw this has been sitting in my drafts for literally like 2 months and I haven't had the inspiration to finish it until today. Enjoy loves xx
Jessie was more than kind of uncomfortable right now.  She was tired after a full day of classes and an early morning training session, wanting to flop into bed after her long day and sleep away most of the weekend. But here she was, nursing a cup of coke in the corner of a frat house and wishing she had declined the invitation to come out with half of the soccer team. 
“You good?” Teagan had made her way over, leaning against the wall and looking down at the midfielder who was seemingly lost in thought.
“Yeah, fine.” Jessie nodded her head, hiding the fact she desperately didn’t wanna be here anymore. 
“Why don’t you try and go talk to someone? I’m sure there are plenty of pretty girls catching your eye right now.” Teagan nudged her shoulder with a smirk, downing her drink before walking away again. Jessie sighed before taking another sip of her coke and walking to another section of the house where more people congregated. 
Her eyes filtered through the room, trying to take the goalkeeper's advice but giving up after noticing every pretty girl making their way over to someone else. Eventually her feet mindlessly walked her over to the back door, the glow of the pool under the moonlight catching her eye first before she spotted you. 
Your friends had practically dragged you from your dorm, insisting you had to come and party with them, but where were they? Probably inside making out with frat guys and forgetting you actually came with them. That’s how you had found yourself sitting on a deck chair outside, avoiding the loud music and heavily intoxicated 20 year olds celebrating the start of their senior year, after your friends ditched you early on.
It didn’t bother you, them leaving you alone that is. And you could have gone home but you wanted to stay and make sure your friends made it home safely. 
Jessie only saw the side of your face from how you were positioned on the chair but immediately found herself drawn to you. People may have called her crazy for falling with just one look, but when you know, you know. 
You didn’t hear the sliding door open, too busy looking up at the moon and wondering what else you could be doing right now if you stayed in bed. It wasn’t until you heard the chair beside you creek that you finally noticed her, snapping your head at the noise and becoming encapsulated by her big brown eyes and freckles immediately. 
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” She apologised, her eyes somehow getting bigger and more beautiful. 
“I-it’s okay.” You let out a breath. “Just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be out here.” You shared a soft giggle and she finally smiled. 
“Yeah, not really my scene.” Jessie shrugged and began sitting back in the chair, copying her movements and turning your head to face her.
“Me either.” You smiled before reaching out a hand to her. “Y/N.”
“Jessie.” She connected your hands, ignoring the tingling she felt in her fingers while you pushed down the butterflies fluttering around your stomach. 
You two spent the rest of the night talking before she offered to walk you back to your dorm, after finding out your friends had already left with guys and you were left alone. Well, not so alone now. 
The next few weeks would find you and Jessie with each other as much as possible, save for your individual classes, and you were happier than ever. You weren’t dating, no but it began to feel like it, especially when you ran down the bleachers after she won her next match, Jessie catching you as you jumped into her arms with pride. 
After almost two months since meeting you finally had your first kiss. It wasn’t super romantic but exactly how you would have wanted it to go. You and Jessie were hanging out in her dorm, you studying for an upcoming exam and her pretending to catch up on classwork but really spent the whole time staring at you. 
“Jessie.” You were focused on the millions of highlighted poems and texts that sounded you on the floor but could feel her eyes burning in the back of your head. “I can feel you staring.”
“What?” Jessie acted dumb, biting her lip to hold back a smile as she watched you turn your head, raising an eyebrow.
“You know that if you don’t get this work done you’re not playing this weekend. And I already cleared my schedule to watch you soooo.” You sat up fully, leaning back on your arms to look up at her on her bed.
“Can we not just take a small break? We’ve been at this for hours!” She whined, tilting her head at you, a fake pout accompanied by some puppy dogs eyes. 
“It’s literally been 45 minutes.” You deadpanned as you got up and jumped up to sit next to her. 
“45 minutes too long.” She huffed and you stifled a laugh as you looked at her. 
“What would you rather us do then?” You asked while shaking your head at her, letting out that laugh but stopping when her silence was noted. You looked up to find her staring, no, gazing into your eyes, a look on her face she had many times but this was the first time you noted it. She looked lovestruck. 
Your mouth opened to speak again but you were cut off when she was suddenly moving forward, one hand reaching up to hold your cheek and the other moving down to hold your waist. Before you could process anything, her lips were on yours and it was as if you had been transported into another world.
After that kiss your relationship didn’t seem to change that much, still spending almost all of your time together, though this time spending it a little closer and with a lot more kissing. Something about your relationship felt so young and naive, like you were back in high school making out at parties and never spending more than a couple hours apart from one another. 
You now went to all her training sessions, sitting in the bleachers finishing homework while she prepared for their next match. Jessie loved you just being there but was getting a little annoyed that you weren’t fully paying attention as she ran rings around her teammates in an effort to impress you. She knew the perfect way to get your nose out of your books. 
“HEY BABE!” Jessie shouted up to you across the pitch. The sheer volume and urgency of her voice caught your attention instantly, looking up to find her waving her arm comically in your direction. 
“What?” You laughed alongside her teammates who were standing on the pitch waiting for something to happen. 
“WATCH THIS!” She yelled again before running back to her starting position, eyeing up the cones and dummies she meticulously laid out and the ball that laid in wait for her. You bit back a smile at her excited nature, waiting for her to begin whatever trick she was about to show off. 
She began dribbling the ball skillfully through the first few cones that were placed closely together. Yourself and her remaining teammates watched her feet intensely, quite impressed with how precisely she was keeping the ball in and under her feet. She made it through her round of cones and looked up towards you in the stands, making sure you were in fact watching her and whether or not you were impressed. But what she failed to notice was how close she had positioned the steel dummies that were part of her second skill test. 
Everyone saw it happen before she did, running straight into the dummy, too distracted by you to realise she was running into it. You heard the ding from halfway up the bleachers and within seconds you were racing down to her on the pitch, trying to keep your laughter at bay so you could seriously check on her. 
“Jessie, are you okay?” You knelt down to where Jessie was now sitting up, legs splayed across the grass and a hand to her temple, soothing where she hit her head. 
“Don’t laugh. I was just trying to impress you.” Jessie finally spoke, avoiding your eyes and producing a pout, meanwhile her freckled cheeks were getting redder than they already were. 
“Oh baby I know. It was very impressive till… you know.” You directed her eyes back to you with a soft smile, biting your lip again to hold back your laugh. 
That night Jessie continued to pout, even when you were giving her all your attention, laying between your legs as you held an ice pack to her temple and babying her all night long even though you didn’t put the dummy there, she did. 
After graduation you moved with Jessie to England for her contract with Chelsea, you managed to land a position at the University of London, teaching in the English department, a great start to your life together in a new country.  
Jessie proposed to you in January of 2022 after three and a half years of dating, keeping it private and personal by dropping down on one knee as you were getting into bed one cold night. 
Clad in flannelette pyjamas and fluffy socks, just having got out of the shower, you walked back into the bedroom expecting Jessie to be curled up in bed and waiting for you. But as you turned the corner she was bent down on one knee and holding a ring in her shaking hands. Jessie had prepared a whole speech about how much she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you but in true Jessie fashion she got nervous and the only words that came out were. “Marry me? Please?” 
You both took the next year to plan the wedding for Spring 2023 before the world cup, wanting to make sure you knew what you wanted and to enjoy being engaged before being married. 
The big day finally arrived and you hadn’t seen Jessie in more than 24 hours, both of your bridesmaid groups separating you from one another for practically the first time in almost 5 years. 
It was a beautiful ceremony filled with all for your close family and friends to celebrate your love and unite your families. You cried, Jessie cried, everyone cried. The reception though was one massive party. Everyone danced, everyone drank and most of all you got to have fun with your wife like you did back in college. 
At the end of the night, after the party ended and everyone went home, you and Jessie were sipping champagne on your hotel room floor, giggling with one another in the silent room while wearing matching pyjamas. 
“I love you.” Jessie said as she stared, no gazed, in your direction. “You’re so pretty, will you marry me?” Her words were slightly slurred as her tipsy frame swayed back and forth every so slightly. 
“Too late, already did.” You laughed as you brought your left hand up to her face, showing off both of your shining rings. “Look.” You brought her hand up too, showing her own ring clad fingers to her, shock adorning her freckled face. 
“We’re married already?!” Jessie shrieked and you knew it was time for bed. 
“Yes, now come on. Time for bed my love.” You placed a kiss on her lips before putting your flutes down and pulling Jessie up with you from the floor. You dragged her over to the large bed, crawling alongside each other to then assume your regular positioning. Jessie waited for you to get comfortable against the pillows before laying herself across your chest, her pillow. 
“Baby?” Jessie spoke after a few minutes, tilting her head to look up at you. 
“Hmmm?” You respond as you begin to stroke her hair gently. 
“Tell me about the first time you saw me.” Jessie asked before setting back down against your chest. You let out a small breath, a smile donning your face as she asked you. 
“Well, I was sitting at a party next to the pool…” 
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Do you write poly marauders? if so could you write one where they all live in a cute little apartment together, but the boys have gone away for week (or however long) and reader (preferably fem) kind of loses herself. like she starts eating less or at irregular times, kinda lets apartment get messy, wears same clothes everyday and is over all sad. the boys come home and find what's happening and comfort/help her. Mega fluff?!
hope this is enough inspo!
love your writing!!!
thank you :))
I LOVE THIS! I’ve been wanting to write poly!marauders forever and now I have an excuse. A kiss for you, anon.
(I might edit to add more details to the ending later!!)
“It’s just a week. We will be back soon, okay, Angel?” James coos to you, kissing you softly.
The boys are all heading out, bags in hand, saying their goodbyes.
“It’s actually 6 days, Jamie, not a week.” Sirius says, pointedly.
“Excuse me…” James says sarcastically to Sirius, then, turning to you, “6 days, then, Princess. Think you can make it without us that long?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” You say, giggling at James’ almost-overly-sensitive tone. He’s always babied you the most.
Remus says, exasperatedly, “I wouldn’t even be going to this Quidditch game if it wasn’t to make sure these idiots don’t fall off the stands, gorgeous girl, you know that, right?”
You giggle even harder at that, “Yes, I know. Now, go and have fun.”
You usher them out the door and into the hallway of your apartment. Luxurious, ceiling-high windows, a kitchen all of you could judge James’ latest experimental dish in, and a living room couch (made of clouds) facing the most expensive TV screen Sirius could afford.
What was originally Sirius’ apartment became Sirius and James’ apartment. Soon after, Remus moved in. Lastly, they asked you to move in once your relationship became more serious.
You walk around the suddenly too-quiet apartment. The cool floor feels more evident on your feet than before and a chill runs down your spine. You climb onto the couch, pull a blanket to your chin, and turn on a show for background noise. You fall asleep almost immediately.
The next morning, you wake up expecting the boys’ arms around you. Sirius snoring loudly, James spread out, pushing Remus off the bed- this was your normal morning routine. Waking up on the couch was never an option before. If you fell asleep on the couch, one of the boys, usually Sirius, would carry you to bed.
With nobody around to do that this morning (and no snoring to be heard from anywhere) you start to feel an empty, lonely feeling. Usually you or James or Remus would make breakfast but you didn’t feel like eating. You make yourself a cup of coffee and relax for the rest of the day. For dinner, you order a pizza and eat the whole thing. It was the only thing you had ate that day and told yourself tomorrow would be better.
That night, you fall asleep fitfully.
The days after are no better, in actuality, they were worse. One night you couldn’t sleep at all and at 3am you give up. You go to the living room, stare out the window at the city below and watch the cars light up the street. Even at 3am, cars are still going. You think too much about who’s in those cars and what they’re doing. Why are they driving at 3am? Some of them could be driving to the hospital right now. Some of them are just now getting off work. Some of them are teenagers who want to get away from their parents to smoke weed at the abandoned house on 7th Street.
You think about how out of all the people in the world, Remus, Sirius, and James chose you.
Suddenly, a thought hits you- there on the couch at damn near 4 in the morning. “They left me, they went on a trip to see someone else… They never chose me after all…”
You believe its true. You believe it so bad you go to sleep, crying, right there on the couch.
Hours (or was it days?) later you wake up to keys jingling outside the door. Panic hits you at first. You look around the living room and kitchen. Pizza boxes, McDonald's cheeseburger wrappers, and an old, door-dashed Starbucks drink, definitely growing mold by now, lay around you. And that’s not even counting the bedroom.
They walk in, bags in hand. Smiling at first, then immediately frowning when they see the state of the apartment; the state of you. Shame hits you like a brick. You think about the scene in Home Alone when the robber gets a iron smashed into his face. You think that might feel better.
James is the first to drop everything and coddle you, as usual. He rushes to you, thrusting himself in your arms. You immediately feel better.
“Are you okay? You look so sad, puppy.” He strokes your hair and you smile as the familiar James scent reaches you.
Remus and Sirius are hugging you moments after.
You cry but laugh. You feel silly for ever thinking they were visiting another person.
“What’s going on? You missed us?” Sirius says, pouting.
“Yes, I missed you!” you cry-laugh and throw a pillow from the couch at him.
Remus giggles when you miss.
You explain the situation to them and how you got a little insecure in their departure.
Sirius carries you to bed and Remus holds you while James makes you a proper dinner.
After, Remus runs you a bath, just how you like it. Sirius brushes and braids your hair.
While you were taking a bath, it seemed like the trash disappeared magically. You figured Remus had cleaned it.
Nobody mentions the mess, the boys are all just glad you're feeling better.
You fall asleep with all the boys cradled around you in your big bed. You only start to fall into a deep sleep when you hear Sirius snoring softly.
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iliketangerines · 3 days
I know you're probably busy and mainly write smut, but if it's not too much to ask could I request some fluff between Reptile/Syzoth x gn!reader just being a little silly? Like they have very different love languages (reptile being a love biter and reader being a rock giver like penguins) and both are so confused about it (they aren't in a relationship yet and just show each other affection awkwardly). So Syzoth will randomly wake up to rocks at his door and reader will randomly be greeted with either their hand or arm getting bitten (lightly) until they finally explain what they're doing to each other.
I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, and no pressure to do it, I just thought it'd be a cute idea.
courting rituals
a/n: i love syzoth and he needs to be more lizard like
pairing: syzoth x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you rock back and forth on your heels, staring at the rock in your hands and admiring how it shimmers in the sunlight of the White Lotus
there’s a whoosh of air behind you, and you turn around to face the swirling fire and light coming behind you and find Syzoth and Kitana with Lord Liu Kang walking out of the portal
you bow to them respectfully, and Lord Liu Kang greets you as well
tucking the rock into your pocket, you welcome them to the White Lotus and start their tour, apologizing that Kung Lao and Raiden wouldn’t be here for their tour because the two of them were busy training the new initiates
you lead the three of them through the grounds and eventually you do reach Kung Lao and Raiden in the training grounds putting the initiates through some tough sets
Syzoth walks by you the entire time, head nodding excitedly with every fact you tell him, and your heart beats in your chest and your face warms as he talks to you
the tour ends a bit early, and you let them scatter about the White Lotus to explore on their own
Syzoth stays with you, deciding to keep walking with you, and you laugh nervously, digging the rock out of your pocket and handing it to him as a gift
he blinks at the rock, bowing his head and thanking you for such a pretty gift, and your face warms at the compliment as you wave him off and say that it wasn’t any problem
a few of the initiates walk by, complaining loudly about the sets that Raiden was taking them through, and you cringe as they start to curse loudly
you give Syzoth a sheepish smile and ask if he wants to go somewhere quiet, and he nods, saying he’ll go anywhere you take him
it makes you clam up and simply hum and nod at his compliment, trying not to stutter and fumble over your words like an idiot
walking through the compounds, you lead him to the gardens once more and take a path that leads to the small pond that exists within the small area
Syzoth sighs and lays down on the grass, stretching his body out onto the grass, and you avert your gaze to not stare at how his arms flex and stretch underneath the sun
he looks back at you, wriggling about to get a bit more comfortable, and he pats the grass next to him, telling you to lay down next to him
you clear your throat and walk up next to him, sitting down and laying next to him, and you fold your hands neatly onto your stomach as you stare up at the cloud formations in the sky
Syzoth sighs, soaking in the sun, and he says that he’s never really had the luxury to ever be able to do this a lot
you turn your head to look at him, and nearly squeak when your eyes meet his
he says that it just isn’t common in Zaterran culture to sunbathe unless there is someone else around to also share in the experience
it’s a very intimate process of sharing body heat, usually between close friends, and Shang Tsung wasn’t exactly the kind of guy he wanted to sunbathe with
you nod, trying to wrap your mind around the information, and you press your lips together, the word friend echoing in your head
your fingers fiddle with each other as he talks more about the sunbathing process and then about Zaterran culture in general, and you listen attentively to his words, absorbing the information and learning everything you possibly could
the sun passes above overhead, and soon the sky turns orange and yellow as the moon starts to make its appearance above
Syzoth stands up, shaking himself similarly to how a dog would shake off water, and he holds his hand up to yours, asking when he’d be able to see you again
you take his hand and pull yourself up, not quite sure of when he and Lord Liu Kang would meet once again, and you say as much
he lets out a small oh, looking slightly downcast before fixing a quick smile on his face
holding out his arm, he asks to escort you back to the portal, and you nod and take his arm, the both of you walking together
once you both reach the portal, he lets go of your arm and walks next to Kitana and Lord Liu Kang, waving goodbye to you as you do the same
a few weeks later, you jump up and down on the tips of your toes as you wait for Kung Lao to arrive to the portal
Lord Liu Kang stands by the portal platform, and Raiden makes small talk with him
you have another rock in your pocket, one much prettier than the one you gave him last time, and you really really hope he likes it
Kung Lao finally arrives, out of breath, and Lord Liu Kang shakes his head, but the small smile on his face betrays how he really feels
opening the portal, all four of you walk through, and you find Syzoth waiting there at the base, waving up at you happily
you keep your composure, resisting the urge to just bound over there and greet him, and you walk with Lord Liu Kang and the others down the steps
first, you bow to him, and he bows back to you
when the both of you stand back up, you dig your hand into your pocket and hand him the new rock, and he smiles and thank you for the rock, admiring it in the sun before pocketing it
once again, he holds his arm out, and you take it as he takes you on the tour of Sun Do and then leads Lord Liu Kang to the meeting room with Empress Mileena
Kung Lao and Raiden leave to explore the town together, but you decide to stay with Syzoth
he beams at you and leads you to the palace’s gardens, more beautiful and majestic than you would’ve ever thought, and he leads you over to a small meadow
settling down onto the grass, stretching out his stomach and his arms, he lays sprawled on the soft grass and beckons you to lay with him
you do so, and the two of you just make small talk about everything and nothing
it’s casual and nonchalant, but you find yourself scooting closer and closer to him until you’re pressed against him completely
you’re on your side, and he’s on his, the both of you staring into one another’s eyes
you wish you could lean in and kiss him, but his eyes glance above your head and he shoots up out of the grass, saying that you’ll be late to arriving home with the others
pouting at him, you get up and hook your arm into his, and he leads you back hurriedly to the portal to find the other three waiting for you
he waves to you, and you wave back to him
over the next few months, the two of your visit each other whenever you can, and you give him a pretty rock you’ve found while on missions and he takes you sunbathing in all different types of beautiful and calming environments
it’s a strange ritual, but you didn’t mind, you loved it in fact
you just wish it would lead to something more, always always you get close to each other, so close that you could kiss but nothing ever comes out of it
you’re visiting Outworld again, and instead of leading you anywhere, Syzoth leads you deeper and deeper into the palace until he finds a pair of grandiose doors and pushes them open
inside, you can see that it’s Syzoth’s room, decorated to hell and back with all kinds of plants and greenery
he flops onto his bed, where the sun beams directly onto it, and he calls you over to sunbathe with him again
walking over, you gasp as you find every rock you’ve given him lined up perfectly on the windowsill, catching the light and shining down on Syzoth
your voice is almost a whisper as you ask that he’s kept every single one, and he says that he has, of course he would, he doesn’t understand why you give him rocks but he loves them all
you look down at him, stretched out on the bed and absorbing the sun, and you say that he doesn’t know why you give him rocks
Syzoth shakes his head, and you laugh and pinch your nose, saying that you’ve been giving him rocks because you liked him
you thought he didn’t like you back, so you’ve just been respecting his boundaries
Syzoth sits up on the bed, mouth agape as he tells you what you think the sunbathing has been before
you point at him and say that it was for close friends, and he says that it was for close friends but also lovers, as a bonding experience
you put your head in your hands and start to laugh, realizing how much of an idiot the two of you have been, and he laughs as well
it’s just the sound of both yours and Syzoth’s laughs and giggles in the air until Syzoth finally stops, letting out a wheeze and then clearing his throat
he holds his hand out to you, asking you again to sunbathe with him, and you smile at him and take it
he draws you into his arms, your face only a breath from his, and he asks if he can kiss you
you breathe out that he can, and he leans his head forward, lips melding to yours
the rest of the day is spent sunbathing
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poppy-metal · 1 day
creep!au art is going crazy. he wants to know who you are sooooooooo badly. he’s been back and forth about guilt and about being disturbed (which if he’s honest ended a long time ago, ended as soon as he saw that sweet cunt) and about what kind of person you must be, what kind of person he must be to take advantage of your troubled mental state. because you really are troubled. it’s not just the act of leaving him these notes. it’s the notes. you say things that make his skin crawl and his cock throb, and he’s starting to not be able to tell the difference. even after you begin texting you still leave him notes. the notes become more graphic, as you’re more reserved over text.
you smell good today. sometimes i want to eat you because i think you’d taste like marshmallow. but that would be wrong.
you’re so strong. i love your arms. would you hit me if i asked you to? i probably deserve it a little for all i put you through. haha. just know you could hurt me forever and i’d still be yours
after all we’ve done together, i have to wonder if you’ve been with any other girls. i hate that. i would never tell you what to do, but it hurts my heart to think you could need anything but me. i would do anything for you. i’d light myself on fire if you asked me to. i would. no one can give you what i can. i can do anything another girl can do, and with me you’ll know it’s an act of worship. you’re no one else’s god, art. just mine.
you’re not okay. you are sick in the head. but. but you’re so sweet. and no one has ever loved him so much. no one ever would again. you were once in a life time. he lies to himself, tells himself that he wants to find you to get you help, that he would bring you to a psychiatrist and work through your issues together. but he won’t. he knows he won’t, distantly. because whatever is wrong with you to make you stalk someone is what makes you fully, totally and unnaturally his. so yes, he cares about you. yes, you make him harder that what he humanly thought is possible. yes, you scared him a little to start with. but you’re a kitten, clawless in his palms. he wants you to be happy. maybe he doesn’t need to make you better to make you happy. he just needs to accept you as his. if only he could track you down. force you to accept his love like you made him accept yours. because he had no choice, and now he wants choice. he wants you to feel him, in every way. but it’s not fair, because you can find him and he can’t find you. it drives him crazy. as crazy as you are.
no because the power dynamics really do shift.... he starts thinking about how if he really pushed you - threatened to stop talking to you, throw away your notes - you'd crack. but he's come to care about you and he can tell through texting you that you haven't had the best upbringing. you suffer from insecurity, even worse than he does, neglect from both parents - you essentially have no one - no friends, no family, all you have is art.
but presses in little ways, i want to touch you so bad. god, i want your pussy on my tongue. you want me so bad - i love that. you said your virginity is mine? that you're saving it for me? well, i want it. i want to feel you on my cock when i stretch you open for the first time. i wanna see your face when i give it to you.
and you're so needy for it. you never thought art would talk to you like this - there's honestly alot you didn't account for that you should have. you didn't account for how it would feel to be wanted by art. to be wanted at all. you didn't account for how it'd feel to read his messages and feel your self control get thinner and thinner - your fingers aren't enough - you cry on them, weep, because its just not enough - they dont fill you how they should - and art -
god he sends you a video of his cock. says the name he'd given you that might as well be your real name now, hearing it from his lips makes you come alive alive alive - "birdie - fuck -" when he cums and his abs clench and thick ropes of white paint his stomach -
and you wanna taste it so bad - wanna lick it - he rubs the cum onto his fingers and spreads it back over his pink dick - "you should be here." he tells you, and the way he's looking into the camera feels like he really does see you, is really looking at you, there kneeling between his spread legs. "you should be licking me clean."
and you should, you should, you should.
you want to but. whenever you think about him seeing you your stomach rolls itself into knots. it'll kill you if his face twitches in disgust or disappointment. it'd genuinely kill you.
you start thinking - isn't the fantasy nice? is there really a need to meet? maybe you could he content with this.... with being his secret.
you text him one night - I've been so happy lately. why risk it with reality? reality is always disappointing to the fantasy.
im going to call you.
i cant talk..
yeah, i know. I'll talk. just listen.
your phone rings and you pick it up, chewing on your nails. you hear the exhale of his breath on the other line and wonder what he's doing right now. sitting at his desk? his bed? crossed legged or lounging? is the phone tucked between his shoulder and cheek so he can fiddle with his hands or is he holding it to his ear?
he says, "you've fucked me up real bad."
your frown. lips parting but of course you don't speak. he can hear you breathing, though. knows you're listening Intently, as you always are.
"really, do you know that? i used to be normal before you. like - this is fucked. what you're doing. but you made me want it - you said all these -" he sighs. shakes his head - "you said all these things and you made me feel shit and now i can't even be mad at you for it because if you're fucked in the head then so am i for wanting you anyway. but i can't keep -"
he looks at the shoebox he has filled with your notes. almost so full the lid can't even stay fully on.
"- i can't keep doing this, birdie. i dont even know your real name - i know what your pussy looks like but not you - that's insane. Its not enough."
your heart trembles. not enough, you think. not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough. not. enough.
"i need more. I'm graduating next year and - I'm leaving, do you get that? im not staying."
tears prick your eyes. you hadn't wanted to think about that. why was he poking holes in everything?
ill just follow you, you think. ill follow you anywhere.
"and I'll find someone - someone thats not you. and I'll fall in love with her and you'll have to watch that. and i can't prevent it because. well, you know me. i want a family. i want that boring white picket fence life. i want a wife and babies and - im going to have it. with or without you."
he lets that sink in before he continues.
"and im not even saying you're her - i have no fucking idea what could happen when we meet. but. i want to - I just want to see you - "
you hang up. its the first time you've done it.
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majeoeje · 2 days
Beating heart (part 2)
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Laios x reader
The only right answer was you
Part 1
Is this truly the right decision? You dwelled. The scent of the sea lingered in the air, the sounds of footsteps and people around you was enough to drown you.
You were leaving everything with little money in your pockets. Your stolen dowry surely wouldn’t last that long, you thought. You hoped your parents would ever find it in their hearts to forgive you for what you’re doing. But mostly… you hoped your betrothed would not harbor revenge for you.
Imagining their kind faces turning malicious made you falter. Suddenly the eight hours of horse ride that you just endured felt more than reckless. Maybe you should go back after all.. maybe if you turned back now, they’d still accept you and take you in with open arms.
As you took a step back you were bumped into someone.
You groaned before giving them a short apology not really looking at them in the eye.
“I knew it was them!” You frozed, A familiar male voice filled your ears. Upon hearing that it was as if you were transported back to your home. Back when you weren’t promised to someone you barely know, back when beginning a family wasn’t what everyone expected of you, back when you could have dreams, back to that simple village, back home.
And then you turned around to see that it was some weird unkept guy you didn’t know
You thought maybe you had mistaken someone else for your long time best friend, but then another voice appeared
“Hey, you’re right!!” Said the female voice
You audibly gasped seeing the woman, she was still the same as ever! maybe you weren’t wrong after all. And upon closer inspection, there was no denying it.
“Laios! Falin!!” You gleamed, before you shared a meaningful hug with both the Touden siblings
You almost didn’t recognize Laios with his unkept appearance, his hair growing past his eyes while you could tell he hasn’t been eating enough let alone shower or shave in that matter. You were so glad that Falin didn’t succumb to such things, she was still squeeky clean.
“It’s been too long” you let go not before you gave them a final squeeze
"We're so happy to see you.. agh- heyy..." Falin voiced, you couldn't contain yourself from messing with her short hair upon seeing her signature closed eyed red cheeks smile.
"Are you planning to sail to the island too?" Laios said. Despite his drastic change you noticed that the golden hue of his eyes had never changed. It brought you a sense of relieve somehow. Despite everything, he will always be Laios.
“Traveling together would be nice”
The tone of his voice was rather hopeful. As if he wanted you to come alongside them. And by his words alone you could change your mind.
You thought about how nice it would be to travel together. Maybe you could become adventurers? As hard labour as dungeon exploring is, you were hoping you could have your chance in it. Maybe now you could have your own room and live however you like, And maybe you could finally see the monsters that Laios was always so excited to talk about.
Aghhhh- you were stupid. You cursed yourself for being so easily swayed by him. The fact that Laios of all people didn't even need to ask you back then horrifies you. How are you that excited to see someone?
This realization came late to say the least. Years of adventuring had gone by and now you’re here. In this very moment. Grumbling alone to yourself about your past recklessness, as your other party members just lets you relish in your own madness (they already know you had lost it so why bother)
It was during your intense thought process that you didn’t notice Laios’ hand inching closer to yours only to falter away.
He wanted to tell you that dinner was almost ready but why was it so difficult??
Hesitant he rarely was, especially with you. But something had changed since last night, it was as if the beat of your heart had ingrained itself in the back of his mind, with each closing distance with you only adding to the fire that was the tune of your heart. It slowly eats him alive, drowning him, suffocating and burning him away with its sounds.
Though it wasn’t until now as he mindlessly observed you that he noticed that the fast and loud beat that was replaying over and over wasn’t yours at all in this moment.
He brought his hand to the left of his chest finding it hard to believe that his heart would beat this loudly for you. Has he always felt this way?
“Oh- Laios!… i didn’t see you there buddy” you were surprised to see Laios seating next to you. He couldn’t be there the whole time could he?? (He was)
You waited for his reaction, but he could only sit there and stare at you like he just had a realization too.
“I think-“
“Dinner’s ready!” Said senshi unknowingly interrupting Laios, presenting another one of his delicious cooked meals. The smell alone could make you drool. It doesn’t matter if it’s a monster as long as it’s good right?
“What is it that you’re going to say?” You say attention now shifting back to him.
Laios looked like he wanted to say something but he shook his head and retaliated.
“Let’s eat, we can’t have other’s waiting” he stood up before going ahead to where the others are. He didn’t really know what he wanted to say. If Senshi hadn’t interrupted him, he knows that his sentence would just falls short.
Around the campfire everyone ate soundly, maybe it was because the lack of monster trivia on Laios’ part. You can’t help but miss it
It was during this moment that he wonders what is it that he wanted to say? What is it that he discovered? He knew that it was realization and he knew it was about you. But that was about it.
Marcille felt like the tension was rather dry, so she thought she’d finally ask you a question that has been itching itself in her brain
“Was it true that you were betrothed?” She asked, Laios practically choked on his food
“Well, it was a long time ago..”
you wave your hand around, it’s true that it wasn’t a big deal anymore in your life but it does bring a sense of nostalgia in your mind at the times before you ran away from the village
“What were they like?” Asked Marcille, you could by the shine in her eyes that she loved romance books
You hummed before putting your empty plate down
“They were sweet, lovely,caring,hard working and very very stubborn” you laughed. “I could go on and on about how they were but we won’t have enough time”
The way in which you describe your betrothed was as if you were fond of them. It made Laios a little weary somehow
“You know by how you described them it would seem that you loved them” chilchuck asked, a little suspicious
Laios awaited your answer, well it was pretty clear that you didn’t considering you ran away and what not, Laios said to himself
“I did” the sound of your confirmation was accompanied with the sound of Laios’ wooden bowl falling to the dungeon floor. “How could i not?”
When everyone looked at him he tried his best to seem normal, laughing nervously and saying how his bowl just slipped past his hand suddenly before gingerly picking it up.
“Then why did you leave??” Marcille was basically starry eyed, hearing you talk about your love life was what she had been waiting for.
While Laios was lost in thought. Would you want to come back to your betrothed? If you did loved them then it wouldn’t be outrageous or even wrong to get married to them once all of this is over.. it’s just that by then Laios had realized that he didn’t want you to marry anyone. He didn’t want his adventures with you and Falin to be over just yet. Such thoughts of you to be wed with other people lingered on his mind and soured his appetite.
“It’s because I didn’t want that life yet you know? I just didn’t want to settle down when i haven’t at least tried to reach my dream”
Your answer was short, Marcille begged you for details but suddenly you drifted the conversation to Chilchuck’s children. Then suddenly her attention drifted away. You chuckled at her antics, you didn’t thought it as nosy really,it was quite endearing to you.
“Do you.. still love them?..” Laios suddenly asked, the tint of insecurity was more than evident in his voice yet you couldn’t be more than blind to it.
After a long while you finally thought about them once again. Those days you spent everyday was more than lovely. At the time, you enjoyed their company more than anyone… it would be a lie if you were to claim that you did not love them. But even though you were glad that now you were able to look back at the fond memories you had and appreciate them, you never once wish you would go back.
“No.. at least not anymore” you reminiced, bittersweet it was.
So many questions filled Laios’ head. What if that person were to look for you? Would you come back to them? How long were you in love? He wanted to ask one by one yet only one was able to spill out of him
“Would you ever want to settle down?” Asked Laios.
Your cheeks grew warm. It was a if he was asking for you to settle down with him.
You mentally slapped yourself for such thoughts. For fuck’s sake that was your best friend you were thinking about! You knew him ever since you were all but 2.
You looked back a few summers back. Back when you were with someone who once used to be your soon to be spouse. Back when you planned a whole future with them knowing that you didn’t actually wanted those things before ultimately throwing everything all away. You remember all the pain, anguish and guilt you felt as you ran away. You never wanted to feel like that ever again.
But.. you thought that if it were with Laios.. it would be different. It somehow just sat right to you.
“I would like that”
You unconsciously smile, you were ashamed to say that you were excited about such ideas. You then realize the gentle hold of his hand on yours, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your knuckles before carefully tracing down to one particular finger, perhaps someday where a wedding ring would be.
“I would also like that”
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remedyturtles · 2 days
on maybe a lighter note, i am also currently rereading death wish (something must be in the air), and i myself was wondering if sensei could see casey in a similar manner to the way the boys got to see him via draxums spell. mostly so case could get to actually hug and see his dad again, even if just for a short moment, it's a concept that i thought was super sweet and would likely help both sensei and casey deal with This Whole Situation.
oops tripped and wrote 1.3k abt this my bad
"Open your eyes."
Casey hugged his arms closer to his chest, heart thumping.
"Come on, hermano." Leo coaxed, jostling him from the left, a grin in his voice. "You made it in here. Don't you want to see?"
Casey wasn't sure he wanted to see, because he'd convinced himself that this wasn't going to work, that he'd climb into Leo's mind and find only darkness. That he would never see his dad again. Casey told himself it was okay, over and over, that he was okay with what he had been gifted back, that he'd thought he lost. Even if it didn't look like his dad.
But Mikey had put a bunch of effort into learning the spell from Draxum specifically for this moment. Casey carefully peeled one eye open, and a shiver ran over his skin. The atmosphere was undeniably different than reality, it had the same sensation of walking into someone else's house with your shoes on.
The ground looked like resin, back-lit with sparkling glitter, and there was the thick trunk of an enormous tree right in the middle of a gorgeous midnight blue sky, dotted with stars and constellations. The branches cross-cut through the huge ceiling and the roots crawled out in tangled fingers reaching towards their feet.
"Woah." Casey said, because this wasn't what he was expecting at all.
"Isn't it neat?" Leo spread his arm and spun in a circle, tipping his head back at the scenery. "Who knew something this cool could exist in my brain, right?"
Casey approached the tree, hand out, and pressed his palm to the bark. The sensation that washed over him was a warm bath of rosewater.
"That's Sensei." Leo told him. "Metaphorically. I have actual Sensei in here too, the tree is just a representation."
Casey had heard them say that Sensei was a tree, but it was different to see it. The knots and branches, budding green leaves and the humming feeling that ran up his arm when he curled his fingers against the bark.
"Are you ready to see him?" Leo asked, from behind him.
There was a second of quiet. Casey shut his eyes again, breathing. He didn't know what he was scared of, it seemed silly to be this afraid. But he was, because he'd accepted he wasn't going to see him like this again. And that was fine. He wasn't upset, he was grateful.
Except Sensei was in here, as he knew him, and Casey's heart splintered in a grief he could not name. Losing something, getting it back different, but being offered the chance to see the original again. Would it ruin that gratefulness? Would it hurt too much to see that version and see the shadows that should be standing behind him?
Sorrow soaked through the rough texture. Casey gathered it up tight and found his bravery from the well inside him. He said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."
"You sure?" Leo said, and the worry was a lemon taste in the air. It was weird being in his head.
Casey turned around to give him a smile that he meant wholeheartedly. "Yeah, I'm good. It's just a lot."
"He is a lot." Leo agreed, and pointed behind the tree. "Head that way. I'll give you space to do that on your own. I'll be over here, I'm gonna get Mikey in so we can see who can climb the tree the fastest."
"My money's on Mikey." Casey said.
"I will take that bet." Leo grinned huge, only to immediately soften it. "Go on. He's waiting for you."
Casey trailed his fingers on the trunk, feeling the tingle like static electricity as he circled around the back. The vast night sky continued on infinitely, and it took care to step over the roots and not trip. Casey kept his eyes on his feet until he was back on that sparkling resin-like floor, heart pumping hard, as if it was trying to punch out of his rib cage. He stopped in place, afraid to raise his head.
"Now it's easier for me to appreciate now how much taller you've gotten." Sensei said.
The sound of Sensei's voice felt like a crack splintering up a pane of glass. Casey's breath caught in his throat, sore. That familiar timbre was enough to renew his bravery, and he looked up.
Sensei. The impressive height, broad shoulders, and crinkling around his eyes. The dark circles, scarring up and down his skin, and the old sorrow that he could never quite shake. All wrapped up in persistent love and care that poured off him.
Casey used to wander around bases looking for height above the crowds, remembering his heart leaping when he spotted green in the masses. Recognizing an approaching figure from gait alone, trailing behind and holding one large finger in his whole small hand. Leaping full speed at this exact image after a long mission without his dad.
He didn't feel like he'd gotten any taller. Right now, he felt about five years old. He finally breathed again, the shaky inhale dangerously close to fracturing into something else. He said, "Hey."
"Hi." Sensei smiled, and the crinkles lit up around his eyes. And he sounded just as nervous as Casey.
And that just wouldn't do. Casey closed the distance between them, not wanting his dad to be afraid that this was -- he wasn't even sure what Sensei was thinking, that he'd disappoint him or something stupid like that. So instead he threw himself full speed at Sensei with the complete confidence that he would be caught.
And he was. Sensei bent his knees enough to swoop him all the way up, singular arm iron tight and lifting him straight off his feet. Casey muffled the singular sob that escaped into Sensei's shoulder, keeping arms locked around his neck. No matter how afraid he'd been coming in, he was more terrified to let go now.
"Oh, Case." Sensei said, and kissed the side of his head. It erupted a nostalgic joy, painful and old, slotted back into place. He'd felt that a thousand times before, just like that. It felt right.
Casey merely tightened his hold in response. The glass fissured and split. He gasped for air as it shattered, and he began to cry.
"It shouldn't matter." Casey hiccuped, barely able to catch his breath. "I didn't want it to matter. I wanted -- I want it to be enough, just to have you in my life. I don't want to care what form."
Sensei hummed, and lowered them to the ground, gathering Casey in his lap and tucking him under his chin.  It broke the shards into smaller flakes, because this was his dad who could surround him completely, protect him from the world even with just one strong arm. Casey curled up small and selfishly relished the feeling of safety. The sensation of it was so unbearably familiar.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with that." Sensei said, after a moment, squeezing reassuringly. "We can be grateful for what we have and equally grateful for a moment like this."
Casey soaked in the warm rosewater feeling, and reached to curl his fingers on the edge of Sensei's plastron, the tears streaking down his cheeks. He said, "Thank you."
Sensei pressed his smiling mouth to the top of Casey's head again, and said against his hair, "I love you to death, Casey Junior."
"You've loved me past that." Casey hiccuped, and squeezed his eyes shut painfully at the overwhelming rush. "I love you for a billion years."
"Oh it's a billion now?"
"I'm ambitious."
Sensei chuckled and squeezed again, in all the ways he'd been missing.
Casey didn't think about when they'd have to let go. They had a billion years, after all.
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twice-inamillion · 2 days
The Company 
Double Life
Fluff and Angst (Dark theme)
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Chapter 12
1735 Words 
(Company OC lives his everyday life, taking care of his business and ensuring everything runs smoothly. He has a soft spot for Mina, being his first recruit as the CEO. He also cares for trainees like Nayeon, who are as important as anyone else. Running a business is hard work, and sometimes you must get your hands dirty to ensure everything runs smoothly.)
After arriving from San Francisco, you went straight to work. Setting up an acting division within the company seemed easy, but recruiting talent was the most important part.
Luckily, the company executives took care of recruiting personnel and coaches while your main focus was on selecting actresses. 
While you look at some actress profiles, you get briefed on what you missed last week. IU mentions that rumors about the acting division have been circulating since someone, a well-known actress, visited the company. Officially, nothing hasn’t been confirmed, but you knew this was bound to happen. 
“We’ve been receiving many inquiries from trainees, asking if they can audition for a position in the new acting division.”
”Damn, what do you think? Should we open the recruitment to the trainees?”
”That’s up to you, sir. You mentioned you want to get some well-known actresses first, so maybe you should focus on that.”
”You’re right. Once we’re settled, we can think about expanding it to the rest.”
Also, while you were away, the trainee, Mina, stopped by. She mentioned that she wanted to see you.”
”Oh, okay. I’ll get in contact with her. Thanks Ji-eun.”
There is a knock at your door, and you see a silhouette, “It’s me, Mina.”
”Come in.”
Mina slowly opens the door and walks inside, “Good morning.”
”Good morning, Mina, how are you?”
”I’m okay. I didn’t know that you left abroad.”
”Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you. Did you need something?”
”No, I just haven’t seen you, so I came to stop by.” 
“Aww, that’s nice of you. Come and sit down.”
Mina takes a seat on the couch and stares at you. 
“How’s it going with your training?”
”It’s going well. I still have a hard time talking to all the girls, but I’ve gotten close to Momo and Sana.”
”That’s great. It's nice to see that you have someone to talk to.”
”They speak Japanese, so it’s easier for me. I just wish I didn’t get nervous.”
Don’t worry about it. People are naturally going to come to you based on your personality. You’re a really sweet girl.”
Mina’s ears get a bit red, and you find it kind of cute. You can’t help but see her as a younger sister, someone to protect.
”Oh, by the way, your parents sent you a package,” you say as you stand up and get the box that is on the other side of the room. 
“Oh, what is it?”
”All they told me was that you had to open it before it goes bad.”
Mina picks up the box and places it on the table. You hand her an envelope cutter and opens the box, “Aww, they sent me my favorite snacks.” She grabs one of the snacks and hands it to you, “Here, try it.” 
You try the bag of Skittles she gave you and share some with her. You can’t help but smile as you see her show her gummy smile. “Do I have something on my face?”
”No, it’s just that it’s nice to see you so happy.”
Mina’s ears turn red from your comment, “It’s just that these are my favorite, plus my parents sent them, so it makes it more special.”
”You’re right. Let's send something to them as well; what do you think?”
”Yeah. You don’t want to?”
”No, I do.”
”What do you want to send?”
”Umm, maybe some bread?”
”That sounds nice. Do you have an idea of where we should buy it?”
”Umm, there is a bakery that they used to take me to when I was little.”
”That’s nice. Let’s put in an order and have it delivered to them.”
”Are you really going to do it?”
Mina goes towards you and gives you a hug, “Thank you so much, Oppa.” It only takes a few minutes for her to realize what she did, and she steps back, face completely blushed, “I’m sorry, I just reacted without thinking.” 
“Don’t worry about it, it happens.” 
The two of you end up talking a bit more before Irene interrupts you two, “Sorry, I didn't know you had someone with you, sir; I’ll come back.”
”It’s okay, I was leaving anyway. Thanks, Oppa.” Mina waves goodbye and exits your office, leaving you and Irene to discuss important matters. 
You finish your evening run and go to the nearby cafe by the company building. Coming out of the cafe, you see one of the trainees standing in front of one of the gates that lead to the campus buildings. From afar, you can see they are pacing back and forth like they are waiting for something. You see a person cross the street and walk towards the trainee and wonder what’s going on. 
They seem to be talking to each other when you see the person, who seems to be an older man, grabs the trainee by the arm. The trainee struggles and tries to let go and yells, “Let me go!”
You exit the cafe and walk towards the street, trying to get an idea of what’s going on. As you walk closer, you see Im Nayeon, one of the transfer trainees from JYP. “She said to let her go” as you grab the man’s arm.
”This has nothing to do with you, so let me go!” shouts the older man.
”It does; I’m responsible for her, so I’m going to ask you to stop bothering her.” 
“Nayeon, tell that man that I’m not bothering you.”
You turn and see Nayeon frozen, unable to say a word.”
”Come on, sweetie, tell this man to not treat your father this way.”
”You… you’re not my dad.”
”Don’t be like that, Nayeon; of course, I’m your dad. I’m the one who raised you and your gold-digging mother.”
”Don’t call her that.”
”Well, she is a gold-digging whore. She’s been asking me for money and forcing me to support you.”
You can tell that Nayeon is getting upset by this whole situation and asks, “Nayeon, do you want this man here or not?”
Nayeon shakes her head, “No, I don’t want him here.”
”See, she told you to leave; now go before I call the police.”
”Fuck you, let me go. Nayeon! Listen to me; I’m going to get my money back, one way or another!” 
You grab the man’s arm and push him in between toward the sidewalk, “Go or else it’s going to go worse for you,” telling him in a serious voice. 
“Fuck! This doesn’t end here!”
Turning around, you say, “Nayeon, are you okay?” She doesn’t respond and is frozen from the encounter. You grab her hand, lead her to a private area, and sit on one of the benches, “What happened? Why did that man say he was your dad?”
”He… he’s not my actual dad but my mom’s ex-husband. He’s been harassing us ever since my mom broke up with him.”
”Did you try calling the police?”
”We did, but they wouldn’t do anything. He just wants us to pay back the money he spent on us.”
”What a douchebag.”
”It’s one of the reasons why I decided to join JYP; I thought I could earn some good money after debuting, but that hasn’t happened.”
”I’m sorry to hear that, but I've heard from your coaches that you’re one of the top trainees in the group.”
”How does that help me now? I was supposed to help my mom and get us away from that man.” Nayeon begins to cry, upset at her current situation.
”Everything is going to be okay,” you say as you try to comfort her. 
“I’m sorry you had to see me cry; I’m so embarrassed, especially since you’re the company's CEO.”
”There is nothing to be embarrassed about,” you say as you caress her head. It takes her a while to calm down, but after settling down, she asks, “Is there a way I can work part-time while still being a trainee? I just want to pay that man back so he can leave us alone.”
”You don’t have to do that; just focus on your training. I’ll try to contact your mom and see what we can do to ensure he doesn't bother you again. Nayeon agrees, knowing that she can’t do anything in her situation. Jeongyeon and Jihyo appear a few moments later after receiving a message from Nayeon earlier. 
You head back to your office and look for one of your family’s contacts, a friend who can help you in these situations.
”Hey, Don, It’s me. I have a bit of a situation going on.
”Let me send you the info.”
“Let’s make this as discreet as possible. I don’t want it causing problems anymore.”
Nayeon’s former step-father walks out of the gambling club after losing his month’s earnings. Defeated, he cuts through the alley, trying to return to his cramped apartment after getting kicked out of his house. ‘Fuck that gold-digging slut and her daughter, stealing my hard-earned money. Throwing me like some trash after supporting them for so long. 
Covered by the darkness comes out a figure, “Hey man, it’s been a while.”
”Do I know you?”
”No, but I know you.”
The former step-father is too late to realize and falls to the group. He only sees a vague silhouette of a figure standing before him in the dark alley, “Who are you?”
”No one, I’m just here to take care of someone who’s been causing trouble to my employer. They send their regards.”
There’s no response, only a man lying on the cold, dark floor in an unknown alley. 
Don takes out his phone, calls his employer, “It’s done,” and clicks it. 
The door of a black van opens, and multiple men step out and carry the man lying on the floor. They toss him inside and shut the door before leaving the alley like nothing happened. 
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silksongeveryday · 6 hours
Hornet’s Strange Adventures - Choice 3
(Game 3)
Previous choice: Sleep in the bed
Hornet simple nods her head and decides to sleep in the bed. Just a little nap wouldn’t hurt. Who knew, maybe this white void she was in was just a bad dream and sleeping in this bed would make her wake up? Only one way to find out…
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So she climbs into the bed, tucks herself in, closes her eyes…and…
Hornet wakes up suddenly on the edge of a cliff. She jumps up and scrambles away from the chasm in surprise, suddenly frazzled by the unpleasant awakening.
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“Oh, hello.” Says a voice from behind.
Hornet turns quickly at the voice, and to her surprise, it’s a tree like figure that vaguely reminds her of someone. But it’s definitely not them. It’s someone else…or…something else…? Hornet approaches the mysterious tree figure with caution.
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“You seem lost, young one.” The tree says, “You do not know where you are, do you?”
“…No?” Hornet hesitantly responds.
“What if I could give you a way to leave?” The tree offers. “This fruit here. If you eat it, it may return you to where you want to go. Would you…find out?”
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Hornet wasn’t sure. Was this mysterious orange fruit the tree was offering safe? Who knew. But Hornet was also extremely curious if it would truly take her back home…
(Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 495)
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