#but i couldn't NOT do all of that. i just. ugh. i wish drawing were fucking easy for me it absolutely is not.
jadeylovesmarvelxo Β· 6 months
Ok, I have two alternatives, pick which one you like the best.
Reader get picked to tutor Eddie even though they have always been at each other's throat, she thinking he's a drama queen, pissed that the popular people doesn't like him and he thinks she's a stuck up bitch without humor.
So they go back and forth but maybe one day when she's having a bad day and Eddie says something and she starts crying he gets all "what, how, why? What did I do, please don't cry!"
Or, that he catches her reading a romance novel and outwardly she has always just read classics - books that are 'high education'
Request by @somethingvicked πŸ«ΆπŸ’ž went with the first option πŸ’ž
Warnings; Little bit of angst, meanish Eddie, fluff. Accidental kiss.
"You've got to be kidding me?" you gawk at Miss O'Donnell who has called you back at the end of class. She's asked you to tutor someone and at first you were all for it.
That's until you found out it was Eddie Munson, Munson who is currently sitting at the back of the class with his feet up on the desk in front of him, he gives you a sarcastic little wave and you turn back to Miss O'Donnell and hope she comes to her senses.
"He needs a tutor if he wants to graduate. You're the best student in the class. It will look wonderful on your college applications that you tutored Mr Munson" shit there was really no getting out of this.
Reluctantly you turn to Eddie who already doesn't like you. In his honest opinion you seemed prissy and stuck up. The two of you spent half your time at each other's throats, it had been like that for so long.
Equally you couldn't stand Eddie either. He was loud, a show off and you were sure he was jealous of the popular people he claimed to hate.
How you would manage to tutor him for weeks on end was anyone's guess. One thing's for sure, you were dreading this.
"Meet me after school tomorrow and we can get started okay?" You say to him already grumpy at having to spend extra time with him. Eddie swings his legs off the desk and smirks, then bows.
"As you wish princess" ugh, you storm out but not before hearing Eddie's laughter.
The first week of tutoring Eddie is as horrible as you expected. He's antagonistic, makes no effort and needles at your patience until it's paper thin.
"How can you be expected to graduate if you don't make an effort?" You snap as Eddie strums on his guitar.
"That old bat has it in for me, even when I try my best she still doesn't care" Eddie hisses back and you feel the beginnings of a headache come on.
"You just need to apply yourself better, if you want to graduate then you need to ace this Munson" he glares at you.
"Don't you think I know that? It's easy for you though isn't it princess, since your little miss perfect" the insult flares up your annoyance and you and Eddie devolve into your usual arguments.
"Don't you think I have better things to do then tutor you Munson? So do us both a favour and start paying attention, so we can go our separate ways sooner".
He huffs and places down his guitar with gentle care, grabs his notebook and
"Did you draw these?" you ask curious as you trace your fingers over the images on his notebook. He nods and looks at you like he's expecting you to give him shit.
"They are really good Munson, you could think about applying to an art course after graduation" Eddie scoffs and takes his notebook back.
"Yeah like anyone's going to take me with my grades" his tone is all annoyance and it pisses you off.
"I was only trying to compliment you, why do you have to be so touchy all the time" you look away from him stubbornly, he is silent for a few seconds and when he speaks again his voice is soft.
"I'm sorry, I'm not used to a lot of compliments from people" this softens you as well and you turn to face him and give him a small smile.
"Well you're really good" there's a faint tinge of pink to his cheeks when you say this. He nods and settles back down beside you.
"You know uh, you're pretty good with the whole writing thing, uh shit, you know what I mean" pleased and a little flustered at his compliment you clear your throat and mutter thank you, then get started with the book you and Eddie are reading for class.
Today has been the worst day. You overslept, forgot to hand your essay in to your biology teacher, the rain soaked you completely as soon as you left your home and you've been verging on a cold ever since.
So the thought of having to tutor Munson again does not fill you with joy, in all honesty all you want is your bed and to sleep. You couldn't get sick, you had too much to do.
Of course from the moment you meet up with Eddie he's difficult. All because it's Friday and he has a Hellfire meeting.
"I have to set everything up princess, I don't have time to waste here with you" furious you round on him.
"You think that I want to be here? No. I'd rather be at home so sit down and let's get on with this so I don't have to sit with your annoying ass any longer than I have to"
"Well at least I'm not a stuck up bitch with no sense of humour and a permanent stick up my ass"
Eddie's words cut to the bone and you stiffen in response. Don't cry, don't cry you chant to yourself, but you can't help as the tears roll down your cheeks, Eddie's big brown eyes widen in shock as you begin to cry.
Humiliated, you're just about to leave when he steps in front of you. "Wait, what did I do?" The two of you exchanged insults on a daily basis and you had never cried before, Eddie begins to panic as your sobs continue.
"Please don't cry" he says, he hates seeing you cry. Your little whimper stabs at his aching heart and on instinct he reaches over to you and takes your hand, the gesture surprises you both and it dries up your tears.
"I'm sorry, I don't like seeing you cry, please stop" you sniff and wipe the remainder of the tears away, Eddie's hand is still holding yours and it's making you feel things that you never expected.
Eddie gently strokes your hand with his thumb, marvels at the soft skin and how your hand fits perfectly in his own.
Uh, shit. This was new. You smile at him, suddenly seeming shy. His heart skips a beat. Jesus h Christ.
"I didn't mean it" he stumbles over his words and you sigh sadly, peer at him with an expression that tugs at his heart.
"Yes you did" he shakes his head fervently and assured you that he didn't.
"I just snapped back without thinking, I'm sorry" he pleads with you and you hear the sincerity in his voice and calm down a bit.
"I'm sorry too. Today has been so shit, I'm tired and I feel like crap. I just want to sleep" Eddie immediately grabs his notebook and pencil and sits down, he looks to you patiently.
"Let's do half an hour and I'll cram as much as I can in my brain and then I'm going to drive you home okay?" relived you nod but still feel worried.
"Miss O'Donnell won't be happy" you tell him and he shrugs as if he doesn't care one bit.
"Leave the old dragon to me okay princess?" touched at his sweetness you take his hand and squeeze it as a thank you. Surprisingly the half hour passes by cordially and Eddie is still sweet.
Before you know it the half hour has ended and Eddie is true to his word and drives you home. You don't feel much better and your stomach is fluttering like crazy being so close to Eddie.
What the hell was happening? Was this some side effect of the flu? Eddie's big brown eyes meet yours, "Thanks for driving me home Eddie"
He shrugs like it's no big deal and on impulse you reach over to kiss his cheek. The only thing is he moves so you miss completely and end up pressing your lips against his.
His eyes widen and you pull away embarrassed, your heart is racing and your lips are tingling from the kiss. You stammer out an apology but Eddie waves it off, you race out the door and into your house.
All the while Eddie is touching his lips, his own heart is racing a mile a minute and all he can think about is that he really wants to kiss you again.
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faetima Β· 4 months
Hi!! Can I please request a hanahaki fic with blade? I'm not sure if you've written for him though!
Also, please take some breaks! You've written a lot of fics lately, you might get overworked 🀍
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𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. .
. .hanahaki just had to put you through fucking hell, didn't it?
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, blood ; gn reader ; modern au, hanahaki au
i will be writing a part two to this.. soon enough :3
you couldn't do anything about this stupid disease anyways, so what was the point of even trying?
you heaved up clusters and clusters and clusters of ugly bright red petals, their sickly sweet scent making its way up to your nose. you felt so fucking nauseous and dizzy. the fragrant miasma of flowers overwhelmed you. you wanted to vomit or cry or die or anything but cough up these dumb stupid flowers.
the flowers flopped onto your floor--your newly polished floor-- ungracefully, covered in slick mucus and freshly coated in splatters of blood. they smeared the previously pristine tiling with blood, the iron stench of it mixing with the flowers and filling up the entire room. you just wanted the disease to kill you already. if it was going to either way, why make you suffer?
after what felt like hours and hours and hours and hours of coughing and heaving and choking, the flowers finally stopped fucking coming. you took shaky shallow breathes, trying to ground yourself.
your palms stung, and you looked down to realize you had been digging your nails into the palms of your hand almost strong enough to draw blood.
your gaze trailed up to the stupid fucking flowers.
upon closer inspection, you realized they were spider lilies. red ones.
his favorite flowers.
too bad you hated them.
his eyes were the same exact color of the flowers you had just coughed up.
blade sat two seats in front of you and one to the right, and whenever you saw him you couldn't help but wonder why you had fallen for him.
he was always so indifferent and cold. sure there might've been something warmer under his icy exterior, but you weren't the type of person to go dig through someone's cold attitude just to find out what they were actually like.
but some days you wished you knew what was under that cold front of his.
you were getting worse.
you'd barley come out of your room to stretch your legs or go to the bathroom or even eat.
the spider lilies were killing you from the inside out. of course you had to have hanahaki for someone who probably hated you, if he even knew you existed, that is.
and, on top of that, out of all flowers, the ones you coughed up had to be toxic.
if just hacking up the flowers was bad, the nausea they caused because of being toxic was worse. you couldn't even go five minutes without feeling abdominal pain and nausea.
blade swallowed hard.
why did he feel like this? why did his heart beat so fast when this random ass person passed by?
he gritted his teeth.
"kafka," he grumbled, barley glancing in her direction.
kafka glanced up from her book, setting it down elegantly and tucking a strand of mauve hair behind her ear, adjusting the tinted glasses sitting atop her head in the process.
"yes, bladie?" she grinned a little, and blade could only groan in irritation.
"who's that?" he muttered, gesturing towards the person he had been thinking about earlier.
"why?" kafka mused. "you've never been interested in learning others' names before now. what's changed?"
"nothing," he muttered gruffly, crossing his arms across his chest. his ears felt hot and his heart was beating faster and he was getting butterflies and he didn't know why.
kafka grinned, eyes glinting with amusement.
"ooh, i think someone has a crush."
"okay, let's go talk to them then bladie."
"why not? is it cause you like them?"
"..fine. let's go talk to them."
your head fell forward a little. another sleepless night of coughing up flowers didn't bring you any good.
suddenly, your eyes snapped open.
was that.. blade? walking towards you? with kafka?
no, it probably wasn't. you were probably just sleep deprived and hallucinating or something.
but then you smelt the strong and unmistakable scent of anise, too real to be your imagination.
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otomefiend Β· 1 year
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Premium
Pardon me, I completely forgot to post this. πŸ˜… The grand conclusion to their antics. Those two β€οΈπŸ–€
The night with Victor and William was so enjoyable,
I was sad to see it end.
These two men read my desires like an open book.
Victor: "Haha, what a lovely expression, Kate. Can you tell me what you want right at this very moment?"
William: "Kate -- tell us what you want."
Kate: "Victor, William. Would you stay with me just a little longer --"
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Victor β€’ William: "Of course!" β€’ "With pleasure."
They invited me to Leadenhall Market at night.
Due to the late hour, it was so quiet that the usual hustle and bustle of the place seemed like a lie.
(...... The shops are closed. It's already this late)
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William: "Heh, you're so cute with your thoughts written all over your face."
Kate: "What, oh... I'm sorry. After all, you were kind enough to bring me here."
William: "Even if the shops are closed, there are other ways to have fun."
When he looked at Victor, the latter seemed to understand his intentions and smiled in return.
Victor: "On this street, most shops display their recommended products in their windows."
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Victor: "So we can still do some window-shopping in the middle of the night."
Then Victor took my right arm, William took my left arm, and we started walking.
William: "Kate. Those shoes would look beautiful on you."
Victor: "William has great taste. Let's come back later and buy whatever catches our eyes."
Victor: "That bag over there looks amazing. The vivid colour would suit you well, Kate!"
(.... it's so much fun. I had no idea I could enjoy myself to this extent)
Kate: "Ah..."
William: "Did something draw your attention?"
Kate: "Um, ...that ...dress on display over there is really nice."
Victor: "How marvellous! It's so lovely you'd turn heads all over England if you wore it."
William: "Looks like it comes in two colours, red and black..."
Kate: "Which one do you prefer...?"
William: "It's best if you choose the one you like, but if it were me, I would say..."
Victor β€’ William: "I'd go for black!" β€’ "Most certainly red."
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Victor β€’ William: "........."
Kate: "Pfft...hahaha. Looks like there's no agreement."
Victor: "Then we shall buy both, the red and the black one."
Victor: "-- You can wear them on our respective dates, one with William and one with me."
He winked and smiled mischievously.
Victor: "Ah, you've become a naughty girl for toying with two men, haven't you Kate?"
William: "Heh.... maybe we taught you some things we shouldn't have."
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Victor: "Good, naughty girls are welcomed."
Kate: "Ugh.... please, don't make fun of me."
Victor β€’ William: "Hahaha!"
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The two men looked more defenceless than usual, laughing in the middle of the night and clearly having a great time...
(... am I okay to think it's just my privilege to have two such people by my side?)
I couldn't help but feel that selfish desire to monopolize.
William: "What about you, Kate? Is it time for the good little Robin to go to sleep?"
Kate: "... You know what I want to do, don't you?"
Victor: "Still, we'd like to hear it from you."
(... Seriously, you two are so troublesome)
Kate: "Please, stay with me as long as I'm awake..."
William: "Mhm, as you wish."
William: "Victor, I think you mentioned before that there's a pancake place around here that's only open at night."
Victor: "That's right, it's behind that alley. We can have a late-night feast, how splendid!"
(...... it's fun)
(So ​​much so that I will certainly dream about those two when I fall asleep tonight)
Even the night breeze felt more pleasant than usual by their side.
It was a quiet night after the day upon which Kate became the Queen.
Chubby man: "Haa... I need to hurry."
A man carrying a large bag hurried down a narrow alleyway.
At that moment, the sound of someone whistling a tune could be heard, followed by the fluttering of a jet-black coat...
Two long shadows blocked the man's path.
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William: "Good evening. Hmm, are you setting off on a journey judging by the heavy load you carry?"
Chubby man: "...... and you are?"
Victor: "Introductions can be such a hassle. By the way, it's a shame that your last night's plans at Oxford didn't pan out."
Chubby man: "...... you're the ones who killed the guys?"
William and Victor smiled in confirmation.
The man grabbed a bundle of notes from his bag with his fingers covered in gold rings,
Then held it out towards the two men.
Chubby man: "You're that group of assassins hired by Her Majesty, aren't you?"
Chubby man: "I'll make you a better offer! Not a bad deal, right? Yes? Yes?"
William: "Too bad. I don't remember being hired by anyone, nor do we plan to be hired in the future."
Victor: "Indeed, we condemn others of our own volition."
Chubby man: "Huh...? W-What condemnation... you're just a bunch of murderers!
William: "Hmm? Murderers... us?"
William: "You're right. Evil is evil, sin is sin, punishment is punishment."
William: "It can never be reversed; it should never be."
William: "For this reason we -- conquer evil with evil."
William: "`Cut you throat with this knife. Right now`."
Red droplets sprayed everywhere.
Looking unexpectedly beautiful whilst painting the blackness of the night.
Victor: "Mmm, your curse truly is dazzling. I fall in love with it every time I see it."
William: "I'm honoured by your compliments."
Victor: "By the by, William. Would you like to relay the details onto Kate?"
William: "No...? I'd rather not."
William: "Waking up the peacefully sleeping Kate is definitely not amongst my favourite pastimes."
Victor: "Haha. Yes, I suppose not."
Victor: "Maybe just let her hear your lullaby."
Victor: "As for the conclusion to the evening... I'm also in favour of keeping it a secret."
William: "And why is that?"
Victor: "...I want us to remain the kind queen and the gentle aide in Kate's eyes."
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William: "Heh, you're a wicked man."
Victor: "That's my line, Will."
William: "Mhm, let's go back to the castle. Our lovely Kate is waiting for us there."
The two accomplices smiled at each other as their cloaks flapped in the wind.
Only the two of them knew that the blood had been spilt that night...
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slashingdisneypasta Β· 6 months
Cruella De Vil x Fem!Seamstress!Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: Plot?... uh, I saw a picture on Pinterest of a bat corset (From JanesCorsets on Etsy) and wanted to see my wife in it XD Thats pretty much it. But um. Uh- This'll do;
You sew your boss into her outfit for the party tonight and some unexpected feelings come to life in the pit of your belly. And maybe other places, up higher.
When Cruella notices... she offers you a deal.
Warnings: Reader has a wandering eye and there's a splash of blackmail on Cruella's end.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @ghouletka , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , and @ryantryan6969 .
She looked amazing in the bat corset and skirt- and thankfully, it wasn't made of bat skin.
... it was painted crocodile leather and silk lining. But still, the fact that you managed to talk the fashion hawk of London out of killing a 50 bats for her corset and skirt combo, was an achievement.
And she really did look good in it. As you sewed her into it (Yes, the outfit needed to be sewed around her), you couldn't help but notice that fact. And not in a seamstress kind of way- in a lesbian way. Vaguely you were aware that these thoughts were unprofessional, thoughts like fuck is this woman hot and maybe i should do some last-minute adjustments to the breast plate,.. but also, working for her was unprofessional to start with. The House of De Vil was more like a battle field or Italy with the Borgia Family in charge; filled with betrayal and visciousness. So merely noticing Cruella's tits didn't really seem like that big a sin.
Once you'd managed to sew the back of Cruella's corset closed tightly, so she could not slouch and so it wouldn't come loose, you take your little thread scissors and cut the string free. Then you make sure that all the string is hidden away, and no loose ends hang free... then back up to get a good look at the outfit as a whole.
... good work, if you do say so yourself. (Its not as if she'll tell you so, after all. The cold, wicked bitch that she is- even if she is remarkably appealing all of a sudden)
As you smirk and appreciate your excellent handy work (Why be humble, anyway?? You weren't hired for humble), Cruella becomes impatient. "... Well?? Are you finished?? It looks like the drawing, so I assume you are- "
"-'It looks like the picture'?? Cruella, this is a masterpiece." You snap back, waiving a hand dismissively at her. You were never one to let your work by unappreciated- even by Cruella De Vil. Never. "Take it in!; you got a wall fulla' mirrors here. The dress, and the woman in it, look beautiful."
"Ugh, honestly. You are a pest Y/N." Cruella snaps back, rolling her eyes and scowling with those pretty painted lips of hers. She doesn't, however, threaten your job like she would anyone else for the lip you just gave her. Why?? Well you both know you're the best in your field. You can speak to her any way you want- she'll never risk you getting scooped up by a competitor. All her best outfits have been by you. Have had your name sewed minutely on the inside somewhere.
... For example, this particular outfit, has you name sewed into one of the breast cups- and right now as you look at her you're quite pleased you decided to put it there this time.
Cruella's eyes stray from her form in the mirror to you; catches your gaze on her chest. " -what are you looking at??"
"My work, madam." You shrug, smoothly, brushing it off with a sarcastic tone and lifting your eyes to hers- a challenging look on your face. ... is she gonna say anything?
Her eyes, so like a snake's from beneath a rock, settle on you darkly and challenge you right back. You wish you could say this was out of the ordinary, that you didn't often engage in optical battle with your employer; but you cant. This is a regular occurrence. So you don't have any trouble giving her the eye right back for a few moments.
"... I could've sworn you were staring at my chest, darling, like some common pervert. Am I wrong??" She knows she's not wrong. You know she's not wrong.
... You part your lips to say something, but the hesitation was just enough chance for her to strike. Damnit. With her hands (Claws) on her defined hips, Cruella narrows her eyes. "-because if you were, I'd have to file a harassment complaint- or something else silly, that the board always waffle on about." For a split second, you feel frustrated- but then Cruella simpers. She pouts her lips, and bats her eyelashes. She approaches you in that skin tight black leather bat corset and while you stand there perfectly relaxed, albeit a little honestly surprised, Cruella curls a loose strand of your hair around one of her talons. "... or," Or? "We could come to some sort of agreement? What do you think?"
Narrowing your eyes suspiciously, you squint at her. "... -are you serious??"
"As the plague, darling!" Her eyes go wide, almost innocent. When you don't respond, she sighs huffily with impatience. "Look- I haven't had a woman in months because of work. And I know you haven't had a woman in months- yes, I'm well aware you're a lesbian, dear." Well, its not as if you hide it; there's a sapphic erotica novel sitting on your desk that you've been flipping through on lunch breaks. "And I also know, that neither of us are going to meet anyone outside of work for months still, because I'm about to push the work load even further," That gives you pause, and you almost drop your jaw in outrage. She's what!?- Goddamit, this woman already has you all working 10 hour days in this hellhole- but Cruella just goes on. "So, I suggest that since we work so closely, together, anyway... -and also since you're not terribly offensive to be around... that we... " She shrugs, that pouty simpering 'innocent' look once again on her pretty face. "Make the best of it. Hm?"
With this woman's fingers in your hair, and her heated eyes on you, and her cleavage in front of you- it seems like a dream opportunity.
But you're not a dumb woman.
After an obvious look downwards towards her breasts, you give her pointed, raised-eyebrow-look. "What's the catch?"
She shrugs. She knows you're not a dumb woman. "You forfeit the chance to find a meaningful relationship outside of work, your whole life stays at work, I own you pretty much... but I already do, so that doesn't really change, does it?"
"... you own me??" You ask, deftly. Hmm... you kinda like that.
"What?.. You didn't read your employment contract?" She smiles broadly, and you're not sure if she's joking or not to be quite honest. Because no, you did not. Not fully; You were drinking when you signed it.
To be quite honest, though, you don't particularly care right now. She's right, you haven't had anything to do with another woman's body except to fit her, for too long. Your pussy's practically screaming for a fuck right now- you can barely think.
... would this be much different from your life already? You life is work- how else does one get as good as you are? And you've never been very good at relationships... not platonic ones, and not romantic ones. You're good for fashion, lesbian sex and the occasional scathing insult; thats it.
So this, with Cruella who's no slouch in at least 2 of those things as well (To your knowledge thus far), sounds...
Kind of perfect.
Instead of responding, instead of attempting to outdo her with the words she's so clearly superior with, you take the beautiful woman's face in your hands and draw her in for your first kiss which she responds to with intense satisfaction. Your hands trail down her neck, over the smooth skin of her chest and the tops of her soft breasts, then over the rough leather of her corset while her long, painted talon's scratch gently over your cheeks probably leaving marks behind.
After a few moments of voracious kissing, you both pull back; a satisfied smile on your lips and a gleeful on on hers.
"Excellent~ ... meet me at my home after the event, darling."
"See you then."
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thatfreshi Β· 1 year
"Unlucky Draw" (Uni AU p. 15)
There's finally some fluff guys!!!!!!!!!
tw - anxiety, discussion of weed
Since Halsin's little break-up escapade happened, you actually do get the chance to see Astarion later that night. As of recent, he's been throwing himself into his thesis project more and more, to the point where most of your time hanging is spent with him looking through books and asking 'do you think this sounds right?'
"You know you can take a break, right?"
"I could, you're right, but then I'd just be wasting time. And I'm not allotted much time to work on this."
The two of you are comfortably sprawled across his mattress, like teenagers at a sleepover. You roll over and shut his laptop.
"C'mon, you've been staring at that paper for like two hours."
"And what else should I do, my darling Tav? Maybe stare at the ceiling in silence? Or scroll mindlessly on my phone until I don't feel like moving anymore?"
"Ugh, no! I don't know, take a coffee break. You're probably not going to sleep anyways."
Your best friend almost looks peaceful like this, wrapped in a cozy sweater and sweatpants, always wearing long socks because he gets cold too easily. You find yourself lingering on the thought longer than normal, wishing he could feel that comfortable warmth all the time, wondering it might be like to share in it.
"Tav, are you listening? God, maybe we should just stare at the ceiling in silence."
"Sorry, just spacing out. What were you saying?"
"I was saying, how I should probably cut back on the caffeine."
"Really? Astarion Barista AncunΓ­n, are you turning your back on your beloved espresso machine?"
"Look, I'm not happy about it, but I've been far too anxious as of late. My nerves are on fire constantly, jumping at every little noise I hear. It's irritating, to say the least."
"I thought being caffeinated was how you dealt with the insomnia though?"
"Oh it very much is, which will become a problem soon enough, but I just can't be this nervous constantly."
It's something that you've definitely noticed, how quiet and fidgety he's become recently.
"You considered smoking weed? I know Gale says it helps him zen out, especially when it comes to art stuff."
"Nope, makes me paranoid."
"Damn, unlucky draw I guess."
"You're telling me. I smoked one time back in high school, couldn't sleep for hours, kept thinking someone was out to get me or something."
You start to get lost in the peace of the moment again, the fact that you're able to talk about shit that doesn't matter, how the light from the bedside lamp hits his eyes just right...
"Are you alright? You seem, out of it."
"Sorry, just thinking about what Halsin said to me."
"I can't believe he just broke things off like that, without a reason."
You swallow hard.
"He, he said it's because he thinks you like me? And that he doesn't want to get in the way of that?"
There's silence for a moment, that you jump to fill.
"But that's not true right? We're just friends, I don't know where he would've gotten that idea from."
"Right, I don't know either... sounds like you dodged a bullet with him."
"Yeah, probably so."
God, has he always looked like this? Damn Halsin, damn all those things he said, damn Gale for even playing into it. You remind yourself that Astarion's right, that this doesn't need to get any more complicated than it already is, that he has enough on his plate.
"Now, am I allowed to go back to my thesis now? Or do I need to have more mandatory break time?"
You playfully sigh.
"I guess you can do productive things or whatever."
"Well, in that case would you like to come read what I have?"
"I'll look at it, but you have the cool narrator voice, you have to read it to be like a professional author."
He rolls his eyes, and you go to sit next to him, looking at the thousands of words he's typed at this point. Astarion starts to read it out loud, editing tiny things as he goes, forever a little perfectionist. After a while, the voice becomes too soothing, and you fall asleep there next to him, letting your head hit his shoulder.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you knocked out, clearly exhausted. He doesn't stop reading though, worried if he does that he'll somehow ruin the sleep he's let you stumble into. So he spends the rest of the night rereading out loud and talking to himself, occasionally asking you things that you don't answer. After many hours pass, and the wee hours of the morning arrive, along with the clock turning to say five AM, he puts his laptop aside, and asks you one final question.
"Why do you insist on pulling my heartstrings the way you do?"
And it falls on your sleeping ears, never truly getting through.
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miamochi-writes Β· 1 year
hihi! can you write vash being with an artist and them needing to finish a commission since they're running low on money and ends up pulling multiple all-nighters, not really taking care of themselves and vash like forces them to take a break? (college is killing me rn :,)) thanks !!
A/n: Ooo I can sort of relate to this, just mainly the all-nighters :’) Also hope you don't mind Vash giving the reader some much needed TLC ❀️Enjoy!
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A Break from Perfectionism
β€œUgh, why does the chin look weird?”
β€œNow the eyes aren’t leveled,”
β€œHands are the worst to draw!"
"Why do they still look wonky? They shouldn't look like this!"
You kept muttering to yourself as you tried to sketch on your drawing pad. You were limited on supplies, so this drawing had to be perfect. You already used up most of your supplies at the last town with your previous commissions. You already spent most of your double dollars to restock on the set of charcoal sticks and sketch paper you used. Just like clothes, art supplies were expensive to buy in No Man's Land.
However, you managed to get one commission that would cover all your future expenses. One of the townsfolk noticed your portfolio and wanted a portrait of themselves. When they told you how much they were willing to pay, you nearly passed out from the amount of double dollars they held out in front of you. Of course, you couldn't say no to this commission and promised to work on it immediately. Usually, you would have finished this commission quickly since it was your only one. The only problem is, your perfectionism was getting in the way of making any progress. You needed this commission to be perfect. One second it would look great at a glance, but after five seconds, you would find a flaw upon closer inspection. Thus, you would fix the mistake with some erasing, sketching, or shading until you were satisfied. This process would repeat itself until you lost track of time. You were currently working on the face until you heard someone come inside your room.
β€œY/n, you there?” A familiar voice asked. You didn’t need to look up. You recognized that voice from a mile away. You couldn’t afford to look away from your sketch as you were shading in the shadows of the person you drew.
β€œYeah I’m here, what’s up Vash?” You asked as you started finishing up the last shade of the cheek. It wasn’t good, nor terrible, but it would do for now. After all, you were going to fix it again for the umpteenth time.
β€œI’m just checking in on you. How's it going with the artwork?” Vash asked as you could hear him walk closer to you. When Vash first asked about seeing your drawings, you were such a nervous wreck about him seeing your work. Now, you've grown used to him seeing your portfolio after you started dating each other. He was your muse whenever you had an art block. The way Vash expressed himself and his little mannerisms were perfect for you to draw.
"Wow, that looks amazing Y/n! This is probably your best one yet!" Vash complimented as you sighed.
"Thanks, I wish I could see this the way you do. It's not nearly finished. There are so many things wrong with this piece that I need to fix. The shading is all wrong on this part, and the face looks wonky at certain angles," you whined as you looked at the sketch again and started zoning in on all the flaws. The more you looked at the piece, the more you felt the urge to crumple up the paper and start over.
"Hey, don't be so harsh on yourself. You're a great artist, and everyone knows it. Why don't we take a break from this and work on it later?" he suggested, putting his hands on your tense shoulders.
"Vash I can't! I have to keep working on this. I need to finish this soon. I promised this person I would have it ready before we leave in a few days!" you argued.
"Y/n, you need a break. This isn't healthy for you. Besides, when was the last time you took a break? Did you even eat?" Vash persisted as you thought about how to answer those questions without worrying him.
"Uhhh...I took a mini break when Meryl checked in on me sometime ago. And I had a snack not too long ago," you answered vaguely. Before any of you could answer, your stomach growled loud enough for five seconds. Long and loud enough for Vash to hear. You immediately turned red at that moment, cursing your stomach and its terrible timing.
"Y/n, when exactly did you last eat something filling?" Vash asked. When you looked at him, you saw his glasses were glinting at you. This was not a good sign, as you knew he was dead serious if you couldn't see his pretty blue eyes anymore.
"When we all ate together?" you answered quietly. You then felt two strong hands on your waist. Next thing you knew, your feet were no longer touching the ground. Vash was carrying you over his shoulder with his prosthetic hand. It was at this moment, you knew there was no escaping your boyfriend if he had you in his prosthetic grip. You knew how strong he was with that arm in particular as he adjusted his grip on you.
"Vash please! I promise to take a break and eat later! Just please put me down!" you begged.
"Y/n, I can't believe you haven't eaten a proper meal in days! You're not leaving my sight until you eat and rest," Vash argued as you whined in defeat. Vash took you out from your room as you were covering your face in shame. You felt embarrassed being carried like this, and it didn't help people were going to see you and Vash like this.
"Wolfwood, make sure Y/n doesn't go in this room unless I say so. We'll be back later," Vash requested. You then saw Wolfwood waiting outside your room and placed his weapon in front of your room. He told Vash he'd watch over the place as you were in complete shock. Now there was no way you could sneak back into your room and continue working.
Vash brought you down to the hotel's dining room. You were a blushing mess when you saw a couple of people lounging there. It wasn't every day that Vash carried you over his shoulder, let alone in a public space where people could see. He finally set you down at a table for two where Meryl and Roberto sat. They then left once they saw Vash as the both of you took a seat. You could see two plates of freshly cooked Thomas meat in front of the two of you.
"Vash, is this for me?" you asked as he nodded.
"How? This must have cost a good chunk of our funds!" you added, feeling bad just looking at this meal.
"Y/n, you deserve to eat a warm meal. Plus, I don't mind spending money on you if it means sharing a meal with you like this. I haven't seen you in days since you started working on that piece," Vash explained. Oh how a wave of shame washed over you. You didn't realize how much time and energy you spent working on this commission. When you thought back to how Vash checked in on you earlier, you didn't even bother to look at him.
"I'm sorry Vash, I didn't mean to ignore you like that. I got so invested in working, I didn't realize how much time passed. I'll make it up to you somehow," you apologized.
"No I understand, just promise me to take breaks every now and then okay?" he replied with those sweet blue eyes that held so much love and kindness for you every day. You nodded your head and began to dig into your meal. The meat was succulent and tender with each bite you took. Your mouth was overwhelmed with flavor as your stomach was finally getting fed actual food.
"Vash this is so good! Thank you for getting this," you chimed as Vash smiled at how content you were.
"I'm glad you like it! Eat as much as you can, you need all the energy you can get for later," he replied before taking a bite of his meal. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you finished everything on your plate. Even Vash managed to wipe his plate clean as there were no scraps left behind. Once you were finished, Vash led you to his room while holding your hand with his warm cybernetic arm. Once you entered, he locked the room and led you to his bed.
"Y/n, when was the last time you slept? Be honest," Vash asked. Guilt-ridden, you averted your e/c eyes from your boyfriend. You already knew you didn't get a wink of sleep when you saw your dark circles in the reflection of your silverware earlier. Vash exhaled as he knew more or less the answer to his question. He then pulled you over to him as he held you close. Vash then caressed your cheek as his blue eyes locked on to yours. His eyebrows were furrowed with a small frown apparent on his beautiful face.
"Please take better care of yourself next time. I know I'm not great at taking care of myself, but I don't want you catching my habits too," Vash spoke. Your heart sunk as you rested your hand on his right cheek.
"I'm so sorry Vash, I will. The last thing I want to do was worry you. But you better take care of yourself too. We both can't be neglecting ourselves or each other. Promise me we'll both take better care of ourselves and each other?" you offered as Vash nodded with a smile growing on his face. His eyes gleamed as they crinkled from his smile that you loved ever so much.
You then kissed Vash gently on the lips as he pulled you closer to him. He rubbed small circles on your back as you melted into the kiss. Once you pulled away for air, Vash stared at you in such adoration as he slowly brushed his thumb on your cheek.
"I missed you so much Mayfly," he said as he laid down and pulled you with him. You loved it when he called you by your nickname. That name never failed to warm your heart as you showered Vash with butterfly kisses.
"Aw I missed you too my angel. I wished I was commissioned to draw you instead. I love to draw your beautiful face any chance I get," you cooed. Afterwards, Vash's cheeks were turning slightly pink as he wore a shy smile on his face before covering his face with both hands. He was a blubbering red mess the first time he heard you call him that. When you explained why you called him that, Vash nearly passed out from the overwhelming love and compliments you showered him with. When you first met him, you mistook him for an angel, because there was no way a human could look that pretty 24/7. When he saw your portraits of him in your sketchbook, he was in awe of how you drew him. How you perceived him in all your work was how Vash wanted to see himself in the mirror. Whether it was him smiling, laughing, or gazing, you always drew Vash in all his beauty. Plus, you always left little comments about how ethereal he was in your work that he practically melted. That nickname always turned Vash into absolute putty in your hands.
Vash then snuck a peak at you with his beautiful eyes as you chuckled at how childlike he was. He then grabbed your wrists and started massaging them slowly. All the pain building up from all the late night sketches and awkward positioning of your wrists was finally alleviated.
"How's that Mayfly?" he asked as he continued massaging you from your wrists to your hands and lastly to your fingers. Every little rub and massage he did brought so much relief to you. Your muscles and joints were slowly relaxing with each touch. You had no idea you were so tense earlier. If it wasn't for Vash, you probably would have gotten carpal tunnel syndrome much earlier. Once Vash finished, he planted kisses on both hands.
"How did you know?" you asked him.
"You were stiff when I first saw you today. Plus, your movements were rigid when we were eating earlier. Did my massage help?" he asked as you kissed him once more.
"More than you know," you replied as Vash brought you to his chest and kissed your lips and cheeks.
"Good, you deserve it after working so hard," Vash added. He then caressed the back of your head. He then slowly and gently ran his fingers through your hair. Furthermore, he rested his other arm on your back as you rested your head on top of his right chest. You loved hearing his heartbeat as it always calmed you down.
"Can we stay like this for awhile Angel?" you asked him.
"As long as you want Mayfly," he answered.
"Good, I think I'll take a quick nap on you if you don't mind," you added.
"Go ahead. I'll be right here. Sweet dreams my Mayfly," Vash wished as he planted one soft kiss on your head. Your eyes slowly got heavy as you drifted off to the sweet bliss of sleep. Once Vash made sure you were asleep, he slowly rested both his arms on top of your back and stared fondly at you. Oh how he missed having you in his arms these past few days. Vash loved and adored you every second. He knew how much this commission was stressing you out when he realized how important it was to you. Vash isn't the type to bother you while you work, but after not seeing you for days, he mustered up all the courage he had to knock on your door. The blonde was touch starved for days and missed seeing his favorite person. After all, you were his safe haven in this cruel world.
You woke up to see the sun setting. You looked to see Vash sleeping next to you as he held you by the waist. The minute you moved, Vash slowly stirred since he was such a light sleeper. Then those beautiful eyes slowly blinked at you as a smile crept on his lips.
"Sleep well?" he asked as you nodded.
"Good," he replied as he pecked your lips. Vash looked at the window and realized the time. He then walked you back to your room and allowed you to go back to work. Except, you would have to sleep with him later tonight, which you happily obliged. Wolfwood moved his weapon away as you walked inside. Once you settled in, you looked at the sketch you did and started redrawing the areas that bothered you. Once that was done, you started shading and outlining the prominent features with your charcoal sticks. Then, you started adding little touchups to the smaller details. Finally, you looked at the outcome of your work. You couldn't spot any mistakes after giving it a good look. Finally, you were done with this piece!
You immediately grabbed your things and ran to Vash's room. He was excited to see you once you knocked at his door. Once you changed clothes, showered, and brushed your teeth, the both of you got comfortable in each other's arms in bed. Despite how stressful the past few days were on you, you were grateful to have Vash intervene and take care of you. After today, you were not afraid to take a couple of much needed breaks. Especially if it meant Vash would be spending time with you during those said breaks.
@daschstuff @bunnigrimm
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airi-p4 Β· 1 year
Spark joy
Hi! I wrote a new short fic. It's the one I shared for this past Six Sentence Sunday.
When Alya and Sabine scold Marinette, she finally cleans up and tidies her room.
…and her heart.
It all started with her best friend's comment:
"Girl, I have no idea how you plan to find anything in this mess! No wonder you lose and forget everything!"
…Which her mother's scolding seconded:
"Marinette, what's with this mess!? I know it’s summer vacation but you should tidy up your room. C'mon! Clean it up!"
"But-" the girl tried to protest, but was interrupted.
"If you don't, then I'll do it myself. And I'll throw away whatever I feel like. Don't come crying to me if you miss something!"Β 
Marinette knew from the hands on her hips, the annoyed brows and the threatening tone, that she was being serious.
"No, please! Don't throw anything away! I'll do it!"
"Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to see everything clean and tidy by the end of the day!"
They were both right: her room was untidy.Β 
A total mess.Β 
But how was she supposed to tidy up her room? All cupboards, drawers and boxes were already stuffed. Where was she supposed to put all her new staff in these conditions?
A visit to Mylene's house that Saturday afternoon gave her a completely new impression.
Minimalistic. Green. Tidy.
"Wow, Mylene. Your room is so clean and tidy!" Marinette admired it, looking around. "How do you always keep it so nice?"
"Have you ever heard of 'the life-changing magic of tidying up'? Or Marie Kondo?"
Mylene opened her eyes with a new vision of the world.
The main idea of Mylene's advice to tidy up her room was easy:Β 
You ask yourself a question about a certain item: "does it spark joy to you?"Β 
If the answer is "yes," it stays, if the answer is "no," it goes away.
Moreover, it is important to take notice of how your body reacts to the object.Β 
Tidying up with this method consists of repeating this process until only items that spark joy remain.
Even Marinette should be able to do it.
She decided to try it out.
Back at home, she started with the items on her desk.
The sewing machine, the fabrics, the accessories, the glitter, the buttons, the measuring tape, the scissors… all the sewing tools and supplies- they all sparked joy. They were clearly staying.
Her school books and homework… they didn't spark joy. But those were obligations- responsibilities-, just like her earrings. She couldn't throw them away (even if she secretly wished to sometimes).
Her drawing tools and crafting materials; stickers, washi tapes, patterned paper and sketchbooks… They were all surely staying. So much joy in drawing and designing!
She continued looking around when her little friend approached.
"What about this, Marinette?" Tikki asked, carrying a dusty exotic mask around. "I don't think you need this…"
"No! Don't throw it away, Tikki!" She quickly grabbed it. "I got this from one of grandma Ginna's trips! I have to keep it!"Β 
"Does it spark joy, then?"
"It does! Well, not exactly, but we had a welcome party for her that day, and papa baked a cake that day. It brings back good memories!" She fondly recalled. "The mask stays. And so do all of granny Ginna's souvenirs!"
"What about Ginna's candy…?"Β 
"Oh- Ugh… I thought I had gotten rid of all of them…" she made a disgusted expression. "Definitely doesn't spark joy. We're throwing them. It's not a secret anymore that I don't like them so…"
"That's true," Tikki nodded, throwing the candy inside the trash bin.Β 
Marinette moved to her cupboard next.
"All my clothes obviously stay!"
"Aren't these too small for you, Marinette?" Tikki asked at the sight of child sized outfits.
"They are, but I plan to reuse them for creating new pieces of clothing- giving them a second life. There's thatΒ '3R: recycling, reuse and reduce' event that Mylene promotes coming soon. We gotta do what we can to save the planet!"
Tikki nodded with a grin, and proceeded to imitate Marinette's arms in a cross shape pose, ready to say a tv program's motto in unison:
"Little changes are powerful!"
They laughed together as they continued tidying up.
"My bed!" Marinette jumped, wiggling her legs. "The cat plushie is obviously staying!" She hummed happily. "And the books and the night light too!" She collected and put them back on the shelf.
"Comfy" Tikki muffled snuggling the long cushion.Β 
Marinette giggled at her cuteness.Β 
β€œShould I throw my alarm clock away…?” she asked, cheekily. β€œMarinette, don’t!”
β€œI’m joking, Tikki!” She laughed at the kwami’s protest.
"Okay, next is-"Β 
Her heart skipped a beat, and suddenly, her mood dropped- body tense and mouth turning into a flat line.
"What's wrong, Marinette?" Tikki asked. But then she looked where Marinette was staring at and she understood.
The cork board… and the photos.
Adrien's photos had been there for a long time. Since that rainy day when he gave her his umbrella and that thunder struck some months ago- and when she (and her friends, including Tikki) had convinced herself that it had been love at first sight, just because of a nice one-time gesture.Β 
Since then, she had done some crazy things to get Adrien's attention- some on her own and some others encouraged by others- all of them with the same result: a fiasco. Only embarrassment and humiliation from her part.Β 
It was tiring.
Plus the model boy had never paid special attention to her anyway… 
Well, except-
The lucky charm Adrien gave her for her birthday.Β 
Right- she hadn't cleaned up that drawer yet…
He did put effort into it, since it was handmade.Β 
For a "friend," he had said.Β 
It was so obvious he didn't feel anything more for her.Β 
The current question was: "Do these photos spark joy?"
She went into deep thought.
"Marinette? What are you thinking?"
"Tikki, I think… I think Adrien's photos do not spark joy"
"I can't recall what's good about Adrien anymore, Tikki. All the girls' plans to get closer to him always fail and I get humiliated or embarrassed in front of him and everyone else as a result. People think I’m crazy… Geez- I can't even articulate a single word or talk to him like a normal person at all!" She sighed. "And after the failure with the statue at the wax museum…" that was probably the last straw. Too much. A turning point.
Tikki looked at her in concern.
"I don't know, Tikki. I think loving Adrien doesn't spark joy to me anymore. At all"
"But, Marinette-!" The kwami gasped.
"You've just seen it, Tikki! Whenever I look at these photos, my mood darkens and I get sadder, anxious, uncomfortable-" she took a deep breath. "Yes, both these photos and going after Adrien do not spark joy" she looked at Tikki. "I'm getting rid of the photos"
"Are you sure…?"
"I'm sure"
"What about the lucky charm? Are you going to throw it away, too?"Β 
"I don't know… I think I'll keep it. At least for now? I hate throwing presents and gifts away, honestly. I even keep all of Manon's ugly drawings and stones or sticks she picked up at the park because I'd feel bad for throwing them away! So I'll keep the lucky charm hidden in a drawer as a birthday present from a classmate, nothing more"Β 
"You know what, Marinette?"
"I think this might be one reason why you're so untidy! You can't throw away the presents you've been given!"
"Tikki!" Marinette pouted at the kwami's laugh before joining her. "I think you're right…" she added, remembering a messy little pottery figure Kim gave her many years ago lying somewhere deep inside a drawer. Was it a dolphin? A snake? A monkey? Perhaps a pigeon…? Why did she even keep it if she had no idea what it was supposed to be?Β 
Yes, Tikki was absolutely right about her incapacity to keep her room tidy…
"Let's get rid of these photos first. I think it's time to tidy my heart as well"Β 
Tikki didn't question her- she could tell that the girl had set her resolve. Supportively, she helped her remove and throw them away.
With Adrien's photos gone (except the one with the whole class), Marinette could finally smile while looking at her corkboard.Β 
Photos of her with her best friend, Alya, the girls, her friends and classmates, her family, and-
It took her few seconds to realize the extra spark a certain photo caused her:Β 
This amazing, patient boy who was always there for her, who had been nothing but respectful and nice towards her and sometimes it even felt like their minds and hearts were completely in sync. A boy who was sweet, caring, that made her laugh and, more importantly, a true friend. Maybe a bit more than that since he… he had confessed his feelings for her some time ago- with the most beautiful words she had ever heard. She blushed at the memory, her heart beating faster.Β 
That alluring revelation had made her happy.Β 
Very happy.
And so, looking at Luka's photo felt like-
A great amount of joy.Β 
He never failed to bring a smile to her face (and redness to her cheeks, too).
"I guess this certain photo does spark joy, then?" Tikki teased her human friend.
"Tikki!" She flustered.
"I guess it stays?"Β 
"Yes, it stays. He absolutely stays" Marinette smiled warmly at his image.Β 
That's right, he had been busy lately and barely met up or talked. She didn't want to interrupt his summer music course but… 
She missed him.
Maybe- she could try to give him a call…? Or send him a message?
Yes, that would be nice.
A warm smile spread on her face as she typed.
'Hi Luka'
'I know you're busy with your music course and I hope I'm not disturbing you but I was wondering if you had time to talk…?'
'I mean-!'
'It doesn't have to be now! Just whenever you find the time? If you feel like it?'
Was this okay? What if she'd just disturbed him? She didn't have time to overthink it since a new message arrived on her phone.
'Hello, Marinette'
'You're not disturbing me'
'And for you, I can always make the time'
'What's up? :)'
Gosh- she loved that about him… And his eyes… and his smile..
Wait- don’t get distracted!Β 
Focus, Marinette!
β€˜I wanted to tell you something,’ she texted.
Luka: β€˜Sure. What is it?’
Marinette: β€˜You spark joy’
Luka: β€˜???’
Luka: β€˜I spark joy?’
Marinette: β€˜Yes!’ 
Marinette: β€˜A lot of joy!’
Luka: β€˜???’
Luka: β€˜What’s this about?’
Luka: β€˜What am I missing…?’
Luka: β€˜I can almost hear you giggling on the other side of the phone’
He wasn't wrong. She was giggling.
This boy lived on the Liberty, a houseboat that was a hundred times untidier and messier than her own room. She didn't expect him to know much about tidying up- even though she knew he and his sister Juleka secretly cleaned when Anarka was out.Β 
Besides, Marinette really couldn't picture the Captain asking herself if all that junk she had around sparked joy- the image alone was very funny in her head.
Luka: β€˜So you're really not going to tell me? I'm curious now’ 
Marinette: β€˜Fine, I'll tell you’
Marinette: β€˜But only if you agree to go out with me the next day you’re free!’
Gosh-! She did it! She asked him out!
Luka: β€˜Sure. I'd love to’
Luka: β€˜I'm free on Wednesday’
Marinette: β€˜Wednesday it is!’
Luka: β€˜Cool :)’
Marinette: β€˜It's a date ;) ’
There was a long pause.Β 
Did she break him (hopefully)? Was he squealing like she had just briefly done after sending the message? Kicking his feet as she did too, a moment ago? Or maybe he was more the type to yell at the pillow…?Β 
She didn't scare him, did she…?
Her heart was beating fast with anticipation.Β 
And his reply arrived.
It was a short audio with some happy guitar notes.Β 
Luka: β€˜Great!’
Luka: β€˜I’m looking forward to it! :D ’
She giggled happily as Tikki hugged her.Β 
Marinette: β€˜I'll bring macarons!’
Luka: β€˜Awesome!’
He sent another audio, this time longer, filled with more happy guitar tunes.
Both of their silly smiles didn’t leave their faces for the rest of the day.
By the evening, her room was clean and tidy to Sabine's surprise and delight.Β 
What Marinette’s mother didn’t know yet was that her heart was also clean and tidy, probably even more than her room. At some point, she should really throw away all these useless presents she still collected… Sooner rather than later, probably.Β 
It still amazed her how, with just the removal of a few photos, her heart felt much happier and lighter, filled with a great amount of joy towards a wonderful blue-haired boy as she excitedly awaited their date on Wednesday.
Little changes were powerful, indeed.
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bratshaws Β· 1 year
through the hourglass 267. brb x oc
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a/n: ding ding ding, rooster has a new kink!(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffiΒ @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
She was waiting for him outside the Hard Deck, much like before, much like always, but her frown and her crossed arms were new. When he rolled the Bronco into a park - and Nikki noticed her mother from the back seat - he just gave her a confused look, β€œBaby?” he asks as he walks out, earning a quiet huff from Bea.
He has to hold back a chuckle because annoyed Beatrice was just so cute, β€œRough night,gorgeous?”
Beatrice sighed, her frustration evident in her expression. "It was just... Miranda showed up.” her husband’s surprised expression wasn’t missed by her, β€œYes,I know, everyone else was surprised, ughβ€”can I enter the car so we can go home? Please?”
Rooster couldn't help but find Beatrice's irritation with Miranda amusing and adorable. He opened the car door for her and stepped aside, offering her a hand as she climbed into the Bronco. "Of course, gorgeous. Your wish is my command.’
He hadn’t seen how her body reacted when he said that and she tried to focus back on the present.
As Beatrice settled into the car, her annoyance still apparent, Rooster slid into the driver's seat. He cast a sideways glance at his wife, his lips curling into a playful smile. "So, tell me all about it. What did Miranda do to get on your nerves?"
β€œBesides showing up??”
Beatrice let out a long sigh and leaned back in her seat, one of her hands moving back to touch Nicole’s tiny palm. "She's so condescending and always has a way of making me feel like I don't belong. I can't stand her." she frowns, β€œAnd she wanted me to be her server!! Like! Me!”
He glanced at her as he drove away, his affection for her evident in his eyes.
β€œYeah, she is a pain, but you handle her like a pro," he said with a warm smile. "You're strong, Bea, and you've got a way of making even the most challenging situations look effortless. Remember how you acted during dinner?"
Beatrice's frustration began to give way to a small smile as she met Rooster's gaze. "Thanks, Roos. It just-” she tosses her hands up in frustration β€œ-gets under my skin when she acts like she's above everyone else. Like, um,excuse me? Who the hell is she?”
Her annoyance began to melt away as she looked into Rooster's eyes, sighing softly "Sorry, Roos." she sinks deeper into the seat, β€œI…I didn’t want it to be uh…I didn’t want to be so annoyed,right now.”
Rooster kissed the back of her hand while driving, making sure to rub the back of it with his thumb for a few more seconds. "No need to apologize, gorgeous. I completely understand. " He flashed her a comforting smile. β€œOnce we get home I’ll draw you a nice bath, how’s that?”
Beatrice smiled back at her husband, her cheeks warming up a bit. Honestly, a bath was anything but inside her mind, especially when she dropped her gaze down his body…and snapped forward with her face going red,”Uh…yeah,sounds nice…how was your day?”
He shrugs, pursing his lips, β€œPretty nice, talked to Mav about…the things that have been going on with…you know, my dad and stuff.”
β€œGampa Mav!” Nicole giggles from the back, β€œBeep beep!”
Beatrice looks back at her then towards Rooster, β€œAh,” he says, holding up his finger, β€œThat’s how she knows it’s Mav, because of his bike. How does it go,Nikki?”
β€œBeep beep!”
β€œThere you go,” he leans closer to Bea, β€œOur kid is so smart.”
"She's definitely a quick learner," Beatrice agreed, her annoyance from Miranda's condescending behavior slowly fading. "She gets that from you, you know."
He sputters, β€œMe? Oh gorgeous.” Rooster grinned, a twinkle in his eye as he looked at their daughter. "Well, she's got the best teacher.”
β€œYep, her teacher loves swear words.”
β€˜Baby,baby,” he says, one hand on his leg and the other on the wheel, his wrist bending at the curve and one finger held up as he stated his case, β€œDid you hear cursing a lot means you are smart? Hm? And as if we needed any more proof I mean,” he points at Nicole, β€œLook at Nikki!”
She pursed her lips but rolled her eyes, falling back on her seat, giving him a side eye while playfully slapping his shoulder, β€˜You are lucky you are both cute.” cue to Nicole giggling in the back, β€œEven luckier she hasn’t said anything like that in front of my mom, can you imagine?”
Rooster chuckled at Beatrice's comment, rubbing his mustache and Beatrice just locked her gaze on his thumb grazing over his lips. "Oh, man, that would be a disaster if she said something like that in front of your mom." He winked at his daughter, who giggled in response. β€œRight sweetie? You wouldn’t do that in front of nonna Claudia,right?”
Beatrice clears her throat, trying to get back into the present while rubbing her hands together,"Hey, Nikki, do you remember what sound a kitty makes?" Rooster asked, looking at their daughter through the rearview mirror and making Beatrice look at him in surprise.
Nicole's eyes lit up, and she responded enthusiastically, "Meow!"
"That's right, baby! You're so smart." Rooster grinned,Β  "And what about a doggy, Nikki? What sound does a doggy make?"
Nicole thought for a moment before barking with a wide grin on her face. "Woof woof!"
Beatrice’s pupils were blown wide. Why was she like that? Why was her husband, acting like the wonderful father he always was, made her feel so…hot inside? She clears her throat again, β€œSo uh, you two had dinner with Mav then?” 
"Pfft, fuck no." he snorts, "Mav can't cook for shit,gorgeous. We ordered some pizzas."
Beatrice chuckled, the tension from earlier gradually dissipating. "Well, that sounds more like it. I can't imagine Mav attempting to cook anything more complicated than instant noodles."
β€œHey, don’t say that about my uncle ” he diminishes, face going serious for a second, then he laughs, β€œMaybe some sausages, those canned ones. And beans. But we opted for the safer route. Pizzas and beer."
β€œI only had one.”
β€œI know,Roos.” she smiles, β€œYou need a lot more than that to appear drunk.”
β€œYou got that right,gorgeous.” he turns towards their street then looks back at her, β€œYou need me to do anything else besides the bath?”
Beatrice shook her head, her thoughts still lingering on the earlier encounter with Miranda. "No, the bath should be good. I think I just need a moment to unwind. It was a...long night."
"It was a bit of a rollercoaster back there. I'll take care of Nicole, and you can relax for a bit."
"Thank you, Roos." Beatrice leaned over and pressed a quick, grateful kiss to his cheek. "I appreciate it."
He smiled, the warmth of her lips lingering on his skin as he parked the car in their garage. "Anytime, gorgeous. You don’t need anything else, right?"
You, naked,under me "Right." she says softly, β€œNothing else.”
They exited the car and Rooster went around to the backseat to unbuckle Nicole from her booster seat, the little girl babbling happily, still in high spirits from their little game. Rooster gently hoisted her into his arms, making funny faces to keep her entertained.
Beatrice followed them into the house, her thoughts no longer preoccupied with Miranda's condescending attitude. Instead she was preoccupied by the way those jeans hugged her husband’s legs so perfectly.
She chews her lower lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, mentally preparing herself for…what was hopefully about to come.
Both of them,if she was lucky.
β€œBaby?” he questions and she blinks seeing she was being sniffed by the dogs, but stayed put by the door, β€˜...you alright?”
A bit flustered, but still playing the normal card, she nodded with a little grin, β€œYep! Dandy!” he doesn’t seem to believe her, β€œJ-Just tired!”
Rooster raised an eyebrow, his concern evident in his eyes as he continued to watch her."You sure you're just tired, Bea?"
Beatrice offered a reassuring smile, though it was clear that she was indeed a bit flustered. She reached out to stroke the head of one of their dogs, finding comfort in their presence. "I promise, Rooster, I'm just tired. It's been a long day! That’s all!"
β€œHm… alright. Well,I’ll set your bath up.” he smirks,”You’ll feel much better, you’ll see.”
Shocker, she was still painfully horny.
She sunk deeper into the water, the liquid covering her mouth and her nostrils, little bubbles escaped as she breathed out and she could only stay there. Rooster was turning the lights downstairs, she could hear him moving around and Eleanor’s claws hitting the floor as she follows him.
Beatrice groans, leaning back against the bathtub as she looks up at the ceiling. She tries to focus on bathing, but she wonders…why do that since they’ll be sweaty again in a matter of seconds? She inhales, her pupils enlarge and she turns her head to the door when his footsteps enter the room.
β€œEverything good,gorgeous.”
β€œYep,Nikki is asleep, the dogs are relaxed.” he sighs and she hears the bed squeak, he fell back on the mattress β€œAnd I’m just here, keepin’ you good company.”
There was a pause, followed by more squeaking and she was sure he supported his body on his elbows, looking at the door β€œOh,gorgeous, you know I can’t really behave when you are in there…all wet and shiny.” he tuts β€œIt’s really tempting.”
β€œYeah, just,” she shrugs, biting her smile, β€œJust was curious.”
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening. She can feel the vibration of his feet as he gets closer to the door, no doubt pressing his face against the wood β€œBaby…” Β she stares at it, still quiet β€œ...you want me in there?” but Bea again remains silent.
She has an idea and she hopes he likes it.
She slowly,very slowly rises from the tub, wrapping her robe around her body as she carefully walks up to the door. There’s a ding! coming from outside, followed by Rooster’s confused question β€œBea, why is Shells messaging me? She’s saying something like β€˜good luck big boy.’ That’s weird, she never called me that.”
His face when she finally opened the door was adorable, he was so surprised that his eyes were almost out of the sockets and his lips were still pursed on a word, β€œOh.” he says softly, β€œYou got here quick and–” his eyes follow a slow and lonely droplet that disappears between her breasts, his trail of thought completely gone.
β€œRoos.” she whispers, pressing her palms on his chest, right on top of his heart, β€œIf I ask you something, will you answer me truthfully?” his eyes were still on her, phone? Forgotten, thrown somewhere in the room that neither of them could see.
β€œI could give you the password to every single Navy computer if you wanted me to.” he replies, out of breath, hands twitching as he wonders where to grab first.
Beatrice hums, still running her fingers, tap,tap,tap, on each bump of his six pack, adoring how he immediately clenched under her touch, β€œWould you be alright,” the shirt rose just enough to show more skin and his happy trail, β€œIf I…took over tonight?’ she dares a look towards him, watching her husband’s mouth fall open and his pupils swallow the brown of his eyes.
Oh he liked that.
β€œTook over. You know…be a bit more…dominant?” felt a bit weird saying it, but his chest expanded in a surprised gasp, another sign that he liked that idea β€œI won’t hurt you or anything, but,I just…want to try a little.”
β€œ...you want…you–” he has to clear his throat, β€œYou want to…be more dominant.”
β€œ...fuck.I…” from the way he was starting to fidget, it was obvious this whole conversation was taking it’s toll on him, β€˜I…yes. Yes. Yes, yes,I…I am very,very okay with that gorgeous. Absolutely,fuck. What do I- you–” she places a finger over his lips, shushing him gently.
He just widens his eyes, then the hot air leaving his nostrils hits her fingers, β€œSssshhh…you don’t have to say anything.” and she walks around him, her husband trying to follow her with his lips but only getting air. He clenches his teeth, already speeding his step to join her on the bed.
He answered so quick she almost lost her line of thought. She blinked at him, cheeks burning a bit hotter but she shook her head, sitting on the edge of the bed while licking her lips, β€œC’mere.” and he does, immediately, chest heaving, β€œOhh…very good LT.” a sharp inhale and a gentle, almost inaudible groan escapes his throat.
Beatrice adjusts herself a bit, the sleeve falling down her shoulder and showing just enough to make him shudder, β€œYou are wearing a lot.” she comments, tilting her head to the side,admiring him, β€œA whole lot…” he tries to move and pull out his shirt, but she stops him, β€œNo, no,Bradley.”
β€œI think…you should take your shirt first, slowly.” she bites her lower lip, β€œCan you do that for me?”
β€œYes.” he replies without missing a beat, grabbing the end of his white top and rolling it over his shoulder until it’s finally out of his body, balling it and tossing on the floor. Beatrice takes her time admiring his physique, he was still hard and defined and golden. Rooster’s skin was a shade that only the ancient sculptors could describe because that man surely was made out of some precious metal.
She nodded towards his pants, chewing her lower lip as she crosses her arms, just that was enough to make her body react. His lids were low but he follows her orders, immediately…and that brings something else out of her, β€œRooster.” she begins and he halts his movements, β€œYou are doing such a good job.”
Another shudder, more visible this time. But he stays quiet, a bit unsure of how he should react, how he could show her he liked it.
β€œI mean you always do everything so wonderfully.” she smiles, bouncing her foot on the air as she keeps her green eyes on his brown ones, both of their pupils were enlarged, β€œAnd I love that you are so attentive too,and so,” she nods her head again to his pants, β€œContinue- and so–”
His groan was louder this time and she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t enjoying it,”S-So?”
β€œSo very good for me.” it was genuine, of course, she’d never lie to him, but his reaction to praise. Especially her praise, was showing to be even better than she hoped. His pants, the second they pooled at his feet, he kicked them off and away.
His belongings were long gone in their bedroom she noticed.
Beatrice inhales quietly, some of her own anxiety coming back because this was so out of character for her. What if she was being too much? She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, and if- β€œHey.’ his deep, yet quiet voice calls her attention and he smiles sweetly at her, β€œYou are doing fine,gorgeous.”
β€œ...thank you.” she pauses, then asks in a whisper, β€œDo you want me to continue?”
β€œYes,” he whispers back, his eyes squinting as he smiles, β€œI want you to do what you planned to do, after all,” he gestures to his briefs, β€œI’m still clothed.”
Beatrice licks her lips and nods, shaking her head and her shoulders to get her act together. She meets his eyes again, β€œLT.” she whispers, β€œI’m deciding what exactly I want to do with you…hmmmm…let’s see.”
β€œPermission to ask?”
β€œHmm,no.” she smirks and he gulps, β€œI think you should remove those…pesky briefs first, then we can talk.” and obviously those were gone in a blink of an eye. He was rock hard and flushed, so very flushed. He just stood there, allowing himself to be admired and wanted and desired by her and only her, β€œ...okay,come here.” she pats the bed, β€œI have an idea.
He wastes no time, following what she asked and allowing her to push on his chest so he could lie down on the mattress. Rooster tries to find her but she moves to the opposite side, throwing her robe away climbing on the bed to sit next to him.
His eyes stopped on her breasts, on the way they were still shiny and so,so, pretty– β€œOh shit–” he gasps, neck craning when her hand wraps around his member, moving up and down in slow movements, making sure to squeeze just how he liked at the tip, β€œF-Fuck, Bea…”
β€œSsshh.” she giggles, tapping her own lips, β€œYou need to be quiet, LT.” she twists her hand and he almost sees white, β€œCan you be quiet for me?”
β€œY-yes–” she squeezes him, earning a deep grunt that he tries so hard to hold it in. He closes his eyes and clenches his eyebrows, trying his best to remain locked on the task, β€œFuck, yes. Yes I can.”
β€œIf you say a peep.” she taps his nose, β€œI’ll stop.” oh that was a terrifying notion. He partially opens his eyes to look at her, nostrils flaring as he breathed in and out. He can barely see straight, but what he can see is that lovely smile and the red on her cheeks.
He can’t help it.
β€œYou…you look beautiful.”
β€œFlatterer.” she whispers, kissing his cheek, β€œThank you,Roos.” and her hand speeds up a bit, her lower lip rolling into her mouth as he bites back another groan, blinking his eyes open to look at the ceiling. He was trying really hard,really hard. β€œYou can’t cum yet.” but her hand was going so fast!
Rooster has barely any thoughts left when she says it, being able to only nod and keep himself silent. It was hell and paradise at the same time, it was the most delicious torture he had ever endured.Β 
The second she stops, he gasps out in surprise, β€œW-What happened?” his cock was bobbing, begging for release and Beatrice just licked her hand clean. He watches, once again his mind going blank as he follows her pink tongue touch every line of her palm, making sure everything was squeaky clean.
β€œI think,” she begins while popping her thumb out of her mouth, β€œI want to ride you now.” not only because she loved it, but because she knew he did it too. His mouth parted open, watching as she straddled his waist and pressed his member against his pelvis, the pressure making him hiss, β€˜It’s still going, by the way.”
β€œNo noise.” she whispers, lifting her hip and aligning him to her entrance, β€œThat’s the rule LT.”
β€œBut how would I–fuuuuuhhhhcckkkk.” he couldn’t help it, she was snug,warm and she sucked him in immediately. She was so wet he could barely focus. His hands shook at his sides and his teeth clacked together with how intense this whole thing was.
Which made her break character a bit, touching his cheek with a worried gaze, β€œRoos.” she whispers, β€œBaby, are you hurt? You okay?”
β€œA-ahhh…shit…” he laughs deliriously, β€œYou…you feel so good…” he is smiling, gaze unfocused, β€œFuck I don’t know…what made you do this,but I’m so f-fuckin’ happy you did.” his lower body,his whole lower body was twitching, trying to mode but he wouldn’t unless she did so as well.
Beatrice’s eyes softened, her thumb brushing against his plump lips, his mustache tickling her finger, β€œGood.” and she moved her hips slowly,grinding down to his pelvis at first, making sure to earn some pleasure as well. She held back her own moan, while holding herself up by pressing both hands to his chest.
Rooster could only watch in painful silence, shaky hands clasping her hips, squeezing the love handles he adored so much and giving her a small smile. Beatrice smiles back, leaning down to slide up his chest so they are face to face, hips still moving in circles.
Her hair became a curtain around them and he could only watch,sighing softly to hold back his moans, β€˜You fuck me really good,LT.” she whispers, β€œI love how you feel inside of me.” his hands tremble harder, β€œI love feeling how deep you can go.”
He groans, not being able to help himself.
β€œI love when you know exactly where to touch, you are so good.” she could feel the goosebumps on his skin. Her lips traveled to his ear where she whispered what could be her very final words, β€œI love knowing you can make me cum without any issue, as many times as you want.”
And Rooster snapped.
His hips pushed up and Beatrice almost lost her balance, but she fell back against his shoulder, moaning on his skin as his hands went from her hips to her ass, squeezing each cheek with gusto. He growls, biting her neck to hold back his noises while fucking her up- literally - as hard as she wanted.
Beatrice gasped moans were what he could hear and Rooster’s gasped noises were what she could hear.
β€œF-Fuck…Roos!!!” he huffs against her neck even harder, β€œP-Please,p-pull my hair.” and he stared at her in surprise.
Never had she asked that.
But fuck who was he to deny her???
He gently takes hold of her scalp, then tugs her head back just enough to expose her neck to him. He’s a bit lower now, he couldn’t help it, the visual stimulation was too much, β€œFuck…fuck…Bea…” he growls, hips still moving up and her mouth parted when he hit that special spot inside of her. Beatrice dug her nails on his shoulders, β€œI love fuckin’ you,I love fuckin’ you so much.”
A bit more speed. And her eyes rolls back with her hips trying to keep up with him, β€œI love that you know that I love fuckin’ you.” he groans, β€œI’m fuckin’ yours,gorgeous.” her movements, alongside his prolonged orgasm were making him see stars. He could feel the tears beading up the corners of his eyes and he was surprised because this was the first time this happened.
β€œBea,I’m gonna cum.” he whispers, their bodies hot and faces inches apart, β€œI’m gonna cum,baby, I’m goin’ to.” Beatrice nodded, knowing she wasn’t that far behind. Her hips moved alongside his and he could feel it, it was growing hotter and hotter.
Until all he saw was white.
And it takes a while for his vision to come back to normal.
When he doesn’t find himself back in their bedroom, Beatrice is staring at him with worry, her lips parted as she tries to regain her breathing, β€œRoos?” he can only pant loudly, his chest is shining because of sweat and his pupils are still dilated, β€œAre you okay?”
He inhales, hoping to calm his heart down, at least a bit while loosening the hold he had on her ass, β€˜...I’m great.”
46 notes Β· View notes
boosmidnighthour Β· 2 months
Since I'm working on multiple fics at the same time, I have been having trouble deciding which thing would be better. So... poll time!
Fandom: Ninjago Main Pairing: Glaciershipping
Working Title: Ninjago Hotel (how original lol)
⚠️ For context, please read after the 'Keep Reading' line!
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Divider made by drawloverlala
Zane and Jay
β€œUgh- when did your files get so messy?” Jay grumbled, sitting in front of Zane's laptop.
Zane was hooked up to the laptop from nearly all ports. He honestly disliked having so many cords on him; it was a little overwhelming and it made him feel self conscious. Plus, if he was left in an open area, the cords were often made a tripping hazard, which would sometimes cause minor injuries and would make them have to restart the process when the cord was inevitably pulled out of one of his ports.
He scratched a little at one of his hands. β€œI haven't exactly had the time to go through and organize them,” he huffed. β€œIt seems like a waste of time as it is; they always end up getting mucked about.”
The lightning master tapped away at the laptop as he deleted some useless files. β€œDefinitely makes this easier… Oh, forget it. I can take care of this part later. Let's see why your scanner's being blocked.”
β€œIsn't that why we're here-”
β€œHush you.”
The two sat in silence as Jay got to work. Zane wished he had a little more company here… Cole always made for such lovely company. It always felt like the time would go faster as he laughed at his stories or when he would draw silly doodles on some piece of scrap paper that was around. He would always ignore the wires, always look in his eyes when they talked, always had a little smile present. He always knew how to distract him, make him feel better about his situation.
He sighed quietly as the lightning master worked to figure out the problem.
Unfortunately, Jay was a little more perceptive during these times.
β€œDid I delete something I shouldn't have?” Jay worried, going back to the deleted files and rereading their file names just to be sure.
β€œNo, no; nothing seems out of place,” Zane assured.
β€œ... If you're feeling antsy about not continuing the mission, Kai and Cole have things under control. You usually have a little more faith in us.” Despite the teasing tone, the master of ice worried that he had genuinely offended the other.
β€œIt is not that, either, I assure you.”
β€œThen, what's up? I can tell something's bothering you.”
He didn't really know what it was, though, did he? He felt it on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't manage to figure out how to word it. Was he just bored? He hated the idea of slowing down this already agonizingly slow process just because he needed some entertainment. So, since he didn't truly know, he just shrugged and pursed his lips.
Jay hummed, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. But he just turned back to the laptop and started looking through the files more deliberately. Zane wondered if he was still thinking about him, if he could multitask reading such boring spams of numbers and think of other things at the same time. He was always full of surprises, and with how he made these processes look - as if they were completely second nature to the mechanic - he wouldn't be surprised if he could.
β€œ... So… I've noticed you've been acting differently towards Cole,” he brought up out of nowhere. Zane perked at that, and a sense of panic rose up in his chest… Why?
β€œWhat do you mean by that, exactly?”
Jay hummed as he continued to look through the files, opening some of them up to read the code to see if they were what he was looking for before closing them again. β€œYou guys seem… a lot closer now. Like… closer than him and I are,” he continued, vague and pushing at Zane's nerves.
He tapped his fingers together. β€œ... If you think I am trying to disrupt your friendship with him, I can assure you that I'm not-”
β€œNo- that's not what I meant… Although, if you were trying to do that, I think my video game skills would come in handy. Especially since there's a video game coming out and Cole's pretty excited for it. You're not exactly a gamer.”
Zane laughed at that. Sometimes, his and Cole's friendship was a thing to behold. β€œWell, then, what did you mean?” he asked, a smile present in his voice.
β€œOkay… This is gonna sound a little crazy, but after thinking about it, it makes sense. And if I'm right, then I really need to talk to Cole about keeping things from his best friend-”
β€œGet on with it.”
β€œI think you guys like each other. Like… romantically.”
Zane felt utterly shocked at how blatantly Jay had said it, his jaw falling slack. His expression must have been weird, because the lightning master rushed to explain himself.
β€œMaybe I'm wrong. But, like, you guys share these glances, and… and spend a lot of spare time together, and Cole fuckin’... offered some cake to you one time, and he looked almost sad when you declined. Then, you were looking at him all longingly the other day when he went to help those parents - yes, I saw that - β€˜n’ sometimes ya look at him with heart eyes - not literally - and you're always so protective o’ each other. Like- like when Cole - Cole - kept you from fallin’ in the elevator at the hotel, or- β€˜n'- and-”
β€œJay, breathe,” Zane reminded him as Jay continued to try and rattle off various things he had managed to notice. He could tell there were more that he was remembering, but he needed to stop before the nindroid's fans kicked into overdrive and caused him to pass out. He felt like he was hot to the touch, and it had only been maybe a minute. He felt all frazzled as he watched the other catch his breath. β€œI… I don't understand. Isn't that just what friends do for each other?”
Jay rolled his eyes. β€œOnly, like… half of those things could also be done platonically. But you look at him differently than how you look at anyone else,” he explained, talking more slowly.
β€œBut… I don't…” Was it a romantic feeling? He hadn't exactly felt it before, and it wasn't like he read romance novels in any context. He read bird encyclopedias, for the first master's sake! Sure, Cole made him feel… differently than anyone else. A good different. A wonderful different. But… what if it wasn't romance he was feeling? What if it was just a really nice platonic feeling? How long had Cole made him feel like this? What if the feeling went away?
He sighed heavily and covered his face with his hands, barely remembering not to accidentally hit the wires. β€œThis is so confusing…”
β€œYep. That's life,” Jay hummed, seeming to have returned to work while Zane had his crisis. β€œI think it'll be less confusing the more you try to figure it out… or - well - something will start to make more sense.”
Zane shook his head a little as he groaned. β€œI would rather not think about this right now…” They sat in silence again as the nindroid tried desperately to stop thinking about it… it was a lot harder than it should be.
β€œHm… I think I figured out how to get your scanners working again, but you're gonna have to turn yourself off,” he finally concluded after what felt like hours.
β€œThat is fine with me.”
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Cole and Kai
β€œThis is gonna take forever,” Kai groaned, unscrewing one of the vents on the ceiling as he balanced precariously on Cole's shoulders.
Cole grunted, trying to focus on keeping Kai up. β€œIt'll take longer the more you complain,” he grumbled. He held his ankles to steady him. It was honestly killing his already strained shoulder; Zane's massages could only do so much… although one sounded amazing right about now.
He hoped Zane would be back soon.
β€œWell, you're welcome to switch spots with me.”
β€œYeah, I am welcome to-”
β€œShut up; you're distracting me.”
Cole rolled his eyes with a huffy chuckle. It wasn't worth a fight, he told himself. Just hold still and this'll be done faster. They just needed to take care of a couple vents in Kai and Jay's bedroom, and probably the bathroom, too-
Cole yelped and jerked away from the loud noise of the vent noisily coming off its position on the ceiling. Then he was wobbling, trying to regain his balance, but with Kai doing the same thing, they very quickly toppled onto the floor with shouts of pain.
β€œOw- you did that on purpose, asshole!” Kai scowled as he rolled off of the earth master. He rubbed from his elbow to his wrist furiously, pain clearly written on his face.
β€œNo, I didn't; you startled me!”
β€œYeah, likely story.”
β€œYou're unbelievable-”
β€œSays you; I'm plenty believable!”
He rolled his eyes again, a little harder this time, before rolling his shoulder. He winced as his shoulder blade pinched, jerking away from the sensation with a hiss. β€œThis shit is never gonna relax,” he grumbled to himself, doing his best to massage the spot there. β€œLet's just… find something else to work on,” Cole huffed, massaging his shoulder as he glared at the camera in the vent above him. β€œWe'll come back to this one when my shoulder has a second to recover.”
β€œFine,” Kai agreed. β€œLet's take the showerhead. My hair is absolutely disgusting.”
β€œSays the guy who puts a shit ton of gel in it-” He barely dodged the fire master's kick as he laughed to himself. Kai grabbed Jay's toolbox and the two went over to the bathroom. β€œ... You're sure there's one in there?”
β€œI saw a red blinking light in there yesterday, so if it's not a camera, then I think it should be taken out anyway.”
Cole sighed, ashamed at his lack of diligence.
β€œHey, if they did record you taking a shower, it'll add to Zane's report,” Kai tried with a shrug.
β€œIt's just gross,” the master of earth grumbled. β€œI don't want to imagine how many people they've already recorded… maybe we should've come sooner.”
β€œWell, if we had come here sooner, then we wouldn't have come in here thinking something was wrong right off the get go.” He climbed into the shower, balancing on the edges of the tub to reach the head. β€œThe only reason we came here was, a) because Lloyd had a β€˜gut feeling’, and b) because Zane was very convincing.”
Cole just sighed again, not seeing the point in telling Kai that he was right. It was always a pain in the ass to ever admit such things to the smug prick-
β€œWhat's up with you two, anyway?”
β€œYou and Zane.” After another beat of silence, Kai looked at him, only raising a brow sarcastically. β€œOh, come on! There's no way you haven't noticed it.”
β€œ... Noticed what?” he mumbled, only growing more annoyed as the other seemed to just want to make fun of him for whatever reason. β€œIf it's so obvious, just say it-”
β€œUgh! You're unbelievable,” the fire master laughed. β€œYou seriously haven't noticed the tension between you and Zane?” He only got a blank expression in response, so he rolled his forest green eyes with a hefty sigh. β€œYou guys look at each other like they've gifted you the moon. You tease each other constantly with near fuckin’ hearts in your eyes. Even Jay's noticed!”
Cole flushed a little before shaking his head. β€œI could understand if you were just seeing me look at him like that; I know I'm being obvious at this point,” he admitted quietly, as if the nindroid was still around. β€œBut we look at each other like that? Tension? Zane's oblivious, and I really don't think he thinks of me like that.” He massaged his shoulder, trying to ease it as he became all the more tense during this discussion.
β€œOh, you can't be serious. I can tell Zane really likes you-”
β€œYeah, as a friend, and I would prefer it to stay like that. He's got enough on his plate already.”
β€œYeah? Like what?”
β€œWell, uh… Well, right now his scanners aren't working properly, he's helping Pixal reach her full potential as a ninja samurai. We're both busy keeping the city safe all the time; there's just… no time for us to put into a romantic relationship.”
Kai scoffed as he started prying the showerhead open. β€œThat's a load of bullshit and you know it,” he started. β€œIf there was no time to put into a romantic relationship, then there would be no time to put into a platonic relationship. The city has been at peace for months, which you both have been using as an excuse to spar against each other more often than not. You've already been giving more attention to Zane than you have Jay, your best friend.” 
He looked at Cole pointedly, who shifted awkwardly under his gaze. β€œPlus, you know as well as I do that Pixal has been getting more help from Nya than Zane. As for his scanners, they'll be patched up in no time; Jay's an expert at that stuff at this point.”
The master of earth hummed a little in embarrassment, unable to hide behind any more excuses. Then he sighed. β€œLook, I just… I don't really want to tell him. I can already tell he doesn't feel the same, and I don't want things to get awkward between us.”
Kai rolled his eyes. β€œYou are so dramatic. Nothing bad would happen… Zane's supposed to be the oblivious one.” He finally got the camera out of the showerhead, tossing it to the side before pushing the pieces back together.
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I like them both equally, even my issues with both of them. So it would be appreciated to get some insight from potential readers, lol
For added context, this is gonna have chapters, and this is the fourth chapter. I might post another snippet, from chapter 1.
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vodika-vibes Β· 1 year
The Weaver
Summary: 6 months ago you were kidnapped to weave straw into gold, and now you're official dead. Dogma, however, disagrees.
Pairing: Knight!Dogma x Reader
Words: 3580
Warnings: Some angst
A/N: I'm not happy with this, its not bad, but I couldn't make it go how I wanted it to. And it's 100% because I had a chat with my mom about my relationship with my dad, and yeah, I'm not feeling fluff, but I tried. "I know you father loves you." My mom says, "Great," I say, "I haven't spoken to him in over 7 years, and I'm done reaching out." Ugh. Sorry.
Divider by saradika
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Your fingers ache, and you’re pretty sure that you have splinters of straw under your fingernails, based on how much pain you’re in and based on the dots of blood that you’re dripping on your tapestry.
You stop weaving for a moment, taking a few minutes to stretch your fingers.
It doesn’t help.
You don’t really expect it to.
Six months ago, you had been a simple weaver, working part time at a shop just down the street from your home, to save up money for University. Six months ago, a stranger entered the shop and watched you weave for almost thirty minutes, in spite of the owner’s increasingly aggravated questions. Six months ago you were snatched off the street on your way home.
Six months ago, you were shoved into this tower, shown a room filled with straw, and told that you had 24 hours to weave all of the straw in the room, or else your life would be forfeit.
Turns out the Loom was magic, and could, and would, turn straw into gold once it’s woven together. Well, you assume it’s the loom, since you have all of the magical ability of a piece of granite.Β 
You thought-hoped, wished-that once you cleared the room, you would be free to go. That your captor would drop you back on the street and you could return to your parents and pretend it never happened.
But that’s not what happened.Β 
The person who kidnapped you was so thrilled at your ability to weave quickly, that he kept you. And every day, the room is filled with straw, and every day you have to weave it into a massive blanket.
β€œAnother day, another blanket,” You wince as the door to your room opens, and your warden steps in, β€œYou are growing quite adept at this, my little weaver.”
You draw up what little nerve you have, β€œI can’t keep this pace,” You say, internally quailing as he pins you with a cold stare, β€œI’m going to get hurt,” You continue, β€œAnd then I won’t be able to weave at all.”
He releases a thoughtful little hum, and picks up the blanket. It should be heavy, gold isn’t a light material after all, but you know from experience that it’s as light as a spider’s silk shawl, β€œNo.” he finally says, β€œI will, however, lessen the amount of straw you have to weave every day. I trust that’s acceptable?”
You’re quiet for a moment, your fingers throb in time with your heartbeat, and you want to cry. β€œI…yes.” You whisper, β€œIt is.”
β€œGood.” He gathers the cloth, and folds it lovingly, before sliding it into his bag, β€œI brought another week’s worth of food, it’s in the kitchen.” He stands, and looks you over with a cold eye, β€œI’ll see you tomorrow.”
He leaves as quickly, and silently, as he arrives. And once more, you’re left to your own thoughts.
You shudder and curl your arms around yourself, to try and offer yourself some comfort, and you slowly leave the weaving room.Β 
Your tower isn’t very large, and in fact, only has three distinct rooms. The weaving room, where you spend the majority of your time, the main room, which is where the kitchen and your bed are located, and the washroom. And then there’s the magically locked door that would allow you to leave the tower.
If you were ever allowed to leave.
True to his word, there’s several large bags filled with food, which you store with mechanical precision, no longer having to think about where you store the items before you do.Β 
And then you cross over to where your bed is, and you pull the curtain off the wall, and you add one more tally mark to the wall, and then you drop the curtain again.
You sit on the bed, and you press your hands against your face, rubbing the palms of your hands roughly against your eyes. You want to go home. You want to never see a loom again in your life.
You want to go and talk to Knight Dogma and finally ask him out on a date, rather than getting nervous and backing out at the last minute.
You fall back on your bed, and stare up at the gray ceiling for a long moment. All you can hear is the sounds of birds and insects outside. And you know that if you open the shutters all you’ll see outside is forest, forest, and more forest.
You are, well and truly, alone.
A silent sob escapes your lips, and you tug your blankets up around yourself, burying yourself under the blankets like you used to when you were a child. No matter how much you scream, no matter how much you cry, no one will hear you.
No one is coming for you.
Dogma frowns as he taps his desk with his pen, his gaze is locked on your picture, taken from the file that’s currently sprawled across his desk. He’s not supposed to have it. He’s not a member of the Guard, it’s not his job to investigate kidnappings, but he managed to get his hands on it anyway.
He starts tapping his pen even faster when he remembers the look on Fox’s face when he asked for this file. It was a look of sympathy, and Dogma hadn’t understood, until he opened the file and saw, stamped on the first sheet, β€˜Presumed Dead’.Β 
He’s not proud of how he handled that. How he flung the fact that Fox had been missing for years and no one declared him dead, and that if the guard was going to be useless, then he would investigate himself-
Dogma had to be escorted out by Rex, who proceeded to order him to his Quarters for 24 hours, and told him that he’s lucky he’s not sitting in a jail cell for what he said.Β 
He hadn’t taken the file from Dogma though.
Rex would have been well within his rights to take the file, but he didn’t. He looked at it, and then pressed it back into Dogma’s hands and told him to hold onto it until he’s ready to let go.
Dogma picked up the file and started reading again. Rex is going to be disappointed…he’s never going to be ready to let go.
How can he?
Everytime he closes his eyes he remembers you. Your bright smile, your bubbling laughter. The pink flush that crosses your face when he offers you a compliment. The way that that flush turns into a full blush when you offer him something handmade-
How is he supposed to live his life believing that you were kidnapped, and murdered, and he did nothing?
Well, the answer is obvious. He can’t. So he buries himself in the file, and hopes that there’s something, anything, there that will lead to you.
Because anything else is just unacceptable.
Sometimes, while you weave, you wonder if anyone is even looking for you anymore.
You like to imagine that there are still search parties going out. Led by your family. Sometimes you imagine that they stumble on the tower by accident, and they break in and they rescue you from your warden-
And then, as always, real life comes back to kick you in the face.Β 
It’s much harder to daydream when you’re not weaving. When you have to face the reality of your life. If you were capable of it, you would weave constantly…but you’re only human and you need to be able to rest.
It’s been eight months now. And the weather has started getting cold again.Β 
It’s been almost a year since you were taken, and you’ve started to come to terms with the fact that no one is looking for you.
After all, if they were looking for you, surely someone would have found you by now. Right?
β€œYou’re getting faster,” You don’t look away from the window as your warden speaks from the middle of the room.
β€œYou left less than a quarter of the normal amount.” You reply dully.
He’s quiet for a moment, β€œYou’re going to have the next two weeks free from any weaving.” 
That causes you to turn and look at him in surprise.
β€œI have to go to a different country to get more straw, enough for the winter, which means I won’t be here to collect the golden blankets.” He explains, β€œI’ve purchased enough food for a month, just in case.”
You stare at him for a moment, and then turn to look back out the window, β€œAlright.”
β€œYou will still be here when I get back.” It’s a threat, not a question.
β€œWhere else would I be?”
You feel his stare on the back of your head, and then you hear the sound of the magical seal releasing on the door, and then the door opens and slams shut. And your eyes close when the magical seal reactivates.
You watch as he vanishes into the forest, and you slowly push to your feet. The food needs to be put away, and you need to organize the tower…make it look a little neater, maybe reorganize.
You also need to alter some of your dresses into something better suited for the winter, since you’re pretty sure that the tower isn’t made for cold weather.
You sigh as you press a loaf of bread into the breadbox. You want to go home. And this place is not, and will never be, home.
Time moves shockingly slowly when you have nothing to do.
You’ve read the three cookbooks you own three times, to the point you can recite the recipe for pot roast, and you’ve rearranged the tower every day just to have something to do, and you’ve made yourself a whole winter wardrobe from the materials you were left with…and it’s only been three days.
You really should have asked for a book on making clothes, thinking about it. You managed to make stockings and several woolen dresses, but trousers and long sleeved tunics would really be warmer-
You’ve even deep cleaned the weaving room, sweeping little fragments of straw up from the crevices between the stone, and moving the loom so that it’s better situated in the room.
And you’ve cleaned the fireplace…you’re pretty sure it’s never been cleaned before in its existence, but it’s clean now.
Unfortunately, you’re now, officially, out of things to do.
You suppose you can just sleep the rest of the two weeks away. But that sounds so very dull-
You drape yourself, sideways, in the chair in front of the fireplace, tilting your head backwards over the arm of the chair so that your hair brushes the floor. The chair is comfortable, if nothing else.Β 
You’re about to drift off, in spite of the comfortable position, when you hear something new. It’s not the normal sound of birds or insects…in fact, unless you’re very much mistaken, it sounds like a horse.
Which is impossible.Β 
There aren’t any wild horses in this area, you’ve lived here for eight months, you’d know.
And then-
β€œHello? Is there anyone up there?”
You fall out of the chair. That’s a voice. A person’s voice! A real person’s voice!
You scramble to your feet and hurry over to your bed, and you shove the shutters open. β€œYes! I’m here!”
The person standing at the bottom of the tower is clad in white and blue…and that’s about all you can make out of them.
β€œCan you open the door?” The person, and that’s definitely a male voice, calls.
β€œNo, it’s magically sealed.” You call back.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, β€œFine. Stand back from the window.”
β€œUh…” You scramble off the bed, and into the center of the room, and you’re barely safe when a hook appears in the window and latches on the windowsill.
Several moments later, the man from the bottom of the tower hoists himself into the tower, and he swings his legs over your bed.Β 
Now that he’s closer, you’re able to properly see his armor, and even though it’s been six months, you would recognize Dogma’s armor anywhere. β€œ...Dogma?”
He tugs his helmet off and drops it on your bed, and then he smoothly gets to his feet, β€œHey there, angel.” He sounds about as relieved as you feel.
β€œYou…how did you find me?” You ask, your eyes wide.
β€œStubbornness,” He takes half a step towards you and smiles so gently at you, β€œAre you okay?”
You stare at him, and a sob falls from your lips as you stumble towards him. He folds his arms around you as you cling to him, β€œI-I didn’t think anyone would come-”
His arms tighten around you, β€œWell, I did.” Dogma murmurs, as he presses a light kiss to the top of your head, β€œAre you hurt?”
You shake your head, β€œI’m not hurt. I just…I really want to go home.” 
β€œI bet you do.” He gently releases you, and takes a step back, a soothing smile crossing his face as you whine and try to press yourself closer to him, β€œIt’s okay, angel. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He gently cups your face with his hands, β€œI need to look around, okay.”
You sniffle but nod.
β€œOkay, do you know why you were taken?” Dogma asks as he starts poking around the main room.
β€œHe needs me to weave for him.”
β€œWeave? Weave what?”
You cross the room and open the door to the weaving room, β€œAt noon everyday the room will fill with straw, and I have to use that loom to weave the straw into gold blankets.” You explain.
β€œ...I wasn’t aware that you could do that.” Dogma notes absently, his warmth a comforting presence against your shoulder.
β€œI can’t. I have all the magic ability of a rock.” You point to the loom, β€œThat turns the straw into gold, I just have to weave it to make it happen.” You lean back against him, β€œI’ve woven a single blanket every day since I was taken. I never want to see a loom again.”
β€œWhere’s the person who took you?”
β€œHe had to go somewhere else, to get more straw.” You explain, β€œDogma, I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Dogma’s hand smooths through your hair, β€œAlright, angel. Let’s get out of here.” He walks back across the tower and moves the bed out of the way, β€œCome here, angel.”
You hurry to his side, and he carefully directs you to wrap your arms around his neck.
β€œI’m going to climb us down, but you need to hold on. Can you do that?”
β€œYes, absolutely.”
β€œGood girl,” He pulls his helmet on and makes sure that the hook is secure, and then he very carefully climbs down the rope, moving much slower than he would have if he was on his own.
Still, he reaches the bottom of the tower in a little under a minute, and you release him slowly, staring at the grass under your bare feet.
β€œWhere are your shoes, angel?” Dogma asks, only just noticing that your feet are bare.
β€œUm…I wasn’t allowed to keep them.” You admit, β€œBut it’s okay, it’s not so cold now that it’ll be a problem.”
β€œI don’t agree,” He counters, β€œCome here,” Dogma guides you over to his horse, and effortlessly picks you up and sits you on the saddle, β€œStay here, I need to get the hook down.”
You nod, and start absently petting the horse, while you watch Dogma work. You also can’t help but wonder what kind of training he and his brothers get when he’s able to get the hook out of the tower with one flick of his wrist.
And then he’s coiling the rope and attaching it to the saddle bags, β€œWhat are the odds that the person who took you is going to come hunting you down?” Dogma asks as he shifts you on the horse, and then slips into the saddle as well.
You hook your arms around his waist and rest your cheek against his shoulder, β€œHigh. He told me once that if I tried to run he would hunt me down to the ends of the galaxy if needed.”
β€œSo he targeted you intentionally,” Dogma notes.
β€œYeah, I guess. How far are we from the nearest village?” You ask.
β€œWe’re a little more than a week away from the palace,” He replies, β€œBut, luckily, we’re less than a day away from the nearest port, which is where the Resolute is docked.”
β€œOh, you’ve been deployed?”
β€œAnd you still came to look for me?” You ask.
β€œ...I insisted on it, and Rex has been patient with me.” Dogma admits, and then he glances at you, β€œYou were declared dead two months ago, angel.”
β€œBut…you came looking for me-”
β€œBecause I couldn’t bear the idea of you getting kidnapped and murdered without me noticing.” He interrupts, β€œAnd the idea of never seeing you again depressed me so much, that everyone decided that it was easier to just let me do my own thing.”
β€œWell…” You say after you mull over his words for a moment, β€œI’m glad you didn’t stop looking.”
β€œYeah, me too.”
The port was only a few hours away, and Captain Rex stares at you like you’re a ghost when Dogma walks up to him with you. β€œSo…look who I found,” Dogma says wryly.
β€œDogma,” Rex stares at his little brother and then he pinches the bridge of his nose, β€œDogma, what the actual fuck?”
β€œI can explain,” Dogma says quickly, β€œI was talking to one of the shopkeepers and she mentioned a tower, and she let me borrow her horse to go and check it out…and it turns out that she was there?”
β€œI’d really like to go home, Captain.” You say quietly.
β€œI’m sure you do,” Rex replies, as he runs his hand over his head, β€œFine. Fine. She can have the Captain’s Quarters and I’ll sleep somewhere else. But we aren’t returning to Mandalore for another three months, Dogma.”
β€œI know. But we can’t leave her. Not when the man who took her is going to be looking for her.” Dogma replies.
β€œHe said that if I ran he would hunt me down,” You offer helpfully, though you feel bad when Rex sighs deeply.
β€œGet her on the ship. Now, Dogma.”
β€œYes sir,” He places his hand on the small of your back, β€œCome on, angel. Let’s get you settled.”
Three weeks later, the crew of the Resolute are on edge.Β 
They have been getting dogged by a single ship for two weeks. It hasn’t gotten close enough to actually be a problem, but everyone knows that they’re being followed.
It’s late when the call comes over to the Resolute, β€œYou have something that belongs to me.” A voice echoes over the ship, β€œReturn my weaver to me, or I’ll sink your ship.”
β€œNot going to happen,” Rex answers, and then he presses a button on the bridge, β€œAll hands, prepare for battle.” And then he turns to Dogma, β€œYou’re on bodyguard duty, hop to it.”
β€œSir!” Dogma salutes, and then turns and runs off the bridge, he has to side-step a lot of his brothers, all of them carrying weapons and dressed in full armor, and he knocks once on the door to the room you’re using, before he pushes it open, β€œAngel, you in here?”
β€œI’m here,” You say quietly from where you’re curled up on the bed, your eyes wide with fright.
He crosses the small room and sits on the edge of the bed, β€œEverything is going to be fine, angel.” Dogma promises quietly, β€œWe’re not going to give you back to him, and he’s not going to take you.”
β€œMaybe you should-?”
β€œAbsolutely not.” Dogma says bluntly, β€œYou are exactly where you’re meant to be.”
β€œ...I’m scared.” You whisper.
β€œDon’t be. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” He smiles soothingly, β€œThe 501st very good, angel. You don’t have to be afraid.”
β€œCan’t help it,” You admit with a shrug, and you wince when you hear the first volley of magic fire.Β 
β€œI know,” Dogma’s gaze flickers to the door, and then he reaches out and cups your face with his hands, β€œYou’re going to be fine. And so is everyone else.”
You nod slowly, hesitantly.
β€œAnd when we get back to Mandalore,” he continues, β€œWe’re going on a date.”
β€œCaf, maybe. Or maybe to a restaurant,” He says, as his gaze locks with yours, β€œI should have asked you ages ago…but you always got so flustered whenever I even hinted at being interested in you-” His smile is slightly wry.
β€œSorry.” You answer sheepishly.
β€œIt’s okay, it’s cute.” Dogma glances at you and flashes a small grin, β€œWhat do you say, angel?”
β€œI’d like a lunch date, maybe?” You offer hesitantly, wincing again as the ship rocks, β€œIf we get out of this alive-”
β€œWe will.” Dogma interrupts. β€œWe’re going to be fine.” He pauses, and quickly leans in, brushing his lips against yours, and then he pulls away, β€œOkay. I have to actually do my job now. Stay. Here.”
β€œYes Dogma,”
β€œI’ll see you in a little bit,” He replies, as he stands and heads out of the room. Dogma’s mind is already locked on all of the possible dates he can take you on. After all, you already agreed.
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jpitha Β· 1 year
Just a Little Further 35
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
When we returned to the Reach, Janais could not stop smiling. She looked around at the activity, the life here and was at peace. She didn't seem to mind that she wasn't Empress anymore.
Janais came to see me at the Royal Dawn - er my palace, I guess - soon after we got back. She had spent a day exploring. "Empress, you have done more in half a year than I was able to do with seventy four. My loss and my guilt was so great that I could not rise above. Here, you took a place that was rudderless and are steering it towards greatness." Janais bowed low to me. "You are Empress, and I am proud to serve."
How the heck am I suppose to respond to that? "Thank you Janais, but I couldn't do it alone. My friends, my Builders help me and together, we all have our hands on the tiller."
She rose and smiled. "You are most correct Empress. It is who you surround yourself with that will dictate your success or failure. You have chosen well." She turned and walked out of my room, but as she approached the door, she turned back. "Rethink your opinion on Raaden. She is a product of her environment, and now that you have removed her from that toxic environment she could be a valuable asset to you here."
Where did that come from? "Thank you for your council Janais, I will consider it." Ugh, why do I always feel the need to sound so fancy around her. She just oozes class.
I called Um'reli in after Janais left. They passed in the hall and exchanged a few words. Um'reli had an odd look when she came into my room. "Hi Um'reli! How were things while we were gone?"
"Not as wild as they were where you went apparently. You go to see what we thought was a nearly abandoned Starbase and you come back with an Empress and one hundred and something people all stuff into High Line." Her ears flick surprise and mild irritation. As she sits at my table I pour her some chamomile tea.
"Well, Janais isn't Empress anymore. The Nanites decided that I get to keep the title. She's just a Builder now." The success of our mission called for coffee. I made a whole pot and I am determined to not down in all in one go. I'm on my second cup already though and working to slow myself down.
Um'reli looked up from her tea. "The Nanites decided?"
"That's how they described it to me yes. They said I was more "worthy" of being Empress, and Janais agreed."
Um'reli raises a finger. "So, what happens when they decide you are no longer worthy?"
I opened my mouth to answer and then closed it again. What would happen?
Empress, what we experienced had never happened before in our memories. There had never been two Empresses with a legitimate claim to rule before. When we interfaced with Janais' Nanites we... improvised.
Improvised? My face must have registered my surprise. Um'reli looked pointed at me.
"Uh, the Nanites said that this had never happened before and when they met with Janais' Nanites they... improvised."
Now Um'reli looks worried. "Melody, improvisation is not something that is done without sapience. Are you sure and I mean really sure your Nanites aren't sapient?"
No. I'm not sure. But what can I do? They're a part of me now and for all we know there is no removing them.
"No. I'm not sure. They tell me they aren't, and I don't have any other outside resources to draw upon to learn more. It sure feels like they are though. I try and treat them like an AI. I guess I do think of them as a person. I wish there was more history to this place."
Um'reli nodded as she took a sip of tea. It was the chamomile that Raaden brought. We scanned it backwards and forwards and I asked Raaden and she swears it's just tea. Um'reli really loves chamomile, and was very happy to learn it was safe to drink.
"I know what you mean Melody. I wish there was even something like a Library here. There must be. People write stuff down." She looked up in surprise. "We should ask Janais! She is a native. She might be able to tell us what a Library looks like."
I can't believe I didn't think of that. Janais was right, I really am defined by the people I keep around.
"That's a wonderful idea Um'reli, can you ask her about it next time you see her? She seemed interested in talking to you when I mentioned that you were K'laxi."
"Oh that's what it's about? She was super odd and deferential when we met just now."
"She said they were on their way to K'laxi to ask you for help when they were attacked by the Devourers and her partner Aeche sacrificed herself to save everyone."
U'reli gasped. "That's so sad! I had no idea she was carrying that." She slid her chair back and stood up. "I'm going to head back to the Throne and get some work done. I'll take Janais with me and I'll see if she can show me a Library."
She walked out and I was alone. I couldn't help but think about what Raaden and Janais and now Ava have told me; if I want to continue to be alive, I need to take over human - and probably K'laxi and Xenni - space. I don't want to be a conqueror.
Do I?
I don't want to be assassinated, that's for sure.
If I took over, what would that look like? If I were able to amass a large enough fleet, I could probably take over without firing a shot. Show up, be all impressive, order a meeting with the local leaders, Voice them and tell them they belong to me now, move on to the next system.'
It can't be that simple right? the AIs would never go for it, and I can't Voice them.
But, why can't I? If I learned more about how their minds work, would the Nanites be able to work on them? Hey, do you learn what I learn? If I learned more about how the AIs minds work, would you be able to affect them?
We do not know Empress, but we do learn what you learn. If you learn more about how their minds work, we would probably be more effective against them.
Oh good, so I just need to become an AI expert and I might stand a chance of being able to "convince" them to leave me alone.
I reach out to Omar "Hey Omar, do we have any information about AI theory and application?"
Hey Melody. Uh, no. We don't have anything like that. Why would we? What ever do you need it for?
I was just thinking that if we had something, I could learn more about how their brains work, and the Nanites and I might be better able to Voice them.
Huh. Now that's an idea. I could see how it might work. But we don't have anything about AI, not even some high level theory. We'd have to get some literature from back home. I don't know how we'd even begin to do that.
Omar, what about Venus?
What about them?
Didn't we strip the Vengeance of Lavinia of everything? Not just weapons and armor? Did they have a library?
I think they did, yes. I don't think that's been cataloged yet though. Raaden would be the person to ask in that case.
Something to think about for later I guess.
I get up and grab my rifle. I've been lax in getting some range time lately, I'm sure my groupings are all over the place. I walk to the Security offices and nod to the officer at the front desk as I walk in. They know about me and how I like to practice, I have my own keycard to let me into the range and everything. I walk by the armorer and see them with one of the rifles from Lavinia apart and they're taking notes and measurements. Good. I'm glad they took my advice and are looking at copying and hopefully improving the rifles. We'll need them when we're going to conquer.
Er, if we're going to conquer I mean.
An hour and a half later I feel much better. I used three magazine of ammunition - I was taking my time - and cleaned and oiled the rifle. While I was cleaning it I got a small crowd and gave an impromptu lesson on maintenance of human made weapons. Everyone was somewhat surprised at how much work it took to keep them running well, but I pointed out that all this work means they're much more accurate.
Refreshed, I took a walk. With all my Builders around there is still a lot of work to do, but it really seems like sometimes now I get whole blocks of time to myself to just... be around and be seen. Oh! I should show Raaden the train. I call Ava. "I'm going to show Raaden the metro, wanna come?"
"Sure! I just need to finish up this report on the garden planetoid. Meet you in front of Raaden's apartment in 10?"
I make my way over to her apartment just as Ava runs up. Nodding at the guards we go up and knock on the door. "Hey Helen, wanna go see the trains?"
I hear the sliding of a chair hurriedly and running feet. She flings the door open and looks at me surprised. "You mean it? Right now? Let's go!"
Laughing I take a step back and stop. She's wearing...
She's wearing a Builder uniform.
Well, kind of. I can see the difference, it looks a little more casual than what I made my Builders, but it's in my colors and you can see the inspiration.
"Where did you get that uniform Helen?"
"Oh this?" She spins around and shows it off. "Ava made it for me. I had asked for more clothes - all I have is my sweats and my Venus uniforms - and she made me this. I have to say, royal blue isn't my first choice for color, but I make it work." She stopped and looked at my expression. "You don't approve?"
Ava looks at me slightly nervously. "All she had was Venus stuff. I figured you didn't want her walking around in purple all the time. The only other clothes she had was that cocktail dress which - while very nice - was probably not very comfortable to wear day to day."
"No no, it's fine, I'm just surprised is all. You're welcome to wear it. I'm glad you like it here enough to do so. Thanks Helen."
They both visibly relaxed. "I'm glad you approve. I get it. I'm from Venus, we're everyone's favorite bad guy, I'm big scary Archduke Raaden. But you and Ava and everyone... you took the time to let me be... me. You didn't immediately dump me into a hibernation cabinet or keep me locked in a cell for who knows how long."
"What? We wouldn't do that Helen, you told me how you feel about hibernation, and I wouldn't just toss you into a cell to rot."
She nods "Which is why I like it here. You made the effort. Let me tell you that Venus would not be so... accommodating if our roles were reversed." She looked past me. "So come on, I want to see that train. Are there more than one line? Are all the stations the same design or are there different designs? How are they powered?"
We walked towards the station with her grilling me on everything transit related. I answered, or queried my Builders or the Reach itself for answers when I didn't have any. By the time we got to our station, she had a decent overview on how the trains worked.
"Okay Helen. Time for something special." I leaned back into the Reach and called the Royal Transport. When the trilling alarm of an incoming train started early, everyone looked up from their own worlds in confusion. When the elegant blur and gold transport slid into the station and came to a stop in front of us, there were sounds of amazement and wonder.
Raaden was slack jawed. "Melody, this is your train? It's beautiful!" Ava was grinning. "I said you would like it, didn't I? Just wait until you get inside."
We stepped inside and as the doors slid shut, the noise and bustle of the station died away. The train was incredibly soundproofed. I checked the schedule and if I left now, we would be able to switch to the express track and head to the top, bypassing all the stations. Smoothly and nearly silently we took off.
Raaden spent the entire time glued to the windows, watching the Reach glide by. Every time we rolled into a station we slowed and there were waves and cheers from the people in the station as we went by.
I figure now is as good a time as any to ask. "Hey Helen, did the Lavinia's library have info on AIs? Like theory and application?"
She looks up from the window. "Huh? I think so. Probably nothing too in depth, but like maybe a large overview. Why?"
"I've been thinking about what you and Ava said. I don't want to be assassinated. If taking over is the only way to prevent that, then... I guess we should start planning on taking over. One big question was how the AIs would react to my Voice. FarReach wasn't affected and that makes me think as I am now no AI will be. The Nanites and I agree that if I learn more about how their brains work, they might be able to change how they operate on AIs to be more... effective."
"You think that'll work? The Nanites are that flexible? That's impressive! If you grabbed the whole thing, I think there's enough in the Lavinia's library to get you started yes. Enough to learn if it's even possible or not."
I shrugged. "I won't know until I try. I really don't feel like being a conqueror, but I also like keeping my insides inside me and my head attached to my shoulders. If this is the only way then... so be it."
Ava leaned in laid her head on my shoulder. "I'm glad to hear it Melody. I know you'll be a just and fair ruler, and I think you're on the right track."
Raaden nodded and smiled. "I agree. All hail Empress Melody!" She laughed lightly and turned back to the window. "Look at that! Melody, where does that stub track go? Oh there must be a railyard! We should go see it. I want to see if there are any older models of metro cars or spare parts. Who fixes them? We should ask for a tour..."
The three of us spent the rest of the day touring the Metro. I have to admit that Raaden's interest got us both interested as well. We probably would never have learned as much about the Metro as we did without her. We went from the bottom to the top of the Reach and I did get us a tour of the rail yard. It was actually really interesting to dig into the minutiae of a service here on the reach. More than that though, it was so cute to see Raaden absolutely gush about something. I don't think I've ever seen her that happy. We brought her back to the apartment when we were finished and she stood in the doorway. "Melody, Ava... thank you. That is easily the most fun I've had in at least 5 years."
I smile. "You're welcome Helen, I'm glad we could show you a good time."
She looks away for a moment. "It's more than that... you and Ava and everyone here has gone above and beyond to make me feel welcome and included and a part of things, even though I'm just a prisoner."
"Raaden, you're not just a prisoner. You're your own person with her own wants and needs and desires. Just because you're stuck here doesn't mean you have to be miserable."
If I didn't know better, I'd say Raaden was getting a little misty. "Ava, that's just what I'm talking about." She sighs heavily. "Melody. I want you to conquer Venus."
What. Where did this come from? "What?"
She nods. As she does a tear falls from her eye. "You. You are what Venus needs. Dad would have loved you. Loved the way you rule. You could help so many people there. And... I want to help."
"You want to help?"
She nods. "Yes Ava. I don't know if that means I'm asking to become a Builder, or just be able to help out like Ginny or what. But, I've been here long enough to see what you're doing, and-" she sighs "-I want in. Use your Voice to insure my compliance, I don't mind. I'll do what it takes."
"We'll think about it Helen. Thanks for feeling comfortable enough with us to ask."
That night after dinner, Ava and I were in the bath. We were clean and just soaking in the hot water in the dark, the lights of the Reach shining in through the windows our only illumination.
"Should you make Raaden a builder?"
I sat up and looked at her. She wasn't joking. I laid back down. "Do you think I should?"
"I'm wondering. You heard her today. Janais has also mentioned in a few times. She thinks she's a natural Builder."
"We haven't even given Ginny Builder status yet."
Ava raised a hand out of the water and waggled it. "So give it to both of them. It's not like we don't need the help. Poor Um'reli spends most of her days connected to the Throne working. Omar is chained to his chair too working on the ships. Starlight spends all their time fielding questions and complaints from residents. We need more help."
"You're right, we do need the help. Janais alone won't be enough." I looked her in the eyes. They were an emerald green and so pretty. "Do you really think we can trust both of them?"
She met my gaze. "Yes. I do Melody. I think both of them are with us now. And if you're worried, you could just order it."
"Yes I could, but I want them to do it because they want to, not because I ordered them."
"So ask them tomorrow." Ava yawned and sat up. "Come on, the bath is cooling off. Let's dry off and go to bed."
I sat up as well. "Okay. Tomorrow then."
Part 36
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Brain rot with redhead
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authors note: I get "bullied" by a fucking redhead but I still find fictional redheads attractive yum. Also this is something I came up with at German class yesterday morning while sketching and it was originally little drawing BUT since I an not that good at drawing NSFW I will write it <3
Fingering, not specified pronouns, reader has female body, nicknames: darling, sweethearts, plaything, etc.., Childe is little bastard who enjoys teasing, drop of yandere/ claiming? It's all basically just in memory, I suck at this..
Childe was a sneaky bastard who thought he can have anything, even you. You on the other hand thought otherwise. And some time with him alone after long time reminded you of some events..
It won't happen again. Or will it?
You and Childe weren't that close as you were with other harbingers even though he was the closest to your age. You would rather talk all day to Pantalone about mora or with dottore about his work that with Childe who had so much to tell you. You always found him a bit annoying, not that you hated him but he knew how make your day a lot more uncomfortable. He was such a sweetheart but also such sadist who enjoyed to see the desperate look in your eyes since you was too soft to just tell him to fuck off. It was normal evening when all the other harbingers had a lot of work. You didn't like staying alone with him. And as much as you did wanted to go to your work you couldn't. Childe again at his job boring you to death talking about how he enjoyed with traveler. It made you kinda jealous. What's so special about them anyways? They had one duel. You and childe fought always. But anyways you were alone. Just the two of you. He suddenly paused in his story to look at you.
He smirked ,,So, you don't listen to word I say huh? What if I remind you of.. the first time we were alone?"
,,First and last. I'm leaving" you stood up and went to the doors, but then you stopped in your track when you heard him laugh"
,,sweetheart from all the boredom you seem to forget that we are trapped here until someone comes back into the palace"
He was right. Schnechznaya was cold and snow was everywhere, and it sometimes just so happened that snow burried the doors. You really forgot on that.
,,ugh. I don't get it, why don't you just use your delusion, the form is strong enough to kick the door isn't it?"
,,it is, but the delusion is allowed just in two cases. We don't have it for fun nor for every small problem. You know how Tsaritsa would be mad if we used her gift for every small thing." You sat defeated on the floor. Waiting for rescue. Luckily for you, you didn't have to wait for long, Pantalone ordered people to help you. On your way to your room you couldn't forget about Childes words..
,,Would you listen if I reminded you of first time we were alone?"
That damn sentence was repeating in your head the whole way to your room. The first time we were alone..
You arrived to your room, unlocked it and went inside. You didn't bother doing other than getting off the coat. You went directly to bed. You lied in your bed in complete darkness with the only light coming from the moon trough the window, you tried your best not to think about it. You tried to forget. It was wrong, you knew it. You can't date nor fuck with your colleagues and if Childe isn't the responsible one, you will be. As much as you wanted you couldn't stop your mind from replaying the moment, so you just closed your eyes and drifted to your fantasy trying to remember every second if it.
Suddenly you were in his hands again, legs spread open. Whining you tried to move into more comfortable position as he smiled at you. His smile was so kind but behind it all it was just facade. You knew he was cruel and just wanted to play with you. Or at least. Now you knew it.. his fingers deep inside of you moving faster every minute. You felt like it was ages in that position. You wished he would do more than that. If he sped up a bit more. At this moment it started to be uncomfortable for you. You took him by his shirt and squeezed your hand.
,,aw. Aren't you just cute? What, isn't it comfortable? Let me help you" He stopped his movements, pulled his fingers out cleaned them and helped you get into more comfortable position. You were shaking from the amount of times he almost made you cum but he always stopped. Every. Single. Time. And he laughed at you. He laughed at how pathetic you are. Did you really think he will let you that easily? He just started his fun. You were now against his chest, between his legs.
,,Is that better love?'' You nodded at his words. He luckily gave you smoe time to get relaxed, it didnt last for long though since after some time his fingers found their way into you again. But his touch seemed... Softer? It was like he finally began to think on your pleasure and not only cruel playing around. Your body shaking in reaction on his touch. It was suddenly so nice. His other hand gently tracing your body from time to time he gave you a kiss. It felt like he changed his whole personality just by changing position, but. Did he do it on purpose or was he really suddenly letting his feelings win?..
You didn't know. What you did know was how you loved when he touched you, every single touch, every kiss. You loved everything of it. and you were ready to take anything he gave you. You were so lost in your thoughs you didn't realize that you were close your high again. But he didn't stop. No, he kept his pace. In the last moment he pulled you into a kiss. As he calmed you during your high. Your whole body was shaking. He pulled his fingers out and cleaned them.
,,you're such a good girl.. Sad that you won't be anything more than a plaything." He said while brushing away your messy hair. Even after these words that hurt like knife straight to the heart something about that moment seemed.. comfortable.. So soothing. And you found yourself wanting more..
You opened your eyes and realized that the whole time you had hand in your pants. Of course your clothing now ruined by the wettness you decided to clean yourself. After that you went to sleep, not bothering what happened back then and how much you changed the scenario in your head to make him feel like less heartless idiot.
Authors note #2 - I might make second part if people would want. Also. I had one request I sadly didn't have time to make it and now I can't find it, the person maybe deleted it and it makes me feel kinda bad that I couldn't do it for them. :/ Anyways back to this work. I hope you enjoyed it guys and prephaps we'll see again at part two of this or you can check out my other work! Thank you for all kinds of support and bye<3
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starryvioletnight Β· 4 months
Thoughts on being trans, being the eldest, and being raised by an alcoholic (not in that order)
My mom is going to the ER tonight.
My mom used to call me first in any situation.
And I hated it.
I hated listening to her drunken rambles on the phone, of how her life was going oh so terribly, and how I could never understand. I hated visiting her and my father, for the one or both of them to get drunk in front of me, in front of any visitors they had, causing scenes that made everyone uncomfortable. My brother and I would share a look and roll our eyes. We were used to this, after all.
She used to drink and yell at us. Pick fights we could never win, take away belongings just to prove she had power over us, usually when she was in the wrong. She used to blame me for not being able to pay her bills, when I was paying rent for the room I lived in after I turned 18. She still makes snide comments about his girlfriend to him, or how he's living his life or the choice in dog he decided to adopt. She doesn't say anything like this to me anymore since I decided to come out as trans.
Mainly because, I really don't talk to her anymore. That should be a win, shouldn't it?
Before I came out, she was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis. I remember that late November, taking her to the ER, joking with my brother about having a gender crisis (it really wasn't a joke, he didn't know that yet).
I remember her going, "Ugh, are you going to change your name too?" in that tone of voice that draws the image of smelling rotten cheese to my mind.
After I came out, she made a show of how good of an ally she was. She would do her best to get my name right and my pronouns right, though it never felt... good. It felt hollow. A gesture done to keep the peace between the three of us (my brother, her and myself). I'm told she still uses the correct name when talking about me to him.
We haven't talked in almost a month. It's been liberating. it seemed like my brother got the worst end of that deal, having to maintain contact with her only because she was his landlord.
Tonight, my brother calls me. He's supposed to be at work, and he tells me he's taking mom back to the hospital. She's winded all the time, her stomach is swelling again. She has a dry cough she can't shake.
We already knew she was drinking again. We'd already asked her to stop. She said taking a shot here and there, a wine cooler once in a while wouldn't kill her. We didn't believe her, but we couldn't stop her.
She never called to ask if I could do it. I should be relieved, but I'm not. I'm not getting dressed and rushing to the ER to see her, though a part of me believes I should be. I want nothing to do with her visit. I want my brother to update me any time he knows anything.
I should be there instead of him. I didn't even get a call.
I'm still the eldest sibling. I've got better defenses, I can handle the stress better, I can ask the doctors the right questions. He shouldn't be there, he shouldn't have to deal with any of that. I feel like a coward, hiding in my home while he faces whatever diagnosis she has alone.
I'm the trans son of a woman who told me my dad would disown me if I ever took "that gay shit" (being trans) too far. She would get drunk and tell me how much she wished I was straight. She's said so many, many hurtful things, been so selfish in so many ways, like never letting me have extra-curriculars after school. When my brother begged to be a part of marching band, she would pick him up from football games completely wasted. Her and my dad never attended a single one.
I should be relieved that I get to stay home and watch TV. So why am I sitting on my couch crying?
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circe69 Β· 2 years
π‚πˆπ‘π‚π„'𝐒 𝟏𝐊 π’ππ„π‚πˆπ€π‹ 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓
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yayyaya!! 1000 already? crazy. anyways, time to have fun! below are some characters and prompts that i'd love to offer you for requests! just send me one of each and i'll start working on it!
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 -
1.) fake couple trope at a party! "are we seriously doing this?" "you were the one who wanted to wear the rings."
2.) sick trope 🀧 "you're already unbearable, it's even worse when you're high off cough medicine" "did i ever tell you how sittable your lap looks?"
3.) argument πŸ˜‰ trope. HIGH tension. "learn how to shut your mouth, please" "why don't you come over and do it for me? please?"
4.) wearing their clothes after trying to clean out their closet as a favor- *starts blushing* "it's too big on you anyways." "well, we can always put it in the dryer!" "NO-"
5.) blind-kiss, you're both blindfolded at some party, and your friends are daring you to kiss. oh, also, one of you know who the other is. "come on, just do it!" "alright, alright fine, you ready stranger?" "always, stranger."
6.) drunk confessions - "this stuff tastes great, you wanna try it?" "oh su-" *sloppy kiss*
7.) power outage while you both hate each other - "ugh WHERE IS THE BREAKER?" "do I look like an electrician?" "honestly, ye-" "SHUT UP!"
8.) running in the hallway due to being late and you turn a corner and spill coffee on them - "OH SHOOT i am so sorry! this is all my fau-" *pulls you into an empty room and removes the coffee-stained shirt* "help me clean this up and i'll lie to your boss about where you were.
9.) waking up in the same bed after a party - "why are you in MY BED?" "you idiot, this is MY- oh." *steals covers to hide barely-clothed body, but turns out they're almost naked too. "Y/N, GIVE IT BACK QUICK."
10.) classic medic scenario. sure, it's used all the time but i can be creative - "it says here you're in for another doctor, but since i'm the only one available, i guess i'll preform the check-up! *the prettiest person they've ever seen walks in* *swallows loudly* "can i reschedule?" "oh come on, i don't bite!" "i wish they would."
11.) doing their hair for them, straddling their lap. "be quick with it, the meetin's in half an hour." "don't rush perfection."
12.) babysitting with them, they end up falling asleep, you and the baby draw on their face in their sleep - "wash it off now, y/n." "why can't you? you're a big boy." *literally pouting* "cause i don't know what stuff to use!"
13.) cooking with them, maybe midnight snacks - "what are you doin' out here?" "was hungry, couldn't sleep either." *sits at the counter* "make me a plate, wouldya?" "well, why don't you just make it with me?"
14.) them walking in on you taking a shower - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" "chill, i was just getting my toothbrush." *silence for a few seconds* "want company?" "NO-"
15.) late night car rides, accidentally falling asleep on their shoulder. *head falls on his shoulder* "told ya you should get more sleep, you never listen" *sleepily responds* "i always listen to you."
16.) training with them and getting pinned - "gotcha" "UGH this isn't even fair, our weight isn't compatible in the slightest." *sly smirk* "maybe not, but it's still fun" *presses into you*
17.) hiding from someone in a small space with them - *hand from behind flys over your mouth* "if you talk you'll get us both killed" *you nod feverishly, trying not to notice the close proximity.
18.) going shopping with them but there's only one dressing room - "look you have to promise you'll turn around." "yeah yeah i promise" *starts undressing and sees them peeking* "HEY-" "my fingers were crossed"
19.) cooking breakfast in bed - "good morning, sleepyhead" "hmm what's that?" *showcases beautiful tray of food* "breakfast in bed!" "feed it to me."
20.) hand massages - "let me practice on you please? i just need to make sure i'm good at it." *ends massage* "well? how was it?" *takes a deep, shaky breath* "you have to promise you'll only do that for me."
21.) zipping up a dress for you - "what, is the zipper stuck or something?" "no, 'm just looking."
22.) playing out in the snow with them - *hits you in the face and you fall on the ground* "OWWW dude" *they come over and straddle you* "oh grow up big baby" *kisses all over your face, the last one being on your mouth.
23.) mornings where their clingy - "please stay" "i wanna get us coffee-" "no, stay" *burrows themselves in your neck and gives you a hickey* "HEY-" "there, now you can't go out like that. now go back to sleep."
24.) them falling asleep on your lap - "you drooled, sleepyhead." "you should be paying me for that." *gives them a kiss* "there you go."
𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 -
1.) Simon "Ghost" Riley
2.) Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
3.) John Price
4.) Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
5.) KΓΆnig
6.) Alejandro Vargas
7.) Philip Graves
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sorcerese Β· 1 year
29. A memory they can’t let themselves forget
' isn't she the one lord tatarrah...? the mage you've been seeking ? 'Β  Β  Β Β  Β a voice whispered behind her, she turned. no one was behind her. was she imagining it?Β maybe.Β she continues her walk down the rolling hills to meet up with her brother. every step she took felt heavy and sluggish her legs collapsed under her like a newborn fawn. she struggled to breath like she was under marsh; bogged down by the mud and murky water, amber hues lift their gaze towards the bottom of the hill where her brother's surprisingly broad back was turn to her; she choked on her own breath and stretched out towards him every vocal cord wanting to scream ' brother, help! 'Β Β but they never made a sound like a broken harp it was hollow and empty. she wheeze out a pained dream as she fell into what seemed like a deep slumber, a narrative waste of dark and gloom.
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  ' DELTHEA !! 'Β Β  Β  Β  she clutches her headΒ  ... b-brother.... god, why the hell is he soooo loud this time, she already did chores what more does he want... quit yelling my name, geez!Β  she groans as fleshy curtains finally draw open from her forced slumber, she blinks slowly as the faces of her battle-worn brother and his newfound allies come into view. she blinks her eyes shut again, wincing in pain. her head was still pounding so loudly. she finally opened her eyes up still shaky in vision and what felt like the taste of regret a poison on the roof of her mouth. the thoughts filled her head like honey-doused poison. she began to look around and regret after seeing the field ablaze; the broken lattice of magic circles that she only known to be hers. the child nearly begins to cry. did she do that? was this her so called talent? and what for she never asked for this. she realized that she had always been an awkward combination of ' why did i say that? 'Β  - Β  'Β  why didn't i listen to brother? ' - Β  'why didn’t i say something?'Β  - Β 'i'm bored.' but never said anything like ' i’m too scared to properly learn how to live.'Β Β  so this is what brother was scared of. the girl understood now after so many years. she grew so tired of hiding, of saying no to any new opportunity because they were afraid of where it will take her.
to think something like this unknown torture; to her that this so-called 'slumber' would fear set her on a road and anxiety ensured that she’d never have to experience that again. they explained the situation much to her dismay. she gritted her teeth in annoyance. she didn't want to hear it. saltwater tears stings behind her eyes, she didn't wish to remember. she rather suffer the memory loss, she couldn't stand it. she stuck out her tongue and rubbed her hands against her arms, pretending to brush off goosebumps. " ugh, EWWW ! are you serious what a creep...! " delthea says with annoyance and disgust; attempting to play it off like she wasn't too affected by it. the mage dug her nails into her palm as she spoke, taking everything in her to not break down in front of everyone. ' that would be too damn embarrassing they won't take me with them if they just think i'm a whiny child who cries at anything. i'm too scared to be on my own anymore... ' is what she thought in the moment where she saw the priest tending to the wounded. she decided to lie to herself. to lie to everyone else as well. to lie to her own brother. that was the only conclusion she had in order to have the strength to change course and since then she's following that bastardisation of true north ever since. so, she took the future king's hand with one foot forward and a smile so bright that it melted those awful thoughts. she turns to lu and grins ear to ear after bubbling up into a giggle.Β Β  "Β  i'm sorry i worried you, lu... good thing you had help from the deliverance, right?Β  thanks for helping us, so if lu is sticking with you guys, i get to come too, right? trust me, i'll give your all enemies a run for their money!Β "Β 
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taeyamayang Β· 2 years
previously on FMY / NAVIGATION
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the west wind current drove the waves into the shore in a sluggish way, slowly reaching forward and drawing back as if it was in a constant turmoil of whether to stay or not.
death has breathed whispers to the hollow trees, wrinkling its body and limbs, forefingers falling apart as the leaves turn bright. one only blossoms when at the brick of their death, falsely deceiving the living of their radiant tone. death is indeed an odd thing.
"why?" your voice, low and faltering, could easily be whiffed by the gushed of air; akin to the autumn leaves that lifelessly fall from the deciduous trees, yet your mouth is still warm as though you could still feel his lips pressing against yours.
"i'm sorry." is all he could say.
you silently wished he would say more.
it's the final day of the sports event in school and everyone is either fired up for the championships or looking forward to hangout with friends after school hours. as for you, you are neither. unfortunately, your team couldn't make it to championships. the last match your team will participate in this morning is nothing but mere formalityγ…‘a battle for fourth place, and you and your friends have not planned anything after school.
currently, you are gathering your team members for the said final match. the opponent, class 1-B obvioulsy have the upper hand. they are bigger and much stronger in physique and it seemed as if they could crush your team with a simple shove. nonetheless, that does not stop you from encouraging your members. it's the final blow, you told them to pour all their stress from school into this match and let the underdogs win.
your words seemed to work as some of your members instantly became determined to fight for the last time but the results are predetermined from the get-go.
class 1-B won.
if only your legs were as long as the final runner and captain of the other team you could have at least inched the gap but this and other if's and then's were obliterated when your members commended you from being a good captain (they probably thought you would be a mediocre leader since you have always been a reserved wallflower) and as soon as they left, you find yourself lying on the grass as you catch your breath. your lids flutter close as you wait for the adrenaline to wear off.
"great work, captain." a voice from above says making your lids fly open. right then you are met with a midnight blue mixed with pale gray orbs similar to that of a cloudy starless sky.
"Miya." you say, sitting up. you adjust your eyes to the blinding bright sun and just then, you see the man standing next to him.
you are unfamiliar with him, you definitely have not seen him beforeγ…‘not that you know everyone in school. his parted bangs and sharp eyes become the focal point almost scouring the smug and boredom off his face. atches your eyes.
you bring your attention back to the other, you speak. "we lost, by the way."
"i know, we watched the game." Osamu replies nonchalantly making you cringe in embarrassment.
"ugh, i feel like you're mocking me." you grunt and crinkle your nose at him. on the other hand, the latter smiles. you stand upright to dust off stray blades of grass on your clothes.
"no, take it as a compliment. you have the heart, determination, and energy of a main character in a sports tv series except... you couldn't win."
"that is more of an insult than a compliment." you whisper to yourself but osamu was quick to catch on your words, making him chuckle outloud. he's doing this on purpose. what a fucking tease. when he's done enjoying the reaction he's getting from you he points at the person next to him.
"anyway, suna rin meet (y/n), (y/n) this is suna rin." osamu gestures back and forth from you and to the man with a piercing gaze.
"-taro. suna rintaro. introduce me properly, man." suna, the one with parted bangs and sharp eyes, speaks for the first time.
"force of habit, my bad." osamu sheepishly scratches the back of his neck in apology before turning to look at you. "we're going. see you in the next meeting."
"wait, do you have a match today?" your eyes dart to the duffle bag slung over his shoulder.
"yep." he nods.
"what time?"
"one thirty, why?"
"which sports?" you disregard his question and his mouth breaks into a smirk.
"i'm not telling."
"why not?" you challenge him, narrowing your eyes at him.
"it's a secret." he utters in a teasing tone before turning his back on you. "see you around." he waves without looking.
the two leaves you hanging. you have no idea why he's being mysterious all of a sudden and not to mention, he was purposely teasing you. the last time you met him he was crumbling in shyness, cheeks almost tinted in pink as he stands in a corner with you. it's as if you've seen a different side of him.
"'Miya'." suna copies your tone as an awful smile imprints on his face. "it feels good to know that not everyone in school knows you."
osamu responses without batting an eye at him. "let's keep things this way."
it's now lunchtime and you are restless. you have nothing to do but wait for the games to end and attend the awarding ceremony. you are eating with some of the students whom you've spoken a few words with before in class. one of which is masayoshi, a boy who eventually became part of your group of friends in class. he's fine, a bit timid, and quite short-tempered but he's easy going and patient when it comes to you. you consider him as one of your friends. but your friendship with him could deepen if you were to open up your inner thuoghts with him but doing so isn't an easy task. in short, masayoshi is someone you feel comfortable with having around but a huge part of you knows that he doesn't know you well yet.
as you were about to take a spoonful of rice and meat into your mouth, you catch a figure passing by far behind masayoshi. the figure slings the strap of his duffle bag over his shoulder as he listen to his company talking. he sports a basketball jersey similar to the boy with him. when he whips his head to your way as he laughs, you finally see his face. a sly smile breaks on your lips.
so, he plays basketball, huh?
masayoshi's eyes go wide when he sees you tucking your utensils back into its pouch and locking your bento box.
"woah, you're done?" he asks the obvious. as a slow eater, you always finish last but seeing your hurried demeanor makes him shoves the remaining food into his mouth.
"are you free at one thirty?" you ask and he nods, cheeks puffy from the food.
"let's watch a game!"
"can i come?" a girl from your class, let's just call her a friend (since she's everyone's friend and gets offended when you don't refer to her as your friend), raises her hand.
"sure." you grin at her and the three of you head to the gym.
you sit with masayoshi and your friend at the middle bleachers of the covered court. the game has not started yet when you arrived but the players were already warming up by the time the three of you settled in your seats.
"2-D versus 2-A." your friend reads the score board when one of the facilitators labeled the opposing teams. "let's cheer for 2-A since we're sort of like siblings, our senpais!"
you could have agreed easily but seeing miya osamu represent their class, 2-D, makes you want to keep an eye on him. the boy surely has a vexatious side and you're not the type to back down in a petty bickering, especially when he mocked you hours ago.
but seeing how he handles the ball, your plan might not go as you wished. who would have though that a shy boy like him is good at sports? he's athletic like his body is used to the trenuous hours of practice and you didn't expect that from him (although he has fit stature, still some boys in your class are built just fine even when all they do is lie on bed and do nothing). he's a team player and from the way he handles the game, he surely knows what he's doing.
he scored a generous amount of points for their team which made him an instant celebrity. the girls from the other side of the bench scream when the timer goes off, the same pack of audiences whose eyes followed him like a cat targeting a chase wand. you can't blame them though, his gameplay is impressive. in the end, 2-D wins and you're torn between congratulating him or not.
"geez, samu still got his game." your friend utters, shaking her head as you follow her eyes leading to miya osamu downing water down his throat.
"samu?" you ask but your voice are barely recognizable. right then, your eyes lock with him and he almost spits the water from his mouth when he sees you sitting by the bleachers.
"(y/n), do you know him?" masayoshi speaks for the first time since the game started. you were not able to respond to him as osamu himself approaches you, answering masayoshi's question.
"what are you doing here?!" osamu whisper-shouts, glancing through his shoulders anxiously.
"my, my, i came here to tease you and have my revenge but-" you wave your hand in the air as a sigh drags from your lips. "i'm a bad liar. you were good. congrats."
"(y/n)." suna rintaro follows behind osamu. afterwards, he greets you.
"suna rintaro." you courteously nod in greeting.
"suna rin's fine." he says casually making you squint your eyes at him.
this guy. hot and cold. unpredictable.
osamu coughs then turns to look at suna. "attend to your fans, suna rin." osamu nudges him using his elbows but suna's brows press together as he peers at his friend with a bewildered face.
"ha?!" his jaw hangs, shooting him a glare that says 'what the fuck are you talking about?'
osamu points at the crowd at the other side of the bleachers using a quick shift in his eyes. it's the same crowd from last time. even if the game has ended, they stayed behind whispering and gushing about the two players in front of you. some of them would look and stare at you in a rather intimidating way, cocking their brows up when they see you looking. what's their deal, anyway?
at the same time suna understands what osamu meant, you take this as a cue to leave. the dead air between you and him is starting to feel a bit weird and on top of that are a few girls looking at you from across the court with eyes that could slice you in half.
"good game, i'm impressed. bye-bye." you stand from the bleachers and exit without sparing him a second to say goodbye.
suna and osamu exchanged a few words which made the former grow worried. suna si right, it is inevitable but not far from impossible to happen. with that, osamu watches you leave the gym.
the next time you see osamu is at the theater meeting. you came before him so you were left alone at the farthest corner away from everyone, as per usual. seeing the casts and crews interact makes you drain of social energy so you would rather save your battery for practice.
"you're early." osamu says and sits next to you.
"i know. i should have dropped by the cafeteria to get snacks." even if you have only met him four times: first theater meeting, at your game, his game, and this included, conversations with him feels natural like you've known him for a longer time. osamu unzips the pocket of his school bag and pulls out an onigiri which makes your mouth water at its plain sight.
"salmon onigiri." he cooly places it on your lap. you dramatically take the food using both of your hands (a sign of high respect) and you swear, you saw sparks twinkling around him. indeed, food makes relationships grow fonder.
"thank you, senpai." you tease him with the sudden use of honorifics.
"don't call me senpai." the creases around his eyes deepens.
"okay..." you pause. "...senpai."
"you-!" osamu's outburst lets out a loud guffaw from you. not long, osamu joins you. the world seemed to vanish around you when you're with him.
it's so easy, easy to be with him.
osamu watches you munch on the food with delight, not caring about your appearance as you enjoy the food he gave. he has met a dozen of poeple your age but has never seen anyone as carefree and different as you are. without knowing, he finds himself lost in you.
days and weeks had past since the first meeting of the theater group. sticking next to osamu has become a habit. you are both in each other's orbit that when either of you gets called for an acting scene, it feels almost empty to sit alone.
but as you both grow fond of each other, others have seemed to taken notice of your bond with him. most of the casts that regularly approaches you, actually him, are from his batch, your seniors. he would exchange words with them but the conversations never lead to anything deep as osamu rarely shares anything about him or how his day went; contrary to when he's with you. with you he's an open book, not that he's easy to read but beacuse he's willing to let you know a part of him.
additionally, osamu has sort of become your ryuukei repellant. ever since you hang out with him during practices, ryuukei has never attempted to cling onto you. although you would often catch a glimpse of him watching your from afar.
"just got home. i have homework, sucks." you type in your reply as soon as you reach home.
your chats with him developed from updating each other of practices to casually chatting. you honestly don't know how it started, the same thing wiht other things such as sitting nwith him during practices, looking out for each other during scenes, and eating together during breaks. but one thing is for sure, whatever you have right now makes you happy.
"what subject?" he replies within seconds. you change into home clothes before sitting on the bed.
"physics. i like science but this one," you look for an emoji to fit your mood before hitting send.
seconds turn into minutes and you find yourself waiting for the elipses next to his profile picture to pop out a text. he must be busy, you thought. after what seems like ages, you pick up an academic book on next to your bed, so you could be productive, but suddenly your phone dings, distracting you once again from doing your homework.
a message.
the last time you were this quick to grab your phone was when your favorite artist dropped a single.
"my hands are full." you read the message from him. you were right. he's busy.
another message pops in.
"do you mind if we call?" your mind pauses, heartbeat dropping at his simple request. your fingers have gained its own consciousness as you typed in "not at all." before your mind could process what you are doing.
osamu replies, "great. let me get my earphones."
you did the same, fishing for you earphones before plugging it in. within seconds you see an incoming call from him. you are nervous but your excitement dominates your wracked nerves. you take a deep breath and clear your throat before hitting the answer button.
"hey." he says, voice hoarse and thick. so this is what his voice sounds like in a call. clatters of falling objects reverbrates from the other line, followed by a mumbled curse.
"what are you up to?" you place your phone on the bed as you open the unattended book before you pretending to finally have taken interest in your homework.
"i'm looking for something. i need it for my project." rustling papers and books being placed on top of each other are heard. osamu speaks in a sheepish tone, "one sec." before shouting at someone in their house.
"tsum! it's not here!" a hint of annoyance coats his voice.
"ya dumbass! open yer eyes!" the person from whom you assume is 'tsum' replies in a thick accent. evidently, he is as equally as annoyed as osamu. a series of heavy footsteps thuds against the floor.
"but it's not here!" osamu protested. then, silence falls.
"who are you talking to." the kansai dialect dies down as tsum questions in a calm manner. "is that suna rin?" quick footsteps get louder as tsum closes the distance between him, osamu, and the phone placed on the ground.
"oi! practice blocks with me tomorrow after class!" your ear rings at the sudden pain of tsum's voice breaking loudly through the microphone.
"it's not suna rin." the light 'ow' of the other lets you know that osamu must have pushed him away.
"then, who is it?"
"none of your business."
a light thud from the line connecting the call resounds. the quality of the sound from the other line changed as if the microphone had increased in its size making two distinct voices clearer to hear.
"yer an asshole! give me back my earphones!" osamu's in rage, boiling in anger. you have never heard of him speak in this tone before. nonetheless, it's interesting for you to eavesdrop in the argument happening on the other line.
"whoever you are speak!" tsum speaks directly speaks to you leaving you staring at the screen of your phone.
"yer disturbing me!" osamu fights back and you feel the sudden urge to back your friend up. taking the built in microphone to your mouth, you speak with ease. a calm breeze admist a storm.
"what possible gains would you have if you hear my voice?"
"oh." you can imagine the intruder pondering to himself. "such sweet voice, that's new. what's your name?"
"leave!" osamu's voice gets further away, then a loud smashing of a door bangs. labored breathing accompanied by footsteps are the only thing you can hear after. shortly, osamu speaks.
"i'm sorry, that was brother." his voice calmer than before.
"quite a relationship, huh?" you joke, laughing at their typical sibling dynamics
"you can tell." osamu joins you in laughter.
"what were you looking for?" changing the subject may help him from recovering from the height of his emotions.
"a blank CD. my brother misplaced it."
"do you need it for tomorrow?" your eyes dart to the shelves next to your cabinet. the bottom shelf is tucked with books, old albums, and empty CDs. for some reasons, you keep spares since your parents used to hate USB devices because of it's 'complexities'.
"not really, i just want to start this project. it's due next week."
"i have a spare. i can bring it tomorrow if you want." you twist the cord of your earphones around your finger as you intenly listen to his voice.
"really?! that would be great! but we don't have practice tomorrow."
"then come pick it up in my class before the first period starts. i'm in class A."
and then there was a pause, like he's hesitating on your idea.
"i, uh," he stammers.
"what is it?" the cord looses around your finger.
"i can't visit a lowerclass' room. i'm, uh, shy. yeah, i'm a shy person." there we go again with his unbelievable "i'm shy" excuse. the more you get closer to him, the harder it is for you to believe his claim.
"that's bullshit, miya." you spit through the phone.
"no, no, no, i swear i can't-" you cut him off mid-sentence.
"i'll bring it to your room." you decide, hearing a dramatic gasp from him.
"you'll do that for me?!" if you were told that he was seething in rage minutes ago, you wouldn't believe it. his mood drastically changes and it's obvious enough on his upbeat tone.
"yeah, whatever." you playfully roll your eyes though he can't see you.
"i'll come to school early tomorrow! i'll wait for you!"
"you better be."
it was a simple favor to him but you can feel the bubbling excitement inside you. you have never seen osamu outside of practices (except during sports event) and the idea of seeing him with his classmates, your seniors, itches your curiosity as to who he is as a student and a fellow classmate. does his classmates know him well?
the following day finally has arrived and you're headed to school early in the morning. usually, you would rather arrive in school just before the bell rings. it's pointless to come to class early and do nothing when you can use that time for sleep. hitting the snooze button is better than socializing with people who you'll spend the rest of the year with.
masayoshi is surprised to see you arrive a split minute before him. you greet him with a "goodmorning" and he immediately says it back.
"why are you so early today?" he walks up next to your desk.
"someone asked for a favor." you stick your hand inside your bag to fish for the CD sealed in a plastic case. when you find it, your heart throbs quickly and your mouth runs dry. it's just meet up with a friend but something inside you makes you feel anxious. when you look up to meet eyes with your friend, you ask. "do you wanna tag along?"
masayoshi smiles, his face brighter than the morning sun. "sure! where?"
"class 2-D." you say simply.
"what?! why?! the seniors?!" have you ever mentioned that masayoshi is a nervous wreck? no? well, this is who he is when faced by minor inconvenience. he's pretty reactive to most things but right now you internally agree with him.
"it's a friend so it's no big deal, really. we'll drop this off then go." your words of assurance were meant for him but it feels as though you said it for yourself.
a lower batch student visiting a senior is bit of a show. you don't know what exactly makes it odd, but to many people it's enough to start a gossip. well, only if you're known in your batch or in school but if you are someone as nameless and insiginificant as you are, you won't probably make noise. besides, osamu miya seemed to be the quiet type in class.
"if you don't want to come with me then it's fine, yoshi." you walk pass yoshi, not wanting to put a burden on his shoulders by accompanying you but he tails you behind shortly. you told him to go back to the room if he's uncomfortable but he insisted the he wants to come. in the end, you let him.
upong arriving at room 2-D, you pop your head inside and scan the room for an obnoxious grey-headed but to your dismay he's nowhere to be found. hence, you are left to ask the girl sitting nearest to the doorway.
you hate doing this.
you absolutely despise the idea of asking someone you do not know and bothering them of their own business. you hate it so much that when it comes to calling for a teacher in the faculty room, you would rather be the one to knock on the door and let your friend stick their head inside and do the talking. but since mr. i'll-wait-for-you is not waiting for you here, you are left to ask a fellow student.
"hi, do you know where miya is?" the girl with headphones stuck to her ears swiftly lifts her head up. her eyes widen at the sight of you by the doorway.
"oh, uhm," she twists and turns her body around to look for the person you just mentioned. as she does so, you notice a few stares from the seniors in the room.
"who's she looking for?" the girl from one of the circles, glance at you.
"i heard she said 'miya'." the other replies. you don't know if they're doing it on purpose but their whispers are definitely louder than it should be.
"miya?! seriously?!" one girl in their group chuckles condescendingly. "gosh, he quickly changes everytime." before you could feel bad for turning up here, the girl by the doorway speaks.
"sorry, i don't think he's here." her voice is sweet akin to her large soft eyes. for a moment, you were glad you asked her.
"do you know where he went?" you ask with a small smile. just when she was about to utter a reply, a booming voice from the hallway calls out your name.
"(y/n)!" he runs towards you like a kid excited to see their favorite toy after a long day.
"you said you'll wait here." you frown in return.
"i did! but someone called for me in the hallway so i had to attend to them. i didn't know that the time i was out is the exact time you'll be here." as osamu explains, you catch a sight of the group of girls from ealier and others more giving you unwanted stares through his shoulders. it could be just your imagination or the tendency of your mind to overthink things but with the way they're giving you looks, you can't help but feel as if you've stepped on a line you were'nt supposed to.
when you shifyt your eyes to meet with his, you see him looking at a point behind you. you follow where his eyes lead. it lands on your company.
agh, how can you forget about introducing masayoshi? how disrespectful!
"miya, this is tanaka masayoshi and yoshi this is miya osamu. you guys have met before, during the sports event. i was with yoshi and another friend when we wathed your game, miya." when you were done speaking, both of them exchanged nods without uttering a single word. men are weird, you thought.
you turn and mouth "five minutes, sorry!" to masayoshi and he gives you an approved smile. but five minutes easily turn into fifteen and eventually the only thing capable of separating you from osamu is the bell, a signal for the first class to begin. you had so much to talk about with osamu despite being on the phone with him after class everyday.
when you went back to the room with masayoshi, your producer friend immediately approaches you.
"where'd you guys go?" she assk, worried that you might have skipped school today and you don't miss classes unless you're sick.
"you wouldn't believe it." masayoshi drags his feet as he says in a deflated tone. you feel bad for him for tagging along but at the same time he kept insisting on coming with you.
"there she is!" a pompous voice echoes in the room. like a magnet, all eyes turn to him. "my frirdn over here is asking about the happening in the theater group. how's it going for you, (y/n)?"
he's up to no good. he's always is.
"or rather," he lets out a short airy laugh which in turn unsettles you. he turns to face you, crossing one leg over the other as he rests his arm over the backrest of his seat. a smirk grows on his face. "how's it going with osamu?"
just when you thought he's done stirring unwanted drama, he speaks in a cunning and petty way and loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.
continue reading
tags: @imsoluvly
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