#but i definitely dont think so
dukeofankh · 4 months
Hey, I don't think I've seen people talk about this much but the now almost memeified concept that living as a woman under patriarchy means you understand how men think... y'all do understand that that's bullshit, right?
Like, think literally whatever you want to about men's thoughts and motives, stay safe, I'm not trying to tell you to trust dudes more or something. I've just seen so many poorly written thinkpieces and posts and comments by women about the interior lives of men, usually as part of discussions of toxic masculinity or in response to masculinity crisis type discourse. And I am tired. So many women acting like an authority while being so thoroughly out of their lane.
By all means, do what you need to do to not get eaten by the metaphorical grizzly bear that lives in your neighborhood. Swap stories and tactics among yourselves about the bear's behavior patterns, apparent triggers, ways to stay safe. That's not even sarcastic. Do that. I do not begrudge women that. It is dangerous out there. There is a fucking bear in the neighborhood. Bears can be dangerous.
...but you see how that's not actually like, learning anything about the internal life of the bear, right? Like, you do not gain the knowledge of living as the bear just by avoiding its claws.
And I wanna make this clear, you are not required to give a fuck about that. You don't have to! Your main concern can be not being eaten by the bear. I am not saying you owe the bear empathy while it is in the process of mauling you.
But there are some conversations right now about like, the state of masculinity. How to grow and change and iterate away from patriarchal/protofascist concepts that eat men from the inside out. How to build new community, new identity, how to offer a sense of welcome and guidance but also freedom. Conversations about how it feels to be a man. What men want, and why they want it. Conversations going from the inside out. Hell, even a lot of conversations about why men act in toxic ways and how to prevent men from turning into manosphere misogynists necessarily require understanding the motives and interior life of a person, and why men are attracted to harmful ideologies.
Evading the bear does not, in and of itself, give you an expert voice to bring to...bear...on that conversation.
And as a sidebar I do want to say, there are women who absolutely have developed wisdom about men, but they didn't gain it by engaging with them solely as a threat. Even if their perspectives are a complement to mens perspectives on their own gender and not a replacement for it, it isn't impossible, it just usually involves having literally dozens and dozens of deeply raw conversations with men and learning how they see the world. Susan Faludi, bell hooks, those women are out there. But unless you've done that work yourself you don't get to use the existence of those women to add unearned weight to your unexamined presumptions about what men must be like.
If engaging with conversations with and about men as full people and not just misogyny demons would be triggering for you, then you absolutely do not have to, and frankly shouldn't, just wade on in there. Because, while you do know what you're talking about, the thing you're talking about isn't actually what is being discussed.
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ciderjacks · 7 days
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contracts written in blood
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eriochromatic · 5 months
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winter outing featuring cross guild and company 🌨️🌨️🌨️
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hattiestgal · 6 months
If you don't mind my asking, how do you go about drawing fat? :3
So, for me personally, a lot of the time when I draw fat characters, I'm not looking to specifically capture the specifics of fat as much as the feel of fat. Bulkier, rounder shapes in the right places that has a feeling of weight to em! A lot of that is intuition and simplification at this point, but it all works on the same frame as just any ol' person. Like take this-
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For example. This is the basis for any body shape, not just the more average one that it may imply. Sure- it can be that average body shape:
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But also a fat one too!
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And a big part of that is knowing where fat usually tends to bunch up on the body, so lets take a look piece by piece! (Please keep in mind this is very simplified, and not completely precise in some parts)
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THE FACE: Cheeks (in purple) and especially the chin (in light blue) are the places where a lot of the fat is gonna wanna gather and round out on your face! Additionally, theres a small pocket of fat beneath the cranium on the backside of your head. It's small, but it is there. I believe fat can build up elsewhere like the bridge of your nose and forehead, but generally speaking, you're gonna have a whole lot more buildup in other places first.
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THE TORSO: A lot of the fat built up on the torso is gonna be sent to your tummy. More cushioning for vital organs, mostly out of the way, it just makes sense. Additionally, the lower backs fat builds up and joins with a patch of fat on your sides that forms what is typically referred to as the love handles to make that double belly look. Along with this, the immediate next target for the torso is the breasts, followed by the upper back!
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THE ARMS: For this limb, a VERY notable amount of the fat present builds up on the tricep and bicep areas, lessening once you get towards the flexor and extensor areas. You can almost think of the arm as a sort of triangular shape, wide side starting from the shoulder and tapering towards the hand, which itself mostly builds up fat around the back of the hand and the fingers. The shoulders themselves don't build up too much fat unless you got a lot
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THE LEGS: And finally, you can think of the legs having pretty similar curves to what you're probably already used to thinking. The front of the thighs getting a big buildup, along with the back of the calves, the other parts being flatter in turn. As far as the feet go- similarly to the hands, the top of the feet, along with the heels get most of the buildup, as fat on your soles would impede mobility. The glute, hip and crotch area will also especially build up fat, lending to the same triangular shape that you can see in the arm!
A big thing to note with fat is that it tends to taper off towards joints. Your knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, and all the other places are gonna have significantly less fat so that you remain mobile and flexible, as that's important!
Now that we have an idea of where fat builds up on the body, you might have something that looks kinda like this
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Which yes, does demonstrate a solid understanding of the places fat builds up, lacks the weight you're probably trying to convey, which brings us to out next point! Fat is well... heavy! Gravity is what gives fat much of it's shape, especially as you tread towards larger and larger bodies.
This is demonstrated really well on the arms especially-
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Those big ol' bits of fat'll really start to sag when left hanging, and they will squish like hell if they run into something. I like to think of these bits of fat as big ol' ovals that squash and stretch depending on if there's an obstacle in their way or not
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These are the important shapes to remember when it comes to the weightiness of fat! If you take all of this into mind, you should be getting something a lot closer to that shape you've been after!
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Oh, and always remember that fat bodies come in all variety of shapes and sizes! Play around with a whole lot, and seek out all the resources you can! it'll really lend to your knowledge when it comes to this kinda stuff!
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And as I always recommend when it comes to learning art- look at what your favorite artists do with fat bodies. See what you really like about the fat bodies they draw and try to replicate it in your own work, I promise you it's one of the most helpful things ever.
This is like the most basic of basics when it comes to drawing fat bodies though. If there's any additional thing about fat bodies, or maybe you want clarification on something, don't be afraid to ask! If there's enough to cover, I'll make an addition to this post!
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hinamie · 13 days
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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bubblingsteam · 1 month
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toytulini · 1 month
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atthebell · 9 days
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bisexuality comes for all minecraft youtubers
[read my tags before getting pissy with me]
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maskofnova · 4 months
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I think its a rite of passage to make an au at least once, and ive been thinking super hard about how Sonic raised tails lately. So obviously an age swap au had to happen. Aka, the au in which they are both team turbo nerd and Tails needs a Vacation as a dire medical suggestion. (more rambling in tags)
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hysteriafossil · 1 month
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free my boy yes he did that shit but also a huge part of sanders sides is about the fact that no one is 100% good or 100% bad its never that simple and we all contain multitudes as well as the capacity to harm others even without meaning to 🗣🗣
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aphel1on · 1 month
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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gorgynei · 11 months
barbie is not an "anti man" movie at all. it's so obvious to me that the kens were written like idiots not to call all men idiots (well... maybe a little) but instead to show how easy it is for someone to get taken advantage of. it's important to remember that while the barbies and kens are played by and written as adults, they function in the real world and overarching narrative as adolescents that don't know very much about the world.
reading ken as a young boy, he's initially nice to the girls around him (if insecure, lonely, and feeling pretty disrespected) but as soon as he steps into the real world, he sees all these men who feel very secure in their masculinity and self-assured, and he wants that for himself. he falls into the trap of the patriarchy much like a lot of young boys in real life fall into extremist right wing ideologies. but ken's insecurity never really goes away, it just gets covered with faux fur and headbands and country music. it's why he cries and admits to barbie that leading was hard. he never really wanted to hurt the barbies at all, he just wanted to feel confident and accepted by everyone, but especially barbie.
ken was never the problem by himself. he wasn't made into the world hating women. he was manipulated and turned into a misogynist by society.
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chilly-lily · 1 year
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ottosbigtop · 4 months
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And what if i gave him an old band he joined after brozone huh. What then.
Well ok less like a band and more of general. Performance group. I saw someone mention one time that they hced that Bruce used to do drag and it has NOT left my brain so Bruce drag group baby!!
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I imagine he performed with them sometime before meeting Brandy, and it sort of reintroduced him to enjoying performing again after a dry spell post BZ breakup. Gets more confident in performing again without having to keep up the chiseled heartthrob boyband persona anymore or something.
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And my designs for his old group!! Around his age currently in the ref. They definitely had different styles when they all first met but I’ve already drawn far too much for this post good lird.
They parted on decent terms but i think it was a little shaky on account of. Idk. Something something im thinking of parallels between sugar and JD leadership wise but thats not important. But they meet back up again later and i think theyre all on very good terms currently :o]
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Ok and finally the whole reason i even started this in the first place to draw that funny guy in a dress. They (affectionately) rope him back into performing with them when they visit Vacay Island and he updates his old look for the hell of it. Very Dionysus coded.
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frokoyami · 6 months
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coming home after another day of plan making
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hinamie · 2 months
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dropped everything because i had to do a proper tribute :( have an updated redraw of my very first yoi piece
2016 - 2017 - 2024
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