#but i don't have the cc for it yet & i won't have time to find any this week so
raiiny-bay · 1 year
idk wip i guess
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achlysfx · 2 months
It's unfortunate to see the Dragon Age community tearing each other apart over DA4.
While I personally understand where both sides are coming from, I'm finding content creators who've been fortunate enough to play a portion of the game the rest of us have yet to see, are not handling the concerns of most gamers as well as they could be. (Let alone, BW...)
If they're on a sort of council and under NDAs, they should be acting with professionalism at all times. Being disrespectful or borderline rude to comments they don't like is never a good sign.
It all comes down to Bioware's poor marketing surrounding Veilguard. We keep being told that the game is amazing and to take everyone's word for it, yet I genuinely have to ask - how can we?
If we look at the marketing for the prior games, or Inquisition alone, we got story teasers, gameplay combat, and proper mood/tone...and later, character trailers. Of course, a lot of players didn't like Inquisition before it launched and it ended up being a hit.
However, one person's exitement after having the privilege to play an unreleased version of DA4 is a biased view, and while I share in these influencers excitement, I believe they should also remind themselves that most gamers who are a fan of the franchise do have a right to be critical without receiving hurtful comments as a response.
We've ALL been waiting 10 years for this and with poor marketing, negative sentiment is unavoidable.
[I've seen far too many YouTube vids & comments stating the rest of the community are 'fake DA fans' simply because a lot of longtime gamers got upset over the new trailers and news that have shown nothing aside from romance & CC options. Even I'll admit that this has been an odd experience.]
On the other hand, if longtime gamers aren't allowed to express concern based off of what we've been shown so far, how is it right for influencers or those part of this new(er) community council to get upset when gamers won't throw caution to the wind and blindly take their biased (yet excited) word that DA4 will be amazing? 😅
I don't share this to downplay anyone's views on the game's status so far, but seeing more YouTube videos arise by claiming that fans who've been playing the series over a long period of time are no longer considered 'true fans' because they have concerns, doesn't help anyone.
Yes, there's going to be hateful people from both sides who will troll comments, but watching content creators getting defensive in the comments section of their own videos/posts regardless of how others act, is not professional and simply will not help support their cause of anticipation for the game.
Personally, I understand the stress under an NDA, and I've run online gaming communities a lot longer than most (current) influencers, but the key is to welcome all forms of discussion, not oppress those with concerns or different views. Yes, it can be tiresome, but if you've been placed in a position higher than the average gamer, there's still a level or responsibility in professionalism that must be maintained.
I believe most content creators have forgotten that under their frustrations surrounding Veilguard's fans. I ask that everyone respect each other, because everyone will form their own opinions regardless of whether or not someone else got a sneak peak. 💜
[Forever remaining cautiously optimistic about this long wait.]
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Some more thoughts Based on this post where you have your soulmates signature and Steve is a bat by @strangersatellites
I'm putting them in a new post so I don't derail it. I hope to I see several take on the initial concept. It's so fun.
Nancy and Jonathan he knows from back home they moved out here before him and have jobs at the paper. Are they are romantically involved or just friends now 🤷‍♀️ either way they work well together.
And they help Steve in his search. Jonathan knows where most of the murals in the city are and Nancy gives him some tips on getting people to give him information and a list of questions to help him along.
Benny has a deli across from one of them. He won't give up much, things good for business draws a crowd and if Eddie just happens to a regular who always tips good well why would he sell him out. Still he does offer Steve a sandwich and a list of a few murals that are lesser known in the city.
Heather works in the shop across from on and is annoyed in the uptick of customers. They're cutting into her down time. She didn't see anything anyway and she tells Steve he's wasting his time. The Bat is a ghost no one ever seen him. Or so she says.
Steve still has to work so there are days when he makes no progress, gets nowhere on finding his soul mate. Spends sleepless night tracing the bat on his hip and looking at the picture Jonathan gave him hoping somewhere in the is a clue.
So on and so forth skipping ahead.
Then the Robin thing I initially brought up
I can see a Steve running around the city type of thing happening because of this. He’s turning into a real detective, asking about all the murals, folks who live in the area. Steve meeting other characters from Stranger Things as he moves closer to his goal of finding his soulmate. He’s checked every single one he knows of is commiserating at the bar by the latest one. Robin is a bartender, mostly waving off his search until he waxes on about his soulmate and how talented they are. Steve isn’t the usual sort looking for Eddie so she slips him the address for another bar, one that play live music, has art all over, tells him to check it out. CC is of course play in front of the biggest mural Steve’s seen from his soul mate yet.
Steve wants to memorize every aspect of the mural, wants to take in every detail but it's hard with a band playing right in front of it. Harder still when his eyes catch on the lead singer and can look away. Mesmerized for an entire set.
He doesn't even realize he's just been sitting there watching until the band leaves for a break. Then he's turning to the bartender, an older man in flannel, asking about the mural. Wayne chuckles, "you'll have to ask the owner about that but he doesn't usually talk about it."
Steve's a little tipsy form earlier as he accepts the beer Wayne slides to him like a condolence. Sulky over one more obstacle standing between him and his person. "Could you ask him anyhow, please?" Wayne looks him over takes in his downtrodden face and the begging tone of his voice before giving a nod.
Steve’s not very hopeful by the time Wayne slides another beer to him either a shrug. He stays for the band and hopes that maybe if he's persistent he'll get the information. Nancy always insists sleuthing takes persistence.
He's mesmerized all over again and feels like dark eyes are boring into him, like this one's just for him. Which is silly, he's drunk and he's never heard this band, much less met the man singing. No way would he be singling him out, just a trick of the lights and the third beer he ordered.
When the singer climbs down from the stage he trips over a light playing it off as a bow. But what stands out to Steve is dark eyes still hooked on him as Eddie dances through the crowd signing autographs and giving hugs.
Steve turns away, it's a lot, too much and he's still ninety percent sure he's imagining it. All up until there's a sweaty musician's chest brushing against his arm as Eddie leans on the bar next to him, "so I hear you've been asking about our favorite artist."
I dunno I'm sorely tempted to write it write it but I've got so many wips already so I jsut wanted to get out some thought because I found the concept so inspired.
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morrigan-sims · 2 months
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"I don't want to be a piece in your fucking game."
So this render has a LOT going on in it, and in order to explain it all, I have to briefly explain some events from the D&D campaign Rook is in.
Basically, Rook met a guy named Sigmar, who ended up becoming Rook's mentor. They got super close, and Rook is very attached to him. However, as it turns out, Sigmar is actually Dr. Purity, the potential final villain of the entire campaign. And Maka (the wizard) knew this, and still let Rook get close to him. Maka's reasoning was that as long as Sigmar/Purity is preoccupied with Rook, he won't be trying to destroy the world. And he was right.
So now, Rook has to find out that basically only the second person who was ever kind to him and cared about him (party PCs excluded) is actually evil. And it's going to destroy him. And he's going to be furious, but not at Sigmar. He cares too much about Sigmar to be mad at him, at least not yet. But Maka... Maka has been using Rook as a piece in this grand game and didn't even deign to let him know.
There was a scene that we played out months ago where Maka beat Sigmar in a game of chess, and his player specifically narrated that he used the Rook piece to take Sigmar's king. And the DM reminded me of that detail, and thus this render was born. (It's funny. I never intended any of this chess shit to happen, but now it's like a major theming thing for Rook's character... Funny how that works.)
Oh, and of course there's the fact that the party just a day or two ago lectured Rook about hiding things from them. Things that had much less to do with them than this fact about Sigmar has to do with him. So he's going to be very upset at their hypocrisy.
Anyways, I'm not quite sure exactly how the reveal will play out in-game, but I know it's going to be bad for Rook. He's already reckless and impulsive (occasionally to the point of hurting himself) at more decent times, let alone when he's upset, and he's never ever been this upset in-game before.
Okay, last fun fact of the day: I actually looked up chess checkmate patterns for this render. The one shown here is the Vukovic Mate.
Wait, I lied. One more. Before I even knew that Sigmar was going to betray the party, I gave his sim the same ring that I gave Rook's father, Alistair. Funny that the two people to wear that ring cc are two of the people who've hurt him the most in his entire life...
Oh, and credit for the chess board meshes goes to Yanez Designs on sketchfab.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Are you a Barbatos fan? Are you wondering if you should bother to read the event story because they have inexplicably given him yet another sports-based event? Are you thinking it won't even be worth it because you likely won't get to kiss him anyway, just like last time?
Fear not. For I, a fellow Barbatos simp, am here to tell you that this event will indeed be worth your time.
There is a kiss in the longer route! The shorter route is actually really cute and has much flirting! There is a lot of Barbatos screen time! It was more about dust storms than races!
A selection of screenshots for your perusal below the read more, which I am including for those who wish to avoid spoilers.
Short route ends in Barb's room where he proceeds to talk about how pleasing it is to say your name.
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Forgive? Sir, please, your feelings are all I want, all day every day.
Middle of the long route finding you holding onto Barb for dear life?!
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NOT A SINGLE GRAIN OF SAND. Like listen here, our lives are at stake and you're spouting this kind of poetry?? Never stop.
End of the long route finds you somehow in a sky full of stars because now everything is good and Barb's getting poetic on you again?
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Here lies CC, who died because Barb had too much rizz.
In conclusion, I still don't understand why they keep giving Barbatos the sports themed events. (Also remember the one that was a gaming event? That felt rather unrelated, too.) And I would really love an event that was just... I dunno tea shopping or something with him.
But this one wasn't bad and it really focused on him a lot more than I was expecting. ALSO WE FINALLY GOT TO KISS HIM.
In the first half, he does invite you to a Devildom race. And like listen, I love Barbatos, I really do. But there is nothing in all the three worlds that would get me to join a race of any kind. I hate running. I would die within seconds. At least in the second half, you were overseeing the race rather than participating. And they just skipped over that part in the first half too. But still!
Anyway, all of this is to say that I think you'll like it if you like Barbatos.
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blacktofade · 2 months
ok i combed through your blog for long enough that i think this is a safe space to do a little discussion of ccs personal lives. if not, you don't have to answer this. but: i know we are all very happy for skizz to be able to go full time with youtube and twitch but i am 99% sure i know what company he worked for — i don't think it's ever been too hard to find the info so maybe most people do? but i've never seen anyone say it directly. if it wasn't common knowledge before, this is going to make it extremely easy to find out — anyway, that company is going through fucking massive layoffs and cutbacks right now, which was announced in private to employees the same day that skizz made his announcement. i don't know how well it lined up other than the day, but the major shit he would have been in either pushed him to jump into professional youtubing and streaming even though it isn't as secure for him as people on the outside might think, or at the very least made the decision feel much better in retrospect.
the graph of the company's stock crash is painful even if you are entirely disconnected from the industry, it is historically awful. like the situation for the company as a whole is not, at this point, bankruptcy bad, but it's not-entirely-unwarranted-comparisons-to-late-90s-early-00s-era-nortel bad. which is… Very Bad. they're cutting approximately 1 out of every 7 employees (15,000 people) over the next couple of months, and in just one day wiped out $30 billion-with-a-b worth of value from the market. it's an absolute nightmare for the people working there, because nobody knows if they're going to be one of the ones getting laid off yet. the company's giving early retirement packages to push out some of higher earning workers, and even if skizz made his decision to leave after knowing the layoffs were coming, the chance he was included in that is very small. but i do hope he got a good deal, if he could.
in conclusion: it's very likely this choice was even scarier than anyone in the fandom previously thought, so… idk everyone please subscribe to skizz on twitch if possible!!!!!
This is absolutely a safe space for CC real life discussions, mostly because I know I'm way more deranged than any anon could be. I know things that would make CCs sweat.
I'm also going to name and shame the company, Intel, because Skizz has mentioned it before, so I'm not considering it a secret -- plus he's no longer there. It's also real shitty what they're doing and my heart goes out to their employees. I dealt with something similar recently and can confirm that these guys will have to wait weeks/months to find out if their job is safe and it will be the most degrading, dehumanizing experience ever.
I keep hemming and hawing about my 1000 IQ assumptions (lmfao), but he 100% knew about the layoff. Whether he heard about it and bounced or whether he took a volunteer deal is up for debate, but there's no way he didn't know it was coming. These companies are not subtle and Skizz is a smart man.
I am quietly praying he was able to take a volunteer deal though, because severance packages at those kinds of companies are WILD. Like, for some actual example numbers, a coworker of mine got 23 weeks of pay (8 weeks base + 15 weeks for years of service), which they received as a lump sum. Skizz says he's been with Intel for 20+ years so he'd be looking at base + 40 weeks. Dude would most likely get a year's salary lump sum (minus taxes), which would definitely help him going the full-time route.
Intel won't be going anywhere anytime soon, but their employees are going to be overworked and underpaid for the foreseeable future and we should be glad that Skizz is free! He's his own boss and, yes, we should all go support him to show he definitely made the right choice! He's such a delight and I will continue to be unwell and horny about him!!
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It actually means conscious VS unconscious
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And Storer did it again, he was metaphorically saying what he was doing and put it out there, in plain sight.
I already went over this point in several posts actually because it was pretty obvious to me that their only issue was definitely not communication, that was just the visible tip of their iceberg. It was deeper than that because communication is never a cause per se, it's always a consequence of multiple other factors, so I knew it was about the REASON behind it and whether they are aware of that or not, whether they wanna be aware of it or not, whether they are ready for that or not, etc. CC vs UC. So I elaborated on all those topics previously:
What matters is the people
Stuck in the mud
Inside Carmy's mind
Recycle / Repurpose
Purpuse, chef!
Never apologize
The trap
I now realize that I had missed that Storer put it out there, in plain sight in that scene above, which BTW was one of the few semi-Sydcarmy moments we were given this season, or as I call it: ALMS.
Anyway... The point is that Sydney said that what was killing them (she referred to the operation but I refer to the Sydcarmy dynamic, that's the metaphor) was the "bad communication" between FOH and BOH, in other words: between CC/UC or Conscious and Unconscious or subconscious if you will, because info always permeates from one to the other.
So this takes us back to the fact that until they don't consciously realize and put in the front of their minds THE REASON why they are doing all of this, they won't be able to communicate properly and efficiently, and therefore they will not understand each other and what's even worse, they will definitely not find in themselves the strength to carry on and to endure this battle.
Because let's face it, every day in that restaurant, chasing a star is like going to war and it would be anyway even if they were going through a honeymoon phase. Chasing a Michelin star is no easy task for anyone and it always takes its toll on the team, that is why it's so elite. Not everyone can do it. Yet everyone who has done it ends up learning the same lesson: IT CAN'T BE DONE UNLESS YOU HAVE A BIGGER PURPOSE. Some get lost along the way, and the star kills them because they never find a bigger purpose than the star/s itself as I mentioned here.
I trust Sydcarmy will find a way to make conscious of their real purpose which is obviously THEM/EACH OTHER as I mentioned in all those 7 posts above.
They are actually doing this to show how much they love each other. It's their way of showing their affection for each other. It's also how they communicate.
It would be easier to just say so and go out on a date and maybe give each other simple presents like a playlist, flowers, a cologne... but not for them. Nope. They are "special".
For her, it didn't start that way, though. It morphed into it along the way. Originally for Syd that star was some sort of personal victory and vindication after her Sheridan Rd's trauma fiasco. Later on, when she started suspecting that she may have started falling for Carmy, around the time C showed up, she had to shove that suspicion very deep into her UC, meaning, never let it out, DENY IT, because otherwise she was gonna get hurt. She's too smart and too much of an emotionally avoidant G WOMAN for that. She would never let that happen if she could avoid it prevent it.
For Carmy that was the reason from day one two, though. Right after she said that was what she wanted. But as I mentioned here, that was not his goal at first:
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But this is where they are now and they should honor it and be honest about it, even get nasty if they must, ARGUE about it if that's what it takes for them to really get it. I'm sure that S4 will be all about it because they have reached the breaking point already → The crying game
Or should I say breakthrough?
Yeah, I will go for breakthrough. S4 is gonna be all about Sydcarmy. Get ready, truthers. There's no way but up from here because S3 was:
The end of Carmen Berzatto.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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isa-ghost · 9 months
My friend
I am gonna do it
Here's Set 1 and Set 2
Now M O R E
He won't do it without prompting because he'll feel like an ass giving nobody else room to talk, but if someone got him on the topic of like. Exploration or flight or something, he could talk for hours. He's extremely knowledgeable and passionate about stuff like that, most times because he has centuries of experience
I don't want to diagnose cc!Phil or whatever bc I know he doesn't like when people do that, but to me his rp character is free reign. And as a psych major with ADHD who's focusing on the study of neurodivergent disorders: this man is hella ADHD coded. He's told too many personal stories that are relatable to me for me to be silent about it. I'm 🤝🏻 this crow man
In his case this isn't a nd trait but instead a crow one, but he experiences echolalia sometimes. Funny things or certain noises he hears just scratch an itch in his bird brain real good, he can't help but repeat it for a while
The way to Phil's heart is good food, fun to be around, and kicking ass. If you can tick those 3 things off for yourself, you're Phil Approved
He'll say he doesn't fall for peer pressure, and often times he's right. But on rare occasions someone like Fit or Etoiles can convince him to do smth he maybe wouldn't at first. It's easier to win him over when he's drunk
cc!Phil has talked abt how he gets a weird confidence boost when he's drunk as shit. That's real for q!Phil too. He could be staggering slurring speech drunk and still snipe something like 50 blocks away. It makes Fit and Etoiles want to kiss him about it
He has intentionally made almost his entire wardrobe varying shades of green, which he pairs with black, red & gold. He thinks it's funny to have a branded wardrobe like an anime character
Idr how canon dsmp is to q!Phil but he still has the friendship emerald charm hanging from his hat. Perhaps it's from the Antarctic Empire days instead. Idk, I just like the character design of Dangly Thing On Hat Brim too much to exclude it from his design in my head (I should rlly attempt to doodle my Phil beyond the random notebook ones I've done. Maybe I'll post those if asked idk)
Don't underestimate this man's ability to get dramatic. Tallulah ain't the only one in the family that can go hard
I wouldn't say he has a bad temper. He's very well-practiced at self-control. However, there are certain things that set him off so severely, he throws self-control out the window. Those things aren't worthy of him trying to be "the bigger person." They deserve their ass handed to them right here right now (see: The Codes pre-current lore).
In a similar vein, when the situation isn't one of those special Fuck This incidences, he still doesn't have a temper, but when he finally snaps, he SNAPS. Like on a The Polycule be like "mark me down as scared and horny" level of snap. When you get on the Angel of Death's last fucking nerve he let's you KNOW.
I'm self-projecting here: this fucking idiot man has a detrimental habit of insisting on handling stuff like anxiety alone. He hates when people see him without his composure. It's not even like an embarrassing thing, it's just very uncomfortable to him. So when a panic attack hits or he finally concedes and let's himself cry, it's alone. And sometimes that makes it worse. But even that doesn't make him change his mind. "Keep it together for the kids," right? :')
Having a stroke about thunderstorms is a reflex. Even on Quesadilla Island, the second he hears thunder he reaches for a trident like a dork.
He near-obsessively preens his wings because he doesn't want the Federation, or anyone else for that matter, getting ahold of his feathers when they shed. He doesn't know wtf they could do with those and he doesn't wanna find out.
And yet somehow Missa and Lullah both have a couple feathers that he's shed and he has no idea. Lullah wants to make a necklace out of them.
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
wherever I am | one shot
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
based on my second (!!!) request from @phantypurple, thank you dear, I hope you won't be dissappointed! this time insead a long story I present you some short scenes, hope that's okay
request: Eddie x reader. They haven't met yet, but they keep bumping into eachother constantly by luck. (Going to grocery shopping and she is there, going to the music store and he is there, etc) and they both feel really attracted to the other but they don't interact until CC just forces them cause they can't stand the pinning anymore and then it's cute and fluff.
3 002 words
The one shot is also avaliable on ao3
eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
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The first thing Eddie did as soon as he fully recovered was to become employed in the mechanic's shop of one of Hopper's friends. After a few years of hard work, Eddie was appreciated, because when Mr. Smith retired it was Young Munson who became the new owner of the place. Thanks to this, you were able to afford to buy an apartment together. When everything was ready you organized a housewarming party, thus together with those closest to you you were now sitting in the large living room celebrating the new beginning of your future together.
"I'd like to ask for everyone's attention!" Eddie exclaimed, standing in the middle of the room. At the sound of these words, Dustin quickly ran to another room and returned from it with a huge cardboard box wrapped in gift paper, which he handed to Eddie. "This is a small gift, for our beautiful new start, dear." he said, placing the box in your lap. It was suspiciously light.
"What is it?" you asked curiously.
"Unpack it and you'll find out." he showed his boyish smile.
So you started unpacking. In the large cardboard box was...a smaller one. In the smaller one was an even smaller carton, and so on endlessly. With amusement you unpacked step by step, until finally you reached the smallest item. The item at the sight of which took your breath away and the laughter and conversation throughout the living room quieted. Almost no one expected something like this.  Your hands were shaking as you opened the small velvet box that contained the ring. You didn't even notice when Eddie got down on one knee in front of you, watching your reaction carefully. He slowly took it from you and began to speak.
"As I said...this is our new beginning together. I have always known that you are special. Something has always been drawing us to each other, I don't know what it was but I'm damn grateful for every moment that fate put you in my path. Without hesitation you followed me to hell. You never left my side, and I hope you know that I would have done the same for you." His voice was slowly breaking, and tears were flowing from his eyes however, he was still smiling. "I love you. I love you more than anything in my life, and I want you to always remember that. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know that together we can handle anything. The last few years have shown me that a trip to Mordor will be like a damn trip to Disneyland for us." he laughed. "Together we are unbreakable. So now, in the presence of our family I want to ask, will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?"
"Yes!" the world around you was spinning. Your heart was beating so loudly that it drowned out the applause of the rest. Seconds later you were kneeling on the floor next to him as he gently slid the ring onto your finger.
"I love you Eddie. I love you so damn much," you hugged him and cried into the bend of his neck repeating those words again and again.
"I love you too, sweetheart. I always will." he muttered into your hair embracing you and stroking your back.  When you separated from each other it was time for congratulations. Everyone hugged you in turn telling you how happy they were with your happiness. Wayne also couldn't hold back tears when he said he welcomed you to the family.
"Does that mean I'm going to be your best man?" asked an excited Dustin.
"And why should it be you?" asked Mike.
"Yeah! I was the one who helped packing the ring!" interjected Lucas.
"But I was the one who came up with the idea to pack it like that!" exclaimed Dustin.
"You seem to forget that it was me and Steve who helped him pick the ring." added Will high-fiving Steve.
"That's enough of this pointless argument, gentlemen!" suddenly Gareth got up from his seat and walked over to Eddie putting his arm around him. "Everyone knows that if anyone is to be best man it will be me," he said.
"And why is that?" Dustin was shocked.
"Because if it weren't for me, the thing between them would never have happened." he smirked
"What is he talking about?" you asked curiously.
"Dude, for real? Now?" Eddie groaned.
"Time to face the truth my friend." Jeff added with a laugh.
"Honey, before I say anything I would like to remind you that the offer was accepted by you, you were aware of your actions and returns are not accepted." He said looking and kissed you wanting to soften your heart. "Sit down. It's story time." He sighed.
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January 1986
Mondays were never one of Eddie's favorite days, but the delivery of supplies at the music store always made them bearable.
"Hi Dave!" he shouted toward the owner as he walked inside, letting in the cold air behind him.
"Shut the damn door boy!" the man replied. Dave was a good friend of Wayne's. One of very few. This friendship did not bother Eddie one bit, on the contrary. A friendly discount on all new tapes was something awesome for him.
"Oh, yes, shit, sorry."
"You're earlier today." he said pulling out a big box from under the counter, at the sight of which Eddie's eyes lit up.
"I couldn't miss it!" The boy immediately dived into it, looking intently at the small plastic packages.
"You know the deal. You're the first person to look through them, but you put them all nicely in their place."
"Sure thing." Eddie smiled broadly and at a slow speed began unpacking the contents of the carton and laying everything out in its proper places. Fully absorbed in his task, he paid no attention to what was going on around him, so he flinched slightly when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, sir." He turned quickly toward your voice. When he saw you he stopped moving. You looked really beautiful, your nose and cheeks red from the cold added to your charm. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm looking for the store manager." You said trying to mask your stress and sound in control and professional. His attention, however, did not escape the slight tremor of your words and your slightly too fast breathing. He noticed something about you that didn't allow him to simply look away. You must have been new in town, because he was sure you would have definitely attracted his attention before. Besides, he didn't think anyone had ever addressed to him as Sir. Hardly anyone called him by his first name let alone this.
"Are you looking for him because...?" he asked grinning as a plan popped into his head.
"I saw a sign in the window saying you were looking for employees. I just moved to Hawkins and I am interested in a job offer. Here's my resume." You said holding out a piece of paper in front of you.
"This is your lucky day! You're talking to a manager himself!" he said enthusiastically, smiling wider.
"Not true!" Dave's voice came to you as Eddie reached out to take the resume from your hands. Seeing the other man's reaction, you stepped back confused. "This punk doesn't even work here." he continued. Eddie just rolled his eyes and went back to his previous activity, trying to hear what you were talking about. For some reason, he wasn't able to focus on the music anymore, and his gaze wandered to the small wooden table where you and Dave were sitting. He suspected that he would be here much more often from now on. 
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A few days later, Eddie and Wayne went out shopping. In the parking lot in front of the store, he noticed a rather familiar figure. Maybe not exactly familiar, but certainly the one he had thought about very often since meeting her at the music store. With a bag slung over your shoulder, you quickly entered the store, and they followed your footsteps. Still looking around between the shelves, Eddie couldn't focus on what his uncle was saying. Finally somewhere in the chemistry aisle he spotted you and stopped to observe what you were doing.
"Are you even listening to me son?" asked an irritated Wayne when Eddie, stopping, bumped into him. "What the hell are you looking at?" followed his nephew's gaze. You stubbornly tried to reach the laundry detergent from the top shelf by jumping up.
Unfortunately, it had no effect. Resigned, you put one foot on the lowest shelf. "Go help the girl before she knocks over the whole thing on herself, not stare!"  With a quick step, he moved towards you, seeing the rack slowly starting to wobble. "Hey, let me help you." He said quickly standing next to you and reaching for the detergent. He was close enough that he could easily smell your perfume, not at all surprised that he liked it.
"Thank you, Eddie." you said, smiling shyly.
"Wait-do you know my name?" he asked shocked.
"I've heard a little about you," you said.
"I'm betting that the things you heard were not among the best..." he rolled his eyes.
"Just because I heard them doesn't mean I believe them." You shrugged your shoulders. "Thank you for your help."
"You're welcome, help you with anything else?" he didn't know what but something inside didn't want to let you go at any cost.
"I think I can handle it. Have a good day, Eddie!" you said goodbye and, together with your purchases, you moved ahead.
To young Munson slowly began to get the meaning of your words. You had heard about him. People probably started warning you about the local freak the very first day your foot stepped on Hawkins land. But you didn't care. He still had a chance. But a chance for what actually? He didn't know himself.
"She looks nice." Wayne's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, she does." he whispered still not taking his eyes off you.
"What's her name?"
"Oh, shit..."
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You were everywhere. He had to let someone go across the crosswalk? It was you. The girl who accidentally bumped into him while walking in the woods when he was going to his regular selling spot? Of course it was you. He no longer counted the number of times you stood behind each other in line at the store or passed each other on the street. Wherever he was, you were there, too. For the moment, he was able to recognize you in the biggest crowd. Even without seeing you yet, he felt your presence, felt this strange attraction and a moment later he always found a face he couldn't stop thinking about. Still, he did not know your name. Of course, he thought about it many times. He applied all sorts of names to you, wondering which one fit best, hoping that one day he would finally not have to make them up.
"Hey, loverboy!" Gareth threw a drumstick at him.
"What?" he asked, shaking it off.
"Thinking about the mysterious stranger again?" laughed Jeff. "Shut up," he muttered.
"For five minutes we've been talking to you about a new song and you're somewhere else! We'll never get beyond the Hideout with this attitude."
"Stop being dramatic and play!" Eddie growled while grabbing his guitar. The rest immediately returned to their instruments harmonizing with the guitar. Before the song was over something else caught his attention. Suddenly, a jacket in a color he knew well appeared on the porch of the house across the street. He squinted his eyes wanting to take a closer look when you turned. Your gaze immediately met his. You smiled broadly while waving in his direction, and he immediately stopped playing to wave you back.
"Who the hell are you waving at?" asked Gareth, annoyed by the sudden pause.
"And you're smiling so stupidly." Simon added.
"That's her..." Eddie said quietly still smiling. He watched as you got into the car and slowly drove off from under the house.
"You have a crush on Mrs. Hunson's granddaughter?" Mrs. Hunson was the owner of the house across the street and the only person in the neighborhood who tolerated the band's rehearsals in Gareth's garage. Maybe it was because her husband was a big metal fan, or maybe because she was deaf in one ear and the noise didn't bother her that much.
"Do you... uh- Do you know what her name is?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.
"Dude! You've been drooling over her for over a month now and you don't even know her name?" the situation was hilarious to the rest of the band.
"Why don't you be a good friend and finally tell me?" Munson bit back.
"And just so you know, I'll help you! But not like this." A sinister smile crept onto Emerson's face.
"And what way?"
"You'll find out in your own time. Now play!" 
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The crowd at the Hideout was not the largest, as always. That's why when he noticed you sitting alone at one of the tables surprise and excitement mixed into one. This had to be a sign. Since you even found yourself here and sat there watching him with a smile on your lips it had to mean something. Fate had put you on your path too many times to just leave it at that. For the first time in his life, he couldn't wait to get off the stage. Unfortunately, there were still a few songs ahead of them. Feeling a surge of positive energy, he began to pull out all his aces from his sleeve. The sight of you giggling fueled him even more, he showed off as much as he could when the performance finally came to an end. Applauding loudly you got up from the table walking towards him. He didn't know if his heart was beating so hard from fatigue or because of you.
"Hi," you greeted.
"Hi!" he replied enthusiastically.
"You were great!"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." there was a moment of awkward silence between the two of you as you stood like that and looked at each other.
"And uh... I got your note," you said reaching into your pocket.
"My note?" he asked puzzled.
"Yes, the one you left in the letterbox?" seeing his surprise you looked even more confused than he was. Eddie quickly took the paper from your hand and opened it. 
I have a strange feeling that wherever I am you are there too, just as if fate  wanted to tell us something. How about the first non-accidental meeting?  The Hideout. 8pm on Tuesday. - Eddie
Oh shit. Shitshitshitshit. So that was Gareth's great plan to help him. To trick him and bring you here. But you didn't know that. And since you came here it meant that you wanted to meet him. That you wanted to get to know him better. Missing such an opportunity would be a sin, wouldn't it? He took a deep breath.
"I'm glad you came." he said handing you back the card. "Would you like a drink?"
"With pleasure."
"So... first question. What's your name?" he asked smiling shyly as you sat down.
"Oh, right." You laughed and introduced yourself.
Very quickly you found a common language. Eddie told you a little more about the band, you told what brought you to Hawkins. The fact that you had to stay here for the next few years made him very happy. It meant a great amount of time to get to know each other better. And that's exactly what happened. From that day on, with each date you discovered something new about each other, more reasons that made you both begin to understand why fate pushed you in each other's direction. Every moment you spent together seemed appropriate. It is known that there were ups and downs, but you always coped with it. Your friendship quickly turned into a relationship that exploded into the truest love. You were made for each other, written in the stars. You were inseparable, and your love became unbreakable. 
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"Wait, what?!" you exclaimed. "You want to tell me that the note I've always carried with me in my wallet from is from Gareth? Are you kidding me?"
"Hey, you're being mean!" Emerson indignantly replied. "After all, it worked! You couldn't stop admiring that gesture for years!"
"Because I thought Eddie did it!" you were shocked. How did he manage to keep it a secret all these years?
"It's a good thing Gareth didn't have to propose for him too." Robin said amused by the situation, causing the rest to laugh.
"No one else has the right to propose to her!" exclaimed Eddie coming up to you. "'Baby are you mad at me? I beg you not to be." he put his hands on your shoulders watching your reaction. "I had to lie then, because I was afraid it would be a one-in-a-million chance to keep you with me."
"Why didn't you tell for all these years?" you asked.
"I have no idea. I'm really sorry. But I want to remind you that for real I don't take returns." He kissed you on the forehead. "You are grounded with me. Forever now." he added trying to fake a tone of voice like a villain.
"You are impossible." You sighed hugging him. If you had found out in a different situation maybe you would have actually been a little angry. However, today you were able to forgive him a lot. Thinking about how interesting the rest of your life would be by his side, you couldn't stop smiling. Your silly boy. Your hero. Your Eddie. And soon - your husband.
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taglist: @i-me-mine
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malichev · 8 months
Well, it's Tuesday. What will happen today? God only knows. I'd really like to know what's going to happen this week since we made crazy progress on Lore yesterday. Let's recap: The Cyclopes don't want peace, they said that without Luffy they would make the residents suffer, however, in the end they gave QPhilza 5 days to rescue Luffy. The problem is that no one knows where Luffy is, and I think maybe not even the workers know, because the last time we saw Luffy he had been taken by Dark Cucurucho without the other Federation workers knowing it, and the few who saw it happen they were killed by him and the black/dark workers. That said, we know that qBagi accepted the mission to find Luffy, the small agreement with Fred earned she a teleportation to the Federation offices, apparently. We need to see her testing it and see where it goes, especially because the Federation offices have cameras now, so I believe it won't be easy for her to get around there and obtain information. Now, the rescue mission for QCellbit and QBaghera will be carried out soon, we don't know the exact date, CC Baghera said she hopes to return to QSMP in early February, although she also said she wouldn't be in Purgatory 2 and appeared for one day. Richas, when recruiting QPhilza for the mission, said that MAYBE not this week, he did not confirm the date. My opinion is that it could be at any time, the CC's and ADM's will not give us a date confirmation, they love to let us agonize. It will happen when we least expect it. Because the fun will be in taking us by surprise. That's why I wouldn't rule out happening this week yet. Now the technical part of the rescue mission, it seems, is supposed to be something discreet, so no one would try to disrupt or prevent it. That's why Richas and Pomme went alone, but QBagi managed to convince Richarlyson to at least take the BOLAS leader, QPhilza. A great choice considering that QCellbit and QBaghera would believe in him more than other people, perhaps QPhil will be the key to making them calm down and come back. Lastly, QRoier, who remains missing. There is a theory that perhaps QCellbit needs to return to the Island first so that QRoier can continue with the other part of his Lore, since he was using recordings, video tapes. It's a possibility. Because, apparently, if he needs rescuing, at the moment the only one who goes after him 100% is the husband.
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vintagesimstress · 2 years
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Sifix' Sansa Dress Edit & Recolour
Every time I look at @sifix' creations I cry a little bit inside, as they're all so beautiful and yet completely not suited for any of my gameplays - be it Victorian or Iron Age. Last time it happened I got determined to find at least a couple of meshes which maaaaaybe could work if I tweaked them just a bit here and there, and dyed them in era-appropriate colours... And indeed, I did find some! Here comes the first of those pieces: my edit and recolour of Sifix' gorgeous Sansa dress. Hopefully it won't be the last one :)
What has changed:
higher hemline - because floor-length dresses/skirts might look splendid trailing on stone castle floors, but are not best suited to living in simple huts and jumping through mud on a daily basis;
a simple leather belt instead of that wide, ornamental thingy the og dress had;
a bit wider sleeves, to give it a more casual, less tailored look;
some small weights adjustments (a.k.a. my almost vain attempts to get rid of a stubborn spike appearing in the neckline)
Comes in all the 40 colours of my Iron Age palette. I tried making chequered versions too, but they didn't look good; I'd have to change half of the uv map, which means I'd have to bake the 3d layer myself instead of using the one already provided, and that's probably my least favourite part of cc-making, so all in all... Just no. No plaids this time.
Comes in 2 versions: HQ (-mod-compatible) or not. Download just one.
As I edited the mesh, it's obviously included. You don't need the og dress for it to work. But you probably already have it anyway ;)
Makes for a nice outfit for colder days, especially with proper accessories (all by @simverses).
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Hope you like it. Enjoy!
DOWNLOAD (free on Patreon, no ads)
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vyxated · 6 months
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finally answering asks I've been keeping for a while ~.~
📝 sims2 & chalk'd ui, phone icons & wallpapers, cas bg recolor, font replacement, and some more (reshade & rig helper asks will be answered at another time ;; )
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tysm anon!! I had to wrestle a bit with the file to make the taxi image work, and at the end it came out looking super neat! Especially if you have the sims 2's music playing (found a super cool music override that does that). It's such a cool idea, and I've been researching on how to do it 😆 ngl, making cc objects is something I wanna do someday, tho from the looks of it it's gonna take me a while to understand the process lol. If/when I make any breakthrough, I'll be sure to post about it :p (It'd be neat if it costs money too to use the taxi.)
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jdfklsjf tysm @hellofears & @oshinsimblr !! I've been doing some final adjustments so hopefully I can release it within this week c:
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thanks anon ^7^ you can replace them as long as you have access to the files (pancake1 made a pie menu & wants sound replacement and buurz replaced the in-game music with ones from other sims games). I looked around and found these resources you might want to check out: TS4 Sound Tool, UI sound kit & UI audio instance list
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hehe tysm anon! My UI mods won't remove the shop icon so you'll need to grab other mods that do that. I decided not to do it myself to avoid having a new mod conflict ^^
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Hii @simplyamazingsims, I've tested both mirroredup & triple mirror and both v3 files are working w/ the latest update. The reflection setting must be set to low or higher for the reflection to show up. You can also try clearing your caches and try removing the resource.cfg file (file will regenerate, and doing this fixes the issue for some). Oh and ofc having other cas backgrounds can cause mine to not show up so make sure there's only one in your mods folder ^^
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@claravizeu it's a map override that I'll probably work on whenever I'm in the mood 😆
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Hi anon! For the phone icons, I used xosdr's phone icons psd to create mine. For the wallpaper, I haven't found someone who've gathered & shared the files for it, so I'll see if I can do that myself :)
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Heyy anon, it's a CAS bg that I made for the previews so it's not available to download. I haven't got the chance to prepare the files yet, but I'll try to find the time to do so ^^
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Hey anon, unfortunately the notification wall is associated w/ the texture file that handles most of the UI panels, so you won't be able to remove a specific file to achieve it. I've received a request just like yours so what I can do is share it a separate file later on ^^
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Hii as well, it's compatible yes ^^ you can use both mods as they don't have any files in common that conflicts with each other.
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heyy @icyaliyah, sorry it took a while to respond! While I don't have plans to recolor them, you can download these pink recolors by estellics & dumbabie ^^ and thank you very much!
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Hii as well, it's been a while so I don't know if you're still having the issue or if it's already been fixed. Afaik my mod shouldn't cause any loading issues on its own, as well as if you have the conflicting mod & files present and if you remove the conflicting files. So far, I've not received any reports of this exact issue, so I can't be of help. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question 😅
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ahhhh @veone thank you as well for using it ever since it came out!! 🙈
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Heyy anon, basically you'd want to only remove the files that conflicts w/ the mods that you do use, and not the other way around. For example, if you use TOOL, you'd want to delete the files in the Additional Files > TOOL folder (either both text and texture files or just the text file alone, depending on which one you prefer). If you don't use TOOL, keep the files be. So, if you only have the UI Cheats mod and none of the listed conflicting mods, then you don't need to remove any files ^^
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heyy @swithdream, well very belated happy new year to you as well despite it being april already lol there's an update to the cas organizers that I haven't done yet, and when the time comes that I update those, I'll try to include the psds for all the templates I did ^^
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Hii @kneptoone, it's a font replacement using TS3's Helvetica Rounded font that I made & haven't shared yet, yeah ^^ I can try putting it up for download since there isn't one out yet.
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Heyy anon, I've been focusing on other things so I haven't yet found the time to work on my older uploads >< I'm definitely interested in doing those, but not sure when that'll be.
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Hello anon, tysm! I'll do it at some point but not sure when :x I haven't properly played around w/ CAS since last year :X
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squipdop · 6 months
Howd they bring up the junior scouts idea to max??? Was he like Whatever sure or super tsundere or surprisingly emotional that they wanted him back after he aged out?? Did anyone else come back or do special day-long visits like how schools bring in visitors? What does max think of the new kids? They all look so cool i love Max's hair!!!!
Okay so. I call it the '6 years later' AU but technically i have Stuff Planned for all the time that passed between now and then too, so this'll be a bit longer, sorry!!
Max joining the counselor team was actually kind of a natural/gradual development?? Basically, since I can't make CC content that isn't found family Max has a shit home life, and, even if he hates to admit it at first, the three months of summer camp become his bright spot each year. David and Gwen catch on to that, but there isn't much they can do to help outside of camp - until one day Max (age 13/14ish) shows up on Gwen's doorstep because he ran away from home, 'since his parents won't care either way'. While he does return home after hiding out at Gwen's place for a weekend, this kind of kicks off a pattern of Max running away sporadically, to Gwen's, later David's, or his friends places. I could go into more detail here but. this is already long. oop.
ANYWAYS. So with Max spending basically all the time he can away from home and the summers at camp, once he ages out there's. A Bit of panic starting in him once summer gets closer again, because his Safe Place seems inaccessible, and two of his OTHER options, especially for longer stays away from home, would also be unavailable. Gwen and David notice this (it manifests in Max staying over More but Angrier) and try to find a solution. Gwen proposes the Jr Counselor idea. They introduce the idea to Max by kinda implying that workload around camp is a lot, and it'd really hurt to miss one of their most experienced campers, but... maybe, if he worked there too (well, interned. basically unpaid. but! no camp tuition!) he could help them? so they basically give Max a way to say yes without admitting that he's the one who needs camp the most. He does insult the whole thing ofc, and says like he's just doing it because he knows camp would burn down without him there ("actually, most of the fires we had were started by you...?" "shut it, david") but secretly he's really really happy. He might even thank them later that evening. Quietly. Before complaining about it preemptively. <3
WAH THATS ALREADY SUCH A WALL OF TEXT ok ill hurry up w the rest:
While most of the other campers had some rotations over the years, I don't have conk rete plans for most of them - Nikki and Neil are still Max' gang, and returned for multiple summers, if not all. This year though, Neil is busy with college prep, and Nikki is spending the summer at home because of family crisis. They still video call a lot, they're still The Gang. I have sketched designs for them, but I'm not quite happy yet.
Max at first doesn't take his role seriously, because he's basically just Back For Another Summer, but pretty quickly realises Gwen and David DO have expectations, and DO give him responsibilities. He takes a while to come around on his new relationship to the younger kids, and especially one of the youngest kids takes a liking to him, a very anxious young girl, which annoys him at first, but... well. It's a whole ~character arc~ for Max waiting to happen tbh.
OK THANK YOU IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IM SORRY ITS SO LONG. i wasnt lying when i said i have So Many Thoughts about this. ANYWAYS as thank u for getting this far heres a doodle of Max putting up his hair. :3c
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
Hi again Bee.
Thank you for lending an ear to listen even if I just kinda showed up. I really appreciate it. I've actually been reading through some of your other stories and they're very good (I adore the fae works!).
When it comes to Wilbur, I'm just. Very disappointed and upset. Of course I support Shubble and am glad she spoke out, it's very important and I'm glad that it's encouraged others to come forward with their own stories of abuse at the hands of large creators. At the same time though part of me wishes she hadn't said anything, so I could have continued as I was, in blissful ignorance, even if I feel really guilty for thinking like that.
It just saddens me that someone I looked up to so much ended up being this horrible person. It makes me worried that I too am bad, that somehow he has imprinted his awfulness unto me. I used to be horrible too. I like to think I've grown as a person, I was only a kid, but have I? Or was being drawn to Wilbur a sign? Like attracting like?
Y'know, I used to say that my hair style goals were how Wilbur's hair is, and recently I got a haircut. When I took a shower earlier it ended up floofing up in a similar way to his. I don't know how to feel about that. Maybe I should style it differently, even though I like the floof. I don't want to be even a little reminiscent of an abuser.
I am reminiscent of him though, in ways I can't change. I used to feel so seen by him, we're both song writers, and hypochondriacs, and I wanted to be him so badly I would cry. I would cry because he was everything I desperately craved to be as an insecure transmasc, an attractive guy with a beautiful voice and an amazing life. And now he's horrible, and probably always has been, and all of my memories of him are tainted.
I hate that I can't listen to Lovejoy anymore. It feels unfair to the other band members. It isn't their fault Wilbur is awful, and yet I'm taking away a source of their income. I know I'm taking away from Wilbur too, but he's only one person out of the group. Maybe that's just me giving an excuse so that I won't have to stop enjoying their music. It doesn't matter, I can't stomach listening to them anymore anyways.
I keep getting songs from YCGMA stuck in my head. It's like now that I can't listen to it anymore my brain has decided to fuck with me by making me listen to it anyways. I can't even justify listening to that album, that's just Wilbur's music. I was going to cover a song from that album for fun. Now I can't.
Is it bad I still find comfort in Wilbur as a character? C!Tommy is my favorite, but C!Wilbur is almost always a huge part of any C!Tommy story and I love C!Wilbur stories too. I know C! ≠ CC! but I just. It's complicated.
Idek why I'm this upset. I haven't been an avid watcher of anyone in the DSMP in at least over a year. If anything this whole thing has brought me back into the fandom more than I have been in ages. I feel bad about that, but also this situation has introduced me to people like Aimsey, whose content I'm seeing more of and I find myself enjoying.
I've also found more great DSMP fics lately in my quest to binge read them before the mass deletions start. Is it bad to find good things in a bad situation?
I'm sorry for the lack of put togetherness and the length of this ask. I promise I'm usually more coherent and to the point.
-Tech (just call me Tech like a name, "tech anon" feels weird heh)
hey tech, sorry for a bit of a late reply I've been busy the past few days
(sorry about the 'tech anon' thing, it's just a habit since that's how I refer to most of my anons. I'm going to still tag your ask as tech anon though just for my tagging system if that's okay)
I'm so glad you like the fae stories!! I'm still so proud of both of those looking back on them
anyway, yeah, I get that. I get the guilty wish that none of this had ever come out so you could just continue to go on in blissful ignorance. when someone learns something very upsetting, it's only natural to feel like you wish you never learned that. you don't need to feel guilty for that. you're not a bad person for your emotional reactions to things. your actions are what matters.
also, you are in no way a bad person because you were drawn to wilbur's content. the persona wilbur put on for the internet was not representative of who he actually was. you were drawn to the facade. an illusion of the person wilbur could've been, if he actually practiced the things he preached. you said you used to be a bad person, but you've changed. the fact that you are worried at all that you might still be bad shows a level of self-awareness and concern that wilbur apparently did not have. because wilbur was aware he was a bad person and treated the people around him terribly, but he didn't care to try and be better. as long as you're trying to be better, you're already leagues ahead of him.
also, regarding the hair, the floofy fringe is an incredibly common haircut. that is not exclusive to wilbur soot. you do not look like him if your hair does the floof similarly to his, it just makes you look like thousands of other dudes with fluffy fringe.
the day after shelby first streamed I had an MSR song stuck in my head and I hated it so much. it really sucks. you just have to try and drown it out with other music
it's not hypocritical at all to still find comfort in c!wilbur. I know it's complicated, and there's so much discussion I could get into as to why it's so complicated, but we can all separate the guy and the character in our heads. there's no reason to feel guilty about that. and there's also nothing bad about finding good in this situation. I think it's really sweet that you've found so many great fics in this time and I'm so glad you've been getting comfort from them. you're appreciating the authors hard work and that's a good thing! you don't need to feel bad about that
I hope you're doing okay tech
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lraerosesims · 6 months
Hey, hi, hello, greetings, sul sul!
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So I know I've been a little quiet lately on the Sims CC front, so I thought I'd update you all on what stage I'm up to on each project:
1. The Elderwood Manor Build
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I was working on testing this build for functionality etc, and tried to test in different spots in the neighbourhood, and that's when I discovered some broken terrain in the back of the lot (where the terrain slopes from road height to the beach). I've tried to fix it, haven't had any success yet. So I may end up having to either:
Do more heavy research on how to repair just the broken part - putting off uploading it until fixed, or
Remaking the build as close as possible to how it currently looks but on a flatter beach lot to avoid breaking terrain
Either way, it's unfortunately not ready to post for you all to enjoy just yet, I'M SORRY!!! 😭😭😭 I was really hoping to post it but I'd rather not give you guys a broken lot.
I haven't made basically any progress on this outfit since I last shared a texture WIP here. No excuse really, just taking on too much for my little pea-sized brain to handle and can feel the ADHD burnout creeping in so I don't wanna push myself too hard. Making my CC textures is exhausting, and takes a very big toll on ye olde✨mental✨ so I promise it will get done, but I just require some time to recharge so that way I can share the best possible retextures for you all to enjoy.
2. The Harlow Jumpsuit outfit
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This one is about 75 to 80% complete. It's another very time consuming project, with the screen recording, video editing, voice over recording, blah blah blah. The biggest problem I have is that I feel the need to announce when I'm working on something (to build interest and anticipation for what's to come) but then take ages to finish it - which leaves people wondering if I'm just full of shit or actually going through with it 😂😂but I promise the tut is happening still!
3. Retexturing YouTube Tutorial
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Don't expect this one anytime this decade🤣 I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm winging it entirely. Watch this space though, because who knows maybe I'll just magically find the willpower and mental capacity to figure it all out.
4. Stretched earlobe mesh
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And...5. Whatever this hair is
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So I did a recolour of a base game hair to make an undercut bun hairstyle (that's accurate to my real life five-head)...not sure if anyone would ever even want this in their game. So far I haven't gotten around to binning it, or even making it in different hair colours. It's also just using a Maxis texture I stole from a different hair and reworked to fit this one. But anyway, that one...exists...for some ungodly reason 😅😂
If you read this far, and haven't given up on me or this page yet then I'm eternally grateful (and slightly confused, but I won't question your intentions 😝)
To be honest with you all, I've got a heap of stressful shit going on in the real worldz right now so bear with me and I'll eventually work through the current projects I'm yet to finish.
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 - L'Rae
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
(Unless something changes, I'll be letting loose my Only Friends episodic meta a day late from now to October -- mommy duties call on the weekends! Saturday nights'll be for that GMMTV good-good from here on out.)
So, yesterday's episode was great. I totally enjoyed reading everyone's unhinged pleasure at the first episode yesterday, and I reblogged a whole bunch of stuff and picked up on some early theories. Jojo, Ninew, and Den were having a grand time on Twitter, and it was just a lot of fun to track (JOJO).
Before getting into the meta, just to put this on the record: my first expected and/or hoped-for clown checkpoint is a confirmed and committed throuple (NOT the missed threesome we almost got in this episode, but damn it, missed opportunity!). I understand that @respectthepetty and @shortpplfedup have separately originated a murder/manslaughter clown checkpoint (thanks, @slayerkitty, for THAT heads-up, lol) (and see below re: Mew), which tracks with Jojo's previous comparison to 3 Will Be Free -- am I HOPING for murder? Maybe I'm not HOPING for murder, but for what I'm about to muse on, maybe it won't be a surprise?
@cookie-kat777 (here) and @isaksbestpillow (here) and so many more folks out there are positing that something the fuck is UP with Mew, and I agree. I find him to the the most interesting character so far, simply because he's the only one who's not letting his actions fully tell his story -- he's almost fully in charge of his narrative, as opposed to everyone else so far (Ray, obvious pained drunk; Sand, obviously broke and tired of the BS, cc: @neuroticbookworm, etc).
My read on the kitchen scene is that Mew knew beforehand that he would stop Top in his tracks prior to letting Top in. Mew is clearly a game-player, slamming that bell during bar trivia (....... y'all, that was a HELL of a lot of drinking for bar trivia, HA), and it just struck me that there was a "win" in Mew getting Top to move towards commitment before Mew gives up his thang. I smell narcissism on the dude. Mew's not acting like a blushing maiden, quite the opposite, he knew FULL WELL what he was doing when he let Top in -- but I want to know his goal in getting Top to settle down and in first.
And moving towards faen in a week? (A WEEK?!) (UM.) For Top to bag commit to Mew -- a virgin! -- that quickly, particularly in the face of the conversation he had previously had with Boston about getting with Mew in the first place: what's Top's ultimate priority here, as well? Top's going to commit to someone he hasn't slept with yet? Color me surprised. What, to show up Boston? Is that how playas play? I dunno, we'll see. I'm not sure that Boston is a strong enough reason. Maybe there's a male-toxicity-driven shallange that's coloring this narrative, but I'll wait to find out more.
Other quick thoughts: what's the source of Ray's pain that's driving him to multiple and regular black-outs? What's Sand so tired of? (Family strife, poverty, rich kids, etc. -- what's happening there). What's up with Cheum, Mew, and Boston leaving Ray to stumble to his car alone -- especially now that it's clear that he has a pattern of blacking out and showing up to school hungover?
I don't want to project, but I'm gonna: this is a hell of a heavy drinking crew, partying QUITE hard and regularly. If Jojo's previous references to at least Gay OK Bangkok stand, I'm wondering if one overarching commentary/lesson we're going to get out of Only Friends is -- escaping to the bottle is not the best way to mitigate yours or anyone else's issues. We know he's framed shows around health issues before, GOKB and The Warp Effect as the most prominent. Let's see.
Speaking of Gay OK Bangkok, I offer another OF clown checkpoint: in my review of GOKB, I posited that Pom of GOKB and Shin of 3 Will Be Free are avatars of a very similar character style -- virgins, glasses-wearing, and unassumingly wiley in their ability to survive in a competitive world. I think Mew joins that avatar crew, but in a much more insidious fashion. Let's see. I love that Jojo is playing around with this style.
One more clown checkpoint I'm gonna put out there is that Jojo and Ninew do not let the recent Thai political turmoil escape this show. I don't know HOW it'll even work, but I have my eyes sharply peeled, because the political craziness was going down literally as they were filming the show. We'll see -- I'll likely be wrong, but ya never know.
I think that's it! I LOVE Jennie, I can't wait to see Nonnie, and Drake -- welcome back to the boys, my friend. This episode was fantastic, but by FAR the best part about yesterday was seeing the filmmakers go totally insane on social media, hyping their work and their people -- damn. When the artists KNOW what they made is good, then that's just like, it's cookies for us. Jojo and Den are out there replying to fans, and it’s just awesome. What a ride already!
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