#but i don't think that's even a considerable enough percentage of people
I really think you're telling on yourself if you actually think that people are diagnosing themselves with every and any mental disorder in the DSM-5 from a tiktok. chronically online of you to think this tbh. it's giving, "I don't actually talk to people irl and all my information about this is from social media."
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i-sveikata · 2 months
I don't want to ask about the next chapter date, but I really liked when you'd talk about future chapters here, even when it was just mentioning the percentage of writing done or any small detail. So, if you don't mind and enjoy answering questions about it, what was you favorite scene to write and the most difficult one? Anything funny/interesting about it or the writing process? Have you decided where you want the next chapter to end? Was there a scene you weren't really looking forward to writing, but it needed to happen for the sake of the plot? I hope this isn't too spoiler-y, it can be as vague as you like! Hope you have a great day ✨️
hi anon! ha thats great cause i dont know it!
totally happy to talk about the chapter! lmao i got no idea about percentage done only that (as always) the chap is likely to end up longer than i expected ahhahahaahahah.
ive been writing a lot of smut scenes so most of the overall vibe of the chap has been pretty horny lol. its always a different experience writing sex scenes because youre trying to fit a lot of working parts together like what are the main emotions being conveyed? is it sexy and sensual? is it raw and messy and violently passionate? and then there's all the practical considerations like where are their hands at? who took pants off first? did you remember to remove the socks? are they actually in the kind of position that would be physically impossible in real life? lmao. i find the most important part is making a sex scene believable because youre not going to get a reaction from an audience who doesnt believe in it. and if its not believable then even that has its own function and is fulfilling some kind of narrative purpose in the moment to underlay an unaddressed tension. it feels like there are a lot of layers to the characters in this fic and honestly that comes across into the sex too!!
so in this chap they're in a very interesting new dynamic now where pete has been the one sort of chasing Vegas (and it kind of blew up in his face a little) like sure he's admitted to being angry but he hasn't quite admitted to what that did to his trust in vegas. pete offering himself to vegas was a BIG deal and vegas running off anyway was a deep cut to pete (even if vegas also gave him the ring). and that hasn't been sufficiently addressed as yet- so pete is already falling back into old habits of being a little more guarded with himself again. and vegas is such an emotional mess at the moment he's trying to deepen their intimacy as much as he can. he wants to feel close to pete but hes at least self aware enough about his chances for that which is why hes so intent in doing it through physical means (sex and bodily intimacy). i think vegas is very sensitive to any changes to petes behaviour around him so its not going to take very long for him to pick up theres something affecting the previous easy comfort they were finding in each others company before the coup. which is also why hes coming on a lot stronger in the sense of being possessive of pete and his time around people who arent a threat to him (i.e his brother and pete's family) and then being openly hostile to people who have some kind of claim to pete (like his childhood friend poom who isnt romantically interested in pete). basically vegas is feeling insecure of their relationship just as pete is feeling a little insecure about his ability to trust vegas- they're just showing the effects of this in different ways!! (well pete isnt quite showing it as yet but he will)
hmm favourite scene atm is their messy bathroom hook up tbh it is really off the wall for them. i wouldnt say theres an especially difficult scene- i dont normally view writing like that but i have been reworking a lot of that bathroom scene because its actually going to include both POVs and ive been trying to figure out the best place for that POV shift to transition (but i think i've finally decided on a point that im satisfied with). for scenes im interested in most i tend to write those first and then build on them long enough that they end up linking together with other scenes into a comprehensive storyline so there's not really scenes i'm not looking forward to writing if that makes sense? theres obvs like the research details which i end up having to search for but i usually put in placeholders so it doesnt affect the flow of the writing whilst im doing it. i guess for your question then that it would just be the scenes that i get to last? but that doesnt necessarily mean i dont like them or arent interested in them or don't want to write them. it's weirdly a lot less conscious decision making in regards to that. im mostly just filling in scenes that i havent written yet at the moment. i usually like the ideas i come up with for the sake of the plot so there's really not that much reluctance in those plot decisions tbh!! like i came up with a connection/ backstory to the minor family/ main family rings which tankhun is planning to use to his advantage (and get petes help to do so) and it ended up tying in really well with the characterisations of Mr Korn and Mr Kan so that it slotted very neatly (imo) into the fic! i dont mind being too spoilery if people don't mind being spoiled!! but i know ppl have different standards for that so it's better (and sometimes more fun!) to be a bit vague.
thanks for the questions!! it was great to think about. hope you have a great day too! :)
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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When I first got into fitness I used to think the longer the distance attempted the fitter I was. It had to be a 6 mile/10km run at a minimum to qualify! However, fitness is far more than the distance you can run and being functionally fit is considerably more beneficial.
I certainly prefer sprinting as a pastime now and my main endurance cardio is a purposeful brisk walk.
Humanity has been sprinting since we evolved to stand upright. It's made possible by an unusual quirk of our anatomy—a feature that our tree-dwelling closest living relatives don't have. 
At some point during our evolutionary history (perhaps as we moved out onto the savannas of Africa), it became necessary for us to cover the vast distances between sources of food quickly, and we went from walking to running to sprinting.
Running at maximal pace (sprinting) confers a variety of physiological and health-related benefits. Many of us move from our beds to our cars to our desks, without ever needing to propel ourselves forward quickly.
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Your body composition is your ratio of fat-to-muscle. Most westerners have weak body composition, with high levels of fat and low muscle mass. As a society, we eat too many energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods that promote the deposition of fat in our bodies. Many of us certainly don't do enough regular movement to build and maintain lean body mass.
Sprinting, however, not only helps to burn fat but also encourages muscles to grow. The reasons for this are not as straightforward as you might think. 
Researchers are aware that it's not just the total calorie burn that matters for body composition, but the type of diet and exercise people do.
Research in Exercise and Sports Science Review suggests that sprinting shocks the body into becoming fitter at the cellular level. The researchers found that gene expression matters most for improving body composition.
Sprinting sends a signal to cells all over the body to toughen up and adapt to the new physical activity requirements, improving oxidative capacity and metabolic control during subsequent exercise, leaving you leaner.
Do you think endurance athletes have less body fat as a percentage of overall mass than sprinters? Interestingly there is research comparing the body composition of sprint and endurance athletes demonstrated that sprinters tend to have lower body fat percentages even though endurance athletes may look leaner.
Since it helps build muscles, sprinting can help you stave off the muscle-wasting effects of ageing. Humans have several different types of muscles in their bodies, including so-called "fast-" and "slow-twitch" fibres. Fast-twitch muscle (type IIa and type IIb fibres that help you move powerfully) fatigue far more quickly than slow-twitch muscle (type I fibres used for posture and endurance). 
Sprinting, as you might expect, trains fast-twitch fibres while movement patterns like standing, walking, and jogging activates slower-acting muscle cells.
Sprinting is an excellent exercise for those who want to build speed and power. The more you train the fast-twitch muscle fibres in your legs, the faster you'll be able to run and the higher you'll jump. 
The skeleton also gets stronger too. Sprinting is classified as a weight-bearing exercise, and thus the bones can get stronger from sprinting. Getting your sprints in can help ward off osteoporosis and protect your balance and coordination.
You may feel you are too old to sprint and that it is an activity just for the young? Well, if in any doubt be inspired by Irene Obera still sprinting and breaking records well into her 80s.
It isn’t just about the body though, sprinting helps with ‘quickness’ and reaction time: evidence suggests improvements in reaction time reduces the risks of cognitive decline and conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia as we age.
HIIT or "high-intensity interval training" is something of a buzzword in the fitness industry right now. Practically every blog or fitness site recommends that people engage in this type of workout, and for a good reason—it's time-efficient and highly effective. HIIT is something I utilise as part of the programme in the Animal Moves book too!
Sprinting is the quintessential HIIT training tool. It's high-intensity, and you can do it in intervals, sprinting for a short period then resting between sprints.
Research in the Journal of Sports Science Medicine suggests that HIIT training has many advantages for cardiovascular fitness over traditional "steady state" training (such as jogging for five miles). Researchers found that, compared to controls, students who engaged in HIIT training saw significant improvements in their VO2 max (a measure of oxygen use) and peak power output, two important markers for cardiovascular fitness.
Unfortunately, HIIT training was much less enjoyable for the majority of people enrolled in the study than the less extreme exercise. It is much harder work for sure, but turning this activity into a game such as a game of chase or a version of tag would undoubtedly enhance the enjoyment factor.
Sprinting even has it's own category of HIIT called SIT (sprint interval training) which has similar health and performance benefits including attaining a lower resting heart rate.
It's no secret that sprinting like other forms of exercise is great for your heart. Regular sprints lower your risk of heart disease, improve your blood cholesterol levels, and help control and prevent high blood pressure.
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Like other forms of exercise, sprint training can combat stress. It releases feel-good endorphins into the brain, helping sprinters cope with the rigours of training and come out on the other side feeling good, ready to do it all over again. 
Sprinting calms your body and your brain. In the short term the physical stress of the sprint helps you to focus on the task at hand. After your body works hard through sprinting, the levels of stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, drop. Stress and anxiety fade away.
Endorphins tend to be highest at the end of an exercise session, giving the sprinter a sensation of confidence and relief. The sprinter’s high!
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Sprinting burns more calories per unit of time than jogging, but the average person can only sustain a sprint for 30 seconds at most. After that, the body depletes its anaerobic stores and must rely on aerobic sources of energy, which can't sustain the same high levels of effort.
In the past, the thinking was that sprinting couldn't burn as many calories as long-duration physical activity. But, researchers have found that sprinting increases the rate of energy burn long after a person finishes exercising. Sprinting isn't just about the calories your body burns during exercise, but also those that it uses to recover afterwards. One measure for this phenomenon is EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) otherwise known as the after-burn effect or oxygen debt.
Heavy resistance training and HIIT workouts appear to be superior to steady-state running or lower-intensity training in creating EPOC.
From an evolutionary point of view, it wasn't an advantage to dedicate vast energy resources to building muscle: it was much better to keep muscles as small as possible to lower energy requirements. The process of modifying muscle fibres into fast-twitch is energy-intensive, meaning that the body resists building them if it thinks it can get away with it. Sprinting overcomes this natural reluctance, however, and forces the body to make these energy-consuming adaptations after you finish exercising, dramatically increasing your overall burn.
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Many westerners have poor glucose control (and don't know it). Our cells have become less sensitive to insulin, which acts like a key that unlocks the cell's door, allowing glucose to enter. Reduced insulin sensitivity or, more seriously, the development of insulin resistance (which can develop into type 2 diabetes), means insulin can't shuttle sugar into cells, leading to a dangerous buildup of glucose in the blood.
Researchers published in BMC Endocrine Disorders found that sprinting could improve metabolic risk factors, such as high blood sugar levels, as well as improve cholesterol levels, reduces blood pressure, cuts abdominal fat, and improves sugar metabolism.
Researchers believe sprinting might improve glucose control through pathways similar to how it improves cardiovascular health. A burst of intense exercise such as sprinting, signals to cells that they need to get their act together and make it more likely you'll survive in a demanding environment. 
Sprinting tells your cells that life is fierce, and you need them to do better!
The great thing about sprinting is that it can be done anywhere. You don't need special equipment or training gear. You don't need a gym membership; you can sprint at home. Even with limited space, you can sprint on the spot or even seated in your chair using your arms.
It's even better when you get outside to exercise; you can sprint in your back garden or down the street. Head to your local park and sprint there too. You can watch a video of me sprinting outside here!
if you are in the gym and want to replicate the intensity of the sprint on a treadmill - try Treadmill Drivers - otherwise known as the Deadmill. Very playful and very powerful!
My personal favourite is sprinting when rushing for the bus! What about you?
To help you improve your sprint technique and for an example sprint programme check out this post.
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thistransient · 1 year
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Thoughts on my visa run to Tokyo: not to be a complainer (I'm gonna complain), but taking into consideration that it was a last-minute decision with minimal planning, I was a bit underwhelmed. I have fond memories of walking around Naha, Okinawa some years ago with great delight at simply being there, but perhaps a certain percentage of that was "first time in Japan" thrill (or I was so fed up with my circumstances at home that the break was particularly welcome). It could also be that enduring life with recently sprained ribs took my focus off the sights somewhat (there was a hefty price to be paid for forgetting to hold in sneezes). As such I didn't press myself to go to too many places: I stayed at a hostel in a traditional house in Asakusa, and spent the most time walking around Yanaka and Koenji with a brief foray into Shinjuku (albeit late enough that my feet hurt and it was very crowded on the streets, so this did not last long). There were so many foreign tourists in Asakusa that I felt rather as if I were in that Japan-themed part of Disney World, and I found myself gravitating inevitably to the riverside (pictured above).
If anything I felt self-conscious that said tourist contingent appeared to be having the time of their lives, whereas I had come here somewhat on a whim and kept being told "wrong ticket!" by the metro staff almost every time I made at attempt at transferring
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(In addition to not buying a SIM card I also didn't bother with a metro card because I figured individual tickets couldn't be that hard, could they? Ahahaha.)
But for all these woes, I do love looking at Japanese buildings (a treat for my niche interest in external fire escape stairs), the bakery offerings were excellent, and I decided eventually to forgive myself for my restaurant anxiety and just eat onigiri in the cemetery such that I was at least ingesting something. I'd go back to Japan (to other cities), but I'd like to do it with company, and more planning.
Coming back was in fact the real adventure, with the flight diversion to Macao, the jaunt in the wee hours of the morning with my hotel roommate, and eventual return to Taipei. The immigration process has really been streamlined, there's an online arrival card now, and the line moved so fast I just managed to fill it out before it was my turn. The agent barely glanced at me before stamping me in (I had actually been practicing my speech justifying flying in and out of the country every 90 days, and even printed out a bank statement, but the online form required one to list an exit flight, which evidently preempted any interrogation).
In the moment I was extremely relieved! But now I find myself bereft of my regular activities either on account of my ribs (watching shibari is not half as fun as being on the receiving end, and I really miss biking) or because I've become disillusioned with a couple of my former sources of regular socialisation. I feel increasingly like I don't actually have much in common with the people at the trans group beyond us all being trans, and my presence (or lack thereof, last time I had a bit of a panic episode and ran away without saying anything) at their events is pretty meaningless as far as 'volunteering' goes. I also abruptly lost interest in a friend I'd spent a lot of time with in the past year, which bothered me quite a bit (how could I feel so heartless towards someone who had bought me a thoughtful birthday gift) until I did enough writing and figured it out, but that still hasn't rekindled any desire to hang out again, except perhaps out of guilt (not the best motivation). In the face of these things (amongst others), and the fact that I've done my 3rd visa run this year with no apparent plan to stop living in 3 month increments, I think it's time...time to go back to therapy.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
I’m going to keep this post Anon because of the amount of hate I got previously. I use to write fanfics but because I didn’t pair the following: Wolfstar, Drarry, Linny, Jegulus, Scorbus, and Snarry I’m apparently homophonic. Even though none of those ships are canon and I stated I like canon pairings on my page. I stopped writing for almost over a year and a half now because when I defended myself I got more and more hate and negative comments. I did have representation of LGBQT in my stories but because I’m not pairing the above I’m labeled as a homophobe. If I made a gay character straight for example Dumbledore, yes they could call me a homophobe, but I didn’t. This one reviewer said it was ok to turn straight people gay and but it wasn’t ok to turn gay people straight (which I never did in my stories), and I should have at least 40-50% of LGBQT representation in my story. I just got frustrated because there was no winning with these guys so I deleted all my stories for good. Honestly, fandom and TikTok has ruined HP for me.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is absolutely awful and honestly, the way the people who claim to care about the issues of the LGBTQ+ community in this fandom just carelessly throw around such accusations is disgusting and detrimental to the cause they preach to defend.
Writing straight characters as straight definitely doesn't make you a homophobe.
It's also interesting that, apparently, it's so important for these people to write no-sense against canon pairings just because they are homosexual that it's better than writing about healthy relationships. And let's remember how a great part of these pairings comes with the bashing of female characters. But as usual, misogyny is the last thing people care about.
I personally headcanon Albus as gay because I think it's hilarious that the only child of Harry and Ginny that is named after a Slytherin and a gay man is the one everybody decided is in Slytherin and gay. But I don't ship him with Scorpius. And you are not obliged to write Albus as a Slytherin or gay.
The only thing you need to worry about is if the character who is offering the point of view for the story knows about the sexualities of an enough large number of characters that it would be unrealistic to not have a certain percentage of characters who belong to the LGBTQ+ community (which is definitely not the 40%). Honestly, even in the original series, the only characters Harry had any business knowing the sexuality of are himself, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. It's not unrealistic for four characters to be straight. There certainly wasn't an agenda on the author's part about having that kind of representation in her story (and the social and historical context in which the books were published should be taken into consideration here) but there's nothing unrealistic about the lack of openly gay characters (I do still think she could've hinted at the Dumbledore/Grindelwald business in DH).
And mind you, I say this as someone who once wrote a book where the main character was the only straight person in her family.
Personally, I am a firm believer in buying, reading and discussing books that have actual representation instead of trying to change already well-established characters, because you are always going to mess up. Case in point: Tonks is a surrogate for Remus and Sirius, because apparently, Teddy Lupin needs to exist, even without his mother.
The majority of the books I read don't have romance, they are mostly obscure pieces of Scandinavian crime literature, but in the series Red Queen my favourite character is bisexual and my favourite ship is an f|f one (and the bisexual character is not part of the ship just to clarify). And all that stuff is canon. Because I've actually read other things besides Harry Potter in my life.
I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I hope you keep writing, because it's a beautiful, even if at times frustrating, art. Regardless of if that writing is original or fanfiction. Regardless of if you'll go back to publishing it or you'll keep it to yourself. That book I was talking to you about? It took me six years to write it, I'm the only one who has ever read it but I had the best time writing it and it was a beloved companion throughout most of my teenagehood.
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misskamelie · 2 years
Sometimes I do get worried about my worldview being a bit biased, but then I see what some of the people on here post publicly post and support and I'm like "You know what? I'm actually doing pretty well, with critical thinking skills and all that"
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kunikinnie · 3 years
Hello:D can I request Sigma, Tecchou and Jōuno dad hcs?
a/n: I honestly have NO idea if these are in character, but I want to believe they are :') Link to the same prompt for Akutagawa, Dazai, and Chuuya here
warnings: some profanity
being dads
featuring: Sigma, Tecchou, Jouno
"Everyone, stay calm!!" but internally is very not calm
He tries to maintain this "I've got this all under control, don't worry" facade just as he would at work, but since this is a more personal thing for him you can see "I'M VERY WORRIED" written all over his face
He wants only the best for his kids so he tries his absolute best
Like, he agonizes over the smallest things. Type of clothes, type of bed, type of food, etc.
But someone still needs to guide him every now and then since Sigma doesn't really know what being a dad means to begin with
That doesn't deter him tho. It makes him even more determined to give his children the best lives he could give them
One minor problem with that tho is that he is gullible to what his kids say lol
100% teasable and 100% adorable
He's the least "scary" among the three listed here when he gets angry, even if he is the "nicest" (he just doesn't have that viciousness in him even if the person he was confronting was literally about to kill his kids)
Tries to maintain a balance between playtime and work/study
I think he's the most chill about education, but he would definitely prefer it if they took it seriously
(don't ask him for help though he might not know the answers either)
When it comes to advice though, he gives good ones (although they can be quite general) and doesn't hesitate to help his kids navigate through their own existential troubles
He's probably the most chill when it comes to his kids' love life
He trusts them enough to know whom to be with and if necessary, when to break things off with them
But if it's a liiiittle too much for them, then he won't hesitate to "help"
Jouno Saigiku
Definitely leaning on the stricter side of things
He prefers if his kids would be a little more controllable
Which means that "bad influences" specifically Tecchou are kept as far away from them as possible
I don't think he'll let them live a sheltered life tho they need to learn the realities of life and the nature of people early on
But then again, proper guidance is key
I wouldn't say he'd have a moral code he'd want to instill in them, but certain values must be taken to heart (such as honesty - he KNOWS if they're lying and he detests it most if they do)
Jouno has quite the sharp tongue, but since becoming a father himself he has learned to choose his words better and soften his tone
But if someone tries to hurt his children? His cold sadistic will definitely dominate without him trying to hold back
I think his strengths as a father shine most once his children are of considerable age (young children just irritate him or confuse him)
Then again, some adults act like toddlers and unfortunately Jouno has a lot of experience on that field
Because of his sensitivity, he will do his best to make sure things are as "normal" in the house as possible: no strong or weird smells, no screaming or blasting loud music even if they're in their own rooms, no following Teccho's recipes or food combinations (dear God just not the last one, please)
But if somehow they don't listen no matter how many times he tries, once he has accepted his fate he will just give in lol
When it comes to school, he expects them to at least maintain a certain percentage (a bit above "just passing" is fine for him)
He won't shy away from an ass-whooping (whether literal or otherwise) if any one of them neglect their schooling
Oh he's DEFINITELY the "bullshit radar" when it comes to his kids' dating life
"Stop dating this person they don't actually like you" and stuff. Very blunt, but he doesn't mind if they feel terrible now than ten times worse later
Suehiro Tecchou
He's sweet but lost 80% of the time (or is he? that is a mystery)
I honestly think that Jouno would end up being "that uncle everyone can depend on" simply because this man's so damn unpredictable
But don't be fooled. Somehow, he still has everything under control (even more so than the previous two)
He's super nice and loves making his children happy. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't violate the law, then everything gets a pass from him
Like, think of the chill dad. Now make him ten times chiller. That's Tecchou
Ofc when he's serious, he's hella frickin serious
Definitely teaches them the value of justice and the like - he's the most adamant about it within the Hunting Dogs, after all
Linked to the "serious" things is school. He doesn't mind if his kids don't excel academically, but they should still do their best and learn as was the goal of giving them an education
I honestly think kids (especially the younger ones) love him so much. Jouno could never understand why
He's just great at playing with them, you know
I also see him as the type to unintentionally embarrass his kids. Goes to PTA and stuff wearing the strangest graphic t-shirts (without understanding what's written on it) or cheers them on with a sparkly signboard (which he made himself, ofc)
He really means well. He just doesn't know it's weird
This also means that if any of his kids enter into a relationship, their partner must be able to tolerate (or better, get along) with Tecchou lol (not because he's trying to be intimidating, but he wants to find another kiddo to bond with)
He's a super nice and supportive father so they have nothing to worry about - except if he finds out they hurt his kids in any way, shape, or form. He wouldn't do anything too rash or terrible, but it's terrifying enough for his victim to repent for the next four future lives
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Hello Hello ! Can I request something ? Could you write something about the Inarizaki boys confessing to their cool, laid-back senpai but getting rejected ?
It can be headcannons, whatever you feel suits best.
It's okay if you don't want to or don't feel inspired ! Take care of yourself and have a nice day/evening !
❥ Inarizaki getting rejected by their senpai
Includes Atsumu, Osamu and Suna
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ᴀ/ɴ: hey dear! i hope you like this, and about the characters since you said that they are confessing to a senpai i thought that you are excluding the third-years; i hope i understood correctly and if not then please forgive me, i do not like suna’s part so sorry for doing him so dirty 😔
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Atsumu Miya:
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First of all
I wanna give him a hug
Now onto the actual headcanon cause no one wants to just hear me fangirl 24/7 about every single setter in haikyuu
“You must have hit your head so hard that you are delusional enough to think y/n-senpai would date you.”
Is what osamu told him when he told him about thinking to confess to you
But he was hopeful and prideful
Plus maybe while yes you had a somewhat nonchalant exterior, you might indeed like someone or him specifically (he hopes) but just act like this to avoid being hurt or giving them hints of liking them
And while he was aware of his reputation for being somewhat mean to his fangirls at times, like that one time at the game against karasuno
But maybe you liked tough guys, ya know?
Honestly, he wasn’t much as tough and more like a overgrown baby who is very passionate about volleyball
Whatever may the result be, he chose to take his shot
Contrary to most belief but Atsumu was a mess while confessing
Credits goes to your cool presence that made him forget about all the BULLCRAP he practiced for
...no response?
Did you hear his heart shattering?
But yeah it basically went like how kiyoko rejected tanaka
So yes he stayed down for a couple of days
So he kept asking you every three days (yes I am being specific fight me) and of course trying to woo you to increase his chances
This wasn’t very depressing because I wanted to prepare you for the coming ones because one of them will SURELY suffer I promise
I don’t wanna make them all angst in case you don’t want that
He won’t give up until you straight out tell him that you genuinely don’t and won’t feel anything towards him
Once you do he will feel a little wounded in his ego and will probably avoid your gaze starting from then
Cause it’s embarrassing to be rejected by someone so causally especially when they are a really cool person like yourself
Osamu Miya:
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God I love the Miya twins
Anyways as I was gonna say
He knows he is in trouble, I mean come on
you have practically rejected everyone who approached you while still managing to look cool
But he knew, he had to tell you sooner or later so he can get over it and not hang onto a thread of hope for nothing
Plus Atsumu kept provoking him and calling him a pussy so yeah
In your face you piss hair child
Now his approach was rather—adorable and calm
He wrote a letter unlike someone who depended on the charm of his looks
And he also made you onigiri cause who doesn’t love a treat?
“Um- Y/N-senpai I am sure there isn’t a high percentage of you accepting this but I just needed to get it off my chest so yeah; I like you.”
You checked the letter and it was sweeter than the chocolate he got you as well
You also tasted the onigiri while he just watched intently waiting for your answer
The onigiri was wonderful too
But you weren’t looking for a relationship and you had to reject him nicely
After all, he had the courage to come up to you and confess and even got you gifts
“Look Osamu, you are a nice guy, but I am not looking for a relationship, right now; sorry.”
And he was thankful that was the only thing he got and it was a nice rejection
Did it stop him from seeing you as a wonderful and gorgeous queen?
Nope, it just made him respect you more cause you didn’t shut him down harshly and without putting his confession into consideration
Not like how you did with the others
He will try to get over liking you and he will act normally
But there is probably a little lingering feeling of like towards you even after being rejected
He is okay with just being friends if he gets to be with you and not on your bad side
Suna Rintarou:
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*looks at the ball then you guys* you wish that was you, huh?
Look at this handsome and talented young man, how enchanting
I genuinely want him to teach me how tf does he widen the range of his spike like that
So honestly I believe suna would fall for someone cool in a sense in general maybe a little sweet
His relationship with you is quite interesting
He gives you blackmail of people he manages to get some of
Basically trading embarrassing moments of people cause y’all are just evil and cool like that 🙄
And eventually he developed a crush on you cause of course after spending lots of time with you, it’s practically impossible not to catch feelings
Suna was not even expecting or didn’t want it too much, your acceptance that is
He just wants to make you know and help himself get over it once he makes sure you truly don’t like him
This is getting similar to osamu’s one but I am running out of ideas
I was even planning to write for ginjima my sweet baby, but my ideas said no
Anyways so he just basically says as bluntly as possible
In the most random time
“I like you.”
Straight to the point
I think Suna would be one to just rant about how much he loves you and everything he loves about you deeper in into the relationship , idk why
Anyways so long story short he got rejected and just nodded
He was a little down, but yeah he knew it would’ve happened
and if it didn’t then god wouldn’t that have been his luckiest moment
He just continues on his merry way and does things to get his mind off it and slowly you both go back to your former interactions
“I got more blackmail, senpai.”
“That’s great, rin.”
And you both end up bullying the twins together at the times
Maybe sometimes he remembers the rejection and gets a little dejected but hey
At least you guys are alright and not awkward, right?
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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popchoc · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’ll excuse the anon ask, but your post about comments in languages other than English was actually very hurtful and depressing for people who are not English natives (like me). I understand that was probably not your intention, and you did say that you treasure the comments all the same. But also, calling ESL commenters “lazy” and taking the attitude of “guess what, try writing in English!” is just hurtful.
It’s amazing that you can speak both English and Dutch equally flawlessly! You have every right to be very proud of that fact! And I assume that you chose to write in English either because you feel more comfortable in it, or in order to get maximum readership, what with English being a lingua franca in many places, and especially on the internet. But please, understand that there’s a HUGE percentage of fic readers for whom English is a distant 3rd, 4th or n-th language, or they never had the time, opportunity or resources to learn it like you have.
English-language fandom is juuuuust starting to get a little more welcoming towards people expressing themselves in other languages, after a lot of posts and authors' notes saying they welcome comments in other languages. And it works! People whose language level was just enough at 1 a.m. to read and understand a fic can easily express their love and support in their mother tongue! It’s great! They would not have commented otherwise! And even worse, they would have felt like outsiders for being unable to use English like you do.
It’s a well-known scientific fact that in every language one knows, including one's mother tongue, you can always, ALWAYS, understand a lot more than you can produce. So telling people “if you can read it, you can write it!” is not just demotivating, it’s also legitimately not possible for many. And sure, commenters can use GT. But so can writers. That’s why the question comes down to, “should we be welcoming to non-native English users and GT their comments ourselves, OR should we be hostile to them and demand English-only comments?”
As you’re someone who already speaks more than just English, I strongly urge you to consider the feelings of your commenters who enjoy and struggle to read your fics despite the language barrier, only to be met with being called “lazy” for their love and effort.
Thank you for reading this ask, if you got this far, and for giving it consideration!
Hey Anon, thanks for your honest and clear reply. As I said in one of my replies: I don't hate them. And though you might have read it differently, I don't judge them either - I'm simply trying to understand. I honestly figured that if you can read in English well enough to catch the story you can write in it too, at least the simple stuff like "love it" or "can't wait for more". Apparently I was wrong about that, so thank you for explaining.
The laziness suggestion is based on the explanation I got twice now after people proceding to talk in their language within a conversation; both times when I said "You do know I don't speak French/Spanish right?" they answered with "Hehe I know I'm just being lazy." Maybe they were the exceptions, but so far it was all the explanation I got.
Again, I don't mind, I really welcome every reader, and I'm honored when people find my stuff worth it to power through. I'm also taking the extra mile though, to write in a language as many as possible can understand. For me, yes of course, but mostly for others. And believe me, that's hard work. My English isn't half as good as my Dutch. And I think that goes for many writers. So if we acknowledge the foreign readers trying their best, I think we should do the same for the writers. After all we're all trying to find each other in the middle.
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script-a-world · 4 years
hello. i want to write a story set in a very religious place. like fanatic level of religious. in my mind, this place is ruled by what the church says but has a "cover" figure to "connect" with the people. the people of this place are devoted to their religion, meaning they know passages, go to mass, and shun those who don't support it. here is my question: how does one go about creating a religion that feels real? what do i need to take into consideration (i'm not religious myself).
Mod Miri Note: At the same time this came in we also received from the google form the question “How do I world build a religion?” I can’t confirm they’re the same anon, but we’re combining them for the answer.
Brainstormed: You seem to have a very… narrow perception of religion? If you aren’t religious yourself and you’re (presumably) from a Western culture, it makes sense that the Christian church and more specifically Catholicism are your go-to images of hyperreligion. Saying “mass” and “church” and “passages” kind of gives away the fact that you’re trying to base your religion off of at least your idea of an Abrahamic religion, but I’d ask you to reconsider. Right now it sounds like you’re trying to create a negative critique of these religions, and even if that is what you’re going for, you need to do a lot of research on their theology, history, and practices before you can do so with any competence.
I’d suggest doing some basic research on types of religions, like animism, pantheism, polytheism, general superstition, etc. There are plenty of spiritual worldviews that you might consider way over the top, but whose believers find it more bizarre when people don’t follow their teachings. Fanatics are never fanatics in their own mind, and especially among their own people, but also… fanatic might be a relative term. If you’re approaching this from a nonreligious background, then you might consider X-amount of religion in one’s lifestyle to be fanatic-level. Whereas a person who actively practices religion would consider X-amount to be perfectly normal, and only folks who take it to XX-amount plus some shadier practices are the true fanatics.
Remember, religions start because people want to make sense of the world. There is a deeper feeling of wonder and personhood and power, both within a human being and in the whole world around us, that drives spirituality and generates superstition. Religion, at least to start, is beneficial to people, otherwise no one but sadists would follow its teachings. Now, like anything else, religion can devolve into a means of power hoarding and control of a populace, but only because of the people in charge getting greedy. The vast majority of religions I’ve studied have had radical, freeing, empowering teachings applicable to everybody when they first sprang up, and only later did adherents twist those teachings into societal oppression. If there is no satisfaction or benefit in your religion, there won’t exactly be any incentive for people to follow it so closely, aside from whatever negative consequences occur for those who fall away. And negative consequences aren’t often enough to keep people in a religion. If following religion is more painful than the consequences of leaving it, plenty of people will jump ship.
Religion can also show up in every single part of life. According to Wikipedia:
A religious experience (sometimes known as a spiritual experience, sacred experience, or mystical experience) is a subjective experience which is interpreted within a religious framework. The concept originated in the 19th century, as a defense against the growing rationalism of Western society. William James popularised the concept.
You look up and see a cloud, a spiritual person sees a portent, or a spirit, or a castle where the gods live. You take a break from work for a minute, a spiritual person now has time to mutter a prayer, or observe the mood of the world, or dedicate their work to their god. A person doesn’t have to be anywhere near a fanatic to have their religion be in every part of their life. Especially if they adhere to a more lax spirituality or superstitious worldview instead of an organized religion, the central spiritual experience of religious belief alters the perception of self and surroundings. It isn’t only a set of rules to follow.
It can even help areas of society that modern Western society considers nonreligious! Historically, medicine has always come under religion. Witch doctors, medicine men, witchcraft, even the hygiene laws laid out in the Christian Bible. Physical health has often been considered a reflection of spiritual health, which, in a way, is true! The placebo effect means tending to one’s mental and emotional health with the reassurance of religion will improve one’s physical health as well. Not only that, but the power of a “spiritual experience”, regardless of if you believe the supernatural is real, can cause religious ecstacy, something you might perceive as a serious psychological problem but those who experience it consider to be a deep form of spiritual expression to be treasured and sought after. The spread and preservation of information is also often aided by religion, even though that can change should those in power want to change history or obscure truth for their own reasons. Just look at the history of the printing press and how that was driven by the need for Bibles. Many cultures, most famously Australian Aboriginal peoples, have oral histories thousands of years long that tie in closely to their spirituality.
You also might be confusing religion with cults. If you think all religion is predatory, playing on people’s weaknesses and fears in order to coerce them into a miserable lifestyle of following strict laws and living under control of those in power, you definitely have conflated “religion” and “cult”. If you’d like to worldbuild a cult, go ahead! It’s likely to be smaller and less acceptable than an established organized religion, not very transparent to the outside world nor its members, and have a spirituality that is in fact just a veneer over gaining power, instead of genuine belief and devotion, and may in fact require people to murder or commit suicide. Just look at Scientology, or these, or even Jared Leto, and a more in-depth look from this organization covering many different kinds of cults.
On a more worldbuildy note, are those who practice this religion correct? Does their god(s) exist? Is the supernatural real? If yes, then are they really fanatics if they’ve been right all along? Even if they’re incorrect, the dedication and deep-held beliefs of religious people shouldn’t be mocked wholesale, in my opinion. Make sure to keep some genuine three-dimensional development for characters who are part of this religion, or include other religions with different practices, or the only thing you’ll accomplish is “waaaa religion bad believers dumb”. And if that is the story you want to write, feel free, but I can’t help you there.
Feral: What makes a religion feel real? Sincere faith.
Specifically among the leaders. I mean, sure, those lemming-like peasants who actually believe that superstitious nonsense will have sincere faith, but honestly? There is going to be a higher percentage of people faking it among the masses than among the clergy. Clergy members are generally required to go through rigorous studies and often take vows that can cause great discomfort. I am sure there are those who did it for the power - there are in atheist organizations as well, humans can be crap - but if you actually read the writings of important Church leaders of the past, not to mention rabbis, imams & mullahs, and archakas, you’re going to find that they have sincere faith.
Something you should always keep in mind when developing pre-modern religion in a Western context is that before the advent of modern scholarship, which starts to become a thing in the West during the Renaissance, all the important scholars were clergy. And again, those learned people either had to be really, really dedicated to their power-hungry ambitions or had to have sincere faith.
That does not make religions perfect by any means nor does it mean that the god they have sincere faith in is omnibenevolent (though the qualities of an omnibenevolent god will be strongly dependent on the culture that worships it). And religious leaders are absolutely capable of doing terrible, terrible things even if they profess to worship an omnibenevolent god, and politicians can definitely twist things around to suit their needs (again, this is not exclusive to religiosity). But your ask has this weird given that a major religion (on par with Catholicism/Christianity) in your world is a scam, and while yes, that happens in cults and alternative religions and in splinter groups*, as Brainstormed pointed out that’s just not how, at least, the four major religions of our world got started.
Yes, it’s true that bureaucracies of a certain size and age will inevitably begin to change focus to protecting its own existence. And yes, it’s true that ambitious sociopaths will be drawn to places of authority even if they are difficult to achieve. And yes, it’s true that an individual entering a toxic environment is more likely to be changed by the environment than to change the environment. But guess what! That has nothing to do with whether the organization is religious or not.
Why does a religion exist in the first place? It explains the universe in a pre-modern world; it provides organization and structure for community focus - in other words, many social programs have historically been run through religious organizations and leadership. And it provides hope and comfort in a very scary world.
Some clergy might be able to fake all of that for a little while, but a large bureaucracy with many clerics who are all in on the fake? No. Allow me to rephrase: hell no. People are not dumb. Maybe you believe that of all religious people, but you are wrong and they are not. The people in your world, if they’re anything like the people in our world, are gonna sniff out the bullshit if none of their religious leaders believe what they’re selling. There is a reason Scientology has to keep blackmail files on all its adherents, and I promise you, the Catholic Church does not do that.
*A note on cults, alternative religions, and splinter groups: Cults and alternative religions (their PR friendly name) are “religions” that are scammy and/or actively dangerous to the participants or others: People’s Temple, Branch Davidian, etc. Splinter groups are congregations that start as normal members of a large religion or denomination but its insular culture creates a divide that just takes things a little too far even for the most fanatical of the main sect (think terrorist groups that link themselves to religions). These types of religions might be what you are actually asking about. Groups like these can be highly, highly influential but in a very contained area. What cults often do is the leader settles in an area and buys property and builds a church and maybe a school and then encourages the members to all move either onto the plot of land if it’s large enough or to buy up surrounding land and homes and push out all the non-believers. That area can then be fortified or just have a de facto boundary with the rest of the world. Sometimes a group like this can become large enough to constitute an entire town, but rarely a city - groups that large will more often have centralized compounds but with the members living scattered among non-believers, as Scientology does. Obviously a group concentrated like that will have an impact on local politics, if they are allowed to participate, but it’s not going to go farther than the county line, so to speak. As we all know from the news, splinter groups like ISIS can become very large and globe spanning, but those types of groups have within them splinter groups and factions, and I don’t think that’s what you’re asking about anyway, so I’m just going to leave it there.
But frankly, your ask reads to me as “how do I create a fantasy!Catholic that is secretly evil and will show the audience how evil religion is in the real world? Opiate of the masses!” And my advice is… don’t. Because it lacks compassionate understanding of people of faith (many faiths), it lacks a factual understanding of how world religions differ and function, it totally lacks nuance, and finally, because it is absolutely, monumentally, extremely, really, very cliche.
Maybe the way your ask is coming across to me is totally not how you intended it. Maybe you only used the jargon you used because you assumed we wouldn’t know any other terms and maybe your understanding of world religions is actually quite sophisticated. Maybe you really do have this insanely clever way to spin a tired cliche into some new and original. In these cases, we strongly encourage you to come right back with as jargon-full and specific an ask as you can write, use our submission google form to do it. Otherwise, give our responses some thought and if after you’ve developed your religion, you want to come back with a specific ask other than “how do I world build a religion?” (which is a little too broad), please feel free.
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kythed · 4 years
💕Hello! If it's all right was could I ask for a matchup? I'm a straight gal, 5'2" tall gal with pale skin and a thin form. I also have long brown hair, blue eyes and glasses.
As for personality, I'm kind, reliable and hardworking, though a little awkward in large social groups. I enjoy joking around and prefer looking at the bright side of things. My mbti is infj (and ennegram 9w1). I prefer my friends to be considerate and open-minded, someone who doesn't judge anyone by their first impression. I make a lot of bad jokes, so they need to have a sense of humour as well, or at least tolerance for mine😅
My biggest hobby is writing, which I think about almost around the clock. Fantasy and horror are my favourite genres to write, and for character inspiration I often do people-watching. I also sing, mostly in a choir, and go out for hikes in the nature because I love the fresh air and beautiful sceneries. My worst fear is letting people dear to me down and not being there for them in their time of need. I try my best to check up on them but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing enough . . .
My motto would be "If you're going to do it, make sure you don't have regrets later." as I strongly dislike leaving what I start unfinished. It makes me anxious.
My love languages are quality time, acts of service and words of affirmation. I'd like my s/o to know that I overthink often, that my silence doesn't mean I'm angry on uninterested but that I'm stuck in my own thoughts. A deal-breaker is definitely narcissism. Confidence is great but I don't like anyone who thinks the world envolves around them.
Thank you for taking time to read this! I hope it was all righ. Have a great day😊
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thanks for the request ! i hope you enjoy :-)
- this was an incredibly easy choice for me; it just makes all around perfect sense-- I match you with kuroo tetsurou
- you need someone to keep you moving in the right direction because you burden yourself with way too much shit that shouldn’t even be your responsibility
- he helps you to identify what you really want in life and makes you pick n choose a couple of goals to focus on at once rather than doing everything and anything (something tells me you have a hard time prioritizing and saying no to people)
- you help him stop n smell the roses every once in a while because that man doesn’t know when to take a break
- you both share this incredible attention to detail and you both highly value and love getting to know other people
- he’s the one who booked you your first appointment with a publishing house once you finished your first novel and he used his death glare to scare the poor publisher into giving you a higher percentage of royalties on each sale
- SCRABBLE. y’all play a highly competitive game of scrabble every friday night and you always win. this typically culminates in kuroo throwing a tantrum and tickling you mercilessly until you agree it was “practically a tie” (nevermind the fact that you literally won twice the points he did)
- you love fantasy, kuroo loves sci-fi so your conversations are constantly peppered with ridiculous rants and arguments (e.g. “who would win in a fight, a dragon or a tie fighter?” “definitely a dragon babe, i mean it has fire and--” “okay but what if the tie fighter was piloted by a jedi?”)
- physical touch may not be one of your love languages but it sure is one of his-- he’s constantly got his chin resting on your head, or he’s slipping his hand around yours, or putting it on your lower back-- he also really loves giving you these crazy bear hugs (like picking you up and swinging you around type shit) because he likes to feel all big n protective
- I mean the man is literally almost a foot taller than you so can you blame him?
- you guys have literally the worst inside jokes that no one else understands but they send you into hysterics each times until you’re both crying with laughter (lots of terrible puns, yo mama and knock knock jokes that don’t even make sense)
- like once y’all were on a trip to rome and caught a cab to your hotel from the airport but then it took a wrong turn and it ended up that it actually wasn’t a cab and you had just climbed into the back of some little old italian man’s car
- so now whenever y’all are driving somewhere and accidentally go the wrong direction one of you says “mama mia!” in a terrible italian accent and you start screaming with laughter ITS LITERALLY SO OBNOXIOUS LMAOOO
- because you’re both so intuitive that the relationship is like being two halves of a whole-- you can instantly tell when the other is even the slightest bit down and adjust your behavior accordingly
- AND y’all remember the most random shit about each other
- like he once absentmindedly mentioned he loved this particular brand of orange juice and then you started buying only that brand to stock the fridge and he absolutely loves you for it
- and on your first date when you went hiking you pointed out a clump of flowers on the side of the path you thought were pretty so on the way back he secretly picked one and dried it in the pages of a heavy dictionary and got it framed for your birthday
- honestly it’s just little considerate things like this that make the whole relationship
- he always makes sure to involve you in group conversations because he knows it’s your tendency to be shy and hang back
- good conversation is a big deal for you guys but so is quiet time-- you frequently cook dinner together without exchanging a single word, just kinda doing your own thing (like you’ll chop the salad and he’ll make the pasta) and listening to your playlist
- speaking of music, you used to refuse to sing for him until one day he heard you singing in the shower so he crept right up next to the door and recorded it on his phone, and then when you opened the door he shrieked “AHA! CAUGHT YOU!” which nearly scared the shit outta you and made you drop your towel
- but, ya know, you don’t even need to be self-conscious about your singing around this man because he doesn’t have a musical bone in his body and will think that every single note coming out of your mouth sounds like an angel chorus
- overall you guys are that couple that is just so clearly in tune with each other, you know each other like you know yourselves and it’s such a delight to see (hanging out with you is a third wheel’s nightmare tho)
your song: first date by blink-182 (he loves punk pop and you think it’s dorky as hell but he’s adorable when he’s playing the imaginary drums and head banging-- he actually got you to accompany him on the air guitar eventually and it’s lit asf) plus the song perfectly captures the easy, eager way you guys love each other
your favorite movie to watch together: the fellowship of the ring. he wasn’t really into the idea at first (he wanted to watch terminator) but now he’s as big a tolkien fanatic as there is. once you brought him to one of those fantasy renaissance fairs and y’all had the time of your lives.
your relationship in one quote: “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. / In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” - maya angelou
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schweeeppess · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you have any tips on writing for the Batboys? I'm planning on writing fics for them but I don't completely have their personalities down/don't know exactly how to write them.
Alrighty, let's give some tips :D
Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on these characters. This is my grasp on the characters and their behaviors, and I know more about certain characters than I do others. If I say something you don't like, die mad. If you think I'm wrong on something, I respectuflly and honestly say good for you but keep your opinion to yourself, please. Thanks.
Dick Grayson
Keep in mind for him the fact that he has anger management issues. It takes quite a bit to get him to snap, but when he does snap, it's a terrible day for all parties involved.
Dick isn't as happy-go-lucky as fandom likes to paint him. He is serious, he is grim, and he is realistic whenever the need for it arises. He's an optimist, yes, but he's beyond smart enough to discern a very serious situation and just how to go about dealing with it.
He is a detective. People tend to forget that, for some reason. He's just as capable as Bruce or Jason are at solving complex problems. He's not the best detective there is, no, but he's still definitely above average with observation skills and such.
He tries to be there for people, but he can get overwhelmed sometimes with all his commitments and might forget some things
Which brings up this point: He overworks himself and tends to agree to do more things than he can easily manage. Dick has an issue with that; overworking himself.
Dick is also a very emotional person. He thinks with his heart most of the time. The phrase "heart on his sleeve" was probably made specifically for him. Dick is open about certain emotions, but make no mistake about the fact that he can close off probably better than Tim whenever he wants to. He feels with everything in him.
He's smart, he's funny, he's genuine, he's protective, he's compassionate, he's dependable, and he's above all loyal and kind.
Dick trusts you until you give him a reason not to, to borrow a phrase.
I think a good song to capture his character would be "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man.
Jason Todd
Ohhh boy. Here we go.
Say it with me: Jason. Does. Not. Enjoy. Killing.
Seriously, I don't really know where people get the idea that he does from? Jason kills, yes. But why does he do it? For the better. He kills out of mercy and justice for victims (yes that includes the Talon he killed; Talons are victims to the Court of Owls, and nothing more), not because he enjoys it. I am not justifying anything, I'm just explaining.
Jason is also a very emotional person, but he's more of a heart on his cheek kinda guy. He tries to trample them down, but they get the better of him sometimes. Take everything he did in Under the Red Hood as an example. He did what he did because he was hurt and in pain and he needed Bruce to feel the same way.
Jason is hesitant to trust people, very careful to make sure he can't let people close enough to hurt him the way he's been hurt so many times before.
Look, Jason's not a fundementally bad person. He's just been betrayed too many times for someone his age. His mom was a drug addict, and she died. His dad was an abusive father. Bruce was the first real parent Jason ever had, and Bruce replaced him when he died.
My point is, everyone Jason as ever trusted has either turned their backs on him or died. He has attatchment issues, trust issues, parental issues, and so many more I can't even list them all.
He's really fucking smart. (Keep in mind that he was top of all his classes in school.)
Jason is kind, compassionate, empathetic, and loyal. He can be aggressive, brash, and can make fucking stupidass decisions sometimes, but he's still good at heart. He does things with the best intentions (well, now, anyways. Pit Madness made him do some unfavorable things).
Everyone says Jason isn't patient or a planner, but excuse me this is the same Jason as the one who very carefully planned Bruce's death via bomb under the Batmobile, right? Or are you talking about a different Jason. He's careful and thinks things through, planning meticulously at certain points.
Hands down a good Jason song is "I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young.
Tim Drake
HE'S NOT ADDICTED TO CAFFEINE!!! That's a fandom thing that I'm kinda getting sick of seeing everywhere!!!
Tim Drake, self-esteem issues, self-worth issues, and attatchment issues galore. He tends to think himself expendable and unimportant sometimes. He just generally thinks less of himself a percentage of the time.
He's fucking genius. Plans at least three steps ahead of everyone and anyone now, but... He's jaded at times. Very jaded.
Tim tries not to feel at all, sometimes. He closes himself off and distances himself from everyone ever since Kon, Bart, and Stephanie died. Of course, Kon and Bart came back, and Stephanie wasn't ever really dead, but that hardly means anything.
Tim is quiet and introverted, keeps to himself a lot, but that doesn't mean he's timid.
He's smart and he knows it, but he doesn't let that get to his head. He's cool but funny, he's wise but geeky, he's jaded but soft...
Tim is loose. He's still a teenager, albeit a teen who's gone through and seen a lot. He likes having fun.
He's not all shy and unnecessary apologies, he's not so jaded that he speaks down to everyone in clipped tones, he's not gonna go cry in a corner whenever his feelings get hurt, he's not going to have a fit when things go wrong.
Tim is complicated. He's a teenager.
He's serious but relaxed, strict but loose, calculating but calm, realistic but kind.
He's funny, smart, cunning, intellectual, realistic, caring, considerate, compassionate, empathetic, thoughtful...
Yeah uh let me just say there are so many layers to all of these characters it's so amazing and I really delight in them.
Damian Wayne
Damian isn't a stick-up-the-ass jerk, alright?
He's just a kid. A kid who's seen, experienced, and witnessed far too much for someone his age.
Keep that in mind.
He doesn't know what to do or how to behave. He went from the League, which was familiar and what he understood, to Gotham, somewhere unfamiliar and unknown. He had everything he knew stripped away and replaced with things he'd never even heard of, much less experienced.
He tries to hide it all behind a mask of bravado and superiority, but in reality he's lost and confused. He's struggling to adjust but is trying.
He's confused, uncertain, careful, and tentative, but he's also loyal, compassionate, funny, caring (in his own way), thoughtful, and actually charming (again in his own way).
He's struggling to adjust, but he's getting there.
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How after the mixtape are Dean and Cas' romantic feelings not considered canon? That shit was not subtext and even if you disregard the Mary and John Led Zepplin connection, mixtapes are almost exclusively romantic in fiction not to mention the whole returning one as a break up and framing of the scene. I just don't understand how even to the GA that was ambiguous. Honestly these moving goalposts are very confusing to me. Aside from PR not mentioning it I don't get what more the show needs (1/2)
to do, to establish that yes it’s written as romantic but that they are not in the being together stage. We don’t know what will happen in the future but to me 12x19 pretty clearly showed that at least at that point in their relationship, that’s where they were at. I wondered if you had any thoughts on it because it’s been nagging at me for a while? (2/2)
I mean, yeah, I have a LOT of thoughts about it because it was a sea change in the way Destiel presented, for me. There’s been MULTIPLE moments which took it up another notch, at pretty regularly spaced intervals through the show. I know my personal limit, when bingewatching 4-6 for the first time after an unintentional break from the show, was 6x20. Everyone who got into the ship without being prompted has a a moment along the way, whether it was considering all the ship teasing seriously, or thinking something about the narrative, or whatever, got to that moment where they actually hit the goalposts and started taking it seriously. 
I think several of the past moments that I find really important are also statements of intent - 9x18 for me was when I went from casual viewer and while I believed in Destiel I also saw it entirely as a subtextual creation that was not sort of… for serious consideration as a narrative tool/character endgame the show would ever even nod towards at the end of the day… to definitely thinking they were at the very least intentionally building their story with these blocks, and that it was worth investigating and exploring… That was Metatron asking us to consider the subtext and how it was a part of the story. That it wasn’t something that passes by like that but that there is an awareness and that it can and will give the story meaning. The episode being so full of strong Destiel subtext, it put me firmly where I am now in meta fandom with an overnight transformation >.> 
And 10x05 was the other one where there was a serious goalpost, where “Destiel” was said in text and a pseudo Destiel depiction happened on screen… To whatever degree it was jokey or wish fulfilment or could be interpreted this way and that as a statement to how Destiel stood in the text, it gave it a weight and presence it hadn’t had before. Even though fans had had a name for it all along, there’s something very important about naming the thing within the story and even having Sam sound out different versions of the name with pedantic detail. Between that and “I’ll just wait here then” it really established Destiel in the subtextual building blocks of the show in a fascinatingly meta way. 
Then for all the random canon events of maybe extreme shippiness, it was 12x19 that for me was a real SHIFT when it came to perceptions and presentation in the story, because of course even on the surface level it’s an extremely romantic trope to give a mixtape, and ignoring all the other analysis of the scene which only makes it worse, it betrays an enormous amount of emotion and care between Dean and Cas, in a way that’s coded strongly to our cultural perceptions as a romantic gesture having passed between them. Which means it’s another goal scored when it comes to… upping the ante of not-quite-canon-ness? 
I sort of feel like Cas’s death and return and all the connected stuff from the moment he’s stabbed through Dean saying “I do” and hugging him under the romeo+juliet glowing neon cross was either a further upping of the ante, or just showing us how to play in the rules which now exist post-mixtape, where this is the level of implied canon it’s at now… 
I mean I honestly keep saying and I mean it that pretty much since the mixtape or 12x23 I’ve been quite lost about how to handle Destiel in the sense that these were goalposts I didn’t even know I would expect the show to meet, or that if they did it would be the implied canon ending of the show where it gives us an equivalent gesture and leaves us to wonder what it was about. Instead it happens at this point and we’ve got over a season of Dean n Cas portrayed as exasperated husbands and all my interest and expertise in lawyering subtext to prove how gay it is has been left behind in its wake, so I’m just here to enjoy myself and see how it pans out now, because I set my own personal goalposts of what I assumed the show would do much lower than what Dabb set? Like, the reverse problem of people who keep moving them rather than examine the subtext and see what it says fairly without trying to lawyer their way out of what all these implications are instead. :P
But at least the mixtape made it very clear to me that you can now sort out the people who will NEVER accept something as good enough proof that the show even has romantic subtext for Dean n Cas and refuse to understand why people see it or ship it. To discount that entire conversation and the clearly expressed feelings of concern for each other, regardless of shipping, in order to claim that they don’t mean that much to each other and it’s ooc to suggest otherwise, means they’re doing the harder work when it comes to interpretation and THAT is a flipping of the stances from pre-mixtape where plausible deniability and doubt and stuff all mixed together to make it at least an awkward sell to people who hadn’t thought of it that way yet, and empowered people who wilfully didn’t want to see it. 
The Cas death arc just gave us more fodder for where shippers do less work than people who actively want to deny that Dean cares. 
But for general audiences, I think it’s quite easy to get stuck at the stage where I was pre-9x18 where Dean n Cas might even seem to be somewhat a ~confirmed couple~ except that people will lend it no credit to intent or their importance to each other in the emotional endgame, just for reasons of it not being done, or not thinking it’s possible, or in general not putting in the attention and time to piece together the relationship that a definitive canon statement would cause them to do a double take on. And that even if they then say they knew it all along, because many of these goalposts are unmissable in some senses, the credibility lent to the ship is fully missable without knowing to give it. Which is the whole problem, really. 
I’ve known the show long enough to feel its old school bones pretty deeply so I feel like that affects my personal perspective on… owedness of canon or where I started to take it seriously, and how much of the old gods of TV vs new gods possibility I would casually see in its genetic makeup. So 12x19 - being written by the new gods of TV - took the show a step further as Dabb seems to be the first showrunner of that generation of TV writers vs the ones who would play the subtext game forever - and that’s really unsettling to me. In the sense that there’s some sort of storytelling subversion thing going on here and my understanding is still kinda maybe rooted in an older postmodern take than what might end up being labelled something entirely new by future scholars… And a lot of that to me is in expectations and tropes no longer being what they were and I end up thinking of all the factors from the mass-saturation of media vs everything having to be new and individual to be considered worthy, to the effect of the internet, and the political climate in America, and the world the younger millennial writers grew up in (and we can see that literally warring with Buckleming’s old school writing in the show), and not just storytelling but representation of all walks of marginalised life coming into it, and it’s all a bunch of stuff that probably soon there’ll be a bunch of interesting scholarship on, but in the mean time we’re all riding the wave and in my personal experience I feel like we don’t even know what our surfboards are any more. 
I mean 12x23 seriously knocked me into orbit when it came to my understanding of the show, and I haven’t recovered yet. And since I spend a lot of time over-thinking as a matter of course, this is a tiny percentage of the ridiculous musings I have on it all and why I can’t just get mad at it for goalpost issues, and why I feel people lag behind and stuff. I feel like WE are lagging behind, even the people who claim to know everything about the show and analyse it all the time, and the best we can do is take it as it comes and see… But this is very much an utter fascination with watching Dabb era shed Carver era’s subtext cocoon and start testing its bizarre, mirrored, fractal wings.
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newamsterdame · 6 years
I haven't been able to go on Tumblr on desktop in awhile so maybe there's a link for it already somewhere- and I'm sorry if there is and I missed it- but do you have a Patreon? Or does Ko-fi have an option to do automatic monthly payments? (Or does Ko-fi not take as much of a percentage?I don't know much about sites like those to be honest. If it doesn't I could just do it manually) (1/2)
I guess what I mostly wanted to express was that every piece of writing you’ve done on Bakugou has effected me positively in ways I don’t think I’d ever be able to put into words. Life changing ways that help your own perspective clear up, I suppose would be one way to describe it. I’m between switching jobs so I don’t know when I could, but I’d like to throw money at you and continue to do so to support the art you make (2/2)
so first off, this message made me tear up in its kindness, so thank you for that. i’m so grateful that my work could have a positive impact on you. that really means the world to me. 
secondly, thank you for even expressing that you’d like to support me! for the most part, i write stories so that people will read them. i prefer not to put any work up behind a paywall (and can’t create content consistently enough to justify doing so), and so i don’t have a patreon! i wouldn’t really have anything to put up as incentives. aside from zines, i don’t want people to have to pay to access my work, at least at this time.
that being said, i’m happy to be tipped if that’s how people would like to show their appreciation for my work, and so ko-fi works best for me right now. as far as i know they don’t have a regular charge/subscription model. but i’m grateful for anything you’d like to give, no matter how much/little or how often.
thanks again for your kinds words and consideration! i truly appreciate it.
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kawaiiwamine · 7 years
A♥️, 3♥️, 4♥️, 6♥️, 8♥️, 9♥️, 10♥️, Q♥️, K♥️, all of the clubs and diamonds, 2♠️, 3♠️, 5♠️, 6♠️, 7♠️, 8♠️, 9♠️, 10♠️, J♠️, Q♠️, K♠️ I'M KINDA SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY BUT why choose if i don't really have to i'm craving that iwasweetie content,
👀 here we go
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
While Shuu had noticed people’s attractiveness before, the first person he ever actually crushed on was Kawara Ryuuji.
3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love?
He’d be shocked, then either flatted or elated (depending on whether he reciprocates) but also a little dubious. He wouldn’t straight up call you a liar, but he would be a little bit like “Are you sure though?”
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Shuu likes the fantasy of Having A Family™ in the sense that it’s supposed to be a sign you have your life together. He definitely at least wants to get married. He’s not the kind of person who needs to have kids, but he’s not strictly opposed either. He’s incredibly nervous about the idea, but if you have enough confidence to make up for it and it’s important enough to you, you can probably convince him.
6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done?
He has recurring donations for several charities of different kinds, enough to be a not insignificant part of his paycheck. He doesn’t live in an apartment as nice as he could technically afford and he doesn’t spend a lot on himself, so whatever is leftover after bills and savings is usually donated.
As for actual work, he’ll lend his time to just about anyone. Of course, health-related charities are closest to his heart.
8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations?
Not always the best. He’s kind of an awkward ninny, and he knows it. He can actually have periods of confidence (and even... dare I say it... charisma) if he knows what he’s talking about really well. Otherwise, he’s not usually actively bad but if he starts tripping up, it will probably get worse before it gets better.
9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone?
Oh, you betcha. Kawara Ryuuji being the most notable. Of course, Shuu never actually asked, so he assumes it was unrequited. But the sad thing is he probably wouldn’t have wanted his feelings to be returned because he wouldn’t want to be a homewrecker. Then again, that’s just what he would say now. Whether he would actually have that self-restraint in the moment is up for debate.
10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to?
A group of friends invited him with them to a party. It sounded like he was going to get laid but then everyone got fucked up on drugs and he got the hell out of dodge when they decided that throwing glassware at each other was the cool new sport.
Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about?
Hitori, honestly. I know I’m HitoShuu trash but really, that guy just means so much to him.
K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent?
He’s a smart cookie! He’s better at some subjects than others (math is his weakness, sorry Hitori) but if he puts enough effort in, he can pick things up pretty damn quick.
2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most?
If you start talking about microbiology you better be ready to be there all day because he will not stop.
3♣️ - How creative is your muse?
He doesn’t consider himself an artist at all. He’s not the kind of person “understands” art. And he doesn’t really have any artistic talent at all. But you do have to have some creativity to be an effective researcher, so don’t discredit him too much!
4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for?
He loves pretty much all sciences, but if I had to name just one field it would be toxicology.
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
He wants to be healthier, and he wants to try to be more in-tune with himself. Meaning that he wants to figure out what he wants because he’s not sure.
6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out?
He can be a little dense, so they’re not usually very helpful.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
The most trapped he’s ever felt was when he was in his bad depression. He was sure he’d never be able to get out of there.
Other than that, does bondage count?
8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about?
That you’re a beautiful person who deserves to be happy.
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
Well, he doesn’t like to brag, but getting hired for a job at a leading research facility at seven years old is a hell of an accomplishment.
10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip?
You’re so funny.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Ding dong it’s Hitori again.
Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming?
Some may consider his awkwardness to be endearing.
K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
Extremely. Dishonesty is one thing that really bothers him.
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received?
The one from the Hawk Party telling him they wanted to pull him out of school to work for them.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
It’s nice to have, certainly, and he appreciates being able to splurge on himself once in a while. But he really just wants to be able to pay his bills.
3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision?
He tries to think things through as logically and objectively as he can. He’ll even make a pro/con list if he has to.
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
It depends. He’s usually pretty patient, unless it’s something like learning a new skill. Since he’s used to being so smart, he can get frustrated pretty quickly if he doesn’t pick something up quick enough. Intellectually he knows that he just needs to practice and that he can’t be a savant at everything he touches, but emotionally the feeling of being inept at something really upsets him.
5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans?
He prefers to put extra effort into a plan and then feel confident sticking with it than run on instinct and change shit up on the fly. But he’s not too much of a fool to know when changing plans is the right course of action.
6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money?
Yes, he takes it very seriously. He keeps careful track of all his bills and always sets a certain percentage into savings.
7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck?
He considers his depression to be his low point obviously, but he would say that being born to real shitty parents and then almost getting blown up was a pretty unlucky way to start his life.
8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor?
He has found beans on his desk on Legumentine’s. A considerate gesture, or a secret admirer...? Who knows?
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
I can’t find enough information to estimate a number for you unfortunately, but as far as luxuries go: he tends to spend little overall with small periods of splurging every so often. Not splurging as in buying a new car, but more like getting a few new shirts, or getting that cute skirt he saw in a window, or taking a trip to the bookstore.
 10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse?
Honestly? He’s not doing too bad. His apartment is small but nice, and as mentioned before he could actually probably afford an even better one if he cared to. And since he doesn’t spend a whole lot, he’s got a respectable amount in savings by now.
J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with?
Store-wise? Aside from the grocer, probably the bookstore.
Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip?
Shuu hates gossiping, but I’m sure he’s been the subject of it. Especially when he worked with Tohri, like are you kidding me? Every day with that nonsense. And who knows what kind of rumors the students come up with.
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
Either a pharmacy or, considering he doesn’t bake nearly as often as he wishes he did, a cake shop.
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
He is an introvert, so he’ll get tired and stressed if he goes too long without privacy. He’d like to get a good few hours to himself every day if possible. It still counts if he’s working.
3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry?
Shuu hates to cry in front of people, and even if it’s someone he trusts he’ll still feel bad about it. But he’s a sensitive baby, so...
5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way?
The biggest change was when he lost his job at the Hawks. Once he was ready to start looking for a new job, he decided that it needed to be something he wouldn’t obsess over. He knew he needed to start having a life outside of work. That’s been one hell of a process.
6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny?
He doesn’t really care either way. He’s just trying to get through the day.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
Don’t assume that there’s alway going to be a “later”. Life hits you hard and fast.
8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for?
Figuring out how to be happy is his biggest challenge right now. Not that he’s always in the piss bucket and never has a day of levity in his life, but he’s still in the process of getting himself together, mentally.
9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change?
His parents instilled a lot of things in him. He might say it didn’t have an effect on him, but those are some of the most formative years of your life. His mother in particular definitely said and did a lot of things that shoved him into a mold (that he never would have fit in) of what he was supposed to be.
10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief?
He doesn’t, not really. He bottles it up and hides it away when he’s around anyone else, and then has a breakdown when he’s alone. But he won’t want to be alone - chances are he’ll throw himself into work.
J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with?
He’d probably end up hanging out with the wrong crowd, feel pressured to stand by and get caught up as an accomplice.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
If you know enough about him to know his buttons, it’s almost scary how pliable he is.
K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
That more people don’t realize how biology is.
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miriamjhmh835-blog · 7 years
You Don't Have To Be A Big Corporation To Have A Great Lotto Dominator
I heard someone ask, "How do you win the lottery?", as if there have been a method you could comply with to ensure success in a sport of blind luck. After some consideration, although, I realized that there was a great answer to the question: Don't play. The reason lotteries exist is as a result of they're profitable; in different phrases, they create in more cash than they pay out. If this was not the case, the lottery would go bankrupt and would not have enough cash to pay the winners. So, as a whole, the people who play the lottery lose cash. The odds are simply not of their favor. Lotteries will often record the odds of winning as something like "1 in 36", that means one ticket out of each 36 will win. What they imply by that's simply the odds of winning one thing. In the event you get a couple of matching numbers and win $three, meaning you won something. And, in reality, almost every single winner in a lottery is of the only-digit variety: $3, $four, maybe $7. If you spend $36 on the lottery and buy 36 tickets, you will, on common, win one time, and that winning ticket will nearly at all times be of the $three or $four variety. Congratulations, you just lost $33. After all, no one plays the lottery to win the $3 prize; they play to win the jackpot. The purpose is to make an unfathomable sum of money so to retire and stay on a beach somewhere and have servants hand-feed you whatever it is that wealthy folks eat. That's the reason so many people spend billions, collectively, on lottery tickets every year. So what are the percentages of really winning the lottery--you realize, hitting the jackpot? Basically, zero. Oh, sure, people do win, occasionally. It will probably occur. But for all sensible purposes, no, it won't occur to you. Two of the most important lottery packages, Powerball and Mega Tens of millions, offer the actually enormous jackpots, with payouts that you truly might stay off of for the rest of your life in millionaire model. The explanation the jackpots are so immense is as a result of, for the most half, nobody wins them. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people shopping for tickets throughout a number of states, and but every lottery regularly goes weeks with out having a single jackpot winner. How is that possible? Don't worry, this is not a conspiracy. The lack of winners just isn't solely entirely attainable, it's possible. The lottery commissions know that, often, nobody will win, as a result of the chance of somebody winning are so small. For Powerball, the odds of winning the jackpot with any given ticket are 1 in 146,107,962. For Mega Hundreds of thousands, the odds are 1 in one hundred seventy five,711,536. Both of these work out to, basically, zero chance. Let me put that in perspective for you. There are, roughly, 290 million individuals within the United States. Two of those individuals are the film stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. So, the percentages that the following one who knocks in your entrance door is either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie are about 2 in 290,000,000, which is the same as saying 1 in 145,000,000. Which is about the identical as the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot (1 in 146,107,962). Is Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie going to knock in your door? Is there any remote likelihood of that in any respect? No? Nicely, that is the identical odds you have of winning Powerball. With Mega Thousands and thousands, your odds are even decrease. (Take into accout, with this example, it has to be both Brad or Angelina. So, even if Tom Cruise or Katie Holmes had been to knock in your door--which is, of course, not going to occur--but even if it did happen, you continue to would not have won the lottery. Additionally, it must be the very next one who knocks. So, in case your neighbor comes over to borrow your ladder, and then Brad Pitt shows up, you continue to lost. Thanks for playing.) Unlikely? Properly, even Bruce Willis has never won the lottery. Chuck Norris, perhaps, however not Bruce Willis. Unlikely? Still think you may have any likelihood in any respect of winning? Let's strive another examples. Do you, personally, have any shot of ever dating a supermodel? Properly, you are 2,000 times extra more likely to date a famous supermodel than to pick a winning Mega Hundreds of thousands ticket (1 in 88,000). Ever been struck by lightning? Fortunate you. It's over 250 occasions as probably as having the winning Powerball numbers (1 in 576,000). Remember the film Armageddon? The chances of such an asteroid really hitting Earth in your lifetime and killing you might be estimated at 8,800 occasions extra likely than winning Mega Millions (1 in 20,000). And that even requires the impossibility that Bruce Willis would actually fail at something.
Of course, that is all primarily based on the percentages for a single ticket. You may wonder, what if I buy a number of tickets? Won't my odds be increased? Well, certain, if you wish to throw extra money at an impossibility. The percentages might change, but the expected return on your money remains to be the same. Here is what lotto dominator I imply: if you want to buy extra tickets and improve your odds, you could simply go all the way in which and buy each potential ticket--all 175,711,536 number combinations in Mega Thousands and thousands, for example. Then your odds of winning would be 1 in 1; you'll be assured to win the jackpot. Good for you! And it only value you $one hundred seventy five,711,536! But wait--the payout isn't normally $175 million. So, even when the jackpot is a respectable $50 million or $one hundred million, you simply misplaced a lot of money. And even if the jackpot is $175 million, you still misplaced cash, because you don't get to keep the entire jackpot. If you would like the money now, and take the "lump sum" option, then your payout is barely more than half that amount: about $a hundred million. And that is before taxes. After tax, we're speaking about $seventy two million or so. You simply won the lottery, and misplaced over $one hundred million in the process. That is an funding return of -fifty nine%. The only solution to even break even on this scenario is if the jackpot is over $423 million--which is increased than the biggest lottery jackpot, ever. And even then, if someone else additionally buys a winning ticket, you must split the earnings. In different words, making an attempt to win the lottery is a dropping proposition. It doesn't make sense financially, regardless of how giant the jackpot or how many tickets you purchase, and the percentages of picking the winning numbers are essentially zero. As one final piece of proof, I current to you this--one among several stories I have seen about people winning the lottery without even shopping for a ticket. As soon as in an incredible while, somebody simply finds a winning lottery ticket. Which means that, technically, the percentages of winning the lottery without ever buying a ticket are greater than zero. Probably 1 in a billion, however still greater than zero. And for the reason that odds of buying a winning ticket are also nearly zero, you possibly can say that somebody has about the identical chance of winning the lottery whether or not they ever purchase a ticket or not. So, how do you win the lottery? Don't play.
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