#but i dont rly have a lot of time so anyone who wants to show me their blorbinas is more than welcome :)
I hope it’s okay to send stuff even though the competition is over but have you seen Grimme from Alchemy Stars… they really released the handsomest girl ever after it was over 😭 I just thought you’d appreciate her
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she didnt even get a chance.... dw theres always next year 🥺
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Yesterday i got the craziest message out of the blue .. My ex bf from 2011-2013's other ex gf who he was with before me hit me up to say that he got arrested?? And that her and like 5 other people are pressing charges against him for assault spanning across all different periods of time.. it's really wild idk how to feel. She said if i feel comfortable i can give my own testimony for when they go to court , even tho i dont live in england anymore.. Im like yeah honestly i will because like this dude is so unrelentingly violent and scary he legit almost killed me it was so extreme, i've known a lot of corrupt ppl but he is the only one i've always thought needs to be locked away from society like it's a murder scene waiting to happen not to mention he is just a straightup rapist
it's crazy too cus like 4 or 5 nights ago i had a dream that me and him and the girl who messaged me were all watching videos of ourselves in that time period like i even posted about it on here. i thought it was just a typical trauma processing dream not an actual premonition of something i would have to revisit irl
She said something about how she'd been looking back in her old fb messages with him to help paint a picture of the timeline so out of morbid curiosity today i checked to see if i still had ours. Sure enough i do, i've never looked at them retroactively before, but holy shit like... He is so much more of a monster than i even remembered, i dont get triggered easily anymore but it genuinely hurt my heart to see how horrible he was. Every conversation is just him snapping at me because i didnt respond to him fast enough or something so minor, and the whole time im just trying to apologize and de-escalate but it makes him more and more furious. the day before i was about to fly to london to move back in with him he was threatening to kill himself because i was going to my friends house to say bye to them. He was like "You're going to a party i just know it you're lying to me you'd never tell me you're really going to a party because you know i'm suicidal you've ruined my night you're a piece of shit" Like this was the NIGHT before i was about to leave everything behind just for him
i'm like rly shocked at everything i saw in that convo today im not even scratching the surface with this post. Anyways i guess it's cool that there is some justice happening right now and the people who survived him have been able to band together to try and ensure he can't hurt anyone else in the future. i rly wish none of us ever had to go thru any of that tho ugh i was so young i just really had no idea and it fucked me up for many many years afterwards. ive come a long way tho .
ill probly delete later cus idk who lurks this blog. i prefer not to show weakness :K But yeah.. just wanted to express this crazy unexpected life event and get it off my chest while its fresh
Peace and love !!!
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
I will give you a shiny quarter if you explain Morrowind to me like I’m five (pretty please)
its is quite difficult given i dont know how complex of topics 5 year olds can understand. but i can try to explain it in the most simple way possible because i explain it regularly to one of my roommates and wife who do not understand elder scrolls lore at all. be warned: this is still gonna be long and weird bc the story is long and weird.
(also excuse the swearing i wouldnt swear like this to a 5 year old)
a long long times ago, some 3000+ years before the game actually starts, there was a dude named nerevar. he made friends with some dwarves (dwemer) who lived underground and united the whole country of resdayn (later renamed to morrowind) to drive out the nords who had taken over. he also had a rly cool ring named moon-and-star, which was magic and let you be really persuasive, but he also enchanted it to kill anyone besides him wearing it so it couldnt be misused. this is relevant later
well he married the queen almalexia and made a big council of important people mostly made up of his buddies. he called it the first council and important people on it were his bestie voryn, his wife almalexia, and two younger friends sotha sil and vivec, along with the king of the dwemer dumac and dumac's mage kagrenac (the dwarves use weird magic with sound. if i go into details this will get very confusing).
for like 200 years because elves live for a long time, everything was pretty alright.
but it turns out the nords were there for a reason. they were looking for the heart of a dead god. the god's name for the sake of the story is lorkhan, but different places call him different things like shor or shezzar. the nords worshipped lorkhan and wanted to bring him back or something (probably, or at least just find it because hey thats their guy). but after 200 years of peace the dwemer found it underground in a volcano they lived in. and kagrenac had an Idea
the idea was to build a really cool really powerful giant robot mecha god (because the dwemer were really steampunk) to protect them. and it would be powered by the heart lorkhan.
voryn, nerevar's bestie, ended up finding out about this and told nerevar "hey the dwemer are up to something weird". and nerevar went "huh? they are?" and went to ask his goddess, azura, who knows a lot of things. azura said "yeah they are. stop them. what the fuck" and so nerevar went to his other bestie dumac.
and nerevar told dumac "hey why the fuck are you building a giant robot god?" and dumac's reply was "nerevar what the fuck are you talking about?" and nerevar, being mad his friend was Lying to him (maybe dumac didn't know. we dunno) because he already had multiple people confirm they were in fact doing that, he told dumac their friendship was over and kicked him off the first council and they went to war.
the details here get fuzzy. the nords showed up and joined in. the dwemer had steampunk robots everywhere. cat people showed up because why not. there were orcs there too. it was a big clusterfuck and there were different accounts of what happened. some people say voryn was fighting alongside the dwarves. some say he was fighting with the nords. some say he was fighting alongside nerevar. its hard to tell.
but most accounts have one thing kind of in common that a lot of the fandom agrees on: kagrenac grabbed their three cool tools to control the heart of a god, banged on it really hard, and then every single dwemer (except for one who was on holiday) vanished in an instant. and everyone was pretty confused by that, not really knowing what else to do. they now had a giant robot, the heart of a god, and 3 tools to wack the heart with to make weird shit happen.
so nerevar, unsure, said "hey voryn watch the tools for me." and left voryn with the tools and the heart. voryn said they should just destroy the tools, but nerevar wanted a few different opinions before just chucking them in lava or whatever. but while he was gone voryn started fucking around with the tools and the heart to see what would happen.
nerevar asked his buddies. almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil said they can use the tools to help resdayn/morrowind. nerevar didnt know if that was a good idea or not, so he asked azura. azura said "fuck no, dont ever do that". so nerevar made his friends pinkie promise him on azura's behalf not to use the tools on the heart.
and then again the accounts get weird here. some say nerevar died in battle against the dwarves/nords. some say voryn killed him. some say his friends (almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil) killed him. but regardless nerevar and voryn died. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec had the tools. and they decided to use them on the heart and became gods.
this pissed azura off. they pinkie promised. what the fuck. so she made all the elves that lived there into dark elves. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec became known as the tribunal and said "we dont need you anymore azura fuck off" and became living gods who could help their people and preform miracles! though they needed to take the tools up to red mountain and recharge their batteries on the heart regularly. azura tells them "nerevar will be back one day and beat all your asses" and made a whole prophecy about it called the nerevarine prophecy (reincarnations get the name+'ine' tacked on in the elder scrolls)
also the tribunal destroy voryn's house/family, the sixth great house of morrowind, house dagoth. just destroy it all. kill a bunch of ppl and the others kinda go somewhere else if they lived. because they sided with voryn or whatever and were deemed traitors
a bunch of other shit happens. septim empire rises to the throne. vivec trades the not working robot to tiber septim who makes it work with a bootleg wish version of the heart of a god and takes over. more time passes. its now the third era and its been 3500 years.
the protagonist is a prisoner who is released from their sentence in morrowind because the current emperor wants to use the prophecy to keep a better hold on morrowind politically. the protagonist was chosen because part of the prophecy is being born under a specific astrology sign and not knowing who your parents are. which could be anyone but y'know.
so the protag/nerevarine has to do a bunch of shit and finds out through weird dreams, oh hey, voryn's back. he's calling himself a god and dagoth ur now. asking nerevar to call him back, go grab the tools, and come meet him at red mountain. also maybe get married to or hook up with him or something. nerevarine thinks that's weird and ends up finding out dagoth ur has also unleashed a plague onto morrowind which turns you into scary eldritch monsters. and then one of dagoth ur's minions infects you with it.
nerevarine finds a cure which makes you not go insane and not turn into a big scary monster. but leaves all the cool shit of "you cant catch any other disease" and "you will never age". the never aging and getting diseases thing was also part of the prophecy. cool.
then the nerevarine needs to go to the nomadic ashlanders who live up north where theres a bunch of ash (hence the name) and worship azura (and the two other og gods) and ask all four tribes to name them nerevarine. they all think youre stupid because an outlander (someone not born and raised in morrowind) cant be the nerevarine. but you find an original copy of the prophecy and go "nuh-uh, i can be" and also go find the moon-and-star ring only nerevar can wear. then they go "well shit" and have you go a bunch of quests and then decide you're cool enough to be nerevarine.
then the nerevarine goes and convinces the three great houses you can talk to (the other two are on the mainland) to name you hortator, which is a war lord/classic roman definition of dictator, and it was the title nerevar had. you do some stuff, kill some guys, boom--named hortator.
then vivec hears about this and calls you in and says "well i guess you are the one doing the prophecy huh. look i need you to kill dagoth ur he's dangerous. here's our plan, are you in? i can give you one of the tools of kagrenac, you need to get the other two from dagoth ur's goons, and then kill dagoth ur's weird brothers he has put his power into. then bang on the heart with the tools and cut him off". vivec then teaches the nerevarine how to use the tools.
you can also just like. kill vivec and take the tool. you wont know how to use it tho and if you use it wrong you will take so much damage you die really fast. if you do this you can go to the only living dwarf who also has that disease but hasnt lost his mind and ask him how to use it and he'll be like "UHHHHHH i'll see what i can. fucking do i guess. i didnt make this." and he'll jerry rig it for you.
then you can kill voryn's brothers or not (you'll need to kill at least 2 for the other tools) and then march up to red mountain. dagoth ur will then be like "yo. are you really nerevar?" and you can say yeah or no or idk. and then have a conversation. and then you fight. but after you kill him he's not really dead, so you gotta run up and start wacking that heart while he yells at you to knock it the fuck off. and then he's cut off from the heart, you run away, and he falls in lava and dies.
and then azura shows up and goes "hey thanks man i have some other shit for you to do though". after which you can do some other content or play the dlc.
thats morrowind baby
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kamil-a · 8 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
742 earthstained notes
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
53 earthstained notes
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
252 earthstained notes
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
omgomg i’m so interesting in you usagi/tmnt iteration!!!
okok first what’s like.. the starting point/inciting incident of the story if there is one?
second what are the characters personalities/inerests like?
HAIIII excitedly kicking my legs
the start of the main plot is when usagi goes back in time and is forced into the tmnt’s era of time ,,, he accidentally comes across an ancient relic in the woods with spot (these woods are made of massive ancient trees with equally expansive entangled roots , like if the ocean itself had been a forest instead of filled with water it is kinda horrifying) and it takes him and spot back to the tmnt era , before the relic itself was even created
i do plan on making a comic for this so it wont start out immediately like that but itll have some like . oneshots/episodic comics of usagi’s adventures before that happens, similar to usagi yojimbo’s way of storytelling
most similar to usagi yojimbo, a mature but still like . silly kinda guy ! in the usagi era he takes joy in chatting with people he meets on his travels, incredibly polite, loves to tell stories of myths and gods to children
although most of his days are spent alone with spot , his steed (spot is like horse sized)
he tends not to attach to people or things very much because he knows how easy it is to lose everything, so as much as he enjoys talking to people, he keeps his distance.
he doesnt dedicate himself to being a hero or anything … he will help if he feels people need the help but all hes really trying to do is survive on his own
hes basically like a formless side character . forced bystander in this story
its for the character development i promise
hes the leader/general of an army, a bit harsh in his personality, doesnt want to be approachable or get close with anyone
hes stern and quiet and kind of a workaholic, his brothers think he needs a life outside of being a leader and Only a leader
tired ! so very tired !
a lot of shit that he internalizes
however a very strong leader and strategist, he is well trusted by those who follow him and they know that his main priority is to get everyone out Alive, more than fight for their cause
he protects fiercely , just insanely bad at showing it . the worst at social things out of all his brothers easily
forced to be an adult at a young age so he never rly got the chance to form a personality outside of his responsibilities
she likes reading in her lonesome though
theyre the sibling that goes out the most and interacts with people on personal levels the most out of everyone ! they have a good rep in the general yokai public !
they do have problems with anger but a lot of the time they channel it into training newbie recruits , the main motivational speaker , they know how to encourage and pump ppl up
a bit recklessly bouncy in how they fight, imagine rottmnt mikey’s energy with mutant mayhem raph’s enjoyment of fighting
the most down to earth out of all their siblings . arguably the most mentally stable out of necessity
they love feeding pigeons and they teach lion dancing to a children’s dance group in the city !
obnoxiously gen z . good god . insanely chronically online . most similar to mutant mayhem donnie
he doesnt go out like whatsoever Partially bc he has chronic fatigue syndrome and its easier for him to just stay home, partially bc his brothers are over protective of him and dont want him fighting in the war
so he helps from afar, piloting drones, targeting firearms into battle, building gear for everyone
he likes engaging in arguments online . most exciting thing to him . little fuckass teenager this guy
kendra is his worst online enemy and rival but also like . his only friend . rly sad . joking is his coping mechanism
he loves researching and learning things, it takes up most of his time when he finds a topic to extensivelt research and take notes on
his main interests are the usual coding, engineering, etc As well as the inner workings of mystic power
most sociable next to raph !! a very altruistic spirit
he’s most similar to idw mikey i think , most upbeat and relaxed kinda nature !
However . he’s not at all as emotionally aware as any other iteration mikey
he’s very strong in his opinions, stubborn about being right, can very easily fall into a black and white point of view about things, its hard to get thru to him
he loves to dance the most, its how he uses his mystic power
whew okay yeah they might not be the Most accurate bc im still ironing out the main traits but here they areee
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ca-suffit · 2 months
all this comic con content has been so incredibly boring and okay yeah jacob isnt there but you dont have to pretend that Louis doesnt exist? Especially when they keep asking the same season 3 questions over and over again to people who havent seen a season 3 script yet what are you hoping to gain by this :tears my hair out:
season 2 just finished, talk about it! We're just going in circles about future rockstat or dm or maybe ghost claudia or what the hell ever when they could talk about when Claudia was very much alive. The vibes are just rancid
diff ask: "I know people want to yell at anyone for "doomposting" nevermind 97% of this fanbase is more excited for TVL than literally anything but literally nothing I've read gives me hope sorry. Even this comiccon stuff it's like blah blah Lestat & the trial blah blah guilt blah blah rockstar blah dm blah lesmand blah. Both reps for the show and the fanbase alike seems perfectly content to remove Louis from his narrative and it's incredibly nasty business. We can ask "what does Claudia think of Lestat for the 6000th time" but no mention of Louis like oh ok."
I mean, we've had stuff back and forth here about how ppl felt about whether we got enough louis at comic con or not, so I'm not rly gonna comment on that myself. I want ppl to feel how they feel about it and have a place to express it where ur not being condescended to.
I do think a lot of the focus of comic con and most interviews is solely to market shit and not go much deeper than that. we def *could* but.....unfortunately that's not often what we're getting. I'm dying too, I wish we had better ppl at least doing these fan interviews on the side. combining both types of interviews into "nothing is ever being said anyway" makes it all fucking suck when the show is *so* rich for things to talk about.
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modernghostfare · 9 months
Speaking about Price coke anxiety. Drug headcanons go who smokes what
okay okay. i talked it out w cero bc i rly do have a LOT of feelings about like. esp price and ghosts drug use/views. im gonna start w price bc i was thinking about him this morning. also putting this under a readmore bc it got long also, obvi, tw drugs
so like price as a person is very impulsive and very, very indulgent but i think those are traits that he Doesn't want people to recognize in him. he doesnt Want to be seen that way he wants to be seen as a very noble person. ALL THIS to say i think like when he was younger, fresh in the military, needing a way to stay awake he would use coke for that and it just turned into very frequent, regular use of cocaine to keep him awake and also just bc he Likes it hes an adrenaline junkie. he likes the confidence boost coke brings. but people like macmillan wouldnt like that bc he would See his potential and would wean him off a more frequent use and i think nowadays price would be like. really embarrassed by this past issue of his bc it shows a lack of control that he, like, would hate for others to see. but he will still enjoy coke if someone has some to share. and its a cycle for him, do coke, get anxious on top of his Already pretty high anxiety (i think he just lives with a constant sense of doom), smoke weed to try to calm himself. sometimes weed makes him paranoid too but. well. deal with the cards he is handed.
GHOST is like. oh my god.. his feelings about drugs.. itd be easy to say hes anti drug bc of his upbringing but i just dont think hed skew that way. i think it would show more in his, like, feeling of superiority over "addicts." bc hes functional and holding down a job and hes not "addicted" to anything esp not "bad drugs" like heroin. i think esp downers he looks down on (except weed bc he likes weed so that makes it okay). of course hes doing coke w price.
and uh speaking of downers soap in his og journal mentions really liking oxys and i could still see newsoap being into like prescription drugs. bc i think hed be more anxious about like being Caught and being kicked out than price and ghost bc price and ghost have. like. safety nets of people looking out for them. and people whose piss they can use and soap wouldnt trust others to be clean like that. because of who he is around. oxys, xanax (bc he probably actually does need xanax,), and mayb adderall. if hes not already prescribed adderall. it would be cute if he had undiagnosed adhd and he keeps taking adderall hes bought off someone else like "yeah idk i feel more focused"
gaz is like.. a super neutral party in my head. his drug usage is very social by nature, if its around him and its offered to him he will try it. however hes also very like, strict about his usage like he will do a bump of coke ONCE he will smoke ONE blunt because he doesnt really super care to be high. esp weed. sometimes weed lasts too long for him and it starts to get on his nerves. his biggest vice is probably just normal smoking, either from vaping or regular cigarettes, but he isnt like stressed about it. i mean hes around price all the time dude is huffing cigars like he'll die without them so even if he was worried about lung cancer or even just lung capacity he wouldnt stop smoking.
as for the rest of sas i think the only person regularly doing drugs is otter. meth bc its cheaper. thorne WOULD NOT bc hed be an antidrug type but i think also really like is not an asshole about it hes not giving anyone any speeches unless they ask for one. charly doesnt care much either way but she wont do any hard drugs.
nikto can be summed up like this:
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I DONT WANT THIS TO GET TOO LONG !!!!!!! i might make a tier list actually of the others. maybe. if needed. the only other main point i want to make is nikolai is price's plug and thats why hes able to continuously get drugs.
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desire-mona · 6 months
yooo hello fellow allison cameron is a lesbian enthusiast!
i was wondering if you would like to be mutuals?
i need more house obsessed mutuals that i can yap to! and you seem v cool too:)
(hope that this doesn’t come across as weird)
YES HIIIIIIII!!!!!!! im using this opportunity to talk abt comphet!cam bc shes soooooo on the mind, i thiiiiink i stole this point from @blue-boulder in case u want another lesbian cam mutual
camerons comphet was so on display basically the entire time she was on the show to the point where its comical. first of all her "relationship" with chase (or lackthereof) being PURELY sexual and based off the fact that she was just bored and saw him as suitable enough. r u kidding me. also the only other time where she had sex with a man (still chase, womp womp #chasehater) being when shes high. exploding at that. and also side eyeing chase soooooo fucking hard, that man has zero understanding of how consent works.
i think cameron and wilson have a lot in common in terms of their reasoning for why they get with/ are drawn to the people they are. and thats also a big part of wilson comphet too, bc they both rly like feeling needed. now ofc cam goes abt it in a much better way bc she doesnt cheat on anyone, but you can tell with her marriage, while not lacking love, was most certainly based off of her desire to be someones lifeline per se. her brief sorta fling with that charity guy in that one episode is another example of this as well, but i do think another factor was her admiration for his morals and character. and again with house, which i will always laugh at because if that isnt the biggest case of "i can fix him" in the entire world then idk what is. wilson however just kinda gets with women who need him (or who he perceives as needing him) and then gets bored when they. dont. speaking very surface level bc this post isnt abt him. either way, wilson could learn a thing or two from cam in the comphet department i suppose. i really really wish we got more of cameron, if she stayed thru the whole series i think a whole lot of my life problems would be alleviated at the very least. i wanna see her get a girl crush!!
also, she absolutely 100% dresses like a queer woman, even for the early 2000s, like look at this
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because wdym waistcoat and white button down with puffy sleeves.
n e way not a super in depth analysis cuz im kinda spitballing and not in a place of house md analysing but its good enough. hello new mutual!!!
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quodekash · 1 year
its 1pm and im finally well-rested enough to watch last nights episode of abaab, wish me luck (im rly excited for more threezo pls gimme more threezo) 
im eating a pomegranate while watching so my commentary may be slightly limited 
i just accidentally sprayed pomegranate juice everywhere 
this is my first time eating a pomegranate and im sitting on my bed 
i have a towel on top of me just in case and im glad i have it 
otherwise my funky hufflepuff blanket would look like a crime scene rn 
anyway back to the show 
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awh :[ 
comforting kiss 
im gonna cry 
“its not a company owner and an intern. its just you and me.” GHEIBRHGERH THATS SO PERFECT and also makes me feel better cos i was still feeling a little weird about the power imbalance/age gap so yay 
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THE ARM THE HAND ON THE ARM LOOK AT THEM AAAAAAATYFYTUUVJ (ft jacks perfect hair on the left) 
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ah shoot 
wait hang on 
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what the hell 
ive been wondering whats in that folder since day one
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ohhhh okay its a groupchat 
props to that one person for saying its none of your business 
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i nearly dropped my pomegranate 
why was i surprised to learn he has a mother 
a lot of people have mothers 
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thats exactly what she said, isnt it? 
bc theyre actually in a drama 
its gonna cut to a scene of her saying exactly that 
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damn i was wrong 
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damn then i guess im going to jail 
my hands are covered in pomegranate juice this feels like a murder 
hey, does pomegranate juice wash off? 
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HAH, SUCKS TO BE YOU (checks notes) oregano? 
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i do love that and that’s very sweet, but bro needs his coffee 
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already at two kisses and were not even halfway through the episode. if only tinngun could live up to their standard. 
(this is mostly a joke, im just really salty because tinngun COULD have kissed SIXTY-SEVEN FREAKING TIMES and they DIDNT and no i will not shut up about this i spent way too long combing through the show counting every single time they didnt kiss to not mention it every single time any characters kiss. shameless self promo here)
no wait hang on what the hell 
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“drunk or not, i love you” i see now why that line was significant 
and also the slight breakup foreshadowing earlier 
i understand it now 
they wont break up tho bc (i pull out a sword) i will not allow it 
(just kidding) 
(i dont have a sword) 
(if i did have one tho i would absolutely take it out of its sheath right at that moment) 
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they make me happy 
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oh yay we get some tub time!! i cant wait to learn more about him so that i can pick him apart and do a character autopsy on him to find out how he works! 
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is he speaking from experience? tub, what do you have going on in life? what have you gone through? tell me all about it :] 📝📝
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is it texas chicken or is it kfc? 
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ilysm three 
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RIGHT????? he gets it 
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i love them so much
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something good better happen 
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(eret son of eret voice) is tha’ who i fink i’ is? 
it might not be 
if anyone knows who plays this man, pls lemme know 
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sir do you have the technical skills for this 
i know hes the head of a game developing company thing but the actual physical insides of a gameboy are an entirely different thing, right? 
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i was waiting for the thoop situation to come up again 
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the MOOD that this is-
i have finished my pomegranate and can confirm that the juice does in fact come off of human skin, which is nice bc i looked like id murdered someone 
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and how are you gonna do that, gun? 
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idk man, i reckon id appreciate you as my big bro 
yayyy that was really good, a little bitter at times but really sweet overall. 7/10, would try again 
oh and the episode was also really good 
huge lack of threezo tho 
theyd better make up for it next week 
still good tho 
bye bye everyone! have a good day!! 
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cycle-hit · 4 months
Hi! For the general questions- 5, 6, 7, and 8!
For the trial questions - 1 and 2 for both trials!
For the prisoner questions- 2, 3 and 4 for Kotoko!
(favourite song?) 5. KESENAI FIRRAAAAHHHHH! fast paced and rock based. im doomed for it. i like listening to it while im cooking it makes things pretty funny
(favourite mv?) 6. OUGH...PROBABLY CAT? its very pretty and the frames of it stick with me the most. followed by after pain 'nd AKAA. i like the visceral expressions in those
(which prisoner could you get on with the most?) 7. HARD QUESTION...i dont know if yuno and i could get along or if we'd both recognise the self in the other and want to kill each other. tied with yuno is kotoko but i thnk id get annoyed at her cop behaviour and end up frustrated at her more often than not. 'nd then fuuta. who is just like a lot of my friends so itd probably be pretty funny
(which prisoner could you get on with the least?) 8. SHAMEFULLY,,,EITHER SHIDOU OR MAHIRU. shidou makes me want to throw him into a pit with every single behaviour he displays and mahiru would be overwhelming 4 me i thnk. i love her a lot. but in terms of people talking about romantic love especially like mhr does i get uncomfortable pretty fast. and just generally how she is (traditional values, aphobia from that, tendency to push ppls boundaries without realising, etc). mahiru is. A Lot. which is a very. sad thing bc its probably very much the same reason in canon why mhr doesnt mention having friends pre-milgram.
(trial agreement?) 1. hmm. yuno for both i thnk! which is a very opt out option i feel. i guess besides yuno in t1 itd be kazuis verdict, and in t2 itd be ktks verdict
(trial disagreement?) 2. AMANE GUILTY VERDICT T1,,,,,in trial 2 i dont rly disagree with anyones verdicts. if i had to choose i guess mahirus innocent verdict? due to the fact she still seems to be. Very unhealthily attached to her concept of love. but mahiru says herself that she wouldnt stop loving no matter what we say- and theres a huge chance mahiru wouldve fucking Died if we gave her a second guilty. and i do not. Want That.
(ktk headcanons?) 2. autistic ptsd having transmasc aspec lesbian with underlying otherkin/therian/furry flavour. i like to headcanon tht ktk would enjoy doing father behaviour activities like fishing and mowing the lawn. and standing in front of the tv with her arms crossed.
(ktk verdict opinions?) 3. the t1 innocent verdict is pretty funny to me. she showed a lot of symptoms of Hey If You Vote Me Innocent Im Going To Spiral in trial one to me so every time people act shocked she beat the shit out of three people bc of her innocent im just like. Hm. her t2 verdict is also funny. most innocent to most guilty. i voted her guilty solely. although i wish people wouldve voted her guilty for reasons beyond just "SHE HURT THE OTHER PRISONERS". like yeah she did that but also. girl her other glaring problems.
4. "what do you wish more people understood about kotoko?"
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buried-stars · 5 months
OH LET'S FUCKING GO. goro akechi, amame doi, fuka yamagishi, gyu-hyuk lee, maya fey, mukuro ikusaba :3
Sexuality Headcanon: this is a gay man. we all know it to be true. Gender Headcanon: some kind of trans and non-binary swag going on here... A ship I have with said character: eiichi mukuhira because oc/canon isn't dead A BROTP I have with said character: frankly his (potential) friendships with all the PT make me feel insane in one direction or another, but special mention to the sumi goro brotp. i so desperately need more platonic content between them that doesnt have any romance as a backdrop. goro's like "i don't have friends" and sumi says "yeah we're BEST friends :D" A NOTP I have with said character: its so hard to be a goroboy who doesnt like any ship with him. but any of the girls or akira makes me want to start attacking people with hammers A random headcanon: after royal he becomes roommates with annshiho. i love it when lesbians adopt a pathetic little man. shiho is still trying to figure out whether or not he's joking about having killed people (he's not) General Opinion over said character: you know exactly how i feel about him and if i start trying to summarize it here im going to end up with an essay so instead im just gonna glitch out of existence
Sexuality Headcanon: LESBIAN!!!! Gender Headcanon: she/they-isms A ship I have with said character: mamebiki is the only one that could ever matter to me. waaauuuggghhh A BROTP I have with said character: i want to believe her and iris rly are besties. show it to me uchikoshi... A NOTP I have with said character: gen is a father figure to her. fuck you. A random headcanon: AI3 PSYNCER AMAME I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE General Opinion over said character: incredible how she went from being a joke side character in the first game to one of the most interesting and complex characters of all time. i adore her. she did nothing wrong.
Sexuality Headcanon: ace lesbian Gender Headcanon: i honestly dont think ive ever thought about it...? A ship I have with said character: funnily enough i don't have one! maybe minako idk A BROTP I have with said character: i think her friendship with yukari is really sweet A NOTP I have with said character: i will never get the appeal of her and natsuki. even in 2017 i was like "why do we want her to date the girl who harassed her to the point that she thought she killed herself" A random headcanon: she carries minako's old earphones in her bag all the time General Opinion over said character: my sweetie <3 she silly. i don't have a ton to say because it's 5:30 in the morning but i like her a lot
Sexuality Headcanon: undoubtedly gay. look at him Gender Headcanon: CANON* he/she. (*it's a typo but i can dream) A ship I have with said character: gyuyoon makes me feel like im trapped inside a salad spinner (affectionate) A BROTP I have with said character: gyu and juyoung... they're so besties A NOTP I have with said character: either of the girls :P honestly i can't see him with anyone besides do-yoon A random headcanon: his eyes are brown those are colour contacts. General Opinion over said character: mr sad eyes sopping wet tragic oarfish id do anything for him. he did a lot wrong but hes still my guy. get him help pronto
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian (do you see a pattern) Gender Headcanon: trans girl :D A ship I have with said character: emamaya my beloved <33 A BROTP I have with said character: phoenix and maya are the fucking blueprint. i adore them so much. siblings of all time A NOTP I have with said character: i mean aside from obvious garbage i am a massive frnmy hater. we all been knew A random headcanon: kurain is a vegetarian village so maya's love of burgers come from them being forbidden at home General Opinion over said character: ive loved her since the day i picked up aa1 way back in 2014. my dear darling
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian of course Gender Headcanon: non-binary <3 A ship I have with said character: gee! i sure wonder! who could i, the person who popularized ikuzono, possibly ship with mukuro? it's a mystery. A BROTP I have with said character: chapter one trio still does something to my brain tbh A NOTP I have with said character: known nk hater since 2015 and this will never change A random headcanon: she's afraid of clowns General Opinion over said character: i just want her to be happy
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ko-odi · 10 months
I'm the guy who submitted the anon ask before (where u drew me a pic of Drake, thank u so much I will cherish it for the rest of my life!!!) and I'm in need of some Haunted headcanon inspo for a dnd game I'm trying to run soon!! Tell me some of ur headcanons, no matter how obscure, small, or seemingly insignificant
SRY THIS TOOK SO LONGGGG i. forgort BUT HERE R A FEW !!! :D some of these are my own and some of these are me parroting things ive heard from the haunted discord that i love (u should totally join the discord btw its fun i can give an inv to anyone not already there if anyone wants one!!)
-Drakes issues regarding tone and reading the room, such as 1) his default mode of speaking being thru sarcasm (no hes really not always trying to be rude, thats just how he communicates 😭), and 2) cracking jokes or quips at inappropriate times (like when graysons house was burning down and drake was all like “wow grayson sure does love his secret hatches lawl” and “he should really rethink his escape routes for next time haha!” like drake this is NOT THE TIME). Im not saying hes NOT sassy or rude (because he totally is <3) but like. its not ALWAYS ON PURPOSE OK LMAO he is autistic 🫶
-somewhat related to this is that i hc that he says cheesy lines like “erm… hes RIGHT behind me isnt he” and “um guys, you MIGHT wanna take a look at this…” all the time, and he does so bcs he repeats phrases hes read in books (or from movies/shows he saw before traveling to the future or whatever) a lot. either that or he just Says That Stuff which is almost funnier
-drakes sleeping schedule SUCKS dude and a big parta that is cuz enderman are nocturnal and his internal clock is all messed up. (the water up on his mountain canonically helps him sleep tho im pretty sure?)
-his bodys kinda awkward to move around in, and hes always tripping over his feet or bumping into stuff (hes just like me fr….)
-this ones odd, but the subspecies of enderman that drake is fused(??) with have rings all over their body that they use to light up dark areas (such as caves), and to communicate (blinking lights like fireflies, bright flashes to intimidate others, are dim when sick, etc). Theyre able to control this using their natural magic or whatever. HOWEVERRR drake is unable to control his himself! His rings are stuck at a set brightness, and he cant “turn them off”, leading him to always be expelling a small but steady amount of magic. This is part of why he runs out of mana faster than other magic users/enderman, and is part of why he tries not to waste his mana when possible.
-related to above, hes not ab magic doesnt last very long, but is very volatile and powerful in bursts. this is the OTHER reason he doesnt use magic willy nilly .. he has to learn how to harness it properly or else he might end up hurting people by accident (this might literally be canon but i thought id mention it anyway)
-in the haunting one, hes always stating things abt himself that we never actually get to see (like when he calls himself the builder, or good at parkour, or when armen said that he had a problem with breaking windows???? 😭) so i like to think that those are just collins memories slipping thru the cracks, and those memories dont rly belong to/are about drake at all. theres probably other shared fuzzy memories he has from collin too (like ruby shire perhaps) so thats super fun to play with!! I think this might actually be also canon but yk
-ARMEN iiii love this guy ok so i love to hc that, after hes revived/saved (IF you want to go that route!), he comes back not dead, but not quite alive either…. hes like sorta half and half to me lol. or maybe hes alive, but coming back to life has some side effects (like being cold all the time for example). Hes also suuuper sleepy all the time after hes saved LET HIM SNOOZE dude.
as much as it pains me, I also love the hc that armen comes back with his memory wiped (i think this is close to where the intended canon was supposed to head as well!). You can either go the “his memory is totally wiped, which effectively makes him a new person” route, the “his memory is wiped back to the fall into the lava, right before HB possessed him” route, or the “his memory gets wiped to before HB was involved in his life whatsoever” route. I like all 3 options aaaah idk what my favorite is!!! i’ll probably talk in depth abt these in a different post later bcs the fact that it adds more parallels between him and collin/drake makes me insane. either way he will sometimes have unexplainable deja-vu and things will feel familiar to him.
-armen is super cold all the time (always wearing sweaters and stuff) while drake is super warm all the time (always wearing thin clothes. but this is cuz hes always expelling some sorta magical energy involuntarily, so when he runs outta mana he gets cold as well) this isnt important or anything i just like it :3c
-i like to think that despite his affinity towards it before the fall, he tries to avoid combat & conflict when possible post-possession/revival. very “uhh im a lover not a fighter haha ..” (<- could kick your butt if he tried) vibes. or maybe he lost all combat ability post revival and totally sucks now !! either way man just wants to chill (he is traumatized)
-MIA shes lowkey scared of being on the water after her and her sisters shipwreck, the day she was captured by the empire. she probably slips back into familiarity when they take over that airship one time tho- maybe she gets an airship of her own in the future o:? haunted group sky pirate crew when 🤨???
-along with magic, she also GETS INTO ALCHEMY/CHEMISTRY !!! its like.. magic ??? without needing to provide any ACTUAL magical power yourself?? thats so fucking sick ok. She and drake do magicy-sciencey experiments together and they end up blowing stuff up a lot. despite what drake says, they BOTH enjoy the chaos.
-mia and armen would be BEST. FRIENDS. i think abt mia armen friendship literally all the time they would be so chaotic and thoughtful with each other i love mia armen friendship sm. maybe mia helps style his hair like hers since its grown out later :] They are so sibling core to me
-related to both yhings above, she shares her love of learning with armen. They learn tons of random stuff together :D chemistry archeology history magic biology etc. Mia loves learning anything she can get her hands on, and armen feels the need to learn everything he missed while he was gone.
(sidenote: if he comes back with completely wiped memory, him learning all different sorts of subjects is him trying to figure out what he enjoys, and who he is as a person. “building himself up from ground zero”. and mias glad to help ): <3)
-MIA AND GRAYSON ARE ALSO SIBLING CORE !!!!!!!!!! you are NOT immune to the “mia is everyones sister” propaganda …. im mind controlling you ….
-grayson my GUY dude ok. not rly a hc and more of an observation but i loooove how hes so serious and pessimistic all the time but hes also like…. friendly (yet distrusting) and silly (devouring and entire cake and being all like “:D” with a flower crown and slimey friend) like idk i just looav that contrast its yummy. cruel world forcing his joyous whimsey into hiding </3
-finds a sickening comfort in loneliness, while also being deeply afraid of it. no it is not healthy. i might have to describe this later, as ive not found the words to do so yet.!!! maybe others can add onto this if they wish :)))
-His wife was fucking awesome ok. She was totally anti-empire and wrote many pamphlets that hurt the emperor & his followers image under an anonymous name that spread around the public like wildfire. Did she initially start dating grayson to get more info on the empire without his knowledge? Was she herself high up in the empires chain of command, helping get grayson the job in the first place? Did grayson know and help his wife with her endeavors(im leaning towards yes but no would be fun)? idk but she was awesome and they committed treason together and were in love
-idk if im totally down with the idea, but graysons wife and/or kid ending up being ALIVE…. MANNN THAT COULD BE SO GOOD. SO DRAMA INDUCING. GRRRR i wanna play with this later
-if i start talking abt drake and grayson friendship i will not shut up about it so ill keep it BREIF ….. they are ambiguously romantic/ALMOST queerplatonic to me. they dont care abt labeling what they are, partially bcs they CANT. they r life partners who hold hands and find comfort in the others consistency and the stability their friendship brings. grayson calls drake his “darling husband” for shits and giggles and drake glares at him (while very obviously smiling). OK WE’RE DONE ..
-none of them are allocishet sorryyyy (<- not actually sorry at all) i can list out my queer hcs later if anyone wishes smile :))
-collin, luke, and lalea are still cooking in my head .. i dont have that many hcs abt them qwq i suggest looking to APPLE @apple-rose301 FOR THESE GUYS (she said i could @ her for this) and for any character hcs and analysis stuff tbh, their thoughts are basically canon to me /pos . would also love to hear EVERYONES THOUGHTS AND ANALYSES AND HCS EVER !!!! so if anyone sees this … u should totally list out ur own thoughts :)))) PLEASR PLEASEPLEA
i also have more thoughts on each character analysis wise, specifically the contrasts and parallels they have with each other and themselves, but that might be putttt into a different postttt
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
roxy's music tastes i feel is p clearly defined throughout the fic. i dont remember if you talked about her dad's and if maybe that influenced it? would also love to know ur thoughts on the rest of the cast's music tastes pre-btr
imo i feel like even tho the series is based on a musical group, theres not much music based storylines? so its rly fun to read more of the music side of things with roxy <3
RAHHHHH THANK YOU FOR ASKING... i spend a lot of time thinking about roxy's musical interest but i don't spend much about the rest of the cast aside from a few offhanded mentions here and there. this was a challenge to put together but it was so fun! <3
the main thing i want to mention before i dive into oc music taste is the presence of music surrounding my story! every chapter title, song mentioned, musical influence etc i'm trying to keep within the timeframe + past in which the story takes place. as someone who was not really aware of popular radio in 2009, this is a very fun challenge for me.
Here is the fic playlist if anyone is interested!
It features the song where I got the title of the fic first, then the chapter titles! (and a sneak peak of the next few titles of unreleased chapters <3) These songs aren't meant to reflect anything onto the characters, it's basically just my own music taste fitting the chapters.
Now into the real question... Musical notes! Please find everything under the cut for Rox, her dad, the boys, Jo, and Camille :)
what type of music does your oc like? Like you said, her music taste is pretty clearly defined! She's into just a bit of everything, though prefers pop and rock music above all else. Since she worked at a radio station, she was lucky enough to have access to all sorts of music, and when the station went digital, the owner let her keep all of the ancient cassette tapes they used to store everything on! Through combing through these albums from across many generations, she's been able to cultivate what she's into on her own, though her biggest musical influence is definitely her dad! If he wasn't into punk/rock she wouldn't be either. do they listen to music very often? Yes! I don't show this too often in my fic, but I think she listens to music a lot because she prefers it to silence - especially when she's alone in her apartment. What she listens to depends on her mood, and she has a bunch of different mix tapes she's made/she's found to match. So one of those could be on, one of her favorite albums could be on, or she could just pull her iPod out and put that little thing on shuffle to let the machine decide... Endless possibility! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - James - The Fray - The Pussycat Dolls - Boyquake (in universe boy band) - Taylor Swift - Green Day - Jonas Brothers - Jordin Sparks - Dak Zevon (look out girl!) - Oasis - NSYNC - Kelly Clarkson - Lady Gaga - Nirvana - Big Time Rush :) Special side note: No bearing on anything above here, but if 5 Seconds of Summer were around during the timeframe of this story they would 100000% be her favorite band. They're the perfect blend of everything she loves music-wise, wrapped up in a four hot boy package. I'm incapable of listening to their music without going 'omg this is so her'
2. Declan Somerset
what type of music does your oc like? Declan is a rock/punk/metal kinda guy but specifically the sub-genre of these types of music that culminate into local gigs at shit dive bars and basement shows. As a youngin he stumbled into a basement show with some of his friends (soon to be bandmates) and just loved the atmosphere so much he roped his friends into making their own band so they could be active participants in their community. He's the kinda guy to be like "oh, yeah, i like this band, they're super underground idk if you know them" but like... he's right. No one else in Minnesota is listening to Rainbow Sludge Baby Guts Explosion or Sexy Fishing Rod Brigade or whatever that band he saw last night was called. For him, it's not so much about the actual music, but the community surrounding it, but he would love to hit the stage and shred again if someone let him! do they listen to music very often? When Roxy was home, he would listen to whatever she had on! Her music listening habits didn't change from Minnesota to California, so whatever she put on was just background to him. Now that she's gone, he finds the house is a lot more quiet than it used to be. The only time he really finds himself listening to music is if he's at a show or if he's playing it himself. musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Nothing concrete yet! Perhaps will be expanded on in future chapters <3
3. Carlos
what type of music does your oc like? Very briefly mentioned in chapter 18 but Carlos is a big fan of Latin music, show tunes, and hip hop! I imagine growing up in a household with three generations of Hispanic individuals really helped cultivate his taste in this way. I personally do not know much about Latin music, show tunes, or hip hop music, but I imagined while they were on the plane he had Roxy listen to a lot of Selena because he though she specifically would like her music a lot. Homie was bumping El Chico Del Apartemento 512 so hard trying to get her to vibe with it while she was like half conscious and trying to not get sick lmaoo. As for hip hop, I think that was something he discovered for himself once he entered high school. Artists like Jay-Z, Eminem, 50 Cent amaze him with how they're able to get their point across and he likes to try and learn the words as a challenge (though he is not very good at it) and he also likes to make up his own dances. It's also good hockey hype music, he likes to listen to it before games. And show tunes... I truly know nothing about musicals so I cannot speak to specifics but he likes them because (in my unposted james POV chapter which will come out eventually) he used to try out for school musicals a lot. He likes the flare and the dramatics! do they listen to music very often? Back home, yes, before hockey games, before auditions, around his house, but now that music is literally his entire life he finds he's getting that fix at work and doesn't really need to listen to it on his own anymore. musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Green Day - Taylor Swift (because i said so!!!) - The Pussycat Dolls - Big Time Rush - Jordin Sparks (Honorarily bc they were mentioned in this post) - Selena - Jay-Z - Eminem - 50 Cent
4. Kendall
what type of music does your oc like? </3 His ass is so boring his only taste in music is what's on the radio. Though... his performance of Girl 2 My Heart in the first ep of the show makes me believe he actually liked some of the 90s boy band stuff! There is hope yet. Also, not in the story, but I think after his and Roxy's little scene in the fourth chapter he listened to some Oasis and was like "what the fuck. no." Too jock to rock... Tragic... But his issue before BTR was that he liked music but never found anything he liked enough. do they listen to music very often? Only at work, only when he's learning a song, only when he's trying to snoop on whatever Roxy's writing. BORING! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - Boyquake (i'm calling it ok) - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks
5. Logan
what type of music does your oc like? Oh my GOD Logan is so into rap music it isn't even funny. Everything about it is just so exciting to him! The technical composition of the beat, the eloquence of the lyrics and how they're strung perfectly together, the performance of it all, the messages... It's like a big equation to him, and he loves it! He and Carlos often bond over this, because rap is a sub-genre of hip hop if I'm not mistaken. Artists like 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, DMX... We see the vision hopefully and I apologize for not being more knowledgeable in the rap/hip hop genre to provide more than common generalizations. He also really likes instrumental music! As we saw in chapter 16, he also enjoys being in a room in which Roxy is playing either the guitar or the piano! do they listen to music very often? Yes... This man is somehow able to study and listen to music at the same time, so he'll hit his playlist and hit the books. AKA he's listening to it a lot when he's alone. And as previously mentioned, he'll also seek out Roxy to play him some instrumental tracks too. It's good for him, no silence when he studies, and good for her, she gets to practice. How considerate of him! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks (Honorarily bc they were mentioned in this post) - 2Pac - Snoop Dogg - DMX
6. James
what type of music does your oc like? Oh, James... In the same vein as Kendall, he likes whatever's on the radio, but simply because that is what's popular and he himself is popular. So pop music, for sure, is his favorite genre and it's easily accessible through the radio or his phone or whatever so he's always keeping up with the latest! In addition, however, I think he really likes R&B and soul-type music as well as a by-product of living with his mother. There's a reason he chose a Smokey Robinson song to sing at his audition and not something on popular radio, right? Part of it is because he has a really smooth voice that flows right along into the R&B/Soul type genre, but also I'd say it's mostly his mom's influence. Her son should know the "classics!" Also like previously mentioned, he's big into show tunes! It's mentioned a bit in chapter 19 hehe. He's very good at convincing Carlos to try out for school musicals with him, so they practiced a bunch together after school hockey practice <3 And of course... He likes whatever Roxy plays... And wishes she'd play for him the same way she does for Logan... do they listen to music very often? I'd say his music listening is moderate... Not as much as Roxy and Logan but far more than Kendall! In Minnesota, his mom would play her music bc she's so controlling lol... So whenever he was on the way to school/friends' houses/dates/whatever he'd pop on the radio to catch up with the latest and the greatest. His show tune listening aligned with whenever musical try outs were coming up :) musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Roxy - Smokey Robinson and the Miracles - The Pussycat Dolls - Jordin Sparks - Dak Zevon (get out of there king!) - Big Time Rush
7. Jo
what type of music does your oc like? Two words: Boy bands. It's as simple as that! I'd also say this blends into mentions of popular music, but if she has a choice she's putting Backstreet on no QUESTION. That and movie soundtracks, I'd say, but only for the cheesy supernatural romances she likes. I know she's bumping the Twilight soundtrack near daily (as she damn well should be). Also, I know she's from North Carolina but she doesn't really feel like a country girl to me... idk Being friends with Roxy and dating Kendall is like her perfect musical dream. do they listen to music very often? Yes! Like Roxy, Jo doesn't really like silence. I imagine she listens to music most when she's running lines and trying to flesh out the characters she's trying out for. Once again: listening to the Twilight soundtrack while running lines for New Town High... God I love her. Beyond that, I think she's too busy being with her friends to care particularly about what's on, so she's happy to listen to the radio or pop one of her favorite CD's in! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush!!! - The Beach Boys - Jonas Brothers - Dak Zevon (before chapter 1.11.5 lol) - Kelly Clarkson
8. Camille
what type of music does your oc like? I'm not going to lie to yall i've literally thought about this for hours and I just have no idea. in the show i know she was in their camp rock spoof, so maybe show tunes? but thinking about her sitting down and listening to like... Hello, Dolly! just doesn't feel like her. my best response is that she absorbs her music taste through her friends like osmosis. Jo and Roxy like boy bands? Great, now Camille does too! Logan is rocking out to Beastie Boys? Camille is excited to be a part of it. I also know that very briefly she mentions knowing how to figure skate, so maybe even like classical music? but that feels far too mellow for her... She likes Big Time Rush and that's enough for me to say she at the least enjoys pop music. What do we think gang?? do they listen to music very often? Right now I'm going to say only when she's rehearsing for a musical part! musical things this character has mentioned/is observed liking: - Big Time Rush - ???
Thanks for reading :) These are so enjoyable for me to write and I'll do my best to add these elements into my story!! <333
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introducing: my Limited Life Beachside High School AU (jazz hands)
context: my friend was in their schools production of high school musical, so we watched it together the week after the show, around the time limited life ended and i started Thinking and getting Ideas Basically: Uses clique system from high school musical, for those who are unfamiliar, that's: Nerds, Sportsball, Theater Kids, and Skaters. i think the groups are all pretty self explanatory. (Also in my au they are less rigid/strict about cliques, basically people might slightly judge or tease you if you do something outside your clique, but they wont freak out and burst into song about it.) Their highschool, Saturn High (fuck off I know its pretentious) is located rly close to the beach in california (sorry). they go to the beach a lot & thats how the weather usually is. Contains limited life groups + some others for funsies. teachers are purely Plot Devices & dont represent anyone.
Groups & Character info
Groups: Nerds- Tango, Impulse, Mumbo, Etho, & Skizz Sportsball- Grian, Joel, & Jimmy Theater Kids- Cleo, Scar, Bdubs, Scott, martyn, lizzie, ren Skaters- Pearl & Bigb
Grade, extracurricular, fav class: Tango: 11th grade, part of chemistry club. Fav class: ap calculus Impulse: 11th, robotics club. Fav class: ap chemistry Mumbo: 12th, robotics club. Fav class: ap chemistry Etho: 11th, robotics club & volunteer math tutor for underclassmen. Fav class: honors physics Skizz: 11th, debate club. Fav class: AP world history
Grian: 11th, track & field. Fav class: english Joel: 11th, basketball. Fav class: shop class (woodworking) Jimmy: 11th, soccer(football). Fav class: PE
Cleo: 12th, stage manager. Fav class: shop Scar: 10th, plays tuba. Fav class: advanced band bdubs: 10th, stage crew. Fav class: drama Scott: 11th, cast of musical. Fav class: honors english Martyn: 11th, musical. Fav class: drama Lizzie: 12th, musical. Fav class: drama Ren: 12, musical. Fav class: history
BigB: 11th, skateboards. Fav class: graphic design Pearl: 11th, rollerskates. Fav class: shop
As of now, this is purely a concept. I have a lot of ideas and bits & pieces but no actual story yet. Will i create art or fics of this? Maybe but don't count on it. If you want to,feel free to do so just tag me.
tis all
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randombubblegum · 2 years
Sorry if its silly but do you have any advice for someone going to their first show alone? i get really anxious over even the smallest things so its very daunting
omg NO its not silly at all!!!!! im also a very anxious person and this has been something that ive actively worked on being chill with over the last few years so i have tips ^__^ 💕
the first thing to remember: nobody is gonna think ur lame or friendless or weird if u go to a show alone. ur brains gonna try to convince u everyone notices but i prommy nobody could give less of a shit. tons of people at ur show will also be there alone!!!! and since ur all there bc u love the same band, u can strike up a convo in line/in the pit and come out with new buddies!!! ive made rly sweet friends this way!!!!!
once the music gets going u wont even think about being there alone, ull just be having a blast!!! and its SOOO nice being alone sometimes bc u dont have to worry about ur friends not having fun, or them being less into the band than u, or keeping track of anyone in case u get jostled in the pit. its freeing!!! and u can get there as early as u want to get barricade lol
the most nerve wracking thing TO ME is waiting outside to meet the band alone. but ive done it!!! several times!! and its always been nice bc i dont have to worry about my friends getting bored or wanting to leave ^__^ ive met bad suns and coin and hunny by myself and they all make me literally act like a tiny terrified prey animal bc i get so shy but its always totally fine actually. and the ppl waiting outside with u will end up being ur buddies by the end of the night :)
im rly lucky that i have friends to go to shows with more often than not LATELY but ive gone to A LOTTTT a lot of shows alone in my time and i always have a blast. its so worth it!!!! its more fun to go alone and rock out than drag a friend who doesnt like that music with you and worry theyre bored lol.
overall my takeaways are: dont worry bc nobody else cares that ur there alone, ull have a ton of fun no matter what, youll 100% meet new pals at the show anyway, and it gets easier every time u do it :-) have fun!!!!
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banghwa · 2 years
Hey Frances, I'm new in the fandom and I'm still grasping some aspects of the dynamics here. I've been wondering for some time if one of the things that makes hoseok less popular than the others is because he is more "out there" as in he has some characteristics that people usually judge and label as gay and he doesn't lean to the sexy side as some of the others do. It seems like the guys can be queer for their fanfictions, but if they actually do something that just seems queer all of the homophobes come out to say their piece. I'm saying this because I saw someone saying people were being homophobic towards hoseok today after the long haired pictures came out, and I wanted to know from someone who has been here longer if it's always been like this with him
hiiii my love yknow what this is actually such an interesting thing you point out. maybe its bcs i wasnt rly in the right circles, but i find the "woobification" of j-hope is a rly recent development. from when i first got onto bts around 2016-2017 to around 2020 a lot of the talk around hoseok was that he was the "token straight." he's always been talked about like he's some hard douche frat boy which is. i mean its ridiculous obviously but also this like. caricatural idea of hypermasculinity that i never rly saw him as embodying, treating him almost like a palette balancer to the overtly racist and homophobic hyperfeminisation of the "shippable members". which is weird for SOOO many reasons but especially bcs like i said. i dont think hoseok ever rly gave that vibe. they all sorta leaned a little more on the macho side around debut but even then hoseok was filming himself dancing to gg songs backstage at music shows. maybe its bcs he's always been seen as "over the top" and so it was a way to counter that part of his "persona" that ppl maybe didnt find hot. or maybe to justify their disinterest in him bcs they dont find him easy enough to engage with (re: members they can ship are more enticing). i dont know tho and thats what makes this shift in the j-hope popular narrative so bizarre to me. before he was the hypermasculine bordering on homophobic comic relief archetype. now he's the hyperfeminine sassy bitchy symbolically homophobic comic relief archetype. and thats exactly it too, i think it comes down to ppl being "allowed" to be gay or similarly (re)imagined for the sake of fanfiction but the moment one falls out of or too closely in line with what that ideal is they turn their backs on them. maybe more than the shift in how ppl see him is the underlying homophobia in that normalized "characterization" of bts, where echoing anti-queer talking points is funny and quirky bcs its on kpop twitter or wtv. like anyone who finds themselves capable of making a homophobic comment about his long hair in his teaser of all things has likely been waiting for the opportunity to do so. ultimately it probably has very little to do with hoseok himself and more with that person and the culture of parasociality some parts of the fandom have cultivated into something rly awful. imo.
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